Wings PDF
Wings PDF
Wings PDF
The Ultimate
$e#at the chicken wings by cooking them in boiling water #or 1) minutes! $rain and set aside to cool! %reheat oven to 3*5 degrees! +sing a large mortar and pestle, grind together the bay lea# bits, caraway seeds, cayenne pepper, coriander, cumin, garlic, mustard, paprika, thyme and salt #or about 1) minutes! -dd the brandy and lemon or lime (uice to the pulveri.ed herbs and stir into a thick paste! /ith a pastry brush, cover both sides o# each wing with the herb paste! /hen no more remains in the mortar, s0uee.e the last #ew drops #rom the brush! -rrange the chicken wings on a baking sheet! Bake until the skin turns deep brown and is 0uite crisp appro1imately 3) minutes! akes about an hour to prepare!
Cut o## the small piece o# the chicken wing and the bony part so you have only the meaty part! ;i1 the ketchup, onion Bcut upD, brown sugar and sauce together! $ip wings in the sauce! %ut on cookie sheet! Bake at 35) degrees #or about 1 1/2 hour! 6# you have e1tra sauce, cook in saucepan until thick!
-rrange wings in shallow baking pan! 4eat butter, soy sauce, sugar, water and mustard until butter and sugar melt! CoolA pour over wings and marinate at least 2 hours, turning once or twice! Bake in same pan at 3*5: #or 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours, turning occasionally! $rain on paper towels!
%lace everything in #ood processor and process till smooth! Chill! &erve with celery sticks and Bu##alo Chicken /ings
Cut wing tips o## chicken wings! %lace in shallow baking dish! 6n small bowl, stir together corn syrup and soy sauce! %our over chicken wingsA toss to coat well! ;arinate 3) minutes! $rainA reserve marinade! 6n large heavy skillet, heat corn oil over medium heat! -dd chicken wings and gingerA stir #ry 2 minutes! &tir in reserved marinade and sherry! -dd mushrooms, bamboo shoots and green onionsA stirring #re0uently, cook 2 minutes! -dd chicken broth! Bring to boil! 3educe heatA cover and simmer 2) minutes or until tender! 3emove chicken wings to serving platter, keep warm! &tir together cornstarch and water until smooth! &tir into skillet! &tirring constantly, bring to boil over medium heat and boil 1 minute! &poon over chicken wings! ;akes 4 servings!
3emove tips #rom wings! Cut wings in hal# at the (oint! $eep-#ry in hot oil until golden, about 5 minutes or bake the wings in a 3*5o' oven #or 3)-4) minutes until browned! ;elt butter and combine with abasco &auce! -dd whatever 0uantity o# abasco &auce suits your 42 Button! Coat the wings with the 42 Butter mi1ture and serve with blue cheese dressing and chilled celery and carrot sticks!
Cut o## tip o# wing! &eparate at (oint! %lace on wire rack in roasting pan! 3oast at 35) deg! #or 1 1/2 hours! urn once during cooking! Combine melted butter, abasco, /orcestershire, catsup, garlic and mi1 well in large bowl! %lace chicken in bowl and mi1 well! Crumble cheese coarsely and mi1 with other dip ingredients in separate bowl and serve with celery stalks and wings!
1! 6n a large bowl, combine soup mi1, honey, and mustard! &et aside! 2! Cut wings at (oints and discard the tips, or leave the wings whole! -dd chicken to soup mi1ture! oss to coat! 3! %lace chicken in a baking pan greased with %am spray! &prinkle with &eason--ll! Bake at 3*5 degrees ' #or about 1 hour or until chicken is don turning once i# desired! 6# wings are getting too brown too soon, cover with tin #oil during the latter part o# baking time!
$iscard wing tips! Cut between (oints! 3emove the smaller bone o# the lower wing! Cut skin loose around the small end and push skin and meat up to #orm drumstick! ;arinate wings #or 1 hour! -dd egg white! Coat wings evenly! B+sing egg white to coat the wings will help to seal the (uice inside the meat! 4ence the meat will be (uicier! $redge wings in cornstarch mi1ture! B+sing cornstarch and baking powder helps to make the outside layer crisp!D $eep-#ry #or 3 minutes! $rain! <et cool! $eep-#ry once again right be#ore serving! B$eep-#ry the #irst time to cook the meat and seal the (uice in the meat! he second time to make the outside crisp! ;ake sure the oil is very hot be#ore you deep-#ry #or the second time!D
Chicken Wings
1 1 1 package Chicken /ings cup Coca-Cola cup Catsup 1/4 cup Butter
%ut wings in baking dish! ;i1 ingredients and pour over them! Bake in a 325o' oven until done, appro1imately 1 hour!
