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EDRS 8000 Applied Qualitative and Quantitative Research

EDRS 8000 Applied Qualitative and Quantitative Research was quite an experience for me. I
have never been exposed to such in depth discussions regarding research. I learned that one of
the most important steps to a successful research proposal is organization. The researcher must
have a checklist of items that need to be completed and must have a place to keep all plans.
When I decided on my topic for research, I completed a Literature Review Map. I found this to
be quite helpful in completing my research proposal. I had a list of resources and an at a glance
guide for each one.
My takeaway from this class would be to determine what organizational strategies work for me
and stick to them. This is something that would be beneficial for all areas of my career not just
when conducting research.
ITEC 7305 ~ Data Analysis and School Improvement
This course helped prepare me for using data in future. We discussed using a wide range of data sources
such as daily classwork, standardized assessments, and classroom observations. The end of the course
was based around an action plan we had to create based on what we had learned and practiced so far in
the course. I found this course to be very helpful in clearing up any confusion and misconceptions I had
about using data and knowing how to analyze it properly. The elevator speech assignment made it seem
as if we were truly in the position as a data coach at our school. We had to create a quick blurb to present
to our faculty about the data initiative and why it was needed. Creating an instructional initiatives
inventory opened my eyes to all of the resources we have readily available for usage at our school. I was
happy to share this chart with coworkers to refresh their memories on what all was available. I found the
data overview presentation to be the most beneficial assignment. I was able to dig through the data from
my school and locate strengths and weaknesses. Comparing my school's progress over the last 3 years
with the progress with the rest of the county was quite interesting. I plan to apply the information
obtained in this course by personally being more effective with my use of data. I have also already shared
useful tips and strategies with my coworkers. The biggest challenge I see with having coworkers
implement these great strategies is that many people are afraid of change. It is easy for some to get used
to the same things over and over. These same people have a difficult time adjusting to new curriculum,
assessment, and ways to look at data. I hope that I can take this information and present it to my
coworkers in a way that they will be excited to jump right in and become more effective for our students!
Internet Tools for the Classroom ~ ITEC 7430
I have just finished an extremely busy semester at Kennesaw State University! One of the courses I took
this summer was, Internet Tools for the Classroom. Over the summer semester I have learned A TON of
useful tips and tools to use in my classroom as well as in my personal life. I learned about Podcasts,
Blogging, Wiki, Twitter, Creative Commons, Voice Thread, and screencasts. I didn't even know how to
approach any of those internet tools until this course. I am most looking forward to using screencasts in
my classroom. Using screencasts of daily lessons would be especially beneficial for students who are
absent or frequently late for class. They are also beneficial for review and students with special needs.
Parents can watch screencasts if they are posted to a class website or blog. This would help parents
remain aware of what is going on inside the classroom and what their children are expected to do. I took a

unit about the novel Number the Stars and created a screencast using the information from the unit. I plan
to use that screencast in my classroom next year.
We also completed a unit about teaching English Language Learners. This was a great refersher for me. I
started my teaching career at a school with a high ELL population, but I am currently at a school with
little to no ELL students. I am glad I had the opportunity to review some tips and tools to use when
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and found the information covered to be beneficial for me as a classroom
teacher as well as a future technology coach. As a life-long learner, it is important for me to be
challenged. This summer has definitely been a challenge. The courses have been slammed with
information and assignments. I am confident in my abilities to apply what I have learned this summer into
all of my future endeavors in the education world.
ITEC 7410 ~ Course Reflection
This summer at Kennesaw State University has been jam-packed. I have learned more about technology
and how to apply it to my classroom than I ever thought I would. One course that I took this summer
was Technology Leadership and Vision in Schools. This course required me to complete several
assignments that would showcase my newly acquired knowledge of how to use technology in schools. I
completed a Vision Paper which stated a new technology-based vision for my school and outlined goals
for how my school would achieve this vision. I then completed a SWOT analysis about my school. This
SWOT focused on effective uses of technology, a shared vision for the school, planning for technology,
equitable access, skilled personnel, ongoing professional learning, technical support, and curriculum
frameworks. The final assignment was to create an action plan for my school using what I have learned
over this course. The action plan gave ideas and tips on how to help the school achieve the goals set forth
in the vision statement. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and found the information covered to be
beneficial for me as a classroom teacher as well as a future technology coach.
As a life-long learner, it is important for me to be challenged. This summer has definitely been a
challenge. The courses have been slammed with information and assignments. I am confident in my
abilities to apply what I have learned this summer into all of my future endeavors in the education world.
ITEC 7445 Multimedia and Web Design in Education
The course Multimedia and Web Design exposed me to a multitude of programs that are introduced the
principles of design: alignment, proximity, repetition and contrast. We practiced using the principles of
design through a variety of activities such as creating Screencasts using the program Jing and creating an
audio track using I also created a multimedia presentation that introduces the
principles of design and gives helpful tips on what programs to use within the classroom. I created this
presentation using
This course will help me become a better classroom teacher and in the future, a better technology coach. I
have been exposed to different web-based programs and been given opportunities for practice with each
one. Taking the knowledge from this course will help me in the future.

ITEC 7400 21st Teaching and Learning

I have just finished my first semester at Kennesaw State University! I am so pleased with the
university so far and the interactions I have had with the faculty and other students attending.
One of the first courses I took was, 21st Teaching and Learning. This course helped introduce a
variety of ways to integrate technology into my daily teaching. Integrating technology can
increase LoTi levels and Engaged Learning Indicators. Student engagement is a huge factor in
student success rates. Increasing technology usage is a fabulous way to help promote this type of
success. Each week modules were completed that gave me practice with creating assignments,
coaching my peers, and reading a variety of materials published on LoTi levels and Engaged
Learning Indicators. As the course progressed, I began to feel more and more confident in my
abilities to reach all students through the use of technology integration.
I am confident that continuing to have courses such as this one will help increase my abilities
and knowledge toward becoming a technology coach. I am glad that I was able to collaborate
with my peers and instructor in creating discussion boards as well as our final project for this
course. I look forward to continuing my work as a KSU student and continuing my path of being
a life-long learner.

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