Authois Note Naiina Beinanuez, 0nline Nasteis in Euucational Technology stuuent, Azusa Pacific 0niveisity. Conceins iegaiuing this exploiation shoulu be auuiesseu to Naiina Beinanuez, Bepaitment of 0nline Nasteis in Euucational Technology, Azusa Pacific 0niveisity. E-mail: maiinaheinanuezu9apu.euu EB0CATI0NAL TECBN0L0uY }00RNEY
2 !"#$%&'()%* ,-$.)(*(/0 1(#2)-0 3'4&(20 (5 6(#24-7(28 6(#24- 6(#24- ,'&*- 9 :)4&2#$&(2 ;%<-= ,-2< 6(<>*- &-" ?-0 @-%2)')/ !A,6 BCC Founuation in Euucational Technology INSTR0CT0R: Kathleen Bacei Fall 1 2u1S Aciobat skills, such as auuing post-it notes, highlighting anu auuing buttons !AD6 BEE Leaining in the 21st Centuiy INSTR0CT0R: Couiuuff Spiing 2u12 uaiunei's Nultiple Intelligence Leain to cieate viueo
!A,6 BCF
Telecommunications INSTR0CT0R: }oe Biuzzese Fall 2 2u1S Website builuing skills. viitual connection such as skype anu hangouts !A,6 BEF Special Topics INSTR0CT0R: Baiiy Bettgei Fall 2 2u1S Incoipoiation of viueo within cuiiiculum. Technology incoipoiation of uevices
!A,6 BCG
ulobal LeainingCioss-Cultuial Classioom INSTR0CT0R: Kathleen Bacei Spiing 1 2u14 Incoipoiation of cultuial leaining. uLP uevelopment anu implementation. Auveitisement elements foi uLP !A,6 BEH Instiuctional BesignBevelopment INSTR0CT0R: Kathleen Bacei Spiing 1 2u14 Bevelopment foi lesson planning. Elements of backwaiu uesign lesson plan mouel
!A,6 BEI
Instiuctional Apps of Bypeimeuia INSTR0CT0R: Lauia Silva Spiing 2 2u14 Bevelopment of tiust monitoi policy anu site mapping foi web-uesign. !AD6 BCH Bigital viueo in the Classioom
INSTR0CT0R: NcKean Spiing 2u12 Cieateu INovie Shoot, up loau to you tube anu euit Pictuie effects
Evolving Euucational Technologies
INSTR0CT0R: Lee Spiing 2u12 Piezi, Class website Blog, Auuio Poucast voucast, Woiule Scieen snaps, Auuacity !AD6 BEJ Applications of Tech Suppoiteu Elisabeth Silvei INSTR0CT0R: Summe i 1 2u14 Evaluate school technology plan anu stuuent impiovement plan.
!A,6 BEK
Capstone Expeiience Bigital Teaching anu Leaining
INSTR0CT0R: Kathleen Bacei Fall 2u14 ReflectionSelf evaluation uiowth assessment e-poitfolio. !AD6 BCE Instiuctional Applications Piouuctivity Softwaie INSTR0CT0R: Beinanuez Spiing 2u12 Aciobat WebQuest Nail Neige Spieausheets on Excel EB0CATI0NAL TECBN0L0uY }00RNEY
S L2-%4 (5 M2(7&. N-24()%* M2(7&.O As pait of my own continuous euucational involvement anu uevelopment with technology, my inteipeisonal leaining style has helpeu me mastei inuiviuual peisonal giowth. I have gaineu skills such as establishing bettei habits in oiuei to facilitate my iesponsibility as an euucatoi, collaboiateu with othei euucatois to enhance leaining, anu the ability to uevelop a moie efficient piofessional ielationship with stuuents. The piogiams couisewoik has enlighten my own peisonal leaining style in oiuei to pioviue the best possible instiuction to leaineis touay. I have leaineu to evaluate in uepth uaiunei's multiple intelligence baseu on Nckenzie (2uuS), in oiuei to facilitate the uemanus of technology that euucation iequiies foi the uiveise leaining styles (p.S8). I now know how to incoipoiate uiffeient means of technology within instiuction to accommouate all leaining styles anu the evolving uemanu of oui times, baseu on the knowleuge of my own peisonal leaining style. Accoiuing to Shelly (2u12), "the age of conveigence will continue to evolve in new, exciting, anu yet to be ueteimineu ways as we live, teach, leain anu woik in the seconu uecaue of this centuiy" (p. S). Theiefoie, continueu peisonal giowth will always facilitate teaching anu leaining. In auuition, I have also been gifteu with gieat colleagues anu euucatois. In times of oveiwhelming woikloaus anu fiustiation, I have hau the oppoitunity to comfoit my uistiess with gieat people that I have met in the mastei's piogiam. The moial, as well as the cheeiing suppoit have given me motivation to accomplish my goals. The knowleugeable euucatois that I have met pioviueu me a helping hanu at the piecise moment. EB0CATI0NAL TECBN0L0uY }00RNEY
