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The Chronicles Of Narnia
ONCE "here were fo#r chil$ren whose na%es were Pe"er, S#san, E$%#n$ an$ L#c&. This
s"or& is a'o#" so%e"hin( "ha" ha))ene$ "o "he% when "he& were sen" awa& fro% Lon$on
$#rin( "he war 'eca#se of "he air*rai$s. The& were sen" "o "he ho#se of an ol$ Professor
who li+e$ in "he hear" of "he co#n"r&, "en %iles fro% "he neares" railwa& s"a"ion an$ "wo
%iles fro% "he neares" )os" office. He ha$ no wife an$ he li+e$ in a +er& lar(e ho#se wi"h a
ho#se,ee)er calle$ -rs -acrea$& an$ "hree ser+an"s. .Their na%es were I+&, -ar(are" an$
Be""&, '#" "he& $o no" co%e in"o "he s"or& %#ch./ He hi%self was a +er& ol$ %an wi"h
sha((& whi"e hair which (rew o+er %os" of his face as well as on his hea$, an$ "he& li,e$
hi% al%os" a" once0 '#" on "he firs" e+enin( when he ca%e o#" "o %ee" "he% a" "he fron"
$oor he was so o$$*loo,in( "ha" L#c& .who was "he &o#n(es"/ was a li""le afrai$ of hi%,
an$ E$%#n$ .who was "he ne1" &o#n(es"/ wan"e$ "o la#(h an$ ha$ "o ,ee) on )re"en$in(
he was 'lowin( his nose "o hi$e i".
As soon as "he& ha$ sai$ (oo$ ni(h" "o "he Professor an$ (one #)s"airs on "he firs" ni(h", "he
'o&s ca%e in"o "he (irls2 roo% an$ "he& all "al,e$ i" o+er.
3We2+e fallen on o#r fee" an$ no %is"a,e,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3This is (oin( "o 'e )erfec"l&
s)len$i$. Tha" ol$ cha) will le" #s $o an&"hin( we li,e.3
3I "hin, he2s an ol$ $ear,3 sai$ S#san.
3Oh, co%e off i"43 sai$ E$%#n$, who was "ire$ an$ )re"en$in( no" "o 'e "ire$, which
alwa&s %a$e hi% 'a$*"e%)ere$. 3Don2" (o on "al,in( li,e "ha".3
3Li,e wha"53 sai$ S#san0 3an$ an&wa&, i"2s "i%e &o# were in 'e$.3
3Tr&in( "o "al, li,e -o"her,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3An$ who are &o# "o sa& when I2% "o (o "o
'e$5 6o "o 'e$ &o#rself.3
3Ha$n2" we all 'e""er (o "o 'e$53 sai$ L#c&. 3There2s s#re "o 'e a row if we2re hear$ "al,in(
3No "here won2",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I "ell &o# "his is "he sor" of ho#se where no one2s (oin( "o
%in$ wha" we $o. An&wa&, "he& won2" hear #s. I"2s a'o#" "en %in#"es2 wal, fro% here $own
"o "ha" $inin(*roo%, an$ an& a%o#n" of s"airs an$ )assa(es in 'e"ween.3
3Wha"2s "ha" noise53 sai$ L#c& s#$$enl&. I" was a far lar(er ho#se "han she ha$ e+er 'een in
'efore an$ "he "ho#(h" of all "hose lon( )assa(es an$ rows of $oors lea$in( in"o e%)"&
roo%s was 'e(innin( "o %a,e her feel a li""le cree)&.
3I"2s onl& a 'ir$, sill&,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3I"2s an owl,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3This is (oin( "o 'e a won$erf#l )lace for 'ir$s. I shall (o "o 'e$
now. I sa&, le"2s (o an$ e1)lore "o%orrow. Yo# %i(h" fin$ an&"hin( in a )lace li,e "his. Di$
&o# see "hose %o#n"ains as we ca%e alon(5 An$ "he woo$s5 There %i(h" 'e ea(les. There
%i(h" 'e s"a(s. There2ll 'e haw,s.3
3Ba$(ers43 sai$ L#c&.
37o1es43 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Ra''i"s43 sai$ S#san.
B#" when ne1" %ornin( ca%e "here was a s"ea$& rain fallin(, so "hic, "ha" when &o# loo,e$
o#" of "he win$ow &o# co#l$ see nei"her "he %o#n"ains nor "he woo$s nor e+en "he s"rea%
in "he (ar$en.
3Of co#rse i" wo#l$ 'e rainin(43 sai$ E$%#n$. The& ha$ 8#s" finishe$ "heir 'rea,fas" wi"h
"he Professor an$ were #)s"airs in "he roo% he ha$ se" a)ar" for "he% * a lon(, low roo%
wi"h "wo win$ows loo,in( o#" in one $irec"ion an$ "wo in ano"her.
3Do s"o) (r#%'lin(, E$,3 sai$ S#san. 3Ten "o one i"2ll clear #) in an ho#r or so. An$ in "he
%ean"i%e we2re )re""& well off. There2s a wireless an$ lo"s of 'oo,s.3
3No" for %e3sai$ Pe"er0 3I2% (oin( "o e1)lore in "he ho#se.3
E+er&one a(ree$ "o "his an$ "ha" was how "he a$+en"#res 'e(an. I" was "he sor" of ho#se
"ha" &o# ne+er see% "o co%e "o "he en$ of, an$ i" was f#ll of #ne1)ec"e$ )laces. The firs"
few $oors "he& "rie$ le$ onl& in"o s)are 'e$roo%s, as e+er&one ha$ e1)ec"e$ "ha" "he&
wo#l$0 '#" soon "he& ca%e "o a +er& lon( roo% f#ll of )ic"#res an$ "here "he& fo#n$ a s#i"
of ar%o#r0 an$ af"er "ha" was a roo% all h#n( wi"h (reen, wi"h a har) in one corner0 an$
"hen ca%e "hree s"e)s $own an$ fi+e s"e)s #), an$ "hen a ,in$ of li""le #)s"airs hall an$ a
$oor "ha" le$ o#" on "o a 'alcon&, an$ "hen a whole series of roo%s "ha" le$ in"o each o"her
an$ were line$ wi"h 'oo,s * %os" of "he% +er& ol$ 'oo,s an$ so%e 'i((er "han a Bi'le in a
ch#rch. An$ shor"l& af"er "ha" "he& loo,e$ in"o a roo% "ha" was 9#i"e e%)"& e1ce)" for one
'i( war$ro'e0 "he sor" "ha" has a loo,in(*(lass in "he $oor. There was no"hin( else in "he
roo% a" all e1ce)" a $ea$ 'l#e*'o""le on "he win$ow*sill.
3No"hin( "here43 sai$ Pe"er, an$ "he& all "roo)e$ o#" a(ain * all e1ce)" L#c&. She s"a&e$
'ehin$ 'eca#se she "ho#(h" i" wo#l$ 'e wor"h while "r&in( "he $oor of "he war$ro'e, e+en
"ho#(h she fel" al%os" s#re "ha" i" wo#l$ 'e loc,e$. To her s#r)rise i" o)ene$ 9#i"e easil&,
an$ "wo %o"h*'alls $ro))e$ o#".
Loo,in( in"o "he insi$e, she saw se+eral coa"s han(in( #) * %os"l& lon( f#r coa"s. There
was no"hin( L#c& li,e$ so %#ch as "he s%ell an$ feel of f#r. She i%%e$ia"el& s"e))e$ in"o
"he war$ro'e an$ (o" in a%on( "he coa"s an$ r#''e$ her face a(ains" "he%, lea+in( "he $oor
o)en, of co#rse, 'eca#se she ,new "ha" i" is +er& foolish "o sh#" oneself in"o an& war$ro'e.
Soon she wen" f#r"her in an$ fo#n$ "ha" "here was a secon$ row of coa"s han(in( #) 'ehin$
"he firs" one. I" was al%os" 9#i"e $ar, in "here an$ she ,e)" her ar%s s"re"che$ o#" in fron" of
her so as no" "o '#%) her face in"o "he 'ac, of "he war$ro'e. She "oo, a s"e) f#r"her in *
"hen "wo or "hree s"e)s alwa&s e1)ec"in( "o feel woo$wor, a(ains" "he "i)s of her fin(ers.
B#" she co#l$ no" feel i".
3This %#s" 'e a si%)l& enor%o#s war$ro'e43 "ho#(h" L#c&, (oin( s"ill f#r"her in an$
)#shin( "he sof" fol$s of "he coa"s asi$e "o %a,e roo% for her. Then she no"ice$ "ha" "here
was so%e"hin( cr#nchin( #n$er her fee". 3I won$er is "ha" %ore %o"h'alls53 she "ho#(h",
s"oo)in( $own "o feel i" wi"h her han$. B#" ins"ea$ of feelin( "he har$, s%oo"h woo$ of "he
floor of "he war$ro'e, she fel" so%e"hin( sof" an$ )ow$er& an$ e1"re%el& col$. 3This is
+er& 9#eer,3 she sai$, an$ wen" on a s"e) or "wo f#r"her.
Ne1" %o%en" she fo#n$ "ha" wha" was r#''in( a(ains" her face an$ han$s was no lon(er
sof" f#r '#" so%e"hin( har$ an$ ro#(h an$ e+en )ric,l&. 3Wh&, i" is 8#s" li,e 'ranches of
"rees43 e1clai%e$ L#c&. An$ "hen she saw "ha" "here was a li(h" ahea$ of her0 no" a few
inches awa& where "he 'ac, of "he war$ro'e o#(h" "o ha+e 'een, '#" a lon( wa& off.
So%e"hin( col$ an$ sof" was fallin( on her. A %o%en" la"er she fo#n$ "ha" she was
s"an$in( in "he %i$$le of a woo$ a" ni(h"*"i%e wi"h snow #n$er her fee" an$ snowfla,es
fallin( "hro#(h "he air.
L#c& fel" a li""le fri(h"ene$, '#" she fel" +er& in9#isi"i+e an$ e1ci"e$ as well. She loo,e$
'ac, o+er her sho#l$er an$ "here, 'e"ween "he $ar, "ree "r#n,s0 she co#l$ s"ill see "he o)en
$oorwa& of "he war$ro'e an$ e+en ca"ch a (li%)se of "he e%)"& roo% fro% which she ha$
se" o#". .She ha$, of co#rse, lef" "he $oor o)en, for she ,new "ha" i" is a +er& sill& "hin( "o
sh#" oneself in"o a war$ro'e./ I" see%e$ "o 'e s"ill $a&li(h" "here. 3I can alwa&s (e" 'ac, if
an&"hin( (oes wron(,3 "ho#(h" L#c&. She 'e(an "o wal, forwar$, cr#nch*cr#nch o+er "he
snow an$ "hro#(h "he woo$ "owar$s "he o"her li(h". In a'o#" "en %in#"es she reache$ i" an$
fo#n$ i" was a la%)*)os". As she s"oo$ loo,in( a" i", won$erin( wh& "here was a la%)*)os"
in "he %i$$le of a woo$ an$ won$erin( wha" "o $o ne1", she hear$ a )i""er )a""er of fee"
co%in( "owar$s her. An$ soon af"er "ha" a +er& s"ran(e )erson s"e))e$ o#" fro% a%on( "he
"rees in"o "he li(h" of "he la%)*)os".
He was onl& a li""le "aller "han L#c& herself an$ he carrie$ o+er his hea$ an #%'rella, whi"e
wi"h snow. 7ro% "he wais" #)war$s he was li,e a %an, '#" his le(s were sha)e$ li,e a
(oa"2s ."he hair on "he% was (loss& 'lac,/ an$ ins"ea$ of fee" he ha$ (oa"2s hoofs. He also
ha$ a "ail, '#" L#c& $i$ no" no"ice "his a" firs" 'eca#se i" was nea"l& ca#(h" #) o+er "he ar%
"ha" hel$ "he #%'rella so as "o ,ee) i" fro% "railin( in "he snow. He ha$ a re$ woollen
%#ffler ro#n$ his nec, an$ his s,in was ra"her re$$ish "oo. He ha$ a s"ran(e, '#" )leasan"
li""le face, wi"h a shor" )oin"e$ 'ear$ an$ c#rl& hair, an$ o#" of "he hair "here s"#c, "wo
horns, one on each si$e of his forehea$. One of his han$s, as I ha+e sai$, hel$
"he #%'rella: in "he o"her ar% he carrie$ se+eral 'rown*)a)er )arcels. Wha" wi"h "he
)arcels an$ "he snow i" loo,e$ 8#s" as if he ha$ 'een $oin( his Chris"%as sho))in(. He was
a 7a#n. An$ when he saw L#c& he (a+e s#ch a s"ar" of s#r)rise "ha" he $ro))e$ all his
36oo$ness (racio#s %e43 e1clai%e$ "he 7a#n.
36OOD E;ENIN6,3 sai$ L#c&. B#" "he 7a#n was so '#s& )ic,in( #) i"s )arcels "ha" a"
firs" i" $i$ no" re)l&. When i" ha$ finishe$ i" %a$e her a li""le 'ow.
36oo$ e+enin(, (oo$ e+enin(,3 sai$ "he 7a#n. 3E1c#se %e * I $on2" wan" "o 'e in9#isi"i+e *
'#" sho#l$ I 'e ri(h" in "hin,in( "ha" &o# are a Da#(h"er of E+e53
3-& na%e2s L#c&,3 sai$ she, no" 9#i"e #n$ers"an$in( hi%.
3B#" &o# are * for(i+e %e * &o# are wha" "he& call a (irl53 sai$ "he 7a#n.
3Of co#rse I2% a (irl,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Yo# are in fac" H#%an53
3Of co#rse I2% h#%an,3 sai$ L#c&, s"ill a li""le )#<<le$.
3To 'e s#re, "o 'e s#re,3 sai$ "he 7a#n. 3How s"#)i$ of %e4 B#" I2+e ne+er seen a Son of
A$a% or a Da#(h"er of E+e 'efore. I a% $eli(h"e$. Tha" is "o sa& *3 an$ "hen i" s"o))e$ as if
i" ha$ 'een (oin( "o sa& so%e"hin( i" ha$ no" in"en$e$ '#" ha$ re%e%'ere$ in "i%e.
3Deli(h"e$, $eli(h"e$,3 i" wen" on. 3Allow %e "o in"ro$#ce %&self. -& na%e is T#%n#s.3
3I a% +er& )lease$ "o %ee" &o#, -r T#%n#s,3 sai$ L#c&.
3An$ %a& I as,, O L#c& Da#(h"er of E+e,3 sai$ -r T#%n#s, 3how &o# ha+e co%e in"o
3Narnia5 Wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ L#c&.
3This is "he lan$ of Narnia,3 sai$ "he 7a#n, 3where we are now0 all "ha" lies 'e"ween "he
la%)*)os" an$ "he (rea" cas"le of Cair Para+el on "he eas"ern sea. An$ &o# * &o# ha+e co%e
fro% "he wil$ woo$s of "he wes"53
3I * I (o" in "hro#(h "he war$ro'e in "he s)are roo%,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Ah43 sai$ -r T#%n#s in a ra"her %elanchol& +oice, 3if onl& I ha$ wor,e$ har$er a"
(eo(ra)h& when I was a li""le 7a#n, I sho#l$ no $o#'" ,now all a'o#" "hose s"ran(e
co#n"ries. I" is "oo la"e now.3
3B#" "he& aren2" co#n"ries a" all,3 sai$ L#c&, al%os" la#(hin(. 3I"2s onl& 8#s" 'ac, "here * a"
leas" * I2% no" s#re. I" is s#%%er "here.3
3-eanwhile,3 sai$ -r T#%n#s, 3i" is win"er in Narnia, an$ has 'een for e+er so lon(, an$
we shall 'o"h ca"ch col$ if we s"an$ here "al,in( in "he snow. Da#(h"er of E+e fro% "he far
lan$ of S)are Oo% where e"ernal s#%%er rei(ns aro#n$ "he 'ri(h" ci"& of War Dro'e, how
wo#l$ i" 'e if &o# ca%e an$ ha$ "ea wi"h %e53
3Than, &o# +er& %#ch, -r T#%n#s,3 sai$ L#c&. 3B#" I was won$erin( whe"her I o#(h" "o
'e (e""in( 'ac,.3
3I"2s onl& 8#s" ro#n$ "he corner,3 sai$ "he 7a#n, 3an$ "here2ll 'e a roarin( fire * an$ "oas" *
an$ sar$ines * an$ ca,e.3
3Well, i"2s +er& ,in$ of &o#,3 sai$ L#c&. 3B#" I shan2" 'e a'le "o s"a& lon(.3
3If &o# will "a,e %& ar%, Da#(h"er of E+e,3 sai$ -r T#%n#s, 3I shall 'e a'le "o hol$ "he
#%'rella o+er 'o"h of #s. Tha"2s "he wa&. Now * off we (o.3
An$ so L#c& fo#n$ herself wal,in( "hro#(h "he woo$ ar% in ar% wi"h "his s"ran(e crea"#re
as if "he& ha$ ,nown one ano"her all "heir li+es.
The& ha$ no" (one far 'efore "he& ca%e "o a )lace where "he (ro#n$ 'eca%e ro#(h an$
"here were roc,s all a'o#" an$ li""le hills #) an$ li""le hills $own. A" "he 'o""o% of one s%all
+alle& -r T#%n#s "#rne$ s#$$enl& asi$e as if he were (oin( "o wal, s"rai(h" in"o an
#n#s#all& lar(e roc,, '#" a" "he las" %o%en" L#c& fo#n$ he was lea$in( her in"o "he
en"rance of a ca+e. As soon as "he& were insi$e she fo#n$ herself 'lin,in( in "he li(h" of a
woo$ fire. Then -r T#%n#s s"oo)e$ an$ "oo, a fla%in( )iece of woo$ o#" of "he fire wi"h
a nea" li""le )air of "on(s, an$ li" a la%). 3Now we shan2" 'e lon(,3 he sai$, an$ i%%e$ia"el&
)#" a ,e""le on.
L#c& "ho#(h" she ha$ ne+er 'een in a nicer )lace. I" was a li""le, $r&, clean ca+e of re$$ish
s"one wi"h a car)e" on "he floor an$ "wo li""le chairs .3one for %e an$ one for a frien$,3 sai$
-r T#%n#s/ an$ a "a'le an$ a $resser an$ a %an"el)iece o+er "he fire an$ a'o+e "ha" a
)ic"#re of an ol$ 7a#n wi"h a (re& 'ear$. In one corner "here was a $oor which L#c&
"ho#(h" %#s" lea$ "o -r T#%n#s2s 'e$roo%, an$ on one wall was a shelf f#ll of 'oo,s.
L#c& loo,e$ a" "hese while he was se""in( o#" "he "ea "hin(s. The& ha$ "i"les li,e The Life
an$ Le""ers of Silen#s or N&%)hs an$ Their Wa&s or -en, -on,s an$ 6a%e,ee)ers0 a
S"#$& in Po)#lar Le(en$ or Is -an a -&"h5
3Now, Da#(h"er of E+e43 sai$ "he 7a#n.
An$ reall& i" was a won$erf#l "ea. There was a nice 'rown e((, li(h"l& 'oile$, for each of
"he%, an$ "hen sar$ines on "oas", an$ "hen '#""ere$ "oas", an$ "hen "oas" wi"h hone&, an$
"hen a s#(ar*"o))e$ ca,e. An$ when L#c& was "ire$ of ea"in( "he 7a#n 'e(an "o "al,. He
ha$ won$erf#l "ales "o "ell of life in "he fores". He "ol$ a'o#" "he %i$ni(h" $ances an$ how
"he N&%)hs who li+e$ in "he wells an$ "he Dr&a$s who li+e$ in "he "rees ca%e o#" "o $ance
wi"h "he 7a#ns0 a'o#" lon( h#n"in( )ar"ies af"er "he %il,*whi"e s"a( who co#l$ (i+e &o#
wishes if &o# ca#(h" hi%0 a'o#" feas"in( an$ "reas#re*see,in( wi"h "he wil$ Re$ Dwarfs in
$ee) %ines an$ ca+erns far 'enea"h "he fores" floor0 an$ "hen a'o#" s#%%er when "he
woo$s were (reen an$ ol$ Silen#s on his fa" $on,e& wo#l$ co%e "o +isi" "he%, an$
so%e"i%es Bacch#s hi%self, an$ "hen "he s"rea%s wo#l$ r#n wi"h wine ins"ea$ of wa"er an$
"he whole fores" wo#l$ (i+e i"self #) "o 8ollifica"ion for wee,s on en$. 3No" "ha" i" isn2"
alwa&s win"er now,3 he a$$e$ (loo%il&. Then "o cheer hi%self #) he "oo, o#" fro% i"s case
on "he $resser a s"ran(e li""le fl#"e "ha" loo,e$ as if i" were %a$e of s"raw an$ 'e(an "o )la&.
An$ "he "#ne he )la&e$ %a$e L#c& wan" "o cr& an$ la#(h an$ $ance an$ (o "o slee) all a"
"he sa%e "i%e. I" %#s" ha+e 'een ho#rs la"er when she shoo, herself an$ sai$:
3Oh, -r T#%n#s * I2% so sorr& "o s"o) &o#, an$ I $o lo+e "ha" "#ne * '#" reall&, I %#s" (o
ho%e. I onl& %ean" "o s"a& for a few %in#"es.3
3I"2s no (oo$ now, &o# ,now,3 sai$ "he 7a#n, la&in( $own i"s fl#"e an$ sha,in( i"s hea$ a"
her +er& sorrowf#ll&.
3No (oo$53 sai$ L#c&, 8#%)in( #) an$ feelin( ra"her fri(h"ene$. 3Wha" $o &o# %ean5 I2+e
(o" "o (o ho%e a" once. The o"hers will 'e won$erin( wha" has ha))ene$ "o %e.3 B#" a
%o%en" la"er she as,e$, 3-r T#%n#s4 Wha"e+er is "he %a""er53 for "he 7a#n2s 'rown e&es
ha$ fille$ wi"h "ears an$ "hen "he "ears 'e(an "ric,lin( $own i"s chee,s, an$ soon "he& were
r#nnin( off "he en$ of i"s nose0 an$ a" las" i" co+ere$ i"s face wi"h i"s han$s an$ 'e(an "o
3-r T#%n#s4 -r T#%n#s43 sai$ L#c& in (rea" $is"ress. 3Don2"4 Don2"4 Wha" is "he %a""er5
Aren2 &o# well5 Dear -r T#%n#s, $o "ell %e wha" is wron(.3 B#" "he 7a#n con"in#e$
so''in( as if i"s hear" wo#l$ 'rea,. An$ e+en when L#c& wen" o+er an$ )#" her ar%s ro#n$
hi% an$ len" hi% her han$ ,erchief, he $i$ no" s"o). He %erel& "oo, "he han$,er chief an$
,e)" on #sin( i", wrin(in( i" o#" wi"h 'o"h han$s whene+er i" (o" "oo we" "o 'e an& %ore
#se, so "ha" )resen"l& L#c& was s"an$in( in a $a%) )a"ch.
3-r T#%n#s43 'awle$ L#c& in his ear, sha,in( hi%. 3Do s"o). S"o) i" a" once4 Yo# o#(h"
"o 'e asha%e$ of &o#rself, a (rea" 'i( 7a#n li,e &o#. Wha" on ear"h are &o# cr&in( a'o#"53
3Oh * oh * oh43 so''e$ -r T#%n#s, 3I2% cr&in( 'eca#se I2% s#ch a 'a$ 7a#n.3
3I $on2" "hin, &o#2re a 'a$ 7a#n a" all,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I "hin, &o# are a +er& (oo$ 7a#n. Yo#
are "he nices" 7a#n I2+e e+er %e".3
3Oh * oh * &o# wo#l$n2" sa& "ha" if &o# ,new,3 re)lie$ -r T#%n#s 'e"ween his so's. 3No,
I2% a 'a$ 7a#n. I $on2" s#))ose "here e+er was a worse 7a#n since "he 'e(innin( of "he
3B#" wha" ha+e &o# $one53 as,e$ L#c&.
3-& ol$ fa"her, now,3 sai$ -r T#%n#s0 3"ha"2s his )ic"#re o+er "he %an"el)iece. He wo#l$
ne+er ha+e $one a "hin( li,e "his.3
3A "hin( li,e wha"53 sai$ L#c&.
3Li,e wha" I2+e $one,3 sai$ "he 7a#n. 3Ta,en ser+ice #n$er "he Whi"e Wi"ch. Tha"2s wha" I
a%. I2% in "he )a& of "he Whi"e Wi"ch.3
3The Whi"e Wi"ch5 Who is she53
3Wh&, i" is she "ha" has (o" all Narnia #n$er her "h#%'. I"2s she "ha" %a,es i" alwa&s win"er.
Alwa&s win"er an$ ne+er Chris"%as0 "hin, of "ha"43
3How awf#l43 sai$ L#c&. 3B#" wha" $oes she )a& &o# for53
3Tha"2s "he wors" of i",3 sai$ -r T#%n#s wi"h a $ee) (roan. 3I2% a ,i$na))er for her, "ha"2s
wha" I a%. Loo, a" %e, Da#(h"er of E+e. Wo#l$ &o# 'elie+e "ha" I2% "he sor" of 7a#n "o
%ee" a )oor innocen" chil$ in "he woo$, one "ha" ha$ ne+er $one %e an& har%, an$ )re"en$
"o 'e frien$l& wi"h i", an$ in+i"e i" ho%e "o %& ca+e, all for "he sa,e of l#llin( i" aslee) an$
"hen han$in( i" o+er "o "he Whi"e Wi"ch53
3No,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I2% s#re &o# wo#l$n2" $o an&"hin( of "he sor".3
3B#" I ha+e,3 sai$ "he 7a#n.
3Well,3 sai$ L#c& ra"her slowl& .for she wan"e$ "o 'e "r#"hf#l an$ &e" no" 'e "oo har$ on
hi%/, 3well, "ha" was )re""& 'a$. B#" &o#2re so sorr& for i" "ha" I2% s#re &o# will ne+er $o i"
3Da#(h"er of E+e, $on2" &o# #n$ers"an$53 sai$ "he 7a#n. 3I" isn2" so%e"hin( I ha+e $one. I2%
$oin( i" now, "his +er& %o%en".3
3Wha" $o &o# %ean53 crie$ L#c&, "#rnin( +er& whi"e.
3Yo# are "he chil$,3 sai$ T#%n#s. 3I ha$ or$ers fro% "he Whi"e Wi"ch "ha" if e+er I saw a
Son of A$a% or a Da#(h"er of E+e in "he woo$, I was "o ca"ch "he% an$ han$ "he% o+er "o
her. An$ &o# are "he firs" I2+e e+er %e". An$ I2+e )re"en$e$ "o 'e &o#r frien$ an as,e$ &o#
"o "ea, an$ all "he "i%e I2+e 'een %eanin( "o wai" "ill &o# were aslee) an$ "hen (o an$ "ell
3Oh, '#" &o# won2", -r T#%n#s,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Yo won2", will &o#5 In$ee$, in$ee$ &o#
reall& %#s"n2".3
3An$ if I $on2",3 sai$ he, 'e(innin( "o cr& a(ain 3she2s s#re "o fin$ o#". An$ she2ll ha+e %&
"ail c#" off an$ %& horns sawn off, an$ %& 'ear$ )l#c,e$ o#", an$ she2ll wa+e her wan$
o+er %& 'ea#"if#l clo+e hoofs an$ "#rn "he% in"o horri$ soli$ hoofs li,e wre"che$ horse2s.
An$ if she is e1"ra an$ s)eciall& an(r& she2ll "#rn %e in"o s"one an$ I shall 'e onl& s"a"#e of
a 7a#n in her horri'le ho#se #n"il "he fo#r "hrones a" Cair Para+el are fille$ an$ (oo$ness
,nows when "ha" will ha))en, or whe"her i" will e+er ha))en a" all.3
3I2% +er& sorr&, -r T#%n#s,3 sai$ L#c&. 3B#" )lease le" %e (o ho%e.3
3Of co#rse I will,3 sai$ "he 7a#n. 3Of co#rse I2+e (o" "o. I see "ha" now. I ha$n2" ,nown wha"
H#%ans were li,e 'efore I %e" &o#. Of co#rse I can2" (i+e &o# #) "o "he Wi"ch0 no" now
"ha" I ,now &o#. B#" we %#s" 'e off a" once. I2ll see &o# 'ac, "o "he la%)*)os". I s#))ose
&o# can fin$ &o#r own wa& fro% "here 'ac, "o S)are Oo% an$ War Dro'e53
3I2% s#re I can,3 sai$ L#c&.
3We %#s" (o as 9#ie"l& as we can,3 sai$ -r T#%n#s. 3The whole woo$ is f#ll of her s)ies.
E+en so%e of "he "rees are on her si$e.3
The& 'o"h (o" #) an$ lef" "he "ea "hin(s on "he "a'le, an$ -r T#%n#s once %ore )#" #) his
#%'rella an$ (a+e L#c& his ar%, an$ "he& wen" o#" in"o "he snow. The 8o#rne& 'ac, was
no" a" all li,e "he 8o#rne& "o "he 7a#n2s ca+e0 "he& s"ole alon( as 9#ic,l& as "he& co#l$,
wi"ho#" s)ea,in( a wor$, an$ -r T#%n#s ,e)" "o "he $ar,es" )laces. L#c& was relie+e$
when "he& reache$ "he la%)*)os" a(ain.
3Do &o# ,now &o#r wa& fro% here, Da#(h"er o E+e53 sai$ T#%n#s.
L#c& loo,e$ +er& har$ 'e"ween "he "rees an$ co#l$ 8#s" see in "he $is"ance a )a"ch of li(h"
"ha" loo,e$ li,e $a&li(h". 3Yes,3 she sai$, 3I can see "he war$ro'e $oor.3
3Then 'e off ho%e as 9#ic, as &o# can,3 sai$ "he 7a#n, 3an$ * c*can &o# e+er for(i+e %e
for wha" %ean" "o $o53
3Wh&, of co#rse I can,3 sai$ L#c&, sha,in( hi% hear"il& '& "he han$. 3An$ I $o ho)e &o#
won2" (e" in"o $rea$f#l "ro#'le on %& acco#n".3
37arewell, Da#(h"er of E+e,3 sai$ he. 3Perha)s I %a& ,ee) "he han$,erchief53
3Ra"her43 sai$ L#c&, an$ "hen ran "owar$s "he far off )a"ch of $a&li(h" as 9#ic,l& as her
le(s wo#l$ carr& her. An$ )resen"l& ins"ea$ of ro#(h 'ranch 'r#shin( )as" her she fel"
coa"s, an$ ins"ea$ of cr#nchin( snow #n$er her fee" she fel" woo$en 'oar$ an$ all a" once
she fo#n$ herself 8#%)in( o#" of "he war$ro'e in"o "he sa%e e%)"& roo% fro% which "he
whole a$+en"#re ha$ s"ar"e$. She sh#" "he war$ro'e $oor "i(h"l& 'ehin$ her an$ loo,e$
aro#n$, )an"in( for 'rea"h. I" was s"ill rainin( an$ she co#l$ hear "he +oices of "he o"hers in
"he )assa(e.
3I2% here,3 she sho#"e$. 3I2% here. I2+e co%e 'ac, I2% all ri(h".3
L#c& ran o#" of "he e%)"& roo% in"o "he )assa(e an$ fo#n$ "he o"her "hree.
3I"2s all ri(h",3 she re)ea"e$, 3I2+e co%e'ac,.3
3Wha" on ear"h are &o# "al,in( a'o#", L#c&53 as,e$ S#san.
3Wh&5 sai$ L#c& in a%a<e%en", 3ha+en2" &o# all 'een won$erin( where I was53
3So &o#2+e 'een hi$in(, ha+e &o#53 sai$ Pe"er. 3Poor ol$ L#, hi$in( an$ no'o$& no"ice$4
Yo#2ll ha+e "o hi$e lon(er "han "ha" if &o# wan" )eo)le "o s"ar" loo,in( for &o#.3
3B#" I2+e 'een awa& for ho#rs an$ ho#rs,3 sai$ L#c&.
The o"hers all s"are$ a" one ano"her.
3Ba""&43 sai$ E$%#n$, "a))in( his hea$. 3=#i"e 'a""&.3
3Wha" $o &o# %ean, L#53 as,e$ Pe"er.
3Wha" I sai$,3 answere$ L#c&. 3I" was 8#s" af"er 'rea,fas" when I wen" in"o "he war$ro'e,
an$ I2+e 'een awa& for ho#rs an$ ho#rs, an$ ha$ "ea, an$ all sor"s of "hin(s ha+e ha))ene$.3
3Don2" 'e sill&, L#c&,3 sai$ S#san. 3We2+e onl& 8#s" co%e o#" of "ha" roo% a %o%en" a(o,
an$ &o# were "here "hen.3
3She2s no" 'ein( sill& a" all,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3she2s 8#s" %a,in( #) a s"or& for f#n, aren2" &o#,
L#5 An$ wh& sho#l$n2" she53
3No, Pe"er, I2% no",3 she sai$. 3I"2s * i"2s a %a(ic war$ro'e. There2s a woo$ insi$e i", an$ i"2s
snowin(, an$ "here2s a 7a#n an$ a Wi"ch an$ i"2s calle$ Narnia0 co%e an$ see.3
The o"hers $i$ no" ,now wha" "o "hin,, '#" L#c& was so e1ci"e$ "ha" "he& all wen" 'ac, wi"h
her in"o "he roo%. She r#she$ ahea$ of "he%, fl#n( o)en "he $oor of "he war$ro'e an$
crie$, 3Now4 (o in an$ see for &o#rsel+es.3
3Wh&, &o# (oose,3 sai$ S#san, )#""in( her hea$ insi$e an$ )#llin( "he f#r coa"s a)ar", 3i"2s
8#s" an or$inar& war$ro'e0 loo,4 "here2s "he 'ac, of i".3
Then e+er&one loo,e$ in an$ )#lle$ "he coa"s a)ar"0 an$ "he& all saw * L#c& herself saw * a
)erfec"l& or$inar& war$ro'e. There was no woo$ an$ no snow, onl& "he 'ac, of "he
war$ro'e, wi"h hoo,s on i". Pe"er wen" in an$ ra))e$ his ,n#c,les on i" "o %a,e s#re "ha" i"
was soli$.
3A 8oll& (oo$ hoa1, L#,3 he sai$ as he ca%e o#" a(ain0 3&o# ha+e reall& "a,en #s in, I %#s"
a$%i". We half 'elie+e$ &o#.3
3B#" i" wasn2" a hoa1 a" all,3 sai$ L#c&, 3reall& an$ "r#l&. I" was all $ifferen" a %o%en" a(o.
Hones"l& i" was. I )ro%ise.3
3Co%e, L#,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3"ha"2s (oin( a 'i" far. Yo#2+e ha$ &o#r 8o,e. Ha$n2" &o# 'e""er $ro)
i" now53
L#c& (rew +er& re$ in "he face an$ "rie$ "o sa& so%e"hin(, "ho#(h she har$l& ,new wha"
she was "r&in( "o sa&, an$ '#rs" in"o "ears.
7or "he ne1" few $a&s she was +er& %isera'le. She co#l$ ha+e %a$e i" #) wi"h "he o"hers
9#i"e easil& a" an& %o%en" if she co#l$ ha+e 'ro#(h" herself "o sa& "ha" "he whole "hin( was
onl& a s"or& %a$e #) for f#n. B#" L#c& was a +er& "r#"hf#l (irl an$ she ,new "ha" she was
reall& in "he ri(h"0 an$ she co#l$ no" 'rin( herself "o sa& "his. The o"hers who "ho#(h" she
was "ellin( a lie, an$ a sill& lie "oo, %a$e her +er& #nha))&. The "wo el$er ones $i$ "his
wi"ho#" %eanin( "o $o i", '#" E$%#n$ co#l$ 'e s)i"ef#l, an$ on "his occasion he was
s)i"ef#l. He sneere$ an$ 8eere$ a" L#c& an$ ,e)" on as,in( her if she2$ fo#n$ an& o"her new
co#n"ries in o"her c#)'oar$s all o+er "he ho#se. Wha" %a$e i" worse was "ha" "hese $a&s
o#(h" "o ha+e 'een $eli(h"f#l. The wea"her was fine an$ "he& were o#" of $oors fro%
%ornin( "o ni(h", 'a"hin(, fishin(, cli%'in( "rees, an$ l&in( in "he hea"her. B#" L#c& co#l$
no" )ro)erl& en8o& an& of i". An$ so "hin(s wen" on #n"il "he ne1" we" $a&.
Tha" $a&, when i" ca%e "o "he af"ernoon an$ "here was s"ill no si(n of a 'rea, in "he
wea"her, "he& $eci$e$ "o )la& hi$e*an$*see,. S#san was 3I"3 an$ as soon as "he o"hers
sca""ere$ "o hi$e, L#c& wen" "o "he roo% where "he war$ro'e was. She $i$ no" %ean "o hi$e
in "he war$ro'e, 'eca#se she ,new "ha" wo#l$ onl& se" "he o"hers "al,in( a(ain a'o#" "he
whole wre"che$ '#siness. B#" she $i$ wan" "o ha+e one %ore loo, insi$e i"0 for '& "his "i%e
she was 'e(innin( "o won$er herself whe"her Narnia an$ "he 7a#n ha$ no" 'een a $rea%.
The ho#se was so lar(e an$ co%)lica"e$ an$ f#ll of hi$in(*)laces "ha" she "ho#(h" she
wo#l$ ha+e "i%e "o ha+e one loo, in"o "he war$ro'e an$ "hen hi$e so%ewhere else. B#" as
soon as she reache$ i" she hear$ s"e)s in "he )assa(e o#"si$e, an$ "hen "here was no"hin( for
i" '#" "o 8#%) in"o "he war$ro'e an$ hol$ "he $oor close$ 'ehin$ her. She $i$
no" sh#" i" )ro)erl& 'eca#se she ,new "ha" i" is +er& sill& "o sh#" oneself in"o a war$ro'e,
e+en if i" is no" a %a(ic one.
Now "he s"e)s she ha$ hear$ were "hose of E$%#n$0 an$ he ca%e in"o "he roo% 8#s" in "i%e
"o see L#c& +anishin( in"o "he war$ro'e. He a" once $eci$e$ "o (e" in"o i" hi%self * no"
'eca#se he "ho#(h" i" a )ar"ic#larl& (oo$ )lace "o hi$e '#" 'eca#se he wan"e$ "o (o on
"easin( her a'o#" her i%a(inar& co#n"r&. He o)ene$ "he $oor. There were "he coa"s han(in(
#) as #s#al, an$ a s%ell of %o"h'alls, an$ $ar,ness an$ silence, an$ no si(n of L#c&. 3She
"hin,s I2% S#san co%e "o ca"ch her,3 sai$ E$%#n$ "o hi%self, 3an$ so she2s ,ee)in( +er&
9#ie" in a" "he 'ac,.3 He 8#%)e$ in an$ sh#" "he $oor, for(e""in( wha" a +er& foolish "hin(
"his is "o $o. Then he 'e(an feelin( a'o#" for L#c& in "he $ar,. He ha$ e1)ec"e$ "o fin$ her
in a few secon$s an$ was +er& s#r)rise$ when he $i$ no". He $eci$e$ "o o)en "he $oor
a(ain an$ le" in so%e li(h". B#" he co#l$ no" fin$ "he $oor ei"her. He $i$n2" li,e "his a" all
an$ 'e(an (ro)in( wil$l& in e+er& $irec"ion0 he e+en sho#"e$ o#", 3L#c&4 L#4 Where are
&o#5 I ,now &o#2re here.3
There was no answer an$ E$%#n$ no"ice$ "ha" his own +oice ha$ a c#rio#s so#n$ * no" "he
so#n$ &o# e1)ec" in a c#)'oar$, '#" a ,in$ of o)en*air so#n$. He also no"ice$ "ha" he was
#ne1)ec"e$l& col$0 an$ "hen he saw a li(h".
3Than, (oo$ness,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3"he $oor %#s" ha+e sw#n( o)en of i"s own accor$.3 He
for(o" all a'o#" L#c& an$ wen" "owar$s "he li(h", which he "ho#(h" was "he o)en $oor of
"he war$ro'e. B#" ins"ea$ of fin$in( hi%self s"e))in( o#" in"o "he s)are roo% he fo#n$
hi%self s"e))in( o#" fro% "he sha$ow of so%e "hic, $ar, fir "rees in"o an o)en )lace in "he
%i$$le of a woo$.
There was cris), $r& snow #n$er his fee" an$ %ore snow l&in( on "he 'ranches of "he "rees.
O+erhea$ "here was )ale 'l#e s,&, "he sor" of s,& one sees on a fine win"er $a& in "he
%ornin(. S"rai(h" ahea$ of hi% he saw 'e"ween "he "ree*"r#n,s "he s#n, 8#s" risin(, +er& re$
an$ clear. E+er&"hin( was )erfec"l& s"ill, as if he were "he onl& li+in( crea"#re in "ha"
co#n"r&. There was no" e+en a ro'in or a s9#irrel a%on( "he "rees, an$ "he woo$ s"re"che$
as far as he co#l$ see in e+er& $irec"ion. He shi+ere$.
He now re%e%'ere$ "ha" he ha$ 'een loo,in( for L#c&0 an$ also how #n)leasan" he ha$
'een "o her a'o#" her 3i%a(inar& co#n"r&3 which now "#rne$ o#" no" "o ha+e 'een
i%a(inar& a" all. He "ho#(h" "ha" she %#s" 'e so%ewhere 9#i"e close an$ so he sho#"e$,
3L#c&4 L#c&4 I2% here "oo*E$%#n$.3
There was no answer.
3She2s an(r& a'o#" all "he "hin(s I2+e 'een sa&in( la"el&,3 "ho#(h" E$%#n$. An$ "ho#(h he
$i$ no" li,e "o a$%i" "ha" he ha$ 'een wron(, he also $i$ no" %#ch li,e 'ein( alone in "his
s"ran(e, col$, 9#ie" )lace0 so he sho#"e$ a(ain.
3I sa&, L#4 I2% sorr& I $i$n2" 'elie+e &o#. I see now &o# were ri(h" all alon(. Do co%e o#".
-a,e i" Pa1.3
S"ill "here was no answer.
3>#s" li,e a (irl,3 sai$ E$%#n$ "o hi%self, 3s#l,in( so%ewhere, an$ won2" acce)" an
a)olo(&.3 He loo,e$ ro#n$ hi% a(ain an$ $eci$e$ he $i$ no" %#ch li,e "his )lace, an$ ha$
al%os" %a$e #) his %in$ "o (o ho%e, when he hear$, +er& far off in "he woo$, a so#n$ of
'ells. He lis"ene$ an$ "he so#n$ ca%e nearer an$ nearer an$ a" las" "here swe)" in"o si(h" a
sle$(e $rawn '& "wo rein$eer.
The rein$eer were a'o#" "he si<e of She"lan$ )onies an$ "heir hair was so whi"e "ha" e+en
"he snow har$l& loo,e$ whi"e co%)are$ wi"h "he%0 "heir 'ranchin( horns were (il$e$ an$
shone li,e so%e"hin( on fire when "he s#nrise ca#(h" "he%. Their harness was of scarle"
lea"her an$ co+ere$ wi"h 'ells. On "he sle$(e, $ri+in( "he rein$eer, sa" a fa" $warf who
wo#l$ ha+e 'een a'o#" "hree fee" hi(h if he ha$ 'een s"an$in(. He was $resse$ in )olar
'ear2s f#r an$ on his hea$ he wore a re$ hoo$ wi"h a lon( (ol$ "assel han(in( $own fro% i"s
)oin"0 his h#(e 'ear$ co+ere$ his ,nees an$ ser+e$ hi% ins"ea$ of a r#(. B#" 'ehin$ hi%, on
a %#ch hi(her sea" in "he %i$$le of "he sle$(e sa" a +er& $ifferen" )erson * a (rea" la$&,
"aller "han an& wo%an "ha" E$%#n$ ha$ e+er seen. She also was co+ere$ in whi"e f#r #) "o
her "hroa" an$ hel$ a lon( s"rai(h" (ol$en wan$ in her ri(h" han$ an$ wore a (ol$en crown
on her hea$. Her face was whi"e * no" %erel& )ale, '#" whi"e li,e snow or )a)er or icin(*
s#(ar, e1ce)" for her +er& re$ %o#"h. I" was a 'ea#"if#l face in o"her res)ec"s, '#" )ro#$ an$
col$ an$ s"ern.
The sle$(e was a fine si(h" as i" ca%e swee)in( "owar$s E$%#n$ wi"h "he 'ells 8in(lin(
an$ "he $warf crac,in( his whi) an$ "he snow fl&in( #) on each si$e of i".
3S"o)43 sai$ "he La$&, an$ "he $warf )#lle$ "he rein$eer #) so shar) "ha" "he& al%os" sa"
$own. Then "he& reco+ere$ "he%sel+es an$ s"oo$ cha%)in( "heir 'i"s an$ 'lowin(. In "he
fros"& air "he 'rea"h co%in( o#" of "heir nos"rils loo,e$ li,e s%o,e.
3An$ wha", )ra&, are &o#53 sai$ "he La$&, loo,in( har$ a" E$%#n$.
3I2%*I2%*%& na%e2s E$%#n$,3 sai$ E$%#n$ ra"her aw,war$l&. He $i$ no" li,e "he wa& she
loo,e$ a" hi%.
The La$& frowne$, 3Is "ha" how &o# a$$ress a =#een53 she as,e$, loo,in( s"erner "han
3I 'e( &o#r )ar$on, &o#r -a8es"&, I $i$n2" ,now,3 sai$ E$%#n$:
3No" ,now "he =#een of Narnia53 crie$ she. 3Ha4 Yo# shall ,now #s 'e""er hereaf"er. B#" I
re)ea"*wha" are &o#53
3Please, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3I $on2" ,now wha" &o# %ean. I2% a" school * a" leas"
I was i"2s "he holi$a&s now.3
3BT wha" are &o#53 sai$ "he =#een a(ain. 3Are &o# a (rea" o+er(rown $warf "ha" has c#"
off i"s 'ear$53
3No, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3I ne+er ha$ a 'ear$, I2% a 'o&.3
3A 'o&43 sai$ she. 3Do &o# %ean &o# are a Son of A$a%53
E$%#n$ s"oo$ s"ill, sa&in( no"hin(. He was "oo conf#se$ '& "his "i%e "o #n$ers"an$ wha"
"he 9#es"ion %ean".
3I see &o# are an i$io", wha"e+er else &o# %a& 'e,3 sai$ "he =#een. 3Answer %e, once an$
for all, or I shall lose %& )a"ience. Are &o# h#%an53
3Yes, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3An$ how, )ra&, $i$ &o# co%e "o en"er %& $o%inions53
3Please, &o#r -a8es"&, I ca%e in "hro#(h a war$ro'e.3
3A war$ro'e5 Wha" $o &o# %ean53
3I * I o)ene$ a $oor an$ 8#s" fo#n$ %&self here, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Ha43 sai$ "he =#een, s)ea,in( %ore "o herself "han "o hi%. 3A $oor. A $oor fro% "he
worl$ of %en4 I ha+e hear$ of s#ch "hin(s. This %a& wrec, all. B#" he is onl& one, an$ he is
easil& $eal" wi"h.3 As she s)o,e "hese wor$s she rose fro% her sea" an$ loo,e$ E$%#n$ f#ll
in "he face, her e&es fla%in(0 a" "he sa%e %o%en" she raise$ her wan$. E$%#n$ fel" s#re
"ha" she was (oin( "o $o so%e"hin( $rea$f#l '#" he see%e$ #na'le "o %o+e. Then, 8#s" as
he (a+e hi%self #) for los", she a))eare$ "o chan(e her %in$.
3-& )oor chil$,3 she sai$ in 9#i"e a $ifferen" +oice, 3how col$ &o# loo,4 Co%e an$ si" wi"h
%e here on "he sle$(e an$ I will )#" %& %an"le ro#n$ &o# an$ we will "al,.3
E$%#n$ $i$ no" li,e "his arran(e%en" a" all '#" he $are$ no" $iso'e&0 he s"e))e$ on "o "he
sle$(e an$ sa" a" her fee", an$ she )#" a fol$ of her f#r %an"le ro#n$ hi% an$ "#c,e$ i" well
3Perha)s so%e"hin( ho" "o $rin,53 sai$ "he =#een. 3Sho#l$ &o# li,e "ha"53
3Yes )lease, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$, whose "ee"h were cha""erin(.
The =#een "oo, fro% so%ewhere a%on( her wra))in(s a +er& s%all 'o""le which loo,e$ as
if i" were %a$e of co))er. Then, hol$in( o#" her ar%, she le" one $ro) fall fro% i" on "he
snow 'esi$e "he sle$(e. E$%#n$ saw "he $ro) for a secon$ in %i$*air, shinin( li,e a
$ia%on$. B#" "he %o%en" i" "o#che$ "he snow "here was a hissin( so#n$ an$ "here s"oo$ a
8ewelle$ c#) f#ll of so%e"hin( "ha" s"ea%e$. The $warf i%%e$ia"el& "oo, "his an$ han$e$ i"
"o E$%#n$ wi"h a 'ow an$ a s%ile0 no" a +er& nice s%ile. E$%#n$ fel" %#ch 'e""er as he
'e(an "o si) "he ho" $rin,. I" was so%e"hin( he ha$ ne+er "as"e$ 'efore, +er& swee" an$
foa%& an$ crea%&, an$ i" war%e$ hi% ri(h" $own "o his "oes.
3I" is $#ll, Son of A$a%, "o $rin, wi"ho#" ea"in(,3 sai$ "he =#een )resen"l&. 3Wha" wo#l$
&o# li,e 'es" "o ea"53
3T#r,ish Deli(h", )lease, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
The =#een le" ano"her $ro) fall fro% her 'o""le on "o "he snow, an$ ins"an"l& "here a))eare$
a ro#n$ 'o1, "ie$ wi"h (reen sil, ri''on, which, when o)ene$, "#rne$ o#" "o con"ain se+eral
)o#n$s of "he 'es" T#r,ish Deli(h". Each )iece was swee" an$ li(h" "o "he +er& cen"re an$
E$%#n$ ha$ ne+er "as"e$ an&"hin( %ore $elicio#s. He was 9#i"e war% now, an$ +er&
While he was ea"in( "he =#een ,e)" as,in( hi% 9#es"ions. A" firs" E$%#n$ "rie$ "o
re%e%'er "ha" i" is r#$e "o s)ea, wi"h one2s %o#"h f#ll, '#" soon he for(o" a'o#" "his an$
"ho#(h" onl& of "r&in( "o sho+el $own as %#ch T#r,ish Deli(h" as he co#l$, an$ "he %ore
he a"e "he %ore he wan"e$ "o ea", an$ he ne+er as,e$ hi%self wh& "he =#een sho#l$ 'e so
in9#isi"i+e. She (o" hi% "o "ell her "ha" he ha$ one 'ro"her an$ "wo sis"ers, an$ "ha" one of
his sis"ers ha$ alrea$& 'een in Narnia an$ ha$ %e" a 7a#n "here, an$ "ha" no one e1ce)"
hi%self an$ his 'ro"her an$ his sis"ers ,new an&"hin( a'o#" Narnia. She see%e$ es)eciall&
in"eres"e$ in "he fac" "ha" "here were fo#r of "he%, an$ ,e)" on co%in( 'ac, "o i". 3Yo# are
s#re "here are 8#s" fo#r of &o#53 she as,e$. 3Two Sons of A$a% an$ "wo Da#(h"ers of E+e,
nei"her %ore nor less53 an$ E$%#n$, wi"h his %o#"h f#ll of T#r,ish Deli(h", ,e)" on
sa&in(, 3Yes, I "ol$ &o# "ha" 'efore,3 an$ for(e""in( "o call her 3Yo#r -a8es"&3, '#" she
$i$n2" see% "o %in$ now.
A" las" "he T#r,ish Deli(h" was all finishe$ an$ E$%#n$ was loo,in( +er& har$ a" "he
e%)"& 'o1 an$ wishin( "ha" she wo#l$ as, hi% whe"her he wo#l$ li,e so%e %ore. Pro'a'l&
"he =#een ,new 9#i"e well wha" he was "hin,in(0 for she ,new, "ho#(h E$%#n$ $i$ no",
"ha" "his was enchan"e$ T#r,ish Deli(h" an$ "ha" an&one who ha$ once "as"e$ i" wo#l$ wan"
%ore an$ %ore of i", an$ wo#l$ e+en, if "he& were allowe$, (o on ea"in( i" "ill "he& ,ille$
"he%sel+es. B#" she $i$ no" offer hi% an& %ore. Ins"ea$, she sai$ "o hi%,
3Son of A$a%, I sho#l$ so %#ch li,e "o see &o#r 'ro"her an$ &o#r "wo sis"ers. Will &o#
'rin( "he% "o see %e53
3I2ll "r&,3 sai$ E$%#n$, s"ill loo,in( a" "he e%)"& 'o1.
3Beca#se, if &o# $i$ co%e a(ain * 'rin(in( "he% wi"h &o# of co#rse * I2$ 'e a'le "o (i+e
&o# so%e %ore T#r,ish Deli(h". I can2" $o i" now, "he %a(ic will onl& wor, once. In %&
own ho#se i" wo#l$ 'e ano"her %a""er.3
3Wh& can2" we (o "o &o#r ho#se now53 sai$ E$%#n$. When he ha$ firs" (o" on "o "he
sle$(e he ha$ 'een afrai$ "ha" she %i(h" $ri+e awa& wi"h hi% "o so%e #n,nown )lace fro%
which he wo#l$ no" 'e a'le "o (e" 'ac,0 '#" he ha$ for(o""en a'o#" "ha" fear now.
3I" is a lo+el& )lace, %& ho#se,3 sai$ "he =#een. 3I a% s#re &o# wo#l$ li,e i". There are
whole roo%s f#ll of T#r,ish Deli(h", an$ wha"2s %ore, I ha+e no chil$ren of %& own. I
wan" a nice 'o& who% I co#l$ 'rin( #) as a Prince an$ who wo#l$ 'e !in( of Narnia when
I a% (one. While he was Prince he wo#l$ wear a (ol$ crown an$ ea" T#r,ish Deli(h" all
$a& lon(0 an$ &o# are %#ch "he cle+eres" an$ han$so%es" &o#n( %an I2+e e+er %e". I "hin,
I wo#l$ li,e "o %a,e &o# "he Prince * so%e $a&, when &o# 'rin( "he o"hers "o +isi" %e.3
3Wh& no" now53 sai$ E$%#n$. His face ha$ 'eco%e +er& re$ an$ his %o#"h an$ fin(ers
were s"ic,&. He $i$ no" loo, ei"her cle+er or han$so%e, wha"e+er "he =#een %i(h" sa&.
3Oh, '#" if I "oo, &o# "here now,3 sai$ she, 3I sho#l$n2" see &o#r 'ro"her an$ &o#r sis"ers. I
+er& %#ch wan" "o ,now &o#r char%in( rela"ions. Yo# are "o 'e "he Prince an$ * la"er on *
"he !in(0 "ha" is #n$ers"oo$. B#" &o# %#s" ha+e co#r"iers an$ no'les. I will %a,e &o#r
'ro"her a D#,e an$ &o#r sis"ers D#chesses.3
3There2s no"hin( s)ecial a'o#" "he%,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3an$, an&wa&, I co#l$ alwa&s 'rin(
"he% so%e o"her "i%e.3
3Ah, '#" once &o# were in %& ho#se,3 sai$ "he =#een, 3&o# %i(h" for(e" all a'o#" "hern.
Yo# wo#l$ 'e en8o&in( &o#rself so %#ch "ha" &o# wo#l$n2" wan" "he 'o"her of (oin( "o
fe"ch "he%. No. Yo# %#s" (o 'ac, "o &o#r own co#n"r& now an$ co%e "o %e ano"her $a&,
wi"h "he%, &o# #n$ers"an$. I" is no (oo$ co%in( wi"ho#" "he%.3
3B#" I $on2" e+en ,now "he wa& 'ac, "o %& own co#n"r&,3 )lea$e$ E$%#n$. 3Tha"2s eas&,3
answere$ "he =#een. 3Do &o# see "ha" la%)53 She )oin"e$ wi"h her wan$ an$ E$%#n$
"#rne$ an$ saw "he sa%e la%)*)os" #n$er which L#c& ha$ %e" "he 7a#n. 3S"rai(h" on,
'e&on$ "ha", is "he wa& "o "he Worl$ of -en. An$ now loo, "he o"her wa&2* here she
)oin"e$ in "he o))osi"e $irec"ion * 3an$ "ell %e if &o# can see "wo li""le hills risin( a'o+e
"he "rees.3
3I "hin, I can,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Well, %& ho#se is 'e"ween "hose "wo hills. So ne1" "i%e &o# co%e &o# ha+e onl& "o fin$
"he la%)*)os" an$ loo, for "hose "wo hills an$ wal, "hro#(h "he woo$ "ill &o# reach %&
ho#se. B#" re%e%'er * &o# %#s" 'rin( "he o"hers wi"h &o#. I %i(h" ha+e "o 'e +er& an(r&
wi"h &o# if &o# ca%e alone.3
3I2ll $o %& 'es",3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3An$, '& "he wa&,3 sai$ "he =#een, 3&o# nee$n2" "ell "he% a'o#" %e. I" wo#l$ 'e f#n "o
,ee) i" a secre" 'e"ween #s "wo, wo#l$n2" i"5 -a,e i" a s#r)rise for "he%. >#s" 'rin( "he%
alon( "o "he "wo hills * a cle+er 'o& li,e &o# will easil& "hin, of so%e e1c#se for $oin( "ha"
* an$ when &o# co%e "o %& ho#se &o# co#l$ 8#s" sa& 3Le"2s see who li+es here3 or
so%e"hin( li,e "ha". I a% s#re "ha" wo#l$ 'e 'es". If &o#r sis"er has %e" one of "he 7a#ns,
she %a& ha+e hear$ s"ran(e s"ories a'o#" %e * nas"& s"ories "ha" %i(h" %a,e her afrai$ "o
co%e "o %e. 7a#ns will sa& an&"hin(, &o# ,now, an$ now *3
3Please, )lease,3 sai$ E$%#n$ s#$$enl&, 3)lease co#l$n2" I ha+e 8#s" one )iece of T#r,ish
Deli(h" "o ea" on "he wa& ho%e53
3No, no,3 sai$ "he =#een wi"h a la#(h, 3&o# %#s" wai" "ill ne1" "i%e.3 While she s)o,e, she
si(nalle$ "o "he $warf "o $ri+e on, '#" as "he sle$(e swe)" awa& o#" of si(h", "he =#een
wa+e$ "o E$%#n$, callin( o#", 3Ne1" "i%e4 Ne1" "i%e4 Don2" for(e". Co%e soon.3
E$%#n$ was s"ill s"arin( af"er "he sle$(e when he hear$ so%eone callin( his own na%e,
an$ loo,in( ro#n$ he saw L#c& co%in( "owar$s hi% fro% ano"her )ar" of "he woo$.
3Oh, E$%#n$43 she crie$. 3So &o#2+e (o" in "oo4 Isn2" i" won$erf#l, an$ now*3
3All ri(h",3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3I see &o# were ri(h" an$ i" is a %a(ic war$ro'e af"er all. I2ll sa&
I2% sorr& if &o# li,e. B#" where on ear"h ha+e &o# 'een all "his "i%e5 I2+e 'een loo,in( for
&o# e+er&where.3
3If I2$ ,nown &o# ha$ (o" in I2$ ha+e wai"e$ for &o#,3 sai$ L#c&, who was "oo ha))& an$
e1ci"e$ "o no"ice how sna))ishl& E$%#n$ s)o,e or how fl#she$ an$ s"ran(e his face was.
3I2+e 'een ha+in( l#nch wi"h $ear -r T#%n#s, "he 7a#n, an$ he2s +er& well an$ "he Whi"e
Wi"ch has $one no"hin( "o hi% for le""in( %e (o, so he "hin,s she can2" ha+e fo#n$ o#" an$
)erha)s e+er&"hin( is (oin( "o 'e all ri(h" af"er all.3
3The Whi"e Wi"ch53 sai$ E$%#n$0 3who2s she53
3She is a )erfec"l& "erri'le )erson,3 sai$ L#c&. 3She calls herself "he =#een of Narnia
"ho#(h she has no ri(h" "o 'e 9#een a" all, an$ all "he 7a#ns an$ Dr&a$s an$ Naia$s an$
Dwarfs an$ Ani%als * a" leas" all "he (oo$ ones * si%)l& ha"e her. An$ she can "#rn )eo)le
in"o s"one an$ $o all ,in$s of horri'le "hin(s. An$ she has %a$e a %a(ic so "ha" i" is alwa&s
win"er in Narnia * alwa&s win"er, '#" i" ne+er (e"s "o Chris"%as. An$ she $ri+es a'o#" on a
sle$(e, $rawn '& rein$eer, wi"h her wan$ in her han$ an$ a crown on her hea$.3
E$%#n$ was alrea$& feelin( #nco%for"a'le fro% ha+in( ea"en "oo %an& swee"s, an$ when
he hear$ "ha" "he La$& he ha$ %a$e frien$s wi"h was a $an(ero#s wi"ch he fel" e+en %ore
#nco%for"a'le. B#" he s"ill wan"e$ "o "as"e "ha" T#r,ish Deli(h" a(ain %ore "han he wan"e$
an&"hin( else.
3Who "ol$ &o# all "ha" s"#ff a'o#" "he Whi"e Wi"ch53 he as,e$.
3-r T#%n#s, "he 7a#n,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Yo# can2" alwa&s 'elie+e wha" 7a#ns sa&,3 sai$ E$%#n$, "r&in( "o so#n$ as if he ,new far
%ore a'o#" "he% "han L#c&.
3Who sai$ so53 as,e$ L#c&.
3E+er&one ,nows i",3 sai$ E$%#n$0 3as, an&'o$& &o# li,e. B#" i"2s )re""& )oor s)or"
s"an$in( here in "he snow. Le"2s (o ho%e.3
3Yes, le"2s,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Oh, E$%#n$, I a% (la$ &o#2+e (o" in "oo. The o"hers will ha+e "o
'elie+e in Narnia now "ha" 'o"h of #s ha+e 'een "here. Wha" f#n i" will 'e43
B#" E$%#n$ secre"l& "ho#(h" "ha" i" wo#l$ no" 'e as (oo$ f#n for hi% as for her. He wo#l$
ha+e "o a$%i" "ha" L#c& ha$ 'een ri(h", 'efore all "he o"hers, an$ he fel" s#re "he o"hers
wo#l$ all 'e on "he si$e of "he 7a#ns an$ "he ani%als0 '#" he was alrea$& %ore "han half on
"he si$e of "he Wi"ch. He $i$ no" ,now wha" he wo#l$ sa&, or how he wo#l$ ,ee) his secre"
once "he& were all "al,in( a'o#" Narnia.
B& "his "i%e "he& ha$ wal,e$ a (oo$ wa&. Then s#$$enl& "he& fel" coa"s aro#n$ "he%
ins"ea$ of 'ranches an$ ne1" %o%en" "he& were 'o"h s"an$in( o#"si$e "he war$ro'e in "he
e%)"& roo%.
3I sa&,3 sai$ L#c&, 3&o# $o loo, awf#l, E$%#n$. Don2" &o# feel well53
3I2% all ri(h",3 sai$ E$%#n$, '#" "his was no" "r#e. He was feelin( +er& sic,.
3Co%e on "hen,3 sai$ L#c&, 3le"2s fin$ "he o"hers. Wha" a lo" we shall ha+e "o "ell "he%4 An$
wha" won$erf#l a$+en"#res we shall ha+e now "ha" we2re all in i" "o(e"her.3
BECASE "he (a%e of hi$e*an$*see, was s"ill (oin( on, i" "oo, E$%#n$ an$ L#c& so%e
"i%e "o fin$ "he o"hers. B#" when a" las" "he& were all "o(e"her .which ha))ene$ in "he lon(
roo%, where "he s#i" of ar%o#r was/ L#c& '#rs" o#":
3Pe"er4 S#san4 I"2s all "r#e. E$%#n$ has seen i" "oo. There is a co#n"r& &o# can (e" "o
"hro#(h "he war$ro'e. E$%#n$ an$ I 'o"h (o" in. We %e" one ano"her in "here, in "he woo$.
6o on, E$%#n$0 "ell "he% all a'o#" i".3
3Wha"2s all "his a'o#", E$53 sai$ Pe"er.
An$ now we co%e "o one of "he nas"ies" "hin(s in "his s"or&. ) "o "ha" %o%en" E$%#n$
ha$ 'een feelin( sic,, an$ s#l,&, an$ anno&e$ wi"h L#c& for 'ein( ri(h", '#" he ha$n2" %a$e
#) his %in$ wha" "o $o. When Pe"er s#$$enl& as,e$ hi% "he 9#es"ion he $eci$e$ all a" once
"o $o "he %eanes" an$ %os" s)i"ef#l "hin( he co#l$ "hin, of. He $eci$e$ "o le" L#c& $own.
3Tell #s, E$,3 sai$ S#san.
An$ E$%#n$ (a+e a +er& s#)erior loo, as if he were far ol$er "han L#c& ."here was reall&
onl& a &ear2s $ifference/ an$ "hen a li""le sni((er an$ sai$, 3Oh, &es, L#c& an$ I ha+e 'een
)la&in( * )re"en$in( "ha" all her s"or& a'o#" a co#n"r& in "he war$ro'e is "r#e. 8#s" for f#n,
of co#rse. There2s no"hin( "here reall&.3
Poor L#c& (a+e E$%#n$ one loo, an$ r#she$ o#" of "he roo%.
E$%#n$, who was 'eco%in( a nas"ier )erson e+er& %in#"e, "ho#(h" "ha" he ha$ score$ a
(rea" s#ccess, an$ wen" on a" once "o sa&, 3There she (oes a(ain. Wha"2s "he %a""er wi"h
her5 Tha"2s "he wors" of &o#n( ,i$s, "he& alwa&s *3
3Loo, here,3 sai$ Pe"er, "#rnin( on hi% sa+a(el&, 3sh#" #)4 Yo#2+e 'een )erfec"l& 'eas"l& "o
L# e+er since she s"ar"e$ "his nonsense a'o#" "he war$ro'e, an$ now &o# (o )la&in( (a%es
wi"h her a'o#" i" an$ se""in( her off a(ain. I 'elie+e &o# $i$ i" si%)l& o#" of s)i"e.3
3B#" i"2s all nonsense,3 sai$ E$%#n$, +er& "a,en a'ac,.
3Of co#rse i"2s all nonsense,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3"ha"2s 8#s" "he )oin". L# was )erfec"l& all ri(h"
when we lef" ho%e, '#" since we2+e 'een $own here she see%s "o 'e ei"her (oin( 9#eer in
"he hea$ or else "#rnin( in"o a %os" fri(h"f#l liar. B#" whiche+er i" is, wha" (oo$ $o &o#
"hin, &o#2ll $o '& 8eerin( an$ na((in( a" her one $a& an$ enco#ra(in( her "he ne1"53
3I "ho#(h" * I "ho#(h",3 sai$ E$%#n$0 '#" he co#l$n2" "hin, of an&"hin( "o sa&.
3Yo# $i$n2" "hin, an&"hin( a" all,3 sai$ Pe"er0 3i"2s 8#s" s)i"e. Yo#2+e alwa&s li,e$ 'ein(
'eas"l& "o an&one s%aller "han &o#rself0 we2+e seen "ha" a" school 'efore now.3
3Do s"o) i",3 sai$ S#san0 3i" won2" %a,e "hin(s an& 'e""er ha+in( a row 'e"ween &o# "wo.
Le"2s (o an$ fin$ L#c&.3
I" was no" s#r)risin( "ha" when "he& fo#n$ L#c&, a (oo$ $eal la"er, e+er&one co#l$ see "ha"
she ha$ 'een cr&in(. No"hin( "he& co#l$ sa& "o her %a$e an& $ifference. She s"#c, "o her
s"or& an$ sai$:
3I $on2" care wha" &o# "hin,, an$ I $on2" care wha" &o# sa&. Yo# can "ell "he Professor or
&o# can wri"e "o -o"her or &o# can $o an&"hin( &o# li,e. I ,now I2+e %e" a 7a#n in "here
an$ * I wish I2$ s"a&e$ "here an$ &o# are all 'eas"s, 'eas"s.3
I" was an #n)leasan" e+enin(. L#c& was %isera'le an$ E$%#n$ was 'e(innin( "o feel "ha"
his )lan wasn2" wor,in( as well as he ha$ e1)ec"e$. The "wo ol$er ones were reall&
'e(innin( "o "hin, "ha" L#c& was o#" of her %in$. The& s"oo$ in "he )assa(e "al,in( a'o#" i"
in whis)ers lon( af"er she ha$ (one "o 'e$.
The res#l" was "he ne1" %ornin( "he& $eci$e$ "ha" "he& reall& wo#l$ (o an$ "ell "he whole
"hin( "o "he Professor. 3He2ll wri"e "o 7a"her if he "hin,s "here is reall& so%e"hin( wron(
wi"h L#,3 sai$ Pe"er0 3i"2s (e""in( 'e&on$ #s.3 So "he& wen" an$ ,noc,e$ a" "he s"#$& $oor,
an$ "he Professor sai$ 3Co%e in,3 an$ (o" #) an$ fo#n$ chairs for "he% an$ sai$ he was
9#i"e a" "heir $is)osal. Then he sa" lis"enin( "o "he% wi"h "he "i)s of his fin(ers )resse$
"o(e"her an$ ne+er in"err#)"in(, "ill "he& ha$ finishe$ "he whole s"or&. Af"er "ha" he sai$
no"hin( for 9#i"e a lon( "i%e. Then he cleare$ his "hroa" an$ sai$ "he las" "hin( ei"her of
"he% e1)ec"e$:
3How $o &o# ,now,3 he as,e$, 3"ha" &o#r sis"er2s s"or& is no" "r#e53
3Oh, '#" *3 'e(an S#san, an$ "hen s"o))e$. An&one co#l$ see fro% "he ol$ %an2s face "ha"
he was )erfec"l& serio#s. Then S#san )#lle$ herself "o(e"her an$ sai$, 3B#" E$%#n$ sai$
"he& ha$ onl& 'een )re"en$in(.3
3Tha" is a )oin",3 sai$ "he Professor, 3which cer"ainl& $eser+es consi$era"ion0 +er& caref#l
consi$era"ion. 7or ins"ance * if &o# will e1c#se %e for as,in( "he 9#es"ion * $oes &o#r
e1)erience lea$ &o# "o re(ar$ &o#r 'ro"her or &o#r sis"er as "he %ore relia'le5 I %ean,
which is "he %ore "r#"hf#l53
3Tha"2s 8#s" "he f#nn& "hin( a'o#" i", sir,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3) "ill now, I2$ ha+e sai$ L#c& e+er&
3An$ wha" $o &o# "hin,, %& $ear53 sai$ "he Professor, "#rnin( "o S#san.
3Well,3 sai$ S#san, 3in (eneral, I2$ sa& "he sa%e as Pe"er, '#" "his co#l$n2" 'e "r#e * all "his
a'o#" "he woo$ an$ "he 7a#n.3
3Tha" is %ore "han I ,now,3 sai$ "he Professor, 3an$ a char(e of l&in( a(ains" so%eone
who% &o# ha+e alwa&s fo#n$ "r#"hf#l is a +er& serio#s "hin(0 a +er& serio#s "hin( in$ee$.3
3We were afrai$ i" %i(h"n2" e+en 'e l&in(,3 sai$ S#san0 3we "ho#(h" "here %i(h" 'e
so%e"hin( wron( wi"h L#c&.3
3-a$ness, &o# %ean53 sai$ "he Professor 9#i"e cooll&. 3Oh, &o# can %a,e &o#r %in$s eas&
a'o#" "ha". One has onl& "o loo, a" her an$ "al, "o her "o see "ha" she is no" %a$.3
3B#" "hen,3 sai$ S#san, an$ s"o))e$. She ha$ ne+er $rea%e$ "ha" a (rown*#) wo#l$ "al,
li,e "he Professor an$ $i$n2" ,now wha" "o "hin,.
3Lo(ic43 sai$ "he Professor half "o hi%self. 3Wh& $on2" "he& "each lo(ic a" "hese schools5
There are onl& "hree )ossi'ili"ies. Ei"her &o#r sis"er is "ellin( lies, or she is %a$, or she is
"ellin( "he "r#"h. Yo# ,now she $oesn2" "ell lies an$ i" is o'+io#s "ha" she is no" %a$ 7or "he
%o%en" "hen an$ #nless an& f#r"her e+i$ence "#rns #), we %#s" ass#%e "ha" she is "ellin(
"he "r#"h.3
S#san loo,e$ a" hi% +er& har$ an$ was 9#i"e s#re fro% "he e1)ression on his face "ha" he
was no %a,in( f#n of "he%.
3B#" how co#l$ i" 'e "r#e, sir53 sai$ Pe"er.
3Wh& $o &o# sa& "ha"53 as,e$ "he Professor.
3Well, for one "hin(,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3if i" was "r#e wh& $oesn2" e+er&one fin$ "his co#n"r&
e+er& "i%e "he& (o "o "he war$ro'e5 I %ean, "here was no"hin( "here when we loo,e$0 e+en
L#c& $i$n2" )re"en$ "he was.3
3Wha" has "ha" "o $o wi"h i"53 sai$ "he Professor.
3Well, sir, if "hin(s are real, "he&2re "here all "he "i%e.3
3Are "he&53 sai$ "he Professor0 an$ Pe"er $i$2n" ,now 9#i"e wha" "o sa&.
3B#" "here was no "i%e,3 sai$ S#san. 3L#c& ha$ no "i%e "o ha+e (one an&where, e+en if
"here was s#ch a )lace. She ca%e r#nnin( af"er #s "he +er& %o%en" we were o#" of "he
roo%. I" was less "han %in#"e, an$ she )re"en$e$ "o ha+e 'een awa& for ho#rs.3
3Tha" is "he +er& "hin( "ha" %a,es her s"or& so li,el& "o 'e "r#e,3 sai$ "he Professor. 3If
"here reall& a $oor in "his ho#se "ha" lea$s "o so%e o"her worl$ .an$ I sho#l$ warn &o# "ha"
"his is a +er& s"ran(e ho#se, an$ e+en I ,now +er& li""le a'o#" i"/ * if, I sa&, she ha$ (o" in"o
ano"her worl$, I sho#l$ no" 'e a" a s#r)rise$ "o fin$ "ha" "he o"her worl$ ha$ a se)ara"e "i%e
of i"s own0 so "ha" howe+er lon( &o# s"a& "here i" wo#l$ ne+er "a,e #) an& of o#r "i%e. On
"he o"her han$, I $on2" "hin, %an& (irls of her a(e wo#l$ in+en" "ha" i$ea for "he%sel+es. If
she ha$ 'een )re"en$in(, she wo#l$ ha+e hi$$en for a reasona'le "i%e 'efore co%in( o#"
an$ "ellin( her s"or&.3
3B#" $o &o# reall& %ean, sir,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3"ha" "here co#l$ 'e o"her worl$s * all o+er "he
)lace, 8#s" ro#n$ "he corner * li,e "ha"53
3No"hin( is %ore )ro'a'le,3 sai$ "he Professor, "a,in( off his s)ec"acles an$ 'e(innin( "o
)olish "he%, while he %#""ere$ "o hi%self, 3I won$er wha" "he& $o "each "he% a" "hese
3B#" wha" are we "o $o53 sai$ S#san. She fel" "ha" "he con+ersa"ion was 'e(innin( "o (e" off
"he )oin".
3-& $ear &o#n( la$&,3 sai$ "he Professor, s#$$enl& loo,in( #) wi"h a +er& shar)
e1)ression a" 'o"h of "he%, 3"here is one )lan which no one has &e" s#((es"e$ an$ which is
well wor"h "r&in(.3
3Wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ S#san.
3We %i(h" all "r& %in$in( o#r own '#siness,3 sai$ he. An$ "ha" was "he en$ of "ha"
Af"er "his "hin(s were a (oo$ $eal 'e""er for L#c&. Pe"er saw "o i" "ha" E$%#n$ s"o))e$
8eerin( a" her, an$ nei"her she nor an&one else fel" incline$ "o "al, a'o#" "he war$ro'e a" all.
I" ha$ 'eco%e a ra"her alar%in( s#'8ec". An$ so for a "i%e i" loo,e$ as if all "he a$+en"#res
were co%in( "o an en$0 '#" "ha" was no" "o 'e.
This ho#se of "he Professor2s * which e+en he ,new so li""le a'o#" * was so ol$ an$ fa%o#s
"ha" )eo)le fro% all o+er En(lan$ #se$ "o co%e an$ as, )er%ission "o see o+er i". I" was "he
sor" of ho#se "ha" is %en"ione$ in (#i$e 'oo,s an$ e+en in his"ories0 an$ well i" %i(h" 'e,
for all %anner of s"ories were "ol$ a'o#" i", so%e of "he% e+en s"ran(er "han "he one I a%
"ellin( &o# now. An$ when )ar"ies of si(h"seers arri+e$ an$ as,e$ "o see "he ho#se, "he
Professor alwa&s (a+e "he% )er%ission, an$ -rs -acrea$&, "he ho#se,ee)er, showe$ "he%
ro#n$, "ellin( "he% a'o#" "he )ic"#res an$ "he ar%o#r, an$ "he rare 'oo,s in "he li'rar&. -rs
-acrea$& was no" fon$ of chil$ren, an$ $i$ no" li,e "o 'e in"err#)"e$ when she was "ellin(
+isi"ors all "he "hin(s she ,new. She ha$ sai$ "o S#san an$ Pe"er al%os" on "he firs" %ornin(
.alon( wi"h a (oo$ %an& o"her ins"r#c"ions/, 3An$ )lease re%e%'er &o#2re "o ,ee) o#" of
"he wa& whene+er I2% "a,in( a )ar"& o+er "he ho#se.3
3>#s" as if an& of #s wo#l$ wan" "o was"e half "he %ornin( "railin( ro#n$ wi"h a crow$ of
s"ran(e (rown*#)s43 sai$ E$%#n$, an$ "he o"her "hree "ho#(h" "he sa%e. Tha" was how "he
a$+en"#res 'e(an for "he secon$ "i%e.
A few %ornin(s la"er Pe"er an$ E$%#n$ were loo,in( a" "he s#i" of ar%o#r an$ won$erin(
if "he& co#l$ "a,e i" "o 'i"s when "he "wo (irls r#she$ in"o "he roo% an$ sai$, 3Loo, o#"4
Here co%es "he -acrea$& an$ a whole (an( wi"h her.3
3Shar)2s "he wor$,3 sai$ Pe"er, an$ all fo#r %a$e off "hro#(h "he $oor a" "he far en$ of "he
roo%. B#" when "he& ha$ (o" o#" in"o "he 6reen Roo% an$ 'e&on$ i", in"o "he Li'rar&, "he&
s#$$enl& hear$ +oices ahea$ of "he%, an$ reali<e$ "ha" -rs -acrea$& %#s" 'e 'rin(in( her
)ar"& of si(h"seers #) "he 'ac, s"airs * ins"ea$ of #) "he fron" s"airs as "he& ha$ e1)ec"e$.
An$ af"er "ha" * whe"her i" was "ha" "he& los" "heir hea$s, or "ha" -rs -acrea$& was "r&in(
"o ca"ch "he%, or "ha" so%e %a(ic in "he ho#se ha$ co%e "o life an$ was chasin( "he% in"o
Narnia "he& see%e$ "o fin$ "he%sel+es 'ein( followe$ e+er&where, #n"il a" las" S#san sai$,
3Oh 'o"her "hose "ri))ers4 Here * le"2s (e" in"o "he
War$ro'e Roo% "ill "he&2+e )asse$. No one will follow #s in "here.3 B#" "he %o%en" "he&
were insi$e "he& hear$ "he +oices in "he )assa(e * an$ "hen so%eone f#%'lin( a" "he $oor *
an$ "hen "he& saw "he han$le "#rnin(.
3=#ic,43 sai$ Pe"er, 3"here2s nowhere else,3 an$ fl#n( o)en "he war$ro'e. All fo#r of "he%
'#n$le$ insi$e i" an$ sa" "here, )an"in(, in "he $ar,. Pe"er hel$ "he $oor close$ '#" $i$ no"
sh#" i"0 for, of co#rse, he re%e%'ere$, as e+er& sensi'le )erson $oes, "ha" &o# sho#l$ ne+er
ne+er sh#" &o#rself #) in a war$ro'e.
3I wish "he -acrea$& wo#l$ h#rr& #) an$ "a,e all "hese )eo)le awa&,3 sai$ S#san )resen"l&,
3I2% (e""in( horri'l& cra%)e$.3
3An$ wha" a fil"h& s%ell of ca%)hor43 sai$ E$%#n$.
3I e1)ec" "he )oc,e"s of "hese coa"s are f#ll of i",3 sai$ S#san, 3"o ,ee) awa& "he %o"hs.3
3There2s so%e"hin( s"ic,in( in"o %& 'ac,,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3An$ isn2" i" col$53 sai$ S#san.
3Now "ha" &o# %en"ion i", i" is col$,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3an$ han( i" all, i"2s we" "oo. Wha"2s "he
%a""er wi"h "his )lace5 I2% si""in( on so%e"hin( we". I"2s (e""in( we""er e+er& %in#"e.3 He
s"r#((le$ "o his fee".
3Le"2s (e" o#",3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3"he&2+e (one.3
3O*o*oh43 sai$ S#san s#$$enl&, an$ e+er&one as,e$ her wha" was "he %a""er.
3I2% si""in( a(ains" a "ree,3 sai$ S#san, 3an$ loo,4 I"2s (e""in( li(h" * o+er "here.3
3B& >o+e, &o#2re ri(h",3 sai$ Pe"er, 3an$ loo, "here * an$ "here. I"2s "rees all ro#n$. An$ "his
we" s"#ff is snow. Wh&, I $o 'elie+e we2+e (o" in"o L#c&2s woo$ af"er all.3
An$ now "here was no %is"a,in( i" an$ all fo#r chil$ren s"oo$ 'lin,in( in "he $a&li(h" of a
win"er $a&. Behin$ "he% were coa"s han(in( on )e(s, in fron" of "he% were snow*co+ere$
Pe"er "#rne$ a" once "o L#c&.
3I a)olo(i<e for no" 'elie+in( &o#,3 he sai$, 3I2% sorr&. Will &o# sha,e han$s53
3Of co#rse,3 sai$ L#c&, an$ $i$.
3An$ now,3 sai$ S#san, 3wha" $o we $o ne1"53
3Do53 sai$ Pe"er, 3wh&, (o an$ e1)lore "he woo$, of co#rse.3
3(h43 sai$ S#san, s"a%)in( her fee", 3i"2s )re""& col$. Wha" a'o#" )#""in( on so%e of "hese
3The&2re no" o#rs,3 sai$ Pe"er $o#'"f#ll&.
3I a% s#re no'o$& wo#l$ %in$,3 sai$ S#san0 3i" isn2" as if we wan"e$ "o "a,e "he% o#" of "he
ho#se0 we shan2" "a,e "he% e+en o#" of "he war$ro'e.3
3I ne+er "ho#(h" of "ha", S#,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Of co#rse, now &o# )#" i" "ha" wa&, I see. No one
co#l$ sa& &o# ha$ 'a((e$ a coa" as lon( as &o# lea+e i" in "he war$ro'e where &o# fo#n$ i".
An$ I s#))ose "his whole co#n"r& is in "he war$ro'e.3
The& i%%e$ia"el& carrie$ o#" S#san2s +er& sensi'le )lan. The coa"s were ra"her "oo 'i( for
"he% so "ha" "he& ca%e $own "o "heir heels an$ loo,e$ %ore li,e ro&al ro'es "han coa"s
when "he& ha$ )#" "he% on. B#" "he& all fel" a (oo$ $eal war%er an$ each "ho#(h" "he
o"hers loo,e$ 'e""er in "heir new (e"*#) an$ %ore s#i"a'le "o "he lan$sca)e.
3We can )re"en$ we are Arc"ic e1)lorers,3 sai$ L#c&.
3This is (oin( "o 'e e1ci"in( eno#(h wi"ho#" )re"en$in(,3 sai$ Pe"er, as he 'e(an lea$in(
"he wa& forwar$ in"o "he fores". There were hea+& $ar,ish clo#$s o+erhea$ an$ i" loo,e$ as
if "here %i(h" 'e %ore snow 'efore ni(h".
3I sa&,3 'e(an E$%#n$ )resen"l&, 3o#(h"n2" we "o 'e 'earin( a 'i" %ore "o "he lef", "ha" is, if
we are ai%in( for "he la%)*)os"53 He ha$ for(o""en for "he %o%en" "ha" he %#s" )re"en$
ne+er "o ha+e 'een in "he woo$ 'efore. The %o%en" "he wor$s were o#" of his %o#"h he
reali<e$ "ha" he ha$ (i+en hi%self awa&. E+er&one s"o))e$0 e+er&one s"are$ a" hi%. Pe"er
3So &o# reall& were here,3 he sai$, 3"ha" "i%e L# sai$ she2$ %e" &o# in here * an$ &o# %a$e
o#" she was "ellin( lies.3
There was a $ea$ silence. 3Well, of all "he )oisono#s li""le 'eas"s *3 sai$ Pe"er, an$
shr#((e$ his sho#l$ers an$ sai$ no %ore. There see%e$, in$ee$, no %ore "o sa&, an$
)resen"l& "he fo#r res#%e$ "heir 8o#rne&0 '#" E$%#n$ was sa&in( "o hi%self, 3I2ll )a& &o#
all o#" for "his, &o# )ac, of s"#c,*#), selfsa"isfie$ )ri(s.3
3Where are we (oin( an&wa&53 sai$ S#san, chiefl& for "he sa,e of chan(in( "he s#'8ec".
3I "hin, L# o#(h" "o 'e "he lea$er,3 sai$ Pe"er0 3(oo$ness ,nows she $eser+es i". Where will
&o# "a,e #s, L#53
3Wha" a'o#" (oin( "o see -r T#%n#s53 sai$ L#c&. 3He2s "he nice 7a#n I "ol$ &o# a'o#".3
E+er&one a(ree$ "o "his an$ off "he& wen" wal,in( 'ris,l& an$ s"a%)in( "heir fee". L#c&
)ro+e$ a (oo$ lea$er. A" firs" she won$ere$ whe"her she wo#l$ 'e a'le "o fin$ "he wa&, '#"
she reco(ni<e$ an o$$loo,in( "ree on one )lace an$ a s"#%) in ano"her an$ 'ro#(h" "he%
on "o where "he (ro#n$ 'eca%e #ne+en an$ in"o "he li""le +alle& an$ a" las" "o "he +er& $oor
of -r T#%n#s2s ca+e. B#" "here a "erri'le s#r)rise awai"e$ "he%.
The $oor ha$ 'een wrenche$ off i"s hin(es an$ 'ro,en "o 'i"s. Insi$e, "he ca+e was $ar, an$
col$ an$ ha$ "he $a%) feel an$ s%ell of a )lace "ha" ha$ no" 'een li+e$ in for se+eral $a&s.
Snow ha$ $rif"e$ in fro% "he $oorwa& an$ was hea)e$ on "he floor, %i1e$ wi"h so%e"hin(
'lac,, which "#rne$ o#" "o 'e "he charre$ s"ic,s an$ ashes fro% "he fire. So%eone ha$
a))aren"l& fl#n( i" a'o#" "he roo% an$ "hen s"a%)e$ i" o#". The croc,er& la& s%ashe$ on
"he floor an$ "he )ic"#re of "he 7a#n2s fa"her ha$ 'een slashe$ in"o shre$s wi"h a ,nife.
3This is a )re""& (oo$ wash*o#",3 sai$ E$%#n$0 3no" %#ch (oo$ co%in( here.3
3Wha" is "his53 sai$ Pe"er, s"oo)in( $own. He ha$ 8#s" no"ice$ a )iece of )a)er which ha$
'een naile$ "hro#(h "he car)e" "o "he floor.
3Is "here an&"hin( wri""en on i"53 as,e$ S#san.
3Yes, I "hin, "here is,3 answere$ Pe"er, 3'#" I can2" rea$ i" in "his li(h". Le"2s (e" o#" in"o "he
o)en air.3
The& all wen" o#" in "he $a&li(h" an$ crow$e$ ro#n$ Pe"er as he rea$ o#" "he followin(
The for%er occ#)an" of "hese )re%ises, "he 7a#n T#%n#s, is #n$er arres" an$ awai"in( his
"rial on a char(e of Hi(h Treason a(ains" her I%)erial -a8es"& >a$is, =#een of Narnia,
Cha"elaine of Cair Para+el, E%)ress of "he Lone Islan$s, e"c., also of co%for"in( her sai$
-a8es"&2s ene%ies, har'o#rin( s)ies an$ fra"erni<in( wi"h H#%ans.
si(ne$ -A6RI-, Ca)"ain of "he Secre" Police, LON6 LI;E THE =EEN
The chil$ren s"are$ a" each o"her.
3I $on2" ,now "ha" I2% (oin( "o li,e "his )lace af"er all,3 sai$ S#san.
3Who is "his =#een, L#53 sai$ Pe"er. 3Do &o# ,now an&"hin( a'o#" her53
3She isn2" a real 9#een a" all,3 answere$ L#c&0 3she2s a horri'le wi"ch, "he Whi"e Wi"ch.
E+er&one all "he woo$ )eo)le * ha"e her. She has %a$e an enchan"%en" o+er "he whole
co#n"r& so "ha" i" is alwa&s win"er here an$ ne+er Chris"%as.3
3I * I won$er if "here2s an& )oin" in (oin( on,3 sai$ S#san. 3I %ean, i" $oesn2" see%
)ar"ic#larl& safe here an$ i" loo,s as if i" won2" 'e %#ch f#n ei"her. An$ i"2s (e""in( col$er
e+er& %in#"e, an$ we2+e 'ro#(h" no"hin( "o ea". Wha" a'o#" 8#s" (oin( ho%e53
3Oh, '#" we can2", we can2",3 sai$ L#c& s#$$enl&0 3$on2" &o# see5 We can2" 8#s" (o ho%e,
no" af"er "his. I" is all on %& acco#n" "ha" "he )oor 7a#n has (o" in"o "his "ro#'le. He hi$ %e
fro% "he Wi"ch an$ showe$ %e "he wa& 'ac,. Tha"2s wha" i" %eans '& co%for"in( "he
=#een2s ene%ies an$ fra"erni<in( wi"h H#%ans. We si%)l& %#s" "r& "o resc#e hi%.3
3A lo" we co#l$ $o4 sai$ E$%#n$, 3when we ha+en2" e+en (o" an&"hin( "o ea"43
3Sh#" #) * &o#43 sai$ Pe"er, who was s"ill +er& an(r& wi"h E$%#n$. 3Wha" $o &o# "hin,,
3I2+e a horri$ feelin( "ha" L# is ri(h",3 sai$ S#san. 3I $on2" wan" "o (o a s"e) f#r"her an$ I
wish we2$ ne+er co%e. B#" I "hin, we %#s" "r& "o $o so%e"hin( for -r Wha"e+er*his*na%e
is * I %ean "he 7a#n.3
3Tha"2s wha" I feel "oo,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I2% worrie$ a'o#" ha+in( no foo$ wi"h #s. I2$ +o"e for
(oin( 'ac, an$ (e""in( so%e"hin( fro% "he lar$er, onl& "here $oesn2" see% "o 'e an&
cer"ain"& of (e""in( in"o "his co#n"r& a(ain when once &o#2+e (o" o#" of i". I "hin, we2ll ha+e
"o (o on.3
3So $o I,3 sai$ 'o"h "he (irls.
3If onl& we ,new where "he )oor cha) was i%)risone$43 sai$ Pe"er.
The& were all s"ill won$erin( wha" "o $o ne1", when L#c& sai$, 3Loo,4 There2s a ro'in,
wi"h s#ch a re$ 'reas". I"2s "he firs" 'ir$ I2+e seen here. I sa&4 * I won$er can 'ir$s "al, in
Narnia5 I" al%os" loo,s as if i" wan"e$ "o sa& so%e"hin( "o #s.3 Then she "#rne$ "o "he
Ro'in an$ sai$, 3Please, can &o# "ell #s where T#%n#s "he 7a#n has 'een "a,en "o53 As she
sai$ "his she "oo, a s"e) "owar$s "he 'ir$. I" a" once flew awa& '#" onl& as far as "o "he ne1"
"ree. There i" )erche$ an$ loo,e$ a" "he% +er& har$ as if i" #n$ers"oo$ all "he& ha$ 'een
sa&in(. Al%os" wi"ho#" no"icin( "ha" "he& ha$ $one so, "he fo#r chil$ren wen" a s"e) or "wo
nearer "o i". A" "his "he Ro'in flew awa& a(ain "o "he ne1" "ree an$ once %ore loo,e$ a"
"he% +er& har$. .Yo# co#l$n2" ha+e fo#n$ a ro'in wi"h a re$$er ches" or a 'ri(h"er e&e./
3Do &o# ,now,3 sai$ L#c&, 3I reall& 'elie+e he %eans #s "o follow hi%.3
3I2+e an i$ea he $oes,3 sai$ S#san. 3Wha" $o &o# "hin,, Pe"er53
3Well, we %i(h" as well "r& i",3 answere$ Pe"er.
The Ro'in a))eare$ "o #n$ers"an$ "he %a""er "horo#(hl&. I" ,e)" (oin( fro% "ree "o "ree,
alwa&s a few &ar$s ahea$ of "he%, '#" alwa&s so near "ha" "he& co#l$ easil& follow i". In
"his wa& i" le$ "he% on, sli(h"l& $ownhill. Where+er "he Ro'in ali(h"e$ a li""le shower of
snow wo#l$ fall off "he 'ranch. Presen"l& "he clo#$s )ar"e$ o+erhea$ an$ "he win"er s#n
ca%e o#" an$ "he snow all aro#n$ "he% (rew $a<<lin(l& 'ri(h". The& ha$ 'een "ra+ellin( in
"his wa& for a'o#" half an ho#r, wi"h "he "wo (irls in fron", when E$%#n$ sai$ "o Pe"er, 3if
&o#2re no" s"ill "oo hi(h an$ %i(h"& "o "al, "o %e, I2+e so%e"hin( "o sa& which &o#2$ 'e""er
lis"en "o.3
3Wha" is i"53 as,e$ Pe"er.
3H#sh4 No" so lo#$,3 sai$ E$%#n$0 3"here2s no (oo$ fri(h"enin( "he (irls. B#" ha+e &o#
reali<e$ wha" we2re $oin(53
3Wha"53 sai$ Pe"er, lowerin( his +oice "o a whis)er.
3We2re followin( a (#i$e we ,now no"hin( a'o#". How $o we ,now which si$e "ha" 'ir$ is
on5 Wh& sho#l$n2" i" 'e lea$in( #s in"o a "ra)53
3Tha"2s a nas"& i$ea. S"ill * a ro'in, &o# ,now. The&2re (oo$ 'ir$s in all "he s"ories I2+e e+er
rea$. I2% s#re a ro'in wo#l$n2" 'e on "he wron( si$e.3
3I" if co%es "o "ha", which is "he ri(h" si$e5 How $o we ,now "ha" "he 7a#ns are in "he ri(h"
an$ "he =#een .&es, I ,now we2+e 'een "ol$ she2s a wi"ch/ is in "he wron(5 We $on2" reall&
,now an&"hin( a'o#" ei"her.3
3The 7a#n sa+e$ L#c&.3
3He sai$ he $i$. B#" how $o we ,now5 An$ "here2s ano"her "hin( "oo. Has an&one "he leas"
i$ea of "he wa& ho%e fro% here53
36rea" Sco""43 sai$ Pe"er, 3I ha$n2" "ho#(h" of "ha".3
3An$ no chance of $inner ei"her,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
WHILE "he "wo 'o&s were whis)erin( 'ehin$, 'o"h "he (irls s#$$enl& crie$ 3Oh43 an$
3The ro'in43 crie$ L#c&, 3"he ro'in. I"2s flown awa&.3 An$ so i" ha$ * ri(h" o#" of si(h".
3An$ now wha" are we "o $o53 sai$ E$%#n$, (i+in( Pe"er a loo, which was as %#ch as "o
sa& 3Wha" $i$ I "ell &o#53
3Sh4 Loo,43 sai$ S#san.
3Wha"53 sai$ Pe"er.
3There2s so%e"hin( %o+in( a%on( "he "rees o+er "here "o "he lef".3
The& all s"are$ as har$ as "he& co#l$, an$ no one fel" +er& co%for"a'le.
3There i" (oes a(ain,3 sai$ S#san )resen"l&.
3I saw i" "ha" "i%e "oo,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I"2s s"ill "here. I"2s 8#s" (one 'ehin$ "ha" 'i( "ree.3
3Wha" is i"53 as,e$ L#c&, "r&in( +er& har$ no" "o so#n$ ner+o#s.
3Wha"e+er i" is,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3i"2s $o$(in( #s. I"2s so%e"hin( "ha" $oesn2" wan" "o 'e seen.3
3Le"2s (o ho%e,3 sai$ S#san. An$ "hen, "ho#(h no'o$& sai$ i" o#" lo#$, e+er&one s#$$enl&
reali<e$ "he sa%e fac" "ha" E$%#n$ ha$ whis)ere$ "o Pe"er a" "he en$ of "he las" cha)"er.
The& were los".
3Wha"2s i" li,e53 sai$ L#c&.
3I"2s * i"2s a ,in$ of ani%al,3 sai$ S#san0 an$ "hen, 3Loo,4 Loo,4 =#ic,4 There i" is.3
The& all saw i" "his "i%e, a whis,ere$ f#rr& face which ha$ loo,e$ o#" a" "he% fro% 'ehin$
a "ree. B#" "his "i%e i" $i$n2" i%%e$ia"el& $raw 'ac,. Ins"ea$, "he ani%al )#" i"s )aw a(ains"
i"s %o#"h 8#s" as h#%ans )#" "heir fin(er on "heir li)s when "he& are si(nallin( "o &o# "o 'e
9#ie". Then i" $isa))eare$ a(ain. The chil$ren, all s"oo$ hol$in( "heir 'rea"h.
A %o%en" la"er "he s"ran(er ca%e o#" fro% 'ehin$ "he "ree, (lance$ all ro#n$ as if i" were
afrai$ so%eone was wa"chin(, sai$ 3H#sh3, %a$e si(ns "o "he% "o 8oin i" in "he "hic,er 'i"
of woo$ where i" was s"an$in(, an$ "hen once %ore $isa))eare$.
3I ,now wha" i" is,3 sai$ Pe"er0 3i"2s a 'ea+er. I saw "he "ail.3
3I" wan"s #s "o (o "o i",3 sai$ S#san, 3an$ i" is warnin( #s no" "o %a,e a noise.3
3I ,now,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3The 9#es"ion is, are we "o (o "o i" or no"5 Wha" $o &o# "hin,, L#53
3I "hin, i"2s a nice 'ea+er,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Yes, '#" how $o we ,now53 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Shan2" we ha+e "o ris, i"53 sai$ S#san. 3I %ean, i"2s no (oo$ 8#s" s"an$in( here an$ I feel I
wan" so%e $inner.3
A" "his %o%en" "he Bea+er a(ain )o))e$ i"s hea$ o#" fro% 'ehin$ "he "ree an$ 'ec,one$
earnes"l& "o "he%.
3Co%e on,3 sai$ Pe"er,3le"2s (i+e i" a "r&. All ,ee) close "o(e"her. We o#(h" "o 'e a %a"ch
for one 'ea+er if i" "#rns o#" "o 'e an ene%&.3
So "he chil$ren all (o" close "o(e"her an$ wal,e$ #) "o "he "ree an$ in 'ehin$ i", an$ "here,
s#re eno#(h, "he& fo#n$ "he Bea+er0 '#" i" s"ill $rew 'ac,, sa&in( "o "he% in a hoarse
"hroa"& whis)er, 37#r"her in, co%e f#r"her in. Ri(h" in here. We2re no" safe in "he o)en43
Onl& when i" ha$ le$ "he% in"o a $ar, s)o" where fo#r "rees (rew so close "o(e"her "ha"
"heir 'o#(hs %e" an$ "he 'rown ear"h an$ )ine nee$les co#l$ 'e seen #n$erfoo" 'eca#se no
snow ha$ 'een a'le "o fall "here, $i$ i" 'e(in "o "al, "o "he%.
3Are &o# "he Sons of A$a% an$ "he Da#(h"ers of E+e53 i" sai$.
3We2re so%e of "he%,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3S*s*s*sh43 sai$ "he Bea+er, 3no" so lo#$ )lease. We2re no" safe e+en here.3
3Wh&, who are &o# afrai$ of53 sai$ Pe"er. 3There2s no one here '#" o#rsel+es.3
3There are "he "rees,3 sai$ "he Bea+er. 3The&2re alwa&s lis"enin(. -os" of "he% are on o#r
si$e, '#" "here are "rees "ha" wo#l$ 'e"ra& #s "o her0 &o# ,now who I %ean,3 an$ i" no$$e$
i"s hea$ se+eral "i%es.
3If i" co%es "o "al,in( a'o#" si$es,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3how $o we ,now &o#2re a frien$53
3No" %eanin( "o 'e r#$e, -r Bea+er,3 a$$e$ Pe"er, 3'#" &o# see, we2re s"ran(ers.3
3=#i"e ri(h", 9#i"e ri(h",3 sai$ "he Bea+er. 3Here is %& "o,en.3 Wi"h "hese wor$s i" hel$ #)
"o "he% a li""le whi"e o'8ec". The& all loo,e$ a" i" in s#r)rise, "ill s#$$enl& L#c& sai$, 3Oh,
of co#rse. I"2s %& han$,erchief * "he one I (a+e "o )oor -r T#%n#s.3
3Tha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ "he Bea+er. 3Poor fellow, he (o" win$ of "he arres" 'efore i" ac"#all&
ha))ene$ an$ han$e$ "his o+er "o %e. He sai$ "ha" if an&"hin( ha))ene$ "o hi% I %#s" %ee"
&o# here an$ "a,e &o# on "o *3 Here "he Bea+er2s +oice san, in"o silence an$ i" (a+e
one or "wo +er& %&s"erio#s no$s. Then si(nallin( "o "he chil$ren "o s"an$ as close aro#n$ i"
as "he& )ossi'l& co#l$, so "ha" "heir faces were ac"#all& "ic,le$ '& i"s whis,ers, i" a$$e$ in a
low whis)er *
3The& sa& Aslan is on "he %o+e * )erha)s has alrea$& lan$e$.3
An$ now a +er& c#rio#s "hin( ha))ene$. None of "he chil$ren ,new who Aslan was an&
%ore "han &o# $o0 '#" "he %o%en" "he Bea+er ha$ s)o,en "hese wor$s e+er&one fel" 9#i"e
$ifferen". Perha)s i" has so%e"i%es ha))ene$ "o &o# in a $rea% "ha" so%eone sa&s
so%e"hin( which &o# $on2" #n$ers"an$ '#" in "he $rea% i" feels as if i" ha$ so%e enor%o#s
%eanin( * ei"her a "errif&in( one which "#rns "he whole $rea% in"o a ni(h"%are or else a
lo+el& %eanin( "oo lo+el& "o )#" in"o wor$s, which %a,es "he $rea% so 'ea#"if#l "ha" &o#
re%e%'er i" all &o#r life an$ are alwa&s wishin( &o# co#l$ (e" in"o "ha" $rea% a(ain. I" was
li,e "ha" now. A" "he na%e of Aslan each one of "he chil$ren fel" so%e"hin( 8#%) in i"s
insi$e. E$%#n$ fel" a sensa"ion of %&s"erio#s horror. Pe"er fel" s#$$enl& 'ra+e an$
a$+en"#ro#s. S#san fel" as if so%e $elicio#s s%ell or so%e $eli(h"f#l s"rain of %#sic ha$
8#s" floa"e$ '& her. An$ L#c& (o" "he feelin( &o# ha+e when &o# wa,e #) in "he %ornin(
an$ reali<e "ha" i" is "he 'e(innin( of "he holi$a&s or "he 'e(innin( of s#%%er.
3An$ wha" a'o#" -r T#%n#s,3 sai$ L#c&0 3where is he53
3S*s*s*sh,3 sai$ "he Bea+er, 3no" here. I %#s" 'rin( &o# where we can ha+e a real "al, an$
also $inner.3
No one e1ce)" E$%#n$ fel" an& $iffic#l"& a'o#" "r#s"in( "he 'ea+er now, an$ e+er&one,
incl#$in( E$%#n$, was +er& (la$ "o hear "he wor$ 3$inner3.
The& "herefore all h#rrie$ alon( 'ehin$ "heir new frien$ who le$ "he% a" a s#r)risin(l&
9#ic, )ace, an$ alwa&s in "he "hic,es" )ar"s of "he fores", for o+er an ho#r. E+er&one was
feelin( +er& "ire$ an$ +er& h#n(r& when s#$$enl& "he "rees 'e(an "o (e" "hinner in fron" of
"he% an$ "he (ro#n$ "o fall s"ee)l& $ownhill. A %in#"e la"er "he& ca%e o#" #n$er "he o)en
s,& ."he s#n was s"ill shinin(/ an$ fo#n$ "he%sel+es loo,in( $own on a fine si(h".
The& were s"an$in( on "he e$(e of a s"ee), narrow +alle& a" "he 'o""o% of which ran * a"
leas" i" wo#l$ ha+e 'een r#nnin( if i" ha$n2" 'een fro<en * a fairl& lar(e ri+er. >#s" 'elow
"he% a $a% ha$ 'een '#il" across "his ri+er, an$ when "he& saw i" e+er&one s#$$enl&
re%e%'ere$ "ha" of co#rse 'ea+ers are alwa&s %a,in( $a%s an$ fel" 9#i"e s#re "ha" -r
Bea+er ha$ %a$e "his one. The& also no"ice$ "ha" he now ha$ a sor" of %o$es" e1)ression
on his, face * "he sor" of loo, )eo)le ha+e when &o# are +isi"in( a (ar$en "he&2+e %a$e or
rea$in( a s"or& "he&2+e wri""en. So i" was onl& co%%on )oli"eness when S#san sai$, 3Wha"
a lo+el& $a%43 An$ -r Bea+er $i$n2" sa& 3H#sh3 "his "i%e '#" 3-erel& a "rifle4 -erel& a
"rifle4 An$ i" isn2" reall& finishe$43
A'o+e "he $a% "here was wha" o#(h" "o ha+e 'een a $ee) )ool '#" was now, of co#rse, a
le+el floor of $ar, (reen ice. An$ 'elow "he $a%, %#ch lower $own, was %ore ice, '#"
ins"ea$ of 'ein( s%oo"h "his was all fro<en in"o "he foa%& an$ wa+& sha)es in which "he
wa"er ha$ 'een r#shin( alon( a" "he +er& %o%en" when "he fros" ca%e. An$ where "he
wa"er ha$ 'een "ric,lin( o+er an$ s)#r"in( "hro#(h "he $a% "here was now a (li""erin( wall
of icicles, as if "he si$e of "he $a% ha$ 'een co+ere$ all o+er wi"h flowers an$ wrea"hs an$
fes"oons of "he )#res" s#(ar. An$ o#" in "he %i$$le, an$ )ar"l& on "o) of "he $a% was a
f#nn& li""le ho#se sha)e$ ra"her li,e an enor%o#s 'eehi+e an$ fro% a hole in "he roof
s%o,e was (oin( #), so "ha" when &o# saw i" @es)eciall& if &o# were h#n(r&/ &o# a" once
"ho#(h" of coo,in( an$ 'eca%e h#n(rier "han &o# were 'efore.
Tha" was wha" "he o"hers chiefl& no"ice$, '#" E$%#n$ no"ice$ so%e"hin( else. A li""le
lower $own "he ri+er "here was ano"her s%all ri+er which ca%e $own ano"her s%all +alle&
"o 8oin i". An$ loo,in( #) "ha" +alle&, E$%#n$ co#l$ see "wo s%all hills, an$ he was al%os"
s#re "he& were "he "wo hills which "he Whi"e Wi"ch ha$ )oin"e$ o#" "o hi% when he )ar"e$
fro% her a" "he la%)*)os" "ha" o"her $a&. An$ "hen 'e"ween "he%, he "ho#(h", %#s" 'e her
)alace, onl& a %ile off or less. An$ he "ho#(h" a'o#" T#r,ish Deli(h" an$ a'o#" 'ein( a
!in( .3An$ I won$er how Pe"er will li,e "ha"53 he as,e$ hi%self/ an$ horri'le i$eas ca%e
in"o his hea$.
3Here we are,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3an$ i" loo,s as if -rs Bea+er is e1)ec"in( #s. I2ll lea$ "he
wa&. B#" 'e caref#l an$ $on2" sli).3
The "o) of "he $a% was wi$e eno#(h "o wal, on, "ho#(h no" .for h#%ans/ a +er& nice )lace
"o wal, 'eca#se i" was co+ere$ wi"h ice, an$ "ho#(h "he fro<en )ool was le+el wi"h i" on
one si$e, "here was a nas"& $ro) "o "he lower ri+er on "he o"her. Alon( "his ro#"e -r Bea+er
le$ "he% in sin(le file ri(h" o#" "o "he %i$$le where "he& co#l$ loo, a lon( wa& #) "he ri+er
an$ a lon( wa& $own i". An$ when "he& ha$ reache$ "he %i$$le "he& were a" "he $oor of "he
3Here we are, -rs Bea+er,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3I2+e fo#n$ "he%. Here are "he Sons an$
Da#(h"ers of A$a% an$ E+e2* an$ "he& all wen" in.
The firs" "hin( L#c& no"ice$ as she wen" in was a '#rrin( so#n$, an$ "he firs" "hin( she saw
was a ,in$loo,in( ol$ she*'ea+er si""in( in "he corner wi"h a "hrea$ in her %o#"h wor,in(
'#sil& a" her sewin( %achine, an$ i" was fro% i" "ha" "he so#n$ ca%e. She s"o))e$ her wor,
an$ (o" #) as soon as "he chil$ren ca%e in.
3So &o#2+e co%e a" las"43 she sai$, hol$in( o#" 'o"h her wrin,le$ ol$ )aws. 3A" las"4 To
"hin, "ha" e+er I sho#l$ li+e "o see "his $a&4 The )o"a"oes are on 'oilin( an$ "he ,e""le2s
sin(in( an$ I $aresa&, -r Bea+er, &o#2ll (e" #s so%e fish.3
3Tha" I will,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, an$ he wen" o#" of "he ho#se .Pe"er wen" wi"h hi%/, an$
across "he ice of "he $ee) )ool "o where he ha$ a li""le hole in "he ice which he ,e)" o)en
e+er& $a& wi"h his ha"che". The& "oo, a )ail wi"h "he%. -r Bea+er sa" $own 9#ie"l& a" "he
e$(e of "he hole .he $i$n2" see% "o %in$ i" 'ein( so chill&/, loo,e$ har$ in"o i", "hen
s#$$enl& sho" in his )aw, an$ 'efore &o# co#l$ sa& >ac, Ro'inson ha$ whis,e$ o#" a
'ea#"if#l "ro#". Then he $i$ i" all o+er a(ain #n"il "he& ha$ a fine ca"ch of fish.
-eanwhile "he (irls were hel)in( -rs Bea+er "o fill "he ,e""le an$ la& "he "a'le an$ c#" "he
'rea$ an$ )#" "he )la"es in "he o+en "o hea" an$ $raw a h#(e 8#( of 'eer for -r Bea+er fro%
a 'arrel which s"oo$ in one corner of "he ho#se, an$ "o )#" on "he fr&in(*)an an$ (e" "he
$ri))in( ho". L#c& "ho#(h" "he Bea+ers ha$ a +er& sn#( li""le ho%e "ho#(h i" was no" a" all
li,e -r T#%n#s2s ca+e. There were no 'oo,s or )ic"#res, an$ ins"ea$ of 'e$s "here were
'#n,s, li,e on 'oar$ shi), '#il" in"o "he wall. An$ "here were ha%s an$ s"rin(s of onions
han(in( fro% "he roof, an$ a(ains" "he walls were (#% 'oo"s an$ oils,ins an$ ha"che"s an$
)airs of shears an$ s)a$es an$ "rowels an$ "hin(s for carr&in( %or"ar in an$ fishin(*ro$s
an$ fishin(*ne"s an$ sac,s. An$ "he clo"h on "he "a'le, "ho#(h +er& clean, was +er& ro#(h.
>#s" as "he fr&in(*)an was nicel& hissin( Pe"er an$ -r Bea+er ca%e in wi"h "he fish which
-r Bea+er ha$ alrea$& o)ene$ wi"h his ,nife an$ cleane$ o#" in "he o)en air. Yo# can "hin,
how (oo$ "he new*ca#(h" fish s%elle$ while "he& were fr&in( an$ how "he h#n(r& chil$ren
lon(e$ for "he% "o 'e $one an$ how +er& %#ch h#n(rier s"ill "he& ha$ 'eco%e 'efore -r
Bea+er sai$, 3Now we2re nearl& rea$&.3 S#san $raine$ "he )o"a"oes an$ "hen )#" "he% all
'ac, in "he e%)"& )o" "o $r& on "he si$e of "he ran(e while L#c& was hel)in( -rs Bea+er "o
$ish #) "he "ro#", so "ha" in a +er& few %in#"es e+er&one was $rawin( #) "heir s"ools .i" was
all "hree*le((e$ s"ools in "he Bea+ers2 ho#se e1ce)" for -rs Bea+er2s own s)ecial
roc,in(chair 'esi$e "he fire/ an$ )re)arin( "o en8o& "he%sel+es. There was a 8#( of crea%&
%il, for "he chil$ren .-r Bea+er s"#c, "o 'eer/ an$ a (rea" 'i( l#%) of $ee) &ellow '#""er
in "he %i$$le of "he "a'le fro% which e+er&one "oo, as %#ch as he wan"e$ "o (o wi"h his
)o"a"oes, an$ all "he chil$ren "ho#(h" * an$ I a(ree wi"h "he% * "ha" "here2s no"hin( "o 'ea"
(oo$ freshwa"er fish if &o# ea" i" when i" has 'een ali+e half an ho#r a(o an$ has co%e o#"
of "he )an half a %in#"e a(o. An$ when "he& ha$ finishe$ "he fish -rs Bea+er 'ro#(h"
#ne1)ec"e$l& o#" of "he o+en a (rea" an$ (lorio#sl& s"ic,& %ar%ala$e roll, s"ea%in( ho",
an$ a" "he sa%e "i%e %o+e$ "he ,e""le on "o "he fire, so "ha" when "he& ha$ finishe$ "he
%ar%ala$e roll "he "ea was %a$e an$ rea$& "o 'e )o#re$ o#". An$ when each )erson ha$
(o" his .or her/ c#) of "ea, each )erson sho+e$ 'ac, his .or her/ s"ool so as "o 'e a'le "o lean
a(ains" "he wall an$ (a+e a lon( si(h of con"en"%en".
3An$ now,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, )#shin( awa& his e%)"& 'eer %#( an$ )#llin( his c#) of "ea
"owar$s hi%, 3if &o#2ll 8#s" wai" "ill I2+e (o" %& )i)e li" #) an$ (oin( nicel& * wh&, now we
can (e" "o '#siness. I"2s snowin( a(ain,3 he a$$e$, coc,in( his e&e a" "he win$ow. 3Tha"2s
all "he 'e""er, 'eca#se i" %eans we shan2" ha+e an& +isi"ors0 an$ if an&one sho#l$ ha+e 'een
"r&in( "o follow &o#, wh& he won2" fin$ an& "rac,s.3
3AND now,3 sai$ L#c&, 3$o )lease "ell #s wha"2s ha))ene$ "o -r T#%n#s.3
3Ah, "ha"2s 'a$,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, sha,in( his hea$. 3Tha"2s a +er&, +er& 'a$ '#siness.
There2s no $o#'" he was "a,en off '& "he )olice. I (o" "ha" fro% a 'ir$ who saw i" $one.3
3B#" where2s he 'een "a,en "o53 as,e$ L#c&.
3Well, "he& were hea$in( nor"hwar$s when "he& were las" seen an$ we all ,now wha" "ha"
3No, we $on2",3 sai$ S#san. -r Bea+er shoo, his hea$ in a +er& (loo%& fashion.
3I2% afrai$ i" %eans "he& were "a,in( hi% "o her Ho#se,3 he sai$.
3B#" wha"2ll "he& $o "o hi%, -r Bea+er53 (as)e$ L#c&.
3Well,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3&o# can2" e1ac"l& sa& for s#re. B#" "here2s no" %an& "a,en in "here
"ha" e+er co%es o#" a(ain. S"a"#es. All f#ll of s"a"#es "he& sa& i" is * in "he co#r"&ar$ an$ #)
"he s"airs an$ in "he hall. Peo)le she2s "#rne$3 * .he )a#se$ an$ sh#$$ere$/ 3"#rne$ in"o
3B#", -r Bea+er,3 sai$ L#c&, 3can2" we * I %ean we %#s" $o so%e"hin( "o sa+e hi%. I"2s "oo
$rea$f#l an$ i"2s all on %& acco#n".3
3I $on2" $o#'" &o#2$ sa+e hi% if &o# co#l$, $earie,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er, 3'#" &o#2+e no chance
of (e""in( in"o "ha" Ho#se a(ains" her will an$ e+er co%in( o#" ali+e.3
3Co#l$n2" we ha+e so%e s"ra"a(e%53 sai$ Pe"er. 3I %ean co#l$n2" we $ress #) as so%e"hin(,
or )re"en$ "o 'e * oh, )e$lars or an&"hin( * or wa"ch "ill she was (one o#" * or* oh, han( i"
all, "here %#s" 'e so%e wa&. This 7a#n sa+e$ %& sis"er a" his own ris,, -r Bea+er. We
can2" 8#s" lea+e hi% "o 'e * "o 'e * "o ha+e "ha" $one "o hi%.3
3I"2s no (oo$, Son of A$a%,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3no (oo$ &o#r "r&in(, of all )eo)le. B#" now
"ha" Aslan is on "he %o+e*3
3Oh, &es4 Tell #s a'o#" Aslan43 sai$ se+eral +oices a" once0 for once a(ain "ha" s"ran(e
feelin( * li,e "he firs" si(ns of s)rin(, li,e (oo$ news, ha$ co%e o+er "he%.
3Who is Aslan53 as,e$ S#san.
3Aslan53 sai$ -r Bea+er. 3Wh&, $on2" &o# ,now5 He2s "he !in(. He2s "he Lor$ of "he
whole woo$, '#" no" of"en here, &o# #n$ers"an$. Ne+er in %& "i%e or %& fa"her2s "i%e. B#"
"he wor$ has reache$ #s "ha" he has co%e 'ac,. He is in Narnia a" "his %o%en". He2ll se""le
"he Whi"e =#een all ri(h". I" is he, no" &o#, "ha" will sa+e -r T#%n#s.3
3She won2" "#rn hi% in"o s"one "oo53 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Lor$ lo+e &o#, Son of A$a%, wha" a si%)le "hin( "o sa&43 answere$ -r Bea+er wi"h a
(rea" la#(h. 3T#rn hi% in"o s"one5 If she can s"an$ on her "wo fee" an$ loo, hi% in "he face
i"2ll 'e "he %os" she can $o an$ %ore "han I e1)ec" of her. No, no. He2ll )#" all "o ri(h"s as i"
sa&s in an ol$ rh&%e in "hese )ar"s:
Wron( will 'e ri(h", when Aslan co%es in si(h",
A" "he so#n$ of his roar, sorrows will 'e no %ore,
When he 'ares his "ee"h, win"er %ee"s i"s $ea"h,
An$ when he sha,es his %ane, we shall ha+e s)rin( a(ain.
Yo#2ll #n$ers"an$ when &o# see hi%.3
3B#" shall we see hi%53 as,e$ S#san.
3Wh&, Da#(h"er of E+e, "ha"2s wha" I 'ro#(h" &o# here for. I2% "o lea$ &o# where &o# shall
%ee" hi%,3 sai$ -r Bea+er.
3Is*is he a %an53 as,e$ L#c&.
3Aslan a %an43 sai$ -r Bea+er s"ernl&. 3Cer"ainl& no". I "ell &o# he is "he !in( of "he woo$
an$ "he son of "he (rea" E%)eror*'e&on$*"he*Sea. Don2" &o# ,now who is "he !in( of
Beas"s5 Aslan is a lion * "he Lion, "he (rea" Lion.3
3Ooh43 sai$ S#san, 3I2$ "ho#(h" he was a %an. Is he * 9#i"e safe5 I shall feel ra"her ner+o#s
a'o#" %ee"in( a lion.3
3Tha" &o# will, $earie, an$ no %is"a,e,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er0 3if "here2s an&one who can a))ear
'efore Aslan wi"ho#" "heir ,nees ,noc,in(, "he&2re ei"her 'ra+er "han %os" or else 8#s"
3Then he isn2" safe53 sai$ L#c&.
3Safe53 sai$ -r Bea+er0 3$on2" &o# hear wha" -rs Bea+er "ells &o#5 Who sai$ an&"hin(
a'o#" safe5 2Co#rse he isn2" safe. B#" he2s (oo$. He2s "he !in(, I "ell &o#.3
3I2% lon(in( "o see hi%,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3e+en if I $o feel fri(h"ene$ when i" co%es "o "he
3Tha"2s ri(h", Son of A$a%,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 'rin(in( his )aw $own on "he "a'le wi"h a
crash "ha" %a$e all "he c#)s an$ sa#cers ra""le. 3An$ so &o# shall. Wor$ has 'een sen" "ha"
&o# are "o %ee" hi%, "o%orrow if &o# can, a" "he S"one Ta'le.2
3Where2s "ha"53 sai$ L#c&.
3I2ll show &o#,3 sai$ -r Bea+er. 3I"2s $own "he ri+er, a (oo$ s"e) fro% here. I2ll "a,e &o# "o
3B#" %eanwhile wha" a'o#" )oor -r T#%n#s53 sai$ L#c&.
3The 9#ic,es" wa& &o# can hel) hi% is '& (oin( "o %ee" Aslan,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3once he2s
wi"h #s, "hen we can 'e(in $oin( "hin(s. No" "ha" we $on2" nee$ &o# "oo. 7or "ha"2s ano"her
of "he ol$ rh&%es:
When A$a%2s flesh an$ A$a%2s 'one
Si"s a" Cair Para+el in "hrone,
The e+il "i%e will 'e o+er an$ $one.
So "hin(s %#s" 'e $rawin( near "heir en$ now he2s co%e an$ &o#2+e co%e. We2+e hear$ of
Aslan co%in( in"o "hese )ar"s 'efore * lon( a(o, no'o$& can sa& when. B#" "here2s ne+er
'een an& of &o#r race here 'efore.3
3Tha"2s wha" I $on2" #n$ers"an$, -r Bea+er,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3I %ean isn2" "he Wi"ch herself
3She2$ li,e #s "o 'elie+e i",3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3an$ i"2s on "ha" "ha" she 'ases her clai% "o 'e
=#een. B#" she2s no Da#(h"er of E+e. She co%es of &o#r fa"her A$a%2s3 * .here -r Bea+er
'owe$/ 3&o#r fa"her A$a%2s firs" wife, her "he& calle$ Lili"h. An$ she was one of "he >inn.
Tha"2s wha" she co%es fro% on one si$e. An$ on "he o"her she co%es of "he (ian"s. No, no,
"here isn2" a $ro) of real h#%an 'loo$ in "he Wi"ch.3
3Tha"2s wh& she2s 'a$ all "hro#(h, -r Bea+er,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er.
3Tr#e eno#(h, -rs Bea+er,3 re)lie$ he, 3"here %a& 'e "wo +iews a'o#" h#%ans .%eanin(
no offence "o "he )resen" co%)an&/. B#" "here2s no "wo +iews a'o#" "hin(s "ha" loo, li,e
h#%ans an$ aren2".3
3I2+e ,nown (oo$ Dwarfs,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er.
3So2+e I, now &o# co%e "o s)ea, of i",3 sai$ her h#s'an$, 3'#" )recio#s few, an$ "he& were
"he ones leas" li,e %en. B#" in (eneral, "a,e %& a$+ice, when &o# %ee" an&"hin( "ha"2s
(oin( "o 'e h#%an an$ isn2" &e", or #se$ "o 'e h#%an once an$ isn2" now, or o#(h" "o 'e
h#%an an$ isn2", &o# ,ee) &o#r e&es on i" an$ feel for &o#r ha"che". An$ "ha"2s wh& "he
Wi"ch is alwa&s on "he loo,o#" for an& h#%ans in Narnia. She2s 'een wa"chin( for &o# "his
%an& a &ear, an$ if she ,new "here were fo#r of &o# she2$ 'e %ore $an(ero#s s"ill.3
3Wha"2s "ha" "o $o wi"h i"53 as,e$ Pe"er.
3Beca#se of ano"her )ro)hec&,3 sai$ -r Bea+er. 3Down a" Cair Para+el * "ha"2s "he cas"le on
"he sea coas" $own a" "he %o#"h of "his ri+er which o#(h" "o 'e "he ca)i"al of "he whole
co#n"r& if all was as i" sho#l$ 'e * $own a" Cair Para+el "here are fo#r "hrones an$ i"2s a
sa&in( in Narnia "i%e o#" of %in$ "ha" when "wo Sons of A$a% an$ "wo Da#(h"ers of E+e
si" in "hose fo#r "hrones, "hen i" will 'e "he en$ no" onl& of "he Whi"e Wi"ch2s rei(n '#" of
her life, an$ "ha" is wh& we ha$ "o 'e so ca#"io#s as we ca%e alon(, for if she ,new a'o#"
&o# fo#r, &o#r li+es wo#l$n2" 'e wor"h a sha,e of %& whis,ers43
All "he chil$ren ha$ 'een a""en$in( so har$ "o wha" -r Bea+er was "ellin( "he% "ha" "he&
ha$ no"ice$ no"hin( else for a lon( "i%e. Then $#rin( "he %o%en" of silence "ha" followe$
his las" re%ar,, L#c& s#$$enl& sai$:
3I sa&*where2s E$%#n$53
There was a $rea$f#l )a#se, an$ "hen e+er&one 'e(an as,in( 3Who saw hi% las"5 How lon(
has he 'een %issin(5 Is he o#"si$e5 an$ "hen all r#she$ "o "he $oor an$ loo,e$ o#". The
snow was fallin( "hic,l& an$ s"ea$il&, "he (reen ice of "he )ool ha$ +anishe$ #n$er a "hic,
whi"e 'lan,e", an$ fro% where "he li""le ho#se s"oo$ in "he cen"re of "he $a% &o# co#l$
har$l& see ei"her 'an,. O#" "he& wen", )l#n(in( well o+er "heir an,les in"o "he sof" new
snow, an$ wen" ro#n$ "he ho#se in e+er& $irec"ion. 3E$%#n$4 E$%#n$43 "he& calle$ "ill
"he& were hoarse. B#" "he silen"l& fallin( snow see%e$ "o %#ffle "heir +oices an$ "here was
no" e+en an echo in answer.
3How )erfec"l& $rea$f#l43 sai$ S#san as "he& a" las" ca%e 'ac, in $es)air. 3Oh, how I wish
we2$ ne+er co%e.3
3Wha" on ear"h are we "o $o, -r Bea+er53 sai$ Pe"er.
3Do53 sai$ -r Bea+er, who was alrea$& )#""in( on his snow*'oo"s, 3$o5 We %#s" 'e off a"
once. We ha+en2" a %o%en" "o s)are43
3We2$ 'e""er $i+i$e in"o fo#r search )ar"ies,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3an$ all (o in $ifferen" $irec"ions.
Whoe+er fin$s hi% %#s" co%e 'ac, here a" once an$*3
3Search )ar"ies, Son of A$a%53 sai$ -r Bea+er0 3wha" for53
3Wh&, "o loo, for E$%#n$, of co#rse43
3There2s no )oin" in loo,in( for hi%,3 sai$ -r Bea+er.
3Wha" $o &o# %ean53 sai$ S#san. 3He can2" 'e far awa& &e". An$ we2+e (o" "o fin$ hi%.
Wha" $o &o# %ean when &o# sa& "here2s no #se loo,in( for hi%53
3The reason "here2s no #se loo,in(,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3is "ha" we ,now alrea$& where he2s
(one43 E+er&one s"are$ in a%a<e%en". 3Don2" &o# #n$ers"an$53 sai$ -r Bea+er. 3He2s (one
"o her, "o "he Whi"e Wi"ch. He has 'e"ra&e$ #s all.3
3Oh, s#rel&*oh, reall&43 sai$ S#san, 3he can2" ha+e $one "ha".3
3Can2" he53 sai$ -r Bea+er, loo,in( +er& har$ a" "he "hree chil$ren, an$ e+er&"hin( "he&
wan"e$ "o sa& $ie$ on "heir li)s, for each fel" s#$$enl& 9#i"e cer"ain insi$e "ha" "his was
e1ac"l& wha" E$%#n$ ha$ $one.
3B#" will he ,now "he wa&53 sai$ Pe"er.
3Has he 'een in "his co#n"r& 'efore53 as,e$ -r Bea+er. 3Has he e+er 'een here alone53
3Yes,3 sai$ L#c&, al%os" in a whis)er. 3I2% afrai$ he has.3
3An$ $i$ he "ell &o# wha" he2$ $one or who he2$ %e"53
3Well, no, he $i$n2",3 sai$ L#c&.
3Then %ar, %& wor$s,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3he has alrea$& %e" "he Whi"e Wi"ch an$ 8oine$
her si$e, an$ 'een "ol$ where she li+es. I $i$n2" li,e "o %en"ion i" 'efore .he 'ein( &o#r
'ro"her an$ all/ '#" "he %o%en" I se" e&es on "ha" 'ro"her of &o#rs I sai$ "o %&self
ATreachero#s2. He ha$ "he loo, of one who has 'een wi"h "he Wi"ch an$ ea"en her foo$.
Yo# can alwa&s "ell "he% if &o#2+e li+e$ lon( in Narnia0 so%e"hin( a'o#" "heir e&es.3
3All "he sa%e,3 sai$ Pe"er in a ra"her cho,in( sor" of +oice, 3we2ll s"ill ha+e "o (o an$ loo,
for hi%. He is o#r 'ro"her af"er all, e+en if he is ra"her a li""le 'eas". An$ he2s onl& a ,i$.3
36o "o "he Wi"ch2s Ho#se53 sai$ -rs Bea+er. 3Don2" &o# see "ha" "he onl& chance of sa+in(
ei"her hi% or &o#rsel+es is "o ,ee) awa& fro% her53
3How $o &o# %ean53 sai$ L#c&.
3Wh&, all she wan"s is "o (e" all fo#r of &o# .she2s "hin,in( all "he "i%e of "hose fo#r "hrones
a" Cair Para+el/. Once &o# were all fo#r insi$e her Ho#se her 8o' wo#l$ 'e $one * an$
"here2$ 'e fo#r new s"a"#es in her collec"ion 'efore &o#2$ ha$ "i%e "o s)ea,. B#" she2ll ,ee)
hi% ali+e as lon( as he2s "he onl& one she2s (o", 'eca#se she2ll wan" "o #se hi% as a $eco&0
as 'ai" "o ca"ch "he res" of &o# wi"h.3
3Oh, can no one hel) #s53 waile$ L#c&.
3Onl& Aslan,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3we %#s" (o on an$ %ee" hi%. Tha"2s o#r onl& chance now.3
3I" see%s "o %e, %& $ears,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er, 3"ha" i" is +er& i%)or"an" "o ,now 8#s" when
he sli))e$ awa&. How %#ch he can "ell her $e)en$s on how %#ch he hear$. 7or ins"ance,
ha$ we s"ar"e$ "al,in( of Aslan 'efore he lef"5 If no", "hen we %a& $o +er& well, for she
won2" ,now "ha" Aslan has co%e "o Narnia, or "ha" we are %ee"in( hi%, an$ will 'e 9#i"e
off her (#ar$ as far as "ha" is concerne$.3
3I $on2" re%e%'er his 'ein( here when we were "al,in( a'o#" Aslan *3 'e(an Pe"er, '#"
L#c& in"err#)"e$ hi%.
3Oh &es, he was,3 she sai$ %isera'l&0 3$on2" &o# re%e%'er, i" was he who as,e$ whe"her
"he Wi"ch co#l$n2" "#rn Aslan in"o s"one "oo53
3So he $i$, '& >o+e,3 sai$ Pe"er0 38#s" "he sor" of "hin( he wo#l$ sa&, "oo43
3Worse an$ worse,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3an$ "he ne1" "hin( is "his. Was he s"ill here when I
"ol$ &o# "ha" "he )lace for %ee"in( Aslan was "he S"one Ta'le53
An$ of co#rse no one ,new "he answer "o "his 9#es"ion.
3Beca#se, if he was,3 con"in#e$ -r Bea+er, 3"hen she2ll si%)l& sle$(e $own in "ha"
$irec"ion an$ (e" 'e"ween #s an$ "he S"one Ta'le an$ ca"ch #s on o#r wa& $own. In fac" we
shall 'e c#" off fro% Aslan. 3
3B#" "ha" isn2" wha" she2ll $o firs",3 sai$ -rs Bea+er, 3no" if I ,now her. The %o%en" "ha"
E$%#n$ "ells her "ha" we2re all here she2ll se" o#" "o ca"ch #s "his +er& ni(h", an$ if he2s 'een
(one a'o#" half an ho#r, she2ll 'e here in a'o#" ano"her "wen"& %in#"es.3
3Yo#2re ri(h", -rs Bea+er,3 sai$ her h#s'an$, 3we %#s" all (e" awa& fro% here. There2s no"
a %o%en" "o lose.3
AND now of co#rse &o# wan" "o ,now wha" ha$ ha))ene$ "o E$%#n$. He ha$ ea"en his
share of "he $inner, '#" he ha$n2" reall& en8o&e$ i" 'eca#se he was "hin,in( all "he "i%e
a'o#" T#r,ish Deli(h" * an$ "here2s no"hin( "ha" s)oils "he "as"e of (oo$ or$inar& foo$ half
so %#ch as "he %e%or& of 'a$ %a(ic foo$. An$ he ha$ hear$ "he con+ersa"ion, an$ ha$n2"
en8o&e$ i" %#ch ei"her, 'eca#se he ,e)" on "hin,in( "ha" "he o"hers were "a,in( no no"ice of
hi% an$ "r&in( "o (i+e hi% "he col$ sho#l$er. The& weren2", '#" he i%a(ine$ i". An$ "hen he
ha$ lis"ene$ #n"il -r Bea+er "ol$ "he% a'o#" Aslan an$ #n"il he ha$ hear$ "he whole
arran(e%en" for %ee"in( Aslan a" "he S"one Ta'le. I" was "hen "ha" he 'e(an +er& 9#ie"l& "o
e$(e hi%self #n$er "he c#r"ain which h#n( o+er "he $oor. 7or "he %en"ion
of Aslan (a+e hi% a %&s"erio#s an$ horri'le feelin( 8#s" as i" (a+e "he o"hers a %&s"erio#s
an$ lo+el& feelin(.
>#s" as -r Bea+er ha$ 'een re)ea"in( "he rh&%e a'o#" A$a%2s flesh an$ A$a%2s 'one
E$%#n$ ha$ 'een +er& 9#ie"l& "#rnin( "he $oorhan$le0 an$ 8#s" 'efore -r Bea+er ha$
'e(#n "ellin( "he% "ha" "he Whi"e Wi"ch wasn2" reall& h#%an a" all '#" half a >inn an$ half a
(ian"ess, E$%#n$ ha$ (o" o#"si$e in"o "he snow an$ ca#"io#sl& close$ "he $oor 'ehin$ hi%.
Yo# %#s"n2" "hin, "ha" e+en now E$%#n$ was 9#i"e so 'a$ "ha" he ac"#all& wan"e$ his
'ro"her an$ sis"ers "o 'e "#rne$ in"o s"one. He $i$ wan" T#r,ish Deli(h" an$ "o 'e a Prince
.an$ la"er a !in(/ an$ "o )a& Pe"er o#" for callin( hi% a 'eas". As for wha" "he Wi"ch wo#l$
$o wi"h "he o"hers, he $i$n2" wan" her "o 'e )ar"ic#larl& nice "o "he% * cer"ainl& no" "o )#"
"he% on "he sa%e le+el as hi%self0 '#" he %ana(e$ "o 'elie+e, or "o )re"en$ he 'elie+e$,
"ha" she wo#l$n2" $o an&"hin( +er& 'a$ "o "he%, 3Beca#se,3 he sai$ "o hi%self, 3all "hese
)eo)le who sa& nas"& "hin(s a'o#" her are her ene%ies an$ )ro'a'l& half of i" isn2" "r#e. She
was 8oll& nice "o %e, an&wa&, %#ch nicer "han "he& are. I e1)ec" she is "he ri(h"f#l =#een
reall&. An&wa&, she2ll 'e 'e""er "han "ha" awf#l Aslan43 A" leas", "ha" was "he e1c#se he
%a$e in his own %in$ for wha" he was $oin(. I" wasn2" a +er& (oo$ e1c#se, howe+er, for
$ee) $own insi$e hi% he reall& ,new "ha" "he Whi"e Wi"ch was 'a$ an$ cr#el.
The firs" "hin( he reali<e$ when he (o" o#"si$e an$ fo#n$ "he snow fallin( all ro#n$ hi%,
was "ha" he ha$ lef" his coa" 'ehin$ in "he Bea+ers2 ho#se. An$ of co#rse "here was no
chance of (oin( 'ac, "o (e" i" now. The ne1" "hin( he reali<e$ was "ha" "he $a&li(h" was
al%os" (one, for i" ha$ 'een nearl& "hree o2cloc, when "he& sa" $own "o $inner an$ "he
win"er $a&s were shor". He ha$n2" rec,one$ on "his0 '#" he ha$ "o %a,e "he 'es" of i". So he
"#rne$ #) his collar an$ sh#ffle$ across "he "o) of "he $a% .l#c,il& i" wasn2" so sli))er&
since "he snow ha$ fallen/ "o "he far si$e of "he ri+er.
I" was )re""& 'a$ when he reache$ "he far si$e. I" was (rowin( $ar,er e+er& %in#"e an$
wha" wi"h "ha" an$ "he snowfla,es swirlin( all ro#n$ hi% he co#l$ har$l& see "hree fee"
ahea$. An$ "hen "oo "here was no roa$. He ,e)" sli))in( in"o $ee) $rif"s of snow, an$
s,i$$in( on fro<en )#$$les, an$ "ri))in( o+er fallen "ree*"r#n,s, an$ sli$in( $own s"ee)
'an,s, an$ 'ar,in( his shins a(ains" roc,s, "ill he was we" an$ col$ an$ 'r#ise$ all o+er.
The silence an$ "he loneliness were $rea$f#l. In fac" I reall& "hin, he %i(h" ha+e (i+en #)
"he whole )lan an$ (one 'ac, an$ owne$ #) an$ %a$e frien$s wi"h "he o"hers, if he ha$n2"
ha))ene$ "o sa& "o hi%self, 3When I2% !in( of Narnia "he firs" "hin( I shall $o will 'e "o
%a,e so%e $ecen" roa$s.3 An$ of co#rse "ha" se" hi% off "hin,in( a'o#" 'ein( a !in( an$
all "he o"her "hin(s he wo#l$ $o an$ "his cheere$ hi% #) a (oo$ $eal. He ha$ 8#s" se""le$ in
his %in$ wha" sor" of )alace he wo#l$ ha+e an$ how %an& cars an$ all a'o#" his )ri+a"e
cine%a an$ where "he )rinci)al railwa&s wo#l$ r#n an$ wha" laws he wo#l$ %a,e a(ains"
'ea+ers an$ $a%s an$ was )#""in( "he finishin( "o#ches "o so%e sche%es for ,ee)in( Pe"er
in his )lace, when "he wea"her chan(e$. 7irs" "he snow s"o))e$. Then a win$ s)ran( #) an$
i" 'eca%e free<in( col$. 7inall&, "he clo#$s rolle$
awa& an$ "he %oon ca%e o#". I" was a f#ll %oon an$, shinin( on all "ha" snow, i" %a$e
e+er&"hin( al%os" as 'ri(h" as $a& * onl& "he sha$ows were ra"her conf#sin(.
He wo#l$ ne+er ha+e fo#n$ his wa& if "he %oon ha$n2" co%e o#" '& "he "i%e he (o" "o "he
o"her ri+er &o# re%e%'er he ha$ seen .when "he& firs" arri+e$ a" "he Bea+ers2/ a s%aller
ri+er flowin( in"o "he (rea" one lower $own. He now reache$ "his an$ "#rne$ "o follow i"
#). B#" "he li""le +alle& $own which i" ca%e was %#ch s"ee)er an$ roc,ier "han "he one he
ha$ 8#s" lef" an$ %#ch o+er(rown wi"h '#shes, so "ha" he co#l$ no" ha+e %ana(e$ i" a" all
in "he $ar,. E+en as i" was, he (o" we" "hro#(h for he ha$ "o s"oo) #n$er 'ranches an$ (rea"
loa$s of snow ca%e sli$in( off on "o his 'ac,. An$ e+er& "i%e "his ha))ene$ he "ho#(h"
%ore an$ %ore how he ha"e$ Pe"er * 8#s" as if all "his ha$ 'een Pe"er2s fa#l".
B#" a" las" he ca%e "o a )ar" where i" was %ore le+el an$ "he +alle& o)ene$ o#". An$ "here,
on "he o"her si$e of "he ri+er, 9#i"e close "o hi%, in "he %i$$le of a li""le )lain 'e"ween "wo
hills, he saw wha" %#s" 'e "he Whi"e Wi"ch2s Ho#se. An$ "he %oon was shinin( 'ri(h"er
"han e+er. The Ho#se was reall& a s%all cas"le. I" see%e$ "o 'e all "owers0 li""le "owers wi"h
lon( )oin"e$ s)ires on "he%, shar) as nee$les. The& loo,e$ li,e h#(e $#nce2s ca)s or
sorcerer2s ca)s. An$ "he& shone in "he %oonli(h" an$ "heir lon( sha$ows loo,e$ s"ran(e on
"he snow. E$%#n$ 'e(an "o 'e afrai$ of "he Ho#se.
B#" i" was "oo la"e "o "hin, of "#rnin( 'ac, now.
He crosse$ "he ri+er on "he ice an$ wal,e$ #) "o "he Ho#se. There was no"hin( s"irrin(0 no"
"he sli(h"es" so#n$ an&where. E+en his own fee" %a$e no noise on "he $ee) newl& fallen
snow. He wal,e$ on an$ on, )as" corner af"er corner of "he Ho#se, an$ )as" "#rre" af"er
"#rre" "o fin$ "he $oor. He ha$ "o (o ri(h" ro#n$ "o "he far si$e 'efore he fo#n$ i". I" was a
h#(e arch '#" "he (rea" iron (a"es s"oo$ wi$e o)en.
E$%#n$ cre)" #) "o "he arch an$ loo,e$ insi$e in"o "he co#r"&ar$, an$ "here he saw a si(h"
"ha" nearl& %a$e his hear" s"o) 'ea"in(. >#s" insi$e "he (a"e, wi"h "he %oonli(h" shinin( on
i", s"oo$ an enor%o#s lion cro#che$ as if i" was rea$& "o s)rin(. An$ E$%#n$ s"oo$ in "he
sha$ow of "he arch, afrai$ "o (o on an$ afrai$ "o (o 'ac,, wi"h his ,nees ,noc,in( "o(e"her.
He s"oo$ "here so lon( "ha" his "ee"h wo#l$ ha+e 'een cha""erin( wi"h col$ e+en if "he& ha$
no" 'een cha""erin( wi"h fear. How lon( "his reall& las"e$ I $on2" ,now, '#" i" see%e$ "o
E$%#n$ "o las" for ho#rs.
Then a" las" he 'e(an "o won$er wh& "he lion was s"an$in( so s"ill * for i" ha$n2" %o+e$ one
inch since he firs" se" e&es on i". E$%#n$ now +en"#re$ a li""le nearer, s"ill ,ee)in( in "he
sha$ow of "he arch as %#ch as he co#l$. He now saw fro% "he wa& "he lion was s"an$in(
"ha" i" co#l$n2" ha+e 'een loo,in( a" hi% a" all. .3B#" s#))osin( i" "#rns i"s hea$53 "ho#(h"
E$%#n$./ In fac" i" was s"arin( a" so%e"hin( else na%el& a li""le: $warf who s"oo$ wi"h his
'ac, "o i" a'o#" fo#r fee" awa&. 3Aha43 "ho#(h" E$%#n$. 3When i" s)rin(s a" "he $warf "hen
will 'e %& chance "o esca)e.3 B#" s"ill "he lion ne+er %o+e$, nor $i$ "he $warf. An$ now a"
las" E$%#n$ re%e%'ere$ wha" "he o"hers ha$ sai$ a'o#" "he Whi"e Wi"ch "#rnin( )eo)le
in"o s"one. Perha)s "his was onl& a s"one lion. An$ as soon as he ha$ "ho#(h" of "ha" he
no"ice$ "ha" "he lion2s 'ac, an$ "he "o) of i"s hea$ were
co+ere$ wi"h snow. Of co#rse i" %#s" 'e onl& a s"a"#e4 No li+in( ani%al wo#l$ ha+e le"
i"self (e" co+ere$ wi"h snow. Then +er& slowl& an$ wi"h his hear" 'ea"in( as if i" wo#l$
'#rs", E$%#n$ +en"#re$ "o (o #) "o "he lion. E+en now he har$l& $are$ "o "o#ch i", '#" a"
las" he )#" o#" his han$, +er& 9#ic,l&, an$ $i$. I" was col$ s"one. He ha$ 'een fri(h"ene$ of
a %ere s"a"#e4
The relief which E$%#n$ fel" was so (rea" "ha" in s)i"e of "he col$ he s#$$enl& (o" war% all
o+er ri(h" $own "o his "oes, an$ a" "he sa%e "i%e "here ca%e in"o his hea$ wha" see%e$ a
)erfec"l& lo+el& i$ea. 3Pro'a'l&,3 he "ho#(h", 3"his is "he (rea" Lion Aslan "ha" "he& were all
"al,in( a'o#". She2s ca#(h" hi% alrea$& an$ "#rne$ hi% in"o s"one. So "ha"2s "he en$ of all
"heir fine i$eas a'o#" hi%4 Pooh4 Who2s afrai$ of Aslan53
An$ he s"oo$ "here (loa"in( o+er "he s"one lion, an$ )resen"l& he $i$ so%e"hin( +er& sill&
an$ chil$ish. He "oo, a s"#%) of lea$ )encil o#" of his )oc,e" an$ scri''le$ a %o#s"ache on
"he lion2s #))er li) an$ "hen a )air of s)ec"acles on i"s e&es. Then he sai$, 3Yah4 Sill& ol$
Aslan4 How $o &o# li,e 'ein( a s"one5 Yo# "ho#(h" &o#rself %i(h"& fine, $i$n2" &o#53 B#"
in s)i"e of "he scri''les on i" "he face of "he (rea" s"one 'eas" s"ill loo,e$ so "erri'le, an$
sa$, an$ no'le, s"arin( #) in "he %oonli(h", "ha" E$%#n$ $i$n2" reall& (e" an& f#n o#" of
8eerin( a" i". He "#rne$ awa& an$ 'e(an "o cross "he co#r"&ar$.
As he (o" in"o "he %i$$le of i" he saw "ha" "here were $o<ens of s"a"#es all a'o#" * s"an$in(
here an$ "here ra"her as "he )ieces s"an$ on a chess*'oar$ when i" is half*wa& "hro#(h "he
(a%e. There were s"one sa"&rs, an$ s"one wol+es, an$ 'ears an$ fo1es an$ ca"*a%o#n"ains
of s"one. There were lo+el& s"one sha)es "ha" loo,e$ li,e wo%en '#" who were reall& "he
s)iri"s of "rees. There was "he (rea" sha)e of a cen"a#r an$ a win(e$ horse an$ a lon( li"he
crea"#re "ha" E$%#n$ "oo, "o 'e a $ra(on. The& all loo,e$ so s"ran(e s"an$in( "here
)erfec"l& life*li,e an$ also )erfec"l& s"ill, in "he 'ri(h" col$ %oonli(h", "ha" i" was eerie
wor, crossin( "he co#r"&ar$. Ri(h" in "he +er& %i$$le s"oo$ a h#(e sha)e li,e a %an, '#" as
"all as a "ree, wi"h a fierce face an$ a sha((& 'ear$ an$ a (rea" cl#' in i"s ri(h" han$. E+en
"ho#(h he ,new "ha" i" was onl& a s"one (ian" an$ no" a li+e one, E$%#n$ $i$ no" li,e (oin(
)as" i".
He now saw "ha" "here was a $i% li(h" showin( fro% a $oorwa& on "he far si$e of "he
co#r"&ar$. He wen" "o i"0 "here was a fli(h" of s"one s"e)s (oin( #) "o an o)en $oor.
E$%#n$ wen" #) "he%. Across "he "hreshol$ la& a (rea" wolf.
3I"2s all ri(h", i"2s all ri(h",3 he ,e)" sa&in( "o hi%self0 3i"2s onl& a s"one wolf. I" can2" h#r"
%e3, an$ he raise$ his le( "o s"e) o+er i". Ins"an"l& "he h#(e crea"#re rose, wi"h all "he hair
'ris"lin( alon( i"s 'ac,, o)ene$ a (rea", re$ %o#"h an$ sai$ in a (rowlin( +oice:
3Who2s "here5 Who2s "here5 S"an$ s"ill, s"ran(er, an$ "ell %e who &o# are.3
3If &o# )lease, sir,3 sai$ E$%#n$, "re%'lin( so "ha" he co#l$ har$l& s)ea,, 3%& na%e is
E$%#n$, an$ I2% "he Son of A$a% "ha" Her -a8es"& %e" in "he woo$ "he o"her $a& an$ I2+e
co%e "o 'rin( her "he news "ha" %& 'ro"her an$ sis"ers are now in Narnia * 9#i"e close, in
"he Bea+ers2 ho#se. She * she wan"e$ "o see "he%.3
3I will "ell Her -a8es"&,3 sai$ "he Wolf. 3-eanwhile, s"an$ s"ill on "he "hreshol$, as &o#
+al#e &o#r life.3 Then i" +anishe$ in"o "he ho#se.
E$%#n$ s"oo$ an$ wai"e$, his fin(ers achin( wi"h col$ an$ his hear" )o#n$in( in his ches",
an$ )resen"l& "he (re& wolf, -a#(ri%, "he Chief of "he Wi"ch2s Secre" Police, ca%e
'o#n$in( 'ac, an$ sai$, 3Co%e in4 Co%e in4 7or"#na"e fa+o#ri"e of "he =#een * or else no"
so for"#na"e.3
An$ E$%#n$ wen" in, "a,in( (rea" care no" "o "rea$ on "he Wolf2s )aws.
He fo#n$ hi%self in a lon( (loo%& hall wi"h %an& )illars, f#ll, as "he co#r"&ar$ ha$ 'een,
of s"a"#es. The one neares" "he $oor was a li""le fa#n wi"h a +er& sa$ e1)ression on i"s face,
an$ E$%#n$ co#l$n2" hel) won$erin( if "his %i(h" 'e L#c&2s frien$. The onl& li(h" ca%e
fro% a sin(le la%) an$ close 'esi$e "his sa" "he Whi"e Wi"ch.
3I2% co%e, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$, r#shin( ea(erl& forwar$.
3How $are &o# co%e alone53 sai$ "he Wi"ch in a "erri'le +oice. 3Di$ I no" "ell &o# "o 'rin(
"he o"hers wi"h &o#53
3Please, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3I2+e $one "he 'es" I can. I2+e 'ro#(h" "he% 9#i"e
close. The&2re in "he li""le ho#se on "o) of "he $a% 8#s" #) "he ri+erwi"h -r an$ -rs
A slow cr#el s%ile ca%e o+er "he Wi"ch2s face.
3Is "his all &o#r news53 she as,e$.
3No, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ E$%#n$, an$ )rocee$e$ "o "ell her all he ha$ hear$ 'efore lea+in(
"he Bea+ers2 ho#se.
3Wha"4 Aslan53 crie$ "he =#een, 3Aslan4 Is "his "r#e5 If I fin$ &o# ha+e lie$ "o %e *3
3Please, I2% onl& re)ea"in( wha" "he& sai$,3 s"a%%ere$ E$%#n$.
B#" "he =#een, who was no lon(er a""en$in( "o hi%, cla))e$ her han$s. Ins"an"l& "he sa%e
$warf who% E$%#n$ ha$ seen wi"h her 'efore a))eare$.
3-a,e rea$& o#r sle$(e,3 or$ere$ "he Wi"ch, 3an$ #se "he harness wi"ho#" 'ells.3
Now we %#s" (o 'ac, "o -r an$ -rs Bea+er an$ "he "hree o"her chil$ren. As soon as -r
Bea+er sai$, 3There2s no "i%e "o lose,3 e+er&one 'e(an '#n$lin( "he%sel+es in"o coa"s,
e1ce)" -rs Bea+er, who s"ar"e$ )ic,in( #) sac,s an$ la&in( "he% on "he "a'le an$ sai$:
3Now, -r Bea+er, 8#s" reach $own "ha" ha%. An$ here2s a )ac,e" of "ea, an$ "here2s s#(ar,
an$ so%e %a"ches. An$ if so%eone will (e" "wo or "hree loa+es o#" of "he croc, o+er "here
in "he corner.3
3Wha" are &o# $oin(, -rs Bea+er53 e1clai%e$ S#san.
3Pac,in( a loa$ for each of #s, $earie,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er +er& cooll&. 3Yo# $i$n2" "hin, we2$
se" o#" on a 8o#rne& wi"h no"hin( "o ea", $i$ &o#53
3B#" we ha+en2" "i%e43 sai$ S#san, '#""onin( "he collar of her coa". 3She %a& 'e here an&
3Tha"2s wha" I sa&,3 chi%e$ in -r Bea+er.
36e" alon( wi"h &o# all,3 sai$ his wife. 3Thin, i" o+er, -r Bea+er. She can2" 'e here for
9#ar"er of an ho#r a" leas".3
3B#" $on2" we wan" as 'i( a s"ar" as we can )ossi'l& (e",3 sai$ Pe"er, 3if we2re "o reach "he
S"one Ta'le 'efore her53
3Yo#2+e (o" "o re%e%'er "ha", -rs Bea+er,3 sai$ S#san. 3As soon as she has loo,e$ in here
an$ fin$s we2re (one she2ll 'e off a" "o) s)ee$.3
3Tha" she will,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er. 3B#" we can2" (e" "here 'efore her wha"e+er we $o, for
she2ll 'e on a sle$(e an$ we2ll 'e wal,in(.3
3Then * ha+e we no ho)e53 sai$ S#san.
3Now $on2" &o# (e" f#ssin(, "here2s a $ear,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er, 3'#" 8#s" (e" half a $o<en
clean han$,erchiefs o#" of "he $rawer. 2Co#rse we2+e (o" a ho)e. We can2" (e" "here 'efore
her '#" we can ,ee) #n$er co+er an$ (o '& wa&s she won2" e1)ec" an$ )erha)s we2ll (e"
3Tha"2s "r#e eno#(h, -rs Bea+er,3 sai$ her h#s'an$. 3B#" i"2s "i%e we were o#" of "his.3
3An$ $on2" &o# s"ar" f#ssin( ei"her, -r Bea+er,3 sai$ his wife. 3There. Tha"2s 'e""er. There2s
fi+e loa$s an$ "he s%alles" for "he s%alles" of #s: "ha"2s &o#, %& $ear,3 she a$$e$, loo,in( a"
3Oh, $o )lease co%e on,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Well, I2% nearl& rea$& now,3 answere$ -rs Bea+er a" las", allowin( her h#s'an$ "o hel)
her in"o0 her snow*'oo"s. 3I s#))ose "he sewin( %achine2s "oo, hea+& "o 'rin(53
3Yes. I" is,3 sai$ -r Bea+er. 3A (rea" $eal "oo hea+&. An$ &o# $on2" "hin, &o#2ll 'e a'le "o
#se i" while we2re on "he r#n, I s#))ose53
3I can2" a'i$e "he "ho#(h" of "ha" Wi"ch fi$$lin( wi"h i",3 sai$ -rs Bea+er, 3an$ 'rea,in( i"
or s"ealin( i", as li,el& as no".3
3Oh, )lease, )lease, )lease, $o h#rr&43 sai$ "he "hree chil$ren. An$ so a" las" "he& all (o"
o#"si$e an$ -r Bea+er loc,e$ "he $oor .3I"2ll $ela& her a 'i",3 he sai$/ an$ "he& se" off, all
carr&in( "heir loa$s o+er "heir sho#l$ers.
The snow ha$ s"o))e$ an$ "he %oon ha$ co%e o#" when "he& 'e(an "heir 8o#rne&. The&
wen" in sin(le file * firs" -r Bea+er, "hen L#c&, "hen Pe"er, "hen S#san, an$ -rs Bea+er las"
of all. -r Bea+er le$ "he% across "he $a% an$ on "o "he ri(h" 'an, of "he ri+er an$ "hen
alon( a +er& ro#(h sor" of )a"h a%on( "he "rees ri(h" $own '& "he ri+er*'an,. The si$es of
"he +alle&, shinin( in "he %oonli(h", "owere$ #) far a'o+e "he% on ei"her han$. 3Bes" ,ee)
$own here as %#ch as )ossi'le,3 he sai$. 3She2ll ha+e "o ,ee) "o "he "o), for &o# co#l$n2"
'rin( a sle$(e $own here.3
I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een a )re""& eno#(h scene "o loo, a" i" "hro#(h a win$ow fro% a
co%for"a'le ar%chair0 an$ e+en as "hin(s were, L#c& en8o&e$ i" a" firs". B#" as "he& wen" on
wal,in( an$ wal,in( * an$ wal,in( an$ as "he sac, she was carr&in( fel" hea+ier an$
hea+ier, she 'e(an "o won$er how she was (oin( "o ,ee) #) a" all. An$ she s"o))e$ loo,in(
a" "he $a<<lin( 'ri(h"ness of "he fro<en ri+er wi"h all i"s wa"erfalls of ice an$ a" "he whi"e
%asses of "he "ree*"o)s an$ "he (rea" (larin( %oon an$ "he co#n"less s"ars an$ co#l$ onl&
wa"ch "he li""le shor" le(s of -r Bea+er (oin( )a$*)a$*)a$*)a$ "hro#(h "he snow in fron" of
her as if "he& were ne+er (oin( "o s"o). Then "he %oon $isa))eare$ an$ "he snow 'e(an "o
fall once %ore. An$ a" las" L#c& was so "ire$ "ha" she was al%os" aslee) an$ wal,in( a" "he
sa%e "i%e when s#$$enl& she fo#n$ "ha" -r Bea+er ha$ "#rne$ awa& fro% "he ri+er*'an, "o
"he ri(h" an$ was lea$in( "he% s"ee)l& #)hill in"o "he +er& "hic,es" '#shes. An$ "hen as she
ca%e f#ll& awa,e she fo#n$ "ha" -r Bea+er was 8#s" +anishin( in"o a li""le hole in "he 'an,
which ha$ 'een al%os" hi$$en #n$er "he '#shes #n"il &o# were 9#i"e on "o) of i". In fac", '&
"he "i%e she reali<e$ wha" was ha))enin(, onl& his shor" fla" "ail was showin(.
L#c& i%%e$ia"el& s"oo)e$ $own an$ crawle$ in af"er hi%. Then she hear$ noises of
scra%'lin( an$ )#ffin( an$ )an"in( 'ehin$ her an$ in a %o%en" all fi+e of "he% were
3Where+er is "his53 sai$ Pe"er2s +oice, so#n$in( "ire$ an$ )ale in "he $ar,ness. .I ho)e &o#
,now wha" I %ean '& a +oice so#n$in( )ale./
3I"2s an ol$ hi$in(*)lace for 'ea+ers in 'a$ "i%es,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, 3an$ a (rea" secre". I"2s
no" %#ch of a )lace '#" we %#s" (e" a few ho#rs2 slee).3
3If &o# ha$n2" all 'een in s#ch a )la(#e& f#ss when we were s"ar"in(, I2$ ha+e 'ro#(h" so%e
)illows,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er.
I" wasn2" nearl& s#ch a nice ca+e as -r T#%n#s2s, L#c& "ho#(h" * 8#s" a hole in "he (ro#n$
'#" $r& an$ ear"h&. I" was +er& s%all so "ha" when "he& all la& $own "he& were all a '#n$le
of clo"hes "o(e"her, an$ wha" wi"h "ha" an$ 'ein( war%e$ #) '& "heir lon( wal, "he& were
reall& ra"her sn#(. If onl& "he floor of "he ca+e ha$ 'een a li""le s%oo"her4 Then -rs Bea+er
han$e$ ro#n$ in "he $ar, a li""le flas, o#" of which e+er&one $ran, so%e"hin( * i" %a$e one
co#(h an$ s)l#""er a li""le an$ s"#n( "he "hroa", '#" i" also %a$e &o# feel $elicio#sl& war%
af"er &o#2$ swallowe$ i" an$ e+er&one wen" s"rai(h" "o slee).
I" see%e$ "o L#c& onl& "he ne1" %in#"e ."ho#(h reall& i" was ho#rs an$ ho#rs la"er/ when
she wo,e #) feelin( a li""le col$ an$ $rea$f#ll& s"iff an$ "hin,in( how she wo#l$ li,e a ho"
'a"h. Then she fel" a se" of lon( whis,ers "ic,lin( her chee, an$ saw "he col$ $a&li(h"
co%in( in "hro#(h "he %o#"h of "he ca+e. B#" i%%e$ia"el& af"er "ha" she was +er& wi$e
awa,e in$ee$, an$ so was e+er&one else. In fac" "he& were all si""in( #) wi"h "heir %o#"hs
an$ e&es wi$e o)en lis"enin( "o a so#n$ which was "he +er& so#n$ "he&2$ all 'een "hin,in(
of .an$ so%e"i%es i%a(inin( "he& hear$/ $#rin( "heir wal, las" ni(h". I" was a so#n$ of
8in(lin( 'ells.
-r Bea+er was o#" of "he ca+e li,e a flash "he %o%en" he hear$ i". Perha)s &o# "hin,, as
L#c& "ho#(h" for a %o%en", "ha" "his was a +er& sill& "hin( "o $o5 B#" i" was reall& a +er&
sensi'le one. He ,new he co#l$ scra%'le "o "he "o) of "he 'an, a%on( '#shes an$
'ra%'les wi"ho#" 'ein( seen0 an$ he wan"e$ a'o+e all "hin(s "o see which wa& "he Wi"ch2s
sle$(e wen". The o"hers all sa" in "he ca+e wai"in( an$ won$erin(. The& wai"e$ nearl& fi+e
%in#"es. Then "he& hear$ so%e"hin( "ha" fri(h"ene$ "he% +er& %#ch. The& hear$ +oices.
3Oh,3 "ho#(h" L#c&, 3he2s 'een seen. She2s ca#(h" hi%43
6rea" was "heir s#r)rise when a li""le la"er, "he& hear$ -r Bea+er2s +oice callin( "o "he%
fro% 8#s" o#"si$e "he ca+e.
3I"2s all ri(h",3 he was sho#"in(. 3Co%e o#", -rs Bea+er. Co%e o#", Sons an$ Da#(h"ers of
A$a%. I"2s all ri(h"4 I" isn2" Her43 This was 'a$ (ra%%ar of co#rse, '#" "ha" is how 'ea+ers
"al, when "he& are e1ci"e$0 I %ean, in Narnia * in o#r worl$ "he& #s#all& $on2" "al, a" all.
So -rs Bea+er an$ "he chil$ren ca%e '#n$lin( o#" of "he ca+e, all 'lin,in( in "he $a&li(h",
an$ wi"h ear"h all o+er "he%, an$ loo,in( +er& frows"& an$ #n'r#she$ an$ #nco%'e$ an$
wi"h "he slee) in "heir e&es.
3Co%e on43 crie$ -r Bea+er, who was al%os" $ancin( wi"h $eli(h". 3Co%e an$ see4 This is
a nas"& ,noc, for "he Wi"ch4 I" loo,s as if her )ower is alrea$& cr#%'lin(.3
3Wha" $o &o# %ean, -r Bea+er53 )an"e$ Pe"er as "he& all scra%'le$ #) "he s"ee) 'an, of
"he +alle& "o(e"her.
3Di$n2" I "ell &o#,3 answere$ -r Bea+er, 3"ha" she2$ %a$e i" alwa&s win"er an$ ne+er
Chris"%as5 Di$n2" I "ell &o#5 Well, 8#s" co%e an$ see43
An$ "hen "he& were all a" "he "o) an$ $i$ see.
I" was a sle$(e, an$ i" was rein$eer wi"h 'ells on "heir harness. B#" "he& were far 'i((er
"han "he Wi"ch2s rein$eer, an$ "he& were no" whi"e '#" 'rown. An$ on "he sle$(e sa" a
)erson who% e+er&one ,new "he %o%en" "he& se" e&es on hi%. He was a h#(e %an. in a
'ri(h" re$ ro'e .'ri(h" as holl&'erries/ wi"h a hoo$ "ha" ha$ f#r insi$e i" an$ a (rea" whi"e
'ear$, "ha" fell li,e a foa%& wa"erfall o+er his ches".
E+er&one ,new hi% 'eca#se, "ho#(h &o# see )eo)le of his sor" onl& in Narnia, &o# see
)ic"#res of "he% an$ hear "he% "al,e$ a'o#" e+en in o#r worl$ * "he worl$ on "his si$e of
"he war$ro'e $oor. B#" when &o# reall& see "he% in Narnia i" is ra"her $ifferen". So%e of
"he )ic"#res of 7a"her Chris"%as in o#r worl$ %a,e hi% loo, onl& f#nn& an$ 8oll&. B#" now
"ha" "he chil$ren ac"#all& s"oo$ loo,in( a" hi% "he& $i$n2" fin$ i" 9#i"e li,e "ha". He was so
'i(, an$ so (la$, an$ so real, "ha" "he& all 'eca%e 9#i"e s"ill. The& fel" +er& (la$, '#" also
3I2+e co%e a" las",3 sai$ he. 3She has ,e)" %e o#" for a lon( "i%e, '#" I ha+e (o" in a" las".
Aslan is on "he %o+e. The Wi"ch2s %a(ic is wea,enin(.3
An$ L#c& fel" r#nnin( "hro#(h her "ha" $ee) shi+er of (la$ness which &o# onl& (e" if &o#
are 'ein( sole%n an$ s"ill.
3An$ now,3 sai$ 7a"her Chris"%as, 3for &o#r )resen"s. There is a new an$ 'e""er sewin(
%achine for &o#, -rs Bea+er. I will $ro) i" in &o#r ho#se as, I )ass.3
3If &o# )lease, sir,3 sai$ -rs Bea+er, %a,in( a c#r"se&. 3I"2s loc,e$ #).3
3Loc,s an$ 'ol"s %a,e no $ifference "o %e,3 sai$ 7a"her Chris"%as. 3An$ as for &o#, -r
Bea+er, when &o# (e" ho%e &o# will fin$ &o#r $a% finishe$ an$ %en$e$ an$ all "he lea,s
s"o))e$ an$ a new sl#ice(a"e fi""e$.3
-r Bea+er was so )lease$ "ha" he o)ene$ his %o#"h +er& wi$e an$ "hen fo#n$ he co#l$n2"
sa& an&"hin( a" all.
3Pe"er, A$a%2s Son,3 sai$ 7a"her Chris"%as.
3Here, sir,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3These are &o#r )resen"s,3 was "he answer, 3an$ "he& are "ools no" "o&s. The "i%e "o #se
"he% is )erha)s near a" han$. Bear "he% well.3 Wi"h "hese wor$s he han$e$ "o Pe"er a
shiel$ an$ a swor$. The shiel$ was "he colo#r of sil+er an$ across i" "here ra%)e$ a re$ lion,
as 'ri(h" as a ri)e s"raw'err& a" "he %o%en" when &o# )ic, i". The hil" of "he swor$
was of (ol$ an$ i" ha$ a shea"h an$ a swor$ 'el" an$ e+er&"hin( i" nee$e$, an$ i" was 8#s"
"he ri(h" si<e an$ wei(h" for Pe"er "o #se. Pe"er was silen" an$ sole%n as he recei+e$ "hese
(if"s, for he fel" "he& were a +er& serio#s ,in$ of )resen".
3S#san, E+e2s Da#(h"er,3 sai$ 7a"her Chris"%as. 3These are for &o#,3 an$ he han$e$ her a
'ow an$ a 9#i+er f#ll of arrows an$ a li""le i+or& horn. 3Yo# %#s" #se "he 'ow onl& in (rea"
nee$,3 he sai$, 3for I $o no" %ean &o# "o fi(h" in "he 'a""le. I" $oes no" easil& %iss. An$
when &o# )#" "his horn "o &o#r li)s0 an$ 'low i", "hen, where+er &o# are, I "hin, hel) of
so%e ,in$ will co%e "o &o#.3
Las" of all he sai$, 3L#c&, E+e2s Da#(h"er,3 an$ L#c& ca%e forwar$. He (a+e her a li""le
'o""le of wha" loo,e$ li,e (lass .'#" )eo)le sai$ af"erwar$s "ha" i" was %a$e of $ia%on$/
an$ a s%all $a((er. 3In "his 'o""le,3 he sai$, 3"here is cor$ial %a$e of "he 8#ice of one of "he
fireflowers "ha" (row in "he %o#n"ains of "he s#n. If &o# or an& of &o#r frien$s is h#r", a
few $ro)s of "his res"ore "he%. An$ "he $a((er is "o $efen$ &o#rse a" (rea" nee$. 7or &o#
also are no" "o 'e in 'a""le.3
3Wh&, sir53 sai$ L#c&. 3I "hin, * I $on2" ,now '#" I "hin, I co#l$ 'e 'ra+e eno#(h.3
3Tha" is no" "he )oin",3 he sai$. 3B#" 'a""les are #(l& when wo%en fi(h". An$ now3 * here
he s#$$enl& loo,e$ less (ra+e * 3here is so%e"hin( for "he %o%en" for &o# all43 an$ he
'ro#(h" o#" .I s#))ose fro% "he 'i( 'a( a" his 'ac,, '#" no'o$& 9#i"e saw hi% $o i"/ a lar(e
"ra& con"ainin( fi+e c#)s an$ sa#cers, a 'owl of l#%) s#(ar, a 8#( of crea%, an$ a (rea" 'i(
"ea)o" all si<<lin( an$ )i)in( ho". Then he crie$ o#" 3-err& Chris"%as4 Lon( li+e "he "r#e
!in(43 an$ crac,e$ his whi), an$ he an$ "he rein$eer an$ "he sle$(e an$ all were o#" of
si(h" 'efore an&one reali<e$ "ha" "he& ha$ s"ar"e$.
Pe"er ha$ 8#s" $rawn his swor$ o#" of i"s shea"h an$ was showin( i" "o -r Bea+er, when
-rs Bea+er sai$:
3Now "hen, now "hen4 Don2" s"an$ "al,in( "here "ill "he "ea2s (o" col$. >#s" li,e %en. Co%e
an$ hel) "o carr& "he "ra& $own an$ we2ll ha+e 'rea,fas". Wha" a %erc& I "ho#(h" of
'rin(in( "he 'rea$*,nife.3
So $own "he s"ee) 'an, "he& wen" an$ 'ac, "o "he ca+e, an$ -r Bea+er c#" so%e of "he
'rea$ an$ ha% in"o san$wiches an$ -rs Bea+er )o#re$ o#" "he "ea an$ e+er&one en8o&e$
"he%sel+es. B#" lon( 'efore "he& ha$ finishe$ en8o&in( "he%sel+es -r Bea+er sai$, 3Ti%e
"o 'e %o+in( on now.3
ED-ND %eanwhile ha$ 'een ha+in( a %os" $isa))oin"in( "i%e. When "he $warf ha$
(one "o (e" "he sle$(e rea$& he e1)ec"e$ "ha" "he Wi"ch wo#l$ s"ar" 'ein( nice "o hi%, as
she ha$ 'een a" "heir las" %ee"in(. B#" she sai$ no"hin( a" all. An$ when a" las" E$%#n$
)l#c,e$ #) his co#ra(e "o sa&, 3Please, &o#r -a8es"&, co#l$ I ha+e so%e T#r,ish Deli(h"5
Yo# * &o# * sai$ *3 she answere$, 3Silence, fool43 Then she a))eare$ "o chan(e her %in$
an$ sai$, as if "o herself, a 3An$ &e" i" will no" $o "o ha+e "he 'ra" fain"in( on "he wa&,3 an$
once %ore cla))e$ her han$s. Ano"her, $warf a))eare$.
3Brin( "he h#%an crea"#re foo$ an$ $rin,,3 she sai$.
The $warf wen" awa& an$ )resen"l& re"#rne$ 'rin(in( an iron 'owl wi"h so%e wa"er in i"
an$ an iron )la"e wi"h a h#n, of $r& 'rea$ on i". He (rinne$ in a re)#lsi+e %anner as he se"
"he% $own on "he floor 'esi$e E$%#n$ an$ sai$:
3T#r,ish Deli(h" for "he li""le Prince. Ha4 Ha4 Ha43
3Ta,e i" awa&,3 sai$ E$%#n$ s#l,il&. 3I $on2" wan" $r& 'rea$.3 B#" "he Wi"ch s#$$enl&
"#rne$ on hi% wi"h s#ch a "erri'le e1)ression on her face "ha" he, a)olo(i<e$ an$ 'e(an "o
ni''le a" "he 'rea$, "ho#(h, i" was so s"ale he co#l$ har$l& (e" i" $own.
3Yo# %a& 'e (la$ eno#(h of i" 'efore &o# "as"e 'rea$ a(ain,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch.
While he was s"ill chewin( awa& "he firs" $warf ca%e 'ac, an$ anno#nce$ "ha" "he sle$(e
was rea$&. The Whi"e Wi"ch rose an$ wen" o#", or$erin( E$%#n$ "o (o wi"h her. The snow
was a(ain fallin( as "he& ca%e in"o "he co#r"&ar$, '#" she "oo, no no"ice of "ha" an$ %a$e
E$%#n$ si" 'esi$e her on "he sle$(e. B#" 'efore "he& $ro+e off she calle$ -a#(ri% an$ he
ca%e 'o#n$in( li,e an enor%o#s $o( "o "he si$e of "he sle$(e.
3Ta,e wi"h &o# "he swif"es" of &o#r wol+es an$ (o a" once "o "he ho#se of "he Bea+ers,3
sai$ "he Wi"ch, 3an$ ,ill wha"e+er &o# fin$ "here. If "he& are alrea$& (one, "hen %a,e all
s)ee$ "o "he S"one Ta'le, '#" $o no" 'e seen. Wai" for %e "here in hi$in(. I %eanwhile %#s"
(o %an& %iles "o "he Wes" 'efore I fin$ a )lace where I can $ri+e across "he ri+er. Yo# %a&
o+er"a,e "hese h#%ans 'efore "he& reach "he S"one Ta'le. Yo# will ,now wha" "o $o if &o#
fin$ "he%43
3I hear an$ o'e&, O =#een,3 (rowle$ "he Wolf, an$ i%%e$ia"el& he sho" awa& in"o "he
snow an$ $ar,ness, as 9#ic,l& as a horse can (allo). In a few %in#"es he ha$ calle$ ano"her
wolf an$ was wi"h hi% $own on "he $a% sniffin( a" "he Bea+ers2 ho#se. B#" of co#rse "he&
fo#n$ i" e%)"&. I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een a $rea$f#l "hin( for "he Bea+ers an$ "he chil$ren if "he
ni(h" ha$ re%aine$ fine, for "he wol+es wo#l$ "hen ha+e 'een a'le "o follow "heir "rail * an$
"en "o one wo#l$ ha+e o+er"a,en "he% 'efore "he& ha$ (o" "o "he ca+e. B#" now "ha" "he
snow ha$ 'e(#n a(ain "he scen" was col$ an$ e+en "he foo")rin"s were co+ere$ #).
-eanwhile "he $warf whi))e$ #) "he rein$eer, an$ "he Wi"ch an$ E$%#n$ $ro+e o#" #n$er
"he archwa& an$ on an$ awa& in"o "he $ar,ness an$ "he col$. This was a "erri'le
8o#rne& for E$%#n$, who ha$ no coa". Before "he& ha$ 'een (oin( 9#ar"er of an ho#r all
"he fron" of hi% was co+ere$ wi"h snow * he soon s"o))e$ "r&in( "o sha,e i" off 'eca#se, as
9#ic,l& as he $i$ "ha", a new lo" (a"here$, an$ he was so "ire$. Soon he was we" "o "he s,in.
An$ oh, how %isera'le he was4 I" $i$n2" loo, now as if "he Wi"ch in"en$e$ "o %a,e hi% a
!in(. All "he "hin(s he ha$ sai$ "o %a,e hi%self 'elie+e "ha" she was (oo$ an$ ,in$ an$
"ha" her si$e was reall& "he ri(h" si$e so#n$e$ "o hi% sill& now. He wo#l$ ha+e (i+en
an&"hin( "o %ee" "he o"hers a" "his %o%en" * e+en Pe"er4 The onl& wa& "o co%for" hi%self
now was "o "r& "o 'elie+e "ha" "he whole "hin( was a $rea% an$ "ha" he %i(h" wa,e #) a"
an& %o%en". An$ as "he& wen" on, ho#r af"er ho#r, i" $i$ co%e "o see% li,e a $rea%.
This las"e$ lon(er "han I co#l$ $escri'e e+en if I wro"e )a(es an$ )a(es a'o#" i". B#" I will
s,i) on "o "he "i%e when "he snow ha$ s"o))e$ an$ "he %ornin( ha$ co%e an$ "he& were
racin( alon( in "he $a&li(h". An$ s"ill "he& wen" on an$ on, wi"h no so#n$ '#" "he
e+erlas"in( swish of "he snow an$ "he crea,in( of "he rein$eer2s harness. An$ "hen a" las"
"he Wi"ch sai$, 3Wha" ha+e we here5 S"o)43 an$ "he& $i$.
How E$%#n$ ho)e$ she was (oin( "o sa& so%e"hin( a'o#" 'rea,fas"4 B#" she ha$ s"o))e$
for 9#i"e a $ifferen" reason. A li""le wa& off a" "he foo" of a "ree sa" a %err& )ar"&, a s9#irrel
an$ his wife wi"h "heir chil$ren an$ "wo sa"&rs an$ a $warf an$ an ol$ $o(fo1, all on s"ools
ro#n$ a "a'le. E$%#n$ co#l$n2" 9#i"e see wha" "he& were ea"in(, '#" i" s%elle$ lo+el& an$
"here see%e$ "o 'e $ecora"ions of holl& an$ he wasn2" a" all s#re "ha" he $i$n2" see
so%e"hin( li,e a )l#% )#$$in(. A" "he %o%en" when "he sle$(e s"o))e$, "he 7o1, who was
o'+io#sl& "he ol$es" )erson )resen", ha$ 8#s" risen "o i"s fee", hol$in( a (lass in i"s ri(h" )aw
as if i" was (oin( "o sa& so%e"hin(. B#" when "he whole )ar"& saw "he sle$(e s"o))in( an$
who was in i", all "he (aie"& wen" o#" of "heir faces. The fa"her s9#irrel s"o))e$ ea"in( wi"h
his for, half*wa& "o his %o#"h an$ one of "he sa"&rs s"o))e$ wi"h i"s for, ac"#all& in i"s
%o#"h, an$ "he 'a'& s9#irrels s9#ea,e$ wi"h "error.
3Wha" is "he %eanin( of "his53 as,e$ "he Wi"ch =#een. No'o$& answere$.
3S)ea,, +er%in43 she sai$ a(ain. 3Or $o &o# wan" %& $warf "o fin$ &o# a "on(#e wi"h his
whi)5 Wha" is "he %eanin( of all "his (l#""on&, "his was"e, "his selfin$#l(ence5 Where $i$
&o# (e" all "hese "hin(s53
3Please, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ "he 7o1, 3we were (i+en "he%. An$ if I %i(h" %a,e so 'ol$ as
"o $rin, &o#r -a8es"&2s +er& (oo$ heal"h * 3
3Who (a+e "he% "o &o#53 sai$ "he Wi"ch.
37*7*7*7a"her Chris"%as,3 s"a%%ere$ "he 7o1.
3Wha"53 roare$ "he Wi"ch, s)rin(in( fro% "he sle$(e an$ "a,in( a few s"ri$es nearer "o "he
"errifie$ ani%als. 3He has no" 'een here4 He canno" ha+e 'een here4 How $are &o# * '#" no.
Sa& &o# ha+e 'een l&in( an$ &o# shall e+en now 'e for(i+en.3
A" "ha" %o%en" one of "he &o#n( s9#irrels los" i"s hea$ co%)le"el&.
3He has * he has * he has43 i" s9#ea,e$, 'ea"in( i"s li""le s)oon on "he "a'le. E$%#n$ saw
"he Wi"ch 'i"e her li)s so "ha" a $ro) of 'loo$ a))eare$ on her whi"e chee,. Then she raise$
her wan$. 3Oh, $on2", $on2", )lease $on2",3 sho#"e$ E$%#n$, '#" e+en while he was sho#"in(
she ha$ wa+e$ her wan$ an$ ins"an"l& where "he %err& )ar"& ha$ 'een "here were onl&
s"a"#es of crea"#res .one wi"h i"s s"one for, fi1e$ fore+er half*wa& "o i"s s"one %o#"h/
sea"e$ ro#n$ a s"one "a'le on which "here were s"one )la"es an$ a s"one )l#% )#$$in(.
3As for &o#,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch, (i+in( E$%#n$ a s"#nnin( 'low on "he face as she re*
%o#n"e$ "he sle$(e, 3le" "ha" "each &o# "o as, fa+o#r for s)ies an$ "rai"ors. Dri+e on43 An$
E$%#n$ for "he firs" "i%e in "his s"or& fel" sorr& for so%eone 'esi$es hi%self. I" see%e$ so
)i"if#l "o "hin, of "hose li""le s"one fi(#res si""in( "here all "he silen" $a&s an$ all "he $ar,
ni(h"s, &ear af"er &ear, "ill "he %oss (rew on "he% an$ a" las" e+en "heir faces cr#%'le$
Now "he& were s"ea$il& racin( on a(ain. An$ soon E$%#n$ no"ice$ "ha" "he snow which
s)lashe$ a(ains" "he% as "he& r#she$ "hro#(h i" was %#ch we""er "han i" ha$ 'een all las"
ni(h". A" "he sa%e "i%e he no"ice$ "ha" he was feelin( %#ch less col$. I" was also 'eco%in(
fo((&. In fac" e+er& %in#"e i" (rew fo((ier an$ war%er. An$ "he sle$(e was no" r#nnin(
nearl& as well as i" ha$ 'een r#nnin( #) "ill now. A" firs" he "ho#(h" "his was 'eca#se "he
rein$eer were "ire$, '#" soon he saw "ha" "ha" co#l$n2" 'e "he real reason. The sle$(e 8er,e$,
an$ s,i$$e$ an$ ,e)" on 8ol"in( as if i" ha$ s"r#c, a(ains" s"ones. An$ howe+er "he $warf
whi))e$ "he )oor rein$eer "he sle$(e wen" slower an$ slower. There also see%e$ "o 'e a
c#rio#s noise all ro#n$ "he%, '#" "he noise of "heir $ri+in( an$ 8ol"in( an$ "he $warf2s
sho#"in( a" "he rein$eer )re+en"e$ E$%#n$ fro% hearin( wha" i" was, #n"il s#$$enl& "he
sle$(e s"#c, so fas" "ha" i" wo#l$n2" (o on a" all. When "ha" ha))ene$ "here was a %o%en"2s
silence. An$ in "ha" silence E$%#n$ co#l$ a" las" lis"en "o "he o"her noise )ro)erl&. A
s"ran(e, swee", r#s"lin(, cha""erin( noise * an$ &e" no" so s"ran(e, for he2$ hear$ i" 'efore * if
onl& he co#l$ re%e%'er where4 Then all a" once he $i$ re%e%'er. I" was "he noise of
r#nnin( wa"er. All ro#n$ "he% "ho#(h o#" of si(h", "here were s"rea%s, cha""erin(,
%#r%#rin(, '#''lin(, s)lashin( an$ e+en .in "he $is"ance/ roarin(. An$ his hear" (a+e a
(rea" lea) ."ho#(h he har$l& ,new wh&/ when he reali<e$ "ha" "he fros" was o+er. An$
%#ch nearer "here was a $ri)*$ri)*$ri) fro% "he 'ranches of all "he "rees. An$ "hen, as he
loo,e$ a" one "ree he saw a (rea" loa$ of snow sli$e off i" an$ for "he firs" "i%e since he ha$
en"ere$ Narnia he saw "he $ar, (reen of a fir "ree. B#" he ha$n2" "i%e "o lis"en or wa"ch an&
lon(er, for "he Wi"ch sai$:
3Don2" si" s"arin(, fool4 6e" o#" an$ hel).3
An$ of co#rse E$%#n$ ha$ "o o'e&. He s"e))e$ o#" in"o "he snow * '#" i" was reall& onl&
sl#sh '& now * an$ 'e(an hel)in( "he $warf "o (e" "he sle$(e o#" of "he %#$$& hole i" ha$
(o" in"o. The& (o" i" o#" in "he en$, an$ '& 'ein( +er& cr#el "o "he rein$eer "he $warf
%ana(e$ "o (e" i" on "he %o+e a(ain, an$ "he& $ro+e a li""le f#r"her. An$ now "he snow was
reall& %el"in( in earnes" an$ )a"ches of (reen (rass were 'e(innin( "o a))ear in
e+er& $irec"ion. nless &o# ha+e loo,e$ a" a worl$ of snow as lon( as E$%#n$ ha$ 'een
loo,in( a" i", &o# will har$l& 'e a'le "o i%a(ine wha" a relief "hose (reen )a"ches were af"er
"he en$less whi"e. Then "he sle$(e s"o))e$ a(ain.
3I"2s no (oo$, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ "he $warf. 3We can2" sle$(e in "his "haw.3
3Then we %#s" wal,,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch.
3We shall ne+er o+er"a,e "he% wal,in(,3 (rowle$ "he $warf. 3No" wi"h "he s"ar" "he&2+e
3Are &o# %& co#ncillor or %& sla+e53 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3Do as &o#2re "ol$. Tie "he han$s of
"he h#%an crea"#re 'ehin$ i" an$ ,ee) hol$ of "he en$ of "he ro)e. An$ "a,e &o#r whi). An$
c#" "he harness of "he rein$eer0 "he&2ll fin$ "heir own wa& ho%e.3
The $warf o'e&e$, an$ in a few %in#"es E$%#n$ fo#n$ hi%self 'ein( force$ "o wal, as
fas" as he co#l$ wi"h his han$s "ie$ 'ehin$ hi%. He ,e)" on sli))in( in "he sl#sh an$ %#$
an$ we" (rass, an$ e+er& "i%e he sli))e$ "he $warf (a+e hi% a c#rse an$ so%e"i%es a flic,
wi"h "he whi). The Wi"ch wal,e$ 'ehin$ "he $warf an$ ,e)" on sa&in(, 37as"er4 7as"er43
E+er& %o%en" "he )a"ches of (reen (rew 'i((er an$ "he )a"ches of s)ow (rew s%aller.
E+er& %o%en" %ore an$ %ore of "he "rees shoo, off "heir ro'es of snow. Soon, where+er
&o# loo,e$, ins"ea$ of whi"e sha)es &o# saw "he $ar, (reen of firs or "he 'lac, )ric,l&
'ranches of 'are oa,s an$ 'eeches an$ el%s. Then "he %is" "#rne$ fro% whi"e "o (ol$ an$
)resen"l& cleare$ awa& al"o(e"her. Shaf"s of $elicio#s s#nli(h" s"r#c, $own on "o "he fores"
floor an$ o+erhea$ &o# co#l$ see a 'l#e s,& 'e"ween "he "ree "o)s.
Soon "here were %ore won$erf#l "hin(s ha))enin(. Co%in( s#$$enl& ro#n$ a corner in"o a
(la$e of sil+er 'irch "rees E$%#n$ saw "he (ro#n$ co+ere$ in all $irec"ions wi"h li""le
&ellow flowers * celan$ines. The noise of wa"er (rew lo#$er. Presen"l& "he& ac"#all&
crosse$ a s"rea%. Be&on$ i" "he& fo#n$ snow$ro)s (rowin(.
3-in$ &o#r own '#siness43 sai$ "he $warf when he saw "ha" E$%#n$ ha$ "#rne$ his hea$ "o
loo, a" "he%0 an$ he (a+e "he ro)e a +icio#s 8er,.
B#" of co#rse "his $i$n2" )re+en" E$%#n$ fro% seein(. Onl& fi+e %in#"es la"er he no"ice$ a
$o<en croc#ses (rowin( ro#n$ "he foo" of an ol$ "ree * (ol$ an$ )#r)le an$ whi"e. Then
ca%e a so#n$ e+en %ore $elicio#s "han "he so#n$ of "he wa"er. Close 'esi$e "he )a"h "he&
were followin( a 'ir$ s#$$enl& chir)e$ fro% "he 'ranch of a "ree. I" was answere$ '& "he
ch#c,le of ano"her 'ir$ a li""le f#r"her off. An$ "hen, as if "ha" ha$ 'een a si(nal, "here was
cha""erin( an$ chirr#)in( in e+er& $irec"ion, an$ "hen a %o%en" of f#ll son(, an$ wi"hin
fi+e %in#"es "he whole woo$ was rin(in( wi"h 'ir$s2 %#sic, an$ where+er E$%#n$2s e&es
"#rne$ he saw 'ir$s ali(h"in( on 'ranches, or sailin( o+erhea$ or chasin( one ano"her or
ha+in( "heir li""le 9#arrels or "i$&in( #) "heir fea"hers wi"h "heir 'ea,s.
37as"er4 7as"er43 sai$ "he Wi"ch.
There was no "race of "he fo( now. The s,& 'eca%e 'l#er an$ 'l#er, an$ now "here were
whi"e clo#$s h#rr&in( across i" fro% "i%e "o "i%e. In "he wi$e (la$es "here were )ri%roses.
A li(h" 'ree<e s)ran( #) which sca""ere$ $ro)s of %ois"#re fro% "he swa&in( 'ranches an$
carrie$ cool, $elicio#s scen"s a(ains" "he faces of "he "ra+ellers. The "rees 'e(an "o co%e
f#ll& ali+e. The larches an$ 'irches were co+ere$ wi"h (reen, "he la'#rn#%s wi"h (ol$.
Soon "he 'eech "rees ha$ )#" for"h "heir $elica"e, "rans)aren" lea+es. As "he "ra+ellers
wal,e$ #n$er "he% "he li(h" also 'eca%e (reen. A 'ee '#<<e$ across "heir )a"h.
3This is no "haw,3 sai$ "he $warf, s#$$enl& s"o))in(. 3This is S)rin(. Wha" are we "o $o5
Yo#r win"er has 'een $es"ro&e$, I "ell &o#4 This is Aslan2s $oin(.3
3If ei"her of &o# %en"ion "ha" na%e a(ain,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch, 3he shall ins"an"l& 'e ,ille$.3
WHILE "he $warf an$ "he Whi"e Wi"ch were sa&in( "his, %iles awa& "he Bea+ers an$ "he
chil$ren were wal,in( on ho#r af"er ho#r in"o wha" see%e$ a $elicio#s $rea%. Lon( a(o
"he& ha$ lef" "he coa"s 'ehin$ "he%. An$ '& now "he& ha$ e+en s"o))e$ sa&in( "o one
ano"her, 3Loo,4 "here2s a ,in(fisher,3 or 3I sa&, 'l#e'ells43 or 3Wha" was "ha" lo+el& s%ell53
or 3>#s" lis"en "o "ha" "hr#sh43 The& wal,e$ on in silence $rin,in( i" all in, )assin( "hro#(h
)a"ches of war% s#nli(h" in"o cool, (reen "hic,e"s an$ o#" a(ain in"o wi$e %oss& (la$es
where "all el%s raise$ "he leaf& roof far o+erhea$, an$ "hen in"o $ense %asses of flowerin(
c#rran" an$ a%on( haw"horn '#shes where "he swee" s%ell was al%os" o+er)owerin(.
The& ha$ 'een 8#s" as s#r)rise$ as E$%#n$ when "he& saw "he win"er +anishin( an$ "he
whole woo$ )assin( in a few ho#rs or so fro% >an#ar& "o -a&. The& ha$n2" e+en ,nown for
cer"ain .as "he Wi"ch $i$/ "ha" "his was wha" wo#l$ ha))en when Aslan ca%e "o Narnia. B#"
"he& all ,new "ha" i" was her s)ells which ha$ )ro$#ce$ "he en$less win"er0 an$ "herefore
"he& all ,new when "his %a(ic s)rin( 'e(an "ha" so%e"hin( ha$ (one wron(, an$ 'a$l&
wron(, wi"h "he Wi"ch2s sche%es. An$ af"er "he "haw ha$ 'een (oin( on for so%e "i%e "he&
all reali<e$ "ha" "he Wi"ch wo#l$ no lon(er 'e a'le "o #se her sle$(e. Af"er "ha" "he& $i$n2"
h#rr& so %#ch an$ "he& allowe$ "he%sel+es %ore res"s an$ lon(er ones. The& were )re""&
"ire$ '& now of co#rse0 '#" no" wha" I2$ call 'i""erl& "ire$ * onl& slow an$ feelin( +er&
$rea%& an$ 9#ie" insi$e as one $oes when one is co%in( "o "he en$ of a lon( $a& in "he
o)en. S#san ha$ a sli(h" 'lis"er on one heel.
The& ha$ lef" "he co#rse of "he 'i( ri+er so%e "i%e a(o0 for one ha$ "o "#rn a li""le "o "he
ri(h" ."ha" %ean" a li""le "o "he so#"h/ "o reach "he )lace of "he S"one Ta'le. E+en if "his ha$
no" 'een "heir wa& "he& co#l$n2" ha+e ,e)" "o "he ri+er +alle& once "he "haw 'e(an, for wi"h
all "ha" %el"in( snow "he ri+er was soon in floo$ * a won$erf#l, roarin(, "h#n$erin( &ellow
floo$ * an$ "heir )a"h wo#l$ ha+e 'een #n$er wa"er.
An$ now "he s#n (o" low an$ "he li(h" (o" re$$er an$ "he sha$ows (o" lon(er an$ "he
flowers 'e(an "o "hin, a'o#" closin(.
3No" lon( now,3 sai$ -r Bea+er, an$ 'e(an lea$in( "he% #)hill across so%e +er& $ee),
s)rin(& %oss .i" fel" nice #n$er "heir "ire$ fee"/ in a )lace where onl& "all "rees (rew, +er&
wi$e a)ar". The cli%', co%in( a" "he en$ of "he lon( $a&, %a$e "he% all )an" an$ 'low.
An$ 8#s" as L#c& was won$erin( whe"her she co#l$ reall& (e" "o "he "o) wi"ho#" ano"her
lon( res", s#$$enl& "he& were a" "he "o). An$ "his is wha" "he& saw.
The& were on a (reen o)en s)ace fro% which &o# co#l$ loo, $own on "he fores" s)rea$in(
as far as one co#l$ see in e+er& $irec"ion * e1ce)" ri(h" ahea$. There, far "o "he Eas", was
so%e"hin( "win,lin( an$ %o+in(. 3B& (#%43 whis)ere$ Pe"er "o S#san, 3"he sea43 In "he
+er& %i$$le of "his o)en hill*"o) was "he S"one Ta'le. I" was a (rea" (ri% sla' of (re& s"one
s#))or"e$ on fo#r #)ri(h" s"ones. I" loo,e$ +er& ol$0 an$ i" was c#" all o+er wi"h s"ran(e
lines an$ fi(#res "ha" %i(h" 'e "he le""ers of an #n,nown lan(#a(e. The& (a+e &o# a c#rio#s
feelin( when &o# loo,e$ a" "he%. The ne1" "hin( "he& saw was a )a+ilion )i"che$ on one
si$e of "he o)en )lace. A won$erf#l )a+ilion i" was * an$ es)eciall& now when "he li(h" of
"he se""in( s#n fell #)on i" * wi"h si$es of wha" loo,e$ li,e &ellow sil, an$ cor$s of cri%son
an$ "en"*)e(s of i+or&0 an$ hi(h a'o+e i" on a )ole a 'anner which 'ore a re$ ra%)an" lion
fl#""erin( in "he 'ree<e which was 'lowin( in "heir faces fro% "he far*off sea. While "he&
were loo,in( a" "his "he& hear$ a so#n$ of %#sic on "heir ri(h"0 an$ "#rnin( in "ha" $irec"ion
"he& saw wha" "he& ha$ co%e "o see.
Aslan s"oo$ in "he cen"re of a crow$ of crea"#res who ha$ (ro#)e$ "he%sel+es ro#n$ hi% in
"he sha)e of a half*%oon. There were Tree*Wo%en "here an$ Well*Wo%en .Dr&a$s an$
Naia$s as "he& #se$ "o 'e calle$ in o#r worl$/ who ha$ s"rin(e$ ins"r#%en"s0 i" was "he&
who ha$ %a$e "he %#sic. There were fo#r (rea" cen"a#rs. The horse )ar" of "he% was li,e
h#(e En(lish far% horses, an$ "he %an )ar" was li,e s"ern '#" 'ea#"if#l (ian"s. There was
also a #nicorn, an$ a '#ll wi"h "he hea$ of a %an, an$ a )elican, an$ an ea(le, an$ a (rea"
Do(. An$ ne1" "o Aslan s"oo$ "wo leo)ar$s of who% one carrie$ his crown an$ "he o"her
his s"an$ar$.
B#" as for Aslan hi%self, "he Bea+ers an$ "he chil$ren $i$n2" ,now wha" "o $o or sa& when
"he& saw hi%. Peo)le who ha+e no" 'een in Narnia so%e"i%es "hin, "ha" a "hin( canno" 'e
(oo$ an$ "erri'le a" "he sa%e "i%e. If "he chil$ren ha$ e+er "ho#(h" so, "he& were c#re$ of i"
now. 7or when "he& "rie$ "o loo, a" Aslan2s face "he& 8#s" ca#(h" a (li%)se of "he (ol$en
%ane an$ "he (rea", ro&al, sole%n, o+erwhel%in( e&es0 an$ "hen "he& fo#n$ "he& co#l$n2"
loo, a" hi% an$ wen" all "re%'l&.
36o on,3 whis)ere$ -r Bea+er.
3No,3 whis)ere$ Pe"er, 3&o# firs".3
3No, Sons of A$a% 'efore ani%als,3 whis)ere$ -r Bea+er 'ac, a(ain.
3S#san,3 whis)ere$ Pe"er, 3Wha" a'o#" &o#5 La$ies firs".3
3No, &o#2re "he el$es",3 whis)ere$ S#san. An$ of co#rse "he lon(er "he& wen" on $oin( "his
"he %ore aw,war$ "he& fel". Then a" las" Pe"er reali<e$ "ha" i" was #) "o hi%. He $rew his
swor$ an$ raise$ i" "o "he sal#"e an$ has"il& sa&in( "o "he o"hers 3Co%e on. P#ll &o#rsel+es
"o(e"her,3 he a$+ance$ "o "he Lion an$ sai$:
3We ha+e co%e * Aslan.3
3Welco%e, Pe"er, Son of A$a%,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Welco%e, S#san an$ L#c&, Da#(h"ers of
E+e. Welco%e He*Bea+er an$ She*Bea+er.3
His +oice was $ee) an$ rich an$ so%ehow "oo, "he fi$(e"s o#" of "he%. The& now fel" (la$
an$ 9#ie" an$ i" $i$n2" see% aw,war$ "o "he% "o s"an$ an$ sa& no"hin(.
3B#" where is "he fo#r"h53 as,e$ Aslan.
3He has "rie$ "o 'e"ra& "he% an$ 8oine$ "he Whi"e Wi"ch, O Aslan,3 sai$ -r Bea+er. An$
"hen so%e"hin( %a$e Pe"er sa&,
3Tha" was )ar"l& %& fa#l", Aslan. I was an(r& wi"h hi% an$ I "hin, "ha" hel)e$ hi% "o (o
An$ Aslan sai$ no"hin( ei"her "o e1c#se Pe"er or "o 'la%e hi% '#" %erel& s"oo$ loo,in( a"
hi% wi"h his (rea" #nchan(in( e&es. An$ i" see%e$ "o all of "he% "ha" "here was no"hin( "o
'e sai$.
3Please * Aslan,3 sai$ L#c&, 3can an&"hin( 'e $one "o sa+e E$%#n$53
3All shall 'e $one,3 sai$ Aslan. 3B#" i" %a& 'e har$er "han &o# "hin,.3 An$ "hen he was
silen" a(ain for so%e "i%e. ) "o "ha" %o%en" L#c& ha$ 'een "hin,in( how ro&al an$
s"ron( an$ )eacef#l his face loo,e$0 now i" s#$$enl& ca%e in"o her hea$ "ha" he loo,e$ sa$
as well. B#" ne1" %in#"e "ha" e1)ression was 9#i"e (one. The Lion shoo, his %ane an$
cla))e$ his )aws "o(e"her .3Terri'le )aws,3 "ho#(h" L#c&, 3if he $i$n2" ,now how "o +el+e"
"he%43/ an$ sai$,
3-eanwhile, le" "he feas" 'e )re)are$. La$ies, "a,e "hese Da#(h"ers of E+e "o "he )a+ilion
an$ %inis"er "o "he%.3
When "he (irls ha$ (one Aslan lai$ his )aw * an$ "ho#(h i" was +el+e"e$ i" was +er& hea+&
* on Pe"er2s sho#l$er an$ sai$, 3Co%e, Son of A$a%, an$ I will show &o# a far*off si(h" of
"he cas"le where &o# are "o 'e !in(.3
An$ Pe"er wi"h his swor$ s"ill $rawn in his han$ wen" wi"h "he Lion "o "he eas"ern e$(e of
"he hill"o). There a 'ea#"if#l si(h" %e" "heir e&es. The s#n was se""in( 'ehin$ "heir 'ac,s.
Tha" %ean" "ha" "he whole co#n"r& 'elow "he% la& in "he e+enin( li(h" * fores" an$ hills an$
+alle&s an$, win$in( awa& li,e a sil+er sna,e, "he lower )ar" of "he (rea" ri+er. An$ 'e&on$
all "his, %iles awa&, was "he sea, an$ 'e&on$ "he sea "he s,&, f#ll of clo#$s which were 8#s"
"#rnin( rose colo#r wi"h "he reflec"ion of "he s#nse". B#" 8#s" where "he lan$ of Narnia %e"
"he sea * in fac", a" "he %o#"h of "he (rea" ri+er * "here was so%e"hin( on a li""le hill,
shinin(. I" was shinin( 'eca#se i" was a cas"le an$ of co#rse "he s#nli(h" was reflec"e$ fro%
all "he win$ows which loo,e$ "owar$s Pe"er an$ "he s#nse"0 '#" "o Pe"er i" loo,e$ li,e a
(rea" s"ar res"in( on "he seashore.
3Tha", O -an,3 sai$ Aslan, 3is Cair Para+el of "he fo#r "hrones, in one of which &o# %#s"
si" as !in(. I show i" "o &o# 'eca#se &o# are "he firs"*'orn an$ &o# will 'e Hi(h !in( o+er
all "he res".3
An$ once %ore Pe"er sai$ no"hin(, for a" "ha" %o%en" a s"ran(e noise wo,e "he silence
s#$$enl&. I" was li,e a '#(le, '#" richer.
3I" is &o#r sis"er2s horn,3 sai$ Aslan "o Pe"er in a low +oice0 so low as "o 'e al%os" a )#rr, if
i" is no" $isres)ec"f#l "o "hin, of a Lion )#rrin(.
7or a %o%en" Pe"er $i$ no" #n$ers"an$. Then, when he saw all "he o"her crea"#res s"ar"
forwar$ an$ hear$ Aslan sa& wi"h a wa+e of his )aw, 3Bac,4 Le" "he Prince win his s)#rs,3
he $i$ #n$ers"an$, an$ se" off r#nnin( as har$ as he co#l$ "o "he )a+ilion. An$ "here he saw
a $rea$f#l si(h".
The Naia$s an$ Dr&a$s were sca""erin( in e+er& $irec"ion. L#c& was r#nnin( "owar$s hi%
as fas" as her shor" le(s wo#l$ carr& her an$ her face was as whi"e as )a)er. Then he saw
S#san %a,e a $ash for a "ree, an$ swin( herself #), followe$ '& a h#(e (re& 'eas". A" firs"
Pe"er "ho#(h" i" was a 'ear. Then he saw "ha" i" loo,e$ li,e an Alsa"ian, "ho#(h i" was far
"oo 'i( "o 'e a $o(. Then he reali<e$ "ha" i" was a wolf * a wolf s"an$in( on i"s hin$ le(s,
wi"h i"s fron" )aws a(ains" "he "ree*"r#n,, sna))in( an$ snarlin(. All "he hair on i"s 'ac,
s"oo$ #) on en$. S#san ha$ no" 'een a'le "o (e" hi(her "han "he secon$ 'i( 'ranch. One of
her le(s h#n( $own so "ha" her foo" was onl& an inch or "wo a'o+e "he sna))in( "ee"h. Pe"er
won$ere$ wh& she $i$ no" (e" hi(her or a" leas" "a,e a 'e""er (ri)0 "hen he reali<e$ "ha" she
was 8#s" (oin( "o fain" an$ "ha" if she fain"e$ she wo#l$ fall off.
Pe"er $i$ no" feel +er& 'ra+e0 in$ee$, he fel" he was (oin( "o 'e sic,. B#" "ha" %a$e no
$ifference "o wha" he ha$ "o $o. He r#she$ s"rai(h" #) "o "he %ons"er an$ ai%e$ a slash of
his swor$ a" i"s si$e. Tha" s"ro,e ne+er reache$ "he Wolf. =#ic, as li(h"nin( i" "#rne$
ro#n$, i"s e&es fla%in(, an$ i"s %o#"h wi$e o)en in a howl of an(er. If i" ha$ no" 'een so
an(r& "ha" i" si%)l& ha$ "o howl i" wo#l$ ha+e (o" hi% '& "he "hroa" a" once. As i" was *
"ho#(h all "his ha))ene$ "oo 9#ic,l& for Pe"er "o "hin, a" all * he ha$ 8#s" "i%e "o $#c, $own
an$ )l#n(e his swor$, as har$ as he co#l$, 'e"ween "he 'r#"e2s forele(s in"o i"s hear". Then
ca%e a horri'le, conf#se$ %o%en" li,e so%e"hin( in a ni(h"%are. He was "#((in( an$
)#llin( an$ "he Wolf see%e$ nei"her ali+e nor $ea$, an$ i"s 'are$ "ee"h ,noc,e$ a(ains" his
forehea$, an$ e+er&"hin( was 'loo$ an$ hea" an$ hair. A %o%en" la"er he fo#n$ "ha" "he
%ons"er la& $ea$ an$ he ha$ $rawn his swor$ o#" of i" an$ was s"rai(h"enin( his 'ac, an$
r#''in( "he swea" off his face an$ o#" of his e&es. He fel" "ire$ all o+er.
Then, af"er a 'i", S#san ca%e $own "he "ree. She an$ Pe"er fel" )re""& sha,& when "he& %e"
an$ I won2" sa& "here wasn2" ,issin( an$ cr&in( on 'o"h si$es. B#" in Narnia no one "hin,s
an& "he worse of &o# for "ha".
3=#ic,4 =#ic,43 sho#"e$ "he +oice of Aslan. 3Cen"a#rs4 Ea(les4 I see ano"her wolf in "he
"hic,e"s. There * 'ehin$ &o#. He has 8#s" $ar"e$ awa&. Af"er hi%, all of &o#. He will 'e
(oin( "o his %is"ress. Now is &o#r chance "o fin$ "he Wi"ch an$ resc#e "he fo#r"h Son of
A$a%.3 An$ ins"an"l& wi"h a "h#n$er of hoofs an$ 'ea"in( of win(s a $o<en or so of "he
swif"es" crea"#res $isa))eare$ in"o "he (a"herin( $ar,ness.
Pe"er, s"ill o#" of 'rea"h, "#rne$ an$ saw Aslan close a" han$.
3Yo# ha+e for(o""en "o clean &o#r swor$,3 sai$ Aslan.
I" was "r#e. Pe"er 'l#she$ when he loo,e$ a" "he 'ri(h" 'la$e an$ saw i" all s%eare$ wi"h
"he Wolf2s hair an$ 'loo$. He s"oo)e$ $own an$ wi)e$ i" 9#i"e clean on "he (rass, an$ "hen
wi)e$ i" 9#i"e $r& on his coa".
3Han$ i" "o %e an$ ,neel, Son of A$a%,3 sai$ Aslan. An$ when Pe"er ha$ $one so he s"r#c,
hi% wi"h "he fla" of "he 'la$e an$ sai$, 3Rise #), Sir Pe"er Wolf2s*Bane. An$, wha"e+er
ha))ens, ne+er for(e" "o wi)e &o#r swor$.3
Now we %#s" (e" 'ac, "o E$%#n$. When he ha$ 'een %a$e "o wal, far f#r"her "han he ha$
e+er ,nown "ha" an&'o$& co#l$ wal,, "he Wi"ch a" las" hal"e$ in a $ar, +alle& all
o+ersha$owe$ wi"h fir "rees an$ &ew "rees. E$%#n$ si%)l& san, $own an$ la& on his face
$oin( no"hin( a" all an$ no" e+en carin( wha" was (oin( "o ha))en ne1" )ro+i$e$ "he&
wo#l$ le" hi% lie s"ill. He was "oo "ire$ e+en "o no"ice how h#n(r& an$ "hirs"& he was. The
Wi"ch an$ "he $warf were "al,in( close 'esi$e hi% in low "ones.
3No,3 sai$ "he $warf, 3i" is no #se now, O =#een. The& %#s" ha+e reache$ "he S"one Ta'le
'& now.3
3Perha)s "he Wolf will s%ell #s o#" an$ 'rin( #s news,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch.
3I" canno" 'e (oo$ news if he $oes,3 sai$ "he $warf.
37o#r "hrones in Cair Para+el,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3How if onl& "hree were fille$5 Tha" wo#l$
no" f#lfil "he )ro)hec&.3
3Wha" $ifference wo#l$ "ha" %a,e now "ha" He is here53 sai$ "he $warf. He $i$ no" $are,
e+en now, "o %en"ion "he na%e of Aslan "o his %is"ress.
3He %a& no" s"a& lon(. An$ "hen * we wo#l$ fall #)on "he "hree a" Cair.3
3Ye" i" %i(h" 'e 'e""er,3 sai$ "he $warf, 3"o ,ee) "his one3 .here he ,ic,e$ E$%#n$/ 3for
'ar(ainin( wi"h.3
3Yes4 an$ ha+e hi% resc#e$,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch scornf#ll&.
3Then,3 sai$ "he $warf, 3we ha$ 'e""er $o wha" we ha+e "o $o a" once.3
3I wo#l$ li,e "o ha+e i" $one on "he S"one Ta'le i"self,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3Tha" is "he )ro)er
)lace. Tha" is where i" has alwa&s 'een $one 'efore.3
3I" will 'e a lon( "i%e now 'efore "he S"one Ta'le can a(ain 'e )#" "o i"s )ro)er #se,3 sai$
"he $warf.
3Tr#e,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch0 an$ "hen, 3Well, I will 'e(in.3
A" "ha" %o%en" wi"h a r#sh an$ a snarl a Wolf r#she$ #) "o "he%.
3I ha+e seen "he%. The& are all a" "he S"one Ta'le, wi"h Hi%. The& ha+e ,ille$ %& ca)"ain,
-a#(ri%. I was hi$$en in "he "hic,e"s an$ saw i" all. One of "he Sons of A$a% ,ille$ hi%.
7l&4 7l&43
3No,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3There nee$ 'e no fl&in(. 6o 9#ic,l&. S#%%on all o#r )eo)le "o
%ee" %e here as s)ee$il& as "he& can. Call o#" "he (ian"s an$ "he werewol+es an$ "he s)iri"s
of "hose "rees who are on o#r si$e. Call "he 6ho#ls, an$ "he Bo((les, "he O(res an$ "he
-ino"a#rs. Call "he Cr#els, "he Ha(s, "he S)ec"res, an$ "he )eo)le of "he Toa$s"ools. We
will fi(h". Wha"5 Ha+e I no" s"ill %& wan$5 Will no" "heir ran,s "#rn in"o s"one e+en as "he&
co%e on5 Be off 9#ic,l&, I ha+e a li""le "hin( "o finish here while &o# are awa&.3
The (rea" 'r#"e 'owe$ i"s hea$, "#rne$, an$ (allo)e$ awa&.
3Now43 she sai$, 3we ha+e no "a'le * le" %e see. We ha$ 'e""er )#" i" a(ains" "he "r#n, of a
E$%#n$ fo#n$ hi%self 'ein( ro#(hl& force$ "o his fee". Then "he $warf se" hi% wi"h his
'ac, a(ains" a "ree an$ 'o#n$ hi% fas". He saw "he Wi"ch "a,e off her o#"er %an"le. Her
ar%s were 'are #n$ernea"h i" an$ "erri'l& whi"e. Beca#se "he& were so +er& whi"e he co#l$
see "he%, '#" he co#l$ no" see %#ch else, i" was so $ar, in "his +alle& #n$er "he $ar, "rees.
3Pre)are "he +ic"i%,3, sai$ "he Wi"ch. An$ "he $warf #n$i$ E$%#n$2s collar an$ fol$e$
'ac, his shir" a" "he nec,. Then he "oo, E$%#n$2s hair an$ )#lle$ his hea$ 'ac, so "ha" he
ha$ "o raise his chin. Af"er "ha" E$%#n$ hear$ a s"ran(e noise * whi<< whi<< * whi<<. 7or a
%o%en" he co#l$n2" "hin, wha" i" was. Then he reali<e$. I" was "he so#n$ of a ,nife 'ein(
A" "ha" +er& %o%en" he hear$ lo#$ sho#"s fro% e+er& $irec"ion * a $r#%%in( of hoofs an$
a 'ea"in( of win(s * a screa% fro% "he Wi"ch * conf#sion all ro#n$ hi%. An$ "hen he fo#n$
he was 'ein( #n"ie$. S"ron( ar%s were ro#n$ hi% an$ he hear$ 'i(, ,in$ +oices sa&in(
"hin(s li,e *
3Le" hi% lie $own * (i+e hi% so%e wine * $rin, "his * s"ea$& now * &o#2ll 'e all ri(h" in a
Then he hear$ "he +oices of )eo)le who were no" "al,in( "o hi% '#" "o one ano"her. An$
"he& were sa&in( "hin(s li,e 3Who2s (o" "he Wi"ch53 3I "ho#(h" &o# ha$ her.3 3I $i$n2" see
her af"er I ,noc,e$ "he ,nife o#" of her han$ * I was af"er "he $warf * $o &o# %ean "o sa&
she2s esca)e$53 3* A cha) can2" %in$ e+er&"hin( a" once * wha"2s "ha"5 Oh, sorr&, i"2s onl& an
ol$ s"#%)43 B#" 8#s" a" "his )oin" E$%#n$ wen" off in a $ea$ fain".
Presen"l& "he cen"a#rs an$ #nicorns an$ $eer an$ 'ir$s ."he& were of co#rse "he resc#e )ar"&
which Aslan ha$ sen" in "he las" cha)"er/ all se" off "o (o 'ac, "o "he S"one Ta'le, carr&in(
E$%#n$ wi"h "he%. B#" if "he& co#l$ ha+e seen wha" ha))ene$ in "ha" +alle& af"er "he& ha$
(one, I "hin, "he& %i(h" ha+e 'een s#r)rise$.
I" was )erfec"l& s"ill an$ )resen"l& "he %oon (rew 'ri(h"0 if &o# ha$ 'een "here &o# wo#l$
ha+e seen "he %oonli(h" shinin( on an ol$ "ree*s"#%) an$ on a fairsi<e$ 'o#l$er. B#" if &o#
ha$ (one on loo,in( &o# wo#l$ (ra$#all& ha+e 'e(#n "o "hin, "here was so%e"hin( o$$
a'o#" 'o"h "he s"#%) an$ "he 'o#l$er. An$ ne1" &o# wo#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" "ha" "he s"#%) $i$
loo, reall& re%ar,a'l& li,e a li""le fa" %an cro#chin( on "he (ro#n$. An$ if &o# ha$
wa"che$ lon( eno#(h &o# wo#l$ ha+e seen "he s"#%) wal, across "o "he 'o#l$er an$ "he
'o#l$er si" #) an$ 'e(in "al,in( "o "he s"#%)0 for in reali"& "he s"#%) an$ "he 'o#l$er were
si%)l& "he Wi"ch an$ "he $warf. 7or i" was )ar" of her %a(ic "ha" she co#l$ %a,e "hin(s
loo, li,e wha" "he& aren2", an$ she ha$ "he )resence of %in$ "o $o so a" "he +er& %o%en"
when "he ,nife was ,noc,e$ o#" of her han$. She ha$ ,e)" hol$ of her wan$, so i" ha$ 'een
,e)" safe, "oo.
When "he o"her chil$ren wo,e #) ne1" %ornin( ."he& ha$ 'een slee)in( on )iles of
c#shions in "he )a+ilion/ "he firs" "hin( "he& hear$ *fro% -rs Bea+er * was "ha" "heir 'ro"her
ha$ 'een resc#e$ an$ 'ro#(h" in"o ca%) la"e las" ni(h"0 an$ was a" "ha" %o%en" wi"h Aslan.
As soon as "he& ha$ 'rea,fas"e$B "he& all wen" o#", an$ "here "he& saw Aslan an$ E$%#n$
wal,in( "o(e"her in "he $ew& (rass, a)ar" fro% "he res" of "he co#r". There is no nee$ "o "ell
&o# .an$ no one e+er hear$/ wha" Aslan was sa&in(, '#" i" was a con+ersa"ion which
E$%#n$ ne+er for(o". As "he o"hers $rew nearer Aslan "#rne$ "o %ee" "he%, 'rin(in(
E$%#n$ wi"h hi%.
3Here is &o#r 'ro"her,3 he sai$, 3an$ * "here is no nee$ "o "al, "o hi% a'o#" wha" is )as".3
E$%#n$ shoo, han$s wi"h each of "he o"hers an$ sai$ "o each of "he% in "#rn, 3I2% sorr&,3
an$ e+er&one sai$, 3Tha"2s all ri(h".3 An$ "hen e+er&one wan"e$ +er& har$ "o sa& so%e"hin(
which wo#l$ %a,e i" 9#i"e clear "ha" "he& were all frien$s wi"h hi% a(ain *so%e"hin(
or$inar& an$ na"#ral *an$ of co#rse no one co#l$ "hin, of an&"hin( in "he worl$ "o sa&. B#"
'efore "he& ha$ "i%e "o feel reall& aw,war$ one of "he leo)ar$s a))roache$ Aslan an$ sai$,
3Sire, "here is a %essen(er fro% "he ene%& who cra+es a#$ience.3
3Le" hi% a))roach,3 sai$ Aslan.
The leo)ar$ wen" awa& an$ soon re"#rne$ lea$in( "he Wi"ch2s $warf.
3Wha" is &o#r %essa(e, Son of Ear"h53 as,e$ Aslan.
3The =#een of Narnia an$ E%)ress of "he Lone Islan$s $esires a safe con$#c" "o co%e an$
s)ea, wi"h &o#,3 sai$ "he $warf, 3on a %a""er which is as %#ch "o &o#r a$+an"a(e as "o
3=#een of Narnia, in$ee$43 sai$ -r Bea+er. 3Of all "he chee, *3
3Peace, Bea+er,3 sai$ Aslan. 3All na%es will soon 'e res"ore$ "o "heir )ro)er owners. In "he
%ean"i%e we will no" $is)#"e a'o#" "he%. Tell &o#r %is"ress, Son of Ear"h, "ha" I (ran" her
safe con$#c" on con$i"ion "ha" she lea+es her wan$ 'ehin$ her a" "ha" (rea" oa,.3
This was a(ree$ "o an$ "wo leo)ar$s wen" 'ac, wi"h "he $warf "o see "ha" "he con$i"ions
were )ro)erl& carrie$ o#". 3B#" s#))osin( she "#rns "he "wo leo)ar$s in"o s"one53
whis)ere$ L#c& "o Pe"er. I "hin, "he sa%e i$ea ha$ occ#rre$ "o "he leo)ar$s "he%sel+es0 a"
an& ra"e, as "he& wal,e$ off "heir f#r was all s"an$in( #) on "heir 'ac,s an$ "heir "ails were
'ris"lin( * li,e a ca"2s when i" sees a s"ran(e $o(.
3I"2ll 'e all ri(h",3 whis)ere$ Pe"er in re)l&. 3He wo#l$n2" sen$ "he% if i" weren2".3
A few %in#"es la"er "he Wi"ch herself wal,e$ o#" on "o "he "o) of "he hill an$ ca%e s"rai(h"
across an$ s"oo$ 'efore Aslan. The "hree chil$ren who ha$ no" seen her 'efore
fel" sh#$$ers r#nnin( $own "heir 'ac,s a" "he si(h" of her face0 an$ "here were low (rowls
a%on( all "he ani%als )resen". Tho#(h i" was 'ri(h" s#nshine e+er&one fel" s#$$enl& col$.
The onl& "wo )eo)le )resen" who see%e$ "o 'e 9#i"e a" "heir ease were Aslan an$ "he Wi"ch
herself. I" was "he o$$es" "hin( "o see "hose "wo faces * "he (ol$en face an$ "he $ea$*whi"e
face so close "o(e"her. No" "ha" "he Wi"ch loo,e$ Aslan e1ac"l& in his e&es0 -rs Bea+er
)ar"ic#larl& no"ice$ "his.
3Yo# ha+e a "rai"or "here, Aslan,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. Of co#rse e+er&one )resen" ,new "ha" she
%ean" E$%#n$. B#" E$%#n$ ha$ (o" )as" "hin,in( a'o#" hi%self af"er all he2$ 'een "hro#(h
an$ af"er "he "al, he2$ ha$ "ha" %ornin(. He 8#s" wen" on loo,in( a" Aslan. I" $i$n2" see% "o
%a""er wha" "he Wi"ch sai$.
3Well,3 sai$ Aslan. 3His offence was no" a(ains" &o#.3
3Ha+e &o# for(o""en "he Dee) -a(ic53 as,e$ "he Wi"ch.
3Le" #s sa& I ha+e for(o""en i",3 answere$ Aslan (ra+el&. 3Tell #s of "his Dee) -a(ic.3
3Tell &o#53 sai$ "he Wi"ch, her +oice (rowin( s#$$enl& shriller. 3Tell &o# wha" is wri""en
on "ha" +er& Ta'le of S"one which s"an$s 'esi$e #s5 Tell &o# wha" is wri""en in le""ers $ee)
as a s)ear is lon( on "he fires"ones on "he Secre" Hill5 Tell &o# wha" is en(ra+e$ on "he
sce)"re of "he E%)eror*'e&on$*"he*Sea5 Yo# a" leas" ,now "he -a(ic which "he E%)eror
)#" in"o Narnia a" "he +er& 'e(innin(. Yo# ,now "ha" e+er& "rai"or 'elon(s "o %e as %&
lawf#l )re& an$ "ha" for e+er& "reacher& I ha+e a ri(h" "o a ,ill.3
3Oh,3 sai$ -r Bea+er. 3So "ha"2s how &o# ca%e "o i%a(ine &o#rself a 9#een * 'eca#se &o#
were "he E%)eror2s han(%an. I see.3
3Peace, Bea+er,3 sai$ Aslan, wi"h a +er& low (rowl. 3An$ so,3 con"in#e$ "he Wi"ch, 3"ha"
h#%an crea"#re is %ine. His life is forfei" "o %e. His 'loo$ is %& )ro)er"&.3
3Co%e an$ "a,e i" "hen,3 sai$ "he B#ll wi"h "he %an2s hea$ in a (rea" 'ellowin( +oice.
37ool,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch wi"h a sa+a(e s%ile "ha" was al%os" a snarl, 3$o &o# reall& "hin,
&o#r %as"er can ro' %e of %& ri(h"s '& %ere force5 He ,nows "he Dee) -a(ic 'e""er "han
"ha". He ,nows "ha" #nless I ha+e 'loo$ as "he Law sa&s all Narnia will 'e o+er"#rne$ an$
)erish in fire an$ wa"er.3
3I" is +er& "r#e,3 sai$ Aslan, 3I $o no" $en& i".3
3Oh, Aslan43 whis)ere$ S#san in "he Lion2s ear, 3can2" we * I %ean, &o# won2", will &o#5
Can2" we $o so%e"hin( a'o#" "he Dee) -a(ic5 Isn2" "here so%e"hin( &o# can wor, a(ains"
3Wor, a(ains" "he E%)eror2s -a(ic53 sai$ Aslan, "#rnin( "o her wi"h so%e"hin( li,e a
frown on his face. An$ no'o$& e+er %a$e "ha" s#((es"ion "o hi% a(ain.
E$%#n$ was on "he o"her si$e of Aslan, loo,in( all "he "i%e a" Aslan2s face. He fel" a
cho,in( feelin( an$ won$ere$ if he o#(h" "o sa& so%e"hin(0 '#" a %o%en" la"er he fel" "ha"
he was no" e1)ec"e$ "o $o an&"hin( e1ce)" "o wai", an$ $o wha" he was "ol$.
37all 'ac,, all of &o#,3 sai$ Aslan, 3an$ I will "al, "o "he Wi"ch alone.3
The& all o'e&e$. I" was a "erri'le "i%e "his * wai"in( an$ won$erin( while "he Lion an$ "he
Wi"ch "al,e$ earnes"l& "o(e"her in low +oices. L#c& sai$, 3Oh, E$%#n$43 an$ 'e(an "o cr&.
Pe"er s"oo$ wi"h his 'ac, "o "he o"hers loo,in( o#" a" "he $is"an" sea. The Bea+ers s"oo$
hol$in( each o"her2s )aws wi"h "heir hea$s 'owe$. The cen"a#rs s"a%)e$ #neasil& wi"h "heir
hoofs. B#" e+er&one 'eca%e )erfec"l& s"ill in "he en$, so "ha" &o# no"ice$ e+en s%all so#n$s
li,e a '#%'le*'ee fl&in( )as", or "he 'ir$s in "he fores" $own 'elow "he%, or "he win$
r#s"lin( "he lea+es. An$ s"ill "he "al, 'e"ween Aslan an$ "he Whi"e Wi"ch wen" on.
A" las" "he& hear$ Aslan2s +oice, 3Yo# can all co%e 'ac,,3 he sai$. 3I ha+e se""le$ "he
%a""er. She has reno#nce$ "he clai% on &o#r 'ro"her2s 'loo$.3 An$ all o+er "he hill "here
was a noise as if e+er&one ha$ 'een hol$in( "heir 'rea"h an$ ha$ now 'e(#n 'rea"hin(
a(ain, an$ "hen a %#r%#r of "al,.
The Wi"ch was 8#s" "#rnin( awa& wi"h a loo, of fierce 8o& on her face when she s"o))e$
an$ sai$,
3B#" how $o I ,now "his )ro%ise will 'e ,e)"53
3Haa*a*arrh43 roare$ Aslan, half risin( fro% his "hrone0 an$ his (rea" %o#"h o)ene$ wi$er
an$ wi$er an$ "he roar (rew lo#$er an$ lo#$er, an$ "he Wi"ch, af"er s"arin( for a %o%en"
wi"h her li)s wi$e a)ar", )ic,e$ #) her s,ir"s an$ fairl& ran for her life.
As soon as "he Wi"ch ha$ (one Aslan sai$, 3We %#s" %o+e fro% "his )lace a" once, i" will
'e wan"e$ for o"her )#r)oses. We shall enca%) "oni(h" a" "he 7or$s of Ber#na.
Of co#rse e+er&one was $&in( "o as, hi% how he ha$ arran(e$ %a""ers wi"h "he wi"ch0 '#"
his face was s"ern an$ e+er&one2s ears were s"ill rin(in( wi"h "he so#n$ of his roar an$ so
no'o$& $are$.
Af"er a %eal, which was "a,en in "he o)en air on "he hill*"o) .for "he s#n ha$ (o" s"ron( '&
now an$ $rie$ "he (rass/, "he& were '#s& for a while "a,in( "he )a+ilion $own an$
)ac,in( "hin(s #). Before "wo o2cloc, "he& were on "he %arch an$ se" off in a nor"heas"erl&
$irec"ion, wal,in( a" an eas& )ace for "he& ha$ no" far "o (o.
D#rin( "he firs" )ar" of "he 8o#rne& Aslan e1)laine$ "o Pe"er his )lan of ca%)ai(n. 3As soon
as she has finishe$ her '#siness in "hese )ar"s,3 he sai$, 3"he Wi"ch an$ her crew will
al%os" cer"ainl& fall 'ac, "o her Ho#se an$ )re)are for a sie(e. Yo# %a& or %a& no" 'e a'le
"o c#" her off an$ )re+en" her fro% reachin( i".3 He "hen wen" on "o o#"line "wo )lans of
'a""le * one for fi(h"in( "he Wi"ch an$ her )eo)le in "he woo$ an$ ano"her for assa#l"in( her
cas"le. An$ all "he "i%e he was a$+isin( Pe"er how "o con$#c" "he o)era"ions, sa&in( "hin(s
li,e, 3Yo# %#s" )#" &o#r Cen"a#rs in s#ch an$ s#ch a )lace3 or 3Yo# %#s" )os" sco#"s "o
see "ha" she $oesn2" $o so*an$*so,3 "ill a" las" Pe"er sai$,
3B#" &o# will 'e "here &o#rself, Aslan.3
3I can (i+e &o# no )ro%ise of "ha",3 answere$ "he Lion. An$ he con"in#e$ (i+in( Pe"er his
7or "he las" )ar" of "he 8o#rne& i" was S#san an$ L#c& who saw %os" of hi%. He $i$ no" "al,
+er& %#ch an$ see%e$ "o "he% "o 'e sa$.
I" was s"ill af"ernoon when "he& ca%e $own "o a )lace where "he ri+er +alle& ha$ wi$ene$
o#" an$ "he ri+er was 'roa$ an$ shallow. This was "he 7or$s of Ber#na an$ Aslan (a+e
or$ers "o hal" on "his si$e of "he wa"er. B#" Pe"er sai$,
3Wo#l$n2" i" 'e 'e""er "o ca%) on "he far si$e * for fear she sho#l$ "r& a ni(h" a""ac, or
Aslan, who see%e$ "o ha+e 'een "hin,in( a'o#" so%e"hin( else, ro#se$ hi%self wi"h a
sha,e of his %a(nificen" %ane an$ sai$, 3Eh5 Wha"2s "ha"53 Pe"er sai$ i" all o+er a(ain.
3No,3 sai$ Aslan in a $#ll +oice, as if i" $i$n2" %a""er. 3No. She will no" %a,e an a""ac, "o*
ni(h".3 An$ "hen he si(he$ $ee)l&. B#" )resen"l& he a$$e$, 3All "he sa%e i" was well
"ho#(h" of. Tha" is how a sol$ier o#(h" "o "hin,. B#" i" $oesn2" reall& %a""er.3 So "he&
)rocee$e$ "o )i"ch "heir ca%).
Aslan2s %oo$ affec"e$ e+er&one "ha" e+enin(. Pe"er was feelin( #nco%for"a'le "oo a" "he
i$ea of fi(h"in( "he 'a""le on his own0 "he news "ha" Aslan %i(h" no" 'e "here ha$ co%e as a
(rea" shoc, "o hi%. S#))er "ha" e+enin( was a 9#ie" %eal. E+er&one fel" how $ifferen" i"
ha$ 'een las" ni(h" or e+en "ha" %ornin(. I" was as if "he (oo$ "i%es, ha+in( 8#s" 'e(#n,
were alrea$& $rawin( "o "heir en$.
This feelin( affec"e$ S#san so %#ch "ha" she co#l$n2" (e" "o slee) when she wen" "o 'e$.
An$ af"er she ha$ lain co#n"in( shee) an$ "#rnin( o+er an$ o+er she hear$ L#c& (i+e a lon(
si(h an$ "#rn o+er 8#s" 'esi$e her in "he $ar,ness.
3Can2" &o# (e" "o slee) ei"her53 sai$ S#san.
3No,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I "ho#(h" &o# were aslee). I sa&, S#san43
3I2+e a %os" Horri'le feelin( * as if so%e"hin( were han(in( o+er #s.3
3Ha+e &o#5 Beca#se, as a %a""er of fac", so ha+e I.3
3So%e"hin( a'o#" Aslan,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Ei"her so%e $rea$f#l "hin( is (oin( "o ha))en "o
hi%, or so%e"hin( $rea$f#l "ha" he2s (oin( "o $o.3
3There2s 'een so%e"hin( wron( wi"h hi% all af"ernoon,3 sai$ S#san. 3L#c&4 Wha" was "ha"
he sai$ a'o#" no" 'ein( wi"h #s a" "he 'a""le5 Yo# $on2" "hin, he co#l$ 'e s"ealin( awa& an$
lea+in( #s "oni(h", $o &o#53
3Where is he now53 sai$ L#c&. 3Is he here in "he )a+ilion53
3I $on2" "hin, so.3
3S#san4 le"2s (o o#"si$e an$ ha+e a loo, ro#n$. We %i(h" see hi%.3
3All ri(h". Le"2s,3 sai$ S#san0 3we %i(h" 8#s" as well 'e $oin( "ha" as l&in( awa,e here.3
;er& 9#ie"l& "he "wo (irls (ro)e$ "heir wa& a%on( "he o"her slee)ers an$ cre)" o#" of "he
"en". The %oonli(h" was 'ri(h" an$ e+er&"hin( was 9#i"e s"ill e1ce)" for "he noise of "he
ri+er cha""erin( o+er "he s"ones. Then S#san s#$$enl& ca#(h" L#c&2s ar% an$ sai$, 3Loo,43
On "he far si$e of "he ca%)in( (ro#n$, 8#s" where "he "rees 'e(an, "he& saw "he Lion slowl&
wal,in( awa& fro% "he% in"o "he woo$. Wi"ho#" a wor$ "he& 'o"h followe$ hi%.
He le$ "he% #) "he s"ee) slo)e o#" of "he ri+er +alle& an$ "hen sli(h"l& "o "he ri(h" *
a))aren"l& '& "he +er& sa%e ro#"e which "he& ha$ #se$ "ha" af"ernoon in co%in( fro% "he
Hill of "he S"one Ta'le. On an$ on he le$ "he%, in"o $ar, sha$ows an$ o#" in"o )ale
%oonli(h", (e""in( "heir fee" we" wi"h "he hea+& $ew. He loo,e$ so%ehow $ifferen" fro%
"he Aslan "he& ,new. His "ail an$ his hea$ h#n( low an$ he wal,e$ slowl& as if he were
+er&, +er& "ire$. Then, when "he& were crossin( a wi$e o)en )lace where "here where no
sha$ows for "he% "o hi$e in, he s"o))e$ an$ loo,e$ ro#n$. I" was no (oo$ "r&in( "o r#n
awa& so "he& ca%e "owar$s hi%. When "he& were closer he sai$,
3Oh, chil$ren, chil$ren, wh& are &o# followin( %e53
3We co#l$n2" slee),3 sai$ L#c& * an$ "hen fel" s#re "ha" she nee$ sa& no %ore an$ "ha" Aslan
,new all "he& ha$ 'een "hin,in(.
3Please, %a& we co%e wi"h &o# * where+er &o#2re (oin(53 as,e$ S#san.
3Well *3 sai$ Aslan, an$ see%e$ "o 'e "hin,in(. Then he sai$, 3I sho#l$ 'e (la$ of co%)an&
"oni(h". Yes, &o# %a& co%e, if &o# will )ro%ise "o s"o) when I "ell &o#, an$ af"er "ha" lea+e
%e "o (o on alone.3
3Oh, "han, &o#, "han, &o#. An$ we will,3 sai$ "he "wo (irls.
7orwar$ "he& wen" a(ain an$ one of "he (irls wal,e$ on each si$e of "he Lion. B#" how
slowl& he wal,e$4 An$ his (rea", ro&al hea$ $roo)e$ so "ha" his nose nearl& "o#che$ "he
(rass. Presen"l& he s"#%'le$ an$ (a+e a low %oan.
3Aslan4 Dear Aslan43 sai$ L#c&, 3wha" is wron(5 Can2" &o# "ell #s53
3Are &o# ill, $ear Aslan53 as,e$ S#san.
3No,3 sai$ Aslan. 3I a% sa$ an$ lonel&. La& &o#r han$s on %& %ane so "ha" I can feel &o#
are "here an$ le" #s wal, li,e "ha".3
An$ so "he (irls $i$ wha" "he& wo#l$ ne+er ha+e $are$ "o $o wi"ho#" his )er%ission, '#"
wha" "he& ha$ lon(e$ "o $o e+er since "he& firs" saw hi% '#rie$ "heir col$ han$s in "he
'ea#"if#l sea of f#r an$ s"ro,e$ i" an$, so $oin(, wal,e$ wi"h hi%. An$ )resen"l& "he& saw
"ha" "he& were (oin( wi"h hi% #) "he slo)e of "he hill on which "he S"one Ta'le s"oo$. The&
wen" #) a" "he si$e where "he "rees ca%e f#r"hes" #), an$ when "he& (o" "o "he las" "ree .i"
was one "ha" ha$ so%e '#shes a'o#" i"/ Aslan s"o))e$ an$ sai$,
3Oh, chil$ren, chil$ren. Here &o# %#s" s"o). An$ wha"e+er ha))ens, $o no" le" &o#rsel+es
'e seen. 7arewell.3
An$ 'o"h "he (irls crie$ 'i""erl& ."ho#(h "he& har$l& ,new wh&/ an$ cl#n( "o "he Lion an$
,isse$ his %ane an$ his nose an$ his )aws an$ his (rea", sa$ e&es. Then he "#rne$ fro%
"he% an$ wal,e$ o#" on "o "he "o) of "he hill. An$ L#c& an$ S#san, cro#chin( in "he
'#shes, loo,e$ af"er hi%, an$ "his is wha" "he& saw.
A (rea" crow$ of )eo)le were s"an$in( all ro#n$ "he S"one Ta'le an$ "ho#(h "he %oon was
shinin( %an& of "he% carrie$ "orches which '#rne$ wi"h e+il*loo,in( re$ fla%es an$ 'lac,
s%o,e. B#" s#ch )eo)le4 O(res wi"h %ons"ro#s "ee"h, an$ wol+es, an$ '#ll*hea$e$ %en0
s)iri"s of e+il "rees an$ )oisono#s )lan"s0 an$ o"her crea"#res who% I won2" $escri'e
'eca#se if I $i$ "he (rown#)s wo#l$ )ro'a'l& no" le" &o# rea$ "his 'oo, * Cr#els an$ Ha(s
an$ Inc#'#ses, Wrai"hs, Horrors, Efree"s, S)ri"es, Or,nies, Wooses, an$ E""ins. In fac" here
were all "hose who were on "he Wi"ch2s si$e an$ who% "he Wolf ha$ s#%%one$ a" her
co%%an$. An$ ri(h" in "he %i$$le, s"an$in( '& "he Ta'le, was "he Wi"ch herself.
A howl an$ a (i''er of $is%a& wen" #) fro% "he crea"#res when "he& firs" saw "he (rea"
Lion )acin( "owar$s "he%, an$ for a %o%en" e+en "he Wi"ch see%e$ "o 'e s"r#c, wi"h fear.
Then she reco+ere$ herself an$ (a+e a wil$ fierce la#(h.
3The fool43 she crie$. 3The fool has co%e. Bin$ hi% fas".3
L#c& an$ S#san hel$ "heir 'rea"hs wai"in( for Aslan2s roar an$ his s)rin( #)on his ene%ies.
B#" i" ne+er ca%e. 7o#r Ha(s, (rinnin( an$ leerin(, &e" also .a" firs"/ han(in( 'ac, an$ half
afrai$ of wha" "he& ha$ "o $o, ha$ a))roache$ hi%. 3Bin$ hi%, I sa&43 re)ea"e$ "he Whi"e
Wi"ch. The Ha(s %a$e a $ar" a" hi% an$ shrie,e$ wi"h "ri#%)h when "he& fo#n$ "ha" he
%a$e no resis"ance a" all. Then o"hers * e+il $warfs an$ a)es * r#she$ in "o hel) "he%, an$
'e"ween "he% "he& rolle$ "he h#(e Lion o+er on his 'ac, an$ "ie$ all his fo#r )aws
"o(e"her, sho#"in( an$ cheerin( as if "he& ha$ $one so%e"hin( 'ra+e, "ho#(h, ha$ "he Lion
chosen, one of "hose )aws co#l$ ha+e 'een "he $ea"h of "he% all. B#" he %a$e no noise,
e+en when "he ene%ies, s"rainin( an$ "#((in(, )#lle$ "he cor$s so "i(h" "ha" "he& c#" in"o his
flesh. Then "he& 'e(an "o $ra( hi% "owar$s "he S"one Ta'le.
3S"o)43 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3Le" hi% firs" 'e sha+e$.3
Ano"her roar of %ean la#(h"er wen" #) fro% her followers as an o(re wi"h a )air of shears
ca%e forwar$ an$ s9#a""e$ $own '& Aslan2s hea$. Sni)*sni)*sni) wen" "he shears an$
%asses of c#rlin( (ol$ 'e(an "o fall "o "he (ro#n$. Then "he o(re s"oo$ 'ac, an$ "he
chil$ren, wa"chin( fro% "heir hi$in(*)lace, co#l$ see "he face of Aslan loo,in( all s%all
an$ $ifferen" wi"ho#" i"s %ane. The ene%ies also saw "he $ifference.
3Wh&, he2s onl& a (rea" ca" af"er all43 crie$ one.
3Is "ha" wha" we were afrai$ of53 sai$ ano"her.
An$ "he& s#r(e$ ro#n$ Aslan, 8eerin( a" hi%, sa&in( "hin(s li,e 3P#ss, P#ss4 Poor P#ss&,3
an$ 3How %an& %ice ha+e &o# ca#(h" "o$a&, Ca"53 an$ 3Wo#l$ &o# li,e a sa#cer of %il,,
3Oh, how can "he&53 sai$ L#c&, "ears s"rea%in( $own her chee,s. 3The 'r#"es, "he 'r#"es43
for now "ha" "he firs" shoc, was o+er "he shorn face of Aslan loo,e$ "o her 'ra+er, an$ %ore
'ea#"if#l, an$ %ore )a"ien" "han e+er.
3-#<<le hi%43 sai$ "he Wi"ch. An$ e+en now, as "he& wor,e$ a'o#" his face )#""in( on "he
%#<<le, one 'i"e fro% his 8aws wo#l$ ha+e cos" "wo or "hree of "he% "heir han$s. B#" he
ne+er %o+e$. An$ "his see%e$ "o enra(e all "ha" ra''le. E+er&one was a" hi% now. Those
who ha$ 'een afrai$ "o co%e near hi% e+en af"er he was 'o#n$ 'e(an "o fin$ "heir co#ra(e,
an$ for a few %in#"es "he "wo (irls co#l$ no" e+en see hi% * so "hic,l& was he s#rro#n$e$
'& "he whole crow$ of crea"#res ,ic,in( hi%, hi""in( hi%, s)i""in( on hi%, 8eerin( a" hi%.
A" las" "he ra''le ha$ ha$ eno#(h of "his. The& 'e(an "o $ra( "he 'o#n$ an$ %#<<le$ Lion
"o "he S"one Ta'le, so%e )#llin( an$ so%e )#shin(. He was so h#(e "ha" e+en when "he&
(o" hi% "here i" "oo, all "heir effor"s "o hois" hi% on "o "he s#rface of i". Then "here was
%ore "&in( an$ "i(h"enin( of cor$s.
3The cowar$s4 The cowar$s43 so''e$ S#san. 3Are "he& s"ill afrai$ of hi%, e+en now53
When once Aslan ha$ 'een "ie$ .an$ "ie$ so "ha" he was reall& a %ass of cor$s/ on "he fla"
s"one, a h#sh fell on "he crow$. 7o#r Ha(s, hol$in( fo#r "orches, s"oo$ a" "he corners of "he
Ta'le. The Wi"ch 'are$ her ar%s as she ha$ 'are$ "he% "he )re+io#s ni(h" when i" ha$ 'een
E$%#n$ ins"ea$ of Aslan. Then she 'e(an "o whe" her ,nife. I" loo,e$ "o "he chil$ren, when
"he (lea% of "he "orchli(h" fell on i", as if "he ,nife were %a$e of s"one, no" of s"eel, an$ i"
was of a s"ran(e an$ e+il sha)e.
As las" she $rew near. She s"oo$ '& Aslan2s hea$. Her face was wor,in( an$ "wi"chin( wi"h
)assion, '#" his loo,e$ #) a" "he s,&, s"ill 9#ie", nei"her an(r& nor afrai$, '#" a li""le sa$.
Then, 8#s" 'efore she (a+e "he 'low, she s"oo)e$ $own an$ sai$ in a 9#i+erin( +oice,
3An$ now, who has won5 7ool, $i$ &o# "hin, "ha" '& all "his &o# wo#l$ sa+e "he h#%an
"rai"or5 Now I will ,ill &o# ins"ea$ of hi% as o#r )ac" was an$ so "he Dee) -a(ic will 'e
a))ease$. B#" when &o# are $ea$ wha" will )re+en" %e fro% ,illin( hi% as well5 An$ who
will "a,e hi% o#" of %& han$ "hen5 n$ers"an$ "ha" &o# ha+e (i+en %e Narnia fore+er, &o#
ha+e los" &o#r own life an$ &o# ha+e no" sa+e$ his. In "ha" ,nowle$(e, $es)air an$ $ie.3
The chil$ren $i$ no" see "he ac"#al %o%en" of "he ,illin(. The& co#l$n2" 'ear "o loo, an$
ha$ co+ere$ "heir e&es.
WHILE "he "wo (irls s"ill cro#che$ in "he '#shes wi"h "heir han$s o+er "heir faces, "he&
hear$ "he +oice of "he Wi"ch callin( o#",
3Now4 7ollow %e all an$ we will se" a'o#" wha" re%ains of "his war4 I" will no" "a,e #s
lon( "o cr#sh "he h#%an +er%in an$ "he "rai"ors now "ha" "he (rea" 7ool, "he (rea" Ca", lies
A" "his %o%en" "he chil$ren were for a few secon$s in +er& (rea" $an(er. 7or wi"h wil$
cries an$ a noise of s,irlin( )i)es an$ shrill horns 'lowin(, "he whole of "ha" +ile ra''le
ca%e swee)in( off "he hill*"o) an$ $own "he slo)e ri(h" )as" "heir hi$in(*)lace. The& fel"
"he S)ec"res (o '& "he% li,e a col$ win$ an$ "he& fel" "he (ro#n$ sha,e 'enea"h "he% #n$er
"he (allo)in( fee" of "he -ino"a#rs0 an$ o+erhea$ "here wen" a fl#rr& of fo#l win(s an$ a
'lac,ness of +#l"#res an$ (ian" 'a"s. A" an& o"her "i%e "he& wo#l$ ha+e "re%'le$ wi"h fear0
'#" now "he sa$ness an$ sha%e an$ horror of Aslan2s $ea"h so fille$ "heir %in$s "ha" "he&
har$l& "ho#(h" of i".
As soon as "he woo$ was silen" a(ain S#san an$ L#c& cre)" o#" on"o "he o)en hill*"o). The
%oon was (e""in( low an$ "hin clo#$s were )assin( across her, '#" s"ill "he& co#l$ see "he
sha)e of "he Lion l&in( $ea$ in his 'on$s. An$ $own "he& 'o"h ,nel" in "he we" (rass an$
,isse$ his col$ face an$ s"ro,e$ his 'ea#"if#l f#r * wha" was lef" of i" * an$ crie$ "ill "he&
co#l$ cr& no %ore. An$ "hen "he& loo,e$ a" each o"her an$ hel$ each o"her2s han$s for %ere
loneliness an$ crie$ a(ain0 an$ "hen a(ain were silen". A" las" L#c& sai$,
3I can2" 'ear "o loo, a" "ha" horri'le %#<<le. I won$er co#l$ we "a,e if off53
So "he& "rie$. An$ af"er a lo" of wor,in( a" i" .for "heir fin(ers were col$ an$ i" was now "he
$ar,es" )ar" of "he ni(h"/ "he& s#ccee$e$. An$ when "he& saw his face wi"ho#" i" "he& '#rs"
o#" cr&in( a(ain an$ ,isse$ i" an$ fon$le$ i" an$ wi)e$ awa& "he 'loo$ an$ "he foa% as well
as "he& co#l$. An$ i" was all %ore lonel& an$ ho)eless an$ horri$ "han I ,now how "o
3I won$er co#l$ we #n"ie hi% as well53 sai$ S#san )resen"l&. B#" "he ene%ies, o#" of )#re
s)i"ef#lness, ha$ $rawn "he cor$s so "i(h" "ha" "he (irls co#l$ %a,e no"hin( of "he ,no"s.
I ho)e no one who rea$s "his 'oo, has 'een 9#i"e as %isera'le as S#san an$ L#c& were "ha"
ni(h"0 '#" if &o# ha+e 'een * if &o#2+e 'een #) all ni(h" an$ crie$ "ill &o# ha+e no %ore
"ears lef" in &o# * &o# will ,now "ha" "here co%es in "he en$ a sor" of 9#ie"ness. Yo# feel as
if no"hin( was e+er (oin( "o ha))en a(ain. A" an& ra"e "ha" was how i" fel" "o "hese "wo.
Ho#rs an$ ho#rs see%e$ "o (o '& in "his $ea$ cal%, an$ "he& har$l& no"ice$ "ha" "he& were
(e""in( col$er an$ col$er. B#" a" las" L#c& no"ice$ "wo o"her "hin(s. One was "ha" "he s,&
on "he eas" si$e of "he hill was a li""le less $ar, "han i" ha$ 'een an ho#r a(o. The o"her was
so%e "in& %o+e%en" (oin( on in "he (rass a" her fee". A" firs" she "oo, no in"eres" in "his.
Wha" $i$ i" %a""er5 No"hin( %a""ere$ now4 B#" a" las" she saw "ha" wha"e+er*i"*was ha$
'e(#n "o %o+e #) "he #)ri(h" s"ones of "he S"one Ta'le. An$ now wha"e+er*"he&*were were
%o+in( a'o#" on Aslan2s 'o$&. She )eere$ closer. The& were li""le (re& "hin(s.
3(h43 sai$ S#san fro% "he o"her si$e of "he Ta'le. 3How 'eas"l&4 There are horri$ li""le
%ice crawlin( o+er hi%. 6o awa&, &o# li""le 'eas"s.3 An$ she raise$ her han$ "o fri(h"en
"he% awa&.
3Wai"43 sai$ L#c&, who ha$ 'een loo,in( a" "he% %ore closel& s"ill. 3Can &o# see wha"
"he&2re $oin(53
Bo"h (irls 'en" $own an$ s"are$.
3I $o 'elie+e *3 sai$ S#san. 3B#" how 9#eer4 The&2re ni''lin( awa& a" "he cor$s43
3Tha"2s wha" I "ho#(h",3 sai$ L#c&. 3I "hin, "he&2re frien$l& %ice. Poor li""le "hin(s * "he&
$on2" reali<e he2s $ea$. The& "hin, i"2ll $o so%e (oo$ #n"&in( hi%.3
I" was 9#i"e $efini"el& li(h"er '& now. Each of "he (irls no"ice$ for "he firs" "i%e "he whi"e
face of "he o"her. The& co#l$ see "he %ice ni''lin( awa&0 $o<ens an$ $o<ens, e+en
h#n$re$s, of li""le fiel$ %ice. An$ a" las", one '& one, "he ro)es were all (nawe$ "hro#(h.
The s,& in "he eas" was whi"ish '& now an$ "he s"ars were (e""in( fain"er * all e1ce)" one
+er& 'i( one low $own on "he eas"ern hori<on. The& fel" col$er "han "he& ha$ 'een all ni(h".
The %ice cre)" awa& a(ain.
The (irls cleare$ awa& "he re%ains of "he (nawe$ ro)es. Aslan loo,e$ %ore li,e hi%self
wi"ho#" "he%. E+er& %o%en" his $ea$ face loo,e$ no'ler, as "he li(h" (rew an$ "he& co#l$
see i" 'e""er.
In "he woo$ 'ehin$ "he% a 'ir$ (a+e a ch#c,lin( so#n$. I" ha$ 'een so s"ill for ho#rs an$
ho#rs "ha" i" s"ar"le$ "he%. Then ano"her 'ir$ answere$ i". Soon "here were 'ir$s sin(in( all
o+er "he )lace.
I" was 9#i"e $efini"el& earl& %ornin( now, no" la"e ni(h".
3I2% so col$,3 sai$ L#c&.
3So a% I,3 sai$ S#san. 3Le"2s wal, a'o#" a 'i".3
The& wal,e$ "o "he eas"ern e$(e of "he hill an$ loo,e$ $own. The one 'i( s"ar ha$ al%os"
$isa))eare$. The co#n"r& all loo,e$ $ar, (re&, '#" 'e&on$, a" "he +er& en$ of "he worl$, "he
sea showe$ )ale. The s,& 'e(an "o "#rn re$. The& wal,e$ "o an$s fro %ore "i%es "han "he&
co#l$ co#n" 'e"ween "he $ea$ Aslan an$ "he eas"ern ri$(e, "r&in( "o ,ee) war%0 an$ oh,
how "ire$ "heir le(s fel". Then a" las", as "he& s"oo$ for a %o%en" loo,in( o#" "owar$s "he&
sea an$ Cair Para+el .which "he& co#l$ now 8#s" %a,e o#"/ "he re$ "#rne$ "o (ol$ alon( "he
line where "he sea an$ "he s,& %e" an$ +er& slowl& #) ca%e "he e$(e of "he s#n. A" "ha"
%o%en" "he& hear$ fro% 'ehin$ "he% a lo#$ noise * a (rea" crac,in(, $eafenin( noise as if
a (ian" ha$ 'ro,en a (ian"2s )la"e.
3Wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ L#c&, cl#"chin( S#san2s ar%.
3I * I feel afrai$ "o "#rn ro#n$,3 sai$ S#san0 3so%e"hin( awf#l is ha))enin(.3
3The&2re $oin( so%e"hin( worse "o Hi%,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Co%e on43 An$ she "#rne$, )#llin(
S#san ro#n$ wi"h her.
The risin( of "he s#n ha$ %a$e e+er&"hin( loo, so $ifferen" * all colo#rs an$ sha$ows were
chan(e$ "ha" for a %o%en" "he& $i$n2" see "he i%)or"an" "hin(. Then "he& $i$. The S"one
Ta'le was 'ro,en in"o "wo )ieces '& a (rea" crac, "ha" ran $own i" fro% en$ "o en$0 an$
"here was no Aslan.
3Oh, oh, oh43 crie$ "he "wo (irls, r#shin( 'ac, "o "he Ta'le.
3Oh, i"2s "oo 'a$,3 so''e$ L#c&0 3"he& %i(h" ha+e lef" "he 'o$& alone.3
3Who2s $one i"53 crie$ S#san. 3Wha" $oes i" %ean5 Is i" %a(ic53
3Yes43 sai$ a (rea" +oice 'ehin$ "heir 'ac,s. 3I" is %ore %a(ic.3 The& loo,e$ ro#n$. There,
shinin( in "he s#nrise, lar(er "han "he& ha$ seen hi% 'efore, sha,in( his %ane .for i" ha$
a))aren"l& (rown a(ain/ s"oo$ Aslan hi%self.
3Oh, Aslan43 crie$ 'o"h "he chil$ren, s"arin( #) a" hi%, al%os" as %#ch fri(h"ene$ as "he&
were (la$.
3Aren2" &o# $ea$ "hen, $ear Aslan53 sai$ L#c&.
3No" now,3 sai$ Aslan.
3Yo#2re no" * no" a * 53 as,e$ S#san in a sha,& +oice. She co#l$n2" 'rin( herself "o sa& "he
wor$ (hos". Aslan s"oo)e$ his (ol$en hea$ an$ lic,e$ her forehea$. The war%"h of his
'rea"h an$ a rich sor" of s%ell "ha" see%e$ "o han( a'o#" his hair ca%e all o+er her.
3Do I loo, i"53 he sai$.
3Oh, &o#2re real, &o#2re real4 Oh, Aslan43 crie$ L#c&, an$ 'o"h (irls fl#n( "he%sel+es #)on
hi% an$ co+ere$ hi% wi"h ,isses.
3B#" wha" $oes i" all %ean53 as,e$ S#san when "he& were so%ewha" cal%er.
3I" %eans,3 sai$ Aslan, 3"ha" "ho#(h "he Wi"ch ,new "he Dee) -a(ic, "here is a %a(ic
$ee)er s"ill which she $i$ no" ,now: Her ,nowle$(e (oes 'ac, onl& "o "he $awn of "i%e.
B#" if she co#l$ ha+e loo,e$ a li""le f#r"her 'ac,, in"o "he s"illness an$ "he $ar,ness 'efore
Ti%e $awne$, she wo#l$ ha+e rea$ "here a $ifferen" incan"a"ion. She wo#l$ ha+e ,nown
"ha" when a willin( +ic"i% who ha$ co%%i""e$ no "reacher& was ,ille$ in a "rai"or2s s"ea$,
"he Ta'le wo#l$ crac, an$ Dea"h i"self wo#l$ s"ar" wor,in( 'ac,war$s. An$ now *3
3Oh &es. Now53 sai$ L#c&, 8#%)in( #) an$ cla))in( her han$s.
3Oh, chil$ren,3 sai$ "he Lion, 3I feel %& s"ren("h co%in( 'ac, "o %e. Oh, chil$ren, ca"ch
%e if &o# can43 He s"oo$ for a secon$, his e&es +er& 'ri(h", his li%'s 9#i+erin(, lashin(
hi%self wi"h his "ail. Then he %a$e a lea) hi(h o+er "heir hea$s an$ lan$e$ on "he o"her
si$e of "he Ta'le. La#(hin(, "ho#(h she $i$n2" ,now wh&, L#c& scra%'le$ o+er i" "o reach
hi%. Aslan lea)e$ a(ain. A %a$ chase 'e(an. Ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ "he hill*"o) he le$ "he%,
now ho)elessl& o#" of "heir reach, now le""in( "he% al%os" ca"ch his "ail, now $i+in(
'e"ween "he%, now "ossin( "he% in "he air wi"h his h#(e an$ 'ea#"if#ll& +el+e"e$ )aws an$
ca"chin( "he% a(ain, an$ now s"o))in( #ne1)ec"e$l& so "ha" all "hree of "he% rolle$ o+er
"o(e"her in a ha))& la#(hin( hea) of f#r an$ ar%s an$ le(s. I" was s#ch a ro%) as no one
has e+er ha$ e1ce)" in Narnia0 an$ whe"her i" was %ore li,e )la&in( wi"h
a "h#n$ers"or% or )la&in( wi"h a ,i""en L#c& co#l$ ne+er %a,e #) her %in$. An$ "he f#nn&
"hin( was "ha" when all "hree finall& la& "o(e"her )an"in( in "he s#n "he (irls no lon(er fel"
in "he leas" "ire$ or h#n(r& or "hirs"&.
3An$ now,3 sai$ Aslan )resen"l&, 3"o '#siness. I feel I a% (oin( "o roar. Yo# ha$ 'e""er )#"
&o#r fin(ers in &o#r ears.3
An$ "he& $i$. An$ Aslan s"oo$ #) an$ when he o)ene$ his %o#"h "o roar his face 'eca%e
so "erri'le "ha" "he& $i$ no" $are "o loo, a" i". An$ "he& saw all "he "rees in fron" of hi% 'en$
'efore "he 'las" of his roarin( as (rass 'en$s in a %ea$ow 'efore "he win$. Then he sai$,
3We ha+e a lon( 8o#rne& "o (o. Yo# %#s" ri$e on %e.3 An$ he cro#che$ $own an$ "he
chil$ren cli%'e$ on "o his war%, (ol$en 'ac,, an$ S#san sa" firs", hol$in( on "i(h"l& "o his
%ane an$ L#c& sa" 'ehin$ hol$in( on "i(h"l& "o S#san. An$ wi"h a (rea" hea+e he rose
#n$ernea"h "he% an$ "hen sho" off, fas"er "han an& horse co#l$ (o, $own hill an$ in"o "he
"hic, of "he fores".
Tha" ri$e was )erha)s "he %os" won$erf#l "hin( "ha" ha))ene$ "o "he% in Narnia. Ha+e &o#
e+er ha$ a (allo) on a horse5 Thin, of "ha"0 an$ "hen "a,e awa& "he hea+& noise of "he
hoofs an$ "he 8in(le of "he 'i"s an$ i%a(ine ins"ea$ "he al%os" noiseless )a$$in( of "he
(rea" )aws. Then i%a(ine ins"ea$ of "he 'lac, or (re& or ches"n#" 'ac, of "he horse "he sof"
ro#(hness of (ol$en f#r, an$ "he %ane fl&in( 'ac, in "he win$. An$ "hen i%a(ine &o# are
(oin( a'o#" "wice as fas" as "he fas"es" racehorse. B#" "his is a %o#n" "ha" $oesn2" nee$ "o 'e
(#i$e$ an$ ne+er (rows "ire$. He r#shes on an$ on, ne+er %issin( his foo"in(, ne+er
hesi"a"in(, "hrea$in( his wa& wi"h )erfec" s,ill 'e"ween "ree "r#n,s, 8#%)in( o+er '#sh an$
'riar an$ "he s%aller s"rea%s, wa$in( "he lar(er, swi%%in( "he lar(es" of all. An$ &o# are
ri$in( no" on a roa$ nor in a )ar, nor e+en on "he $owns, '#" ri(h" across Narnia, in s)rin(,
$own sole%n a+en#es of 'eech an$ across s#nn& (la$es of oa,, "hro#(h wil$ orchar$s of
snow*whi"e cherr& "rees, )as" roarin( wa"erfalls an$ %oss& roc,s an$ echoin( ca+erns, #)
win$& slo)es ali(h" wi"h (orse '#shes, an$ across "he sho#l$ers of hea"her& %o#n"ains an$
alon( (i$$& ri$(es an$ $own, $own, $own a(ain in"o wil$ +alle&s an$ o#" in"o acres of 'l#e
I" was nearl& %i$$a& when "he& fo#n$ "he%sel+es loo,in( $own a s"ee) hillsi$e a" a cas"le *
a li""le "o& cas"le i" loo,e$ fro% where "he& s"oo$ * which see%e$ "o 'e all )oin"e$ "owers.
B#" "he Lion was r#shin( $own a" s#ch a s)ee$ "ha" i" (rew lar(er e+er& %o%en" an$ 'efore
"he& ha$ "i%e e+en "o as, "he%sel+es wha" i" was "he& were alrea$& on a le+el wi"h i". An$
now i" no lon(er loo,e$ li,e a "o& cas"le '#" rose frownin( in fron" of "he%. No face loo,e$
o+er "he 'a""le%en"s an$ "he (a"es were fas" sh#". An$ Aslan, no" a" all slac,in( his )ace,
r#she$ s"rai(h" as a '#lle" "owar$s i".
3The Wi"ch2s ho%e43 he crie$. 3Now, chil$ren, hol$ "i(h".3
Ne1" %o%en" "he whole worl$ see%e$ "o "#rn #)si$e $own, an$ "he chil$ren fel" as if "he&
ha$ lef" "heir insi$es 'ehin$ "he%0 for "he Lion ha$ (a"here$ hi%self "o(e"her for a
(rea"er lea) "han an& he ha$ &e" %a$e an$ 8#%)e$ * or &o# %a& call i" fl&in( ra"her "han
8#%)in( * ri(h" o+er "he cas"le wall. The "wo (irls, 'rea"hless '#" #nh#r", fo#n$ "he%sel+es
"#%'lin( off his 'ac, in "he %i$$le of a wi$e s"one co#r"&ar$ f#ll of s"a"#es.
3WHAT an e1"raor$inar& )lace43 crie$ L#c&. 3All "hose s"one ani%als *an$ )eo)le "oo4 I"2s
*i"2s li,e a %#se#%.3
3H#sh,3 sai$ S#san, 3Aslan2s $oin( so%e"hin(.3
He was in$ee$. He ha$ 'o#n$e$ #) "o "he s"one lion an$ 'rea"he$ on hi%. Then wi"ho#"
wai"in( a %o%en" he whis,e$ ro#n$ * al%os" as if he ha$ 'een a ca" chasin( i"s "ail *an$
'rea"he$ also on "he s"one $warf, which .as &o# re%e%'er/ was s"an$in( a few fee" fro%
"he lion wi"h his 'ac, "o i". Then he )o#nce$ on a "all s"one $r&a$ which s"oo$ 'e&on$ "he
$warf, "#rne$ ra)i$l& asi$e "o $eal wi"h a s"one ra''i" on his ri(h", an$ r#she$ on "o "wo
cen"a#rs. B#" a" "ha" %o%en" L#c& sai$,
3Oh, S#san4 Loo,4 Loo, a" "he lion.3
I e1)ec" &o#2+e seen so%eone )#" a li(h"e$ %a"ch "o a 'i" of news)a)er which is )ro))e$
#) in a (ra"e a(ains" an #nli" fire. An$ for a secon$ no"hin( see%s "o ha+e ha))ene$0 an$
"hen &o# no"ice a "in& s"rea, of fla%e cree)in( alon( "he e$(e of "he news)a)er. I" was li,e
"ha" now. 7or a secon$ af"er Aslan ha$ 'rea"he$ #)on hi% "he s"one lion loo,e$ 8#s" "he
sa%e. Then a "in& s"rea, of (ol$ 'e(an "o r#n alon( his whi"e %ar'le 'ac, "hen i" s)rea$ *
"hen "he colo#r see%e$ "o lic, all o+er hi% as "he fla%e lic,s all o+er a 'i" of )a)er * "hen,
while his hin$9#ar"ers were s"ill o'+io#sl& s"one, "he lion shoo, his %ane an$ all "he hea+&,
s"one fol$s ri))le$ in"o li+in( hair. Then he o)ene$ a (rea" re$ %o#"h, war% an$ li+in(, an$
(a+e a )ro$i(io#s &awn. An$ now his hin$ le(s ha$ co%e "o life. He lif"e$ one of "he% an$
scra"che$ hi%self. Then, ha+in( ca#(h" si(h" of Aslan, he wen" 'o#n$in( af"er hi% an$
fris,in( ro#n$ hi% whi%)erin( wi"h $eli(h" an$ 8#%)in( #) "o lic, his face.
Of co#rse "he chil$ren2s e&es "#rne$ "o follow "he lion0 '#" "he si(h" "he& saw was so
won$erf#l "ha" "he& soon for(o" a'o#" hi%. E+er&where "he s"a"#es were co%in( "o life. The
co#r"&ar$ loo,e$ no lon(er li,e a %#se#%0 i" loo,e$ %ore li,e a <oo. Crea"#res were
r#nnin( af"er Aslan an$ $ancin( ro#n$ hi% "ill he was al%os" hi$$en in "he crow$. Ins"ea$
of all "ha" $ea$l& whi"e "he co#r"&ar$ was now a 'la<e of colo#rs0 (loss& ches"n#" si$es of
cen"a#rs, in$i(o horns of #nicorns, $a<<lin( )l#%a(e of 'ir$s, re$$&*'rown of fo1es, $o(s
an$ sa"&rs, &ellow s"oc,in(s an$ cri%son hoo$s of $warfs0 an$ "he 'irch*(irls in sil+er, an$
"he 'eech*(irls in fresh, "rans)aren" (reen, an$ "he larch*(irls in (reen so
'ri(h" "ha" i" was al%os" &ellow. An$ ins"ea$ of "he $ea$l& silence "he whole )lace ran(
wi"h "he so#n$ of ha))& roarin(s, 'ra&in(s, &el)in(s, 'ar,in(s, s9#ealin(s, cooin(s,
nei(hin(s, s"a%)in(s, sho#"s, h#rrahs, son(s an$ la#(h"er.
3Oh43 sai$ S#san in a $ifferen" "one. 3Loo,4 I won$er * I %ean, is i" safe53
L#c& loo,e$ an$ saw "ha" Aslan ha$ 8#s" 'rea"he$ on "he fee" of "he s"one (ian".
3I"2s all ri(h"43 sho#"e$ Aslan 8o&o#sl&. 3Once "he fee" are )#" ri(h", all "he res" of hi% will
3Tha" wasn2" e1ac"l& wha" I %ean",3 whis)ere$ S#san "o L#c&. B#" i" was "oo la"e "o $o
an&"hin( a'o#" i" now e+en if Aslan wo#l$ ha+e lis"ene$ "o her. The chan(e was alrea$&
cree)in( #) "he 6ian"2s le(s. Now he was %o+in( his fee". A %o%en" la"er he lif"e$ his cl#'
off his sho#l$er, r#''e$ his e&es an$ sai$,
3Bless %e4 I %#s" ha+e 'een aslee). Now4 Where2s "ha" $ra""e$ li""le Wi"ch "ha" was
r#nnin( a'o#" on "he (ro#n$. So%ewhere 8#s" '& %& fee" i" was.3 B#" when e+er&one ha$
sho#"e$ #) "o hi% "o e1)lain wha" ha$ reall& ha))ene$, an$ when "he 6ian" ha$ )#" his
han$ "o his ear an$ (o" "he% "o re)ea" i" all a(ain so "ha" a" las" he #n$ers"oo$, "hen he
'owe$ $own "ill his hea$ was no f#r"her off "han "he "o) of a ha&s"ac, an$ "o#che$ his ca)
re)ea"e$l& "o Aslan, 'ea%in( all o+er his hones" #(l& face. .6ian"s of an& sor" are now so
rare in En(lan$ an$ so few (ian"s are (oo$*"e%)ere$ "ha" "en "o one &o# ha+e ne+er seen a
(ian" when his face is 'ea%in(. I"2s a si(h" well wor"h loo,in( a"./
3Now for "he insi$e of "his ho#se43 sai$ Aslan. 3Loo, ali+e, e+er&one. ) s"airs an$ $own
s"airs an$ in %& la$&2s cha%'er4 Lea+e no corner #nsearche$. Yo# ne+er ,now where so%e
)oor )risoner %a& 'e conceale$.3
An$ in"o "he in"erior "he& all r#she$ an$ for se+eral %in#"es "he whole of "ha" $ar,,
horri'le, f#s"& ol$ cas"le echoe$ wi"h "he o)enin( of win$ows an$ wi"h e+er&one2s +oices
cr&in( o#" a" once, 3Don2" for(e" "he $#n(eons * 6i+e #s a han$ wi"h "his $oor4 Here2s
ano"her li""le win$in( s"air * Oh4 I sa&. Here2s a )oor ,an(aroo. Call Aslan * Phew4 How i"
s%ells in here * Loo, o#" for "ra)*$oors * ) here4 There are a whole lo" %ore on "he
lan$in(43 B#" "he 'es" of all was when L#c& ca%e r#shin( #)s"airs sho#"in( o#",
3Aslan4 Aslan4 I2+e fo#n$ -r T#%n#s. Oh, $o co%e 9#ic,.3
A %o%en" la"er L#c& an$ "he li""le 7a#n were hol$in( each o"her '& 'o"h han$s an$
$ancin( ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ for 8o&. The li""le cha) was none "he worse for ha+in( 'een a
s"a"#e an$ was of co#rse +er& in"eres"e$ in all she ha$ "o "ell hi%.
B#" a" las" "he ransac,in( of "he Wi"ch2s for"ress was en$e$. The whole cas"le s"oo$ e%)"&
wi"h e+er& $oor an$ win$ow o)en an$ "he li(h" an$ "he swee" s)rin( air floo$in( in"o all
"he $ar, an$ e+il )laces which nee$e$ "he% so 'a$l&. The whole crow$ of
li'era"e$ s"a"#es s#r(e$ 'ac, in"o "he co#r"&ar$. An$ i" was "hen "ha" so%eone .T#%n#s, I
"hin,/ firs" sai$,
3B#" how are we (oin( "o (e" o#"53 for Aslan ha$ (o" in '& a 8#%) an$ "he (a"es were s"ill
3Tha"2ll 'e all ri(h",3 sai$ Aslan0 an$ "hen, risin( on his hin$*le(s, he 'awle$ #) a" "he
6ian". 3Hi4 Yo# #) "here,3 he roare$. 3Wha"2s &o#r na%e53
36ian" R#%'le'#ffin, if i" )lease &o#r hono#r,3 sai$ "he 6ian", once %ore "o#chin( his ca).
3Well "hen, 6ian" R#%'le'#ffin,3 sai$ Aslan, 38#s" le" #s o#" of "his, will &o#53
3Cer"ainl&, &o#r hono#r. I" will 'e a )leas#re,3 sai$ 6ian" R#%'le'#ffin. 3S"an$ well awa&
fro% "he (a"es, all &o# li""le 2#ns.3 Then he s"ro$e "o "he (a"e hi%self an$ 'an( * 'an( *
'an( * wen" his h#(e cl#'. The (a"es crea,e$ a" "he firs" 'low, crac,e$ a" "he secon$, an$
shi+ere$ a" "he "hir$. Then he "ac,le$ "he "owers on each si$e of "he% an$ af"er a few
%in#"es of crashin( an$ "h#$$in( 'o"h "he "owers an$ a (oo$ 'i" of "he wall on each si$e
wen" "h#n$erin( $own in a %ass of ho)eless r#''le0 an$ when "he $#s" cleare$ i" was o$$,
s"an$in( in "ha" $r&, (ri%, s"on& &ar$, "o see "hro#(h "he (a) all "he (rass an$ wa+in( "rees
an$ s)ar,lin( s"rea%s of "he fores", an$ "he 'l#e hills 'e&on$ "ha" an$ 'e&on$ "he% "he s,&.
3Blowe$ if I ain2" all in a %#c, swea",3 sai$ "he 6ian", )#ffin( li,e "he lar(es" railwa&
en(ine. 3Co%es of 'ein( o#" of con$i"ion. I s#))ose nei"her of &o# &o#n( la$ies has s#ch a
"hin( as a )oc,e"*han$,erchee a'o#" &o#53
3Yes, I ha+e,3 sai$ L#c&, s"an$in( on "i)*"oes an$ hol$in( her han$,erchief #) as far as she
co#l$ reach.
3Than, &o#, -issie,3 sai$ 6ian" R#%'le'#ffin, s"oo)in( $own. Ne1" %o%en" L#c& (o"
ra"her a fri(h" for she fo#n$ herself ca#(h" #) in %i$*air 'e"ween "he 6ian"2s fin(er an$
"h#%'. B#" 8#s" as she was (e""in( near his face he s#$$enl& s"ar"e$ an$ "hen )#" her (en"l&
'ac, on "he (ro#n$ %#""erin(, 3Bless %e4 I2+e )ic,e$ #) "he li""le (irl ins"ea$. I 'e( &o#r
)ar$on, -issie, I "ho#(h" &o# was "he han$,erchee43
3No, no,3 sai$ L#c& la#(hin(, 3here i" is43 This "i%e he %ana(e$ "o (e" i" '#" i" was onl&
a'o#" "he sa%e si<e "o hi% "ha" a saccharine "a'le" wo#l$ 'e "o &o#, so "ha" when she saw
hi% sole%nl& r#''in( i" "o an$ fro across his (rea" re$ face, she sai$, 3I2% afrai$ i"2s no"
%#ch #se "o &o#, -r R#%'le'#ffin.3
3No" a" all. No" a" all,3 sai$ "he (ian" )oli"el&. 3Ne+er %e" a nicer han$,erchee. So fine, so
han$&. So * I $on2" ,now how "o $escri'e i".3
3Wha" a nice (ian" he is43 sai$ L#c& "o -r T#%n#s.
3Oh &es,3 re)lie$ "he 7a#n. 3All "he B#ffins alwa&s were. One of "he %os" res)ec"e$ of all
"he (ian" fa%ilies in Narnia. No" +er& cle+er, )erha)s .I ne+er ,new a (ian" "ha" was/, '#"
an ol$ fa%il&. Wi"h "ra$i"ions, &o# ,now. If he2$ 'een "he o"her sor" she2$ ne+er ha+e "#rne$
hi% in"o s"one.3
A" "his )oin" Aslan cla))e$ his )aws "o(e"her an$ calle$ for silence.
3O#r $a&2s wor, is no" &e" o+er,3 he sai$, 3an$ if "he Wi"ch is "o 'e finall& $efea"e$ 'efore
'e$*"i%e we %#s" fin$ "he 'a""le a" once.3
3An$ 8oin in, I ho)e, sir43 a$$e$ "he lar(es" of "he Cen"a#rs.
3Of co#rse,3 sai$ Aslan. 3An$ now4 Those who can2" ,ee) #) * "ha" is, chil$ren, $warfs, an$
s%all ani%als * %#s" ri$e on "he 'ac,s of "hose who can * "ha" is, lions, cen"a#rs, #nicorns,
horses, (ian"s an$ ea(les. Those who are (oo$ wi"h "heir noses %#s" co%e in fron" wi"h #s
lions "o s%ell o#" where "he 'a""le is. Loo, li+el& an$ sor" &o#rsel+es.3
An$ wi"h a (rea" $eal of '#s"le an$ cheerin( "he& $i$. The %os" )lease$ of "he lo" was "he
o"her lion who ,e)" r#nnin( a'o#" e+er&where )re"en$in( "o 'e +er& '#s& '#" reall& in
or$er "o sa& "o e+er&one he %e". 3Di$ &o# hear wha" he sai$5 s Lions. Tha" %eans hi%
an$ %e. s Lions. Tha"2s wha" I li,e a'o#" Aslan. No si$e, no s"an$*off*ishness. s Lions.
Tha" %ean" hi% an$ %e.3 A" leas" he wen" on sa&in( "his "ill Aslan ha$ loa$e$ hi% #) wi"h
"hree $warfs, one $r&a$, "wo ra''i"s, an$ a he$(eho(. Tha" s"ea$ie$ hi% a 'i".
When all were rea$& .i" was a 'i( shee)*$o( who ac"#all& hel)e$ Aslan %os" in (e""in(
"he% sor"e$ in"o "heir )ro)er or$er/ "he& se" o#" "hro#(h "he (a) in "he cas"le wall. A" firs"
"he lions an$ $o(s wen" nosin( a'o#" in all $irec"ions. B#" "hen s#$$enl& one (rea" ho#n$
)ic,e$ #) "he scen" an$ (a+e a 'a&. There was no "i%e los" af"er "ha". Soon all "he $o(s an$
lions an$ wol+es an$ o"her h#n"in( ani%als were (oin( a" f#ll s)ee$ wi"h "heir noses "o "he
(ro#n$, an$ all "he o"hers, s"rea,e$ o#" for a'o#" half a %ile 'ehin$ "he%, were followin(
as fas" as "he& co#l$. The noise was li,e an En(lish fo1*h#n" onl& 'e""er 'eca#se e+er& now
an$ "hen wi"h "he %#sic of "he ho#n$s was %i1e$ "he roar of "he o"her lion an$ so%e"i%es
"he far $ee)er an$ %ore awf#l roar of Aslan hi%self. 7as"er an$ fas"er "he& wen" as "he
scen" 'eca%e easier an$ easier "o follow. An$ "hen, 8#s" as "he& ca%e "o "he las" c#r+e in a
narrow, win$in( +alle&, L#c& hear$ a'o+e all "hese noises ano"her noise * a $ifferen" one,
which (a+e her a 9#eer feelin( insi$e. I" was a noise of sho#"s an$ shrie,s an$ of "he
clashin( of %e"al a(ains" %e"al.
Then "he& ca%e o#" of "he narrow +alle& an$ a" once she saw "he reason. There s"oo$ Pe"er
an$ E$%#n$ an$ all "he res" of Aslan2s ar%& fi(h"in( $es)era"el& a(ains" "he crow$ of
horri'le crea"#res who% she ha$ seen las" ni(h"0 onl& now, in "he $a&li(h", "he& loo,e$
e+en s"ran(er an$ %ore e+il an$ %ore $efor%e$. There also see%e$ "o 'e far %ore of "he%.
Pe"er2s ar%& * which ha$ "heir 'ac,s "o her loo,e$ "erri'l& few. An$ "here weres"a"#es
$o""e$ all o+er "he 'a""lefiel$, so a))aren"l& "he Wi"ch ha$ 'een #sin( her wan$. B#" she $i$
no" see% "o 'e #sin( i" now. She was fi(h"in( wi"h her s"one ,nife. I"
was Pe"er she was fi(h"in * 'o"h of "he% (oin( a" i" so har$ "ha" L#c& co#l$ har$l& %a,e
o#" wha" was ha))enin(0 she onl& saw "he s"one ,nife an$ Pe"er2s swor$ flashin( so 9#ic,l&
"ha" "he& loo,e$ li,e "hree ,ni+es an$ "hree swor$s. Tha" )air were in "he cen"re. On each
si$e "he line s"re"che$ o#". Horri'le "hin(s were ha))enin( where+er she loo,e$.
3Off %& 'ac,, chil$ren,3 sho#"e$ Aslan. An$ "he& 'o"h "#%'le$ off. Then wi"h a roar "ha"
shoo, all Narnia fro% "he wes"ern la%)*)os" "o "he shores of "he eas"ern sea "he (rea" 'eas"
fl#n( hi%self #)on "he Whi"e Wi"ch. L#c& saw her face lif"e$ "owar$s hi% for one secon$
wi"h an e1)ression of "error an$ a%a<e%en". Then Lion an$ Wi"ch ha$ rolle$ o+er "o(e"her
'#" wi"h "he Wi"ch #n$ernea"h0 an$ a" "he sa%e %o%en" all war*li,e crea"#res who% Aslan
ha$ le$ fro% "he Wi"ch2s ho#se r#she$ %a$l& on "he ene%& lines, $warfs wi"h "heir
'a""lea1es, $o(s wi"h "ee"h, "he 6ian" wi"h his cl#' .an$ his fee" also cr#she$ $o<ens of "he
foe/, #nicorns wi"h "heir horns, cen"a#rs wi"h swor$s an$ hoofs. An$ Pe"er2s "ire$ ar%&
cheere$, an$ "he newco%ers roare$, an$ "he ene%& s9#eale$ an$ (i''ere$ "ill "he woo$ re*
echoe$ wi"h "he $in of "ha" onse".
THE 'a""le was all o+er a few %in#"es af"er "heir arri+al. -os" of "he ene%& ha$ 'een ,ille$
in "he firs" char(e of Aslan an$ his *co%)anions0 an$ when "hose who were s"ill li+in( saw
"ha" "he Wi"ch was $ea$ "he& ei"her (a+e "he%sel+es #) or "oo, "o fli(h". The ne1" "hin( "ha"
L#c& ,new was "ha" Pe"er an$ Aslan were sha,in( han$s. I" was s"ran(e "o her "o see Pe"er
loo,in( as he loo,e$ now * his face was so )ale an$ s"ern an$ he see%e$ so %#ch ol$er.
3I" was all E$%#n$2s $oin(, Aslan,3 Pe"er was sa&in(. 3We2$ ha+e 'een 'ea"en if i" ha$n2"
'een for hi%. The Wi"ch was "#rnin( o#r "roo)s in"o s"one ri(h" an$ lef". B#" no"hin( wo#l$
s"o) hi%. He fo#(h" his wa& "hro#(h "hree o(res "o where she was 8#s" "#rnin( one of &o#r
leo)ar$s in"o a s"a"#e. An$ when he reache$ her he ha$ sense "o 'rin( his swor$ s%ashin(
$own on her wan$ ins"ea$ of "r&in( "o (o for her $irec"l& an$ si%)l& (e""in( %a$e a s"a"#e
hi%self for his )ains. Tha" was "he %is"a,e all "he res" were %a,in(. Once her wan$ was
'ro,en we 'e(an "o ha+e so%e chance * if we ha$n2" los" so %an& alrea$&. He was "erri'l&
wo#n$e$. We %#s" (o an$ see hi%.3
The& fo#n$ E$%#n$ in char(e of -rs Bea+er a li""le wa& 'ac, fro% "he fi(h"in( line. He
was co+ere$ wi"h 'loo$, his %o#"h was o)en, an$ his face a nas"& (reen colo#r.
