You will undertake TWO case studies that will contribute towards the 25 marks set aside for nternal!"aluation# CASE STUDY 1 n $roups of three students, carry out a study of ANY MAJOR PRIVATE / SEMI PRIVATE SECTOR Organization and prepare a report on its followin$ aspects% 1. Major HR Management policies being followed by the Organization 2. Motivational Themes being adopted #.!evel of s"ccess
You will undertake TWO case studies that will contribute towards the 25 marks set aside for nternal!"aluation# CASE STUDY 1 n $roups of three students, carry out a study of ANY MAJOR PRIVATE / SEMI PRIVATE SECTOR Organization and prepare a report on its followin$ aspects% 1. Major HR Management policies being followed by the Organization 2. Motivational Themes being adopted #.!evel of s"ccess
You will undertake TWO case studies that will contribute towards the 25 marks set aside for nternal!"aluation# CASE STUDY 1 n $roups of three students, carry out a study of ANY MAJOR PRIVATE / SEMI PRIVATE SECTOR Organization and prepare a report on its followin$ aspects% 1. Major HR Management policies being followed by the Organization 2. Motivational Themes being adopted #.!evel of s"ccess
You will undertake TWO case studies that will contribute towards the 25 marks set aside for nternal!"aluation# CASE STUDY 1 n $roups of three students, carry out a study of ANY MAJOR PRIVATE / SEMI PRIVATE SECTOR Organization and prepare a report on its followin$ aspects% 1. Major HR Management policies being followed by the Organization 2. Motivational Themes being adopted #.!evel of s"ccess
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Department of Governance & Organizational Sciences HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CASE STUDES As a part of the course on HRM, you will undertake TWO case studies that will contribute towards the 25 marks set aside for nternal !"aluation# CASE STUDY 1 n $roups of three students, carry out a study of ANY MAJOR PRIVATE / SEMI PRIVATE SECTOR ORGANIZATION and prepare a report on its followin$ aspects% 1. Major HR Management policies being followed by the Organization 2. Motivational Themes being adopted . !evel of s"ccess of the adopted motivational themes #. $ritical analysis of the state of HR policies% their strengths and limitations &. 'ny recommendations that yo" may have for the management CASE STUDY 2 n the same $roups of three students that undertake &ase 'tudy (, carry out a study of ANY ONE of the followin$ aspects of HR plannin$ of the Or$ani)ation that you choose to re"iew% 1. $areer Management processes adopted 2. Training Management within the Organization .Trade (nion activity and labo"r relations #. H"man Reso"rce Management )nformation *ystems being followed and their efficacy Outline any recommendations that you ha"e for the issues studied by you# 2 The studies will be submitted in accordance with the followin$ schedules% (# CASE STUDY 1 % n the SECOND WEEK followin$ the Mid 'emester *reak 2# CASE STUDY 2 % n the +O(RTH ,--. followin$ the Mid 'emester *reak GIVEN TIMINGS SHOULD BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED AND WILL NOT BE EXTENDED ESSENTIAL GUIDELINES FOR WRITING OF CASE STUDIES The studies should be or$ani)ed in the followin$ form% ntroduction Aim *rief re"iew of the Or$ani)ation under study + ,or &ase 'tudy 2, this may be dispensed with- Main body of the paper co"erin$ the "arious $i"en re.uirements &onclusion and recommendations, if any IRRELAVANT INFORMATION OR COPYING FROM COMPANY BROCHURES ETC IS NOT ADMISSABLE The 'tudy should be typed with a line spacin$ of (#5 lines and SHOULD NOT EXCEED 12 TYPED PAGES !ach study should be submitted separately in a folder with one blank pa$e on top# t may be noted that these are NOT Research /apers and, therefore, no Literatre Re!ie" i# ne$e##ar%&