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Art Lesson Plan
Title: Maasai color wheel necklace Unit: African Art
Grade level (s): 4-5 th grade Medium: Multimedia- Mied media !uggested Time: "#5 $ % class &eriods Instructional Objectives (2-3): '!tudents will recogni(e the im&ortance of the culture of the Maasai and how it influences art# ()!) '!tudents will distinguish from the &rimar* and secondar* colors on the color wheel and a&&l* to the Maasai necklace# Elements of Art ("-+) line, color, sha&e, form, s&ace, teture, value '-ine '.olor '!ha&e Principles of Desin ("-+) re&etition, &attern, movement, /alance, em&hasis, contrast, unit* '0e&etition '1attern 'Unit* !aterials an" E#uipment: $%arn $!ar&ers $'(arpie $)ra*ons $)olor +(eel ,or&s(eet $ 'tapler $-ole punc(er $'cissors .ocabular* (/-0): $1ribe $Primar* )olors $)omplimentar* )olors $'econ"ar* )olors $!aasai 2ec&lace Art Pro"uction (/ased on Madeline 2unter model) "#antici&ator* set %# state o/3ectives +# 4n&ut: art histor*, instructions 4#demonstration, modeling 5# check for understanding 5# guided &ractice 6# inde&endent &ractice 7# closure "# !how classroom videos of the Maasai tri/e# %# 1ass around an actual Maasai necklace# +# !tudents will com&lete a color wheel worksheet# 4# Using &a&er &late into si sections and color them according to the color wheel# 5# .ut out the center of the &late then take the center and cut a s8uare and sta&le to the /ottom of necklace# 6# Using a shar&ie start to draw &atterns and lines# 7# 9hole &unch five circles to the /ottom and ass string to it# Art -istor* 3 4esources (2-/): $.i"eos on class $Actual !aasai nec&lace Aest(etic 5uestions (6-2): Di" stu"ents create a pattern7 Di" t(e stu"ents put colors in t(e correct or"er accor"in to t(e color ,(eel7 Art )riticism 3 Anal*sis 5uestions (3-0): $.erbal $Active $!a* put nec&lace on an" tal& about it "urin t(e class perio"s8 Evaluation )riteria (s(oul" relate to objectives): $+or" cross pu99le8