This document contains instructions and questions for a Strength of Materials exam. It includes multiple questions related to stress, strain, deflection, torque, bending moments, and stresses in beams, cylinders, rings, and columns. Students are asked to calculate stresses, strains, deflections, reactions, moments, diameters, thicknesses, and cores using given structural properties and applied forces.
This document contains instructions and questions for a Strength of Materials exam. It includes multiple questions related to stress, strain, deflection, torque, bending moments, and stresses in beams, cylinders, rings, and columns. Students are asked to calculate stresses, strains, deflections, reactions, moments, diameters, thicknesses, and cores using given structural properties and applied forces.
Original Description:
Previous Year UPTU End Sem Exam Papers - SOM / MOS Paper 4
Original Title
Previous Year UPTU End Sem Exam Papers - SOM / MOS Paper 4
This document contains instructions and questions for a Strength of Materials exam. It includes multiple questions related to stress, strain, deflection, torque, bending moments, and stresses in beams, cylinders, rings, and columns. Students are asked to calculate stresses, strains, deflections, reactions, moments, diameters, thicknesses, and cores using given structural properties and applied forces.
This document contains instructions and questions for a Strength of Materials exam. It includes multiple questions related to stress, strain, deflection, torque, bending moments, and stresses in beams, cylinders, rings, and columns. Students are asked to calculate stresses, strains, deflections, reactions, moments, diameters, thicknesses, and cores using given structural properties and applied forces.
t, Roll No. I" B.Tech. (SE'v1. Ill) ODD SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATION 2010-11 STRENGTH OF MATERIAL _ ot .: (I) Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. (_) Assume any missing data if required. tal ..\.:\\"0 dimensional state of stress is given by : = 10 \1Pa. (J = 5 (J MPa and (J = 2.5 MPa. U ')-Y xy xy Detemline thefollowing onaplane inclined at anangle of 30' fromx-plane inanticlockwise direction. (i) Normal stress (ii) Shear stress (iii) Resultant stress and (iv) Principal stresses at the point. (b) Oneendofa spring if fixedonhorizontal planewith itsaxis invertical direction. When it supports amass of 10kg, the spring is compressed by 2.0 em. The maximum principal stress in the spring wire is 20 MPa and maximum shear stress is 10MPa. Findthemaximum valueof thedeflection and the stresses when the same mass is allowed to freely fall and strike the spring. (c) A bar of length 1.5 m, cross sectional area 20 cm 2 and mass 30 kg is hanging in vertical direction. A force of 200 N isapplied at the free end of bar. Using Castigliano's theorem, determine the elongation in the bar due to the force and self weight of the bar. (a) A 20 mmdiameter shaft of length 500 mmis fixed at one end. A , torque, T is applied at its free end. The linear ,. strain at surface of shaft at an angle of 45fromthe axis is 4.0xl0 3 Determine: (i) Torque (ii) Angle of twist and (lii) Shear stress in the shaft. Take E =2.0xl0 11 and G =8.0xlO lo
(b) A fixed beamof length 2.0 mcarries aconcentrated load
of I 0~"'J" atitsmidspan. Determine thereaction andbending moment at the support and deflection at the mid span. Flexural stiffness of the beam is 2.0x )0 7 Nm 2
(c) A 100mmx 150mmwooden bar is to be symmetrically
loaded with two equal forces, P as shown in Fig.l. Determine theposition ofloads and their magnitude when a bending stress of 10 MPa and shearing stress of 2.5 MPa arejust reached. Neglect the weight of the beam. 3. A er;:~- (a) .= made of 10romdiameter mean diameter. Calculate - andstrainenergy/unityolume to an axial load of 130 N. faxialload, anaxial torque of - ~-e axial twist, bendiqg stress and -eE=200 OPa. \\ith fixed ends supports an - - -.The external diameter of the column inethe thickness of the column using Given that a=1/6400 andworking stress ( ore of asection with reference to short ':0J=:::iS-. :Jem'e an expression for finding out the core of section, 4, (lOx2=20) (a 'en al essel'having diameter of 1.50 m is of -'-1 . kness. Itisfilled withwater at agaugepressure -'::.0 _ IPa A reliefvalve attached to the vessel isopened d wa er is allowed to escape until the pressure falls to a ospheri. If the volume of the water escaped is4litre, ,to thickness of the plate of the vessel. Bulk modulus of wa er is GPa and Young's modulus of vessel material is _00 GPa and Poisson's ratio is 0.30. (b) A thick cylinder of 160 mm internal 240 mm external diameter is subjected to an external pressure 12 MPa. Determine the maximum internal pressure that can be applied if themaximum allowable normal stress is36MPa. Plot the variation of radial and hoop stresses. (c) Derive expressions for radial and hoop stresses in athick ~ylinder with internal andexternal radii of aand bsubjected to an internal pressure of P i. (a) A simply supported I section beam of span 2 mcarries a concentrated loadof 4.0 kN at anangleof 20fromvertical as shown in Fig.2. The load passes through CG of the section. Determine themaximumbending stress inthebeam. (b) A steel ringmade of arodof circular cross-section ispulled by a force of 8.0 kN. The mean diameter of the ring is 160.0mm. Determine the increase diameter along theload. Take E=200 GPa. (c) Anopen ringhasT section asshown intheFig.3. Determine the stress at points P and Q. p p DIsomm 4 kN 20" f a T T ~ ~OOmrril l60mm 80 kN 1 Fig.1 ~ 10 ~m T ~lol+- 1-8~ t 1 Fig.2 -~2 - Fig.3 80 kN EME302NEQ-14968 4 /6575