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Chicken Wing Cookbook

The Ultimate

Cajun Chicken Wings

12 Chicken wings -- tips removed 5 Bay leaves -- crumbled into bits 3/4 teaspoon Caraway seeds 1/2 o 3/4 tsp! cayenne pepper 3/4 teaspoon "round cumin 3/4 teaspoon "round coriander 4 "arlic cloves -- #inely 1 1/2 teaspoons $ry mustard 2 teaspoons %aprika -- pre#erably 3/4 teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons $ried thyme leaves &alt Brandy 'resh lemon or lime (uice

$e#at the chicken wings by cooking them in boiling water #or 1) minutes! $rain and set aside to cool! %reheat oven to 3*5 degrees! +sing a large mortar and pestle, grind together the bay lea# bits, caraway seeds, cayenne pepper, coriander, cumin, garlic, mustard, paprika, thyme and salt #or about 1) minutes! -dd the brandy and lemon or lime (uice to the pulveri.ed herbs and stir into a thick paste! /ith a pastry brush, cover both sides o# each wing with the herb paste! /hen no more remains in the mortar, s0uee.e the last #ew drops #rom the brush! -rrange the chicken wings on a baking sheet! Bake until the skin turns deep brown and is 0uite crisp appro1imately 3) minutes! akes about an hour to prepare!


'23 45 /67"& 4 "arlic cloves 2 &hallots 1 1/2 teaspoons &alt 1 tablespoon Chinese 5 spice 2 teaspoons %aprika 1 teaspoon $ried rosemary -- crumbled 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne -- or to taste 2 tablespoons 8egetable oil 4 pounds Chicken wings -- about 2)-24 ips removed '23 45 &-+C5 1/3 cup 7atural style peanut butter 1/4 cup Canned cream o# coconut -/ell stirred 2 "arlic cloves -- chopped 1/4 cup /ater 1/4 cup 3ed bell pepper -- chopped 1/9 teaspoon $ried hot red pepper #lakes 2r to taste 1 teaspoon &oy sauce Coriander sprigs 45 /67"&: %repare the chicken wings: ;ince and mash the garlic and shallots to a paste with the salt! 6n a large bowl stir the paste together with the 5 spice powder, paprika, rosemary, cayenne, and the oil! ;i1 well! -dd the chicken wings! oss and stir them until they are completely covered with the marinade! <et them marinate, covered and chilled #or 4 hours or over night! -rrange the wings, skin side up, on the rack o# a #oil lined large broiler pan and bake them in the upper third o# a preheated 425' oven #or 25 to 3) minutes or until they are golden! he wings may be prepared one day in advance, kept covered and chilled and then reheated be#ore serving! 45 &-+C5: 6n a blender, blend together the peanut butter, cream o# coconut, garlic, water, bell pepper, red pepper #lakes and the soy sauce until the mi1ture is smooth, season the sauce with salt, to taste! 45 %35&57 - 627: rans#er the sauce to a serving bowl set on a platter! -rrange the wings around the bowl and garnish the platter with the coriander!

Anchor Bar Hot Wings

Chicken wings 3ead below he key to good Bu##alo /ings is how you prepare them as well as the ingredients and the handling o# the wings! he most success#ul wings served up here in Bu##alo are what they call ="rade - "rinders!= 'resh wings that are very large and meaty! +sually, you cannot get them in a #ro.en package, but can get them #rom a poultry dealer! 2nce you #ind them make sure they are absolutely #resh! /ash them in cold water, split them at the (oint and remove the tips! %lace them on a rack on a pan and re#rigerate overnight to let the blood and water drain out o# the wings! 46& 6& - 35-< >5?! $rying the wings under re#rigeration will help to make them a much crispier product, once deep #ried! 7e1t, use a deep #ryer or a very heavy deep pot with a thermometer and add the oil! %eanut oil is very good, or a commercial product such as can be #ound at a restaurant cash and carry called ;el 'ry! 4eat the oil up &<2/<?, to 3@5', and depending on the si.e o# the #ryer, deep #ry the dry wings @-9 minutes in small batches, until thoroughly done and golden brown! 4old the cooked wings in a warm oven i# necessary! - combination o# melted margarine and hot sauce in the ratio o# 1 part margarine to 3 parts hot sauce will add the right .ing! he key here is to add (ust enough sauce to coat the wings - the more sauce you add, the hotter they will be! 'or the very brave, 1 part margarine to 3 parts hot sauce and 1 part abasco is re#erred to as =&uicidal /ings= by the late and dear $on Bellissimo, who owned the -nchor Bar! /orking 0uickly, place the deep #ried wings in a large bowl and add the sauce mi1ture, shaking to coat them! here are many good hot sauces to useA the one they use is either $urkee 'ranks 3ed 4ot &auce or /ingers 2riginal, again #ound in a restaurant cash and carry! Celery sticks and chunky blue cheese dressing B>enCs Bu##alo &tyle Blue Cheese is a popular oneD and plenty o# napkins!

Barbecue Wing Dings

3 3 2 4 1 pounds chicken wing tablespoons brown sugar drops /orcestershire sauce cups ketchup onion

Cut o## the small piece o# the chicken wing and the bony part so you have only the meaty part! ;i1 the ketchup, onion Bcut upD, brown sugar and sauce together! $ip wings in the sauce! %ut on cookie sheet! Bake at 35) degrees #or about 1 1/2 hour! 6# you have e1tra sauce, cook in saucepan until thick!

Barbecued Chicken Wings

35 Chicken wings -- tips removed 1 &tick butter 1 cup Brown sugar 1/2 tablespoon &auce 1/2 cup $ry red wine 2 teaspoons $ry mustard 2 large "arlic cloves -- crushed 1/4 cup 'resh lemon (uice 'resh ground pepper to taste 3e0uires marinating and long cooking time but it is simple! %lace chicken wings, dis(ointed, in large #lat pan! Combine other ingredients and pour over chicken! <et stand #or at least 1 hour or overnight! Be sure all wings are well coated with marinade! %lace pan in 35) oven and reduce heat to 25)! Bake 4-5 hours, turning wings at regular intervals! 6# all marinade is not absorbed, pour o## and dry wings out a bit longer in oven Bbut not too muchD be#ore serving!

Beau s S!eet"Sour Chicken Wings

2) Chicken wings * 1/2 ounces omato sauce Bhal# canD 2 tablespoons 2range marmalade 1 tablespoon 4oney 2 teaspoons "inger -- minced 2 teaspoons 'ermented chili sauce -- B&ummit brandD 2 teaspoons %epper vinegar 4 "arlic cloves -- peeled 1 teaspoon &alt BscantD 2 teaspoons ;&" 1/2 cup /ater Bmore as neededD ds abasco, to taste -Bor other hot pepper -sauceD Cut o## spurs #rom chicken wing-tips and rinse chicken wings! %lace in pressure cooker with waterA bring to pressure and cook at high heat #or up to #ive minutes! 3emove #rom pressure cooker and place cooked-out #at in wide-mouthed, tapered (ar #or other uses! Blend all ingredients e1cept chicken and abasco Bor hot sauceD until #airly even consistency, with no large chunks o# ginger or garlic! %lace 3/4 o# sauce in pan! 3oll wings in sauceA remove wings to broiler pan Bwith slotted topD! Bake at 325 degrees '! #or 2) minutes! 3emove #rom oven and spoon about hal# o# remaining sauce on top o# each pieceA broil #or 5 minutes! -dd abasco or other hot pepper sauces to taste and serve! BeauCs notes: E +se vinegar =which has been used to keep a supply o# birdCs-eye peppers!= E -#ter discarding chicken spurs, wash hands with very warm water and $ial soap Band #ollow up with isopropyl alcohol rinseDA wash all utensils with bleach! B2ne should always regard chickens, even i# processed in +&or inspected by +&$-, as uncleanF +&$- inspectors are notoriously less than thorough, and +!&! packing houses o#ten neglect basic hygienic rules in working with chickens, especially in dealing with their entrails, waste products un-e1creted, etc! -nd one should not e1pect much better #rom out-o#-country chickens!D -


3 pounds Chicken wings -- tips removed at (oints into 2 pcs 1/3 cup &oy sauce 1/3 cup 2range (uice 2/3 cup $ry red wine 2 tablespoons $ry red wine -- BadditionalD 3 Cloves garlic -- mashed 2 tablespoons "inger root -- chopped @ tablespoons 3ed currant (elly 2 tablespoons 2range .est -- grated 1 tablespoon 2range .est -- thin (ulienne 'or garnish 1! %lace split wings in a large shallow nonaluminum pan! ;i1 soy, orange (uice, red wine, garlic and ginerrroot together and pour over the wings! Cover pan with plastic wrap and re#rigerate overnight, turning several times in the marinade! 2! 3*5! <ine a baking pan with #oil! Coat a cooking cooking spray and place rack in baking pan! 3! $rain chicken and arrange on once! 3emove #rom oven, but do not turn o## the oven! 4! Combine (elly, 2 &tir until (elly is melted! Brush wings generously with the gla.e and return to oven #or 1) minutes! urn and brush again with gla.e! Bake another 1) minutes, or until a rich dark brown and shiny! 3emove and cool minutes! Can be baked up to a day ahead and reheated! 5! -rrange in overlap

Bett( White s Chicken Wings )aci*ica

3 pounds 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup 3/4 cup 1/2 teaspoon chicken wings butter or margarine soy sauce brown sugar water dry mustard

-rrange wings in shallow baking pan! 4eat butter, soy sauce, sugar, water and mustard until butter and sugar melt! CoolA pour over wings and marinate at least 2 hours, turning once or twice! Bake in same pan at 3*5: #or 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours, turning occasionally! $rain on paper towels!

B+ue Cheese Di,

2 ounces 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Blue cheese -- crumbled &our cream ;ayonnaise

%lace everything in #ood processor and process till smooth! Chill! &erve with celery sticks and Bu##alo Chicken /ings


1/4 cup <ime (uice 1/4 cup 2il 1/2 teaspoon Crushed red pepper 1) Chicken wings -- about 2 lb 2 tablespoons ;argarine or butter 1/2 cup Blue or yellow cornmeal 2 tablespoons 'lour 1/2 teaspoon &alt 1/2 teaspoon "round cumin 1/9 teaspoon %epper ;i1 lime (uice, oil and red pepper in large glass or plastic bowl! Cut eac chicken wing at (oints to make 3 pieces! $iscard tip! Cut o## and discard e1cess skin! %lace wings in oil mi1ture and stir to coat! Cover and re#rig 3 hours, stirring occasionally! $rain! 4eat oven to 425'! 4eat margarine &hake remaining ingredients in plastic bag or mi1 in bowl! &hake wings in cornmeal mi1ture to coat and place in pan! Bake, uncovered, 2) minutes! urn! Bake until golden brown, 2) to 25 minutes longer!

Broi+ed Chicken Wings

1 3 3 pound chicken wings tablespoons lemon (uice tablespoons soy sauce 1/9 teaspoon onion powder salt -- to taste pepper -- to taste 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon catsup 3emove tips #rom wingsA cut wings into 2 pieces, and place in a shallow dish! Combine lemon (uice, soy sauce, and onion powderA pour over chicken! Cover and marinate wings in re#rigerator several hours or overnight! $rain chicken wings, reserving 1 tablespoon marinadeA place wings on a #oil-lined broiler pan! &prinkle with salt and pepper! Combine reserved marinade, honey, and catsup, stirring wellA brush hal# o# mi1ture on chicken wings! Broil @ to * inches #rom broiler #or * minutes! urn and brush with remaining sauceA broil * additional minutes!