3=#ic,, L#c&,3 sai$ Aslan.
An$ "hen, al%os" for "he firs" "i%e, L#c& re%e%'ere$ "he )recio#s cor$ial "ha" ha$ 'een
(i+en her for a Chris"%as )resen". Her han$s "re%'le$ so %#ch "ha" she co#l$ har$l&
#n$o "he s"o))er, '#" she %ana(e$ i" in "he en$ an$ )o#re$ a few $ro)s in"o her 'ro"her2s
3There are o"her )eo)le wo#n$e$,3 sai$ Aslan while she was s"ill loo,in( ea(erl& in"o
E$%#n$2s )ale face an$ won$erin( if "he cor$ial wo#l$ ha+e an& res#l".
3Yes, I ,now,3 sai$ L#c& crossl&. 3Wai" a %in#"e.3
3Da#(h"er of E+e,3 sai$ Aslan in a (ra+er +oice, 3o"hers also are a" "he )oin" of $ea"h. -#s"
%ore )eo)le $ie for E$%#n$53
3I2% sorr&, Aslan,3 sai$ L#c&, (e""in( #) an$ (oin( wi"h hi%. An$ for "he ne1" half*ho#r
"he& were '#s& * she a""en$in( "o "he wo#n$e$ while he res"ore$ "hose who ha$ 'een "#rne$
in"o s"one. When a" las" she was free "o co%e 'ac, "o E$%#n$ she fo#n$ hi% s"an$in( on
his fee" an$ no" onl& heale$ of his wo#n$s '#" loo,in( 'e""er "han she ha$ seen hi% loo, *
oh, for a(es0 in fac" e+er since his firs" "er% a" "ha" horri$ school which was where he ha$
'e(#n "o (o wron(. He ha$ 'eco%e his real ol$ self a(ain an$ co#l$ loo, &o# in "he face.
An$ "here on "he fiel$ of 'a""le Aslan %a$e hi% a ,ni(h".
3Does he ,now,3 whis)ere$ L#c& "o S#san, 3wha" Aslan $i$ for hi%5 Does he ,now wha"
"he arran(e%en" wi"h "he Wi"ch reall& was53
3H#sh4 No. Of co#rse no",3 sai$ S#san.
3O#(h"n2" he "o 'e "ol$53 sai$ L#c&.
3Oh, s#rel& no",3 sai$ S#san. 3I" wo#l$ 'e "oo awf#l for hi%. Thin, how &o#2$ feel if &o#
were he.3
3All "he sa%e I "hin, he o#(h" "o ,now,3 sai$ L#c&. B#" a" "ha" %o%en" "he& were
Tha" ni(h" "he& sle)" where "he& were. How Aslan )ro+i$e$ foo$ for "he% all I $on2" ,now0
'#" so%ehow or o"her "he& fo#n$ "he%sel+es all si""in( $own on "he (rass "o a fine hi(h "ea
a" a'o#" ei(h" o2cloc,. Ne1" $a& "he& 'e(an %archin( eas"war$ $own "he si$e of "he (rea"
ri+er. An$ "he ne1" $a& af"er "ha", a" a'o#" "ea"i%e, "he& ac"#all& reache$ "he %o#"h. The
cas"le of Cair Para+el on i"s li""le hill "owere$ #) a'o+e "he%0 'efore "he% were "he san$s,
wi"h roc,s an$ li""le )ools of sal" wa"er, an$ seawee$, an$ "he s%ell of "he sea an$ lon(
%iles of 'l#ish*(reen wa+es 'rea,in( for e+er an$ e+er on "he 'each. An$ oh, "he cr& of "he
sea*(#lls4 Ha+e &o# hear$ i"5 Can &o# re%e%'er5
Tha" e+enin( af"er "ea "he fo#r chil$ren all %ana(e$ "o (e" $own "o "he 'each a(ain an$ (e"
"heir shoes an$ s"oc,in(s off an$ feel "he san$ 'e"ween "heir "oes. B#" ne1" $a& was %ore
sole%n. 7or "hen, in "he 6rea" Hall of Cair Para+el * "ha" won$erf#l hall wi"h "he i+or& roof
an$ "he wes" wall h#n( wi"h )eacoc,2s fea"hers an$ "he eas"ern $oor which loo,s "owar$s
"he sea, in "he )resence of all "heir frien$s an$ "o "he so#n$ of "r#%)e"s,
Aslan sole%nl& crowne$ "he% an$ le$ "he% "o "he fo#r "hrones a%i$ $eafenin( sho#"s of,
3Lon( Li+e !in( Pe"er4 Lon( Li+e =#een S#san4 Lon( Li+e !in( E$%#n$4 Lon( Li+e
=#een L#c&43
3Once a ,in( or 9#een in Narnia, alwa&s a ,in( or 9#een. Bear i" well, Sons of A$a%4 Bear
i" well, Da#(h"ers of E+e43 sai$ Aslan.
An$ "hro#(h "he eas"ern $oor, which was wi$e o)en, ca%e "he +oices of "he %er%en an$
"he %er%ai$s swi%%in( close "o "he shore an$ sin(in( in hono#r of "heir new !in(s an$
So "he chil$ren sa" on "heir "hrones an$ sce)"res were )#" in"o "heir han$s an$ "he& (a+e
rewar$s an$ hono#rs "o all "heir frien$s, "o T#%n#s "he 7a#n, an$ "o "he Bea+ers, an$ 6ian"
R#%'le'#ffin, "o "he leo)ar$s, an$ "he (oo$ cen"a#rs, an$ "he (oo$ $warfs, an$ "o "he lion.
An$ "ha" ni(h" "here was a (rea" feas" in Cair Para+el, an$ re+elr& an$ $ancin(, an$ (ol$
flashe$ an$ wine flowe$, an$ answerin( "o "he %#sic insi$e, '#" s"ran(er, swee"er, an$
%ore )iercin(, ca%e "he %#sic of "he sea )eo)le.
B#" a%i$s" all "hese re8oicin(s Aslan hi%self 9#ie"l& sli))e$ awa&. An$ when "he !in(s
an$ =#eens no"ice$ "ha" he wasn2" "here "he& sai$ no"hin( a'o#" i". 7or -r Bea+er ha$
warne$ "he%, 3He2ll 'e co%in( an$ (oin(,3 he ha$ sai$. 3One $a& &o#2ll see hi% an$
ano"her &o# won2". He $oesn2" li,e 'ein( "ie$ $own an$ of co#rse he has o"her co#n"ries "o
a""en$ "o. I"2s 9#i"e all ri(h". He2ll of"en $ro) in. Onl& &o# %#s"n2" )ress hi%. He2s wil$,2 &o#
,now. No" li,e a "a%e lion.3
An$ now, as &o# see, "his s"or& is nearl& .'#" no" 9#i"e/ a" an en$. These "wo !in(s an$ "wo
=#eens (o+erne$ Narnia well, an$ lon( an$ ha))& was "heir rei(n. A" firs" %#ch of "heir
"i%e was s)en" in see,in( o#" "he re%nan"s of "he Whi"e Wi"ch2s ar%& an$ $es"ro&in( "he%,
an$ in$ee$ for a lon( "i%e "here wo#l$ 'e news of e+il "hin(s l#r,in( in "he wil$er )ar"s of
"he fores" * a ha#n"in( here an$ a ,illin( "here, a (li%)se of a werewolf one %on"h an$ a
r#%o#r of a ha( "he ne1". B#" in "he en$ all "ha" fo#l 'roo$ was s"a%)e$ o#". An$ "he&
%a$e (oo$ laws an$ ,e)" "he )eace an$ sa+e$ (oo$ "rees fro% 'ein( #nnecessaril& c#"
$own, an$ li'era"e$ &o#n( $warfs an$ &o#n( sa"&rs fro% 'ein( sen" "o school, an$
(enerall& s"o))e$ '#s&'o$ies an$ in"erferers an$ enco#ra(e$ or$inar& )eo)le who wan"e$
"o li+e an$ le" li+e. An$ "he& $ro+e 'ac, "he fierce (ian"s .9#i"e a $ifferen" sor" fro% 6ian"
R#%'le'#ffin/ on "he nor"h of Narnia when "hese +en"#re$ across "he fron"ier. An$ "he&
en"ere$ in"o frien$shi) an$ alliance wi"h co#n"ries 'e&on$ "he sea an$ )ai$ "he% +isi"s of
s"a"e an$ recei+e$ +isi"s of s"a"e fro% "he%. An$ "he& "he%sel+es (rew an$ chan(e$ as "he
&ears )asse$ o+er "he%. An$ Pe"er 'eca%e a "all an$ $ee)*ches"e$ %an an$ a (rea" warrior,
an$ he was calle$ !in( Pe"er "he -a(nificen". An$ S#san (rew in"o a "all an$ (racio#s
wo%an wi"h 'lac, hair "ha" fell al%os" "o her fee" an$ "he ,in(s of "he co#n"ries 'e&on$ "he
sea 'e(an "o sen$ a%'assa$ors as,in( for her han$ in %arria(e. An$ she was calle$ S#san
"he 6en"le. E$%#n$ was a (ra+er an$ 9#ie"er %an "han Pe"er, an$ (rea" in co#ncil an$
8#$(e%en". He was calle$ !in( E$%#n$ "he >#s". B#" as for L#c&, she was alwa&s (a& an$
(ol$en*haire$, an$ all )rinces in "hose )ar"s $esire$ her "o 'e "heir =#een, an$ her own
)eo)le calle$ her =#een L#c& "he ;alian".
So "he& li+e$ in (rea" 8o& an$ if e+er "he& re%e%'ere$ "heir life in "his worl$ i" was onl& as
one re%e%'ers a $rea%. An$ one &ear i" fell o#" "ha" T#%n#s .who was a %i$$le*a(e$
7a#n '& now an$ 'e(innin( "o 'e s"o#"/ ca%e $own ri+er an$ 'ro#(h" "he% news "ha" "he
Whi"e S"a( ha$ once %ore a))eare$ in his )ar"s * "he Whi"e S"a( who wo#l$ (i+e &o#
wishes if &o# ca#(h" hi%. So "hese "wo !in(s an$ "wo =#eens wi"h "he )rinci)al %e%'ers
of "heir co#r", ro$e a*h#n"in( wi"h horns an$ ho#n$s in "he Wes"ern Woo$s "o follow "he
Whi"e S"a(. An$ "he& ha$ no" h#n"e$ lon( 'efore "he& ha$ a si(h" of hi%. An$ he le$ "he%
a (rea" )ace o+er ro#(h an$ s%oo"h an$ "hro#(h "hic, an$ "hin, "ill "he horses of all "he
co#r"iers were "ire$ o#" an$ "hese fo#r were s"ill followin(. An$ "he& saw "he s"a( en"er in"o
a "hic,e" where "heir horses co#l$ no" follow. Then sai$ !in( Pe"er .for "he& "al,e$ in 9#i"e
a $ifferen" s"&le now, ha+in( 'een !in(s an$ =#eens for so lon(/, 37air Consor"s, le" #s
now ali(h" fro% o#r horses an$ follow "his 'eas" in"o "he "hic,e"0 for in all %& $a&s I ne+er
h#n"e$ a no'ler 9#arr&.3
3Sir,3 sai$ "he o"hers, 3e+en so le" #s $o.3
So "he& ali(h"e$ an$ "ie$ "heir horses "o "rees an$ wen" on in"o "he "hic, woo$ on foo". An$
as soon as "he& ha$ en"ere$ i" =#een S#san sai$,
37air frien$s, here is a (rea" %ar+el, for I see% "o see a "ree of iron.3
3-a$a%,3 sai$,!in( E$%#n$, 3if &o# loo, well #)on i" &o# shall see i" is a )illar of iron
wi"h a lan"ern se" on "he "o) "hereof.3
3B& "he Lion2s -ane, a s"ran(e $e+ice,3 sai$ !in( Pe"er, 3"o se" a lan"ern here where "he
"rees cl#s"er so "hic, a'o#" i" an$ so hi(h a'o+e i" "ha" if i" were li" i" sho#l$ (i+e li(h" "o no
3Sir,3 sai$ =#een L#c&. 3B& li,elihoo$ when "his )os" an$ "his la%) were se" here "here
were s%aller "rees in "he )lace, or fewer, or none. 7or "his is a &o#n( woo$ an$ "he iron
)os" is ol$.3 An$ "he& s"oo$ loo,in( #)on i". Then sai$ !in( E$%#n$,
3I ,now no" how i" is, '#" "his la%) on "he )os" wor,e"h #)on %e s"ran(el&. I" r#ns in %&
%in$ "ha" I ha+e seen "he li,e 'efore0 as i" were in a $rea%, or in "he $rea% of a $rea%.3
3Sir,3 answere$ "he& all, 3i" is e+en so wi"h #s also.3
3An$ %ore,3 sai$ =#een L#c&, 3for i" will no" (o o#" of %& %in$ "ha" if we )ass "his )os"
an$ lan"ern ei"her we shall fin$ s"ran(e a$+en"#res or else so%e (rea" chan(e of o#r
3-a$a%,3 sai$ !in( E$%#n$, 3"he li,e fore'o$in( s"irre"h in %& hear" also.3
3An$ in %ine, fair 'ro"her,3 sai$ !in( Pe"er.
3An$ in %ine "oo,3 sai$ =#een S#san. 3Wherefore '& %& co#nsel we shall li(h"l& re"#rn "o
o#r horses an$ follow "his Whi"e S"a( no f#r"her.3
3-a$a%,3 sai$ !in( Pe"er, 3"herein I )ra& "hee "o ha+e %e e1c#se$. 7or ne+er since we
fo#r were !in(s an$ =#eens in Narnia ha+e we se" o#r han$s "o an& hi(h %a""er, as 'a""les,
9#es"s, fea"s of ar%s, ac"s of 8#s"ice, an$ "he li,e, an$ "hen (i+en o+er0 '#" alwa&s wha" we
ha+e "a,en in han$, "he sa%e we ha+e achie+e$.3
3Sis"er,3 sai$ =#een L#c&, 3%& ro&al 'ro"her s)ea,s ri(h"l&. An$ i" see%s "o %e we sho#l$
'e sha%e$ if for an& fearin( or fore'o$in( we "#rne$ 'ac, fro% followin( so no'le a 'eas"
as now we ha+e in chase.3
3An$ so sa& I,3 sai$ !in( E$%#n$. 3An$ I ha+e s#ch $esire "o fin$ "he si(nifica"ion of "his
"hin( "ha" I wo#l$ no" '& %& (oo$ will "#rn 'ac, for "he riches" 8ewel in all Narnia an$ all
"he islan$s.3
3Then in "he na%e of Aslan,3 sai$ =#een S#san, 3if &e will all ha+e i" so, le" #s (o on an$
"a,e "he a$+en"#re "ha" shall fall "o #s.3
So "hese !in(s an$ =#eens en"ere$ "he "hic,e", an$ 'efore "he& ha$ (one a score of )aces
"he& all re%e%'ere$ "ha" "he "hin( "he& ha$ seen was calle$ a la%))os", an$ 'efore "he&
ha$ (one "wen"& %ore "he& no"ice$ "ha" "he& were. %a,in( "heir wa& no" "hro#(h 'ranches
'#" "hro#(h coa"s. An$ ne1" %o%en" "he& all ca%e "#%'lin( o#" of a war$ro'e $oor in"o "he
e%)"& roo%, an$ The& were no lon(er !in(s an$ =#eens in "heir h#n"in( arra& '#" 8#s"
Pe"er, S#san, E$%#n$ an$ L#c& in "heir ol$ clo"hes. I" was "he sa%e $a& an$ "he sa%e ho#r
of "he $a& on which "he& ha$ all (one in"o "he war$ro'e "o hi$e. -rs -acrea$& an$ "he
+isi"ors were s"ill "al,in( in "he )assa(e0 '#" l#c,il& "he& ne+er ca%e in"o "he e%)"& roo%
an$ so "he chil$ren weren2" ca#(h".
An$ "ha" wo#l$ ha+e 'een "he +er& en$ of "he s"or& if i" ha$n2" 'een "ha" "he& fel" "he& reall&
%#s" e1)lain "o "he Professor wh& fo#r of "he coa"s o#" of his war$ro'e were %issin(. An$
"he Professor, who was a +er& re%ar,a'le %an, $i$n2" "ell "he% no" "o 'e sill& or no" "o "ell
lies, '#" 'elie+e$ "he whole s"or&. 3No,3 he sai$, 3I $on2" "hin, i" will 'e an& (oo$ "r&in( "o
(o 'ac, "hro#(h "he war$ro'e $oor "o (e" "he coa"s. Yo# won2" (e" in"o Narnia a(ain '& "ha"
ro#"e. Nor wo#l$ "he coa"s 'e %#ch #se '& now if &o# $i$4
Eh5 Wha"2s "ha"5 Yes, of co#rse &o#2ll (e" 'ac, "o Narnia
a(ain so%e $a&. Once a !in( in Narnia, alwa&s a !in( in
Narnia. B#" $on2" (o "r&in( "o #se "he sa%e ro#"e "wice.
In$ee$, $on2" "r& "o (e" "here a" all. I"2ll ha))en when
&o#2re no" loo,in( for i". An$ $on2" "al, "oo %#ch a'o#" i"
e+en a%on( &o#rsel+es. An$ $on2" %en"ion i" "o an&one else
#nless &o# fin$ "ha" "he&2+e
ha$ a$+en"#res of "he sa%e sor" "he%sel+es. Wha"2s "ha"5 How
will &o# ,now5 Oh, &o#2ll ,now all ri(h". O$$ "hin(s "he&
sa& * e+en "heir loo,s * will le" "he secre" o#". !ee) &o#r
e&es o)en. Bless %e, wha" $o "he& "each "he% a" "hese
An$ "ha" is "he +er& en$ of "he a$+en"#re of "he war$ro'e.
B#" if "he Professor was ri(h" i" was onl& "he 'e(innin( of
"he a$+en"#res of Narnia.
ONCE "here were fo#r chil$ren whose na%es were Pe"er, S#san, E$%#n$, an$ L#c&, an$ i"
has 'een "ol$ in ano"her 'oo, calle$ The Lion, "he Wi"ch an$ "he War$ro'e how "he& ha$ a
re%ar,a'le a$+en"#re. The& ha$ o)ene$ "he $oor of a %a(ic war$ro'e an$ fo#n$
"he%sel+es in a 9#i"e $ifferen" worl$ fro% o#rs, an$ in "ha" $ifferen" worl$ "he& ha$
'eco%e !in(s an$ =#eens in a co#n"r& calle$ Narnia. While "he& were in Narnia "he&
see%e$ "o rei(n for &ears an$ &ears0 '#" when "he& ca%e 'ac, "hro#(h "he $oor an$ fo#n$
"he%sel+es in En(lan$ a(ain, i" all see%e$ "o ha+e "a,en no "i%e a" all. A" an& ra"e, no one
no"ice$ "ha" "he& ha$ e+er 'een awa&, an$ "he& ne+er "ol$ an&one e1ce)" one +er& wise
Tha" ha$ all ha))ene$ a &ear a(o, an$ now all fo#r of "he% were si""in( on a sea" a" a
railwa& s"a"ion wi"h "r#n,s an$ )la&'o1es )ile$ #) ro#n$ "he%. The& were, in fac", on "heir
wa& 'ac, "o school. The& ha$ "ra+elle$ "o(e"her as far as "his s"a"ion, which was a 8#nc"ion0
an$ here, in a few %in#"es, one "rain wo#l$ arri+e an$ "a,e "he (irls awa& "o one school,
an$ in a'o#" half an ho#r ano"her "rain wo#l$ arri+e an$ "he 'o&s wo#l$ (o off "o ano"her
school. The firs" )ar" of "he 8o#rne&, when "he& were all "o(e"her, alwa&s see%e$ "o 'e )ar"
of "he holi$a&s0 '#" now when "he& wo#l$ 'e sa&in( (oo$*'&e an$ (oin( $ifferen" wa&s so
soon, e+er&one fel" "ha" "he holi$a&s were reall& o+er an$ e+er&one fel" "heir "er%*"i%e
feelin(s 'e(innin( a(ain, an$ "he& were all ra"her (loo%& an$ no one co#l$ "hin, of
an&"hin( "o sa&. L#c& was (oin( "o 'oar$in( school for "he firs" "i%e.
I" was an e%)"&, slee)&, co#n"r& s"a"ion an$ "here was har$l& an&one on "he )la"for%
e1ce)" "he%sel+es. S#$$enl& L#c& (a+e a shar) li""le cr&, li,e so%eone who has 'een s"#n(
'& a was).
3Wha"2s #), L#53 sai$ E$%#n$ * an$ "hen s#$$enl& 'ro,e off an$ %a$e a noise li,e 3Ow43
3Wha" on ear"h*3,'e(an Pe"er, an$ "hen he "oo s#$$enl& chan(e$ wha" he ha$ 'een (oin( "o
sa&. Ins"ea$, he sai$, 3S#san, le" (o4 Wha" are &o# $oin(5 Where are &o# $ra((in( %e "o53
3I2% no" "o#chin( &o#,3 sai$ S#san. 3So%eone is )#llin( %e. Oh * oh *oh *s"o) i"43
E+er&one no"ice$ "ha" all "he o"hers2 faces ha$ (one +er& whi"e.
3I fel" 8#s" "he sa%e,3 sai$ E$%#n$ in a 'rea"hless +oice. 3As if I were 'ein( $ra((e$ alon(.
A %os" fri(h"f#l )#llin(*#(h4 i"2s 'e(innin( a(ain.3
3-e "oo,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Oh, I can2" 'ear i".3
3Loo, shar)43 sho#"e$ E$%#n$. 3All ca"ch han$s an$ ,ee) "o(e"her. This is %a(ic * I can
"ell '& "he feelin(. =#ic,43
3Yes,3 sai$ S#san. 3Hol$ han$s. Oh, I $o wish i" wo#l$ s"o)*oh43
Ne1" %o%en" "he l#((a(e, "he sea", "he )la"for%, an$ "he s"a"ion ha$ co%)le"el& +anishe$.
The fo#r chil$ren, hol$in( han$s an$ )an"in(, fo#n$ "he%sel+es s"an$in( in a woo$& )lace
* s#ch a woo$& )lace "ha" 'ranches were s"ic,in( in"o "he% an$ "here was har$l& roo% "o
%o+e. The& all r#''e$ "heir e&es an$ "oo, a $ee) 'rea"h.
3Oh, Pe"er43 e1clai%e$ L#c&. 3Do &o# "hin, we can )ossi'l& ha+e (o" 'ac, "o Narnia53
3I" %i(h" 'e an&where,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I can2" see a &ar$ in all "hese "rees. Le"2s "r& "o (e" in"o
"he o)en * if "here is an& o)en.3
Wi"h so%e $iffic#l"&, an$ wi"h so%e s"in(s fro% ne""les an$ )ric,s fro% "horns, "he&
s"r#((le$ o#" of "he "hic,e". Then "he& ha$ ano"her s#r)rise. E+er&"hin( 'eca%e %#ch
'ri(h"er, an$ af"er a few s"e)s "he& fo#n$ "he%sel+es a" "he e$(e of "he woo$, loo,in( $own
on a san$& 'each. A few &ar$s awa& a +er& cal% sea was fallin( on "he san$ wi"h s#ch "in&
ri))les "ha" i" %a$e har$l& an& so#n$. There was no lan$ in si(h" an$ no clo#$s in "he s,&.
The s#n was a'o#" where i" o#(h" "o 'e a" "en o2cloc, in "he %ornin(, an$ "he sea was a
$a<<lin( 'l#e. The& s"oo$ sniffin( in "he sea*s%ell.
3B& >o+e43 sai$ Pe"er. 3This is (oo$ eno#(h.3
7i+e %in#"es la"er e+er&one was 'arefoo"e$ an$ wa$in( in "he cool clear wa"er.
3This is 'e""er "han 'ein( in a s"#ff& "rain on "he wa& 'ac, "o La"in an$ 7rench an$
Al(e'ra43 sai$ E$%#n$. An$ "hen for 9#i"e a lon( "i%e "here was no %ore "al,in(, onl&
s)lashin( an$ loo,in( for shri%)s an$ cra's.
3All "he sa%e,3 sai$ S#san )resen"l&, 3I s#))ose we2ll ha+e "o %a,e so%e )lans. We shall
wan" so%e"hin( "o ea" 'efore lon(.3
3We2+e (o" "he san$wiches -o"her (a+e #s for "he 8o#rne&,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3A" leas" I2+e
(o" %ine.3
3No" %e,3 sai$ L#c&. 3-ine were in %& li""le 'a(.3
3So were %ine,3 sai$ S#san.
3-ine are in %& coa"*)oc,e", "here on "he 'each,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Tha"2ll 'e "wo l#nches a%on(
fo#r. This isn2" (oin( "o 'e s#ch f#n.3
3A" )resen",3 sai$ L#c&, 3I wan" so%e"hin( "o $rin, %ore "han so%e"hin( "o ea".3
E+er&one else now fel" "hirs"&, as one #s#all& is af"er wa$in( in sal" wa"er #n$er a ho" s#n.
3I"2s li,e 'ein( shi)wrec,e$,3 re%ar,e$ E$%#n$. 3In "he 'oo,s "he& alwa&s fin$ s)rin(s of
clear, fresh wa"er on "he islan$. We2$ 'e""er (o an$ loo, for "he%.3
3Does "ha" %ean we ha+e "o (o 'ac, in"o all "ha" "hic, woo$53 sai$ S#san.
3No" a 'i" of i",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3If "here are s"rea%s "he&2re 'o#n$ "o co%e $own "o "he sea, an$
if we wal, alon( "he 'each we2re 'o#n$ "o co%e "o "he%.3
The& all now wa$e$ 'ac, an$ wen" firs" across "he s%oo"h, we" san$ an$ "hen #) "o "he $r&,
cr#%'l& san$ "ha" s"ic,s "o one2s "oes, an$ 'e(an )#""in( on "heir shoes an$ soc,s. E$%#n$
an$ L#c& wan"e$ "o lea+e "he% 'ehin$ an$ $o "heir e1)lorin( wi"h 'are fee", '#" S#san sai$
"his wo#l$ 'e a %a$ "hin( "o $o. 3We %i(h" ne+er fin$ "he% a(ain,3 she )oin"e$ o#", 3an$
we shall wan" "he% if we2re s"ill here when ni(h" co%es an$ i" 'e(ins "o 'e col$.3
When "he& were $resse$ a(ain "he& se" o#" alon( "he shore wi"h "he sea on "heir lef" han$
an$ "he woo$ on "heir ri(h". E1ce)" for an occasional sea(#ll i" was a +er& 9#ie" )lace. The
woo$ was so "hic, an$ "an(le$ "ha" "he& co#l$ har$l& see in"o i" a" all0 an$ no"hin( in i"
%o+e$ * no" a 'ir$, no" e+en an insec".
Shells an$ seawee$ an$ ane%ones, or "in& cra's in roc,)ools, are all +er& well, '#" &o#
soon (e" "ire$ of "he% if &o# are "hirs"&. The chil$ren2s fee", af"er "he chan(e fro% "he cool
wa"er, fel" ho" an$ hea+&. S#san an$ L#c& ha$ raincoa"s "o carr&. E$%#n$ ha$ )#" $own his
coa" on "he s"a"ion sea" 8#s" 'efore "he %a(ic o+er"oo, "he%, an$ he an$ Pe"er "oo, i" in
"#rns "o carr& Pe"er2s (rea"*coa".
Presen"l& "he shore 'e(an "o c#r+e ro#n$ "o "he ri(h". A'o#" 9#ar"er of an ho#r la"er, af"er
"he& ha$ crosse$ a roc,& ri$(e which ran o#" in"o a )oin", i" %a$e 9#i"e a shar) "#rn. Their
'ac,s were now "o "he )ar" of "he sea which ha$ %e" "he% when "he& firs" ca%e o#" of "he
woo$, an$ now, loo,in( ahea$, "he& co#l$ see across "he wa"er ano"her shore, "hic,l&
woo$e$ li,e "he one "he& were e1)lorin(.
3I won$er, is "ha" an islan$ or $o we 8oin on "o i" )resen"l&53 sai$ L#c&.
3Don2" ,now,3 sai$ Pe"er an$ "he& all )lo$$e$ on in silence.
The shore "ha" "he& were wal,in( on $rew nearer an$ nearer "o "he o))osi"e shore, an$ as
"he& ca%e ro#n$ each )ro%on"or& "he chil$ren e1)ec"e$ "o fin$ "he )lace where "he "wo
8oine$. B#" in "his "he& were $isa))oin"e$. The& ca%e "o so%e roc,s which "he& ha$ "o
cli%' an$ fro% "he "o) "he& co#l$ see a fairwa& ahea$ an$ * 3Oh 'o"her43 sai$ E$%#n$,
3i"2s no (oo$. We shan2" 'e a'le "o (e" "o "hose o"her woo$s a" all. We2re on an islan$43
I" was "r#e. A" "his )oin" "he channel 'e"ween "he% an$ "he o))osi"e coas" was onl& a'o#"
"hir"& or for"& &ar$s wi$e0 '#" "he& co#l$ now see "ha" "his was i"s narrowes" )lace. Af"er
"ha", "heir own coas" 'en" ro#n$ "o "he ri(h" a(ain an$ "he& co#l$ see o)en sea 'e"ween i"
an$ "he %ainlan$. I" was o'+io#s "ha" "he& ha$ alrea$& co%e %#ch %ore "han halfwa&
ro#n$ "he islan$.
3Loo,43 sai$ L#c& s#$$enl&. 3Wha"2s "ha"53 She )oin"e$ "o a lon(, sil+er&, sna,e*li,e "hin(
"ha" la& across "he 'each.
3A s"rea%4 A s"rea%43 sho#"e$ "he o"hers, an$, "ire$ as "he& were, "he& los" no "i%e in
cla""erin( $own "he roc,s an$ racin( "o "he fresh wa"er. The& ,new "ha" "he s"rea% wo#l$
'e 'e""er "o $rin, far"her #), awa& fro% "he 'each, so "he& wen" a" once "o "he s)o" where i"
ca%e o#" of "he woo$. The "rees were as "hic, as e+er, '#" "he s"rea% ha$ %a$e i"self a $ee)
co#rse 'e"ween hi(h %oss& 'an,s so "ha" '& s"oo)in( &o# co#l$ follow i" #) in a sor" of
"#nnel of lea+es. The& $ro))e$ on "heir ,nees '& "he firs" 'rown, $i%)l& )ool an$ $ran,
an$ $ran,, an$ $i))e$ "heir faces in "he wa"er, an$ "hen $i))e$ "heir ar%s in #) "o "he
3Now,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3wha" a'o#" "hose san$wiches53
3Oh, ha$n2" we 'e""er ha+e "he%53 sai$ S#san. 3We %a& nee$ "he% far worse la"er on.3
3I $o wish,3 sai$ L#c&, 3now "ha" we2re no" "hirs"&, we co#l$ (o on feelin( as no"*h#n(r& as
we $i$ when we were "hirs"&.3
3B#" wha" a'o#" "hose san$wiches53 re)ea"e$ E$%#n$. 3There2s no (oo$ sa+in( "he% "ill
"he& (o 'a$. Yo#2+e (o" "o re%e%'er i"2s a (oo$ $eal ho""er here "han in En(lan$ an$ we2+e
'een carr&in( "he% a'o#" in )oc,e"s for ho#rs.3 So "he& (o" o#" "he "wo )ac,e"s an$ $i+i$e$
"he% in"o fo#r )or"ions, an$ no'o$& ha$ 9#i"e eno#(h, '#" i" was a (rea" $eal 'e""er "han
no"hin(. Then "he& "al,e$ a'o#" "heir )lans for "he ne1" %eal. L#c& wan"e$ "o (o 'ac, "o
"he sea an$ ca"ch shri%)s, #n"il so%eone )oin"e$ o#" "ha" "he& ha$ no ne"s. E$%#n$ sai$
"he& %#s" (a"her (#lls2 e((s fro% "he roc,s, '#" when "he& ca%e "o "hin, of i" "he& co#l$n2"
re%e%'er ha+in( seen an& (#lls2 e((s an$ wo#l$n2" 'e a'le "o coo, "he% if "he& fo#n$ an&.
Pe"er "ho#(h" "o hi%self "ha" #nless "he& ha$ so%e s"ro,e of l#c, "he& wo#l$ soon 'e (la$
"o ea" e((s raw, '#" he $i$n2" see an& )oin" in sa&in( "his o#" lo#$. S#san sai$ i" was a )i"&
"he& ha$ ea"en "he san$wiches so soon. One or "wo "e%)ers +er& nearl& (o" los" a" "his
s"a(e. 7inall& E$%#n$ sai$:
3Loo, here. There2s onl& one "hin( "o 'e $one. We %#s" e1)lore "he woo$. Her%i"s an$
,ni(h"s*erran" an$ )eo)le li,e "ha" alwa&s %ana(e "o li+e so%ehow if "he&2re in a fores".
The& fin$ roo"s an$ 'erries an$ "hin(s.3
3Wha" sor" of roo"s53 as,e$ S#san.
3I alwa&s "ho#(h" i" %ean" roo"s of "rees,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Co%e on,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3E$ is ri(h". An$ we %#s" "r& "o $o so%e"hin(. An$ i"2ll 'e 'e""er
"han (oin( o#" in"o "he (lare an$ "he s#n a(ain.3
So "he& all (o" #) an$ 'e(an "o follow "he s"rea%. I" was +er& har$ wor,. The& ha$ "o s"oo)
#n$er 'ranches an$ cli%' o+er 'ranches, an$ "he& 'l#n$ere$ "hro#(h (rea" %asses of s"#ff
li,e rho$o$en$rons an$ "ore "heir clo"hes an$ (o" "heir fee" we" in "he s"rea%0 an$ s"ill "here
was no noise a" all e1ce)" "he noise of "he s"rea% an$ "he noises "he& were %a,in(
"he%sel+es. The& were 'e(innin( "o (e" +er& "ire$ of i" when "he& no"ice$ a $elicio#s s%ell,
an$ "hen a flash of 'ri(h" colo#r hi(h a'o+e "he% a" "he "o) of "he ri(h" 'an,.
3I sa&43 e1clai%e$ L#c&. 3I $o 'elie+e "ha"2s an a))le "ree.3
I" was. The& )an"e$ #) "he s"ee) 'an,, force$ "heir wa& "hro#(h so%e 'ra%'les, an$ fo#n$
"he%sel+es s"an$in( ro#n$ an ol$ "ree "ha" was hea+& wi"h lar(e &ellowish(ol$en a))les as
fir% an$ 8#ic& as &o# co#l$ wish "o see.
3An$ "his is no" "he onl& "ree,3 sai$ E$%#n$ wi"h his %o#"h f#ll of a))le. 3Loo, "here*an$
3Wh&, "here are $o<ens of "he%,3 sai$ S#san, "hrowin( awa& "he core of her firs" a))le an$
)ic,in( her secon$. 3This %#s" ha+e 'een an orchar$ * lon(, lon( a(o, 'efore "he )lace
wen" wil$ an$ "he woo$ (rew #).3
3Then "his was once an inha'i"e$ islan$,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3An$ wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ L#c&, )oin"in( ahea$.
3B& >o+e, i"2s a wall,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3An ol$ s"one wall.3
Pressin( "heir wa& 'e"ween "he la$en 'ranches "he& reache$ "he wall. I" was +er& ol$, an$
'ro,en $own in )laces, wi"h %oss an$ wallflowers (rowin( on i", '#" i" was hi(her "han all
'#" "he "alles" "rees. An$ when "he& ca%e 9#i"e close "o i" "he& fo#n$ a (rea" arch which
%#s" once ha+e ha$ a (a"e in i" '#" was now al%os" fille$ #) wi"h "he lar(es" of all "he a))le
"rees. The& ha$ "o 'rea, so%e of "he 'ranches "o (e" )as", an$ when "he& ha$ $one so "he&
all 'lin,e$ 'eca#se "he $a&li(h" 'eca%e s#$$enl& %#ch 'ri(h"er. The& fo#n$ "he%sel+es in
a wi$e o)en )lace wi"h walls all ro#n$ i". In here "here were no "rees, onl& le+el (rass an$
$aisies, an$ i+&, an$ (re& walls. I" was a 'ri(h", secre", 9#ie" )lace,
an$ ra"her sa$0 an$ all fo#r s"e))e$ o#" in"o "he %i$$le of i", (la$ "o 'e a'le "o s"rai(h"en
"heir 'ac,s an$ %o+e "heir li%'s freel&.
3THIS wasn2" a (ar$en,3 sai$ S#san )resen"l&. 3I" was a cas"le an$ "his %#s" ha+e 'een "he
3I see wha" &o# %ean,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Yes. Tha" is "he re%ains of a "ower. An$ "here is wha"
#se$ "o 'e a fli(h" of s"e)s (oin( #) "o "he "o) of "he walls. An$ loo, a" "hose o"her s"e)s *
"he 'roa$, shallow ones * (oin( #) "o "ha" $oorwa&. I" %#s" ha+e 'een "he $oor in"o "he
(rea" hall.3
3A(es a(o, '& "he loo, of i",3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Yes, a(es a(o,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I wish we co#l$ fin$ o#" who "he )eo)le were "ha" li+e$ in "his
cas"le0 an$ how lon( a(o.3
3I" (i+es %e a 9#eer feelin(,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Does i", L#53 sai$ Pe"er, "#rnin( an$ loo,in( har$ a" her. 3Beca#se i" $oes "he sa%e "o %e.
I" is "he 9#eeres" "hin( "ha" has ha))ene$ "his 9#eer $a&. I won$er where we are an$ wha" i"
all %eans53
While "he& were "al,in( "he& ha$ crosse$ "he co#r"&ar$ an$ (one "hro#(h "he o"her
$oorwa& in"o wha" ha$ once 'een "he hall. This was now +er& li,e "he co#r"&ar$, for "he
roof ha$ lon( since $isa))eare$ an$ i" was %erel& ano"her s)ace of (rass an$ $aisies,
e1ce)" "ha" i" was shor"er an$ narrower an$ "he walls were hi(her. Across "he far en$ "here
was a ,in$ of "errace a'o#" "hree fee" hi(her "han "he res".
3I won$er, was i" reall& "he hall53 sai$ S#san. 3Wha" is "ha" "errace ,in$ of "hin(53
3Wh&, &o# sill&,3 sai$ Pe"er .who ha$ 'eco%e s"ran(el& e1ci"e$/, 3$on2" &o# see5 Tha" was
"he $ais where "he Hi(h Ta'le was, where "he !in( an$ "he (rea" lor$s sa". An&one wo#l$
"hin, &o# ha$ for(o""en "ha" we o#rsel+es were once !in(s an$ =#eens an$ sa" on a $ais
8#s" li,e "ha", in o#r (rea" hall.3
3In o#r cas"le of Cair Para+el,3 con"in#e$ S#san in a $rea%& an$ ra"her sin(*son( +oice, 3a"
"he %o#"h of "he (rea" ri+er of Narnia. How co#l$ I for(e"53
3How i" all co%es 'ac,43 sai$ L#c&. 3We co#l$ )re"en$ we were in Cair Para+el now. This
hall %#s" ha+e 'een +er& li,e "he (rea" hall we feas"e$ in.3
3B#" #nfor"#na"el& wi"ho#" "he feas",3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I"2s (e""in( la"e, &o# ,now. Loo, how
lon( "he sha$ows are. An$ ha+e &o# no"ice$ "ha" i" isn2" so ho"53
3We shall nee$ a ca%)*fire if we2+e (o" "o s)en$ "he ni(h" here,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I2+e (o"
%a"ches. Le"2s (o an$ see if we can collec" so%e $r& woo$.3
E+er&one saw "he sense of "his, an$ for "he ne1" halfho#r "he& were '#s&. The orchar$
"hro#(h which "he& ha$ firs" co%e in"o "he r#ins "#rne$ o#" no" "o 'e a (oo$ )lace for
firewoo$. The& "rie$ "he o"her si$e of "he cas"le, )assin( o#" of "he hall '& a li""le si$e $oor
in"o a %a<e of s"on& h#%)s an$ hollows which %#s" once ha+e 'een )assa(es an$ s%aller
roo%s '#" was now all ne""les an$ wil$ roses. Be&on$ "his "he& fo#n$ a wi$e (a) in "he
cas"le wall an$ s"e))e$ "hro#(h i" in"o a woo$ of $ar,er an$ 'i((er "rees where "he& fo#n$
$ea$ 'ranches an$ ro""en woo$ an$ s"ic,s an$ $r& lea+es an$ fir*cones in )len"&. The& wen"
"o an$ fro wi"h '#n$les #n"il "he& ha$ a (oo$ )ile on "he $ais. A" "he fif"h 8o#rne& "he&
fo#n$ "he well, 8#s" o#"si$e "he hall, hi$$en in wee$s, '#" clean an$ fresh an$ $ee) when
"he& ha$ cleare$ "hese awa&.
The re%ains of a s"one )a+e%en" ran half*wa& ro#n$ i". Then "he (irls wen" o#" "o )ic,
so%e %ore a))les an$ "he 'o&s '#il" "he fire, on "he $ais an$ fairl& close "o "he corner
'e"ween "wo walls, which "he& "ho#(h" wo#l$ 'e "he sn#((es" an$ war%es" )lace. The& ha$
(rea" $iffic#l"& in li(h"in( i" an$ #se$ a lo" of %a"ches, '#" "he& s#ccee$e$ in "he en$.
7inall&, all fo#r sa" $own wi"h "heir 'ac,s "o "he wall an$ "heir faces "o "he fire. The& "rie$
roas"in( so%e of "he a))les on "he en$s of s"ic,s. B#" roas" a))les are no" %#ch (oo$
wi"ho#" s#(ar, an$ "he& are "oo ho" "o ea" wi"h &o#r fin(ers "ill "he& are "oo col$ "o 'e wor"h
ea"in(. So "he& ha$ "o con"en" "he%sel+es wi"h raw a))les, which, as E$%#n$ sai$, %a$e
one reali<e "ha" school s#))ers weren2" so 'a$ af"er all * 3I sho#l$n2" %in$ a (oo$ "hic, slice
of 'rea$ an$ %ar(arine "his %in#"e,3 he a$$e$. B#" "he s)iri" of a$+en"#re was risin( in
"he% all, an$ no one reall& wan"e$ "o 'e 'ac, a" school.
Shor"l& af"er "he las" a))le ha$ 'een ea"en, S#san wen" o#" "o "he well "o (e" ano"her $rin,.
When she ca%e 'ac, she was carr&in( so%e"hin( in her han$.
3Loo,,3 she sai$ in a ra"her cho,in( ,in$ of +oice. 3I fo#n$ i" '& "he well.3 She han$e$ i" "o
Pe"er an$ sa" $own. The o"hers "ho#(h" she loo,e$ an$ so#n$e$ as if she %i(h" 'e (oin( "o
cr&. E$%#n$ an$ L#c& ea(erl& 'en" forwar$ "o see wha" was in Pe"er2s han$ * a li""le, 'ri(h"
"hin( "ha" (lea%e$ in "he fireli(h".
3Well, I2% * I2% 8i((ere$,3 sai$ Pe"er, an$ his +oice also so#n$e$ 9#eer. Then he han$e$ i"
"o "he o"hers.
All now saw wha" i" was * a li""le chess*,ni(h", or$inar& in si<e '#" e1"raor$inaril& hea+&
'eca#se i" was %a$e of )#re (ol$0 an$ "he e&es in "he horse2s hea$ were "wo "in& li""le
r#'ies or ra"her one was, for "he o"her ha$ 'een ,noc,e$ o#".
3Wh&43 sai$ L#c&, 3i"2s e1ac"l& li,e one of "he (ol$en chess%en we #se$ "o )la& wi"h when
we were !in(s an$ =#eens a" Cair Para+el.3
3Cheer #), S#,3 sai$ Pe"er "o his o"her sis"er.
3I can2" hel) i",3 sai$ S#san. 3I" 'ro#(h" 'ac, * oh, s#ch lo+el& "i%es. An$ I re%e%'ere$
)la&in( chess wi"h fa#ns an$ (oo$ (ian"s, an$ "he %er*)eo)le sin(in( in "he sea, an$ %&
'ea#"if#l horse * an$ * an$ *3
3Now,3 sai$ Pe"er in a 9#i"e $ifferen" +oice, 3i"2s a'o#" "i%e we fo#r s"ar"e$ #sin( o#r
3Wha" a'o#"53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3Ha+e none of &o# (#esse$ where we are53 sai$ Pe"er.
36o on, (o on,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I2+e fel" for ho#rs "ha" "here was so%e won$erf#l %&s"er&
han(in( o+er "his )lace.3
37ire ahea$, Pe"er,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3We2re all lis"enin(.3
3We are in "he r#ins of Cair Para+el i"self,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3B#", I sa&,3 re)lie$ E$%#n$. 3I %ean, how $o &o# %a,e "ha" o#"5 This )lace has 'een
r#ine$ for a(es. Loo, a" all "hose 'i( "rees (rowin( ri(h" #) "o "he (a"es. Loo, a" "he +er&
s"ones. An&one can see "ha" no'o$& has li+e$ here for h#n$re$s of &ears.3
3I ,now,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Tha" is "he $iffic#l"&. B#" le"2s lea+e "ha" o#" for "he %o%en". I wan"
"o "a,e "he )oin"s one '& one. 7irs" )oin": "his hall is e1ac"l& "he sa%e sha)e an$ si<e as "he
hall a" Cair Para+el. >#s" )ic"#re a roof on "his, an$ a colo#re$ )a+e%en" ins"ea$ of (rass,
an$ "a)es"ries on "he walls, an$ &o# (e" o#r ro&al 'an9#e"in( hall.3
No one sai$ an&"hin(.
3Secon$ )oin",3 con"in#e$ Pe"er. 3The cas"le well is e1ac"l& where o#r well was, a li""le "o
"he so#"h of "he (rea" hall0 an$ i" is e1ac"l& "he sa%e si<e an$ sha)e.3
A(ain "here was no re)l&.
3Thir$ )oin": S#san has 8#s" fo#n$ one of o#r ol$ chess%en * or so%e"hin( as li,e one of
"he% as "wo )eas.3
S"ill no'o$& answere$.
37o#r"h )oin". Don2" &o# re%e%'er * i" was "he +er& $a& 'efore "he a%'assa$ors ca%e fro%
"he !in( of Calor%en $on2" &o# re%e%'er )lan"in( "he orchar$ o#"si$e "he nor"h (a"e of
Cair Para+el5 The (rea"es" of all "he woo$*)eo)le, Po%ona herself, ca%e "o )#" (oo$ s)ells
on i". I" was "hose +er& $ecen" li""le cha)s "he %oles who $i$ "he ac"#al $i((in(. Can &o#
ha+e for(o""en "ha" f#nn& ol$ Lil&(lo+es, "he chief %ole, leanin( on his s)a$e an$ sa&in(,
ABelie+e %e, &o#r -a8es"&, &o#2ll 'e (la$ of "hese fr#i" "rees one $a&.2 An$ '& >o+e he was
3I $o4 I $o43 sai$ L#c&, an$ cla))e$ her han$s.
3B#" loo, here, Pe"er,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3This %#s" 'e all ro". To 'e(in wi"h, we $i$n2" )lan"
"he orchar$ sla) #) a(ains" "he (a"e. We wo#l$n2" ha+e 'een s#ch fools.3
3No, of co#rse no",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3B#" i" has (rown #) "o "he (a"e since.3
3An$ for ano"her "hin(,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3Cair Para+el wasn2" on an islan$.3
3Yes, I2+e 'een won$erin( a'o#" "ha". B#" i" was a wha"*$o*&o#*call*i", a )enins#la. >oll&
nearl& an islan$. Co#l$n2" i" ha+e 'een %a$e an islan$ since o#r "i%e5 So%e'o$& has $#( a
3B#" half a %o%en"43 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Yo# ,ee) on sa&in( since o#r "i%e. B#" i"2s onl& a
&ear a(o since we ca%e 'ac, fro% Narnia. An$ &o# wan" "o %a,e o#" "ha" in one &ear
cas"les ha+e fallen $own, an$ (rea" fores"s ha+e (rown #), an$ li""le "rees we saw )lan"e$
o#rsel+es ha+e "#rne$ in"o a 'i( ol$ orchar$, an$ (oo$ness ,nows wha" else. I"2s all
3There2s one "hin(,3 sai$ L#c&. 3If "his is Cair Para+el "here o#(h" "o 'e a $oor a" "his en$ of
"he $ais. In fac" we o#(h" "o 'e si""in( wi"h o#r 'ac,s a(ains" i" a" "his %o%en". Yo# ,now *
"he $oor "ha" le$ $own "o "he "reas#re cha%'er.3
3I s#))ose "here isn2" a $oor,3 sai$ Pe"er, (e""in( #).
The wall 'ehin$ "he% was a %ass of i+&.
3We can soon fin$ o#",3 sai$ E$%#n$, "a,in( #) one of "he s"ic,s "ha" "he& ha$ lai$ rea$&
for )#""in( on "he fire. He 'e(an 'ea"in( "he i+ie$ wall. Ta)*"a) wen" "he s"ic, a(ains" "he
s"one0 an$ a(ain, "a)*"a)0 an$ "hen, all a" once, 'oo%'oo%, wi"h a 9#i"e $ifferen" so#n$, a
hollow, woo$en so#n$.
36rea" Sco""43 sai$ E$%#n$.
3We %#s" clear "his i+& awa&,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3Oh, $o le"2s lea+e i" alone,3 sai$ S#san. 3We can "r& i" in "he %ornin(. If we2+e (o" "o s)en$
"he ni(h" here I $on2" wan" an o)en $oor a" %& 'ac, an$ a (rea" 'i( 'lac, hole "ha" an&"hin(
%i(h" co%e o#" of, 'esi$es "he $ra#(h" an$ "he $a%). An$ i"2ll soon 'e $ar,.3
3S#san4 How can &o#53 sai$ L#c& wi"h a re)roachf#l (lance. B#" 'o"h "he 'o&s were "oo
%#ch e1ci"e$ "o "a,e an& no"ice of S#san2s a$+ice. The& wor,e$ a" "he i+& wi"h "heir han$s
an$ wi"h Pe"er2s )oc,e"*,nife "ill "he ,nife 'ro,e. Af"er "ha" "he& #se$ E$%#n$2s. Soon "he
whole )lace where "he& ha$ 'een si""in( was co+ere$ wi"h i+&0 an$ a" las" "he& ha$ "he $oor
3Loc,e$, of co#rse,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3B#" "he woo$2s all ro""en,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3We can )#ll i" "o 'i"s in no "i%e, an$ i" will
%a,e e1"ra firewoo$. Co%e on.3
I" "oo, "he% lon(er "han "he& e1)ec"e$ an$, 'efore "he& ha$ $one, "he (rea" hall ha$ (rown
$#s,& an$ "he firs" s"ar or "wo ha$ co%e o#" o+erhea$. S#san was no" "he onl& one who fel"
a sli(h" sh#$$er as "he 'o&s s"oo$ a'o+e "he )ile of s)lin"ere$ woo$, r#''in( "he $ir" off
"heir han$s an$ s"arin( in"o "he col$, $ar, o)enin( "he& ha$ %a$e.
3Now for a "orch,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3Oh, wha" is "he (oo$53 sai$ S#san. 3An$ as E$%#n$ sai$ *3
3I2% no" sa&in( i" now,3 E$%#n$ in"err#)"e$. 3I s"ill $on2" #n$ers"an$, '#" we can se""le "ha"
la"er. I s#))ose &o#2re co%in( $own, Pe"er53
3We %#s",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Cheer #), S#san. I"2s no (oo$ 'eha+in( li,e ,i$s now "ha" we are
'ac, in Narnia.
Yo#2re a =#een here. An$ an&wa& no one co#l$ (o "o slee) wi"h a %&s"er& li,e "his on "heir
The& "rie$ "o #se lon( s"ic,s as "orches '#" "his was no" a s#ccess. If &o# hel$ "he% wi"h "he
li(h"e$ en$ #) "he& wen" o#", an$ if &o# hel$ "he% "he o"her wa& "he& scorche$ &o#r han$
an$ "he s%o,e (o" in &o#r e&es. In "he en$ "he& ha$ "o #se E$%#n$2s elec"ric "orch0 l#c,il&
i" ha$ 'een a 'ir"h$a& )resen" less "han a wee, a(o an$ "he 'a""er& was al%os" new. He
wen" firs", wi"h "he li(h". Then ca%e L#c&, "hen S#san, an$ Pe"er 'ro#(h" #) "he rear.
3I2+e co%e "o "he "o) of "he s"e)s,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Co#n" "he%,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3One * "wo * "hree,3 sai$ E$%#n$, as he wen" ca#"io#sl& $own, an$ so #) "o si1"een. 3An$
"his is "he 'o""o%,3 he sho#"e$ 'ac,.
3Then i" reall& %#s" 'e Cair Para+el,3 sai$ L#c&. 3There were si1"een.3 No"hin( %ore was
sai$ "ill all fo#r were s"an$in( in a ,no" "o(e"her a" "he foo" of "he s"airwa&. Then E$%#n$
flashe$ his "orch slowl& ro#n$.
3O * o * o * oh443 sai$ all "he chil$ren a" once.
7or now all ,new "ha" i" was in$ee$ "he ancien" "reas#re cha%'er of Cair Para+el where
"he& ha$ once rei(ne$ as !in(s an$ =#eens of Narnia. There was a ,in$ of )a"h #) "he
%i$$le .as i" %i(h" 'e in a (reenho#se/, an$ alon( each si$e a" in"er+als s"oo$ rich s#i"s of
ar%o#r, li,e ,ni(h"s (#ar$in( "he "reas#res. In 'e"ween "he s#i"s of ar%o#r, an$ on each
si$e of "he )a"h, were shel+es co+ere$ wi"h )recio#s "hin(s * nec,laces an$ ar% rin(s an$
fin(er rin(s an$ (ol$en 'owls an$ $ishes an$ lon( "#s,s of i+or&, 'rooches an$ corone"s
an$ chains of (ol$, an$ hea)s of #nse" s"ones l&in( )ile$ an&how as if "he& were %ar'les or
)o"a"oes * $ia%on$s, r#'ies, car'#ncles, e%eral$s, "o)a<es, an$ a%e"h&s"s. n$er "he
shel+es s"oo$ (rea" ches"s of oa, s"ren("hene$ wi"h iron 'ars an$ hea+il& )a$loc,e$. An$ i"
was 'i""erl& col$, an$ so s"ill "ha" "he& co#l$ hear "he%sel+es 'rea"hin(, an$ "he "reas#res
were so co+ere$ wi"h $#s" "ha" #nless "he& ha$ reali<e$ where "he& were an$ re%e%'ere$
%os" of "he "hin(s, "he& wo#l$ har$l& ha+e ,nown "he& were "reas#res. There was
so%e"hin( sa$ an$ a li""le fri(h"enin( a'o#" "he )lace, 'eca#se i" all see%e$ so forsa,en an$
lon( a(o. Tha" was wh& no'o$& sai$ an&"hin( for a" leas" a %in#"e.
Then, of co#rse, "he& 'e(an wal,in( a'o#" an$ )ic,in( "hin(s #) "o loo, a". I" was li,e
%ee"in( +er& ol$ frien$s. If &o# ha$ 'een "here &o# wo#l$ ha+e hear$ "he% sa&in( "hin(s
li,e, 3Oh loo,4 O#r corona"ion rin(s * $o &o# re%e%'er firs" wearin( "his5 * Wh&, "his is
"he li""le 'rooch we all "ho#(h" was los" * I sa&, isn2" "ha" "he ar%o#r &o# wore in "he (rea"
"o#rna%en" in "he Lone Islan$s5 * $o &o# re%e%'er "he $warf %a,in( "ha" for %e5 * $o &o#
re%e%'er $rin,in( o#" of "ha" horn5 * $o &o# re%e%'er, $o &o# re%e%'er53
B#" s#$$enl& E$%#n$ sai$, 3Loo, here. We %#s"n2" was"e "he 'a""er&: (oo$ness ,nows
how of"en we shall nee$ i". Ha$n2" we 'e""er "a,e wha" we wan" an$ (e" o#" a(ain53
3We %#s" "a,e "he (if"s,3 sai$ Pe"er. 7or lon( a(o a" a Chris"%as in Narnia he an$ S#san
an$ L#c& ha$ 'een (i+en cer"ain )resen"s which "he& +al#e$ %ore "han "heir whole
,in($o%. E$%#n$ ha$ ha$ no (if", 'eca#se he was no" wi"h "he% a" "he "i%e. .This was his
own fa#l", an$ &o# can rea$ a'o#" i" in "he o"her 'oo,./
The& all a(ree$ wi"h Pe"er an$ wal,e$ #) "he )a"h "o "he wall a" "he far en$ of "he "reas#re
cha%'er, an$ "here, s#re eno#(h, "he (if"s were s"ill han(in(. L#c&2s was "he s%alles" for i"
was onl& a li""le 'o""le. B#" "he 'o""le was %a$e of $ia%on$ ins"ea$ of (lass, an$ i" was s"ill
%ore "han half f#ll of "he %a(ical cor$ial which wo#l$ heal al%os" e+er& wo#n$ an$ e+er&
illness. L#c& sai$ no"hin( an$ loo,e$ +er& sole%n as she "oo, her (if" $own fro% i"s )lace
an$ sl#n( "he 'el" o+er her sho#l$er an$ once %ore fel" "he 'o""le a" her si$e where i" #se$
"o han( in "he ol$ $a&s. S#san2s (if" ha$ 'een a 'ow an$ arrows
an$ a horn. The 'ow was s"ill "here, an$ "he i+or& 9#i+er, f#ll of wellfea"here$ arrows, '#" *
3Oh, S#san,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Where2s "he horn53
3Oh 'o"her, 'o"her, 'o"her,3 sai$ S#san af"er she ha$ "ho#(h" for a %o%en". 3I re%e%'er
now. I "oo, i" wi"h %e "he las" $a& of all, "he $a& we wen" h#n"in( "he Whi"e S"a(. I" %#s"
ha+e (o" los" when we 'l#n$ere$ 'ac, in"o "ha" o"her )lace * En(lan$, I %ean.3
E$%#n$ whis"le$. I" was in$ee$ a sha""erin( loss0 for "his was an enchan"e$ horn an$,
whene+er &o# 'lew i", hel) was cer"ain "o co%e "o &o#, where+er &o# were.
3>#s" "he sor" of "hin( "ha" %i(h" co%e in han$& in a )lace li,e "his,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Ne+er %in$,3 sai$ S#san, 3I2+e s"ill (o" "he 'ow.3 An$ she "oo, i".
3Won2" "he s"rin( 'e )erishe$, S#53 sai$ Pe"er.
B#" whe"her '& so%e %a(ic in "he air of "he "reas#re cha%'er or no", "he 'ow was s"ill in
wor,in( or$er. Archer& an$ swi%%in( were "he "hin(s S#san was (oo$ a". In a %o%en" she
ha$ 'en" "he 'ow an$ "hen she (a+e one li""le )l#c, "o "he s"rin(. I" "wan(e$: a chirr#)in(
"wan( "ha" +i'ra"e$ "hro#(h "he whole roo%. An$ "ha" one s%all noise 'ro#(h" 'ac, "he ol$
$a&s "o "he chil$ren2s %in$s %ore "han an&"hin( "ha" ha$ ha))ene$ &e". All "he 'a""les an$
h#n"s an$ feas"s ca%e r#shin( in"o "heir hea$s "o(e"her.
Then she #ns"r#n( "he 'ow a(ain an$ sl#n( "he 9#i+er a" her si$e.
Ne1", Pe"er "oo, $own his (if" * "he shiel$ wi"h "he (rea" re$ lion on i", an$ "he ro&al swor$.
He 'lew, an$ ra))e$ "he% on "he floor, "o (e" off "he $#s". He fi""e$ "he shiel$ on his ar%
an$ sl#n( "he swor$ '& his si$e. He was afrai$ a" firs" "ha" i" %i(h" 'e r#s"& an$ s"ic, "o "he
shea"h. B#" i" was no" so. Wi"h one swif" %o"ion he $rew i" an$ hel$ i" #), shinin( in "he
3I" is %& swor$ Rhin$on,3 he sai$0 3wi"h i" I ,ille$ "he Wolf.3 There was a new "one in his
+oice, an$ "he o"hers all fel" "ha" he was reall& Pe"er "he Hi(h !in( a(ain. Then, af"er a li""le
)a#se, e+er&one re%e%'ere$ "ha" "he& %#s" sa+e "he 'a""er&.
The& cli%'e$ "he s"air a(ain an$ %a$e #) a (oo$ fire an$ la& $own close "o(e"her for
war%"h. The (ro#n$ was +er& har$ an$ #nco%for"a'le, '#" "he& fell aslee) in "he en$.
THE wors" of slee)in( o#" of $oors is "ha" &o# wa,e #) so $rea$f#ll& earl&. An$ when &o#
wa,e &o# ha+e "o (e" #) 'eca#se "he (ro#n$ is so har$ "ha" &o# are #nco%for"a'le. An$ i"
%a,es %a""ers worse if "here is no"hin( '#" a))les for 'rea,fas" an$ &o# ha+e ha$ no"hin(
'#" a))les for s#))er "he ni(h" 'efore. When L#c& ha$ sai$ * "r#l& eno#(h "ha" i" was a
(lorio#s %ornin(, "here $i$ no" see% "o 'e an&"hin( else nice "o 'e sai$. E$%#n$ sai$ wha"
e+er&one was feelin(, 3We2+e si%)l& (o" "o (e" off "his islan$.3
When "he& ha$ $r#n, fro% "he well an$ s)lashe$ "heir faces "he& all wen" $own "he s"rea%
a(ain "o "he shore an$ s"are$ a" "he channel which $i+i$e$ "he% fro% "he %ainlan$.
3We2ll ha+e "o swi%,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3I" wo#l$ 'e all ri(h" for S#,3 sai$ Pe"er .S#san ha$ won )ri<es for swi%%in( a" school/.
3B#" I $on2" ,now a'o#" "he res" of #s.3 B& 3"he res" of #s3 he reall& %ean" E$%#n$ who
co#l$n2" &e" $o "wo len("hs a" "he school 'a"hs, an$ L#c&, who co#l$ har$l& swi% a" all.
3An&wa&,3 sai$ S#san, 3"here %a& 'e c#rren"s. 7a"her sa&s i"2s ne+er wise "o 'a"he in a
)lace &o# $on2" ,now.3
3B#", Pe"er,3 sai$ L#c&, 3loo, here. I ,now I can2" swi% for n#"s a" ho%e * in En(lan$, I
%ean. B#" co#l$n2" we all swi% lon( a(o * if i" was lon( a(o * when we were !in(s an$
=#eens in Narnia5 We co#l$ ri$e "hen "oo, an$ $o all sor"s of "hin(s. Don2" &o# "hin, *53
3Ah, '#" we were sor" of (rown*#) "hen,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3We rei(ne$ for &ears an$ &ears an$ learne$ "o $o "hin(s. Aren2" we 8#s" 'ac, a" o#r )ro)er
a(es a(ain now53
3Oh43 sai$ E$%#n$ in a +oice which %a$e e+er&one s"o) "al,in( an$ lis"en "o hi%.
3I2+e 8#s" seen i" all,3 he sai$.
3Seen wha"53 as,e$ Pe"er.
3Wh&, "he whole "hin(,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Yo# ,now wha" we were )#<<lin( a'o#" las" ni(h",
"ha" i" was onl& a &ear a(o since we lef" Narnia '#" e+er&"hin( loo,s as if no one ha$ li+e$
in Cair Para+el for h#n$re$s of &ears5 Well, $on2" &o# see5 Yo# ,now "ha", howe+er lon(
we see%e$ "o ha+e li+e$ in Narnia, when we (o" 'ac, "hro#(h "he war$ro'e i" see%e$ "o
ha+e "a,en no "i%e a" all53
36o on,3 sai$ S#san. 3I "hin, I2% 'e(innin( "o #n$ers"an$.3
3An$ "ha" %eans,3 con"in#e$ E$%#n$, 3"ha", once &o#2re o#" of Narnia, &o# ha+e no i$ea
how Narnian "i%e is (oin(. Wh& sho#l$n2" h#n$re$s of &ears ha+e (one )as" in Narnia
while onl& one &ear has )asse$ for #s in En(lan$53
3B& >o+e, E$,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I 'elie+e &o#2+e (o" i". In "ha" sense i" reall& was h#n$re$s of
&ears a(o "ha" we li+e$ in Cair Para+el. An$ now we2re co%in( 'ac, "o Narnia 8#s" as if we
were Cr#sa$ers or An(lo*Sa1ons or Ancien" Bri"ons or so%eone co%in( 'ac, "o %o$ern
3How e1ci"e$ "he&2ll 'e "o see #s *3 'e(an L#c&, '#" a" "he sa%e %o%en" e+er&one else
sai$, 3H#sh43 or 3Loo,43 7or now so%e"hin( was ha))enin(.
There was a woo$e$ )oin" on "he %ainlan$ a li""le "o "heir ri(h", an$ "he& all fel" s#re "ha"
8#s" 'e&on$ "ha" )oin" %#s" 'e "he %o#"h of "he ri+er. An$ now, ro#n$ "ha" )oin" "here ca%e
in"o si(h" a 'oa". When i" ha$ cleare$ "he )oin", i" "#rne$ an$ 'e(an co%in( alon( "he
channel "owar$s "he%. There were "wo )eo)le on 'oar$, one rowin(, "he o"her si""in( in "he
s"ern an$ hol$in( a '#n$le "ha" "wi"che$ an$ %o+e$ as if i" were ali+e. Bo"h "hese )eo)le
see%e$ "o 'e sol$iers. The& ha$ s"eel ca)s on "heir hea$s an$ li(h" shir"s of chain*%ail.
Their faces were 'ear$e$ an$ har$. The chil$ren $rew 'ac, fro% "he 'each in"o "he woo$
an$ wa"che$ wi"ho#" %o+in( a fin(er.
3This2ll $o,3 sai$ "he sol$ier in "he s"ern when "he 'oa" ha$ co%e a'o#" o))osi"e "o "he%.
3Wha" a'o#" "&in( a s"one "o his fee", Cor)oral53 sai$ "he o"her, res"in( on his oars.
36arn43 (rowle$ "he o"her. 3We $on2" nee$ "ha", an$ we ha+en2" 'ro#(h" one. He2ll $rown
s#re eno#(h wi"ho#" a s"one, as lon( as we2+e "ie$ "he cor$s ri(h".3 Wi"h "hese wor$s he
rose an$ lif"e$ his '#n$le. Pe"er now saw "ha" i" was reall& ali+e an$ was in fac" a Dwarf,
'o#n$ han$ an$ foo" '#" s"r#((lin( as har$ as he co#l$. Ne1" %o%en" he hear$ a "wan( 8#s"
'esi$e his ear, an$ all a" once "he sol$ier "hrew #) his ar%s, $ro))in( "he Dwarf in"o "he
'o""o% of "he 'oa", an$ fell o+er in"o "he wa"er. He flo#n$ere$ awa& "o "he far 'an, an$
Pe"er ,new "ha" S#san2s arrow ha$ s"r#c, on his hel%e". He "#rne$ an$ saw "ha" she was
+er& )ale '#" was alrea$& fi""in( a secon$ arrow "o "he s"rin(. B#" i" was ne+er #se$. As
soon as he saw his co%)anion fall, "he o"her sol$ier, wi"h a lo#$ cr&, 8#%)e$ o#" of "he 'oa"
on "he far si$e, an$ lie also flo#n$ere$ "hro#(h "he wa"er .which was a))aren"l& 8#s" in his
$e)"h/ an$ $isa))eare$ in"o "he woo$s of "he %ainlan$.
3=#ic,4 Before she $rif"s43 sho#"e$ Pe"er. He an$ S#san, f#ll& $resse$ as "he& were,
)l#n(e$ in, an$ 'efore "he wa"er was #) "o "heir sho#l$ers "heir han$s were on "he si$e of
"he 'oa". In a few secon$s "he& ha$ ha#le$ her "o "he 'an, an$ lif"e$ "he Dwarf o#", an$
E$%#n$ was '#sil& en(a(e$ in c#""in( his 'on$s wi"h "he )oc,e" ,nife. .Pe"er2s swor$
wo#l$ ha+e 'een shar)er, '#" a swor$ is +er& incon+enien" for "his sor" of wor, 'eca#se
&o# can2" hol$ i" an&where lower "han "he hil"./ When a" las" "he Dwarf was free, he sa" #),
r#''e$ his ar%s an$ le(s, an$ e1clai%e$:
3Well, wha"e+er "he& sa&, &o# $on2" feel li,e (hos"s.3
Li,e %os" Dwarfs he was +er& s"oc,& an$ $ee)*ches"e$. He wo#l$ ha+e 'een a'o#" "hree
fee" hi(h if he ha$ 'een s"an$in( #), an$ an i%%ense 'ear$ an$ whis,ers of coarse re$ hair
lef" li""le of his face "o 'e seen e1ce)" a 'ea,*li,e nose an$ "win,lin( 'lac, e&es.
3An&wa&,3 he con"in#e$, 3(hos"s or no", &o#2+e sa+e$ %& life an$ I2% e1"re%el& o'li(e$ "o
3B#" wh& sho#l$ we 'e (hos"s53 as,e$ L#c&.
3I2+e 'een "ol$ all %& life,3 sai$ "he Dwarf, 3"ha" "hese woo$s alon( "he shore were as f#ll
of (hos"s as "he& were of "rees. Tha"2s wha" "he s"or& is. An$ "ha"2s wh&, when "he& wan" "o
(e" ri$ of an&one, "he& #s#all& 'rin( hi% $own here .li,e "he& were $oin( wi"h %e/ an$ sa&
"he&2ll lea+e hi% "o "he (hos"s. B#" I alwa&s won$ere$ if "he& $i$n2" reall& $rown 2e% or c#"
"heir "hroa"s. I ne+er 9#i"e 'elie+e$ in "he (hos"s. B#" "hose "wo cowar$s &o#2+e 8#s" sho"
'elie+e$ all ri(h". The& were %ore fri(h"ene$ of "a,in( %e "o %& $ea"h "han I was of
3Oh,3 sai$ S#san. 3So "ha"2s wh& "he& 'o"h ran awa&.3
3Eh5 Wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ "he Dwarf.
3The& (o" awa&,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3To "he %ainlan$.3
3I wasn2" shoo"in( "o ,ill, &o# ,now,3 sai$ S#san. She wo#l$ no" ha+e li,e$ an&one "o "hin,
she co#l$ %iss a" s#ch a shor" ran(e.
3H%,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3Tha"2s no" so (oo$. Tha" %a& %ean "ro#'le la"er on. nless "he&
hol$ "heir "on(#es for "heir own sa,e.3
3Wha" were "he& (oin( "o $rown &o# for53 as,e$ Pe"er.
3Oh, I2% a $an(ero#s cri%inal, I a%,3 sai$ "he Dwarf cheerf#ll&. 3B#" "ha"2s a lon( s"or&.
-ean"i%e, I was won$erin( if )erha)s &o# were (oin( "o as, %e "o 'rea,fas"5 Yo#2+e no
i$ea wha" an a))e"i"e i" (i+es one, 'ein( e1ec#"e$.3
3There2s onl& a))les,3 sai$ L#c& $olef#ll&.
3Be""er "han no"hin(, '#" no" so (oo$ as fresh fish,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3I" loo,s as if I2ll ha+e
"o as, &o# "o 'rea,fas" ins"ea$. I saw so%e fishin( "ac,le in "ha" 'oa". An$ an&wa&, we
%#s" "a,e her ro#n$ "o "he o"her si$e of "he islan$. We $on2" wan" an&one fro% "he
%ainlan$ co%in( $own an$ seein( her.3
3I o#(h" "o ha+e "ho#(h" of "ha" %&self,3 sai$ Pe"er.
The fo#r chil$ren an$ "he Dwarf wen" $own "o "he wa"er2s e$(e, )#she$ off "he 'oa" wi"h
so%e $iffic#l"&, an$ scra%'le$ a'oar$. The Dwarf a" once "oo, char(e. The oars were of
co#rse "oo 'i( for hi% "o #se, so Pe"er rowe$ an$ "he Dwarf s"eere$ "he% nor"h alon( "he
channel an$ )resen"l& eas"war$ ro#n$ "he "i) of "he islan$. 7ro% here "he chil$ren co#l$ see
ri(h" #) "he ri+er, an$ all "he 'a&s an$ hea$lan$s of "he coas" 'e&on$ i". The& "ho#(h" "he&
co#l$ reco(ni<e 'i"s of i", '#" "he woo$s, which ha$ (rown #) since "heir "i%e, %a$e
e+er&"hin( loo, +er& $ifferen".
When "he& ha$ co%e ro#n$ in"o o)en sea on "he eas" of "he islan$, "he Dwarf "oo, "o
fishin(. The& ha$ an e1cellen" ca"ch of )a+en$ers, a 'ea#"if#l rain'ow*colo#re$ fish which
"he& all re%e%'ere$ ea"in( in Cair Para+el in "he ol$ $a&s. When "he& ha$ ca#(h" eno#(h
"he& ran "he 'oa" #) in"o a li""le cree, an$ %oore$ her "o a "ree. The Dwarf, who was a %os"
ca)a'le )erson .an$, in$ee$, "ho#(h one %ee"s 'a$ Dwarfs, I ne+er hear$ of a Dwarf who
was a fool/, c#" "he fish o)en, cleane$ "he%, an$ sai$:
3Now, wha" we wan" ne1" is so%e firewoo$.3
3We2+e (o" so%e #) a" "he cas"le,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
The Dwarf (a+e a low whis"le. 3Bear$s an$ 'e$s"ea$s43 he sai$. 3So "here reall& is a cas"le,
af"er all53
3I"2s onl& a r#in,3 sai$ L#c&.
The Dwarf s"are$ ro#n$ a" all fo#r of "he% wi"h a +er& c#rio#s e1)ression on his face. 3An$
who on ear"h * 53 he 'e(an, '#" "hen 'ro,e off an$ sai$, 3No %a""er. Brea,fas" firs". B#" one
"hin( 'efore we (o on. Can &o# la& &o#r han$ on &o#r hear"s an$ "ell %e I2% reall& ali+e5
Are &o# s#re I wasn2" $rowne$ an$ we2re no" all (hos"s "o(e"her53
When "he& ha$ all reass#re$ hi%, "he ne1" 9#es"ion was how "o carr& "he fish. The& ha$
no"hin( "o s"rin( "he% on an$ no 'as,e". The& ha$ "o #se E$%#n$2s ha" in "he en$ 'eca#se
no one else ha$ a ha". He wo#l$ ha+e %a$e %#ch %ore f#ss a'o#" "his if he ha$ no" '& now
'een so ra+eno#sl& h#n(r&.
A" firs" "he Dwarf $i$ no" see% +er& co%for"a'le in "he cas"le. He ,e)" loo,in( ro#n$ an$
sniffin( an$ sa&in(, 3H2%. Loo,s a 'i" s)oo,& af"er all. S%ells li,e (hos"s, "oo.3 B#" he
cheere$ #) when i" ca%e "o li(h"in( "he fire an$ showin( "he% how "o roas" "he fresh
)a+en$ers in "he e%'ers. Ea"in( ho" fish wi"h no for,s, an$ one )oc,e" ,nife 'e"ween fi+e
)eo)le, is a %ess& '#siness an$ "here were se+eral '#rn" fin(ers 'efore "he %eal was en$e$0
'#", as i" was now nine o2cloc, an$ "he& ha$ 'een #) since fi+e, no'o$& %in$e$ "he '#rns
so %#ch as &o# %i(h" ha+e e1)ec"e$. When e+er&one ha$ finishe$ off wi"h a $rin, fro%
"he well an$ an a))le or so, "he Dwarf )ro$#ce$ a )i)e a'o#" "he si<e of his own ar%, fille$
i", li" i", 'lew a (rea" clo#$ of fra(ran" s%o,e, an$ sai$, 3Now.3
3Yo# "ell #s &o#r s"or& firs",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3An$ "hen we2ll "ell &o# o#rs.3
3Well,3 sai$ "he Dwarf, 3as &o#2+e sa+e$ %& life i" is onl& fair &o# sho#l$ ha+e &o#r own
wa&. B#" I har$l& ,now where "o 'e(in. 7irs" of all I2% a %essen(er of !in( Cas)ian2s.3
3Who2s he53 as,e$ fo#r +oices all a" once.
3Cas)ian "he Ten"h, !in( of Narnia, an$ lon( %a& he rei(n43 answere$ "he Dwarf. 3Tha" is
"o sa&, he o#(h" "o 'e !in( of Narnia an$ we ho)e he will 'e. A" )resen" he is onl& !in( of
#s Ol$ Narnians * 3
3Wha" $o &o# %ean '& ol$ Narnians, )lease53 as,e$ L#c&.
3Wh&, "ha"2s #s,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3We2re a ,in$ of re'ellion, I s#))ose.3
3I see,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3An$ Cas)ian is "he chief Ol$ Narnian.3
3Well, in a %anner of s)ea,in(,3 sai$ "he Dwarf, scra"chin( his hea$. 3B#" he2s reall& a
New Narnian hi%self, a Tel%arine, if &o# follow %e.3
3I $on2",3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3I"2s worse "han "he Wars of "he Roses,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Oh $ear,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3I2% $oin( "his +er& 'a$l&. Loo, here: I "hin, I2ll ha+e "o (o
ri(h" 'ac, "o "he 'e(innin( an$ "ell &o# how Cas)ian (rew #) in his #ncle2s co#r" an$ how
he co%es "o 'e on o#r si$e a" all. B#" i"2ll 'e a lon( s"or&.3
3All "he 'e""er,3 sai$ L#c&. 3We lo+e s"ories.3
So "he Dwarf se""le$ $own an$ "ol$ his "ale. I shall no" (i+e i" "o &o# in his wor$s, )#""in(
in all "he chil$ren2s 9#es"ions an$ in"err#)"ions, 'eca#se i" wo#l$ "a,e "oo lon( an$ 'e
conf#sin(, an$, e+en so, i" wo#l$ lea+e o#" so%e )oin"s "ha" "he chil$ren onl& hear$ la"er.
B#" "he (is" of "he s"or&, as "he& ,new i" in "he en$, was as follows.
PRINCE CASPIAN li+e$ in a (rea" cas"le in "he cen"re of Narnia wi"h his #ncle, -ira<, "he
!in( of Narnia, an$ his a#n", who ha$ re$ hair an$ was calle$ =#een Pr#na)ris%ia. His
fa"her an$ %o"her were $ea$ an$ "he )erson who% Cas)ian lo+e$ 'es" was his n#rse, an$
"ho#(h .'ein( a )rince/ he ha$ won$erf#l "o&s which wo#l$ $o al%os" an&"hin( '#" "al,, he
li,e$ 'es" "he las" ho#r of "he $a& when "he "o&s ha$ all 'een )#" 'ac, in "heir c#)'oar$s
an$ N#rse wo#l$ "ell hi% s"ories.
He $i$ no" care %#ch for his #ncle an$ a#n", '#" a'o#" "wice a wee, his #ncle wo#l$ sen$
for hi% an$ "he& wo#l$ wal, #) an$ $own "o(e"her for half an ho#r on "he "errace a" "he
so#"h si$e of "he cas"le. One $a&, while "he& were $oin( "his, "he !in( sai$ "o hi%,
3Well, 'o&, we %#s" soon "each &o# "o ri$e an$ #se a swor$. Yo# ,now "ha" &o#r a#n" an$ I
ha+e no chil$ren, so i" loo,s as if &o# %i(h" ha+e "o 'e !in( when I2% (one. How shall &o#
li,e "ha", eh53
3I $on2" ,now, ncle,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Don2" ,now, eh53 sai$ -ira<. 3Wh&, I sho#l$ li,e "o ,now wha" %ore an&one co#l$ wish
3All "he sa%e, I $o wish,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Wha" $o &o# wish53 as,e$ "he !in(.
3I wish * I wish * I wish I co#l$ ha+e li+e$ in "he Ol$ Da&s,3 sai$ Cas)ian. .He was onl& a
+er& li""le 'o& a" "he "i%e./
) "ill now !in( -ira< ha$ 'een "al,in( in "he "ireso%e wa& "ha" so%e (rown*#)s ha+e,
which %a,es i" 9#i"e clear "ha" "he& are no" reall& in"eres"e$ in wha" &o# are sa&in(, '#"
now he s#$$enl& (a+e Cas)ian a +er& shar) loo,.
3Eh5 Wha"2s "ha"53 he sai$. 3Wha" ol$ $a&s $o &o# %ean53
3Oh, $on2" &o# ,now, ncle53 sai$ Cas)ian. 3When e+er&"hin( was 9#i"e $ifferen". When
all "he ani%als co#l$ "al,, an$ "here were nice )eo)le who li+e$ in "he s"rea%s an$ "he
"rees. Naia$s an$ Dr&a$s "he& were calle$. An$ "here were Dwarfs. An$ "here were lo+el&
li""le 7a#ns in all "he woo$s. The& ha$ fee" li,e (oa"s. An$ *3
3Tha"2s all nonsense, for 'a'ies,3 sai$ "he !in( s"ernl&. 3Onl& fi" for 'a'ies, $o &o# hear5
Yo#2re (e""in( "oo ol$ for "ha" sor" of s"#ff. A" &o#r a(e &o# o#(h" "o 'e "hin,in( of 'a""les
an$ a$+en"#res, no" fair& "ales.3
3Oh, '#" "here were 'a""les an$ a$+en"#res in "hose $a&s,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Won$erf#l
a$+en"#res. Once "here was a Whi"e Wi"ch an$ she %a$e herself =#een of "he whole
co#n"r&. An$ she %a$e i" so "ha" i" was alwa&s win"er. An$ "hen "wo 'o&s an$ "wo (irls
ca%e fro% so%ewhere an$ so "he& ,ille$ "he Wi"ch an$ "he& were %a$e !in(s an$ =#eens
of Narnia, an$ "heir na%es were Pe"er an$ S#san an$ E$%#n$ an$ L#c&. An$ so "he&
rei(ne$ for e+er so lon( an$ e+er&one ha$ a lo+el& "i%e, an$ i" was all 'eca#se of Aslan *3
3Who2s he53 sai$ -ira<. An$ if Cas)ian ha$ 'een a +er& li""le ol$er, "he "one of his #ncle2s
+oice wo#l$ ha+e warne$ hi% "ha" i" wo#l$ 'e wiser "o sh#" #). B#" he 'a''le$ on,
3Oh, $on2" &o# ,now53 he sai$. 3Aslan is "he (rea" Lion who co%es fro% o+er "he sea.3
3Who has 'een "ellin( &o# all "his nonsense53 sai$ "he !in( in a +oice of "h#n$er. Cas)ian
was fri(h"ene$ an$ sai$ no"hin(.
3Yo#r Ro&al Hi(hness,3 sai$ !in( -ira<, le""in( (o of Cas)ian2s han$, which he ha$ 'een
hol$in( "ill now, 3I insis" #)on 'ein( answere$. Loo, %e in "he face. Who has 'een "ellin(
&o# "his )ac, of lies53
3N * N#rse,3 fal"ere$ Cas)ian, an$ '#rs" in"o "ears.
3S"o) "ha" noise,3 sai$ his #ncle, "a,in( Cas)ian '& "he sho#l$ers an$ (i+in( ha% a sha,e.
3S"o) i". An$ ne+er le" %e ca"ch &o# "al,in( * or "hin,in( ei"her * a'o#" all "hose sill&
s"ories a(ain. There ne+er were "hose !in(s an$ =#eens. How co#l$ "here 'e "wo !in(s a"
"he sa%e "i%e5 An$ "here2s no s#ch )erson as Aslan. An$ "here are no s#ch "hin(s as lions.
An$ "here ne+er was a "i%e when ani%als co#l$ "al,. Do &o# hear53
3Yes, ncle,3 so''e$ Cas)ian.
3Then le"2s ha+e no %ore of i",3 sai$ "he !in(. Then he calle$ "o one of "he (en"le%en*in*
wai"in( who were s"an$in( a" "he far en$ of "he "errace an$ sai$ in a col$ +oice, 3Con$#c"
His Ro&al Hi(hness "o his a)ar"%en"s an$ sen$ His Ro&al Hi(hness2s n#rse "o %e AT
Ne1" $a& Cas)ian fo#n$ wha" a "erri'le "hin( he ha$ $one, for N#rse ha$ 'een sen" awa&
wi"ho#" e+en 'ein( allowe$ "o sa& (oo$*'&e "o hi%, an$ he was "ol$ he was "o ha+e a
Cas)ian %isse$ his n#rse +er& %#ch an$ she$ %an& "ears0 an$ 'eca#se he was so
%isera'le, he "ho#(h" a'o#" "he ol$ s"ories of Narnia far %ore "han 'efore. He $rea%e$ of
Dwarfs an$ Dr&a$s e+er& ni(h" an$ "rie$ +er& har$ "o %a,e "he $o(s an$ ca"s in "he cas"le
"al, "o hi%. B#" "he $o(s onl& wa((e$ "heir "ails an$ "he ca"s onl& )#rre$.
Cas)ian fel" s#re "ha" he wo#l$ ha"e "he new T#"or, '#& when "he new T#"or arri+e$ a'o#" a
wee, la"er he "#rns o#" "o 'e "he sor" of )erson i" is al%os" i%)ossi'le no" "o li,e. He was
"he s%alles", an$ also "he fa""es", %an Cas)ian ha$ e+er seen. He ha$ a lon(, sil+er&,
)oin"e$ 'ear$ which ca%e $own "o his wais", an$ his face, which was 'rown an$ co+ere$
wi"h wrin,les, loo,e$ +er& wise, +er& #(l&, an$ +er& ,in$. His +oice was (ra+e an$ his e&es
were %err& so "ha", #n"il &o# (o" "o ,now hi% reall& well, i" was har$ "o ,now when he was
8o,in( an$ when he was serio#s. His na%e was Doc"or Corneli#s.
Of all his lessons wi"h Doc"or Corneli#s "he one "ha" Cas)ian li,e$ 'es" was His"or&. ) "ill
now, e1ce)" for N#rse2s s"ories, he ha$ ,nown no"hin( a'o#" "he His"or& of Narnia, an$ he
was +er& s#r)rise$ "o learn "ha" "he ro&al fa%il& were newco%ers in "he co#n"r&.
3I" was &o#r Hi(hness2s ances"or, Cas)ian "he 7irs",3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s, 3who firs"
con9#ere$ Narnia an$ %a$e i" his ,in($o%. I" was he who 'ro#(h" all &o#r na"ion in"o "he
co#n"r&. Yo# are no" na"i+e Narnians a" all. Yo# are all Tel%arines * "ha" is, &o# all ca%e
fro% "he Lan$ of Tel%ar, far 'e&on$ "he Wes"ern -o#n"ains. Tha" is wh& Cas)ian "he 7irs"
is calle$ Cas)ian "he Con9#eror.3
3Please, Doc"or,3 as,e$ Cas)ian one $a&, 3who li+e$ in Narnia 'efore we all ca%e here o#"
of Tel%ar53
3No %en * or +er& few * li+e$ in Narnia 'efore "he Tel%arines "oo, i",3 sai$ Doc"or
3Then who $i$ %& (rea"*(rea"*(ran$ces"ers con9#er53
3Who%, no" who, &o#r Hi(hness,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s. 3Perha)s i" is "i%e "o "#rn fro%
His"or& "o 6ra%%ar.3
3Oh )lease, no" &e"43 sai$ Cas)ian.
3I %ean, wasn2" "here a 'a""le5 Wh& is he calle$ Cas)ian "he Con9#eror if "here was no'o$&
"o fi(h" wi"h hi%53
3I sai$ "here were +er& few %en in Narnia,3 sai$ "he Doc"or, loo,in( a" "he li""le 'o& +er&
s"ran(el& "hro#(h his (rea" s)ec"acles.
7or a %o%en" Cas)ian was )#<<le$ an$ "hen s#$$enl& his hear" (a+e a lea). 3Do &o#
%ean,3 he (as)e$, 3"ha" "here were o"her "hin(s5 Do &o# %ean i" was li,e in "he s"ories5
Were "here*53
3H#sh43 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s, la&in( his hea$ +er& close "o Cas)ian2s. 3No" a wor$ %ore.
Don2" &o# ,now &o#r N#rse was sen" awa& for "ellin( &o# a'o#" Ol$ Narnia5 The !in(
$oesn2" li,e i". If he fo#n$ %e "ellin( &o# secre"s, &o#2$ 'e whi))e$ an$ I sho#l$ ha+e %&
hea$ c#" off.3
3B#" wh&53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3C" is hi(h "i%e we "#rne$ "o 6ra%%ar now,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s in a lo#$ +oice. 3Will
&o#r Ro&al Hi(hness 'e )lease$ "o o)en P#l+er#len"#s Sicc#s a" "he fo#r"h )a(e of his
6ra%%a"ical (ar$en or "he Ar'o#r of Acci$ence )leasan"lie o)en2$ "o Ten$er Wi"s53
Af"er "ha" i" was all no#ns an$ +er's "ill l#nch"i%e, '#" I $on2" "hin, Cas)ian learne$ %#ch.
He was "oo e1ci"e$. He fel" s#re "ha" Doc"or Corneli#s wo#l$ no" ha+e sai$ so %#ch #nless
he %ean" "o "ell hi% %ore sooner or la"er.
In "his he was no" $isa))oin"e$. A few $a&s la"er his T#"or sai$, 3Toni(h" I a% (oin( "o
(i+e &o# a lesson in As"rono%&. A" $ea$ of ni(h" "wo no'le )lane"s, Tar+a an$ Ala%'il,
will )ass wi"hin one $e(ree of each o"her. S#ch a con8#nc"ion has no" occ#rre$ for "wo
h#n$re$ &ears, an$ &o#r Hi(hness will no" li+e "o see i" a(ain. I" will 'e 'es" if &o# (o "o
'e$ a li""le earlier "han #s#al. When "he "i%e of "he con8#nc"ion $raws near I will co%e an$
wa,e &o#.3
This $i$n2" see% "o ha+e an&"hin( "o $o wi"h Ol$ Narnia, which was wha" Cas)ian reall&
wan"e$ "o hear a'o#", '#" (e""in( #) in "he %i$$le of "he ni(h" is alwa&s in"eres"in( an$ he
was %o$era"el& )lease$. When he wen" "o 'e$ "ha" ni(h", he "ho#(h" a" firs" "ha" he wo#l$
no" 'e a'le "o slee)0 '#" he soon $ro))e$ off an$ i" see%e$ onl& a few %in#"es 'efore he
fel" so%eone (en"l& sha,in( hi%.
He sa" #) in 'e$ an$ saw "ha" "he roo% was f#ll of %oonli(h". Doc"or Corneli#s, %#ffle$ in
a hoo$e$ ro'e an$ hol$in( a s%all la%) in his han$, s"oo$ '& "he 'e$si$e.
Cas)ian re%e%'ere$ a" once wha" "he& were (oin( "o $o. He (o" #) an$ )#" on so%e
clo"hes. A"ho#(h i" was a s#%%er ni(h" he fel" col$er "han he ha$ e1)ec"e$ an$ was 9#i"e
(la$ when "he Doc"or wra))e$ hi% in a ro'e li,e his own an$ (a+e hi% a )air of war%, sof"
'#s,ins for his fee". A %o%en" la"er, 'o"h %#ffle$ so "ha" "he& co#l$ har$l& 'e seen in "he
$ar, corri$ors, an$ 'o"h sho$ so "ha" "he& %a$e al%os" no noise, %as"er an$ )#)il lef" "he
Cas)ian followe$ "he Doc"or "hro#(h %an& )assa(es an$ #) se+eral s"aircases, an$ a" las",
"hro#(h a li""le $oor in a "#rre", "he& ca%e o#" #)on "he lea$s. On one si$e were "he
'a""le%en"s, on "he o"her a s"ee) roof0 'elow "he%, all sha$ow& an$ shi%%er&, "he cas"le
(ar$ens0 a'o+e "he%, s"ars an$ %oon. Presen"l& "he& ca%e "o ano"her $oor, which le$ in"o
"he (rea" cen"ral "ower of "he whole cas"le: Doc"or Corneli#s #nloc,e$ i" an$ "he& 'e(an "o
cli%' "he $ar, win$in( s"air of "he "ower. Cas)ian was 'eco%in( e1ci"e$0 he ha$ ne+er
'een allowe$ #) "his s"air 'efore.
I" was lon( an$ s"ee), '#" when "he& ca%e o#" on "he roof of "he "ower an$ Cas)ian ha$ (o"
his 'rea"h, he fel" "ha" i" ha$ 'een well wor"h i". Awa& on his ri(h" he co#l$ see, ra"her
in$is"inc"l&, "he Wes"ern -o#n"ains. On his lef" was "he (lea% of "he 6rea" Ri+er, an$
e+er&"hin( was so 9#ie" "ha" he co#l$ hear "he so#n$ of "he wa"erfall a" Bea+ers$a%, a %ile
awa&. There was no $iffic#l"& in )ic,in( o#" "he "wo s"ars "he& ha$ co%e "o see. The& h#n(
ra"her low in "he so#"hern s,&, al%os" as 'ri(h" as "wo li""le %oons an$ +er& close "o(e"her.
3Are "he& (oin( "o ha+e a collision53 he as,e$ in an awes"r#c, +oice.
3Na&, $ear Prince,3 sai$ "he Doc"or .an$ he "oo s)o,e in a whis)er/. 3The (rea" lor$s of "he
#))er s,& ,now "he s"e)s of "heir $ance "oo well for "ha". Loo, well #)on "he%. Their
%ee"in( is for"#na"e an$ %eans so%e (rea" (oo$ for "he sa$ real% of Narnia. Tar+a, "he
Lor$ of ;ic"or&, sal#"es Ala%'il, "he La$& of Peace. The& are 8#s" co%in( "o "heir neares".3
3I"2s a )i"& "ha" "ree (e"s in "he wa&,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3We2$ reall& see 'e""er fro% "he Wes"
Tower, "ho#(h i" is no" so hi(h.3
Doc"or Corneli#s sai$ no"hin( for a'o#" "wo %in#"es, '#" s"oo$ s"ill wi"h his e&es fi1e$ on
Tar+a an$ Ala%'il. Then he $rew a $ee) 'rea"h an$ "#rne$ "o Cas)ian.
3There,3 he sai$. 3Yo# ha+e seen wha" no %an now ali+e has seen, nor will see a(ain. An$
&o# are ri(h". We sho#l$ ha+e seen i" e+en 'e""er fro% "he s%aller "ower. I 'ro#(h" &o#
here for ano"her reason.3
Cas)ian loo,e$ #) a" hi%, '#" "he Doc"or2s hoo$ conceale$ %os" of his face.
3The +ir"#e of "his "ower,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s, 3is "ha" we ha+e si1 e%)"& roo%s 'enea"h
#s, an$ a lon( s"air, an$ "he $oor a" "he 'o""o% of "he s"air is loc,e$. We canno" 'e
3Are &o# (oin( "o "ell %e wha" &o# wo#l$n2" "ell %e "he o"her $a&53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3I a%,3 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3B#" re%e%'er. Yo# an$ I %#s" ne+er "al, a'o#" "hese "hin(s
e1ce)" here * on "he +er& "o) of "he 6rea" Tower.3
3No. Tha"2s a )ro%ise,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3B#" $o (o on, )lease.3
3Lis"en,3 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3All &o# ha+e hear$ a'o#" Ol$ Narnia is "r#e. I" is no" "he lan$ of
-en. I" is "he co#n"r& of Aslan, "he co#n"r& of "he Wa,in( Trees an$ ;isi'le Naia$s, of
7a#ns an$ Sa"&rs, of Dwarfs an$ 6ian"s, of "he (o$s an$ "he Cen"a#rs, of Tal,in( Beas"s. I"
was a(ains" "hese "ha" "he firs" Cas)ian fo#(h". I" is &o# Tel%arines who silence$ "he 'eas"s
an$ "he "rees an$ "he fo#n"ains, an$ who ,ille$ an$ $ro+e awa& "he Dwarfs an$ 7a#ns, an$
are now "r&in( "o co+er #) e+en "he %e%or& of "he%. The !in( $oes no" allow "he% "o 'e
s)o,en of.3
3Oh, I $o wish we ha$n2",3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3An$ I a% (la$ i" was all "r#e, e+en if i" is all
3-an& of &o#r race wish "ha" in secre",3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s.
3B#", Doc"or,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3wh& $o &o# sa& %& race5 Af"er all, I s#))ose &o#2re a
Tel%arine "oo.3
3A% I53 sai$ "he Doc"or.
3Well, &o#2re a -an an&wa&,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3A% I53 re)ea"e$ "he Doc"or in a $ee)er +oice, a" "he sa%e %o%en" "hrowin( 'ac, his hoo$
so "ha" Cas)ian co#l$ see his face clearl& in "he %oonli(h".
All a" once Cas)ian reali<e$ "he "r#"h an$ fel" "ha" he o#(h" "o ha+e reali<e$ i" lon( 'efore.
Doc"or Corneli#s was so s%all, an$ so fa", an$ ha$ s#ch a +er& lon( 'ear$. Two "ho#(h"s
ca%e in"o his hea$ a" "he sa%e %o%en". One was a "ho#(h" of "error * 3He2s no" a real %an,
no" a %an a" all, he2s a Dwarf, an$ he2s 'ro#(h" %e #) here "o ,ill %e.3 The o"her was sheer
$eli(h" * 3There are real Dwarfs s"ill, an$ I2+e seen one a" las".3
3So &o#2+e (#esse$ i" in "he en$,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s. 3Or (#esse$ i" nearl& ri(h". I2%
no" a )#re Dwarf. I ha+e h#%an 'loo$ in %e "oo. -an& Dwarfs esca)e$ in "he (rea" 'a""les
an$ li+e$ on, sha+in( "heir 'ear$s an$ wearin( hi(hheele$ shoes an$ )re"en$in( "o 'e %en.
The& ha+e %i1e$ wi"h &o#r Tel%arines. I a% one of "hose, onl& a halfDwarf, an$ if an& of
%& ,in$re$, "he "r#e Dwarfs, are s"ill ali+e an&where in "he worl$, $o#'"less "he& wo#l$
$es)ise %e an$ call %e a "rai"or. B#" ne+er in all "hese &ears ha+e we for(o""en o#r own
)eo)le an$ all "he o"her ha))& crea"#res of Narnia, an$ "he lon(*los" $a&s of free$o%.3
3I2% * I2% sorr&, Doc"or,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I" wasn2" %& fa#l", &o# ,now.3
3I a% no" sa&in( "hese "hin(s in 'la%e of &o#, $ear Prince,3 answere$ "he Doc"or. 3Yo#
%a& well as, wh& I sa& "he% a" all. B#" I ha+e "wo reasons. 7irs"l&, 'eca#se %& ol$ hear"
has carrie$ "hese secre" %e%ories so lon( "ha" i" aches wi"h "he% an$ wo#l$ '#rs" if I $i$
no" whis)er "he% "o &o#. B#" secon$l&, for "his: "ha" when &o# 'eco%e !in( &o# %a& hel)
#s, for I ,now "ha" &o# also, Tel%arine "ho#(h &o# are, lo+e "he Ol$ Thin(s.3
3I $o, I $o,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3B#" how can I hel)53
3Yo# can 'e ,in$ "o "he )oor re%nan"s of "he Dwarf )eo)le, li,e %&self. Yo# can (a"her
learne$ %a(icians an$ "r& "o fin$ a wa& of awa,in( "he "rees once %ore. Yo# can search
"hro#(h all "he noo,s an$ wil$ )laces of "he lan$ "o see if an& 7a#ns or Tal,in( Beas"s or
Dwarfs are )erha)s s"ill ali+e in hi$in(.3
3Do &o# "hin, "here are an&53 as,e$ Cas)ian ea(erl&.
3I $on2" ,now * I $on2" ,now,3 sai$ "he Doc"or wi"h a $ee) si(h. 3So%e"i%es I a% afrai$
"here can2" 'e. I ha+e 'een loo,in( for "races of "he% all %& life. So%e"i%es I ha+e "ho#(h"
I hear$ a Dwarf*$r#% in "he %o#n"ains. So%e"i%es a" ni(h", in "he woo$s, I "ho#(h" I ha$
ca#(h" a (li%)se of 7a#ns an$ Sa"&rs $ancin( a lon( wa& off0 '#" when I ca%e "o "he )lace,
"here was ne+er an&"hin( "here. I ha+e of"en $es)aire$0 '#" so%e"hin( alwa&s ha))ens "o
s"ar" %e ho)in( a(ain. I $on2" ,now. B#" a" leas" &o# can "r& "o 'e a !in( li,e "he Hi(h !in(
Pe"er of ol$, an$ no" li,e &o#r #ncle.3
3Then i"2s "r#e a'o#" "he !in(s an$ =#eens "oo, an$ a'o#" "he Whi"e Wi"ch53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Cer"ainl& i" is "r#e,3 sai$ Corneli#s. 3Their rei(n was "he 6ol$en A(e in Narnia an$ "he
lan$ has ne+er for(o""en "he%.3
3Di$ "he& li+e in "his cas"le, Doc"or53
3Na&, %& $ear,3 sai$ "he ol$ %an. 3This cas"le is a "hin( of &es"er$a&. Yo#r (rea"*(rea"*
(ran$fa"her '#il" i". B#" when "he "wo sons of A$a% an$ "he "wo $a#(h"ers of E+e were
%a$e !in(s an$ =#eens of Narnia '& Aslan hi%self, "he& li+e$ in "he cas"le of Cair
Para+el. No %an ali+e has seen "ha" 'lesse$ )lace an$ )erha)s e+en "he r#ins of i" ha+e now
+anishe$. B#" we 'elie+e i" was far fro% here, $own a" "he %o#"h of "he 6rea" Ri+er, on "he
+er& shore of "he sea.3
3(h43 sai$ Cas)ian wi"h a sh#$$er. 3Do &o# %ean in "he Blac, Woo$s5 Where all "he *
"he * &o# ,now, "he (hos"s li+e53
3Yo#r Hi(hness s)ea,s as &o# ha+e 'een "a#(h",3 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3B#" i" is all lies. There
are no (hos"s "here. Tha" is a s"or& in+en"e$ '& "he Tel%arines. Yo#r !in(s are in $ea$l&
fear of "he sea 'eca#se "he& can ne+er 9#i"e for(e" "ha" in all s"ories Aslan co%es fro% o+er
"he sea. The& $on2" wan" "o (o near i" an$ "he& $on2" wan" an&one else "o (o near i". So "he&
ha+e le" (rea" woo$s (row #) "o c#" "heir )eo)le off fro% "he coas". B#" 'eca#se "he& ha+e
9#arrelle$ wi"h "he "rees "he& are afrai$ of "he woo$s. An$ 'eca#se "he& are afrai$ of "he
woo$s "he& i%a(ine "ha" "he& are f#ll of (hos"s. An$ "he !in(s an$ (rea" %en, ha"in( 'o"h
"he sea an$ "he woo$, )ar"l& 'elie+e "hese s"ories, an$ )ar"l& enco#ra(e "he%. The& feel
safer if no one in Narnia $ares "o (o $own "o "he coas" an$ loo, o#" "o sea "owar$s Aslan2s
lan$ an$ "he %ornin( an$ "he eas"ern en$ of "he worl$.3
There was a $ee) silence 'e"ween "he% for a few %in#"es. Then Doc"or Corneli#s sai$,
3Co%e. We ha+e 'een here lon( eno#(h. I" is "i%e "o (o $own an$ "o 'e$.3
3-#s" we53 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I2$ li,e "o (o on "al,in( a'o#" "hese "hin(s for ho#rs an$ ho#rs
an$ ho#rs.3
3So%eone %i(h" 'e(in loo,in( for #s, if we $i$ "ha",3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s.
A7TER "his, Cas)ian an$ his T#"or ha$ %an& %ore secre" con+ersa"ions on "he "o) of "he
6rea" Tower, an$ a" each con+ersa"ion Cas)ian learne$ %ore a'o#" Ol$ Narnia, so "ha"
"hin,in( an$ $rea%in( a'o#" "he ol$ $a&s, an$ lon(in( "ha" "he& %i(h" co%e 'ac,, fille$
nearl& all his s)are ho#rs. B#" of co#rse he ha$ no" %an& ho#rs "o s)are, for now his
e$#ca"ion was 'e(innin( in earnes". He learne$ swor$*fi(h"in( an$ ri$in(, swi%%in( an$
$i+in(, how "o shoo" wi"h "he 'ow an$ )la& on "he recor$er an$ "he "heor'o, how "o h#n"
"he s"a( an$ c#" hi% #) when he was $ea$, 'esi$es Cos%o(ra)h&, Rhe"oric, Heral$r&,
;ersifica"ion, an$ of co#rse His"or&, wi"h a li""le Law, Ph&sic, Alche%&, an$ As"rono%&.
Of -a(ic he learne$ onl& "he "heor&, for Doc"or Corneli#s sai$ "he )rac"ical )ar" was no"
)ro)er s"#$& for )rinces. 3An$ I %&self,3 he a$$e$, 3a% onl& a +er& i%)erfec" %a(ician an$
can $o onl& "he s%alles" e1)eri%en"s.3 Of Na+i(a"ion .3Which is a no'le an$ heroical ar",3
sai$ "he Doc"or/ he was "a#(h" no"hin(, 'eca#se !in( -ira< $isa))ro+e$ of shi)s an$ "he
He also learne$ a (rea" $eal '& #sin( his own e&es an$ ears. As a li""le 'o& he ha$ of"en
won$ere$ wh& he $isli,e$ his a#n", =#een Pr#na)ris%ia0 he now saw "ha" i" was 'eca#se
she $isli,e$ hi%. He also 'e(an "o see "ha" Narnia was an #nha))& co#n"r&. The "a1es were
hi(h an$ "he laws were s"ern an$ -ira< was a cr#el %an.
Af"er so%e &ears "here ca%e a "i%e when "he =#een see%e$ "o 'e ill an$ "here was a (rea"
$eal of '#s"le an$ )o"her a'o#" her in "he cas"le an$ $oc"ors ca%e an$ "he co#r"iers
whis)ere$. This was in earl& s#%%er"i%e. An$ one ni(h", while all "his f#ss was (oin( on,
Cas)ian was #ne1)ec"e$l& wa,ene$ '& Doc"or Corneli#s af"er he ha$ 'een onl& a few
ho#rs in 'e$.
3Are we (oin( "o $o a li""le As"rono%&, Doc"or53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3H#sh43 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3Tr#s" %e an$ $o e1ac"l& as I "ell &o#. P#" on all &o#r clo"hes0 &o#
ha+e a lon( 8o#rne& 'efore &o#.3
Cas)ian was +er& s#r)rise$, '#" he ha$ learne$ "o ha+e confi$ence in his T#"or an$ he
'e(an $oin( wha" he was "ol$ a" once. When he was $resse$ "he Doc"or sai$, 3I ha+e a
walle" for &o#. We %#s" (o in"o "he ne1" roo% an$ fill i" wi"h +ic"#als fro% &o#r Hi(hness2s
s#))er "a'le.3
3-& (en"le%en*in*wai"in( will 'e "here,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3The& are fas" aslee) an$ will no" wa,e,3 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3I a% a +er& %inor %a(ician '#"
I can a" leas" con"ri+e a char%e$ slee).3
The& wen" in"o "he an"echa%'er an$ "here, s#re eno#(h, "he "wo (en"le%en*in*wai"in(
were, s)rawlin( on chairs an$ snorin( har$. Doc"or Corneli#s 9#ic,l& c#" #) "he re%ains of
a col$ chic,en an$ so%e slices of +enison an$ )#" "he%, wi"h 'rea$ an$ an a))le or so an$
a li""le flas, of (oo$ wine, in"o "he walle" which he "hen (a+e "o Cas)ian. I" fi""e$ on '& a
s"ra) o+er Cas)ian2s sho#l$er, li,e a sa"chel &o# wo#l$ #se for "a,in( 'oo,s "o school.
3Ha+e &o# &o#r swor$53 as,e$ "he Doc"or.
3Yes,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Then )#" "his %an"le o+er all "o hi$e "he swor$ an$ "he walle". Tha"2s ri(h". An$ now we
%#s" (o "o "he 6rea" Tower an$ "al,.3
When "he& ha$ reache$ "he "o) of "he Tower .i" was a clo#$& ni(h", no" a" all li,e "he ni(h"
when "he& ha$ seen "he con8#nc"ion of Tar+a an$ Ala%'il/ Doc"or Corneli#s sai$,
3Dear Prince, &o# %#s" lea+e "his cas"le a" once an$ (o "o see, &o#r for"#ne in "he wi$e
worl$. Yo#r life is in $an(er here.3
3Wh&53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3Beca#se &o# are "he "r#e !in( of Narnia: Cas)ian "he Ten"h, "he "r#e son an$ heir of
Cas)ian "he Nin"h. Lon( life "o &o#r -a8es"&2 * an$ s#$$enl&, "o Cas)ian2s (rea" s#r)rise,
"he li""le %an $ro))e$ $own on one ,nee an$ ,isse$ his han$.
3Wha" $oes i" all %ean5 I $on2" #n$ers"an$,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3I won$er &o# ha+e ne+er as,e$ %e 'efore,3 sai$ "he Doc"or, 3wh&, 'ein( "he son of !in(
Cas)ian, &o# are no" !in( Cas)ian &o#rself. E+er&one e1ce)" &o#r -a8es"& ,nows "ha"
-ira< is a #s#r)er. When he firs" 'e(an "o r#le he $i$ no" e+en )re"en$ "o 'e "he !in(: he
calle$ hi%self Lor$ Pro"ec"or. B#" "hen &o#r ro&al %o"her $ie$, "he (oo$ =#een an$ "he
onl& Tel%arine who was e+er ,in$ "o %e. An$ "hen, one '& one, all "he (rea" lor$s, who
ha$ ,nown &o#r fa"her, $ie$ or $isa))eare$. No" '& acci$en", ei"her. -ira< wee$e$ "he%
o#". Belisar an$ +ilas were sho" wi"h arrows on a h#n"in( )ar"&: '& chance, i" was
)re"en$e$. All "he (rea" ho#se of "he Passari$s he sen" "o fi(h" (ian"s on "he nor"hern
fron"ier "ill one '& one "he& fell. Arlian an$ Eri%on an$ a $o<en %ore he e1ec#"e$ for
"reason on a false char(e. The "wo 'ro"hers of Bea+ers$a% he sh#" #) as %a$%en. An$
finall& he )ers#a$e$ "he se+en no'le lor$s, who alone a%on( all "he Tel%arines $i$ no" fear
"he sea, "o sail awa& an$ loo, for new lan$s 'e&on$ "he Eas"ern Ocean, an$, as he in"en$e$,
"he& ne+er ca%e 'ac,. An$ when "here was no one lef" who co#l$ s)ea, a wor$ for &o#,
"hen his fla""erers .as he ha$ ins"r#c"e$ "he%/ 'e((e$ hi% "o 'eco%e !in(. An$ of co#rse
he $i$.3
3Do &o# %ean he now wan"s "o ,ill %e "oo53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Tha" is al%os" cer"ain,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s.
3B#" wh& now53 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I %ean, wh& $i$n2" he $o i" lon( a(o if he wan"e$ "o5 An$
wha" har% ha+e I $one hi%53
3He has chan(e$ his %in$ a'o#" &o# 'eca#se of so%e"hin( "ha" ha))ene$ onl& "wo ho#rs
a(o. The =#een has ha$ a son.3
3I $on2" see wha" "ha"2s (o" "o $o wi"h i",3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Don2" see43 e1clai%e$ "he Doc"or. 3Ha+e all %& lessons in His"or& an$ Poli"ics "a#(h" &o#
no %ore "han "ha"5 Lis"en. As lon( as he ha$ no chil$ren of his own, he was willin( eno#(h
"ha" &o# sho#l$ 'e !in( af"er he $ie$. He %a& no" ha+e care$ %#ch a'o#" &o#, '#" he
wo#l$ ra"her &o# sho#l$ ha+e "he "hrone "han a s"ran(er. Now "ha" he has a son of his own
he will wan" his own son "o 'e "he ne1" !in(. Yo# are in "he wa&. He2ll clear &o# o#" of "he
3Is he reall& as 'a$ as "ha"53 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Wo#l$ he reall& %#r$er %e53
3He %#r$ere$ &o#r 7a"her,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s.
Cas)ian fel" +er& 9#eer an$ sai$ no"hin(.
3I can "ell &o# "he whole s"or&,3 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3B#" no" now. There is no "i%e. Yo# %#s"
fl& a" once.3
3Yo#2ll co%e wi"h %e53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3I $are no",3 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3I" wo#l$ %a,e &o#r $an(er (rea"er. Two are %ore easil&
"rac,e$ "han one. Dear Prince, $ear !in( Cas)ian, &o# %#s" 'e +er& 'ra+e. Yo# %#s" (o
alone an$ a" once. Tr& "o (e" across "he so#"hern 'or$er "o "he co#r" of !in( Nain of
Archenlan$. He will 'e (oo$ "o &o#.3
3Shall I ne+er see &o# a(ain53 sai$ Cas)ian in a 9#a+erin( +oice.
3I ho)e so, $ear !in(,3 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3Wha" frien$ ha+e I in "he wi$e worl$ e1ce)" &o#r
-a8es"&5 An$ I ha+e a li""le %a(ic. B#" in "he %ean"i%e, s)ee$ is e+er&"hin(. Here are "wo
(if"s 'efore &o# (o. This is a li""le )#rse of (ol$ alas, all "he "reas#re in "his cas"le sho#l$ 'e
&o#r own '& ri(h"s. An$ here is so%e"hin( far 'e""er.3
He )#" in Cas)ian2s han$s so%e"hin( which he co#l$ har$l& see '#" which he ,new '& "he
feel "o 'e a horn.
3Tha",3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s, 3is "he (rea"es" an$ %os" sacre$ "reas#re of Narnia. -an&
"errors I en$#re$, %an& s)ells $i$ I #""er, "o fin$ i", when I was s"ill &o#n(. I" is "he %a(ic
horn of =#een S#san herself which she lef" 'ehin$ her when she +anishe$ fro% Narnia a"
"he en$ of "he 6ol$en A(e. I" is sai$ "ha" whoe+er 'lows i" shall ha+e s"ran(e hel) * no one
can sa& how s"ran(e. I" %a& ha+e "he )ower "o call =#een L#c& an$ !in( E$%#n$ an$
=#een S#san an$ Hi(h !in( Pe"er 'ac, fro% "he )as", an$ "he& will se" all "o ri(h"s. I" %a&
'e "ha" i" will call #) Asian hi%self. Ta,e i", !in( Cas)ian: '#" $o no" #se i" e1ce)" a" &o#r
(rea"es" nee$. An$ now, has"e, has"e, has"e. The li""le $oor a" "he +er& 'o""o% of "he Tower,
"he $oor in"o "he (ar$en, is #nloc,e$. There we %#s" )ar".3
3Can I (e" %& horse Des"rier53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3He is alrea$& sa$$le$ an$ wai"in( for &o# 8#s" a" "he corner of "he orchar$.3
D#rin( "he lon( cli%' $own "he win$in( s"aircase Corneli#s whis)ere$ %an& %ore wor$s
of $irec"ion an$ a$+ice. Cas)ian2s hear" was sin,in(, '#" he "rie$ "o "a,e i" all in. Then ca%e
"he fresh air in "he (ar$en, a fer+en" han$clas) wi"h "he Doc"or, a r#n across "he lawn, a
welco%in( whinn& fro% Des"rier, an$ so !in( Cas)ian "he Ten"h lef" "he cas"le of his
fa"hers. Loo,in( 'ac,, he saw firewor,s (oin( #) "o cele'ra"e "he 'ir"h of "he new )rince.
All ni(h" he ro$e so#"hwar$, choosin( '&*wa&s an$ 'ri$le )a"hs "hro#(h woo$s as lon( as
he was in co#n"r& "ha" he ,new0 '#" af"erwar$s he ,e)" "o "he hi(h roa$. Des"rier was as
e1ci"e$ as his %as"er a" "his #n#s#al 8o#rne&, an$ Cas)ian, "ho#(h "ears ha$ co%e in"o his
e&es a" sa&in( (oo$*'&e "o Doc"or Corneli#s, fel" 'ra+e an$, in a wa&, ha))&, "o "hin, "ha"
he was !in( Cas)ian ri$in( "o see, a$+en"#res, wi"h his swor$ on his lef" hi) an$ =#een
S#san2s %a(ic horn on his ri(h". B#" when $a& ca%e, wi"h a s)rin,le of rain, an$ he loo,e$
a'o#" hi% an$ saw on e+er& si$e #n,nown woo$s, wil$ hea"hs, an$ 'l#e %o#n"ains, he
"ho#(h" how lar(e an$ s"ran(e "he worl$ was an$ fel" fri(h"ene$ an$ s%all.
As soon as i" was f#ll $a&li(h" he lef" "he roa$ an$ fo#n$ an o)en (rass& )lace a%i$ a woo$
where he co#l$ res". He "oo, off Des"rier2s 'ri$le an$ le" hi% (ra<e, a"e so%e col$ chic,en
an$ $ran, a li""le wine, an$ )resen"l& fell aslee). I" was la"e af"ernoon when he awo,e. He
a"e a %orsel an$ con"in#e$ his 8o#rne&, s"ill so#"hwar$, '& %an& #nfre9#en"e$ lanes. He
was now in a lan$ of hills, (oin( #) an$ $own, '#" alwa&s %ore #) "han $own. 7ro% e+er&
ri$(e he co#l$ see "he %o#n"ains (rowin( 'i((er an$ 'lac,er ahea$. As "he e+enin( close$
in, he was ri$in( "heir lower slo)es. The win$ rose. Soon rain fell in "orren"s.
Des"rier 'eca%e #neas&0 "here was "h#n$er in "he air. An$ now "he& en"ere$ a $ar, an$
see%in(l& en$less )ine fores", an$ all "he s"ories Cas)ian ha$ e+er hear$ of "rees 'ein(
#nfrien$l& "o -an crow$e$ in"o his %in$. He re%e%'ere$ "ha" he was, af"er all, a
Tel%arine, one of "he race who c#" $own "rees where+er "he& co#l$ an$ were a" war wi"h
all wil$ "hin(s0 an$ "ho#(h he hi%self %i(h" 'e #nli,e o"her Tel%arines, "he "rees co#l$ no"
'e e1)ec"e$ "o ,now "his.
Nor $i$ "he&. The win$ 'eca%e a "e%)es", "he woo$s roare$ an$ crea,e$ all ro#n$ "he%.
There ca%e a crash. A "ree fell ri(h" across "he roa$ 8#s" 'ehin$ hi%. 3=#ie", Des"rier,
9#ie"43 sai$ Cas)ian, )a""in( his horse2s nec,0 '#" he was "re%'lin( hi%self an$ ,new "ha"
he ha$ esca)e$ $ea"h '& an inch. Li(h"nin( flashe$ an$ a (rea" crac, of "h#n$er see%e$ "o
'rea, "he s,& in "wo 8#s" o+erhea$.
Des"rier 'ol"e$ in (oo$ earnes". Cas)ian was a (oo$ ri$er, '#" he ha$ no" "he s"ren("h "o
hol$ hi% 'ac,. He ,e)" his sea", '#" he ,new "ha" his life h#n( '& a "hrea$ $#rin( "he wil$
career "ha" followe$. Tree af"er "ree rose #) 'efore "he% in "he $#s, an$ was onl& 8#s"
a+oi$e$. Then, al%os" "oo s#$$enl& "o h#r" .an$ &e" i" $i$ h#r" hi% "oo/ so%e"hin( s"r#c,
Cas)ian on "he forehea$ an$ he ,new no %ore.
When he ca%e "o hi%self he was l&in( in a fireli" )lace wi"h 'r#ise$ li%'s an$ a 'a$
hea$ache. Low +oices were s)ea,in( close a" han$.
3An$ now,3 sai$ one, 3'efore i" wa,es #) we %#s" $eci$e wha" "o $o wi"h i".3
3!ill i",3 sai$ ano"her. 3We can2" le" i" li+e. I" wo#l$ 'e"ra& #s.3
3We o#(h" "o ha+e ,ille$ i" a" once, or else le" i" alone,3 sai$ a "hir$ +oice. 3We can2" ,ill i"
now. No" af"er we2+e "a,en i" in an$ 'an$a(e$ i"s hea$ an$ all. I" wo#l$ 'e %#r$erin( a
36en"le%en,3 sai$ Cas)ian in a fee'le +oice, 3wha"e+er &o# $o "o %e, I ho)e &o# will 'e
,in$ "o %& )oor horse.3
3Yo#r horse ha$ "a,en fli(h" lon( 'efore we fo#n$ &o#,3 sai$ "he firs" +oice * a c#rio#sl&
h#s,&, ear"h& +oice, as Cas)ian now no"ice$.
3Now $on2" le" i" "al, &o# ro#n$ wi"h i"s )re""& wor$s,3 sai$ "he secon$ +oice. 3I s"ill sa&*3
3Horns an$ hali'#"s43 e1clai%e$ "he "hir$ +oice. 3Of co#rse we2re no" (oin( "o %#r$er i".
7or sha%e, Ni,a'ri,. Wha" $o &o# sa&, Tr#ffleh#n"er5 Wha" shall we $o wi"h i"53
3I shall (i+e i" a $rin,,3 sai$ "he firs" +oice, )res#%a'l& Tr#ffleh#n"er2s. A $ar, sha)e
a))roache$ "he 'e$. Cas)ian fel" an ar% sli))e$ (en"l& #n$er his sho#l$ers * if i" was
e1ac"l& an ar%. The sha)e so%ehow see%e$ wron(. The face "ha" 'en" "owar$s hi% see%e$
wron( "oo. He (o" "he i%)ression "ha" i" was +er& hair& an$ +er& lon( nose$, an$ "here were
o$$ whi"e )a"ches on each si$e of i". 3I"2s a %as, of so%e sor",3 "ho#(h" Cas)ian. 3Or
)erha)s I2% in a fe+er an$ i%a(inin( i" all.3 A c#)f#l of so%e"hin( swee" an$ ho" was se" "o
his li)s an$ he $ran,. A" "ha" %o%en" one of "he o"hers )o,e$ "he fire. A 'la<e s)ran( #)
an$ Cas)ian al%os" screa%e$ wi"h "he shoc, as "he s#$$en li(h" re+eale$ "he face "ha" was
loo,in( in"o his own. I" was no" a %an2s face '#" a 'a$(er2s, "ho#(h lar(er an$ frien$lier an$
%ore in"elli(en" "han "he face of an& 'a$(er he ha$ seen 'efore. An$ i" ha$ cer"ainl& 'een
"al,in(. He saw, "oo, "ha" he was on a 'e$ of hea"her, in a ca+e. B& "he fire sa" "wo li""le
'ear$e$ %en, so %#ch wil$er an$ shor"er an$ hairier an$ "hic,er "han Doc"or Corneli#s "ha"
he ,new "he% a" once for real Dwarfs, ancien" Dwarfs wi"h no" a $ro) of h#%an 'loo$ in
"heir +eins. An$ Cas)ian ,new "ha" he ha$ fo#n$ "he Ol$ Narnians a" las". Then his hea$
'e(an "o swi% a(ain.
In "he ne1" few $a&s he learne$ "o ,now "he% '& na%es. The Ba$(er was calle$
Tr#ffleh#n"er0 he was "he ol$es" an$ ,in$es" of "he "hree. The Dwarf who ha$ wan"e$ "o ,ill
Cas)ian was a so#r Blac, Dwarf ."ha" is, his hair an$ 'ear$ were 'lac,, an$ "hic, an$ har$
li,e horsehair/. His na%e was Ni,a'ri,. The o"her Dwarf was a Re$ Dwarf wi"h hair ra"her
li,e a 7o12s an$ he was calle$ Tr#%),in.
3An$ now,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri, on "he firs" e+enin( when Cas)ian was well eno#(h "o si" #) an$
"al,, 3we s"ill ha+e "o $eci$e wha" "o $o wi"h "his H#%an. Yo# "wo "hin, &o#2+e $one i" a
(rea" ,in$ess '& no" le""in( %e ,ill i". B#" I s#))ose "he #)sho" is "ha" we ha+e "o ,ee) i" a
)risoner for life. I2% cer"ainl& no" (oin( "o le" i" (o ali+e * "o (o 'ac, "o i"s own ,in$ an$
'e"ra& #s all.3
3B#l's an$ 'ols"ers4 Ni,a'ri,,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3Wh& nee$ &o# "al, so #nhan$so%el&5 I"
isn2" "he crea"#re2s fa#l" "ha" i" 'ashe$ i"s hea$ a(ains" a "ree o#"si$e o#r hole. An$ I $on2"
"hin, i" loo,s li,e a "rai"or.3
3I sa&,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3&o# ha+en2" &e" fo#n$ o#" whe"her I wan" "o (o 'ac,. I $on2". I wan"
"o s"a& wi"h &o# * if &o#2ll le" %e. I2+e 'een loo,in( for )eo)le li,e &o# all %& life.3
3Tha"2s a li,el& s"or&,3 (rowle$ Ni,a'ri,. 3Yo#2re a Tel%arine an$ a H#%an, aren2" &o#5 Of
co#rse &o# wan" "o (o 'ac, "o &o#r own ,in$.3
3Well, e+en if I $i$, I co#l$n2",3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I was fl&in( for %& life when I ha$ %&
acci$en". The !in( wan"s "o ,ill %e. If &o#2$ ,ille$ %e, &o#2$ ha+e $one "he +er& "hin( "o
)lease hi%.3
3Well now,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er, 3&o# $on2" sa& so43
3Eh53 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3Wha"2s "ha"5 Wha" ha+e &o# 'een $oin(, H#%an, "o fall fo#l of
-ira< a" &o#r a(e53
3He2s %& #ncle,3 'e(an Cas)ian, when Ni,a'ri, 8#%)e$ #) wi"h his han$ on his $a((er.
3There &o# are43 he crie$. 3No" onl& a Tel%arine '#" close ,in an$ heir "o o#r (rea"es"
ene%&. Are &o# s"ill %a$ eno#(h "o le" "his crea"#re li+e53 He wo#l$ ha+e s"a''e$ Cas)ian
"hen an$ "here, if "he Ba$(er an$ Tr#%),in ha$ no" (o" in "he wa& an$ force$ hi% 'ac, "o
his sea" an$ hel$ hi% $own.
3Now, once an$ for all, Ni,a'ri,,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3Will &o# con"ain &o#rself, or %#s"
Tr#ffleh#n"er an$ I si" on &o#r hea$53
Ni,a'ri, s#l,il& )ro%ise$ "o 'eha+e, an$ "he o"her "wo as,e$ Cas)ian "o "ell his whole
s"or&. When he ha$ $one so "here was a %o%en"2s silence.
3This is "he 9#eeres" "hin( I e+er hear$,3 sai$ Tr#%),in.
3I $on2" li,e i",3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. 3I $i$n2" ,now "here were s"ories a'o#" #s s"ill "ol$ a%on(
"he H#%ans. The less "he& ,now a'o#" #s "he 'e""er. Tha" ol$ n#rse, now. She2$ 'e""er ha+e
hel$ her "on(#e. An$ i"2s all %i1e$ #) wi"h "ha" T#"or: a rene(a$e Dwarf. I ha"e 2e%. I ha"e
2e% worse "han "he H#%ans. Yo# %ar, %& wor$s * no (oo$ will co%e of i".
3Don2" &o# (o "al,in( a'o#" "hin(s &o# $on2" #n$ers"an$, Ni,a'ri,,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er.
3Yo# Dwarfs are as for(e"f#l an$ chan(ea'le as "he H#%ans "he%sel+es. I2% a 'eas", I a%,
an$ a Ba$(er wha"2s %ore. We $on2" chan(e. We hol$ on. I sa& (rea" (oo$ will co%e of i".
This is "he "r#e !in( of Narnia we2+e (o" here: a "r#e !in(, co%in( 'ac, "o "r#e Narnia.
An$ we 'eas"s re%e%'er, e+en if Dwarfs for(e", "ha" Narnia was ne+er ri(h" e1ce)" when a
son of A$a% was !in(.3
3Whis"les an$ whirli(i(s4 Tr#ffleh#n"er,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3Yo# $on2" %ean &o# wan" "o
(i+e "he co#n"r& "o H#%ans53
3I sai$ no"hin( a'o#" "ha",3 answere$ "he Ba$(er. 3I"2s no" -en2s co#n"r& .who sho#l$ ,now
"ha" 'e""er "han %e5/ '#" i"2s a co#n"r& for a %an "o 'e !in( of. We 'a$(ers ha+e lon(
eno#(h %e%ories "o ,now "ha". Wh&, 'less #s all, wasn2" "he Hi(h !in( Pe"er a -an53
3Do &o# 'elie+e all "hose ol$ s"ories53 as,e$ Tr#%),in.
3I "ell &o#, we $on2" chan(e, we 'eas"s,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3We $on2" for(e". I 'elie+e in
"he Hi(h !in( Pe"er an$ "he res" "ha" rei(ne$ a" Cair Para+el, as fir%l& as I 'elie+e in Aslan
3As fir%l& as "ha", I $are sa&,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3B#" who 'elie+es in Aslan nowa$a&s53
3I $o,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3An$ if I ha$n2" 'elie+e$ in hi% 'efore, I wo#l$ now. Bac, "here
a%on( "he H#%ans "he )eo)le who la#(he$ a" Aslan wo#l$ ha+e la#(he$ a" s"ories a'o#"
Tal,in( Beas"s an$ Dwarfs. So%e"i%es I $i$ won$er if "here reall& was s#ch a )erson as
Aslan: '#" "hen so%e"i%es I won$ere$ if "here were reall& )eo)le li,e &o#. Ye" "here &o#
3Tha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3Yo#2re ri(h", !in( Cas)ian. An$ as lon( as &o# will 'e
"r#e "o Ol$ Narnia &o# shall 'e %& !in(, wha"e+er "he& sa&. Lon( life "o &o#r -a8es"&.3
3Yo# %a,e %e sic,, Ba$(er,3 (rowle$ Ni,a'ri,. 3The Hi(h !in( Pe"er an$ "he res" %a&
ha+e 'een -en, '#" "he& were a $ifferen" sor" of -en. This is one of "he c#rse$ Tel%arines.
He has h#n"e$ 'eas"s for s)or". Ha+en2" &o#, now53 he a$$e$, ro#n$in( s#$$enl& on
3Well, "o "ell &o# "he "r#"h, I ha+e,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3B#" "he& weren2" Tal,in( Beas"s.3
3I"2s all "he sa%e "hin(,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,.
3No, no, no,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3Yo# ,now i" isn2". Yo# ,now +er& well "ha" "he 'eas"s in
Narnia nowa$a&s are $ifferen" an$ are no %ore "han "he )oor $#%', wi"less crea"#res &o#2$
fin$ in Calor%en or Tel%ar. The&2re s%aller "oo. The&2re far %ore $ifferen" fro% #s "han
"he half*Dwarfs are fro% &o#.3
There was a (rea" $eal %ore "al,, '#" i" all en$e$ wi"h "he a(ree%en" "ha" Cas)ian sho#l$
s"a& an$ e+en "he )ro%ise "ha", as soon as he was a'le "o (o o#", he sho#l$ 'e "a,en "o see
wha" Tr#%),in calle$ 3"he O"hers30 for a))aren"l& in "hese wil$ )ar"s all sor"s of crea"#res
fro% "he Ol$ Da&s of Narnia s"ill li+e$ on in hi$in(.
Now 'e(an "he ha))ies" "i%es "ha" Cas)ian ha$ e+er ,nown. On a fine s#%%er %ornin(
when "he $ew la& on "he (rass he se" off wi"h "he Ba$(er an$ "he "wo Dwarfs, #) "hro#(h
"he fores" "o a hi(h sa$$le in "he %o#n"ains an$ $own on "o "heir s#nn& so#"hern slo)es
where one loo,e$ across "he (reen wol$s of Archenlan$.
3We will (o firs" "o "he Three B#l(& Bears,3 sai$ Tr#%),in.
The& ca%e in a (la$e "o an ol$ hollow oa, "ree co+ere$ wi"h %oss, an$ Tr#ffleh#n"er
"a))e$ wi"h his )aw "hree "i%es on "he "r#n, an$ "here was no answer. Then he "a))e$
a(ain an$ a wooll& sor" of +oice fro% insi$e sai$, 36o awa&. I"2s no" "i%e "o (e" #) &e".3 B#"
when he "a))e$ "he "hir$ "i%e "here was a noise li,e a s%all ear"h9#a,e fro% insi$e an$ a
sor" of $oor o)ene$ an$ o#" ca%e "hree 'rown 'ears, +er& '#l(& in$ee$ an$ 'lin,in( "heir
li""le e&es. An$ when e+er&"hin( ha$ 'een e1)laine$ "o "he% .which "oo, a lon( "i%e
'eca#se "he& were so slee)&/ "he& sai$, 8#s" as Tr#ffleh#n"er ha$ sai$, "ha" a son of A$a%
o#(h" "o 'e !in( of Narnia an$ all ,isse$ Cas)ian * +er& we", sn#ffl& ,isses "he& were * an$
offere$ hi% so%e hone&. Cas)ian $i$ no" reall& wan" hone&, wi"ho#" 'rea$, a" "ha" "i%e in
"he %ornin(, '#" he "ho#(h" i" )oli"e "o acce)". I" "oo, hi% a lon( "i%e af"erwar$s "o (e"
Af"er "ha" "he& wen" on "ill "he& ca%e a%on( "all 'eech "rees an$ Tr#ffleh#n"er calle$ o#",
3Pa""er"wi(4 Pa""er"wi(4 Pa""er"wi(43 an$ al%os" a" once, 'o#n$in( $own fro% 'ranch "o
'ranch "ill he was 8#s" a'o+e "heir hea$s, ca%e "he %os" %a(nificen" re$ s9#irrel "ha"
Cas)ian ha$ e+er seen. He was far 'i((er "han "he or$inar& $#%' s9#irrels which he ha$
so%e"i%es seen in "he cas"le (ar$ens0 in$ee$ he was nearl& "he si<e of a "errier an$ "he
%o%en" &o# loo,e$ in his face &o# saw "ha" he co#l$ "al,. In$ee$ "he $iffic#l"& was "o (e"
hi% "o s"o) "al,in(, for, li,e all s9#irrels, he was a cha""erer. He welco%e$ Cas)ian a" once
an$ as,e$ if he wo#l$ li,e a n#" an$ Cas)ian sai$ "han,s, he wo#l$. B#" as Pa""er"wi( wen"
'o#n$in( awa& "o fe"ch i", Tr#ffleh#n"er whis)ere$ in Cas)ian2s ear, 3Don2" loo,. Loo, "he
o"her wa&. I"2s +er& 'a$ %anners a%on( s9#irrels "o wa"ch an&one (oin( "o his s"ore or "o
loo, as if &o# wan"e$ "o ,now where i" was.3 Then Pa""er"wi( ca%e 'ac, wi"h "he n#" an$
Cas)ian a"e i" an$ af"er "ha" Pa""er"wi( as,e$ if he co#l$ "a,e an& %essa(es "o o"her frien$s.
37or I can (o nearl& e+er&where wi"ho#" se""in( foo" "o (ro#n$,3 he sai$. Tr#ffleh#n"er an$
"he Dwarfs "ho#(h" "his a +er& (oo$ i$ea an$ (a+e Pa""er"wi( %essa(es "o all sor"s of
)eo)le wi"h 9#eer na%es "ellin( "he% all "o co%e "o a
feas" an$ co#ncil on Dancin( Lawn a" %i$ni(h" "hree ni(h"s ahea$. 3An$ &o#2$ 'e""er "ell
"he "hree B#l(ies "oo,3 a$$e$ Tr#%),in. 3We for(o" "o %en"ion i" "o "he%.3
Their ne1" +isi" was "o "he Se+en Bro"hers of Sh#$$erin( Woo$. Tr#%),in le$ "he wa&
'ac, "o "he sa$$le an$ "hen $own eas"war$ on "he nor"hern slo)e of "he %o#n"ains "ill "he&
ca%e "o a +er& sole%n )lace a%on( roc,s an$ fir "rees. The& wen" +er& 9#ie"l& an$
)resen"l& Cas)ian co#l$ feel "he (ro#n$ sha,e #n$er his fee" as if so%eone were
ha%%erin( $own 'elow. Tr#%),in wen" "o a fla" s"one a'o#" "he si<e of "he "o) of a wa"er*
'#"", an$ s"a%)e$ on i" wi"h his foo". Af"er a lon( )a#se i" was %o+e$ awa& '& so%eone or
so%e"hin( #n$ernea"h, an$ "here was a $ar,, ro#n$ hole wi"h a (oo$ $eal of hea" an$ s"ea%
co%in( o#" of i" an$ in "he %i$$le of "he hole "he hea$ of a Dwarf +er& li,e Tr#%),in
hi%self. There was a lon( "al, here an$ "he $warf see%e$ %ore s#s)icio#s "han "he S9#irrel
or "he B#l(& Bears ha$ 'een, '#" in "he en$ "he whole )ar"& were in+i"e$ "o co%e $own.
Cas)ian fo#n$ hi%self $escen$in( a $ar, s"airwa& in"o "he ear"h, '#" when he ca%e "o "he
'o""o% he saw fireli(h". I" was "he li(h" of a f#rnace. The whole )lace was a s%i"h&. A
s#'"erranean s"rea% ran )as" on one si$e of i". Two Dwarfs were a" "he 'ellows, ano"her
was hol$in( a )iece of re$*ho" %e"al on "he an+il wi"h a )air of "on(s, a fo#r"h was
ha%%erin( i", an$ "wo, wi)in( "heir horn& li""le han$s on a (reas& clo"h, were co%in(
forwar$ "o %ee" "he +isi"ors. I" "oo, so%e "i%e "o sa"isf& "he% "ha" Cas)ian was a frien$ an$
no" an ene%&, '#" when "he& $i$, "he& all crie$, 3Lon( li+e "he !in(,3 an$ "heir (if"s were
no'le * %ail shir"s an$ hel%e"s an$ swor$s for Cas)ian an$ Tr#%),in an$ Ni,a'ri,. The
Ba$(er co#l$ ha+e ha$ "he sa%e if he ha$ li,e$, '#" he sai$ he was a 'eas", he was, an$ if
his claws an$ "ee"h co#l$ no" ,ee) his s,in whole, i" wasn2" wor"h ,ee)in(. The
wor,%anshi) of "he ar%s was far finer "han an& Cas)ian ha$ e+er seen, an$ he (la$l&
acce)"e$ "he Dwarf*%a$e swor$ ins"ea$ of his own, which loo,e$, in co%)arison, as fee'le
as a "o& an$ as cl#%s& as a s"ic,. The se+en 'ro"hers .who were all Re$ Dwarfs/ )ro%ise$
"o co%e "o "he feas" a" Dancin( Lawn.
A li""le far"her on, in a $r&, roc,& ra+ine "he& reache$ "he ca+e of fi+e Blac, Dwarfs. The&
loo,e$ s#s)icio#sl& a" Cas)ian, '#" in "he en$ "he el$es" of "he% sai$, 3If he is a(ains"
-ira<, we2ll ha+e hi% for !in(.3 An$ "he ne1" ol$es" sai$, 3Shall we (o far"her #) for &o#,
#) "o "he cra(s5 There2s an O(re or "wo an$ a Ha( "ha" we co#l$ in"ro$#ce &o# "o, #)
3Cer"ainl& no",3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3I sho#l$ "hin, no", in$ee$,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3We wan" none of "ha" sor" on o#r si$e.3
Ni,a'ri, $isa(ree$ wi"h "his, '#" Tr#%),in an$ "he Ba$(er o+err#le$ hi%. I" (a+e Cas)ian
a shoc, "o reali<e "ha" "he horri'le crea"#res o#" of "he ol$ s"ories, as well as "he nice ones,
ha$ so%e $escen$an"s in Narnia s"ill.
3We sho#l$ no" ha+e Aslan for frien$ if we 'ro#(h" in "ha" ra''le,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er as
"he& ca%e awa& fro% "he ca+e of "he Blac, Dwarfs.
3Oh, Aslan43 sai$ Tr#%),in, cheeril& '#" con"e%)"#o#sl&. 3Wha" %a""ers %#ch %ore is
"ha" &o# wo#l$n2" ha+e %e.3
3Do &o# 'elie+e in Aslan53 sai$ Cas)ian "o Ni,a'ri,.
3I2ll 'elie+e in an&one or an&"hin(,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,, 3"ha"2ll 'a""er "hese c#rse$ Tel%arine
'ar'arians "o )ieces or $ri+e "he% o#" of Narnia. An&one or an&"hin(, Aslan or "he Whi"e
Wi"ch, $o &o# #n$ers"an$53
3Silence, silence,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3Yo# $o no" ,now wha" &o# are sa&in(. She was a
worse ene%& "han -ira< an$ all his race.3
3No" "o Dwarfs, she wasn2",3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,.
Their ne1" +isi" was a )leasan"er one. As "he& ca%e lower $own, "he %o#n"ains o)ene$ o#"
in"o a (rea" (len or woo$e$ (or(e wi"h a swif" ri+er r#nnin( a" "he 'o""o%. The o)en )laces
near "he ri+er2s e$(e were a %ass of fo1(lo+es an$ wil$ roses an$ "he air was '#<<in( wi"h
'ees. Here Tr#ffleh#n"er calle$ a(ain, 36lens"or%4 6lens"or%43 an$ af"er a )a#se Cas)ian
hear$ "he so#n$ of hoofs. I" (rew lo#$er "ill "he +alle& "re%'le$ an$ a" las", 'rea,in( an$
"ra%)lin( "he "hic,e"s, "here ca%e in si(h" "he no'les" crea"#res "ha" Cas)ian ha$ &e" seen,
"he (rea" Cen"a#r 6lens"or% an$ his "hree sons. His flan,s were (loss& ches"n#" an$ "he
'ear$ "ha" co+ere$ his 'roa$ ches" was (ol$enre$. He was a )ro)he" an$ a s"ar*(a<er an$
,new wha" "he& ha$ co%e a'o#".
3Lon( li+e "he !in(,3 he crie$. 3I an$ %& sons are rea$& for war. When is "he 'a""le "o 'e
) "ill now nei"her Cas)ian nor "he o"hers ha$ reall& 'een "hin,in( of a war. The& ha$
so%e +a(#e i$ea, )erha)s, of an occasional rai$ on so%e H#%an far%s"ea$ or of a""ac,in(
a )ar"& of h#n"ers, if i" +en"#re$ "oo far in"o "hese so#"hern wil$s. B#", in "he %ain, "he& ha$
"ho#(h" onl& of li+in( "o "he%sel+es in woo$s an$ ca+es an$ '#il$in( #) an a""e%)" a" Ol$
Narnia in hi$in(. As soon as 6lens"or% ha$ s)o,en e+er&one fel" %#ch %ore serio#s.
3Do &o# %ean a real war "o $ri+e -ira< o#" of Narnia53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3Wha" else53 sai$ "he Cen"a#r. 3Wh& else $oes &o#r -a8es"& (o cla$ in %ail an$ (ir" wi"h
3Is i" )ossi'le, 6lens"or%53 sai$ "he Ba$(er.
3The "i%e is ri)e,3 sai$ 6lens"or%. 3I wa"ch "he s,ies, Ba$(er, for i" is %ine "o wa"ch, as i"
is &o#rs "o re%e%'er. Tar+a an$ Ala%'il ha+e %e" in "he halls of hi(h hea+en, an$ on ear"h
a son of A$a% has once %ore arisen "o r#le an$ na%e "he crea"#res. The ho#r has s"r#c,.
O#r co#ncil a" "he Dancin( Lawn %#s" 'e a co#ncil of war.3 He s)o,e in s#ch a +oice "ha"
nei"her Cas)ian nor "he o"hers hesi"a"e$ for a %o%en": i" now see%e$ "o "he% 9#i"e )ossi'le
"ha" "he& %i(h" win a war an$ 9#i"e cer"ain "ha" "he& %#s" wa(e one.
As i" was now )as" "he %i$$le of "he $a&, "he& res"e$ wi"h "he Cen"a#rs an$ a"e s#ch foo$ as
"he cen"a#rs )ro+i$e$ ca,es of oa"en %eal, an$ a))les, an$ her's, an$ wine, an$ cheese.
The ne1" )lace "he& were "o +isi" was 9#i"e near a" han$, '#" "he& ha$ "o (o a lon( wa&
ro#n$ in or$er "o a+oi$ a re(ion in which -en li+e$. I" was well in"o "he af"ernoon 'efore
"he& fo#n$ "he%sel+es in le+el fiel$s, war% 'e"ween he$(erows. There Tr#ffleh#n"er calle$
a" "he %o#"h of a li""le hole in a (reen 'an, an$ o#" )o))e$ "he las" "hin( Cas)ian e1)ec"e$
* a Tal,in( -o#se. He was of co#rse 'i((er "han a co%%on %o#se, well o+er a foo" hi(h
when he s"oo$ on his hin$ le(s, an$ wi"h ears nearl& as lon( as ."ho#(h 'roa$er "han/ a
ra''i"2s. His na%e was Ree)ichee) an$ he was a (a& an$ %ar"ial %o#se. He wore a "in&
li""le ra)ier a" his si$e an$ "wirle$ his lon( whis,ers as if "he& were a %o#s"ache. 3There are
"wel+e of #s, Sire,3 he sai$ wi"h a $ashin( an$ (racef#l 'ow, 3an$ I )lace all "he reso#rces
of %& )eo)le #nreser+e$l& a" &o#r -a8es"&2s $is)osal.3 Cas)ian "rie$ har$ .an$
s#ccessf#ll&/ no" "o la#(h, '#" he co#l$n2" hel) "hin,in( "ha" Ree)ichee) an$ all his )eo)le
co#l$ +er& easil& 'e )#" in a washin( 'as,e" an$ carrie$ ho%e on one2s 'ac,.
I" wo#l$ "a,e "oo lon( "o %en"ion all "he crea"#res who% Cas)ian %e" "ha" $a& * Clo$sle&
Sho+el "he -ole, "he "hree Har$'i"ers .who were 'a$(ers li,e Tr#ffleh#n"er/, Ca%illo "he
Hare, an$ Ho((les"oc, "he He$(eho(. The& res"e$ a" las" 'esi$e a well a" "he e$(e of a
wi$e an$ le+el circle of (rass, 'or$ere$ wi"h "all el%s which now "hrew lon( sha$ows
across i", for "he s#n was se""in(, "he $aisies closin(, an$ "he roo,s fl&in( ho%e "o 'e$. Here
"he& s#))e$ on foo$ "he& ha$ 'ro#(h" wi"h "he% an$ Tr#%),in li" his )i)e .Ni,a'ri, was
no" a s%o,er/.
3Now,3 sai$ "he Ba$(er, 3if onl& we co#l$ wa,e "he s)iri"s of "hese "rees an$ "his well, we
sho#l$ ha+e $one a (oo$ $a&2s wor,.3
3Can2" we53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3No,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3We ha+e no )ower o+er "he%. Since "he H#%ans ca%e in"o "he
lan$, fellin( fores"s an$ $efilin( s"rea%s, "he Dr&a$s an$ Naia$s ha+e s#n, in"o a $ee)
slee). Who ,nows if e+er "he& will s"ir a(ain5 An$ "ha" is a (rea" loss "o o#r si$e. The
Tel%arines are horri'l& afrai$ of "he woo$s, an$ once "he Trees %o+e$ in an(er, o#r
ene%ies wo#l$ (o %a$ wi"h fri(h" an$ 'e chase$ o#" of Narnia as 9#ic, as "heir le(s co#l$
carr& "he%.3
3Wha" i%a(ina"ions &o# Ani%als ha+e43 sai$ Tr#%),in, who $i$n2" 'elie+e in s#ch "hin(s.
3B#" wh& s"o) a" Trees an$ Wa"ers5 Wo#l$n2" i" 'e e+en nicer if "he s"ones s"ar"e$ "hrowin(
"he%sel+es a" ol$ -ira<53
The Ba$(er onl& (r#n"e$ a" "his, an$ af"er "ha" "here was s#ch a silence "ha" Cas)ian ha$
nearl& $ro))e$ off "o slee) when he "ho#(h" he hear$ a fain" %#sical so#n$ fro% "he $e)"h
of "he woo$s a" his 'ac,. Then he "ho#(h" i" was onl& a $rea% an$ "#rne$ o+er a(ain0 '#" as
soon as his ear "o#che$ "he (ro#n$ he fel" or hear$ .i" was har$ "o "ell which/ a fain" 'ea"in(
or $r#%%in(. He raise$ his hea$. The 'ea"in( noise a" once
'eca%e fain"er, '#" "he %#sic re"#rne$, clearer "his "i%e. I" was li,e fl#"es. He saw "ha"
Tr#ffleh#n"er was si""in( #) s"arin( in"o "he woo$. The %oon was 'ri(h"0 Cas)ian ha$ 'een
aslee) lon(er "han he "ho#(h". Nearer an$ nearer ca%e "he %#sic, a "#ne wil$ an$ &e"
$rea%&, an$ "he noise of %an& li(h" fee", "ill a" las", o#" fro% "he woo$ in"o "he %oonli(h",
ca%e $ancin( sha)es s#ch as Cas)ian ha$ 'een "hin,in( of all his life. The& were no" %#ch
"aller "han $warfs, '#" far sli(h"er an$ %ore (racef#l. Their c#rl& hea$s ha$ li""le horns, "he
#))er )ar" of "heir 'o$ies (lea%e$ na,e$ in "he )ale li(h", '#" "heir le(s an$ fee" were "hose
of (oa"s.
37a#ns43 crie$ Cas)ian, 8#%)in( #), an$ in a %o%en" "he& were all ro#n$ hi%. I" "oo, ne1"
"o no "i%e "o e1)lain "he whole si"#a"ion "o "he% an$ "he& acce)"e$ Cas)ian a" once. Before
he ,new wha" he was $oin( he fo#n$ hi%self 8oinin( in "he $ance. Tr#%),in, wi"h hea+ier
an$ 8er,ier %o+e%en"s, $i$ li,ewise an$ e+en Tr#ffleh#n"er ho))e$ an$ l#%'ere$ a'o#" as
'es" he co#l$. Onl& Ni,a'ri, s"a&e$ where he was, loo,in( on in silence. The 7a#ns foo"e$
i" all ro#n$ Cas)ian "o "heir ree$& )i)es. Their s"ran(e faces, which see%e$ %o#rnf#l an$
%err& all a" once, loo,e$ in"o his0 $o<ens of 7a#ns, -en"i#s an$ O'en"in#s an$ D#%n#s,
;ol#ns, ;ol"in#s, 6ir'i#s, Ni%ien#s, Na#s#s, an$ Osc#ns. Pa""er"wi( ha$ sen" "he% all.
When Cas)ian awo,e ne1" %ornin( he co#l$ har$l& 'elie+e "ha" i" ha$ no" all 'een a $rea%0
'#" "he (rass was co+ere$ wi"h li""le clo+en hoof*%ar,s.
THE )lace where "he& ha$ %e" "he 7a#ns was, of co#rse, Dancin( Lawn i"self, an$ here
Cas)ian an$ his frien$s re%aine$ "ill "he ni(h" of "he (rea" Co#ncil. To slee) #n$er "he
s"ars, "o $rin, no"hin( '#" well wa"er an$ "o li+e chiefl& on n#"s an$ wil$ fr#i", was a
s"ran(e e1)erience for Cas)ian af"er his 'e$ wi"h sil,en shee"s in a "a)es"rie$ cha%'er a"
"he cas"le, wi"h %eals lai$ o#" on (ol$ an$ sil+er $ishes in "he an"eroo%, an$ a""en$an"s
rea$& a" his call. B#" he ha$ ne+er en8o&e$ hi%self %ore. Ne+er ha$ slee) 'een %ore
refreshin( nor foo$ "as"e$ %ore sa+o#r&, an$ he 'e(an alrea$& "o har$en an$ his face wore
a ,in(lier loo,.
When "he (rea" ni(h" ca%e, an$ his +ario#s s"ran(e s#'8ec"s ca%e s"ealin( in"o "he lawn '&
ones an$ "wos an$ "hrees or '& si1es an$ se+ens * "he %oon "hen shinin( al%os" a" her f#ll *
his hear" swelle$ as he saw "heir n#%'ers an$ hear$ "heir (ree"in(s. All who% he ha$ %e"
were "here: B#l(& Bears an$ Re$ Dwarfs an$ Blac, Dwarfs, -oles an$ Ba$(ers, Hares an$
He$(eho(s, an$ o"hers who% he ha$ no" &e" seen * fi+e Sa"&rs as re$ as fo1es, "he whole
con"in(en" of Tal,in( -ice, ar%e$ "o "he "ee"h an$ followin( a shrill "r#%)e", so%e Owls,
"he Ol$ Ra+en of Ra+ensca#r. Las" of all .an$ "his "oo, Cas)ian2s 'rea"h awa&/, wi"h "he
Cen"a#rs ca%e a s%all '#" (en#ine 6ian", Wi%'lewea"her of Dea$%an2s
Hill, carr&in( on his 'ac, a 'as,e"f#l of ra"her sea*sic, Dwarfs who ha$ acce)"e$ his offer
of a lif" an$ were now wishin( "he& ha$ wal,e$ ins"ea$.
The B#l(& Bears were +er& an1io#s "o ha+e "he feas" firs" an$ lea+e "he co#ncil "ill
af"erwar$s: )erha)s "ill "o%orrow. Ree)ichee) an$ his -ice sai$ "ha" co#ncils an$ feas"s
co#l$ 'o"h wai", an$ )ro)ose$ s"or%in( -ira< in his own cas"le "ha" +er& ni(h". Pa""er"wi(
an$ "he o"her S9#irrels sai$ "he& co#l$ "al, an$ ea" a" "he sa%e "i%e, so wh& no" ha+e "he
co#ncil an$ feas" all a" once5 The -oles )ro)ose$ "hrowin( #) en"rench%en"s ro#n$ "he
Lawn 'efore "he& $i$ an&"hin( else. The 7a#ns "ho#(h" i" wo#l$ 'e 'e""er "o 'e(in wi"h a
sole%n $ance. The Ol$ Ra+en, while a(reein( wi"h "he Bears "ha" i" wo#l$ "a,e "oo lon( "o
ha+e a f#ll co#ncil 'efore s#))er, 'e((e$ "o 'e allowe$ "o (i+e a 'rief a$$ress "o "he whole
co%)an&. B#" Cas)ian an$ "he Cen"a#rs an$ "he Dwarfs o+err#le$ all "hese s#((es"ions an$
insis"e$ on hol$in( a real co#ncil of war a" once.
When all "he o"her crea"#res ha$ 'een )ers#a$e$ "o si" $own 9#ie"l& in a (rea" circle, an$
when .wi"h %ore $iffic#l"&/ "he& ha$ (o" Pa""er"wi( "o s"o) r#nnin( "o an$ fro an$ sa&in(
3Silence4 Silence, e+er&one, for "he !in(2s s)eech3, Cas)ian, feelin( a li""le ner+o#s, (o"
#). 3Narnians43 he 'e(an, '#" he ne+er (o" an& f#r"her, for a" "ha" +er& %o%en" Ca%illo "he
Hare sai$, 3H#sh4 There2s a -an so%ewhere near.3
The& were all crea"#res of "he wil$, acc#s"o%e$ "o 'ein( h#n"e$, an$ "he& all 'eca%e s"ill
as s"a"#es. The 'eas"s all "#rne$ "heir noses in "he $irec"ion which Ca%illo ha$ in$ica"e$.
3S%ells li,e -an an$ &e" no" 9#i"e li,e -an,3 whis)ere$ Tr#ffleh#n"er.
3I"2s (e""in( s"ea$il& nearer,3 sai$ Ca%illo.
3Two 'a$(ers an$ &o# "hree Dwarfs, wi"h &o#r 'ows a" "he * rea$&, (o sof"l& off "o %ee"
i",3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3We2ll se""le 2#n,3 sai$ a Blac, Dwarf (ri%l&, fi""in( a shaf" "o his 'ows"rin(.
3Don2" shoo" if i" is alone,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Ca"ch i".3
3Wh&53 as,e$ "he Dwarf.
3Do as &o#2re "ol$,3 sai$ 6lens"or% "he Cen"a#r.
E+er&one wai"e$ in silence while "he "hree Dwarfs an$ "wo Ba$(ers "ro""e$ s"eal"hil& across
"o "he "rees on "he nor"hwes" si$e of "he Lawn. Then ca%e a shar) $warfish cr&, 3S"o)4 Who
(oes "here53 an$ a s#$$en s)rin(. A %o%en" la"er a +oice, which Cas)ian ,new well, co#l$
he hear$ sa&in(, 3All ri(h", all ri(h", I2% #nar%e$. Ta,e %& wris"s if &o# li,e, wor"h&
Ba$(ers, '#" $on2" 'i"e ri(h" "hro#(h "he%. I wan" "o s)ea, "o "he !in(.3
3Doc"or Corneli#s43 crie$ Cas)ian wi"h 8o&, an$ r#she$ forwar$ "o (ree" his ol$ "#"or.
E+er&one else crow$e$ ro#n$.
3Pah43 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. 3A rene(a$e Dwarf. A half*an$*halfer4 Shall I )ass %& swor$
"hro#(h i"s "hroa"53
3Be 9#ie", Ni,a'ri,,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3The crea"#re can2" hel) i"s ances"r&.3
3This is %& (rea"es" frien$ an$ "he sa+io#r of %& life,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3An$ an&one who
$oesn2" li,e his co%)an& %a& lea+e %& ar%&: a" once. Deares" $oc"or, I a% (la$ "o see &o#
a(ain. How e+er $i$ &o# fin$ #s o#"53
3B& a li""le #se of si%)le %a(ic, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ "he Doc"or, who was s"ill )#ffin( an$
'lowin( fro% ha+in( wal,e$ so fas". 3B#" "here2s no "i%e "o (o in"o "ha" now. We %#s" all
fl& fro% "his )lace a" once. Yo# are alrea$& 'e"ra&e$ an$ -ira< is on "he %o+e. Before
%i$$a& "o%orrow &o# will 'e s#rro#n$e$.3
3Be"ra&e$43 sai$ Cas)ian. 3An$ '& who%53
3Ano"her rene(a$e Dwarf, no $o#'",3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,.
3B& &o#r horse Des"rier,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s. 3The )oor 'r#"e ,new no 'e""er. When
&o# were ,noc,e$ off, of co#rse, he wen" $aw$lin( 'ac, "o his s"a'le in "he cas"le. Then "he
secre" of &o#r fli(h" was ,nown. I %a$e %&self scarce, ha+in( no wish "o 'e 9#es"ione$
a'o#" i" in -ira<2s "or"#re cha%'er. I ha$ a )re""& (oo$ (#ess fro% %& cr&s"al as "o where I
sho#l$ fin$ &o#. B#" all $a& * "ha" was "he $a& 'efore &es"er$a& * I saw -ira<2s "rac,in(
)ar"ies o#" in "he woo$s. Yes"er$a& I learne$ "ha" his ar%& is o#". I $on2" "hin, so%e of &o#r
* #% * )#re*'loo$e$ Dwarfs ha+e as %#ch woo$craf" as %i(h" 'e e1)ec"e$. Yo#2+e lef"
"rac,s all o+er "he )lace. 6rea" carelessness. A" an& ra"e so%e"hin( has warne$ -ira< "ha"
Ol$ Narnia is no" so $ea$ as he ha$ ho)e$, an$ he is on "he %o+e.3
3H#rrah43 sai$ a +er& shrill an$ s%all +oice fro% so%ewhere a" "he Doc"or2s fee". 3Le" "he%
co%e4 All I as, is "ha" "he !in( will )#" %e an$ %& )eo)le in "he fron".3
3Wha" on ear"h53 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s. 3Has &o#r -a8es"& (o" (rassho))ers * or
%os9#i"oes * in &o#r ar%&53 Then af"er s"oo)in( $own an$ )eerin( caref#ll& "hro#(h his
s)ec"acles, he 'ro,e in"o a la#(h.
3B& "he Lion,3 he swore, 3i"2s a %o#se. Si(nior -o#se, I $esire &o#r 'e""er ac9#ain"ance. I
a% hono#re$ '& %ee"in( so +alian" a 'eas".3
3-& frien$shi) &o# shall ha+e, learne$ -an,3 )i)e$ Ree)ichee). 3An$ an& Dwarf * or
6ian" * in "he ar%& who $oes no" (i+e &o# (oo$ lan(#a(e shall ha+e %& swor$ "o rec,on
3Is "here "i%e for "his fooler&53 as,e$ Ni,a'ri,. 3Wha" are o#r )lans5 Ba""le or fli(h"53
3Ba""le if nee$ 'e,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3B#" we are har$l& rea$& for i" &e", an$ "his is no +er&
$efensi'le )lace.3
3I $on2" li,e "he i$ea of r#nnin( awa&,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Hear hi%4 Hear hi%43 sai$ "he B#l(& Bears. 3Wha"e+er we $o, $on2" le"2s ha+e an&
r#nnin(. Es)eciall& no" 'efore s#))er0 an$ no" "oo soon af"er i" nei"her.3
3Those who r#n firs" $o no" alwa&s r#n las",3 sai$ "he Cen"a#r. 3An$ wh& sho#l$ we le" "he
ene%& choose o#r )osi"ion ins"ea$ of choosin( i" o#rsel+es5 Le" #s fin$ a s"ron( )lace.3
3Tha"2s wise, &o#r -a8es"&, "ha"2s wise,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er.
3B#" where are we "o (o53 as,e$ se+eral +oices.
3Yo#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s, 3an$ all &o# +arie"& of crea"#res, I "hin, we %#s"
fl& eas" an$ $own "he ri+er "o "he (rea" woo$s. The Tel%arines ha"e "ha" re(ion. The& ha+e
alwa&s 'een afrai$ of "he sea an$ of so%e"hin( "ha" %a& co%e o+er "he sea. Tha" is wh&
"he& ha+e le" "he (rea" woo$s (row #). If "ra$i"ions s)ea, "r#e, "he ancien" Cair Para+el was
a" "he ri+er*%o#"h. All "ha" )ar" is frien$l& "o #s an$ ha"ef#l "o o#r ene%ies. We %#s" (o "o
Aslan2s How.3
3Aslan2s How53 sai$ se+eral +oices. 3We $o no" ,now wha" i" is.3
3I" lies wi"hin "he s,ir"s of "he 6rea" Woo$s an$ i" is a h#(e %o#n$ which Narnians raise$
in +er& ancien" "i%es o+er a +er& %a(ical )lace, where "here s"oo$ * an$ )erha)s s"ill s"an$s
* a +er& %a(ical S"one. The -o#n$ is all hollowe$ o#" wi"hin in"o (alleries an$ ca+es, an$
"he S"one is in "he cen"ral ca+e of all. There is roo% in "he %o#n$ for all o#r s"ores, an$
"hose of #s who ha+e %os" nee$ of co+er an$ are %os" acc#s"o%e$ "o #n$er(ro#n$ life can
'e lo$(e$ in "he ca+es. The res" of #s can lie in "he woo$. A" a )inch all of #s .e1ce)" "his
wor"h& 6ian"/ co#l$ re"rea" in"o "he -o#n$ i"self, an$ "here we sho#l$ 'e 'e&on$ "he reach
of e+er& $an(er e1ce)" fa%ine.3
3I" is a (oo$ "hin( we ha+e a learne$ %an a%on( #s,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er0 '#" Tr#%),in
%#""ere$ #n$er his 'rea"h, 3So#) an$ celer&4 I wish o#r lea$ers wo#l$ "hin, less a'o#"
"hese ol$ wi+es2 "ales an$ %ore a'o#" +ic"#als an$ ar%s.3 B#" all a))ro+e$ of Corneli#s2s
)ro)osal an$ "ha" +er& ni(h", half an ho#r la"er, "he& were on "he %arch. Before s#nrise "he&
arri+e$ a" Aslan2s How.
I" was cer"ainl& an aweso%e )lace, a ro#n$ (reen hill on "o) of ano"her hill, lon( since
(rown o+er wi"h "rees, an$ one li""le, low $oorwa& lea$in( in"o i". The "#nnels insi$e were a
)erfec" %a<e "ill &o# (o" "o ,now "he%, an$ "he& were line$ an$ roofe$ wi"h s%oo"h s"ones,
an$ on "he s"ones, )eerin( in "he "wili(h", Cas)ian saw s"ran(e charac"ers an$ sna,&
)a""erns, an$ )ic"#res in which "he for% of a Lion was re)ea"e$ a(ain an$
a(ain. I" all see%e$ "o 'elon( "o an e+en ol$er Narnia "han "he Narnia of which his n#rse
ha$ "ol$ hi%.
I" was af"er "he& ha$ "a,en #) "heir 9#ar"ers in an$ aro#n$ "he How "ha" for"#ne 'e(an "o
"#rn a(ains" "he%. !in( -ira<2s sco#"s soon fo#n$ "heir new lair, an$ he an$ his ar%&
arri+e$ on "he e$(e of "he woo$s. An$ as so of"en ha))ens, "he ene%& "#rne$ o#" s"ron(er
"han "he& ha$ rec,one$. Cas)ian2s hear" san, as he saw co%)an& af"er co%)an& arri+in(.
An$ "ho#(h -ira<2s %en %a& ha+e 'een afrai$ of (oin( in"o "he woo$, "he& were e+en
%ore afrai$ of -ira<, an$ wi"h hi% in co%%an$ "he& carrie$ 'a""le $ee)l& in"o i" an$
so%e"i%es al%os" "o "he How i"self. Cas)ian an$ o"her ca)"ains of co#rse %a$e %an&
sor"ies in"o "he o)en co#n"r&. Th#s "here was fi(h"in( on %os" $a&s an$ so%e"i%es '& ni(h"
as well0 '#" Cas)ian2s )ar"& ha$ on "he whole "he wors" of i".
A" las" "here ca%e a ni(h" when e+er&"hin( ha$ (one as 'a$l& as )ossi'le, an$ "he rain
which ha$ 'een fallin( hea+il& all $a& ha$ cease$ a" ni(h"fall onl& "o (i+e )lace "o raw
col$. Tha" %ornin( Cas)ian ha$ arran(e$ wha" was his 'i((es" 'a""le &e", an$ all ha$ h#n(
"heir ho)es on i". He, wi"h %os" of "he Dwarfs, was "o ha+e fallen on "he !in(2s ri(h" win(
a" $a&'rea,, an$ "hen, when "he& were hea+il& en(a(e$, 6ian" Wi%'lewea"her, wi"h "he
Cen"a#rs an$ so%e of "he fierces" 'eas"s, was "o ha+e 'ro,en o#" fro% ano"her )lace an$
en$ea+o#re$ "o c#" "he !in(2s ri(h" off fro% "he res" of "he ar%&. B#" i" ha$ all faile$. No
one ha$ warne$ Cas)ian .'eca#se no one in "hese la"er $a&s of
Narnia re%e%'ere$/ "ha" 6ian"s are no" a" all cle+er. Poor Wi%'lewea"her, "ho#(h as 'ra+e
as a lion, was a "r#e 6ian" in "ha" res)ec". He ha$ 'ro,en o#" a" "he wron( "i%e an$ fro% "he
wron( )lace, an$ 'o"h his )ar"& an$ Cas)ian2s ha$ s#ffere$ 'a$l& an$ $one "he ene%& li""le
har%. The 'es" of "he Bears ha$ 'een h#r", a Cen"a#r "erri'l& wo#n$e$, an$ "here were few
in Cas)ian2s )ar"& who ha$ no" los" 'loo$. I" was a (loo%& co%)an& "ha" h#$$le$ #n$er "he
$ri))in( "rees "o ea" "heir scan"& s#))er.
The (loo%ies" of all was 6ian" Wi%'lewea"her. He ,new i" was all his fa#l". He sa" in
silence she$$in( 'i( "ears which collec"e$ on "he en$ of his nose an$ "hen fell off wi"h a
h#(e s)lash on "he whole 'i+o#ac of "he -ice, who ha$ 8#s" 'een 'e(innin( "o (e" war%
an$ $rows&. The& all 8#%)e$ #), sha,in( "he wa"er o#" of "heir ears an$ wrin(in( "heir li""le
'lan,e"s, an$ as,e$ "he 6ian" in shrill '#" forci'le +oices whe"her he "ho#(h" "he& weren2"
we" eno#(h wi"ho#" "his sor" of "hin(. An$ "hen o"her )eo)le wo,e #) an$ "ol$ "he -ice
"he& ha$ 'een enrolle$ as sco#"s an$ no" as a concer" )ar"&, an$ as,e$ wh& "he& co#l$n2"
,ee) 9#ie". An$ Wi%'lewea"her "i)"oe$ awa& "o fin$ so%e )lace where he co#l$ 'e
%isera'le in )eace an$ s"e))e$ on so%e'o$&2s "ail an$ so%e'o$& ."he& sai$ af"erwar$s i"
was a fo1/ 'i" hi%. An$ so e+er&one was o#" of "e%)er.
B#" in "he secre" an$ %a(ical cha%'er a" "he hear" of "he How, !in( Cas)ian, wi"h
Corneli#s an$ "he Ba$(er an$ Ni,a'ri, an$ Tr#%),in, were a" co#ncil. Thic, )illars of
ancien" wor,%anshi) s#))or"e$ "he roof. In "he cen"re was "he S"one i"self * a s"one "a'le,
s)li" ri(h" $own "he cen"re, an$ co+ere$ wi"h wha" ha$ once 'een wri"in( of so%e ,in$: '#"
a(es of win$ an$ rain an$ snow ha$ al%os" worn "he% awa& in ol$ "i%es when "he
S"one Ta'le ha$ s"oo$ on "he hill"o), an$ "he -o#n$ ha$ no" &e" 'een '#il" a'o+e i". The&
were no" #sin( "he Ta'le nor si""in( ro#n$ i": i" was "oo %a(ic a "hin( for an& co%%on #se.
The& sa" on lo(s a li""le wa& fro% i", an$ 'e"ween "he% was a ro#(h woo$en "a'le, on
which s"oo$ a r#$e cla& la%) li(h"in( #) "heir )ale faces an$ "hrowin( 'i( sha$ows on "he
3If &o#r -a8es"& is e+er "o #se "he Horn,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er, 3I "hin, "he "i%e has now
co%e.3 Cas)ian ha$ of co#rse "ol$ "he% of his "reas#re se+eral $a&s a(o.
3We are cer"ainl& in (rea" nee$,3 answere$ Cas)ian. 3B#" i" is har$ "o 'e s#re we are a" o#r
(rea"es". S#))osin( "here ca%e an e+en worse nee$ an$ we ha$ alrea$& #se$ i"53
3B& "ha" ar(#%en",3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,, 3&o#r -a8es"& will ne+er #se i" #n"il i" is "oo la"e.3
3I a(ree wi"h "ha",3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s.
3An$ wha" $o &o# "hin,, Tr#%),in53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3Oh, as for %e,3 sai$ "he Re$ Dwarf, who ha$ 'een lis"enin( wi"h co%)le"e in$ifference,
3&o#r -a8es"& ,nows I "hin, "he Horn * an$ "ha" 'i" of 'ro,en s"one o+er "here an$ &o#r
(rea" !in( Pe"er * an$ &o#r Lion Aslan * are all e((s in %oonshine. I"2s all one "o %e when
&o#r -a8es"& 'lows "he Horn. All I insis" on is "ha" "he ar%& is "ol$ no"hin( a'o#" i".
There2s no (oo$ raisin( ho)es of %a(ical hel) which .as I "hin,/ are s#re "o 'e
3Then in "he na%e of Aslan we will win$ =#een S#san2s Horn,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3There is one "hin(, Sire,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s, 3"ha" sho#l$ )erha)s 'e $one firs". We $o
no" ,now wha" for% "he hel) will "a,e. I" %i(h" call Aslan hi%self fro% o+ersea. B#" I
"hin, i" is %ore li,el& "o call Pe"er "he Hi(h !in( an$ his %i(h"& consor"s $own fro% "he
hi(h )as". B#" in ei"her case, I $o no" "hin, we can 'e s#re "ha" "he hel) will co%e "o "his
+er& s)o" *3
3Yo# ne+er sai$ a "r#er wor$,3 )#" in Tr#%),in.
3I "hin,,3 wen" on "he learne$ %an, 3"ha" "he& * or he will co%e 'ac, "o one or o"her of "he
Ancien" Places of Narnia. This, where we now si", is "he %os" ancien" an$ %os" $ee)l&
%a(ical of all, an$ here, I "hin,, "he answer is li,elies" "o co%e. B#" "here are "wo o"hers.
One Lan"ern Was"e, #)*ri+er, wes" of Bea+ers$a%, where "he Ro&al Chil$ren firs" a))eare$
in Narnia, as "he recor$s "ell The o"her is $own a" "he ri+er*%o#"h, where "heir cas"le of
Cair Para+el once s"oo$. An$ if Aslan hi%self co%es, "ha" wo#l$ 'e "he 'es" )lace for
%ee"in( hi% "oo, for e+er& s"or& sa&s "ha" he is "he son of "he (rea" E%)eror*o+er*"he*Sea,
an$ o+er "he sea he will )ass. I sho#l$ li,e +er& %#ch "o sen$ %essen(ers "o 'o"h )laces, "o
Lan"ern Was"e an$ "he ri+er*%o#"h, "o recei+e "he% * or hi% or i".3
3>#s" as I "ho#(h",3 %#""ere$ Tr#%),in. 3The firs" res#l" of all "his fooler& is no" "o 'rin( #s
hel) '#" "o lose #s "wo fi(h"ers.3
3Who wo#l$ &o# "hin, of sen$in(, Doc"or Corneli#s53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3S9#irrels are 'es" for (e""in( "hro#(h ene%& co#n"r& wi"ho#" 'ein( ca#(h",3 sai$
3All o#r s9#irrels .an$ we ha+en2" %an&/,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,, 3are ra"her fli(h"&. The onl& one
I2$ "r#s" on a 8o' li,e "ha" wo#l$ 'e Pa""er"wi(.3
3Le" i" 'e Pa""er"wi(, "hen,3 sai$ !in( Cas)ian. 3An$ who for o#r o"her %essen(er5 I ,now
&o#2$ (o, Tr#ffleh#n"er, '#" &o# ha+en2" "he s)ee$. Nor &o#, Doc"or Corneli#s.3
3I won2" (o,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. 3Wi"h all "hese H#%ans an$ 'eas"s a'o#", "here %#s" 'e a
Dwarf here "o see "ha" "he Dwarfs are fairl& "rea"e$.3
3Thi%'les an$ "h#n$ers"or%s43 crie$ Tr#%),in in a ra(e. 3Is "ha" how &o# s)ea, "o "he
!in(5 Sen$ %e, Sire, I2ll (o.3
3B#" I "ho#(h" &o# $i$n2" 'elie+e in "he Horn, Tr#%),in,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3No %ore I $o, &o#r -a8es"&. B#" wha"2s "ha" (o" "o $o wi"h i"5 I %i(h" as well $ie on a wil$
(oose chase as $ie here. Yo# are %& !in(. I ,now "he $ifference 'e"ween (i+in( a$+ice an$
"a,in( or$ers. Yo#2+e ha$ %& a$+ice, an$ now i"2s "he "i%e for or$ers.3
3I will ne+er for(e" "his, Tr#%),in,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Sen$ for Pa""er"wi(, one of &o#. An$
when shall I 'low "he Horn53
3I wo#l$ wai" for s#nrise, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s. 3Tha" so%e"i%es has an
effec" in o)era"ions of Whi"e -a(ic.3
A few %in#"es la"er Pa""er"wi( arri+e$ an$ ha$ his "as, e1)laine$ "o hi%. As he was, li,e
%an& s9#irrels, f#ll of co#ra(e an$ $ash an$ ener(& an$ e1ci"e%en" an$ %ischief .no" "o
sa& concei"/, he no sooner hear$ i" "han he was ea(er "o 'e off. I" was arran(e$ "ha" he
sho#l$ r#n for Lan"ern Was"e while Tr#%),in %a$e "he shor"er 8o#rne& "o "he ri+er*%o#"h.
Af"er a has"& %eal "he& 'o"h se" off wi"h "he fer+en" "han,s an$ (oo$ wishes of "he !in(,
"he Ba$(er, an$ Corneli#s.
3AND so,3 sai$ Tr#%),in .for, as &o# ha+e reali<e$, i" was he who ha$ 'een "ellin( all "his
s"or& "o "he fo#r chil$ren, si""in( on "he (rass in "he r#ine$ hall of Cair Para+el/ * 3an$ so I
)#" a cr#s" or "wo in %& )oc,e", lef" 'ehin$ all wea)ons '#" %& $a((er, an$ "oo, "o "he
woo$s in "he (re& of "he %ornin(. I2$ 'een )l#((in( awa& for %an& ho#rs when "here ca%e
a so#n$ "ha" I2$ ne+er hear$ "he li,e of in %& 'orn $a&s. Eh, I won2" for(e" "ha". The whole
air was f#ll of i", lo#$ as "h#n$er '#" far lon(er, cool an$ swee" as %#sic o+er wa"er, '#"
s"ron( eno#(h "o sha,e "he woo$s. An$ I sai$ "o %&self, AIf "ha"2s no" "he Horn, call %e a
ra''i".2 An$ a %o%en" la"er I won$ere$ wh& he ha$n2" 'lown i" sooner*3
3Wha" "i%e was i"53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3Be"ween nine an$ "en of "he cloc,,3 sai$ Tr#%),in.
3>#s" when we were a" "he railwa& s"a"ion43 sai$ all "he chil$ren, an$ loo,e$ a" one ano"her
wi"h shinin( e&es.
3Please (o on,3 sai$ L#c& "o "he Dwarf.
3Well, as I was sa&in(, I won$ere$, '#" I wen" on as har$ as I co#l$ )el". I ,e)" on all ni(h"
* an$ "hen, when i" was half li(h" "his %ornin(, as if I2$ no %ore sense "han a 6ian", I ris,e$
a shor" c#" across o)en co#n"r& "o c#" off a 'i( loo) of "he ri+er, an$ was ca#(h". No" '& "he
ar%&, '#" '& a )o%)o#s ol$ fool who has char(e of a li""le cas"le which is -ira<2s las"
s"ron(hol$ "owar$s "he coas". I nee$n2" "ell &o# "he& (o" no "r#e "ale o#" of %e, '#" I was a
Dwarf an$ "ha" was eno#(h. B#", lo's"ers an$ lolli)o)s4 i" is a (oo$ "hin( "he seneschal was
a )o%)o#s fool. An&one else wo#l$ ha+e r#n %e "hro#(h "here an$ "hen. B#" no"hin(
wo#l$ $o for hi% shor" of a (ran$ e1ec#"ion: sen$in( %e $own A"o "he (hos"s in "he f#ll
cere%onial wa&. An$ "hen "his &o#n( la$&3, .he no$$e$ a" S#san/ 3$oes her 'i" of archer&
an$ i" was )re""& shoo"in(, le" %e "ell &o# * an$ here we are. An$ wi"ho#" %& ar%o#r, for of
co#rse "he& "oo, "ha".3 He ,noc,e$ o#" an$ refille$ his )i)e.
36rea" Sco""43 sai$ Pe"er. 3So i" was "he horn * &o#r own horn, S# * "ha" $ra((e$ #s all off
"ha" sea" on "he )la"for% &es"er$a& %ornin(4 I can har$l& 'elie+e i"0 &e" i" all fi"s in.3
3I $on2" ,now wh& &o# sho#l$n2" 'elie+e i",3 sai$ L#c&, 3if &o# 'elie+e in %a(ic a" all.
Aren2" "here lo"s of s"ories a'o#" %a(ic forcin( )eo)le o#" of one )lace * o#" of one worl$ *
in"o ano"her5 I %ean, when a %a(ician in The Ara'ian Ni(h"s calls #) a >inn, i" has "o
co%e. We ha$ "o co%e, 8#s" li,e "ha".3
3Yes,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3I s#))ose wha" %a,es i" feel so 9#eer is "ha" in "he s"ories i"2s alwa&s
so%eone in o#r worl$ who $oes "he callin(. One $oesn2" reall& "hin, a'o#" where "he >inn2s
co%in( fro%.3
3An$ now we ,now wha" i" feels li,e for "he >inn,3 sai$ E$%#n$ wi"h a ch#c,le. 36oll&4
I"2s a 'i" #nco%for"a'le "o ,now "ha" we can 'e whis"le$ for li,e "ha". I"2s worse "han wha"
7a"her sa&s a'o#" li+in( a" "he %erc& of "he "ele)hone.3
3B#" we wan" "o 'e here, $on2" we,3 sai$ L#c&, 3if Aslan wan"s #s53
3-eanwhile,3 sai$ "he Dwarf, 3wha" are we "o $o5 I s#))ose I2$ 'e""er (o 'ac, "o !in(
Cas)ian an$ "ell hi% no hel) has co%e.3
3No hel)53 sai$ S#san. 3B#" i" has wor,e$. An$ here we are.3
3% * #% * &es, "o 'e s#re. I see "ha",3 sai$ "he Dwarf, whose )i)e see%e$ "o 'e 'loc,e$ .a"
an& ra"e he %a$e hi%self +er& '#s& cleanin( i"/. 3B#"* well * I %ean *3
3B#" $on2" &o# &e" see who we are53 sho#"e$ L#c&. 3Yo# are s"#)i$.3
3I s#))ose &o# are "he fo#r chil$ren o#" of "he ol$ s"ories,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3An$ I2% +er&
(la$ "o %ee" &o# of co#rse. An$ i"2s +er& in"eres"in(, no $o#'". B#" * no offence52* an$ he
hesi"a"e$ a(ain.
3Do (e" on an$ sa& wha"e+er &o#2re (oin( "o sa&,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Well, "hen * no offence,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3B#", &o# ,now, "he !in( an$ Tr#ffleh#n"er an$
Doc"or Corneli#s were e1)ec"in( * well, if &o# see wha" I %ean, hel). To )#" i" in ano"her
wa&, I "hin, "he&2$ 'een i%a(inin( &o# as (rea" warriors. As i" is * we2re awf#ll& fon$ of
chil$ren an$ all "ha", '#" 8#s" a" "he %o%en", in "he %i$$le of a war '#" I2% s#re &o#
3Yo# %ean &o# "hin, we2re no (oo$,3 sai$ E$%#n$, (e""in( re$ in "he face.
3Now )ra& $on2" 'e offen$e$,3 in"err#)"e$ "he Dwarf. 3I ass#re &o#, %& $ear li""le frien$s*3
3Li""le fro% &o# is reall& a 'i" "oo %#ch,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 8#%)in( #). 3I s#))ose &o# $on2"
'elie+e we won "he Ba""le of Ber#na5 Well, &o# can sa& wha" &o# li,e a'o#" %e 'eca#se I
,now *3
3There2s no (oo$ losin( o#r "e%)ers,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Le"2s fi" hi% o#" wi"h fresh ar%o#r an$
fi" o#rsel+es o#" fro% "he "reas#re cha%'er, an$ ha+e a "al, af"er "ha".3
3I $on2" 9#i"e see "he )oin" *3 'e(an E$%#n$, '#" L#c& whis)ere$ in his ear, 3Ha$n2" we
'e""er $o wha" Pe"er sa&s5 He is "he Hi(h !in(, &o# ,now. An$ I "hin, he has an i$ea.3 So
E$%#n$ a(ree$ an$ '& "he ai$ of his "orch "he& all, incl#$in( Tr#%),in, wen" $own "he
s"e)s a(ain in"o "he $ar, col$ness an$ $#s"& s)len$o#r of "he "reas#re ho#se.
The Dwarf2s e&es (lis"ene$ as he saw "he weal"h "ha" la& on "he shel+es ."ho#(h he ha$ "o
s"an$ on "i)"oes "o $o so/ an$ he %#""ere$ "o hi%self, 3I" wo#l$ ne+er $o "o le" Ni,a'ri, see
"his0 ne+er.3 The& fo#n$ easil& eno#(h a %ail shir" for hi%, a swor$, a hel%e", a shiel$, a
'ow an$ 9#i+erf#l of arrows, all of $warfish si<e. The hel%e" was of co))er, se" wi"h
r#'ies, an$ "here was (ol$ on "he hil" of "he swor$: Tr#%),in ha$ ne+er seen, %#ch less
carrie$, so %#ch weal"h in all his life. The chil$ren also )#" on %ail shir"s an$ hel%e"s0 a
swor$ an$ shiel$ were fo#n$ for E$%#n$ an$ a 'ow for L#c& * Pe"er an$ S#san were of
co#rse alrea$& carr&in( "heir (if"s. As "he& ca%e 'ac, #) "he s"airwa&, 8in(lin( in "heir
%ail, an$ alrea$& loo,in( an$ feelin( %ore li,e Narnians an$ less li,e schoolchil$ren, "he
"wo 'o&s were 'ehin$, a))aren"l& %a,in( so%e )lan. L#c& hear$ E$%#n$ sa&, 3No, le" %e
$o i". I" will 'e %ore of a s#c,s for hi% if I win, an$ less of a le"*$own for #s all if I fail.3
3All ri(h", E$,3 sai$ Pe"er.
When "he& ca%e o#" in"o "he $a&li(h" E$%#n$ "#rne$ "o "he Dwarf +er& )oli"el& an$ sai$,
3I2+e (o" so%e"hin( "o as, &o#. !i$s li,e #s $on2" of"en ha+e "he chance of %ee"in( a (rea"
warrior li,e &o#. Wo#l$ &o# ha+e a li""le fencin( %a"ch wi"h %e5 I" wo#l$ 'e fri(h"f#ll&
3B#", la$,3 sai$ Tr#%),in, 3"hese swor$s are shar).3
3I ,now,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3B#" I2ll ne+er (e" an&where near &o# an$ &o#2ll 'e 9#i"e cle+er
eno#(h "o $isar% %e wi"ho#" $oin( %e an& $a%a(e.3
3I"2s a $an(ero#s (a%e,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3B#" since &o# %a,e s#ch a )oin" of i", I2ll "r& a
)ass or "wo.3
Bo"h swor$s were o#" in a %o%en" an$ "he "hree o"hers 8#%)e$ off "he $ais an$ s"oo$
wa"chin(. I" was well wor"h i". I" was no" li,e "he sill& fi(h"in( &o# see wi"h 'roa$ swor$s
on "he s"a(e. I" was no" e+en li,e "he ra)ier fi(h"in( which &o# so%e"i%es see ra"her 'e""er
$one. This was real 'roa$*swor$ fi(h"in(. The (rea" "hin( is "o slash a" &o#r ene%&2s le(s
an$ fee" 'eca#se "he& are "he )ar" "ha" ha+e no ar%o#r. An$ when he slashes a" &o#rs &o#
8#%) wi"h 'o"h fee" off "he (ro#n$ so "ha" his 'low (oes #n$er "he%. This (a+e "he Dwarf
an a$+an"a(e 'eca#se E$%#n$, 'ein( %#ch "aller, ha$ "o 'e alwa&s s"oo)in(. I $on2" "hin,
E$%#n$ wo#l$ ha+e ha$ a chance if he ha$ fo#(h" Tr#%),in "wen"&*fo#r ho#rs earlier. B#"
"he air of Narnia ha$ 'een wor,in( #)on hi% e+er since "he& arri+e$ on "he islan$, an$ all
his ol$ 'a""les ca%e 'ac, "o hi%, an$ his ar%s an$ fin(ers re%e%'ere$ "heir ol$ s,ill. He
was !in( E$%#n$ once %ore. Ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ "he "wo co%'a"an"s circle$, s"ro,e af"er
s"ro,e "he& (a+e, an$ S#san .who ne+er co#l$ learn "o li,e "his sor" of "hin(/ sho#"e$ o#",
3Oh, $o 'e caref#l.3 An$ "hen, so 9#ic,l& "ha" no one .#nless "he& ,new, as Pe"er $i$/ co#l$
9#i"e see how i" ha))ene$, E$%#n$ flashe$ his swor$ ro#n$ wi"h a )ec#liar "wis", "he
Dwarf2s swor$ flew o#" of his (ri), an$ Tr#%),in was wrin(in( his e%)"& han$ as &o# $o
af"er a 3s"in(3 fro% a cric,e"*'a".
3No" h#r", I ho)e, %& $ear li""le frien$53 sai$ E$%#n$, )an"in( a li""le an$ re"#rnin( his
own swor$ "o i"s shea"h.
3I see "he )oin",3 sai$ Tr#%),in $ril&. 3Yo# ,now a "ric, I ne+er learne$.3
3Tha"2s 9#i"e "r#e,3 )#" in Pe"er. 3The 'es" swor$s%an in "he worl$ %a& 'e $isar%e$ '& a
"ric, "ha"2s new "o hi%. I "hin, i"2s onl& fair "o (i+e Tr#%),in a chance a" so%e"hin( else.
Will &o# ha+e a shoo"in( %a"ch wi"h %& sis"er5 There are no "ric,s in archer&, &o# ,now.3
3Ah, &o#2re 8o,ers, &o# are,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3I 'e(in "o see. As if I $i$n2" ,now how she
can shoo", af"er wha" ha))ene$ "his %ornin(. All "he sa%e, I2ll ha+e a "r&.3 He s)o,e
(r#ffl&, '#" his e&es 'ri(h"ene$, for he was a fa%o#s 'ow%an a%on( his own )eo)le.
All fi+e of "he% ca%e o#" in"o "he co#r"&ar$.
3Wha"2s "o 'e "he "ar(e"53 as,e$ Pe"er.
3I "hin, "ha" a))le han(in( o+er "he wall on "he 'ranch "here wo#l$ $o,3 sai$ S#san.
3Tha"2ll $o nicel&, lass,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3Yo# %ean "he &ellow one near "he %i$$le of "he
3No, no" "ha",3 sai$ S#san. 3The re$ one #) a'o+e * o+er "he 'a""le%en".3
The Dwarf2s face fell. 3Loo,s %ore li,e a cherr& "han an a))le,3 he %#""ere$, '#" he sai$
no"hin( o#" lo#$.
The& "osse$ #) for firs" sho" .(rea"l& "o "he in"eres" of Tr#%),in, who ha$ ne+er seen a coin
"osse$ 'efore/ an$ S#san los". The& were "o shoo" fro% "he "o) of "he s"e)s "ha" le$ fro% "he
hall in"o "he co#r"&ar$. E+er&one co#l$ see fro% "he wa& "he Dwarf "oo, his )osi"ion an$
han$le$ his 'ow "ha" he ,new wha" he was a'o#".
Twan( wen" "he s"rin(. I" was an e1cellen" sho". The "in& a))le shoo, as "he arrow )asse$,
an$ a leaf ca%e fl#""erin( $own. Then S#san wen" "o "he "o) of "he s"e)s an$ s"r#n( her
'ow. She was no" en8o&in( her %a"ch half so %#ch as E$%#n$ ha$ en8o&e$ his0 no"
'eca#se she ha$ an& $o#'" a'o#" hi""in( "he a))le '#" 'eca#se S#san was so "en$erhear"e$
"ha" she al%os" ha"e$ "o 'ea" so%eone who ha$ 'een 'ea"en alrea$&. The Dwarf wa"che$
her ,eenl& as she $rew "he shaf" "o her ear. A %o%en" la"er, wi"h a li""le sof" "h#%) which
"he& co#l$ all hear in "ha" 9#ie" )lace, "he a))le fell "o "he (rass wi"h S#san2s arrow in i".
3Oh, well $one, S#, 3 sho#"e$ "he o"her chil$ren.
3I" wasn2" reall& an& 'e""er "han &o#rs,3 sai$ S#san "o "he Dwarf. 3I "hin, "here was a "in&
'rea"h of win$ as &o# sho".3
3No, "here wasn2",3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3Don2" "ell %e. I ,now when I a% fairl& 'ea"en. I won2"
e+en sa& "ha" "he scar of %& las" wo#n$ ca"ches %e a 'i" when I (e" %& ar% well 'ac, *3
3Oh, are &o# wo#n$e$53 as,e$ L#c&. 3Do le" %e loo,.3
3I"2s no" a si(h" for li""le (irls,3 'e(an Tr#%),in, '#" "hen he s#$$enl& chec,e$ hi%self.
3There I (o "al,in( li,e a fool a(ain,3 he sai$ 3I s#))ose &o#2re as li,el& "o 'e a (rea"
s#r(eon as &o#r 'ro"her was "o 'e a (rea" swor$s%an or &o#r sis"er "o 'e a (rea" archer.3 He
sa" $own on "he s"e)s an$ "oo, off his ha#'er, an$ sli))e$ $own his li""le shir", showin( an
ar% hair& an$ %#sc#lar .in )ro)or"ion/ as a sailor2s "ho#(h no" %#ch 'i((er "han a chil$2s.
There was a cl#%s& 'an$a(e on "he sho#l$er which L#c& )rocee$e$ "o #nroll. n$ernea"h,
"he c#" loo,e$ +er& nas"& an$ "here was a (oo$ $eal of swellin(. 3Oh, )oor Tr#%),in,3 sai$
L#c&. 3How horri$.3 Then she caref#ll& $ri))e$ on "o i" one sin(le $ro) of "he cor$ial fro%
her flas,.
3H#llo. Eh5 Wha" ha+e &o# $one53 sai$ Tr#%),in. B#" howe+er he "#rne$ his hea$ an$
s9#in"e$ an$ whis,e$ his 'ear$ "o an$ fro, he co#l$n2" 9#i"e see his own sho#l$er. Then he
fel" i" as well as he co#l$, (e""in( his ar%s an$ fin(ers in"o +er& $iffic#l" )osi"ions as &o# $o
when &o#2re "r&in( "o scra"ch a )lace "ha" is 8#s" o#" of reach. Then he sw#n( his ar% an$
raise$ i" an$ "rie$ "he %#scles, an$ finall& 8#%)e$ "o his fee" cr&in(, 36ian"s an$ 8#ni)ers4
I"2s c#re$4 I"2s as (oo$ as new.3 Af"er "ha" he '#rs" in"o a (rea" la#(h an$ sai$, 3Well, I2+e
%a$e as 'i( a fool of %&self as e+er a Dwarf $i$. No offence, I ho)e5 -& h#%'le $#"& "o
&o#r -a8es"ies all *h#%'le $#"&. An$ "han,s for %& life, %& c#re, %& 'rea,fas" * an$ %&
The chil$ren all sai$ i" was 9#i"e all ri(h" an$ no" "o %en"ion i".
3An$ now,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3if &o#2+e reall& $eci$e$ "o 'elie+e in #s*3
3I ha+e,3 sai$ "he Dwarf.
3I"2s 9#i"e clear wha" we ha+e "o $o. We %#s" 8oin !in( Cas)ian a" once.3
3The sooner "he 'e""er,3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3-& 'ein( s#ch a fool has alrea$& was"e$ a'o#" an
3I"2s a'o#" "wo $a&s2 8o#rne&, "he wa& &o# ca%e,3 sai$ Pe"er. 37or #s, I %ean. We can2" wal,
all $a& an$ ni(h" li,e &o# Dwarfs.3 Then he "#rne$ "o "he o"hers. 3Wha" Tr#%),in calls
Aslan2s How is o'+io#sl& "he S"one Ta'le i"self. Yo# re%e%'er i" was a'o#" half a $a&2s
%arch, or a li""le less, fro% "here $own "o "he 7or$s of Ber#na *3
3Ber#na2s Bri$(e, we call i",3 sai$ Tr#%),in.
3There was no 'ri$(e in o#r "i%e,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3An$ "hen fro% Ber#na $own "o here was
ano"her $a& an$ a 'i". We #se$ "o (e" ho%e a'o#" "ea"i%e on "he secon$ $a&, (oin( easil&.
6oin( har$, we co#l$ $o "he whole "hin( in a $a& an$ a half )erha)s.3
3B#" re%e%'er i"2s all woo$s now,3 sai$ Tr#%),in, 3an$ "here are ene%ies "o $o$(e.3
3Loo, here,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3nee$ we (o '& "he sa%e wa& "ha" O#r Dear Li""le 7rien$
3No %ore of "ha", &o#r -a8es"&, if &o# lo+e %e,3 sai$ "he Dwarf.
3;er& well,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3-a& I sa& o#r D.L.7.53
3Oh, E$%#n$,3 sai$ S#san. 3Don2" ,ee) on a" hi% li,e "ha".3
3Tha"2s all ri(h", lass * I %ean &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ Tr#%),in wi"h a ch#c,le. 3A 8i'e won2"
raise a 'lis"er.3 .An$ af"er "ha" "he& of"en calle$ hi% "he D.L.7. "ill "he&2$ al%os" for(o""en
wha" i" %ean"./
3As I was sa&in(,3 con"in#e$ E$%#n$, 3we nee$n2" (o "ha" wa&. Wh& sho#l$n2" we row a
li""le so#"h "ill we co%e "o 6lasswa"er Cree, an$ row #) i"5 Tha" 'rin(s #s #) 'ehin$ "he
Hill of "he S"one Ta'le, an$ we2ll 'e safe while we2re a" sea. If we s"ar" a" once, we can 'e a"
"he hea$ of 6lasswa"er 'efore $ar,, (e" a few ho#rs2 slee), an$ 'e wi"h Cas)ian )re""& earl&
3Wha" a "hin( i" is "o ,now "he coas",3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3None of #s ,now an&"hin( a'o#"
3Wha" a'o#" foo$53 as,e$ S#san.
3Oh, we2ll ha+e "o $o wi"h a))les,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Do le"2s (e" on. We2+e $one no"hin( &e", an$
we2+e 'een here nearl& "wo $a&s.3
3An$ an&wa&, no one2s (oin( "o ha+e %& ha" for a fish'as,e" a(ain,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
The& #se$ one of "he raincoa"s as a ,in$ of 'a( an$ )#" a (oo$ %an& a))les in i". Then "he&
all ha$ a (oo$ lon( $rin, a" "he well .for "he& wo#l$ %ee" no %ore fresh wa"er "ill "he&
lan$e$ a" "he hea$ of "he Cree,/ an$ wen" $own "o "he 'oa". The chil$ren were sorr& "o
lea+e Cair Para+el, which, e+en in r#ins, ha$ 'e(#n "o feel li,e ho%e a(ain.
3The D.L.7. ha$ 'e""er s"eer,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3an$ E$ an$ I will "a,e an oar each. Half a
%o%en", "ho#(h. We2$ 'e""er "a,e off o#r %ail: we2re (oin( "o 'e )re""& war% 'efore we2re
$one. The (irls ha$ 'e""er 'e in "he 'ows an$ sho#" $irec"ions "o "he D.L.7. 'eca#se he
$oesn2" ,now "he wa&. Yo#2$ 'e""er (e" #s a fair wa& o#" "o sea "ill we2+e )asse$ "he islan$.3
An$ soon "he (reen, woo$e$ coas" of "he islan$ was fallin( awa& 'ehin$ "he%, an$ i"s li""le
'a&s an$ hea$lan$s were 'e(innin( "o loo, fla""er, an$ "he 'oa" was risin( an$ fallin( in "he
(en"le swell. The sea 'e(an "o (row 'i((er aro#n$ "he% an$, in "he $is"ance, 'l#er, '#"
close ro#n$ "he 'oa" i" was (reen an$ '#''l&. E+er&"hin( s%elle$ sal" an$ "here was no
noise e1ce)" "he swishin( of wa"er an$ "he clo)*clo) of wa"er a(ains" "he si$es an$ "he
s)lash of "he oars an$ "he 8ol"in( noise of "he rowloc,s. The s#n (rew ho".
I" was $eli(h"f#l for L#c& an$ S#san in "he 'ows, 'en$in( o+er "he e$(e an$ "r&in( "o (e"
"heir han$s in "he sea which "he& co#l$ ne+er 9#i"e reach. The 'o""o%, %os"l& )#re, )ale
san$ '#" wi"h occasional )a"ches of )#r)le seawee$, co#l$ 'e seen 'enea"h "he%.
3I"2s li,e ol$ "i%es,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Do &o# re%e%'er o#r +o&a(e "o Tere'in"hia * an$ 6al%a *
an$ Se+en Isles * an$ "he Lone Islan$s53
3Yes,3 sai$ S#san, 3an$ o#r (rea" shi) "he S)len$o#r H&aline, wi"h "he swan2s hea$ a" her
)row an$ "he car+e$ swan2s win(s co%in( 'ac, al%os" "o her wais"53
3An$ "he sil,en sails, an$ "he (rea" s"ern lan"erns53
3An$ "he feas"s on "he )oo) an$ "he %#sicians.3
3Do &o# re%e%'er when we ha$ "he %#sicians #) in "he ri((in( )la&in( fl#"es so "ha" i"
so#n$e$ li,e %#sic o#" of "he s,&53
Presen"l& S#san "oo, o+er E$%#n$2s oar an$ he ca%e forwar$ "o 8oin L#c&. The& ha$
)asse$ "he islan$ now an$ s"oo$ closer in "o "he shore * all woo$e$ an$ $eser"e$. The&
wo#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" i" +er& )re""& if "he& ha$ no" re%e%'ere$ "he "i%e when i" was o)en
an$ 'ree<& an$ f#ll of %err& frien$s.
3Phew4 This is )re""& (r#ellin( wor,,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Can2" I row for a 'i"53 sai$ L#c&. 3The
oars are "oo 'i( for &o#,3 sai$ Pe"er shor"l&, no" 'eca#se he was cross '#" 'eca#se he ha$ no
s"ren("h "o s)are for "al,in(.
SSAN an$ "he "wo 'o&s were 'i""erl& "ire$ wi"h rowin( 'efore "he& ro#n$e$ "he las"
hea$lan$ an$ 'e(an "he final )#ll #) 6lasswa"er i"self, an$ L#c&2s hea$ ache$ fro% "he lon(
ho#rs of s#n an$ "he (lare on "he wa"er. E+en Tr#%),in lon(e$ for "he +o&a(e "o 'e o+er.
The sea" on which he sa" "o s"eer ha$ 'een %a$e for %en, no" Dwarfs, an$ his fee" $i$ no"
reach "he floor*'oar$s0 an$ e+er&one ,nows how #nco%for"a'le "ha" is e+en for
"en %in#"es. An$ as "he& all (rew %ore "ire$, "heir s)iri"s fell. ) "ill now "he chil$ren ha$
onl& 'een "hin,in( of how "o (e" "o Cas)ian. Now "he& won$ere$ wha" "he& wo#l$ $o when
"he& fo#n$ hi%, an$ how a han$f#l of Dwarfs an$ woo$lan$ crea"#res co#l$ $efea" an ar%&
of (rown*#) H#%ans.
Twili(h" was co%in( on as "he& rowe$ slowl& #) "he win$in(s of 6lasswa"er Cree, * a
"wili(h" which $ee)ene$ as "he 'an,s $rew closer "o(e"her an$ "he o+erhan(in( "rees 'e(an
al%os" "o %ee" o+erhea$. I" was +er& 9#ie" in here as "he so#n$ of "he sea $ie$ awa& 'ehin$
"he%0 "he& co#l$ e+en hear "he "ric,le of "he li""le s"rea%s "ha" )o#re$ $own fro% "he fores"
in"o 6lasswa"er.
The& wen" ashore a" las", far "oo "ire$ "o a""e%)" li(h"in( a fire0 an$ e+en a s#))er of a))les
."ho#(h %os" of "he% fel" "ha" "he& ne+er wan"e$ "o see an a))le a(ain/ see%e$ 'e""er "han
"r&in( "o ca"ch or shoo" an&"hin(. Af"er a li""le silen" %#nchin( "he& all h#$$le$ $own
"o(e"her in "he %oss an$ $ea$ lea+es 'e"ween fo#r lar(e 'eech "rees.
E+er&one e1ce)" L#c& wen" "o slee) a" once. L#c&, 'ein( far less "ire$, fo#n$ i" har$ "o (e"
co%for"a'le. Also, she ha$ for(o""en "ill now "ha" all Dwarfs snore. She ,new "ha" one of
"he 'es" wa&s of (e""in( "o slee) is "o s"o) "r&in(, so she o)ene$ her e&es.
Thro#(h a (a) in "he 'rac,en an$ 'ranches she co#l$ 8#s" see a )a"ch of wa"er in "he Cree,
an$ "he s,& a'o+e i". Then, wi"h a "hrill of %e%or&, she saw a(ain, af"er all "hose &ears, "he
'ri(h" Narnian s"ars. She ha$ once ,nown "he% 'e""er "han "he s"ars of o#r own worl$,
'eca#se as a =#een in Narnia she ha$ (one "o 'e$ %#ch la"er "han as a chil$ in En(lan$.
An$ "here "he& were * a" leas", "hree of "he s#%%er cons"ella"ions co#l$ 'e seen fro% where
she la&: "he Shi), "he Ha%%er, an$ "he Leo)ar$. 3Dear ol$ Leo)ar$,3 she %#r%#re$
ha))il& "o herself.
Ins"ea$ of (e""in( $rowsier she was (e""in( %ore awa,e * wi"h an o$$, ni(h"*"i%e, $rea%ish
,in$ of wa,ef#lness. The Cree, was (rowin( 'ri(h"er. She ,new now "ha" "hen %oon was
on i", "ho#(h she co#l$n2" see "he %oon. An$ now she 'e(an "o feel "ha" "he whole fores"
was co%in( awa,e li,e herself. Har$l& ,nowin( wh& she $i$ i", she (o" #) 9#ic,l& an$
wal,e$ a li""le $is"ance awa& fro% "heir 'i+o#ac.
3This is lo+el&,3 sai$ L#c& "o herself. I" was cool an$ fresh, $elicio#s s%ells were floa"in(
So%ewhere close '& she hear$ "he "wi""er of a ni(h"in(ale 'e(innin( "o sin(, "hen s"o))in(,
"hen 'e(innin( a(ain. I" was a li""le li(h"er ahea$. She wen" "owar$s "he li(h" an$ ca%e "o a
)lace where "here were fewer "rees, an$ whole )a"ches or )ools of %oonli(h", '#" "he
%oonli(h" an$ "he sha$ows so %i1e$ "ha" &o# co#l$ har$l& 'e s#re where an&"hin( was or
wha" i" was. A" "he sa%e %o%en" "he ni(h"in(ale, sa"isfie$ a" las" wi"h his "#nin( #), '#rs"
in"o f#ll son(.
L#c&2s e&es 'e(an "o (row acc#s"o%e$ "o "he li(h", an$ she saw "he "rees "ha" were neares"
her %ore $is"inc"l&. A (rea" lon(in( for "he ol$ $a&s when "he "rees co#l$ "al, in
Narnia ca%e o+er her. She ,new e1ac"l& how each of "hese "rees wo#l$ "al, if onl& she
co#l$ wa,e "he%, an$ wha" sor" of h#%an for% i" wo#l$ )#" on. She loo,e$ a" a sil+er
'irch: i" wo#l$ ha+e a sof", shower& +oice an$ wo#l$ loo, li,e a slen$er (irl, wi"h hair
'lown all a'o#" her face, an$ fon$ of $ancin(. She loo,e$ a" "he oa,: he wo#l$ 'e a
wi<ene$, '#" hear"& ol$ %an wi"h a fri<<le$ 'ear$ an$ war"s on his face an$ han$s, an$ hair
(rowin( o#" of "he war"s. She loo,e$ a" "he 'eech #n$er which she was s"an$in(. Ah4 she
wo#l$ 'e "he 'es" of all. She wo#l$ 'e a (racio#s (o$$ess, s%oo"h an$ s"a"el&, "he la$& of
"he woo$.
3Oh, Trees, Trees, Trees,3 sai$ L#c& ."ho#(h she ha$ no" 'een in"en$in( "o s)ea, a" all/.
3Oh, Trees, wa,e, wa,e, wa,e. Don2" &o# re%e%'er i"5 Don2" &o# re%e%'er %e5 Dr&a$s
an$ Ha%a$r&a$s, co%e o#", co%e "o %e.3
Tho#(h "here was no" a 'rea"h of win$ "he& all s"irre$ a'o#" her. The r#s"lin( noise of "he
lea+es was al%os" li,e wor$s. The ni(h"in(ale s"o))e$ sin(in( as if "o lis"en "o i".
L#c& fel" "ha" a" an& %o%en" she wo#l$ 'e(in "o #n$ers"an$ wha" "he "rees were "r&in( "o
sa&. B#" "he %o%en" $i$ no" co%e. The r#s"lin( $ie$ awa&. The ni(h"in(ale res#%e$ i"s
son(. E+en in "he %oonli(h" "he woo$ loo,e$ %ore or$inar& a(ain. Ye" L#c& ha$ "he
feelin( .as &o# so%e"i%es ha+e when &o# are "r&in( "o re%e%'er a na%e or a $a"e an$
al%os" (e" i", '#" i" +anishes 'efore &o# reall& $o/ "ha" she ha$ 8#s" %isse$ so%e"hin(: as if
she ha$ s)o,en "o "he "rees a s)li" secon$ "oo soon or a s)li" secon$ "oo la"e, or #se$ all "he
ri(h" wor$s e1ce)" one, or )#" in one wor$ "ha" was 8#s" wron(.
=#i"e s#$$enl& she 'e(an "o feel "ire$. She wen" 'ac, "o "he 'i+o#ac, sn#((le$ $own
'e"ween S#san an$ Pe"er, an$ was aslee) in a few %in#"es.
I" was a col$ an$ cheerless wa,in( for "he% all ne1" %ornin(, wi"h a (re& "wili(h" in "he
woo$ .for "he s#n ha$ no" &e" risen/ an$ e+er&"hin( $a%) an$ $ir"&.
3A))les, hei(h*ho,3 sai$ Tr#%),in wi"h a r#ef#l (rin. 3I %#s" sa& &o# ancien" ,in(s an$
9#eens $on2" o+erfee$ &o#r co#r"iers43
The& s"oo$ #) an$ shoo, "he%sel+es an$ loo,e$ a'o#". The "rees were "hic, an$ "he& co#l$
see no %ore "han a few &ar$s in an& $irec"ion.
3I s#))ose &o#r -a8es"ies ,now "he wa& all ri(h"53 sai$ "he Dwarf.
3I $on2",3 sai$ S#san. 3I2+e ne+er seen "hese woo$s in %& life 'efore. In fac" I "ho#(h" all
alon( "ha" we o#(h" "o ha+e (one '& "he ri+er.3
3Then I "hin, &o# %i(h" ha+e sai$ so a" "he "i%e,3 answere$ Pe"er, wi"h )ar$ona'le
3Oh, $on2" "a,e an& no"ice of her,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3She alwa&s is a we" 'lan,e". Yo#2+e (o"
"ha" )oc,e" co%)ass of &o#rs, Pe"er, ha+en2" &o#5 Well, "hen, we2re as ri(h" as rain. We2+e
onl& (o" "o ,ee) on (oin( nor"h*wes" * cross "ha" li""le ri+er, "he wha"*$o*&o#*call*i"5 * "he
R#sh *3
3I ,now,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3The one "ha" 8oins "he 'i( ri+er a" "he 7or$s of Ber#na, or Ber#na2s
Bri$(e, as "he D.L.7. calls i".3
3Tha"2s ri(h". Cross i" an$ s"ri,e #)hill, an$ we2ll 'e a" "he S"one Ta'le .Aslan2s How, I
%ean/ '& ei(h" or nine o2cloc,. I ho)e !in( Cas)ian will (i+e #s a (oo$ 'rea,fas"43
3I ho)e &o#2re ri(h",3 sai$ S#san. 3I can2" re%e%'er all "ha" a" all.3
3Tha"2s "he wors" of (irls,3 sai$ E$%#n$ "o Pe"er an$ "he Dwarf. 3The& ne+er carr& a %a) in
"heir hea$s.3
3Tha"2s 'eca#se o#r hea$s ha+e so%e"hin( insi$e "he%,3 sai$ L#c&.
A" firs" "hin(s see%e$ "o 'e (oin( )re""& well. The& e+en *"ho#(h" "he& ha$ s"r#c, an ol$
)a"h0 '#" if &o# ,now an&"hin( a'o#" woo$s, &o# will ,now "ha" one is alwa&s fin$in(
i%a(inar& )a"hs. The& $isa))ear af"er a'o#" fi+e %in#"es an$ "hen &o# "hin, &o# ha+e
fo#n$ ano"her .an$ ho)e i" is no" ano"her '#" %ore of "he sa%e one/ an$ i" also $isa))ears,
an$ af"er &o# ha+e 'een well l#re$ o#" of &o#r ri(h" $irec"ion &o# reali<e "ha" none of "he%
were )a"s a" all. The 'o&s an$ "he Dwarf, howe+er, were #se$ "o woo$s an$ were no" "a,en
in for %ore "han a few secon$s.
The& ha$ )lo$$e$ on for a'o#" half an ho#r ."hree of "he% +er& s"iff fro% &es"er$a&2s
rowin(/ when Tr#%),in s#$$enl& whis)ere$, 3S"o).3 The& all s"o))e$. 3There2s so%e"hin(
followin( #s,3 he sai$ in a low +oice. 3Or ra"her, so%e"hin( ,ee)in( #) wi"h #s: o+er "here
on "he lef".3 The& all s"oo$ s"ill, lis"enin( an$ s"arin( "ill "heir ears an$ e&es ache$. 3Yo#
an$ I2$ 'e""er each ha+e an arrow on "he s"rin(,3 sai$ S#san "o Tr#%),in. The Dwarf
no$$e$, an$ when 'o"h 'ows were rea$& for ac"ion "he )ar"& wen" on a(ain.
The& wen" a few $o<en &ar$s "hro#(h fairl& o)en woo$lan$, ,ee)in( a shar) loo,*o#".
Then "he& ca%e "o a )lace where "he #n$er(row"h "hic,ene$ an$ "he& ha$ "o )ass nearer "o
i". >#s" as "he& were )assin( "he )lace, "here ca%e a s#$$en so%e"hin( "ha" snarle$ an$
flashe$, risin( o#" fro% "he 'rea,in( "wi(s li,e a "h#n$er'ol". L#c& was ,noc,e$ $own an$
win$e$, hearin( "he "wan( of a 'ows"rin( as she fell. When she was a'le "o "a,e no"ice of
"hin(s a(ain, she saw a (rea" (ri%*loo,in( (re& 'ear l&in( $ea$ wi"h Tr#%),in2s arrow in
i"s si$e.
3The D.L.7. 'ea" &o# in "ha" shoo"in( %a"ch, S#,3 sai$ EPe"er, wi"h a sli(h"l& force$ s%ile.
E+en he ha$ 'een sha,en '& "his a$+en"#re.
3I * I lef" i" "oo la"e,3 sai$ S#san, in an e%'arrasse$ +oice. 3I was so afrai$ i" %i(h" 'e, &o#
,now * one of o#r ,in$ of 'ears, a "al,in( 'ear.3 She ha"e$ ,illin( "hin(s.
3Tha"2s "he "ro#'le of i",3 sai$ Tr#%),in, 3when %os" of "he 'eas"s ha+e (one ene%& an$
(one $#%', '#" "here are s"ill so%e of "he o"her ,in$ lef". Yo# ne+er ,now, an$ &o# $aren2"
wai" "o see.3
3Poor ol$ Br#in,3 sai$ S#san. 3Yo# $on2" "hin, he was53
3No" he,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3I saw "he face an$ I hear$ "he snarl. He onl& wan"e$ Li""le 6irl
for his 'rea,fas". An$ "al,in( of 'rea,fas", I $i$n2" wan" "o $isco#ra(e &o#r -a8es"ies when
&o# sai$ &o# ho)e$ !in( Cas)ian wo#l$ (i+e &o# a (oo$ one: '#" %ea"2s )recio#s scarce in
ca%). An$ "here2s (oo$ ea"in( on a 'ear. I" wo#l$ 'e a sha%e "o lea+e "he carcass wi"ho#"
"a,in( a 'i", an$ i" won2" $ela& #s %ore "han half an ho#r. I $are sa& &o# "wo &o#n(s"ers *
!in(s, I sho#l$ sa& * ,now how "o s,in a 'ear53
3Le"2s (o an$ si" $own a fair wa& off,3 sai$ S#san "o L#c&. 3I ,now wha" a horri$ %ess&
'#siness "ha" will 'e.3 L#c& sh#$$ere$ an$ no$$e$. When "he& ha$ sa" $own she sai$:
3S#ch a horri'le i$ea has co%e in"o %& hea$, S#. 3
3Wha"2s "ha"53
3Wo#l$n2" i" 'e $rea$f#l if so%e $a&, in o#r own worl$, a" ho%e, %en s"ar"e$ (oin( wil$
insi$e, li,e "he ani%als here, an$ s"ill loo,e$ li,e %en, so "ha" &o#2$ ne+er ,now which
were which53
3We2+e (o" eno#(h "o 'o"her a'o#" here an$ now in Narnia,3 sai$ "he )rac"ical S#san,
3wi"ho#" i%a(inin( "hin(s li,e "ha".3
When "he& re8oine$ "he 'o&s an$ "he Dwarf, as %#ch as "he& "ho#(h" "he& co#l$ carr& of
"he 'es" %ea" ha$ 'een c#" off. Raw %ea" is no" a nice "hin( "o fill one2s )oc,e"s wi"h, '#"
"he& fol$e$ i" #) in fresh lea+es an$ %a$e "he 'es" of i". The& were all e1)erience$ eno#(h
"o ,now "ha" "he& wo#l$ feel 9#i"e $ifferen"l& a'o#" "hese s9#ash& an$ #n)leasan" )arcels
when "he& ha$ wal,e$ lon( eno#(h "o 'e reall& h#n(r&.
On "he& "r#$(e$ a(ain .s"o))in( "o wash "hree )airs of han$s "ha" nee$e$ i" in "he firs"
s"rea% "he& )asse$/ #n"il "he s#n rose an$ "he 'ir$s 'e(an "o sin(, an$ %ore flies "han "he&
wan"e$ were '#<<in( in "he 'rac,en. The s"iffness fro% &es"er$a&2s rowin( 'e(an "o wear
off. E+er&'o$&2s s)iri"s rose. The s#n (rew war%er an$ "he& "oo, "heir hel%e"s off an$
carrie$ "he%.
3I s#))ose we are (oin( ri(h"53 sai$ E$%#n$ a'o#" an ho#r la"er.
3I $on2" see how we can (o wron( as lon( as we $on2" 'ear "oo %#ch "o "he lef",3 sai$ Pe"er.
3If we 'ear "oo %#ch "o "he ri(h", "he wors" "ha" can ha))en is was"in( a li""le "i%e '&
s"ri,in( "he (rea" Ri+er "oo soon an$ no" c#""in( off "he corner.3
An$ a(ain "he& "r#$(e$ on wi"h no so#n$ e1ce)" "he "h#$ of "heir fee" an$ "he 8in(le of "heir
chain shir"s.
3Where2s "his 'all& R#sh (o" "o53 sai$ E$%#n$ a (oo$ $eal la"er.
3I cer"ainl& "ho#(h" we2$ ha+e s"r#c, i" '& now,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3B#" "here2s no"hin( "o $o '#"
,ee) on.3 The& 'o"h ,new "ha" "he Dwarf was loo,in( an1io#sl& a" "he%, '#" he sai$
An$ s"ill "he& "r#$(e$ on an$ "heir %ail shir"s 'e(an "o feel +er& ho" an$ hea+&.
3Wha" on ear"h53 sai$ Pe"er s#$$enl&.
The& ha$ co%e, wi"ho#" seein( i", al%os" "o "he e$(e of a s%all )reci)ice fro% which "he&
loo,e$ $own in"o a (or(e wi"h a ri+er a" "he 'o""o%. On "he far si$e "he cliffs rose %#ch
hi(her. None of "he )ar"& e1ce)" E$%#n$ .an$ )erha)s Tr#%),in/ was a roc, cli%'er.
3I2% sorr&,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I"2s %& fa#l" for co%in( "his wa&. We2re los". I2+e ne+er seen "his
)lace in %& life 'efore.3
The Dwarf (a+e a low whis"le 'e"ween his "ee"h.
3Oh, $o le"2s (o 'ac, an$ (o "he o"her wa&,3 sai$ S#san. 3I ,new all alon( we2$ (e" los" in
"hese woo$s.3
3S#san43 sai$ L#c&, re)roachf#ll&, 3$on2" na( a" Pe"er li,e "ha". I"2s so ro""en, an$ he2s $oin(
all he can.3
3An$ $on2" &o# sna) a" S# li,e "ha", ei"her,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I "hin, she2s 9#i"e ri(h".3
3T#'s an$ "or"oiseshells43 e1clai%e$ Tr#%),in. 3If we2+e (o" los" co%in(, wha" chance
ha+e we of fin$in( o#r wa& 'ac,5 An$ if we2re "o (o 'ac, "o "he Islan$ an$ 'e(in all o+er
a(ain * e+en s#))osin( we co#l$ * we %i(h" as well (i+e "he whole "hin( #). -ira< will
ha+e finishe$ wi"h Cas)ian 'efore we (e" "here a" "ha" ra"e.3
3Yo# "hin, we o#(h" "o (o on53 sai$ L#c&.
3I2% no" s#re "he Hi(h !in( is los",3 sai$ Tr#%),in. 3Wha"2s "o hin$er "his ri+er 'ein( "he
3Beca#se "he R#sh is no" in a (or(e,3 sai$ Pe"er, ,ee)in( his "e%)er wi"h so%e $iffic#l"&.
3Yo#r -a8es"& sa&s is,3 re)lie$ "he Dwarf, 3'#" o#(h"n2" &o# "o sa& was5 Yo# ,new "his
co#n"r& h#n$re$s * i" %a& 'e a "ho#san$ * &ears a(o. -a&n2" i" ha+e chan(e$5 A lan$sli$e
%i(h" ha+e )#lle$ off half "he si$e of "ha" hill, lea+in( 'are roc,, an$ "here are &o#r
)reci)ices 'e&on$ "he (or(e. Then "he R#sh %i(h" (o on $ee)enin( i"s co#rse &ear af"er
&ear "ill &o# (e" "he li""le )reci)ices "his si$e. Or "here %i(h" ha+e 'een an ear"h9#a,e, or
3I ne+er "ho#(h" of "ha",3 sai$ Pe"er.
3An$ an&wa&,3 con"in#e$ Tr#%),in, 3e+en if "his is no" "he R#sh, i"2s flowin( ro#(hl&
nor"h an$ so i" %#s" fall in"o "he 6rea" Ri+er an&wa&. I "hin, I )asse$ so%e"hin( "ha" %i(h"
ha+e 'een i", on %& wa& $own. So if we (o $owns"rea%, "o o#r ri(h", we2ll hi" "he 6rea"
Ri+er. Perha)s no" so hi(h as we2$ ho)e$, '#" a" leas" we2ll 'e no worse off "han if &o#2$
co%e %& wa&.3
3Tr#%),in, &o#2re a 'ric,,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Co%e on, "hen. Down "his si$e of "he (or(e.3
3Loo,4 Loo,4 Loo,43 crie$ L#c&.
3Where5 Wha"53 sai$ e+er&one.
3The Lion,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Aslan hi%self. Di$n2" &o# see53 Her face ha$ chan(e$ co%)le"el&
an$ her e&es shone.
3Do &o# reall& %ean *53 'e(an Pe"er.
3Where $i$ &o# "hin, &o# saw hi%53 as,e$ S#san.
3Don2" "al, li,e a (rown*#),3 sai$ L#c&, s"a%)in( her foo". 3I $i$n2" "hin, I saw hi%. I saw
3Where, L#53 as,e$ Pe"er.
3Ri(h" #) "here 'e"ween "hose %o#n"ain ashes. No, "his si$e of "he (or(e. An$ #), no"
$own. >#s" "he o))osi"e of "he wa& &o# wan" "o (o. An$ he wan"e$ #s "o (o where he was *
#) "here.3
3How $o &o# ,now "ha" was wha" he wan"e$53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3He * I * I 8#s" ,now,3 sai$ L#c&, 3'& his face.3
The o"hers all loo,e$ a" each o"her in )#<<le$ silence.
3Her -a8es"& %a& well ha+e seen a lion,3 )#" in Tr#%),in. 3There are lions in "hese woo$s,
I2+e 'een "ol$. B#" i" nee$n2" ha+e 'een a frien$l& an$ "al,in( lion an& %ore "han "he 'ear
was a frien$l& an$ "al,in( 'ear.3
3Oh, $on2" 'e so s"#)i$,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Do &o# "hin, I $on2" ,now Aslan when I see hi%53
3He2$ 'e a )re""& el$erl& lion '& now,3 sai$ Tr#%),in, 3if he2s one &o# ,new when &o#
were here 'efore4 An$ if i" co#l$ 'e "he sa%e one, wha"2s "o )re+en" hi% ha+in( (one wil$
an$ wi"less li,e so %an& o"hers53
L#c& "#rne$ cri%son an$ I "hin, she wo#l$ ha+e flown a" Tr#%),in, if Pe"er ha$ no" lai$
his han$ on her ar%. 3The D.L.7. $oesn2" #n$ers"an$. How co#l$ he5 Yo# %#s" 8#s" "a,e i",
Tr#%),in, "ha" we $o reall& ,now a'o#" Aslan0 a li""le 'i" a'o#" hi%, I %ean. An$ &o#
%#s"n2" "al, a'o#" hi% li,e "ha" a(ain. I" isn2" l#c,& for one "hin(: an$ i"2s all nonsense for
ano"her. The onl& 9#es"ion is whe"her Aslan was reall& "here.3
3B#" I ,now he was,3 sai$ L#c&, her e&es fillin( wi"h "ears.
3Yes, L#, '#" we $on2", &o# see,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3There2s no"hin( for i" '#" a +o"e,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3All ri(h",3 re)lie$ Pe"er. 3Yo#2re "he el$es", D.L.7. Wha" $o &o# +o"e for5 ) or $own53
3Down,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3I ,now no"hin( a'o#" Aslan. B#" I $o ,now "ha" if we "#rn lef"
an$ follow "he (or(e #), i" %i(h" lea$ #s all $a& 'efore we fo#n$ a )lace where we co#l$
cross i". Whereas if we "#rn ri(h" an$ (o $own, we2re 'o#n$ "o reach "he 6rea" Ri+er in
a'o#" a co#)le of ho#rs. An$ if "here are an& real lions a'o#", we wan" "o (o awa& fro%
"he%, no" "owar$s "he%.3
3Wha" $o &o# sa&, S#san53
3Don2" 'e an(r&, L#,3 sai$ S#san, 3'#" I $o "hin, we sho#l$ (o $own. I2% $ea$ "ire$. Do
le"2s (e" o#" of "his wre"che$ woo$ in"o "he o)en as 9#ic, as we can. An$ none of #s e1ce)"
&o# saw an&"hin(.3
3E$%#n$53 sai$ Pe"er.
3Well, "here2s 8#s" "his,3 sai$ E$%#n$, s)ea,in( 9#ic,l& an$ "#rnin( a li""le re$. 3When we
firs" $isco+ere$ Narnia a &ear a(o * or a "ho#san$ &ears a(o, whiche+er i" is * i" was L#c&
who $isco+ere$ i" firs" an$ none of #s wo#l$ 'elie+e her. I was "he wors" of "he lo", I ,now.
Ye" she was ri(h" af"er all. Wo#l$n2" i" 'e fair "o 'elie+e her "his "i%e5 I +o"e for (oin( #).3
3Oh, E$43 sai$ L#c& an$ sei<e$ his han$.
3An$ now i"2s &o#r "#rn, Pe"er,3 sai$ S#san, 3an$ I $o ho)e *3
3Oh, sh#" #), sh#" #) an$ le" a cha) "hin,,3 in"err#)"e$ Pe"er. 3I2$ %#ch ra"her no" ha+e "o
+o"e. 3
3Yo#2re "he Hi(h !in(,3 sai$ Tr#%),in s"ernl&.
3Down,3 sai$ Pe"er af"er a lon( )a#se. 3I ,now L#c& %a& 'e ri(h" af"er all, '#" I can2" hel)
i". We %#s" $o one or "he o"her.3
So "he& se" off "o "heir ri(h" alon( "he e$(e, $owns"rea%. An$ L#c& ca%e las" of "he )ar"&,
cr&in( 'i""erl&.
To ,ee) alon( "he e$(e of "he (or(e was no" so eas& as i" ha$ loo,e$. Before "he& ha$ (one
%an& &ar$s "he& were confron"e$ wi"h &o#n( fir woo$s (rowin( on "he +er& e$(e, an$ af"er
"he& ha$ "rie$ "o (o "hro#(h "hese, s"oo)in( an$ )#shin( for a'o#" "en %in#"es, "he&
reali<e$ "ha", in "here, i" wo#l$ "a,e "he% an ho#r "o $o half a %ile. So "he& ca%e 'ac, an$
o#" a(ain an$ $eci$e$ "o (o ro#n$ "he fir woo$. This "oo, "he% %#ch far"her "o "heir ri(h"
"han "he& wan"e$ "o (o, far o#" of si(h" of "he cliffs an$ o#" of so#n$ of "he ri+er, "ill "he&
'e(an "o 'e afrai$ "he& ha$ los" i" al"o(e"her. No'o$& ,new "he "i%e, '#" i" was (e""in( "o
"he ho""es" )ar" of "he $a&.
When "he& were a'le a" las" "o (o 'ac, "o "he e$(e of "he (or(e .nearl& a %ile 'elow "he
)oin" fro% which "he& ha$ s"ar"e$/ "he& fo#n$ "he cliffs on "heir si$e of i" a (oo$ $eal lower
an$ %ore 'ro,en. Soon "he& fo#n$ a wa& $own in"o "he (or(e an$ con"in#e$ "he 8o#rne& a"
"he ri+er2s e$(e. B#" firs" "he& ha$ a res" an$ a lon( $rin,. No one was "al,in( an& %ore
a'o#" 'rea,fas", or e+en $inner, wi"h Cas)ian.
The& %a& ha+e 'een wise "o s"ic, "o "he R#sh ins"ea$ of (oin( alon( "he "o). I" ,e)" "he%
s#re of "heir $irec"ion: an$ e+er since "he fir woo$ "he& ha$ all 'een afrai$ of 'ein( force$
"oo far o#" of "heir co#rse an$ losin( "he%sel+es in "he woo$. I" was an ol$ an$ )a"hless
fores", an$ &o# co#l$ no" ,ee) an&"hin( li,e a s"rai(h" co#rse in i". Pa"ches of ho)eless
'ra%'les, fallen "rees, 'o((& )laces an$ $ense #n$er(row"h wo#l$ 'e alwa&s (e""in( in
&o#r wa&. B#" "he (or(e of "he R#sh was no" a" all a nice )lace for "ra+ellin( ei"her. I %ean,
i" was no" a nice )lace for )eo)le in a h#rr&. 7or an af"ernoon2s ra%'le en$in( in a )icnic
"ea i" wo#l$ ha+e 'een $eli(h"f#l. I" ha$ e+er&"hin( &o# co#l$ wan" on an occasion of "ha"
sor" * r#%'lin( wa"erfalls, sil+er casca$es, $ee), a%'er*colo#re$ )ools, %oss& roc,s, an$
$ee) %oss on "he 'an,s in which &o# co#l$ sin, o+er &o#r an,les, e+er& ,in$ of fern,
8ewel*li,e $ra(on flies, so%e"i%es a haw, o+erhea$ an$ once .Pe"er an$ Tr#%),in. 'o"h
"ho#(h"/ an ea(le. B#" of co#rse wha" "he chil$ren an$ "he Dwarf wan"e$ "o see as soon as
)ossi'le was "he 6rea" Ri+er 'elow "he%, an$ Ber#na, an$ "he wa& "o Aslan2s How.
As "he& wen" on, "he R#sh 'e(an "o fall %ore an$ %ore s"ee)l&. Their 8o#rne& 'eca%e %ore
an$ %ore of a cli%' an$ less an$ less of a wal, * in )laces e+en a $an(ero#s cli%' o+er
sli))er& roc, wi"h a nas"& $ro) in"o $ar, chas%s, an$ "he ri+er roarin( an(ril& a" "he
Yo# %a& 'e s#re "he& wa"che$ "he cliffs on "heir lef" ea(erl& for an& si(n of a 'rea, or an&
)lace where "he& co#l$ cli%' "he%0 '#" "hose cliffs re%aine$ cr#el. I" was %a$$enin(,
'eca#se e+er&one ,new "ha" if once "he& were o#" of "he (or(e on "ha" si$e, "he& wo#l$
ha+e onl& a s%oo"h slo)e an$ a fairl& shor" wal, "o Cas)ian2s hea$9#ar"ers.
The 'o&s an$ "he Dwarf were now in fa+o#r of li(h"in( a fire an$ coo,in( "heir 'ear*%ea".
S#san $i$n2" wan" "his0 she onl& wan"e$, as she sai$, 3"o (e" on an$ finish i" an$ (e" o#" of
"hese 'eas"l& woo$s3. L#c& was far "oo "ire$ an$ %isera'le "o ha+e an& o)inion a'o#"
an&"hin(. B#" as "here was no $r& woo$ "o 'e ha$, i" %a""ere$ +er& li""le wha" an&one
"ho#(h". The 'o&s 'e(an "o won$er if raw %ea" was reall& as nas"& as "he& ha$ alwa&s 'een
"ol$. Tr#%),in ass#re$ "he% i" was.
Of co#rse, if "he chil$ren ha$ a""e%)"e$ a 8o#rne& li,e "his a few $a&s a(o in En(lan$, "he&
wo#l$ ha+e 'een ,noc,e$ #). I "hin, I ha+e e1)laine$ 'efore how Narnia was al"erin(
"he%. E+en L#c& was '& now, so "o s)ea,, onl& one*"hir$ of a li""le (irl (oin( "o 'oar$in(
school for "he firs" "i%e, an$ "wo*"hir$s of =#een L#c& of Narnia.
3A" las"43 sai$ S#san.
3Oh, h#rra&43 sai$ Pe"er.
The ri+er (or(e ha$ 8#s" %a$e a 'en$ an$ "he whole +iew s)rea$ o#" 'enea"h "he%. The&
co#l$ see o)en co#n"r& s"re"chin( 'efore "he% "o "he hori<on an$, 'e"ween i" an$ "he%, "he
'roa$ sil+er ri''on of "he 6rea" Ri+er. The& co#l$ see "he s)eciall& 'roa$ an$ shallow
)lace which ha$ once 'een "he 7or$s of Ber#na '#" was now s)anne$ '& a lon(, %an&*
arche$ 'ri$(e. There was a li""le "own a" "he far en$ of i".
3B& >o+e,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3We fo#(h" "he Ba""le of Ber#na 8#s" where "ha" "own is43
This cheere$ "he 'o&s %ore "han an&"hin(. Yo# can2" hel) feelin( s"ron(er when &o# loo, a"
a )lace where &o# won a (lorio#s +ic"or& no" "o %en"ion a ,in($o%, h#n$re$s of &ears a(o.
Pe"er an$ E$%#n$ were soon so '#s& "al,in( a'o#" "he 'a""le "ha" "he& for(o" "heir sore fee"
an$ "he hea+& $ra( of "heir %ail shir"s on "heir sho#l$ers. The Dwarf was in"eres"e$ "oo.
The& were all (e""in( on a" a 9#ic,er )ace now. The (oin( 'eca%e easier. Tho#(h "here
were s"ill sheer cliffs on "heir lef", "he (ro#n$ was 'eco%in( lower on "heir ri(h". Soon i"
was no lon(er a (or(e a" all, onl& a +alle&. There were no %ore wa"erfalls an$ )resen"l&
"he& were in fairl& "hic, woo$s a(ain.
Then * all a" once * whi<<, an$ a so#n$ ra"her li,e "he s"ro,e of a woo$)ec,er. The chil$ren
were s"ill won$erin( where .a(es a(o/ "he& ha$ hear$ a so#n$ 8#s" li,e "ha" an$ wh& "he&
$isli,e$ i" so, when Tr#%),in sho#"e$, 3Down2, a" "he sa%e %o%en" forcin( L#c& .who
ha))ene$ "o 'e ne1" "o hi%/ fla" $own in"o "he 'rac,en. Pe"er, who ha$ 'een loo,in( #) "o
see if he co#l$ s)o" a s9#irrel, ha$ seen wha" i" was * a lon( cr#el arrow ha$ s#n, in"o a "ree
"r#n, 8#s" a'o+e his hea$. As he )#lle$ S#san $own an$ $ro))e$ hi%self, ano"her ca%e
ras)in( o+er his sho#l$er an$ s"r#c, "he (ro#n$ a" his si$e.
3=#ic,4 =#ic,4 6e" 'ac,4 Crawl43 )an"e$ Tr#%),in.
The& "#rne$ an$ wri((le$ alon( #)hill, #n$er "he 'rac,en a%i$ clo#$s of horri'l& '#<<in(
flies. Arrows whi<<e$ ro#n$ "he%. One s"r#c, S#san2s hel%e" wi"h a shar) )in( an$
(lance$ off. The& crawle$ 9#ic,er. Swea" )o#re$ off "he%. Then "he& ran, s"oo)in( nearl&
$o#'le. The 'o&s hel$ "heir swor$s in "heir han$s for fear "he& wo#l$ "ri) "he% #).
I" was hear"*'rea,in( wor, * all #)hill a(ain, 'ac, o+er "he (ro#n$ "he& ha$ alrea$&
"ra+elle$. When "he& fel" "ha" "he& reall& co#l$n2" r#n an& %ore, e+en "o sa+e "heir li+es,
"he& all $ro))e$ $own in "he $a%) %oss 'esi$e a wa"erfall an$ 'ehin$ a 'i( 'o#l$er,
)an"in(. The& were s#r)rise$ "o see how hi(h "he& ha$ alrea$& (o".
The& lis"ene$ in"en"l& an$ hear$ no so#n$ of )#rs#i".
3So "ha"2s all ri(h",3 sai$ Tr#%),in, $rawin( a $ee) 'rea"h. 3The&2re no" searchin( "he
woo$. Onl& sen"ries, I e1)ec". B#" i" %eans "ha" -ira< has an o#")os" $own "here. Bo""les
an$ 'a""le$ores4 "ho#(h, i" was a near "hin(.3
3I o#(h" "o ha+e %& hea$ s%ac,e$ for 'rin(in( #s "his wa& a" all,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3On "he con"rar&, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 37or one "hin( i" wasn2" &o#, i" was &o#r
ro&al 'ro"her, !in( E$%#n$, who firs" s#((es"e$ (oin( '& 6lasswa"er.3
3I2% afrai$ "he D.L.7.2s ri(h",3 sai$ E$%#n$, who ha$ 9#i"e hones"l& for(o""en "his e+er
since "hin(s 'e(an (oin( wron(.
3An$ for ano"her,3 con"in#e$ Tr#%),in, 3if we2$ (one %& wa&, we2$ ha+e wal,e$ s"rai(h"
in"o "ha" new o#")os", %os" li,el&0 or a" leas" ha$ 8#s" "he sa%e "ro#'le a+oi$in( i". I "hin,
"his 6lasswa"er ro#"e has "#rne$ o#" for "he 'es".3
3A 'lessin( in $is(#ise,3 sai$ S#san.
3So%e $is(#ise43 sai$ E$%#n$.
3I s#))ose we2ll ha+e "o (o ri(h" #) "he (or(e a(ain now,3 sai$ L#c&.
3L#, &o#2re a hero,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Tha"2s "he neares" &o#2+e (o" "o$a& "o sa&in( I "ol$ &o# so.
Le"2s (e" on.3
3An$ as soon as we2re well #) in"o "he fores",3 sai$ Tr#%),in, 3wha"e+er an&one sa&s, I2%
(oin( "o li(h" a fire an$ coo, s#))er. B#" we %#s" (e" well awa& fro% here.3
There is no nee$ "o $escri'e how "he& "oile$ 'ac, #) "he (or(e. I" was )re""& har$ wor,, '#"
o$$l& eno#(h e+er&one fel" %ore cheerf#l. The& were (e""in( "heir secon$ win$0 an$ "he
wor$ s#))er ha$ ha$ a won$erf#l effec".
The& reache$ "he fir woo$ which ha$ ca#se$ "he% so %#ch "ro#'le while i" was s"ill
$a&li(h", an$ 'i+o#ac,e$ in a hollow 8#s" a'o+e i". I" was "e$io#s (a"herin( "he firewoo$0
'#" i" was (ran$ when "he fire 'la<e$ #) an$ "he& 'e(an )ro$#cin( "he $a%) an$ s%ear&
)arcels of 'ear*%ea" which wo#l$ ha+e 'een so +er& #na""rac"i+e "o an&one who ha$ s)en"
"he $a& in$oors. The Dwarf ha$ s)len$i$ i$eas a'o#" coo,er&. Each a))le ."he& s"ill ha$ a
few of "hese/ was wra))e$ #) in 'ear2s %ea" * as if i" was "o 'e a))le $#%)lin( wi"h %ea"
ins"ea$ of )as"r&, onl& %#ch "hic,er * an$ s)i,e$ on a shar) s"ic, an$ "hen roas"e$. An$ "he
8#ice of "he a))le wor,e$ all "hro#(h "he %ea", li,e a))le sa#ce wi"h roas" )or,. Bear "ha"
has li+e$ "oo %#ch on o"her ani%als is no" +er& nice, '#" 'ear "ha" has ha$ )len"& of hone&
an$ fr#i" is e1cellen", an$ "his "#rne$ o#" "o 'e "ha" sor" of 'ear. I" was a "r#l& (lorio#s %eal.
An$, of co#rse, no washin( #) * onl& l&in( 'ac, an$ wa"chin( "he s%o,e fro% Tr#%),in2s
)i)e an$ s"re"chin( one2s "ire$ le(s an$ cha""in(. E+er&one fel" 9#i"e ho)ef#l now a'o#"
fin$in( !in( Cas)ian "o%orrow an$ $efea"in( -ira< in a few $a&s. I" %a& no" ha+e 'een
sensi'le of "he% "o feel li,e "his, '#" "he& $i$.
The& $ro))e$ off "o slee) one '& one, '#" all )re""& 9#ic,l&.
L#c& wo,e o#" of "he $ee)es" slee) &o# can i%a(ine, wi"h "he feelin( "ha" "he +oice she
li,e$ 'es" in "he worl$ ha$ 'een callin( her na%e. She "ho#(h" a" firs" i" was her fa"her2s
+oice, '#" "ha" $i$ no" see% 9#i"e ri(h". Then she "ho#(h" i" was Pe"er2s +oice, '#" "ha" $i$
no" see% "o fi" ei"her. She $i$ no" wan" "o (e" #)0 no" 'eca#se she was s"ill "ire$ * on "he
con"rar& she was won$erf#ll& res"e$ an$ all "he aches ha$ (one fro% her 'ones * '#"
'eca#se she fel" so e1"re%el& ha))& an$ co%for"a'le. She was loo,in( s"rai(h" #) a" "he
Narnian %oon, which is lar(er "han o#rs, an$ a" "he s"arr& s,&, for "he )lace where "he& ha$
'i+o#ac,e$ was co%)ara"i+el& o)en.
3L#c&,3 ca%e "he call a(ain, nei"her her fa"her2s +oice nor Pe"er2s. She sa" #), "re%'lin(
wi"h e1ci"e%en" '#" no" wi"h fear. The %oon was so 'ri(h" "ha" "he whole fores" lan$sca)e
aro#n$ her was al%os" as clear as $a&, "ho#(h i" loo,e$ wil$er. Behin$ her was "he fir
woo$0 awa& "o her ri(h" "he 8a((e$ cliff*"o)s on "he far si$e of "he (or(e0 s"rai(h" ahea$,
o)en (rass "o where a (la$e of "rees 'e(an a'o#" a 'ow*sho" awa&. L#c& loo,e$ +er& har$
a" "he "rees of "ha" (la$e.
3Wh&, I $o 'elie+e "he&2re %o+in(,3 she sai$ "o herself. 3The&2re wal,in( a'o#".3
She (o" #), her hear" 'ea"in( wil$l&, an$ wal,e$ "owar$s "he%. There was cer"ainl& a noise
in "he (la$e, a noise s#ch as "rees %a,e in a hi(h win$, "ho#(h "here was no win$ "oni(h".
Ye" i" was no" e1ac"l& an or$inar& "reenoise ei"her. L#c& fel" "here was a "#ne in
i", '#" she co#l$ no" ca"ch "he "#ne an& %ore "han she ha$ 'een a'le "o ca"ch "he wor$s
when "he "rees ha$ so nearl& "al,e$ "o her "he ni(h" 'efore. B#" "here was, a" leas", a lil"0 she
fel" her own fee" wan"in( "o $ance as she (o" nearer. An$ now "here was no $o#'" "ha" "he
"rees were reall& %o+in( %o+in( in an$ o#" "hro#(h one ano"her as if in a co%)lica"e$
co#n"r& $ance. .3An$ I s#))ose,3 "ho#(h" L#c&, 3when "rees $ance, i" %#s" 'e a +er&, +er&
co#n"r& $ance in$ee$.2/ She was al%os" a%on( "he% now.
The firs" "ree she loo,e$ a" see%e$ a" firs" (lance "o 'e no" a "ree a" all '#" a h#(e %an wi"h
a sha((& 'ear$ an$ (rea" '#shes of hair. She was no" fri(h"ene$: she ha$ seen s#ch "hin(s
'efore. B#" when she loo,e$ a(ain he was onl& a "ree, "ho#(h he was s"ill %o+in(. Yo#
co#l$n2" see whe"her he ha$ fee" or roo"s, of co#rse, 'eca#se when "rees %o+e "he& $on2"
wal, on "he s#rface of "he ear"h0 "he& wa$e in i" as we $o in wa"er. The sa%e "hin(
ha))ene$ wi"h e+er& "ree she loo,e$ a". A" one %o%en" "he& see%e$ "o 'e "he frien$l&,
lo+el& (ian" an$ (ian"ess for%s which "he "ree*)eo)le )#" on when so%e (oo$ %a(ic has
calle$ "he% in"o f#ll life: ne1" %o%en" "he& all loo,e$ li,e "rees a(ain. B#" when "he&
loo,e$ li,e "rees, i" was li,e s"ran(el& h#%an "rees, an$ when "he& loo,e$ li,e )eo)le, i"
was li,e s"ran(el& 'ranch& an$ leaf& )eo)le * an$ all "he "i%e "ha" 9#eer lil"in(, r#s"lin(,
cool, %err& noise.
3The& are al%os" awa,e, no" 9#i"e,3 sai$ L#c&. She ,new she herself was wi$e awa,e,
wi$er "han an&one #s#all& is.
She wen" fearlessl& in a%on( "he%, $ancin( herself as she lea)e$ "his wa& an$ "ha" "o a+oi$
'ein( r#n in"o '& "hese h#(e )ar"ners. B#" she was onl& half in"eres"e$ in "he%. She wan"e$
"o (e" 'e&on$ "he% "o so%e"hin( else0 i" was fro% 'e&on$ "he% "ha" "he $ear +oice ha$
She soon (o" "hro#(h "he% .half won$erin( whe"her she ha$ 'een #sin( her ar%s "o )#sh
'ranches asi$e, or "o "a,e han$s in a 6rea" Chain wi"h 'i( $ancers who s"oo)e$ "o reach
her/ for "he& were reall& a rin( of "rees ro#n$ a cen"ral o)en )lace. She s"e))e$ o#" fro%
a%on( "heir shif"in( conf#sion of lo+el& li(h"s an$ sha$ows.
A circle of (rass, s%oo"h as a lawn, %e" her e&es, wi"h $ar, "rees $ancin( all ro#n$ i". An$
"hen * oh 8o&4 7or he was "here: "he h#(e Lion, shinin( whi"e in "he %oonli(h", wi"h his
h#(e 'lac, sha$ow #n$ernea"h hi%.
B#" for "he %o+e%en" of his "ail he %i(h" ha+e 'een a s"one lion, '#" L#c& ne+er "ho#(h" of
"ha". She ne+er s"o))e$ "o "hin, whe"her he was a frien$l& lion or no". She r#she$ "o hi%.
She fel" her hear" wo#l$ '#rs" if she los" a %o%en". An$ "he ne1" "hin( she ,new was "ha"
she was ,issin( hi% an$ )#""in( her ar%s as far ro#n$ his nec, as she co#l$ an$ '#r&in( her
face in "he 'ea#"if#l rich sil,iness of his %ane.
3Aslan, Aslan. Dear Aslan,3 so''e$ L#c&. 3A" las".3
The (rea" 'eas" rolle$ o+er on his si$e so "ha" L#c& fell, half si""in( an$ half l&in( 'e"ween
his fron" )aws. He 'en" forwar$ an$ 8#s" "o#che$ her nose wi"h his "on(#e. His war% 'rea"h
ca%e all ro#n$ her. She (a<e$ #) in"o "he lar(e wise face.
3Welco%e, chil$,3 he sai$.
3Aslan,3 sai$ L#c&, 3&o#2re 'i((er.3
3Tha" is 'eca#se &o# are ol$er, li""le one,3 answere$ he.
3No" 'eca#se &o# are53
3I a% no". B#" e+er& &ear &o# (row, &o# will fin$ %e 'i((er.3
7or a "i%e she was so ha))& "ha" she $i$ no" wan" "o s)ea,. B#" Aslan s)o,e.
3L#c&,3 he sai$, 3we %#s" no" lie here for lon(. Yo# ha+e wor, in han$, an$ %#ch "i%e has
'een los" "o$a&.3
3Yes, wasn2" i" a sha%e53 sai$ L#c&. 3I saw &o# all ri(h". The& wo#l$n2" 'elie+e %e.
The&2re all so *3
7ro% so%ewhere $ee) insi$e Aslan2s 'o$& "here ca%e "he fain"es" s#((es"ion of a (rowl.
3I2% sorr&,3 sai$ L#c&, who #n$ers"oo$ so%e of his %oo$s. 3I $i$n2" %ean "o s"ar" slan(in(
"he o"hers. B#" i" wasn2" %& fa#l" an&wa&, was i"53
The Lion loo,e$ s"rai(h" in"o her e&es.
3Oh, Aslan,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Yo# $on2" %ean i" was5 How co#l$ I * I co#l$n2" ha+e lef" "he
o"hers an$ co%e #) "o &o# alone, how co#l$ I5 Don2" loo, a" %e li,e "ha" . . . oh well, I
s#))ose I co#l$. Yes, an$ i" wo#l$n2" ha+e 'een alone, I ,now, no" if I was wi"h &o#. B#"
wha" wo#l$ ha+e 'een "he (oo$53
Aslan sai$ no"hin(.
3Yo# %ean,3 sai$ L#c& ra"her fain"l&, 3"ha" i" wo#l$ ha+e "#rne$ o#" all ri(h" * so%ehow5
B#" how5 Please, Aslan4 A% I no" "o ,now53
3To ,now wha" wo#l$ ha+e ha))ene$, chil$53 sai$ Aslan. 3No. No'o$& is e+er "ol$ "ha".3
3Oh $ear,3 sai$ L#c&.
3B#" an&one can fin$ o#" wha" will ha))en,3 sai$ Aslan. 3If &o# (o 'ac, "o "he o"hers now,
an$ wa,e "he% #)0 an$ "ell "he% &o# ha+e seen %e a(ain0 an$ "ha" &o# %#s" all (e" #) a"
once an$ follow %e * wha" will ha))en5 There is onl& one wa& of fin$in( o#".3
3Do &o# %ean "ha" is wha" &o# wan" %e "o $o53 (as)e$ L#c&.
3Yes, li""le one,3 sai$ Aslan.
3Will "he o"hers see &o# "oo53 as,e$ L#c&.
3Cer"ainl& no" a" firs",3 sai$ Aslan. 3La"er on, i" $e)en$s.3
3B#" "he& won2" 'elie+e %e43 sai$ L#c&.
3I" $oesn2" %a""er,3 sai$ Aslan.
3Oh $ear, oh $ear,3 sai$ L#c&. 3An$ I was so )lease$ a" fin$in( &o# a(ain. An$ I "ho#(h"
&o#2$ le" %e s"a&. An$ I "ho#(h" &o#2$ co%e roarin( in an$ fri(h"en all "he ene%ies awa& *
li,e las" "i%e. An$ now e+er&"hin( is (oin( "o 'e horri$.3
3I" is har$ for &o#, li""le one,3 sai$ Aslan. 3B#" "hin(s ne+er ha))en "he sa%e wa& "wice. I"
has 'een har$ for #s all in Narnia 'efore now.3
L#c& '#rie$ her hea$ in his %ane "o hi$e fro% his face. B#" "here %#s" ha+e 'een %a(ic in
his %ane. She co#l$ feel lion*s"ren("h (oin( in"o her. =#i"e s#$$enl& she sa" #).
3I2% sorr&, Aslan,3 she sai$. 3I2% rea$& now.3
3Now &o# are a lioness,3 sai$ Aslan. 3An$ now all Narnia will 'e renewe$. B#" co%e. We
ha+e no "i%e "o lose.3
He (o" #) an$ wal,e$ wi"h s"a"el&, noiseless )aces 'ac, "o "he 'el" of $ancin( "rees "hro#(h
which she ha$ 8#s" co%e: an$ L#c& wen" wi"h hi%, la&in( a ra"her "re%#lo#s han$ on his
%ane. The "rees )ar"e$ "o le" "he% "hro#(h an$ for one secon$ ass#%e$ "heir h#%an for%s
co%)le"el&. L#c& ha$ a (li%)se of "all an$ lo+el& woo$*(o$s an$ woo$*(o$$esses all
'owin( "o "he Lion0 ne1" %o%en" "he& were "rees a(ain, '#" s"ill 'owin(, wi"h s#ch (racef#l
swee)s of 'ranch an$ "r#n, "ha" "heir 'owin( was i"self a ,in$ of $ance.
3Now, chil$,3 sai$ Aslan, when "he& ha$ lef" "he "rees 'ehin$ "he%, 3I will wai" here. 6o
an$ wa,e "he o"hers an$ "ell "he% "o follow. If "he& will no", "hen &o# a" leas" %#s" follow
%e alone.3
I" is a "erri'le "hin( "o ha+e "o wa,e fo#r )eo)le, all ol$er "han &o#rself an$ all +er& "ire$,
for "he )#r)ose of "ellin( "he% so%e"hin( "he& )ro'a'l& won2" 'elie+e an$ %a,in( "he% $o
so%e"hin( "he& cer"ainl& won2" li,e. 3I %#s"n2" "hin, a'o#" i", I %#s" 8#s" $o i",3 "ho#(h"
She wen" "o Pe"er firs" an$ shoo, hi%. 3Pe"er,3 she whis)ere$ in his ear, 3wa,e #). =#ic,.
Aslan is here. He sa&s we2+e (o" "o follow hi% a" once.3
3Cer"ainl&, L#. Wha"e+er &o# li,e,3 sai$ Pe"er #ne1)ec"e$l&. This was enco#ra(in(, '#" as
Pe"er ins"an"l& rolle$ ro#n$ an$ wen" "o slee) a(ain i" wasn2" %#ch #se.
Then she "rie$ S#san. S#san $i$ reall& wa,e #), '#" onl& "o sa& in her %os" anno&in(
(rown*#) +oice, 3Yo#2+e 'een $rea%in(, L#c&. 6o "o slee) a(ain.3
She "ac,le$ E$%#n$ ne1". I" was +er& $iffic#l" "o wa,e hi%, '#" when a" las" she ha$ $one
i" he was reall& awa,e an$ sa" #).
3Eh53 he sai$ in a (r#%)& +oice. 3Wha" are &o# "al,in( a'o#"53
She sai$ i" all o+er a(ain. This was one of "he wors" )ar"s of her 8o', for each "i%e she sai$
i", i" so#n$e$ less con+incin(.
3Aslan43 sai$ E$%#n$, 8#%)in( #). 3H#rra&4 Where53
L#c& "#rne$ 'ac, "o where she co#l$ see "he Lion wai"in(, his )a"ien" e&es fi1e$ #)on her.
3There,3 she sai$, )oin"in(.
3Where53 as,e$ E$%#n$ a(ain.
3There. There. Don2" &o# see5 >#s" "his si$e of "he "rees.3
E$%#n$ s"are$ har$ for a while an$ "hen sai$, 3No. There2s no"hin( "here. Yo#2+e (o"
$a<<le$ an$ %#$$le$ wi"h "he %oonli(h". One $oes, &o# ,now. I "ho#(h" I saw so%e"hin(
for a %o%en" %&self. I"2s onl& an o)"ical wha"*$o*&o#*call*i".3
3I can see hi% all "he "i%e,3 sai$ L#c&. 3He2s loo,in( s"rai(h" a" #s.3
3Then wh& can2" I see hi%53
3He sai$ &o# %i(h"n2" 'e a'le "o.3
3I $on2" ,now. Tha"2s wha" he sai$.3
3Oh, 'o"her i" all,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I $o wish &o# wo#l$n2" ,ee) on seein( "hin(s. B#" I
s#))ose we2ll ha+e "o wa,e "he o"hers.3
WHEN "he whole )ar"& was finall& awa,e L#c& ha$ "o "ell her s"or& for "he fo#r"h "i%e.
The 'lan, silence which followe$ i" was as $isco#ra(in( as an&"hin( co#l$ 'e.
3I can2" see an&"hin(,3 sai$ Pe"er af"er he ha$ s"are$ his e&es sore. 3Can &o#, S#san53
3No, of co#rse I can2",3 sna))e$ S#san. 3Beca#se "here isn2" an&"hin( "o see. She2s 'een
$rea%in(. Do lie $own an$ (o "o slee), L#c&.3
3An$ I $o ho)e,3 sai$ L#c& in a "re%#lo#s +oice, 3"ha" &o# will all co%e wi"h %e. Beca#se
* 'eca#se I2ll ha+e "o (o wi"h hi% whe"her an&one else $oes or no".3
3Don2" "al, nonsense, L#c&,3 sai$ S#san. 3Of co#rse &o# can2" (o off on &o#r own. Don2" le"
her, Pe"er. She2s 'ein( $ownri(h" na#(h"&.3
3I2ll (o wi"h her, if she %#s" (o,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3She2s 'een ri(h" 'efore.3
3I ,now she has,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3An$ she %a& ha+e 'een ri(h" "his %ornin(. We cer"ainl& ha$
no l#c, (oin( $own "he (or(e. S"ill * a" "his ho#r of "he ni(h". An$ wh& sho#l$ Aslan 'e
in+isi'le "o #s5 He ne+er #se$ "o 'e. I"2s no" li,e hi%. Wha" $oes "he D.L.7. sa&53
3Oh, I sa& no"hin( a" all,3 answere$ "he Dwarf. 3If &o# all (o, of co#rse, I2ll (o wi"h &o#0
an$ if &o#r )ar"& s)li"s #), I2ll (o wi"h "he Hi(h !in(. Tha"2s %& $#"& "o hi% an$ !in(
Cas)ian. B#", if &o# as, %& )ri+a"e o)inion, I2% a )lain $warf who $oesn2" "hin, "here2s
%#ch chance of fin$in( a roa$ '& ni(h" where &o# co#l$n2" fin$ one '& $a&. An$ I ha+e no
#se for %a(ic lions which are "al,in( lions an$ $on2" "al,, an$ frien$l& lions "ho#(h "he&
$on2" $o #s an& (oo$, an$ who))in( 'i( lions "ho#(h no'o$& can see "he%. I"2s all 'il(e an$
'eans"al,s as far as I can see.3
3He2s 'ea"in( his )aw on "he (ro#n$ for #s "o h#rr&,3 sai$ L#c&. 3We %#s" (o now. A" leas"
I %#s".3
3Yo#2+e no ri(h" "o "r& "o force "he res" of #s li,e "ha". I"2s fo#r "o one an$ &o#2re "he
&o#n(es",3 sai$ S#san.
3Oh, co%e on,3 (rowle$ E$%#n$. 3We2+e (o" "o (o. There2ll 'e no )eace "ill we $o.3 He
f#ll& in"en$e$ "o 'ac, L#c& #), '#" he was anno&e$ a" losin( his ni(h"2s slee) an$ was
%a,in( #) for i" '& $oin( e+er&"hin( as s#l,il& as )ossi'le.
3On "he %arch, "hen,3 sai$ Pe"er, wearil& fi""in( his ar% in"o his shiel$*s"ra) an$ )#""in( his
hel%e" on. A" an& o"her "i%e he wo#l$ ha+e sai$ so%e"hin( nice "o L#c&, who was his
fa+o#ri"e sis"er, for he ,new how wre"che$ she %#s" 'e feelin(, an$ he ,new "ha",
wha"e+er ha$ ha))ene$, i" was no" her fa#l". B#" he co#l$n2" hel) 'ein( a li""le anno&e$
wi"h her all "he sa%e.
S#san was "he wors". 3S#))osin( I s"ar"e$ 'eha+in( li,e L#c&,3 she sai$. 3I %i(h" "hrea"en
"o s"a& here whe"her "he res" of &o# wen" on or no". I 8oll& well "hin, I shall.3
3O'e& "he Hi(h !in(, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ Tr#%),in, 3an$ le"2s 'e off. If I2% no" "o 'e
allowe$ "o slee), I2$ as soon %arch as s"an$ here "al,in(.3
An$ so a" las" "he& (o" on "he %o+e. L#c& wen" firs", 'i"in( her li) an$ "r&in( no" "o sa& all
"he "hin(s she "ho#(h" of sa&in( "o S#san. B#" she for(o" "he% when she fi1e$ her e&es on
Aslan. He "#rne$ an$ wal,e$ a" a slow )ace a'o#" "hir"& &ar$s ahea$ of "he%. The o"hers
ha$ onl& L#c&2s $irec"ions "o (#i$e "he%, for Aslan was no" onl& in+isi'le "o "he% '#" silen"
as well. His 'i( ca"*li,e )aws %a$e no noise on "he (rass.
He le$ "he% "o "he ri(h" of "he $ancin( "rees * whe"her "he& were s"ill $ancin( no'o$&
,new, for L#c& ha$ her e&es on "he Lion an$ "he res" ha$ "heir e&es on L#c& * an$ nearer
"he e$(e of "he (or(e. 3Co''les an$ ,e""le$r#%s43 "ho#(h" Tr#%),in. 3I ho)e "his %a$ness
isn2" (oin( "o en$ in a %oonli(h" cli%' an$ 'ro,en nec,s.3
7or a lon( wa& Aslan wen" alon( "he "o) of "he )reci)ices. Then "he& ca%e "o a )lace where
so%e li""le "rees (rew ri(h" on "he e$(e. He "#rne$ an$ $isa))eare$ a%on( "he%. L#c& hel$
her 'rea"h, for i" loo,e$ as if he ha$ )l#n(e$ o+er "he cliff0 '#" she was "oo '#s& ,ee)in(
hi% in si(h" "o s"o) an$ "hin, a'o#" "his. She 9#ic,ene$ her )ace an$ was soon a%on( "he
"rees herself. Loo,in( $own, she co#l$ see a s"ee) an$ narrow )a"h (oin( slan"wise $own
in"o "he (or(e 'e"ween roc,s, an$ Aslan $escen$in( i". He "#rne$ an$ loo,e$ a" her wi"h his
ha))& e&es. L#c& cla))e$ her han$s an$ 'e(an "o scra%'le $own af"er hi%. 7ro% 'ehin$
her she hear$ "he +oices of "he o"hers sho#"in(, 3Hi4 L#c&4 Loo, o#", for (oo$ness2 sa,e.
Yo#2re ri(h" on "he e$(e of "he (or(e. Co%e 'ac, * 3an$ "hen, a %o%en" la"er, E$%#n$2s
+oice sa&in(, 3No, she2s ri(h". There is a wa& $own.3
Half*wa& $own "he )a"h E$%#n$ ca#(h" #) wi"h her.
3Loo,43 he sai$ in (rea" e1ci"e%en". 3Loo,4 Wha"2s "ha" sha$ow crawlin( $own in fron" of
3I"2s his sha$ow,3 sai$ L#c&.
3I $o 'elie+e &o#2re ri(h", L#,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I can2" "hin, how I $i$n2" see i" 'efore. B#"
where is he53
3Wi"h his sha$ow, of co#rse. Can2" &o# see hi%53
3Well, I al%os" "ho#(h" I $i$ * for a %o%en". I"2s s#ch a r#% li(h".3
36e" on, !in( E$%#n$, (e" on,3 ca%e Tr#%),in2s +oice fro% 'ehin$ an$ a'o+e: an$ "hen,
far"her 'ehin$ an$ s"ill nearl& a" "he "o), Pe"er2s +oice sa&in(, 3Oh, '#c, #), S#san. 6i+e
%e &o#r han$. Wh&, a 'a'& co#l$ (e" $own here. An$ $o s"o) (ro#sin(.3
In a few %in#"es "he& were a" "he 'o""o% an$ "he roarin( of wa"er fille$ "heir ears. Trea$in(
$elica"el&, li,e a ca", Aslan s"e))e$ fro% s"one "o s"one across "he s"rea%. In "he %i$$le he
s"o))e$, 'en" $own "o $rin,, an$ as he raise$ his sha((& hea$, $ri))in( fro% "he wa"er, he
"#rne$ "o face "he% a(ain. This "i%e E$%#n$ saw hi%. 3Oh, Aslan43 he crie$, $ar"in(
forwar$. B#" "he Lion whis,e$ ro#n$ an$ 'e(an )a$$in( #) "he slo)e on "he far si$e of "he
3Pe"er, Pe"er,3 crie$ E$%#n$. 3Di$ &o# see53
3I saw so%e"hin(,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3B#" i"2s so "ric,& in "his %oonli(h". On we (o, "ho#(h, an$
"hree cheers for L#c&. I $on2" feel half so "ire$ now, ei"her.3
Aslan wi"ho#" hesi"a"ion le$ "he% "o "heir lef", far"her #) "he (or(e. The whole 8o#rne& was
o$$ an$ $rea%*li,e "he roarin( s"rea%, "he we" (re& (rass, "he (li%%erin( cliffs which "he&
were a))roachin(, an$ alwa&s "he (lorio#s, silen"l& )acin( Beas" ahea$. E+er&one e1ce)"
S#san an$ "he Dwarf co#l$ see hi% now.
Presen"l& "he& ca%e "o ano"her s"ee) )a"h, #) "he face of "he far"her )reci)ices. These were
far hi(her "han "he ones "he& ha$ 8#s" $escen$e$, an$ "he 8o#rne& #) "he% was a lon( an$
"e$io#s <i(*<a(. 7or"#na"el& "he -oon shone ri(h" a'o+e "he (or(e so "ha" nei"her si$e was
in sha$ow.
L#c& was nearl& 'lown when "he "ail an$ hin$ le(s of Aslan $isa))eare$ o+er "he "o): '#"
wi"h one las" effor" she scra%'le$ af"er hi% an$ ca%e o#", ra"her sha,&*le((e$ an$
'rea"hless, on "he hill "he& ha$ 'een "r&in( "o reach e+er since "he& lef" 6lasswa"er. The
lon( (en"le slo)e .hea"her an$ (rass an$ a few +er& 'i( roc,s "ha" shone whi"e in "he
%oonli(h"/ s"re"che$ #) "o where i" +anishe$ in a (li%%er of "rees a'o#" half a %ile awa&.
She ,new i". I" was "he hill of "he S"one Ta'le:
Wi"h a 8in(lin( of %ail "he o"hers cli%'e$ #) 'ehin$ her. Aslan (li$e$ on 'efore "he% an$
"he& wal,e$ af"er hi%.
3L#c&,3 sai$ S#san in a +er& s%all +oice.
3Yes53 sai$ L#c&.
3I see hi% now. I2% sorr&.3
3Tha"2s all ri(h".3
3B#" I2+e 'een far worse "han &o# ,now. I reall& 'elie+e$ i" was hi% * he, I %ean *
&es"er$a&. When he warne$ #s no" "o (o $own "o "he fir woo$. An$ I reall& 'elie+e$ i"
was hi% "oni(h", when &o# wo,e #s #). I %ean, $ee) $own insi$e. Or I co#l$ ha+e, if I2$ le"
%&self. B#" I 8#s" wan"e$ "o (e" o#" of "he woo$s an$ * an$ * oh, I $on2" ,now. An$ wha"
e+er a% I "o sa& "o hi%53
3Perha)s &o# won2" nee$ "o sa& %#ch,3 s#((es"e$ L#c&.
Soon "he& reache$ "he "rees an$ "hro#(h "he% "he chil$ren co#l$ see "he 6rea" -o#n$,
Aslan2s How, which ha$ 'een raise$ o+er "he Ta'le since "heir $a&s.
3O#r si$e $on2" ,ee) +er& (oo$ wa"ch,3 %#""ere$ Tr#%),in. 3We o#(h" "o ha+e 'een
challen(e$ 'efore now *3
3H#sh43 sai$ "he o"her fo#r, for now Aslan ha$ s"o))e$ an$ "#rne$ an$ s"oo$ facin( "he%,
loo,in( so %a8es"ic "ha" "he& fel" as (la$ as an&one can who feels afrai$, an$ as afrai$ as
an&one can who feels (la$. The 'o&s s"ro$e forwar$: L#c& %a$e wa& for "he%: S#san an$
"he Dwarf shran, 'ac,.
3Oh, Aslan,3 sai$ !in( Pe"er, $ro))in( on one ,nee an$ raisin( "he Lion2s hea+& )aw "o his
face, 3I2% so (la$. An$ I2% so sorr&. I2+e 'een lea$in( "he% wron( e+er since we s"ar"e$
an$ es)eciall& &es"er$a& %ornin(.3
3-& $ear son,3 sai$ Aslan.
Then he "#rne$ an$ welco%e$ E$%#n$. 3Well $one,3 were his wor$s.
Then, af"er an awf#l )a#se, "he $ee) +oice sai$, 3S#san.3 S#san %a$e no answer '#" "he
o"hers "ho#(h" she was cr&in(. 3Yo# ha+e lis"ene$ "o fears, chil$,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Co%e, le"
%e 'rea"he on &o#. 7or(e" "he%. Are &o# 'ra+e a(ain53
3A li""le, Aslan,3 sai$ S#san.
3An$ now43 sai$ Aslan in a %#ch lo#$er +oice wi"h 8#s" a hin" of roar in i", while his "ail
lashe$ his flan,s. 3An$ now, where is "his li""le Dwarf, "his fa%o#s swor$s%an an$ archer,
who $oesn2" 'elie+e in lions5 Co%e here, son of Ear"h, co%e HERE43 * an$ "he las" wor$
was no lon(er "he hin" of a roar '#" al%os" "he real "hin(.
3Wrai"hs an$ wrec,a(e43 (as)e$ Tr#%),in in "he (hos" of a +oice. The chil$ren, who ,new
Aslan well eno#(h "o see "ha" he li,e$ "he Dwarf +er& %#ch, were no" $is"#r'e$0 '#" i" was
9#i"e ano"her "hin( for Tr#%),in, who ha$ ne+er seen a lion 'efore, le" alone "his Lion. He
$i$ "he onl& sensi'le "hin( he co#l$ ha+e $one0 "ha" is, ins"ea$ of 'ol"in(, he "o""ere$
"owar$s Aslan.
Aslan )o#nce$. Ha+e &o# e+er seen a +er& &o#n( ,i""en 'ein( carrie$ in "he %o"her ca"2s
%o#"h5 I" was li,e "ha". The Dwarf, h#nche$ #) in a li""le, %isera'le 'all, h#n( fro%
Aslan2s %o#"h. The Lion (a+e hi% one sha,e an$ all his ar%o#r ra""le$ li,e a "in,er2s )ac,
an$ "hen * he&)res"o * "he Dwarf flew #) in "he air. He was as safe as if he ha$ 'een
in 'e$, "ho#(h he $i$ no" feel so. As he ca%e $own "he h#(e +el+e"& )aws ca#(h" hi% as
(en"l& as a %o"her2s ar%s an$ se" hi% .ri(h" wa& #), "oo/ on "he (ro#n$.
3Son of Ear"h, shall we 'e frien$s53 as,e$ Aslan.
3Ye * he * he * hes,3 )an"e$ "he Dwarf, for i" ha$ no" &e" (o" i"s 'rea"h 'ac,.
3Now,3 sai$ Aslan. 3The -oon is se""in(. Loo, 'ehin$ &o#: "here is "he $awn 'e(innin(.
We ha+e no "i%e "o lose. Yo# "hree, &o# sons of A$a% an$ son of Ear"h, has"en in"o "he
-o#n$ an$ $eal wi"h wha" &o# will fin$ "here.3
The Dwarf was s"ill s)eechless an$ nei"her of "he 'o&s $are$ "o as, if Aslan wo#l$ follow
"he%. All "hree $rew "heir swor$s an$ sal#"e$, "hen "#rne$ an$ 8in(le$ awa& in"o "he $#s,.
L#c& no"ice$ "ha" "here was no si(n of weariness in "heir faces: 'o"h "he Hi(h !in( an$
!in( E$%#n$ loo,e$ %ore li,e %en "han 'o&s.
The (irls wa"che$ "he% o#" of si(h", s"an$in( close 'esi$e Aslan. The li(h" was chan(in(.
Low $own in "he eas", Ara+ir, "he %ornin( s"ar of Narnia, (lea%e$ li,e a li""le %oon.
Aslan, who see%e$ lar(er "han 'efore, lif"e$ his hea$, shoo, his %ane, an$ roare$.
The so#n$, $ee) an$ "hro''in( a" firs" li,e an or(an 'e(innin( on a low no"e, rose an$
'eca%e lo#$er, an$ "hen far lo#$er a(ain, "ill "he ear"h an$ air were sha,in( wi"h i". I" rose
#) fro% "ha" hill an$ floa"e$ across all Narnia. Down in -ira<2s ca%) %en wo,e, s"are$
)alel& in one ano"her2s faces, an$ (ras)e$ "heir wea)ons. Down 'elow "ha" in "he 6rea"
Ri+er, now a" i"s col$es" ho#r, "he hea$s an$ sho#l$ers of "he n&%)hs, an$ "he (rea" wee$&*
'ear$e$ hea$ of "he ri+er*(o$, rose fro% "he wa"er. Be&on$ i", in e+er& fiel$ an$ woo$, "he
aler" ears of ra''i"s rose fro% "heir holes, "he slee)& hea$s of 'ir$s ca%e o#" fro% #n$er
win(s, owls hoo"e$, +i1ens 'ar,e$, he$(eho(s (r#n"e$, "he "rees s"irre$. In "owns an$
+illa(es %o"hers )resse$ 'a'ies close "o "heir 'reas"s, s"arin( wi"h wil$ e&es, $o(s
whi%)ere$, an$ %en lea)e$ #) (ro)in( for li(h"s. 7ar awa& on "he nor"hern fron"ier "he
%o#n"ain (ian"s )eere$ fro% "he $ar, (a"ewa&s of "heir cas"les.
Wha" L#c& an$ S#san saw was a $ar, so%e"hin( co%in( "o "he% fro% al%os" e+er&
$irec"ion across "he hills. I" loo,e$ firs" li,e a 'lac, %is" cree)in( on "he (ro#n$, "hen li,e
"he s"or%& wa+es of a 'lac, sea risin( hi(her an$ hi(her as i" ca%e on, an$ "hen, a" las", li,e
wha" i" was woo$s on "he %o+e. All "he "rees of "he worl$ a))eare$ "o 'e r#shin( "owar$s
Aslan. B#" as "he& $rew nearer "he& loo,e$ less li,e "rees0 an$ when "he whole crow$,
'owin( an$ c#r"s&in( an$ wa+in( "hin lon( ar%s "o Aslan, were all aro#n$ L#c&, she saw
"ha" i" was a crow$ of h#%an sha)es. Pale 'irch*(irls were "ossin( "heir hea$s,
willowwo%en )#she$ 'ac, "heir hair fro% "heir 'roo$in( faces "o (a<e on Aslan, "he
9#eenl& 'eeches s"oo$ s"ill an$ a$ore$ hi%, sha((& oa,*%en, lean an$ %elanchol& el%s,
shoc,hea$e$ hollies .$ar, "he%sel+es, '#" "heir wi+es all 'ri(h" wi"h 'erries/ an$ (a&
rowans, all 'owe$ an$ rose a(ain, sho#"in(, 3Aslan, Aslan43 in "heir +ario#s h#s,& or
crea,in( or wa+e*li,e +oices.
The crow$ an$ "he $ance ro#n$ Aslan .for i" ha$ 'eco%e a $ance once %ore/ (rew so "hic,
an$ ra)i$ "ha" L#c& was conf#se$. She ne+er saw where cer"ain o"her )eo)le ca%e fro%
who were soon ca)erin( a'o#" a%on( "he "rees. One was a &o#"h, $resse$ onl& in a fawn*
s,in, wi"h +ine*lea+es wrea"he$ in his c#rl& hair. His face wo#l$ ha+e 'een al%os" "oo
)re""& for a 'o&2s, if i" ha$ no" loo,e$, so e1"re%el& wil$. Yo# fel", as E$%#n$ sai$ when he
saw hi% a few $a&s la"er, 3There2s a cha) who %i(h" $o an&"hin( a'sol#"el& an&"hin(.3 He
see%e$ "o ha+e a (rea" %an& na%es * Bro%ios, Bassare#s, an$ "he Ra% were "hree of "he%.
There were a lo" of (irls wi"h hi%, as wil$ as he. There was e+en, #ne1)ec"e$l&, so%eone
on a $on,e&. An$ e+er&'o$& was la#(hin(: an$ e+er&'o$& was sho#"in( o#", 3E#an, e#an,
3Is i" a Ro%), Aslan53 crie$ "he &o#"h. An$ a))aren"l& i" was. B#" nearl& e+er&one see%e$
"o ha+e a $ifferen" i$ea as "o wha" "he& were )la&in(. I" %a& ha+e 'een Ti(, '#" L#c& ne+er
$isco+ere$ who was I". I" was ra"her li,e Blin$ -an2s B#ff, onl& e+er&one 'eha+e$ as if
"he& were 'lin$fol$e$. I" was no" #nli,e H#n" "he Sli))er, '#" "he sli))er was ne+er fo#n$.
Wha" %a$e i" %ore co%)lica"e$ was "ha" "he %an on "he $on,e&, who was ol$ an$
enor%o#sl& fa", 'e(an callin( o#" a" once, 3Refresh%en"s4 Ti%e for refresh%en"s,3 an$
fallin( off his $on,e& an$ 'ein( '#n$le$ on "o i" a(ain '& "he o"hers, while "he $on,e& was
#n$er "he i%)ression "ha" "he whole "hin( was a circ#s an$ "rie$ "o (i+e a $is)la& of
wal,in( on i"s hin$ le(s. An$ all "he "i%e "here were %ore an$ %ore +ine lea+es
e+er&where. An$ soon no" onl& lea+es '#" +ines. The& were cli%'in( #) e+er&"hin(. The&
were r#nnin( #) "he le(s of "he "ree )eo)le an$ circlin( ro#n$ "heir nec,s. L#c& )#" #) her
han$s "o )#sh 'ac, her hair an$ fo#n$ she was )#shin( 'ac, +ine 'ranches. The $on,e&
was a %ass of "he%. His "ail was co%)le"el& en"an(le$ an$ so%e"hin( $ar, was no$$in(
'e"ween his ears. L#c& loo,e$ a(ain an$ saw i" was a '#nch of (ra)es. Af"er "ha" i" was
%os"l& (ra)es o+erhea$ an$ #n$erfoo" an$ all aro#n$.
3Refresh%en"s4 Refresh%en"s,3 roare$ "he ol$ %an.
E+er&one 'e(an ea"in(, an$ wha"e+er ho"ho#ses &o#r )eo)le %a& ha+e, &o# ha+e ne+er
"as"e$ s#ch (ra)es. Reall& (oo$ (ra)es, fir% an$ "i(h" on "he o#"si$e, '#" '#rs"in( in"o cool
swee"ness when &o# )#" "he% in"o &o#r %o#"h, were one of "he "hin(s "he (irls ha$ ne+er
ha$ 9#i"e eno#(h of 'efore. Here, "here were %ore "han an&one co#l$ )ossi'l& wan", an$
ri' "a'le*%anners a" all. One saw s"ic,& an$ s"aine$ fin(ers e+er&where, an$, "ho#(h
%o#"hs were f#ll, "he la#(h"er ne+er cease$ nor "he &o$ellin( cries of E#an, e#an, e#*oi*oi*
oi*oi, "ill all of a s#$$en e+er&one fel" a" "he sa%e %o%en" "ha" "he (a%e .wha"e+er i" was/,
an$ "he feas", o#(h" "o 'e o+er, an$ e+er&one flo))e$ $own 'rea"hless on "he (ro#n$ an$
"#rne$ "heir faces "o Aslan "o hear wha" he wo#l$ sa& ne1".
A" "ha" %o%en" "he s#n was 8#s" risin( an$ L#c& re%e%'ere$ so%e"hin( an$ whis)ere$ "o
3I sa&, S#, I ,now who "he& are.3
3The 'o& wi"h "he wil$ face is Bacch#s an$ "he ol$ one on "he $on,e& is Silen#s. Don2" &o#
re%e%'er -r T#%n#s "ellin( #s a'o#" "he% lon( a(o53
3Yes, of co#rse. B#" I sa&, L# 3
3I wo#l$n2" ha+e fel" safe wi"h Bacch#s an$ all his wil$ (irls if we2$ %e" "he% wi"ho#"
3I sho#l$ "hin, no",3 sai$ L#c&.
-EANWHILE Tr#%),in an$ "he "wo 'o&s arri+e$ a" "he $ar, li""le s"one archwa& which
le$ in"o "he insi$e of "he -o#n$, an$ "wo sen"inel 'a$(ers ."he whi"e )a"ches on "heir
chee,s were all E$%#n$ co#l$ see of "he%/ lea)e$ #) wi"h 'are$ "ee"h an$ as,e$ "he% in
snarlin( +oices, 3Who (oes "here53
3Tr#%),in,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3Brin(in( "he Hi(h !in( of Narnia o#" of "he far )as".3
The 'a$(ers nose$ a" "he 'o&s2 han$s. 3A" las",3 "he& sai$. 3A" las".3
36i+e #s a li(h", frien$s,3 sai$ Tr#%),in.
The 'a$(ers fo#n$ a "orch 8#s" insi$e "he arch an$ Pe"er li" i" an$ han$e$ i" "o Tr#%),in.
3The D.L.7. ha$ 'e""er lea$,3 he sai$. 3We $on2" ,now o#r wa& a'o#" "his )lace.3
Tr#%),in "oo, "he "orch an$ wen" ahea$ in"o "he $ar, "#nnel. I" was a col$, 'lac,, %#s"&
)lace, wi"h an occasional 'a" fl#""erin( in "he "orchli(h", an$ )len"& of co'we's. The 'o&s,
who ha$ 'een %os"l& in "he o)en air since "ha" %ornin( a" "he railwa& s"a"ion, fel" as if "he&
were (oin( in"o a "ra) or a )rison.
3I sa&, Pe"er,3 whis)ere$ E$%#n$. 3Loo, a" "hose car+in(s on "he walls. Don2" "he& loo,
ol$5 An$ &e" we2re ol$er "han "ha". When we were las" here, "he& ha$n2" 'een %a$e.3
3Yes,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Tha" %a,es one "hin,.3
The Dwarf wen" on ahea$ an$ "hen "#rne$ "o "he ri(h", an$ "hen "o "he lef", an$ "hen $own
so%e s"e)s, an$ "hen "o "he lef" a(ain. Then a" las" "he& saw a li(h" ahea$ * li(h" fro% #n$er
a $oor. An$ now for "he firs" "i%e "he& hear$ +oices, for "he& ha$ co%e "o "he $oor
of "he cen"ral cha%'er. The +oices insi$e were an(r& ones. So%eone was "al,in( so lo#$l&
"ha" "he a))roach of "he 'o&s an$ "he Dwarf ha$ no" 'een hear$.
3Don2" li,e "he so#n$ of "ha",3 whis)ere$ Tr#%),in "o Pe"er. 3Le"2s lis"en for a %o%en".3
All "hree s"oo$ )erfec"l& s"ill on "he o#"si$e of "he $oor.
