Yoga Chanting Breathing
Yoga Chanting Breathing
Yoga Chanting Breathing
A compilation of Extracts
from the Edgar Cayce Readings
Printed in U.S.A.
Circulating Files are collections of verbatim quotes of what Edgar Cayce said during his
readings on a given subject or, in some cases everything. We have medical circulating files
which focus on the over 9,000 health-related readings with subjects from Acidity-Alkalinity to
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example Egypt: Sphinx, Pyramids, and Hall of Records, Fear and Its Far-Reaching Effects,
Advice to Parents, Serving in Accord with Ideals, and Business Advice.
Each circulating file is simply a collection of reading quotes or full readings given for different
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Our hope is that through the Cayce readings you will find the wholeness and oneness which
is God's plan for us.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
F. Related Material:
Circulating Files and Research Bulletins*
1. Attitudes and Emotions, Vol. I & 2
2. Endocrine System and Glands (and the Book of Revelation)
3. Exercise
4. Healing: Music
5. Ideals Series
6. Meditation
7. Prayer
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(Q) What can be done to clear up the congestion in the fluid inside the spine, called
by some the kundalini? Will yogi breaths aid?
(A) As we find, rather the influences of the massage that will alleviate the pressures
on those centers along the spine from which impulses are received to the superficial
circulation from the deeper cerebrospinal impulses, would bring the better
assimilated forces in the glandular activity.
The yogi breathing have their place, but when a condition has reached the place
where there is the lack of the forces that PRODUCE same, - then supply them by
release in the system of those centers from which impulse may be had.
(Q) What can I do to bring about a more harmonious coordination between the
number of heart beats and the number of breaths in a given period of time, like a
(A) Again, in just the same manner as indicated. Through the manipulations and
through the coordinating of impulses from centers in the areas as direct the activity
or flow. For remember, every impulse is from a ganglion through activity of the
cerebrospinal or sympathetic nerve system, as they coordinate one with another
from their radial forces in the centers along the cerebrospinal system.
(Q) Should I attempt to foster my apparent latent ability for inspirational writing?
(A) This should come rather a little later, as there is builded in the inner experience
the beauty and hope of such as thy work brings into the minds and hearts of others.
Let's for the moment illustrate these; that the entity may gather as to what
inspiration really means. It is not of influences without, but the ANSWER to
something WITHIN. The real inspiration is the arousing of a consciousness of that
As one beholds the paintings (we would say) of the Last Supper, or the Virgin, or
the Flight into Egypt - and these are new, or these have not been beheld by the
individuals before - there is seen the awe, the love that flows into the heart and soul
of the beholder. Then such an one (gifted as thyself) may, beholding same, become
inspired as were those who depicted these. Not for the preservation of same as
history, nor as even a place, but - as has been indicated - the day is arriving - the
day is at hand - when it is neither in the temple nor in the mountain but in the
HEARTS of men that the worship and the glory of God is beheld!
(Q) Just how would I proceed to avoid the difficulties of automatic writing and
express the real inner self?
(A) As has just been given, leave it off until ye are more set or deeper-seated in the
consciousness that what ye really seek is to be inspired by Him who gave, "If ye love
me, ye keep my commandments - and if ye keep my commandments, I will come
and abide with thee." THAT is the inspiration, THAT is the direction - or whom He
may guide or direct.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(Q) Just what phase of the work suggested would offer the best opportunity for him?
(A) As just indicated, it MUST appeal to thee WITHIN!
(Q) Is there some particular individual with whom marriage would be best for me and
if so have I already met this individual?
(A) Such choices should be the answer much in the manner as indicated as to how
the inspirational activities should be begun.
(Q) Should I attempt to practice the Yogi philosophy of regular meditation, breathing,
exercises, etc.?
(A) Not as we find. For, first - as has been given - study to show THYSELF - thy
SELF - approved unto that which is thy ideal; that is, pattern thy life - what it requires
for the deeper communion within; whether the washing of the body, the cleansing of
the mind, by the use of odors, incense or what not, or characters of music. But let
thy IDEAL be raised; not that of any Yogi! For who IS yogi?
Rather know in WHOM ye have believed, as well as in WHAT ye believe. And
know that He in Whom ye have believed is able to keep that thou dost commit unto
Him against ANY experience that may rise within thy undertaking!
For He gave, "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for my yoke is easy, my
burden is light - to THOSE who love the Lord and His coming."
(Q) About two years ago I had a vision of myself as an American Indian. Did I have
such an incarnation?
(A) Rather ye saw thyself in association and in activities with same, in the
incarnation just indicated.
(Q) What man or woman - or what organization - is best grounded in the true religion
as taught by Christ and can be advantageously contacted by me for greater spiritual
growth and enlightenment? Consider this from my personal needs in relation to my
spiritual growth.
(A) How has it just been given? SELF! With whom has He promised to deal?
As to individuals - as ye give, so may ye receive.
When ye may see in those things that are to thee hateful, in those peoples' lives
that are to thee distasteful, SOMETHING GOOD - what maketh it! It IS the life, the
experience, the indwelling of the Christ-Consciousness within the earth!
Then WHO is the bridegroom, and who is the bride? Thyself - thy Lord!
Trust not any other than Him. For as He gave, it was not that ye should come
unto Peter nor to Paul, but "unto ME! If ye will abide in ME, I will come and abide
with thee!"
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Thus the body-physical is indeed a temple of the divine, of God; and there He
will meet thee, if ye seek to know HIS way with thee! and as to how ye may be as
an expression of HIS glory, His love, His presence in the earth, - rather than the
body being a channel for material emotions that fade, turn sour, become obnoxious
at times in the experience of the entity….
Before that the entity was in the Roman AND the Grecian land. The entity
was among the Grecian maidens, fair of body; an entertainer in its abilities; educated
as one adapted to, and being an adept in, the dance, as well as being the
conversationalist to those who were in authority.
Thus the entity became first as one to be an entertainer for those in power
and position. The entity lost in attempting to use self and to ensnare others in such a
way that there might be the indulging of the appetites of the body for position, place,
power. The entity gained when there was the understanding that it was not for self
but for those who would come after, - or that each soul shall take into consideration
that others with whom the soul has come in contact are better for that soul having
been there.
Would that each soul would make that as a rule, a determining factor, - "In
each contact, each conversation with another, I will leave a thought, an idea, that will
better that individual."
Then these are necessarily of the spiritual nature. For, only the spiritual are
eternal. For all things material pass away. And these experiences, too, pass; but that
which is good or holy lives on. For He has not promised or reckoned in vain when
He has given, "My word and the seed of the spirit sown shall NOT return empty
For, know that the answer to every problem, to every question, is within self.
For there, as given, He has promised to meet with thee.
[Background: “In connection with the Physical Reading, please answer as many of
the following questions as you can... (1) Can I reasonably expect to regain my health
sufficiently to justify planning toward 10 or 15 years of vigorous and active work,
requiring much better physical condition than my past 10 years? (2) Is my use of
alcohol and tobacco a critical factor in my present condition? (3) Are yoga exercises
I attempt, spasmodically, dangerous or beneficial, or neither (to my health), or would
they be, if practiced more faithfully? (4) Is marked abeyance of sexual vigor a cause
or an effect of physical ailment, or largely due to mental attitude?...]
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
These, as we find, are the sources; and the administrations which have been
made we would keep, especially the hydrotherapy. We would not make or take the
exercises as to raise the kundaline forces in the body without leaving that kind of an
experience that is of a nature to coordinate the activities of such exercises through
the organs and centers of the body. Not that these are not good, but it is not very
good to give a child a razor, not very good to use a razor to sharpen pencils and try
to shave with same. So it is in the activities of those who disregard the means to an
end of bringing coordination to organs of the body.
The abstinence of or from relationships with the opposite sex is well when the
creative force is put to creative activity in the mental, but when these are at variance
with other conditions these may become just as harmful to the imaginative system or
to the central nervous system, from breaking of activities with the sympathetic and
the cerebrospinal, and thus become harmful.
There is an activity in the body that we know as coordination. When the mind
and the body and various functionings of organs in the body are kept in better
relationships one to another, we will find there will be bettered conditions in the
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
abilities for peace, quiet, yet ATTUNING self to the aliveness of not only the
emotions but to the mental application for CONSTRUCTIVE experiences in the body
and mind.
These are much better than depending upon either suggestion from without or the
application of any form of electrical or mechanical appliance for the raising of the
vibrations for THIS body, [275].
This would not do for ALL, but can be accomplished within self.
7. (Q) Can a new nerve be recreated by spiritual healing if nerve is removed?
(A) If nerve is removed, it is removed. By mechanical appliance, IF there are the
natures carried within the system, there may be brought about an active force - but
not rebuilded. Others, or the extenuation of others to take their places may be
8. (Q) What can body do to normalize bust?
(A) Use a solution of Cocoa Butter with a little Alum in same; which would be a
pinch of Alum THOROUGHLY - THOROUGHLY mixed, of course - this with a
mortise and pestle would be the better - to an ounce of the Cocoa Butter; or what
would be on the point of a penknife to an ounce of the Cocoa Butter. Massage this
solution over the bust itself, you see; not close to the tip of the breasts, of course,
but more to the GLANDS and the BASE of the bust; very gently but sufficiently that it
may be absorbed so that there is the natural contraction from these combinations
upon same.
This will not only give form but the proper normalcy for the bust, and proper
9. (Q) How can body refine pores around nose and chin to invisibility?
(A) A gentle massage with the Black and White creams is preferable, as we find.
The real Genuine Black and White, see?
10. (Q) Outline diet for three meals a day that would be best for body.
(A) Mornings - citrus fruit juices OR cereals, but not both at the same meal. At
other meals there may be taken, or included with the others at times, dried fruits or
figs, combined with dates and raisins - these chopped very well together. And for
this especial body, dates, figs (that are dried) cooked with a little corn meal (a very
little sprinkled in), then this taken with milk, should be almost a spiritual food for the
body; whether it's taken one, two, three or four meals a day. [See continued recipe
below.] But this is to be left to the body itself. [See mummy food in EC's dream
12/2/37, in 294-189, Par. R2.]
Noons - such as vegetable juices, or combined with a little meat juices and a
combination of raw vegetables; but not EVER any acetic acid or vinegar or the like
with same - but oils, if olive oil or vegetable oils, may be used with same.
Evenings - vegetables that are of the leafy nature; fish, fowl or lamb preferably as
the meats or their combinations. These of course are not to be all, but this is the
GENERAL outline for the three meals for the body.
But for this particular body, equal portions of black figs or Assyrian figs and
Assyrian dates - these ground together or cut very fine, and to a pint of such a
combination put half a handful of corn meal, or crushed wheat. These cooked
together - well, it's food for such a spiritually developed body as this! [See EC's
dream of mummy food 12/2/37 in 294-189, Par R1, R3.]
