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Prepositions of Location
The most common prepositions of location are :
o in o On o at (See: In, On, At) o by o near o nearby o above o below o Over o Under o Up o down o around o throuh o inside o outside (of) o between o beside o beyond o in front of o in bac! of o behind o ne"t to o on top of o within o beneath o underneath o amon o alon o aainst These prepositions are most commonly followed by #the# and a noun$ %oth the spea!er and the listener li!ely !now which ob&ect is bein referred to$ Examples, The !eys are on the table$ ('e both !now which table$) The post office is next to the ba!ery$ ((ot: ne"t to ba!ery) Occasionally, prepositions can be used with #a)an$# This usually indicates that the spea!er !nows of the place, but the listener does not$ For example, I live by a river$ (*ou probably don+t !now which one$) I live by the river$ (*ou !now the river I+m tal!in about$) See also : Speaking : Tal!in about ,ocations Vocabulary : ,ocations Grammar : -repositions (.eneral), Adverbs and -repositions If you have /uestions or comments about this pae, please contact us$ %e sure to include the title of this pae in the Sub&ect line of your e0mail$