3Yo# ,now well eno#(h,3 sai$ a +oice .3Tha"2s "he !in(,3 whis)ere$ Tr#%),in/, 3wh& "he
Horn was no" 'lown a" s#nrise "his %ornin(. Ha+e &o# for(o""en "ha" -ira< fell #)on #s
al%os" 'efore Tr#%),in ha$ (one, an$ we were fi(h"in( for o#r li+es for "he s)ace of "hree
ho#rs an$ %ore5 I 'lew i" when firs" I ha$ a 'rea"hin( s)ace.3
3I2% no" li,el& "o for(e" i",3 ca%e "he an(r& +oice, 3when %& Dwarfs 'ore "he 'r#n" of "he
a""ac, an$ one in fi+e of "he% fell.3 .3Tha"2s Ni,a'ri,,3 whis)ere$ Tr#%),in./
37or sha%e, Dwarf,3 ca%e a "hic, +oice .3Tr#ffleh#n"er2s,3 sai$ Tr#%),in/. 3We all $i$ as
%#ch as "he Dwarfs an$ none %ore "han "he !in(.3
3Tell "ha" "ale &o#r own wa& for all I care,3 answere$ Ni,a'ri,. 3B#" whe"her i" was "ha" "he
Horn was 'lown "oo la"e, or whe"her "here was no %a(ic in i", no hel) has co%e. Yo#, &o#
(rea" cler,, &o# %as"er %a(ician, &o# ,now*all0 are &o# s"ill as,in( #s "o han( o#r ho)es on
Aslan an$ !in( Pe"er an$ all "he res" of i"53
3I %#s" confess * I canno" $en& i" * "ha" I a% $ee)l& $isa))oin"e$ in "he res#l" of "he
o)era"ion,3 ca%e "he answer. .3Tha"2ll 'e Doc"or Corneli#s,3 sai$ Tr#%),in./
3To s)ea, )lainl&,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,, 3&o#r walle"2s e%)"&, &o#r e((s a$$le$, &o#r fish
#nca#(h", &o#r )ro%ises 'ro,en. S"an$ asi$e "hen an$ le" o"hers wor,. An$ "ha" is wh& *3
3The hel) will co%e,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3I s"an$ '& Aslan. Ha+e )a"ience, li,e #s 'eas"s.
The hel) will co%e. I" %a& 'e e+en now a" "he $oor.3
3Pah43 snarle$ Ni,a'ri,. 3Yo# 'a$(ers wo#l$ ha+e #s wai" "ill "he s,& falls an$ we can all
ca"ch lar,s. I "ell &o# we can2" wai". 7oo$ is r#nnin( shor"0 we lose %ore "han we can affor$
a" e+er& enco#n"er0 o#r followers are sli))in( awa&.3
3An$ wh&53 as,e$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3I2ll "ell &o# wh&. Beca#se i" is noise$ a%on( "he% "ha"
we ha+e calle$ on "he !in(s of ol$ an$ "he !in(s of ol$ ha+e no" answere$. The las" wor$s
Tr#%),in s)o,e 'efore he wen" .an$ wen", %os" li,el&, "o his $ea"h/ were, AIf &o# %#s"
'low "he Horn, $o no" le" "he ar%& ,now wh& &o# 'low i" or wha" &o# ho)e fro% i".2 B#"
"ha" sa%e e+enin( e+er&one see%e$ "o ,now.3
3Yo#2$ 'e""er ha+e sho+e$ &o#r (re& sno#" in a horne"s2 nes", Ba$(er, "han s#((es" "ha" I a%
"he 'la',3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. 3Ta,e i" 'ac,, or*3
3Oh, s"o) i", 'o"h of &o#,3 sai$ !in( Cas)ian. 3I wan" "o ,now wha" i" is "ha" Ni,a'ri,
,ee)s on hin"in( we sho#l$ $o. B#" 'efore "ha", I wan" "o ,now who "hose "wo s"ran(ers
are who% he has 'ro#(h" in"o o#r co#ncil an$ who s"an$ "here wi"h "heir ears o)en an$
"heir %o#"hs sh#".3
3The& are frien$s of %ine,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. 3An$ wha" 'e""er ri(h" ha+e &o# &o#rself "o 'e
here "han "ha" &o# are a frien$ of Tr#%),in2s an$ "he Ba$(er2s5 An$ wha" ri(h" has "ha" ol$
$o"ar$ in "he 'lac, (own "o 'e here e1ce)" "ha" he is &o#r frien$5 Wh& a% I "o 'e "he onl&
one who can2" 'rin( in his frien$s53
3His -a8es"& is "he !in( "o who% &o# ha+e sworn alle(iance,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er s"ernl&.
3Co#r" %anners, co#r" %anners,3 sneere$ Ni,a'ri,. 3B#" in "his hole we %a& "al, )lainl&.
Yo# ,now * an$ he ,nows "ha" "his Tel%arine 'o& will 'e ,in( of nowhere an$ no'o$& in a
wee, #nless we can hel) hi% o#" of "he "ra) in which he si"s.3
3Perha)s,3 sai$ Corneli#s, 3&o#r new frien$s wo#l$ li,e "o s)ea, for "he%sel+es5 Yo#
"here, who an$ wha" are &o#53
3Worshi)f#l -as"er Doc"or,3 ca%e a "hin, whinin( +oice. 3So )lease &o#, I2% onl& a )oor
ol$ wo%an, I a%, an$ +er& o'li(e$ "o his Worshi)f#l Dwarfshi) for his frien$shi), I2% s#re.
His -a8es"&, 'less his han$so%e face, has no nee$ "o 'e afrai$ of an ol$ wo%an "ha"2s
nearl& $o#'le$ #) wi"h "he rhe#%a"ics an$ hasn2" "wo s"ic,s "o )#" #n$er her ,e""le. I ha+e
so%e )oor li""le s,ill * no" li,e &o#rs, -as"er Doc"or, of co#rse * in s%all s)ells an$ can"ri)s
"ha" I2$ 'e (la$ "o #se a(ains" o#r ene%ies if i" was a(reea'le "o all concerne$. 7or I ha"e
2e%. Oh &es. No one ha"es 'e""er "han %e.3
3Tha" is all %os" in"eres"in( an$ * er * sa"isfac"or&,3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s. 3I "hin, I now
,now wha" &o# are, -a$a%. Perha)s &o#r o"her frien$, Ni,a'ri,, wo#l$ (i+e so%e acco#n"
of hi%self53
A $#ll, (re& +oice a" which Pe"er2s flesh cre)" re)lie$, 3I2% h#n(er. I2% "hirs". Where I 'i"e,
I hol$ "ill I $ie, an$ e+en af"er $ea"h "he& %#s" c#" o#" %& %o#"hf#l fro% %& ene%&2s 'o$&
an$ '#r& i" wi"h %e. I can fas" a h#n$re$ &ears an$ no" $ie. I can lie a h#n$re$ ni(h"s on "he
ice an$ no" free<e. I can $rin, a ri+er of 'loo$ an$ no" '#rs". Show %e &o#r ene%ies.3
3An$ i" is in "he )resence of "hese "wo "ha" &o# wish "o $isclose &o#r )lan53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Yes,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. 3An$ '& "heir hel) "ha" I %ean "o e1ec#"e i".3
There was a %in#"e or "wo $#rin( which Tr#%),in an$ "he 'o&s co#l$ hear Cas)ian an$ his
"wo frien$s s)ea,in( in low +oices '#" co#l$ no" %a,e o#" wha" "he& were sa&in(. Then
Cas)ian s)o,e alo#$.
3Well, Ni,a'ri,,3 he sai$, 3we will hear &o#r )lan.3
There was a )a#se so lon( "ha" "he 'o&s 'e(an "o won$er if Ni,a'ri, was e+er (oin( "o
'e(in0 when he $i$, i" was in a lower +oice, as if he hi%self $i$ no" %#ch li,e wha" he was
3All sai$ an$ $one,3 he %#""ere$, 3none of #s ,nows "he "r#"h a'o#" "he ancien" $a&s in
Narnia. Tr#%),in 'elie+e$ none of "he s"ories. I was rea$& "o )#" "he% "o "he "rial. We "rie$
firs" "he Horn an$ i" has faile$. If "here e+er was a Hi(h !in( Pe"er an$ a =#een S#san an$
a !in( E$%#n$ an$ a =#een L#c&, "hen ei"her "he& ha+e no" hear$ #s, or "he& canno" co%e,
or "he& are o#r ene%ies *3
3Or "he& are on "he wa&,3 )#" in Tr#ffleh#n"er.
3Yo# can (o on sa&in( "ha" "ill -ira< has fe$ #s all "o his $o(s. As I was sa&in(, we ha+e
"rie$ one lin, in "he chain of ol$ le(en$s, an$ i" has $one #s no (oo$. Well. B#" when &o#r
swor$ 'rea,s, &o# $raw &o#r $a((er. The s"ories "ell of o"her )owers 'esi$e "he ancien"
!in(s an$ =#eens. How if we co#l$ call "he% #)53
3If &o# %ean Aslan,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er, 3i"2s all one callin( on hi% an$ on "he !in(s. The&
were his ser+an"s. If he will no" sen$ "he% .'#" I %a,e no $o#'" he will/, is he %ore li,el&
"o co%e hi%self53
3No. Yo#2re ri(h" "here,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. 3Aslan an$ "he !in(s (o "o(e"her. Ei"her Aslan is
$ea$, or he is no" on o#r si$e. Or else so%e"hin( s"ron(er "han hi%self ,ee)s hi% 'ac,. An$
if he $i$ co%e * how $o we ,now he2$ 'e o#r frien$5 He was no" alwa&s a (oo$ frien$ "o
Dwarfs '& all "ha"2s "ol$. No" e+en "o all 'eas"s. As, "he Wol+es. An$ an&wa&, he was in
Narnia onl& once "ha" I e+er hear$ of, an$ he $i$n2" s"a& lon(. Yo# %a& $ro) Aslan o#" of
"he rec,onin(. I was "hin,in( of so%eone else.3
There was no answer, an$ for a few %in#"es i" was so s"ill "ha" E$%#n$ co#l$ hear "he
whee<& an$ sn#fflin( 'rea"h of "he Ba$(er.
3Who $o &o# %ean53 sai$ Cas)ian a" las".
3I %ean a )ower so %#ch (rea"er "han Aslan2s "ha" i" hel$ Narnia s)ell'o#n$ for &ears an$
&ears, if "he s"ories are "r#e.3
3The Whi"e Wi"ch43 crie$ "hree +oices all a" once, an$ fro% "he noise Pe"er (#esse$ "ha"
"hree )eo)le ha$ lea)e$ "o "heir fee".
3Yes,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri, +er& slowl& an$ $is"inc"l&, 3I %ean "he Wi"ch. Si" $own a(ain. Don2"
all "a,e fri(h" a" a na%e as if &o# were chil$ren. We wan" )ower: an$ we wan" a )ower "ha"
will 'e on o#r si$e. As for )ower, $o no" "he s"ories sa& "ha" "he Wi"ch $efea"e$ Aslan, an$
'o#n$ hi%, an$ ,ille$ hi% on "ha" +er& s"one which is o+er "here, 8#s" 'e&on$ "he li(h"53
3B#" "he& also sa& "ha" he ca%e "o life a(ain,3 sai$ "he Ba$(er shar)l&.
3Yes, "he& sa&,3 answere$ Ni,a'ri,, 3'#" &o#2ll no"ice "ha" we hear )recio#s li""le a'o#"
an&"hin( he $i$ af"erwar$s. He 8#s" fa$es o#" of "he s"or&. How $o &o# e1)lain "ha", if he
reall& ca%e "o life5 Isn2" i" %#ch %ore li,el& "ha" he $i$n2", an$ "ha" "he s"ories sa& no"hin(
%ore a'o#" hi% 'eca#se "here was no"hin( %ore "o sa&53
3He es"a'lishe$ "he !in(s an$ =#eens,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3A !in( who has 8#s" won a (rea" 'a""le can #s#all& es"a'lish hi%self wi"ho#" "he hel) of a
)erfor%in( lion,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. There was a fierce (rowl, )ro'a'l& fro% Tr#ffleh#n"er.
3An$ an&wa&,3 Ni,a'ri, con"in#e$, 3wha" ca%e of "he !in(s an$ "heir rei(n5 The& fa$e$
"oo. B#" i"2s +er& $ifferen" wi"h "he Wi"ch. The& sa& she r#le$ for a h#n$re$ &ears: a
h#n$re$ &ears of win"er. There2s )ower, if &o# li,e. There2s so%e"hin( )rac"ical.3
3B#", hea+en an$ ear"h43 sai$ "he !in(, 3ha+en2" we alwa&s 'een "ol$ "ha" she was "he wors"
ene%& of all5 Wasn2" she a "&ran" "en "i%es worse "han -ira<53
3Perha)s,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri, in a col$ +oice. 3Perha)s she was for &o# h#%ans, if "here were
an& of &o# in "hose $a&s. Perha)s she was for so%e of "he 'eas"s. She s"a%)e$ o#" "he
Bea+ers, I $are sa&0 a" leas" "here are none of "he% in Narnia now. B#" she (o" on all ri(h"
wi"h #s Dwarfs. I2% a Dwarf an$ I s"an$ '& %& own )eo)le. We2re no" afrai$ of "he Wi"ch.3
3B#" &o#2+e 8oine$ wi"h #s,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er.
3Yes, an$ a lo" of (oo$ i" has $one %& )eo)le, so far,3 sna))e$ Ni,a'ri,. 3Who is sen" on
all "he $an(ero#s 4, rai$s5 The Dwarfs. Who (oes shor" when "he ra"ions fail5 The Dwarfs.
Who *53
3Lies4 All lies43 sai$ "he Ba$(er.
3An$ so,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,, whose +oice now rose "o a screa%, 3if &o# can2" hel) %& )eo)le,
I2ll (o "o so%eone who can.3
3Is "his o)en "reason, Dwarf53 as,e$ "he !in(.
3P#" "ha" swor$ 'ac, in i"s shea"h, Cas)ian,3 sai$ Ni,a'ri,. 3-#r$er a" co#ncil, eh5 Is "ha"
&o#r (a%e5 Don2" 'e fool eno#(h "o "r& i". Do &o# "hin, I2% afrai$ of &o#5 There2s "hree on
%& si$e, an$ "hree on &o#rs.3
3Co%e on, "hen,3 snarle$ Tr#ffleh#n"er, '#" he was i%%e$ia"el& in"err#)"e$.
3S"o), s"o), s"o),3 sai$ Doc"or Corneli#s. 3Yo# (o on "oo fas". The Wi"ch is $ea$. All "he
s"ories a(ree on "ha". Wha" $oes Ni,a'ri, %ean '& callin( on "he Wi"ch53
Tha" (re& an$ "erri'le +oice which ha$ s)o,en onl& once 'efore sai$, 3Oh, is she53
An$ "hen "he shrill, whinin( +oice 'e(an, 3Oh, 'less his hear", his $ear li""le -a8es"&
nee$n2" %in$ a'o#" "he Whi"e La$& * "ha"2s wha" we call her * 'ein( $ea$. The Worshi)f#l
-as"er Doc"or is onl& %a,in( (a%e of a )oor ol$ wo%an li,e %e when he sa&s "ha". Swee"
-as"er& Doc"or, learne$ -as"er Doc"or, who e+er hear$ of a wi"ch "ha" reall& $ie$5 Yo#
can alwa&s (e" "he% 'ac,.3
3Call her #),3 sai$ "he (re& +oice. 3We are all rea$&. Draw "he circle. Pre)are "he 'l#e fire.3
A'o+e "he s"ea$il& increasin( (rowl of "he Ba$(er an$ Corneli#s2s shar) 3Wha"53 rose "he
+oice of !in( Cas)ian li,e "h#n$er.
3So "ha" is &o#r )lan, Ni,a'ri,4 Blac, sorcer& an$ "he callin( #) of an acc#rse$ (hos". An$
I see who &o#r co%)anions are*a Ha( an$ a Werewolf43
The ne1" %in#"e or so was +er& conf#se$. There was an ani%al roarin(, a clash of s"eel0 "he
'o&s an$ Tr#%),in r#she$ in0 Pe"er ha$ a (li%)se of a horri'le, (re&, (a#n" crea"#re, half
%an an$ half wolf, in "he +er& ac" of lea)in( #)on a 'o& a'o#" his own a(e, an$ E$%#n$
saw a 'a$(er an$ a Dwarf rollin( on "he floor in a sor" of ca" fi(h". Tr#%),in fo#n$ hi%self
face "o face wi"h "he Ha(. Her nose an$ chin s"#c, o#" li,e a )air of n#"*crac,ers, her $ir"&
(re& hair was fl&in( a'o#" her face an$ she ha$ 8#s" (o" Doc"or Corneli#s '& "he "hroa". A"
one slash of Tr#%),in2s swor$ her hea$ rolle$ on "he floor. Then "he li(h" was ,noc,e$
o+er an$ i" was all swor$s, "ee"h, claws, fis"s, an$ 'oo"s for a'o#" si1"& secon$s. Then
3Are &o# all ri(h", E$53
3I * I "hin, so,3 )an"e$ E$%#n$. 3I2+e (o" "ha" 'r#"e Ni,a'ri,, '#" he2s s"ill ali+e.3
3Wei(h"s an$ wa"er*'o""les43 ca%e an an(r& +oice. 3I"2s %e &o#2re si""in( on. 6e" off.
Yo#2re li,e a &o#n( ele)han".3
3Sorr&, D.L.7.,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Is "ha" 'e""er53
3Ow4 No43 'ellowe$ Tr#%),in. 3Yo#2re )#""in( &o#r 2 'oo" in %& %o#"h. 6o awa&.3 A
3Is !in( Cas)ian an&where53 as,e$ Pe"er.
3I2% here,3 sai$ a ra"her fain" +oice. 3So%e"hin( 'i" %e.3
The& all hear$ "he noise of so%eone s"ri,in( a %a"ch. I" was E$%#n$. The li""le fla%e
showe$ his face, loo,in( )ale an$ $ir"&. He 'l#n$ere$ a'o#" for a li""le, fo#n$ "he can$le
."he& were no lon(er #sin( "he la%), for "he& ha$ r#n o#" of oil/, se" i" on "he "a'le, an$ li"
i". When "he fla%e rose clear, se+eral )eo)le scra%'le$ "o "heir fee". Si1 faces 'lin,e$ a"
one ano"her in "he can$leli(h".
3We $on2" see% "o ha+e an& ene%ies lef",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3There2s "he Ha(, $ea$.3 .He "#rne$
his e&es 9#ic,l& awa& fro% her./ 3An$ Ni,a'ri,, $ea$ "oo. An$ I s#))ose "his "hin( is a
Werewolf. I"2s so lon( since I2+e seen one. Wolf2s hea$ an$ %an2s 'o$&. Tha" %eans he was
8#s" "#rnin( fro% %an in"o wolf a" "he %o%en" he was ,ille$. An$ &o#, I s#))ose, are !in(
3Yes,3 sai$ "he o"her 'o&. 3B#" I2+e no i$ea who &o# are.3
3I"2s "he Hi(h !in(, !in( Pe"er,3 sai$ Tr#%),in.
3Yo#r -a8es"& is +er& welco%e,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3An$ so is &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I ha+en2" co%e "o "a,e &o#r )lace, &o# ,now, '#" "o
)#" &o# in"o i".3 ,
3Yo#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ ano"her +oice a" Pe"er2s el'ow. He "#rne$ an$ fo#n$ hi%self face "o
face wi"h "he Ba$(er.
Pe"er leane$ forwar$, )#" his ar%s ro#n$ "he 'eas" an$ ,isse$ "he f#rr& hea$: i" wasn2" a
(irlish "hin( for hi% "o $o, 'eca#se he was "he Hi(h !in(.
3Bes" of 'a$(ers,3 he sai$. 3Yo# ne+er $o#'"e$ #s all "hro#(h.3
3No cre$i" "o %e, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3C2% a 'eas" an$ we $on2" chan(e. I2%
a 'a$(er, wha"2s %ore, an$ we hol$ on.3
3I a% sorr& for Ni,a'ri,,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3"ho#(h he ha"e$ %e fro% "he firs" %o%en" he saw
%e. He ha$ (one so#r insi$e fro% lon( s#fferin( an$ ha"in(. If we ha$ won 9#ic,l& he
%i(h" ha+e 'eco%e a (oo$ Dwarf in "he $a&s of )eace. I $on2" ,now which of #s ,ille$ hi%.
I2% (la$ of "ha".3
3Yo#2re 'lee$in(,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3Yes, I2% 'i""en,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I" was "ha" * "ha" wolf "hin(.3 Cleanin( an$ 'an$a(in( "he
wo#n$ "oo, a lon( "i%e, an$ when i" was $one Tr#%),in sai$, 3Now. Before e+er&"hin(
else we wan" so%e 'rea,fas".3
3B#" no" here,3 sai$ Pe"er.
3No,3 sai$ Cas)ian wi"h a sh#$$er. 3An$ we %#s" sen$ so%eone "o "a,e awa& "he 'o$ies.3
3Le" "he +er%in 'e fl#n( in"o a )i",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3B#" "he Dwarf we will (i+e "o his )eo)le "o
'e '#rie$ in "heir own fashion.3
The& 'rea,fas"e$ a" las" in ano"her of "he $ar, cellars of Aslan2s How. I" was no" s#ch a
'rea,fas" as "he& wo#l$ ha+e chosen, for Cas)ian an$ Corneli#s were "hin,in( of +enison
)as"ies, an$ Pe"er an$ E$%#n$ of '#""ere$ e((s an$ ho" coffee, '#" wha" e+er&one (o" was
a li""le 'i" of col$ 'ear*%ea" .o#" of "he 'o&s2 )oc,e"s/, a l#%) of har$ cheese, an onion, an$
a %#( of wa"er. B#", fro% "he wa& "he& fell "o, an&one wo#l$ ha+e s#))ose$ i" was
3Now,3 sai$ Pe"er, as "he& finishe$ "heir %eal, 3Aslan an$ "he (irls ."ha"2s =#een S#san an$
=#een L#c&, Cas)ian/ are so%ewhere close. We $on2" ,now when he will ac". In his "i%e,
no $o#'", no" o#rs. In "he %ean"i%e he wo#l$ li,e #s "o $o wha" we can on o#r own. Yo#
sa&, Cas)ian, we are no" s"ron( eno#(h "o %ee" -ira< in )i"che$ 'a""le53
3I2% afrai$ no", Hi(h !in(,3 sai$ Cas)ian. He was li,in( Pe"er +er& %#ch, '#" was ra"her
"on(#e*"ie$. I" was %#ch s"ran(er for hi% "o %ee" "he (rea" !in(s o#" of "he ol$ s"ories "han
i" was for "he% "o %ee" hi%.
3;er& well, "hen,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3I2ll sen$ hi% a challen(e "o sin(le co%'a".3 No one ha$
"ho#(h" of "his 'efore.
3Please,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3co#l$ i" no" 'e %e5 I wan" "o a+en(e %& fa"her.3
3Yo#2re wo#n$e$,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3An$ an&wa&, wo#l$n2" he 8#s" la#(h a" a challen(e fro%
&o#5 I %ean, we ha+e seen "ha" &o# are a ,in( an$ a warrior '#" he "hin,s of &o# as a ,i$.3
3B#", Sire,3 sai$ "he Ba$(er, who sa" +er& close "o Pe"er an$ ne+er "oo, his e&es off hi%.
3Will he acce)" a . challen(e e+en fro% &o#5 He ,nows he has "he s"ron(er . ar%&.3
3;er& li,el& he won2",3 sai$ Pe"er, 3'#" "here2s alwa&s "he chance. An$ e+en if he $oesn2",
we shall s)en$ "he 'es" )ar" of "he $a& sen$in( heral$s "o an$ fro an$ all "ha". B& "hen Aslan
%a& ha+e $one so%e"hin(. An$ a" leas" I can ins)ec" "he ar%& an$ s"ren("hen "he )osi"ion. I
will sen$ "he challen(e. In fac" I will wri"e i" a" once. Ha+e &o# )en an$ in,, -as"er
3A scholar is ne+er wi"ho#" "he%, &o#r -a8es"&,3 answere$ Doc"or Corneli#s.
3;er& well, I will $ic"a"e,3 sai$ Pe"er. An$ while "he Doc"or s)rea$ o#" a )arch%en" an$
o)ene$ his in,*horn an$ shar)ene$ his )en, Pe"er lean" 'ac, wi"h half*close$ e&es an$
recalle$ "o his %in$ "he lan(#a(e in which he ha$ wri""en s#ch "hin(s lon( a(o in Narnia2s
(ol$en a(e.
3Ri(h",3 he sai$ a" las". 3An$ now, if &o# are rea$&, Doc"or53
Doc"or Corneli#s $i))e$ his )en an$ wai"e$. Pe"er $ic"a"e$ as follows:
3Pe"er, '& "he (if" of Aslan, '& elec"ion, '& )rescri)"ion, an$ '& con9#es", Hi(h !in( o+er
all !in(s in Narnia, E%)eror of "he Lone Islan$s an$ Lor$ of Cair Para+el, !ni(h" of "he
-os" No'le Or$er of "he Lion, "o -ira<, Son of Cas)ian "he Ei(h"h, so%e"i%e Lor$
Pro"ec"or of Narnia an$ now s"&lin( hi%self !in( of Narnia, 6ree"in(. Ha+e &o# (o" "ha"53
3Narnia, co%%a, (ree"in(,3 %#""ere$ "he Doc"or. 3Yes, Sire.3
3Then 'e(in a new )ara(ra)h,3 sai$ Pe"er. 37or "o )re+en" "he eff#sion of 'loo$, an$ for "he
a+oi$in( all o"her incon+eniences li,el& "o (row fro% "he wars now le+ie$ in o#r real% of
Narnia, i" is o#r )leas#re "o a$+en"#re o#r ro&al )erson on 'ehalf of o#r "r#s"& an$ well*
'elo+e$ Cas)ian in clean wa(er of 'a""le "o )ro+e #)on &o#r Lor$shi)2s 'o$& "ha" "he sai$
Cas)ian is lawf#l !in( #n$er #s in Narnia 'o"h '& o#r (if" an$ '& "he laws of "he
Tel%arines, an$ &o#r Lor$shi) "wice (#il"& of "reacher& 'o"h in wi"hhol$in( "he $o%inion
of Narnia fro% "he sai$ Cas)ian an$ in "he %os" a'ho%ina'le, * $on2" for(e" "o s)ell i" wi"h
an H, Doc"or * 'loo$&, an$ #nna"#ral %#r$er of &o#r ,in$l& lor$ an$ 'ro"her !in( Cas)ian
Nin"h of "ha" na%e. Wherefore we %os" hear"il& )ro+o,e, challen(e, an$ $ef& &o#r
Lor$shi) "o "he sai$ co%'a" an$ %ono%ach&, an$ ha+e sen" "hese le""ers '& "he han$ of o#r
well 'elo+e$ an$ ro&al 'ro"her E$%#n$, so%e"i%e !in( #n$er #s in Narnia, D#,e of
Lan"ern Was"e an$ Co#n" of "he Wes"ern -arch, !ni(h" of "he No'le Or$er of "he Ta'le, "o
who% we ha+e (i+en f#ll )ower of $e"er%inin( wi"h &o#r Lor$shi) all "he con$i"ions of "he
sai$ 'a""le. 6i+en a" o#r lo$(in( in Aslan2s How "his ?II $a& of "he %on"h 6reenroof in "he
firs" &ear of Cas)ian Ten"h of Narnia.
3Tha" o#(h" "o $o,3 sai$ Pe"er, $rawin( a $ee) 'rea"h.
3An$ now we %#s" sen$ "wo o"hers wi"h !in( E$%#n$. I "hin, "he 6ian" o#(h" "o 'e one.3
3He2s * he2s no" +er& cle+er, &o# ,now,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Of co#rse no",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3B#" an& (ian" loo,s i%)ressi+e if onl& he will ,ee) 9#ie". An$
i" will cheer hi% #). B#" who for "he o"her53
3)on %& wor$,3 sai$ Tr#%),in, 3if &o# wan" so%eone who can ,ill wi"h loo,s,
Ree)ichee) wo#l$ 'e "he 'es".3
3He wo#l$ in$ee$, fro% all I hear,3 sai$ Pe"er wi"h a la#(h. 3If onl& he wasn2" so s%all.
The& wo#l$n2" e+en see hi% "ill he was close43
3Sen$ 6lens"or%, Sire,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3No one e+er la#(he$ a" a Cen"a#r.3
An ho#r la"er "wo (rea" lor$s in "he ar%& of -ira<, "he Lor$ 6lo<elle an$ "he Lor$
So)es)ian, s"rollin( alon( "heir lines an$ )ic,in( "heir "ee"h af"er 'rea,fas", loo,e$ #) an$
saw co%in( $own "o "he% fro% "he woo$ "he Cen"a#r an$ 6ian" Wi%'lewea"her, who%
"he& ha$ seen 'efore in 'a""le, an$ 'e"ween "he% a fi(#re "he& co#l$ no" reco(ni<e. Nor
in$ee$ wo#l$ "he o"her 'o&s a" E$%#n$2s school ha+e reco(ni<e$ hi% if "he& co#l$ ha+e
seen hi% a" "ha" %o%en". 7or Aslan ha$ 'rea"he$ on hi% a" "heir %ee"in( an$ a ,in$ of
(rea"ness h#n( a'o#" hi%.
3Wha"2s "o $o53 sai$ "he Lor$ 6lo<elle. 3An a""ac,53
3A )arle&, ra"her,3 sai$ So)es)ian. 3See, "he& carr& (reen 'ranches. The& are co%in( "o
s#rren$er %os" li,el&.3
3He "ha" is wal,in( 'e"ween "he Cen"a#r an$ "he 6ian" has no loo, of s#rren$er in his face,3
sai$ 6lo<elle. 3Who can he 'e5 I" is no" "he 'o& Cas)ian.3
3No in$ee$,3 sai$ So)es)ian. 3This is a fell warrior, I warran" &o#, where+er "he re'els
ha+e (o" hi% fro%. He is .in &o#r Lor$shi)2s )ri+a"e ear/ a ,in(lier %an "han e+er -ira<
was. An$ wha" %ail he wears4 None of o#r s%i"hs can %a,e "he li,e.3
3I2ll wa(er %& $a))le$ Po%el& he 'rin(s a challen(e, no" a s#rren$er,3 sai$ 6lo<elle.
3How "hen53 sai$ So)es)ian. 3We hol$ "he ene%& in o#r fis" here. -ira< wo#l$ ne+er 'e so
hair*'raine$ as "o "hrow awa& his a$+an"a(e on a co%'a".3
3He %i(h" 'e 'ro#(h" "o i",3 sai$ 6lo<elle in a %#ch lower +oice.
3Sof"l&,3 sai$ So)es)ian. 3S"e) a li""le asi$e here o#" of earsho" of "hose sen"ries. Now.
Ha+e I "a,en &o#r Lor$shi)2s %eanin( ari(h"53
3If "he !in( #n$er"oo, wa(er of 'a""le,3 whis)ere$ 6lo<elle, 3wh&, ei"her he wo#l$ ,ill or
'e ,ille$.3
3So,3 sai$ So)es)ian, no$$in( his hea$.
3An$ if he ,ille$ we sho#l$ ha+e won "his war.3
3Cer"ainl&. An$ if no"53
3Wh&, if no", we sho#l$ 'e as a'le "o win i" wi"ho#" "he !in(2s (race as wi"h hi%. 7or I
nee$ no" "ell &o#r Lor$shi) "ha" -ira< is no +er& (rea" ca)"ain. An$ af"er "ha", we sho#l$ 'e
'o"h +ic"orio#s an$ ,in(less.3
3An$ i" is &o#r %eanin(, %& Lor$, "ha" &o# an$ I co#l$ hol$ "his lan$ 9#i"e as con+enien"l&
wi"ho#" a !in( as wi"h one53
6lo<elle2s face (rew #(l&. 3No" for(e""in(,3 sai$ he, 3"ha" i" was we who firs" )#" hi% on "he
"hrone. An$ in all "he &ears "ha" he has en8o&e$ i", wha" fr#i"s ha+e co%e o#r wa&5 Wha"
(ra"i"#$e has he shown #s53
3Sa& no %ore,3 answere$ So)es)ian. 3B#" loo, * her$ co%es one "o fe"ch #s "o "he !in(2s
"en".3 A
When "he& reache$ -ira<2s "en" "he& saw E$%#n$ an$ his "wo co%)anions sea"e$ o#"si$e i"
an$ 'ein( en"er"aine$ wi"h ca,es an$ wine, ha+in( alrea$& $eli+ere$ "he challen(e, an$
wi"h$rawn while "he !in( was consi$erin( i". When "he& saw "he% "h#s a" close 9#ar"ers
"he "wo Tel%arine lor$s "ho#(h" all "hree of "he% +er& alar%in(.
Insi$e, "he& fo#n$ -ira<, #nar%e$ an$ finishin( his 'rea,fas". His face was fl#she$ an$
"here was a scowl on his 'row.
3There43 he (rowle$, flin(in( "he )arch%en" across "he "a'le "o "he%. 3See wha" a )ac, of
n#rser& "ales o#r 8ac,ana)es of a ne)hew has sen" #s.3
3B& &o#r lea+e, Sire,3 sai$ 6lo<elle. 3If "he &o#n( warrior who% we ha+e 8#s" seen o#"si$e
is "he !in( E$%#n$ %en"ione$ in "he wri"in(, "hen I wo#l$ no" call hi% a n#rser& "ale '#" a
+er& $an(ero#s ,ni(h".3
3!in( E$%#n$, )ah43 sai$ -ira<. 3Does &o#r Lor$shi) 'elie+e "hose ol$ wi+es2 fa'les
a'o#" Pe"er an$ E$%#n$ an$ "he res"53
3I 'elie+e %& e&es, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ 6lo<elle.
3Well, "his is "o no )#r)ose,3 sai$ -ira<, 3'#" as "o#chin( "he challen(e, I s#))ose "here is
onl& one o)inion 'e"ween #s53
3I s#))ose so, in$ee$, Sire,3 sai$ 6lo<elle.
3An$ wha" is "ha"53 as,e$ "he !in(.
3-os" infalli'l& "o ref#se i",3 sai$ 6lo<elle. 37or "ho#(h I ha+e ne+er 'een calle$ a cowar$,
I %#s" )lainl& sa& "ha" "o %ee" "ha" &o#n( %an in 'a""le is %ore "han %& hear" wo#l$ ser+e
%e for. An$ if .as is li,el&/ his 'ro"her, "he Hi(h !in(, is %ore $an(ero#s "han he wh&, on
&o#r life, %& Lor$ !in(, ha+e no"hin( "o $o wi"h hi%.3
3Pla(#e on &o#43 crie$ -ira<. 3I" was no" "ha" sor" of co#ncil I wan"e$. Do &o# "hin, I a%
as,in( &o# if I sho#l$ 'e afrai$ "o %ee" "his Pe"er .if "here is s#ch a %an/5 Do &o# "hin, I
fear hi%5 I wan"e$ &o#r co#nsel on "he )olic& of "he %a""er0 whe"her we, ha+in( "he
a$+an"a(e, sho#l$ ha<ar$ i" on a wa(er of 'a""le.3
3To which I can onl& answer, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ 6lo<elle, 3"ha" for all reasons "he
challen(e sho#l$ 'e ref#se$. There is $ea"h in "he s"ran(e ,ni(h"2s face.3
3There &o# are a(ain43 sai$ -ira<, now "horo#(hl& an(r&. 3Are &o# "r&in(, "o %a,e i"
a))ear "ha" I a% as (rea" a cowar$ as &o#r Lor$shi)53
3Yo#r -a8es"& %a& sa& &o#r )leas#re,3 sai$ 6lo<elle s#l,il&.
3Yo# "al, li,e an ol$ wo%an, 6lo<elle,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3Wha" sa& &o#, %& Lor$
3Do no" "o#ch i", Sire,3 was "he re)l&. 3An$ wha" &o#r -a8es"& sa&s of "he )olic& of "he
"hin( co%es in +er& ha))il&. I" (i+es &o#r -a8es"& e1cellen" (ro#n$s for a ref#sal wi"ho#"
an& ca#se for 9#es"ionin( &o#r -a8es"&2s hono#r or co#ra(e.3
36rea" Hea+en43 e1clai%e$ -ira<, 8#%)in( "o his fee". 3Are &o# also 'ewi"che$ "o$a&5 Do
&o# "hin, I a% loo,in( for (ro#n$s "o ref#se i"5 Yo# %i(h" as well call %e cowar$ "o %&
The con+ersa"ion was (oin( e1ac"l& as "he "wo lor$s wishe$, so "he& sai$ no"hin(.
3I see wha" i" is,3 sai$ -ira<, af"er s"arin( a" "he% as if his e&es wo#l$ s"ar" o#" of his hea$,
3&o# are as lil&li+ere$ as hares &o#rsel+es an$ ha+e "he effron"er& "o i%a(ine %& hear" af"er
"he li,eness of &o#rs4 6ro#n$s for a ref#sal, in$ee$4 E1c#ses for no" fi(h"in(4 Are &o#
sol$iers5 Are &o# Tel%arines5 Are &o# %en5 An$ if I $o( ref#se i" .as ail (oo$ reasons of
ca)"ainc& an$ %ar"ial )olic& #r(e %e "o $o/ &o# will "hin,, an$ "each o"hers "an "hin,, I was
afrai$. Is i" no" so53
3No %an of &o#r -a8es"&2s a(e,3 sai$ 6lo<elle, 3wo#l$ 'e calle$ cowar$ '& an& wise
sol$ier for ref#sin( "he co%'a" wi"h a (rea" warrior in "he flower of his &o#"h.3
3So I2% "o 'e a $o"ar$ wi"h one foo" in "he (ra+e, as well as a $as"ar$,3 roare$ -ira<. 3I2ll
"ell &o# wha" i" is, %& Lor$s. Wi"h &o#r wo%anish co#nsels .e+er sh&in( fro% "he "r#e
)oin", which is one of )olic&/ &o# ha+e $one "he +er& o))osi"e of &o#r in"en". I ha$ %ean"
"o ref#se i". B#" I2ll acce)" i". Do &o# hear, acce)" i"4 I2ll no" 'e sha%e$ 'eca#se so%e
wi"chcraf" or "reason has fro<en 'o"h &o#r 'loo$s.3
3We 'eseech &o#r -a8es"& *3 sai$ 6lo<elle, '#" -ira< ha$ fl#n( o#" of "he "en" an$ "he&
co#l$ hear hi% 'awlin( o#" his acce)"ance "o E$%#n$.
The "wo lor$s loo,e$ a" one ano"her an$ ch#c,le$ 9#ie"l&.
3I ,new he2$ $o i" if he were )ro)erl& chafe$,3 sai$ 6lo<elle. 3B#" I2ll no" for(e" he calle$
%e cowar$. I" shall 'e )ai$ for.3
There was a (rea" s"irrin( a" Aslan2s How when "he news ca%e 'ac, an$ was
co%%#nica"e$ "o "he +ario#s crea"#res. E$%#n$, wi"h one of -ira<2s ca)"ains, ha$ alrea$&
%ar,e$ o#" "he )lace for "he co%'a", an$ ro)es an$ s"a,es ha$ 'een )#" ro#n$ i". Two
Tel%arines were "o s"an$ a" "wo of "he corners, an$ one in "he %i$$le of one si$e, as
%arshals of "he lis"s. Three %arshals for "he o"her "wo corners an$ "he o"her si$e were "o 'e
f#rnishe$ '& "he Hi(h !in(. Pe"er was 8#s" e1)lainin( "o Cas)ian "ha" he co#l$ no" 'e one,
'eca#se his ri(h" "o "he "hrone was wha" "he& were fi(h"in( a'o#", when s#$$enl& a "hic,,
slee)& +oice sai$, 3Yo#r -a8es"&, )lease.3 Pe"er "#rne$ an$ "here s"oo$ "he el$es" of "he
B#l(& Bears.
3If &o# )lease, &o#r -a8es"&,3 he sai$, 3I2% a 'ear, I a%.3
3To 'e s#re, so &o# are, an$ a (oo$ 'ear "oo, I $on2" $o#'",3 sai$ Pe"er.
3Yes,3 sai$ "he Bear. 3B#" i" was alwa&s a ri(h" of "he, 'ears "o s#))l& one %arshal of "he
3Don2" le" hi%,3 whis)ere$ Tr#%),in "o Pe"er. 3He2s a (oo$ crea"#re, '#" he2ll sha%e #s all.
He2ll (o "o slee) an$ he will s#c, his )aws. In fron" of "he ene%& "oo.3
3I can2" hel) "ha",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Beca#se he2s 9#i"e ri(h". The Bears ha$ "ha" )ri+ile(e. I can2"
i%a(ine how i" has 'een re%e%'ere$ all "hese &ears, when so %an& o"her "hin(s ha+e 'een
3Please, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ "he Bear.
3I" is &o#r ri(h",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3An$ &o# shall 'e one of "he %arshals. B#" &o# %#s"
re%e%'er no" "o s#c, &o#r )aws.3
3Of co#rse no",3 sai$ "he Bear in a +er& shoc,e$ +oice.
3Wh&, &o#2re $oin( i" "his %in#"e43 'ellowe$ Tr#%),in.
The Bear whi))e$ his )aw o#" of his %o#"h an$ )re"en$e$ he ha$n2" hear$.
3Sire43 ca%e a shrill +oice fro% near "he (ro#n$.
3Ah * Ree)ichee)43 sai$ Pe"er af"er loo,in( #) an$ $own an$ ro#n$ as )eo)le #s#all& $i$
when a$$resse$ '& "he -o#se.
3Sire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee). 3-& life is e+er a" &o#r co%%an$, '#" %& hono#r is %& own. Sire,
I ha+e a%on( %& )eo)le "he onl& "r#%)e"er in &o#r -a8es"&2s ar%&. I ha$ "ho#(h",
)erha)s, we %i(h" ha+e 'een sen" wi"h "he challen(e. Sire, %& )eo)le are (rie+e$. Perha)s
if i" were &o#r )leas#re "ha" I sho#l$ 'e a %arshal of "he lis"s, i" wo#l$ con"en" "he%.3
A noise no" #nli,e "h#n$er 'ro,e o#" fro% so%ewhere o+erhea$ a" "his )oin", as 6ian"
Wi%'lewea"her '#rs" in"o one of "hose no" +er& in"elli(en" la#(hs "o which "he nicer sor"s
of 6ian" are so lia'le. He chec,e$ hi%self a" once an$ loo,e$ as (ra+e as a "#rni) '& "he
"i%e Ree)ichee) $isco+ere$ where "he noise ca%e fro%.
3I a% afrai$ i" wo#l$ no" $o,3 sai$ Pe"er +er& (ra+el&. 3So%e h#%ans are afrai$ of %ice *3
3I ha$ o'ser+e$ i", Sire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee).
3An$ i" wo#l$ no" 'e 9#i"e fair "o -ira<,3 Pe"er con"in#e$, 3"o ha+e in si(h" an&"hin( "ha"
%i(h" a'a"e "he e$(e of his co#ra(e.3
3Yo#r -a8es"& is "he %irror of hono#r,3 sai$ "he -o#se wi"h one of his a$%ira'le 'ows.
3An$ on "his %a""er we ha+e '#" a sin(le %in$... I "ho#(h" I hear$ so%eone la#(hin( 8#s"
now. If an&one )resen" wishes "o %a,e %e "he s#'8ec" of his wi", I a% +er& %#ch a" his
ser+ice * wi"h %& swor$ * whene+er he has leis#re.3
An awf#l silence followe$ "his re%ar,, which was 'ro,en '& Pe"er sa&in(, 36ian"
Wi%'lewea"her an$ "he Bear an$ "he Cen"a#r 6lens"or% shall 'e o#r %arshals. The co%'a"
will 'e a" "wo ho#rs af"er noon. Dinner a" noon )recisel&.3
3I sa&,3 sai$ E$%#n$ as "he& wal,e$ awa&, 3I s#))ose i" is all ri(h". I %ean, I s#))ose &o#
can 'ea" hi%53
3Tha"2s wha" I2% fi(h"in( hi% "o fin$ o#",3 sai$ Pe"er.
A LITTLE 'efore "wo o2cloc, Tr#%),in an$ "he Ba$(er sa" wi"h "he res" of "he crea"#res a"
"he woo$2s e$(e loo,in( across a" "he (lea%in( line of -ira<2s ar%& which was a'o#" "wo
arrow*sho"s awa&. In 'e"ween, a s9#are s)ace of le+el (rass ha$ 'een s"a,e$ for "he co%'a".
A" "he "wo far corners s"oo$ 6lo<elle an$ So)es)ian wi"h $rawn swor$s. A" "he near
corners were 6ian" Wi%'lewea"her an$ "he B#l(& Bear, who in s)i"e of all "heir warnin(s
was s#c,in( his )aws an$ loo,in(, "o "ell "he "r#"h, #nco%%onl& sill&. To %a,e #) for "his,
6lens"or% on "he ri(h" of "he lis"s, s"oc,*s"ill e1ce)" when he s"a%)e$ a hin$ hoof
occasionall& on "he "#rf, loo,e$ %#ch %ore i%)osin( "han "he Tel%arine 'aron who
face$ hi% on "he lef". Pe"er ha$ 8#s" sha,en han$s wi"h E$%#n$ an$ "he Doc"or, an$ was
now wal,in( $own "o "he co%'a". I" was li,e "he %o%en" 'efore "he )is"ol (oes a" an
i%)or"an" race, '#" +er& %#ch worse.
3I wish Aslan ha$ "#rne$ #) 'efore i" ca%e "o "his,3 sai$ Tr#%),in.
3So $o I,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3B#" loo, 'ehin$ &o#.3
3Crows an$ croc,er&43 %#""ere$ "he Dwarf as soon as he ha$ $one so. 3Wha" are "he&5
H#(e )eo)le * 'ea#"if#l )eo)le * li,e (o$s an$ (o$$esses an$ (ian"s. H#n$re$s an$
"ho#san$s of "he%, closin( in 'ehin$ #s. Wha" are "he&53
3I"2s "he Dr&a$s an$ Ha%a$r&a$s an$ Sil+ans,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3Aslan has wa,e$
3H#%)h43 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3Tha"2ll 'e +er& #sef#l if "he ene%& "r& an& "reacher&. B#" i"
won2" hel) "he Hi(h !in( +er& %#ch if -ira< )ro+es han$ier wi"h his swor$.3
The Ba$(er sai$ no"hin(, for now Pe"er an$ -ira< were en"erin( "he lis"s fro% o))osi"e
en$s, 'o"h on foo", 'o"h in chain shir"s, wi"h hel%e"s an$ shiel$s. The& a$+ance$ "ill "he&
were close "o(e"her. Bo"h 'owe$ an$ see%e$ "o s)ea,,, '#" i" was i%)ossi'le "o hear wha"
"he& sai$. Ne1" %o%en", "he "wo swor$s flashe$ in "he s#nli(h". 7or a secon$ "he clash
co#l$ 'e hear$ '#" i" was i%%e$ia"el& $rowne$ 'eca#se 'o"h ar%ies 'e(an sho#"in( li,e
crow$s a" a foo"'all %a"ch.
3Well $one, Pe"er, oh, well $one43 sho#"e$ E$%#n$ as he saw -ira< reel 'ac, a whole
)ace an$ a half. 37ollow i" #), 9#ic,43 An$ Pe"er $i$, an$ for a few secon$s i" loo,e$ as if
"he fi(h" %i(h" 'e won. B#" "hen -ira< )#lle$ hi%self "o(e"her * 'e(an "o %a,e real #se of
his hei(h" an$ wei(h" 3-ira<4 -ira<4 The !in(4 The !in(43 ca%e "he roar of "he
Tel%arines. Cas)ian an$ E$%#n$ (rew whi"e wi"h sic,enin( an1ie"&.
3Pe"er is "a,in( so%e $rea$f#l ,noc,s,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3H#llo43 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Wha"2s ha))enin( now53
3Bo"h fallin( a)ar",3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3A 'i" 'lown, e1)ec". Wa"ch. Ah, now "he&2re 'e(innin(
a(ain, %ore scien"ificall& "his "i%e. Circlin( ro#n$ an$ ro#n$, feelin( each o"her2s
3I2% afrai$ "his -ira< ,nows his wor,,3 %#""ere$ "he Doc"or. B#" har$l& ha$ he sai$ "his
when "here was s#ch a cla))in( an$ 'a&in( an$ "hrowin( #) of hoo$s a%on( "he Ol$
Narnians "ha" i" was nearl& $eafenin(.
3Wha" was i"5 Wha" was i"53 as,e$ "he Doc"or. 3-& ol$ e&es %isse$ i".3
3The Hi(h !in( has )ric,e$ hi% in "he ar%*)i",3 sai$ Cas)ian, s"ill cla))in(. 3>#s" where
"he ar%*hole of "he ha#'er, le" "he )oin" "hro#(h. 7irs" 'loo$.2
3I"2s loo,in( #(l& a(ain now, "ho#(h,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Pe"er2s no" #sin( his shiel$ )ro)erl&.
He %#s" 'e h#r" in "he lef" ar%.3
I" was onl& "oo "r#e. E+er&one co#l$ see "ha" Pe"er2s shiel$ h#n( li%). The sho#"in( of "he
Tel%arines re$o#'le$.
3Yo#2+e seen %ore 'a""les "han I,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Is "here an& chance now53
3Precio#s li""le,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I s#))ose he %i(h" 8#s" $o i". Wi"h l#c,.3
3Oh, wh& $i$ we le" i" ha))en a" all53 sai$ Cas)ian.
S#$$enl& all "he sho#"in( on 'o"h si$es $ie$ $own. E$%#n$ was )#<<le$ for a %o%en".
Then he sai$, 3Oh, I see. The&2+e 'o"h a(ree$ "o a res". Co%e on, Doc"or. Yo# an$ I %a& 'e
a'le "o $o so%e"hin( for "he Hi(h !in(.2 The& ran $own "o "he lis"s an$ Pe"er ca%e o#"si$e
"he ro)es "o %ee" "he%, his face re$ an$ swea"&, his ches" hea+in(.
3Is &o#r lef" ar% wo#n$e$53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3I"2s no" e1ac"l& a wo#n$,3 Pe"er sai$. 3I (o" "he wei(h" of his sho#l$er on %& shiel$ * li,e a
loa$ of 'ric,s an$ "he ri% of "he shiel$ $ro+e in"o %& wris". I $on2" "hin, i"2s 'ro,en, '#" i"
%i(h" 'e a s)rain. If &o# co#l$ "ie i" #) +er& "i(h" I "hin, I co#l$ %ana(e.3
While "he& were $oin( "his, E$%#n$ as,e$ an1io#sl&. 3Wha" $o &o# "hin, of hi%, Pe"er53
3To#(h,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3;er& "o#(h. I ha+e a chance if can ,ee) hi% on "he ho) "ill his wei(h"
an$ shor" win$ co%e a(ains" hi% * in "his ho" s#n "oo. To "ell "he "r#"h, I ha+en2" %#ch
chance else. 6i+e %& lo+e "o * "o e+er&one a" ho%e, E$, if he (e"s %e. Here he co%es in"o
"he lis"s a(ain
So lon(, ol$ cha). 6oo$*'&e, Doc"or. An$ I sa&, E$, sa& so%e"hin( s)eciall& nice "o
Tr#%),in. He2s 'een a 'ric,.3
E$%#n$ co#l$n2" s)ea,. He wal,e$ 'ac, wi"h "he Doc"or "o his own lines wi"h a sic,
feelin( in his s"o%ach.
B#" "he new 'o#" wen" well. Pe"er now see%e$ "o 'e a'le "o %a,e so%e #se of his shiel$,
an$ he cer"ainl& %a$e (oo$ #se of his fee". He was al%os" )la&in( Ti( wi"h -ira< now,
,ee)in( o#" of ran(e, shif"in( his (ro#n$, %a,in( "he ene%& wor,.
3Cowar$43 'ooe$ "he Tel%arines. 3Wh& $on2" &o# s"an$ #) "o hi%5 Don2" &o# li,e i", eh5
Tho#(h" &o#2$ co%e "o fi(h", no" $ance. Yah43
3Oh, I $o ho)e he won2" lis"en "o "he%,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3No" he,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Yo# $on2" ,now hi% * Oh43 for -ira< ha$ (o" in a 'low a" las", on
Pe"er2s hel%e". Pe"er s"a((ere$, sli))e$ si$ewa&s, an$ fell on one ,nee. The roar of "he
Tel%arines rose li,e "he noise of "he sea. 3Now, -ira<,3 "he& &elle$. 3Now. =#ic,4 =#ic,4
!ill hi%.3 B#" in$ee$ "here was no nee$ "o e(( "he #s#r)er on. He was on "o) of Pe"er
alrea$&. E$%#n$ 'i" his li)s "ill "he 'loo$ ca%e, as "he swor$ flashe$ $own on Pe"er. I"
loo,e$ as if i" wo#l$ slash off his hea$. Than, hea+ens4 I" ha$ (lance$ $own his ri(h"
sho#l$er. The Dwarf*wro#(h" %ail was so#n$ an$ $i$ no" 'rea,.
36rea" Sco""43 crie$ E$%#n$. 3He2s #) a(ain. Pe"er, (o i", Pe"er.3
3I co#l$n2" see wha" ha))ene$,3 sai$ "he Doc"or. 3How $i$ he $o i"53
36ra''e$ -ira<2s ar% as i" ca%e $own,3 sai$ Tr#%),in, $ancin( wi"h $eli(h". 3There2s a
%an for &o#4 ses his ene%&2s ar% as a la$$er. The Hi(h !in(4 The Hi(h !in(4 ), Ol$
3Loo,,3 sai$ Tr#ffleh#n"er. 3-ira< is an(r&. I" is (oo$.3 The& were cer"ainl& a" i" ha%%er
an$ "on(s now: s#ch a fl#rr& of 'lows "ha" i" see%e$ i%)ossi'le for ei"her no" "o 'e ,ille$.
As "he e1ci"e%en" (rew, "he sho#"in( al%os" $ie$ awa&. The s)ec"a"ors were hol$in( "heir
'rea"h. I" was %os" horri'le an$ %os" %a(nificen".
A (rea" sho#" arose fro% "he Ol$ Narnians. -ira< was a $own * no" s"r#c, '& Pe"er, '#"
face $ownwar$s, ha+in( "ri))e$ on a "#ssoc,. Pe"er s"e))e$ 'ac,, wai"in( for hi% "o rise.
3Oh 'o"her, 'o"her, 'o"her,3 sai$ E$%#n$ "o hi%self. 3Nee$ he 'e as (en"le%anl& as all
"ha"5 I s#))ose he %#s". Co%es of 'ein( a !ni(h" an$ a Hi(h !in(. I s#))ose i" is wha"
Aslan wo#l$ li,e. B#" "ha" 'r#"e will 'e #) a(ain in a %in#"e an$ "hen *3
B#" 3"ha" 'r#"e3 ne+er rose. The Lor$s 6lo<elle an$ So)es)ian ha$ "heir own )lans rea$&.
As soon as "he& saw "heir !in( $own "he& lea)e$ in"o "he lis"s cr&in(, 3Treacher&4
Treacher&4 The Narnian "rai"or has s"a''e$ hi% in "he 'ac, while he la& hel)less. To ar%s4
To ar%s, Tel%ar43
Pe"er har$l& #n$ers"oo$ wha" was ha))enin(. He saw "wo 'i( %en r#nnin( "owar$s hi%
wi"h $rawn swor$s. Then "he "hir$ Tel%arine ha$ lea)e$ o+er "he ro)es on his0 lef". 3To
ar%s, Narnia4 Treacher&43 Pe"er sho#"e$. If all "hree ha$ se" #)on hi% a" once he wo#l$
ne+er ha+e s)o,en a(ain. B#" 6lo<elle s"o))e$ "o s"a' his own !in( $ea$ where he la&:
3Tha"2s for &o#r ins#l", "his %ornin(,3 he whis)ere$ as "he 'la$e wen" ho%e. Pe"er sw#n( "o
face So)es)ian, slashe$ his le(s fro% #n$er hi% an$, wi"h "he 'ac,*c#" of "he sa%e s"ro,e,
wallo)e$ off his hea$ E$%#n$ was now a" his si$e cr&in(, 3Narnia, Narnia4 The Lion43 The
whole Tel%arine ar%& was r#shin( "owar$ "he%. B#" now "he 6ian" was s"a%)in( forwar$,
s"oo)in( low an$ swin(in( his cl#'. The Cen"a#rs char(e$. Twan(,
"wan( 'ehin$ an$ hiss, hiss o+erhea$ ca%e "he archer& of Dwarfs. Tr#%),in was fi(h"in(
a" his lef". 7#ll 'a""le was 8oine$.
3Co%e 'ac,, Ree)ichee), &o# li""le ass43 sho#"e$ Pe"er. 3Yo#2ll onl& 'e ,ille$. This is no
)lace for %ice.3 B#" "he ri$ic#lo#s li""le crea"#res were $ancin( in an$ o#" a%on( "he fee"
of 'o"h ar%ies, 8a''in( wi"h "heir swor$s. -an& a Tel%arine warrior "ha" $a& fel" his foo"
s#$$enl& )ierce$ as if '& a $o<en s,ewers, ho))e$ on one le( c#rsin( "he )ain, an$ fell as
of"en as no". If he fell, "he %ice finishe$ hi% off0 if he $i$ no", so%eone else $i$.
B#" al%os" 'efore "he Ol$ Narnians were reall& war%e$ "o "heir wor, "he& fo#n$ "he ene%&
(i+in( wa&. To#(hloo,in( warriors "#rne$ whi"e, (a<e$ in "error no" on "he Ol$ Narnians
'#" on so%e"hin( 'ehin$ "he%, an$ "hen fl#n( $own "heir wea)ons, shrie,in(, 3The Woo$4
The Woo$4 The en$ of "he worl$43
B#" soon nei"her "heir cries nor "he so#n$ of wea)ons co#l$ 'e hear$ an& %ore, for 'o"h
were $rowne$ in "he ocean*li,e roar of "he Awa,ene$ Trees as "he& )l#n(e$ "hro#(h "he
ran,s of Pe"er2s ar%&, an$ "hen on, in )#rs#i" of "he Tel%arines. Ha+e &o# e+er s"oo$ a" "he
e$(e of a (rea" woo$ on a hi(h ri$(e when a wil$ so#"h*wes"er 'ro,e o+er i" in f#ll f#r& on
an a#"#%n e+enin(5 I%a(ine "ha" so#n$. An$ "hen i%a(ine "ha" "he woo$, ins"ea$ of 'ein(
fi1e$ "o one )lace, was r#shin( a" &o#0 an$ was no lon(er "rees '#" h#(e )eo)le0 &e" s"ill
li,e "rees 'eca#se "heir lon( ar%s wa+e$ li,e 'ranches an$ "heir hea$s "osse$ an$ lea+es
fell ro#n$ "he% in showers. I" was li,e "ha" for "he Tel%arines. I" was a li""le alar%in( e+en
for "he Narnians. In a few %in#"es all -ira<2s followers were r#nnin( $own "o "he 6rea"
Ri+er in "he ho)e of crossin( "he 'ri$(e "o "he "own of Ber#na an$ "here $efen$in(
"he%sel+es 'ehin$ ra%)ar"s an$ close$ (a"es.
The& reache$ "he ri+er, '#" "here was no 'ri$(e. I" ha$ $isa))eare$ since &es"er$a&. Then
#""er )anic an$ horror fell #)on "he% an$ "he& all s#rren$ere$.
B#" wha" ha$ ha))ene$ "o "he 'ri$(e5
Earl& "ha" %ornin(, af"er a few ho#rs2 slee), "he (irls ha$ wa,e$, "o see Aslan s"an$in( o+er
"he% an$ "o hear his +oice sa&in(, 3We will %a,e holi$a&.3 The& r#''e$ "heir e&es an$
loo,e$ ro#n$ "he%. The "rees ha$ all (one '#" co#l$ s"ill 'e seen %o+in( awa& "owar$s
Aslan2s How in a $ar, %ass. Bacch#s an$ "he -aena$s * his fierce, %a$ca) (irls * an$
Silen#s were s"ill wi"h "he%. L#c&, f#ll& res"e$, 8#%)e$ #). E+er&one was awa,e, e+er&one
was la#(hin(, fl#"es were )la&in(, c&%'als clashin(. Ani%als, no" Tal,in( Ani%als, were
crow$in( in #)on "he% fro% e+er& $irec"ion.
3Wha" is i", Aslan53 sai$ L#c&, her e&es $ancin( an$ her fee" wan"in( "o $ance.
3Co%e, chil$ren,3 sai$ he. 3Ri$e on %& 'ac, a(ain "o$a&.3
3Oh, lo+el&43 crie$ L#c&, an$ 'o"h (irls cli%'e$ on "o "he war% (ol$en 'ac, as "he& ha$
$one no one ,new how %an& &ears 'efore. Then "he whole )ar"& %o+e$ off Aslan
lea$in(, Bacch#s an$ his -aena$s lea)in(, r#shin(, an$ "#rnin( so%ersa#l"s, "he 'eas"s
fris,in( ro#n$ "he%, an$ Silen#s an$ his $on,e& 'rin(in( #) "he rear.
The& "#rne$ a li""le "o "he ri(h", race$ $own a s"ee) hill, an$ fo#n$ "he lon( Bri$(e of
Ber#na in fron" of "he%. Before "he& ha$ 'e(#n "o cross i", howe+er, #) o#" of "he wa"er
ca%e a (rea" we", 'ear$e$ hea$, lar(er "han a %an2s, crowne$ wi"h r#shes. I" loo,e$ a"
Aslan an$ o#" of i"s %o#"h a $ee) +oice ca%e.
3Hail, Lor$,3 i" sai$. 3Loose %& chains.3
3Who on ear"h is "ha"53 whis)ere$ S#san.
3I "hin, i"2s "he ri+er*(o$, '#" h#sh,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Bacch#s,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Deli+er hi% fro% his chains.3
3Tha" %eans "he 'ri$(e, I e1)ec",3 "ho#(h" L#c&. An$ so i" $i$. Bacch#s an$ his )eo)le
s)lashe$ forwar$ in"o "he shallow wa"er, an$ a %in#"e la"er "he %os" c#rio#s "hin(s 'e(an
ha))enin(. 6rea", s"ron( "r#n,s of i+& ca%e c#rlin( #) all "he )iers of "he 'ri$(e, (rowin(
as 9#ic,l& as a fire (rows, wra))in( "he s"ones ro#n$, s)li""in(, 'rea,in(, se)ara"in( "he%.
The walls of "he 'ri$(e "#rne$ in"o he$(es (a& wi"h haw"horn for a %o%en" an$ "hen
$isa))eare$ as "he whole "hin( wi"h a r#sh an$ a r#%'le colla)se$ in"o "he swirlin( wa"er.
Wi"h %#ch s)lashin(, screa%in(, an$ la#(h"er "he re+ellers wa$e$ or swa% or $ance$
across "he for$ .3H#rrah4 I"2s "he 7or$ of Ber#na a(ain now43 crie$ "he (irls/ an$ #) "he
'an, on "he far si$e an$ in"o "he "own.
E+er&one in "he s"ree"s fle$ 'efore "heir faces. The firs" ho#se "he& ca%e "o was a school: a
(irls2 school, where lo" of Narnian (irls, wi"h "heir hair $one +er& "i(h" an$ #(l& "i(h"
collars ro#n$ "heir nec,s an$ "hic, "ic,l& s"oc,in(s on "heir le(s, were ha+in( a his"or&
lesson. The sor" of 3His"or&3 "ha" was "a#(h" in Narnia #n$er -ira<2s r#le was $#ller "han
"he "r#es" his"or& &o# e+er rea$ an$ less "r#e "han "he %os" e1ci"in( a$+en"#re s"or&.
3If &o# $on2" a""en$, 6wen$olen,3 sai$ "he %is"ress, an$ s"o) loo,in( o#" of "he win$ow, I
shall ha+e "o (i+e &o# an or$er*%ar,.3
3B#" )lease, -iss Pri<<le *3 'e(an 6wen$olen.
3Di$ &o# hear wha" I sai$, 6wen$olen53 as,e$ -iss Pri<<le.
3B#" )lease, -iss Pri<<le,3 sai$ 6wen$olen, 3"here2s a LION43
3Ta,e "wo or$er*%ar,s for "al,in( nonsense,3 sai$ -iss Pri<<le. 3An$ now *3 A roar
in"err#)"e$ her. I+& ca%e c#rlin( in a" "he win$ows of "he classroo%. The walls 'eca%e a
%ass of shi%%erin( (reen, an$ leaf& 'ranches arche$ o+erhea$ where "he ceilin( ha$ 'een.
-iss Pri<<le fo#n$ she was s"an$in( on (rass in a fores" (la$e. She cl#"che$ a" her $es, "o
s"ea$& herself, an$ fo#n$ "ha" "he $es, was a rose*'#sh. Wil$ )eo)le s#ch as she
ha$ ne+er e+en i%a(ine$ were crow$in( ro#n$ her. Then she saw "he Lion, screa%e$ an$
fle$, an$ wi"h her fle$ her class, who were %os"l& $#%)&, )ri% li""le (irls wi"h fa" le(s.
6wen$olen hesi"a"e$.
3Yo#2ll s"a& wi"h #s, swee"hear"53 sai$ Aslan.
3Oh, %a& I5 Than, &o#, "han, &o#,3 sai$ 6wen$olen. Ins"an"l& she 8oine$ han$s wi"h "wo
of "he -aena$s, who whirle$ her ro#n$ in a %err& $ance an$ hel)e$ her "a,e off so%e of
"he #nnecessar& an$ #nco%for"a'le clo"hes "ha" she was wearin(.
Where+er "he& wen" in "he li""le "own of Ber#na i" was "he sa%e. -os" of "he )eo)le fle$, a
few 8oine$ "he%. When "he& lef" "he "own "he& were a lar(er an$ a %errier co%)an&.
The& swe)" on across "he le+el fiel$s on "he nor"h 'an,, or lef" 'an,, of "he ri+er. A" e+er&
far% ani%als ca%e o#" "o 8oin "he%. Sa$ ol$ $on,e&s who ha$ ne+er ,nown 8o& (rew
s#$$enl& &o#n( a(ain0 chaine$ $o(s 'ro,e "heir chains0 horses ,ic,e$ "heir car"s "o )ieces
an$ ca%e "ro""in( alon( wi"h "he% * clo)*clo) * ,ic,in( #) "he %#$ an$ whinn&in(.
A" a well in a &ar$ "he& %e" a %an who was 'ea"in( a 'o&. The s"ic, '#rs" in"o flower in "he
%an2s han$. He "rie$ "o $ro) i", '#" i" s"#c, "o his han$. His ar% 'eca%e a 'ranch, his 'o$&
"he "r#n, of a "ree, his fee" "oo, roo". The 'o&, who ha$ 'een cr&in( a %o%en" 'efore, '#rs"
o#" la#(hin( an$ 8oine$ "he%.
A" a li""le "own half*wa& "o Bea+ers$a%, where "wo ri+ers %e", "he& ca%e "o ano"her
school, where a "ire$loo,in( (irl was "eachin( ari"h%e"ic "o a n#%'er of 'o&s who loo,e$
+er& li,e )i(s. She loo,e$ o#" of "he win$ow an$ saw "he $i+ine re+ellers sin(in( #) "he
s"ree" an$ a s"a' of 8o& wen" "hro#(h her hear". Aslan s"o))e$ ri(h" #n$er "he win$ow an$
loo,e$ #) a" her.
3Oh, $on2", $on2",3 she sai$. 3I2$ lo+e "o. B#" I %#s"n2". I %#s" s"ic, "o %& wor,. An$ "he
chil$ren wo#l$ 'e fri(h"ene$ if "he& saw &o#.3
37ri(h"ene$53 sai$ "he %os" )i(*li,e of "he 'o&s. 3Who2s she "al,in( "o o#" of "he win$ow5
Le"2s "ell "he ins)ec"or she "al,s "o )eo)le o#" of "he win$ow when she o#(h" "o 'e "eachin(
3Le"2s (o an$ see who i" is,3 sai$ ano"her 'o&, an$ "he& all ca%e crow$in( "o "he win$ow.
B#" as soon as "heir %ean li""le faces loo,e$ o#", Bacch#s (a+e a (rea" cr& of E#an, e#oi*oi*
oi*of an$ "he 'o&s all 'e(an howlin( wi"h fri(h" an$ "ra%)lin( one ano"her $own "o (e" o#"
of "he $oor an$ 8#%)in( o#" of "he win$ows. An$ i" was sai$ af"erwar$s .whe"her "r#l& or
no"/ "ha" "hose )ar"ic#lar li""le 'o&s were ne+er seen a(ain, '#" "ha" "here were a lo" of +er&
fine li""le )i(s in "ha" )ar" of "he co#n"r& which ha$ ne+er 'een "here 'efore.
3Now, Dear Hear",3 sai$ Aslan "o "he -is"ress, an$ she 8#%)e$ $own an$ 8oine$ "he%.
A" Bea+ers$a% "he& re*crosse$ "he ri+er an$ ca%e eas" a(ain alon( "he so#"hern 'an,. The&
ca%e "o a li""le co""a(e where a chil$ s"oo$ in "he $oorwa& cr&in(. 3Wh& are &o# cr&in(, %&
lo+e53 as,e$ Aslan. The chil$, who ha$ ne+er seen a )ic"#re of a lion, was no" afrai$ of
hi%. 3A#n"ie2s +er& ill,3 she sai$. 3She2s (oin( "o $ie.3 Then Aslan wen" "o (o in a" "he $oor
of "he co""a(e, '#" i" was "oo s%all for hi%. So, when he ha$ (o" his hea$ "hro#(h, he
)#she$ wi"h his sho#l$ers .L#c& an$ S#san fell off when he $i$ "his/ an$ lif"e$ "he whole
ho#se #) an$ i" fell 'ac,war$s an$ a)ar". An$ "here, s"ill in her 'e$, "ho#(h "he 'e$ was
now in "he o)en air, la& a li""le ol$ wo%an who loo,e$ as if she ha$ Dwarf 'loo$ in her.
She was a" $ea"h2s $oor, '#" when she o)ene$ her e&es an$ saw "he 'ri(h", hair& hea$ of "he
lion s"arin( in"o her face, she $i$ no" screa% or fain". She sai$, 3Oh, Aslan4 I ,new i" was
"r#e. I2+e 'een wai"in( for "his all %& life. Ha+e &o# co%e "o "a,e %e awa&53
3Yes, Deares",3 sai$ Aslan. 3B#" no" "he lon( 8o#rne& &e".3 An$ as he s)o,e, li,e "he fl#sh
cree)in( alon( "he #n$ersi$e of a clo#$ a" s#nrise, "he colo#r ca%e 'ac, "o her whi"e face
an$ her e&es (rew 'ri(h" an$ she sa" #) an$ sai$, 3Wh&, I $o $eclare I feel "ha" 'e""er. I
"hin, I co#l$ "a,e a li""le 'rea,fas" "his %ornin(.3
3Here &o# are, %o"her,3 sai$ Bacch#s, $i))in( a )i"cher in "he co""a(e well an$ han$in( i"
"o her. B#" wha" was in i" now was no" wa"er '#" "he riches" wine, re$ as re$*c#rran" 8ell&,
s%oo"h as oil, s"ron( as 'eef, war%in( as "ea, cool as $ew.
3Eh, &o#2+e $one so%e"hin( "o o#r well,3 sai$ "he ol$ wo%an. 3Tha" %a,es a nice chan(e,
"ha" $oes.3 An$ she 8#%)e$ o#" of 'e$.
3Ri$e on %e,3 sai$ Aslan, an$ a$$e$ "o S#san an$ L#c&, 3Yo# "wo 9#eens will ha+e "o r#n
3B#" we2$ li,e "ha" 8#s" as well,3 sai$ S#san. An$ off "he& wen" a(ain.
An$ so a" las", wi"h lea)in( an$ $ancin( an$ sin(in(, wi"h %#sic an$ la#(h"er an$ roarin(
an$ 'ar,in( an$ nei(hin(, "he& all ca%e "o "he )lace where -ira<2s ar%& s"oo$ flin(in(
$own "heir swor$s an$ hol$in( #) "heir han$s, an$ Pe"er2s ar%&, s"ill hol$in( "heir wea)ons
an$ 'rea"hin( har$, s"oo$ ro#n$ "he% wi"h s"ern an$ (la$ faces. An$ "he firs" "hin( "ha"
ha))ene$ was "ha" "he ol$ wo%an sli))e$ off Aslan2s 'ac, an$ ran across "o Cas)ian an$
"he& e%'race$ one ano"her0 for she was his ol$ n#rse.
AT "he si(h" of Aslan "he chee,s of "he Tel%arine sol$iers 'eca%e "he colo#r of col$ (ra+&,
"heir ,nees ,noc,e$ "o(e"her, an$ %an& fell on "heir faces. The& ha$ no" 'elie+e$
in lions an$ "his %a$e "heir fear (rea"er. E+en "he Re$ Dwarfs, who ,new "ha" he ca%e as a
frien$, s"oo$ wi"h o)en %o#"hs an$ co#l$ no" s)ea,. So%e of "he Blac, Dwarfs, who ha$
'een of Ni,a'ri,2s )ar"&, 'e(an "o e$(e awa&. B#" all "he Tal,in( Beas"s s#r(e$ ro#n$ "he
Lion, wi"h )#rrs an$ (r#n"s an$ s9#ea,s an$ whinne&s of $eli(h", fawnin( on hi% wi"h
"heir "ails, r#''in( a(ains" hi%, "o#chin( hi% re+eren"l& wi"h "heir noses an$ (oin( "o an$
fro #n$er his 'o$& an$ 'e"ween his le(s. If &o# ha+e e+er seen a li""le ca" lo+in( a 'i( $o(
who% i" ,nows an$ "r#s"s, &o# will ha+e a )re""& (oo$ )ic"#re of "heir 'eha+io#r. Then
Pe"er, lea$in( Cas)ian, force$ his wa& "hro#(h "he crow$ of ani%als.
3This is Cas)ian, Sir,3 he sai$. An$ Cas)ian ,nel" an$ ,isse$ "he Lion2s )aw.
3Welco%e, Prince,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Do &o# feel &o#rself s#fficien" "o "a,e #) "he !in(shi) of
3I * I $on2" "hin, I $o, Sir,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I2% onl& a ,i$.3
36oo$,3 sai$ Aslan. 3If &o# ha$ fel" &o#rself s#fficien", i" wo#l$ ha+e 'een a )roof "ha" &o#
were no". Therefore, #n$er #s an$ #n$er "he Hi(h !in(, &o# shall 'e !in( of Narnia, Lor$
of Cair Para+el, an$ E%)eror of "he Lone Islan$s. Yo# an$ &o#r heirs while &o#r race las"s.
An$ &o#r corona"ion * '#" wha" ha+e we here53 7or a" "ha" %o%en" a c#rio#s li""le
)rocession was a))roachin( * ele+en -ice, si1 of who% carrie$ 'e"ween "he% so%e"hin(
on a li""er %a$e of 'ranches, '#" "he li""er was no 'i((er "han a lar(e a"las. No one has e+er
seen %ice %ore woe'e(one "han "hese. The& were )las"ere$ wi"h %#$ so%e wi"h 'loo$ "oo
* an$ "heir ears were $own an$ "heir whis,ers $roo)e$ an$ "heir "ails $ra((e$ in "he (rass,
an$ "heir lea$er )i)e$ on his slen$er )i)e a %elanchol& "#ne. On "he li""er la& wha" see%e$
li""le 'e""er "han a $a%) hea) of f#r0 all "ha" was lef" of Ree)ichee). He was s"ill 'rea"hin(,
'#" %ore $ea$ "han ali+e, (ashe$ wi"h inn#%era'le wo#n$s, one )aw cr#she$, an$, where
his "ail ha$ 'een, a 'an$a(e$ s"#%).
3Now, L#c&,3 sai$ Aslan.
L#c& ha$ her $ia%on$ 'o""le o#" in a %o%en". Tho#(h onl& a $ro) was nee$e$ on each of
Ree)ichee)2s wo#n$s, "he wo#n$s were so %an& "ha" "here was a lon( an$ an1io#s silence
'efore she ha$ finishe$ an$ "he -as"er -o#se s)ran( fro% "he li""er. His han$ wen" a" once
"o his swor$ hil", wi"h "he o"her he "wirle$ his whis,ers. He 'owe$.
3Hail, Aslan43 ca%e his shrill +oice. 3I ha+e "he hono#r *3 B#" "hen he s#$$enl& s"o))e$.
The fac" was "ha" he s"ill ha$ no "ail * whe"her "ha" L#c& ha$ for(o""en i" or "ha" her cor$ial,
"ho#(h i" co#l$ heal wo#n$s, co#l$ no" %a,e "hin(s (row a(ain. Ree)ichee) 'eca%e aware
of his loss as he %a$e his 'ow0 )erha)s i" al"ere$ so%e"hin( in his 'alance. He loo,e$ o+er
his ri(h" sho#l$er. 7ailin( "o see his "ail, he s"raine$ his nec, f#r"her "ill he ha$ "o "#rn his
sho#l$ers an$ his whole 'o$& followe$. B#" '& "ha" "i%e his hin$*9#ar"ers ha$ "#rne$ "oo
an$ were o#" of si(h". Then he s"raine$ his nec, loo,in( o+er his sho#l$er a(ain, wi"h "he
sa%e res#l". Onl& af"er he ha$ "#rne$ co%)le"el& ro#n$ "hree "i%es $i$ he reali<e "he
$rea$f#l "r#"h.
3I a% confo#n$e$,3 sai$ Ree)ichee) "o Aslan. 3I a% co%)le"el& o#" of co#n"enance. I %#s"
cra+e &o#r in$#l(ence for a))earin( in "his #nsee%l& fashion.3
3I" 'eco%es &o# +er& well, S%all One,3 sai$ Aslan.
3All "he sa%e,3 re)lie$ Ree)ichee), 3if an&"hin( co#l$ 'e $one... Perha)s her -a8es"&53
an$ here he 'owe$ "o L#c&.
3B#" wha" $o &o# wan" wi"h a "ail53 as,e$ Aslan.
3Sir,3 sai$ "he -o#se, 3I can ea" an$ slee) an$ $ie for %& !in( wi"ho#" one. B#" a "ail is "he
hono#r an$ (lor& of a -o#se.3
3I ha+e so%e"i%es won$ere$, frien$,3 sai$ Aslan, 3whe"her &o# $o no" "hin, "oo %#ch
a'o#" &o#r hono#r.3
3Hi(hes" of all Hi(h !in(s,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3)er%i" %e "o re%in$ &o# "ha" a +er& s%all
si<e has 'een 'es"owe$ on #s -ice, an$ if we $i$ no" (#ar$ o#r $i(ni"&, so%e .who wei(h
wor"h '& inches/ wo#l$ allow "he%sel+es +er& #ns#i"a'le )leasan"ries a" o#r e1)ense. Tha"
is wh& I ha+e 'een a" so%e )ains "o %a,e i" ,nown "ha" no one who $oes no" wish "o feel
"his swor$ as near his hear" as I can reach shall "al, in %& )resence a'o#" Tra)s or Toas"e$
Cheese or Can$les: no, Sir * no" "he "alles" fool in Narnia43 Here he (lare$ +er& fiercel& #)
a" Wi%'lewea"her, '#" "he 6ian", who was alwa&s a s"a(e 'ehin$ e+er&one else, ha$ no" &e"
$isco+ere$ wha" was 'ein( "al,e$ a'o#" $own a" his fee", an$ so %isse$ "he )oin".
3Wh& ha+e &o#r followers all $rawn "heir swor$s, %a& I as,53 sai$ Aslan.
3-a& i" )lease &o#r Hi(h -a8es"&,3 sai$ "he secon$ -o#se, whose na%e was Pee)icee,,
3we are all wai"in( "o c#" off o#r own "ails if o#r Chief %#s" (o wi"ho#" his. We will no"
'ear "he sha%e of wearin( an hono#r which is $enie$ "o "he Hi(h -o#se.3
3Ah43 roare$ Aslan. 3Yo# ha+e con9#ere$ %e. Yo# ha+e (rea" hear"s. No" for "he sa,e of
&o#r $i(ni"&, Ree)ichee), '#" for "he lo+e "ha" is 'e"ween &o# an$ &o#r )eo)le, an$ s"ill
%ore for "he ,in$ness &o#r )eo)le showe$ %e lon( a(o when &o# a"e awa& "he cor$s "ha"
'o#n$ %e on "he S"one Ta'le .an$ i" was "hen, "ho#(h &o# ha+e lon( for(o""en i", "ha" &o#
'e(an "o 'e Tal,in( -ice/, &o# shall ha+e &o#r "ail a(ain.3
Before Aslan ha$ finishe$ s)ea,in( "he new "ail was in i"s )lace. Then, a" Aslan2s
co%%an$, Pe"er 'es"owe$ "he !ni(h"hoo$ of "he Or$er of "he Lion on Cas)ian, an$
Cas)ian, as soon as he was ,ni(h"e$, hi%self 'es"owe$ i" on Tr#ffleh#n"er an$ Tr#%),in
an$ Ree)ichee), an$ %a$e Doc"or Corneli#s his Lor$ Chancellor, an$ confir%e$ "he B#l(&
Bear in his here$i"ar& office of -arshal of "he Lis"s. An$ "here was (rea" a))la#se.
Af"er "his "he Tel%arine sol$iers, fir%l& '#" wi"ho#" "a#n"s or 'lows, were "a,en across "he
for$ an$ all )#" #n$er loc, an$ ,e& in "he "own of Ber#na an$ (i+en 'eef an$ 'eer. The&
%a$e a (rea" f#ss a'o#" wa$in( in "he ri+er, for "he& all ha"e$ an$ feare$ r#nnin( wa"er 8#s"
as %#ch as "he& ha"e$ an$ feare$ woo$s an$ ani%als. B#" in "he en$ "he n#isance was o+er:
an$ "hen "he nices" )ar"s of "ha" lon( $a& 'e(an.
L#c&, si""in( close "o Aslan an$ $i+inel& co%for"a'le, won$ere$ wha" "he "rees were $oin(.
A" firs" she "ho#(h" "he& were %erel& $ancin(0 "he& were cer"ainl& (oin( ro#n$ slowl& in
"wo circles, one fro% lef" "o ri(h" an$ "he o"her fro% ri(h" "o lef". Then she no"ice$ "ha" "he&
,e)" "hrowin( so%e"hin( $own in "he cen"re of 'o"h circles. So%e"i%es she "ho#(h" "he&
were c#""in( off lon( s"ran$s of "heir hair0 a" o"her "i%es i" loo,e$ as if "he& were 'rea,in(
off 'i"s of "heir fin(ers * '#", if so, "he& ha$ )len"& of fin(ers "o s)are an$ i" $i$ no" h#r"
"he%. B#" wha"e+er "he& were "hrowin( $own, when i" reache$ "he (ro#n$, i" 'eca%e
'r#shwoo$ or $r& s"ic,s. Then "hree or fo#r of "he Re$ Dwarfs ca%e forwar$ wi"h "heir
"in$er 'o1es an$ se" li(h" "o "he )ile, which firs" crac,le$, an$ "hen 'la<e$, an$ finall&
roare$ as a woo$lan$ 'onfire on %i$s#%%er ni(h" o#(h" "o $o. An$ e+er&one sa" $own in a
wi$e circle ro#n$ i".
Then Bacch#s an$ Silen#s an$ "he -aena$s 'e(an a $ance, far wil$er "han "he $ance of "he
"rees0 no" %erel& a $ance for f#n an$ 'ea#"& ."ho#(h i" was "ha" "oo/ '#" a %a(ic $ance of
)len"&, an$ where "heir han$s "o#che$, an$ where "heir fee" fell, "he feas" ca%e in"o
e1is"ence si$es of roas"e$ %ea" "ha" fille$ "he (ro+e wi"h $elicio#s s%ell, an$ whea"en ca,es
an$ oa"en ca,es, hone& an$ %an&*colo#re$ s#(ars an$ crea% as "hic, as )orri$(e an$ as
s%oo"h as s"ill wa"er, )eaches, nec"arines, )o%e(rana"es, )ears, (ra)es, s"raw'erries,
ras)'erries )&ra%i$s an$ ca"arac"s of fr#i". Then, in (rea" woo$en c#)s an$ 'owls an$
%a<ers, wrea"he$ wi"h i+&, ca%e "he wines0 $ar,, "hic, ones li,e s&r#)s of %#l'err& 8#ice,
an$ clear re$ ones li,e re$ 8ellies li9#efie$, an$ &ellow wines an$ (reen wines an$ &ellow*
(reen an$ (reenish*&ellow.
B#" for "he "ree )eo)le $ifferen" fare was )ro+i$e$. When L#c& saw Clo$sle& Sho+el an$
his %oles sc#fflin( #) "he "#rf in +ario#s )laces .which Bacch#s ha$ )oin"e$ o#" "o "he%/
an$ reali<e$ "ha" "he "rees were (oin( "o ea" ear"h i" (a+e her ra"her a sh#$$er. B#" when she
saw "he ear"hs "ha" were ac"#all& 'ro#(h" "o "he% she fel" 9#i"e $ifferen". The& 'e(an wi"h a
rich 'rown loa% "ha" loo,e$ al%os" e1ac"l& li,e chocola"e0 so li,e chocola"e, in fac", "ha"
E$%#n$ "rie$ a )iece of i", '#" he $i$ no" fin$ i" a" all nice. When "he rich loa% ha$ "a,en
"he e$(e off "heir h#n(er, "he "rees "#rne$ "o an ear"h of "he ,in$ &o# see in So%erse", which
is al%os" )in,. The& sai$ i" was li(h"er an$ swee"er. A" "he cheese s"a(e "he& ha$ a chal,&
soil, an$ "hen wen" on "o $elica"e confec"ions of "he fines" (ra+els )ow$ere$ wi"h choice
sil+er san$. The& $ran, +er& li""le wine, an$ i" %a$e "he Hollies +er& "al,a"i+e: for "he %os"
)ar" "he& 9#enche$ "heir "hirs" wi"h $ee) $ra#(h"s of %in(le$ $ew an$ rain, fla+o#re$ wi"h
fores" flowers an$ "he air& "as"e of "he "hinnes" clo#$s.
Th#s Aslan feas"e$ "he Narnians "ill lon( af"er "he s#nse" ha$ $ie$ awa&, an$ "he s"ars ha$
co%e o#"0 an$ "he (rea" fire, now ho""er '#" less nois&, shone li,e a 'eacon in "he $ar,
woo$s, an$ "he fri(h"ene$ Tel%arines saw i" fro% far awa& an$ won$ere$ wha" i" %i(h"
%ean. The 'es" "hin( of all a'o#" "his feas" was "ha" "here was no 'rea,in( #) or (oin(
awa&, '#" as "he "al, (rew 9#ie"er an$ slower, one af"er ano"her wo#l$ 'e(in "o no$ an$
finall& $ro) off "o slee) wi"h fee" "owar$s "he fire an$ (oo$ frien$s on ei"her si$e, "ill a" las"
"here was silence all ro#n$ "he circle, an$ "he cha""erin( of wa"er o+er s"one a" "he 7or$ of
Ber#na co#l$ 'e hear$ once %ore. B#" all ni(h" Aslan an$ "he -oon (a<e$ #)on each o"her
wi"h 8o&f#l an$ #n'lin,in( e&es.
Ne1" $a& %essen(ers .who were chiefl& s9#irrels an$ 'ir$s/ were sen" all o+er "he co#n"r&
wi"h a )rocla%a"ion "o "he sca""ere$ Tel%arines * incl#$in(, of co#rse, "he )risoners in
Ber#na. The& were "ol$ "ha" Cas)ian was now !in( an$ "ha" Narnia wo#l$ hencefor"h
'elon( "o "he Tal,in( Beas"s an$ "he Dwarfs an$ Dr&a$s an$ 7a#ns an$ o"her crea"#res
9#i"e as %#ch as "o "he %en. An& who chose "o s"a& #n$er "he new con$i"ions %i(h" $o so0
'#" for "hose who $i$ no" li,e "he i$ea, Aslan wo#l$ )ro+i$e ano"her ho%e. An&one who
wishe$ "o (o "here %#s" co%e "o Aslan an$ "he !in(s a" "he 7or$ of Ber#na '& noon on "he
fif"h $a&. Yo# %a& i%a(ine "ha" "his ca#se$ )len"& of hea$*scra"chin( a%on( "he
Tel%arines. So%e of "he%, chiefl& "he &o#n( ones, ha$, li,e Cas)ian, hear$ s"ories of "he
Ol$ Da&s an$ were $eli(h"e$ "ha" "he& ha$ co%e 'ac,. The& were alrea$& %a,in( frien$s
wi"h "he crea"#res. These all $eci$e$ "o s"a& in Narnia. B#" %os" of "he ol$er %en,
es)eciall& "hose who ha$ 'een i%)or"an" #n$er -ira<, were s#l,& an$ ha$ no wish "o li+e
in a co#n"r& where "he& co#l$ no" r#le "he roos". 3Li+e here wi"h a lo" of 'loo%in(
)erfor%in( ani%als4 No fear,3 "he& sai$. 3An$ (hos"s "oo,3 so%e a$$e$ wi"h a sh#$$er.
3Tha"2s wha" "hose "here Dr&a$s reall& are. I"2s no" cann&.3 The& were also s#s)icio#s. 3I
$on2" "r#s" 2e%,3 "he& sai$. 3No" wi"h "ha" awf#l Lion an$ all. He won2" ,ee) his claws off #s
lon(, &o#2ll see.3 B#" "hen "he& were e9#all& s#s)icio#s of his offer "o (i+e "he% a new
ho%e. 3Ta,e #s off "o his $en an$ ea" #s one '& one %os" li,el&,3 "he& %#""ere$. An$ "he
%ore "he& "al,e$ "o one ano"her "he s#l,ier an$ %ore s#s)icio#s "he& 'eca%e. B#" on "he
a))oin"e$ $a& %ore "han half of "he% "#rne$ #).
A" one en$ of "he (la$e Aslan ha$ ca#se$ "o 'e se" #) "wo s"a,es of woo$, hi(her "han a
%an2s hea$ an$ a'o#" "hree fee" a)ar". A "hir$, an$ li(h"er, )iece of woo$ was 'o#n$ across
"he% a" "he "o), #ni"in( "he%, so "ha" "he whole "hin( loo,e$ li,e a $oorwa& fro% nowhere
in"o nowhere. In fron" of "his s"oo$ Aslan hi%self wi"h Pe"er on his ri(h" an$ Cas)ian on his
lef". 6ro#)e$ ro#n$ "he% were S#san an$ L#c&, Tr#%),in an$ Tr#ffleh#n"er, "he Lor$
Corneli#s, 6lens"or%, Ree)ichee), an$ o"hers. The chil$ren an$ "he Dwarfs ha$ %a$e (oo$
#se of "he ro&al war$ro'es in wha" ha$ 'een "he cas"le of -ira< an$ was now "he cas"le of
Cas)ian, an$ wha" wi"h sil, an$ clo"h of (ol$, wi"h snow& linen (lancin( "hro#(h slashe$
slee+es, wi"h sil+er %ail shir"s an$ 8ewelle$ swor$*hil"s, wi"h (il" hel%e"s an$ fea"here$
'onne"s, "he& were al%os" "oo 'ri(h" "o loo, a". E+en "he 'eas"s wore rich chains a'o#" "heir
nec,s. Ye" no'o$&2s e&es were on "he% or "he chil$ren. The li+in( an$ s"ro,a'le (ol$ of
Aslan2s %ane o#"shone "he% all. The res" of "he Ol$ Narnians s"oo$ $own each si$e of "he
(la$e. A" "he far en$ s"oo$ "he Tel%arines. The s#n shone 'ri(h"l& an$ )ennan"s fl#""ere$ in
"he li(h" win$.
3-en of Tel%ar,3 sai$ Aslan, 3&o# who see, a new lan$, hear %& wor$s. I will sen$ &o# all
"o &o#r own co#n"r&, which I ,now an$ &o# $o no".3
3We $on2" re%e%'er Tel%ar. We $on2" ,now where i" is. We $on2" ,now wha" i" is li,e,3
(r#%'le$ "he Tel%arines.
3Yo# ca%e in"o Narnia o#" of Tel%ar,3 sai$ Aslan. 3B#" &o# ca%e in"o Tel%ar fro%
ano"her )lace. Yo# $o no" 'elon( "o "his worl$ a" all. Yo# ca%e hi"her, cer"ain (enera"ions
a(o, o#" of "ha" sa%e worl$ "o which "he Hi(h !in( Pe"er 'elon(s.3
A" "his, half "he Tel%arines 'e(an whi%)erin(, 3There &o# are. Tol$ &o# so. He2s (oin( "o
,ill #s all, sen$ #s ri(h" o#" of "he worl$,3 an$ "he o"her half 'e(an "hrowin( o#" "heir ches"s
an$ sla))in( one ano"her on "he 'ac, an$ whis)erin(, 3There &o# are. -i(h" ha+e (#esse$
we $i$n2" 'elon( "o "his )lace wi"h all i"s 9#eer, nas"&, #nna"#ral crea"#res. We2re of ro&al
'loo$, &o#2ll see.3 An$ e+en Cas)ian an$ Corneli#s an$ "he chil$ren "#rne$ "o Aslan wi"h
loo,s of a%a<e%en" on "heir faces.
3Peace,3 sai$ Aslan in "he low +oice which was neares" "o his (rowl. The ear"h see%e$ "o
sha,e a li""le an$ e+er& li+in( "hin( in "he (ro+e 'eca%e s"ill as s"one.
3Yo#, Sir Cas)ian,3 sai$ Aslan, 3%i(h" ha+e ,nown "ha" &o# co#l$ 'e no "r#e !in( of
Narnia #nless, li,e "he !in(s of ol$, &o# were a son of A$a% an$ ca%e fro% "he worl$ of
A$a%2s sons. An$ so &o# are. -an& &ears a(o in "ha" worl$, in a $ee) sea of "ha" worl$
which is calle$ "he So#"h Sea, a shi)loa$ of )ira"es were $ri+en '& s"or% on an islan$. An$
"here "he& $i$ as )ira"es wo#l$: ,ille$ "he na"i+es an$ "oo, "he na"i+e wo%en for wi+es, an$
%a$e )al% wine, an$ $ran, an$ were $r#n,, an$ la& in "he sha$e of "he )al% "rees, an$
wo,e #) an$ 9#arrelle$, an$ so%e"i%es ,ille$ one ano"her. An$ in one of "hese fra&s si1
were )#" "o fli(h" '& "he res" an$ fle$ wi"h "heir wo%en in"o "he cen"re of "he islan$ an$ #)
a %o#n"ain, an$ wen", as "he& "ho#(h", in"o a ca+e "o hi$e. B#" i" was one of "he %a(ical
)laces of "ha" worl$, one of "he chin,s or chas%s 'e"ween cha" worl$ an$ "his. There were
%an& chin,s or chas%s 'e"ween worl$s in ol$ "i%es, '#" "he& ha+e (rown rarer. This was
one of "he las": I $o no" sa& "he las". An$ so "he& fell, or rose, or 'l#n$ere$, or $ro))e$ ri(h"
"hro#(h, an$ fo#n$ "he%sel+es in "his worl$, in "he Lan$ of Tel%ar which was "hen
#n)eo)le$. B#" wh& i" was #n)eo)le$ is a lon( s"or&: I will no" "ell i" now. An$ in Tel%ar
"heir $escen$an"s li+e$ an$ 'eca%e a fierce an$ )ro#$ )eo)le0 an$ af"er %an& (enera"ions
"here was a fa%ine in Tel%ar an$ "he& in+a$e$ Narnia, which was "hen in so%e $isor$er
.'#" "ha" also wo#l$ 'e a lon( s"or&/, an$ con9#ere$ i" an$ r#le$ i". Do &o# %ar, all "his
well, !in( Cas)ian53
3I $o in$ee$, Sir,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I was wishin( "ha" I ca%e of a %ore hono#ra'le linea(e.3
3Yo# co%e of "he Lor$ A$a% an$ "he La$& E+e,3 sai$ Aslan. 3An$ "ha" is 'o"h hono#r
eno#(h "o erec" "he hea$ of "he )oores" 'e((ar, an$ sha%e eno#(h "o 'ow "he sho#l$ers of
"he (rea"es" e%)eror on ear"h. Be con"en".3
Cas)ian 'owe$.
3An$ now,3 sai$ Aslan, 3&o# %en an$ wo%en of Tel%ar, will &o# (o 'ac, "o "ha" islan$ in
"he worl$ of %en fro% which &o#r fa"hers firs" ca%e5 I" is no 'a$ )lace. The race of "hose
)ira"es who firs" fo#n$ i" has $ie$ o#", an$ i" is wi"ho#" inha'i"an"s. There are (oo$ wells of
fresh wa"er, an$ fr#i"f#l soil, an$ "i%'er for '#il$in(, an$ fish in "he la(oons0 an$ "he o"her
%en of "ha" worl$ ha+e no" &e" $isco+ere$ i". The chas% is o)en for &o#r re"#rn0 '#" "his I
%#s" warn &o#, "ha" once &o# ha+e (one "hro#(h, i" will close 'ehin$ &o# for e+er. There
will 'e no %ore co%%erce 'e"ween "he worl$s '& "ha" $oor.3
There was silence for a %o%en". Then a '#rl&, $ecen" loo,in( fellow a%on( "he Tel%arine
sol$iers )#she$ forwar$ an$ sai$:
3Well, I2ll "a,e "he offer.3
3I" is well chosen,3 sai$ Aslan. 3An$ 'eca#se &o# ha+e s)o,en firs", s"ron( %a(ic is #)on
&o#. Yo#r f#"#re in "ha" worl$ shall 'e (oo$. Co%e for"h.3
The %an, now a li""le )ale, ca%e forwar$. Aslan an$ his co#r" $rew asi$e, lea+in( hi% free
access "o "he e%)"& $oorwa& of "he s"a,es.
36o "hro#(h i", %& son,3 sai$ Aslan, 'en$in( "owar$s hi% an$ "o#chin( "he %an2s nose wi"h
his own. As soon as "he Lion2s 'rea"h ca%e a'o#" hi%, a new loo, ca%e in"o "he %an2s e&es
* s"ar"le$, '#" no" #nha))& * as if he were "r&in( "o re%e%'er so%e"hin(. Then he s9#are$
his sho#l$ers an$ wal,e$ in"o "he Door.
E+er&one2s e&es were fi1e$ on hi%. The& saw "he "hree )ieces of woo$, an$ "hro#(h "he%
"he "rees an$ (rass an$ s,& of Narnia. The& saw "he %an 'e"ween "he $oor)os"s: "hen, in
one secon$, he ha$ +anishe$ #""erl&.
7ro% "he o"her en$ of "he (la$e "he re%ainin( Tel%arines se" #) a wailin(. 3(h4 Wha"2s
ha))ene$ "o hi%5 Do &o# %ean "o %#r$er #s5 We won2" (o "ha" wa&.3 An$ "hen one of "he
cle+er Tel%arines sai$:
3We $on2" see an& o"her worl$ "hro#(h "hose s"ic,s. If &o# wan" #s "o 'elie+e in i", wh&
$oesn2" one of &o# (o5 All &o#r own frien$s are ,ee)in( well awa& fro% "he s"ic,s.3
Ins"an"l& Ree)ichee) s"oo$ forwar$ an$ 'owe$. 3If %& e1a%)le can 'e of an& ser+ice,
Aslan,3 he sai$, 3I will "a,e ele+en %ice "hro#(h "ha" arch a" &o#r 'i$$in( wi"ho#" a
%o%en"2s $ela&.3
3Na&, li""le one,3 sai$ Aslan, la&in( his +el+e"& )aw e+er so li(h"l& on Ree)ichee)2s hea$.
3The& wo#l$ $o $rea$f#l "hin(s "o &o# in "ha" worl$. The& wo#l$ show &o# a" fairs. I" is
o"hers who %#s" lea$.3
3Co%e on,3 sai$ Pe"er s#$$enl& "o E$%#n$ an$ L#c&. 3O#r "i%e2s #).3
3Wha" $o &o# %ean53 sai$ E$%#n$.
3This wa&,3 sai$ S#san, who see%e$ "o ,now all a'o#" i". 3Bac, in"o "he "rees. We2+e (o" "o
3Chan(e wha"53 as,e$ L#c&.
3O#r clo"hes, of co#rse,3 sai$ S#san. 3Nice fools we2$ loo, on "he )la"for% of an En(lish
s"a"ion in "hese.3
3B#" o#r o"her "hin(s are a" Cas)ian2s cas"le,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3No, "he&2re no",3 sai$ Pe"er, s"ill lea$in( "he wa& in"o "he "hic,es" woo$. 3The&2re all here.
The& were 'ro#(h" $own in '#n$les "his %ornin(. I"2s all arran(e$.3
3Was "ha" wha" Aslan was "al,in( "o &o# an$ S#san a'o#" "his %ornin(53 as,e$ L#c&.
3Yes * "ha" an$ o"her "hin(s,3 sai$ Pe"er, his face +er& sole%n. 3I can2" "ell i" "o &o# all.
There were "hin(s he wan"e$ "o sa& "o S# an$ %e 'eca#se we2re no" co%in( 'ac, "o
3Ne+er53 crie$ E$%#n$ an$ L#c& in $is%a&.
3Oh, &o# "wo are,3 answere$ Pe"er. 3A" leas", fro% wha" he sai$, I2% )re""& s#re he %eans
&o# "o (e" 'ac, so%e $a&. B#" no" S# an$ %e. He sa&s we2re (e""in( "oo ol$.3
3Oh, Pe"er,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Wha" awf#l 'a$ l#c,. Can &o# 'ear i"53
3Well, I "hin, I can,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I"2s all ra"her $ifferen" fro% wha" I "ho#(h". Yo#2ll
#n$ers"an$ when i" co%es "o &o#r las" "i%e. B#", 9#ic,, here are o#r "hin(s.3
I" was o$$, an$ no" +er& nice, "o "a,e off "heir ro&al clo"hes an$ "o co%e 'ac, in "heir
school "hin(s .no" +er& fresh now/ in"o "ha" (rea" asse%'l&. One or "wo of "he nas"ier
Tel%arines 8eere$. B#" "he o"her crea"#res all cheere$ an$ rose #) in hono#r of Pe"er "he
Hi(h !in(, an$ =#een S#san of "he Horn, an$ !in( E$%#n$, an$ =#een L#c&. There were
affec"iona"e an$ .on L#c&2s )ar"/ "earf#l farewells wi"h all "heir ol$ frien$s * ani%al ,isses,
an$ h#(s fro% B#l(& Bears, an$ han$s wr#n( '& Tr#%),in, an$ a las" "ic,l&, whis,erish
e%'race wi"h Tr#ffleh#n"er. An$ of co#rse Cas)ian offere$ "he Horn 'ac, "o S#san an$ of
co#rse S#san "ol$ hi% "o ,ee) i". An$ "hen, won$erf#ll& an$ "erri'l&, i" was farewell "o
Aslan hi%self, an$ Pe"er "oo, his )lace wi"h S#san2s han$s on his sho#l$ers an$ E$%#n$2s
on hers an$ L#c&2s on his an$ "he firs" of "he Tel%arine2s on L#c&2s, an$ so in a lon( line
"he& %o+e$ forwar$ "o "he Door. Af"er "ha" ca%e a %o%en" which is har$ "o $escri'e, for
"he chil$ren see%e$ "o 'e seein( "hree "hin(s a" once. One was "he %o#"h of a ca+e o)enin(
in"o "he (larin( (reen an$ 'l#e of an islan$ in "he Pacific, where all "he Tel%arines wo#l$
fin$ "he%sel+es "he %o%en" "he& were "hro#(h "he Door. The secon$ was a (la$e in
Narnia, "he faces of Dwarfs an$ Beas"s, "he $ee) e&es of Aslan, an$ "he whi"e )a"ches on
"he Ba$(er2s chee,s. B#" "he "hir$ .which ra)i$l& swallowe$ #) "he
o"her "wo/ was "he (re&, (ra+ell& s#rface of a )la"for% in a co#n"r& s"a"ion, an$ a sea" wi"h
l#((a(e ro#n$ i", where "he& were all si""in( as if "he& ha$ ne+er %o+e$ fro% i" * a li""le fla"
an$ $rear& for a %o%en" af"er all "he&0 ha$ 'een "hro#(h, '#" also, #ne1)ec"e$l&, nice in i"s
own wa&, wha" wi"h "he fa%iliar railwa& s%ell an$ "he En(lish s,& an$ "he s#%%er "er%
'efore "he%.
3Well43 sai$ Pe"er. 3We ha+e ha$ a "i%e.3
3Bo"her43 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I2+e lef" %& new "orch in Narnia.3
THERE was a 'o& calle$ E#s"ace Clarence Scr#'', an$ he al%os" $eser+e$ i". His )aren"s
calle$ hi% E#s"ace Clarence an$ %as"ers calle$ hi% Scr#''. I can2" "ell &o# how his frien$s
s)o,e "o hi%, for he ha$ none. He $i$n2" call his 7a"her an$ -o"her 37a"her3 an$ 3-o"her3,
'#" Harol$ an$ Al'er"a. The& were +er& #)*"o*$a"e an$ a$+ance$ )eo)le. The& were
+e(e"arians, non*s%o,ers an$ "ee"o"allers an$ wore a s)ecial ,in$ of #n$erclo"hes. In "heir
ho#se "here was +er& li""le f#rni"#re an$ +er& few clo"hes on 'e$s an$ "he win$ows were
alwa&s o)en.
E#s"ace Clarence li,e$ ani%als, es)eciall& 'ee"les, if "he& were $ea$ an$ )inne$ on a car$.
He li,e$ 'oo,s if "he& were 'oo,s of infor%a"ion an$ ha$ )ic"#res of (rain ele+a"ors or of
fa" forei(n chil$ren $oin( e1ercises in %o$el schools.
E#s"ace Clarence $isli,e$ his co#sins "he fo#r Pe+ensies, Pe"er, S#san, E$%#n$ an$ L#c&.
B#" he was 9#i"e (la$ when he hear$ "ha" E$%#n$ an$ L#c& were co%in( "o s"a&. 7or $ee)
$own insi$e hi% he li,e$ 'ossin( an$ '#ll&in(0 an$, "ho#(h he was a )#n& li""le )erson
who co#l$n2" ha+e s"oo$ #) e+en "o L#c&, le" alone E$%#n$, in a fi(h", he ,new "ha" "here
are $o<ens of wa&s "o (i+e )eo)le a 'a$ "i%e if &o# are in &o#r own ho%e an$ "he& are onl&
E$%#n$ an$ L#c& $i$ no" a" all wan" "o co%e an$ s"a& wi"h ncle Harol$ an$ A#n"
Al'er"a. B#" i" reall& co#l$n2" 'e hel)e$. 7a"her ha$ (o" a 8o' lec"#rin( in A%erica for
si1"een wee,s "ha" s#%%er, an$ -o"her was "o (o wi"h hi% 'eca#se she ha$n2" ha$ a real
holi$a& for "en &ears. Pe"er was wor,in( +er& har$ for an e1a% an$ he was "o s)en$ "he
holi$a&s 'ein( coache$ '& ol$ Professor !ir,e in whose ho#se "hese fo#r chil$ren ha$ ha$
won$erf#l a$+en"#res lon( a(o in "he war &ears. If he ha$ s"ill 'een in "ha" ho#se he wo#l$
ha+e ha$ "he% all "o s"a&. B#" he ha$ so%ehow 'eco%e )oor since "he ol$ $a&s an$ was
li+in( in a s%all co""a(e wi"h onl& one 'e$roo% "o s)are. I" wo#l$ ha+e cos" "oo %#ch
%one& "o "a,e "he o"her "hree all "o A%erica, an$ S#san ha$ (one.
6rown*#)s "ho#(h" her "he )re""& one of "he fa%il& an$ she was no (oo$ a" school wor,
."ho#(h o"herwise +er& ol$ for her a(e/ an$ -o"her sai$ she 3wo#l$ (e" far %ore o#" of a
"ri) "o A%erica "han "he &o#n(s"ers3. E$%#n$ an$ L#c& "rie$ no" "o (r#$(e S#san her l#c,,
'#" i" was $rea$f#l ha+in( "o s)en$ "he s#%%er holi$a&s a" "heir A#n"2s. 3B#" i"2s far worse
for %e,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3'eca#se &o#2ll a" leas" ha+e a roo% of &o#r own an$ I shall ha+e "o
share a 'e$roo% wi"h "ha" recor$ s"in,er, E#s"ace.3
The s"or& 'e(ins on an af"ernoon when E$%#n$ an$ L#c& were s"ealin( a few )recio#s
%in#"es alone "o(e"her. An$ of co#rse "he& were "al,in( a'o#" Narnia, which was "he na%e
of "heir own )ri+a"e an$ secre" co#n"r&. -os" of #s, I s#))ose, ha+e a secre" co#n"r& '#" for
%os" of #s i" is onl& an i%a(inar& co#n"r&. E$%#n$ an$ L#c& were l#c,ier "han o"her
)eo)le in "ha" res)ec". Their secre" co#n"r& was real. The& ha$ alrea$& +isi"e$ i" "wice0 no"
in a (a%e or a $rea% '#" in reali"&. The& ha$ (o" "here of co#rse '& -a(ic, which is "he
onl& wa& of (e""in( "o Narnia. An$ a )ro%ise, or +er& nearl& a )ro%ise, ha$ 'een %a$e
"he% in Narnia i"self "ha" "he& wo#l$ so%e $a& (e" 'ac,. Yo# %a& i%a(ine "ha" "he& "al,e$
a'o#" i" a (oo$ $eal, when "he& (o" "he chance.
The& were in L#c&2s roo%, si""in( on "he e$(e of her 'e$ an$ loo,in( a" a )ic"#re on "he
o))osi"e wall. I" was "he onl& )ic"#re in "he ho#se "ha" "he& li,e$. A#n" Al'er"a $i$n2" li,e i"
a" all ."ha" was wh& i" was )#" awa& in a li""le 'ac, roo% #)s"airs/, '#" she co#l$n2" (e" ri$
of i" 'eca#se i" ha$ 'een a we$$in( )resen" fro% so%eone she $i$ no" wan" "o offen$.
I" was a )ic"#re of a shi) * a shi) sailin( s"rai(h" "owar$s &o#. Her )row was (il$e$ an$
sha)e$ li,e "he hea$ of a $ra(on wi"h wi$e*o)en %o#"h. She ha$ onl& one %as" an$ one
lar(e, s9#are sail which was a rich )#r)le. The si$es of "he shi) * wha" &o# co#l$ see of
"he% where "he (il$e$ win(s of "he $ra(on en$e$*were (reen. She ha$ 8#s" r#n #) "o "he "o)
of one (lorio#s 'l#e wa+e, an$ "he nearer slo)e of "ha" wa+e ca%e $own "owar$s &o#, wi"h
s"rea,s an$ '#''les on i". She was o'+io#sl& r#nnin( fas" 'efore a (a& win$, lis"in( o+er a
li""le on her )or" si$e. .B& "he wa&, if &o# are (oin( "o rea$ "his s"or& a" all, an$ if &o# $on2"
,now alrea$&, &o# ha$ 'e""er (e" i" in"o &o#r hea$ "ha" "he lef" of a shi) when &o# are
loo,in( ahea$, is )or", an$ "he ri(h" is s"ar'oar$./ All "he s#nli(h" fell on her fro% "ha" si$e,
an$ "he wa"er on "ha" si$e was f#ll of (reens an$ )#r)les. On "he o"her, i" was $ar,er 'l#e
fro% "he sha$ow of "he shi).
3The 9#es"ion is,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3whe"her i" $oesn2" %a,e "hin(s worse, loo,in( a" a
Narnian shi) when &o# can2" (e" "here.3
3E+en loo,in( is 'e""er "han no"hin(,3 sai$ L#c&. 3An$ she is s#ch a +er& Narnian shi).3
3S"ill )la&in( &o#r ol$ (a%e53 sai$ E#s"ace Clarence, who ha$ 'een lis"enin( o#"si$e "he
$oor an$ now ca%e (rinnin( in"o "he roo%. Las" &ear, when he ha$ 'een s"a&in( wi"h "he
Pe+ensies, he ha$ %ana(e$ "o hear "he% all "al,in( of Narnia an$ he lo+e$ "easin( "he%
a'o#" i". He "ho#(h" of co#rse "ha" "he& were %a,in( i" all #)0 an$ as he was far "oo s"#)i$
"o %a,e an&"hin( #) hi%self, he $i$ no" a))ro+e of "ha".
3Yo#2re no" wan"e$ here,3 sai$ E$%#n$ c#r"l&.
3I2% "r&in( "o "hin, of a li%eric,,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3So%e"hin( li,e "his:
3So%e ,i$s who )la&e$ (a%es a'o#" Narnia 6o" (ra$#all& 'al%ier an$ 'al%ier*3
3Well Narnia an$ 'al%ier $on2" rh&%e, "o 'e(in wi"h,3 sai$ L#c&.
3I"2s an assonance,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Don2" as, hi% wha" an ass&*"hin(#%%& is,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3He2s onl& lon(in( "o 'e as,e$.
Sa& no"hin( an$ )erha)s he2ll (o awa&.3
-os" 'o&s, on %ee"in( a rece)"ion li,e "his, wo#l$ ei"her ha+e cleare$ o#" or flare$ #).
E#s"ace $i$ nei"her. He 8#s" h#n( a'o#" (rinnin(, an$ )resen"l& 'e(an "al,in( a(ain.
3Do &o# li,e "ha" )ic"#re53 he as,e$.
37or hea+en2s sa,e $on2" le" hi% (e" s"ar"e$ a'o#" Ar" an$ all "ha",3 sai$ E$%#n$ h#rrie$l&,
'#" L#c&, who was +er& "r#"hf#l, ha$ alrea$& sai$, 3Yes, I $o. I li,e i" +er& %#ch.3
3I"2s a ro""en )ic"#re,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Yo# won2" see i" if &o# s"e) o#"si$e,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Wh& $o &o# li,e i"53 sai$ E#s"ace "o L#c&.
3Well, for one "hin(,3 sai$ L#c&, 3I li,e i" 'eca#se "he shi) loo,s as if i" was reall& %o+in(.
An$ "he wa"er loo,s as if i" was reall& we". An$ "he wa+es loo, as if "he& were reall& (oin(
#) an$ $own.3
Of co#rse E#s"ace ,new lo"s of answers "o "his, '#" he $i$n2" sa& an&"hin(. The reason was
"ha" a" "ha" +er& %o%en" he loo,e$ a" "he wa+es an$ saw "ha" "he& $i$ loo, +er& %#ch
in$ee$ as if "he& were (oin( #) an$ $own. He ha$ onl& once 'een in a shi) .an$ "hen onl&
as far as "he Isle of Wi(h"/ an$ ha$ 'een horri'l& seasic,. The loo, of "he wa+es in "he
)ic"#re %a$e hi% feel sic, a(ain. He "#rne$ ra"her (reen an$ "rie$ ano"her loo,. An$ "hen
all "hree chil$ren were s"arin( wi"h o)en %o#"hs.
Wha" "he& were seein( %a& 'e har$ "o 'elie+e when &o# rea$ i" in )rin", '#" i" was al%os"
as har$ "o 'elie+e when &o# saw i" ha))enin(. The "hin(s in "he )ic"#re were %o+in(. I"
$i$n2" loo, a" all li,e a cine%a ei"her0 "he colo#rs were "oo real an$ clean an$ o#"*of*$oors
for "ha". Down wen" "he )row of "he shi) in"o "he wa+e an$ #) wen" a (rea" shoc, of s)ra&.
An$ "hen #) wen" "he wa+e 'ehin$ her, an$ her s"ern an$ her $ec, 'eca%e +isi'le for "he
firs" "i%e, an$ "hen $isa))eare$ as "he ne1" wa+e ca%e "o %ee" her an$ her 'ows wen" #)
a(ain. A" "he sa%e %o%en" an e1ercise 'oo, which ha$ 'een l&in( 'esi$e E$%#n$ on "he
'e$ fla))e$, rose an$ saile$ "hro#(h "he air "o "he wall 'ehin$ hi%, an$ L#c& fel" all her
hair whi))in( ro#n$ her face as i" $oes on a win$& $a&. An$ "his was a win$& $a&0 '#" "he
win$ was 'lowin( o#" of "he )ic"#re "owar$s "he%. An$ s#$$enl& wi"h "he win$ ca%e "he
noises*"he swishin( of wa+es an$ "he sla) of wa"er a(ains" "he shi)2s si$es an$ "he crea,in(
an$ "he o+erall hi(h s"ea$& roar of air an$ wa"er. B#" i" was "he s%ell, "he wil$, 'rin& s%ell,
which reall& con+ince$ L#c& "ha" she was no" $rea%in(.
3S"o) i",3 ca%e E#s"ace2s +oice, s9#ea,& wi"h fri(h" an$ 'a$ "e%)er. 3I"2s so%e sill& "ric,
&o# "wo are )la&in(. S"o) i". I2ll "ell Al'er"a * Ow43
The o"her "wo were %#ch %ore acc#s"o%e$ "o a$+en"#res, '#", 8#s" e1ac"l& as E#s"ace
Clarence sai$ 3Ow,3 "he& 'o"h sai$ 3Ow3 "oo. The reason was "ha" a (rea" col$, sal" s)lash
ha$ 'ro,en ri(h" o#" of "he fra%e an$ "he& were 'rea"hless fro% "he s%ac, of i", 'esi$es
'ein( we" "hro#(h.
3I2ll s%ash "he ro""en "hin(,3 crie$ E#s"ace0 an$ "hen se+eral "hin(s ha))ene$ a" "he sa%e
"i%e. E#s"ace r#she$ "owar$s "he )ic"#re. E$%#n$, who ,new so%e"hin( a'o#" %a(ic,
s)ran( af"er hi%, warnin( hi% "o loo, o#" an$ no" "o 'e a fool. L#c& (ra''e$ a" hi% fro%
"he o"her si$e an$ was $ra((e$ forwar$. An$ '& "his "i%e ei"her "he& ha$ (rown %#ch
s%aller or "he )ic"#re ha$ (rown 'i((er. E#s"ace 8#%)e$ "o "r& "o )#ll i" off "he wall an$
fo#n$ hi%self s"an$in( on "he fra%e0 in fron" of hi% was no" (lass '#" real sea, an$ win$
an$ wa+es r#shin( #) "o "he fra%e as "he& %i(h" "o a roc,. He los" his hea$ an$ cl#"che$ a"
"he o"her "wo who ha$ 8#%)e$ #) 'esi$e hi%. There was a secon$ of s"r#((lin( an$
sho#"in(, an$ 8#s" as "he& "ho#(h" "he& ha$ (o" "heir 'alance a (rea" 'l#e roller s#r(e$ #)
ro#n$ "he%, swe)" "he% off "heir fee", an$ $rew "he% $own in"o "he sea. E#s"ace2s
$es)airin( cr& s#$$enl& en$e$ as "he wa"er (o" in"o his %o#"h.
L#c& "han,e$ her s"ars "ha" she ha$ wor,e$ har$ a" her swi%%in( las" s#%%er "er%. I" is
"r#e "ha" she wo#l$ ha+e (o" on %#ch 'e""er if she ha$ #se$ a slower s"ro,e, an$ also "ha"
"he wa"er fel" a (rea" $eal col$er "han i" ha$ loo,e$ while i" was onl& a )ic"#re. S"ill, she
,e)" her hea$ an$ ,ic,e$ her shoes off, as e+er&one o#(h" "o $o who falls in"o $ee) wa"er
in "heir clo"hes. She e+en ,e)" her %o#"h sh#" an$ her e&es o)en. The& were s"ill 9#i"e near
"he shi)0 she saw i"s (reen si$e "owerin( hi(h a'o+e "he%, an$ )eo)le loo,in( a" her fro%
"he $ec,. Then, as one %i(h" ha+e e1)ec"e$, E#s"ace cl#"che$ a" her in a )anic an$ $own
"he& 'o"h wen".
When "he& ca%e #) a(ain she saw a whi"e fi(#re $i+in( off "he shi)2s si$e. E$%#n$ was
close 'esi$e her now, "rea$in( wa"er, an$ ha$ ca#(h" "he ar%s of "he howlin( E#s"ace. Then
so%eone else, whose face was +a(#el& fa%iliar, sli))e$ an ar% #n$er her fro% "he o"her
si$e. There was a lo" of sho#"in( (oin( on fro% "he shi), hea$s crow$in( "o(e"her a'o+e "he
'#lwar,s, ro)es 'ein( "hrown. E$%#n$ an$ "he s"ran(er were fas"enin( ro)es ro#n$ her.
Af"er "ha" followe$ wha" see%e$ a +er& lon( $ela& $#rin( which her face (o" 'l#e an$ her
"ee"h 'e(an cha""erin(. In reali"& "he $ela& was no" +er& lon(0 "he& were wai"in( "ill "he
%o%en" when she co#l$ 'e (o" on 'oar$ "he shi) wi"ho#" 'ein( $ashe$ a(ains" i"s si$e.
E+en wi"h all "heir 'es" en$ea+o#rs she ha$ a 'r#ise$ ,nee when she finall& s"oo$, $ri))in(
an$ shi+erin(, on "he $ec,. Af"er her E$%#n$ was hea+e$ #), an$ "hen "he %isera'le
E#s"ace. Las" of all ca%e "he s"ran(er * a (ol$en*hea$e$ 'o& so%e &ears ol$er "han herself.
3Ca * Ca * Cas)ian43 (as)e$ L#c& as soon as she ha$ 'rea"h eno#(h. 7or Cas)ian i" was0
Cas)ian, "he 'o& ,in( of Narnia who% "he& ha$ hel)e$ "o se" on "he "hrone $#rin( "heir las"
+isi". I%%e$ia"el& E$%#n$ reco(ni<e$ hi% "oo. All "hree shoo, han$s an$ cla))e$ one
ano"her on "he 'ac, wi"h (rea" $eli(h".
3B#" who is &o#r frien$53 sai$ Cas)ian al%os" a" once, "#rnin( "o E#s"ace wi"h his cheerf#l
s%ile. B#" E#s"ace was cr&in( %#ch har$er "han an& 'o& of his a(e has a ri(h" "o cr& when
no"hin( worse "han a we""in( has ha))ene$ "o hi%, an$ wo#l$ onl& &ell o#", 3Le" %e (o.
Le" %e (o 'ac,. I $on2" li,e i".3
3Le" &o# (o53 sai$ Cas)ian. 3B#" where53
E#s"ace r#she$ "o "he shi)2s si$e, as if he e1)ec"e$ "o see "he )ic"#re fra%e han(in( a'o+e
"he sea, an$ )erha)s a (li%)se of L#c&2s 'e$roo%. Wha" he saw was 'l#e wa+es flec,e$
wi"h foa%, an$ )aler 'l#e s,&, 'o"h s)rea$in( wi"ho#" a 'rea, "o "he hori<on. Perha)s we
can har$l& 'la%e hi% if his hear" san,. He was )ro%)"l& sic,.
3He&4 R&nelf,3 sai$ Cas)ian "o one of "he sailors. 3Brin( s)ice$ wine for "heir -a8es"ies.
Yo#2ll nee$ so%e"hin( "o war% &o# af"er "ha" $i).3 He calle$ E$%#n$ an$ L#c& "heir
-a8es"ies 'eca#se "he& an$ Pe"er an$ S#san ha$ all 'een !in(s an$ =#eens of Narnia lon(
'efore his "i%e. Narnian "i%e flows $ifferen"l& fro% o#rs. If &o# s)en" a h#n$re$ &ears in
Narnia, &o# wo#l$ s"ill co%e 'ac, "o o#r worl$ a" "he +er& sa%e ho#r of "he +er& sa%e $a&
on which &o# lef". An$ "hen, if &o# wen" 'ac, "o Narnia af"er s)en$in( a wee, here, &o#
%i(h" fin$ "ha" a "ho#san$ Narnian &ears ha$ )asse$, or onl& a $a&, or no "i%e a" all. Yo#
ne+er ,now "ill &o# (e" "here. Conse9#en"l&, when "he Pe+ensie chil$ren ha$ re"#rne$ "o
Narnia las" "i%e for "heir secon$ +isi", i" was .for "he Narnians/ as if !in( Ar"h#r ca%e 'ac,
"o Bri"ain, as so%e )eo)le sa& he will. An$ I sa& "he sooner "he 'e""er.
R&nelf re"#rne$ wi"h "he s)ice$ wine s"ea%in( in a fla(on an$ fo#r sil+er c#)s. I" was 8#s"
wha" one wan"e$, an$ as L#c& an$ E$%#n$ si))e$ i" "he& co#l$ feel "he war%"h (oin( ri(h"
$own "o "heir "oes. B#" E#s"ace %a$e faces an$ s)l#""ere$ an$ s)a" i" o#" an$ was sic, a(ain
an$ 'e(an "o cr& a(ain an$ as,e$ if "he& ha$n2" an& Pl#%)"ree2s ;i"a%ini<e$ Ner+e 7oo$
an$ co#l$ i" 'e %a$e wi"h $is"ille$ wa"er an$ an&wa& he insis"e$ on 'ein( )#" ashore a" "he
ne1" s"a"ion.
3This is a %err& shi)%a"e &o#2+e 'ro#(h" #s, Bro"her,3 whis)ere$ Cas)ian "o E$%#n$ wi"h
a ch#c,le0 '#" 'efore he co#l$ sa& an&"hin( %ore E#s"ace '#rs" o#" a(ain.
3Oh4 (h4 Wha" on ear"h2s "ha"4 Ta,e i" awa&, "he horri$ "hin(.3 .
He reall& ha$ so%e e1c#se "his "i%e for feelin( a li""le s#r)rise$. So%e"hin( +er& c#rio#s
in$ee$ ha$ co%e o#" of "he ca'in in "he )oo) an$ was slowl& a))roachin( "he%. Yo# %i(h"
call i" * an$ in$ee$ i" was * a -o#se. B#" "hen i" was a -o#se on i"s hin$ le(s an$ s"oo$
a'o#" "wo fee" hi(h. A "hin 'an$ of (ol$ )asse$ ro#n$ i"s hea$ #n$er one ear an$ o+er "he
o"her an$ in "his was s"#c, a lon( cri%son fea"her. .As "he -o#se2s f#r was +er& $ar,,
al%os" 'lac,, "he effec" was 'ol$ an$ s"ri,in(./ I"s lef" )aw res"e$ on "he hil" of a swor$
+er& nearl& as lon( as i"s "ail. I"s 'alance, as i" )ace$ (ra+el& alon( "he swa&in( $ec,, was
)erfec", an$ i"s %anners co#r"l&. L#c& an$ E$%#n$ reco(ni<e$ i" a" once Ree)ichee), "he
%os" +alian" of all "he Tal,in( Beas"s of Narnia, an$ "he Chief -o#se. I" ha$ won #n$&in(
(lor& in "he secon$ Ba""le of Ber#na. L#c& lon(e$, as she ha$ alwa&s
$one, "o "a,e Ree)ichee) #) in her ar%s an$ c#$$le hi%. B#" "his, as she well ,new, was a
)leas#re she co#l$ ne+er ha+e: i" wo#l$ ha+e offen$e$ hi% $ee)l&. Ins"ea$, she wen" $own
on one ,nee "o "al, "o hi%.
Ree)ichee) )#" forwar$ his lef" le(, $rew 'ac, his ri(h", 'owe$, ,isse$ her han$,
s"rai(h"ene$ hi%self, "wirle$ his whis,ers, an$ sai$ in his shrill, )i)in( +oice:
3-& h#%'le $#"& "o &o#r -a8es"&. An$ "o !in( E$%#n$, "oo.3 .Here he 'owe$ a(ain./
3No"hin( e1ce)" &o#r -a8es"ies2 )resence was lac,in( "o "his (lorio#s +en"#re.3
3(h, "a,e i" awa&,3 waile$ E#s"ace. 3I ha"e %ice. An$ I ne+er co#l$ 'ear )erfor%in(
ani%als. The&2re sill& an$ +#l(ar an$*an$ sen"i%en"al.3
3A% I "o #n$ers"an$,3 sai$ Ree)ichee) "o L#c& af"er a lon( s"are a" E#s"ace, 3"ha" "his
sin(#larl& $isco#r"eo#s )erson is #n$er &o#r -a8es"&2s )ro"ec"ion5 Beca#se, if no"*3
A" "his %o%en" L#c& an$ E$%#n$ 'o"h snee<e$.
3Wha" a fool I a% "o ,ee) &o# all s"an$in( here in &o#r we" "hin(s,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Co%e
on 'elow an$ (e" chan(e$. I2ll (i+e &o# %& ca'in of co#rse, L#c&, '#" I2% afrai$ we ha+e
no wo%en2s clo"hes on 'oar$. Yo#2ll ha+e "o %a,e $o wi"h so%e of %ine. Lea$ "he wa&,
Ree)ichee), li,e a (oo$ fellow.3
3To "he con+enience of a la$&,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3e+en a 9#es"ion of hono#r %#s" (i+e wa&
* a" leas" for "he %o%en" *3 an$ here he loo,e$ +er& har$ a" E#s"ace. B#" Cas)ian h#s"le$
"he% on an$ in a few %in#"es L#c& fo#n$ herself )assin( "hro#(h "he $oor in"o "he s"ern
ca'in. She fell in lo+e wi"h i" a" once * "he "hree s9#are win$ows "ha" loo,e$ o#" on "he
'l#e, swirlin( wa"er as"ern, "he low c#shione$ 'enches ro#n$ "hree si$es of "he "a'le, "he
swin(in( sil+er la%) o+erhea$ .Dwarfs2 wor,, she ,new a" once '& i"s e19#isi"e $elicac&/
an$ "he fla" (ol$ i%a(e of Aslan "he Lion on "he forwar$ wall a'o+e "he $oor. All "his she
"oo, in in a flash, for Cas)ian i%%e$ia"el& o)ene$ a $oor on "he s"ar'oar$ si$e, an$ sai$,
3This2ll 'e &o#r roo%, L#c&. I2ll 8#s" (e" so%e $r& "hin(s for %&self*3 he was r#%%a(in( in
one of "he loc,ers while he s)o,e * 3an$ "hen lea+e &o# "o chan(e. If &o#2ll flin( &o#r we"
"hin(s o#"si$e "he $oor I2ll (e" "he% "a,en "o "he (alle& "o 'e $rie$.3
L#c& fo#n$ herself as %#ch a" ho%e as if she ha$ 'een in Cas)ian2s ca'in for wee,s, an$
"he %o"ion of "he shi) $i$ no" worr& her, for in "he ol$ $a&s when she ha$ 'een a 9#een in
Narnia she ha$ $one a (oo$ $eal of +o&a(in(. The ca'in was +er& "in& '#" 'ri(h" wi"h
)ain"e$ )anels .all 'ir$s an$ 'eas"s an$ cri%son $ra(ons an$ +ines/ an$ s)o"lessl& clean.
Cas)ian2s clo"hes were "oo 'i( for her, '#" she co#l$ %ana(e. His shoes, san$als an$ sea*
'oo"s were ho)elessl& 'i( '#" she $i$ no" %in$ (oin( 'arefoo" on 'oar$ shi). When she ha$
finishe$ $ressin( she loo,e$ o#" of her win$ow a" "he wa"er r#shin( )as" an$ "oo, a lon(
$ee) 'rea"h. She fel" 9#i"e s#re "he& were in for a lo+el& "i%e.
3AH, "here &o# are, L#c&,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3We were 8#s" wai"in( for &o#. This is %& ca)"ain,
"he Lor$ Drinian.3
A $ar,*haire$ %an wen" $own on one ,nee an$ ,isse$ her han$. The onl& o"hers )resen"
were Ree)ichee) an$ E$%#n$.
3Where is E#s"ace53 as,e$ L#c&.
3In 'e$,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3an$ I $on2" "hin, we can $o an&"hin( for hi%. I" onl& %a,es hi%
worse if &o# "r& "o 'e nice "o hi%.3
3-eanwhile,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3we wan" "o "al,.3
3B& >o+e, we $o,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3An$ firs", a'o#" "i%e. I"2s a &ear a(o '& o#r "i%e since we
lef" &o# 8#s" 'efore &o#r corona"ion. How lon( has i" 'een in Narnia53
3E1ac"l& "hree &ears,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3All (oin( well53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3Yo# $on2" s#))ose I2$ ha+e lef" %& ,in($o% an$ )#" "o sea #nless all was well,3 answere$
"he !in(. 3I" co#l$n2" 'e 'e""er. There2s no "ro#'le a" all now 'e"ween Tel%arines, Dwarfs,
Tal,in( Beas"s, 7a#ns an$ "he res". An$ we (a+e "hose "ro#'leso%e (ian"s on "he fron"ier
s#ch a (oo$ 'ea"in( las" s#%%er "ha" "he& )a& #s "ri'#"e now. An$ I ha$ an e1cellen"
)erson "o lea+e as Re(en" while I2% awa& Tr#%),in, "he Dwarf. Yo# re%e%'er hi%53
3Dear Tr#%),in,3 sai$ L#c&, 3of co#rse I $o. Yo# co#l$n2" ha+e %a$e a 'e""er choice.3
3Lo&al as a 'a$(er, -a2a%, an$ +alian" as * as a -o#se,3 sai$ Drinian. He ha$ 'een (oin(
"o sa& 3as a lion3 '#" ha$ no"ice$ Ree)ichee)2s e&es fi1e$ on hi%.
3An$ where are we hea$in( for53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3Well,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3"ha"2s ra"her a lon( s"or&. Perha)s &o# re%e%'er "ha" when I was a
chil$ %& #s#r)in( #ncle -ira< (o" ri$ of se+en frien$s of %& fa"her2s .who %i(h" ha+e
"a,en %& )ar"/ '& sen$in( "he% off "o e1)lore "he #n,nown , Eas"ern Seas 'e&on$ "he Lone
3Yes,3 sai$ L#c&, 3an$ none of "he% e+er ca%e 'ac,.3
3Ri(h". Well, on, %& corona"ion $a&, wi"h Aslan2s a))ro+al, I swore an oa"h "ha", if once I
es"a'lishe$ )eace in Narnia, I wo#l$ sail eas" %&self for a &ear an$ a $a& "o fin$ %& fa"her2s
frien$s or "o learn of "heir $ea"hs an$ a+en(e "he% if I co#l$. These were "heir na%es * "he
Lor$ Re+ilian, "he Lor$ Bern, "he Lor$ Ar(o<, "he Lor$ -a+ra%orn, "he Lor$ Oc"esian, "he
Lor$ Res"i%ar, an$ * oh, "ha" o"her one who2s so har$ "o re%e%'er.3
3The Lor$ Rhoo), Sire,3 sai$ Drinian.
3Rhoo), Rhoo), of co#rse,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Tha" is %& %ain in"en"ion. B#" Ree)ichee) here
has an e+en hi(her ho)e.3 E+er&one2s e&es "#rne$ "o "he -o#se.
3As hi(h as %& s)iri",3 i" sai$. 3Tho#(h )erha)s as s%all as %& s"a"#re. Wh& sho#l$ we no"
co%e "o "he +er& eas"ern en$ of "he worl$5 An$ wha" %i(h" we fin$ "here5 I e1)ec" "o fin$
Aslan2s own co#n"r&. I" is alwa&s fro% "he eas", across "he sea, "ha" "he (rea" Lion co%es "o
3I sa&, "ha" is an i$ea,3 sai$ E$%#n$ in an awe$ +oice.
3B#" $o &o# "hin,,3 sai$ L#c&, 3Aslan2s co#n"r& wo#l$ 'e "ha" sor" of co#n"r& * I %ean, "he
sor" &o# co#l$ e+er sail "o53
3I $o no" ,now, -a$a%,3 sai$ Ree)ichee). 3B#" "here is "his. When I was in %& cra$le, a
woo$ wo%an, a Dr&a$, s)o,e "his +erse o+er %e:
3Where s,& an$ wa"er %ee", Where "he wa+es (row swee", Do#'" no", Ree)ichee), To fin$
all &o# see,, There is "he #""er Eas".
3I $o no" ,now wha" i" %eans. B#" "he s)ell of i" has 'een on %e all %& life.3
Af"er a shor" silence L#c& as,e$, 3An$ where are we now, Cas)ian53
3The Ca)"ain can "ell &o# 'e""er "han I,3 sai$ Cas)ian, so Drinian (o" o#" his char" an$
s)rea$ i" on "he "a'le.
3Tha"2s o#r )osi"ion,3 he sai$, la&in( his fin(er on i". 3Or was a" noon "o$a&. We ha$ a fair
win$ fro% Cair Para+el an$ s"oo$ a li""le nor"h for 6al%a, which we %a$e on "he ne1" $a&.
We were in )or" for a wee,, for "he D#,e of 6al%a %a$e a (rea" "o#rna%en" for His
-a8es"& an$ "here he #nhorse$ %an& ,ni(h"s*3
3An$ (o" a few nas"& falls %&self, Drinian. So%e of "he 'r#ises are "here s"ill,3 )#" in
3* An$ #nhorse$ %an& ,ni(h"s,3 re)ea"e$ Drinian wi"h a (rin. 3We "ho#(h" "he D#,e wo#l$
ha+e 'een )lease$ if "he !in(2s -a8es"& wo#l$ ha+e %arrie$ his $a#(h"er, '#" no"hin( ca%e
of "ha"*3
3S9#in"s, an$ has frec,les,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Oh, )oor (irl,3 sai$ L#c&.
3An$ we saile$ fro% 6al%a,3 con"in#e$ Drinian, 3an$ ran in"o a cal% for "he 'es" )ar" of
"wo $a&s an$ ha$ "o row, an$ "hen ha$ win$ a(ain an$ $i$ no" %a,e Tere'in"hia "ill "he
fo#r"h $a& fro% 6al%a. An$ "here "heir !in( sen" o#" a warnin( no" "o lan$ for "here was
sic,ness in Tere'in"hia, '#" we $o#'le$ "he ca)e an$ )#" in a" a li""le cree, far fro% "he ci"&
an$ wa"ere$. Then we ha$ "o lie off for "hree $a&s 'efore we (o" a so#"h*eas" win$ an$
s"oo$ o#" for Se+en Isles. The "hir$ $a& o#" a )ira"e .Tere'in"hian '& her ri(/ o+erha#le$ #s,
'#" when she saw #s well ar%e$ she s"oo$ off af"er so%e shoo"in( of arrows on ei"her )ar"
3An$ we o#(h" "o ha+e (i+en her chase an$ 'oar$e$ her an$ han(e$ e+er& %o"her2s son of
"he%,3 sai$ Ree)ichee).
3* An$ in fi+e $a&s %ore we were insi(h" of -#il, which, as &o# ,now, is "he wes"ern%os"
of "he Se+en Isles. Then we rowe$ "hro#(h "he s"rai"s an$ ca%e a'o#" s#n$own in"o
Re$ha+en on "he isle of Brenn, where we were +er& lo+in(l& feas"e$ an$ ha$ +ic"#als an$
wa"er a" will. We lef" Re$ha+en si1 $a&s a(o an$ ha+e %a$e %ar+ello#sl& (oo$ s)ee$, so
"ha" I ho)e "o see "he Lone Islan$s "he $a& af"er "o%orrow. The s#% is, we are now nearl&
"hir"& $a&s a" sea an$ ha+e saile$ %ore "han fo#r h#n$re$ lea(#es fro% Narnia.3
3An$ af"er "he Lone Islan$s53 sai$ L#c&.
3No one ,nows, &o#r -a8es"&,3 answere$ Drinian. 3nless "he Lone Islan$ers "he%sel+es
can "ell #s.3
3The& co#l$n2" in o#r $a&s,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Then,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3i" is af"er "he Lone Islan$s "ha" "he a$+en"#re reall& 'e(ins.3
Cas)ian now s#((es"e$ "ha" "he& %i(h" li,e "o 'e shown o+er "he shi) 'efore s#))er, '#"
L#c&2s conscience s%o"e her an$ she sai$, 3I "hin, I reall& %#s" (o an$ see E#s"ace.
Seasic,ness is horri$, &o# ,now. If I ha$ %& ol$ cor$ial wi"h %e I co#l$ c#re hi%.3
3B#" &o# ha+e,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I2$ 9#i"e for(o""en a'o#" i". As &o# lef" i" 'ehin$ I "ho#(h" i"
%i(h" 'e re(ar$e$ as one of "he ro&al "reas#res an$ so I 'ro#(h" i" * if &o# "hin, i" o#(h" "o
'e was"e$ on a "hin( li,e seasic,ness.3
3I"2ll onl& "a,e a $ro),3 sai$ L#c&.
Cas)ian o)ene$ one of "he loc,ers 'enea"h "he 'ench an$ 'ro#(h" o#" "he 'ea#"if#l li""le
$ia%on$ flas, which L#c& re%e%'ere$ so well. 3Ta,e 'ac, &o#r own, =#een,3 he sai$.
The& "hen lef" "he ca'in an$ wen" o#" in"o "he s#nshine.
In "he $ec, "here were "wo lar(e, lon( ha"ches, fore an$ af" of "he %as", an$ 'o"h o)en, as
"he& alwa&s were in fair wea"her, "o le" li(h" an$ air in"o "he 'ell& of "he shi). Cas)ian le$
"he% $own a la$$er in"o "he af"er ha"ch. Here "he& fo#n$ "he%sel+es in a )lace where
'enches for rowin( ran fro% si$e "o si$e an$ "he li(h" ca%e in "hro#(h "he oarholes an$
$ance$ on "he roof. Of co#rse Cas)ian2s shi) was no" "ha" horri'le "hin(, a (alle& rowe$ '&
sla+es. Oars were #se$ onl& when win$ faile$ or for (e""in( in an$ o#" of har'o#r an$
e+er&one .e1ce)" Ree)ichee) whose le(s were "oo shor"/ ha$ of"en "a,en a "#rn. A" each
si$e of "he shi) "he s)ace #n$er "he 'enches was lef" clear for "he rowers2 fee", '#" all $own
"he cen"re "here was a ,in$ of )i" which wen" $own "o "he +er& ,eel an$ "his was fille$ wi"h
all ,in$s of "hin(s * sac,s of flo#r, cas,s of wa"er an$ 'eer, 'arrels of )or,, 8ars of hone&,
s,in 'o""les of wine, a))les, n#"s, cheeses, 'isc#i"s, "#rni)s, si$es of 'acon. 7ro% "he roof *
"ha" is, fro% "he #n$er si$e of "he $ec, * h#n( ha%s an$ s"rin(s of onions, an$ also "he %en
of "he wa"ch off$#"& in "heir ha%%oc,s. Cas)ian le$ "he% af", s"e))in( fro% 'ench "o
'ench0 a" leas", i" was s"e))in( for hi%, an$ so%e"hin( 'e"ween a s"e) an$ a 8#%) for L#c&,
an$ a real lon( 8#%) for Ree)ichee). In "his wa& "he& ca%e "o a )ar"i"ion wi"h a $oor in i".
Cas)ian o)ene$ "he $oor an$ le$ "he% in"o a ca'in which fille$ "he s"ern #n$ernea"h "he
$ec, ca'ins in "he )oo). I" was of co#rse no" so nice. I" was +er& low an$ "he si$es slo)e$
"o(e"her as "he& wen" $own so "ha" "here was har$l& an& floor0 an$ "ho#(h i" ha$ win$ows
of "hic, (lass, "he& were no" %a$e "o o)en 'eca#se "he& were #n$er wa"er. In fac" a" "his
+er& %o%en", as "he shi) )i"che$ "he& were al"erna"el& (ol$en wi"h s#nli(h" an$ $i% (reen
wi"h "he sea.
3Yo# an$ I %#s" lo$(e here, E$%#n$,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3We2ll lea+e &o#r ,ins%an "he '#n,
an$ slin( ha%%oc,s for o#rsel+es.3
3I 'eseech &o#r -a8es"&*3 sai$ Drinian.
3No, no shi)%a"e,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3we ha+e ar(#e$ all "ha" o#" alrea$&. Yo# an$ Rhince3
.Rhince was "he %a"e/ 3are sailin( "he shi) an$ will ha+e cares an$ la'o#rs %an& a ni(h"
when we are sin(in( ca"ches or "ellin( s"ories, so &o# an$ he %#s" ha+e "he )or" ca'in
a'o+e. !in( E$%#n$ an$ I can lie +er& sn#( here 'elow. B#" how is "he s"ran(er53
E#s"ace, +er& (reen in "he face, scowle$ an$ as,e$ whe"her "here was an& si(n of "he s"or%
(e""in( less. B#" Cas)ian sai$, 3Wha" s"or%53 an$ Drinian '#rs" o#" la#(hin(.
3S"or%, &o#n( %as"er43 he roare$. 3This is as fair wea"her as a %an co#l$ as, for.3
3Who2s "ha"53 sai$ E#s"ace irri"a'l&. 3Sen$ hi% awa&. His +oice (oes "hro#(h %& hea$.3
3I2+e 'ro#(h" &o# so%e"hin( "ha" will %a,e &o# feel 'e""er, E#s"ace,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Oh, (o awa& an$ lea+e %e alone,3 (rowle$ E#s"ace. B#" he "oo, a $ro) fro% her flas,, an$
"ho#(h he sai$ i" was 'eas"l& s"#ff ."he s%ell in "he ca'in when she o)ene$ i" was $elicio#s/
i" is cer"ain "ha" his face ca%e "he ri(h" colo#r a few %o%en"s af"er he ha$ swallowe$ i",
an$ he %#s" ha+e fel" 'e""er 'eca#se, ins"ea$ of wailin( a'o#" "he s"or% an$
his hea$, he 'e(an $e%an$in( "o 'e )#" ashore an$ sai$ "ha" a" "he firs" )or" he wo#l$
3lo$(e a $is)osi"ion3 a(ains" "he% all wi"h "he Bri"ish Cons#l. B#" when Ree)ichee) as,e$
wha" a $is)osi"ion was an$ how &o# lo$(e$ i" .Ree)ichee) "ho#(h" i" was so%e new wa& of
arran(in( a sin(le co%'a"/ E#s"ace co#l$ onl& re)l&, 37anc& no" ,nowin( "ha".3 In "he en$
"he& s#ccee$e$ in con+incin( E#s"ace "ha" "he& were alrea$& sailin( as fas" as "he& co#l$
"owar$s "he neares" lan$ "he& ,new, an$ "ha" "he& ha$ no %ore )ower of sen$in( hi% 'ac,
"o Ca%'ri$(e * which was where ncle Harol$ li+e$ * "han of sen$in( hi% "o "he %oon.
Af"er "ha" he s#l,il& a(ree$ "o )#" on "he fresh clo"hes which ha$ 'een )#" o#" for hi% an$
co%e on $ec,.
Cas)ian now showe$ "he% o+er "he shi), "ho#(h in$ee$ "he& ha$ seen %os" i" alrea$&. The&
wen" #) on "he forecas"le an$ saw "he loo,*o#" %an s"an$in( on a li""le shelf insi$e "he
(il$e$ $ra(on2s nec, an$ )eerin( "hro#(h i"s o)en %o#"h. Insi$e "he forecas"le was "he
(alle& .or shi)2s ,i"chen/ an$ 9#ar"ers for s#ch )eo)le as "he 'oa"swain, "he car)en"er, "he
coo, an$ "he %as"er*archer. If &o# "hin, i" o$$ "o ha+e "he (alle& in "he 'ows an$ i%a(ine
"he s%o,e fro% i"s chi%ne& s"rea%in( 'ac, o+er "he shi), "ha" is 'eca#se &o# are "hin,in(
of s"ea%shi)s where "here is alwa&s a hea$win$. On a sailin( shi) "he win$ is co%in( fro%
'ehin$, an$ an&"hin( s%ell& is )#" as far forwar$ as )ossi'le. The& were "a,en #) "o "he
fi(h"in( "o), an$ a" firs" i" was ra"her alar%in( "o roc, "o an$ fro "here an$ see "he $ec,
loo,in( s%all an$ far awa& 'enea"h. Yo# reali<e$ "ha" if &o# fell "here was no )ar"ic#lar
reason wh& &o# sho#l$ fall on 'oar$ ra"her "han in "he sea. Then "he& were "a,en "o "he
)oo), where Rhince was on $#"& wi"h ano"her %an a" "he (rea" "iller, an$ 'ehin$ "ha" "he
$ra(on2s "ail rose #), co+ere$ wi"h (il$in(, an$ ro#n$ insi$e i" ran a li""le 'ench. The na%e
of "he shi) was Dawn Trea$er. She was onl& a li""le 'i" of a "hin( co%)are$ wi"h one of o#r
I shi)s, or e+en wi"h "he co(s, $ro%on$s, carrac,s an$ (alleons which Narnia ha$ owne$
when L#c& an$ E$%#n$ ha$ rei(ne$ "here #n$er Pe"er as "he Hi(h !in(, for nearl& all
na+i(a"ion ha$ $ie$ o#" in "he rei(ns of Cas)ian2s ances"ors. When his #ncle, -ira< "he
#s#r)er, ha$ sen" "he se+en lor$s "o sea, "he& ha$ ha$ "o '#& a 6al%ian shi) an$ %an i" wi"h
hire$ 6al%ian sailors. B#" now Cas)ian ha$ 'e(#n "o "each "he Narnians "o 'e sea*farin(
fol, once %ore, an$ "he Dawn Trea$er was "he fines" shi) he ha$ '#il" &e". She was so
s%all "ha", forwar$ of "he %as", "here was har$l& an& $ec, roo% 'e"ween "he cen"ral ha"ch
an$ "he shi)2s 'oa" on one si$e an$ "he hen*coo) .L#c& fe$ "he hens/ on "he o"her. B#" she
was a 'ea#"& of her ,in$, a 3la$&3 as sailors sa&, her lines )erfec", her colo#rs )#re, an$
e+er& s)ar an$ ro)e an$ )in lo+in(l& %a$e. E#s"ace of co#rse wo#l$ 'e )lease$ wi"h
no"hin(, an$ ,e)" on 'oas"in( a'o#" liners an$ %o"or*'oa"s an$ aero)lanes an$ s#'%arines
.3As if he ,new an&"hin( a'o#" "he%,3 %#""ere$ E$%#n$/, '#" "he o"her "wo were $eli(h"e$
wi"h "he Dawn Trea$er, an$ when "he& re"#rne$ af" "o "he ca'in an$ s#))er, an$ saw "he
whole wes"ern s,& li" #) wi"h an i%%ense cri%son s#nse", an$ fel" "he 9#i+er of "he shi),
an$ "as"e$ "he sal" on "heir li)s, an$ "ho#(h" of #n,nown lan$s on "he Eas"ern ri% of "he
worl$, L#c& fel" "ha" she was al%os" "oo ha))& "o s)ea,.
Wha" E#s"ace "ho#(h" ha$ 'es" 'e "ol$ in his own wor$s, for when "he& all (o" "heir clo"hes
'ac,, $rie$, ne1" %ornin(, he a" once (o" o#" a li""le 'lac, no"e'oo, an$ a )encil an$ s"ar"e$
"o ,ee) a $iar&. He alwa&s ha$ "his no"e'oo, wi"h hi% an$ ,e)" a recor$ of his %ar,s in i",
for "ho#(h he $i$n2" care %#ch a'o#" an& s#'8ec" for i"s own sa,e, he
care$ a (rea" $eal a'o#" %ar,s an$ wo#l$ e+en (o "o )eo)le an$ sa&, 3I (o" so %#ch. Wha"
$i$ &o# (e"53 B#" as he $i$n2" see% li,el& "o (e" %an& %ar,s on "he Dawn Trea$er he now
s"ar"e$ a $iar&. This was "he firs" en"r&.
3F A#(#s". Ha+e now 'een "wen"&*fo#r ho#rs on "his (has"l& 'oa" if i" isn2" a $rea%. All "he
"i%e a fri(h"f#l s"or% has 'een ra(in( .i"2s a (oo$ "hin( I2% no" seasic,/. H#(e wa+es ,ee)
co%in( in o+er "he fron" an$ I ha+e seen "he 'oa" nearl& (o #n$er an& n#%'er of "i%es. All
"he o"hers )re"en$ "o "a,e no no"ice of "his, ei"her fro% swan, or 'eca#se Harol$ sa&s one
of "he %os" cowar$l& "hin(s or$inar& )eo)le $o is "o sh#" "heir e&es "o 7ac"s. I"2s %a$ness "o
co%e o#" in"o "he sea in a ro""en li""le "hin( li,e "his. No" %#ch 'i((er "han a life'oa". An$,
of co#rse, a'sol#"el& )ri%i"i+e in$oors. No )ro)er saloon, no ra$io, no 'a"hroo%s, no $ec,*
chairs. I was $ra((e$ all o+er i" &es"er$a& e+enin( an$ i" wo#l$ %a,e an&one sic, "o hear
Cas)ian showin( off his f#nn& li""le "o& 'oa" as if i" was "he =#een -ar&. I "rie$ "o "ell hi%
wha" real shi)s are li,e, '#" he2s "oo $ense. E. an$ L., o f co#rse, $i$n2" 'ac, %e #). I
s#))ose a ,i$ li,e L. $oesn2" reali<e "he $an(er an$ E. is '#""erin( #) C. as e+er&one $oes
here. The& call hi% a !in(. I sai$ I was a Re)#'lican '#" he ha$ "o as, %e wha" "ha" %ean"4
He $oesn2" see% "o ,now an&"hin( a" all. Nee$less "o sa& I2+e 'een )#" in "he wors" ca'in of
"he 'oa", a )erfec" $#n(eon, an$ L#c& has 'een (i+en a whole roo% on $ec, "o herself,
al%os" a nice roo% co%)are$ wi"h "he res" of "his )lace. C. sa&s "ha"2s 'eca#se she2s a (irl. I
"rie$ "o %a,e hi% see wha" Al'er"a sa&s, "ha" all "ha" sor" of "hin( is reall& lowerin( (irls
'#" he was "oo $ense. S"ill, he %i(h" see "ha" I shall 'e ill if I2% ,e)" in "ha" hole an& lon(er.
E. sa&s we %#s"n2" (r#%'le 'eca#se C. is sharin( i" wi"h #s hi%self "o %a,e roo% for L. As
if "ha" $i$n2" %a,e i" %ore crow$e$ an$ far worse. Nearl& for(o" "o sa& "ha" "here is also a
,in$ of -o#se "hin( "ha" (i+es e+er&one "he %os" fri(h"f#l chee,. The o"hers can )#" #)
wi"h i" if "he& li,e '#" I shall "wis" his "ail )re""& soon if he "ries i" on %e. The foo$ is
fri(h"f#l "oo.3
The "ro#'le 'e"ween E#s"ace an$ Ree)ichee) arri+e$ e+en sooner "han %i(h" ha+e 'een
e1)ec"e$. Before $inner ne1" $a&, when "he o"hers were si""in( ro#n$ "he "a'le , wai"in(
.'ein( a" sea (i+es one a %a(nificen" a))e"i"e/, E#s"ace ca%e r#shin( in, wrin(in( his han$
an$ sho#"in( o#":
3Tha" li""le 'r#"e has half ,ille$ %e. I insis" on i" 'ein( ,e)" #n$er con"rol. I co#l$ 'rin( an
ac"ion a(ains" &o#, Cas)ian. i co#l$ or$er &o# "o ha+e i" $es"ro&e$.3
A" "he sa%e %o%en" Ree)ichee) a))eare$. His swor$ was $rawn an$ his whis,ers loo,e$
+er& fierce '#" he was as )oli"e as e+er.
3I as, &o#r )ar$ons all,3 he sai$, 3an$ es)eciall& her -a8es"&2s. If I ha$ ,nown "ha" he
wo#l$ "a,e ref#(e here I wo#l$ ha+e awai"e$ a %ore reasona'le "i%e for his correc"ion.3
3Wha" on ear"h2s #)53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
Wha" ha$ reall& ha))ene$ was "his. Ree)ichee), who ne+er fel" "ha" "he shi) was (e""in( on
fas" eno#(h, lo+e$ "o si" on "he '#lwar,s far forwar$ 8#s" 'esi$e "he $ra(on2s hea$, (a<in(
o#" a" "he eas"ern hori<on an$ sin(in( sof"l& in his li""le chirr#)in( +oice "he son(
"he Dr&a$ ha$ %a$e for hi%. He ne+er hel$ on "o an&"hin(, howe+er "he shi) )i"che$, an$
,e)" his 'alance wi"h )erfec" ease0 )erha)s his lon( "ail, han(in( $own "o "he $ec, insi$e
"he '#lwar,s, %a$e "his easier. E+er&one on 'oar$ was fa%iliar wi"h "his ha'i", an$ "he
sailors li,e$ i" 'eca#se when one was on loo,*o#" $#"& i" (a+e one so%e'o$& "o "al, "o.
Wh& e1ac"l& E#s"ace ha$ sli))e$ an$ reele$ an$ s"#%'le$ all "he wa& forwar$ "o "he
forecas"le .he ha$ no" &e" (o" his sea*le(s/ I ne+er hear$. Perha)s he ho)e$ he wo#l$ see
lan$, or )erha)s he wan"e$ "o han( a'o#" "he (alle& an$ scro#n(e so%e"hin(. An&wa&, as
soon as he saw "ha" lon( "ail han(in( $own * an$ )erha)s i" was ra"her "e%)"in( * he
"ho#(h" i" wo#l$ 'e $eli(h"f#l "o ca"ch hol$ of i", swin( Ree)ichee) ro#n$ '& i" once or
"wice #)si$e*$own, "hen r#n awa& an$ la#(h, A" firs" "he )lan see%e$ "o wor, 'ea#"if#ll&.
The -o#se was no" %#ch hea+ier "han a +er& lar(e ca". E#s"ace ha$ hi% off "he rail in a
"rice an$ +er& sill& he loo,e$ ."ho#(h" E#s"ace/ wi"h his li""le li%'s all s)la&e$ o#" an$ his
%o#"h o)en. B#" #nfor"#na"el& Ree)ichee), who ha$ fo#(h" for his life %an& a "i%e, ne+er
los" his hea$ e+en for a %o%en". Nor his s,ill. I" is no" +er& eas& "o $raw one2s swor$ when
one is swin(in( ro#n$ in "he air '& one2s "ail, '#" he $i$. An$ "he ne1" "hin( E#s"ace ,new
was "wo a(oni<in( 8a's in his han$ which %a$e hi% le" (o of "he "ail0 an$ "he ne1" "hin(
af"er "ha" was "ha" "he -o#se ha$ )ic,e$ i"self #) a(ain as if i" were a 'all 'o#ncin( off "he
$ec,, an$ "here i" was facin( hi%, an$ a horri$ lon(, 'ri(h", shar) "hin( li,e a s,ewer was
wa+in( "o an$ fro wi"hin an inch of his s"o%ach. .This $oesn2" co#n" as 'elow "he 'el" for
%ice in Narnia 'eca#se "he& can har$l& 'e e1)ec"e$ "o reach hi(her./
3S"o) i",3 s)l#""ere$ E#s"ace, 3(o awa&. P#" "ha" "hin( awa&. I"2s no" safe. S"o) i", I sa&. I2ll
"ell Cas)ian.
I2ll ha+e &o# %#<<le$ an$ "ie$ #).3
3Wh& $o &o# no" $raw &o#r own swor$, )ol"roon43 chee)e$ "he -o#se. 3Draw an$ fi(h" or
I2ll 'ea" &o# 'lac, an$ 'l#e wi"h "he fla".3
3I ha+en2" (o" one,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I2% a )acifis". I $on2" 'elie+e in fi(h"in(.3
3Do I #n$ers"an$,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), wi"h$rawin( his swor$ for a %o%en" an$ s)ea,in(
+er& s"ernl&, 3"ha" &o# $o no" in"en$ "o (i+e %e sa"isfac"ion53
3I $on2" ,now wha" &o# %ean,3 sai$ E#s"ace, n#rsin( his han$. 3If &o# $on2" ,now how "o
"a,e a 8o,e I shan2" 'o"her %& hea$ a'o#" &o#.3
3Then "a,e "ha",3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3an$ "ha" * "o "each &o# %anners * an$ "he res)ec" $#e "o
a ,ni(h" * an$ a -o#se * an$ a -o#se2s "ail *3 an$ a" each wor$ he (a+e E#s"ace a 'low
wi"h "he si$e of his ra)ier, which was "hin, fine $warf*"e%)ere$ s"eel an$ as s#))le an$
effec"i+e as a 'irch ro$. E#s"ace .of co#rse/ was a" a school where "he& $i$n2" ha+e cor)oral
)#nish%en", so "he sensa"ion was 9#i"e new "o hi%. Tha" was wh&, in s)i"e of ha+in( no
seale(s, i" "oo, hi% less "han a %in#"e "o (e" off "ha" forecas"le an$ co+er "he whole len("h
of "he $ec, an$ '#rs" in a" "he ca'in $oor * s"ill ho"l& )#rs#e$ '&
Ree)ichee). In$ee$ i" see%e$ "o E#s"ace "ha" "he ra)ier as well as "he )#rs#i" was ho". I"
%i(h" ha+e 'een re$*ho" '& "he feel.
There was no" %#ch $iffic#l"& in se""lin( "he %a""er once E#s"ace reali<e$ "ha" e+er&one
"oo, "he i$ea of a $#el serio#sl& an$ hear$ Cas)ian offerin( "o len$ hi% a swor$, an$
Drinian an$ E$%#n$ $isc#ssin( whe"her he o#(h" "o 'e han$ica))e$ in so%e wa& "o %a,e
#) for his 'ein( so %#ch 'i((er "han Ree)ichee). He a)olo(i<e$ s#l,il& an$ wen" off wi"h
L#c& "o ha+e his han$ 'a"he$ an$ 'an$a(e$ an$ "hen wen" "o his '#n,. He was caref#l "o
lie on his si$e.
3LAND in si(h",3 sho#"e$ "he %an in "he 'ows.
L#c&, who ha$ 'een "al,in( "o Rhince on "he )oo), ca%e )a""erin( $own "he la$$er an$
race$ forwar$. As she wen" she was 8oine$ '& E$%#n$, an$ "he& fo#n$ Cas)ian, Drinian
an$ Ree)ichee) alrea$& on "he forecas"le. I" was a col$ish %ornin(, "he s,& +er& )ale an$
"he sea +er& $ar, 'l#e wi"h li""le whi"e ca)s of foa%, an$ "here, a li""le wa& off on "he
s"ar'oar$ 'ow, was "he neares" of "he Lone Islan$s, 7eli%a"h, li,e a low (reen hill in "he
sea, an$ 'ehin$ i", f#r"her off, "he (re& slo)es of i"s sis"er Doorn.
3Sa%e ol$ 7eli%a"h4 Sa%e ol$ Doorn,3 sai$ L#c&, cla))in( her han$s. 3Oh * E$%#n$, how
lon( i" is since &o# an$ I saw "he% las"43
3I2+e ne+er #n$ers"oo$ wh& "he& 'elon( "o Narnia,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Di$ Pe"er "he Hi(h !in(
con9#er "he%53
3Oh no,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3The& were Narnian 'efore o#r "i%e * in "he $a&s of "he Whi"e
.B& "he wa&, I ha+e ne+er &e" hear$ how "hese re%o"e islan$s 'eca%e a""ache$ "o "he crown
of Narnia0 if I e+er $o, an$ if "he s"or& is a" all in"eres"in(, I %a& )#" i" in so%e o"her 'oo,./
3Are we "o )#" in here, Sire53 as,e$ Drinian.
3C sho#l$n2" "hin, i" wo#l$ 'e %#ch (oo$ lan$in( on 7eli%a"h,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I" was
al%os" #ninha'i"e$ in o#r $a&s an$ i" loo,s as if i" was "he sa%e s"ill. The )eo)le li+e$
%os"l& on Doorn an$ a li""le on A+ra * "ha"2s "he "hir$ one0 &o# can2" see i" &e". The& onl&
,e)" shee) on 7eli%a"h.3
3Then we2ll ha+e "o $o#'le "ha" ca)e, I s#))ose,3 sai$ Drinian, 3an$ lan$ on Doorn. Tha"2ll
%ean rowin(.3
3I2% sorr& we2re no" lan$in( on 7eli%a"h,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I2$ li,e "o wal, "here a(ain. I" was so
lonel& * a nice ,in$ of loneliness, an$ all (rass an$ clo+er an$ sof" sea air.3
3I2$ lo+e "o s"re"ch %& le(s now "oo,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I "ell &o# wha". Wh& sho#l$n2" we (o
ashore in "he 'oa" an$ sen$ i" 'ac,, an$ "hen we co#l$ wal, across 7eli%a"h an$ le" "he
Dawn Trea$er )ic, #s #) on "he o"her si$e53
If Cas)ian ha$ 'een as e1)erience$ "hen as he 'eca%e la"er on in "his +o&a(e he wo#l$ no"
ha+e %a$e "his s#((es"ion0 '#" a" "he %o%en" i" see%e$ an e1cellen" one. 3Oh $o le"2s,3 sai$
3Yo#2ll co%e, will &o#53 sai$ Cas)ian "o E#s"ace, who ha$ co%e on $ec, wi"h his han$
3An&"hin( "o (e" off "his 'las"e$ 'oa",3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Blas"e$53 sai$ Drinian. 3How $o &o# %ean53
3In a ci+ili<e$ co#n"r& li,e where I co%e fro%,3 sai$ E#s"ace, 3"he shi)s are so 'i( "ha"
when &o#2re insi$e &o# wo#l$n2" ,now &o# were a" sea a" all.3
3In "ha" case &o# %i(h" 8#s" as well s"a& ashore,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Will &o# "ell "he% "o lower
"he 'oa", Drinian.3
The !in(, "he -o#se, "he "wo Pe+ensies, an$ E#s"ace all (o" in"o "he 'oa" an$ were )#lle$
"o "he 'each of 7eli%a"h. When "he 'oa" ha$ lef" "he% an$ was 'ein( rowe$ 'ac, "he& all
"#rne$ an$ loo,e$ ro#n$. The& were s#r)rise$ a" how s%all "he Dawn Trea$er loo,e$.
L#c& was of co#rse 'arefoo", ha+in( ,ic,e$ off her shoes while swi%%in(, '#" "ha" is no
har$shi) if one is (oin( "o wal, on $own& "#rf. I" was $eli(h"f#l "o 'e ashore a(ain an$ "o
s%ell "he ear"h an$ (rass, e+en if a" firs" "he (ro#n$ see%e$ "o 'e )i"chin( #) an$ $own li,e
a shi), as i" #s#all& $oes for a while if one has 'een a" sea. I" was %#ch war%er here "han i"
ha$ 'een on 'oar$ an$ L#c& fo#n$ "he san$ )leasan" "o her fee" as "he& crosse$ i". There
was a lar, sin(in(.
The& s"r#c, inlan$ an$ #) a fairl& s"ee), "ho#(h low, hill. A" "he "o) of co#rse "he& loo,e$
'ac,, an$ "here was "he Dawn Trea$er shinin( li,e a (rea" 'ri(h" insec" an$ crawlin( slowl&
nor"h*wes"war$ wi"h her oars. Then "he& wen" o+er "he ri$(e an$ co#l$ see her no lon(er.
Doo% now la& 'efore "he%, $i+i$e$ fro% 7eli%a"h '& a channel a'o#" a %ile wi$e0 'ehin$
i" an$ "o "he lef" la& A+ra. The li""le whi"e "own of Narrowha+en on Doorn was easil& seen.
3H#llo4 Wha"2s "his53 sai$ E$%#n$ s#$$enl&.
In "he (reen +alle& "o which "he& were $escen$in( si1 or se+en ro#(h*loo,in( %en, all
ar%e$, were si""in( '& a "ree.
3Don2" "ell "he% who we are,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3An$ )ra&, &o#r -a8es"&, wh& no"53 sai$ Ree)ichee) who ha$ consen"e$ "o ri$e on L#c&2s
3I" 8#s" occ#rre$ "o %e,3 re)lie$ Cas)ian, 3"ha" no one here can ha+e hear$ fro% Narnia for
a lon( "i%e. I"2s 8#s" )ossi'le "he& %a& no" s"ill ac,nowle$(e o#r o+er*lor$shi). In which
case i" %i(h" no" 'e 9#i"e safe "o 'e ,nown as "he !in(.3
3We ha+e o#r swor$s, Sire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee).
3Yes, Ree), I ,now we ha+e,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3B#" if i" is a 9#es"ion of re*con9#erin( "he
"hree islan$s, I2$ )refer "o co%e 'ac, wi"h a ra"her lar(er ar%&.3
B& "his "i%e "he& were 9#i"e close "o "he s"ran(ers, one of who% * a 'i( 'lac,*haire$ fellow
* sho#"e$ o#", 3A (oo$ %ornin( "o &o#.3
3An$ a (oo$ %ornin( "o &o#,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Is "here s"ill a 6o+ernor of "he Lone Islan$s53
3To 'e s#re "here is,3 sai$ "he %an, 36o+ernor 6#%)as. His S#fficienc& is a" Narrowha+en.
B#" &o#2ll s"a& an$ $rin, wi"h #s.3
Cas)ian "han,e$ hi%, "ho#(h nei"her he nor "he o"hers %#ch li,e$ "he loo, of "heir new
ac9#ain"ance, an$ all of "he% sa" $own. B#" har$l& ha$ "he& raise$ "heir c#)s "o "heir li)s
when "he 'lac,*haire$ %an no$$e$ "o his co%)anions an$, as 9#ic, as li(h"nin(, all "he fi+e
+isi"ors fo#n$ "he%sel+es wra))e$ in s"ron( ar%s. There was a %o%en"2s s"r#((le '#" all
"he a$+an"a(es were on one si$e, an$ soon e+er&one was $isar%e$ an$ ha$ "heir han$s "ie$
'ehin$ "heir 'ac,s e1ce)" Ree)ichee), wri"hin( in his ca)"or2s (ri) an$ 'i"in( f#rio#sl&.
3Caref#l wi"h "ha" 'eas", Tac,s,3 sai$ "he Lea$er. 3Don2" $a%a(e hi%. He2ll fe"ch "he 'es"
)rice of "he lo", I sho#l$n2" won$er.3
3Cowar$4 Pol"roon43 s9#ea,e$ Ree)ichee). 36i+e %e %& swor$ an$ free %& )aws if &o#
3Whew43 whis"le$ "he sla+e %erchan" .for "ha" is wha" he was/. 3I" can "al,4 Well I ne+er
$i$. Blowe$ if I "a,e less "han "wo h#n$re$ crescen"s for hi%.3 The Calor%en crescen",
which is "he chief coin in "hose )ar"s, is wor"h a'o#" a "hir$ of a )o#n$.
3So "ha"2s wha" &o# are,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3A ,i$na))er an$ sla+er. I ho)e &o#2re )ro#$ of i".3
3Now, now, now, now,3 sai$ "he sla+er. 3Don2" &o# s"ar" an& 8aw. The easier &o# "a,e i", "he
)leasan"er all ro#n$, see5 I $on2" $o "his for f#n. I2+e (o" %& li+in( "o %a,e sa%e as an&one
3Where will &o# "a,e #s53 as,e$ L#c&, (e""in( "he wor$s o#" wi"h so%e $iffic#l"&.
3O+er "o Narrowha+en,3 sai$ "he sla+er. 37or %ar,e" $a& "o%orrow.3
3Is "here a Bri"ish Cons#l "here53 as,e$ E#s"ace.
3Is "here a which53 sai$ "he %an.
B#" lon( 'efore E#s"ace was "ire$ of "r&in( "o e1)lain, "he sla+er si%)l& sai$, 3Well, I2+e
ha$ eno#(h of "his 8a''er. The -o#se is a fair "rea" '#" "his one wo#l$ "al, "he hin$ le( off
a $on,e&. Off we (o, %a"es.3
Then "he fo#r h#%an )risoners were ro)e$ "o(e"her, no" cr#ell& '#" sec#rel&, an$ %a$e "o
%arch $own "o "he shore. Ree)ichee) was carrie$. He ha$ s"o))e$ 'i"in( on a "hrea" of
ha+in( his %o#"h "ie$ #), '#" he ha$ a (rea" $eal "o sa&, an$ L#c& reall& won$ere$ how an&
%an co#l$ 'ear "o ha+e "he "hin(s sai$ "o hi% which were sai$ "o "he sla+e $ealer '& "he
-o#se. B#" "he sla+e $ealer, far fro% o'8ec"in(, onl& sai$ 36o on3 whene+er Ree)ichee)
)a#se$ for 'rea"h, occasionall& a$$in(, 3I"2s as (oo$ as a )la&,3 or, 3Bli%e&, &o# can2" hel)
al%os" "hin,in( i" ,nows wha" i"2s sa&in(43 or 3Was i" one of &o# wha" "raine$ i"53 This so
inf#ria"e$ Ree)ichee) "ha" in "he en$ "he n#%'er of "hin(s he "ho#(h" of sa&in( all a" once
nearl& s#ffoca"e$ hi% an$ he 'eca%e silen".
When "he& (o" $own "o "he shore "ha" loo,e$ "owar$s Doorn "he& fo#n$ a li""le +illa(e an$
a lon(*'oa" on "he 'each an$, l&in( a li""le f#r"her o#", a $ir"& 'e$ra((le$ loo,in( shi).
3Now, &o#n(s"ers,3 sai$ "he sla+e $ealer, 3le"2s ha+e no f#ss an$ "hen &o#2ll ha+e no"hin( "o
cr& a'o#". All a'oar$.3
A" "ha" %o%en" a fine*loo,in( 'ear$e$ %an ca%e o#" of one of "he ho#ses .an inn, I "hin,/
an$ sai$:
3Well, P#(. -ore of &o#r #s#al wares53
The sla+er, whose na%e see%e$ "o 'e P#(, 'owe$ +er& low, an$ sai$ in a whee$lin( ,in$
of +oice, 3Yes, )lease &o#r Lor$shi).3
3How %#ch $o &o# wan" for "ha" 'o&53 as,e$ "he o"her, )oin"in( "o Cas)ian.
3Ah,3 sai$ P#(, 3I ,new &o#r Lor$shi) wo#l$ )ic, on "he 'es". No $ecei+in( &o#r Lor$shi)
wi"h an&"hin( secon$ ra"e. Tha" 'o&, now, I2+e "a,en a fanc& "o hi% %&self. 6o" ,in$ of
fon$ of hi%, I ha+e. I2% "ha" "en$er*hear"e$ I $i$n2" e+er o#(h" "o ha+e "a,en #) "his 8o'.
S"ill, "o a c#s"o%er li,e &o#r Lor$shi)*3
3Tell %e &o#r )rice, carrion,3 sai$ "he Lor$ s"ernl&. 3Do &o# "hin, I wan" "o lis"en "o "he
ri(%arole of &o#r fil"h& "ra$e53
3Three h#n$re$ crescen"s, %& Lor$ "o &o#r hono#ra'le Lor$shi), '#" "o an&one else *3
3I2ll (i+e &o# a h#n$re$ an$ fif"&.3
3Oh )lease, )lease,3 'ro,e in L#c&. 3Don2" se)ara"e #s, wha"e+er &o# $o. Yo# $on2" ,now *3
B#" "hen she s"o))e$ for she saw "ha" Cas)ian $i$n2" e+en now wan" "o 'e ,nown.
3A h#n$re$ an$ fif"&, "hen,3 sai$ "he Lor$. 3As for &o#, li""le %ai$en, I a% sorr& I canno"
'#& &o# all. nro)e %& 'o&, P#(. An$ loo, * "rea" "hese o"hers well while "he& are in &o#r
han$s or i"2ll 'e "he worse for &o#.3
3Well43 sai$ P#(. 3Now who e+er hear$ of a (en"le%an in %& wa& of '#siness who "rea"e$
his s"oc, 'e""er "han wha" I $o5 Well5 Wh&, I "rea" 2e% li,e %& own chil$en.3
3Tha"2s li,el& eno#(h "o 'e "r#e,3 sai$ "he o"her (ri%l&.
The $rea$f#l %o%en" ha$ now co%e. Cas)ian was #n"ie$ an$ his new %as"er sai$, 3This
wa&, la$,3 an$ L#c& '#rs" in"o "ears an$ E$%#n$ loo,e$ +er& 'lan,. B#" Cas)ian loo,e$
o+er his sho#l$er an$ sai$, 3Cheer #). I2% s#re i" will co%e all ri(h" in "he en$. So lon(.3
3Now, %issie,3 sai$ P#(. 3Don2" &o# s"ar" "a,in( on an$ s)oilin( &o#r loo,s for "he %ar,e"
"o%orrow. Yo# 'e a (oo$ (irl an$ "hen &o# won2" ha+e no"hin( "o cr& a'o#", see53
Then "he& were rowe$ o#" "o "he sla+e*shi) an$ "a,en 'elow in"o a lon(, ra"her $ar, )lace,
none "oo clean, where "he& fo#n$ %an& o"her #nfor"#na"e )risoners0 for P#( was of co#rse a
)ira"e an$ ha$ 8#s" re"#rne$ fro% cr#isin( a%on( "he islan$s an$ ca)"#rin( wha" he co#l$.
The chil$ren $i$n2" %ee" an&one who% "he& ,new0 "he )risoners were %os"l& 6al%ians an$
Tere'in"hians. An$ "here "he& sa" in "he s"raw an$ won$ere$ wha" was ha))enin( "o
Cas)ian an$ "rie$ "o s"o) E#s"ace "al,in( as if e+er&one e1ce)" hi%self was "o 'la%e.
-eanwhile Cas)ian was ha+in( a %#ch %ore in"eres"in( "i%e. The %an who ha$ 'o#(h"
hi% le$ hi% $own a li""le lane 'e"ween "wo of "he +illa(e ho#ses an$ so o#" in"o an o)en
)lace 'ehin$ "he +illa(e. Then he "#rne$ an$ face$ hi%.
3Yo# nee$n2" 'e afrai$ of %e, 'o&,3 he sai$. 3I2ll "rea" &o# well. I 'o#(h" &o# for &o#r face.
Yo# re%in$e$ %e of so%eone.3 2
3-a& I as, of who%, %& Lor$53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Yo# re%in$ %e of %& %as"er, !in( Cas)ian of Narnia.3
Then Cas)ian $eci$e$ "o ris, e+er&"hin( on one s"ro,e.
3-& Lor$,3 he sai$, 3I a% &o#r %as"er. I a% Cas)ian !in( of Narnia.3
3Yo# %a,e +er& free,3 sai$ "he o"her. 3How shall I ,now "his is "r#e53
37irs"l& '& %& face,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Secon$l& 'eca#se I ,now wi"hin si1 (#esses who &o#
are. Yo# are one of "hose se+en lor$s of Narnia who% %& ncle -ira< sen" "o sea an$
who% I ha+e co%e o#" "o loo, for * Ar(o<, Bern, Oc"esian, Res"i%ar, -a+ra%orn, or * or *
I ha+e for(o""en "he o"hers. An$ finall&, if &o#r Lor$shi) will (i+e %e a swor$ I will )ro+e
on an& %an2s 'o$& in clean 'a""le "ha" I a% Cas)ian "he son of Cas)ian, lawf#l !in( of
Narnia, Lor$ of Cair Para+el, an$ E%)eror of "he Lone Islan$s.3
3B& hea+en,3 e1clai%e$ "he %an, 3i" is his fa"her2s +er& +oice an$ "ric, of s)eech. -& lie(e
* &o#r -a8es"& *3 An$ "here in "he fiel$ he ,nel" an$ ,isse$ "he !in(2s han$.
3The %one&s &o#r Lor$shi) $is'#rse$ for o#r )erson will 'e %a$e (oo$ fro% o#r own
"reas#r&,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3The&2re no" in P#(2s )#rse &e", Sire,3 sai$ "he Lor$ Bern, for he i" was. 3An$ ne+er will 'e,
I "r#s". I ha+e %o+e$ his S#fficienc& "he 6o+ernor a h#n$re$ "i%es "o cr#sh "his +ile "raffic
in %an2s flesh.3
3-& Lor$ Bern,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3we %#s" "al, of "he s"a"e of "hese Islan$s. B#" firs" wha" is
&o#r Lor$shi)2s own s"or&53
3Shor" eno#(h, Sire,3 sai$ Bern. 3I ca%e "h#s far wi"h %& si1 fellows, lo+e$ a (irl of "he
islan$s, an$ fel" I ha$ ha$ eno#(h of "he sea. An$ "here was no )#r)ose in re"#rnin( "o
Narnia while &o#r -a8es"&2s #ncle hel$ "he reins. So I %arrie$ an$ ha+e li+e$ here e+er
3An$ wha" is "his (o+ernor, "his 6#%)as, li,e5 Does he s"ill ac,nowle$(e "he !in( of
Narnia for his lor$53
3In wor$s, &es. All is $one in "he !in(2s na%e. B#" he wo#l$ no" 'e 'es" )lease$ "o fin$ a
real, li+e !in( of Narnia co%in( in #)on hi%. An$ if &o#r -a8es"& ca%e 'efore hi% alone
an$ #nar%e$ * well he wo#l$ no" $en& his alle(iance, '#" he wo#l$ )re"en$ "o $is'elie+e
&o#. Yo#r 6race2s life wo#l$ 'e in $an(er. Wha" followin( has &o#r -a8es"& in "hese
3There is %& shi) 8#s" ro#n$in( "he )oin",3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3We are a'o#" "hir"& swor$s if i"
ca%e "o fi(h"in(. Shall we no" ha+e %& shi) in an$ fall #)on P#( an$ free %& frien$s who%
he hol$s ca)"i+e53
3No" '& %& co#nsel,3 sai$ Bern. 3As soon as "here was a fi(h" "wo or "hree shi)s wo#l$ )#"
o#" fro% Narrowha+en "o resc#e P#(. Yo#r -a8es"& %#s" wor, '& a show of %ore )ower
"han &o# reall& ha+e, an$ '& "he "error of "he !in(2s na%e. I" %#s" no" co%e "o )lain 'a""le.
6#%)as is a chic,en*hear"e$ %an an$ can 'e o+er*awe$.3
Af"er a li""le %ore con+ersa"ion Cas)ian an$ Bern wal,e$ $own "o "he coas" a li""le wes" of
"he +illa(e an$ "here Cas)ian win$e$ his horn. .This was no" "he (rea" %a(ic horn of
Narnia, =#een S#san2s Horn: he ha$ lef" "ha" a" ho%e for his re(en" Tr#%),in "o #se if an&
(rea" nee$ fell #)on "he lan$ in "he !in(2s a'sence./ Drinian, who was on "he loo,*o#" for a
si(nal, reco(ni<e$ "he ro&al horn a" once an$ "he Dawn Trea$er 'e(an s"an$in( in "o shore.
Then "he 'oa" )#" off a(ain an$ in a few %o%en"s Cas)ian an$ "he Lor$ Bern were on $ec,
e1)lainin( "he si"#a"ion "o Drinian. He, 8#s" li,e Cas)ian, wan"e$ "o la& "he Dawn Trea$er
alon(si$e "he sla+e*shi) a" once an$ 'oar$ her, '#" Bern %a$e "he sa%e o'8ec"ion.
3S"eer s"rai(h" $own "his channel, ca)"ain,3 sai$ Bern, 3an$ "hen ro#n$ "o A+ra where %&
own es"a"es are. B#" firs" r#n #) "he !in(2s 'anner, han( o#" all "he shiel$s, an$ sen$ as
%an& %en "o "he fi(h"in( "o) as &o# can. An$ a'o#" fi+e 'owsho"s hence, when &o# (e"
o)en sea on &o#r )or" 'ow, r#n #) a few si(nals.3
3Si(nals5 To who%53 sai$ Drinian.
3Wh&, "o all "he o"her shi)s we ha+en2" (o" '#" which i" %i(h" 'e well "ha" 6#%)as "hin,s
we ha+e.3
3Oh, I see,3 sai$ Drinian r#''in( his han$s. 3An$
"he&2ll rea$ o#r si(nals. Wha" shall I sa&5 Whole flee" ro#n$ "he So#"h of A+ra an$
asse%'le a" *53
3Berns"ea$,3 sai$ "he Lor$ Bern. 3Tha"2ll $o e1cellen"l&. Their whole 8o#rne& * if "here were
an& shi)s Wha" Cas)ian $i$ "here wo#l$ 'e o#" of si(h" fro% Narrowha+en.3
Cas)ian was sorr& for "he o"hers lan(#ishin( in "he hol$ of P#(2s sla+e*shi), '#" he co#l$
no" hel) fin$in( "he res" of "ha" $a& en8o&a'le. La"e in "he af"ernoon .for "he& ha$ "o $o all
'& oar/, ha+in( "#rne$ "o s"ar'oar$ ro#n$ "he nor"heas" en$ of Doorn an$ )or" a(ain
ro#n$ "he )oin" of A+ra, "he& en"ere$ in"o a (oo$ har'o#r on A+ra2s so#"hern shore where
Bern2s )leasan" lan$s slo)e$ $own "o "he wa"er2s e$(e. Bern2s )eo)le, %an& of who% "he&
saw wor,in( in "he fiel$s, were all free%en an$ i" was a ha))& an$ )ros)ero#s fief. Here
"he& all wen" ashore an$ were ro&all& feas"e$ in a low, )illare$ ho#se o+erloo,in( "he 'a&.
Bern an$ his (racio#s wife an$ %err& $a#(h"ers %a$e "he% (oo$ cheer. B#" af"er $ar, Bern
sen" a %essen(er o+er '& 'oa" "o Doorn "o or$er so%e )re)ara"ions .he $i$ no" sa& e1ac"l&
wha"/ for "he followin( $a&.
Ner" %ornin( "he Lor$ Bern calle$ his (#es"s earl&, an$ af"er 'rea,fas" he as,e$ Cas)ian "o
or$er e+er& %an he ha$ in"o f#ll ar%o#r. 3An$ a'o+e all,3 he a$$e$, 3le" e+er&"hin( 'e as
"ri% an$ sco#re$ as if i" were "he %ornin( of "he firs" 'a""le in a (rea" war 'e"ween no'le
,in(s wi"h all "he worl$ loo,in( on.3 This was $one0 an$ "hen in "hree 'oa"loa$s Cas)ian
an$ his )eo)le, an$ Bern wi"h a few of his, )#" o#" for Narrowha+en. The ,in(2s fla( flew in
"he s"ern of his 'oa" an$ his "r#%)e"er was wi"h hi%.
When "he& reache$ "he 8e""& a" Narrowha+en, Cas)ian fo#n$ a consi$era'le crow$
asse%'le$ "o %ee" "he%. 3This is wha" I sen" wor$ a'o#" las" ni(h",3 sai$ Bern. 3The& are
all frien$s of %ine an$ hones" )eo)le.3 An$ as soon as Cas)ian s"e))e$ ashore "he crow$
'ro,e o#" in"o h#rrahs an$ sho#"s of, 3Narnia4 Narnia4 Lon( li+e "he !in(.3 A" "he sa%e
%o%en" * an$ "his was also $#e "o Bern2s %essen(ers * 'ells 'e(an rin(in( fro% %an& )ar"s
of "he "own. Then Cas)ian ca#se$ his 'anner "o 'e a$+ance$ an$ his "r#%)e" "o 'e 'lown
an$ e+er& %an $rew his swor$ an$ se" his face in"o a 8o&f#l s"ernness, an$ "he& %arche$ #)
"he s"ree" so "ha" "he s"ree" shoo,, an$ "heir ar%o#r shone .for i" was a s#nn& %ornin(/ so
"ha" one co#l$ har$l& loo, a" i" s"ea$il&.
A" firs" "he onl& )eo)le who cheere$ were "hose who ha$ 'een warne$ '& Bern2s %essen(er
an$ ,new wha" was ha))enin( an$ wan"e$ i" "o ha))en. B#" "hen all "he chil$ren 8oine$ in
'eca#se "he& li,e$ a )rocession an$ ha$ seen +er& few. An$ "hen all "he school'o&s 8oine$
in 'eca#se "he& also li,e$ )rocessions an$ fel" "ha" "he %ore noise an$ $is"#r'ance "here
was "he less li,el& "he& wo#l$ 'e "o ha+e an& school "ha" %ornin(. An$ "hen all "he ol$
wo%en )#" "heir hea$s o#" of $oors an$ win$ows an$ 'e(an cha""erin( an$ cheerin(
'eca#se i" was a ,in(, an$ wha" is a (o+ernor co%)are$ wi"h "ha"5 An$ all "he &o#n(
wo%en 8oine$ in for "he sa%e reason an$ also 'eca#se Cas)ian an$ Drinian an$ "he res"
were so han$so%e. An$ "hen all "he &o#n( %en ca%e "o see wha" "he &o#n( wo%en were
loo,in( a", so "ha" '& "he "i%e Cas)ian reache$ "he cas"le (a"es, nearl& "he whole "own was
sho#"in(0 an$ where 6#%)as sa" in "he cas"le, %#$$lin( an$ %essin( a'o#" wi"h acco#n"s
an$ for%s an$ r#les an$ re(#la"ions, he hear$ "he noise.
A" "he cas"le (a"e Cas)ian2s "r#%)e"er 'lew a 'las" an$ crie$, 3O)en for "he !in( of Narnia,
co%e "o +isi" his "r#s"& an$ well'elo+e$ ser+an" "he (o+ernor of "he Lone Islan$s.3 In "hose
$a&s e+er&"hin( in "he islan$s was $one in a slo+enl&, slo#chin( %anner. Onl& "he li""le
)os"ern o)ene$, an$ o#" ca%e a "o#sle$ fellow wi"h a $ir"& ol$ ha" on his hea$ ins"ea$ of a
hel%e", an$ a r#s"& ol$ )i,e in his han$. He 'lin,e$ a" "he flashin( fi(#res 'efore hi%.
3Carn * see< * fishans&,3 he %#%'le$ which was his wa& of sa&in(, *3Yo# can2" see his
S#fficienc&3/. 3No in"er+iews wi"ho#" 2)oin"%en"s 2ce)" 2"ween nine 2n2 "en ).%. secon$
Sa"#r$a& e+er& %on"h.3
3nco+er 'efore Narnia, &o# $o(,3 "h#n$ere$ "he Lor$ Bern, an$ $eal" hi% a ra) wi"h his
(a#n"le"e$ han$ which sen" his ha" fl&in( fro% his hea$.
32Ere5 Wo"2s i" all a'o#"53 'e(an "he $oor,ee)er, '#" no one "oo, an& no"ice of hi%. Two of
Cas)ian2s %en s"e))e$ "hro#(h "he )os"ern an$ af"er so%e s"r#((lin( wi"h 'ars an$ 'ol"s
.for e+er&"hin( was r#s"&/ fl#n( 'o"h win(s of "he (a"e wi$e o)en. Then "he !in( an$ his
followers s"ro$e in"o "he co#r"&ar$. Here a n#%'er of "he (o+ernor2s (#ar$s were lo#n(in(
a'o#" an$ se+eral %ore ."he& were %os"l& wi)in( "heir %o#"hs/ ca%e "#%'lin( o#" of
+ario#s $oorwa&s. Tho#(h "heir ar%o#r was in a $is(racef#l con$i"ion, "hese were fellows
who %i(h" ha+e fo#(h" if "he& ha$ 'een le$ or ha$ ,nown wha" was ha))enin(0 so "his was
"he $an(ero#s %o%en". Cas)ian (a+e "he% no "i%e "o "hin,.
3Where is "he ca)"ain53 he as,e$.
3I a%, %ore or less, if &o# ,now wha" I %ean,3 sai$ a lan(#i$ an$ ra"her $an$ifie$ &o#n(
)erson wi"ho#" an& 8 ar%o#r a" all.
3I" is o#r wish,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3"ha" o#r ro&al +isi"a"ion "o o#r real% of "he Lone Islan$s
sho#l$, if )ossi'le, 'e an occasion of 8o& an$ no" of "error "o o#r lo&al s#'8ec"s. If i" were
no" for "ha", I sho#l$ ha+e so%e"hin( "o sa& a'o#" "he s"a"e of &o#r %en2s ar%o#r an$
wea)ons. As i" is, &o# are )ar$one$. Co%%an$ a cas, of wine "o 'e o)ene$ "ha", &o#r %en
%a& $rin, o#r heal"h. B#" a" noon "o%orrow I wish "o see "he% here in "his co#r"&ar$
loo,in( li,e %en*a"*ar%s an$ no" li,e +a(a'on$s. See "o i" on )ain of o#r e1"re%e
The ca)"ain (a)e$ '#" Bern i%%e$ia"el& crie$, 3Three. cheers for "he !in(,3 an$ "he
sol$iers, who ha$ #n$ers"oo$ a'o#" "he cas, of wine e+en if "he& #n$ers"oo$ no"hin( else,
8oine$ in. Cas)ian "hen or$ere$ %os" of his own %en "o re%ain in "he co#r"&ar$. He, wi"h
Bern an$ Drinian an$ fo#r o"hers, wen" in"o "he hall.
Behin$ a "a'le a" "he far en$ wi"h +ario#s secre"aries a'o#" hi% sa" his S#fficienc&, "he
6o+ernor of "he Lone Islan$s. 6#%)as was a 'ilio#s*loo,in( %an wi"h hair "ha" ha$ once
'een re$ an$ was now %os"l& (re&. He (lance$ #) as "he s"ran(ers en"ere$ an$ "hen loo,e$
$own a" his )a)ers sa&in( a#"o%a"icall&, 3No in"er+iews wi"ho#" a))oin"%en"s e1ce)"
'e"ween nine an$ "en ).%. on secon$ Sa"#r$a&s.3
Cas)ian no$$e$ "o Bern an$ "hen s"oo$ asi$e. Bern an$ Drinian "oo, a s"e) forwar$ an$
each sei<e$ one en$ of "he "a'le. The& lif"e$ i", an$ fl#n( i" on one si$e of "he hall where i"
rolle$ o+er, sca""erin( a casca$e of le""ers, $ossiers, in,*)o"s, )ens, sealin(*wa1 an$
$oc#%en"s. Then, no" ro#(hl& '#" as fir%l& as if "heir han$s were )incers of s"eel, "he&
)l#c,e$ 6#%)as o#" of his chair an$ $e)osi"e$ hi%, facin( i", a'o#" fo#r fee" awa&.
Cas)ian a" once sa" $own in "he chair an$ lai$ his na,e$ swor$ across his ,nees.
3-& Lor$,3 sai$ he, fi1in( his e&es on 6#%)as, 3&o# ha+e no" (i+en #s 9#i"e "he welco%e
we e1)ec"e$. I a% "he !in( of Narnia.3
3No"hin( a'o#" i" in "he corres)on$ence,3 sai$ "he (o+ernor. 3No"hin( in "he %in#"es. We
ha+e no" 'een no"ifie$ of an& s#ch "hin(. All irre(#lar. Ha))& "o consi$er an&
3An$ we are co%e "o en9#ire in"o &o#r S#fficienc&2s con$#c" of &o#r office,3 con"in#e$
Cas)ian. 3There are "wo )oin"s es)eciall& on which I re9#ire an e1)lana"ion. 7irs"l& I fin$
no recor$ "ha" "he "ri'#"e $#e fro% "hese Islan$s "o "he crown of Narnia has 'een recei+e$
for a'o#" a h#n$re$ an$ fif"& &ears.3
3Tha" wo#l$ 'e a 9#es"ion "o raise a" "he Co#ncil ne1" %on"h,3 sai$ 6#%)as. 3If an&one
%o+es "ha" a co%%ission of en9#ir& 'e se" #) "o re)or" on "he financial his"or& of "he
islan$s a" "he firs" %ee"in( ne1" &ear, wh& "hen . . .3
3I also fin$ i" +er& clearl& wri""en in o#r laws,3 Cas)ian wen" on, 3"ha" if "he "ri'#"e is no"
$eli+ere$ "he whole $e'" has "o 'e )ai$ '& "he 6o+ernor of "he Lone Islan$s o#" of his
)ri+a"e )#rse.3
A" "his 6#%)as 'e(an "o )a& real a""en"ion. 3Oh, "ha"2s 9#i"e o#" of "he 9#es"ion,3 he sai$.
3I" is an econo%ic i%)ossi'ili"& * er * &o#r -a8es"& %#s" 'e 8o,in(.3
Insi$e, he was won$erin( if "here were an& wa& of (e""in( ri$ of "hese #nwelco%e +isi"ors.
Ha$ he ,nown "ha" Cas)ian ha$ onl& one shi) an$ one shi)2s co%)an& wi"h hi%, he wo#l$
ha+e s)o,en sof" wor$s for "he %o%en", an$ ho)e$ "o ha+e "he% all s#rro#n$e$ an$ ,ille$
$#rin( "he ni(h". B#" he ha$ seen a shi) of war sail $own "he s"rai"s &es"er$a& an$ seen i"
si(nallin(, as he s#))ose$, "o i"s consor"s. He ha$ no" "hen ,nown i" was "he !in(2s shi) for
"here was no" win$ eno#(h "o s)rea$ "he fla( o#" an$ %a,e "he (ol$en lion +isi'le, so he
ha$ wai"e$ f#r"her $e+elo)%en"s. Now he i%a(ine$ "ha" Cas)ian ha$ a whole flee" a"
Berns"ea$. I" wo#l$ ne+er ha+e occ#rre$ "o 6#%)as "ha" an&one wo#l$ wal, in"o
Narrowha+en "o "a,e "he islan$s wi"h less "han fif"& %en0 i" was cer"ainl& no" a" all "he ,in$
of "hin( he co#l$ i%a(ine $oin( hi%self.
3Secon$l&,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3I wan" "o ,now wh& &o# ha+e )er%i""e$ "his a'o%ina'le an$
#nna"#ral "raffic in sla+es "o (row #) here, con"rar& "o "he ancien" c#s"o% an$ #sa(e of o#r
3Necessar&, #na+oi$a'le,3 sai$ his S#fficienc&. 3An essen"ial )ar" of "he econo%ic
$e+elo)%en" of "he islan$s, I ass#re &o#. O#r )resen" '#rs" of )ros)eri"& $e)en$s on i".3
3Wha" nee$ ha+e &o# of sla+es53
37or e1)or", &o#r -a8es"&. Sell 2e% "o Calor%en %os"l&0 an$ we ha+e o"her %ar,e"s. We
are a (rea" cen"re of "he "ra$e.3
3In o"her wor$s,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3&o# $on2" nee$ "he%. Tell %e wha" )#r)ose "he& ser+e
e1ce)" "o )#" %one& in"o "he )oc,e"s of s#ch as P#(53
3Yo#r -a8es"&2s "en$er &ears,3 sai$ 6#%)as, wi"h wha" was %ean" "o 'e a fa"herl& s%ile,
3har$l& %a,e i" )ossi'le "ha" &o# sho#l$ #n$ers"an$ "he econo%ic )ro'le% in+ol+e$. I ha+e
s"a"is"ics, I ha+e (ra)hs, I ha+e*3
3Ten$er as %& &ears 'e,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3I 'elie+e I #n$ers"an$ "he sla+e "ra$e fro% wi"hin
9#i"e as well as &o#r S#fficienc&. An$ I $o no" see "ha" i" 'rin(s in"o "he islan$s %ea" or
'rea$ or 'eer or wine or "i%'er or ca''a(es or 'oo,s or ins"r#%en"s of %#sic or horses or
ar%o#r or an&"hin( else wor"h ha+in(. B#" whe"her i" $oes or no", i" %#s" 'e s"o))e$.3
3B#" "ha" wo#l$ 'e )#""in( "he cloc, 'ac,,3 (as)e$ "he (o+ernor. 3Ha+e &o# no i$ea of
)ro(ress, of $e+elo)%en"53
3I ha+e seen "he% 'o"h in an e((,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3We call i" A6oin( Ba$2 in Narnia. This
"ra$e %#s" s"o).3
3I can "a,e no res)onsi'ili"& for an& s#ch %eas#re,3 sai$ 6#%)as.
3;er& well, "hen,3 answere$ Cas)ian, 3we relie+e &o# of &o#r office. -& Lor$ Bern, co%e
here.3 An$ 'efore 6#%)as 9#i"e reali<e$ wha" was ha))enin(, Bern was ,neelin( wi"h his
han$s 'e"ween "he !in(2s han$s an$ "a,in( "he oa"h "o (o+ern "he Lone Islan$s in
accor$ance wi"h "he ol$ c#s"o%s, ri(h"s, #sa(es an$ laws of Narnia. An$ Cas)ian sai$, 3I
"hin, we ha+e ha$ eno#(h of (o+ernors,3 an$ %a$e Bern a D#,e, "he D#,e of "he Lone
3As for &o#, %& Lor$,3 he sai$ "o 6#%)as, 3I for(i+e &o# &o#r $e'" for "he "ri'#"e. B#"
'efore noon "o%orrow &o# an$ &o#rs %#s" 'e o#" of "he cas"le, which is now "he D#,e2s
3Loo, here, "his is all +er& well,3 sai$ one of 6#%)as2s secre"aries, 3'#" s#))ose all &o#
(en"le%en s"o) )la&ac"in( an$ we $o a li""le '#siness. The 9#es"ion 'efore #s reall& is*3
3The 9#es"ion is,3 sai$ "he D#,e, 3whe"her &o# an$ "he res" of "he ra''le will lea+e wi"ho#"
a flo((in( or wi"h one. Yo# %a& choose which &o# )refer.3
When all "his ha$ 'een )leasan"l& se""le$, Cas)ian or$ere$ horses, of which "here were a
few in "he cas"le, "ho#(h +er& ill*(roo%e$ an$ he, wi"h Bern an$ Drinian an$ a few o"hers,
ro$e o#" in"o "he "own an$ %a$e for "he sla+e %ar,e". I" was a lon( low '#il$in( near "he
har'o#r an$ "he scene which "he& fo#n$ (oin( on insi$e was +er& %#ch li,e an& o"her
a#c"ion0 "ha" is "o sa&, "here was a (rea" crow$ an$ P#(, on a )la"for%, was roarin( o#" in a
ra#co#s +oice:
3Now, (en"le%en, lo" "wen"&*"hree. 7ine Tere'in"hian a(ric#l"#ral la'o#rer, s#i"a'le for "he
%ines or "he (alle&s. n$er "wen"&*fi+e &ears of a(e. No" a 'a$ "oo"h in his hea$. 6oo$,
'rawn& fellow. Ta,e off his shir", Tac,s, an$ le" "he (en"le%en see. There2s %#scle for &o#4
Loo, a" "he ches" on hi%. Ten crescen"s fro% "he (en"le%an in "he corner. Yo# %#s" 'e
8o,in(, sir. 7if"een4 Ei(h"een4 Ei(h"een is 'i$$en for lo" "wen"&*"hree. An& a$+ance on
ei(h"een5 Twen"&*one. Than, &o#, sir. Twen"&*one is 'i$$en*3
B#" P#( s"o))e$ an$ (a)e$ when he saw "he %ail*cla$ fi(#res who ha$ clan,e$ #) "o "he
3On &o#r ,nees, e+er& %an of &o#, "o "he !in( of Narnia,3 sai$ "he D#,e. E+er&one hear$
"he horses 8in(lin( an$ s"a%)in( o#"si$e an$ %an& ha$ hear$ so%e r#%o#r of "he lan$in(
an$ "he e+en"s a" "he cas"le. -os" o'e&e$. Those who $i$ no" were )#lle$ $own '& "heir
nei(h'o#rs. So%e cheere$.
3Yo#r life is forfei", P#(, for la&in( han$s on o#r ro&al )erson &es"er$a&,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3B#" &o#r i(norance is )ar$one$. The sla+e "ra$e was for'i$$en in all o#r $o%inions
9#ar"er of an ho#r a(o. I $eclare e+er& sla+e in "his %ar,e" free.3
He hel$ #) his han$ "o chec, "he cheerin( of "he sla+es an$ wen" on, 3Where are %&
3Tha" $ear li""le (el an$ "he nice &o#n( (en"le%an53 sai$ P#( wi"h an in(ra"ia"in( s%ile.
3Wh&, "he& were sna))e$ #) a" once*3
3We2re here, we2re here, Cas)ian,3 crie$ L#c& an$ E$%#n$ "o(e"her an$, 3A" &o#r ser+ice,
Sire,3 )i)e$ Ree)ichee) fro% ano"her corner. The& ha$ all 'een sol$ '#" "he %en who ha$
'o#(h" "he% were s"a&in( "o 'i$ for o"her sla+es an$ so "he& ha$ no" &e" 'een "a,en awa&.
The crow$ )ar"e$ "o le" "he "hree of "he% o#" an$ "here was (rea" han$clas)in( an$ (ree"in(
'e"ween "he% an$ Cas)ian. Two %erchan"s of Calor%en a" once a))roache$. The
Calor%en ha+e $ar, faces an$ lon( 'ear$s. The& wear flowin( ro'es an$ oran(e*colo#re$
"#r'ans, an$ "he& are a wise, weal"h&, co#r"eo#s, cr#el an$ ancien" )eo)le. The& 'owe$
%os" )oli"el& "o Cas)ian an$ )ai$ hi% lon( co%)li%en"s, all a'o#" "he fo#n"ains of
)ros)eri"& irri(a"in( "he (ar$ens of )r#$ence an$ +ir"#e * an$ "hin(s li,e "ha" * '#" of co#rse
wha" "he& wan"e$ was "he %one& "he& ha$ )ai$.
3Tha" is onl& fair, sirs,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3E+er& %an who has 'o#(h" a sla+e "o$a& %#s" ha+e
his %one& 'ac,. P#(, 'rin( o#" &o#r "a,in(s "o "he las" %ini%.3 .A %ini% is "he for"ie"h
)ar" of a crescen"./
3Does &o#r (oo$ -a8es"& %ean "o 'e((ar %e53 whine$ P#(.
3Yo# ha+e li+e$ on 'ro,en hear"s all &o#r life,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3an$ if &o# are 'e((are$, i" is
'e""er "o 'e a 'e((ar "han a sla+e. B#" where is %& o"her frien$53
3Oh hi%53 sai$ P#(. 3Oh "a,e hi% an$ welco%e. 6la$ "o ha+e hi% off %& han$s. I2+e ne+er
seen s#ch a $r#( in "he %ar,e" in all %& 'orn $a&s. Price$ hi% a" fi+e crescen"s in "he en$
an$ e+en so no'o$&2$ ha+e hi%. Threw hi% in free wi"h o"her lo"s an$ s"ill no one wo#l$
ha+e hi%. Wo#l$n2" "o#ch hi%. Wo#l$n2" loo, a" hi%. 2Pac,s, 'rin( o#" S#l,&.3
Th#s E#s"ace was )ro$#ce$, an$ s#l,& he cer"ainl& loo,e$0 for "ho#(h no one wo#l$ wan"
"o 'e sol$ as a sla+e, i" is )erha)s e+en %ore (allin( "o 'e a sor" of #"ili"& sla+e who% no
one will '#&. He wal,e$ #) "o Cas)ian an$ sai$, 3I see. As #s#al. Been en8o&in( &o#rself
so%ewhere while "he res" of #s were )risoners. I s#))ose &o# ha+en2" e+en fo#n$ o#" a'o#"
"he Bri"ish Cons#l. Of co#rse no".3
Tha" ni(h" "he& ha$ a (rea" feas" in "he cas"le of Narrowha+en an$ "hen, 3To%orrow for "he
'e(innin( of o#r real a$+en"#res43 sai$ Ree)ichee) when he ha$ %a$e his 'ows "o
e+er&one an$ wen" "o 'e$. B#" i" co#l$ no" reall& 'e "o%orrow or an&"hin( li,e i". 7or now
"he& were )re)arin( "o lea+e all ,nown lan$s an$ seas 'ehin$ "he% an$ "he f#lles"
)re)ara"ions ha$ "o 'e %a$e. The Dawn Trea$er was e%)"ie$ an$ $rawn on lan$ '& ei(h"
horses o+er rollers an$ e+er& 'i" of her was (one o+er '& "he %os" s,ille$ shi)wri(h"s. Then
she was la#nche$ a(ain an$ +ic"#alle$ an$ wa"ere$ as f#ll as she co#l$ hol$ * "ha" is "o sa&
for "wen"&*ei(h" $a&s. E+en "his, as E$%#n$ no"ice$ wi"h $isa))oin"%en", onl& (a+e "he% a
for"ni(h"2s eas"war$ sailin( 'efore "he& ha$ "o a'an$on "heir 9#es".
While all "his was 'ein( $one Cas)ian %isse$ no chance of 9#es"ionin( all "he ol$es" sea
ca)"ains who% he co#l$ fin$ in Narrowha+en "o learn if "he& ha$ an& ,nowle$(e or e+en
an& r#%o#rs of lan$ f#r"her "o "he eas". He )o#re$ o#" %an& a fla(on of "he cas"le ale "o
wea"her*'ea"en %en wi"h shor" (re& 'ear$s an$ clear 'l#e e&es, an$ %an& a "all &arn he
hear$ in re"#rn. B#" "hose who see%e$ "he %os" "r#"hf#l co#l$ "ell of no lan$s 'e&on$ "he
Lone Islan$s, an$ %an& "ho#(h" "ha" if &o# saile$ "oo far eas" &o# wo#l$ co%e in"o "he
s#r(es of a sea wi"ho#" lan$s "ha" swirle$ )er)e"#all& ro#n$ "he ri% of "he worl$ * 3An$
"ha", I rec,on, is where &o#r -a8es"&2s frien$s wen" "o "he 'o""o%.3 The res" ha$ onl& wil$
s"ories of islan$s inha'i"e$ '& hea$less %en, floa"in( islan$s, wa"ers)o#"s, an$ a fire "ha"
'#rne$ alon( "he wa"er. Onl& one, "o Ree)ichee)2s $eli(h", sai$, 3An$ 'e&on$ "ha", Aslan
co#n"r&. B#" "ha"2s 'e&on$ "he en$ of "he worl$ an$ &o# can2" (e" "here.3 B#" when "he&
9#es"ione$ *hi% he co#l$ onl& sa& "ha" he2$ hear$ i" fro% his fa"her.
Bern co#l$ onl& "ell "he% "ha" he ha$ seen his si1 co%)anions sail awa& eas"war$ an$ "ha"
no"hin( ha$, e+er 'een hear$ of "he% a(ain. He sai$ "his when he an$ Cas)ian were
s"an$in( on "he hi(hes" )oin" of A+ra loo,in( $own on "he eas"ern ocean. 3I2+e of"en 'een
#) here of a %ornin(,3 sai$ "he D#,e, 3an$s seen "he s#n co%e #) o#" of "he sea, an$
so%e"i%es i" loo,e$ as if i" were onl& a co#)le of %iles awa&. An$ I2+e won$ere$ a'o#" %&
frien$s an$ won$ere$ wha" "here reall& is 'ehin$ "ha" hori<on. No"hin(, %os" li,el&,
&e" I a% alwa&s half asha%e$ "ha" I s"a&e$ 'ehin$. B#" I wish &o#r -a8es"& wo#l$n2" (o.
We %a& nee$ &o#r hel) here. This closin( "he sla+e %ar,e" %i(h" %a,e a new worl$0 war
wi"h Calor%en is wha" I foresee. -& lie(e, "hin, a(ain.3
3I ha+e an oa"h, %& lor$ D#,e,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3An$ an&wa&, wha" co#l$ I sa& "o
IT was nearl& "hree wee,s af"er "heir lan$in( "ha" "he Dawn Trea$er was "owe$ o#" of
Narrowha+en har'o#r. ;er& sole%n farewells ha$ 'een s)o,en an$ a (rea" crow$ ha$
asse%'le$ "o see her $e)ar"#re. There ha$ 'een cheers, an$ "ears "oo, when Cas)ian %a$e
his las" s)eech "o "he Lone Islan$ers an$ )ar"e$ fro% "he D#,e an$ his fa%il&, '#" as "he
shi), her )#r)le sail s"ill fla))in( i$l&, $rew f#r"her fro% "he shore, an$ "he so#n$ of
Cas)ian2s "r#%)e" fro% "he )oo) ca%e fain"er across "he wa"er, e+er&one 'eca%e silen".
Then she ca%e in"o "he win$. The sail swelle$ o#", "he "#( cas" off an$ 'e(an rowin( 'ac,,
"he firs" real wa+e ran #) #n$er "he Dawn Trea$er2s )row, an$ she was a li+e shi) a(ain.
The %en off $#"& wen" 'elow, Drinian "oo, "he firs" wa"ch on "he )oo), an$ she "#rne$ her
hea$ eas"war$ ro#n$ "he so#"h of A+ra.
The ne1" few $a&s were $eli(h"f#l. L#c& "ho#(h" she was "he %os" for"#na"e (irl in "he
worl$0 as she wo,e each %ornin( "o see "he reflec"ions of "he s#nli" wa"er $ancin( on "he
ceilin( of her ca'in an$ loo,e$ ro#n$ on all "he nice new "hin(s she ha$ (o" in "he Lone
Islan$s * sea'oo"s an$ '#s,ins an$ cloa,s an$ 8er,ins an$ scar+es. An$ "hen she wo#l$ (o
on $ec, an$ "a,e a loo, fro% "he forecas"le a" a sea which was a 'ri(h"er 'l#e each %ornin(
an$ $rin, in an air "ha" was a li""le war%er $a& '& $a&. Af"er "ha" ca%e 'rea,fas" an$ s#ch
an a))e"i"e as one onl& has a" sea.
She s)en" a (oo$ $eal of "i%e si""in( on "he li""le 'ench in "he s"ern )la&in( chess wi"h
Ree)ichee). I" was a%#sin( "o see hi% lif"in( "he )ieces, which were far "oo 'i( for hi%,
wi"h 'o"h )aws an$ s"an$in( on "i)"oes if he %a$e a %o+e near "he cen"re of "he 'oar$. He
was a (oo$ )la&er an$ when he re%e%'ere$ wha" he was $oin( he #s#all& won. B#" e+er&
now an$ "hen L#c& won 'eca#se "he -o#se $i$ so%e"hin( 9#i"e ri$ic#lo#s li,e sen$in( a
,ni(h" in"o "he $an(er of a 9#een an$ cas"le co%'ine$. This ha))ene$ 'eca#se he ha$
%o%en"aril& for(o""en i" was a (a%e of chess an$ was "hin,in( of a real 'a""le an$ %a,in(
"he ,ni(h" $o wha" he wo#l$ cer"ainl& ha+e $one in i"s )lace. 7or his %in$ was f#ll of
forlorn ho)es, $ea"h*or*(lor& char(es, an$ las" s"an$s.
B#" "his )leasan" "i%e $i$ no" las". There ca%e an e+enin( when L#c&, (a<in( i$l& as"ern a"
"he lon( f#rrow or wa,e "he& were lea+in( 'ehin$ "he%, saw a (rea" rac, of clo#$s '#il$in(
i"self #) in "he wes" wi"h a%a<in( s)ee$.
Then a (a) was "orn in i" an$ a &ellow s#nse" )o#re$ "hro#(h "he (a). All "he wa+es 'ehin$
"he% see%e$ "o "a,e on #n#s#al sha)es an$ "he sea was a $ra' or &ellowish colo#r li,e
$ir"& can+as. The air (rew col$. The shi) see%e$ "o %o+e #neasil& as if she fel" $an(er
'ehin$ he The sail wo#l$ 'e fla" an$ li%) one %in#"e an$ wil$l& "he ne1". While she was
no"in( "hese "hin(s an$ won$erin( a" a sinis"er chan(e which ha$ co%e o+er "he +er& noise
"he win$, Drinian crie$, 3All han$s on $ec,.3 In a %o%en" e+er&one 'eca%e fran"icall&
'#s&. The ha"ches we" 'a""ene$ $own, "he (alle& fire was )#" o#", %en wen" alof" "o reef "he
sail. Before "he& ha$ finishe$ "he s"or% s"r#c, "he%. I" see%e$ "o L#c& "ha" a (rea" +alle& in
"he sea o)ene$ 8#s" 'efore "heir 'ows, an$ "he& r#she$ $own in i", $ee)er $own "han she
wo#l$ ha+e 'elie+e$ )ossi'le. A (rea" (re& hill of wa"er, far hi(her "han "he %as", r#she$ "o
%ee" "he%0 i" loo,e$ cer"ain $ea"h '#" "he& were "osse$ "o "he "o) of i". Then "he shi)
see%e$ "o s)in ro#n$. A ca"arac" of wa"er )o#re$ o+er "he $ec,0 "he )oo) an$ forecas"le
were li,e "wo islan$s wi"h a fierce sea 'e"ween "he%. alof" "he sailors were l&in( o#" alon(
"he &ar$ $es)era"e "r&in( "o (e" con"rol of "he sail. A 'ro,en ro)e s"oo$ o#" si$ewa&s in "he
win$ as s"rai(h" an$ s"iff as if i" was )o,er.
36e" 'elow, -a2a%,3 'awle$ Drinian. An$ L#c& ,nowin( "ha" lan$s%en * an$ lan$swo%en
* are a n#isance "o "he crew, 'e(an "o o'e&. I" was no" eas&. The Dawn Trea$er was lis"in(
"erri'l& "o s"ar'oar$ an$ "he $ec, slo)e$ li,e "he roof of a ho#se. She ha$ "o cla%'er ro#n$
"o "he "o) of "he la$$er, hol$in( on "o "he rail, an$ "he s"an$ '& while "wo %en cli%'e$ #)
i", an$ "hen (e" $own as 'es" she co#l$. I" was well she was alrea$& hol$in( "i(h" for a" "he
foo" of "he la$$er ano"her wa+e roar across "he $ec,, #) "o her sho#l$ers. She was alrea$&
al%os" we" "hro#(h wi"h s)ra& an$ rain '#" "his was col$er. Then she %a$e a $ash for "he
ca'in $oor an$ (o" in an$ sh#" o#" for a %o%en" "he a))allin( si(h" of "he s)ee$ wi"h which
"he& were r#shin( in"o "he $ar,, '#" no" of co#rse "he horri'le conf#sion of crea,in(s,
(roanin(s, sna))in(s, cla""erin(s, roarin(s an$ 'oo%in(s which onl& so#n$e$ %ore
alar%in( 'elow "han "he& ha$ $one on "he )oo).
An$ all ne1" $a& an$ all "he ne1" i" wen" on. I" wen" on "ill one co#l$ har$l& e+en re%e%'er
a "i%e 'efore i" ha$ 'e(#n. An$ "here alwa&s ha$ "o 'e "hree %en a" "he "iller an$ i" was as
%#ch as "hree co#l$ $o "o ,ee) an& ,in$ of a co#rse. An$ "here alwa&s ha$ "o 'e %en a" "he
)#%). An$ "here was har$l& an& res" for an&one, an$ no"hin( co#l$ 'e coo,e$ an$ no"hin(
co#l$ 'e $rie$, an$ one %an was los" o+er'oar$, an$ "he& ne+er saw "he s#n.
When i" was o+er E#s"ace %a$e "he followin( en"r& in his $iar&.
3G Se)"e%'er. The firs" $a& for a(es when I ha+e 'een a'le "o wri"e. We ha$ 'een $ri+en
'efore a h#rricane for "hir"een $a&s an$ ni(h"s. I ,now "ha" 'eca#se I ,e)" a caref#l co#n",
"ho#(h "he o"hers all sa& i" was onl& "wel+e. Pleasan" "o 'e e%'ar,e$ on a $an(ero#s
+o&a(e wi"h )eo)le who can2" e+en co#n" ri(h"4 I ha+e ha$ a (has"l& "i%e, #) an$ $own
enor%o#s wa+es ho#r af"er ho#r, #s#all& we" "o "he s,in, an$ no" e+en an a""e%)" a" (i+in(
#s )ro)er %eals. Nee$less "o sa& "here2s no wireless or e+en a roc,e", so no chance of
si(nallin( an&one for hel). I" all )ro+es wha" I ,ee) on "ellin( "he%, "he %a$ness of se""in(
o#" in a ro""en li""le "#' li,e "his. I" wo#l$ 'e 'a$ eno#(h e+en if one was wi"h
$ecen" )eo)le ins"ea$ of fien$s in h#%an for%. Cas)ian an$ E$%#n$ are si%)l& 'r#"al "o
%e. The ni(h" we los" o#r %as" ."here2s onl& a s"#%) lef" now/, "ho#(h I was no" a" all well,
"he& force$ %e "o co%e on $ec, an$ wor, li,e a sla+e. L#c& sho+e$ her oar in '& sa&in(
"ha" Ree)ichee) was lon(in( "o (o onl& he was "oo s%all. I won$er she $oesn2" see "ha"
e+er&"hin( "ha" li""le 'eas" $oes is all for "he sa,e of showin( off. E+en a" her a(e she o#(h"
"o ha+e "ha" a%o#n" of sense. To$a& "he 'eas"l& 'oa" is le+el a" las" an$ "he s#n2s o#" an$ we
ha+e all 'een 8awin( a'o#" wha" "o $o. We ha+e foo$ eno#(h, )re""& 'eas"l& s"#ff %os" of i",
"o las" for si1"een $a&s. .The )o#l"r& were all washe$ o+er'oar$. E+en if "he& ha$n2" 'een,
"he s"or% wo#l$ ha+e s"o))e$ "he% la&in(./ The real "ro#'le is wa"er. Two cas,s see% "o
ha+e (o" a lea, ,noc,e$ in "he% an$ are e%)"&. .Narnian efficienc& a(ain./ On shor"
ra"ions, half a )in" a $a& each, we2+e (o" eno#(h for "wel+e $a&s. .There2s s"ill lo"s of r#%
an$ wine '#" e+en "he& reali<e "ha" wo#l$ onl& %a,e "he% "hirs"ier./
3If we co#l$, of co#rse, "he sensi'le "hin( wo#l$ 'e "o "#rn wes" a" once an$ %a,e for "he
Lone Islan$s. B#" i" "oo, #s ei(h"een $a&s "o (e" where we are, r#nnin( li,e %a$ wi"h a (ale
'ehin$ #s. E+en if we (o" an eas" win$ i" %i(h" "a,e #s far lon(er "o (e" 'ac,. An$ a"
)resen" "here2s no si(n of an eas" win$ * in fac" "here2s no win$ a" all. As for rowin( 'ac,, i"
wo#l$ "a,e far "oo lon( an$ Cas)ian sa&s "he %en co#l$n2" row on half a )in" of wa"er a
$a&. I2% )re""& s#re "his is wron(. I "rie$ "o e1)lain "ha" )ers)ira"ion reall& cools )eo)le
$own, so "he %en wo#l$ nee$ less wa"er if "he& were wor,in(. He $i$n2" "a,e an& no"ice of
"his, which is alwa&s his wa& when he can2" "hin, of an answer. The o"hers all +o"e$ for
(oin( on in "he ho)e of fin$in( lan$. I fel" i" %& $#"& "o )oin" o#" "ha" we $i$n2" ,now "here
was an& lan$ ahea$ an$ "rie$ "o (e" "he% "o see "he $an(ers of wishf#l "hin,in(. Ins"ea$ of
)ro$#cin( a 'e""er )lan "he& ha$ "he chee, "o as, %e wha" I )ro)ose$. So I 8#s" e1)laine$
cooll& an$ 9#ie"l& "ha" I ha$ 'een ,i$na))e$ an$ 'ro#(h" awa& on "his i$io"ic +o&a(e
wi"ho#" %& consen", an$ i" was har$l& %& '#siness "o (e" "he% o#" of "heir scra)e.
3B Se)"e%'er. S"ill 'ecal%e$. ;er& shor" ra"ions for $inner an$ I (o" less "han an&one.
Cas)ian is +er& cle+er a" hel)in( an$ "hin,s I $on2" see4 L#c& for so%e reason "rie$ "o %a,e
#) "o %e '& offerin( %e so%e of hers '#" "ha" in"erferin( )ri( E$%#n$ wo#l$n2" le" her.
Pre""& ho" s#n. Terri'l& "hirs"& all e+enin(.
3H Se)"e%'er. S"ill 'ecal%e$ an$ +er& ho". 7eelin( ro""en all $a& an$ a% s#re I2+e (o" a
"e%)era"#re. Of co#rse "he& ha+en2" "he sense "o ,ee) a "her%o%e"er on 'oar$.
3I Se)"e%'er. A horri'le $a&. Wo,e #) in "he ni(h" ,nowin( I was fe+erish an$ %#s" ha+e
a $rin, of wa"er. An& $oc"or wo#l$ ha+e sai$ so. Hea+en ,nows I2% "he las" )erson "o "r& "o
(e" an& #nfair a$+an"a(e '#" I ne+er $rea%e$ "ha" "his wa"er*ra"ionin( wo#l$ 'e %ean" "o
a))l& "o a sic, %an. In fac" I wo#l$ ha+e wo,en "he o"hers #) an$ as,e$ for so%e onl& I
"ho#(h" i" wo#l$ 'e selfish "o wa,e "he%. So I (o" #) an$ "oo, %& c#) an$ "i)"oe$ o#" of
"he Blac, Hole we sle)" in, "a,in( (rea" care no" "o $is"#r' Cas)ian an$ E$%#n$, for
"he&2+e 'een slee)in( 'a$l& since "he hea" an$ "he shor" wa"er 'e(an. I alwa&s "r& "o
consi$er o"hers whe"her "he& are nice "o %e or no". I (o" o#" all ri(h" in"o "he 'i( roo%, if
&o# can call i" a roo%, where "he rowin( 'enches an$ "he l#((a(e are. The
"hin( of wa"er is a" "his en$. All was (oin( 'ea#"if#ll&, '#" 'efore I2$ $rawn a c#)f#l who
sho#l$ ca"ch %e '#" "ha" li""le s)& Ree). I "rie$ "o e1)lain "ha" I was (oin( on $ec, for a
'rea"h of air ."he '#siness a'o#" "he wa"er ha$ no"hin( "o $o wi"h hi%/ an$ he as,e$ %e
wh& I ha$ a c#). He %a$e s#ch a noise "ha" "he whole shi) was ro#se$. The& "rea"e$ %e
scan$alo#sl&. I as,e$, as I "hin, an&one wo#l$ ha+e, wh& Ree)ichee) was snea,in( a'o#"
"he wa"er cas, in "he %i$$le of "he ni(h". He sai$ "ha" as he was "oo s%all "o 'e an& #se on
$ec,, he $i$ sen"r& o+er "he wa"er e+er& ni(h" so "ha" one %ore %an co#l$ (o "o slee). Now
co%es "heir ro""en #nfairness: "he& all 'elie+e$ hi%. Can &o# 'ea" i"5
3I ha$ "o a)olo(i<e or "he $an(ero#s li""le 'r#"e wo#l$ ha+e 'een a" %e wi"h his swor$. An$
"hen Cas)ian showe$ #) in his "r#e colo#rs as a 'r#"al "&ran" an$ sai$ o#" lo#$ for e+er&one
"o hear "ha" an&one fo#n$ 3s"ealin(3 wa"er in f#"#re wo#l$ 3(e" "wo $o<en3. I $i$n2" ,now
wha" "his %ean" "ill E$%#n$ e1)laine$ "o %e. I" co%es in "he sor" of 'oo,s "hose Pe+ensie
,i$s rea$.
3Af"er "his cowar$l& "hrea" Cas)ian chan(e$ his "#ne an$ s"ar"e$ 'ein( )a"roni<in(. Sai$ he
was sorr& for %e an$ "ha" e+er&one fel" 8#s" as fe+erish as I $i$ an$ we %#s" all %a,e "he
'es" of i", e"c., e"c. O$io#s s"#c,*#) )ri(. S"a&e$ in 'e$ all $a& "o$a&.
3F Se)"e%'er. A li""le win$ "o$a& '#" s"ill fro% "he wes".
-a$e a few %iles eas"war$ wi"h )ar" of "he sail, se" on wha" Drinian calls "he 8#r&*%as"*"ha"
%eans "he 'ows)ri" se" #)ri(h" an$ "ie$ ."he& call i" 3lashe$3/ "o "he s"#%) of "he real %as".
S"ill "erri'l& "hirs"&.
3J Se)"e%'er. S"ill sailin( eas". I s"a& in %& '#n, all $a& now an$ see no one e1ce)" L#c&
"ill "he "wo fien$s co%e "o 'e$. L#c& (i+es %e a li""le of her wa"er ra"ion. She sa&s (irls
$on2" (e" as "hirs"& as 'o&s. I ha$ of"en "ho#(h" "his '#" i" o#(h" "o 'e %ore (enerall& ,nown
a" sea.
3D Se)"e%'er. Lan$ in si(h"0 a +er& hi(h %o#n"ain a lon( wa& off "o "he so#"h*eas".
3CK Se)"e%'er. The %o#n"ain is 'i((er an$ clearer '#" s"ill a lon( wa& off. 6#lls a(ain
"o$a& for "he firs" "i%e since I $on2" ,now how lon(.
3CC Se)"e%'er. Ca#(h" so%e fish an$ ha$ "he% for $inner. Dro))e$ anchor a" a'o#" F ).%.
in "hree fa"ho%s of wa"er in a 'a& of "his %o#n"aino#s islan$. Tha" i$io" Cas)ian wo#l$n2"
le" #s (o ashore 'eca#se i" was (e""in( $ar, an$ he was afrai$ of sa+a(es an$ wil$ 'eas"s.
E1"ra wa"er ra"ion "oni(h".3
Wha" awai"e$ "he% on "his islan$ was (oin( "o concern E#s"ace %ore "han an&one else, '#"
i" canno" 'e "ol$ in his wor$s 'eca#se af"er Se)"e%'er CC he for(o" a'o#" ,ee)in( his $iar&
for a lon( "i%e.
When %ornin( ca%e, wi"h a low, (re& s,& '#" +er& ho", "he a$+en"#rers fo#n$ "he& were in
a 'a& encircle$ '& s#ch cliffs an$ cra(s "ha" i" was li,e a Norwe(ian f8or$. In fron" of
"he%, a" "he hea$ of "he 'a&, "here was so%e le+el lan$ hea+il& o+er(rown wi"h "rees "ha"
a))eare$ "o 'e ce$ars, "hro#(h which a ra)i$ s"rea% ca%e o#". Be&on$ "ha" was a s"ee)
ascen" en$in( in a 8a((e$ ri$(e an$ 'ehin$ "ha" a +a(#e $ar,ness of %o#n"ains which ran
in"o $#ll*colo#re$ clo#$s so "ha" &o# co#l$ no" see "heir "o)s. The nearer cliffs, a" each si$e
of "he 'a&, were s"rea,e$ here an$ "here wi"h lines of whi"e which e+er&one ,new "o 'e
wa"erfalls, "ho#(h a" "ha" $is"ance "he& $i$ no" show an& %o+e%en" or %a,e an& noise.
In$ee$ "he whole )lace was +er& silen" an$ "he wa"er of "he 'a& as s%oo"h as (lass. I"
reflec"e$ e+er& $e"ail of "he cliffs. The scene wo#l$ ha+e 'een )re""& in a )ic"#re '#" was
ra"her o))ressi+e in real life. I" was no" a co#n"r& "ha" welco%e$ +isi"ors.
The whole shi)2s co%)an& wen" ashore in "wo 'oa"loa$s an$ e+er&one $ran, an$ washe$
$elicio#sl& in "he ri+er an$ ha$ a %eal an$ a res" 'efore Cas)ian sen" fo#r %en 'ac, "o ,ee)
"he shi), an$ "he $a&2s wor, 'e(an. There was e+er&"hin( "o 'e $one. The cas,s %#s" 'e
'ro#(h" ashore an$ "he fa#l"& ones %en$e$ if )ossi'le an$ all refille$0 a "ree * a )ine if "he&
co#l$ (e" i" * %#s" 'e felle$ an$ %a$e in"o a new %as"0 sails %#s" 'e re)aire$0 a h#n"in(
)ar"& or(ani<e$ "o shoo" an& (a%e "he lan$ %i(h" &iel$0 clo"hes "o 'e washe$ an$ %en$e$0
an$ co#n"less s%all 'rea,a(es on 'oar$ "o 'e se" ri(h". 7or "he Dawn Trea$er herself * an$
"his was %ore o'+io#s now "ha" "he& saw her a" a $is"ance * co#l$ har$l& 'e reco(ni<e$ as
"he sa%e (allan" shi) which ha$ lef" Narrowha+en. She loo,e$ a cri))le$, $iscolo#re$ h#l,
which an&one %i(h" ha+e "a,en for a wrec,. An$ her officers an$ crew were no 'e""er *
lean, )ale, re$*e&e$ fro% lac, of slee), an$ $resse$ in ra(s.
As E#s"ace la& #n$er a "ree an$ hear$ all "hese )lans 'ein( $isc#sse$ his hear" san,. Was
"here (oin( "o 'e no res"5 I" loo,e$ as if "heir firs" $a& on "he lon(e$*for lan$ was (oin( "o
'e 9#i"e as har$ wor, as a $a& a" sea. Then a $eli(h"f#l i$ea occ#rre$ "o hi%. No'o$& was
loo,in( "he& were all cha""erin( a'o#" "heir shi) as if "he& ac"#all& li,e$ "he 'eas"l& "hin(.
Wh& sho#l$n2" he si%)l& sli) awa&5 He wo#l$ "a,e a s"roll inlan$, fin$ a cool, air& )lace #)
in "he %o#n"ains, ha+e a (oo$ lon( slee), an$ no" re8oin "he o"hers "ill "he $a&2s wor, was
o+er. He fel" i" wo#l$ $o hi% (oo$. B#" he wo#l$ "a,e (rea" care "o ,ee) "he 'a& an$ "he
shi) in si(h" so as "o 'e s#re of his wa& 'ac,. He wo#l$n2" li,e "o 'e lef" 'ehin$ in "his
He a" once )#" his )lan in"o ac"ion. He rose 9#ie"l& fro% his )lace an$ wal,e$ awa& a%on(
"he "rees, "a,in( care "o (o slowl& an$ in an ai%less %anner so "ha" an&one who saw hi%
wo#l$ "hin, he was %erel& s"re"chin( his le(s. He was s#r)rise$ "o fin$ how 9#ic,l& "he
noise of con+ersa"ion $ie$ awa& 'ehin$ hiin an$ how +er& silen" an$ war% an$ $ar, (reen
"he woo$ 'eca%e. Soon he fel" he co#l$ +en"#re on a 9#ic,er an$ %ore $e"er%ine$ s"ri$e.
This soon 'ro#(h" hi% o#" of "he woo$. The (ro#n$ 'e(an slo)in( s"ee)l& #) in fron" of
hi%. The (rass was $r& an$ sli))er& '#" %ana(ea'le if he #se$ his han$s as well as his fee",
an$ "ho#(h he )an"e$ an$ %o))e$ his forehea$ a (oo$ $eal, he )l#((e$ awa& s"ea$il&. This
showe$, '& "he wa&, "ha" his new life, li""le as he s#s)ec"e$ i", ha$ alrea$& $one hi% so%e
(oo$0 "he ol$ E#s"ace, Harol$ an$ Al'er"a2s E#s"ace, wo#l$ ha+e (i+en #) "he cli%' af"er
a'o#" "en %in#"es.
Slowl&, an$ wi"h se+eral res"s, he reache$ "he ri$(e. Here he ha$ e1)ec"e$ "o ha+e a +iew
in"o "he hear" of "he islan$, '#" "he clo#$s ha$ now co%e lower an$ nearer an$ a sea of fo(
was rollin( "o %ee" hi%. He sa" $own an$ loo,e$ 'ac,. He was now so hi(h "ha" "he 'a&
loo,e$ s%all 'enea"h hi% an$ %iles of sea were +isi'le. Then "he fo( fro% "he %o#n"ains
close$ in all ro#n$ hi%, "hic, '#" no" col$, an$ he la& $own an$ "#rne$ "his wa& an$ "ha" "o
fin$ "he %os" co%for"a'le )osi"ion "o en8o& hi%self.
B#" he $i$n2" en8o& hi%self, or no" for +er& lon(. He 'e(an, al%os" for "he firs" "i%e in his
life, "o feel lonel&. A" firs" "his feelin( (rew +er& (ra$#all&. An$ "hen he 'e(an "o worr&
a'o#" "he "i%e. There was no" "he sli(h"es" so#n$. S#$$enl& i" occ#rre$ "o hi% "ha" he %i(h"
ha+e 'een l&in( "here for ho#rs. Perha)s "he o"hers ha$ (one4 Perha)s "he& ha$ le" hi%
wan$er awa& on )#r)ose si%)l& in or$er "o lea+e hi% 'ehin$4 He lea)e$ #) in a )anic an$
'e(an "he $escen".
A" firs" he "rie$ "o $o i" "oo 9#ic,l&, sli))e$ on "he s"ee) (rass, an$ sli$ for se+eral fee".
Then he "ho#(h" "his ha$ carrie$ hi% "oo far "o "he lef" * an$ as he ca%e #) he ha$ seen
)reci)ices on "ha" si$e. So he cla%'ere$ #) a(ain, as near as he co#l$ (#ess "o "he )lace he
ha$ s"ar"e$ fro%, an$ 'e(an "he $escen" afresh, 'earin( "o his ri(h". Af"er "ha" "hin(s
see%e$ "o 'e (oin( 'e""er. He wen" +er& ca#"io#sl&, for he co#l$ no" see %ore "han a &ar$
ahea$, an$ "here was s"ill )erfec" silence all aro#n$ hi%. I" is +er& #n)leasan" "o ha+e "o (o
ca#"io#sl& when "here is a +oice insi$e &o# sa&in( all "he "i%e, 3H#rr&, h#rr&, h#rr&.3 7or
e+er& %o%en" "he "erri'le i$ea of 'ein( lef" 'ehin$ (rew s"ron(er. If he ha$ #n$ers"oo$
Cas)ian an$ "he Pe+ensies a" all he wo#l$ ha+e ,nown, of co#rse, "ha" "here was no" "he
leas" chance of "heir $oin( an& s#ch "hin(. B#" he ha$ )ers#a$e$ hi%self "ha" "he& were all
fien$s in h#%an for%.
3A" las"43 sai$ E#s"ace as he ca%e sli"herin( $own a sli$e of loose s"ones .scree, "he& call
i"/ an$ fo#n$ hi%self on "he le+el. 3An$ now, where are "hose "rees5 There is so%e"hin(
$ar, ahea$. Wh&, I $o 'elie+e "he fo( is clearin(.3
I" was. The li(h" increase$ e+er& %o%en" an$ %a$e hi% 'lin,. The fo( lif"e$. He was in an
#""erl& #n,nown +alle& an$ "he sea was nowhere in si(h".
AT "ha" +er& %o%en" "he o"hers were washin( han$s an$ faces in "he ri+er an$ (enerall&
(e""in( rea$& for $inner an$ a res". The "hree 'es" archers ha$ (one #) in"o "he hills nor"h of
"he 'a& an$ re"#rne$ la$en wi"h a )air of wil$ (oa"s which were now roas"in( o+er a fire.
Cas)ian ha$ or$ere$ a cas, of wine ashore, s"ron( wine of Archenlan$ which ha$ "o 'e
%i1e$ wi"h wa"er 'efore &o# $ran, i", so "here wo#l$ 'e )len"& for all. The wor, ha$
(one well so far an$ i" was a %err& %eal. Onl& af"er "he secon$ hel)in( of (oa" $i$ E$%#n$
sa&, 3Where2s "ha" 'li(h"er E#s"ace53
-eanwhile E#s"ace s"are$ ro#n$ "he #n,nown +alle&. I" was so narrow an$ $ee), an$ "he
)reci)ices which s#rro#n$e$ i" so sheer, "ha" i" was li,e a h#(e )i" or "rench. The floor was
(rass& "ho#(h s"rewn wi"h roc,s, an$ here an$ "here E#s"ace saw 'lac, '#rn" )a"ches li,e
"hose &o# see on "he si$es of a railwa& e%'an,%en" in a $r& s#%%er.
A'o#" fif"een &ar$s awa& fro% hi% was a )ool of clear, s%oo"h wa"er. There was, a" firs",
no"hin( else a" all in "he +alle&0 no" an ani%al, no" a 'ir$, no" an insec". The s#n 'ea" $own
an$ (ri% )ea,s an$ horns of %o#n"ains )eere$ o+er "he +alle&2s e$(e.
E#s"ace reali<e$ of co#rse "ha" in "he fo( he ha$ co%e $own "he wron( si$e of "he ri$(e, so
he "#rne$ a" once "o see a'o#" (e""in( 'ac,. B#" as soon as he ha$ loo,e$ he sh#$$ere$.
A))aren"l& he ha$ '& a%a<in( l#c, fo#n$ "he onl& )ossi'le wa& $own * a lon( (reen s)i" of
lan$, horri'l& s"ee) an$ narrow, wi"h )reci)ices on ei"her si$e. There was no o"her )ossi'le
wa& of (e""in( 'ac,. B#" co#l$ he $o i", now "ha" he saw wha" i" was reall& li,e5 His hea$
swa% a" "he +er& "ho#(h" of i".
He "#rne$ ro#n$ a(ain, "hin,in( "ha" a" an& ra"e he2$ 'e""er ha+e a (oo$ $rin, fro% "he )ool
firs". B#" as soon as he ha$ "#rne$ an$ 'efore he ha$ "a,en a s"e) forwar$ in"o "he +alle& he
hear$ a noise 'ehin$ hi%. I" was onl& a s%all noise '#" i" so#n$e$ lo#$ in "ha" i%%ense
silence. I" fro<e hi% $ea$*s"ill where he s"oo$ for a secon$. Then he slewe$ ro#n$ his nec,
an$ loo,e$.
A" "he 'o""o% of "he cliff a li""le on his lef" han$ was a low, $ar, hole * "he en"rance "o a
ca+e )erha)s. An$ o#" of "his "wo "hin wis)s of s%o,e were co%in(. An$ "he loose s"ones
8#s" 'enea"h "he $ar, hollow were %o+in( ."ha" was "he noise he ha$ hear$/ 8#s" as if
so%e"hin( were crawlin( in "he $ar, 'ehin$ "he%.
So%e"hin( was crawlin(. Worse s"ill, so%e"hin( was co%in( o#". E$%#n$ or L#c& or &o#
wo#l$ ha+e reco(ni<e$ i" a" once, '#" E#s"ace ha$ rea$ none of "he ri(h" 'oo,s. The "hin(
"ha" ca%e o#" of "he ca+e was so%e"hin( he ha$ ne+er e+en i%a(ine$ * alon( lea$*colo#re$
sno#", $#ll re$ e&es, no fea"hers or f#r, a lon( li"he 'o$& "ha" "raile$ on "he (ro#n$, le(s
whose el'ows wen" #) hi(her "han i"s 'ac, li,e a s)i$er2s cr#el claws, 'a"2s win(s "ha" %a$e
a ras)in( noise on "he s"ones, &ar$s of "ail. An$ "he lines of s%o,e were co%in( fro% i"s
"wo nos"rils. He ne+er sai$ "he wor$ Dra(on "o hi%self. Nor wo#l$ i" ha+e %a$e "hin(s an&
'e""er if he ha$.
B#" )erha)s if he ha$ ,nown so%e"hin( a'o#" $ra(ons he wo#l$ ha+e 'een a li""le s#r)rise$
a" "his $ra(on2s 'eha+io#r. I" $i$ no" si" #) an$ cla) i"s win(s, nor $i$ i" shoo" o#" a s"rea%
of fla%e fro% i"s %o#"h. The s%o,e fro% i"s nos"rils was li,e "he s%o,e of a fire "ha" will
no" las" %#ch lon(er. Nor $i$ i" see% "o ha+e no"ice$ E#s"ace. I" %o+e$ +er& slowl&
"owar$s "he )ool * slowl& an$ wi"h %an& )a#ses. E+en in his fear E#s"ace fel" "ha" i" was an
ol$, sa$ crea"#re. He won$ere$ if he $are$ %a,e a $ash for "he ascen". B#" i" %i(h" loo,
ro#n$ if he %a$e an& noise. I" %i(h" co%e %ore "o life. Perha)s i" was onl&
sha%%in(. An&wa&, wha" was "he #se of "r&in( "o esca)e '& cli%'in( fro% a crea"#re "ha"
co#l$ fl&5
I" reache$ "he )ool an$ sli$ i"s horri'le scal& chin $own o+er "he (ra+el "o $rin,: '#" 'efore
i" ha$ $r#n, "here ca%e fro% i" a (rea" croa,in( or clan(in( cr& an$ af"er a few "wi"ches
an$ con+#lsions i" rolle$ ro#n$ on i"s si$e an$ la& )erfec"l& s"ill wi"h one claw in "he air. A
li""le $ar, 'loo$ (#she$ fro% i"s wi$e*o)ene$ %o#"h. The s%o,e fro% i"s nos"rils "#rne$
'lac, for a %o%en" an$ "hen floa"e$ awa&. No %ore ca%e. "his was "he 'r#"e2s "ric,, "he
wa& i" l#re$ "ra+ellers "o "heir $oo%. B#" one co#l$n2" wai" for e+er. He "oo, a s"e) nearer,
"hen "wo s"e)s, an$ hal"e$ a(ain. The $ra(on re%aine$ %o"ionless0 he no"ice$ "oo "ha" "he
re$ fire ha$ (one o#" of i"s e&es. A" las" he ca%e #) "o i". He was 9#i"e s#re now "ha" i" was
$ea$. Wi"h a sh#$$er he "o#che$ i"0 no"hin( ha))ene$.
The relief was so (rea" "ha" E#s"ace al%os" la#(he$ o#" lo#$. He 'e(an "o feel as if he ha$
fo#(h" an$ ,ille$ "he $ra(on ins"ea$ of %erel& seein( i" $ie. He s"e))e$ o+er i" an$ wen" "o
"he )ool for his $rin,, for "he hea" was (e""in( #n'eara'le. He was no" s#r)rise$ when he
hear$ a )eal of "h#n$er. Al%os" i%%e$ia"el& af"erwar$s "he s#n $isa))eare$ an$ 'efore he
ha$ finishe$ his $rin, 'i( $ro)s of rain were fallin(.
The cli%a"e of "his islan$ was a +er& #n)leasan" one. In less "han a %in#"e E#s"ace was we"
"o "he s,in an$ half 'lin$e$ wi"h s#ch rain as one ne+er sees in E#ro)e. There was no #se
"r&in( "o cli%' o#" of "he +alle& as lon( as "his las"e$. He 'ol"e$ for "he onl& shel"er in si(h"
* "he $ra(on2s ca+e. There he la& $own an$ "rie$ "o (e" his 'rea"h.
-os" of #s ,now wha" we sho#l$ e1)ec" "o fin$ in a $ra(on2s lair, '#", as I sai$ 'efore,
E#s"ace ha$ rea$ onl& "he wron( 'oo,s. The& ha$ a lo" "o sa& a'o#" e1)or"s an$ i%)or"s
an$ (o+ern%en"s an$ $rains, '#" "he& were wea, on $ra(ons. Tha" is wh& he was so
)#<<le$ a" "he s#rface on which he was l&in(. Par"s of i" were "oo )ric,l& "o 'e s"ones an$
"oo har$ "o 'e "horns, an$ "here see%e$ "o 'e a (rea" %an& ro#n$, fla" "hin(s, an$ i" all
clin,e$ when he %o+e$. There was li(h" eno#(h a" "he ca+e2s %o#"h "o e1a%ine i" '&. An$
of co#rse E#s"ace fo#n$ i" "o 'e wha" an& of #s co#l$ ha+e "ol$ hi% in a$+ance * "reas#re.
There were crowns ."hose were "he )ric,l& "hin(s/, coins, rin(s, 'racele"s, in(o"s, c#)s,
)la"es an$ (e%s.
E#s"ace .#nli,e %os" 'o&s/ ha$ ne+er "ho#(h" %#ch of "reas#re '#" he saw a" once "he #se i"
wo#l$ 'e in "his new worl$ which he ha$ so foolishl& s"#%'le$ in"o "hro#(h "he )ic"#re in
L#c&2s 'e$roo% a" ho%e. 3The& $on2" ha+e an& "a1 here,3 he sai$, 3An$ &o# $on2" ha+e "o
(i+e "reas#re "o "he (o+ern%en". Wi"h so%e of "his s"#ff I co#l$ ha+e 9#i"e a $ecen" "i%e
here * )erha)s in Calor%en. I" so#n$s "he leas" )hone& of "hese co#n"ries. I won$er how
%#ch I can carr&5 Tha" 'racele" now * "hose "hin(s in i" are )ro'a'l& $ia%on$s * I2ll sli)
"ha" on %& own wris". Too 'i(, '#" no" if I )#sh i" ri(h" #) here a'o+e %& el'ow. Then fill
%& )oc,e"s wi"h $ia%on$s * "ha"2s easier "han (ol$. I won$er when "his infernal rain2s (oin(
"o le" #)53 He (o" in"o a less #nco%for"a'le )ar" of "he )ile, where i" was %os"l& coins, an$
se""le$ $own "o wai". B#" a 'a$ fri(h", when once i" is o+er, an$ es)eciall& a 'a$ fri(h"
followin( a %o#n"ain wal,, lea+es &o# +er& "ire$. E#s"ace fell aslee).
B& "he "i%e he was so#n$ aslee) an$ snorin( "he o"hers ha$ finishe$ $inner an$ 'eca%e
serio#sl& alar%e$ a'o#" hi%. The& sho#"e$, 3E#s"ace4 E#s"ace4 Coo*ee43 "ill "he& were
hoarse an$ Cas)ian 'lew his horn.
3He2s nowhere near or he2$ ha+e hear$ "ha",3 sai$ L#c& wi"h a whi"e face.
3Confo#n$ "he fellow,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Wha" on ear"h $i$ he wan" "o slin, awa& li,e "his
3B#" we %#s" $o so%e"hin(,3 sai$ L#c&. 3He %a& ha+e (o" los", or fallen in"o a hole, or
'een ca)"#re$ '& sa+a(es.3
3Or ,ille$ '& wil$ 'eas"s,3 sai$ Drinian.
3An$ a (oo$ ri$$ance if he has, I sa&,3 %#""ere$ Rhince.
3-as"er Rhince,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3&o# ne+er s)o,e a wor$ "ha" 'eca%e &o# less. The
crea"#re is no frien$ of %ine '#" he is of "he =#een2s 'loo$, an$ while he is one of o#r
fellowshi) i" concerns o#r hono#r "o fin$ hi% an$ "o a+en(e hi% if he is $ea$.3
3Of co#rse we2+e (o" "o fin$ hi% .if we can/,3 sai$ Cas)ian wearil&. 3Tha"2s "he n#isance of
i". I" %eans a search )ar"& an$ en$less "ro#'le. Bo"her E#s"ace.3
-eanwhile E#s"ace sle)" an$ sle)" * an$ sle)". Wha" wo,e hi% was a )ain in his ar%. The
%oon was shinin( in a" "he %o#"h of "he ca+e, an$ "he 'e$ of "reas#res see%e$ "o ha+e
(rown %#ch %ore co%for"a'le: in fac" he co#l$ har$l& feel i" a" all. He was )#<<le$ '& "he
)ain in his ar% a" firs", '#" )resen"l& i" occ#rre$ "o hi% "ha" "he 'racele" which he ha$
sho+e$ #) a'o+e his el'ow ha$ 'eco%e s"ran(el& "i(h". His ar% %#s" ha+e swollen while
he was aslee) .i" was his lef" ar%/.
He %o+e$ his ri(h" ar% in or$er "o feel his lef", '#" s"o))e$ 'efore he ha$ %o+e$ i" an inch
an$ 'i" his li) in "error. 7or 8#s" in fron" of hi%, an$ a li""le on his ri(h", where "he
%oonli(h" fell clear on "he floor of "he ca+e, he saw a hi$eo#s sha)e %o+in(. He ,new "ha"
sha)e: i" was a $ra(on2s claw. I" ha$ %o+e$ as he %o+e$ his han$ an$ 'eca%e s"ill when he
s"o))e$ %o+in( his han$.
3Oh, wha" a fool I2+e 'een,3 "ho#(h" E#s"ace. 3Of co#rse, "he 'r#"e ha$ a %a"e an$ i"2s l&in(
'esi$e %e.3
7or se+eral %in#"es he $i$ no" $are "o %o+e a %#scle. He saw "wo "hin col#%ns of s%o,e
(oin( #) 'efore his e&es, 'lac, a(ains" "he %oonli(h"0 8#s" as "here ha$ 'een s%o,e co%in(
fro% "he o"her $ra(on2s nose 'efore i" $ie$. This was so alar%in( "ha" he hel$ his 'rea"h.
The "wo col#%ns of s%o,e +anishe$. When he co#l$ hol$ his 'rea"h no lon(er he le" i" o#"
s"eal"hil&0 ins"an"l& "wo 8e"s of s%o,e a))eare$ a(ain. B#" e+en &e" he ha$ no i$ea of "he
Presen"l& he $eci$e$ "ha" he wo#l$ e$(e +er& ca#"io#sl& "o his lef" an$ "r& "o cree) o#" of
"he ca+e. Perha)s "he crea"#re was aslee) * an$ an&wa& i" was his onl& chance. B#" of
co#rse 'efore he e$(e$ "o "he lef" he loo,e$ "o "he lef". Oh horror4 "here was a $ra(on2s
claw on "ha" si$e "oo.
No one will 'la%e E#s"ace if a" "his %o%en" he she$ "ears. He was s#r)rise$ a" "he si<e of
his own "ears as he saw "he% s)lashin( on "o "he "reas#re in fron" of hi%. The& also see%e$
s"ran(el& ho"0 s"ea% wen" #) fro% "he%.
B#" "here was no (oo$ cr&in(. He %#s" "r& "o crawl o#" fro% 'e"ween "he "wo $ra(ons. He
'e(an e1"en$in( his ri(h" ar%. The $ra(on2s fore*le( an$ claw on his ri(h" wen" "hro#(h
e1ac"l& "he sa%e %o"ion. Then he "ho#(h" he wo#l$ "r& his lef". The $ra(on li%' on "ha"
si$e %o+e$ "oo.
Two $ra(ons, one on each si$e, %i%ic,in( wha"e+er he $i$4 His ner+e 'ro,e an$ he si%)l&
%a$e a 'ol" for i".
There was s#ch a cla""er an$ ras)in(, an$ clin,in( of (ol$, an$ (rin$in( of s"ones, as he
r#she$ o#" of "he ca+e "ha" he "ho#(h" "he& were 'o"h followin( hi%. He $aren2" loo, 'ac,.
He r#she$ "o "he )ool. The "wis"e$ sha)e of "he $ea$ $ra(on l&in( in "he %oonli(h" wo#l$
ha+e 'een eno#(h "o fri(h"en an&one '#" now he har$l& no"ice$ i". His i$ea was "o (e" in"o
"he wa"er.
B#" 8#s" as he reache$ "he e$(e of "he )ool "wo "hin(s ha))ene$. 7irs" of all i" ca%e o+er
hi% li,e a "h#n$er*cla) "ha" he ha$ 'een r#nnin( on all fo#rs * an$ wh& on ear"h ha$ he
'een $oin( "ha"5 An$ secon$l&, as he 'en" "owar$s "he wa"er, he "ho#(h" for a secon$ "ha"
&e" ano"her $ra(on was s"arin( #) a" hi% o#" of "he )ool. B#" in an ins"an" he reali<e$ "he
"r#"h. The $ra(on face in "he )ool was his own reflec"ion. There was no $o#'" of i". I"
%o+e$ as he %o+e$: i" o)ene$ an$ sh#" i"s %o#"h as he o)ene$ an$ sh#" his.
He ha$ "#rne$ in"o a $ra(on while he was aslee). Slee)in( on a $ra(on2s hoar$ wi"h (ree$&,
$ra(onish "ho#(h"s in his hear", he ha$ 'eco%e a $ra(on hi%self.
Tha" e1)laine$ e+er&"hin(. There ha$ 'een no "wo $ra(ons 'esi$e hi% in "he ca+e. The
claws "o ri(h" an$ lef" ha$ 'een his own ri(h" an$ lef" claw. The "wo col#%ns of s%o,e ha$
'een co%in( fro% his own nos"rils. As for "he )ain in his lef" ar% .or wha" ha$ 'een his lef"
ar%/ he co#l$ now see wha" ha$ ha))ene$ '& s9#in"in( wi"h his lef" e&e. The 'racele"
which ha$ fi""e$ +er& nicel& on "he #))er ar% of a 'o& was far "oo s%all for "he "hic,,
s"#%)& forele( of a $ra(on. I" ha$ s#n, $ee)l& in"o his scal& flesh an$ "here was a
"hro''in( '#l(e on each si$e of i". He "ore a" "he )lace wi"h his $ra(on2s "ee"h '#" co#l$ no"
(e" i" off.
In s)i"e of "he )ain, his firs" feelin( was one of relief. There was no"hin( "o 'e afrai$ of an&
%ore. He was a "error hi%self an$ no"hin( in "he worl$ '#" a ,ni(h" .an$ no" all of "hose/
wo#l$ $are "o a""ac, hi%. He co#l$ (e" e+en wi"h Cas)ian an$ E$%#n$ now B#"
"he %o%en" he "ho#(h" "his he reali<e$ "ha" he $i$n2" wan" "o. He wan"e$ "o 'e frien$s. He
wan"e$ "o (e" 'ac, a%on( h#%ans an$ "al, an$ la#(h an$ share "hin(s. He reali<e$ "ha" he
was a %ons"er c#" off fro% "he whole h#%an race. An a))allin( loneliness ca%e o+er hi%.
He 'e(an "o see "ha" "he o"hers ha$ no" reall& 'een fien$s a" all. He 'e(an "o won$er if he
hi%self ha$ 'een s#ch a nice )erson as he ha$ alwa&s s#))ose$. He lon(e$ for "heir +oices.
He wo#l$ ha+e 'een (ra"ef#l for a ,in$ wor$ e+en fro% Ree)ichee).
When he "ho#(h" of "his "he )oor $ra(on "ha" ha$ 'een E#s"ace lif"e$ #) i"s +oice an$ we)".
A )owerf#l $ra(on cr&in( i"s e&es o#" #n$er "he %oon in a $eser"e$ +alle& is a si(h" an$ a
so#n$ har$l& "o 'e i%a(ine$.
A" las" he $eci$e$ he wo#l$ "r& "o fin$ his wa& 'ac, "o "he shore. He reali<e$ now "ha"
Cas)ian wo#l$ ne+er ha+e saile$ awa& an$ lef" hi%. An$ he fel" s#re "ha" so%ehow or o"her
he wo#l$ 'e a'le "o %a,e )eo)le #n$ers"an$ who he was.
He "oo, a lon( $rin, an$ "hen .I ,now "his so#n$s shoc,in(, '#" i" isn2" if &o# "hin, i" o+er/
he a"e nearl& all "he $ea$ $ra(on. He was half*wa& "hro#(h i" 'efore he reali<e$ wha" he
was $oin(0 for, &o# see, "ho#(h his %in$ was "he %in$ of E#s"ace, his "as"es an$ his
$i(es"ion were $ra(onish. An$ "here is no"hin( a $ra(on li,es so well as fresh $ra(on. Tha"
is wh& &o# so sel$o% fin$ %ore "han one $ra(on in "he sa%e co#n"&.
Then he "#rne$ "o cli%' o#" of "he +alle&. He 'e(an "he cli%' wi"h a 8#%) an$ as soon as
he 8#%)e$ he fo#n$ "ha" he was fl&in(. He ha$ 9#i"e for(o""en a'o#" his win(s an$ i" was a
(rea" s#r)rise "o hi% * "he firs" )leasan" s#r)rise he ha$ ha$ for a lon( "i%e. He rose hi(h
in"o "he air an$ saw inn#%era'le %o#n"ain*"o)s s)rea$ o#" 'enea"h hi% in "he %oonli(h".
He co#l$ see "he 'a& li,e a sil+er sla' an$ "he Dawn Trea$er l&in( a" anchor an$ ca%) fires
"win,lin( in "he woo$s 'esi$e "he 'each. 7ro% a (rea" hei(h" he la#nche$ hi%self $own
"owar$s "he% in a sin(le (li$e.
L#c& was slee)in( +er& so#n$l& for she ha$ sa" #) "ill "he re"#rn of "he search )ar"& in ho)e
of (oo$ news a'o#" E#s"ace. I" ha$ 'een le$ '& Cas)ian an$ ha$ co%e 'ac, la"e an$ wear&.
Their news was $is9#ie"in(. The& ha$ fo#n$ no "race of E#s"ace '#" ha$ seen a $ea$ $ra(on
in a +alle&. The& "rie$ "o %a,e "he 'es" of i" an$ e+er&one ass#re$ e+er&one else "ha" "here
were no" li,el& "o he %ore $ra(ons a'o#", an$ "ha" one which was $ea$ a" a'o#" "hree
o2cloc, "ha" af"ernoon .which was when "he& ha$ seen i"/ wo#l$ har$l& ha+e 'een ,illin(
)eo)le a +er& few ho#rs 'efore.
3nless i" a"e "he li""le 'ra" an$ $ie$ of hi%: he2$ )oison an&"hin(,3 sai$ Rhince. B#" he sai$
"his #n$er his 'rea"h an$ no one hear$ i".
B#" la"er in "he ni(h" L#c& was wa,ene$, +er& sof"l&, an$ fo#n$ "he whole co%)an&
(a"here$ close "o(e"her an$ "al,in( in whis)ers.
3Wha" is i"53 sai$ L#c&.
3We %#s" all show (rea" cons"anc&,3 Cas)ian was sa&in(. 3A $ra(on has 8#s" flown o+er
"he "ree*"o)s an$ li(h"e$ on "he 'each. Yes, I a% afrai$ i" is 'e"ween #s an$ "he shi). An$
arrows are no #se a(ains" $ra(ons. An$ "he&2re no" a" all afrai$ of fire.3
3Wi"h &o#r -a8es"&2s lea+e*3 'e(an Ree)ichee).
3No, Ree)ichee),3 sai$ "he !in( +er& fir%l&, 3&o# are no" "o a""e%)" a sin(le co%'a" wi"h
i". An$ #nless &o# )ro%ise "o o'e& %e in "his %a""er I2ll ha+e &o# "ie$ #). We %#s" 8#s"
,ee) close wa"ch an$, as soon as i" is li(h", (o $own "o "he 'each an$ (i+e i" 'a""le. I will
lea$. !in( E$%#n$ will 'e on %& ri(h" an$ "he Lor$ Drinian on %& lef". There are no o"her
arran(e%en"s "o 'e %a$e. I" will 'e li(h" in a co#)le of ho#rs. In an ho#r2s "i%e le" a %eal
'e ser+e$ o#" an$ wha" is lef" of "he wine. An$ le" e+er&"hin( 'e $one silen"l&.3
3Perha)s i" will (o awa&,3 sai$ L#c&.
3I"2ll 'e worse if i" $oes,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3'eca#se "hen we shan2" ,now where i" is. If "here2s
a was) in "he roo% I li,e "o 'e a'le "o see i".3
The res" of "he ni(h" wa $rea$f#l, an$ when "he %eal ca%e, "ho#(h "he& ,new "he& o#(h" "o
ea", %an& fo#n$ "ha" "he& ha$ +er& )oor a))e"i"es. An$ en$less ho#rs see%e$ "o )ass 'efore
"he $ar,ness "hinne$ an$ 'ir$s 'e(an chir)in( here an$ "here an$ "he worl$ (o" col$er an$
we""er "han i" ha$ 'een all ni(h" an$ Cas)ian sai$, 3Now for i", frien$s.3
The& (o" #), all wi"h swor$s $rawn, an$ for%e$ "he%sel+es in"o a soli$ %ass wi"h L#c& in
"he %i$$le an$ Ree)ichee) on her sho#l$er. I" was nicer "han "he wai"in( a'o#" an$
e+er&one fel" fon$er of e+er&one else "han a" or$inar& "i%es. A %o%en" la"er "he& were
%archin(. I" (rew li(h"er as "he& ca%e "o "he e$(e of "he woo$. An$ "here on "he san$, li,e
a (ian" li<ar$, or a fle1i'le croco$ile, or a ser)en" wi"h le(s, h#(e an$ horri'le an$ h#%)&,
la& "he $ra(on.
B#" when i" saw "he%, ins"ea$ of risin( #) an$ 'lowin( fire an$ s%o,e, "he $ra(on re"rea"e$
* &o# co#l$ al%os" sa& i" wa$$le$ * 'ac, in"o "he shallows of "he 'a&.
3Wha"2s i" wa((in( i"s hea$ li,e "ha" for53 sai$ E$%#n$.
3An$ now i"2s no$$in(,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3An$ "here2s so%e"hin( co%in( fro% i"s e&es,3 sai$ Drinian.
3Oh, can2" &o# see,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I"2s cr&in(. Those are "ears.3
3I sho#l$n2" "r#s" "o "ha", -a2a%,3 sai$ Drinian. 3Tha"2s wha" croco$iles $o, "o )#" &o# off
&o#r (#ar$.3
3I" wa((e$ i"s hea$ when &o# sai$ "ha",3 re%ar,e$ E$%#n$. 3>#s" as if i" %ean" No. Loo,,
"here i" (oes a(ain.3
3Do &o# "hin, i" #n$ers"an$s wha" we2re sa&in(53 as,e$ L#c&.
The $ra(on no$$e$ i"s hea$ +iolen"l&.
Ree)ichee) sli))e$ off L#c&2s sho#l$er an$ s"e))e$ "o "he fron".
3Dra(on,3 ca%e his shrill +oice, 3can &o# #n$ers"an$ s)eech53
The $ra(on no$$e$.
3Can &o# s)ea,53
I" shoo, i"s hea$.
3Then,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3i" is i$le "o as, &o# &o#r '#siness. B#" if &o# will swear
frien$shi) wi"h #s raise &o#r lef" forele( a'o+e &o#r hea$.3
I" $i$ so, '#" cl#%sil& 'eca#se "ha" le( was sore an$ swollen wi"h "he (ol$en 'racele"
3Oh loo,,3 sai$ L#c&, 3"here2s so%e"hin( wron( wi"h i"s le(. The )oor "hin( * "ha"2s
)ro'a'l& wha" i" was cr&in( a'o#". Perha)s i" ca%e "o #s "o 'e c#re$ li,e in An$rocles an$
"he lion.3
3Be caref#l, L#c&,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I"2s a +er& cle+er $ra(on '#" i" %a& 'e a liar.3
L#c& ha$, howe+er, alrea$& r#n forwar$, followe$ '& Ree)ichee), as fas" as his shor" le(s
co#l$ carr& hi%, an$ "hen of co#rse "he 'o&s an$ Drinian ca%e, "oo.
3Show %e &o#r )oor )aw,3 sai$ L#c&, 3I %i(h" 'e a'le "o c#re i".3
The $ra(on*"ha"*ha$*'een*E#s"ace hel$ o#" i"s sore le( (la$l& eno#(h, re%e%'erin( how
L#c&2s cor$ial ha$ c#re$ hi% of sea*sic,ness 'efore he 'eca%e a $ra(on. B#" he was
$isa))oin"e$. The %a(ic fl#i$ re$#ce$ "he swellin( an$ ease$ "he )ain a li""le '#" i" co#l$
no" $issol+e "he (ol$.
E+er&one ha$ now crow$e$ ro#n$ "o wa"ch "he "rea"%en", an$ Cas)ian s#$$enl& e1clai%e$,
3Loo,43 He was s"arin( a" "he 'racele".
3LOO! a" wha"53 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Loo, a" "he $e+ice on "he (ol$,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3A li""le ha%%er wi"h a $ia%on$ a'o+e i" li,e a s"ar,3 sai$ Drinian. 3Wh&, I2+e seen "ha"
3Seen i"43 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Wh&, of co#rse &o# ha+e. I" is "he si(n of a (rea" Narnian ho#se.
This is "he Lor$ Oc"esian2s ar%*rin(.3
3;illain,3 sai$ Ree)ichee) "o "he $ra(on, 3ha+e &o# $e+o#re$ a Narnian lor$53 B#" "he
$ra(on shoo, his hea$ +iolen"l&.
3Or )erha)s,3 sai$ L#c&, 3"his is "he Lor$ Oc"esian, "#rne$ in"o a $ra(on * #n$er an
enchan"%en", &o# ,now.3
3I" nee$n2" 'e ei"her,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3All $ra(ons collec" (ol$. B#" I "hin, i"2s a safe (#ess
"ha" Oc"esian (o" no f#r"her "han "his islan$.3
3Are &o# "he Lor$ Oc"esian53 sai$ L#c& "o "he $ra(on, an$ "hen, when i" sa$l& shoo, i"s
hea$, 3Are &o# so%eone enchan"e$ * so%eone h#%an, I %ean53
I" no$$e$ +iolen"l&.
An$ "hen so%eone sai$ * )eo)le $is)#"e$ af"erwar$s whe"her L#c& or E$%#n$ sai$ i" firs" *
3Yo#2re no" * no" E#s"ace '& an& chance53
An$ E#s"ace no$$e$ his "erri'le $ra(on hea$ an$ "h#%)e$ his "ail in "he sea an$ e+er&one
s,i))e$ 'ac, .so%e of "he sailors wi"h e8ac#la"ions I will no" )#" $own in wri"in(/ "o a+oi$
"he enor%o#s an$ 'oilin( "ears which flowe$ fro% his e&es.
L#c& "rie$ har$ "o console hi% an$ e+en screwe$ #) her co#ra(e "o ,iss "he scal& face, an$
nearl& e+er&one sai$ 3Har$ l#c,3 an$ se+eral ass#re$ E#s"ace "ha" "he& wo#l$ all s"an$ '&
hi% an$ %an& sai$ "here was s#re "o 'e so%e wa& of $isenchan"in( hi% an$ "he&2$ ha+e
hi% as ri(h" as rain in a $a& or "wo. An$ of co#rse "he& were all +er& an1io#s "o hear his
s"or&, '#" he co#l$n2" s)ea,. -ore "han once in "he $a&s "ha" followe$ he a""e%)"e$ "o wri"e
i" for "he% on "he san$. B#", "his ne+er s#ccee$e$. In "he firs" )lace E#s"ace .ne+er ha+in(
rea$ "he ri(h" 'oo,s/ ha$ no i$ea how "o "ell a s"or& s"rai(h". An$ for ano"her "hin(, "he
%#scles an$ ner+es of "he $ra(on*claws "ha" he ha$ "o #se ha$ ne+er learne$ "o wri"e an$
were no" '#il" for wri"in( an&wa&. As a res#l" he ne+er (o" nearl& "o "he en$ 'efore "he "i$e
ca%e in an$ washe$ awa& all "he wri"in( e1ce)" "he 'i"s he ha$ alrea$& "ro$$en on or
acci$en"al& swishe$ o#" wi"h his "ail. An$ all "ha" an&one ha$ seen wo#l$ 'e so%e"hin( li,e
"his * "he $o"s are for "he 'i"s he ha$ s%#$(e$
6ET O777 -I AR- OH BOTHER . . .
I" was, howe+er, clear "o e+er&one "ha" E#s"ace2s charac"er ha$ 'een ra"her i%)ro+e$ '&
'eco%in( a $ra(on. He was an1io#s "o hel). He flew o+er "he whole islan$ an$ fo#n$ i"
was all %o#n"aino#s an$ inha'i"e$ onl& '& wil$ (oa"s an$ $ro+es of wil$ swine. Of "hese
he 'ro#(h" 'ac, %an& carcasses as )ro+isions for "he shi). He was a +er& h#%ane ,iller
"oo, for he co#l$ $is)a"ch a 'eas" wi"h one 'low of his "ail so "ha" i" $i$n2" ,now .an$
)res#%a'l& s"ill $oesn2" ,now/ i" ha$ 'een ,ille$. He a"e a few hi%self, of co#rse, '#"
alwa&s alone, for now "ha" he was a $ra(on he li,e$ his foo$ raw '#" he co#l$ ne+er 'ear "o
le" o"hers see hi% a" his %ess& %eals. An$ one $a&, fl&in( slowl& an$ wearil& '#" in (rea"
"ri#%)h, he 'ore 'ac, "o ca%) a (rea" "all )ine "ree which he ha$ "orn #) '& "he roo"s in a
$is"an" +alle& an$ which co#l$ 'e %a$e in"o a ca)i"al %as". An$ in "he e+enin( if i" "#rne$
chill&, as i" so%e"i%es $i$ af"er "he hea+& rains, he was a co%for" "o e+er&one, for "he
whole )ar"& wo#l$ co%e an$ si" wi"h "heir 'ac,s a(ains" his ho" si$es an$ (e" well war%e$
an$ $rie$0 an$ one )#ff of his fier& 'rea"h wo#l$ li(h" "he %os" o's"ina"e fire. So%e"i%es
he wo#l$ "a,e a selec" )ar"& for a fl& on his 'ac,, so "ha" "he& co#l$ see wheelin( 'elow
"he% "he (reen slo)es, "he roc,& hei(h"s, "he narrow )i"*li,e +alle&s an$ far o#" o+er "he sea
"o "he eas"war$ a s)o" of $ar,er 'l#e on "he 'l#e hori<on which %i(h" 'e lan$.
The )leas#re .9#i"e new "o hi%/ of 'ein( li,e$ an$, s"ill %ore, of li,in( o"her )eo)le, was
wha" ,e)" E#s"ace fro% $es)air. 7or i" was +er& $rear& 'ein( a $ra(on. He sh#$$ere$
whene+er he ca#(h" si(h" of his own reflec"ion as he flew o+er a %o#n"ain la,e. He ha"e$
"he h#(e 'a"li,e win(s, "he saw*e$(e$ ri$(e on his 'ac,, an$ "he cr#el, c#r+e$ claws. He
was al%os" afrai$ "o 'e alone wi"h hi%self an$ &e" he was asha%e$ "o 'e wi"h "he o"hers.
On "he e+enin(s when he was no" 'ein( #se$ as a ho"*wa"er 'o""le he wo#l$ slin, awa&
fro% "he ca%) an$ lie c#rle$ #) li,e a sna,e 'e"ween "he woo$ an$ "he wa"er. On s#ch
occasions, (rea"l& "o his s#r)rise, Ree)ichee) was his %os" cons"an" co%for"er. The no'le
-o#se wo#l$ cree) awa& fro% "he %err& circle a" "he ca%) fire an$ si" $own '& "he
$ra(on2s hea$, well "o "he win$war$ "o 'e o#" of "he wa& of his s%o,& 'rea"h. There he
wo#l$ e1)lain "ha" wha" ha$ ha))ene$ "o E#s"ace was a s"ri,in( ill#s"ra"ion of "he "#rn of
7or"#ne2s wheel, an$ "ha" if he ha$ E#s"ace a" his own ho#se in Narnia .i" was reall& a hole
no" a ho#se an$ "he $ra(on2s hea$, le" alone his 'o$&, wo#l$ no" ha+e fi""e$ in/ he co#l$
show hi% %ore "han a h#n$re$ e1a%)les of e%)erors, ,in(s, $#,es, ,ni(h"s, )oe"s, lo+ers,
as"rono%ers, )hiloso)hers, an$ %a(icians, who ha$ fallen fro% )ros)eri"& in"o "he %os"
$is"ressin( circ#%s"ances, an$ of who% %an& ha$ reco+ere$ an$ li+e$ ha))il& e+er
af"erwar$s. I" $i$ no", )erha)s, see% so +er& co%for"in( a" "he "i%e, '#" i" was ,in$l& %ean"
an$ E#s"ace ne+er for(o" i".
B#" of co#rse wha" h#n( o+er e+er&one li,e a clo#$ was "he )ro'le% of wha" "o $o wi"h
"heir $ra(on when "he& were rea$& "o sail. The& "rie$ no" "o "al, of i" when he was "here,
'#" he co#l$n2" hel) o+erhearin( "hin(s li,e, 3Wo#l$ he fi" all alon( one si$e of "he $ec,5
An$ we2$ ha+e "o shif" all "he s"ores "o "he o"her si$e $own 'elow so as "o 'alance,3 or,
3Wo#l$ "owin( hi% 'e an& (oo$53 or 3Wo#l$ he 'e a'le "o ,ee) #) '& fl&in(53 an$ .%os"
of"en of all/, 3B#" how are we "o fee$ hi%53 An$ )oor E#s"ace reali<e$ %ore an$
%ore "ha" since "he firs" $a& he ca%e on 'oar$ he ha$ 'een an #n%i"i(a"e$ n#isance an$
"ha" he was now a (rea"er n#isance s"ill. An$ "his a"e in"o his %in$, 8#s" as "ha" 'racele" a"e
in"o his forele(. He ,new "ha" i" onl& %a$e i" worse "o "ear a" i" wi"h his (rea" "ee"h, '#" he
co#l$n2" hel) "earin( now an$ "hen, es)eciall& on ho" ni(h"s.
A'o#" si1 $a&s af"er "he& ha$ lan$e$ on Dra(on Islan$, E$%#n$ ha))ene$ "o wa,e #) +er&
earl& one %ornin(. I" was 8#s" (e""in( (re& so "ha" &o# co#l$ see "he "ree*"r#n,s if "he& were
'e"ween &o# an$ "he 'a& '#" no" in "he o"her $irec"ion. As he wo,e he "ho#(h" he hear$
so%e"hin( %o+in(, so he raise$ hi%self on one el'ow an$ loo,e$ a'o#" hi%: an$ )resen"l&
he "ho#(h" he saw a $ar, fi(#re %o+in( on "he seawar$ si$e of "he woo$. The i$ea "ha" a"
once occ#rre$ "o his %in$ was, 3Are we so s#re "here are no na"i+es on "his islan$ af"er
all53 Then he "ho#(h" i" was Cas)ian * i" was a'o#" "he ri(h" si<e * '#" he ,new "ha" Cas)ian
ha$ 'een slee)in( ne1" "o hi% an$ co#l$ see "ha" he ha$n2" %o+e$. E$%#n$ %a$e s#re "ha"
his swor$ was in i"s )lace an$ "hen rose "o in+es"i(a"e.
He ca%e $own sof"l& "o "he e$(e of "he woo$ an$ "he $ar, fi(#re was s"ill "here. He saw
now "ha" i" was "oo s%all for Cas)ian an$ "oo 'i( for L#c&. I" $i$ no" r#n awa&. E$%#n$
$rew his swor$ an$ was a'o#" "o challen(e "he s"ran(er when "he s"ran(er sai$ in a low
+oice, 3Is "ha" &o#, E$%#n$53
3Yes. Who are &o#53 sai$ he.
3Don2" &o# ,now %e53 sai$ "he o"her. 3I"2s %e E#s"ace.3
3B& 8o+e,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3so i" is. -& $ear cha) *3
3H#sh,3 sai$ E#s"ace an$ l#rche$ as if he were (oin( "o fall.
3Hello43 sai$ E$%#n$, s"ea$&in( hi%. 3Wha"2s #)5 Are &o# ill53
E#s"ace was silen" for so lon( "ha" E$%#n$ "ho#(h" he was fain"in(0 '#" a" las" he sai$, 3I"2s
'een (has"l&. Yo# $on2" ,now . . . '#" i"2s all ri(h" now. Co#l$ we (o an$ "al, so%ewhere5 I
$on2" wan" "o %ee" "he o"hers 8#s" &e".3
3Yes, ra"her, an&where &o# li,e,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3We can (o an$ si" on "he roc,s o+er "here.
I sa&, I a% (la$ "o see &o# * er * loo,in( &o#rself a(ain. Yo# %#s" ha+e ha$ a )re""& 'eas"l&
The& wen" "o "he roc,s an$ sa" $own loo,in( o#" across "he 'a& while "he s,& (o" )aler an$
)aler an$ "he s"ars $isa))eare$ e1ce)" for one +er& 'ri(h" one low $own an$ near "he
3I won2" "ell &o# how I 'eca%e a * a $ra(on "ill I can "ell "he o"hers an$ (e" i" all o+er,3 sai$
E#s"ace. 3B& "he wa&, I $i$n2" e+en ,now i" was a $ra(on "ill I hear$ &o# all #sin( "he wor$
when I "#rne$ #) here "he o"her %ornin(. I wan" "o "ell &o# how I s"o))e$ 'ein( one.3
37ire ahea$,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Well, las" ni(h" I was %ore %isera'le "han e+er. An$ "ha" 'eas"l& ar%*rin( was h#r"in( li,e
3Is "ha" all ri(h" now53
E#s"ace la#(he$ * a $ifferen" la#(h fro% an& E$%#n$ ha$ hear$ hi% (i+e 'efore * an$
sli))e$ "he 'racele" easil& off his ar%. 3There i" is,3 he sai$, 3an$ an&one who li,es can
ha+e i" as far as I2% concerne$. Well, as I sa&, I was l&in( awa,e an$ won$erin( wha" on
ear"h wo#l$ 'eco%e of %e. An$ "hen * '#", %in$ &o#, i" %a& ha+e 'een all a $rea%. I $on2"
36o on,3 sai$ E$%#n$, wi"h consi$era'le )a"ience.
3Well, an&wa&, I loo,e$ #) an$ saw "he +er& las" "hin( I e1)ec"e$: a h#(e lion co%in(
slowl& "owar$s %e. An$ one 9#eer "hin( was "ha" "here was no %oon las" ni(h", '#" "here
was %oonli(h" where "he lion was. So i" ca%e nearer an$ nearer. I was "erri'l& afrai$ of i".
Yo# %a& "hin, "ha", 'ein( a $ra(on, I co#l$ ha+e ,noc,e$ an& lion o#" easil& eno#(h. B#" i"
wasn2" "ha" ,in$ of fear. I wasn2" afrai$ of i" ea"in( %e, I was 8#s" afrai$ of i" * if &o# can
#n$ers"an$. Well, i" ca%e close #) "o %e an$ loo,e$ s"rai(h" in"o %& e&es. An$ I sh#" %&
e&es "i(h". B#" "ha" wasn2" an& (oo$ 'eca#se i" "ol$ %e "o follow i".3
3Yo# %ean i" s)o,e53
3I $on2" ,now. Now "ha" &o# %en"ion i", I $on2" "hin, i" $i$. B#" i" "ol$ %e all "he sa%e. An$
I ,new I2$ ha+e "o $o wha" i" "ol$ %e, so I (o" #) an$ followe$ i". An$ i" le$ %e a lon( wa&
in"o "he %o#n"ains. An$ "here was alwa&s "his %oonli(h" o+er an$ ro#n$ "he lion where+er
we wen". So a" las" we ca%e "o "he "o) of a %o#n"ain I2$ ne+er seen 'efore an$ on "he "o) of
"his %o#n"ain "here was a (ar$en * "rees an$ fr#i" an$ e+er&"hin(. In "he %i$$le of i" "here
was a well.
3I ,new i" was a well 'eca#se &o# co#l$ see "he wa"er '#''lin( #) fro% "he 'o""o% of i":
'#" i" was a lo" 'i((er "han %os" wells * li,e a +er& 'i(, ro#n$ 'a"h wi"h %ar'le s"e)s (oin(
$own in"o i". The wa"er was as clear as an&"hin( an$ I "ho#(h" if I co#l$ (e" in "here an$
'a"he i" wo#l$ ease "he )ain in %& le(. B#" "he lion "ol$ %e I %#s" #n$ress firs". -in$ &o#,
I $on2" ,now if he sai$ an& wor$s o#" lo#$ or no".
3I was 8#s" (oin( "o sa& "ha" I co#l$n2" #n$ress 'eca#se I ha$n2" an& clo"hes on when I
s#$$enl& "ho#(h" "ha" $ra(ons are sna,& sor" of "hin(s an$ sna,es can cas" "heir s,ins. Oh,
of co#rse, "ho#(h" I, "ha"2s wha" "he lion %eans. So I s"ar"e$ scra"chin( %&self an$ %&
scales 'e(an co%in( off all o+er "he )lace. An$ "hen I scra"che$ a li""le $ee)er an$, ins"ea$
of 8#s" scales co%in( off here an$ "here, %& whole s,in s"ar"e$ )eelin( off 'ea#"if#ll&, li,e
i" $oes af"er an illness, or as if I was a 'anana. In a %in#"e or "wo I 8#s"
s"e))e$ o#" of i". I co#l$ see i" l&in( "here 'esi$e %e, loo,in( ra"her nas"&. I" was a %os"
lo+el& feelin(. So I s"ar"e$ "o (o $own in"o "he well for %& 'a"he.
3B#" 8#s" as I was (oin( "o )#" %& fee" in"o "he wa"er I loo,e$ $own an$ saw "ha" "he& were
all har$ an$ ro#(h an$ wrin,le$ an$ scal& 8#s" as "he& ha$ 'een 'efore. Oh, "ha"2s all ri(h",
sai$ I, i" onl& %eans I ha$ ano"her s%aller s#i" on #n$ernea"h "he firs" one, an$ I2ll ha+e "o
(e" o#" of i" "oo. So C scra"che$ an$ "ore a(ain an$ "his #n$ers,in )eele$ off 'ea#"if#ll& an$
o#" I s"e))e$ an$ lef" i" l&in( 'esi$e "he o"her one an$ wen" $own "o "he well for %& 'a"he.
3Well, e1ac"l& "he sa%e "hin( ha))ene$ a(ain. An$ I "ho#(h" "o %&self, oh $ear, how e+er
%an& s,ins ha+e I (o" "o "a,e off5 7or I was lon(in( "o 'a"he %& le(. So I scra"che$ awa&
for "he "hir$ "i%e an$ (o" off a "hir$ s,in, 8#s" li,e "he "wo o"hers, an$ s"e))e$ o#" of i". B#"
as soon as I loo,e$ a" %&self in "he wa"er I ,new i" ha$ 'een no (oo$.
