Owned by: Joyce DeLay Copyright 2014, Alaskan Malamute Heritage Reproduction without permission is prohibited Background & Early Dogs Q. How & when did you get started in Malamutes? A. Growing up, my family always had dogs, usually whatever stray mutt ended up on our doorstep needing a home. We never had a purebred dog but was always fascinated by them, especially large breeds that resembled wolves. ac!uired my first malamute, a male, in "##$ from an ad out of the paper. %he second, a bitch named &illy, !uickly followed. Both were altered and were strictly companions. '. What was it about you, your background or lifestyle that made you choose this breed? A. love all dogs, but (ve always been a )big dog* person. chose malamutes for the wrong reason+ liked the way they looked. ,ortunately, it was a good match. stuck with the breed because en-oy the fact that a malamute is an independent, )thinking* breed. %hey are as stubborn as am. Q. Who were your first dogs and what activities did you do with them conformation, obedience, working, etc!? A. took both of my first dogs to a basic obedience course taught by /risty %aylor 0at the time, her surname was 1chraad2 some will know her as !rairie "now malamutes3. /risty suggested that &illy might be a good candidate for competitive obedience. 1he became my start in dog sporting events. 4er strength was heeling. 1he was precise, which allowed her to earn high scores. &illy finished her 5D in three straight trials, with all scores in the "#6s. %his was back in the days when you only had 76 days to continue showing a dog in novice once the title was finished, so only got to show her si8 times at 9/5 shows. 4er average score was "#$. 1he won high in trial at the "### national specialty in :ortland with a score of "#7.$ and was the 9;59(s Blackhawk 9ward winner that year. %he only reason didn(t pursue advanced obedience titles with &illy was she tore her 95<s, one right after the other. %hese in-uries were surgically repaired, but the -umping proved to be too much for her when we returned to training and had to retire her from competition. n spite of this, was able to bring her back out at the age of "6 to finish her =ally >ovice title with two perfect 0"663 scores. ?@5D &illy 5D => 5G5 was a wonderful companion and passed -ust one month shy of her "$ th birthday. would also like to mention my first champion, Ch #RA$%ind&s 'a(iak )ree*e )rame, a beautiful male ac!uired from Gary and =onda 9llen in A666 0Ch Mobear&s +o More Mr +ice #uy 8 Ch "nowy ,leu&s -sis o. #RA$%ind3. ,lash was a big dog with a lot of attitude. 4e took his first points as a si8@month@old puppy his very first time in the ring, and was hooked. n spite of my novice handling he finished easily at the age of two, and began placing in the group at three years old. %he rest is historyB in addition to being my first champion, he was also a group winner and had many group placements, all but one of which was earned with me on the end of the lead. was very lucky to be able to buy this lovely dog right out of the gate. Ch. GRA-Winds Kaviak Freeze Frame, "Flash" winning the grou at age ! Flash "right# at age $% with his &eauti'ul daughter (ndi, Ch. Kaviak )n *otem)s +ahire +k, , also a grou la-er 9lthough ,lash was an incredible start for me, he was also a challenge. 4e thought he was the king of the world and had a real sense of humor. lost ,lash at the age of "C. loved him dearly and will never forget him. Q.What dogs do you consider the foundation dogs"bitches of your breeding #rogram? A. ;y foundation bitch was ac!uired from %e8 & :atty :eel and Gail 5astonguay in A66C. 5leo, Misty !ak&s Moonlit 'iss 0Ch Mushateer&s /ewis Moon 0 Ch "no'lassic !iece o. my Heart3 was bred by the :eels and 1andy D(9ndrea, but as Gail(s stud fee puppy she wore the Misty !ak kennel name. 5leo was produced by semen froDen in the EF6s from :appy, a linebred Ch 1oyageur&s Cougar son. ;any pedigrees trace back to the various members of the Goyageur litter 05ougar, brother :hantom and sisters Gicky and Elke, born in "#77, were the ones who contributed to the gene pool3, although my dogs are the only place in the breed today where you(ll find 5ougar within C or H generations. %here is more :appy semen out there, including some that own with :enny Devaney, so we(ll likely see more dogs from this background when it is used. 5leo was never finished. 1he was shown -ust one weekend as a puppy and won two singles, but she hated the show ring and dragged as only a malamute can. 4owever, she contributed much to my breeding program 0see ne8t !uestion.3. Q. What did each of your foundation dogs contribute? A. think the best way to answer this !uestion is to describe the thinking behind the first couple of breedings did, both with 5leo to the same stud dog, Dan 0Ch !rairie "now&s /ieutenant 2an3. 5leo brought many good things to my breeding program, including great bone and substance2 large snowshoe feet2 proper tail, coat and mouth2 a correct front assembly2 and ground@covering, efficient movement with no wasted motion. 