2 pounds Chicken wings 1/4 cup $ark corn syrup 1/4 cup &oy sauce 1 tablespoon Corn oil 2 teaspoons ;inced #resh ginger 2 tablespoons $ry sherry 1/4 pound 8ery small mushrooms 1/2 &liced bamboo shoots 2 "reen onions -- cut in 2= 1 2 1/2 cup Chicken broth tablespoon Cornstarch tablespoons /ater

Cut wing tips o## chicken wings! %lace in shallow baking dish! 6n small bowl, stir together corn syrup and soy sauce! %our over chicken wingsA toss to coat well! ;arinate 3) minutes! $rainA reserve marinade! 6n large heavy skillet, heat corn oil over medium heat! -dd chicken wings and gingerA stir #ry 2 minutes! &tir in reserved marinade and sherry! -dd mushrooms, bamboo shoots and green onionsA stirring #re0uently, cook 2 minutes! -dd chicken broth! Bring to boil! 3educe heatA cover and simmer 2) minutes or until tender! 3emove chicken wings to serving platter, keep warm! &tir together cornstarch and water until smooth! &tir into skillet! &tirring constantly, bring to boil over medium heat and boil 1 minute! &poon over chicken wings! ;akes 4 servings!

Bu**a+o Chicken Wings

3 1 Chicken wings -- &alt and pepper Bottle CrystalCs sauce -----'23 $6%----1 ounce Crumbled bleu cheese 1/3 cup ;ayonnaise 2 tablespoons ;ilk Celery sticks <op the tips o## the chicken wings and cut into drummettes! $iscard tips or use #or stock! Bake drummettes in a #lat pan at 35) degrees #or 25 minutes! $rain pan (uices into stock pot #or #uture use! -dd CrystalCs &auce, either medium or hot, and cook another 2) minutes! %repare dip by mi1ing and arrange all on a platter while piping hot! he wings are traditionally served with bleu cheese and celery! pounds


2 Chicken /ings 2il 'or 'rying 1/2 cup Butter 1 tablespoon abasco &auce 1 tablespoon 4ot %epper &auce Blue Cheese $ressing Chilled Celery &ticks 'ry up the chicken wings that have had the tips removed and cut in hal# at the (oint in 1/4 cup o# butter until golden brown! -llow the wings to cool be#ore #rying a second time, yes they are #ried a second time so i# you are a calorie watcher you can stop now! hey can be #ried the #irst time a day ahead! Be#ore #rying the second time mi1 the abasco and 4ot %epper sauce with the melted butter! 'ry the wings a second time in the 42 butter until wings are heated! ?ou need to use enough abasco and 4ot %epper sauce to give the butter a reddish color! &erve with chilled celery sticks and blue cheese dressing! pounds


2 Chicken /ings &alad 2il 1 tablespoon abasco &auce 1/4 cup ;elted Butter Celery &ticks Carrot &ticks Blue Cheese $ressing Cut tips o## wings and cut wing in hal# at the (oint! 6n a 4 0uart saucepan, heat 2 inches o# salad oil to 3*5o'! <ower wings into oil! 'ry chicken wings #or 15 minutes or until very tender! $rain on paper towel! ;eanwhile, in a large bowl, stir together abasco &auce and butter until well blended! -dd the chicken wings and toss gently to coat well! &erve with blue cheese dressing, chilled celery sticks and chilled carrot sticks! pounds


;iracle /hip &our Cream Blue Cheese 4 3ibs Celery 1 &mall 2nion 2 Cloves "arlic 1 tablespoon 2il 1/2 <emon 9 ounces omato &auce 1/4 cup abasco &auce 1/2 teaspoon &alt 3 pounds Chicken /ings 2il 'or 'rying Combine ;iracle /hip and sour cream! Crumble and stir in the blue cheese! Cut the celery into sticks! Chop onion and mince garlic! Cook onion in oil over medium heat until so#t, about 2 minutes! -dd the garlic and cook #or one more minute! &0uee.e in the (uice #rom the lemon! &tir in tomato sauce, abasco and salt! Cook #or 5 minutes! 3emove wing tips and cut wings in hal# at the (oint! 4eat oil #or deep #rying to 3*5o'! Cook wings in hot oil until brown, about 9 minutes! oss wings in tomato mi1ture! &erve with chilled celery sticks and blue cheese dressing! 1/2 cup 1/4 cup 1/4 pound


;iracle /hip &our Cream Blue Cheese 4 3ibs Celery 1 &mall 2nion 2 Cloves "arlic 1 tablespoon 2il 1/2 <emon 9 ounces omato &auce 1/4 cup abasco &auce 1/2 teaspoon &alt 3 pounds Chicken /ings 2il 'or 'rying Combine ;iracle /hip and sour cream! Crumble and stir in the blue cheese! Cut the celery into sticks! Chop onion and mince garlic! Cook onion in oil over medium heat until so#t, about 2 minutes! -dd the garlic and cook #or one more minute! &0uee.e in the (uice #rom the lemon! &tir in tomato sauce, abasco and salt! Cook #or 5 minutes! 3emove wing tips and cut wings in hal# at the (oint! 4eat oil #or deep #rying to 3*5o'! Cook wings in hot oil until brown, about 9 minutes! oss wings in tomato mi1ture! &erve with chilled celery sticks and blue cheese dressing! 1/2 cup 1/4 cup 1/4 pound


2 Chicken /ings abasco &auce 1/4 pound Butter Blue Cheese $ressing Chilled Celery &ticks Chilled Carrot &ticks pounds

3emove tips #rom wings! Cut wings in hal# at the (oint! $eep-#ry in hot oil until golden, about 5 minutes or bake the wings in a 3*5o' oven #or 3)-4) minutes until browned! ;elt butter and combine with abasco &auce! -dd whatever 0uantity o# abasco &auce suits your 42 Button! Coat the wings with the 42 Butter mi1ture and serve with blue cheese dressing and chilled celery and carrot sticks!


tablespoons Butter or margarine 1/4 cup 4ot pepper sauce 8egetable oil #or #rying 19 Chicken wings, dis(ointed -- tips discarded $ipping &auce: 1/4 pound Blue cheese -- 3o0ue#ort or 1/2 cup ;ayonnaise 1/2 cup &our cream 1 tablespoon <emon (uice 1 tablespoon /ine vinegar hot pepper sauce to taste %rep: 1) minutes Cook: 35 minutes &erves: 3@ mini-drumsticks hese spicy hot wings w/ cool, creamy dip are all the rage! &erve w/ plenty o# ice-cold beer! 1! ;elt butter in a small saucepan! -dd hot sauce G remove #rom the heat! 2! 6n large #rying pan or deep-#at #ryer, heat 1= o# oil to 3*5H! 'ry wings in batches w/o crowding until golden brown, 12 1/2 minutes! $rain on paper towels! 3! Brush wings w/ spicy butter G serve warm w/ Blue Cheese dipping sauce! B<+5 C455&5 $6%%67" &-+C5 6n small bowl, mash the blue cheese, leaving some small lumps! /hisk in the mayonnaise until blended! -dd the remaining ingredients G whisk to blend well! Cover G re#rigerate until serving time! @


-----C46C>57 /67"&----@ tablespoons Butter 1/4 cup 4ot pepper sauce 8egetable oil -- #or #rying 19 Chicken wings Babout 3lbD -- dis(ointed with tips -----B<+5 C455&5 $6%%67" &-+C5----1/4 pound Blue cheese -- ro0ue#ort or 1/2 cup ;ayonnaise 1/2 cup &our cream 1 tablespoon <emon (uice 1 tablespoon /ine vinegar ds 4ot pepper sauce 1! ;elt butter in a small saucepan! -dd hot sauce and remove #rom heat! 2! 6n large #rying pan or deep-#at #ryer, heat 1 inch o# oil to 3*5'! 'ry wings in batches without crowding until golden brown, 1) to 15 minutes! $rain on paper towels! 3! Brush wings with spicy butter and serve warm, with blue cheese dipping sauce! &auce: 6n a small bowl, mash the blue cheese, leaving some clumps! /hisk in the mayonnaise until blended! -dd remaining ingredients and whisk to blend well! Cover and re#rigerate until serving time!

Bu**a+o Wings7 *ro8 Bu**a+o N9/9

4 3 3 2 2 pounds Chicken wings tablespoons Butter -- melted tablespoons /orcestershire sauce teaspoons Catsup "arlic cloves -- mashed -----$6%----2/3 cup ;ayonnaise 1/3 cup &our cream 1/3 cup "orgon.ola 23 bleu cheese 1/2 teaspoon abasco Celery stalks

Cut o## tip o# wing! &eparate at (oint! %lace on wire rack in roasting pan! 3oast at 35) deg! #or 1 1/2 hours! urn once during cooking! Combine melted butter, abasco, /orcestershire, catsup, garlic and mi1 well in large bowl! %lace chicken in bowl and mi1 well! Crumble cheese coarsely and mi1 with other dip ingredients in separate bowl and serve with celery stalks and wings!


2 1/2 pounds Chicken wings -- separated an 3/4 cup %lain yogurt 2/3 cup <ouisiana hot sauce! 2 teaspoons "arlic powder 1 cup 'lour 1/2 cup Ca(un seasoning 2il -- #or #rying 6n a bowl, mi1 together yogurt, hot sauce and garlic! -dd chicken and marinate overnight in the re#rigerator! he #ollowing day, mi1 together #lour and ca(un seasonings in a bowl! 3emove chicken #rom the marinade and coat evenly in #lour mi1ture! 6n a wok or deep #ryer, heat oil to 3*)'! his can be achieved by heating over medium high heat! +se enough oil to cover 4 to 5 chicken wings at a time! $eep #ry wings #or appro1imately 9 minutes! $rain on paper towel! &erves 2 to 4


1 pound CampbellCs dry onion with ch &oup and recipe mi1 -- dry 4oney &picy brown mustard Chicken wings -- whole or cut &eason-all -- to taste

1/2 cup 1/4 cup 1@

1! 6n a large bowl, combine soup mi1, honey, and mustard! &et aside! 2! Cut wings at (oints and discard the tips, or leave the wings whole! -dd chicken to soup mi1ture! oss to coat! 3! %lace chicken in a baking pan greased with %am spray! &prinkle with &eason--ll! Bake at 3*5 degrees ' #or about 1 hour or until chicken is don turning once i# desired! 6# wings are getting too brown too soon, cover with tin #oil during the latter part o# baking time!

Can t Get Enough Chicken Wings

12 chicken wings B2 lbs!D 1/2 cup margarine or butter -- melted 1 envelope <ipton recipe secrets savory herb with garlic recipe soup mi1 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper sauce -- optCl to taste Cut tips o## chicken wings Bsave tips #or soup!D Cut chicken wings in hal# at (oint! $eep #ry, bake or broil until golden brown and crunchy! 6n medium bowl, blend margarine, savory herb with garlic recipe soup mi1 and cayenne pepper sauce! -dd more or less cayenne pepper to match your Chot G spicy tolerance level! -dd chicken wingsA toss until coated! &erve over greens with cut-up celery, i# desired! ;akes 24 appeti.ers!

Center C+ub Chicken Wings

4 pounds chicken wings 1 1/4 cups hoisin sauce 3/4 cup plum sauce 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/3 cup cider vinegar 1/4 cup dry sherry 1/4 cup honey @ green onions -- minced @ cloves garlic -- minced Cut o## and discard wing tips! &eparate wing at (oint! -t the drumstick (oint, separate bones with small kni#e and push meat to tip! 3emove smaller bone and discard! ;i1 all other ingred in large bowl! -dd chicken and coat well! -#ter re#rigerating coated chicken #or at least 24 hrs, preheat oven to 3*5 degrees! <ine baking pan with #oil and place rack over #oil, #irst coating rack with cooking spray! $rain chicken, reserving li0uid! %lace chicken on rack and roast #or 3) min! Baste, turn wings and return to oven #or an additional 3) min!