3Then "he lion sai$ * '#" I $on2" ,now if i" s)o,e * 3Yo# will ha+e "o le" %e #n$ress &o#.3 I
was afrai$ of his claws, I can "ell &o#, '#" I was )re""& nearl& $es)era"e now. So I 8#s" la&
fla" $own on %& 'ac, "o le" hi% $o i".
3The +er& firs" "ear he %a$e was so $ee) "ha" I "ho#(h" i" ha$ (one ri(h" in"o %& hear". An$
when he 'e(an )#llin( "he s,in off, i" h#r" worse "han an&"hin( I2+e e+er fel". The onl& "hin(
"ha" %a$e %e a'le "o 'ear i" was 8#s" "he )leas#re of feelin( "he s"#ff )eel off. Yo# ,now * if
&o#2+e e+er )ic,e$ "he sca' off a sore )lace. I" h#r"s li,e 'ill&*oh '#" i" is s#ch f#n "o see i"
co%in( awa&.3
3I ,now e1ac"l& wha" &o# %ean,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Well, he )eele$ "he 'eas"l& s"#ff ri(h" off * 8#s" as I "ho#(h" I2$ $one i" %&self "he o"her
"hree "i%es, onl& "he& ha$n2" h#r" * an$ "here i" was l&in( on "he (rass: onl& e+er so %#ch
"hic,er, an$ $ar,er, an$ %ore ,no''l&*loo,in( "han "he o"hers ha$ 'een. An$ "here was I as
s%oo"h an$ sof" as a )eele$ swi"ch an$ s%aller "han I ha$ 'een. Then he ca#(h" hol$ of %e
* I $i$n2" li,e "ha" %#ch for I was +er& "en$er #n$ernea"h now "ha" I2$ no s,in on * an$
"hrew %e in"o "he wa"er. I" s%ar"e$ li,e an&"hin( '#" onl& for a %o%en". Af"er "ha" i"
'eca%e )erfec"l& $elicio#s an$ as soon as I s"ar"e$ swi%%in( an$ s)lashin( I fo#n$ "ha" all
"he )ain ha$ (one fro% %& ar%. An$ "hen I saw wh&. I2$ "#rne$ in"o a 'o& a(ain. Yo#2$
"hin, %e si%)l& )hone& if I "ol$ &o# how I fel" a'o#" %& own ar%s. I ,now "he&2+e no
%#scle an$ are )re""& %o#l$& co%)are$ wi"h Cas)ian2s, '#" I was so (la$ "o see "he%.
3Af"er a 'i" "he lion "oo, %e o#" an$ $resse$ %e *3
3Dresse$ &o#. Wi"h his )aws53
3Well, I $on2" e1ac"l& re%e%'er "ha" 'i". B#" he $i$ so%ehow or o"her: in new clo"hes * "he
sa%e I2+e (o" on now, as a %a""er of fac". An$ "hen s#$$enl& I was 'ac, here. Which is
wha" %a,es %e "hin, i" %#s" ha+e 'een a $rea%.3
3No. I" wasn2" a $rea%,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Wh& no"53
3Well, "here are "he clo"hes, for one "hin(. An$ &o# ha+e 'een * well, #n*$ra(one$, for
3Wha" $o &o# "hin, i" was, "hen53 as,e$ E#s"ace.
3I "hin, &o#2+e seen Aslan,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Aslan43 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I2+e hear$ "ha" na%e %en"ione$ se+eral "i%es since we 8oine$ "he
Dawn Trea$er. An$ I fel" * I $on2" ,now wha" * I ha"e$ i". B#" I was ha"in( e+er&"hin( "hen.
An$ '& "he wa&, I2$ li,e "o a)olo(i<e. I2% afrai$ I2+e 'een )re""& 'eas"l&.3
3Tha"2s all ri(h",3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Be"ween o#rsel+es, &o# ha+en2" 'een as 'a$ as I was on
%& firs" "ri) "o Narnia. Yo# were onl& an ass, '#" I was a "rai"or.3
3Well, $on2" "ell %e a'o#" i", "hen,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3B#" who is Aslan5 Do &o# ,now hi%53
3Well * he ,nows %e,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3He is "he (rea" Lion, "he son of "he E%)eror*'e&on$*
"he*Sea, who sa+e$ %e an$ sa+e$ Narnia. We2+e all seen hi%. L#c& sees hi% %os" of"en.
An$ i" %a& 'e Aslan2s co#n"r& we are sailin( "o.3
Nei"her sai$ an&"hin( for a while. The las" 'ri(h" s"ar ha$ +anishe$ an$ "ho#(h "he& co#l$
no" see "he s#nrise 'eca#se of "he %o#n"ains on "heir ri(h", "he& ,new i" was (oin( on
'eca#se "he s,& a'o+e "he% an$ "he 'a& 'efore "he% "#rne$ "he colo#r of roses. Then so%e
'ir$ of "he )arro" ,in$ screa%e$ in "he woo$ 'ehin$ "he%, "he& hear$ %o+e%en"s a%on(
"he "rees, an$ finall& a 'las" on Cas)ian2s horn. The ca%) was as"ir.
6rea" was "he re8oicin( when E$%#n$ an$ "he res"ore$ E#s"ace wal,e$ in"o "he 'rea,fas"
circle ro#n$ "he ca%) fire. An$ now of co#rse e+er&one hear$ "he earlier )ar" of his s"or&.
Peo)le won$ere$ whe"her "he o"her $ra(on ha$ ,ille$ "he Lor$ Oc"esian se+eral &ears a(o
or whe"her Oc"esian hi%self ha$ 'een "he ol$ $ra(on. The 8ewels wi"h which E#s"ace ha$
cra%%e$ his )oc,e"s in "he ca+e ha$ $isa))eare$ alon( wi"h "he clo"hes he ha$ "hen 'een
wearin(: '#" no one, leas" of all E#s"ace hi%self, fel" an& $esire "o (o 'ac, "o "ha" +alle& for
%ore "reas#re.
In a few $a&s now "he Dawn Trea$er, re%as"e$, re*)ain"e$, an$ well s"ore$, was rea$& "o
sail. Before "he& e%'ar,e$ Cas)ian ca#se$ "o 'e c#" on a s%oo"h cliff facin( "he 'a& "he
Two narrow esca)es
I" wo#l$ 'e nice, an$ fairl& "r#e, "o sa& "ha" 3fro% "ha" "i%e for"h E#s"ace was a $ifferen"
'o&3. To 'e s"ric"l& acc#ra"e, he 'e(an "o 'e a $ifferen" 'o&. He ha$ rela)ses. There were
s"ill %an& $a&s when he co#l$ 'e +er& "ireso%e. B#" %os" of "hose I shall no" no"ice. The
c#re ha$ 'e(#n.
The Lor$ Oc"esian2s ar% rin( ha$ a c#rio#s fa"e. E#s"ace $i$ no" wan" i" an$ offere$ i" "o
Cas)ian an$ Cas)ian offere$ i" "o L#c&. She $i$ no" care a'o#" ha+in( i". 3;er& well, "hen,
ca"ch as ca"ch can,3 sai$ Cas)ian an$ fl#n( i" #) in "he air. This was when "he& were all
s"an$in( loo,in( a" "he inscri)"ion. ) wen" "he rin(, flashin( in "he s#nli(h", an$ ca#(h",
an$ h#n(, as nea"l& as a well*"hrown 9#oi", on a li""le )ro8ec"ion on "he roc,. No one co#l$
cli%' #) "o (e" i" fro% 'elow an$ no one co#l$ cli%' $own "o (e" i" fro% a'o+e. An$ "here,
for all I ,now, i" is han(in( s"ill an$ %a& han( "ill "ha" worl$ en$s.
E;ERYONE was cheerf#l as "he Dawn Trea$er saile$ fro% Dra(on Islan$. The& ha$ fair
win$s as soon as "he& were o#" of "he 'a& an$ ca%e earl& ne1" %ornin( "o "he #n,nown
lan$ which so%e of "he% ha$ seen when fl&in( o+er "he %o#n"ains while E#s"ace was s"ill
a $ra(on. I" was a low (reen islan$ inha'i"e$ '& no"hin( '#" ra''i"s an$ a few (oa"s, '#"
fro% "he r#ins of s"one h#"s, an$ fro% 'lac,ene$ )laces where fires ha$ 'een, "he& 8#$(e$
"ha" i" ha$ 'een )eo)le$ no" lon( 'efore. There were also so%e 'ones an$ 'ro,en wea)ons.
3Pira"es2 wor,,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Or "he $ra(on2s,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
The onl& o"her "hin( "he& fo#n$ "here was a li""le s,in 'oa", or coracle, on "he san$s. I" was
%a$e of hi$e s"re"che$ o+er a wic,er fra%ewor,. I" was a "in& 'oa", 'arel& fo#r fee" lon(,
an$ "he )a$$le which s"ill la& in i" was in )ro)or"ion. The& "ho#(h" "ha" ei"her i" ha$ 'een
%a$e for a chil$ or else "ha" "he )eo)le of "ha" co#n"r& ha$ 'een Dwarfs. Ree)ichee)
$eci$e$ "o ,ee) i", as i" was 8#s" "he ri(h" si<e for hi%0 so i" was "a,en on 'oar$. The& calle$
"ha" lan$ B#rn" Islan$, an$ saile$ awa& 'efore noon.
7or so%e fi+e $a&s "he& ran 'efore a so#"h*so#"h*eas" win$, o#" of si(h" of all lan$s an$
seein( nei"her fish nor (#ll. Then "he& ha$ a $a& when i" raine$ har$ "ill "he af"ernoon.
E#s"ace los" "wo (a%es of chess "o Ree)ichee) an$ 'e(an "o (e" li,e his ol$ an$
$isa(reea'le self a(ain, an$ E$%#n$ sai$ he wishe$ "he& co#l$ ha+e (one "o A%erica wi"h
S#san. Then L#c& loo,e$ o#" of "he s"ern win$ows an$ sai$:
3Hello4 I $o 'elie+e i"2s s"o))in(. An$ wha"2s "ha"53
The& all "#%'le$ #) "o "he )oo) a" "his an$ fo#n$ "ha" "he rain ha$ s"o))e$ an$ "ha"
Drinian, who was on wa"ch, was also s"arin( har$ a" so%e"hin( as"ern. Or ra"her, a" se+eral
"hin(s. The& loo,e$ a li""le li,e s%oo"h ro#n$e$ roc,s, a whole line of "he% wi"h in"er+als
of a'o#" for"& fee" in 'e"ween.
3B#" "he& can2" 'e roc,s,3 Drinian was sa&in(, 3'eca#se "he& weren2" "here fi+e %in#"es
3An$ one2s 8#s" $isa))eare$,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Yes, an$ "here2s ano"her one co%in( #),3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3An$ nearer,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Han( i"43 sai$ Cas)ian. 3The whole "hin( is %o+in( "his wa&.3
3An$ %o+in( a (rea" $eal 9#ic,er "han we can sail, Sire,3 sai$ Drinian. 3I"2ll 'e #) wi"h #s
in a %in#"e.3
The& all hel$ "heir 'rea"h, for i" is no" a" all nice "o 'e )#rs#e$ '& an #n,nown so%e"hin(
ei"her on lan$ or sea. B#" wha" i" "#rne$ o#" "o 'e was far worse "han an&one ha$ s#s)ec"e$.
S#$$enl&, onl& a'o#" "he len("h of a cric,e" )i"ch fro% "heir )or" si$e, an a))allin( hea$
reare$ i"self o#" of "he sea. I" was all (reens an$ +er%ilions wi"h )#r)le 'lo"ches * e1ce)"
where shell fish cl#n( "o i" * an$ sha)e$ ra"her li,e a horse2s, "ho#(h wi"ho#" ears. I" ha$
enor%o#s e&es, e&es %a$e for s"arin( "hro#(h "he $ar, $e)"hs of "he ocean, an$ a (a)in(
%o#"h fille$ wi"h $o#'le rows of shar) fish*li,e "ee"h. I" ca%e #) on wha" "he& firs" "oo, "o
'e a h#(e nec,, '#" as %ore an$ %ore of i" e%er(e$ e+er&one ,new "ha" "his was no" i"s
nec, '#" i"s 'o$& an$ "ha" a" las" "he& were seein( wha" so %an& )eo)le ha+e foolishl&
wan"e$ "o see * "he (rea" Sea Ser)en". The fol$s of i"s (i(an"ic "ail co#l$ 'e seen far awa&,
risin( a" in"er+als fro% "he s#rface. An$ now i"s hea$ was "owerin( #) hi(her "han "he %as".
E+er& %an r#she$ "o his wea)on, '#" "here was no"hin( "o 'e $one, "he %ons"er was o#" of
reach. 3Shoo"4 Shoo"43 crie$ "he -as"er Bow%an, an$ se+eral o'e&e$, '#" "he arrows
(lance$ off "he Sea Ser)en"2s hi$e as if i" was iron)la"e$. Then, for a $rea$f#l %in#"e,
e+er&one was s"ill, s"arin( #) a" i"s e&es an$ %o#"h an$ won$erin( where i" wo#l$ )o#nce.
B#" i" $i$n2" )o#nce. I" sho" i"s hea$ forwar$ across "he shi) on a le+el wi"h "he &ar$ of "he
%as". Now i"s hea$ was 8#s" 'esi$e "he fi(h"in( "o). S"ill i" s"re"che$ an$ s"re"che$ "ill i"s
hea$ was o+er "he s"ar'oar$ '#lwar,. Then $own i" 'e(an "o co%e * no" on "o "he
crow$e$ $ec, '#" in"o "he wa"er, so "ha" "he whole shi) was #n$er an arch of ser)en". An$
al%os" a" once "ha" arch 'e(an "o (e" s%aller: in$ee$ on "he s"ar'oar$ "he Sea Ser)en" was
now al%os" "o#chin( "he Dawn Trea$er2s si$e.
E#s"ace .who ha$ reall& 'een "r&in( +er& har$ "o 'eha+e well, "ill "he rain an$ "he chess )#"
hi% 'ac,/ now $i$ "he firs" 'ra+e "hin( he ha$ e+er $one. He was wearin( a swor$ "ha"
Cas)ian ha$ len" hi%. As soon as "he ser)en"2s 'o$& was near eno#(h on "he s"ar'oar$ si$e
he 8#%)e$ on "o "he '#lwar, an$ 'e(an hac,in( a" i" wi"h all his %i(h". I" is "r#e "ha" he
acco%)lishe$ no"hin( 'e&on$ 'rea,in( Cas)ian2s secon$*'es" swor$ in"o 'i"s, '#" i" was a
fine "hin( for a 'e(inner "o ha+e $one.
O"hers wo#l$ ha+e 8oine$ hi% if a" "ha" %o%en" Ree)ichee) ha$ no" calle$ o#", 3Don2"
fi(h"4 P#sh43 I" was so #n#s#al for "he -o#se "o a$+ise an&one no" "o fi(h" "ha", e+en in "ha"
"erri'le %o%en", e+er& e&e "#rne$ "o hi%. An$ when he 8#%)e$ #) on "o "he '#lwar,,
forwar$ of "he sna,e, an$ se" his li""le f#rr& 'ac, a(ains" i"s h#(e scal&, sli%& 'ac,, an$
'e(an )#shin( as har$ as he co#l$, 9#i"e a n#%'er of )eo)le saw wha" he %ean" an$ r#she$
"o 'o"h si$es of "he shi) "o $o "he sa%e. An$ when, a %o%en" la"er, "he Sea Ser)en"2s hea$
a))eare$ a(ain, "his "i%e on "he )or" si$e, an$ "his "i%e wi"h i"s 'ac, "o "he%, "hen
e+er&one #n$ers"oo$.
The 'r#"e ha$ %a$e a loo) of i"self ro#n$ "he Dawn Trea$er an$ was 'e(innin( "o $raw "he
loo) "i(h". When i" (o" 9#i"e "i(h" * sna)4 * "here wo#l$ 'e floa"in( %a"chwoo$ where "he
shi) ha$ 'een an$ i" co#l$ )ic, "he% o#" of "he wa"er one '& one. Their onl& chance was "o
)#sh "he loo) 'ac,war$ "ill i" sli$ o+er "he s"ern0 or else ."o )#" "he sa%e "hin( ano"her wa&/
"o )#sh "he shi) forwar$ o#" of "he loo).
Ree)ichee) alone ha$, of co#rse, no %ore chance of $oin( "his "han of lif"in( #) a
ca"he$ral, '#" he ha$ nearl& ,ille$ hi%self wi"h "r&in( 'efore o"hers sho+e$ hi% asi$e. ;er&
soon "he whole shi)2s co%)an& e1ce)" L#c& an$ "he -o#se .which was fain"in(/ was in
"wo lon( lines alon( "he "wo '#lwar,s, each %an2s ches" "o "he 'ac, of "he %an in fron", so
"ha" "he wei(h" of "he whole line was in "he las" %an, )#shin( for "heir li+es. 7or a few
sic,enin( secon$s .which see%e$ li,e ho#rs/ no"hin( a))eare$ "o ha))en. >oin"s crac,e$,
swea" $ro))e$, 'rea"h ca%e in (r#n"s an$ (as)s. Then "he& fel" "ha" "he shi) was %o+in(.
The& saw "ha" "he sna,e*loo) was f#r"her fro% "he %as" "han i" ha$ 'een. B#" "he& also saw
"ha" i" was s%aller. An$ now "he real $an(er was a" han$. Co#l$ "he& (e" i" o+er "he )oo),
or was i" alrea$& "oo "i(h"5 Yes. I" wo#l$ 8#s" fi". I" was res"in( on "he )oo) rails. A $o<en
or %ore s)ran( #) on "he )oo). This was far 'e""er. The Sea Ser)en"2s 'o$& was so low now
"ha" "he& co#l$ %a,e a line across "he )oo) an$ )#sh si$e '& si$e. Ho)e rose hi(h "ill
e+er&one re%e%'ere$ "he hi(h car+e$ s"ern, "he $ra(on "ail, of "he Dawn Trea$er. I" wo#l$
'e 9#i"e i%)ossi'le "o (e" "he 'r#"e o+er "ha".
3An a1e,3 crie$ Cas)ian hoarsel&, 3an$ s"ill sho+e.3 L#c&, who ,new where e+er&"hin(
was, hear$ hi% where she was s"an$in( on "he %ain $ec, s"arin( #) a" "he )oo). In a few
secon$s she ha$ 'een 'elow, (o" "he a1e, an$ was r#shin( #) "he la$$er "o "he )oo). B#"
8#s" as she reache$ "he "o) "here ca%e a (rea" crashin( noise li,e a "ree co%in( $own an$
"he shi) roc,e$ an$ $ar"e$ forwar$. 7or a" "ha" +er& %o%en", whe"her 'eca#se "he Sea
Ser)en" was 'ein( )#she$ so har$, or 'eca#se i" foolishl& $eci$e$ "o $raw "he noose "i(h",
"he whole of "he car+e$ s"ern 'ro,e off an$ "he shi) was free.
The o"hers were "oo e1ha#s"e$ "o see wha" L#c& saw. There, a few &ar$s 'ehin$ "he%, "he
loo) of Sea Ser)en"2s 'o$& (o" ra)i$l& s%aller an$ $isa))eare$ in"o a s)lash. L#c& alwa&s
sai$ .'#" of co#rse she was +er& e1ci"e$ a" "he %o%en", an$ i" %a& ha+e 'een onl&
i%a(ina"ion/ "ha" she saw a loo, of i$io"ic sa"isfac"ion on "he crea"#re2s face. Wha" is
cer"ain is "ha" i" was a +er& s"#)i$ ani%al, for ins"ea$ of )#rs#in( "he shi) i" "#rne$ i"s hea$
ro#n$ an$ 'e(an nosin( all alon( i"s own 'o$& as if i" e1)ec"e$ "o fin$ "he wrec,a(e of "he
Dawn Trea$er "here. B#" "he Dawn Trea$er was alrea$& well awa&, r#nnin( 'efore a fresh
'ree<e, an$ "he %en la& an$ sa" )an"in( an$ (roanin( all a'o#" "he $ec,, "ill )resen"l& "he&
were a'le "o "al, a'o#" i", an$ "hen "o la#(h a'o#" i". An$ when so%e r#% ha$ 'een ser+e$
o#" "he& e+en raise$ a cheer0 an$ e+er&one )raise$ "he +alo#r of E#s"ace ."ho#(h i" ha$n2"
$one an& (oo$/ an$ of Ree)ichee).
Af"er "his "he& saile$ for "hree $a&s %ore an$ saw no"hin( '#" sea an$ s,&. On "he fo#r"h
$a& "he win$ chan(e$ "o "he nor"h an$ "he seas 'e(an "o rise0 '& "he af"ernoon i" ha$ nearl&
'eco%e a (ale. B#" a" "he sa%e "i%e "he& si(h"e$ lan$ on "heir )or" 'ow.
3B& &o#r lea+e, Sire,3 sai$ Drinian, 3we will "r& "o (e" #n$er "he lee of "ha" co#n"r& '&
rowin( an$ lie in har'o#r, %a&'e "ill "his is o+er.3 Cas)ian a(ree$, '#" a lon( row a(ains"
"he (ale $i$ no" 'rin( "he% "o "he lan$ 'efore e+enin(. B& "he las" li(h" of "ha" $a& "he&
s"eere$ in"o a na"#ral har'o#r an$ anchore$, '#" no one wen" ashore "ha" ni(h". In "he
%ornin( "he& fo#n$ "he%sel+es in "he (reen 'a& of a r#((e$, lonel&*loo,in( co#n"r& which
slo)e$ #) "o a roc,& s#%%i". 7ro% "he win$& nor"h 'e&on$ "ha" s#%%i" clo#$s ca%e
s"rea%in( ra)i$l&. The& lowere$ "he 'oa" an$ loa$e$
her wi"h an& of "he wa"er cas,s which were now e%)"&.
3Which s"rea% shall we wa"er a", Drinian53 sai$ Cas)ian as he "oo, his sea" in "he s"ern*
shee"s of "he 'oa". 3There see% "o 'e "wo co%in( $own in"o "he 'a&.3
3I" %a,es li""le o$$s, Sire,3 sai$ Drinian. 3B#" I "hin, i"2s a shor"er )#ll "o "ha" on "he
s"ar'oar$*"he eas"ern one.3
3Here co%es "he rain,3 sai$ L#c&.
3I sho#l$ "hin, i" $oes43 sai$ E$%#n$, for i" was alrea$& )el"in( har$. 3I sa&, le"2s (o "o "he
o"her s"rea%. There are "rees "here an$ we2ll ha+e so%e shel"er.3
3Yes, le"2s,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3No )oin" in (e""in( we""er "han we nee$.3
B#" all "he "i%e Drinian was s"ea$il& s"eerin( "o "he s"ar'oar$, li,e "ireso%e )eo)le in cars
who con"in#e a" for"& %iles an ho#r while &o# are e1)lainin( "o "he% "ha" "he& are on "he
wron( roa$.
3The&2re ri(h", Drinian,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Wh& $on2" &o# 'rin( her hea$ ro#n$ an$ %a,e for
"he wes"ern s"rea%53
3As &o#r -a8es"& )leases,3 sai$ Drinian a li""le shor"l&. He ha$ ha$ an an1io#s $a& wi"h "he
wea"her &es"er$a&, an$ he $i$n2" li,e a$+ice fro% lan$s%en. B#" he al"ere$ co#rse0 an$ i"
"#rne$ o#" af"erwar$s "ha" i" was a (oo$ "hin( he $i$.
B& "he "i%e "he& ha$ finishe$ wa"erin(, "he rain was o+er an$ Cas)ian, wi"h E#s"ace, "he
Pe+ensies, an$ Ree)ichee), $eci$e$ "o wal, #) "o "he "o) of "he hill an$ see wha" co#l$ 'e
seen. I" was a s"iffish cli%' "hro#(h coarse (rass an$ hea"her an$ "he& saw nei"her %an nor
'eas", e1ce)" sea(#lls. When "he& reache$ "he "o) "he& saw "ha" i" was a +er& s%all islan$,
no" %ore "han "wen"& acres0 an$ fro% "his hei(h" "he sea loo,e$ lar(er an$ %ore $esola"e
"han i" $i$ fro% "he $ec,, or e+en "he fi(h"in( "o), of "he Dawn Trea$er.
3Cra<&, &o# ,now,3 sai$ E#s"ace "o L#c& in a low +oice, loo,in( a" "he eas"ern hori<on.
3Sailin( on an$ on in"o "ha" wi"h no i$ea wha" we %a& (e" "o.3 B#" he onl& sai$ i" o#" of
ha'i", no" reall& nas"il& as he wo#l$ ha+e $one a" one "i%e.
I" was "oo col$ "o s"a& lon( on "he ri$(e for "he win$ s"ill 'lew freshl& fro% "he nor"h.
3Don2" le"2s (o 'ac, "he sa%e wa&,3 sai$ L#c& as "he& "#rne$0 3le"2s (o alon( a 'i" an$ co%e
$own '& "he o"her s"rea%, "he one Drinian wan"e$ "o (o "o.3
E+er&one a(ree$ "o "his an$ af"er a'o#" fif"een %in#"es "he& were a" "he so#rce of "he
secon$ ri+er. I" was a %ore in"eres"in( )lace "han "he& ha$ e1)ec"e$0 a $ee) li""le %o#n"ain
la,e, s#rro#n$e$ '& cliffs e1ce)" for a narrow channel on "he seawar$ si$e o#" of which "he
wa"er flowe$. Here a" las" "he& were o#" of "he win$, an$ all sa" $own in "he hea"her a'o+e
"he cliff for a res".
All sa" $own, '#" one .i" was E$%#n$/ 8#%)e$ #) a(ain +er& 9#ic,l&.
3The& (o in for shar) s"ones on "his islan$,3 he sai$, (ro)in( a'o#" in "he hea"her. 3Where
is "he wre"che$ "hin(5 . . . Ah, now I2+e (o" i" . . . H#llo4 I" wasn2" a s"one a" all, i"2s a swor$*
hil". No, '& 8o+e, i"2s a whole swor$0 wha" "he r#s" has lef" of i". I" %#s" ha+e lain here for
3Narnian, "oo, '& "he loo, of i",3 sai$ Cas)ian, as "he& all crow$e$ ro#n$.
3I2% si""in( on so%e"hin( "oo,3 sai$ L#c&. 3So%e"hin( har$.3 I" "#rne$ o#" "o 'e "he re%ains
of a %ail*shir". B& "his "i%e e+er&one was on han$s an$ ,nees, feelin( in "he "hic, hea"her
in e+er& $irec"ion. Their search re+eale$, one '& one, a hel%e", a $a((er, an$ a few coins0
no" Calor%en crescen"s '#" (en#ine Narnian 3Lions3 an$ 3Trees3 s#ch as &o# %i(h" see
an& $a& in "he %ar,e"*)lace of Bea+ers$a% or Ber#na.
3Loo,s as if "his %i(h" 'e all "ha"2s lef" of one of o#r se+en lor$s,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3>#s" wha" I was "hin,in(,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I won$er which i" was. There2s no"hin( on "he
$a((er "o show. An$ I won$er how he $ie$.3
3An$ how we are "o a+en(e hi%,3 a$$e$ Ree)ichee).
E$%#n$, "he onl& one of "he )ar"& who ha$ rea$ se+eral $e"ec"i+e s"ories, ha$ %eanwhile
'een "hin,in(.
3Loo, here,3 he sai$, 3"here2s so%e"hin( +er& fish& a'o#" "his. He can2" ha+e 'een ,ille$ in a
3Wh& no"53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3No 'ones,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3An ene%& %i(h" "a,e "he ar%o#r an$ lea+e "he 'o$&. B#" who
e+er hear$ of a cha) who2$ won a fi(h" carr&in( awa& "he 'o$& an$ lea+in( "he ar%o#r53
3Perha)s he was ,ille$ '& a wil$ ani%al,3 L#c& s#((es"e$.
3I"2$ 'e a cle+er ani%al,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3"ha" wo#l$ "a,e a %an2s %ail shir" off.3
3Perha)s a $ra(on53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3No"hin( $oin(,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3A $ra(on co#l$n2" $o i". I o#(h" "o ,now.3
3Well, le"2s (e" awa& fro% "he )lace, an&wa&,3 sai$ L#c&. She ha$ no" fel" li,e si""in( $own
a(ain since E$%#n$ ha$ raise$ "he 9#es"ion of 'ones.
3If &o# li,e,3 sai$ Cas)ian, (e""in( #). 3I $on2" "hin, an& of "his s"#ff is wor"h "a,in( awa&.3
The& ca%e $own an$ ro#n$ "o "he li""le o)enin( where "he s"rea% ca%e o#" of "he la,e, an$
s"oo$ loo,in( a" "he $ee) wa"er wi"hin "he circle of cliffs. If i" ha$ 'een a ho" $a&, no $o#'"
so%e wo#l$ ha+e 'een "e%)"e$ "o 'a"he an$ e+er&one wo#l$ ha+e ha$ a $rin,. In$ee$,
e+en as i" was, E#s"ace was on "he +er& )oin" of s"oo)in( $own an$ scoo)in( #) so%e
wa"er in his han$s when Ree)ichee) an$ L#c& 'o"h a" "he sa%e %o%en" crie$, 3Loo,,3 so
he for(o" a'o#" his $rin, an$ loo,e$.
The 'o""o% of "he )ool was %a$e of lar(e (re&ish*'l#e s"ones an$ "he wa"er was )erfec"l&
clear, an$ on "he 'o""o% la& a life*si<e fi(#re of a %an, %a$e a))aren"l& of (ol$. I" la& face
$ownwar$s wi"h i"s ar%s s"re"che$ o#" a'o+e i"s hea$. An$ i" so ha))ene$ "ha" as "he&
loo,e$ a" i", "he clo#$s )ar"e$ an$ "he s#n shone o#". The (ol$en sha)e was li" #) fro% en$
"o en$. L#c& "ho#(h" i" was "he %os" 'ea#"if#l s"a"#e she ha$ e+er seen.
3Well43 whis"le$ Cas)ian. 3Tha" was wor"h co%in( "o see4 I won$er, can we (e" i" o#"53
3We can $i+e for i", Sire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee).
3No (oo$ a" all,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3A" leas", if i"2s reall& (ol$ * soli$ (ol$ * i"2ll 'e far "oo
hea+& "o 'rin( #). An$ "ha" )ool2s "wel+e or fif"een fee" $ee) if i"2s an inch. Half a %o%en",
"ho#(h. I"2s a (oo$ "hin( I2+e 'ro#(h" a h#n"in( s)ear wi"h %e. Le"2s see wha" "he $e)"h is
li,e. Hol$ on "o %& han$, Cas)ian, while I lean o#" o+er "he wa"er a 'i".3 Cas)ian "oo, his
han$ an$ E$%#n$, leanin( forwar$, 'e(an "o lower his s)ear in"o "he wa"er.
Before i" was half*wa& in L#c& sai$, 3I $on2" 'elie+e "he s"a"#e is (ol$ a" all. I"2s onl& "he
li(h". Yo#r s)ear loo,s 8#s" "he sa%e colo#r.3
3Wha"2s wron(53 as,e$ se+eral +oices a" once0 for E$%#n$ ha$ s#$$enl& le" (o of "he
3I co#l$n2" hol$ i",3 (as)e$ E$%#n$, 3i" see%e$ so hea+&.3
3An$ "here i" is on "he 'o""o% now,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3an$ L#c& is ri(h". I" loo,s 8#s" "he sa%e
colo#r as "he s"a"#e.3
B#" E$%#n$, who a))eare$ "o 'e ha+in( so%e "ro#'le wi"h his 'oo"s * a" leas" he was
'en$in( $own an$ loo,in( a" "he% * s"rai(h"ene$ hi%self all a" once an$ sho#"e$ o#" in "he
shar) +oice which )eo)le har$l& e+er $iso'e&:
36e" 'ac,4 Bac, fro% "he wa"er. All of &o#. A" once443
The& all $i$ an$ s"are$ a" hi%.
3Loo,,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3loo, a" "he "oes of %& 'oo"s.3
3The& loo, a 'i" &ellow,3 'e(an E#s"ace.
3The&2re (ol$, soli$ (ol$,3 in"err#)"e$ E$%#n$. 3Loo, a" "he%. 7eel "he%. The lea"her2s
)#lle$ awa& fro% i" alrea$&. An$ "he&2re as hea+& as lea$.3
3B& Aslan43 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Yo# $on2" %ean "o sa&*53
3Yes, I $o,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Tha" wa"er "#rns "hin(s in"o (ol$. I" "#rne$ "he s)ear in"o (ol$,
"ha"2s wh& i" (o" so hea+&. An$ i" was 8#s" la))in( a(ains" %& fee" .i"2s a (oo$ "hin( I wasn2"
'arefoo"/ an$ i" "#rne$ "he "oe*ca)s in"o (ol$. An$ "ha" )oor fellow on "he 'o""o% * well,
&o# see.3
3So i" isn2" a s"a"#e a" all,3 sai$ L#c& in a low +oice.
3No. The whole "hin( is )lain now. He was here on a ho" $a&. He #n$resse$ on "o) of "he
cliff * where we were si""in(. The clo"hes ha+e ro""e$ awa& or 'een "a,en '& 'ir$s "o line
nes"s wi"h0 "he ar%o#r2s s"ill "here. Then he $i+e$ an$ *3
3Don2",3 sai$ L#c&. 3Wha" a horri'le "hin(.3
3An$ wha" a narrow sha+e we2+e ha$,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Narrow in$ee$,3 sai$ Ree)ichee). 3An&one2s fin(er, an&one2s foo", an&one2s whis,er, or
an&one2s "ail, %i(h" ha+e sli))e$ in"o "he wa"er a" an& %o%en".3
3All "he sa%e,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3we %a& as well "es" i".3 He s"oo)e$ $own an$ wrenche$ #) a
s)ra& of hea"her. Then, +er& ca#"io#sl&, he ,nel" 'esi$e "he )ool an$ $i))e$ i" in. I" was
hea"her "ha" he $i))e$0 wha" he $rew o#" was a )erfec" %o$el of hea"her %a$e of "he )#res"
(ol$, hea+& an$ sof" as lea$.
3The !in( who owne$ "his islan$,3 sai$ Cas)ian slowl&, an$ his face fl#she$ as he s)o,e,
3wo#l$ soon 'e "he riches" of all "he !in(s of "he worl$. I clai% "his lan$ for e+er as a
Narnian )ossession. I" shall 'e calle$ 6ol$wa"er Islan$. An$ I 'in$ all of &o# "o secrec&.
No one %#s" ,now of "his. No" e+en Drinian * on )ain of $ea"h, $o &o# hear53
3Who are &o# "al,in( "o53 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I2% no s#'8ec" of &o#rs. If an&"hin( i"2s "he o"her
wa& ro#n$. I a% one of "he fo#r ancien" so+erei(ns of Narnia an$ &o# are #n$er alle(iance
"o "he Hi(h !in( %& 'ro"her.3
3So i" has co%e "o "ha", !in( E$%#n$, has i"53 sai$ Cas)ian, la&in( his han$ on his swor$*
3Oh, s"o) i", 'o"h of &o#,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Tha"2s "he wors" of $oin( an&"hin( wi"h 'o&s. Yo#2re
all s#ch swa((erin(, '#ll&in( i$io"s * oooh4 *3 Her +oice $ie$ awa& in"o a (as). An$
e+er&one else saw wha" she ha$ seen.
Across "he (re& hillsi$e a'o+e "he% * (re&, for "he hea"her was no" &e" in 'loo% * wi"ho#"
noise, an$ wi"ho#" loo,in( a" "he%, an$ shinin( as if he were in 'ri(h" s#nli(h" "ho#(h "he
s#n ha$ in fac" (one in, )asse$ wi"h slow )ace "he h#(es" lion "ha" h#%an e&es ha+e e+er
seen. In $escri'in( "he scene L#c& sai$ af"erwar$s, 3He was "he si<e of an ele)han",3
"ho#(h a" ano"her "i%e she onl& sai$, 3The si<e of a car"*horse.3 B#" i" was no" "he si<e "ha"
%a""ere$. No'o$& $are$ "o as, wha" i" was. The& ,new i" was Aslan.
An$ no'o$& e+er saw how or where he wen". The& loo,e$ a" one ano"her li,e )eo)le
wa,in( fro% slee).
3Wha" were we "al,in( a'o#"53 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Ha+e I 'een %a,in( ra"her an ass of
3Sire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3"his is a )lace wi"h a c#rse on i". Le" #s (e" 'ac, on 'oar$ a" once.
An$ if I %i(h" ha+e "he hono#r of na%in( "his islan$, I sho#l$ call i" Dea"hwa"er.3
3Tha" s"ri,es %e as a +er& (oo$ na%e, Ree),3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3"ho#(h now "ha" I co%e "o
"hin, of i", I $on2" ,now wh&. B#" "he wea"her see%s "o 'e se""lin( an$ I $are sa& Drinian
wo#l$ li,e "o 'e off. Wha" a lo" we shall ha+e "o "ell hi%.3
B#" in fac" "he& ha$ no" %#ch "o "ell for "he %e%or& of "he las" ho#r ha$ all 'eco%e
3Their -a8es"ies all see%e$ a 'i" 'ewi"che$ when "he& ca%e a'oar$,3 sai$ Drinian "o
Rhince so%e ho#rs la"er when "he Dawn Trea$er was once %ore #n$er sail an$ Dea"hwa"er
Islan$ alrea$& 'elow "he hori<on. 3So%e"hin( ha))ene$ "o "he% in "ha" )lace. The onl&
"hin( I co#l$ (e" clear was "ha" "he& "hin, "he&2+e fo#n$ "he 'o$& of one of "hese lor$s we2re
loo,in( for.3
3Yo# $on2" sa& so, Ca)"ain,3 answere$ Rhince. 3Well, "ha"2s "hree. Onl& fo#r %ore. A" "his
ra"e we %i(h" 'e ho%e soon af"er "he New Year. An$ a (oo$ "hin( "oo. -& 'acc&2s r#nnin(
a 'i" low. 6oo$ ni(h", Sir.3
AND now "he win$s which ha$ so lon( 'een fro% "he nor"h*wes" 'e(an "o 'low fro% "he
wes" i"self an$ e+er& %ornin( when "he s#n rose o#" of "he sea "he c#r+e$ )row of "he
Dawn Trea$er s"oo$ #) ri(h" across "he %i$$le of "he s#n. So%e "ho#(h" "ha" "he s#n
loo,e$ lar(er "han i" loo,e$ fro% Narnia, '#" o"hers $isa(ree$. An$ "he& saile$ an$ saile$
'efore a (en"le &e" s"ea$& 'ree<e an$ saw nei"her fish nor (#ll* nor shi) nor shore. An$
s"ores 'e(an "o (e" low a(ain, an$ i" cre)" in"o "heir hear"s "ha" )erha)s "he& %i(h" ha+e
co%e "o a sea which wen" on for e+er. B#" when "he +er& las" $a& on which "he& "ho#(h"
"he& co#l$ ris, con"in#in( "heir eas"war$ +o&a(e $awne$, i" showe$, ri(h" ahea$ 'e"ween
"he% an$ "he s#nrise, a low lan$ l&in( li,e a clo#$.
The& %a$e har'o#r in a wi$e 'a& a'o#" "he %i$$le of "he af"ernoon an$ lan$e$. I" was a
+er& $ifferen" co#n"r& fro% an& "he& ha$ &e" seen. 7or when "he& ha$ crosse$ "he san$&
'each "he& fo#n$ all silen" an$ e%)"& as if i" were an #ninha'i"e$ lan$, '#" 'efore "he%
"here were le+el lawns in which "he (rass was as s%oo"h an$ shor" as i" #se$ "o 'e in "he
(ro#n$s of a (rea" En(lish ho#se where "en (ar$eners were ,e)". The "rees, of which "here
were %an&, all s"oo$ well a)ar" fro% one ano"her, an$ "here were no 'ro,en 'ranches an$
no lea+es l&in( on "he (ro#n$. Pi(eons so%e"i%es cooe$ '#" "here was no o"her noise.
Presen"l& "he& ca%e "o a lon(, s"rai(h", san$e$ )a"h wi"h no" a wee$ (rowin( on i" an$ "rees
on ei"her han$. 7ar off a" "he o"her en$ of "his a+en#e "he& now ca#(h" si(h" of a ho#se *
+er& lon( an$ (re& an$ 9#ie"*loo,in( in "he af"ernoon s#n.
Al%os" as soon as "he& en"ere$ "his )a"h L#c& no"ice$ "ha" she ha$ a li""le s"one in her shoe.
In "ha" #n,nown )lace i" %i(h" ha+e 'een wiser for her "o as, "he o"hers "o wai" while she
"oo, i" o#". B#" she $i$n2"0 she 8#s" $ro))e$ 9#ie"l& 'ehin$ an$ sa" $own "o "a,e off her
shoe. Her lace ha$ (o" in"o a ,no".
Before she ha$ #n$one "he ,no" "he o"hers were a fair $is"ance ahea$. B& "he "i%e she ha$
(o" "he s"one o#" an$ was )#""in( "he shoe on a(ain she co#l$ no lon(er hear "he%. B#"
al%os" a" once she hear$ so%e"hin( else. I" was no" co%in( fro% "he $irec"ion of "he ho#se.
Wha" she hear$ was a "h#%)in(. I" so#n$e$ as if $o<ens of s"ron( wor,%en were hi""in(
"he (ro#n$ as har$ as "he& co#l$ wi"h (rea" woo$en %alle"s. An$ i" was +er& 9#ic,l&
co%in( nearer. She was alrea$& si""in( wi"h her 'ac, "o a "ree, an$ as "he "ree was no" one
she co#l$ cli%', "here was reall& no"hin( "o $o '#" "o si" $ea$ s"ill an$ )ress herself a(ains"
"he "ree an$ ho)e she wo#l$n2" 'e seen.
Th#%), "h#%), "h#%) . . . an$ wha"e+er i" was %#s" 'e +er& close now for she co#l$ feel
"he (ro#n$ sha,in(. B#" she co#l$ see no"hin(. She "ho#(h" "he "hin( * or "hin(s %#s" 'e
8#s" 'ehin$ her. B#" "hen "here ca%e a "h#%) on "he )a"h ri(h" in fron" of her. She ,new i"
was on "he )a"h no" onl& '& "he so#n$ '#" 'eca#se she saw "he san$ sca""er as if i" ha$ 'een
s"r#c, a hea+& 'low. B#" she co#l$ see no"hin( "ha" ha$ s"r#c, i". Then all "he "h#%)in(
noises $rew "o(e"her a'o#" "wen"& fee" awa& fro% her an$ s#$$enl& cease$. Then ca%e "he
I" was reall& +er& $rea$f#l 'eca#se she co#l$ s"ill see no'o$& a" all. The whole of "ha" )ar,*
li,e co#n"r& s"ill loo,e$ as 9#ie" an$ e%)"& as i" ha$ loo,e$ when "he& firs" lan$e$.
Ne+er"heless, onl& a few fee" awa& fro% her, a +oice s)o,e. An$ wha" i" sai$ was:
3-a"es, now2s o#r chance.3
Ins"an"l& a whole chor#s of o"her +oices re)lie$, 3Hear hi%. Hear hi%. ANow 2s o#r chance2,
he sai$. Well $one, Chief. Yo# ne+er sai$ a "r#er wor$.3
3Wha" I sa&,3 con"in#e$ "he firs" +oice, 3is, (e" $own "o "he shore 'e"ween "he% an$ "heir
'oa", an$ le" e+er& %o"her2s son loo, "o his wea)ons. Ca"ch 2e% when "he& "r& "o )#" "o
3Eh, "ha"2s "he wa&,3 sho#"e$ all "he o"her +oices. 3Yo# ne+er %a$e a 'e""er )lan, Chief.
!ee) i" #), Chief. Yo# co#l$n2" ha+e a 'e""er )lan "han "ha".3
3Li+el&, "hen, %a"es, li+el&,3 sai$ "he firs" +oice. 3Off we (o.
3Ri(h" a(ain, Chief,3 sai$ "he o"hers. 3Co#l$n2" ha+e a 'e""er or$er. >#s" wha" we were
(oin( "o sa& o#rsel+es. Off we (o.3
I%%e$ia"el& "he "h#%)in( 'e(an a(ain * +er& lo#$ a" firs" '#" soon fain"er an$ fain"er, "ill i"
$ie$ o#" in "he $irec"ion of "he sea.
L#c& ,new "here was no "i%e "o si" )#<<lin( as "o wha" "hese in+isi'le crea"#res %i(h" 'e.
As soon as "he "h#%)in( noise ha$ $ie$ awa& she (o" #) an$ ran alon( "he )a"h af"er "he
o"hers as 9#ic,l& as her le(s wo#l$ carr& her. The& %#s" a" all cos"s 'e warne$.
While "his ha$ 'een ha))enin( "he o"hers ha$ reache$ "he ho#se. I" was a low '#il$in( *
onl& "wo s"ories hi(h %a$e of a 'ea#"if#l %ellow s"one, %an&*win$owe$, an$ )ar"iall&
co+ere$ wi"h i+&. E+er&"hin( was so s"ill "ha" E#s"ace sai$, 3I "hin, i"2s e%)"&,3 '#" Cas)ian
silen"l& )oin"e$ "o "he col#%n of s%o,e which rose fro% one chi%ne&.
The& fo#n$ a wi$e (a"ewa& o)en an$ )asse$ "hro#(h i" in"o a )a+e$ co#r"&ar$. An$ i" was
here "ha" "he& ha$ "heir firs" in$ica"ion "ha" "here was so%e"hin( o$$ a'o#" "his islan$. In
"he %i$$le of "he co#r"&ar$ s"oo$ a )#%), an$ 'enea"h "he )#%) a '#c,e". There was
no"hin( o$$ a'o#" "ha". B#" "he )#%) han$le was %o+in( #) an$ $own, "ho#(h "here
see%e$ "o 'e no one %o+in( i".
3There2s so%e %a(ic a" wor, here,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3-achiner&43 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I $o 'elie+e we2+e co%e "o a ci+ili<e$ co#n"r& a" las".3
A" "ha" %o%en" L#c&, ho" an$ 'rea"hless, r#she$ in"o "he co#r"&ar$ 'ehin$ "he%. In a low
+oice she "rie$ "o %a,e "he% #n$ers"an$ wha" she ha$ o+erhear$. An$ when "he& ha$ )ar"l&
#n$ers"oo$ i" e+en "he 'ra+es" of "he% $i$ no" loo, +er& ha))&.
3In+isi'le ene%ies,3 %#""ere$ Cas)ian. 3An$ c#""in( #s off fro% "he 'oa". This is an #(l&
f#rrow "o )lo#(h.3
3Yo#2+e no i$ea wha" sor" of crea"#res "he& are, L#53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3How can I, E$, when I co#l$n2" see "he%53
3Di$ "he& so#n$ li,e h#%ans fro% "heir foo"s"e)s53
3I $i$n2" hear an& noise of fee" * onl& +oices an$ "his fri(h"f#l "h#$$in( an$ "h#%)in( * li,e
a %alle".3
3I won$er,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3$o "he& 'eco%e +isi'le when &o# $ri+e a swor$ in"o "he%53
3I" loo,s as if we shall fin$ o#",3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3B#" le"2s (e" o#" of "his (a"ewa&. There2s
one of "hese (en"r& a" "ha" )#%) lis"enin( "o all we sa&.3
The& ca%e o#" an$ wen" 'ac, on "o "he )a"h where "he "rees %i(h" )ossi'l& %a,e "he% less
cons)ic#o#s. 3No" "ha" i"2s an& (oo$ reall&,3 sai$ E#s"ace, 3"r&in( "o hi$e fro% )eo)le &o#
can2" see. The& %a& 'e all ro#n$ #s.3
3Now, Drinian,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3How wo#l$ i" 'e if we (a+e #) "he 'oa" for los", wen" $own
"o ano"her )ar" of "he 'a&, an$ si(nalle$ "o "he Dawn Trea$er "o s"an$ in an$ "a,e #s
3No" $e)"h for her, Sire,3 sai$ Drinian.
3We co#l$ swi%,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Yo#r -a8es"ies all,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3hear %e. I" is foll& "o "hin, of a+oi$in( an in+isi'le
ene%& '& an& a%o#n" of cree)in( an$ s,#l,in(. If "hese crea"#res %ean "o 'rin( #s "o
'a""le, 'e s#re "he& will s#ccee$. An$ wha"e+er co%es of i" I2$ sooner %ee" "he% face "o
face "han 'e ca#(h" '& "he "ail.3
3I reall& "hin, Ree) is in "he ri(h" "his "i%e,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3S#rel&,3 sai$ L#c&, 3if Rhince an$ "he o"hers on "he Dawn Trea$er see #s fi(h"in( on "he
shore "he&2ll 'e a'le "o $o so%e"hin(.3
3B#" "he& won2" see #s fi(h"in( if "he& can2" see an& ene%&,3 sai$ E#s"ace %isera'l&.
3The&2ll "hin, we2re 8#s" swin(in( o#r swor$s in "he air for f#n.3
There was an #nco%for"a'le )a#se.
3Well,3 sai$ Cas)ian a" las", 3le"2s (e" on wi"h i". We %#s" (o an$ face "he%. Sha,e han$s
all ro#n$ * arrow on "he s"rin(, L#c& * swor$s o#", e+er&one else * an$ now for i". Perha)s
"he&2ll )arle&.3
I" was s"ran(e "o see "he lawns an$ "he (rea" "rees loo,in( so )eacef#l as "he& %arche$ 'ac,
"o "he 'each. An$ when "he& arri+e$ "here, an$ saw "he 'oa" l&in( where "he& ha$ lef" her,
an$ "he s%oo"h san$ wi"h no one "o 'e seen on i", %ore "han one $o#'"e$ whe"her L#c& ha$
no" %erel& i%a(ine$ all she ha$ "ol$ "he%. B#" 'efore "he& reache$ "he san$, a +oice s)o,e
o#" of "he air.
3No f#r"her, %as"ers, no f#r"her now,3 i" sai$. 3We2+e (o" "o "al, wi"h &o# firs". There2s fif"&
of #s an$ %ore here wi"h wea)ons in o#r fis"s.3
3Hear hi%, hear hi%,3 ca%e "he chor#s. 3Tha"2s o#r Chief. Yo# can $e)en$ on wha" he sa&s.
He2s "ellin( &o# "he "r#"h, he is.3
3I $o no" see "hese fif"& warriors,3 o'ser+e$ Ree)ichee).
3Tha"2s ri(h", "ha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice. 3Yo# $on2" see #s. An$ wh& no"5 Beca#se
we2re in+isi'le.3
3!ee) i" #), Chief, ,ee) i" #),3 sai$ "he O"her ;oices. 3Yo#2re "al,in( li,e a 'oo,. The&
co#l$n2" as, for a 'e""er answer "han "ha".3
3Be 9#ie", Ree),3 sai$ Cas)ian, an$ "hen a$$e$ in a lo#$er +oice, 3Yo# in+isi'le )eo)le,
wha" $o &o# wan" wi"h #s5 An$ wha" ha+e we $one "o earn &o#r en%i"&53
3We wan" so%e"hin( "ha" li""le (irl can $o for #s,3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice. .The o"hers
e1)laine$ "ha" "his was 8#s" wha" "he& wo#l$ ha+e sai$ "he%sel+es./
3Li""le (irl43 sai$ Ree)ichee). 3The la$& is a 9#een.3
3We $on2" ,now a'o#" 9#eens,3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice.
.3No %ore we $o, no %ore we $o,3 chi%e$ in "he o"hers./ 3B#" we wan" so%e"hin( she can
3Wha" is i"53 sai$ L#c&.
3An$ if i" is an&"hin( a(ains" her -a8es"&2s hono#r or safe"&,3 a$$e$ Ree)ichee), 3&o# will
won$er "o see how %an& we can ,ill 'efore we $ie.3
3Well,3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice. 3I"2s a lon( s"or&. S#))ose we all si" $own53 ,
The )ro)osal was war%l& a))ro+e$ '& "he o"her +oices '#" "he Narnians re%aine$
3Well,3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice. 3I"2s li,e "his. This islan$ has 'een "he )ro)er"& of a (rea"
%a(ician "i%e o#" of %in$. An$ we all are * or )erha)s in a %anner of s)ea,in(, I %i(h"
sa&, we were * his ser+an"s. Well, "o c#" a lon( s"or& shor", "his %a(ician "ha" I was
s)ea,in( a'o#", he "ol$ #s "o $o so%e"hin( we $i$n2" li,e. An$ wh& no"5 Beca#se we $i$n2"
wan" "o. Well, "hen, "his sa%e %a(ician he fell in"o a (rea" ra(e0 for I o#(h" "o "ell &o# he
owne$ "he islan$ an$ he wasn2" #se$ "o 'ein( crosse$. He was "erri'l& $ownri(h", &o#
,now. B#" le" %e see, where a% I5 Oh &es, "his %a(ician "hen, he (oes #)s"airs .for &o#
%#s" ,now he ,e)" all his %a(ic "hin(s #) "here an$ we all li+e$ $own 'elow/, I sa& he
(oes #)s"airs an$ )#"s a s)ell on #s. An #(lif&in( s)ell. If &o# saw #s now, which in %&
o)inion &o# %a& "han, &o#r s"ars &o# can2", &o# wo#l$n2" 'elie+e wha" we loo,e$ li,e
'efore we were #(lifie$. Yo# wo#l$n2" reall&. So "here we all were so #(l& we co#l$n2" 'ear
"o loo, a" one ano"her. So "hen wha" $i$ we $o5 Well, I2ll "ell &o# wha" we $i$. We wai"e$
"ill we "ho#(h" "his sa%e %a(ician wo#l$ 'e aslee) in "he af"ernoon an$ we cree) #)s"airs
an$ (o "o his %a(ic 'oo,, as 'ol$ as 'rass, "o see if we can $o an&"hin( a'o#" "his
#(lifica"ion. B#" we were all of a swea" an$ a "re%'le, so I won2" $ecei+e &o#. B#", 'elie+e
%e or 'elie+e %e no", I $o ass#re &o# "ha" we co#l$n2" fin$ an& "hin( in "he wa& of a s)ell
for "a,in( off "he #(liness. An$ wha" wi"h "i%e (e""in( on an$ 'ein( afrai$ "ha"
"he ol$ (en"le%an %i(h" wa,e #) an& %in#"e * I was all of a %#c, swea", so I won2" $ecei+e
&o# * well, "o c#" a lon( s"or& shor", whe"her we $i$ ri(h" or whe"her we $i$ wron(, in "he
en$ we see a s)ell for %a,in( )eo)le in+isi'le. An$ we "ho#(h" we2$ ra"her 'e in+isi'le
"han (o on 'ein( as #(l& as all "ha". An$ wh&5 Beca#se we2$ li,e i" 'e""er. So %& li""le (irl,
who2s 8#s" a'o#" &o#r li""le (irl2s a(e, an$ a swee" chil$ she was 'efore she was #(lifie$,
"ho#(h now * '#" leas" sai$ soones" %en$e$ * I sa&, %& li""le (irl she sa&s "he s)ell, for i"2s
(o" "o 'e a li""le (irl or else "he %a(ician hi%self, if &o# see %& %eanin(, for o"herwise i"
won2" wor,. An$ wh& no"5 Beca#se no"hin( ha))ens. So %& Cli)sie sa&s "he s)ell, for I
o#(h" "o ha+e "ol$ &o# she rea$s 'ea#"if#ll&, an$ "here we all were as in+isi'le as &o# co#l$
wish "o see. An$ I $o ass#re &o# i" was a relief no" "o see one ano"her2s faces. A" firs",
an&wa&. B#" "he lon( an$ "he shor" of i" is we2re %or"al "ire$ of 'ein( in+isi'le. An$ "here2s
ano"her "hin(. We ne+er rec,one$ on "his %a(ician ."he one I was "ellin( &o# a'o#" 'efore/
(oin( in+isi'le "oo. B#" we ha+en2" e+er seen hi% since. So we $on2" ,now if he2s $ea$, or
(one .awa&, or whe"her he2s 8#s" si""in( #)s"airs 'ein( in+isi'le, an$ )erha)s co%in( $own
an$ 'ein( in+isi'le "here. An$, 'elie+e %e, i"2s no %anner of #se lis"enin( 'eca#se he
alwa&s $i$ (o a'o#" wi"h his 'are fee" on, %a,in( no %ore noise "han a (rea" 'i( ca". An$
I2ll "ell all &o# (en"le%en s"rai(h", i"2s (e""in( %ore "han wha" o#r ner+es can s"an$.3
S#ch was "he Chief ;oice2s s"or&, '#" +er& %#ch shor"ene$, 'eca#se I ha+e lef" o#" wha" "he
O"her ;oices sai$. Ac"#all& he ne+er (o" o#" %ore "han si1 or se+en wor$s wi"ho#" 'ein(
in"err#)"e$ '& "heir a(ree%en"s an$ enco#ra(e%en"s, which $ro+e "he Narnians nearl& o#"
of "heir %in$s wi"h i%)a"ience. When i" was o+er "here was a +er& lon( silence.
3B#",3 sai$ L#c& a" las", 3wha"2s all "his (o" "o $o wi"h #s5 I $on2" #n$ers"an$.3
3Wh&, 'less %e, if I ha+en2" (one an$ lef" o#" "he whole )oin",3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice.
3Tha" &o# ha+e, "ha" &o# ha+e,3 roare$ "he O"her ;oices wi"h (rea" en"h#sias%. 3No one
co#l$n2" ha+e lef" i" o#" cleaner an$ 'e""er. !ee) i" #), Chief, ,ee) i" #).3
3Well, I nee$n2" (o o+er "he whole s"or& a(ain,3 'e(an "he Chief ;oice.
3No. Cer"ainl& no",3 sai$ Cas)ian an$ E$%#n$.
3Well, "hen, "o )#" i" in a n#"shell,3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice, 3we2+e 'een wai"in( for e+er so
lon( for a nice li""le (irl fro% forei(n )ar"s, li,e i" %i(h" 'e &o#, -issie * "ha" wo#l$ (o
#)s"airs an$ (o "o "he %a(ic 'oo, an$ fin$ "he s)ell "ha" "a,es off "he in+isi'leness, an$ sa&
i". An$ we all swore "ha" "he firs" s"ran(ers as lan$e$ on "his islan$ .ha+in( a nice li""le (irl
wi"h "he%, I %ean, for if "he& ha$n2" i"2$ 'e ano"her %a""er/ we wo#l$n2" le" "he% (o awa&
ali+e #nless "he&2$ $one "he nee$f#l for #s. An$ "ha"2s wh&, (en"le%en, if &o#r li""le (irl
$oesn2" co%e #) "o scra"ch, i" will 'e o#r )ainf#l $#"& "o c#" all &o#r "hroa"s. -erel& in "he
wa& of '#siness, as &o# %i(h" sa&, an$ no offence, I ho)e.3
3I $on2" see all &o#r wea)ons,3 sai$ Ree)ichee). 3Are "he& in+isi'le "oo53 The wor$s were
scarcel& o#" of his %o#"h 'efore "he& hear$ a whi<<in( so#n$ an$ ne1" %o%en" a s)ear ha$
s"#c,, 9#i+erin(, in one of "he "rees 'ehin$ "he%.
3Tha"2s a s)ear, "ha" is,3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice.
3Tha" i" is, Chief, "ha" i" is,3 sai$ "he o"hers. 3Yo# co#l$n2" ha+e )#" i" 'e""er.3
3An$ i" ca%e fro% %& han$,3 "he Chief ;oice con"in#e$. 3The& (e" +isi'le when "he& lea+e
3B#" wh& $o &o# wan" %e "o $o "his53 as,e$ L#c&.
3Wh& can2" one of &o#r own )eo)le5 Ha+en2" &o# (o" an& (irls53
3We $#rsen2", we $#rsen2",3 sai$ all "he ;oices. 3We2re no" (oin( #)s"airs a(ain.3
3In o"her wor$s,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3&o# are as,in( "his la$& "o face so%e $an(er which &o#
$aren2" as, &o#r own sis"ers an$ $a#(h"ers "o face43
3Tha"2s ri(h", "ha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ all "he ;oices cheerf#ll&. 3Yo# co#l$n2" ha+e sai$ i" 'e""er.
Eh, &o#2+e ha$ so%e e$#ca"ion, &o# ha+e. An&one can see "ha".3
3Well, of all "he o#"ra(eo#s * 3 'e(an E$%#n$, '#" L#c& in"err#)"e$.
3Wo#l$ I ha+e "o (o #)s"airs a" ni(h", or wo#l$ i" $o in $a&li(h"53
3Oh, $a&li(h", $a&li(h", "o 'e s#re,3 sai$ "he Chief ;oice. 3No" a" ni(h". No one2s as,in(
&o# "o $o "ha". 6o #)s"airs in "he $ar,5 (h.3
3All ri(h", "hen, I2ll $o i",3 sai$ L#c&. 3No,3 she sai$, "#rnin( "o "he o"hers, 3$on2" "r& "o s"o)
%e. Can2" &o# see i"2s no #se5 There are $o<ens of "he% "here. We can2" fi(h" "he%. An$ "he
o"her wa& "here is a chance.3
3B#" a %a(ician43 sai$ Cas)ian.
3I ,now,3 sai$ L#c&. 3B#" he %a&n2" 'e as 'a$ as "he& %a,e o#". Don2" &o# (e" "he i$ea "ha"
"hese )eo)le are no" +er& 'ra+e53
3The&2re cer"ainl& no" +er& cle+er,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Loo, here, L#,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3We reall& can2" le" &o# $o a "hin( li,e "his. As, Ree), I2%
s#re he2ll sa& 8#s" "he sa%e.3
3B#" i"2s "o sa+e %& own life as well as &o#rs,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I $on2" wan" "o 'e c#" "o 'i"s
wi"h in+isi'le swor$s an& %ore "han an&one else.3
3Her -a8es"& is in "he ri(h",3 sai$ Ree)ichee). 3If we ha$ an& ass#rance of sa+in( her '&
'a""le, o#r $#"& wo#l$ 'e +er&*)lain. I" a))ears "o %e "ha" we ha+e none. An$ "he ser+ice
"he& as, of her is in no wa& con"rar& "o her -a8es"&2s hono#r, '#" a no'le an$ heroical ac".
If "he =#een2s hear" %o+es her "o ris, "he %a(ician, I will no" s)ea, a(ains" i".3
As no one ha$ e+er ,nown Ree)ichee) "o 'e afrai$ of an&"hin(, he co#l$ sa& "his wi"ho#"
feelin( a" all aw,war$. B#" "he 'o&s, who ha$ all 'een afrai$ 9#i"e of"en, (rew +er& re$.
None "he less, i" was s#ch o'+io#s sense "ha" "he& ha$ "o (i+e in. Lo#$ cheers 'ro,e fro%
"he in+isi'le )eo)le when "heir $ecision was anno#nce$, an$ "he Chief ;oice .war%l&
s#))or"e$ '& all "he o"hers/ in+i"e$ "he Narnians "o co%e "o s#))er an$ s)en$ "he ni(h".
E#s"ace $i$n2" wan" "o acce)", '#" L#c& sai$, 3I2% s#re "he&2re no" "reachero#s. The&2re no"
li,e "ha" a" all,3 an$ "he o"hers a(ree$. An$ so, acco%)anie$ '& an enor%o#s noise of
"h#%)in(s .which 'eca%e lo#$er when "he& reache$ "he fla((e$ an$ echoin( co#r"&ar$/
"he& all wen" 'ac, "o "he ho#se.
THE in+isi'le )eo)le feas"e$ "heir (#es"s ro&all&. I" was +er& f#nn& "o see "he )la"es an$
$ishes co%in( "o "he "a'le an$ no" "o see an&one carr&in( "he%. I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een f#nn&
e+en if "he& ha$ %o+e$ alon( le+el wi"h "he floor, as &o# wo#l$ e1)ec" "hin(s "o $o in
in+isi'le han$s. B#" "he& $i$n2". The& )ro(resse$ #) "he lon( $inin(*hall in a series of
'o#n$s or 8#%)s. A" "he hi(hes" )oin" of each 8#%) a $ish wo#l$ 'e a'o#" fif"een fee" #) in
"he air0 "hen i" wo#l$ co%e $own an$ s"o) 9#i"e s#$$enl& a'o#" "hree fee" fro% "he floor.
When "he $ish con"aine$ an&"hin( li,e so#) or s"ew "he res#l" was ra"her $isas"ro#s.
3I2% 'e(innin( "o feel +er& in9#isi"i+e a'o#" "hese )eo)le,3 whis)ere$ E#s"ace "o E$%#n$.
3Do &o# "hin, "he&2re h#%an a" all5 -ore li,e h#(e (rassho))ers or (ian" fro(s, I sho#l$
3I" $oes loo, li,e i",3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3B#" $on2" )#" "he i$ea of "he (rassho))ers in"o L#c&2s
hea$. She2s no" "oo ,een on insec"s0 es)eciall& 'i( ones.3
The %eal wo#l$ ha+e 'een )leasan"er if i" ha$ no" 'een so e1cee$in(l& %ess&, an$ also if
"he con+ersa"ion ha$ no" consis"e$ en"irel& of a(ree%en"s. The in+isi'le )eo)le a(ree$
a'o#" e+er&"hin(. In$ee$ %os" of "heir re%ar,s were "he sor" i" wo#l$ no" 'e eas& "o
$isa(ree wi"h: 3Wha" I alwa&s sa& is, when a cha)2s h#n(r&, he li,es so%e +ic"#als,3 or
36e""in( $ar, now0 alwa&s $oes a" ni(h",3 or e+en 3Ah, &o#2+e co%e o+er "he wa"er.
Powerf#l we" s"#ff, ain2" i"53 An$ L#c& co#l$ no" hel) loo,in( a" "he $ar, &awnin( en"rance
"o "he foo" of "he s"aircase * she co#l$ see i" fro% where she sa" * an$ won$erin( wha" she
wo#l$ fin$ when she wen" #) "hose s"airs ne1" %ornin(. B#" i" was a (oo$ %eal
o"herwise, wi"h %#shroo% so#) an$ 'oile$ chic,ens an$ ho" 'oile$ ha% an$ (oose'erries,
re$c#rran"s, c#r$s, crea%, %il,, an$ %ea$. The o"hers li,e$ "he %ea$ '#" E#s"ace was sorr&
af"erwar$s "ha" he ha$ $r#n, an&.
When L#c& wo,e #) ne1" %ornin( i" was li,e wa,in( #) on "he $a& of an e1a%ina"ion or a
$a& when &o# are (oin( "o "he $en"is". I" was a lo+el& %ornin( wi"h 'ees '#<<in( in an$ o#"
of her o)en win$ow an$ "he lawn o#"si$e loo,in( +er& li,e so%ewhere in En(lan$. She (o"
#) an$ $resse$ an$ "rie$ "o "al, an$ ea" or$inaril& a" 'rea,fas". Then, af"er 'ein( ins"r#c"e$
'& "he Chief ;oice a'o#" wha" she was "o $o #)s"airs, she 'i$ (oo$'&e "o "he o"hers, sai$
no"hin(, wal,e$ "o "he 'o""o% of "he s"airs, an$ 'e(an (oin( #) "he% wi"ho#" once loo,in(
I" was 9#i"e li(h", "ha" was one (oo$ "hin(. There was, in$ee$, a win$ow s"rai(h" ahea$ of
her a" "he "o) of "he firs" fli(h". As lon( as she was Dn "ha" fli(h" she co#l$ hear "he "ic,*
"oc,*"ic,*"oc, of a (ran$fa"her cloc, in "he hall 'elow. Then she ca%e "o "he lan$in( an$
ha$ "o "#rn "o her lef" #) "he ne1" fli(h"0 af"er "ha" she co#l$n2" hear "he cloc, an& %ore.
Now she ha$ co%e "o "he "o) of "he s"airs. L#c& loo,e$ an$ saw a lon(, wi$e )assa(e wi"h
a lar(e win$ow a" "he far en$. A))aren"l& "he )assa(e ran "he whole len("h of "he ho#se. I"
was car+e$ an$ )anelle$ an$ car)e"e$ an$ +er& %an& $oors o)ene$ off i" on each si$e. She
s"oo$ s"ill an$ co#l$n2" hear "he s9#ea, of a %o#se, or "he '#<<in( of a fl&, or "he swa&in(
of a c#r"ain, or an&"hin( * e1ce)" "he 'ea"in( of her own hear".
3The las" $oorwa& on "he lef",3 she sai$ "o herself. I" $i$ see% a 'i" har$ "ha" i" sho#l$ 'e
"he las". To reach i" she wo#l$ ha+e "o wal, )as" roo% af"er roo%. An$ in an& roo% "here
%i(h" 'e "he %a(ician * aslee), or awa,e, or in+isi'le, or e+en $ea$. B#" i" wo#l$n2" $o "o
"hin, a'o#" "ha". She se" o#" on her 8o#rne&. The car)e" was so "hic, "ha" her fee" %a$e no
3There2s no"hin( wha"e+er "o 'e afrai$ of &e",3 L#c& "ol$ herself. An$ cer"ainl& i" was a
9#ie", s#nli" )assa(e0 )erha)s a 'i" "oo 9#ie". I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een nicer if "here ha$ no" 'een
s"ran(e si(ns )ain"e$ in scarle" on "he $oors "wis"&, co%)lica"e$ "hin(s which o'+io#sl& ha$
a %eanin( an$ i" %i(h"n2" 'e a +er& nice %eanin( ei"her. I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een nicer s"ill if
"here weren2" "hose %as,s han(in( on "he wall. No" "ha" "he& were e1ac"l& #(l& * or no" so
+er& #(l& * '#" "he e%)"& e&e*holes $i$ loo, 9#eer, an$ if &o# le" &o#rself &o# wo#l$ soon
s"ar" i%a(inin( "ha" "he %as,s were $oin( "hin(s as soon as &o#r 'ac, was "#rne$ "o "he%.
Af"er a'o#" "he si1"h $oor she (o" her firs" real fri(h". 7or one secon$ she fel" al%os" cer"ain
"ha" a wic,e$ li""le 'ear$e$ face ha$ )o))e$ o#" of "he wall an$ %a$e a (ri%ace a" her. She
force$ herself "o s"o) an$ loo, a" i". An$ i" was no" a face a" all. I" was a li""le %irror 8#s" "he
si<e an$ sha)e of her own face, wi"h hair on "he "o) of i" an$ a 'ear$ han(in( $own fro% i",
so "ha" when &o# loo,e$ in "he %irror &o#r own face fi""e$ in"o "he hair an$ 'ear$ an$ i"
loo,e$ as if "he& 'elon(e$ "o &o#. 3I 8#s" ca#(h" %& own reflec"ion wi"h "he "ail of %& e&e
as I wen" )as",3 sai$ L#c& "o herself. 3Tha" was all i" was. I"2s 9#i"e
har%less.3 B#" she $i$n2" li,e "he loo, of her own face wi"h "ha" hair an$ 'ear$, an$ wen"
on. .I $on2" ,now wha" "he Bear$e$ 6lass was for 'eca#se I a% no" a %a(ician./
Before she reache$ "he las" $oor on "he lef", L#c& was 'e(innin( "o won$er whe"her "he
corri$or ha$ (rown lon(er since she 'e(an her 8o#rne& an$ whe"her "his was )ar" of "he
%a(ic of "he ho#se. B#" she (o" "o i" a" las". An$ "he $oor was o)en.
I" was a lar(e roo% wi"h "hree 'i( win$ows an$ i" was line$ fro% floor "o ceilin( wi"h
'oo,s0 %ore 'oo,s "han L#c& ha$ e+er seen 'efore, "in& li""le 'oo,s, fa" an$ $#%)& 'oo,s,
an$ 'oo,s 'i((er "han an& ch#rch Bi'le &o# ha+e e+er seen, all 'o#n$ in lea"her an$
s%ellin( ol$ an$ learne$ an$ %a(ical. B#" she ,new fro% her ins"r#c"ions "ha" she nee$ no"
'o"her a'o#" an& of "hese. 7or "he Boo,, "he -a(ic Boo,, was l&in( on a rea$in(*$es, in
"he +er& %i$$le of "he roo%. She saw she wo#l$ ha+e "o rea$ i" s"an$in( .an$ an&wa& "here
were no chairs/ an$ also "ha" she wo#l$ ha+e "o s"an$ wi"h her 'ac, "o "he $oor while she
rea$ i". So a" once she "#rne$ "o sh#" "he $oor.
I" wo#l$n2" sh#".
So%e )eo)le %a& $isa(ree wi"h L#c& a'o#" "his, '#" I "hin, she was 9#i"e ri(h". She sai$
she wo#l$n2" ha+e %in$e$ if she co#l$ ha+e sh#" "he $oor, '#" "ha" i" was #n)leasan" "o ha+e
"o s"an$ in a )lace li,e "ha" wi"h an o)en $oorwa& ri(h" 'ehin$ &o#r 'ac,. I sho#l$ ha+e fel"
8#s" "he sa%e. B#" "here was no"hin( else "o 'e $one.
One "hin( "ha" worrie$ her a (oo$ $eal was "he si<e of "he Boo,. The Chief ;oice ha$ no"
'een a'le "o (i+e her an& i$ea wherea'o#"s in "he Boo, "he s)ell for %a,in( "hin(s +isi'le
ca%e. He e+en see%e$ ra"her s#r)rise$ a" her as,in(. He e1)ec"e$ her "o 'e(in a" "he
'e(innin( an$ (o on "ill she ca%e "o i"0 o'+io#sl& he ha$ ne+er "ho#(h" "ha" "here was an&
o"her wa& of fin$in( a )lace in a 'oo,. 3B#" i" %i(h" "a,e %e $a&s an$ wee,s43 sai$ L#c&,
loo,in( a" "he h#(e +ol#%e, 3an$ I feel alrea$& as if I2$ 'een in "his )lace for ho#rs.3
She wen" #) "o "he $es, an$ lai$ her han$ on "he 'oo,0 her fin(ers "in(le$ when she
"o#che$ i" as if i" were f#ll of elec"rici"&. She "rie$ "o o)en i" '#" co#l$n2" a" firs"0 "his,
howe+er, was onl& 'eca#se i" was fas"ene$ '& "wo lea$en clas)s, an$ when she ha$ #n$one
"hese i" o)ene$ easil& eno#(h. An$ wha" a 'oo, i" was4
I" was wri""en, no" )rin"e$0 wri""en in a clear, e+en han$, wi"h "hic, $owns"ro,es an$ "hin
#)s"ro,es, +er& lar(e, easier "han )rin", an$ so 'ea#"if#l "ha" L#c& s"are$ a" i" for a whole
%in#"e an$ for(o" a'o#" rea$in( i". The )a)er was cris) an$ s%oo"h an$ a nice s%ell ca%e
fro% i"0 an$ in "he %ar(ins, an$ ro#n$ "he 'i( colo#re$ ca)i"al le""ers a" "he 'e(innin( of
each s)ell, "here were )ic"#res.
There was no "i"le )a(e or "i"le0 "he s)ells 'e(an s"rai(h" awa&, an$ a" firs" "here was
no"hin( +er& i%)or"an" in "he%. The& were c#res for war"s .'& washin( &o#r han$s in
%oonli(h" in a sil+er 'asin/ an$ "oo"hache an$ cra%), an$ a s)ell for "a,in( a swar% of
'ees. The )ic"#re of "he %an wi"h "oo"hache was so lifeli,e "ha" i" wo#l$ ha+e se" &o#r
own "ee"h achin( if &o# loo,e$ a" i" "oo lon(, an$ "he (ol$en 'ees which were $o""e$ all
ro#n$ "he fo#r"h s)ell loo,e$ for a %o%en" as if "he& were reall& fl&in(.
L#c& co#l$ har$l& "ear herself awa& fro% "ha" firs" )a(e, '#" when she "#rne$ o+er, "he ne1"
was 8#s" as in"eres"in(. 3B#" I %#s" (e" on,3 she "ol$ herself. An$ on she wen" for a'o#"
"hir"& )a(es which, if she co#l$ ha+e re%e%'ere$ "he%, wo#l$ ha+e "a#(h" her how "o fin$
'#rie$ "reas#re, how "o re%e%'er "hin(s for(o""en, how "o for(e" "hin(s &o# wan"e$ "o
for(e", how "o "ell whe"her an&one was s)ea,in( "he "r#"h, how "o call #) .or )re+en"/ win$,
fo(, snow, slee" or rain, how "o )ro$#ce enchan"e$ slee)s an$ how "o (i+e a %an an ass2s
hea$ .as "he& $i$ "o )oor Bo""o%/. An$ "he lon(er she rea$ "he %ore won$erf#l an$ %ore
real "he )ic"#res 'eca%e.
Then she ca%e "o a )a(e which was s#ch a 'la<e of )ic"#res "ha" one har$l& no"ice$ "he
wri"in(. Har$l& * '#" she $i$ no"ice "he firs" wor$s. The& were, An infalli'le s)ell "o %a,e
'ea#"if#l her "ha" #""ere"h i" 'e&on$ "he lo" of %or"als. L#c& )eere$ a" "he )ic"#res wi"h her
face close "o "he )a(e, an$ "ho#(h "he& ha$ see%e$ crow$e$ an$ %#$$leso%e 'efore, she
fo#n$ she co#l$ now see "he% 9#i"e clearl&. The firs" was a )ic"#re of a (irl s"an$in( a" a
rea$in(*$es, rea$in( in a h#(e 'oo,. An$ "he (irl was $resse$ e1ac"l& li,e L#c&. In "he
ne1" )ic"#re L#c& .for "he (irl in "he )ic"#re was L#c& herself/ was s"an$in( #) wi"h her
%o#"h o)en an$ a ra"her "erri'le e1)ression on her face, chan"in( or reci"in( so%e"hin(. In
"he "hir$ )ic"#re "he 'ea#"& 'e&on$ "he lo" of %or"als ha$ co%e "o her. I" was s"ran(e,
consi$erin( how s%all "he )ic"#res ha$ loo,e$ a" firs", "ha" "he L#c& in "he )ic"#re now
see%e$ 9#i"e as 'i( as "he real L#c&0 an$ "he& loo,e$ in"o each o"her2s e&es an$ "he real
L#c& loo,e$ awa& af"er a few %in#"es 'eca#se she was $a<<le$ '& "he 'ea#"& of "he o"her
L#c&0 "ho#(h she co#l$ s"ill see a sor" of li,eness "o herself in "ha" 'ea#"if#l face. An$ now
"he )ic"#res ca%e crow$in( on her "hic, an$ fas". She saw herself "hrone$ on hi(h a" a (rea"
"o#rna%en" in Calor%en an$ all "he !in(s of "he worl$ fo#(h" 'eca#se of her 'ea#"&. Af"er
"ha" i" "#rne$ fro% "o#rna%en"s "o real wars, an$ all Narnia an$ Archenlan$, Tel%ar an$
Calor%en, 6al%a an$ Tere'in"hia, were lai$ was"e wi"h "he f#r& of "he ,in(s an$ $#,es an$
(rea" lor$s who fo#(h" for her fa+o#r. Then i" chan(e$ an$ L#c&, s"ill 'ea#"if#l 'e&on$ "he
lo" of %or"als, was 'ac, in En(lan$. An$ S#san .who ha$ alwa&s 'een "he 'ea#"& of "he
fa%il&/ ca%e ho%e fro% A%erica. The S#san in "he )ic"#re loo,e$ e1ac"l& li,e "he real
S#san onl& )lainer an$ wi"h a nas"& e1)ression. An$ S#san was 8ealo#s of "he $a<<lin(
'ea#"& of L#c&, '#" "ha" $i$n2" %a""er a 'i" 'eca#se no one care$ an&"hin( a'o#" S#san now.
3I will sa& "he s)ell,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I $on2" care. I will.3
She sai$ I $on2" care 'eca#se she ha$ a s"ron( feelin( "ha" she %#s"n2".
B#" when she loo,e$ 'ac, a" "he o)enin( wor$s of "he s)ell, "here in "he %i$$le of "he
wri"in(, where she fel" 9#i"e s#re "here ha$ 'een no )ic"#re 'efore, she fo#n$ "he (rea" face
of a lion, of The Lion, Aslan hi%self, s"arin( in"o hers. I" was )ain"e$ s#ch a 'ri(h" (ol$
"ha" i" see%e$ "o 'e co%in( "owar$s her o#" of "he )a(e0 an$ in$ee$ she ne+er was 9#i"e
s#re af"erwar$s "ha" i" ha$n2" reall& %o+e$ a li""le. A" an& ra"e she ,new "he
e1)ression on his face 9#i"e well. He was (rowlin( an$ &o# co#l$ see %os" of his "ee"h. She
'eca%e horri'l& afrai$ an$ "#rne$ o+er "he )a(e a" once.
A li""le la"er she ca%e "o a s)ell which wo#l$ le" &o# ,now wha" &o#r frien$s "ho#(h" a'o#"
&o#. Now L#c& ha$ wan"e$ +er& 'a$l& "o "r& "he o"her s)ell, "he one "ha" %a$e &o#
'ea#"if#l 'e&on$ "he lo" of %or"als. So she fel" "ha" "o %a,e #) for no" ha+in( sai$ i", she
reall& wo#l$ sa& "his one. An$ all in a h#rr&, for fear her %in$ wo#l$ chan(e, she sai$ "he
wor$s .no"hin( will in$#ce %e "o "ell &o# wha" "he& were/. Then she wai"e$ for so%e"hin(
"o ha))en.
As no"hin( ha))ene$ she 'e(an loo,in( a" "he )ic"#res. An$ all a" once she saw "he +er&
las" "hin( she e1)ec"e$ * a )ic"#re of a "hir$*class carria(e in a "rain, wi"h "wo school(irls
si""in( in i". She ,new "he% a" once. The& were -ar8orie Pres"on an$ Anne 7ea"hers"one.
Onl& now i" was %#ch %ore "han a )ic"#re. I" was ali+e. She co#l$ see "he "ele(ra)h )os"s
flic,in( )as" o#"si$e "he win$ow. Then (ra$#all& .li,e when "he ra$io is 3co%in( on3/ she
co#l$ hear wha" "he& were sa&in(.
3Shall I see an&"hin( of &o# "his "er%53 sai$ Anne, 3or are &o# s"ill (oin( "o 'e all "a,en #)
wi"h L#c& Pe+ensie. 3
3Don2" ,now wha" &o# %ean '& "a,en #),3 sai$ -ar8orie.
3Oh &es, &o# $o,3 sai$ Anne. 3Yo# were cra<& a'o#" her las" "er%.3
3No, I wasn2",3 sai$ -ar8orie. 3I2+e (o" %ore sense "han "ha". No" a 'a$ li""le ,i$ in her wa&.
B#" I was (e""in( )re""& "ire$ of her 'efore "he en$ of "er%.3
3Well, &o# 8oll& well won2" ha+e "he chance an& o"her "er%43 sho#"e$ L#c&. 3Two*face$
li""le 'eas".3 B#" "he so#n$ of her own +oice a" once re%in$e$ her "ha" she was "al,in( "o a
)ic"#re an$ "ha" "he real -ar8orie was far awa& in ano"her worl$.
3Well,3 sai$ L#c& "o herself, 3I $i$ "hin, 'e""er of her "han "ha". An$ I $i$ all sor"s of "hin(s
for her las" "er%, an$ I s"#c, "o her when no" %an& o"her (irls wo#l$. An$ she ,nows i" "oo.
An$ "o Anne 7ea"hers"one of all )eo)le4 I won$er are all %& frien$s "he sa%e5 There are
lo"s of o"her )ic"#res. No. I won2" loo, a" an& %ore. I won2", I won2"2 an$ wi"h a (rea" effor"
she "#rne$ o+er "he )a(e, '#" no" 'efore a lar(e, an(r& "ear ha$ s)lashe$ on i".
On "he ne1" )a(e she ca%e "o a s)ell 3for "he refresh%en" of "he s)iri"2. The )ic"#res were
fewer here '#" +er& 'ea#"if#l. An$ wha" L#c& fo#n$ herself rea$in( was %ore li,e a s"or&
"han a s)ell. I" wen" on for "hree )a(es an$ 'efore she ha$ rea$ "o "he 'o""o% of "he )a(e
she ha$ for(o""en "ha" she was rea$in( a" all. She was li+in( in "he s"or& as if i" were real,
an$ all "he )ic"#res were real "oo. When she ha$ (o" "o "he "hir$ )a(e an$ co%e "o "he en$,
she sai$, 3Tha" is "he lo+elies" s"or& I2+e e+er rea$ or e+er shall rea$ in %& whole life. Oh, I
wish I co#l$ ha+e (one on rea$in( i" for "en &ears. A" leas" I2ll rea$ i" o+er a(ain.3
B#" here )ar" of "he %a(ic of "he Boo, ca%e in"o )la&. Yo# co#l$n2" "#rn 'ac,. The ri(h"*
han$ )a(es, "he ones ahea$, co#l$ 'e "#rne$0 "he lef"*han$ )a(es co#l$ no".
3Oh, wha" a sha%e43 sai$ L#c&. 3I $i$ so wan" "o rea$ i" a(ain. Well, a" leas" I %#s"
re%e%'er i". Le"2s see . . . i" was a'o#" . . . a'o#" . . . oh $ear, i"2s all fa$in( awa& a(ain.
An$ e+en "his las" )a(e is (oin( 'lan,. This is a +er& 9#eer 'oo,. How can I ha+e
for(o""en5 I" was a'o#" a c#) an$ a swor$ an$ a "ree an$ a (reen hill, I ,now "ha" %#ch. B#"
I can2" re%e%'er an$ wha" shall I $o53
An$ she ne+er co#l$ re%e%'er0 an$ e+er since "ha" $a& wha" L#c& %eans '& a (oo$ s"or&
is a s"or& which re%in$s her of "he for(o""en s"or& in "he -a(ician2s Boo,.
She "#rne$ on an$ fo#n$ "o her s#r)rise a )a(e wi"h no )ic"#res a" all0 '#" "he firs" wor$s
were A S)ell "o %a,e hi$$en "hin(s +isi'le. She rea$ i" "hro#(h "o %a,e s#re of all "he har$
wor$s an$ "hen sai$ i" o#" lo#$. An$ she ,new a" once "ha" i" was wor,in( 'eca#se as she
s)o,e "he colo#rs ca%e in"o "he ca)i"al le""ers a" "he "o) of "he )a(e an$ "he )ic"#res 'e(an
a))earin( in "he %ar(ins. I" was li,e when &o# hol$ "o "he fire so%e"hin( wri""en in
In+isi'le In, an$ "he wri"in( (ra$#all& shows #)0 onl& ins"ea$ of "he $in(& colo#r of le%on
8#ice .which is "he easies" In+isi'le In,/ "his was all (ol$ an$ 'l#e an$ scarle". The& were
o$$ )ic"#res an$ con"aine$ %an& fi(#res "ha" L#c& $i$ no" %#ch li,e "he loo, of. An$ "hen
she "ho#(h", 3I s#))ose I2+e %a$e e+er&"hin( +isi'le, an$ no" onl& "he Th#%)ers. There
%i(h" 'e lo"s of o"her in+isi'le "hin(s han(in( a'o#" a )lace li,e "his. I2% no" s#re "ha" I
wan" "o see "he% all.3
A" "ha" %o%en" she hear$ sof", hea+& foo"falls co%in( alon( "he corri$or 'ehin$ her0 an$ of
co#rse she re%e%'ere$ wha" she ha$ 'een "ol$ a'o#" "he -a(ician wal,in( in his 'are fee"
an$ %a,in( no %ore noise "han a ca". I" is alwa&s 'e""er "o "#rn ro#n$ "han "o ha+e an&"hin(
cree)in( #) 'ehin$ &o#r 'ac,. L#c& $i$ so.
Then her face li" #) "ill, for a %o%en" .'#" of co#rse she $i$n2" ,now i"/, she loo,e$ al%os"
as 'ea#"if#l as "ha" o"her L#c& in "he )ic"#re, an$ she ran forwar$ wi"h a li""le cr& of $eli(h"
an$ wi"h her ar%s s"re"che$ o#". 7or wha" s"oo$ in "he $oorwa& was Aslan hi%self, The
Lion, "he hi(hes" of all Hi(h !in(s. An$ he was soli$ an$ real an$ war% an$ he le" her ,iss
hi% an$ '#r& herself in his shinin( %ane. An$ fro% "he low, ear"h9#a,e*li,e so#n$ "ha"
ca%e fro% insi$e hi%, L#c& e+en $are$ "o "hin, "ha" he was )#rrin(.
3Oh, Aslan,3 sai$ she, 3i" was ,in$ of &o# "o co%e.3
3I ha+e 'een here all "he "i%e,3 sai$ he, 3'#" &o# ha+e 8#s" %a$e %e +isi'le.3
3Aslan43 sai$ L#c& al%os" a li""le re)roachf#ll&. 3Don2" %a,e f#n of %e. As if an&"hin( C
co#l$ $o wo#l$ %a,e &o# +isi'le43
3I" $i$,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Do &o# "hin, I wo#l$n2" o'e& %& own r#les53
Af"er a li""le )a#se he s)o,e a(ain.
3Chil$,3 he sai$, 3I "hin, &o# ha+e 'een ea+es$ro))in(.3
3Yo# lis"ene$ "o wha" &o#r "wo schoolfellows were sa&in( a'o#" &o#.3
3Oh "ha"5 I ne+er "ho#(h" "ha" was ea+es$ro))in(, Aslan. Wasn2" i" %a(ic53
3S)&in( on )eo)le '& %a(ic is "he sa%e as s)&in( on "he% in an& o"her wa&. An$ &o# ha+e
%is8#$(e$ &o#r frien$. She is wea,, '#" she lo+es &o#. She was afrai$ of "he ol$er (irl an$
sai$ wha" she $oes no" %ean.3
3I $on2" "hin, I2$ e+er 'e a'le "o for(e" wha" I hear$ her sa&.3
3No, &o# won2".3
3Oh $ear,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Ha+e I s)oile$ e+er&"hin(5 Do &o# %ean we wo#l$ ha+e (one on
'ein( frien$s if i" ha$n2" 'een for "his * an$ 'een reall& (rea" frien$s * all o#r li+es )erha)s*
an$ now we ne+er shall.3
3Chil$,3 sai$ Aslan, 3$i$ I no" e1)lain "o &o# once 'efore "ha" no one is e+er "ol$ wha"
wo#l$ ha+e ha))ene$53
3Yes, Aslan, &o# $i$,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I2% sorr&. B#" )lease *3
3S)ea, on, $ear hear".3
3Shall I e+er 'e a'le "o, rea$ "ha" s"or& a(ain0 "he one I co#l$n2" re%e%'er5 Will &o# "ell i"
"o %e, Aslan5 Oh $o, $o, $o.3
3In$ee$, &es, I will "ell i" "o &o# for &ears an$ &ears. B#" now, co%e. We %#s" %ee" "he
%as"er of "his ho#se.3
L#c& followe$ "he (rea" Lion o#" in"o "he )assa(e an$ a" once she saw co%in( "owar$s
"he% an ol$ %an, 'arefoo", $resse$ in a re$ ro'e. His whi"e hair was crowne$ wi"h a
cha)le" of oa, lea+es, his 'ear$ fell "o his (ir$le, an$ he s#))or"e$ hi%self wi"h a c#rio#sl&
car+e$ s"aff. When he saw Aslan he 'owe$ low an$ sai$,
3Welco%e, Sir, "o "he leas" of &o#r ho#ses.3
3Do &o# (row wear&, Coria,in, of r#lin( s#ch foolish s#'8ec"s as I ha+e (i+en &o# here53
3No,3 sai$ "he -a(ician, 3"he& are +er& s"#)i$ '#" "here is no real har% in "he%. I 'e(in "o
(row ra"her fon$ of "he crea"#res. So%e"i%es, )erha)s, I a% a li""le i%)a"ien", wai"in( for
"he $a& when "he& can 'e (o+erne$ '& wis$o% ins"ea$ of "his ro#(h %a(ic.3
3All in (oo$ "i%e, Coria,in,3 sai$ Aslan.
3Yes, all in +er& (oo$ "i%e, Sir,3 was "he answer. 3Do &o# in"en$ "o show &o#rself "o
3Na&,3 sai$ "he Lion, wi"h a li""le half*(rowl "ha" %ean" .L#c& "ho#(h"/ "he sa%e as a la#(h.
3I sho#l$ fri(h"en "he% o#" of "heir senses. -an& s"ars will (row ol$ an$ co%e "o "a,e "heir
res" in islan$s 'efore &o#r )eo)le are ri)e for "ha". An$ "o$a& 'efore s#nse" I %#s" +isi"
Tr#%),in "he Dwarf where he si"s in "he cas"le of Cair Para+el co#n"in( "he $a&s "ill his
%as"er Cas)ian co%es ho%e. I will "ell hi% all &o#r s"or&, L#c&. Do no" loo, so sa$. We
shall %ee" soon a(ain.3
3Please, Aslan,3 sai$ L#c&, 3wha" $o &o# call soon53
3I call all "i%es soon,3 sai$ Aslan0 an$ ins"an"l& he was +anishe$ awa& an$ L#c& was alone
wi"h "he -a(ician.
36one43 sai$ he, 3an$ &o# an$ I 9#i"e cres"fallen. I"2s alwa&s li,e "ha", &o# can2" ,ee) hi%0
i"2s no" as if he were a "a%e lion. An$ how $i$ &o# en8o& %& 'oo,53
3Par"s of i" +er& %#ch in$ee$,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Di$ &o# ,now I was "here all "he "i%e53
3Well, of co#rse I ,new when I le" "he D#ffers %a,e "he%sel+es in+isi'le "ha" &o# wo#l$ 'e
co%in( alon( )resen"l& "o "a,e "he s)ell off. I wasn2" 9#i"e s#re of "he e1ac" $a&. An$ I
wasn2" es)eciall& on "he wa"ch "his %ornin(. Yo# see "he& ha$ %a$e %e in+isi'le "oo an$
'ein( in+isi'le alwa&s %a,es %e so slee)&. Hei(h*ho * "here I2% &awnin( a(ain. Are &o#
3Well, )erha)s I a% a li""le,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I2+e no i$ea wha" "he "i%e is.3
3Co%e,3 sai$ "he -a(ician. 3All "i%es %a& 'e soon "o Aslan0 '#" in %& ho%e all h#n(r&
"i%es are one o2cloc,.3
He le$ her a li""le wa& $own "he )assa(e an$ o)ene$ a $oor. Passin( in, L#c& fo#n$ herself
in a )leasan" roo% f#ll of s#nli(h" an$ flowers. The "a'le was 'are when "he&
en"ere$, '#" i" was of co#rse a %a(ic "a'le, an$ a" a wor$ fro% "he ol$ %an "he "a'leclo"h,
sil+er, )la"es, (lasses an$ foo$ a))eare$.
3I ho)e "ha" is*wha" &o# wo#l$ li,e,3 sai$ he. 3I ha+e "rie$ "o (i+e &o# foo$ %ore li,e "he
foo$ of &o#r own lan$ "han )erha)s &o# ha+e ha$ la"el&.3
3I"2s lo+el&,3 sai$ L#c&, an$ so i" was0 an o%ele""e, )i)in( ho", col$ la%' an$ (reen )eas, a
s"raw'err& ice, le%ons9#ash "o $rin, wi"h "he %eal an$ a c#) of chocola"e "o follow. B#"
"he %a(ician hi%self $ran, onl& wine an$ a"e onl& 'rea$. There was no"hin( alar%in(
a'o#" hi%, an$ L#c& an$ he were soon cha""in( awa& li,e ol$ frien$s.
3When will "he s)ell wor,53 as,e$ L#c&. 3Will "he D#ffers 'e +isi'le a(ain a" once53
3Oh &es, "he&2re +isi'le now. B#" "he&2re )ro'a'l& all aslee) s"ill0 "he& alwa&s "a,e a res" in
"he %i$$le of "he $a&.3
3An$ now "ha" "he&2re +isi'le, are &o# (oin( "o le" "he% off 'ein( #(l&5 Will &o# %a,e
"he% as "he& were 'efore53
3Well, "ha"2s ra"her a $elica"e 9#es"ion,3 sai$ "he -a(ician. 3Yo# see, i"2s onl& "he& who
"hin, "he& were so nice "o loo, a" 'efore. The& sa& "he&2+e 'een #(lifie$, '#" "ha" isn2" wha"
I calle$ i". -an& )eo)le %i(h" sa& "he chan(e was for "he 'e""er.3
3Are "he& awf#ll& concei"e$53
3The& are. Or a" leas" "he Chief D#ffer is, an$ he2s "a#(h" all "he res" "o 'e. The& alwa&s
'elie+e e+er& wor$ he sa&s.3
3We2$ no"ice$ "ha",3 sai$ L#c&.
3Yes * we2$ (e" on 'e""er wi"ho#" hi%, in a wa&. Of co#rse I co#l$ "#rn hi% in"o so%e"hin(
else, or e+en )#" a s)ell on hi% which wo#l$ %a,e "he% no" 'elie+e a wor$ he sai$. B#" I
$on2" li,e "o $o "ha". I"2s 'e""er for "he% "o a$%ire hi% "han "o a$%ire no'o$&.3
3Don2" "he& a$%ire &o#53 as,e$ L#c&.
3Oh, no" %e,3 sai$ "he -a(ician. 3The& wo#l$n2" a$%ire %e.3
3Wha" was i" &o# #(lifie$ "he% for * I %ean, wha" "he& call #(lifie$53
3Well, "he& wo#l$n2" $o wha" "he& were "ol$. Their wor, is "o %in$ "he (ar$en an$ raise
foo$ * no" for %e, as "he& i%a(ine, '#" for "he%sel+es. The& wo#l$n2" $o i" a" all if I $i$n2"
%a,e "he%. An$ of co#rse for a (ar$en &o# wan" wa"er. There is a 'ea#"if#l s)rin( a'o#"
half a %ile awa& #) "he hill. An$ fro% "ha" s)rin( "here flows a s"rea% which co%es ri(h"
)as" "he (ar$en. All I as,e$ "he% "o $o was "o "a,e "heir wa"er fro% "he s"rea% ins"ea$ of
"r#$(in( #) "o "he s)rin( wi"h "heir '#c,e"s "wo or "hree "i%es a $a& an$ "irin( "he%sel+es
o#" 'esi$es s)illin( half of i" on "he wa& 'ac,. B#" "he& wo#l$n2" see i". In "he en$ "he&
ref#se$ )oin" 'lan,.3
3Are "he& as s"#)i$ as all "ha"53 as,e$ L#c&.
The -a(ician si(he$. 3Yo# wo#l$n2" 'elie+e "he "ro#'les I2+e ha$ wi"h "he%. A few %on"hs
a(o "he& were all for washin( #) "he )la"es an$ ,ni+es 'efore $inner: "he& sai$ i" sa+e$ "i%e
af"erwar$s. I2+e ca#(h" "he% )lan"in( 'oile$ )o"a"oes "o sa+e coo,in( "he% when "he& were
$#( #). One $a& "he ca" (o" in"o "he $air& an$ "wen"& of "he% were a" wor, %o+in( all "he
%il, o#"0 no one "ho#(h" of %o+in( "he ca". B#" I see &o#2+e finishe$. Le"2s (o an$ loo, a"
"he D#ffers now "he& can 'e loo,e$ a".3
The& wen" in"o ano"her roo% which was f#ll of )olishe$ ins"r#%en"s har$ "o #n$ers"an$ *
s#ch as As"rola'es, Orreries, Chronosco)es, Poesi%e"ers, Choria%'#ses an$ Theo$olin$s *
an$ here, when "he& ha$ co%e "o "he win$ow, "he -a(ician sai$, 3There. There are &o#r
3I $on2" see an&'o$&,3 sai$ L#c&. 3An$ wha" are "hose %#shroo% "hin(s53
The "hin(s she )oin"e$ a" were $o""e$ all o+er "he le+el (rass. The& were cer"ainl& +er& li,e
%#shroo%s, '#" far "oo 'i( * "he s"al,s a'o#" "hree fee" hi(h an$ "he #%'rellas a'o#" "he
sa%e len("h fro% e$(e "o e$(e. When she loo,e$ caref#ll& she no"ice$ "oo "ha" "he s"al,s
8oine$ "he #%'rellas no" in "he %i$$le '#" a" one si$e which (a+e an #n'alance$ loo, "o
"he%. An$ "here was so%e"hin( * a sor" of li""le '#n$le * l&in( on "he (rass a" "he foo" of
each s"al,. In fac" "he lon(er she (a<e$ a" "he% "he less li,e %#shroo%s "he& a))eare$. The
#%'rella )ar" was no" reall& ro#n$ as she ha$ "ho#(h" a" firs". I" was lon(er "han i" was
'roa$, an$ i" wi$ene$ a" one en$. There were a (rea" %an& of "he%, fif"& or %ore.
The cloc, s"r#c, "hree.
Ins"an"l& a %os" e1"raor$inar& "hin( ha))ene$. Each of "he 3%#shroo%s3 s#$$enl& "#rne$
#)si$e*$own. The li""le '#n$les which ha$ lain a" "he 'o""o% of "he s"al,s were hea$s an$
'o$ies. The s"al,s "he%sel+es were le(s. B#" no" "wo le(s "o each 'o$&. Each 'o$& ha$ a
sin(le "hic, le( ri(h" #n$er i" .no" "o one si$e li,e "he le( of a one*le((e$ %an/ an$ a" "he
en$ of i", a sin(le enor%o#s foo"*a 'roa$"oe$ foo" wi"h "he "oes c#rlin( #) a li""le so "ha" i"
loo,e$ ra"her li,e a s%all canoe. She saw in a %o%en" wh& "he& ha$ loo,e$ li,e
%#shroo%s. The& ha$ 'een l&in( fla" on "heir 'ac,s each wi"h i"s sin(le le( s"rai(h" #) in
"he air an$ i"s enor%o#s foo" s)rea$ o#" a'o+e i". She learne$ af"erwar$s "ha" "his was "heir
or$inar& wa& of res"in(0 for "he foo" ,e)" off 'o"h rain an$ s#n an$ for a -ono)o$ "o lie
#n$er i"s own foo" is al%os" as (oo$ as 'ein( in a "en".
3Oh, "he f#nnies, "he f#nnies,3 crie$ L#c&, '#rs"in( in"o la#(h"er. 3Di$ &o# %a,e "he% li,e
3Yes, &es. I %a$e "he D#ffers in"o -ono)o$s,3 sai$ "he -a(ician. He "oo was la#(hin( "ill
"he "ears ran $own his chee,s. 3B#" wa"ch,3 he a$$e$.
I" was wor"h wa"chin(. Of co#rse "hese li""le one*foo"e$ %en co#l$n2" wal, or r#n as we $o.
The& (o" a'o#" '& 8#%)in(, li,e fleas or fro(s. An$ wha" 8#%)s "he& %a$e4 as if each 'i(
foo" were a %ass of s)rin(s. An$ wi"h wha" a 'o#nce "he& ca%e $own0 "ha" was wha" %a$e
"he "h#%)in( noise which ha$ so )#<<le$ L#c& &es"er$a&. 7or now "he& were 8#%)in( in all
$irec"ions an$ callin( o#" "o one ano"her, 3He&, la$s4 We2re +isi'le a(ain.3
3;isi'le we are,3 sai$ one in a "asselle$ re$ ca) who was o'+io#sl& "he Chief -ono)o$.
3An$ wha" I sa& is, when cha)s are +isi'le, wh&, "he& can see one ano"her.3
3Ah, "here i" is, "here i" is, Chief,3 crie$ all "he o"hers. 3There2s "he )oin". No one2s (o" a
clearer hea$ "han &o#. Yo# co#l$n2" ha+e %a$e i" )lainer.3
3She ca#(h" "he ol$ %an na))in(, "ha" li""le (irl $i$,3 sai$ "he Chief -ono)o$. 3We2+e
'ea"en hi% "his "i%e.3
3>#s" wha" we were, (oin( "o sa& o#rsel+es,3 chi%e$ "he chor#s. 3Yo#2re (oin( s"ron(er
"han e+er "o$a&, Chief. !ee) i" #), ,ee) i" #).3
3B#" $o "he& $are "o "al, a'o#" &o# li,e "ha"53 sai$ L#c&. 3The& see%e$ "o 'e so afrai$ of
&o# &es"er$a&. Don2" "he& ,now &o# %i(h" 'e lis"enin(53
3Tha"2s one of "he f#nn& "hin(s a'o#" "he D#ffers,3 sai$ "he -a(ician. 3One %in#"e "he&
"al, as if I ran e+er&"hin( an$ o+erhear$ e+er&"hin( an$ was e1"re%el& $an(ero#s. The ne1"
%o%en" "he& "hin, "he& can "a,e %e in '& "ric,s "ha" a 'a'& wo#l$ see "hro#(h * 'less
3Will "he& ha+e "o 'e "#rne$ 'ac, in"o "heir )ro)er sha)es53 as,e$ L#c&. 3Oh, I $o ho)e i"
wo#l$n2" 'e #n,in$ "o lea+e "he% as "he& are. Do "he& reall& %in$ +er& %#ch5 The& see%
)re""& ha))&. I sa& * loo, a" "ha" 8#%). Wha" were "he& li,e 'efore53
3Co%%on li""le $warfs,3 sai$ he. 3No"hin( li,e so nice as "he sor" &o# ha+e in Narnia.3
3I" wo#l$ 'e a )i"& "o chan(e "he% 'ac,,3 sai$ L#c&. 3The&2re so f#nn&: an$ "he&2re ra"her
nice. Do &o# "hin, i" wo#l$ %a,e an& $ifference if I "ol$ "he% "ha"53
3I2% s#re i" wo#l$ * if &o# co#l$ (e" i" in"o "heir hea$s.3
3Will &o# co%e wi"h %e an$ "r&53
3No, no. Yo#2ll (e" on far 'e""er wi"ho#" %e.3
3Than,s awf#ll& for "he l#nch,3 sai$ L#c& an$ "#rne$ 9#ic,l& awa&. She ran $own "he s"airs
which she ha$ co%e #) so ner+o#sl& "ha" %ornin( an$ cannone$ in"o E$%#n$ a"
"he 'o""o%. All "he o"hers were "here wi"h hi% wai"in(, an$ L#c&2s conscience s%o"e her
when she saw "heir an1io#s faces an$ reali<e$ how lon( she ha$ for(o""en "he%.
3I"2s all ri(h",3 she sho#"e$. 3E+er&"hin(2s all ri(h". The -a(ician2s a 'ric, * an$ I2+e seen
Hi% * Aslan.3
Af"er "ha" she wen" fro% "he% li,e "he win$ an$ o#" in"o "he (ar$en. Here "he ear"h was
sha,in( wi"h "he 8#%)s an$ "he air rin(in( wi"h "he sho#"s of "he -ono)o$s. Bo"h were
re$o#'le$ when "he& ca#(h" si(h" of her.
3Here she co%es, here she co%es,3 "he& crie$. 3Three cheers for "he li""le (irl. Ah4 She )#"
i" across "he ol$ (en"le%an )ro)erl&, she $i$.3
3An$ we2re e1"re%el& re(re""a'le,3 sai$ "he Chief -ono)o$, 3"ha" we can2" (i+e &o# "he
)leas#re of seein( #s as we were 'efore we were #(lifie$, for &o# wo#l$n2" 'elie+e "he
$ifference, an$ "ha"2s "he "r#"h, for "here2s no $en&in( we2re %or"al #(l& now, so we won2"
$ecei+e &o#.3
3Eh, "ha" we are, Chief, "ha" we are,3 echoe$ "he o"hers, 'o#ncin( li,e so %an& "o&
'alloons. 3Yo#2+e sai$ i", &o#2+e sai$ i".3
3B#" I $on2" "hin, &o# are a" all,3 sai$ L#c&, sho#"in( "o %a,e herself hear$. 3I "hin, &o#
loo, +er& nice.3
3Hear her, hear her,3 sai$ "he -ono)o$s. 3Tr#e for &o#, -issie. ;er& nice we loo,. Yo#
co#l$n2" fin$ a han$so%er lo".3 The& sai$ "his wi"ho#" an& s#r)rise an$ $i$ no" see% "o
no"ice "ha" "he& ha$ chan(e$ "heir %in$s.
3She2s a*sa&in(,3 re%ar,e$ "he Chief -ono)o$, 3as how we loo,e$ +er& nice 'efore we
were #(lifie$.3
3Tr#e for &o#, Chief, "r#e for &o#,3 chan"e$ "he o"hers. 3Tha"2s wha" she sa&s. We hear$ her
3I $i$ no",3 'awle$ L#c&. 3I sai$ &o#2re +er& nice now.3
3So she $i$, so she $i$,3 sai$ "he Chief -ono)o$, 3sai$ we were +er& nice "hen.3
3Hear 2e% 'o"h, hear 2e% 'o"h,3 sai$ "he -ono)o$s. 3There2s a )air for &o#. Alwa&s ri(h".
The& co#l$n2" ha+e )#" i" 'e""er.3
3B#" we2re sa&in( 8#s" "he o))osi"e,3 sai$ L#c&, s"a%)in( her foo" wi"h i%)a"ience.
3So &o# are, "o 'e s#re, so &o# are,3 sai$ "he -ono)o$s. 3No"hin( li,e an o))osi"e. !ee) i"
#), 'o"h of &o#.3
3Yo#2re eno#(h "o $ri+e an&one %a$,3 sai$ L#c&, an$ (a+e i" #). B#" "he -ono)o$s
see%e$ )erfec"l& con"en"e$, an$ she $eci$e$ "ha" on "he whole "he con+ersa"ion ha$ 'een a
An$ 'efore e+er&one wen" "o 'e$ "ha" e+enin( so%e"hin( else ha))ene$ which %a$e "he%
e+en %ore sa"isfie$ wi"h "heir one*le((e$ con$i"ion. Cas)ian an$ all "he Narnians wen"
'ac, as soon as )ossi'le "o "he shore "o (i+e "heir news "o Rhince an$ "he o"hers on 'oar$
"he Dawn Trea$er, who were '& now +er& an1io#s. An$, of co#rse, "he -ono)o$s wen"
wi"h "he%, 'o#ncin( li,e foo"'alls an$ a(reein( wi"h one ano"her in lo#$ +oices "ill E#s"ace
sai$, 3I wish "he -a(ician wo#l$ %a,e "he% ina#$i'le ins"ea$ of in+isi'le.3 .He was soon
sorr& he ha$ s)o,en 'eca#se "hen he ha$ "o e1)lain "ha" an ina#$i'le "hin( is so%e"hin( &o#
can2" hear, an$ "ho#(h he "oo, a lo" of "ro#'le he ne+er fel" s#re "ha" "he -ono)o$s ha$
reall& #n$ers"oo$, an$ wha" es)eciall& anno&e$ hi% was "ha" "he& sai$ in "he en$, 3Eh, he
can2" )#" "hin(s "he wa& o#r Chief $oes. B#" &o#2ll learn, &o#n( %an. Har, "o hi%. He2ll
show &o# how "o sa& "hin(s. There2s a s)ea,er for &o#43/ When "he& reache$ "he 'a&,
Ree)ichee) ha$ a 'rillian" i$ea. He ha$ his li""le coracle lowere$ an$ )a$$le$ hi%self a'o#"
in i" "ill "he -ono)o$s were "horo#(hl& in"eres"e$. He "hen s"oo$ #) in i" an$ sai$, 3Wor"h&
an$ in"elli(en" -ono)o$s, &o# $o no" nee$ 'oa"s. Each of &o# has a foo" "ha" will $o
ins"ea$. >#s" 8#%) as li(h"l& as &o# can on "he wa"er an$ see wha" ha))ens.3
The Chief -ono)o$ h#n( 'ac, an$ warne$ "he o"hers "ha" "he&2$ fin$ "he wa"er )owerf#l
we", '#" one or "wo of "he &o#n(er ones "rie$ i" al%os" a" once0 an$ "hen a few o"hers
followe$ "heir e1a%)le, an$ a" las" "he whole lo" $i$ "he sa%e. I" wor,e$ )erfec"l&. The
h#(e sin(le foo" of a -ono)o$ ac"e$ as a na"#ral raf" or 'oa", an$ when Ree)ichee) ha$
"a#(h" "he% how "o c#" r#$e )a$$les for "he%sel+es, "he& all )a$$le$ a'o#" "he 'a& an$
ro#n$ "he Dawn Trea$er, loo,in( for all "he worl$ li,e a flee" of li""le canoes wi"h a fa"
$warf s"an$in( #) in "he e1"re%e s"ern of each. An$ "he& ha$ races, an$ 'o""les of wine
were lowere$ $own "o "he% fro% "he shi) as )ri<es, an$ "he sailors s"oo$ leanin( o+er "he
shi)2s si$es an$ la#(he$ "ill "heir own si$es ache$.
The D#ffers were also +er& )lease$ wi"h "heir new na%e of -ono)o$s, which see%e$ "o
"he% a %a(nificen" na%e "ho#(h "he& ne+er (o" i" ri(h". 3Tha"2s wha" we are,3 "he&
'ellowe$, 3-one&)#$s, Po%ono$s, Po$$&%ons. >#s" wha" i" was on "he "i)s of o#r "on(#es
"o call o#rsel+es.3 B#" "he& soon (o" i" %i1e$ #) wi"h "heir ol$ na%e of D#ffers an$ finall&
se""le$ $own "o callin( "he%sel+es "he D#ffle)#$s0 an$ "ha" is wha" "he& will )ro'a'l& 'e
calle$ for cen"#ries.
Tha" e+enin( all "he Narnians $ine$ #)s"airs wi"h "he -a(ician, an$ L#c& no"ice$ how
$ifferen" "he whole "o) floor loo,e$ now "ha" she was no lon(er afrai$ of i". The %&s"erio#s
si(ns on "he $oors were s"ill %&s"erio#s '#" now loo,e$ as if "he& ha$ ,in$ an$ cheerf#l
%eanin(s, an$ e+en "he 'ear$e$ %irror now see%e$ f#nn& ra"her "han fri(h"enin(. A"
$inner e+er&one ha$ '& %a(ic wha" e+er&one li,e$ 'es" "o ea" an$ $rin,, an$ af"er $inner
"he -a(ician $i$ a +er& #sef#l an$ 'ea#"if#l )iece of %a(ic. He lai$ "wo 'lan, shee"s of
)arch%en" on "he "a'le an$ as,e$ Drinian "o (i+e hi% an e1ac" acco#n" of "heir +o&a(e #)
"o $a"e: an$ as Drinian s)o,e, e+er&"hin( he $escri'e$ ca%e o#" on "he
)arch%en" in fine clear lines "ill a" las" each shee" was a s)len$i$ %a) of "he Eas"ern Ocean,
showin( 6al%a, Tere'in"hia, "he Se+en Isles, "he Lone Islan$s, Dra(on Islan$, B#rn"
Islan$, Dea"hwa"er, an$ "he lan$ of "he D#ffers i"self, all e1ac"l& "he ri(h" si<es an$ in "he
ri(h" )osi"ions. The& were "he firs" %a)s e+er %a$e of "hose seas an$ 'e""er "han an& "ha"
ha+e 'een %a$e since wi"ho#" %a(ic. 7or on "hese, "ho#(h "he "owns an$ %o#n"ains loo,e$
a" firs" 8#s" as "he& wo#l$ on an or$inar& %a), when "he -a(ician len" "he% a %a(nif&in(
(lass &o# saw "ha" "he& were )erfec" li""le )ic"#res of "he real "hin(s, so "ha" &o# co#l$ see
"he +er& cas"le an$ sla+e %ar,e" an$ s"ree"s in Narrowha+en, all +er& clear "ho#(h +er&
$is"an", li,e "hin(s seen "hro#(h "he wron( en$ of a "elesco)e. The onl& $raw'ac, was "ha"
"he coas"line of %os" of "he islan$s was inco%)le"e, for "he %a) showe$ onl& wha"
Drinianha$ seen wi"h his own e&es. When "he& were finishe$ "he. -a(ician ,e)" one
hi%self an$ )resen"e$ "he o"her "o Cas)ian: i" s"ill han(s in his Cha%'er of Ins"r#%en"s a"
Cair Para+el. B#" "he -a(ician co#l$ "ell "he% no"hin( a'o#" seas or lan$s f#r"her eas". He
$i$, howe+er, "ell "he% "ha" a'o#" se+en &ears 'efore a Narnian shi) ha$ )#" in a" his wa"ers
an$ "ha" she ha$ on 'oar$ "he lor$s Re+ilian, Ar(o<, -a+ra%orn an$ Rhoo): so "he& 8#$(e$
"ha" "he (ol$en %an "he& ha$ seen l&in( in Dea"hwa"er %#s" 'e "he Lor$ Res"i%ar.
Ne1" $a&, "he -a(ician %a(icall& %en$e$ "he s"ern of "he Dawn Trea$er where i" ha$ 'een
$a%a(e$ '& "he Sear Ser)en" an$ loa$e$ her wi"h #sef#l (if"s. There was a %os" frien$l&
)ar"in(, an$ when she saile$, "wo ho#rs af"er noon, all "he D#ffle)#$s )a$$le$ o#" wi"h her
"o "he har'o#r %o#"h, an$ cheere$ #n"il she was o#" of so#n$ of "heir cheerin(.
A7TER "his a$+en"#re "he& saile$ on so#"h an$ a li""le eas" for "wel+e $a&s wi"h a (en"le
win$, "he s,ies 'ein( %os"l& clear an$ "he air war%, an$ saw no 'ir$ or fish, e1ce)" "ha"
once "here were whales s)o#"in( a lon( wa& "o s"ar'oar$. L#c& an$ Ree)ichee) )la&e$ a
(oo$ $eal of chess a" "his "i%e. Then on "he "hir"een"h $a&, E$%#n$, fro% "he fi(h"in( "o),
si(h"e$ wha" loo,e$ li,e a (rea" $ar, %o#n"ain risin( o#" of "he sea on "heir )or" 'ow.
The& al"ere$ co#rse an$ %a$e for "his lan$, %os"l& '& oar, for "he win$ wo#l$ no" ser+e
"he% "o sail nor"h*eas". When e+enin( fell "he& were s"ill a lon( wa& fro% i" an$ rowe$ all
ni(h". Ne1" %ornin( "he wea"her was fair '#" a fla" cal%. The $ar, %ass la& ahea$, %#ch
nearer an$ lar(er, '#" s"ill +er& $i%, so "ha" so%e "ho#(h" i" was s"ill a lon( wa& off an$
o"hers "ho#(h" "he& were r#nnin( in"o a %is".
A'o#" nine "ha" %ornin(, +er& s#$$enl&, i" was so close "ha" "he& co#l$ see "ha" i" was no"
lan$ a" all, nor e+en, in an or$inar& sense, a %is". I" was a Dar,ness. I" is ra"her har$ "o
$escri'e, '#" &o# will see wha" i" was li,e if &o# i%a(ine &o#rself loo,in( in"o "he %o#"h
of a railwa& "#nnel * a "#nnel ei"her so lon( or so "wis"& "ha" &o# canno" see "he li(h" a" "he
far en$. An$ &o# ,now wha" i" wo#l$ 'e li,e. 7or a few fee" &o# wo#l$ see "he rails an$
slee)ers an$ (ra+el in 'roa$ $a&li(h"0 "hen "here wo#l$ co%e a )lace where "he& were in
"wili(h"0 an$ "hen, )re""& s#$$enl&, '#" of co#rse wi"ho#" a shar) $i+i$in( line, "he& wo#l$
+anish al"o(e"her in"o s%oo"h, soli$ 'lac,ness. I" was 8#s" so here. 7or a few fee" in fron" of
"heir 'ows "he& co#l$ see "he swell of "he 'ri(h" (reenish*'l#e wa"er. Be&on$ "ha", "he&
co#l$ see "he wa"er loo,in( )ale an$ (re& as i" wo#l$ loo, la"e in "he e+enin(. B#" 'e&on$
"ha" a(ain, #""er 'lac,ness as if "he& ha$ co%e "o "he e$(e of %oonless an$ s"arless ni(h".
Cas)ian sho#"e$ "o "he 'oa"swain "o ,ee) her 'ac,, an$ all e1ce)" "he rowers r#she$
forwar$ an$ (a<e$ fro% "he 'ows. B#" "here was no"hin( "o 'e seen '& (a<in(. Behin$ "he%
was "he sea an$ "he s#n, 'efore "he% "he Dar,ness.
3Do we (o in"o "his53 as,e$ Cas)ian a" len("h.
3No" '& %& a$+ice,3 sai$ Drinian.
3The Ca)"ain2s ri(h",3 sai$ se+eral sailors.
3I al%os" "hin, he is,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
L#c& an$ E#s"ace $i$n2" s)ea, '#" "he& fel" +er& (la$ insi$e a" "he "#rn "hin(s see%e$ "o 'e
"a,in(. B#" all a" once "he clear +oice of Ree)ichee) 'ro,e in #)on "he silence.
3An$ wh& no"53 he sai$. 3Will so%eone e1)lain "o %e wh& no".3
No one was an1io#s "o e1)lain, so Ree)ichee) con"in#e$:
3If I were a$$ressin( )easan"s or sla+es,3 he sai$, 3I %i(h" s#))ose "ha" "his s#((es"ion
)rocee$e$ fro% cowar$ice. B#" I ho)e i" will ne+er 'e "ol$ in Narnia "ha" a co%)an& of
no'le an$ ro&al )ersons in "he flower of "heir a(e "#rne$ "ail 'eca#se "he& were afrai$ of "he
3B#" wha" %anner of #se wo#l$ i" 'e )lo#(hin( "hro#(h "ha" 'lac,ness53 as,e$ Drinian.
3se53 re)lie$ Ree)ichee). 3se, Ca)"ain5 If '& #se &o# %ean fillin( o#r 'ellies or o#r
)#rses, I confess i" will 'e no #se a" all. So far as I ,now we $i$ no" se" sail "o loo, for
"hin(s #sef#l '#" "o see, hono#r an$ a$+en"#re. An$ here is as (rea" an a$+en"#re as e+er I
hear$ of, an$ here, if we "#rn 'ac,, no "i""le i%)each%en" of all o#r hono#rs.3
Se+eral of "he sailors sai$ "hin(s #n$er "heir 'rea"h "ha" so#n$e$ li,e 3Hono#r 'e 'lowe$3,
'#" Cas)ian sai$:
3Oh, 'o"her &o#, Ree)ichee). I al%os" wish we2$ lef" &o# a" ho%e. All ri(h"4 If &o# )#" i"
"ha" wa&, I s#))ose we shall ha+e "o (o on. nless L#c& wo#l$ ra"her no"53
L#c& fel" "ha" she wo#l$ +er& %#ch ra"her no", '#" wha" she sai$ o#" lo#$ was, 3I2% (a%e.3
3Yo#r -a8es"& will a" leas" or$er li(h"s53 sai$ Drinian.
3B& all %eans,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3See "o i", Ca)"ain.3
So "he "hree lan"erns, a" "he s"ern, an$ "he )row an$ "he %as"hea$, were all li", an$ Drinian
or$ere$ "wo "orches a%i$shi)s. Pale an$ fee'le "he& loo,e$ in "he s#nshine. Then all "he
%en e1ce)" so%e who were lef" 'elow a" "he oars were or$ere$ on $ec, an$ f#ll& ar%e$
an$ )os"e$ in "heir 'a""le s"a"ions wi"h swor$s $rawn. L#c& an$ "wo archers were )os"e$ on
"he fi(h"in( "o) wi"h 'ows 'en" an$ arrows on "he s"rin(. R&nelf was in "he 'ows wi"h his
line rea$& "o "a,e so#n$in(s. Ree)ichee), E$%#n$, E#s"ace an$ Cas)ian, (li""erin( in %ail,
were wi"h hi%. Drinian "oo, "he "iller.
3An$ now, in Aslan2s na%e, forwar$43 crie$ Cas)ian. 3A slow, s"ea$& s"ro,e. An$ le" e+er&
%an 'e silen" an$ ,ee) his ears o)en for or$ers.3
Wi"h a crea, an$ a (roan "he Dawn Trea$er s"ar"e$ "o cree) forwar$ as "he %en 'e(an "o
row. L#c&, #) in "he fi(h"in( "o), ha$ a won$erf#l +iew of "he e1ac" %o%en" a" which "he&
en"ere$ "he $ar,ness. The 'ows ha$ alrea$& $isa))eare$ 'efore "he s#nli(h" ha$ lef" "he
s"ern. She saw i" (o. A" one %in#"e "he (il$e$ s"ern, "he 'l#e sea, an$ "he s,&, were all in
'roa$ $a&li(h": ne1" %in#"e "he sea an$ s,& ha$ +anishe$, "he s"ern lan"ern * which ha$
'een har$l& no"icea'le 'efore * was "he onl& "hin( "o show where "he shi) en$e$. In fron" of
"he lan"ern she co#l$ see "he 'lac, sha)e of Drinian cro#chin( a" "he "iller. Down 'elow her
"he "wo "orches %a$e +isi'le "wo s%all )a"ches of $ec, an$ (lea%e$ on swor$s an$
hel%e"s, an$ forwar$ "here was ano"her islan$ of li(h" on "he forecas"le. A)ar" fro% "ha",
"he fi(h"in( "o), li" '& "he %as"hea$ li(h" which was onl& 8#s" a'o+e her, see%e$ "o 'e a
li""le li(h"e$ worl$ of i"s own floa"in( in lonel& $ar,ness. An$ "he li(h"s "he%sel+es, as
alwa&s ha))ens wi"h li(h"s when &o# ha+e "o ha+e "he% a" "he wron( "i%e of $a&, loo,e$
l#ri$ an$ #nna"#ral. She also no"ice$ "ha" she was +er& col$.
How lon( "his +o&a(e in"o "he $ar,ness las"e$, no'o$& ,new. E1ce)" for "he crea, of "he
rowloc,s an$ "he s)lash of "he oars "here was no"hin( "o show "ha" "he& were %o+in( a" all.
E$%#n$, )eerin( fro% "he 'ows, co#l$ see no"hin( e1ce)" "he reflec"ion of "he lan"ern in
"he wa"er 'efore hi%. I" loo,e$ a (reas& sor" of reflec"ion, an$ "he ri))le %a$e '& "heir
a$+ancin( )row a))eare$ "o 'e hea+&, s%all, an$ lifeless. As "i%e wen" on e+er&one e1ce)"
"he rowers 'e(an "o shi+er wi"h col$.
S#$$enl&, fro% so%ewhere * no one2s sense of $irec"ion was +er& clear '& now * "here
ca%e a cr&, ei"her of so%e inh#%an +oice or else a +oice of one in s#ch e1"re%i"& of "error
"ha" he ha$ al%os" los" his h#%ani"&.
Cas)ian was s"ill "r&in( "o s)ea, * his %o#"h was "oo $r& * when "he shrill +oice of
Ree)ichee), which so#n$e$ lo#$er "han #s#al in "ha" silence, was hear$.
3Who calls53 i" )i)e$. 3If &o# are a foe we $o no" fear &o#, an$ if &o# are a frien$ &o#r
ene%ies shall 'e "a#(h" "he fear of #s.3
3-erc&43 crie$ "he +oice. 3-erc&4 E+en if &o# are onl& one %ore $rea%, ha+e %err&. Ta,e
%e on 'oar$. Ta,e %e, e+en if &o# s"ri,e %e $ea$. B#" in "he na%e of all %ercies $o no"
fa$e awa& an$ lea+e %e in "his horri'le lan$.3
3Where are &o#53 sho#"e$ Cas)ian. 3Co%e a'oar$ an$ welco%e.3
There ca%e ano"her cr&, whe"her of 8o& or "error, an$ "hen "he& ,new "ha" so%eone was
swi%%in( "owar$s "he%.
3S"an$ '& "o hea+e hi% #), %en,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3A&e, a&e, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ "he sailors. Se+eral crow$e$ "o "he )or" '#lwar, wi"h ro)es
an$ one, leanin( far o#" o+er "he si$e, hel$ "he "orch. A wil$, whi"e face a))eare$ in "he
'lac,ness of "he wa"er, an$ "hen, af"er so%e scra%'lin( an$ )#llin(, a $o<en frien$l& han$s
ha$ hea+e$ "he s"ran(er on 'oar$.
E$%#n$ "ho#(h" he ha$ ne+er seen a wil$er*loo,in( %an. Tho#(h he $i$ no" o"herwise
loo, +er& ol$, his hair was an #n"i$& %o) of whi"e, his face was "hin an$ $rawn, an$, for
clo"hin(, onl& a few we" ra(s h#n( a'o#" hi%. B#" wha" one %ainl& no"ice$ were his e&es,
which were so wi$el& o)ene$ "ha" he see%e$ "o ha+e no e&eli$s a" all, an$ s"are$ as if in an
a(on& of )#re fear. The %o%en" his fee" reache$ "he $ec, he sai$:
37l&4 7l&4 A'o#" wi"h &o#r shi) an$ fl&4 Row, row, row for &o#r li+es awa& fro% "his
acc#rse$ shore.3
3Co%)ose &o#rself,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3an$ "ell #s wha" "he $an(er is. We are no" #se$ "o
The s"ran(er s"ar"e$ horri'l& a" "he +oice of "he -o#se, which he ha$ no" no"ice$ 'efore.
3Ne+er"heless &o# will fl& fro% here,3 he (as)e$. 3This is "he Islan$ where Drea%s co%e
3Tha"2s "he islan$ I2+e 'een loo,in( for "his lon( "i%e,3 sai$ one of "he sailors. 3I rec,one$
I2$ fin$ I was %arrie$ "o Nanc& if we lan$e$ here.3
3An$ I2$ fin$ To% ali+e a(ain,3 sai$ ano"her.
37ools43 sai$ "he %an, s"a%)in( his foo" wi"h ra(e. 3Tha" is "he sor" of "al, "ha" 'ro#(h" %e
here, an$ I2$ 'e""er ha+e 'een $rowne$ or ne+er 'orn. Do &o# hear wha" I sa&5 This is
where $rea%s *$rea%s, $o &o# #n$ers"an$, co%e "o life, co%e real. No" $a&$rea%s:
There was a'o#" half a %in#"e2s silence an$ "hen, wi"h a (rea" cla""er of ar%o#r, "he whole
crew were "#%'lin( $own "he %ain ha"ch as 9#ic, as "he& co#l$ an$ flin(in( "he%sel+es on
"he oars "o row as "he& ha$ ne+er rowe$ 'efore0 an$ Drinian was swin(in( ro#n$ "he "iller,
an$ "he 'oa"swain was (i+in( o#" "he 9#ic,es" s"ro,e "ha" ha$ e+er 'een hear$ a" sea. 7or i"
ha$ "a,en e+er&one 8#s" "ha" half%in#"e "o re%e%'er cer"ain $rea%s "he& ha$ ha$ * $rea%s
"ha" %a,e &o# afrai$ of (oin( "o slee) a(ain * an$ "o reali<e wha" i" wo#l$ %ean "o lan$ on
a co#n"r& where $rea%s co%e "r#e.
Onl& Ree)ichee) re%aine$ #n%o+e$.
3Yo#r -a8es"&, &o#r -a8es"&,3 he sai$, 3are &o# (oin( "o "olera"e "his %#"in&, "his
)ol"rooner&5 This is a )anic, "his is a ro#".3
3Row, row,3 'ellowe$ Cas)ian. 3P#ll for all o#r li+es. Is her hea$ ri(h", Drinian5 Yo# can
sa& wha" &o# li,e, Ree)ichee). There are so%e "hin(s no %an can face.3
3I" is, "hen, %& (oo$ for"#ne no" "o 'e a %an,3 re)lie$ Ree)ichee) wi"h a +er& s"iff 'ow.
L#c& fro% #) alof" ha$ hear$ i" all. In an ins"an" "ha" one of her own $rea%s which she ha$
"rie$ har$es" "o for(e" ca%e 'ac, "o her as +i+i$l& as if she ha$ onl& 8#s" wo,en fro% i". So
"ha" was wha" was 'ehin$ "he%, on "he islan$, in "he $ar,ness4 7or a secon$ she wan"e$ "o
(o $own "o "he $ec, an$ 'e wi"h E$%#n$ an$ Cas)ian. B#" wha" was "he #se5 If $rea%s
'e(an co%in( "r#e, E$%#n$ an$ Cas)ian "he%sel+es %i(h" "#rn in"o so%e"hin( horri'le
8#s" as she reache$ "he%. She (ri))e$ "he rail of "he fi(h"in( "o) an$ "rie$ "o s"ea$& herself.
The& were rowin( 'ac, "o "he li(h" as har$ as "he& co#l$: i" wo#l$ 'e all ri(h" in a few
secon$s. B#" oh, if onl& i" co#l$ 'e all ri(h" now4
Tho#(h "he rowin( %a$e a (oo$ $eal of noise i" $i$ no" 9#i"e conceal "he "o"al silence
which s#rro#n$e$ "he shi).
E+er&one ,new i" wo#l$ 'e 'e""er no" "o lis"en, no" "o s"rain his ears for an& so#n$ fro% "he
$ar,ness. B#" no one co#l$ hel) lis"enin(. An$ soon e+er&one was hearin( "hin(s. Each one
hear$ so%e"hin( $ifferen".
3Do &o# hear a noise li,e . . . li,e a h#(e )air of scissors o)enin( an$ sh#""in( .. . o+er
"here53 E#s"ace as,e$ R&nelf.
3H#sh43 sai$ R&nelf. 3I can hear "he% crawlin( #) "he si$es of "he shi).3
3I"2s 8#s" (oin( "o se""le on "he %as",3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3(h43 sai$ a sailor. 3There are "he (on(s 'e(innin(. I ,new "he& wo#l$.3
Cas)ian, "r&in( no" "o loo, a" an&"hin( .es)eciall& no" "o ,ee) loo,in( 'ehin$ hi%/, wen"
af" "o Drinian.
3Drinian,3 he sai$ in a +er& low +oice. 3How lon( $i$ we "a,e rowin( in5 * I %ean rowin(
"o where we )ic,e$ #) . "he s"ran(er.3
37i+e %in#"es, )erha)s,3 whis)ere$ Drinian. 3Wh&53
3Beca#se we2+e 'een %ore "han "ha" alrea$& "r&in( "o (e" o#".3
Drinian2s han$ shoo, on "he "iller an$ a line of col$ swea" ran $own his face. The sa%e i$ea
was occ#rrin( "o e+er&one on 'oar$. 3We shall ne+er (e" o#", ne+er (e"2 o#",3 %oane$ "he
rowers. 3He2s s"eerin( #s wron(. We2re (oin( ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ in circles. We shall ne+er (e"
o#".3 The s"ran(er, who ha$ 'een l&in( in a h#$$le$ hea) on "he $ec,, sa" #) an$ '#rs" o#"
in"o a horri'le screa%in( la#(h.
3Ne+er (e" o#"43 he &elle$. 3Tha"2s i". Of co#rse. We shall ne+er (e" o#". Wha" a fool I was
"o ha+e "ho#(h" "he& wo#l$ le" %e (o as easil& as "ha". No, no, we shall ne+er (e" o#".3
L#c& lean" her hea$ on "he e$(e of "he fi(h"in( "o) an$ whis)ere$, 3Aslan, Aslan, if e+er
&o# lo+e$ #s a" all, sen$ #s hel) now.3 The $ar,ness $i$ no" (row an& less, '#" she 'e(an "o
feel a li""le * a +er&, +er& li""le * 'e""er. 3Af"er all, no"hin( has reall& ha))ene$ "o #s &e",3
she "ho#(h".
3Loo,43 crie$ R&nelf2s +oice hoarsel& fro% "he 'ows. There was a "in& s)ec, of li(h" ahea$,
an$ while "he& wa"che$ a 'roa$ 'ea% of li(h" fell fro% i" #)on "he shi). I" $i$ no" al"er "he
s#rro#n$in( $ar,ness, '#" "he whole shi) was li" #) as if '& searchli(h". Cas)ian 'lin,e$,
s"are$ ro#n$, saw "he faces of his co%)anions all wi"h wil$, fi1e$ e1)ressions. E+er&one
was s"arin( in "he sa%e $irec"ion: 'ehin$ e+er&one la& his 'lac,, shar)l&*e$(e$ sha$ow.
L#c& loo,e$ alon( "he 'ea% an$ )resen"l& saw so%e"hin( in i". A" firs" i" loo,e$ li,e a
cross, "hen i" loo,e$ li,e an aero)lane, "hen i" loo,e$ li,e a ,i"e, an$ a" las" wi"h a whirrin(
of win(s i" was ri(h" o+erhea$ an$ was an al'a"ross. I" circle$ "hree "i%es ro#n$ "he %as"
an$ "hen )erche$ for an ins"an" on "he cres" of "he (il$e$ $ra(on a" "he )row. I" calle$ o#" in
a s"ron( swee" +oice wha" see%e$ "o 'e wor$s "ho#(h no one #n$ers"oo$ "he%. Af"er "ha" i"
s)rea$ i"s win(s, rose, an$ 'e(an "o fl& slowl& ahea$, 'earin( a li""le "o s"ar'oar$. Drinian
s"eere$ af"er i" no" $o#'"in( "ha" i" offere$ (oo$ (#i$ance. B#" no one e1ce)" L#c& ,new
"ha" as i" circle$ "he %as" i" ha$ whis)ere$ "o her, 3Co#ra(e, $ear hear",3 an$ "he +oice, she
fel" s#re, was Aslan2s, an$ wi"h "he +oice a $elicio#s s%ell 'rea"he$ in her face.
In a few %o%en"s "he $ar,ness "#rne$ in"o a (re&ness ahea$, an$ "hen, al%os" 'efore "he&
$are$ "o 'e(in ho)in(, "he& ha$ sho" o#" in"o "he s#nli(h" an$ were in "he war%, 'l#e worl$
a(ain. An$ all a" once e+er&'o$& reali<e$ "ha" "here was no"hin( "o 'e afrai$ of an$
ne+er ha$ 'een. The& 'lin,e$ "heir e&es an$ loo,e$ a'o#" "he%. The 'ri(h"ness of "he shi)
herself as"onishe$ "he%: "he& ha$ half e1)ec"e$ "o fin$ "ha" "he $ar,ness wo#l$ clin( "o "he
whi"e an$ "he (reen an$ "he (ol$ in "he for% of so%e (ri%e or sc#%. An$ "hen firs" one,
an$ "hen ano"her, 'e(an la#(hin(.
3I rec,on we2+e %a$e )re""& (oo$ fools of o#rsel+es,3 sai$ R&nelf.
L#c& los" no "i%e in co%in( $own "o "he $ec,, where she fo#n$ "he o"hers all (a"here$
ro#n$ "he newco%er. 7or a lon( "i%e he was "oo ha))& "o s)ea,, an$ co#l$ onl& (a<e a" "he
sea an$ "he s#n an$ feel "he '#lwar,s an$ "he ro)es, as if "o %a,e s#re he was reall& awa,e,
while "ears rolle$ $own his chee,s.
3Than, &o#,3 he sai$ a" las". 3Yo# ha+e sa+e$ %e fro% . . . '#" I won2" "al, of "ha". An$ now
le" %e ,now who &o# are. I a% a Tel%arine of Narnia, an$ when I was wor"h an&"hin( %en
calle$ %e "he Lor$ Rhoo).3
3An$ I,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3a% Cas)ian, !in( of Narnia, an$ I sail "o fin$ &o# an$ &o#r
co%)anions who were %& fa"her2s frien$s.3
Lor$ Rhoo) fell on his ,nees an$ ,isse$ "he !in(2s han$. 3Sire,3 he sai$, 3&o# are "he %an
in all "he worl$ I %os" wishe$ "o see. 6ran" %e a 'oon.3
3Wha" is i"53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3Ne+er "o 'rin( %e 'ac, "here,3 he sai$. He )oin"e$ as"ern. The& all loo,e$. B#" "he& saw
onl& 'ri(h" 'l#e sea an$ 'ri(h" 'l#e s,&. The Dar, Islan$ an$ "he $ar,ness ha$ +anishe$ for
3Wh&43 crie$ Lor$ Rhoo). 3Yo# ha+e $es"ro&e$ i"43
3I $on2" "hin, i" was #s,3 sai$ L#c&.
3Sire,3 sai$ Drinian, 3"his win$ is fair for "he so#"heas". Shall I ha+e o#r )oor fellows #)
an$ se" sail5 An$ af"er "ha", e+er& %an who can 'e s)are$, "o his ha%%oc,.3
3Yes,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3an$ le" "here 'e (ro( all ro#n$. Hei(h*ho, I feel I co#l$ slee) "he
cloc, ro#n$ %&self.3
So all af"ernoon wi"h (rea" 8o& "he& saile$ so#"h*eas" wi"h a fair win$. B#" no'o$& no"ice$
when "he al'a"ross ha$ $isa))eare$.
THE win$ ne+er faile$ '#" i" (rew (en"ler e+er& $a& "ill a" len("h "he wa+es were li""le
%ore "han ri))les, an$ "he shi) (li$e$ on ho#r af"er ho#r al%os" as if "he& were sailin( on a
la,e. An$ e+er& ni(h" "he& saw "ha" "here rose in "he eas" new cons"ella"ions which no one
ha$ e+er seen in Narnia an$ )erha)s, as L#c& "ho#(h" wi"h a %i1"#re of 8o& an$ fear, no
li+in( e&e ha$ seen a" all. Those new s"ars were 'i( an$ 'ri(h" an$ "he ni(h"s were war%.
-os" of "he% sle)" on $ec, an$ "al,e$ far in"o "he ni(h" or h#n( o+er "he shi)2s si$e
wa"chin( "he l#%ino#s $ance of "he foa% "hrown #) '& "heir 'ows.
On an e+enin( of s"ar"lin( 'ea#"&, when "he s#nse" 'ehin$ "he% was so cri%son an$ )#r)le
an$ wi$el& s)rea$ "ha" "he +er& s,& i"self see%e$ "o ha+e (rown lar(er, "he& ca%e in si(h"
of lan$ on "heir s"ar'oar$ 'ow. I" ca%e slowl& nearer an$ "he li(h" 'ehin$ "he% %a$e i"
loo, as if "he ca)es an$ hea$lan$s of "his new co#n"r& were all on fire. B#" )resen"l& "he&
were sailin( alon( i"s coas" an$ i"s wes"ern ca)e now rose #) as"ern of "he%, 'lac, a(ains"
"he re$ s,& an$ shar) as if i" was c#" o#" of car$'oar$, an$ "hen "he& co#l$ see 'e""er wha"
"his co#n"r& was li,e. I" ha$ no %o#n"ains '#" %an& (en"le hills wi"h slo)es li,e )illows.
An a""rac"i+e s%ell ca%e fro% i" * wha" L#c& calle$ 3a $i%, )#r)le ,in$ of s%ell3, which
E$%#n$ sai$ .an$ Rhince "ho#(h"/ was ro", '#" Cas)ian sai$, 3I ,now wha" &o# %ean.3
The& saile$ on a (oo$ wa&, )as" )oin" af"er )oin", ho)in( "o fin$ a nice $ee) har'o#r, '#"
ha$ "o con"en" "he%sel+es in "he en$ wi"h a wi$e an$ shallow 'a&. Tho#(h i" ha$ see%e$
cal% o#" a" sea "here was of co#rse s#rf 'rea,in( on "he san$ an$ "he& co#l$ no" 'rin( "he
Dawn Trea$er as far in as "he& wo#l$ ha+e li,e$. The& $ro))e$ anchor a (oo$ wa& fro%
"he 'each an$ ha$ a we" an$ "#%'lin( lan$in( in "he 'oa". The Lor$ Rhoo) re%aine$ on
'oar$ "he Dawn Trea$er. He wishe$ "o see no %ore islan$s. All "he "i%e "ha" "he& re%aine$
in "his co#n"r& "he so#n$ of "he lon( 'rea,ers was in "heir ears.
Two %en were lef" "o (#ar$ "he 'oa" an$ Cas)ian le$ "he o"hers inlan$, '#" no" far 'eca#se
i" was "oo la"e for e1)lorin( an$ "he li(h" wo#l$ soon (o. B#" "here was no nee$ "o (o far "o
fin$ an a$+en"#re. The le+el +alle& which la& a" "he hea$ of "he 'a& showe$ no roa$ or
"rac, or o"her si(n of ha'i"a"ion. n$erfoo" was "ine s)rin(& "#rf $o""e$ here an$ "here wi"h
a low '#sh& (row"h which E$%#n$ an$ L#c& "oo, for hea"her. E#s"ace, who was reall&
ra"her (oo$ a" 'o"an&0 sai$ i" wasn2", an$ he was )ro'a'l& ri(h"0 '#" i" was so%e"hin( of
+er& %#ch "he sa%e ,in$.
When "he& ha$ (one less "han a 'owsho" fro% "he shore, Drinian sai$, 3Loo,4 Wha"2s "ha"53
an$ e+er&one s"o))e$.
3Are "he& (rea" "rees53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Towers, l "hin,,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3I" %i(h" 'e (ian"s,3 sai$ E$%#n$ in a lower +oice.
3The wa& "o fin$ o#" is "o (o ri(h" i+ a%on( "he%,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), $rawin( his swor$
an$ )a""erin( off ahea$ of e+er&one else.
3I "hin, i"2s a r#in,3 sai$ L#c& when "he& ha$ (o" a (oo$ $eal nearer, an$ her (#ess was "he
'es" so far. Wha" "he& now saw was a wi$e o'lon( s)ace fla((e$ wi"h s%oo"h s"ones an$
s#rro#n$e$ '& (re& )illars '#" #nroofe$. An$ fro% en$ "o en$ of i" ran a lon( "a'le lai$
wi"h a rich cri%son clo"h "ha" ca%e $own nearl& "o "he )a+e%en". A" ei"her si$e of i" were
%an& chairs of s"one richl& car+e$ an$ wi"h sil,en c#shions #)on "he sea"s. B#" on "he "a'le
i"self "here was se" o#" s#ch a 'an9#e" as ha$ ne+er 'een seen, no" e+en when Pe"er "he
Hi(h !in( ,e)" his co#r" a" Cair Para+el. There were "#r,e&s an$ (eese an$ )eacoc,s, "here
were 'oars2 hea$s an$ si$es of +enison, "here were )ies sha)e$ li,e shi)s #n$er f#ll sail or
li,e $ra(ons an$ ele)han"s, "here were ice )#$$in(s an$ 'ri(h" lo's"ers an$ (lea%in(
sal%on, "here were n#"s an$ (ra)es, )inea))les an$ )eaches, )o%e(rana"es an$ %elons an$
"o%a"oes. There were fla(ons of (ol$ an$ sil+er an$ c#rio#sl&wro#(h" (lass0 an$ "he s%ell
of "he fr#i" an$ "he wine 'lew "owar$s "he% li,e a )ro%ise of all ha))iness.
3I sa&43 sai$ L#c&.
The& ca%e nearer an$ nearer, all +er& 9#ie"l&.
3B#" where are "he (#es"s53 as,e$ E#s"ace.
3We can )ro+i$e "ha", Sir,3 sai$ Rhince.
3Loo,43 sai$ E$%#n$ shar)l&. The& were ac"#all& wi"hin "he )illars now an$ s"an$in( on
"he )a+e%en". E+er&one loo,e$ where E$%#n$ ha$ )oin"e$. The chairs were no" all e%)"&.
A" "he hea$ of "he "a'le an$ in "he "wo )laces 'esi$e i" "here was so%e"hin(* or )ossi'l&
"hree so%e"hin(s.
3Wha" are "hose53 as,e$ L#c& in a whis)er. 3I" loo,s li,e "hree 'ea+ers si""in( on "he "a'le.3
3Or a h#(e 'ir$2s nes",3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3I" loo,s %ore li,e a ha&s"ac, "o %e,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
Ree)ichee) ran forwar$, 8#%)e$ on a chair an$ "hence on "o "he "a'le, an$ ran alon( i",
"hrea$in( his wa& as ni%'l& as a $ancer 'e"ween 8ewelle$ c#)s an$ )&ra%i$s of fr#i" an$
*i+or& sal"*cellars. He ran ri(h" #) "o "he %&s"erio#s (re& %ass a" "he en$: )eere$, "o#che$,
an$ "hen calle$ o#":
3These will no" fi(h", I "hin,.3
E+er&one now ca%e close an$ saw "ha" wha" sa" in "hose "hree chairs was "hree %en,
"ho#(h har$ "o reco(ni<e as %en "ill &o# loo,e$ closel&. Their hair, which was (re&, ha$
(rown o+er "heir e&es "ill i" al%os" conceale$ "heir, faces, an$ "heir 'ear$s ha$ (rown o+er
"he "a'le, cli%'in( )o#n$ an$ en"winin( )la"es an$ (o'le"s as 'ra%'les0 en"wine a fence,
#n"il, all %i1e$ in one (rea" %a" of hair, "he& flowe$ o+er "he e$(e an$ $own "o "he floor.
An$ fro% "heir hea$s "he hair h#n( o+er "he 'ac,s of "heir chairs so "ha" "he& were wholl&
hi$$en. In fac" "he "hree %en were0 nearl& all hair.
3Dea$53 sai$ Cas)ian.
3I "hin, no", Sire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), lif"in( one of "heir han$s o#" of i"s "an(le of hair in his
"wo )aws. 3This one is war% an$ his )#lse 'ea"s.3
3This one, "oo, an$ "his,3 sai$ Drinian.
3Wh&, "he&2re onl& aslee),3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3I"2s 'een a lon( slee), "ho#(h,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3"o le" "heir hair (row li,e "his.3
3I" %#s" 'e an enchan"e$ slee),3 sai$ L#c&. 3I fel" "he %o%en" we lan$e$ on "his islan$ "ha"
i" was f#ll of %a(ic. Oh4 $o &o# "hin, we ha+e )erha)s co%e here "o 'rea, i"53
3We can "r&,3 sai$ Cas)ian, an$ 'e(an sha,in( "he neares" of "he "hree slee)ers. 7or a
%o%en" e+er&one "ho#(h" he was (oin( "o 'e s#ccessf#l, for "he %an 'rea"he$ har$ an$
%#""ere$, 3I2ll (o eas"war$ no %ore. O#" oars for Narnia.3 B#" he san, 'ac, al%os" a" once
in"o a &e" $ee)er slee) "han 'efore: "ha" is, his hea+& hea$ sa((e$ a few inches lower
"owar$s "he "a'le an$ all effor"s "o ro#se hi% a(ain were #seless. Wi"h "he secon$ i" was
%#ch "he sa%e. 3Weren2" 'orn "o li+e li,e ani%als. 6e" "o "he eas" while &o#2+e a chance *
lan$s 'ehin$ "he s#n,3 an$ san, $own. An$ "he "hir$ onl& sai$, 3-#s"ar$, )lease,3 an$ sle)"
3O#" oars for Narnia, eh53 sai$ Drinian.
3Yes,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3&o# are ri(h", Drinian. I "hin, o#r 9#es" is a" an en$. Le"2s loo, a"
"heir rin(s. Yes, "hese are "heir $e+ices. This is "he Lor$ Re+ilian. This is "he Lor$ Ar(o<:
an$ "his, "he Lor$ -a+ra%orn.3
3B#" we can2" wa,e "he%,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Wha" are we "o $o53
3Be((in( &o#r -a8es"ies2 )ar$ons all,3 sai$ Rhince, 3'#" wh& no" fall "o while &o#2re
$isc#ssin( i"5 We $on2" see a $inner li,e "his e+er& $a&.3
3No" for &o#r life43 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Tha"2s ri(h", "ha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ se+eral of "he sailors.
3Too %#ch %a(ic a'o#" here. The sooner we2re 'ac, on 'oar$ "he 'e""er.3
3De)en$ #)on i",3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3i" was fro% ea"in( "his foo$ "ha" "hese "hree lor$s
ca%e '& a se+en &ears2 slee).3
3I wo#l$n2" "o#ch i" "o sa+e %& life,3 sai$ Drinian.
3The li(h"2s (oin( #nco%%on 9#ic,,3 sai$ R&nelf.
3Bac, "o shi), 'ac, "o shi),3 %#""ere$ "he %en.
3I reall& "hin,,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3"he&2re ri(h". We can $eci$e wha" "o $o wi"h "he "hree
slee)ers "o%orrow. We $aren2" ea" "he foo$ an$ "here2s no )oin" in s"a&in( here for "he
ni(h". The whole )lace s%ells of %a(ic * an$ $an(er.3
3I a% en"irel& of !in( E$%#n$2s o)inion,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3as far as concerns "he shi)2s
co%)an& in (eneral. B#" I %&self will si" a" "his "a'le "ill s#nrise.3
3Wh& on ear"h53 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Beca#se,3 sai$ "he -o#se, 3"his is a +er& (rea" a$+en"#re, an$ no $an(er see%s "o %e so
(rea" as "ha" of ,nowin( when I (e" 'ac, "o Narnia "ha" I lef" a %&s"er& 'ehin$ %e "hro#(h
3I2ll s"a& wi"h &o#, Ree),3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3An$ I "oo,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3An$ %e,3 sai$ L#c&. An$ "hen E#s"ace +ol#n"eere$ also. This was +er& 'ra+e of hi%
'eca#se ne+er ha+in( rea$ of s#ch "hin(s or e+en hear$ of "he% "ill he 8oine$ "he Dawn
Trea$er %a$e i" worse for hi% "han for "he o"hers.
3I 'eseech &o#r -a8es"& *3 'e(an Drinian.
3No, %& Lor$,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Yo#r )lace is wi"h "he shi), an$ &o# ha+e ha$ a $a&2s wor,
while we fi+e ha+e i$le$.3 There was a lo" of ar(#%en" a'o#" "his '#" in "he en$ Cas)ian
ha$ his wa&. As "he crew %arche$ off "o "he shore in "he (a"herin( $#s, none of "he fi+e
wa"chers, e1ce)" )erha)s Ree)ichee), co#l$ a+oi$ a col$ feelin( in "he s"o%ach.
The& "oo, so%e "i%e choosin( "heir sea"s a" "he )erilo#s "a'le. Pro'a'l& e+er&one ha$ "he
sa%e reason '#" no one sai$ i" o#" lo#$. 7or i" was reall& a ra"her nas"& choice. One co#l$
har$l& 'ear "o si" all ni(h" ne1" "o "hose "hree "erri'le hair& o'8ec"s which, if no" $ea$, were
cer"ainl& no" ali+e in "he or$inar& sense. On "he o"her han$, "o si" a" "he far en$, so "ha" &o#
wo#l$ see "he% less an$ less as "he ni(h" (rew $ar,er, an$ wo#l$n2" ,now if "he& were
%o+in(, an$ )erha)s wo#l$n2" see "he% a" all '& a'o#" "wo o2cloc, no, i" was no" "o 'e
"ho#(h" of. So "he& sa#n"ere$ ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ "he "a'le sa&in(, 3Wha" a'o#" here53 an$
3Or )erha)s a 'i" f#r"her on,3 or, 3Wh& no" on "his si$e53 "ill a" las" "he& se""le$ $own
so%ewhere a'o#" "he %i$$le '#" nearer "o "he slee)ers "han "o "he o"her en$. I" was a'o#"
"en '& now an$ al%os" $ar,. Those s"ran(e new cons"ella"ions '#rne$ in "he eas". L#c&
wo#l$ ha+e li,e$ i" 'e""er if "he& ha$ 'een "he Leo)ar$ an$ "he Shi) an$ o"her ol$ frien$s of
"he Narnian s,&.
The& wra))e$ "he%sel+es in "heir sea cloa,s an$ sa" s"ill an$ wai"e$. A" firs" "here was
so%e a""e%)" a" "al, '#" i" $i$n2" co%e "o %#ch. An$ "he& sa" an$ sa". An$ all "he "i%e "he&
hear$ "he wa+es 'rea,in( on "he 'each.
Af"er ho#rs "ha" see%e$ li,e a(es "here ca%e a %o%en" when "he& all ,new "he& ha$ 'een
$o<in( a %o%en" 'efore '#" were all s#$$enl& wi$e awa,e. The s"ars were all in 9#i"e
$ifferen" )osi"ions fro% "hose "he& ha$ las" no"ice$. The s,& was +er& 'lac, e1ce)" for "he
fain"es" )ossi'le (re&ness in "he eas". The& were col$, "ho#(h "hirs"&, an$ s"iff. An$ none of
"he% s)o,e 'eca#se now a" las" so%e"hin( was ha))enin(.
Before "he%, 'e&on$ "he )illars, "here was "he slo)e of a low hill. An$ now a $oor o)ene$
in "he hillsi$e, an$ li(h" a))eare$ in "he $oorwa&, an$ a fi(#re ca%e o#", an$ "he $oor sh#"
'ehin$ i". The fi(#re carrie$ a li(h", an$ "his li(h" was reall& all "ha" "he& co#l$ see
$is"inc"l&. I" ca%e slowl& nearer an$ nearer "ill a" las" i" s"oo$ ri(h" a" "he "a'le o))osi"e "o
"he%. Now "he& co#l$ see "ha" i" was a "all (irl, $resse$ in a sin(le lon( (ar%en" of clear
'l#e which lef" her ar%s 'are. She was 'arehea$e$ an$ her &ellow hair h#n( $own her
'ac,. An$ when "he& loo,e$ a" her "he& "ho#(h" "he& ha$ ne+er 'efore ,nown wha" 'ea#"&
The li(h" which she ha$ 'een carr&in( was a "all can$le in a sil+er can$les"ic, which she
now se" #)on "he "a'le. If "here ha$ 'een an& win$ off "he sea earlier in "he ni(h" i" %#s"
ha+e $ie$ $own '& now, for "he fla%e of "he can$le '#rne$ as s"rai(h" an$ s"ill as if i" were
in a roo% wi"h "he win$ows sh#" an$ "he c#r"ains $rawn. 6ol$ an$ sil+er on "he "a'le shone
in i"s li(h".
L#c& now no"ice$ so%e"hin( l&in( len("hwise on "he "a'le which ha$ esca)e$ her a""en"ion
'efore. I" was a ,nife of s"one, shar) as s"eel, a cr#el*loo,in(, ancien" loo,in( "hin(.
No one ha$ &e" s)o,en a wor$. Then * Ree)ichee) firs", an$ Cas)ian ne1" * "he& all rose "o
"heir fee", 'eca#se "he& fel" "ha" she was a (rea" la$&.
3Tra+ellers who ha+e co%e fro% far "o Aslan2s "a'le,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3Wh& $o &o# no" ea"
an$ $rin,53
3-a$a%,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3we feare$ "he foo$ 'eca#se we "ho#(h" i" ha$ cas" o#r frien$s in"o
an enchan"e$ slee).
3The& ha+e ne+er "as"e$ i",3 she sai$.
3Please,3 sai$ L#c&, 3wha" ha))ene$ "o "he%53
3Se+en &ears a(o,3 sai$ "he (irl, 3"he& ca%e here in a shi) whose sails were ra(s an$
"i%'ers rea$& "o fall a)ar". There were a few o"hers wi"h "he%, sailors, an$ when "he& ca%e
"o "his "a'le one sai$, AHere is "he (oo$ )lace. Le" #s se" sail an$ reef sail an$ row no lon(er
'#" si" $own an$ en$ o#r $a&s in )eace42 An$ "he secon$ sai$, ANo, le" #s re*e%'ar, an$ sail
for Narnia an$ "he wes"0 i" %a& 'e "ha" -ira< is $ea$.2 B#" "he "hir$, who was a +er&
%as"erf#l %an, lea)e$ #) an$ sai$, ANo, '& hea+en. We are %en an$ Tel%arines, no" 'r#"es.
Wha" sho#l$ we $o '#" see, a$+en"#re af"er a$+en"#re5 We ha+e no" lon( "o li+e in an&
e+en". Le" #s s)en$ wha" is lef" in see,in( "he #n)eo)le$ worl$ 'ehin$ "he s#nrise.2 An$ as
"he& 9#arrelle$ he ca#(h" #) "he !nife of S"one which lies "here on "he "a'le an$ wo#l$
ha+e fo#(h" wi"h his co%ra$es. B#" i" is a "hin( no" ri(h" for hi% "o "o#ch. An$ as his
fin(ers close$ #)on "he hil", $ee) slee) fell #)on all "he "hree. An$ "ill "he enchan"%en" is
#n$one "he& will ne+er wa,e.3
3Wha" is "his !nife of S"one53 as,e$ E#s"ace.
3Do none of &o# ,now i"53 sai$ "he (irl.
3I * I "hin,,3 sai$ L#c&, 3I2+e seen so%e"hin( li,e i" 'efore. I" was a ,nife li,e i" "ha" "he
Whi"e Wi"ch #se$ when she ,ille$ Aslan a" "he S"one Ta'le lon( a(o.3
3I" was "he sa%e.,3 sai$ "he (irl, 3an$ i" was 'ro#(h" here "o 'e ,e)" in hono#r while "he
worl$ las"s.3
E$%#n$, who ha$ 'een loo,in( %ore an$ %ore #nco%for"a'le for "he las" few %in#"es,
now s)o,e.
3Loo, here,3 he sai$, 3I ho)e I2% no" a cowar$ * a'o#" ea"in( "his foo$, I %ean * an$ I2%
s#re I $on2" %ean "o 'e r#$e. B#" we ha+e ha$ a lo" of 9#eer a$+en"#res on "his +o&a(e of
o#rs an$ "hin(s aren2" alwa&s wha" "he& see%. When I loo, in &o#r face I can2" hel)
'elie+in( all &o# sa&: '#" "hen "ha"2s 8#s" wha" %i(h" ha))en wi"h a wi"ch "oo. How are we
"o ,now &o#2re a frien$53
3Yo# can2" ,now,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3Yo# can onl& 'elie+e or no".3
Af"er a %o%en"2s )a#se Ree)ichee)2s s%all +oice was hear$.
3Sire,3 he sai$ "o Cas)ian, 3of &o#r co#r"es& fill %& c#) wi"h wine fro% "ha" fla(on: i" is
"oo 'i( for %e "o lif". I will $rin, "o "he la$&.3
Cas)ian o'e&e$ an$ "he -o#se, s"an$in( on "he "a'le, hel$ #) a (ol$en c#) 'e"ween i"s "in&
)aws an$ sai$, 3La$&, I )le$(e &o#.3 Then i" fell "o on col$ )eacoc,, an$ in a shor" while
e+er&one else followe$ i"s e1a%)le. All were +er& h#n(r& an$ "he %eal, if no" 9#i"e wha"
&o# wan"e$ for a +er& earl& 'rea,fas", was e1cellen" as a +er& la"e s#))er.
3Wh& is i" calle$ Aslan2s "a'le53 as,e$ L#c& )resen"l&.
3I" is se" here '& his 'i$$in(,3 sai$ "he (irl, 3for "hose who co%e so far. So%e call "his
islan$ "he Worl$2s En$, for "ho#(h &o# can sail f#r"her, "his is "he 'e(innin( of "he en$.3
3B#" how $oes "he foo$ ,ee)53 as,e$ "he )rac"ical E#s"ace. 5
3I" is ea"en, an$ renewe$ e+er& $a&,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3This &o# will see.3
3An$ wha" are we "o $o a'o#" "he Slee)ers53 as,e$ Cas)ian. 3In "he worl$ fro% which %&
frien$s co%e3 .here, he no$$e$ a" E#s"ace an$ "he Pe+ensies/ 3"he& ha+e a s"or& of a )rince
or a ,in( co%in( "o a cas"le where all "he )eo)le la& in an enchan"e$ slee). In "ha" s"or& he
co#l$ no" $issol+e "he enchan"%en" #n"il he ha$ ,isse$ "he Princess.3
3B#" here,3 sai$ "he (irl, 3i" is $ifferen". Here he canno" ,iss "he Princess "ill he has
$issol+e$ "he enchan"%en".3
3Then,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3in "he na%e of Aslan, show %e how "o se" a'o#" "ha" wor, a" once.3
3-& fa"her will "each &o# "ha",3 sai$ "he (irl.
3Yo#r fa"her43 sai$ e+er&one. 3Who is he5 An$ where53
3Loo,,3 sai$ "he (irl, "#rnin( ro#n$ an$ )oin"in( a" "he $oor in "he hillsi$e. The& co#l$ see
i" %ore easil& now, for while "he& ha$ 'een "al,in( "he s"ars ha$ (rown fain"er an$ (rea"
(a)s of whi"e li(h" were a))earin( in "he (re&ness of "he eas"ern s,&.
Slowl& "he $oor o)ene$ a(ain an$ o#" "here ca%e a fi(#re as "all an$ s"rai(h" as "he (irl2s
'#" no" so slen$er. I" carrie$ no li(h" '#" li(h" see%e$ "o co%e fro% i". As i" ca%e nearer,
L#c& saw "ha" i" was li,e an ol$ %an. His sil+er 'ear$ ca%e $own "o his 'are fee" in fron"
an$ his sa+er hair h#n( $own "o his heels 'ehin$ an$ his ro'e a))eare$ "o 'e %a$e fro% "he
fleece of sil+er shee). He loo,e$ so %il$ an$ (ra+e "ha" once %ore all "he "ra+ellers rose "o
"heir fee" an$ s"oo$ in silence.
B#" "he ol$ %an ca%e on wi"ho#" s)ea,in( "o "he "ra+ellers an$ s"oo$ on "he o"her si$e of
"he "a'le o))osi"e "o his $a#(h"er. Then 'o"h of "he% hel$ #) "heir ar%s 'efore "he% an$
"#rne$ "o face "he eas". In "ha" )osi"ion "he 'e(an "o sin(. I wish I co#l$ wri"e $own "he
son(, '#" one who was )resen" co#l$ re%e%'er i". L#c& sai$ af"erwar$s "ha" i" was hi(h,
al%os" shrill, '#" +er& 'ea#"if#l, col$ ,in$ of son(, an earl& %ornin( ,in$ of son(. An$
"he& san(, "he (re& clo#$s lif"e$ fro% "he eas"ern s,& a "he whi"e )a"ches 2(rew 'i((er an$
'i((er "ill i" was whi"e, an$ "he sea 'e(an "o shine li,e sil+er. An$ lon( af"erwar$s .'#"
"hose "wo san( all "he "i%e/ "he eas" 'e(an "o "#rn re$ an$ a" las", #nclo#$e$, "he s#n ca%e
#) o#" "he sea an$ i"s lon( le+el ra& sho" $own "he len("h of "he "a'le on "he (ol$ an$ sil+er
san$ on "he S"one !nife.
Once or "wice 'efore, "he Narnians ha$ won$ere$ whe"her "he s#n a" i"s risin( $i$ no" loo,
'i((er in "hese seas "han i" ha$ loo,e$ a" ho%e. This "i%e "he& we cer"ain. There was no
%is"a,in( i". An$ "he 'ri(h"ness i"s ra& on "he $ew an$ on "he "a'le was far 'e&on$ an.
%ornin( 'ri(h"ness "he& ha$ e+er seen. An$ as E$%# sai$ af"erwar$s, 3Tho#(h lo"s of
"hin(s ha))ene$ on "ha" "ri) which so#n$ %ore e1ci"in(, "ha" %o%en" was reall& "he %os"
e1ci"in(.3 7or now "he& ,new "ha" "he& ha$ "r#l& co%e "o "he 'e(innin( of "he En$ of "he
Then so%e"hin( see%e$ "o 'e fl&in( a" "he% o#" of "he +er& cen"re of "he risin( s#n: '#" of
co#rse one co#l$n2" loo, s"ea$il& in "ha" $irec"ion "o %a,e s#re. B#" )resen"l& "he air
'eca%e f#ll of +oices * +oices which "oo, #) sa%e son( "ha" "he La$& an$ her 7a"her were
sin(in(, '#" in far wil$er "ones an$ in a lan(#a(e which no one ,new An$ soon af"er "ha"
"he owners of "hese +oices co#l$ 'e seen. The& were 'ir$s, lar(e an$ whi"e, an$ "he& ca%e
h#n$re$s an$ "ho#san$s an$ ali(h"e$ on e+er&"hin(0 "he (rass, an$ "he )a+e%en", on "he
"a'le, on &o#r sho#l$ers, &o#r han$s, an$ &o#r hea$, "ill i" loo,e$ as hea+& snow ha$ fallen.
7or, li,e snow, "he& no" onl& %a,e e+er&"hin( whi"e '#" 'l#rre$ an$ 'l#n"e$ all sha)es. B#"
L#c&, loo,in( o#" fro% 'e"ween "he win(s of "he 'ir$s "ha" co+ere$ her, saw one 'ir$ fl& "o
"he Ol$ -an wi"h so%e"hin( in i"s 'ea, "ha" loo,e$ li,e a li""le fr#i", #nless i" was a li""le
li+e coal, which i" %i(h" ha+e 'een, for i" was "oo 'ri(h" "o loo, a". An$ "he 'ir$ lai$ i" in
"he Ol$ -an2s %o#"h.
Then "he 'ir$s s"o))e$ "heir sin(in( an$ a))eare$ "o 'e +er& '#s& a'o#" "he "a'le. When
"he& rose fro% i" a(ain e+er&"hin( on "he "a'le "ha" co#l$ 'e ea"en or $r#n, ha$
$isa))eare$. These 'ir$s rose fro% "heir %eal in "heir "ho#san$s an$ h#n$re$s an$ carrie$
awa& all "he "hin(s "ha" co#l$ no" 'e ea"en or $r#n,, s#ch as 'ones, rin$s, an$ shells, an$
"oo, "heir fli(h" 'ac, "o "he risin( s#n. B#" now, 'eca#se "he& were no" sin(in(, "he whir of
"heir win(s see%e$ "o se" "he whole air a*"re%'le. An$ "here was "he "a'le )ec,e$ clean an$
e%)"&, an$ "he "hree ol$ Lor$s of Narnia s"ill fas" aslee).
Now a" las" "he Ol$ -an "#rne$ "o "he "ra+ellers an$ 'a$e "he% welco%e.
3Sir,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3will &o# "ell #s how "o #n$o "he enchan"%en" which hol$s "hese "hree
Narnian Lor$s aslee).3
3I will (la$l& "ell &o# "ha", %& son,3 sai$ "he Ol$ -an. 3To 'rea, "his enchan"%en" &o#
%#s" sail "o "he Worl$2s En$, or as near as &o# can co%e "o i", an$ &o# %#s" co%e 'ac,
ha+in( lef" a" leas" one of &o#r co%)an& 'ehin$.3
3An$ wha" %#s" ha))en "o "ha" one53 as,e$ Ree)ichee).
3He %#s" (o on in"o "he #""er eas" an$ ne+er re"#rn in"o "he worl$.3
3Tha" is %& hear"2s $esire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee).
3An$ are we near "he Worl$2s En$ now, Sir53 as,e$ Cas)ian. 3Ha+e &o# an& ,nowle$(e of
"he seas an$ lan$s f#r"her eas" "han "his53
3I saw "he% lon( a(o,3 sai$ "he Ol$ -an, 3'#" i" was fro% a (rea" hei(h". I canno" "ell &o#
s#ch "hin(s as sailor nee$ "o ,now.3
3Do &o# %ean &o# were fl&in( in "he air53 E#s"ace 'l#r"e$ o#".
3I was a lon( wa& a'o+e "he air, %& son,3 re)lie$ "he Ol$ -an. 3I a% Ra%an$#. B#" I see
"ha" &o# s"are a" on ano"her an$ ha+e no" hear$ "his na%e. An$ no won$er, for "he $a&s
when I was a s"ar ha$ cease$ lon( 'efore an& of &o# ,new "his worl$, an$ all "he
cons"ella"ions ha+e chan(e$.3
36oll&,3 sai$ E$%#n$ #n$er his 'rea"h. 3He2s a re"ire$ s"ar.3
3Aren2" &o# a s"ar an& lon(er53 as,e$ L#c&.
3I a% a s"ar a" res", %& $a#(h"er,3 answere$ Ra%an$#
3When I se" for "he las" "i%e, $ecre)i" an$ ol$ 'e&on$ all "ha" &o# can rec,on, I was carrie$
"o "his islan$. I a% no" so ol$ now as I was "hen. E+er& %ornin( a 'ir$ 'rin(s %e a fire*
'err& fro% "he +alle&s in "he S#n, an$ each fire*'err& "a,es awa& a li""le of %& a(e. An$
when I ha+e 'eco%e as &o#n( as "he chil$ "ha" was 'orn &es"er$a&, "hen I shall "a,e %&
risin( a(ain .for we are a" ear"h2s eas"ern ri%/ an$ once %ore "rea$ "he (rea" $ance.3
3In o#r worl$,3 sai$ E#s"ace, 3a s"ar is a h#(e 'all of fla%in( (as.3
3E+en in &o#r worl$, %& son, "ha" is no" wha" a s"ar is '#" onl& wha" i" is %a$e of. An$ in
"his worl$ &o# a+e alrea$& %e" a s"ar, for I "hin, &o# ha+e 'een wi"h Coria,in.3
3Is he a re"ire$ s"ar, "oo53 sai$ L#c&.
3Well, no" 9#i"e "he sa%e,3 sai$ Ra%an$#. 3I" was no" 9#i"e as a res" "han he was se" "o
(o+ern "he D#ffers. Yo# %i(h" call i" a )#nish%en". He %i(h" ha+e shone for "ho#san$s of
&ears %ore in "he so#"hern win"er s,& if all ha$ (one well.3
3Wha" $i$ he $o, Sir53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3-& son,3 sai$ Ra%an$#, 3i" is no" for &o#, a son of A$a%, "o ,now wha" fa#l"s a s"ar can
co%%i". B#" co%e, we was"e "i%e in s#ch "al,. Are &o# &e" resol+e$5 Will &o# sail f#r"her
eas" an$ co%e a(ain, lea+in( one "o re"#rn no %ore, an$ so 'rea, "he enchan"%en"5 Or will
&o# sail wes"war$53
3S#rel&, Sire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3"here is no 9#es"ion a'o#" "ha"5 I" is +er& )lainl& )ar" of
o#r 9#es" "o resc#e "hese "hree lor$s fro% enchan"%en".3
3I "hin, "he sa%e, Ree)ichee),3 re)lie$ Cas)ian. 3An$ e+en if i" were no" so, i" wo#l$ 'rea,
%& hear" no" "o (o as near "he Worl$2s En$ as "he Dawn Trea$er will "a,e #s. B#" I a%
"hin,in( of "he crew. The& si(ne$ on "o see, "he se+en lor$s, no" "o reach "he ri% of "he
Ear"h. If we sail eas" fro% here we sail "o fin$ "he e$(e, "he #""er eas". An$ no" one ,nows
how far i" is. The&2re 'ra+e fellows, '#" I se" si(ns "ha" so%e of "he% are wear& of "he
+o&a(e an$ lon( "o ha+e o#r )row )oin"in( "o Narnia a(ain. I $on2" "hin, sho#l$ "a,e "he%
f#r"her wi"ho#" "heir ,nowle$(e an consen". An$ "hen "here2s "he )oor Lor$ Rhoo). He2s
'ro,en %an.3
3-& son,3 sai$ "he s"ar, 3i" wo#l$ 'e no #se, e+en "ho#(h &o# wishe$ i", "o sail for "he
Worl$2s En$ wi"h %en #nwillin( or %en $ecei+e$. Tha" is no" how (rea" #nenchan"%en"s
are achie+e$. The& %#s" ,now where "he& (o an$ wh&. B#" who is "his 'ro,en %an &o#
s)ea, of53
Cas)ian "ol$ Ra%an$# "he s"or& of Rhoo).
3I can (i+e hi% wha" he nee$s %os",3 sai$ Ra%an$#. 3I "his islan$ "here is slee) wi"ho#"
s"in" or %eas#re, an$ slee) in which no fain"es" foo"fall of a $rea% was e+er hear$. Le" hi%
si" 'esi$e "hese o"her "hree an$ $rin, o'li+ion "ill &o# re"#rn.3
3Oh, $o le"2s $o "ha", Cas)ian,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I2% s#re i"s 8#s" wha" he wo#l$ lo+e.3
A" "ha" %o%en" "he& were in"err#)"e$ '& "he so#n$ of %an& fee" an$ +oices: Drinian an$
"he res" of "he shi) co%)an& were a))roachin(. The& hal"e$ in s#r)rise whe& "he& saw
Ra%an$# an$ his $a#(h"er0 an$ "hen, 'eca#se "hese were o'+io#sl& (rea" )eo)le, e+er&
%an #nco+ere$ his hea$. So%e sailors e&e$ "he e%)"& $ishes an$ fla(ons on "he "a'le wi"h
3-& lor$,3 sai$ "he !in( "o Drinian, 3)ra& sen$ "wo %en 'ac, "o "he Dawn Trea$er wi"h a
%essa(e "o "he Lor$ Rhoo). Tell hi% "ha" "he las" of his ol$ shi)%a"es are here aslee) * a
slee) wi"ho#" $rea%s * an$ "ha" he can share i".3
When "his ha$ 'een $one, Cas)ian "ol$ "he res" "o si" $own an$ lai$ "he whole si"#a"ion
'efore "he%. When he ha$ finishe$ "here was a lon( silence an$ so%e whis)erin( #n"il
)resen"l& "he -as"er Bow%an (o" "o his fee", an$ sai$:
3Wha" so%e of #s ha+e 'een wan"in( "o as, for a lon( "i%e, &o#r -a8es"&, is how we2re
e+er "o (e" ho%e when we $o "#rn, whe"her we "#rn here or so%ewhere else. I"2s 'een wes"
an$ nor"h*wes" win$s all "he wa&, 'arrin( an occasional cal%. An$ if "ha" $oesn2" chan(e,
I2$ li,e "o ,now wha" ho)es we ha+e of seein( Narnia a(ain. There2s no" %#ch chance of
s#))lies las"in( while we row all "ha" wa&.
3Tha"2s lan$s%an2s "al,,3 sai$ Drinian. 3There2s alwa&s a )re+ailin( wes" win$ in "hese seas
all "hro#(h "he la"e s#%%er, an$ i" alwa&s chan(es af"er "he New Year. We2ll ha+e )len"& of
win$ for sailin( wes"war$0 %ore "han we shall li,e fro% all acco#n"s.3
3Tha"2s "r#e, -as"er,3 sai$ an ol$ sailor who was a 6al%ian '& 'ir"h. 3Yo# (e" so%e #(l&
wea"her rollin( #) fro% "he eas" in >an#ar& an$ 7e'r#ar&. An$ '& &o#r lea+e, Sire, if I was
in co%%an$ of "his shi) I2$ sa& "o win"er here an$ 'e(in "he +o&a(e ho%e in -arch.3
3Wha"2$ &o# ea" while &o# were win"erin( here53 as,e$ E#s"ace.
3This "a'le,3 sai$ Ra%an$#, 3will 'e fille$ wi"h a ,in(2s feas" e+er& $a& a" s#nse".3
3Now &o#2re "al,in(43 sai$ se+eral sailors.
3Yo#r -a8es"ies an$ (en"le%en an$ la$ies all,3 sai$ R&nelf, 3"here2s 8#s" one "hin( I wan" "o
sa&. There2s no" one of #s cha)s as was )resse$ on "his 8o#rne&. We2re +ol#n"eers. An$
"here2s so%e here cha" are loo,in( +er& har$ a" "ha" "a'le an$ "hin,in( a'o#" ,in(2s feas"s
who were "al,in( +er& lo#$ a'o#" a$+en"#res on "he $a& we saile$ fro% Cair Para+el, an$
swearin( "he& wo#l$n2" co%e ho%e "ill we2$ fo#n$ "he en$ of "he worl$. An$ "here were
so%e s"an$in( on "he 9#a& who wo#l$ ha+e (i+en all "he& ha$ "o co%e wi"h #s. I" was
"ho#(h" a finer "hin( "hen "o ha+e a ca'in*'o&2s 'er"h on "he Dawn Trea$er "han "o wear a
,ni(h"2s 'el". I $on2" ,now if &o# (e" "he han( of wha" I2% sa&in(. B#" wha" I %ean is "ha" I
"hin, cha)s who se" o#" li,e #s will loo, as sill& as * as "hose D#ffle)#$s * if we co%e ho%e
an$ sa& we (o" "o "he 'e(innin( of "he worl$2s en$ an$ ha$n2" "he hear" "o (o f#r"her.3
So%e of "he sailors cheere$ a" "his '#" so%e sai$ "ha" "ha" was all +er& well.
3This isn2" (oin( "o 'e %#ch f#n,3 whis)ere$ E$%#n$ "o Cas)ian. 3Wha" are we "o $o if
half "hose fellows han( 'ac,53
3Wai",3 Cas)ian whis)ere$ 'ac,. 3I2+e s"ill a car$ "o )la&.3
3Aren2" &o# (oin( "o sa& an&"hin(, Ree)53 whis)ere$ L#c&.
3No. Wh& sho#l$ &o#r -a8es"& e1)ec" i"53 answere$ Ree)ichee) in a +oice "ha" %os"
)eo)le hear$. 3-& owns )lans are %a$e. While I can, I sail eas" in "he Dawn Trea$er.
When she fails %e, I )a$$le eas" in %& coracle. When she sin,s, I shall swi% eas" wi"h %&
fo#r )aws. An$ when I can swi% no lon(er, if I ha+e no" reache$ Aslan2s co#n"r&, or sho"
o+er "he e$(e of "he worl$ in so%e +as" ca"arac", I shall sin, wi"h %& nose "o "he s#nrise
an$ Pee)icee, will 'e hea$ of "he "al,in( %ice in Narnia.3
3Hear, hear,3 sai$ a sailor, 3I2ll sa& "he sa%e, 'arrin( "he 'i" a'o#" "he coracle, which
wo#l$n2" 'ear %e.3 He a$$e$ in a lower +oice, 3I2% no" (oin( "o 'e o#"$one '& a %o#se.3
A" "his )oin" Cas)ian 8#%)e$ "o his fee". 37rien$s,3 he sai$, 3I "hin, &o# ha+e no" 9#i"e
#n$ers"oo$ o#r )#r)ose. Yo# "al, as if we ha$ co%e "o &o# wi"h o#r ha" in o#r han$,
'e((in( for shi)%a"es. I" isn2" li,e "ha" a" all. We an$ o#r ro&al 'ro"her an$ sis"er an$ "heir
,ins%an an$ Sir Ree)ichee), "he (oo$ ,ni(h", an$ "he Lor$ Drinian ha+e an erran$ "o "he
worl$2s e$(e. I" is o#r )leas#re "o choose fro% a%on( s#ch of &o# as are willin( "hose
who% we $ee% wor"h& of so hi(h an en"er)rise. We ha+e no" sai$ "ha" an& can co%e for
"he as,in(. Tha" is wh& we shall now co%%an$ "he Lor$ Drinian an$ -as"er Rhince "o
consi$er caref#ll& wha" %en a%on( &o# are "he har$es" in 'a""le, "he %os" s,ille$ sea%en,
"he )#res" in 'loo$, "he %os" lo&al "o o#r )erson, an$ "he cleanes" of life an$ %anners0 an$
"o (i+e "heir na%es "o #s in a sche$#le.3 He )a#se$ an$ wen" on in a 9#ic,er +oice, 3Aslan2s
%ane43 he e1clai%e$. 3Do &o# "hin, "ha" "he )ri+ile(e of seein( "he las" "hin(s is "o 'e
'o#(h" for a son(5 Wh&, e+er& %an "ha" co%es wi"h #s shall 'e9#ea"h "he "i"le of Dawn
Trea$er "o all his $escen$an"s, an$ when we lan$ a" Cair Para+el on "he ho%ewar$ +o&a(e
he shall ha+e ei"her (ol$ or lan$ eno#(h "o %a,e hi% rich all his life. Now * sca""er o+er "he
islan$, all of &o#. In half an ho#r2s "i%e I shall recei+e "he na%es "ha" Lor$ Drinian 'rin(s
There was ra"her a shee)ish silence an$ "hen "he crew %a$e "heir 'ows an$ %o+e$ awa&,
one in "his $irec"ion an$ one in "ha", '#" %os"l& in li""le ,no"s or '#nches, "al,in(.
3An$ now for "he Lor$ Rhoo),3 sai$ Cas)ian.
B#" "#rnin( "o "he hea$ of "he "a'le he saw "ha" Rhoo) was alrea$& "here. He ha$ arri+e$,
silen" an$ #nno"ice$, while "he $isc#ssion was (oin( on, an$ was sea"e$ 'esi$e "he Lor$
Ar(o<. The $a#(h"er of Ra%an$# s"oo$ 'esi$e hi% as if she ha$ 8#s" hel)e$ hi% in"o his
chair0 Ra%an$# s"oo$ 'ehin$ hi% an$ lai$ 'o"h his han$s on Rhoo)2s (re& hea$. E+en in
$a&li(h" a fain" sil+er li(h" ca%e fro% "he han$s of "he s"ar. There was a s%ile on Rhoo)2s
ha((ar$ face. He hel$ o#" one of his han$s "o L#c& an$ "he o"her "o Cas)ian. 7or a %o%en"
i" loo,e$ as if he were (oin( "o sa& so%e"hin(. Then his s%ile 'ri(h"ene$ as if he were
feelin(/ so%e $elicio#s sensa"ion, a lon( si(h of con"en"%en" ca%e fro% his li)s, his hea$
fell forwar$, an$ he sle)".
3Poor Rhoo),3 sai$ L#c&. 3I a% (la$. He %#s" ha+e ha$ "erri'le "i%es.3 2
3Don2" le"2s e+en "hin, of i",3 sai$ E#s"ace.
-eanwhile Cas)ian2s s)eech, hel)e$ )erha)s '& so%e %a(ic of "he islan$, was ha+in( 8#s"
"he effec" he in"en$e$. A (oo$ %an& who ha$ 'een an1io#s eno#(h "o (e" o#" of "he +o&a(e
fel" 9#i"e $ifferen"l& a'o#" 'ein( lef" o#" of i". An$ of co#rse whene+er an& one sailor
anno#nce$ "ha" he ha$ %a$e #) his %in$ "o as, for )er%ission "o sail, "he ones who ha$n2"
sai$ "his fel" "ha" "he& were (e""in( fewer an$ %ore #nco%for"a'le. So "ha" 'efore "he half*
ho#r was nearl& o+er se+eral )eo)le were )osi"i+el& 3s#c,in( #)3 "o Drinian an$ Rhince .a"
leas" "ha" was wha" "he& calle$ i" a" %& school/ "o (e" a (oo$ re)or". An$ soon "here were
onl& "hree lef" who $i$n2" wan" "o (o, an$ "hose "hree were "r&in( +er& har$ "o )ers#a$e
o"hers "o s"a& wi"h "he%. An$ +er& shor"l& af"er "ha" "here was onl& one lef".
An$ in "he& en$ he 'e(an "o 'e afrai$ of 'ein( lef" 'ehin$ all on his own an$ chan(e$ his
A" "he en$ of "he half*ho#r "he& all ca%e "roo)in( 'ac, "o Aslan2s Ta'le an$ s"oo$ a" one
en$ while Drinian an$ Rhince wen" an$ sa" $own wi"h Cas)ian an$ %a$e "heir re)or"0 an$
Cas)ian acce)"e$ all "he %an '#" "ha" one who2$ ha$ chan(e$ his %in$ a" "he las" %o%en".
His na%e was Pi""encrea% an$ he s"a&e$ on "he Islan$ of "he S"ar all "he "i%e "he o"hers
were awa& loo,in( for "he Worl$2s En$, an$ he +er& %#ch wishe$ he ha$ (one wi"h "he%.
He wasn2" "he sor" of %an who co#l$ en8o& "al,in( "o Ra%an$# an$ Ra%an$#2s $a#(h"er
.nor "he& "o hi%/, an$ i" raine$ a (oo$ $eal, an$ "ho#(h "here was a won$erf#l feas" on "he
Ta'le e+er& ni(h", he $i$n2" +er& %#ch en8o& i". He sai$ i" (a+e hi% "he cree)s si""in( "here
alone .an$ in "he rain as li,el& as no"/ wi"h "hose fo#r Lor$s aslee) a" "he en$ of "he Ta'le.
An$ when "he o"hers re"#rne$ he fel" so o#" of "hin(s "ha" he $eser"e$ on "he +o&a(e ho%e
a" "he Lone Islan$s, an$ wen" an$ li+e$ in Calor%en, where he "ol$ won$erf#l s"ories a'o#"
his a$+en"#res a" "he En$ of "he Worl$, #n"il a" las" he ca%e "o 'elie+e "he% hi%self. So
&o# %a& sa&, in a sense, "ha" he li+e$ ha))il& e+er af"er. B#" he co#l$ ne+er 'ear %ice.
Tha" ni(h" "he& all a"e an$ $ran, "o(e"her a" "he (rea" "a'le 'e"ween "he )illars where "he
feas" was %a(icall& renewe$: an$ ne1" %ornin( "he Dawn Trea$er se" sail once %ore 8#s"
when "he (rea" 'ir$s ha$ co%e an$ (one a(ain.
3La$&,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3I ho)e "o s)ea, wi"h &o# a(ain when I ha+e 'ro,en "he
enchan"%en"s.3 An$ Ra%an$#2s $a#(h"er loo,e$ a" hi% an$ s%ile$.
;ERY soon af"er "he& ha$ lef" Ra%an$#2s co#n"r& "he& 'e(an "o feel "ha" "he& ha$ alrea$&
saile$ 'e&on$ "he worl$. All was $ifferen". 7or one "hin( "he& all fo#n$ "ha" "he& were
nee$in( less slee). One $i$ no" wan" "o (o "o 'e$. nor "o ea" %#ch, nor e+en "o "al, e1ce)"
in low +oices. Ano"her "hin( was "he li(h". There was "oo %#ch of i". The s#n when i" ca%e
#) each %ornin( loo,e$ "wice, if no"0 "hree "i%es, i"s #s#al si<e. An$ e+er& %ornin( .which
(a+e L#c& "he s"ran(es" feelin( of all/ "he h#(e whi"e 'ir$s, sin(in( "heir son( wi"h h#%an
+oices in a lan(#a(e no one ,new, s"rea%e$ o+erhea$ an$ +anishe$ as"ern on "heir wa& "o
"heir 'rea,fas" a" Aslan2s Ta'le. A li""le la"er "he& ca%e fl&in( 'ac, an$ +anishe$ in"o "he
3How 'ea#"if#ll& clear "he wa"er is43 sai$ L#c& "o herself, as she leane$ o+er "he )or" si$e
earl& in "he af"ernoon of "he secon$ $a&.
An$ i" was. The firs" "hin( "ha" she no"ice$ was a li""le 'lac, o'8ec", a'o#" "he si<e of a
shoe, "ra+ellin( alon( a" "he sa%e s)ee$ as "he shi). 7or a %o%en" she "ho#(h" i" was
so%e"hin( floa"in( on "he s#rface. B#" "hen "here ca%e floa"in( )as" a 'i" of s"ale 'rea$
which "he coo, ha$ 8#s" "hrown o#" of "he (alle&. An$ "he 'i" of 'rea$ loo,e$ as if i" were
(oin( "o colli$e wi"h "he 'lac, "hin(, '#" i" $i$n2". I" )asse$ a'o+e i", an$ L#c& now saw "ha"
"he 'lac, "hin( co#l$ no" 'e on "he s#rface. Then "he 'lac, "hin( s#$$enl& (o" +er& %#ch
'i((er an$ flic,e$ 'ac, "o nor%al si<e a %o%en" la"er.
Now L#c& ,new she ha$ seen so%e"hin( 8#s" li,e "ha" ha))en so%ewhere else * if onl& she
co#l$ re%e%'er where. She hel$ her han$ "o her hea$ an$ screwe$ #) her face an$ )#" o#"
her "on(#e in "he effor" "o re%e%'er. A" las" she $i$. Of co#rse4 I" was li,e wha" &o# saw
fro% a "rain on a 'ri(h" s#nn& $a&. Yo# saw "he 'lac, sha$ow of &o#r own coach r#nnin(
alon( "he fiel$s a" "he sa%e )ace as "he "rain. Then &o# wen" in"o a c#""in(0 an$
i%%e$ia"el& "he sa%e sha$ow flic,e$ close #) "o &o# an$ (o" 'i(, racin( :lon( "he (rass of
"he c#""in(*'an,. Then &o# ca%e o#" of "he c#""in( an$ * Pic,4 * once %ore "he 'lac,
sha$ow ha$ (one 'ac, "o i"s nor%al si<e an$ was r#nnin( alon( "he fiel$s.
3I"2s o#r sha$ow4 * "he sha$ow of "he Dawn Trea$er,3 sai$ L#c&. 3O#r sha$ow r#nnin(
alon( on "he 'o""o% of "he sea. Tha" "i%e when i" (o" 'i((er i" wen" o+er a hill. B#" in "ha"
case "he wa"er %#s" 'e clearer "han I "ho#(h"4 6oo$ (racio#s, I %#s" he seein( "he 'o""o%
of "he sea0 fa"ho%s an$ fa"ho%s $own.3
As soon as she ha$ sai$ "his she reali<e$ "ha" "he (rea" sil+er& e1)anse which she ha$ 'een
seein( .wi"ho#" no"icin(/ for so%e "i%e was reall& "he san$ on "he sea*'e$ an$ "ha" ail sor"s
of $ar,er or 'ri(h"er )a"ches were no" li(h"s an$ sha$ows on "he s#rface '#" real "hin(s on
"he 'o""o%. A" )resen", for ins"ance, "he& were )assin( o+er a %ass of sof" )#r)l& (reen
wi"h a 'roa$, win$in( s"ri) of )ale (re& in "he %i$$le of i" B#" now "ha" she ,new i" was on
"he 'o""o% she saw i" %#ch 'e""er. She co#l$ see "ha" 'i"s of "he $ar, s"#ff were %#ch
hi(her "han o"her 'i"s an$ were wa+in( (en"l&. 3>#s" li,e "rees in a win$,3 sai$ L#c&. 3An$
$o 'elie+e "ha"2s wha" "he& are. I"2s a s#'%arine fores".3
The& )asse$ on a'o+e i" an$ )resen"l& "he )ale s"rea, was 8oine$ '& ano"her )ale s"rea,. 3If
I was $own "here,3 "ho#(h" L#c&, 3"ha" s"rea, wo#l$ 'e 8#s" li,e a roa$ "hro#(h "he woo$.
An$ "ha" )lace where i" 8oins "he o"her Wo#l$ 'e a crossroa$s. Oh, I $o wish I was. Hallo4
"he fores" is co%in( "o an en$. An$ I $o 'elie+e "he s"rea, reall& was a roa$4 I can s"ill see i"
(oin( on across "he o)en san$. I"2s a $ifferen" colo#r. An$ i"2s %ar,e$ o#" wi"h so%e"hin( a"
"he e$(es * $o""e$ lines. Perha)s "he& are s"ones. An$ now i"2s (e""in( wi$er.3
B#" i" was no" reall& (e""in( wi$er, i" was (e""in( nearer. She reali<e$ "his 'eca#se of "he
wa& in which "he sha$ow of "he shi) ca%e r#shin( #) "owar$s her. An$ "he roa$ she fel"
s#re i" was a roa$ now * 'e(an "o (o in <i(<a(s. O'+io#sl& i" was cli%'in( #) a s"ee) hill.
An$ when she hel$ her hea$ si$ewa&s an$ loo,e$ 'ac,, wha" she saw was +er& li,e wha"
&o# see when &o# loo, $own a win$in( roa$ fro% "he "o) of a hill. She co#l$ e+en see "he
shaf"s of s#nli(h" fallin( "hro#(h "he $ee) wa"er on "o "he woo$e$ +alle& * an$, in "he
e1"re%e $is"ance, e+er&"hin( %el"in( awa& in"o a $i% (reenness. B#" so%e )laces * "he
s#nn& ones, she "ho#(h" * were #l"ra%arine 'l#e.
She co#l$ no", howe+er, s)en$ %#ch "i%e loo,in( 'ac,0 wha" was co%in( in"o +iew in "he
forwar$ $irec"ion was "oo e1ci"in(. The roa$ ha$ a))aren"l& now reache$ "he "o) of "he hill
an$ ran s"rai(h" forwar$. Li""le s)ec,s were %o+in( "o an$ fro on i". An$ now so%e"hin(
%os" won$erf#l, for"#na"el& in f#ll s#nli(h" * or as f#ll as i" can 'e when i" falls "hro#(h
fa"ho%s of wa"er * flashe$ in"o si(h". I" was ,no''l& an$ 8a((e$ an$ of a )earl&, or )erha)s
an i+or&, colo#r. She was so nearl& s"rai(h" a'o+e i" "ha" a" firs" she co#l$ har$l& %a,e o#"
wha" i" was. B#" e+er&"hin( 'eca%e )lain when she no"ice$ i"s sha$ow. The s#nli(h" was
fallin( across L#c&2s sho#l$ers, so "he sha$ow of "he "hin( la& s"re"che$ o#" on "he san$
'ehin$ i". An$ '& i"s sha)e she saw clearl& "ha" i" was a sha$ow of "owers an$ )innacles,
%inare"s an$ $o%es.
3Wh&4 * i"2s a ci"& or a h#(e cas"le,3 sai$ L#c& "o herself 3B#" I won$er wh& "he&2+e '#il" i"
on "o) of a hi(h %o#n"ain53
Lon( af"erwar$s when she was 'ac, in En(lan$ an$ "al,e$ all "hese a$+en"#res o+er wi"h
E$%#n$, "he& "ho#(h" of a reason an$ I a% )re""& s#re i" is "he "r#e one. In "he sea, "he
$ee)er &o# (o, "he $ar,er an$ col$er i" (e"s, an$ i" is $own "here, in "he $ar, an$ col$, "ha"
$an(ero#s "hin(s li+e * "he s9#i$ an$ "he Sea Ser)en" an$ "he !ra,en. The +alle&s are "he
wil$, #nfrien$l& )laces. The sea*)eo)le feel a'o#" "heir +alle&s as we $o a'o#" %o#n"ains,
an$ feel a'o#" "heir %o#n"ains as we feel a'o#" +alle&s. I" is on "he hei(h"s .or, as we wo#l$
sa&, 3in "he shallows3/ "ha" "here is war%"h an$ )eace. The rec,less h#n"ers an$ 'ra+e
,ni(h"s of "he sea (o $own in"o "he $e)"hs on 9#es"s an$ a$+en"#res, '#" re"#rn ho%e "o "he
hei(h"s for res" an$ )eace, co#r"es& an$ co#ncil, "he s)or"s, "he $ances an$ "he son(s.
The& ha$ )asse$ "he ci"& an$ "he sea*'e$ was s"ill risin(. I" was onl& a few h#n$re$ fee"
'elow "he shi) now. The roa$ ha$ $isa))eare$. The& were sailin( a'o+e an o)en )ar,*li,e
co#n"r&, $o""e$ wi"h li""le (ro+es of 'ri(h"l&colo#re$ +e(e"a"ion. An$ "hen * L#c& nearl&
s9#eale$ alo#$ wi"h e1ci"e%en"*she ha$ seen Peo)le.
There were 'e"ween fif"een an$ "wen"& of "he%, an$ all %o#n"e$ on sea*horses * no" "he
"in& li""le sea*horses which &o# %a& ha+e seen in %#se#%s '#" horses ra"her 'i((er "han
"he%sel+es. The& %#s" 'e no'le an$ lor$l& )eo)le, L#c& "ho#(h", for she co#l$ ca"ch "he
(lea% of (ol$ on so%e of "heir forehea$s an$ s"rea%ers of e%eral$* or oran(e*colo#re$
s"#ff fl#""ere$ fro% "heir sho#l$ers in "he c#rren". Then:
3Oh, 'o"her "hese fish43 sai$ L#c&, for a whole shoal of s%all fa" fish, swi%%in( 9#i"e
close "o "he s#rface, ha$ co%e 'e"ween her an$ "he Sea Peo)le. B#" "ho#(h "his s)oile$ her
+iew i" le$ "o "he %os" in"eres"in( "hin( of all.
S#$$enl& a fierce li""le fish of a ,in$ she ha$ ne+er seen 'efore ca%e $ar"in( #) fro%
'elow, sna))e$, (ra''e$, an$ san, ra)i$l& wi"h one of "he fa" fish in i"s %o#"h. An$ all "he
Sea Peo)le were si""in( on "heir horses s"arin( #) a" wha" ha$ ha))ene$. The& see%e$
"o 'e "al,in( an$ la#(hin(. An$ 'efore "he h#n"in( fish ha$ (o" 'ac, "o "he% wi"h i"s )re&,
ano"her of "he sa%e ,in$ ca%e #) fro% "he Sea Peo)le. An$ L#c& was al%os" cer"ain "ha"
one 'i( Sea -an who sa" on his sea*horse in "he %i$$le of "he )ar"& ha$ sen" i" or release$
i"0 as if he ha$ 'een hol$n( i" 'ac, "ill "hen in his han$ or on his wris".
3Wh&, I $o $eclare,3 sai$ L#c&, 3i"2s a h#n"in( )ar"&. Or %ore li,e a haw,in( )ar"&. Yes,
"ha"2s i". The& ri$e o#" wi"h "hese li""le fierce fish on "heir wris"s 8#s" as we #se$ "o ri$e o#"
wi"h falcons on o#r wris"s when we were !in(s an$ =#eens a" Cair Para+el lon( a(o. An$
"hen "he& fl& "he% * or I s#))ose I sho#l$ sa& swi% "he% * a" "he o"hers.3
She s"o))e$ s#$$enl& 'eca#se "he scene was chan(in(. The Sea Peo)le ha$ no"ice$ "he
Dawn Trea$er. The shoal of fish har$ sca""ere$ in e+er& $irec"ion: "he Peo)le "he%sel+es
were co%in( #) "o fin$ o#" "he %eanin( of "his 'i(, 'lac, "hin( which ha$ co%e 'e"ween
"he% an$ "he s#n. An$ now "he& were so close "o "he s#rface "ha" if "he& ha$ 'een in air,
ins"ea$ of wa"er, L#c& co#l$ ha+e s)o,en "o "he%. There were %en an$ wo%en 'o"h. All
wore corone"s of so%e ,in$ an$ %an& ha$ chains of )earls. The& wore no o"her clo"hes.
Their 'o$ies were "he colo#r of ol$ i+or&, "heir hair $ar, )#r)le. The !in( in "he cen"re .no
one co#l$ %is"a,e hi% for an&"hin( '#" "he !in(/ loo,e$ )ro#$l& an$ fiercel& in"o L#c&2s
face an$ shoo, a s)ear in his han$. His ,ni(h"s $i$ "he sa%e. The faces of "he la$ies were
fille$ wi"h as"onish%en". L#c& fel" s#re "he& ha$ ne+er seen a shi) or a h#%an 'efore * an$
how sho#l$ "he&, in seas 'e&on$ "he worl$2s en$ where no shi) e+er ca%e5
3Wha" are &o# s"arin( a", L#53 sai$ a +oice close 'esi$e her.
L#c& ha$ 'een so a'sor'e$ in wha" she was seein( "ha" she s"ar"e$ a" "he so#n$, an$ when
she "#rne$ she fo#n$ "ha" her ar% ha$ (one 3$ea$3 fro% leanin( so lon( on "he rail in one
)osi"ion. Drinian an$ E$%#n$ were 'esi$e her.
3Loo,,3 she sai$.
The& 'o"h loo,e$, '#" al%os" a" once Drinian sai$ in a low +oice:
3T#rn ro#n$ a" once, &o#r -a8es"ies * "ha"2s ri(h", wi"h o#r 'ac,s "o "he sea. An$ $on2" loo,
as if we were "al,in( a'o#" an&"hin( i%)or"an".3
3Wh&, wha"2s "he %a""er53 sai$ L#c& as she o'e&e$.
3I"2ll ne+er $o for "he sailors "o see all "ha",3 sai$ Drinian. 3We2ll ha+e %en fallin( in lo+e
wi"h a seawo%an, or fallin( in lo+e wi"h "he #n$er*sea co#n"r& i"self, an$ 8#%)in(
o+er'oar$. I2+e hear$ of "ha" ,in$ of "hin( ha))enin( 'efore in s"ran(e seas. I"2s alwa&s
#nl#c,& "o see "hese )eo)le.3
3B#" we #se$ "o ,now "he%,3 sai$ L#c&. 3In "he ol$ $a&s a" Cair Para+el when %& 'ro"her
Pe"er was Hi(h !in(. The& ca%e "o "he s#rface an$ san( a" o#r corona"ion.3
3I "hin, "ha" %#s" ha+e 'een a $ifferen" ,in$, L#,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3The& co#l$ li+e in "he air
as well as #n$er wa"er. I ra"her "hin, "hese can2". B& "he loo, of "he% "he&2$ ha+e s#rface$
an$ s"ar"e$ a""ac,in( #s lon( a(o if "he& co#l$. The& see% +er& fierce.3
3A" an& ra"e,3 sai$ Drinian, '#" a" "ha" %o%en" "wo so#n$s were hear$. One was a )lo).
The o"her was a +oice fro% "he fi(h"in( "o) sho#"in(, 3-an o+er'oar$43 Then e+er&one
was '#s&. So%e of "he sailors h#rrie$ alof" "o "a,e in "he sail: o"hers h#rrie$ 'elow "o (e" "o
"he oars0 an$ Rhince, who was on $#"& on "he )oo), 'e(an "o )#" "he hel% har$ o+er so as
"o co%e ro#n$ an$ 'ac, "o "he %an who ha$ (one o+er'oar$. B#" '& now e+er&one ,new
"ha" i" wasn2" s"ric"l& a %an. I" was Ree)ichee).
3Dra" "ha" %o#se43 sai$ Drinian. 3I"2s %ore "ro#'le "han all "he res" of "he shi)2s co%)an&
)#" "o(e"her. If "here is an& scra)e "o 'e (o" in"o, in i" will (e"4 I" o#(h" "o 'e )#" in irons *
,eel*ha#le$ * %aroone$ * ha+e i"s whis,ers c#" off. Can an&one see "he li""le 'li(h"er53
All "his $i$n2" %ean "ha" Drinian reall& $isli,e$ Ree)ichee). On "he con"rar& he li,e$ hi%
+er& %#ch an$ was "herefore fri(h"ene$ a'o#" hi%, an$ 'ein( fri(h"ene$ )#" hi% in a 'a$
"e%)er * 8#s" as &o#r %o"her is %#ch an(rier wi"h &o# for r#nnin( o#" in"o "he roa$ in fron"
of a car "han a s"ran(er wo#l$ 'e. No one, of co#rse, was afrai$ of Ree)ichee)2s $rownin(,
for he was an e1cellen" swi%%er0 '#" "he "hree who ,new wha" was (oin( on 'elow "he
wa"er were afrai$ of "hose lon(, cr#el s)ears in "he han$s of "he Sea Peo)le.
In a few %in#"es "he Dawn Trea$er ha$ co%e ro#n$ an$ e+er&one co#l$ see "he 'lac, 'lo'
in "he wa"er which was Ree)ichee). He was cha""erin( wi"h "he (rea"es" e1ci"e%en" '#" as
his %o#"h ,e)" on (e""in( fille$ wi"h wa"er no'o$& co#l$ #n$ers"an$ wha" he was sa&in(.
3He2ll 'l#r" "he whole "hin( o#" if we $on2" sh#" hi% #),3 crie$ Drinian. To )re+en" "his he
r#she$ "o "he si$e an$ lowere$ a ro)e hi%self, sho#"in( "o "he sailors, 3All ri(h", all ri(h".
Bac, "o &o#r )laces. I ho)e I can hea+e a %o#se #) wi"ho#" hel).3 An$ as Ree)ichee)
'e(an cli%'in( #) "he ro)e no" +er& ni%'l& 'eca#se his we" f#r %a$e hi% hea+& * Drinian
leane$ o+er an$ whis)ere$ "o hi%,
3Don2" "ell. No" a wor$.3
B#" when "he $ri))in( -o#se ha$ reache$ "he $ec, i" "#rne$ o#" no" "o 'e a" all in"eres"e$
in "he Sea Peo)le.
3Swee"43 he chee)e$. 3Swee", swee"43
3Wha" are &o# "al,in( a'o#"53 as,e$ Drinian crossl&. 3An$ &o# nee$n2" sha,e &o#rself all
o+er %e, ei"her.3
3I "ell &o# "he wa"er2s swee",3 sai$ "he -o#se. 3Swee", fresh. I" isn2" sal".3
7or a %o%en" no one 9#i"e "oo, in "he i%)or"ance of "his. B#" "hen Ree)ichee) once %ore
re)ea"e$ "he ol$ )ro)hec&:
3Where "he wa+es (row swee", Do#'" no", Ree)ichee), There is "he #""er Eas".3
Then a" las" e+er&one #n$ers"oo$.
3Le" %e ha+e a '#c,e", R&nelf,3 sai$ Drinian.
I" was han$e$ hi% an$ he lowere$ i" an$ #) i" ca%e a(ain. The wa"er shone in i" li,e (lass.
3Perha)s &o#r -a8es"& wo#l$ li,e "o "as"e i" firs",3 sai$ Drinian "o Cas)ian.
The !in( "oo, "he '#c,e" in 'o"h han$s, raise$ i" "o his li)s, si))e$, "hen $ran, $ee)l& an$
raise$ his hea$. His face was chan(e$. No" onl& his e&es '#" e+er&"hin( a'o#" hi% see%e$
"o 'e 'ri(h"er.
3Yes,3 he sai$, 3i" is swee". Tha"2s real wa"er, "ha". I2% no" s#re "ha" i" isn2" (oin( "o ,ill %e.
B#" i" is "he $ea"h I wo#l$ ha+e chosen * if I2$ ,nown a'o#" i" "ill now.3
3Wha" $o &o# %ean53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3I" * i"2s li,e li(h" %ore "han an&"hin( else,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3Tha" is wha" i" is,3 sai$ Ree)ichee). 3Drin,a'le li(h". We %#s" 'e +er& near "he en$ of "he
worl$ now.3
There was a %o%en"2s silence an$ "hen L#c& ,nel" $own on "he $ec, an$ $ran, fro% "he
3I"2s "he lo+elies" "hin( I ha+e e+er "as"e$,3 she sai$ wi"h a ,in$ of (as). 3B#" oh * i"2s
s"ron(. We shan2" nee$ "o ea" an&"hin( now.3
An$ one '& one e+er&'o$& on 'oar$ $ran,. An$ for a lon( "i%e "he& were all silen". The&
fel" al%os" "oo well an$ s"ron( "o 'ear i"0 an$ )resen"l& "he& 'e(an "o no"ice ano"her res#l".
As I ha+e sai$ 'efore, "here ha$ 'een "oo %#ch li(h" e+er since "he& lef" "he islan$ of
Ra%an$# * "he s#n "oo lar(e ."ho#(h no" "oo ho"/, "he sea "oo 'ri(h", "he air "oo shinin(.
Now, "he li(h" (rew no less * if an&"hin(, i" increase$ * '#" "he& co#l$ 'ear i". The& co#l$
loo, s"rai(h" #) a" "he s#n wi"ho#" 'lin,in(. The& co#l$ see %ore li(h" "han "he& ha$ e+er
seen 'efore. An$ "he $ec, an$ "he sail an$ "heir own faces an$ 'o$ies 'eca%e 'ri(h"er an$
'ri(h"er an$ e+er& ro)e shone. An$ ne1" %ornin(, when "he s#n rose, now fi+e or si1 "i%es
i"s ol$ si<e, "he& s"are$ har$ in"o i" an$ co#l$ see "he +er& fea"hers of "he 'ir$s "ha" ca%e
fl&in( fro% i".
Har$l& a wor$ was s)o,en on 'oar$ all "ha" $a&, "ill a'o#" $inner*"i%e .no one wan"e$ an&
$inner, "he wa"er was eno#(h for "he%/ Drinian sai$:
3I can2" #n$ers"an$ "his. There is no" a 'rea"h of win$. The sail han(s $ea$. The sea is as fla"
as a )on$. An$ &e" we $ri+e on as fas" as if "here were a (ale 'ehin$ #s.3
3I2+e 'een "hin,in( "ha", "oo,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3We %#s" 'e ca#(h" in so%e s"ron( c#rren".3
3H2%,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Tha"2s no" so nice if "he Worl$ reall& has an e$(e an$ we2re (e""in(
near i".3
3Yo# %ean,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3"ha" we %i(h" 'e 8#s" well, )o#re$ o+er i"53
3Yes, &es,3 crie$ Ree)ichee), cla))in( his )aws "o(e"her. 3Tha"2s how I2+e alwa&s i%a(ine$
i" * "he Worl$ li,e a (rea" ro#n$ "a'le an$ "he wa"ers of all "he oceans en$lessl& )o#rin(
o+er "he e$(e. The shi) will "i) #) s"an$ on her hea$ * for one %o%en" we shall see o+er "he
e$(e * an$ "hen, $own, $own, "he r#sh, "he s)ee$ *3
3An$ wha" $o &o# "hin, will 'e wai"in( for #s a" "he 'o""o%, eh53 sai$ Drinian.
3Aslan2s co#n"r& )erha)s,3 sai$ "he -o#se, i"s e&es shinin(. 3Or )erha)s "here isn2" an&
'o""o%. Perha)s i" (oes $own for e+er an$ e+er. B#" wha"e+er i" is, won2" i" 'e wor"h
an&"hin( 8#s" "o ha+e loo,e$ for one %o%en" 'e&on$ "he e$(e of "he worl$.3
3B#" loo, *here,3 sai$ E#s"ace, 3"his is all ro". The worl$2s ro#n$ * I %ean, ro#n$ li,e a 'all,
no" li,e a "a'le.3
3O#r worl$ is,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3B#" is "his53
3Do &o# %ean "o sa&,3 as,e$ Cas)ian, 3"ha" &o# "hree co%e fro% a ro#n$ worl$ .ro#n$ li,e
a 'all/ an$ &o#2+e ne+er "ol$ %e4 I"2s reall& "oo 'a$ of &o#. Beca#se we ha+e fair&*"ales in
which "here are ro#n$ worl$s an$ I alwa&s lo+e$ "he%. I ne+er 'elie+e$ "here were an& real
ones. B#" I2+e alwa&s wishe$ "here were an$ I2+e alwa&s lon(e$ "o li+e in one. Oh, I2$ (i+e
an&"hin( * I won$er wh& &o# can (e" in"o o#r worl$ an$ we ne+er (e" in"o &o#rs5 If onl& I
ha$ "he chance4 I" %#s" 'e e1ci"in( "o li+e on a "hin( li,e a 'all. Ha+e &o# e+er 'een "o "he
)ar"s where )eo)le wal, a'o#" #)si$e*$own53
E$%#n$ shoo, his hea$. 3An$ i" isn2" li,e "ha",3 he a$$e$. 3There2s no"hin( )ar"ic#larl&
e1ci"in( a'o#" a ro#n$ worl$ when &o#2re "here.
REEPICHEEP was "he onl& )erson on 'oar$ 'esi$es Drinian an$ "he "wo Pe+ensies who
ha$ no"ice$ "he Sea Peo)le. He ha$ $i+e$ in a" once when he saw "he Sea !in( sha,in( his
s)ear, for he re(ar$e$ "his as a sor" of "hrea" or challen(e an$ wan"e$ "o ha+e "he %a""er o#"
"here an$ "hen. The e1ci"e%en" of $isco+erin( "ha" "he wa"er was now fresh ha$ $is"rac"e$
his a""en"ion, an$ 'efore he re%e%'ere$ "he Sea Peo)le a(ain L#c& an$ Drinian ha$ "a,en
hi% asi$e an$ warne$ hi% no" "o %en"ion wha" he ha$ seen.
As "hin(s "#rne$ o#" "he& nee$ har$l& ha+e 'o"here$, for '& "his "i%e "he Dawn Trea$er
was (li$in( o+er a )ar" of "he sea which see%e$ "o 'e #ninha'i"e$. No one e1ce)" L#c& saw
an&"hin( %ore of "he Peo)le, an$ e+en she ha$ onl& one shor" (li%)se. All %ornin( on "he
followin( $a& "he& saile$ in fairl& shallow wa"er an$ "he 'o""o% was wee$&. >#s" 'efore
%i$$a& L#c& saw a lar(e shoal of fishes (ra<in( on "he wee$. The& were all ea"in( s"ea$il&
an$ all %o+in( in "he sa%e $irec"ion. 3>#s" li,e a floc, of shee),3 "ho#(h" L#c&. S#$$enl&
she saw a li""le Sea 6irl of a'o#" her own a(e in "he %i$$le of "he% * a 9#ie", lonel&*
loo,in( (irl wi"h a sor" of croo, in her han$. L#c& fel" s#re "ha" "his (irl %#s" 'e a
she)her$ess * or )erha)s a fish*her$ess an$ "ha" "he shoal was reall& a floc, a" )as"#re. Bo"h
"he fishes an$ "he (irl were 9#i"e close "o "he s#rface. An$ 8#s" as "he (irl, (li$in( in "he
shallow wa"er, an$ L#c&, leanin( o+er "he '#lwar,, ca%e o))osi"e "o one ano"her, "he (irl
loo,e$ #) an$ s"are$ s"rai(h" in"o L#c&2s face. Nei"her co#l$ s)ea, "o "he o"her an$ in a
%o%en" "he Sea 6irl $ro))e$ as"ern. B#" L#c& will ne+er for(e" her face. I" $i$ no" loo,
fri(h"ene$ or an(r& li,e "hose of "he o"her Sea Peo)le. L#c& ha$ li,e$ "ha" (irl an$ she fel"
cer"ain "he (irl ha$ li,e$ her. In "ha" one %o%en" "he& ha$ so%ehow 'eco%e frien$s. There
$oes no" see% "o 'e %#ch chance of "heir %ee"in( a(ain in "ha" worl$ or an& o"her. B#" if
e+er "he& $o "he& will r#sh "o(e"her wi"h "heir han$s hel$ o#".
Af"er "ha" for %an& $a&s, wi"ho#" win$ in her shro#$s or foa% a" her 'ows, across a
wa+eless sea, "he Dawn Trea$er (li$e$ s%oo"hl& eas". E+er& $a& an$ e+er& ho#r "he li(h"
'eca%e %ore 'rillian" an$ s"ill "he& co#l$ 'ear i". No one a"e or sle)" an$ no one wan"e$ "o,
'#" "he& $rew '#c,e"s of $a<<lin( wa"er fro% "he sea, s"ron(er "han wine an$ so%ehow
we""er, %ore li9#i$, "han or$inar& wa"er, an$ )le$(e$ one ano"her silen"l& in $ee) $ra#(h"s
of i". An$ one or "wo of "he sailors who ha$ 'een ol$ish %en when "he +o&a(e 'e(an now
(rew &o#n(er e+er& $a&. E+er&one on 'oar$ was fille$ wi"h 8o& an$ e1ci"e%en", '#" no" an
e1ci"e%en" "ha" %a$e one "al,. The f#r"her "he& saile$ "he less "he& s)o,e, an$ "hen al%os"
in a whis)er. The s"illness of "ha" las" sea lai$ hol$ on "he%.
3-& Lor$,3 sai$ Cas)ian "o Drinian one $a&, 3wha" $o &o# see ahea$53
3Sire,3 sai$ Drinian, 3I see whi"eness. All alon( "he hori<on fro% nor"h "o so#"h, as far as
%& e&es can reach.3
3Tha" is wha" I see "oo,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3an$ I canno" i%a(ine wha" i" is.3
3If we were in hi(her la"i"#$es, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ Drinian, 3I wo#l$ sa& i" was ice. B#" i"
can2" 'e "ha"0 no" here. All "he sa%e, we2$ 'e""er (e" %en "o "he oars an$ hol$ "he shi)
'ac, a(ains" "he c#rren". Wha"e+er "he s"#ff is, we $on2" wan" "o crash in"o i" a" "his s)ee$43
The& $i$ as Drinian sai$, an$ so con"in#e$ "o (o slower an$ slower. The whi"eness $i$ no"
(e" an& less %&s"erio#s as "he&* a))roache$ i". If i" was lan$ i" %#s" 'e a +er& s"ran(e lan$,
for i" see%e$ 8#s" as s%oo"h as "he wa"er an$ on "he sa%e le+el wi"h i". When "he& (o" +er&
close "o i" Drinian )#" "he hel% har$ o+er an$ "#rne$ "he Dawn Trea$er so#"h so "ha" she
was 'roa$si$e on "o "he c#rren" an$ rowe$ a li""le wa& so#"hwar$ alon( "he e$(e of "he
whi"eness. In so $oin( "he& acci$en"all& %a$e "he i%)or"an" $isco+er& "ha" "he c#rren" was
onl& a'o#" for"& fee" wi$e an$ "he res" of "he sea as s"ill as a )on$. This was (oo$ news for
"he crew, who ha$ alrea$& 'e(#n "o "hin, "ha" "he re"#rn 8o#rne& "o Ra%an$#2s lan$, rowin(
a(ains" s"rea% all "he wa&, wo#l$ 'e )re""& )oor s)or". .I" also e1)laine$ wh& "he she)her$
(irl ha$ $ro))e$ so 9#ic,l& as"ern. She was no" in "he c#rren". If she ha$ 'een she wo#l$
ha+e 'een %o+in( eas" a" "he sa%e s)ee$ as "he shi)./
An$ s"ill no one co#l$ %a,e o#" wha" "he whi"e s"#ff was. Then "he 'oa" was lowere$ an$ i"
)#" off "o in+es"i(a"e. Those who re%aine$ on "he Dawn Trea$er co#l$ see "ha" "he 'oa"
)#she$ ri(h" in a%i$s" "he whi"eness. Then "he& co#l$ hear "he +oices of "he )ar"& in "he
'oa" clear across "he s"ill wa"er/ "al,in( in a shrill an$ s#r)rise$ wa&. Then "here was a
)a#se while R&nelf in "he 'ows of "he 'oa" "oo, a so#n$in(0 an$ when, af"er "ha", "he 'oa"
ca%e rowin( 'ac, "here see%e$ "o 'e )len"& of "he whi"e s"#ff insi$e her. E+er&one
crow$e$ "o "he si$e "o hear "he news.
3Lilies, &o#r -a8es"&43 sho#"e$ R&nelf, s"an$in( #) in "he 'ows.
3Wha" $i$ &o# sa&53 as,e$ Cas)ian.
3Bloo%in( lilies, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ R&nelf. 3Sa%e as in a )ool or in a (ar$en a" ho%e.3
3Loo,43 sai$ L#c&, who was in "he s"ern of "he 'oa". She hel$ #) her we" ar%s f#ll of whi"e
)e"als an$ 'roa$ fla" lea+es.
3Wha"2s "he $e)"h, R&nelf53 as,e$ Drinian.
3Tha"2s "he f#nn& "hin(, Ca)"ain,3 sai$ R&nelf. 3I"2s s"ill $ee). Three an$ a half fa"ho%s
3The& can2" 'e real lilies * no" wha" we call lilies,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
Pro'a'l& "he& were no", '#" "he& were +er& li,e "he%. An$ when, af"er so%e cons#l"a"ion,
"he Dawn Trea$er "#rne$ 'ac, in"o "he c#rren" an$ 'e(an "o (li$e eas"war$ "hro#(h "he Lil&
La,e or "he Sil+er Sea ."he& "rie$ 'o"h "hese na%es '#" i" was "he Sil+er Sea "ha" s"#c, an$
is now on Cas)ian2s %a)/ "he s"ran(es" )ar" of "heir "ra+els 'e(an. ;er& soon "he o)en sea
which "he& were lea+in( was onl& a "hin ri% of 'l#e on "he wes"ern hori<on. Whi"eness,
sho" wi"h fain"es" colo#r of (ol$, s)rea$ ro#n$ "he% on e+er& si$e, e1ce)" 8#s" as"ern where
"heir )assa(e ha$ "hr#s" "he lilies a)ar" an$ lef" an o)en lane of wa"er "ha"
shone li,e $ar, (reen (lass. To loo, a", "his las" sea was +er& li,e "he Arc"ic0 an$ if "heir
e&es ha$ no" '& now (rown as s"ron( as ea(les2 "he s#n on all "ha" whi"eness * es)eciall& a"
earl& %ornin( when "he s#n was h#(es" wo#l$ ha+e 'een #n'eara'le. An$ e+er& e+enin(
"he sa%e whi"eness %a$e "he $a&li(h" las" lon(er. There see%e$ no en$ "o "he lilies. Da&
af"er $a& fro% all "hose %iles an$ lea(#es of flowers "here rose a s%ell which L#c& fo#n$ i"
+er& har$ "o $escri'e0 swee" * &es, '#" no" a" all slee)& or o+er)owerin(, a fresh, wil$,
lonel& s%ell "ha" see%e$ "o (e" in"o &o#r 'rain an$ %a,e &o# feel "ha" &o# co#l$ (o #)
%o#n"ains a" a r#n or wres"le wi"h an ele)han". She an$ Cas)ian sai$ "o one ano"her, 3I feel
"ha" I can2" s"an$ %#ch %ore of "his, &e" I $on2" wan" i" "o s"o).3
The& "oo, so#n$in(s +er& of"en '#" i" was onl& se+eral $a&s la"er "ha" "he wa"er 'eca%e
shallower. Af"er "ha" i" wen" on (e""in( shallower. There ca%e a $a& when "he& ha$ "o row
o#" of "he c#rren" an$ feel "heir wa& forwar$ a" a snail2s )ace, rowin(. An$ soon i" was clear
"ha" "he Dawn Trea$er co#l$ sail no f#r"her eas". In$ee$ i" was onl& '& +er& cle+er han$lin(
"ha" "he& sa+e$ her fro% (ro#n$in(.
3Lower "he 'oa",3 crie$ Cas)ian, 3an$ "hen call "he %en af". I %#s" s)ea, "o "he%.3
3Wha"2s he (oin( "o $o53 whis)ere$ E#s"ace "o E$%#n$. 3There2s a 9#eer loo, in his e&es.3
3I "hin, we )ro'a'l& all loo, "he sa%e,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
The& 8oine$ Cas)ian on "he )oo) an$ soon all "he %en were crow$e$ "o(e"her a" "he foo" of
"he la$$er "o hear "he !in(2s s)eech. 37rien$s,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3we ha+e now f#lfille$ "he
9#es" on which &o# e%'ar,e$. The se+en lor$s are all acco#n"e$ for an$ as Sir Ree)ichee)
has sworn ne+er "o re"#rn, when &o# reach Ra%an$#2s Lan$ &o# will $o#'"less fin$ "he
Lor$s Re+ilian an$ Ar(o< an$ -a+ra%orn awa,e. To &o#, %& Lor$ Drinian, I en"r#s" "his
shi), 'i$$in( &o# sail "o Narnia wi"h all "he s)ee$ &o# %a&, an$ a'o+e all no" "o lan$ on "he
Islan$ of Dea"hwa"er. An$ ins"r#c" %& re(en", "he Dwarf Tr#%),in, "o (i+e "o all "hese, %&
shi)%a"es, "he rewar$s I )ro%ise$ "he%. The& ha+e 'een earne$ well. An$ if I co%e no"
a(ain i" is %& will "ha" "he Re(en", an$ -as"er Corneli#s, an$ Tr#ffleh#n"er "he Ba$(er, an$
"he Lor$ Drinian choose a !in( of Narnia wi"h "he consen"*3
3B#", Sire,3 in"err#)"e$ Drinian, 3are &o# a'$ica"in(53
3I a% (oin( wi"h Ree)ichee) "o see "he Worl$2s En$,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
A low %#r%#r of $is%a& ran "hro#(h "he sailors.
3We will "a,e "he 'oa",3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Yo# will ha+e no nee$ of i" in "hese (en"le seas an$
&o# %#s" '#il$ a new one in Ra%an$#2s islan$. An$ now*3
3Cas)ian,3 sai$ E$%#n$ s#$$enl& an$ s"ernl&, 3&o# can2" $o "his.3
3-os" cer"ainl&,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3his -a8es"& canno".3
3No in$ee$,3 sai$ Drinian.
3Can2"53 sai$ Cas)ian shar)l&, loo,in( for a %o%en" no" #nli,e his #ncle -ira<.
3Be((in( &o#r -a8es"&2s )ar$on,3 sai$ R&nelf fro% "he $ec, 'elow, 3'#" if one of #s $i$
"he sa%e i" wo#l$ 'e calle$ $eser"in(.3
3Yo# )res#%e "oo %#ch on &o#r lon( ser+ice, R&nelf,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3No, Sire4 He2s )erfec"l& ri(h",3 sai$ Drinian.
3B& "he -ane of Aslan,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3I ha$ "ho#(h" &o# were all %& s#'8ec"s here, no"
%& school%as"ers.3
3I2% no",3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3an$ I sa& &o# can no" $o "his.3
3Can2" a(ain,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3Wha" $o &o# %ean53
3If i" )lease &o#r -a8es"&, we %ean shall no",3 sai$ Ree)ichee) wi"h a +er& low 'ow. 3Yo#
are "he !in( of Narnia. Yo# 'rea, fai"h wi"h all &o#r s#'8ec"s, an$ es)eciall& wi"h
Tr#%),in, if &o# $o no" re"#rn. Yo# shall no" )lease &o#rself wi"h a$+en"#res as if &o#
were a )ri+a"e )erson. An$ if &o#r -a8es"& will no" hear reason i" will 'e "he "r#es" lo&al"&
of e+er& %an on 'oar$ "o follow %e in $isar%in( an$ 'in$in( &o# "ill &o# co%e "o &o#r
3=#i"e ri(h",3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Li,e "he& $i$ wi"h l&sses when he wan"e$ "o (o near "he
Cas)ian2s han$ ha$ (one "o his swor$ hil", when L#c& sai$, 3An$ &o#2+e al%os" )ro%ise$
Ra%an$#2s $a#(h"er "o (o 'ac,.3
Cas)ian )a#se$. 3Well, &es. There is "ha",3 he sai$. He s"oo$ irresol#"e for a %o%en" an$
"hen sho#"e$ o#" "o "he shi) in (eneral.
3Well, ha+e &o#r wa&. The 9#es" is en$e$. We all re"#rn. 6e" "he 'oa" #) a(ain.3
3Sire,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3we $o no" all re"#rn. I, as I e1)laine$ 'efore *3
3Silence43 "h#n$ere$ Cas)ian. 3I2+e 'een lessone$ '#" I2ll no" 'e 'ai"e$. Will no one silence
"ha" -o#se53
3Yo#r -a8es"& )ro%ise$,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3"o 'e (oo$ lor$ "o "he Tal,in( Beas"s of
3Tal,in( 'eas"s, &es,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I sai$ no"hin( a'o#" 'eas"s "ha" ne+er s"o) "al,in(.3
An$ he fl#n( $own "he la$$er in a "e%)er an$ wen" in"o "he ca'in, sla%%in( "he $oor.
B#" when "he o"hers re8oine$ hi% a li""le la"er "he& fo#n$ hi% chan(e$0 he was whi"e an$
"here were "ears in his e&es.
3I"2s no (oo$,3 he sai$. 3I %i(h" as well ha+e 'eha+e$ $ecen"l& for all "he (oo$ I $i$ wi"h
%& "e%)er an$ swa((er. Aslan has s)o,en "o %e. No * I $on2" %ean he was ac"#all& here.
He wo#l$n2" fi" in"o "he ca'in, for one "hin(. B#" "ha" (ol$ lion2s hea$ on "he wall ca%e "o
life an$ s)o,e "o %e. I" was "erri'le his e&es. No" "ha" he was a" all ro#(h wi"h %e * onl& a
'i" s"ern a" firs". B#" i" was "erri'le all "he sa%e. An$ he sai$ * he sai$ * oh, I can2" 'ear i".
The wors" "hin( he co#l$ ha+e sai$. Yo#2re "o (o on * Ree) an$ E$%#n$, an$ L#c&, an$
E#s"ace0 an$ I2% "o (o 'ac,. Alone. An$ a" once. An$ wha" is "he (oo$ of an&"hin(53
3Cas)ian, $ear,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Yo# ,new we2$ ha+e "o (o 'ac, "o o#r own worl$ sooner or
3Yes,3 sai$ Cas)ian wi"h a so', 3'#" "his is sooner.3
3Yo#2ll feel 'e""er when &o# (e" 'ac, "o Ra%an$#2s Islan$,3 sai$ L#c&.
He cheere$ #) a li""le la"er on, '#" i" was a (rie+o#s )ar"in( oo 'o"h si$es an$ I will no"
$well on i". A'o#" "wo o2cloc, in "he af"ernoon, well +ic"#alle$ an$ wa"ere$ ."ho#(h "he&
"ho#(h" "he& wo#l$ nee$ nei"her foo$ nor $rin,/ an$ wi"h Ree)ichee)2s coracle on 'oar$,
"he 'oa" )#lle$ awa& fro% "he Dawn Trea$er "o row "hro#(h "he en$less car)e" of lilies.
The Dawn Tra$er flew all her fla(s an$ h#n( o#" her shiel$s "o hono#r "heir $e)ar"#re. Tall
an$ 'i( an$ ho%eli,e she loo,e$ fro% "heir low )osi"ion wi"h "he lilies all ro#n$ "he%. An$
'efore she was o#" of si(h" "he& saw her "#rn an$ 'e(in rowin( slowl& wes"war$. Ye"
"ho#(h L#c& she$ a few "ears, she co#l$ no" feel i" as %#ch as &o# %i(h" ha+e e1)ec"e$.
The li(h", "he silence, "he "in(lin( s%ell of "he Sil+er Sea, e+en .in so%e o$$ wa&/ "he
loneliness i"self, were "oo e1ci"in(.
There was no nee$ "o row, for "he c#rren" $rif"e$ "he% s"ea$il& "o "he eas". None of "he%
sle)" or a"e. All "ha" ni(h" an$ all ne1" $a& "he& (li$e$ eas"war$, an$ when "he "hir$ $a&
$awne$ * wi"h a 'ri(h"ness &o# or I co#l$ no" 'ear e+en if we ha$ $ar, (lasses on * "he&
saw a won$er ahea$. I" was as if a wall s"oo$ #) 'e"ween "he% an$ "he s,&, a (reenish*
(re&, "re%'lin(, shi%%erin( wall. Then #) ca%e "he s#n, an$ a" i"s firs" risin( "he& saw i"
"hro#(h "he wall an$ i" "#rne$ in"o won$erf#l rain'ow colo#rs. Then "he& ,new "ha" "he
wall was reall& a lon(, "all wa+e * a wa+e en$lessl& fi1e$ in one )lace as &o# %a& of"en see
a" "he e$(e of a wa"erfall. I" see%e$ "o 'e a'o#" "hir"& fee" hi(h, an$ "he c#rren" was (li$in(
"he% swif"l& "owar$s i". Yo# %i(h" ha+e s#))ose$ "he& wo#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" of "heir $an(er.
The& $i$n2". I $on2" "hin, an&one co#l$ ha+e in "heir )osi"ion. 7or now "he& saw so%e"hin(
no" onl& 'ehin$ "he wa+e '#" 'ehin$ "he s#n. The& co#l$ no" ha+e seen e+en "he s#n if "heir
e&es ha$ no" 'een s"ren("hene$ '& "he wa"er of "he Las" Sea. B#" now "he& co#l$ loo, a" "he
risin( s#n an$ see i" clearl& an$ see "hin(s 'e&on$ i". Wha" "he& saw * eas"war$, 'e&on$ "he
s#n * was a ran(e of %o#n"ains. I" was so hi(h "ha" ei"her
"he& ne+er saw "he "o) of i" or "he& for(o" i". None of "he% re%e%'ers seein( an& s,& in
"ha" $irec"ion. An$ "he %o#n"ains %#s" reall& ha+e 'een o#"si$e "he worl$. 7or an&
%o#n"ains e+en a 9#ar"er of a "wen"ie"h of "ha" hei(h" o#(h" "o ha+e ha$ ice an$ snow on
"he%. B#" "hese were war% an$ (reen an$ f#ll, of fores"s an$ wa"erfalls howe+er hi(h &o#
loo,e$. An$ s#$$enl& "here ca%e a 'ree<e fro% "he eas", "ossin( "he "o) of "he wa+e in"o
foa%& sha)es an$ r#fflin( "he s%oo"h wa"er all ro#n$ "he%. I" las"e$ onl& a secon$ or so
'#" wha" i" 'ro#(h" "he% in "ha" secon$ none of "hose "hree chil$ren will e+er for(e". I"
'ro#(h" 'o"h a s%ell an$ a so#n$, a %#sical so#n$ E$%#n$ an$ E#s"ace wo#l$ ne+er "al,
a'o#" i" af"erwar$s. L#c& co#l$ onl& sa&, 3I" wo#l$ 'rea, &o#r hear".3 3Wh&,3 sai$ I, 3was
i" so sa$: 3 3Sa$44 No,3 sai$ L#c&.
No one in "ha" 'oa" $o#'"e$ cha" "he& were seein( 'e&on$ "he En$ of "he Worl$ in"o
Aslan2s co#n"r&.
A" "ha" %o%en", wi"h a cr#nch, "he 'oa" ran a(ro#n$. The wa"er was "oo shallow now for i".
3This,3 sai$ Ree)ichee), 3is where I (o on alone.3
The& $i$ no" e+en "r& "o s"o) $i%, for e+er&"hin( now fel" as if i" ha$ 'een fa"e$ or ha$
ha))ene$ 'efore. The& hel)e$ hi% "o lower his li""le coracle. Then he "oo, off his swor$ .3I
shall nee$ i" no %ore,3 he sai$/ an$ fl#n( i" far awa& across "he I$le$ sea. Where i" fell i"
s"oo$ #)ri(h" wi"h "he hil" a'o+e "he s#rface. Then he 'a$e "he% (oo$'&e "r&in( "o 'e sa$
for "heir sa,es '#" he was 9#i+erin( wi"h ha))iness. L#c&, for "he firs" an$ las" "i%e, $i$
wha" she ha$ alwa&s wan"e$ "o $o, "a,in( hi% in her ar%s an$ caressin( hi%. Then has"il&
he (o" in"o his coracle an$ "oo, his )a$$le, an$ "he c#rren" ca#(h" i" an$ awa& he wen", +er&
'lac, a(ains" "he lilies. B#" no lilies (rew on "he wa+e0 i" was a s%oo"h (reen slo)e. The
coracle wen" %ore an$ %ore 9#ic,l&, an$ 'ea#"if#ll& i" r#she$ #) "he wa+e2s si$e. 7or one
s)li" secon$ "he& saw i"s sha)e an$ Ree)ichee)2s on "he +er& "o). Then i" +anishe$, an$
since "ha" %o%en" no one can "r#l& clai% "o ha+e seen Ree)ichee) "he -o#se. B#" %&
'elief is "ha" he ca%e safe "o Aslan2s co#n"r& an$ is ali+e "here "o "his $a&.
As "he s#n rose "he si(h" of "hose %o#n"ains o#"si$e "he worl$ fa$e$ awa&. The wa+e
re%aine$ '#" "here was onl& 'l#e s,& 'ehin$ i".
The chil$ren (o" o#" of "he 'oa" an$ wa$e$ * no" "owar$s "he wa+e '#" so#"hwar$ wi"h "he
wall of wa"er on "heir lef". The& co#l$ no" ha+e "ol$ &o# wh& "he& $i$ "his0 i" was "heir fa"e.
An$ "ho#(h "he& ha$ fel" * an$ 'een +er& (rown*#) on "he Dawn Trea$er, "he& now fel" 8#s"
"he o))osi"e an$ hel$ han$s as "he& wa$e$ "hro#(h "he lilies. The& ne+er fel" "ire$. The
wa"er was war% an$ all "he "i%e i" (o" shallower. A" las" "he& were on $r& san$, an$ "hen
on (rass * a h#(e )lain of +er& fine shor" (rass, al%os" le+el wi"h "he Sil+er Sea an$
s)rea$in( in e+er& $irec"ion wi"ho#" so %#ch as a %olehill.
An$ of co#rse, as i" alwa&s $oes in a )erfec"l& fla" )lace wi"ho#" "rees, i" loo,e$ as if "he
s,& ca%e $own "o %ee" "he (rass in fron" of "he%. B#" as "he& wen" on "he& (o" "he
s"ran(es" i%)ression "ha" here a" las" "he s,& $i$ reall& co%e $own an$ 8oin "he ear"h * a
'l#e wall, +er& 'ri(h", '#" real an$ soli$: %ore li,e (lass "han an&"hin( else. An$ soon "he&
were 9#i"e s#re of i". I" was +er& near now.
B#" 'e"ween "he% an$ "he foo" of "he s,& "here was so%e"hin( so whi"e on "he (reen (rass
"ha" e+en wi"h "heir ea(les2 e&es "he& co#l$ har$l& loo, a" i". The& ca%e on an$ saw "ha" i"
was a La%'.
3Co%e an$ ha+e 'rea,fas",3 sai$ "he La%' in i"s swee" %il,& +oice.
Then "he& no"ice$ for "he firs" "i%e "ha" "here was a fire li" on "he (rass an$ fish roas"in( on
i". The& sa" $own an$ a"e "he fish, h#n(r& now for "he firs" "i%e for %an& $a&s. An$ i" was
"he %os" $elicio#s foo$ "he& ha$ e+er "as"e$.
3Please, La%',3 sai$ L#c&, 3is "his "he wa& "o Aslan2s co#n"r&53
3No" for &o#,3 sai$ "he La%'. 37or &o# "he $oor in"o Aslan2s co#n"r& is fro% &o#r own
3Wha"43 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Is "here a wa& in"o Aslan2s co#n"r& fro% o#r worl$ "oo53
3There is a wa& in"o %& co#n"r& fro% all "he worl$s,3 sai$ "he La%'0 '#" as he s)o,e his
snow& whi"e fl#she$ in"o "awn& (ol$ an$ his si<e chan(e$ an$ he was Aslan hi%self,
"owerin( a'o+e "he% an$ sca""erin( li(h" fro% his %ane.
3Oh, Aslan,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Will &o# "ell #s how "o (e" in"o &o#r co#n"r& fro% o#r worl$53
3I shall 'e "ellin( &o# all "he "i%e,3 sai$ Aslan. 3B#" I will no" "ell &o# how lon( or shor"
"he wa& will 'e0 onl& "ha" i" lies across a ri+er. B#" $o no" fear "ha", for I a% "he (rea"
Bri$(e B#il$er. An$ now co%e0 I will o)en "he $oor in "he s,& an$ sen$ &o# "o &o#r own
3Please, Aslan,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Before we (o, will &o# "ell #s when we can co%e 'ac, "o
Narnia a(ain5 Please. An$ oh, $o, $o, $o %a,e i" soon.3 2
3Deares",3 sai$ Aslan +er& (en"l&, 3&o# an$ &o#r 'ro"her will ne+er co%e 'al, "o Narnia.3
3Oh, Aslan443 sai$ E$%#n$ an$ L#c& 'o"h "o(e"her in $es)airin( +oices.
3Yo# are "oo ol$, chil$ren,3 sai$ Aslan, 3an$ &o# %#s" 'e(in "o co%e close "o &o#r own
worl$ now.3
3I" isn2" Narnia, &o# ,now,3 so''e$ L#c&. 3I"2s &o#. We shan2" %ee" &o# "here. An$ how can
we li+e, ne+er %ee"in( &o#53
3B#" &o# shall %ee" %e, $ear one,3 sai$ Aslan.
3Are are &o# "here "oo, Sir53 sai$ E$%#n$.
3I a%,3 sai$ Aslan. 3B#" "here I ha+e ano"her na%e. Yo# %#s" learn "o ,now %e '& "ha"
na%e. This was "he +er& reason wh& &o# were 'ro#(h" "o Narnia, "ha" '& ,nowin( %e here
for a li""le, &o# %a& ,now %e 'e""er "here.3
3An$ is E#s"ace ne+er "o co%e 'ac, here ei"her53 sai$ L#c&.
3Chil$,3 sai$ Aslan, 3$o &o# reall& nee$ "o ,now "ha"5 Co%e, I a% o)enin( "he $oor in "he
s,&.3 Then all in one %o%en" "here was a ren$in( of "he 'l#e wall .li,e a c#r"ain 'ein(
"orn/ an$ a "erri'le whi"e li(h" fro% 'e&on$ "he s,&, an$ "he feel of Aslan2s %ane an$ a
Lion2s ,iss on "heir forehea$s an$ "hen * "he 'ar, 'e$roo% in A#n" Al'er"a2s ho%e in
Onl& "wo %ore "hin(s nee$ "o 'e "ol$. One is "ha" Cas)ian an$ his %en all ca%e safel& 'ac,
"o Ra%an$#2s Islan$. An$ "he "hree lor$s wo,e fro% "heir slee). Cas)ian %arrie$
Ra%an$#2s $a#(h"er an$ "he& all reache$ Narnia in "he en$, an$ she 'eca%e a (rea" 9#een
an$ "he %o"her an$ (ran$%o"her of (rea" ,in(s. The o"her is "ha" 'ac, in o#r own worl$
e+er&one soon s"ar"e$ sa&in( how E#s"ace ha$ i%)ro+e$, an$ how 3Yo#2$ ne+er ,now hi%
for "he sa%e 'o&3: e+er&one e1ce)" A#n" Al'er"a, who sai$ he ha$ 'eco%e +er&
co%%on)lace an$ "ireso%e an$ i" %#s" ha+e 'een "he infl#ence of "hose Pe+ensie chil$ren.
B& C.S. Lewis
IT was a $#ll a#"#%n $a& an$ >ill Pole was cr&in( 'ehin$ "he (&%.
She was cr&in( 'eca#se "he& ha$ 'een '#ll&in( her. This is no" (oin( "o 'e a school s"or&,
so I shall sa& as li""le as )ossi'le a'o#" >ill2s school, which is no" a )leasan" s#'8ec". I" was
3Co*e$#ca"ional,3 a school for 'o"h 'o&s an$ (irls, wha" #se$ "o 'e calle$ a 3%i1e$3 school0
so%e sai$ i" was no" nearl& so %i1e$ as "he %in$s of "he )eo)le who ran i". These )eo)le
ha$ "he i$ea "ha" 'o&s an$ (irls sho#l$ 'e allowe$ "o $o wha" "he& li,e$. An$ #nfor"#na"el&
wha" "en or fif"een of "he 'i((es" 'o&s an$ (irls li,e$ 'es" was '#ll&in( "he o"hers. All sor"s
of "hin(s, horri$ "hin(s, wen" on which a" an or$inar& school wo#l$ ha+e 'een fo#n$ o#"
an$ s"o))e$ in half a "er%0 '#" a" "his school "he& weren2". Or e+en if "he& were, "he )eo)le
who $i$ "he% were no" e1)elle$ or )#nishe$. The Hea$ sai$ "he& were in"eres"in(
)s&cholo(ical cases an$ sen" for "he% an$ "al,e$ "o "he% for ho#rs. An$ if &o# ,new "he
ri(h" sor" of "hin(s "o sa& "o "he Hea$, "he %ain res#l" was "ha" &o# 'eca%e ra"her a
fa+o#ri"e "han o"herwise.
Tha" was wh& >ill Pole was cr&in( on "ha" $#ll a#"#%n $a& on "he $a%) li""le )a"h which
r#ns 'e"ween "he 'ac, of "he (&% an$ "he shr#''er&. An$ she ha$n2" nearl& finishe$ her cr&
when a 'o& ca%e ro#n$ "he corner of "he (&% whis"lin(, wi"h his han$s in his )oc,e"s. He
nearl& ran in"o her.
3Can2" &o# loo, where &o#2re (oin(53 sai$ >ill Pole.
3All ri(h",3 sai$ "he 'o&, 3&o# nee$n2" s"ar" *3 an$ "hen he no"ice$ her face. 3I sa&, Pole,3 he
sai$, 3wha"2s #)53
>ill onl& %a$e faces0 "he sor" &o# %a,e when &o#2re "r&in( "o sa& so%e"hin( '#" fin$ "ha" if
&o# s)ea, &o#2ll s"ar" cr&in( a(ain.
3I"2s The%, I s#))ose * as #s#al,3 sai$ "he 'o& (ri%l&, $i((in( his han$s far"her in"o his
>ill no$$e$. There was no nee$ for her "o sa& an&"hin(, e+en if she co#l$ ha+e sai$ i". The&
'o"h ,new.
3Now, loo, here,3 sai$ "he 'o&, 3"here2s no (oo$ #s all *3
He %ean" well, '#" he $i$ "al, ra"her li,e so%eone 'e(innin( a lec"#re. >ill s#$$enl& flew
in"o a "e%)er .which is 9#i"e a li,el& "hin( "o ha))en if &o# ha+e 'een in"err#)"e$ in a cr&/.
3Oh, (o awa& an$ %in$ &o#r own '#siness,3 she sai$. 3No'o$& as,e$ &o# "o co%e 'ar(in(
in, $i$ "he&5 An$ &o#2re a nice )erson "o s"ar" "ellin( #s wha" we all o#(h" "o $o, aren2" &o#5
I s#))ose &o# %ean we o#(h" "o s)en$ all o#r "i%e s#c,in( #) "o The%, an$ c#rr&in(
fa+o#r, an$ $ancin( a""en$ance on The% li,e &o# $o.3
3Oh, Lor43 sai$ "he 'o&, si""in( $own on "he (rass& 'an, a" "he e$(e of "he shr#''er& an$
+er& 9#ic,l& (e""in( #) a(ain 'eca#se "he (rass was soa,in( we". His na%e #nfor"#na"el&
was E#s"ace Scr#'', '#" he wasn2" a 'a$ sor".
3Pole43 he sai$. 3Is "ha" fair5 Ha+e I 'een $oin( an&"hin( of "he sor" "his "er%5 Di$n2" I
s"an$ #) "o Car"er a'o#" "he ra''i"5 An$ $i$n2" I ,ee) "he secre" a'o#" S)i++ins * #n$er
"or"#re "oo5 An$ $i$n2" I *3
3I $*$on2" ,now an$ I $on2" care,3 so''e$ >ill.
Scr#'' saw "ha" she wasn2" 9#i"e herself &e" an$ +er& sensi'l& offere$ her a )e))er%in". He
ha$ one "oo. Presen"l& >ill 'e(an "o see "hin(s in a clearer li(h".
3I2% sorr&, Scr#'',3 she sai$ )resen"l&. 3I wasn2" fair. Yo# ha+e $one all "ha" * "his "er%.3
3Then wash o#" las" "er% if &o# can,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I was a $ifferen" cha) "hen. I was *
(osh4 wha" a li""le "ic, I was.3
3Well, hones"l&, &o# were,3 sai$ >ill.
3Yo# "hin, "here has 'een a chan(e, "hen53 sai$ E#s"ace.
3I"2s no" onl& %e,3 sai$ >ill. 3E+er&one2s 'een sa&in( so. The&2+e no"ice$ i". Eleanor
Bla,is"on hear$ A$ela Penn&fa"her "al,in( a'o#" i" in o#r chan(in( roo% &es"er$a&. She
sai$, ASo%eone2s (o" hol$ of "ha" Scr#'' ,i$. He2s 9#i"e #n%ana(ea'le "his "er%. We shall
ha+e "o a""en$ "o hi% ne1".23
E#s"ace (a+e a sh#$$er. E+er&one a" E1)eri%en" Ho#se ,new wha" i" was li,e 'ein(
3a""en$e$ "o3 '& The%.
Bo"h chil$ren were 9#ie" for a %o%en". The $ro)s $ri))e$ off "he la#rel lea+es.
3Wh& were &o# so $ifferen" las" "er%53 sai$ >ill )resen"l&.
3A lo" of 9#eer "hin(s ha))ene$ "o %e in "he hols,3 sai$ E#s"ace %&s"erio#sl&.
3Wha" sor" of "hin(s53 as,e$ >ill.
E#s"ace $i$n2" sa& an&"hin( for 9#i"e a lon( "i%e. Then he sai$:
3Loo, here, Pole, &o# an$ I ha"e "his )lace a'o#" as %#ch as an&'o$& can ha"e an&"hin(,
$on2" we53
3I ,now I $o,3 sai$ >ill.
3Then I reall& "hin, I can "r#s" &o#.3
3Da%2 (oo$ of &o#,3 sai$ >ill.
3Yes, '#" "his is a reall& "errific secre". Pole, I sa&, are &o# (oo$ a" 'elie+in( "hin(s5 I %ean
"hin(s "ha" e+er&one here wo#l$ la#(h a"53
3I2+e ne+er ha$ "he chance,3 sai$ >ill, 3'#" I "hin, I wo#l$ 'e.3
3Co#l$ &o# 'elie+e %e if I sai$ I2$ 'een ri(h" o#" of "he worl$ * o#"si$e "his worl$ * las"
3I wo#l$n2" ,now wha" &o# %ean".3
3Well, $on2" le"2s 'o"her a'o#" "ha" "hen. S#))osin( I "ol$ &o# I2$ 'een in a )lace where
ani%als can "al, an$ where "here are * er * enchan"%en"s an$ $ra(ons * an$ well, all "he
sor"s of "hin(s &o# ha+e in fair&*"ales.3 Scr#'' fel" "erri'l& aw,war$ as he sai$ "his an$ (o"
re$ in "he face.
3How $i$ &o# (e" "here53 sai$ >ill. She also fel" c#rio#sl& sh&.
3The onl& wa& &o# can * '& -a(ic,3 sai$ E#s"ace al%os" in a whis)er. 3I was wi"h "wo
co#sins of %ine. We were 8#s" * whis,e$ awa&. The&2$ 'een "here 'efore.3
Now "ha" "he& were "al,in( in whis)ers >ill so%ehow fel" i" easier "o 'elie+e. Then s#$$enl&
a horri'le s#s)icion ca%e o+er her an$ she sai$ .so fiercel& "ha" for "he %o%en" she loo,e$
li,e a "i(ress/:
3If I fin$ &o#2+e 'een )#llin( %& le( I2ll ne+er s)ea, "o &o# a(ain0 ne+er, ne+er, ne+er.3
3I2% no",3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I swear I2% no". I swear '& e+er&"hin(.3
.When I was a" school one wo#l$ ha+e sai$, 3I swear '& "he Bi'le.3 B#" Bi'les were no"
enco#ra(e$ a" E1)eri%en" Ho#se./
3All ri(h",3 sai$ >ill, 3I2ll 'elie+e &o#.3
3An$ "ell no'o$&53
3Wha" $o &o# "a,e %e for53
The& were +er& e1ci"e$ as "he& sai$ "his. B#" when "he& ha$ sai$ i" an$ >ill loo,e$ ro#n$
an$ saw "he $#ll a#"#%n s,& an$ hear$ "he $ri) off "he lea+es an$ "ho#(h" of all "he
ho)elessness of E1)eri%en" Ho#se .i" was a "hir"een*wee, "er% an$ "here were s"ill ele+en
wee,s "o co%e/ she sai$:
3B#" af"er all, wha"2s "he (oo$5 We2re no" "here: we2re here. An$ we 8oll& well can2" (e"
"here. Or can we53
3Tha"2s wha" I2+e 'een won$erin(,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3When we ca%e 'ac, fro% Tha" Place,
So%eone sai$ "ha" "he "wo Pe+ensie ,i$s ."ha"2s %& "wo co#sins/ co#l$ ne+er (o "here
a(ain. I" was "heir "hir$ "i%e, &o# see. I s#))ose "he&2+e ha$ "heir share. B#" he ne+er sai$ I
co#l$n2". S#rel& he wo#l$ ha+e sai$ so, #nless he %ean" "ha" I was "o (e" 'ac,5 An$ I can2"
hel) won$erin(, can we * co#l$ we *53
3Do &o# %ean, $o so%e"hin( "o %a,e i" ha))en53
E#s"ace no$$e$.
3Yo# %ean we %i(h" $raw a circle on "he (ro#n$ * an$ wri"e in 9#eer le""ers in i" * an$
s"an$ insi$e i" * an$ reci"e char%s an$ s)ells53
3Well,3 sai$ E#s"ace af"er he ha$ "ho#(h" har$ for a 'i". 3I 'elie+e "ha" was "he sor" of "hin(
I was "hin,in( of, "ho#(h I ne+er $i$ i". B#" now "ha" i" co%es "o "he )oin", I2+e an i$ea "ha"
all "hose circles an$ "hin(s are ra"her ro". I $on2" "hin, he2$ li,e "he%. I" wo#l$ loo, as if we
"ho#(h" we co#l$ %a,e hi% $o "hin(s. B#" reall&, we can onl& as, hi%.3
3Who is "his )erson &o# ,ee) on "al,in( a'o#"53
3The& call hi% Aslan in Tha" Place,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Wha" a c#rio#s na%e43
3No" half so c#rio#s as hi%self,3 sai$ E#s"ace sole%nl&. 3B#" le"2s (e" on. I" can2" $o an&
har%, 8#s" as,in(. Le"2s s"an$ si$e '& si$e, li,e "his. An$ we2ll hol$ o#" o#r ar%s in fron" of
#s wi"h "he )al%s $own: li,e "he& $i$ in Ra%an$#2s islan$ *3
3Whose islan$53
3I2ll "ell &o# a'o#" "ha" ano"her "i%e. An$ he %i(h" li,e #s "o face "he eas". Le"2s see, where
is "he eas"53
3I $on2" ,now,3 sai$ >ill.
3I"2s an e1"raor$inar& "hin( a'o#" (irls "ha" "he& ne+er ,now "he )oin"s of "he co%)ass,3 sai$
3Yo# $on2" ,now ei"her,3 sai$ >ill in$i(nan"l&.
3Yes I $o, if onl& &o# $i$n2" ,ee) on in"err#)"in(. I2+e (o" i" now. Tha"2s "he eas", facin( #)
in"o "he la#rels. Now, will &o# sa& "he wor$s af"er %e522
3Wha" wor$s53 as,e$ >ill.
3The wor$s I2% (oin( "o sa&, of co#rse,3 answere$ E#s"ace. 3Now *3
An$ he 'e(an, 3Aslan, Aslan, Aslan43
3Aslan, Aslan, Aslan,3 re)ea"e$ >ill.
3Please le" #s "wo (o in"o *3
A" "ha" %o%en" a +oice fro% "he o"her si$e of "he (&% was hear$ sho#"in( o#", 3Pole5 Yes.
I ,now where she is. She2s 'l#''in( 'ehin$ "he (&%. Shall I fe"ch her o#"53
>ill an$ E#s"ace (a+e one (lance a" each o"her, $i+e$ #n$er "he la#rels, an$ 'e(an
scra%'lin( #) "he s"ee), ear"h& slo)e of "he shr#''er& a" a s)ee$ which $i$ "he% (rea"
cre$i". .Owin( "o "he c#rio#s %e"ho$s of "eachin( a" E1)eri%en" Ho#se, one $i$ no" learn
%#ch 7rench or -a"hs or La"in or "hin(s of "ha" sor"0 '#" one $i$ learn a lo" a'o#" (e""in(
awa& 9#ic,l& an$ 9#ie"l& when The& were loo,in( for one./
Af"er a'o#" a %in#"e2s scra%'le "he& s"o))e$ "o lis"en, an$ ,new '& "he noises "he& hear$
"ha" "he& were 'ein( followe$.
3If onl& "he $oor was o)en a(ain43 sai$ Scr#'' as "he& wen" on, an$ >ill no$$e$. 7or a" "he
"o) of "he shr#''er& was a hi(h s"one wall an$ in "ha" wall a $oor '& which &o# co#l$ (e"
o#" on "o o)en %oor. This $oor was nearl& alwa&s loc,e$. B#" "here ha$ 'een "i%es when
)eo)le ha$ fo#n$ i" o)en0 or )erha)s "here ha$ 'een onl& one "i%e. B#" &o# %a& i%a(ine
how "he %e%or& of e+en one "i%e ,e)" )eo)le ho)in(, an$ "r&in( "he $oor0 for if i" sho#l$
ha))en "o 'e #nloc,e$ i" wo#l$ 'e a s)len$i$ wa& of (e""in( o#"si$e "he school (ro#n$s
wi"ho#" 'ein( seen.
>ill an$ E#s"ace, now 'o"h +er& ho" an$ +er& (r#''& fro% (oin( alon( 'en" al%os" $o#'le
#n$er "he la#rels, )an"e$ #) "o "he wall. An$ "here was "he $oor, sh#" as #s#al.
3I"2s s#re "o 'e no (oo$,3 sai$ E#s"ace wi"h his han$ on "he han$le0 an$ "hen, 3O*o*oh. B&
6#%443 7or "he han$le "#rne$ an$ "he $oor o)ene$.
A %o%en" 'efore, 'o"h of "he% ha$ %ean" "o (e" "hro#(h "ha" $oorwa& in $o#'le 9#ic,
"i%e, if '& an& chance "he $oor was no" loc,e$. B#" when "he $oor ac"#all& o)ene$, "he&
'o"h s"oo$ s"oc, s"ill. 7or wha" "he& saw was 9#i"e $ifferen" fro% wha" "he& ha$ e1)ec"e$.
The& ha$ e1)ec"e$ "o see "he (re&, hea"her& slo)e of "he %oor (oin( #) an$ #) "o 8oin "he
$#ll a#"#%n s,&. Ins"ea$, a 'la<e of s#nshine %e" "he%. I" )o#re$ "hro#(h "he $oorwa& as
"he li(h" of a >#ne $a& )o#rs in"o a (ara(e when &o# o)en "he $oor. I" %a$e "he $ro)s of
wa"er on "he (rass (li""er li,e 'ea$s an$ showe$ #) "he $ir"iness of >ill2s "ear*s"aine$ face.
An$ "he s#nli(h" was co%in( fro% wha" cer"ainl& $i$ loo, li,e a $ifferen" worl$ * wha"
"he& co#l$ see of i". The& saw s%oo"h "#rf, s%oo"her an$ 'ri(h"er "han >ill ha$ e+er seen
'efore, an$ 'l#e s,&, an$, $ar"in( "o an$ fro, "hin(s so 'ri(h" "ha" "he& %i(h" ha+e 'een
8ewels or h#(e '#""erflies.
Al"ho#(h she ha$ 'een lon(in( for so%e"hin( li,e "his, >ill fel" fri(h"ene$. She loo,e$ a"
Scr#''2s face an$ saw "ha" he was fri(h"ene$ "oo.
3Co%e on, Pole,3 he sai$ in a 'rea"hless +oice.
3Can we (e" 'ac,5 Is i" safe53 as,e$ >ill.
A" "ha" %o%en" a +oice sho#"e$ fro% 'ehin$, a %ean, s)i"ef#l li""le +oice. 3Now "hen,
Pole,3 i" s9#ea,e$. 3E+er&one ,nows &o#2re "here. Down &o# co%e.3 I" was "he +oice of
E$i"h >ac,le, no" one of The% herself '#" one of "heir han(ers*on an$ "ale*'earers.
3=#ic,43 sai$ Scr#''. 3Here. Hol$ han$s. We %#s"n2" (e" se)ara"e$.3 An$ 'efore she 9#i"e
,new wha" was ha))enin(, he ha$ (ra''e$ her han$ an$ )#lle$ her "hro#(h "he $oor, o#" of
"he school (ro#n$s, o#" of En(lan$, o#" of o#r whole worl$ in"o Tha" Place.
The so#n$ of E$i"h >ac,le2s +oice s"o))e$ as s#$$enl& as "he +oice on "he ra$io when i" is
swi"che$ off. Ins"an"l& "here was a 9#i"e $ifferen" so#n$ all a'o#" "he%. I" ca%e fro% "hose
'ri(h" "hin(s o+erhea$, which now "#rne$ o#" "o 'e 'ir$s. The& were %a,in( a rio"o#s
noise, '#" i" was %#ch %ore li,e %#sic * ra"her a$+ance$ %#sic which &o# $on2" 9#i"e "a,e
in a" "he firs" hearin( * "han 'ir$s2 son(s e+er are in o#r worl$. Ye", in s)i"e of "he sin(in(,
"here was a sor" of 'ac,(ro#n$ of i%%ense silence. Tha" silence, co%'ine$ wi"h "he
freshness of "he air, %a$e >ill "hin, "he& %#s" 'e on "he "o) of a +er& hi(h %o#n"ain.
Scr#'' s"ill ha$ her '& "he han$ an$ "he& were wal,in( forwar$, s"arin( a'o#" "he% on
e+er& si$e. >ill saw "ha" h#(e "rees, ra"her li,e ce$ars '#" 'i((er, (rew in e+er& $irec"ion.
B#" as "he& $i$ no" (row close "o(e"her, an$ as "here was no #n$er(row"h, "his $i$ no"
)re+en" one fro% seein( a lon( wa& in"o "he fores" "o lef" an$ ri(h". An$ as far as >ill2s e&e
co#l$ reach, i" was all "he sa%e * le+el "#rf, $ar"in( 'ir$s wi"h &ellow, or $ra(onfl& 'l#e, or
rain'ow )l#%a(e, 'l#e sha$ows, an$ e%)"iness. There was no" a 'rea"h of win$ in "ha"
cool, 'ri(h" air. I" was a +er& lonel& fores".
Ri(h" ahea$ "here were no "rees: onl& 'l#e s,&. The& wen" s"rai(h" on wi"ho#" s)ea,in( "ill
s#$$enl& >ill hear$ Scr#'' sa&, 3Loo, o#"43 an$ fel" herself 8er,e$ 'ac,. The& were a" "he
+er& e$(e of a cliff.
>ill was one of "hose l#c,& )eo)le who ha+e a (oo$ hea$ for hei(h"s. She $i$n2" %in$ in "he
leas" s"an$in( on "he e$(e of a )reci)ice. She was ra"her anno&e$ wi"h Scr#'' for )#llin(
her 'ac, * 38#s" as if I was a ,i$3, she sai$ an$ she wrenche$ her han$ o#" of his. When she
saw how +er& whi"e he ha$ "#rne$, she $es)ise$ hi%.
3Wha"2s "he %a""er53 she sai$. An$ "o show "ha" she was no" afrai$, she s"oo$ +er& near "he
e$(e in$ee$0 in fac", a (oo$ $eal nearer "han e+en she li,e$. Then she loo,e$ $own.
She now reali<e$ "ha" Scr#'' ha$ so%e e1c#se for loo,in( whi"e, for no cliff in o#r worl$
is "o 'e co%)are$ wi"h "his. I%a(ine &o#rself a" "he "o) of "he +er& hi(hes" cliff &o# ,now.
An$ i%a(ine &o#rself loo,in( $own "o "he +er& 'o""o%. An$ "hen i%a(ine "ha" "he
)reci)ice (oes on 'elow "ha", as far a(ain, "en "i%es as far, "wen"& "i%es as far. An$ when
&o#2+e loo,e$ $own all "ha" $is"ance i%a(ine li""le whi"e "hin(s "ha" %i(h", a" firs" (lance,
'e %is"a,en for shee), '#" )resen"l& &o# reali<e "ha" "he& are clo#$s * no" li""le wrea"hs of
%is" '#" "he enor%o#s whi"e, )#ff& clo#$s which are "he%sel+es as 'i( as %os" %o#n"ains.
An$ a" las", in 'e"ween "hose clo#$s, &o# (e" &o#r firs" (li%)se of "he real 'o""o%, so far
awa& "ha" &o# can2" %a,e o#" whe"her i"2s fiel$ or woo$, or lan$ or wa"er: far"her 'elow
"hose clo#$s "han &o# are a'o+e "he%.
>ill s"are$ a" i". Then she "ho#(h" "ha" )erha)s, af"er all, she wo#l$ s"e) 'ac, afoo" or so
fro% "he e$(e0 '#" she $i$n2" li,e "o for fear of wha" Scr#'' wo#l$ "hin,. Then she
s#$$enl& $eci$e$ "ha" she $i$n2" care wha" he "ho#(h", an$ "ha" she wo#l$ 8oll& well (e"
awa& fro% "ha" horri'le e$(e an$ ne+er la#(h a" an&one for no" li,in( hei(h"s a(ain. B#"
when she "rie$ "o %o+e, she fo#n$ she co#l$n2". Her le(s see%e$ "o ha+e "#rne$ in"o )#""&.
E+er&"hin( was swi%%in( 'efore her e&es.
3Wha" are &o# $oin(, Pole5 Co%e 'ac,*'li"herin( li""le i$io"43 sho#"e$ Scr#''. B#" his
+oice see%e$ "o he co%in( fro% a lon( wa& off. She fel" hi% (ra''in( a" her. B#" '& now
she ha$ no con"rol o+er her own ar%s an$ le(s. There was a %o%en"2s s"r#((lin( on "he
cliff e$(e. >ill was "oo fri(h"ene$ an$ $i<<& "o ,now 9#i"e wha" she was $oin(, '#" "wo
"hin(s she re%e%'ere$ as lon( as she li+e$ ."he& of"en ca%e 'ac, "o her in $rea%s/. One
was "ha" she ha$ wrenche$ herself free of Scr#''2s cl#"ches0 "he o"her was "ha", a" "he sa%e
%o%en", Scr#'' hi%self, wi"h a "errifie$ screa%, ha$ los" his 'alance an$ (one h#r"lin( "o
"he $e)"hs.
7or"#na"el&, she was (i+en no "i%e "o "hin, o+er wha" she ha$ $one. So%e h#(e, 'ri(h"l&
colo#re$ ani%al ha$ r#she$ "o "he e$(e of "he cliff. I" was l&in( $own, leanin( o+er, an$
."his was "he o$$ "hin(/ 'lowin(. No" roarin( or snor"in(, '#" 8#s" 'lowin( fro% i"s wi$e*
o)ene$ %o#"h0 'lowin( o#" as s"ea$il& as a +ac##% cleaner s#c,s in. >ill was l&in( so close
"o "he crea"#re "ha" she co#l$ feel "he 'rea"h +i'ra"in( s"ea$il& "hro#(h i"s 'o$&. She was
l&in( s"ill 'eca#se she co#l$n2" (e" #). She was nearl& fain"in(: in$ee$, she wishe$
she co#l$ reall& fain", '#" fain"s $on2" co%e for "he as,in(. A" las" she saw, far awa& 'elow
her, a "in& 'lac, s)ec, floa"in( awa& fro% "he cliff an$ sli(h"l& #)war$s. As i" rose, i" also
(o" far"her awa&. B& "he "i%e i" was nearl& on a le+el wi"h "he cliff*"o) i" was so far off "ha"
she los" si(h" of i". I" was o'+io#sl& %o+in( awa& fro% "he% a" a (rea" s)ee$. >ill co#l$n2"
hel) "hin,in( "ha" "he crea"#re a" her si$e was 'lowin( i" awa&.
So she "#rne$ an$ loo,e$ a" "he crea"#re. I" was a lion.
WITHOT a (lance a" >ill "he lion rose "o i"s fee" an$ (a+e one las" 'low. Then, as if
sa"isfie$ wi"h i"s wor,, i" "#rne$ an$ s"al,e$ slowl& awa&, 'ac, in"o "he fores".
3I" %#s" 'e a $rea%, i" %#s", i" %#s",3 sai$ >ill "o herself. 3I2ll wa,e #) in a %o%en".3 B#" i"
wasn2", an$ she $i$n2".
3I $o wish we2$ ne+er co%e "o "his $rea$f#l )lace,3 sai$ >ill. 3I $on2" 'elie+e Scr#'' ,new
an& %ore a'o#" i" "han I $o. Or if he $i$, he ha$ no '#siness "o 'rin( %e here wi"ho#"
warnin( %e wha" i" was li,e. I"2s no" %& fa#l" he fell o+er "ha" cliff. If he2$ lef" %e alone we
sho#l$ 'o"h 'e all ri(h".3 Then she re%e%'ere$ a(ain "he screa% "ha" Scr#'' ha$ (i+en
when he fell, an$ '#rs" in"o "ears.
Cr&in( is all ri(h" in i"s wa& while i" las"s. B#" &o# ha+e "o s"o) sooner or la"er, an$ "hen
&o# s"ill ha+e "o $eci$e wha" "o $o. When >ill s"o))e$, she fo#n$ she was $rea$f#ll& "hirs"&.
She ha$ 'een l&in( face $ownwar$, an$ now she sa" #). The 'ir$s ha$ cease$ sin(in( an$
"here was )erfec" silence e1ce)" for one s%all, )ersis"en" so#n$, which see%e$ "o co%e
fro% a (oo$ $is"ance awa&. She lis"ene$ caref#ll&, an$ fel" al%os" s#re i" was "he so#n$ of
r#nnin( wa"er.
>ill (o" #) an$ loo,e$ ro#n$ her +er& caref#ll&. There was no si(n of "he lion0 '#" "here
were so %an& "rees a'o#" "ha" i" %i(h" easil& 'e 9#i"e close wi"ho#" her seein( i". 7or all she
,new, "here %i(h" 'e se+eral lions. B#" her "hirs" was +er& 'a$ now, an$ she )l#c,e$ #) her
co#ra(e "o (o an$ loo, for "ha" r#nnin( wa"er. She wen" on "i)"oes, s"ealin( ca#"io#sl& fro%
"ree "o "ree, an$ s"o))in( "o )eer ro#n$ her a" e+er& s"e).
The woo$ was so s"ill "ha" i" was no" $iffic#l" "o $eci$e where "he so#n$ was co%in( fro%.
I" (rew clearer e+er& %o%en" an$, sooner "han she e1)ec"e$, she ca%e "o an o)en (la$e an$
saw "he s"rea%, 'ri(h" as (lass, r#nnin( across "he "#rf a s"one2s "hrow awa& fro% her. B#"
al"ho#(h "he si(h" of "he wa"er %a$e her feel "en "i%es "hirs"ier "han 'efore, she $i$n2" r#sh
forwar$ an$ $rin,. She s"oo$ as s"ill as if she ha$ 'een "#rne$ in"o s"one,
wi"h her %o#"h wi$e o)en. An$ she ha$ a +er& (oo$ reason0 8#s" on "his si$e of "he s"rea%
la& "he lion.
I" la& wi"h i"s hea$ raise$ an$ i"s "wo fore*)aws o#" in fron" of i", li,e "he lions in Trafal(ar
S9#are. She ,new a" once "ha" i" ha$ seen her, for i"s e&es loo,e$ s"rai(h" in"o hers for a
%o%en" an$ "hen "#rne$ awa& * as if i" ,new her 9#i"e well an$ $i$n2" "hin, %#ch of her.
3If I r#n awa&, i"2ll 'e af"er %e in a %o%en",3 "ho#(h" >ill. 3An$ if I (o on, I shall r#n
s"rai(h" in"o i"s %o#"h.3 An&wa&, she co#l$n2" ha+e %o+e$ if she ha$ "rie$, an$ she co#l$n2"
"a,e her e&es off i". How lon( "his las"e$, she co#l$ no" 'e s#re0 i" see%e$ li,e ho#rs. An$
"he "hirs" 'eca%e so 'a$ "ha" she al%os" fel" she wo#l$ no" %in$ 'ein( ea"en '& "he lion if
onl& she co#l$ 'e s#re of (e""in( a %o#"hf#l of wa"er firs".
3If &o#2re "hirs"&, &o# %a& $rin,.3
The& were "he firs" wor$s she ha$ hear$ since Scr#'' ha$ s)o,en "o her on "he e$(e of "he
cliff. 7or a secon$ she s"are$ here an$ "here, won$erin( who ha$ s)o,en. Then "he +oice
sai$ a(ain, 3If &o# are "hirs"&, co%e an$ $rin,,3 an$ of co#rse she re%e%'ere$ wha" Scr#''
ha$ sai$ a'o#" ani%als "al,in( in "ha" o"her worl$, an$ reali<e$ "ha" i" was "he lion
s)ea,in(. An&wa&, she ha$ seen i"s li)s %o+e "his "i%e, an$ "he +oice was no" li,e a %an2s.
I" was $ee)er, wil$er, an$ s"ron(er0 a sor" of hea+&, (ol$en +oice. I" $i$ no" %a,e her an&
less fri(h"ene$ "han she ha$ 'een 'efore, '#" i" %a$e her fri(h"ene$ in ra"her a $ifferen"
3Are &o# no" "hirs"&53 sai$ "he Lion.
3I2% $&in( of "hirs",3 sai$ >ill.
3Then $rin,,3 sai$ "he Lion.
3-a& I * co#l$ I * wo#l$ &o# %in$ (oin( awa& while I $o53 sai$ >ill.
The Lion answere$ "his onl& '& a loo, an$ a +er& low (rowl. An$ as >ill (a<e$ a" i"s
%o"ionless '#l,, she reali<e$ "ha" she %i(h" as well ha+e as,e$ "he whole %o#n"ain "o
%o+e asi$e for her con+enience.
The $elicio#s ri))lin( noise of "he s"rea% was $ri+in( her nearl& fran"ic.
3Will &o# )ro%ise no" "o * $o an&"hin( "o %e, if I $o co%e53 sai$ >ill.
3I %a,e no )ro%ise,3 sai$ "he Lion.
>ill was so "hirs"& now "ha", wi"ho#" no"icin( i", she ha$ co%e a s"e) nearer.
3Do &o# ea" (irls53 she sai$.
3I ha+e swallowe$ #) (irls an$ 'o&s, wo%en an$ %en, ,in(s an$ e%)erors, ci"ies an$
real%s,3 sai$ "he Lion. I" $i$n2" sa& "his as if i" were 'oas"in(, nor as if i" were sorr&, nor as
if i" were an(r&. I" 8#s" sai$ i".
3I $aren2" co%e an$ $rin,,3 sai$ >ill.
3Then &o# will $ie of "hirs",3 sai$ "he Lion.
3Oh $ear43 sai$ >ill, co%in( ano"her s"e) nearer. 3I s#))ose I %#s" (o an$ loo, for ano"her
s"rea% "hen.3
3There is no o"her s"rea%,3 sai$ "he Lion.
I" ne+er occ#rre$ "o >ill "o $is'elie+e "he Lion * no one who ha$ seen his s"ern face co#l$ $o
"ha" * an$ her %in$ s#$$enl& %a$e i"self #). I" was "he wors" "hin( she ha$ e+er ha$ "o $o,
'#" she wen" forwar$ "o "he s"rea%, ,nel" $own, an$ 'e(an scoo)in( #) wa"er in her han$.
I" was "he col$es", %os" refreshin( wa"er she ha$ e+er "as"e$. Yo# $i$n2" nee$ "o $rin, %#ch
of i", for i" 9#enche$ &o#r "hirs" a" once. Before she "as"e$ i" she ha$ 'een in"en$in( "o %a,e
a $ash awa& fro% "he Lion "he %o%en" she ha$ finishe$. Now, she reali<e$ "ha" "his wo#l$
'e on "he whole "he %os" $an(ero#s "hin( of all. She (o" #) an$ s"oo$ "here wi"h her li)s
s"ill we" fro% $rin,in(.
3Co%e here,3 sai$ "he Lion. An$ she ha$ "o. She was al%os" 'e"ween i"s fron" )aws now,
loo,in( s"rai(h" in"o i"s face. B#" she co#l$n2" s"an$ "ha" for lon(0 she $ro))e$ her e&es.
3H#%an Chil$,3 sai$ "he Lion. 3Where is "he Bo&53
3He fell o+er "he cliff,3 sai$ >ill, an$ a$$e$, 3Sir.3 She $i$n2" ,now wha" else "o call hi%,
an$ i" so#n$e$ chee, "o call hi% no"hin(.
3How $i$ he co%e "o $o "ha", H#%an Chil$53
3He was "r&in( "o s"o) %e fro% fallin(, Sir.3
3Wh& were &o# so near "he e$(e, H#%an Chil$53
3I was showin( off, Sir.3
3Tha" is a +er& (oo$ answer, H#%an Chil$. Do so no %ore. An$ now3 .here for "he firs"
"i%e "he Lion2s face 'eca%e a li""le less s"ern/ 3"he 'o& is safe. I ha+e 'lown hi% "o Narnia.
B#" &o#r "as, will 'e "he har$er 'eca#se of wha" &o# ha+e $one.3
3Please, wha" "as,, Sir53 sai$ >ill.
3The "as, for which I calle$ &o# an$ hi% here o#" of &o#r own worl$.3
This )#<<le$ >ill +er& %#ch. 3I"2s %is"a,in( %e for so%eone else,3 she "ho#(h". She $i$n2"
$are "o "ell "he Lion "his, "ho#(h she fel" "hin(s wo#l$ (e" in"o a $rea$f#l %#$$le #nless she
3S)ea, &o#r "ho#(h", H#%an Chil$,3 sai$ "he Lion.
3I was won$erin( * I %ean * co#l$ "here 'e so%e %is"a,e5 Beca#se no'o$& calle$ %e an$
Scr#'', &o# ,now. I" was we who as,e$ "o co%e here. Scr#'' sai$ we were "o call "o * "o
So%e'o$& * i" was a na%e I wo#l$n2" ,now * an$ )erha)s "he So%e'o$& wo#l$ le" #s in.
An$ we $i$, an$ "hen we fo#n$ "he $oor o)en.2
3Yo# wo#l$ no" ha+e calle$ "o %e #nless I ha$ 'een callin( "o &o#,3 sai$ "he Lion.
3Then &o# are So%e'o$&, Sir53 sai$ >ill.
3I a%. An$ now hear &o#r "as,. 7ar fro% here in "he lan$ of Narnia "here li+es an a(e$ ,in(
who is sa$ 'eca#se he has no )rince of his 'loo$ "o 'e ,in( af"er hi%. He has no heir
'eca#se his onl& son was s"olen fro% hi% %an& &ears a(o, an$ no one in Narnia ,nows
where "ha" )rince wen" or whe"her he is s"ill ali+e. B#" he is. I la& on &o# "his co%%an$,
"ha" &o# see, "his los" )rince #n"il ei"her &o# ha+e fo#n$ hi% an$ 'ro#(h" hi% "o his fa"her2s
ho#se, or else $ie$ in "he a""e%)", or else (one 'ac, in"o &o#r own worl$.3
3How, )lease53 sai$ >ill.
3I will "ell &o#, Chil$,3 sai$ "he Lion. 3These are "he si(ns '& which I will (#i$e &o# in
&o#r 9#es". 7irs"0 as soon as "he Bo& E#s"ace se"s foo" in Narnia, he will %ee" an ol$ an$
$ear frien$. He %#s" (ree" "ha" frien$ a" once0 if he $oes, &o# will 'o"h ha+e (oo$ hel).
Secon$0 &o# %#s" 8o#rne& o#" of Narnia "o "he nor"h "ill &o# co%e "o "he r#ine$ ci"& of "he
ancien" (ian"s. Thir$0 &o# shall fin$ a wri"in( on a s"one in "ha" r#ine$ ci"&, an$ &o# %#s"
$o wha" "he wri"in( "ells &o#. 7o#r"h0 &o# will ,now "he los" )rince .if &o# fin$ hi%/ '&
"his, "ha" he will 'e "he firs" )erson &o# ha+e %e" in &o#r "ra+els who will as, &o# "o $o
so%e"hin( in %& na%e, in "he na%e of Aslan.3
As "he Lion see%e$ "o ha+e finishe$, >ill "ho#(h" she sho#l$ sa& so%e"hin(. So she sai$,
3Than, &o# +er& %#ch. I see.3
3Chil$,3 sai$ Aslan, in a (en"ler +oice "han he ha$ &e" #se$, 3)erha)s &o# $o no" see 9#i"e
as well as &o# "hin,. B#" "he firs" s"e) is "o re%e%'er. Re)ea" "o %e, in or$er, "he fo#r
>ill "rie$, an$ $i$n2" (e" "he% 9#i"e ri(h". So "he Lion correc"e$ her, an$ %a$e her re)ea"
"he% a(ain an$ a(ain "ill she co#l$ sa& "he% )erfec"l&. He was +er& )a"ien" o+er "his, so
"ha", when i" was $one, >ill )l#c,e$ #) co#ra(e "o as,:
3Please, how a% I "o (e" "o Narnia53
3On %& 'rea"h,3 sai$ "he Lion. 3I will 'low &o# in"o "he wes" of "he worl$ as I 'lew
3Shall I ca"ch hi% in "i%e "o "ell hi% "he firs" si(n5 B#" I s#))ose i" won2" %a""er. If he sees
an ol$ frien$, he2s s#re "o (o an$ s)ea, "o hi%, isn2" he53
3Yo# will ha+e no "i%e "o s)are,3 sai$ "he Lion. 3Tha" is wh& I %#s" sen$ &o# a" once.
Co%e. Wal, 'efore %e "o "he e$(e of "he cliff.3
>ill re%e%'ere$ +er& well "ha" if "here was no "i%e "o s)are, "ha" was her own fa#l". 3If I
ha$n2" %a$e s#ch a fool of %&self, Scr#'' an$ I wo#l$ ha+e 'een (oin( "o(e"her. An$ he2$
ha+e hear$ all "he ins"r#c"ions as well as %e,3 she "ho#(h". So she $i$ as she was "ol$. I"
was +er& alar%in( wal,in( 'ac, "o "he e$(e of "he cliff, es)eciall& as "he Lion $i$ no" wal,
wi"h her '#" 'ehin$ her * %a,in( no noise on his sof" )aws.
