Roxanne Roe: 659 W. Beecher Apt. 34 Adrian, MI 49221 (517) 398-5443
Roxanne Roe: 659 W. Beecher Apt. 34 Adrian, MI 49221 (517) 398-5443
Roxanne Roe: 659 W. Beecher Apt. 34 Adrian, MI 49221 (517) 398-5443
!edicated, enthusiastic, and motivated, educator wants to see all students succeed "ontinually researches educational programs and procedures to #enefit all students "onsistently individuali$es instruction to meet all student needs and interests E%ceptional a#ility to esta#lish cooperative, professional relationships with parents, staff, and administration
&aster of 'rts Siena (eights )niversity* 'drian, &+ "+ Endorsement Siena (eights )niversity* 'drian, &+ 0K-121 3! Endorsement Siena (eights )niversity* 'drian, &+ 0K-121 4achelor of 'rts Siena (eights )niversity* 'drian, &+ &a5or6 3anguage 'rts &inor6 Planned Elementary 0K-81 0'll su#5ects K--1 9 P ' 2 72 "umulative ,-.2,1/ 12.2,12 ,/.2,1, ,-.2,,7
.echno+o/0 12i++$
&icrosoft :ffice, Power Point, :utlook, ;orks, E-mail, e-college 'do#e +llustrator, +nternet, ;e# 4rowsers, ;e# pages, copy and laminating machines, :verhead Pro5ector, + Pad, Smart 4oard, The Elmo, Scanner, << calculator
.eachin/ ,xperience Su#stitute Teacher Professional Educational Service 9roup, 33" 0PES91 <eading Tutor3Seventh grade student
,2.2,12-current ,=.2,12-,7.2,12
4irected .eachin/>&adison Elementary 'drian, &+ "+ self-contained classroom with 3aurie ?ult$ ,@.2,12-12.2,12
'ssumed all responsi#ility of classroom teacher including, #ut not limited to6 3esson plans, :n-line 4rain 9ym, make copies, laminating, +EP meeting, ParentTeacher "onferences ?ormative 'ssessments that drive instruction !<'.!<' 2, &+ '""ESS, '<+ 'ssessment Summative 'ssessments that drive instruction Scholastic '< 'ssessments, <unning <ecords, !olch ;ords, '+&S ;e# <eading Aaturally Program E#ili Spelling The Elmo 0Epson #rand1, Smart#oard, and :verhead Sitton Spelling
4a(i$ Midd+e 1choo+>(illsdale "ommunity Schools (illsdale, &+ <esource <oom. Self-"ontained "+ classroom teacher ,8.2,1,-,1.2,12
+EPBs, <EE!, +EP &eetings, <eferrals, <ecommendations, goals C o#5ectives, Progress <eports, 9rade "ards, Tracked 4ehavior Progress &onitoring C +nterventions ?ormative 'ssessments !<' 2, &+-'""ESS, ;D+++ 'ssessment Summative 'ssessments <<, !olch words, "lay words, <eading '-E Parent.Teacher "onferences, assisted students with Science-?air pro5ects, Electronic grade #ook Professional !evelopment Safe Schools 4lood#orne Pathogen E%posure Prevention 0?ull "ourse1 <T+, Skyward, !<', 93"ES, Electronic +EP Training Effective Teaching for !iverse Students 'utism ;orkshop, the 3aw and Students with !isa#ilities School +mprovement P3' "urriculum E%cent Terra !igging +nto !ata "aulkins ;riting Training Sa%on &ath Sitton Spelling Si% Traits of ;riting
4irected .eachin/>9ier Elementary (illsdale, &+ <esource <oom with Do'nn Patterson
'ssumed all responsi#ility of classroom teacher including, #ut not limited to6 3esson plans, Progress <eports, staff meetings, #ulletin #oards, Scope C SeFuence, Parent.Teacher "onferences ?ormative 'ssessments !<', ;D-<+++, &+-'""ESS, &E'P Summative 'ssessments !olch words, clay words, <unning <ecords Sa%on &ath 3ucy "aulkins <eading Si% Traits of ;riting ;orkshop Sitton Spelling ?amily Aight Pet Therapy w.students :versee Student ran popcorn #usiness 0Aews Paper 'rticle1 <eferral ?orms, E%it ?orms 4ehavior Tracking ?orms
4irected .eachin/39ier Elementary (illsdale, &+ th / grade general education class with &ary (amaty
'ssumed all teacher responsi#ilities including, #ut limited to6 making copies, laminating, lesson plans 0all su#5ects1, Staff &eetings, Parent.Teacher "onferences, electronic grade #ook, #ulletin #oards, worked in small groups with students with disa#ilities, family fun night Small group work with 3! students "aulkins ;riting ;orkshop Si% Traits of ;riting Sitton Spelling Sa%on &ath Poetry unit including the su#mission of a poem from every student for the possi#ility of pu#lication <ead-'-Thon Pro5ect for a sick student in another grade at 9ier Aews Paper article
Math .-tor
Tutor>seventh grade math Tutor>third, fourth, fifth, and si%th grade math 2,,7 2,,2-2,,=
Dackson, &+
&3PP "ertified 0&ichigan 3iteracy Progress Profile1 grades K-2 and 2-Touch&ath>The TouchMath Program for Mathematics Instruction
&em#er of +nternational <eading 'ssociation &em#er of Sigma Tau !elta>English (onor Society !eanBs list at Siena (eights )niversity-numerous times
%ther ,#p+o0#ent
Professional Educational Service 9roup, 33" (illsdale "ommunity Schools Su#stitute Teacher (illsdale "ounty &edical "are ?acility 3ynwood &anor ,8.2,,7-,8.2,1, ,1.2,7-,=.2,,7 11.1@@2-,-.2,,2 [email protected]@@2
"indy ?lynn !avis &iddle School (illsdale, &+ /@2/2 0-171/2@-/22= Do'nn Patterson 4ailey Elementary (illsdale, &+ /@2/2 0-171 /27-72=@ 3aurie ?ult$ &adison Elementary Treat (;G 'drian, &+ 0-171 2=2-,7/1