Experiment 1

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Recipe Name: Stir fry

Total preparation and cooking time: 40 minutes

Ingredient List Utensil List
Soy sauce Pan
Chicken breast fillet 100grams Knife
Mushrooms Spatula
Onions pot
Carrots Plates
Capsicum bowl
Oyster Sauce
!"on noo"les
Cooking wine
Potato starch
Oli#e oil
Step Instruction
1 Prepare all the #egetables%
Chop the carrots& capsicum& onion& an" mushroom into strips or
slices% Chop the broccoli pieces an" "ice the garlic
' Prepare the chicken% Chop (nto strips an" place chicken strips into
a bowl )"" salt& pepper& chicken pow"er& oli#e oil& potato starch
an" mi* thoroughly%
+hen let the mi*e" ingre"ients stay for 1, minutes%
- Prepare the !"on
.et a pot out an" place on sto#e& set it to the highest an" boil the
water% hen the water is boile" a"" the !"on noo"les for aroun"
about '/- minutes%
hen you ha# a""e" the !"on into the pot an" the water ha"
once again boile"& take it an" rinse in col" water%
4 .et a pan out an" place on sto#e0 set the sto#e to the highest%
Preheat the pan an" a"" oli#e oil then a"" the chicken an" cook
Master Chef
until gol"en brown%
hen "one& take it out an" place into a bowl%
, )"" oli#e oil onto pan again an" cook garlic for stir fry%
ith the garlic still insi"e& a"" #egetables an" cook until soft then
a"" u"on noo"les into pan an" stir fry for ' minutes%
)"" chicken into the pan along with the #egetables an" cook for a
1 )"" chicken into the pan along with the #egetables an" cook for a
2 )"" cooking wine& soy sauce an" oyster sauce%
3 Stir fry e#erything until all the colours are e4ual%
5 hen "one turn off the sto#e an" ser#e%
)ction Plan
Time Action
10 minutes Chopping the #egetables an" ingre"ients
-0 minutes Cooking all the ingre"ients%
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