Cut each wing into 3 logical pieces! &ave the tips #or soup and use only the 2 meatier parts #or this recipe! %repare the marinade and marinate the wing pieces #or 1/2 hour! $rain and toss in the water-chestnut #lour! $eep-#ry at 3@) ' until golden brown, about 5 minutes!
o cut down the heat, use 1 b "round 3ed pepper plus 1 b cayenne! 4eat sauce as needed, #or 1) minutes at 35), then dip wings into hot sauce mi1! ?ou can double the sauce recipe i# you like! +se as much as you need to coat wings! ?ou can strain what is le#t and reheat it and keep it in a (ar! 6t will keep inde#initely! Just shake the (ar and pour as much sauce as needed into a pan and reheat to dip chicken wings! he che# who gave me the recipe makes it a gallon at a time! 4e uses the cayenne-red pepper mi1, 6 use all cayenne!
$eep #ry wings till over done! put in pan and cover w/ #avorite hot sauce! tightly w/ #oil and bake in over M 3)) #or 1 hour! Cool completely in re#rigerator! 3oll wings in corn starch, dip in hot sauce again and roll in corn starch and let wings sit on plate #or a #ew minutes!
19 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 Chicken wings ounces "inger root -- grated ounce "ranulated garlic teaspoon &esame oil teaspoon &alt dashes abasco ounce Brandy 5gg -----&436;% B- 53----1 cup 'lour 2 5ggs 1/2 cup Cornstarch 1 tablespoon Baking powder /ater
/ash chicken wings G cut away each tip section! 4old each end o# a remaining, (ointed wing, G dis(oint by bending elbowAdonCt separate! 4olding #ingers tightly around smaller bone, press upward, pushing meat #rom smaller section right into larger section, giving wing a drumstick appearance! 3epeat process with all wings! Combine ginger root, garlic, oil, salt, abasco, brandy and egg in bowl G mi1 well! ;arinate wings in mi1ture appro1imately 2-4 hrs! at room temperature! 'old wings into &hrimp BatterA deep #ry at 3@) until golden brown! B- 53: Combine all ingredients! hin with water until the consistency is that o# pancake batter 'or #lu##ier batter, add 1 tsp! oil G 4 o.! beer!
Cut each chicken wing in hal#A place in large resealable plastic bag! -dd all marinade ingredientsA seal bag! urn bag to coat wings! 3e#rigerate at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours, turning bag occasionally! 4eat oven to 3*5 '! $rain chicken wings, reserving marinade! %lace chicken on broiler pan! Bake at 3*5 ' #or 45 to @) minutes or until chicken is no longer pink, brushing occasionally with reserved marinade! $iscard any remaining marinade!
Cut each wing in hal#A place in large resealable bag! -dd all marinade ingredientsA seal bag! urn bag to coat wings! 3e#rigerate at least 4 hours, up to 24 hours, turning bag occasionally! 4eat oven to 3*5N! $rain chicken, reserving marinade! %lace chicken on broiler pan! Bake 45-@) minutes, brushing occasionally with marinade! $iscard any remaining marinade!
Finger Dru8sticks
1 1/2 pounds chicken wings - 12 to 15 salt and pepper 1 cup chicken bouillon 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1/9 teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons lemon (uice 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1/9 teaspoon garlic salt Cut o## and discard wing tipsA divide each wing in hal# by cutting through (oint with a sharp kni#e! &prinkle wings with salt and pepper! %lace in slow-cooking pot! %our bouillon over chicken! Cover and cook on low #or 4 to 5 hours or until tender! $rainA place on broiler pan! ;eanwhile, in small saucepan, combine cornstarch with sugar, salt, ginger, pepper, lemon (uice, soy sauce and garlic salt! &immer, stirring constantly, until mi1ture thickens! Brush some sauce on chickenA brown under broiler! urnA brush sauce on chicken and brown other side! ;akes about 25 to 3) appeti.ers! 3ecipe may be doubled #or a party! >eep appeti.ers hot and serve #rom slow-cooking pot!