1) Chicken wings Byield 2) =$rumsticksD 1 5gg white -- slightly beaten 1/3 cup Cornstarch--mi1ed with: 1 teaspoon Baking powder %eanut oil #or deep #rying -----;-367-$5----1 teaspoon 'ive-spice powder 1/2 teaspoon ;&" BoptionalD 1 teaspoon &alt 1/2 teaspoon &ugar 1 teaspoon 3ice wine 1 teaspoon &oy sauce

$iscard wing tips! Cut between (oints! 3emove the smaller bone o# the lower wing! Cut skin loose around the small end and push skin and meat up to #orm drumstick! ;arinate wings #or 1 hour! -dd egg white! Coat wings evenly! B+sing egg white to coat the wings will help to seal the (uice inside the meat! 4ence the meat will be (uicier! $redge wings in cornstarch mi1ture! B+sing cornstarch and baking powder helps to make the outside layer crisp!D $eep-#ry #or 3 minutes! $rain! <et cool! $eep-#ry once again right be#ore serving! B$eep-#ry the #irst time to cook the meat and seal the (uice in the meat! he second time to make the outside crisp! ;ake sure the oil is very hot be#ore you deep-#ry #or the second time!D

Chicken Wings
1 1 1 package Chicken /ings cup Coca-Cola cup Catsup 1/4 cup Butter

%ut wings in baking dish! ;i1 ingredients and pour over them! Bake in a 325o' oven until done, appro1imately 1 hour!

Chicken Wings In Fi:e S,ice

12 1 4 1/2 1/9 1/9 1/2 cup cups chicken wings -- whole water-chestnut #lour peanut oil #or deep-#rying marinade: teaspoon #reshly grated ginger cup light soy sauce cup dry sherry or chinese rice -- wine teaspoon #ive-spice powder

Cut each wing into 3 logical pieces! &ave the tips #or soup and use only the 2 meatier parts #or this recipe! %repare the marinade and marinate the wing pieces #or 1/2 hour! $rain and toss in the water-chestnut #lour! $eep-#ry at 3@) ' until golden brown, about 5 minutes!


1 3 Chicken wings 'resh ginger root 8egetable oil 4 tablespoons 2yster sauce 1 tablespoon $ry sherry 1/2 teaspoon &ugar 2 1/2 tablespoons &oy sauce 1 cup /ater slices Cut each wing into two pieces by separating at the (ointA discard the tips! 4eat the ginger slices in the oil in a wokA add a third o# the wings at a time and brown! /hen the wings are browned, drain the oil and remove the ginger slices #rom the wok! -dd the oyster sauce, sherry, sugar soy sauce, and water! %lace the browned wings in the wok and simmer, covered, #or 1) to 1 minutes! Cook another 12 to 15 minutes with the lid o##, basting #re0uently with the sauce! /hen the wings are tender and nicely gla.ed, they are ready to be eaten!


45 Chicken wings 2 cups &oy sauce 2 cups Brown sugar -- packed 1 cup Butter 2 teaspoons $ry mustard 1 1/2 cups /ater $is(oint chicken wings, discarding bony tips! -rrange meatier wing parts in shallow baking pan! Combine soy sauce, brown sugar, butter, mustard and water and heat until sugar and butter dissolve! Cool and pour over wings! ;arinate in re#rigerator 2 hours, turning occasionally! Bake, in marinade, at 35) degrees 45 minutes, turning once and spooning marinade over chicken occasionally! $rain on paper towels and serve hot or cold! 7ote: ;arinade goes along way! ;ore wings can be added! ;arinate in 2 large .iplock bags!

Chicken Wings W6sauce

9 Chicken -- wings-washed 1/4 cup 8eg oil 1 teaspoon "arlicA -- chopped 3 teaspoons &oy sauce -- sweet dark 1/4 teaspoon ;sg -- optional 1 cup /ater 1 2nion -- sliced 1 teaspoon "inger -- #inely chopped #res 2 "reen onion -- cut 1= pcs! $irections: Cook chicken wings in water on high heat #or 1)-12 minutes! -dd oil and cook #or 15 minutes on medium heat or until chicken is brown on both sides! 3educe heat to med high, dri..le all wings with sweet dark soy sauce one tbsp at a time! &tir 4 or 5 times! ;ake sure that all wings are coated! -dd remaining ingredients! &immer on low heat #or 5-9 minutes! 3emove #rom heat! <et stand3-4 minutes! &erve warm with hot cooked rice!

Chi++ed Chi+ied Chicken Wings

2 2 4 tablespoons 42 C46<6 %2/$53 /42<5 5""& <6"4 <? B5- 57 pounds C46C>57 /67"& B15D 26< '23 '3?67" 1/2 cup B26<67" /- 53 1 tablespoon C+;67 2 tablespoons >5 C4+% 2 tablespoons 42 %-%36>1 1/2 tablespoons 42 %5%%53 &-+C5 1 teaspoon 235"-72 1 teaspoon &-< 1/2 teaspoon '35&4 "32+7$ %5%%53 ;6I 45 C46<6 %2/$53,C+;67,42 %-%36>-,235"-72,&-< -7$ %5%%53 2"5 453 /6 4 45 B26<67" /- 53,-7$ & 63 2 ;->5 - C46<6 %-& 5! & 63 67 4 >5 C4+% -7$ %5%%53 &-+C5!&5 -&6$5 2 C22< &<6"4 <?!%<-C5 45 5""& 67 - <-3"5 B2/<,-7$ & 63 67 45 C46<6 %-& 5!;6I /5<<! C+ 45 -%535$ J267 '32; 45 /67"&,-7$ 35&5385 '23 & 2C> 23 -72 453 +&5!%+ 45 36;;5$ /67"& 67 45 &%6C5 5"" ;6I +35! 2&& 432+"4<?! 45 /67"& &42+<$ &2-> 67 45 ;-367-$5 '23 &5853-< 42+3& 67 45 35'36"53- 23A 45 <27"53 45? ;-367- 5, 45 &%6C53 45? /6<< B5!45- -7 67C4 2' 26< 67 - 45-8? &>6<<5 2 3*5 $5"355&!B6 C& 45 %32%53 5;%53- +35 /457 /67" 6% $6%%5$ 67 45 26< C-+&5& -7 6;;5$6- 5 B+BB<67"D '3? 45 /67"& 67 B- C45& '23 -B2+ 56"4 ;67+ 5&,'<6%%67" 27C5 $+367" C22>67"!B5 &+35 72 2 C32/$ 45 %-7! $3-67 27 %-%53 2/5<&!&5385 42 23 C46<<5$


1/4 cup <ite eriyaki ;arinade 1/4 cup 2riental BBK &auce -- >ikoman 1/4 cup <ee >um >ee -- Boyster sauceD 1 tablespoon Brown sugar 12 medium Chicken wings -- whole 1 teaspoon 2riental &eason -- -myway 1 teaspoon 4ot G &picy &tir 'ry &eason 1 teaspoon &oy -- >ikoman &eparate drumette #rom rest o# wing! %lace on broiler pan skin side down! &eason with 2riental &easoning and 4ot G &picy &tir 'ry &easoning B#rom CalaphonD! %lace on middle rack o# preheated oven to broil! -s wings start to cook, begin making dipping sauce! %lace eriyaki, 2riental BBK, &oy and brown sugar together, whisk! /hen wings start to color good, 1) minutes or so, remove #rom oven and turn over, season slightly, return to oven! /hen wings are "olden brown on this side, remove! $ip and shake o# e1cess sauce! -#ter all have been dipped return to broiler pan and return to oven! <et broil until a bit crusted, not more than a #ew minutes! "reat as an appeti.er or side dish with #ried rice! ry with a glass o# plum wine!

Chinese Chicken Wings

24 Chicken wings, separated -- tips discarded 2 cups &oy sauce 2 teaspoons %repared mustard Bthe -sian -- kind not 'renchesD 2 teaspoons 'reshly grated ginger 1/2 cup &ugar 2 teaspoons 'inely chopped garlic 1! Combine soy,mustard, ginger, sugar and garlic, stir well,then pour over chicken wings, 2! Cover and re#rigerate over night 3! -t serving time heat oven to 35) degrees and bake #or 1 hour or grill on a charcoal


2 $o.en chicken wings 1/2 teaspoon Coconut e1tract 4 teaspoons Curry powder @ tablespoons ;elted butter 1 cup ;ilk 2 cups 6nstant mashed potatoes 3 tablespoons &weetened -- #laked coconut 2 Cloves garlic -- minced Cut tips o## wings! 6n a large bowl, combine milk, e1tract and wings! &tir to mi1 well! ;arinate at least 2 hours Bor overnightD! 6n another bowl, combine potatoes, curry and cocoanut! ake wings out o# marinade and roll in potato mi1ture! %lace slightly apart on well greased cookie sheets! Combine butter G garlic! $ri..le over wings! Bake, uncovered, at 3*5 degrees until browned - 45 minutes!

Cookie s Wings Fro8 He++

4 2 cups 4ot sauce tablespoons Cayenne Chicken wings

o cut down the heat, use 1 b "round 3ed pepper plus 1 b cayenne! 4eat sauce as needed, #or 1) minutes at 35), then dip wings into hot sauce mi1! ?ou can double the sauce recipe i# you like! +se as much as you need to coat wings! ?ou can strain what is le#t and reheat it and keep it in a (ar! 6t will keep inde#initely! Just shake the (ar and pour as much sauce as needed into a pan and reheat to dip chicken wings! he che# who gave me the recipe makes it a gallon at a time! 4e uses the cayenne-red pepper mi1, 6 use all cayenne!


3 4 2 2 1 1 1 Chicken /ings Cloves "arlic -- ;inced teaspoons $ry ;ustard teaspoons %aprika teaspoon $ried hyme teaspoon "ranulated &ugar teaspoon Cayenne %epper 1/2 teaspoon &alt 1/2 teaspoon Black %epper 1/4 cup <emon Juice -----%5-C4 ;+& -3$ &-+C5----1/2 cup %each Jam 1 tablespoon $i(on ;ustard 2 teaspoons %imiento -- diced 1 teaspoon Cider 8inegar Cut tips o## wingsA reserve #or stock! 6n small bowl, stir together garlic, mustard, paprika, thyme, sugar, cayenne, salt and black pepperA blend in lemon (uice to make paste! +sing pastry brush, brush paste over wings! -rrange wings, meaty side down, on lightly greased #oil-lined baking sheets! <et stand #or 3) minutes at room temperature! Bake in 4*5' oven #or 15 minutesA turn wings over and bake #or 15 to 2) minutes or until brown, crisp and no longer pink inside! %each ;ustard &auce: 6n saucepan, melt (am over low heatA stir in mustard, pimiento and vinegar! &erve separately #or dipping! B;akes 4 main-course or 9 appeti.er servingsD pounds


1 1/2 pounds chicken wings -- dis(ointed 1 medium egg 1/2 cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon ginger powder 1 medium onion -- #inely diced 2 cups #inely crushed corn #lakes ;i1 together egg, soy sauce, garlic powder and ginger powder! &et aside! 2n wa1 paper, mi1 together crushed corn #lakes and diced onion! $ip each wing in soy sauce mi1ture, then roll in corn #lakes and onion! 6n glass baking dish, cover and cook wings on high BLD #or 2) minutes, or until cooked! 3emove covering hal#way through cooking! +se 13=1L= baking dish! ?ield: 24 appeti.ers!


5 pounds 1/2 gallon 1 cup Chicken wings -- deep #ried 4ot pepper sauce Cornstarch

$eep #ry wings till over done! put in pan and cover w/ #avorite hot sauce! tightly w/ #oil and bake in over M 3)) #or 1 hour! Cool completely in re#rigerator! 3oll wings in corn starch, dip in hot sauce again and roll in corn starch and let wings sit on plate #or a #ew minutes!

Cris,( Hone( Wings

3/4 cup honey 1/4 cup white worcestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon ginger 3 pounds chicken wings ;i1 honey, worcestershire sauce and ginger! "rill chicken wings 4-@= #rom medium coals, 2)-25 minutes, brushing #re0uently with honey mi1ture and turning a#ter 1) minutes, until done! 72 5: 6# you canCt #ind white worcestershire sauce, the dark colored variety can be used instead!

