!"#" $%"&' $" !"#" $%"& ('&) +, ($-" - /+, ($-" - Advantage and Disadvantages of Branch Banking

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!"#" $%"&' $" !"#" $%"&('& )* +,($-" . /+,($-"

| Advantage and disadvantages of
Branch Banking
 Unique Update  June 15, 2023

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!"#" $%"&' (Branch Bank)

!" #$%&'(& )'*+%, -(. )/%, 0'1234 0/52, 03&6$ 7%6%4 8%/$28 #$%&'(& (%9 :'4;%<,% (24, *%2( 7%6% #$%&( #2<। -
/42,4 #$%&( -(= ,%28 !>27 ? '#2>27 7%6% 6@ 2< (%"AB8 :'4;%<,% (24 C%2(। )/%, #$%&2(4 45'* 0,D"%E5 7%6% #$%&(F2<%
:'4;%'<* GE। 7%6% #$%&2(4 !(%2,% H<%>% 3I% C%2( ,%।

)/%, 0'1234 )'*','/ 'G232# 7%6% #$%&(F2<% *%2>4 (%"A%#'<? 3J%>, (24 C%2(। 3D*4%& 7%6% #$%&( #<2* H84% #@ 'K,
-(%'/( 7%6% 38LM -(. #$%&'(& )'*+%,2(। -= )'*+%, !>27 ? '#2>27 9,NO !C2( H8%,* 3&PG (24 -#& QO !>E।
3#A)C8 =&<$%2R 7%6% #$#S% N2T U2V। #*A 8%2, :L'C#54 3(< !>27= 7%6% #$%&( #$#S% );'<* H2W।
/-%"0' 1%"'(234 (Prof.Mcleod) : -4 82* 7%6% #$%&'(& #$#S% G2X !3= #$#S% "% !>27 '#2>27 02,( 7%6%
:'4;%<,% ? ',ETO (24 C%2(। (Branch banking system is that system of banking which controls and
maintains many branches either inside the country or in aboard).

/-%"0' 56 . )2 . 578+8 ( Prof. J. L. Hanson ) - -4 82* , 7%6% #$%&'(& G2<% -8, -( /42,4 #$%&'(& #$#S% ,
!"6%2, !(%2,% !>27 Z[3&6$( #$%&( C%2( , *2# )'*. #$%&2(4 02,(F2<% 7%6% (8A4* C%2( । ( Branch banking
means , a banking system with a small number of banks each with a large number of branches ) .

• !"#" $%"&' - )* 9$(!:% ( Features of Branch Bank ) :

(8;< !"#" $%"&('& $%$="* 9$(!:%>;2" ?@;2 -*" 7;2" -

A . !"#" '"BC"23 ( Branch office ) : 7%6% #$%&'(& - - 02,(F2<% 7%6% 0'13 C%2( । 7%6%F2<%4 8%/$28= - /42,4
)'*+%, #$%&'(& (%9 :'4;%<,% (24 ।

D. 1"(2'"8" ( Ownership ) : 7%6% #$%&( 34(%'4 #% !#34(%'4 8%'<(%,%E )'*\* G2* :%24 ।

E. '";6* 0(*+* ( Scope of function ) : 7%6% #$%&2(4 (%294 :'434 0*$] '#^_* । !>27 - '#2>27 7%6% S%:2,4 8%/$28
-4 #$%&'(& (%"AB8 ;2< ।

8 . 1F2-8 ( Capital ) : !"`C 8a</,5 )'*+%, 'G232# 7%6% #$%&( !7E%4 '#'B4 8%/$28 :Db'9 3&PG (24 ।
G. (83TI ( Control ) : 7%6%F2<% !(D5E 0'1234 8%/$28 ',E'T* । H4 !(D5E 0'13 !(D5E #$%&2(4 H=, d%4%
',E'T* ।
J . KL8M? +N" ( Legal entity ) : ',9Z #$%&'(& H=, 0,D"%E5 Ne* GE #2< 7%6% #$%&2(4 :LC( H=,N* 3I% 42E2W ।

O . 0(*<"28" ( Operation ) : -(. 7'f7%<5 :'4;%<,% :'4g2>4 0/52, 3# 7%6% :'4;%'<* GE । 7%6%F2<%2( ',ETO
(24 )/%, (%"A%<E ।

P. 5'DR3 $%"&;'* +";S +T'C ( Relation with central bank ) : !(D5E #$%&2(4 3%2C 7%6% #$%&2(4 3J(A 0*$] h',+

U. +&MV8 ( Organization ) : 7%6% #$%&( 0&75>%'4 38#%E , !"`C8a</,5 ? 4%iE )'*+%2,4 H(%24 3&Ne* G2* :%24 ।

!"#" $%"&' - )* +,($-" ( Advantages of Branch Bank ) : 3P3%'4* ;%'G>%4 )'* <k$ !426 -(8%l 7%6%
#$%&( P%G2(4 !>%42N%T%E #$%&'(& !3#% !:m2n W '>2* :%42W ।

