Appendix H Statistics: Description Total

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Appendix H Statistics
Description Total
Total submissions 35 014
Submitted electronically 26 650
Submitted via post 8 364
Campaign submissions 27 112
GetUp! 14 604
Amnesty International Australia 10 488
Other campaigns 2 020
Individuals and other organisations 7 902

Human Rights Act
For 27 888
Against 4 203
Reform options (support for)
Increased parliamentary scrutiny 202
Increased human rights education/culture 1 197
Strengthening of Australian Human Rights Commission 318
Strengthening other oversight bodies/mechanisms 97
Whole of government approach/plan for compliance 58
Human rights audit of legislation, policies and practices 133
Promoting human rights in the public sector 116
Human rights in administrative decision making 72
Human rights compliance in the private sector 36
Enhanced role of NGOs 15
Access to justice 1 083
Strengthening or reforming anti-discrimination legislation 71
Targeted human rights legislation 344
Human rights impact statements 61
Indigenous measures 111
Community roundtables 66
Locations of community roundtables 52
Individuals registered to attend community roundtables 5 554
Public hearings
Individuals registered to attend 756
Speakers 60

460 |
Human Rights Consultation Committee Report

Description Total
Phone survey
Participants 1 200
Focus group research
Participants 125
Devolved consultation
Participants 40
NGOs 9
Online participation
National Human Rights Consultation online forum
Posts 8 932
Visits 12 622
Australian Youth Forum
Posts 45
Votes 600
National Human Rights Consultation website
Hits 394 522
Average hits per day 2 174
Visits 60 549
Average visits per day 334
Calls received 2 198

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