4er failings were primarily cosmetic + she was plain, with large ears. chose Dan for her for several reasons. ,irst, he was a typey dog who produced his beauty consistently. 1econd, wanted to use a dog whose immediate background included an outstanding ancestor common to both the stud dog and my bitch. Dan(s pedigree worked, as Dan@5leo was a linebreeding to Ch +anuke&s Re(olutionary, a top@producing dog saw and admired as a veteran. %hird, Dan had a tendency to allow the bitch(s strengths to come through, if bred to a bitch of compatible pedigree that also complemented him phenotypically. felt reasonably confident the puppies might be the right blend of their sire(s beauty and their dam(s soundness. %he first breeding produced several nice champions, sweepstakes winners and a multiple group@placing dog 09stro, Ch 'a(iak&s ,ig ,ang 3heory3. 4owever, the real bonanDa for my own breeding program was a seal bitch out of the repeat breeding, Ch 'a(iak&s %hoa ,lack ,etty, who co@own with /at 5opley@4olland 0'atabatic /ennels3 in the ?/. Betty has produced what consider to be some of the best animals out of my breeding, including her young daughter who bred and own, 'a(iak&s Make Mine a 2ouble. Cleo, .ist, /aks .oonlit Kiss "Ch. .ushateers 0ewis .oon 1 Ch. +noKlassi- /ie-e o' m, 2eart#, at a&out ! months old. ., 'oundation &it-h. Astro, Ch. Kaviaks 3ig 3ang *heor, "4an 1 Cleo# Ither notable Betty offspring include Ch 'a(iak + "pectre "tart a Riot, owned and handled by his owner, &ulia 5ole DG;2 and ,-" Ch 'a(iak&s 3he Colonel at %ol.mountain, who has won multiple groups and Bests in 1how in =ussia, owned by Gladimir Goncharov and :at &enkins. Betty also has a lovely daughter in the ?/ owned and bred by /at, 'atabatic 'ansas 1oyageur, among a few others here in the ?.1. that are working on their championships. Q. What would you have changed? A. would have liked to have bred 5leo one more time, to a different stud dog. t would have been nice to see how she might have produced when bred in another direction. f had it to do all over again, think (d have e8plored taking her to 5alvin 0Ch 3aolan 3races o. the Cat3. Breeding E8perience Q. $n your breeding #rogram, did you find certain combinations of dogs or bloodlines were successful? $f so, which ones? A. (ve bred -ust seven litters to date, but most of my better animals have doubled on Ben 0Ch +anuke&s Re(olutionary3 or his son, Dan. (ve been happy with the type produced in two of my recent litters out of a lovely Dan son named Ch "il(er "hadow&s !olar 2ri.t, owned and bred by my friends 5hris and <inda ,rank. Q. What were"are your to# considerations when breeding tem#erament, working drive, ty#e, movement, etc.!? A. ;y goal is to produce a typey animal per the breed standard that can be successful as a family pet and a show dog. ;ost malamutes today are kept as companions. t goes without saying that temperament and health are a priority. %o satisfy me, the dogs keep must also have classic type, using the 9/5 standard as my blueprint. t(s easy to produce a beautiful animal that(s amply blessed with good cosmetics. t(s not so easy to consistently produce beautiful dogs that also move as efficiently as this breed should. ;y mentor and friend :enny Devaney 01oyageur /ennels3 has helped me better understand the structure underneath the cosmetics. When it comes to choosing a stud dog for one(s bitch, compromise is inevitable, but work to improve one trait at a time while keeping the whole dog in mind. have tried to select and keep structurally sound animals in my breeding program. don(t do any sledding work with them, so can(t speak to working drive. am using the standard to attempt to create an animal built for the -ob, though. Ithers are working my dogs in harness successfully. Q. What advice would you give to new breeders today? A. can speak from a showing standpointJ have a lot to say on this one. DonKt be in a hurry. 9ttend at least one national specialty before buying a show dog. went to three nationals before purchasing the dog who eventually became my first champion. %his helped me hone my eye for type while giving me an opportunity to see dogs from different bloodlines and 3(+ Ch. Kaviaks *he Colonel at Wol'mountain "Chester 1 3ett,#. A multile 3est in +how winner. 5wned &, 6ladimir Gon-harov and /at 7enkins 3rand,, Kaviak)s .ake .ine a 4ou&le, a&out a ,ear old. 0ittle 4an 1 3ett, daughter Kod,, Kaviak Kodiaks +on o' 4enali "4an 1 Cleo#, owned &, Katharina .ei1ner in Austria. 