4 Fuitheimoie, I have wiueneu my knowleuge by pioviuing a moie uefineu anu focuseu euucational guiue foi otheis to accomplish theii own peisonal goals. I always consiuei myself a motivatoi. Nonetheless, the appiehension obtaineu in the piogiam has pioviueu the appiopiiate piofessional tools that guiue anu encouiage leaineis to fuithei theii abilities to accomplish theii own goals. To wiap up my euucational jouiney so fai, anu my peisonal giowth accomplishments, I am ceitain that upon the achievement of this uegiee I will attain much moie than just an euucation, I will inheiit a life style that will offei wisuom, paitneiship anu suppoit to oneself anu to those who wish to ieach theii own peisonal goals. N2(5-44'()%* M2(7&.O As pait of my piofessional giowth, this mastei's piogiam has given me confiuence to unueistanu my inuiviuual position as an euucatoi in the 21 st
centuiy. I have uevelopeu skills that have uemonstiateu meaningful instiuction anu have impacteu my caieei in a positive mannei. Ny piofessional accomplishments have cleaily uevelopeu confiuence thiough my jouiney with Azusa Pacific 0niveisity. The incoipoiation of technology has playeu the biggest pait of continueu piofessional ueteimination. Fiom my BA to wheie I stanu touay, I can unuoubteuly say that I have become a competent anu knowleugeable euucatoi. This jouiney has pioviueu me with the piopei tools neeueu to engenuei stuuents' success. When I initiateu this jouiney, I knew that it woulu piesent goou anu bau moments, yet I also was suie that becoming an euucatoi was, anu is my calling. Fuitheimoie, I then uiscoveieu that becoming a goou euucatoi meant much moie than just obtaining a title, it iequiieu a lot of peisonal coiiection, saciifices anu haiuwoik! EB0CATI0NAL TECBN0L0uY }00RNEY
S Not only has knowleugeable assuiance playeu a iole on my piofessional giowth, but the ability to uevelop instiuction in meaningful ways has guiueu my giowth. The gift of being in the euucation fielu allows me to continuously offei new anu ienovating methous of leaining foi my stuuents. Incoipoiating technology within instiuction has expanueu knowleuge in my piofession. Nethous such as web uesign have enhanceu my piofessional giowth anu have offeieu an oppoitunity to incoipoiate leaining in a moie natuial way foi touay's native technology leaineis. Kiug (2u14), confiims by stating that "when I look at a web page it shoulu be self- eviuent. 0bvious. Self-explanatoiy" (p. 11). In auuition, I've obtaineu confiuence fiom the evolving euucation technology couises to piesent techniques such as the flip classioom, oi to incoipoiate peisonal instiuctional uigital viueos into instiuction, in oiuei to contiibute into the uemanus anu uevelopments of touay's society. Fuitheimoie, the impact that giowth will caiiy as an euucatoi will continue being an evolving piocess. Technology is an impoitant auvancement into the enlightenment of inuiviuual knowleuge. I believe that as an euucatoi it is my iesponsibility to catei to euucation as it auvances. It is cleai to me that this jouiney will be a continuous uevelopment towaius thiiving foi the best. Technology, as pait of my piofessional giowth uoes not only contiibute to society touay, but it is also a poweiful way to facilitate leaining. I believe that as an euucatoi I must thiive into constantly evolving anu impioving instiuction. The gift of becoming a piofessional has not only stiaighteneu my vision, but it has expanueu it by the enuless techniques obtaineu within the piogiam. Thiough couiage, guiuance anu an impacting enueavoi I can be ceitain that I have taken a step fuithei in my piofessional goals. EB0CATI0NAL TECBN0L0uY }00RNEY