!"#" $%"&;'* +,($-"+1F7 (8W*X0 :-

A. ($YZ? 5+$" ( Extensive service ) : 9,N2O4 !>%42N%T%E #$%&'(& !3#% !:m2n W !>?E%4 -(8%l #$%&'(& )'*+%, G2<% 7%6%
#$%&( ।

D . 0BC"[ 1F2-8 ( Sufficient capital ) : '#'op S%2, 7%6% C%(%4 (%42O - #$%&( );@4 H8%,* 3&PG (42* :%24 । -4 12<
#_Gq 8a</, N2T ?2V ।

E. \] $%"&('& ( Skill banking ) : HrCs( ZX<*% !#'7 G?E%4 (%42O - #$%&( 0'/( !#*, '>2E >k ? )'7kO)%t
#$%&(%4 ',2E%N (42* :%24 ।
^ . /SC ="8"_* ( Money transfer ) : !>27 -#& '#2>27 7%6% W'T2E C%2( #2< -= 38^ #$%&2(4 8%/$28 3G29= -(S%,
!C2( 0,$S%2, 0CA :%V%2,% "%E । -2* K@b'('#G5,o%2# 0CA S%,%]4 3u# GE ।

G . `I (83TI ( Credit control ) : !>274 0CAv,'*( 'S'*75<*% #9%E 4%6%4 !k2l 7%6% #$%&2(4 (%"AB8 F4wx:aOA ।
-2k2l !>274 3%r#s( 0CAv,'*( :'4'S'* 8a<$%E, (24 QO ',ETO (4% "%E ।

J. 1F2-;8* M(?!R2?" ( Movilization ) : 7%6% #$%&( 9,N2O4 8a</2,4 ;%'G>% :a42O 32;y oz'8(% 4%26 ।

O. '1C+&="8 ( Employment ) : 7%6% #$%&2(4 8%/$28 );@4 !<%2(4 (8A3&S%2,4 #$#S% (4% "%E । - /42,4 #$%&'(& !>274
!#(%4 383$% 38%/%2,4 !k2l oz'8(%
4%26 ।

P. 68M;I* K=" ( Public trust ) : 7%6% , '#',2E%N ? '#'op8D65 (%"AB284 8%/$28 7%6% #$%&( S%,5E 9,N2O4 HS%
09A, (24 ।

U. 0BC"[ K1"8? ( Sufficient deposit ) : 7%6% #$%&2(4 8%/$28 #$%&( 3G29 :"A%t H8%,* 3&PG (42* :%24 ।

!"#" $%"&' - )* /+,($-" ( Disadvantages of Branch Bank ) :

7%6% #$%&( #$#S%4 '(W@ 03D'#/% ',2; *@2< /4% G2<% :

A. $%$="08"* 6a2?" ( Management complexity ) : 03&6$ 7%6%4 (8A;%45 ? P%G2(4 (%42O 7%6% #$%&( #$#S%:,%E
9.<*% !>6% !>E । 12< 3D+@o%2# (%9 (4% (e, G2E >%T%E ।
D. (+b"_ c7I ( Decision making ) : !"2(%2,% ;zT%] '3M%2]4 9,$ 7%6%F2<%2( )/%, (%"A%<2E4 ?:4 ',oA 4 (42* GE ।
12< {* '3M%] PGO 3u# GE ,% ।

E . `I c7I ( Obtaining credit ) : 7%6% #$%&2(4 !"2(%2,% 7%6% !C2( QO PGO (42* H,D+%',(*% )2E%9, GE । :"A%t
:'48%O QO PG2O4 !k2l )/%, 0'1234 0,D8'* ',2* GE ।

^ . )';<a3" dN"$ ( Monopoly business ) : 7%6% #$%&( -(. #_G>%E*, #$%&'(& )'*+%, 'G232# -(2;.E% (%9 (42*
:%24 ।

G. 0(*<"28 $%3 ( Operational cost ) : 0'/( 3&6$( 7%6% S%:, (42* );@4 0CA #$E (42* GE ।

J. 9$e1% ( Descrimination ) : !>274 02,( 8a<$#%, 3J> - #$%&2(4 G%2* (@'kN* GE , "% /,5 ? >'42|4 82/$ }#g8$
#%T%E ।

-8%$"\ K1";\* .;3$+"Lf (N(6f '*"* 68%।

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