3ett,s litter &rother. meet breeders from all over the world. Ine of the best things ever did for myself was to start with a !uality male. Generally speaking, it(s much easier to convince a breeder to part with a good male than a good female. By purchasing a top !uality male and learning to show with him, you(re ma8imiDing your chances at e8periencing some success early. %his will give you an opportunity to have some fun and learn what is involved before you dive in with both feet. t(ll also give you a chance to prove you are committed, so when you are ready to start breeding, someone will be more likely to trust you with a good bitch. ,inding a mentor in the breed is a smart move, but don(t become too dependent on one person. Lou can learn from everyone you meet. <isten and ask !uestions. ;ake friends and find mentors outside of malamutes, too. <earn everything you can about this breed, its functional purpose, its history and what it was meant to be. =ead the standard and make a sincere effort to really understand what the words actually mean. Why does the standard call for specific traitsM ?se the different parts of the standard to evaluate each aspect your dog(s conformation, and ask your mentors both inside and outside of malamutes to do the same. %his will help you determine where he e8cels and where he could use improvement. /eep records of the results of these evaluations. &oin the national club, your local malamute club andNor all@breed kennel club, and volunteer to help with a show or on a committee. %his will help you meet people and will enrich your overall e8perience immensely. When evaluating other people(s dogs, don(t fault -udge 0dismissing a dog based on his faults rather than looking first for his virtues3. 9lways look for the positive2 every dog has strengths, -ust as every dog has faults. Lour mind will remain open if you view your competitors( dogs with a realistic but kind eye, while being e8tremely critical of your own. Lour Lears in the Breed Q. What was the breed like when you started? A. began attending dog shows in the mid@#6s. Entries at shows were bigger, and generally speaking, the dogs were of better !uality 0or maybe (ve -ust gotten pickier.3. Q. What is the breed like today? A. think we(re doing okay compared to some other breeds, but don(t see as many dogs e8hibiting great breed type as saw in the #6s, and even fewer dogs that move as feel this breed should. %here(s an emphasis on cosmetics and )showiness* over structure, and the dogs have suffered for it. Q. What would you say has changed from then to now? A. (ve seen a drastic drop in the number of people interested in breeding and showing purebred dogs, and malamutes in particular. Dog show entries overall are declining. >ow it(s become )fashionable* to own a Riot, Ch. Kaviak 8 +e-tre +tart a Riot, a Chester 1 3ett, son owned &, 7ulia Cole 46.. 3rand,, Kaviaks .ake .ine a 4ou&le "3ett, daughter#, taking &est o' oosite over a se-ial at 9 months old mongrel. %hat hasn(t helped attract new people to the sport, or to the malamute. :eople who are involved in shows aren(t as interested in making a lifetime investment in producing good dogs. t seems like many of the newer people (ve met in recent years mostly want to win right away, and they don(t take the time to learn about this breed(s history and what it was meant to be, which is so crucial. Lou can(t breed truly good dogs if you don(t understand what makes a good malamute. :eople aren(t making a study of the breed anymore. don(t mean to sound negative, (ve met some new people who do want to know more about the breed beyond a few dog show ribbons, but the emphasis is no longer on producing !uality dogs+it(s on winning dog shows. Q. What were some of the #roblems facing Malamutes and Malamute breeders when you first started? A. f we(re talking health issues, generally the same as affect the breed now. f we(re talking other things, see above. think one of the biggest threats we face today is a lack of interest in the sport, and the fact that )breeder* has become a bad word among many in the general public thanks to the animal rights radicals. Q. Would you say we have overcome those #roblems? $f not, what are your suggestions to overcome them? A. think that all of us as breeders should be promoting purebred dog ownership in any way we can. We need to take our dogs into the community and show people -ust how wonderful they are, as well as showing them how much knowledge we have to offer and why buying a purebred puppy from a breeder is a good thing. We should be encouraging our puppy people to get involved beyond pet ownership, whether that(s showing, working, performance events, or whatever might pi!ue their interest. We need to be actively looking for good people to bring into our doggy community. 9nd when they do show interest, we need to do everything we can to support them and start them out right. n addition to selling them the best possible dogs we can, this means encouraging them to spread their wings and learn from all different avenues+not simply adopting our own ideas but seeking out the opinions of others, as well. 9s a breeder, (m not looking to sell my best puppies to )satellites* or to people who simply want to play follow@the@leader J (m looking for smart, motivated people with their own ideas and a desire to learn. %hese are the folks who will become positive, long@term contributors to the breed. ,rom a health standpoint, we need to learn how to trust each other. n some cases, we need to stop using information we have as a weapon to in-ure our competition or as a distraction from the health issues our own dogs have produced. 