Cris,( Hone( Wings

3/4 Cup 4oney 1/4 Cup /hite worcestershire sauce 1/2 easpoon "inger 3 %ounds Chicken wings ;i1 honey, worcestershire sauce and ginger! "rill chicken wings 4-@= #rom medium coals, 2)-25 minutes, brushing #re0uently with honey mi1ture and turning a#ter 1) minutes, until done! 72 5: 6# you canCt #ind white worcestershire sauce, the dark colored variety can be used instead!

Crunch( )ar8esan Chicken Wings

4 pounds Chicken wings 1/2 cup 'lour 1/2 teaspoon %aprika 1/4 teaspoon &alt and pepper 4 5ggs 2 cups %armesan cheese -- #reshly gra 1/2 cup $ry bread crumbs 1 teaspoon 5ach dried basil and oregano 3emove tips #rom chicken wings and reserve #or stock i# desiredA separate wings at (oints! 6n shallow dish, combine #lour, paprika, salt and pepper! 6n another shallow dish, beat eggs! 6n third shallow dish, combine cheese, bread crumbs, basil and oregano! $ip wings into #lour mi1ture, then into eggs, then into cheese mi1ture, pressing #irmly! B/ings can be prepared to this point, placed on rack, covered and re#rigerated #or up to 4 hours!D -rrange wings on greased rimmed baking sheets! Bake in 3*5' oven #or 35-4) minutes, turning once, or until golden brown and crisp! ;akes about @) pieces!

19 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 Chicken wings ounces "inger root -- grated ounce "ranulated garlic teaspoon &esame oil teaspoon &alt dashes abasco ounce Brandy 5gg -----&436;% B- 53----1 cup 'lour 2 5ggs 1/2 cup Cornstarch 1 tablespoon Baking powder /ater

/ash chicken wings G cut away each tip section! 4old each end o# a remaining, (ointed wing, G dis(oint by bending elbowAdonCt separate! 4olding #ingers tightly around smaller bone, press upward, pushing meat #rom smaller section right into larger section, giving wing a drumstick appearance! 3epeat process with all wings! Combine ginger root, garlic, oil, salt, abasco, brandy and egg in bowl G mi1 well! ;arinate wings in mi1ture appro1imately 2-4 hrs! at room temperature! 'old wings into &hrimp BatterA deep #ry at 3@) until golden brown! B- 53: Combine all ingredients! hin with water until the consistency is that o# pancake batter 'or #lu##ier batter, add 1 tsp! oil G 4 o.! beer!

Eas( .eri(aki Wings

1/4 cup Catsup 1/4 teaspoon "arlic powder 2 tablespoons Brown sugar 1/4 cup 2il 1/4 cup &oy sauce 1/4 cup <emon (uice 2 pounds Chicken wings 3emove wing tips #rom chicken and cut apart at (oint! Combine remaining ingredients! ;arinate chicken in shallow baking dish overnight, turning occasionally! %reheat oven to 3*5! -rrange chicken on rack in aluminum #oil-lined shallow baking pan! Bake 4)-45 minutes, basting occasionally with marinade!

E8,ress Chicken Wings

1 1/2 pounds Chicken /ings 3 tablespoons &oy &auce 1 tablespoon $ry &herry 1 tablespoon ;inced 'resh "inger 3oot 1 Clove "arlic -- ;inced 2 tablespoons 8egetable 2il 1/3 cup Cornstarch 2/3 cup /ater 2 "reen 2nions -nd ops -- Cut 6nto hin &lices 1 teaspoon &livered 'resh "inger 3oot $is(oint the chicken wingsA discard tips Bor save #or stockD! Combine soy sauce, sherry, minced ginger and garlic in a large bowlA stir in chicken! Cover and re#rigerate #or 1 hour, stirring occasionally! 3emove chickenA reserve marinade! 4eat oil in large skillet over medium heat! <ightly coat chicken pieces with cornstarchA add to skillet and brown slowly on all sides! 3emove chickenA drain o## #at! &tir water and reserved marinade into same skillet! -dd chickenA sprinkle green onions and slivered ginger evenly over chicken! Cover and simmer #or 5 minutes, or until chicken is tender!

Fajita Chicken Wings

12 Chicken wings EmarinadeE 1/4 cup <ime (uice 2 tablespoons 2il 3 tablespoons Cilantro -- chopped 1 Cl "arlic -- minced 1 teaspoon Cumin 1/2 teaspoon &alt 1/2 teaspoon 2regano 1/4 teaspoon 3ed pepper #lakes -- crushed

Cut each chicken wing in hal#A place in large resealable plastic bag! -dd all marinade ingredientsA seal bag! urn bag to coat wings! 3e#rigerate at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours, turning bag occasionally! 4eat oven to 3*5 '! $rain chicken wings, reserving marinade! %lace chicken on broiler pan! Bake at 3*5 ' #or 45 to @) minutes or until chicken is no longer pink, brushing occasionally with reserved marinade! $iscard any remaining marinade!

Fajita Chicken Wings

12 1/4 2 3 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/4 Chicken wings -- tips removed -----;-367-$5----Cup <ime (uice ablespoons 2il ablespoons 'resh cilantro -- chopped "arlic clove -- minced easpoon Cumin easpoon &alt teaspoon $ried oregano leaves teaspoon Crushed red pepper #lakes

Cut each wing in hal#A place in large resealable bag! -dd all marinade ingredientsA seal bag! urn bag to coat wings! 3e#rigerate at least 4 hours, up to 24 hours, turning bag occasionally! 4eat oven to 3*5N! $rain chicken, reserving marinade! %lace chicken on broiler pan! Bake 45-@) minutes, brushing occasionally with marinade! $iscard any remaining marinade!

Finger Dru8sticks
1 1/2 pounds chicken wings - 12 to 15 salt and pepper 1 cup chicken bouillon 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1/9 teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons lemon (uice 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1/9 teaspoon garlic salt Cut o## and discard wing tipsA divide each wing in hal# by cutting through (oint with a sharp kni#e! &prinkle wings with salt and pepper! %lace in slow-cooking pot! %our bouillon over chicken! Cover and cook on low #or 4 to 5 hours or until tender! $rainA place on broiler pan! ;eanwhile, in small saucepan, combine cornstarch with sugar, salt, ginger, pepper, lemon (uice, soy sauce and garlic salt! &immer, stirring constantly, until mi1ture thickens! Brush some sauce on chickenA brown under broiler! urnA brush sauce on chicken and brown other side! ;akes about 25 to 3) appeti.ers! 3ecipe may be doubled #or a party! >eep appeti.ers hot and serve #rom slow-cooking pot!


2 1/2 pounds 5 tablespoons 2 tablespoons 1 tablespoon 1/4 teaspoon Chicken wings -- separated <ouisiana hot sauce 8egetable oil /hite vinegar "arlic powder

hese screaming hot chicken wings are easy to prepare, and can be made hot, hotter and scorching hot by adding more hot sauce! 5n(oy these wings with celery sticks and Cool Cucumber $ip to help e1tinguish any =#ires!= 72 5: he recipe actually calls #or 3 to 5 bsp o# <ouisiana hot sauce! +se your own discretion! &et oven to =broil= and place rack @= #rom the element! 6n a medium si.ed mi1ing bowl combine hot sauce, oil, vinegar and garlic powder! %lace chicken wings on a broiling pan! +sing a pastry brush, coat the wings with the sauce mi1ture! Broil the wings #or * minutes on one side be#ore turning them over and broiling #or another * minutes! ?ou can also cook these wings over the BBK! Cook wings #or the same amount o# time over medium high heat! Be sure to preheat the BBK and brush the grill with oil to prevent sticking! &erves 2 - 4

Gar+ic Chicken Wings

E separated at (ointsA tips discarded in a strong plastic bag! 4eat a large skillet with 2= o# vegetable oil until hot! &hake wings in seasoned #lour and #ry until golden brown and crisp on both sides! 3emove wings, drain on paper towels! /hen all wings are done, remove all but 2 blsp oil, leaving the browned bits on he bottom o# the skillet! -dd 3 blsp #inely chopped garlic to the oil in the skillet and saute until so#t, but not browned! -dd 3/4 cup dry, 'ino sherry into the skillet and scrape up the brown bits remaining! -dd 1/2 cup chicken broth, stir and reduce the sauce by 1/3! 6t will become a bit thicker! -d(ust seasoning with salt and pepper, return wings to sauce to heat brie#ly, coating with the sauce!

Gar+ick( Gi+ro( Chicken Wings

2 15 3 1 1 1 1 pounds Chicken wings $rops tabasco pepper sauce 4eads #resh garlic -- separated cup "rated parmesan cheese 6nto cloves and peeled cup 6talian style bread crumbs cup %lus 1 ! olive oil -- divided teaspoon Black pepper

%reheat oven to 3*5! $is(oint chicken wings, removing tips! 3inse wingsA pat dry! %lace garlic, 1 cup oil and pepper sauce in #ood processor or blender containerA cover and process until smooth! %our garlic mi1ture into small bowl! Combine cheese, bread crumbs and black pepper in shallow dish! $ip wings into garlic mi1ture, then roll, one at a time, in crumb mi1ture until thoroughly coated! Brush shallow nonstick pan with remaining 1 ! oilA arrange wings in a single layer! $ri..le remaining garlic mi1ture over wingsA sprinkle with remaining crumb mi1ture! Bake 45 to @) minutes or until brown and crisp! "arnish as desired!

Genuine Red Hot Bu**a+o Wings

3 2 2) cups cups pounds $urkee red hot cayenne pepper sauce Clari#ied butter -- hot Chicken wings -- #ro.en

$eep-#ry wings at 4))' #or 1) to 12 minutes until crispy brown or bake at 425O #or 3) minutesA turn and bake additional 3) minutes, until brown! $rain well! -dd to sauce and toss well to coat chicken wings! >eep warm! &erve with blue cheese dip and celery sticks! 'or added heat, try ad(usting the ratio o# $urkee 3ed hot &auce to butter!


2 pounds Chicken wings 1/2 cup Butter 1/2 cup 4oney 1/4 cup %repared mustard 1 teaspoon &alt 1 tablespoon Curry Bmild or hotD place chicken in shallow baking pan, skin side up! Combine butter, honey, mustard, salt, G curry powder and mi1 well! %our over chicken and bake at 35)' #or 1 1/4 hourCs basting every 15 minCs!


can Cranberry (elly 1/4 cup /ater 3/4 cup "rey %oupon -- honey style 1 teaspoon 2range peel -- grated 1@ Chicken wings, split -- with removed 4eat cranberry sauce and water over low heat, stirring occasionally until blended! &tir in mustard and orange peel! 3emove #rom heatA cool slightly! 6n med! bowl, mi1 chicken with mustard mi1tureA cover and chill overnight! %reheat oven to 4))'! 3emove chicken #rom marinadeA reserve marinade! -rrange chicken on lightly greased #oil-lined pan! Bake 4)-45 minutes, turning and brushing chicken with marinade a#ter 2) minutes! 1

G+a>ed Sho(u Chicken Wings

1 1/2 pounds Chicken wings 3 "reen onions -- cut in 2= piec 3 tablespoons $ry sherry 1/4 cup $ark soy sauce 2 teaspoons &ugar &esame seeds -- i# desired 3emove tips #rom wings! <eave whole or cut at (oint! %lace onions in large wok or pan on medium heat! &tir in sherry and soy sauce! -dd sugar and bring to a #ull boil! 3educe heat and place chicken in mi1ture! Cover and simmer over low heat #or 2) minutes, turning occasionally or until done! &prinkle sesame seeds i# desired! ;akes 9-1)

Guerrini Chicken Wings

2 pounds chicken wings -- Bto 3 lbD 1 1/2 teaspoons salt * tablespoons cornstarch 2) milliliters garlic -- minced 4 tablespoons #lour 2 eggs 5 tablespoons soy sauce 4 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds 2 green onions -- chopped oil #or #rying ;i1 all ingredients e1cept oil and chicken! -dd chicken to mi1ture and marinate overnight in the re#rigerator, turning occasionally to coat! $eep #ry until golden brown!