B#" lon( 'efore she ha$ (o" an&where near "he e$(e, "he +oice 'ehin$ her sai$, 3S"an$ s"ill.
In a %o%en" I will 'low. B#", firs", re%e%'er, re%e%'er, re%e%'er "he si(ns. Sa& "he% "o
&o#rself when &o# wa,e in "he %ornin( an$ when &o# lie $own a" ni(h", an$ when &o#
wa,e in "he %i$$le of "he ni(h". An$ wha"e+er s"ran(e "hin(s %a& ha))en "o &o#, le"
no"hin( "#rn &o#r %in$ fro% followin( "he si(ns. An$ secon$l&, I (i+e &o# a warnin(. Here
on "he %o#n"ain I ha+e s)o,en "o &o# clearl&: I will no" of"en $o so $own in Narnia. Here
on "he %o#n"ain, "he air is clear an$ &o#r %in$ is clear0 as &o# $ro) $own in"o Narnia, "he
air will "hic,en. Ta,e (rea" care "ha" i" $oes no" conf#se &o#r %in$. An$ "he si(ns which
&o# ha+e learne$ here will no" loo, a" all as &o# e1)ec" "he% "o loo,, when &o# %ee" "he%
"here. Tha" is wh& i" is so i%)or"an" "o ,now "he% '& hear" an$ )a& no a""en"ion "o
a))earances. Re%e%'er "he si(ns an$ 'elie+e "he si(ns. No"hin( else %a""ers. An$ now,
$a#(h"er of E+e, farewell *3
The +oice ha$ 'een (rowin( sof"er "owar$s "he en$ of "his s)eech an$ now i" fa$e$ awa&
al"o(e"her. >ill loo,e$ 'ehin$ her. To her as"onish%en" she saw "he cliff alrea$& %ore "han a
h#n$re$ &ar$s 'ehin$ her, an$ "he Lion hi%self a s)ec, of 'ri(h" (ol$ on "he e$(e of i". She
ha$ 'een se""in( her "ee"h an$ clenchin( her fis"s for a "erri'le 'las" of lion2s 'rea"h0 '#" "he
'rea"h ha$ reall& 'een so (en"le "ha" she ha$ no" e+en no"ice$ "he %o%en" a" which she lef"
"he ear"h. An$ now, "here was no"hin( '#" air for "ho#san$s #)on "ho#san$s of fee" 'elow
She fel" fri(h"ene$ onl& for a secon$. 7or one "hin(, "he worl$ 'enea"h her was so +er& far
awa& "ha" i" see%e$ "o ha+e no"hin( "o $o wi"h her. 7or ano"her, floa"in( on "he 'rea"h of
"he Lion was so e1"re%el& co%for"a'le. She fo#n$ she co#l$ lie on her 'ac, or on her face
an$ "wis" an& wa& she )lease$, 8#s" as &o# can in wa"er .if &o#2+e learne$ "o floa" reall&
well/. An$ 'eca#se she was %o+in( a" "he sa%e )ace as "he 'rea"h, "here was no win$, an$
"he air see%e$ 'ea#"if#ll& war%. I" was no" in "he leas" li,e 'ein( in an aero)lane, 'eca#se
"here was no noise an$ no +i'ra"ion. If >ill ha$ e+er 'een in a 'alloon she %i(h" ha+e
"ho#(h" i" %ore li,e "ha"0 onl& 'e""er.
When she loo,e$ 'ac, now she co#l$ "a,e in for "he firs" "i%e "he real si<e of "he %o#n"ain
she was lea+in(. She won$ere$ wh& a %o#n"ain so h#(e as "ha" was no" co+ere$ wi"h snow
an$ ice * 3'#" I s#))ose all "ha" sor" of "hin( is $ifferen" in "his worl$,3 "ho#(h" >ill. Then
she loo,e$ 'elow her0 '#" she was so hi(h "ha" she co#l$n2" %a,e o#" whe"her she was
floa"in( o+er lan$ or sea, nor wha" s)ee$ she was (oin( a".
3B& >o+e4 The si(ns43 sai$ >ill s#$$enl&. 3I2$ 'e""er re)ea" "he%.3 She was in a )anic for a
secon$ or "wo, '#" she fo#n$ she co#l$ s"ill sa& "he% all correc"l&. 3So "ha"2s all ri(h",3 she
sai$, an$ la& 'ac, on "he air as if i" was a sofa, wi"h a si(h of con"en"%en".
3Well, I $o $eclare,3 sai$ >ill "o herself so%e ho#rs la"er, 3I2+e 'een aslee). 7anc& slee)in(
on air. I won$er if an&one2s $one i" 'efore. I $on2" s#))ose "he& ha+e. Oh 'o"her * Scr#''
)ro'a'l& has4 On "his sa%e 8o#rne&, a li""le 'i" 'efore %e. Le"2s see wha" i" loo,s li,e $own
Wha" i" loo,e$ li,e was an enor%o#s, +er& $ar, 'l#e )lain. There were no hills "o 'e seen0
'#" "here were 'i((ish whi"e "hin(s %o+in( slowl& across i". 3Those %#s" 'e clo#$s,3 she
"ho#(h". 3B#" far 'i((er "han "he ones we saw fro% "he cliff. I s#))ose "he&2re 'i((er
'eca#se "he&2re nearer. I %#s" 'e (e""in( lower. Bo"her "his s#n.3
The s#n which ha$ 'een hi(h o+erhea$ when she 'e(an her 8o#rne& was now (e""in( in"o
her e&es. This %ean" "ha" i" was (e""in( lower, ahea$ of her. Scr#'' was 9#i"e ri(h" in
sa&in( "ha" >ill .I $on2" ,now a'o#" (irls in (eneral/ $i$n2" "hin, %#ch a'o#" )oin"s of "he
co%)ass. O"herwise she wo#l$ ha+e ,nown, when "he s#n 'e(an (e""in( in her e&es, "ha"
she was "ra+ellin( )re""& nearl& $#e wes".
S"arin( a" "he 'l#e )lain 'elow her, she )resen"l& no"ice$ "ha" "here were li""le $o"s of
'ri(h"er, )aler colo#r in i" here an$ "here. 3I"2s "he sea43 "ho#(h" >ill. 3I $o 'elie+e "hose are
islan$s.3 An$ so "he& were. She %i(h" ha+e fel" ra"her 8ealo#s if she ha$ ,nown "ha" so%e
of "he% were islan$s which Scr#'' ha$ seen fro% a shi)2s $ec, an$ e+en lan$e$ on0 '#" she
$i$n2" ,now "his. Then, la"er on, she 'e(an "o see "ha" "here were li""le wrin,les on "he 'l#e
fla"ness: li""le wrin,les which %#s" 'e 9#i"e 'i( ocean wa+es if &o# were $own a%on(
"he%. An$ now, all alon( "he hori<on "here was a "hic, $ar, line which (rew "hic,er an$
$ar,er so 9#ic,l& "ha" &o# co#l$ see i" (rowin(. Tha" was "he firs" si(n she ha$ ha$ of "he
(rea" s)ee$ a" which she was "ra+ellin(. An$ she ,new "ha" "he "hic,enin( line %#s" 'e
S#$$enl& fro% her lef" .for "he win$ was in "he so#"h/ a (rea" whi"e clo#$ ca%e r#shin(
"owar$s her, "his "i%e on "he sa%e le+el as herself. An$ 'efore she ,new where she was,
she ha$ sho" ri(h" in"o "he %i$$le of i"s col$, we" fo((iness. Tha" "oo, her 'rea"h awa&, '#"
she was in i" onl& for a %o%en". She ca%e o#" 'lin,in( in "he s#nli(h" an$ fo#n$ her
clo"hes we". .She ha$ on a 'la<er an$ swea"er an$ shor"s an$ s"oc,in(s an$ )re""& "hic,
shoes0 i" ha$ 'een a %#$$& sor" of $a& in En(lan$./ She ca%e o#" lower "han she ha$ (one
in0 an$ as soon as she $i$ so she no"ice$ so%e"hin( which, I s#))ose, she o#(h" "o ha+e
'een e1)ec"in(, '#" which ca%e as a s#r)rise an$ a shoc,. I" was Noises. ) "ill "hen she
ha$ "ra+elle$ in "o"al silence. Now, for "he firs" "i%e, she hear$ "he noise of
wa+es an$ "he cr&in( of sea(#lls. An$ now, "oo, she s%elle$ "he s%ell of "he sea. There was
no %is"a,e a'o#" her s)ee$ now. She saw "wo wa+es %ee" wi"h a s%ac, an$ a s)o#" of
foa% (o #) 'e"ween "he%0 '#" she ha$ har$l& seen i" 'efore i" was a h#n$re$ &ar$s 'ehin$
her. The lan$ was (e""in( nearer a" a (rea" )ace. She co#l$ see %o#n"ains far inlan$, an$
o"her nearer %o#n"ains on her lef". She co#l$ see 'a&s an$ hea$lan$s, woo$s an$ fiel$s,
s"re"ches of san$& 'each. The so#n$ of wa+es 'rea,in( on "he shore was (rowin( lo#$er
e+er& secon$ an$ $rownin( "he o"her sea noises.
S#$$enl& "he lan$ o)ene$ ri(h" ahea$ of her. She was co%in( "o "he %o#"h of a ri+er. She
was +er& low now, onl& a few fee" a'o+e "he wa"er. A wa+e*"o) ca%e a(ains" her "oe an$ a
(rea" s)lash of foa% s)#r"e$ #), $renchin( her nearl& "o "he wais". Now she was losin(
s)ee$. Ins"ea$ of 'ein( carrie$ #) "he ri+er she was (li$in( in "o "he ri+er 'an, on her lef".
There were so %an& "hin(s "o no"ice "ha" she co#l$ har$l& "a,e "he% all in0 a s%oo"h, (reen
lawn, a shi) so 'ri(h"l& colo#re$ "ha" i" loo,e$ li,e an enor%o#s )iece of 8eweller&, "owers
an$ 'a""le%en"s, 'anners fl#""erin( in "he air, a crow$, (a& clo"hes, ar%o#r, (ol$, swor$s, a
so#n$ of %#sic. B#" "his was all 8#%'le$. The firs" "hin( "ha" she ,new clearl& was "ha" she
ha$ ali(h"e$ an$ was s"an$in( #n$er a "hic,e" of "rees close '& "he ri+er si$e, an$ "here,
onl& a few fee" awa& fro% her, was Scr#''.
The firs" "hin( she "ho#(h" was how +er& (r#''& an$ #n"i$& an$ (enerall& #ni%)ressi+e he
loo,e$. An$ "he secon$ was 3How we" I a%43
WHAT %a$e Scr#'' loo, so $in(& .an$ >ill "oo, if she co#l$ onl& ha+e seen herself/ was
"he s)len$o#r of "heir s#rro#n$in(s. I ha$ 'e""er $escri'e "he% a" once.
Thro#(h a clef" in "hose %o#n"ains which >ill ha$ seen far inlan$ as she a))roache$ "he
lan$, "he s#nse" li(h" was )o#rin( o+er a le+el lawn. On "he far si$e of "he lawn, i"s
wea"her*+anes (li""erin( in "he li(h", rose a %an&*"owere$ an$ %an&*"#rre"e$ cas"le0 "he
%os" 'ea#"if#l cas"le >ill ha$ e+er seen. On "he near si$e was a 9#a& of whi"e %ar'le an$,
%oore$ "o "his, "he shi): a "all shi) wi"h hi(h forecas"le an$ hi(h )oo), (il$e$ an$ cri%son,
wi"h a (rea" fla( a" "he %as"*hea$, an$ %an& 'anners wa+in( fro% "he $ec,s, an$ a row of
shiel$s, 'ri(h" as sil+er, alon( "he '#lwar,s. The (an(*)lan, was lai$ "o her, an$ a" "he foo"
of i", 8#s" rea$& "o (o on 'oar$, s"oo$ an ol$, ol$ %an. He wore a rich %an"le of scarle"
which o)ene$ in fron" "o show his sil+er %ail shir". There was a "hin circle" of (ol$ on his
hea$. His 'ear$, whi"e as wool, fell nearl& "o his wais". He s"oo$ s"rai(h" eno#(h, leanin(
one han$ on "he sho#l$er of a richl& $resse$ lor$ who see%e$ &o#n(er "han hi%self: '#"
&o# co#l$ see he was +er& ol$ an$ frail. He loo,e$ as if a )#ff of win$ co#l$ 'low hi%
awa&, an$ his e&es were wa"er&.
I%%e$ia"el& in fron" of "he !in( * who ha$ "#rne$ ro#n$ "o s)ea, "o his )eo)le 'efore
(oin( on 'oar$ "he shi) * "here was a li""le chair on wheels, an$, harnesse$ "o i", a li""le
$on,e&: no" %#ch 'i((er "han a 'i( re"rie+er. In "his chair sa" a fa" li""le $warf. He was as
richl& $resse$ as "he !in(, '#" 'eca#se of his fa"ness an$ 'eca#se he was si""in( h#nche$
#) a%on( c#shions, "he effec" was 9#i"e $ifferen": i" %a$e hi% loo, li,e a sha)eless li""le
'#n$le of f#r an$ sil, an$ +el+e". He was as ol$ as "he !in(, '#" %ore hale an$ hear"&, wi"h
+er& ,een e&es. His 'are hea$, which was 'al$ an$ e1"re%el& lar(e, shone li,e a (i(an"ic
'illiar$ 'all in "he s#nse" li(h".
7ar"her 'ac,, in a half*circle, s"oo$ wha" >ill a" once ,new "o 'e "he co#r"iers. The& were
well wor"h loo,in( a" for "heir clo"hes an$ ar%o#r alone. As far as "ha" wen", "he& loo,e$
%ore li,e a flower*'e$ "han a crow$. B#" wha" reall& %a$e >ill o)en her e&es an$ %o#"h as
wi$e as "he& wo#l$ (o, was "he )eo)le "he%sel+es. If 3)eo)le3 was "he ri(h" wor$. 7or onl&
a'o#" one in e+er& fi+e was h#%an. The res" were "hin(s &o# ne+er see in o#r worl$. 7a#ns,
sa"&rs, cen"a#rs: >ill co#l$ (i+e a na%e "o "hese, for she ha$ seen )ic"#res of "he%. Dwarfs
"oo. An$ "here were a lo" of ani%als she ,new as well0 'ears, 'a$(ers, %oles, leo)ar$s,
%ice, an$ +ario#s 'ir$s. B#" "hen "he& were so +er& $ifferen" fro% "he ani%als which one
calle$ '& "he sa%e na%es in En(lan$. So%e of "he% were %#ch 'i((er * "he %ice, for
ins"ance, s"oo$ on "heir hin$ le(s an$ were o+er "wo fee" hi(h. B#" 9#i"e a)ar" fro% "ha",
"he& all loo,e$ $ifferen". Yo# co#l$ see '& "he e1)ression in "heir faces "ha" "he& co#l$ "al,
an$ "hin, 8#s" as well as &o# co#l$.
36oll&43 "ho#(h" >ill. 3So i"2s "r#e af"er all.3 B#" ne1" %o%en" she a$$e$, 3I won$er are "he&
frien$l&53 7or she ha$ 8#s" no"ice$, on "he o#"s,ir"s of "he crow$, one or "wo (ian"s an$
so%e )eo)le who% she co#l$n2" (i+e a na%e "o a" all.
A" "ha" %o%en" Aslan an$ "he si(ns r#she$ 'ac, in"o her %in$. She ha$ for(o""en all a'o#"
"he% for "he las" half*ho#r.
3Scr#''43 she whis)ere$, (ra''in( his ar%. 3Scr#'', 9#ic,4 Do &o# see an&one &o#
3So &o#2+e "#rne$ #) a(ain, ha+e &o#53 sai$ Scr#'' $isa(reea'l& .for which he ha$ so%e
reason/. 3Well, ,ee) 9#ie", can2" &o#5 I wan" "o lis"en.3
3Don2" 'e a fool,3 sai$ >ill. 3There isn2" a %o%en" "o lose. Don2" &o# see so%e ol$ frien$
here5 Beca#se &o#2+e (o" "o (o an$ s)ea, "o hi% a" once.3
3Wha" are &o# "al,in( a'o#"53 sai$ Scr#''.
3I"2s Aslan * "he Lion * sa&s &o#2+e (o" "o,3 sai$ >ill $es)airin(l&. 3I2+e seen hi%.3
3Oh, &o# ha+e, ha+e &o#5 Wha" $i$ he sa&53
3He sai$ "he +er& firs" )erson &o# saw in Narnia wo#l$ 'e an ol$ frien$, an$ &o#2$ (o" "o
s)ea, "o hi% a" once.3
3Well, "here2s no'o$& here I2+e e+er seen in %& life 'efore0 an$ an&wa&, I $on2" ,now
whe"her "his is Narnia.3
3Tho#(h" &o# sai$ &o#2$ 'een here 'efore,3 sai$ >ill.
3Well, &o# "ho#(h" wron( "hen.3
3Well, I li,e "ha"4 Yo# "ol$ %e *3
37or hea+en2s sa,e $r& #) an$ le"2s hear wha" "he&2re sa&in(.3
The !in( was s)ea,in( "o "he Dwarf, '#" >ill co#l$n2" hear wha" he sai$. An$, as far as she
co#l$ %a,e o#", "he Dwarf %a$e no answer, "ho#(h he no$$e$ an$ wa((e$ his hea$ a (rea"
$eal. Then "he !in( raise$ his +oice an$ a$$resse$ "he whole co#r": '#" his +oice was so
ol$ an$ crac,e$ "ha" she co#l$ #n$ers"an$ +er& li""le of his s)eech * es)eciall& since i" was
all a'o#" )eo)le an$ )laces she ha$ ne+er hear$ of. When "he s)eech was o+er, "he !in(
s"oo)e$ $own an$ ,isse$ "he Dwarf on 'o"h chee,s, s"rai(h"ene$ hi%self, raise$ his ri(h"
han$ as if in 'lessin(, an$ wen", slowl& an$ wi"h fee'le s"e)s, #) "he (an(wa& an$ on 'oar$
"he shi). The co#r"iers a))eare$ "o 'e (rea"l& %o+e$ '& his $e)ar"#re. Han$,erchiefs were
(o" o#", so#n$s of so''in( were hear$ in e+er& $irec"ion. The (an(wa& was cas" off,
"r#%)e"s so#n$e$ fro% "he )oo), an$ "he shi) %o+e$ awa& fro% "he 9#a&. .I" was 'ein(
"owe$ '& a rowin(*'oa", '#" >ill $i$n2" see "ha"./
3Now *3 sai$ Scr#'', '#" he $i$n2" (e" an& far"her, 'eca#se a" "ha" %o%en" a lar(e whi"e
o'8ec" * >ill "ho#(h" for a secon$ "ha" i" was a ,i"e * ca%e (li$in( "hro#(h "he air an$
ali(h"e$ a" his fee". I" was a whi"e owl, '#" so 'i( "ha" i" s"oo$ as hi(h as a (oo$*si<e$
I" 'lin,e$ an$ )eere$ as if i" were shor"*si(h"e$, an$ )#" i"s hea$ a li""le on one si$e, an$
sai$ in a sof", hoo"in( ,in$ of +oice:
3T#*whoo, "#*whoo4 Who are &o# "wo53
3-& na%e2s Scr#'', an$ "his is Pole,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Wo#l$ &o# %in$ "ellin( #s where we
3In "he lan$ of Narnia, a" "he !in(2s cas"le of Cair Para+el.3
3Is "ha" "he !in( who2s 8#s" "a,en shi)53
3Too "r#e, "oo "r#e,3 sai$ "he Owl sa$l&, sha,in( i"s 'i( hea$. 3B#" who are &o#5 There2s
so%e"hin( %a(ic a'o#" &o# "wo. I saw &o# arri+e: &o# flew. E+er&one else was so '#s&
seein( "he !in( off "ha" no'o$& ,new. E1ce)" %e. I ha))ene$ "o no"ice &o#, &o# flew.3
3We were sen" here '& Aslan,3 sai$ E#s"ace in a low +oice.
3T#*whoo, "#*whoo43 sai$ "he Owl, r#fflin( o#" i"s fea"hers. 3This is al%os" "oo %#ch for
%e, so earl& in "he e+enin(. I2% no" 9#i"e %&self "ill "he s#n2s $own.3
3An$ we2+e 'een sen" "o fin$ "he los" Prince,3 sai$ >ill, who ha$ 'een an1io#sl& wai"in( "o
(e" in"o "he con+ersa"ion.
3I"2s "he firs" I2+e hear$ a'o#" i",3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Wha" )rince53
3Yo# ha$ 'e""er co%e an$ s)ea, "o "he Lor$ Re(en" a" once,3 i" sai$. 3Tha"2s hi%, o+er
"here in "he $on,e& carria(e0 Tr#%),in "he Dwarf.3 The 'ir$ "#rne$ an$ 'e(an lea$in( "he
wa&, %#""erin( "o i"self, 3Whoo4 T#*whoo4 Wha" a "o*$o4 I can2" "hin, clearl& &e". I"2s "oo
3Wha" is "he !in(2s na%e53 as,e$ E#s"ace.
3Cas)ian "he Ten"h,3 sai$ "he Owl. An$ >ill won$ere$ wh& Scr#'' ha$ s#$$enl& )#lle$ #)
shor" in his wal, an$ "#rne$ an e1"raor$inar& colo#r. She "ho#(h" she ha$ ne+er seen hi%
loo, so sic, a'o#" an&"hin(. B#" 'efore she ha$ "i%e "o as, an& 9#es"ions "he& ha$ reache$
"he $warf, who was 8#s" (a"herin( #) "he reins of his $on,e& an$ )re)arin( "o $ri+e 'ac, "o
"he cas"le. The crow$ of co#r"iers ha$ 'ro,en #) an$ were (oin( in "he sa%e $irec"ion, '&
ones an$ "wos an$ li""le ,no"s, li,e )eo)le co%in( awa& fro% wa"chin( a (a%e or a race.
3T#*whoo4 Ahe%4 Lor$ Re(en",3 sai$ "he Owl, s"oo)in( $own a li""le an$ hol$in( i"s 'ea,
near "he Dwarf2s ear.
3Heh5 Wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ "he Dwarf.
3Two s"ran(ers, %& lor$,3 sai$ "he Owl.
3Ran(ers4 Wha" $2&e %ean53 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3I see "wo #nco%%onl& (r#''& %an*c#'s.
Wha" $o "he& wan"53
3-& na%e2s >ill,3 sai$ >ill, )ressin( forwar$. She was +er& ea(er "o e1)lain "he i%)or"an"
'#siness on which "he& ha$ co%e.
3The (irl2s calle$ >ill,3 sai$ "he Owl, as lo#$ as i" co#l$.
3Wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3The (irls are all ,ille$4 I $on2" 'elie+e a wor$ of i". Wha"
(irls5 Who ,ille$ 2e%53
3Onl& one (irl, %& lor$,3 sai$ "he Owl. 3Her na%e is >ill.3
3S)ea, #), s)ea, #),3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3Don2" s"an$ "here '#<<in( an$ "wi""erin( in %& ear.
Who2s 'een ,ille$53
3No'o$&2s 'een ,ille$,3 hoo"e$ "he Owl.
3All ri(h", all ri(h". Yo# nee$n2" sho#". I2% no" so $eaf as all "ha". Wha" $o &o# %ean '&
co%in( here "o "ell %e "ha" no'o$&2s 'een ,ille$5 Wh& sho#l$ an&one ha+e 'een ,ille$53
3Be""er "ell hi% I2% E#s"ace,3 sai$ Scr#''.
3The 'o&2s E#s"ace, %& lor$,3 hoo"e$ "he Owl as lo#$ as i" co#l$.
3seless53 sai$ "he Dwarf irri"a'l&. 3I $are sa& he is. Is "ha" an& reason for 'rin(in( hi% "o
co#r"5 He&53
3No" #seless,3 sai$ "he Owl. 3ESTACE.3
3se$ "o i", is he5 I $on2" ,now wha" &o#2re "al,in( a'o#", I2% s#re. I "ell &o# wha" i" is,
-as"er 6li%fea"her0 when I was a &o#n( Dwarf "here #se$ "o 'e "al,in( 'eas"s an$ 'ir$s in
"his co#n"r& who reall& co#l$ "al,. There wasn2" all "his %#%'lin( an$ %#""erin( an$
whis)erin(. I" wo#l$n2" ha+e 'een "olera"e$ for a %o%en". No" for a %o%en", Sir. rn#s,
%& "r#%)e" )lease *3
A li""le 7a#n who ha$ 'een s"an$in( 9#ie"l& 'esi$e "he Dwarf2s el'ow all "his "i%e now
han$e$ hi% a sil+er ear"r#%)e". I" was %a$e li,e "he %#sical ins"r#%en" calle$ a ser)en", so
"ha" "he "#'e c#rle$ ri(h" ro#n$ "he Dwarf2s nec,. While he was (e""in( i" se""le$ "he Owl,
6li%fea"her, s#$$enl& sai$ "o "he chil$ren in a whis)er:
3-& 'rain2s a 'i" clearer now. Don2" sa& an&"hin( a'o#" "he los" Prince. I2ll e1)lain la"er. I"
wo#l$n2" $o, wo#l$n2" $o, T#*Whoo4 Oh wha" a "o*$o43
3Now,3 sai$ "he Dwarf, 3if &o# ha+e an&"hin( sensi'le "o sa&, -as"er 6li%fea"her, "r& an$
sa& i". Ta,e a $ee) 'rea"h an$ $on2" a""e%)" "o s)ea, "oo 9#ic,l&.3
Wi"h hel) fro% "he chil$ren, an$ in s)i"e of a fi" of co#(hin( on "he )ar" of "he Dwarf,
6li%fea"her e1)laine$ "ha" "he s"ran(ers ha$ 'een sen" '& Aslan "o +isi" "he co#r" of Narnia.
The Dwarf (lance$ 9#ic,l& #) a" "he% wi"h a new e1)ression in his e&es.
3Sen" '& "he Lion Hi%self, he&53 he sai$. 3An$ fro% %2% * fro% "ha" o"her Place * 'e&on$
"he worl$2s en$, he&53
3Yes, %& lor$,3 'awle$ E#s"ace in"o "he "r#%)e".
3Son of A$a% an$ Da#(h"er of E+e, he&53 sai$ "he Dwarf. B#" )eo)le a" E1)eri%en" Ho#se
ha+en2" hear$ of A$a% an$ E+e, so >ill an$ E#s"ace co#l$n2" answer "his. B#" "he Dwarf
$i$n2" see% "o no"ice.
3Well, %& $ears,3 he sai$, "a,in( firs" one an$ "hen "he o"her '& "he han$ an$ 'owin( his
hea$ a li""le. 3Yo# are +er& hear"il& welco%e. If "he (oo$ !in(, %& )oor -as"er, ha$ no"
"his +er& ho#r se" sail for Se+en Isles, he wo#l$ ha+e 'een (la$ of &o#r co%in(. I" wo#l$
ha+e 'ro#(h" 'ac, his &o#"h "o hi% for a %o%en" * for a %o%en". An$ now, i" is hi(h "i%e
for s#))er. Yo# shall "ell %e &o#r '#siness in f#ll co#ncil "o%orrow %ornin(. -as"er
6li%fea"her, see "ha" 'e$cha%'ers an$ s#i"a'le clo"hes an$ all else are )ro+i$e$ for "hese
(#es"s in "he %os" hono#ra'le fashion. An$ * 6li%fea"her * in &o#r ear *3
Here "he Dwarf )#" his %o#"h close "o "he Owl2s hea$ an$, no $o#'", in"en$e$ "o whis)er:
'#", li,e o"her $eaf )eo)le, he wasn2" a +er& (oo$ 8#$(e of his own +oice, an$ 'o"h chil$ren
hear$ hi% sa&, 3See "ha" "he&2re )ro)erl& washe$.3
Af"er "ha", "he Dwarf "o#che$ #) his $on,e& an$ i" se" off "owar$s "he cas"le a" so%e"hin(
'e"ween a "ro" an$ a wa$$le .i" was a +er& fa" li""le 'eas"/, while "he 7a#n, "he Owl, an$ "he
chil$ren followe$ a" a ra"her slower )ace. The s#n ha$ se" an$ "he air was (rowin( cool.
The& wen" across "he lawn an$ "hen "hro#(h an orchar$ an$ so "o "he Nor"h 6a"e of Cair
Para+el, which s"oo$ wi$e o)en. Insi$e, "he& fo#n$ a (rass& co#r"&ar$. Li(h"s were alrea$&
showin( fro% "he win$ows of "he (rea" hall on "heir ri(h" an$ fro% a %ore co%)lica"e$
%ass of '#il$in(s s"rai(h" ahea$. In"o "hese "he Owl le$ "he%, an$ "here a %os" $eli(h"f#l
)erson was calle$ "o loo, af"er >ill. She was no" %#ch "aller "han >ill herself, an$ a (oo$
$eal slen$erer, '#" o'+io#sl& f#ll (rown, (racef#l as a willow, an$ her hair was willow&
"oo, an$ "here see%e$ "o 'e %oss in i". She 'ro#(h" >ill "o a ro#n$ roo% in one of "he
"#rre"s, where "here was a li""le 'a"h s#n, in "he floor an$ a fire of swee"*s%ellin( woo$s
'#rnin( on "he fla" hear"h an$ a la%) han(in( '& a sil+er chain fro% "he +a#l"e$ roof. The
win$ow loo,e$ wes" in"o "he s"ran(e lan$ of Narnia, an$ >ill saw "he re$ re%ains of "he
s#nse" s"ill (lowin( 'ehin$ $is"an" %o#n"ains. I" %a$e her lon( for %ore a$+en"#res an$
feel s#re "ha" "his was onl& "he 'e(innin(.
When she ha$ ha$ her 'a"h, an$ 'r#she$ her hair, an$ )#" on "he clo"hes "ha" ha$ 'een lai$
o#" for her * "he& were "he ,in$ "ha" no" onl& fel" nice, '#" loo,e$ nice an$ s%elle$ nice an$
%a$e nice so#n$s when &o# %o+e$ as well * she wo#l$ ha+e (one 'ac, "o (a<e o#" of "ha"
e1ci"in( win$ow, '#" she was in"err#)"e$ '& a 'an( on "he $oor.
3Co%e in,3 sai$ >ill. An$ in ca%e Scr#'', also 'a"he$ an$ s)len$i$l& $resse$ in Narnian
clo"hes. B#" his face $i$n2" loo, as if he were en8o&in( i".
3Oh, here &o# are a" las",3 he sai$ crossl&, flin(in( hi%self in"o a chair. 3I2+e 'een "r&in( "o
fin$ &o# for e+er so lon(.3
3Well, now &o# ha+e,3 sai$ >ill. 3I sa&, Scr#'', isn2" i" all si%)l& "oo e1ci"in( an$
scr#%)"io#s for wor$s.3 She ha$ for(o""en all a'o#" "he si(ns an$ "he los" Prince for "he
3Oh4 Tha"2s wha" &o# "hin,, is i"53 sai$ Scr#'': an$ "hen, af"er a )a#se, 3I wish "o (oo$ness
we2$ ne+er co%e.3
3Wh& on ear"h53
3I can2" 'ear i",3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Seein( "he !in( Cas)ian * a $o$$erin( ol$ %an li,e "ha". I"2s
* i"2s fri(h"f#l.3
3Wh&, wha" har% $oes i" $o &o#53
3Oh, &o# $on2" #n$ers"an$. Now "ha" I co%e "o "hin, of i", &o# co#l$n2". I $i$n2" "ell &o# "ha"
"his worl$ has a $ifferen" "i%e fro% o#rs.3
3How $o &o# %ean53
3The "i%e &o# s)en$ here $oesn2" "a,e #) an& of o#r "i%e. Do &o# see5 I %ean, howe+er
lon( we s)en$ here, we shall s"ill (e" 'ac, "o E1)eri%en" Ho#se a" "he %o%en" we lef" i" *3
3Tha" won2" 'e %#ch f#n.3
3Oh, $r& #)4 Don2" ,ee) in"err#)"in(. An$ when &o#2re 'ac, in En(lan$ * in o#r worl$ * &o#
can2" "ell how "i%e is (oin( here. I" %i(h" 'e an& n#%'er of &ears in Narnia while we2re
ha+in( one &ear a" ho%e. The Pe+ensies e1)laine$ i" all "o %e, '#", li,e a fool, I for(o"
a'o#" i". An$ now a))aren"l& i"2s 'een a'o#" se+en"& &ears Narnian &ears * since I was here
las". Do &o# see now5 An$ I co%e 'ac, an$ fin$ Cas)ian an ol$, ol$ %an.3
3Then "he !in( was an ol$ frien$ of &o#rs43 sai$ >ill. A horri$ "ho#(h" ha$ s"r#c, her.
3I sho#l$ 8oll& well "hin, he was,3 sai$ Scr#'' %isera'l&. 3A'o#" as (oo$ a frien$ as a cha)
co#l$ ha+e. An$ las" "i%e he was onl& a few &ears ol$er "han %e. An$ "o see "ha" ol$ %an
wi"h a whi"e 'ear$, an$ "o re%e%'er Cas)ian as he was "he %ornin( we ca)"#re$ "he Lone
Islan$s, or in "he fi(h" wi"h "he Sea Ser)en" * oh, i"2s fri(h"f#l. I"2s worse "han co%in( 'ac,
an$ fin$in( hi% $ea$.3
3Oh, sh#" #),3 sai$ >ill i%)a"ien"l&. 3I"2s far worse "han &o# "hin,. We2+e %#ffe$ "he firs"
Si(n.3 Of co#rse Scr#'' $i$ no" #n$ers"an$ "his. Then >ill "ol$ hi% a'o#" her con+ersa"ion
wi"h Aslan an$ "he fo#r si(ns an$ "he "as, of fin$in( "he los" )rince which ha$ 'een lai$
#)on "he%.
3So &o# see,3 she wo#n$ #), 3&o# $i$ see an ol$ frien$, 8#s" as Aslan sai$, an$ &o# o#(h" "o
ha+e (one an$ s)o,en "o hi% a" once. An$ now &o# ha+en2", an$ e+er&"hin( is (oin( wron(
fro% "he +er& 'e(innin(.3
3B#" how was I "o ,now53 sai$ Scr#''.
3If &o#2$ onl& lis"ene$ "o %e when I "rie$ "o "ell &o#, we2$ 'e all ri(h",3 sai$ >ill.
3Yes, an$ if &o# ha$n2" )la&e$ "he fool on "he e$(e of "ha" cliff an$ 8oll& nearl& %#r$ere$
%e * all ri(h", I sai$ %#r$er, an$ I2ll sa& i" a(ain as of"en as I li,e, so ,ee) &o#r hair on *
we2$ ha+e co%e "o(e"her an$ 'o"h ,nown wha" "o $o.3
3I s#))ose he was "he firs" )erson &o# saw53 sai$ >ill. 3Yo# %#s" ha+e 'een here ho#rs
'efore %e. Are &o# s#re &o# $i$n2" see an&one else firs"53
3I was onl& here a'o#" a %in#"e 'efore &o#,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3He %#s" ha+e 'lown &o#
9#ic,er "han %e. -a,in( #) for los" "i%e: "he "i%e &o# los".3
3Don2" 'e a )erfec" 'eas", Scr#'',3 sai$ >ill. 3Hallo4 Wha"2s "ha"53
I" was "he cas"le 'ell rin(in( for s#))er, an$ "h#s wha" loo,e$ li,e "#rnin( in"o a firs"*ra"e
9#arrel was ha))il& c#" shor". Bo"h ha$ a (oo$ a))e"i"e '& "his "i%e.
S#))er in "he (rea" hall of "he cas"le was "he %os" s)len$i$ "hin( ei"her of "he% ha$ e+er
seen0 for "ho#(h E#s"ace ha$ 'een in "ha" worl$ 'efore, he ha$ s)en" his whole +isi" a" sea
an$ ,new no"hin( of "he (lor& an$ co#r"es& of "he Narnians a" ho%e in "heir own lan$. The
'anners h#n( fro% "he roof, an$ each co#rse ca%e in wi"h "r#%)e"ers an$ ,e""le$r#%s.
There were so#)s "ha" wo#l$ %a,e &o#r %o#"h wa"er "o "hin, of, an$ "he lo+el& fishes
calle$ )a+en$ers, an$ +enison an$ )eacoc, an$ )ies, an$ ices an$ 8ellies an$ fr#i" an$ n#"s,
an$ all %anner of wines an$ fr#i" $rin,s. E+en E#s"ace cheere$ #) an$ a$%i""e$ "ha" i" was
3so%e"hin( li,e3. An$ when all "he serio#s ea"in( an$ $rin,in( was o+er, a 'lin$ )oe" ca%e
forwar$ an$ s"r#c, #) "he (ran$ ol$ "ale of Prince Cor an$ Ara+is an$ "he horse Bree,
which is calle$ The Horse an$ his Bo& an$ "ells of an a$+en"#re "ha" ha))ene$ in Narnia
an$ Calor%en an$ "he lan$s 'e"ween, in "he 6ol$en A(e when Pe"er was Hi(h !in( in Cair
Para+el. .I ha+en2" "i%e "o "ell i" now, "ho#(h i" is well wor"h hearin(./
When "he& were $ra((in( "he%sel+es #)s"airs "o 'e$, &awnin( "heir hea$s off, >ill sai$, 3I
'e" we slee) well, "oni(h"30 for i" ha$ 'een a f#ll $a&. Which 8#s" shows how li""le an&one
,nows wha" is (oin( "o ha))en "o "he% ne1".
IT is a +er& f#nn& "hin( "ha" "he slee)ier &o# are, "he lon(er &o# "a,e a'o#" (e""in( "o 'e$0
es)eciall& if &o# are l#c,& eno#(h "o ha+e a fire in &o#r roo%. >ill fel" she co#l$n2" e+en
s"ar" #n$ressin( #nless she sa" $own in fron" of "he fire for a 'i" firs". An$ once she ha$ sa"
$own, she $i$n2" wan" "o (e" #) a(ain. She ha$ alrea$& sai$ "o herself a'o#" fi+e "i%es, 3I
%#s" (o "o 'e$3, when she was s"ar"le$ '& a "a) on "he win$ow.
She (o" #), )#lle$ "he c#r"ain, an$ a" firs" saw no"hin( '#" $ar,ness. Then she 8#%)e$ an$
s"ar"e$ 'ac,war$s, for so%e"hin( +er& lar(e ha$ $ashe$ i"self a(ains" "he win$ow, (i+in( a
shar) "a) on "he (lass as. i" $i$ so. A +er& #n)leasan" i$ea ca%e in"o her hea$ * 3S#))ose
"he& ha+e (ian" %o"hs in "his co#n"r&4 (h43 B#" "hen "he "hin( ca%e 'ac,, an$ "his "i%e
she was al%os" s#re she saw a 'ea,, an$ "ha" "he 'ea, ha$ %a$e "ha" "a))in( noise. 3I"2s
so%e h#(e 'ir$,3 "ho#(h" >ill. 3Co#l$ i" 'e an ea(le53 She $i$n2" +er& %#ch wan" a +isi"
e+en fro% an ea(le, '#" she o)ene$ "he win$ow an$ loo,e$ o#". Ins"an"l&, wi"h a (rea"
whirrin( noise, "he crea"#re ali(h"e$ on "he win$ow*sill an$ s"oo$ "here fillin( #) "he whole
win$ow, so "ha" >ill ha$ "o s"e) 'ac, "o %a,e roo% for i". I" was "he Owl.
3H#sh, h#sh4 T#*whoo, "#*whoo,3 sai$ "he Owl. 3Don2" %a,e a noise. Now, are &o# "wo
reall& in earnes" a'o#" wha" &o#2+e (o" "o $o53
3A'o#" "he los" Prince, &o# %ean53 sai$ >ill. 3Yes, we2+e (o" "o 'e.3 7or now she
re%e%'ere$ "he Lion2s +oice an$ face, which she ha$ nearl& for(o""en $#rin( "he feas"in(
an$ s"or&*"ellin( in "he hall.
36oo$43 sai$ "he Owl. 3Then "here2s no "i%e "o was"e.
Yo# %#s" (e" awa& fro% here a" once. I2ll (o an$ wa,e "he o"her h#%an. Then I2ll co%e
'ac, for &o#. Yo#2$ 'e""er chan(e "hose co#r" clo"hes an$ )#" on so%e"hin( &o# can "ra+el
in. I2ll 'e 'ac, in "wo "wos. T#*whoo43 An$ wi"ho#" wai"in( for an answer, he was (one.
If >ill ha$ 'een %ore #se$ "o a$+en"#res, she %i(h" ha+e $o#'"e$ "he Owl2s wor$, '#" "his
ne+er occ#rre$ "o her: an$ in "he e1ci"in( i$ea of a %i$ni(h" esca)e she for(o" her
slee)iness. She chan(e$ 'ac, in"o swea"er an$ shor"s "here was a (#i$e2s ,nife on "he 'el"
of "he shor"s which %i(h" co%e in #sef#l * an$ a$$e$ a few of "he "hin(s "ha" ha$ 'een lef"
in "he roo% for her '& "he (irl wi"h "he willow& hair. She chose a shor" cloa, "ha" ca%e
$own "o her ,nees an$ ha$ a hoo$ .38#s" "he "hin(, if i" rains,3 she "ho#(h"/, a few
han$,erchiefs an$ a co%'. Then she sa" $own an$ wai"e$.
She was (e""in( slee)& a(ain when "he Owl re"#rne$.
3Now we2re rea$&,3 i" sai$.
3Yo#2$ 'e""er lea$ "he wa&,3 sai$ >ill. 3I $on2" ,now all "hese )assa(es &e".3
3T#*whoo43 sai$ "he Owl. 3We2re no" (oin( "hro#(h "he cas"le. Tha" wo#l$ ne+er $o. Yo#
%#s" ri$e on %e. We shall fl&.3
3Oh43 sai$ >ill, an$ s"oo$ wi"h her %o#"h o)en, no" %#ch li,in( "he i$ea. 3Shan2" I 'e "oo
hea+& for &o#53
3T#*whoo, "#*whoo4 Don2" &o# 'e a fool. I2+e alrea$& carrie$ "he o"her one. Now. B#" we2ll
)#" o#" "ha" la%) firs".3
As soon as "he la%) was o#", "he 'i" of "he ni(h" which &o# saw "hro#(h "he win$ow loo,e$
less $ar, * no lon(er 'lac,, '#" (re&. The Owl s"oo$ on "he win$ow*sill wi"h his 'ac, "o "he
roo% an$ raise$ his win(s. >ill ha$ "o cli%' on "o his shor" fa" 'o$& an$ (e" her ,nees #n$er
"he win(s an$ (ri) "i(h". The fea"hers fel" 'ea#"if#ll& war% an$ sof" '#" "here was no"hin(
"o hol$ on '&. 3I won$er how Scr#'' li,e$ his ri$e43 "ho#(h" >ill. An$ 8#s" as she was
"hin,in( "his, wi"h a horri$ )l#n(e "he& ha$ lef" "he win$ow*sill, an$ "he win(s were
%a,in( a fl#rr& ro#n$ her ears, an$ "he ni(h" air, ra"her cool an$ $a%), was fl&in( in her
I" was %#ch li(h"er "han she e1)ec"e$, an$ "ho#(h "he s,& was o+ercas", one )a"ch of
wa"er& sil+er showe$ where "he %oon was hi$in( a'o+e "he clo#$s. The fiel$s 'enea"h her
loo,e$ (re&, an$ "he "rees 'lac,. There was a cer"ain a%o#n" of win$ * a h#shin(, r#fflin(
sor" of win$ which %ean" "ha" rain was co%in( soon.
The Owl wheele$ ro#n$ so "ha" "he cas"le was now ahea$ of "he%. ;er& few of "he
win$ows showe$ li(h"s. The& flew ri(h" o+er i", nor"hwar$s, crossin( "he ri+er: "he air (rew
col$er, an$ >ill "ho#(h" she co#l$ see "he whi"e reflec"ion of "he Owl in "he wa"er 'enea"h
her. B#" soon "he& were on "he nor"h 'an, of "he ri+er, fl&in( a'o+e woo$e$ co#n"r&.
The Owl sna))e$ a" so%e"hin( which >ill co#l$n2" see.
3Oh, $on2", )lease43 sai$ >ill. 3Don2" 8er, li,e "ha". Yo# nearl& "hrew %e off.3
3I 'e( &o#r )ar$on,3 sai$ "he Owl. 3I was 8#s" na''in( a 'a". There2s no"hin( so s#s"ainin(,
in a s%all wa&, as a nice )l#%) li""le 'a". Shall I ca"ch &o# one53
3No, "han,s,3 sai$ >ill wi"h a sh#$$er.
He was fl&in( a li""le lower now an$ a lar(e, 'lac, loo,in( o'8ec" was loo%in( #) "owar$s
"he%. >ill ha$ 8#s" "i%e "o see "ha" i" was a "ower * a )ar"l& r#ino#s "ower, wi"h a lo" of i+&
on i", she "ho#(h" * when she fo#n$ herself $#c,in( "o a+oi$ "he archwa& of a win$ow, as
"he Owl s9#ee<e$ wi"h her "hro#(h "he i+ie$ co'we''& o)enin(, o#" of "he fresh, (re& ni(h"
in"o a $ar, )lace insi$e "he "o) of "he "ower. I" was ra"her f#s"& insi$e
an$, "he %o%en" she sli))e$ off "he Owl2s 'ac,, she ,new .as one #s#all& $oes so%ehow/
"ha" i" was 9#i"e crow$e$ An$ when +oices 'e(an sa&in( o#" of "he $ar,ness fro% e+er&
$irec"ion 3T#whoo4 T#*whoo43 she ,new i" was crow$e$ wi"h owls. She was ra"her
relie+e$ when a +er& $ifferen" +oice sai$:
3Is "ha" &o#, Pole53
3Is "ha" &o#, Scr#''53 sai$ >ill.
3Now,3 sai$ 6li%fea"her, 3I "hin, we2re all here. Le" #s hol$ a )arlia%en" of owls.3
3T#*whoo, "#*whoo. Tr#e for &o#. Tha"2s "he ri(h" "hin( "o $o,3 sai$ se+eral +oices.
3Half a %o%en",3 sai$ Scr#''2s +oice. 3There2s so%e"hin( I wan" "o sa& firs".3
3Do, $o, $o,3 sai$ "he owls0 an$ >ill sai$, 37ire ahea$.3
3I s#))ose all &o# cha)s*owls, I %ean,3 sai$ Scr#'', 3I s#))ose &o# all ,now "ha" !in(
Cas)ian "he Ten"h, in his &o#n( $a&s, saile$ "o "he eas"ern en$ of "he worl$. Well, I was
wi"h hi% on "ha" 8o#rne&: wi"h hi% an$ Ree)ichee) "he -o#se, an$ "he Lor$ Drinian an$
all of "he%. I ,now i" so#n$s har$ "o 'elie+e, '#" )eo)le $on2" (row ol$er in o#r worl$ a" "he
sa%e s)ee$ as "he& $o in &o#rs. An$ wha" I wan" "o sa& is "his, "ha" I2% "he !in(2s %an0 an$
if "his )arlia%en" of owls is an& sor" of )lo" a(ains" "he !in(, I2% ha+in( no"hin( "o $o wi"h
3T#*whoo, "#*whoo, we2re all "he !in(2s owls "oo,3 sai$ "he owls.
3Wha"2s i" all a'o#" "hen53 sai$ Scr#''.
3I"2s onl& "his,3 sai$ 6li%fea"her. 3Tha" if "he Lor$ Re(en", "he Dwarf Tr#%),in, hears &o#
are (oin( "o loo, for "he los" Prince, he won2" le" &o# s"ar". He2$ ,ee) &o# #n$er loc, an$
,e& sooner.3
36rea" Sco""43 sai$ Scr#''. 3Yo# $on2" %ean "ha" Tr#%),in is a "rai"or5 I #se$ "o hear a lo"
a'o#" hi% in "he ol$ $a&s, a" sea. Cas)ian * "he !in(, I %ean * "r#s"e$ hi% a'sol#"el&.3
3Oh no,3 sai$ a +oice. 3Tr#%),in2s no "rai"or. B#" %ore "han "hir"& cha%)ions .,ni(h"s,
cen"a#rs, (oo$ (ian"s, an$ all sor"s/ ha+e a" one "i%e or ano"her se" o#" "o loo, for "he los"
Prince, an$ none of "he% ha+e e+er co%e 'ac,. An$ a" las" "he !in( sai$ he was no" (oin(
"o ha+e all "he 'ra+es" Narnians $es"ro&e$ in "he search for his son. An$ now no'o$& is
allowe$ "o (o.3
3B#" s#rel& he2$ le" #s (o,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3When he ,new who I was an$ who ha$ sen" %e.3
.3Sen" 'o"h of #s,3 )#" in >ill./
3Yes,3 sai$ 6li%fea"her, 3I "hin,, +er& li,el&, he wo#l$. B#" "he !in(2s awa&. An$
Tr#%),in will s"ic, "o "he r#les. He2s as "r#e as s"eel, '#" he2s $eaf as a )os" an$ +er&
)e))er&. Yo# co#l$ ne+er %a,e hi% see "ha" "his %i(h" 'e "he "i%e for %a,in( an
e1ce)"ion "o "he r#le.3
3Yo# %i(h" "hin, he2$ "a,e so%e no"ice of #s, 'eca#se we2re owls an$ e+er&one ,nows how
wise owls are,3 sai$ so%eone else. 3B#" he2s so ol$ now he2$ onl& sa&, AYo#2re a %ere
chic,. I re%e%'er &o# when &o# were an e((. Don2" co%e "r&in( "o "each %e, Sir. Cra's
an$ cr#%)e"s423
This owl i%i"a"e$ Tr#%),in2s +oice ra"her well, an$ "here were so#n$s of owlish la#(h"er
all ro#n$. The chil$ren 'e(an "o see "ha" "he Narnians all fel" a'o#" Tr#%),in as )eo)le feel
a" school a'o#" so%e cr#s"& "eacher, who% e+er&one is a li""le afrai$ of an$ e+er&one
%a,es f#n of an$ no'o$& reall& $isli,es.
3How lon( is "he !in( (oin( "o 'e awa&53 as,e$ Scr#''.
3If onl& we ,new43 sai$ 6li%fea"her. 3Yo# see, "here has 'een a r#%o#r la"el& "ha" Aslan
hi%self has 'een seen in "he islan$s * in Tere'in"hia, I "hin, i" was. An$ "he !in( sai$ he
wo#l$ %a,e one %ore a""e%)" 'efore he $ie$ "o see Aslan face "o face a(ain, an$ as, his
a$+ice a'o#" who is "o 'e !in( af"er hi%. B#" we2re all afrai$ "ha", if he $oesn2" %ee" Aslan
in Tere'in"hia, he2ll (o on eas", "o Se+en Isles an$ Lone Islan$s * an$ on an$ on. He ne+er
"al,s a'o#" i", '#" we all ,now he has ne+er for(o""en "ha" +o&a(e "o "he worl$2s en$. I2%
s#re in his hear" of hear"s he wan"s "o (o "here a(ain.3
3Then "here2s no (oo$ wai"in( for hi% "o co%e 'ac,53 sai$ >ill.
3No, no (oo$,3 sai$ "he Owl. 3Oh, wha" a "o*$o4 If onl& &o# "wo ha$ ,nown an$ s)o,en "o
hi% a" once4 He2$ ha+e arran(e$ e+er&"hin( * )ro'a'l& (i+en &o# an ar%& "o (o wi"h &o# in
search of "he Prince.3
>ill ,e)" 9#ie" a" "his an$ ho)e$ Scr#'' wo#l$ 'e s)or"in( eno#(h no" "o "ell all "he owls
wh& "his ha$n2" ha))ene$. He was, or +er& nearl&. Tha" is, he onl& %#""ere$ #n$er his
'rea"h, 3Well, i" wasn2" %& fa#l",3 'efore sa&in( o#" lo#$:
3;er& well. We2ll ha+e "o %ana(e wi"ho#" i". B#" "here2s 8#s" one "hin( %ore I wan" "o
,now. If "his owls2 )arlia%en", as &o# call i", is all fair an$ a'o+e 'oar$ an$ %eans no
%ischief, wh& $oes i" ha+e "o 'e so 8oll& secre"* %ee"in( in a r#in in $ea$ of ni(h", an$ all
3T#*whoo4 T#*whoo43 hoo"e$ se+eral owls. 3Where sho#l$ we %ee"5 When wo#l$ an&one
%ee" e1ce)" a" ni(h"53
3Yo# see,3 e1)laine$ 6li%fea"her, 3%os" of "he crea"#res in Narnia ha+e s#ch #nna"#ral
ha'i"s. The& $o "hin(s '& $a&, in 'roa$ 'la<in( s#nli(h" .#(h4/ when e+er&one o#(h" "o
'e aslee). An$, as a res#l", a" ni(h" "he&2re so 'lin$ an$ s"#)i$ "ha" &o# can2" (e" a wor$ o#"
of "he%. So we owls ha+e (o" in"o "he ha'i" of %ee"in( a" sensi'le ho#rs, on o#r own, when
we wan" "o "al, a'o#" "hin(s.3
3I see,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Well now, le"2s (e" on. Tell #s all a'o#" "he los" Prince.3 Then an ol$
owl, no" 6li%fea"her, rela"e$ "he s"or&.
A'o#" "en &ears a(o, i" a))eare$, when Rilian, "he son of Cas)ian, was a +er& &o#n( ,ni(h",
he ro$e wi"h "he =#een his %o"her on a -a& %ornin( in "he nor"h )ar"s of Narnia. The&
ha$ %an& s9#ires an$ la$ies wi"h "he% an$ all wore (arlan$s of fresh lea+es on "heir hea$s,
an$ horns a" "heir si$es0 '#" "he& ha$ no ho#n$s wi"h "he%, for "he& were %a&in(, no"
h#n"in(. In "he war% )ar" of "he $a& "he& ca%e "o a )leasan" (la$e where a fo#n"ain flowe$
freshl& o#" of "he ear"h, an$ "here "he& $is%o#n"e$ an$ a"e an$ $ran, an$ were %err&. Af"er
a "i%e "he =#een fel" slee)&, an$ "he& s)rea$ cloa,s for her on "he (rass& 'an,, an$ Prince
Rilian wi"h "he res" of "he )ar"& wen" a li""le wa& fro% her, "ha" "heir "ales an$ la#(h"er
%i(h" no" wa,e her. An$ so, )resen"l&, a (rea" ser)en" ca%e o#" of "he "hic, woo$ an$
s"#n( "he =#een in her han$. All hear$ her cr& o#" an$ r#she$ "owar$s her, an$ Rilian was
firs" a" her si$e. He saw "he wor% (li$in( awa& fro% her an$ %a$e af"er i" wi"h his swor$
$rawn. I" was (rea", shinin(, an$ as (reen as )oison, so "ha" he co#l$ see i" well: '#" i"
(li$e$ awa& in"o "hic, '#shes an$ he co#l$ no" co%e a" i". So he re"#rne$ "o his %o"her, an$
fo#n$ "he% all '#s& a'o#" her.
B#" "he& were '#s& in +ain, for a" "he firs" (lance of her face Rilian ,new "ha" no )h&sic in
"he worl$ wo#l$ $o her (oo$. As lon( as "he life was in her she see%e$ "o 'e "r&in( har$ "o
"ell hi% so%e"hin(. B#" she co#l$ no" s)ea, clearl& an$, wha"e+er her %essa(e was, she
$ie$ wi"ho#" $eli+erin( i". I" was "hen har$l& "en %in#"es since "he& ha$ firs" hear$ her cr&.
The& carrie$ "he $ea$ =#een 'ac, "o Cair Para+el, an$ she was 'i""erl& %o#rne$ '& Rilian
an$ '& "he !in(, an$ '& all Narnia. She ha$ 'een a (rea" la$&, wise an$ (racio#s an$
ha))&, !in( Cas)ian2s 'ri$e who% he ha$ 'ro#(h" ho%e fro% "he eas"ern en$ of "he worl$.
An$ %en sai$ "ha" "he 'loo$ of "he s"ars flowe$ in her +eins. The Prince "oo, his %o"her2s
$ea"h +er& har$l&, as well he %i(h". Af"er "ha", he was alwa&s ri$in( on "he nor"hern
%arches of Narnia, h#n"in( for "ha" +eno%o#s wor%, "o ,ill i" an$ 'e a+en(e$. No one
re%ar,e$ %#ch on "his, "ho#(h "he Prince ca%e ho%e fro% "hese wan$erin(s loo,in( "ire$
an$ $is"ra#(h". B#" a'o#" a %on"h af"er "he =#een2s $ea"h, so%e sai$ "he& co#l$ see a
chan(e in hi%. There was a loo, in his e&es as of a %an who has seen +isions, an$ "ho#(h
he wo#l$ 'e o#" all $a&, his horse $i$ no" 'ear "he si(ns of har$ ri$in(. His chief frien$
a%on( "he ol$er co#r"iers was "he Lor$ Dri%an, he who ha$ 'een his fa"her2s ca)"ain on
"ha" (rea" +o&a(e "o "he eas" )ar"s of "he ear"h.
One e+enin( Drinian sai$ "o "he Prince, 3Yo#r Hi(hness %#s" soon (i+e o+er see,in( "he
wor%. There is no "r#e +en(eance on a wi"less 'r#"e as "here %i(h" 'e on a %an. Yo# wear&
&o#rself in +ain.3 The Prince answere$ hi%, 3-& Lor$, I ha+e al%os" for(o""en "he wor%
"his se+en $a&s.3 Drinian as,e$ hi% wh&, if "ha" were so, he ro$e so con"in#all& in "he
nor"hern woo$s. 3-& lor$,3 sai$ "he Prince, 3I ha+e seen "here "he %os" 'ea#"if#l
"hin( "ha" was e+er %a$e.3 37air Prince,3 sai$ Drinian, 3of &o#r co#r"es& le" %e ri$e wi"h
&o# "o%orrow, "ha" I also %a& see "his fair "hin(.3 3Wi"h a (oo$ will,3 sai$ Rilian.
Then in (oo$ "i%e on "he ne1" $a& "he& sa$$le$ "heir horses an$ ro$e a (rea" (allo) in"o "he
nor"hern woo$s an$ ali(h"e$ a" "ha" sa%e fo#n"ain where "he =#een (o" her $ea"h. Drinian
"ho#(h" i" s"ran(e "ha" "he Prince sho#l$ choose "ha" )lace of all )laces, "o lin(er in. An$
"here "he& res"e$ "ill i" ca%e "o hi(h noon: an$ a" noon Drinian loo,e$ #) an$ saw "he %os"
'ea#"if#l la$& he ha$ e+er seen0 an$ she s"oo$ a" "he nor"h si$e of "he fo#n"ain an$ sai$ no
wor$ '#" 'ec,one$ "o "he Prince wi"h her han$ as if she 'a$e hi% co%e "o her. An$ she was
"all an$ (rea", shinin(, an$ wra))e$ in a "hin (ar%en" as (reen as )oison. An$ "he Prince
s"are$ a" her li,e a %an o#" of his wi"s. B#" s#$$enl& "he la$& was (one, Dri%an ,new no"
where0 an$ "he "wo re"#rne$ "o Cair Para+el. I" s"#c, in Drinian2s %in$ "ha" "his shinin(
(reen wo%an was e+il.
Drinian $o#'"e$ +er& %#ch whe"her he o#(h" no" "o "ell "his a$+en"#re "o "he !in(, '#" he
ha$ li""le wish "o 'e a 'la' an$ a "ale*'earer an$ so he hel$ his "on(#e. B#" af"erwar$s he
wishe$ he ha$ s)o,en. 7or ne1" $a& Prince Rilian ro$e o#" alone. Tha" ni(h" he ca%e no"
'ac,, an$ fro% "ha" ho#r no "race of hi% was e+er fo#n$ in Narnia nor an& nei(h'o#rin(
lan$, an$ nei"her his horse nor his ha" nor his cloa, nor an&"hin( else was e+er fo#n$. Then
Drinian in "he 'i""erness of his hear" wen" "o Cas)ian an$ sai$, 3Lor$ !in(, sla& %e
s)ee$il& as a (rea" "rai"or: for '& %& silence I ha+e $es"ro&e$ &o#r son.3 An$ he "ol$ hi%
"he s"or&. Then Cas)ian ca#(h" #) a 'a""le*a1e an$ r#she$ #)on "he Lor$ Drinian "o ,ill
hi%, an$ Drinian s"oo$ s"ill as a s"oc, for "he $ea"h 'low. B#" when "he a1e was raise$,
Cas)ian s#$$enl& "hrew i" awa& an$ crie$ o#", 3I ha+e los" %& 9#een an$ %& son: shall I
lose %& frien$ also53 An$ he fell #)on "he Lor$ Drinian2s nec, an$ e%'race$ hi% an$ 'o"h
we)", an$ "heir frien$shi) was no" 'ro,en.
S#ch was "he s"or& of Rilian. An$ when i" was o+er, >ill sai$, 3I 'e" "ha" ser)en" an$ "ha"
wo%an were "he sa%e )erson.3
3Tr#e, "r#e, we "hin, "he sa%e as &o#,3 hoo"e$ "he owls.
3B#" we $on2" "hin, she ,ille$ "he Prince,3 sai$ 6li%fea"her, 3'eca#se no 'ones *3
3We ,now she $i$n2",3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Aslan "ol$ Pole he was s"ill ali+e so%ewhere.3
3Tha" al%os" %a,es i" worse,3 sai$ "he ol$es" owl. 3I" %eans she has so%e #se for hi%, an$
so%e $ee) sche%e a(ains" Narnia. Lon(, lon( a(o, a" "he +er& 'e(innin(, a Whi"e Wi"ch
ca%e o#" of "he Nor"h an$ 'o#n$ o#r lan$ in snow an$ ice for a h#n$re$ &ears. An$ we
"hin, "his %a& 'e so%e of "he sa%e crew.3
3;er& well, "hen,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Pole an$ I ha+e (o" "o A7in$ "his Prince. Can &o# hel) #s53
3Ha+e &o# an& cl#e, &o# "wo53 as,e$ 6li%fea"her.
3Yes,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3We ,now we2+e (o" "o (o nor"h. An$ w e ,now we2+e (o" "o reach "he
r#ins of a (ian" ci"&.3
A" "his "here was a (rea"er "#*whooin( "han e+er, an$ noise of 'ir$s shif"in( "heir fee" an$
r#fflin( "heir fea"hers, an$ "hen all "he owls s"ar"e$ s)ea,in( a" once. The& all e1)laine$
how +er& sorr& "he& were "ha" "he& "he%sel+es co#l$ no" (o wi"h "he chil$ren on "heir
search for "he los" Prince 3Yo#2$ wan" "o "ra+el '& $a&, an$ we2$ wan" "o "ra+el '& ni(h",3
"he& sai$. 3I" wo#l$n2" $o, wo#l$n2" $o.3 One or "wo owls a$$e$ "ha" e+en here in "he r#ine$
"ower i" wasn2" nearl& so $ar, as i" ha$ 'een when "he& 'e(an, an$ "ha" "he )arlia%en" ha$
'een (oin( on 9#i"e lon( eno#(h. In fac", "he %ere %en"ion of a 8o#rne& "o "he r#ine$ ci"&
of (ian"s see%e$ "o ha+e $a%)e$ "he s)iri"s of "hose 'ir$s. B#" 6li%fea"her sai$:
3If "he& wan" "o (o "ha" wa& * in"o E""ins%oor * we %#s" "a,e "he% "o one of "he -arsh*
wi((les. The&2re "he Onl& )eo)le who can hel) "he% %#ch.3
32Tr#e, "r#e. Do,3 sai$ "he owls.
3Co%e on, "hen,3 sai$ 6li%fea"her. 3I2ll "a,e one. Who2ll "a,e "he o"her5 I" %#s" 'e $one
3I will: as far as "he -arsh*wi((les,3 sai$ ano"her owl.
3Are &o# rea$&53 sai$ 6li%fea"her "o >ill.
3I "hin, Pole2s aslee),3 sai$ Scr#''.
>ILL. was aslee). E+er since "he owls2 )arlia%en" 'e(an she ha$ 'een &awnin( "erri'l& an$
now she ha$ $ro))e$ off. She was no" a" all )lease$ a" 'ein( wa,e$ a(ain, an$ a" fin$in(
herself l&in( on 'are 'oar$s in a $#s"& 'elfr& sor" of )lace, co%)le"el& $ar,, an$ al%os"
co%)le"el& f#ll of owls. She was e+en less )lease$ when she hear$ "ha" "he& ha$ "o se" off
for so%ewhere else * an$ no", a))aren"l&, for 'e$ * on "he Owl2s 'ac,.
3Oh, co%e on, Pole, '#c, #),3 sai$ Scr#''2s +oice. 3Af"er all, i" is an a$+en"#re.3
3I2% sic, of a$+en"#res,3 sai$ >ill crossl&.
She $i$, howe+er, consen" "o cli%' on "o 6li%fea"her2s 'ac,, an$ was "horo#(hl& wa,e$ #)
.for a while/ '& "he #ne1)ec"e$ col$ness of "he air when he flew o#" wi"h her in"o "he ni(h".
The %oon ha$ $isa))eare$ an$ "here were no s"ars. 7ar 'ehin$ her she co#l$ see a sin(le
li(h"e$ win$ow well a'o+e "he (ro#n$0 $o#'"less, in one of "he "owers of Cair Para+el. I"
%a$e her lon( "o 'e 'ac, in "ha" $eli(h"f#l 'e$roo%, sn#( in 'e$, wa"chin( "he fireli(h" on
"he walls. She )#" her han$s #n$er her cloa, an$ wra))e$ i" "i(h"l& ro#n$ her. I" was
#ncann& "o hear "wo +oices in "he $ar, air a li""le $is"ance awa&0 Scr#'' an$ his owl were
"al,in( "o one ano"her. 3He $oesn2" so#n$ "ire$,3 "ho#(h" >ill. She $i$ no" reali<e "ha" he ha$
'een on (rea" a$+en"#res in "ha" worl$ 'efore an$ "ha" "he Narnian air was 'rin(in( 'ac, "o
hi% a s"ren("h he ha$ won when he saile$ "he Eas"ern Seas wi"h !in( Cas)ian.
>ill ha$ "o )inch herself "o ,ee) awa,e, for she ,new "ha" if she $o<e$ on 6li%fea"her2s
'ac, she wo#l$ )ro'a'l& fall off. When a" las" "he "wo owls en$e$ "heir fli(h", she cli%'e$
s"iffl& off 6li%fea"her an$ fo#n$ herself on fla" (ro#n$. A chill& win$ was 'lowin( an$
"he& a))eare$ "o 'e in a )lace wi"ho#" "rees. 3T#*whoo, "#*whoo43 6li%fea"her was callin(.
3Wa,e #), P#$$le(l#%. Wa,e #). I" is on "he Lion2s '#siness.3
7or a lon( "i%e "here was no re)l&. Then, a lon( wa& off, a $i% li(h" a))eare$ an$ 'e(an "o
co%e nearer. Wi"h i" ca%e a +oice.
3Owls aho&43 i" sai$. 3Wha" is i"5 Is "he !in( $ea$5 Has an ene%& lan$e$ in Narnia5 Is i" a
floo$5 Or $ra(ons53
When "he li(h" reache$ "he%, i" "#rne$ o#" "o 'e "ha" of a lar(e lan"ern. She co#l$ see +er&
li""le of "he )erson who hel$ i". He see%e$ "o 'e all le(s an$ ar%s. The owls were "al,in( "o
hi%, e1)lainin( e+er&"hin(, '#" she was "oo "ire$ "o lis"en. She "rie$ "o wa,e herself #) a 'i"
when she reali<e$ "ha" "he& were sa&in( (oo$'&e "o her. B#" she co#l$ ne+er af"erwar$s
re%e%'er %#ch e1ce)" "ha", sooner or la"er, she an$ Scr#'' were s"oo)in( "o en"er a low
$oorwa& an$ "hen .oh, "han, hea+ens/ were l&in( $own on so%e"hin( sof" an$ war%, an$ a
+oice was sa&in(:
3There &o# are. Bes" we can $o. Yo#2ll lie col$ an$ har$. Da%) "oo, I sho#l$n2" won$er.
Won2" slee) a win,, %os" li,el&0 e+en if "here isn2" a "h#n$ers"or% or a floo$ or "he wi(wa%
$oesn2" fall $own on "o) of #s all, as I2+e ,nown "he% $o. -#s" %a,e "he 'es" of i" *3 B#"
she was fas" aslee) 'efore "he +oice ha$ en$e$.
When "he chil$ren wo,e la"e ne1" %ornin( "he& fo#n$ "ha" "he& were l&in(, +er& $r& an$
war%, on 'e$s of s"raw in a $ar, )lace. A "rian(#lar o)enin( le" in "he $a&li(h".
3Where on ear"h are we53 as,e$ >ill.
3In "he wi(wa% of a -arsh*wi((le,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3A wha"53
3A -arsh*wi((le. Don2" as, %e wha" i" is. I co#l$n2" see i" las" ni(h". I2% (e""in( #). Le"2s
(o an$ loo, for i".3
3How 'eas"l& one feels af"er slee)in( in one2s clo"hes,3 sai$ >ill, si""in( #).
3I was 8#s" "hin,in( how nice i" was no" "o ha+e "o $ress,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Or wash ei"her, I s#))ose,3 sai$ >ill scornf#ll&. B#" Scr#'' ha$ alrea$& (o" #), &awne$,
sha,en hi%self, an$ crawle$ o#" of "he wi(wa%. >ill $i$ "he sa%e.
Wha" "he& fo#n$ o#"si$e was 9#i"e #nli,e "he 'i" of Narnia "he& ha$ seen on "he $a& 'efore.
The& were on a (rea" fla" )lain which was c#" in"o co#n"less li""le islan$s '& co#n"less
channels of wa"er. The islan$s were co+ere$ wi"h coarse (rass an$ 'or$ere$ wi"h ree$s an$
r#shes. So%e"i%es "here were 'e$s of r#shes a'o#" an acre in e1"en". Clo#$s of 'ir$s were
cons"an"l& ali(h"in( in "he% an$ risin( fro% "he% a(ain*$#c,, sni)e, 'i""erns, herons. -an&
wi(wa%s li,e "ha" in which "he& ha$ )asse$ "he ni(h" co#l$ 'e seen $o""e$ a'o#", '#" all a"
a (oo$ $is"ance fro% one ano"her0 for -arsh*wi((les are )eo)le who li,e )ri+ac&. E1ce)"
for "he frin(e of "he fores" se+eral %iles "o "he so#"h an$ wes" of "he%, "here was no" a "ree
in si(h". Eas"war$ "he fla" %arsh s"re"che$ "o low san$*hills on "he hori<on, an$ &o# co#l$
"ell '& "he sal" "an( in "he win$ which 'lew fro% "ha" $irec"ion "ha" "he sea la& o+er "here.
To "he Nor"h "here were low )ale*colo#re$ hills, in )laces 'as"ione$ wi"h roc,. The res" was
all fla" %arsh. I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een a $e)ressin( )lace on a w e" e+enin(. Seen #n$er a
%ornin( s#n, wi"h a fresh win$ 'lowin(, an$ "he air fille$ wi"h "he cr&in( of 'ir$s, "here
was so%e"hin( fine an$ fresh an$ clean a'o#" i"s loneliness. The chil$ren fel" "heir s)iri"s
3Where has "he "hin(#%%& (o" "o, I won$er53 sai$ >ill.
3The -arsh*wi((le,3 sai$ Scr#'', as if he were ra"her )ro#$ of ,nowin( "he wor$. 3I
e1)ec"*h#llo, "ha" %#s" 'e hi%.3 An$ "hen "he& 'o"h saw hi%, si""in( wi"h his 'ac, "o "he%,
fishin(, a'o#" fif"& &ar$s awa&. He ha$ 'een har$ "o see a" firs" 'eca#se he was nearl& "he
sa%e colo#r as "he %arsh an$ 'eca#se he sa" so s"ill.
3I s#))ose we2$ 'e""er (o an$ s)ea, "o hi%,3 sai$ >ill. Scr#'' no$$e$. The& 'o"h fel" a li""le
As "he& $rew nearer, "he fi(#re "#rne$ i"s hea$ an$ showe$ "he% a lon( "hin face wi"h
ra"her s#n,en chee,s, a "i(h"l& sh#" %o#"h, a shar) nose, an$ no 'ear$. He was wearin( a
hi(h, )oin"e$ ha" li,e a s"ee)le, wi"h an enor%o#sl& wi$e fla" 'ri%. The hair, if i" co#l$ 'e
calle$ hair, which h#n( o+er his lar(e ears was (reen&*(re&, an$ each loc, was fla" ra"her
"han ro#n$, so "ha" "he& were li,e "in& ree$s. His e1)ression was sole%n, his co%)le1ion
%#$$&, an$ &o# co#l$ see a" once "ha" he "oo, a serio#s +iew of life.
36oo$ %ornin(, 6#es"s,3 he sai$. 3Tho#(h when I sa& (oo$ I $on2" %ean i" won2" )ro'a'l&
"#rn "o rain or i" %i(h" he snow, or fo(, or "h#n$er. Yo# $i$n2" (e" an& slee), I $are sa&.
3Yes we $i$, "ho#(h,3 sai$ >ill. 3We ha$ a lo+el& ni(h".3
3Ah,3 sai$ "he -arsh*wi((le, sha,in( his hea$. 3I see &o#2re %a,in( "he 'es" of a 'a$ 8o'.
Tha"2s ri(h". Yo#2+e 'een well 'ro#(h" #), &o# ha+e. Yo#2+e learne$ "o )#" a (oo$ face on
3Please, we $on2" ,now &o#r na%e,3 sai$ Scr#''.
3P#$$le(l#%2s %& na%e. B#" i" $oesn2" %a""er if &o# for(e" i". I can alwa&s "ell &o# a(ain.3
The chil$ren sa" $own on each si$e of hi%. The& now saw "ha" he ha$ +er& lon( le(s an$
ar%s, so "ha" al"ho#(h his 'o$& was no" %#ch 'i((er "han a $warf2s, he wo#l$ 'e "aller "han
%os" %en when he s"oo$ #). The fin(ers of his han$s were we''e$ li,e a fro(2s, an$ so
were his 'are fee" which $an(le$ in "he %#$$& wa"er. He was $resse$ in ear"hcolo#re$
clo"hes "ha" h#n( loose a'o#" hi%.
3I2% "r&in( "o ca"ch a few eels "o %a,e an eel s"ew for o#r $inner,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
3Tho#(h I sho#l$n2" won$er if I $i$n2" (e" an&. An$ &o# won2" li,e "he% %#ch if I $o.3
3Wh& no"53 as,e$ Scr#''.
3Wh&, i"2s no" in reason "ha" &o# sho#l$ li,e o#r sor" of +ic"#als, "ho#(h I2+e no $o#'" &o#2ll
)#" a 'ol$ face on i". All "he sa%e, while I a% a ca"chin( of "he%, if &o# "wo co#l$ "r& "o
li(h" "he fire * no har% "r&in( *4 The woo$2s 'ehin$ "he wi(wa%. I" %a& 'e we". Yo# co#l$
li(h" i" insi$e "he wi(wa%, an$ "hen we2$ (e" all "he s%o,e in o#r e&es. Or &o# co#l$ li(h" i"
o#"si$e, an$ "hen "he rain wo#l$ co%e an$ )#" i" o#". Here2s %& "in$er*'o1. Yo# won2"
,now how "o #se i", I e1)ec".3
B#" Scr#'' ha$ learne$ "ha" sor" of "hin( on his las" a$+en"#re. The chil$ren ran 'ac,
"o(e"her "o "he wi(wa%, fo#n$ "he woo$ .which was )erfec"l& $r&/ an$ s#ccee$e$ in
li(h"in( a fire wi"h ra"her less "han "he #s#al $iffic#l"&. Then Scr#'' sa" an$ "oo, care of i"
while >ill wen" an$ ha$ so%e sor" of wash * no" a +er& nice one * in "he neares" channel.
Af"er "ha" she saw "o "he fire an$ he ha$ a wash. Bo"h fel" a (oo$ $eal fresher, '#" +er&
Presen"l& "he -arsh*wi((le 8oine$ "he%. In s)i"e of his e1)ec"a"ion of ca"chin( no eels, he
ha$ a $o<en or so, which he ha$ alrea$& s,inne$ an$ cleane$. He )#" a 'i( )o" on, %en$e$
"he fire, an$ li" his )i)e. -arsh*wi((les s%o,e a +er& s"ran(e, hea+& sor" of "o'acco .so%e
)eo)le sa& "he& %i1 i" wi"h %#$/ an$ "he chil$ren no"ice$ "he s%o,e fro% P#$$le(l#%2s
)i)e har$l& rose in "he air a" all. I" "ric,le$ o#" of "he 'owl an$ $ownwar$s an$ $rif"e$
alon( "he (ro#n$ li,e a %is". I" was +er& 'lac, an$ se" Scr#'' co#(hin(.
3Now,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Those eels will "a,e a %or"al lon( "i%e "o coo,, an$ ei"her of
&o# %i(h" fain" wi"h h#n(er 'efore "he&2re $one. I ,new a li""le (irl * '#" I2$ 'e""er no" "ell
&o# "ha" s"or&. I" %i(h" lower &o#r s)iri"s, an$ "ha"2s a "hin( I ne+er $o. So, "o ,ee) &o#r
%in$s off &o#r h#n(er, we %a& as well "al, a'o#" o#r )lans.3
3Yes, $o le"2s,3 sai$ >ill. 3Can &o# hel) #s "o fin$ Prince Rilian53
The -arsh*wi((le s#c,e$ in his chee,s "ill "he& were hollower "han &o# wo#l$ ha+e
"ho#(h" )ossi'le. 3Well, I $on2" ,now "ha" &o#2$ call i" hel),3 he sai$. 3I $on2" ,now "ha"
an&one can e1ac"l& hel). I" s"an$s "o reason we2re no" li,el& "o (e" +er& far on a 8o#rne& "o
"he Nor"h, no" a" "his "i%e of "he &ear, wi"h "he win"er co%in( on soon an$ all. An$ an earl&
win"er "oo, '& "he loo, of "hin(s. B#" &o# %#s"n2" le" "ha" %a,e &o# $own*hear"e$. ;er&
li,el&, wha" wi"h ene%ies, an$ %o#n"ains, an$ ri+ers "o cross, an$ losin( o#r wa&, an$ ne1"
"o no"hin( "o ea", an$ sore fee", we2ll har$l& no"ice "he wea"her. An$ if we $on2" (e" far
eno#(h "o $o an& (oo$, we %a& (e" far eno#(h no" "o (e" 'ac, in a h#rr&.3
Bo"h chil$ren no"ice$ "ha" he sai$ 3we3, no" 3&o#3, an$ 'o"h e1clai%e$ a" "he sa%e
%o%en". 3Are &o# co%in( wi"h #s53
3Oh &es, I2% co%in( of co#rse. -i(h" as well, &o# see. I $on2" s#))ose we shall e+er see "he
!in( 'ac, in Narnia, now "ha" he2s once se" off for forei(n )ar"s0 an$ he ha$ a nas"& co#(h
when he lef". Then "here2s Tr#%),in. He2s failin( fas". An$ &o#2ll fin$ "here2ll ha+e 'een a
'a$ har+es" af"er "his "erri'le $r& s#%%er. An$ I sho#l$n2" won$er if so%e ene%& a""ac,e$
#s. -ar, %& wor$s.3
3An$ how shall we s"ar"53 sai$ Scr#''.
3Well,3 sai$ "he -arsh*wi((le +er& slowl&, 3all "he o"hers who e+er wen" loo,in( for
Prince Rilian s"ar"e$ fro% "ha" sa%e fo#n"ain where "he Lor$ Drinian saw "he la$&. The&
wen" nor"h, %os"l&. An$ as none of "he% e+er ca%e 'ac,, we can2" e1ac"l& sa& how "he& (o"
3We2+e (o" "o s"ar" '& fin$in( a r#ine$ ci"& of (ian"s,3 sai$ >ill. 3Aslan sai$ so.3
36o" "o s"ar" '& fin$in( i", ha+e we53 answere$ P#$$le(l#%. 3No" allowe$ "o s"ar" '&
loo,in( for i", I s#))ose53
3Tha"2s wha" I %ean", of co#rse,3 sai$ >ill. 3An$ "hen, when we2+e fo#n$ i"*3
3Yes, when43 sai$ P#$$le(l#% +er& $ril&.
3Doesn2" an&one ,now where i" is53 as,e$ Scr#''.
3I $on2" ,now a'o#" An&one,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3An$ I won2" sa& I ha+en2" hear$ of "ha"
R#ine$ Ci"&. Yo# wo#l$n2" s"ar" fro% "he fo#n"ain, "ho#(h. Yo#2$ ha+e "o (o across
E""ins%oor. Tha"2s where "he R#ine$ Ci"& is, if i"2s an&where. B#" I2+e 'een as far in "ha"
$irec"ion as %os" )eo)le an$ I ne+er (o" "o an& r#ins, so I won2" $ecei+e &o#.3
3Where2s E""ins%oor53 sai$ Scr#''.
3Loo, o+er "here nor"hwar$,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, )oin"in( wi"h his )i)e. 3See "hose hills an$
'i"s of cliff5 Tha"2s "he 'e(innin( of E""ins%oor. B#" "here2s a ri+er 'e"ween i" an$ #s0 "he
ri+er Shri''le. No 'ri$(es, of co#rse.3
3I s#))ose we can for$ i", "ho#(h,3 sai$ Scr#''.
3Well, i" has 'een for$e$,3 a$%i""e$ "he -arsh*wi((le.
3Perha)s we shall %ee" )eo)le on E""ins%oor who can "ell #s "he wa&,3 sai$ >ill.
3Yo#2re ri(h" a'o#" %ee"in( )eo)le,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
3Wha" sor" of )eo)le li+e "here53 she as,e$.
3I"2s no" for %e "o sa& "he& aren2" all ri(h" in "heir own wa&,3 answere$ P#$$le(l#%. 3If &o#
li,e "heir wa&.3
3Yes, '#" wha" are "he&53 )resse$ >ill. 3There are so %an& 9#eer crea"#res in "his co#n"r&. I
%ean, are "he& ani%als, or 'ir$s, or $warfs, or wha"53
The -arsh*wi((le (a+e a lon( whis"le. 3Phew43 he sai$. 3Don2" &o# ,now5 I "ho#(h" "he
owls ha$ "ol$ &o#. The&2re (ian"s.3
>ill wince$. She ha$ ne+er li,e$ (ian"s e+en in 'oo,s, an$ she ha$ once %e" one in a
ni(h"%are. Then she saw Scr#''2s face, which ha$ "#rne$ ra"her (reen, an$ "ho#(h" "o
herself, 3I 'e" he2s in a worse f#n, "han I a%.3 Tha" %a$e her feel 'ra+er.
3The !in( "ol$ %e lon( a(o,3 sai$ Scr#'' * 3"ha" "i%e when I was wi"h hi% a" sea*"ha" he2$
8oll& well 'ea"en "hose (ian"s in war an$ %a$e "he% )a& hi% "ri'#"e.3
3Tha"2s "r#e eno#(h,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3The&2re a" )eace wi"h #s all ri(h". As lon( as we
s"a& on o#r own si$e of "he Shri''le, "he& won2" $o #s an& har%. O+er on "heir si$e, on "he
-oor * S"ill, "here2s alwa&s a chance. If we $on2" (e" near an& of "he%, an$ if none of "he%
for(e" "he%sel+es, an$ if we2re no" seen, i"2s 8#s" )ossi'le we %i(h" (e" a lon( wa&.3
3Loo, here43 sai$ Scr#'', s#$$enl& losin( his "e%)er, as )eo)le so easil& $o when "he&
ha+e 'een fri(h"ene$. 3I $on2" 'elie+e "he whole "hin( can 'e half as 'a$ as &o#2re %a,in(
o#"0 an& %ore "han "he 'e$s in "he wi(wa% were har$ or "he woo$ was we". I $on2" "hin,
Aslan wo#l$ e+er ha+e sen" #s if "here was so li""le chance as all "ha".3
He 9#i"e e1)ec"e$ "he -arsh*wi((le "o (i+e hi% an an(r& re)l&, '#" he onl& sai$, 3Tha"2s
"he s)iri", Scr#''. Tha"2s "he wa& "o "al,. P#" a (oo$ face on i". B#" we all nee$ "o 'e +er&
caref#l a'o#" o#r "e%)ers, seein( all "he har$ "i%es we shall ha+e "o (o "hro#(h "o(e"her.
Won2" $o "o 9#arrel, &o# ,now. A" an& ra"e, $on2" 'e(in i" "oo soon. I ,now "hese
e1)e$i"ions #s#all& en$ "ha" wa&: ,nifin( one ano"her, I sho#l$n2" won$er, 'efore all2s $one.
B#" "he lon(er we can ,ee) off i"*3
3Well, if &o# feel i"2s so ho)eless,3 in"err#)"e$ Scr#'', 3I "hin, &o#2$ 'e""er s"a& 'ehin$.
Pole an$ I can (o on alone, can2" we, Pole53
3Sh#" #) an$ $on2" 'e an ass, Scr#'',3 sai$ >ill has"il&, "errifie$ les" "he -arsh*wi((le
sho#l$ "a,e hi% a" his wor$.
3Don2" &o# lose hear", Pole,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3I2% co%in(, s#re an$ cer"ain. I2% no" (oin(
"o lose an o))or"#ni"& li,e "his. I" will $o %e (oo$. The& all sa& * I %ean, "he o"her wi((les
all sa&*"ha" I2% "oo fli(h"&0 $on2" "a,e life serio#sl& eno#(h. If "he&2+e sai$ i" once, "he&2+e
sai$ i" a "ho#san$ "i%es. 2P#$$le(l#%,2 "he&2+e sai$, A&o#2re al"o(e"her "oo f#ll of 'o'ance
an$ 'o#nce an$ hi(h s)iri"s. Yo#2+e (o" "o learn "ha" life isn2" all fricassee$ fro(s an$ eel
)ie. Yo# wan" so%e"hin( "o so'er &o# $own a 'i". We2re onl& sa&in( i" for &o#r own (oo$,
P#$$le(l#%.2 Tha"2s wha" "he& sa&. Now a 8o' li,e "his * a 8o#rne& #) nor"h 8#s" as win"er2s
'e(innin(, loo,in( for a Prince "ha" )ro'a'l& isn2" "here, '& wa& of a r#ine$ ci"& "ha" no one
has e+er seen * will 'e 8#s" "he "hin(. If "ha" $oesn2" s"ea$& a cha), I $on2" ,now wha" will.3
An$ he r#''e$ his 'i( fro(*li,e han$s "o(e"her as if he were "al,in( of (oin( "o a )ar"& or a
)an"o%i%e. 3An$ now,3 he a$$e$, 3le"2s see how "hose eels are (e""in( on.3
When "he %eal ca%e i" was $elicio#s an$ "he chil$ren ha$ "wo lar(e hel)in(s each. A" firs"
"he -arsh*wi((le wo#l$n2" 'elie+e "ha" "he& reall& li,e$ i", an$ when "he& ha$ ea"en so
%#ch "ha" he ha$ "o 'elie+e "he%, he fell 'ac, on sa&in( "ha" i" wo#l$ )ro'a'l& $isa(ree
wi"h "he% horri'l&. 3Wha"2s foo$ for wi((les %a& 'e )oison for h#%ans, I sho#l$n2"
won$er,3 he sai$. Af"er "he %eal "he& ha$ "ea, in "ins .as &o#2+e seen %en ha+in( i" who are
wor,in( on "he roa$/, an$ P#$$le(l#% ha$ a (oo$ %an& si)s o#" of a s9#are 'lac, 'o""le.
He offere$ "he chil$ren so%e of i", '#" "he& "ho#(h" i" +er& nas"&.
The res" of "he $a& was s)en" in )re)ara"ions for an earl& s"ar" "o%orrow %ornin(.
P#$$le(l#%, 'ein( far "he 'i((es", sai$ he wo#l$ carr& "hree 'lan,e"s, wi"h a lar(e 'i" of
'acon rolle$ #) insi$e "he%. >ill was "o carr& "he re%ains of "he eels, so%e 'isc#i", an$ "he
"in$er*'o1. Scr#'' was "o carr& 'o"h his own cloa, an$ >ill2s when "he& $i$n2" wan" "o wear
"he%. Scr#'' .who ha$ learne$ so%e shoo"in( when he saile$ "o "he Eas" #n$er Cas)ian/
ha$ P#$$le(l#%2s secon$'es" 'ow, an$ P#$$le(l#% ha$ his 'es" one0 "ho#(h he sai$ "ha"
wha" wi"h win$s, an$ $a%) 'ows"rin(s, an$ 'a$ li(h", an$ col$ fin(ers, i" was a h#n$re$ "o
one a(ains" ei"her of "he% hi""in( an&"hin(. He an$ Scr#'' 'o"h ha$ swor$s Scr#'' ha$
'ro#(h" "he one which ha$ 'een lef" o#" for hi% in his roo% a" Cair Para+el, '#" >ill ha$ "o
'e con"en" wi"h her ,nife. There wo#l$ ha+e 'een a 9#arrel a'o#" "his, '#" as soon as "he&
s"ar"e$ s)arrin( "he wi((le r#''e$ his han$s an$ sai$, 3Ah, "here &o# are. I "ho#(h" as
%#ch. Tha"2s wha" #s#all& ha))ens on a$+en"#res.3 This %a$e "he% 'o"h sh#" #).
All "hree wen" "o 'e$ earl& in "he wi(wa%. This "i%e "he chil$ren reall& ha$ a ra"her 'a$
ni(h". Tha" was 'eca#se P#$$le(l#%, af"er sa&in(, 3Yo#2$ 'e""er "r& for so%e slee), &o#
"wo0 no" "ha" I s#))ose an& of #s will close an e&e "oni(h",3 ins"an"l& wen" off in"o s#ch a
lo#$, con"in#o#s snore "ha", when >ill a" las" (o" "o slee), she $rea%e$ all ni(h" a'o#" roa$*
$rills an$ wa"erfalls an$ 'ein( in e1)ress "rains in "#nnels.
AT a'o#" nine o2cloc, ne1" %ornin( "hree lonel& fi(#res %i(h" ha+e 'een seen )ic,in( "heir
wa& across "he Shri''le '& "he shoals an$ s"e))in(*s"ones. I" was a shallow, nois& s"rea%,
an$ e+en >ill was no" we" a'o+e her ,nees when "he& reache$ "he nor"hern 'an,. A'o#" fif"&
&ar$s ahea$, "he lan$ rose #) "o "he 'e(innin( of "he %oor, e+er&where s"ee)l&, an$ of"en in
3I s#))ose "ha"2s o#r wa&43 sai$ Scr#'', )oin"in( lef" an$ wes" "o where a s"rea% flowe$
$own fro% "he %oor "hro#(h a shallow (or(e. B#" "he -arsh*wi((le shoo, his hea$.
3The (ian"s %ainl& li+e alon( "he si$e of "ha" (or(e,3 he sai$. 3Yo# %i(h" sa& "he (or(e
was li,e a s"ree" "o "he%. We2ll $o 'e""er s"rai(h" ahea$, e+en "ho#(h i"2s a 'i" s"ee).3
The& fo#n$ a )lace where "he& co#l$ scra%'le #), an$ in a'o#" "en %in#"es s"oo$ )an"in(
a" "he "o). The& cas" a lon(in( loo, 'ac, a" "he +alle&*lan$ of Narnia an$ "hen "#rne$ "heir
faces "o "he Nor"h. The +as", lonel& %oor s"re"che$ on an$ #) as far as "he& co#l$ see. On
"heir lef" was roc,ier (ro#n$. >ill "ho#(h" "ha" %#s" 'e "he e$(e of "he (ian"s2 (or(e an$ $i$
no" %#ch care a'o#" loo,in( in "ha" $irec"ion. The& se" o#".
I" was (oo$, s)rin(& (ro#n$ for wal,in(, an$ a $a& of )ale win"er s#nli(h". As "he& (o"
$ee)er in"o "he %oor, "he loneliness increase$: one co#l$ hear )eewi"s an$ see an
occasional haw,. When "he& hal"e$ in "he %i$$le of "he %ornin( for a res" an$ a $rin, in a
li""le hollow '& a s"rea%, >ill was 'e(innin( "o feel "ha" she %i(h" en8o& a$+en"#res af"er all,
an$ sai$ so.
3We ha+en2" ha$ an& &e",3 sai$ "he -arsh*wi((le.
Wal,s af"er "he firs" hal" * li,e school %ornin(s af"er 'rea, or railwa& 8o#rne&s af"er
chan(in( "rains * ne+er (o on as "he& were 'efore. When "he& se" o#" a(ain, >ill no"ice$ "ha"
"he roc,& e$(e of "he (or(e ha$ $rawn nearer. An$ "he roc,s were less fla", %ore #)ri(h",
"han "he& ha$ 'een. In fac" "he& were li,e li""le "owers of roc,. An$ wha" f#nn& sha)es "he&
3I $o 'elie+e,3 "ho#(h" >ill, 3"ha" all "he s"ories a'o#" (ian"s %i(h" ha+e co%e fro% "hose
f#nn& roc,s. If &o# were co%in( alon( here when i" was half $ar,, &o# co#l$ easil& "hin,
"hose )iles of roc, were (ian"s. Loo, a" "ha" one, now4 Yo# co#l$ al%os" i%a(ine "ha" "he
l#%) on "o) was a hea$. I" wo#l$ 'e ra"her "oo 'i( for "he 'o$&, '#" i" wo#l$ $o well
eno#(h for an #(l& (ian". An$ all "ha" '#sh& s"#ff * I s#))ose i"2s hea"her an$ 'ir$s2 nes"s,
reall& * wo#l$ $o 9#i"e well for hair an$ 'ear$. An$ "he "hin(s s"ic,in( o#" on each si$e are
9#i"e li,e ears. The&2$ 'e horri'l& 'i(, '#" "hen I $are sa& (ian"s wo#l$ ha+e 'i( ears, li,e
ele)han"s. An$ * o*o*o*h4 *3
Her 'loo$ fro<e. The "hin( %o+e$. I" was a real (ian". There was no %is"a,in( i"0 she ha$
seen i" "#rn i"s hea$. She ha$ ca#(h" a (li%)se of "he (rea", s"#)i$, )#ffchee,e$ face. All
"he "hin(s were (ian"s, no" roc,s. There were for"& or fif"& of "he%, all in a row0 o'+io#sl&
s"an$in( wi"h "heir fee" on "he 'o""o% of "he (or(e an$ "heir el'ows res"in( on "he e$(e of
"he (or(e, 8#s" as %en %i(h" s"an$ leanin( on a wall * la<& %en, on a fine %ornin( af"er
3!ee) s"rai(h" on,3 whis)ere$ P#$$le(l#%, who ha$ no"ice$ "he% "oo. 3Don2" loo, a" "he%.
An$ wha"e+er &o# $o, $on2" r#n. The&2$ 'e af"er #s in a %o%en".3
So "he& ,e)" on, )re"en$in( no" "o ha+e seen "he (ian"s. I" was li,e wal,in( )as" "he (a"e of
a ho#se where "here is a fierce $o(, onl& far worse. There were $o<ens an$ $o<ens of "hese
(ian"s. The& $i$n2" loo, an(r& * or ,in$ or in"eres"e$ a" all. There was no si(n "ha" "he& ha$
seen "he "ra+ellers.
Then * whi<<*whi<<*whi<< * so%e hea+& o'8ec" ca%e h#r"lin( "hro#(h "he air, an$ wi"h a
crash a 'i( 'o#l$er fell a'o#" "wen"& )aces ahea$ of "he%. An$ "hen * "h#$4 * ano"her fell
"wen"& fee" 'ehin$.
3Are "he& ai%in( a" #s53 as,e$ Scr#''.
3No,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3We2$ 'e a (oo$ $eal safer if "he& were. The&2re "r&in( "o hi" "ha" *
"ha" cairn o+er "here "o "he ri(h". The& won2" hi" i", &o# ,now. I"2s safe eno#(h0 "he&2re s#ch
+er& 'a$ sho"s. The& )la& coc,*shies %os" fine %ornin(s. A'o#" "he onl& (a%e "he&2re
cle+er eno#(h "o #n$ers"an$.3
I" was a horri'le "i%e. There see%e$ no en$ "o "he line of (ian"s, an$ "he& ne+er cease$
h#rlin( s"ones, so%e of which fell e1"re%el& close. =#i"e a)ar" fro% "he real $an(er, "he
+er& si(h" an$ so#n$ of "heir faces an$ +oices were eno#(h "o scare an&one. >ill "rie$ no" "o
loo, a" "he%.
Af"er a'o#" "wen"&*fi+e %in#"es "he (ian"s a))aren"l& ha$ a 9#arrel. This )#" an en$ "o "he
coc,*shies, '#" i" is no" )leasan" "o 'e wi"hin a %ile of 9#arrellin( (ian"s. The& s"or%e$ an$
8eere$ a" one ano"her in lon(, %eanin(less wor$s of a'o#" "wen"& s&lla'les each. The&
foa%e$ an$ (i''ere$ an$ 8#%)e$ in "heir ra(e, an$ each 8#%) shoo, "he ear"h li,e a 'o%'.
The& la%%e$ each o"her on "he hea$ wi"h (rea", cl#%s& s"one ha%%ers0 '#" "heir s,#lls
were so har$ "ha" "he ha%%ers 'o#nce$ off a(ain, an$ "hen "he %ons"er who
ha$ (i+en "he 'low wo#l$ $ro) his ha%%er an$ howl wi"h )ain 'eca#se i" ha$ s"#n( his
fin(ers. B#" he was so s"#)i$ "ha" he wo#l$ $o e1ac"l& "he sa%e "hin( a %in#"e la"er. This
was a (oo$ "hin( in "he lon( r#n, for '& "he en$ of an ho#r all "he (ian"s were so h#r" "ha"
"he& sa" $own an$ 'e(an "o cr&. When "he& sa" $own, "heir hea$s were 'elow "he e$(e of
"he (or(e, so "ha" &o# saw "he% no %ore0 '#" >ill co#l$ hear "he% howlin( an$ 'l#''erin(
an$ 'oo*'ooin( li,e (rea" 'a'ies e+en af"er "he )lace was a %ile 'ehin$.
Tha" ni(h" "he& 'i+o#ac,e$ on "he 'are %oor, an$ P#$$le(l#% showe$ "he chil$ren how "o
%a,e "he 'es" of "heir 'lan,e"s '& slee)in( 'ac, "o 'ac,. .The 'ac,s ,ee) each o"her war%
an$ &o# can "hen ha+e 'o"h 'lan,e"s on "o)./ B#" i" was chill& e+en so, an$ "he (ro#n$ was
har$ an$ l#%)&. The -arsh*wi((le "ol$ "he% "he& wo#l$ feel %ore co%for"a'le if onl&
"he& "ho#(h" how +er& %#ch col$er i" wo#l$ 'e la"er on an$ far"her nor"h0 '#" "his $i$n2"
cheer "he% #) a" all.
The& "ra+elle$ across E""ins%oor for %an& $a&s, sa+in( "he 'acon an$ li+in( chiefl& on "he
%oor*fowl ."he& were no", of co#rse, "al,in( 'ir$s/ which E#s"ace an$ "he wi((le sho". >ill
ra"her en+ie$ E#s"ace for 'ein( a'le "o shoo"0 he ha$ learne$ i" on his +o&a(e wi"h !in(
Cas)ian. As "here were co#n"less s"rea%s on "he %oor, "he& were ne+er shor" of wa"er. >ill
"ho#(h" "ha" when, in 'oo,s, )eo)le li+e on wha" "he& shoo", i" ne+er "ells &o# wha" a lon(,
s%ell&, %ess& 8o' i" is )l#c,in( an$ cleanin( $ea$ 'ir$s, an$ how col$ i" %a,es &o#r
fin(ers. B#" "he (rea" "hin( was "ha" "he& %e" har$l& an& (ian"s. One (ian" saw "he%, '#" he
onl& roare$ wi"h la#(h"er an$ s"#%)e$ awa& a'o#" his own '#siness.
A'o#" "he "en"h $a&, "he& reache$ a )lace where "he co#n"r& chan(e$. The& ca%e "o "he
nor"hern e$(e of "he %oor an$ loo,e$ $own a lon(, s"ee) slo)e in"o a $ifferen", an$
(ri%%er, lan$. A" "he 'o""o% of "he slo)e were cliffs: 'e&on$ "hese, a co#n"r& of hi(h
%o#n"ains, $ar, )reci)ices, s"on& +alle&s, ra+ines so $ee) an$ narrow "ha" one co#l$ no"
see far in"o "he%, an$ ri+ers "ha" )o#re$ o#" of echoin( (or(es "o )l#n(e s#llenl& in"o 'lac,
$e)"hs. Nee$less "o sa&, i" was P#$$le(l#% who )oin"e$ o#" a s)rin,lin( of snow on "he
%ore $is"an" slo)es.
3B#" "here2ll 'e %ore on "he nor"h si$e of "he%, I sho#l$n2" won$er,3 he a$$e$.
I" "oo, "he% so%e "i%e "o reach "he foo" of "he slo)e an$, when "he& $i$, "he& loo,e$ $own
fro% "he "o) of "he cliffs a" a ri+er r#nnin( 'elow "he% fro% wes" "o eas". I" was walle$ in
'& )reci)ices on "he far si$e as well as on "heir own, an$ i" was (reen an$ s#nless, f#ll of
ra)i$s an$ wa"erfalls. The roar of i" shoo, "he ear"h e+en where "he& s"oo$.
3The 'ri(h" si$e of i" is,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, 3"ha" if we 'rea, o#r nec,s (e""in( $own "he
cliff, "hen we2re safe fro% 'ein( $rowne$ in "he ri+er.3
3Wha" a'o#" "ha"53 sai$ Scr#'' s#$$enl&, )oin"in( #)s"rea% "o "heir lef". Then "he& all
loo,e$ an$ saw "he las" "hin( "he& were e1)ec"in( * a 'ri$(e. An$ wha" a 'ri$(e, "oo4 I" was
a h#(e, sin(le arch "ha" s)anne$ "he (or(e fro% cliff*"o) "o cliff*"o)0 an$ "he crown of "ha"
arch was as hi(h a'o+e "he cliff*"o)s as "he $o%e of S" Pa#l2s is a'o+e "he s"ree".
3Wh&, i" %#s" 'e a (ian"s2 'ri$(e43 sai$ >ill.
3Or a sorcerer2s, %ore li,el&,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3We2+e (o" "o loo, o#" for enchan"%en"s in
a )lace li,e "his. I "hin, i"2s a "ra). I "hin, i"2ll "#rn in"o %is" an$ %el" awa& 8#s" when we2re
o#" on "he %i$$le of i".3
3Oh, for (oo$ness2 sa,e, $on2" 'e s#ch a we" 'lan,e",3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Wh& on ear"h sho#l$n2"
i" 'e a )ro)er 'ri$(e53
3Do &o# "hin, an& of "he (ian"s we2+e seen wo#l$ ha+e sense "o '#il$ a "hin( li,e "ha"53
sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
3B#" %i(h"n2" i" ha+e 'een '#il" '& o"her (ian"s53 sai$ >ill. 3I %ean, '& (ian"s who li+e$
h#n$re$s of &ears a(o, an$ were far cle+erer "han "he %o$ern ,in$. I" %i(h" ha+e 'een '#il"
'& "he sa%e ones who '#il" "he (ian" ci"& we2re loo,in( for. An$ "ha" wo#l$ %ean we were
on "he ri(h" "rac, * "he ol$ 'ri$(e lea$in( "o "he ol$ ci"&43
3Tha"2s a real 'rain*wa+e, Pole,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3I" %#s" 'e "ha". Co%e on.3
So "he& "#rne$ an$ wen" "o "he 'ri$(e. An$ when "he& reache$ i", i" cer"ainl& see%e$ soli$
eno#(h. The sin(le s"ones were as 'i( as "hose a" S"onehen(e an$ %#s" ha+e 'een s9#are$
'& (oo$ %asons once, "ho#(h now "he& were crac,e$ an$ cr#%'le$. The 'al#s"ra$e ha$
a))aren"l& 'een co+ere$ wi"h rich car+in(s, of which so%e "races re%aine$0 %o#l$erin(
faces an$ for%s of (ian"s, %ino"a#rs, s9#i$s, cen"i)e$es, an$ $rea$f#l (o$s. P#$$le(l#%
s"ill $i$n2" "r#s" i", '#" he consen"e$ "o cross i" wi"h "he chil$ren.
The cli%' #) "o "he crown of "he arch was lon( an$ hea+&. In %an& )laces "he (rea" s"ones
ha$ $ro))e$ o#", lea+in( horri'le (a)s "hro#(h which &o# loo,e$ $own on "he ri+er
foa%in( "ho#san$s of fee" 'elow. The& saw an ea(le fl& "hro#(h #n$er "heir fee". An$ "he
hi(her "he& wen", "he col$er i" (rew, an$ "he win$ 'lew so "ha" "he& co#l$ har$l& ,ee) "heir
foo"in(. I" see%e$ "o sha,e "he 'ri$(e.
When "he& reache$ "he "o) an$ co#l$ loo, $own "he far"her slo)e of "he 'ri$(e, "he& saw
wha" loo,e$ li,e "he re%ains of an ancien" (ian" roa$ s"re"chin( awa& 'efore "he% in"o "he
hear" of "he %o#n"ains. -an& s"ones of i"s )a+e%en" were %issin( an$ "here were wi$e
)a"ches of (rass 'e"ween "hose "ha" re%aine$. An$ ri$in( "owar$s "he% on "ha" ancien" roa$
were "wo )eo)le of nor%al (rown*#) h#%an si<e.
3!ee) on. -o+e "owar$s "he%,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3An&one &o# %ee" in a )lace li,e "his is
as li,el& as no" "o 'e an ene%&, '#" we %#s"n2" le" "he% "hin, we2re afrai$.3
B& "he "i%e "he& ha$ s"e))e$ off "he en$ of "he 'ri$(e on "o "he (rass, "he "wo s"ran(ers
were 9#i"e close. One was a ,ni(h" in co%)le"e ar%o#r wi"h his +isor $own. His ar%o#r
an$ his horse were 'lac,0 "here was no $e+ice on his shiel$ an$ no 'annere" on his s)ear.
The o"her was a la$& on a whi"e horse, a horse so lo+el& "ha" &o# wan"e$ "o ,iss i"s nose
an$ (i+e i" a l#%) of s#(ar a" once. B#" "he la$&, who ro$e si$e*sa$$le an$ wore a lon(,
fl#""erin( $ress of $a<<lin( (reen, was lo+elier s"ill.
36oo$ $a&, "*r*r*a+ellers,3 she crie$ o#" in a +oice as swee" as "he swee"es" 'ir$2s son(,
"rillin( her R2s $eli(h"f#ll&. 3So%e of &o# are &o#n( )il(ri%s "o wal, "his ro#(h was"e.3
3Tha"2s as %a& 'e, -a2a%,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#% +er& s"iffl& an$ on his (#ar$.
3We2re loo,in( for "he r#ine$ ci"& of "he (ian"s,3 sai$ >ill.
3The r*r*r#ine$ ci"&53 sai$ "he La$&. 3Tha" is a s"ran(e )lace "o 'e see,in(. Wha" will &o#
$o if &o# fin$ i"53
3We2+e (o" "o *3 'e(an >ill, '#" P#$$le(l#% in"err#)"e$.
3Be((in( &o#r )ar$on, -a2a%. B#" we $on2" ,now &o# or &o#r frien$ * a silen" cha), isn2"
he5 * an$ &o# $on2" ,now #s. An$ we2$ as soon no" "al, "o s"ran(ers a'o#" o#r '#siness, if
&o# $on2" %in$. Shall we ha+e a li""le rain soon, $o &o# "hin,53
The La$& la#(he$: "he riches", %os" %#sical la#(h &o# can i%a(ine. 3Well, chil$ren,3 she
sai$, 3&o# ha+e a wise, sole%n ol$ (#i$e wi"h &o#. I "hin, none "he worse of hi% for
,ee)in( his own co#nsel, '#" I2ll 'e free wi"h %ine. I ha+e of"en hear$ "he na%e of "he
(ian"ish Ci"& R#ino#s, '#" ne+er %e" an& who wo#l$ "ell %e "he wa& "hi"her. This roa$
lea$s "o "he '#r(h an$ cas"le of Harfan(, where $well "he (en"le (ian"s. The& are as %il$,
ci+il, )r#$en", an$ co#r"eo#s as "hose of E""ins%oor are foolish, fierce, sa+a(e, an$ (i+en "o
all 'eas"liness. An$ in Harfan( &o# %a& or %a& no" hear "i$in(s of "he Ci"& R#ino#s, '#"
cer"ainl& &o# shall fin$ (oo$ lo$(in(s an$ %err& hos"s. Yo# wo#l$ 'e wise "o win"er "here,
or, a" "he leas", "o "arr& cer"ain $a&s for &o#r ease an$ refresh%en". There &o# shall ha+e
s"ea%in( 'a"hs, sof" 'e$s, an$ 'ri(h" hear"hs0 an$ "he roas" an$ "he 'a,e$ an$ "he swee" an$
"he s"ron( will 'e on "he "a'le fo#r "i%es in a $a&.3
3I sa&43 e1clai%e$ Scr#''. 3Tha"2s so%e"hin( li,e4 Thin, of slee)in( in a 'e$ a(ain.3
3Yes, an$ ha+in( a ho" 'a"h,3 sai$ >ill. 3Do &o# "hin, "he&2ll as, #s "o s"a&5 We $on2" ,now
"he%, &o# see.3
3Onl& "ell "he%,3 answere$ "he La$&, 3"ha" She of "he 6reen !ir"le sal#"es "he% '& &o#, an$
has sen" "he% "wo fair So#"hern chil$ren for "he A#"#%n 7eas".3
3Oh, "han, &o#, "han, &o# e+er so %#ch,3 sai$ >ill an$ Scr#''.
3B#" ha+e a care,3 sai$ "he La$&. 3On wha"e+er $a& &o# reach Harfan(, "ha" &o# co%e no"
"o "he $oor "oo la"e. 7or "he& sh#" "heir (a"es a few ho#rs af"er noon, an$ i" is "he c#s"o% of
"he cas"le "ha" "he& o)en "o none when once "he& ha+e $rawn 'ol", how har$ so e+er he
The chil$ren "han,e$ her a(ain, wi"h shinin( e&es, an$ "he La$& wa+e$ "o "he%. The
-arsh*wi((le "oo, off his s"ee)le*ha" an$ 'owe$ +er& s"iffl&. Then "he silen" !ni(h" an$
"he La$& s"ar"e$ wal,in( "heir horses #) "he slo)e of "he 'ri$(e wi"h a (rea" cla""er of hoofs.
3Well43 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3I2$ (i+e a (oo$ $eal "o ,now where she2s co%in( fro% an$
where she2s (oin(. No" "he sor" &o# e1)ec" "o %ee" in "he wil$s of 6ian"lan$, is she5 ) "o
no (oo$, I2ll 'e 'o#n$.3
3Oh ro"43 sai$ Scr#''. 3I "ho#(h" she was si%)l& s#)er. An$ "hin, of ho" %eals an$ war%
roo%s. I $o ho)e Harfan( isn2" a lon( wa& off.3
3Sa%e here,3 sai$ >ill. 3An$ ha$n2" she a scr#%)"io#s $ress. An$ "he horse43
3All "he sa%e,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, 3I wish we ,new a 'i" %ore a'o#" her.3
3I was (oin( "o as, her all a'o#" herself,3 sai$ >ill. 3B#" how co#l$ I when &o# wo#l$n2" "ell
her an&"hin( a'o#" #s53
3Yes,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3An$ wh& were &o# so s"iff an$ #n)leasan". Di$n2" &o# li,e "he%53
3The%53 sai$ "he wi((le. 3Who2s "he%5 I onl& saw one.3
3Di$n2" &o# see "he !ni(h"53 as,e$ >ill.
3I saw a s#i" of ar%o#r,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Wh& $i$n2" he s)ea,53
3I e1)ec" he was sh&,3 sai$ >ill. 3Or )erha)s he 8#s" wan"s "o loo, a" her an$ lis"en "o her
lo+el& +oice. I2% s#re I wo#l$ if I was hi%.3
3I was won$erin(,3 re%ar,e$ P#$$le(l#%, 3wha" &o#2$ reall& see if &o# lif"e$ #) "he +isor
of "ha" hel%e" an$ loo,e$ insi$e.3
3Han( i" all,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Thin, of "he sha)e of "he ar%o#r4 Wha" co#l$ 'e insi$e i"
e1ce)" a %an53
3How a'o#" a s,ele"on53 as,e$ "he -arsh*wi((le wi"h (has"l& cheerf#lness. 3Or )erha)s,3
he a$$e$ as an af"er"ho#(h", 3no"hin( a" all. I %ean, no"hin( &o# co#l$ see. So%eone
3Reall&, P#$$le(l#%,3 sai$ >ill wi"h a sh#$$er, 3&o# $o ha+e "he %os" horri'le i$eas. How
$o &o# "hin, of "he% all53
3Oh, 'o"her his i$eas43 sai$ Scr#''. 3He2s alwa&s e1)ec"in( "he wors", an$ he2s alwa&s
wron(. Le"2s "hin, a'o#" "hose 6en"le 6ian"s an$ (e" on "o Harfan( as 9#ic,l& as we can. I
wish I ,new how far i" is.3
An$ now "he& nearl& ha$ "he firs" of "hose 9#arrels which P#$$le(l#% ha$ fore"ol$: no" "ha"
>ill an$ Scr#'' ha$n2" 'een s)arrin( an$ sna))in( a" each o"her a (oo$ $eal 'efore, '#" "his
was "he firs" reall& serio#s $isa(ree%en". P#$$le(l#% $i$n2" wan" "he% "o (o "o Harfan( a"
all. He sai$ "ha" he $i$n2" ,now wha" a (ian"2s i$ea of 'ein( 3(en"le3 %i(h" 'e, an$ "ha",
an&wa&, Aslan2s si(ns ha$ sai$ no"hin( a'o#" s"a&in( wi"h (ian"s, (en"le or o"herwise. The
chil$ren, on "he o"her han$, who were sic, of win$ an$ rain, an$ s,inn& fowl roas"e$ o+er
ca%)fires, an$ har$, col$ ear"h "o slee) on, were a'sol#"el& $ea$ se" "o +isi" "he 6en"le
6ian"s. In "he en$, P#$$le(l#% a(ree$ "o $o so, '#" onl& on one con$i"ion. The o"hers %#s"
(i+e an a'sol#"e )ro%ise "ha", #nless he (a+e "he% lea+e, "he& wo#l$ no" "ell "he 6en"le
6ian"s "ha" "he& ca%e fro% Narnia or "ha" "he& were loo,in( for Prince Rilian. An$ "he&
(a+e hi% "his )ro%ise, an$ wen" on.
Af"er "ha" "al, wi"h "he La$& "hin(s (o" worse in "wo $ifferen" wa&s. In "he firs" )lace "he
co#n"r& was %#ch har$er. The roa$ le$ "hro#(h en$less, narrow +alle&s $own which a cr#el
nor"h win$ was alwa&s 'lowin( in "heir faces. There was no"hin( "ha" co#l$ 'e #se$ for
firewoo$, an$ "here were no nice li""le hollows "o ca%) in, as "here ha$ 'een on "he %oor.
An$ "he (ro#n$ was all s"on&, an$ %a$e &o#r fee" sore '& $a& an$ e+er& 'i" of &o# sore '&
In "he secon$ )lace, wha"e+er "he La$& ha$ in"en$e$ '& "ellin( "he% a'o#" Harfan(, "he
ac"#al effec" on "he chil$ren was a 'a$ one. The& co#l$ "hin, a'o#" no"hin( '#" 'e$s an$
'a"hs an$ ho" %eals an$ how lo+el& i" wo#l$ 'e "o (e" in$oors. The& ne+er "al,e$ a'o#"
Aslan, or e+en a'o#" "he los" )rince, now. An$ >ill (a+e #) her ha'i" of re)ea"in( "he si(ns
o+er "o herself e+er& ni(h" an$ %ornin(. She sai$ "o herself, a" firs", "ha" she was "oo "ire$,
'#" she soon for(o" all a'o#" i". An$ "ho#(h &o# %i(h" ha+e e1)ec"e$ "ha" "he i$ea of
ha+in( a (oo$ "i%e a" Harfan( wo#l$ ha+e %a$e "he% %ore cheerf#l, i" reall& %a$e "he%
%ore sorr& for "he%sel+es an$ %ore (r#%)& an$ sna))& wi"h each o"her an$ wi"h
A" las" "he& ca%e one af"ernoon "o a )lace where "he (or(e in which "he& were "ra+ellin(
wi$ene$ o#" an$ $ar, fir woo$s rose on ei"her si$e. The& loo,e$ ahea$ an$ saw "ha" "he&
ha$ co%e "hro#(h "he %o#n"ains. Before "he% la& a $esola"e, roc,& )lain: 'e&on$ i", f#r"her
%o#n"ains ca))e$ wi"h snow. B#" 'e"ween "he% an$ "hose f#r"her %o#n"ains rose a low hill
wi"h an irre(#lar fla""ish "o).
3Loo,4 Loo,43 crie$ >ill, an$ )oin"e$ across "he )lain0 an$ "here, "hro#(h "he (a"herin(
$#s,, fro% 'e&on$ "he fla" hill, e+er&one saw li(h"s. Li(h"s4 No" %oonli(h", nor fires, '#" a
ho%el& cheerin( row of li(h"e$ win$ows. If &o# ha+e ne+er 'een in "he wil$ wil$erness,
$a& an$ ni(h", for wee,s, &o# will har$l& #n$ers"an$ how "he& fel".
3Harfan(43 crie$ Scr#'' an$ >ill in (la$, e1ci"e$ +oices0 an$ 3Harfan(,3 re)ea"e$
P#$$le(l#% in a $#ll, (loo%& +oice. B#" he a$$e$, 3H#llo4 Wil$ (eese43 an$ ha$ "he 'ow
off his sho#l$er in a secon$. He 'ro#(h" $own a (oo$ fa" (oose. I" was far "oo la"e "o "hin,
of reachin( Harfan( "ha" $a&. B#" "he& ha$ a ho" %eal an$ a fire, an$ s"ar"e$ "he ni(h"
war%er "han "he& ha$ 'een for o+er a wee,. Af"er "he fire ha$ (one o#", "he ni(h" (rew
'i""erl& col$, an$ when "he& wo,e ne1" %ornin(, "heir 'lan,e"s were s"iff wi"h fros".
3Ne+er %in$43 sai$ >ill, s"a%)in( her fee". 3Ho" 'a"hs "oni(h"43
THERE Is no $en&in( i" was a 'eas" of a $a&. O+erhea$ was a s#nless s,&, %#ffle$ in
clo#$s "ha" were hea+& wi"h snow0 #n$erfoo", a 'lac, fros"0 'lowin( o+er i", a win$ "ha" fel"
as if i" wo#l$ "a,e &o#r s,in off. When "he& (o" $own in"o "he )lain "he& fo#n$ "ha" "his )ar"
of "he ancien" roa$ was %#ch %ore r#ino#s "han an& "he& ha$ &e" seen. The& ha$ "o )ic,
"heir wa& o+er (rea" 'ro,en s"ones an$ 'e"ween 'o#l$ers an$ across r#''le: har$ (oin( for
sore fee". An$, howe+er "ire$ "he& (o", i" was far "oo col$ for a hal".
A" a'o#" "en o2cloc, "he firs" "in& snow fla,es ca%e loi"erin( $own an$ se""le$ on >ill2s ar%.
Ten %in#"es la"er "he& were fallin( 9#i"e "hic,l&. In "wen"& %in#"es "he (ro#n$ was
no"icea'l& whi"e. An$ '& "he en$ of half an ho#r a (oo$ s"ea$& snows"or%, which loo,e$ as
if i" %ean" "o las" all $a&, was $ri+in( in "heir faces so "ha" "he& co#l$ har$l& see.
In or$er "o #n$ers"an$ wha" followe$, &o# %#s" ,ee) on re%e%'erin( how li""le "he& co#l$
see. As "he& $rew near "he low hill which se)ara"e$ "he% fro% "he )lace where "he li(h"e$
win$ows ha$ a))eare$, "he& ha$ no (eneral +iew of i" a" all. I" was a 9#es"ion of seein( "he
ne1" few )aces ahea$, an$, e+en for "ha", &o# ha$ "o screw #) &o#r e&es. Nee$less "o sa&,
"he& were no" "al,in(.
When "he& reache$ "he foo" of "he hill "he& ca#(h" a (li%)se of wha" %i(h" 'e roc,s on
each si$e * s9#arish roc,s, if &o# loo,e$ a" "he% caref#ll&, '#" no one $i$. All were %ore
concerne$ wi"h "he le$(e ri(h" in fron" of "he% which 'arre$ "heir wa&. I" was a'o#" fo#r
fee" hi(h. The -arsh*wi((le, wi"h his lon( le(s, ha$ no $iffic#l"& in 8#%)in( on"o "he "o)
of i", an$ he "hen hel)e$ "he o"hers #). I" was a nas"& we" '#siness for "he%, "ho#(h no" for
hi%, 'eca#se "he snow now la& 9#i"e $ee) on "he le$(e. The& "hen ha$ a s"iff cli%' * >ill
fell once * #) +er& ro#(h (ro#n$ for a'o#" a h#n$re$ &ar$s, an$ ca%e "o a secon$ le$(e.
There were fo#r of "hese le$(es al"o(e"her, a" 9#i"e irre(#lar in"er+als.
As "he& s"r#((le$ on "o "he fo#r"h le$(e, "here was no %is"a,in( "he fac" "ha" "he& were now
a" "he "o) of "he fla" hill. ) "ill now "he slo)e ha$ (i+en "he% so%e shel"er0 here, "he& (o"
"he f#ll f#r& of "he win$. 7or "he hill, o$$l& eno#(h, was 9#i"e as fla" on "o) as i" ha$ loo,e$
fro% a $is"ance: a (rea" le+el "a'lelan$ which "he s"or% "ore across wi"ho#"
resis"ance. In %os" )laces "he snow was s"ill har$l& l&in( a" all, for "he win$ ,e)" ca"chin( i"
#) off "he (ro#n$ in shee"s an$ clo#$s, an$ h#rlin( i" in "heir faces. An$ ro#n$ "heir fee"
li""le e$$ies of snow ran a'o#" as &o# so%e"i%es see "he% $oin( o+er ice. An$, in$ee$, in
%an& )laces, "he s#rface was al%os" as s%oo"h as ice. B#" "o %a,e %a""ers worse i" was
crosse$ an$ crisscrosse$ wi"h c#rio#s 'an,s or $&,es, which so%e"i%es $i+i$e$ i" #) in"o
s9#ares an$ o'lon(s. All "hese of co#rse ha$ "o 'e cli%'e$0 "he& +arie$ fro% "wo "o fi+e
fee" in hei(h" an$ were a'o#" a co#)le of &ar$s "hic,. On "he nor"h si$e of each 'an, "he
snow alrea$& la& in $ee) $rif"s0 an$ af"er each cli%' &o# ca%e $own in"o a $rif" an$ (o"
7i(h"in( her wa& forwar$ wi"h hoo$ #) an$ hea$ $own an$ n#%' han$s insi$e her cloa,,
>ill ha$ (li%)ses of o"her o$$ "hin(s on "ha" horri'le "a'lelan$ * "hin(s on her ri(h" "ha"
loo,e$ +a(#el& li,e fac"or& chi%ne&s, an$, on her lef", a h#(e cliff, s"rai(h"er "han an& cliff
o#(h" "o 'e. B#" she wasn2" a" all in"eres"e$ an$ $i$n2" (i+e "he% a "ho#(h". The onl& "hin(s
she "ho#(h" a'o#" were her col$ han$s .an$ nose an$ chin an$ ears/ an$ ho" 'a"hs an$ 'e$s
a" Harfan(.
S#$$enl& she s,i$$e$, sli$ a'o#" fi+e fee", an$ fo#n$ herself "o her horror sli$in( $own in"o
a $ar,, narrow chas% which see%e$ "ha" %o%en" "o ha+e a))eare$ in fron" of her. Half a
secon$ la"er she ha$ reache$ "he 'o""o%. She a))eare$ "o 'e in a ,in$ of "rench or (roo+e,
onl& a'o#" "hree fee" wi$e. An$ "ho#(h she was sha,en '& "he fall, al%os" "he firs" "hin( she
no"ice$ was "he relief of 'ein( o#" of "he win$0 for "he walls of "he "rench rose hi(h a'o+e
her. The ne1" "hin( she no"ice$ was, na"#rall&, "he an1io#s faces of Scr#'' an$ P#$$le(l#%
loo,in( $own a" her fro% "he e$(e.
3Are &o# h#r", Pole53 sho#"e$ Scr#''.
3Bo"h le(s 'ro,en, I sho#l$n2" won$er,3 sho#"e$ P#$$le(l#%.
>ill s"oo$ #) an$ e1)laine$ "ha" she was all ri(h", '#" "he&2$ ha+e "o hel) her o#".
3Wha" is i" &o#2+e fallen in"o53 as,e$ Scr#''.
3I"2s a ,in$ of "rench, or i" %i(h" 'e a ,in$ of s#n,en lane or so%e"hin(,3 sai$ >ill. 3I" r#ns
9#i"e s"rai(h".3
3Yes, '& >o+e,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3An$ i" r#ns $#e nor"h4 I won$er is i" a sor" of roa$5 If i" was,
we2$ 'e o#" of "his infernal win$ $own "here. Is "here a lo" of snow a" "he 'o""o%53
3Har$l& an&. I" all 'lows o+er "he "o), I s#))ose.3
3Wha" ha))ens far"her on53
3Half a sec. I2ll (o an$ see,3 sai$ >ill. She (o" #) an$ wal,e$ alon( "he "rench0 '#" 'efore
she ha$ (one far, i" "#rne$ shar)l& "o "he ri(h". She sho#"e$ "his infor%a"ion 'ac, "o "he
3Wha"2s ro#n$ "he corner53 as,e$ Scr#''.
Now i" ha))ene$ "ha" >ill ha$ "he sa%e feelin( a'o#" "wis"& )assa(es an$ $ar, )laces
#n$er(ro#n$, or e+en nearl& #n$er(ro#n$, "ha" Scr#'' ha$ a'o#" "he e$(es of cliffs. She
ha$ no in"en"ion of (oin( ro#n$ "ha" corner alone0 es)eciall& when she hear$ P#$$le(l#%
'awlin( o#" fro% 'ehin$ her:
3Be caref#l, Pole. I"2s 8#s" "he sor" of )lace "ha" %i(h" lea$ "o a $ra(on2s ca+e. An$ in a (ian"
co#n"r&, "here %i(h" 'e (ian" ear"h*wor%s or (ian" 'ee"les.3
3I $on2" "hin, i" (oes an&where %#ch,3 sai$ >ill, co%in( has"il& 'ac,.
3I2% 8oll& well (oin( "o ha+e a loo,,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Wha" $o &o# %ean '& an&where %#ch,
I sho#l$ li,e "o ,now53 So he sa" $own on "he e$(e of "he "rench .e+er&one was "oo we" '&
now "o 'o"her a'o#" 'ein( a 'i" we""er/ an$ "hen $ro))e$ in. He )#she$ )as" >ill an$,
"ho#(h he $i$n2" sa& an&"hin(, she fel" s#re "ha" he ,new she ha$ f#n,e$ i". So she followe$
hi% close, '#" "oo, care no" "o (e" in fron" of hi%.
I" )ro+e$, howe+er, a $isa))oin"in( e1)lora"ion. The& wen" ro#n$ "he ri(h"*han$ "#rn an$
s"rai(h" on for a few )aces. Here "here was a choice of wa&s: s"rai(h" on a(ain, or shar) "o
"he ri(h". 3Tha"2s no (oo$,3 sai$ Scr#'', (lancin( $own "he ri(h"*han$ "#rn, 3"ha" wo#l$ 'e
"a,in( #s 'ac, * so#"h.3 He wen" s"rai(h" on, '#" once %ore, in a few s"e)s, "he& fo#n$ a
secon$ "#rn "o "he ri(h". B#" "his "i%e "here was no choice of wa&s, for "he "rench "he& ha$
'een followin( here ca%e "o a $ea$ en$.
3No (oo$,3 (r#n"e$ Scr#''. >ill los" no "i%e in "#rnin( an$ lea$in( "he wa& 'ac,. When
"he& re"#rne$ "o "he )lace where >ill ha$ firs" fallen in, "he -arsh*wi((le wi"h his lon( ar%s
ha$ no $iffic#l"& in )#llin( "he% o#".
B#" i" was $rea$f#l "o 'e o#" on "o) a(ain. Down in "hose narrow sli"s of "renches, "heir ears
ha$ al%os" 'e(#n "o "haw. The& ha$ 'een a'le "o see clearl& an$ 'rea"he easil& an$ hear
each o"her s)ea, wi"ho#" sho#"in(. I" was a'sol#"e %iser& "o co%e 'ac, in"o "he wi"herin(
col$ness. An$ i" $i$ see% har$ when P#$$le(l#% chose "ha" %o%en" for sa&in(:
3Are &o# s"ill s#re of "hose si(ns, Pole5 Wha"2s "he one we o#(h" "o 'e af"er, now53
3Oh, co%e on4 Bo"her "he si(ns,3 sai$ Pole. 3So%e"hin( a'o#" so%eone %en"ionin( Aslan2s
na%e, I "hin,. B#" I2% 8oll& well no" (oin( "o (i+e a reci"a"ion here.3
As &o# see, she ha$ (o" "he or$er wron(. Tha" was 'eca#se she ha$ (i+en #) sa&in( "he
si(ns o+er e+er& ni(h". She s"ill reall& ,new "he%, if she "ro#'le$ "o "hin,: '#" she was no
lon(er so 3)a"3 in her lesson as "o 'e s#re of reelin( "he% off in "he ri(h" or$er a" a
%o%en"2s no"ice an$ wi"ho#" "hin,in(. P#$$le(l#%2s 9#es"ion anno&e$ her 'eca#se, $ee)
$own insi$e her, she was alrea$& anno&e$ wi"h herself for no" ,nowin( "he Lion2s lesson
9#i"e so well as she fel" she o#(h" "o ha+e ,nown i". This anno&ance, a$$e$ "o "he %iser& of
'ein( +er& col$ an$ "ire$, %a$e her sa&, 3Bo"her "he si(ns.3 She $i$n2" )erha)s 9#i"e %ean
3Oh, "ha" was ne1", was i"53 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Now I won$er, are &o# ri(h"5 6o" 2e%
%i1e$, I sho#l$n2" won$er. I" see%s "o %e, "his hill, "his fla" )lace we2re on, is wor"h
s"o))in( "o ha+e a loo, a". Ha+e &o# no"ice$ *3
3Oh Lor43 sai$ Scr#'', 3is "his a "i%e for s"o))in( "o a$%ire "he +iew5 7or (oo$ness2 sa,e
le"2s (e" on.3
3Oh, loo,, loo,, loo,,3 crie$ >ill an$ )oin"e$. E+er&one "#rne$, an$ e+er&one saw. So%e
wa& off "o "he nor"h, an$ a (oo$ $eal hi(her #) "han "he "a'lelan$ on which "he& s"oo$, a
line of li(h"s ha$ a))eare$. This "i%e, e+en %ore o'+io#sl& "han when "he "ra+ellers ha$
seen "he% "he ni(h" 'efore, "he& were win$ows: s%aller win$ows "ha" %a$e one "hin,
$elicio#sl& of 'e$roo%s, an$ lar(er win$ows "ha" %a$e one "hin, of (rea" halls wi"h fires
roarin( on "he hear"h an$ ho" so#) or 8#ic& sirloins s%o,in( on "he "a'le.
3Harfan(43 e1clai%e$ Scr#''.
3Tha"2s all +er& well,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3B#" wha" I was sa&in( was *3
3Oh, sh#" #),3 sai$ >ill crossl&. 3We ha+en2" a %o%en" "o lose. Don2" &o# re%e%'er wha"
"he La$& sai$ a'o#" "heir loc,in( #) so earl&5 We %#s" (e" "here in "i%e, we %#s", we
%#s". We2ll $ie if we2re sh#" o#" on a ni(h" li,e "his.3
3Well, i" isn2" e1ac"l& a ni(h", no" &e",3 'e(an P#$$le(l#%0 '#" "he "wo chil$ren 'o"h sai$,
3Co%e on,3 an$ 'e(an s"#%'lin( forwar$ on "he sli))er& "a'lelan$ as 9#ic,l& as "heir le(s
wo#l$ carr& "he%. The -arsh*wi((le followe$ "he%: s"ill "al,in(, '#" now "ha" "he& were
forcin( "heir wa& in"o "he win$ a(ain, "he& co#l$ no" ha+e hear$ hi% e+en if "he& ha$
wan"e$ "o. An$ "he& $i$n2" wan". The& were "hin,in( of 'a"hs an$ 'e$s an$ ho" $rin,s0 an$
"he i$ea of co%in( "o Harfan( "oo la"e an$ 'ein( sh#" o#" was al%os" #n'eara'le.
In s)i"e of "heir has"e, i" "oo, "he% a lon( "i%e "o cross "he fla" "o) of "ha" hill. An$ e+en
when "he& ha$ crosse$ i", "here were s"ill se+eral le$(es "o cli%' $own on "he far si$e. B#"
a" las" "he& reache$ "he 'o""o% an$ co#l$ see wha" Harfan( was li,e.
I" s"oo$ on a hi(h cra(, an$ in s)i"e of i"s %an& "owers was %ore a h#(e ho#se "han a cas"le.
O'+io#sl&, "he 6en"le 6ian"s feare$ no a""ac,. There were win$ows in "he o#"si$e wall
9#i"e close "o "he (ro#n$ * a "hin( no one wo#l$ ha+e in a serio#s for"ress. There were e+en
o$$ li""le $oors here an$ "here, so "ha" i" wo#l$ 'e 9#i"e eas& "o (e" in an$ o#" of "he cas"le
wi"ho#" (oin( "hro#(h "he co#r"&ar$. This raise$ "he s)iri"s of >ill an$ Scr#''. I" %a$e "he
whole )lace loo, %ore frien$l& an$ less for'i$$in(.
A" firs" "he hei(h" an$ s"ee)ness of "he cra( fri(h"ene$ "he%, '#" )resen"l& "he& no"ice$ "ha"
"here was an easier wa& #) on "he lef" an$ "ha" "he roa$ wo#n$ #) "owar$s i". I" was a
"erri'le cli%', af"er "he 8o#rne& "he& ha$ alrea$& ha$, an$ >ill nearl& (a+e #). Scr#'' an$
P#$$le(l#% ha$ "o hel) her for "he las" h#n$re$ &ar$s.
B#" in "he en$ "he& s"oo$ 'efore "he cas"le (a"e. The )or"c#llis was #) an$ "he (a"e o)en.
Howe+er "ire$ &o# are, i" "a,es so%e ner+e "o wal, #) "o a (ian"2s fron" $oor. In s)i"e of all
his )re+io#s warnin(s a(ains" Harfan(, i" was P#$$le(l#% who showe$ %os" co#ra(e.
3S"ea$& )ace, now,3 he sai$. 3Don2" loo, fri(h"ene$, wha"e+er &o# $o. We2+e $one "he
sillies" "hin( in "he worl$ '& co%in( a" all: '#" now "ha" we are here, we2$ 'es" )#" a 'ol$
face on i".3
Wi"h "hese wor$s he s"ro$e forwar$ in"o "he (a"ewa&, s"oo$ s"ill #n$er "he arch where "he
echo wo#l$ hel) his +oice, an$ calle$ o#" as lo#$ as he co#l$.
3Ho4 Por"er4 6#es"s who see, lo$(in(.3
An$ while he was wai"in( for so%e"hin( "o ha))en, he "oo, off his ha" an$ ,noc,e$ off "he
hea+& %ass of snow which ha$ (a"here$ on i"s wi$e 'ri%.
3I sa&,3 whis)ere$ Scr#'' "o >ill. 3He %a& 'e a we" 'lan,e", '#" he has )len"& of )l#c, *
an$ chee,.3
A $oor o)ene$, le""in( o#" a $elicio#s (low of fireli(h", an$ "he Por"er a))eare$. >ill 'i" her
li)s for fear she sho#l$ screa%. He was no" a )erfec"l& enor%o#s (ian"0 "ha" is "o sa&, he
was ra"her "aller "han an a))le "ree '#" no"hin( li,e so "all as a "ele(ra)h )ole. He ha$
'ris"l& re$ hair, a lea"her 8er,in wi"h %e"al )la"es fas"ene$ all o+er i" so as "o %a,e a ,in$ of
%ail shir", 'are ,nees .+er& hair& in$ee$/ an$ "hin(s li,e )#""ees on his le(s. He s"oo)e$
$own an$ (o((le$ a" P#$$le(l#%.
3An$ wha" sor" of crea"#re $o &o# call &o#rself,3 he sai$.
>ill "oo, her co#ra(e in 'o"h han$s. 3Please,3 she sai$, sho#"in( #) a" "he (ian". 3The La$&
of "he 6reen !ir"le sal#"es "he !in( of "he 6en"le 6ian"s, an$ has sen" #s "wo So#"hern
chil$ren an$ "his -arsh*wi((le .his na%e2s P#$$le(l#%/ "o &o#r A#"#%n 7eas". * If i"2s
9#i"e con+enien", of co#rse,3 she a$$e$.
3Oho43 sai$ "he Por"er. 3Tha"2s 9#i"e a $ifferen" s"or&. Co%e in, li""le )eo)le, co%e in.
Yo#2$ 'es" co%e in"o "he lo$(e while I2% sen$in( wor$ "o his -a8es"&.3 He loo,e$ a" "he
chil$ren wi"h c#riosi"&. 3Bl#e faces,3 he sai$. 3I $i$n2" ,now "he&. were "ha" colo#r. Don2"
care a'o#" i" %&self. B#" I $are sa& &o# loo, 9#i"e nice "o one ano"her. Bee"les fanc& o"her
'ee"les, "he& $o sa&.3
3O#r faces are onl& 'l#e wi"h col$,3 sai$ >ill. 3We2re no" "his colo#r reall&.3
3Then co%e in an$ (e" war%. Co%e in, li""le shri%)s,3 sai$ "he Por"er. The& followe$ hi%
in"o "he lo$(e. An$ "ho#(h i" was ra"her "erri'le "o hear s#ch a 'i( $oor clan( sh#" 'ehin$
"he%, "he& for(o" a'o#" i" as soon as "he& saw "he "hin( "he& ha$ 'een lon(in( for e+er
since s#))er "i%e las" ni(h" * afire. An$ s#ch a fire4 I" loo,e$ as if fo#r or fi+e whole "rees
were 'la<in( on i", an$ i" was so ho" "he& co#l$n2" (o wi"hin &ar$s of i". B#" "he& all flo))e$
$own on "he 'ric, floor, as near as "he& co#l$ 'ear "he hea", an$ hea+e$ (rea" si(hs of
3Now, &o#n(s"er,3 sai$ "he Por"er "o ano"her (ian" who ha$ 'een si""in( in "he 'ac, of "he
roo%, s"arin( a" "he +isi"ors "ill i" loo,e$ as if his e&es wo#l$ s"ar" o#" of his hea$, 3r#n
across wi"h "his %essa(e "o "he Ho#se.3 An$ he re)ea"e$ wha" >ill ha$ sai$ "o hi%. The
&o#n(er (ian", af"er a final s"are, an$ a (rea" (#ffaw, lef" "he roo%.
3Now, 7ro((&,3 sai$ "he Por"er "o P#$$le(l#%, 3&o# loo, as if &o# wan"e$ so%e cheerin(
#).3 He )ro$#ce$ a 'lac, 'o""le +er& li,e P#$$le(l#%2s own, '#" a'o#" "wen"& "i%es lar(er.
3Le" %e see, le" %e see,3 sai$ "he Por"er. 3I can2" (i+e &o# a c#) or &o#2ll $rown &o#rself.
Le" %e see. This sal"*cellar will 'e 8#s" "he "hin(. Yo#
nee$n2" %en"ion i" o+er a" "he Ho#se. The sil+er will ,ee) on (e""in( o+er here, an$ i"2s no"
%& fa#l".3
The sal"*cellar was no" +er& li,e one of o#rs, 'ein( narrower an$ %ore #)ri(h", an$ %a$e
9#i"e a (oo$ c#) for P#$$le(l#%, when "he (ian" se" i" $own on "he floor 'esi$e hi%. The
chil$ren e1)ec"e$ P#$$le(l#% "o ref#se i", $is"r#s"in( "he 6en"le 6ian"s as he $i$. B#" he
%#""ere$, 3I"2s ra"her la"e "o 'e "hin,in( of )reca#"ions now "ha" we2re insi$e an$ "he $oor
sh#" 'ehin$ #s.3 Then he sniffe$ a" "he li9#or. 3S%ells all ri(h",3 he sai$. 3B#" "ha"2s no"hin(
"o (o '&. Be""er %a,e s#re,3 an$ "oo, a si). 3Tas"es all ri(h", "oo,3 he sai$. 3B#" i" %i(h" $o
"ha" a" "he firs" si). How $oes i" (o on53 He "oo, a lar(er si). 3Ah43 he sai$. 3B#" is i" "he
sa%e all "he wa& $own53 an$ "oo, ano"her. 3There2ll 'e so%e"hin( nas"& a" "he 'o""o%, I
sho#l$n2" won$er,3 he sai$, an$ finishe$ "he $rin,. He lic,e$ his li)s an$ re%ar,e$ "o "he
chil$ren, 3This2ll 'e a "es", &o# see. If I c#rl #), or '#rs", or "#rn in"o a li<ar$, or so%e"hin(,
"hen &o#2ll ,now no" "o "a,e an&"hin( "he& offer &o#.3 B#" "he (ian", who was "oo far #) "o
hear "he "hin(s P#$$le(l#% ha$ 'een sa&in( #n$er his 'rea"h, roare$ wi"h la#(h"er an$ sai$,
3Wh&, 7ro((&, &o#2re a %an. See hi% )#" i" awa&43
3No" a %an . . . -arsh*wi((le,3 re)lie$ P#$$le(l#% in a so%ewha" in$is"inc" +oice. 3No"
fro( ei"her: -arshwi((le.3
A" "ha" %o%en" "he $oor o)ene$ 'ehin$ "he% an$ "he &o#n(er (ian" ca%e in sa&in(,
3The&2re "o (o "o "he "hrone*roo% a" once.3
The chil$ren s"oo$ #) '#" P#$$le(l#% re%aine$ si""in( an$ sai$, 3-arsh*wi((le. -arsh*
wi((le. ;er& res)ec"a'le -arsh*wi((le. Res)ec"owi((le.3
3Show "he% "he wa&, &o#n( 2#n,3 sai$ "he (ian" Por"er. 3Yo#2$ 'e""er carr& 7ro((&. He2s
ha$ a $ro) %ore "han2s (oo$ for hi%.3
3No"hin( wron( wi"h %e,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3No" a fro(. No"hin( fro( wi"h %e. I2% a
B#" "he &o#n( (ian" ca#(h" hi% #) '& "he wais" an$ si(ne$ "o "he chil$ren "o follow. In "his
#n$i(nifie$ wa& "he& crosse$ "he co#r"&ar$. P#$$le(l#%, hel$ in "he (ian"2s fis", an$
+a(#el& ,ic,in( "he air, $i$ cer"ainl& loo, +er& li,e a fro(. B#" "he& ha$ li""le "i%e "o no"ice
"his, for "he& soon en"ere$ "he (rea" $oorwa& of "he %ain cas"le * 'o"h "heir hear"s 'ea"in(
fas"er "han #s#al * an$, af"er )a""erin( alon( se+eral corri$ors a" a "ro" "o ,ee) #) wi"h "he
(ian"2s )aces, fo#n$ "he%sel+es 'lin,in( in "he li(h" of an enor%o#s roo%, where la%)s
(lowe$ an$ a fire roare$ on "he hear"h an$ 'o"h were reflec"e$ fro% "he (il$in( of roof an$
cornice. -ore (ian"s "han "he& co#l$ co#n" s"oo$ on "heir lef" an$ ri(h", all in %a(nificen"
ro'es0 an$ on "wo "hrones a" "he far en$, sa" "wo h#(e sha)es "ha" a))eare$ "o 'e "he !in(
an$ =#een.
A'o#" "wen"& fee" fro% "he "hrones, "he& s"o))e$. Scr#'' an$ >ill %a$e an aw,war$
a""e%)" a" a 'ow .(irls are no" "a#(h" how "o c#r"se& a" E1)eri%en" Ho#se/ an$ "he &o#n(
(ian" caref#ll& )#" P#$$le(l#% $own on "he floor, where he colla)se$ in"o a sor" of si""in(
)osi"ion. Wi"h his lon( li%'s he loo,e$, "o "ell "he "r#"h, #nco%%onl& li,e a lar(e s)i$er.
36o on, Pole, $o &o#r s"#ff,3 whis)ere$ Scr#''.
>ill fo#n$ "ha" her %o#"h was so $r& "ha" she co#l$n2" s)ea, a wor$. She no$$e$ sa+a(el& a"
Thin,in( "o hi%self "ha" he wo#l$ ne+er for(i+e her .or P#$$le(l#% ei"her/, Scr#'' lic,e$
his li)s an$ sho#"e$ #) "o "he !in( (ian".
3If &o# )lease, Sire, "he La$& of "he 6reen !ir"le sal#"es &o# '& #s an$ sai$ &o#2$ li,e "o
ha+e #s for &o#r A#"#%n 7eas".3
The (ian" !in( an$ =#een loo,e$ a" each o"her, no$$e$ "o each o"her, an$ s%ile$ in a wa&
"ha" >ill $i$n2" e1ac"l& li,e. She li,e$ "he !in( 'e""er "han "he =#een. He ha$ a fine, c#rle$
'ear$ an$ a s"rai(h" ea(le*li,e nose, an$ was reall& ra"her (oo$*loo,in( as (ian"s (o. The
=#een was $rea$f#ll& fa" an$ ha$ a $o#'le chin an$ a fa", )ow$ere$ face * which isn2" a
+er& nice "hin( a" "he 'es" of "i%es, an$ of co#rse loo,s %#ch worse when i" is "en "i%es "oo
'i(. Then "he !in( )#" o#" his "on(#e an$ lic,e$ his li)s. An&one %i(h" $o "ha":
'#" his "on(#e was so +er& lar(e an$ re$, an$ ca%e o#" so #ne1)ec"e$l&, "ha" i" (a+e >ill
9#i"e a shoc,.
3Oh, wha" (oo$ chil$ren43 sai$ "he =#een. .3Perha)s she2s "he nice one af"er all,3 "ho#(h"
3Yes in$ee$,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3=#i"e e1cellen" chil$ren. We welco%e &o# "o o#r co#r". 6i+e
%e &o#r han$s.3
He s"re"che$ $own his (rea" ri(h" han$ * +er& clean an$ wi"h an& n#%'er of rin(s on "he
fin(ers, '#" also wi"h "erri'le )oin"e$ nails. He was %#ch "oo 'i( "o sha,e "he han$s which
"he chil$ren, in "#rn, hel$ #) "o hi%0 '#" he shoo, "he ar%s.
3An$ wha"2s "ha"53 as,e$ "he !in(, )oin"in( "o P#$$le(l#%.
3Resh)ec,o'i((le,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
3Oh43 screa%e$ "he =#een, (a"herin( her s,ir"s close a'o#" her an,les. 3The horri$ "hin(4
I"2s ali+e.3
3He2s 9#i"e all ri(h", &o#r -a8es"&, reall&, he is,3 sai$ Scr#'' has"il&. 3Yo#2ll li,e hi% %#ch
'e""er when &o# (e" "o ,now hi%. I2% s#re &o# will.3
I ho)e &o# won2" lose all in"eres" in >ill for "he res" of "he 'oo, if I "ell &o# "ha" a" "his
%o%en" she 'e(an "o cr&. There was a (oo$ $eal of e1c#se for her. Her fee" an$ han$s an$
ears an$ nose were s"ill onl& 8#s" 'e(innin( "o "haw0 %el"e$ snow was "ric,lin( off her
clo"hes0 she ha$ ha$ har$l& an&"hin( "o ea" or $rin, "ha" $a&0 an$ her le(s were achin( so
"ha" she fel" she co#l$ no" (o on s"an$in( %#ch lon(er. An&wa&, i" $i$ %ore (oo$ a" "he
%o%en" "han an&"hin( else wo#l$ ha+e $one, for "he =#een sai$:
3Ah, "he )oor chil$4 -& lor$, we $o wron( "o ,ee) o#r (#es"s s"an$in(. =#ic,, so%e of
&o#4 Ta,e "he% awa&. 6i+e "he% foo$ an$ wine an$ 'a"hs. Co%for" "he li""le (irl. 6i+e her
lolli)o)s, (i+e her $olls, (i+e her )h&sics, (i+e her all &o# can "hin, of * )osse"s an$
co%fi"s an$ carawa&s an$ l#lla'ies an$ "o&s. Don2" cr&, li""le (irl, or &o# won2" 'e (oo$ for
an&"hin( when "he feas" co%es.3
>ill was 8#s" as in$i(nan" as &o# an$ I wo#l$ ha+e 'een a" "he %en"ion of "o&s an$ $olls0
an$, "ho#(h lolli)o)s an$ co%fi"s %i(h" 'e all +er& well in "heir wa&, she +er& %#ch ho)e$
"ha" so%e"hin( %ore soli$ wo#l$ 'e )ro+i$e$. The =#een2s foolish s)eech, howe+er,
)ro$#ce$ e1cellen" res#l"s, for P#$$le(l#% an$ Scr#'' were a" once )ic,e$ #) '& (i(an"ic
(en"le%en*in*wai"in(, an$ >ill '& a (i(an"ic %ai$ of hono#r, an$ carrie$ off "o "heir roo%s.
>ill2s roo% was a'o#" "he si<e of a ch#rch, an$ wo#l$ ha+e 'een ra"her (ri% if i" ha$ no" ha$
a roarin( fire on "he hear"h an$ a +er& "hic, cri%son car)e" on "he floor. An$ here $eli(h"f#l
"hin(s 'e(an "o ha))en "o her. She was han$e$ o+er "o "he =#een2s ol$ N#rse,
who was, fro% "he (ian"s2 )oin" of +iew, a li""le ol$ wo%an al%os" 'en" $o#'le wi"h a(e,
an$, fro% "he h#%an )oin" of +iew, a (ian"ess s%all eno#(h "o (o a'o#" an or$inar& roo%
wi"ho#" ,noc,in( her hea$ on "he ceilin(. She was +er& ca)a'le, "ho#(h >ill $i$ wish she
wo#l$n2" ,ee) on clic,in( her "on(#e an$ sa&in( "hin(s li,e 3Oh la, la4 )s*a$ais&3 an$
3There2s a $#c,3 an$ 3Now we2ll 'e all ri(h", %& )o))e"3. She fille$ a (ian" foo"*'a"h wi"h
ho" wa"er an$ hel)e$ >ill in"o i". If &o# can swi% .as >ill co#l$/ a (ian" 'a"h is a lo+el&
"hin(. An$ (ian" "owels, "ho#(h a 'i" ro#(h an$ coarse, are lo+el& "oo, 'eca#se "here are
acres of "he%. In fac" &o# $on2" nee$ "o $r& a" all, &o# 8#s" roll a'o#" on "he% in fron" of "he
fire an$ en8o& &o#rself. An$ when "ha" was o+er, clean, fresh, war%e$ clo"hes were )#" on
>ill: +er& s)len$i$ clo"hes an$ a li""le "oo 'i( for her, '#" clearl& %a$e for h#%ans no"
(ian"esses. 3I s#))ose if "ha" wo%an in "he (reen ,ir"le co%es here, "he& %#s" 'e #se$ "o
(#es"s of o#r si<e,3 "ho#(h" >ill.
She soon saw "ha" she was ri(h" a'o#" "his, for a "a'le an$ chair of "he ri(h" hei(h" for an
or$inar& (rown*#) h#%an were )lace$ for her, an$ "he ,ni+es an$ for,s an$ s)oons were
"he )ro)er si<e "oo. I" was $eli(h"f#l "o si" $own, feelin( war% an$ clean a" las". Her fee"
were s"ill 'are an$ i" was lo+el& "o "rea$ on "he (ian" car)e". She san, in i" well o+er her
an,les an$ i" was 8#s" "he "hin( for sore fee". The %eal * which I s#))ose we %#s" call
$inner, "ho#(h i" was nearer "ea "i%e * was coc,*a*lee,ie so#), an$ ho" roas" "#r,e&, an$ a
s"ea%e$ )#$$in(, an$ roas" ches"n#"s, an$ as %#ch fr#i" as &o# co#l$ ea".
The onl& anno&in( "hin( was "ha" "he N#rse ,e)" co%in( in an$ o#", an$ e+er& "i%e she
ca%e in, she 'ro#(h" a (i(an"ic "o& wi"h her * a h#(e $oll, 'i((er "han >ill herself, a woo$en
horse on wheels, a'o#" "he si<e of an ele)han", a $r#% "ha" loo,e$ li,e a &o#n( (aso%e"er,
an$ a wooll& la%'. The& were cr#$e, 'a$l& %a$e "hin(s, )ain"e$ in +er& 'ri(h" colo#rs, an$
>ill ha"e$ "he si(h" of "he%. She ,e)" on "ellin( "he N#rse she $i$n2" wan" "he%, '#" "he
N#rse sai$:
3T#"*"#"*"#"*"#". Yo#2ll wan" 2e% all ri(h" when &o#2+e ha$ a 'i" of a res", I ,now4 Te*he*he4
Be$$& '&e, now. A )recio#s )o))e"43
The 'e$ was no" a (ian" 'e$ '#" onl& a 'i( fo#r*)os"er, li,e wha" &o# %i(h" see in an ol$*
fashione$ ho"el0 an$ +er& s%all i" loo,e$ in "ha" enor%o#s roo%. She was +er& (la$ "o
"#%'le in"o i".
3Is i" s"ill snowin(, N#rse53 she as,e$ slee)il&.
3No. Rainin( now, $#c,&43 sai$ "he (ian"ess. 3Rain2ll wash awa& all "he nas"& snow.
Precio#s )o))e" will 'e a'le "o (o o#" an$ )la& "o%orrow43 An$ she "#c,e$ >ill #) an$ sai$
(oo$ ni(h".
I ,now no"hin( so $isa(reea'le as 'ein( ,isse$ '& a (ian"ess. >ill "ho#(h" "he sa%e, '#" was
aslee) in fi+e %in#"es.
The rain fell s"ea$il& all "he e+enin( an$ all "he ni(h", $ashin( a(ains" "he win$ows of "he
cas"le, an$ >ill ne+er hear$ i" '#" sle)" $ee)l&, )as" s#))er "i%e an$ )as" %i$ni(h". An$
"hen ca%e "he $ea$es" ho#r of "he ni(h" an$ no"hin( s"irre$ '#" %ice in "he ho#se of "he
(ian"s. A" "ha" ho#r "here ca%e "o >ill a $rea%. I" see%e$ "o her "ha" she awo,e in "he sa%e
roo% an$ saw "he fire, s#n, low an$ re$, an$ in "he fireli(h" "he (rea" woo$en horse. An$
"he horse ca%e of i"s own will, rollin( on i"s wheels across "he car)e", an$ s"oo$ a" her
hea$. An$ now i" was no lon(er a horse, '#" a lion as 'i( as "he horse. An$ "hen i" was no" a
"o& lion, '#" a real lion, The Real Lion, 8#s" as she ha$ seen hi% on "he %o#n"ain 'e&on$
"he worl$2s en$. An$ a s%ell of all swee"*s%ellin( "hin(s "here are fille$ "he roo%. B#"
"here was so%e "ro#'le in >ill2s %in$, "ho#(h she co#l$ no" "hin, wha" i" was, an$ "he "ears
s"rea%e$ $own her face an$ we" "he )illow. The Lion "ol$ her "o re)ea" "he si(ns, an$ she
fo#n$ "ha" she ha$ for(o""en "he% all. A" "ha", a (rea" horror ca%e o+er her. An$ Aslan "oo,
her #) in his 8aws .she co#l$ feel his li)s an$ his 'rea"h '#" no" his "ee"h/ an$ carrie$ her "o
"he win$ow an$ %a$e her loo, o#". The %oon shone 'ri(h"0 an$ wri""en in (rea" le""ers
across "he worl$ or "he s,& .she $i$ no" ,now which/ were "he wor$s NDER -E. Af"er
"ha", "he $rea% fa$e$ awa&, an$ when she wo,e, +er& la"e ne1" %ornin(, she $i$ no"
re%e%'er "ha" she ha$ $rea%e$ a" all.
She was #) an$ $resse$ an$ ha$ finishe$ 'rea,fas" in fron" of "he fire when "he N#rse
o)ene$ "he $oor an$ sai$: 3Here2s )re""& )o))e"2s li""le frien$s co%e "o )la& wi"h her.3
In ca%e Scr#'' an$ "he -arsh*wi((le.
3H#llo4 6oo$ %ornin(,3 sai$ >ill. 3Isn2" "his f#n5 I2+e sle)" a'o#" fif"een ho#rs, I 'elie+e. I
$o feel 'e""er, $on2" &o#53
3C $o,3 sai$ Scr#'', 3'#" P#$$le(l#% sa&s he has a hea$ache. H#llo4 * &o#r win$ow has a
win$ow sea". If we (o" #) on "ha", we co#l$ see o#".3 An$ a" once "he& all $i$ so: an$ a" "he
firs" (lance >ill sai$, 3Oh, how )erfec"l& $rea$f#l43
The s#n was shinin( an$, e1ce)" for a few $rif"s, "he snow ha$ 'een al%os" co%)le"el&
washe$ awa& '& "he rain. Down 'elow "he%, s)rea$ o#" li,e a %a), la& "he fla" hill*"o)
which "he& ha$ s"r#((le$ o+er &es"er$a& af"ernoon0 seen fro% "he cas"le, i" co#l$ no" 'e
%is"a,en for an&"hin( '#" "he r#ins of a (i(an"ic ci"&. I" ha$ 'een fla", as >ill now saw,
'eca#se i" was s"ill, on "he whole, )a+e$, "ho#(h in )laces "he )a+e%en" was 'ro,en. The
criss*cross 'an,s were wha" was lef" of "he walls of h#(e '#il$in(s which %i(h" once ha+e
'een (ian"s2 )alaces an$ "e%)les. One 'i" of wall, a'o#" fi+e h#n$re$ fee" hi(h, was s"ill
s"an$in(0 i" was "ha" which she ha$ "ho#(h" was a cliff. The "hin(s "ha" ha$ loo,e$ li,e
fac"or& chi%ne&s were enor%o#s )illars, 'ro,en off a" #ne9#al hei(h"s0 "heir fra(%en"s la&
a" "heir 'ases li,e felle$ "rees of %ons"ro#s s"one. The le$(es which "he& ha$ cli%'e$ $own
on "he nor"h si$e of "he hill * an$ also, no $o#'" "he o"her le$(es which "he& ha$ cli%'e$ #)
on "he so#"h si$e * were "he re%ainin( s"e)s of (ian" s"airs. To crown all, in lar(e, $ar,
le""erin( across "he cen"re of "he )a+e%en", ran "he wor$s NDER -E.
The "hree "ra+ellers loo,e$ a" each o"her in $is%a&, an$, af"er a shor" whis"le, Scr#'' sai$
wha" "he& were all "hin,in(, 3The secon$ an$ "hir$ si(ns %#ffe$.3 An$ a" "ha" %o%en" >ill2s
$rea% r#she$ 'ac, in"o her %in$.
3I"2s %& fa#l",3 she sai$ in $es)airin( "ones. 3I * I2$ (i+en #) re)ea"in( "he si(ns e+er& ni(h".
If I2$ 'een "hin,in( a'o#" "he% I co#l$ ha+e seen i" was "he ci"&, e+en in all "ha" snow.3
3I2% worse,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3I $i$ see, or nearl&. I "ho#(h" i" loo,e$ #nco%%onl& li,e a
r#ine$ ci"&.3
3Yo#2re "he onl& one who isn2" "o 'la%e,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Yo# $i$ "r& "o %a,e #s s"o).3
3Di$n2" "r& har$ eno#(h, "ho#(h,3 sai$ "he -arshwi((le. 3An$ I2$ no call "o 'e "r&in(. I
o#(h" "o ha+e $one i". As if I co#l$n2" ha+e s"o))e$ &o# "wo wi"h one han$ each43
3The "r#"h is,3 sai$ Scr#'', 3we were so 8oll& ,een on (e""in( "o "his )lace "ha" we weren2"
'o"herin( a'o#" an&"hin( else. A" leas" I ,now I was. E+er since we %e" "ha" wo%an wi"h
"he ,ni(h" who $i$n2" "al,, we2+e 'een "hin,in( of no"hin( else. We2$ nearl& for(o""en a'o#"
Prince Rilian.3
3I sho#l$n2" won$er,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, 3if "ha" wasn2" e1ac"l& wha" she in"en$e$.3
3Wha" I $on2" 9#i"e #n$ers"an$,3 sai$ >ill, 3is how we $i$n2" see "he le""erin(5 Or co#l$ i"
ha+e co%e "here since las" ni(h". Co#l$ he * Aslan * ha+e )#" i" "here in "he ni(h"5 I ha$
s#ch a 9#eer $rea%.3 An$ she "ol$ "he% all a'o#" i".
3Wh&, &o# ch#%)43 sai$ Scr#''. 3We $i$ see i". We (o" in"o "he le""erin(. Don2" &o# see5
We (o" in"o "he le""er E in -E. Tha" was &o#r s#n, lane. We wal,e$ alon( "he 'o""o%
s"ro,e of "he E, $#e nor"h * "#rne$ "o o#r ri(h" alon( "he #)ri(h" * ca%e "o ano"her "#rn "o
"he ri(h" * "ha"2s "he %i$$le s"ro,e * an$ "hen wen" on "o "he "o) lef"*han$ corner, or .if &o#
li,e/ "he nor"h*eas"ern corner of "he le""er, an$ ca%e 'ac,. Li,e "he 'all& i$io"s we are.3 He
,ic,e$ "he win$ow sea" sa+a(el&, an$ wen" on, 3So i"2s no (oo$, Pole. I ,now wha" &o#
were "hin,in( 'eca#se I was "hin,in( "he sa%e. Yo# were "hin,in( how nice i" wo#l$ ha+e
'een if Aslan ha$n2" )#" "he ins"r#c"ions on "he s"ones of "he r#ine$ ci"& "ill af"er we2$
)asse$ i". An$ "hen i" wo#l$ ha+e 'een his fa#l", no" o#rs. So li,el&, isn2" i"5 No. We %#s"
8#s" own #). We2+e onl& fo#r si(ns "o (o '&, an$ we2+e %#ffe$ "he firs" "hree.3
3Yo# %ean I ha+e,3 sai$ >ill. 3I"2s 9#i"e "r#e. I2+e s)oile$ e+er&"hin( e+er since &o# 'ro#(h"
%e here. All "he sa%e * I2% fri(h"f#ll& sorr& an$ all "ha" * all "he sa%e, wha" are "he
ins"r#c"ions5 NDER -E $oesn2" see% "o %a,e %#ch sense.3
3Yes i" $oes, "ho#(h,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3I" %eans we2+e (o" "o loo, for "he Prince #n$er
"ha" ci"&.3
3B#" how can we53 as,e$ >ill.
3Tha"2s "he 9#es"ion,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, r#''in( his 'i(, fro(*li,e han$s "o(e"her. 3How can
we now5 No $o#'", if we2$ ha$ o#r %in$s on o#r 8o' when we were a" "he R#ino#s
Ci"&, we2$ ha+e 'een shown how * fo#n$ a li""le $oor, or a ca+e, or a "#nnel, %e" so%eone
"o hel) #s. -i(h" ha+e 'een .&o# ne+er ,now/ Aslan hi%self. We2$ ha+e (o" $own #n$er
"hose )a+in(*s"ones so%ehow or o"her. Aslan2s ins"r#c"ions alwa&s wor,: "here are no
e1ce)"ions. B#" how "o $o i" now * "ha"2s ano"her %a""er.3
3Well, we shall 8#s" ha+e "o (o 'ac,, I s#))ose,3 sai$ >ill.
3Eas&, isn2" i"53 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3We %i(h" "r& o)enin( "ha" $oor "o 'e(in wi"h.3 An$ "he&
all loo,e$ a" "he $oor an$ saw "ha" none of "he% co#l$ reach "he han$le, an$ "ha" al%os"
cer"ainl& no one co#l$ "#rn i" if "he& $i$.
3Do &o# "hin, "he& won2" le" #s o#" if we as,53 sai$ >ill. An$ no'o$& sai$, '#" e+er&one
"ho#(h", 3S#))osin( "he& $on2".3
I" was no" a )leasan" i$ea. P#$$le(l#% was $ea$ a(ains" an& i$ea of "ellin( "he (ian"s "heir
real '#siness an$ si%)l& as,in( "o 'e le" o#"0 an$ of co#rse "he chil$ren co#l$n2" "ell
wi"ho#" his )er%ission, 'eca#se "he& ha$ )ro%ise$. An$ all "hree fel" )re""& s#re "ha" "here
wo#l$ 'e no chance of esca)in( fro% "he cas"le '& ni(h". Once "he& were in "heir roo%s
wi"h "he $oors sh#", "he& wo#l$ 'e )risoners "ill %ornin(. The& %i(h", of co#rse, as, "o
ha+e "heir $oors lef" o)en, '#" "ha" wo#l$ ro#se s#s)icions.
3O#r onl& chance,3 sai$ Scr#'', 3is "o "r& "o snea, awa& '& $a&li(h". -i(h"n2" "here 'e an
ho#r in "he af"ernoon when %os" of "he (ian"s are aslee)5 * an$ if we co#l$ s"eal $own in"o
"he ,i"chen, %i(h"n2" "here 'e a 'ac, $oor o)en53
3I"2s har$l& wha" I call a Chance,3 sai$ "he -arshwi((le. 3B#" i"2s all "he chance we2re li,el&
"o (e".3 As a %a""er of fac", Scr#''2s )lan was no" 9#i"e so ho)eless as &o# %i(h" "hin,. If
&o# wan" "o (e" o#" of a ho#se wi"ho#" 'ein( seen, "he %i$$le of "he af"ernoon is in so%e
wa&s a 'e""er "i%e "o "r& i" "han "he %i$$le of "he ni(h". Doors an$ win$ows are %ore li,el&
"o 'e o)en0 an$ if &o# are ca#(h", &o# can alwa&s )re"en$ &o# weren2" %eanin( "o (o far
an$ ha$ no )ar"ic#lar )lans. .I" is +er& har$ "o %a,e ei"her (ian"s or (rown*#)s 'elie+e "his
if &o#2re fo#n$ cli%'in( o#" of a 'e$roo% win$ow a" one o2cloc, in "he %ornin(./
3We %#s" )#" "he% off "heir (#ar$, "ho#(h,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3We %#s" )re"en$ we lo+e 'ein(
here an$ are lon(in( for "his A#"#%n 7eas".3
3Tha"2s "o%orrow ni(h",3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3I hear$ one of "he% sa& so.3
3I see,3 sai$ >ill. 3We %#s" )re"en$ "o 'e awf#ll& e1ci"e$ a'o#" i", an$ ,ee) on as,in(
9#es"ions. The& "hin, we2re a'sol#"e infan"s an&wa&, which will %a,e i" easier.3
36a&,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#% wi"h a $ee) si(h. 3Tha"2s wha" we2+e (o" "o 'e. 6a&. As if we
ha$n2" a care in "he worl$. 7rolicso%e. Yo# "wo &o#n(s"ers ha+en2" alwa&s (o" +er& hi(h
s)iri"s, I2+e no"ice$. Yo# %#s" wa"ch %e, an$ $o as I $o. I2ll 'e (a&. Li,e "his3 * an$ he
ass#%e$ a (has"l& (rin. 3An$ frolicso%e3 * here he c#" a %os" %o#rnf#l ca)er. 3Yo#2ll
soon (e" in"o i", if &o# ,ee) &o#r e&es on %e. The& "hin, I2% a f#nn& fellow alrea$&, &o#
see. I $are sa& &o# "wo "ho#(h" I was a "rifle "i)s& las" ni(h", '#" I $o ass#re &o# i" was *
well, %os" of i" was * )#" on. I ha$ an i$ea i" wo#l$ co%e in #sef#l, so%ehow.3
The chil$ren, when "he& "al,e$ o+er "heir a$+en"#res af"erwar$s, co#l$ ne+er feel s#re
whe"her "his las" s"a"e%en" was 9#i"e s"ric"l& "r#e0 '#" "he& were s#re "ha" P#$$le(l#%
"ho#(h" i" was "r#e when he %a$e i".
3All ri(h". 6a&2s "he wor$,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Now, if we co#l$ onl& (e" so%eone "o o)en "his
$oor. While we2re foolin( a'o#" an$ 'ein( (a&, we2+e (o" "o fin$ o#" all we can a'o#" "his
L#c,il&, a" "ha" +er& %o%en" "he $oor o)ene$, an$ "he (ian" N#rse '#s"le$ in sa&in(, 3Now,
%& )o))e"s. Li,e "o co%e an$ see "he !in( an$ all "he co#r" se""in( o#" on "he h#n"in(5
S#ch a )re""& si(h"43
The& los" no "i%e in r#shin( o#" )as" her an$ cli%'in( $own "he firs" s"aircase "he& ca%e "o.
The noise of ho#n$s an$ horns an$ (ian" +oices (#i$e$ "he%, so "ha" in a few %in#"es "he&
reache$ "he co#r"&ar$. The (ian"s were all on foo", for "here are no (ian" horses in "ha" )ar"
of "he worl$, an$ "he (ian"s2 h#n"in( is $one on foo"0 li,e 'ea(lin( in En(lan$. The ho#n$s
were also of nor%al si<e. When >ill saw "ha" "here were no horses she was a" firs" $rea$f#ll&
$isa))oin"e$, for she fel" s#re "ha" "he (rea" fa" =#een wo#l$ ne+er (o af"er ho#n$s on foo"0
an$ i" wo#l$ ne+er $o "o ha+e her a'o#" "he ho#se all $a&. B#" "hen she saw "he =#een in a
,in$ of li""er s#))or"e$ on "he sho#l$ers of si1 &o#n( (ian"s. The sill& ol$ crea"#re was all
(o" #) in (reen an$ ha$ a horn a" her si$e.
Twen"& or "hir"& (ian"s, incl#$in( "he !in(, were asse%'le$, rea$& for "he s)or", all "al,in(
an$ la#(hin( fi" "o $eafen &o#: an$ $own 'elow, nearer >ill2s le+el, "here were wa((in(
"ails, an$ 'ar,in(, an$ loose, slo''er& %o#"hs an$ noses of $o(s "hr#s" in"o &o#r han$.
P#$$le(l#% was 8#s" 'e(innin( "o s"ri,e wha" he "ho#(h" a (a& an$ (a%eso%e a""i"#$e
.which %i(h" ha+e s)oile$ e+er&"hin( if i" ha$ 'een no"ice$/ when >ill )#" on her %os"
a""rac"i+el& chil$ish s%ile, r#she$ across "o "he =#een2s li""er an$ sho#"e$ #) "o "he =#een.
3Oh, )lease4 Yo#2re no" (oin( awa&, are &o#5 Yo# will co%e 'ac,53
3Yes, %& $ear,3 sai$ "he =#een. 3I2ll 'e 'ac, "oni(h".3
3Oh, (oo$. How lo+el&43 sai$ >ill. 3An$ we %a& co%e "o "he feas" "o%orrow ni(h", %a&n2"
we5 We2re so lon(in( for "o%orrow ni(h"4 An$ we $o lo+e 'ein( here. An$ while &o#2re
o#", we %a& r#n o+er "he whole cas"le an$ see e+er&"hin(, %a&n2" we5 Do sa& &es.3
The =#een $i$ sa& &es, '#" "he la#(h"er of all "he co#r"iers nearl& $rowne$ her +oice.
THE o"hers a$%i""e$ af"erwar$s "ha" >ill ha$ 'een won$erf#l "ha" $a&. As soon as "he !in(
an$ "he res" of "he h#n"in( )ar"& ha$ se" off, she 'e(an %a,in( a "o#r of "he whole cas"le
an$ as,in( 9#es"ions, '#" all in s#ch an innocen", 'a'&ish wa& "ha" no one co#l$ s#s)ec" her
of an& secre" $esi(n. Tho#(h her "on(#e was ne+er s"ill, &o# co#l$ har$l& sa& she "al,e$:
she )ra""le$ an$ (i((le$. She %a$e lo+e "o e+er&one * "he (roo%s, "he )or"ers, "he
ho#se%ai$s, "he la$ies*in*wai"in(, an$ "he el$erl& (ian" lor$s whose h#n"in( $a&s were
)as". She s#'%i""e$ "o 'ein( ,isse$ an$ )awe$ a'o#" '& an& n#%'er of (ian"esses, %an& of
who% see%e$ sorr& for her an$ calle$ her 3a )oor li""le "hin(3 "ho#(h none of "he%
e1)laine$ wh&. She %a$e es)ecial frien$s wi"h "he coo, an$ $isco+ere$ "he all*i%)or"an"
fac" "here was a sc#ller& $oor which le" &o# o#" "hro#(h "he o#"er wall, so "ha" &o# $i$ no"
ha+e "o cross "he co#r"&ar$ or )ass "he (rea" (a"eho#se. In "he ,i"chen she )re"en$e$ "o 'e
(ree$&, an$ a"e all sor"s of scra)s which "he coo, an$ sc#llions $eli(h"e$ "o (i+e her. B#"
#)s"airs a%on( "he la$ies she as,e$ 9#es"ions a'o#" how she wo#l$ 'e $resse$ for "he (rea"
feas", an$ how lon( she wo#l$ 'e allowe$ "o si" #), an$ whe"her she wo#l$ $ance wi"h
so%e +er&, +er& s%all (ian". An$ "hen .i" %a$e her ho" all o+er when she re%e%'ere$ i"
af"erwar$s/ she wo#l$ )#" her hea$ on one si$e in an i$io"ic fashion which (rown*#)s, (ian"
an$ o"herwise, "ho#(h" +er& fe"chin(, an$ sha,e her c#rls, an$ fi$(e", an$ sa&, 3Oh, I $o
wish i" was "o%orrow ni(h", $on2" &o#5 Do &o# "hin, "he "i%e will (o 9#ic,l& "ill "hen53
An$ all "he (ian"esses sai$ she was a )erfec" li""le $arlin(0 an$ so%e of "he% $a''e$ "heir
e&es wi"h enor%o#s han$,erchiefs as if "he& were (oin( "o cr&.
3The&2re $ear li""le "hin(s a" "ha" a(e,3 sai$ one (ian"ess "o ano"her. 3I" see%s al%os" a )i"& .
. .3
Scr#'' an$ P#$$le(l#% 'o"h $i$ "heir 'es", '#" (irls $o "ha" ,in$ of "hin( 'e""er "han 'o&s.
E+en 'o&s $o i" 'e""er "han -arsh*wi((les.
A" l#nch"i%e so%e"hin( ha))ene$ which %a$e all "hree of "he% %ore an1io#s "han e+er "o
lea+e "he cas"le of "he 6en"le 6ian"s. The& ha$ l#nch in "he (rea" hall a" a li""le "a'le of "heir
own, near "he fire)lace. A" a 'i((er "a'le, a'o#" "wen"& &ar$s awa&, half a $o<en ol$ (ian"s
were l#nchin(. Their con+ersa"ion was so nois&, an$ so hi(h #) in "he air, "ha" "he chil$ren
soon "oo, no %ore no"ice of i" "han &o# wo#l$ of hoo"ers o#"si$e "he win$ow or "raffic
noises in "he s"ree". The& were ea"in( col$ +enison, a ,in$ of foo$ which >ill ha$ ne+er
"as"e$ 'efore, an$ she was li,in( i".
S#$$enl& P#$$le(l#% "#rne$ "o "he%, an$ his face ha$ (one so )ale "ha" &o# co#l$ see "he
)aleness #n$er "he na"#ral %#$$iness of his co%)le1ion. He sai$:
3Don2" ea" ano"her 'i"e.3
3Wha"2s wron(53 as,e$ "he o"her "wo in a whis)er.
3Di$n2" &o# hear wha" "hose (ian"s were sa&in(5 ATha"2s a nice "en$er ha#nch of +enison,2
sai$ one of "he%. AThen "ha" s"a( was a liar,2 sai$ ano"her. AWh&52 sai$ "he firs" one. AOh,2
sai$ "he o"her. AThe& sa& "ha" when he was ca#(h" he sai$, Don2" ,ill %e, I2% "o#(h. Yo#
won2" li,e %e.23 7or a %o%en" >ill $i$ no" reali<e "he f#ll %eanin( of "his. B#" she $i$ when
Scr#''2s e&es o)ene$ wi$e wi"h horror an$ he sai$:
3So we2+e 'een ea"in( a Tal,in( s"a(.3
This $isco+er& $i$n2" ha+e e1ac"l& "he sa%e effec" on all of "he%. >ill, who was new "o "ha"
worl$, was sorr& for "he )oor s"a( an$ "ho#(h" i" ro""en of "he (ian"s "o ha+e ,ille$ hi%.
Scr#'', who ha$ 'een in "ha" worl$ 'efore an$ ha$ a" leas" one Tal,in( 'eas" as his $ear
frien$, fel" horrifie$0 as &o# %i(h" feel a'o#" a %#r$er. B#" P#$$le(l#%, who was Narnian
'orn, was sic, an$ fain", an$ fel" as &o# wo#l$ feel if &o# fo#n$ &o# ha$ ea"en a 'a'&.
3We2+e 'ro#(h" "he an(er of Aslan on #s,3 he sai$. 3Tha"2s wha" co%es of no" a""en$in( "o
"he si(ns. We2re #n$er a c#rse, I e1)ec". If i" was allowe$, i" wo#l$ 'e "he 'es" "hin( we
co#l$ $o, "o "a,e "hese ,ni+es an$ $ri+e "he% in"o o#r own hear"s.3
An$ (ra$#all& e+en >ill ca%e "o see i" fro% his )oin" of +iew. A" an& ra"e, none of "he%
wan"e$ an& %ore l#nch. An$ as soon as "he& "ho#(h" i" safe "he& cre)" 9#ie"l& o#" of "he
I" was now $rawin( near "o "ha" "i%e of "he $a& on which "heir ho)es of esca)e $e)en$e$,
an$ all 'eca%e ner+o#s. The& h#n( a'o#" in )assa(es an$ wai"e$ for "hin(s "o 'eco%e
9#ie". The (ian"s in "he hall sa" on a $rea$f#ll& lon( "i%e af"er "he %eal was o+er. The 'al$
one was "ellin( a s"or&. When "ha" was o+er, "he "hree "ra+ellers $aw$le$ $own "o "he
,i"chen. B#" "here were s"ill )len"& of (ian"s "here, or a" leas" in "he sc#ller&, washin( #)
an$ )#""in( "hin(s awa&. I" was a(oni<in(, wai"in( "ill "hese finishe$ "heir 8o's an$, one '&
one, wi)e$ "heir han$s an$ wen" awa&. A" las" onl& one ol$ (ian"ess was lef" in "he roo%.
She )o""ere$ a'o#", an$ )o""ere$ a'o#", an$ a" las" "he "hree "ra+ellers reali<e$ wi"h horror
"ha" she $i$ no" in"en$ "o (o awa& a" all.
3Well, $earies,3 she sai$ "o "he%. 3Tha" 8o'2s a'o#" "hro#(h. Le"2s )#" "he ,e""le "here.
Tha"2ll %a,e a nice c#) of "ea )resen"l&. Now I can ha+e a li""le 'i" of a res". >#s" loo, in"o
"he sc#ller&, li,e (oo$ )o))e"s, an$ "ell %e if "he 'ac, $oor is o)en.3
3Yes, i" is,3 sai$ Scr#''.
3Tha"2s ri(h". I alwa&s lea+e i" o)en so as P#ss can (e" in an$ o#", "he )oor "hin(.3
Then she sa" $own on one chair an$ )#" her fee" #) on ano"her.
3I $on2" ,now as I %i(h"n2" ha+e for"& win,s,3 sai$ "he (ian"ess. 3If onl& "ha" 'larne&
h#n"in( )ar"& $oesn2" co%e 'ac, "oo soon.3
All "heir s)iri"s lea)e$ #) when she %en"ione$ for"& win,s, an$ flo))e$ $own a(ain when
she %en"ione$ "he re"#rn of "he h#n"in( )ar"&.
3When $o "he& #s#all& co%e'ac,53 as,e$ >ill.
3Yo# ne+er can "ell,3 sai$ "he (ian"ess. 3B#" "here0 (o an$ 'e 9#ie" for a 'i", %& $earies.3
The& re"rea"e$ "o "he far en$ of "he ,i"chen, an$ wo#l$ ha+e sli))e$ o#" in"o "he sc#ller&
"here an$ "hen if "he (ian"ess ha$ no" sa" #), o)ene$ her e&es, an$ 'r#she$ awa& a fl&.
3Don2" "r& i" "ill we2re s#re she2s reall& aslee),3 whis)ere$ Scr#''. 3Or i"2ll s)oil e+er&"hin(.3
So "he& all h#$$le$ a" "he ,i"chen en$, wai"in( an$ wa"chin(. The "ho#(h" "ha" "he h#n"ers
%i(h" co%e 'ac, a" an& %o%en" was "erri'le. An$ "he (ian"ess was fi$(e"&. Whene+er "he&
"ho#(h" she ha$ reall& (one "o slee), she %o+e$.
3I can2" 'ear "his,3 "ho#(h" >ill. To $is"rac" her %in$, she 'e(an loo,in( a'o#" her. >#s" in
fron" of her was a clean wi$e "a'le wi"h "wo clean )ie*$ishes on i", an$ an o)en 'oo,. The&
were (ian" )ie*$ishes of co#rse. >ill "ho#(h" "ha" she co#l$ lie $own 8#s" co%for"a'l& in one
of "he%. Then she cli%'e$ #) on "he 'ench 'esi$e "he "a'le "o loo, a" "he 'oo,. She rea$:
-ALLARD. This $elicio#s 'ir$ can 'e coo,e$ in a +arie"& of wa&s.
3I"2s a coo,er& 'oo,,3 "ho#(h" >ill wi"ho#" %#ch in"eres", an$ (lance$ o+er her sho#l$er.
The (ian"ess2s e&es were sh#" '#" she $i$n2" loo, as if she were )ro)erl& aslee). >ill (lance$
'ac, a" "he 'oo,. I" was arran(e$ al)ha'e"icall&: an$ a" "he +er& ne1" en"r& her hear"
see%e$ "o s"o) 'ea"in(0 I" ran
-AN. This ele(an" li""le 'i)e$ has lon( 'een +al#e$ as a $elicac&. I" for%s a "ra$i"ional
)ar" of "he A#"#%n 7eas", an$ is ser+e$ 'e"ween "he fish an$ "he 8oin". Each -an...
'#" she co#l$ no" 'ear "o rea$ an& %ore. She "#rne$ ro#n$. The (ian"ess ha$ wa,ene$ #)
an$ was ha+in( a fi" of co#(hin(. >ill n#$(e$ "he o"her "wo an$ )oin"e$ "o "he 'oo,. The&
also %o#n"e$ "he 'ench an$ 'en" o+er "he h#(e )a(es. Scr#'' was s"ill rea$in( a'o#" how
"o coo, -en when P#$$le(l#% )oin"e$ "o "he ne1" en"r& 'elow i". I" was li,e "his:
-ARSH*WI66LE. So%e a#"hori"ies re8ec" "his ani%al al"o(e"her as #nfi" for (ian"s2
cons#%)"ion 'eca#se of i"s s"rin(& consis"enc& an$ %#$$& fla+o#r. The fla+o#r can,
howe+er, 'e (rea"l& re$#ce$ if*
>ill "o#che$ his fee", an$ Scr#''2s, (en"l&. All "hree loo,e$ 'ac, a" "he (ian"ess. Her %o#"h
was sli(h"l& o)en an$ fro% her nose "here ca%e a so#n$ which a" "ha" %o%en" was
%ore welco%e "o "he% "han an& %#sic0 she snore$. An$ now i" was a 9#es"ion of "i)"oe
wor,, no" $arin( "o (o "oo fas", har$l& $arin( "o 'rea"he, o#" "hro#(h "he sc#ller& .(ian"
sc#lleries s%ell horri$/, o#" a" las" in"o "he )ale s#nli(h" of a win"er af"ernoon.
The& were a" "he "o) of a ro#(h li""le )a"h which ran s"ee)l& $own. An$, "han, hea+ens, on
"he ri(h" si$e of "he cas"le0 "he Ci"& R#ino#s was in si(h". In a few %in#"es "he& were 'ac,
on "he 'roa$, s"ee) roa$ which le$ $own fro% "he %ain (a"e of "he cas"le. The& were also in
f#ll +iew fro% e+er& sin(le win$ow on "ha" si$e. If i" ha$ 'een one, or "wo, or fi+e win$ows
"here2$ 'e a reasona'le chance "ha" no one %i(h" 'e loo,in( o#". B#" "here were nearer fif"&
"han fi+e. The& now reali<e$, "oo, "ha" "he roa$ on which "he& were, an$ in$ee$ all "he
(ro#n$ 'e"ween "he% an$ "he Ci"& R#ino#s, $i$n2" offer as %#ch co+er as wo#l$ hi$e a fo10
i" was all coarse (rass an$ )e''les an$ fla" s"ones. To %a,e %a""ers worse, "he& were now
in "he clo"hes "ha" "he (ian"s ha$ )ro+i$e$ for "he% las" ni(h": e1ce)" P#$$le(l#%, who%
no"hin( wo#l$ fi". >ill wore a +i+i$ (reen ro'e, ra"her "oo lon( for her, an$ o+er "ha" a
scarle" %an"le frin(e$ wi"h whi"e f#r. Scr#'' ha$ scarle" s"oc,in(s, 'l#e "#nic an$ cloa,, a
(ol$*hil"e$ swor$, an$ a fea"here$ 'onne".
3Nice 'i"s of colo#r, &o# "wo are,3 %#""ere$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Show #) +er& )re""il& on a
win"er $a&. The wors" archer in "he worl$ co#l$n2" %iss ei"her of &o# if &o# were in ran(e.
An$ "al,in( of archers, we2ll 'e sorr& no" "o ha+e o#r own 'ows 'efore lon(, I sho#l$n2"
won$er. Bi" "hin, "oo, "hose clo"hes of &o#rs, are "he&53
3Yes, I2% free<in( alrea$&,3 sai$ >ill.
A few %in#"es a(o when "he& ha$ 'een in "he ,i"chen, she ha$ "ho#(h" "ha" if onl& "he&
co#l$ once (e" o#" of "he cas"le, "heir esca)e wo#l$ 'e al%os" co%)le"e. She now reali<e$
"ha" "he %os" $an(ero#s )ar" of i" was s"ill "o co%e.
3S"ea$&, s"ea$&,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Don2" loo, 'ac,. Don2" wal, "oo 9#ic,l&. Wha"e+er
&o# $o, $on2" r#n. Loo, as if we were 8#s" "a,in( a s"roll, an$ "hen, if an&one sees #s, he
%i(h", 8#s" )ossi'l&, no" 'o"her. The %o%en" we loo, li,e )eo)le r#nnin( awa&, we2re
The $is"ance "o "he Ci"& R#ino#s see%e$ lon(er "han >ill wo#l$ ha+e 'elie+e$ )ossi'le. B#"
'i" '& 'i" "he& were co+erin( i". Then ca%e a noise. The o"her "wo (as)e$. >ill, who $i$n2"
,now wha" i" was, sai$, 3Wha"2s "ha"53
3H#n"in( horn,3 whis)ere$ Scr#''.
3B#" $on2" r#n e+en now,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3No" #n"il I (i+e "he wor$.3
This "i%e >ill co#l$n2" hel) (lancin( o+er her sho#l$er. There, a'o#" half a %ile awa&, was
"he h#n" re"#rnin( fro% 'ehin$ "he% on "he lef".
The& wal,e$ on. S#$$enl& a (rea" cla%o#r of (ian" +oices arose: "hen sho#"s an$ hollas.
3The&2+e seen #s. R#n,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
>ill (a"here$ #) her lon( s,ir"s * horri'le "hin(s for r#nnin( in * an$ ran. There was no
%is"a,in( "he $an(er now. She co#l$ hear "he %#sic of "he ho#n$s. She co#l$ hear "he
!in(2s +oice roarin( o#", 3Af"er "he%, af"er "he%, or we2ll ha+e no %an*)ies "o%orrow.3
She was las" of "he "hree now, c#%'ere$ wi"h her $ress, sli))in( on loose s"ones, her hair
(e""in( in her %o#"h, r#nnin(*)ains across her ches". The ho#n$s were %#ch nearer. Now
she ha$ "o r#n #)hill, #) "he s"on& slo)e which le$ "o "he lowes" s"e) of "he (ian" s"airwa&.
She ha$ no i$ea wha" "he& wo#l$ $o when "he& (o" "here, or how "he& wo#l$ 'e an& 'e""er
off e+en if "he& reache$ "he "o).
B#" she $i$n2" "hin, a'o#" "ha". She was li,e a h#n"e$ ani%al now0 as lon( as "he )ac, was
af"er her, she %#s" r#n "ill she $ro))e$.
The -arsh*wi((le was ahea$. As he ca%e "o "he lowes" s"e) he s"o))e$, loo,e$ a li""le "o
his ri(h", an$ all of a s#$$en $ar"e$ in"o a li""le hole or cre+ice a" "he 'o""o% of i". His lon(
le(s, $isa))earin( in"o i", loo,e$ +er& li,e "hose of a s)i$er. Scr#'' hesi"a"e$ an$ "hen
+anishe$ af"er hi%. >ill, 'rea"hless an$ reelin(, ca%e "o "he )lace a'o#" a %in#"e la"er. I"
was an #na""rac"i+e hole * a crac, 'e"ween "he ear"h an$ "he s"one a'o#" "hree fee" lon( an$
har$l& %ore "han a foo" hi(h. Yo# ha$ "o flin( &o#rself fla" on &o#r face an$ crawl in. Yo#
co#l$n2" $o i" so +er& 9#ic,l& ei"her. She fel" s#re "ha" a $o(2s "ee"h wo#l$ close on her heel
'efore she ha$ (o" insi$e.
3=#ic,, 9#ic,. S"ones. 7ill #) "he o)enin(,3 ca%e P#$$le(l#%2s +oice in "he $ar,ness
'esi$e her. I" was )i"ch 'lac, in "here, e1ce)" for "he (re& li(h" in "he o)enin( '& which
"he& ha$ crawle$ in. The o"her "wo were wor,in( har$. She co#l$ see Scr#''2s s%all han$s
an$ "he -arshwi((le2s 'i(, fro(*li,e han$s 'lac, a(ains" "he li(h", wor,in( $es)era"el& "o
)ile #) s"ones. Then she reali<e$ how i%)or"an" "his was an$ 'e(an (ro)in( for lar(e s"ones
herself, an$ han$in( "he% "o "he o"hers. Before "he $o(s were 'a&in( an$ &el)in( a" "he
ca+e %o#"h, "he& ha$ i" )re""& well fille$0 an$ now, of co#rse, "here was no li(h" a" all.
37ar"her in, 9#ic,,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%2s +oice.
3Le"2s all hol$ han$s,3 sai$ >ill.
36oo$ i$ea,3 sai$ Scr#''. B#" i" "oo, "he% 9#i"e a lon( "i%e "o fin$ one ano"her2s han$s in
"he $ar,ness. The $o(s were sniffin( a" "he o"her si$e of "he 'arrier now.
3Tr& if we can s"an$ #),3 s#((es"e$ Scr#''. The& $i$ an$ fo#n$ "ha" "he& co#l$. Then,
P#$$le(l#% hol$in( o#" a han$ 'ehin$ hi% "o Scr#'', an$ Scr#'' hol$in( a han$ o#"
'ehin$ hi% "o >ill .who wishe$ +er& %#ch "ha" she was "he %i$$le one of "he )ar"& an$ no"
"he las"/, "he& 'e(an (ro)in( wi"h "heir fee" an$ s"#%'lin( forwar$s in"o "he 'lac,ness. I"
was all loose s"ones #n$erfoo". Then P#$$le(l#% ca%e #) "o a wall of roc,. The& "#rne$ a
li""le "o "heir ri(h" an$ wen" on. There were a (oo$ %an& %ore "wis"s an$
"#rns. >ill ha$ now no sense of $irec"ion a" all, an$ no i$ea where "he %o#"h of "he ca+e la&.
3The 9#es"ion is,3 ca%e P#$$le(l#%2s +oice o#" of "he $ar,ness ahea$, 3whe"her, "a,in(
one "hin( wi"h ano"her, i" wo#l$n2" 'e 'e""er "o (o 'ac, .if we can/ an$ (i+e "he (ian"s a
"rea" a" "ha" feas" of "heirs, ins"ea$ of losin( o#r wa& in "he (#"s of a hill where, "en "o one,
"here2s $ra(ons an$ $ee) holes an$ (ases an$ wa"er an$ * Ow4 Le" (o4 Sa+e &o#rsel+es. I2%
Af"er "ha" all ha))ene$ 9#ic,l&. There was a wil$ cr&, a swishin(, $#s"&, (ra+ell& noise, a
ra""le of s"ones, an$ >ill fo#n$ herself sli$in(, sli$in(, ho)elessl& sli$in(, an$ sli$in(
9#ic,er e+er& %o%en" $own a slo)e "ha" (rew s"ee)er e+er& %o%en". I" was no" a s%oo"h,
fir% slo)e, '#" a slo)e of s%all s"ones an$ r#''ish. E+en if &o# co#l$ ha+e s"oo$ #), i"
wo#l$ ha+e 'een no #se. An& 'i" of "ha" slo)e &o# ha$ )#" &o#r foo" on wo#l$ ha+e sli$
awa& fro% #n$er &o# an$ carrie$ &o# $own wi"h i". B#" >ill was %ore l&in( "han s"an$in(.
An$ "he far"her "he& all sli$, "he %ore "he& $is"#r'e$ all "he s"ones an$ ear"h, so "ha" "he
(eneral $ownwar$ r#sh of e+er&"hin( .incl#$in( "he%sel+es/ (o" fas"er an$ lo#$er an$
$#s"ier an$ $ir"ier. 7ro% "he shar) cries an$ swearin( of "he o"her "wo, >ill (o" "he i$ea "ha"
%an& of "he s"ones which she was $islo$(in( were hi""in( Scr#'' an$ P#$$le(l#% )re""&
har$. An$ now she was (oin( a" a f#rio#s ra"e an$ fel" s#re she wo#l$ 'e 'ro,en "o 'i"s a"
"he 'o""o%.
Ye" so%ehow "he& weren2". The& were a %ass of 'r#ises, an$ "he we" s"ic,& s"#ff on her
face a))eare$ "o 'e 'loo$. An$ s#ch a %ass of loose ear"h, shin(le, an$ lar(er s"ones was
)ile$ #) ro#n$ her .an$ )ar"l& o+er her/ "ha" she co#l$n2" (e" #). The $ar,ness was so
co%)le"e "ha" i" %a$e no $ifference a" all whe"her &o# ha$ &o#r e&es o)en or sh#". There
was no noise. An$ "ha" was "he +er& wors" %o%en" >ill ha$ e+er ,nown in her life.
S#))osin( she was alone: s#))osin( "he o"hers . . . Then she hear$ %o+e%en"s aro#n$ her.
An$ )resen"l& all "hree, in sha,en +oices, were e1)lainin( "ha" none of "he% see%e$ "o
ha+e an& 'ro,en 'ones.
3We can ne+er (e" #) "ha" a(ain,3 sai$ Scr#''2s +oice.
3An$ ha+e &o# no"ice$ how war% i" is53 sai$ "he +oice of P#$$le(l#%. 3Tha" %eans we2re a
lon( wa& $own. -i(h" 'e nearl& a %ile.3
No one sai$ an&"hin(. So%e "i%e la"er P#$$le(l#% a$$e$:
3-& "in$er*'o1 has (one.3
Af"er ano"her lon( )a#se >ill sai$, 3I2% "erri'l& "hirs"&.3
No one s#((es"e$ $oin( an&"hin(. There was so o'+io#sl& no"hin( "o 'e $one. 7or "he
%o%en", "he& $i$ no" feel i" 9#i"e so 'a$l& as one %i(h" ha+e e1)ec"e$0 "ha" was 'eca#se
"he& were so "ire$.
Lon(, lon( af"erwar$s, wi"ho#" "he sli(h"es" warnin(, an #""erl& s"ran(e +oice s)o,e. The&
,new a" once "ha" i" was no" "he one +oice in "he whole worl$ for which each ha$ secre"l&
'een ho)in(0 "he +oice of Aslan. I" was a $ar,, fla" +oice * al%os", if &o# ,now wha" "ha"
%eans, a )i"ch*'lac, +oice. I" sai$:
3Wha" %a,e &o# here, crea"#res of "he O+erworl$53
3WHO2s "here53 sho#"e$ "he "hree "ra+ellers.
3I a% "he War$en of "he -arches of n$erlan$, an$ wi"h %e s"an$ a h#n$re$ Ear"h%en in
ar%s,3 ca%e "he re)l&. 3Tell %e 9#ic,l& who &o# are an$ wha" is &o#r erran$ in "he Dee)
3We fell $own '& acci$en",3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, "r#"hf#ll& eno#(h.
3-an& fall $own, an$ few re"#rn "o "he s#nli" lan$s,3 sai$ "he +oice. 3-a,e rea$& now "o
co%e wi"h %e "o "he =#een of "he Dee) Real%.3
3Wha" $oes she wan" wi"h #s53 as,e$ Scr#'' ca#"io#sl&.
3I $o no" ,now,3 sai$ "he +oice. 3Her will is no" "o 'e 9#es"ione$ '#" o'e&e$.3
While he sai$ "hese wor$s "here was a noise li,e a sof" e1)losion an$ i%%e$ia"el& a col$
li(h", (re& wi"h a li""le 'l#e in i", floo$e$ "he ca+ern. All ho)e "ha" "he s)ea,er ha$ 'een i$l&
'oas"in( when he s)o,e of his h#n$re$ ar%e$ followers $ie$ a" once. >ill fo#n$ herself
'lin,in( an$ s"arin( a" a $ense crow$. The& were of all si<es, fro% li""le (no%es 'arel& a
foo" hi(h "o s"a"el& fi(#res "aller "han %en. All carrie$ "hree*)ron(e$ s)ears in "heir han$s,
an$ all were $rea$f#ll& )ale, an$ all s"oo$ as s"ill as s"a"#es. A)ar" fro% "ha", "he& were +er&
$ifferen"0 so%e ha$ "ails an$ o"hers no", so%e wore (rea" 'ear$s an$ o"hers ha$ +er& ro#n$,
s%oo"h faces, 'i( as )#%),ins. There were lon(, )oin"e$ noses, an$ lon(, sof" noses li,e
s%all "r#n,s, an$ (rea" 'lo''& noses. Se+eral ha$ sin(le horns in "he %i$$le of "heir
forehea$s. B#" in one res)ec" "he& were all ali,e: e+er& face in "he whole h#n$re$ was as
sa$ as a face co#l$ 'e. The& were so sa$ "ha", af"er "he firs" (lance, >ill al%os" for(o" "o 'e
afrai$ of "he%. She fel" she wo#l$ li,e "o cheer "he% #).
3Well43 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, r#''in( his han$s. 3This is 8#s" wha" I nee$e$. If "hese cha)s
$on2" "each %e "o "a,e a serio#s +iew of life, I $on2" ,now wha" will. Loo, a" "ha" fellow
wi"h "he walr#s %o#s"ache * or "ha" one wi"h "he *3
36e" #),3 sai$ "he lea$er of "he Ear"h%en.
There was no"hin( else "o 'e $one. The "hree "ra+ellers scra%'le$ "o "heir fee" an$ 8oine$
han$s. One wan"e$ "he "o#ch of a frien$2s han$ a" a %o%en" li,e "ha". An$ "he Ear"h%en
ca%e all ro#n$ "he%, )a$$in( on lar(e, sof" fee", on which so%e ha$ "en "oes, so%e "wel+e,
an$ o"hers none.
3-arch,3 sai$ "he War$en: an$ %arch "he& $i$.
The col$ li(h" ca%e fro% a lar(e 'all on "he "o) of a lon( )ole, an$ "he "alles" of "he
(no%es carrie$ "his a" "he hea$ of "he )rocession. B& i"s cheerless ra&s "he& co#l$ see "ha"
"he& were in a na"#ral ca+ern0 "he walls an$ roof were ,no''e$, "wis"e$, an$ (ashe$ in"o a
"ho#san$ fan"as"ic sha)es, an$ "he s"on& floor slo)e$ $ownwar$ as "he& )rocee$e$. I" was
worse for >ill "han for "he o"hers, 'eca#se she ha"e$ $ar,, #n$er(ro#n$ )laces. An$ when,
as "he& wen" on, "he ca+e (o" lower an$ narrower, an$ when, a" las", "he li(h"*'earer s"oo$
asi$e, an$ "he (no%es, one '& one, s"oo)e$ $own .all e1ce)" "he +er& s%alles" ones/ an$
s"e))e$ in"o a li""le $ar, crac, an$ $isa))eare$, she fel" she co#l$ 'ear i" no lon(er.
3I can2" (o in "here, I can2"4 I can2"4 I won2",3 she )an"e$. The Ear"h%en sai$ no"hin( '#" "he&
all lowere$ "heir s)ears an$ )oin"e$ "he% a" her.
3S"ea$&, Pole,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Those 'i( fellows wo#l$n2" 'e crawlin( in "here if i"
$i$n2" (e" wi$er la"er on. An$ "here2s one "hin( a'o#" "his #n$er(ro#n$ wor,, we shan2" (e"
an& rain.3
3Oh, &o# $on2" #n$ers"an$. I can2",3 waile$ >ill.
3Thin, how C fel" on "ha" cliff, Pole,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3Yo# (o firs", P#$$le(l#%, an$ I2ll co%e
af"er her.3
3Tha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ "he -arsh*wi((le, (e""in( $own on his han$s an$ ,nees. 3Yo# ,ee) a
(ri) of %& heels, Pole, an$ Scr#'' will hol$ on "o &o#rs. Then we2ll all 'e co%for"a'le.3
3Co%for"a'le43 sai$ >ill. B#" she (o" $own an$ "he& crawle$ in on "heir el'ows. I" was a
nas"& )lace. Yo# ha$ "o (o fla" on &o#r face for wha" see%e$ li,e half an ho#r, "ho#(h i"
%a& reall& ha+e 'een onl& fi+e %in#"es. I" was ho". >ill fel" she was 'ein( s%o"here$. B#" a"
las" a $i% li(h" showe$ ahea$, "he "#nnel (rew wi$er an$ hi(her, an$ "he& ca%e o#", ho",
$ir"&, an$ sha,en, in"o a ca+e so lar(e "ha" i" scarcel& see%e$ li,e a ca+e a" all.
I" was f#ll of a $i%, $rows& ra$iance, so "ha" here "he& ha$ no nee$ of "he Ear"h%en2s
s"ran(e lan"ern. The floor was sof" wi"h so%e ,in$ of %oss an$ o#" of "his (rew %an&
s"ran(e sha)es, 'ranche$ an$ "all li,e "rees, '#" fla''& li,e %#shroo%s. The& s"oo$ "oo far
a)ar" "o %a,e a fores"0 i" was %ore li,e a )ar,. The li(h" .a (reenish (re&/ see%e$ "o co%e
'o"h fro% "he% an$ fro% "he %oss, an$ i" was no" s"ron( eno#(h "o reach "he roof
of "he ca+e, which %#s" ha+e 'een a lon( wa& o+erhea$. Across "he %il$, sof", slee)& )lace
"he& were now %a$e "o %arch. I" was +er& sa$, '#" wi"h a 9#ie" sor" of sa$ness li,e sof"
Here "he& )asse$ $o<ens of s"ran(e ani%als l&in( on "he "#rf, ei"her $ea$ or aslee), >ill
co#l$ no" "ell which. These were %os"l& of a $ra(onish or 'a"*li,e sor"0 P#$$le(l#% $i$ no"
,now wha" an& of "he% were.
3Do "he& (row here53 Scr#'' as,e$ "he War$en. He see%e$ +er& s#r)rise$ a" 'ein( s)o,en
"o, '#" re)lie$, 3No. The& are all 'eas"s "ha" ha+e fo#n$ "heir wa& $own '& chas%s an$
ca+es, o#" of O+erlan$ in"o "he Dee) Real%. -an& co%e $own, an$ few re"#rn "o "he s#nli"
lan$s. I" is sai$ "ha" "he& will all wa,e a" "he en$ of "he worl$.3
His %o#"h sh#" li,e a 'o1 when he ha$ sai$ "his, an$ in "he (rea" silence of "ha" ca+e "he
chil$ren fel" "ha" "he& wo#l$ no" $are "o s)ea, a(ain. The 'are fee" of "he (no%es, )a$$in(
on "he $ee) %oss, %a$e no so#n$. There was no win$, "here were no 'ir$s, "here was no
so#n$ of wa"er. There was no so#n$ of 'rea"hin( fro% "he s"ran(e 'eas"s.
When "he& ha$ wal,e$ for se+eral %iles, "he& ca%e "o a wall of roc,, an$ in i" a low
archwa& lea$in( in"o ano"her ca+ern. I" was no", howe+er, so 'a$ as "he las" en"rance an$
>ill co#l$ (o "hro#(h i" wi"ho#" 'en$in( her hea$. I" 'ro#(h" "he% in"o a s%aller ca+e, lon(
an$ narrow, a'o#" "he sha)e an$ si<e of a ca"he$ral. An$ here, fillin( al%os" "he whole
len("h of i", la& an enor%o#s %an fas" aslee). He was far 'i((er "han an& of "he (ian"s, an$
his face was no" li,e a (ian"2s, '#" no'le an$ 'ea#"if#l. His 'reas" rose an$ fell (en"l& #n$er
"he snow& 'ear$ which co+ere$ hi% "o "he wais". A )#re, sil+er li(h" .no one saw where i"
ca%e fro%/ res"e$ #)on hi%.
3Who2s "ha"53 as,e$ P#$$le(l#%. An$ i" was so lon( since an&one ha$ s)o,en, "ha" >ill
won$ere$ how he ha$ "he ner+e.
3Tha" is ol$ 7a"her Ti%e, who once was a !in( in O+erlan$,3 sai$ "he War$en. 3An$ now
he has s#n, $own in"o "he Dee) Real% an$ lies $rea%in( of all "he "hin(s "ha" are $one in
"he #))er worl$. -an& sin, $own, an$ few re"#rn "o "he s#nli" lan$s. The& sa& he will wa,e
a" "he en$ of "he worl$.3
An$ o#" of "ha" ca+e "he& )asse$ in"o ano"her, an$ "hen in"o ano"her an$ ano"her, an$ so on
"ill >ill los" co#n", '#" alwa&s "he& were (oin( $ownhill an$ each ca+e was lower "han "he
las", "ill "he +er& "ho#(h" of "he wei(h" an$ $e)"h of ear"h a'o+e &o# was s#ffoca"in(. A"
las" "he& ca%e "o a )lace where "he War$en co%%an$e$ his cheerless lan"ern "o 'e li"
a(ain. Then "he& )asse$ in"o a ca+e so wi$e an$ $ar, "ha" "he& co#l$ see no"hin( of i"
e1ce)" "ha" ri(h" in fron" of "he% a s"ri) of )ale san$ ran $own in"o s"ill wa"er. An$ "here,
'esi$e a li""le 8e""&, la& a shi) wi"ho#" %as" or sail '#" wi"h %an& oars. The& were %a$e "o
(o on 'oar$ her an$ le$ forwar$ "o "he 'ows where "here was a clear s)ace in fron" of "he
rowers2 'enches an$ a sea" r#nnin( ro#n$ insi$e "he '#lwar,s.
3One "hin( I2$ li,e "o ,now,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, 3is whe"her an&one fro% o#r worl$ * fro%
#)*a*"o), I %ean has e+er $one "his "ri) 'efore53
3-an& ha+e "a,en shi) a" "he )ale 'eaches,3 re)lie$ "he War$en, 3an$*3
3Yes, I ,now,3 in"err#)"e$ P#$$le(l#%. 3An$ few re"#rn "o "he s#nli" lan$s. Yo# nee$n2"
sa& i" a(ain. Yo# are a cha) of one i$ea, aren2" &o#53
The chil$ren h#$$le$ close "o(e"her on each si$e of P#$$le(l#%. The& ha$ "ho#(h" hi% a
we" 'lan,e" while "he& were s"ill a'o+e (ro#n$, '#" $own here he see%e$ "he onl&
co%for"in( "hin( "he& ha$. Then "he )ale lan"ern was h#n( #) a%i$shi)s, "he Ear"h%en sa"
"o "he oars, an$ "he shi) 'e(an "o %o+e. The lan"ern cas" i"s li(h" onl& a +er& shor" wa&.
Loo,in( ahea$, "he& co#l$ see no"hin( '#" s%oo"h, $ar, wa"er, fa$in( in"o a'sol#"e
3Oh, wha"e+er will 'eco%e of #s53 sai$ >ill $es)airin(l&.
3Now $on2" &o# le" &o#r s)iri"s $own, Pole,3 sai$ "he -arsh*wi((le. 3There2s one "hin(
&o#2+e (o" "o re%e%'er. We2re 'ac, on "he ri(h" lines. We were "o (o #n$er "he R#ine$
Ci"&, an$ we are #n$er i". We2re followin( "he ins"r#c"ions a(ain.3
Presen"l& "he& were (i+en foo$ * fla", fla''& ca,es of so%e sor" which ha$ har$l& an& "as"e.
An$ af"er "ha", "he& (ra$#all& fell aslee). B#" when "he& wo,e, e+er&"hin( was 8#s" "he
sa%e0 "he (no%es s"ill rowin(, "he shi) s"ill (li$in( on, s"ill $ea$ 'lac,ness ahea$. How
of"en "he& wo,e an$ sle)" an$ a"e an$ sle)" a(ain, none of "he% co#l$ e+er re%e%'er. An$
"he wors" "hin( a'o#" i" was "ha" &o# 'e(an "o feel as if &o# ha$ alwa&s li+e$ on "ha" shi),
in "ha" $ar,ness, an$ "o won$er whe"her s#n an$ 'l#e s,ies an$ win$ an$ 'ir$s ha$ no" 'een
onl& a $rea%.
The& ha$ al%os" (i+en #) ho)in( or 'ein( afrai$ a'o#" an&"hin( when a" las" "he& saw
li(h"s ahea$: $rear& li(h"s, li,e "ha" of "heir own lan"ern. Then, 9#i"e s#$$enl&, one of "hese
li(h"s ca%e close an$ "he& saw "ha" "he& were )assin( ano"her shi). Af"er "ha" "he& %e"
se+eral shi)s. Then, s"arin( "ill "heir e&es h#r", "he& saw "ha" so%e of "he li(h"s ahea$ were
shinin( on wha" loo,e$ li,e wharfs, walls, "owers, an$ %o+in( crow$s. B#" s"ill "here was
har$l& an& noise.
3B& >o+e,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3A ci"&43 an$ soon "he& all saw "ha" he was ri(h".
B#" i" was a 9#eer ci"&. The li(h"s were so few an$ far a)ar" "ha" "he& wo#l$ har$l& ha+e
$one for sca""ere$ co""a(es in o#r worl$. B#" "he li""le 'i"s of "he )lace which &o# co#l$ see
'& "he li(h"s were li,e (li%)ses of a (rea" sea)or". Yo# co#l$ %a,e o#" in one )lace a
whole crow$ of shi)s loa$in( or #nloa$in(0 in ano"her, 'ales of s"#ff an$ wareho#ses0 in a
"hir$, walls an$ )illars "ha" s#((es"e$ (rea" )alaces or "e%)les0 an$ alwa&s, where+er "he
li(h" fell, en$less crow$s * h#n$re$s of Ear"h%en, 8os"lin( one ano"her as "he& )a$$e$
sof"l& a'o#" "heir '#siness in narrow s"ree"s, 'roa$ s9#ares, or #) (rea" fli(h"s of s"e)s.
Their con"in#e$ %o+e%en" %a$e a sor" of sof", %#r%#rin( noise as "he shi) $rew nearer
an$ nearer0 '#" "here was no" a son( or a sho#" or a 'ell or "he ra""le of a wheel an&where.
The Ci"& was as 9#ie", an$ nearl& as $ar,, as "he insi$e of an an"*hill.
A" las" "heir shi) was 'ro#(h" alon(si$e a 9#a& an$ %a$e fas". The "hree "ra+ellers were
"a,en ashore an$ %arche$ #) in"o "he Ci"&. Crow$s of Ear"h%en, no "wo ali,e, r#''e$
sho#l$ers wi"h "he% in "he crow$e$ s"ree"s, an$ "he sa$ li(h" fell on %an& sa$ an$
(ro"es9#e faces. B#" no one showe$ an& in"eres" in "he s"ran(ers. E+er& (no%e see%e$ "o
'e as '#s& as i" was sa$, "ho#(h >ill ne+er fo#n$ wha" "he& were so '#s& a'o#". B#" "he
en$less %o+in(, sho+in(, h#rr&in(, an$ "he sof" )a$*)a$*)a$ wen" on.
A" las" "he& ca%e "o wha" a))eare$ "o 'e a (rea" cas"le, "ho#(h few of "he win$ows in i"
were li(h"e$. Here "he& were "a,en in an$ %a$e "o cross a co#r"&ar$, an$ "o cli%' %an&
s"aircases. This 'ro#(h" "he% in "he en$ "o a (rea" %#r,il& li" roo%. B#" in one corner of i" *
oh 8o&4 * "here was an archwa& fille$ wi"h a 9#i"e $ifferen" sor" of li(h"0 "he hones",
&ellowish, war% li(h" of s#ch a la%) as h#%ans #se. Wha" showe$ '& "his li(h" insi$e "he
archwa& was "he foo" of a s"aircase which wo#n$ #)war$ 'e"ween walls of s"one. The li(h"
see%e$ "o co%e fro% "he "o). Two Ear"h%en s"oo$ one on each si$e of "he arch li,e
sen"ries, or foo"%en.
The War$en wen" #) "o "hese "wo, an$ sai$, as if i" were a )asswor$:
3-an& sin, $own "o "he n$erworl$.3
3An$ few re"#rn "o "he s#nli" lan$s,3 "he& answere$, as if i" were "he co#n"ersi(n. Then all
"hree )#" "heir hea$s "o(e"her an$ "al,e$. A" las" one of "he "wo (no%es*in*wai"in( sai$, 3I
"ell &o# "he =#een2s (race is (one fro% hence on her (rea" affair. We ha$ 'es" ,ee) "hese
"o) $wellers in s"rai" )rison "ill her ho%eco%in(. 7ew re"#rn "o "he s#nli" lan$s.3
A" "ha" %o%en" "he con+ersa"ion was in"err#)"e$ '& wha" see%e$ "o >ill "he %os" $eli(h"f#l
noise in "he worl$. I" ca%e fro% a'o+e, fro% "he "o) of "he s"aircase0 an$ i" was a clear,
rin(in(, )erfec"l& h#%an +oice, "he +oice of a &o#n( %an.
3Wha" coil are &o# ,ee)in( $own "here, -#ll#(#"her#%53 i" sho#"e$. 3O+erworl$ers, ha4
Brin( "he% #) "o %e, an$ "ha" )resen"l&.3
3Please i" &o#r Hi(hness "o re%e%'er,3 'e(an -#ll#(#"her#%, '#" "he +oice c#" hi% shor".
3I" )leases %& Hi(hness )rinci)all& "o 'e o'e&e$, ol$ %#""erer. Brin( "he% #),3 i" calle$.
-#ll#(#"her#% shoo, his hea$, %o"ione$ "o "he "ra+ellers "o follow an$ 'e(an (oin( #) "he
s"aircase. A" e+er& s"e) "he li(h" increase$. There were rich "a)es"ries han(in( on "he walls.
The la%)li(h" shone (ol$en "hro#(h "hin c#r"ains a" "he s"aircase*hea$. The Ear"h%en
)ar"e$ "he c#r"ains an$ s"oo$ asi$e. The "hree )asse$ in. The& were in a 'ea#"if#l roo%,
richl& "a)es"rie$, wi"h a 'ri(h" fire on a clean hear"h, an$ re$ wine an$ c#" (lass s)ar,lin(
on "he "a'le. A &o#n( %an wi"h fair hair rose "o (ree" "he%. He was
han$so%e an$ loo,e$ 'o"h 'ol$ an$ ,in$, "ho#(h "here was so%e"hin( a'o#" his face "ha"
$i$n2" see% 9#i"e ri(h". He was $resse$ in 'lac, an$ al"o(e"her loo,e$ a li""le 'i" li,e
3Welco%e, O+erworl$ers,3 he crie$. 3B#" s"a& a %o%en"4 I cr& &o# %erc&4 I ha+e seen &o#
"wo fair chil$ren, an$ "his, &o#r s"ran(e (o+ernor, 'efore. Was i" no" &o# "hree "ha" %e" %e
'& "he 'ri$(e on "he 'or$ers of E""ins%oor when I ro$e "here '& %& La$&2s si$e53
3Oh . . . &o# were "he 'lac, ,ni(h" who ne+er s)o,e53 e1clai%e$ >ill.
3An$ was "ha" la$& "he =#een of n$erlan$53 as,e$ P#$$le(l#%, in no +er& frien$l& +oice.
An$ Scr#'', who was "hin,in( "he sa%e, '#rs" o#", 3Beca#se if i" was, I "hin, she was 8oll&
%ean "o sen$ #s off "o a cas"le of (ian"s who in"en$e$ "o ea" #s. Wha" har% ha$ we e+er
$one her, I sho#l$ li,e "o ,now53
3How53 sai$ "he Blac, !ni(h" wi"h a frown. 3If &o# were no" so &o#n( a warrior, Bo&, &o#
an$ I %#s" ha+e fo#(h" "o "he $ea"h on "his 9#arrel. I can hear no wor$s a(ains" %& La$&2s
hono#r. B#" of "his &o# %a& 'e ass#re$, "ha" wha"e+er she sai$ "o &o#, she sai$ of a (oo$
in"en". Yo# $o no" ,now her. She is a nose(a& of all +ir"#es, as "r#"h, %erc&, cons"anc&,
(en"leness, co#ra(e, an$ "he res". I sa& wha" I ,now. Her ,in$ness "o %e alone, who can in
no wa& rewar$ her, wo#l$ %a,e an a$%ira'le his"or&. B#" &o# shall ,now an$ lo+e her
hereaf"er. -eanwhile, wha" is &o#r erran$ in "he Dee) Lan$s53
An$ 'efore P#$$le(l#% co#l$ s"o) her, >ill 'l#r"e$ o#", 3Please we are "r&in( "o fin$ Prince
Rilian of Narnia.3 An$ "hen she reali<e$ wha" a fri(h"f#l ris, she ha$ "a,en0 "hese )eo)le
%i(h" 'e ene%ies. B#" "he !ni(h" showe$ no in"eres".
3Rilian5 Narnia53 he sai$ carelessl&. 3Narnia5 Wha" lan$ is "ha"5 I ha+e ne+er hear$ "he
na%e. I" %#s" 'e a "ho#san$ lea(#es fro% "hose )ar"s of "he O+erworl$ "ha" I ,now. B#" i"
was a s"ran(e fan"as& "ha" 'ro#(h" &o# see,in( "his * how $o &o# call hi%5 * Billian5
Trillian5 in %& La$&2s real%. In$ee$, "o %& cer"ain ,nowle$(e, "here is no s#ch %an here.3
He la#(he$ +er& lo#$l& a" "his, an$ >ill "ho#(h" "o herself, 3I won$er is "ha" wha"2s wron(
wi"h his face5 Is he a 'i" sill&53
3We ha$ 'een "ol$ "o loo, for a %essa(e on "he s"ones of "he Ci"& R#ino#s,3 sai$ Scr#''.
3An$ we saw "he wor$s NDER -E.3
The !ni(h" la#(he$ e+en %ore hear"il& "han 'efore. 3Yo# were "he %ore $ecei+e$,3 he
sai$. 3Those wor$s %ean" no"hin( "o &o#r )#r)ose. Ha$ &o# '#" as,e$ %& La$&, she co#l$
ha+e (i+en &o# 'e""er co#nsel. 7or "hose wor$s are all "ha" is lef" of a lon(er scri)", which
in ancien" "i%es, as she well re%e%'ers, e1)resse$ "his +erse:
Tho#(h #n$er Ear"h an$ "hroneless now I 'e, Ye", while I li+e$, all Ear"h was #n$er %e.
7ro% which i" is )lain "ha" so%e (rea" ,in( of "he ancien" (ian"s, who lies '#rie$ "here,
ca#se$ "his 'oas" "o 'e c#" in "he s"one o+er his se)#lchre0 "ho#(h "he 'rea,in( #) of
so%e s"ones, an$ "he carr&in( awa& of o"hers for new '#il$in(s, an$ "he fillin( #) of "he
c#"s wi"h r#''le, has lef" onl& "wo wor$s "ha" can s"ill 'e rea$. Is i" no" "he %erries" 8es" in
"he worl$ "ha" &o# sho#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" "he& were wri""en "o &o#53
This was li,e col$ wa"er $own "he 'ac, "o Scr#'' an$
>ill0 for i" see%e$ "o "he% +er& li,el& "ha" "he wor$s ha$ no"hin( "o $o wi"h "heir 9#es" a"
all, an$ "ha" "he& ha$ 'een "a,en in '& a %ere acci$en".
3Don2" &o# %in$ hi%,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3There are no acci$en"s. O#r (#i$e is Aslan0 an$
he was "here when "he (ian" !in( ca#se$ "he le""ers "o 'e c#", an$ he ,new alrea$& all
"hin(s "ha" wo#l$ co%e of "he%0 incl#$in( "his.3
3This (#i$e of &o#rs %#s" 'e a lon( li+er, frien$,3 sai$ "he !ni(h" wi"h ano"her of his
>ill 'e(an "o fin$ "he% a li""le irri"a"in(.
3An$ i" see%s "o %e, Sir,3 answere$ P#$$le(l#%, 3"ha" "his La$& of &o#rs %#s" 'e a lon(
li+er "oo, if she re%e%'ers "he +erse as i" was when "he& firs" c#" i".3
3;er& shrew$, 7ro(*face,3 sai$ "he !ni(h", cla))in( P#$$le(l#% on "he sho#l$er an$
la#(hin( a(ain. 3An$ &o# ha+e hi" "he "r#"h. She is of $i+ine race, an$ ,nows nei"her a(e
nor $ea"h. I a% "he %ore "han,f#l "o her for all her infini"e 'o#n"& "o s#ch a )oor %or"al
wre"ch as I. 7or &o# %#s" ,now, Sirs, I a% a %an #n$er %os" s"ran(e afflic"ions, an$ none
'#" "he =#een2s (race wo#l$ ha+e ha$ )a"ience wi"h %e. Pa"ience, sai$ I5 B#" i" (oes far
'e&on$ "ha". She has )ro%ise$ %e a (rea" ,in($o% in O+erlan$, an$, when I a% ,in(, her
own %os" (racio#s han$ in %arria(e. B#" "he "ale is "oo lon( for &o# "o hear fas"in( an$
s"an$in(. Hi "here, so%e of &o#4 Brin( wine an$ )$wellers2 foo$ for %& (#es"s. Please
&o#, 'e sea"e$, (en"le%en. Li""le %ai$en, si" in "his chair. Yo# shall hear i" all.3
WHEN "he %eal .which was )i(eon )ie, col$ ha%, sala$, an$ ca,es/ ha$ 'een 'ro#(h", an$
all ha$ $rawn "heir chairs #) "o "he "a'le an$ 'e(#n, "he !ni(h" con"in#e$:
3Yo# %#s" #n$ers"an$, frien$s, "ha" I ,now no"hin( of who I was an$ whence I ca%e in"o
"his Dar, Worl$. I re%e%'er no "i%e when I was no" $wellin(, as now, a" "he co#r" of "his
all '#" hea+enl& =#een0 '#" %& "ho#(h" is "ha" she sa+e$ %e fro% so%e e+il enchan"%en"
an$ 'ro#(h" %e hi"her of her e1cee$in( 'o#n"&. .Hones" 7ro(foo", &o#r c#) is e%)"&.
S#ffer %e "o refill i"./ An$ "his see%s "o %e "he li,elier 'eca#se e+en now I a%
'o#n$ '& a s)ell, fro% which %& La$& alone can free %e. E+er& ni(h" "here co%es an ho#r
when %& %in$ is %os" horri'l& chan(e$, an$, af"er %& %in$, %& 'o$&. 7or firs" I 'eco%e
f#rio#s an$ wil$ an$ wo#l$ r#sh #)on %& $eares" frien$s "o ,ill "he%, if I were no" 'o#n$.
An$ soon af"er "ha", I "#rn in"o "he li,eness of a (rea" ser)en", h#n(r&, fierce, an$ $ea$l&.
.Sir, 'e )lease$ "o "a,e ano"her 'reas" of )i(eon, I en"rea" &o#./ So "he& "ell %e, an$ "he&
cer"ainl& s)ea, "r#"h, for %& La$& sa&s "he sa%e. I %&self ,now no"hin( of i", for when %&
ho#r is )as" I awa,e for(e"f#l of all "ha" +ile fi" an$ in %& )ro)er sha)e an$ so#n$ %in$ *
sa+in( "ha" I a% so%ewha" wearie$. .Li""le la$&, ea" one of "hese hone& ca,es, which are
'ro#(h" for %e fro% so%e 'ar'aro#s lan$ in "he far so#"h of "he worl$./ Now "he =#een2s
%a8es"& ,nows '& her ar" "ha" I shall 'e free$ fro% "his enchan"%en" when once she has
%a$e %e ,in( of a lan$ in "he O+erworl$ an$ se" i"s crown #)on %& hea$. The lan$ is
alrea$& chosen an$ "he +er& )lace of o#r 'rea,in( o#". Her Ear"h%en ha+e wor,e$ $a& an$
ni(h" $i((in( a wa& 'enea"h i", an$ ha+e now (one so far an$ so hi(h "ha" "he& "#nnel no" a
score of fee" 'enea"h "he +er& (rass on which "he )$wellers of "ha" co#n"r& wal,. I" will 'e
+er& soon now "ha" "hose )lan$ers2 fa"e will co%e #)on "he%. She herself is a" "he
$i((in(s "oni(h", an$ I e1)ec" a %essa(e "o (o "o her. Then "he "hin roof of ear"h which s"ill
,ee)s %e fro% %& ,in($o% will 'e 'ro,en "hro#(h, an$ wi"h her "o (#i$e %e an$ a
"ho#san$ Ear"h%en a" %& 'ac,, I shall ri$e for"h in ar%s, fall s#$$enl& on o#r ene%ies, sla&
"heir chief %en, cas" $own "heir s"ron( )laces, an$ $o#'"less 'e "heir crowne$ ,in( wi"hin
fo#r an$ "wen"& ho#rs.3
3I"2s a 'i" ro#(h l#c, on "he%, isn2" i"53 sai$ Scr#''.
3Tho# ar" a la$ of a won$ro#s, 9#ic,*wor,in( wi"43 e1clai%e$ "he !ni(h". 37or, on %&
hono#r, I ha$ ne+er "ho#(h" of i" so 'efore. I see &o#r %eanin(.3 He loo,e$ sli(h"l&, +er&
sli(h"l& "ro#'le$ for a %o%en" or "wo0 '#" his face soon cleare$ an$ he 'ro,e o#", wi"h
ano"her of his lo#$ la#(hs, 3B#" fie on (ra+i"&4 Is i" no" "he %os" co%ical an$ ri$ic#lo#s
"hin( in "he worl$ "o "hin, of "he% all (oin( a'o#" "heir '#siness an$ ne+er $rea%in( "ha"
#n$er "heir )eacef#l fiel$s an$ floors, onl& a fa"ho% $own, "here is a (rea" ar%& rea$& "o
'rea, o#" #)on "he% li,e a fo#n"ain4 An$ "he& ne+er "o ha+e s#s)ec"e$4 Wh&, "he&
"he%sel+es, when once "he firs" s%ar" of "heir $efea" is o+er, can har$l& choose '#" la#(h a"
"he "ho#(h"43
3I $on2" "hin, i"2s f#nn& a" all,3 sai$ >ill. 3I "hin, &o#2ll 'e a wic,e$ "&ran".3
3Wha"53 sai$ "he !ni(h", s"ill la#(hin( an$ )a""in( her hea$ in a 9#i"e inf#ria"in( fashion.
3Is o#r li""le %ai$ a $ee) )oli"ician5 B#" ne+er fear, swee"hear". In r#lin( "ha" lan$, I shall
$o all '& "he co#nsel of %& La$&, who will "hen 'e %& =#een "oo. Her wor$ shall 'e %&
law, e+en as %& wor$ will 'e law "o "he )eo)le we ha+e con9#ere$.3
3Where I co%e fro%,3 sai$ >ill, who was $isli,in( hi% %ore e+er& %in#"e, 3"he& $on2" "hin,
%#ch of %en who are 'osse$ a'o#" '& "heir wi+es.3
3Shal" "hin, o"herwise when "ho# has" a %an of "hine own, I warran" &o#,3 sai$ "he !ni(h",
a))aren"l& "hin,in( "his +er& f#nn&. 3B#" wi"h %& La$&, i" is ano"her %a""er. I a% well
con"en" "o li+e '& her wor$, who has alrea$& sa+e$ %e fro% a "ho#san$ $an(ers. No
%o"her has "a,en )ains %ore "en$erl& for her chil$, "han "he =#een2s (race has for %e.
Wh&, loo, &o#, a%i$ all her cares an$ '#siness, she ri$e"h o#" wi"h %e in "he O+erworl$
%an& a "i%e an$ of" "o acc#s"o% %& e&es "o "he s#nli(h". An$ "hen I %#s" (o f#ll& ar%e$
an$ wi"h +isor $own, so "ha" no %an %a& see %& face, an$ I %#s" s)ea, "o no one. 7or she
has fo#n$ o#" '& ar" %a(ical "ha" "his wo#l$ hin$er %& $eli+erance fro% "he (rie+o#s
enchan"%en" I lie #n$er. Is no" "ha" a la$& wor"h& of a %an2s whole worshi)53
3So#n$s a +er& nice la$& in$ee$,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#% in a +oice which %ean" e1ac"l& "he
The& were "horo#(hl& "ire$ of "he !ni(h"2s "al, 'efore "he& ha$ finishe$ s#))er.
P#$$le(l#% was "hin,in(, 3I won$er wha" (a%e "ha" wi"ch is reall& )la&in( wi"h "his &o#n(
fool.3 Scr#'' was "hin,in(, 3He2s a (rea" 'a'&, reall&: "ie$ "o "ha" wo%an2s a)ron s"rin(s0
he2s a sa).3 An$ >ill was "hin,in(, 3He2s "he sillies", %os" concei"e$, selfish )i( I2+e %e" for
a lon( "i%e.3 B#" when "he %eal was o+er, "he !ni(h"2s %oo$ ha$ chan(e$. There was no
%ore la#(h"er a'o#" hi%.
37rien$s,3 he sai$, 3%& ho#r is now +er& near. I a% asha%e$ "ha" &o# sho#l$ see %e &e" I
$rea$ 'ein( lef" alone. The& will co%e in )resen"l& an$ 'in$ %e han$ an$ foo" "o &on$er
chair. Alas, so i" %#s" 'e: for in %& f#r&, "he& "ell %e, I wo#l$ $es"ro& all "ha" I co#l$
3I sa&,3 sai$ Scr#'', 3I2% awf#ll& sorr& a'o#" &o#r enchan"%en" of co#rse, '#" wha" will
"hose fellows $o "o #s when "he& co%e "o 'in$ &o#5 The& "al,e$ of )#""in( #s in )rison.
An$ we $on2" li,e all "hose $ar, )laces +er& %#ch. We2$ %#ch ra"her s"a& here "ill
&o#2re . . . 'e""er . . . if we %a&.3
3I" is well "ho#(h" of,3 sai$ "he !ni(h". 3B& c#s"o% none '#" "he =#een herself re%ains
wi"h %e in %& e+il ho#r. S#ch is her "en$er care for %& hono#r "ha" she wo#l$ no" willin(l&
s#ffer an& ears '#" her own "o hear "he wor$s I #""er in "ha" fren<&. B#" I co#l$ no" easil&
)ers#a$e %& a""en$an" (no%es "ha" &o# sho#l$ 'e lef" wi"h %e. An$ I "hin, I hear "heir sof"
fee" e+en now #)on "he s"airs. 6o "hro#(h &on$er $oor: i" lea$s in"o %& o"her a)ar"%en"s.
An$ "here, ei"her awai" %& co%in( when "he& ha+e #n'o#n$ %e0 or, if &o# will, re"#rn an$
si" wi"h %e in %& ra+in(s.3
The& followe$ his $irec"ions an$ )asse$ o#" of "he roo% '& a $oor which "he& ha$ no" &e"
seen o)ene$. I" 'ro#(h" "he%, "he& were )lease$ "o see, no" in"o $ar,ness '#" in"o a li(h"e$
corri$or. The& "rie$ +ario#s $oors an$ fo#n$ .wha" "he& +er& 'a$l& nee$e$/ wa"er for
washin( an$ e+en a loo,in( (lass. 3He ne+er offere$ #s a wash 'efore s#))er,3 sai$ >ill,
$r&in( her face. 3Selfish, selfcen"re$ )i(.3
3Are we (oin( 'ac, "o wa"ch "he enchan"%en", or shall we s"a& here53 sai$ Scr#''.
3S"a& here, I +o"e,3 sai$ >ill. 3I2$ %#ch ra"her no" see i".3 B#" she fel" a li""le in9#isi"i+e all
"he sa%e.
3No, (o 'ac,,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3We %a& )ic, #) so%e infor%a"ion, an$ we nee$ all we
can (e". I a% s#re "ha" =#een is a wi"ch an$ an ene%&. An$ "hose Ear"h%en wo#l$ ,noc,
#s on "he hea$ as soon as loo, a" #s. There2s a s"ron(er s%ell of $an(er an$ lies an$ %a(ic
an$ "reason a'o#" "his lan$ "han I2+e e+er s%elle$ 'efore. We nee$ "o ,ee) o#r e&es an$
ears o)en.3
The& wen" 'ac, $own "he corri$or an$ (en"l& )#she$ "he $oor o)en. 3I"2s all ri(h",3 sai$
Scr#'', %eanin( "ha" "here were no Ear"h%en a'o#". Then "he& all ca%e 'ac, in"o "he roo%
where "he& ha$ s#))e$.
The %ain $oor was now sh#", concealin( "he c#r"ain 'e"ween which "he& ha$ firs" en"ere$.
The !ni(h" was sea"e$ in a c#rio#s sil+er chair, "o which he was 'o#n$ '& his an,les, his
,nees, his el'ows, his wris"s, an$ his wais". There was swea" on his forehea$ an$ his face
was fille$ wi"h an(#ish.
3Co%e in, frien$s,3 he sai$, (lancin( 9#ic,l& #). 3The fi" is no" &e" #)on %e. -a,e no
noise, for I "ol$ "ha" )r&in( cha%'erlain "ha" &o# were in 'e$. Now . . . I can feel i" co%in(.
=#ic,4 Lis"en while I a% %as"er of %&self. When "he fi" is #)on %e, i" well %a& 'e "ha" I
shall 'e( an$ i%)lore &o#, wi"h en"rea"ies an$ "hrea"enin(s, "o loosen %& 'on$s. The& sa& I
$o. I shall call #)on &o# '& all "ha" is %os" $ear an$ %os" $rea$f#l. B#" $o no" lis"en "o %e.
Har$en &o#r hear"s an$ s"o) &o#r ears. 7or while I a% 'o#n$ &o# are safe. B#" if once I
were #) an$ o#" of "his chair, "hen firs" wo#l$ co%e %& f#r&, an$ af"er "ha"3 * he sh#$$ere$
* 3"he chan(e in"o a loa"hso%e ser)en".3
3There2s no fear of o#r loosin( &o#,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3We2+e no wish "o %ee" wil$ %en0
or ser)en"s ei"her.3
3I sho#l$ "hin, no",3 sai$ Scr#'' an$ >ill "o(e"her.
3All "he sa%e,3 a$$e$ P#$$le(l#% in a whis)er. 3Don2" le"2s 'e "oo s#re. Le"2s 'e on o#r
(#ar$. We2+e %#ffe$ e+er&"hin( else, &o# ,now. He2ll 'e c#nnin(, I sho#l$n2" won$er, once
he (e"s s"ar"e$. Can we "r#s" one ano"her5 Do we all )ro%ise "ha" wha"e+er he sa&s we $on2"
"o#ch "hose cor$s5 Wha"e+er he sa&s, %in$ &o#53
3Ra"her43 sai$ Scr#''.
3There2s no"hin( in "he worl$ he can sa& or $o "ha"2ll %a,e %e chan(e %& %in$,3 sai$ >ill.
3H#sh4 So%e"hin(2s ha))enin(,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
The !ni(h" was %oanin(. His face was as )ale as )#""&, an$ he wri"he$ in his 'on$s. An$
whe"her 'eca#se she was sorr& for hi%, or for so%e o"her reason, >ill "ho#(h" "ha" he loo,e$
a nicer sor" of %an "han he ha$ loo,e$ 'efore.
3Ah,3 he (roane$. 3Enchan"%en"s, enchan"%en"s . . . "he hea+&, "an(le$, col$, cla%%& we'
of e+il %a(ic. B#rie$ ali+e. Dra((e$ $own #n$er "he ear"h, $own in"o "he soo"&
'lac,ness . . . how %an& &ears is i"5 . . . Ha+e I li+e$ "en &ears, or a "ho#san$ &ears, in "he
)i"5 -a((o"%en all aro#n$ %e. Oh, ha+e %erc&. Le" %e o#", le" %e (o 'ac,. Le" %e feel
"he win$ an$ see "he s,& . . . There #se$ "o 'e a li""le )ool. When &o# loo,e$ $own in"o i"
&o# co#l$ see all "he "rees (rowin( #)si$e*$own in "he wa"er, all (reen, an$ 'elow "he%,
$ee), +er& $ee), "he 'l#e s,&.3
He ha$ 'een s)ea,in( in a low +oice0 now he loo,e$ #), fi1e$ his e&es #)on "he%, an$ sai$
lo#$ an$ clear:
3=#ic,4 I a% sane now. E+er& ni(h" I a% sane. If onl& I co#l$ (e" o#" of "his enchan"e$
chair, i" wo#l$ las". I sho#l$ 'e a %an a(ain. B#" e+er& ni(h" "he& 'in$ %e, an$ so e+er&
ni(h" %& chance is (one. B#" &o# are no" ene%ies. I a% no" &o#r )risoner. =#ic,4 C#" "hese
3S"an$ fas"4 S"ea$&,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#% "o "he "wo chil$ren.
3I 'eseech &o# "o hear %e,3 sai$ "he !ni(h", forcin( hi%self "o s)ea, cal%l&. 3Ha+e "he&
"ol$ &o# "ha" if I a% release$ fro% "his chair I shall ,ill &o# an$ 'eco%e a ser)en"5 I see '&
&o#r faces "ha" "he& ha+e. I" is a lie. I" is a" "his ho#r "ha" I a% in %& ri(h" %in$: i" is all "he
res" of "he $a& "ha" I a% enchan"e$. Yo# are no" Ear"h%en nor wi"ches. Wh& sho#l$ &o# 'e
on "heir si$e5 Of &o#r co#r"es&, c#" %& 'on$s.3
3S"ea$&4 S"ea$&4 S"ea$&43 sai$ "he "hree "ra+ellers "o one ano"her.
3Oh, &o# ha+e hear"s of s"one,3 sai$ "he !ni(h". 3Belie+e %e, &o# loo, #)on a wre"ch who
has s#ffere$ al%os" %ore "han an& %or"al can 'ear. Wha" wron( ha+e I e+er $one &o#, "ha"
&o# sho#l$ si$e wi"h %& ene%ies "o ,ee) %e in s#ch %iseries5 An$ "he %in#"es are
sli))in( )as". Now &o# can sa+e %e0 when "his ho#r has )asse$, I shall 'e wi"less a(ain *
"he "o& an$ la)*$o(, na&, %ore li,el& "he )awn an$ "ool, of "he %os" $e+ilish sorceress "ha"
e+er )lanne$ "he woe of %en. An$ "his ni(h", of all ni(h"s, when she is awa&4 Yo# "a,e
fro% %e a chance "ha" %a& ne+er co%e a(ain.3
3This is $rea$f#l. I $o wish we2$ s"a&e$ awa& "ill i" was o+er,3 sai$ >ill.
3S"ea$&43 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
The )risoner2s +oice was now risin( in"o a shrie,. 3Le" %e (o, I sa&. 6i+e %e %& swor$.
-& swor$4 Once I a% free I shall "a,e s#ch re+en(e on Ear"h%en "ha" n$erlan$ will "al,
of i" for a "ho#san$ &ears43
3Now "he fren<& is 'e(innin(,3 sai$ Scr#''. 3I ho)e "hose ,no"s are all ri(h".3
3Yes,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3He2$ ha+e "wice his na"#ral s"ren("h if he (o" free now. An$ I2%
no" cle+er wi"h %& swor$. He2$ (e" #s 'o"h, I sho#l$n2" won$er0 an$ "hen Pole on her own
wo#l$ 'e lef" "o "ac,le "he sna,e.3
The )risoner was now so s"rainin( a" his 'on$s "ha" "he& c#" in"o his wris"s an$ an,les.
3Beware,3 he sai$. 3Beware. One ni(h" I $i$ 'rea, "he%. B#" "he wi"ch was "here "ha" "i%e.
Yo# will no" ha+e her "o hel) &o# "oni(h". 7ree %e now, an$ I a% &o#r frien$. I2% &o#r
%or"al ene%& else.3
3C#nnin(, isn2" he53 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
3Once an$ for all,3 sai$ "he )risoner, 3I a$8#re &o# "o se" %e free. B& all fears an$ all lo+es,
'& "he 'ri(h" s,ies of O+erlan$, '& "he (rea" Lion, '& Aslan hi%self, I char(e &o# *3
3Oh43 crie$ "he "hree "ra+ellers as "ho#(h "he& ha$ 'een h#r". 3I"2s "he si(n,3 sai$
P#$$le(l#%. 3I" was "he wor$s of "he si(n,3 sai$ Scr#'' %ore ca#"io#sl&. 3Oh, wha" are we
"o $o53 sai$ >ill.
I" was a $rea$f#l 9#es"ion. Wha" ha$ 'een "he #se of )ro%isin( one ano"her "ha" "he& wo#l$
no" on an& acco#n" se" "he !ni(h" free, if "he& were now "o $o so "he firs" "i%e he ha))ene$
"o call #)on a na%e "he& reall& care$ a'o#"5 On "he o"her han$, wha" ha$ 'een "he #se of
learnin( "he si(ns if "he& weren2" (oin( "o o'e& "he%5 Ye" co#l$ Aslan ha+e reall& %ean"
"he% "o #n'in$ an&one e+en a l#na"ic * who as,e$ i" in his na%e5 Co#l$ i" 'e a %ere
acci$en"5 Or how if "he =#een of "he n$erworl$ ,new all a'o#" "he si(ns an$ ha$ %a$e
"he !ni(h" learn "his na%e si%)l& in or$er "o en"ra) "he%5 B#" "hen, s#))osin( "his was "he
real si(n5 . . . The& ha$ %#ffe$ "hree alrea$&0 "he& $aren2" %#ff "he fo#r"h.
3Oh, if onl& we ,new43 sai$ >ill.
3I "hin, we $o ,now,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
3Do &o# %ean &o# "hin, e+er&"hin( will co%e ri(h" if we $o #n"ie hi%53 sai$ Scr#''.
3I $on2" ,now a'o#" "ha",3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Yo# see, Aslan $i$n2" "ell Pole wha" wo#l$
ha))en. He onl& "ol$ her wha" "o $o. Tha" fellow will 'e "he $ea"h of #s once he2s #), I
sho#l$n2" won$er. B#" "ha" $oesn2" le" #s off followin( "he si(n.3
The& all s"oo$ loo,in( a" one ano"her wi"h 'ri(h" e&es. I" was a sic,enin( %o%en". 3All
ri(h"43 sai$ >ill s#$$enl&. 3Le"2s (e" i" o+er. 6oo$*'&e, e+er&one ...43 The& all shoo, han$s.
The !ni(h" was screa%in( '& now0 "here was foa% on his chee,s.
3Co%e on, Scr#'',3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. He an$ Scr#'' $rew "heir swor$s an$ wen" o+er "o
"he ca)"i+e.
3In "he na%e of Aslan,3 "he& sai$ an$ 'e(an %e"ho$icall& c#""in( "he cor$s. The ins"an" "he
)risoner was free, he crosse$ "he roo% in a sin(le 'o#n$, sei<e$ his own swor$ .which ha$
'een "a,en fro% hi% an$ lai$ on "he "a'le/, an$ $rew i".
3Yo# firs"43 he crie$ an$ fell #)on "he sil+er chair. Tha" %#s" ha+e 'een a (oo$ swor$. The
sil+er (a+e wa& 'efore i"s e$(e li,e s"rin(, an$ in a %o%en" a few "wis"e$ fra(%en"s,
shinin( on "he floor, were all "ha" was lef". B#" as "he chair 'ro,e, "here ca%e fro% i" a
'ri(h" flash, a so#n$ li,e s%all "h#n$er, an$ .for one %o%en"/ a loa"hso%e s%ell.
3Lie "here, +ile en(ine of sorcer&,3 he sai$, 3les" &o#r %is"ress sho#l$ e+er #se &o# for
ano"her +ic"i%.3 Then he "#rne$ an$ s#r+e&e$ his resc#ers0 an$ "he so%e"hin( wron(,
wha"e+er i" was, ha$ +anishe$ fro% his face.
3Wha"53 he crie$, "#rnin( "o P#$$le(l#%. 3Do I see 'efore %e a -arsh*wi((le * a real, li+e,
hones", Narnian -arsh*wi((le53
3Oh, so &o# ha+e hear$ of Narnia af"er all53 sai$ >ill.
3Ha$ I for(o""en i" when I was #n$er "he s)ell53 as,e$ "he !ni(h". 3Well, "ha" an$ all o"her
'e$e+il%en"s are now o+er. Yo# %a& well 'elie+e "ha" I ,now Narnia, for I a% Rilian,
Prince of Narnia, an$ Cas)ian "he (rea" !in( is %& fa"her.3
3Yo#r Ro&al Hi(hness,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, sin,in( on one ,nee .an$ "he chil$ren $i$ "he
sa%e/, 3we ha+e co%e hi"her for no o"her en$ "han "o see, &o#.3
3An$ who are &o#, %& o"her $eli+erers53 sai$ "he Prince "o Scr#'' an$ >ill.
3We were sen" '& Aslan hi%self fro% 'e&on$ "he worl$2s en$ "o see, &o#r Hi(hness,3 sai$
Scr#''. 3I a% E#s"ace who saile$ wi"h hi% "o "he islan$ of Ra%an$#.3
3I owe all "hree of &o# a (rea"er $e'" "han I can e+er )a&,3 sai$ Prince Rilian. 3B#" %&
fa"her5 Is he &e" ali+e53
3He saile$ eas" a(ain 'efore we lef" Narnia, %& lor$,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3B#" &o#r Hi(hness
%#s" consi$er "ha" "he !in( is +er& ol$. I" is "en "o one his -a8es"& %#s" $ie on "he +o&a(e.3
3He is ol$, &o# sa&. How lon( "hen ha+e I 'een in "he )ower of "he wi"ch52
3I" is %ore "han "en &ears since &o#r Hi(hness was los" in "he woo$s a" "he nor"h si$e of
3Ten &ears43 sai$ "he Prince, $rawin( his han$ across his face as if "o r#' awa& "he )as".
3Yes, I 'elie+e &o#. 7or now "ha" I a% %&self I can re%e%'er "ha" enchan"e$ life, "ho#(h
while I was enchan"e$ I co#l$ no" re%e%'er %& "r#e self. An$ now, fair frien$s * '#" wai"4
I hear "heir fee" .$oes i" no" sic,en a %an, "ha" )a$$in( wooll& "rea$4 fa#(h4/ on "he s"airs.
Loc, "he $oor, 'o&. Or s"a&. I ha+e a 'e""er "ho#(h" "han "ha". I will fool "hese Ear"h%en, if
Aslan (i+es %e "he wi". Ta,e &o#r c#e fro% %e.3
He wal,e$ resol#"el& "o "he $oor an$ fl#n( i" wi$e o)en.
TWO Ear"h%en en"ere$, '#" ins"ea$ of a$+ancin( in"o "he roo%, "he& )lace$ "he%sel+es
one on each si$e of "he $oor, an$ 'owe$ $ee)l&. The& were followe$ i%%e$ia"el& '& "he
las" )erson who% an&one ha$ e1)ec"e$ or wishe$ "o see: "he La$& of "he 6reen !ir"le, "he
=#een of n$erlan$. She s"oo$ $ea$ s"ill in "he $oorwa&, an$ "he& co#l$ see her e&es
%o+in( as she "oo, in "he whole si"#a"ion * "he "hree s"ran(ers, "he sil+er chair $es"ro&e$,
an$ "he Prince free, wi"h his swor$ in his han$.
She "#rne$ +er& whi"e0 '#" >ill "ho#(h" i" was "he sor" of whi"eness "ha" co%es o+er so%e
)eo)le2s faces no" when "he& are fri(h"ene$ '#" when "he& are an(r&. 7or a %o%en" "he
Wi"ch fi1e$ her e&es on "he Prince, an$ "here was %#r$er in "he%. Then she see%e$ "o
chan(e her %in$.
3Lea+e #s,3 she sai$ "o "he "wo Ear"h%en. 3An$ le" none $is"#r' #s "ill I call, on )ain of
$ea"h.3 The (no%es )a$$e$ awa& o'e$ien"l&, an$ "he Wi"ch*9#een sh#" an$ loc,e$ "he
3How now, %& lor$ Prince,3 she sai$. 3Has &o#r ni(h"l& fi" no" &e" co%e #)on &o#, or is i"
o+er so soon5 Wh& s"an$ &o# here #n'o#n$5 Who are "hese aliens5 An$ is i" "he& who ha+e
$es"ro&e$ "he chair which was &o#r onl& safe"&53
Prince Rilian shi+ere$ as she s)o,e "o hi%. An$ no won$er: i" is no" eas& "o "hrow off in
half an ho#r an enchan"%en" which has %a$e one a sla+e for "en &ears. Then, s)ea,in( wi"h
a (rea" effor", he sai$:
3-a$a%, "here will 'e no %ore nee$ of "ha" chair. An$ &o#, who ha+e "ol$ %e a h#n$re$
"i%es how $ee)l& &o# )i"ie$ %e for "he sorceries '& which I was 'o#n$, will $o#'"less hear
wi"h 8o& "ha" "he& are now en$e$ for e+er. There was, i" see%s, so%e s%all error in &o#r
La$&shi)2s wa& of "rea"in( "he%. These, %& "r#e frien$s, ha+e $eli+ere$ %e. I a% now in
%& ri(h" %in$, an$ "here are "wo "hin(s I will sa& "o &o#. 7irs" * as for &o#r La$&shi)2s
$esi(n of )#""in( %e a" "he hea$ of an ar%& of Ear"h%en so "ha" I %a& 'rea, o#" in"o "he
O+erworl$ an$ "here, '& %ain force, %a,e %&self ,in( o+er so%e na"ion "ha" ne+er $i$ %e
wron( * %#r$erin( "heir na"#ral lor$s an$ hol$in( "heir "hrone as a 'loo$& an$ forei(n
"&ran" * now "ha" I ,now %&self, I $o #""erl& a'hor an$ reno#nce i" as )lain +illain&. An$
secon$: I a% "he !in(2s son of Narnia, Rilian, "he onl& chil$ of Cas)ian, Ten"h of "ha"
na%e, who% so%e call Cas)ian "he Seafarer. Therefore, -a$a%, i" is %& )#r)ose, as i" is
also %& $#"&, "o $e)ar" s#$$enl& fro% &o#r Hi(hness2s co#r" in"o %& own co#n"r&. Please i"
&o# "o (ran" %e an$ %& frien$s safe con$#c" an$ a (#i$e "hro#(h &o#r $ar, real%.3
Now "he Wi"ch sai$ no"hin( a" all, '#" %o+e$ (en"l& across "he roo%, alwa&s ,ee)in( her
face an$ e&es +er& s"ea$il& "owar$s "he Prince. When she ha$ co%e "o a li""le ar, se" in "he
wall no" far fro% "he fire)lace, she o)ene$ i", an$ "oo, o#" firs" a han$f#l of a (reen
)ow$er. This she "hrew on "he fire. I" $i$ no" 'la<e %#ch, '#" a +er& swee" an$ $rows&
s%ell ca%e fro% i". An$ all "hro#(h "he con+ersa"ion which followe$, "ha" s%ell (rew
s"ron(er, an$ fille$ "he roo%, an$ %a$e i" har$er "o "hin,. Secon$l&, she "oo, o#" a %#sical
ins"r#%en" ra"her li,e a %an$olin. She 'e(an "o )la& i" wi"h her fin(ers * a s"ea$&,
%ono"ono#s "hr#%%in( "ha" &o# $i$n2" no"ice af"er a few %in#"es. B#" "he less &o# no"ice$
i", "he %ore i" (o" in"o &o#r 'rain an$ &o#r 'loo$. This also %a$e i" har$ "o "hin,. Af"er she
ha$ "hr#%%e$ for a "i%e .an$ "he swee" s%ell was now s"ron(/ she 'e(an s)ea,in( in a
swee", 9#ie" +oice.
3Narnia53 she sai$. 3Narnia5 I ha+e of"en hear$ &o#r Lor$shi) #""er "ha" na%e in &o#r
ra+in(s. Dear Prince, &o# are +er& sic,. There is no lan$ calle$ Narnia.3
3Yes "here is, "ho#(h, -a2a%,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Yo# see, I ha))en "o ha+e li+e$ "here all
%& life.3
3In$ee$,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3Tell %e, I )ra& &o#, where "ha" co#n"r& is53
3) "here,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, s"o#"l&, )oin"in( o+erhea$. 3I * I $on2" ,now e1ac"l& where.3
3How53 sai$ "he =#een, wi"h a ,in$, sof", %#sical la#(h. 3Is "here a co#n"r& #) a%on( "he
s"ones an$ %or"ar of "he roof53
3No,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, s"r#((lin( a li""le "o (e" his 'rea"h. 3I"2s in O+erworl$.3
3An$ wha", or where, )ra& is "his . . . how $o &o# call i". . . O+erworl$53
3Oh, $on2" 'e so sill&,3 sai$ Scr#'', who was fi(h"in( har$ a(ains" "he enchan"%en" of "he
swee" s%ell an$ "he "hr#%%in(. 3As if &o# $i$n2" ,now4 I"2s #) a'o+e, #) where &o# can
see "he s,& an$ "he s#n an$ "he s"ars. Wh&, &o#2+e 'een "here &o#rself. We %e" &o# "here.3
3I cr& &o# %erc&, li""le 'ro"her,3 la#(he$ "he Wi"ch .&o# co#l$n2" ha+e hear$ a lo+elier
la#(h/. 3I ha+e no %e%or& of "ha" %ee"in(. B#" we of"en %ee" o#r frien$s in s"ran(e )laces
when we $rea%. An$ #nless all $rea%e$ ali,e, &o# %#s" no" as, "he% "o re%e%'er i".3
3-a$a%,3 sai$ "he Prince s"ernl&, 3I ha+e alrea$& "ol$ &o#r 6race "ha" I a% "he !in(2s son
of Narnia.3
3An$ shal" 'e, $ear frien$,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch in a soo"hin( +oice, as if she was h#%o#rin( a
chil$, 3shal" 'e ,in( of %an& i%a(ine$ lan$s in "h& fancies.3
3We2+e 'een "here, "oo,3 sna))e$ >ill. She was +er& an(r& 'eca#se she co#l$ feel
enchan"%en" (e""in( hol$ of her e+er& %o%en". B#" of co#rse "he +er& fac" "ha" she co#l$
s"ill feel i", showe$ "ha" i" ha$ no" &e" f#ll& wor,e$.
3An$ "ho# ar" =#een of Narnia "oo, I $o#'" no", )re""& one,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch in "he sa%e
coa1in(, half*%oc,in( "one.
3I2% no"hin( of "he sor",3 sai$ >ill, s"a%)in( her foo". 3We co%e fro% ano"her worl$.3
3Wh&, "his is a )re""ier (a%e "han "he o"her,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3Tell #s, li""le %ai$, where is
"his o"her worl$5 Wha" shi)s an$ chario"s (o 'e"ween i" an$ o#rs53
Of co#rse a lo" of "hin(s $ar"e$ in"o >ill2s hea$ a" once: E1)eri%en" Ho#se, A$ela
Penn&fa"her, her own ho%e, ra$io*se"s, cine%as, cars, aero)lanes, ra"ion*'oo,s, 9#e#es.
B#" "he& see%e$ $i% an$ far awa&. .Thr#% "hr#% * "hr#% * wen" "he s"rin(s of "he Wi"ch2s
ins"r#%en"./ >ill co#l$n2" re%e%'er "he na%es of "he "hin(s in o#r worl$. An$ "his "i%e i"
$i$n2" co%e in"o her hea$ "ha" she was 'ein( enchan"e$, for now "he %a(ic was in i"s f#ll
s"ren("h0 an$ of co#rse, "he %ore enchan"e$ &o# (e", "he %ore cer"ain &o# feel "ha" &o# are
no" enchan"e$ a" all. She fo#n$ herself sa&in( .an$ a" "he %o%en" i" was a relief "o sa&/:
3No. I s#))ose "ha" o"her worl$ %#s" 'e all a $rea%.3
3Yes. I" is all a $rea%,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch, alwa&s "hr#%%in(.
3Yes, all a $rea%,3 sai$ >ill.
3There ne+er was s#ch a worl$,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch.
3No,3 sai$ >ill an$ Scr#'', 3ne+er was s#ch a worl$.3
3There ne+er was an& worl$ '#" %ine,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch.
3There ne+er was an& worl$ '#" &o#rs,3 sai$ "he&.
P#$$le(l#% was s"ill fi(h"in( har$. 3I $on2" ,now ri(h"l& wha" &o# all %ean '& a worl$,3 he
sai$, "al,in( li,e a %an who hasn2" eno#(h air. 3B#" &o# can )la& "ha" fi$$le "ill &o#r
fin(ers $ro) off, an$ s"ill &o# won2" %a,e %e for(e" Narnia0 an$ "he whole O+erworl$ "oo.
We2ll ne+er see i" a(ain, I sho#l$n2" won$er. Yo# %a& ha+e 'lo""e$ i" o#" an$ "#rne$ i" $ar,
li,e "his, for all I ,now. No"hin( %ore li,el&. B#" I ,now I was "here once. I2+e seen "he s,&
f#ll of s"ars. I2+e seen "he s#n co%in( #) o#" of "he sea of a %ornin( an$ sin,in( 'ehin$ "he
%o#n"ains a" ni(h". An$ I2+e seen hi% #) in "he %i$$a& s,& when I co#l$n2" loo, a" hi% for
P#$$le(l#%2s wor$s ha$ a +er& ro#sin( effec". The o"her "hree all 'rea"he$ a(ain an$
loo,e$ a" one ano"her li,e )eo)le newl& awa,e$.
3Wh&, "here i" is43 crie$ "he Prince. 3Of co#rse4 The 'lessin( of Aslan #)on "his hones"
-arsh*wi((le. We ha+e all 'een $rea%in(, "hese las" few %in#"es. How co#l$ we ha+e
for(o""en i"5 Of co#rse we2+e all seen "he s#n.3
3B& >o+e, so we ha+e43 sai$ Scr#''. 36oo$ for &o#, P#$$le(l#%4 Yo#2re "he onl& one of #s
wi"h an& sense, I $o 'elie+e.3
Then ca%e "he Wi"ch2s +oice, cooin( sof"l& li,e "he +oice of a woo$*)i(eon fro% "he hi(h
el%s in an ol$ (ar$en a" "hree o2cloc, in "he %i$$le of a slee)&, s#%%er af"ernoon0 an$ i"
3Wha" is "his s#n "ha" &o# all s)ea, of5 Do &o# %ean an&"hin( '& "he wor$53
3Yes, we 8oll& well $o,3 sai$ Scr#''.
3Can &o# "ell %e wha" i"2s li,e53 as,e$ "he Wi"ch ."hr#%, "hr#%, "hr#%, wen" "he s"rin(s/.
3Please i" &o#r 6race,3 sai$ "he Prince, +er& col$l& an$ )oli"el&. 3Yo# see "ha" la%). I" is
ro#n$ an$ &ellow an$ (i+es li(h" "o "he whole roo%0 an$ han(e"h %oreo+er fro% "he roof.
Now "ha" "hin( which we call "he s#n is li,e "he la%), onl& far (rea"er an$ 'ri(h"er. I"
(i+e"h li(h" "o "he whole O+erworl$ an$ han(e"h in "he s,&.3
3Han(e"h fro% wha", %& lor$53 as,e$ "he Wi"ch0 an$ "hen, while "he& were all s"ill "hin,in(
how "o answer her, she a$$e$, wi"h ano"her of her sof", sil+er la#(hs: 3Yo# see5 When &o#
"r& "o "hin, o#" clearl& wha" "his s#n %#s" 'e, &o# canno" "ell %e. Yo# can onl& "ell %e i" is
li,e "he la%). Yo#r s#n is a $rea%0 an$ "here is no"hin( in "ha" $rea% "ha" was no" co)ie$
fro% "he la%). The la%) is "he real "hin(0 "he s#n is '#" a "ale, a chil$ren2s s"or&.3
3Yes, I see now,3 sai$ >ill in a hea+&, ho)eless "one. 3I" %#s" 'e so.3 An$ while she sai$
"his, i" see%e$ "o her "o 'e +er& (oo$ sense.
Slowl& an$ (ra+el& "he Wi"ch re)ea"e$, 3There is no s#n.3 An$ "he& all sai$ no"hin(. She
re)ea"e$, in a sof"er an$ $ee)er +oice. 3There is no s#n.3 Af"er a )a#se, an$ af"er a s"r#((le
in "heir %in$s, all fo#r of "he% sai$ "o(e"her. 3Yo# are ri(h". There is no s#n.3 I" was s#ch a
relief "o (i+e in an$ sa& i".
3There ne+er was a s#n,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch.
3No. There ne+er was a s#n,3 sai$ "he Prince, an$ "he -arsh*wi((le, an$ "he chil$ren.
7or "he las" few %in#"es >ill ha$ 'een feelin( "ha" "here was so%e"hin( she %#s" re%e%'er
a" all cos"s. An$ now she $i$. B#" i" was $rea$f#ll& har$ "o sa& i". She fel" as if
h#(e wei(h"s were lai$ on her li)s. A" las", wi"h an effor" "ha" see%e$ "o "a,e all "he (oo$
o#" of her, she sai$:
3There2s Aslan.3
3Aslan53 sai$ "he Wi"ch, 9#ic,enin( e+er so sli(h"l& "he )ace of her "hr#%%in(. 3Wha" a
)re""& na%e4 Wha" $oes i" %ean53
3He is "he (rea" Lion who calle$ #s o#" of o#r own worl$,3 sai$ Scr#'', 3an$ sen" #s in"o
"his "o fin$ Prince Rilian.3
3Wha" is a lion53 as,e$ "he Wi"ch.
3Oh, han( i" all43 sai$ Scr#''. 3Don2" &o# ,now5 How can we $escri'e i" "o her5 Ha+e &o#
e+er seen a ca"53
3S#rel&,3 sai$ "he =#een. 3I lo+e ca"s.3
3Well, a lion is a li""le 'i" * onl& a li""le 'i", %in$ &o# li,e a h#(e ca" * wi"h a %ane. A" leas",
i"2s no" li,e a horse2s %ane, &o# ,now, i"2s %ore li,e a 8#$(e2s wi(. An$ i"2s &ellow. An$
"errificall& s"ron(.3
The Wi"ch shoo, her hea$. 3I see,3 she sai$, 3"ha" we sho#l$ $o no 'e""er wi"h &o#r lion, as
&o# call i", "han we $i$ wi"h &o#r s#n. Yo# ha+e seen la%)s, an$ so &o# i%a(ine$ a 'i((er
an$ 'e""er la%) an$ calle$ i" "he s#n. Yo#2+e seen ca"s, an$ now &o# wan" a 'i((er an$
'e""er ca", an$ i"2s "o 'e calle$ a lion. Well, 2"is a )re""& %a,e'elie+e, "ho#(h, "o sa& "r#"h, i"
wo#l$ s#i" &o# all 'e""er if &o# were &o#n(er. An$ loo, how &o# can )#" no"hin( in"o &o#r
%a,e*'elie+e wi"ho#" co)&in( i" fro% "he real worl$, "his worl$ of %ine, which is "he onl&
worl$. B#" e+en &o# chil$ren are "oo ol$ for s#ch )la&. As for &o#, %& lor$ Prince, "ha" ar"
a %an f#ll (rown, fie #)on &o#4 Are &o# no" asha%e$ of s#ch "o&s5 Co%e, all of &o#. P#"
awa& "hese chil$ish "ric,s. I ha+e wor, for &o# all in "he real worl$. There is no Narnia, no
O+erworl$, no s,&, no s#n, no Aslan. An$ now, "o 'e$ all. An$ le" #s 'e(in a wiser life
"o%orrow. B#", firs", "o 'e$0 "o slee)0 $ee) slee), sof" )illows, slee) wi"ho#" foolish
The Prince an$ "he "wo chil$ren were s"an$in( wi"h "heir hea$s h#n( $own, "heir chee,s
fl#she$, "heir e&es half close$0 "he s"ren("h all (one fro% "he%0 "he enchan"%en" al%os"
co%)le"e. B#" P#$$le(l#%, $es)era"el& (a"herin( all his s"ren("h, wal,e$ o+er "o "he fire.
Then he $i$ a +er& 'ra+e "hin(. He ,new i" wo#l$n2" h#r" hi% 9#i"e as %#ch as i" wo#l$
h#r" a h#%an0 for his fee" .which were 'are/ were we''e$ an$ har$ an$ col$'loo$e$ li,e a
$#c,2s. B#" he ,new i" wo#l$ h#r" hi% 'a$l& eno#(h0 an$ so i" $i$. Wi"h his 'are foo" he
s"a%)e$ on "he fire, (rin$in( a lar(e )ar" of i" in"o ashes on "he fla" hear"h. An$ "hree "hin(s
ha))ene$ a" once.
7irs", "he swee" hea+& s%ell (rew +er& %#ch less. 7or "ho#(h "he whole fire ha$ no" 'een
)#" o#", a (oo$ 'i" of i" ha$, an$ wha" re%aine$ s%elle$ +er& lar(el& of '#rn" -arsh*
wi((le, which is no" a" all an enchan"in( s%ell. This ins"an"l& %a$e e+er&one2s 'rain far
clearer. The Prince an$ "he chil$ren hel$ #) "heir hea$s a(ain an$ o)ene$ "heir e&es.
Secon$l&, "he Wi"ch, in a lo#$, "erri'le +oice, #""erl& $ifferen" fro% all "he swee" "ones she
ha$ 'een #sin( #) "ill now, calle$ o#", 3Wha" are &o# $oin(5 Dare "o "o#ch %& fire a(ain,
%#$*fil"h, an$ I2ll "#rn "he 'loo$ "o fire insi$e &o#r +eins.3
Thir$l&, "he )ain i"self %a$e P#$$le(l#%2s hea$ for a %o%en" )erfec"l& clear an$ he ,new
e1ac"l& wha" he reall& "ho#(h". There is no"hin( li,e a (oo$ shoc, of )ain for $issol+in(
cer"ain ,in$s of %a(ic.
3One wor$, -a2a%,3 he sai$, co%in( 'ac, fro% "he fire0 li%)in(, 'eca#se of "he )ain. 3One
wor$. All &o#2+e 'een sa&in( is 9#i"e ri(h", I sho#l$n2" won$er. I2% a cha) who alwa&s
li,e$ "o ,now "he wors" an$ "hen )#" "he 'es" face I can on i". So I won2" $en& an& of wha"
&o# sai$. B#" "here2s one "hin( %ore "o 'e sai$, e+en so. S#))ose we ha+e onl& $rea%e$, or
%a$e #), all "hose "hin(s * "rees an$ (rass an$ s#n an$ %oon an$ s"ars an$ Aslan hi%self.
S#))ose we ha+e. Then all I can sa& is "ha", in "ha" case, "he %a$e*#) "hin(s see% a (oo$
$eal %ore i%)or"an" "han "he real ones. S#))ose "his 'lac, )i" of a ,in($o% of &o#rs is "he
onl& worl$. Well, i" s"ri,es %e as a )re""& )oor one. An$ "ha"2s a f#nn& "hin(, when &o#
co%e "o "hin, of i". We2re 8#s" 'a'ies %a,in( #) a (a%e, if &o#2re ri(h". B#" fo#r 'a'ies
)la&in( a (a%e can %a,e a )la&worl$ which lic,s &o#r real worl$ hollow. Tha"2s wh& I2%
(oin( "o s"an$ '& "he )la&*worl$. I2% on Aslan2s si$e e+en if "here isn2" an& Aslan "o lea$ i".
I2% (oin( "o li+e as li,e a Narnian as I can e+en if "here isn2" an& Narnia. So, "han,in( &o#
,in$l& for o#r s#))er, if "hese "wo (en"le%en an$ "he &o#n( la$& are rea$&, we2re lea+in(
&o#r co#r" a" once an$ se""in( o#" in "he $ar, "o s)en$ o#r li+es loo,in( for O+erlan$. No"
"ha" o#r li+es will 'e +er& lon(, I sho#l$ "hin,0 '#" "ha"2s a s%all loss if "he worl$2s as $#ll a
)lace as &o# sa&.3
3Oh, h#rrah4 6oo$ ol$ P#$$le(l#%43 crie$ Scr#'' an$ >ill. B#" "he Prince sho#"e$
s#$$enl&, 3Ware4 Loo, "o "he Wi"ch.3
When "he& $i$ loo, "heir hair nearl& s"oo$ on en$.
The ins"r#%en" $ro))e$ fro% her han$s. Her ar%s a))eare$ "o 'e fas"ene$ "o her si$es. Her
le(s were in"er"wine$ wi"h each o"her, an$ her fee" ha$ $isa))eare$. The lon( (reen "rain of
her s,ir" "hic,ene$ an$ (rew soli$, an$ see%e$ "o 'e all one )iece wi"h "he wri"hin( (reen
)illar of her in"erloc,e$ le(s. An$ "ha" wri"hin( (reen )illar was c#r+in( an$ swa&in( as if
i" ha$ no 8oin"s, or else were all 8oin"s. Her hea$ was "hrown far 'ac, an$ while her nose
(rew lon(er an$ lon(er, e+er& o"her )ar" of her face see%e$ "o $isa))ear, e1ce)" her e&es.
H#(e fla%in( e&es "he& were now, wi"ho#" 'rows or lashes. All "his "a,es "i%e "o wri"e
$own0 i" ha))ene$ so 9#ic,l& "ha" "here was onl& 8#s" "i%e "o see i". Lon( 'efore "here was
"i%e "o $o an&"hin(, "he chan(e was co%)le"e, an$ "he (rea" ser)en" which "he Wi"ch ha$
'eco%e, (reen as )oison, "hic, as >ill2s wais", ha$ fl#n( "wo or "hree coils of i"s loa"hso%e
'o$& ro#n$ "he Prince2s le(s. =#ic, as li(h"nin( ano"her (rea" loo) $ar"e$ ro#n$, in"en$in(
"o )inion his swor$*ar% "o his si$e. B#" "he Prince was
8#s" in "i%e. He raise$ his ar%s an$ (o" "he% clear: "he li+in( ,no" close$ onl& ro#n$ his
ches" * rea$& "o crac, his ri's li,e firewoo$ when i" $rew "i(h".
The Prince ca#(h" "he crea"#re2s nec, in his lef" han$, "r&in( "o s9#ee<e i" "ill i" cho,e$.
This hel$ i"s face .if &o# co#l$ call i" a face/ a'o#" fi+e inches fro% his own. The for,e$
"on(#e flic,ere$ horri'l& in an$ o#", '#" co#l$ no" reach hi%. Wi"h his ri(h" han$ he $rew
'ac, his swor$ for "he s"ron(es" 'low he co#l$ (i+e. -eanwhile Scr#'' an$ P#$$le(l#%
ha$ $rawn "heir wea)ons an$ r#she$ "o his ai$. All "hree 'lows fell a" once: Scr#''2s
.which $i$ no" e+en )ierce "he scales an$ $i$ no (oo$/ on "he 'o$& of "he sna,e 'elow "he
Prince2s han$, '#" "he Prince2s own 'low an$ P#$$le(l#%2s 'o"h on i"s nec,. E+en "ha" $i$
no" 9#i"e ,ill i", "ho#(h i" 'e(an "o loosen i"s hol$ on Rilian2s le(s an$ ches". Wi"h re)ea"e$
'lows "he& hac,e$ off i"s hea$. The horri'le "hin( wen" on coilin( an$ %o+in( li,e a 'i" of
wire lon( af"er i" ha$ $ie$0 an$ "he floor, as &o# %a& i%a(ine, was a nas"& %ess.
The Prince, when he ha$ 'rea"h, sai$, 36en"le%en, I "han, &o#.3 Then "he "hree con9#erors
s"oo$ s"arin( a" one ano"her an$ )an"in(, wi"ho#" ano"her wor$, for a lon( "i%e. >ill ha$
+er& wisel& sa" $own an$ was ,ee)in( 9#ie"0 she was sa&in( "o herself, 3I $o ho)e I $on2"
fain" or 'l#' * or $o an&"hin( i$io"ic.3
3-& ro&al %o"her is a+en(e$,3 sai$ Rilian )resen"l&. 3This is #n$o#'"e$l& "he sa%e wor%
"ha" I )#rs#e$ in +ain '& "he fo#n"ain in "he fores" of Narnia, so %an& &ears a(o. All "hese
&ears I ha+e 'een "he sla+e of %& %o"her2s sla&er. Ye" I a% (la$, (en"le%en, "ha" "he fo#l
Wi"ch "oo, "o her ser)en" for% a" "he las". I" wo#l$ no" ha+e s#i"e$ well ei"her wi"h %&
hear" or wi"h %& hono#r "o ha+e slain a wo%an. B#" loo, "o "he la$&.3 He %ean" >ill.
3I2% all ri(h", "han,s,3 sai$ she.
3Da%sel,3 sai$ "he Prince, 'owin( "o her. 3Yo# are of a hi(h co#ra(e, an$ "herefore, I $o#'"
no", &o# co%e of a no'le 'loo$ in &o#r own worl$. B#" co%e, frien$s. Here is so%e wine
lef". Le" #s refresh o#rsel+es an$ each )le$(e his fellows. Af"er "ha", "o o#r )lans.3
3A 8oll& (oo$ i$ea, Sir,3 sai$ Scr#''.
ALL fel" "ha" "he& ha$ earne$ wha" Scr#'' calle$ a 3'rea"her3. The Wi"ch ha$ loc,e$ "he
$oor an$ "ol$ "he Ear"h%en no" "o $is"#r' her, so "here was no $an(er of in"err#)"ion for
"he )resen". Their firs" '#siness was, of co#rse, P#$$le(l#%2s '#rn" foo". A co#)le of clean
shir"s fro% "he Prince2s 'e$roo%, "orn in"o s"ri)s, an$ well (rease$ on "he insi$e wi"h '#""er
an$ sala$ oil off "he s#))er "a'le, %a$e a fairl& (oo$ $ressin(. When "his ha$ 'een a))lie$,
"he& all sa" $own an$ ha$ a li""le refresh%en", an$ $isc#sse$ )lans for esca)in( fro% "he
Rilian e1)laine$ "ha" "here were 9#i"e a lo" of o#"le"s '& which one co#l$ (e" "o "he s#rface0
he ha$ 'een "a,en o#" "hro#(h %os" of "he% a" one "i%e or ano"her. B#" he ha$ ne+er (one
o#" alone, onl& wi"h "he Wi"ch0 an$ he ha$ alwa&s reache$ "hese o#"le"s '& (oin( in a shi)
across "he S#nless Sea. Wha" "he Ear"h%en wo#l$ sa& if he wen" $own "o "he har'o#r
wi"ho#" "he Wi"ch, an$ wi"h fo#r s"ran(ers, an$ si%)l& or$ere$ a shi), no one co#l$ (#ess.
B#" %os" li,el& "he& wo#l$ as, aw,war$ 9#es"ions. On "he o"her han$ "he new o#"le", "he
one for "he in+asion of O+erworl$, was on "his si$e of "he sea, an$ onl& a few %iles awa&.
The Prince ,new "ha" i" was nearl& finishe$0 onl& a few fee" of ear"h $i+i$e$ "he $i((in(s
fro% "he o#"er air. I" was e+en )ossi'le "ha" i" ha$ now 'een 9#i"e finishe$. Perha)s "he
Wi"ch ha$ co%e 'ac, "o "ell hi% "his an$ "o s"ar" "he a""ac,. E+en if i" was no", "he& co#l$
)ro'a'l& $i( "he%sel+es o#" '& "ha" ro#"e in a few ho#rs * if "he& co#l$ onl& (e" "here
wi"ho#" 'ein( s"o))e$, an$ if onl& "he& fo#n$ "he $i((in(s #n(#ar$e$. B#" "hose were "he
3If &o# as, %e *3 'e(an P#$$le(l#%, when Scr#'' in"err#)"e$.
3I sa&,3 he as,e$, 3wha"2s "ha" noise53
3I2+e 'een won$erin( "ha" for so%e "i%e43 sai$ >ill.
The& ha$ all, in fac", 'een hearin( "he noise '#" i" ha$ 'e(#n an$ increase$ so (ra$#all&
"ha" "he& $i$ no" ,now when "he& ha$ firs" no"ice$ i". 7or a "i%e i" ha$ 'een onl& a +a(#e
$is9#ie" li,e (en"le win$s, or "raffic +er& far awa&. Then i" swelle$ "o a %#r%#r li,e "he
sea. Then ca%e r#%'lin(s an$ r#shin(s. Now "here see%e$ "o 'e +oices as well an$ also a
s"ea$& roarin( "ha" was no" +oices.
3B& "he Lion,3 sai$ Prince Rilian, 3i" see%s "his silen" lan$ has fo#n$ a "on(#e a" las".3 He
rose, wal,e$ "o "he win$ow, an$ $rew asi$e "he c#r"ains. The o"hers crow$e$ ro#n$ hi% "o
loo, o#".
The +er& firs" "hin( "he& no"ice$ was a (rea" re$ (low. I"s reflec"ion %a$e a re$ )a"ch on "he
roof of "he n$erworl$ "ho#san$s of fee" a'o+e "he%, so "ha" "he& co#l$ see a roc,& ceilin(
which ha$ )erha)s 'een hi$$en in $ar,ness e+er since "he worl$ was %a$e. The (low i"self
ca%e fro% "he far si$e of "he ci"& so "ha" %an& '#il$in(s, (ri% an$ (rea", s"oo$ #) 'lac,l&
a(ains" i". B#" i" also cas" i"s li(h" $own %an& s"ree"s "ha" ran fro% i" "owar$s "he cas"le.
An$ in "hose s"ree"s so%e"hin( +er& s"ran(e was (oin( on. The closel&*)ac,e$, silen"
crow$s of Ear"h%en ha$ +anishe$. Ins"ea$, "here were fi(#res $ar"in( a'o#" '& ones, or
"wos, or "hrees. The& 'eha+e$ li,e )eo)le who $o no" wan" "o 'e seen: l#r,in( in sha$ow
'ehin$ '#""resses or in $oorwa&s, an$ "hen %o+in( 9#ic,l& across "he o)en in"o fresh
)laces of hi$in(. B#" "he s"ran(es" "hin( of all, "o an&one who
,new "he (no%es, was "he noise. Sho#"s an$ cries ca%e fro% all $irec"ions. B#" fro% "he
har'o#r "here ca%e a low, r#%'lin( roar which (rew s"ea$il& lo#$er an$ was alrea$&
sha,in( "he whole ci"&.
3Wha"2s ha))ene$ "o "he Ear"h%en53 sai$ Scr#''. 3Is i" "he% sho#"in(53
32Tis har$l& )ossi'le,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3I ne+er hear$ one of "he rascals so %#ch as s)ea,
wi"h a lo#$ +oice in all "he wear& &ears of %& 'on$a(e. So%e new $e+ilr&, I $on2" $o#'".3
3An$ wha" is "ha" re$ li(h" o+er "here53 as,e$ >ill. 3Is so%e"hin( on fire53
3If &o# as, %e,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, 3I sho#l$ sa& "ha" was "he cen"ral fires of "he Ear"h
'rea,in( o#" "o %a,e a new +olcano. We2ll 'e in "he %i$$le of i", I sho#l$n2" won$er.3
3Loo, a" "ha" shi)43 sai$ Scr#''. 3Wh&2s i" co%in( on so 9#ic,l&5 No one2s rowin( i".3
3Loo,, loo,43 sai$ "he Prince. 3The shi) is alrea$& far "his si$e of "he har'o#r * i" is in "he
s"ree". Loo,4 All "he shi)s are $ri+in( in"o "he ci"&4 B& %& hea$, "he sea2s risin(. The floo$
is #)on #s. Aslan 'e )raise$, "his cas"le s"an$s on hi(h (ro#n$. B#" "he wa"er co%es on
(ri%l& fas".3
3Oh, wha" can 'e ha))enin(53 crie$ >ill. 37ire an$ wa"er an$ all "hose )eo)le $o$(in( a'o#"
"he s"ree"s.3
3I2ll "ell &o# wha" i" is,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Tha" Wi"ch has lai$ a "rain of %a(ic s)ells so
"ha" whene+er she was ,ille$, a" "ha" sa%e %o%en" her whole ,in($o% wo#l$ fall "o )ieces.
She2s "he sor" "ha" wo#l$n2" so %#ch %in$ $&in( herself if she ,new "ha" "he cha) who
,ille$ her was (oin( "o 'e '#rne$, or '#rie$, or $rowne$ fi+e %in#"es la"er.3
3Has" hi" i", frien$ wi((le,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3When o#r swor$s hac,e$ off "he Wi"ch2s hea$,
"ha" s"ro,e en$e$ all her %a(ic wor,s, an$ now "he Dee) Lan$s are fallin( "o )ieces. We
are loo,in( on "he en$ of n$erworl$.3
3Tha"2s i", Sir,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3nless i" sho#l$ ha))en "o 'e "he en$ of "he whole
3B#" are we 8#s" (oin( "o s"a& here an$ * wai"53 (as)e$ >ill.
3No" '& %& co#nsel,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3I wo#l$ sa+e %& horse, Coal'lac,, an$ "he Wi"ch2s
Snowfla,e .a no'le 'eas" an$ wor"h& of a 'e""er %is"ress/ which are 'o"h s"a'le$ in "he
co#r"&ar$. Af"er "ha", le" #s %a,e shif" "o (e" o#" "o hi(h (ro#n$ an$ )ra& "ha" we shall fin$
an o#"le". The horses can carr& "wo each a" nee$, an$ if we )#" "he% "o i" "he& %a& o#"s"ri)
"he floo$.3
3Will &o#r Hi(hness no" )#" on ar%o#r53 as,e$ P#$$le(l#%. 3I $on2" li,e "he loo, of "hose3
* an$ he )oin"e$ $own "o "he s"ree". E+er&one loo,e$ $own. Do<ens of crea"#res
.an$ now "ha" "he& were close, "he& o'+io#sl& were Ear"h%en/ were co%in( #) fro% "he
$irec"ion of "he har'o#r. B#" "he& were no" %o+in( li,e an ai%less crow$. The& 'eha+e$
li,e %o$ern sol$iers in an a""ac,, %a,in( r#shes an$ "a,in( co+er, an1io#s no" "o 'e seen
fro% "he cas"le win$ows.