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
5. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find near normal, though there are times when
there is seen that there is carried in the blood stream the effects of those conditions
as exist in and through the lower portion of the mesenteric system, or in the false
pelvis proper.
6. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, this we find shows the effect of those conditions as are
existent in the body, and the pressure as is produced on those nerve centers and
the reflexes throughout the whole sympathetic and cerebrospinal system - the effect
being direct, of course, to the sympathetic and to the vibratory forces of the creative
forces in the mesenteric system.
7. IN THE PHYSICAL FUNCTIONINGS OF THE BODY, eyes, ears, nose, throat,
bronchials, lungs, heart, all are very good in their respective functionings; yet we find
there are times when all of these respond to the over nerve strain as is seen in the
8. In the digestive system, this is more sensitive to the action of the sympathetic
system and the pressure as is produced in the nerve system.
9. In the false pelvis, as is given, we find the seat of the trouble. In times back we
find there was congestion caused in and about the body, when the menses showed
there was a congestion in same. Neuralgia, as is termed, resulted from same. Hence
there became involved in the ovarian or in the Fallopian Tube, that of a congested
condition which has continued to enlarge. Hence we have rather that of enlarged
ovarian and of the Fallopian Tube than of a condition wherein there is seen the
necessity of removal. This may become so, yet - were those conditions as applied to
the body overcome by the application of that that would reduce these conditions and
eliminate same from the system - this would not be necessary, and would bring
better conditions for the body.
10. These we would apply then to the system for the removal of these conditions.
11. As to those conditions as are seen in hand, or those in any portions of the body
where there is tautness caused in the muscular forces, those things may be applied
there also that would remove these conditions.
12. In that as is seen in the pelvic regions, we would apply that as found in heated
olive oil and myrrh, massaged in the cerebrospinal region, or the lumbar and sacral,
until these portions show EASINESS from pressure as is caused.
13. Then we would alternate hot packs - when there is pain - across the lower
portion of the abdomen and across those portions where there is seen indications of
the trouble as resultant from that condition or congestion in the Fallopian Tube - hot
packs of Castor Oil, alternated with hot packs of turpentine and LARD. Use hog lard!
Not with the other OILS - but hog lard, see? fat of hogs. This would only be at
periods, when there is seen that the body suffers from standing on feet, or from
moving about, see?
14. Naturally, exercise must be taken to reduce the conditions, or produce in the
body eliminations. Hence those physical exercises as of the setting-up. Not severe.
Walking - when it does not overtax the body, see? Those massages then would
follow. Oil packs would follow after the massage has relieved the condition.
15. ONLY when there is pressure or inflammation seen, see, use as douches - in
and through the vagina - those of properties as act as an eradicator, or use these:
To the gallon of warm water add two (2) teaspoonfuls Glyco-Thymoline in douche.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Also use the electrode on the applicator from the Violet Ray. These will assist in
reducing. After using the applicator, use the douche, see, to remove any
16. Do this, and we will bring the better conditions for the body.
17. Massage the thumb, or the hand, or those extremities of the body that show
there has been tautness in the muscular forces from the attempt to eradicate
conditions, with equal parts, or a saturated solution, of salt and vinegar. This may be
massaged into the hand once each day, or every other day - just so we overcome
these conditions. Pure apple vinegar and saturated solution with salt - table salt,
18. Do that. Ready for questions.
19. (Q) How often should the olive oil and myrrh be massaged?
(A) This should be done first, as given, see? until the body is relieved, before we
begin with packs that would be alternated between the Castor Oil and Turpentine
and lard, see? This will be used until the body is eased from pain in the pelvic and
in the lumbar regions, when walking on feet, see? Now, as is seen, when the body
walks on feet there is tendency for the feet or ankles to swell, see? or tiredness and
heaviness across the abdomen, see? When this is relieved - which should be in five
to six days - then we begin with the packs - ONLY when there is hurting or
inflammation, see? This should overcome these conditions. In thirty to sixty days we
would give further information as to how these have been applied, and that
necessary then to bring about the normal conditions for the body, [283].
20. (Q) How can my tonsils be cured of their diseased condition?
(A) Correct the teeth and we will find that all the inflammation as collects there
will be removed. These need local applications, see?
21. (Q) What is the best way of treatment of my teeth?
(A) Have the corrections made by one that attends to the teeth - dental surgeon.
22. (Q) Do I need glasses, what kind, and must they be worn continuously or only for
(A) Not necessary for glasses if these corrections and massages are given, so
that there is full activity to these portions of the body.
23. (Q) Would the Yogi breathing exercises improve my health?
(A) Improve the health - very good, see, AFTER the body is in that condition to
apply that as is given TO body through the application of such exercise. Give the
body that position wherein that each functioning organ gives off its correct incentives
and vibrations. Then exercises of the general nature are good. Exercises of the
specific nature, as is seen, for the correction of conditions, see? Common or ordinary
understanding should give one the correct idea as to how the application of exercises
deals with the body, if a little thought is given to this: That the body is built up by the
radiation of vibratory forces from each and every unit of the body functioning in its
proper manner. Then, to over-exercise any portion not in direct need of same, to the
detriment of another, is to hinder rather than to assist through exercise. Exercise is
wonderful, and necessary - and little or few take as much as is needed, in a
systematic manner. Use common sense. Use discretion.
24. We are through for the present.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Tonsillitis Par. 2, 3
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
about the throat and tonsil area again. The breathing exercises are proper for these,
but not just these characters as taken - for this condition.
3. The breathing exercises for this should be STOOPING, taking IN the breath as
the body goes down, see? exhaling - raising the arms, of course, as if flying -
exhaling as the body rises again, see? This changes the circulation entirely. There
may be set a mode of circulation through the breathing exercises for almost any type
of condition, see; but for throat, don't rush the blood to it when it's already poisoned
and poisoning the rest of the system! Take it away from it!
4. Ready for questions.
5. (Q) Should I continue the pedaling exercise?
(A) Continue the pedaling exercise. And some of those changes also by the
treatments, you see, in the lumbar and in the cervical and upper dorsal areas. Three
or four of these will be helpful. [Osteopathic treatments]
6. We are through with this reading.
R2. 5/26/38 She reported: "The nose condition returned off and on, whenever I'd get
a cold or get upset in any way. Being consistent with my diet, exercise, etc., as given
in my readings, is the only way to keep it from coming back. I think it has cleared
entirely now, for my nose feels perfectly normal for the first time in three years."
R3. 2/6/39 She obtained Ck. Physical 288-44 for terribly stopped up nose, not being
able to lie down all night; had to stay propped up on a pillow in order to breathe. The
reading indicated the condition was caused by her mental attitude, at that particular
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 11th day of May, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self
- Mrs. [603], new Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.,
recommended by her husband and by the Glad Helpers of the Association.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [603] and Abbie
Time of Reading ... Avenue, 3: 25 to 4: 00 P. M. Eastern
Standard Time. ..., Virginia.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [603].
2. Now, as we find, while conditions are very good physically in many respects, there
are disturbances the correction of which would make for a much better normal
condition and relieve those disturbances that arise in the poor assimilation and the
activities through the pelvic and the abdominal organs.
3. These then are the conditions as we find them in the present with this body, [603]
we are speaking of, present in this room: First,
4. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find is very good in the present, though there
are times when there are disturbances in the circulatory system, from the lack of the
proper eliminations, owing to the character of digestion and assimilations.
5. Also through the pressures that are produced at such times there tends to be a
heart disturbance that needs corrections, as will be seen. However, this is not an
organic condition but of a sympathetic nature. For the associated connections
between the overflow from the arteries to the heart and the liver and the return flow
from same become full.
6. Hence that heaviness which arises at periods when indigestion has been or is the
cause of same, as well as the poor eliminations through the emptying of the stomach
7. These then lack coordination, owing to pressures that exist in the cerebrospinal
system, in the nervous forces of the body just below the 9th dorsal center.
8. IN THE NERVE FORCES OF THE BODY, here we find rather a complex
condition. You see, there has been in times back an injury here; slight at first, the
second made for periods when the kidney activities were disturbed at the time. This
just below the 9th dorsal, or between the 9th and 10th, making for a pressure upon
the solar plexus center.
9. Thus that reflex activity that is felt at times through those areas about the gall duct
area, and the attempt of the system to adjust itself aids in bringing about periods
when these disturbances arise.
10. This then partially, as has been indicated, from the circulatory forces as well as
the causes in the cerebrospinal system, produces a sympathetic condition which
makes for a complex condition at the cerebrospinal center between the
cerebrospinal and the sympathetic systems.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
11. The organs of the pelvis, the abdominal organs - that is, through the colon,
through the lower portion of the spleen's activity - all of these have a part in the
condition, from the pressures indicated just in the lower portion of the 9th dorsal
are functional, owing to conditions as produced by a subluxation, and a tendency for
a jamming of the plexus in the area as indicated.
13. Hence with the removal of the pressure and the proper stimulation to the
circulatory forces as related to the activity there should be brought near normal
forces for the body.
14. This will also remove the tendencies for those lower portions, or the lower
extremities, to become cold, clammy at times, and as deadened or leadened, owing
to the disturbances that arise.
15. THEN, AS WE FIND, IN MAKING THE CORRECTIONS: First we would have at
least ten to fifteen manipulations osteopathically given, not only to make correction
in the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th dorsal, but to coordinate the upper portions of the
cerebrospinal system and also the lower axis or the pelvic axis at the 4th lumbar
16. These treatments as we find should not be given right straight along, but two to
three weeks have them two to three times a week; rest a week, then have another
17. During these whole periods - the treatment periods and the rest periods - we
would have those activities from the Radio-Active Appliance.
18. And in the use of the Appliance, as it aids in making for an equalization in the
sympathetic or vegetative nerve system, use that as a period of meditation. For as
there is created a balance in the flows through the circulatory system and the
coordination is being created, we may make for greater constructive experiences as
well as the manifestations of same in the emotional as well as the physical forces of
the body.
19. In the matter of the diet, keep to those foods that tend to make for a reducing of
the body as to avoirdupois. Let most of the bread ever consist only of Ry-Krisp or
Rye Bread, but principally the Ry-Krisp. Let grape juice be a part of the diet. Refrain
from any drinks that carry carbonated water. These not only make for an irritation to
the distressed areas but tend to produce that slowing of the emptying of the stomach
and disturb the proper eliminations.
20. Use rather enemas than cathartics, but when cathartics are necessary use a
combination. One period use a vegetable compound, as may be had from Inner
Clean or from the ragweed found in the combination known as Simmons Liver
Regulator, and at other periods use only the fruit salt - or Eno Salt. In either of these
periods take same for a period of two to three days in small doses, then rest periods
between that allow the body to adjust itself - these are much more effective.