Ha!aiian Chicken Wings

2 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/9 1/4 1/2 @ pounds cup teaspoon teaspoon cup teaspoon cup ounces chicken wings sugar ginger -- ground garlic powder onions -- chopped black pepper soy sauce pineapple (uice

3emove wing tips #rom chicken and cut apart at (oint! Combine remaining ingredients! ;arinate chicken wings #or at least 24 hours! %reheat oven to 3*5! Bake #or 1 hour! &erve warm!

Hidden <a++e( Ranch Bu**a+o Wings

24 Chicken wings 1/2 cup ;elted butter 1/4 cup 2riental hot pepper sauce 3 tablespoons 8inegar 2 packages 4idden valley ranch milk rec 2riginal ranch salad dressin 1/2 teaspoon %aprika Celery sticks %reheat oven to 35) ' degrees! $ip chicken in mi1ture o# melted butter, pepper sauce and vinegar, put in baking pan! &prinkle with 1 package dry dressing mi1! Bake 25 to 3) minutes or until browned! &prinkle with paprika! &erve with celery sticks and prepared 4idden 8alley 3anch &alad $ressing ;i1!


24 each Chicken /ings -- &eparated 2 tablespoons 8egetable 2il 1/4 teaspoon "arlic %owder 3 tablespoons 4abanero &auce 3 tablespoons abasco &auce "round 3ed %epper to taste 1 tablespoon /hite 8inegar 1/4 cup Brown &ugar 1 cup Bleu Cheese &alad $ressing <ea# <ettuce #or platter hese chicken wings are 0uite easy to prepare! -d(ust the amount o# abasco sauce and 4abanero sauce to your own tastes! 6 recommend though that you (ust cool them by dipping them in the bleu cheese salad dressing rather than decreasing the hot sauces! %reheat oven to 3*5H'! 6n a medium si.ed mi1ing bowl combine vegetable oil, garlic powder, abasco sauce, habanero sauce, vinegar and brown sugar! &eparate tips #rom wings! %lace tips and wings on cookie sheetBsD! +sing a pastry brush, coat the wings with the sauce mi1ture! &prinkle ground red pepper over wings and tips! Bake wings #or 15 to 2) minutes or until browning has occurred! -rrange wings on lea# lettuce and serve with your #avorite beverage! $ip wings in bleu cheese salad dressing #or some cooling a##ect! 72 5: hese wings can also be cooked on the barbe0ue! /ings should be grilled #or the same amount o# time over medium high heat coals!

Ho8e"-ade Hot Wings

2 1/2 pounds Chicken /ings B12 to 15D @ tablespoons B3o.D e1as %ete 4ot &auce E 4 tablespoons B2o.D Butter or ;argarine E 'or 35-< spicy wing, use abasco &auce Cut wings at all (oints! $iscard wing tips! %lace the 24 to 3) pieces in absorbent paper towels to dry! $55% '3?53: 3*5H 9-1) mins or until crispy! 2857: &pread wings in single layer on cookie sheet! Bake at 45)H #or 25 mins! ;elt butter/margarine in sauce pan! -dd hot sauce and stir well! %lace cooked wings in covered bowl! %our sauce over wings! %lace lid on bowl and bowl! %lace on plate covered with paper towel! &erve immediately!


package CampbellCs $ry 2nion with -- Chicken Broth &oup a ;i1 1/3 cup 4oney 2 tablespoons &picy-brown mustard 19 Chicken wings 1! 6n large bowl, mi1 soup mi1, honey and mustard! &et aside! 2! Cut wings at (oints and discard tips! -dd to soup mi1ture! oss to coat! 3! %lace chicken in baking pan! Bake at 4))C'! 45 minutes or until chicken is done, turning once! 1

Hot n Sass( Bu**a+o ?Wings=

1 1/2 cups 2ats -- uncooked 2 teaspoons %aprika 1 teaspoon "arlic powder 1 teaspoon &alt 3 5gg whites 3 tablespoons 3ed pepper sauce 3 Chicken breasts -- cut in stri 7o stick cooking spray 1/4 cup ?ogurt -- plain low-#at 1/4 cup Blue cheese dressing Blend dry ingredients in blender or #ood processor about 1 minuteA place in shallow dish! in another dish, beat egg whites and pepper sauce! <ightly coat chicken strips // oat mi1tureA shake o## e1cess! $ip into egg mi1tureA then again with oat mi1ture! %lace on rack o# broiler pan! spray evenly with no-stick cooking spray to coat completely, about 2) seconds! Broil about 4 inches #rom heat #or 3 minutes! 3emove completely #rom oven! urn chicken pieces overA spray with no-stick cooking spray to coat, about 2) seconds! Broil 2 to 3 minutes or until golden brown! Combine yogurt and dressing! &erve as dip with chicken and celery sticks

Hot n S,ic( Chicken Wings With B+ue Cheese

-----dip----1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons white wine vinegar 1 tablespoon chopped #resh parsley 1 tablespoon chopped green onions 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic 1/2 teaspoon tabasco pepper sauce 3 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese salt G pepper to taste -----chicken wings----12 chicken wings vegetable oil #or #rying 4 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 1 teaspoon catsup 1 teaspoon tabasco pepper sauce celery sticks 6n a bowl, beat together all o# the dip ingredients until blended! &et aside! 3emove the tips #rom the wings and discard! &eparate the #irst and second (oints o# the wings with a sharp kni#e! %at the wings dry with paper towels! 6n a heavy saucepan, heat about 2 inches o# oil to 35)' on a deep-#rying thermometer! 'ry the wings! a #ew at a time, #or about @ minutes, until golden brown on all sides! $rain on paper towels! 6n a small bowl, mi1 the butter, catsup and abasco sauce! oss the wings in the butter mi1ture to coat thoroughly! &erve hot, and pass the dip and celery sticks!!

Hot And S,ic( Chicken Wings

1 2 2 1 1 2 1 can tomato sauce B9o.D tablespoons red pepper #lakes tablespoons hot sauce tablespoon garlic powder tablespoon onion powder tablespoons (alapeno peppers -- chopped pound chicken wings

Combine tomato sauce, red pepper #lakes, hot sauce, garlic powder, onion powder and Jalapeno peppers in a medium si.e bowl! &pray a baking sheet with no-stick cooking spray! %lace chicken wings on baking dish! Brush sauce over wings! Bake at 35) #or 2) mins! urn over and brush with sauce and bake #or another 1) mins! &erve with blue cheese dressing and celery i# desired! &erves 4!


2 1/2 pounds Chicken wings 2il #or #rying BoptionalD @ ounces 4ot sauce or abasco 1/2 cup ;elted butter Cut the chicken wings in two at the (oints! 6n a large #rying pan or skilletA heat to 3@)' enough oil Bor shorteningD to cover the chicken wings! -dd the wings and #ry until crisp, about 12-15 minutes! o bake, preheat the oven to 45)'! &pread the chicken wings out on a baking sheet in one layer and bake 45 minutes! o make the sauce, combine the 4ot &auce or abasco and melted butter and blend thoroughly! -s soon as the chicken wings are cooked, douse with the sauce, and serve immediately! &erves 2-@ 7athalie $upreeCs =7ew &outhern Cooking= 7athalie says, = hese little wings make a good meal #or two or are a great appeti.er! +p 7orth, they are called Bu##alo wings and are served with celery and blue-cheese dressing! he little wing tips should be trimmed o## to make neater pieces! But 6 cook them along with the wings and save them #or mysel#! 6 call them the =cookCs treat!= ?ou may #ry or bake the wings, depending on dietary considerations!

Hot Chicken Wings @

3 4 pounds Chicken wings packages aco seasoning mi1 'lour 2il Celery stalks Blue cheese dressing

;i1 together the #lour and taco seasoning, get oil hot in pan! 'lour chicken wings and #ry until done! &erve with celery and blue cheese #or dipping!

Hot Chicken Wings 1

2 1/2 pounds Chicken wings 2il -- #or #rying Boptional @ ounces 4ot sauce or tabasco 1/2 cup ;elted butter Cut the chicken wings in two at the (oints! 6n a large #rying pan o skilletA heat to 3@)' enough oil Bor shorteningD to cover the chicken wings! -dd the wings and #ry until crisp, about 12-15 minutes! o bake, preheat the oven to 45)'! &pread the chicken wings out on a baking sheet in one layer and bake 45 minutes! o make the sauce, combine the 4ot &auce or abasco and melted butter and blend thoroughly! -s soon as the chicken wings are cooked, douse with the sauce, and serve immediately! &erves 2-@

Hot Fajita Wings With Guaca8o+e

1/4 cup honey 2 tablespoons lime (uice 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 1/2 pounds chicken wings -- shoulder midsection only -- cut apart 1 carton B@ o.D #ro.en -- avocado dip, thawedA 1 cup homemade guacamole 6n a large plastic bag, mi1 honey, lime (uice, chili powder, and soy sauce! -dd wingsA seal bag and mi1 to coat! Chill, turning occasionally, at least 1 hour or up to a day! <i#t out wings and place in a single layer on racks in 2 broiler pans, each about 1) by 15 inches! Bake in a 45) degree oven 15 minutes! urn pieces over and continue baking until browned, 25 to 3) minutes! B6# making ahead, let cool, wrap airtight, and chill up to 1 dayA serve at room temperature or reheat in a single layer in pans in a 35) degree oven #or about 1) minutes!D %ut wings on a platter! %lace avocado dip in a bowl set on platter with the wings! ;akes 9 to 1) appeti.er servings! %er serving: 1*) calories B53P #rom #atD, 1) g #at B2!4 g saturatedD, 3@3 mg sodium, 2L mg cholesterol!

49 Chicken wings -----&-+C5----1/4 pound Butter -- 1 cube 12 ounces Crystal hot sauce 2 ounces <ouisiana hot sauce 4 ounces apatio hot sauce 2 ounces 3ed $evil pepper sauce 2 ounces abassco $is(oint wings and discard tips! -rrange in baking pan and bake in 3*5 degree oven #or 1 hour, until done! ;eanwhile combine butter, and sauces in sauce! 4eat and stir until butter is melted! >eep warm! 3emove wings #rom oven and dip in individually in sauce mi1ture! %lace in serving dish! %our remainder o# sauce over the top! <e#t over sauce can be re#rigerated and used again! 7ote: Choices o# hot sauces may vary! -d(ust amount to taste! Be sure to use the Crystal hot sauce and ad(ust the others! -bove recipe is 0uite hot, but tastyF

Hot Wings 1
1/2 cup butter -- margarine melted 1/4 cup hot pepper sauce 3 tablespoons vinegar 24 chicken drumettes %reheat oven to 35)! 6n small bowl,whisk together butter, pepper sauce and vinegar! $ip drumettes in butter mi1tureA arrange in single layer in large baking pan! Bake until chicken is browned, 3) to 4) minutes! &prinkle with paprika! &erve with salad dressing and celery sticks!

$a8aican Chicken Wings

*2 Chicken drummettes ;-367-$5 2 &cotch Bonnet peppers -- or 4 Jalapenos -- seeded 3 bn "reen onions 1 cup 3ed wine vinegar 1 cup 2live oil 1/2 cup &oy sauce 1/2 cup $ark rum 1/4 cup Brown sugar 1 tablespoon 'resh thyme 1 teaspoon 5ach ground cloves, nutmeg -- allspice and cinnamo

Blend all marinade ingredients in a blender! ;arinate chicken wings overnight! +se gallon plastic bags! Cook wings in a 35)N oven #or 3) to 4) minutes! Baste #re0uently!

