Article 1868-1875 Sales Reviewer

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1868 Agency
- Implies power in an agent to contract w/
parties on behalf of principal
- XPT: employer-employee relationship,
master-servant, independent contractor
CHARACTERISTICS of Contract of Agency
1. Consensual perfected by mere consent
2. Principal can stand by itself
3. Nominate has its own name
4. Unilateral obligations for only one of
the parties (agent) OR
Bilateral (compensation) gives rise to
reciprocal rights and obligations
5. Preparatory means to an end
1. Consent, express or implied of the
2. Object is the execution of a juridical act
3. Agent acts as representative
4. Agent acts w/in the scope of his
Nature, Basis, PURPOSE
1. Contract consent, object, cause
2. Representative relation on behalf. As
if it was done by principal. Absence of P
is transformed to legal, juridical
3. Purpose extend personality of
principal. Perform juridical acts thru
another when his physical presence is
TWO (2) PARTIES involved
1. Principal the agent represents
2. Agent represents another
CAPACITY of parties
1. Capacitated person may be a principal
2. Agent doesnt have to possess full
capacity to act XPN: absolutely
incapacitated. Agents must be
Acts DELEGATED to Agents
1. General a man may do in person,
he may do thru another
2. XPN:
a. Personal acts right to vote,
making of will, statements
under oath, art. 1491
b. Criminal acts/acts not allowed
by law attempt to delegate is
void, aliens cannot purchase
Distinction from other contracts
1. Loan borrower must return won
business is successful
Agent funds given by P to advance Ps
2. Lease of service employments,
ordinarily performs ministerial functions
Agent representation, discretionary
3. Independent contract only for a piece
of work, undertakes to accomplish
certain result according to his own
method XPT the result
Agent subject to control and discretion
of the principal
4. Partnership also acts as principal
5. Negotiorium Gestio not only w/o the
authority of owner but is w/o his
knowledge (quasi-contract)
Agent expressly conferred
6. Brokerage acts as mere intermediary
b/w seller buyer
Agent object placed in his possession
and at his disposal
7. Sale agency to sell is different from
agency to sale

ART. 1869 Kinds of Agency (express
1. Manner of its creation
a. Express agent has been actually
authorized by the principal orally or
in writing
b. Implied implied from the acts of P
from his silence or lack of action
OR his failure to reject the agency
knowing that another person is
acting on his behalf w/o authority
OR acts of agent which carry out the
agency, OR from his silence or
inaction. An implied agency is an
actual agency as much as an express
2. As to its character
a. Gratuitous agent receives no
compensation for his services
b. Compensated or Onerous agent
receives compensation
3. As to extent of business covered
a. General comprises all the
businesses of the principal
b. Special comprises one or more
specific transactions
4. As to authority conferred
a. Couched in general terms deemed
to comprise only acts of
b. Couched in specific terms
authorizing only the performance of
specific acts
5. As to its nature and effects
a. Ostensible or Representative agent
acts in the name and representation
of P
b. Simple or Commission agent acts
for the account of P but in his own

Form of Agency
- in general, no formal requirements on
appointing of agent
- agents authority may be oral or written
- instance when law requires specific
form of agency is ART. 1874
- agency may be implied (ART. 1869)

ART. 1870 Acceptance by agent
- may also be express or implied w/c
carry out the agency OR from his
silence or inaction
Form of acceptance by agent
- agency is a contract, there must be a
- express or implied

ART. 1871 Implied acceptance
- acceptance may be implied if P delivers
his power of attorney to agent and latter
doesnt object
Acceptance b/w persons present
- implied acceptance by agent, the law
distinguishes between cases like:
1. persons are present
2. persons are absent
- agency is impliedly accepted if agent
receives power of attorney from P
himself personally w/o objection
- presumption of acceptance may be
rebutted by contrary proof
- power of attorney is a written
authorization to an agent to perform
specified acts in behalf of his principal
which acts, when performed, shall have
binding effect on P

ART. 1872 When acceptance cannot be
implied from silence of agent, except
1. P transmits his power of attorney to
agent, who receives w/o objection
2. P entrusts to him by letter or telegram
a power of attorney w/ respect to the
business in w/c he is habitually
engaged as an agent and he did not
Acceptance b/w persons absent
- If both P and A are absent, acceptance
by the agent is not implied from his
- Since agent is not bound to accept, he
can ignore the offer
- In those 2 cases, acceptance is implied
- When he begins to act under the
authority conferred upon him
- Note:
1. 1871 P personally delivers power
of attorney to A
2. 1872 P transmits power of
attorney to A

ART. 1873 P informs another OR by public
advertisement that he has giver power of
attorney. Power shall continue to be in full
force until notice is rescind in the same
manner in w/c it was given
Communication of existence of agency
- 2 ways of giving notice w/ diff effects
1. Special information agent
appointed is considered such w/
respect to the person to whom it was
2. Public advertisement agent is
considered as such with regard to
any person e.g. newspaper, radio,
posters, billboards
- In either use, agency is deemed to exist
won theres actually an agency

Manner of revocation of agency
- Power of attorney must be revoked in
the same manner in which it was given
- 3
parties must be given notice
- Revocation made in any manner is
effective where the person dealing with
the agent has actual knowledge thereof;
otherwise, bad faith and fraud would be

ART. 1874 Sale of a piece of land or any
interest therein is through an agent, authority
of latter shall be in writing; otherwise sale
shall be VOID
Sale of land through agent
- Sale of a piece of land or any interest
thereon like usufruct, mortgage etc. is
void UNLESS authority of the agent is
in writing
- Letter containing the authority to sell is
- Note: ART. 1874 speaks only of an
agency for sale of a piece of land or
any interest therein

ART. 1875 Agency is presumed to be for a
compensation unless there is proof to the
Presumption as to compensation of agent
- P must pay A the compensation agreed
upon, OR the reasonable value of As
services if no compensation was
- Agent shouldve complied w/ his
- Circumstance that A was for
compensation or not shall be considered
by court in determining the extent of
liability of A for fraud/negligence
- Presumption that A is for compensation
may be contradicted by evidence.

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