Acara Year 3 Geography

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Student: Anne Howard s0232100 Assessment Task 2 Lecturer: Karena Menzie 1 | P a g e

Geographical knowledge and understanding content descriptor:
Content Description: Geographical Knowledge and Understanding
The similarities and differences in individuals and groups feelings and perceptions about places, and how
they influence views about the protection of these places. (ACARA, 2014, p. 357, ACHGK018.)
reading and viewing poems, songs, paintings and stories about peoples feelings about and attachment
to places to explore the factors that influence peoples attachment to place.
discussing why it is important to protect places that have special significance for people, for example, a
wetland, a sacred site, a national park or a World Heritage site. (ACARA, 2014, p. 357, ACHGK018.)
Geographical inquiry and skills descriptor:
Observing, questioning and planning:
Develop geographical questions to investigate (ACARA, 2014, p. 357, ACHGS019)
developing why there? questions about location; what might happen? questions about future
consequences; and what ought to happen? or other questions about ethical behaviour
collaborating in groups to develop geographical questions about the similarities and differences
between places. (ACARA, 2014, p. 357, ACHGS019)
Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing:
Collect and record relevant geographical data and information, for example, by observing by interviewing,
conducting surveys, measuring, or from sources such as maps, photographs, satellite images, the media
and the internet. (ACARA, 2014, p. 358, ACHGS020)
using maps, aerial photographs, satellite images or a digital application, for example, Google Earth, to
identify, locate and describe different types of settlements.
interviewing people about their feelings and attachment to places.
acquiring geographical information from schools in geographically contrasting parts of Australia and/or
neighbouring countries. (ACARA, 2014, p. 358, ACHGS020)
Interpreting, analysing and concluding:
Interpret geographical data to identify distributions and patterns and draw conclusions (ACARA, 2014, p.
358, ACHGS023)
developing appropriate conclusions from the patterns in the data, for example, from observations about
the similarities and differences between places.

Student: Anne Howard s0232100 Assessment Task 2 Lecturer: Karena Menzie 2 | P a g e

constructing tables or graphs to show the similarities and differences between places, and discuss
possible reasons for them.
debating the reasons for the similarities and differences between places they have studied. (ACARA,
2014, p. 358, ACHGS023)

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