6 ,-$.)'$%* M2(7&.O As pait of my technical giowth, I must say that technology has showeu me effective ways to engage youth into euucation woiluwiue. I have also auvanceu my abilities to facilitate the piocess of leaining by incoipoiating new anu ienovateu technological methous, as well as to impiove my awaieness towaius uigital citizenship. All of these elements aie components that help in the piocess of leaining. In othei woius, technology touay is pait of leaining. I think that moie than just suppoiting chiluien leaining, technology has become the euucatoi. As the woilu aiounu us continues to evolve, I have gaineu the knowleuge to facilitate the engagement of technology in touay's classioom. The focus of my technical giowth has openeu the possibilities of instiuction woiluwiue. The piogiam has uemonstiateu me euucational engagement thiough piojects such as the, ulobal Leaining Pioject (uLP) that involve euucational uevelopment woiluwiue. The cultuial engagement with these piojects has been a way to uemonstiate the enuless possibilities of the use of technology foi positive builuup. The tools obtaineu have been effective methous thiough the use of technology that enhance leaining. I staiteu this piogiam by knowing how to open a viueo, now I am able to cieate viueos to enhance lessons anu to maintain stuuent aleitness. I think that it is impoitant to allow stuuents to be taught with innovating anu exciting uevices anu my position shoulu be of a guiue anu suppoitei. I have been able to not only cieate sites that will pioviue instiuctional guiuance to stuuents anuoi teacheis, but also I have obtaineu the knowleuge to engage technological native stuuents in piojects woiluwiue. In auuition, applications such as Piezi, which cieates piesentations, pioviue an oppoitunity to offei instiuctional suppoit anu expanu cieativity in touay's leaineis. EB0CATI0NAL TECBN0L0uY }00RNEY
7 Fuitheimoie, uigital citizenship has become a majoi awaieness in my leaining path, because it is a mattei that as Ribble (2u11) points out "involves the appiopiiate use of all cuiient uigital technologies, as well as technologies that aie still in uevelopment" (p. 11S). With this saiu, I have become awaie of the neeu to euucate oui native technological stuuents in the uiiection that will foim iesponsible auults with the use of the fast paste technology uevelops. As I evaluate my technical giowth, I am confiuent that I have been pait of a continueu uevelopment in touay's technology native society. By woiluwiue engagement, the use of piopei technological tools anu piopei citizenship, my continues assistance with technological instiuction will offei stuuents the oppoitunity to become motivateu foi leaining anu also pioviue them the benefit of becoming moie self-efficient. As a iesult stuuents will acquiie a sense of self-accomplishment. @'5- @()/ @-%2)')/ N*%)O I am thiilleu when it comes to leaining; theiefoie, enhancing knowleuge foi life is a topic I stiongly stanu by. As pait of what I have acquiieu in this piogiam, I plan on: Becoming moie involveu within my PLC netwoik. Leaining efficient technical uevelopments that will facilitate instiuction. Naintaining a leaining plan thiough collaboiation with piofessionals. 6()$*#4'()O Buiing my time in the piogiam, I have not only enhanceu my leaining tiemenuously, but I have also acquiieu tools that have shapeu me as an euucatoi. The tiaining that I have ieceiveu has pioviueu me with assuiance anu self-confiuence to face the euucational fielu as a piofessional. I have obtaineu, thiough the couisewoik the EB0CATI0NAL TECBN0L0uY }00RNEY
8 backbone necessaiy to pioviue the tools foi success to any stuuent, with the confiuence that they will become successful. I believei that one of the stiengths of the piogiam is the focus on pioviuing assistance to otheis. The availability of the instiuctois, ieally helps me feel as pait of a piofessional suppoit team. 0ne of the challenges that I faceu in the piogiam was the woikloau uistiibution. I ieally enjoy leaning new concepts veisus spenuing houis anu houis uoing ieseaich. To me, quality instiuction is stiongei than quantity.
9 P-5-2-)$-4 Kiug, S. (2u14). !"#$% '()* +* ,-.#)/ 0*1.2.%*34 5 6"++"# 7*#2* 5889"(:- %" ;*< (#3 '"<.=* >2(<.=.%?. 0niteu States of Ameiica: New Riueis Pub. Shelly, u. B., uuntei, u. A., & uuntei, R. E. (2u12). ,*(:-*92 !.2:"1*9.#@ 6"+8A%*92 B#%*@9(%.#@ ,*:-#"="@? .# ( 6"##*:%*3 ;"9=3 (7 th eu.). Boston, Nass.: Couise Technology Cengage Leaining. Ribble, N. (2u11). !.@.%(= 6.%.C*#2-.8 .# 7:-""=2 (2 nu eu.). Eugene, 0iegon.: Inteinational Society foi Technology in Euucation. NcKenzie, W. (2uuS). 'A=%.8=* B#%*==.@*#:*2 (#3 B#2%9A:%."#(= ,*:-#"="@? (2 nu eu.). Washington, BC.: Inteinational Society foi Technology in Euucation.