21. Use the Radio-Active Appliance about one hour each day. Let the meditation
period, of course, be expressed in self's own way and manner, but follow close in
these words or thoughts; realizing, seeing, experiencing that given in expression in
these words - or like same:
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(A) Much ADVICE, but then this may be summed as has been indicated for the
physical conditions, for the mental, material and spiritual forces, and will bring the
help needed.
36. We are through for the present.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Metabolism: Incoordination Par. 4, 5
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
muscular forces. The activities of the sensory system are dulled. At times the vision
appears to be blurry; at others there is the appearance of conditions that centralize
themselves and do not appear to be as in the first glimpse of same. The same
reaction is in the sound, the hearing, or the auditory forces; that is, the BALANCE
between same. All of these effects come in the present, as we have indicated, from
a poor coordination in the circulation and distribution of nerve forces by or through
the lack of elements in the system to create a balance for the body.
10. As to the lungs and the heart's activity: A fullness is felt at times in the lungs
themselves. At others, while the heart does not hurt, there is the feeling or the
consciousness of the heart's presence and of its activity, and of the conditions under
which it is laboring at times.
11. In the digestive system the disturbances are more from the nerve reactions
sympathetically; as they are throughout the rest of the system.
12. Throat, bronchi and larynx: Here we find an indication of how the effect of this
unbalancing has made and is making for a segregation within itself; that is,
engorgements about the INTERNAL activity of the thyroid itself. The lack of the
expression of this in its proper balance has been the lack of the proper amount of
iodine for the system.
13. Hence we find in the present, in making applications that will enable the body to
meet these conditions (provided these are carried in proper proportions, with the
proper precautions and conditions considered), these should be able to be
disseminated without operative forces.
14. However, if there is the continuance of this fullness in the throat, this dullness
throughout the system, this heaviness and those activities in the circulatory forces
not altered or changed (even with these applications which we will suggest), then it
would become necessary for operative measures.
15. But begin first with this method for the absorbing and eliminating of the condition:
16. Begin with taking internally the Atomidine; one minim in half a glass of water
twice each day (before the morning meal and before retiring at night). Each day
increase the amount one minim, until ten minims are being taken twice a day.
17. Then leave off for three days. Then begin with the one minim again, gradually
increasing until ten minims are being taken again twice each day - each dose in half
a glass of water.
18. After the first full round of the Atomidine, and during the three day rest period
from same, use each day for the three days the hand Violet Ray. Use the throat
applicator that will apply directly to the activities of the glands about the throat,
around the neck and down to the upper portion of the breastbone; or following what
is ordinarily termed the collarbone around same, see? This would be used for five
minutes just before retiring, only on the three days during the rest period from the
19. We would also at the end of the second rest period from taking the Atomidine
(that is, after the second three day period of using the Violet Ray as indicated), we
would begin with the deep manipulations; not chiropractically, but osteopathically
given, to make drainages through the cervical and upper dorsal for the general
system. In other words, the stimulations to the centers especially in the brachial area
and the upper cervicals, or from the 4th and 5th on to the 1st cervical, are not so
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
much for general relaxation as for general elimination; that is, for stimulating the
drainages from the system.
20. Then it becomes necessary that the eliminations through the alimentary canal be
increased, either through the activities of the body through the exercises it takes or
through the deeper manipulation or stimulations for same.
21. In the latter portion of the manipulations, coordinate the lumbar area WITH the
dorsal and cervical areas also.
22. These osteopathic adjustments and treatments would be taken for two week
periods at a time, three times each week. Rest a week in between, and then take
them again for two more weeks, see?
23. And by the time such a period has elapsed, we should find the body not only
feeling better, but there should be the disappearance of this disturbance - and the
whole system adjusted then to near normalcy.
24. When the manipulations or the osteopathic treatments are begun, then leave off
the Violet Ray treatments (though these are necessary in the middle portion of the
first two Atomidine rounds, as indicated). But keep up the Atomidine, in the manner
indicated, throughout the period of the osteopathic treatments; just eliminating the
Violet Ray treatments after the first two three-day rest periods, you see.
25. Ready for questions.
26. (Q) Exactly what foods should I eat (or in other words, what foods does my
particular system require)?
(A) Those that have iron, iodine, silicon, and the like. Leave off, then, those
foods carrying too great a quantity of starch or sweets. This will tend to make the
body reduce, to be sure, in its weight somewhat, but this will be much better - as we
find - for the whole system.
27. (Q) Is the yoga practice of Kriya causing any ill effects?
(A) As indicated, this is very well to continue with these treatments; for these
exercises have a stimulating effect. However, DO NOT use these during the period
the Violet Ray is used, for that week! During the rest of the time it will be well for
these to be carried with the other applications in toto.
28. We are through with this reading.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
"I am reminded of the experience of that great saint, Swami Yogananda when he was in
Miami nearly ten years ago. As everyone knows, the mental vibrations pervading in Florida
are pretty gross. Greed and the pursuit of pleasure take first rank in the hearts of the
majority of the population.
"The Swami gave a series of lectures and lessons in Miami to a crowded house each night.
He was about to begin his advanced lesson series when the husband of one of his students
started trouble with a vengeance. He went to police headquarters and accused the Swami of
really terrible things. (This man was afterward convicted of murder!) Through his
machinations and activities he started a riot and a mob stormed the auditorium where the
lectures were being held. Yogananda was compelled to remain in seclusion for a while and
then he quietly left the state without completing his course of lessons. The mayor and the
police knew that he was innocent of any wrong doing, but they thought it was best not to
incite the mob by trying to continue the lectures.
"To add to the Swami's troubles, Hearst took this occasion to start persecuting him in the
Hearst newspapers. His editorial writer, Arthur Brisbane, rather outdid himself. His articles
were venomous. That there was not truth in them didn't matter to Brisbane or Hearst. They
carried the persecution to the headquarters of the Swami's organization in Los Angeles.
Newspaper men invaded the building and made themselves obnoxious in many ways. Day
after day, scurrilous articles appeared in the Los Angeles newspapers owned by Hearst. It
was a most trying time for the students as well as the Swami.
"I know you must have thought me dilatory not to have reported the result of the treatments
prescribed in the Physical reading you gave me last fall, but I had a reason for not writing to
you sooner about the matter. Here it is.
"As soon as I returned to Washington in late October, I began the treatments and followed
instructions to the letter, very carefully. At that time I was feeling quite ill and weak, I could
hardly get about and the least exertion laid me low.
"Every time I went to the osteopath's office for a treatment, she would tell me of some
additional ailments, such as high blood pressure, iron deficiency, etc. This didn't make me
feel any better!
"Toward the last of November, when the treatment prescribed was nearly completed, she
told me I ought to get close to the earth and that I needed lots of sunshine. As I had to walk
on sidewalks, the little walking I did, and as I was bundled in winter clothes which prevented
the pale fall sun from being of much benefit, I didn't know how I could follow her advice. I
decided to go to Florida for the month of December and get some sun baths on the beach. I
thought this would supplement the treatments and should give me a kind of boost, as the
youngsters say.
"I went to Florida, took the remaining treatments from a West Palm Beach osteopath, and
had been in the water once or twice when calamity overtook me. I had been in Florida about
ten days or less when I awakened one morning to find myself very ill with influenza. This
particular attack left me so weak for a while that I could hardly talk. I was flat in bed for
nearly three weeks and I returned to Washington on the third of January, as soon as I could
"The treatments didn't seem to help me at all, so far as I could determine. I took the entire
bottle of Atomidine. When I went back to work I was weak, wobbly, and somewhat
discouraged, for a couple of weeks, I dragged about, doing as little as possible. Then one
day I remembered that a sage had once said that the consciousness of perfection is the
basis of all cures. I began to think of the Infinite Perfection and the effect was startling.
Within a week I began to recover my energy and felt a great deal better. From then on I
have improved steadily. I feel really fine now, but I am not cured by any means. However, I
have that peppy feeling I used to have and the old 'dullness' is gone.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
"My Preceptor [Swami Yogananda?] gave me an exercise to follow that if used with will and
determination would probably cure me. However, I haven't practiced it as I should, only
practicing once a day when I should exercise three or four times. This regulates the energy
in the spine, and is used with the sacred word AUM. It is probably this that has helped me
so much. It may be that the treatments benefitted me some, but that the effect didn't appear
for a month or so after I discontinued them.
"No promise was given to me in the reading that the treatment WOULD help as the
statement was made that: 'However, if there is the continuance of this fullness in the throat,
this dullness throughout the system, this heaviness and those activities in the circulatory
forces not altered or changed, even with these applications which we will suggest, then it
would be necessary for operative measures.'
"But the reading also stated that 'By the time such a period has elapsed we should find the
body not only feeling better, but there should be the disappearance of this disturbance...and
the whole system adjusted then to near normalcy.'
"This didn't happen. Also the reading said that: 'Hence we find in the present, in making
applications that will enable the body to meet these conditions provided these are carried in
proper proportions, with the proper precautions and conditions considered, these should be
able to be disseminated without operative forces.'
"I didn't know what to do, whether I should take the same treatments over again, whether I
should ask for another reading to determine the course to pursue, or what. I don't want to
have an operation if I can avoid it. There are many evil after effects which I would escape if I
could. So I waited awhile to see if I would improve before I wrote you on the subject. I have
tried to be as exact in the description as I can.
"I think I will continue with the Aum chant in the spine for a while and see what the result
may be. After all, it is the Life Energy that is the real source of healing; medicine is only an
"The gland in the throat is still enlarged and the proper adjustments have not been made in
the bloodstream. But I feel really good; much better than I have for quite a long time. [See
report here added to 813-1 Reports on Life Reading.]
"My everlasting gratitude for the readings you gave me. The Physical reading gave me a
clear understanding of what ails me. No physician could have given me this knowledge. It
may be that He is giving me a lesson in Wisdom healing, and that I should turn more within.
Always there is a lesson in our adversities, I have found, and I try to understand them. It
seems to me now that if I can overcome my disabilities through the power within, it may be
of benefit to others. So I shall try..."
R7. 7/27/43 See letter under 813-1 Reports indicating she is enjoying physical exercise at
home in the mountain air: "I feel 80% better than I did last winter."
R8. 6/47 Her friend, Miss [2898], told us that Miss [813] died in 1945, about six months after
Mr. Cayce did.
R9. 10/18/52 Comment by D. H. Fogel, M.D. (heart specialist) after studying 813-2: "Goitre,
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(A) These, as we have given, are good; and should be maintained for the varied
conditions that arise in the experience of the body.
It has been given before that these are most helpful. There are specific exercises
and breathings for the varied activities upon the various organs, the varied activities
of the glandular system. These, not too strenuous, are much preferable to outside
For EVERY influence for corrective measures is to create within the activating
body the awareness of its deficiency or its over or superfluous activity, and to bring
about a COORDINANT condition, a cooperate condition in the body.
And this - that it may be done in this body in a much better way and manner than
in ninety-eight percent of others that may be found, even that would use the same
expressions or same activity - is much preferable to drug or mechanical appliances
or applications!
