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Student: Anne Howard s0232100 Assessment Task 2 Lecturer: Karena Menzie 1 | P a g e

Feelings and Perceptions about Place
The following is a teaching resource package linked to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and
Reporting Authority (ACARA) Geography Year three. Students develop their understanding of the
Geographical context and inquiry process of feelings and perceptions about place, and how significance is
based on connection, identity and sense of belonging. The investigative learning is scaffolded into five
phases of inquiry and interconnects Geographical knowledge with ACARA, using a variety of multimodal
and digital resources. The students will explore, question, analyse, interpret and investigate, by engaging in
stimulating learning experiences and activities which focus on their lives, places and global environment.
(ACARA, 2014.) This demonstrates to students how they are already interconnected to the world they live
Geography is essential for students to learn about and make meaning of the world they live in. An
integral part of developing student understanding is that they acquire deep geographical
knowledge and make sense of place, space and environments. (Marsh & Marsh, 2011, p. 249.)
This awareness enables them to become informed, active and engaged citizens of a culturally
diverse society. Curiosity and questioning from students, needs to be fostered, helping them to
become independent and analytical thinkers as they cognise and make connections to - what is
place and space and its significance to individuals and groups. When students explore differing
perspectives and possibilities, beginning with their own personal geographies such as their home,
school and local environs, they become more involved and interested, developing their locational
knowledge of their world. (Reynolds, 2012.)
Students develop their Geographical understanding as they engage in learning that places can be
described as a particular point or position in space and can be similar or different, according to the
location, climate, history, culture and diversity of groups of people. Peoples lives are influenced by
where they live and how they interconnect with these surroundings. The emotional attachment
students feel, can affect how they perceive the world they live in, therefore it is integral students
develop awareness at personal, community and global levels. (Reynolds, 2012.) By developing
awareness and knowledge about Place, and the interrelationship between beliefs and attitudes,
enables students to think deeply and logically as they become active and informed citizens of
society, (Melbourne Declaration, 2008, p. 8).

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