Nyquist Stability Criteria

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Nyquist Stability Criteria

The Nyquist Stability Criteria is a test for system stability, just like the Routh-Hurwitz test,
or the Root-Locus Methodology. However, the Nyquist Criteria can also give us additional
information about a system. Routh- Hurwitz and Root-Locus can tell us where the poles of
the system are for particular values of gain. By altering the gain of the system, we can
determine if any of the poles move into the RHP, and therefore become unstable. The
Nyquist Criteria, however, can tell us things about the frequency characteristics of the
system. For instance, some systems with constant gain might be stable for low-frequency
inputs, but become unstable for high-frequency inputs.
Also, the Nyquist Criteria can tell us things about the phase of the input
signals, the time-shift of the system, and other important information.
Nyquist Criteria

Let us first introduce the most important equation when dealing with the Nyquist criterion:
N is the number of encirclements of the (-1, 0) point.
Z is the number of zeros of the characteristic equation.
P is the number of poles of the characteristic equation.
With this equation stated, we can now state the Nyquist Stability Criterion:
A feedback control system is stable, if and only if the contour F(s) in the F(s) plane
does not encircle the (-1, 0) point when P is 0.

A feedback control system is stable, if and only if the contour F(s) in the F(s) plane encircles
the (-1, 0) point a number of times equal to the number of poles of F(s) enclosed by .

In other words, if P is zero then N must equal zero. Otherwise, N must equal P. Essentially,
we are saying that Z must always equal zero, because Z is the number of zeros of the
characteristic equation (and therefore the number of poles of the closed-loop transfer
function) that are in the right-half of the s plane. Keep in mind that we don't necessarily know
the locations of all the zeros of the characteristic equation. So if we find, using the nyquist
criterion, that the number of poles is not equal to N, then we know that there must be a zero
in the right-half plane, and that therefore the system is unstable.

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