8. (Q) Should there be any additions or changes?
(A) Rather the applications of that known, as has been indicated.
9. (Q) What is the proper posture for my meditations?
(A) As has been indicated before, each individual is an entity, each individual has
had and IS - not a law unto itself, but - a development unto THE LAW!
That then becomes rather that which is to the entity the more expressive of that
being sought to be attained in the experience. Thus as the entity has attained, as the
entity has gained in itself, at times the pose or posture would be different. As these
vary, meet same.
Remember, how was it given of old? (which may never, never be improved
upon!) In the offering of that which would cleanse the body, in the offering of that
which would roll away those influences in the experiences of an individual, varied
forms and manners were given that they (the forms) might to the ENTITY in its inner
self find that response of doing and being in accord with the SOURCES from which
aid, help and understanding is sought.
Hence to each there comes a change. So to this entity. Do not let it become as a
rote only, nor as form only; but as chord answering to chord, as the vibrations from
each portion of the body to the one purpose in self of being in accord with the divine
within, in body, in mind.
THUS it becomes the better.
In some periods it will be found that soft music would aid, though the music may
be made by the very activity OF the concording of the vibrations through the body.
At other periods odors may aid, though these - too - may be as an emanation from
the altars of sacrifice within self; or those postures that may bring into play the
activity of them all.
10. (Q) In her daily life, is she able to discriminate between the divine guidance and
that of desire?
(A) Every one may answer self in this. As He has so oft given, if ye will be silent -
even though a moment - ye know. For it is not in the storm, nor in the rage, nor the
tempest - but in the still small voice.
11. (Q) May I now combine my home interests successfully with the ... Group
Players in ...? [See 903-2, Life Rdg., on 3/17/26.]
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(A) When there is within self's own satisfaction not a neglecting of home duties,
home ties, BY being able to shift some of the responsibilities of same to help or aid,
yes. Until this is, no.
12. We are through for the present.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Time of Reading 3: 40 to 4: 10 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., N.Y.
1. GC: You will have before you the entity [903], present in this room, who seeks - at
this cycle of her development - information, advice and guidance as to her life and
work; with specific reference to health, family relationships, and her mental and
spiritual development. Then you will answer the questions she submits, as I ask
2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [903], and the information which
has been indicated for this entity; as to the various experiences of the entity through
the varied periods of manifestations in the earth.
3. In giving advice or counsel, in directing the activities in the present, all of these
should be taken into consideration. For, there is naturally builded in the character, in
the abilities, in the latent and manifested desires, purposes of the soul. These
purposes are the latent and manifested ideals through those judgments and choices
of that phase of human experience of portions of the mind. Thus they are a part of
the warp or woof of an individual entity.
4. As there are activities, ideals are naturally crystallized in the mind - which is the
builder in a conscious experience of an entity.
5. These, in the late experiences, have not been fully adhered to; yet much that has
been and is of a practical nature in the experience of the entity, in building that which
may now enable the entity to use further those principles which have been the
foundation of the human relationships towards those ideals and principles of an
entity, may now be applied in the physical developments.
6. To be sure, there are changes coming about in the purposes or aims in body-
functionings. These, naturally, need their outlet of expression - which may better be
found, as changes come, in the use of the breathing, the exercises, that enable the
directing of energies that are loosened or that are kept hidden within the functioning
of the relationships between spiritual-creative forces, mental activities, and the
material expressions of ideals.
7. We would adopt more of that which has been a part of the experience; not of a
nature as would be termed excessive, for it is those individual entities who rationally
apply principles in their time and their place who make use of knowledge which is in
its application wisdom. Many have knowledge, few have the wisdom to use same.
The abilities of the entity are exceptional in these directions, if those principles are
applied in a universal sense for constructive building in the experience of self as well
as of the family relationships, and the social activities into which the entity comes
from time to time.
8. These as we find may not be expressed better, in its activity, than to consider the
abilities; magnifying the virtues - in self and in others - of every nature that deal with
the uplift toward spiritual awakening; minimizing the faults - in self and in others - as
ye seek to influence thine own activity, thine own choice of thought, thine own choice
of purpose in dealing with the varied problems, the varied experiences that arise.
9. For, with the measure ye mete it is measured to thee again. This is a spiritual law,
it is a mental certainty, it is a material experience to most of those that would see.
10. In thine self, then, - study first to show thyself approved unto that thou choosest
as the directing of the principles of daily living, in relationship to family, in
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
relationship to the community, in relationship to the state, to the nation. For these
each have their directing influence or spirit.
11. What spirit will ye contribute to those activities? For it is with that spirit ye make
manifest, according to what purpose, what hope, what desire ye encourage, ye abet;
not by word alone but by daily activity. For thus, as ye grow in grace, in knowledge,
in understanding, ye may apply that wisdom which has been and is thy heritage.
12. Ready for questions.
13. (Q) What is causing the unusual aching in the breast at various periods?
(A) The natural change that is a part of the glandular functioning, - to the organs
of the mammary glands, and from the adrenals. To be sure, this need not cause
anxiety, unless there is the bruising or an injury of some character such as to
localize disturbance; provided the exercise of breathing is maintained, of directing
the flow of energies.
14. (Q) What is causing pain in fourth finger joint on right hand? Any treatment
(A) This is a tendency towards the lack of proper eliminations, or drainages, from
the extremities, - or, if there is a pressure made to the left side of the 2nd dorsal, at
the brachial center, it will be found that there will be a hurting or a fullness to the
arm. This, then, indicates the necessity for hydrotherapy, as combined with the
exercise, to stimulate these centers to normal activity.
Of course, the massage at the time of the hydrotherapy treatments would be well
- by a masseuse, or one who would give a good Swedish massage; not necessarily
a special adjustment, but there is a tendency towards a slowing there. Thus, if
allowed to remain, it might come to be called (to express a more concrete term) a
tendency in the system for neuritis or arthritis. But this is far from assuming such
proportions as yet.
15. (Q) At this cycle of my life, what particular work should I develop for my fullest
expression and contribution?
(A) That as might be best expressed by physical education to the teen age boys
and girls, - as an expression both from the physical-BODY development and from
the mental or dramatic expressions that are the impelling force in those of that age,
16. (Q) You mean teaching groups of children?
(A) Directing or teaching, or having a group that the body would direct especially
in the physical development, physical education, and in dramatics or the like.
17. (Q) How about the Henry Street Settlement group on Madison Ave., N.Y.C.?
(A) This as we find is something of the nature. The entity could improve a good
deal upon the principles that are applied here.
18. (Q) Should my war work for the coming year be along the entertainment line or
as a nurse's aid?
(A) DEFINITELY along the entertainment line, but PHYSICAL development for
the young of both sexes.
19. (Q) The entity has not had professional physical training. Why should she be
chosen to teach that?
(A) Because she is NATURALLY, innately, fitted for such.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Has it not been indicated that those who are trained in the former experiences in
the earth, though they may not have applied the principles in the immediate present,
may have the wisdom of the ages at their disposal - if there is the beginning and the
application of self in those directions?
20. (Q) The entity is 40 years old and not athletic.
(A) More athletic than many that are 15 or 18, though, that the entity may train!
24. (Q) Taking that into consideration, which place would be best?
(A) As indicated, in Maryland, Virginia or West Virginia, - and in that vicinity that
would be around or near to Washington.
25. (Q) In what way can I create a more harmonious attitude in guiding my older son,
(A) In these respects there can be the best directions by counseling with, though
never forcing; though there is the necessity here of being quite positive. This is the
better manner of creating harmony. But counsel with, not argue with.
27. (Q) Am I right in feeling that his musical development should be continued, even
though there is definite lack of any real musical talent?
(A) It gives a rhythm that is as necessary as law, in making ANY success in a
material experience. Some knowledge of music, some knowledge of law, is
necessary in the experience of EVERY male individual!
30. (Q) How shall I go about to organize this children's teen- age group for dramatic
and physical training?
(A) Get a comprehensive understanding of same, first, from some who have
made a practical application of same in such a group. Then let it be known that you
are open for such. You will have to put a stop to your list, - if you don't they'll
overcrowd you! Some twelve or fifteen should be sufficient. You will have more than
twenty-four applicants, if you make it known!...
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
3. As we find, there slowly are improvements. The general health and the more
perfect coordination created between all activities of the body will be necessary for a
great deal of helpful forces for the vision.
4. We would continue with the osteopathic corrections at least twice a month, for at
least another sixty to ninety days.
5. When ready to retire we would have each evening the thorough massage,
especially with the oils indicated, along the cerebrospinal system, and about the
neck and lower portion of the head; face, chin muscles, in the temples; the centers
through which all of the optic and auditory forces receive impulses to and from the
superficial circulation, as well as the deeper circulation.
6. We would use the Violet Ray, - no more than three times a week, and about a
minute and a half at a time.
7. Then, in the diet, - keep close to those things that are body and nerve building,
that add to the abilities for the more perfect eliminations. Have plenty, then, of citrus
fruits, of vegetables, as the general diet, and especially figs, dates, nuts, as an aid to
the eliminations. Stewed figs, stewed raisins and prunes, all of these should be a
part of the diet.
8. Do these and, as we find, we will keep toward bettered conditions.
9. Remember, there is the ability also within self to raise the vibrations AS the
corrections are made. It is not for the betterment if this is attempted when there are
poor eliminations, or with improper circulation. These need to cooperate, coordinate
in EVERY phase of the body's experience.
10. Keep that attitude of constructive influence; using the abilities in bringing more
harmony, more peace in the experiences of others - that brings the same for self.
11. Ready for questions.
12. (Q) Should any change be made in the use of vibrator?
(A) We would change very little. Use it in the general way as has been indicated.
The massages as indicated would be more to the head and neck, and generally
along the spine, but more in head and neck areas, see?
13. (Q) Any change in the violet ray, other than indicated?
(A) Only as indicated. Not overstimulation nor too long a period, but these
vibrations are needed yet.
14. (Q) The Adiron?
(A) These we would keep through the period especially of the cold and winter
15. (Q) Is present diet sufficient in vitamins, minerals and other elements?
(A) We would make some alterations in keeping with the suggestions as
indicated here for the character of fruits, the manner of preparation, and also the
nuts. Particularly have almonds, filberts and the like, more than other characters. Of
course, a good quality of pecan is well. But the almonds and filberts are particularly
good for the body.
16. (Q) What can be done to shorten period of correction of vision?
(A) Let's make haste slowly, and not overstress the correction in vision. Let's
make the changes as a growth, and the using of what is obtained in a better or more
constructive manner - this will be better than attempting to hasten same.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
17. (Q) Give a suitable breathing exercise for the physical, mental and spiritual
development of this body.
(A) The morning exercise and the evening exercise with the breathing would be
very good.
