Appendix F The Public Hearings: Appendixes

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Appendix F The public hearings
The Committee held three days of public hearings, from 1 to 3 July 2009, in the Great Hall of
Parliament House in Canberra. The following people spoke:
Abdo OAM, Maha Krayem
Aly, Waleed
Anderson, Alan
Baker MLA, Lisa
Banks, Robin
Bingham of Cornhill KG, PC, FBA, Lord Thomas
Brandis SC, Senator the Hon. George
Branson QC, the Hon. Catherine
Burgess, Mark
Carr, the Hon. Robert
Charlesworth AM, Professor Hilary
Clerahan, Liza
Cowdery AM, QC, Nicholas
Craven, Professor Greg
Croome AM, Rodney
Debus MP, the Hon. Robert
Evans, Harry
Falzon, Dr John
Forsyth, Right Reverend Robert
Francis, Neil
Galligan, Professor Brian
Gerber, Paula
Gordon AM, Dr Sue
Hatzistergos MLC, the Hon. John
Havnen, Olga
Heerey QC, the Hon. Peter
Hodges, Auwa Benny
Horrigan, Professor Bryan
Hunt, Murray
Innes AM, Graeme
Irlam, Corey
Irving, Professor Helen
Joseph, Rita
Kayess, Rosemary

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Human Rights Consultation Committee Report

Langdon, Elizabeth
Leeser, Julian
Lynch, Phil
Mallinson, Claire
Matthews, Linda
McMahon, Felicity
McMillan, Professor John
Merkel QC, the Hon. Ronald
Mitchell, Bill
Najib, Mustafa
Naylor, Ines
OConnell APM, Michael
Overall, Tiffany
Overland, Simon
Owen, Emma
Patterson, Michelle
Phillips, Jacqueline
Podger, Professor Andrew
Rees AM, Emeritus Professor Stuart
Richardson-Dunai, Stella
Riebl, Cecilia
Roach, Vickie
Robertson QC, Professor Geoffrey
Ryan AO, the Hon. Susan
Santow, Edward
Sheikh, Simon
Stellato, Chiara Ariza
Stone, Professor Adrienne
Straw MP, the Rt Hon. Jack
Szoke, Dr Helen
Tate AO, Reverend Father the Hon. Michael
Tee MP, Brian
Varghese, James
Wallace AM, Brigadier (Retd) Jim
Watchirs, Dr Helen
Webster AO, Emeritus Professor Ian
Williams, Professor George
Wood, Janet

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