3I $are no" see "he insi$e of "ha" ar%o#r a(ain,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3I ro$e in i" as in a %o+a'le
$#n(eon, an$ i" s"in,s of %a(ic an$ sla+er&. B#" I will "a,e "he shiel$.3
He lef" "he roo% an$ re"#rne$ wi"h a s"ran(e li(h" in his e&es a %o%en" la"er.
3Loo,, frien$s,3 he sai$, hol$in( o#" "he shiel$ "owar$s "he%. 3An ho#r a(o i" was 'lac,
an$ wi"ho#" $e+ice0 an$ now, "his.3 The shiel$ ha$ "#rne$ 'ri(h" as sil+er, an$ on i", re$$er
"han 'loo$ or cherries, was "he fi(#re of "he Lion.
3Do#'"less,3 sai$ "he Prince, 3"his si(nifies "ha" Aslan will 'e o#r (oo$ lor$, whe"her he
%eans #s "o li+e or $ie. An$ all2s one, for "ha". Now, '& %& co#nsel, we shall all ,neel an$
,iss his li,eness, an$ "hen all sha,e han$s one wi"h ano"her, as "r#e frien$s "ha" %a& shor"l&
'e )ar"e$. An$ "hen, le" #s $escen$ in"o "he ci"& an$ "a,e "he a$+en"#re "ha" is sen" #s.3
An$ "he& all $i$ as "he Prince ha$ sai$. B#" when Scr#'' shoo, han$s wi"h >ill, he sai$, 3So
lon(, >ill. Sorr& I2+e 'een a f#n, an$ so ra""&. I ho)e &o# (e" safe ho%e,3 an$ >ill sai$, 3So
lon(, E#s"ace. An$ I2% sorr& I2+e 'een s#ch a )i(.3 An$ "his was "he firs" "i%e "he& ha$ e+er
#se$ Chris"ian na%es, 'eca#se one $i$n2" $o i" a" school.
The Prince #nloc,e$ "he $oor an$ "he& all wen" $own "he s"airs: "hree of "he% wi"h $rawn
swor$s, an$ >ill wi"h $rawn ,nife. The a""en$an"s ha$ +anishe$ an$ "he (rea" roo% a" "he
foo" of "he Prince2s s"airs was e%)"&. The (re&, $olef#l la%)s were s"ill '#rnin( an$ '&
"heir li(h" "he& ha$ no $iffic#l"& in )assin( (aller& af"er (aller& an$ $escen$in( s"airwa&
af"er s"airwa&. The noises fro% o#"si$e "he cas"le were no" so easil& hear$ here as "he& ha$
'een in "he roo% a'o+e. Insi$e "he ho#se all was s"ill as $ea"h, an$ $eser"e$. I" was as "he&
"#rne$ a corner in"o "he (rea" hall on "he (ro#n$ floor "ha" "he& %e" "heir firs" Ear"h%an * a
fa", whi"ish crea"#re wi"h a +er& )i(li,e face who was (o''lin( #) all "he re%ains of foo$
on "he "a'les. I" s9#eale$ ."he s9#eal also was +er& li,e a )i(2s/ an$ $ar"e$ #n$er a 'ench,
whis,in( i"s lon( "ail o#" of P#$$le(l#%2s reach in "he nic, of "i%e. Then i" r#she$ awa&
"hro#(h "he far $oor "oo 9#ic,l& "o 'e followe$.
7ro% "he hall "he& ca%e o#" in"o "he co#r"&ar$. >ill, who wen" "o a ri$in( school in "he
holi$a&s, ha$ 8#s" no"ice$ "he s%ell of a s"a'le .a +er& nice, hones", ho%el& s%ell i" is "o
%ee" in a )lace li,e n$erlan$/ when E#s"ace sai$, 36rea" Sco""4 Loo, a" "ha"43 A
%a(nificen" roc,e" ha$ risen fro% so%ewhere 'e&on$ "he cas"le walls an$ 'ro,en in"o
(reen s"ars.
37irewor,s43 sai$ >ill in a )#<<le$ +oice.
3Yes,3 sai$ E#s"ace, 3'#" &o# can2" i%a(ine "hose Ear"h )eo)le le""in( "he% off for f#n4 I"
%#s" 'e a si(nal.3
3An$ %eans no (oo$ "o #s, I2ll 'e 'o#n$,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
37rien$s,3 sai$ "he Prince, 3when once a %an is la#nche$ on s#ch an a$+en"#re as "his, he
%#s" 'i$ farewell "o ho)es an$ fears, o"herwise $ea"h or $eli+erance will 'o"h co%e "oo la"e
"o sa+e his hono#r an$ his reason. Ho, %& 'ea#"ies3 .he was now o)enin( "he s"a'le $oor/.
3He& co#sins4 S"ea$&, Coal'lac,4 Sof"l& now, Snowfla,e4 Yo# are no" for(o""en.3
The horses were 'o"h fri(h"ene$ '& "he s"ran(e li(h"s an$ "he noises. >ill, who ha$ 'een so
cowar$l& a'o#" (oin( "hro#(h a 'lac, hole 'e"weeen one ca+e an$ ano"her, wen" in wi"ho#"
fear 'e"ween "he s"a%)in( an$ snor"in( 'eas"s, an$ she an$ "he Prince ha$ "he% sa$$le$
an$ 'ri$le$ in a few %in#"es. ;er& fine "he& loo,e$ as "he& ca%e o#" in"o "he co#r"&ar$,
"ossin( "heir hea$s. >ill %o#n"e$ Snowfla,e, an$ P#$$le(l#% (o" #) 'ehin$ her. E#s"ace
(o" #) 'ehin$ "he Prince on Coal'lac,. Then wi"h a (rea" echo of hoofs, "he& ro$e o#" of
"he %ain (a"ewa& in"o "he s"ree".
3No" %#ch $an(er of 'ein( '#rn". Tha"2s "he 'ri(h" si$e of i",3 o'ser+e$ P#$$le(l#%,
)oin"in( "o "heir ri(h". There, har$l& a h#n$re$ &ar$s awa&, la))in( a(ains" "he walls of "he
ho#ses, was wa"er.
3Co#ra(e43 sai$ "he Prince. 3The roa$ "here (oes $own s"ee)l&. Tha" wa"er has cli%'e$
onl& half #) "he (rea"es" hill in "he ci"&. I" %i(h" co%e so near in "he firs" half*ho#r an$
co%e no nearer in "he ne1" "wo. -& fear is %ore of "ha" *3 an$ he )oin"e$ wi"h his swor$ "o
a (rea" "all Ear"h%an wi"h 'oar2s "#s,s, followe$ '& si1 o"hers of assor"e$ sha)es an$ si<es
who ha$ 8#s" $ashe$ o#" of a si$e s"ree" an$ s"e))e$ in"o "he sha$ow of "he ho#ses where no
one co#l$ see "he%.
The Prince le$ "he%, ai%in( alwa&s in "he $irec"ion of "he (lowin( re$ li(h" '#" a li""le "o
"he lef" of i". His )lan was "o (e" ro#n$ "he fire .if i" was a fire/ on "o hi(h (ro#n$, in ho)e
"ha" "he& %i(h" fin$ "heir wa& "o "he new $i((in(s. nli,e "he o"her "hree, he see%e$ "o 'e
al%os" en8o&in( hi%self. He whis"le$ as he ro$e, an$ san( sna"ches of an ol$ son( a'o#"
Corin Th#n$er*fis" of Archenlan$. The "r#"h is, he was so (la$ a" 'ein( free fro% his lon(
enchan"%en" "ha" all $an(ers see%e$ a (a%e in co%)arison. B#" "he res" fo#n$ i" an eerie
Behin$ "he% was "he so#n$ of clashin( an$ en"an(le$ shi)s, an$ "he r#%'le of colla)sin(
'#il$in(s. O+erhea$ was "he (rea" )a"ch of l#ri$ li(h" on "he roof of "he n$erworl$. Ahea$
was "he %&s"erio#s (low, which $i$ no" see% "o (row an& 'i((er. 7ro% "he sa%e $irec"ion
ca%e a con"in#al h#''#' of sho#"s, screa%s, ca"*calls, la#(h"er, s9#eals, an$ 'ellowin(s0
an$ firewor,s of all sor"s rose in "he $ar, air. No one co#l$ (#ess wha" "he& %ean". Nearer
"o "he%, "he ci"& was )ar"l& li" #) '& "he re$ (low, an$ )ar"l& '& "he +er& $ifferen" li(h" of
"he $rear& 6no%e la%)s. B#" "here were %an& )laces where nei"her of "hese li(h"s fell, an$
"hose )laces were 8e"*'lac,. An$ in an$ o#" of "hose )laces "he sha)es of Ear"h%en were
$ar"in( an$ sli))in( all "he "i%e, alwa&s wi"h "heir e&es fi1e$
on "he "ra+ellers, alwa&s "r&in( "o ,ee) o#" of si(h" "he%sel+es. There were 'i( faces an$
li""le faces, h#(e e&es li,e fishes2 e&es an$ li""le e&es li,e 'ears2. There were fea"hers an$
'ris"les, horns an$ "#s,s, noses li,e whi)cor$, an$ chins so lon( "ha" "he& loo,e$ li,e
'ear$s. E+er& now an$ "hen a (ro#) of "he% wo#l$ (e" "oo 'i( or co%e "oo near. Then "he
Prince wo#l$ 'ran$ish his swor$ an$ %a,e a show of char(in( "he%. An$ "he crea"#res,
wi"h all %anner of hoo"in(s, s9#ea,in(s, an$ cl#c,in(s, wo#l$ $i+e awa& in"o "he $ar,ness.
B#" when "he& ha$ cli%'e$ %an& s"ee) s"ree"s an$ were far awa& fro% "he floo$, an$
al%os" o#" of "he "own on "he inlan$ si$e, i" 'e(an "o 'e %ore serio#s. The& were now close
"o "he re$ (low an$ nearl& on a le+el wi"h i", "ho#(h "he& s"ill co#l$ no" see wha" i" reall&
was. B#" '& i"s li(h" "he& co#l$ see "heir ene%ies %ore clearl&. H#n$re$s * )erha)s a few
"ho#san$s * of (no%es were all %o+in( "owar$s i". B#" "he& were $oin( so in shor" r#shes,
an$ whene+er "he& s"o))e$, "he& "#rne$ an$ face$ "he "ra+ellers.
3If &o#r Hi(hness as,e$ %e,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, 3I2$ sa& "hose fellows were %eanin( "o c#"
#s off in fron".3
3Tha" was %& "ho#(h" "oo, P#$$le(l#%,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3An$ we can ne+er fi(h" o#r wa&
"hro#(h so %an&. Har, &o#4 Le" #s ri$e for"h close '& "he e$(e of &on$er ho#se. An$ e+en
as we reach i", $o &o# sli) off in"o i"s sha$ow. The La$& an$ I will (o forwar$ a few )aces.
So%e of "hese $e+ils will follow #s, I $o#'" no"0 "he& are "hic, 'ehin$ #s. Do &o#, who
ha+e lon( ar%s, "a,e one ali+e if &o# %a&, as i" )asses &o#r a%'#sh. We %a& (e" a "r#e "ale
of i" or learn wha" is "heir 9#arrel a(ains" #s.3
3B#" won2" "he o"hers all co%e r#shin( a" #s "o resc#e "he one we ca"ch,3 sai$ >ill in a +oice
no" so s"ea$& as she "rie$ "o %a,e i".
3Then, -a$a%,3 sai$ "he Prince, 3&o# shall see #s $ie fi(h"in( aro#n$ &o#, an$ &o# %#s"
co%%en$ &o#rself "o "he Lion. Now, (oo$ P#$$le(l#%.3
The -arsh*wi((le sli))e$ off in"o "he sha$ow as 9#ic,l& as a ca". The o"hers, for a
sic,enin( %in#"e or so, wen" forwar$ a" a wal,. Then s#$$enl& fro% 'ehin$ "he% "here
'ro,e o#" a series of 'loo$*c#r$lin( screa%s, %i1e$ wi"h "he fa%iliar +oice of P#$$le(l#%,
sa&in(, 3Now "hen4 Don2" cr& o#" 'efore &o#2re h#r", or &o# will 'e h#r", see5 An&one
wo#l$ "hin, i" was a )i( 'ein( ,ille$.3
3Tha" was (oo$ h#n"in(,3 e1clai%e$ "he Prince, i%%e$ia"el& "#rnin( Coal'lac, an$ co%in(
'ac, "o "he corner of "he ho#se. 3E#s"ace,3 he sai$, 3of &o#r co#r"es&, "a,e Coal'lac,2s
hea$.3 Then he $is%o#n"e$, an$ all "hree (a<e$ in silence while P#$$le(l#% )#lle$ his
ca"ch o#" in"o "he li(h". I" was a %os" %isera'le li""le (no%e, onl& a'o#" "hree fee" lon(. I"
ha$ a sor" of ri$(e, li,e a coc,2s co%' .onl& har$/, on "he "o) of i"s hea$, li""le )in, e&es,
an$ a %o#"h an$ chin so lar(e an$ ro#n$ "ha" i"s face loo,e$ li,e "ha" of a )i(%&
hi))o)o"a%#s. If "he& ha$ no" 'een in s#ch a "i(h" )lace, "he& wo#l$ ha+e '#rs" in"o
la#(h"er a" "he si(h" of i".
3Now, Ear"h%an,3 sai$ "he Prince, s"an$in( o+er i" an$ hol$in( his swor$ )oin" +er& near
"he )risoner2s nec,, 3s)ea,, #), li,e an hones" (no%e, an$ &o# shall (o free. Pla& "he ,na+e
wi"h #s, an$ &o# are '#" a $ea$ Ear"h%an. 6oo$ P#$$le(l#%, how can i" s)ea, while &o#
hol$ i"s %o#"h "i(h" sh#"53
3No, an$ i" can2" 'i"e ei"her,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3If I ha$ "he sill& sof" han$s "ha" &o#
h#%ans ha+e .sa+in( &o#r Hi(hness2s re+erence/ I2$ ha+e 'een all o+er 'loo$ '& now. Ye"
e+en a -arsh*wi((le (e"s "ire$ of 'ein( chewe$.2
3Sirrah,3 sai$ "he Prince "o "he (no%e, 3one 'i"e an$ &o# $ie. Le" i"s %o#"h o)en,
3Oo*ee*ee,3 s9#eale$ "he Ear"h%an, 3le" %e (o, le" %e (o. I" isn2" %e. I $i$n2" $o i".3
3Di$n2" $o wha"53 as,e$ P#$$le(l#%.
3Wha"e+er &o#r Hono#rs sa& I $i$ $o,3 answere$ "he crea"#re.
3Tell %e &o#r na%e,3 sai$ "he Prince, 3an$ wha" &o# Ear"h%en are all a'o#" "o$a&.3
3Oh )lease, &o#r Hono#rs, )lease, ,in$ (en"le%en,3 whi%)ere$ "he (no%e. 3Pro%ise &o#
will no" "ell "he =#een2s (race an&"hin( I sa&.3
3The =#een2s (race, as &o# call her,3 sai$ "he Prince s"ernl&, 3is $ea$. I ,ille$ her %&self.3
3Wha"43 crie$ "he (no%e, o)enin( i"s ri$ic#lo#s %o#"h wi$er an$ wi$er in as"onish%en".
3Dea$5 The Wi"ch $ea$5 An$ '& &o#r Hono#r2s han$53 I" (a+e a h#(e si(h of relief an$
a$$e$, 3Wh& "hen &o#r Hono#r is a frien$43
The Prince wi"h$rew his swor$ an inch or so. P#$$le(l#% le" "he crea"#re si" #). I" loo,e$
ro#n$ on "he fo#r "ra+ellers wi"h i"s "win,lin(, re$ e&es, ch#c,le$ once or "wice, an$ 'e(an.
3-Y na%e is 6ol(,3 sai$ "he (no%e. 3An$ I2ll "ell &o#r Hono#rs all I ,now. A'o#" an ho#r
a(o we were all (oin( a'o#" o#r wor, * her wor,, I sho#l$ sa& * sa$ an$ silen", sa%e as
we2+e $one an& o"her $a& for &ears an$ &ears. Then "here ca%e a (rea" crash an$ 'an(.
As soon as "he& hear$ i", e+er&one sa&s "o hi%self, I ha+en2" ha$ a son( or a $ance or le" off
a s9#i' for a lon( "i%e0 wh&2s "ha"5 An$ e+er&one "hin,s "o hi%self, Wh&, I %#s" ha+e 'een
enchan"e$. An$ "hen e+er&one sa&s "o hi%self, I2% 'lesse$ if I ,now wh& I2% carr&in( "his
loa$, an$ I2% no" (oin( "o carr& i" an& far"her: "ha"2s "ha". An$ $own we all "hrow o#r sac,s
an$ '#n$les an$ "ools. Then e+er&one "#rns an$ sees "he (rea" re$ (low o+er &on$er. An$
e+er&one sa&s "o hi%self, Wha"2s "ha"5 an$ e+er&one answers hi%self an$ sa&s, There2s a
crac, or chas% s)li" o)en an$ a nice war% (low co%in( #) "hro#(h i" fro% "he Reall&
Dee) Lan$, a "ho#san$ fa"ho% #n$er #s.3
36rea" Sco"",3 e1clai%e$ E#s"ace, 3are "here o"her lan$s s"ill lower $own53
3Oh &es, &o#r Hono#r,3 sai$ 6ol(. 3Lo+el& )laces0 wha" we call "he Lan$ of Bis%. This
co#n"r& where we are now, "he Wi"ch2s co#n"r&, is wha" we call "he Shallow Lan$s. I"2s a
(oo$ $eal "oo near "he s#rface "o s#i" #s. (h4 Yo# %i(h" al%os" as well 'e li+in( o#"si$e,
on "he s#rface i"self. Yo# see, we2re all )oor (no%es fro% Bis% who% "he Wi"ch has calle$
#) here '& %a(ic "o wor, for her. B#" we2$ for(o""en all a'o#" i" "ill "ha" crash ca%e an$ "he
s)ell 'ro,e. We $i$n2" ,now who we were or where we 'elon(e$. We co#l$n2" $o an&"hin(,
or "hin, an&"hin(, e1ce)" wha" she )#" in"o o#r hea$s. An$ i" was (l#% an$ (loo%& "hin(s
she )#" "here all "hose &ears. I2+e nearl& for(o""en how "o %a,e a 8o,e or $ance a 8i(. B#"
"he %o%en" "he 'an( ca%e an$ "he chas% o)ene$ an$ "he sea 'e(an risin(, i" all ca%e 'ac,.
An$ of co#rse we all se" off as 9#ic, as we co#l$ "o (e" $own "he crac, an$ ho%e "o o#r
own )lace. An$ &o# can see "he% o+er "here all le""in( off roc,e"s an$ s"an$in( on "heir
hea$s for 8o&. An$ I2ll 'e +er& o'li(e$ "o &o#r Hono#rs if &o#2ll soon le" %e (o an$ 8oin in.3
3I "hin, "his is si%)l& s)len$i$,3 sai$ >ill. 3I2% so (la$ we free$ "he (no%es as well as
o#rsel+es when we c#" off "he Wi"ch2s hea$4 An$ I2% so (la$ "he& aren2" reall& horri$ an$
(loo%& an& %ore "han "he Prince reall& was well, wha" he see%e$ li,e.3
3Tha"2s all +er& well, Pole,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#% ca#"io#sl&. 3B#" "hose (no%es $i$n2" loo, "o
%e li,e cha)s who were 8#s" r#nnin( awa&. I" loo,e$ %ore li,e %ili"ar& for%a"ions, if &o#
as, %e. Do &o# loo, %e in "he face, -r 6ol(, an$ "ell %e &o# weren2" )re)arin( for
3Of co#rse we were, &o#r Hono#r,3 sai$ 6ol(. 3Yo# see, we $i$n2" ,now "he Wi"ch was
$ea$. We "ho#(h" she2$ 'e wa"chin( fro% "he cas"le. We were "r&in( "o sli) awa& wi"ho#"
'ein( seen. An$ "hen when &o# "hree ca%e o#" wi"h swor$s an$ horses, of co#rse e+er&one
sa&s "o hi%self, Here i" co%es: no" ,nowin( "ha" his Hono#r wasn2" on "he Wi"ch2s si$e.
An$ we were $e"er%ine$ "o fi(h" li,e an&"hin( ra"her "han (i+e #) "he ho)e of (oin( 'ac,
"o Bis%.3
3I2ll 'e sworn 2"is an hones" (no%e,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3Le" (o of i", frien$ P#$$le(l#%. As
for %e, (oo$ 6ol(, I ha+e 'een enchan"e$ li,e &o# an$ &o#r fellows, an$ ha+e '#" newl&
re%e%'ere$ %&self. An$ now, one 9#es"ion %ore. Do &o# ,now "he wa& "o "hose new
$i((in(s, '& which "he sorceress %ean" "o lea$ o#" an ar%& a(ains" O+erlan$53
3Ee*ee*ee43 s9#ea,e$ 6ol(. 3Yes, I ,now "ha" "erri'le roa$. I will show &o# where i"
'e(ins. B#" i" is no %anner of #se &o#r Hono#r as,in( %e "o (o wi"h &o# on i". I2ll $ie
3Wh&53 as,e$ E#s"ace an1io#sl&. 3Wha"2s so $rea$f#l a'o#" i"53
3Too near "he "o), "he o#"si$e,3 sai$ 6ol(, sh#$$erin(. 3Tha" was "he wors" "hin( "he Wi"ch
$i$ "o #s. We were (oin( "o 'e le$ o#" in"o "he o)en * on "o "he o#"si$e of "he worl$. The&
sa& "here2s no roof a" all "here0 onl& a horri'le (rea" e%)"iness calle$ "he s,&. An$ "he
$i((in(s ha+e (one so far "ha" a few s"ro,es of "he )ic, wo#l$ 'rin( &o# o#" "o i". I
wo#l$n2" $are (o near "he%.3
3H#rrah4 Now &o#2re "al,in(43 crie$ E#s"ace, an$ >ill sai$, 3B#" i"2s no" horri$ a" all #)
"here. We li,e i". We li+e "here.3
3I ,now &o# O+erlan$ers li+e "here,3 sai$ 6ol(. 3B#" I "ho#(h" i" was 'eca#se &o# co#l$n2"
fin$ &o#r wa& $own insi$e. Yo# can2" reall& li,e i" * crawlin( a'o#" li,e flies on "he "o) of
"he worl$43
3Wha" a'o#" showin( #s "he roa$ a" once53 sai$ P#$$le(l#%.
3In a (oo$ ho#r,3 crie$ "he Prince. The whole )ar"& se" o#". The Prince re%o#n"e$ his
char(er, P#$$le(l#% cli%'e$ #) 'ehin$ >ill, an$ 6ol( le$ "he wa&. As he wen", he ,e)"
sho#"in( o#" "he (oo$ news "ha" "he Wi"ch was $ea$ an$ "ha" "he fo#r O+erlan$ers were no"
$an(ero#s. An$ "hose who hear$ hi% sho#"e$ i" on "o o"hers, so "ha" in a few %in#"es "he
whole of n$erlan$ was rin(in( wi"h sho#"s an$ cheers, an$ (no%es '& h#n$re$s an$
"ho#san$s, lea)in(, "#rnin( car"*wheels, s"an$in( on "heir hea$s, )la&in( lea)*fro(, an$
le""in( off h#(e crac,ers, ca%e )ressin( ro#n$ Coal'lac, an$ Snowfla,e. An$ "he Prince
ha$ "o "ell "he s"or& of his own enchan"%en" an$ $eli+erance a" leas" "en "i%es.
In "his wa& "he& ca%e "o "he e$(e of "he chas%. I" was a'o#" a "ho#san$ fee" lon( an$
)erha)s "wo h#n$re$ wi$e. The& $is%o#n"e$ fro% "heir horses an$ ca%e "o "he e$(e, an$
loo,e$ $own in"o i". A s"ron( hea" s%o"e #) in"o "heir faces, %i1e$ wi"h a s%ell which was
9#i"e #nli,e an& "he& ha$ e+er s%elle$. I" was rich, shar), e1ci"in(, an$ %a$e &o# snee<e.
The $e)"h of "he chas% was so 'ri(h" "ha" a" firs" i" $a<<le$ "heir e&es an$ "he& co#l$ see
no"hin(. When "he& (o" #se$ "o i" "he& "ho#(h" "he& co#l$ %a,e o#" a ri+er of fire, an$, on
"he 'an,s of "ha" ri+er, wha" see%e$ "o 'e fiel$s an$ (ro+es of an #n'eara'le, ho" 'rilliance
* "ho#(h "he& were $i% co%)are$ wi"h "he ri+er. There were 'l#es, re$s, (reens, an$ whi"es
all 8#%'le$ "o(e"her: a +er& (oo$ s"aine$*(lass win$ow wi"h "he "ro)ical s#n s"arin(
s"rai(h" "hro#(h i" a" %i$$a& %i(h" ha+e so%e"hin( "he sa%e effec". Down "he r#((e$ si$es
of "he chas%, loo,in( 'lac, li,e flies a(ains" all "ha" fier& li(h", h#n$re$s of Ear"h%en were
3Yo#r hono#rs,3 sai$ 6ol( .an$ when "he& "#rne$ "o loo, a" hi% "he& co#l$ see no"hin( '#"
'lac,ness for a few %in#"es, "heir e&es were so $a<<le$/. 3Yo#r hono#rs, wh& $on2"
&o# co%e $own "o Bis%5 Yo#2$ 'e ha))ier "here "han in "ha" col$, #n)ro"ec"e$, na,e$
co#n"r& o#" on "o). Or a" leas" co%e $own for a shor" +isi".3
>ill "oo, i" for (ran"e$ "ha" none of "he o"hers wo#l$ lis"en "o s#ch an i$ea for a %o%en". To
her horror she hear$ "he Prince sa&in(:
3Tr#l&, frien$ 6ol(, I ha+e half a %in$ "o co%e $own wi"h &o#. 7or "his is a %ar+ello#s
a$+en"#re, an$ i" %a& 'e no %or"al %an has e+er loo,e$ in"o Bis% 'efore or will e+er ha+e
"he chance a(ain. An$ I ,now no" how, as "he &ears )ass, I shall 'ear "o re%e%'er "ha" i"
was once in %& )ower "o ha+e )ro'e$ "he #""er%os" )i" of Ear"h an$ "ha" I for'ore. B#"
co#l$ a %an li+e "here5 Yo# $o no" swi% in "he fire*ri+er i"self53
3Oh no, &o#r Hono#r. No" we. I"2s onl& sala%an$ers li+e in "he fire i"self.3
3Wha" ,in$ of 'eas" is &o#r sala%an$er53 as,e$ "he Prince.
3I" is har$ "o "ell "heir ,in$, &o#r Hono#r,3 sai$ 6ol(. 37or "he& are "oo whi"e*ho" "o loo, a".
B#" "he& are %os" li,e s%all $ra(ons. The& s)ea, "o #s o#" of "he fire. The& are won$erf#ll&
cle+er wi"h "heir "on(#es: +er& wi""& an$ elo9#en".3
>ill (lance$ has"il& a" E#s"ace. She ha$ fel" s#re "ha" he wo#l$ li,e "he i$ea of sli$in( $own
"ha" chas% e+en less "han she $i$. Her hear" san, as she saw "ha" his face was 9#i"e
chan(e$. He loo,e$ %#ch %ore li,e "he Prince "han li,e "he ol$ Scr#'' a" E1)eri%en"
Ho#se. 7or all his a$+en"#res, an$ "he $a&s when he ha$ saile$ wi"h !in( Cas)ian, were
co%in( 'ac, "o hi%.
3Yo#r Hi(hness,3 he sai$. 3If %& ol$ frien$ Ree)ichee) "he -o#se were here, he wo#l$ sa&
we co#l$ no" now ref#se "he a$+en"#res of Bis% wi"ho#" a (rea" i%)each%en" "o o#r
3Down "here,3 sai$ 6ol(, 3I co#l$ show &o# real (ol$, real sil+er, real $ia%on$s.3
3Bosh43 sai$ >ill r#$el&. 3As if we $i$n2" ,now "ha" we2re 'elow "he $ee)es" %ines e+en
3Yes,3 sai$ 6ol(. 3I ha+e hear$ of "hose li""le scra"ches in "he cr#s" "ha" &o# To)$wellers
call %ines. B#" "ha"2s where &o# (e" $ea$ (ol$, $ea$ sil+er, $ea$ (e%s. Down in Bis% we
ha+e "he% ali+e an$ (rowin(. There I2ll )ic, &o# '#nches of r#'ies "ha" &o# can ea" an$
s9#ee<e &o# a c#) f#ll of $ia%on$*8#ice. Yo# won2" care %#ch a'o#" fin(erin( "he col$,
$ea$ "reas#res of &o#r shallow %ines af"er &o# ha+e "as"e$ "he li+e ones of Bis%.3
3-& fa"her wen" "o "he worl$2s en$,3 sai$ Rilian "ho#(h"f#ll&. 3I" wo#l$ 'e a %ar+ello#s
"hin( if his son wen" "o "he 'o""o% of "he worl$.3
3If &o#r Hi(hness wan"s "o see &o#r fa"her while he2s s"ill ali+e, which I "hin, he2$ )refer,3
sai$ P#$$le(l#%, 3i"2s a'o#" "i%e we were (e""in( on "o "ha" roa$ "o "he $i((in(s.3
3An$ I won2" (o $own "ha" hole, wha"e+er an&one sa&s,3 a$$e$ >ill.
3Wh&, if &o#r Hono#rs are reall& se" "o (o 'ac, "o O+erworl$,3 sai$ 6ol(, 3"here is one 'i"
of "he roa$ "ha"2s ra"her lower "han "his. An$ )erha)s, if "ha" floo$2s s"ill risin( *3
3Oh, $o, $o, $o co%e on43 'e((e$ >ill.
3I fear i" %#s" 'e so,3 sai$ "he Prince wi"h a $ee) si(h. 3B#" I ha+e lef" half of %& hear" in
"he lan$ of Bis%.3
3Please43 'e((e$ >ill.
3Where is "he roa$53 as,e$ P#$$le(l#%.
3There are la%)s all "he wa&,3 sai$ 6ol(. 3Yo#r Hono#r can see "he 'e(innin( of "he roa$
on "he far si$e of "he chas%.3
3How lon( will "he la%)s '#rn for53 as,e$ P#$$le(l#%.
A" "ha" %o%en" a hissin(, scorchin( +oice li,e "he +oice of 7ire i"self ."he& won$ere$
af"erwar$s if i" co#l$ ha+e 'een a sala%an$er2s/ ca%e whis"lin( #) o#" of "he +er& $e)"hs of
3=#ic,4 =#ic,4 =#ic,4 To "he cliffs, "o "he cliffs, "o "he cliffs43 i" sai$. 3The rif" closes. I"
closes. I" closes. =#ic,4 =#ic,43 An$ a" "he sa%e "i%e, wi"h ear*sha""erin( crac,s an$
crea,s, "he roc,s %o+e$. Alrea$&, while "he& loo,e$, "he chas% was narrower. 7ro% e+er&
si$e 'ela"e$ (no%es were r#shin( in"o i". The& wo#l$ no" wai" "o cli%' $own "he roc,s.
The& fl#n( "he%sel+es hea$lon( an$, ei"her 'eca#se so s"ron( a 'las" of ho" air was 'ea"in(
#) fro% "he 'o""o%, or for so%e o"her reason, "he& co#l$ 'e seen floa"in( $ownwar$s li,e
lea+es. Thic,er an$ "hic,er "he& floa"e$, "ill "heir 'lac,ness al%os" 'lo""e$ o#" "he fier&
ri+er an$ "he (ro+es of li+e (e%s. 36oo$*'&e "o &o#r Hono#rs. I2% off,3 sho#"e$ 6ol(, an$
$i+e$. Onl& a few were lef" "o follow hi%. The chas% was now no 'roa$er "han a s"rea%.
Now i" was narrow as "he sli" in a )illar'o1. Now i" was onl& an in"ensel& 'ri(h" "hrea$.
Then, wi"h a shoc, li,e a "ho#san$ (oo$s "rains crashin( in"o a "ho#san$ )airs of '#ffers,
"he li)s of roc, close$. The ho", %a$$enin( s%ell +anishe$. The "ra+ellers were alone in an
n$erworl$ which now loo,e$ far 'lac,er "han 'efore. Pale, $i%, an$ $rear&, "he la%)s
%ar,e$ "he $irec"ion of "he roa$.
3Now,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%, 3i"2s "en "o one we2+e alrea$& s"a&e$ "oo lon(, '#" we %a& as well
%a,e a "r&. Those la%)s will (i+e o#" in fi+e %in#"es, I sho#l$n2" won$er.3
The& #r(e$ "he horses "o a can"er an$ "h#n$ere$ alon( "he $#s,& roa$ in fine s"&le. B#"
al%os" a" once i" 'e(an (oin( $ownhill. The& wo#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" 6ol( ha$ sen" "he% "he
wron( wa& if "he& ha$ no" seen, on "he o"her si$e of "he +alle&, "he la%)s (oin( on an$
#)war$s as far as "he e&e co#l$ reach. B#" a" "he 'o""o% of "he +alle& "he la%)s shone on
%o+in( wa"er.
3Has"e,3 crie$ "he Prince. The& (allo)e$ $own "he slo)e. I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een nas"& eno#(h
a" "he 'o""o% e+en fi+e %in#"es la"er for "he "i$e was r#nnin( #) "he +alle& li,e a %ill*race,
an$ if i" ha$ co%e "o swi%%in(, "he horses co#l$ har$l& ha+e won o+er. B#" i" was s"ill
onl& a foo" or "wo $ee), an$ "ho#(h i" swishe$ "erri'l& ro#n$ "he horses2 le(s, "he& reache$
"he far si$e in safe"&.
Then 'e(an "he slow, wear& %arch #)hill wi"h no"hin( ahea$ "o loo, a" '#" "he )ale la%)s
which wen" #) an$ #) as far as "he e&e co#l$ reach. When "he& loo,e$ 'ac, "he& co#l$ see
"he wa"er s)rea$in(. All "he hills of n$erlan$ were now islan$s, an$ i" was onl& on "hose
islan$s "ha" "he la%)s re%aine$. E+er& %o%en" so%e $is"an" li(h" +anishe$. Soon "here
wo#l$ 'e "o"al $ar,ness e+er&where e1ce)" on "he roa$ "he& were followin(0 an$ e+en on
"he lower )ar" of i" 'ehin$ "he%, "ho#(h no la%)s ha$ &e" (one o#", "he la%)li(h" shone on
Al"ho#(h "he& ha$ (oo$ reason for h#rr&in(, "he horses co#l$ no" (o on for e+er wi"ho#" a
res". The& hal"e$: an$ in silence "he& co#l$ hear "he la))in( of wa"er.
3I won$er is wha"2s his na%e * 7a"her Ti%e * floo$e$ o#" now,3 sai$ >ill. 3An$ all "hose
9#eer slee)in( ani%als.3
3I $on2" "hin, we2re as hi(h as "ha",3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Don2" &o# re%e%'er how we ha$ "o (o
$ownhill "o reach "he s#nless sea5 I sho#l$n2" "hin, "he wa"er has reache$ 7a"her Ti%e2s
ca+e &e".3
3Tha"2s as %a& 'e,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3I2% %ore in"eres"e$ in "he la%)s on "his roa$. Loo, a
'i" sic,l&, $on2" "he&53
3The& alwa&s $i$,3 sai$ >ill.
3A&e,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3B#" "he&2re (reener now.3
3Yo# $on2" %ean "o sa& &o# "hin, "he&2re (oin( o#"53 crie$ E#s"ace.
3Well, howe+er "he& wor,, &o# can2" e1)ec" "he% "o las" for e+er, &o# ,now,3 re)lie$ "he
-arsh*wi((le. 3B#" $on2" le" &o#r s)iri"s $own, Scr#''. I2+e (o" %& e&e on "he wa"er "oo,
an$ I $on2" "hin, i"2s risin( so fas" as i" $i$.3
3S%all co%for", frien$,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3If we canno" fin$ o#r wa& o#". I cr& &o# %erc&,
all. I a% "o 'la%e for %& )ri$e an$ fan"as& which $ela&e$ #s '& "he %o#"h of "he lan$ of
Bis%. Now, le" #s ri$e on.3
D#rin( "he ho#r or so "ha" followe$ >ill so%e"i%es "ho#(h" "ha" P#$$le(l#% was ri(h" a'o#"
"he la%)s, an$ so%e"i%es "ho#(h" i" was onl& her i%a(ina"ion. -eanwhile "he lan$ was
chan(in(. The roof of n$erlan$ was so near "ha" e+en '& "ha" $#ll li(h" "he& co#l$ now see
i" 9#i"e $is"inc"l&. An$ "he (rea", r#((e$ walls of n$erlan$ co#l$ 'e seen $rawin( closer
on each si$e. The roa$, in fac", was lea$in( "he% #) in"o a s"ee) "#nnel. The& 'e(an "o )ass
)ic,s an$ sho+els an$ 'arrows an$ o"her si(ns "ha" "he $i((ers ha$ recen"l& 'een a" wor,. If
onl& one co#l$ 'e s#re of (e""in( o#", all "his was +er& cheerin(. B#" "he "ho#(h" of (oin(
on in"o a hole "ha" wo#l$ (e" narrower an$ narrower, an$ har$er "o "#rn 'ac, in, was +er&
A" las" "he roof was so low "ha" P#$$le(l#% an$ "he Prince ,noc,e$ "heir hea$s a(ains" i".
The )ar"& $is%o#n"e$ an$ le$ "he horses. The roa$ was #ne+en here an$ one ha$ "o )ic,
one2s s"e)s wi"h so%e care. Tha" was how >ill no"ice$ "he (rowin( $ar,ness. There was no
$o#'" a'o#" i" now. The faces of "he o"hers loo,e$ s"ran(e an$ (has"l& in "he (reen (low.
Then all a" once .she co#l$n2" hel) i"/ >ill (a+e a li""le screa%. One li(h", "he ne1" one ahea$,
wen" o#" al"o(e"her. The one 'ehin$ "he% $i$ "he sa%e. Then "he& were in a'sol#"e
3Co#ra(e, frien$s,3 ca%e Prince Rilian2s +oice. 3Whe"her we li+e or $ie Aslan will 'e o#r
(oo$ lor$.3
3Tha"2s ri(h", Sir,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%2s +oice. 3An$ &o# %#s" alwa&s re%e%'er "here2s one
(oo$ "hin( a'o#" 'ein( "ra))e$ $own here: i"2ll sa+e f#neral e1)enses.3
>ill hel$ her "on(#e. .If &o# $on2" wan" o"her )eo)le "o ,now how fri(h"ene$ &o# are, "his is
alwa&s a wise "hin( "o $o0 i"2s &o#r +oice "ha" (i+es &o# awa&./
3We %i(h" as well (o on as s"an$ here,3 sai$ E#s"ace0 an$ when she hear$ "he "re%'le in
his +oice, >ill ,new how wise she2$ 'een no" "o "r#s" her own.
P#$$le(l#% an$ E#s"ace wen" firs" wi"h "heir ar%s s"re"che$ o#" in fron" of "he%, for fear of
'l#n$erin( in"o an&"hin(0 >ill an$ "he Prince followe$, lea$in( "he horses.
3I sa&,3 ca%e E#s"ace2s +oice %#ch la"er, 3are %& e&es (oin( 9#eer or is "here a )a"ch of
li(h" #) "here53
Before an&one co#l$ answer hi%, P#$$le(l#% calle$ o#": 3S"o). I2% #) a(ains" a $ea$ en$.
An$ i"2s ear"h, no" roc,. Wha" were &o# sa&in(, Scr#''53
3B& "he Lion,3 sai$ "he Prince, 3E#s"ace is ri(h". There is a sor" of *3
3B#" i"2s no" $a&li(h",3 sai$ >ill. 3I"2s onl& a col$ 'l#e sor" of li(h".3
3Be""er "han no"hin(, "ho#(h,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Can we (e" #) "o i"53
3I"2s no" ri(h" o+erhea$,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3I"2s a'o+e #s, '#" i"2s in "his wall "ha" I2+e r#n
in"o. How wo#l$ i" 'e, Pole, if &o# (o" on %& sho#l$ers an$ saw whe"her &o# co#l$ (e" #)
"o i"53
THE )a"ch of li(h" $i$ no" show #) an&"hin( $own in "he $ar,ness where "he& were
s"an$in(. The o"hers co#l$ onl& hear, no" see, >ill2s effor"s "o (e" on "o "he -arsh*wi((le2s
'ac,. Tha" is, "he& hear$ hi% sa&in(, 3Yo# nee$n2" )#" &o#r fin(er in %& e&e,3 an$, 3Nor
&o#r foo" in %& %o#"h ei"her,3 an$, 3Tha"2s %ore li,e i",3 an$, 3Now, I2ll hol$ on "o &o#r
le(s. Tha"2ll lea+e &o#r ar%s free "o s"ea$& &o#rself a(ains" "he ear"h.3
Then "he& loo,e$ #) an$ soon "he& saw "he 'lac, sha)e of >ill2s hea$ a(ains" "he )a"ch of
3Well53 "he& all sho#"e$ #) an1io#sl&.
3I"2s a hole,3 calle$ >ill2s +oice. 3I co#l$ (e" "hro#(h i" if I was a li""le 'i" hi(her.3
3Wha" $o &o# see "hro#(h i"53 as,e$ E#s"ace.
3No"hin( %#ch &e",3 sai$ >ill. 3I sa&, P#$$le(l#%, le" (o %& le(s so "ha" I can s"an$ on &o#r
sho#l$ers ins"ea$ of si""in( on "he%. I can s"ea$& %&self all ri(h" a(ains" "he e$(e.3
The& co#l$ hear her %o+in( an$ "hen %#ch %ore of her ca%e in"o si(h" a(ains" "he
(re&ness of "he o)enin(0 in fac" all of her $own "o "he wais".
3I sa& *3 'e(an >ill, '#" s#$$enl& 'ro,e off wi"h a cr&: no" a shar) cr&. I" so#n$e$ %ore as if
her %o#"h ha$ 'een %#ffle$ #) or ha$ so%e"hin( )#she$ in"o i". Af"er "ha" she fo#n$ her
+oice an$ see%e$ "o 'e sho#"in( o#" as lo#$ as she co#l$, '#" "he& co#l$n2" hear "he wor$s.
Two "hin(s "hen ha))ene$ a" "he sa%e %o%en". The )a"ch of li(h" was co%)le"el& 'loc,e$
#) for a secon$ or so0 an$ "he& hear$ 'o"h a sc#fflin(, s"r#((lin( so#n$ an$ "he +oice of "he
-arsh*wi((le (as)in(: 3=#ic,4 Hel)4 Hol$ on "o her le(s.
So%eone2s )#llin( her. There4 No, here. Too la"e43
The o)enin(, an$ "he col$ li(h" which fille$ i", were now )erfec"l& clear a(ain. >ill ha$
3>ill4 >ill43 "he& sho#"e$ fran"icall&, '#" "here was no answer.
3Wh& "he $ic,ens co#l$n2" &o# ha+e hel$ her fee"53 sai$ E#s"ace.
3I $on2" ,now, Scr#'',3 (roane$ P#$$le(l#%. 3Born "o 'e a %isfi", I sho#l$n2" won$er.
7a"e$. 7a"e$ "o 'e Pole2s $ea"h, 8#s" as I was fa"e$ "o ea" Tal,in( S"a( a" Harfan(. No" "ha" i"
isn2" %& own fa#l" as well, of co#rse.3
3This is "he (rea"es" sha%e an$ sorrow "ha" co#l$ ha+e fallen on #s,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3We
ha+e sen" a 'ra+e la$& in"o "he han$s of ene%ies an$ s"a&e$ 'ehin$ in safe"&.3
3Don2" )ain" i" "oo 'lac,, Sir,3 sai$ P#$$le(l#%. 3We2re no" +er& safe e1ce)" for $ea"h '&
s"ar+a"ion in "his hole.3
3I won$er a% I s%all eno#(h "o (e" "hro#(h where >ill $i$53 sai$ E#s"ace.
Wha" ha$ reall& ha))ene$ "o >ill was "his. As soon as she (o" her hea$ o#" of "he hole she
fo#n$ "ha" she was loo,in( $own as if fro% an #)s"airs win$ow, no" #) as if "hro#(h a "ra)*
$oor. She ha$ 'een so lon( in "he $ar, "ha" her e&es co#l$n2" a" firs" "a,e in wha" "he& were
seein(: e1ce)" "ha" she was no" loo,in( a" "he $a&li", s#nn& worl$ which she so wan"e$ "o
see. The air see%e$ "o 'e $ea$l& col$, an$ "he li(h" was )ale an$ 'l#e. There was also a
(oo$ $eal of noise (oin( on an$ a lo" of whi"e o'8ec"s fl&in( a'o#" in "he air. I" was a" "ha"
%o%en" "ha" she ha$ sho#"e$ $own "o P#$$le(l#% "o le" her s"an$ #) on his sho#l$ers.
When she ha$ $one "his, she co#l$ see an$ hear a (oo$ $eal 'e""er. The noises she ha$ 'een
hearin( "#rne$ o#" "o 'e of "wo ,in$s: "he rh&"h%ical "h#%) of se+eral fee", an$ "he %#sic
of fo#r fi$$les, "hree fl#"es, an$ a $r#%. She also (o" her own )osi"ion clear. She was
loo,in( o#" of a hole in a s"ee) 'an, which slo)e$ $own an$ reache$ "he le+el a'o#"
fo#r"een fee" 'elow her. E+er&"hin( was +er& whi"e. A lo" of )eo)le were %o+in( a'o#".
Then she (as)e$4 The )eo)le were "ri% li""le 7a#ns, an$ Dr&a$s wi"h leafcrowne$ hair
floa"in( 'ehin$ "he%. 7or a secon$ "he& loo,e$ as if "he& were %o+in( an&how0 "hen she
saw "ha" "he& were reall& $oin( a $ance * a $ance wi"h so %an& co%)lica"e$ s"e)s an$
fi(#res "ha" i" "oo, &o# so%e "i%e "o #n$ers"an$ i". Then i" ca%e o+er her li,e a "h#n$ercla)
"ha" "he )ale, 'l#e li(h" was reall& %oonli(h", an$ "he whi"e s"#ff on "he (ro#n$ was reall&
snow. An$ of co#rse4 There were "he s"ars s"arin( in a 'lac, fros"& s,& o+erhea$. An$ "he
"all 'lac, "hin(s 'ehin$ "he $ancers were "rees. The& ha$ no" onl& (o" o#" in"o "he #))er
worl$ a" las", '#" ha$ co%e o#" in "he hear" of Narnia. >ill fel" she co#l$ ha+e fain"e$ wi"h
$eli(h"0 an$ "he %#sic * "he wil$ %#sic, in"ensel& swee" an$ &e" 8#s" "he leas" 'i" eerie "oo,
an$ f#ll of (oo$ %a(ic as "he Wi"ch2s "hr#%%in( ha$ 'een f#ll of 'a$ %a(ic * %a$e her
feel i" all "he %ore.
All "his "a,es a lon( "i%e "o "ell, '#" of co#rse i" "oo, a +er& shor" "i%e "o see. >ill "#rne$
al%os" a" once "o sho#" $own "o "he o"hers, 3I sa&4 I"2s all ri(h". We2re o#", an$ we2re ho%e.3
B#" "he reason she ne+er (o" f#r"her "han 3I sa&3 was "his. Circlin( ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ "he
$ancers was a rin( of Dwarfs, all $resse$ in "heir fines" clo"hes0 %os"l& scarle" wi"h f#r*
line$ hoo$s an$ (ol$en "assels an$ 'i( f#rr& "o)*'oo"s. As "he& circle$ ro#n$ "he& were all
$ili(en"l& "hrowin( snow'alls. .Those were "he whi"e "hin(s "ha" >ill ha$
seen fl&in( "hro#(h "he air./ The& weren2" "hrowin( "he% a" "he $ancers as sill& 'o&s %i(h"
ha+e 'een $oin( in En(lan$. The& were "hrowin( "he% "hro#(h "he $ance in s#ch )erfec"
"i%e wi"h "he %#sic an$ wi"h s#ch )erfec" ai% "ha" if all "he $ancers were in e1ac"l& "he
ri(h" )laces a" e1ac"l& "he ri(h" %o%en"s, no one wo#l$ 'e hi". This is calle$ "he 6rea"
Snow Dance an$ i" is $one e+er& &ear in Narnia on "he firs" %oonli" ni(h" when "here is
snow on "he (ro#n$. Of co#rse i" is a ,in$ of (a%e as well as a $ance, 'eca#se e+er& now
an$ "hen so%e $ancer will 'e "he leas" li""le 'i" wron( an$ (e" a snow'all in "he face, an$
"hen e+er&one la#(hs. B#" a (oo$ "ea% of $ancers, Dwarfs, an$ %#sicians will ,ee) i" #)
for ho#rs wi"ho#" a sin(le hi". On fine ni(h"s when "he col$ an$ "he $r#%*"a)s, an$ "he
hoo"in( of "he owls, an$ "he %oonli(h", ha+e (o" in"o "heir wil$, woo$lan$ 'loo$ an$ %a$e
i" e+en wil$er, "he& will $ance "ill $a&'rea,. I wish &o# co#l$ see i" for &o#rsel+es.
Wha" ha$ s"o))e$ >ill when she (o" as far as "he sa& of 3I sa&3 was of co#rse si%)l& a fine
'i( snow'all "ha" ca%e sailin( "hro#(h "he $ance fro% a Dwarf on "he far si$e an$ (o" her
fair an$ s9#are in "he %o#"h. She $i$n2" in "he leas" %in$0 "wen"& snow'alls wo#l$ no" ha+e
$a%)e$ her s)iri"s a" "ha" %o%en". B#" howe+er ha))& &o# are feelin(, &o# can2" "al, wi"h
&o#r %o#"h f#ll of snow. An$ when, af"er consi$era'le s)l#""erin(, she co#l$ s)ea, a(ain,
she 9#i"e for(o" in her e1ci"e%en" "ha" "he o"hers, $own in "he $ar,, 'ehin$ her, s"ill $i$n2"
,now "he (oo$ news. She si%)l& leane$ as far o#" of "he hole as she co#l$, an$ &elle$ "o
"he $ancers.
3Hel)4 Hel)4 We2re '#rie$ in "he hill. Co%e an$ $i( #s o#".3
The Narnians, who ha$ no" e+en no"ice$ "he li""le hole in "he hillsi$e, were of co#rse +er&
s#r)rise$, an$ loo,e$ a'o#" in se+eral wron( $irec"ions 'efore "he& fo#n$ o#" where "he
+oice was co%in( fro%. B#" when "he& ca#(h" si(h" of >ill "he& all ca%e r#nnin( "owar$s
her, an$ as %an& as co#l$ scra%'le$ #) "he 'an,, an$ a $o<en or %ore han$s were
s"re"che$ #) "o hel) her. An$ >ill ca#(h" hol$ of "he% an$ "h#s (o" o#" of "he hole an$ ca%e
sli"herin( $own "he 'an, hea$ firs", an$ "hen )ic,e$ herself #) an$ sai$:
3Oh, $o (o an$ $i( "he o"hers o#". There are "hree o"hers, 'esi$es "he horses. An$ one of
"he% is Prince Rilian.3
She was alrea$& in "he %i$$le of a crow$ when she sai$ "his, for 'esi$es "he $ancers all
sor"s of )eo)le who ha$ 'een wa"chin( "he $ance, an$ who% she ha$ no" seen a" firs", ca%e
r#nnin( #). S9#irrels ca%e o#" of "he "rees in showers, an$ so $i$ Owls. He$(eho(s ca%e
wa$$lin( as fas" as "heir shor" le(s wo#l$ carr& "he%. Bears an$ Ba$(ers followe$ a" a
slower )ace. A (rea" Pan"her, "wi"chin( i"s "ail in e1ci"e%en", was "he las" "o 8oin "he )ar"&.
B#" as soon as "he& #n$ers"oo$ wha" >ill was sa&in(, "he& all 'eca%e ac"i+e. 3Pic, an$
sho+el, 'o&s, )ic, an$ sho+el. Off for o#r "ools43 sai$ "he Dwarfs, an$ $ashe$ awa& in"o "he
woo$s a" "o) s)ee$. 3Wa,e #) so%e -oles, "he&2re "he cha)s for $i((in(. The&2re 9#i"e as
(oo$ as Dwarfs,3 sai$ a +oice. 3Wha" was "ha" she sai$ a'o#" Prince Rilian53 sai$ ano"her.
3H#sh43 sai$ "he Pan"her. 3The )oor chil$2s cra<e$, an$ no won$er af"er 'ein(
los" insi$e "he hill. She $oesn2" ,now wha" she2s sa&in(.3 3Tha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ an ol$ Bear.
3Wh&, she sai$ Prince Rilian was a horse43 3No, she $i$n2",3 sai$ a S9#irrel, +er& )er".
3Yes, she $i$,3 sai$ ano"her S9#irrel, e+en )er"er.
3I"2s 9#i"e "*"*"*"r#e. D*$*$on2" 'e so sill&,3 sai$ >ill. She s)o,e li,e "ha" 'eca#se her "ee"h
were now cha""erin( wi"h "he col$.
I%%e$ia"el& one of "he Dr&a$s fl#n( ro#n$ her a f#rr& cloa, which so%e Dwarf ha$
$ro))e$ when he r#she$ "o fe"ch his %inin( "ools, an$ an o'li(in( 7a#n "ro""e$ off a%on(
"he "rees "o a )lace where >ill co#l$ see fireli(h" in "he %o#"h of a ca+e, "o (e" her a ho"
$rin,. B#" 'efore i" ca%e, all "he Dwarfs rea))eare$ wi"h s)a$es an$ )ic,*a1es an$ char(e$
a" "he hillsi$e. Then >ill hear$ cries of 3Hi4 Wha" are &o# $oin(5 P#" "ha" swor$ $own,3 an$
3Now, &o#n( 2#n: none of "ha",3 an$, 3He2s a +icio#s one, now, isn2" he53 >ill h#rrie$ "o "he
s)o" an$ $i$n2" ,now whe"her "o la#(h or cr& when she saw E#s"ace2s face, +er& )ale an$
$ir"&, )ro8ec"in( fro% "he 'lac,ness of "he hole, an$ E#s"ace2s ri(h" han$ 'ran$ishin( a
swor$ wi"h which he %a$e l#n(es a" an&one who ca%e near hi%.
7or of co#rse E#s"ace ha$ 'een ha+in( a +er& $ifferen" "i%e fro% >ill $#rin( "he las" few
%in#"es. He ha$ hear$ >ill cr& o#" an$ seen her $isa))ear in"o "he #n,nown. Li,e "he Prince
an$ P#$$le(l#%, he "ho#(h" "ha" so%e ene%ies ha$ ca#(h" her. An$ fro% $own 'elow he
$i$n2" see "ha" "he )ale, 'l#eish li(h" was %oonli(h". He "ho#(h" "he hole wo#l$ lea$ onl&
in"o so%e o"her ca+e, li" '& so%e (hos"l& )hos)horescence an$ fille$ wi"h (oo$ness*
,nows*wha" e+il crea"#res of "he n$erworl$. So "ha" when he ha$ )ers#a$e$ P#$$le(l#%
"o (i+e hi% a 'ac,, an$ $rawn his swor$, an$ )o,e$ o#" his hea$, he ha$ reall& 'een $oin(
a +er& 'ra+e "hin(. The o"hers wo#l$ ha+e $one i" firs" if "he& co#l$, '#" "he hole was "oo
s%all for "he% "o cli%' "hro#(h. E#s"ace was a li""le 'i((er, an$ a lo" cl#%sier, "han >ill, so
"ha" when he loo,e$ o#" he '#%)e$ his hea$ a(ains" "he "o) of "he hole an$ 'ro#(h" a s%all
a+alanche of snow $own on his face. An$ so, when he co#l$ see a(ain, an$ saw $o<ens of
fi(#res co%in( a" hi% as har$ as "he& co#l$ r#n, i" is no" s#r)risin( "ha" he "rie$ "o war$
"he% off.
3S"o), E#s"ace, s"o),3 crie$ >ill. 3The&2re all frien$s. Can2" &o# see5 We2+e co%e #) in
Narnia. E+er&"hin(2s all ri(h".3
Then E#s"ace $i$ see, an$ a)olo(i<e$ "o "he Dwarfs .an$ "he Dwarfs sai$ no" "o %en"ion i"/,
an$ $o<ens of "hic,, hair&, $warfish han$s hel)e$ hi% o#" 8#s" as "he& ha$ hel)e$ >ill o#" a
few %in#"es 'efore. Then >ill scra%'le$ #) "he 'an, an$ )#" her hea$ in a" "he $ar,
o)enin( an$ sho#"e$ "he (oo$ news in "o "he )risoners. As she "#rne$ awa& she hear$
P#$$le(l#% %#""er. 3Ah, )oor Pole. I"2s 'een "oo %#ch for her, "his las" 'i". T#rne$ her
hea$, I sho#l$n2" won$er. She2s 'e(innin( "o see "hin(s.3
>ill re8oine$ E#s"ace an$ "he& shoo, one ano"her '& 'o"h han$s an$ "oo, in (rea" $ee)
'rea"hs of "he free %i$ni(h" air. An$ a war% cloa, was 'ro#(h" for E#s"ace an$ ho" $rin,s,
for 'o"h. While "he& were si))in( i", "he Dwarfs ha$ alrea$& (o" all "he snow an$ all "he
so$s off a lar(e s"ri) of "he hillsi$e ro#n$ "he ori(inal hole, an$ "he )ic,a1es an$ s)a$es
were now (oin( as %erril& as "he fee" of 7a#ns an$ Dr&a$s ha$ 'een (oin( in "he
$ance "en %in#"es 'efore. Onl& "en %in#"es4 Ye" alrea$& i" fel" "o >ill an$ E#s"ace as if all
"heir $an(ers in "he $ar, an$ hea" an$ (eneral s%o"heriness of "he ear"h %#s" ha+e 'een
onl& a $rea%. O#" here, in "he col$, wi"h "he %oon an$ "he h#(e s"ars o+erhea$ .Narnian
s"ars are nearer "han s"ars in o#r worl$/ an$ wi"h ,in$, %err& faces all ro#n$ "he%, one
co#l$n2" 9#i"e 'elie+e in n$erlan$.
Before "he& ha$ finishe$ "heir ho" $rin,s, a $o<en or so -oles, newl& wa,e$ an$ s"ill +er&
slee)&, an$ no" well )lease$, ha$ arri+e$. B#" as soon as "he& #n$ers"oo$ wha" i" was all
a'o#", "he& 8oine$ in wi"h a will. E+en "he 7a#ns %a$e "he%sel+es #sef#l '& car"in( awa&
"he ear"h in li""le 'arrows, an$ "he S9#irrels $ance$ an$ lea)e$ "o an$ fro in (rea"
e1ci"e%en", "ho#(h >ill ne+er fo#n$ o#" e1ac"l& wha" "he& "ho#(h" "he& were $oin(. The
Bears an$ Owls con"en"e$ "he%sel+es wi"h (i+in( a$+ice, an$ ,e)" on as,in( "he chil$ren if
"he& wo#l$n2" li,e "o co%e in"o "he ca+e ."ha" was where >ill ha$ seen "he fireli(h"/ an$ (e"
war% an$ ha+e s#))er. B#" "he chil$ren co#l$n2" 'ear "o (o wi"ho#" seein( "heir frien$s se"
No one in o#r worl$ can wor, a" a 8o' of "ha" sor" as Dwarfs an$ Tal,in( -oles wor, in
Narnia0 '#" "hen, of co#rse, -oles an$ Dwarfs $on2" loo, on i" as wor,. The& li,e $i((in(.
I" was "herefore no" reall& lon( 'efore "he& ha$ o)ene$ a (rea" 'lac, chas% in "he hillsi$e.
An$ o#" fro% "he 'lac,ness in"o "he %oonli(h" * "his wo#l$ ha+e 'een ra"her $rea$f#l if one
ha$n2" ,nown who "he& were ca%e, firs", "he lon(, le((&, s"ee)le*ha""e$ fi(#re of "he
-arsh*wi((le, an$ "hen, lea$in( "wo (rea" horses, Rilian "he Prince hi%self.
As P#$$le(l#% a))eare$ sho#"s 'ro,e o#" on e+er& si$e: 3Wh&, i"2s a Wi((le * wh&, i"2s ol$
P#$$le(l#% * ol$ P#$$le(l#% fro% "he Eas"ern -arshes * wha" e+er ha+e &o# 'een $oin(,
P#$$le(l#%5 * "here2+e 'een search*)ar"ies o#" for &o# * "he Lor$ Tr#%),in has 'een
)#""in( #) no"ices "here2s a rewar$ offere$43 B#" all "his $ie$ awa&, all in one %o%en", in"o
$ea$ silence, as 9#ic,l& as "he noise $ies awa& in a row$& $or%i"or& if "he Hea$%as"er
o)ens "he $oor. 7or now "he& saw "he Prince.
No one $o#'"e$ for a %o%en" who he was. There were )len"& of Beas"s an$ Dr&a$s an$
Dwarfs an$ 7a#ns who re%e%'ere$ hi% fro% "he $a&s 'efore his enchan"in(. There were
so%e ol$ ones who co#l$ 8#s" re%e%'er how his fa"her, !in( Cas)ian, ha$ loo,e$ when he
was a &o#n( %an, an$ saw "he li,eness. B#" I "hin, "he& wo#l$ ha+e ,nown hi% an&wa&.
Pale "ho#(h he was fro% lon( i%)rison%en" in "he Dee) Lan$s, $resse$ in 'lac,, $#s"&,
$ishe+elle$, an$ wear&, "here was so%e"hin( in his face an$ air which no one co#l$
%is"a,e. Tha" loo, is in "he face of all "r#e ,in(s of Narnia, who r#le '& "he will of Aslan
an$ si" a" Cair Para+el on "he "hrone of Pe"er "he Hi(h !in(.
Ins"an"l& e+er& hea$ was 'are$ an$ e+er& ,nee was 'en"0 a %o%en" la"er s#ch cheerin( an$
sho#"in(, s#ch 8#%)s an$ reels of 8o&, s#ch han$*sha,in(s an$ ,issin(s an$ e%'racin(s of
e+er&'o$& '& e+er&'o$& else 'ro,e o#" "ha" "he "ears ca%e in"o >ill2s e&es. Their 9#es" ha$
'een wor"h all "he )ains i" cos".
3Please i" &o#r Hi(hness,3 sai$ "he ol$es" of "he Dwarfs, 3"here is so%e a""e%)" a" a s#))er
in "he ca+e &on$er, )re)are$ a(ains" "he en$in( of "he snow*$ance *3
3Wi"h a (oo$ will, 7a"her,3 sai$ "he Prince. 37or ne+er ha$ an& Prince, !ni(h", 6en"le%an,
or Bear so (oo$ a s"o%ach "o his +ic"#als as we fo#r wan$erers ha+e "oni(h".3
The whole crow$ 'e(an "o %o+e awa& "hro#(h "he "rees "owar$s "he ca+e. >ill hear$
P#$$le(l#% sa&in( "o "hose who )resse$ ro#n$ hi%. 3No, no, %& s"or& can wai".
No"hin( wor"h "al,in( a'o#" has ha))ene$ "o %e. I wan" "o hear "he news. Don2" "r&
'rea,in( i" "o %e (en"l&, for I2$ ra"her ha+e i" all a" once. Has "he !in( 'een shi)wrec,e$5
An& fores" fires5 No wars on "he Calor%en 'or$er5 Or a few $ra(ons, I sho#l$n2" won$er53
An$ all "he crea"#res la#(he$ alo#$ an$ sai$, 3Isn2" "ha" 8#s" li,e a -arshwi((le53
The "wo chil$ren were nearl& $ro))in( wi"h "ire$ness an$ h#n(er, '#" "he war%"h of "he
ca+e, an$ "he +er& si(h" of i", wi"h "he fireli(h" $ancin( on "he walls an$ $ressers an$ c#)s
an$ sa#cers an$ )la"es an$ on "he s%oo"h s"one floor, 8#s" as i" $oes in a far%ho#se ,i"chen,
re+i+e$ "he% a li""le. All "he sa%e "he& wen" fas" aslee) while s#))er was 'ein( (o" rea$&.
An$ while "he& sle)" Prince Rilian was "al,in( o+er "he whole a$+en"#re wi"h "he ol$er an$
wiser Beas"s an$ Dwarfs. An$ now "he& all saw wha" i" %ean"0 how a wic,e$ Wi"ch
.$o#'"less "he sa%e ,in$ as "ha" Whi"e Wi"ch who ha$ 'ro#(h" "he 6rea" Win"er on Narnia
lon( a(o/ ha$ con"ri+e$ "he whole "hin(, firs" ,illin( Rilian2s %o"her an$ enchan"in( Rilian
hi%self. An$ "he& saw how she ha$ $#( ri(h" #n$er Narnia an$ was (oin( "o 'rea, o#" an$
r#le i" "hro#(h Rilian: an$ how he ha$ ne+er $rea%e$ "ha" "he co#n"r& of which she wo#l$
%a,e hi% ,in( .,in( in na%e, '#" reall& her sla+e/ was his own co#n"r&. An$ fro% "he
chil$ren2s )ar" of "he s"or& "he& saw how she was in lea(#e an$ frien$shi) wi"h "he
$an(ero#s (ian"s of Harfan(. 3An$ "he lesson of i" all is, &o#r Hi(hness,3 sai$ "he ol$es"
Dwarf, 3"ha" "hose Nor"hern Wi"ches alwa&s %ean "he sa%e "hin(, '#" in e+er& a(e "he&
ha+e a $ifferen" )lan for (e""in( i".3
WHEN >ill wo,e ne1" %ornin( an$ fo#n$ herself in a ca+e, she "ho#(h" for one horri$
%o%en" "ha" she was 'ac, in "he n$erworl$. B#" when she no"ice$ "ha" she was l&in( on a
'e$ of hea"her wi"h a f#rr& %an"le o+er her, an$ saw a cheer& fire crac,lin( .as if newl& li"/
on a s"one hear"h an$, far"her off, %ornin( s#nli(h" co%in( in "hro#(h "he ca+e2s %o#"h,
she re%e%'ere$ all "he ha))& "r#"h. The& ha$ ha$ a $eli(h"f#l s#))er, all crow$e$ in"o "ha"
ca+e, in s)i"e of 'ein( so slee)& 'efore i" was )ro)erl& o+er. She ha$ a +a(#e i%)ression of
Dwarfs crow$in( ro#n$ "he fire wi"h fr&in(*)ans ra"her 'i((er "han "he%sel+es, an$ "he
hissin(, an$ $elicio#s s%ell of sa#sa(es, an$ %ore, an$ %ore, an$ %ore sa#sa(es. An$ no"
wre"che$ sa#sa(es half f#ll of 'rea$ an$ so&a 'ean ei"her, '#"
real %ea"&, s)ic& ones, fa" an$ )i)in( ho" an$ '#rs" an$ 8#s" "he "inies" 'i" '#rn". An$ (rea"
%#(s of fro"h& chocola"e, an$ roas" )o"a"oes an$ roas" ches"n#"s, an$ 'a,e$ a))les wi"h
raisins s"#c, in where "he cores ha$ 'een, an$ "hen ices 8#s" "o freshen &o# #) af"er all "he
ho" "hin(s.
>ill sa" #) an$ loo,e$ aro#n$. P#$$le(l#% an$ E#s"ace were l&in( no" far awa&, 'o"h fas"
3Hi, &o# "wo43 sho#"e$ >ill in a lo#$ +oice. 3Aren2" &o# e+er (oin( "o (e" #)53
3Shoo, shoo43 sai$ a slee)& +oice so%ewhere a'o+e her. 3Ti%e "o 'e se""lin( $own. Ha+e a
(oo$ snoo<e, $o, $o. Don2" %a,e a "o*$o. T#*whoo43
3Wh&, I $o 'elie+e,3 sai$ >ill, (lancin( #) a" a whi"e '#n$le of fl#ff& fea"hers which was
)erche$ on "o) of a (ran$fa"her cloc, in one corner of "he ca+e, 3I $o 'elie+e i"2s
3Tr#e, "r#e,3 whirre$ "he Owl, lif"in( i"s hea$ o#" fro% #n$er i"s win( an$ o)enin( one e&e.
3I ca%e #) wi"h a %essa(e for "he Prince a" a'o#" "wo. The s9#irrels 'ro#(h" #s "he (oo$
news. -essa(e for "he Prince. He2s (one. Yo#2re "o follow "oo. 6oo$*$a& *3 an$ "he hea$
$isa))eare$ a(ain.
As "here see%e$ no f#r"her ho)e of (e""in( an& infor%a"ion fro% "he Owl, >ill (o" #) an$
'e(an loo,in( ro#n$ for an& chance of a wash an$ so%e 'rea,fas". B#" al%os" a" once a
li""le 7a#n ca%e "ro""in( in"o "he ca+e wi"h a shar) clic,*clac, of his (oa"& hoofs on "he
s"one floor.
3Ah4 Yo#2+e wo,en #) a" las", Da#(h"er of E+e,3 he sai$. 3Perha)s &o#2$ 'e""er wa,e "he
Son of A$a%. Yo#2+e (o" "o 'e off in a few %in#"es an$ "wo Cen"a#rs ha+e +er& ,in$l&
offere$ "o le" &o# ri$e on "heir 'ac,s $own "o Cair Para+el.3 He a$$e$ in a lower +oice. 3Of
co#rse, &o# reali<e i" is a %os" s)ecial an$ #nhear$*of hono#r "o 'e allowe$ "o ri$e a
Cen"a#r. I $on2" ,now "ha" I e+er hear$ of an&one $oin( i" 'efore. I" wo#l$n2" $o "o ,ee)
"he% wai"in(.3
3Where2s "he Prince53 was "he firs" 9#es"ion of E#s"ace an$ P#$$le(l#% as soon as "he& ha$
'een wa,ene$.
3He2s (one $own "o %ee" "he !in(, his fa"her, a" Cair Para+el,3 answere$ "he 7a#n, whose
na%e was Orr#ns. 3His -a8es"&2s shi) is e1)ec"e$ in har'o#r an& %o%en". I" see%s "ha" "he
!in( %e" Aslan * I $on2" ,now whe"her i" was in a +ision or face "o face * 'efore he ha$
saile$ far, an$ Aslan "#rne$ hi% 'ac, an$ "ol$ hi% he wo#l$ fin$ his lon(*los" son awai"in(
hi% when he reache$ Narnia.3
E#s"ace was now #) an$ he an$ >ill se" a'o#" hel)in( Orr#ns "o (e" "he 'rea,fas".
P#$$le(l#% was "ol$ "o s"a& in 'e$. A Cen"a#r calle$ Clo#$'ir"h, a fa%o#s healer, or .as
Orr#ns calle$ i"/ a 2leech2, was co%in( "o see "o his '#rn" foo".
3Ah43 sai$ P#$$le(l#% in a "one al%os" of con"en"%en", 3he2ll wan" "o ha+e "he le( off a"
"he ,nee, I sho#l$n2" won$er. Yo# see if he $oesn2".3 B#" he was 9#i"e (la$ "o s"a& in 'e$.
Brea,fas" was scra%'le$ e((s an$ "oas" an$ E#s"ace "ac,le$ i" 8#s" as if he ha$ no" ha$ a
+er& lar(e s#))er in "he %i$$le of "he ni(h".
3I sa&, Son of A$a%,3 sai$ "he 7a#n, loo,in( wi"h a cer"ain awe a" E#s"ace2s %o#"hf#ls.
3There2s no nee$ "o h#rr& 9#i"e so $rea$f#ll& as "ha". I $on2" "hin, "he Cen"a#rs ha+e 9#i"e
finishe$ "heir 'rea,fas"s &e".3
3Then "he& %#s" ha+e (o" #) +er& la"e,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I 'e" i"2s af"er "en o2cloc,.3
3Oh no,3 sai$ Orr#ns. 3The& (o" #) 'efore i" was li(h".3
3Then "he& %#s" ha+e wai"e$ "he $ic,ens of a "i%e for 'rea,fas",3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3No, "he& $i$n2",3 sai$ Orr#ns. 3The& 'e(an ea"in( "he %in#"e "he& awo,e.3
36oll&43 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Do "he& ea" a +er& 'i( 'rea,fas"53
3Wh&, Son of A$a%, $on2" &o# #n$ers"an$5 A Cen"a#r has a %an*s"o%ach an$ a horse*
s"o%ach. An$ of co#rse 'o"h wan" 'rea,fas". So firs" of all he has )orri$(e an$ )a+en$ers
an$ ,i$ne&s an$ 'acon an$ o%ele""e an$ col$ ha% an$ "oas" an$ %ar%ala$e an$ coffee an$
'eer. An$ af"er "ha" he a""en$s "o "he horse )ar" of hi%self '& (ra<in( for an ho#r or so an$
finishin( #) wi"h a ho" %ash, so%e oa"s, an$ a 'a( of s#(ar. Tha"2s wh& i"2s s#ch a serio#s
"hin( "o as, a Cen"a#r "o s"a& for "he wee,*en$. A +er& serio#s "hin( in$ee$.3
A" "ha" %o%en" "here was a so#n$ of horse*hoofs "a))in( on roc, fro% "he %o#"h of "he
ca+e, an$ "he chil$ren loo,e$ #). The "wo Cen"a#rs, one wi"h a 'lac, an$ one wi"h a (ol$en
'ear$ flowin( o+er "heir %a(nificen" 'are ches"s, s"oo$ wai"in( for "he%, 'en$in( "heir
hea$s a li""le so as "o loo, in"o "he ca+e. Then "he chil$ren 'eca%e +er& )oli"e an$ finishe$
"heir 'rea,fas" +er& 9#ic,l&. No one "hin,s a Cen"a#r f#nn& when he sees i". The& are
sole%n, %a8es"ic )eo)le, f#ll of ancien" wis$o% which "he& learn fro% "he s"ars, no" easil&
%a$e ei"her %err& or an(r&0 '#" "heir an(er is "erri'le as a "i$al wa+e when i" co%es.
36oo$*'&e, $ear P#$$le(l#%,3 sai$ >ill, (oin( o+er "o "he -arsh*wi((le2s 'e$. 3I2% sorr&
we calle$ &o# a we" 'lan,e".3
3So2% I,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Yo#2+e 'een "he 'es" frien$ in "he worl$.3
3An$ I $o ho)e we2ll %ee" a(ain,3 a$$e$ >ill.
3No" %#ch chance of "ha", I sho#l$ sa&,3 re)lie$ P#$$le(l#%. 3C $on2" rec,on I2% +er&
li,el& "o see %& ol$ wi(wa% a(ain ei"her. An$ "ha" Prince * he2s a nice cha) * '#" $o &o#
"hin, he2s +er& s"ron(5 Cons"i"#"ion r#ine$ wi"h li+in( #n$er(ro#n$, I sho#l$n2" won$er.
Loo,s "he sor" "ha" %i(h" (o off an& $a&.3
3P#$$le(l#%43 sai$ >ill. 3Yo#2re a re(#lar ol$ h#%'#(. Yo# so#n$ as $olef#l as a f#neral
an$ I 'elie+e &o#2re )erfec"l& ha))&. An$ &o# "al, as if &o# were afrai$ of e+er&"hin(,
when &o#2re reall& as 'ra+e as*as a lion.3
3Now, s)ea,in( of f#nerals,3 'e(an P#$$le(l#%, '#" >ill, who hear$ "he Cen"a#rs "a))in(
wi"h "heir hoofs 'ehin$ her, s#r)rise$ hi% +er& %#ch '& flin(in( her ar%s ro#n$ his "hin
nec, an$ ,issin( his %#$$&*loo,in( face, while E#s"ace wr#n( his han$. Then "he& 'o"h
r#she$ awa& "o "he Cen"a#rs, an$ "he -arsh*wi((le, sin,in( 'ac, on his 'e$, re%ar,e$ "o
hi%self, 3Well, I wo#l$n2" ha+e $rea%" of her $oin( "ha". E+en "ho#(h I a% a (oo$*loo,in(
To ri$e on a Cen"a#r is, no $o#'", a (rea" hono#r .an$ e1ce)" >ill an$ E#s"ace "here is
)ro'a'l& no one ali+e in "he worl$ "o$a& who has ha$ i"/ '#" i" is +er& #nco%for"a'le. 7or
no one who +al#e$ his life wo#l$ s#((es" )#""in( a sa$$le on a Cen"a#r, an$ ri$in( 'are*
'ac, is no f#n0 es)eciall& if, li,e E#s"ace, &o# ha+e ne+er learne$ "o ri$e a" all. The
Cen"a#rs were +er& )oli"e in a (ra+e, (racio#s, (rown*#) ,in$ of wa&, an$ as "he& can"ere$
"hro#(h "he Narnian woo$s "he& s)o,e, wi"ho#" "#rnin( "heir hea$s, "ellin( "he chil$ren
a'o#" "he )ro)er"ies of her's an$ roo"s, "he infl#ences of "he )lane"s, "he nine na%es of
Aslan wi"h "heir %eanin(s, an$ "hin(s of "ha" sor". B#" howe+er sore an$ 8ol"e$ "he "wo
h#%ans were, "he& wo#l$ now (i+e an&"hin( "o ha+e "ha" 8o#rne& o+er a(ain: "o see "hose
(la$es an$ slo)es s)ar,lin( wi"h las" ni(h"2s snow, "o 'e %e" '& ra''i"s an$ s9#irrels an$
'ir$s "ha" wishe$ &o# (oo$ %ornin(, "o 'rea"he a(ain "he air of Narnia an$ hear "he +oices
of "he Narnian "rees.
The& ca%e $own "o "he ri+er, flowin( 'ri(h" an$ 'l#e in win"er s#nshine, far 'elow "he las"
'ri$(e .which is a" "he sn#(, re$*roofe$ li""le "own of Ber#na/ an$ were ferrie$ across in a
fla" 'ar(e '& "he ferr&%an0 or ra"her, '& "he ferr&*wi((le, for i" is -arsh*wi((les who $o
%os" of "he wa"er& an$ fish& ,in$s of wor, in Narnia. An$ when "he& ha$ crosse$ "he& ro$e
alon( "he so#"h 'an, of "he ri+er an$ )resen"l& ca%e "o Cair Para+el i"self. An$ a" "he +er&
%o%en" of "heir arri+al "he& saw "ha" sa%e 'ri(h" shi) which "he& ha$ seen when "he& firs"
se" foo" in Narnia, (li$in( #) "he ri+er li,e a h#(e 'ir$. All "he co#r" were once %ore
asse%'le$ on "he (reen 'e"ween "he cas"le an$ "he 9#a& "o welco%e !in( Cas)ian ho%e
a(ain. Rilian, who ha$ chan(e$ his 'lac, clo"hes an$ was now $resse$ in a scarle" cloa,
o+er sil+er %ail, s"oo$ close "o "he wa"er2s e$(e, 'are*hea$e$, "o recei+e his fa"her0 an$ "he
Dwarf Tr#%),in sa" 'esi$e hi% in his li""le $on,e&*chair. The chil$ren saw "here wo#l$ 'e
no chance of reachin( "he Prince "hro#(h all "ha" crow$, an$, an&wa&, "he& now fel" ra"her
sh&. So "he& as,e$ "he Cen"a#rs if "he& %i(h" (o on si""in( on "heir 'ac,s a li""le lon(er an$
"h#s see e+er&"hin( o+er "he hea$s of "he co#r"iers. An$ "he Cen"a#rs sai$ "he& %i(h".
A flo#rish of sil+er "r#%)e"s ca%e o+er "he wa"er fro% "he shi)2s $ec,: "he sailors "hrew a
ro)e0 ra"s .Tal,in( Ra"s, of co#rse/ an$ -arsh*wi((les %a$e i" fas" ashore0 an$ "he shi)
was war)e$ in. -#sicians, hi$$en so%ewhere in "he crow$, 'e(an "o )la& sole%n,
"ri#%)hal %#sic. An$ soon "he !in(2s (alleon was alon(si$e an$ "he Ra"s ran "he (an(wa&
on 'oar$ her.
>ill e1)ec"e$ "o see "he ol$ !in( co%e $own i". B#" "here a))eare$ "o 'e so%e hi"ch. A Lor$
wi"h a )ale face ca%e ashore an$ ,nel" "o "he Prince an$ "o Tr#%),in. The "hree were
"al,in( wi"h "heir hea$s close "o(e"her for a few %in#"es, '#" no one co#l$ hear wha" "he&
sai$. The %#sic )la&e$ on, '#" &o# co#l$ feel "ha" e+er&one was 'eco%in( #neas&. Then
fo#r !ni(h"s, carr&in( so%e"hin( an$ (oin( +er& slowl&, a))eare$ on $ec,. When "he&
s"ar"e$ "o co%e $own "he (an(wa& &o# co#l$ see wha" "he& were carr&in(: i" was "he ol$
!in( on a 'e$, +er& )ale an$ s"ill. The& se" hi% $own. The Prince ,nel" 'esi$e hi% an$
e%'race$ hi%. The& co#l$ see !in( Cas)ian raisin( his han$ "o 'less his son. An$
e+er&one cheere$, '#" i" was a half*hear"e$ cheer, for "he& all fel" "ha" so%e"hin( was (oin(
wron(. Then s#$$enl& "he !in(2s hea$ fell 'ac, #)on his )illows, "he %#sicians s"o))e$
an$ "here was a $ea$ silence. The Prince, ,neelin( '& "he !in(2s 'e$, lai$ $own his hea$
#)on i" an$ we)".
There were whis)erin(s an$ (oin(s "o an$ fro. Then >ill no"ice$ "ha" all who wore ha"s,
'onne"s, hel%e"s, or hoo$s were "a,in( "he% off * E#s"ace incl#$e$. Then she hear$ a
r#s"lin( an$ fla))in( noise #) a'o+e "he cas"le0 when she loo,e$ she saw "ha" "he (rea"
'anner wi"h "he (ol$en Lion on i" was 'ein( 'ro#(h" $own "o half*%as". An$ af"er "ha",
slowl&, %ercilessl&, wi"h wailin( s"rin(s an$ $isconsola"e 'lowin( of horns, "he %#sic
'e(an a(ain: "his "i%e, a "#ne "o 'rea, &o#r hear".
The& 'o"h sli))e$ off "heir Cen"a#rs .who "oo, no no"ice of "he%/.
3I wish I was a" ho%e,3 sai$ >ill.
E#s"ace no$$e$, sa&in( no"hin(, an$ 'i" his li).
3I ha+e co%e,3 sai$ a $ee) +oice 'ehin$ "he%. The& "#rne$ an$ saw "he Lion hi%self, so
'ri(h" an$ real an$ s"ron( "ha" e+er&"hin( else 'e(an a" once "o loo, )ale an$ sha$ow&
co%)are$ wi"h hi%. An$ in less "i%e "han i" "a,es "o 'rea"he >ill for(o" a'o#" "he $ea$ !in(
of Narnia an$ re%e%'ere$ onl& how she ha$ %a$e E#s"ace fall o+er "he cliff, an$ how she
ha$ hel)e$ "o %#ff nearl& all "he si(ns, an$ a'o#" all "he sna))in(s an$ 9#arrellin(s. An$
she wan"e$ "o sa& 3I2% sorr&3 '#" she co#l$ no" s)ea,. Then "he Lion $rew "he% "owar$s
hi% wi"h his e&es, an$ 'en" $own an$ "o#che$ "heir )ale faces wi"h his "on(#e, an$ sai$:
3Thin, of "ha" no %ore. I will no" alwa&s 'e scol$in(. Yo# ha+e $one "he wor, for which I
sen" &o# in"o Narnia.3
3Please, Aslan,3 sai$ >ill, 3%a& we (o ho%e now53
3Yes. I ha+e co%e "o 'rin( &o# Ho%e,3 sai$ Aslan. Then he o)ene$ his %o#"h wi$e an$
'lew. B#" "his "i%e "he& ha$ no sense of fl&in( "hro#(h "he air: ins"ea$, i" see%e$ "ha" "he&
re%aine$ s"ill, an$ "he wil$ 'rea"h of Aslan 'lew awa& "he shi) an$ "he $ea$ !in(
an$ "he cas"le an$ "he snow an$ "he win"er s,&. 7or all "hese "hin(s floa"e$ off in"o "he air
li,e wrea"hs of s%o,e, an$ s#$$enl& "he& were s"an$in( in a (rea" 'ri(h"ness of %i$*
s#%%er s#nshine, on s%oo"h "#rf, a%on( %i(h"& "rees, an$ 'esi$e a fair, fresh s"rea%.
Then "he& saw "ha" "he& were once %ore on "he -o#n"ain of Aslan, hi(h #) a'o+e an$
'e&on$ "he en$ of "ha" worl$ in which Narnia lies. B#" "he s"ran(e "hin( was "ha" "he f#neral
%#sic for !in( Cas)ian s"ill wen" on, "ho#(h no one co#l$ "ell where i" ca%e fro%. The&
were wal,in( 'esi$e "he s"rea% an$ "he Lion wen" 'efore "he%: an$ he 'eca%e so 'ea#"if#l,
an$ "he %#sic so $es)airin(, "ha" >ill $i$ no" ,now which of "he% i" was "ha" fille$ her e&es
wi"h "ears.
Then Aslan s"o))e$, an$ "he chil$ren loo,e$ in"o "he s"rea%. An$ "here, on "he (ol$en
(ra+el of "he 'e$ of "he s"rea%, la& !in( Cas)ian, $ea$, wi"h "he wa"er flowin( o+er hi%
li,e li9#i$ (lass. His lon( whi"e 'ear$ swa&e$ in i" li,e wa"er*wee$. An$ all "hree s"oo$ an$
we)". E+en "he Lion we)": (rea" Lion*"ears, each "ear %ore )recio#s "han "he Ear"h wo#l$
'e if i" was a sin(le soli$ $ia%on$. An$ >ill no"ice$ "ha" E#s"ace loo,e$ nei"her li,e a chil$
cr&in(, nor li,e a 'o& cr&in( an$ wan"in( "o hi$e i", '#" li,e a (rown#) cr&in(. A" leas", "ha"
is "he neares" she co#l$ (e" "o i"0 '#" reall&, as she sai$, )eo)le $on2" see% "o ha+e an&
)ar"ic#lar a(es on "ha" %o#n"ain.
3Son of A$a%,3 sai$ Aslan, 3(o in"o "ha" "hic,e" an$ )l#c, "he "horn "ha" &o# will fin$
"here, an$ 'rin( i" "o %e.3
E#s"ace o'e&e$. The "horn was a foo" lon( an$ shar) as a ra)ier.
3Dri+e i" in"o %& )aw, Son of A$a%,3 sai$ Aslan, hol$in( #) his ri(h" fore*)aw an$
s)rea$in( o#" "he (rea" )a$ "owar$s E#s"ace.
3-#s" I53 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Yes,3 sai$ Aslan.
Then E#s"ace se" his "ee"h an$ $ro+e "he "horn in"o "he Lion2s )a$. An$ "here ca%e o#" a
(rea" $ro) of 'loo$, re$$er "han all re$ness "ha" &o# ha+e e+er seen or i%a(ine$.
An$ i" s)lashe$ in"o "he s"rea% o+er "he $ea$ 'o$& of "he !in(. A" "he sa%e %o%en" "he
$olef#l %#sic s"o))e$. An$ "he $ea$ !in( 'e(an "o 'e chan(e$. His whi"e 'ear$ "#rne$ "o
(re&, an$ fro% (re& "o &ellow, an$ (o" shor"er an$ +anishe$ al"o(e"her0 an$ his s#n,en
chee,s (rew ro#n$ an$ fresh, an$ "he wrin,les were s%oo"he$, an$ his e&es o)ene$, an$ his
e&es an$ li)s 'o"h la#(he$, an$ s#$$enl& he lea)e$ #) an$ s"oo$ 'efore "he% * a +er&
&o#n( %an, or a 'o&. .B#" >ill co#l$n2" sa& which, 'eca#se of )eo)le ha+in( no )ar"ic#lar
a(es in Aslan2s co#n"r&. E+en in "his worl$, of co#rse, i" is "he s"#)i$es" chil$ren who are
%os" chil$ish an$ "he s"#)i$es" (rown*#)s who are %os" (rown#)./ An$ he r#she$ "o Aslan
an$ fl#n( his ar%s as far as "he& wo#l$ (o ro#n$ "he h#(e nec,0 an$ he (a+e Aslan "he
s"ron( ,isses of a !in(, an$ Aslan (a+e hi% "he wil$ ,isses of a Lion.
A" las" Cas)ian "#rne$ "o "he o"hers. He (a+e a (rea" la#(h of as"onishe$ 8o&.
3Wh&4 E#s"ace43 he sai$. 3E#s"ace4 So &o# $i$ reach "he en$ of "he worl$ af"er all. Wha"
a'o#" %& secon$*'es" swor$ "ha" &o# 'ro,e on "he sea*ser)en"53
E#s"ace %a$e a s"e) "owar$s hi% wi"h 'o"h han$s hel$ o#", '#" "hen $rew 'ac, wi"h a
so%ewha" s"ar"le$ e1)ression.
3Loo, here4 I sa&,3 he s"a%%ere$. 3I"2s all +er& well. B#" aren2" &o#5 * I %ean $i$n2" &o# *53
3Oh, $on2" 'e s#ch an ass,3 sai$ Cas)ian.
3B#",3 sai$ E#s"ace, loo,in( a" Aslan. 3Hasn2" he * er $ie$53
3Yes,3 sai$ "he Lion in a +er& 9#ie" +oice, al%os" .>ill "ho#(h"/ as if he were la#(hin(. 3He
has $ie$. -os" )eo)le ha+e, &o# ,now. E+en I ha+e. There are +er& few who ha+en2".3
3Oh,3 sai$ Cas)ian. 3I see wha"2s 'o"herin( &o#. Yo# "hin, I2% a (hos", or so%e nonsense.
B#" $on2" &o# see5 I wo#l$ 'e "ha" if I a))eare$ in Narnia now: 'eca#se I $on2" 'elon( "here
an& %ore. B#" one can2" 'e a (hos" in one2s own co#n"r&. I %i(h" 'e a (hos" if I (o" in"o
&o#r worl$. I $on2" ,now. B#" I s#))ose i" isn2" &o#rs ei"her, now &o#2re here.3
A (rea" ho)e rose in "he chil$ren2s hear"s. B#" Aslan shoo, his sha((& hea$. 3No, %&
$ears,3 he sai$. 3When &o# %ee" %e here a(ain, &o# will ha+e co%e "o s"a&. B#" no" now.
Yo# %#s" (o 'ac, "o &o#r own worl$ for a while.3
3Sir,3 sai$ Cas)ian, 3I2+e alwa&s wan"e$ "o ha+e 8#s" one (li%)se of "heir worl$. Is "ha"
3Yo# canno" wan" wron( "hin(s an& %ore, now "ha" &o# ha+e $ie$, %& son,3 sai$ Aslan.
3An$ &o# shall see "heir worl$ * for fi+e %in#"es of "heir "i%e. I" will "a,e no lon(er for &o#
"o se" "hin(s ri(h" "here.3 Then Aslan e1)laine$ "o Cas)ian wha" >ill an$ E#s"ace were
(oin( 'ac, "o an$ all a'o#" E1)eri%en" Ho#se: he see%e$ "o ,now i" 9#i"e as well as "he&
3Da#(h"er,3 sai$ Aslan "o >ill, 3)l#c, a swi"ch off "ha" '#sh.3 She $i$0 an$ as soon as i" was
in her han$ i" "#rne$ in"o a fine new ri$in( cro).
3Now, Sons of A$a%, $raw &o#r swor$s,3 sai$ Aslan. 3B#" #se onl& "he fla", for i" is
cowar$s an$ chil$ren, no" warriors, a(ains" who% C sen$ &o#.3
3Are &o# co%in( wi"h #s, Aslan53 sai$ >ill.
3The& shall see onl& %& 'ac,,3 sai$ Aslan.
He le$ "he% ra)i$l& "hro#(h "he woo$, an$ 'efore "he& ha$ (one %an& )aces, "he wall of
E1)eri%en" Ho#se a))care$ 'efore "he%. Then Aslan roare$ so "ha" "he s#n shoo, in "he
s,& an$ "hir"& fee" of "he wall fell $own 'efore "he%. The& loo,e$ "hro#(h "he (a), $own
in"o "he school shr#''er& an$ on "o "he roof of "he (&%, all #n$er "he sa%e $#ll a#"#%n s,&
which "he& ha$ seen 'efore "heir a$+en"#res 'e(an. Aslan "#rne$ "o >ill an$ E#s"ace an$
'rea"he$ #)on "he% an$ "o#che$ "heir forehea$s wi"h his "on(#e. Then he la& $own a%i$
"he (a) he ha$ %a$e in "he wall an$ "#rne$ his (ol$en 'ac, "o En(lan$, an$ his lor$l& face
"owar$s his own lan$s. A" "he sa%e %o%en" >ill saw fi(#res who% she ,new onl& "oo well
r#nnin( #) "hro#(h "he la#rels "owar$s "he%. -os" of "he (an( were "here A$ela
Penn&fa"her an$ Chol%on$el& -a8or, E$i"h Win"er'lo"", AS)o""&2 Sorrier, 'i( Bannis"er,
an$ "he "wo loa"hso%e 6arre"" "wins. B#" s#$$enl& "he& s"o))e$. Their faces chan(e$, an$
all "he %eanness, concei", cr#el"&, an$ snea,ishness al%os" $isa))eare$ in one sin(le
e1)ression of "error. 7or "he& saw "he wall fallen $own, an$ a lion as lar(e as a &o#n(
ele)han" l&in( in "he (a), an$ "hree fi(#res in (li""erin( clo"hes wi"h wea)ons in "heir han$s
r#shin( $own #)on "he%. 7or, wi"h "he s"ren("h of Aslan in "he%, >ill )lie$ her cro) on "he
(irls an$ Cas)ian an$ E#s"ace )lie$ "he fla"s of "heir swor$s on "he 'o&s so well "ha" in "wo
%in#"es all "he '#llies were r#nnin( li,e %a$, cr&in( o#", A-#r$er4 7ascis"s4 Lions4 I" isn2"
fair.2 An$ "hen "he Hea$ .who was, '& "he wa&, a wo%an/ ca%e r#nnin( o#" "o see wha"
was ha))enin(. An$ when she saw "he lion an$ "he 'ro,en wall an$ Cas)ian an$ >ill an$
E#s"ace .who% she 9#i"e faile$ "o reco(ni<e/ she ha$ h&s"erics an$ wen" 'ac, "o "he ho#se
an$ 'e(an rin(in( #) "he )olice wi"h s"ories a'o#" a lion esca)e$ fro% a circ#s, an$ esca)e$
con+ic"s who 'ro,e $own walls an$ carrie$ $rawn swor$s. In "he %i$s" of all "his f#ss >ill
an$ E#s"ace sli))e$ 9#ie"l& in$oors an$ chan(e$ o#" of "heir 'ri(h" clo"hes in"o or$inar&
"hin(s, an$ Cas)ian wen" 'ac, in"o his own worl$. An$ "he wall, a" Aslan2s wor$, was %a$e
whole a(ain. When "he )olice arri+e$ an$ fo#n$ no lion, no 'ro,en wall, an$ no con+ic"s,
an$ "he Hea$ 'eha+in( li,e a l#na"ic, "here was an in9#ir& in"o "he whole "hin(. An$ in "he
in9#ir& all sor"s of "hin(s a'o#" E1)eri%en" Ho#se ca%e o#", an$ a'o#" "en )eo)le (o"
e1)elle$. Af"er "ha", "he Hea$2s frien$s saw "ha" "he Hea$ was no #se as a Hea$, so "he& (o"
her %a$e an Ins)ec"or "o in"erfere wi"h o"her Hea$s. An$ when "he& fo#n$ she wasn2" %#ch
(oo$ e+en a" "ha", "he& (o" her in"o Parlia%en" where she li+e$ ha))il& e+er af"er.
E#s"ace '#rie$ his fine clo"hes secre"l& one ni(h" in "he school (ro#n$s, '#" >ill s%#((le$
hers ho%e an$ wore "he% a" a fanc&*$ress 'all ne1" holi$a&s. An$ fro% "ha" $a& for"h
"hin(s chan(e$ for "he 'e""er a" E1)eri%en" Ho#se, an$ i" 'eca%e 9#i"e a (oo$ school. An$
>ill an$ E#s"ace were alwa&s frien$s.
B#" far off in Narnia, !in( Rilian '#rie$ his fa"her, Cas)ian "he Na+i(a"or, Ten"h of "ha"
na%e, an$ %o#rne$ for hi%. He hi%self r#le$ Narnia well an$ "he lan$ was ha))& in his
$a&s, "ho#(h P#$$le(l#% .whose foo" was as (oo$ as new in "hree wee,s/ of"en )oin"e$ o#"
"ha" 'ri(h" %ornin(s 'ro#(h" on we" af"ernoons, an$ "ha" &o# co#l$n2" e1)ec" (oo$ "i%es "o
las". The o)enin( in"o "he hillsi$e was lef" o)en, an$ of"en in ho" s#%%er $a&s "he Narnians
(o in "here wi"h shi)s an$ lan"erns an$ $own "o "he wa"er an$ sail "o an$ fro, sin(in(, on "he
cool, $ar, #n$er(ro#n$ sea, "ellin( each o"her s"ories of "he ci"ies "ha" lie
fa"ho%s $ee) 'elow. If e+er &o# ha+e "he l#c, "o (o "o Narnia &o#rself, $o no" for(e" "o
ha+e a loo, a" "hose ca+es.
THIS is "he s"or& of an a$+en"#re "ha" ha))ene$ in Narnia an$ Calor%en an$ "he lan$s
'e"ween, in "he 6ol$en A(e when Pe"er was Hi(h !in( in Narnia an$ his 'ro"her an$ his
"wo sis"ers were !in( an$ =#eens #n$er hi%.
In "hose $a&s, far so#"h in Calor%en on a li""le cree, of "he sea, "here li+e$ a )oor fisher%an
calle$ Arsheesh, an$ wi"h hi% "here li+e$ a 'o& who calle$ hi% 7a"her. The 'o&2s na%e
was Shas"a. On %os" $a&s Arsheesh wen" o#" in his 'oa" "o fish in "he %ornin(, an$ in "he
af"ernoon he harnesse$ his $on,e& "o a car" an$ loa$e$ "he car" wi"h fish an$ wen" a %ile or
so so#"hwar$ "o "he +illa(e "o sell i". If i" ha$ sol$ well he wo#l$ co%e ho%e in a
%o$era"el& (oo$ "e%)er an$ sa& no"hin( "o Shas"a, '#" if i" ha$ sol$ 'a$l& he wo#l$ fin$
fa#l" wi"h hi% an$ )erha)s 'ea" hi%. There was alwa&s so%e"hin( "o fin$ fa#l" wi"h for
Shas"a ha$ )len"& of wor, "o $o, %en$in( an$ washin( "he ne"s, coo,in( "he s#))er, an$
cleanin( "he co""a(e in which "he& 'o"h li+e$.
Shas"a was no" a" all in"eres"e$ in an&"hin( "ha" la& so#"h of his ho%e 'eca#se he ha$ once
or "wice 'een "o "he +illa(e wi"h Arsheesh an$ he ,new "ha" "here was no"hin( +er&
in"eres"in( "here. In "he +illa(e he onl& %e" o"her %en who were 8#s" li,e his fa"her * %en
wi"h lon(, $ir"& ro'es, an$ woo$en shoes "#rne$ #) a" "he "oe, an$ "#r'ans on "heir hea$s,
an$ 'ear$s, "al,in( "o one ano"her +er& slowl& a'o#" "hin(s "ha" so#n$e$ $#ll. B#" he was
+er& in"eres"e$ in e+er&"hin( "ha" la& "o "he Nor"h 'eca#se no one e+er wen" "ha" wa& an$
he was ne+er allowe$ "o (o "here hi%self. When he was si""in( o#" of $oors %en$in( "he
ne"s, an$ all alone, he wo#l$ of"en loo, ea(erl& "o "he Nor"h. One co#l$ see no"hin( '#" a
(rass& slo)e r#nnin( #) "o a le+el ri$(e an$ 'e&on$ "ha" "he s,& wi"h )erha)s a few 'ir$s in
So%e"i%es if Arsheesh was "here Shas"a wo#l$ sa&, 3O %& 7a"her, wha" is "here 'e&on$
"ha" hill53 An$ "hen if "he fisher%an was in a 'a$ "e%)er he wo#l$ 'o1 Shas"a2s ears an$
"ell hi% "o a""en$ "o his wor,. Or if he was in a )eacea'le %oo$ he wo#l$ sa&, 3O %& son,
$o no" allow &o#r %in$ "o 'e $is"rac"e$ '& i$le 9#es"ions. 7or one of "he )oe"s has sai$,
AA))lica"ion "o '#siness is "he roo" of )ros)eri"&, '#" "hose who as, 9#es"ions "ha" $o no"
concern "he% are s"eerin( "he shi) of foll& "owar$s "he roc, of in$i(ence2.3
Shas"a "ho#(h" "ha" 'e&on$ "he hill "here %#s" 'e so%e $eli(h"f#l secre" which his fa"her
wishe$ "o hi$e fro% hi%. In reali"&, howe+er, "he fisher%an "al,e$ li,e "his 'eca#se he
$i$n2" ,now wha" la& "o "he Nor"h. Nei"her $i$ he care. He ha$ a +er& )rac"ical %in$.
One $a& "here ca%e fro% "he So#"h a s"ran(er who was #nli,e an& %an "ha" Shas"a ha$
seen 'efore. He ro$e #)on a s"ron( $a))le$ horse wi"h flowin( %ane an$ "ail an$ his
s"irr#)s an$ 'ri$le were inlai$ wi"h sil+er. The s)i,e of a hel%e" )ro8ec"e$ fro% "he %i$$le
of his sil,en "#r'an an$ he wore a shir" of chain %ail. B& his si$e h#n( a c#r+in( sci%i"ar, a
ro#n$ shiel$ s"#$$e$ wi"h 'osses of 'rass h#n( a" his 'ac,, an$ his ri(h" han$ (ras)e$ a
lance. His face was $ar,, '#" "his $i$ no" s#r)rise Shas"a 'eca#se all "he )eo)le of
Calor%en are li,e "ha"0 wha" $i$ s#r)rise hi% was "he %an2s 'ear$ which was $&e$
cri%son, an$ c#rle$ an$ (lea%in( wi"h scen"e$ oil. B#" Arsheesh ,new '& "he (ol$ on "he
s"ran(er2s 'are ar% "ha" he was a Tar,aan or (rea" lor$, an$ he 'owe$ ,neelin( 'efore hi%
"ill his 'ear$ "o#che$ "he ear"h an$ %a$e si(ns "o Shas"a "o ,neel also.
The s"ran(er $e%an$e$ hos)i"ali"& for "he ni(h" which of co#rse "he fisher%an $are$ no"
ref#se. All "he 'es" "he& ha$ was se" 'efore "he Tar,aan for s#))er .an$ he $i$n2" "hin,
%#ch of i"/ an$ Shas"a, as alwa&s ha))ene$ when "he fisher%an ha$ co%)an&, was (i+en a
h#n, of 'rea$ an$ "#rne$ o#" of "he co""a(e. On "hese occasions he #s#all& sle)" wi"h "he
$on,e& in i"s li""le "ha"che$ s"a'le. B#" i" was %#ch "oo earl& "o (o "o slee) &e", an$ Shas"a,
who ha$ ne+er learne$ "ha" i" is wron( "o lis"en 'ehin$ $oors, sa" $own wi"h his ear "o a
crac, in "he woo$en wall of "he co""a(e "o hear wha" "he (rown*#)s were "al,in( a'o#".
An$ "his is wha" he hear$.
3An$ now, O %& hos",3 sai$ "he Tar,aan, 3I ha+e a %in$ "o '#& "ha" 'o& of &o#rs.3
3O %& %as"er,3 re)lie$ "he fisher%an .an$ Shas"a ,new '& "he whee$lin( "one "he (ree$&
loo, "ha" was )ro'a'l& co%in( in"o his face as he sai$ i"/, 3wha" )rice co#l$ in$#ce &o#r
ser+an", )oor "ho#(h he is, "o sell in"o sla+er& his onl& chil$ an$ his own flesh5 Has no" one
of "he )oe"s sai$, ANa"#ral affec"ion is s"ron(er "han so#) an$ offs)rin( %ore )recio#s "han
3I" is e+en so,3 re)lie$ "he (#es" $r&l&. 3B#" ano"her )oe" has li,ewise sai$, 3He who
a""e%)"s "o $ecei+e "he 8#$icio#s is alrea$& 'arin( his own 'ac, for "he sco#r(e.3 Do no"
loa$ &o#r a(e$ %o#"h wi"h falsehoo$s. This 'o& is %anifes"l& no son of &o#rs, for &o#r
chee, is as $ar, as %ine '#" "he 'o& is fair an$ whi"e li,e "he acc#rse$ '#" 'ea#"if#l
'ar'arians who inha'i" "he re%o"e Nor"h.3
3How well i" was sai$,3 answere$ "he fisher%an, 3"ha" Swor$s can 'e ,e)" off wi"h shiel$s
'#" "he E&e of Wis$o% )ierces "hro#(h e+er& $efence4 !now "hen, O %& for%i$a'le (#es",
"ha" 'eca#se of %& e1"re%e )o+er"& I ha+e ne+er %arrie$ an$ ha+e no chil$. B#" in "ha"
sa%e &ear in which "he Tisroc .%a& he li+e for e+er/ 'e(an his a#(#s" an$ 'eneficen" rei(n,
on a ni(h" when "he %oon was a" her f#ll, i" )lease$ "he (o$s "o $e)ri+e %e of %& slee).
Therefore I arose fro% %& 'e$ in "his ho+el an$ wen" for"h "o "he 'each "o refresh %&self
wi"h loo,in( #)on "he wa"er an$ "he %oon an$ 'rea"hin( "he cool air. An$ )resen"l& I hear$
a noise as of oars co%in( "o %e across "he wa"er an$ "hen, as i"
were, a wea, cr&. An$ shor"l& af"er, "he "i$e 'ro#(h" "o "he lan$ a li""le 'oa" in which "here
was no"hin( '#" a %an lean wi"h e1"re%e h#n(er an$ "hirs" who see%e$ "o ha+e $ie$ '#" a
few %o%en"s 'efore .for he was s"ill war%/, an$ an e%)"& wa"er*s,in, an$ a chil$, s"ill
li+in(. 3Do#'"less,3 sai$ I, 3"hese #nfor"#na"es ha+e esca)e$ fro% "he wrec, of a (rea" shi),
'#" '& "he a$%ira'le $esi(ns of "he (o$s, "he el$er has s"ar+e$ hi%self "o ,ee) "he chil$
ali+e an$ has )erishe$ in si(h" of lan$.3 Accor$in(l&, re%e%'erin( how "he (o$s ne+er fail
"o rewar$ "hose who 'efrien$ "he $es"i"#"e, an$ 'ein( %o+e$ '& co%)assion .for &o#r
ser+an" is a %an of "en$er hear"/ *3
3Lea+e o#" all "hese i$le wor$s in &o#r own )raise,3 in"err#)"e$ "he Tar,aan. 3I" is eno#(h
"o ,now "ha" &o# "oo, "he chil$ * an$ ha+e ha$ "en "i%es "he wor"h of his $ail& 'rea$ o#" of
hi% in la'o#r, as an&one can see. An$ now "ell %e a" once wha" )rice &o# )#" on hi%, for I
a% wearie$ wi"h &o#r lo9#aci"&.3
3Yo# &o#rself ha+e wisel& sai$,3 answere$ Arsheesh, 3"ha" "he 'o&2s la'o#r has 'een "o %e
of ines"i%a'le +al#e. This %#s" 'e "a,en in"o acco#n" in fi1in( "he )rice. 7or if I sell "he
'o& I %#s" #n$o#'"e$l& ei"her '#& or hire ano"her "o $o his wor,.3
3I2ll (i+e &o# fif"een crescen"s for hi%,3 sai$ "he Tar,aan.
37if"een43 crie$ Arsheesh in a +oice "ha" was so%e"hin( 'e"ween a whine an$ a screa%.
37if"een4 7or "he )ro) of %& ol$ a(e an$ "he $eli(h" of %& e&es4 Do no" %oc, %& (re&
'ear$, Tar,aan "ho#(h &o# 'e. -& )rice is se+en"&.3
A" "his )oin" Shas"a (o" #) an$ "i)"oe$ awa&. He ha$ hear$ all he wan"e$, for he ha$ o)en
lis"ene$ when %en were 'ar(ainin( in "he +illa(e an$ ,new how i" was $one. He was 9#i"e
cer"ain "ha" Arsheesh wo#l$ sell hi% in "he en$ for so%e"hin( %#ch %ore "han fif"een
crescen"s an$ %#ch less "han se+en"&, '#" "ha" he an$ "he Tar,aan wo#l$ "a,e ho#rs in
(e""in( "o an a(ree%en".
Yo# %#s" no" i%a(ine "ha" Shas"a fel" a" all as &o# an$ I wo#l$ feel if we ha$ 8#s"
o+erhear$ o#r )aren"s "al,in( a'o#" sellin( #s for sla+es. 7or one "hin(, his life was alrea$&
li""le 'e""er "han sla+er&0 for all he ,new, "he lor$l& s"ran(er on "he (rea" horse %i(h" 'e
,in$er "o hi% "han Arsheesh. 7or ano"her, "he s"or& a'o#" his own $isco+er& in "he 'oa" ha$
fille$ hi% wi"h e1ci"e%en" an$ wi"h a sense of relief. He ha$ of"en 'een #neas& 'eca#se, "r&
as he %i(h", he ha$ ne+er 'een a'le "o lo+e "he fisher%an, an$ he ,new "ha" a 'o& o#(h" "o
lo+e his fa"her. An$ now, a))aren"l&, he was no rela"ion "o Arsheesh a" all. Tha" "oo, a
(rea" wei(h" off his %in$. 3Wh&, I %i(h" 'e an&one43 he "ho#(h". 3I %i(h" 'e "he son of a
Tar,aan %&self * or "he son of "he Tisroc .%a& he li+e for e+er/ or of a (o$43
He was s"an$in( o#" in "he (rass& )lace 'efore "he co""a(e while he "ho#(h" "hese "hin(s.
Twili(h" was co%in( on a)ace an$ a s"ar or "wo was alrea$& o#", '#" "he re%ains of "he
s#nse" co#l$ s"ill 'e seen in "he wes". No" far awa& "he s"ran(er2s horse, loosel& "ie$ "o an
iron rin( in "he wall of "he $on,e&2s s"a'le, was (ra<in(. Shas"a s"rolle$ o+er "o i" an$ )a""e$
i"s nec,. I" wen" on "earin( #) "he (rass an$ "oo, no no"ice of hi%.
Then ano"her "ho#(h" ca%e in"o Shas"a2s %in$. 3I won$er wha" sor" of a %an "ha" Tar,aan
is,3 he sai$ o#" lo#$. 3I" wo#l$ 'e s)len$i$ if he was ,in$. So%e of "he sla+es in a (rea"
lor$2s ho#se ha+e ne1" "o no"hin( "o $o. The& wear lo+el& clo"hes an$ ea" %ea" e+er& $a&.
Perha)s he2$ "a,e %e "o "he wars an$ I2$ sa+e his life in a 'a""le an$ "hen he2$ se" %e free
an$ a$o)" %e as his son an$ (i+e %e a )alace an$ a chario" an$ a s#i" of ar%o#r. B#" "hen
he %i(h" 'e a horri$ cr#el %an. He %i(h" sen$ %e "o wor, on "he fiel$s in chains. I wish I
,new. How can I ,now5 I 'e" "his horse ,nows, if onl& he co#l$ "ell %e.3
The Horse ha$ lif"e$ i"s hea$. Shas"a s"ro,e$ i"s s%oo"h*as*sa"in nose an$ sai$, 3I wish &o#
co#l$ "al,, ol$ fellow.3
An$ "hen for a secon$ he "ho#(h" he was $rea%in(, for 9#i"e $is"inc"l&, "ho#(h in a low
+oice, "he Horse sai$, 3B#" I can.3
Shas"a s"are$ in"o i"s (rea" e&es an$ his own (rew al%os" as 'i(, wi"h as"onish%en".
3How e+er $i$ &o# learn "o "al,53 he as,e$.
3H#sh4 No" so lo#$,3 re)lie$ "he Horse. 3Where I co%e fro%, nearl& all "he ani%als "al,.3
3Where+er is "ha"53 as,e$ Shas"a.
3Narnia,3 answere$ "he Horse. 3The ha))& lan$ of Narnia * Narnia of "he hea"her&
%o#n"ains an$ "he "h&%& $owns, Narnia of "he %an& ri+ers, "he )lashin( (lens, "he %oss&
ca+erns an$ "he $ee) fores"s rin(in( wi"h "he ha%%ers of "he Dwarfs. Oh "he swee" air of
Narnia4 An ho#r2s life "here is 'e""er "han a "ho#san$ &ears in Calor%en.3 I" en$e$ wi"h a
whinn& "ha" so#n$e$ +er& li,e a si(h.
3How $i$ &o# (e" here53 sai$ Shas"a.
3!i$na))e$,3 sai$ "he Horse. 3Or s"olen, or ca)"#re$ whiche+er &o# li,e "o call i". I was
onl& a foal a" "he "i%e. -& %o"her warne$ %e no" "o ran(e "he So#"hern slo)es, in"o
Archenlan$ an$ 'e&on$, '#" I wo#l$n2" hee$ her. An$ '& "he Lion2s -ane I ha+e )ai$ for
%& foll&. All "hese &ears I ha+e 'een a sla+e "o h#%ans, hi$in( %& "r#e na"#re an$
)re"en$in( "o 'e $#%' an$ wi"less li,e "heir horses.3
3Wh& $i$n2" &o# "ell "he% who &o# were53
3No" s#ch a fool, "ha"2s wh&. If "he&2$ once fo#n$ o#" I co#l$ "al, "he& wo#l$ ha+e %a$e a
show of %e a" fairs an$ (#ar$e$ %e %ore caref#ll& "han e+er. -& las" chance of esca)e
wo#l$ ha+e 'een (one.3
3An$ wh& *3 'e(an Shas"a, '#" "he Horse in"err#)"e$ hi%.
3Now loo,,3 i" sai$, 3we %#s"n2" was"e "i%e on i$le 9#es"ions. Yo# wan" "o ,now a'o#" %&
%as"er "he Tar,aan Anra$in. Well, he2s 'a$. No" "oo 'a$ "o %e, for a war horse cos"s "oo
%#ch "o 'e "rea"e$ +er& 'a$l&. B#" &o#2$ 'e""er 'e l&in( $ea$ "oni(h" "han (o "o 'e a h#%an
sla+e in his ho#se "o%orrow.3
3Then I2$ 'e""er r#n awa&,3 sai$ Shas"a, "#rnin( +er& )ale.
3Yes, &o# ha$,3 sai$ "he Horse. 3B#" wh& no" r#n awa& wi"h %e53
3Are &o# (oin( "o r#n awa& "oo53 sai$ Shas"a.
3Yes, if &o#2ll co%e wi"h %e,3 answere$ "he Horse. 3This is "he chance for 'o"h of #s. Yo#
see if I r#n awa& wi"ho#" a ri$er, e+er&one who sees %e will sa& 3S"ra& horse3 an$ 'e af"er
%e as 9#ic, as he can. Wi"h a ri$er I2+e a chance "o (e" "hro#(h. Tha"2s where &o# can hel)
%e. On "he o"her han$, &o# can2" (e" +er& far on "hose "wo sill& le(s of &o#rs .wha" a's#r$
le(s h#%ans ha+e4/ wi"ho#" 'ein( o+er"a,en. B#" on %e &o# can o#"$is"ance an& o"her
horse in "his co#n"r&. Tha"2s where I can hel) &o#. B& "he wa&, I s#))ose &o# ,now how "o
3Oh &es, of co#rse,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3A" leas", I2+e ri$$en "he $on,e&.3
3Ri$$en "he wha"53 re"or"e$ "he Horse wi"h e1"re%e con"e%)". .A" leas", "ha" is wha" he
%ean". Ac"#all& i" ca%e o#" in a sor" of nei(h * 3Ri$$en "he wha*ha*ha*ha*ha.3 Tal,in(
horses alwa&s 'eco%e %ore hors& in accen" when "he& are an(r&./
3In o"her wor$s,3 i" con"in#e$, 3&o# can2" ri$e. Tha"2s a $raw'ac,. I2ll ha+e "o "each &o# as
we (o alon(. If &o# can2" ri$e, can &o# fall53
3I s#))ose an&one can fall,3 sai$ Shas"a.
3C %ean can &o# fall an$ (e" #) a(ain wi"ho#" cr&in( an$ %o#n" a(ain an$ fall a(ain an$
&e" no" 'e afrai$ of fallin(53
3I * I2ll "r&,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3Poor li""le 'eas",3 sai$ "he Horse in a (en"ler "one. 3I for(e" &o#2re
onl& a foal. We2ll %a,e a fine ri$er of &o# in "i%e. An$ now * we %#s"n2" s"ar" #n"il "hose
"wo in "he '#" are aslee). -ean"i%e we can %a,e o#r )lans. -& Tar,aan is on his wa&
Nor"h "o "he (rea" ci"&, "o Tash'aan i"self an$ "he co#r" of "he Tisroc *3
3I sa&,3 )#" in Shas"a in ra"her a shoc,e$ +oice, 3o#(h"n2" &o# "o sa& A-a& he li+e for
3Wh&53 as,e$ "he Horse. 3I2% a free Narnian. An$ wh& sho#l$ I "al, sla+es2 an$ fools2 "al,5
I $on2" wan" hi% "o li+e for e+er, an$ I ,now "ha" he2s no" (oin( "o li+e for e+er whe"her I
wan" hi% "o or no". An$ I can see &o#2re fro% "he free Nor"h "oo. No %ore of "his So#"hern
8ar(on 'e"ween &o# an$ %e4 An$ now, 'ac, "o o#r )lans. As I sai$, %& h#%an was on his
wa& Nor"h "o Tash'aan.3
3Does "ha" %ean we2$ 'e""er (o "o "he So#"h53
3I "hin, no",3 sai$ "he Horse. 3Yo# see, he "hin,s I2% $#%' an$ wi"less li,e his o"her horses.
Now if I reall& were, "he %o%en" I (o" loose I2$ (o 'ac, ho%e "o %& s"a'le an$ )a$$oc,0
'ac, "o his )alace which is "wo $a&s2 8o#rne& So#"h. Tha"2s where he2ll loo, for %e. He2$
ne+er $rea% of %& (oin( on Nor"h on %& own. An$ an&wa& he will )ro'a'l& "hin, "ha"
so%eone in "he las" +illa(e who saw hi% ri$e "hro#(h has followe$ #s "o here an$ s"olen
3Oh h#rrah43 sai$ Shas"a. 3Then we2ll (o Nor"h. I2+e 'een lon(in( "o (o "o "he Nor"h all %&
3Of co#rse &o# ha+e,3 sai$ "he Horse. 3Tha"2s 'eca#se of "he 'loo$ "ha"2s in &o#. I2% s#re
&o#2re "r#e Nor"hern s"oc,. B#" no" "oo lo#$. I sho#l$ "hin, "he&2$ 'e aslee) soon now.3
3I2$ 'e""er cree) 'ac, an$ see,3 s#((es"e$ Shas"a.
3Tha"2s a (oo$ i$ea,3 sai$ "he Horse. 3B#" "a,e care &o#2re no" ca#(h".3
I" was a (oo$ $eal $ar,er now an$ +er& silen" e1ce)" for "he so#n$ of "he wa+es on "he
'each, which Shas"a har$l& no"ice$ 'eca#se he ha$ 'een hearin( i" $a& an$ ni(h" as lon( as
he co#l$ re%e%'er. The co""a(e, as he a))roache$ i", showe$ no li(h". When he lis"ene$ a"
"he fron" "here was no noise. When he wen" ro#n$ "o "he onl& win$ow, he co#l$ hear, af"er
a secon$ or "wo, "he fa%iliar noise of "he ol$ fisher%an2s s9#ea,& snore. I" was f#nn& "o
"hin, "ha" if all wen" well he wo#l$ ne+er hear i" a(ain. Hol$in( his 'rea"h an$ feelin( a
li""le 'i" sorr&, '#" %#ch less sorr& "han he was (la$, Shas"a (li$e$ awa& o+er "he (rass an$
wen" "o "he $on,e&2s s"a'le, (ro)e$ alon( "o a )lace he ,new where "he ,e& was hi$$en,
o)ene$ "he $oor an$ fo#n$ "he Horse2s sa$$le an$ 'ri$le which ha$ 'een loc,e$ #) "here
for "he ni(h". He 'en" forwar$ an$ ,isse$ "he $on,e&2s nose. 3I2% sorr& we can2" "a,e &o#,3
he sai$.
3There &o# are a" las",3 sai$ "he Horse when he (o" 'ac, "o i". 3I was 'e(innin( "o won$er
wha" ha$ 'eco%e of &o#.3
3I was (e""in( &o#r "hin(s o#" of "he s"a'le,3 re)lie$ Shas"a. 3An$ now, can &o# "ell %e how
"o )#" "he% on53
7or "he ne1" few %in#"es Shas"a was a" wor,, +er& ca#"io#sl& "o a+oi$ 8in(lin(, while "he
Horse sai$ "hin(s li,e, 36e" "ha" (ir"h a 'i" "i(h"er,3 or 3Yo#2ll fin$ a '#c,le lower $own,3
or 3Yo#2ll nee$ "o shor"en "hose s"irr#)s a (oo$ 'i".3 When all was finishe$ i" sai$:
3Now0 we2+e (o" "o ha+e reins for "he loo, of "he "hin(, '#" &o# won2" 'e #sin( "he%. Tie
"he% "o "he sa$$le*'ow: +er& slac, so "ha" I can $o wha" I li,e wi"h %& hea$. An$,
re%e%'er * &o# are no" "o "o#ch "he%.3
3Wha" are "he& for, "hen53 as,e$ Shas"a.
3Or$inaril& "he& are for $irec"in( %e,3 re)lie$ "he Horse. 3B#" as I in"en$ "o $o all "he
$irec"in( on "his 8o#rne&, &o#2ll )lease ,ee) &o#r han$s "o &o#rself. An$ "here2s ano"her
"hin(. I2% no" (oin( "o ha+e &o# (ra''in( %& %ane.3
3B#" I sa&,3 )lea$e$ Shas"a. 3If I2% no" "o hol$ on '& "he reins or '& &o#r %ane, wha" a% I
"o hol$ on '&53
3Yo# hol$ on wi"h &o#r ,nees,3 sai$ "he Horse. 3Tha"2s "he secre" of (oo$ ri$in(. 6ri) %&
'o$& 'e"ween &o#r ,nees as har$ as &o# li,e0 si" s"rai(h" #), s"rai(h" as a )o,er0 ,ee) &o#r
el'ows in. An$ '& "he wa&, wha" $i$ &o# $o wi"h "he s)#rs53
3P#" "he% on %& heels, of co#rse,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3I $o ,now "ha" %#ch.3
3Then &o# can "a,e "he% off an$ )#" "he% in "he sa$$le'a(. We %a& 'e a'le "o sell "he%
when we (e" "o Tash'aan. Rea$&5 An$ now I "hin, &o# can (e" #).3
3Ooh4 Yo#2re a $rea$f#l hei(h",3 (as)e$ Shas"a af"er his firs", an$ #ns#ccessf#l, a""e%)".
3I2% a horse, "ha"2s all,3 was "he re)l&. 3An&one wo#l$ "hin, I was a ha&s"ac, fro% "he wa&
&o#2re "r&in( "o cli%' #) %e4 There, "ha"2s 'e""er. Now si" #) an$ re%e%'er wha" I "ol$ &o#
a'o#" &o#r ,nees. 7#nn& "o "hin, of %e who has le$ ca+alr& char(es an$ won races ha+in(
a )o"a"o*sac, li,e &o# in "he sa$$le4 Howe+er, off we (o.3 I" ch#c,le$, no" #n,in$l&.
An$ i" cer"ainl& 'e(an "heir ni(h" 8o#rne& wi"h (rea" ca#"ion. 7irs" of all i" wen" 8#s" so#"h
of "he fisher%an2s co""a(e "o "he li""le ri+er which "here ran in"o "he sea, an$ "oo, care "o
lea+e in "he %#$ so%e +er& )lain hoof*%ar,s )oin"in( So#"h. B#" as soon as "he& were in
"he %i$$le of "he for$ i" "#rne$ #)s"rea% an$ wa$e$ "ill "he& were a'o#" a h#n$re$ &ar$s
far"her inlan$ "han "he co""a(e. Then i" selec"e$ a nice (ra+ell& 'i" of 'an, which wo#l$
"a,e no foo")rin"s an$ ca%e o#" on "he Nor"hern si$e. Then, s"ill a" a wal,in( )ace, i" wen"
Nor"hwar$ "ill "he co""a(e, "he one "ree, "he $on,e&2s s"a'le, an$ "he cree, * e+er&"hin(, in
fac", "ha" Shas"a ha$ e+er ,nown * ha$ s#n, o#" of si(h" in "he (re& s#%%er*ni(h" $ar,ness.
The& ha$ 'een (oin( #)hill an$ now were a" "he "o) of "he ri$(e * "ha" ri$(e which ha$
alwa&s 'een "he 'o#n$ar& of Shas"a2s ,nown worl$. He co#l$ no" see wha" was ahea$
e1ce)" "ha" i" was all o)en an$ (rass&. I" loo,e$ en$less: wil$ an$ lonel& an$ free.
3I sa&43 o'ser+e$ "he Horse. 3Wha" a )lace for a (allo), eh43
3Oh $on2" le"2s,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3No" &e". I $on2" ,now how "o * )lease, Horse. I $on2" ,now
&o#r na%e.3
3Breeh&*hinn&*'rinn&*hoo,&*hah,3 sai$ "he Horse.
3I2ll ne+er 'e a'le "o sa& "ha",3 sai$ Shas"a. 3Can I call &o# Bree53
3Well, if i"2s "he 'es" &o# can $o, I s#))ose &o# %#s",3 sai$ "he Horse. 3An$ wha" shall I
call &o#53
3I2% calle$ Shas"a.3
3H2%,3 sai$ Bree. 3Well, now, "here2s a na%e "ha"2s reall& har$ "o )rono#nce. B#" now a'o#"
"his (allo). I"2s a (oo$ $eal easier "han "ro""in( if &o# onl& ,new, 'eca#se &o# $on2" ha+e "o
rise an$ fall. 6ri) wi"h &o#r ,nees an$ ,ee) &o#r e&es s"rai(h" ahea$ 'e"ween %& ears.
Don2" loo, a" "he (ro#n$. If &o# "hin, &o#2re (oin( "o fall 8#s" (ri) har$er an$ si" #)
s"rai(h"er. Rea$&5 Now: for Narnia an$ "he Nor"h.3
IT was nearl& noon on "he followin( $a& when Shas"a was wa,ene$ '& so%e"hin( war%
an$ sof" %o+in( o+er his face. He o)ene$ his e&es an$ fo#n$ hi%self s"arin( in"o "he lon(
face of a horse0 i"s nose an$ li)s were al%os" "o#chin( his. He re%e%'ere$ "he e1ci"in(
e+en"s of "he )re+io#s ni(h" an$ sa" #). B#" as he $i$ so he (roane$.
3Ow, Bree,3 he (as)e$. 3I2% so sore. All o+er. I can har$l& %o+e.3
36oo$ %ornin(, s%all one,3 sai$ Bree. 3I was afrai$ &o# %i(h" feel a 'i" s"iff. I" can2" 'e "he
falls. Yo# $i$n2" ha+e %ore "han a $o<en or so, an$ i" was all lo+el&, sof" s)rin(& "#rf "ha"
%#s" ha+e 'een al%os" a )leas#re "o fall on. An$ "he onl& one "ha" %i(h" ha+e 'een nas"&
was 'ro,en '& "ha" (orse '#sh. No: i"2s "he ri$in( i"self "ha" co%es har$ a" firs". Wha" a'o#"
'rea,fas"5 I2+e ha$ %ine.3
3Oh 'o"her 'rea,fas". Bo"her e+er&"hin(,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3I "ell &o# I can2" %o+e.3 B#" "he
horse n#<<le$ a" hi% wi"h i"s nose an$ )awe$ hi% (en"l& wi"h a hoof "ill he ha$ "o (e" #).
An$ "hen he loo,e$ a'o#" hi% an$ saw where "he& were. Behin$ "he% la& a li""le co)se.
Before "he% "he "#rf, $o""e$ wi"h whi"e flowers, slo)e$ $own "o "he 'row of a cliff. 7ar
'elow "he%, so "ha" "he so#n$ of "he 'rea,in( wa+es was +er& fain", la& "he sea. Shas"a ha$
ne+er seen i" fro% s#ch a hei(h" an$ ne+er seen so %#ch of i" 'efore, nor $rea%e$ how
%an& colo#rs i" ha$. On ei"her han$ "he coas" s"re"che$ awa&, hea$lan$ af"er hea$lan$, an$
a" "he )oin"s &o# co#l$ see "he whi"e foa% r#nnin( #) "he roc,s '#" %a,in( no noise
'eca#se i" was so far off. There were (#lls fl&in( o+erhea$ an$ "he hea" shi+ere$ on "he
(ro#n$0 i" was a 'la<in( $a&. B#" wha" Shas"a chiefl& no"ice$ was "he air. He co#l$n2" "hin,
wha" was %issin(, #n"il a" las" he reali<e$ "ha" "here was no s%ell of fish in i". 7or of
co#rse, nei"her in "he co""a(e nor a%on( "he ne"s, ha$ he e+er 'een awa& fro%
"ha" s%ell in his life. An$ "his new air was so $elicio#s, an$ all his ol$ life see%e$ so far
awa&, "ha" he for(o" for a %o%en" a'o#" his 'r#ises an$ his achin( %#scles an$ sai$:
3I sa&, Bree, $i$n2" &o# sa& so%e"hin( a'o#" 'rea,fas"53
3Yes, I $i$,3 answere$ Bree. 3I "hin, &o#2ll fin$ so%e"hin( in "he sa$$le*'a(s. The&2re o+er
"here on "ha" "ree where &o# h#n( "he% #) las" ni(h" * or earl& "his %ornin(, ra"her.3
The& in+es"i(a"e$ "he sa$$le*'a(s an$ "he res#l"s were cheerin(* a %ea" )as"&, onl& sli(h"l&
s"ale, a l#%) of $rie$ fi(s an$ ano"her l#%) of (reen cheese, a li""le flas, of wine, an$ so%e
%one&0 a'o#" for"& crescen"s in all, which was %ore "han Shas"a ha$ e+er seen.
While Shas"a sa" $own * )ainf#ll& an$ ca#"io#sl& * wi"h his 'ac, a(ains" a "ree an$ s"ar"e$
on "he )as"&, Bree ha$ a few %ore %o#"hf#ls of (rass "o ,ee) hi% co%)an&.
3Won2" i" 'e s"ealin( "o #se "he %one&53 as,e$ Shas"a.
3Oh,3 sai$ "he Horse, loo,in( #) wi"h i"s %o#"h f#ll of (rass, 3I ne+er "ho#(h" of "ha". A
free horse an$ a "al,in( horse %#s"n2" s"eal, of co#rse. B#" I "hin, i"2s all ri(h". We2re
)risoners an$ ca)"i+es in ene%& co#n"r&. Tha" %one& is 'oo"&, s)oil. Besi$es, how are we
"o (e" an& foo$ for &o# wi"ho#" i"5 I s#))ose, li,e all h#%ans, &o# won2" ea" na"#ral foo$
li,e (rass an$ oa"s.3
3I can2".3
3E+er "rie$53
3Yes, I ha+e. I can2" (e" i" $own a" all. Yo# co#l$n2" ei"her if &o# were %e.3
3Yo#2re r#% li""le crea"#res, &o# h#%ans,3 re%ar,e$ Bree.
When Shas"a ha$ finishe$ his 'rea,fas" .which was '& far "he nices" he ha$ e+er ea"en/,
Bree sai$, 3I "hin, I2ll ha+e a nice roll 'efore we )#" on "ha" sa$$le a(ain.3 An$ he
)rocee$e$ "o $o so. 3Tha"2s (oo$. Tha"2s +er& (oo$,3 he sai$, r#''in( his 'ac, on "he "#rf
an$ wa+in( all fo#r le(s in "he air. 3Yo# o#(h" "o ha+e one "oo, Shas"a,3 he snor"e$. 3I"2s
%os" refreshin(.3
B#" Shas"a '#rs" o#" la#(hin( an$ sai$,3Yo# $o loo, f#nn& when &o#2re on &o#r 'ac,43
3I loo, no"hin( of "he sor",3 sai$ Bree. B#" "hen s#$$enl& he rolle$ ro#n$ on his si$e, raise$
his hea$ an$ loo,e$ har$ a" Shas"a, 'lowin( a li""le.
3Does i" reall& loo, f#nn&53 he as,e$ in an an1io#s +oice.
3Yes, i" $oes,3 re)lie$ Shas"a. 3B#" wha" $oes i" %a""er53
3Yo# $on2" "hin,, $o &o#,3 sai$ Bree, 3"ha" i" %i(h" 'e a "hin( "al,in( horses ne+er $o * a
sill&, clownish "ric, I2+e learne$ fro% "he $#%' ones5 I" wo#l$ 'e $rea$f#l "o fin$, when I
(e" 'ac, "o Narnia, "ha" I2+e )ic,e$ #) a lo" of low, 'a$ ha'i"s. Wha" $o &o# "hin,, Shas"a5
Hones"l&, now. Don2" s)are %& feelin(s. Sho#l$ &o# "hin, "he real, free horses * "he "al,in(
,in$ * $o roll53
3How sho#l$ I ,now5 An&wa& I $on2" "hin, I sho#l$ 'o"her a'o#" i" if I were &o#. We2+e
(o" "o (e" "here firs". Do &o# ,now "he wa&53
3I ,now %& wa& "o Tash'aan. Af"er "ha" co%es "he $eser". Oh, we2ll %ana(e "he $eser"
so%ehow, ne+er fear. Wh&, we2ll 'e in si(h" of "he Nor"hern %o#n"ains "hen. Thin, of i"4
To Narnia an$ "he Nor"h4 No"hin( will s"o) #s "hen. B#" I2$ 'e (la$ "o 'e )as" Tash'aan.
Yo# an$ I are safer awa& fro% ci"ies.3
3Can2" we a+oi$ i"53
3No" wi"ho#" (oin( alon( wa& inlan$, an$ "ha" wo#l$ "a,e #s in"o c#l"i+a"e$ lan$ an$ %ain
roa$s0 an$ I wo#l$n2" ,now "he wa&. No, we2ll 8#s" ha+e "o cree) alon( "he coas". ) here
on "he $owns we2ll %ee" no"hin( '#" shee) an$ ra''i"s an$ (#lls an$ a few she)her$s. An$
'& "he wa&, wha" a'o#" s"ar"in(53
Shas"a2s le(s ache$ "erri'l& as he sa$$le$ Bree an$ cli%'e$ in"o "he sa$$le, '#" "he Horse
was ,in$l& "o hi% an$ wen" a" a sof" )ace all af"ernoon. When e+enin( "wili(h" ca%e "he&
$ro))e$ '& s"ee) "rac,s in"o a +alle& an$ fo#n$ a +illa(e. Before "he& (o" in"o i" Shas"a
$is%o#n"e$ an$ en"ere$ i" on foo" "o '#& a loaf an$ so%e onions an$ ra$ishes. The Horse
"ro""e$ ro#n$ '& "he fiel$s in "he $#s, an$ %e" Shas"a a" "he far si$e. This 'eca%e "heir
re(#lar )lan e+er& secon$ ni(h".
These were (rea" $a&s for Shas"a, an$ e+er& $a& 'e""er "han "he las" as his %#scles har$ene$
an$ he fell less of"en. E+en a" "he en$ of his "rainin( Bree s"ill sai$ he sa" li,e a 'a( of flo#r
in "he sa$$le. 3An$ e+en if i" was safe, &o#n( 2#n, I2$ 'e asha%e$ "o 'e seen wi"h &o# on "he
%ain roa$.3 B#" in s)i"e of his r#$e wor$s Bree was a )a"ien" "eacher. No one can "each
ri$in( so well as a horse. Shas"a learne$ "o "ro", "o can"er, "o 8#%), an$ "o ,ee) his sea" e+en
when Bree )#lle$ #) s#$$enl& or sw#n( #ne1)ec"e$l& "o "he lef" or "he ri(h" * which, as
Bree "ol$ hi%, was a "hin( &o# %i(h" ha+e "o $o a" an& %o%en" in a 'a""le. An$ "hen of
co#rse Shas"a 'e((e$ "o 'e "ol$ of "he 'a""les an$ wars in which Bree ha$ carrie$ "he
Tar,aan. An$ Bree wo#l$ "ell of force$ %arches an$ "he for$in( of swif" ri+ers, of char(es
an$ of fierce fi(h"s 'e"ween ca+alr& an$ ca+alr& when "he war horses fo#(h" as well as "he
%en, 'ein( all fierce s"allions, "raine$ "o 'i"e an$ ,ic,, an$ "o rear a" "he ri(h" %o%en" so
"ha" "he horse2s wei(h" as well as "he ri$er2s wo#l$ co%e $own on a ene%&2s cres" in "he
s"ro,e of swor$ or 'a""lea1e. B#" Bree $i$ no" wan" "o "al, a'o#" "he wars as of"en as Shas"a
wan"e$ "o hear a'o#" "he%. 3Don2" s)ea, of "he%, &o#n(s"er,3 he wo#l$ sa&. 3The& were
onl& "he Tisroc2s wars an$ I fo#(h" in "he% as a sla+e an$ a $#%' 'eas". 6i+e %e "he
Narnian wars where I shall fi(h" as a free Horse a%on( %& own )eo)le4 Those will 'e wars
wor"h "al,in( a'o#". Narnia an$ "he Nor"h4 Bra*ha*ha4 Broo hoo43
Shas"a soon learne$, when he hear$ Bree "al,in( li,e "ha", "o )re)are for a (allo).
Af"er "he& ha$ "ra+elle$ on for wee,s an$ wee,s )as" %ore 'a&s an$ hea$lan$s an$ ri+ers
an$ +illa(es "han Shas"a co#l$ re%e%'er, "here ca%e a %oonli" ni(h" when "he& s"ar"e$
"heir 8o#rne& a" e+enin(, ha+in( sle)" $#rin( "he $a&. The& ha$ lef" "he $owns 'ehin$ "he%
an$ were crossin( a wi$e )lain wi"h a fores" a'o#" half a %ile awa& on "heir lef". The sea,
hi$$en '& low san$hills, was a'o#" "he sa%e $is"ance on "heir ri(h". The& ha$ 8o((e$ alon(
for a'o#" an ho#r, so%e"i%es "ro""in( an$ so%e"i%es wal,in(, when Bree s#$$enl&
3Wha"2s #)53 sai$ Shas"a.
3S*s*ssh43 sai$ Bree, cranin( his nec, ro#n$ an$ "wi"chin( his ears. 3Di$ &o# hear
so%e"hin(5 Lis"en.3
3I" so#n$s li,e ano"her horse * 'e"ween #s an$ "he woo$,3 sai$ Shas"a af"er he ha$ lis"ene$
for a'o#" a %in#"e.
3I" is ano"her horse,3 sai$ Bree. 3An$ "ha"2s wha" I $on2" li,e.3
3Isn2" i" )ro'a'l& 8#s" a far%er ri$in( ho%e la"e53 sai$ Shas"a wi"h a &awn.
3Don2" "ell %e43 sai$ Bree. 3Tha"2s no" a far%er2s ri$in(. Nor a far%er2s horse ei"her. Can2"
&o# "ell '& "he so#n$5 Tha"2s 9#ali"&, "ha" horse is. An$ i"2s 'ein( ri$$en '& a real horse%an.
I "ell &o# wha" i" is, Shas"a. There2s a Tar,aan #n$er "he e$(e of "ha" woo$. No" on his war
horse * i"2s "oo li(h" for "ha". On a fine 'loo$ %are, I sho#l$ sa&.3
3Well, i"2s s"o))e$ now, wha"e+er i" is,3 sai$ Shas"a.
3Yo#2re ri(h",3 sai$ Bree. 3An$ wh& sho#l$ he s"o) 8#s" when we $o5 Shas"a, %& 'o&, I $o
'elie+e "here2s so%eone sha$owin( #s a" las".3
3Wha" shall we $o53 sai$ Shas"a in a lower whis)er "han 'efore. 3Do &o# "hin, he can see
#s as well as hear #s53
3No" in "his li(h" so lon( as we s"a& 9#i"e s"ill,3 answere$ Bree. 3B#" loo,4 There2s a clo#$
co%in( #). I2ll wai" "ill "ha" (e"s o+er "he %oon. Then we2ll (e" off "o o#r ri(h" as 9#ie"l& as
we can, $own "o "he shore. We can hi$e a%on( "he san$hills if "he wors" co%es "o "he
The& wai"e$ "ill "he clo#$ co+ere$ "he %oon an$ "hen, firs" a" a wal,in( )ace an$
af"erwar$s a" a (en"le "ro", %a$e for "he shore.
The clo#$ was 'i((er an$ "hic,er "han i" ha$ loo,e$ a" firs" an$ soon "he ni(h" (rew +er&
$ar,. >#s" as Shas"a was sa&in( "o hi%self, 3We %#s" 'e nearl& a" "hose san$hills '&
now,3 his hear" lea)e$ in"o his %o#"h 'eca#se an a))allin( noise ha$ s#$$enl& risen #) o#"
of "he $ar,ness ahea$0 a lon( snarlin( roar, %elanchol& an$ #""erl& sa+a(e. Ins"an"l& Bree
swer+e$ ro#n$ an$ 'e(an (allo)in( inlan$ a(ain as fas" as he co#l$ (allo).
3Wha" is i"53 (as)e$ Shas"a.
3Lions43 sai$ Bree, wi"ho#" chec,in( his )ace or "#rnin( his hea$.
Af"er "ha" "here was no"hin( '#" sheer (allo)in( for so%e "i%e. A" las" "he& s)lashe$ across
a wi$e, shallow s"rea% an$ Bree ca%e "o a s"o) on "he far si$e. Shas"a no"ice$ "ha" he was
"re%'lin( an$ swea"in( all o+er.
3Tha" wa"er %a& ha+e "hrown "he 'r#"e off o#r scen",3 )an"e$ Bree when he ha$ )ar"l& (o"
his 'rea"h a(ain. 3We can wal, for a 'i" now.3
As "he& wal,e$ Bree sai$, 3Shas"a, I2% asha%e$ of %&self. I2% 8#s" as fri(h"ene$ as a
co%%on, $#%' Calor %ene horse. I a% reall&. I $on2" feel li,e a Tal,in( Horse a" all. I
$on2" %in$ swor$s an$ lances an$ arrows '#" I can2" 'ear * "hose crea"#res. I "hin, I2ll "ro"
for a 'i".3
A'o#" a %in#"e la"er, howe+er, he 'ro,e in"o a (allo) a(ain, an$ no won$er. 7or "he roar
'ro,e o#" a(ain, "his "i%e on "heir lef" fro% "he $irec"ion of "he fores".
3Two of "he%,3 %oane$ Bree.
When "he& ha$ (allo)e$ for se+eral %in#"es wi"ho#" an& f#r"her noise fro% "he lions Shas"a
sai$, 3I sa&4 Tha" o"her horse is (allo)in( 'esi$e #s now. Onl& a s"one2s "hrow awa&.3
3All "he '*'e""er,3 )an"e$ Bree. 3Tar,aan on i" * will ha+e a swor$ * )ro"ec" #s all.3
3B#", Bree43 sai$ Shas"a. 3We %i(h" 8#s" as well 'e ,ille$ '& lions as ca#(h". Or C %i(h".
The&2ll han( %e for horses"ealin(.3 He was feelin( less fri(h"ene$ of lions "han Bree
'eca#se he ha$ ne+er %e" a lion0 Bree ha$.
Bree onl& snor"e$ in answer '#" he $i$ sheer awa& "o his ri(h". O$$l& eno#(h "he o"her
horse see%e$ also "o 'e sheerin( awa& "o "he lef", so "ha" in a few secon$s "he s)ace
'e"ween "he% ha$ wi$ene$ a (oo$ $eal. B#" as soon as i" $i$ so "here ca%e "wo %ore lions2
roars, i%%e$ia"el& af"er one ano"her, one on "he ri(h" an$ "he o"her on "he lef", "he horses
'e(an $rawin( nearer "o(e"her. So, a))aren"l&, $i$ "he lions. The roarin( of "he 'r#"es on
each si$e was horri'l& close an$ "he& see%e$ "o 'e ,ee)in( #) wi"h "he (allo)in( horses
9#i"e easil&. Then "he clo#$ rolle$ awa&. The %oonli(h", as"onishin(l& 'ri(h", showe$ #)
e+er&"hin( al%os" as if i" were 'roa$ $a&. The "wo horses an$ "wo ri$ers were (allo)in(
nec, "o nec, an$ ,nee "o ,nee 8#s" as if "he& were in a race. In$ee$ Bree sai$ .af"erwar$s/
"ha" a finer race ha$ ne+er 'een seen in Calor%en.
Shas"a now (a+e hi%self #) for los" an$ 'e(an "o won$er whe"her lions ,ille$ &o# 9#ic,l&
or )la&e$ wi"h &o# as a ca" )la&s wi"h a %o#se an$ how %#ch i" wo#l$ h#r". A" "he sa%e
"i%e .one so%e"i%es $oes "his a" "he %os" fri(h"f#l %o%en"s/ he no"ice$ e+er&"hin(. He
saw "ha" "he o"her ri$er was a +er& s%all, slen$er )erson, %ail*cla$ ."he %oon shone on "he
%ail/ an$ ri$in( %a(nificen"l&. He ha$ no 'ear$.
So%e"hin( fla" an$ shinin( was s)rea$ o#" 'efore "he%. Before Shas"a ha$ "i%e e+en "o
(#ess wha" i" was "here was
a (rea" s)lash an$ he fo#n$ his %o#"h half f#ll of sal" wa"er. The shinin( "hin( ha$ 'een a
lon( inle" of "he sea. Bo"h horses were swi%%in( an$ "he wa"er was #) "o Shas"a2s ,nees.
There was an an(r& roarin( 'ehin$ "he% an$ loo,in( 'ac, Shas"a saw a (rea", sha((&, an$
"erri'le sha)e cro#che$ on "he wa"er2s e$(e0 '#" onl& one. 3We %#s" ha+e sha,en off "he
o"her lion,3 he "ho#(h".
The lion a))aren"l& $i$ no" "hin, i"s )re& wor"h a we""in(0 a" an& ra"e i" %a$e no a""e%)" "o
"a,e "he wa"er in )#rs#i". The "wo horses, si$e '& si$e, were now well o#" in"o "he %i$$le of
"he cree, an$ "he o))osi"e shore co#l$ 'e clearl& seen. The Tar,aan ha$ no" &e" s)o,en a
wor$. 3B#" he will,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. 3As soon as we ha+e lan$e$. Wha" a% I "o sa&5 I %#s"
'e(in "hin,in( o#" a s"or&.3
Then, s#$$enl&, "wo +oices s)o,e a" his si$e.
3Oh, I a% so "ire$,3 sai$ "he one. 3Hol$ &o#r "on(#e, Hwin, an$ $on2" 'e a fool,3 sai$ "he
3I2% $rea%in(,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. 3I co#l$ ha+e sworn "ha" o"her horse s)o,e.3
Soon "he horses were no lon(er swi%%in( '#" wal,in( an$ soon wi"h a (rea" so#n$ of
wa"er r#nnin( off "heir si$es an$ "ails an$ wi"h a (rea" cr#nchin( of )e''les #n$er ei(h"
hoofs, "he& ca%e o#" on "he far"her 'each of "he inle". The Tar,aan, "o Shas"a2s s#r)rise,
showe$ no wish "o as, 9#es"ions. He $i$ no" e+en loo, a" Shas"a '#" see%e$ an1io#s "o
#r(e his horse s"rai(h" on. Bree, howe+er, a" once sho#l$ere$ hi%self in "he o"her horse2s
3Broo*hoo*hah43 he snor"e$. 3S"ea$& "here4 I hear$ &o#, I $i$. There2s no (oo$ )re"en$in(,
-a2a%. C hear$ &o#. Yo#2re a Tal,in( Horse, a Narnian horse 8#s" li,e %e.3
3Wha"2s i" (o" "o $o wi"h &o# if she is53 sai$ "he s"ran(e ri$er fiercel&, la&in( han$ on
swor$*hil". B#" "he +oice in which "he wor$s were s)o,en ha$ alrea$& "ol$ Shas"a
3Wh&, i"2s onl& a (irl43 he e1clai%e$.
3An$ wha" '#siness is i" of &o#rs if I a% onl& a (irl53 sna))e$ "he s"ran(er. 3Yo#2re
)ro'a'l& onl& a 'o&: a r#$e, co%%on li""le 'o& * a sla+e )ro'a'l&, who2s s"olen his %as"er2s
3Tha"2s all &o# ,now,3 sai$ Shas"a.
3He2s no" a "hief, li""le Tar,heena,3 sai$ Bree. 3A" leas", if "here2s 'een an& s"ealin(, &o#
%i(h" 8#s" as well sa& I s"ole hi%. An$ as for i"s no" 'ein( %& '#siness, &o# wo#l$n2"
e1)ec" %e "o )ass a la$& of %& own race in "his s"ran(e co#n"r& wi"ho#" s)ea,in( "o her5
I"2s onl& na"#ral I sho#l$.3
3I "hin, i"2s +er& na"#ral "oo,3 sai$ "he %are.
3I wish &o#2$ hel$ &o#r "on(#e, Hwin,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3Loo, a" "he "ro#'le &o#2+e (o" #s
3I $on2" ,now a'o#" "ro#'le,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3Yo# can clear off as soon as &o# li,e. We shan2"
,ee) &o#.3
3No, &o# shan2",3 sai$ "he (irl.
3Wha" 9#arrelso%e crea"#res "hese h#%ans are,3 sai$ Bree "o "he %are. 3The&2re as 'a$ as
%#les. Le"2s "r& "o "al, a li""le sense. I "a,e i", %a2a%, &o#r s"or& is "he sa%e as %ine5
Ca)"#re$ in earl& &o#"h * &ears of sla+er& a%on( "he Calor%enes53
3Too "r#e, sir,3 sai$ "he %are wi"h a %elanchol& whinn&.
3An$ now, )erha)s * esca)e53
3Tell hi% "o %in$ his own '#siness, Hwin,3 sai$ "he (irl.
3No, I won2", Ara+is,3 sai$ "he %are )#""in( her ears 'ac,. 3This is %& esca)e 8#s" as %#ch
as &o#rs. An$ I2% s#re a no'le war*horse li,e "his is no" (oin( "o 'e"ra& #s. We are "r&in( "o
esca)e, "o (e" "o Narnia.3
3An$ so, of co#rse, are we,3 sai$ Bree. 3Of co#rse &o# (#esse$ "ha" a" once. A li""le 'o& in
ra(s ri$in( .or "r&in( "o ri$e/ a war*horse a" $ea$ of ni(h" co#l$n2" %ean an&"hin( '#" an
esca)e of so%e sor". An$, if I %a& sa& so, a hi(h'orn Tar,heena ri$in( alone a" ni(h" *
$resse$ #) in her 'ro"her2s ar%o#r * an$ +er& an1io#s for e+er&one "o %in$ "heir own
'#siness an$ as, her no 9#es"ions * well, if "ha"2s no" fish&, call %e a co'43
3All ri(h" "hen,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3Yo#2+e (#esse$ i". Hwin an$ I are r#nnin( awa&. We are
"r&in( "o (e" "o Narnia. An$ now, wha" a'o#" i"53
3Wh&, in "ha" case, wha" is "o )re+en" #s all (oin( "o(e"her53 sai$ Bree. 3I "r#s", -a$a%
Hwin, &o# will acce)" s#ch assis"ance an$ )ro"ec"ion as I %a& 'e a'le "o (i+e &o# on "he
3Wh& $o &o# ,ee) "al,in( "o %& horse ins"ea$ of "o %e53 as,e$ "he (irl.
3E1c#se %e, Tar,heena,3 sai$ Bree .wi"h 8#s" "he sli(h"es" 'ac,war$ "il" of his ears/, 3'#"
"ha"2s Calor%ene "al,. We2re free Narnians, Hwin an$ I, an$ I s#))ose, if &o#2re r#nnin(
awa& "o Narnia, &o# wan" "o 'e one "oo. In "ha" case Hwin isn2" &o#r horse an& lon(er. One
%i(h" 8#s" as well sa& &o#2re her h#%an.3
The (irl o)ene$ her %o#"h "o s)ea, an$ "hen s"o))e$. O'+io#sl& she ha$ no" 9#i"e seen i" in
"ha" li(h" 'efore.
3S"ill,3 she sai$ af"er a %o%en"2s )a#se, 3I $on2" ,now "ha" "here2s so %#ch )oin" in all (oin(
"o(e"her. Aren2" we %ore li,el& "o 'e no"ice$53
3Less,3 sai$ Bree0 an$ "he %are sai$, 3Oh $o le"2s. I sho#l$ feel %#ch %ore co%for"a'le.
We2re no" e+en cer"ain of "he wa&. I2% s#re a (rea" char(er li,e "his ,nows far %ore "han we
3Oh co%e on, Bree,3 sai$ Shas"a, 3an$ le" "he% (o "heir own wa&. Can2" &o# see "he& $on2"
wan" #s53
3We $o,3 sai$ Hwin.
3Loo, here,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3I $on2" %in$ (oin( wi"h &o#, -r War*Horse, '#" wha" a'o#" "his
'o&5 How $o I ,now he2s no" a s)&53
3Wh& $on2" &o# sa& a" once "ha" &o# "hin, I2% no" (oo$ eno#(h for &o#53 sai$ Shas"a.
3Be 9#ie", Shas"a,3 sai$ Bree. 3The Tar,heena2s 9#es"ion is 9#i"e reasona'le. I2ll +o#ch for
"he 'o&, Tar,heena. He2s 'een "r#e "o %e an$ a (oo$ frien$. An$ he2s cer"ainl& ei"her a
Narnian or an Archenlan$er.3
3All ri(h", "hen. Le"2s (o "o(e"her.3 B#" she $i$n2" sa& an&"hin( "o Shas"a an$ i" was o'+io#s
"ha" she wan"e$ Bree, no" hi%.
3S)len$i$43 sai$ Bree. 3An$ now "ha" we2+e (o" "he wa"er 'e"ween #s an$ "hose $rea$f#l
ani%als, wha" a'o#" &o# "wo h#%ans "a,in( off o#r sa$$les an$ o#r all ha+in( a res" an$
hearin( one ano"her2s s"ories.3
Bo"h "he chil$ren #nsa$$le$ "heir horses an$ "he horses ha$ a li""le (rass an$ Ara+is
)ro$#ce$ ra"her nice "hin(s "o ea" fro% her sa$$le*'a(L B#" Shas"a s#l,e$ an$ sai$ No
"han,s, an$ "ha" he wasn2" h#n(r&. An$ he "rie$ "o )#" on wha" he "ho#(h" +er& (ran$ an$
s"iff %anners, '#" as a fisher%an2s '#" is no" #s#all& a (oo$ )lace for learnin( (ran$
%anners, "he res#l" was $rea$f#l. An$ he half ,new "ha" i" wasn2" a s#ccess an$ "hen
'eca%e s#l,ier an$ %ore aw,war$ "han e+er. -eanwhile "he "wo horses were (e""in( on
s)len$i$l&. The& re%e%'ere$ "he +er& sa%e )laces in Narnia * 3"he (rasslan$s #) a'o+e
Bea+ers$a%3 an$ fo#n$ "ha" "he& were so%e sor" of secon$ co#sins once re%o+e$. This
%a$e "hin(s %ore an$ %ore #nco%for"a'le for "he h#%ans #n"il a" las" Bree sai$, 3An$
now, Tar,heena, "ell #s &o#r s"or&. An$ $on2" h#rr& i" * I2% feelin( co%for"a'le now.3
Ara+is i%%e$ia"el& 'e(an, si""in( 9#i"e s"ill an$ #sin( a ra"her $ifferen" "one an$ s"&le fro%
her #s#al one. 7or in Calor%en, s"or&*"ellin( .whe"her "he s"ories are "r#e or %a$e #)/ is a
"hin( &o#2re "a#(h", 8#s" as En(lish 'o&s an$ (irls are "a#(h" essa&*wri"in(. The $ifference
is "ha" )eo)le wan" "o hear "he s"ories, whereas I ne+er hear$ of an&one who wan"e$ "o rea$
"he essa&s.
3-r na%e,3 sai$ "he (irl a" once, 3is Ara+is Tar,heena an$ I a% "he onl& $a#(h"er of
!i$rash Tar,aan, "he son of Rish"i Tar,aan, "he son of !i$rash Tar,aan, "he son of
Ilso%'reh Tisroc, "he son of Ar$ee' Tisroc who was $escen$e$ in a ri(h" line fro% "he (o$
Tash. -& fa"her is "he lor$ of "he )ro+ince of Cala+ar an$ is one who has "he ri(h" of
s"an$in( on his fee" in his shoes 'efore "he face of Tisroc hi%self .%a& he li+e for e+er/.
-& %o"her .on who% 'e "he )eace of "he (o$s/ is $ea$ an$ %& fa"her has %arrie$ ano"her
wife. One of %& 'ro"hers has fallen in 'a""le a(ains" "he re'els in "he far wes" an$ "he o"her
is a chil$. Now i" ca%e "o )ass "ha" %& fa"her2s wife, %& s"e)*%o"her, ha"e$ %e, an$ "he s#n
a))eare$ $ar, in her e&es as lon( as I li+e$ in %& fa"her2s ho#se. An$ so she )ers#a$e$ %&
fa"her "o )ro%ise %e in %arria(e "o Ahosh"a Tar,aan. Now "his Ahosh"a is of 'ase 'ir"h,
"ho#(h in "hese la""er &ears he has won "he fa+o#r of "he Tisroc .%a& he li+e for e+er/ '&
fla""er& an$ e+il co#nsels, an$ is now %a$e a Tar,aan an$ "he lor$ of %an& ci"ies an$ is
li,el& "o 'e chosen as "he 6ran$ ;i<ier when "he )resen" 6ran$ ;i<ier $ies. -oreo+er he is
a" leas" si1"& &ears ol$ an$ has a h#%) on his 'ac, an$ his face rese%'les "ha" of an a)e.
Ne+er"heless %& fa"her, 'eca#se of "he weal"h an$ )ower of "his Ahosh"a, an$ 'ein(
)ers#a$e$ '& his wife, sen" %essen(ers offerin( %e in %arria(e, an$ "he offer was
fa+o#ra'l& acce)"e$ an$ Ahosh"a sen" wor$ "ha" he wo#l$ %arr& %e "his +er& &ear a" "he
"i%e of hi(h s#%%er.
3When "his news was 'ro#(h" "o %e "he s#n a))eare$ $ar, in %& e&es an$ I lai$ %&self on
%& 'e$ an$ we)" for a $a&. B#" on "he secon$ $a& I rose #) an$ washe$ %& face an$
ca#se$ %& %are Hwin "o 'e sa$$le$ an$ "oo, wi"h %e a shar) $a((er which %& 'ro"her
ha$ carrie$ in "he wes"ern wars an$ ro$e o#" alone. An$ when %& fa"her2s ho#se was o#" of
si(h" an$ I was co%e "o a (reen o)en )lace in a cer"ain woo$ where "here were no
$wellin(s of %en, I $is%o#n"e$ fro% Hwin %& %are an$ "oo, o#" "he $a((er. Then I )ar"e$
%& clo"hes where I "ho#(h" "he rea$ies" wa& la& "o %& hear" an$ I )ra&e$ "o all "he
(o$s "ha" as soon as I was $ea$ I %i(h" fin$ %&self wi"h %& 'ro"her. Af"er "ha" I sh#" %&
e&es an$ %& "ee"h an$ )re)are$ "o $ri+e "he $a((er in"o %& hear". B#" 'efore I ha$ $one so,
"his %are s)o,e wi"h "he +oice of one of "he $a#(h"ers of %en an$ sai$, 3O %& %is"ress, $o
no" '& an& %eans $es"ro& &o#rself, for if &o# li+e &o# %a& &e" ha+e (oo$ for"#ne '#" all "he
$ea$ are $ea$ ali,e.3
3I $i$n2" sa& i" half so well as "ha",3 %#""ere$ "he %are.
3H#sh, -a2a%, h#sh,3 sai$ Bree, who was "horo#(hl& en8o&in( "he s"or&. 3She2s "ellin( i" in
"he (ran$ Calor%ene %anner an$ no s"or&*"eller in a Tisroc2s co#r" co#l$ $o i" 'e""er. Pra&
(o on, Tar,heena.3
3When I hear$ "he lan(#a(e of %en #""ere$ '& %& %are,3 con"in#e$ Ara+is, 3I sai$ "o
%&self, "he fear of $ea"h has $isor$ere$ %& reason an$ s#'8ec"e$ %e "o $el#sions. An$ I
'eca%e f#ll of sha%e for none of %& linea(e o#(h" "o fear $ea"h %ore "han "he 'i"in( of a
(na". Therefore I a$$resse$ %&self a secon$ "i%e "o "he s"a''in(, '#" Hwin ca%e near "o
%e an$ )#" her hea$ in 'e"ween %e an$ "he $a((er an$ $isco#rse$ "o %e %os" e1cellen"
reasons an$ re'#,e$ %e as a %o"her re'#,es her $a#(h"er. An$ now %& won$er was so
(rea" "ha" I for(o" a'o#" ,illin( %&self an$ a'o#" Ahosh"a an$ sai$, AO %& %are, how ha+e
&o# learne$ "o s)ea, li,e one of "he $a#(h"ers of %en52 An$ Hwin "ol$ %e wha" is ,nown
"o all "his co%)an&, "ha" in Narnia "here are 'eas"s "ha" "al,, an$ how she herself was s"olen
fro% "hence when she was a li""le foal. She "ol$ %e also of "he woo$s an$ wa"ers of Narnia
an$ "he cas"les an$ "he (rea" shi)s, "ill I sai$, AIn "he na%e of Tash an$ A<aro"h an$
Mar$eenah La$& of "he Ni(h", I ha+e a (rea" wish "o 'e in "ha" co#n"r& of Narnia.2 AO %&
%is"ress,2 answere$ "he %are, Aif &o# were in Narnia &o# wo#l$ 'e ha))&, for in "ha" lan$
no %ai$en is force$ "o %arr& a(ains" her will.2
3An$ when we ha$ "al,e$ "o(e"her for a (rea" "i%e ho)e re"#rne$ "o %e an$ I re8oice$ "ha" I
ha$ no" ,ille$ %&self. -oreo+er i" was a(ree$ 'e"ween Hwin an$ %e "ha" we sho#l$ s"eal
o#rsel+es awa& "o(e"her an$ we )lanne$ i" in "his fashion. We re"#rne$ "o %& fa"her2s ho#se
an$ I )#" on %& (a&es" clo"hes an$ san( an$ $ance$ 'efore %& fa"her an$ )re"en$e$ "o 'e
$eli(h"e$ wi"h "he %arria(e which he ha$ )re)are$ for %e. Also I sai$ "o hi%, AO %& fa"her
an$ O "he $eli(h" of %& e&es, (i+e %e &o#r licence an$ )er%ission "o (o wi"h one of %&
%ai$ens alone for "hree $a&s in"o "he woo$s "o $o secre" sacrifices "o Mar$eenah, La$& of
"he Ni(h" an$ of -ai$ens, as is )ro)er an$ c#s"o%ar& for $a%sels when "he& %#s" 'i$
farewell "o "he ser+ice of Mar$eenah an$ )re)are "he%sel+es for %arria(e.2 An$ he
answere$, AO %& $a#(h"er an$ O "he $eli(h" of %& e&es, so shall i" 'e.2
3B#" when I ca%e o#" fro% "he )resence of %& fa"her I wen" i%%e$ia"el& "o "he ol$es" of
his sla+es, his secre"ar&, who ha$ $an$le$ %e on his ,nees when I was a 'a'& an$ lo+e$ %e
%ore "han "he air an$ "he li(h". An$ I swore hi% "o 'e secre" an$ 'e((e$ hi% "o wri"e a
cer"ain le""er for %e. An$ he we)" an$ i%)lore$ %e "o chan(e %& resol#"ion '#" in "he en$
he sai$, ATo hear is "o o'e&,2 an$ $i$ all %& will. An$ I seale$ "he le""er an$ hi$ i" in %&
3B#" wha" was in "he le""er53 as,e$ Shas"a.
3Be 9#ie", &o#n(s"er,3 sai$ Bree. 3Yo#2re s)oilin( "he s"or&. She2ll "ell #s all a'o#" "he le""er
in "he ri(h" )lace. 6o on, Tar,heena.3
3Then I calle$ "he %ai$ who was "o (o wi"h %e "o "he woo$s an$ )erfor% "he ri"es of
Mar$eenah an$ "ol$ her "o wa,e %e +er& earl& in "he %ornin(. An$ I 'eca%e %err& wi"h her
an$ (a+e her wine "o $rin,0 '#" I ha$ %i1e$ s#ch "hin(s in her c#) "ha" I ,new she %#s"
slee) for a ni(h" an$ a $a&. As soon as "he ho#sehol$ of %& fa"her ha$ co%%i""e$
"he%sel+es "o slee) I arose an$ )#" on an ar%o#r of %& 'ro"her2s which I alwa&s ,e)" in %&
cha%'er in his %e%or&. I )#" in"o %& (ir$le all "he %one& I ha$ an$ cer"ain choice 8ewels
an$ )ro+i$e$ %&self also wi"h foo$, an$ sa$$le$ "he %are wi"h %& own han$s an$ ro$e
awa& in "he secon$ wa"ch of "he ni(h". I $irec"e$ %& co#rse no" "o "he woo$s where %&
fa"her s#))ose$ "ha" I wo#l$ (o '#" nor"h an$ eas" "o Tash'aan.
3Now for "hree $a&s an$ %ore I ,new "ha" %& fa"her wo#l$ no" see, %e, 'ein( $ecei+e$ '&
"he wor$s I ha$ sai$ "o hi%. An$ on "he fo#r"h $a& we arri+e$ a" "he ci"& of A<i% Bal$a.
Now A<i% Bal$a s"an$s a" "he %ee"in( of %an& roa$s an$ fro% i" "he )os"s of "he Tisroc
.%a& he li+e for e+er/ ri$e on swif" horses "o e+er& )ar" of "he e%)ire: an$ i" is one of "he
ri(h"s an$ )ri+ile(es of "he (rea"er Tar,aans "o sen$ %essa(es '& "he%. I "herefore wen" "o
"he Chief of "he -essen(ers in "he Ho#se of I%)erial Pos"s in A<i% Bal$a an$ sai$, AO
$is)a"cher of %essa(es, here is a le""er fro% %& #ncle Ahosh"a Tar,aan "o !i$rash Tar,aan
lor$ of Cala+ar. Ta,e now "hese fi+e crescen"s an$ ca#se i" "o 'e sen" "o hi%.2 An$ "he Chief
of "he -essen(ers sai$, ATo hear is "o o'e&.2
3This le""er was fei(ne$ "o 'e wri""en '& Ahosh"a an$ "his was "he si(nifica"ion of "he
wri"in(: AAhosh"a Tar,aan "o !i$rash Tar,aan, sal#"a"ion an$ )eace. In "he na%e of Tash
"he irresis"i'le, "he ine1ora'le. Be i" ,nown "o &o# "ha" as I %a$e %& 8o#rne& "owar$s &o#r
ho#se "o )erfor% "he con"rac" of %arria(e 'e"ween %e an$ &o#r $a#(h"er Ara+is
Tar,heena, i" )lease$ for"#ne an$ "he (o$s "ha" I fell in wi"h her in "he fores" when she ha$
en$e$ "he ri"es an$ sacrifices of Mar$eenah accor$in( "o "he c#s"o% of %ai$ens. An$ when I
learne$ who she was, 'ein( $eli(h"e$ wi"h her 'ea#"& an$ $iscre"ion, I 'eca%e infla%e$
wi"h lo+e an$ i" a))eare$ "o %e "ha" "he s#n wo#l$ 'e $ar, "o %e if I $i$ no" %arr& her a"
once. Accor$in(l& I )re)are$ "he necessar& sacrifices an$ %arrie$ &o#r $a#(h"er "he sa%e
ho#r "ha" I %e" her an$ ha+e re"#rne$ wi"h her "o %& own ho#se. An$ we 'o"h )ra& an$
char(e &o# "o co%e hi"her as s)ee$il& as &o# %a& "ha" we %a& 'e $eli(h"e$ wi"h &o#r face
an$ s)eech0 an$ also "ha" &o# %a& 'rin( wi"h &o# "he $owr& of %& wife, which, '& reason
of %& (rea" char(es an$ e1)enses, I re9#ire wi"ho#" $ela&. An$ 'eca#se "ho# an$ I are
'ro"hers I ass#re %&self "ha" &o# will no" 'e an(ere$ '& "he has"e of %& %arria(e which is
wholl& occasione$ '& "he (rea" lo+e I 'ear &o#r $a#(h"er. An$ I co%%i" &o# "o "he care of
all "he (o$s.2
3As soon as I ha$ $one "his I ro$e on in all has"e fro% A<i% Bal$a, fearin( no )#rs#i" an$
e1)ec"in( "ha" %& fa"her, ha+in( recei+e$ s#ch a le""er, wo#l$ sen$ %essa(es "o Ahosh"a or
(o "o hi% hi%self, an$ "ha" 'efore "he %a""er was $isco+ere$ I sho#l$ 'e 'e&on$ Tash'aan.
An$ "ha" is "he )i"h of %& s"or& #n"il "his +er& ni(h" when I was chase$ '& lions an$ %e"
&o# a" "he swi%%in( of "he sal" wa"er.3
3An$ wha" ha))ene$ "o "he (irl * "he one &o# $r#((e$53 as,e$ Shas"a.
3Do#'"less she was 'ea"en for slee)in( la"e,3 sai$ Ara+is cooll&. 3B#" she was a "ool an$
s)& of %& s"e)%o"her2s. I a% +er& (la$ "he& sho#l$ 'ea" her.3
3I sa&, "ha" was har$l& fair,3 sai$ Shas"a.
3I $i$ no" $o an& of "hese "hin(s for "he sa,e of )leasin( &o#,3 sai$ Ara+is.
3An$ "here2s ano"her "hin( I $on2" #n$ers"an$ a'o#" "ha" s"or&,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3Yo#2re no"
(rown #), I $on2" 'elie+e &o#2re an& ol$er "han I a%. I $on2" 'elie+e &o#2re as ol$. How
co#l$ &o# 'e (e""in( %arrie$ a" &o#r a(e53
Ara+is sai$ no"hin(, '#" Bree a" once sai$, 3Shas"a, $on2" $is)la& &o#r i(norance. The&2re
alwa&s %arrie$ a" "ha" a(e in "he (rea" Tar,aan fa%ilies.3
Shas"a "#rne$ +er& re$ ."ho#(h i" was har$l& li(h" eno#(h for "he o"hers "o see "his/ an$ fel"
sn#''e$. Ara+is as,e$ Bree for his s"or&. Bree "ol$ i", an$ Shas"a "ho#(h" "ha" he )#" in a
(rea" $eal %ore "han he nee$e$ a'o#" "he falls an$ "he 'a$ ri$in(. Bree o'+io#sl& "ho#(h" i"
+er& f#nn&, '#" Ara+is $i$ no" la#(h. When Bree ha$ finishe$ "he& all wen" "o slee).
Ne1" $a& all fo#r of "he%, "wo horses an$ "wo h#%ans, con"in#e$ "heir 8o#rne& "o(e"her.
Shas"a "ho#(h" i" ha$ 'een %#ch )leasan"er when he an$ Bree were on "heir own. 7or now
i" was Bree an$ Ara+is who $i$ nearl& all "he "al,in(. Bree ha$ li+e$ a lon( "i%e in
Calor%en an$ ha$ alwa&s 'een a%on( Tar,aans an$ Tar,aans2 horses, an$ so of co#rse he
,new a (rea" %an& of "he sa%e )eo)le an$ )laces "ha" Ara+is ,new. She wo#l$ alwa&s 'e
sa&in( "hin(s li,e, 3B#" if &o# were a" "he fi(h" of M#lin$reh &o# wo#l$ ha+e seen %&
co#sin Ali%ash,3 an$ Bree wo#l$ answer, 3Oh, &es, Ali%ash, he was onl& ca)"ain of "he
chario"s, &o# ,now. I $on2" 9#i"e hol$ wi"h chario"s or "he ,in$ of horses who $raw chario"s.
Tha"2s no" real ca+alr&. B#" he is a wor"h& no'le%an. He fille$ %& nose'a( wi"h s#(ar af"er
"he "a,in( of Tee'e"h.3 Or else Bree wo#l$ sa&, 3I was $own a" "he la,e of -e<reel "ha"
s#%%er,3 an$ Ara+is wo#l$ sa&, 3Oh, -e<reel4 I ha$ a frien$ "here, Lasaraleen Tar,heena.
Wha" a $eli(h"f#l )lace i" is. Those (ar$ens, an$ "he ;alle& of "he Tho#san$ Perf#%es43
Bree was no" in "he leas" "r&in( "o lea+e Shas"a o#" of "hin(s, "ho#(h Shas"a so%e"i%es
nearl& "ho#(h" he was. Peo)le who ,now a lo" of "he sa%e "hin(s can har$l& hel) "al,in(
a'o#" "he%, an$ if &o#2re "here &o# can har$l& hel) feelin( "ha" &o#2re o#" of i".
Hwin "he %are was ra"her sh& 'efore a (rea" war*horse li,e Bree an$ sai$ +er& li""le. An$
Ara+is ne+er s)o,e "o Shas"a a" all if she co#l$ hel) i".
Soon, howe+er, "he& ha$ %ore i%)or"an" "hin(s "o "hin, of. The& were (e""in( near
Tash'aan. There were %ore, an$ lar(er, +illa(es, an$ %ore )eo)le on "he roa$s. The& now
$i$ nearl& all "heir "ra+ellin( '& ni(h" an$ hi$ as 'es" "he& co#l$ $#rin( "he $a&. An$
a" e+er& hal" "he& ar(#e$ an$ ar(#e$ a'o#" wha" "he& were "o $o when "he& reache$
Tash'aan. E+er&one ha$ 'een )#""in( off "his $iffic#l"&, '#" now i" co#l$ 'e )#" off no
lon(er. D#rin( "hese $isc#ssions Ara+is 'eca%e a li""le, a +er& li""le, less #nfrien$l& "o
Shas"a0 one #s#all& (e"s on 'e""er wi"h )eo)le when one is %a,in( )lans "han when one is
"al,in( a'o#" no"hin( in )ar"ic#lar.
Bree sai$ "he firs" "hin( now "o $o was "o fi1 a )lace where "he& wo#l$ all )ro%ise "o %ee"
on "he far si$e of Tash'aan e+en if, '& an& ill l#c,, "he& (o" se)ara"e$ in )assin( "he ci"&.
He sai$ "he 'es" )lace wo#l$ 'e "he To%'s of "he Ancien" !in(s on "he +er& e$(e of "he
$eser". 3Thin(s li,e (rea" s"one 'ee*hi+es,3 he sai$, 3&o# can2" )ossi'l& %iss "he%. An$ "he
'es" of i" is "ha" none of "he Calor%enes will (o near "he% 'eca#se "he& "hin, "he )lace is
ha#n"e$ '& (ho#ls an$ are afrai$ of i".3 Ara+is as,e$ if i" wasn2" reall& ha#n"e$ '& (ho#ls.
B#" Bree sai$ he was a free Narnian horse an$ $i$n2" 'elie+e in "hese Calor%ene "ales. An$
"hen Shas"a sai$ he wasn2" a Calor%ene ei"her an$ $i$n2" care a s"raw a'o#" "hese ol$ s"ories
of (ho#ls. This wasn2" 9#i"e "r#e. B#" i" ra"her i%)resse$ Ara+is ."ho#(h a" "he %o%en" i"
anno&e$ her "oo/ an$ of co#rse she sai$ she $i$n2" %in$ an& n#%'er of (ho#ls ei"her. So i"
was se""le$ "ha" "he To%'s sho#l$ 'e "heir asse%'l& )lace on "he o"her si$e of Tash'aan,
an$ e+er&one fel" "he& were (e""in( on +er& well "ill Hwin h#%'l& )oin"e$ o#" "ha" "he real
)ro'le% was no" where "he& sho#l$ (o when "he& ha$ (o" "hro#(h Tash'aan '#" how "he&
were "o (e" "hro#(h i".
3We2ll se""le "ha" "o%orrow, -a2a%,3 sai$ Bree. 3Ti%e for a li""le slee) now.3
B#" i" wasn2" eas& "o se""le. Ara+is2s firs" s#((es"ion was "ha" "he& sho#l$ swi% across "he
ri+er 'elow "he ci"& $#rin( "he ni(h" an$ no" (o in"o Tash'aan a" all. B#" Bree ha$ "wo
reasons a(ains" "his. One was "ha" "he ri+er*%o#"h was +er& wi$e an$ i" wo#l$ 'e far "oo
lon( a swi% for Hwin "o $o, es)eciall& wi"h a ri$er on her 'ac,. .He "ho#(h" i" wo#l$ 'e
"oo lon( for hi%self "oo, '#" he sai$ %#ch less a'o#" "ha"/. The o"her was "ha" i" wo#l$ 'e
f#ll of shi))in( an$ of co#rse an&one on "he $ec, of a shi) who saw "wo horses swi%%in(
)as" wo#l$ 'e al%os" cer"ain "o 'e in9#isi"i+e.
Shas"a "ho#(h" "he& sho#l$ (o #) "he ri+er a'o+e Tash'aan an$ cross i" where i" was
narrower. B#" Bree e1)laine$ "ha" "here were (ar$ens an$ )leas#re ho#ses on 'o"h 'an,s of
"he ri+er for %iles an$ "ha" "here wo#l$ 'e Tar,aans an$ Tar,heenas li+in( in "he% an$
ri$in( a'o#" "he roa$s an$ ha+in( wa"er )ar"ies on "he ri+er. In fac" i" wo#l$ 'e "he %os"
li,el& )lace in "he worl$ for %ee"in( so%eone who wo#l$ reco(ni<e Ara+is or e+en
3We2ll ha+e "o ha+e a $is(#ise,3 sai$ Shas"a.
Hwin sai$ i" loo,e$ "o her as if "he safes" "hin( was "o (o ri(h" "hro#(h "he ci"& i"self fro%
(a"e "o (a"e 'eca#se one was less li,el& "o 'e no"ice$ in "he crow$. B#" she a))ro+e$ of "he
i$ea of $is(#ise as well. She sai$, 3Bo"h "he h#%an will ha+e "o $ress in ra(s an$ loo, li,e
)easan"s or sla+es An$ all Ara+is2s ar%o#r an$ o#r sa$$les an$ "hin(s %#s" 'e %a$e in"o
'#n$les an$ )#" on o#r 'ac,s, an$ "he chil$ren %#s" )re"en$ "o $ri+e #s an$ )eo)le will
"hin, we2re on )ac,*horses.3
3-& $ear Hwin43 sai$ Ara+is ra"her scornf#ll&. 3As an&one co#l$ %is"a,e Bree for
an&"hin( '#" a war*hors howe+er &o# $is(#ise$ hi%43
3I sho#l$ "hin, no", in$ee$,3 sai$ Bree, snor"in( an le""in( his ears (o e+er so li""le 'ac,.
3I ,now i"2s no" a +er& (oo$ )lan,3 sai$ Hwin. 3B#" I "hin, i"2s o#r onl& chance. An$ we
ha+en2" 'een (roo%e$ for a(es an$ we2re no" loo,in( 9#i"e o#rsel+es .a" leas", I2% s#re I2%
no"/. I $o "hin, if we (e" well )las"ere$ wi"h %#$ an$ (o alon( wi"h o#r hea$s $own as if
we2re "ire$ an$ la<& *an$ $on2" lif" o#r hoo+es har$l& a" all * we %i(h" no" 'e no"ice$. An$
o#r "ails o#(h" "o 'e c#" shor"er: no" nea"l&, &o# ,now, '#" all ra((e$.3
3-& $ear -a$a%,3 sai$ Bree. 3Ha+e &o# )ic"#re$ "o &o#rself how +er& $isa(reea'le i"
wo#l$ 'e "o arri+e in Narnia in "ha" con$i"ion53
3Well,3 sai$ Hwin h#%'l& .she was a +er& sensi'le %are/, 3"he %ain "hin( is "o (e" "here.3
Tho#(h no'o$& %#ch li,e$ i", i" was Hwin2s )lan which ha$ "o 'e a$o)"e$ in "he en$. I"
was a "ro#'leso%e one an$ in+ol+e$ a cer"ain a%o#n" of wha" Shas"a calle$ s"ealin(, an$
Bree calle$ 3rai$in(3. One far% los" a few sac,s "ha" e+enin( an$ ano"her los" a coil of ro)e
"he ne1": '#" so%e "a""ere$ ol$ 'o&2s clo"hes for Ara+is "o wear ha$ "o 'e fairl& 'o#(h" an$
)ai$ for in a +illa(e. Shas"a re"#rne$ wi"h "he% in "ri#%)h 8#s" as e+enin( was closin( in.
The o"hers were wai"in( for hi% a%on( "he "rees a" "he foo" of a low ran(e of woo$e$ hills
which la& ri(h" across "heir )a"h. E+er&one was feelin( e1ci"e$ 'eca#se "his was "he las"
hill0 when "he& reache$ "he ri$(e a" "he "o) "he& wo#l$ 'e loo,in( $own on Tash'aan. 3I $o
wish we were safel& )as" i",3 %#""ere$ Shas"a "o Hwin. 3Oh I $o, I $o,3 sai$ Hwin fer+en"l&.
Tha" ni(h" "he& wo#n$ "heir wa& "hro#(h "he woo$s #) "o "he ri$(e '& a woo$*c#""er2s
"rac,. An$ when "he& ca%e o#" of "he woo$s a" "he "o) "he& co#l$ see "ho#san$s of li(h"s in
"he +alle& $own 'elow "he%. Shas"a ha$ ha$ no no"ion of wha" a (rea" ci"& wo#l$ 'e li,e
an$ i" fri(h"ene$ hi%. The& ha$ "heir s#))er an$ "he chil$ren (o" so%e slee). B#" "he horses
wo,e "he% +er& earl& in "he %ornin(.
The s"ars were s"ill o#" an$ "he (rass was "erri'l& col$ an$ we", '#" $a&'rea, was 8#s"
'e(innin(, far "o "heir ri(h" across "he sea. Ara+is wen" a few s"e)s awa& in"o "he woo$ an$
ca%e 'ac, loo,in( o$$ in her new, ra((e$ clo"hes an$ carr&in( her real ones in a '#n$le.
These, an$ her ar%o#r an$ shiel$ an$ sci%i"ar an$ "he "wo sa$$les an$ "he res" of "he
horses2 fine f#rnishin(s were )#" in"o "he sac,s. Bree an$ Hwin ha$ alrea$& (o" "he%sel+es
as $ir"& an$ 'e$ra((le$ as "he& co#l$ an$ i" re%aine$ "o shor"en "heir "ails. As "he onl& "ool
for $oin( "his was Ara+is2s sci%i"ar, one of "he )ac,s ha$ "o 'e #n$one a(ain in or$er "o (e"
i" o#". I" was a lon(ish 8o' an$ ra"her h#r" "he horses.
3-& wor$43 sai$ Bree, 3if I wasn2" a Tal,in( Horse wha" a lo+el& ,ic, in "he face I co#l$
(i+e &o#4 I "ho#(h" &o# were (oin( "o c#" i", no" )#ll i" o#". Tha"2s wha" i" feels li,e.3
B#" in s)i"e of se%i*$ar,ness an$ col$ fin(ers all was $one in "he en$, "he 'i( )ac,s 'o#n$
on "he horses, "he ro)e hal"ers .which "he& were now wearin( ins"ea$ of 'ri$les an$ reins/
in "he chil$ren2s han$s, an$ "he 8o#rne& 'e(an.
3Re%e%'er,3 sai$ Bree. 3!ee) "o(e"her if we )ossi'l& can. If no", %ee" a" "he To%'s of "he
Ancien" !in(s, an$ whoe+er (e"s "here firs" %#s" wai" for "he o"hers.3
3An$ re%e%'er,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3Don2" &o# "wo horses for(e" &o#rsel+es an$ s"ar" "al,in(,
wha"e+er ha))ens.3
AT firs" Shas"a co#l$ see no"hin( in "he +alle& 'elow hi% '#" a sea of %is" wi"h a few
$o%es an$ )innacles risin( fro% i"0 '#" as "he li(h" increase$ an$ "he %is" cleare$ awa& he
saw %ore an$ %ore. A 'roa$ ri+er $i+i$e$ i"self in"o "wo s"rea%s an$ on "he islan$ 'e"ween
"he% s"oo$ "he ci"& of Tash'aan, one of "he won$ers of "he worl$. Ro#n$ "he +er& e$(e of
"he islan$, so "ha" "he wa"er la))e$ a(ains" "he s"one, ran hi(h walls s"ren("hene$ wi"h so
%an& "owers "ha" he soon (a+e #) "r&in( "o co#n" "he%. Insi$e "he walls "he islan$ rose in a
hill an$ e+er& 'i" of "ha" hill, #) "o "he Tisroc2s )alace an$ "he (rea" "e%)le of Tash a" "he
"o), was co%)le"el& co+ere$ wi"h '#il$in(s * "errace a'o+e "errace, s"ree" a'o+e s"ree",
<i(<a( roa$s or h#(e fli(h"s of s"e)s 'or$ere$ wi"h oran(e "rees an$ le%on "rees,
roof(ar$ens, 'alconies, $ee) archwa&s, )illare$ colonna$es, s)ires, 'a""le%en"s, %inare"s,
)innacles. An$ when a" las" "he s#n rose o#" of "he sea an$ "he (rea" sil+er*)la"e$ $o%e of
"he "e%)le flashe$ 'ac, i"s li(h", he was al%os" $a<<le$.
36e" on, Shas"a,3 Bree ,e)" sa&in(.
The ri+er 'an,s on each si$e of "he +alle& were s#ch a %ass of (ar$ens "ha" "he& loo,e$ a"
firs" li,e fores", #n"il &o# (o" closer an$ saw "he whi"e walls of inn#%era'le ho#ses )ee)in(
o#" fro% 'enea"h "he "rees. Soon af"er "ha", Shas"a no"ice$ a $elicio#s s%ell of flowers an$
fr#i". A'o#" fif"een %in#"es la"er "he& were $own a%on( "he%, )lo$$in( on a le+el roa$
wi"h whi"e walls on each si$e an$ "rees 'en$in( o+er "he walls.
3I sa&,3 sai$ Shas"a in an awe$ +oice. 3This is a won$erf#l )lace43
3I $aresa&,3 sai$ Bree. 3B#" I wish we were safel& "hro#(h i" an$ o#" a" "he o"her si$e.
Narnia an$ "he Nor"h43
A" "ha" %o%en" a low, "hro''in( noise 'e(an which (ra$#all& swelle$ lo#$er an$ lo#$er "ill
"he whole +alle& see%e$ "o 'e swa&in( wi"h i". I" was a %#sical noise, '#" so s"ron( an$
sole%n as "o 'e a li""le fri(h"enin(.
3Tha"2s "he horns 'lowin( for "he ci"& (a"es "o 'e o)en,3 sai$ Bree. 3We shall 'e "here in a
%in#"e. Now, Ara+is, $o $roo) &o#r sho#l$ers a 'i" an$ s"e) hea+ier an$ "r& "o loo, less
li,e a )rincess. Tr& "o i%a(ine &o#2+e 'een ,ic,e$ an$ c#ffe$ an$ calle$ na%es all &o#r
3If i" co%es "o "ha",3 sai$ Ara+is, 3wha" a'o#" &o# $roo)in( &o#r hea$ a 'i" %ore an$
archin( &o#r nec, a 'i" less an$ "r&in( "o loo, less li,e a war*horse53
3H#sh,3 sai$ Bree. 3Here we are.3
An$ "he& were. The& ha$ co%e "o "he ri+er2s e$(e an$ "he roa$ ahea$ of "he% ran alon( a
%an&*arche$ 'ri$(e. The wa"er $ance$ 'ri(h"l& in "he earl& s#nli(h"0 awa& "o "he ri(h"
nearer "he ri+er2s %o#"h, "he& ca#(h" a (li%)se shi)s2 %as"s. Se+eral o"her "ra+ellers were
'efore "he% on "he 'ri$(e, %os"l& )easan"s $ri+in( la$en $on,e&s an$ %#les or carr&in(
'as,e"s on "heir hea$s. The chil$ren an$ horses 8oine$ "he crow$.
3Is an&"hin( wron(53 whis)ere$ Shas"a "o Ara+is, who ha$ an o$$ loo, on her face.
3Oh i"2s all +er& well for &o#,3 whis)ere$ Ara+is ra"her sa+a(el&. 3Wha" wo#l$ &o# care
a'o#" Tash'aan5 B#" I o#(h" "o 'e ri$in( in on a li""er wi"h sol$iers 'efore %e an$ sla+es
'ehin$, an$ )erha)s (oin( "o a feas" in "he Tisroc2s )alace .%a& he li+e for e+er/ * no"
snea,in( in li,e "his. I"2s $ifferen" for &o#.3
Shas"a "ho#(h" all "his +er& sill&.
A" "he far en$ of "he 'ri$(e "he walls of "he ci"& "owere$ hi(h a'o+e "he% an$ "he 'ra<en
(a"es s"oo$ o)en in "he (a"ewa& which was reall& wi$e '#" loo,e$ narrow 'eca#se i" was so
+er& hi(h. Half a $o<en sol$iers, leanin( on "heir s)ears, s"oo$ on each si$e. Ara+is co#l$n2"
hel) "hin,in(, 3The&2$ all 8#%) "o a""en"ion an$ sal#"e %e if "he& ,new whose $a#(h"er I
a%.3 B#" "he o"hers were onl& "hin,in( of how "he&2$ (e" "hro#(h an$ ho)in( "he sol$iers
wo#l$ no" as, an& 9#es"ions. 7or"#na"el& "he& $i$ no". B#" one of "he% )ic,e$ a carro" o#"
of a )easan"2s 'as,e" an$ "hrew i" a" Shas"a wi"h a ro#(h la#(h, sa&in(:
3He&4 Horse*'o&4 Yo#2ll ca"ch i" if &o#r %as"er fin$s &o#2+e 'een #sin( his sa$$le*horse for
)ac, wor,.3
This fri(h"ene$ hi% 'a$l& for of co#rse i" showe$ "ha" no one who ,new an&"hin( a'o#"
horses wo#l$ %is"a,e Bree for an&"hin( '#" a char(er.
3I"2s %& %as"er2s or$ers, so "here43 sai$ Shas"a. B#" i" wo#l$ ha+e 'een 'e""er if he ha$ hel$
his "on(#e for "he sol$ier (a+e hi% a 'o1 on "he si$e of his face "ha" nearl& ,noc,e$ hi%
$own an$ sai$, 3Ta,e "ha", &o# &o#n( fil"h, "o "each &o# how "o "al, "o free%en.3 B#"
"he& all sl#n, in"o "he ci"& wi"ho#" 'ein( s"o))e$. Shas"a crie$ onl& a +er& li""le0 he was
#se$ "o har$ ,noc,s.
Insi$e "he (a"es Tash'aan $i$ no" a" firs" see% so s)len$i$ as i" ha$ loo,e$ fro% a $is"ance.
The firs" s"ree" was narrow an$ "here were har$l& an& win$ows in "he walls on each si$e. I"
was %#ch %ore crow$e$ "han Shas"a ha$ e1)ec"e$: crow$e$ )ar"l& '& "he )easan"s .on
"heir wa& "o %ar,e"/ who ha$ co%e in wi"h "he%, '#" also wi"h wa"ersellers, swee"%ea"
sellers, )or"ers, sol$iers, 'e((ars, ra((e$ chil$ren, hens, s"ra& $o(s, an$ 'are*foo"e$ sla+es.
Wha" &o# wo#l$ chiefl& ha+e no"ice$ if &o# ha$ 'een "here was "he s%ells, which ca%e
fro% #nwashe$ )eo)le, #nwashe$ $o(s, scen", (arlic, onions, an$ "he )iles of ref#se which
la& e+er&where.
Shas"a was )re"en$in( "o lea$ '#" i" was reall& Bree, who ,new "he wa& an$ ,e)" (#i$in(
hi% '& li""le n#$(es wi"h his nose. The& soon "#rne$ "o "he lef" an$ 'e(an (oin( #) a s"ee)
hill. I" was %#ch fresher an$ )leasan"er, for "he roa$ was 'or$ere$ '& "rees an$ "here were
ho#ses onl& on "he ri(h" si$e0 on "he o"her "he& loo,e$ o#" o+er "he roofs of ho#ses in "he
lower "own an$ co#l$ see so%e wa& #) "he ri+er. Then "he& wen" ro#n$ a hair)in 'en$ "o
"heir ri(h" an$ con"in#e$ risin(. The& were <i(<a((in( #) "o "he cen"re of Tash'aan. Soon
"he& ca%e "o finer s"ree"s. 6rea" s"a"#es of "he (o$s an$ heroes of Calor%en * who are
%os"l& i%)ressi+e ra"her "han a(reea'le "o loo, a"* rose on shinin( )e$es"als. Pal% "rees
an$ )illare$ arca$es cas" sha$ows o+er "he '#rnin( )a+e%en"s. An$ "hro#(h "he arche$
(a"ewa&s of %an& a )alace Shas"a ca#(h" si(h" of (reen 'ranches, cool fo#n"ains, an$
s%oo"h lawns. I" %#s" 'e nice insi$e, he "ho#(h".
A" e+er& "#rn Shas"a ho)e$ "he& were (e""in( o#" of "he crow$, '#" "he& ne+er $i$. This
%a$e "heir )ro(ress +er& slow, an$ e+er& now an$ "hen "he& ha$ "o s"o) al"o(e"her. This
#s#all& ha))ene$ 'eca#se a lo#$ +oice sho#"e$ o#" 3Wa&, wa&, wa&, for "he Tar,aan3, or
3for "he Tar,heena3, or 3for "he fif"een"h ;i<ier3, 3or for "he A%'assa$or3, an$ e+er&one in
"he crow$ wo#l$ cr#sh 'ac, a(ains" "he walls0 an$ a'o+e "heir hea$s Shas"a wo#l$
so%e"i%es see "he (rea" lor$ or la$& for who% all "he f#ss was 'ein( %a$e, lollin( #)on a
li""er which fo#r or e+en si1 (i(an"ic sla+es carrie$ on "heir 'are sho#l$ers. 7or in Tash'aan
"here is onl& one "raffic re(#la"ion, which is "ha" e+er&one who is less i%)or"an" has "o (e"
o#" of "he wa& for e+er&one who is %ore i%)or"an"0 #nless &o# wan" a c#" fro% a whi) or
)#nch fro% "he '#"" en$ of a s)ear.
I" was in a s)len$i$ s"ree" +er& near "he "o) of "he ci"& ."he Tisroc2s )alace was "he onl&
"hin( a'o+e i"/ "ha" "he %os" $isas"ro#s of "hese s"o))a(es occ#rre$.
3Wa&4 Wa&4 Wa&43 ca%e "he +oice. 3Wa& for "he Whi"e Bar'arian !in(, "he (#es" of "he
Tisroc .%a& he li+e for e+er/4 Wa& for "he Narnian lor$s.3
Shas"a "rie$ "o (e" o#" of "he wa& an$ "o %a,e Bree (o 'ac,. B#" no horse, no" e+en a
Tal,in( Horse fro% Narnia, 'ac,s easil&. An$ a wo%an wi"h a +er& e$(& 'as,e" in her
han$s, who was 8#s" 'ehin$ Shas"a, )#she$ "he 'as,e" har$ a(ains" his sho#l$ers, an$ sai$,
3Now "hen4 Who are &o# sho+in(43 An$ "hen so%eone else 8os"le$ hi% fro% "he si$e an$ in
"he conf#sion of "he %o%en" he los" hol$ of Bree. An$ "hen "he whole crow$
'ehin$ hi% 'eca%e so s"iffene$ an$ )ac,e$ "i(h" "ha" he co#l$n2" %o+e a" all. So he fo#n$
hi%self, #nin"en"ionall&, in "he firs" row an$ ha$ a fine si(h" of "he )ar"& "ha" was co%in(
$own "he s"ree".
I" was 9#i"e #nli,e an& o"her )ar"& "he& ha$ seen "ha" $a&. The crier who wen" 'efore i"
sho#"in( 3Wa&, wa&43 was "he onl& Calor%ene in i". An$ "here was no li""er0 e+er&one was
on foo". There were a'o#" half a $o<en %en an$ Shas"a ha$ ne+er seen an&one li,e "he%
'efore. 7or one "hin(, "he& were all as fair*s,inne$ as hi%self, an$ %os" of "he% ha$ fair
hair. An$ "he& were no" $resse$ li,e %en of Calor%en. -os" of "he% ha$ le(s 'are "o "he
,neee. Their "#nics were of fine, 'ri(h", har$& colo#rs * woo$lan$ (reen, or (a& &ellow, or
fresh 'l#e. Ins"ea$ of "#r'ans "he& wore s"eel or sil+er ca)s, so%e of "he% se" wi"h 8ewels,
an$ one wi"h li""le win(s on each si$e of i". A few were 'are*hea$e$. The swor$s a" "heir
si$es were lon( an$ s"rai(h", no" c#r+e$ li,e Calor%ene sci%i"ars. An$ ins"ea$ of 'ein(
(ra+e an$ %&s"erio#s li,e %os" Calor%enes, "he& wal,e$ wi"h a swin( an$ le" "heir ar%s
an$ sho#l$ers free, an$ cha""e$ an$ la#(he$. One was whis"lin(. Yo# co#l$ see "ha" "he&
were rea$& "o 'e frien$s wi"h an&one who was frien$l& an$ $i$n2" (i+e a fi( for an&one who
wasn2". Shas"a "ho#(h" he ha$ ne+er seen an&"hin( so lo+el& in his life.
B#" "here was no" "i%e "o en8o& i" for a" once a reall& $rea$f#l "hin( ha))ene$. The lea$er
of "he fair*hea$e$ %en s#$$enl& )oin"e$ a" Shas"a, crie$ o#", 3There he is4 There2s o#r
r#nawa&43 an$ sei<e$ hi% '& "he sho#l$er. Ne1" %o%en" he (a+e Shas"a a s%ac, * no" a
cr#el one "o %a,e &o# cr& '#" a shar) one "o le" &o# ,now &o# are in $is(race an$ a$$e$,
3Sha%e on &o#, %& lor$4 7ie for sha%e4 =#een S#san2s e&es are re$ wi"h wee)in( 'eca#se
of &o#. Wha"4 Tr#an" for a whole ni(h"4 Where ha+e &o# 'een53
Shas"a wo#l$ ha+e $ar"e$ #n$er Bree2s 'o$& an$ "rie$ "o %a,e hi%self scarce in "he crow$
if he ha$ ha$ "he leas" chance0 '#" "he fair*haire$ %en were all ro#n$ hi% '& now an$ he
was hel$ fir%.
Of co#rse his firs" i%)#lse was "o sa& "ha" he was onl& )oor Arsheesh "he fisher%an2s son
an$ "ha" "he forei(n lor$ %#s" ha+e %is"a,en hi% for so%eone else. B#" "hen, "he +er& las"
"hin( he wan"e$ "o $o in "ha" crow$e$ )lace was "o s"ar" e1)lainin( who he was an$ wha" he
was $oin(. If he s"ar"e$ on "ha", he wo#l$ soon 'e as,e$ where he ha$ (o" his horse fro%,
an$ who Ara+is was * an$ "hen, (oo$'&e "o an& chance of (e""in( "hro#(h Tash'aan. His
ne1" i%)#lse was "o loo, a" Bree for hel). B#" Bree ha$ no in"en"ion of le""in( all "he crow$
,now "ha" he co#l$ "al,, an$ s"oo$ loo,in( 8#s" as s"#)i$ as a horse can. As for Ara+is,
Shas"a $i$ no" e+en $are "o loo, a" her for fear of $rawin( a""en"ion. An$ "here was no "i%e
"o "hin,, for "he lea$er of "he Narnians sai$ a" once:
3Ta,e one of his li""le lor$shi)2s han$s, Peri$an, of &o#r co#r"es&, an$ I2ll "a,e "he o"her.
An$ now, on. O#r ro&al sis"er2s %in$ will 'e (rea"l& ease$ when she sees o#r &o#n(
sca)e(race safe in o#r lo$(in(.3
An$ so, 'efore "he& were half*wa& "hro#(h Tash'aan, all "heir )lans were r#ine$, an$
wi"ho#" e+en a chance "o sa& (oo$*'&e "o "he o"hers Shas"a fo#n$ hi%self 'ein( %arche$
off a%on( s"ran(ers an$ 9#i"e #na'le "o (#ess wha" %i(h" 'e (oin( "o ha))en ne1". The
Narnian !in( * for Shas"a 'e(an "o see '& "he wa& "he res" s)o,e "o hi% "ha" he %#s" 'e a
,in( * ,e)" on as,in( hi% 9#es"ions0 where he ha$ 'een, how he ha$ (o" o#", wha" he ha$
$one wi"h his clo"hes, an$ $i$n2" he ,now "ha" he ha$ 'een +er& na#(h"&. Onl& "he ,in(
calle$ i" 3na#(h"3 ins"ea$ of na#(h"&.
An$ Shas"a sai$ no"hin( in answer, 'eca#se he co#l$n2" "hin, of an&"hin( "o sa& "ha" wo#l$
no" 'e $an(ero#s.
3Wha"4 All %#%53 as,e$ "he ,in(. 3I %#s" )lainl& "ell &o#, )rince, "ha" "his han($o( silence
'eco%es one of &o#r 'loo$ e+en less "han "he sca)e i"self. To r#n awa& %i(h" )ass for a
'o&2s frolic wi"h so%e s)iri" in i". B#" "he ,in(2s son of Archenlan$ sho#l$ a+o#ch his $ee$0
no" han( his hea$ li,e a Calor%ene sla+e.3
This was +er& #n)leasan", for Shas"a fel" all "he "i%e "ha" "his &o#n( ,in( was "he +er&
nices" ,in$ of (rown*#) an$ wo#l$ ha+e li,e$ "o %a,e a (oo$ i%)ression on hi%.
The s"ran(ers le$ hi%*hel$ "i(h"l& '& 'o"h han$s*alon( a narrow s"ree" an$ $own a fli(h" of
shallow s"airs an$ "hen #) ano"her "o a wi$e $oorwa& in a whi"e wall wi"h "wo "all, $ar,
c&)ress "rees, one on each si$e of i". Once "hro#(h "he arch, Shas"a fo#n$ hi%self in a
co#r"&ar$ which was also a (ar$en. A %ar'le 'asin of clear wa"er in "he cen"re was ,e)"
con"in#all& ri))lin( '& "he fo#n"ain "ha" fell in"o i". Oran(e "rees (rew ro#n$ i" o#" of
s%oo"h (rass, an$ "he fo#r whi"e walls which s#rro#n$e$ "he lawn were co+ere$ wi"h
cli%'in( roses. The noise an$ $#s" an$ crow$in( of "he s"ree"s see%e$ s#$$enl& fa$ awa&.
He was le$ ra)i$l& across "he (ar$en an$ "hen in"o a $ar, $oorwa&. The crier re%aine$
o#"si$e. Af"er "ha" "he& "oo, hi% alon( a corri$or, where "he s"one floor fel" 'ea#"if#ll& cool
"o his ho" fee", an$ #) so%e s"airs. A %o%en" la"er he fo#n$ hi%self 'lin,in( in "he li(h" of
a 'i(, air& roo% wi"h wi$e o)en win$ows, all loo,in( Nor"h so "ha" no s#n ca%e in. There
was a car)e" on "he floor %ore won$erf#ll& colo#re$ "han an&"hin( he ha$ e+er seen an$ his
fee" san, $own in"o i" as if he were "rea$in( in "hic, %oss. All ro#n$ "he walls "here were
low sofas wi"h rich c#shions on "he%, an$ "he roo% see%e$ "o 'e f#ll of )eo)le0 +er& 9#eer
)eo)le so%e of "he%, "ho#(h" Shas"a. B#" he ha$ no "i%e "o "hin, of "ha" 'efore "he %os"
'ea#"if#l la$& he ha$ e+er seen rose fro% her )lace an$ "hrew her ar%s ro#n$ hi% an$
,isse$ hi%, sa&in(:
3Oh Corin, Corin, how co#l$ &o#5 An$ "ho# an$ I s#ch close frien$s e+er since "h& %o"her
$ie$. An$ wha" sho#l$ I ha+e sai$ "o "h& ro&al fa"her if I ca%e ho%e wi"ho#" "hee5 Wo#l$
ha+e 'een a ca#se al%os" of war 'e"ween Archenlan$ an$ Narnia which are frien$s "i%e
o#" of %in$. I" was na#(h", )la&%a"e, +er& na#(h" of "hee "o #se #s so.3
3A))aren"l&,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a "o hi%self, 3I2% 'ein( %is"a,en for a )rince of Archenlan$,
where+er "ha" is. An$ "hese %#s" 'e "he Narnians. I won$er where "he real Corin is53 B#"
"hese "ho#(h"s $i$ no" hel) hi% sa& an&"hin( o#" lo#$.
3Where has" 'een, Corin53 sai$ "he la$&, her han$s s"ill on Shas"a2s sho#l$ers.
3I* I $on2" ,now,3 s"a%%ere$ Shas"a.
3There i" is, S#san,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3I co#l$ (e" no "ale o#" of hi%, "r#e or false.3
3Yo#r -a8es"ies4 =#een S#san4 !in( E$%#n$43 sai$ a +oice: an$ when Shas"a "#rne$ "o
loo, a" "he s)ea,er he nearl& 8#%)e$ o#" of his s,in wi"h s#r)rise. 7or "his was one of "hese
9#eer )eo)le who% he ha$ no"ice$ o#" of "he corner of his e&e when he firs" ca%e in"o "he
roo%. He was a'o#" "he sa%e hei(h" as Shas"a hi%self. 7ro% "he wais" #)war$s he was li,e
a %an, '#" his le(s were hair& li,e a (oa"2s, an$ sha)e$ li,e a (oa"2s an$ he ha$ (oa"2s
hoo+es an$ a "ail. His s,in was ra"her re$ an$ he ha$ c#rl& hair an$ a shor" )oin"e$ 'ear$
an$ "wo li""le horns. He was in fac" a 7a#n, which is a crea"#re Shas"a ha$ ne+er seen a
)ic"#re of or e+en hear$ of. An$ if &o#2+e rea$ a 'oo, calle$ The Lion, "he Wi"ch an$ "he
War$ro'e &o# %a& li,e "o ,now "ha" "his was "he +er& sa%e 7a#n, T#%n#s '& na%e, who%
=#een S#san2s sis"er L#c& ha$ %e" on "he +er& firs" $a& when she fo#n$ her wa& in"o
Narnia. B#" he was a (oo$ $eal ol$er now for '& "his "i%e Pe"er an$ S#san an$ E$%#n$
an$ L#c& ha$ 'een !in(s an$ =#eens of Narnia for se+eral &ears.
3Yo#r -a8es"ies,3 he was sa&in(, 3His li""le Hi(hness has ha$ a "o#ch of "he s#n. Loo, a"
hi%4 He is $a<e$. He $oes no" ,now where he is.3
Then of co#rse e+er&one s"o))e$ scol$in( Shas"a an$ as,in( hi% 9#es"ions an$ he was
%a$e %#ch of an$ lai$ on a sofa an$ c#shions were )#" #n$er his hea$ an$ he was (i+en
ice$ sher'e" in a (ol$en c#) "o $rin, an$ "ol$ "o ,ee) +er& 9#ie".
No"hin( li,e "his ha$ e+er ha))ene$ "o Shas"a in his life 'efore. He ha$ ne+er e+en
i%a(ine$ l&in( on an&"hin( so co%for"a'le as "ha" sofa or $rin,in( an&"hin( so $elicio#s as
"ha" sher'e". He was s"ill won$erin( wha" ha$ ha))ene$ "o "he o"hers an$ how on ear"h he
was (oin( "o esca)e an$ %ee" "he% a" "he To%'s, an$ wha" wo#l$ ha))en when "he real
Corin "#rne$ #) a(ain. B#" none of "hese worries see%e$ so )ressin( now "ha" he was
co%for"a'le. An$ )erha)s, la"er on, "here wo#l$ 'e nice "hin(s "o ea"4
-eanwhile "he )eo)le in "ha" cool air& roo% were +er& in"eres"in(. Besi$es "he 7a#n "here
were "wo Dwarfs .a ,in$ of crea"#re he ha$ ne+er seen 'efore/ an$ a +er& lar(e Ra+en.
The res" were all h#%ans0 (rown*#)s, '#" &o#n(, an$ all of "he%, 'o"h %en an$ wo%en,
ha$ nicer faces an$ +oices "han %os" Calor%enes. An$ soon Shas"a fo#n$ hi%self "a,in( an
in"eres" in "he con+ersa"ion. 3Now, -a$a%,3 "he !in( was sa&in( "o =#een S#san ."he la$&
who ha$ ,isse$ Shas"a/. 3Wha" "hin, &o#5 We ha+e 'een in "his ci"& f#ll& "hree wee,s.
Ha+e &o# &e" se""le$ in &o#r %in$ whe"her &o# will %arr& "his $ar,*face$ lo+er of &o#rs,
"his Prince Ra'a$ash, or no53
The la$& shoo, her hea$. 3No, 'ro"her,3 she sai$, 3no" for all "he 8ewels in Tash'aan.3
.3H#llo43 "ho#(h" Shas"a. 3Al"ho#(h "he&2re ,in( an$ 9#een, "he&2re 'ro"her an$ sis"er, no"
%arrie$ "o one ano"her.3/
3Tr#l&, sis"er,3 sai$ "he !in(, 3I sho#l$ ha+e lo+e$ &o# "he less if &o# ha$ "a,en hi%. An$ I
"ell &o# "ha" a" "he firs" co%in( of "he Tisroc2s a%'assa$ors in"o Narnia "o "rea" of "his
%arria(e, an$ la"er when "he Prince was o#r (#es" a" Cair Para+el, i" was a won$er "o %e
"ha" e+er &o# co#l$ fin$ i" in &o#r hear" "o show hi% so %#ch fa+o#r.3
3Tha" was %& foll&, E$%#n$,3 sai$ =#een S#san, 3of which I cr& &o# %erc&. Ye" when he
was wi"h #s in Narnia, "r#l& "his Prince 'ore hi%self in ano"her fashion "han he $oes now in
Tash'aan. 7or I "a,e &o# all "o wi"ness wha" %ar+ello#s fea"s he $i$ in "ha" (rea"
"o#rna%en" an$ has"il#$e which o#r 'ro"her "he Hi(h !in( %a$e for hi%, an$ how %ee,l&
an$ co#r"eo#sl& he consor"e$ wi"h #s "he s)ace of se+en $a&s. B#" here, in his own ci"&, he
has shown ano"her face.3
3Ah43 croa,e$ "he Ra+en. 3I" is an ol$ sa&in(: see "he 'ear in his own $en 'efore &o# 8#$(e
of his con$i"ions.3
3Tha"2s +er& "r#e, Sallow)a$,3 sai$ one of "he Dwarfs. 3An$ ano"her is, Co%e, li+e wi"h %e
an$ &o#2ll ,now %e.3
3Yes,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3We ha+e now seen hi% for wha" he is: "ha" is, a %os" )ro#$, 'loo$&,
l#1#rio#s, cr#el, an$ self)leasin( "r&an".3
3Then in "he na%e of Aslan,3 sai$ S#san, 3le" #s lea+e Tash'aan "his +er& $a&.3
3There2s "he r#', sis"er,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 37or now I %#s" o)en "o &o# all "ha" has 'een
(rowin( in %& %in$ "hese las" "wo $a&s an$ %ore. Peri$an, of &o#r co#r"es& loo, "o "he
$oor an$ see "ha" "here is no s)& #)on #s. All well5 So. 7or now we %#s" 'e secre".3
E+er&one ha$ 'e(#n "o loo, +er& serio#s. =#een S#san 8#%)e$ #) an$ ran "o her 'ro"her.
3Oh, E$%#n$,3 she crie$. 3Wha" is i"5 There is so%e"hin( $rea$f#l in &o#r face.3
3-Y $ear sis"er an$ +er& (oo$ La$&,3 sai$ !in( E$%#n$, 3&o# %#s" now show &o#r
co#ra(e. 7or I "ell &o# )lainl& we are in no s%all $an(er.3
3Wha" is i", E$%#n$ as,e$ "he =#een.
3I" is "his,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I $o no" "hin, we shall fin$ i" eas& "o lea+e Tash'aan. While "he
Prince ha$ ho)e "ha" &o# wo#l$ "a,e hi%, we were hono#re$ (#es"s. B#" '& "he Lion2s
-ane, I "hin, "ha" as soon as he has &o#r fla" $enial we shall 'e no 'e""er "han )risoners.3
One of "he Dwarfs (a+e a low whis"le.
3I warne$ &o#r -a8es"ies, I warne$ &o#,3 sai$ Sallow)a$ "he Ra+en. 3Easil& in '#" no"
easil& o#", as "he lo's"er sai$ in "he lo's"er )o"43
3I ha+e 'een wi"h "he Prince "his %ornin(,3 con"in#e$ E$%#n$. 3He is li""le #se$ .%ore2s
"he )i"&/ "o ha+in( his will crosse$. An$ he is +er& chafe$ a" &o#r lon( $ela&s an$ $o#'"f#l
answers. This %ornin( he )resse$ +er& har$ "o ,now &o#r %in$. I )#" i" asi$e*%eanin( a"
"he sa%e "i%e "o $i%inish his ho)es * wi"h so%e li(h" co%%on 8es"s a'o#" wo%en2s fancies,
an$ hin"e$ "ha" his s#i" was li,el& "o 'e col$. He (rew an(r& an$ $an(ero#s. There was a
sor" of "hrea"enin(, "ho#(h s"ill +eile$ #n$er a show of co#r"es&, in e+er& wor$ he s)o,e.3
3Yes,3 sai$ T#%n#s. 3An$ when I s#))e$ wi"h "he 6ran$ ;i<ier las" ni(h", i" was "he sa%e.
He as,e$ %e how I li,e Tash'aan. An$ I .for I co#l$ no" "ell hi% I ha"e$ e+er& s"one of i"
an$ I wo#l$ no" lie/ "ol$ hi% "ha" now, when hi(h s#%%er was co%in( on, %& hear" "#rne$
"o "he cool woo$s an$ $ew& slo)es of Narnia. He (a+e a s%ile "ha" %ean" no (oo$ an$ sai$,
AThere is no"hin( "o hin$er &o# fro% $ancin( "here a(ain, li""le (oa"foo"0 alwa&s )ro+i$e$
&o# lea+e #s in e1chan(e a 'ri$e for o#r )rince.23
3Do &o# %ean he wo#l$ %a,e %e his wife '& force53 e1clai%e$ S#san.
3Tha"2s %& fear, S#san,3 sai$ E$%#n$: 3Wife: or sla+e which is worse.3
3B#" how can he5 Does "he Tisroc "hin, o#r 'ro"her "he Hi(h !in( wo#l$ s#ffer s#ch an
3Sire,3 sai$ Peri$an "o "he !in(. 3The& wo#l$ no" 'e so %a$. Do "he& "hin, "here are no
swor$s an$ s)ears in Narnia53
3Alas,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3-& (#ess is "ha" "he Tisroc has +er& s%all fear of Narnia. We are a
li""le lan$. An$ li""le lan$s on "he 'or$ers of a (rea" e%)ire were alwa&s ha"ef#l "o "he lor$s
of "he (rea" e%)ire. He lon(s "o 'lo" "he% o#", (o''le "he% #). When firs" he s#ffere$ "he
Prince "o co%e "o Cair Para+el as &o#r lo+er, sis"er, i" %a& 'e "ha" he was onl& see,in( an
occasion a(ains" #s. -os" li,el& he ho)es "o %a,e one %o#"hf#l of Narnia an$ Archenlan$
3Le" hi% "r&,3 sai$ "he secon$ Dwarf. 3A" sea we are as 'i( as he is. An$ if he assa#l"s #s
'& lan$, he has "he $eser" "o cross.3
3Tr#e, frien$,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3B#" is "he $eser" a s#re $efence5 Wha" $oes Sallow)a$ sa&53
3I ,now "ha" $eser" well,3 sai$ "he Ra+en. 37or I ha+e flown a'o+e i" far an$ wi$e in %&
&o#n(er $a&s,3 .&o# %a& 'e s#re "ha" Shas"a )ric,e$ #) his ears a" "his )oin"/. 3An$ "his is
cer"ain0 "ha" if "he Tisroc (oes '& "he (rea" oasis he can ne+er lea$ a (rea" ar%& across i"
in"o Archenlan$. 7or "ho#(h "he& co#l$ reach "he oasis '& "he en$ of "heir firs" $a&2s %arch,
&e" "he s)rin(s "here wo#l$ 'e "oo li""le for "he "hirs" of all "hose sol$iers an$ "heir 'eas"s.
B#" "here is ano"her wa&.3
Shas"a lis"ene$ %ore a""en"i+el& s"ill.
3He "ha" wo#l$ fin$ "ha" wa&,3 sai$ "he Ra+en, 3%#s" s"ar" fro% "he To%'s of "he Ancien"
!in(s an$ ri$e nor"hwes" so "ha" "he $o#'le )ea, of -o#n" Pire is alwa&s s"rai(h" ahea$ of
hi%. An$ so, in a $a&2s ri$in( or a li""le %ore, he shall co%e "o "he hea$ of a s"on& +alle&,
which is so narrow "ha" a %an %i(h" 'e wi"hin a f#rlon( of i" a "ho#san$ "i%es an$ ne+er
,now "ha" i" was "here. An$ loo,in( $own "his +alle& he will see nei"her (rass nor wa"er nor
an&"hin( else (oo$. B#" if he ri$es on $own i" he will co%e "o a ri+er an$ can ri$e '& "he
wa"er all "he wa& in"o Archenlan$.3
3An$ $o "he Calor%enes ,now of "his Wes"ern wa&53 as,e$ "he =#een.
37rien$s, frien$s,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3wha" is "he #se of all "his $isco#rse5 We are no" as,in(
whe"her Narnia or Calor%en wo#l$ win if war arose 'e"ween "he%. We are as,in( how "o
sa+e "he hono#r of "he =#een an$ o#r own li+es o#" of "his $e+ilish ci"&. 7or "ho#(h %&
'ro"her, Pe"er "he Hi(h !in(, $efea"e$ "he Tisroc a $o<en "i%es o+er, &e" lon( 'efore "ha"
$a& o#r "hroa"s wo#l$ 'e c#" an$ "he =#een2s (race wo#l$ 'e "he wife, or %ore li,el&, "he
sla+e, of "his )rince.3
3We ha+e o#r wea)ons, !in(,3 sai$ "he firs" Dwarf. 3An$ "his is a reasona'l& $efensi'le
3As "o "ha",3 sai$ "he !in(, 3I $o no" $o#'" "ha" e+er& one of #s wo#l$ sell o#r li+es $earl&
in "he (a"e an$ "he& wo#l$ no" co%e a" "he =#een '#" o+er o#r $ea$ 'o$ies. Ye" we sho#l$
'e %erel& ra"s fi(h"in( in a "ra) when all2s sai$.3
3;er& "r#e,3 croa,e$ "he Ra+en. 3These las" s"an$s in a ho#se %a,e (oo$ s"ories, '#"
no"hin( e+er ca%e of "he%. Af"er "heir firs" few re)#lses "he ene%& alwa&s se" "he ho#se on
3I a% "he ca#se of all "his,3 sai$ S#san, '#rs"in( in"o "ears. 3Oh, if onl& I ha$ ne+er lef" Cair
Para+el. O#r las" ha))& $a& was 'efore "hose a%'assa$ors ca%e fro% Calor%en. The
-oles were )lan"in( an orchar$ for #s . . . oh . . . oh.3
An$ she '#rie$ her face in her han$s an$ so''e$.
3Co#ra(e, S#, co#ra(e,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3Re%e%'er*'#" wha" is "he %a""er wi"h &o#, -as"er
T#%n#s53 7or "he 7a#n was hol$in( 'o"h his horns wi"h his han$s as if he were
"r&in( "o ,ee) his hea$ on '& "he% an$ wri"hin( "o an$ fro as if he ha$ a )ain in his insi$e.
3Don2" s)ea, "o %e, $on2" s)ea, "o %e,3 sai$ T#%n#s. 3I2% "hin,in(. I2% "hin,in( so "ha" I
can har$l& 'rea"he. Wai", wai", $o wai".3
There was a %o%en"2s )#<<le$ silence an$ "hen "he 7a#n loo,e$ #), $rew a lon( 'rea"h,
%o))e$ i"s forehea$ an$ sai$:
3The onl& $iffic#l"& is how "o (e" $own "o o#r shi)*wi"h so%e s"ores, "oo*wi"ho#" 'ein(
seen an$ s"o))e$.3
3Yes,3 sai$ a Dwarf $r&l&. 3>#s" as "he 'e((ar2s onl& $iffic#l"& a'o#" ri$in( is "ha" he has no
3Wai", wai",3 sai$ -r T#%n#s i%)a"ien"l&. 3All we nee$ is so%e )re"e1" for (oin( $own "o
o#r shi) "o$a& an$ "a,in( s"#ff on 'oar$.3
3Yes,3 sai$ !in( E$%#n$ $o#'"f#ll&.
3Well, "hen,3 sai$ "he 7a#n, 3how wo#l$ i" 'e if &o#r %a8es"ies 'a$e "he Prince "o a (rea"
'an9#e" "o 'e hel$ on 'oar$ o#r own (alleon, "he S)en$o#r H&aline, "o%orrow ni(h"5 An$
le" "he %essa(e 'e wor$e$ as (racio#sl& as "he =#een can con"ri+e wi"ho#" )le$(in( her
hono#r: so as "o (i+e "he Prince a ho)e "ha" she is wea,enin(.3
3This is +er& (oo$ co#nsel, Sire,3 croa,e$ "he Ra+en.
3An$ "hen,3 con"in#e$ T#%n#s e1ci"e$l&, 3e+er&one will e1)ec" #s "o 'e (oin( $own "o "he
shi) all $a&, %a,in( )re)ara"ions for o#r (#es"s. An$ le" so%e of #s (o "o "he 'a<aars an$
s)en$ e+er& %ini% we ha+e a" "he fr#i"erers an$ "he swee"%ea" sellers an$ "he wine
%erchan"s, 8#s" as we wo#l$ if we were reall& (i+in( a feas". An$ le" #s or$er %a(icians
an$ 8#((lers an$ $ancin( (irls an$ fl#"e )la&ers, all "o 'e on 'oar$ "o%orrow ni(h".3
3I see, I see,3 sai$ !in( E$%#n$, r#''in( his han$s.
3An$ "hen,3 sai$ T#%n#s, 3we2ll all 'e on 'oar$ "oni(h". An$ as soon as i" is 9#i"e $ar,*3
3) sails an$ o#" oars*43 sai$ "he !in(.
3An$ so "o sea,3 crie$ T#%n#s, lea)in( #) an$ 'e(innin( "o $ance.
3An$ o#r nose Nor"hwar$,3 sai$ "he firs" Dwarf.
3R#nnin( for ho%e4 H#rrah for Narnia an$ "he Nor"h43 sai$ "he o"her.
3An$ "he Prince wa,in( ne1" %ornin( an$ fin$in( his 'ir$s flown43 sai$ Peri$an, cla))in(
his han$s.
3Oh -as"er T#%n#s, $ear -as"er T#%n#s,3 sai$ "he =#een, ca"chin( his han$s an$
swin(in( wi"h hi% as he $ance$. 3Yo# ha+e sa+e$ #s all.3
3The Prince will chase #s,3 sai$ ano"her lor$, whose na%e Shas"a ha$ no" hear$.
3Tha"2s "he leas" of %& fears,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I ha+e seen all "he shi))in( in "he ri+er an$
"here2s no "all shi) of war nor swif" (alle& "here. I wish he %a& chase #s4 7or "he S)len$o#r
H&aline co#l$ sin, an&"hin( he has "o sen$ af"er her * if we were o+er"a,en a" all.3
3Sire,3 sai$ "he Ra+en. 3Yo# shall hear no 'e""er )lo" "han "he 7a#n2s "ho#(h we sa" in
co#ncil for se+en $a&s. An$ now, as we 'ir$s sa&, nes"s 'efore e((s. Which is as %#ch as
"o sa&, le" #s all "a,e o#r foo$ an$ "hen a" once 'e a'o#" o#r '#siness.3
E+er&one arose a" "his an$ "he $oors were o)ene$ an$ "he lor$s an$ "he crea"#res s"oo$
asi$e for "he !in( an$ =#een "o (o o#" firs". Shas"a won$ere$ wha" he o#(h" "o $o, '#" -r
T#%n#s sai$, 3Lie "here, &o#r Hi(hness, an$ I will 'rin( &o# #) a li""le feas" "o &o#rself in a
few %o%en"s. There is no nee$ for &o# "o %o+e #n"il we are all rea$& "o e%'ar,.3
Shas"a lai$ his hea$ $own a(ain on "he )illows an$ soon he was alone in "he roo%.
3This is )erfec"l& $rea$f#l,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. I" ne+er ca%e in"o his hea$ "o "ell "hese
Narnians "he whole "r#"h an$ as, for "heir hel). Ha+in( 'een 'ro#(h" #) '& a har$,
closefis"e$ %an li,e Arsheesh, he ha$ a fi1e$ ha'i" of ne+er "ellin( (rown*#)s an&"hin( if
he co#l$ hel) i": he "ho#(h" "he& wo#l$ alwa&s s)oil or s"o) wha"e+er &o# were "r&in( "o
$o. An$ he "ho#(h" "ha" e+en if "he Narnian !in( %i(h" 'e frien$l& "o "he "wo horses,
'eca#se "he& were Tal,in( Beas"s of Narnia, he wo#l$ ha"e Ara+is, 'eca#se she was a
Calor%ene, an$ ei"her sell her for a sla+e or sen$ her 'ac, "o her fa"her. As for hi%self, 3I
si%)l& $n2" "ell "he% I2% no" Prince Corin now,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. 3I2+e hear$ all "heir )lans.
If "he& ,new I wasn2" one of "he%sel+es, "he&2$ ne+er le" %e o#" of "his ho#se ali+e. The&2$
'e afrai$ I2$ 'e"ra& "he% "o "he Tisroc. The&2$ ,ill %e. An$ if "he real Corin "#rns #), i"2ll all
co%e o#", an$ "he& will43 He ha$, &o# see, no i$ea of how no'le an$ free*'orn )eo)le
3Wha" a% I "o $o5 Wha" a% I "o $o53 he ,e)" sa&in( "o hi%self. 3Wha"*h#llo, here co%es
"ha" (oa"& li""le crea"#re a(ain.3
The 7a#n "ro""e$ in, half $ancin(, wi"h a "ra& in i"s han$s which was nearl& as lar(e as
i"self. This he se" on an inlai$ "a'le 'esi$e Shas"a2s sofa, an$ sa" $own hi%self on "he
car)e"e$ floor wi"h his (oa"& le(s crosse$.
3Now, )rincelin(,3 he sai$. 3-a,e a (oo$ $inner. I" will 'e &o#r las" %eal in Tash'aan.3
I" was a fine %eal af"er "he Calor%ene fashion. I $on2" ,now whe"her &o# wo#l$ ha+e li,e$
i" or no", '#" Shas"a $i$. There were lo's"ers, an$ sala$, an$ sni)e s"#ffe$ wi"h al%on$s an$
"r#ffles, an$ a co%)lica"e$ $ish %a$e of chic,enli+ers an$ rice an$ raisins an$ n#"s, an$
"here were cool %elons an$ (oose'err& fools an$ %#l'err& fools, an$ e+er& ,in$ of nice
"hin( "ha" can 'e %a$e wi"h ice. There was also a li""le fla(on of "he sor" of wine "ha" is
calle$ 3whi"e3 "ho#(h i" is reall& &ellow.
While Shas"a was ea"in(, "he (oo$ li""le 7a#n, who "ho#(h" he was s"ill $a<e$ wi"h
s#ns"ro,e, ,e)" "al,in( "o hi% a'o#" "he fine "i%es he wo#l$ ha+e when "he& all (o" ho%e0
a'o#" his (oo$ ol$ fa"her !in( L#ne of Archenlan$ an$ "he li""le cas"le where he li+e$ on
"he so#"hern slo)es of "he )ass. 3An$ $on2" for(e",3 sai$ -r T#%n#s, 3"ha" &o# are )ro%ise$
&o#r firs" s#i" of ar%o#r an$ &o#r firs" war horse on &o#r ne1" 'ir"h$a&. An$ "hen &o#r
Hi(hness will 'e(in "o learn how "o "il" an$ 8o#s". An$ in a few &ears, if all (oes well, !in(
Pe"er has )ro%ise$ &o#r ro&al fa"her "ha" he hi%self will %a,e &o# !ni(h" a" Cair Para+el.
An$ in "he %ean"i%e "here will 'e )len"& of co%in(s an$ (oin(s 'e"ween Narnia an$
Archenlan$ across "he nec, of "he %o#n"ains. An$ of co#rse &o# re%e%'er &o# ha+e
)ro%ise$ "o co%e for a whole wee, "o s"a& wi"h %e for "he S#%%er 7es"i+al, an$ "here2ll 'e
'onfires an$ all*ni(h" $ances of 7a#ns an$ Dr&a$s in "he hear" of "he woo$s an$, who
,nows5*we %i(h" see Aslan hi%self43
When "he %eal was o+er "he 7a#n "ol$ Shas"a "o s"a& 9#ie"l& where he was. 3An$ i"
wo#l$n2" $o &o# an& har% "o ha+e a li""le slee),3 he a$$e$. 3I2ll call &o# in )len"& of "i%e "o
(e" on 'oar$. An$ "hen, Ho%e. Narnia an$ "he Nor"h43
Shas"a ha$ so en8o&e$ his $inner an$ all "he "hin(s T#%n#s ha$ 'een "ellin( hi% "ha" when
he was lef" alone his "ho#(h"s "oo, a $ifferen" "#rn. He onl& ho)e$ now "ha" "he real Prince
Corin wo#l$ no" "#rn #) #n"il i" was "oo la"e an$ "ha" he wo#l$ 'e "a,en awa& "o Narnia '&
shi). I a% afrai$ he $i$ no" "hin, a" all of wha" %i(h" ha))en "o "he real Corin when he was
lef" 'ehin$ in Tash'aan. He was a li""le worrie$ a'o#" Ara+is an$ Bree wai"in( for hi% a"
"he To%'s. B#" "hen he sai$ "o hi%self, 3Well, how can I hel) i"53 an$, 3An&wa&, "ha"
Ara+is "hin,s she2s "oo (oo$ "o (o a'o#" wi"h %e, so she can 8oll& well (o alone,3 an$ a" "he
sa%e "i%e he co#l$n2" hel) feelin( "ha" i" wo#l$ 'e %#ch nicer (oin( "o Narnia '& sea "han
"oilin( across "he $eser".
When he ha$ "ho#(h" all "his he $i$ wha" I e1)ec" &o# wo#l$ ha+e $one if &o# ha$ 'een #)
+er& earl& an$ ha$ a lon( wal, an$ a (rea" $eal of e1ci"e%en" an$ "hen a +er& (oo$ %eal,
an$ were l&in( on a sofa in a cool roo% wi"h no noise in i" e1ce)" when a 'ee ca%e '#<<in(
in "hro#(h "he wi$e o)en win$ows. He fell aslee).
Wha" wo,e hi% was a lo#$ crash. He 8#%)e$ #) off "he sofa, s"arin(. He saw a" once fro%
"he %ere loo, of "he roo% * "he li(h"s an$ sha$ows all loo,e$ $ifferen" * "ha" he %#s" ha+e
sle)" for se+eral ho#rs. He saw also wha" ha$ %a$e "he crash: a cos"l& )orcelain +ase which
ha$ 'een s"an$in( on "he win$ow*sill la& on *"he floor 'ro,en in"o a'o#" "hir"& )ieces. B#"
he har$l& no"ice$ all "hese "hin(s. Wha" he $i$ no"ice was "wo han$s (ri))in( "he win$ow*
sill fro% o#"si$e. The& (ri))e$ har$er an$ har$er .(e""in(
whi"e a" "he ,n#c,les/ an$ "hen #) ca%e a hea$ an$ a )air of sho#l$ers. A %o%en" la"er
"here was a 'o& of Shas"a2s own a(e si""in( as"ri$e "he sill wi"h one le( han(in( $own insi$e
"he roo%.
Shas"a ha$ ne+er seen his own face in a loo,in(*(lass. E+en if he ha$, he %i(h" no" ha+e
reali<e$ "ha" "he o"her 'o& was .a" or$inar& "i%es/ al%os" e1ac"l& li,e hi%self. A" "he
%o%en" "his 'o& was no" )ar"ic#larl& li,e an&one for he ha$ "he fines" 'lac, e&e &o# e+er
saw, an$ a "oo"h %issin(, an$ his clo"hes .which %#s" ha+e 'een s)len$i$ ones when he )#"
"he% on/ were "orn an$ $ir"&, an$ "here was 'o"h 'loo$ an$ %#$ on his face.
3Who are &o#53 sai$ "he 'o& in a whis)er.
3Are &o# Prince Corin53 sai$ Shas"a.
3Yes, of co#rse,3 sai$ "he o"her. 3B#" who are &o#53
3I2% no'o$&, no'o$& in )ar"ic#lar, I %ean,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3!in( E$%#n$ ca#(h" %e in "he
s"ree" an$ %is"oo, %e for &o#. I s#))ose we %#s" loo, li,e one ano"her. Can I (e" o#" "he
wa& &o#2+e (o" in53
3Yes, if &o#2re an& (oo$ a" cli%'in(,3 sai$ Corin. 3B#" wh& are &o# in s#ch a h#rr&5 I sa&:
we o#(h" "o 'e a'le "o (e" so%e f#n o#" of "his 'ein( %is"a,en for one ano"her.3
3No, no,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3We %#s" chan(e )laces a" once. I"2ll 'e si%)l& fri(h"f#l if -r
T#%n#s co%es 'ac, an$ fin$s #s 'o"h here. I2+e ha$ "o )re"en$ "o 'e &o#. An$ &o#2re
s"ar"in( "oni(h" * secre"l&. An$ where were &o# all "his "i%e53
3A 'o& in "he s"ree" %a$e a 'eas"l& 8o,e a'o#" =#een S#san,3 sai$ Prince Corin, 3so I
,noc,e$ hi% $own. He ran howlin( in"o a ho#se an$ his 'i( 'ro"her ca%e o#". So I
,noc,e$ "he 'i( 'ro"her $own. Then "he& all followe$ %e #n"il we ran in"o "hree ol$ %en
wi"h s)ears who are calle$ "he Wa"ch. So I fo#(h" "he Wa"ch an$ "he& ,noc,e$ %e $own. I"
was (e""in( $ar, '& now. Then "he Wa"ch "oo, %e alon( "o loc, %e #) so%ewhere. So I
as,e$ "he% if "he&2$ li,e a s"o#) of wine an$ "he& sai$ "he& $i$n2" %in$ if "he& $i$. Then I
"oo, "he% "o a wine sho) an$ (o" "he% so%e an$ "he& all sa" $own an$ $ran, "ill "he& feel
aslee). I "ho#(h" i" was "i%e for %e "o 'e off so I ca%e o#" 9#ie"l& an$ "hen I fo#n$ "he firs"
'o& * "he one who ha$ s"ar"e$ all "he "ro#'le * s"ill han(in( a'o#". So I ,noc,e$ hi% $own
a(ain. Af"er "ha" I cli%'e$ #) a )i)e on "o "he roof of a ho#se an$ la& 9#ie" "ill i" 'e(an "o
(e" li(h" "his %ornin(. E+er since "ha" I2+e 'een fin$in( %& wa& 'ac,. I sa&, is "here
an&"hin( "o $rin,53
3No, I $ran, i",3 sai$ Shas"a. 3An$ now, show %e how &o# (o" in. There2s no" a %in#"e "o
lose. Yo#2$ 'e""er lie $own on "he sofa an$ )re"en$*'#" I for(o". I"2ll 'e no (oo$ wi"h all
"hose 'r#ises an$ 'lac, e&e. Yo#2ll 8#s" ha+e "o "ell "he% "he "r#"h, once I2% safel& awa&.3
3Wha" else $i$ &o# "hin, I2$ 'e "ellin( "he%53 as,e$ "he Prince wi"h a ra"her an(r& loo,.
3An$ who are &o#53
3There2s no "i%e,3 sai$ Shas"a in a fran"ic whis)er. 3I2% a Narnian, I 'elie+e0 so%e"hin(
Nor"hern an&wa&. B#" I2+e 'een 'ro#(h" #) all %& life in Calor%en. An$ I2% esca)in(:
across "he $eser"0 wi"h a "al,in( Horse calle$ Bree. An$ now, 9#ic,4 How $o I (e" awa&53
3Loo,,3 sai$ Corin. 3Dro) fro% "his win$ow on "o "he roof of "he +eran$ah. B#" &o# %#s"
$o i" li(h"l&, on &o#r "oes, or so%eone will hear &o#. Then alon( "o &o#r lef" an$ &o# can
(e" #) "o "he "o) of "ha" wall if &o#2re an& (oo$ a" all as a cli%'er. Then alon( "he wall "o
"he corner. Dro) on"o "he r#''ish hea) &o# will fin$ o#"si$e, an$ "here &o# are.3
3Than,s,3 sai$ Shas"a, who was alrea$& si""in( on "he sill. The "wo 'o&s were loo,in( in"o
each o"her2s faces an$ s#$$enl& fo#n$ "ha" "he& were frien$s.
36oo$*'&e,3 sai$ Corin. 3An$ (oo$ l#c,. I $o ho)e &o# (e" safe awa&.3
36oo$*'&e,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3I sa&, &o# ha+e 'een ha+in( so%e a$+en"#res.3
3No"hin( "o &o#rs,3 sai$ "he Prince. 3Now $ro)0 li(h"l&I sa&,3 he a$$e$ as Shas"a $ro))e$.
3I ho)e we %ee" in Archenlan$. 6o "o %& fa"her !in( L#ne an$ "ell hi% &o#2re a frien$ of
%ine. Loo, o#"4 I hear so%eone co%in(.3
SHASTA ran li(h"l& alon( "he roof on "i)"oes. I" fel" ho" "o his 'are fee". He was onl& a few
secon$s scra%'lin( #) "he wall a" "he far en$ an$ when he (o" "o "he corner he fo#n$
hi%self loo,in( $own in"o a narrow, s%ell& s"ree", an$ "here was a r#''ish hea) a(ains" "he
o#"si$e of "he wall 8#s" as Corin ha$ "ol$ hi%. Before 8#%)in( $own he "oo, a ra)i$ (lance
ro#n$ hi% "o (e" his 'earin(s. A))aren"l& he ha$ now co%e o+er "he crown of "he islan$*
hill on which Tash'aan is '#il". E+er&"hin( slo)e$ awa& 'efore hi%, fla" roofs 'elow fla"
roofs, $own "o "he "owers an$ 'a""le%en"s of "he ci"&2s Nor"hern wall. Be&on$ "ha" was "he
ri+er an$ 'e&on$ "he ri+er a shor" slo)e co+ere$ wi"h (ar$ens. B#" 'e&on$ "ha" a(ain "here
was so%e"hin( he ha$ ne+er seen "he li,e of * a (rea" &ellowish*(re& "hin(, fla" as a cal%
sea, an$ s"re"chin( for %iles. On "he far si$e of i" were h#(e 'l#e "hin(s, l#%)& '#" wi"h
8a((e$ e$(es, an$ so%e of "he% wi"h whi"e "o)s. 3The $eser"4 "he %o#n"ains43 "ho#(h"
He 8#%)e$ $own on "o "he r#''ish an$ 'e(an "ro""in( alon( $ownhill as fas" as he co#l$ in
"he narrow lane, which soon 'ro#(h" hi% in"o a wi$er s"ree" where "here were %ore )eo)le.
No one 'o"here$ "o loo, a" a li""le ra((e$ 'o& r#nnin( alon( on 'are fee". S"ill, he was
an1io#s an$ #neas& "ill he "#rne$ a corner an$ "here saw "he ci"& (a"e in fron" of hi%.
Here he was )resse$ an$ 8os"le$ a 'i", for a (oo$ %an& o"her )eo)le were also (oin( o#"0
an$ on "he 'ri$(e 'e&on$ "he (a"e "he crow$ 'eca%e 9#i"e a slow )rocession, %ore li,e a
9#e#e "han a crow$. O#" "here, wi"h clear r#nnin( wa"er on each si$e, i" was $elicio#sl&
fresh af"er "he s%ell an$ hea" an$ noise of Tash'aan.
When once Shas"a ha$ reache$ "he far en$ of "he 'ri$(e he fo#n$ "he crow$ %el"in( awa&0
e+er&one see%e$ "o 'e (oin( ei"her "o "he lef" or ri(h" alon( "he ri+er 'an,. He wen"
s"rai(h" ahea$ #) a roa$ "ha" $i$ no" a))ear "o 'e %#ch #se$, 'e"ween (ar$ens. In a few
)aces he was alone, an$ a few %ore 'ro#(h" hi% "o "he "o) of "he slo)e. There he s"oo$ an$
s"are$. I" was li,e co%in( "o "he en$ of "he worl$ for all "he (rass s"o))e$ 9#i"e s#$$enl& a
few fee" 'efore hi% an$ "he san$ 'e(an: en$less le+el san$ li,e on a sea shore '#" a 'i"
ro#(her 'eca#se i" was ne+er we". The %o#n"ains, which now loo,e$ f#r"her off "han
'efore, loo%e$ ahea$. 6rea"l& "o his relief he saw, a'o#" fi+e %in#"es2 wal, awa& on his
lef", wha" %#s" cer"ainl& 'e "he To%'s, 8#s" as Bree ha$ $escri'e$ "he%0 (rea" %asses of
%o#l$erin( s"one sha)e$ li,e (i(an"ic 'ee*hi+e, '#" a li""le narrower. The& loo,e$ +er&
'lac, an$ (ri%, for "he s#n was now se""in( ri(h" 'ehin$ "he%.
He "#rne$ his face Wes" an$ "ro""e$ "owar$s "he To%'s. He co#l$ no" hel) loo,in( o#" +er&
har$ for an& si(n of his frien$s, "ho#(h "he se""in( s#n shone in his face so "ha" he co#l$ see
har$l& an&"hin(. 3An$ an&wa&,3 he "ho#(h", 3of co#rse "he&2ll 'e ro#n$ on "he far si$e of
"he far"hes" To%', no" "his si$e where an&one %i(h" see "he% fro% "he ci"&.3
There were a'o#" "wel+e To%'s, each wi"h a low arche$ $oorwa& "ha" o)ene$ in"o a'sol#"e
'lac,ness. The& were $o""e$ a'o#" in no ,in$ of or$er, so "ha" i" "oo, a lon( "i%e, (oin(
ro#n$ "his one an$ (oin( ro#n$ "ha" one, 'efore &o# co#l$ 'e s#re "ha" &o# ha$ loo,e$
ro#n$ e+er& si$e of e+er& "o%'. This was wha" Shas"a ha$ "o $o. There was no'o$& "here.
I" was +er& 9#ie" here o#" on "he e$(e of "he $eser"0 an$ now "he s#n ha$ reall& se".
S#$$enl& fro% so%ewhere 'ehin$ hi% "here ca%e a "erri'le so#n$. Shas"a2s hear" (a+e a
(rea" 8#%) an$ he ha$ "o 'i"e his "on(#e "o ,ee) hi%self fro% screa%in(. Ne1" %o%en" he
reali<e$ wha" i" was: "he horns of Tash'aan 'lowin( for "he closin( of "he (a"es. 3Don2" 'e a
sill& li""le cowar$,3 sai$ Shas"a "o hi%self. 3Wh&, i"2s onl& "he sa%e noise &o# hear$ "his
%ornin(.3 B#" "here is a (rea" $ifference 'e"ween a noise hear$ le""in( &o# in wi"h &o#r
frien$s in "he %ornin(, an$ a noise hear$ alone a" ni(h"fall, sh#""in( &o# o#". An$ now "ha"
"he (a"es were sh#" he ,new "here was no chance of "he o"hers 8oinin( hi% "ha" e+enin(.
3Ei"her "he&2re sh#" #) in Tash'aan for "he ni(h",3 "ho#(h" Shas"a, 3or else "he&2+e (one on
wi"ho#" %e. I"2s 8#s" "he sor" of "hin( "ha" Ara+is wo#l$ $o. B#" Bree wo#l$n2". Oh, he
wo#l$n2". * now, wo#l$ he53
In "his i$ea a'o#" Ara+is Shas"a was once %ore 9#i"e wron(. She was )ro#$ an$ co#l$ 'e
har$ eno#(h '#" she was as "r#e as s"eel an$ wo#l$ ne+er ha+e $eser"e$ a co%)anion,
whe"her she li,e$ hi% or no".
Now "ha" Shas"a ,new he wo#l$ ha+e "o s)en$ "he ni(h" alone .i" was (e""in( $ar,er e+er&
%in#"e/ he 'e(an "o li,e "he loo, of "he )lace less an$ less. There was so%e"hin( +er&
#nco%for"a'le a'o#" "hose (rea", silen" sha)es of s"one. He ha$ 'een "r&in( his har$es" for a
lon( "i%e no" "o "hin, of (ho#ls: '#" he co#l$n2" ,ee) i" #) an& lon(er.
3Ow4 Ow4 Hel)43 he sho#"e$ s#$$enl&, for a" "ha" +er& %o%en" he fel" so%e"hin( "o#ch his
le(. I $on2" "hin, an&one can 'e 'la%e$ for sho#"in( if so%e"hin( co%es #) fro% 'ehin$
an$ "o#ches hi%0 no" in s#ch a )lace an$ a" s#ch a "i%e, when he is fri(h"ene$ alrea$&.
Shas"a a" an& ra"e was "oo fri(h"ene$ "o r#n. An&"hin( wo#l$ 'e 'e""er "han 'ein( chase$
ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ "he '#rial )laces of "he Ancien" !in(s wi"h so%e"hin( he $are$ no" loo, a"
'ehin$ hi%. Ins"ea$, he $i$ wha" was reall& "he %os" sensi'le "hin( he co#l$ $o. He loo,e$
ro#n$0 an$ his hear" al%os" '#rs" wi"h relief. Wha" ha$ "o#che$ hi% was onl& a ca".
The li(h" was "oo 'a$ now for Shas"a "o see %#ch of "he ca" e1ce)" "ha" i" was 'i( an$ +er&
sole%n. I" loo,e$ as if i" %i(h" ha+e li+e$ for lon(, lon( &ears a%on( "he To%'s, alone. I"s
e&es %a$e &o# "hin, i" ,new secre"s i" wo#l$ no" "ell.
3P#ss, )#ss,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3I s#))ose &o#2re no" a "al,in( ca".3
The ca" s"are$ a" hi% har$er "han e+er. Then i" s"ar"e$ wal,in( awa&, an$ of co#rse Shas"a
followe$ i". I" le$ hi% ri(h" "hro#(h "he "o%'s an$ o#" on "he $eser" si$e of "he%. There i"
sa" $own 'ol" #)ri(h" wi"h i"s "ail c#rle$ ro#n$ i"s fee" an$ i"s face se" "owar$s "he $eser"
an$ "owar$s Narnia an$ "he Nor"h, as s"ill as if i" were wa"chin( for so%e ene%&. Shas"a la&
$own 'esi$e i" wi"h his 'ac, a(ains" "he ca" an$ his face "owar$s "he To%'s, 'eca#se if one
is ner+o#s "here2s no"hin( li,e ha+in( &o#r face "owar$s "he $an(er an$ ha+in( so%e"hin(
war% an$ soli$ a" &o#r 'ac,. The san$ wo#l$n2" ha+e see%e$ +er& co%for"a'le "o &o#, '#"
Shas"a ha$ 'een slee)in( on "he (ro#n$ for wee,s an$ har$l& no"ice$ i". ;er& soon he fell
aslee), "ho#(h e+en in his $rea%s he wen" on won$erin( wha" ha$ ha))ene$ "o Bree an$
Ara+is an$ Hwin.
He was wa,ene$ s#$$enl& '& a noise he ha$ ne+er hear$ 'efore. 3Perha)s i" was onl& a
ni(h"%are,3 sai$ Shas"a "o hi%self. A" "he sa%e %o%en" he no"ice$ "ha" "he ca" ha$ (one
fro% his 'ac,, an$ he wishe$ i" ha$n2". B#" he la& 9#i"e s"ill wi"ho#" e+en o)enin( his e&es
'eca#se he fel" s#re he wo#l$ 'e %ore fri(h"ene$ if he sa" #) an$ loo,e$ ro#n$ a" "he
To%'s an$ "he loneliness: 8#s" as &o# or I %i(h" lie s"ill wi"h "he clo"hes o+er o#r hea$s.
B#" "hen "he noise ca%e a(ain * a harsh, )iercin( cr& fro% 'ehin$ hi% o#" of "he $eser".
Then of co#rse he ha$ "o o)en his e&es an$ si" #).
The %oon was shinin( 'ri(h"l&. The To%'s * far 'i((er an$ nearer "han he ha$ "ho#(h"
"he& wo#l$ 'e * loo,e$ (re& in "he %oonli(h". In fac", "he& loo,e$ horri'l& li,e h#(e
)eo)le, $ra)e$ in (re& ro'es "ha" co+ere$ "heir hea$s an$ faces. The& were no" a" all nice
"hin(s "o ha+e near &o# when s)en$in( a ni(h" alone in a s"ran(e )lace. B#" "he noise ha$
co%e fro% "he o))osi"e si$e, fro% "he $eser". Shas"a ha$ "o "#rn his 'ac, on "he To%'s .he
$i$n2" li,e "ha" %#ch/ an$ s"are o#" across "he le+el san$. The wil$ cr& ran( o#" a(ain.
3I ho)e i"2s no" %ore lions,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. I" was in fac" no" +er& li,e "he lion2s roars he
ha$ hear$ on "he ni(h" when "he& %e" Hwin an$ Ara+is, an$ was reall& "he cr& of a 8ac,al.
B#" of co#rse Shas"a $i$ no" ,now "his. E+en if he ha$ ,nown, he wo#l$ no" ha+e wan"e$
+er& %#ch "o %ee" a 8ac,al.
The cries ran( o#" a(ain an$ a(ain. 3There2s %ore "han one of "he%, wha"e+er "he& are,3
"ho#(h" Shas"a. 3An$ "he&2re co%in( nearer.3
I s#))ose "ha" if he ha$ 'een an en"irel& sensi'le 'o& he wo#l$ ha+e (one 'ac, "hro#(h "he
To%'s nearer "o "he ri+er where "here were ho#ses, an$ wil$ 'eas"s wo#l$ 'e less li,el& "o
co%e. B#" "hen "here were .or he "ho#(h" "here were/ "he (ho#ls. To (o 'ac, "hro#(h "he
To%'s wo#l$ %ean (oin( )as" "hose $ar, o)enin(s in "he To%'s0 an$ wha" %i(h" co%e o#"
of "he%5 I" %a& ha+e 'een sill&, '#" Shas"a fel" he wo#l$ ra"her ris, "he wil$ 'eas"s. Then,
as "he cries ca%e nearer an$ nearer, he 'e(an "o chan(e his %in$.
He was 8#s" (oin( "o r#n for i" when s#$$enl&, 'e"ween hi% an$ "he $eser", a h#(e ani%al
'o#n$e$ in"o +iew. As "he %oon was 'ehin$ i", i" loo,e$ 9#i"e 'lac,, an$ Shas"a $i$ no"
,now wha" i" was, e1ce)" "ha" i" ha$ a +er& 'i(, sha((& hea$ an$ wen" on fo#r le(s. I" $i$
no" see% "o ha+e no"ice$ Shas"a, for i" s#$$enl& s"o))e$, "#rne$ i"s hea$ "owar$s "he $eser"
an$ le" o#" a roar which re*echoe$ "hro#(h "he To%'s an$ see%e$ "o sha,e "he san$ #n$er
Shas"a2s fee". The cries of "he o"her crea"#res s#$$enl& s"o))$ an$ he "ho#(h" he co#l$ hear
fee" sca%)erin( awa&. Then "he (rea" 'eas" "#rne$ "o e1a%ine Shas"a.
3I"2s a lion, I ,now i"2s a lion,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. 3I2% $one. I won$er will i" h#r" %#ch. I wish
i" was o+er. I won$er $oes an&"hin( ha))en "o )eo)le af"er "he&2re $ea$. O*o*oh4 Here i"
co%es43 An$ he sh#" his e&es an$ his "ee"h "i(h".
B#" ins"ea$ of "ee"h an$ claws he onl& fel" so%e"hin( war% l&in( $own a" his fee". An$
when he o)ene$ his e&es he sai$, 3Wh&, i"2s no" nearl& as 'i( as I "ho#(h"4 I"2s onl& half "he
si<e. No, i" isn2" e+en 9#ar"er "he si<e. I $o $eclare i"2s onl& "he ca"44 I %#s" ha+e $rea%e$ all
"ha" a'o#" i"s 'ein( as 'i( as a horse.3
An$ whe"her he reall& ha$ 'een $rea%in( or no", wha" was now l&in( a" his fee", an$
s"arin( hi% o#" of co#n"enance wi"h i"s 'i(, (reen, #nwin,in( e&es, was "he ca"0 "ho#(h
cer"ainl& one of "he lar(es" ca"s he ha$ e+er seen.
3Oh, P#ss,3 (as)e$ Shas"a. 3I a% so (la$ "o see &o# a(ain. I2+e 'een ha+in( s#ch horri'le
$rea%s.3 An$ he a" once la& $own a(ain, 'ac, "o 'ac, wi"h "he ca" as "he& ha$ 'een a" "he
'e(innin( of "he ni(h". The war%"h fro% i" s)rea$ all o+er hi%.
3I2ll ne+er $o an&"hin( nas"& "o a ca" a(ain as lon( as I li+e,3 sai$ Shas"a, half "o "he ca" an$
half "o hi%self. 3I $i$ once, &o# ,now. I "hrew s"ones a" a half*s"ar+e$ %an(& ol$ s"ra&.
He&4 S"o) "ha".3 7or "he ca" ha$ "#rne$ ro#n$ an$ (i+en hi% a scra"ch. 3None of "ha",3 sai$
Shas"a. 3I" isn2" as if &o# co#l$ #n$ers"an$ wha" I2% sa&in(.3 Then he $o<e$ off.
Ne1" %ornin( when he wo,e, "he ca" was (one, "he s#n was alrea$& #), an$ "he san$ ho".
Shas"a, +er& "hirs"&, sa" #) an$ r#''e$ his e&es. The $eser" was 'lin$in(l& whi"e an$,
"ho#(h "here was a %#r%#r of noises fro% "he ci"& 'ehin$ hi%, where he sa" e+er&"hin(
was )erfec"l& s"ill. When he loo,e$ a li""le lef" an$ wes", so "ha" "he s#n was no" in his e&es,
he co#l$ see "he %o#n"ains on "he far si$e of "he $eser", so shar) an$ clear "ha" "he& loo,e$
onl& a s"one2s "hrow awa&. He )ar"ic#larl& no"ice$ one 'l#e hei(h" "ha" $i+i$e$ in"o "wo
)ea,s a" "he "o) an$ $eci$e$ "ha" i" %#s" 'e -o#n" Pire. 3Tha"2s o#r $irec"ion, 8#$(in( '&
wha" "he Ra+en sai$,3 he "ho#(h", 3so I2ll 8#s" %a,e s#re of i", so as no" "o was"e an& "i%e
when "he o"hers "#rn #).3 So he %a$e a (oo$, $ee) s"rai(h" f#rrow wi"h his foo" )oin"in(
e1ac"l& "o -o#n" Pire.
The ne1" 8o', clearl&, was "o (e" so%e"hin( "o ea" an$ $rin,. Shas"a "ro""e$ 'ac, "hro#(h "he
To%'s * "he& loo,e$ 9#i"e or$inar& now an$ he won$ere$ how he co#l$ e+er ha+e 'een
afrai$ of "he% * an$ $own in"o "he c#l"i+a"e$ lan$ '& "he ri+er2s si$e. There were a few
)eo)le a'o#" '#" no" +er& %an&, for "he ci"& (a"es ha$ 'een o)en se+eral ho#rs an$ "he
earl& %ornin( crow$s ha$ alrea$& (one in. So he ha$ no $iffc#l"& in $oin( a li""le 3rai$in(3
.as Bree calle$ i"/. I" in+ol+e$ a cli%' o+er a (ar$en wall an$ "he res#l"s were "hree
oran(es, a %elon, a fi( or "wo, an$ a )o%e(rana"e. Af"er "ha", he wen" $own "o "he ri+er
'an,, '#" no" "oo near "he 'ri$(e, an$ ha$ a $rin,. The wa"er was so nice "ha" he "oo, off
his ho", $ir"& clo"hes an$ ha$ a $i)0 for of co#rse Shas"a, ha+in( li+e$ on "he shore all his
life, ha$ learne$ "o swi% al%os" as soon as he ha$ learne$ "o wal,. When he ca%e o#" he
la& on "he (rass loo,in( across "he wa"er a" Tash'aan * all "he s)len$o#r an$ s"ren("h an$
(lor& of i". B#" "ha" %a$e hi% re%e%'er "he $an(ers of i" "oo. He s#$$enl& reali<e$ "ha" "he
o"hers %i(h" ha+e reache$ "he To%'s while he was 'a"hin( .3an$ (one on wi"ho#" %e, as
li,el& as no"3/, so he $resse$ in a fri(h" an$ "ore 'ac, a" s#ch a s)ee$ "ha" he was all ho" an$
"hirs"& when he arri+e$ an$ so "he (oo$ of his 'a"he was (one.
Li,e %os" $a&s when &o# are alone an$ wai"in( for so%e"hin( "his $a& see%e$ a'o#" a
h#n$re$ ho#rs lon(. He ha$ )len"& "o "hin, of, of co#rse, '#" si""in( alone, 8#s" "hin,in(, is
)re""& slow. He "ho#(h" a (oo$ $eal a'o#" "he Narnians an$ es)eciall& a'o#" Corin. He
won$ere$ wha" ha$ ha))ene$ when "he& $isco+ere$ "ha" "he 'o& who ha$ 'een l&in( on "he
sofa an$ hearin( all "heir secre" )lans wasn2" reall& Corin a" all. I" was +er& #n)leasan" "o
"hin, of all "hose nice )eo)le i%a(inin( hi% a "rai"or.
B#" as "he s#n slowl&, slowl& cli%'e$ #) "o "he "o) of "he s,& an$ "hen slowl&, slowl&
'e(an (oin( $ownwar$s "o "he Wes", an$ no one ca%e an$ no"hin( a" all ha))ene$, he
'e(an "o (e" %ore an$ %ore an1io#s. An$ of co#rse he now reali<e$ "ha" when "he&
arran(e$ "o wai" for one ano"her a" "he To%'s no one ha$ sai$ an&"hin( a'o#" How Lon(.
He co#l$n2" wai" here for "he res" of his life4 An$ soon i" wo#l$ 'e $ar, a(ain, an$ he wo#l$
ha+e ano"her ni(h" 8#s" li,e las" ni(h". A $o<en $ifferen" )lans wen" "hro#(h his hea$, all
wre"che$ ones, an$ a" las" he fi1e$ on "he wors" )lan of all. He $eci$e$ "o wai" "ill i" was
$ar, an$ "hen (o 'ac, "o "he ri+er an$ s"eal as %an& %elons as he co#l$ carr& an$ se" o#"
for -o#n" Pire alone, "r#s"in( for his $irec"ion "o "he line he ha$ $rawn "ha" %ornin( in "he
san$. I" was a cra<& i$ea an$ if he ha$ rea$ as %an& 'oo,s as &o# ha+e a'o#" 8o#rne&s o+er
$eser"s he wo#l$ ne+er ha+e $rea%e$ of i". B#" Shas"a ha$ rea$ no 'oo,s a" all.
Before "he s#n se" so%e"hin( $i$ ha))en. Shas"a was si""in( in "he sha$ow of one of "he
To%'s when he loo,e$ #) an$ saw "wo horses co%in( "owar$s hi%. Then his hear" (a+e a
(rea" lea), for he reco(ni<e$ "he% as Bree an$ Hwin. B#" "he ne1" %o%en" his hear" wen"
$own in"o his "oes a(ain. There was no si(n of Ara+is. The Horses were 'ein( le$ '& a
s"ran(e %an, an ar%e$ %an )re""& han$so%el& $resse$ li,e an #))er sla+e in a (rea" fa%il&.
Bree an$ Hwin were no lon(er (o" #) li,e )ac,*horses, '#" sa$$le$ an$ 'ri$le$. An$ wha"
co#l$ i" all %ean5 3I"2s a "ra),3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. 3So%e'o$& has ca#(h" Ara+is an$ )erha)s
"he&2+e "or"#re$ her an$ she2s (i+en "he whole "hin( awa&. The& wan" %e "o 8#%) o#" an$
r#n #) an$ s)ea, "o Bree an$ "hen I2ll 'e ca#(h" "oo4 An$ &e" if I $on2", I %a& 'e losin( %&
onl& chance "o %ee" "he o"hers. Oh I $o wish I ,new wha" ha$ ha))ene$.3 An$ he s,#l,e$
'ehin$ "he To%', loo,in( o#" e+er& few %in#"es, an$ won$erin( which was "he leas"
$an(ero#s "hin( "o $o.
WHAT ha$ reall& ha))ene$ was "his. When Ara+is saw Shas"a h#rrie$ awa& '& "he
Narnians an$ fo#n$ herself alone wi"h "wo horses who .+er& wisel&/ wo#l$n2" sa& a wor$,
she ne+er los" her hea$ e+en for a %o%en". She (ra''e$ Bree2s hal"er an$ s"oo$ s"ill,
hol$in( 'o"h "he horses0 an$ "ho#(h her hear" was 'ea"in( as har$ as a ha%%er, she $i$
no"hin( "o show i". As soon as "he Narnian lor$s ha$ )asse$ she "rie$ "o %o+e on a(ain. B#"
'efore she co#l$ "a,e a s"e), ano"her crier .3Bo"her all "hese )eo)le3 "ho#(h" Ara+is/ was
hear$ sho#"in( o#", 3Wa&, wa&, wa&4 Wa& for "he Tar,heena Lasaraleen43 an$
i%%e$ia"el&, followin( "he crier, ca%e fo#r ar%e$ sla+es an$ "hen fo#r 'earers carr&in( a
li""er which was all a*fl#""er wi"h sil,en c#r"ains an$ all a*8in(le wi"h sil+er 'ells an$ which
scen"e$ "he whole s"ree" wi"h )erf#%es an$ flowers. Af"er "he li""er, fe%ale sla+es in
'ea#"if#l clo"hes, an$ "hen a few (roo%s, r#nners, )a(es, an$ "he li,e. An$ now Ara+is
%a$e her firs" %is"a,e.
She ,new Lasaraleen 9#i"e well * al%os" as if "he& ha$ 'een a" school "o(e"her * 'eca#se
"he& ha$ of"en s"a&e$ in "he sa%e ho#ses an$ 'een "o "he sa%e )ar"ies. An$ Ara+is co#l$n2"
hel) loo,in( #) "o see wha" Lasaraleen loo,e$ li,e now "ha" she was %arrie$ an$ a +er&
(rea" )erson in$ee$.
I" was fa"al. The e&es of "he "wo (irls %e". An$ i%%e$ia"el& Lasaraleen sa" #) in "he li""er
an$ '#rs" o#" a" "he "o) of her +oice.
3Ara+is4 Wha" on ear"h are &o# $oin( here5 Yo#r fa"her*3
There was no" a %o%en" "o lose. Wi"ho#" a secon$2s $ela& Ara+is le" (o "he Horses, ca#(h"
"he e$(e of "he li""er, sw#n( herself #) 'esi$e Lasaraleen an$ whis)ere$ f#rio#sl& in her
3Sh#" #)4 Do &o# hear4 Sh#" #). Yo# %#s" hi$e %e. Tell &o#r )eo)le*3
3B#" $arlin(*3 'e(an Lasaraleen in "he sa%e lo#$ +oice. .She $i$n2" in "he leas" %in$
%a,in( )eo)le s"are0 in fac" she ra"her li,e$ i"./
3Do wha" I "ell &o# or I2ll ne+er s)ea, "o &o# a(ain,3 hisse$ Ara+is. 3Please, )lease 'e
9#ic,, Las. I"2s fri(h"f#ll& i%)or"an". Tell &o#r )eo)le "o 'rin( "hose "wo horses alon(. P#ll
all "he c#r"ains of "he li""er an$ (e" awa& so%ewhere where I can2" 'e fo#n$. An$ $o h#rr&.3
3All ri(h", $arlin(,3 sai$ Lasaraleen in her la<& +oice. 3Here. Two of &o# "a,e "he
Tar,heena2s horses.3 .This was "o "he sla+es./ 3An$ now ho%e. I sa&, $arlin(, $o &o# "hin,
we reall& wan" "he c#r"ains $rawn on a $a& li,e "his5 I %ean "o sa&*3
B#" Ara+is ha$ alrea$& $rawn "he c#r"ains, enclosin( Lasaraleen an$ herself in a rich an$
scen"e$, '#" ra"her s"#ff&, ,in$ of "en".
3I %#s"n2" 'e seen,3 3she sai$. 3-& fa"her $oesn2" ,now I2% here. I2% r#nnin( awa&.3
3-& $ear, how )erfec"l& "hrillin(,3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3I2% $&in( "o hear all a'o#" i". Darlin(,
&o#2re si""in( on %& $ress. Do &o# %in$5 Tha"2s 'e""er. I" is a new one. Do &o# li,e i"5 I (o"
i" a"*3
3Oh, Las, $o 'e serio#s,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3Where is %& fa"her53
3Di$n2" &o# ,now53 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3He2s here, of co#rse. He ca%e "o "own &es"er$a& an$
is as,in( a'o#" &o# e+er&where. An$ "o "hin, of &o# an$ %e 'ein( here "o(e"her an$ his no"
,nowin( an&"hin( a'o#" i"4 I"2s "he f#nnies" "hin( I e+er hear$.3 An$ she wen" off in"o
(i((les. She alwa&s ha$ 'een a "erri'le (i((ler, as Ara+is now re%e%'ere$.
3I" isn2" f#nn& a" all,3 she sai$. 3I"2s $rea$f#ll& serio#s. Where can &o# hi$e %e53
3No $iffic#l"& a" all, %& $ear (irl,3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3I2ll "a,e &o# ho%e. -& h#s'an$2s awa&
an$ no one will see &o#. Phew4 I"2s no" %#ch f#n wi"h "he c#r"ains $rawn. I wan" "o see
)eo)le. There2s no )oin" in ha+in( a new $ress on if one2s "o (o a'o#" sh#" #) li,e "his.3
3I ho)e no one hear$ &o# when &o# sho#"e$ o#" "o %e li,e "ha",3 sai$ Ara+is.
3No, no, of co#rse, $arlin(,3 sai$ Lasaraleen a'sen"%in$e$l&. 3B#" &o# ha+en2" e+en "ol$
%e &e" wha" &o# "hin, of "he $ress.3
3Ano"her "hin(,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3Yo# %#s" "ell &o#r )eo)le "o "rea" "hose "wo horses +er&
res)ec"f#ll&. Tha"2s )ar" of "he secre". The&2re reall& Tal,in( Horses fro% Narnia.3
37anc&43 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3How e1ci"in(4 An$ oh, $arlin(, ha+e &o# seen "he 'ar'arian
9#een fro% Narnia5 She2s s"a&in( in Tash'aan a" )resen". The& sa& Prince Ra'a$ash is
%a$l& in lo+e wi"h her. There ha+e 'een "he %os" won$erf#l )ar"ies an$ h#n"s an$ "hin(s
all "his las" for"ni(h". I can2" see "ha" she2s so +er& )re""& %&self. B#" so%e of "he Narnian
%en are lo+el&. I was "a,en o#" on a ri+er )ar"& "he $a& 'efore &es"er$a&, an$ I was wearin(
3How shall we )re+en" &o#r )eo)le "ellin( e+er&one "ha" &o#2+e (o" a +isi"or * $resse$ li,e a
'e((ar2s 'ra" * in &o#r ho#se5 I" %i(h" so easil& (e" ro#n$ "o %& fa"her.3
3Now $on2" ,ee) on f#ssin(, "here2s a $ear,3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3We2ll (e" &o# so%e )ro)er
clo"hes in a %o%en". An$ here we are43
The 'earers ha$ s"o))e$ an$ "he li""er was 'ein( lowere$. When "he c#r"ains ha$ 'een
$rawn Ara+is fo#n$ "ha" she was in a co#r"&ar$*(ar$en +er& li,e "he one "ha" Shas"a ha$
'een "a,en in"o a few %in#"es earlier in ano"her )ar" of "he ci"&. Lasaraleen wo#l$ ha+e
(one in$oors a" once '#" Ara+is re%in$e$ her in a fran"ic whis)er "o sa& so%e"hin( "o "he
sla+es a'o#" no" "ellin( an&one of "heir %is"ress2s s"ran(e +isi"or.
3Sorr&, $arlin(, i" ha$ (one ri(h" o#" of %& hea$,3 sai$ Lasareleen. 3Here. All of &o#. An$
&o#, $oor,ee)er. No one is "o 'e le" o#" of "he ho#se "o$a&. An$ an&one I ca"ch "al,in(
a'o#" "his &o#n( la$& will 'e firs" 'ea"en "o $ea"h an$ "hen '#rne$ ali+e an$ af"er "ha" 'e
,e)" on 'rea$ an$ wa"er for si1 wee,s. There.3
Al"ho#(h Lasaraleen ha$ sai$ she was $&in( "o hear Ara+is2s s"or&, she showe$ no si(n of
reall& wan"in( "o hear i" a" all. She was, in fac", %#ch 'e""er a" "al,in( "han a" lis"enin(. She
insis"e$ on Ara+is ha+in( a lon( an$ l#1#rio#s 'a"h .Calor%ene 'a"hs are fa%o#s/ an$ "hen
$ressin( her #) in "he fines" clo"hes 'efore she wo#l$ le" her e1)lain an&"hin(. The f#ss she
%a$e a'o#" choosin( "he $resses nearl& $ro+e Ara+is %a$. She re%e%'ere$ now "ha"
Lasaraleen ha$ alwa&s 'een li,e "ha", in"eres"e$ in clo"hes an$ )ar"ies an$ (ossi). Ara+is
ha$ alwa&s 'een %ore in"eres"e$ in 'ows an$ arrows an$ horses an$ $o(s an$ swi%%in(.
Yo# will (#ess "ha" each "ho#(h" "he o"her sill&. B#" when a" las" "he& were 'o"h sea"e$
af"er a %eal .i" was chiefl& of "he whi))e$ crea% an$ 8ell& an$ fr#i" an$ ice sor"/ in a
'ea#"if#l )illare$ roo% .which Ara+is wo#l$ ha+e li,e$ 'e""er if Lasaraleen2s s)oile$ )e"
%on,e& ha$n2" 'een cli%'in( a'o#" i" all "he "i%e/ Lasaraleen a" las" as,e$ her wh& she was
r#nnin( awa& fro% ho%e.
When Ara+is ha$ finishe$ "ellin( her s"or&, Lasaraleen sai$, 3B#", $arlin(, wh& $on2" &o#
%arr& Ahosh"a Tar,aan5 E+er&one2s cra<& a'o#" hi%. -& h#s'an$ sa&s he is 'e(innin( "o
'e one of "he (rea"es" %en in Calor%en. He has 8#s" 'een %a$e 6ran$ ;i<ier now ol$
A1ar"ha has $ie$. Di$n2" &o# ,now53
3I $on2" care. I can2" s"an$ "he si(h" of hi%,3 sai$ Ara+is.
3B#", $arlin(, onl& "hin,4 Three )alaces, an$ one of "he% "ha" 'ea#"if#l one $own on "he
la,e a" Il,een. Posi"i+el& ro)es of )earls, I2% "ol$. Ba"hs of asses2 %il,. An$ &o#2$ see s#ch
a lo" of %e.3
3He can ,ee) his )earls an$ )alaces as far as I2% concerne$,3 sai$ Ara+is.
3Yo# alwa&s were a 9#eer (irl, Ara+is,3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3Wha" %ore $o &o# wan"53
In "he en$, howe+er, Ara+is %ana(e$ "o %a,e her frien$ 'elie+e "ha" she was in earnes" an$
e+en "o $isc#ss )lans. There wo#l$ 'e no $iffic#l"& now a'o#" (e""in( "he "wo horses o#" of
"he Nor"h (a"e an$ "hen on "o "he To%'s. No one wo#l$ s"o) or 9#es"ion a (roo% in fine
clo"hes lea$in( a war horse an$ a la$&2s sa$$le horse $own "o "he ri+er, an$ Lasaraleen ha$
)len"& of (roo%s "o sen$. I" wasn2" so eas& "o $eci$e wha" "o $o a'o#" Ara+is herself. She
s#((es"e$ "ha" she co#l$ 'e carrie$ o#" in "he li""er wi"h "he c#r"ains $rawn. B#" Lasaraleen
"ol$ her "ha" li""ers were onl& #se$ in "he ci"& an$ "he si(h" of one (oin( o#" "hro#(h "he
(a"e wo#l$ 'e cer"ain "o lea$ "o 9#es"ions.
When "he& ha$ "al,e$ for a lon( "i%e * an$ i" was all "he lon(er 'eca#se Ara+is fo#n$ i"
har$ "o ,ee) her frien$ "o "he )oin"*a" las" Lasaraleen cla))e$ her han$s an$ sai$, 3Oh, I
ha+e an i$ea. There is one wa& of (e""in( o#" of "he ci"& wi"ho#" #sin( "he (a"es. The
Tisroc2s (ar$en .%a& he li+e for e+er4/ r#ns ri(h" $own "o "he wa"er an$ "here is a li""le
wa"er*$oor. Onl& for "he )alace )eo)le of co#rse * '#" "hen &o# ,now, $ear .here she
"i""ere$ a li""le/ we al%os" are )alace )eo)le. I sa&, i" is l#c,& for &o# "ha" &o# ca%e "o %e.
The $ear Tisroc .%a& he li+e for e+er4/ is so ,in$. We2re as,e$ "o "he )alace al%os" e+er&
$a& an$ i" is li,e a secon$ ho%e. I lo+e all "he $ear )rinces an$ )rincesses an$ I )osi"i+el&
a$ore Prince Ra'a$ash. I %i(h" r#n in an$ see an& of "he )alace la$ies a" an& ho#r of "he
$a& or ni(h". Wh& sho#l$n2" I sli) in wi"h&o#, af"er $ar,, an$ le" &o# o#" '& "he wa"er*$oor5
There are alwa&s a few )#n"s an$ "hin(s "ie$ #) o#"si$e i". An$ e+en if we were ca#(h"*3
3All wo#l$ 'e los",3 sai$ Ara+is.
3Oh $arlin(, $on2" (e" so e1ci"e$,3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3I was (oin( "o sa&, e+en if we were
ca#(h" e+er&one wo#l$ onl& sa& i" was one of %& %a$ 8o,es. I2% (e""in( 9#i"e well ,nown
for "he%. Onl& "he o"her $a&* $o lis"en, $ear, "his is fri(h"f#ll& f#nn&*3
3I %ean", all wo#l$ 'e los" for %e,3 sai$ Ara+is a li""le shar)l&.
3Oh * ah * &es * I $o see wha" &o# %ean, $arlin(. Well, can &o# "hin, of an& 'e""er )lan53
Ara+is co#l$n2", an$ answere$, 3No. We2ll ha+e "o ris, i". When can we s"ar"53
3Oh, no" "oni(h",3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3Of co#rse no" "oni(h". There2s a (rea" feas" on "oni(h" .I
%#s" s"ar" (e""in( %& hair $one for i" in a few %in#"es/ an$ "he whole )lace will 'e a 'la<e
of li(h"s. An$ s#ch a crow$ "oo4 I" wo#l$ ha+e "o 'e "o%orrow ni(h".3
This was 'a$ news for Ara+is, '#" she ha$ "o %a,e "he 'es" of i". The af"ernoon )asse$ +er&
slowl& an$ i" was a relief when Lasaraleen wen" o#" "o "he 'an9#e", for Ara+is was +er&
"ire$ of her (i((lin( an$ her "al, a'o#" $resses an$ )ar"ies, we$$in(s an$ en(a(e%en"s an$
scan$als. She wen" "o 'e$ earl& an$ "ha" )ar" she $i$ en8o&: i" was so nice "o ha+e )illows
an$ shee"s a(ain.
B#" "he ne1" $a& )asse$ +er& slowl&. Lasaraleen wan"e$ "o (o 'ac, on "he whole
arran(e%en" an$ ,e)" on "ellin( Ara+is "ha" Narnia was a co#n"r& of )er)e"#al snow an$ ice
inha'i"e$ '& $e%ons an$ sorcerers, an$ she was %a$ "o "hin, of (oin( "here. 3An$ wi"h a
)easan" 'o&, "oo43 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3Darlin(, "hin, of i"4 I"2s no" Nice.3 Ara+is ha$ "ho#(h"
of i" a (oo$ $eal, '#" she was so "ire$ of Lasaraleen2s silliness '& now "ha", for "he firs"
"i%e, she 'e(an "o "hin, "ha" "ra+ellin( wi"h Shas"a was reall& ra"her %ore f#n "han
fashiona'le life in Tash'aan. So she onl& re)lie$, 3Yo# for(e" "ha" I2ll 'e no'o$&, 8#s" li,e
hi%, when we (e" "o Narnia. An$ an&wa&, I )ro%ise$.3
3An$ "o "hin,,3 sai$ Lasaraleen, al%os" cr&in(, 3"ha" if onl& &o# ha$ sense &o# co#l$ 'e "he
wife of a 6ran$ ;i<ier43 Ara+is wen" awa& "o ha+e a )ri+a"e wor$ wi"h "he horses.
3Yo# %#s" (o wi"h a (roo% a li""le 'efore s#nse" $own "o "he To%'s,3 she sai$. 3No %ore
of "hose )ac,s. Yo#2ll 'e sa$$le$ an$ 'ri$le$ a(ain. B#" "here2ll ha+e "o 'e foo$ in Hwin2s
sa$$le*'a(s an$ a f#ll wa"er*s,in 'ehin$ &o#rs, Bree. The %an has or$ers "o le" &o# 'o"h
ha+e a (oo$ lon( $rin, a" "he far si$e of "he 'ri$(e.3
3An$ "hen, Narnia an$ "he Nor"h43 whis)ere$ Bree. 3B#" wha" if Shas"a is no" a" "he
3Wai" for hi% of co#rse,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3I ho)e &o#2+e 'een 9#i"e co%for"a'le.3
3Ne+er 'e""er s"a'le$ in %& life,3 sai$ Bree. 3B#" if "he h#s'an$ of "ha" "i""erin( Tar,heena
frien$ of &o#rs is )a&in( his hea$ (roo% "o (e" "he 'es" oa"s, "hen I "hin, "he hea$ (roo% is
chea"in( hi%.3
Ara+is an$ Lasaraleen ha$ s#))er in "he )illare$ roo%.
A'o#" "wo ho#rs la"er "he& were rea$& "o s"ar". Ara+is was $resse$ "o loo, li,e a s#)erior
sla+e*(irl in a (rea" ho#se an$ wore a +eil o+er her face. The& ha$ a(ree$ "ha" if an&
9#es"ions were as,e$ Lasaraleen wo#l$ )re"en$ "ha" Ara+is was a sla+e she was "a,in( as a
)resen" "o one of "he )rincesses.
The "wo (irls wen" o#" on foo". A +er& few %in#"es 'ro#(h" "he% "o "he )alace (a"es. Here
"here were of co#rse sol$iers on (#ar$ '#" "he officer ,new Lasaraleen 9#i"e well an$ calle$
his %en "o a""en"ion an$ sal#"e$. The& )asse$ a" once in"o "he Hall of Blac, -ar'le. A fair
n#%'er of co#r"iers, sla+es an$ o"hers were s"ill %o+in( a'o#" here '#" "his onl& %a$e "he
"wo (irls less cons)ic#o#s. The& )asse$ on in"o "he Hall of Pillars an$ "hen in"o "he Hall of
S"a"#es an$ $own "he colonna$e, )assin( "he (rea" 'ea"enco))er
$oors of "he "hrone roo%. I" was all %a(nificen" 'e&on$ $escri)"ion0 wha" "he& co#l$ see of
i" in "he $i% li(h" of "he la%)s.
Presen"l& "he& ca%e o#" in"o "he (ar$en*co#r" which slo)e$ $ownhill in a n#%'er of
"erraces. On "he far si$e of "ha" "he& ca%e "o "he Ol$ Palace. I" ha$ alrea$& (rown al%os"
9#i"e $ar, an$ "he& now fo#n$ "he%sel+es in a %a<e of corri$ors li" onl& '& occasional
"orches fi1e$ in 'rac,e"s "o "he walls. Lasaraleen hal"e$ a" a )lace where &o# ha$ "o (o
ei"her lef" or ri(h".
36o on, $o (o on,3 whis)ere$ Ara+is, whose hear" was 'ea"in( "erri'l& an$ who s"ill fel"
"ha" her fa"her %i(h" r#n in"o "he% a" an& corner.
3I2% 8#s" won$erin(...3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3I2% no" a'sol#"el& s#re which wa& we (o fro%
here. I "hin, i"2s "he lef". Yes, I2% al%os" s#re i"2s "he lef". Wha" f#n "his is43
The& "oo, "he lef" han$ wa& an$ fo#n$ "he%sel+es in a )assa(e "ha" was har$l& li(h"e$ a"
all an$ which soon 'e(an (oin( $own s"e)s.
3I"2s all ri(h",3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3I2% s#re we2re ri(h" now. I re%e%'er "hese s"e)s.3 B#" a"
"ha" %o%en" a %o+in( li(h" a))eare$ ahea$. A secon$ la"er "here a))eare$ fro% ro#n$ a
$is"an" corner, "he $ar, sha)es of "wo %en wal,in( 'ac,war$s an$ carr&in( "all can$les.
An$ of co#rse i" is onl& 'efore ro&al"ies "ha" )eo)le wal, 'ac,war$s. Ara+is fel" Lasaraleen
(ri) her ar% * "ha" sor" of s#$$en (ri) which is al%os" a )inch an$ which %eans "ha" "he
)erson who is (ri))in( &o# is +er& fri(h"ene$ in$ee$. Ara+is "ho#(h" i" o$$ "ha" Lasaraleen
sho#l$ 'e so afrai$ of "he Tisroc if he were reall& s#ch a frien$ of hers, '#" "here was no
"i%e "o (o on "hin,in(. Lasaraleen was h#rr&in( her 'ac, "o "he "o) of "he s"e)s, on "i)"oes,
an$ (ro)in( wil$l& alon( "he wall.
3Here2s a $oor,3 she whis)ere$. 3=#ic,.3
The& wen" in, $rew "he $oor +er& sof"l& 'ehin$ "he%, an$ fo#n$ "he%sel+es in )i"ch
$ar,ness. Ara+is co#l$ hear '& Lasaraleen2s 'rea"hin( "ha" she was "errifie$.
3Tash )reser+e #s43 whis)ere$ Lasaraleen. 3Wha" shall we $o if he co%es in here. Can we
There was a sof" car)e" #n$er "heir fee". The& (ro)e$ forwar$ in"o "he roo% an$ 'l#n$ere$
on "o a sofa.