Mornings - arise, with plenty of fresh air. Rise gently on the toes, raising at the
same time the arms high above the head in about the same ratio as the body rises in
its stride in raising itself on toes. Breathe in, especially through the right nostril,
exhaling through the mouth - at least three times. Then three times through the left
nostril and exhaling through the mouth. These repeated in the evening would be
As for exercises to raise the kundaline in the body, - these, of course, should
come in a different form or nature. Seated upon the floor, with the feet extended
directly, raise self - as it were - in the same manner, but making the activities of the
breathing in SEE the raising of the influences within self. These are the manners
best for the body in the present.
18. (Q) Please advise as to use of Estep and Yogi methods.
(A) Unless there are bettered conditions in the physical force as related to
coordination, we find that these would NOT be so well for the body. For, they
produce strain upon the very portions of the glandular force that are already in a
state of disturbance, see?... We are through for the present.
With the periods set aside for meditation - don't hurry yourself, don't be anxious but
closing the self, the conscious mind to anxieties from without - enter within thine own
inner temple. There let the voice, the feeling direct; yea, let the spirit of the purpose
of self be free in its direction to self.
Attune yourself almost in the same manner as you tune the violin for harmony. For
when the body-mind and the soul-mind is attuned to the infinite, there will be brought
harmony to the mind and those centers from which impulse arises will aid in the
directing of the individual entity to become more sensitive and the material things
about the entity may be the better enjoyed. There will not be brought just that we
might call satisfaction. (continued on the next page)
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
There is much more in anticipation and hope and desire than in being satisfied or
gratified. Always know that there is more, if the whole trust is in the Lord….
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
12. All of these then are one - in an entity; just as it is considered, realized or
acknowledged that the body, mind and soul are one, - that God, the Son and the
Holy Spirit are one.
13. Then in the physical body there ARE those influences, then, through which each
of these phases of an entity may or does become an active influence.
14. There may be brought about an awareness of this by the exercising of the mind,
through the manner of directing the breathing.
15. For, in the body there is that center in which the soul is expressive, creative in its
nature, - the Leydig center.
16. By this breathing, this may be made to expand - as it moves along the path that
is taken in its first inception, at conception, and opens the seven centers of the body
that radiate or are active upon the organisms of the body.
17. This in its direction may be held or made to be a helpful influence for specific
conditions, at times - by those who have taught, or who through experience have
found as it were the key, or that which one may do and yet must not do; owing to
whatever preparation has been made or may be made by the body for the use of this
ability, this expression through the body-forces.
18. As this life-force is expanded, it moves first from the Leydig center through the
adrenals, in what may be termed an upward trend, to the pineal and to the centers in
control of the emotions - or reflexes through the nerve forces of the body.
19. Thus an entity puts itself, through such an activity, into association or in
conjunction with all it has EVER been or may be. For, it loosens the physical
consciousness to the universal consciousness.
20. To allow self in a universal state to be controlled, or to be dominated, may
become harmful.
21. But to know, to feel, to comprehend as to WHO or as to WHAT is the directing
influence when the self-consciousness has been released and the real ego allowed
to rise to expression, is to be in that state of the universal consciousness, - which is
indicated in this body here, Edgar Cayce, through which there is given this
interpretation for [2475].
22. So, in analyzing all this, - first study the variations of what has been the body-
temperament, in thought, in food. For, the body-physical becomes that which it
assimilates from material nature. The body-mental becomes that it assimilates from
both the physical-mental and the spiritual-mental. The soul is ALL of that the entity
is, has been or may be.
23. Then, WHO and WHAT would the entity have to direct self in such experiences?
24. To be loosed without a governor, or a director, may easily become harmful.
25. But as we would give, from here, let not such a director be that of an entity.
Rather so surround self with the universal consciousness of the CHRIST, as to be
directed by that influence as may be committed to thee.
26. Thus the entity may use constructively that which has been attained.
27. But to prevent physical harm, mental harm, - attune self in body and in mind with
that influence by which the entity seeks to be directed; not haphazardly, not by
chance, but - as of old - choose thou this day WHOM ye will serve: the living God
within thee, by thee, through thee? or those influences of knowledge without
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
wisdom, that would enslave or empower thee with the material things which only
gratify for the moment?
28. Rather choose thou as he of old, - let others do as they may, but as for thee,
serve thou the living God.
29. Thus ye may constructively use that ability of spiritual attunement, which is the
birthright of each soul; ye may use it as a helpful influence in thy experiences in the
30. But make haste SLOWLY! Prepare the body. Prepare the mind, before ye
attempt to loosen it in such measures or manners that it may be taken hold upon by
those influences which constantly seek expressions of self rather than of a living,
constructive influence of a CRUCIFIED Savior.
31. Then, crucify desire in self; that ye may be awakened to the real abilities of
helpfulness that lie within thy grasp.
32. Ready for questions.
33. (Q) Is there at present any danger to any particular body-function, such as sex;
or to general health?
(A) As we have indicated, without preparation, desires of EVERY nature may
become so accentuated as to destroy - or to overexercise as to bring detrimental
forces; unless the desire and purpose is acknowledged and set IN the influence of
self as to its direction - when loosened by the kundaline activities through the body.
34. (Q) Just what preparation would you advise for the body, now?
(A) This should be rather the choice of the body from its OWN development,
than from what ANY other individual entity or source might give.
Purify the body, purify the mind; that the principle, the choice of ideals as made
by the entity may be made manifest.
Do whatever is required for this, - whether the washing of the body, the
surrounding with this or that influence, or that of whatever nature.
As has been experienced, this opening of the centers or the raising of the life
force may be brought about by certain characters of breathing, - for, as indicated,
the breath is power in itself; and this power may be directed to certain portions of the
body. But for what purpose? As yet it has been only to see what will happen!
Remember what curiosity did to the cat! Remember what curiosity did to Galileo,
and what it did to Watt - but they used it in quite different directions in each case!
35. (Q) Considering the development of the entity, is further practice of the Yoga
exercises of breathing and meditation recommended?
(A) By all means! if and when, and ONLY when, preparation has been made;
and when there is the knowledge, the understanding and the wisdom as to what to
do WITH that gained! Without such, do not undertake same!
36. We are through for the present.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Will Par. 10
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
1. GC: You will give the relations of this entity and the universe, and the universal
forces; giving the conditions which are as personalities, latent and exhibited in the
present life; also the former appearances in the earth plane, giving time, place and
the name, and that in each life which built or retarded the development for the entity;
giving the abilities of the present entity, that to which it may attain, and how. You will
answer the questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes - a very unusual entity, with very unusual abilities. Yet these abilities may
become the real stumbling block for the entity.
3. Here we may find a great disagreement with what may be given the entity, but this
is given with the desire and hope that this information may be applied so as to
become a helpful experience for the entity; else tragedy may be a part of this entity's
4. This is an entity, as we will find, who has little use for man or woman that hasn't a
very brilliant mind.
5. Things pertaining to scientific problems of every nature are of particular interest to
the entity.
6. We find that the entity should find its spiritual ideal - and not in the mysteries of
the East. Not that these haven't their place in the experiences of individuals, but the
abilities of this entity in the earthly sojourns have been such that unless there is the
whole Creative Force taken into consideration and the entity becoming one with
spiritual imports, it may use the powers and forces within to its own undoing.
7. For the entity takes most every experience by intuition. Easily may the entity, by
entering deep meditation raise the kundaline [kundalini] forces in body to the third
eye as to become a seeress; so that it may see the future and the past. But the law
of such is that, unless these are used for constructive and never for selfish motives
or purposes, they will bring more harm than good.
8. For there is the expression of creative energies that must be a part of the
experience. Don't let the experiences of many turn thee aside, where and when it
becomes necessary to raise such; and you will not be able to unless you live that
you ask of and seek in others. Let that ye seek be that the law of the Lord God,
which is manifested in the Christ, may be manifested through thee.
9. If the body will do just that, it may become a credit to its own environ and all of
those who have the pleasure and privilege of knowing the entity. Abusing it, ye will
become a by-word, ye will become one not a credit to any.
10. What will this entity do with these abilities? The choice may only be in self.
11. Begin with the study of the Scripture as in Exodus 19: 5, Deuteronomy 30, the
whole of Romans, and John 14, 15, 16 and 17. Make these not only as things ye
know but as things ye apply in principle and practice.
12. Do that and come again - we would work with thee.
13. We are through for the present.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(Q) Are we using the correct methods of breathing and intonation in our group
(A) As has been given in Meditation, to some, THIS then is the correct manner: As
has been given so oft of old, purge ye your bodies, washing them with water, putting
away those things of the mind and of the body; for tomorrow the Lord would speak
with thee.
Hence in this group make thy mind, thy body, as a fit subject for a visit of thy Lord,
thy God. Then as ye seek YE KNOW, as He hath given, that the wedding feast is
prepared and thou hast bid the guests, and that ye have come with the garments of
the feast with thy Lord, thy Master, thy King, thy Savior.
For lowly as He was in His earthly ministry, He honored all such that gathered for the
commemoration of a union of body, a union of mind, a union of strength for their
worship, their sacrifice, their meeting with their God.
In breathing, take into the right nostril, STRENGTH! Exhale through thy mouth.
Intake in thy left nostril, exhaling through the right; opening the centers of thy body -
if it is first prepared to thine OWN understanding, thine OWN concept of what YE
would have if ye would have a visitor, if ye would have a companion, if ye would
have thy bridegroom!
Then, as ye begin with the incantation of the [Har-r-r-r-r-r- aum] Ar-ar-r-r-r - the e-e-
e, the o-o-o, the m-m-m, RAISE these in thyself; and ye become close in the
presence of thy Maker - as is SHOWN in thyself! They that do such for selfish
motives do so to their own undoing. Thus has it oft been said, the fear of the Lord is
the beginning of wisdom.
Wisdom, then, is fear to misapply knowledge in thy dealings with thyself, thy fellow
For as ye are honest, as ye are patient, as ye are sincere with thyself in thy meeting
with thy God, thy Savior, thy Christ, in thy meditation, ye will be in thy dealings with
thy fellow man.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(Q) Considering the group as a whole, when we come together for meditation,
should we use the intonations, singing, and breathing as described in the Readings?
(A) You are in a material world. You are subject to the laws of same. When you are
moved by full accord, use the intonations, the breathing, the posture; but let this be
rather as an outgrowth of attunement then the purpose FOR attunement. For to be
one mind, one purpose, one desire, by and through a common cause, should bring -
a unison of thought.
If one begins and all join, wonderful; but do not find fault that all are not in attune at
once. Were all chosen to go into the chamber of death? Were all chosen to go to
the mount of transfiguration? Were all chosen to act when the five thousand were
fed? There you find, in the various experiences, numbers or different ones among
the twelve taking the leading role - as you do at the Last Supper, as you do at the
Cross, as you do in the Garden, as you do on Resurrection Morn.
So, in your meetings, let this be a service of joy; for you call yourselves (and well so)
Glad Helpers. Then ACT like it!
