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The Nyquist Stability Criterion

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The Nyquist Stability Criterion

Born in 1889 in Sweden

Died in 1976, USA
Yale PhD, 1917
Career at Bell Labs
138 patents
Nyquist diagram,
criterion, sampling
Laid the foundation for
information theory, data
transmission and
negative feedback theory
Frequency Response Plots

| G ( ω ) |= Re 2 ( ω ) + Im 2 ( ω )
Im( ω )
φ = tan −1

Re( ω )

(Review Appendix G in textbook)

Frequency Response Plots
1st Order

Im( ω ) − ω / ω1 ω
φ (ω ) = tan −1 = tan −1 = − tan −1 ( )
Re( ω ) 1 ω1
Polar Plot or Nyquist Diagram
G (s) = 2rd system
s ( s τ + 1)

Im(ω) −1 − Kω −1 1
φ (ω) = tan
= tan = tan ( )
Re(ω) − Kω τ
Polar Plots and the Nyquist Criterion
• We have seen how to generate polar
plots of the frequency response.

• The Nyquist criterion is a way of

interpreting the polar plot to determine

• The frequency response in the entire

right-half s- plane with s=-j∞ to s=+j∞
is the critical section of the Nyquist contour.
Mapping Contours in the s-Plane

• Nyquist stability criterion based on

Cauchy theorem on functions of a
complex variable

• Mapping contours
in the s-plane.
Mapping Contours in the s-Plane

Closed contours
Conformal mapping (angles are preserved)
Mapping Contours in the s-Plane

S-plane F(s)-plane
Cauchy’s Theorem: Principle of the
If a contour in the s-plane encircles Z zeros and P
poles of F(s ) and does not pass through any poles or
zeros of F(s ) and the traversal is in the clockwise
direction along the contour, the corresponding contour
in the F(s)-plane encircles the origin of the F(s)-plane
N=Z-P times in the clockwise direction


S-plane F(s)-plane
Illustration of Cauchy’s Theorem

Illustration of Cauchy’s Theorem

The Nyquist Criterion
The Nyquist contour encircles the entire right-half s- plane

For the system to be stable, all

zeros (or roots) of F(s ) must lie in
the left-hand s-plane.
The number of unstable zeros of F(s)
is thus
Where N is the number encirclements
of the origin.

When the system is open- loop stable

P=0 and then Z=N
The Nyquist Criterion
In practice it is more convenient to
consider the mapping

in which case becomes the number

of clockwise encirclements of the -1
The Nyquist contour encircles the entire right-half s- plane

Z is unstable zero and P is unstable pole if they are lied within

Nyquist contour.
The Nyquist Criterion
Z=N+P For stable system, the closed loop Z=0.
1) Open-loop stable plant Z=0 => N=0

A feedback system is stable if and only if the contour

in the -plane does not encircle the (-1,0) point.

2) Open-loop unstable plant Z=0 => N=-P

A feedback system is stable if and only if, for the

contour in the -plane, the number of
counterclockwise of the (-1,0) point is equal to the
number P of poles of with positive real parts.
System with Two Real Poles
K 100
GH ( s ) = =
(τ 1s + 1)(τ 2 s + 1) ( s + 1)(0.1s + 1)

hence for stability we require Z=N=0,

i.e. the contour must not encircle the -1 point in the GH(s)-plane.
System with a Pole at the Origin

R=ε >0

The Cauchy theorem requires

Modified or indented
that the contour cannot pass
Nyquist contour
through the pole
System with a Pole at the Origin
Small circular detour represented by where

varies from

for this portion is an infinite semi-circle

going from
and passing through
System with a Pole at the Origin

Portion from

Magnitude is zero when r is infinite

System with a Pole at the Origin

R=ε >0

The Cauchy theorem requires
Modified or indented
that the contour cannot pass
Nyquist contour
through the pole
System with Three Poles
System with Three Poles

The system is stable or not depending on the k value.

System with Three Poles
System with Two Poles at the Origin

Angle of
Unstable for all K
N=2 hence Z=2, i.e. two roots in the RHP
System with a Pole in the RHP

P=1, hence we require N=-P=-1

for stability.


Infinite semicircle in the LHP


Two roots in the RHP

System with a Pole in the RHP
Adding derivative action


Crosses real axis when
System with a Zero in the RHP


Unstable for K>1/2

Relative Stability
Ultimate point

crosses the real axis at

u=-1 when
Relative Stability and Nyquist Criterion
• Clearly, from the Nyquist criterion the
distance between the (-1,0) point and
the polar plot of the loop transfer
function GH(jω) is a measure of the
relative stability of the system

• Note that the (-1,0) point on a Nyquist

diagram corresponds to the 0 dB and -
180 degrees on the Bode magnitude
and phase diagrams
Relative Stability
• The gain margin is the increase in the
system gain when phase =- 180 that
will result in a marginally stable
system with intersection of the -1+j0
on the Nyquist diagram

• The phase margin is the amount of

phase shift of the GH Nyquist plot at
unity magnitude that will result in a
marginally stable system with
intersection of the -1+j0 point on the
Nyquist diagram
Gain Margin
The factor by which the gain at ultimate point can be
increased to reach marginal stability

Reasonable values are

gain margins in the range
Expressed in dB: [2 5], or in dB [6 14]dB.
Phase Margin
The phase margin is the difference between and

the phase of the loop at the crossover frequency

Reasonable values are phase

margins in the range [30 60]
Gain and Phase Margins on the Bode Diagram
Sensitivity and Nyquist Plot
The radius r of the circle centered at -1
and tangen to L is the reciprocal of the
nominal sensitivity peak

Critical point
Effect of Time Delay
• The Nyquist criterion is applicable to
non-rational transfer functions
• A time delay is described by
• It does not introduce additional poles
or zeros within the contour
• However delay introduces phase lag
and consequently has a destabilizing
Effect of Time Delay

adds a phase shift

At the crossover frequency

might be sufficient to destabilize the system or

to significantly reduce the phase margin
Effect of Time Delay

Phase margin
for delay-free

system is
System with Delay
Consider the following delayed system:

With a second-order Pade approximation, the delay

can be written as

System with Delay
K = 2.41
System with Delay




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