hese screaming hot chicken wings are easy to prepare, and can be made hot, hotter and scorching hot by adding more hot sauce! 5n(oy these wings with celery sticks and Cool Cucumber $ip to help e1tinguish any =#ires!= 72 5: he recipe actually calls #or 3 to 5 bsp o# <ouisiana hot sauce! +se your own discretion! &et oven to =broil= and place rack @= #rom the element! 6n a medium si.ed mi1ing bowl combine hot sauce, oil, vinegar and garlic powder! %lace chicken wings on a broiling pan! +sing a pastry brush, coat the wings with the sauce mi1ture! Broil the wings #or * minutes on one side be#ore turning them over and broiling #or another * minutes! ?ou can also cook these wings over the BBK! Cook wings #or the same amount o# time over medium high heat! Be sure to preheat the BBK and brush the grill with oil to prevent sticking! &erves 2 - 4
%reheat oven to 3*5! $is(oint chicken wings, removing tips! 3inse wingsA pat dry! %lace garlic, 1 cup oil and pepper sauce in #ood processor or blender containerA cover and process until smooth! %our garlic mi1ture into small bowl! Combine cheese, bread crumbs and black pepper in shallow dish! $ip wings into garlic mi1ture, then roll, one at a time, in crumb mi1ture until thoroughly coated! Brush shallow nonstick pan with remaining 1 ! oilA arrange wings in a single layer! $ri..le remaining garlic mi1ture over wingsA sprinkle with remaining crumb mi1ture! Bake 45 to @) minutes or until brown and crisp! "arnish as desired!
$eep-#ry wings at 4))' #or 1) to 12 minutes until crispy brown or bake at 425O #or 3) minutesA turn and bake additional 3) minutes, until brown! $rain well! -dd to sauce and toss well to coat chicken wings! >eep warm! &erve with blue cheese dip and celery sticks! 'or added heat, try ad(usting the ratio o# $urkee 3ed hot &auce to butter!
3emove wing tips #rom chicken and cut apart at (oint! Combine remaining ingredients! ;arinate chicken wings #or at least 24 hours! %reheat oven to 3*5! Bake #or 1 hour! &erve warm!
Combine tomato sauce, red pepper #lakes, hot sauce, garlic powder, onion powder and Jalapeno peppers in a medium si.e bowl! &pray a baking sheet with no-stick cooking spray! %lace chicken wings on baking dish! Brush sauce over wings! Bake at 35) #or 2) mins! urn over and brush with sauce and bake #or another 1) mins! &erve with blue cheese dressing and celery i# desired! &erves 4!
;i1 together the #lour and taco seasoning, get oil hot in pan! 'lour chicken wings and #ry until done! &erve with celery and blue cheese #or dipping!
49 Chicken wings -----&-+C5----1/4 pound Butter -- 1 cube 12 ounces Crystal hot sauce 2 ounces <ouisiana hot sauce 4 ounces apatio hot sauce 2 ounces 3ed $evil pepper sauce 2 ounces abassco $is(oint wings and discard tips! -rrange in baking pan and bake in 3*5 degree oven #or 1 hour, until done! ;eanwhile combine butter, and sauces in sauce! 4eat and stir until butter is melted! >eep warm! 3emove wings #rom oven and dip in individually in sauce mi1ture! %lace in serving dish! %our remainder o# sauce over the top! <e#t over sauce can be re#rigerated and used again! 7ote: Choices o# hot sauces may vary! -d(ust amount to taste! Be sure to use the Crystal hot sauce and ad(ust the others! -bove recipe is 0uite hot, but tastyF
Hot Wings 1
1/2 cup butter -- margarine melted 1/4 cup hot pepper sauce 3 tablespoons vinegar 24 chicken drumettes %reheat oven to 35)! 6n small bowl,whisk together butter, pepper sauce and vinegar! $ip drumettes in butter mi1tureA arrange in single layer in large baking pan! Bake until chicken is browned, 3) to 4) minutes! &prinkle with paprika! &erve with salad dressing and celery sticks!