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
in the dealings and associations with the fellow man, and these find their attunement
in each chord as it rings one with another in all the music that may be heard from
every sound that follows in eeiu-u-u-ummmm in its forms, through that attunement
along the pineal to the source of light within the self to make for the emotions of
glorifying alone.
(Q) Should the body carry through the nerve treatments suggested by Dr. Conrad
Meibauer, Woolworth Bldg., 233 B'way, N.Y.C.?
(A) These are very well, though there are within the body-forces of the body itself as
we find, the mental attitudes and the quieting that can be brought about within, that
is much more EFFECTIVE.
But if there is the desire of the entity to have mechanical assistance to the quieting
of the nerve forces, very well.
But as we find it can be accomplished much more satisfactorily within self by the
right character of meditation and breathing exercise - which would be those with the
body seated IN what is ordinarily termed as Chinese or Japanese fashion, and with
the chant that has been a portion of the body - of the Ar-ar-r-r---e-e-e---o-o-o--m-m-
m [See below*], in the deep breathing and the circular motions of the body, and the
carrying of the directing of the spiritual influences and the mental activity to the
glandular forces of the body; raising these WITHIN self, and directing them to that to
be accomplished would be the manner.
Not that this becomes as an Egyptian or an East Indian chant, but keeping the
mental attitude of the Christ-Consciousness within that is purifying, is magnifying the
abilities for peace, quiet, yet ATTUNING self to the aliveness of not only the
emotions but to the mental application for CONSTRUCTIVE experiences in the body
and mind.
These are much better than depending upon either suggestion from without or the
application of any form of electrical or mechanical appliance for the raising of the
vibrations for THIS body, [275].
This would not do for ALL, but can be accomplished within self.
*GD's note: In regards the chant: 9/5/69 I repeated the chant as it sounded in the
reading, to musician Kenneth Newbern visiting A.R.E. headquarters, and he asked
me to add this explanatory note:
1. Spelling "ar" represents the sound ah as in father (1st syllable).
2. Repeated "r's" mean only continued sound, not new glottal beginnings.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Before this we find the entity was in that land now known as the Indian, or East
Indian, among those peoples who established much of the associations with those of
the various fields of endeavor, in the centers where various characters of learning
had gained such a hold as to be noised even by the lesser individuals or peoples,
who made little journeys here and there.
The entity then, in the name Burmdno, gained and lost, gained and lost. The
experience from the material viewpoint was rather a hectic one, yet much of the
thought that is held by many peoples in that particular land in the present is easily
understood by the entity; especially that as related to the interpreting of names, as to
their soundings, and the influence such has upon certain portions of a physical body
at the sounding of same. Much as does the sounding of o, a, and i, in accord one
with another in the present, influence certain glands in the system, as incantations.
Yet these in the present to the entity mean little, save when studied as to the idea of
their being constructive rather than controlling self's influence.
(Q) What should be my attitude of mind about trying to learn singing in order to
progress most rapidly?
(A) This becomes a part, then; if it may be given so as to be fully understood. As has
been comprehended oft, there arises in the experience of the self the necessity for
the deep meditation with the awareness that His presence is so nigh unto thee.
And yet there are those periods when it is the spoken word, even as He gave,
"Lazarus, come forth!" yea as He gave, "Neither do I condemn thee; go and sin no
more." Or as He gave, "Inasmuch as ye show forth the Lord's death till He come
again. For keep this in remembrance till I drink it anew."
Such then the entity finds necessary, in giving forth in song, in the harmonies of
same. Just as has been indicated through this channel for many, the entity will find
that there are the combinations of that ye call the scale - or those harmonies set to
the Ar-ar-r-r----e-e-e----ooo---mmm - that awaken within self the abilities of drawing
that love of the Father as shown to the children of men in the experiences of His
own, through their activities in the earth.
Hence we will find that to many, and to this entity specifically, the attempts even -
yea, the seeking for the harmonious expression - will bring that which only music
alone as set can span; that concept between the finite and the Infinite in its
relationships to those that seek to know His presence with them.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
For, as has been indicated from the innate experience as well as from the longings
within, a home - HOME - with all its deeper, inner meanings, is a portion of the
entity's desire; to know, to experience, to have the "feel" of, to have the surroundings
of that implied by the word HOME! Is it any wonder then that in all of thy meditation,
Ohm - O-h-m-mmmmm has ever been, is ever a portion of that which raises self to
the highest influence and the highest vibrations throughout its whole being that may
be experienced by the entity?
Thus does it behoove the entity to find in those activities that which will bring about
in the experience that which will make HOME - HOME - as a REALITY; close to
nature. Not in the strife and turmoil, not in cities, not where there are the
surroundings of those forces that bespeak of the commercial life, but that as of
NATURE! That as was given by the entity then as the priestess of those peoples,
that made for the dedicating of their lives, that which would bring into the experience
of each soul its relationships to NATURE as it manifests itself in its defiance of, in its
laws with, in its beauties of, in its troubles with humankind; as it meets same in the
rain, the sun, the storm, the dew, the beauty of the sun and the moon and all the
glories of nature itself become rather as the song of the entity in its experience;
when the sons of God with the voices of the winds sang together of the heralding of
the glory of the noonday to the sons of God! That became as the chant of the entity
in that experience, in the name Tulu.
The entity then was among those who were close to the household of the King AND
the Priest; and yet with the banishments sorrows materially came.
With the return, and with the healing of the body for the greater activities, the entity
arose in its thought and power through its application especially in the Temple
And from same comes that interest in harmony, and color - as does the sounding of
that as was the call from the station of the third position in the Temple Beautiful over
which the entity, as Omuna, presided - sound within self, - O-oooo-ah-m-mmm-u-
uuu-r-rrr-n--nn. [See 2072-10, page 56, on 7/22/42 giving the sounds as "Ah---aum,
see?"] These as they may be sounded within; not just the vocal box of the physical
but as they rise along the centers from the bodily forces to unite the activities, - the
entity may bring greater harmony within the experience, as it did to many through
the activities in that material sojourn.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The entity was among the peoples from Atlantis, but was born and brought up in the
environs of the Egyptian experience.
And with the establishings of the activities for correlating the ideas and ideals
regarding the preparation of bodies for a material channel, for the service of
betterment of the kind or class or manner of worship of the peoples, and the
establishing of the physical activities in which individuals were engaged, - the entity
was among those who first set the chants of the various peoples to any form of
music. This thus made for that establishing in the Temple of Sacrifice of the chants
to which much of the activities were given; as well as, in the latter part of the entity's
activity, that establishing of the chants that aided in HEALING - and in bringing the
mental attributes of those who had determined to become as channels through
which there might be the spiritual expression in the Temple Beautiful.
Thus we find again the music added to the abilities as a healer, the ability as one to
2072-10, Female 32, 7/22/42 [Also see next section on Breathing Exercises, page 64]
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
For as ye have understood, if ye have read Him and His conversation with His
friends, His disciples as respecting John, - John was a great entity, none greater.
And yet the least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than he. What meaneth this
manner of speech?
They that have wisdom are great, they that have understanding as to the manner to
APPLY same for the good of self AND others, - not for self at the expense of others,
but for others, - are in the awareness of the kingdom.
Thus, as to the note of thy body, - is there always the response to just one? Yes. As
we have indicated oft, for this entity as well as others, there are certain notes to
which there is a response, but is it always the same? No more than thy moods or
thy tendencies, UNLESS ye have arisen to the understanding of perfect attunement.
So with thy body, thy mind, thy soul. It is dependent upon the tuning, - whether with
the infinite or with self, or with worldly wisdom. For these, to be sure, become the
mysteries of life to some, - the mysteries of attuning. What seek ye? Him, self, or
He is within and beareth witness.
The tone, then, - find it in thyself, if ye would be enlightened. To give the tune or tone
as Do, Ah - aum - would mean little; unless there is the comprehending, the
understanding of that to which ye are attempting to attune, - in the spiritual, the
mental, the material.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(Q) Do I have any special psychic ability, and if so how is the best way to use it?
(A) As indicated, especial psychic ability - and the way to develop same is in the
manner as indicated. Know that which MOVES the mental, the spiritual, the physical.
Do not confuse same, but through the intonations from kinds of music or colors ye
may attune thyself. But know to WHAT ye are ATTUNING! For even as the incense
in the holy of holies was not the power of God, but rather the attuning of the finite
mind to an infinite expression - be NOT overcome with the material expressions but
seek rather that as He hath given, "I will meet thee within thine own self."
In the one before this we find in that period when divisions arose in the land known
now as Egypt. The entity was then among those who, after the settlements of those
divisions and the building up of the land, in the way of establishing man's
relationship with the divine, man's relationship with the fellow man - the entity was
among those who wrote the songs in that period, that were chanted and sung in the
temples then. Even in the varied temples that arose as destructive forces, the
entity's songs were chosen above those of others; giving much to the peoples in that
period of the understanding of the relationships of individual to individual, of
individual to the Creative forces as may be manifested in the various forms in
materialness. In the name Isunldxeol. In the present there is seen the imaginative
forces as are expressed from within, and those that are tinged with that which will
tend to bring to the inner vision of an individual an expression of beauty in the
Creative end. THIS is the forte, this is the being that may be developed in the
In the one then before this, we find the entity was in that land now known as the
Egyptian; and during those periods when there were turmoils and strifes in the land.
When the divisions arose, the entity - then in the name Pat-arat - was given the
position as the bodyguard to the young king that was then in power. [Ra-Ta period]
The entity, with the return of the spiritual influences - after the turmoils and strife -
gained much during this experience, for the entity became then as a teacher for
those principles that were presented by the priest who was restored.
In the present will be found those special interests in the occult and the mystic
influences, that come in the experience of everyone that seeks through the higher
mental attributes of self. The entity may gain much in this direction, if these will be
adhered to rather through the occult or the mental than through the mystic influences
that come from chants, rites, or those of the alchemy activities.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
As to the abilities then of the entity in the present, and that to which it may attain -
and how:
As we have indicated through the various experiences of the entity in the earth's
plane, and those activities that are as urges from the planetary or spiritual sojourn,
when there is the adhering to the greater principles of the universal influence - rather
than of selfish desire - there comes rather that of the contentment, of the peace, of
the harmonious experiences of the sojourn.
In the present, then, the applications in those directions that may bring the
advancing of the spiritual influences in the lives of individuals with whom the entity
may be associated in the various ways or manners, will bring those of the satisfying
and contented influences.
For, He is in His holy temple; let the earth keep silence that those who join in making
for the awareness of the spirit of the One that came in power and might, yet lowly in
the material activities, may bring healing to the hearts of those that are weary, those
who are discontent, those who find the life's way hard through the earth's activities.
For, the glories of Him that said, "I will not leave thee comfortless, but will come to
thee" will QUICKEN the hearts of those that seek His face.