$a8aican Hot Wings

1 9 pound ounces 1/2 ounce 9 ounces 9 ounces 5 pounds Butter Jamaican Jerk &pice abasco &auce omato Juice +n bleached 'lour Chicken /ingsA 2r $rumettes -- 'resh 7ot 'ro.en 2il 'or 'rying

Jamaican (erk spice may be #ound in specialty #ood stores! ;elt the butter in a 2-0uart sauce pot over low heat! -dd the (erk spice, abasco sauce, and tomato (uice! Blend well and set aside! 3inse the wings under cold running water and pat dry with paper towels! $ust the wing with the #lour and deep #ry in a heavy pot or skillet in about 2-inches o# hot oil until done! %lace the cooked wings in the sauce mi1ture and allow to marinate (ust a #ew minutes! $rain o## any e1cess li0uid! &erve immediately! ;akes 4) to 5) /ings

$a8aican $erk Chicken Wings

-----'23 45 ;-367-$5----2nion -- chopped 2/3 cup &callions -- chopped 2 "arlic cloves 1/2 teaspoon hyme -- crumbled 1 1/2 teaspoons &alt 1 1/2 teaspoons "round allspice 1/4 teaspoon 7utmeg -- grated 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon 1/4 cup Jalapeno pepper -- minced 1 teaspoon Black pepper @ drops abasco sauce 2 tablespoons &oy sauce 1/4 cup 8egetable oil ------$$ 2 ;-367-$5----19 Chicken wings -- trimmed 1 ;arinade: 6n a #ood processor or blender, puree all ingredients e1cept #or the wings! 6n a large shallow dish arrange the wings in one layer and spoon the marinade over them, rubbing it in Buse rubber glovesD! <et them marinate, covered G chilled, turning them once, at least 1 hour, or pre#erably, overnight! -rrange the wings in one layer on an oiled rack set over a #oil-lined roasting pan, spoon the marinade over them G bake in the upper third o# a preheated 45)' oven, 3)-35 minutes, or until they are cooked through!

$a8es Wor+d s Hottest WingsA

2 pounds Chicken /ings cut up Bu##alo -- style @ /hole sorano chili peppers @ /hole red chili peppers 1) /hole (alapeno peppers 2 cups /hite wine 1 Bottle abasco &auce 1/2 Bottle /orcestershire sauce 1) tablespoons Cayenne pepper 1) tablespoons $urkee red-hot sauce 1 tablespoon &alt 3 tablespoons %epper 1/2 cup 8inegar 1 'ire 51tinguisher -- B2ptionalFD attempt to eat with -- an ulcer! 6n a blender, care#ully puree the peppers, wine, vinegar and all spices! Caution, the #umes are deadly and wear rubber gloves or your #ingers will burnF %ut the puree into a bowl and marinate the wings in the bowl in the #ridge #or 5 days! -#ter 5 days, care#ully remove the wings and broil them until cooked! +sually appro1 15 mins BQ/- 5 minsD! ake the marinade, put it on the stove, add 1/4 cup sugar and heat to a boil! reduce until thick! %our over wings and re-broil #or about 5 more minutes, serve with soda water #or ma1imum heat e##ect but keep plenty o# ice water handy!

$anice %kun s Bu**a+o Wings

24 Chicken wings B4 lbs!D &alt -- optional 1 dash 'resh gr! pepper -taste 4 cups %eanut oil 4 tablespoons Butter 4 tablespoons <ouisiana 4ot &auce 1 tablespoon /hite vinegar 2 1/2 cups Blue cheese dressing-CC Celery sticks

Cut o## and discard the small tip o# each wing! Cut the main wing bone and second wing bone at the (oint! &prinkle the wings with salt, i# desired, and pepper to taste! 4eat the oil in a deep-#at #ryer or large casserole! /hen it is 0uite hot, add hal# o# the wings and cook about 1) minutes, stirring occasionally, when the chicken wings are golden brown and crisp, remove them and drain well! -dd the remaining wings and cook about 1) minutes or until golden brown and crisp! $rain well! ;elt the butter in a saucepan and add 2 to 5 bsp! o# the hot sauce and vinegar! %ut the chicken wings on a warm serving platter and pour the butter mi1ture over them! &erve with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks!

$a,anese Chicken Wings

2 pounds Chicken wings cup &oy sauce cup &ake cup &ugar teaspoon Crushed red pepper 1 "arlic clove -- crushed 1 1/2 teaspoons 'resh ginger root -- grated Bdo not use powdered gingerD 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 Cut each chicken wing into 3 parts, separating at the (oints! B'ree.e wing tips #or another useD! 6n a 12 1 9 inch baking dish, mi1 remaining ingredients! -dd chicken wings and turn to coat well! <et marinate #or 1 hour, turning occasionally! BCan be prepared in advance! Cover and re#rigerate #or up to 24 hoursD! %reheat oven to 3*5 degrees! Bake chicken in marinade uncovered #or 1 1/2 hours, turning occasionally! &erve warm or

$erk Chicken Wings

24 /hole chicken wings -- Babout 4 poundsD 9 &callions -- cut into 1= piece 4 'resh (alapeno peppers -- seeded and coarsely 2 tablespoons $istilled white vinegar 1 tablespoon "round allspice 4 "arlic cloves -- chopped 2 teaspoons $ried thyme 1 teaspoon &alt 1/2 teaspoon 'reshly ground pepper 1/4 teaspoon Cayenne 1/4 cup 8egetable oil <ime wedges 1! 3inse chicken with cold water and pat dry! Cut o## and discard pointed tip o# each wing and halve wings at the main (oint! 2! 6n a #ood processor, combine scallions, (alapeno peppers, vinegar, allspice, garlic, thyme, salt, pepper, and cayenne! %rocess until well blended! /ith machine on, slowly pour in oil and puree until a thick paste #orms! 3! 6n a large bowl, combine chicken wings and (erk paste! oss until wings are well coated! Cover and re#rigerate overnight 4! %reheat broiler! -rrange wings on broiler pan about @ inches #rom heat and broil, turning once, until nicely browned outside and cooked through, about 2) minutes total! &erve warm or at room temperature with lime wedges and lots o# napkins! he name o# this recipe is no re#lection on the cookA (erk is a #iery Jamaican marinade #or chicken, pork, or bee#!


cup $ry sherry 1/2 cup &oy sauce 1/4 teaspoon "arlic powder 1 teaspoon "round ginger 49 Chicken wings 1! 6n a large bowl combine sherry, soy sauce, garlic powder and gingerA set aside! 2! $is(oint chicken wings into 3 parts each! $iscard the tip end or save to use #or soup stock at a later time! 3! ;arinate chicken pieces in sherry mi1ture in the re#rigerator at least three hours, but not longer than 24 hours! 4! -rrange 2) pieces at a time in a single layer on a heat- resistant, non-metallic serving platter! 5! 4eat, uncovered, in ;icrowave 2ven 12 to 14 minutes or until chicken is well cooked! urn chicken pieces over a#ter 5 minutes! @! 3epeat with remaining pieces as needed! ip: +ncooked chicken pieces can either be stored in re#rigerator #or 2 to 3 days or may be #ro.en #or 3 months! Cooked pieces may be reheated! 1

-aurice s S,ic( Chicken Wings

4) Chicken drumettes 3/4 cup &oy sauce 2/3 cup 4oney 4 teaspoons 8egetable oil 3 tablespoons $ry mustard %ut drumettes into a plastic bag! ;i1 remaining ingredients together and pour into the bag! Close bag securely and shake until chicken is well coated! 3e#rigerate #or at least 2 hours! %reheat oven to 3*5 degrees! <ine a baking sheet with aluminum #oil and place rack on top o# baking sheet! 3emove chicken #rom bag and place on the rack! Bake #or 3) minutes, until wings are crisp and golden!

-eBican Chicken Wings

-----67"35$657 &----1/2 cup Corn oil 1/4 cup Chili powder 1 teaspoon 2regano 1 teaspoon "round cumin 12 ounces ortilla corn chips 1 pound Chicken wings -- dis(ointed tips discarded 1! %reheat oven to 35)'! 6n a small bowl, whisk together the oil, chili powder, oregano, and cumin to blend well! 2! %ulveri.e the tortilla chips in a #ood processor! %our into a shallow bowl! 3! $ip the chicken pieces in the seasoned oilA then dredge in the ground chips until coated! &et on a #oil-lined baking sheet and bake #or 45 minutes, until browned and crisp outside and tender inside! &erve hot!

-eBican Wings
1) ounces 4ot &auce 1/2 cup ;argarine -- melted 1/4 cup Catsup 1 teaspoon Chili %owder 1 teaspoon "round Cumin seed 1/2 teaspoon "arlic %owder 5 pounds <arge chicken wings -- split or not, tips c 1!Combine hot sauce margarine,catsup G spices and heat, stirring #re0uently! 2! 'ry wings at 3@5 until crispy, about @-L minutes depending on si.e and e0uipment used!B Check under -7C423 B-3 42 /67"& #or good handling procedure o# /ingsD 3! $rain well 4! oss the wings in hot sauce mi1ture

-r9 Food s Santa Fe Wings

2 1/2 pounds chicken wings -- split/tips removed 1/2 cup hot pepper sauce 1/4 cup butter -- B1/2 stickD 1/4 cup chili sauce 1 teaspoon chili powder %reheat the oven to 425 degrees B'D! %lace the chicken wings in a large, ungreased baking dish and bake #or 3) minutes or until cooked and crisp, turning hal#way through the cooking! 6n a large microwave-sa#e bowl, combine the remaining ingredients and microwave on high power #or 1 minute or until the butter is melted! &tir well, then add the wings and toss until well coated! &erve immediately!

Na,a <a++e( Chicken Wings !ith Wine Dressing

9 Chicken wings 1/4 cup Cornstarch 2 teaspoons &alt 1/2 teaspoon /hite pepper 2il -- #or #rying -----/675 $35&&67"----1 cup 2live oil 1 cup arragon wine vinegar 3/4 cup $ry white wine 1 "arlic clove -- mashed 1/2 teaspoon $ry mustard 1/2 teaspoon &ugar 1/2 teaspoon $ried basil -- crushed 1/2 teaspoon $ried oregano -- crushed 1/2 teaspoon $ried tarragon -- crushed &alt -- pepper 1 small omatoA peeled -- seeded G thinly sliced crosswise 1/2 medium "reen bell pepper -- thinly sliced crossw 1/2 small 2nion -- thinly sliced in rin $is(oint chicken wings, discarding bony tips! %ush #lesh to oney end o# bone on remaining parts! /ith sharp kni#e, remove smaller bone in wing portion containing 2 bones! %ress #leshy ends o# chicken pieces to #latten so they will stand upright! $redge chicken in cornstarch mi1ed with 2 teaspoons salt and white pepper! &et aside to dry 3) minutes! 4eat oil to depth o# 1/2 inch in heavy skillet and #ry chicken until golden brown and tender, about * minutes on each side! $rain on paper towels and #ree.e or re#rigerate i# not to be used at once! o make dressing, combine oil, vinegar, wine, garlic, mustard, sugar, basil, oregano and tarragon! &eason to taste with salt and pepper! Blend well! Combine tomato slices, green pepper and onion slices with dressing and mi1 well! o serve, bring chicken wings to room temperature and arrange upright over tomatoes in shallow casserole!

