David A. Wood has a Masters in Sociology from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor's in Sociology from Washington State University. He has experience as a lecturer in China, research assistant at the University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame, and as a research assistant at Washington State University. His areas of knowledge include political sociology, cultural sociology, statistics, and domestic and international politics. He has skills in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and proficiency in statistical software packages such as Stata, SPSS, SAS, and various programming languages.
David A. Wood has a Masters in Sociology from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor's in Sociology from Washington State University. He has experience as a lecturer in China, research assistant at the University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame, and as a research assistant at Washington State University. His areas of knowledge include political sociology, cultural sociology, statistics, and domestic and international politics. He has skills in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and proficiency in statistical software packages such as Stata, SPSS, SAS, and various programming languages.
David A. Wood has a Masters in Sociology from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor's in Sociology from Washington State University. He has experience as a lecturer in China, research assistant at the University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame, and as a research assistant at Washington State University. His areas of knowledge include political sociology, cultural sociology, statistics, and domestic and international politics. He has skills in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and proficiency in statistical software packages such as Stata, SPSS, SAS, and various programming languages.
David A. Wood has a Masters in Sociology from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor's in Sociology from Washington State University. He has experience as a lecturer in China, research assistant at the University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame, and as a research assistant at Washington State University. His areas of knowledge include political sociology, cultural sociology, statistics, and domestic and international politics. He has skills in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and proficiency in statistical software packages such as Stata, SPSS, SAS, and various programming languages.
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12840 Tara Lane
Anchorage, AK 99516 david-a-wood.com Tel: 5!4" 514-1154 dwood4#nd.ed$ EDUCATION University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Masters in Sociology (August 2014), GPA: !" Washington State University, Pullman, #A $ac%elor o& Arts in Sociology (May 2011), GPA: !' Magna (um )au*e KNOWLEDGE AREAS Political Sociology, (ultural Sociology, Statistics, Domestic+International Politics Social Science Met%o*ology: ,-.ertise in /istorical+(om.arati0e an* 1uantitati0e Analyses Programming (Stata+2+SPSS+SAS, (33, 4a0a, 4a0aScri.t, Microso&t Access+,-cel, /5M)+(SS)
EMPLOYMENT Lecturer, Shandong University of Science and Technology, 8/25/! " #resent De0elo.e* an* taug%t courses in ,nglis% 6ilm, #estern (i0ili7ation, an* 2ea*ing S8ills to uni0ersity stu*ents in 1ing*ao, (%ina $ssistant %esearcher, 9ni0ersity o& (%icago, 10+1+1 : Present Assistant to A;igail <;ococ8, P%D (an*i*ate Programme*, organi7e*, an* &ormatte* mass *ata =it% Stata+Microso&t ,-cel+Microso&t Access %esearch $ssistantshi&, 9ni0ersity o& Notre Dame, '+2+11 : Present 'raduate $ssistant Assistant to ,li7a;et% Mc(lintoc8, P%D De0elo.e* mo*els an* t%eory, .rogramme* an* inter.rete* statistics, researc%e* an* manage* *atasets, com.ile* literature re0ie=s, con*ucte* inter0ie=s Social (ovements %esearch $ssistantshi&, #as%ington State 9ni0ersity, 1+0'+10 : '+01+11 %esearch $ssistant Assistant to ,ri8 4o%nson, P%D De0elo.e* t%eoretical &rame=or8 &or assessing t%e im.act o& en0ironmental NG<>s on (ana*ian Parliament, co*e* *ata, com.ile* *ra&ts, manage* an* .rogramme* Microso&t Access, Stata, )e-is Ne-is AWARDS AND MISCELLANEOUS )utstanding Senior $*ard, De.artment o& Sociology, #as%ington State 9ni0ersity, 2011 Writing #ortfolio #ass *ith Distinction, #as%ington State 9ni0ersity, 2010 Wor+ing Language #roficiencies, S.anis% an* Sim.li&ie* Man*arin