3-3-14 Agenda

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1000 Blakely Street

West City, Illinois 62812
March , 201!
1" Call to #r$er
2" %oll Call
" %ea$in& an$ A''ro(al o) Min*tes
!" Bills an$ Clai+s )or Boar$ Decisions
," %eco&nition o) those in the a*$ience -ho ha(e co+'laints, 'ro.le+s, re/*ests )or 'er+its,
etc0 1other than ro*tine .*siness o) the .oar$"0
6" 2resentation o) re'orts o) (ario*s 3illa&e #))icials an$ De'art+ent 4ea$s as )ollo-s5
a" 6reas*rer7s %e'ort
." Clerk7s %e'ort
c" 8onin& A$+inistrator7s %e'ort
$" 2olice Chie)7s %e'ort
e" 9ire Chie)7s %e'ort
)" Street : Water S*'erinten$ent7s %e'ort
;" 2resentation o) Mayor7s re'ort an$ Mayor7s re/*ests )or action .y the Boar$
a" Disc*ss : 'ossi.ly take action on a''oint+ent an$ re+o(al o) 'ersonnel
." Disc*ss : 'ossi.ly take action on resi$ency re/*ire+ents
c" 6ake action to a''oint an IM%9 a*thori<e$ a&ent
$" Disc*ss : 'ossi.ly take action on $onation to EDC
e" Disc*ss : 'ossi.ly take action on $onation to a$(ertise in 4i&h School 2ro&ra+
)" Disc*ss : 'ossi.ly take action on s*r'l*s e/*i'+ent
&" Disc*ss : take action on '*rchasin& t-o ra$ar *nits )or 2olice cars
h" Disc*ss : take action on '*rchasin& tint +eters )or 2olice De't0
i" Disc*ss oil -ells
=" Disc*ss : 'ossi.ly take action on a+en$in& li/*or or$inance
8" 2resentation o) re'orts an$ re/*est )or action .y stan$in& co++ittees o) the Boar$5
a" Street an$ Alley
." 9inance : Ins*rance
c" Clai+s
$" #r$inances
i" Disc*ss : take action on a''ro'riation or$inance
e" >tilities
i" Disc*ss : take action on -ater .ill )or West City Ch*rch o) Go$
ii" Disc*ss : take action on sen$in& M0 Clark to +os/*ito trainin&
)" B*il$in& : Gro*n$s
&" 2*.lic Sa)ety
h" 2*rchasin& : S*''lies
i" 2ersonnel
?" %e'ort an$ re/*ests )or action .y s'ecial co++ittees o) the Boar$
10" >n)inishe$ B*siness o) the Boar$
11" E@ec*ti(e session o) the Boar$
12" Ne- B*siness
1" A$=o*rn+ent

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