Blend all marinade ingredients in a blender! ;arinate chicken wings overnight! +se gallon plastic bags! Cook wings in a 35)N oven #or 3) to 4) minutes! Baste #re0uently!
Jamaican (erk spice may be #ound in specialty #ood stores! ;elt the butter in a 2-0uart sauce pot over low heat! -dd the (erk spice, abasco sauce, and tomato (uice! Blend well and set aside! 3inse the wings under cold running water and pat dry with paper towels! $ust the wing with the #lour and deep #ry in a heavy pot or skillet in about 2-inches o# hot oil until done! %lace the cooked wings in the sauce mi1ture and allow to marinate (ust a #ew minutes! $rain o## any e1cess li0uid! &erve immediately! ;akes 4) to 5) /ings
Cut o## and discard the small tip o# each wing! Cut the main wing bone and second wing bone at the (oint! &prinkle the wings with salt, i# desired, and pepper to taste! 4eat the oil in a deep-#at #ryer or large casserole! /hen it is 0uite hot, add hal# o# the wings and cook about 1) minutes, stirring occasionally, when the chicken wings are golden brown and crisp, remove them and drain well! -dd the remaining wings and cook about 1) minutes or until golden brown and crisp! $rain well! ;elt the butter in a saucepan and add 2 to 5 bsp! o# the hot sauce and vinegar! %ut the chicken wings on a warm serving platter and pour the butter mi1ture over them! &erve with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks!
-eBican Wings
1) ounces 4ot &auce 1/2 cup ;argarine -- melted 1/4 cup Catsup 1 teaspoon Chili %owder 1 teaspoon "round Cumin seed 1/2 teaspoon "arlic %owder 5 pounds <arge chicken wings -- split or not, tips c 1!Combine hot sauce margarine,catsup G spices and heat, stirring #re0uently! 2! 'ry wings at 3@5 until crispy, about @-L minutes depending on si.e and e0uipment used!B Check under -7C423 B-3 42 /67"& #or good handling procedure o# /ingsD 3! $rain well 4! oss the wings in hot sauce mi1ture
;-367-$5--dd all ingredients e1cept the chicken to a non-aluminum mi1ing bowl and mi1 thoroughly until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved! %ound the chicken breast between sheets o# wa1ed peper until an even thickness o# 3/1@= overall! Cut the chicken breast meat into 1= s0uares and add to the marinade, covering completely! -llow to marinate #or 2 hours, re#rigerated! 3emove #rom the marinade a#ter 2 hours and drain! &%65$65&--ssemble in the #ollowing order: red bell pepper, onion, chicken B#olded into =C= shape on the skewerD, green bell pepper, onion, chicken, alternately, #inishing with a red pepper strip a#ter the 4th piece o# chicken on each skewer! &pread the skewered items out on each skewer, so they will cook 0uickly! %lace the &piedies on a grill or a griddle and cook appro1imately 1 minute per side, turning 4 times! -d(ust the timing according to your e0uipmentCs heat output! &erve immediately, 4 per 0uest, with dipping sauce, about 1/4 c per serving! &-+C5-;i1 all ingredients together (ust until blended! Chill 1 to 2 hours to blend #lavors! &erve cold!