9n open database for health@ related issues would be a tremendous help to all malamute breeders, but it will take a paradigm shift in the current culture for this to happen. do believe we are moving slowly but surely in that direction. =ecent health advances, such as the discovery of the gene that causes polyneuropathy, have been encouraging. 5ne o' Flashs man, grou la-ements, this one under 3ev 3onnadonna-6i-s, a &reeder :udge. /hoe&e, Ch. Kaviaks +tarlight +tar&right "4an 1 Cleo#, a &eauti'ul &it-h out o' m, 'irst litter. Q. Who was your %favorite& Malamute of all time that was not from your own kennel? What did you like about this dog? A. %his is a tough one. (m not sure can narrow it down to one dogJ but some who made a real impression on me aren(t necessarily )famous,* -ust animals that had outstanding type. ,or e8ample, one that will always be at the forefront of my mind is a gorgeous bitch bred by /athy 1chmidt named Gemma, Ch ##M&s "treet "mart >o dog is flawless, but she is the whole package and is pretty close to my idea of perfect breed type. 9 dog never saw in person but who will always represent proper type to me is ,loyd, Ch -nuit&s %ooly ,ully. (d give my left arm to own a dog like ,loyd. %he Gabriels of 'aila fame bred numerous malamutes who appeal to me a great deal as well2 their dogs had really classic type. Q. $n your o#inion, what has been the most influential malamute during your years in the breed? Why? A. 9gain, can(t narrow this down to -ust one. ;y favorite dogs have in general been bitches, but the males are the ones who influence the overall gene pool the most. 1ome of the stud dogs can think of off the top of my head who made a discernible impact in the last A6 years include Ch +anuke&s Re(olutionary, Ch "no Ridge&s 3y %on 4n, Ch 3aolan 3races o. the Cat, Ch +anuke&s /ockport /ouie. Q. Who was your favorite Malamute from your own kennel? What did you like about this dog? A. Betty 0Ch 'a(iak&s %hoa ,lack ,etty3. 1he isn(t the most classically )beautiful* dog (ve bred, nor is she the most successful in the show ring, but she is correct and balanced, and is built to do the -ob. n addition to having good type, she moves like a well@oiled machine with no wasted motion, and value that very highly. %he proof is in the pudding+she also has produced some of my best dogs. Q. Who is the most influential malamute from your kennel? Why? A. don(t know that (ve yet bred a dog (d categoriDe as truly influential on the breed as a whole. %he biggest influence on the future direction of my breeding program would be Betty. Q. What do you think are the best things about Malamutes today? A. ,or the most part, breeders have done a good -ob producing an animal that can function well as a family companion, which is the malamute(s most important role in today(s society. Q. What do you think are the biggest #roblems? 9. %here(s too much emphasis on cosmetics and pretty trappings, and not enough emphasis on the dog underneath. see too many out of balance, unsound dogs, considering the malamute is a breed for which structural soundness is central to good type. *,i-al Kaviak uies;in this -ase, two &it-hes, ! weeks old. 3ett,, Ch. Kaviaks Whoa 3la-k 3ett, "4an 1 Cleo#, three ,ears old. Ri-ki, Kaviaks Clairvo,ant, a Chester 1 3ett, daughter. :arting %houghts Q. $s there a memorable story or #arting thought you would like to share? A. %he memories are many, but (ll list -ust a few. (ve been fortunate that other breeders have shared their wonderful dogs with me, and they(ve given me many memorable moments. &illy(s many successes in the obedience ring, the culmination of which was 4igh in %rial at the "### national specialty. 9s an owner@handler, the many group placements and my first group win with ,lash, then placing in the group with three of his beautiful champion children bred by &eanne BeroDa 0%otem3 in later years. %he phone call from ;arilyn =ichards telling me ;ichael 0,-" #Ch 'a(iak&s /ord o. the 2ance3 had -ust won a Best in 1how. was at an anti!ue mall and burst into happy tears right there, which was sort of embarrassing, <I<. %he many wonderful friends (ve made in malamutes over the years. Ine of the first people met in the breed was :enny Devaney. picked up the phone back in "##$ when first got into the breed and called her up out of the blue to volunteer for rescue 0at the time, she led the 9laskan ;alamute :rotection <eague, a national rescue group she founded that served as the forerunner of today(s 9;9<3. :enny about fell out of her chair2 apparently, phone calls like mine were unusual. served as the coordinator for the state of /ansas for about 7 years and made a new friend. We have been close ever since. Joyce DeLay KaviakAlaskan Malamutes Copyright 2014, Alaskan Malamute Heritage Reproduction without permission is prohibited *wo u, &it-hes, 3rand, and Fo1, "Fo1, &red &, Ron /ohl and 0aurie 8ew&urn#, en:o,ing a sring da, in the ,ard. Ch. GRA-Winds Kaviak Freeze Frame, m, 'irst -hamion. +hown here at age $%.
The Cocker Spaniel - Companion, Shooting Dog And Show Dog - Complete Information On History, Development, Characteristics, Standards For Field Trial And Bench With Some Practical Advice On Training, Raising And Handling