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Recipe Name: Stir fry
Total preparation and cooking time: 40 minutes
Ingredient List Utensil List Soy sauce Pan Chicken breast fillet 100grams Knife Mushrooms Spatula Onions pot Carrots Plates Capsicum bowl ater Oyster Sauce !"on noo"les Salt garlic Cooking wine Potato starch pepper Oli#e oil $roccoli Method: Step Instruction 1 Prepare all the #egetables% Chop the carrots& capsicum& onion& an" mushroom into strips or slices% Chop the broccoli pieces an" "ice the garlic ' Prepare the chicken% Chop (nto strips an" place chicken strips into a bowl )"" salt& pepper& chicken pow"er& oli#e oil& potato starch an" mi* thoroughly% +hen let the mi*e" ingre"ients stay for 1, minutes% - Prepare the !"on .et a pot out an" place on sto#e& set it to the highest an" boil the water% hen the water is boile" a"" the !"on noo"les for aroun" about '/- minutes% hen you ha# a""e" the !"on into the pot an" the water ha" once again boile"& take it an" rinse in col" water% 4 .et a pan out an" place on sto#e0 set the sto#e to the highest% Preheat the pan an" a"" oli#e oil then a"" the chicken an" cook Master Chef until gol"en brown% hen "one& take it out an" place into a bowl% , )"" oli#e oil onto pan again an" cook garlic for stir fry% ith the garlic still insi"e& a"" #egetables an" cook until soft then a"" u"on noo"les into pan an" stir fry for ' minutes% )"" chicken into the pan along with the #egetables an" cook for a while 1 )"" chicken into the pan along with the #egetables an" cook for a while 2 )"" cooking wine& soy sauce an" oyster sauce% 3 Stir fry e#erything until all the colours are e4ual% 5 hen "one turn off the sto#e an" ser#e% 10 11 )ction Plan Time Action 10 minutes Chopping the #egetables an" ingre"ients -0 minutes Cooking all the ingre"ients% Insert photos here Evaluate your product recipe selection and photograph !ositives Minus" Improvements Master Chef Master Chef