Before that we find the entity was in that now known as or called the Egyptian land,
during those periods when there were the establishings of associations and the
tenets of those laws being given out by the Priest Ra-Ta; in the activities as
associated with the assisting, the aiding of those that were sick in body, in mind;
those that were entangled in the desires of the animal man, that find their expression
so oft in the fires of life that make for passions that bring into the experience the
activity of the animal rather than of man.
The entity aided in the temple service, as also in the distribution of those tenets as
were gained much through the music of the period that aided individuals in raising in
themselves that which would make for a unity of purpose with the Creative Forces
that overcomes the material and the carnal forces in man.
In the name then Shem-Seaar, the entity gained throughout. And in the activities in
the present, if there is allowed oft the raising of self through the voice, through the
music, that bespeaks of praise - as in the chant to the celestial forces that may make
for an attuning of the inner self; these are WELL for the entity. For they bring that in
the experience even in this earth, even in the present, that which has stood the
entity - will stand the entity often - well in hand, to harken to same.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Before that we find the entity was in the land now called the Egyptian, but of those
peoples of the land to which the Priest had been banished.
And the entity returned with the Priest, becoming a part of those individual activities
when the separations were made into the hospitalizations, the schools of the various
characters, and the application in attempting to make song and dance a part of the
Temple Service.
The entity then, as El-ke-dun, was the first to combine the reeds and the lyre or the
stringed instruments as a combination for the songs of the Atlanteans, the Natives'
chant, the wild revelry of its own land, to arouse the emotions necessary for
concerted activity of the peoples.
Hence still may the entity find in its present experience that the arousing of such
natures and characters of emotions may become a part of the entity's activity; as the
chant of the warrior, as the chant for the dead, as the chant for those that were being
cleansed from impurities, as the chant for those who separated themselves for
definite work.
As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then, and that to which it may attain,
and how:
It may be seen from the sojourns given that the entity has the more often depended
upon not MERE circumstance but upon that as of a guiding force in its relationships
and activities to and with others.
Hence we find the inclination too oft is to belittle its own abilities.
But if the entity finds within self that answer to what has been said here as to its
ideal, and as to its attainment in same, then:
BOLDLY know that ye have arrived at that experience where, with the
consciousness of giving self in such ways and manners, thy service may bring hope
and help and the longings for constructive experiences.
And ye will find that as ye give, ye receive; as ye serve, ye become better and better
understood, better and better known.
But know, all must be - mentally, spiritually - CONSTRUCTIVE; so that the reactions
in the physical experiences of all may be for that hopefulness which is ever the cry of
the soul in its search for its relationships to its Maker.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
You will have before you the life existence in the earth plane of [949], born October
25, 1914, in New York City, and the earthly existence of this entity as a musician in
the Temple Beautiful of Egypt….
Hence we find, as there were those groups that arose from or who had passed
through the various phases of experience in the Temple of Sacrifice (as would be
termed, or the cleansing), they then began in the Temple Beautiful the preparation
for the channel through which all of beauty might be drawn in or to a greater activity.
So the entity may in the application of self in the present become as one who may
write, as one who may direct, as one who may play the character of music (that is
gradually coming into recognition) through which HEALING may be brought even to
diseased as well as dis-eased bodies.
There may be the vibrations by chords and characters of music in which there may
be assistance brought not only to the mentally deficient, the mentally twisted, the
mentally unbalanced, but to even those who have characters of natures of fevers - in
which there are humors within the body itself!
Thus may there again be the effect and the beauty of those things wrought during
that period of activity, through the efforts of the entity in following those things in
As there is the music of the spheres, there is indeed the music of the growing things
in nature. There is then the music of NATURE itself! There is the music of the
growth of the rose, of EVERY plant that bears color, of every one that opens its
blossom for the edification, for the sanctification even of the environs thereabout!
In the study and in the meditation of such, then, as it unfolds itself to the spiritual
awareness of the influences that may bear upon man in the present, the entity may
bring help to the many - individually oft; yea, to masses and to the groups of many
natures, through help of the very nature that was given during that experience.
How, you ask then, may the entity so attune self?
By looking on the beauty of a sunset, of a rose, of a lily, or any of those things in
nature, and - by the very nature of the mood that these create in self - arouse or
bring forth those melodies upon the instruments of the day; the piano, the organ, the
reed or even the stringed instruments; to express the nature of these as they
express themselves in their unfoldment.
And gradually may the entity so enter into the accord with same as to in self
ATTUNE self to that unfoldment, that beauty, that nature to which it adapts itself for
the healing forces necessary for man's awakening to his relationships to the Creative
Forces. (continued on the next page)
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
As the entity advanced through that experience, greater and greater became the
activities. For the entity gained throughout that experience or sojourn. And as there
were the preparations for the varied activities of the peoples as a nation, the entity
developed that which later became the chant which to many would drive away what
was called the evil eye, the evil influence. And, with their variations, many of those
incantations of the savages of today, many of the beautiful martial pieces of music,
many of the beautiful waltzes that give the rhythm to the body, many of the various
characters of music used today have arisen from the efforts of THIS entity. Yet
many, of course, were added to, many were defamed, many were carried into
various forces not intended in the beginning.
But the entity in the present may enter into that manner of expression in music which
will BEST bring HEALING and strength to the body, to the desires towards spiritual
THESE be the channels through which the entity may gain the most.
The entity lived to be a ripe old age, for with the regenerations of the Priest - these
were brought in greater part by those activities of the entity itself in making for those
incantations which raised the influences of the spiritual forces above the secular or
the material things.
Thus the entity lived to be what would be called today the years of two hundred and
fifty-four (254).
Hence many of those of many lands, in their various phases for their own
undertakings, drew from the efforts of the entity in that experience.
(Q) Outline in detail how I could go about the development of self to make this
possible in the highest manner?
(A) By meditation and prayer in the name of that held as highest to the influences to
the Throne itself; for in the TRAINING of the inner self may those ATTUNEMENTS
come - even as there is seen manifested in the mental experience those
intonations that make for the influences upon the impulses, the influences upon the
inner life, are controlled by the gentler, the more delicate tones, rather than the
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Conditions in many ways, PHYSICALLY, are improved in this body. WE will find
that were a specific exercise taken [head and neck exercise and others], with at
least once to three times each week a thorough VIBRATION over the cerebro-spinal
system with the electrically driven vibrator - Don't worry, and eat plenty (that is
assimilated), the conditions should be continuing on the improve….
(Q) What was the cause of the body's apparent set-back during the past week?
(A) Worry. DON'T worry?
(Q) Would the breathing exercises outlined by Dr. Bisey be of help? [Sunker A.
Bisey, East Indian Scientist]
(A) Dependent upon what the body is desiring to DO with itself! Breathing exercises
are always well. It is ALMOST an impossibility for one to take exercises, as has
been outlined, without taking breathing exercise. That as is DEMANDED of the body
from taking this kind or character of exercise is the best. If there are SPECIFIC
conditions to be met, or to be applied for - or to in the body, these may be done -
under different conditions. We are reaching them in another manner. Follow THESE
exercises we have given.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
As we find, the meeting not only of the physical forces but to produce and bring
about the greater abilities in the mental attitude, would be through the breathing
exercises; or the nature of STRETCHING exercise taken WITH the breathing that
would make for keeping the body more near normal, increasing those necessary
influences for the overcoming of the tendencies in the body for those disturbances
Such an exercise would be that described as the STRETCHING of the arms,
the lower limbs, with the intake and the sudden exhale from the lungs themselves;
that not only purifies the activity of the source of energizing - or the energies for the
blood supply - but alleviates those tendencies for the pressures that are indicated in
the cervical areas.
We would keep this a little of morning and a little in the evening before retiring.
The body-activities should be such as to keep the cleansing of the colon;
through the use of enemas that are necessary at times to remove the congestions
through the colon area. Such a colonic irrigation once a month, or the like, will
remove those influences that tend to make for toxic conditions throughout the
These, as we find, will bring the near normal conditions for this body.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The stretching, the breathing, and - most of all for this (the control of the
nerves) - the colonic irrigations will relieve these tensions.
Thus we will find the body RESTING better; more pep, vim and vitality
Do those, in that manner.
Stretch like the cat would; arms above the head, one arm high the other
holding - of course - the side of the nostril; bend to that side, bend through the arms;
through the upper portion of the spine, then through those along the lower portion.
This will make for more symmetrical activities, more rhythm, and be more in
line with the general activity of the body.
While there is a great deal of body movement and activity, these DO NOT
bring into play the muscles and the nerve tendons that are taut in portions of the
body, as would these stretching and breathing exercises - which, in combination, will
overcome these conditions.
And keep the mental body in a constructive manner. Let all of thine activities
be imbued with the spirit of helpful, hopeful purposefulness in every way. And you
will find greater possibilities, greater opportunities. For much is before this body in its
For the disturbances that have for considerable periods at various times
disturbed the body through the soft tissue in face, antrum and especially in the nasal
passages, as combined with the circulation that has been disturbed by the use of
influences to deaden the activity of the nerve system, we would take rather specific
exercises - and breathing exercises - of the nature as may be given here.
These as we find would not only make for the relieving of the tendencies that
occur there at times, but will aid in re-oxidizing the whole of the circulation in such a
manner as to make for a revivifying and re-ionizing of the whole nervous systems;
thus will bring back more body-vitality to the activities of the bodily forces
themselves; and less of the tendency to become so easily tired by mental or physical
activities of the body.
And this will aid - with this character of exercise - to strengthen the muscular
forces of the abdominal area.
Then if this congestion is entirely relieved, by keeping to the activities
indicated, those tendencies for adhesions and for the lesions that form through the
operative forces will be aided through the increased circulation as to also bring the
nearer to normal activities of the body; making for better position of the organs of the
pelvis, making for better assimilations and activities throughout the bodily forces
The exercises as we find that would be indicated for this body are not to be
taken just occasionally, but should be used in a systematic, consistent and
persistent manner for at least periods of three to four weeks; then there may be a
rest period from same for a week to ten days, and then be revived again.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(Q) Please suggest corrective measures for occasional pain in left side.
(A) What have we been doing! All of these symptoms are associated one with the
other; and if there is brought about better accord, better coordinating through the
system, those tensions will be removed that cause these disturbances. Do that.
Would breathing exercise for re-ionizing the system together with the head and
neck exercise be well at this time?
Not until we get the body coordinating better physically and physically-
mentally. Then these exercises would be very well, to keep the activity in body.
(Q) Give instructions whereby I will keep myself in good health through Mind-Power
now latent in self.
(A) By keeping an equal balance in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the
body-functioning. To be sure, it is necessary for normal physical functioning. It is
necessary for normal physical reactions, or the exercise as well as relaxation in
same. The same should apply also to the mental, and also to the spiritual aspects.