3Le"2s lie $own 'ehin$ i",3 whi%)ere$ Lasaraleen. 3Oh, I $o wish we ha$n2" co%e.3
There was 8#s" roo% 'e"ween "he sofa an$ "he c#r"aine$ wall an$ "he "wo (irls (o" $own.
Lasaraleen %ana(e$ "o (e" "he 'e""er )osi"ion an$ was co%)le"el& co+ere$. The #))er )ar"
of Ara+is2s face s"#c, o#" 'e&on$ "he sofa, so "ha" if an&one ca%e in"o "ha" roo% wi"h a
li(h" an$ ha))ene$ "o loo, in e1ac"l& "he ri(h" )lace "he& wo#l$ see her. B#" of co#rse,
'eca#se she was wearin( a +eil, wha" "he& saw wo#l$ no" a" once loo, li,e a forehea$ an$
a )air of e&es. Ara+is sho+e$ $es)era"el& "o "r& "o %a,e Lasaraleen (i+e her a li""le %ore
roo%. B#" Lasaraleen, now 9#i"e selfish in her )anic, fo#(h" 'ac, an$ )inche$ her fee".
The& (a+e i" #) an$ la& s"ill, )an"in( a li""le. Their own 'rea"h se%e$ $rea$f#ll& nois&, '#"
"here was no o"her noise.
3Is i" safe53 sai$ Ara+is a" las" in "he "inies" )ossi'le whis)er.
3I * I * "hin, so,3 'e(an Lasaraleen. 3B#" %& )oor ner+es *3 an$ "hen ca%e "he %os" "erri'le
noise "he& co#l$ ha+e hear$ a" "ha" %o%en": "he noise of "he $oor o)enin(. An$ "hen ca%e
li(h". An$ 'eca#se Ara+is co#l$n2" (e" her hea$ an& f#r"her in 'ehin$ "he sofa, she saw
7irs" ca%e "he "wo sla+es .$eaf an$ $#%', as Ara+is ri(h"l& (#esse$, an$ "herefore #se$ a"
"he %os" secre" co#ncils/ wal,in( 'ac,war$s an$ carr&in( "he can$les. The& "oo, #) "heir
s"an$ one a" each en$ of "he sofa. This was a (oo$ "hin(, for of co#rse i" was now har$er for
an&one "o see Ara+is once a sla+e was in fron" of her an$ she was loo,in( 'e"ween his
heels. Then ca%e an ol$ %an, +er& fa", wearin( a c#rio#s )oin"e$ ca) '& which she
i%%e$ia"el& ,new "ha" he was "he Tisroc. The leas" of "he 8ewels wi"h which he was
co+ere$ was wor"h %ore "han all "he clo"hes an$ wea)ons of "he Narnian lor$s )#" "o(e"her:
'#" he was so fa" an$ s#ch a %ass of frills an$ )lea"s an$ 'o''les an$ '#""ons an$ "assels
an$ "alis%ans "ha" Ara+is co#l$n2" hel) "hin,in( "he Narnian fashions .a" an& ra"e for %en/
loo,e$ nicer. Af"er hi% ca%e a "all &o#n( %an wi"h a fea"here$ an$ 8ewelle$ "#r'an on his
hea$ an$ an i+or&*shea"he$ sci%i"ar a" his si$e. He see%e$ +er& e1ci"e$ an$ his e&es an$
"ee"h flashe$ fiercel& in "he can$leli(h". Las" of all ca%e a li""le h#%)*'ac,e$, wi<ene$ ol$
%an in who% she reco(ni<e$ wi"h a sh#$$er "he new 6ran$ ;i<ier an$ her own 'e"ro"he$
h#s'an$, Ahosh"a Tar,aan hi%self.
As soon as all "hree ha$ en"ere$ "he roo% an$ "he $oor was sh#", "he Tisroc sea"e$ hi%self
on "he $i+an wi"h a si(h of con"en"%en", "he &o#n( %an "oo, his )lace, s"an$in( 'efore
hi%, an$ "he 6ran$ ;i<ier (o" $own on his ,nees an$ el'ows an$ lai$ his face fla" on "he
3OH*%&*fa"her*an$*oh*"he*$eli(h"*of*%&*e&es,3 'e(an "he &o#n( %an, %#""erin( "he
wor$s +er& 9#ic,l& an$ s#l,il& an$ no" a" all as if "he Tisroc were "he $eli(h" of his e&es.
3-a& &o# li+e for e+er, '#" &o# ha+e #""erl& $es"ro&e$ %e. If &o# ha$ (i+en %e "he swif"es"
of "he (alle&s a" s#nrise when I firs" saw "ha" "he shi) of "he acc#rse$ 'ar'arians was (one
fro% her )lace I wo#l$ )erha)s ha+e o+er"a,en "he%. B#" &o# )ers#a$e$ %e "o sen$ firs"
an$ see if "he& ha$ no" %erel& %o+e$ ro#n$ "he )oin" in"o 'e""er anchora(e. An$ now "he
whole $a& has 'een was"e$. An$ "he& are (one * (one * o#" of %& reach4
The false 8a$e, "he*3 an$ here he a$$e$ a (rea" %an& $escri)"ions of =#een S#san which
wo#l$ no" loo, a" all nice in )rin". 7or of co#rse "his &o#n( %an was Prince Ra'a$ash an$
of co#rse "he false 8a$e was S#san of Narnia.
3Co%)ose &o#rself, O %& son,3 sai$ "he Tisroc. 37or "he $e)ar"#re of (#es"s %a,es a
wo#n$ "ha" is easil& heale$ in "he hear" of a 8#$icio#s hos".3
3B#" I wan" her,3 crie$ "he Prince. 3I %#s" ha+e her. I shall $ie if I $o no" (e" her* false,
)ro#$, 'lac,*hear"e$ $a#(h"er of a $o( "ha" she is4 I canno" slee) an$ %& foo$ has no
sa+o#r an$ %& e&es are $ar,ene$ 'eca#se of her 'ea#"&. I %#s" ha+e "he 'ar'arian 9#een.3
3How well i" was sai$ '& a (if"e$ )oe",3 o'ser+e$ "he ;i<ier, raisin( his face .in a
so%ewha" $#s"& con$i"ion/ fro% "he car)e", 3"ha" $ee) $ra#(h"s fro% "he fo#n"ain of reason
are $esira'le in or$er "o e1"in(#ish "he fire of &o#"hf#l lo+e.3
This see%e$ "o e1as)era"e "he Prince. 3Do(,3 he sho#"e$, $irec"in( a series of well*ai%e$
,ic,s a" "he hin$9#ar"ers of "he ;i<ier, 3$o no" $are "o 9#o"e "he )oe"s "o %e. I ha+e ha$
%a1i%s an$ +erses fl#n( a" %e all $a& an$ I can en$#re "he% no %ore.3 I a% afrai$ Ara+is
$i$ no" feel a" all sorr& for "he ;i<ier.
The Tisroc was a))aren"l& s#n, in "ho#(h", '#" when, af"er a lon( )a#se, he no"ice$ wha"
was ha))enin(, he sai$ "ran9#ill&:
3-& son, '& all %eans $esis" fro% ,ic,in( "he +enera'le an$ enli(h"ene$ ;i<ier: for as a
cos"l& 8ewel re"ains i"s +al#e e+en if hi$$en in a $#n(*hill, so ol$ a(e an$ $iscre"ion are "o
'e res)ec"e$ e+en in "he +ile )ersons of o#r s#'8ec"s. Desis" "herefore, an$ "ell #s wha" &o#
$esire an$ )ro)ose.3
3I $esire an$ )ro)ose, O %& fa"her,3 sai$ Ra'a$ash, 3"ha" &o# i%%e$ia"el& call o#" &o#r
in+inci'le ar%ies an$ in+a$e "he "hrice*acc#rse$ lan$ of Narnia an$ was"e i" wi"h fire an$
swor$ an$ a$$ i" "o &o#r illi%i"a'le e%)ire, ,illin( "heir Hi(h !in( an$ all of his 'loo$
e1ce)" "he 9#een S#san. 7or I %#s" ha+e her as %& wife, "ho#(h she shall learn a shar)
lesson firs".3
3n$ers"an$, O %& son,3 sai$ "he Tisroc, 3"ha" no wor$s &o# can s)ea, will %o+e %e "o
o)en war a(ains" Narnia.3
3If &o# were no" %& fa"her, O e+er*li+in( Tisroc, 3 sai$ "he Prince, (rin$in( his "ee"h, 3I
sho#l$ sa& "ha" was "he wor$ of a cowar$.3
3An$ if &o# were no" %& son, O %os" infla%%a'le Ra'a$ash,3 re)lie$ his fa"her, 3&o#r life
wo#l$ 'e shor" an$ &o#r $ea"h slow when &o# ha$ sai$ i".3 .The cool, )laci$ +oice in which
he s)o,e "hese wor$s %a$e Ara+is2s 'loo$ r#n col$./
3B#" wh&, O %& fa"her,3 sai$ "he Prince * "his "i%e in a %#ch %ore res)ec"f#l +oice, 3wh&
sho#l$ we "hin, "wice a'o#" )#nishin( Narnia an& %ore "han a'o#" han(in( an i$le sla+e or
sen$in( a worn*o#" horse "o 'e %a$e in"o $o(2s%ea"5 I" is no" "he fo#r"h si<e of one of &o#r
leas" )ro+inces. A "ho#san$ s)ears co#l$ con9#er i" in fi+e wee,s. I" is an #nsee%l& 'lo" on
"he s,ir"s of &o#r e%)ire.3
3-os" #n$o#'"e$l&,3 sai$ "he Tisroc. 3These li""le 'ar'arian co#n"ries "ha" call "he%sel+es
free .which is as %#ch as "o sa&, i$le, $isor$ere$, an$ #n)rofi"a'le/ are ha"ef#l "o "he (o$s
an$ "o all )ersons of $iscern%en".3
3Then wh& ha+e we s#ffere$ s#ch a lan$ as Narnia "o re%ain "h#s lon( #ns#'$#e$53
3!now, O enli(h"ene$ Prince,3 sai$ "he 6ran$ ;i<ier, 3"ha" #n"il "he &ear in which &o#r
e1al"e$ fa"her 'e(an his sal#"ar& an$ #nen$in( rei(n, "he lan$ of Narnia was co+ere$ wi"h
ice an$ snow an$ was %oreo+er r#le$ '& a %os" )owerf#l enchan"ress.3
3This I ,now +er& well, O lo9#acio#s ;i<ier,3 answere$ "he Prince. 3B#" I ,now also "ha"
"he enchan"ress is $ea$. An$ "he ice an$ snow ha+e +anishe$, so "ha" Narnia is now
wholeso%e, fr#i"f#l, an$ $elicio#s.3
3An$ "his chan(e, O %os" learne$ Prince, has $o#'"less 'een 'ro#(h" "o )ass '& "he
)owerf#l incan"a"ions of "hose wic,e$ )ersons who now call "he%sel+es ,in(s an$ 9#eens
of Narnia.3
3I a% ra"her of "he o)inion,3 sai$ Ra'a$ash, 3"ha" i" has co%e a'o#" '& "he al"era"ion of "he
s"ars an$ "he o)era"ion of na"#ral ca#ses.3
3All "his,3 sai$ "he Tisroc, 3is a 9#es"ion for "he $is)#"a"ions of learne$ %en. I will ne+er
'elie+e "ha" so (rea" an al"era"ion, an$ "he ,illin( of "he ol$ enchan"ress, were effec"e$
wi"ho#" "he ai$ of s"ron( %a(ic. An$ s#ch "hin(s are "o 'e e1)ec"e$ in "ha" lan$, which is
chiefl& inha'i"e$ '& $e%ons in "he sha)e of 'eas"s "ha" "al, li,e %en, an$ %ons"ers "ha" are
half %an an$ half 'eas". I" is co%%onl& re)or"e$ "ha" "he Hi(h !in( of Narnia .who% %a&
"he (o$s #""erl& re8ec"/ is s#))or"e$ '& a $e%on of hi$eo#s as)ec" an$ irresis"i'le
%aleficence who a))ears in "he sha)e of a Lion. Therefore "he a""ac,in( of Narnia is a $ar,
an$ $o#'"f#l en"er)rise, an$ I a% $e"er%ine$ no" "o )#" %& han$ o#" far"her "han I can $raw
i" 'ac,.3
3How 'lesse$ is Calor%en,3 sai$ "he ;i<ier, )o))in( #) his face a(ain, 3on whose r#ler "he
(o$s ha+e 'een )lease$ "o 'es"ow )r#$ence an$ circ#%s)ec"ion4 Ye" as "he irref#"a'le an$
sa)ien" Tisroc has sai$ i" is +er& (rie+o#s "o 'e cons"raine$ "o ,ee) o#r han$s off s#ch a
$ain"& $ish as Narnia. 6if"e$ was "ha" )oe" who sai$ *3 '#" a" "his )oin" Ahosh"a no"ice$ an
i%)a"ien" %o+e%en" of "he Prince2s "oe an$ 'eca%e s#$$enl& silen".
3I" is +er& (rie+o#s,3 sai$ "he Tisroc in his $ee), 9#ie" +oice. 3E+er& %ornin( "he s#n is
$ar,ene$ in %& e&es, an$ e+er& ni(h" %& slee) is "he less refreshin(, 'eca#se I re%e%'er
"ha" Narnia is s"ill free.3
3O %& fa"her,3 sai$ Ra'a$ash. 3How if I show &o# a wa& '& which &o# can s"re"ch o#" &o#r
ar% "o "a,e Narnia an$ &e" $raw i" 'ac, #nhar%e$ if "he a""e%)" )ro+e #nfor"#na"e53
3If &o# can show %e "ha", O Ra'a$ash,3 sai$ "he Tisroc, 3&o# will 'e "he 'es" of sons.3
3Hear "hen, K fa"her. This +er& ni(h" an$ in "his ho#r I will "a,e '#" "wo h#n$re$ horse an$
ri$e across "he $eser". An$ i" shall see% "o all %en "ha" &o# ,now no"hin( of %& (oin(. On
"he secon$ %ornin( I shall 'e a" "he (a"es of !in( L#ne2s cas"le of An+ar$ in Archenlan$.
The& are a" )eace wi"h #s an$ #n)re)are$ an$ I shall "a,e An+ar$ 'efore "he& ha+e
'es"irre$ "he%sel+es. Then I will ri$e "hro#(h "he )ass a'o+e An+ar$ an$ $own "hro#(h
Narnia "o Cair Para+el. The Hi(h !in( will no" 'e "here0 when I lef" "he% he was alrea$&
)re)arin( a rai$ a(ains" "he (ian"s on his nor"hern 'or$er. I shall fin$ Cair Para+el, %os"
li,el& wi"h o)en (a"es, an$ ri$e in. I shall e1ercise )r#$ence an$ co#r"es& an$ s)ill as li""le
Narnian 'loo$ as I can. An$ wha" "hen re%ains '#" "o si" "here "ill "he S)len$o#r H&aline
)#"s in, wi"h =#een S#san on 'oar$, ca"ch %& s"ra&e$ 'ir$ as she se"s foo" ashore, swin(
her in"o "he sa$$le, an$ "hen, ri$e, ri$e, ri$e 'ac, "o An+ar$53
3B#" is i" no" )ro'a'le, O %& son,3 sai$ "he Tisroc, 3"ha" a" "he "a,in( of "he wo%an ei"her
!in( E$%#n$ or &o# will lose his life53
3The& will 'e a s%all co%)an&,3 sai$ Ra'a$ash, 3an$ I will or$er "en of %& %en "o $isar%
an$ 'in$ hi%: res"rainin( %& +ehe%en" $esire for his 'loo$ so "ha" "here shall 'e no $ea$l&
ca#se of war 'e"ween &o# an$ "he Hi(h !in(.3
3An$ how if "he S)len$o#r H&aline is a" Cair Para+el 'efore &o#53
3I $o no" loo, for "ha" wi"h "hese win$s, O %& fa"her.3
3An$ las"l&, O %& reso#rcef#l son,3 sai$ "he Tisroc, 3&o# ha+e %a$e clear how all "his
%i(h" (i+e &o# "he 'ar'arian wo%an, '#" no" how i" hel)s %e "o "he o+er*"hrowin( of
3O %& fa"her, can i" ha+e esca)e$ &o# "ha" "ho#(h I an$ %& horse%en will co%e an$ (o
"hro#(h Narnia li,e an arrow fro% a 'ow, &e" we shall ha+e An+ar$ for e+er5 An$ when
&o# hol$ An+ar$ &o# si" in "he +er& (a"e of Narnia, an$ &o#r (arrison in An+ar$ can 'e
increase$ '& li""le an$ li""le "ill i" is a (rea" hos".3
3I" is s)o,en wi"h #n$ers"an$in( an$ foresi(h". B#" how $o I $raw 'ac, %& ar% if all "his
3Yo# shall sa& "ha" I, $i$ i" wi"ho#" &o#r ,nowle$(e an$ a(ains" &o#r will, an$ wi"ho#" &o#r
'lessin(, 'ein( cons"raine$ '& "he +iolence of %& lo+e an$ "he i%)e"#osi"& of &o#"h.3
3An$ how if "he Hi(h !in( "hen $e%an$s "ha" we sen$ 'ac, "he 'ar'arian wo%an, his
3O %& fa"her, 'e ass#re$ "ha" he will no". 7or "ho#(h "he fanc& of a wo%an has re8ec"e$ "his
%arria(e, "he Hi(h !in( Pe"er is a %an of )r#$ence an$ #n$ers"an$in( who will in no wa&
wish "o lose "he hi(h hono#r an$ a$+an"a(e of 'ein( allie$ "o o#r Ho#se an$ seein( his
ne)hew an$ (ran$ ne)hew on "he "hrone of Calor%en.3
3He will no" see "ha" if I li+e for e+er as is no $o#'" &o#r wish,3 sai$ "he Tisroc in an e+en
$rier +oice "han #s#al.
3An$ also, O %& fa"her an$ O "he $eli(h" of %& e&es,3 sai$ "he Prince, af"er a %o%en" of
aw,war$ silence, 3we shall wri"e le""ers as if fro% "he =#een "o sa& "ha" she lo+es %e an$
has no $esire "o re"#rn "o Narnia. 7or i" is well ,nown "ha" wo%en are as chan(ea'le as
wea"hercoc,s. An$ e+en if "he& $o no" wholl& 'elie+e "he le""ers, "he& will no" $are "o co%e
"o Tash'aan in ar%s "o fe"ch her.3
3O enli(h"ene$ ;i<ier,3 sai$ "he Tisroc, 3'es"ow &o#r wis$o% #)on #s concernin( "his
s"ran(e )ro)osal.3
3O e"ernal Tisroc,3 answere$ Ahos"a, 3"he s"ren("h of )a"ernal affec"ion is no" #n,nown "o
%e an$ I ha+e of"en hear$ "ha" sons are in "he e&es of "heir fa"hers %ore )recio#s "han
car'#ncles. How "hen shall I $are freel& "o #nfol$ "o &o# %& %in$ in a %a""er which %a&
i%)eril "he life of "his e1al"e$ Prince53
3n$o#'"e$l& &o# will $are,3 re)lie$ "he Tisroc.
3Beca#se &o# will fin$ "ha" "he $an(ers of no" $oin( so are a" leas" e9#all& (rea".3
3To hear is "o o'e&,3 %oane$ "he wre"che$ %an. 3!now "hen, O %os" reasona'le Tisroc, in
"he firs" )lace, "ha" "he $an(er of "he Prince is no" al"o(e"her so (rea" as %i(h" a))ear. 7or
"he (o$s ha+e wi"hhel$ fro% "he 'ar'arians "he li(h" of $iscre"ion, as "ha" "heir )oe"r& is no",
li,e o#rs, f#ll of choice a)o)h"he(%s an$ #sef#l %a1i%s, '#" is all of lo+e an$ war.
Therefore no"hin( will a))ear "o "he% %ore no'le an$ a$%ira'le "han s#ch a %a$
en"er)rise as "his of ow43 7or "he Prince, a" "he wor$ 3%a$3, ha$ ,ic,e$ hi% a(ain.
3Desis", O %& son,3 sai$ "he Tisroc. 3An$ &o#, es"i%a'le ;i<ier, whe"her he $esis"s or no",
'& no %eans allow "he flow of &o#r elo9#ence "o 'e in"err#)"e$. 7or no"hin( is %ore
s#i"a'le "o )ersons of (ra+i"& an$ $ecor#% "han "o en$#re %inor incon+eniences wi"h
3To hear is "o o'e&,3 sai$ "he ;i<ier, wri((lin( hi%self ro#n$ a li""le so as "o (e" his hin$er
)ar"s f#r"her awa& fro% Ra'a$ash2s "oe. 3No"hin(, I sa&, will see% as )ar$ona'le, if no"
es"i%a'le, in "heir e&es as "his * er * ha<ar$o#s a""e%)", es)eciall& 'eca#se i" is #n$er"a,en
for "he lo+e of a wo%an. Therefore, if "he Prince '& %isfor"#ne fell in"o "heir han$s, "he&
wo#l$ ass#re$l& no" ,ill hi%. Na&, i" %a& e+en 'e, "ha" "ho#(h he faile$ "o
carr& off "he 9#een, &e" "he si(h" of his (rea" +alo#r an$ of "he e1"re%i"& of his )assion
%i(h" incline her hear" "o hi%.3
3Tha" is a (oo$ )oin", ol$ 'a''ler,3 sai$ Ra'a$ash. 3;er& (oo$, howe+er i" ca%e in"o &o#r
#(l& hea$.3
3The )raise of %& %as"ers is "he li(h" of %& e&es,3 sai$ Ahosh"a. 3An$ secon$l&, O Tisroc,
whose rei(n %#s" an$ shall 'e in"er%ina'le, I "hin, "ha" wi"h "he ai$ of "he (o$s i" is +er&
li,el& "ha" An+ar$ will fall in"o "he Prince2s han$s. An$ if so, we ha+e Narnia '& "he
There was a lon( )a#se an$ "he roo% 'eca%e so silen" "ha" "he "wo (irls har$l& $are$ "o
'rea"he. A" las" "he Tisroc s)o,e.
36o, %& son,3 he sai$. 3An$ $o as &o# ha+e sai$. B#" e1)ec" no hel) nor co#n"enance fro%
%e. I will no" a+en(e &o# if &o# are ,ille$ an$ I will no" $eli+er &o# if "he 'ar'arians cas"
&o# in"o )rison. An$ if, ei"her in s#ccess or fail#re, &o# she$ a $ro) %ore "han &o# nee$ of
Narnian no'le 'loo$ an$ o)en war arises fro% i", %& fa+o#r shall ne+er fall #)on &o# a(ain
an$ &o#r ne1" 'ro"her shall ha+e &o#r )lace in Calor%en. Now (o. Be swif", secre", an$
for"#na"e. -a& "he s"ren("h of Tash "he ine1ora'le, "he irresis"i'le 'e in &o#r swor$ an$
3To hear is "o o'e&,3 crie$ Ra'a$ash, an$ af"er ,neelin( for a %o%en" "o ,iss his fa"her2s
han$s he r#she$ fro% "he roo%. 6rea"l& "o "he $isa))oin"%en" of Ara+is, who was now
horri'l& cra%)e$, "he Tisroc an$ ;i<ier re%aine$.
3O ;i<ier,3 sai$ "he Tisroc, 3is i" cer"ain "ha" no li+in( so#l ,nows of "his co#ncil we "hree
ha+e hel$ here "oni(h"53
3O %& %as"er,3 sai$ Ahosh"a, 3i" is no" )ossi'le "ha" an& sho#l$ ,now. 7or "ha" +er& reason
I )ro)ose$, an$ &o# in &o#r wis$o% a(ree$, "ha" we sho#l$ %ee" here in "he Ol$ Palace
where no co#ncil is e+er hel$ an$ none of "he ho#sehol$ has an& occasion "o co%e.3
3I" is well,3 sai$ "he Tisroc. 3If an& %an ,new, I wo#l$ see "o i" "ha" he $ie$ 'efore an ho#r
ha$ )asse$. An$ $o &o# also, O )r#$en" ;i<ier, for(e" i". I s)on(e awa& fro% %& own hear"
an$ fro% &o#rs all ,nowle$(e of "he Prince2s )lans. He is (one wi"ho#" %& ,nowle$(e or
%& consen", I ,now no" whi"her, 'eca#se of his +iolence an$ "he rash an$ $iso'e$ien"
$is)osi"ion of &o#"h. No %an will 'e %ore as"onishe$ "han &o# an$ I "o hear "ha" An+ar$ is
in his han$s.3
3To hear is "o o'e&,3 sai$ Ahosh"a.
3Tha" is wh& &o# will ne+er "hin, e+en in &o#r secre" hear" "ha" I a% "he har$es" hear"e$ of
fa"hers who "h#s sen$ %& firs"*'orn son on an erran$ so li,el& "o 'e his $ea"h0 )leasin( as i"
%#s" 'e "o &o# who $o no" lo+e "he Prince. 7or C see in"o "he 'o""o% of &o#r %in$.3
3O i%)ecca'le Tisroc,3 sai$ "he ;i<ier. 3In co%)arison wi"h &o# I lo+e nei"her "he Prince
nor %& own life nor 'rea$ nor wa"er nor "he li(h" of "he s#n.3
3Yo#r sen"i%en"s,3 sai$ "he Tisroc, 3are ele+a"e$ an$ correc". I also lo+e none of "hese
"hin(s in co%)arison wi"h "he (lor& an$ s"ren("h of %& "hrone. If "he Prince s#ccee$s, we
ha+e Archenlan$, an$ )erha)s hereaf"er Narnia. If he fails * I ha+e ei(h"een o"her sons an$
Ra'a$ash, af"er "he %anner of "he el$es" sons of ,in(s, was 'e(innin( "o 'e $an(ero#s.
-ore "han fi+e Tisrocs in Tash'aan ha+e $ie$ 'efore "heir "i%e 'eca#se "heir el$es" sons,
enli(h"ene$ )rinces, (rew "ire$ of wai"in( for "heir "hrone. He ha$ 'e""er cool his 'loo$
a'roa$ "han 'oil i" in inac"ion here. An$ now, O e1cellen" ;i<ier, "he e1cess of %& )a"ernal
an1ie"& inclines %e "o slee). Co%%an$ "he %#sicians "o %& cha%'er. B#" 'efore &o# lie
$own, call 'ac, "he )ar$on we wro"e for "he "hir$ coo,. I feel wi"hin %e "he %anifes"
)ro(nos"ics of in$i(es"ion.3
3To hear is "o o'e&,3 sai$ "he 6ran$ ;i<ier. He crawle$ 'ac,war$s on all fo#rs "o "he $oor,
rose, 'owe$, an$ wen" o#". E+en "hen "he Tisroc re%aine$ sea"e$ in silence on "he $i+an "ill
Ara+is al%os" 'e(an "o 'e afrai$ "ha" he ha$ $ro))e$ aslee). B#" a" las" wi"h a (rea"
crea,in( an$ si(hin( he hea+e$ #) his enor%o#s 'o$&, si(ne$ "o "he sla+es "o )rece$e hi%
wi"h "he li(h"s, an$ wen" o#". The $oor close$ 'ehin$ hi%, "he roo% was once %ore "o"all&
$ar,, an$ "he "wo (irls co#l$ 'rea"he freel& a(ain.
3Ho+e $rea$f#l4 How )erfec"l& $rea$f#l43 whi%)ere$ Lasaraleen. 3Oh $arlin(, I a% so
fri(h"ene$. I2% sha,in( all o+er. 7eel %e.3
3Co%e on,3 sai$ Ara+is, who was "re%'lin( herself. 3The&2+e (one 'ac, "o "he new )alace.
Once we2re o#" of "his roo% we2re safe eno#(h. B#" i"2s was"e$ a "erri'le "i%e. 6e" %e $own
"o "ha" wa"er*(a"e as 9#ic, as &o# can.3
3Darlin(, how can &o#53 s9#ea,e$ Lasaraleen. 3I can2" $o an&"hin( * no" now. -& )oor
ner+es4 No: we %#s" 8#s" lie s"ill a 'i" an$ "hen (o 'ac,.3
3Wh& 'ac,53 as,e$ Ara+is.
3Oh, &o# $on2" #n$ers"an$. Yo#2re so #ns&%)a"he"ic,3 sai$ Lasaraleen, 'e(innin( "o cr&.
Ara+is $eci$e$ i" was no occasion for %erc&.
3Loo, here43 she sai$, ca"chin( Lasaraleen an$ (i+in( her a (oo$ sha,e. 3If &o# sa& ano"her
wor$ a'o#" (oin( 'ac,, an$ if &o# $on2" s"ar" "a,in( %e "o "ha" wa"er*(a"e a" once
* $o &o# ,now wha" I2ll $o5 I2ll r#sh o#" in"o "ha" )assa(e an$ screa%. Then we2ll 'o"h 'e
3B#" we shall 'o"h 'e ,*,*,ille$43 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3Di$n2" &o# hear wha" "he Tisroc .%a&
he li+e for e+er/ sai$53
3Yes, an$ I2$ sooner 'e ,ille$ "han %arrie$ "o Ahosh"a. So co%e on.3
3Oh &o# are #n,in$,3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3An$ I in s#ch a s"a"e43
B#" in "he en$ she ha$ "o (i+e in "o Ara+is. She le$ "he wa& $own "he s"e)s "he& ha$ alrea$&
$escen$e$, an$ alon( ano"her corri$or an$ so finall& o#" in"o "he o)en air. The& were now
in "he )alace (ar$en which slo)e$ $own in "erraces "o "he ci"& wall. The %oon shone
'ri(h"l&. One of "he $raw'ac,s a'o#" a$+en"#res is "ha" when &o# co%e "o "he %os"
'ea#"if#l )laces &o# are of"en "oo an1io#s an$ h#rrie$ "o a))recia"e "he%0 so "ha" Ara+is
."ho#(h she re%e%'ere$ "he% &ears la"er/ ha$ onl& a +a(#e i%)ression of (re& lawns,
9#ie"l& '#''lin( fo#n"ains, an$ "he lon( 'lac, sha$ows of c&)ress "rees.
When "he& re3ache$ "he +er& 'o""o% an$ "he wall rose frownin( a'o+e "he%, Lasaraleen
was sha,in( so "ha" she co#l$ no" #n'ol" "he (a"e. Ara+is $i$ i". There, a" las", was "he ri+er,
f#ll of reflec"e$ %oonli(h", an$ a li""le lan$in( s"a(e an$ a few )leas#re 'oa"s.
36oo$*'&e,3 sai$ Ara+is, 3an$ "han, &o#. I2% sorr& if I2+e 'een a )i(. B#" "hin, wha" I2%
fl&in( fro%43
3Oh Ara+is $arlin(,3 sai$ Lasaraleen. 3Won2" &o# chan(e &o#r %in$5 Now "ha" &o#2+e seen
wha" a +er& (rea" %an Ahosh"a is43
36rea" %an43 sai$ Ara+is. 3A hi$eo#s (ro+ellin( sla+e who fla""ers when he2s ,ic,e$ '#"
"reas#res i" all #) an$ ho)es "o (e" his own 'ac, '& e((in( on "ha" horri'le Tisroc "o )lo"
his son2s $ea"h. 7a#(h4 I2$ sooner %arr& %& fa"her2s sc#llion "han a crea"#re li,e "ha".3
3Oh Ara+is, Ara+is4 How can &o# sa& s#ch $rea$f#l "hin(s0 an$ a'o#" "he Tisroc .%a& he
li+e for e+er/ "oo. I" %#s" 'e ri(h" if he2s (oin( "o $o i"43
36oo$*'&e,3 sai$ Ara+is, 3an$ I "ho#(h" &o#r $resses lo+el&. An$ I "hin, &o#r ho#se is
lo+el& "oo. I2% s#re &o#2ll ha+e a lo+el& life * "ho#(h i" wo#l$n2" s#i" %e. Close "he $oor
sof"l& 'ehin$ %e.3
She "ore herself awa& fro% her frien$2s affec"iona"e e%'races, s"e))e$ in"o a )#n", cas" off,
an$ a %o%en" la"er was o#" in %i$s"rea% wi"h a h#(e real %oon o+erhea$ an$ a h#(e
reflec"e$ %oon $own, $ee) $own, in "he ri+er. The air was fresh an$ cool an$ as she $rew
near "he far"her 'an, she hear$ "he hoo"in( of an owl. 3Ah4 Tha"2s 'e""er43 "ho#(h" Ara+is.
She ha$ alwa&s li+e$ in "he co#n"r& an$ ha$ ha"e$ e+er& %in#"e of her "i%e in Tash'aan.
When she s"e))e$ ashore she fo#n$ herself in $ar,ness for "he rise of "he (ro#n$, an$ "he
"rees, c#" off "he %oonli(h". B#" she %ana(e$ "o fin$ "he sa%e roa$ "ha" Shas"a ha$ fo#n$,
an$ ca%e 8#s" as he ha$ $one "o "he en$ of. "he (rass an$ "he 'e(innin( of "he san$, an$
loo,e$ .li,e hi%/ "o her lef" an$ saw "he 'i(, 'lac, To%'s. An$ now a" las", 'ra+e (irl
"ho#(h she was, her hear" 9#aile$. S#))osin( "he o"hers weren2" "here4 S#))osin( "he
(ho#ls were4 B#" she s"#c, o#" her chin .an$ a li""le 'i" of her "on(#e "oo/ an$ wen" s"rai(h"
"owar$s "he%.
B#" 'efore she ha$ reache$ "he% she saw Bree an$ Hwin an$ "he (roo%.
3Yo# can (o 'ac, "o &o#r %is"ress now,3 sai$ Ara+is .9#i"e for(e""in( "ha" he co#l$n2", #n"il
"he ci"& (a"es o)ene$ ne1" %ornin(/. 3Here is %one& for &o#r )ains.3
3To hear is "o o'e&,3 sai$ "he (roo%, an$ a" once se" off a" a re%ar,a'le s)ee$ in "he
$irec"ion of "he ci"&. There was no nee$ "o "ell hi% "o %a,e has"e: he also ha$ 'een "hin,in(
a (oo$ $eal a'o#" (ho#ls.
7or "he ne1" few secon$s Ara+is was '#s& ,issin( "he noses an$ )a""in( "he nec,s of Hwin
an$ Bree 8#s" as if "he& were 9#i"e or$inar& horses.
3An$ here co%es Shas"a4 Than,s 'e "o "he Lion43 sai$ Bree.
Ara+is loo,e$ ro#n$, an$ "here, ri(h" eno#(h, was Shas"a who ha$ co%e o#" of hi$in( "he
%o%en" he saw "he (roo% (oin( awa&.
3An$ now,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3There2s no" a %o%en" "o lose.3 An$ in has"& wor$s she "ol$ "he%
a'o#" Ra'a$ash2s e1)e$i"ion.
3Treachero#s ho#n$s43 sai$ Bree, sha,in( his %ane an$ s"a%)in( wi"h his hoof. 3An a""ac,
in "i%e of )eace, wi"ho#" $efiance sen"4 B#" we2ll (rease his oa"s for hi%. We2ll 'e "here
'efore he is.3
3Can we53 sai$ Ara+is, swin(in( herself in"o Hwin2s sa$$le. Shas"a wishe$ he co#l$ %o#n"
li,e "ha".
3Brooh*hoo43 snor"e$ Bree. 3) &o# (e", Shas"a. Can we4 An$ wi"h a (oo$ s"ar" "oo43
3He sai$ he was (oin( "o s"ar" a" once,3 sai$ Ara+is.
3Tha"2s how h#%ans "al,,3 sai$ Bree. 3B#" &o# $on2" (e" a co%)an& of "wo h#n$re$ horse
an$ horse%en wa"ere$ an$ +ic"#alle$ an$ ar%e$ an$ sa$$le$ an$ s"ar"e$ all in a %in#"e.
Now: wha"2s o#r $irec"ion5 D#e Nor"h5
3No,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3I ,now a'o#" "ha". I2+e $rawn a line. I2ll e1)lain la"er. Bear a 'i" "o o#r
lef", 'o"h &o# horses. Ah here i" is43
3Now,3 sai$ Bree. 3All "ha" a'o#" (allo)in( for a $a& an$ a ni(h", li,e in s"ories, can2" reall&
'e $one. I" %#s" 'e wal, an$ "ro": '#" 'ris, "ro"s an$ shor" wal,s. An$ whene+er we wal,
&o# "wo h#%ans can sli) off an$ wal, "oo. Now. Are &o# rea$&, Hwin5 Off we (o. Narnia
an$ "he Nor"h43
A" firs" i" was $eli(h"f#l. The ni(h" ha$ now 'een (oin( on for so %an& ho#rs "ha" "he san$
ha$ al%os" finishe$ (i+in( 'ac, all "he s#n*hea" i" ha$ recei+e$ $#rin( "he $a&, an$ "he air
was cool, fresh, an$ clear. n$er "he %oonli(h" "he san$, in e+er& $irec"ion an$ as far as
"he& co#l$ see, (lea%e$ as if i" were s%oo"h wa"er or a (rea" sil+er "ra&. E1ce)" for "he
noise of Bree2s an$ Hwin2s hoofs "here was no" a so#n$ "o 'e hear$. Shas"a wo#l$ nearl&
ha+e fallen aslee) if he ha$ no" ha$ "o $is%o#n" an$ wal, e+er& now an$ "hen.
This see%e$ "o las" for ho#rs. Then "here ca%e a "i%e when "here was no lon(er an& %oon.
The& see%e$ "o ri$e in "he $ea$ $ar,ness for ho#rs an$ ho#rs. An$ af"er "ha" "here ca%e a
%o%en" when Shas"a no"ice$ "ha" he co#l$ see Bree2s nec, an$ hea$ in fron" of hi% a li""le
%ore clearl& "han 'efore0 an$ slowl&, +er& slowl&, he 'e(an "o no"ice "he +as" (re& fla"ness
on e+er& si$e. I" loo,e$ a'sol#"el& $ea$, li,e so%e"hin( in a $ea$ worl$0 an$ Shas"a fel"
9#i"e "erri'l& "ire$ an$ no"ice$ "ha" he was (e""in( col$ an$ "ha" his li)s were $r&. An$ all
"he "i%e "he s9#ea, of "he lea"her, "he 8in(le of "he 'i"s, an$ "he noise of "he hoofs*no"
Pro))#""&)ro))#""& as i" wo#l$ 'e on a har$ roa$, '#" Th#''#$&"h#''#$& on "he $r& san$.
A" las", af"er ho#rs of ri$in(, far awa& on his ri(h" "here ca%e a sin(le lon( s"rea, of )aler
(re&, low $own on "he hori<on. Then a s"rea, of re$. I" was "he %ornin( a" las", '#" wi"ho#"
a sin(le 'ir$ "o sin( a'o#" i". He was (la$ of "he wal,in( 'i"s now, for he was col$er "han
Then s#$$enl& "he s#n rose an$ e+er&"hin( chan(e$ in a %o%en". The (re& san$ "#rne$
&ellow an$ "win,le$ as if i" was s"rewn wi"h $ia%on$s. On "heir lef" "he sha$ows of Shas"a
an$ Hwin an$ Bree an$ Ara+is, enor%o#sl& lon(, race$ 'esi$e "he%. The $o#'le )ea, of
-o#n" Pire, far ahea$, flashe$ in "he s#nli(h" an$ Shas"a saw "he& were a li""le o#" of "he
co#rse. 3A 'i" lef", a 'i" lef",3 he san( o#". Bes" of all, when &o# loo,e$ 'ac,, Tash'aan was
alrea$& s%all an$ re%o"e. The To%'s were 9#i"e in+isi'le: swallowe$ #) in "ha" sin(le,
8a((e$*e$(e$ h#%) which was "he ci"& of "he Tisroc. E+er&one fel" 'e""er.
B#" no" for lon(. Tho#(h Tash'aan loo,e$ +er& far awa& when "he& firs" saw i", i" ref#se$
"o loo, an& f#r"her awa& as "he& wen" on. Shas"a (a+e #) loo,in( 'ac, a" i", for i" onl& (a+e
hi% "he feelin( "ha" "he& were no" %o+in( a" all. Then "he li(h" 'eca%e a n#isance. The
(lare of "he san$ %a$e his e&es ache: '#" he ,new he %#s"n2" sh#" "he%. He %#s" screw
"he% #) an$ ,ee) on loo,in( ahea$ a" -o#n" Pire an$ sho#"in( o#" $irec"ions. Then ca%e
"he hea". He no"ice$ i" for "he firs" "i%e when he ha$ "o $is%o#n" an$ wal,: as he sli))e$
$own "o "he san$ "he hea" fro% i" s"r#c, #) in"o his face as if fro% "he o)enin( of an o+en
$oor. Ne1" "i%e i" was worse. B#" "he "hir$ "i%e, as his 'are fee" "o#che$ "he san$ he
screa%e$ wi"h )ain an$ (o" one foo" 'ac, in "he s"irr#) an$ "he o"her half o+er Bree2s 'ac,
'efore &o# co#l$ ha+e sai$ ,nife.
3Sorr&, Bree,3 he (as)e$. 3I can2" wal,. I" '#rns %& fee".3 3Of co#rse43 )an"e$ Bree.
3Sho#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" of "ha" %&self. S"a& on. Can2" 'e hel)e$.3
3I"2s all ri(h" for &o#,3 sai$ Shas"a "o Ara+is who was wal,in( 'esi$e Hwin. 3Yo#2+e (o"
shoes on.3
Ara+is sai$ no"hin( an$ loo,e$ )ri%. Le"2s ho)e she $i$n2" %ean "o, '#" she $i$.
On a(ain, "ro" an$ wal, an$ "ro", 8in(le*8in(le*8in(le, s9#ea,*s9#ea,*s9#ea,, s%ell of ho"
horse, s%ell of ho" self, 'lin$in( (lare, hea$ache. An$ no"hin( a" all $ifferen" for %ile af"er
%ile. Tash'aan wo#l$ ne+er loo, an& f#r"her awa&. The %o#n"ains wo#l$ ne+er loo, an&
nearer. Yo# fel" "his ha$ 'een (oin( on for alwa&s * 8in(le*8in(le*8in(le, s9#ea,s9#ea,*
s9#ea,, s%ell of ho" horse, s%ell of ho" self.
Of co#rse one "rie$ all sor"s of (a%es wi"h oneself "o "r& "o %a,e "he "i%e )ass: an$ of
co#rse "he& were all no (oo$. An$ one "rie$ +er& har$ no" "o "hin, of $rin,s*ice$ sher'e" in
a )alace in Tash'aan, clear s)rin( wa"er "in,lin( wi"h a $ar, ear"h& so#n$, col$, s%oo"h
%il, 8#s" crea%& eno#(h an$ no" "oo crea%& * an$ "he har$er &o# "rie$ no" "o "hin,, "he
%ore &o# "ho#(h".
A" las" "here was so%e"hin( $ifferen" * a %ass of roc, s"ic,in( #) o#" of "he san$ a'o#" fif"&
&ar$s lon( an$ "hir"& fee" hi(h. I" $i$ no" cas" %#ch sha$ow, for "he s#n was now +er& hi(h,
'#" i" cas" a li""le. In"o "ha" sha$e "he& crow$e$. There "he& a"e so%e foo$ an$ $ran, a li""le
wa"er. I" is no" eas& (i+in( a horse a $rin, o#" of a s,in 'o""le, '#" Bree an$ Hwin were
cle+er wi"h "heir li)s. No one ha$ an&"hin( li,e eno#(h. No one s)o,e. The Horses were
flec,e$ wi"h foa% an$ "heir 'rea"hin( was nois&. The chil$ren were )ale.
Af"er a +er& shor" res" "he& wen" on a(ain. Sa%e noises, sa%e s%ells, sa%e (lare, "ill a" las"
"heir sha$ows 'e(an "o fall on "heir ri(h", an$ "hen (o" lon(er an$ lon(er "ill "he& see%e$ "o
s"re"ch o#" "o "he Eas"ern en$ of "he worl$. ;er& slowl& "he s#n $rew nearer "o "he Wes"ern
hori<on. An$ now a" las" he was $own an$, "han, (oo$ness, "he %erciless (lare was (one,
"ho#(h "he hea" co%in( #) fro% "he san$ was s"ill as 'a$ as e+er. 7o#r )airs of e&es were
loo,in( o#" ea(erl& for an& si(n of "he +alle& "ha" Sallow)a$ "he Ra+en ha$ s)o,en a'o#".
B#", %ile af"er %ile, "here was no"hin( '#" le+el san$. An$ now "he $a& was 9#i"e $efini"el&
$one, an$ %os" of "he s"ars were o#", an$ s"ill "he Horses "h#n$ere$ on an$ "he chil$ren rose
an$ san, in "heir sa$$les, %isera'le wi"h "hirs" an$ weariness. No" "ill "he %oon ha$ risen
$i$ Shas"a * in "he s"ran(e, 'ar,in( +oice of so%eone whose %o#"h is )erfec"l& $r&*sho#"
3There i" is43
There was no %is"a,in( i" now. Ahea$, an$ a li""le "o "heir ri(h", "here was a" las" a slo)e: a
slo)e $ownwar$ an$ h#%%oc,s of roc, on each si$e. The Horses were far "oo "ire$ "o
s)ea, '#" "he& sw#n( ro#n$ "owar$s i" an$ in a %in#"e or "wo "he& were en"erin( "he (#ll&.
A" firs" i" was worse in "here "han i" ha$ 'een o#" in "he o)en $eser", for "here was a
'rea"hless s"#ffiness 'e"ween "he roc,& walls an$ less %oonli(h". The slo)e con"in#e$
s"ee)l& $ownwar$s an$ "he roc,s on ei"her han$ rose "o "he hei(h" of cliffs. Then "he&
'e(an "o %ee" +e(e"a"ion * )ric,l& cac"#s*li,e )lan"s an$ coarse (rass of "he ,in$ "ha" wo#l$
)ric, &o#r fin(ers. Soon "he horse*hoofs were fallin( on )e''les an$ s"ones ins"ea$ of san$.
Ro#n$ e+er& 'en$ of "he +alle& * an$ i" ha$ %an& 'en$s * "he& loo,e$ ea(erl& for wa"er.
The Horses were nearl& a" "he en$ of "heir s"ren("h now, an$ Hwin, s"#%'lin( an$ )an"in(0
was la((in( 'ehin$ Bree. The& were al%os" in $es)air 'efore a" las" "he& ca%e "o a li""le
%#$$iness an$ a "in& "ric,le of wa"er "hro#(h sof"er an$ 'e""er (rass. An$ "he "ric,le
'eca%e a 'roo,, an$ "he 'roo, 'eca%e a s"rea% wi"h '#shes on each si$e, an$ "he s"rea%
'eca%e a ri+er an$ "here ca%e .af"er %ore $isa))oin"%en"s "han I co#l$ )ossi'l& $escri'e/
*a %o%en" when Shas"a, who ha$ 'een in a ,in$ of $o<e, s#$$enl& reali<e$ "ha" Bree ha$
s"o))e$ an$ fo#n$ hi%self sli))in( off. Before "he% a li""le ca"arac" of wa"er )o#re$ in"o a
'roa$ )ool: an$ 'o"h "he Horses were alrea$& in "he )ool wi"h "heir hea$s $own, $rin,in(,
$rin,in(, $rin,in(. 3O*o*oh,3 sai$ Shas"a an$ )l#n(e$ in * i" was a'o#" #) "o his ,nees * an$
s"oo)e$ his hea$ ri(h" in"o "he ca"arac". I" was )erha)s "he lo+elies" %o%en" in his life.
I" was a'o#" "en %in#"es la"er when all fo#r of "he% ."he "wo chil$ren we" nearl& all o+er/
ca%e o#" an$ 'e(an "o no"ice "heir s#rro#n$in(s. The %oon was now hi(h eno#(h "o )ee)
$own in"o "he +alle&. There was sof" (rass on 'o"h si$es of "he ri+er, an$ 'e&on$ "he (rass,
"rees an$ '#shes slo)e$ #) "o "he 'ases of "he cliffs. There %#s" ha+e 'een so%e won$erf#l
flowerin( shr#'s hi$$en in "ha" sha$ow& #n$er(row"h for "he whole (la$e was f#ll of "he
cooles" an$ %os" $elicio#s s%ells. An$ o#" of "he $ar,es" recess a%on( "he "rees "here ca%e
a so#n$ Shas"a ha$ ne+er hear$ 'eforea ni(h"in(ale.
E+er&one was %#ch "oo "ire$ "o s)ea, or "o ea". The Horses, wi"ho#" wai"in( "o 'e
#nsa$$le$, la& $own a" once. So $i$ Ara+is an$ Shas"a.
A'o#" "en %in#"es la"er "he caref#l Hwin sai$, 3B#" we %#s"n2" (o "o slee). We2+e (o" "o
,ee) ahea$ of "ha" Ra'a$ash.3
3No,3 sai$ Bree +er& slowl&. 3-#s"n2" (o slee). >#s" a li""le res".3
Shas"a ,new .for a %o%en"/ "ha" "he& wo#l$ all (o "o slee) if he $i$n2" (e" #) an$ $o
so%e"hin( a'o#" i", an$ fel" "ha" he o#(h" "o. In fac" he $eci$e$ "ha" he wo#l$ (e" #) an$
)ers#a$e "he% "o (o on. B#" )resen"l&0 no" &e": no" 8#s" &e"...
;er& soon "he %oon shone an$ "he ni(h"in(ale san( o+er "wo horses an$ "wo h#%an
chil$ren, all fas" aslee).
I" was Ara+is who awo,e firs". The s#n was alrea$& hi(h in "he hea+ens an$ "he cool
%ornin( ho#rs were alrea$& was"e$. 3I"2s %& fa#l",3 she sai$ "o herself f#rio#sl& as she
8#%)e$ #) an$ 'e(an ro#sin( "he o"hers. 3One wo#l$n2" e1)ec" Horses "o ,ee) awa,e af"er
a $a&2s wor, li,e "ha", e+en if "he& can "al,. An$ of co#rse "ha" Bo& wo#l$n2"0 he2s ha$ no
$ecen" "rainin(. B#" I o#(h" "o ha+e ,nown 'e""er.3
The o"hers were $a<e$ an$ s"#)i$ wi"h "he hea+iness of "heir slee).
3Nei(h*ho * 'roo*hoo,3 sai$ Bree. 3Been slee)in( in %& sa$$le, eh5 I2ll ne+er $o "ha" a(ain.
-os" #nco%for"a'le*3
3Oh co%e on, co%e on,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3We2+e los" half "he %ornin( alrea$&. There isn2" a
%o%en" "o s)are.3
3A fellow2s (o" "o ha+e a %o#"hf#l of (rass,3 sai$ Bree.
I2% afrai$ we can2" wai",3 sai$ Ara+is.
3Wha"2s "he "erri'le h#rr&53 sai$ Bree. 3We2+e crosse$ "he $eser", ha+en2" we53
3B#" we2re no" in Archenlan$ &e",3 sai$ Ara+is. 3An$ we2+e (o" "o (e" "here 'efore
3Oh, we %#s" 'e %iles ahea$ of hi%,3 sai$ Bree. 3Ha+en2" we 'een co%in( a shor"er wa&5
Di$n2" "ha" Ra+en frien$ of &o#rs sa& "his was a shor" c#", Shas"a53
3He $i$n2" sa& an&"hin( a'o#" shor"er,3 answere$ Shas"a. 3He onl& sai$ 'e""er, 'eca#se &o#
(o" "o a ri+er "his wa&. If "he oasis is $#e Nor"h of Tash'aan, "hen I2% afrai$ "his %a& 'e
3Well I can2" (o on wi"ho#" a snac,,3 sai$ Bree. 3Ta,e %& 'ri$le off, Shas"a.3
3P*)lease,3 sai$ Hwin, +er& sh&l&, 3I feel 8#s" li,e Bree "ha" I can2" (o on. B#" when Horses
ha+e h#%ans .wi"h s)#rs an$ "hin(s/ on "heir 'ac,s, aren2" "he& of"en %a$e "o (o on when
"he&2re feelin( li,e "his5 an$ "hen "he& fin$ "he& can. I %*%ean * o#(h"n2" we "o 'e a'le "o
$o e+en %ore, now "ha" we2re free. I"2s all for Narnia.3
3I "hin,, -a2a%,3 sai$ Bree +er& cr#shin(l&, 3"ha" I ,now a li""le %ore a'o#" ca%)ai(ns an$
force$ %arches an$ wha" a horse can s"an$ "han &o# $o.3
To "his Hwin %a$e no answer, 'ein(, li,e %os" hi(hl& 're$ %ares, a +er& ner+o#s an$
(en"le )erson who was easil& )#" $own. In reali"& she was 9#i"e ri(h", an$ if Bree ha$ ha$ a
Tar,aan on his 'ac, a" "ha" %o%en" "o %a,e hi% (o on, he wo#l$ ha+e fo#n$ "ha" he was
(oo$ for se+eral ho#rs2 har$ (oin(. B#" one of "he wors" res#l"s of 'ein( a sla+e an$ 'ein(
force$ "o $o "hin(s is "ha" when "here is no one "o force &o# an& %ore &o# fin$ &o# ha+e
al%os" los" "he )ower of forcin( &o#rself.
So "he& ha$ "o wai" while Bree ha$ a snac, an$ a $rin,, an$ of co#rse Hwin an$ "he
chil$ren ha$ a snac, an$ a $rin, "oo. I" %#s" ha+e 'een nearl& ele+en o2cloc, in "he
%ornin( 'efore "he& finall& (o" (oin( a(ain. An$ e+en "hen Bree "oo, "hin(s %#ch %ore
(en"l& "han &es"er$a&. I" was reall& Hwin, "ho#(h she was "he wea,er an$ %ore "ire$ of "he
"wo, who se" "he )ace.
The +alle& i"self, wi"h i"s 'rown, cool ri+er, an$ (rass an$ %oss an$ wil$ flowers an$
rho$o$en$rons, was s#ch a )leasan" )lace "ha" i" %a$e &o# wan" "o ri$e slowl&.
A7TER "he& ha$ ri$$en for se+eral ho#rs $own "he +alle&, i" wi$ene$ o#" an$ "he& co#l$
see wha" was ahea$ of "he%. The ri+er which "he& ha$ 'een followin( here 8oine$ a 'roa$er
ri+er, wi$e an$ "#r'#len", which flowe$ fro% "heir lef" "o "heir ri(h", "owar$s "he eas".
Be&on$ "his new ri+er a $eli(h"f#l co#n"r& rose (en"l& in low hills, ri$(e 'e&on$ ri$(e, "o
"he Nor"hern -o#n"ains "he%sel+es. To "he ri(h" "here were roc,& )innacles, one or "wo of
"he% wi"h snow clin(in( "o "he le$(es. To "he lef", )ine*cla$ slo)es, frownin( cliffs, narrow
(or(es, an$ 'l#e )ea,s s"re"che$ awa& as far as "he e&e co#l$ reach. He co#l$ no lon(er
%a,e o#" -o#n" Pire. S"rai(h" ahea$ "he %o#n"ain ran(e san, "o a woo$e$ sa$$le which of
co#rse %#s" 'e "he )ass fro% Archenlan$ in"o Narnia.
3Broo*hoo*hoo, "he Nor"h, "he (reen Nor"h43 nei(he$ Bree: an$ cer"ainl& "he lower hills
loo,e$ (reener an$ fresher "han an&"hin( "ha" Ara+is an$ Shas"a, wi"h "heir so#"hern*'re$
e&es, ha$ e+er i%a(ine$. S)iri"s rose as "he& cla""ere$ $own "o "he wa"er2s*%ee" of "he "wo
The eas"ern*flowin( ri+er, which was )o#rin( fro% "he hi(her %o#n"ains a" "he wes"ern en$
of "he ran(e, was far "oo swif" an$ "oo 'ro,en wi"h ra)i$s for "he% "o "hin, of swi%%in( i"0
'#" af"er so%e cas"in( a'o#", #) an$ $own "he 'an,, "he& fo#n$ a )lace shallow eno#(h "o
wa$e. The roar an$ cla""er of wa"er, "he (rea" swirl a(ains" "he horses2 fe"loc,s, "he cool,
s"irrin( air an$ "he $ar"in( $ra(on*flies, fille$ Shas"a wi"h a s"ran(e e1ci"e%en".
37rien$s, we are in Archenlan$43 sai$ Bree )ro#$l& as he s)lashe$ an$ ch#rne$ his wa& o#"
on "he Nor"hern 'an,. 3I "hin, "ha" ri+er we2+e 8#s" crosse$ is calle$ "he Win$in( Arrow.3
3I ho)e we2re in "i%e,3 %#r%#re$ Hwin.
Then "he& 'e(an (oin( #), slowl& an$ <i(<a((in( a (oo$ $eal, for "he hills were s"ee). I"
was all o)en )ar,*li,e co#n"r& wi"h no roa$s or ho#ses in si(h". Sca""ere$ "rees, ne+er "hic,
eno#(h "o 'e a fores", were e+er&where. Shas"a, who ha$ li+e$ all his life in an al%os" "ree*
less (rasslan$, ha$ ne+er seen so %an& or so %an& ,in$s. If &o# ha$ 'een "here &o# wo#l$
)ro'a'l& ha+e ,nown .he $i$n2"/ "ha" he was seein( oa,s, 'eeches, sil+er 'irches, rowans,
an$ swee" ches"n#"s. Ra''i"s sc#rrie$ awa& in e+er& $irec"ion as "he& a$+ance$, an$
)resen"l& "he& saw a whole her$ of fallow $eer %a,in( off a%on( "he "rees.
3Isn2" i" si%)l& (lorio#s43 sai$ Ara+is.
A" "he firs" ri$(e Shas"a "#rne$ in "he sa$$le an$ loo,e$ 'ac,. There was no si(n of
Tash'aan0 "he $eser", #n'ro,en e1ce)" '& "he narrow (reen crac, which "he& ha$ "ra+elle$
$own, s)rea$ "o "he hori<on.
3H#llo43 he sai$ s#$$enl&. 3Wha"2s "ha"43
3Wha"2s wha"53 sai$ Bree, "#rnin( ro#n$. Hwin an$ Ara+is $i$ "he sa%e.
3Tha",3 sai$ Shas"a, )oin"in(. 3I" loo,s li,e s%o,e. Is i" a fire53
3San$*s"or%, I sho#l$ sa&,3 sai$ Bree.
3No" %#ch win$ "o raise i",3 sai$ Ara+is.
3Oh43 e1clai%e$ Hwin. 3Loo,4 There are "hin(s flashin( in i". Loo,4 The&2re hel%e"s * an$
ar%o#r. An$ i"2s %o+in(: %o+in( "his wa&.3
3B& Tash43 sai$ Ara+is. 3I"2s "he ar%&. I"2s Ra'a$ash.3
3Oh co#rse i" is,3 sai$ Hwin. 3>#s" wha" I was afrai$ of. =#ic,4 We %#s" (e" "o An+ar$
'efore i".3 An$ wi"ho#" ano"her wor$ she whis,e$ ro#n$ an$ 'e(an (allo)in( Nor"h. Bree
"osse$ his hea$ an$ $i$ "he sa%e.
3Co%e on, Bree, co%e on,3 &elle$ Ara+is o+er her sho#l$er.
The race was +er& (r#ellin( for "he Horses. As "he& "o))e$ each ri$(e "he& fo#n$ ano"her
+alle& an$ ano"her ri$(e 'e&on$ i"0 an$ "ho#(h "he& ,new "he& were (oin( in %ore or less
"he ri(h" $irec"ion, no one ,new how far i" was "o An+ar$. 7ro% "he "o) of "he secon$ ri$(e
Shas"a loo,e$ 'ac, a(ain. Ins"ea$ of a $#s"*clo#$ well o#" in "he $eser" he now saw a 'lac,,
%o+in( %ass, ra"her li,e an"s, on "he far 'an, of "he Win$in( Arrow. The& were $o#'"less
loo,in( for a for$.
3The&2re on "he ri+er43 he &elle$ wil$l&.
3=#ic,4 =#ic,43 sho#"e$ Ara+is. 3We %i(h" as well no" ha+e co%e a" all if we $on2" reach
An+ar$ in "i%e. 6allo), Bree, (allo). Re%e%'er &o#2re a war*horse.3
I" was all Shas"a co#l$ $o "o )re+en" hi%self fro% sho#"in( o#" si%ilar ins"r#c"ions0 '#" he
"ho#(h", 3The )oor cha)2s $oin( all he can alrea$&,3 an$ hel$ his "on(#e. An$ cer"ainl& 'o"h
Horses were $oin(, if no" all "he& co#l$, all "he& "ho#(h" "he& co#l$0 which is no" 9#i"e "he
sa%e "hin(. Bree ha$ ca#(h" #) wi"h Hwin an$ "he& "h#n$ere$ si$e '& si$e o+er "he "#rf. I"
$i$n2" loo, as if Hwin co#l$ )ossi'l& ,ee) i" #) %#ch lon(er.
A" "ha" %o%en" e+er&one2s feelin(s were co%)le"el& al"ere$ '& a so#n$ fro% 'ehin$. I" was
no" "he so#n$ "he& ha$ 'een e1)ec"in( "o hear * "he noise of hoofs an$ 8in(lin( ar%o#r,
%i1e$, )erha)s, wi"h Calor%ene 'a""le*cries. Ye" Shas"a ,new i" a" once. I" was "he sa%e
snarlin( roar he ha$ hear$ "ha" %oonli" ni(h" when "he& firs" %e" Ara+is an$ Hwin. Bree
,new i" "oo. His e&es (lea%e$ re$ an$ his ears la& fla" 'ac, on his s,#ll. An$ Bree now
$isco+ere$ "ha" he ha$ no" reall& 'een (oin( as fas" * no" 9#i"e as fas" * as he co#l$. Shas"a
fel" "he chan(e a" once. Now "he& were reall& (oin( all o#". In a few secon$s "he& were well
ahea$ of Hwin.
3I"2s no" fair,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. 3I $i$ "hin, we2$ 'e safe fro% lions here43
He loo,e$ o+er his sho#l$er. E+er&"hin( was onl& "oo clear. A h#(e "awn& crea"#re, i"s
'o$& low "o "he (ro#n$, li,e a ca" s"rea,in( across "he lawn "o a "ree when a s"ran(e $o( has
(o" in"o "he (ar$en, was 'ehin$ "he%. An$ i" was nearer e+er& secon$ an$ half secon$.
He loo,e$ forwar$ a(ain an$ saw so%e"hin( which he $i$ no" "a,e in, or e+en "hin, a'o#".
Their wa& was 'arre$ '& a s%oo"h (reen wall a'o#" "en fee" hi(h. In "he %i$$le of "ha" wall
"here was a (a"e, o)en. In "he %i$$le of "he (a"ewa& s"oo$ a "all %an $resse$, $own "o his
'are fee", in a ro'e colo#re$ li,e a#"#%n lea+es, leanin( on a s"rai(h" s"aff. His 'ear$ fell
al%os" "o his ,nees.
Shas"a saw all "his in a (lance an$ loo,e$ 'ac, a(ain. The lion ha$ al%os" (o" Hwin now. I"
was %a,in( sna)s a" her hin$ le(s, an$ "here was no ho)e now in her foa%flec,e$, wi$e*
e&e$ face.
3S"o),3 'ellowe$ Shas"a in Bree2s ear. 3-#s" (o 'ac,. -#s" hel)43
Bree alwa&s sai$ af"erwar$s "ha" he ne+er hear$, or ne+er #n$ers"oo$ "his0 an$ as he was in
(eneral a +er& "r#"hf#l horse we %#s" acce)" his wor$.
Shas"a sli))e$ his fee" o#" of "he s"irr#)s, sli$ 'o"h his le(s o+er "he lef" si$e, hesi"a"e$ for
one hi$eo#s h#n$re$"h of a secon$, an$ 8#%)e$. I" h#r" horri'l& an$ nearl& win$e$ hi%0 '#"
'efore he ,new how i" h#r" hi% he was s"a((erin( 'ac, "o hel) Ara+is. He ha$ ne+er $one
an&"hin( li,e "his in his life 'efore an$ har$l& ,new wh& he was $oin( i" now.
One of "he %os" "erri'le noises in "he worl$, a horse2s screa%, 'ro,e fro% Hwin2s li)s.
Ara+is was s"oo)in( low o+er Hwin2s nec, an$ see%e$ "o 'e "r&in( "o $raw her swor$. An$
now all "hree * Ara+is, Hwin, an$ "he lion were al%os" on "o) of Shas"a. Before "he&
reache$ hi% "he lion rose on i"s hin$ le(s, lar(er "han &o# wo#l$ ha+e 'elie+e$ a lion co#l$
'e, an$ 8a''e$ a" Ara+is wi"h i"s ri(h" )aw. Shas"a co#l$ see all "he "erri'le claws e1"en$e$.
Ara+is screa%e$ an$ reele$ in "he sa$$le. The lion was "earin( her sho#l$ers. Shas"a, half
%a$ wi"h horror, %ana(e$ "o l#rch "owar$s "he 'r#"e. He ha$ no wea)on, no" e+en a s"ic,
or a s"one. He sho#"e$ o#", i$io"icall&, a" "he lion as one wo#l$ a" a $o(. 36o ho%e4 6o
ho%e43 7or a frac"ion of a secon$ he was s"arin( ri(h" in"o i"s wi$eo)ene$,
ra(in( %o#"h. Then, "o his #""er as"onish%en", "he lion, s"ill on i"s hin$ le(s, chec,e$ i"self
s#$$enl&, "#rne$ hea$ o+er heels, )ic,e$ i"self #), an$ r#she$ awa&.
Shas"a $i$ no" for a %o%en" s#))ose i" ha$ (one for (oo$. He "#rne$ an$ race$ for "he (a"e
in "he (reen wall which, now for "he firs" "i%e, he re%e%'ere$ seein(. Hwin, s"#%'lin( an$
nearl& fain"in(, was 8#s" en"erin( "he (a"e: Ara+is s"ill ,e)" her sea" '#" her 'ac, was
co+ere$ wi"h 'loo$.
3Co%e in, %& $a#(h"er, co%e in,3 "he ro'e$ an$ 'ear$e$ %an was sa&in(, an$ "hen 3Co%e
in, %& son3 as Shas"a )an"e$ #) "o hi%. He hear$ "he (a"e close$ 'ehin$ hi%0 an$ "he
'ear$e$ s"ran(er was alrea$& hel)in( Ara+is off her horse.
The& were in a wi$e an$ )erfec"l& circ#lar enclos#re, )ro"ec"e$ '& a hi(h wall of (reen "#rf.
A )ool of )erfec"l& s"ill wa"er, so f#ll "ha" "he wa"er was al%os" e1ac"l& le+el wi"h "he
(ro#n$, la& 'efore hi%. A" one en$ of "he )ool, co%)le"el& o+ersha$owin( i" wi"h i"s
'ranches, "here (rew "he h#(es" an$ %os" 'ea#"if#l "ree "ha" Shas"a ha$ e+er seen. Be&on$
"he )ool was a li""le low ho#se of s"one roofe$ wi"h $ee) an$ ancien" "ha"ch. There was a
so#n$ of 'lea"in( an$ o+er a" "he far si$e of "he enclos#re "here were so%e (oa"s. The le+el
(ro#n$ was co%)le"el& co+ere$ wi"h "he fines" (rass.
3Are * are * are &o#,3 )an"e$ Shas"a. 3Are &o# !in( L#ne of Archenlan$53
The ol$ %an shoo, his hea$. 3No,3 he re)lie$ in a 9#ie" +oice, 3I a% "he Her%i" of "he
So#"hern -arch. An$ now, %& son, was"e no "i%e on 9#es"ions, '#" o'e&. This $a%sel is
wo#n$e$. Yo#r horses are s)en". Ra'a$ash is a" "his %o%en" fin$in( a for$ o+er "he
Win$in( Arrow. If &o# r#n now, wi"ho#" a %o%en"2s res", &o# will s"ill 'e in "i%e "o warn
!in( L#ne.3
Shas"a2s hear" fain"e$ a" "hese wor$s for he fel" he ha$ no s"ren("h lef". An$ he wri"he$
insi$e a" wha" see%e$ "he cr#el"& an$ #nfairness of "he $e%an$. He ha$ no" &e" learne$ "ha"
if &o# $o one (oo$ $ee$ &o#r rewar$ #s#all& is "o 'e se" "o $o ano"her an$ har$er an$ 'e""er
one. B#" all he sai$ o#" lo#$ was:
3Where is "he !in(53
The Her%i" "#rne$ an$ )oin"e$ wi"h his s"aff. 3Loo,,3 he sai$. 3There is ano"her (a"e, ri(h"
o))osi"e "o "he one &o# en"ere$ '&. O)en i" an$ (o s"rai(h" ahea$: alwa&s s"rai(h" ahea$,
o+er le+el or s"ee), o+er s%oo"h or ro#(h, o+er $r& or we". I ,now '& %& ar" "ha" &o# will
fin$ !in( L#ne s"rai(h" ahea$. B#" r#n, r#n: alwa&s r#n.3
Shas"a no$$e$ his hea$, ran "o "he nor"hern (a"e an$ $isa))eare$ 'e&on$ i". Then "he
Her%i" "oo, Ara+is, who% he ha$ all "his "i%e 'een s#))or"in( wi"h his lef" ar%, an$ half
le$, half carrie$ her in"o "he ho#se. Af"er a lon( "i%e he ca%e o#" a(ain.
3Now, co#sins,3 he sai$ "o "he Horses. 3I" is &o#r "#rn.3
Wi"ho#" wai"in( for an answer * an$ in$ee$ "he& were "oo e1ha#s"e$ "o s)ea, * he "oo, "he
'ri$les an$ sa$$les off 'o"h of "he%. Then he r#''e$ "he% 'o"h $own, so well "ha" a (roo%
in a !in(2s s"a'le co#l$ no" ha+e $one i" 'e""er.
3There, co#sins,3 he sai$, 3$is%iss i" all fro% &o#r %in$s an$ 'e co%for"e$. Here is wa"er
an$ "here is (rass. Yo# shall ha+e a ho" %ash when I ha+e %il,e$ %& o"her co#sins, "he
3Sir,3 sai$ Hwin, fin$in( her +oice a" las", 3will "he Tar,heena li+e5 Has "he lion ,ille$
3I who ,now %an& )resen" "hin(s '& %& ar",3 re)lie$ "he Her%i" wi"h a s%ile, 3ha+e &e"
li""le ,nowle$(e of "hin(s f#"#re. Therefore I $o no" ,now whe"her an& %an or wo%an or
'eas" in "he whole worl$ will 'e ali+e when "he s#n se"s "oni(h". B#" 'e of (oo$ ho)e. The
$a%sel is li,el& "o li+e as lon( as an& of her a(e.3
When Ara+is ca%e "o herself she fo#n$ "ha" she was l&in( on her face on a low 'e$ of
e1"raor$inar& sof"ness in a cool, 'are roo% wi"h walls of #n$resse$ s"one. She co#l$n2"
#n$ers"an$ wh& she ha$ 'een lai$ on her face0 '#" when she "rie$ "o "#rn an$ fel" "he ho",
'#rnin( )ains all o+er her 'ac,, she re%e%'ere$, an$ reali<e$ wh&. She co#l$n2"
#n$ers"an$ wha" $eli(h"f#ll& s)rin(& s"#ff "he 'e$ was %a$e of, 'eca#se i" was %a$e of
hea"her .which is "he 'es" 'e$$in(/ an$ hea"her was a "hin( she ha$ ne+er seen or hear$ of.
The $oor o)ene$ an$ "he Her%i" en"ere$, carr&in( a lar(e woo$en 'owl in his han$. Af"er
caref#ll& se""in( "his $own, he ca%e "o "he 'e$si$e, an$ as,e$:
3How $o &o# fin$ &o#rself, %& $a#(h"er53
3-& 'ac, is +er& sore, fa"her,3 sai$ Ara+is, 3'#" "here is no"hin( else wron( wi"h %e.3
He ,nel" 'esi$e her, lai$ his han$ on her forehea$, an$ fel" her )#lse.
3There is no fe+er,3 he sai$. 3Yo# will $o well. In$ee$ "here is no reason wh& &o# sho#l$
no" (e" #) "o%orrow. B#" now, $rin, "his.3
He fe"che$ "he woo$en 'owl an$ hel$ i" "o her li)s. Ara+is co#l$n2" hel) %a,in( a face
when she "as"e$ i", for (oa"s2 %il, is ra"her a shoc, when &o# are no" #se$ "o i". B#" she was
+er& "hirs"& an$ %ana(e$ "o $rin, i" all an$ fel" 'e""er when she ha$ finishe$.
3Now, %& $a#(h"er, &o# %a& slee) when &o# wish,3 sai$ "he Her%i". 37or &o#r wo#n$s are
washe$ an$ $resse$ an$ "ho#(h "he& s%ar" "he& are no %ore serio#s "han if "he& ha$ 'een
"he c#"s of a whi). I" %#s" ha+e 'een a +er& s"ran(e lion0 for ins"ea$*of ca"chin( &o# o#" of
"he sa$$le an$ (e""in( his "ee"h in"o &o#, he has onl& $rawn his claws across &o#r 'ac,. Ten
scra"ches: sore, '#" no" $ee) or $an(ero#s.3
3I sa&43 sai$ Ara+is. 3I ha+e ha$ l#c,.3
3Da#(h"er,3 sai$ "he Her%i", 3I ha+e now li+e$ a h#n$re$ an$ nine win"ers in "his worl$
an$ ha+e ne+er &e" %e" an& s#ch "hin( as L#c,. The% is so%e"hin( a'o#" all "his "ha" I $o
no" #n$ers"an$: '#" if e+er we nee$ "o ,now i", &o# %a& 'e s#re "ha" we shall.3
3An$ wha" a'o#" Ra'a$ash an$ his "wo h#n$re$ horse53 as,e$ Ara+is.
3The& will no" )ass "his wa&, I "hin,,3 sai$ "he Her%i". 3The& %#s" ha+e fo#n$ a for$ '&
now well "o "he eas" of #s. 7ro% "here "he& will "r& "o ri$e s"rai(h" "o An+ar$.3
3Poor Shas"a43 sai$ Ara+is. 3Has he far "o (o5 Will he (e" "here firs"53
3There is (oo$ ho)e of i",3 sai$ "he ol$ %an.
Ara+is la& $own a(ain .on her si$e "his "i%e/ an$ sai$, 3Ha+e I 'een aslee) for a lon( "i%e5
I" see%s "o 'e (e""in( $ar,.3
The Her%i" was loo,in( o#" of "he onl& win$ow, which face$ nor"h. 3This is no" "he
$ar,ness of ni(h",3 he sai$ )resen"l&. 3The clo#$s are fallin( $own fro% S"or%ness Hea$.
O#r fo#l wea"her alwa&s co%es fro% "here in "hese )ar"s. There will 'e "hic, fo( "oni(h".3
Ne1" $a&, e1ce)" for her sore 'ac,, Ara+is fel" so well "ha" af"er 'rea,fas" .which was
)orri$(e an$ crea%/ "he Her%i" sai$ she co#l$ (e" #). An$ of co#rse she a" once wen" o#"
"o s)ea, "o "he Horses. The wea"her ha$ chan(e$ an$ "he whole of "ha" (reen enclos#re was
fille$, li,e a (rea" (reen c#), wi"h s#nli(h". I" was a +er& )eacef#l )lace, lonel& an$ 9#ie".
Hwin a" once "ro""e$ across "o Ara+is an$ (a+e her a horse*,iss.
3B#" where2s Bree53 sai$ Ara+is when each ha$ as,e$ af"er "he o"her2s heal"h an$ slee).
3O+er "here,3 sai$ Hwin, )oin"in( wi"h her nose "o "he far si$e of "he circle. 3An$ I wish
&o#2$ co%e an$ "al, "o hi%. There2s so%e"hin( wron(, I can2" (e" a wor$ o#" of hi%.3
The& s"rolle$ across an$ fo#n$ Bree l&in( wi"h his face "owar$s "he wall, an$ "ho#(h he
%#s" ha+e hear$ "he% co%in(, he ne+er "#rne$ his hea$ or s)o,e a wor$.
36oo$ %ornin(, Bree,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3How are &o# "his %ornin(53
Bree %#""ere$ so%e"hin( "ha" no one co#l$ hear.
3The Her%i" sa&s "ha" Shas"a )ro'a'l& (o" "o !in( L#ne in "i%e,3 con"in#e$ Ara+is, 3so i"
loo,s as if all o#r "ro#'les are o+er. Narnia, a" las", Bree43
3I shall ne+er see Narnia,3 sai$ Bree in a low +oice.
3Aren2" &o# well, Bree $ear53 sai$ Ara+is.
Bree "#rne$ ro#n$ a" las", his face %o#rnf#l as onl& a horse2s can 'e.
3I shall (o 'ac, "o Calor%en,3 he sai$.
3Wha"53 sai$ Ara+is. 3Bac, "o sla+er&43
3Yes,3 sai$ Bree. 3Sla+er& is all I2% fi" for. How can I e+er show %& face a%on( "he free
Horses of Narnia5 * I who lef" a %are an$ a (irl an$ a 'o& "o 'e ea"en '& lions while I
(allo)e$ all I co#l$ "o sa+e %& own wre"che$ s,in43
3We all ran as har$ as we co#l$,3 sai$ Hwin.
3Shas"a $i$n2"43 snor"e$ Bree. 3A" leas" he ran in "he ri(h" $irec"ion: ran 'ac,. An$ "ha" is
wha" sha%es %e %os" of all. I, who calle$ %&self a war*horse an$ 'oas"e$ of a h#n$re$
fi(h"s, "o 'e 'ea"en '& a li""le h#%an 'o& * a chil$, a %ere foal, who ha$ ne+er hel$ a swor$
nor ha$ an& (oo$ n#r"#re or e1a%)le in his life43
3I ,now,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3I fel" 8#s" "he sa%e. Shas"a was %ar+ello#s. I2% 8#s" as 'a$ as &o#,
Bree. I2+e 'een sn#''in( hi% an$ loo,in( $own on hi% e+er since &o# %e" #s an$ now he
"#rns o#" "o 'e "he 'es" of #s all. B#" I "hin, i" wo#l$ 'e 'e""er "o s"a& an$ sa& we2re sorr&
"han "o (o 'ac, "o Calor%en.3
3I"2s all +er& well for &o#,3 sai$ Bree. 3Yo# ha+en2" $is(race$ &o#rself. B#" I2+e los"
3-& (oo$ Horse,3 sai$ "he Her%i", who ha$ a))roache$ "he% #nno"ice$ 'eca#se his 'are
fee" %a$e so li""le noise on "ha" swee", $ew& (rass. 3-& (oo$ Horse, &o#2+e los" no"hin(
'#" &o#r self*concei". No, no, co#sin. Don2" )#" 'ac, &o#r ears an$ sha,e &o#r %ane a" %e.
If &o# are reall& so h#%'le$ as &o# so#n$e$ a %in#"e a(o, &o# %#s" learn "o lis"en "o sense.
Yo#2re no" 9#i"e "he (rea" Horse &o# ha$ co%e "o "hin,, fro% li+in( a%on( )oor $#%'
horses. Of co#rse &o# were 'ra+er an$ cle+erer "han "he%. Yo# co#l$ har$l& hel) 'ein(
"ha". I" $oesn2" follow "ha" &o#2ll 'e an&one +er& s)ecial in Narnia. B#" as lon( as &o# ,now
&o#2re no'o$& s)ecial, &o#2ll 'e a +er& $ecen" sor" of Horse, on "he whole, an$ "a,in( one
"hin( wi"h ano"her. An$ now, if &o# an$ %& o"her fo#r*foo"e$ co#sin will co%e ro#n$ "o
"he ,i"chen $oor we2ll see a'o#" "he o"her half of "ha" %ash.3
WHEN Shas"a wen" "hro#(h "he (a"e he fo#n$ a slo)e of (rass an$ a li""le hea"her r#nnin(
#) 'efore hi% "o so%e "rees. He ha$ no"hin( "o "hin, a'o#" now an$ no )lans "o %a,e: he
ha$ onl& "o r#n, an$ "ha" was 9#i"e eno#(h. His li%'s were sha,in(, a "erri'le s"i"ch was
'e(innin( in his si$e, an$ "he swea" "ha" ,e)" $ro))in( in"o his e&es 'lin$e$ "he% an$ %a$e
"he% s%ar". He was #ns"ea$& on his fee" "oo, an$ %ore "han once he nearl& "#rne$ his an,le
on a loose s"one.
The "rees were "hic,er now "han "he& ha$ &e" 'een an$ in "he %ore o)en s)aces "here was
'rac,en. The s#n ha$ (one in wi"ho#" %a,in( i" an& cooler. I" ha$ 'eco%e one of "hose ho",
(re& $a&s when "here see% "o 'e "wice as %an& flies as #s#al. Shas"a2s face was co+ere$
wi"h "he%0 he $i$n2" e+en "r& "o sha,e "he% off * he ha$ "oo %#ch else "o $o.
S#$$enl& he hear$ a horn * no" a (rea" "hro''in( horn li,e "he horns of Tash'aan '#" a
%err& call, Ti*ro*"o*"o*ho4 Ne1" %o%en" he ca%e o#" in"o a wi$e (la$e an$ fo#n$ hi%self
in a crow$ of )eo)le.
A" leas", i" loo,e$ a crow$ "o hi%. In reali"& "here were a'o#" fif"een or "wen"& of "he%, all
(en"le%en in (reen h#n"in($ress, wi"h "heir horses0 so%e in "he sa$$le an$ so%e s"an$in(
'& "heir horses2 hea$s. In "he cen"re so%eone was hol$in( "he s"irr#) for a %an "o %o#n".
An$ "he %an he was hol$in( i" for was "he 8ollies", fa", a))lechee,e$, "win,lin( e&e$ !in(
&o# co#l$ i%a(ine.
As soon as Shas"a ca%e in si(h" "his !in( for(o" all a'o#" %o#n"in( his horse. He s)rea$
o#" his ar%s "o Shas"a, his face li" #), an$ he crie$ o#" in a (rea", $ee) +oice "ha" see%e$ "o
co%e fro% "he 'o""o% of his ches":
3Corin4 -& son4 An$ on foo", an$ in ra(s4 Wha"*3
3No,3 )an"e$ Shas"a, sha,in( his hea$. 3No" Prince Corin. I * I * ,now I2% li,e hi%... saw
his Hi(hness in Tash'aan... sen" his (ree"in(s.3
The !in( was s"arin( a" Shas"a wi"h an e1"raor$inar& e1)ression on his face.
3Are &o# !*!in( L#ne53 (as)e$ Shas"a. An$ "hen, wi"ho#" wai"in( for an answer, 3Lor$
!in( * fl& * An+ar$ sh#" "he (a"es * ene%ies #)on &o# * Ra'a$ash an$ "wo h#n$re$ horse.3
3Ha+e &o# ass#rance of "his, 'o&53 as,e$ one of "he o"her (en"le%en.
3-& own e&es,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3I2+e seen "he%. Race$ "he% all "he wa& fro% Tash'aan.3
3On foo"53 sai$ "he (en"le%an, raisin( his e&e'rows a li""le.
Horses*wi"h "he Her%i",3 sai$ Shas"a.
3=#es"ion hi% no %ore0 Darrin,3 sai$ !in( L#ne. 3I see "r#"h in his face. We %#s" ri$e for
i", (en"le%en. A s)are horse "here, for "he 'o&. Yo# can ri$e fas", frien$53
7or answer Shas"a )#" his foo" in "he s"irr#) of "he horse which ha$ 'een le$ "owar$s hi%
an$ a %o%en" la"er he was in "he sa$$le. He ha$ $one i" a h#n$re$ "i%es wi"h Bree in "he
las" few wee,s, an$ his %o#n"in( was +er& $ifferen" now fro% wha" i" ha$ 'een on "ha" firs"
ni(h" when Bree ha$ sai$ "ha" he cli%'e$ #) a horse as if he were cli%'in( a ha&s"ac,.
He was )lease$ "o hear "he Lor$ Darrin sa& "o "he !in(, 3The 'o& has a "r#e horse%an2s
sea", Sire. I2ll warran" "here2s no'le 'loo$ in hi%.3
3His 'loo$, a&e, "here2s "he )oin",3 sai$ "he !in(. An$ he s"are$ har$ a" Shas"a a(ain wi"h
"ha" c#rio#s e1)ression, al%os" a h#n(r& e1)ression, in his s"ea$&, (re& e&es.
B#" '& now *"he whole )ar"& was %o+in( off a" a 'ris, can"er. Shas"a2s sea" was e1cellen"
'#" he was sa$l& )#<<le$ wha" "o $o wi"h his reins, for he ha$ ne+er "o#che$ "he reins while
he was on Bree2s 'ac,. B#" he loo,e$ +er& caref#ll& o#" of "he corners of his e&es "o see
wha" "he o"hers were $oin( .as so%e of #s ha+e $one a" )ar"ies when we weren2" 9#i"e s#re
which ,nife or for, we were %ean" "o #se/ an$ "rie$ "o (e" his fin(ers ri(h". B#" he $i$n2"
$are "o "r& reall& $irec"in( "he horse0 he "r#s"e$ i" wo#l$ follow "he res". The horse was of
co#rse an or$inar& horse, no" a Tal,in( Horse0 '#" i" ha$ 9#i"e wi"s eno#(h "o reali<e "ha"
"he s"ran(e 'o& on i"s 'ac, ha$ no whi) an$ no s)#rs an$ was no" reall& %as"er of "he
si"#a"ion. Tha" was wh& Shas"a soon fo#n$ hi%self a" "he "ail en$ of "he )rocession.
E+en so, he was (oin( )re""& fas". There were no flies now an$ "he air in his face was
$elicio#s. He ha$ (o" his 'rea"h 'ac, "oo. An$ his erran$ ha$ s#ccee$e$. 7or "he firs" "i%e
since "he arri+al a" Tash'aan .how lon( a(o i" see%e$4/ he was 'e(innin( "o en8o& hi%self.
He loo,e$ #) "o see how %#ch nearer "he %o#n"ain "o)s ha$ co%e. To his $isa))oin"%en"
he co#l$ no" see "he% a" all: onl& a +a(#e (re&ness, rollin( $own "owar$s "he%. He ha$
ne+er 'een in %o#n"ain co#n"r& 'efore an$ was s#r)rise$. 3I"2s a clo#$,3 he sai$ "o hi%self,
3a clo#$ co%in( $own. I see. ) here in "he hills one is reall& in "he s,&. I shall see wha"
"he insi$e of a clo#$ is li,e. Wha" f#n4 I2+e of"en won$ere$.3 7ar awa& on his lef" an$ a
li""le 'ehin$ hi%, "he s#n was (e""in( rea$& "o se".
The& ha$ co%e "o a ro#(h ,in$ of roa$ '& now an$ were %a,in( +er& (oo$ s)ee$. B#"
Shas"a2s horse was s"ill "he las" of "he lo". Once or "wice when "he roa$ %a$e a 'en$ ."here
was now con"in#o#s fores" on each si$e of i"/ he los" si(h" of "he o"hers for a secon$ or "wo.
Then "he& )l#n(e$ in"o "he fo(, or else "he fo( rolle$ o+er "he%. The worl$ 'eca%e (re&.
Shas"a ha$ no" reali<e$ how col$ an$ we" "he insi$e of a clo#$ wo#l$ 'e0 nor how $ar,. The
(re& "#rne$ "o 'lac, wi"h alar%in( s)ee$.
So%eone a" "he hea$ of "he col#%n win$e$ "he horn e+er& now an$ "hen, an$ each "i%e "he
so#n$ ca%e fro% a li""le far"her off. He co#l$n2" see an& of "he o"hers now, '#" of co#rse
he2$ 'e a'le "o as soon as he (o" ro#n$ "he ne1" 'en$. B#" when he ro#n$e$ i" he s"ill
co#l$n2" see "he%. In fac" he co#l$ see no"hin( a" all. His horse was wal,in( now. 36e" on,
Horse, (e" on,3 sai$ Shas"a. Then ca%e "he horn, +er& fain". Bree ha$ alwa&s "ol$ hi% "ha"
he %#s" ,ee) his heels well "#rne$ o#", an$ Shas"a ha$ (o" "he i$ea "ha" so%e"hin( +er&
"erri'le wo#l$ ha))en if he $#( his heels in"o a horse2s si$es. This see%e$ "o hi% an
occasion for "r&in( i". 3Loo, here, Horse,3 he sai$, 3if &o# $on2" '#c, #), $o &o# ,now wha"
I2ll $o5 I2ll $i( %& heels in"o &o#. I reall& will.3 The horse, howe+er, "oo, no no"ice of "his
"hrea". So Shas"a se""le$ hi%self fir%l& in "he sa$$le, (ri))e$ wi"h his ,nees, clenche$ his
"ee"h, an$ )#nche$ 'o"h "he horse2s si$es wi"h his heels as har$ as he co#l$.
The onl& res#l" was "ha" "he horse 'ro,e in"o a ,in$ of )re"ence of a "ro" for fi+e or si1
)aces an$ "hen s#'si$e$ in"o a wal, a(ain. An$ now i" was 9#i"e $ar, an$ "he& see%e$ "o
ha+e (i+en #) 'lowin( "ha" horn. The onl& so#n$ was a s"ea$& $ri)*$ri) fro% "he 'ranches
of "he "rees.
3Well, I s#))ose e+en a wal, will (e" #s so%ewhere so%e"i%e,3 sai$ Shas"a "o hi%self. 3I
onl& ho)e I shan2" r#n in"o Ra'a$ash an$ his )eo)le.3
He wen" on for wha" see%e$ a lon( "i%e, alwa&s a" a wal,in( )ace. He 'e(an "o ha"e "ha"
horse, an$ he was also 'e(innin( "o feel +er& h#n(r&.
Presen"l& he ca%e "o a )lace where "he roa$ $i+i$e$ in"o "wo. He was 8#s" won$erin( which
le$ "o An+ar$ when he was s"ar"le$ '& a noise fro% 'ehin$ hi%. I" was "he noise of "ro""in(
horses. 3Ra'a$ash43 "ho#(h" Shas"a. He ha$ no wa& of (#essin( which roa$ Ra'a$ash
wo#l$ "a,e. 3B#" if I "a,e one,3 sai$ Shas"a "o hi%self, 3he %a& "a,e "he o"her: an$ if I s"a&
a" "he cross*roa$s I2% s#re "o 'e ca#(h".3 He $is%o#n"e$ an$ le$ his horse as 9#ic,l& as he
co#l$ alon( "he ri(h"*han$ roa$.
The so#n$ of "he ca+alr& (rew ra)i$l& nearer an$ in a %in#"e or "wo Shas"a reali<e$ "ha"
"he& were a" "he crossroa$s. He hel$ his 'rea"h, wai"in( "o see which wa& "he& wo#l$ "a,e.
There ca%e a low wor$ of co%%an$ 3Hal"43 "hen a %o%en" of horse& noises * nos"rils
'lowin(, hoofs )awin(, 'i"s 'ein( cha%)e$, nec,s 'ein( )a""e$. Then a +oice s)o,e.
3A""en$, all of &o#,3 i" sai$. 3We are now wi"hin a f#rlon( of "he cas"le. Re%e%'er &o#r
or$ers. Once we are in Narnia, as we sho#l$ 'e '& s#nrise, &o# are "o ,ill as li""le as
)ossi'le. On "his +en"#re &o# are "o re(ar$ e+er& $ro) of Narnian 'loo$ as %ore )recio#s
"han a (allon of &o#r own. On "his +en"#re, I sa&. The (o$s will sen$ #s a ha))ier ho#r an$
"hen &o# %#s" lea+e no"hin( ali+e 'e"ween Cair Para+el an$ "he Wes"ern Was"e. B#" we are
no" &e" in Narnia. Here in Archenlan$ i" is ano"her "hin(. In "he assa#l" on "his cas"le of
!in( L#ne2s, no"hin( %a""ers '#" s)ee$. Show &o#r %e""le. I" %#s" 'e %ine
wi"hin an ho#r. An$ if i" is, I (i+e i" all "o &o#. I reser+e no 'oo"& for %&self. !ill %e e+er&
'ar'arian %ale wi"hin i"s walls, $own "o "he chil$ "ha" was 'orn &es"er$a&, an$ e+er&"hin(
else is &o#rs "o $i+i$e as &o# )lease * "he wo%en, "he (ol$, "he 8ewels, "he wea)ons, an$ "he
wine. The %an "ha" I see han(in( 'ac, when we co%e "o "he (a"es shall 'e '#rne$ ali+e. In
"he na%e of Tash "he irresis"i'le, "he ine1ora'le forwar$43
Wi"h a (rea" clo))i""&*clo) "he col#%n 'e(an "o %o+e, an$ Shas"a 'rea"he$ a(ain. The& ha$
"a,en "he o"her roa$.
Shas"a "ho#(h" "he& "oo, a lon( "i%e (oin( )as", for "ho#(h he ha$ 'een "al,in( an$
"hin,in( a'o#" 3"wo h#n$re$ horse3 all $a&, he ha$ no" reali<e$ how %an& "he& reall& were.
B#" a" las" "he so#n$ $ie$ awa& an$ once %ore he was alone a%i$ "he $ri)*$ri) fro% "he
He now ,new "he wa& "o An+ar$ '#" of co#rse he co#l$ no" now (o "here: "ha" wo#l$ onl&
%ean r#nnin( in"o "he ar%s of Ra'a$ash2s "roo)ers. 3Wha" on ear"h a% I "o $o53 sai$ Shas"a
"o hi%self. B#" he re%o#n"e$ his horse an$ con"in#e$ alon( "he roa$ he ha$ chosen, in "he
fain" ho)e of fin$in( so%e co""a(e where he %i(h" as, for shel"er an$ a %eal. He ha$
"ho#(h", of co#rse, of (oin( 'ac, "o Ara+is an$ Bree an$ Hwin a" "he her%i"a(e, '#" he
co#l$n2" 'eca#se '& now he ha$ no" "he leas" i$ea of "he $irec"ion.
3Af"er all,3 sai$ Shas"a, 3"his roa$ is 'o#n$ "o (e" "o so%ewhere.3
B#" "ha" all $e)en$s on wha" &o# %ean '& so%ewhere. The roa$ ,e)" on (e""in( "o
so%ewhere in "he sense "ha" i" (o" "o %ore an$ %ore "rees, all $ar, an$ $ri))in(, an$ "o
col$er an$ col$er air. An$ s"ran(e, ic& win$s ,e)" 'lowin( "he %is" )as" hi% "ho#(h "he&
ne+er 'lew i" awa&. If he ha$ 'een #se$ "o %o#n"ain co#n"r& he wo#l$ ha+e reali<e$ "ha"
"his %ean" he was now +er& hi(h #) * )erha)s ri(h" a" "he "o) of "he )ass. B#" Shas"a ,new
no"hin( a'o#" %o#n"ains.
3I $o "hin,,3 sai$ Shas"a, 3"ha" I %#s" 'e "he %os" #nfor"#na"e 'o& "ha" e+er li+e$ in "he
whole worl$. E+er&"hin( (oes ri(h" for e+er&one e1ce)" %e. Those Narnian lor$s an$ la$ies
(o" safe awa& fro% Tash'aan0 I was lef" 'ehin$. Ara+is an$ Bree an$ Hwin are all as sn#(
as an&"hin( wi"h "ha" ol$ Her%i": of co#rse I was "he one who was sen" on. !in( L#ne an$
his )eo)le %#s" ha+e (o" safel& in"o "he cas"le an$ sh#" "he (a"es lon( 'efore Ra'a$ash
arri+e$, '#" I (e" lef" o#".3
An$ 'ein( +er& "ire$ an$ ha+in( no"hin( insi$e hi%, he fel" so sorr& for hi%self "ha" "he
"ears rolle$ $own his chee,s.
Wha" )#" a s"o) "o all "his was a s#$$en fri(h". Shas"a $isco+ere$ "ha" so%eone or
so%e'o$& was wal,in( 'esi$e hi%. I" was )i"ch $ar, an$ he co#l$ see no"hin(. An$ "he
Thin( .or Person/ was (oin( so 9#ie"l& "ha" he co#l$ har$l& hear an& foo"falls. Wha" he
co#l$ hear was 'rea"hin(. His in+isi'le co%)anion see%e$ "o 'rea"he on a +er& lar(e scale,
an$ Shas"a (o" "he i%)ression "ha" i" was a +er& lar(e crea"#re. An$ he ha$ co%e "o
no"ice "his 'rea"hin( so (ra$#all& "ha" he ha$ reall& no i$ea how lon( i" ha$ 'een "here. I"
was a horri'le shoc,.
I" $ar"e$ in"o his %in$ "ha" he ha$ hear$ lon( a(o "ha" "here were (ian"s in "hese Nor"hern
co#n"ries. He 'i" his li) in "error. B#" now "ha" he reall& ha$ so%e"hin( "o cr& a'o#", he
s"o))e$ cr&in(.
The Thin( .#nless i" was a Person/ wen" on 'esi$e hi% so +er& 9#ie"l& "ha" Shas"a 'e(an "o
ho)e he ha$ onl& i%a(ine$ i". B#" 8#s" as he was 'eco%in( 9#i"e s#re of i", "here s#$$enl&
ca%e a $ee), rich si(h o#" of "he $ar,ness 'esi$e hi%. Tha" co#l$n2" 'e i%a(ina"ion4
An&wa&, he ha$ fel" "he ho" 'rea"h of "ha" si(h on his chill& lef" han$.
If "he horse ha$ 'een an& (oo$ * or if he ha$ ,nown how "o (e" an& (oo$ o#" of "he horse *
he wo#l$ ha+e ris,e$ e+er&"hin( on a 'rea,awa& an$ a wil$ (allo). B#" he ,new he
co#l$n2" %a,e "ha" horse (allo). So he wen" on a" a wal,in( )ace an$ "he #nseen co%)anion
wal,e$ an$ 'rea"he$ 'esi$e hi%. A" las" he co#l$ 'ear i" no lon(er.
3Who are &o#53 he sai$, scarcel& a'o+e a whis)er.
3One who has wai"e$ lon( for &o# "o s)ea,,3 sai$ "he Thin(. I"s +oice was no" lo#$, '#"
+er& lar(e an$ $ee).
3Are &o#* are &o# a (ian"53 as,e$ Shas"a.
3Yo# %i(h" call %e a (ian",3 sai$ "he Lar(e ;oice. 3B#" I a% no" li,e "he crea"#res &o# call
3I can2" see &o# a" all,3 sai$ Shas"a, af"er s"arin( +er& har$. Then .for an e+en %ore "erri'le
i$ea ha$ co%e in"o his hea$/ he sai$, al%os" in a screa%, 3Yo#2re no" * no" so%e"hin( $ea$,
are &o#5 Oh )lease * )lease $o (o awa&. Wha" har% ha+e I e+er $one &o#5 Oh, I a% "he
#nl#c,ies" )erson in "he whole worl$43
Once %ore he fel" "he war% 'rea"h of "he Thin( on his han$ an$ face. 3There,3 i" sai$, 3"ha"
is no" "he 'rea"h of a (hos". Tell %e &o#r sorrows.3
Shas"a was a li""le reass#re$ '& "he 'rea"h: so he "ol$ how he ha$ ne+er ,nown his real
fa"her or %o"her an$ ha$ 'een 'ro#(h" #) s"ernl& '& "he fisher%an. An$ "hen he "ol$ "he
s"or& of his esca)e an$ how "he& were chase$ '& lions an$ force$ "o swi% for "heir li+es0
an$ of all "heir $an(ers in Tash'aan an$ a'o#" his ni(h" a%on( "he "o%'s an$ how "he
'eas"s howle$ a" hi% o#" of "he $eser". An$ he "ol$ a'o#" "he hea" an$ "hirs" of "heir $eser"
8o#rne& an$ how "he& were al%os" a" "heir (oal when ano"her lion chase$ "he% an$
wo#n$e$ Ara+is. An$ also, how +er& lon( i" was since he ha$ ha$ an&"hin( "o ea".
3I $o no" call &o# #nfor"#na"e,3 sai$ "he Lar(e ;oice.
3Don2" &o# "hin, i" was 'a$ l#c, "o %ee" so %an& lions53 sai$ Shas"a.
3There was onl& one lion,3 sai$ "he ;oice.
3Wha" on ear"h $o &o# %ean5 I2+e 8#s" "ol$ &o# "here were a" leas" "wo "he firs" ni(h", an$*3
3There was onl& one: '#" he was swif" of foo".3
3How $o &o# ,now53
3I was "he lion.3 An$ as Shas"a (a)e$ wi"h o)en %o#"h an$ sai$ no"hin(, "he ;oice
con"in#e$. 3I was "he lion who force$ &o# "o 8oin wi"h Ara+is. I was "he ca" who co%for"e$
&o# a%on( "he ho#ses of "he $ea$. I was "he lion who $ro+e "he 8ac,als fro% &o# while &o#
sle)". I was "he lion who (a+e "he Horses "he new s"ren("h of fear for "he las" %ile so "ha"
&o# sho#l$ reach !in( L#ne in "i%e. An$ I was "he lion &o# $o no" re%e%'er who )#she$
"he 'oa" in which &o# la&, a chil$ near $ea"h, so "ha" i" ca%e "o shore where a %an sa",
wa,ef#l a" %i$ni(h", "o recei+e &o#.3
3Then i" was &o# who wo#n$e$ Ara+is53
3I" was I3
3B#" wha" for53
3Chil$,3 sai$ "he ;oice, 3I a% "ellin( &o# &o#r s"or&, no" hers. I "ell no one an& s"or& '#" his
3Who are &o#53 as,e$ Shas"a.
3-&self,3 sai$ "he ;oice, +er& $ee) an$ low so "ha" "he ear"h shoo,: an$ a(ain 3-&self3,
lo#$ an$ clear an$ (a&: an$ "hen "he "hir$ "i%e 3-&self3, whis)ere$ so sof"l& &o# co#l$
har$l& hear i", an$ &e" i" see%e$ "o co%e fro% all ro#n$ &o# as if "he lea+es r#s"le$ wi"h i".
Shas"a was no lon(er afrai$ "ha" "he ;oice 'elon(e$ "o so%e"hin( "ha" wo#l$ ea" hi%, nor
"ha" i" was "he +oice of a (hos". B#" a new an$ $ifferen" sor" of "re%'lin( ca%e o+er hi%.
Ye" he fel" (la$ "oo.
The %is" was "#rnin( fro% 'lac, "o (re& an$ fro% (re& "o whi"e. This %#s" ha+e 'e(#n "o
ha))en so%e "i%e a(o, '#" while he ha$ 'een "al,in( "o "he Thin( he ha$ no" 'een no"icin(
an&"hin( else. Now, "he whi"eness aro#n$ hi% 'eca%e a shinin( whi"eness0 his e&es 'e(an
"o 'lin,. So%ewhere ahea$ he co#l$ hear 'ir$s sin(in(. He ,new "he ni(h" was o+er a" las".
He co#l$ see "he %ane an$ ears an$ hea$ of his horse 9#i"e easil& now. A (ol$en li(h" fell
on "he% fro% "he lef". He "ho#(h" i" was "he s#n.
He "#rne$ an$ saw, )acin( 'esi$e hi%, "aller "han "he horse, a Lion. The horse $i$ no" see%
"o 'e afrai$ of i" or else co#l$ no" see i". I" was fro% "he Lion "ha" "he li(h" ca%e. No one
e+er saw an&"hin( %ore "erri'le or 'ea#"if#l.
L#c,il& Shas"a ha$ li+e$ all his life "oo far so#"h in Calor%en "o ha+e hear$ "he "ales "ha"
were whis)ere$ in Tash'aan a'o#" a $rea$f#l Narnian $e%on "ha" a))eare$ in "he for% of a
lion. An$ of co#rse he ,new none of "he "r#e s"ories a'o#" Aslan, "he (rea" Lion, "he son of
"he E%)eror*o+er*"he*sea, "he !in( a'o+e all Hi(h !in(s in Narnia. B#" af"er one (lance a"
"he Lion2s face he sli))e$ o#" of "he sa$$le an$ fell a" i"s fee". He co#l$n2" sa& an&"hin( '#"
"hen he $i$n2" wan" "o sa& an&"hin(, an$ he ,new he nee$n2" sa& an&"hin(.
The Hi(h !in( a'o+e all ,in(s s"oo)e$ "owar$s hi%. I"s %ane, an$ so%e s"ran(e an$
sole%n )erf#%e "ha" h#n( a'o#" "he %ane, was all ro#n$ hi%. I" "o#che$ his forehea$ wi"h
i"s "on(#e. He lif"e$ his face an$ "heir e&es %e". Then ins"an"l& "he )ale 'ri(h"ness of "he
%is" an$ "he fier& 'ri(h"ness of "he Lion rolle$ "he%sel+es "o(e"her in"o a swirlin( (lor&
an$ (a"here$ "he%sel+es #) an$ $isa))eare$. He was alone wi"h "he horse on a (rass&
hillsi$e #n$er a 'l#e s,&. An$ "here were 'ir$s sin(in(.
3WAS i" all a $rea%53 won$ere$ Shas"a. B#" i" co#l$n2" ha+e 'een a $rea% for "here in "he
(rass 'efore hi% he saw "he $ee), lar(e )rin" of "he Lion2s fron" ri(h" )aw. I" "oo, one2s
'rea"h awa& "o "hin, of "he wei(h" "ha" co#l$ %a,e a foo")rin" li,e "ha". B#" "here was
so%e"hin( %ore re%ar,a'le "han "he si<e a'o#" i". As he loo,e$ a" i", wa"er ha$ alrea$&
fille$ "he 'o""o% of i". Soon i" was f#ll "o "he 'ri%, an$ "hen o+erflowin(, an$ a li""le s"rea%
was r#nnin( $ownhill, )as" hi%, o+er "he (rass.
Shas"a s"oo)e$ an$ $ran, * a +er& lon( $rin, * an$ "hen $i))e$ his face in an$ s)lashe$ his
hea$. I" was e1"re%el& col$, an$ clear as (lass, an$ refreshe$ hi% +er& %#ch. Af"er "ha" he
s"oo$ #), sha,in( "he wa"er o#" of his ears an$ flin(in( "he we" hair 'ac, fro% his forehea$,
an$ 'e(an "o "a,e s"oc, of his s#rro#n$in(s.
A))aren"l& i" was s"ill +er& earl& %ornin(. The s#n ha$ onl& 8#s" risen, an$ i" ha$ risen o#"
of "he fores"s which he saw low $own an$ far awa& on his ri(h". The co#n"r& 8 which he
was loo,in( a" was a'sol#"el& new "o hi%. I" was " a (reen +alle&*lan$ $o""e$ wi"h "rees
"hro#(h which he ca#(h" "he (lea% of a ri+er "ha" wo#n$ awa& ro#(hl& "o "he Nor"h*Wes".
On "he far si$e of "he +alle& "here were hi(h an$ e+en roc,& hills, '#" "he& were lower "han
"he %o#n"ains he ha$ seen &es"er$a&. Then he 'e(an "o (#ess where he was. He "#rne$ an$
loo,e$ 'ehin$ hi% an$ saw "ha" "he slo)e on which he was s"an$in( 'elon(e$ "o a ran(e of
far hi(her %o#n"ains.
3I see,3 sai$ Shas"a "o hi%self. 3Those are "he 'i( %o#n"ains 'e"ween Archenlan$ an$
Narnia. I was on "heN. o"her si$e of "he% &es"er$a&. I %#s" ha+e co%e "hro#(h "he )ass in
"he ni(h". Wha" l#c, "ha" I hi" i"4 * a" leas" i" wasn2" l#c, a" all reall&, i" was Hi%. An$ now
I2% in Narnia.3
He "#rne$ an$ #nsa$$le$ his horse an$ "oo, off i"s 'ri$le * 3Tho#(h &o# are a )erfec"l&
horri$ horse,3 he sai$. I" "oo, no no"ice of "his re%ar, an$ i%%e$ia"el& 'e(an ea"in( (rass.
Tha" horse ha$ a +er& low o)inion of Shas"a.
3I wish I co#l$ ea" (rass43 "ho#(h" Shas"a. 3I"2s no (oo$ (oin( 'ac, "o An+ar$, i"2ll all 'e
'esie(e$. I2$ 'e""er (e" lower $own in"o "he +alle& an$ see if I can (e" an&"hin( "o ea".3
So he wen" on $ownhill ."he "hic, $ew was cr#ell& col$ "o his 'are fee"/ "ill he ca%e in"o a
woo$. There was a ,in$ of "rac, r#nnin( "hro#(h i" an$ he ha$ no" followe$ "his for %an&
%in#"es when he hear$ a "hic, an$ ra"her whee<& +oice sa&in( "o hi%.
36oo$ %ornin(, nei(h'o#r.3
Shas"a loo,e$ ro#n$ ea(erl& "o fin$ "he s)ea,er an$ )resen"l& saw a s%all, )ric,l& )erson
wi"h a $ar, face who ha$ 8#s" co%e o#" fro% a%on( "he "rees. A" leas", i" was s%all for a
)erson '#" +er& 'i( in$ee$ for a he$(eho(, which was wha" i" was.
36oo$ %ornin(,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3B#" I2% no" a nei(h'o#r. In fac" I2% a s"ran(er in "hese
3Ah53 sai$ "he He$(eho( in9#irin(l&.
3I2+e co%e o+er "he %o#n"ains * fro% Archenlan$, &o# ,now.3
3Ha, Archenlan$,3 sai$ "he He$(eho(. 3Tha"2s a "erri'le lon( wa&. Ne+er 'een "here
3An$ I "hin,, )erha)s,3 sai$ Shas"a, 3so%eone o#(h" "o 'e "ol$ "ha" "here2s an ar%& of
sa+a(e Calor%enes a""ac,in( An+ar$ a" "his +er& %o%en".3
3Yo# $on2" sa& so43 answere$ "he He$(eho(. 3Well, "hin, of "ha". An$ "he& $o sa& "ha"
Calor%en is h#n$re$s an$ "ho#san$s of %iles awa&, ri(h" a" "he worl$2s en$, across a (rea"
sea of san$.3
3I"2s no" nearl& as far as &o# "hin,,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3An$ o#(h"n2" so%e"hin( "o 'e $one a'o#"
"his a""ac, on An+ar$5 O#(h"n2" &o#r Hi(h !in( "o 'e "ol$53
3Cer"ain s#re, so%e"hin( o#(h" "o 'e $one a'o#" i",3 sai$ "he He$(eho(. 3B#" &o# see I2%
8#s" on %& wa& "o 'e$ for a (oo$ $a&2s slee). H#llo, nei(h'o#r43
The las" wor$s were a$$resse$ "o an i%%ense 'isc#i"colo#re$ ra''i" whose hea$ ha$ 8#s"
)o))e$ #) fro% so%ewhere 'esi$e "he )a"h. The He$(eho( i%%e$ia"el& "ol$ "he Ra''i"
wha" i" ha$ 8#s" learne$ fro% Shas"a. The Ra''i" a(ree$ "ha" "his was +er& re%ar,a'le news
an$ "ha" so%e'o$& o#(h" "o "ell so%eone a'o#" i" wi"h a +iew "o $oin( so%e"hin(.
An$ so i" wen" on. E+er& few %in#"es "he& were 8oine$ '& o"her crea"#res, so%e fro% "he
'ranches o+erhea$ an$ so%e fro% li""le #n$er(ro#n$ ho#ses a" "heir fee", "ill "he )ar"&
consis"e$ of fi+e ra''i"s, a s9#irrel, "wo %a()ies, a (oa"*foo" fa#n, an$ a %o#se, who all
"al,e$ a" "he sa%e "i%e an$ all a(ree$ wi"h "he He$(eho(. 7or "he "r#"h was "ha" in "ha"
(ol$en a(e when "he Wi"ch an$ "he Win"er ha$ (one an$ Pe"er "he Hi(h !in( r#le$ a" Cair
Para+el, "he s%aller woo$lan$ )eo)le of Narnia were so safe an$ ha))& "ha" "he& were
(e""in( a li""le careless.
Presen"l&, howe+er, "wo %ore )rac"ical )eo)le arri+e$ in "he li""le woo$. One was a Re$
Dwarf whose na%e a))eare$ "o 'e D#ffle. The o"her was a s"a(, a 'ea#"if#l lor$l& crea"#re
wi"h wi$e li9#i$ e&es, $a))le$ flan,s an$ le(s so "hin an$ (racef#l "ha" "he& loo,e$ as if
&o# co#l$ 'rea, "he% wi"h "wo fin(ers.
3Lion ali+e43 roare$ "he Dwarf as soon as he ha$ hear$ "he news. 3An$ if "ha"2s so, wh& are
we all s"an$in( s"ill, cha""erin(5 Ene%ies a" An+ar$4 News %#s" 'e sen" "o Cair Para+el a"
once. The ar%& %#s" 'e calle$ o#". Narnia %#s" (o "o "he ai$ of !in( L#ne.3
3Ah43 sai$ "he He$(eho(. 3B#" &o# won2" fin$ "he Hi(h !in( a" "he Cair. He2s awa& "o "he
Nor"h "ro#ncin( "hose (ian"s. An$ "al,in( of (ian"s, nei(h'o#rs, "ha" )#"s %e in %in$ *3
3Who2ll "a,e o#r %essa(e53 in"err#)"e$ "he Dwarf. 3An&one here (o" %ore s)ee$ "han %e53
3I2+e (o" s)ee$,3 sai$ "he S"a(. 3Wha"2s %& %essa(e5 How %an& Calor%enes53
3Two h#n$re$: #n$er Prince Ra'a$ash. An$ *3 B#" "he S"a( was alrea$& awa& * all fo#r
le(s off "he (ro#n$ a" once, an$ in a %o%en" i"s whi"e s"ern ha$ $isa))eare$ a%on( "he
re%o"er "rees.
3Won$er where he2s (oin(,3 sai$ a Ra''i". 3He won2" fin$ "he Hi(h !in( a" Cair Para+el,
&o# ,now.3
3He2ll fin$ =#een L#c&,3 sai$ D#ffle. 3An$ "hen h#llo4 Wha"2s wron( wi"h "he H#%an5 I"
loo,s )re""& (reen. Wh&, I $o 'elie+e i"2s 9#i"e fain". Perha)s i"2s %or"al h#n(r&. When $i$
&o# las" ha+e a %eal, &o#n(s"er53
3Yes"er$a& %ornin(,3 sai$ Shas"a wea,l&.
3Co%e on, "hen, co%e on,3 sai$ "he Dwarf, a" once "hrowin( his "hic, li""le ar%s ro#n$
Shas"a2s wais" "o s#))or" hi%. 3Wh&, nei(h'o#rs, we o#(h" all "o 'e asha%e$ of o#rsel+es4
Yo# co%e wi"h %e, la$. Brea,fas"4 Be""er "han "al,in(.3
Wi"h a (rea" $eal2 of '#s"le, %#""erin( re)roaches "o i"self, "he Dwarf half le$ an$ half
s#))or"e$ Shas"a a" a (rea" s)ee$ f#r"her in"o "he woo$ an$ a li""le $ownhill. I" was a lon(er
wal, "han Shas"a wan"e$ a" "ha" %o%en" an$ his le(s ha$ 'e(#n "o feel +er& sha,& 'efore
"he& ca%e o#" fro% "he "rees on "o 'are hillsi$e. There "he& fo#n$ a li""le ho#se wi"h a
s%o,in( chi%ne& an$ an o)en $oor, an$ as "he& ca%e "o "he $oorwa& D#ffle calle$ o#",
3He&, 'ro"hers4 A +isi"or for 'rea,fas".3
An$ i%%e$ia"el&, %i1e$ wi"h a si<<lin( so#n$, "here ca%e "o Shas"a a si%)l& $eli(h"f#l
s%ell. I" was one he ha$ ne+er s%elle$ in his life 'efore, '#" I ho)e &o# ha+e. I" was, in
fac", "he s%ell of 'acon an$ e((s an$ %#shroo%s all fr&in( in a )an.
3-in$ &o#r hea$, la$,3 sai$ D#ffle a %o%en" "oo la"e, for Shas"a ha$ alrea$& 'ashe$ his
forehea$ a(ains" "he low lin"el of "he $oor. 3Now,3 con"in#e$ "he Dwarf, 3si" &o# $own.
The "a'le2s a 'i" low for &o#, '#" "hen "he s"ool2s low "oo. Tha"2s ri(h". An$ here2s )orri$(e *
an$ here2s a 8#( of crea% * an$ here2s a s)oon.3
B& "he "i%e Shas"a ha$ finishe$ his )orri$(e, "he Dwarf2s "wo 'ro"hers .whose na%es were
Ro(in an$ Bric,le"h#%'/ were )#""in( "he $ish of 'acon an$ e((s an$ %#shroo%s, an$ "he
coffee )o" an$ "he ho" %il,, an$ "he "oas", on "he "a'le.
I" was all new an$ won$erf#l "o Shas"a for Calor%ene foo$ is 9#i"e $ifferen". He $i$n2" e+en
,now wha" "he slices of 'rown s"#ff were, for he ha$ ne+er seen "oas" 'efore. He $i$n2"
,now wha" "he &ellow sof" "hin( "he& s%eare$ on "he "oas" was, 'eca#se in Calor%en &o#
nearl& alwa&s (e" oil ins"ea$ of '#""er. An$ "he ho#se i"self was 9#i"e $ifferen" fro% "he
$ar,, frows"&, fish*s%ellin( '#" of Arsheesh an$ fro% "he )illare$ an$ car)e"e$ halls in "he
)alaces of Tash'aan. The roof was +er& low, an$ e+er&"hin( was %a$e of woo$, an$ "here
was a c#c,oo*cloc, an$ a re$*an$*whi"e chec,e$ "a'le*clo"h an$ a 'owl of wil$ flowers
an$ li""le c#r"ains on "he "hic,*)ane$ win$ows. I" was also ra"her "ro#'leso%e ha+in( "o #se
$warf c#)s an$ )la"es an$ ,ni+es an$ for,s. This %ean" "ha" hel)in(s were +er& s%all, '#"
"hen "here were a (rea" %an& hel)in(s, so "ha" Shas"a2s )la"e or c#) was 'ein( fille$ e+er&
%o%en", an$ e+er& %o%en" "he Dwarfs "he%sel+es were sa&in(, 3B#""er )lease3, or
3Ano"her c#) of coffee,3 or 3I2$ li,e a few %ore %#shroo%s,3 or 3Wha" a'o#" fr&in(
ano"her e(( or so53 An$ when a" las" "he& ha$ all ea"en as %#ch as "he& )ossi'l& co#l$ "he
"hree Dwarfs $rew lo"s for who wo#l$ $o "he washin(*#), an$ Ro(in was "he #nl#c,& one.
Then D#ffle an$ Bric,le"h#%' "oo, Shas"a o#"si$e "o a 'ench which ran a(ains" "he co""a(e
wall, an$ "he& all s"re"che$ o#" "heir le(s an$ (a+e a (rea" si(h of con"en"%en" an$ "he "wo
Dwarfs li" "heir )i)es. The $ew was off "he (rass now an$ "he s#n was war%0 in$ee$, if
"here ha$n2" 'een a li(h" 'ree<e, i" wo#l$ ha+e 'een "oo ho".
3Now, S"ran(er,3 sai$ D#ffle, 3I2ll show &o# "he lie of "he lan$. Yo# can see nearl& all
So#"h Narnia fro% here, an$ we2re ra"her )ro#$ of "he +iew. Ri(h" awa& on &o#r lef",
'e&on$ "hose near hills, &o# can 8#s" see "he Wes"ern -o#n"ains. An$ "ha" ro#n$ hill awa&
on &o#r ri(h" is calle$ "he Hill of "he S"one Ta'le. >#s" 'e&on$ *3
B#" a" "ha" %o%en" he was in"err#)"e$ '& a snore fro% Shas"a who, wha" wi"h his ni(h"2s
8o#rne& an$ his e1cellen" 'rea,fas", ha$ (one fas" aslee). The ,in$l& Dwarfs, as soon as
"he& no"ice$ "his, 'e(an %a,in( si(ns "o each o"her no" "o wa,e hi%, an$ in$ee$ $i$ so
%#ch whis)erin( an$ no$$in( an$ (e""in( #) an$ *"i)"oein( awa& "ha" "he& cer"ainl& wo#l$
ha+e wa,e$ hi% if he ha$ 'een less "ire$.
He sle)" )re""& well *nearl& all $a& '#" wo,e #) in "i%e for s#))er. The 'e$s in "ha" ho#se
were all "oo s%all for hi% '#" "he& %a$e hi% a fine 'e$ of hea"her on "he floor, an$ he
ne+er s"irre$ nor $rea%e$ all ni(h". Ne1" %ornin( "he& ha$ 8#s" finishe$ 'rea,fas" when
"he& hear$ a shrill, e1ci"in( so#n$ fro% o#"si$e.
3Tr#%)e"s43 sai$ all "he Dwarfs, as "he& an$ Shas"a all ca%e r#nnin( o#".
The "r#%)e"s so#n$e$ a(ain: a new noise "o Shas"a, no" h#(e an$ sole%n li,e "he horns of
Tash'aan nor (a& an$ %err& li,e !in( L#ne2s h#n"in( horn, '#" clear an$ shar) an$ +alian".
The noise was co%in( fro% "he woo$s "o "he Eas", an$ soon "here was a noise of horse*
hoofs %i1e$ wi"h i". A %o%en" la"er "he hea$ of "he col#%n ca%e in"o si(h".
7irs" ca%e "he Lor$ Peri$an on a 'a& horse carr&in( "he (rea" 'anner of Narnia * a re$ lion
on a (reen (ro#n$. Shas"a ,new hi% a" once. Then ca%e "hree )eo)le ri$in( a'reas", "wo on
(rea" char(ers an$ one on a )on&. The "wo on "he char(ers were !in( E$%#n$ an$ a fair*
haire$ la$& wi"h a +er& %err& face who wore a hel%e" an$ a %ail shir" an$ carrie$ a 'ow
across her sho#l$er an$ a 9#i+er f#ll of arrows a" her si$e. .3The =#een L#c&,3 whis)ere$
D#ffle./ B#" "he one on "he )on& was Corin. Af"er "ha" ca%e "he %ain 'o$& of "he ar%&:
%en on or$inar& horses, %en on Tal,in( Horses .who $i$n2" %in$ 'ein( ri$$en on )ro)er
occasions, as when Narnia wen" "o war/, cen"a#rs, s"ern, har$*'i""en 'ears, (rea" Tal,in(
Do(s, an$ las" of all si1 (ian"s. 7or "here are (oo$ (ian"s in Narnia. B#" "ho#(h he ,new
"he& were on "he ri(h" si$e Shas"a a" firs" co#l$ har$l& 'ear "o loo, a" "he%0 "here are so%e
"hin(s "ha" "a,e a lo" of (e""in( #se$ "o.
>#s" as "he !in( an$ =#een reache$ "he co""a(e an$ "he Dwarfs 'e(an %a,in( low 'ows "o
"he%, !in( E$%#n$ calle$ o#",
3Now, frien$s4 Ti%e for a hal" an$ a %orsel43 an$ a" once "here was a (rea" '#s"le of )eo)le
$is%o#n"in( an$ ha+ersac,s 'ein( o)ene$ an$ con+ersa"ion 'e(innin( when Cor% ca%e
r#nnin( #) "o Shas"a an$ sei<e$ 'o"h his han$s an$ crie$,
3Wha"4 Yo# here4 So &o# (o" "hro#(h all ri(h"5 I a% (la$. Now we shall ha+e so%e s)or".
An$ isn2" i" l#c,4 We onl& (o" in"o har'o#r a" Cair Para+el &es"er$a& %ornin( an$ "he +er&
firs" )erson who %e" #s was Cher+& "he S"a( wi"h all "his news of an a""ac, on An+ar$.
Don2" &o# "hin, *3
3Who is &o#r Hi(hness2s frien$53 sai$ !in( E$%#n$ who ha$ 8#s" (o" off his horse.
3Don2" &o# see, Sire53 sai$ Corin. 3I"2s %& $o#'le: "he 'o& &o# %is"oo, %e for a"
3Wh&, so he is &o#r $o#'le,3 e1clai%e$ =#een L#c&. 3As li,e as "wo "wins. This is a
%ar+ello#s "hin(.3
3Please, &o#r -a8es"&,3 sai$ Shas"a "o !in( E$%#n$, 3I was no "rai"or, reall& I wasn2". An$
I co#l$n2" hel) hearin( &o#r )lans. B#" I2$ ne+er ha+e $rea%e$ of "ellin( "he% "o &o#r
3I ,now now "ha" &o# were no "rai"or, 'o&,3 sai$ !in( E$%#n$, la&in( his han$ on Shas"a2s
hea$. 3B#" if &o# wo#l$ no" 'e "a,en for one, ano"her "i%e "r& no" "o hear wha"2s %ean" for
o"her ears. B#" all2s well.3
Af"er "ha" "here was so %#ch '#s"le an$ "al, an$ co%in( an$ (oin( "ha" Shas"a for a few
%in#"es los" si(h" of Corin an$ E$%#n$ an$ L#c&. B#" Corin was "he sor" of 'o& who% one
is s#re "o hear of )re""& soon an$ i" wasn2" +er& lon( 'efore Shas"a hear$ !in( E$%#n$
sa&in( in a lo#$ +oice:
3B& "he Lion2s -ane, )rince, "his is "oo %#ch4 Will &o#r Hi(hness ne+er 'e 'e""er5 Yo# are
%ore of a hear"2s*scal$ "han o#r whole ar%& "o(e"her4 I2$ as lief ha+e a re(i%en" of horne"s
in %& co%%an$ as &o#.3
Shas"a wor%e$ his wa& "hro#(h "he crow$ an$ "here saw E$%#n$, loo,in( +er& an(r&
in$ee$, Corin loo,in( a li""le asha%e$ of hi%self, an$ a s"ran(e Dwarf si""in( on "he (ro#n$
%a,in( faces. A co#)le of fa#ns ha$ a))aren"l& 8#s" 'een hel)in( i" o#" of i"s ar%o#r.
3If I ha$ '#" %& cor$ial wi"h %e,3 =#een L#c& was sa&in(, 3I co#l$ soon %en$ "his. B#"
"he Hi(h !in( has so s"ric"l& char(e$ %e no" "o carr& i" co%%onl& "o "he wars an$ "o ,ee)
i" onl& for (rea" e1"re%i"ies43
Wha" ha$ ha))ene$ was "his. As soon as Corin ha$ s)o,en "o Shas"a, Corin2s el'ow ha$
'een )l#c,e$ '& a Dwarf in "he ar%& calle$ Thorn'#".
3Wha" is i", Thorn'#"53 Corin ha$ sai$.
3Yo#r Ro&al Hi(hness,3 sai$ Thorn'#", $rawin( hi% asi$e, 3o#r %arch "o$a& will 'rin( #s
"hro#(h "he )ass an$ ri(h" "o &o#r ro&al fa"her2s cas"le. We %a& 'e in 'a""le 'efore ni(h".3
3I ,now,3 sai$ Corin. 3Isn2" i" s)len$i$43
3S)len$i$ or no",3 sai$ Thorn'#", 3I ha+e "he s"ric"es" or$ers fro% !in( E$%#n$ "o see "o i"
"ha" &o#r Hi(hness is no" in "he fi(h". Yo# will 'e allowe$ "o see i", an$ "ha"2s "rea" eno#(h
for &o#r Hi(hness2s li""le &ears.3
3Oh wha" nonsense43 Corin '#rs" o#". 3Of co#rse I2% (oin( "o fi(h". Wh&, "he =#een L#c&2s
(oin( "o 'e wi"h "he archers.3
3The =#een2s (race will $o as she )leases,3 sai$ Thorn'#". 3B#" &o# are in %& char(e.
Ei"her I %#s" ha+e &o#r sole%n an$ )rincel& wor$ "ha" &o#2ll ,ee) &o#r )on& 'esi$e %ine *
no" half a nec, ahea$ * "ill I (i+e &o#r Hi(hness lea+e "o $e)ar": or else * i" is his -a8es"&2s
wor$ * we %#s" (o wi"h o#r wris"s "ie$ "o(e"her li,e "wo )risoners.3
3I2ll ,noc, &o# $own if &o# "r& "o 'in$ %e,3 sai$ Cor%.
3I2$ li,e "o see &o#r Hi(hness $o i",3 sai$ "he Dwarf.
Tha" was 9#i"e eno#(h for a 'o& li,e Corin an$ in a secon$ he an$ "he Dwarf were a" i"
ha%%er an$ "on(s. I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een an e+en %a"ch for, "ho#(h Corin ha$ lon(er ar%s
an$ %ore hei(h", "he Dwarf was ol$er an$ "o#(her. B#" i" was ne+er fo#(h" o#" ."ha"2s "he
wors" of fi(h"s on a ro#(h hillsi$e/ for '& +er& 'a$ l#c, Thorn'#" "ro$ on a loose s"one,
ca%e fla" $own on his nose, an$ fo#n$ when he "rie$ "o (e" #) "ha" he ha$ s)raine$ his
an,le: a real e1cr#cia"in( s)rain which wo#l$ ,ee) hi% fro% wal,in( or ri$in( for a" leas" a
3See wha" &o#r Hi(hness has $one,3 sai$ !in( E$%#n$. 3De)ri+e$ #s of a )ro+e$ warrior
on "he +er& e$(e of 'a""le.3
3I2ll "a,e his )lace, Sire,3 sai$ Corin.
3Pshaw,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3No one $o#'"s &o#r co#ra(e. B#" a 'o& in 'a""le is a $an(er onl&
"o his own si$e.3
A" "ha" %o%en" "he !in( was calle$ awa& "o a""en$ "o so%e"hin( else, an$ Corin, af"er
a)olo(i<in( han$so%el& "o "he Dwarf, r#she$ #) "o Shas"a an$ whis)ere$,
3=#ic,. There2s a s)are )on& now, an$ "he Dwarf2s ar%o#r. P#" i" on 'efore an&one
3Wha" for53 sai$ Shas"a.
3Wh&, so "ha" &o# an$ I can fi(h" in "he 'a""le of co#rse4 Don2" &o# wan" "o53
3Oh * ah, &es, of co#rse,3 sai$ Shas"a. B#" he ha$n2" 'een "hin,in( of $oin( so a" all, an$
'e(an "o (e" a %os" #nco%for"a'le )ric,l& feelin( in his s)ine.
3Tha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ Corin. 3O+er &o#r hea$. Now "he swor$*'el". B#" we %#s" ri$e near "he
"ail of "he col#%n an$ ,ee) as 9#ie" as %ice. Once "he 'a""le 'e(ins e+er&one will 'e far "oo
'#s& "o no"ice #s.3
B& a'o#" ele+en o2cloc, "he whole co%)an& was once %ore on "he %arch, ri$in( wes"war$
wi"h "he %o#n"ains on "heir lef". Corin an$ Shas"a ro$e ri(h" a" "he rear wi"h "he 6ian"s
i%%e$ia"el& in fron" of "he%. L#c& an$ E$%#n$ an$ Peri$an were '#s& wi"h "heir )lans for
"he 'a""le an$ "ho#(h L#c& once sai$, 3B#" where is his (ooseca) Hi(hness53 E$%#n$ onl&
re)lie$, 3No" in "he fron", an$ "ha"2s (oo$ news eno#(h. Lea+e well alone.3
Shas"a "ol$ Corin %os" of his a$+en"#res an$ e1)laine$ "ha" he ha$ learne$ all his ri$in(
fro% a horse an$ $i$n2" reall& ,now how "o #se "he reins. Corin ins"r#c"e$ hi% in "his,
'esi$es "ellin( hi% all a'o#" "heir secre" sailin( fro% Tash'aan.
3An$ where is "he =#een S#san53
3A" Cair Para+el,3 sai$ Corin. 3She2s no" li,e L#c&, &o# ,now, who2s as (oo$ as a %an, or
a" an& ra"e as (oo$ as a 'o&. =#een S#san is %ore li,e an or$inar& (rown*#) la$&. She
$oesn2" ri$e "o "he wars, "ho#(h she is an e1cellen" archer.3
The hillsi$e )a"h which "he& were followin( 'eca%e narrower all "he "i%e an$ "he $ro) on
"heir ri(h" han$ 'eca%e s"ee)er. A" las" "he& were (oin( in sin(le file alon( "he e$(e of a
)reci)ice an$ Shas"a sh#$$ere$ "o "hin, "ha" he ha$ $one "he sa%e las" ni(h" wi"ho#"
,nowin( i". 3B#" of co#rse,3 he "ho#(h", 3I was 9#i"e safe. Tha" is wh& "he Lion ,e)" on %&
lef". He was 'e"ween %e an$ "he e$(e all "he "i%e.3
Then "he )a"h wen" lef" an$ so#"h awa& fro% "he cliff an$ "here were "hic, woo$s on 'o"h
si$es of i" an$ "he& wen" s"ee)l& #) an$ #) in"o "he )ass. There wo#l$ ha+e 'een a s)len$i$
+iew fro% "he "o) if i" were o)en (ro#n$ '#" a%on( all "hose "rees &o# co#l$ see no"hin( *
onl&, e+er& now an$ "hen, so%e h#(e )innacle of roc, a'o+e "he "ree*"o)s, an$ an ea(le or
"wo wheelin( hi(h #) in "he 'l#e air.
3The& s%ell 'a""le,3 sai$ Corin, )oin"in( a" "he 'ir$s. 3The& ,now we2re )re)arin( a fee$
for "he%.3
Shas"a $i$n2" li,e "his a" all.
When "he& ha$ crosse$ "he nec, of "he )ass an$ co%e a (oo$ $eal lower "he& reache$ %ore
o)en (ro#n$ an$ fro% here Shas"a co#l$ see all Archenlan$, 'l#e an$ ha<&, s)rea$
o#" 'elow hi% an$ e+en .he "ho#(h"/ a hin" of "he $eser" 'e&on$ i". B#" "he s#n, which ha$
)erha)s "wo ho#rs or so "o (o 'efore i" se", was in his e&es an$ he co#l$n2" %a,e "hin(s o#"
Here "he ar%& hal"e$ an$ s)rea$ o#" in a line, an$ "here was a (rea" $eal of rearran(in(. A
whole $e"ach%en" of +er& $an(ero#s*loo,in( Tal,in( Beas"s who% Shas"a ha$ no" no"ice$
'efore an$ who were %os"l& of "he ca" ,in$ .leo)ar$s, )an"hers, an$ "he li,e/ wen" )a$$in(
an$ (rowlin( "o "a,e #) "heir )osi"ions on "he lef". The (ian"s were or$ere$ "o "he ri(h", an$
'efore (oin( "here "he& all "oo, off so%e"hin( "he& ha$ 'een carr&in( on "heir 'ac,s an$ sa"
$own for a %o%en". Then Shas"a saw "ha" wha" "he& ha$ 'een carr&in( an$ were now
)#""in( on were )airs of 'oo"s: horri$, hea+&, s)i,e$ 'oo"s which ca%e #) "o "heir ,nees.
Then "he& slo)e$ "heir h#(e cl#'s o+er "heir sho#l$ers an$ %arche$ "o "heir 'a""le )osi"ion.
The archers, wi"h =#een L#c&, fell "o "he rear an$ &o# co#l$ firs" see "he% 'en$in( "heir
'ows an$ "hen hear "he "wan("wan( as "he& "es"e$ "he s"rin(s. An$ where+er &o# loo,e$
&o# co#l$ see )eo)le "i(h"enin( (ir"hs, )#""in( on hel%e"s, $rawin( swor$s, an$ "hrowin(
cloa,s "o "he (ro#n$. There was har$l& an& "al,in( now. I" was +er& sole%n an$ +er&
$rea$f#l. 3I2% in for i" now * I reall& a% in for i" now,3 "ho#(h" Shas"a. Then "here ca%e
noises far ahea$: "he so#n$ of %an& %en sho#"in( an$ a s"ea$& "h#$*"h#$*"h#$
3Ba""erin( ra%,3 whis)ere$ Corin. 3The&2re 'a""erin( "he (a"e.3
E+en Corin loo,e$ 9#i"e serio#s now.
3Wh& $oesn2" !in( E$%#n$ (e" on53 he sai$. 3I can2 s"an$ "his wai"in( a'o#". Chill& "oo.3
Shas"a no$$e$: ho)in( he $i$n2" loo, as fri(h"ene$ as fel".
The "r#%)e" a" las"4 On "he %o+e now * now "ro""in( "he 'anner s"rea%in( o#" in "he win$.
The& ha$ "o))e$ low ri$(e now, an$ 'elow "he% "he whole scene s#$$en o)ene$ o#"0 a
li""le, %an&*"owere$ cas"le wi"h i"s (a"e "owar$s "he%. No %oa", #nfor"#na"el&, '#" of
co#rse "he (a"e sh#" an$ "he )or"c#llis $own. On "he walls "he& co#l$ see, li,e li""le whi"e
$o"s, "he faces of "he $efen$ers. Down 'elow, a'o#" fif"& of "he Calor%enes, $is%o#n"e$,
were s"ea$il& swin(in( a (rea" "ree "r#n, a(ains" "he (a"e. B#" a" once "he scene chan(e$.
The %ain '#l, of Ra'a$ash2s %en ha$ 'een on foo" rea$& "o assa#l" "he (a"e. B#" now he
ha$ seen "he Narnians swee)in( $own fro% "he ri$(e. There is no $o#'" "hose Calor%enes
are won$erf#ll& "raine$. I" see%e$ "o Shas"a onl& a secon$ 'efore a whole line of "he ene%&
were on horse'ac, a(ain, wheelin( ro#n$ "o %ee" "he%, swin(in( "owar$s "he%.
An$ now a (allo). The (ro#n$ 'e"ween "he "wo ar%ies (rew less e+er& %o%en". 7as"er,
fas"er. All swor$s o#" now, all shiel$s #) "o "he nose, all )ra&ers sai$, all "ee"h clenche$.
Shas"a was $rea$f#ll& fri(h"ene$. B#" i" s#$$enl& ca%e in"o his hea$, 3If &o# f#n, "his,
&o#2ll f#n, e+er& 'a""le all &o#r life. Now or ne+er.3
B#" when a" las" "he "wo lines %e" he ha$ reall& +er& li""ler i$ea of wha" ha))ene$. There
was a fri(h"f#l conf#sionA0 an$ an a))allin( noise. His swor$ was ,noc,e$ clean o#" of his
han$ )re""& soon. An$ he2$ (o" "he reins "an(le$ so%ehow. Then he fo#n$ hi%self sli))in(.
Then a s)ear ca%e s"rai(h" a" hi% an$ as he $#c,e$ "o a+oi$ i" he rolle$ ri(h" off his horse,
'ashe$ his lef" ,n#c,les "erri'l& a(ains" so%eone else2s ar%o#r, an$ "hen * B#" i" is no #se
"r&in( "o $escri'e "he 'a""le fro% Shas"a2s )oin" of +iew0 he #n$ers"oo$ "oo li""le of "he fi(h"
in (eneral an$ e+en of his own )ar" in i". The 'es" wa& I can "ell &o# wha" reall& ha))ene$
is "o "a,e &o# so%e %iles awa& "o where "he Her%i" of "he So#"hern -arch sa" (a<in( in"o
"he s%oo"h )ool 'enea"h "he s)rea$in( "ree, wi"h Bree an$ Hwin an$ Ara+is 'esi$e hi%.
7or i" was in "his )ool "ha" "he Her%i" loo,e$ when he wan"e$ "o ,now wha" was (oin( on
in "he worl$ o#"si$e "he (reen walls of his her%i"a(e. There, as in a %irror, he co#l$ see, a"
cer"ain "i%es, wha" was (oin( on in "he s"ree"s of ci"ies far far"her so#"h "han Tash'aan, or
wha" shi)s were )#""in( in"o Re$ha+en in "he re%o"e Se+en Isles, or wha" ro''ers or wil$
'eas"s s"irre$ in "he (rea" Wes"ern fores"s 'e"ween Lan"ern Was"e an$ Tel%ar. An$ all "his
$a& he ha$ har$l& lef" his )ool, e+en "o ea" or $rin,, for he ,new "ha" (rea" e+en"s were on
foo" in Archenlan$. Ara+is an$ "he Horses (a<e$ in"o i" "oo. The& co#l$ see i" was a %a(ic
)ool: ins"ea$ of reflec"in( "he "ree an$ "he s,& i" re+eale$ clo#$& an$ colo#re$ sha)es
%o+in(, alwa&s %o+in(, in i"s $e)"hs. B#" "he& co#l$ see no"hin( clearl&. The Her%i" co#l$
an$ fro% "i%e "o "i%e he "ol$ "he% wha" he saw. A li""le while 'efore Shas"a ro$e in"o his
firs" 'a""le, "he Her%i" ha$ 'e(#n s)ea,in( li,e "his:
3I see one * "wo * "hree ea(les wheelin( in "he (a) '& S"or%ness Hea$. One is "he ol$es" of
all "he ea(les. He wo#l$ no" 'e o#" #nless 'a""le was a" han$. I see hi% wheel "o an$ fro,
)eerin( $own so%e"i%es a" An+ar$ an$ so%e"i%es "o "he eas", 'ehin$ S"or%ness. Ah * I see
now wha" Ra'a$ash an$ his %en ha+e 'een so '#s& a" all $a&. The& ha+e felle$ an$ lo))e$
a (rea" "ree an$ "he& are now co%in( o#" of "he woo$s carr&in( i" as a ra%. The& ha+e
learne$ so%e"hin( fro% "he fail#re of las" ni(h"2s ass#l". He wo#l$ ha+e 'een wiser if he
ha$ se" his %en "o %a,in( la$$ers: '#" i" "a,es "oo lon( an$ he is i%)a"ien". 7ool "ha" he is4
He o#(h" "o ha+e ri$$en 'ac, "o Tash'aan as soon as "he firs" a""ac, faile$, for his whole
)lan $e)en$e$ on s)ee$ an$ s#r)rise. Now "he& are 'rin(in( "heir ra% in"o )osi"ion. !in(
L#ne2s %en are shoo"in( har$ fro% "he walls. 7i+e Calor%enes ha+e fallen: '#" no" %an&
will. The& ha+e "heir shiel$s a'o+e "heir hea$s. Ra'a$ash is (i+in( his or$ers now. Wi"h
hi% are his %os" "r#s"e$ lor$s, fierce Tar,aans fro% "he eas"ern )ro+inces. I can see "heir
faces. There is Corra$in of Cas"le Tor%#n", an$ A<rooh, an$ Chla%ash, an$ Il(a%#"h of
"he "wis"e$ li), an$ a "all Tar,aan wi"h a cri%son 'ear$ *3
3B& "he -ane, %& ol$ %as"er Anra$in43 sai$ Bree.
3S*s*sl&3 sai$ Ara+is.
3Now "he ra% has s"ar"e$. If I co#l$ hear as well as see, wha" a noise "ha" wo#l$ %a,e4
S"ro,e af"er s"ro,e: an$ no (a"e can s"an$ i" for e+er. B#" wai"4 So%e"hin( #) '& S"or%ness
has scare$ "he 'ir$s. The&2re co%in( o#" in %asses. An$ wai" a(ain . . . I can2" see &e" . . .
ah4 Now I can. The whole ri$(e, #) on "he eas", is 'lac, wi"h horse%en. If
onl& "he win$ wo#l$ ca"ch "ha" s"an$ar$ an$ s)rea$ i" o#". The&2re o+er "he ri$(e now,
whoe+er "he& are. Aha4 I2+e seen "he 'anner now. Narnia, Narnia4 I"2s "he re$ lion. The&2re
in f#ll career $own "he hill now. I can see !in( E$%#n$. There2s a wo%an 'ehin$ a%on(
"he archers. Oh4 *3
3Wha" is i"53 as,e$ Hwin 'rea"hlessl&.
3All his Ca"s are $ashin( o#" fro% "he lef" of "he line.3
3Ca"s53 sai$ Ara+is.
36rea" ca"s, leo)ar$s an$ s#ch,3 sai$ "he Her%i" i%)a"ien"l&. 3I see, I see. The Ca"s are
co%in( ro#n$ in a circle "o (e" a" "he horses of "he $is%o#n"e$ %en. A (oo$ s"ro,e. The
Calor%ene horses are %a$ wi"h "error alrea$&. Now "he Ca"s are in a%on( "he%. B#"
Ra'a$ash has refor%e$ his line an$ has a h#n$re$ %en in "he sa$$le. The&2re ri$in( "o %ee"
"he Narnians. There2s onl& a h#n$re$ &ar$s 'e"ween "he "wo lines now. Onl& fif"&. I can see
!in( E$%#n$, I can see "he Lor$ Peri$an. There are "wo %ere chil$ren in "he Narnian line.
Wha" can "he !in( 'e a'o#" "o le" "he% in"o 'a""le5 Onl& "en &ar$s * "he lines ha+e %e". The
6ian"s on "he Narnian ri(h" are $oin( won$ers . . . '#" one2s $own . . . sho" "hro#(h "he e&e,
I s#))ose. The cen"re2s all in a %#$$le. I can see %ore on "he lef". There are "he "wo 'o&s
a(ain. Lion ali+e4 one is Prince Cor%. The o"her, li,e hi% as "wo )eas. I"2s &o#r li""le
Shas"a. Cor% is fi(h"in( li,e a %an. He2s ,ille$ a Calor%ene. I 2can see a 'i" of "he cen"re
now. Ra'a$ash an$ E$%#n$ al%os" %e" "hen, '#" "he )ress has se)ara"e$ "he% *3
3Wha" a'o#" Shas"a53 sai$ Ara+is.
3Oh "he fool43 (roane$ "he Her%i". 3Poor, 'ra+e li""le fool. He ,nows no"hin( a'o#" "his
wor,. He2s %a,in( no #se a" all of his shiel$. His whole si$e2s e1)ose$. He hasn2" "he
fain"es" i$ea wha" "o $o wi"h his swor$. Oh, he2s re%e%'ere$ i" now. He2s wa+in( i" wil$l&
a'o#" . . . nearl& c#" his own )on&2s hea$ off, an$ he will in a %o%en" if he2s no" caref#l. I"2s
'een ,noc,e$ o#" of his han$ now. I"2s %ere %#r$er sen$in( a chil$ in"o "he 'a""le0 he can2"
li+e fi+e %in#"es. D#c, &o# fool * oh, he2s $own.3
3!ille$53 as,e$ "hree +oices 'rea"hlessl&.
3How can I "ell53 sai$ "he Her%i". 3The Ca"s ha+e $one "heir wor,. All "he ri$erless horses
are $ea$ or esca)e$ now: no re"rea" for "he Calor%enes on "he%. Now "he Ca"s are "#rnin(
'ac, in"o "he %ain 'a""le. The&2re lea)in( on "he ra%s*%en. The ra% is $own. Oh, (oo$4
(oo$4 The (a"es are o)enin( fro% "he insi$e: "here2s (oin( "o 'e a sor"ie. The firs" "hree are
o#". I"2s !in( L#ne in "he %i$$le: "he 'ro"hers Dar an$ Darrin on each si$e of hi%. Behin$
"he% are Tran an$ Shar an$ Cole wi"h his 'ro"her Colin. There are "en * "wen"& * nearl&
"hir"& of "he% o#" '& now. The Calor%en line is 'ein( force$ 'ac, #)on "he%. !in(
E$%#n$ is $ealin( %ar+ello#s s"ro,es. He2s 8#s" slashe$ Corra$in2s hea$ off. Lo"s of
Calor%enes ha+e "hrown $own "heir ar%s an$ are r#nnin( for "he woo$s. Those "ha" re%ain
are har$ )resse$. The 6ian"s are closin( in on "he ri(h" * Ca"s on "he lef" *
!in( L#ne fro% "heir rear. The Calor%enes are a li""le ,no" now, fi(h"in( 'ac, "o 'ac,.
Yo#r Tar,aan2s $own, Bree. L#ne an$ A<rooh are fi(h"in( han$ "o han$0 "he !in( loo,s
li,e winnin( * "he !in( is ,ee)in( i" #) well * "he !in( has won. A<rooh2s $own. !in(
E$%#n$2s $own * no, he2s #) a(ain: he2s a" i" wi"h Ra'a$ash. The&2re fi(h"in( in "he +er&
(a"e of "he cas"le. Se+eral Calor%enes ha+e s#rren$ere$. Darrin has ,ille$ Il(a%#"h. I can2"
see wha"2s ha))ene$ "o Ra'a$ash. I "hin, he2s $ea$, leanin( a(ains" "he cas"le wall, '#" I
$on2" ,now. Chla%ash an$ !in( E$%#n$ are s"ill fi(h"in( '#" "he 'a""le is o+er e+er&where
else. Chla%ash has s#rren$ere$. The 'a""le is o+er. The Calor%enes are #""erl& $efea"e$.3
When Shas"a fell off his horse he (a+e hi%self #) for los". B#" horses, e+en in 'a""le, "rea$
on h#%an 'ein(s +er& %#ch less "han &o# wo#l$ s#))ose. Af"er a +er& horri'le "en %in#"es
or so Shas"a reali<e$ s#$$enl& "ha" "here were no lon(er an& horses s"a%)in( a'o#" in "he
i%%e$ia"e nei(h'o#rhoo$ an$ "ha" "he noise .for "here were s"ill a (oo$ %an& noises (oin(
on/ was no lon(er "ha" of a 'a""le. He sa" #) an$ s"are$ a'o#" hi%. E+en he, li""le as he
,new of 'a""les, co#l$ soon see "ha" "he Archenlan$ers an$ Narnians ha$ won. The onl&
li+in( Calor%enes he co#l$ see were )risoners, "he cas"le (a"es were wi$e o)en, an$ !in(
L#ne an$ !in( E$%#n$ were sha,in( han$s across "he 'a""erin( ra%. 7ro% "he circle of
lor$s an$ warriors aro#n$ "he% "here arose a so#n$ of 'rea"hless an$ e1ci"e$, '#" o'+io#sl&
cheerf#l con+ersa"ion. An$ "hen, s#$$enl&, i" all #ni"e$ an$ swelle$ in"o a (rea" roar of
Shas"a. )ic,e$ hi%self #), feelin( #nco%%onl& s"iff, an$ ran "owar$s "he so#n$ "o see wha"
"he 8o,e was. A +er& c#rio#s si(h" %e" his e&es. The #nfor"#na"e Ra'a$ash a))eare$ "o 'e
s#s)en$e$ fro% "he cas"le walls. His fee", which were a'o#" "wo fee" fro% "he (ro#n$, were
,ic,in( wil$l&. His chain*shir" was so%ehow hi"che$ #) so "ha" i" was horri'l& "i(h" #n$er
"he ar%s an$ ca%e half wa& o+er his face. In fac" he loo,e$ 8#s" as a %an loo,s if &o# ca"ch
hi% in "he +er& ac" of (e""in( in"o a s"iff shir" "ha" is a li""le "oo s%all for hi%. As far as
co#l$ 'e %a$e o#" af"erwar$s .an$ &o# %a& 'e s#re "he s"or& was well "al,e$ o+er for %an&
a $a&/ wha" ha))ene$ was so%e"hin( li,e "his. Earl& in "he 'a""le one of "he 6ian"s ha$
%a$e an #ns#ccessf#l s"a%) a" Ra'a$ash wi"h his s)i,e$ 'oo": #ns#ccessf#l 'eca#se i"
$i$n2" cr#sh Ra'a$ash, which was wha" "he 6ian" ha$ in"en$e$, '#" no" 9#i"e #seless
'eca#se one of "he s)i,es "ore "he chain %ail, 8#s" as &o# or I %i(h" "ear an or$inar& shir".
So Ra'a$ash, '& "he "i%e he enco#n"ere$ E$%#n$ a" "he (a"e, ha$ a hole in "he 'ac, of his
ha#'er,. An$ when E$%#n$ )resse$ hi% 'ac, nearer an$ nearer "o "he wall, he 8#%)e$ #)
on a %o#n"in( 'loc, an$ s"oo$ "here rainin( $own 'lows on E$%#n$ fro% a'o+e. B#" "hen,
fin$in( "ha" "his )osi"ion, '& raisin( hi% a'o+e "he hea$s of e+er&one else, %a$e hi% a
%ar, for e+er& arrow fro% "he Narnian 'ows, he $eci$e$ "o 8#%) $own a(ain. An$ he
%ean" "o loo, an$ so#n$ * no $o#'" for a %o%en" he $i$ loo, an$ so#n$ * +er& (ran$ an$
+er& $rea$f#l as he 8#%)e$, cr&in(, 3The 'ol" of Tash falls fro% a'o+e.3 B#" he ha$ "o
8#%) si$ewa&s 'eca#se "he crow$ in fron" of hi% lef" hi% no lan$in( )lace in "ha" $irec"ion.
An$ "hen, in "he nea"es" wa& &o# co#l$ wish, "he "ear in "he 'ac, of his ha#'er, ca#(h" on a
hoo, in "he wall. .A(es a(o "his hoo, ha$ ha$ a rin( in i" for "&in( horses "o./ An$ "here he
fo#n$ hi%self, li,e a )iece of washin( h#n( #) "o $r&, wi"h e+er&one la#(hin( a" hi%.
3Le" %e $own, E$%#n$,3 howle$ Ra'a$ash. 3Le" %e $own an$ fi(h" %e li,e a ,in( an$ a
%an0 or if &o# are "oo (rea" a cowar$ "o $o "ha", ,ill %e a" once.3
3Cer"ainl&,3 'e(an !in( E$%#n$, '#" !in( L#ne in"err#)"e$.
3B& &o#r -a8es"&2s (oo$ lea+e,3 sai$ !in( L#ne "o E$%#n$. 3No" so.3 Then "#rnin( "o
Ra'a$ash he sai$, 3Yo#r ro&al Hi(hness, if &o# ha$ (i+en "ha" challen(e a wee, a(o, I2ll
answer for i" "here was no one in !in( E$%#n$2s $o%inion, fro% "he Hi(h !in( $own "o
"he s%alles" Tal,in( -o#se, who wo#l$ ha+e ref#se$ i". B#" '& a""ac,in( o#r cas"le of
An+ar$ in "i%e of )eace wi"ho#" $efiance sen", &o# ha+e )ro+e$ &o#rself no ,ni(h", '#" a
"rai"or, an$ one ra"her "o 'e whi))e$ '& "he han(%an "han "o 'e s#ffere$ "o cross swor$s
wi"h an& )erson of hono#r. Ta,e hi% $own, 'in$ hi%, an$ carr& hi% wi"hin "ill o#r )leas#re
is f#r"her ,nown.3
S"ron( han$s wrenche$ Ra'a$ash2s swor$ fro% hi% an$ he was carrie$ awa& in"o "he
cas"le, sho#"in(, "hrea"enin(, c#rsin(, an$ e+en cr&in(. 7or "ho#(h he co#l$ ha+e face$
"or"#re he co#l$n2" 'ear 'ein( %a$e ri$ic#lo#s. In Tash'aan e+er&one ha$ alwa&s "a,en hi%
A" "ha" %o%en" Corin ran #) "o Shas"a, sei<e$ his han$ an$ s"ar"e$ $ra((in( hi% "owar$s
!in( L#ne. 3Here he is, 7a"her, here he is,3 crie$ Corin.
3A&e, an$ here "ho# ar", a" las",3 sai$ "he !in( in a +er& (r#ff +oice. 3An$ 'as" 'een in "he
'a""le, clean con"rar& "o &o#r o'e$ience. A 'o& "o 'rea, a fa"her2s hear"4 A" &o#r a(e a ro$
"o &o#r 'reech were fi""er "han a swor$ in &o#r fis", ha43 B#" e+er&one, incl#$in( Corin,
co#l$ see "ha" "he !in( was +er& )ro#$ of hi%.
3Chi$e hi% no %ore, Sire, if i" )lease &o#,3 sai$ Lor$ Darrin. 3His Hi(hness wo#l$ no" 'e
&o#r son if he $i$ no" inheri" &o#r con$i"ions. I" wo#l$ (rie+e &o#r -a8es"& %ore if he ha$
"o 'e re)ro+e$ for "he o))osi"e fa#l".3
3Well, well,3 (r#%'le$ "he !in(. 3We2ll )ass i" o+er for "his "i%e. An$ now *3 2
Wha" ca%e ne1" s#r)rise$ Shas"a as %#ch as an&"hin( "ha" ha$ e+er ha))ene$ "o hi% in his
life. He fo#n$ hi%self s#$$enl& e%'race$ inn 'ear*li,e h#( '& !in( L#ne an$ ,isse$ on
'o"h chee,s. Then "he !in( se" hi% $own a(ain an$ sai$, 3S"an$ here "o(e"her, 'o&s, an$
le" all "he co#r" see &o#. Hol$ #) &o#r hea$s. Now, (en"le%en, loo, on "he% 'o"h. Has an&
%an an& $o#'"s53
An$ s"ill Shas"a co#l$ no" #n$ers"an$ wh& e+er&one s"are$ a" hi% an$ a" Corin nor wha" all
"he cheerin( was a'o#".
WE %#s" now re"#rn "o Ara+is an$ "he Horses. The Her%i", wa"chin( his )ool, was a'le "o
"ell "he% "ha" Shas"a was no" ,ille$ or e+en serio#sl& wo#n$e$, for he saw hi% (e" #) an$
saw how affec"iona"el& he was (ree"e$ '& !in( L#ne. B#" as he co#l$ onl& see, no" hear, he
$i$ no" ,now wha" an&one was sa&in( an$, once "he fi(h"in( ha$ s"o))e$ an$ "he "al,in(
ha$ 'e(#n, i" was no" wor"h while loo,in( in "he )ool an& lon(er.
Ne1" %ornin(, while "he Her%i" was in$oors, "he "hree of "he% $isc#sse$ wha" "he& sho#l$
$o ne1".
3I2+e ha$ eno#(h of "his,3 sai$ Hwin. 3The Her%i" has 'een +er& (oo$ "o #s an$ I2% +er&
%#ch o'li(e$ "o hi% I2% s#re. B#" I2% (e""in( as fa" as a )e" )on&, ea"in( all $a& an$ (e""in(
no e1ercise. Le"2s (o on "o Narnia.3
3Oh no" "o$a&, -a2a%,3 sai$ Bree. 3I wo#l$n2" h#rr& "hin(s. So%e o"her $a&, $on2" &o#
3We %#s" see Shas"a firs" an$ sa& (oo$*'&e "o hi% * an$ * an$ a)olo(i<e,3 sai$ Ara+is.
3E1ac"l&43 sai$ Bree wi"h (rea" en"h#sias%. 3>#s" wha" I was (oin( "o sa&.3
3Oh, of co#rse,3 sai$ Hwin. 3I e1)ec" he is in An+ar$. Na"#rall& we2$ loo, in on hi% an$
sa& (oo$*'&e. B#" "ha"2s on o#r wa&. An$ wh& sho#l$n2" we s"ar" a" once5 Af"er all, I
"ho#(h" i" was Narnia we all wan"e$ "o (e" "o53
3I s#))ose so,3 sai$ Ara+is. She was 'e(innin( "o won$er wha" e1ac"l& she wo#l$ $o when
she (o" "here an$ was feelin( a li""le lonel&.
3Of co#rse, of co#rse,3 sai$ Bree has"il&. 3B#" "here2s no nee$ "o r#sh "hin(s, if &o# ,now
wha" I %ean.3
3No, I $on2" ,now wha" &o# %ean,3 sai$ Hwin. 3Wh& $on2" &o# wan" "o (o53
3-*%*%, 'roo*hoo,3 %#""ere$ Bree. 3Well, $on2" &o# see, -a2a% * i"2s an i%)or"an"
occasion * re"#rnin( "o one2s co#n"r& * en"erin( socie"& * "he 'es" socie"& * i" is so essen"ial
"o %a,e a (oo$ i%)ression * no" )erha)s loo,in( 9#i"e o#rsel+es, &e", eh53
Hwin 'ro,e o#" in"o a horse*la#(h. 3I"2s &o#r "ail, Bree4 I see i" all now. Yo# wan" "o wai"
"ill &o#r "ail2s (rown a(ain4 An$ we $on2" e+en ,now if "ails are worn lon( in Narnia.
Reall&, Bree, &o#2re as +ain as "ha" Tar,heena in Tash'aan43
3Yo# are sill&, Bree,3 sai$ Ara+is.
3B& "he Lion2s -ane, Tar,heena, I2% no"hin( of "he sor",3 sai$ Bree in$i(nan"l&. 3I ha+e a
)ro)er res)ec" for %&self an$ for %& fellow horses, "ha"2s all.3
3Bree,3 sai$ Ara+is, who was no" +er& in"eres"e$ in "he c#" of his "ail, 3I2+e 'een wan"in( "o
as, &o# so%e"hin( for a lon( "i%e. Wh& $o &o# ,ee) on swearin( B& "he Lion an$ B& "he
Lion2s -ane5 I "ho#(h" &o# ha"e$ lions.3
3So I $o,3 answere$ Bree. 3B#" when I s)ea, of "he Lion of co#rse I %ean Aslan, "he (rea"
$eli+erer of Narnia who $ro+e awa& "he Wi"ch an$ "he Win"er. All Narnians swear '& hi%.3
3B#" is he a lion53
3No, no, of co#rse no",3 sai$ Bree in a ra"her shoc,e$ +oice.
3All "he s"ories a'o#" hi% in Tash'aan sa& he is,3 re)lie$ Ara+is. 3An$ if he isn2" a lion wh&
$o &o# call hi% a lion53
3Well, &o#2$ har$l& #n$ers"an$ "ha" a" &o#r a(e,3 sai$ Bree. 3An$ I was onl& a li""le foal
when I lef" so I $on2" 9#i"e f#ll& #n$ers"an$ i" %&self.3
.Bree was s"an$in( wi"h his 'ac, "o "he (reen wall while he sai$ "his, an$ "he o"her "wo
were facin( hi%. He was "al,in( in ra"her a s#)erior "one wi"h his e&es half sh#"0 "ha" was
wh& he $i$n2" see "he chan(e$ e1)ression in "he faces of Hwin an$ Ara+is. The& ha$ (oo$
reason "o ha+e o)en %o#"hs an$ s"arin( e&es0 'eca#se while Bree s)o,e "he& saw an
enor%o#s lion lea) #) fro% o#"si$e an$ 'alance i"self on "he "o) of "he (reen wall0 onl& i"
was a 'ri(h"er &ellow an$ i" was 'i((er an$ %ore 'ea#"if#l an$ %ore alar%in( "han an& lion
"he& ha$ e+er seen. An$ a" once i" 8#%)e$ $own insi$e "he wall an$ 'e(an a))roachin(
Bree fro% 'ehin$. I" %a$e no noise a" all. An$ Hwin an$ Ara+is co#l$n2" %a,e an& noise
"he%sel+es, no %ore "han if "he& were fro<en./
3No $o#'",3 con"in#e$ Bree, 3when "he& s)ea, of hi% as a Lion "he& onl& %ean he2s as
s"ron( as a lion or ."o o#r ene%ies, of co#rse/ as fierce as a lion. Or so%e"hin( of "ha" ,in$.
E+en a li""le (irl li,e &o#, Ara+is, %#s" see "ha" i" wo#l$ 'e 9#i"e a's#r$ "o s#))ose he is a
real lion. In$ee$ i" wo#l$ 'e $isres)ec"f#l. If he was a lion he2$ ha+e "o 'e a Beas" 8#s" li,e
"he res" of #s. Wh&43 .an$ here Bree 'e(an "o la#(h/ 3If he was a lion he2$ ha+e fo#r )aws,
an$ a "ail, an$ Whis,ers4 . . . Aie, ooh, hoo*hoo4 Hel)43
7or 8#s" as he sai$ "he wor$ Whis,ers one of Aslan2s ha$ ac"#all& "ic,le$ his ear. Bree sho"
awa& li,e an arrow "o "he o"her si$e of "he enclos#re an$ "here "#rne$0 "he wall was "oo hi(h
for hi% "o 8#%) an$ he co#l$ fl& no far"her. Ara+is an$ Hwin 'o"h s"ar"e$ 'ac,. There was
a'o#" a secon$ of in"ense silence.
Then Hwin, "ho#(h sha,in( all o+er, (a+e a s"ran(e li""le nei(h, an$ "ro""e$ across "o "he
3Please,3 she sai$, 3&o#2re so 'ea#"if#l. Yo# %a& ea" %e if &o# li,e. I2$ sooner 'e ea"en '&
&o# "han fe$ '& an&one else.3
3Deares" $a#(h"er,3 sai$ Aslan, )lan"in( a lion2s ,iss on her "wi"chin(, +el+e" nose, 3I ,new
&o# wo#l$ no" 'e lon( in co%in( "o %e. >o& shall 'e &o#rs.3
Then he lif"e$ his hea$ an$ s)o,e in a lo#$er +oice.
3Now, Bree,3 he sai$, 3&o# )oor, )ro#$ fri(h"ene$ Horse, $raw near. Nearer s"ill, %& son.
Do no" $are no" "o $are. To#ch %e. S%ell %e. Here are %& )aws, here is %& "ail, "hese are
%& whis,ers. I a% a "r#e Beas".3
3Aslan,3 sai$ Bree in a sha,en +oice, 3I2% afrai$ I %#s" 'e ra"her a fool.3
3Ha))& "he Horse who ,nows "ha" while he is s"ill &o#n(. Or "he H#%an ei"her. Draw near,
Ara+is %& $a#(h"er. See4 -& )aws are +el+e"e$. Yo# will no" 'e "orn "his "i%e.3
3This "i%e, sir53 sai$ Ara+is.
3I" was I who wo#n$e$ &o#,3 sai$ Aslan. 3I a% "he onl& lion &o# %e" in all &o#r
8o#rne&in(s. Do &o# ,now wh& I "ore &o#53
3No, sir.3
3The scra"ches on &o#r 'ac,, "ear for "ear, "hro' for "hro', 'loo$ for 'loo$, were e9#al "o
"he s"ri)es lai$ on "he 'ac, of &o#r s"e)%o"her2s sla+e 'eca#se of "he $r#((e$ slee) &o# cas"
#)on her. Yo# nee$e$ "o ,now wha" i" fel" li,e.3
3Yes, sir. Please*3
3As, on, %& $ear,3 sai$ Aslan.
3Will an& %ore har% co%e "o her '& wha" I $i$53
3Chil$,3 sai$ "he Lion, 3I a% "ellin( &o# &o#r s"or&, no" hers. No one is "ol$ an& s"or& '#"
"heir own.3 Then he shoo, his hea$ an$ s)o,e in a li(h"er +oice.
3Be %err&, li""le ones,3 he sai$. 3We shall %ee" soon a(ain. B#" 'efore "ha" &o# will ha+e
ano"her +isi"or.3 Then in one 'o#n$ he reache$ "he "o) of "he wall an$ +anishe$ fro% "heir
S"ran(e "o sa&, "he& fel" no inclina"ion "o "al, "o one ano"her a'o#" hi% af"er he ha$ (one.
The& all %o+e$ slowl& awa& "o $ifferen" )ar"s of "he 9#ie" (rass an$ "here )ace$ "o an$ fro,
each alone, "hin,in(.
A'o#" half an ho#r la"er "he "wo Horses were s#%%one$ "o "he 'ac, of "he ho#se "o ea"
so%e"hin( nice "ha" "he Her%i" ha$ (o" rea$& for "he% an$ Ara+is, s"ill wal,in( an$
"hin,in(, was s"ar"le$ '& "he harsh so#n$ of a "r#%)e" o#"si$e "he (a"e.
3Who is "here53 as,e$ Ara+is.
3His Ro&al Hi(hness Prince Cor of Archenlan$,3 sai$ a +oice fro% o#"si$e.
Ara+is #n$i$ "he $oor an$ o)ene$ i", $rawin( 'ac, a li""le wa& "o le" "he s"ran(ers in.
Two sol$iers wi"h hal'er$s ca%e firs" an$ "oo, "heir s"an$ a" each si$e of "he en"r&. Then
followe$ a heral$, an$ "he "r#%)e"er.
3His Ro&al Hi(hness Prince Cor of Archenlan$ $esires an a#$ience of "he La$& Ara+is,3
sai$ "he Heral$. Then he an$ "he "r#%)e"er $rew asi$e an$ 'owe$ an$ "he sol$iers sal#"e$
an$ "he Prince hi%self ca%e in. All his a""en$an"s wi"h$rew an$ close$ "he (a"e 'ehin$
The Prince 'owe$, an$ a +er& cl#%s& 'ow for a Prince i" was. Ara+is c#r"sie$ in "he
Calor%ene s"&le .which is no" a" all li,e o#rs/ an$ $i$ i" +er& well 'eca#se, of co#rse, she
ha$ 'een "a#(h" how. Then she loo,e$ #) an$ saw wha" sor" of )erson "his Prince was.
She saw a %ere 'o&. He was 'are*hea$e$ an$ his fair hair was encircle$ wi"h a +er& "hin
'an$ of (ol$, har$l& "hic,er "han a wire. His #))er "#nic was of whi"e ca%'ric, as fine as a
han$,erchief, so "ha" "he 'ri(h" re$ "#nic 'enea"h i" showe$ "hro#(h. His lef" han$, which
res"e$ on his ena%elle$ swor$ hil", was 'an$a(e$.
Ara+is loo,e$ "wice a" his face 'efore she (as)e$ an$ sai$, 3Wh&4 I"2s Shas"a43
Shas"a all a" once "#rne$ +er& re$ an$ 'e(an s)ea,in( +er& 9#ic,l&. 3Loo, here, Ara+is,3 he
sai$, 3I $o ho)e &o# won2" "hin, I2% (o" #) li,e "his .an$ "he "r#%)e"er an$ all/ "o "r& "o
i%)ress &o# or %a,e o#" "ha" I2% $ifferen" or an& ro" of "ha" sor". Beca#se I2$ far ra"her ha+e
co%e in %& ol$ clo"hes, '#" "he&2re '#rn" now, an$ %& fa"her sai$ *3
3Yo#r fa"her53 sai$ Ara+is.
3A))aren"l& !in( L#ne is %& fa"her,3 sai$ Shas"a. 3I %i(h" reall& ha+e (#esse$ i". Corin
'ein( so li,e %e. We were "wins, &o# see. Oh, an$ %& na%e isn2" Shas"a, i"2s Cor.3
3Cor is a nicer na%e "han Shas"a,3 sai$ Ara+is.
3Bro"hers2 na%es r#n li,e "ha" in Archenlan$,3 sai$ Shas"a .or Prince Cor as we %#s" now
call hi%/. 3Li,e Dar an$ Darrin, Cole an$ Colin an$ so on.3
3Shas"a * I %ean Cor,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3No, sh#" #). There2s so%e"hin( I2+e (o" "o sa& a" once.
I2% sorr& I2+e 'een s#ch a )i(. B#" I $i$ chan(e 'efore I ,new &o# were a Prince, hones"l& I
$i$: when &o# wen" 'ac,, an$ face$ "he Lion.3
3I" wasn2" reall& (oin( "o ,ill &o# a" all, "ha" Lion,3 sai$ Cor.
3I ,now,3 sai$ Ara+is, no$$in(. Bo"h were s"ill an$ sole%n for a %o%en" as each saw "ha"
"he o"her ,new a'o#" Aslan.
S#$$enl& Ara+is re%e%'ere$ Cor2s 'an$a(e$ han$. 3I sa&43 she crie$, 3I for(o"4 Yo#2+e
'een in a 'a""le. Is "ha" a wo#n$53
3A %ere scra"ch,3 sai$ Cor, #sin( for "he firs" "i%e a ra"her lor$l& "one. B#" a %o%en" la"er
he '#rs" o#" la#(hin( an$ sai$, 3If &o# wan" "o ,now "he "r#"h, i" isn2" a )ro)er wo#n$ a" all.
I onl& "oo, "he s,in off %& ,n#c,les 8#s" as an& cl#%s& fool %i(h" $o wi"ho#" (oin( near a
3S"ill &o# were in "he 'a""le,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3I" %#s" ha+e 'een won$erf#l.3
3I" wasn2" a" all li,e wha" I "ho#(h",3 sai$ Cor.
3B#" Sha * Cor, I %ean * &o# ha+en2" "ol$ %e an&"hin( &e" a'o#" !in( L#ne an$ how he
fo#n$ o#" who &o# were.3
3Well, le"2s si" $own,3 sai$ Cor. 37or i"2s ra"her a lon( s"or&. An$ '& "he wa&, 7a"her2s an
a'sol#"e 'ric,. I2$ 'e 8#s" as )lease$ * or +er& nearl& * a" fin$in( he2s %& fa"her e+en if he
wasn2" a ,in(. E+en "ho#(h E$#ca"ion an$ all sor"s of horri'le "hin(s are (oin( "o ha))en "o
%e. B#" &o# wan" "he s"or&. Well, Corin an$ I were "wins. An$ a'o#" a wee, af"er we were
'o"h 'orn, a))aren"l&, "he& "oo, #s "o a wise ol$ Cen"a#r in Narnia "o 'e 'lesse$ or
so%e"hin(. Now "his Cen"a#r was a )ro)he" as a (oo$ %an& Cen"a#rs are. Perha)s &o#
ha+en2" seen an& Cen"a#rs &e"5 There were so%e in "he 'a""le &es"er$a&. -os" re%ar,a'le
)eo)le, '#" I can2" sa& I feel 9#i"e a" ho%e wi"h "he% &e". I sa&, Ara+is, "here are (oin( "o 'e
a lo" of "hin(s "o (e" #se$ "o in "hese Nor"hern co#n"ries.3
3Yes, "here are,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3B#" (e" on wi"h "he s"or&.3
3Well, as soon as he saw Corin an$ %e, i" see%s "his Cen"a#r loo,e$ a" %e an$ sai$, A $a&
will co%e when "ha" 'o& will sa+e Archenlan$ fro% "he $ea$lies" $an(er in which e+er she
la&. So of co#rse %& 7a"her an$ -o"her were +er& )lease$. B#" "here was so%eone )resen"
who wasn2". This was a cha) calle$ "he Lor$ Bar who ha$ 'een 7a"her2s Lor$ Chancellor.
An$ a))aren"l& he2$ $one so%e"hin( wron( * 'e<<lin( or so%e wor$ li,e "ha" * I $i$n2"
#n$ers"an$ "ha" )ar" +er& well * an$ 7a"her ha$ ha$ "o $is%iss hi%. B#" no"hin( else was
$one "o hi% an$ he was allowe$ "o (o on li+in( in Archenlan$. B#" he %#s" ha+e 'een as
'a$ as he co#l$ 'e, for i" ca%e o#" af"erwar$s he ha$ 'een in "he )a& of "he Tisroc an$ ha$
sen" a lo" of secre" infor%a"ion "o Tash'aan. So as soon as he hear$ I was (oin( "o sa+e
Archenlan$ fro% a (rea" $an(er he $eci$e$ I %#s" 'e )#" o#" of "he
wa&. Well, he s#ccee$e$ in ,i$na))in( %e .I $on2" e1ac"l& ,now how/ an$ ro$e awa& $own
"he Win$in( Arrow "o "he coas". He2$ ha$ e+er&"hin( )re)are$ an$ "here was a shi) %anne$
wi"h his own followers l&in( rea$& for hi% an$ he )#" o#" "o sea wi"h %e on 'oar$. B#"
7a"her (o" win$ of i", "ho#(h no" 9#i"e in "i%e, an$ was af"er hi% as 9#ic,l& as he co#l$.
The Lor$ Bar was alrea$& a" sea when 7a"her reache$ "he coas", '#" no" o#" of si(h". An$
7a"her was e%'ar,e$ in one of his own warshi)s wi"hin "wen"& %in#"es.
3I" %#s" ha+e 'een a won$erf#l chase. The& were si1 $a&s followin( Bar2s (alleon an$
'ro#(h" her "o 'a""le on "he se+en"h. I" was a (rea" sea*fi(h" .I hear$ a lo" a'o#" i" &es"er$a&
e+enin(/ fro% "en o2cloc, in "he %ornin( "ill s#nse". O#r )eo)le "oo, "he shi) in "he en$.
B#" I wasn2" "here. The Lor$ Bar hi%self ha$ 'een ,ille$ in "he 'a""le. B#" one of his %en
sai$ "ha", earl& "ha" %ornin(, as soon as he saw he was cer"ain "o 'e o+erha#le$, Bar ha$
(i+en %e "o one of his ,ni(h"s an$ sen" #s 'o"h awa& in "he shi)2s 'oa". An$ "ha" 'oa" was
ne+er seen a(ain. B#" of co#rse "ha" was "he sa%e 'oa" "ha" Aslan .he see%s "o 'e a" "he
'ac, of all "he s"ories/ )#she$ ashore a" "he ri(h" )lace for Arsheesh "o )ic, %e #). I wish I
,new "ha" ,ni(h"2s na%e, for he %#s" ha+e ,e)" %e ali+e an$ s"ar+e$ hi%self "o $o i".3
3I s#))ose Aslan wo#l$ sa& "ha" was )ar" of so%eone else2s s"or&,3 sai$ Ara+is.
3I was for(e""in( "ha",3 sai$ Cor.
3An$ I won$er how "he )ro)hec& will wor, o#",3 sai$ Ara+is, 3an$ wha" "he (rea" $an(er is
"ha" &o#2re "o sa+e Archenlan$ fro%.3
3Well,3 sai$ Cor ra"her aw,war$l&, 3"he& see% "o "hin, I2+e $one i" alrea$&.3
Ara+is cla))e$ her han$s. 3Wh&, of co#rse43 she sai$. 3How s"#)i$ I a%. An$ how
won$erf#l4 Archenlan$ can ne+er 'e in %#ch (rea"er $an(er "han i" was when Ra'a$ash
ha$ crosse$ "he Arrow wi"h his "wo h#n$re$ horse an$ &o# ha$n2" &e" (o" "hro#(h wi"h &o#r
%essa(e. Don2" &o# feel )ro#$53
3I "hin, I feel a 'i" scare$,3 sai$ Cor.
3An$ &o#2ll 'e li+in( a" An+ar$ now,3 sai$ Ara+is ra"her wis"f#ll&.
3Oh43 sai$ Cor, 3I2$ nearl& for(o""en wha" I ca%e a'o#". 7a"her wan"s &o# "o co%e an$ li+e
wi"h #s. He sa&s "here2s 'een no la$& in "he co#r" ."he& call i" "he co#r", I $on2" ,now wh&/
since -o"her $ie$. Do, Ara+is. Yo#2ll li,e 7a"her * an$ Corin. The&2re no" li,e %e0 "he&2+e
'een )ro)erl& 'ro#(h" #). Yo# nee$n2" 'e afrai$ "ha" *3
3Oh s"o) i",3 sai$ Ara+is, 3or we2ll ha+e a real fi(h". Of co#rse I2ll co%e.3
3Now le"2s (o an$ see "he Horses,3 sai$ Cor.
There was a (rea" an$ 8o&o#s %ee"in( 'e"ween Bree an$ Cor, an$ Bree, who was s"ill in a
ra"her s#'$#e$ fra%e of %in$, a(ree$ "o se" o#" for An+ar$ a" once: he an$ Hwin wo#l$
cross in"o Narnia on "he followin( $a&. All fo#r 'a$e an affec"iona"e farewell "o "he Her%i"
an$ )ro%ise$ "ha" "he& wo#l$ soon +isi" hi% a(ain. B& a'o#" "he %i$$le of "he %ornin(
"he& were on "heir wa&. The Horses ha$ e1)ec"e$ "ha" Ara+is an$ Cor wo#l$ ri$e, '#" Cor
e1)laine$ "ha" e1ce)" in war, where e+er&one %#s" $o wha" he can $o 'es", no one in
Narnia or Archenlan$ e+er $rea%e$ of %o#n"in( a Tal,in( Horse.
This re%in$e$ )oor Bree a(ain of how li""le he ,new a'o#" Narnian c#s"o%s an$ wha"
$rea$f#l %is"a,es he %i(h" %a,e. So while Hwin s"rolle$ alon( in a ha))& $rea%, Bree (o"
%ore ner+o#s an$ %ore self*conscio#s wi"h e+er& s"e) he "oo,.
3B#c, #), Bree,3 sai$ Cor. 3I"2s far worse for %e "han for &o#. Yo# aren2" (oin( "o 'e
e$#ca"e$. I shall 'e learnin( rea$in( an$ wri"in( an$ heral$r& an$ $ancin( an$ his"or& an$
%#sic while &o#2ll 'e (allo)in( an$ rollin( on "he hills of Narnia "o &o#r hear"2s con"en".3
3B#" "ha"2s 8#s" "he )oin",3 (roane$ Bree. 3Do Tal,in( Horses roll5 S#))osin( "he& $on2"5 I
can2" 'ear "o (i+e i" #). Wha" $o &o# "hin,, Hwin53
3I2% (oin( "o roll an&wa&,3 sai$ Hwin. 3I $on2" s#))ose an& of "he% will care "wo l#%)s of
s#(ar whe"her &o# roll or no".3
3Are we near "ha" cas"le53 sai$ Bree "o Cor.
3Ro#n$ "he ne1" 'en$,3 sai$ "he Prince.
3Well,3 sai$ Bree, 3I2% (oin( "o ha+e a (oo$ one now: i" %a& 'e "he las". Wai" for %e a
I" was fi+e %in#"es 'efore he rose a(ain, 'lowin( har$ an$ co+ere$ wi"h 'i"s of 'rac,en.
3Now I2% rea$&,3 he sai$ in a +oice of )rofo#n$ (loo%. 3Lea$ on, Prince Cor, Narnia an$
"he Nor"h.3
B#" he loo,e$ %ore li,e a horse (oin( "o a f#neral "han a lon(*los" ca)"i+e re"#rnin( "o
ho%e an$ free$o%.
THE ne1" "#rn of "he roa$* 'ro#(h" "he% o#" fro% a%on( "he "rees an$ "here, across (reen
lawns, shel"ere$ fro% "he nor"h win$ '& "he hi(h woo$e$ ri$(e a" i"s 'ac,, "he& saw "he
cas"le of An+ar$. I" was +er& ol$ an$ '#il" of a war%, re$$ish*'rown s"one.
Before "he& ha$ reache$ "he (a"e !in( L#ne ca%e o#" "o %ee" "he%, no" loo,in( a" all li,e
Ara+is2s i$ea of a ,in( an$ wearin( "he ol$es" of ol$ clo"hes0 for he ha$ 8#s" co%e fro%
%a,in( a ro#n$ of "he ,ennels wi"h his H#n"s%an an$ ha$ onl& s"o))e$ for a %o%en" "o
wash his $o((& han$s. B#" "he 'ow wi"h which he (ree"e$ Ara+is as he "oo, her han$
wo#l$ ha+e 'een s"a"el& eno#(h for an E%)eror.
3Li""le la$&,3 he sai$, 3we 'i$ &o# +er& hear"il& welco%e. If %& $ear wife were s"ill ali+e
we co#l$ %a,e &o# 'e""er cheer '#" co#l$ no" $o i" wi"h a 'e""er will. An$ I a% sorr& "ha"
&o# ha+e ha$ %isfor"#nes an$ 'een $ri+en fro% &o#r fa"her2s ho#se, which canno" '#" 'e a
(rief "o &o#. -& son Cor has "ol$ %e a'o#" &o#r a$+en"#res "o(e"her an$ all &o#r +alo#r.3
3I" was he who $i$ all "ha", Sir,3 sai$ Ara+is. 3Wh&, he r#she$ a" a lion "o sa+e %e.3
3Eh, wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ !in( L#ne, his face 'ri(h"enin(. 3I ha+en2" hear$ "ha" )ar" of "he
Then Ara+is "ol$ i". An$ Cor, who ha$ +er& %#ch wan"e$ "he s"or& "o 'e ,nown, "ho#(h he
fel" he co#l$n2" "ell i" hi%self, $i$n2" en8o& i" so %#ch as he ha$ e1)ec"e$, an$ in$ee$ fel"
ra"her foolish. B#" his fa"her en8o&e$ i" +er& %#ch in$ee$ an$ in "he co#rse of "he ne1" few
wee,s "ol$ i" "o so %an& )eo)le "ha" Cor wishe$ i" ha$ ne+er ha))ene$.
Then "he !in( "#rne$ "o Hwin an$ Bree an$ was 8#s" as )oli"e "o "he% as "o Ara+is, an$
as,e$ "he% a lo" of 9#es"ions a'o#" "heir fa%ilies an$ where "he& ha$ li+e$ in Narnia 'efore
"he& ha$ 'een ca)"#re$. The Horses were ra"her "on(#e*"ie$ for "he& weren2" &e" #se$ "o
'ein( "al,e$ "o as e9#als '& H#%ans (rown*#) H#%ans, "ha" is. The& $i$n2" %in$ Ara+is
an$ Cor.
Presen"l& =#een L#c& ca%e o#" fro% "he cas"le an$ 8oine$ "he% an$ !in( L#ne sai$ "o
Ara+is, 3-& $ear, here is a lo+in( frien$ of o#r ho#se, an$ she has 'een seein( "ha" &o#r
a)ar"%en"s are )#" "o ri(h"s for &o# 'e""er "han I co#l$ ha+e $one i".3
3Yo#2$ li,e "o co%e an$ see "he%, wo#l$n2" &o#53 sai$ L#c&, ,issin( Ara+is. The& li,e$
each o"her a" once an$ soon wen" awa& "o(e"her "o "al, a'o#" Ara+is2s 'e$roo% an$
Ara+is2s 'o#$oir an$ a'o#" (e""in( clo"hes for her, an$ all "he sor" of "hin(s (irls $o "al,
a'o#" on s#ch an occasion.
Af"er l#nch, which "he& ha$ on "he "errace .i" was col$ 'ir$s an$ col$ (a%e )ie an$ wine
an$ 'rea$ an$ cheese/, !in( L#ne r#ffle$ #) his 'row an$ hea+e$ a si(h an$ sai$, 3Hei(h*
ho4 We ha+e s"ill "ha" sorr& crea"#re Ra'a$ash on o#r han$s, %& frien$s, an$ %#s" nee$s
resol+e wha" "o $o wi"h hi%.3
L#c& was si""in( on "he !in(2s ri(h" an$ Ara+is on his lef". !in( E$%#n$ sa" a" one en$ of
"he "a'le an$ "he Lor$ Darrin face$ hi% a" "he o"her. Dar an$ Peri$an an$ Cor an$ Corin
were on "he sa%e si$e as "he !in(.
3Yo#r -a8es"& wo#l$ ha+e a )erfec" ri(h" "o s"ri,e off his hea$,3 sai$ Peri$an. 3S#ch an
assa#l" as he %a$e )#"s hi% on a le+el wi"h assassins.3
3I" is +er& "r#e,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3B#" e+en a "rai"or %a& %en$. I ha+e ,nown one "ha" $i$.3
An$ he loo,e$ +er& "ho#(h"f#l.
3To ,ill "his Ra'a$ash wo#l$ (o near "o raisin( war wi"h "he Tisroc,3 sai$ Darrin.
3A fi( for "he Tisroc,3 sai$ !in( L#ne. 3His s"ren("h is in n#%'ers an$ n#%'ers will ne+er
cross "he $eser". B#" I ha+e no s"o%ach for ,illin( %en .e+en "rai"ors/ in col$ 'loo$. To
ha+e c#" his "hroa" in "he 'a""le wo#l$ ha+e ease$ %& hear" %i(h"il&, '#" "his is a $ifferen"
3B& %& co#nsel,3 sai$ L#c&, 3&o#r -a8es"& shall (i+e hi% ano"her "rial. Le" hi% (o free on
s"rai" )ro%ise of fair $ealin( in "he f#"#re. I" %a& 'e "ha" he will ,ee) his wor$.3
3-a&'e A)es will (row hones", Sis"er,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3B#", '& "he Lion, if he 'rea,s i"
a(ain, %a& i" 'e in s#ch "i%e an$ )lace "ha" an& of #s co#l$ swa) off his hea$ in clean
3I" shall 'e "rie$,3 sai$ "he !in(: an$ "hen "o one of "he a""en$an"s, 3Sen$ for "he )risoner,
Ra'a$ash was 'ro#(h" 'efore "he% in chains. To loo, a" hi% an&one wo#l$ ha+e s#))ose$
"ha" he ha$ )asse$ "he ni(h" in a noiso%e $#n(eon wi"ho#" foo$ or wa"er0 '#" in reali"& he
ha$ 'een sh#" #) in 9#i"e a co%for"a'le roo% an$ )ro+i$e$ wi"h an e1cellen" s#))er. B#" as
he was s#l,in( far "oo f#rio#sl& "o "o#ch "he s#))er an$ ha$ s)en" "he whole ni(h" s"a%)in(
an$ roarin( an$ c#rsin(, he na"#rall& $i$ no" now loo, his 'es".
3Yo#r ro&al Hi(hness nee$s no" "o 'e "ol$,3 sai$ !in( L#ne, 3"ha" '& "he law of na"ions as
well as '& all reasons of )r#$en" )olic&, we ha+e as (oo$ ri(h" "o &o#r hea$ as e+er one
%or"al %an ha$ a(ains" ano"her. Ne+er"heless, in consi$era"ion of &o#r &o#"h an$ "he ill
n#r"#re, $e+oi$ of all (en"ilesse an$ co#r"es&, which &o# ha+e $o#'"less ha$ in "he lan$ of
sla+es an$ "&ran"s, we are $is)ose$ "o se" &o# free, #nhar%e$, on "hese con$i"ions: firs",
3C#rse &o# for a 'ar'arian $o(43 s)l#""ere$ Ra'a$ash. 3Do &o# "hin, I will e+en hear &o#r
con$i"ions5 7a#(h4 Yo# "al, +er& lar(el& of n#r"#re an$ I ,now no" wha". I"2s eas&, "o a %an
in chains, ha4 Ta,e off "hese +ile 'on$s, (i+e %e a swor$, an$ le" an& of &o# who $ares "hen
$e'a"e wi"h %e.3
Nearl& all "he lor$s s)ran( "o "heir fee", an$ Corin sho#"e$:
37a"her4 Can I 'o1 hi%5 Please.3
3Peace4 Yo#r -a8es"ies4 -& Lor$s43 sai$ !in( L#ne. 3Ha+e we no %ore (ra+i"& a%on( #s
"han "o 'e so chafe$ '& "he "a#n" of a )a8oc,5 Si" $own, Corin, or shaf" lea+e "he "a'le. I as,
&o#r Hi(hness a(ain, "o hear o#r con$i"ions.3
3I hear no con$i"ions fro% 'ar'arians an$ sorcerers,3 sai$ Ra'a$ash. 3No" one of &o# $are
"o#ch a hair of %& hea$. E+er& ins#l" &o# ha+e hea)e$ on %e shall 'e )ai$ wi"h oceans of
Narnian an$ Archenlan$ish 'loo$. Terri'le shall "he +en(eance of "he Tisroc 'e: e+en now.
B#" ,ill %e, an$ "he '#rnin(s an$ "or"#rin(s in "hese nor"hern lan$s shall 'eco%e a "ale "o
fri(h"en "he worl$ a "ho#san$ &ears hence. Beware4 Beware4 Beware4 The 'ol" of Tash falls
fro% a'o+e43
3Does i" e+er (e" ca#(h" on a hoo, half*wa&53 as,e$ Corin.
3Sha%e, Corin,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3Ne+er "a#n" a %an sa+e when he is s"ron(er "han &o#: "hen,
as &o# )lease.3
3Oh &o# foolish Ra'a$ash,3 si(he$ L#c&.
Ne1" %o%en" Cor won$ere$ wh& e+er&one a" "he "a'le ha$ risen an$ was s"an$in( )erfec"l&
s"ill. Of co#rse he $i$ "he sa%e hi%self. An$ "hen he saw "he reason. Aslan was a%on(
"he% "ho#(h no one ha$ seen hi% co%in(. Ra'a$ash s"ar"e$ as "he i%%ense sha)e of "he
Lion )ace$ sof"l& in 'e"ween hi% an$ his acc#sers.
3Ra'a$ash,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Ta,e hee$. Yo#r $oo% is +er& near, '#" &o# %a& s"ill a+oi$ i".
7or(e" &o#r )ri$e .wha" ha+e &o# "o 'e )ro#$ of5/ an$ &o#r an(er .who has $one &o#
wron(5/ an$ acce)" "he %erc& of "hese (oo$ ,in(s.3
Then Ra'a$ash rolle$ his e&es an$ s)rea$ o#" his %o#"h in"o a horri'le, lon( %ir"hless (rin
li,e a shar,, an$ wa((e$ his ears #) an$ $own .an&one can learn how "o $o "his if "he& "a,e
"he "ro#'le/. He ha$ alwa&s fo#n$ "his +er& effec"i+e in Calor%en. The 'ra+es" ha$
"re%'le$ when he %a$e "hese faces, an$ or$inar& )eo)le ha$ fallen "o "he floor, an$
sensi"i+e )eo)le ha$ of"en fain"e$. B#" wha" Ra'a$ash ha$n2" reali<e$ is "ha" i" is +er& eas&
"o fri(h"en )eo)le who ,now &o# can ha+e "he% 'oile$ ali+e "he %o%en" &o# (i+e "he
wor$. The (ri%aces $i$n2" loo, a" all alar%in( in Archenlan$0 in$ee$ L#c& onl& "ho#(h"
Ra'a$ash was (oin( "o 'e sic,.
3De%on4 De%on4 De%on43 shrie,e$ "he Prince. 3I ,now &o#. Yo# are "he fo#l fien$ of
Narnia. Yo# are "he ene%& of "he (o$s. Learn who I a%, horri'le )han"as%. I a% $escen$e$
fro% Tash, "he ine1ora'le, "he irresis"i'le. "he c#rse of Tash is #)on &o#. Li(h"nin( in "he
sha)e of scor)ions shall 'e raine$ on &o#. The %o#n"ains of Narnia shall 'e (ro#n$ in"o
$#s". The*3
3Ha+e a care, Ra'a$ash,3 sai$ Aslan 9#ie"l&. 3The $oo% is nearer now: i" is a" "he $oor: i"
has lif"e$ "he la"ch.3
3Le" "he s,ies fall,3 shrie,e$ Ra'a$ash. 3Le" "he ear"h (a)e4 Le" 'loo$ an$ fire o'li"era"e
"he worl$4 B#" 'e s#re I will ne+er $esis" "ill I ha+e $ra((e$ "o %& )alace '& her hair "he
'ar'arian 9#een, "he $a#(h"er of $o(s, "he *3
3The ho#r has s"r#c,,3 sai$ Aslan: an$ Ra'a$ash saw, "o his s#)re%e horror, "ha" e+er&one
ha$ 'e(#n "o la#(h.
The& co#l$n2" hel) i". Ra'a$ash ha$ 'een wa((in( his ears all "he "i%e an$ as soon as Aslan
sai$, 3The ho#r has s"r#c,43 "he ears 'e(an "o chan(e. The& (rew lon(er an$ %ore )oin"e$
an$ soon were co+ere$ wi"h (re& hair. An$ while e+er&one was won$erin( where "he& ha$
seen ears li,e "ha" 'efore, Ra'a$ash2s face 'e(an "o chan(e "oo. I" (rew lon(er, an$ "hic,er
a" "he "o) an$ lar(er e&e$, an$ "he nose san, 'ac, in"o "he face .or else "he face swelle$ o#"
an$ 'eca%e all nose/ an$ "here was hair all o+er i". An$ his ar%s (rew lon(er an$ ca%e
$own in fron" of hi% "ill his han$s were res"in( on "he (ro#n$: onl& "he& weren2" han$s,
now, "he& were hoofs. An$ he was s"an$in( on all fo#rs, an$ his clo"hes $isa))eare$, an$
e+er&one la#(he$ lo#$er an$ lo#$er .'eca#se "he& co#l$n2" hel) i"/ for now wha" ha$ 'een
Ra'a$ash was, si%)l& an$ #n%is"a,a'l&, a $on,e&. The "erri'le "hin( was "ha" his h#%an
s)eech las"e$ 8#s" a %o%en" lon(er "han his h#%an sha)e, so "ha" when he reali<e$ "he
chan(e "ha" was co%in( o+er hi%, he screa%e$ o#":
3Oh, no" a Don,e&4 -erc&4 If i" were e+en a horse * e2en * a hor * eeh * a#h, eeh*a#h.3 An$
so "he wor$s $ie$ awa& in"o a $on,e&2s 'ra&.
3Now hear %e, Ra'a$ash,3 sai$ Aslan. 3>#s"ice shall 'e %i1e$ wi"h %erc&. Yo# shall no"
alwa&s 'e an Ass.3
A" "his of co#rse "he Don,e& "wi"che$ i"s ears forwar$ an$ "ha" also was so f#nn& "ha"
e+er&'o$& la#(he$ all "he %ore. The& "rie$ no" "o, '#" "he& "rie$ in +ain.
3Yo# ha+e a))eale$ "o Tash,3 sai$ Aslan. 3An$ in "he "e%)le of Tash &o# shall 'e heale$.
Yo# %#s" s"an$ 'efore "he al"ar of Tash in Tash'aan a" "he (rea" A#"#%n 7eas" "his &ear
an$ "here, in "he si(h" of all Tash'aan, &o#r ass2s sha)e will fall fro% &o# an$ all %en will
,now &o# for Prince Ra'a$ash. B#" as lon( as &o# li+e, if e+er &o# (o %ore "han "en %iles
awa& fro% "he (rea" "e%)le in Tash'aan &o# shall ins"an"l& 'eco%e a(ain as &o# now are.
An$ fro% "ha" secon$ chan(e "here will 'e no re"#rn.3
There was a shor" silence an$ "hen "he& all s"irre$ an$ loo,e$ a" one ano"her as if "he& were
wa,in( fro% slee). Aslan was (one. B#" "here was a 'ri(h"ness in "he air an$ on "he (rass,
an$ a 8o& in "heir hear"s, which ass#re$ "he% "ha" he ha$ 'een no $rea%: an$ an&wa&, "here
was "he $on,e& in fron" of "he%.
!in( L#ne was "he ,in$es"*hear"e$ of %en an$ on seein( his ene%& in "his re(re""a'le
con$i"ion he for(o" all his an(er.
3Yo#r ro&al Hi(hness,3 he sai$. 3I a% %os" "r#l& sorr& "ha" "hin(s ha+e co%e "o "his
e1"re%i"&. Yo#r Hi(hness will 'ear wi"ness "ha" i" was none of o#r $oin(. An$ of co#rse we
shall 'e $eli(h"e$ "o )ro+i$e &o#r Hi(hness wi"h shi))in( 'ac, "o Tash'aan for "he * er *
"rea"%en" which Aslan has )rescri'e$. Yo# shall ha+e e+er& co%for" which &o#r Hi(hness2s
si"#a"ion allows: "he 'es" of "he ca""le'oa"s * "he freshes" carro"s an$ "his"les *3
B#" a $eafenin( 'ra& fro% "he Don,e& an$ a well*ai%e$ ,ic, a" one of "he (#ar$s %a$e i"
clear "ha" "hese ,in$l& offers were #n(ra"ef#ll& recei+e$.
An$ here, "o (e" hi% o#" of "he wa&, I2$ 'e""er finish off "he s"or& of Ra'a$ash. He .or i"/
was $#l& sen" 'ac, '& 'oa" "o Tash'aan an$ 'ro#(h" in"o "he "e%)le of Tash a" "he (rea"
A#"#%n 7es"i+al, an$ "hen he 'eca%e a %an a(ain. B#" of co#rse fo#r or fi+e "ho#san$
)eo)le ha$ seen "he "ransfor%a"ion an$ "he affair co#l$ no" )ossi'l& 'e h#she$ #). An$
af"er "he ol$ Tisroc2s $ea"h when Ra'a$ash 'eca%e Tisroc in his )lace he "#rne$ o#" "he
%os" )eacea'le Tisroc Calor%en ha$ e+er ,nown. This was 'eca#se, no" $arin( "o (o %ore
"han "en %iles fro% Tash'aan, he co#l$ ne+er (o on a war hi%self: an$ he $i$n2" wan" his
Tar,aans "o win fa%e in "he wars a" his e1)ense, for "ha" is "he wa& Tisrocs (e" o+er"hrown.
B#" "ho#(h his reasons were selfish, i" %a$e "hin(s %#ch %ore co%for"a'le for all "he
s%aller co#n"ries ro#n$ Calor%en. His own )eo)le ne+er for(o" "ha" he ha$ 'een a $on,e&.
D#rin( his rei(n, an$ "o his face, he was calle$ Ra'a$ash "he Peace%a,er, '#" af"er his
$ea"h an$ 'ehin$ his 'ac, he was calle$ Ra'a$ash "he Ri$ic#lo#s, an$ if &o# loo, hi% #)
in a (oo$ His"or& of Calor%en ."r& "he local li'rar&/ &o# will fin$ hi% #n$er "ha" na%e.
An$ "o "his $a& in Calor%ene schools, if &o# $o an&"hin( #n#s#all& s"#)i$, &o# are +er&
li,el& "o 'e calle$ 3a secon$ Ra'a$ash3.
-eanwhile a" An+ar$ e+er&one was +er& (la$ "ha" he ha$ 'een $is)ose$ of 'efore "he real
f#n 'e(an, which was a (ran$ feas" hel$ "ha" e+enin( on "he lawn 'efore "he cas"le, wi"h
$o<ens of lan"erns "o hel) "he %oonli(h". An$ "he wine flowe$ an$ "ales were "ol$ an$
8o,es were crac,e$, an$ "hen silence was %a$e an$ "he !in(2s )oe" wi"h "wo fi$$lers
s"e))e$ o#" in"o "he %i$$le of "he circle. Ara+is an$ Cor )re)are$ "he%sel+es "o 'e 'ore$,
for "he onl& )oe"r& "he& ,new was "he Calor%ene ,in$, an$ &o# ,now now wha" "ha" was
li,e. B#" a" "he +er& firs" scra)e of "he fi$$les a roc,e" see%e$ "o (o #) insi$e "heir hea$s,
an$ "he )oe" san( "he (rea" ol$ la& of 7air Ol+in an$ how he fo#(h" "he 6ian" Pire an$
"#rne$ hi% in"o s"one .an$ "ha" is "he ori(in of -o#n" Pire * i" was a "wo*hea$e$ 6ian"/ an$
won "he La$& Liln for his 'ri$e0 an$ when i" was o+er "he& wishe$ i" was (oin( "o 'e(in
a(ain. An$ "ho#(h Bree co#l$n2" sin( he "ol$ "he s"or& of "he fi(h" a" Malin$reh. An$ L#c&
"ol$ a(ain ."he& ha$ all, e1ce)" Ara+is an$ Cor, hear$ i" %an& "i%es '#" "he& all wan"e$ i"
a(ain/ "he "ale of "he War$ro'e an$ how she an$ !in( E$%#n$ an$ =#een S#san an$ Pe"er
"he Hi(h !in( ha$ firs" co%e in"o Narnia.
An$ )resen"l&, as was cer"ain "o ha))en sooner or la"er, !in( L#ne sai$ if was "i%e for
&o#n( )eo)le "o 'e in 'e$. 3An$ "o%orrow, Cor,3 he a$$e$, 3shal" co%e o+er all "he cas"le
wi"h %e an$ see "he es"res an$ %ar, all i"s s"ren("h an$ wea,ness: for i" will 'e "hine "o
(#ar$ when I2% (one.3
3B#" Corin will 'e "he !in( "hen, 7a"her,3 sai$ Cor.
3Na&, la$,3 sai$ !in( L#ne, 3"ho# ar" %& heir. The crown co%es "o "hee.3
3B#" I $on2" wan" i",3 sai$ Cor. 3I2$ far ra"her*3
32Tis no 9#es"ion wha" "ho# wan"es", Cor, nor I ei"her. 2Tis in "he co#rse of law.3
3B#" if we2re "wins we %#s" 'e "he sa%e a(e.3
3Na&,3 sai$ "he !in( wi"h a la#(h. 3One %#s" co%e firs". Ar" Corin2s el$er '& f#ll "wen"&
%in#"es. An$ his 'e""er "oo, le"2s ho)e, "ho#(h "ha"2s no (rea" %as"er&.3 An$ he loo,e$ a"
Corin wi"h a "win,le in his e&es.
3B#", 7a"her, co#l$n2" &o# %a,e whiche+er &o# li,e "o 'e "he ne1" !in(53
3No. The ,in(2s #n$er "he law, for i"2s "he law %a,es hi% a ,in(. Has" no %ore )ower "o
s"ar" awa& fro% "h& crown "han an& sen"r& fro% his )os".3
3Oh $ear,3 sai$ Cor. 3I $on2" wan" "o a" all. An$ Corin * I a% %os" $rea$f#ll& sorr&. I ne+er
$rea%e$ %& "#rnin( #) was (oin( "o chisel &o# o#" of &o#r ,in($o%.3
3H#rrah4 H#rrah43 sai$ Corin. 3I shan2" ha+e "o 'e !in(. I shan2" ha+e "o 'e !in(. I2ll alwa&s
'e a )rince. I"2s )rinces ha+e all "he f#n.3
3An$ "ha"2s "r#er "han "h& 'ro"her ,nows, Cor,3 sai$ !in( L#ne. 37or "his is wha" i" %eans
"o 'e a ,in(: "o 'e firs" in e+er& $es)era"e a""ac, an$ las" in e+er& $es)era"e re"rea", an$
when "here2s h#n(er in "he lan$ .as %#s" 'e now an$ "hen in 'a$ &ears/ "o wear finer clo"hes
an$ la#(h lo#$er o+er a scan"ier %eal "han an& %an in &o#r lan$.3
When "he "wo 'o&s were (oin( #)s"airs "o 'e$ Cor a(ain as,e$ Corin if no"hin( co#l$ 'e
$one a'o#" i". An$ Corin sai$:
3If &o# sa& ano"her wor$ a'o#" i", I2ll * I2ll ,noc, &o# $own.3
I" wo#l$ 'e nice "o en$ "he s"or& '& sa&in( "ha" af"er "ha" "he "wo 'ro"hers ne+er $isa(ree$
a'o#" an&"hin( a(ain, '#" I a% afrai$ i" wo#l$ no" 'e "r#e. In reali"& "he& 9#arrelle$ an$
fo#(h" 8#s" a'o#" as of"en as an& o"her "wo 'o&s wo#l$, an$ all "heir fi(h"s en$e$ .if "he&
$i$n2" 'e(in/ wi"h Cor (e""in( ,noc,e$ $own. 7or "ho#(h, when "he& ha$ 'o"h (rown #)
an$ 'eco%e swor$s%en, Cor was "he %ore $an(ero#s %an in 'a""le, nei"her he nor an&one
else in "he Nor"h Co#n"ries co#l$ e+er e9#al Corin as a 'o1er. Tha" was how he (o" his
na%e of Corin Th#n$er*7is"0 an$ how he )erfor%e$ his (rea" e1)loi" a(ains" "he La)se$
Bear of S"or%ness, which was reall& a Tal,in( Bear '#" ha$ (one 'ac, "o Wil$ Bear ha'i"s.
Cor% cli%'e$ #) "o i"s lair on "he Narnian si$e of S"or%ness one win"er $a& when "he snow
was on "he hills an$ 'o1e$ i" wi"ho#" a "i%e*,ee)er for "hir"&*"hree ro#n$s. An$ a" "he en$ i"
co#l$n2" see o#" of i"s e&es an$ 'eca%e a refor%e$ charac"er.
Ara+is also ha$ %an& 9#arrels .an$, I2% afrai$, e+en fi(h"s/ wi"h Cor, '#" "he& alwa&s %a$e
i" #) a(ain: so "ha" &ears la"er, when "he& were (rown #), "he& were so #se$ "o 9#arrellin(
an$ %a,in( i" #) a(ain "ha" "he& (o" %arrie$ so as "o (o on $oin( i" %ore con+enien"l&. An$
af"er !in( L#ne2s $ea"h "he& %a$e a (oo$ !in( an$ =#een of Archenlan$ an$ Ra% "he
6rea", "he %os" fa%o#s of all "he ,in(s of Archenlan$, was "heir son. Bree an$ Hwin li+e$
ha))il& "o a (rea" a(e in Narnia an$ 'o"h (o" %arrie$ '#" no" "o one ano"her. An$ "here
weren2" %an& %on"hs in which one or 'o"h of "he% $i$n2" co%e "ro""in( o+er "he )ass "o
+isi" "heir frien$s a" An+ar$.
This is a s"or& a'o#" so%e"hin( "ha" ha))ene$ lon( a(o when &o#r (ran$fa"her was a chil$.
I" is a +er& i%)or"an" s"or& 'eca#se i" shows how all "he co%in(s an$ (oin(s 'e"ween o#r
own worl$ an$ "he lan$ of Narnia firs" 'e(an.
In "hose $a&s -r Sherloc, Hol%es was s"ill li+in( in Ba,er S"ree" an$ "he Bas"a'les were
loo,in( for "reas#re in "he Lewisha% Roa$. In "hose $a&s, if &o# were a 'o& &o# ha$ "o
wear a s"iff E"on collar e+er& $a&, an$ schools were #s#all& nas"ier "han now. B#" %eals
were nicer0 an$ as for swee"s, I won2" "ell &o# how chea) an$ (oo$ "he& were, 'eca#se i"
wo#l$ onl& %a,e &o#r %o#"h wa"er in +ain. An$ in "hose $a&s "here li+e$ in Lon$on a (irl
calle$ Poll& Pl#%%er.
She li+e$ in one of a lon( row of ho#ses which were all 8oine$ "o(e"her. One %ornin( she
was o#" in "he 'ac, (ar$en when a 'o& scra%'le$ #) fro% "he (ar$en ne1" $oor an$ )#" his
face o+er "he wall. Poll& was +er& s#r)rise$ 'eca#se #) "ill now "here ha$ ne+er 'een an&
chil$ren in "ha" ho#se, '#" onl& -r !e""erle& an$ -iss !e""erle&, a 'ro"her an$ sis"er, ol$
'achelor an$ ol$ %ai$, li+in( "o(e"her. So she loo,e$ #), f#ll of c#riosi"&. The face of "he
s"ran(e 'o& was +er& (r#''&. I" co#l$ har$l& ha+e 'een (r#''ier if he ha$ firs" r#''e$ his
han$s in "he ear"h, an$ "hen ha$ a (oo$ cr&, an$ "hen $rie$ his face wi"h his han$s. As a
%a""er of fac", "his was +er& nearl& wha" he ha$ 'een $oin(.
3H#llo,3 sai$ Poll&.
3H#llo,3 sai$ "he 'o&. 3Wha"2s &o#r na%e53
3Poll&,3 sai$ Poll&. 3Wha"2s &o#rs53
3Di(or&,3 sai$ "he 'o&.
3I sa&, wha" a f#nn& na%e43 sai$ Poll&.
3I" isn2" half so f#nn& as Poll&,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3Yes i" is,3 sai$ Poll&.
3No, i" isn2",3 sai$ Di(or&.
3A" an& ra"e I $o wash %& face,3 sai$ Poll&, 3Which is wha" &o# nee$ "o $o0 es)eciall& af"er
*3 an$ "hen she s"o))e$. She ha$ 'een (oin( "o sa& 3Af"er &o#2+e 'een 'l#''in(,3 '#" she
"ho#(h" "ha" wo#l$n2" 'e )oli"e.
3Alri(h", I ha+e "hen,3 sai$ Di(or& in a %#ch lo#$er +oice, li,e a 'o& who was so %isera'le
"ha" he $i$n2" care who ,new he ha$ 'een cr&in(. 3An$ so wo#l$ &o#,3 he wen" on, 3if
&o#2$ li+e$ all &o#r life in "he co#n"r& an$ ha$ a )on&, an$ a ri+er a" "he 'o""o% of "he
(ar$en, an$ "hen 'een 'ro#(h" "o li+e in a 'eas"l& Hole li,e "his.3
3Lon$on isn2" a Hole,3 sai$ Poll& in$i(nan"l&. B#" "he 'o& was "oo wo#n$ #) "o "a,e an&
no"ice of her, an$ he wen" on 3An$ if &o#r fa"her was awa& in In$ia * an$ &o# ha$ "o co%e
an$ li+e wi"h an A#n" an$ an ncle who2s %a$ .who wo#l$ li,e "ha"5/ * an$ if "he reason
was "ha" "he& were loo,in( af"er &o#r -o"her * an$ if &o#r -o"her was ill an$ was (oin( "o
* (oin( "o * $ie.3 Then his face wen" "he wron( sor" of sha)e as i" $oes if &o#2re "r&in( "o
,ee) 'ac, &o#r "ears.
3I $i$n2" ,now. I2% sorr&,3 sai$ Poll& h#%'l&. An$ "hen, 'eca#se she har$l& ,new wha" "o
sa&, an$ also "o "#rn Di(or&2s %in$ "o cheerf#l s#'8ec"s, she as,e$:
3Is -r !e""erle& reall& %a$53
3Well ei"her he2s %a$,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3or "here2s so%e o"her %&s"er&. He has a s"#$& on "he
"o) floor an$ A#n" Le""& sa&s I %#s" ne+er (o #) "here. Well, "ha" loo,s fish& "o 'e(in wi"h.
An$ "hen "here2s ano"her "hin(. Whene+er he "ries "o sa& an&"hin( "o %e a" %eal "i%es * he
ne+er e+en "ries "o "al, "o her * she alwa&s sh#"s hi% #). She sa&s, 3Don2" worr& "he 'o&,
An$rew3 or 3I2% s#re Di(or& $oesn2" wan" "o hear a'o#" "ha"3 or else 3Now, Di(or&,
wo#l$n2" &o# li,e "o (o o#" an$ )la& in "he (ar$en53
3Wha" sor" of "hin(s $oes he "r& "o sa&53
3I $on2" ,now. He ne+er (e"s far eno#(h. B#" "here2s %ore "han "ha". One ni(h" * i" was las"
ni(h" in fac" * as I was (oin( )as" "he foo" of "he a""ic*s"airs on %& wa& "o 'e$ .an$ I $on2"
%#ch care for (oin( )as" "he% ei"her/ I2% s#re I hear$ a &ell.3
3Perha)s he ,ee)s a %a$ wife sh#" #) "here.3
3Yes, I2+e "ho#(h" of "ha".3
3Or )erha)s he2s a coiner.3
3Or he %i(h" ha+e 'een a )ira"e, li,e "he %an a" "he 'e(innin( of Treas#re Islan$, an$ 'e
alwa&s hi$in( fro% his ol$ shi)%a"es.3
3How e1ci"in(43 sai$ Poll&, 3I ne+er ,new &o#r ho#se was so in"eres"in(.3 .
3Yo# %a& "hin, i" in"eres"in(,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3B#" &o# wo#l$n2" li,e i" if &o# ha$ "o slee)
"here. How wo#l$ &o# li,e "o lie awa,e lis"enin( for ncle An$rew2s s"e) "o co%e cree)in(
alon( "he )assa(e "o &o#r roo%5 An$ he has s#ch awf#l e&es.3
Tha" was how Poll& an$ Di(or& (o" "o ,now one ano"her: an$ as i" was 8#s" "he 'e(innin(
of "he s#%%er holi$a&s an$ nei"her of "he% was (oin( "o "he sea "ha" &ear, "he& %e" nearl&
e+er& $a&.
Their a$+en"#res 'e(an chiefl& 'eca#se i" was one of "he we""es" an$ col$es" s#%%ers "here
ha$ 'een for &ears. Tha" $ro+e "he% "o $o in$oor "hin(s: &o# %i(h" sa&, in$oor e1)lora"ion.
I" is won$erf#l how %#ch e1)lorin( &o# can $o wi"h a s"#%) of can$le in a 'i( ho#se, or in
a row of ho#ses. Poll& ha$ $isco+ere$ lon( a(o "ha" if &o# o)ene$ a cer"ain li""le $oor in "he
'o1*roo% a""ic of her ho#se &o# wo#l$ fin$ "he cis"ern an$ a $ar, )lace 'ehin$ i" which
&o# co#l$ (e" in"o '& a li""le caref#l cli%'in(. The $ar, )lace was li,e a lon( "#nnel wi"h
'ric, wall on one si$e an$ slo)in( roof on "he o"her. In "he roof "here were li""le ch#n,s of
li(h" 'e"ween "he sla"es. There was no floor in "his "#nnel: &o# ha$ "o s"e) fro% raf"er "o
raf"er, an$ 'e"ween "he% "here was onl& )las"er. If &o# s"e))e$ on "his &o# wo#l$ fin$
&o#rself fallin( "hro#(h "he ceilin( of "he roo% 'elow. Poll& ha$ #se$ "he 'i" of "he "#nnel
8#s" 'esi$e "he cis"ern as a s%#((lers2 ca+e. She ha$ 'ro#(h" #) 'i"s of ol$ )ac,in( cases
an$ "he sea"s of 'ro,en ,i"chen chairs, an$ "hin(s of "ha" sor", an$ s)rea$ "he% across fro%
raf"er "o raf"er so as "o %a,e a 'i" of floor. Here she ,e)" a cash*'o1 con"ainin( +ario#s
"reas#res, an$ a s"or& she was wri"in( an$ #s#all& a few a))les. She ha$ of"en $r#n, a 9#ie"
'o""le of (in(er*'eer in "here: "he ol$ 'o""les %a$e i" loo, %ore li,e a s%#((lers2 ca+e.
Di(or& 9#i"e li,e$ "he ca+e .she wo#l$n2" le" hi% see "he s"or&/ '#" he was %ore in"eres"e$
in e1)lorin(.
3Loo, here,3 he sai$. 3How lon( $oes "his "#nnel (o on for5 I %ean, $oes i" s"o) where &o#r
ho#se en$s53
3No,3 sai$ Poll&. 3The walls $on2" (o o#" "o "he roof. I" (oes on. I $on2" ,now how far.3
3Then we co#l$ (e" "he len("h of "he whole row of ho#ses.3
3So we co#l$,3 sai$ Poll&, 3An$ oh, I sa&43
3We co#l$ (e" in"o "he o"her ho#ses.3
3Yes, an$ (e" "a,en #) for '#r(lars4 No "han,s.3
3Don2" 'e so 8oll& cle+er. I was "hin,in( of "he ho#se 'e&on$ &o#rs.3 ,
3Wha" a'o#" i"53
3Wh&, i"2s "he e%)"& one. Da$$& sa&s i"2s alwa&s 'een e%)"& since we ca%e here.3
3I s#))ose we o#(h" "o ha+e a loo, a" i" "hen,3 sai$ Di(or&. He was a (oo$ $eal %ore
e1ci"e$ "han &o#2$ ha+e "ho#(h" fro% "he wa& he s)o,e. 7or of co#rse he was "hin,in(, 8#s"
as &o# wo#l$ ha+e 'een, of all "he reasons wh& "he ho#se %i(h" ha+e 'een e%)"& so lon(.
So was Poll&. Nei"her of "he% sai$ "he wor$ 3ha#n"e$3. An$ 'o"h fel" "ha" once "he "hin(
ha$ 'een s#((es"e$, i" wo#l$ 'e fee'le no" "o $o i".
3Shall we (o an$ "r& i" now53 sai$ Di(or&.
3Alri(h",3 sai$ Poll&.
3Don2" if &o#2$ ra"her no",3 sai$ Di(or&.
3I2% (a%e if &o# are,3 sai$ she.
3How are we "o ,now we2re in "he ne1" ho#se '#" one53 The& $eci$e$ "he& wo#l$ ha+e "o
(o o#" in"o "he 'o1roo% an$ wal, across i" "a,in( s"e)s as lon( as "he s"e)s fro% one raf"er
"o "he ne1". Tha" wo#l$ (i+e "he% an i$ea of how %an& raf"ers wen" "o a roo%. Then "he&
wo#l$ allow a'o#" fo#r %ore for "he )assa(e 'e"ween "he "wo a""ics in Poll&2s ho#se, an$
"hen "he sa%e n#%'er for "he %ai$2s 'e$roo% as for "he 'o1*roo%. Tha" wo#l$ (i+e "he%
"he len("h of "he ho#se. When "he& ha$ $one "ha" $is"ance "wice "he& wo#l$ 'e a" "he en$ of
Di(or&2s ho#se0 an& $oor "he& ca%e "o af"er "ha" wo#l$ le" "he% in"o an a""ic of "he e%)"&
3B#" I $on2" e1)ec" i"2s reall& e%)"& a" all,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3Wha" $o &o# e1)ec"53
3I e1)ec" so%eone li+es "here in secre", onl& co%in( in an$ o#" a" ni(h", wi"h a $ar, lan"ern.
We shall )ro'a'l& $isco+er a (an( of $es)era"e cri%inals an$ (e" a rewar$. I"2s all ro" "o sa&
a ho#se wo#l$ 'e e%)"& all "hose &ears #nless "here was so%e %&s"er&.3
3Da$$& "ho#(h" i" %#s" 'e "he $rains,3 sai$ Poll&.
3Pooh4 6rown*#)s are alwa&s "hin,in( of #nin"eres"in( e1)lana"ions,3 sai$ Di(or&. Now
"ha" "he& were "al,in( '& $a&li(h" in "he a""ic ins"ea$ of '& can$leli(h" in "he S%#((lers2
Ca+e i" see%e$ %#ch less li,el& "ha" "he e%)"& ho#se wo#l$ 'e ha#n"e$.
When "he& ha$ %eas#re$ "he a""ic "he& ha$ "o (e" a )encil an$ $o a s#%. The& 'o"h (o"
$ifferen" answers "o i" a" firs", an$ e+en when "he& a(ree$ I a% no" s#re "he& (o" i" ri(h".
The& were in a h#rr& "o s"ar" on "he e1)lora"ion.
3We %#s"n2" %a,e a so#n$,3 sai$ Poll& as "he& cli%'e$ in a(ain 'ehin$ "he cis"ern. Beca#se
i" was s#ch an i%)or"an" occasion "he& "oo, a can$le each .Poll& ha$ a (oo$ s"ore of "he%
in her ca+e/.
I" was +er& $ar, an$ $#s"& an$ $ra#(h"& an$ "he& s"e))e$ fro% raf"er "o raf"er wi"ho#" a
wor$ e1ce)" when "he& whis)ere$ "o one ano"her, 3We2re o))osi"e &o#r a""ic now3 or 3"his
%#s" 'e halfwa& "hro#(h o#r ho#se3. An$ nei"her of "he% s"#%'le$ an$ "he can$les $i$n2"
(o o#", an$ a" las" "he& ca%e where "he& co#l$ see a li""le $oor in "he 'ric, wall on "heir
ri(h". There was no 'ol" or han$le on "his si$e of i", of co#rse, for "he $oor ha$ 'een %a$e
for (e""in( in, no" for (e""in( o#"0 '#" "here was a ca"ch .as "here of"en is on "he insi$e of a
c#)'oar$ $oor/ which "he& fel" s#re "he& wo#l$ 'e a'le "o "#rn.
3Shall I53 sai$ Di(or&.
3I2% (a%e if &o# are,3 sai$ Poll&, 8#s" as she ha$ sai$ 'efore. Bo"h fel" "ha" i" was 'eco%in(
+er& serio#s, '#" nei"her wo#l$ $raw 'ac,. Di(or& )#she$ ro#n$ "he ca"ch wi"h so%e
$iffic#l"l&. The $oor sw#n( o)en an$ "he s#$$en $a&li(h" %a$e "he% 'lin,. Then, wi"h a
(rea" shoc,, "he& saw "ha" "he& were loo,in(, no" in"o a $eser"e$ a""ic, '#" in"o a f#rnishe$
roo%. B#" i" see%e$ e%)"& eno#(h. I" was $ea$ silen". Poll&2s c#riosi"& (o" "he 'e""er of
her. She 'lew o#" her can$le an$ s"e))e$ o#" in"o "he s"ran(e roo%, %a,in( no %ore noise
"han a %o#se.
I" was sha)e$, of co#rse, li,e an a""ic, '#" f#rnishe$ as a si""in(*roo%. E+er& 'i" of "he walls
was line$ wi"h shel+es an$ e+er& 'i" of "he shel+es was f#ll of 'oo,s. A fire was '#rnin( in
"he (ra"e .&o# re%e%'er "ha" i" was a +er& col$ we" s#%%er "ha" &ear/ an$ in fron" of "he
fire*)lace wi"h i"s 'ac, "owar$s "he% was a hi(h*'ac,e$ ar%chair. Be"ween "he chair an$
Poll&, an$ fillin( %os" of "he %i$$le of "he roo%, was a 'i( "a'le )ile$ wi"h all sor"s of
"hin(s )rin"e$ 'oo,s, an$ 'oo,s of "he sor" &o# wri"e in, an$ in, 'o""les an$ )ens an$
sealin(*wa1 an$ a %icrosco)e. B#" wha" she no"ice$ firs" was a 'ri(h" re$ woo$en "ra& wi"h
a n#%'er of rin(s on i". The& were in )airs * a &ellow one an$ a (reen one "o(e"her, "hen a
li""le s)ace, an$ "hen ano"her &ellow one an$ ano"her (reen one. The& were no 'i((er "han
or$inar& rin(s, an$ no one co#l$ hel) no"icin( "he% 'eca#se "he& were so 'ri(h". The&
were "he %os" 'ea#"if#l shin& li""le "hin(s &o# can i%a(ine. If Poll& ha$ 'een a +er& li""le
&o#n(er she wo#l$ ha+e wan"e$ "o )#" one in her %o#"h.
The roo% was so 9#ie" "ha" &o# no"ice$ "he "ic,in( of "he cloc, a" once. An$ &e", as she
now fo#n$, i" was no" a'sol#"el& 9#ie" ei"her. There was a fain" * a +er&, +er& fain" *
h#%%in( so#n$. If Hoo+ers ha$ 'een in+en"e$ in "hose $a&s Poll& wo#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" i"
was "he so#n$ of a Hoo+er 'ein( wor,e$ a lon( wa& off * se+eral roo%s awa& an$ se+eral
floors 'elow. B#" i" was a nicer so#n$ "han "ha", a %ore %#sical "one: onl& so fain" "ha" &o#
co#l$ har$l& hear i".
3I"2s alri(h"0 "here2s no one here,3 sai$ Poll& o+er her sho#l$er "o Di(or&. She was s)ea,in(
a'o+e a whis)er now. An$ Di(or& ca%e o#", 'lin,in( an$ loo,in( e1"re%el& $ir"& * as
in$ee$ Poll& was "oo.
3This is no (oo$,3 he sai$. 3I"2s no" an e%)"& ho#se a" all. We2$ 'e""er '#n, 'efore an&one
3Wha" $o &o# "hin, "hose are53 sai$ Poll&, )oin"in( a" "he colo#re$ rin(s.2
3Oh co%e on,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3The sooner*3
He ne+er finishe$ wha" he was (oin( "o sa& for a" "ha" %o%en" so%e"hin( ha))ene$. The
hi(h*'ac,e$ chair in fron" of "he fire %o+e$ s#$$enl& an$ "here rose #) o#" of i" * li,e a
)an"o%i%e $e%on co%in( #) o#" of a "ra)$oor "he alar%in( for% of ncle An$rew. The&
were no" in "he e%)"& ho#se a" all0 "he& were in Di(or&2s ho#se an$ in "he for'i$$en s"#$&4
Bo"h chil$ren sai$ 3O*o*oh3 an$ reali<e$ "heir "erri'le %is"a,e. The& fel" "he& o#(h" "o ha+e
,nown all alon( "ha" "he& ha$n2" (one nearl& far eno#(h.
ncle An$rew was "all an$ +er& "hin. He ha$ a lon( clean*sha+en face wi"h a shar)l&*
)oin"e$ nose an$ e1"re%el& 'ri(h" e&es an$ a (rea" "o#sle$ %o) of (re& hair.
Di(or& was 9#i"e s)eechless, for ncle An$rew loo,e$ a "ho#san$ "i%es %ore alar%in(
"han he ha$ e+er loo,e$ 'efore. Poll& was no" so fri(h"ene$ &e"0 '#" she soon was. 7or "he
+er& firs" "hin( ncle An$rew $i$ was "o wal, across "o "he $oor of "he roo%, sh#" i", an$
"#rn "he ,e& in "he loc,. Then he "#rne$ ro#n$, fi1e$ "he chil$ren wi"h his 'ri(h" e&es, an$
s%ile$, showin( all his "ee"h.
3There43 he sai$. 3Now %& fool of a sis"er can2" (e" a" &o#43
I" was $rea$f#ll& #nli,e an&"hin( a (rown*#) wo#l$ 'e e1)ec"e$ "o $o. Poll&2s hear" ca%e
in"o her %o#"h, an$ she an$ Di(or& s"ar"e$ 'ac,in( "owar$s "he li""le $oor "he& ha$ co%e in
'&. ncle An$rew was "oo 9#ic, for "he%. He (o" 'ehin$ "he% an$ sh#" "ha" $oor "oo an$
s"oo$ in fron" of i". Then he r#''e$ his han$s an$ %a$e his ,n#c,les crac,. He ha$ +er&
lon(, 'ea#"if#ll& whi"e, fin(ers.
3I a% $eli(h"e$ "o see &o#,3 he sai$. 3Two chil$ren are 8#s" wha" I wan"e$.3
3Please, -r !e""erle&,3 sai$ Poll&. 3I"2s nearl& %& $inner "i%e an$ I2+e (o" "o (o ho%e. Will
&o# le" #s o#", )lease53
3No" 8#s" &e",3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3This is "oo (oo$ an o))or"#ni"& "o %iss. I wan"e$ "wo
chil$ren. Yo# see, I2% in "he %i$$le of a (rea" e1)eri%en". I2+e "rie$ i" on a (#inea*)i( an$
i" see%e$ "o wor,. B#" "hen a (#inea*)i( can2" "ell &o# an&"hin(. An$ &o# can2" e1)lain "o i"
how "o co%e 'ac,.3
3Loo, here, ncle An$rew,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3i" reall& is $inner "i%e an$ "he&2ll 'e loo,in( for
#s in a %o%en". Yo# %#s" le" #s o#".3
3-#s"53 sai$ ncle An$rew.
Di(or& an$ Poll& (lance$ a" one ano"her. The& $are$ no" sa& an&"hin(, '#" "he (lances
%ean" 3Isn2" "his $rea$f#l53 an$ 3We %#s" h#%o#r hi%.3
3If &o# le" #s (o for o#r $inner now,3 sai$ Poll&, 3we co#l$ co%e 'ac, af"er $inner.3
3Ah, '#" how $o I ,now "ha" &o# wo#l$53 sai$ ncle An$rew wi"h a c#nnin( s%ile. Then
he see%e$ "o chan(e his %in$.
3Well, well,3 he sai$, 3if &o# reall& %#s" (o, I s#))ose &o# %#s". I can2" e1)ec" "wo
&o#n(s"ers li,e &o# "o fin$ i" %#ch f#n "al,in( "o an ol$ '#ffer li,e %e.3 He si(he$ an$
wen" on. 3Yo#2+e no i$ea how lonel& I so%e"i%es a%. B#" no %a""er. 6o "o &o#r $inner.
B#" I %#s" (i+e &o# a )resen" 'efore &o# (o. I"2s no" e+er& $a& "ha" I see a li""le (irl in %&
$in(& ol$ s"#$&0 es)eciall&, if I %a& sa& so, s#ch a +er& a""rac"i+e &o#n( la$& as &o#rself.3
Poll& 'e(an "o "hin, he %i(h" no" reall& 'e %a$ af"er all.
3Wo#l$n2" &o# li,e a rin(, %& $ear53 sai$ ncle An$rew "o Poll&.
3Do &o# %ean one of "hose &ellow or (reen ones53 sai$ Poll&. 3How lo+el&43
3No" a (reen one,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3I2% afrai$ I can2" (i+e "he (reen ones awa&. B#" I2$
'e $eli(h"e$ "o (i+e &o# an& of "he &ellow ones: wi"h %& lo+e. Co%e an$ "r& one on.3
Poll& ha$ now 9#i"e (o" o+er her fri(h" an$ fel" s#re "ha" "he ol$ (en"le%an was no" %a$0
an$ "here was cer"ainl& so%e"hin( s"ran(el& a""rac"i+e a'o#" "hose 'ri(h" rin(s. She %o+e$
o+er "o "he "ra&.
3Wh&4 I $eclare,3 she sai$. 3Tha" h#%%in( noise (e"s lo#$er here. I"2s al%os" as if "he rin(s
were %a,in( i".3
3Wha" a f#nn& fanc&, %& $ear,3 sai$ ncle An$rew wi"h a la#(h. I" so#n$e$ a +er& na"#ral
la#(h, '#" Di(or& ha$ seen an ea(er, al%os" a (ree$&, loo, on his face.
3Poll&4 Don2" 'e a fool43 he sho#"e$. 3Don2" "o#ch "he%.3
I" was "oo la"e. E1ac"l& as he s)o,e, Poll&2s han$ wen" o#" "o "o#ch one of "he rin(s. An$
i%%e$ia"el&, wi"ho#" a flash or a noise or a warnin( of an& sor", "here was no Poll&. Di(or&
an$ his ncle were alone in "he roo%.
IT was so s#$$en, an$ so horri'l& #nli,e an&"hin( "ha" ha$ e+er ha))ene$ "o Di(or& e+en in
a ni(h"%are, "ha" he le" o#" a screa%. Ins"an"l& ncle An$rew2s han$ was o+er his %o#"h.
3None of "ha"43 he hisse$ in Di(or&2s ear. 3If &o# s"ar" %a,in( a noise &o#r -o"her2ll hear
i". An$ &o# ,now wha" a fri(h" %i(h" $o "o her.3
As Di(or& sai$ af"erwar$s, "he horri'le %eanness of (e""in( a" a cha) in "ha" wa&, al%os"
%a$e hi% sic,. B#" of co#rse he $i$n2" screa% a(ain.
3Tha"2s 'e""er,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3Perha)s &o# co#l$n2" hel) i". I" is a shoc, when &o#
firs" see so%eone +anish. Wh&, i" (a+e e+en %e a "#rn when "he (#inea*)i( $i$ i" "he o"her
3Was "ha" when &o# &elle$53 as,e$ Di(or&.
3Oh, &o# hear$ "ha", $i$ &o#5 I ho)e &o# ha+en2" 'een s)&in( on %e53
3No, I ha+en2",3 sai$ Di(or& in$i(nan"l&. 3B#" wha"2s ha))ene$ "o Poll&53
3Con(ra"#la"e %e, %& $ear 'o&,3 sai$ ncle An$rew, r#''in( his han$s. 3-& e1)eri%en"
has s#ccee$e$. The li""le (irl2s (one * +anishe$ * ri(h" o#" of "he worl$.3
3Wha" ha+e &o# $one "o her53
3Sen" her "o * well * "o ano"her )lace.3
3Wha" $o &o# %ean53 as,e$ Di(or&.
ncle An$rew sa" $own an$ sai$, 3Well, I2ll "ell &o# all a'o#" i". Ha+e &o# e+er hear$ of
ol$ -rs Lefa&53
3Wasn2" she a (rea"*a#n" or so%e"hin(53 sai$ Di(or&.
3No" e1ac"l&,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3She was %& (o$%o"her. Tha"2s her, "here, on "he wall.3
Di(or& loo,e$ an$ saw a fa$e$ )ho"o(ra)h: i" showe$ "he face of an ol$ wo%an in a
'onne". An$ he co#l$ now re%e%'er "ha" he ha$ once seen a )ho"o of "he sa%e face in an
ol$ $rawer, a" ho%e, in "he co#n"r&. He ha$ as,e$ his -o"her who i" was an$ -o"her ha$
no" see%e$ "o wan" "o "al, a'o#" "he s#'8ec" %#ch. I" was no" a" all a nice face, Di(or&
"ho#(h", "ho#(h of co#rse wi"h "hose earl& )ho"o(ra)hs one co#l$ ne+er reall& "ell.
3Was "here * wasn2" "here * so%e"hin( wron( a'o#" her, ncle An$rew53 he as,e$.
3Well,3 sai$ ncle An$rew wi"h a ch#c,le, 3i" $e)en$s wha" &o# call wron(. Peo)le are so
narrow*%in$e$. She cer"ainl& (o" +er& 9#eer in la"er life. Di$ +er& #nwise "hin(s. Tha" was
wh& "he& sh#" her #).3
3In an as&l#%, $o &o# %ean53
3Oh no, no, no,3 sai$ ncle An$rew in a shoc,e$ +oice. 3No"hin( of "ha" sor". Onl& in
3I sa&43 sai$ Di(or&. 3Wha" ha$ she $one53
3Ah, )oor wo%an,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3She ha$ 'een +er& #nwise. There were a (oo$
%an& $ifferen" "hin(s. We nee$n2" (o in"o all "ha". She was alwa&s +er& ,in$ "o %e.3
3B#" loo, here, wha" has all "his (o" "o $o wi"h Poll&5 I $o wish &o#2$ *3
3All in (oo$ "i%e, %& 'o&,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3The& le" ol$ -rs Lefa& o#" 'efore she
$ie$ an$ I was one of "he +er& few )eo)le who% she wo#l$ allow "o see her in her las"
illness. She ha$ (o" "o $isli,e or$inar&, i(noran" )eo)le, &o# #n$ers"an$. I $o %&self. B#"
she an$ I were in"eres"e$ in "he sa%e sor" of "hin(s. I" was onl& a few $a&s 'efore her $ea"h
"ha" she "ol$ %e "o (o "o an ol$ '#rea# in her ho#se an$ o)en a secre" $rawer an$ 'rin( her
a li""le 'o1 "ha" I wo#l$ fin$ "here. The %o%en" I )ic,e$ #) "ha" 'o1 I co#l$ "ell '& "he
)ric,in( in %& fin(ers "ha" I hel$ so%e (rea" secre" in %& han$s. She (a+e i" %e an$ %a$e
%e )ro%ise "ha" as soon as she was $ea$ I wo#l$ '#rn i", #no)ene$, wi"h cer"ain
cere%onies. Tha" )ro%ise I $i$ no" ,ee).3
3Well, "hen, i" was 8oll& ro""en of &o#,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3Ro""en53 sai$ ncle An$rew wi"h a )#<<le$ loo,.
3Oh, I see. Yo# %ean "ha" li""le 'o&s o#(h" "o ,ee) "heir )ro%ises. ;er& "r#e: %os" ri(h"
an$ )ro)er, I2% s#re, an$ I2% +er& (la$ &o# ha+e 'een "a#(h" "o $o i". B#" of co#rse &o#
%#s" #n$ers"an$ "ha" r#les of "ha" sor", howe+er e1cellen" "he& %a& 'e for li""le 'o&s * an$
ser+an"s * an$ wo%en * an$ e+en )eo)le in (eneral, can2" )ossi'l& 'e e1)ec"e$ "o a))l& "o
)rofo#n$ s"#$en"s an$ (rea" "hin,ers an$ sa(es. No, Di(or&. -en li,e %e, who )ossess
hi$$en wis$o%, are free$ fro% co%%on r#les 8#s" as we are c#" off fro% co%%on
)leas#res. O#rs, %& 'o&, is a hi(h an$ lonel& $es"in&.3
As he sai$ "his he si(he$ an$ loo,e$ so (ra+e an$ no'le an$ %&s"erio#s "ha" for a secon$
Di(or& reall& "ho#(h" he was sa&in( so%e"hin( ra"her fine. B#" "hen he re%e%'ere$ "he
#(l& loo, he ha$ seen on his ncle2s face "he %o%en" 'efore Poll& ha$ +anishe$: an$ all a"
once he saw "hro#(h ncle An$rew2s (ran$ wor$s. 3All i" %eans,3 he sai$ "o hi%self, 3Is
"ha" he "hin,s he can $o an&"hin( he li,es "o (e" an&"hin( he wan"s.3
3Of co#rse,3 sai$ ncle An$rew, 3I $i$n2" $are "o o)en "he 'o1 for a lon( "i%e, for I ,new i"
%i(h" con"ain so%e"hin( hi(hl& $an(ero#s. 7or %& (o$%o"her was a +er& re%ar,a'le
wo%an. The "r#"h is, she was one of "he las" %or"als in "his co#n"r& who ha$ fair& 'loo$ in
her. .She sai$ "here ha$ 'een "wo o"hers in her "i%e. One was a $#chess an$ "he o"her was a
charwo%an./ In fac", Di(or&, &o# are now "al,in( "o "he las" %an .)ossi'l&/ who
reall& ha$ a fair& (o$%o"her. There4 Tha"2ll 'e so%e"hin( for &o# "o re%e%'er when &o#
are an ol$ %an &o#rself.3
3I 'e" she was a 'a$ fair&,3 "ho#(h" Di(or&0 an$ a$$e$ o#" lo#$. 3B#" wha" a'o#" Poll&53
3How &o# $o har) on "ha"43 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3As if "ha" was wha" %a""ere$4 -& firs"
"as, was of co#rse "o s"#$& "he 'o1 i"self. I" was +er& ancien". An$ I ,new eno#(h e+en
"hen "o ,now "ha" i" wasn2" 6ree,, or Ol$ E(&)"ian, or Ba'&lonian, or Hi""i"e, or Chinese. I"
was ol$er "han an& of "hose na"ions. Ah * "ha" was a (rea" $a& when I a" las" fo#n$ o#" "he
"r#"h. The 'o1 was A"lan"ean0 i" ca%e fro% "he los" islan$ of A"lan"is. Tha" %ean" i" was
cen"#ries ol$er "han an& of "he s"one*a(e "hin(s "he& $i( #) in E#ro)e. An$ i" wasn2" a
ro#(h, cr#$e "hin( li,e "he% ei"her. 7or in "he +er& $awn of "i%e A"lan"is was alrea$& a
(rea" ci"& wi"h )alaces an$ "e%)les an$ learne$ %en.3
He )a#se$ for a %o%en" as if he e1)ec"e$ Di(or& "o sa& so%e"hin(. B#" Di(or& was
$isli,in( his ncle %ore e+er& %in#"e, so he sai$ no"hin(.
3-eanwhile,3 con"in#e$ ncle An$rew, 3I was learnin( a (oo$ $eal in o"her wa&s .i"
wo#l$n2" 'e )ro)er "o e1)lain "he% "o a chil$/ a'o#" -a(ic in (eneral. Tha" %ean" "ha" I
ca%e "o ha+e a fair i$ea wha" sor" of "hin(s %i(h" 'e in "he 'o1. B& +ario#s "es"s I narrowe$
$own "he )ossi'ili"ies. I ha$ "o (e" "o ,now so%e * well, so%e $e+ilish 9#eer )eo)le, an$ (o
"hro#(h so%e +er& $isa(reea'le e1)eriences. Tha" was wha" "#rne$ %& hea$ (re&. One
$oesn2" 'eco%e a %a(ician for no"hin(. -& heal"h 'ro,e $own in "he en$. B#" I (o" 'e""er.
An$ a" las" I ac"#all& ,new.3
Al"ho#(h "here was no" reall& "he leas" chance of an&one o+erhearin( "he%, he leane$
forwar$ an$ al%os" whis)ere$ as he sai$:
3The A"lan"ean 'o1 con"aine$ so%e"hin( "ha" ha$ 'een 'ro#(h" fro% ano"her worl$ when
o#r worl$ was onl& 8#s" 'e(innin(.3
3Wha"53 as,e$ Di(or&, who was now in"eres"e$ in s)i"e of hi%self.
3Onl& $#s",3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 37ine, $r& $#s". No"hin( %#ch "o loo, a". No" %#ch "o
show for a life"i%e of "oil, &o# %i(h" sa&. Ah, '#" when I loo,e$ a" "ha" $#s" .I "oo, 8oll&
(oo$ care no" "o "o#ch i"/ an$ "ho#(h" "ha" e+er& (rain ha$ once 'een in ano"her worl$ * I
$on2" %ean ano"her )lane", &o# ,now0 "he&2re )ar" of o#r worl$ an$ &o# co#l$ (e" "o "he% if
&o# wen" far eno#(h * '#" a reall& O"her Worl$ * ano"her Na"#re ano"her #ni+erse *
so%ewhere &o# wo#l$ ne+er reach e+en if &o# "ra+elle$ "hro#(h "he s)ace of "his #ni+erse
for e+er an$ e+er * a worl$ "ha" co#l$ 'e reache$ onl& '& -a(ic * well43 Here ncle
An$rew r#''e$ his han$s "ill his ,n#c,les crac,e$ li,e firewor,s.
3I ,new,3 he wen" on, 3"ha" if onl& &o# co#l$ (e" i" in"o "he ri(h" for%, "ha" $#s" wo#l$ $raw
&o# 'ac, "o "he )lace i" ha$ co%e fro%. B#" "he $iffic#l"& was "o (e" i" in"o "he ri(h" for%.
-& earlier e1)eri%en"s were all fail#res. I "rie$ "he% on (#inea*)i(s. So%e of "he% onl&
$ie$. So%e e1)lo$e$ li,e li""le 'o%'s *3
3I" was a 8oll& cr#el "hin( "o $o,3 sai$ Di(or& who ha$ once ha$ a (#inea*)i( of his own.
3How &o# $o ,ee) (e""in( off "he )oin"43 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3Tha"2s wha" "he crea"#res
were for. I2$ 'o#(h" "he% %&self. Le" %e see * where was I5 Ah &es. A" las" I s#ccee$e$ in
%a,in( "he rin(s: "he &ellow rin(s. B#" now a new $iffic#l"& arose. I was )re""& s#re, now,
"ha" a &ellow rin( wo#l$ sen$ an& crea"#re "ha" "o#che$ i" in"o "he O"her Pace. B#" wha"
wo#l$ 'e "he (oo$ of "ha" if I co#l$n2" (e" "he% 'ac, "o "ell %e wha" "he& ha$ fo#n$ "here53
3An$ wha" a'o#" "he%53 sai$ Di(or&. 3A nice %ess "he&2$ 'e in if "he& co#l$n2" (e" 'ac,43
3Yo# will ,ee) on loo,in( a" e+er&"hin( fro% "he wron( )oin" of +iew,3 sai$ ncle An$rew
wi"h a loo, of i%)a"ience. 3Can2" &o# #n$ers"an$ "ha" "he "hin( is a (rea" e1)eri%en"5 The
whole )oin" of sen$in( an&one in"o "he O"her Place is "ha" I wan" "o fin$ o#" wha" i"2s li,e.3
3Well wh& $i$n2" &o# (o &o#rself "hen53
Di(or& ha$ har$l& e+er seen an&one so s#r)rise$ an$ offen$e$ as his ncle $i$ a" "his
si%)le 9#es"ion. 3-e5 -e53 he e1clai%e$. 3The 'o& %#s" 'e %a$4 A %an a" %& "i%e of
life, an$ in %& s"a"e of heal"h, "o ris, "he shoc, an$ "he $an(ers of 'ein( fl#n( s#$$enl&
in"o a $ifferen" #ni+erse5 I ne+er hear$ an&"hin( so )re)os"ero#s in %& life4 Do &o# reali<e
wha" &o#2re sa&in(5 Thin, wha" Ano"her Worl$ %eans * &o# %i(h" %ee" an&"hin(
3An$ I s#))ose &o#2+e sen" Poll& in"o i" "hen,3 sai$ Di(or&. His chee,s were fla%in( wi"h
an(er now. 3An$ all I can sa&,3 he a$$e$, 3e+en if &o# are %& ncle * is "ha" &o#2+e
'eha+e$ li,e a cowar$, sen$in( a (irl "o a )lace &o#2re afrai$ "o (o "o &o#rself.3
3Silence, sir43 sai$ ncle An$rew, 'rin(in( his han$ $own on "he "a'le. 3I will no" 'e
"al,e$ "o li,e "ha" '& a li""le, $ir"&, school'o&. Yo# $on2" #n$ers"an$. I a% "he (rea" scholar,
"he %a(ician, "he a$e)", who is $oin( "he e1)eri%en". Of co#rse I nee$ s#'8ec"s "o $o i" on.
Bless %& so#l, &o#2ll 'e "ellin( %e ne1" "ha" I o#(h" "o ha+e as,e$ "he (#inea*)i(s2
)er%ission 'efore I #se$ "he%4 No (rea" wis$o% can 'e reache$ wi"ho#" sacrifice. B#" "he
i$ea of %& (oin( %&self is ri$ic#lo#s. I"2s li,e as,in( a (eneral "o fi(h" as a co%%on
sol$ier. S#))osin( I (o" ,ille$, wha" wo#l$ 'eco%e of %& life2s wor,53
3Oh, $o s"o) 8awin(,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Are &o# (oin( "o 'rin( Poll& 'ac,53
3I was (oin( "o "ell &o#, when &o# so r#$el& in"err#)"e$ %e,3 sai$ ncle An$rew, 3"ha" I
$i$ a" las" fin$ o#" a wa& of $oin( "he re"#rn 8o#rne&. The (reen rin(s $raw &o# 'ac,.3
3B#" Poll& hasn2" (o" a (reen rin(.3
3No 3 sai$ ncle An$rew wi"h a
cr#el s%ile.
3Then she can2" (e" 'ac,,3 sho#"e$ Di(or&. 3An$ i"2s e1ac"l& "he sa%e as if &o#2$ %#r$ere$
3She can (e" 'ac,,3 sai$ ncle An$rew, 3if so%eone else will (o af"er her, wearin( a
&ellow rin( hi%self an$ "a,in( "wo (reen rin(s, one "o 'rin( hi%self 'ac, an$ one "o 'rin(
her 'ac,.3
An$ now of co#rse Di(or& saw "he "ra) in which he was ca#(h": an$ he s"are$ a" ncle
An$rew, sa&in( no"hin(, wi"h his %o#"h wi$e o)en. His chee,s ha$ (one +er& )ale.
3I ho)e,3 sai$ ncle An$rew )resen"l& in a +er& hi(h an$ %i(h"& +oice, 8#s" as if he were a
)erfec" ncle who ha$ (i+en one a han$so%e "i) an$ so%e (oo$ a$+ice, 3I ho)e, Di(or&,
&o# are no" (i+en "o showin( "he whi"e fea"her. I sho#l$ 'e +er& sorr& "o "hin, "ha" an&one
of o#r fa%il& ha$ no" eno#(h hono#r an$ chi+alr& "o (o "o "he ai$ of * er * a la$& in
3Oh sh#" #)43 sai$ Di(or&. 3If &o# ha$ an& hono#r an$ all "ha", &o#2$ 'e (oin( &o#rself.
B#" I ,now &o# won2". Alri(h". I see I2+e (o" "o (o. B#" &o# are a 'eas". I s#))ose &o#
)lanne$ "he whole "hin(, so "ha" she2$ (o wi"ho#" ,nowin( i" an$ "hen I2$ ha+e "o (o af"er
3Of co#rse,3 sai$ ncle An$rew wi"h his ha"ef#l s%ile.
3;er& well. I2ll (o. B#" "here2s one "hin( I 8oll& well %ean "o sa& firs". I $i$n2" 'elie+e in
-a(ic "ill "o$a&. I see now i"2s real. Well if i" is, I s#))ose all "he ol$ fair& "ales are %ore or
less "r#e. An$ &o#2re si%)l& a wic,e$, cr#el %a(ician li,e "he ones in "he s"ories. Well, I2+e
ne+er rea$ a s"or& in which )eo)le of "ha" sor" weren2" )ai$ o#" in "he en$, an$ I 'e" &o# will
'e. An$ ser+e &o# ri(h".3
Of all "he "hin(s Di(or& ha$ sai$ "his was "he firs" "ha" reall& wen" ho%e. ncle An$rew
s"ar"e$ an$ "here ca%e o+er his face a loo, of s#ch horror "ha", 'eas" "ho#(h he was, &o#
co#l$ al%os" feel sorr& for hi%. B#" a secon$ la"er he s%oo"he$ i" all awa& an$ sai$ wi"h a
ra"her force$ la#(h, 3Well, well, I s#))ose "ha" is a na"#ral "hin( for a chil$ "o "hin, *
'ro#(h" #) a%on( wo%en, as &o# ha+e 'een. Ol$ wi+es2 "ales, eh5 I $on2" "hin, &o# nee$
worr& a'o#" %& $an(er, Di(or&. Wo#l$n2" i" 'e 'e""er "o worr& a'o#" "he $an(er of &o#r
li""le frien$5 She2s 'een (one so%e "i%e. If "here are an& $an(ers O+er There * well, i"
wo#l$ 'e a )i"& "o arri+e a %o%en" "oo la"e.3
3A lo" &o# care,3 sai$ Di(or& fiercel&. 3B#" I2% sic, of "his 8aw. Wha" ha+e I (o" "o $o53
3Yo# reall& %#s" learn "o con"rol "ha" "e%)er of &o#rs, %& 'o&,3 sai$ ncle An$rew cooll&.
3O"herwise &o#2ll (row #) li,e &o#r A#n" Le""&. Now. A""en$ "o %e.3
He (o" #), )#" on a )air of (lo+es, an$ wal,e$ o+er "o "he "ra& "ha" con"aine$ "he rin(s.
3The& onl& wor,,3 he sai$, 3if "he&2re ac"#all& "o#chin( &o#r s,in. Wearin( (lo+es, I can
)ic, "he% #) * li,e "his * an$ no"hin( ha))ens. If &o# carrie$ one in &o#r )oc,e" no"hin(
wo#l$ ha))en: '#" of co#rse &o#2$ ha+e "o 'e caref#l no" "o )#" &o#r han$ in &o#r )oc,e"
an$ "o#ch i" '& acci$en". The %o%en" &o# "o#ch a &ellow rin(, &o# +anish o#" of "his
worl$. When &o# are in "he O"her Place I e1)ec" * of co#rse "his hasn2" 'een "es"e$ &e", '#" I
e1)ec" * "ha" "he %o%en" &o# "o#ch a (reen rin( &o# +anish o#" of "ha" worl$ an$ * I e1)ec"
* rea))ear in "his. Now. I "a,e "hese "wo (reens an$ $ro) "he% in"o &o#r ri(h"*han$ )oc,e".
Re%e%'er +er& caref#ll& which )oc,e" "he (reens are in. 6 for (reen an$ R for ri(h". 6.R.
&o# see: which are "he firs" "wo le""ers of (reen. One for &o# an$ one for "he li""le (irl. An$
now &o# )ic, #) a &ellow one for &o#rself. I sho#l$ )#" i" on on &o#r fin(er * if I were &o#.
There2ll 'e less chance of $ro))in( i".3
Di(or& ha$ al%os" )ic,e$ #) "he &ellow rin( when he s#$$enl& chec,e$ hi%self.
3Loo, here,3 he sai$. 3Wha" a'o#" -o"her5 S#))osin( she as,s where I a%53
3The sooner &o# (o, "he sooner &o#2ll 'e 'ac,,3 sai$ ncle An$rew cheerf#ll&.
3B#" &o# $on2" reall& ,now whe"her I can (e" 'ac,.3
ncle An$rew shr#((e$ his sho#l$ers, wal,e$ across "o "he $oor, #nloc,e$ i", "hrew i"
o)en, an$ sai$:
3Oh +er&2 well "hen. >#s" as &o# )lease. 6o $own an$ ha+e &o#r $inner. Lea+e "he li""le (irl
"o 'e ea"en '& wil$ ani%als or $rowne$ or s"ar+e$ in O"herworl$ or los" "here for (oo$, if
"ha"2s wha" &o# )refer. I"2s all one "o %e. Perha)s 'efore "ea "i%e &o#2$ 'e""er $ro) in on
-rs Pl#%%er an$ e1)lain "ha" she2ll ne+er see her $a#(h"er a(ain0 'eca#se &o# were afrai$
"o )#" on a rin(.3
3B& (#%,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3$on2" I 8#s" wish I was 'i( eno#(h "o )#nch &o#r hea$43
Then he '#""one$ #) his coa", "oo, a $ee) 'rea"h, an$ )ic,e$ #) "he rin(. An$ he "ho#(h"
"hen, as he alwa&s "ho#(h" af"erwar$s "oo, "ha" he co#l$ no" $ecen"l& ha+e $one an&"hin(
NCLE ANDREW an$ his s"#$& +anishe$ ins"an"l&. Then, for a %o%en", e+er&"hin(
'eca%e %#$$le$. The ne1" "hin( Di(or& ,new was "ha" "here was a sof" (reen li(h"
co%in( $own on hi% fro% a'o+e, an$ $ar,ness 'elow. He $i$n2" see% "o 'e s"an$in( on
an&"hin(, or si""in(, or l&in(. No"hin( a))eare$ "o 'e "o#chin( hi%. 3I 'elie+e I2% in wa"er,3
sai$ Di(or&. 3Or #n$er wa"er.3 This fri(h"ene$ hi% for a secon$, '#" al%os" a" once he
co#l$ feel "ha" he was r#shin( #)war$s. Then his hea$ s#$$enl& ca%e o#" in"o "he air an$,
he fo#n$ hi%self scra%'lin( ashore, o#" on "o s%oo"h (rass& (ro#n$ a" "he e$(e of a )ool.
As he rose "o his fee" he no"ice$ "ha" he was nei"her $ri))in( nor )an"in( for 'rea"h as
an&one wo#l$ e1)ec" af"er 'ein( #n$er wa"er. His clo"hes were )erfec"l& $r&. He was
s"an$in( '& "he e$(e of a s%all )ool * no" %ore "han "en fee" fro% si$e "o si$e in a woo$.
The "rees (rew close "o(e"her an$ were so leaf& "ha" he co#l$ (e" no (li%)se of "he s,&. All
"he li(h" was (reen li(h" "ha" ca%e "hro#(h "he lea+es: '#" "here %#s" ha+e 'een a +er&
s"ron( s#n o+erhea$, for "his (reen $a&li(h" was 'ri(h" an$ war%. I" was "he 9#ie"es" woo$
&o# co#l$ )ossi'l& i%a(ine. There were no 'ir$s, no insec"s, no ani%als, an$ no win$. Yo#
co#l$ al%os" feel "he "rees (rowin(. The )ool he ha$ 8#s" (o" o#" of was no" "he onl& )ool.
There were $o<ens of o"hers * a )ool e+er& few &ar$s as far as his e&es co#l$ reach. Yo#
co#l$ al%os" feel "he "rees $rin,in( "he wa"er #) wi"h "heir roo"s. This woo$ was +er& %#ch
ali+e. When he "rie$ "o $escri'e i" af"erwar$s
Di(or& alwa&s sai$, 3I" was a rich )lace: as rich as )l#%ca,e.3
The s"ran(es" "hin( was "ha", al%os" 'efore he ha$ loo,e$ a'o#" hi%, Di(or& ha$ half
for(o""en how he ha$ co%e "here. A" an& ra"e, he was cer"ainl& no" "hin,in( a'o#" Poll&, or
ncle An$rew, or e+en his -o"her. He was no" in "he leas" fri(h"ene$, or e1ci"e$, or
c#rio#s. If an&one ha$ as,e$ hi% 3Where $i$ &o# co%e fro%53 he wo#l$ )ro'a'l& ha+e
sai$, 3I2+e alwa&s 'een here.3 Tha" was wha" i" fel" li,e * as if one ha$ alwa&s 'een in "ha"
)lace an$ ne+er 'een 'ore$ al"ho#(h no"hin( ha$ e+er ha))ene$. As he sai$ lon(
af"erwar$s, 3I"2s no" "he sor" of )lace where "hin(s ha))en. The "rees (o on (rowin(, "ha"2s
Af"er Di(or& ha$ loo,e$ a" "he woo$ for a lon( "i%e he no"ice$ "ha" "here was a (irl l&in(
on her 'ac, a" "he foo" of a "ree a few &ar$s awa&. Her e&es were nearl& sh#" '#" no" 9#i"e,
as if she were 8#s" 'e"ween slee)in( an$ wa,in(. So he loo,e$ a" her for a lon( "i%e an$
sai$ no"hin(. An$ a" las" she o)ene$ her e&es an$ loo,e$ a" hi% for a lon( "i%e an$ she also
sai$ no"hin(. Then she s)o,e, in a $rea%&, con"en"e$ sor" of +oice.
3I "hin, I2+e seen &o# 'efore,3 she sai$.
3I ra"her "hin, so "oo,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Ha+e &o# 'een here lon(53
3Oh, alwa&s,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3A" leas" * I $on2" ,now a +er& lon( "i%e.3
3So ha+e I,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3No &o# ha+en2", sai$ she. 3I2+e 8#s" seen &o# co%e #) o#" of "ha" )ool.3
3Yes, I s#))ose I $i$,3 sai$ Di(or& wi"h a )#<<le$ air, 3I2$ for(o""en.3
Then for 9#i"e a lon( "i%e nei"her sai$ an& %ore.
3Loo, here,3 sai$ "he (irl )resen"l&, 3I won$er $i$ we e+er reall& %ee" 'efore5 I ha$ a sor"
of i$ea * a sor" of )ic"#re in %& hea$ * of a 'o& an$ a (irl, li,e #s * li+in( so%ewhere 9#i"e
$ifferen" * an$ $oin( all sor"s of "hin(s. Perha)s i" was onl& a $rea%.3
3I2+e ha$ "ha" sa%e $rea%, I "hin,,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3A'o#" a 'o& an$ a (irl, li+in( ne1" $oor *
an$ so%e"hin( a'o#" crawlin( a%on( raf"ers. I re%e%'er "he (irl ha$ a $ir"& face.3
3Aren2" &o# (e""in( i" %i1e$5 In %& $rea% i" was "he 'o& who ha$ "he $ir"& face.3
3I can2" re%e%'er "he 'o&2s face,3 sai$ Di(or&: an$ "hen a$$e$, 3H#llo4 Wha"2s "ha"53
3Wh&4 i"2s a (#inea*)i(,3 sai$ "he (irl. An$ i" was * a fa" (#inea*)i(, nosin( a'o#" in "he
(rass. B#" ro#n$ "he %i$$le of "he (#inea*)i( "here ran a "a)e, an$, "ie$ on "o i" '& "he "a)e,
was a 'ri(h" &ellow rin(.
3Loo,4 loo,,3 crie$ Di(or&, 3The rin(4 An$ loo,4 Yo#2+e (o" one on &o#r fin(er. An$ so
ha+e I.3
The (irl now sa" #), reall& in"eres"e$ a" las". The& s"are$ +er& har$ a" one ano"her, "r&in( "o
re%e%'er. An$ "hen, a" e1ac"l& "he sa%e %o%en", she sho#"e$ o#" 3-r !e""erle&3 an$ he
sho#"e$ o#" 3ncle An$rew3, an$ "he& ,new who "he& were an$ 'e(an "o re%e%'er "he
whole s"or&. Af"er a few %in#"es har$ "al,in( "he& ha$ (o" i" s"rai(h". Di(or& e1)laine$
how 'eas"l& ncle An$rew ha$ 'een.
3Wha" $o we $o now53 sai$ Poll&. 3Ta,e "he (#inea)i( an$ (o ho%e53
3There2s no h#rr&,3 sai$ Di(or& wi"h a h#(e &awn.
3I "hin, "here is,3 sai$ Poll&. 3This )lace is "oo 9#ie". I"2s so * so $rea%&. Yo#2re al%os"
aslee). If we once (i+e in "o i" we shall 8#s" lie $own an$ $rowse for e+er an$ e+er.3
3I"2s +er& nice here,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3Yes, i" is,3 sai$ Poll&.
3B#" we2+e (o" "o (e" 'ac,.3 She s"oo$ #) an$ 'e(an "o (o ca#"io#sl& "owar$s "he (#inea*
)i(. B#" "hen she chan(e$ her %in$.
3We %i(h" as well lea+e "he (#inea*)i(,3 she sai$. 3I"2s )erfec"l& ha))& here, an$ &o#r
#ncle will onl& $o so%e"hin( horri$ "o i" if we "a,e i" ho%e.3
3I 'e" he wo#l$,3 answere$ Di(or&. 3Loo, a" "he wa& he2s "rea"e$ #s. B& "he wa&, how $o
we (e" ho%e53
36o 'ac, in"o "he )ool, I e1)ec".3
The& ca%e an$ s"oo$ "o(e"her a" "he e$(e loo,in( $own in"o "he s%oo"h wa"er. I" was f#ll
of "he reflec"ion of "he (reen, leaf& 'ranches0 "he& %a$e i" loo, +er& $ee).
3We ha+en2" an& 'a"hin( "hin(s,3 sai$ Poll&.
3We shan2" nee$ "he%, sill&,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3We2re (oin( in wi"h o#r clo"hes on. Don2" &o#
re%e%'er i" $i$n2" we" #s on "he wa& #)53
3Can &o# swi%53
3A 'i". Can &o#53
3Well * no" %#ch.3
3I $on2" "hin, we shall nee$ "o swi%,3 sai$ Di(or& 3We wan" "o (o $own, $on2" we53
Nei"her of "he% %#ch li,e$ "he i$ea of 8#%)in( in"o "ha" )ool, '#" nei"her sai$ so "o "he
o"her. The& "oo, han$s an$ sai$ 3One * Two * Three * 6o3 an$ 8#%)e$. There was a (rea"
s)lash an$ of co#rse "he& close$ "heir e&es. B#" when "he& o)ene$ "he% a(ain "he& fo#n$
"he& were s"ill s"an$in(, han$ in han$, in "he (reen woo$, an$ har$l& #) "o "heir an,les in
wa"er. The )ool was a))aren"l& onl& a co#)le of inches $ee). The& s)lashe$ 'ac, on "o "he
$r& (ro#n$.
3Wha" on ear"h2s (one wron(53 sai$ Poll& in a fri(h"ene$ +oice0 '#" no" 9#i"e so fri(h"ene$
as &o# %i(h" e1)ec", 'eca#se i" is har$ "o feel reall& fri(h"ene$ in "ha" woo$. The )lace is
"oo )eacef#l.
3Oh4 I ,now,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3Of co#rse i" won2" wor,. We2re s"ill wearin( o#r &ellow rin(s.
The&2re for "he o#"war$ 8o#rne&, &o# ,now. The (reen ones "a,e &o# ho%e. We %#s"
chan(e rin(s. Ha+e &o# (o" )oc,e"s5 6oo$. P#" &o#r &ellow rin( in &o#r lef". I2+e (o" "wo
(reens. Here2s one for &o#.3
The& )#" on "heir (reen rin(s an$ ca%e 'ac, "o "he )ool. B#" 'efore "he& "rie$ ano"her 8#%)
Di(or& (a+e a lon( 3O*ooh43
3Wha"2s "he %a""er53 sai$ Poll&.
3I2+e 8#s" ha$ a reall& won$erf#l i$ea,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Wha" are all "he o"her )ools53
3How $o &o# %ean53
3Wh&, if awe can (e" 'ac, "o o#r own worl$ '& 8#%)in( in"o "his )ool, %i(h"n2" we (e"
so%ewhere else '& 8#%)in( in"o one of "he o"hers5 S#))osin( "here was a worl$ a" "he
'o""o% of e+er& )ool.3
3B#" I "ho#(h" we were alrea$& in &o#r ncle An$rew2s O"her Worl$ or O"her Place or
wha"e+er he calle$ i". Di$n2" &o# sa& *3
3Oh 'o"her ncle An$rew,3 in"err#)"e$ Di(or&. 3I $on2" 'elie+e he ,nows an&"hin( a'o#"
i". He ne+er ha$ "he )l#c, "o co%e here hi%self. He onl& "al,e$ of one O"her Worl$. B#"
s#))ose "here were $o<ens53
3Yo# %ean, "his woo$ %i(h" 'e onl& one of "he%53
3No, I $on2" 'elie+e "his woo$ is a worl$ a" all. I "hin, i"2s 8#s" a sor" of in*'e"ween )lace.3
Poll& loo,e$ )#<<le$. 3Don2" &o# see53 sai$ Di(or&. 3No, $o lis"en. Thin, of o#r "#nnel
#n$er "he sla"es a" ho%e. I" isn2" a roo% in an& of "he ho#ses. In a wa&, i" isn2" reall& )ar" of
an& of "he ho#ses. B#" once &o#2re in "he "#nnel &o# can (o alon( i" an$ co%e in"o an& of
"he ho#ses in "he row. -i(h"n2" "his woo$ 'e "he sa%e5 * a )lace "ha" isn2" in an& of "he
worl$s, '#" once &o#2+e fo#n$ "ha" )lace &o# can (e" in"o "he% all.3
3Well, e+en if &o# can *3 'e(an Poll&, '#" Di(or& wen" on as if he ha$n2" hear$ her.
3An$ of co#rse "ha" e1)lains e+er&"hin(,3 he sai$. 3Tha"2s wh& i" is so 9#ie" an$ slee)& here.
No"hin( e+er ha))ens here. Li,e a" ho%e. I"2s in "he ho#ses "ha" )eo)le "al,, an$ $o "hin(s,
an$ ha+e %eals. No"hin( (oes on in "he in'e"ween )laces, 'ehin$ "he walls an$ a'o+e "he
ceilin(s an$ #n$er "he floor, or in o#r own "#nnel. B#" when &o# co%e o#" of o#r "#nnel
&o# %a& fin$ &o#rself in an& ho#se. I "hin, we can (e" o#" of "his )lace in"o 8oll& well
An&where4 We $on2" nee$ "o 8#%) 'ac, in"o "he sa%e )ool we ca%e #) '&. Or no" 8#s" &e".3
3The Woo$ 'e"ween "he Worl$s,3 sai$ Poll& $rea%il&. 3I" so#n$s ra"her nice.3
3Co%e on,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Which )ool shall we "r&53
3Loo, here,3 sai$ Poll&, 3I2% no" (oin( "o "r& an& new )ool "ill we2+e %a$e s#re "ha" we can
(e" 'ac, '& "he ol$ one. We2re no" e+en s#re if i"2ll wor, &e".3
3Yes,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3An$ (e" ca#(h" '& ncle An$rew an$ ha+e o#r rin(s "a,en awa&
'efore we2+e ha$ an& f#n. No "han,s.3
3Co#l$n2" we 8#s" (o )ar" of "he wa& $own in"o o#r own )ool,3 sai$ Poll&. 3>#s" "o see if i"
wor,s. Then if i" $oes, we2ll chan(e rin(s an$ co%e #) a(ain 'efore we2re reall& 'ac, in -r
!e""erle&2s s"#$&.3
3Can we (o )ar" of "he wa& $own53
3Well, i" "oo, "i%e co%in( #). I s#))ose i"2ll "a,e a li""le "i%e (oin( 'ac,.3
Di(or& %a$e ra"her a f#ss a'o#" a(reein( "o "his, '#" he ha$ "o in "he en$ 'eca#se Poll&
a'sol#"el& ref#se$ "o $o an& e1)lorin( in new worl$s #n"il she ha$ %a$e s#re a'o#" (e""in(
'ac, "o "he ol$ one. She was 9#i"e as 'ra+e as he a'o#" so%e $an(ers .was)s, for ins"ance/
'#" she was no" so in"eres"e$ in fin$in( o#" "hin(s no'o$& ha$ e+er hear$ of 'efore0 for
Di(or& was "he sor" of )erson who wan"s "o ,now e+er&"hin(, an$ when he (rew #) he
'eca%e "he fa%o#s Professor !ir,e who co%es in"o o"her 'oo,s.
Af"er a (oo$ $eal of ar(#in( "he& a(ree$ "o )#" on "heir (reen rin(s .36reen for safe"&,3
sai$ Di(or&, 3so &o# can2" hel) re%e%'erin( which is which3/ an$ hol$ han$s an$ 8#%).
B#" as soon as "he& see%e$ "o 'e (e""in( 'ac, "o ncle An$rew2s s"#$&, or e+en "o "heir
own worl$, Poll& was "o sho#" 3Chan(e3 an$ "he& wo#l$ sli) off "heir (reens an$ )#" on
"heir &ellows. Di(or& wan"e$ "o 'e "he one who sho#"e$ 3Chan(e3 '#" Poll& wo#l$n2" a(ree.
The& )#" on "he (reen rin(s, "oo, han$s, an$ once %ore sho#"e$ 3One *Two * Three * 6o3.
This "i%e i" wor,e$. I" is +er& har$ "o "ell &o# wha" i" fel" li,e, for e+er&"hin( ha))ene$ so
9#ic,l&. A" firs" "here were 'ri(h" li(h"s %o+in( a'o#" in a 'lac, s,&0 Di(or& alwa&s "hin,s
"hese were s"ars an$ e+en swears "ha" he saw >#)i"er 9#i"e close *close eno#(h "o see i"s
%oon. B#" al%os" a" once "here were rows an$ rows of roofs an$ chi%ne& )o"s a'o#" "he%,
an$ "he& co#l$ see S" Pa#l2s an$ ,new "he& were loo,in( a" Lon$on. B#" &o# co#l$ see
"hro#(h "he walls of all "he ho#ses. Then "he& co#l$ see ncle An$rew, +er& +a(#e an$
sha$ow&, '#" (e""in( clearer an$ %ore soli$*loo,in( all "he "i%e, 8#s" as if he were co%in(
in"o foc#s. B#" 'efore he 'eca%e 9#i"e real Poll& sho#"e$ 3Chan(e3, an$ "he& $i$ chan(e,
an$ o#r worl$ fa$e$ awa& li,e a $rea%, an$ "he (reen li(h" a'o+e (rew s"ron(er an$
s"ron(er, "ill "heir hea$s ca%e o#" of "he )ool an$ "he& scra%'le$ ashore. An$ "here was "he
woo$ all a'o#" "he%, as (reen an$ 'ri(h" an$ s"ill as e+er. The whole "hin( ha$ "a,en less
"han a %in#"e.
3There43 sai$ Di(or&. 3Tha"2s alri(h". Now for "he a$+en"#re. An& )ool will $o. Co%e on.
Le"2s "r& "ha" one.3
3S"o)43 sai$ Poll&* 3Aren2" we (oin( "o %ar, "his )ool53
The& s"are$ a" each o"her an$ "#rne$ 9#i"e whi"e as "he& reali<e$ "he $rea$f#l "hin( "ha"
Di(or& ha$ 8#s" 'een (oin( "o $o. 7or "here were an& n#%'er of )ools in "he woo$, an$ "he
)ools were all ali,e an$ "he "rees were all ali,e, so "ha" if "he& ha$ once lef" 'ehin$ "he )ool
"ha" le$ "o o#r own worl$ wi"ho#" %a,in( so%e sor" of lan$%ar,, "he chances wo#l$ ha+e
'een a h#n$re$ "o one a(ains" "heir e+er fin$in( i" a(ain.
Di(or&2s han$ was sha,in( as he o)ene$ his )en,nife an$ c#" o#" a lon( s"ri) of "#rf on "he
'an, of "he )ool. The soil .which s%elle$ nice/ was of a rich re$$ish 'rown an$ showe$ #)
well a(ains" "he (reen. 3I"2s a (oo$ "hin( one of #s has so%e sense,3 sai$ Poll&.
3Well $on2" ,ee) on (assin( a'o#" i",3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Co%e alon(, I wan" "o see wha"2s in
one of "he o"her )ools.3 An$ Poll& (a+e hi% a )re""& shar) answer an$ he sai$ so%e"hin(
e+en nas"ier in re)l&. The 9#arrel las"e$ for se+eral %in#"es '#" i" wo#l$ 'e $#ll "o wri"e i"
all $own. Le" #s s,i) on "o "he %o%en" a" which "he& s"oo$ wi"h 'ea"in( hear"s an$ ra"her
scare$ faces on "he e$(e of "he #n,nown )ool wi"h "heir &ellow rin(s on an$ hel$ han$s an$
once %ore sai$ 3One * Two * Three * 6o43
S)lash4 Once a(ain i" ha$n2" wor,e$. This )ool, "oo, a))eare$ "o 'e onl& a )#$$le. Ins"ea$
of reachin( a new worl$ "he& onl& (o" "heir fee" we" an$ s)lashe$ "heir le(s for "he secon$
"i%e "ha" %ornin( .if i" was a %ornin(: i" see%s "o 'e alwa&s "he sa%e "i%e in "he Woo$
'e"ween "he Worl$s/.
3Blas" an$ 'o"hera"ion43 e1clai%e$ Di(or&. 3Wha"2s (one wron( now5 We2+e )#" o#r
&ellow rin(s on all ri(h". He sai$ &ellow for "he o#"war$ 8o#rne&.3
Now "he "r#"h was "ha" ncle An$rew, who ,new no"hin( a'o#" "he Woo$ 'e"ween "he
Worl$s, ha$ 9#i"e a wron( i$ea a'o#" "he rin(s. The &ellow ones weren2" 3o#"war$3 rin(s
an$ "he (reen ones weren2" 3ho%ewar$3 rin(s0 a" leas", no" in "he wa& he "ho#(h". The s"#ff
of which 'o"h were %a$e ha$ all co%e fro% "he woo$. The s"#ff in "he &ellow rin(s ha$ "he
)ower of $rawin( &o# in"o "he woo$0 i" was s"#ff "ha" wan"e$ "o (e" 'ac, "o i"s own )lace,
"he in*'e"ween )lace. B#" "he s"#ff in "he (reen rin(s is s"#ff "ha" is "r&in( "o (e" o#" of i"s
own )lace: so "ha" a (reen rin( wo#l$ "a,e &o# o#" of "he woo$ in"o a worl$. ncle
An$rew, &o# see, was wor,in( wi"h "hin(s he $i$ no" reall& #n$ers"an$0 %os" %a(icians
are. Of co#rse Di(or& $i$ no" reali<e "he "r#"h 9#i"e clearl& ei"her, or no" "ill la"er. B#" when
"he& ha$ "al,e$ i" o+er, "he& $eci$e$ "o "r& "heir (reen rin(s on "he new )ool, 8#s" "o see
wha" ha))ene$.
3I2% (a%e if &o# are,3 sai$ Poll&. B#" she reall& sai$ "his 'eca#se, in her hear" of hear"s, she
now fel" s#re "ha" nei"her ,in$ of rin( was (oin( "o wor, a" all in "he new )ool, an$ so "here
was no"hin( worse "o 'e afrai$ of "han ano"her s)lash. I a% no" 9#i"e s#re "ha" Di(or& ha$
no" "he sa%e feelin(. A" an& ra"e, when "he& ha$ 'o"h )#" on "heir (reens an$ co%e 'ac, "o
"he e$(e of "he wa"er, an$ "a,en han$s a(ain, "he& were cer"ainl& a (oo$ $eal %ore cheerf#l
an$ less sole%n "han "he& ha$ 'een "he firs" "i%e.
3One * Two * Three * 6o43 sai$ Di(or&. An$ "he& 8#%)e$.
THERE was no $o#'" a'o#" "he -a(ic "his "i%e. Down an$ $own "he& r#she$, firs" "hro#(h
$ar,ness an$ "hen "hro#(h a %ass of +a(#e an$ whirlin( sha)es which %i(h" ha+e 'een
al%os" an&"hin(. I" (rew li(h"er. Then s#$$enl& "he& fel" "ha" "he& were
s"an$in( on so%e"hin( soli$. A %o%en" la"er e+er&"hin( ca%e in"o foc#s an$ "he& were
a'le "o loo, a'o#" "he%.
3Wha" a 9#eer )lace43 sai$ Di(or&.
3I $on2" li,e i",3 sai$ Poll& wi"h so%e"hin( li,e a sh#$$er.
Wha" "he& no"ice$ firs" was "he li(h". I" wasn2" li,e s#nli(h", an$ i" wasn2" li,e elec"ric li(h",
or la%)s, or can$les, or an& o"her li(h" "he& ha$ e+er seen. I" was a $#ll, ra"her re$ li(h", no"
a" all cheerf#l. I" was s"ea$& an$ $i$ no" flic,er. The& were s"an$in( on a fla" )a+e$ s#rface
an$ '#il$in(s rose all aro#n$ "he%. There was no roof o+erhea$0 "he& were in a sor" of
co#r"&ar$. The s,& was e1"raor$inaril& $ar, * a 'l#e "ha" was al%os" 'lac,. When &o# ha$
seen "ha" s,& &o# won$ere$ "ha" "here sho#l$ 'e an& li(h" a" all.
3I"2s +er& f#nn& wea"her here,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3I won$er if we2+e arri+e$ 8#s" in "i%e for a
"h#n$ers"or%0 or an ecli)se.3
3I $on2" li,e i",3 sai$ Poll&.
Bo"h of "he%, wi"ho#" 9#i"e ,nowin( wh&, were "al,in( in whis)ers. An$ "ho#(h "here was
no reason wh& "he& sho#l$ s"ill (o on hol$in( han$s af"er "heir 8#%), "he& $i$n2" le" (o.
The walls rose +er& hi(h all ro#n$ "ha" co#r"&ar$. The& ha$ %an& (rea" win$ows in "he%,
win$ows wi"ho#" (lass, "hro#(h which &o# saw no"hin( '#" 'lac, $ar,ness. Lower $own
"here were (rea" )illare$ arches, &awnin( 'lac,l& li,e "he %o#"hs of railwa& "#nnels. I" was
ra"her col$.
The s"one of which e+er&"hin( was '#il" see%e$ "o 'e re$, '#" "ha" %i(h" onl& 'e 'eca#se
of "he c#rio#s li(h". I" was o'+io#sl& +er& ol$. -an& of "he fla" s"ones "ha" )a+e$ "he
co#r"&ar$ ha$ crac,s across "he%. None of "he% fi""e$ closel& "o(e"her an$ "he shar)
corners were all worn off. One of "he arche$ $oorwa&s was half fille$ #) wi"h r#''le. The
"wo chil$ren ,e)" on "#rnin( ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ "o loo, a" "he $ifferen" si$es of "he co#r"&ar$.
One reason was "ha" "he& were afrai$ of so%e'o$& * or so%e"hin( * loo,in( o#" of "hose
win$ows a" "he% when "heir 'ac,s were "#rne$.
3Do &o# "hin, an&one li+es here53 sai$ Di(or& a" las", s"ill in a whis)er.
3No,3 sai$ Poll&. 3I"2s all in r#ins. We ha+en2" hear$ a so#n$ since we ca%e.3
3Le"2s s"an$ s"ill an$ lis"en for a 'i",3 s#((es"e$ Di(or&.
The& s"oo$ s"ill an$ lis"ene$, '#" all "he& co#l$ hear was "he "h#%)*"h#%) of "heir own
hear"s. This )lace was a" leas" as 9#ie" as "he Woo$ 'e"ween "he Worl$s. B#" i" was a
$ifferen" ,in$ of 9#ie"ness. The silence of "he Woo$ ha$ 'een rich an$ war% .&o# co#l$
al%os" hear "he "rees (rowin(/ an$ f#ll of life: "his was a $ea$, col$, e%)"& silence. Yo#
co#l$n2" i%a(ine an&"hin( (rowin( in i".
3Le"2s (o ho%e,3 sai$ Poll&.
3B#" we ha+en2" seen an&"hin( &e",3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Now we2re here, we si%)l& %#s" ha+e a
loo, ro#n$.3
3I2% s#re "here2s no"hin( a" all in"eres"in( here.3
3There2s no" %#ch )oin" in fin$in( a %a(ic rin( "ha" le"s &o# in"o o"her worl$s if &o#2re
afrai$ "o loo, a" "he% when &o#2+e (o" "here.3
3Who2s "al,in( a'o#" 'ein( afrai$53 sai$ Poll&, le""in( (o of Di(or&2s han$.
3I onl& "ho#(h" &o# $i$n2" see% +er& ,een on e1)lorin( "his )lace.3
3I2ll (o an&where &o# (o.3
3We can (e" awa& "he %o%en" we wan" "o,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Le"2s "a,e off o#r (reen rin(s an$
)#" "he% in o#r ri(h"*han$ )oc,e"s. All we2+e (o" "o $o is "o re%e%'er "ha" o#r &ellow are
in o#r lef"*han$ )oc,e"s. Yo# can ,ee) &o#r han$ as near &o#r )oc,e" as &o# li,e, '#" $on2"
)#" i" in or &o#2ll "o#ch &o#r &ellow an$ +anish.3
The& $i$ "his an$ wen" 9#ie"l& #) "o one of "he 'i( arche$ $oorwa&s which le$ in"o "he
insi$e of "he '#il$in(. An$ when "he& s"oo$ on "he "hreshol$ an$ co#l$ loo, in, "he& saw i"
was no" so $ar, insi$e as "he& ha$ "ho#(h" a" firs". I" le$ in"o a +as", sha$ow& hall which
a))eare$ "o 'e e%)"&0 '#" on "he far si$e "here was a row of )illars wi"h arches 'e"ween
"he% an$ "hro#(h "hose arches "here s"rea%e$ in so%e %ore of "he sa%e "ire$*loo,in( li(h".
The& crosse$ "he hall, wal,in( +er& caref#ll& for fear of holes in "he floor or of an&"hin(
l&in( a'o#" "ha" "he& %i(h" "ri) o+er. I" see%e$ a lon( wal,. When "he& ha$ reache$ "he
o"her si$e "he& ca%e o#" "hro#(h "he arches an$ fo#n$ "he%sel+es in ano"her an$ lar(er
3Tha" $oesn2" loo, +er& safe,3 sai$ Poll&, )oin"in( a" a )lace where "he wall '#l(e$ o#"war$
an$ loo,e$ as if i" were rea$& "o fall o+er in"o "he co#r"&ar$. In one )lace a )illar was
%issin( 'e"ween "wo arches an$ "he 'i" "ha" ca%e $own "o where "he "o) of "he )illar o#(h"
"o ha+e 'een h#n( "here wi"h no"hin( "o s#))or" i". Clearl&, "he )lace ha$ 'een $eser"e$ for
h#n$re$s, )erha)s "ho#san$s, of &ears.