2riginal Bu##alo /ings 2il #or #rying or baking 2 pounds chicken wings -- dis-(ointed tips 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup hot pepper sauce 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/2 cup blue cheese dressingAchunky @ stalks celery -- cut into 3= dipping sticks 6' $55% '3?67", %<-C5 26< 67 - <-3"5 &>6<<5 -7$ 45- 2 4)) $5"355&! %<-C5 /67"& 67 42 26< -7$ C22> 12 2 14 ;67+ 5& 23 +7 6< "2<$57 B32/7! 23 %3545- 2857 2 45) -7$ %<-C5 1/4 C+% 26< 67 - L I 13 B->67" %-7! %<-C5 C46C>57 67 %-7 -7$ B->5 '23 3) 2 35 ;67+ 5& 23 +7 6< C36&%?! ;5-7/46<5, 67 - ;5$6+; &-+C5%-7, ;5< B+ 53 -7$ -$$ 42 &-+C5 -7$ 8675"-3! ;6I /5<<! &5 -&6$5! /457 /67"& -35 C22>5$, 35;285 '32; &>6<<5 23 2857, %<-C5 /67"& 67 - %<-& 6C C27 -6753 -7$ -$$ &-+C5! C2853 -7$ &4->5 86"232+&<? +7 6< /67"& -35 C2- 5$ /5<<! 35;285 /67"& 2 &53867" 3-? -7$ "-376&4 /6 4 B<+5 C455&5 $35&&67" -7$ C5<53? & 6C>&! EC22>C& 72 5E '23 - 42 53 &-+C5, -$$ 1/2 5-&%227 2' C-?5775 %5%%53 2 45 B+ 53, 42 &-+C5 -7$ 8675"-3! '23 ;6<$53 +&5 '-8236 5 B-3B5C+5 &-+C5 67& 5-$ 2' 42 &-+C5!
$eep #ry the wing piecesB in small batchesD in hot oil at 395 deg #or 1) minutes, or #ollow package directions! $rain on paper towelsA sprinkle with black pepper while draining! /hile chicken is #rying, melt margarine in large skilletA mi1 in hot sauce, garlic salt, and cayenne! -s Chicken is drained, toss into the sauce skillet and mi1 in! /hen all chicken is in the sauce, dash in paprika, mi1 again and allow to stand #or a while! 3eheat be#ore serving! &erve with celery sticks and Blue Cheese $ip!
-dd wings to marinade #or at least one hour! Combine dry ingredients, stir in egg and milk! %at wings dry! $ip in batter! $rip o## e1cess! 4eat oil 35)! 'ry #ew wings at a time, 3-4 minutes!
Ranch Wings
1 1/2 pounds Chicken wings 2/3 cup 'inely crushed round cracker 1/2 teaspoon &alt 2 tablespoons Bottled 3anch $ressing 1/2 teaspoon %aprika Cut o## wing tips at (oint! Cut each wing in hal# at (oint! 6n a small bowl,toss chicken and dressing! 2n wa1ed paper,combine crushed crackers,paprika and saltAcoat chicken with cracker mi1ture! 6n a 12 1 9= baking dish ,covered with a paper towel,on high microwave * to L minutes until chicken (uices run clear when tested with a kni#eArearrange hal#way through cooking! 6# you desire,serve with additional 3anch dressing!
Cut each wing in hal#A place in large resealable bagA add all marinade ingredientsA seal bag! urn bag to coat wings! 3e#rigerate at least 4 hours, up to 24 hours, turning bag occasionally! 4eat oven to 3*5N! $rain chicken, reserving marinade! %lace chicken on broiler pan! Bake 45-@) minutes, brushing occasionally with marinade! $iscard any remaining marinade!
%reheat oven to 35) '! &eason wings with salt, pepper and garlic powder! %lace in a shallow baking dish and bake #or 15 minutes! in a small saucepan, combine ketchup, vinegar, sugar an
Chicken wings -- tips removed saved #or stockFD 1 */9 pints %eanut oil 3/4 cup Chili sauce -- commercial Bhei 3 tablespoons <emon (uice 3 tablespoons 8inegar 1 1/2 tablespoons %repared yellow mustard 1 1/2 tablespoons /orchestershire sauce Blea G -- perrinsD 3/9 cup 2nion -- #inely chopped 3/4 cup "reen bell pepper -- #inely ch 3/4 teaspoon 3/4 teaspoon 3/9 teaspoon &alt Black pepper -- ground Cayenne pepper
;ake sauce by combining all ingredients e1cept the wings G %eanut oil! -llow to marinade about 1 hour in the C#ridge! &plit the chicken wings into sections! Coat in seasoned #lour! 'ry in peanut oil until done! &erve with the sauce on the side!
Cut each wing in hal#A place in large resealabe bag! -dd marinade ingredientsA seal bag! urn bag to coat wings! 3e#rigerate at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours, turning bag occasionally! 4eat oven to 3*5N! $rain chicken, reserving marinade! %lace chicken on broiler pan! Bake 45-@) minutes, brushing occasionally with marinade! $iscard any remaining marinade!