For, they are one. But keep a normal balance, not being an extremist in any
direction, - whether in diet, exercise, spirituality or morality, - but in all let there be a
coordinant influence. For, every phase of the physical, mental and spiritual life is
dependent upon the other. They are one, as the Father-God is one.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(Q) What is disease and the purpose of the germs produced; as example, my throat
and gums?
(A) Disease arises from, first, dis-ease - as a normalcy that IS existent and yet
becomes unbalanced. Disease is, or dis-ease is, a state at variance to the ideal or
first cause or first principle. Then, in its final analysis, disease might be called sin. It
is necessary to keep a balance.
And those who are in a material world are naturally subject to, and in contact
with, sin. Thus the individual entity or soul-entity is to meet, to come in contact with,
to overcome, to subdue same. For, what is the first premise? "Be fruitful, multiply,
but SUBDUE the earth."
Then, dis-ease is of the earth-earthy.
(Q) Please describe in detail the breathing exercises you mentioned I should follow,
in the June 10, 1938 Reading?
(A) This as we find is the extension of the limbs and the arms as the body rises for
the intake of the oxygen of a morning. This begins by the gradual raising of the
hands far above the head and a bit forward. Gradually arising upon the toes, and
this of course is preferable with just the toes, - not with shoes on or the like, unless
those that are very soft for such an activity. As the body rises there should be the
deep intake into the lungs. And as the body gradually goes back upon the ball of the
foot and the heel, exhale. Well that there be the practise also of the inhaling for
Strength through the right nostril, and exhaling through the mouth; as well, for the
Spiritual, inhaling through the left nostril, exhaling through the mouth. This, of
course, would be separate from the BODY exercises and limb exercise as the deep
breaths are taken.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(A) Breathing exercises of some natures are VERY good. Some others, for this body
as for many people, would not be good.
Mornings, it is better that these be the enlivening exercises of breathing. When
arising of morning, open the lungs for fresh air - not too many clothing on. Breathe in
deeply through the right nostril, gently rising on the toes, with the arms gradually
extended and raised. This purifies the body. Do this three to four times. One then
dismisses ALL of the carbon dioxide from the lungs and fills them with fresh air,
unless - of course - one is breathing dust or pollen or some other disturbing factor;
but this is presupposing that the body is breathing fresh air, see?
Evenings - before retiring - the inhalations would be to EMPTY the lungs.
These exercises would be more of the bending nature. So, when the body is tired is
the time to use the bending (while when ready to be enlivened of morning, OPEN
the whole lungs and body to the fresh air). These would be good breathing exercises
for this body, as well as any other body.
The bending exercises would be standing erect and bending forward. Then the
stooping and bending forward, see, emptying the body.
The vibrations and the exercises for the body are good and, as often as possible, the
body should take same with the suggestion to self or self control over the physical
conditions, especially, the exercise that will expand the lungs, raising the body at the
same time to tiptoes as much as possible, arms extended at right angle from the
(Q) Would breathing exercises such as those outlined in Dr. Cannon's book,
SLEEPING THROUGH SPACE help the body now?
(A) These will not be well for this body until there are some changes. These require
the activities that would become too much of a set rule of the mental, and the body is
a heap bigger in its mind than Cannon's suggestions. [Dr. Alexander Cannon]
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
9. Now draw the comparisons for meditation: Meditation, then, is prayer, but is
prayer from WITHIN the INNER self, and partakes not only of the physical inner man
but the soul that is aroused by the spirit of man from within.
10. Well, that we consider this from INDIVIDUAL interpretation, as well as from
group interpretation; or individual meditation and group meditation.
11. As has been given, there are DEFINITE conditions that arise from within the
inner man when an individual enters into true or deep meditation. A physical
condition happens, a physical activity takes place! Acting through what? Through
that man has chosen to call the imaginative or the impulsive, and the sources of
impulse are aroused by the shutting out of thought pertaining to activities or
attributes of the carnal forces of man. That is true whether we are considering it from
the group standpoint or the individual. Then, changes naturally take place when
there is the arousing of that stimuli WITHIN the individual that has within it the seat
of the soul's dwelling, within the individual body of the entity or man, and then this
partakes of the individuality rather than the personality.
12. If there has been set the mark (mark meaning here the image that is raised by
the individual in its imaginative and impulse force) such that it takes the form of the
ideal the individual is holding as its standard to be raised to, within the individual as
well as to all forces and powers that are magnified or to be magnified in the world
from without, THEN the individual (or the image) bears the mark of the Lamb, or the
Christ, or the Holy One, or the Son, or any of the names we may have given to that
which ENABLES the individual to enter THROUGH IT into the very presence of that
which is the creative force from within itself - see?
13. Some have so overshadowed themselves by abuses of the mental attributes of
the body as to make scars, rather than the mark, so that only an imperfect image
may be raised within themselves that may rise no higher than the arousing of the
carnal desires within the individual body. We are speaking individually, of course; we
haven't raised it to where it may be disseminated, for remember it rises from the
glands known in the body as the lyden, or to the lyden [Leydig] and through the
reproductive forces themselves, which are the very essence of Life itself within an
individual - see? for these functionings never reach that position or place that they
do not continue to secrete that which makes for virility to an individual physical body.
Now we are speaking of conditions from without and from within!
14. The spirit and the soul is within its encasement, or its temple within the body of
the individual - see? With the arousing then of this image, it rises along that which is
known as the Appian Way, or the pineal center, to the base of the BRAIN, that it may
be disseminated to those centers that give activity to the whole of the mental and
physical being. It rises then to the hidden eye in the center of the brain system, or is
felt in the forefront of the head, or in the place just above the real face - or bridge of
nose, see?
15. Do not be confused by the terms that we are necessarily using to give the exact
location of the activities of these conditions within the individuals, that we may make
this clarified for individuals.
16. When an individual then enters into deep meditation:
17. It has been found throughout the ages (INDIVIDUALS have found) that self-
preparation (to THEM) is necessary. To some it is necessary that the body be
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
cleansed with pure water, that certain types of breathing are taken, that there may
be an even balance in the whole of the respiratory system, that the circulation
becomes normal in its flow through the body, that certain or definite odors produce
those conditions (or are conducive to producing of conditions) that allay or stimulate
the activity of portions of the system, that the more carnal or more material sources
are laid aside, or the whole of the body is PURIFIED so that the purity of thought as
it rises has less to work against in its dissemination of that it brings to the whole of
the system, in its rising through the whole of these centers, stations or places along
the body. To be sure, these are conducive; as are also certain incantations, as a
drone of certain sounds, as the tolling of certain tones, bells, cymbals, drums, or
various kinds of skins. Though we may as higher thought individuals find some fault
with those called savages, they produce or arouse or bring within themselves - just
as we have known, do know, that there may be raised through the battle-cry, there
may be raised through the using of certain words or things, the passion or the thirst
for destructive forces. Just the same may there be raised, not sedative to these but a
CLEANSING of the body.
18. "Consecrate yourselves this day that ye may on the morrow present yourselves
before the Lord that He may speak through YOU!" is not amiss. So, to ALL there
may be given:
19. FIND that which is to YOURSELF the more certain way to your consciousness of
PURIFYING body and mind, before ye attempt to enter into the meditation as to
raise the image of that through which ye are seeking to know the will or the activity
of the Creative Forces; for ye are RAISING in meditation actual CREATION taking
place within the inner self!
20. When one has found that which to self cleanses the body, whether from the
keeping away from certain foods or from certain associations (either man or
woman), or from those thoughts and activities that would hinder that which is to be
raised from FINDING its full measure of expression in the INNER man (INNER man,
or inner individual, man or woman, meaning in this sense those radial senses from
which, or centers from which all the physical organs, the mental organs, receive their
stimuli for activity), we readily see how, then, IN meditation (when one has so
purified self) that HEALING OF EVERY kind and nature may be disseminated on the
wings of thought, that are so much a thing - and so little considered by the tongue
that speaks without taking into consideration what may be the end thereof!
21. Now, when one has cleansed self, in whatever manner it may be, there may be
no fear that it will become so overpowering that it will cause any physical or mental
disorder. It is WITHOUT the cleansing that entering any such finds ANY type or form
of disaster, or of pain, or of any dis-ease of any nature. It is when the thoughts, then,
or when the cleansings of GROUP meditations are conflicting that such meditations
call on the higher forces raised within self for manifestations and bring those
conditions that either draw one closer to another or make for that which shadows
[shatters?] much in the experiences of others; hence short group meditations with a
CENTRAL thought around some individual idea, or either in words, incantations, or
by following the speech of one sincere in abilities, efforts or desires to raise a
cooperative activity IN the minds, would be the better.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
22. Then, as one formula - not the only one, to be sure - for an individual that would
enter into meditation for self, for others:
23. Cleanse the body with pure water. Sit or lie in an easy position, without binding
garments about the body. Breathe in through the right nostril three times, and exhale
through the mouth. Breathe in three times through the left nostril and exhale through
the right. Then, either with the aid of a low music, or the incantation of that which
carries self deeper - deeper - to the seeing, feeling, experiencing of that image in the
creative forces of love, enter into the Holy of Holies. As self feels or experiences the
raising of this, see it disseminated through the INNER eye (not the carnal eye) to
that which will bring the greater understanding in meeting every condition in the
experience of the body. Then listen to the music that is made as each center of thine
own body responds to that new creative force that little by little this entering in will
enable self to renew all that is necessary - in Him.
24. First, CLEANSE the room; cleanse the body; cleanse the surroundings, in
thought, in act! Approach not the inner man, or the inner self, with a grudge or an
unkind thought held against ANY man! or do so to thine own undoing sooner or later!
25. Prayer and meditation:
26. Prayer is the concerted effort of the physical consciousness to become attuned
to the consciousness of the Creator, either collectively or individually! MEDITATION
is EMPTYING self of all that hinders the creative forces from rising along the natural
channels of the physical man to be disseminated through those centers and sources
that create the activities of the physical, the mental, the spiritual man; properly done
must make one STRONGER mentally, physically, for has it not been given? He
went in the strength of that meat received for many days? Was it not given by Him
who has shown us the Way, "I have had meat that ye know not of"? As we give out,
so does the WHOLE of man - physically and mentally become depleted, yet in
entering into the silence, entering into the silence in meditation, with a clean hand, a
clean body, a clean mind, we may receive that strength and power that fits each
individual, each soul, for a greater activity in this material world.
27. "Be not afraid, it is I." Be sure it is Him we worship that we raise in our inner
selves for the dissemination; for, as He gave, "Ye must eat of my BODY; ye must
drink of MY blood." Raising then in the inner self that image of the Christ, love of the
God-Consciousness, is MAKING the body so cleansed as to be barred against all
powers that would in any manner hinder.
28. Be thou CLEAN, in Him.
29. We are through for the present.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Those who attend the conferences on holistic health at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. know the importance of
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Prevent the gradual loss of body and mind function associated with physical inactivity.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation