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Dr. Spyros Sioutas
Birth Date / Place 31/3/1975, Trikala (Thessaly), Greece Home Address Riga Feraiou 15, 26500, Paras, Greece Afliation !ssociae Pro"#, $o%ia% &%i'ersiy, (chool o" $%"or)aio% (cie%ces a%* $%"or)aics, $%"or)aics +e,ar)e%, Tsirigoi (-uare 7, .9100, /or"u, $o%ia% $sla%*s, Greece Phone 69...70933, 2610525917, 2661 0 0 (7706) E-mail sioutas@ionio. gr [email protected] URL http // !!! .ionio .gr /" sioutas Personal Profile Spyros Sioutas was born in Greece, in 1975. He graduated from the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, choo! of Engineering, "ni#ersit$ of %atras, in December 1997. He recei#ed his %h.D. degree from the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, in &''&. He is now an (ssociate %rofessor in Informatics Department of Ionian "ni#ersit$. His current research interests inc!ude) (!gorithmic Data *anagement, GI and patio+,empora! Database $stems, Distributed Data tructures and %&% -#er!a$s, C!oud Infrastructures,, /uer$ %rocessing and /uer$ -ptimi0ation. He has pub!ished o#er 9' papers in #arious scientific 1ourna!s and refereed conferences 2amongst others IG*-D 3ecord, (!gorithmica, ,heoretica! Computer cience, Computer 4ourna!, Data and 5now!edge Engineering, 4ourna! of Descrete (!gorithms, Distributed and %ara!!e! Databases, 4ourna! of $stems and oftware, (rtificia! Inte!!igence 3e#iew 4ourna!, Internationa! 4ourna! on (rtificia! Inte!!igence ,oo!s, E(, IC(6%, I((C, DE7(, %D, (C, CI5*, %-DC, ICD,8ED9,, -D(, IG*-D e.t.c.: and he has more than ;5' citations. He was se!ected to attend as %ostdoc 3esearcher the summer schoo! on <massi#e data sets= in 93IC 29asic 3esearch in Computer cience: department, "ni#ersit$ of (arhus, Denmar>, 4une &''&. He was #isiting researcher in 5ings Co!!ege, "ni#ersit$ of 6ondon 2research domain) tring (!gorithmics and I8- comp!$:, 6ondon, Eng!and, (pri! &''5. He was a!so #isiting researcher in *(D(6G- 2research domain) <Deterministic Data tructures o#er %&% ?etwor>s=:, (arhus, Denmar>, December &''@. He has 1& $ears wor>ing e.perience as a De#e!oper, oftware ,ester, Database (dministrator and %ro1ect *anager at Computer ,echno!og$ Institute 23esearch "nit 7: and D9I 6ab 2http)88di.ionio.gr8dbis!ab:. EDU#A$%&' 'ame and Place o( %nstitution Degree )ear Education *ield /o),uer 1%gi%eeri%g a%* $%"or)aics +e,ar)e%, &%i'ersiy o" Paras, Greece 0#2 1997 Diploma $hesis2 3! )uli)e*ia $%"or)aio% (yse) "or he ciy o" Paras2 4e5ork /o%%ecio% 5ih +isri6ue* +aa6ases a ,o,ular 7oels a%* ra%s,or saio%s3# /o),uer 1%gi%eeri%g a%* $%"or)aics +e,ar)e%, &%i'ersiy o" Paras, Greece 10 2000 +aster $hesis2 31li)i%ai%g !)ori8aio%2 9% +aa (rucures 5ih Guara%ee* Res,o%se Ti)e3 /o),uer 1%gi%eeri%g a%* $%"or)aics +e,ar)e%, &%i'ersiy o" Paras, Greece 10 2002 PhD $hesis2 31:cie% !lgorih)s a%* Ro6us Tech%i-ues "or (,aial, Te),oral a%* (,aio; Te),oral Rerie'al a%* (earchi%g3
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