%+i:e Garden Chicken S,iedies

1/4 c 1/4 c 2 ts 1) 1 t 1/2 ts 1/2 ts 1/2 ts 1/2 ts 1 1/2 lb 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 24 c ts t ts 1/2 c lg lg lg ;arinade 2live oil 3ed wine vinegar &ugar "arlic -- mince $i(on mustard &alt %epper $ried tarragon $ried oregano Chicken breasts -- bone, skin - cut 111= s0uares -ppeti.er sauce ;ayonnaise $i(on mustard "arlic -- mince $ried tarragon %ineapple (uice 8egetables 3ed bell peppers -- 1/211= -- *2 strips "reen bell peppers -- 1/211= -- 49 strips ?ellow onion -- 1/211=A -- L@ strips 9= bamboo skewers -- soak in -- the #ridge over-nigh

;-367-$5--dd all ingredients e1cept the chicken to a non-aluminum mi1ing bowl and mi1 thoroughly until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved! %ound the chicken breast between sheets o# wa1ed peper until an even thickness o# 3/1@= overall! Cut the chicken breast meat into 1= s0uares and add to the marinade, covering completely! -llow to marinate #or 2 hours, re#rigerated! 3emove #rom the marinade a#ter 2 hours and drain! &%65$65&--ssemble in the #ollowing order: red bell pepper, onion, chicken B#olded into =C= shape on the skewerD, green bell pepper, onion, chicken, alternately, #inishing with a red pepper strip a#ter the 4th piece o# chicken on each skewer! &pread the skewered items out on each skewer, so they will cook 0uickly! %lace the &piedies on a grill or a griddle and cook appro1imately 1 minute per side, turning 4 times! -d(ust the timing according to your e0uipmentCs heat output! &erve immediately, 4 per 0uest, with dipping sauce, about 1/4 c per serving! &-+C5-;i1 all ingredients together (ust until blended! Chill 1 to 2 hours to blend #lavors! &erve cold!


1 1 1 2 1 &oy sauce %ineapple (uice Clove garlic -- minced #ine tablespoons 2nion -- minced teaspoon "inger -- grated 1/4 cup Brown sugar * ounces Beer 1/4 cup 8egetable oil 5 pounds Chicken wings &esame seeds -- toasted Cut o## and discard the small tip o# each wing! Cut main wing at (oint! Combine #irst 9 ingredients and stir until dissolved! %our over chicken and marinate overnight! Be sure sauce overs all pieces! $rain and save marinade! 6n large skillet, heat a small amount o# oil and brown chicken on all sides over medium! /hen brown, add 1/2 cup marinadeA coverA reduce heat and simmer 15-2) minutes! &tir and add more marinade i# necessary! ;ay be cooked a day in advance and reheated in oven be#ore serving! -dd marinade to moisten be#ore heating! &erve hot in a cha#ing dish! &prinkle with toasted sesame seeds i# desired! cup cup

%rienta+ Chicken Wings

24 Chicken wings -- sectioned 2 Cloves garlic -- minced 1 tablespoon >etchup 1/2 cup 4oney 1/2 cup &oy sauce 1/2 cup $i(on mustard 1 tablespoon 8eg oil ;arinade -rrange in pan G bake 1/2 hour - turn and bake until brown!

2riginal Bu##alo /ings 2il #or #rying or baking 2 pounds chicken wings -- dis-(ointed tips 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup hot pepper sauce 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/2 cup blue cheese dressingAchunky @ stalks celery -- cut into 3= dipping sticks 6' $55% '3?67", %<-C5 26< 67 - <-3"5 &>6<<5 -7$ 45- 2 4)) $5"355&! %<-C5 /67"& 67 42 26< -7$ C22> 12 2 14 ;67+ 5& 23 +7 6< "2<$57 B32/7! 23 %3545- 2857 2 45) -7$ %<-C5 1/4 C+% 26< 67 - L I 13 B->67" %-7! %<-C5 C46C>57 67 %-7 -7$ B->5 '23 3) 2 35 ;67+ 5& 23 +7 6< C36&%?! ;5-7/46<5, 67 - ;5$6+; &-+C5%-7, ;5< B+ 53 -7$ -$$ 42 &-+C5 -7$ 8675"-3! ;6I /5<<! &5 -&6$5! /457 /67"& -35 C22>5$, 35;285 '32; &>6<<5 23 2857, %<-C5 /67"& 67 - %<-& 6C C27 -6753 -7$ -$$ &-+C5! C2853 -7$ &4->5 86"232+&<? +7 6< /67"& -35 C2- 5$ /5<<! 35;285 /67"& 2 &53867" 3-? -7$ "-376&4 /6 4 B<+5 C455&5 $35&&67" -7$ C5<53? & 6C>&! EC22>C& 72 5E '23 - 42 53 &-+C5, -$$ 1/2 5-&%227 2' C-?5775 %5%%53 2 45 B+ 53, 42 &-+C5 -7$ 8675"-3! '23 ;6<$53 +&5 '-8236 5 B-3B5C+5 &-+C5 67& 5-$ 2' 42 &-+C5!

)ar8esan Chicken Wings

1 1 1 1 cup 'reshly grated parmesan cheese tablespoon 4eaping -- #inely chopped #resh %arsley tablespoon 'resh -- oregano or mar(am Chopped teaspoon &alt 1/2 teaspoon 'resh ground pepper 2 pounds Chicken wings cut up 1/2 cup Butter melted %reheat oven to 3*5 deg! ;i1 cheese,parsley,oregano,salt and pepper together and place on a dry tray! $ip each piece o# chicken into the butter,then roll in the cheese mi1ture,coating well! %lace on a greased baking sheet! Bake #or 45 minutes,turning when brown! /ings will #ree.e well! haw in re#rigerator,and heat in a 3*5 deg! oven! ;akes 4 main course or 9 appeti.er servings!!!

)ar8esan Chicken Wings %reganata

1 2 2 1 cup grated parmesan cheese B4o.D tablespoons chopped parsley teaspoons paprika teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon #reshly ground pepper 1/2 cup butter -- melted 1 pound chicken wings -- dis(ointed tips removed 1! %reheat oven to 35)'! 6n a paper bag, combine cheese, parsley, paprika, oregano, basil, salt, and pepper! oss to mi1! %our melted butter in a shallow bowl! 2! $ip chicken pieces into butter, then place in a paper bag and shake to coat! %lace chicken on #oil-lined baking sheet and bake 45 minutes! &erve hot!

)eanut Chicken Wings

5) Chicken wings 1/4 cup %repared mustard 2 12 o. bottles beer 3/4 teaspoon &alt 1 cup ;olasses 2 1/2 tablespoons Chili powder 3/4 cup %eanut butter -- creamy style 1/4 cup Chopped parsley #or garnish 1/2 cup <emon (uice 1 1/2 <emons #or garnish 1/2 cup /orcestershire sauce %reheat oven to 45)! "et rid o# the wing tips and cut each wing into two pieces! Combine remaining ingredients e1cept parsely and lemon in a saucepan! 2ver low heat cook #or about 15 minutes until reduced and thickened to the consistency o# thick gravy! %lace wings in a shallow baking pan and cover with sauce, making sure each is well coated! Bake #or 15-2) minutes! "arnish with the green and yellow stu##!

)o, s Bu**a+o Wings

5) each 1/4 pound 1/4 cup 1 pinch 1 pinch 1 dash Chicken wing pieces ;argarine 4ot sauce Cayenne pepper "arlic salt 2il/#at #or deep #rying Black pepper %aprika Celery sticks Blue Cheese $ip

$eep #ry the wing piecesB in small batchesD in hot oil at 395 deg #or 1) minutes, or #ollow package directions! $rain on paper towelsA sprinkle with black pepper while draining! /hile chicken is #rying, melt margarine in large skilletA mi1 in hot sauce, garlic salt, and cayenne! -s Chicken is drained, toss into the sauce skillet and mi1 in! /hen all chicken is in the sauce, dash in paprika, mi1 again and allow to stand #or a while! 3eheat be#ore serving! &erve with celery sticks and Blue Cheese $ip!

)u**ed Chicken Wings

12 Chicken /ings -----;-367-$5----1 teaspoon "arlic -- minced 1 teaspoon "ingerrroot -- minced 1/2 cup $ry &herry 2 tablespoons &esame oil -----B- 53----1/2 cup Cornstarch 1/2 cup 'lour 1/4 teaspoon Baking powder 1 5gg -- lightly beaten 1/2 cup ;ilk

-dd wings to marinade #or at least one hour! Combine dry ingredients, stir in egg and milk! %at wings dry! $ip in batter! $rip o## e1cess! 4eat oil 35)! 'ry #ew wings at a time, 3-4 minutes!

Ranch Wings
1 1/2 pounds Chicken wings 2/3 cup 'inely crushed round cracker 1/2 teaspoon &alt 2 tablespoons Bottled 3anch $ressing 1/2 teaspoon %aprika Cut o## wing tips at (oint! Cut each wing in hal# at (oint! 6n a small bowl,toss chicken and dressing! 2n wa1ed paper,combine crushed crackers,paprika and saltAcoat chicken with cracker mi1ture! 6n a 12 1 9= baking dish ,covered with a paper towel,on high microwave * to L minutes until chicken (uices run clear when tested with a kni#eArearrange hal#way through cooking! 6# you desire,serve with additional 3anch dressing!


3 - 4 lbs o# chicken wings -- cut up, washed throughly wing tips removed! 1 <g bottle $urkee hot sauce 1 Cube butter 2 tablespoons &moke hickory #lavor 1 tablespoon /orcestershire sauce 1 1/4 teaspoons 4orseradish 1 1/4 teaspoons Crushed garlic 1/4 teaspoon &alt 1/4 teaspoon %epper -- to taste 3 cups 2il -#ter cutting up chicken and washing, make sure chicken is dried o## be#ore deep #rying! -lso, season the parts with a little season salt be#ore deep #rying! 'ry chicken parts #or about 1) minutes per batch or golden brown! -#ter youCve cooked all o# them, dry o## all oil #rom cooking! &-+C5: ;i1 the $urkee sauce with melted butter, salt G pepper, /orcestershire, smoke and crushed garlic in a saucepan until ingredients are mi1ed wellA over low heat! %ull o## stove and dip each chicken wing part in sauce and lay them in a casserole pan! -ny le#t over sauce can be poured over wings! Bake in oven at 35) degrees #or 45 to @) minutes! Cover with #oil when baking!

Rose8ar( Chicken Wings

tablespoons 2live oil tablespoons Butter tablespoons 'inely chopped shallots teaspoons $ried rosemary 1/2 cup <emonade 1 teaspoon Black pepper 1 teaspoon &alt 12 Chicken wings %reheat oven to 425 degrees! 6n a small saucepan, heat oil and butter over medium heat! -dd shallots and rosemary and cook 2 to 3 minutes! -dd lemonade, pepper and salt! &immer over low heat #or @ to 9 minutes or until slightly reduced and syrupy! Cool slightly! ;eanwhile, cut chicken wings into three pieces, discarding wing-tip (oint! %lace wings in shallow pan and coat well with sauce! Bake in oven until skin is golden brown, about 3) minutes! &erve with rice or as hors dCoeuvre! ;akes 2) to 24 pieces! 2 2 2 2

San Antonio St(+e Chicken Wings

12 Chicken wings 1 cup %ace picante sauce 1/3 cup Catsup 1/4 cup 4oney 1/4 teaspoon Cumin -- ground 2/3 cup &our cream -- dairy Cut wings in hal# at (ointsA discard wing tips! Combine 1/3 cup o# the picante sauce, catsup, honey and cuminA pour over chicken! %lace in re#rigeratorA marinate at least 1 hour, turning once! $rain chicken, reserving marinade! %lace on rack o# #oil-lined broiler pan! Bake at 3*5'! #or 3) minutes! Brush chicken with reserved marinadeA turn and bake, brushing generously with marinade every 1) minutes, until tender, about 3) minutes!E %lace @ inches #rom heat in preheated broilerA broil 2 to 3 minutes or until sauce looks dry! urnA broil 2 to 3 minutes or until sauce looks dry! &poon sour cream into small clear glass bowlA top with remaining 2/3 cup picante sauce! &erve with chicken! ;akes 24 appeti.ers!E-t this point, chicken may be re#rigerated up to 24 hours! o serve, place @ inches #rom heat in preheated broilerA broil 4 to 5 minutes! urnA broil 4 to 5 minutes or until heated through!

