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Master Chef

Wrap Serves 2
Important Note
Aprons and hairnets must be worn PRIOR to entering the Food Technology Lab.
Wash your hands BEFORE handling any food or equipment.
2 Lebanese bread

cup !ayonnaise
2" grams #now pea sprouts
1 $arrot
1 #mall red onion
% Lebanese cucumber
1 Tomato
% cup &rated cheddar cheese
Fill in the blanks using the word bank below
1. $ollect all ingredients and utensils.
2. Wash and peel the carrot' and remo(e the top and tail. #lice the carrot.
. )eel' wash then grate the onion into thin slices.
*. Wash then slice the cucumber into long thing strips.
+. Wash then slice the tomato.
,. #pread the Lebanese bread with mayonnaise.
-. Assemble the salad in the center of the Lebanese bread' and roll the bread
around the spread.
.. $o(er with cling wrap if being eaten later.
/. Wash up equipment and saniti0e wor1 area.
2ou may li1e to include a cold meat of your choice' such as chic1en' ham or salami.
Equipment List !athering Ingredients"
Item #se
)lastic tray To carry equipment and food to bay
)late For Lebanese bread
#mall bowl For (egetables
#mall bowl For snow pea sprouts

!easuring cup For mayonnaise

% !easuring cup For grated cheddar cheese
#poon For spooning out mayonnaise
Equipment List Preparation"
Item #se
$hopping board For cutting (egetables and preparing wrap
#harp 1nife For cutting
3egetable peeler For peeling (egetables
3egetable grate For grating carrot
4utter 1nife For spreading mayonnaise
#crap bowl For putting scraps in
$ling wrap For holding wrap together
Time )lan
$ime %&tion
" 5 1" 6nter room and gather required equipment
1" 5 1+ #et up equipment and gather ingredients
1+ 5 2+ )repare ingredients
2+ 5 " Assemble wrap
" 5 *" Wash up equipment
*" 7 *+ Teacher chec1s equipment and bay
*+ 5 +" 8eturn equipment and saniti0e wor1 area
#tudent 9otes

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