Basketball - Grade 7 Lesson Plan

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Shayne & Natalie ED 3501 2014

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 7 Unit: Basketball Lesson Duration: 30min
(Observations, Key Questions,
ritten !ssess"ents,
#er$or"an%e !ssess"ents&
General Outcome A
Basic Skills
A7-10: Demonstrate activity-
specifc basic skills in a
variety of games
A7-11: Demonstrate more
challenging strategies and
tactics that coordinate efort
with others.
- Performance Assessments
- Skills Testing
- Dribbling Rubric
General Outcome B
Functional Fitness
B7-2: Demonstrate and
evaluate ways to achieve a
personal functional level of
physical ftness
B7-7: Interpret personal
ftness changes as a result
of physical activity
- Refection
- Exit Slip
General Outcome C
Team Work
C7-2: Identify positive active
living role models
C7-4: Identify and then take
responsibility for various
roles while participating in
physical activity, and
identify the leadership and
followership skills used
while participating in
physical education
C7-5: Select and apply
practices that contribute to
- Observation
General Outcome D
Goal Setting
D7-3: Identify, describe, and
follow the rules, routines
and procedures for safety in
a variety of activities in all
D7-7: Evaluate diferent
ways to achieve an activity
goal, and determine a
personal approach that is
- Observation
Shayne & Natalie ED 3501 2014
Resource #1: Alberta Education. (1995-2014). Teacher Resources: esson !lan. "as#etball-$ribblin%. &rade '.
Retrie(ed )ro*:,h-sicaleducationonline+lesson,lans+(ie.,,/lessonid0101
Resource #2: Alberta Education. (2000). !ro%ra*s o) 1tud-: !h-sical Education 2inder%arten to &rade 12.
Retrie(ed )ro*:,ro%ra*s+,e+,ro%ra*,3
4 50 "as#etballs
4"as#etball 6ourt
Introduction (5min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Demonstrate to students effective dribblin! and et students to mirror t"e demonstration#
$%ollo& t"e Leader t'(e of activit')#
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: *sk t"e class if an'one "as (la'ed before t"en "ave t"e students rab a ball and
dribble one la( around 'm! observe (ersonal skills and skill level#
Expectations for Learning and Behaio!r: +efer to t"e code of conduct made b' t"e class! and clarif' to students to
not be afraid to ask ,uestions and be o(en to make mistakes#
"ransition to Bod#: *sk students &"at are t"e benefits of basketball in relation to "ealt"! or as to &"' t"ese skills are
Body (20min.):
Learning Activity #1:
8a(e students each %rab a bas#etball and scattered a*on% the %-*9 *a#in% sure to be an ar*s len%th a.a-
)ro* ,eers. "e%in stationar- dribblin%9 dribblin% belo. the #nee .hile alternatin% hands. Ad(ance the drill b-
addin% dribblin% under one led or dribblin% in the )or* o) a )i%ure :.
Assessments/$ifferentiation: -eac"er &ill be leadin class in front! and be observin eac" individuals skills! &ill onl' move on if
ever'one seems to "ave a ras( on dribblin# -eac"er can include different o(tions if some mastered task! like closin e'es/oin in
circles/makin moves in order to develo( more skills#
Learning Activity #2:
Set u, ,-lons so the- )or* a circle around the %-*. 8a(e students line u, .ith a bas#etball on end line and run
throu%h a course o) ,-lons9 *a#in% sure to ,i(ot and ,er)or* a ne. *o(e .hen teacher -ells out a co**and.
Assessments/$ifferentiation: -eac"er &ill be &alkin around t"e 'm constantl' observin and ivin feedback as t"e' o t"rou"
t"e ('lons# .ncourain all students to do t"ere best# /f drill too "ard! c"ane t"e course to "o(efull' "it some students0 skill level#
/f drill too eas'! make it more c"allenin b' incor(oratin moves/dro( to t"eir knees/etc# in order to develo( automaticit'#
Learning Activity #3:
8a(e students line u, at each end o) the %-* in e(en %rou,s )or a total o) )our %rou,s. 8a(e each %rou, line u,
in a s,eci)ic corner o) the %-*. "e%in to ha(e a rela- race .ith tea*s. ;irst rela- bein% runnin% to other end o)
%-* .hile dribblin% .ith do*inant hand. <e3t rela- in(ol(in% =i%=a%%ed ,-lons u, to centerline9 ha(in% to %o
bac# and )orth and ,assin% ball to ne3t ,erson in line. $o this drill at least t.o ti*es so the students can en>o-
Assessments/$ifferentiation: -eac"er &ill stand off to t"e side at center! makin sure t"e drill is runnin smoot"l' and no one is
breakin t"e rules# -"e teac"er &ill (rovide rules to follo&! and learnin objectives in t"e drill# 1an c"ane t"e drill to incor(orate
s"ootin in t"e "oo( to transition to ne2t lesson! or incor(orate a bounce (ass to t"e ne2t in line#
Closure (5min.):
%onsolidation/Assessment of Learning: 3"' dribblin is im(ortant4 3"en &ill it be used4 1an it be effective4 3"en
to use a s(ecific "and aainst o((onents4
&eedback &rom 't!dents: *sk a eneral ,uestion to&ards students on reards to t"e learnin outcomes! if 'ou "ave
access to &"iteboards "ave students &rite do&n &"at t"e' learnt#
&eedback "o 't!dents: 3"at is an effective dribble4 Give t"e students reminders of s(ecific movements reardin
Shayne & Natalie ED 3501 2014
"ransition "o (ext Lesson: -"is lesson &ill lead into t"e ne2t to(ic of (assin! s"ootin! t"en eventuall' real ames#
-"e (ur(ose of t"is lesson (lan is to enae students in (ro(er dribblin st'les! for t"e s(ort of basketball
Develo( (ersonal skills t"at relate to "and6e'e coordination
.nae in ("'sical active learnin in a (ositive manner

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