Sauc( S!eet Sour Chicken Wings

12 Chicken wings -- tips removed -----;-367-$5----1/2 cup /ater 1/4 cup 2il 3/4 cup &ugar 1/4 cup >etchup 1/4 cup 8inegar 1 teaspoon "arlic salt 1/2 teaspoon 6nstant chicken bouillon

Cut each wing in hal#A place in large resealable bagA add all marinade ingredientsA seal bag! urn bag to coat wings! 3e#rigerate at least 4 hours, up to 24 hours, turning bag occasionally! 4eat oven to 3*5N! $rain chicken, reserving marinade! %lace chicken on broiler pan! Bake 45-@) minutes, brushing occasionally with marinade! $iscard any remaining marinade!

Sesa8e Chicken Wings

3@ 2 Chicken drumettes Bbottom teaspoons "round coriander %art o# chicken wingD 3 tablespoons &oy sauce 2) milliliters "arlic 3 tablespoons 'resh lemon (uice 1 6nch #resh ginger -- peeled 2 tablespoons &esame oil 1 2nion -- 0uartered 2 tablespoons &ugar 1 teaspoon 3ed pepper #lakes 1/2 cup &esame seeds Bappro1D 2 teaspoons &alt /ash the chicken pieces and pat dry! %lace in a bowl! Combine the remaining ingredients e1cept the sesame seeds in a blender and puree! %our the mi1ture over the chicken and stir to coat all the pieces well! 3e#rigerate #or at least 2 hours! 3emove the chicken #rom the marinade and sprinkle with the sesame seeds! %lace under the broiler #or 5 to @ minutes on each side! &erve hot! ;akes @ to 9 servings as hors dCoeuvres!

S,ic( Barbecue Wings

chicken wings -----bar-b-0 sauce----1/2 cup ketchup 1/2 cup water 2 teaspoons di(on mustard 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons <ouisiana hot sauce 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 2 garlic cloves - minced 1/4 cup lemon (uice 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon black pepper oil #or deep #rying his BBK sauce is mild! 6# you like hotter wings, add more <ouisiana hot sauce! 6n a large heavy saucepan, mi1 together BBK sauce ingredients! Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer #or 15 mins! 6n a #rypan or wok, heat oil to 3*5 ' B1L) CD! $eep #ry a #ew wings at a time, until they are cooked through, about 1)-15 mins! $rain #ried wings on absorbent towel! when all the wings are cooked, place them in the simmering BBK sauce! &tir to coat and serve! 1/2 pound


3 pounds Chicken /ings 1 Bottle >ra#t &picy BBK 1 1/2 teaspoons 3ed Cayenne %epper 1/4 teaspoon &alt 2 teaspoons Black %epper 1/2 teaspoon "arlic #lakes -- minced 1 teaspoon 2nion #lakes -- minced 3 tablespoons /orcestershire &auce 2 tablespoons "reen $ragon or Jalapeno &au 1 tablespoon abasco &auce 1 tablespoon Ca(un &piceEEE Chicken wings or small chicken legsA more wings or legs can be added i# needed! >ra#t BB0 or >!C! &tyle sauce! EEECa(un &pice or Capt! <inkCs Ca(un seasoning! 6n a CrockpotA add chicken BB0 &auce, and all spices! &tir and heat on low #or 4 hours! o serve, 6 suggest you prepare a Ca(un 3ice 3ecipe, and a#ter the Bu##alo /ings are cooked, prepare the 3ice, pour the 3ice into a container or casserole dish, spread out evenly!

S,ic( Chicken Wings

1 cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons ketchup 2 tablespoons orange (uice 1 tablespoon Q1 t rc tub margarine 1 tablespoon /orcester sauce 2 teaspoons honey 3 drops red pepper sauce 1 1/2 pounds chicken wings 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 cup diced celery 1/2 cup plain low#at yogurt 3/4 ounce crumbled blue cheese 1 tablespoon Q1 tsp rc mayonnaise o prepare sauce, in medium bowl, combine all ingredients e1cept wings and black pepper! ;icro on high 4 minutes, stirring once! /ith sharp kni#e, remove skin #rom wings! %lace in an 11 1 *= baking pan in a single layerA sprinkle with black pepper! &poon %our hal# the sauce over the wings! ;icro on 4igh @ minutes! urn wings overAspoon remaining sauce over wings! ;icro on high @ min! or until (uices run clear when skin is pricked with a #ork! o prepare dip, combine all ingred! in small bowl!

S!eet And Sour Chicken Wings

24 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 whole teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cup cup cup chicken wings salt #reshly ground black pepper garlic powder ketchup vinegar sugar water

%reheat oven to 35) '! &eason wings with salt, pepper and garlic powder! %lace in a shallow baking dish and bake #or 15 minutes! in a small saucepan, combine ketchup, vinegar, sugar an

S!eet Sour Chicken Wings

3 Chicken wings "arlic &alt Corn &tarch 2 Beaten eggs 3/4 cup &ugar 1/2 cup Chicken broth 4 tablespoons Catsup 4 tablespoons &oy sauce 1/4 cup 8inegar Cut wings in three pieces! Cook wing tips in water Bto coverD to make broth! &prinkle chicken wings with garlic salt! <et stand one hour! 3oll in cornstarch, then in beaten egg! 'ry until brown and crisp! %ut in single layer in #lat pan! ;ake sauce with rest o# ingredients, including broth made #rom chicken wing tips, cook until sugar melts, then pour over chicken wings! Bake at 325' about one hour! Baste and leave uncovered during last 15 minutes! pounds

.aco Chicken Wings

2 1/2 pounds chicken wings 1 env taco seasoning mi1 E 2 cups dry bread crumbs 1 (ar [email protected] taco sauce EE E 1-1/4 o. 2ld 5l %aso EE 2ld 5l %aso 3emove wing tips and discard! Cut wings at (oint! Combine bread crumbs and taco seasoning mi1A mi1 well! %reheat oven to 3*5! $ip each chicken piece in taco sauce then roll in bread crumbsA coat thoroughly! %lace on lightly greased baking sheet! Bake #or 3)-35 mins!

.ea"S8oked Chicken Wings

3 3 1 1 Chicken wings -- B1@ wingsD Cl "arlic tablespoon "inger root -- grated tablespoon 4oney 3/4 cup &oy sauce 1/2 cup &herry 1 cup Brown sugar 1 cup <apsang souchong tea -- Bloose &esame seeds -- #or garnish 1! +sing a kni#e, separate the mini drumstick end o# the wing and slice through between the (oints! Cut the wing tip o## and discard! Bany good butcher will dot his #or you!D /ash the chicken thoroughly and pat dry! 2! +sing the metal blade o# your processor, #inely chop the garlic! -dd the grated ginger root, honey, soy sauce, and sherry, processing #or 2) to 3) seconds to blend! %our the marinade in a L-by-13-inch baking pan, and add the chicken wings! /ith a spoon, dri..le the marinade over all the wings! Cover and re#rigerate #or at least 2 hours, rotating the chicken wings at least once! 3! o smoke the chicken, choose a heavy steel or cast iron roasting pan or skillet with a tight #itting lid! <ine the bottom o# the pan with heavy duty aluminum #oil! &prinkle the brown sugar and tea on top o# the #oil! %lace a cake rack in the skillet, over the sugar and tea mi1ture, and arrange the chicken wings on the rack! Cover the pan or skillet with a lid Bor heavy aluminum #oil i# the lid does not #it snuglyD! urn on your kitchen e1haust #an! urn the burner on high, and leave chicken on high heat #or 3) minutes Bsee 7oteD! $o not remove the lid to check! urn o## the heat a#ter 3) minutes, and keep the chicken covered another 2) minutes! &moked chicken will keep #or several days i# well-wrapped and re#rigerated! &erves @ to 9 as an appeti.er! 7ote: -s with any recipe re0uiring a dish to be cooked at high heat, use caution! &ince this dish does produce smoke, it is imperative to use your kitchen e1haust #an, and to have a pan or skillet with a tight #itting lid! 72 5&: &moking with tea is a traditional Chinese approach to preparing chicken! o the /estern eye, the darkened skin resembles Ca(un-style cuisine! hese #lavor#ul, bite-si.e chicken wings make a delicious appeti.er when served plain, or with your #avorite mustard, peanut or teriyaki sauce! pounds


cup <emon (uice cup Catsup cup &oy sauce cup 8egetable oil 2 tablespoons Brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon "arlic powder 1/4 teaspoon %epper 3 pounds Chicken wings 3emove wing tips and cut at (oints! Combine all ingredientsA mi1 wellA add chicken! Cover and re#rigerate at least @ hours or overnight, turning occasionally! %reheat oven to 3*5'! -rrange chicken on rack in aluminum #oil-lined shallow baking pan! Bake 4) to 45 minutes, basting occasionally with marinade! 3e#rigerate le#tovers! 5n(oyF 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/4


3 Chicken wing drummettes -----;-367-$5----1/4 cup Coarsely chopped garlic 1 bn Cilantro -- chop roots G lower s reserve leaves #or garnish 1 teaspoon "round turmeric 1 teaspoon Curry powder 1 1/2 teaspoons "round dried chilis -- - Bcayenne or e0uiva 1 tablespoon &ugar 1/4 teaspoon &alt 3 tablespoons hai #ish sauce -- - B#ilipino or vietnamese is ok -- tooD -----B-& 67" <6K+6$----1/2 cup Coconut milk Bcanned is okD -----$6%%67" &-+C5----1/2 teaspoon $ried chili #lakes -- 23- cayenne 2 "arlic cloves -- - coarsely chopped 1 tablespoon Brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon &alt 1/2 cup Chinese red rice vinegar 1 "reen onion -- thinly sliced 1 tablespoon Coarsely chopped cilantro -- - BleavesD %reparation: %rocess all marinade ingredients in a blender until smooth! ;arinate chicken, re#rigerated, overnight! "rill over hot coals until done, brushing #re0uently with coconut milk! &erve garnished with cilantro sprigs, accompanied by steamed rice and bowls o# dipping sauce! $6%%67" &-+C5: %ound #irst 4 ingredients to a paste with mortar and pestle, then dissolve in vinegar! -lternatively, put it all in a blender and blend until smooth! 'loat the green onions and cilantro on top! pounds

Chicken wings -- tips removed saved #or stockFD 1 */9 pints %eanut oil 3/4 cup Chili sauce -- commercial Bhei 3 tablespoons <emon (uice 3 tablespoons 8inegar 1 1/2 tablespoons %repared yellow mustard 1 1/2 tablespoons /orchestershire sauce Blea G -- perrinsD 3/9 cup 2nion -- #inely chopped 3/4 cup "reen bell pepper -- #inely ch 3/4 teaspoon 3/4 teaspoon 3/9 teaspoon &alt Black pepper -- ground Cayenne pepper

;ake sauce by combining all ingredients e1cept the wings G %eanut oil! -llow to marinade about 1 hour in the C#ridge! &plit the chicken wings into sections! Coat in seasoned #lour! 'ry in peanut oil until done! &erve with the sauce on the side!

'est( %range Barbecued Chicken Wings

12 Chicken wings -- tips removed -----;-367-$5----1/3 cup Chili sauce 1/4 cup 2range marmalade 1 tablespoon 3ed wine vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoons /orcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon "arlic powder 1/4 teaspoon %repared mustard

Cut each wing in hal#A place in large resealabe bag! -dd marinade ingredientsA seal bag! urn bag to coat wings! 3e#rigerate at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours, turning bag occasionally! 4eat oven to 3*5N! $rain chicken, reserving marinade! %lace chicken on broiler pan! Bake 45-@) minutes, brushing occasionally with marinade! $iscard any remaining marinade!

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