3If i"2s las"e$ "ill now, I s#))ose i"2ll las" a 'i" lon(er,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3B#" we %#s" 'e +er&
9#ie". Yo# ,now a noise so%e"i%es 'rin(s "hin(s $own * li,e an a+alanche in "he Al)s.3
The& wen" on o#" of "ha" co#r"&ar$ in"o ano"her $oorwa&, an$ #) a (rea" fli(h" of s"e)s an$
"hro#(h +as" roo%s "ha" o)ene$ o#" of one ano"her "ill &o# were $i<<& wi"h "he %ere si<e of
"he )lace. E+er& now an$ "hen "he& "ho#(h" "he& were (oin( "o (e" o#" in"o "he
o)en an$ see wha" sor" of co#n"r& la& aro#n$ "he enor%o#s )alace. B#" each "i%e "he& onl&
(o" in"o ano"her co#r"&ar$. The& %#s" ha+e 'een %a(nificen" )laces when )eo)le were s"ill
li+in( "here. In one "here ha$ once 'een a fo#n"ain. A (rea" s"one %ons"er wi"h wi$e*s)rea$
win(s s"oo$ wi"h i"s %o#"h o)en an$ &o# co#l$ s"ill see a 'i" of )i)in( a" "he 'ac, of i"s
%o#"h, o#" of which "he wa"er #se$ "o )o#r. n$er i" was a wi$e s"one 'asin "o hol$ "he
wa"er0 '#" i" was as $r& as a 'one. In o"her )laces "here were "he $r& s"ic,s of so%e sor" of
cli%'in( )lan" which ha$ wo#n$ i"self ro#n$ "he )illars an$ hel)e$ "o )#ll so%e of "he%
$own. B#" i" ha$ $ie$ lon( a(o. An$ "here were no an"s or s)i$ers or an& of "he o"her li+in(
"hin(s &o# e1)ec" "o see in a r#in0 an$ where "he $r& ear"h showe$ 'e"ween "he 'ro,en
fla(s"ones "here was no (rass or %oss.
I" was all so $rear& an$ all so %#ch "he sa%e "ha" e+en Di(or& was "hin,in( "he& ha$ 'e""er
)#" on "heir &ellow rin(s an$ (e" 'ac, "o "he war%, (reen, li+in( fores" of "he In*'e"ween
)lace, when "he& ca%e "o "wo h#(e $oors of so%e %e"al "ha" %i(h" )ossi'l& 'e (ol$. One
s"oo$ a li""le a8ar. So of co#rse "he& wen" "o loo, in. Bo"h s"ar"e$ 'ac, an$ $rew a lon(
'rea"h: for here a" las" was so%e"hin( wor"h seein(.
7or a secon$ "he& "ho#(h" "he roo% was f#ll of )eo)le * h#n$re$s of )eo)le, all sea"e$, an$
all )erfec"l& s"ill. Poll& an$ Di(or&, as &o# %a& (#ess, s"oo$ )erfec"l& s"ill "he%sel+es for a
(oo$ lon( "i%e, loo,in( in. B#" )resen"l& "he& $eci$e$ "ha" wha" "he& were loo,in( a" co#l$
no" 'e real )eo)le. There was no" a %o+e%en" nor "he so#n$ of a 'rea"h a%on( "he% all.
The& were li,e "he %os" won$erf#l wa1wor,s &o# e+er saw.
This "i%e Poll& "oo, "he lea$. There was so%e"hin( in "his roo% which in"eres"e$ her %ore
"han i" in"eres"e$ Di(or&: all "he fi(#res were wearin( %a(nificen" clo"hes. If &o# were
in"eres"e$ in clo"hes a" all, &o# co#l$ har$l& hel) (oin( in "o see "he% closer. An$ "he 'la<e
of "heir colo#rs %a$e "his roo% loo,, no" e1ac"l& cheerf#l, '#" a" an& ra"e rich an$ %a8es"ic
af"er all "he $#s" an$ e%)"iness of "he o"hers. I" ha$ %ore win$ows, "oo, an$ was a (oo$
$eal li(h"er.
I can har$l& $escri'e "he clo"hes. The fi(#res were all ro'e$ an$ ha$ crowns on "heir hea$s.
Their ro'es were of cri%son an$ sil+er& (re& an$ $ee) )#r)le an$ +i+i$ (reen: an$ "here
were )a""erns, an$ )ic"#res of flowers an$ s"ran(e 'eas"s, in nee$lewor, all o+er "he%.
Precio#s s"ones of as"onishin( si<e an$ 'ri(h"ness s"are$ fro% "heir crowns an$ h#n( in
chains ro#n$ "heir nec,s an$ )ee)e$ o#" fro% all "he )laces where an&"hin( was fas"ene$.
3Wh& ha+en2" "hese clo"hes all ro""e$ awa& lon( a(o53 as,e$ Poll&.
3-a(ic,3 whis)ere$ Di(or&. 3Can2" &o# feel i"5 I 'e" "his whole roo% is 8#s" s"iff wi"h
enchan"%en"s. I co#l$ feel i" "he %o%en" we ca%e in.3
3An& one of "hese $resses wo#l$ cos" h#n$re$s of )o#n$s,3 sai$ Poll&.
B#" Di(or& was %ore in"eres"e$ in "he faces, an$ in$ee$ "hese were well wor"h loo,in( a".
The )eo)le sa" in "heir s"one chairs on each si$e of "he roo% an$ "he floor was lef" free
$own "he %i$$le. Yo# co#l$ wal, $own an$ loo, a" "he faces in "#rn.
3The& were nice )eo)le, I "hin,,3 sai$ Di(or&.
Poll& no$$e$. All "he faces "he& co#l$ see were cer"ainl& nice. Bo"h "he %en an$ wo%en
loo,e$ ,in$ an$ wise, an$ "he& see%e$ "o co%e of a han$so%e race. B#" af"er "he chil$ren
ha$ (one a few s"e)s $own "he roo% "he& ca%e "o faces "ha" loo,e$ a li""le $ifferen". These
were +er& sole%n faces. Yo# fel" &o# wo#l$ ha+e "o %in$ &o#r P2s an$ =2s, if &o# e+er %e"
li+in( )eo)le who loo,e$ li,e "ha". When "he& ha$ (one a li""le f#r"her, "he& fo#n$
"he%sel+es a%on( faces "he& $i$n2" li,e: "his was a'o#" "he %i$$le of "he roo%. The faces
here loo,e$ +er& s"ron( an$ )ro#$ an$ ha))&, '#" "he& loo,e$ cr#el. A li""le f#r"her on "he&
loo,e$ cr#eller. 7#r"her on a(ain, "he& were s"ill cr#el '#" "he& no lon(er loo,e$ ha))&.
The& were e+en $es)airin( faces: as if "he )eo)le "he& 'elon(e$ "o ha$ $one $rea$f#l "hin(s
an$ also s#ffere$ $rea$f#l "hin(s. The las" fi(#re of all was "he %os" in"eres"in( * a wo%an
e+en %ore richl& $resse$ "han "he o"hers, +er& "all .'#" e+er& fi(#re in "ha" roo% was "aller
"han "he )eo)le of o#r worl$/, wi"h a loo, of s#ch fierceness an$ )ri$e "ha" i" "oo, &o#r
'rea"h awa&. Ye" she was 'ea#"if#l "oo. Years af"erwar$s when he was an ol$ %an, Di(or&
sai$ he ha$ ne+er in all his life ,nown a wo%an so 'ea#"if#l. I" is onl& fair "o a$$ "ha" Poll&
alwa&s sai$ she co#l$n2" see an&"hin( s)eciall& 'ea#"if#l a'o#" her.
This wo%an, as I sai$, was "he las": '#" "here were )len"& of e%)"& chairs 'e&on$ her, as if
"he roo% ha$ 'een in"en$e$ for a %#ch lar(er collec"ion of i%a(es.
3I $o wish we ,new "he s"or& "ha"2s 'ehin$ all "his,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Le"2s (o 'ac, an$ loo, a"
"ha" "a'le sor" of "hin( in "he %i$$le of "he roo%.3
The "hin( in "he %i$$le of "he roo% was no" e1ac"l& a "a'le. I" was a s9#are )illar a'o#"
fo#r fee" hi(h an$ on i" "here rose a li""le (ol$en arch fro% which "here h#n( a li""le (ol$en
'ell0 an$ 'esi$e "his "here la& a li""le (ol$en ha%%er "o hi" "he 'ell wi"h.
3I won$er... I won$er... I won$er...3 sai$ Di(or&.
3There see%s "o 'e so%e"hin( wri""en here,3 sai$ Poll&, s"oo)in( $own an$ loo,in( a" "he
si$e of "he )illar.
3B& (#%, so "here is,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3B#" of co#rse we shan2" 'e a'le "o rea$ i".3
3Shan2" we5 I2% no" so s#re,3 sai$ Poll&.
The& 'o"h loo,e$ a" i" har$ an$, as &o# %i(h" ha+e e1)ec"e$, "he le""ers c#" in "he s"one
were s"ran(e. B#" now a (rea" won$er ha))ene$: for, as "he& loo,e$, "ho#(h "he sha)e of
"he s"ran(e le""ers ne+er al"ere$, "he& fo#n$ "ha" "he& co#l$ #n$ers"an$ "he%. If onl& Di(or&
ha$ re%e%'ere$ wha" he hi%self ha$ sai$ a few %in#"es a(o, "ha" "his was an
enchan"e$ roo%, he %i(h" ha+e (#esse$ "ha" "he enchan"%en" was 'e(innin( "o wor,. B#"
he was "oo wil$ wi"h c#riosi"& "o "hin, a'o#" "ha". He was lon(in( %ore an$ %ore "o ,now
wha" was wri""en on "he )illar. An$ +er& soon "he& 'o"h ,new. Wha" i" sai$ was so%e"hin(
li,e "his * a" leas" "his is "he sense of i" "ho#(h "he )oe"r&, when &o# rea$ i" "here, was 'e""er:
-a,e &o#r choice, a$+en"#ro#s S"ran(er0 S"ri,e "he 'ell an$ 'i$e "he $an(er, Or won$er,
"ill i" $ri+es &o# %a$, Wha" wo#l$ ha+e followe$ if &o# ha$.
3No fear43 sai$ Poll&. 3We $on2" wan" an& $an(er.3
3Oh '#" $on2" &o# see i"2s no (oo$43 sai$ Di(or&. 3We can2" (e" o#" of i" now. We shall
alwa&s 'e won$erin( wha" else wo#l$ ha+e ha))ene$ if we ha$ s"r#c, "he 'ell. I2% no"
(oin( ho%e "o 'e $ri+en %a$ '& alwa&s "hin,in( of "ha". No fear43
3Don2" 'e so sill&,3 sai$ Poll&. 3As if an&one wo#l$4 Wha" $oes i" %a""er wha" wo#l$ ha+e
3I e1)ec" an&one who2s co%e as far as "his is 'o#n$ "o (o on won$erin( "ill i" sen$s hi%
$o""&. Tha"2s "he -a(ic of i", &o# see. I can feel i" 'e(innin( "o wor, on %e alrea$&.3
3Well I $on2",3 sai$ Poll& crossl&. 3An$ I $on2" 'elie+e &o# $o ei"her. Yo#2re 8#s" )#""in( i"
3Tha"2s all &o# ,now,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3I"2s 'eca#se &o#2re a (irl. 6irls ne+er wan" "o ,now
an&"hin( '#" (ossi) an$ ro" a'o#" )eo)le (e""in( en(a(e$.3
3Yo# loo,e$ e1ac"l& li,e &o#r ncle when &o# sai$ "ha",3 sai$ Poll&.
3Wh& can2" &o# ,ee) "o "he )oin"53 sai$ Di(or&. 3Wha" we2re "al,in( a'o#" is *3
3How e1ac"l& li,e a %an43 sai$ Poll& in a +er& (rown#) +oice0 '#" she a$$e$ has"il&, in her
real +oice, 3An$ $on2" sa& I2% 8#s" li,e a wo%an, or &o#2ll 'e a 'eas"l& co)&*ca".3
3I sho#l$ ne+er $rea% of callin( a ,i$ li,e &o# a wo%an,3 sai$ Di(or& lof"il&.
3Oh, I2% a ,i$, a% I53 sai$ Poll& who was now in a real ra(e. 3Well &o# nee$n2" 'e
'o"here$ '& ha+in( a ,i$ wi"h &o# an& lon(er "hen. I2% off. I2+e ha$ eno#(h of "his )lace.
An$ I2+e ha$ eno#(h of &o# "oo * &o# 'eas"l&, s"#c,*#), o's"ina"e )i(43
3None of "ha"43 sai$ Di(or& in a +oice e+en nas"ier "han he %ean" i" "o 'e0 for he saw Poll&2s
han$ %o+in( "o her )oc,e" "o (e" hol$ of her &ellow rin(. I can2" e1c#se wha" he $i$ ne1"
e1ce)" '& sa&in( "ha" he was +er& sorr& for i" af"erwar$s .an$ so were a (oo$ %an& o"her
)eo)le/. Before Poll&2s han$ reache$ her )oc,e", he (ra''e$ her wris", leanin( across wi"h
his 'ac, a(ains" her ches". Then, ,ee)in( her o"her ar% o#" of "he wa& wi"h his o"her el'ow,
he leane$ forwar$, )ic,e$ #) "he ha%%er, an$ s"r#c, "he
(ol$en 'ell a li(h", s%ar" "a). Then he le" her (o an$ "he& fell a)ar" s"arin( a" each o"her an$
'rea"hin( har$. Poll& was 8#s" 'e(innin( "o cr&, no" wi"h fear, an$ no" e+en 'eca#se he ha$
h#r" her wris" 9#i"e 'a$l&, '#" wi"h f#rio#s an(er. Wi"hin "wo secon$s, howe+er, "he& ha$
so%e"hin( "o "hin, a'o#" "ha" $ro+e "heir own 9#arrels 9#i"e o#" of "heir %in$s.
As soon as "he 'ell was s"r#c, i" (a+e o#" a no"e, a swee" no"e s#ch as &o# %i(h" ha+e
e1)ec"e$, an$ no" +er& lo#$. B#" ins"ea$ of $&in( awa& a(ain, i" wen" on0 an$ as i" wen" on
i" (rew lo#$er. Before a %in#"e ha$ )asse$ i" was "wice as lo#$ as i" ha$ 'een "o 'e(in wi"h.
I" was soon so lo#$ "ha" if "he chil$ren ha$ "rie$ "o s)ea, .'#" "he& weren2" "hin,in( of
s)ea,in( now * "he& were 8#s" s"an$in( wi"h "heir %o#"hs o)en/ "he& wo#l$ no" ha+e hear$
one ano"her. ;er& soon i" was so lo#$ "ha" "he& co#l$ no" ha+e hear$ one ano"her e+en '&
sho#"in(. An$ s"ill i" (rew: all on one no"e, a con"in#o#s swee" so#n$, "ho#(h "he swee"ness
ha$ so%e"hin( horri'le a'o#" i", "ill all "he air in "ha" (rea" roo% was "hro''in( wi"h i" an$
"he& co#l$ feel "he s"one floor "re%'lin( #n$er "heir fee". Then a" las" i" 'e(an "o 'e %i1e$
wi"h ano"her so#n$, a +a(#e, $isas"ro#s noise which so#n$e$ firs" li,e "he roar of a $is"an"
"rain, an$ "hen li,e "he crash of a fallin( "ree. The& hear$ so%e"hin( li,e (rea" wei(h"s
fallin(. 7inall&, wi"h a s#$$en, r#sh an$ "h#n$er, an$ a sha,e "ha" nearl& fl#n( "he% off
"heir fee", a'o#" a 9#ar"er of "he roof a" one en$ of "he roo% fell in, (rea" 'loc,s of %asonr&
fell all ro#n$ "he%, an$ "he walls roc,e$. The noise of "he 'ell s"o))e$. The clo#$s of $#s"
cleare$ awa&. E+er&"hin( 'eca%e 9#ie" a(ain.
I" was ne+er fo#n$ o#" whe"her "he fall of "he roof was $#e "o -a(ic or whe"her "ha"
#n'eara'l& lo#$ so#n$ fro% "he 'ell 8#s" ha))ene$ "o s"ri,e "he no"e which was %ore "han
"hose cr#%'lin( walls co#l$ s"an$.
3There4 I ho)e &o#2re sa"isfie$ now,3 )an"e$ Poll&.
3Well, i"2s all o+er, an&wa&,3 sai$ Di(or&.
An$ 'o"h "ho#(h" i" was0 '#" "he& ha$ ne+er 'een %ore %is"a,en in "heir li+es.
THE chil$ren were facin( one ano"her across "he )illar where "he 'ell h#n(, s"ill "re%'lin(,
"ho#(h i" no lon(er (a+e o#" an& no"e. S#$$enl& "he& hear$ a sof" noise fro% "he en$ of "he
roo% which was s"ill #n$a%a(e$. The& "#rne$ 9#ic, as li(h"nin( "o see wha" i" was. One of
"he ro'e$ fi(#res, "he f#r"hes"*off one of all, "he wo%an who% Di(or& "ho#(h" so 'ea#"if#l,
was risin( fro% i"s chair. When she s"oo$ #) "he& reali<e$ "ha" she was e+en "aller "han "he&
ha$ "ho#(h". An$ &o# co#l$ see a" once, no" onl& fro% her crown an$ ro'es, '#" fro% "he
flash of her e&es an$ "he c#r+e of her li)s, "ha" she was a (rea" 9#een. She loo,e$ ro#n$ "he
roo% an$ saw "he $a%a(e an$ saw "he chil$ren, '#"
&o# co#l$ no" (#ess fro% her face wha" she "ho#(h" of ei"her or whe"her she was s#r)rise$.
She ca%e forwar$ wi"h lon(, swif" s"ri$es.
3Who has awa,e$ %e5 Who has 'ro,en "he s)ell53 she as,e$.
3I "hin, i" %#s" ha+e 'een %e,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3Yo#43 sai$ "he =#een, la&in( her han$ on his sho#l$er * a whi"e, 'ea#"if#l han$, '#"
Di(or& co#l$ feel "ha" i" was s"ron( as s"eel )incers. 3Yo#5 B#" &o# are onl& a chil$, a
co%%on chil$. An&one can see a" a (lance "ha" &o# ha+e no $ro) of ro&al or no'le 'loo$ in
&o#r +eins. How $i$ s#ch as &o# $are "o en"er "his ho#se53
3We2+e co%e fro% ano"her worl$0 '& -a(ic,3 sai$ Poll&, who "ho#(h" i" was hi(h "i%e "he
=#een "oo, so%e no"ice of her as well as of Di(or&.
3Is "his "r#e53 sai$ "he =#een, s"ill loo,in( a" Di(or& an$ no" (i+in( Poll& e+en a (lance.
3Yes, i" is,3 sai$ he.
The =#een )#" her o"her han$ #n$er his chin an$ force$ i" #) so "ha" she co#l$ see his face
'e""er. Di(or& "rie$ "o s"are 'ac, '#" he soon ha$ "o le" his e&es $ro). There was so%e"hin(
a'o#" hers "ha" o+er)owere$ hi%.
Af"er she ha$ s"#$ie$ hi% for well o+er a %in#"e, she le" (o of his chin an$ sai$:
3Yo# are no %a(ician. The %ar, of i" is no" on &o#. Yo# %#s" 'e onl& "he ser+an" of a
%a(ician. I" is on ano"her2s -a(ic "ha" &o# ha+e "ra+elle$ here.3
3I" was %& ncle An$rew,3 sai$ Di(or&.
A" "he %o%en", no" in "he roo% i"self '#" fro% so%ewhere +er& close, "here ca%e, firs" a
r#%'lin(, "hen a crea,in(, an$ "hen a roar of fallin( %asonr&, an$ "he floor shoo,.
3There is (rea" )eril here,3 sai$ "he =#een. 3The whole )alace is 'rea,in( #). If we are no"
o#" of i" in a few %in#"es we shall 'e '#rie$ #n$er "he r#in.3 She s)o,e as cal%l& as if she
ha$ 'een %erel& %en"ionin( "he "i%e of $a&. 3Co%e,3 she a$$e$, an$ hel$ o#" a han$ "o
each of "he chil$ren. Poll&, who was $isli,in( "he =#een an$ feelin( ra"her s#l,&, wo#l$
no" ha+e le" her han$ 'e "a,en if she co#l$ ha+e hel)e$ i". B#" "ho#(h "he =#een s)o,e so
cal%l&, her %o+e%en"s were as 9#ic, as "ho#(h". Before Poll& ,new wha" was ha))enin(
her lef" han$ ha$ 'een ca#(h" in a han$ so %#ch lar(er an$ s"ron(er "han her own "ha" she
co#l$ $o no"hin( a'o#" i".
3This is a "erri'le wo%an,3 "ho#(h" Poll&. 3She2s s"ron( eno#(h "o 'rea, %& ar% wi"h one
"wis". An$ now "ha" she2s (o" %& lef" han$ I can2" (e" a" %& &ellow rin(. If I "rie$ "o s"re"ch
across an$ (e" %& ri(h" han$ in"o %& lef" )oc,e" I %i(h"n2" 'e a'le "o reach i", 'efore she
as,e$ %e wha" I was $oin(. Wha"e+er ha))ens we %#s"n2" le" her ,now a'o#"
"he rin(s. I $o ho)e Di(or& has "he sense "o ,ee) his %o#"h sh#". I wish I co#l$ (e" a wor$
wi"h hi% alone.3
The =#een le$ "he% o#" of "he Hall of I%a(es in"o a lon( corri$or an$ "hen "hro#(h a whole
%a<e of halls an$ s"airs an$ co#r"&ar$s. A(ain an$ a(ain "he& hear$ )ar"s of "he (rea"
)alace colla)sin(, so%e"i%es 9#i"e close "o "he%. Once a h#(e arch ca%e "h#n$erin( $own
onl& a %o%en" af"er "he& ha$ )asse$ "hro#(h i". The =#een was wal,in( 9#ic,l& * "he
chil$ren ha$ "o "ro" "o ,ee) #) wi"h her '#" she showe$ no si(n of fear. Di(or& "ho#(h",
3She2s won$erf#ll& 'ra+e. An$ s"ron(. She2s wha" I call a =#een4 I $o ho)e she2s (oin( "o
"ell #s "he s"or& of "his )lace.3
She $i$ "ell "he% cer"ain "hin(s as "he& wen" alon(:
3Tha" is "he $oor "o "he $#n(eons,3 she wo#l$ sa&, or 3Tha" )assa(e lea$s "o "he )rinci)al
"or"#re cha%'ers,3 or 3This was "he ol$ 'an9#e"in( hall where %& (rea"(ran$fa"her 'a$e
se+en h#n$re$ no'les "o a feas" an$ ,ille$ "he% all 'efore "he& ha$ $r#n, "heir fill. The&
ha$ ha$ re'ellio#s "ho#(h"s.3
The& ca%e a" las" in"o a hall lar(er an$ lof"ier "han an& "he& ha$ &e" seen. 7ro% i"s si<e an$
fro% "he (rea" $oors a" "he far en$, Di(or& "ho#(h" "ha" now a" las" "he& %#s" 'e co%in( "o
"he %ain en"rance. In "his he was 9#i"e ri(h". The $oors were $ea$ 'lac,, ei"her e'on& or
so%e 'lac, %e"al which is no" fo#n$ in o#r worl$. The& were fas"ene$ wi"h (rea" 'ars,
%os" of "he% "oo hi(h "o reach an$ all "oo hea+& "o lif". He won$ere$ how "he& wo#l$ (e"
The =#een le" (o of his han$ an$ raise$ her ar%. She $rew herself #) "o her f#ll hei(h" an$
s"oo$ ri(i$. Then she sai$ so%e"hin( which "he& co#l$n2" #n$ers"an$ .'#" i" so#n$e$ horri$/
an$ %a$e an ac"ion as if she were "hrowin( so%e"hin( "owar$s "he $oors. An$ "hose hi(h
an$ hea+& $oors "re%'le$ for a secon$ as if "he& were %a$e of sil, an$ "hen cr#%'le$
awa& "ill "here was no"hin( lef" of "he% '#" a hea) of $#s" on "he "hreshol$.
3Whew43 whis"le$ Di(or&.
3Has &o#r %as"er %a(ician, &o#r #ncle, )ower li,e %ine53 as,e$ "he =#een, fir%l& sei<in(
Di(or&2s han$ a(ain. 3B#" I shall ,now la"er. In "he %ean"i%e, re%e%'er wha" &o# ha+e
seen. This is wha" ha))ens "o "hin(s, an$ "o )eo)le, who s"an$ in %& wa&.3
-#ch %ore li(h" "han "he& ha$ &e" seen in "ha" co#n"r& was )o#rin( in "hro#(h "he now
e%)"& $oorwa&, an$ when "he =#een le$ "he% o#" "hro#(h i" "he& were no" s#r)rise$ "o
fin$ "he%sel+es in "he o)en air. The win$ "ha" 'lew in "heir faces was col$, &e" so%ehow
s"ale. The& were loo,in( fro% a hi(h "errace an$ "here was a (rea" lan$sca)e o#" 'elow
Low $own an$ near "he hori<on h#n( a (rea", re$ s#n, far 'i((er "han o#r s#n. Di(or& fel"
a" once "ha" i" was also ol$er "han o#rs: a s#n near "he en$ of i"s life, wear& of loo,in( $own
#)on "ha" worl$. To "he lef" of "he s#n, an$ hi(her #), "here was a sin(le s"ar, 'i(
an$ 'ri(h". Those were "he onl& "wo "hin(s "o 'e seen in "he $ar, s,&0 "he& %a$e a $is%al
(ro#). An$ on "he ear"h, in e+er& $irec"ion, as far as "he e&e co#l$ reach, "here s)rea$ a +as"
ci"& in which "here was no li+in( "hin( "o 'e seen. An$ all "he "e%)les, "owers, )alaces,
)&ra%i$s, an$ 'ri$(es cas" lon(, $isas"ro#s*loo,in( sha$ows in "he li(h" of "ha" wi"here$
s#n. Once a (rea" ri+er ha$ flowe$ "hro#(h "he ci"&, '#" "he wa"er ha$ lon( since +anishe$,
an$ i" was now onl& a wi$e $i"ch of (re& $#s".
3Loo, well on "ha" which no e&es will e+er see a(ain,3 sai$ "he =#een. 3S#ch was Charn,
"ha" (rea" ci"&, "he ci"& of "he !in( of !in(s, "he won$er of "he worl$, )erha)s of all worl$s.
Does &o#r #ncle r#le an& ci"& as (rea" as "his, 'o&53
3No,3 sai$ Di(or&. He was (oin( "o e1)lain "ha" ncle An$rew $i$n2" r#le an& ci"ies, '#"
"he =#een wen" on:
3I" is silen" now. B#" I ha+e s"oo$ here when "he whole air was f#ll of "he noises of Charn0
"he "ra%)lin( of fee", "he crea,in( of wheels, "he crac,in( of "he whi)s an$ "he (roanin( of
sla+es, "he "h#n$er of chario"s, an$ "he sacrificial $r#%s 'ea"in( in "he "e%)les. I ha+e s"oo$
here .'#" "ha" was near "he en$/ when "he roar of 'a""le wen" #) fro% e+er& s"ree" an$ "he
ri+er of Charn ran re$.3 She )a#se$ an$ a$$e$, 3All in one %o%en" one wo%an 'lo""e$ i"
o#" for e+er.3
3Who53 sai$ Di(or& in a fain" +oice0 '#" he ha$ alrea$& (#esse$ "he answer.
3I,3 sai$ "he =#een. 3I, >a$is "he las" =#een, '#" "he =#een of "he Worl$.3
The "wo chil$ren s"oo$ silen", shi+erin( in "he col$ win$.
3I" was %& sis"er2s fa#l",3 sai$ "he =#een. 3She $ro+e %e "o i". -a& "he c#rse of all "he
Powers res" #)on her fore+er4 A" an& %o%en" I was rea$& "o %a,e )eace * &es an$ "o s)are
her life "oo, if onl& she wo#l$ &iel$ %e "he "hrone. B#" she wo#l$ no". Her )ri$e has
$es"ro&e$ "he whole worl$. E+en af"er "he war ha$ 'e(#n, "here was a sole%n )ro%ise "ha"
nei"her si$e wo#l$ #se -a(ic. B#" when she 'ro,e her )ro%ise, wha" co#l$ I $o5 7ool4 As
if she $i$ no" ,now "ha" I ha$ %ore -a(ic "han she4 She e+en ,new "ha" I ha$ "he secre" of
"he De)lora'le Wor$. Di$ she "hin, * she was alwa&s a wea,lin( * "ha" I wo#l$ no" #se i"53
3Wha" was i"53 sai$ Di(or&.
3Tha" was "he secre" of secre"s,3 sai$ "he =#een >a$is. 3I" ha$ lon( 'een ,nown "o "he (rea"
,in(s of o#r race "ha" "here was a wor$ which, if s)o,en wi"h "he )ro)er cere%onies, wo#l$
$es"ro& all li+in( "hin(s e1ce)" "he one who s)o,e i". B#" "he ancien" ,in(s were wea, an$
sof"hear"e$ an$ 'o#n$ "he%sel+es an$ all who sho#l$ co%e af"er "he% wi"h (rea" oa"hs
ne+er e+en "o see, af"er "he ,nowle$(e of "ha" wor$. B#" I learne$ i" in a secre" )lace an$
)ai$ a "erri'le )rice "o learn i". I $i$ no" #se i" #n"il she force$ %e "o i". I fo#(h" "o
o+erco%e her '& e+er& o"her %eans. I )o#re$ o#" "he 'loo$ of %& ar%ies li,e wa"er *3
3Beas"43 %#""ere$ Poll&.
3The las" (rea" 'a""le,3 sai$ "he =#een, 3ra(e$ for "hree $a&s here in Charn i"self. 7or "hree
$a&s I loo,e$ $own #)on i" fro% "his +er& s)o". I $i$ no" #se %& )ower "ill "he las" of %&
sol$iers ha$ fallen, an$ "he acc#rse$ wo%an, %& sis"er, a" "he hea$ of her re'els was
halfwa& #) "hose (rea" s"airs "ha" lea$ #) fro% "he ci"& "o "he "errace. Then I wai"e$ "ill we
were so close "ha" we co#l$ see one ano"her2s faces. She flashe$ her horri'le, wic,e$ e&es
#)on %e an$ sai$, 3;ic"or&.3 3Yes,3 sai$ I, 3;ic"or&, '#" no" &o#rs.3 Then I s)o,e "he
De)lora'le Wor$. A %o%en" la"er I was "he onl& li+in( "hin( 'enea"h "he s#n.3,
3B#" "he )eo)le53 (as)e$ Di(or&.
3Wha" )eo)le, 'o&53 as,e$ "he =#een.
3All "he or$inar& )eo)le,3 sai$ Poll&, 3who2$ ne+er $one &o# an& har%. An$ "he wo%en,
an$ "he chil$ren, an$ "he ani%als.3
3Don2" &o# #n$ers"an$53 sai$ "he =#een .s"ill s)ea,in( "o Di(or&/. 3I was "he =#een. The&
were all %& )eo)le. Wha" else were "he& "here for '#" "o $o %& will53
3I" was ra"her har$ l#c, on "he%, all "he sa%e,3 sai$ he.
3I ha$ for(o""en "ha" &o# are onl& a co%%on 'o&. How sho#l$ &o# #n$ers"an$ reasons of
S"a"e5 Yo# %#s" learn, chil$, "ha" wha" wo#l$ 'e wron( for &o# or for an& of "he co%%on
)eo)le is no" wron( in a (rea" =#een s#ch as I. The wei(h" of "he worl$ is on o#r sho#l$ers.
We %#s" 'e free$ fro% all r#les. O#rs is a hi(h an$ lonel& $es"in&.3
Di(or& s#$$enl& re%e%'ere$ "ha" ncle An$rew ha$ #se$ e1ac"l& "he sa%e wor$s. B#"
"he& so#n$e$ %#ch (ran$er when =#een >a$is sai$ "he%0 )erha)s 'eca#se ncle An$rew
was no" se+en fee" "all an$ $a<<lin(l& 'ea#"if#l.
3An$ wha" $i$ &o# $o "hen53 sai$ Di(or&.
3I ha$ alrea$& cas" s"ron( s)ells on "he hall where "he i%a(es of %& ances"ors si". An$ "he
force of "hose s)ells was "ha" I sho#l$ slee) a%on( "he%, li,e an i%a(e %&self, an$ nee$
nei"her foo$ nor fire, "ho#(h i" were a "ho#san$ &ears, "ill one ca%e an$ s"r#c, "he 'ell an$
awo,e %e.3
3Was i" "he De)lora'le Wor$ "ha" %a$e "he s#n li,e "ha"53 as,e$ Di(or&.
3Li,e wha"53 sai$ >a$is
3So 'i(, so re$, an$ so col$.3
3I" has alwa&s 'een so,3 sai$ >a$is. 3A" leas", for h#n$re$s of "ho#san$s of &ears. Ha+e &o#
a $ifferen" sor" of s#n in &o#r worl$53
3Yes, i"2s s%aller an$ &ellower. An$ i" (i+es a (oo$ $eal %ore hea".3
The =#een (a+e a lon( $rawn 3A*a*ah43 An$ Di(or& saw on her face "ha" sa%e h#n(r& an$
(ree$& loo, which he ha$ la"el& seen on ncle An$rew2s. 3So,3 she sai$, 3&o#rs is a
&o#n(er worl$.3
She )a#se$ for a %o%en" "o loo, once %ore a" "he $eser"e$ ci"& * an$ if she was sorr& for
all "he e+il she ha$ $one "here, she cer"ainl& $i$n2" show i" * an$ "hen sai$: 3Now, le" #s 'e
(oin(. I" is col$ here a" "he en$ of all a "he a(es.3
36oin( where53 as,e$ 'o"h "he chil$ren.
3Where53 re)ea"e$ >a$is in s#r)rise. 3To &o#r worl$, of co#rse.3
Poll& an$ Di(or& loo,e$ a" each o"her, a(has". Poll& ha$ $isli,e$ "he =#een fro% "he firs"0
an$ e+en Di(or&, now "ha" he ha$ hear$ "he s"or&, fel" "ha" he ha$ seen 9#i"e as %#ch of her
as he wan"e$. Cer"ainl&, she was no" a" all "he sor" of )erson one wo#l$ li,e "o "a,e ho%e.
An$ if "he& $i$ li,e, "he& $i$n2" ,now how "he& co#l$. Wha" "he& wan"e$ was "o (e" awa&
"he%sel+es: '#" Poll& co#l$n2" (e" a" her rin( an$ of co#rse Di(or& co#l$n2" (o wi"ho#" her.
Di(or& (o" +er& re$ in "he face an$ s"a%%ere$.
3Oh * oh * o#r worl$. I $*$i$n2" ,now &o# wan"e$ "o (o "here.3
3Wha" else were &o# sen" here for if no" "o fe"ch %e53 as,e$ >a$is.
3I2% s#re &o# wo#l$n2" li,e o#r worl$ a" all,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3I"2s no" her sor" of )lace, is i"
Poll&5 I"2s +er& $#ll0 no" wor"h seein(, reall&.3
3I" will soon 'e wor"h seein( when I r#le i",3 answere$ "he =#een.
3Oh, '#" &o# can2",3 sai$ Di(or&. 3I"2s no" li,e "ha". The& wo#l$n2" le" &o#, &o# ,now.3
The =#een (a+e a con"e%)"#o#s s%ile. 3-an& (rea" ,in(s,3 she sai$, 3"ho#(h" "he& co#l$
s"an$ a(ains" "he Ho#se of Charn. B#" "he& all fell, an$ "heir +er& na%es are for(o""en.
7oolish 'o&4 Do &o# "hin, "ha" I, wi"h %& 'ea#"& an$ %& -a(ic, will no" ha+e &o#r whole
worl$ a" %& fee" 'efore a &ear has )asse$5 Pre)are &o#r incan"a"ions an$ "a,e %e "here a"
3This is )erfec"l& fri(h"f#l,3 sai$ Di(or& "o Poll&.
3Perha)s &o# fear for "his ncle of &o#rs,3 sai$ >a$is. 3B#" if he hono#rs %e $#l&, he shall
,ee) his life an$ his "hrone. I a% no" co%in( "o fi(h" a(ains" hi%. He %#s" 'e a +er&
(rea" -a(ician, if he has fo#n$ how "o sen$ &o# here. Is he !in( of &o#r whole worl$ or
onl& of )ar"53
3He isn2" !in( of an&where,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3Yo# are l&in(,3 sai$ "he =#een. 3Does no" -a(ic alwa&s (o wi"h "he ro&al 'loo$5 Who
e+er hear$ of co%%on )eo)le 'ein( -a(icians5 I can see "he "r#"h whe"her &o# s)ea, i" or
no". Yo#r ncle is "he (rea" !in( an$ "he (rea" Enchan"er of &o#r worl$. An$ '& his ar" he
has seen "he sha$ow of %& face, in so%e %a(ic %irror or so%e enchan"e$ )ool0 an$ for "he
lo+e of %& 'ea#"& he has %a$e a )o"en" s)ell which shoo, &o#r worl$ "o i"s fo#n$a"ions
an$ sen" &o# across "he +as" (#lf 'e"ween worl$ an$ worl$ "o as, %& fa+o#r an$ "o 'rin(
%e "o hi%. Answer %e: is "ha" no" how i" was53
3Well, no" e1ac"l&,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3No" e1ac"l&,3 sho#"e$ Poll&. 3Wh&, i"2s a'sol#"e 'osh fro% 'e(innin( "o en$.3
3-inions43 crie$ "he =#een, "#rnin( in ra(e #)on Poll& an$ sei<in( her hair, a" "he +er& "o)
of her hea$ where i" h#r"s %os". B#" in so $oin( she le" (o of 'o"h "he chil$ren2s han$s.
3Now,3 sho#"e$ Di(or&0 an$ 3=#ic,4 sho#"e$ Poll&. The& )l#n(e$ "heir lef" han$s in"o "heir
)oc,e"s. The& $i$ no" e+en nee$ "o )#" "he rin(s on. The %o%en" "he& "o#che$ "he%, "he
whole of "ha" $rear&, worl$ +anishe$ fro% "heir e&es. The& were r#shin( #)war$ an$ a
war% (reen li(h" was (rowin( nearer o+er hea$.
3LET (o4 Le" (o43 screa%e$ Poll&.
3I2% no" "o#chin( &o#43 sai$ Di(or&.
Then "heir hea$s ca%e o#" of "he )ool an$, once %ore, "he s#nn& 9#ie"ness of "he Woo$
'e"ween "he Worl$s was all a'o#" "he%, an$ i" see%e$ richer an$ war%er an$ %ore
)eacef#l "han e+er af"er "he s"aleness an$ r#in of "he )lace "he& ha$ 8#s" lef". I "hin, "ha", if
"he& ha$ 'een (i+en "he chance, "he& wo#l$ a(ain ha+e for(o""en who "he& were an$ where
"he& ca%e fro% an$ wo#l$ ha+e lain $own an$ en8o&e$ "he%sel+es, half aslee), lis"enin( "o
"he (rowin( of "he "rees. B#" "his "i%e "here was so%e"hin( "ha" ,e)" "he% as wi$e*awa,e
as )ossi'le: for as soon as "he& ha$ (o" o#" on "o "he (rass, "he& fo#n$ "ha" "he& were no"
alone. The =#een, or "he Wi"ch .whiche+er &o# li,e "o call her/ ha$ co%e #) wi"h "he%,
hol$in( on fas" '& Poll&2s hair. Tha" was wh& Poll& ha$ 'een sho#"in( o#" 3Le" (o43
This )ro+e$, '& "he wa&, ano"her "hin( a'o#" "he rin(s which ncle An$rew ha$n2" "ol$
Di(or& 'eca#se he $i$n2" ,now i" hi%self. In or$er "o 8#%) fro% worl$ "o worl$ '& one of
"hose rin(s &o# $on2" nee$ "o 'e wearin( or "o#chin( i" &o#rself0 i" is eno#(h if &o# are
"o#chin( so%eone who is "o#chin( i". In "ha" wa& "he& wor, li,e a %a(ne"0 an$ e+er&one
,nows "ha" if &o# )ic, #) a )in wi"h a %a(ne", an& o"her )in which is "o#chin( "he firs" )in
will co%e "oo.
Now "ha" &o# saw her in "he woo$, =#een >a$is loo,e$ $ifferen". She was %#ch )aler "han
she ha$ 'een0 so )ale "ha" har$l& an& of her 'ea#"& was lef". An$ she was s"oo)e$ an$
see%e$ "o 'e fin$in( i" har$ "o 'rea"he, as if "he air of "ha" )lace s"ifle$ her. Nei"her of "he
chil$ren fel" in "he leas" afrai$ of her now.
3Le" (o4 Le" (o of %& hair,3 sai$ Poll&. 3Wha" $o &o# %ean '& i"53
3Here4 Le" (o of her hair. A" once,3 sai$ Di(or&.
The& 'o"h "#rne$ an$ s"r#((le$ wi"h her. The& were s"ron(er "han she an$ in a few secon$s
"he& ha$ force$ her "o le" (o. She reele$ 'ac,, )an"in(, an$ "here was a loo, of "error in her
3=#ic,, Di(or&43 sai$ Poll&. 3Chan(e rin(s an$ in"o2 "he ho%e )ool.3
3Hel)4 Hel)4 -erc&43 crie$ "he Wi"ch in a fain" +oice, s"a((erin( af"er "he%. 3Ta,e %e
wi"h &o#. Yo# canno". %ean "o lea+e %e in "his horri'le )lace. I" is ,illin( %e.3
3I"2s a reason of S"a"e,3 sai$ Poll& s)i"ef#ll&. 3Li,e when &o# ,ille$ all "hose )eo)le in &o#r
own worl$. Do 'e 9#ic,, Di(or&.3 The& ha$ )#" on "heir (reen rin(s, '#" Di(or& sai$:
3Oh 'o"her4 Wha" are we "o $o53 He co#l$n2" hel) feelin( a li""le sorr& for "he =#een.
3Oh $on2" 'e s#ch an ass,3 sai$ Poll&. 3Ten "o one she2s onl& sha%%in(. Do co%e on.3 An$
"hen 'o"h chil$ren )l#n(e$ in"o "he ho%e )ool. 3I"2s a (oo$ "hin( we %a$e "ha" %ar,,3
"ho#(h" Poll&. B#" as "he& 8#%)e$ Di(or& fel" "ha" a lar(e col$ fin(er an$ "h#%' ha$ ca#(h"
hi% '& "he ear. An$ as "he& san, $own an$ "he conf#se$ sha)es of o#r own worl$ 'e(an "o
a))ear, "he (ri) of "ha" fin(er an$ "h#%' (rew s"ron(er. The Wi"ch was a))aren"l&
reco+erin( her s"ren("h. Di(or& s"r#((le$ an$ ,ic,e$, '#" i" was no" of "he leas" #se. In a
%o%en" "he& fo#n$ "he%sel+es in ncle An$rew2s s"#$&0 an$ "here was ncle An$rew
hi%self, s"arin( a" "he won$erf#l crea"#re "ha" Di(or& ha$ 'ro#(h" 'ac, fro% 'e&on$ "he
An$ well he %i(h" s"are. Di(or& an$ Poll& s"are$ "oo. There was no $o#'" "ha" "he Wi"ch
ha$ (o" o+er her fain"ness0 an$ now "ha" one saw her in o#r own worl$, wi"h or$inar&
"hin(s aro#n$ her, she fairl& "oo, one2s 'rea"h awa&. In Charn she ha$ 'een alar%in(
eno#(h: in Lon$on, she was "errif&in(. 7or one "hin(, "he& ha$ no" reali<e$ "ill now how
+er& 'i( she was. 3Har$l& h#%an3 was wha" Di(or& "ho#(h" when he loo,e$ a" her0 an$
he %a& ha+e 'een ri(h", for so%e sa& "here is (ian"ish 'loo$ in "he ro&al fa%il& of Charn.
B#" e+en her hei(h" was no"hin( co%)are$ wi"h her 'ea#"&, her fierceness, an$ her
wil$ness. She loo,e$ "en "i%es %ore ali+e "han %os" of "he )eo)le one %ee"s in Lon$on.
ncle An$rew was 'owin( an$ r#''in( his han$s an$ loo,in(, "o "ell "he "r#"h, e1"re%el&
fri(h"ene$. He see%e$ a li""le shri%) of a crea"#re 'esi$e "he Wi"ch. An$ &e", as Poll& sai$
war$s, "here was a sor" of li,eness 'e"ween her face an$ his, so%e"hin( in "he e1)ression. I"
was "he loo, "ha" all wic,e$ -a(icians ha+e, "he 3-ar,3 which >a$is ha$ sai$ she co#l$ no"
fin$ in Di(or&2s face. One (oo$ "hin( a'o#" seein( "he "wo "o(e"her was "ha" &o# wo#l$
ne+er a(ain 'e afrai$ of ncle An$rew, an& %ore "han &o#2$ 'e afrai$ of a wor% af"er &o#
ha$ %e" a ra""lesna,e or afrai$ of a cow af"er &o# ha$ %e" a %a$ '#ll.
3Pooh43 "ho#(h" Di(or& "o hi%self. 3Hi% a -a(ician4
No" %#ch. Now she2s "he real "hin(.3
ncle An$rew ,e)" on r#''in( his han$s an$ 'owin(. He was "r&in( "o sa& so%e"hin( +er&
)oli"e, '#" his %o#"h ha$ (one all $r& so "ha" he co#l$ no" s)ea,. His 3e1)eri%en"3 wi"h "he
rin(s, as he calle$ i", was "#rnin( o#" %ore s#ccessf#l "han he li,e$: for "ho#(h he ha$
$a''le$ in -a(ic for &ears he ha$ alwa&s lef" all "he $an(ers .as far as one can/ "o o"her
)eo)le. No"hin( a" all li,e "his ha$ e+er ha))ene$ "o hi% 'efore.
Then >a$is s)o,e0 no" +er& lo#$, '#" "here was so%e"hin( in her +oice "ha" %a$e "he whole
roo% 9#i+er.
3Where is "he -a(ician who has calle$ %e in"o "his worl$53
3Ah * ah * -a$a%,3 (as)e$ ncle An$rew, 3I a% %os" hono#re$ * hi(hl& (ra"ifie$ * a %os"
#ne1)ec"e$, )leas#re * if onl& I ha$ ha$ "he o))or"#ni"& of %a,in( an& )re)ara"ions * I * I *3
3Where is "he -a(ician, 7ool53 sai$ >a$is.
3I * I a%, 2-a$a%. I ho)e &o# will e1c#se an& * er *. li'er"& "hese na#(h"& chil$ren %a&
ha+e "a,en. I ass#re &o#, "here was no in"en"ion *3
3Yo#53 sai$ "he =#een in a s"ill %ore "erri'le +oice. Then, in one s"ri$e, she crosse$ "he
roo%, sei<e$ a (rea" han$f#l of ncle An$rew2s (re& hair an$ )#lle$ his hea$ 'ac, so "ha"
his face loo,e$ #) in"o hers. Then she s"#$ie$ his face as she ha$ s"#$ie$ Di(or&2s face in
"he )alace of Charn. He 'lin,e$ an$ lic,e$ his li)s ner+o#sl& all "he "i%e. A" las" she le"
hi% (o: so s#$$enl& "ha" he reele$ 'ac, a(ains" "he wall.
3I see,3 she sai$ scornf#ll&, 3&o# are a -a(ician * of a sor". S"an$ #), $o(, an$ $on2" s)rawl
"here as if &o# were s)ea,in( "o &o#r e9#als. How $o &o# co%e "o ,now -a(ic5 Yo# are
no" of ro&al 'loo$, I2ll swear.3
3Well * ah * no" )erha)s in "he s"ric" sense,3 s"a%%ere$ ncle An$rew. 3No" e1ac"l& ro&al,
-a2a%. The !e""erle&s are, howe+er, a +er& ol$ fa%il&. An ol$ Dorse"shire fa%il&, -a2a%.3
3Peace,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3I see wha" &o# are. Yo# are a li""le, )e$$lin( -a(ician who wor,s
'& r#les an$ 'oo,s. There is no real -a(ic in &o#r 'loo$ an$ hear". Yo#r ,in$ was %a$e an
en$ of in %& worl$ a "ho#san$ &ears a(o. B#" here I shall allow &o# "o 'e %& ser+an".3
3I sho#l$ 'e %os" ha))& * $eli(h"e$ "o 'e of an& ser+ice * a )*)leas#re, I ass#re &o#.3
3Peace4 Yo# "al, far "oo %#ch. Lis"en "o &o#r firs" "as,. I see we are in a lar(e ci"&. Proc#re
for %e a" once a chario" or a fl&in( car)e" or a well*"raine$ $ra(on, or wha"e+er is #s#al for
ro&al an$ no'le )ersons in &o#r lan$. Then 'rin( %e "o )laces where I can (e" clo"hes an$
8ewels an$ sla+es fi" for %& ran,. To%orrow I will 'e(in "he con9#es" of "he worl$.3
3I * I * I2ll (o an$ or$er a ca' a" once,3 (as)e$ ncle An$rew.
3S"o),3 sai$ "he Wi"ch, 8#s" as he reache$ "he $oor. 3Do no" $rea% of "reacher&. -& e&es
can see "hro#(h walls an$ in"o "he %in$s of %en. The& will 'e on &o# where+er &o# (o. A"
"he firs" si(n of $iso'e$ience I will la& s#ch s)ells on &o# "ha" an&"hin( &o# si" $own on
will feel li,e re$ ho" iron an$ whene+er &o# lie in a 'e$ "here will 'e in+isi'le 'loc,s of ice
a" &o#r fee". Now (o.3
The ol$ %an wen" o#", loo,in( li,e a $o( wi"h i"s "ail 'e"ween i"s le(s.
The chil$ren were now afrai$ "ha" >a$is wo#l$ ha+e so%e"hin( "o sa& "o "he% a'o#" wha"
ha$ ha))ene$ in "he woo$. As i" "#rne$ o#", howe+er, she ne+er %en"ione$ i" ei"her "hen or
af"erwar$s. I "hin, .an$ Di(or& "hin,s "oo/ "ha" her %in$ was of a sor" which canno"
re%e%'er "ha" 9#ie" )lace a" all, an$ howe+er of"en &o# "oo, her "here an$ howe+er lon(
&o# lef" her "here, she wo#l$ s"ill ,now no"hin( a'o#" i". Now "ha" she was lef" alone wi"h
"he chil$ren, she "oo, no no"ice of ei"her of "he%. An$ "ha" was li,e her "oo. In Charn she
ha$ "a,en no no"ice of Pon& ."ill "he +er& en$/ 'eca#se Di(or& was "he one she wan"e$ "o
%a,e #se of. Now "ha" she ha$ ncle An$rew, she "oo, no no"ice of Di(or&. I e1)ec" %os"
wi"ches are li,e "ha". The& are no" in"eres"e$ in "hin(s or )eo)le #nless "he& can #se "he%0
"he& are "erri'l& )rac"ical. So "here was silence in "he roo% for a %in#"e or "wo. B#" &o#
co#l$ "ell '& "he wa& >a$is "a))e$ her foo" on "he floor "ha" she was (rowin( i%)a"ien".
Presen"l& she sai$, as if "o herself, 3Wha" is "he ol$ fool $oin(5 I sho#l$ ha+e 'ro#(h" a
whi).3 She s"al,e$ o#" of "he roo% in )#rs#i" of ncle An$rew wi"ho#" one (lance a" "he
3Whew43 sai$ Poll&, le""in( o#" a lon( 'rea"h of relief. 3An$ now I %#s" (e" ho%e. I"2s
fri(h"f#ll& la"e. I shall ca"ch i".3
3Well $o, $o co%e 'ac, as soon as &o# can,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3This is si%)l& (has"l&, ha+in(
her here. We %#s" %a,e so%e sor" of )lan.3
3Tha"2s #) "o &o#r ncle now,3 sai$ Poll&. 3I" was he who s"ar"e$ all "his %essin( a'o#"
wi"h -a(ic.3
3All "he sa%e, &o# will co%e 'ac,, won2" &o#5 Han( i" all, &o# can2" lea+e %e alone in a
scra)e li,e "his.3
3I shall (o ho%e '& "he "#nnel,3 sai$ Poll& ra"her col$l&. 3Tha"2ll 'e "he 9#ic,es" wa&. An$
if &o# wan" %e "o co%e 'ac,, ha$n2" &o# 'e""er sa& &o#2re sorr&53
3Sorr&53 e1clai%e$ Di(or&. 3Well now, if "ha" isn2" 8#s" li,e a (irl4 Wha" ha+e I $one53
3Oh no"hin( of co#rse,3 sai$ Poll& sarcas"icall&. 3Onl& nearl& screwe$ %& wris" off in "ha"
roo% wi"h all "he wa1wor,s, li,e a cowar$l& '#ll&. Onl& s"r#c, "he 'ell wi"h "he ha%%er,
li,e a sill& i$io". Onl& "#rne$ 'ac, in "he woo$ so "ha" she ha$ "i%e "o ca"ch hol$ of &o#
'efore we 8#%)e$ in"o o#r own )ool. Tha"2s all.3
3Oh,3 sai$ Di(or&, +er& s#r)rise$. 3Well, alri(h", I2ll sa& I2% sorr&. An$ I reall& a% sorr&
a'o#" wha" ha))ene$ in "he wa1wor,s roo%. There: I2+e sai$ I2% sorr&. An$ now, $o 'e
$ecen" an$ co%e 'ac,. I shall 'e in a fri(h"f#l hole if &o# $on2".3
3I $on2" see wha"2s (oin( "o ha))en "o &o#. I"2s -r !e""erle& who2s (oin( "o si" on re$ ho"
chairs an$ ha+e ice in his 'e$, isn2" i"53
3I" isn2" "ha" sor" of "hin(,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Wha" I2% 'o"here$ a'o#" is -o"her. S#))ose "ha"
crea"#re wen" in"o her roo%. She %i(h" fri(h"en her "o $ea"h.3
3Oh, I see,3 sai$ Poll& in ra"her a $ifferen" +oice. 3Alri(h". We2ll call i" Pa1. I2ll co%e 'ac, *
if I can. B#" I %#s" (o now.3 An$ she crawle$ "hro#(h "he li""le $oor in"o "he "#nnel0 an$
"ha" $ar, )lace a%on( "he raf"ers which ha$ see%e$ so e1ci"in( an$ a$+en"#ro#s a few
ho#rs a(o, see%e$ 9#i"e "a%e an$ ho%el& now.
We %#s" now (o 'ac, "o ncle An$rew. His )oor ol$ hear" wen" )i"*a*)a" as he s"a((ere$
$own "he a""ic s"airs an$ he ,e)" on $a''in( a" his forehea$ wi"h a han$,erchief. When he
reache$ his 'e$roo%, which was "he floor 'elow, he loc,e$ hi%self in. An$ "he +er& firs"
"hin( he $i$ was "o (ro)e in his war$ro'e for a 'o""le an$ a wine*(lass which he alwa&s
,e)" hi$$en "here where A#n" Le""& co#l$ no" fin$ "he%. He )o#re$ hi%self o#" a (lassf#l
of so%e nas"&, (rown*#) $rin, an$ $ran, i" off a" one (#l). Then he $rew a $ee) 'rea"h.
3)on %& wor$,3 he sai$ "o hi%self. 3I2% $rea$f#ll& sha,en. -os" #)se""in(4 An$ a" %&
"i%e of life43
He )o#re$ o#" a secon$ (lass an$ $ran, i" "oo0 "hen he 'e(an "o chan(e his clo"hes. Yo#
ha+e ne+er seen s#ch clo"hes, '#" I can re%e%'er "he%. He )#" on a +er& hi(h, shin&, s"iff
collar of "he sor" "ha" %a$e &o# hol$ &o#r chin #) all "he "i%e. He )#" on a whi"e wais"coa"
wi"h a )a""ern on i" an$ arran(e$ his (ol$ wa"ch chain across "he fron". He )#" on his 'es"
froc,*coa", "he one he ,e)" for we$$in(s an$ f#nerals. He (o" o#" his 'es" "all ha" an$
)olishe$ i" #). There was a +ase of flowers .)#" "here '& A#n" Le""&/ on his $ressin( "a'le0
he "oo, one an$ )#" i" in his '#""onhole. He "oo, a clean han$,erchief .a lo+el& one s#ch as
&o# co#l$n2" '#& "o$a&/ o#" of "he li""le lef"han$ $rawer an$ )#" a few $ro)s of scen" on i".
He "oo, his e&e*(lass, wi"h "he "hic, 'lac, ri''on, an$ screwe$ i" in"o his e&e0 "hen he
loo,e$ a" hi%self in "he %irror.
Chil$ren ha+e one ,in$ of silliness, as &o# ,now, an$ (rown*#)s ha+e ano"her ,in$. A" "his
%o%en" ncle An$rew was 'e(innin( "o 'e sill& in a +er& (rown*#) wa&. Now "ha" "he
Wi"ch was no lon(er in "he sa%e roo% wi"h hi% he was 9#ic,l& for(e""in( how she ha$
fri(h"ene$ hi% an$ "hin,in( %ore an$ %ore of her won$erf#l 'ea#"&. He ,e)" on sa&in( "o
hi%self, 3A $e% fine wo%an, sir, a $e% fine wo%an. A s#)er' crea"#re.3 He ha$ also
so%ehow %ana(e$ "o for(e" "ha" i" was "he chil$ren who ha$ (o" hol$ of "his 3s#)er'
crea"#re3: he fel" as if he hi%self '& his -a(ic ha$ calle$ her o#" of #n,nown worl$s.
3An$rew, %& 'o&,3 he sai$ "o hi%self as he loo,e$ in "he (lass, 3&o#2re a $e+ilish well
)reser+e$ fellow for &o#r a(e. A $is"in(#ishe$*loo,in( %an, sir.3
Yo# see, "he foolish ol$ %an was ac"#all& 'e(innin( "o i%a(ine "he Wi"ch wo#l$ fall in
lo+e wi"h hi%. The "wo $rin,s )ro'a'l& ha$ so%e"hin( "o $o wi"h i", an$ so ha$ his 'es"
clo"hes. B#" he was, in an& case, as +ain as a )eacoc,0 "ha" was wh& he ha$ 'eco%e a
He #nloc,e$2 "he $oor, wen" $owns"airs, sen" "he ho#se%ai$ o#" "o fe"ch a hanso%
.e+er&one ha$ lo"s of ser+an"s in "hose $a&s/ an$ loo,e$ in"o "he $rawin(roo%. There, as he
e1)ec"e$, he fo#n$ A#n" Le""&. She was '#sil& %en$in( a %a""ress. I" la& on "he floor near
"he win$ow an$ she was ,neelin( on i".
3Ah, Le"i"ia %& $ear,3 sai$ ncle An$rew, 3I * ah ha+e "o (o o#". >#s" len$ %e fi+e )o#n$s
or so, "here2s a (oo$ (el.3 .36el3 was "he wa& he )rono#nce$ (irl./
3No, An$rew $ear,3 sai$ A#n"& Le""& in her fir%, 9#ie" +oice, wi"ho#" loo,in( #) fro% her
wor,. 3I2+e "ol$ &o# "i%es wi"ho#" n#%'er "ha" I will no" len$ &o# %one&.3
3Now )ra& $on2" 'e "ro#'leso%e, %& $ear (el,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3I"2s %os" i%)or"an".
Yo# will )#" %e in a $e#ce$l& aw,war$ )osi"ion if &o# $on2".3
3An$rew,3 sai$ A#n" Le""&, loo,in( hi% s"rai(h" in "he face, 3I won$er &o# are no" asha%e$
"o as, %e for %one&.3
There was a lon(, $#ll s"or& of a (rown*#) ,in$ 'ehin$ "hese wor$s. All &o# nee$ "o ,now
a'o#" i" is "ha" ncle An$rew, wha" wi"h 3%ana(in( $ear Le""&2s '#siness %a""ers for her3,
an$ ne+er $oin( an& wor,, an$ r#nnin( #) lar(e 'ills for 'ran$& an$ ci(ars .which A#n"
Le""& ha$ )ai$ a(ain an$ a(ain/ ha$ %a$e her a (oo$ $eal )oorer "han she ha$ 'een "hir"&
&ears a(o.
3-& $ear (el,3 sai$ ncle An$rew, 3&o# $on2" #n$ers"an$. I shall ha+e so%e 9#i"e
#ne1)ec"e$ e1)enses "o$a&. I ha+e "o $o a li""le en"er"ainin(. Co%e now, $on2" 'e "ireso%e.3
3An$ who, )ra&, are &o# (oin( "o en"er"ain, An$rew53 as,e$ A#n" Le""&.
3A * a %os" $is"in(#ishe$ +isi"or has 8#s" arri+e$.3
3Dis"in(#ishe$ fi$$les"ic,43 sai$ A#n" Le""&. 3There hasn2" 'een a rin( a" "he hell for "he
las" ho#r.3
A" "ha" %o%en" "he $oor was s#$$enl& fl#n( o)en. A#n" Le""& loo,e$ ro#n$ an$ saw wi"h
a%a<e%en" "ha" an enor%o#s wo%an, s)len$i$l& $resse$, wi"h 'are ar%s an$ flashin( e&es,
s"oo$ in "he $oorwa&. I" was "he Wi"ch.
3Now0 sla+e, how lon( a% I "o wai" for %& chario"53 "h#n$ere$ "he Wi"ch. ncle An$rew
cowere$ awa& fro% her. Now "ha" she was reall& )resen", all "he sill& "ho#(h"s he ha$ ha$
while loo,in( a" hi%self in "he (lass were oo<in( o#" of hi%. B#" A#n" Le""& a" once (o" #)
fro% her ,nees an$ ca%e o+er "o "he cen"re of "he roo%.
3An$ who is "his &o#n( )erson, An$rew, %a& I as,53 sai$ A#n" Le""& in ic& "ones.
3Dis"in(#ishe$ forei(ner * +*+er& i%)or"an" )*)erson,3 he s"a%%ere$.
3R#''ish43 sai$ A#n" Le""&, an$ "hen, "#rnin( "o "he Wi"ch, 36e" o#" of %& ho#se "his
%o%en", &o# sha%eless h#ss&, or I2ll sen$ for "he )olice.3 She "ho#(h" "he Wi"ch %#s" 'e
so%eone o#" of a circ#s an$ she $i$ no" a))ro+e of 'are ar%s.
3Wha" wo%an is "his53 sai$ >a$is. 3Down on &o#r ,nees, %inion, 'efore I 'las" &o#.3
3No s"ron( lan(#a(e in "his ho#se if &o# )lease, &o#n( wo%an,3 sai$ A#n" Le""&.
Ins"an"l&, as i" see%e$ "o ncle An$rew, "he =#een "owere$ #) "o an e+en (rea"er hei(h".
7ire flashe$ fro% her e&es: she fl#n( o#" her ar% wi"h "he sa%e (es"#re an$ "he sa%e
horri'le*so#n$in( wor$s "ha" ha$ la"el& "#rne$ "he )alace(a"es of Charn "o $#s". B#"
no"hin( ha))ene$ e1ce)" "ha" A#n" Le""&, "hin,in( "ha" "hose horri'le wor$s were %ean" "o
'e or$inar& En(lish, sai$:
3I "ho#(h" as %#ch. The wo%an is $r#n,. Dr#n,4 She can2" e+en s)ea, clearl&.3
I" %#s" ha+e 'een a "erri'le %o%en" for "he Wi"ch when she s#$$enl& reali<e$ "ha" her
)ower of "#rnin( )eo)le in"o $#s", which ha$ 'een 9#i"e real in her own worl$, was no"
(oin( "o wor, in o#rs. B#" she $i$ no" lose her ner+e e+en for a secon$. Wi"ho#" was"in( a
"ho#(h" on her $isa))oin"%en", she l#n(e$ forwar$, ca#(h" A#n" Le""& ro#n$ "he nec, an$
"he ,nees, raise$ her hi(h a'o+e her hea$ as if she ha$ 'een no hea+ier "han a $oll, an$
"hrew her across "he roo%. While A#n" Le""& was s"ill h#r"lin( "hro#(h "he air, "he
ho#se%ai$ .who was ha+in( a 'ea#"if#ll& e1ci"in( %ornin(/ )#" her hea$ in a" "he $oor an$
sai$, 3If &o# )lease, sir, "he 2anso%2s co%e.3
3Lea$ on, Sla+e,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch "o ncle An$rew. He 'e(an %#""erin( so%e"hin( a'o#"
3re(re""a'le +iolence %#s" reall& )ro"es"3, '#" a" a sin(le (lance fro% >a$is he 'eca%e
s)eechless. She $ro+e hi% o#" of "he roo% an$ o#" of "he ho#se0 an$ Di(or& ca%e r#nnin(
$own "he s"airs 8#s" in "i%e "o see "he fron" $oor close 'ehin$ "he%.
3>i%in&43 he sai$. 3She2s loose in Lon$on. An$ wi"h ncle An$rew. I won$er wha" on ear"h
is (oin( "o ha))en now.3
3Oh, -as"er Di(or&,3 sai$ "he ho#se%ai$ .who was reall& ha+in( a won$erf#l $a&/, 3I "hin,
-iss !e""erle&2s h#r" herself so%ehow.3 So "he& 'o"h r#she$ in"o "he $rawin(*roo% "o fin$
o#" wha" ha$ ha))ene$.
If A#n" Le""& ha$ fallen on 'are 'oar$s or e+en on "he car)e", I s#))ose all her 'ones wo#l$
ha+e 'een 'ro,en: '#" '& (rea" (oo$ l#c, she ha$ fallen on "he %a""ress. A#n" Le""& was a
+er& "o#(h ol$ la$&: a#n"s of"en were in "hose $a&s. Af"er she ha$ ha$ so%e sal +ola"ile an$
sa" s"ill for a few %in#"es, she sai$ "here was no"hin( "he %a""er wi"h her e1ce)" a few
'r#ises. ;er& soon she was "a,in( char(e of "he si"#a"ion.
3Sarah,3 she sai$ "o "he ho#se%ai$ .who ha$ ne+er ha$ s#ch a $a& 'efore/, 3(o aro#n$ "o
"he )olice s"a"ion a" once an$ "ell "he% "here is a $an(ero#s l#na"ic a" lar(e. I will "a,e -rs
!ir,e2s l#nch #) %&self.3 -rs !ir,e was, of co#rse, Di(or&2s %o"her.
When -o"her2s l#nch ha$ 'een seen "o, Di(or& an$ A#n" Le""& ha$ "heir own. Af"er "ha" he
$i$ so%e har$ "hin,in(.
The )ro'le% was how "o (e" "he Wi"ch 'ac, "o her own worl$, or a" an& ra"e o#" of o#rs, as
soon as )ossi'le. Wha"e+er ha))ene$, she %#s" no" 'e allowe$ "o (o ra%)a(in( a'o#" "he
ho#se. -o"her %#s" no" see her.
An$, if )ossi'le, she %#s" no" 'e allowe$ "o (o ra%)a(in( a'o#" Lon$on ei"her. Di(or& ha$
no" 'een in "he $rawin(roo% when she "rie$ "o 3'las"3 A#n" Le""&, '#" he ha$ seen her
3'las"3 "he (a"es a" Charn: so he ,new her "erri'le )owers an$ $i$ no" ,now "ha" she ha$
los" an& of "he% '& co%in( in"o o#r worl$. An$ he ,new she %ean" "o con9#er o#r worl$.
A" "he )resen" %o%en", as far as he co#l$ see, she %i(h" 'e 'las"in( B#c,in(ha% Palace or
"he Ho#ses of Parlia%en": an$ i" was al%os" cer"ain "ha" 9#i"e a n#%'er of )olice%en ha$
'& now 'een re$#ce$ "o li""le hea)s of $#s". An$ "here $i$n2" see% "o 'e an&"hin( he co#l$
$o a'o#" "ha". 3B#" "he rin(s see% "o wor, li,e %a(ne"s,3 "ho#(h" Di(or&. 3If I can onl&
"o#ch her an$ "hen sli) on %& &ellow, we shall 'o"h (o in"o "he Woo$ 'e"ween "he Worl$s.
I won$er will she (o all fain" a(ain "here5 Was "ha" so%e"hin( "he )lace $oes "o her, or was
i" onl& "he shoc, of 'ein( )#lle$ o#" of her own worl$5 B#" I s#))ose I2ll ha+e "o ris, "ha".
An$ how a% I "o fin$ "he 'eas"5 I $on2" s#))ose A#n" Le""& wo#l$ le" %e (o o#", no" #nless
I sai$ where I was (oin(. An$ I ha+en2" (o" %ore "han "wo)ence. I2$ nee$ an& a%o#n" of
%one& for '#ses an$ "ra%s if I wen" loo,in( all o+er Lon$on. An&wa&, I ha+en2" "he
fain"es" i$ea where "o loo,. I won$er if ncle An$rew is s"ill wi"h her.3
I" see%e$ in "he en$ "ha" "he onl& "hin( he co#l$ $o was "o wai" an$ ho)e "ha" ncle
An$rew an$ "he Wi"ch wo#l$ co%e 'ac,. If "he& $i$, he %#s" r#sh o#" an$ (e" hol$ of "he
Wi"ch an$ )#" on his &ellow Rin( 'efore she ha$ a chance "o (e" in"o "he ho#se. This %ean"
"ha" he %#s" wa"ch "he fron" $oor li,e a ca" wa"chin( a %o#se2s hole0 he $are$ no" lea+e his
)os" for a %o%en". So he wen" in"o "he $inin(*roo% an$ 3(l#e$ his face3 as "he& sa&, "o "he
win$ow. I" was a 'ow*win$ow fro% which &o# co#l$ see "he s"e)s #) "o "he fron" $oor an$
see #) an$ $own "he s"ree", so "ha" no one co#l$ reach "he fron" $oor wi"ho#" &o#r ,nowin(.
3I won$er wha" Poll&2s $oin(53 "ho#(h" Di(or&.
He won$ere$ a'o#" "his a (oo$ $eal as "he firs" slow half*ho#r "ic,e$ on. B#" &o# nee$ no"
won$er, for I a% (oin( "o "ell &o#. She ha$ (o" ho%e la"e for her $inner, wi"h her shoes an$
s"oc,in(s +er& we". An$ when "he& as,e$ her where she ha$ 'een an$ wha" on ear"h she
ha$ 'een $oin(, she sai$ she ha$ 'een o#" wi"h Di(or& !ir,e. n$er f#r"her 9#es"ionin(
she sai$ she ha$ (o" her fee" we" in a )ool of wa"er, an$ "ha" "he )ool was in a woo$. As,e$
where "he woo$ was, she sai$ she $i$n2" ,now. As,e$ if i" was in one of "he )ar,s, she sai$
"r#"hf#ll& eno#(h "ha" she s#))ose$ i" %i(h" 'e a sor" of )ar,. 7ro% all of "his Poll&2s
%o"her (o" "he i$ea "ha" Poll& ha$ (one off, wi"ho#" "ellin( an&one, "o so%e )ar" of Lon$on
she $i$n2" ,now, an$ (one in"o a s"ran(e )ar, an$ a%#se$ herself 8#%)in( in"o )#$$les. As
a res#l" she was "ol$ "ha" she ha$ 'een +er& na#(h"& in$ee$ an$ "ha" she wo#l$n2" 'e
allowe$ "o )la& wi"h 3"ha" !ir,e 'o&3 an& %ore if an&"hin( of "he sor" e+er ha))ene$ a(ain.
Then she was (i+en $inner wi"h all "he nice )ar"s lef" o#" an$ sen" "o 'e$ for "wo soli$
ho#rs. I" was a "hin( "ha" ha))ene$ "o one 9#i"e of"en in "hose $a&s.
So while Di(or& was s"arin( o#" of "he $inin(*roo% win$ow, Poll& was l&in( in 'e$, an$
'o"h were "hin,in( how "erri'l& slowl& "he "i%e co#l$ (o. I "hin,, %&self, I wo#l$ ra"her
ha+e 'een in Poll&2s )osi"ion. She ha$ onl& "o wai" for "he en$ of her "wo ho#rs: '#" e+er&
few %in#"es Di(or& wo#l$ hear a ca' or a 'a,er2s +an or a '#"cher2s 'o& co%in( ro#n$ "he
corner an$ "hin, 3Here she co%es3, an$ "hen fin$ i" wasn2". An$ in 'e"ween "hese
false alar%s, for wha" see%e$ ho#rs an$ ho#rs, "he cloc, "ic,e$ on an$ one 'i( fl& * hi(h #)
an$ far o#" of reach '#<<e$ a(ains" "he win$ow. I" was one of "hose ho#ses "ha" (e" +er&
9#ie" an$ $#ll in "he af"ernoon an$ alwa&s see% "o s%ell of %#""on.
D#rin( his lon( wa"chin( an$ wai"in( one s%all "hin( ha))ene$ which I shall ha+e "o
%en"ion 'eca#se so%e"hin( i%)or"an" ca%e of i" la"er on. A la$& calle$ wi"h so%e (ra)es
for Di(or&2s -o"her0 an$ as "he $inin(*roo% $oor was o)en, Di(or& co#l$n2" hel)
o+erhearin( A#n" Le""& an$ "he la$& as "he& "al,e$ in "he hall.
3Wha" lo+el& (ra)es43 ca%e A#n" Le""&2s +oice. 3I2% s#re if an&"hin( co#l$ $o her (oo$
"hese wo#l$. B#" )oor, $ear li""le -a'el4 I2% afrai$ i" wo#l$ nee$ fr#i" fro% "he lan$ of
&o#"h "o hel) her now. No"hin( in "his worl$ will $o %#ch.3 Then "he& 'o"h lowere$ "heir
+oices an$ sai$ a lo" %ore "ha" he co#l$ no" hear.
If he ha$ hear$ "ha" 'i" a'o#" "he lan$ of &o#"h a few $a&s a(o he wo#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" A#n"
Le""& was 8#s" "al,in( wi"ho#" %eanin( an&"hin( in )ar"ic#lar, "he wa& (rown*#)s $o, an$ i"
wo#l$n2" ha+e in"eres"e$ hi%. He al%os" "ho#(h" so now. B#" s#$$enl& i" flashe$ #)on his
%in$ "ha" he now ,new .e+en if A#n" Le""& $i$n2"/ "ha" "here reall& were o"her worl$s an$
"ha" he hi%self ha$ 'een in one of "he%. A" "ha" ra"e "here %i(h" 'e a real Lan$ of Yo#"h
so%ewhere. There %i(h" 'e al%os" an&"hin(. There %i(h" 'e fr#i" in so%e o"her worl$ "ha"
wo#l$ reall& c#re his %o"her4 An$ oh, oh * Well, &o# ,now how i" feels if &o# 'e(in
ho)in( for so%e"hin( "ha" &o# wan" $es)era"el& 'a$l&0 &o# al%os" fi(h" a(ains" "he ho)e
'eca#se i" is "oo (oo$ "o 'e "r#e0 &o#2+e 'een $isa))oin"e$ so of"en 'efore. Tha" was how
Di(or& fel". B#" i" was no (oo$ "r&in( "o "hro""le "his ho)e. I" %i(h" reall&, reall&, i" 8#s"
%i(h" 'e "r#e. So %an& o$$ "hin(s ha$ ha))ene$ alrea$&. An$ he ha$ "he %a(ic rin(s.
There %#s" 'e worl$s &o# co#l$ (e" "o "hro#(h e+er& )ool in "he woo$. He co#l$ h#n"
"hro#(h "he% all. An$ "hen -o"her well a(ain. E+er&"hin( ri(h" a(ain. He for(o" all a'o#"
wa"chin( for "he Wi"ch. His han$ was alrea$& (oin( in"o "he )oc,e" where he ,e)" "he
&ellow rin(, when all a" once he her$ a so#n$ of (allo)in(.
3H#llo4 Wha"2s "ha"53 "ho#(h" Di(or&. 37ire*en(ine5 I won$er wha" ho#se is on fire. 6rea"
Sco"", i"2s co%in( here. Wh&, i"2s Her.3
I nee$n2" "ell &o# who he %ean" '& Her.
7irs" ca%e "he hanso%. There was no one in "he $ri+er2s sea". On "he roof * no" si""in(, '#"
s"an$in( on "he roof swa&in( wi"h s#)er' 'alance as i" ca%e a" f#ll s)ee$ ro#n$ "he corner
wi"h one wheel in "he air * was >a$is "he =#een of =#eens an$ "he Terror of Charn. Her
"ee"h were 'are$, her e&es shone li,e fire, an$ her lon( hair s"rea%e$ o#" 'ehin$ her li,e a
co%e"2s "ail. She was flo((in( "he horse wi"ho#" %erc&. I"s nos"rils were wi$e an$ re$ an$
i"s si$es were s)o""e$ wi"h foa%. I" (allo)e$ %a$l& #) "o "he fron" $oor, %issin( "he la%)*
)os" '& an inch, an$ "hen reare$ #) on i"s hin$ le(s. The hanso% crashe$ in"o "he la%)*)os"
an$ sha""ere$ in"o se+eral )ieces. The Wi"ch, wi"h a %a(nificen" 8#%), ha$ s)r#n( clear 8#s"
in "i%e an$ lan$e$ on "he horse2s 'ac,. She se""le$ herself as"ri$e an$ leane$ forwar$,
whis)erin( "hin(s in i"s ear. The& %#s" ha+e 'een "hin(s %ean" no" "o 9#ie" i" '#" "o %a$$en
i". I" was on i"s hin$ le(s a(ain in a
%o%en", an$ i"s nei(h was li,e a screa%0 i" was all hoofs an$ "ee"h an$ e&es an$ "ossin(
%ane. Onl& a s)len$i$ ri$er co#l$ ha+e s"a&e$ on i"s 'ac,.
Before Di(or& ha$ reco+ere$ his 'rea"h a (oo$ %an& o"her "hin(s 'e(an "o ha))en. A
secon$ hanso% $ashe$ #) close 'ehin$ "he firs": o#" of i" "here 8#%)e$ a fa" %an in a froc,*
coa" an$ a )olice%an. Then ca%e a "hir$ hanso% wi"h "wo %ore )olice%en in i". Af"er i",
ca%e a'o#" "wen"& )eo)le .%os"l& erran$ 'o&s/ on 'ic&cles, all rin(in( "heir 'ells an$
le""in( o#" cheers an$ ca"*calls. Las" of all ca%e a crow$ of )eo)le on foo": all +er& ho" wi"h
r#nnin(, '#" o'+io#sl& en8o&in( "he%sel+es. Win$ows sho" #) in all "he ho#ses of "ha"
s"ree" an$ a ho#se%ai$ or a '#"ler a))eare$ a" e+er& fron" $oor. The& wan"e$ "o see "he f#n.
-eanwhile an ol$ (en"le%an ha$ 'e(#n "o s"r#((le sha,il& o#" of "he r#ins of "he firs"
hanso%. Se+eral )eo)le r#she$ forwar$ "o hel) hi%0 '#" as one )#lle$ hi% one wa& an$
ano"her ano"her, )erha)s he wo#l$ ha+e (o" o#" 9#i"e as 9#ic,l& on his own. Di(or&
(#esse$ "ha" "he ol$ (en"le%an %#s" 'e ncle An$rew '#" &o# co#l$n2" see his face0 his "all
ha" ha$ 'een 'ashe$ $own o+er i".
Di(or& r#she$ o#" an$ 8oine$ "he crow$.
3Tha"2s "he wo%an, "ha"2s "he wo%an,3 crie$ "he fa" %an, )oin"in( a" >a$is. 3Do &o#r $#"&,
Cons"a'le. H#n$re$s an$ "ho#san$s of )o#n$s2 wor"h she2s "a,en o#" of %& sho). Loo, a"
"ha" ro)e of )earls ro#n$ her nec,. Tha"2s %ine. An$ she2s (i+en %e a 'lac, e&e "oo, wha"2s
3Tha" she 2as, (#+2nor,3 sai$ one of "he crow$. 3An$ as lo+el& a 'lac, e&e as I2$ wish "o see.
Bea#"if#l 'i" of wor, "ha" %#s" 2a+e 'een. 6or4 ain2" she s"ron( "hen43
3Yo# o#(h" "o )#" a nice raw 'eefs"ea, on i", -is"er, "ha"2s wha" i" wan"s,3 sai$ a '#"cher2s
3Now "hen,3 sai$ "he %os" i%)or"an" of "he )olice%en, 3wha"2s all "his 2ere53
3I "ell &o# she *3 'e(an "he fa" %an, when so%eone else calle$ o#":
3Don2" le" "he ol$ co+e in "he ca' (e" awa&. 2E )#" 2er #) "o i".3
The ol$ (en"le%an, who was cer"ainl& ncle An$rew, ha$ 8#s" s#ccee$e$ in s"an$in( #)
an$ was r#''in( his 'r#ises. 3Now "hen,3 sai$ "he )olice%an, "#rnin( "o hi%, 3Wha"2s all
3Wo%fle * )o%f& * sho%f,3 ca%e ncle An$rew2s +oice fro% insi$e "he ha".
3None of "ha" now,3 sai$ "he )olice%an s"ernl&. 3Yo#2ll fin$ "his is no la#(hin( %a""er.
Ta,e "ha" 2a" off, see53
This was %ore easil& sai$ "han $one. B#" af"er ncle An$rew ha$ s"r#((le$ in +ain wi"h "he
ha" for so%e "i%e, "wo o"her )olice%en sei<e$ i" '& "he 'ri% an$ force$ i" off.
3Than, &o#, "han, &o#,3 sai$ ncle An$rew in a fain" +oice. 3Than, &o#. Dear %e, I2%
"erri'l& sha,en. If so%eone co#l$ (i+e %e a s%all (lass of 'ran$& *3
3Now &o# a""en$ "o %e, if &o# )lease,3 sai$ "he )olice%an, "a,in( o#" a +er& lar(e no"e
'oo, an$ a +er& s%all )encil. 3Are &o# in char(e of "ha" "here &o#n( wo%an53
3Loo, o#"43 calle$ se+eral +oices, an$ "he )olice%an 8#%)e$ a s"e) 'ac,war$s 8#s" in "i%e.
The horse ha$ ai%e$ a ,ic, a" hi% which wo#l$ )ro'a'l& ha+e ,ille$ hi%. Then "he Wi"ch
wheele$ "he horse ro#n$ so "ha" she face$ "he crow$ an$ i"s hin$*le(s were on "he foo")a"h.
She ha$ a lon(, 'ri(h" ,nife in her han$ an$ ha$ 'een '#sil& c#""in( "he horse free fro% "he
wrec, of "he hanso%.
All "his "i%e Di(or& ha$ 'een "r&in( "o (e" in"o a )osi"ion fro% which he co#l$ "o#ch "he
Wi"ch. This wasn2" a" all eas& 'eca#se, on "he si$e neares" "o hi%, "here were "oo %an&
)eo)le. An$ in or$er "o (e" ro#n$ "o "he o"her si$e he ha$ "o )ass 'e"ween "he horse2s hoofs
an$ "he railin(s of "he 3area3 "ha" s#rro#n$e$ "he ho#se0 for "he !e""erle&s2 ho#se ha$ a
'ase%en". If &o# ,now an&"hin( a'o#" horses, an$ es)eciall& if &o# ha$ seen wha" a s"a"e
"ha" horse was in a" "he %o%en", &o# will reali<e "ha" "his was a "ic,lish "hin( "o $o. Di(or&
,new lo"s a'o#" horses, '#" he se" his "ee"h an$ (o" rea$& "o %a,e a $ash for i" as soon as he
saw a fa+o#ra'le %o%en".
A re$*face$ %an in a 'owler ha" ha$ now sho#l$ere$ his wa& "o "he fron" of "he crow$.
3Hi4 P2leece%an,3 he sai$, 3"ha"2s %& 2orse wha" she2s si""in( on, sa%e as i"2s %& ca' wha"
she2s %a$e %a"chwoo$ of.3
3One a" a "i%e, )lease, one a" a "i%e,3 sai$ "he )olice%an.
3B#" "here ain2" no "i%e,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3I ,now "ha" 2orse 'e""er2n &o# $o. 2Tain2" an
or$inar& 2orse. 2Is fa"her was a hofficer2s char(er in "he ca+alr&, 2e was. An$ if "he &o#n(
wo%an (oes on he1ci"in2 2i%, "here2ll 'e %#r$er $one. 2Ere, le" %e (e" a" hi%.3
The )olice%an was onl& "o (la$ "o ha+e a (oo$ reason for s"an$in( f#r"her awa& fro% "he
horse. The Ca''& "oo, a s"e) nearer, loo,e$ #) a" >a$is, an$ sai$ in a no" #n,in$l& +oice:
3Now, -issie, le" %e (e" a" 2is 2ea$, an$ 8#s" &o# (e" off. Yo#2re a Li$&, an$ &o# $on2" wan"
all "hese ro#(hs (oin( for &o#, $o &o#5 Yo# wan" "o (o 2o%e an$ 2a+e a nice c#) of "ea an$
a la& $own 9#ie" li,e0 "hen &o#2ll feel e+er so %#ch 'e""er.3 A" "he sa%e "i%e he s"re"che$
o#" his han$ "owar$s "he horse2s hea$ wi"h "he wor$s, 3S"ea$&, S"raw'err&, ol$ 'o&. S"ea$&
Then for "he firs" "i%e "he Wi"ch s)o,e.
3Do(43 ca%e her col$, clear +oice, rin(in( lo#$ a'o+e all "he o"her noises. 3Do(, #nhan$
o#r ro&al char(er. We are "he E%)ress >a$is.3
3Ho4 Her*i)ress, are &o#5 We2ll see a'o#" "ha",3 sai$ a +oice. Then ano"her +oice sai$,
3Three cheers for "he He%)ress of Colne& 2A"ch3 an$ 9#i"e a n#%'er 8oine$ in. A fl#sh of
colo#r ca%e in"o "he Wi"ch2s face an$ she 'owe$ e+er so sli(h"l&. B#" "he cheers $ie$ awa&
in"o roars of la#(h"er an$ she saw "ha" "he& ha$ onl& 'een %a,in( f#n of her: A chan(e
ca%e o+er her e1)ression an$ she chan(e$ "he ,nife "o her lef" han$. Then, wi"ho#"
warnin(, she $i$ a "hin( "ha" was $rea$f#l "o see. Li(h"l&, easil&, as if i" were "he %os"
or$inar& "hin( in "he worl$, she s"re"che$ #) her ri(h" ar% an$ wrenche$ off one of "he
cross*'ars of "he la%)*)os". If she ha$ los" so%e %a(ical )owers in o#r worl$, she ha$ no"
los" her s"ren("h0 she co#l$ 'rea, an iron 'ar as if i" were a s"ic, of 'arle&s#(ar. She "osse$
her new wea)on #) in "he air, ca#(h" i" a(ain, 'ran$ishe$ i", an$ #r(e$ "he horse forwar$.
3Now2s %& chance,3 "ho#(h" Di(or&. He $ar"e$ 'e"ween "he horse an$ "he railin(s an$
'e(an (oin( forwar$. If onl& "he 'r#"e wo#l$ s"a& s"ill for a %o%en" he %i(h" ca"ch "he
Wi"ch2s heel. As he r#she$, he hear$ a sic,enin( crash an$ a "h#$. The Wi"ch ha$ 'ro#(h"
"he 'ar $own on "he chief )olice%an2s hel%e": "he %an fell li,e a nine*)in.
3=#ic,, Di(or&. This %#s" 'e s"o))e$,3 sai$ a +oice 'esi$e hi%. I" was Poll&, who ha$
r#she$ $own "he %o%en" she was allowe$ o#" of 'e$.
3Yo# are a 'ric,,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Hol$ on "o %e "i(h". Yo#2$ ha+e "o %ana(e "he rin(.
Yellow, re%e%'er. An$ $on2" )#" i" on "ill I sho#".3
There was a secon$ crash an$ ano"her )olice%an cr#%)le$ #). There ca%e an an(r& roar
fro% "he crow$: 3P#ll her $own. 6e" a few )a+in(*s"ones. Call o#" "he -ili"ar&.3 B#" %os"
of "he% were (e""in( as far awa& as "he& co#l$. The Ca''&, howe+er, o'+io#sl& "he 'ra+es"
as well as "he ,in$es" )erson )resen", was ,ee)in( close "o "he horse, $o$(in( "his wa& an$
"ha" "o a+oi$ "he 'ar, '#" s"ill "r&in( "o ca"ch S"raw'err&2s hea$.
The crow$ 'ooe$ an$ 'ellowe$ a(ain. A s"one whis"le$ o+er Di(or&2s hea$. Then ca%e "he
+oice of "he Wi"ch, clear li,e a (rea" 'ell, an$ so#n$in( as if, for once, she were al%os"
3Sc#%4 Yo# shall )a& $earl& for "his when I ha+e con9#ere$ &o#r worl$. No" one s"one of
&o#r ci"& will 'e lef". I will %a,e i" as Charn, as 7elin$a, as Sorlois, as Bra%an$in.3
Di(or& as las" ca#(h" her an,le. She ,ic,e$ 'ac, wi"h her heel an$ hi" hi% in "he %o#"h. In
his )ain he los" hol$. His li) was c#" an$ his %o#"h f#ll of 'loo$. 7ro% so%ewhere +er&
close '& ca%e "he +oice of ncle An$rew in a sor" of "re%'lin( screa%. 3-a$a% * %& $ear
&o#n( la$& * for hea+en2s sa,e * co%)ose &o#rself.3 Di(or& %a$e a secon$ (ra' a" her heel,
an$ was a(ain sha,en off. -ore %en were ,noc,e$ $own '& "he iron 'ar. He %a$e a "hir$
(ra': ca#(h" "he heel: hel$ on "i,e (ri% $ea"h, sho#"in( "o Poll& 36o43 "hen Oh, "han,
(oo$ness. The an(r&, fri(h"ene$ faces ha$ +anishe$. The an(r&, fri(h"ene$ +oices were
silence$. All e1ce)" ncle An$rew2s. Close 'esi$e Di(or& in "he $ar,ness, i" was wailin(
on 3Oh, oh, is "his $eliri#%5 Is i" "he en$5 I can2" 'ear i". I"2s no" fair. I ne+er %ean" "o 'e a
-a(ician. I"2s all a %is#n$ers"an$in(. I"2s all %& (o$%o"her2s fa#l"0 I %#s" )ro"es" a(ains"
In %& s"a"e of heal"h "oo. A +er& ol$ Dorse"shire fa%il&.3
3Bo"her43 "ho#(h" Di(or&. 3We $i$n2" wan" "o 'rin( hi% alon(. -& ha", wha" a )icnic. Are
&o# "here, Poll&53
3Yes, I2% here. Don2" ,ee) on sho+in(.3
3I2% no",3 'e(an Di(or&, '#" 'efore he co#l$ sa& an&"hin( %ore, "heir hea$s ca%e o#" in"o
"he war%, (reen s#nshine of "he woo$. An$ as "he& s"e))e$ o#" of "he )ool Poll& crie$ o#":
3Oh loo,4 We2+e*'ro#(h" "he ol$ horse wi"h #s "oo. An$ -r !e""erle&. An$ "he Ca''&. This
is a )re""& ,e""le of fish43
As soon as "he Wi"ch saw "ha" she was once %ore in "he woo$ she "#rne$ )ale an$ 'en"
$own "ill her face "o#che$ "he %ane of "he horse. Yo# co#l$ see she fel" $ea$l& sic,. ncle
An$rew was shi+erin(. B#" S"raw'err&, "he horse, shoo, his hea$, (a+e a cheerf#l whinn&,
an$ see%e$ "o feel 'e""er. He 'eca%e 9#ie" for "he firs" "i%e since Di(or& ha$ seen hi%. His
ears, which ha$ 'een lai$ fla" 'ac, on his s,#ll, ca%e in"o "heir )ro)er )osi"ion, an$ "he fire
wen" o#" of his e&es.
3Tha"2s ri(h", ol$ 'o&,3 sai$ "he Ca''&, sla))in( S"raw'err&2s nec,. 3Tha"2s 'e""er. Ta,e i"
S"raw'err& $i$ "he %os" na"#ral "hin( in "he worl$. Bein( +er& "hirs"& .an$ no won$er/ he
wal,e$ slowl& across "o "he neares" )ool an$ s"e))e$ in"o i" "o ha+e a $rin,. Di(or& was
s"ill hol$in( "he Wi"ch2s heel an$ Poll& was hol$in( Di(or&2s han$. One of "he Ca''&2s
han$s was on S"raw'err&0 an$ ncle An$rew, s"ill +er& sha,&, ha$ 8#s" (ra''e$ on "he
Ca''&2s o"her han$.
3=#ic,,3 sai$ Poll&, wi"h a loo, a" Di(or&. 36reens43
So "he horse ne+er (o" his $rin,. Ins"ea$, "he whole )ar"& fo#n$ "he%sel+es sin,in( in"o
$ar,ness. S"raw'err& nei(he$0 ncle An$rew whi%)ere$. Di(or& sai$, 3Tha" was a 'i" of
There was a shor" )a#se. Then Poll& sai$, 3O#(h"n2" we "o 'e nearl& "here now53
3We $o see% "o 'e so%ewhere,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3A" leas" I2% s"an$in( on so%e"hin( soli$.3
3Wh&, so a% I, now "ha" I co%e "o "hin, of i",3 sai$ Poll&. 3B#" wh&2s i" so $ar,5 I sa&, $o
&o# "hin, we (o" in"o "he wron( Pool53
3Perha)s "his is Charn,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Onl& we2+e (o" 'ac, in "he %i$$le of "he ni(h".3
3This is no" Charn,3 ca%e "he Wi"ch2s +oice. 3This is an e%)"& worl$. This is No"hin(.3
An$ reall& i" was #nco%%onl& li,e No"hin(. There were no s"ars. I" was so $ar, "ha" "he&
co#l$n2" see one ano"her a" all an$ i" %a$e no $ifference whe"her &o# ,e)" &o#r e&es sh#" or
o)en. n$er "heir fee" "here was a cool, fla" so%e"hin( which %i(h" ha+e 'een ear"h, an$
was cer"ainl& no" (rass or woo$. The air was col$ an$ $r& an$ "here was no win$.
3-& $oo% has co%e #)on %e,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch in a +oice of horri'le cal%ness.
3Oh $on2" sa& "ha",3 'a''le$ ncle An$rew. 3-& $ear &o#n( la$&, )ra& $on2" sa& s#ch
"hin(s. I" can2" 'e as 'a$ as "ha". Ah * Ca'%an * %& (oo$ %an * &o# $on2" ha))en "o ha+e a
flas, a'o#" &o#5 A $ro) of s)iri"s is 8#s" wha" I nee$.3
3Now "hen, now "hen,3 ca%e "he Ca''&2s +oice, a (oo$ fir%, har$& +oice. 3!ee) cool
e+er&one, "ha"2s wha" I sa&. No 'ones 'ro,en, an&one5 6oo$. Well "here2s so%e"hin( "o 'e
"han,f#l for s"rai(h" awa&, an$ %ore "han an&one co#l$ e1)ec" af"er fallin( all "ha" wa&.
Now, if we2+e fallen $own so%e $i((in(s * as i" %i(h" 'e for a new s"a"ion on "he
n$er(ro#n$ * so%eone will co%e an$ (e" #s o#" )resen"l&, see4 An$ if we2re $ea$ * which
I $on2" $en& i" %i(h" 'e * well, &o# (o" "o *re%e%'er "ha" worse "hin(s 2a))en a" sea an$ a
cha)2s (o" "o $ie so%e"i%e. An$ "here ain2" no"hin( "o 'e afrai$ of if a cha)2s le$ a $ecen"
life. An$ if &o# as, %e, I "hin, "he 'es" "hin( we co#l$ $o "o )ass "he "i%e wo#l$ 'e sin( a
An$ he $i$. He s"r#c, #) a" once a har+es" "han,s(i+in( h&%n, all a'o#" cro)s 'ein(
3safel& (a"here$ in3. I" was no" +er& s#i"a'le "o a )lace which fel" as if no"hin( ha$ e+er
(rown "here since "he 'e(innin( of "i%e, '#" i" was "he one he co#l$ re%e%'er 'es". He ha$
a fine +oice an$ "he chil$ren 8oine$ in0 i" was +er& cheerin(. ncle An$rew an$ "he Wi"ch
$i$ no" 8oin in.
Towar$s "he en$ of "he h&%n Di(or& fel" so%eone )l#c,in( a" his el'ow an$ fro% a (eneral
s%ell of 'ran$& an$ ci(ars an$ (oo$ clo"hes he $eci$e$ "ha" i" %#s" 'e ncle An$rew.
ncle An$rew was ca#"io#sl& )#llin( hi% awa& fro% "he o"hers. When "he& ha$
(one a li""le $is"ance, "he ol$ %an )#" his %o#"h so close "o Di(or&2s ear "ha" i" "ic,le$, an$
3Now, %& 'o&. Sli) on &o#r rin(. Le"2s 'e off.3
B#" "he Wi"ch ha$ +er& (oo$ ears. 37ool43 ca%e her +oice an$ she lea)e$ off "he horse.
3Ha+e &o# for(o""en "ha" I can hear %en2s "ho#(h"s5 Le" (o "he 'o&. If &o# a""e%)"
"reacher& I will "a,e s#ch +en(eance #)on &o# as ne+er was hear$ of in all worl$s fro% "he
3An$,3 a$$e$ Di(or&, 3if &o# "hin, I2% s#ch a %ean )i( as "o (o off an$ lea+e Poll& * an$
"he Ca''& * an$ "he horse in a )lace li,e "his, &o#2re well %is"a,en.3
3Yo# are a +er& na#(h"& an$ i%)er"inen" li""le 'o&,3 sai$ ncle An$rew.
3H#sh43 sai$ "he Ca''&. The& all lis"ene$.
In "he $ar,ness so%e"hin( was ha))enin( a" las". A +oice ha$ 'e(#n "o sin(. I" was +er& far
awa& an$ Di(or& fo#n$ i" har$ "o $eci$e fro% wha" $irec"ion i" was co%in(. So%e"i%es i"
see%e$ "o co%e fro% all $irec"ions a" once. So%e"i%es he al%os" "ho#(h" i" was co%in(
o#" of "he ear"h 'enea"h "he%. I"s lower no"es were $ee) eno#(h "o 'e "he +oice of "he ear"h
herself. There were no wor$s. There was har$l& e+en a "#ne. B#" i" was, 'e&on$
co%)arison, "he %os" 'ea#"if#l noise he ha$ e+er hear$. I" was so 'ea#"if#l he co#l$ har$l&
'ear i". The horse see%e$ "o li,e i" "oo0 he (a+e "he sor" of whinne& a horse wo#l$ (i+e if,
af"er &ears of 'ein( a ca'*horse, i" fo#n$ i"self 'ac, in "he ol$ fiel$ where i" ha$ )la&e$ as a
foal, an$ saw so%eone who% i" re%e%'ere$ an$ lo+e$ co%in( across "he fiel$ "o 'rin( i" a
l#%) of s#(ar.
36aw$43 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3Ain2" i" lo+el&53
Then "wo won$ers ha))ene$ a" "he sa%e %o%en". One was "ha" "he +oice was s#$$enl&
8oine$ '& o"her +oices0 %ore +oices "han &o# co#l$ )ossi'l& co#n". The& were in har%on&
wi"h i", '#" far hi(her #) "he scale: col$, "in(lin(, sil+er& +oices. The secon$ won$er was
"ha" "he 'lac,ness o+erhea$, all a" once, was 'la<in( wi"h s"ars. The& $i$n2" co%e o#" (en"l&
one '& one, as "he& $o on a s#%%er e+enin(. One %o%en" "here ha$ 'een no"hin( '#"
$ar,ness0 ne1" %o%en" a "ho#san$, "ho#san$ )oin"s of li(h" lea)e$ o#" * sin(le s"ars,
cons"ella"ions, an$ )lane"s, 'ri(h"er an$ 'i((er "han an& in o#r worl$. There were no
clo#$s. The new s"ars an$ "he new +oices 'e(an a" e1ac"l& "he sa%e "i%e. If &o# ha$ seen
an$ hear$ i", as Di(or& $i$, &o# wo#l$ ha+e fel" 9#i"e cer"ain "ha" i" was "he s"ars
"he%sel+es which were sin(in(, an$ "ha" i" was "he 7irs" ;oice, "he $ee) one, which ha$
%a$e "he% a))ear an$ %a$e "he% sin(.
36lor& 'e43 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3I2$ ha2 'een a 'e""er %an all %& life if I2$ ,nown "here were
"hin(s li,e "his.3
The ;oice on "he ear"h was now lo#$er an$ %ore "ri#%)han"0 '#" "he +oices in "he s,&,
af"er sin(in( lo#$l& wi"h i" for a "i%e, 'e(an "o (e" fain"er. An$ now so%e"hin( else was
7ar awa&, an$ $own near "he hori<on, "he s,& 'e(an "o "#rn (re&. A li(h" win$, +er& fresh,
'e(an "o s"ir. The s,&, in "ha" one )lace, (rew slowl& an$ s"ea$il& )aler. Yo# co#l$ see
sha)es of hills s"an$in( #) $ar, a(ains" i". All "he "i%e "he ;oice wen" on sin(in(.
There was soon li(h" eno#(h for "he% "o see one ano"her2s faces. The Ca''& an$ "he "wo
chil$ren ha$ o)en %o#"hs an$ shinin( e&es0 "he& were $rin,in( in "he so#n$, an$ "he&
loo,e$ as if i" re%in$e$ "he% of so%e"hin(. ncle An$rew2s %o#"h was o)en "oo, '#" no"
o)en wi"h 8o&. He loo,e$ %ore as if his chin ha$ si%)l& $ro))e$ awa& fro% "he res" of his
face. His sho#l$ers were s"o))e$ an$ his ,nees shoo,. He was no" li,in( "he ;oice. If he
co#l$ ha+e (o" awa& fro% i" '& cree)in( in"o a ra"2s hole, he wo#l$ ha+e $one so. B#" "he
Wi"ch loo,e$ as if, in a wa&, she #n$ers"oo$ "he %#sic 'e""er "han an& of "he%. Her %o#"h
was sh#", her li)s were )resse$ "o(e"her, an$ her fis"s were clenche$. E+er since "he son(
'e(an she ha$ fel" "ha" "his whole worl$ was fille$ wi"h a -a(ic $ifferen" fro% hers an$
s"ron(er. She ha"e$ i". She wo#l$ ha+e s%ashe$ "ha" whole worl$, or all worl$s, "o )ieces, if
i" wo#l$ onl& s"o) "he sin(in(. The horse s"oo$ wi"h i"s ears well forwar$, an$ "wi"chin(.
E+er& now an$ "hen i" snor"e$ an$ s"a%)e$ "he (ro#n$. I" no lon(er loo,e$ li,e a "ire$ ol$
ca'*horse0 &o# co#l$ now well 'elie+e "ha" i"s fa"her ha$ 'een in 'a""les.
The eas"ern s,& chan(e$ fro% whi"e "o )in, an$ fro% )in, "o (ol$. The ;oice rose an$
rose, "ill all "he air was sha,in( wi"h i". An$ 8#s" as i" swelle$ "o "he %i(h"ies" an$ %os"
(lorio#s so#n$ i" ha$ &e" )ro$#ce$, "he s#n arose.
Di(or& ha$ ne+er seen s#ch a s#n. The s#n a'o+e "he r#ins of Charn ha$ loo,e$ ol$er "han
o#rs: "his loo,e$ &o#n(er. Yo# co#l$ i%a(ine "ha" i" la#(he$ for 8o& as i" ca%e #). An$ as
i"s 'ea%s sho" across "he lan$ "he "ra+ellers co#l$ see for "he firs" "i%e wha" sor" of )lace
"he& were in. I" was a +alle& "hro#(h which a 'roa$, swif" ri+er wo#n$ i"s wa&, flowin(
eas"war$ "owar$s "he s#n. So#"hwar$ "here were %o#n"ains, nor"hwar$ "here were lower
hills. B#" i" was a +alle& of %ere ear"h, roc, an$ wa"er0 "here was no" a "ree, no" a '#sh, no"
a 'la$e of (rass "o 'e seen. The ear"h was of %an& colo#rs: "he& were fresh, ho" an$ +i+i$.
The& %a$e &o# feel e1ci"e$0 #n"il &o# saw "he Sin(er hi%self, an$ "hen &o# for(o"
e+er&"hin( else.
I" was a Lion. H#(e, sha((&, an$ 'ri(h", i" s"oo$ facin( "he risen s#n. I"s %o#"h was wi$e
o)en in son( an$ i" was a'o#" "hree h#n$re$ &ar$s awa&.
3This is a "erri'le worl$,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3We %#s" fl& a" once. Pre)are "he -a(ic.3
3I 9#i"e a(ree wi"h &o#, -a$a%,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3A %os" $isa(reea'le )lace.
Co%)le"el& #nci+ili<e$. If onl& I were a &o#n(er %an an$ ha$ a (#n *3
36arn43 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3Yo# $on2" "hin, &o# co#l$ shoo" 2i%, $o &o#53
3An$ who wo#l$3 sai$ Poll&.
3Pre)are "he -a(ic, ol$ fool,3 sai$ >a$is.
3Cer"ainl&, -a$a%,3 sai$ ncle An$rew c#nnin(l&. 3I %#s" ha+e 'o"h "he chil$ren
"o#chin( %e. P#" on &o#r ho%ewar$ rin( a" once, Di(or&.3 He wan"e$ "o (e" awa& wi"ho#"
"he Wi"ch.
3Oh, i"2s rin(s, is i"53 crie$ >a$is. She wo#l$ ha+e ha$ her han$s in Di(or&2s )oc,e" 'efore
&o# co#l$ sa& ,nife, '#" Di(or& (ra''e$ Poll& an$ sho#"e$ o#":
3Ta,e care. If ei"her of &o# co%e half an inch nearer, we "wo will +anish an$ &o#2ll 'e lef"
here for (oo$. Yes: I ha+e a rin( in %& )oc,e" "ha" will "a,e Poll& an$ %e ho%e. An$ loo,4
-& han$ is 8#s" rea$&. So ,ee) &o#r $is"ance. I2% sorr& a'o#" &o# .he loo,e$ a" "he Ca''&/
an$ a'o#" "he horse, '#" I can2" hel) "ha". As for &o# "wo .he loo,e$ a" ncle An$rew an$
"he =#een/, &o#2re 'o"h %a(icians, so &o# o#(h" "o en8o& li+in( "o(e"her.3
32Ol$ &o#r noise, e+er&one,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3I wan" "o lis"en "o "he %oosic.3
7or "he son( ha$ now chan(e$.
THE Lion was )acin( "o an$ fro a'o#" "ha" e%)"& lan$ an$ sin(in( his new son(. I" was
sof"er an$ %ore lil"in( "han "he son( '& which he ha$ calle$ #) "he s"ars an$ "he s#n0 a
(en"le, ri))lin( %#sic. An$ as he wal,e$ an$ san( "he +alle& (rew (reen wi"h (rass. I"
s)rea$ o#" fro% "he Lion li,e a )ool. I" ran #) "he si$es of "he li""le hills li,e a wa+e. In a
few %in#"es i" was cree)in( #) "he lower slo)es of "he $is"an" %o#n"ains, %a,in( "ha"
&o#n( worl$ e+er& %o%en" sof"er. The li(h" win$ co#l$ now 'e hear$ r#fflin( "he (rass.
Soon "here were o"her "hin(s 'esi$es (rass. The hi(her slo)es (rew $ar, wi"h hea"her.
Pa"ches of ro#(her an$ %ore 'ris"lin( (reen a))eare$ in "he +alle&. Di(or& $i$ no" ,now
wha" "he& were #n"il one 'e(an co%in( #) 9#i"e close "o hi%. I" was a li""le, s)i,& "hin( "ha"
"hrew o#" $o<ens of ar%s an$ co+ere$ "hese ar%s wi"h (reen an$ (rew lar(er a" "he ra"e of
a'o#" an inch e+er& "wo secon$s. There were $o<ens of "hese "hin(s all ro#n$ hi% now.
When "he& were nearl& as "all as hi%self he saw wha" "he& were. 3Trees43 he e1clai%e$.
The n#isance of i", as Poll& sai$ af"erwar$s, was "ha" &o# weren2" lef" in )eace "o wa"ch i"
all. >#s" as Di(or& sai$ 3Trees43 he ha$ "o 8#%) 'eca#se ncle An$rew ha$ si$le$ #) "o
hi% a(ain an$ was (oin( "o )ic, his )oc,e". I" wo#l$n2" ha+e $one ncle An$rew %#ch
(oo$ if he ha$ s#ccee$e$, for he was ai%in( a" "he ri(h"*han$ )oc,e" 'eca#se he s"ill
"ho#(h" "he (reen rin(s were 3ho%ewar$3 rin(s. B#" of co#rse Di(or& $i$n2" wan" "o lose
3S"o)43 crie$ "he Wi"ch. 3S"an$ 'ac,. No, f#r"her 'ac,. If an&one (oes wi"hin "en )aces of
ei"her of "he chil$ren, I will ,noc, o#" his 'rains.3 She was )oisin( in her han$ "he iron 'ar
"ha" she ha$ "orn off "he la%)*)os", rea$& "o "hrow i". So%ehow no one $o#'"e$ "ha" she
wo#l$ 'e a +er& (oo$ sho".
3So43 *she sai$. 3Yo# wo#l$ s"eal 'ac, "o &o#r own worl$ wi"h "he 'o& an$ lea+e %e here.3
ncle An$rew2s "e%)er a" las" (o" "he 'e""er of his fears. 3Yes, -a2a%, I wo#l$,3 he sai$.
3-os" #n$o#'"e$l& I wo#l$. I sho#l$ 'e )erfec"l& in %& ri(h"s. I ha+e 'een %os"
sha%ef#ll&, %os" a'o%ina'l& "rea"e$. I ha+e $one %& 'es" "o show &o# s#ch ci+ili"ies as
were in %& )ower. An$ wha" has 'een %& rewar$5 Yo# ha+e ro''e$ * I %#s" re)ea" "he
wor$ ro''e$ a hi(hl& res)ec"a'le 8eweller. Yo# ha+e insis"e$ on %& en"er"ainin( &o# "o an
e1cee$in(l& e1)ensi+e, no" "o sa& os"en"a"io#s, l#nch, "ho#(h I was o'li(e$ "o )awn %&
wa"ch an$ chain in or$er "o $o so .an$ le" %e "ell &o#, -a2a%, "ha" none of o#r fa%il& ha+e
'een in "he ha'i" of fre9#en"in( )awnsho)s, e1ce)" %& co#sin E$war$, an$ he was in "he
Yeo%anr&/. D#rin( "ha" in$i(es"i'le %eal * I2% feelin( "he worse for i" a" "his +er& %o%en"
* &o#r 'eha+io#r an$ con+ersa"ion a""rac"e$ "he #nfa+o#ra'le a""en"ion of e+er&one )resen".
I feel I ha+e 'een )#'licl& $is(race$. I shall ne+er 'e a'le "o show %& face in "ha"
res"a#ran" a(ain. Yo# ha+e assa#l"e$ "he )olice. Yo# ha+e s"olen *3
3Oh s"ow i", 6#+2nor, $o s"ow i",3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3Wa"chin2 an$ lis"enin2s "he "hin( a"
)resen"0 no" "al,in(.3
There was cer"ainl& )len"& "o wa"ch an$ "o lis"en "o. The "ree which Di(or& ha$ no"ice$ was
now a f#ll*(rown 'eech whose 'ranches swa&e$ (en"l& a'o+e his hea$. The& s"oo$ on cool,
(reen (rass, s)rin,le$ wi"h $aisies an$ '#""erc#)s. A li""le wa& off, alon( "he ri+er 'an,,
willows were (rowin(. On "he o"her si$e "an(les of flowerin( c#rran", lilac, wil$ rose, an$
rho$o$en$ron close$ "he% in. The horse was "earin( #) $elicio#s %o#"hf#ls of new (rass.
All "his "i%e "he Lion2s son(, an$ his s"a"el& )rowl, "o an$ fro, 'ac,war$s an$ forwar$s,
was (oin( on. Wha" was ra"her alar%in( was "ha" a" each "#rn he ca%e a li""le nearer. Poll&
was fin$in( "he son( %ore an$ %ore in"eres"in( 'eca#se she "ho#(h" she was 'e(innin( "o
see "he connec"ion 'e"ween "he %#sic an$ "he "hin(s "ha" were ha))enin(. When a line of
$ar, firs s)ran( #) on a ri$(e a'o#" a h#n$re$ &ar$s awa& she fel" "ha" "he& were connec"e$
wi"h a series of $ee), )rolon(e$ no"es which "he Lion ha$ s#n( a secon$ 'efore. An$ when
he '#rs" in"o a ra)i$ series of li(h"er no"es she was no" s#r)rise$ "o see )ri%roses s#$$enl&
a))earin( in e+er& $irec"ion. Th#s, wi"h an #ns)ea,a'le "hrill, she fel" 9#i"e cer"ain "ha" all
"he "hin(s were co%in( .as she sai$/ 3o#" of "he Lion2s hea$3. When &o# lis"ene$ "o his
son( &o# hear$ "he "hin(s he was %a,in( #): when &o# loo,e$ ro#n$ &o#, &o# saw "he%.
This was so e1ci"in( "ha" she ha$ no "i%e "o 'e afrai$. B#" Di(or& an$ "he Ca''& co#l$ no"
hel) feelin( a 'i" ner+o#s as each "#rn
of "he Lion2s wal, 'ro#(h" hi% nearer. As for ncle An$rew, his "ee"h were cha""erin(, '#"
his ,nees were sha,in( so "ha" he co#l$ no" r#n awa&.
S#$$enl& "he Wi"ch s"e))e$ 'ol$l& o#" "owar$s "he Lion. I" was co%in( on, alwa&s sin(in(,
wi"h a slow, hea+& )ace. I" was onl& "wel+e &ar$s awa&. She raise$ her ar% an$ fl#n( "he
iron 'ar s"rai(h" a" i"s hea$.
No'o$&, leas" of all >a$is, co#l$ ha+e %isse$ a" "ha" ran(e. The 'ar s"r#c, "he Lion fair
'e"ween "he e&es. I" (lance$ off an$ fell wi"h a "h#$ in "he (rass. The Lion ca%e on. I"s
wal, was nei"her slower nor fas"er "han 'efore0 &o# co#l$ no" "ell whe"her i" e+en ,new i"
ha$ 'een hi". Tho#(h i"s sof" )a$s %a$e no noise, &o# co#l$ feel "he ear"h sha,e 'enea"h
"heir wei(h".
The Wi"ch shrie,e$ an$ ran: in a few %o%en"s she was o#" of si(h" a%on( "he "rees. ncle
An$rew "#rne$ "o $o li,ewise, "ri))e$ o+er a roo", an$ fell fla" on his face in a li""le 'roo,
"ha" ran $own "o 8oin "he ri+er. The chil$ren co#l$ no" %o+e. The& were no" e+en 9#i"e s#re
"ha" "he& wan"e$ "o. The Lion )ai$ no a""en"ion "o "he%. I"s h#(e re$ %o#"h was o)en, '#"
o)en in son( no" in a snarl. I" )asse$ '& "he% so close "ha" "he& co#l$ ha+e "o#che$ i"s
%ane. The& were "erri'l& afrai$ i" wo#l$ "#rn an$ loo, a" "he%, &e" in so%e 9#eer wa& "he&
wishe$ i" wo#l$. B#" for all "he no"ice i" "oo, of "he% "he& %i(h" 8#s" as well ha+e 'een
in+isi'le an$ #ns%ella'le. When i" ha$ )asse$ "he% an$ (one a few )aces f#r"her i" "#rne$,
)asse$ "he% a(ain, an$ con"in#e$ i"s %arch eas"war$.
ncle An$rew, co#(hin( an$ s)l#""erin(, )ic,e$ hi%self #).
3Now, Di(or&,3 he sai$, 3we2+e (o" ri$ of "ha" wo%an, an$ "he 'r#"e of a lion is (one. 6i+e
%e &o#r han$ an$ )#" on &o#r rin( a" once.3
3!ee) off,3 sai$ Di(or&, 'ac,in( awa& fro% hi%. 3!ee) clear of hi%, Poll&. Co%e o+er
here 'esi$e %e. Now I warn &o#, ncle An$rew, $on2" co%e one s"e) nearer, we2ll 8#s"
3Do wha" &o#2re "ol$ "his %in#"e, sir,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3Yo#2re an e1"re%el&
$iso'e$ien", ill*'eha+e$ li""le 'o&.3
3No fear,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3We wan" "o s"a& an$ see wha" ha))ens. I "ho#(h" &o# wan"e$ "o
,now a'o#" o"her worl$s. Don2" &o# li,e i" now &o#2re here53
3Li,e i"43 e1clai%e$ ncle An$rew. 3>#s" loo, a" "he s"a"e I2% in. An$ i" was %& 'es" coa"
an$ wais"coa", "oo.3 He cer"ainl& was a $rea$f#l si(h" '& now: for of co#rse, "he %ore
$resse$ #) &o# were "o 'e(in wi"h, "he worse &o# loo, af"er &o#2+e crawle$ o#" of a
s%ashe$ hansonca' an$ fallen in"o a %#$$& 'roo,. 3I2% no" sa&in(,3 he a$$e$, 3"ha" "his is
no" a %os" in"eres"in( )lace. If I were a &o#n(er %an, now * )erha)s I co#l$ (e" so%e li+el&
&o#n( fellow "o co%e here firs". One of "hose 'i(*(a%e h#n"ers. So%e"hin( %i(h" 'e %a$e
of "his co#n"r&. The cli%a"e is $eli(h"f#l. I ne+er fel" s#ch air. I 'elie+e i" wo#l$
ha+e $one %e (oo$ if * if circ#%s"ances ha$ 'een %ore fa+o#ra'le. If onl& we2$ ha$ a (#n.3
36#ns 'e 'lowe$,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3I "hin, I2ll (o an$ see if I can (i+e S"raw'err& a r#'
$own. Tha" horse 2as %ore sense "han so%e 2#%ans as I co#l$ %en"ion.3 He wal,e$ 'ac, "o
S"raw'err& an$ 'e(an %a,in( "he hissin( noises "ha" (roo%s %a,e.
3Do &o# s"ill "hin, "ha" Lion co#l$ 'e ,ille$ '& a (#n53 as,e$ Di(or&. 3He $i$n2" %in$ "he
iron 'ar %#ch.3
3Wi"h all her fa#l"s,3 sai$ ncle An$rew, 3"ha"2s a )l#c,& (el, %& 'o&. I" was a s)iri"e$
"hin( "o $o.3 He r#''e$ his han$s an$ crac,e$ his ,n#c,les, as if he were once %ore
for(e""in( how "he Wi"ch fri(h"ene$ hi% whene+er she was reall& "here.
3I" was a wic,e$ "hin( "o $o,3 sai$ Poll&. 3Wha" har% ha$ he $one her53
3H#llo4 Wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ Di(or&. He ha$ $ar"e$ forwar$ "o e1a%ine so%e"hin( onl& a few
&ar$s awa&. 3I sa&, Poll&,3 he calle$ 'ac,. 3Do co%e an$ loo,.3
ncle An$rew ca%e wi"h her0 no" 'eca#se he wan"e$ "o see '#" 'eca#se he wan"e$ "o ,ee)
close "o "he chil$ren "here %i(h" 'e a chance of s"ealin( "heir rin(s. B#" when he saw wha"
Di(or& was loo,in( a", e+en he 'e(an "o "a,e an in"eres". I" was a )erfec" li""le %o$el of a
la%)*)os", a'o#" "hree fee" hi(h '#" len("henin(, an$ "hic,enin( in )ro)or"ion, as "he&
wa"che$ i"0 in fac" (rowin( 8#s" as "he "rees ha$ (rown.
3I"2s ali+e "oo * I %ean, i"2s li",3 sai$ Di(or&. An$ so i" was0 "ho#(h of co#rse, "he 'ri(h"ness
of "he s#n %a$e "he li""le fla%e in "he lan"ern har$ "o see #nless &o#r sha$ow fell on i".
3Re%ar,a'le, %os" re%ar,a'le,3 %#""ere$ ncle An$rew. 3E+en I ne+er $rea%" of -a(ic
li,e "his. We2re in a worl$ where e+er&"hin(, e+en a la%)*)os", co%es "o life an$ (rows.
Now I won$er wha" sor" of see$ a la%))os" (rows fro%53
3Don2" &o# see53 sai$ Di(or&. 3This is where "he 'ar fell * "he 'ar she "ore off "he la%)*)os"
a" ho%e. I" san, in"o "he (ro#n$ an$ now i"2s co%in( #) as a &o#n( la%))os".3 .B#" no" so
+er& &o#n( now0 i" was as "all as Di(or& while he sai$ "his./
3Tha"2s i"4 S"#)en$o#s, s"#)en$o#s,3 sai$ ncle An$rew, r#''in( his han$s har$er "han
e+er. 3Ho, ho4 The& la#(he$ a" %& -a(ic. Tha" fool of a sis"er of %ine "hin,s I2% a l#na"ic.
I won$er wha" "he&2ll sa& now5 I ha+e $isco+ere$ a worl$ where e+er&"hin( is '#rs"in( wi"h
life an$ (row"h. Col#%'#s, now, "he& "al, a'o#" Col#%'#s. B#" wha" was A%erica "o "his5
The co%%ercial )ossi'ili"ies of "his co#n"r& are #n'o#n$e$. Brin( a few ol$ 'i"s of scra)
iron here, '#r& 2e%, an$ #) "he& co%e as 'ran$ new railwa& en(ines, 'a""leshi)s, an&"hin(
&o# )lease. The&2ll cos" no"hin(, an$ I can sell 2e% a" f#ll )rices in En(lan$. I shall 'e a
%illionaire. An$ "hen "he cli%a"e4 I feel &ears &o#n(er alrea$&. I can r#n i" as a heal"h
resor". A (oo$ sana"ori#% here %i(h" 'e wor"h "wen"& "ho#san$ a &ear.
Of co#rse I shall ha+e "o le" a few )eo)le in"o "he secre". The firs" "hin( is "o (e" "ha" 'r#"e
3Yo#2re 8#s" li,e "he Wi"ch,3 sai$ Poll&. 3All &o# "hin, of is ,illin( "hin(s.3
3An$ "hen as re(ar$s oneself,3 ncle An$rew con"in#e$, in a ha))& $rea%. 3There2s no
,nowin( how lon( I %i(h" li+e if I se""le$ here. An$ "ha"2s a 'i( consi$era"ion when a
fellow has "#rne$ si1"&. I sho#l$n2" 'e s#r)rise$ if I ne+er (rew a $a& ol$er in "his co#n"r&4
S"#)en$o#s4 The lan$ of &o#"h43
3Oh43 crie$ Di(or&. 3The lan$ of &o#"h4 Do &o# "hin, i" reall& is53 7or of co#rse he
re%e%'ere$ wha" A#n" Le""& ha$ sai$ "o "he la$& who 'ro#(h" "he (ra)es, an$ "ha" swee"
ho)e r#she$ 'ac, #)on hi%. 3ncle An$rew3, he sai$, 3$o &o# "hin, "here2s an&"hin( here
"ha" wo#l$ c#re -o"her53
3Wha" are &o# "al,in( a'o#"53 sai$ ncle An$rew. 3This isn2" a che%is"2s sho). B#" as I
was sa&in( *3
3Yo# $on2" care "wo)ence a'o#" her,3 sai$ Di(or& sa+a(el&. 3I "ho#(h" &o# %i(h"0 af"er all,
she2s &o#r sis"er as well as %& -o"her. Well, no %a""er. I2% 8oll& well (oin( "o as, "he Lion
hi%self if he can hel) %e.3 An$ he "#rne$ an$ wal,e$ 'ris,l& awa&. Poll& wai"e$ for a
%o%en" an$ "hen wen" af"er hi%.
3Here4 S"o)4 Co%e 'ac,4 The 'o&2s (one %a$,3 sai$ ncle An$rew. He followe$ "he
chil$ren a" a ca#"io#s $is"ance 'ehin$0 for he $i$n2" wan" "o (e" "oo far awa& fro% "he (reen
rin(s or "oo near "he Lion.
In a few %in#"es Di(or& ca%e "o "he e$(e of "he woo$ an$ "here he s"o))e$. The Lion was
sin(in( s"ill. B#" now "he son( ha$ once %ore chan(e$. I" was %ore li,e wha" we sho#l$
call a "#ne, '#" i" was also far wil$er. I" %a$e &o# wan" "o r#n an$ 8#%) an$ cli%'. I" %a$e
&o# wan" "o sho#". I" %a$e &o# wan" "o r#sh a" o"her )eo)le an$ ei"her h#( "he% or fi(h"
"he%. I" %a$e Di(or& ho" an$ re$ in "he face. I" ha$ so%e effec" on ncle An$rew, for
Di(or& co#l$ hear hi% sa&in(, 3A s)iri"e$ (el, sir. I"2s a )i"& a'o#" her "e%)er, '#" a $e%
fine wo%an all "he sa%e, a $e% fine wo%an.3 B#" wha" "he son( $i$ "o "he "wo h#%ans was
no"hin( co%)are$ wi"h wha" i" was $oin( "o "he co#n"r&.
Can &o# i%a(ine a s"re"ch of (rass& lan$ '#''lin( li,e wa"er in a )o"5 7or "ha" is reall& "he
'es" $escri)"ion of wha" was ha))enin(. In all $irec"ions i" was swellin( in"o h#%)s. The&
were of +er& $ifferen" si<es, so%e no 'i((er "han %ole*hills, so%e as 'i( as wheel*'arrows,
"wo "he si<e of co""a(es. An$ "he h#%)s %o+e$ an$ swelle$ "ill "he& '#rs", an$ "he
cr#%'le$ ear"h )o#re$ o#" of "he%, an$ fro% each h#%) "here ca%e o#" an ani%al. The
%oles ca%e o#" 8#s" as &o# %i(h" see a %ole co%e o#" in En(lan$. The $o(s ca%e o#",
'ar,in( "he %o%en" "heir hea$s were free, an$ s"r#((lin( as &o#2+e seen "he% $o when "he&
are (e""in( "hro#(h a narrow hole in a he$(e. The s"a(s were "he 9#eeres" "o wa"ch, for of
co#rse "he an"lers ca%e #) a lon( "i%e 'efore "he res" of "he%, so a" firs" Di(or& "ho#(h"
"he& were "rees. The fro(s, who all ca%e #) near "he ri+er, wen" s"rai(h"
in"o i" wi"h a )lo)*)lo) an$ a lo#$ croa,in(. The )an"hers, leo)ar$s an$ "hin(s of "ha" sor",
sa" $own a" once "o wash "he loose ear"h off "heir hin$ 9#ar"ers an$ "hen s"oo$ #) a(ains"
"he "rees "o shar)en "heir fron" claws. Showers of 'ir$s ca%e o#" of "he "rees. B#""erflies
fl#""ere$. Bees (o" "o wor, on "he flowers as if "he& ha$n2" a secon$ "o lose. B#" "he (rea"es"
%o%en" of all was when "he 'i((es" h#%) 'ro,e li,e a s%all ear"h9#a,e an$ o#" ca%e "he
slo)in( 'ac,, "he lar(e, wise hea$, an$ "he fo#r 'a((&*"ro#sere$ le(s of an ele)han". An$
now &o# co#l$ har$l& hear "he son( of "he Lion0 "here was so %#ch cawin(, cooin(,
crowin(, 'ra&in(, nei(hin(, 'a&in(, 'ar,in(, lowin(, 'lea"in(, an$ "r#%)e"in(.
B#" "ho#(h Di(or& co#l$ no lon(er hear "he Lion, he co#l$ see i". I" was so 'i( an$ so
'ri(h" "ha" he co#l$ no" "a,e his e&es off i". The o"her ani%als $i$ no" a))ear "o 'e afrai$ of
i". In$ee$, a" "ha" +er& %o%en", Di(or& hear$ "he so#n$ of hoofs fro% 'ehin$0 a secon$
la"er "he ol$ ca'*horse "ro""e$ )as" hi% an$ 8oine$ "he o"her 'eas"s. .The air ha$ a))aren"l&
s#i"e$ hi% as well as i" ha$ s#i"e$ ncle An$rew. He no lon(er loo,e$ li,e "he )oor, ol$
sla+e he ha$ 'een in Lon$on0 he was )ic,in( #) his fee" an$ hol$in( his hea$ erec"./ An$
now, for "he firs" "i%e, "he Lion was 9#i"e silen". He was (oin( "o an$ fro a%on( "he
ani%als. An$ e+er& now an$ "hen he wo#l$ (o #) "o "wo of "he% .alwa&s "wo a" a "i%e/ an$
"o#ch "heir noses wi"h his. He wo#l$ "o#ch "wo 'ea+ers a%on( all "he 'ea+ers, "wo leo)ar$s
a%on( all "he leo)ar$s, one s"a( an$ one $eer a%on( all "he $eer, an$ lea+e "he res". So%e
sor"s of ani%al he )asse$ o+er al"o(e"her. B#" "he )airs which he ha$ "o#che$ ins"an"l& lef"
"heir own ,in$s an$ followe$ hi%. A" las" he s"oo$ s"ill an$ all "he crea"#res who% he ha$
"o#che$ ca%e an$ s"oo$ in a wi$e circle aro#n$ hi%. The o"hers who% he ha$ no" "o#che$
'e(an "o wan$er awa&. Their noises fa$e$ (ra$#all& in"o "he $is"ance. The chosen 'eas"s
who re%aine$ were now #""erl& silen", all wi"h "heir e&es fi1e$ in"en"l& #)on "he Lion. The
ca"*li,e ones (a+e an occasional "wi"ch of "he "ail '#" o"herwise all were s"ill. 7or "he firs"
"i%e "ha" $a& "here was co%)le"e silence, e1ce)" for "he noise of r#nnin( wa"er. Di(or&2s
hear" 'ea" wil$l&0 he ,new so%e"hin( +er& sole%n was (oin( "o 'e $one. He ha$ no"
for(o""en a'o#" his -o"her0 '#" he ,new 8oll& well "ha", e+en for her, he co#l$n2" in"err#)" a
"hin( li,e "his.
The Lion, whose e&es ne+er 'lin,e$, s"are$ a" "he ani%als as har$ as if he was (oin( "o
'#rn "he% #) wi"h his %ere s"are. An$ (ra$#all& a chan(e ca%e o+er "he%. The s%aller
ones * "he ra''i"s, %oles an$ s#ch*li,e (rew a (oo$ $eal lar(er. The +er& 'i( ones * &o#
no"ice$ i" %os" wi"h "he ele)han"s * (rew a li""le s%aller. -an& ani%als sa" #) on "heir hin$
le(s. -os" )#" "heir hea$s on one si$e as if "he& were "r&in( +er& har$ "o #n$ers"an$. The
Lion o)ene$ his %o#"h, '#" no so#n$ ca%e fro% i"0 he was 'rea"hin( o#", a lon(, war%
'rea"h0 i" see%e$ "o swa& all "he 'eas"s as "he win$ swa&s a line of "rees. 7ar o+erhea$ fro%
'e&on$ "he +eil of 'l#e s,& which hi$ "he% "he s"ars san( a(ain0 a )#re, col$, $iffic#l"
%#sic. Then "here ca%e a swif" flash li,e fire .'#" i" '#rn" no'o$&/ ei"her fro% "he s,& or
fro% "he Lion i"self, an$ e+er& $ro) of 'loo$ "in(le$ in "he chil$ren2s 'o$ies, an$ "he
$ee)es", wil$es" +oice "he& ha$ e+er hear$ was sa&in(:
3Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awa,e. Lo+e. Thin,. S)ea,. Be wal,in( "rees. Be "al,in( 'eas"s.
Be $i+ine wa"ers.3
IT was of co#rse "he Lion2s +oice. The chil$ren ha$ lon( fel" s#re "ha" he co#l$ s)ea,: &e" i"
was a lo+el& an$ "erri'le shoc, when he $i$.
O#" of "he "rees wil$ )eo)le s"e))e$ for"h, (o$s an$ (o$$esses of "he woo$0 wi"h "he%
ca%e 7a#ns an$ Sa"&rs an$ Dwarfs. O#" of "he ri+er rose "he ri+er (o$ wi"h his Naia$
$a#(h"ers. An$ all "hese an$ all "he 'eas"s an$ 'ir$s in "heir $ifferen" +oices, low or hi(h or
"hic, or clear, re)lie$:
3Hail, Aslan. We hear an$ o'e&. We are awa,e. We lo+e. We "hin,. We s)ea,. We ,now.3
3B#" )lease, we $on2" ,now +er& %#ch &e",3 sai$ a nose& an$ snor"& ,in$ of +oice. An$ "ha"
reall& $i$ %a,e "he chil$ren 8#%), for i" was "he ca'*horse who ha$ s)o,en.
36oo$ ol$ S"raw'err&,3 sai$ Poll&. 3I a% (la$ he was one of "he ones )ic,e$ o#" "o 'e a
Tal,in( Beas".3 An$ "he Ca''&, who was now s"an$in( 'esi$e "he chil$ren, sai$, 3S"ri,e
%e )in,. I alwa&s $i$ sa& "ha" 2oss 2a$ a lo" of sense, "ho#(h.3
3Crea"#res, I (i+e &o# &o#rsel+es,3 sai$ "he s"ron(, ha))& +oice of Aslan. 3I (i+e "o &o#
fore+er "his lan$ of Narnia. I (i+e &o# "he woo$s, "he fr#i"s, "he ri+ers. I (i+e &o# "he s"ars
an$ I (i+e &o# %&self. The D#%' Beas"s who% I ha+e no" chosen are &o#rs also. Trea"
"he% (en"l& an$ cherish "he% '#" $o no" (o 'ac, "o "heir wa&s les" &o# cease "o 'e Tal,in(
Beas"s. 7or o#" of "he% &o# were "a,en an$ in"o "he% &o# can re"#rn. Do no" so.3
3No, Aslan, we won2", we won2",3 sai$ e+er&one. B#" one )er,& 8ac,$aw a$$e$ in a lo#$
+oice, 3No fear43 an$ e+er&one else ha$ finishe$ 8#s" 'efore he sai$ i" so "ha" his wor$s
ca%e o#" 9#i"e clear in a $ea$ silence0 an$ )erha)s &o# ha+e fo#n$ o#" how awf#l "ha" can
'e * sa&, a" a )ar"&. The >ac,$aw 'eca%e so e%'arrasse$ "ha" i" hi$ i"s hea$ #n$er i"s win(s
as if i" was (oin( "o slee). An$ all "he o"her ani%als 'e(an %a,in( +ario#s 9#eer noises
which are "heir wa&s of la#(hin( an$ which, of co#rse, no one has e+er hear$ in o#r worl$.
The& "rie$ a" firs" "o re)ress i", '#" Aslan sai$:
3La#(h an$ fear no", crea"#res. Now "ha" &o# are no lon(er $#%' an$ wi"less, &o# nee$ no"
alwa&s 'e (ra+e. 7or 8o,es as well as 8#s"ice co%e in wi"h s)eech.3
So "he& all le" "he%sel+es (o. An$ "here was s#ch %erri%en" "ha" "he >ac,$aw hi%self
)l#c,e$ #) co#ra(e a(ain an$ )erche$ on "he ca'*horse2s hea$, 'e"ween i"s ears, cla))in(
i"s win(s, an$ sai$:
3Aslan4 Aslan4 Ha+e I %a$e "he firs" 8o,e5 Will e+er&'o$& alwa&s 'e "ol$ how I %a$e "he
firs" 8o,e53
3No, li""le frien$,3 sai$ "he Lion. 3Yo# ha+e no" %a$e "he firs" 8o,e0 &o# ha+e onl& 'een "he
firs" 8o,e.3 Then e+er&one la#(he$ %ore "han e+er0 '#" "he >ac,$aw $i$n2" %in$ an$
la#(he$ 8#s" as lo#$ "ill "he horse shoo, i"s hea$ an$ "he >ac,$aw los" i"s 'alance an$ fell
off, '#" re%e%'ere$ i"s win(s ."he& were s"ill new "o i"/ 'efore i" reache$ "he (ro#n$.
3An$ now,3 sai$ Aslan, 3Narnia is es"a'lishe$. We %#s" ne1" "a,e "ho#(h" for ,ee)in( i"
safe. I will call so%e of &o# "o %& co#ncil. Co%e hi"her "o %e, &o# "he chief Dwarf, an$
&o# "he Ri+er*(o$, an$ &o# Oa, an$ "he Owl, an$ 'o"h "he Ra+ens an$ "he B#ll*Ele)han".
We %#s" "al, "o(e"her. 7or "ho#(h "he worl$ is no" fi+e ho#rs ol$ an e+il has alrea$&
en"ere$ i".3
The crea"#res he ha$ na%e$ ca%e forwar$ an$ he "#rne$ awa& eas"war$ wi"h "he%. The
o"hers all 'e(an "al,in(, sa&in( "hin(s li,e 3Wha" $i$ he sa& ha$ en"ere$ "he worl$5 * A
Nee+il * Wha"2s a Nee+il5 * No, he $i$n2" sa& a Nee+il, he sai$ a wee+il * Well, wha"2s "ha"53
3Loo, here,3 sai$ Di(or& "o Poll&, 3I2+e (o" "o (o af"er hi% * Aslan, I %ean, "he Lion. I
%#s" s)ea, "o hi%.3
3Do &o# "hin, we can53 sai$ Poll&. 3I wo#l$n2" $are.3
3I2+e (o" "o,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3I"2s a'o#" -o"her. If an&one co#l$ (i+e %e so%e"hin( "ha"
wo#l$ $o her (oo$, i" wo#l$ 'e hi%.3
3I2ll co%e alon( wi"h &o#,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3I li,e$ "he loo,s of 2i%. An$ I $on2" rec,on
"hese o"her 'eas"s will (o for #s. An$ I wan" a wor$ wi"h ol$ S"raw'err&.3
So all "hree of "he% s"e))e$ o#" 'ol$l& * or as 'ol$l& as "he& co#l$ * "owar$s "he asse%'l&
of ani%als. The crea"#res were so '#s& "al,in( "o one ano"her an$ %a,in( frien$s "ha" "he&
$i$n2" no"ice "he "hree h#%ans #n"il "he& were +er& close0 nor $i$ "he& hear ncle An$rew,
who was s"an$in( "re%'lin( in his '#""one$ 'oo"s a (oo$ wa& off an$ sho#"in( .'#" '& no
%eans a" "he "o) of his +oice/.
3Di(or&4 Co%e 'ac,4 Co%e 'ac, a" once when &o#2re "ol$. I for'i$ &o# "o (o a s"e)
When a" las" "he& were ri(h" in a%on( "he ani%als, "he ani%als all s"o))e$ "al,in( an$
s"are$ a" "he%.
3Well53 sai$ "he He*Bea+er a" las", 3wha", in "he na%e of Aslan, are "hese53
3Please,3 'e(an Di(or& in ra"her a 'rea"hless +oice, when a Ra''i" sai$, 3The&2re a ,in$ of
lar(e le""#ce, "ha"2s %& 'elief.3
3No, we2re no", hones"l& we2re no",3 sai$ Poll& has"il&. 3We2re no" a" all nice "o ea".3
3There43 sai$ "he -ole. 3The& can "al,. Who e+er hear$ of a "al,in( le""#ce53
3Perha)s "he&2re "he Secon$ 8o,e,3 s#((es"e$ "he >ac,$aw.
A Pan"her, which ha$ 'een washin( i"s face, s"o))e$ for a %o%en" "o sa&, 3Well, if "he&
are, "he&2re no"hin( li,e so (oo$ as "he firs" one. A" leas", C $on2" see an&"hin( +er& f#nn&
a'o#" "he%.3 I" &awne$ an$ wen" on wi"h i"s wash.
3Oh, )lease,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3I2% in s#ch a h#rr&. I wan" "o see "he Lion.3
All "his "i%e "he Ca''& ha$ 'een "r&in( "o ca"ch S"raw'err&2s e&e. Now he $i$. 3Now,
S"raw'err&, ol$ 'o&,3 he sai$. 3Yo# ,now %e. Yo# ain2" (oin( "o s"an$ "here an$ sa& as &o#
$on2" ,now %e.3
3Wha"2s "he Thin( "al,in( a'o#", Horse53 sai$ se+eral +oices.
3Well,3 sai$ S"raw'err& +er& slowl&, 3I $on2" e1ac"l& ,now, I "hin, %os" of #s $on2" ,now
%#ch a'o#" an&
"hin( &e". B#" I2+e a sor" of i$ea I2+e seen a "hin( li,e "his 'efore. I2+e a feelin( I li+e$
so%ewhere else * or was so%e"hin( else * 'efore Aslan wo,e #s all #) a few %in#"es a(o.
I"2s all +er& %#$$le$. Li,e a $rea%. B#" "here were "hin(s li,e "hese "hree in "he $rea%.3
3Wha"53 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3No" ,now %e5 -e wha" #se$ "o 'rin( &o# a ho" %ash of an
e+enin( when &o# was o#" of sor"s5 -e wha" r#''e$ &o# $own )ro)er5 -e wha" ne+er
for(o" "o )#" &o#r clo"h on &o# if &o# was s"an$in( in "he O col$5 I wo#l$n2" 2a+e "ho#(h" i"
of &o#, S"raw'err&.3
3I" $oes 'e(in "o co%e 'ac,,3 sai$ "he Horse "ho#(h"f#ll&. 3Yes. Le" %e "hin, now, le" %e
"hin,. Yes, &o# #se$ "o "ie a horri$ 'lac, "hin( 'ehin$ %e an$ "hen hi" %e "o %a,e %e r#n,
an$ howe+er far I ran "his 'lac, "hin( wo#l$ alwa&s 'e co%in( ra""le*ra""le 'ehin$ %e.3
3We 2a$ o#r li+in( "o earn, see,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3Yo#rs "he sa%e as %ine. An$ if "here
2a$n2" 'een no wor, an$ no whi) "here2$ 2a+e 'een no s"a'le, no ha&, no %ash, an$ no oa"s.
7or &o# $i$ (e" a "as"e of oa"s when I co#l$ affor$ 2e%, which no one can $en&.3
3Oa"s53 sai$ "he Horse, )ric,in( #) his ears. 3Yes, I re%e%'er so%e"hin( a'o#" "ha". Yes, I
re%e%'er %ore an$ %ore. Yo# were alwa&s si""in( #) so%ewhere 'ehin$, an$ I was
alwa&s r#nnin( in fron", )#llin( &o# an$ "he 'lac, "hin(. I ,now I $i$ all "he wor,.3
3S#%%er, I (ran" &o#,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3 2O" wor, for &o# an$ a cool sea" for %e. B#" wha"
a'o#" win"er, ol$ 'o&, when &o# was ,ee)in( &o#rself war% an$ I was si""in( #)
"here wi"h %& fee" li,e ice an$ %& nose fair )inche$ off %e wi"h "he win$, an$ %& 2an$s
"ha" n#%' I co#l$n2" 2ar$l& 2ol$ "he reins53
3I" was a har$, cr#el co#n"r&,3 sai$ S"raw'err&. 3There was no (rass. All har$ s"ones.3
3Too "r#e, %a"e, "oo "r#e43 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3A 2ar$ worl$ i" was. I alwa&s $i$ sa& "hose
)a+in(*s"ones weren2" fair on an& 2oss. Tha"2s L#nn2on, "ha" is. I $i$n2" li,e i" no %ore "han
wha" &o# $i$. Yo# were a co#n"r& 2oss, an$ I was a co#n"r& %an. se$ "o sin( in "he choir, I
$i$, $own a" 2o%e. B#" "here wasn2" a li+in( for %e "here.3
3Oh )lease, )lease,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Co#l$ we (e" on5 The Lion2s (e""in( f#r"her an$ f#r"her
awa&. An$ I $o wan" "o s)ea, "o hi% so $rea$f#ll& 'a$l&.3
3Loo, 2ere, S"raw'err&,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3This &o#n( (en2le%an 2as so%e"hin( on his %in$
"ha" he wan"s "o "al, "o "he Lion a'o#"0 2i% &o# call Aslan. S#))ose &o# was "o le" 2i% ri$e
on &o#r 'ac, .which 2e2$ "a,e i" +er& ,in$l&/ an$ "ro" 2i% o+er "o where "he Lion is. An$ %e
an$ "he li""le (irl will 'e followin( alon(.3
3Ri$e53 sai$ S"raw'err&. 3Oh, I re%e%'er now. Tha" %eans si""in( on %& 'ac,. I
re%e%'er "here #se$ "o 'e a li""le one of &o# "wo*le((ers who #se$ "o $o "ha" lon( a(o. He
#se$ "o ha+e li""le har$, s9#are l#%)s of so%e whi"e s"#ff "ha" he (a+e %e. The& "as"e$ * oh,
won$erf#l, swee"er "han (rass.3
3Ah, "ha"2$ 'e s#(ar,3 sai$ "he Ca''&.
3Please, S"raw'err&,3 'e((e$ Di(or&, 3$o, $o le" %e (e" #) an$ "a,e %e "o Aslan.3
3Well, I $on2" %in$,3 sai$ "he Horse. 3No" for once in a wa&. ) &o# (e".3
36oo$ ol$ S"raw'err&,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 32Ere, &o#n( 2#n, I2ll (i+e &o# a lif".3 Di(or& was
soon on S"raw'err&2s 'ac,, an$ 9#i"e co%for"a'le, for he ha$ ri$$en 'are*'ac, 'efore on
his own )on&.
3Now, $o (ee #), S"raw'err&,3 he sai$.
3Yo# $on2" ha))en "o ha+e a 'i" of "ha" whi"e s"#ff a'o#" &o#, I s#))ose53 sai$ "he Horse.
3No. I2% afrai$ I ha+en2",3 sai$ Di(or&.
3Well, i" can2" 'e hel)e$,3 sai$ S"raw'err&, an$ off "he& wen".
A" "ha" %o%en" a lar(e B#ll$o(, who ha$ 'een sniffin( an$ s"arin( +er& har$, sai$:
3Loo,. Isn2" "here ano"her of "hese 9#eer crea"#res o+er "here, 'esi$e "he ri+er, #n$er "he
Then all "he ani%als loo,e$ an$ saw ncle An$rew, s"an$in( +er& s"ill a%on( "he
rho$o$en$rons an$ ho)in( he wo#l$n2" 'e no"ice$.
3Co%e on43 sai$ se+eral +oices. 3Le"2s (o an$ fin$ o#".3 So, while S"raw'err& was 'ris,l&
"ro""in( awa& wi"h Di(or& in one $irec"ion .an$ Poll& an$ "he Ca''& were followin( on
foo"/ %os" of "he crea"#res r#she$ "owar$s ncle An$rew wi"h roars, 'ar,s, (r#n"s, an$
+ario#s noises of cheerf#l in"eres".
We %#s" now (o 'ac, a 'i" an$ e1)lain wha" "he whole scene ha$ loo,e$ li,e fro% ncle
An$rew2s )oin" of +iew. I" ha$ no" %a$e a"2 all "he sa%e i%)ression on hi% as on "he Ca''&
an$ "he chil$ren. 7or wha" &o# see an$ hear $e)en$s a (oo$ $eal on where &o# are
s"an$in(: i" also $e)en$s on wha" sor" of )erson &o# are.
E+er since "he ani%als ha$ firs" a))eare$, ncle An$rew ha$ 'een shrin,in( f#r"her an$
f#r"her 'ac, in"o "he "hic,e". He wa"che$ "he% +er& har$ of co#rse0 '#" he wasn2" reall&
in"eres"e$ in seein( wha" "he& were $oin(, onl& in seein( whe"her "he& were (oin( "o %a,e
a r#sh a" hi%. Li,e "he Wi"ch, he was $rea$f#ll& )rac"ical. He si%)l& $i$n2" no"ice "ha"
Aslan was choosin( one )air o#" of e+er& ,in$ of 'eas"s. All he saw, or "ho#(h" he saw,
was a lo" of $an(ero#s wil$ ani%als wal,in( +a(#el& a'o#". An$ he ,e)" on won$erin(
wh& "he o"her ani%als $i$n2" r#n awa& fro% "he 'i( Lion.
When "he (rea" %o%en" ca%e an$ "he Beas"s s)o,e, he %isse$ "he whole )oin"0 for a ra"her
in"eres"in( reason. When "he Lion ha$ firs" 'e(#n sin(in(, lon( a(o when i" was s"ill 9#i"e
$ar,, he ha$ reali<e$ "ha" "he noise was a son(. An$ he ha$ $isli,e$ "he son( +er& %#ch. I"
%a$e hi% "hin, an$ feel "hin(s he $i$ no" wan" "o "hin, an$ feel. Then, when "he s#n rose
an$ he saw "ha" "he sin(er was a lion .3onl& a lion,3 as he sai$ "o hi%self/ he "rie$ his
har$es" "o %a,e 'elie+e "ha" i" wasn2" sin(in( an$ ne+er ha$ 'een sin(in( * onl& roarin( as
an& lion %i(h" in a <oo in o#r own worl$. 3Of co#rse i" can2" reall& ha+e 'een sin(in(,3 he
"ho#(h", 3I %#s" ha+e i%a(ine$ i". I2+e 'een le""in( %& ner+es (e" o#" of or$er. Who e+er
hear$ of a lion sin(in(53 An$ "he lon(er an$ %ore 'ea#"if#l "he Lion san(, "he har$er ncle
An$rew "rie$ "o %a,e hi%self 'elie+e "ha" he co#l$ hear no"hin( '#" roarin(. Now "he
"ro#'le a'o#" "r&in( "o %a,e &o#rself s"#)i$er "han &o# reall& are is "ha" &o# +er& of"en
s#ccee$. ncle An$rew $i$. He soon $i$ hear no"hin( '#" roarin( in Aslan2s son(. Soon he
co#l$n2" ha+e hear$ an&"hin( else e+en if he ha$ wan"e$ "o. An$ when a" las" "he Lion
s)o,e an$ sai$, 3Narnia awa,e,3 he $i$n2" hear an& wor$s: he hear$ onl& a snarl. An$ when
"he Beas"s s)o,e in answer, he hear$ onl& 'ar,in(s, (rowlin(s, 'a&in(s, an$ howlin(s. An$
when "he& la#(he$ * well, &o# can i%a(ine. Tha" was worse for ncle An$rew "han
an&"hin( "ha" ha$ ha))ene$ &e". S#ch a horri$, 'loo$"hirs"& $in of h#n(r& an$ an(r& 'r#"es
he ha$ ne+er hear$ in his life. Then, "o his #""er ra(e an$ horror, he saw "he o"her "hree
h#%ans ac"#all& wal,in( o#" in"o "he o)en "o %ee" "he ani%als.
3The fools43 he sai$ "o hi%self. 3Now "hose 'r#"es will ea" "he rin(s alon( wi"h "he chil$ren
an$ I2ll ne+er 'e a'le "o (e" ho%e a(ain. Wha" a selfish li""le 'o& "ha" Di(or& is4 An$ "he
o"hers are 8#s" as 'a$. If "he& wan" "o "hrow awa& "heir own li+es, "ha"2s "heir '#siness. B#"
wha" a'o#" %e5 The& $on2" see% "o "hin, of "ha". No one "hin,s of %e.3
7inall&, when a whole crow$ of ani%als ca%e r#shin( "owar$s hi%, he "#rne$ an$ ran for
his life. An$ now an&one co#l$ see "ha" "he air of "ha" &o#n( worl$ was reall& $oin( "he ol$
(en"le%an (oo$. In Lon$on he ha$ 'een far "oo ol$ "o r#n: now, he ran a" a s)ee$ which
wo#l$ ha+e %a$e hi% cer"ain "o win "he h#n$re$ &ar$s2 race a" an& Pre) school in En(lan$.
His coa""ails fl&in( o#" 'ehin$ hi% were a fine si(h". B#" of co#rse i" was no #se. -an& of
"he ani%als 'ehin$ hi% were swif" ones0 i" was "he firs" r#n "he& ha$ e+er "a,en in "heir
li+es an$ "he& were all lon(in( "o #se "heir new %#scles. 3Af"er hi%4 Af"er hi%43 "he&
sho#"e$. 3Perha)s he2s "ha" Nee+il4 Tall&*ho4 Tan"i+&4 C#" hi% off4 Ro#n$ hi% #)4 !ee) i"
#)4 H#rrah43
In a +er& few %in#"es so%e of "he% (o" ahea$ of hi%. The& line$ #) in a row an$ 'arre$
his wa&. O"hers he%%e$ hi% in fro% 'ehin$. Where+er he loo,e$ he saw "errors. An"lers
of (rea" el,s an$ "he h#(e face of an ele)han" "owere$ o+er hi%. Hea+&, serio#s*%in$e$
'ears an$ 'oars (r#n"e$ 'ehin$ hi%. Cool*loo,in( leo)ar$s an$ )an"hers wi"h sarcas"ic
faces .as he "ho#(h"/ s"are$ a" hi% an$ wa+e$ "heir "ails. Wha" s"r#c, hi% %os" of all was
"he n#%'er of o)en %o#"hs. The ani%als ha$ reall& o)ene$ "heir %o#"hs "o )an"0 he "ho#(h"
"he& ha$ o)ene$ "heir %o#"hs "o ea" hi%.
ncle An$rew s"oo$ "re%'lin( an$ swa&in( "his wa& an$ "ha". He ha$ ne+er li,e$ ani%als
a" "he 'es" of "i%es, 'ein( #s#all& ra"her afrai$ of "he%0 an$ of co#rse &ears of $oin( cr#el
e1)eri%en"s on ani%als ha$ %a$e hi% ha"e an$ fear "he% far %ore.
3Now, sir,3 sai$ "he B#ll$o( in his '#siness*li,e wa&, 3are &o# ani%al, +e(e"a'le, or
%ineral53 Tha" was wha" i" reall& sai$0 '#" all ncle An$rew hear$ was 36r*r*rarrh*ow43
Yo# %a& "hin, "he ani%als were +er& s"#)i$ no" "o see a" once "ha" ncle An$rew was "he
sa%e ,in$ of crea"#re as "he "wo chil$ren an$ "he Ca''&. B#" &o# %#s" re%e%'er "ha" "he
ani%als ,new no"hin( a'o#" clo"hes. The& "ho#(h" "ha" Poll&2s froc, an$ Di(or&2s Norfol,
s#i" an$ "he Ca''&2s howle" ha" were as %#ch )ar"s of "he% as "heir own f#r an$ fea"hers.
The& wo#l$n2" ha+e ,nown e+en "ha" "hose "hree were all of "he sa%e ,in$ if "he& ha$n2"
s)o,en "o "he% an$ if S"raw'err& ha$ no" see%e$ "o "hin, so. An$ ncle An$rew was a
(rea" $eal "aller "han "he chil$ren an$ a (oo$ $eal "hinner "han "he Ca''&. He was all in
'lac, e1ce)" for his whi"e wais"coa" .no" +er& whi"e '& now/, an$ "he (rea" (re& %o) of his
hair .now +er& wil$ in$ee$/ $i$n2" loo, "o "he% li,e an&"hin( "he& ha$ seen in "he "hree
o"her h#%ans. So i" was onl& na"#ral "ha" "he& sho#l$ 'e )#<<le$. Wors" of all, he $i$n2"
see% "o 'e a'le "o "al,.
He ha$ "rie$ "o. When "he B#ll$o( s)o,e "o hi% .or, as he "ho#(h", firs" snarle$ an$ "hen
(rowle$ a" hi%/ he hel$ o#" his sha,in( han$ an$ (as)e$ 36oo$ Do((ie, "hen, )oor ol$
fellow.3 B#" "he 'eas"s co#l$ no" #n$ers"an$ hi% an& %ore "han he co#l$ #n$ers"an$ "he%.
The& $i$n2" hear an& wor$s: onl& a +a(#e si<<lin( noise. Perha)s i" was 8#s" as well "he&
$i$n2", for no $o( "ha" I e+er ,new, leas" of all a Tal,in( Do( of Narnia, li,es 'ein( calle$ a
6oo$ Do((ie "hen0 an& %ore "han &o# wo#l$ li,e 'ein( calle$ -& Li""le -an.
Then ncle An$rew $ro))e$ $own in a $ea$ fain".
3There43 sai$ a War"ho(, 3i"2s onl& a "ree. I alwa&s "ho#(h" so.3 .Re%e%'er, "he& ha$ ne+er
&e" seen a fain" or e+en a fall./
The B#ll$o(, who ha$ 'een sniffin( ncle An$rew all o+er, raise$ i"s hea$ an$ sai$, 3I"2s
an ani%al. Cer"ainl& an ani%al. An$ )ro'a'l& "he sa%e ,in$ as "hose o"her ones.3
3I $on2" see "ha",3 sai$ one of "he Bears. 3An ani%al wo#l$n2" 8#s" roll o+er li,e "ha". We2re
ani%als an$ we $on2" roll o+er. We s"an$ #). Li,e "his.3 He rose "o his hin$ le(s, "oo, a s"e)
'ac,war$s, "ri))e$ o+er a low 'ranch an$ fell fla" on his 'ac,.
3The Thir$ >o,e, "he Thir$ >o,e, "he Thir$ 8o,e43 sai$ "he >ac,$aw in (rea" e1ci"e%en".
3I s"ill "hin, i"2s a sor" of "ree,3 sai$ "he War"ho(.
3If i"2s a "ree,3 sai$ "he o"her Bear, 3"here %i(h" 'e a 'ees2 nes" in i".3
3I2% s#re i"2s no" a "ree,3 sai$ "he Ba$(er. 3I ha$ a sor" of i$ea i" was "r&in( "o s)ea, 'efore
i" "o))le$ o+er.3
3Tha" was onl& "he win$ in i"s 'ranches,3 sai$ "he War"ho(.
3Yo# s#rel& $on2" %ean,3 sai$ "he >ac,$aw "o "he Ba$(er, 3"ha" &o# "hin, i"s a "al,in(
ani%al4 I" $i$n2" sa& an& wor$s.3
3An$ &e", &o# ,now,3 sai$ "he Ele)han" ."he She Ele)han", of co#rse0 her h#s'an$, as &o#
re%e%'er, ha$ 'een calle$ awa& '& Aslan/. 3An$ &e", &o# ,now, i" %i(h" 'e an ani%al of
so%e ,in$. -i(h"n2" "he whi"ish l#%) a" "his en$ 'e a sor" of face5 An$ co#l$n2" "hose holes
'e e&es an$ a %o#"h5 No nose, of co#rse. B#" "hen * ahe% * one %#s"n2" 'e narrow*%in$e$.
;er& few of #s ha+e wha" co#l$ e1ac"l& 'e calle$ a Nose.3 She s9#in"e$ $own "he len("h of
her own "r#n, wi"h )ar$ona'le )ri$e.
3I o'8ec" "o "ha" re%ar, +er& s"ron(l&,3 sai$ "he B#ll$o(.
3The Ele)han" is 9#i"e ri(h",3 sai$ "he Ta)ir.
3I "ell &o# wha"43 sai$ "he Don,e& 'ri(h"l&, 3)erha)s i"2s an ani%al "ha" can2" "al, '#" "hin,s
i" can.3
3Can i" 'e %a$e "o s"an$ #)53 sai$ "he Ele)han" "ho#(h"f#ll&. She "oo, "he li%) for% of
ncle An$rew (en"l& in her "r#n, an$ se" hi% #) on en$: #)si$e $own, #nfor"#na"el&, so
"ha" "wo half*so+erei(ns, "hree halfcrowns, an$ a si1)ence fell o#" of his )oc,e". B#" i" was
no #se. ncle An$rew %erel& colla)se$ a(ain.
3There43 sai$ se+eral +oices. 3I" isn2" an ani%al a" all, I"2s no" ali+e.3
3I "ell &o#, i" is an ani%al,3 sai$ "he B#ll$o(. 3S%ell i" for &o#rself.3
3S%ellin( isn2" e+er&"hin(,3 sai$ "he Ele)han".
3Wh&,3 sai$ "he B#ll$o(, 3if a fellow can2" "r#s" his nose, wha" is he "o "r#s"53
3Well, his 'rains )erha)s,3 she re)lie$ %il$l&.
3I o'8ec" "o "ha" re%ar, +er& s"ron(l&,3 sai$ "he B#ll$o(.
3Well, we %#s" $o so%e"hin( a'o#" i",3 sai$ "he Ele)han". 3Beca#se i" %a& 'e "he Nee+il,
an$ i" %#s" 'e shown "o Aslan. Wha" $o %os" of #s "hin,5 Is i" an ani%al or so%e"hin( of
"he "ree ,in$53
3Tree4 Tree43 sai$ a $o<en +oices.
3;er& well,3 sai$ "he Ele)han". 3Then, if i"2s a "ree i" wan"s "o 'e )lan"e$. We %#s" $i( a
The "wo -oles se""le$ "ha" )ar" of "he '#siness )re""& 9#ic,l&. There was so%e $is)#"e as "o
which wa& #) ncle An$rew o#(h" "o 'e )#" in"o "he hole, an$ he ha$ a +er& narrow esca)e
fro% 'ein( )#" in hea$ fore%os". Se+eral ani%als sai$ his le(s %#s" 'e his 'ranches an$
"herefore "he (re&, fl#ff& "hin( ."he& %ean" his hea$/ %#s" 'e his roo". B#" "hen o"hers sai$
"ha" "he for,e$ en$ of hi% was "he %#$$ier an$ "ha" i" s)rea$ o#" %ore, as roo"s o#(h" "o
$o. So finall& he was )lan"e$ ri(h" wa& #). When "he& ha$ )a""e$ $own "he ear"h i" ca%e #)
a'o+e his ,nees.
3I" loo,s $rea$f#ll& wi"here$,3 sai$ "he Don,e&.
3Of co#rse i" wan"s so%e wa"erin(,3 sai$ "he Ele)han".
3I "hin, I %i(h" sa& .%eanin( no offence "o an&one )resen"/ "ha", )erha)s, for "ha" sor" of
wor,, %& ,in$ of nose *3
3I o'8ec" "o "ha" re%ar, +er& s"ron(l&,3 sai$ "he B#ll$o(. B#" "he Ele)han" wal,e$ 9#ie"l& "o
"he ri+er, fille$ her "r#n, wi"h wa"er, an$ ca%e 'ac, "o a""en$ "o ncle An$rew. The
sa(acio#s ani%al wen" on $oin( "his "ill (allons of wa"er ha$ 'een s9#ir"e$ o+er hi%, an$
wa"er was r#nnin( o#" of "he s,ir"s of his froc,*coa" as if he ha$ 'een for a 'a"h wi"h all
his clo"hes on. In "he en$ i" re+i+e$ hi%. He awo,e fro% his fain". Wha" a wa,e i" was4 B#"
we %#s" lea+e hi% "o "hin, o+er his wic,e$ $ee$ .if he was li,el& "o $o an&"hin( so
sensi'le/ an$ "#rn "o %ore i%)or"an" "hin(s.
S"raw'err& "ro""e$ on wi"h Di(or& on his 'ac, "ill "he noise of "he o"her ani%als $ie$ awa&,
an$ now "he li""le (ro#) of Aslan an$ his chosen co#ncillors was 9#i"e close. Di(or& ,new
"ha" he co#l$n2" )ossi'l& 'rea, in on so sole%n a %ee"in(, '#" "here was no nee$ "o $o so.
A" a wor$ fro% Aslan, "he He*Ele)han", "he Ra+ens, an$ all "he res" of "he% $rew asi$e.
Di(or& sli))e$ off "he horse an$ fo#n$ hi%self face "o face wi"h Aslan. An$ Aslan was
'i((er an$ %ore 'ea#"if#l an$ %ore 'ri(h"l& (ol$en an$ %ore "erri'le "han he ha$ "ho#(h".
He $are$ no" loo, in"o "he (rea" e&es.
3Please * -r Lion * Aslan * Sir,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3co#l$ &o# * %a& I * )lease, will &o# (i+e %e
so%e %a(ic fr#i" of "his co#n"r& "o %a,e -o"her well53
He ha$ 'een $es)era"el& ho)in( "ha" "he Lion wo#l$ sa& 3Yes30 he ha$ 'een horri'l& afrai$
i" %i(h" sa& 3No3. B#" he was "a,en a'ac, when i" $i$ nei"her.
3This is "he Bo&,3 sai$ Aslan, loo,in(, no" a" Di(or&, '#" a" his co#ncillors. 3This is "he
Bo& who $i$ i".3
3Oh $ear,3 "ho#(h" Di(or&, 3wha" ha+e I $one now53
3Son of A$a%,3 sai$ "he Lion. 3There is an e+il Wi"ch a'roa$ in %& new lan$ of Narnia.
Tell "hese (oo$ Beas"s how she ca%e here.3
A $o<en $ifferen" "hin(s "ha" he %i(h" sa& flashe$ "hro#(h Di(or&2s %in$, '#" he ha$ "he
sense "o sa& no"hin( e1ce)" "he e1ac" "r#"h.
3I 'ro#(h" her, Aslan,3 he answere$ in a low +oice.
37or wha" )#r)ose53
3I wan"e$ "o (e" her o#" of %& own worl$ 'ac, in"o her own. I "ho#(h" I was "a,in( her
'ac, "o her own )lace.3
3How ca%e she "o 'e in &o#r worl$, Son of A$a%53
3B& * '& -a(ic.3
The Lion sai$ no"hin( an$ Di(or& ,new "ha" he ha$ no" "ol$ eno#(h.
3I" was %& ncle, Aslan,3 he sai$. 3He sen" #s o#" of o#r own worl$ '& %a(ic rin(s, a"
leas" I ha$ "o (o 'eca#se he sen" Poll& firs", an$ "hen we %e" "he Wi"ch in a )lace calle$
Charn an$ she 8#s" hel$ on "o #s when *3
3Yo# %e" "he Wi"ch53 sai$ Asian in a low +oice which ha$ "he "hrea" of a (rowl in i".
3She wo,e #),3 sai$ Di(or& wre"che$l&. An$ "hen, "#rnin( +er& whi"e, 3I %ean, I wo,e her.
Beca#se I wan"e$ "o ,now wha" wo#l$ ha))en if I s"r#c, a 'ell. Poll& $i$n2" wan" "o. I"
wasn2" her fa#l". I * I fo#(h" her. I ,now I sho#l$n2" ha+e. I "hin, I was a 'i" enchan"e$ '&
"he wri"in( #n$er "he 'ell.3
3Do &o#53 as,e$ Asian0 s"ill s)ea,in( +er& low an$ $ee). .
3No,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3I see now I wasn2". I was onl& )re"en$in(.3
There was a lon( )a#se. An$ Di(or& was "hin,in( all "he "i%e, 3I2+e s)oile$ e+er&"hin(.
There2s no chance of (e""in( an&"hin( for -o"her now.3
When "he Lion s)o,e a(ain, i" was no" "o Di(or&.
3Yo# see, frien$s,3 he sai$, 3"ha" 'efore "he new, clean worl$ I (a+e &o# is se+en ho#rs ol$,
a force of e+il has alrea$& en"ere$ i"0 wa,e$ an$ 'ro#(h" hi"her '& "his son of A$a%.3 The
Beas"s, e+en S"raw'err&, all "#rne$ "heir e&es on Di(or& "ill he fel" "ha" he wishe$ "he
(ro#n$ wo#l$ swallow hi% #). 3B#" $o no" 'e cas" $own,3 sai$ Aslan, s"ill s)ea,in( "o "he
Beas"s. 3E+il will co%e of "ha" e+il, '#" i" is s"ill a lon( wa& off, an$ I will see "o i" "ha" "he
wors" falls #)on %&self. In "he %ean"i%e, le" #s "a,e s#ch or$er "ha" for %an& h#n$re$
&ears &e" "his shall 'e a %err& lan$ in a %err& worl$. An$ as A$a%2s race has $one "he
har%, A$a%2s race shall hel) "o heal i". Draw near, &o# o"her "wo.3
The las" wor$s were s)o,en "o Poll& an$ "he Ca''& who ha$ now arri+e$. Poll&, all e&es
an$ %o#"h, was s"arin( a" Aslan an$ hol$in( "he Ca''&2s han$ ra"her "i(h"l&. The Ca''&
(a+e one (lance a" "he Lion, an$ "oo, off his 'owler ha": no one ha$ &e" seen hi% wi"ho#"
i". When i" was off, he loo,e$ &o#n(er an$ nicer, an$ %ore li,e a co#n"r&%an an$ less li,e
a Lon$on ca'%an.
3Son,3 sai$ Aslan "o "he Ca''&. 3I ha+e ,nown &o# lon(. Do &o# ,now %e53
3Well, no, sir,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3Leas"wa&s, no" in an or$inar& %anner of s)ea,in(. Ye" I
feel so%ehow, if I %a& %a,e so free, as 2ow we2+e %e" 'efore.3
3I" is well,3 sai$ "he Lion. 3Yo# ,now 'e""er "han &o# "hin, &o# ,now, an$ &o# shall li+e "o
,now %e 'e""er &e". How $oes "his lan$ )lease &o#53
3I"2s a fair "rea", sir,3 sai$ "he Ca''&.
3Wo#l$ &o# li,e "o li+e here alwa&s53
3Well &o# see sir, I2% a %arrie$ %an,3 sai$ "he Ca''&. 3If %& wife was here nei"her of #s
wo#l$ e+er wan" "o (o 'ac, "o Lon$on, I rec,on. We2re 'o"h co#n"r& fol,s reall&.3
Aslan "hrew #) his sha((& hea$, o)ene$ his %o#"h, an$ #""ere$ a lon(, sin(le no"e0 no" +er&
lo#$, '#" f#ll of )ower. Poll&2s hear" 8#%)e$ in her 'o$& when she hear$ i". She fel" s#re
"ha" i" was a call, an$ "ha" an&one who hear$ "ha" call wo#l$ wan" "o o'e& i" an$ .wha"2s
%ore/ wo#l$ 'e a'le "o o'e& i", howe+er %an& worl$s an$ a(es la& 'e"ween. An$ so,
"ho#(h she was fille$ wi"h won$er, she was no" reall& as"onishe$ or shoc,e$ when all of a
s#$$en a &o#n( wo%an, wi"h a ,in$, hones" face s"e))e$ o#" of nowhere an$ s"oo$ 'esi$e
her. Poll& ,new a" once "ha" i" was "he Ca''&2s wife, fe"che$ o#" of o#r worl$ no" '& an&
"ireso%e %a(ic rin(s, '#" 9#ic,l&, si%)l& an$ swee"l& as a 'ir$ flies "o i"s nes". The &o#n(
wo%an ha$ a))aren"l& 'een in "he %i$$le of a washin( $a&, for she wore an a)ron, her
slee+es were rolle$ #) "o "he el'ow, an$ "here were soa)s#$s on her han$s. If she ha$ ha$
"i%e "o )#" on her (oo$ clo"hes .her 'es" ha" ha$ i%i"a"ion cherries on i"/ she wo#l$ ha+e
loo,e$ $rea$f#l0 as i" was, she loo,e$ ra"her nice.
Of co#rse she "ho#(h" she was $rea%in(. Tha" was wh& she $i$n2" r#sh across "o her
h#s'an$ an$ as, hi% wha" on ear"h ha$ ha))ene$ "o "he% 'o"h. B#" when she loo,e$ a" "he
Lion she $i$n2" feel 9#i"e so s#re i" was a $rea%, &e" for so%e reason she $i$ no" a))ear "o
'e +er& fri(h"ene$. Then she $ro))e$ a li""le half c#r"se&, as so%e co#n"r& (irls s"ill ,new
how "o $o in "hose $a&s. Af"er "ha", she wen" an$ )#" her han$ in "he Ca''&2s an$ s"oo$
"here loo,in( ro#n$ her a li""le sh&l&.
3-& chil$ren,3 sai$ Aslan, fi1in( his e&es on 'o"h of "he%, 3&o# are "o 'e "he firs" !in( an$
=#een of Narnia.3
The Ca''& o)ene$ his %o#"h in as"onish%en", an$ his wife "#rne$ +er& re$.
3Yo# shall r#le an$ na%e all "hese crea"#res, an$ $o 8#s"ice a%on( "he%, an$ )ro"ec" "he%
fro% "heir ene%ies when ene%ies arise. An$ ene%ies will arise, for "here is an e+il Wi"ch in
"his worl$.3
The Ca''& swallowe$ har$ "wo or "hree "i%es an$ cleare$ his "hroa".
3Be((in( &o#r )ar$on, sir,3 he sai$, 3an$ "han,in( &o# +er& %#ch I2% s#re .which %&
-iss#s $oes "he sa%e/ '#" I ain2" no sor" of a cha) for a 8o' li,e "ha". I ne+er 2a$ %#ch
e$$&ca"ion, &o# see.3
3Well,3 sai$ Aslan,3can &o# #se a s)a$e an$ a )lo#(h an$ raise foo$ o#" of "he ear"h53
3Yes, sir, I co#l$ $o a 'i" of "ha" sor" of wor,: 'ein( 'ro#(h" #) "o i", li,e.3
3Can &o# r#le "hese crea"#res ,in$l& an$ fairl&, re%e%'erin( "ha" "he& are no" sla+es li,e
"he $#%' 'eas"s of "he worl$ &o# were 'orn in, '#" Tal,in( Beas"s an$ free s#'8ec"s53
3I see "ha", sir,3 re)lie$ "he Ca''&. 3I2$ "r& "o $o "he s9#are "hin( '& "he% all.3
3An$ wo#l$ &o# 'rin( #) &o#r chil$ren an$ (ran$chil$ren "o $o "he sa%e53
3I"2$ 'e #) "o %e "o "r&, sir. I2$ $o %& 'es": wo#l$n2" we, Nellie53
3An$ &o# wo#l$n2" ha+e fa+o#ri"es ei"her a%on( &o#r own chil$ren or a%on( "he o"her
crea"#res or le" an& hol$ ano"her #n$er or #se i" har$l&53
3I ne+er co#l$ a'i$e s#ch (oin(s on, sir, an$ "ha"2s "he "r#"h. I2$ (i+e 2e% wha" for if I
ca#(h" 2e% a" i",3 sai$ "he Ca''&. .All "hro#(h "his con+ersa"ion his +oice was (rowin(
slower an$ richer. -ore li,e "he co#n"r& +oice he %#s" ha+e ha$ as a 'o& an$ less li,e "he
shar), 9#ic, +oice of a coc,ne&./
3An$ if ene%ies ca%e a(ains" "he lan$ .for ene%ies will arise/ an$ "here was war, wo#l$
&o# 'e "he firs" in "he char(e an$ "he las" in "he re"rea"53
3Well, sir,3 sai$ "he Ca''& +er& slowl&, 3a cha) $on2" e1ac"l& ,now "ill he2s 'een "rie$. I
$are sa& I %i(h" "#rn o#" e+er s#ch a sof" 2#n. Ne+er $i$ no fi(h"in( e1ce)" wi"h %& fis"s. I2$
"r& *"ha" is, I 2o)e I2$ "r& * "o $o %& 'i".3
3Then,3 sai$ Aslan,, 3Yo# will ha+e $one all "ha" a !in( sho#l$ $o. Yo#r corona"ion will 'e
hel$ )resen"l&. An$ &o# an$ &o#r chil$ren an$ (ran$chil$ren shall 'e 'lesse$, an$ so%e
will 'e !in(s of Narnia, an$ o"hers will 'e !in(s of Archenlan$ which lies &on$er o+er "he
So#"hern -o#n"ains. An$ &o#, li""le Da#(h"er .here he "#rne$ "o Poll&/ are welco%e. Ha+e
&o# for(i+en "he Bo& for "he +iolence he $i$ &o# in "he Hall of I%a(es in "he $esola"e
)alace of acc#rse$ Charn53
3Yes, Aslan, we2+e %a$e i" #),3 sai$ Poll&.
3Tha" is well,3 sai$ Aslan. 3An$ now for "he Bo& hi%self.3
DI6ORY ,e)" his %o#"h +er& "i(h" sh#". He ha$ 'een (rowin( %ore an$ %ore
#nco%for"a'le. He ho)e$ "ha", wha"e+er ha))ene$, he wo#l$n2" 'l#' or $o an&"hin(
3Son of A$a%,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Are &o# rea$& "o #n$o "he wron( "ha" &o# ha+e $one "o %&
swee" co#n"r& of Narnia on "he +er& $a& of i"s 'ir"h53
3Well, I $on2" see wha" I can $o,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Yo# see, "he =#een ran awa& an$ *3
3I as,e$, are &o# rea$&53 sai$ "he Lion.
3Yes,3 sai$ Di(or&. He ha$ ha$ for a secon$ so%e wil$ i$ea of sa&in( 3I2ll "r& "o hel) &o# if
&o#2ll )ro%ise "o hel) %& -o"her,3 '#" he reali<e$ in "i%e "ha" "he Lion was no" a" all "he
sor" of )erson one co#l$ "r& "o %a,e 'ar(ains wi"h. B#" when he ha$ sai$ 3Yes,3 he "ho#(h"
of his -o"her, an$ he "ho#(h" of "he (rea" ho)es he ha$ ha$, an$ how "he& were all $&in(
awa&, an$ a l#%) ca%e in his "hroa" an$ "ears in his e&es, an$ he 'l#r"e$ o#":
3B#" )lease, )lease * won2" &o# * can2" &o# (i+e %e so%e"hin( "ha" will c#re -o"her53 )
"ill "hen he ha$ 'een loo,in( a" "he Lion2s (rea" fee" an$ "he h#(e claws on "he%0 now, in
his $es)air, he loo,e$ #) a" i"s face. Wha" he saw s#r)rise$ hi% as %#ch as an&"hin( in his
whole life. 7or "he "awn& face was 'en" $own near his own an$ .won$er of won$ers/ (rea"
shinin( "ears s"oo$ in "he Lion2s e&es. The& were s#ch 'i(, 'ri(h" "ears co%)are$ wi"h
Di(or&2s own "ha" for a %o%en" he fel" as if "he Lion %#s" reall& 'e sorrier a'o#" his
-o"her "han he was hi%self.
3-& son, %& son,3 sai$ Aslan. 3I ,now. 6rief is (rea". Onl& &o# an$ I in "his lan$ ,now
"ha" &e". Le" #s 'e (oo$ "o one ano"her. B#" I ha+e "o "hin, of h#n$re$s of &ears in "he life
of Narnia. The Wi"ch who% &o# ha+e 'ro#(h" in"o "his worl$ will co%e 'ac, "o Narnia
a(ain. B#" i" nee$ no" 'e &e". I" is %& wish "o )lan" in Narnia a "ree "ha" she will no" $are "o
a))roach, an$ "ha" "ree will )ro"ec" Narnia fro% her for %an& &ears. So "his lan$ shall ha+e
a lon(, 'ri(h" %ornin( 'efore an& clo#$s co%e o+er "he s#n. Yo# %#s" (e" %e "he see$
fro% which "ha" "ree is "o (row.3
3Yes, sir,3 sai$ Di(or&. He $i$n2" ,now how i" was "o 'e $one '#" he fel" 9#i"e s#re now
"ha" he wo#l$ 'e a'le "o $o i". The Lion $rew a $ee) 'rea"h, s"oo)e$ i"s hea$ e+en lower
an$ (a+e hi% a Lion2s ,iss. An$ a" once Di(or& fel" "ha" new s"ren("h an$ co#ra(e ha$ (one
in"o hi%.
3Dear son,3 sai$ Aslan, 3I will "ell &o# wha" &o# %#s" $o. T#rn an$ loo, "o "he Wes" an$
"ell %e wha" $o &o# see53
3I see "erri'l& 'i( %o#n"ains, Aslan,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3I see "his ri+er co%in( $own cliffs in a
wa"erfall. An$ 'e&on$ "he cliff "here are hi(h (reen hills wi"h fores"s. An$ 'e&on$ "hose
"here are hi(her ran(es "ha" loo, al%os" 'lac,. An$ "hen, far awa&, "here are 'i( snow&
%o#n"ains all hea)e$ #) "o(e"her * li,e )ic"#res of "he Al)s. An$ 'ehin$ "hose "here2s
no"hin( '#" "he s,&.3
3Yo# see well,3 sai$ "he Lion. 3Now "he lan$ of Narnia en$s where "he wa"erfall co%es
$own, an$ once &o# ha+e reache$ "he "o) of "he cliffs &o# will 'e o#" of Narnia an$ in"o "he
Wes"ern Wil$. Yo# %#s" 8o#rne& "hro#(h "hose %o#n"ains "ill &o# fin$ a (reen +alle& wi"h
a 'l#e la,e in i", walle$ ro#n$ '& %o#n"ains of ice. A" "he en$ of "he la,e "here is a s"ee),
(reen hill. On "he "o) of "ha" hill "here is a (ar$en. In "he cen"re of "ha" (ar$en is a "ree.
Pl#c, an a))le fro% "ha" "ree an$ 'rin( i" 'ac, "o %e.3
3Yes, sir,3 sai$ Di(or& a(ain. He ha$n2" "he leas" i$ea of how he was "o cli%' "he cliff an$
fin$ his wa& a%on( all "he %o#n"ains, '#" he $i$n2" li,e "o sa& "ha" for fear i" wo#l$
so#n$ li,e %a,in( e1c#ses. B#" he $i$ sa&, 3I ho)e, Aslan, &o#2re no" in a h#rr&. I shan2" 'e
a'le "o (e" "here an$ 'ac, +er& 9#ic,l&.3
3Li""le son of A$a%, &o# shall ha+e hel),3 sai$ Aslan. He "hen "#rne$ "o "he Horse who ha$
'een s"an$in( 9#ie"l& 'esi$e "he% all "his "i%e, swishin( his "ail "o ,ee) "he flies off, an$
lis"enin( wi"h his hea$ on one si$e as if "he con+ersa"ion were a li""le $iffic#l" "o
3-& $ear,3 sai$ Aslan "o "he Horse, 3wo#l$ &o# li,e "o 'e a win(e$ horse53
Yo# sho#l$ ha+e seen how "he Horse shoo, i"s %ane an$ how i"s nos"rils wi$ene$, an$ "he
li""le "a) i" (a+e "he (ro#n$ wi"h one 'ac, hoof. Clearl& i" wo#l$ +er& %#ch li,e "o 'e a
win(e$ horse. B#" i" onl& sai$:
3If &o# wish, Aslan * if &o# reall& %ean * I $on2" ,now wh& i" sho#l$ 'e %e * I2% no" a +er&
cle+er horse.3
3Be win(e$. Be "he fa"her of all fl&in( horses,3 roare$ Aslan in a +oice "ha" shoo, "he
(ro#n$. 3Yo#r na%e is 7le$(e.3
The horse shie$, 8#s" as i" %i(h" ha+e shie$ in "he ol$, %isera'le $a&s when i" )#lle$ a
hanso%. Then i" roare$. I" s"raine$ i"s nec, 'ac, as if "here were a fl& 'i"in( i"s sho#l$ers
an$ i" wan"e$ "o scra"ch "he%. An$ "hen, 8#s" as "he 'eas"s ha$ '#rs" o#" of "he ear"h, "here
'#rs" o#" fro% "he sho#l$ers of 7le$(e win(s "ha" s)rea$ an$ (rew, lar(er "han ea(les2,
lar(er "han swans2, lar(er "han an(els2 win(s in ch#rch win$ows. The fea"hers shone
ches"n#" colo#r an$ co))er colo#r. He (a+e a (rea" swee) wi"h "he% an$ lea)e$ in"o "he air.
Twen"& fee" a'o+e Aslan an$ Di(or& he snor"e$, nei(he$, an$ c#r+e""e$. Then, af"er
circlin( once ro#n$ "he%, he $ro))e$ "o "he ear"h, all fo#r hoofs "o(e"her, loo,in( aw,war$
an$ s#r)rise$, '#" e1"re%el& )lease$.
3Is i" (oo$, 7le$(e53 sai$ Aslan.
3I" is +er& (oo$, Aslan,3 sai$ 7le$(e.
3Will &o# carr& "his li""le son of A$a% on &o#r 'ac, "o "he %o#n"ain+alle& I s)o,e of53
3Wha"5 Now5 A" once53 sai$ S"raw'err& * or 7le$(e, as we %#s" now call hi% * 3H#rrah4
Co%e, li""le one, I2+e ha$ "hin(s li,e &o# on %& 'ac, 'efore.
Lon(, lon( a(o. When "here were (reen fiel$s0 an$ s#(ar.3
3Wha" are "he "wo $a#(h"ers of E+e whis)erin( a'o#"53 sai$ Aslan, "#rnin( +er& s#$$enl&
on Poll& an$ "he Ca''&2s wife, who ha$ in fac" 'een %a,in( frien$s.
3If &o# )lease, sir,3 sai$ =#een Helen .for "ha" is wha" Nellie "he ca'%an2s wife now was/,
3I "hin, "he li""le (irl wo#l$ lo+e "o (o "oo, if i" weren2" no "ro#'le.3
3Wha" $oes 7le$(e sa& a'o#" "ha"53 as,e$ "he Lion.
3Oh, I $on2" %in$ "wo, no" when "he&2re li""le ones,3 sai$ 7le$(e. 3B#" I ho)e "he Ele)han"
$oesn2" wan" "o co%e as well.3
The Ele)han" ha$ no s#ch wish, an$ "he new !in( of Narnia hel)e$ 'o"h "he chil$ren #):
"ha" is, he (a+e Di(or& a ro#(h hea+e an$ se" Poll& as (en"l& an$ $ain"il& on "he horse2s
'ac, as if she were %a$e of china an$ %i(h" 'rea,. 3There "he& are, S"raw'err& * 7le$(e, I
sho#l$ sa&. This is a r#% (o.3
3Do no" fl& "oo hi(h,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Do no" "r& "o (o o+er "he "o)s of "he (rea" ice*
%o#n"ains. Loo, o#" for "he +alle&s, "he (reen )laces, an$ fl& "hro#(h "he%. There will
alwa&s 'e a wa& "hro#(h. An$ now, 'e(one wi"h %& 'lessin(.3
3Oh 7le$(e43 sai$ Di(or&, leanin( forwar$ "o )a" "he Horse2s (loss& nec,. 3This is f#n.
Hol$ on "o %e "i(h", Poll&.3
Ne1" %o%en" "he co#n"r& $ro))e$ awa& 'enea"h "he%, an$ whirle$ ro#n$ as 7le$(e, li,e a
h#(e )i(eon, circle$ once or "wice 'efore se""in( off on his lon( wes"war$ fli(h". Loo,in(
$own, Poll& co#l$ har$l& see "he !in( an$ "he =#een, an$ e+en Aslan hi%self was onl& a
'ri(h" &ellow s)o" on "he (reen (rass. Soon "he win$ was in "heir faces an$ 7le$(es win(s
se""le$ $own "o a s"ea$& 'ea".
All Narnia, %an&*colo#re$ wi"h lawns an$ roc,s an$ hea"her an$ $ifferen" sor"s of "rees,
la& s)rea$ o#" 'elow "he%, "he ri+er win$in( "hro#(h i" li,e a ri''on of 9#ic,sil+er. The&
co#l$ alrea$& see o+er "he "o)s of "he low hills which la& nor"hwar$ on "heir ri(h"0 'e&on$
"hose hills a (rea" %oorlan$ slo)e$ (en"l& #) an$ #) "o "he hori<on. On "heir lef" "he
%o#n"ains were %#ch hi(her, '#" e+er& now an$ "hen "here was a (a) when &o# co#l$ see,
'e"ween s"ee) )ine woo$s, a (li%)se of "he so#"hern lan$s "ha" la& 'e&on$ "he%, loo,in(
'l#e an$ far awa&.
3Tha"2ll 'e where Archenlan$ is,3 sai$ Poll&.
3Yes, '#" loo, ahea$43 sai$ Di(or&.
7or now a (rea" 'arrier of cliffs rose 'efore "he% an$ "he& were al%os" $a<<le$ '& "he
s#nli(h" $ancin( on "he (rea" wa"erfall '& which "he ri+er roars an$ s)ar,les $own in"o
Narnia i"self fro% "he hi(h wes"ern lan$s in which i" rises. The& were fl&in( so hi(h alrea$&
"ha" "he "h#n$er of "hose falls co#l$ onl& 8#s" 'e hear$ as a s%all, "hin so#n$, '#" "he& were
no" &e" hi(h eno#(h "o fl& o+er "he "o) of "he cliffs.
3We2ll ha+e "o $o a 'i" of <i(*<a((in( here,3 sai$ 7le$(e. 3Hol$ on "i(h".3
He 'e(an fl&in( "o an$ fro, (e""in( hi(her a" each "#rn. The air (rew col$er, an$ "he& hear$
"he call of ea(les far 'elow "he%.
3I sa&, loo, 'ac,4 Loo, 'ehin$,3 sai$ Poll&.
There "he& co#l$ see "he whole +alle& of Narnia s"re"che$ o#" "o where, 8#s" 'efore "he
eas"ern hori<on, "here was a (lea% of "he sea. An$ now "he& were so hi(h "ha" "he& co#l$
see "in&*loo,in( 8a((e$ %o#n"ains a))earin( 'e&on$ "he nor"hwes" %oors, an$ )lains of
wha" loo,e$ li,e san$ far in "he so#"h.
3I wish we ha$ so%eone "o "ell #s wha" all "hose )laces are,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3I $on2" s#))ose "he&2re an&where &e",3 sai$ Poll&. 3I %ean, "here2s no one "here, an$
no"hin( ha))enin(. The worl$ onl& 'e(an "o$a&.3
3No, '#" )eo)le will (e" "here,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3An$ "hen "he&2ll ha+e his"ories, &o# ,now.3
3Well, i"2s a 8oll& (oo$ "hin( "he& ha+en2" now,3 sai$ Poll&. 3Beca#se no'o$& can 'e %a$e
"o learn i". Ba""les an$ $a"es an$ all "ha" ro".3
Now "he& were o+er "he "o) of "he cliffs an$ in a few %in#"es "he +alle& lan$ of Narnia ha$
s#n, o#" of si(h" 'ehin$ "he%. The& were fl&in( o+er a wil$ co#n"r& of s"ee) hills an$ $ar,
fores"s, s"ill followin( "he co#rse of "he ri+er. The reall& 'i( %o#n"ains loo%e$ ahea$. B#"
"he s#n was now in "he "ra+ellers2 e&es an$ "he& co#l$n2" see "hin(s +er& clearl& in "ha"
$irec"ion. 7or "he s#n san, lower an$ lower "ill "he wes"ern s,& was all li,e one (rea"
f#rnace f#ll of %el"e$ (ol$0 an$ i" se" a" las" 'ehin$ a 8a((e$ )ea, which s"oo$ #) a(ains"
"he 'ri(h"ness as shar) an$ fla" as if i" were c#" o#" of car$'oar$.
3I"2s none "oo war% #) here,3 sai$ Poll&.
3An$ %& win(s are 'e(innin( "o ache,3 sai$ 7le$(e. There2s no si(n of "he +alle& wi"h a
La,e in i", li,e wha" Aslan sai$. Wha" a'o#" co%in( $own an$ loo,in( o#" for a $ecen" s)o"
"o s)en$ "he ni(h" in5 We shan2" reach "ha" )lace "oni(h".3
3Yes, an$ s#rel& i"2s a'o#" "i%e for s#))er53 sai$ Di(or&.
So 7le$(e ca%e lower an$ lower. As "he& ca%e $own nearer "o "he ear"h an$ a%on( "he
hills, "he air (rew war%er an$ af"er "ra+ellin( so %an& ho#rs wi"h no"hin( "o lis"en "o '#"
"he 'ea" of 7le$(e2s win(s, i" was nice "o hear "he ho%el& an$ ear"h& noises a(ain * "he
cha""er of "he ri+er on i"s s"on& 'e$ an$ "he crea,in( of "rees in "he li(h" win$. A war%,
(oo$ s%ell of s#n*'a,e$ ear"h an$ (rass an$ flowers ca%e #) "o "he%. A" las" 7le$(e
ali(h"e$. Di(or& rolle$ off an$ hel)e$ Poll& "o $is%o#n". Bo"h were (la$ "o s"re"ch "heir
s"iff le(s.
The +alle& in which "he& ha$ co%e $own was in "he hear" of "he %o#n"ains0 snow& hei(h"s,
one of "he% loo,in( rosere$ in "he reflec"ions of "he s#nse", "owere$ a'o+e "he%.
3I a% h#n(r&,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3Well, "#c, in,3 sai$ 7le$(e, "a,in( a 'i( %o#"hf#l of (rass. Then he raise$ his hea$, s"ill
chewin( an$ wi"h 'i"s of (rass s"ic,in( o#" on each si$e of his %o#"h li,e whis,ers, an$
sai$, 3Co%e on, &o# "wo. Don2" 'e sh&. There2s )len"& for #s all.3
3B#" we can2" ea" (rass,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3H2%, h2%,3 sai$ 7le$(e, s)ea,in( wi"h his %o#"h f#ll. 3Well * h2% * $on2" ,now 9#i"e wha"
&o#2ll $o "hen. ;er& (oo$ (rass "oo.3
Poll& an$ Di(or& s"are$ a" one ano"her in $is%a&.
3Well, I $o "hin, so%eone %i(h" ha+e arran(e$ a'o#" o#r %eals,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3I2% s#re Aslan wo#l$ ha+e, if &o#2$ as,e$ hi%,3 sai$ 7le$(e.
3Wo#l$n2" he ,now wi"ho#" 'ein( as,e$53 sai$ Poll&.
3I2+e no $o#'" he wo#l$,3 sai$ "he Horse .s"ill wi"h his %o#"h f#ll/. 3B#" I2+e a sor" of i$ea
he li,es "o 'e as,e$.3
3B#" wha" on ear"h are we "o $o53 as,e$ Di(or&.
3I2% s#re I $on2" ,now,3 sai$ 7le$(e. 3nless &o# "r& "he (rass. Yo# %i(h" li,e i" 'e""er "han
&o# "hin,.3
3Oh, $on2" 'e sill&,3 sai$ Poll&, s"a%)in( her foo". 3Of co#rse h#%ans can2" ea" (rass, an&
%ore "han &o# co#l$ ea" a %#""on cho).3
37or (oo$ness2 sa,e $on2" "al, a'o#" cho)s an$ "hin(s,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3I" onl& %a,es i"
Di(or& sai$ "ha" Poll& ha$ 'e""er "a,e herself ho%e '& rin( an$ (e" so%e"hin( "o ea" "here0
he co#l$n2" hi%self 'eca#se he ha$ )ro%ise$ "o (o s"rai(h" on his %essa(e for Aslan, an$, if
once he showe$ #) a(ain a" ho%e, an&"hin( %i(h" ha))en "o )re+en" his (e""in( 'ac,. B#"
Poll& sai$ she wo#l$n2" lea+e hi%, an$ Di(or& sai$ i" was 8oll& $ecen" of her.
3I sa&,3 sai$ Poll&, 3I2+e s"ill (o" "he re%ains of "ha" 'a( of "offee in %& 8ac,e". I"2ll 'e 'e""er
"han no"hin(.3
3A lo" 'e""er,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3B#" 'e caref#l "o (e" &o#r han$ in"o &o#r )oc,e" wi"ho#"
"o#chin( &o#r rin(.3
This was a $iffic#l" an$ $elica"e 8o' '#" "he& %ana(e$ i" in "he en$. The li""le )a)er 'a( was
+er& s9#ash& an$ s"ic,& when "he& finall& (o" i" o#", so "ha" i" was %ore a 9#es"ion of
"earin( "he 'a( off "he "offees "han of (e""in( "he "offees o#" of "he 'a(. So%e (rown*#)s
.&o# ,now how f#ss& "he& can 'e a'o#" "ha" sor" of "hin(/ wo#l$ ra"her ha+e (one wi"ho#"
s#))er al"o(e"her "han ea"en "hose "offees. There were nine of "he% all "ol$. I" was Di(or&
who ha$ "he 'ri(h" i$ea of ea"in( fo#r each an$ )lan"in( "he nin"h0 for, as he sai$, 3if "he 'ar
off "he la%)*)os" "#rne$ in"o a li""le li(h"*"ree, wh& sho#l$n2" "his "#rn in"o a "offee*"ree53
So "he& $i''le$ a s%all hole in "he "#rf an$ '#rie$ "he )iece of "offee. Then "he& a"e "he
o"her )ieces, %a,in( "he% las" as lon( as "he& co#l$. I" was a )oor %eal, e+en wi"h all "he
)a)er "he& co#l$n2" hel) ea"in( as well.
When 7le$(e ha$ 9#i"e finishe$ his own e1cellen" s#))er he la& $own. The chil$ren ca%e
an$ sa" one on each si$e of hi% leanin( a(ains" his war% 'o$&, an$ when he ha$ s)rea$ a
win( o+er each "he& were reall& 9#i"e sn#(. As "he 'ri(h" &o#n( s"ars of "ha" new worl$
ca%e o#" "he& "al,e$ o+er e+er&"hin(: how Di(or& ha$ ho)e$ "o (e" so%e"hin( for his
-o"her an$ how, ins"ea$ of "ha", he ha$ 'een sen" on "his %essa(e. An$ "he& re)ea"e$ "o
one ano"her all "he si(ns '& which "he& wo#l$ ,now "he )laces "he& were loo,in( for * "he
'l#e la,e an$ "he hill wi"h a (ar$en on "o) of i". The "al, was 8#s" 'e(innin( "o slow $own
as "he& (o" slee)&, when s#$$enl& Poll& sa" #) wi$e awa,e an$ sai$ 3H#sh43
E+er&one lis"ene$ as har$ as "he& co#l$.
3Perha)s i" was onl& "he win$ in "he "rees,3 sai$ Di(or& )resen"l&.
3I2% no" so s#re,3 sai$ 7le$(e. 3An&wa& * wai"4 There i" (oes a(ain. B& Aslan, i" is
The horse scra%'le$ "o i"s fee" wi"h a (rea" noise an$ a (rea" #)hea+al0 "he chil$ren were
alrea$& on "heirs. 7le$(e "ro""e$ "o an$ fro, sniffin( an$ whinn&in(. The chil$ren "i)*"oe$
"his wa& an$ "ha", loo,in( 'ehin$ e+er& '#sh an$ "ree. The& ,e)" on "hin,in( "he& saw
"hin(s, an$ "here was one "i%e when Poll& was )erfec"l& cer"ain she ha$ seen*a "all, $ar,
fi(#re (li$in( 9#ic,l& awa& in a wes"erl& $irec"ion. B#" "he& ca#(h" no"hin( an$ in "he en$
7le$(e la& $own a(ain an$ "he chil$ren re*sn#((le$ .if "ha" is "he ri(h" wor$/ #n$er his
win(s. The& wen" "o slee) a" once. 7le$(e s"a&e$ awa,e %#ch lon(er %o+in( his ears "o
an$ fro in "he $ar,ness an$ so%e"i%es (i+in( a li""le shi+er wi"h his s,in as if a fl& ha$
li(h"e$ on hi%: '#" in "he en$ he "oo sle)".
3WA!E #), Di(or&, wa,e #), 7le$(e,3 ca%e "he +oice of Poll&. 3I" has "#rne$ in"o a "offee
"ree. An$ i"2s "he lo+elies" %ornin(.3
The low earl& s#nshine was s"rea%in( "hro#(h "he woo$ an$ "he (rass was (re& wi"h $ew
an$ "he co'we's were li,e sil+er. >#s" 'esi$e "he% was a li""le, +er& $ar,woo$e$ "ree, a'o#"
"he si<e of an a))le "ree. The lea+es were whi"ish an$ ra"her )a)er&, li,e "he her' calle$
hones"&, an$ i" was loa$e$ wi"h li""le 'rown fr#i"s "ha" loo,e$ ra"her li,e $a"es.
3H#rrah43 sai$ Di(or&. 3B#" I2% (oin( "o ha+e a $i) firs".3 He r#she$ "hro#(h a flowerin(
"hic,e" or "wo $own "o "he ri+er2s e$(e. Ha+e &o# e+er 'a"he$ in a %o#n"ain ri+er "ha" is
r#nnin( in shallow ca"arac"s o+er re$ an$ 'l#e an$ &ellow s"ones wi"h "he s#n on i"5 I" is as
(oo$ as "he sea: in so%e wa&s al%os" 'e""er. Of co#rse, he ha$ "o $ress a(ain wi"ho#"
$r&in( '#" i" was well wor"h i". When he ca%e 'ac,, Poll& wen" $own an$ ha$ her 'a"he0 a"
leas" she sai$ "ha" was wha" she2$ 'een $oin(, '#" we ,now she was no" %#ch of a swi%%er
an$ )erha)s i" is 'es" no" "o as, "oo %an& 9#es"ions. 7le$(e +isi"e$ "he ri+er "oo '#" he onl&
s"oo$ in %i$s"rea%, s"oo)in( $own for a lon( $rin, of wa"er an$ "hen sha,in( his %ane an$
nei(hin( se+eral "i%es.
Poll& an$ Di(or& (o" "o wor, on "he "offee*"ree. The fr#i" was $elicio#s0 no" e1ac"l& li,e
"offee * sof"er for one "hin(, an$ 8#ic& * '#" li,e fr#i" which re%in$e$ one of "offee. 7le$(e
also %a$e an e1cellen" 'rea,fas"0 he "rie$ one of "he "offee fr#i"s an$ li,e$ i" '#" sai$ he fel"
%ore li,e (rass a" "ha" ho#r in "he %ornin(. Then wi"h so%e $iffic#l"& "he chil$ren (o" on
his 'ac, an$ "he secon$ 8o#rne& 'e(an.
I" was e+en 'e""er "han &es"er$a&, )ar"l& 'eca#se e+er& one was feelin( so fresh, an$ )ar"l&
'eca#se "he newl& risen s#n was a" "heir 'ac,s an$, of co#rse, e+er&"hin( loo,s nicer when
"he li(h" is 'ehin$ &o#. I" was a won$erf#l ri$e. The 'i( snow& %o#n"ains rose a'o+e "he%
in e+er& $irec"ion. The +alle&s, far 'enea"h "he%, were so (reen, an$ all "he s"rea%s which
"#%'le$ $own fro% "he (laciers in"o "he %ain ri+er were so 'l#e, "ha" i" was li,e fl&in( o+er
(i(an"ic )ieces of 8eweller&. The& wo#l$ ha+e li,e$ "his )ar" of "he a$+en"#re "o (o on
lon(er "han i" $i$. B#" 9#i"e soon "he& were all sniffin( "he air an$ sa&in( 3Wha" is i"53 an$
3Di$ &o# s%ell so%e"hin(53 an$ 3Where2s i" co%in( fro%53 7or a hea+enl& s%ell, war%
an$ (ol$en, as if fro% all "he %os" $elicio#s fr#i"s an$ flowers of "he worl$, was co%in( #)
"o "he% fro% so%ewhere ahea$.
3I"2s co%in( fro% "ha" +alle& wi"h "he la,e in i",3 sai$ 7le$(e.
3So i" is,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3An$ loo,4 There2s a (reen hill a" "he far en$ of "he la,e. An$ loo,
how 'l#e "he wa"er is.3
3I" %#s" 'e "he Place,3 sai$ all "hree.
7le$(e ca%e lower an$ lower in wi$e circles. The ic& )ea,s rose #) hi(her an$ hi(her
a'o+e. The air ca%e #) war%er an$ swee"er e+er& %o%en", so swee" "ha" i" al%os" 'ro#(h"
"he "ears "o &o#r e&es. 7le$(e was now (li$in( wi"h his win(s s)rea$ o#" %o"ionless on
each si$e, an$ his hoofs )awin( for "he (ro#n$. The s"ee) (reen hill was r#shin( "owar$s
"he%. A %o%en" la"er he ali(h"e$ on i"s slo)e, a li""le aw,war$l&. The
chil$ren rolle$ off, fell wi"ho#" h#r"in( "he%sel+es on "he war%, fine (rass, an$ s"oo$ #)
)an"in( a li""le.
The& were "hree*9#ar"ers of "he wa& #) "he hill, an$ se" o#" a" once "o cli%' "o "he "o). .I
$on2" "hin, 7le$(e co#l$ ha+e %ana(e$ "his wi"ho#" his win(s "o 'alance hi% an$ "o (i+e
hi% "he hel) of afl#""er now an$ "hen./ All ro#n$ "he +er& "o) of "he hill ran a hi(h wall of
(reen "#rf. Insi$e "he wall "rees were (rowin(. Their 'ranches h#n( o#" o+er "he wall0 "heir
lea+es showe$ no" onl& (reen '#" also 'l#e an$ sil+er when "he win$ s"irre$ "he%. When
"he "ra+ellers reache$ "he "o) "he& wal,e$ nearl& all "he wa& ro#n$ i" o#"si$e "he (reen wall
'efore "he& fo#n$ "he (a"es: hi(h (a"es of (ol$, fas" sh#", facin( $#e eas".
) "ill now I "hin, 7le$(e an$ Poll& ha$ ha$ "he i$ea "ha" "he& wo#l$ (o in wi"h Di(or&.
B#" "he& "ho#(h" so no lon(er. Yo# ne+er saw a )lace which was so o'+io#sl& )ri+a"e. Yo#
co#l$ see a" a (lance "ha" i" 'elon(e$ "o so%eone else. Onl& a fool wo#l$ $rea% of (oin( in
#nless he ha$ 'een sen" "here on +er& s)ecial '#siness. Di(or& hi%self #n$ers"oo$ a" once
"ha" "he o"hers wo#l$n2" an$ co#l$n2" co%e in wi"h hi%. He wen" forwar$ "o "he (a"es alone.
When he ha$ co%e close #) "o "he% he saw wor$s wri""en on "he (ol$ wi"h sil+er le""ers0
so%e"hin( li,e "his:
Co%e in '& "he (ol$ (a"es or no" a" all, Ta,e of %& fr#i" for o"hers or for'ear, 7or "hose
who s"eal or "hose who cli%' %& wall Shall fin$ "heir hear"2s $esire an$ fin$ $es)air.
3Ta,e of %& fr#i" for o"hers,3 sai$ Di(or& "o hi%self. 3Well, "ha"2s wha" I2% (oin( "o $o. I"
%eans I %#s"n2" ea" an& %&self, I s#))ose. I $on2" ,now wha" all "ha" 8aw in "he las" line is
a'o#". Co%e in '& "he (ol$ (a"es. Well who2$ wan" "o cli%' a wall if he co#l$ (e" in '& a
(a"es.A B#" how $o "he (a"es o)en53 He lai$ his han$ on "he%: an$ ins"an"l& "he& sw#n(
a)ar", o)enin( inwar$s, "#rnin( on "heir hin(es wi"ho#" "he leas" noise.
Now "ha" he co#l$ see in"o "he )lace i" loo,e$ %ore )ri+a"e "han e+er. He wen" in +er&
sole%nl&, loo,in( a'o#" hi%. E+er&"hin( was +er& 9#ie" insi$e. E+en "he fo#n"ain which
rose near "he %i$$le of "he (ar$en %a$e onl& "he fain"es" so#n$. The lo+el& s%ell was all
ro#n$ hi%: i" was a ha))& )lace '#" +er& serio#s.
He ,new which was "he ri(h" "ree a" once, )ar"l& 'eca#se i" s"oo$ in "he +er& cen"re an$
)ar"l& 'eca#se "he (rea" sil+er a))les wi"h which i" was loa$e$ shone so an$ cas" a li(h" of
"heir own $own on "he sha$ow& )laces where "he s#nli(h" $i$ no" reach. He wal,e$ s"rai(h"
across "o i", )ic,e$ an a))le, an$ )#" i" in "he 'reas" )oc,e" of his Norfol, 8ac,e". B#" he
co#l$n2" hel) loo,in( a" i" an$ s%ellin( i" 'efore he )#" i" awa&.
I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een 'e""er if he ha$ no". A "erri'le "hirs" an$ h#n(er ca%e o+er hi% an$ a
lon(in( "o "as"e "ha" fr#i". He )#" i" has"il& in"o his )oc,e"0 '#" "here were )len"& of o"hers.
Co#l$ i" 'e wron( "o "as"e one5 Af"er all, he "ho#(h", "he no"ice on "he (a"e %i(h" no" ha+e
'een e1ac"l& an or$er0 i" %i(h" ha+e 'een onl& a )iece of a$+ice * an$ who cares a'o#"
a$+ice5 Or e+en if i" were an or$er, wo#l$ he 'e $iso'e&in( i" '& ea"in( an a))le5
He ha$ alrea$& o'e&e$ "he )ar" a'o#" "a,in( one 3for o"hers3.
While he was "hin,in( of all "his he ha))ene$ "o loo, #) "hro#(h "he 'ranches "owar$s "he
"o) of "he "ree. There, on a 'ranch a'o+e his hea$, a won$erf#l 'ir$ was roos"in(. I sa&
3roos"in(3 'eca#se i" see%e$ al%os" aslee)0 )erha)s no" 9#i"e. The "inies" sli" of one e&e
was o)en. I" was lar(er "han an ea(le, i"s 'reas" saffron, i"s hea$ cres"e$ wi"h scarle", an$ i"s
"ail )#r)le.
3An$ i" 8#s" shows,3 sai$ Di(or& af"erwar$s when he was "ellin( "he s"or& "o "he o"hers,
3"ha" &o# can2" 'e "oo caref#l in "hese %a(ical )laces. Yo# ne+er ,now wha" %a& 'e
wa"chin( &o#.3 B#" I "hin, Di(or& wo#l$ no" ha+e "a,en an a))le for hi%self in an& case.
Thin(s li,e Do No" S"eal were, I "hin,, ha%%ere$ in"o 'o&s2 hea$s a (oo$ $eal har$er in
"hose $a&s "han "he& are now. S"ill, we can ne+er 'e cer"ain.
Di(or& was 8#s" "#rnin( "o (o 'ac, "o "he (a"es when he s"o))e$ "o ha+e one las" loo,
aro#n$. He (o" a "erri'le shoc,. He was no" alone. There, onl& a few &ar$s awa& fro% hi%,
s"oo$ "he Wi"ch. She was 8#s" "hrowin( awa& "he core of an a))le which she ha$ ea"en. The
8#ice was $ar,er "han &o# wo#l$ e1)ec" an$ ha$ %a$e a horri$ s"ain ro#n$ her %o#"h.
Di(or& (#esse$ a" once "ha" she %#s" ha+e cli%'e$ in o+er "he wall. An$ he 'e(an "o see
"ha" "here %i(h" 'e so%e sense in "ha" las" line a'o#" (e""in( &o#r hear"2s $esire an$ (e""in(
$es)air alon( wi"h i". 7or "he Wi"ch loo,e$ s"ron(er an$ )ro#$er "han e+er, an$ e+en, in a
wa&, "ri#%)han"0 '#" her face was $ea$l& whi"e, whi"e as sal".
All "his flashe$ "hro#(h Di(or&2s %in$ in a secon$0 "hen he "oo, "o his heels an$ ran for "he
(a"es as har$ as he co#l$ )el"0 "he Wi"ch af"er hi%. As soon as he was o#", "he (a"es close$
'ehin$ hi% of "heir own accor$. Tha" (a+e hi% "he lea$ '#" no" for lon(. B& "he "i%e he ha$
reache$ "he o"hers an$ was sho#"in( o#" 3=#ic,, (e" on, Poll&4 6e" #), 7le$(e3, "he Wi"ch
ha$ cli%'e$ "he wall, or +a#l"e$ o+er i", an$ was close 'ehin$ hi% a(ain.
3S"a& where &o# are,3 crie$ Di(or&, "#rnin( ro#n$ "o face her, 3or we2ll all +anish. Don2"
co%e an inch nearer.3
37oolish 'o&,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3Wh& $o &o# r#n fro% %e5 I %ean &o# no har%. If &o# $o
no" s"o) an$ lis"en "o %e now, &o# will %iss so%e ,nowle$(e "ha" wo#l$ ha+e %a$e &o#
ha))& all &o#r life.3
3Well I $on2" wan" "o hear i", "han,s,3 sai$ Di(or&. B#" he $i$.
3I ,now wha" erran$ &o# ha+e co%e on,3 con"in#e$ "he Wi"ch. 37or i" was I who was close
'esi$e &o# in "he woo$s las" ni(h" an$ hear$ all &o#r co#nsels. Yo# ha+e )l#c,e$ fr#i" in
"he (ar$en &on$er. Yo# ha+e i" in &o#r )oc,e" now. An$ &o# are (oin( "o carr& i" 'ac,,
#n"as"e$, "o "he Lion0 for hi% "o ea", for hi% "o #se. Yo# si%)le"on4 Do &o# ,now wha" "ha"
fr#i" is5 I will "ell &o#. I" is "he a))le of &o#"h, "he a))le of life. I ,now, for I ha+e "as"e$ i"0
an$ I feel alrea$& s#ch chan(es in %&self "ha" I ,now I shall ne+er (row
ol$ or $ie. Ea" i", Bo&, ea" i"0 an$ &o# an$ I will 'o"h li+e fore+er an$ 'e ,in( an$ 9#een of
"his whole worl$ * or of &o#r worl$, if we $eci$e "o (o 'ac, "here.3
3No "han,s,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3I $on2" ,now "ha" I care %#ch a'o#" li+in( on an$ on af"er
e+er&one I ,now is $ea$. I2$ ra"her li+e an or$inar& "i%e an$ $ie an$ (o "o Hea+en.3
3B#" wha" a'o#" "his -o"her of &o#rs who% &o# )re"en$ "o lo+e so53
3Wha"2s she (o" "o $o wi"h i"53 sai$ Di(or&.
3Do &o# no" see, 7ool, "ha" one 'i"e of "ha" a))le wo#l$ heal her5 Yo# ha+e i" in &o#r
)oc,e". We are here '& o#rsel+es an$ "he Lion is far awa&. se &o#r -a(ic an$ (o 'ac, "o
&o#r own worl$. A %in#"e la"er &o# can 'e a" &o#r -o"her2s 'e$si$e, (i+in( her "he fr#i".
7i+e %in#"es la"er &o# will see "he colo#r co%in( 'ac, "o her face. She will "ell &o# "he
)ain is (one. Soon she will "ell &o# she feels s"ron(er. Then she will fall aslee) * "hin, of
"ha"0 ho#rs of swee" na"#ral slee), wi"ho#" )ain, wi"ho#" $r#(s. Ne1" $a& e+er&one will 'e
sa&in( how won$erf#ll& she has reco+ere$. Soon she will 'e 9#i"e well a(ain. All will 'e
well a(ain. Yo#r ho%e will 'e ha))& a(ain. Yo# will 'e li,e o"her 'o&s.3
3Oh43 (as)e$ Di(or& as if he ha$ 'een h#r", an$ )#" his han$ "o his hea$. 7or he now ,new
"ha" "he %os" "erri'le choice la& 'efore hi%.
3Wha" has "he Lion e+er $one for &o# "ha" &o# sho#l$ 'e his sla+e53 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3Wha"
can he $o "o &o# once &o# are 'ac, in &o#r own worl$5 An$ wha" wo#l$ &o#r -o"her "hin,
if she ,new "ha" &o# co#l$ ha+e "a,en her )ain awa& an$ (i+en her 'ac, her life an$ sa+e$
&o#r 7a"her2s hear" fro% 'ein( 'ro,en, an$ "ha" &o# wo#l$n2" * "ha" &o#2$ ra"her r#n
%essa(es for a wil$ ani%al in a s"ran(e worl$ "ha" is no '#siness of &o#rs53
3I * I $on2" "hin, he is a wil$ ani%al,3 sai$ Di(or& in a $rie$*#) sor" of +oice. 3He is * I $on2"
,now *3
3Then he is so%e"hin( worse,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch. 3Loo, wha" he has $one "o &o# alrea$&0 loo,
how hear"less he has %a$e &o#. Tha" is wha" he $oes "o e+er&one who lis"ens "o hi%. Cr#el,
)i"iless 'o&4 &o# wo#l$ le" &o#r own -o"her $ie ra"her "han *3
3Oh sh#" #),3 sai$ "he %isera'le Di(or&, s"ill in "he sa%e +oice. 3Do &o# "hin, I $on2" see5
B#" I * I )ro%ise$.3
3Ah, '#" &o# $i$n2" ,now wha" &o# were )ro%isin(. An$ no one here can )re+en" &o#.3
3-o"her herself,3 sai$ Di(or&, (e""in( "he wor$s o#" wi"h $iffic#l"&, 3wo#l$n2" li,e i" *
awf#ll& s"ric" a'o#" ,ee)in( )ro%ises * an$ no" s"ealin( * an$ all "ha" sor" of "hin(. She2$
"ell %e no" "o $o i" * 9#ic, as an&"hin( * if she was here.3
3B#" she nee$ ne+er ,now,3 sai$ "he Wi"ch, s)ea,in( %ore swee"l& "han &o# wo#l$ ha+e
"ho#(h" an&one wi"h so fierce a face co#l$ s)ea,. 3Yo# wo#l$n2" "ell her how &o#2$ (o"
"he a))le. Yo#r 7a"her nee$ ne+er ,now. No one in &o#r worl$ nee$ ,now an&"hin( a'o#"
"his whole s"or&. Yo# nee$n2" "a,e "he li""le (irl 'ac, wi"h &o#, &o# ,now.3
Tha" was where "he Wi"ch %a$e her fa"al %is"a,e. Of co#rse Di(or& ,new "ha" Poll& co#l$
(e" awa& '& her own rin( as easil& as he co#l$ (e" awa& '& his. B#" a))aren"l& "he Wi"ch
$i$n2" ,now "his. An$ "he %eanness of "he s#((es"ion "ha" he sho#l$ lea+e Poll& 'ehin$
s#$$enl& %a$e all "he o"her "hin(s "he Wi"ch ha$ 'een sa&in( "o hi% so#n$ false an$
hollow. An$ e+en in "he %i$s" of all his %iser&, his hea$ s#$$enl& cleare$, an$ he sai$ .in a
$ifferen" an$ %#ch lo#$er2 +oice/:
3Loo, here0 where $o &o# co%e in"o all "his5 Wh& are &o# so )recio#s fon$ of %& -o"her
all of a s#$$en5 Wha"2s i" (o" "o $o wi"h &o#5 Wha"2s &o#r (a%e53
36oo$ for &o#, Di(s,3 whis)ere$ Poll& in his ear. 3=#ic,4 6e" awa& now.3 She ha$n2" $are$
"o sa& an&"hin( all "hro#(h "he ar(#%en" 'eca#se, &o# see, i" wasn2" her -o"her who was
3) "hen,3 sai$ Di(or&, hea+in( her on "o 7le$(e2s 'ac, an$ "hen scra%'lin( #) as 9#ic,l&
as he co#l$. The horse s)rea$ i"s win(s.
36o "hen, 7ools,3 calle$ "he Wi"ch. 3Thin, of %e, Bo&, when &o# lie ol$ an$ wea, an$
$&in(, an$ re%e%'er how &o# "hrew awa& "he chance of en$less &o#"h4 I" won2" 'e offere$
&o# a(ain.3
The& were alrea$& so hi(h "ha" "he& co#l$ onl& 8#s" hear her. Nor $i$ "he Wi"ch was"e an&
"i%e (a<in( #) a" "he%0 "he& saw her se" off nor"hwar$ $own "he slo)e of "he hill.
The& ha$ s"ar"e$ earl& "ha" %ornin( an$ wha" ha))ene$ in "he (ar$en ha$ no" "a,en +er&
lon(, so "ha" 7le$(e an$ Poll& 'o"h sai$ "he& wo#l$ easil& (e" 'ac, "o Narnia 'efore
ni(h"fall. Di(or& ne+er s)o,e on "he wa& 'ac,, an$ "he o"hers were sh& of s)ea,in( "o hi%.
He was +er& sa$ an$ he wasn2" e+en s#re all "he "i%e "ha" he ha$ $one "he ri(h" "hin(0 '#"
whene+er he re%e%'ere$ "he shinin( "ears in Aslan2s e&es he 'eca%e s#re.
All $a& 7le$(e flew s"ea$il& wi"h #n"irin( win(s0 eas"war$ wi"h "he ri+er "o (#i$e hi%,
"hro#(h "he %o#n"ains an$ o+er "he wil$ woo$e$ hills, an$ "hen o+er "he (rea" wa"erfall an$
$own, an$ $own, "o where "he woo$s of Narnia were $ar,ene$ '& "he sha$ow of "he %i(h"&
cliff, "ill a" las", when "he s,& was (rowin( re$ wi"h s#nse" 'ehin$ "he%, he saw a )lace
where %an& crea"#res were (a"here$ "o(e"her '& "he ri+ersi$e. An$ soon he co#l$ see Aslan
hi%self in "he %i$s" of "he%. 7le$(e (li$e$ $own, s)rea$ o#" his fo#r le(s, close$ his
win(s, an$ lan$e$ can"erin(. Then he )#lle$ #). The chil$ren $is%o#n"e$. Di(or& saw all
"he ani%als, $warfs, sa"&rs, n&%)hs, an$ o"her "hin(s $rawin( 'ac, "o "he lef" an$ ri(h" "o
%a,e wa& for hi%. He wal,e$ #) "o Aslan, han$e$ hi% "he a))le an$ sai$:
3I2+e 'ro#(h" &o# "he a))le &o# wan"e$, sir.3
3WELL $one,3 sai$ Aslan in a +oice "ha" %a$e "he ear"h sha,e. Then Di(or& ,new "ha" all
"he Narnians ha$ hear$ "hose wor$s an$ "ha" "he s"or& of "he% wo#l$ 'e han$e$ $own fro%
fa"her "o son in "ha" new worl$ for h#n$re$s of &ears an$ )erha)s fore+er. B#" he was in no
$an(er of feelin( concei"e$ for he $i$n2" "hin, a'o#" i" a" all now "ha" he was face "o face
wi"h Aslan. This "i%e he fo#n$ he co#l$ loo, s"rai(h" in"o "he Lion2s e&es. He ha$ for(o""en
his "ro#'les an$ fel" a'sol#"el& con"en".
3Well $one, son of A$a%,3 sai$ "he Lion a(ain. 37or "his fr#i" &o# ha+e h#n(ere$ an$
"hirs"e$ an$ we)". No han$ '#" &o#rs shall sow "he see$ of "he Tree "ha" is "o 'e "he
)ro"ec"ion of Narnia. Throw "he a))le "owar$s "he ri+er 'an, where "he (ro#n$ is sof".3
Di(or& $i$ as he was "ol$. E+er&one ha$ (rown so 9#ie" "ha" &o# co#l$ hear "he sof" "h#%)
where i" fell in"o "he %#$.
3I" is well "hrown,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Le" #s now )rocee$ "o "he Corona"ion of !in( 7ran, of
Narnia an$ Helen his =#een.3
The chil$ren now no"ice$ "hese "wo for "he firs" "i%e. The& were $resse$ in s"ran(e an$
'ea#"if#l clo"hes, an$ fro% "heir sho#l$ers rich ro'es flowe$ o#" 'ehin$ "he% "o where fo#r
$warfs hel$ #) "he !in(2s "rain an$ fo#r ri+ern&%)hs "he =#een2s. Their hea$s were 'are0
'#" Helen ha$ le" her hair $own an$ i" %a$e a (rea" i%)ro+e%en" in her a))earance. B#" i"
was nei"her hair nor clo"hes "ha" %a$e "he% loo, so $ifferen" fro% "heir ol$ sel+es. Their
faces ha$ a new e1)ression, es)eciall& "he !in(2s. All "he shar)ness an$ c#nnin( an$
9#arrelso%eness which he ha$ )ic,e$ #) as a Lon$on ca''& see%e$ "o ha+e 'een washe$
awa&, an$ "he co#ra(e an$ ,in$ness which he ha$ alwa&s ha$ were easier "o see. Perha)s i"
was "he air of "he &o#n( worl$ "ha" ha$ $one i", or "al,in( wi"h Aslan, or 'o"h.
3)on %& wor$,3 whis)ere$ 7le$(e "o Poll&. 3-& ol$ %as"er2s 'een chan(e$ nearl& as
%#ch as I ha+e4 Wh&, he2s a real %as"er now.3
3Yes, '#" $on2" '#<< in %& ear li,e "ha",3 sai$ Poll&. 3I" "ic,les so.3
3Now,3 sai$ Aslan, 3so%e of &o# #n$o "ha" "an(le &o# ha+e %a$e wi"h "hose "rees an$ le"
#s see wha" we shall fin$ "here.3
Di(or& now saw "ha" where fo#r "rees (rew close "o(e"her "heir 'ranches ha$ all 'een lace$
"o(e"her or "ie$ "o(e"her wi"h swi"ches so as "o %a,e a sor" of ca(e. The "wo Ele)han"s wi"h
"heir "r#n,s an$ a few $warfs wi"h "heir li""le a1es soon (o" i" all #n$one. There were "hree
"hin(s insi$e. One was a &o#n( "ree "ha" see%e$ "o 'e %a$e of (ol$0 "he
secon$ was a &o#n( "ree "ha" see%e$ "o 'e %a$e of sil+er0 '#" "he "hir$ was a %isera'le
o'8ec" in %#$$& clo"hes, si""in( h#nche$ #) 'e"ween "he%.
36osh43 whis)ere$ Di(or&. 3ncle An$rew43
To e1)lain all "his we %#s" (o 'ac, a 'i". The Beas"s, &o# re%e%'er, ha$ "rie$ )lan"in( an$
wa"erin( hi%. When "he wa"erin( 'ro#(h" hi% "o his senses, he fo#n$ hi%self soa,in( we",
'#rie$ #) "o his "hi(hs in ear"h .which was 9#ic,l& "#rnin( in"o %#$/ an$ s#rro#n$e$ '&
%ore wil$ ani%als "han he ha$ e+er $rea%e$ of in his life 'efore. I" is )erha)s no"
s#r)risin( "ha" he 'e(an "o screa% an$ howl. This was in a wa& a (oo$ "hin(, for i" a" las"
)ers#a$e$ e+er&one .e+en "he War"ho(/ "ha" he was ali+e. So "he& $#( hi% #) a(ain .his
"ro#sers were in a reall& shoc,in( s"a"e '& now/. As soon as his le(s were free he "rie$ "o
'ol", '#" one swif" c#rl of "he Ele)han"2s "r#n, ro#n$ his wais" soon )#" an en$ "o "ha".
E+er&one now "ho#(h" he %#s" 'e safel& ,e)" so%ewhere "ill Aslan ha$ "i%e "o co%e an$
see hi% an$ sa& wha" sho#l$ 'e $one a'o#" hi%. So "he& %a$e a sor" of ca(e or coo) all
ro#n$ hi%. The& "hen offere$ hi% e+er&"hin( "he& co#l$0 "hin, of "o ea".
The Don,e& collec"e$ (rea" )iles of "his"les an$ "hrew "he% in, '#" ncle An$rew $i$n2"
see% "o care a'o#" "he%. The S9#irrels 'o%'ar$e$ hi% wi"h +olle&s of n#"s '#" he onl&
co+ere$ his hea$ wi"h his han$s an$ "rie$ "o ,ee) o#" of "he wa&. Se+eral 'ir$s flew "o an$
fro $eli(en"l& $ro))in( wor%s on hi%. The Bear was es)eciall& ,in$. D#rin( "he af"ernoon
he fo#n$ a wil$ 'ees2 nes" an$ ins"ea$ of ea"in( i" hi%self .which he wo#l$ +er& %#ch li,e
"o ha+e $one/ "his wor"h& crea"#re 'ro#(h" i" 'ac, "o ncle An$rew. B#" "his was in fac" "he
wors" fail#re of all. The Bear lo''e$ "he whole s"ic,& %ass o+er "he "o) of "he enclos#re
an$ #nfor"#na"el& i" hi" ncle An$rew sla) in "he face .no" all "he 'ees were $ea$/. The
Bear, who wo#l$ no" a" all ha+e %in$e$ 'ein( hi" in "he face '& a hone&co%' hi%self,
co#l$ no" #n$ers"an$ wh& ncle An$rew s"a((ere$ 'ac,, sli))e$, an$ sa" $own. An$ i" was
sheer 'a$ l#c, "ha" he sa" $own on "he )ile of "his"les. 3An$ an&wa&,3 as "he War"ho( sai$,
39#i"e a lo" of hone& has (o" in"o "he crea"#re2s %o#"h an$ "ha"2s 'o#n$ "o ha+e $one i" so%e
(oo$.3 The& were reall& (e""in( 9#i"e fon$ of "heir s"ran(e )e" an$ ho)e$ "ha" Aslan wo#l$
allow "he% "o ,ee) i". The cle+erer ones were 9#i"e s#re '& now "ha" a" leas" so%e of "he
noises which ca%e o#" of his %o#"h ha$ a %eanin(. The& chris"ene$ hi% Bran$& 'eca#se
he %a$e "ha" noise so of"en.
In "he en$, howe+er, "he& ha$ "o lea+e hi% "here for "he ni(h". Aslan was '#s& all "ha" $a&
ins"r#c"in( "he new !in( an$ =#een an$ $oin( o"her i%)or"an" "hin(s, an$ co#l$ no" a""en$
"o 3)oor ol$ Bran$&3. Wha" wi"h "he n#"s, )ears, a))les, an$ 'ananas "ha" ha$ 'een "hrown
in "o hi%, he $i$ fairl& well for s#))er0 '#" i" wo#l$n2" 'e "r#e "o sa& "ha" he )asse$ an
a(reea'le ni(h".
3Brin( o#" "ha" crea"#re,3 sai$ Aslan. One of "he Ele)han"s lif"e$ ncle An$rew in i"s "r#n,
an$ lai$ hi% a" "he Lion2s fee". He was "oo fri(h"ene$ "o %o+e.
3Please, Aslan,3 sai$ Poll&, 3co#l$ &o# sa& so%e"hin( "o * "o #nfri(h"en hi%5 An$ "hen
co#l$ &o# sa& so%e"hin( "o )re+en" hi% fro% e+er co%in( 'ac, here a(ain53
3Do &o# "hin, he wan"s "o53 sai$ Aslan.
3Well, Aslan,3 sai$ Poll&, 3he %i(h" sen$ so%eone else. He2s so e1ci"e$ a'o#" "he 'ar off
"he la%)*)os" (rowin( in"o a la%)*)os" "ree an$ he "hin,s *3
3He "hin,s (rea" foll&, chil$,3 sai$ Aslan. 3This worl$ is '#rs"in( wi"h life for "hese few
$a&s 'eca#se "he son( wi"h which I calle$ i" in"o life s"ill han(s in "he air an$ r#%'les in "he
(ro#n$. I" will no" 'e so for lon(. B#" I canno" "ell "ha" "o "his ol$ sinner, an$ I canno"
co%for" hi% ei"her0 he has %a$e hi%self #na'le "o hear %& +oice. If I s)o,e "o hi%, he
wo#l$ hear onl& (rowlin(s an$ roarin(s. Oh A$a%2s sons, how cle+erl& &o# $efen$
&o#rsel+es a(ains" all "ha" %i(h" $o &o# (oo$4 B#" I will (i+e hi% "he onl& (if" he is s"ill
a'le "o recei+e.3
He 'owe$ his (rea" hea$ ra"her sa$l&, an$ 'rea"he$ in"o "he -a(ician2s "errifie$ face.
3Slee),3 he sai$. 3Slee) an$ 'e se)ara"e$ for so%e few ho#rs fro% all "he "or%en"s &o#
ha+e $e+ise$ for &o#rself.3 ncle An$rew i%%e$ia"el& rolle$ o+er wi"h close$ e&es an$
'e(an 'rea"hin( )eacef#ll&.
3Carr& hi% asi$e an$ la& hi% $own,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Now, $warfs4 Show &o#r s%i"h*craf".
Le" %e see &o# %a,e "wo crowns for &o#r !in( an$ =#een.3
-ore Dwarfs "han &o# co#l$ $rea% of r#she$ forwar$ "o "he 6ol$en Tree. The& ha$ all i"s
lea+es s"ri))e$ off, an$ so%e of i"s 'ranches "orn off "oo, 'efore &o# co#l$ sa& >ac,
Ro'inson. An$ now "he chil$ren co#l$ see "ha" i" $i$ no" %erel& loo, (ol$en '#" was of
real, sof" (ol$. I" ha$ of co#rse s)r#n( #) fro% "he half*so+erei(ns which ha$ fallen o#" of
ncle An$rew2s )oc,e" when he was "#rne$ #)si$e $own0 8#s" as "he sil+er ha$ (rown #)
fro% "he half*crowns. 7ro% nowhere, as i" see%e$, )iles of $r& 'r#shwoo$ for f#el, a li""le
an+il, ha%%ers, "on(s, an$ 'ellows were )ro$#ce$. Ne1" %o%en" .how "hose $warfs lo+e$
"heir wor,4/ "he fire was 'la<in(, "he 'ellows were roarin(, "he (ol$ was %el"in(, "he
ha%%ers were clin,in(. Two -oles, who% Aslan ha$ se" "o $i( .which was wha" "he&
li,e$ 'es"/ earlier in "he $a&, )o#re$ o#" a )ile of )recio#s s"ones a" "he $warfs2 fee". n$er
"he cle+er fin(ers of "he li""le s%i"hs "wo crowns "oo, sha)e * no" #(l&, hea+& "hin(s li,e
%o$ern E#ro)ean crowns, '#" li(h", $elica"e, 'ea#"if#ll& sha)e$ circles "ha" &o# co#l$
reall& wear an$ loo, nicer '& wearin(. The !in(2s was se" wi"h r#'ies an$ "he =#een2s wi"h
When "he crowns ha$ 'een coole$ in "he ri+er Aslan %a$e 7ran, an$ Helen ,neel 'efore
hi% an$ he )lace$ "he crowns on "heir hea$s. Then he sai$, 3Rise #) !in( an$ =#een of
Narnia, fa"her an$ %o"her of %an& ,in(s "ha" shall 'e in Narnia an$ "he Isles an$
Archenlan$. Be 8#s" an$ %ercif#l an$ 'ra+e. The 'lessin( is #)on &o#.3
Then e+er&one cheere$ or 'a&e$ or nei(he$ or "r#%)e"e$ or cla))e$ i"s win(s an$ "he ro&al
)air s"oo$ loo,in( sole%n an$ a li""le sh&, '#" all "he no'ler for "heir sh&ness. An$ while
Di(or& was s"ill cheerin( he hear$ "he $ee) +oice of Aslan 'esi$e hi%, sa&in(:
E+er&one in "ha" crow$ "#rne$ i"s hea$, an$ "hen e+er&one $rew a lon( 'rea"h of won$er
an$ $eli(h". A li""le wa& off, "owerin( o+er "heir hea$s, "he& saw a "ree which ha$ cer"ainl&
no" 'een "here 'efore. I" %#s" ha+e (rown #) silen"l&, &e" swif"l& as a fla( rises when &o#
)#ll i" #) on a fla(s"aff, while "he& were all '#sie$ a'o#" "he corona"ion. I"s s)rea$in(
'ranches see%e$ "o cas" a li(h" ra"her "han a sha$e, an$ sil+er a))les )ee)e$ o#" li,e s"ars
fro% #n$er e+er& leaf. B#" i" was "he s%ell which ca%e fro% i", e+en %ore "han "he si(h",
"ha" ha$ %a$e e+er&one $raw in "heir 'rea"h. 7or a %o%en" one co#l$ har$l& "hin, a'o#"
an&"hin( else.
3Son of A$a%,3 sai$ Aslan, 3&o# ha+e sown well. An$ &o#, Narnians, le" i" 'e &o#r firs"
care "o (#ar$ "his Tree, for i" is &o#r Shiel$. The Wi"ch of who% I "ol$ &o# has fle$ far
awa& in"o "he Nor"h of "he worl$0 she will li+e on "here, (rowin( s"ron(er in $ar, -a(ic.
B#" while "ha" Tree flo#rishes she will ne+er co%e $own in"o Narnia. She $are no" co%e
wi"hin a h#n$re$ %iles of "he Tree, for i"s s%ell, which is 8o& an$ life an$ heal"h "o &o#, is
$ea"h an$ horror an$ $es)air "o her.3
E+er&one was s"arin( sole%nl& a" "he Tree when Aslan s#$$enl& sw#n( ro#n$ his hea$
.sca""erin( (ol$en (lea%s of li(h" fro% his %ane as he $i$ so/ an$ fi1e$ his lar(e e&es on
"he chil$ren. 3Wha" is i", chil$ren53 he sai$, for he ca#(h" "he% in "he +er& ac" of
whis)erin( an$ n#$(in( one ano"her.
3Oh * Aslan, sir,3 sai$ Di(or&, "#rnin( re$, 3I for(o" "o "ell &o#. The Wi"ch has alrea$&
ea"en one of "hose a))les, one of "he sa%e ,in$ "ha" Tree (rew fro%.3 He ha$n2" reall& sai$
all he was "hin,in(, '#" Poll& a" once sai$ i" for hi% .Di(or& was alwa&s %#ch %ore afrai$
"han she of loo,in( a fool./
3So we "ho#(h", Aslan,3 she sai$, 3"ha" "here %#s" 'e so%e %is"a,e, an$ she can2" reall&
%in$ "he s%ell of "hose a))les.3
3Wh& $o &o# "hin, "ha", Da#(h"er of E+e53 as,e$ "he Lion. 2
3Well, she a"e one.3
3Chil$,3 he re)lie$, 3"ha" is wh& all "he res" are now a horror "o her. Tha" is wha" ha))ens "o
"hose who )l#c, an$ ea" fr#i"s a" "he wron( "i%e an$ in "he wron( wa&. The fr#i" is (oo$,
'#" "he& loa"he i" e+er af"er.3
3Oh I see,3 sai$ Poll&. 3An$ I s#))ose 'eca#se she "oo, i" in "he wron( wa& i" won2" wor,
for her. I %ean i" won2" %a,e her alwa&s &o#n( an$ all "ha"53
3Alas,3 sai$ Aslan, sha,in( his hea$. 3I" will. Thin(s alwa&s wor, accor$in( "o "heir na"#re.
She has won her hear"2s $esire0 she has #nwear&in( s"ren("h an$ en$less $a&s li,e a
(o$$ess. B#" len("h of $a&s wi"h an e+il hear" is onl& len("h of %iser& an$ alrea$& she
'e(ins "o ,now i". All (e" wha" "he& wan"0 "he& $o no" alwa&s li,e i".3
3I * I nearl& a"e one %&self, Aslan,3 sai$ Di(or&. 3Wo#l$ I *3
3Yo# wo#l$, chil$,3 sai$ Aslan. 37or "he fr#i" alwa&s wor,s * i" %#s" wor, * '#" i" $oes no"
wor, ha))il& for an& who )l#c, i" a" "heir own will. If an& Narnian, #n'i$$en, ha$ s"olen
an a))le an$ )lan"e$ i" here "o )ro"ec" Narnia, i" wo#l$ ha+e )ro"ec"e$ Narnia. B#" i" wo#l$
ha+e $one so '& %a,in( Narnia in"o ano"her s"ron( an$ cr#el e%)ire li,e Charn, no" "he
,in$l& lan$ I %ean i" "o 'e. An$ "he Wi"ch "e%)"e$ &o# "o $o ano"her "hin(, %& son, $i$ she
3Yes, Aslan. She wan"e$ %e "o "a,e an a))le ho%e "o -o"her.3
3n$ers"an$, "hen, "ha" i" wo#l$ ha+e heale$ her0 '#" no" "o &o#r 8o& or hers. The $a& wo#l$
ha+e co%e when 'o"h &o# an$ she wo#l$ ha+e loo,e$ 'ac, an$ sai$ i" wo#l$ ha+e 'een
'e""er "o $ie in "ha" illness.3
An$ Di(or& co#l$ sa& no"hin(, for "ears cho,e$ hi% an$ he (a+e #) all ho)es of sa+in( his
-o"her2s life0 '#" a" "he sa%e "i%e he ,new "ha" "he Lion ,new wha" wo#l$ ha+e ha))ene$,
an$ "ha" "here %i(h" 'e "hin(s %ore "erri'le e+en "han losin( so%eone &o# lo+e '& $ea"h.
B#" now Aslan was s)ea,in( a(ain, al%os" in a whis)er:
3Tha" is wha" wo#l$ ha+e ha))ene$, chil$, wi"h a s"olen a))le. I" is no" wha" will ha))en
now. Wha" I (i+e &o# now will 'rin( 8o&. I" will no", in &o#r worl$, (i+e en$less life, '#" i"
will heal. 6o. Pl#c, her an a))le fro% "he Tree.3
7or a secon$ Di(or& co#l$ har$l& #n$ers"an$. I" was as if "he whole worl$ ha$ "#rne$
insi$e o#" an$ #)si$e $own. An$ "hen, li,e so%eone in a $rea%, he was wal,in( across "o
"he Tree, an$ "he !in( an$ =#een were cheerin( hi% an$ all "he crea"#res were cheerin(
"oo. He )l#c,e$ "he a))le an$ )#" i" in his )oc,e". Then he ca%e 'ac, "o Aslan.
3Please,3 he sai$, 3%a& we (o ho%e now53 He ha$ for(o""en "o sa& 3Than, &o#3, '#" he
%ean" i", an$ Aslan #n$ers"oo$.
3Yo# nee$ no rin(s when I a% wi"h &o#,3 sai$ "he +oice of Aslan. The chil$ren 'lin,e$ an$
loo,e$ a'o#" "he%. The& were once %ore in "he Woo$ 'e"ween "he Worl$s0 ncle An$rew
la& on "he (rass, s"ill aslee)0 Aslan s"oo$ 'esi$e "he%.
3Co%e,3 sai$ Aslan0 3i" is "i%e "ha" &o# wen" 'ac,. B#" "here are "wo "hin(s "o see "o firs"0 a
warnin(, an$ a co%%an$. Loo, here, chil$ren.3
The& loo,e$ an$ saw a li""le hollow in "he (rass, wi"h a (rass& 'o""o%, war% an$ $r&.
3When &o# were las" here,3 sai$ Aslan, 3"ha" hollow was a )ool, an$ when &o# 8#%)e$ in"o
i" &o# ca%e "o "he worl$ where a $&in( s#n shone o+er "he r#ins of Charn. There is no )ool
now. Tha" worl$ is en$e$, as if i" ha$ ne+er 'een. Le" "he race of A$a% an$ E+e "a,e
3Yes, Aslan,3 sai$ 'o"h "he chil$ren. B#" Poll& a$$e$, 3B#" we2re no" 9#i"e as 'a$ as "ha"
worl$, are we, Aslan53
3No" &e", Da#(h"er of E+e,3 he sai$. 3No" &e". B#" &o# are (rowin( %ore li,e i". I" is no"
cer"ain "ha" so%e wic,e$ one of &o#r race will no" fin$ o#" a secre" as e+il as "he De)lora'le
Wor$ an$ #se i" "o $es"ro& all li+in( "hin(s. An$ soon, +er& soon, 'efore &o# are an ol$
%an an$ an ol$ wo%an, (rea" na"ions in &o#r worl$ will 'e r#le$ '& "&ran"s who care no
%ore for 8o& an$ 8#s"ice an$ %erc& "han "he E%)ress >a$is. Le" &o#r worl$ 'eware. Tha" is
"he warnin(. Now for "he co%%an$. As soon as &o# can, "a,e fro% "his ncle of &o#rs his
%a(ic rin(s an$ '#r& "he% so "ha" no one can #se "he% a(ain.3
Bo"h "he chil$ren were loo,in( #) in"o "he Lion2s face as he s)o,e "hese wor$s. An$ all a"
once ."he& ne+er ,new e1ac"l& how i" ha))ene$/ "he face see%e$ "o 'e a sea of "ossin( (ol$
in which "he& were floa"in(, an$ s#ch a swee"ness an$ )ower rolle$ a'o#" "he% an$ o+er
"he% an$ en"ere$ "he% "ha" "he& fel" "he& ha$ ne+er reall& 'een ha))& or wise or (oo$, or
e+en ali+e an$ awa,e, 'efore. An$ "he %e%or& of "ha" %o%en" s"a&e$ wi"h "he% alwa&s, so
"ha" as lon( as "he& 'o"h li+e$, if e+er "he& were sa$ or afrai$ or an(r&, "he "ho#(h" of all
"ha" (ol$en (oo$ness, an$ "he feelin( "ha" i" was s"ill "here, 9#i"e close, 8#s" ro#n$ so%e
corner or 8#s" 'ehin$ so%e $oor, wo#l$ co%e 'ac, an$ %a,e "he% s#re, $ee) $own insi$e,
"ha" all was well. Ne1" %in#"e all "hree of "he% .ncle An$rew now awa,e/ ca%e "#%'lin(
in"o "he noise, hea", an$ ho" s%ells of Lon$on.
The& were on "he )a+e%en" o#"si$e "he !e""erle&s2 fron" $oor, an$ e1ce)" "ha" "he Wi"ch,
"he Horse, an$ "he Ca''& were (one, e+er&"hin( was e1ac"l& as "he& ha$ lef" i". There was
"he la%)*)os", wi"h one ar% %issin(0 "here was "he wrec, of "he hanso% ca'0 an$ "here was
"he crow$. E+er&one was s"ill "al,in( an$ )eo)le were ,neelin( 'esi$e "he $a%a(e$
)olice%an, sa&in( "hin(s li,e, 3He2s co%in( ro#n$3 or 3How $o &o# feel now, ol$ cha)53
or 3The A%'#lance will 'e here in a 8iff&.3
36rea" Sco""43 "ho#(h" Di(or&, 3I 'elie+e "he whole a$+en"#re2s "a,en no "i%e a" all.3
-os" )eo)le were wil$l& loo,in( ro#n$ for >a$is an$ "he horse. No one "oo, an& no"ice of
"he chil$ren for no one ha$ seen "he% (o or no"ice$ "he% co%in( 'ac,. As for ncle
An$rew, wha" 'e"ween "he s"a"e of his clo"hes an$ "he hone& on his face, he co#l$ no" ha+e
'een reco(ni<e$ '& an&one. 7or"#na"el& "he fron" $oor of "he ho#se was*o)en an$ "he
ho#se%ai$ was s"an$in( in "he $oorwa& s"arin( a" "he f#n .wha" a $a& "ha" (irl was ha+in(4/
so "he chil$ren ha$ no $iffic#l"& in '#s"lin( ncle An$rew in$oors 'efore an&one as,e$ an&
He race$ #) "he s"irs 'efore "he% an$ a" firs" "he& were +er& afrai$ he was hea$in( for his
a""ic an$ %ean" "o hi$e his re%ainin( %a(ic rin(s. B#" "he& nee$n2" ha+e 'o"here$. Wha" he
was "hin,in( a'o#" was "he 'o""le in his war$ro'e, an$ he $isa))eare$ a" once in"o his
'e$roo% an$ loc,e$ "he $oor. When he ca%e o#" a(ain .which was no" for a lon( "i%e/ he
was in his $ressin((own an$ %a$e s"rai(h" for "he 'a"hroo%.
3Can &o# (e" "he o"her rin(s, Poll53 sai$ Di(or&. 3I wan" "o (o "o -o"her.3
3Ri(h". See &o# la"er,3 sai$ Poll& an$ cla""ere$ #) "he a""ic s"airs.
Then Di(or& "oo, a %in#"e "o (e" his 'rea"h, an$ "hen wen" sof"l& in"o his -o"her2s roo%.
An$ "here she la&, as he ha$ seen her lie so %an& o"her "i%es, )ro))e$ #) on "he )illows,
wi"h a "hin, )ale face "ha" wo#l$ %a,e &o# cr& "o loo, a". Di(or& "oo, "he A))le of Life o#"
of his )oc,e".
An$ 8#s" as "he Wi"ch >a$is ha$ loo,e$ $ifferen" when &o# saw her in o#r worl$ ins"ea$ of
in her own, so "he fr#i" of "ha" %o#n"ain (ar$en loo,e$ $ifferen" "oo. There were of co#rse
all sor"s of colo#re$ "hin(s in "he 'e$roo%0 "he colo#re$ co#n"er)ane on "he 'e$, "he
wall)a)er, "he s#nli(h" fro% "he win$ow, an$ -o"her2s )re""&, )ale 'l#e $ressin( 8ac,e".
B#" "he %o%en" Di(or& "oo, "he A))le o#" of his )oc,e", all "hose "hin(s see%e$ "o ha+e
scarcel& an& colo#r a" all. E+er& one of "he%, e+en "he s#nli(h", loo,e$ fa$e$ an$ $in(&.
The 'ri(h"ness of "he A))le "hrew s"ran(e li(h"s on "he ceilin(. No"hin( else was wor"h
loo,in( a": &o# co#l$n2" loo, a" an&"hin( else. An$ "he s%ell of "he A))le of Yo#"h was as
if "here was a win$ow in "he roo% "ha" o)ene$ on Hea+en.
3Oh, $arlin(, how lo+el&,3 sai$ Di(or&2s -o"her.
3Yo# will ea" i", won2" &o#5 Please,3 sai$ Di(or&.
3I $on2" ,now wha" "he Doc"or wo#l$ sa&,3 she answere$. 3B#" reall& * I al%os" feel as if I
He )eele$ i" an$ c#" i" #) an$ (a+e i" "o her )iece '& )iece. An$ no sooner ha$ she finishe$
i" "han she s%ile$ an$ her hea$ san, 'ac, on "he )illow an$ she was aslee): a real, na"#ral,
(en"le slee), wi"ho#" an& of "hose nas"& $r#(s, which was, as Di(or& ,new, "he "hin( in "he
whole worl$ "ha" she wan"e$ %os". An$ he was s#re now "ha" her face loo,e$ a li""le
$ifferen". He 'en" $own an$ ,isse$ her +er& sof"l& an$ s"ole o#" of "he roo% wi"h a 'ea"in(
hear"0 "a,in( "he core of "he a))le wi"h hi%. 7or "he res" of "ha" $a&, whene+er he loo,e$ a"
"he "hin(s a'o#" hi%, an$ saw how or$inar& an$ #n%a(ical "he& were, he har$l& $are$ "o
ho)e0 '#" when he re%e%'ere$ "he face of Aslan he $i$ ho)e.
Tha" e+enin( he '#rie$ "he core of "he A))le in "he 'ac, (ar$en.
Ne1" %ornin( when "he Doc"or %a$e his #s#al +isi", Di(or& leane$ o+er "he 'anis"ers "o
lis"en. He hear$ "he Doc"or co%e o#" wi"h A#n" Le""& an$ sa&:
3-iss !e""erle&, "his is "he %os" e1"raor$inar& case I ha+e ,nown in %& whole %e$ical
career. I" is * i" is li,e a %iracle. I wo#l$n2" "ell "he li""le 'o& an&"hin( a" )resen"0 we $on2"
wan" "o raise an& false ho)es. B#" in %& o)inion *3 "hen his +oice 'eca%e "oo low "o hear.
Tha" af"ernoon he wen" $own "he (ar$en an$ whis"le$ "heir a(ree$ secre" si(nal for Poll&
.she ha$n2" 'een a'le "o (e" 'ac, "he $a& 'efore/.
3Wha" l#c,53 sai$ Poll&, loo,in( o+er "he wall. 3I %ean, a'o#" &o#r -o"her53
3I "hin, * I "hin, i" is (oin( "o 'e alri(h",3 sai$ Di(or&. 3B#" if &o# $on2" %in$ I2$ reall&
ra"her no" "al, a'o#" i" &e". Wha" a'o#" "he rin(s53
3I2+e (o" "he% all,3 sai$ Poll&. 3Loo,, i"2s alri(h", I2% wearin( (lo+es. Le"2s '#r& "he%.3
3Yes, le"2s. I2+e %ar,e$ "he )lace where I '#rie$ "he core of "he A))le &es"er$a&.3
Then Poll& ca%e o+er "he wall an$ "he& wen" "o(e"her "o "he )lace. B#", as i" "#rne$ o#",
Di(or& nee$ no" ha+e %ar,e$ "he )lace. So%e"hin( was alrea$& co%in( #). I" was no"
(rowin( so "ha" &o# co#l$ see i" (row as "he new "rees ha$ $one in Narnia0 '#" i" was
alrea$& well a'o+e (ro#n$. The& (o" a "rowel an$ '#rie$ all "he %a(ic rin(s, incl#$in( "heir
own ones, in a circle ro#n$ i".
A'o#" a wee, af"er "his i" was 9#i"e cer"ain "ha" Di(or&2s -o"her was (e""in( 'e""er. A'o#" a
for"ni(h" la"er she was a'le "o si" o#" in "he (ar$en. An$ a %on"h la"er "ha" whole ho#se ha$
'eco%e a $ifferen" )lace. A#n" Le""& $i$ e+er&"hin( "ha" -o"her li,e$0 win$ows were
o)ene$, frows& c#r"ains were $rawn 'ac, "o 'ri(h"en #) "he roo%s, "here were new flowers
e+er&where, an$ nicer "hin(s "o ea", an$ "he ol$ )iano was "#ne$ an$ -o"her "oo, #) her
sin(in( a(ain, an$ ha$ s#ch (a%es wi"h Di(or& an$ Poll& "ha" A#n" Le""& wo#l$ sa& 3I
$eclare, -a'el, &o#2re "he 'i((es" 'a'& of "he "hree.3
When "hin(s (o wron(, &o#2ll fin$ "he& #s#all& (o on (e""in( worse for so%e "i%e0 '#"
when "hin(s once s"ar" (oin( ri(h" "he& of"en (o on (e""in( 'e""er an$ 'e""er. Af"er a'o#" si1
wee,s of "his lo+el& life "here ca%e a lon( le""er fro% 7a"her in In$ia, which ha$ won$erf#l
news in i". Ol$ 6rea"*ncle !ir,e ha$ $ie$ an$ "his %ean", a))aren"l&, "ha" 7a"her was now
+er& rich. He was (oin( "o re"ire an$ co%e ho%e fro% In$ia fore+er an$ e+er. An$ "he (rea"
'i( ho#se in "he co#n"r&, which Di(or& ha$ hear$ of all his life an$ ne+er seen wo#l$ now
'e "heir ho%e0 "he 'i( ho#se wi"h "he s#i"s of ar%o#r, "he s"a'les, "he ,ennels, "he ri+er, "he
)ar,, "he ho"*ho#ses, "he +ineries, "he woo$s, an$ "he %o#n"ains 'ehin$ i". So "ha" Di(or&
fel" 8#s" as s#re as &o# "ha" "he& were all (oin( "o li+e ha))il& e+er af"er. B#" )erha)s &o#
wo#l$ li,e "o ,now 8#s" one or "wo "hin(s %ore.
Poll& an$ Di(or& were alwa&s (rea" frien$s an$ she ca%e nearl& e+er& holi$a&s "o s"a& wi"h
"he% a" "heir 'ea#"if#l ho#se in "he co#n"r&0 an$ "ha" was where she learne$ "o ri$e an$
swi% an$ %il, an$ 'a,e an$ cli%'.
In Narnia "he Beas"s li+e$ in (rea" )eace an$ 8o& an$ nei"her "he Wi"ch nor an& o"her ene%&
ca%e "o "ro#'le "ha" )leasan" lan$ for %an& h#n$re$ &ears. !in( 7ran, an$ =#een Helen
an$ "heir chil$ren li+e$ ha))il& in Narnia an$ "heir secon$ son 'eca%e !in( of Archenlan$.
The 'o&s %arrie$ n&%)hs an$ "he (irls %arrie$ woo$(o$s an$ ri+er*(o$s. The la%)*)os"
which "he Wi"ch ha$ )lan"e$ .wi"ho#" ,nowin( i"/ shone $a& an$ ni(h" in "he Narnian
fores", so "ha" "he )lace where i" (rew ca%e "o 'e calle$ Lan"ern Was"e0 an$ when, %an&
&ears la"er, ano"her chil$ fro% o#r worl$ (o" in"o Narnia, on a snow& ni(h", she fo#n$ "he
li(h" s"ill '#rnin(. An$ "ha" a$+en"#re was, in a wa&, connec"e$ wi"h "he ones I ha+e 8#s"
'een "ellin( &o#.
I" was li,e "his. The "ree which s)ran( fro% "he A))le "ha" Di(or& )lan"e$ in "he 'ac,
(ar$en, li+e$ an$ (rew in"o a fine "ree. 6rowin( in "he soil of o#r worl$, far o#" of "he
so#n$ of Aslan2s +oice an$ far fro% "he &o#n( air of Narnia, i" $i$ no" 'ear a))les "ha"
wo#l$ re+i+e a $&in( wo%an as Di(or&2s -o"her ha$ 'een re+i+e$, "ho#(h i" $i$ 'ear
a))les %ore 'ea#"if#l "han an& o"hers in En(lan$, an$ "he& were e1"re%el& (oo$ for &o#,
"ho#(h no" f#ll& %a(ical. B#" insi$e i"self, in "he +er& sa) of i", "he "ree .so "o s)ea,/ ne+er
for(o" "ha" o"her "ree in Narnia "o which i" 'elon(e$. So%e"i%es i" wo#l$ %o+e
%&s"erio#sl& when "here was no win$ 'lowin(: I "hin, "ha" when "his ha))ene$ "here were
hi(h win$s in Narnia an$ "he En(lish "ree 9#i+ere$ 'eca#se, a" "ha" %o%en", "he Narnia "ree
was roc,in( an$ swa&in( in a s"ron( so#"h*wes"ern (ale. Howe+er, "ha" %i(h" 'e, i" was
)ro+e$ la"er "ha" "here was s"ill %a(ic in i"s woo$. 7or when Di(or& was 9#i"e %i$$le*a(e$
.an$ he was a fa%o#s learne$ %an, a Professor, an$ a (rea" "ra+eller '& "ha" "i%e/ an$ "he
!e""erle&s2 ol$ ho#se 'elon(e$ "o hi%, "here was a (rea" s"or% all o+er "he so#"h of En(lan$
which 'lew "he "ree $own. He co#l$n2" 'ear "o ha+e i" si%)l& cho))e$ #) for firewoo$, so
he ha$ )ar" of "he "i%'er %a$e in"o a war$ro'e, which he )#" in his 'i( ho#se in "he
co#n"r&. An$ "ho#(h he hi%self $i$ no" $isco+er "he %a(ic )ro)er"ies of "ha" war$ro'e,
so%eone else $i$. Tha" was "he 'e(innin( of all "he co%in(s an$ (oin(s 'e"ween Narnia
an$ o#r worl$, which &o# can rea$ of in o"her 'oo,s.
When Di(or& an$ his )eo)le wen" "o li+e in "he 'i( co#n"r& ho#se, "he& "oo, ncle An$rew
"o li+e wi"h "he%0 for Di(or&2s 7a"her sai$, 3We %#s" "r& "o ,ee) "he ol$ fellow o#" of
%ischief, an$ i" isn2" fair "ha" )oor Le""& sho#l$ ha+e hi% alwa&s on her han$s.3 ncle
An$rew ne+er "rie$ an& -a(ic a(ain as lon( as he li+e$. He ha$ learne$ his lesson, an$ in
his ol$ a(e he 'eca%e a nicer an$ less selfish ol$ %an "han he ha$ e+er 'een 'efore. B#" he
alwa&s li,e$ "o (e" +isi"ors alone in "he 'illiar$*roo% an$ "ell "he% s"ories a'o#" a
%&s"erio#s la$&, a forei(n ro&al"&, wi"h who% he ha$ $ri+en a'o#" Lon$on. 3A $e+ilish
"e%)er she ha$,3 he wo#l$ sa&. 3B#" she was a $e% fine wo%an, sir, a $e% fine wo%an.3
The Las" Ba""le
C.S. Lewis
IN "he las" $a&s of Narnia, far #) "o "he wes" 'e&on$ Lan"ern Was"e an$ close 'esi$e "he
(rea" wa"erfall, "here li+e$ an A)e. He was so ol$ "ha" no one co#l$ re%e%'er when he ha$
firs" co%e "o li+e in "hose )ar"s, an$ he was "he cle+eres", #(lies", %os" wrin,le$ A)e &o#
can i%a(ine. He ha$ a li""le ho#se, '#il" of woo$ an$ "ha"che$ wi"h lea+es, #) in "he for, of
a (rea" "ree, an$ his na%e was Shif". There were +er& few Tal,in( Beas"s or -en or
Dwarfs, or )eo)le of an& sor", in "ha" )ar" of "he woo$, '#" Shif" ha$ one frien$ an$
nei(h'o#r who was a $on,e& calle$ P#<<le. A" leas" "he& 'o"h sai$ "he& were frien$s, '#"
fro% "he wa& "hin(s wen" on &o# %i(h" ha+e "ho#(h" P#<<le was %ore li,e Shif"2s ser+an"
"han his frien$. He $i$ all "he wor,. When "he& wen" "o(e"her "o "he ri+er, Shif" fille$ "he
'i( s,in 'o""les wi"h wa"er '#" i" was P#<<le who carrie$ "he% 'ac,. When "he& wan"e$
an&"hin( fro% "he "owns f#r"her $own "he ri+er i" was P#<<le who wen" $own wi"h e%)"&
)anniers on his 'ac, an$ ca%e 'ac, wi"h "he )anniers f#ll an$ hea+&. An$ all "he nices"
"hin(s "ha" P#<<le 'ro#(h" 'ac, were ea"en '& Shif"0 for as Shif" sai$, 3Yo# see, P#<<le, I
can2" ea" (rass an$ "his"les li,e &o#, so i"2s onl& fair I sho#l$ %a,e i" #) in o"her wa&s.3 An$
P#<<le alwa&s sai$, 3Of co#rse, Shif", of co#rse. I see "ha".3 P#<<le ne+er co%)laine$,
'eca#se he ,new "ha" Shif" was far cle+erer "han hi%self an$ he "ho#(h" i" was +er& ,in$ of
Shif" "o 'e frien$s wi"h hi% a" all. An$ if e+er P#<<le $i$ "r& "o ar(#e a'o#" an&"hin(, Shif"
wo#l$ alwa&s sa&, 3Now, P#<<le, I #n$ers"an$ wha" nee$s "o 'e $one 'e""er "han &o#. Yo#
,now &o#2re no" cle+er, P#<<le.3 An$ P#<<le alwa&s sai$, 3No, Shif". I"2s 9#i"e "r#e. I2% no"
cle+er.3 Then he wo#l$ si(h an$ $o wha"e+er Shif" ha$ sai$.
One %ornin( earl& in "he &ear "he )air of "he% were o#" wal,in( alon( "he shore of Cal$ron
Pool. Cal$ron Pool is "he 'i( )ool ri(h" #n$er "he cliffs a" "he wes"ern en$ of Narnia. The
(rea" wa"erfall )o#rs $own in"o i" wi"h a noise li,e e+erlas"in( "h#n$er, an$ "he Ri+er of
Narnia flows o#" on "he o"her si$e. The wa"erfall ,ee)s "he Pool alwa&s $ancin( an$
'#''lin( an$ ch#rnin( ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ as if i" were on "he 'oil, an$ "ha" of co#rse is how i"
(o" i"s na%e of Cal$ron Pool. I" is li+elies" in "he earl& s)rin( when "he wa"erfall is swollen
wi"h all "he snow "ha" has %el"e$ off "he %o#n"ains fro% #) 'e&on$ Narnia in "he Wes"ern
Wil$ fro% which "he ri+er co%es. An$ as "he& loo,e$ a" Cal$ron Pool Shif" s#$$enl&
)oin"e$ wi"h his $ar,, s,inn& fin(er an$ sai$,
3Loo,4 Wha"2s "ha"53
3Wha"2s wha"53 sai$ P#<<le.
3Tha" &ellow "hin( "ha"2s 8#s" co%e $own "he wa"erfall. Loo,4 There i" is a(ain, i"2s floa"in(.
We %#s" fin$ o#" wha" i" is.3
3-#s" we53 sai$ P#<<le.
3Of co#rse we %#s",3 sai$ Shif". 3I" %a& 'e so%e"hin( #sef#l. >#s" ho) in"o "he Pool li,e a
(oo$ fellow an$ fish i" o#". Then we can ha+e a )ro)er loo, a" i".3
3Ho) in"o "he Pool53 sai$ P#<<le, "wi"chin( his lon( ears.
3Well how are we "o (e" i" if &o# $on2"53 sai$ "he A)e.
3B#" * '#",3 sai$ P#<<le, 3wo#l$n2" i" 'e 'e""er if &o# wen" in5 Beca#se, &o# see, i"2s &o#
who wan"s "o ,now wha" i" is, an$ I $on2" %#ch. An$ &o#2+e (o" han$s, &o# see. Yo#2re as
(oo$ as a -an or a Dwarf when i" co%es "o ca"chin( hol$ of "hin(s. I2+e onl& (o" hoofs.3
3Reall&, P#<<le,3 sai$ Shif", 3I $i$n2" "hin, &o#2$ e+er sa& a "hin( li,e "ha". I $i$n2" "hin, i"
of &o#, reall&.3
3Wh&, wha" ha+e I sai$ wron(53 sai$ "he Ass, s)ea,in( in ra"her a h#%'le +oice, for he saw
"ha" Shif" was +er& $ee)l& offen$e$. 3All I %ean" was *3
3Wan"in( %e "o (o in"o "he wa"er,3 sai$ "he A)e. 3As if &o# $i$n2" ,now )erfec"l& well wha"
wea, ches"s A)es alwa&s ha+e an$ how easil& "he& ca"ch col$4 ;er& well. I will (o in. I2%
feelin( col$ eno#(h alrea$& in "his cr#el win$. B#" I2ll (o in. I shall )ro'a'l& $ie. Then
&o#2ll 'e sorr&.3 An$ Shif"2s +oice so#n$e$ as if he was 8#s" (oin( "o '#rs" in"o "ears.
3Please $on2", )lease $on2", )lease $on2",3 sai$ P#<<le, half 'ra&in(, an$ half "al,in(. 3I
ne+er %ean" an&"hin( of "he sor", Shif", reall& I $i$n2". Yo# ,now how s"#)i$ I a% an$ how
I can2" "hin, of %ore "han one "hin( a" a "i%e. I2$ for(o""en a'o#" &o#r wea, ches". Of
co#rse I2ll (o in. Yo# %#s"n2" "hin, of $oin( i" &o#rself. Pro%ise %e &o# won2", Shif".3
So Shif" )ro%ise$, an$ P#<<le wen" clo))e"&*clo) on his fo#r hoofs ro#n$ "he roc,& e$(e
of "he Pool "o fin$ a )lace where he co#l$ (e" in. =#i"e a)ar" fro% "he col$ i" was no 8o,e
(e""in( in"o "ha" 9#i+erin( an$ foa%in( wa"er, an$ P#<<le ha$ "o s"an$ an$ shi+er for a
whole %in#"e 'efore he %a$e #) his %in$ "o $o i". B#" "hen Shif" calle$ o#" fro% 'ehin$
hi% an$ sai$: 3Perha)s I2$ 'e""er $o i" af"er all, P#<<le.3 An$ when P#<<le hear$ "ha" he
sai$, 3No, no. Yo# )ro%ise$. I2% in now,3 an$ in he wen".
A (rea" %ass of foa% (o" hi% in "he face an$ fille$ his %o#"h wi"h wa"er an$ 'lin$e$ hi%.
Then he wen" #n$er al"o(e"her for a few secon$s, an$ when he ca%e #) a(ain he was in
9#i"e ano"her )ar" of "he Pool. Then "he swirl ca#(h" hi% an$ carrie$ hi% ro#n$ an$ ro#n$
an$ fas"er an$ fas"er "ill i" "oo, hi% ri(h" #n$er "he wa"erfall i"self, an$ "he force of "he
wa"er )l#n(e$ hi% $own, $ee) $own, so "ha" he "ho#(h" he wo#l$ ne+er 'e
a'le "o hol$ his 'rea"h "ill he ca%e #) a(ain. An$ when he ha$ co%e #) an$ when a" las" he
(o" so%ewhere near "he "hin( he was "r&in( "o ca"ch, i" saile$ awa& fro% hi% "ill i" "oo (o"
#n$er "he fall an$ was force$ $own "o "he 'o""o%. When i" ca%e #) a(ain i" was f#r"her
fro% hi% "han e+er. B#" a" las", when he was al%os" "ire$ "o $ea"h, an$ 'r#ise$ all o+er an$
n#%' wi"h col$, he s#ccee$e$ in (ri))in( "he "hin( wi"h his "ee"h. An$ o#" he ca%e
carr&in( i" in fron" of hi% an$ (e""in( his fron" hoofs "an(le$ #) in i", for i" was as 'i( as a
lar(e hear"hr#(, an$ i" was +er& hea+& an$ col$ an$ sli%&.
He fl#n( i" $own in fron" of Shif" an$ s"oo$ $ri))in( an$ shi+erin( an$ "r&in( "o (e" his
'rea"h 'ac,. B#" "he A)e ne+er loo,e$ a" hi% or as,e$ hi% how he fel". The A)e was "oo
'#s& (oin( ro#n$ an$ ro#n$ "he Thin( an$ s)rea$in( i" o#" an$ )a""in( i" an$ s%ellin( i".
Then a wic,e$ (lea% ca%e in"o his e&e an$ he sai$:
3I" is a lion2s s,in.3
3Ee * a#h * a#h * oh, is i"53 (as)e$ P#<<le.
3Now I won$er . . . I won$er . . . I won$er,3 sai$ Shif" "o hi%self, for he was "hin,in( +er&
3I won$er who ,ille$ "he )oor lion,3 sai$ P#<<le )resen"l&. 3I" o#(h" "o 'e '#rie$. We %#s"
ha+e a f#neral.3
3Oh, i" wasn2" a Tal,in( Lion,3 sai$ Shif". 3Yo# nee$n2" 'o"her a'o#" "ha". There are no
Tal,in( Beas"s #) 'e&on$ "he 7alls, #) in "he Wes"ern Wil$. This s,in %#s" ha+e 'elon(e$
"o a $#%', wil$ lion.3
This, '& "he wa&, was "r#e. A H#n"er, a -an, ha$ ,ille$ an$ s,inne$ "his lion so%ewhere
#) in "he Wes"ern Wil$ se+eral %on"hs 'efore. B#" "ha" $oesn2" co%e in"o "his s"or&.
3All "he sa%e, Shif",3 sai$ P#<<le, 3e+en if "he s,in onl& 'elon(e$ "o a $#%', wil$ lion,
o#(h"n2" we "o (i+e i" a $ecen" '#rial5 I %ean, aren2" all lions ra"her * well, ra"her sole%n5
Beca#se of &o# ,now Who. Don2" &o# see53
3Don2" &o# s"ar" (e""in( i$eas in"o &o#r hea$, P#<<le,3 sai$ Shif". 3Beca#se, &o# ,now,
"hin,in( isn2" &o#r s"ron( )oin". We2ll %a,e "his s,in in"o a fine war% win"er coa" for &o#.3
3Oh, I $on2" "hin, I2$ li,e "ha",3 sai$ "he Don,e&. 3I" wo#l$ loo, * I %ean, "he o"her Beas"s
%i(h" "hin, * "ha" is "o sa&, I sho#l$n2" feel *3
3Wha" are &o# "al,in( a'o#"53 sai$ Shif", scra"chin( hi%self "he wron( wa& #) as A)es $o.
3I $on2" "hin, i" wo#l$ 'e res)ec"f#l "o "he 6rea" Lion, "o Aslan hi%self, if an ass li,e %e
wen" a'o#" $resse$ #) in a lion*s,in,3 sai$ P#<<le.
3Now $on2" s"an$ ar(#in(, )lease,3 sai$ Shif". 3Wha" $oes an ass li,e &o# ,now a'o#"
"hin(s of "ha" sor"5 Yo# ,now &o#2re no (oo$ a" "hin,in(, P#<<le, so wh& $on2" &o# le" %e
$o &o#r "hin,in( for &o#5 Wh& $on2" &o# "rea" %e as I "rea" &o#5 I $on2" "hin, I can $o
e+er&"hin(. I ,now &o#2re 'e""er a" so%e "hin(s "han I a%. Tha"2s wh& I le" &o# (o in"o "he
Pool0 I ,new &o#2$ $o i" 'e""er "han %e. B#" wh& can2" I ha+e %& "#rn when i" co%es "o
so%e"hin( I can $o an$ &o# can2"5 A% I ne+er "o 'e allowe$ "o $o an&"hin(5 Do 'e fair.
T#rn an$ "#rn a'o#".3
3Oh, well, of co#rse, if &o# )#" i" "ha" wa&,3 sai$ P#<<le.
3I "ell &o# wha",3 sai$ Shif". 3Yo#2$ 'e""er "a,e a (oo$ 'ris, "ro" $own ri+er as far as
Chi))in(for$ an$ see if "he& ha+e an& oran(es or 'ananas.3
3B#" I2% so "ire$, Shif",3 )lea$e$ P#<<le.
3Yes, '#" &o# are +er& col$ an$ we",3 sai$ "he A)e. 3Yo# wan" so%e"hin( "o war% &o# #).
A 'ris, "ro" wo#l$ 'e 8#s" "he "hin(. Besi$es, i"2s %ar,e" $a& a" Chi))in(for$ "o$a&.3 An$
"hen of co#rse P#<<le sai$ he wo#l$ (o.
As soon as he was alone Shif" wen" sha%'lin( alon(, so%e"i%es on "wo )aws an$
so%e"i%es on fo#r, "ill he reache$ his own "ree. Then he sw#n( hi%self #) fro% 'ranch "o
'ranch, cha""erin( an$ (rinnin( all "he "i%e, an$ wen" in"o his li""le ho#se. He fo#n$ nee$le
an$ "hrea$ an$ a 'i( )air of scissors "here0 for he was a cle+er A)e an$ "he Dwarfs ha$
"a#(h" hi% how "o sew. He )#" "he 'all of "hrea$ .i" was +er& "hic, s"#ff, %ore li,e cor$
"han "hrea$/ in"o his %o#"h so "ha" his chee, '#l(e$ o#" as if he were s#c,in( a 'i( 'i" of
"offee. He hel$ "he nee$le 'e"ween his li)s an$ "oo, "he scissors in his lef" )aw. Then he
ca%e $own "he "ree an$ sha%'le$ across "o "he lion*s,in. He s9#a""e$ $own an$ (o" "o
He saw a" once "ha" "he 'o$& of "he lion*s,in wo#l$ 'e "oo lon( for P#<<le an$ i"s nec, "oo
shor". So he c#" a (oo$ )iece o#" of "he 'o$& an$ #se$ i" "o %a,e a lon( collar for P#<<le2s
lon( nec,. Then he c#" off "he hea$ an$ sewe$ "he collar in 'e"ween "he hea$ an$ "he
sho#l$ers. He )#" "hrea$s on 'o"h si$es of "he s,in so "ha" i" wo#l$ "ie #) #n$er P#<<le2s
ches" an$ s"o%ach. E+er& now an$ "hen a 'ir$ wo#l$ )ass o+erhea$ an$ Shif" wo#l$ s"o)
his wor,, loo,in( an1io#sl& #). He $i$ no" wan" an&one "o see wha" he was $oin(. B#"
none of "he 'ir$s he saw were Tal,in( Bir$s, so i" $i$n2" %a""er.
La"e in "he af"ernoon P#<<le ca%e 'ac,. He was no" "ro""in( '#" onl& )lo$$in( )a"ien"l&
alon(, "he wa& $on,e&s $o.
3There weren2" an& oran(es,3 he sai$, 3an$ "here weren2" an& 'ananas. An$ I2% +er& "ire$.3
He la& $own.
3Co%e an$ "r& on &o#r 'ea#"if#l new lion*s,in coa",3 sai$ Shif".
3Oh 'o"her "ha" ol$ s,in,3 sai$ P#<<le. 3I2ll "r& i" on in "he %ornin(. I2% "oo "ire$ "oni(h".3
3Yo# are #n,in$, P#<<le,3 sai$ Shif". 3If &o#2re "ire$ wha" $o &o# "hin, I a%5 All $a& lon(,
while &o#2+e 'een ha+in( a lo+el& refreshin( wal, $own "he +alle&, I2+e 'een wor,in( har$
"o %a,e &o# a coa". -& )aws are so "ire$ I can har$l& hol$ "hese scissors. An$ &o# won2"
sa& "han, &o# *an$ &o# won2" e+en loo, a" "he coa" *an$ &o# $on2" care * an$* an$*3
3-& $ear Shif",3 sai$ P#<<le (e""in( #) a" once, 3I a% so sorr&. I2+e 'een horri$. Of co#rse
I2$ lo+e "o "r& i" on. An$ i" loo,s si%)l& s)len$i$. Do "r& i" on %e a" once. Please $o.3
3Well, s"an$ s"ill "hen,3 sai$ "he A)e. The s,in was +er& hea+& for hi% "o lif", '#" in "he
en$, wi"h a lo" of )#llin( an$ )#shin( an$ )#ffin( an$ 'lowin(, he (o" i" on "o "he $on,e&.
He "ie$ i" #n$ernea"h P#<<le2s 'o$& an$ he "ie$ "he le(s "o P#<<le2s le(s an$ "he "ail "o
P#<<le2s "ail. A (oo$ $eal of P#<<le2s (re& nose an$ face co#l$ 'e seen "hro#(h "he o)en
%o#"h of "he lion2s hea$. No one who ha$ e+er seen a real lion wo#l$ ha+e 'een "a,en in
for a %o%en". B#" if so%eone who ha$ ne+er seen a lion loo,e$ a" P#<<le in his lion*s,in
he 8#s" %i(h" %is"a,e hi% for a lion, if he $i$n2" co%e "oo close, an$ if "he li(h" was no" "oo
(oo$, an$ if P#<<le $i$n2" le" o#" a 'ra& an$ $i$n2" %a,e an& noise wi"h his hoofs.
3Yo# loo, won$erf#l, won$erf#l,3 sai$ "he A)e. 3If an&one saw &o# now, "he&2$ "hin, &o#
were Aslan, "he 6rea" Lion, hi%self.3
3Tha" wo#l$ 'e $rea$f#l,3 sai$ P#<<le.
3No i" wo#l$n2",3 sai$ Shif". 3E+er&one wo#l$ $o wha"e+er &o# "ol$ "he%.3
3B#" I $on2" wan" "o "ell "he% an&"hin(.3
3B#" &o# "hin, of "he (oo$ we co#l$ $o43 sai$ Shif". 3Yo#2$ ha+e %e "o a$+ise &o#, &o#
,now. I2$ "hin, of sensi'le or$ers for &o# "o (i+e. An$ e+er&one wo#l$ ha+e "o o'e& #s,
e+en "he !in( hi%self. We wo#l$ se" e+er&"hin( ri(h" in Narnia.3
3B#" isn2" e+er&"hin( ri(h" alrea$&53 sai$ P#<<le.
3Wha"43 crie$ Shif". 3E+er&"hin( ri(h"5*when "here are no oran(es or 'ananas53
3Well, &o# ,now,3 sai$ P#<<le, 3"here aren2" %an& )eo)le * in fac", I $on2" "hin, "here2s
an&one '#" &o#rself who wan"s "hose sor" of "hin(s.3
3There2s s#(ar "oo,3 sai$ Shif".
3H2% &es,3 sai$ "he Ass. 3I" wo#l$ 'e nice if "here was %ore s#(ar.3
3Well "hen, "ha"2s se""le$,3 sai$ "he A)e. 3Yo# will )re"en$ "o 'e Aslan, an$ I2ll "ell &o#
wha" "o sa&.3
3No, no, no,3 sai$ P#<<le. 3Don2" sa& s#ch $rea$f#l "hin(s. I" wo#l$ 'e wron(, Shif". I
%a&'e no" +er& cle+er '#" I ,now "ha" %#ch. Wha" wo#l$ 'eco%e of #s if "he real Aslan
"#rne$ #)53
3I e1)ec" he2$ 'e +er& )lease$,3 sai$ Shif". 3Pro'a'l& he sen" #s "he lion*s,in on )#r)ose, so
"ha" we co#l$ se" "hin(s "o ri(h". An&wa&, he ne+er $oes "#rn #), &o# ,now. No"
A" "ha" %o%en" "here ca%e a (rea" "h#n$ercla) ri(h" o+erhea$ an$ "he (ro#n$ "re%'le$
wi"h a s%all ear"h9#a,e. Bo"h "he ani%als los" "heir 'alance an$ were fl#n( on "heir faces.
3There43 (as)e$ P#<<le, as soon as he ha$ 'rea"h "o s)ea,. 3I"2s a si(n, a warnin(. I ,new
we were $oin( so%e"hin( $rea$f#ll& wic,e$. Ta,e "his wre"che$ s,in off %e a" once.3
3No, no,3 sai$ "he A)e .whose %in$ wor,e$ +er& 9#ic,l&/. 3I"2s a si(n "he o"her wa&. I was
8#s" (oin( "o sa& "ha" if "he real Aslan, as &o# call hi%, %ean" #s "o (o on wi"h "his, he
wo#l$ sen$ #s a "h#n$ercla) an$ an ear"h*"re%or. I" was 8#s" on "he "i) of %& "on(#e, onl&
"he si(n i"self ca%e 'efore I co#l$ (e" "he wor$s o#". Yo#2+e (o" "o $o i" now, P#<<le. An$
)lease $on2" le" #s ha+e an& %ore ar(#in(. Yo# ,now &o# $on2" #n$ers"an$ "hese "hin(s.
Wha" co#l$ a $on,e& ,now a'o#" si(ns53
A'o#" "hree wee,s la"er "he las" of "he !in(s of Narnia sa" #n$er "he (rea" oa, which (rew
'esi$e "he $oor of his li""le h#n"in( lo$(e, where he of"en s"a&e$ for "en $a&s or so in "he
)leasan" s)rin( wea"her. I" was a low, "ha"che$ '#il$in( no" far fro% "he Eas"ern en$ of
Lan"ern Was"e an$ so%e wa& a'o+e "he %ee"in( of "he "wo ri+ers. He lo+e$ "o li+e "here
si%)l& an$ a" ease, awa& fro% "he s"a"e an$ )o%) of Cair Para+el, "he ro&al ci"&. His na%e
was !in( Tirian, an$ he was 'e"ween "wen"& an$ "wen"&*fi+e &ears ol$0 his sho#l$ers were
alrea$& 'roa$ an$ s"ron( an$ his li%'s f#ll of har$ %#scle, '#" his 'ear$ was s"ill scan"&.
He ha$ 'l#e e&es an$ a fearless, hones" face.
There was no one wi"h hi% "ha" s)rin( %ornin( e1ce)" his $eares" frien$, >ewel "he
nicorn. The& lo+e$ each o"her li,e 'ro"hers an$ each ha$ sa+e$ "he o"her2s life in "he wars.
The lor$l& 'eas" s"oo$ close 'esi$e "he !in(2s chair, wi"h i"s nec, 'en" ro#n$ )olishin( i"s
'l#e horn a(ains" "he crea%& whi"eness of i"s flan,.
3I canno" se" %&self "o an& wor, or s)or" "o$a&, >ewel,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3I can "hin, of
no"hin( '#" "his won$erf#l news. Thin, &o# we shall hear an& %ore of i" "o$a&53
3The& are "he %os" won$erf#l "i$in(s e+er hear$ in o#r $a&s or o#r fa"hers2 or o#r
(ran$fa"hers2 $a&s, Sire,3 sai$ >ewel, 3if "he& are "r#e.3
3How can "he& choose '#" 'e "r#e53 sai$ "he !in(. 3I" is %ore "han a wee, a(o "ha" "he firs"
'ir$s ca%e fl&in( o+er #s sa&in(, Aslan is here, Aslan has co%e "o Narnia a(ain. An$ af"er
"ha" i" was "he s9#irrels. The& ha$ no" seen hi%, '#" "he& sai$ i" was cer"ain he was in "he
woo$s. Then ca%e "he S"a(. He sai$ he ha$ seen hi% wi"h his own e&es, a (rea" wa& off, '&
%oonli(h", in Lan"ern Was"e. Then ca%e "ha" $ar, -an wi"h "he 'ear$, "he %erchan" fro%
Calor%en. The Calor%enes care no"hin( for Aslan as we $o0 '#" "he %an s)o,e of i" as a
"hin( 'e&on$ $o#'". An$ "here was "he Ba$(er las" ni(h"0 he "oo ha$ seen Aslan.3
3In$ee$, Sire,3 answere$ >ewel, 3I 'elie+e i" all. If I see% no" "o, i" is onl& "ha" %& 8o& is "oo
(rea" "o le" %& 'elief se""le i"self. I" is al%os" "oo 'ea#"if#l "o 'elie+e.3
3Yes,3 sai$ "he !in( wi"h a (rea" si(h, al%os" a shi+er, of $eli(h". 3I" is 'e&on$ all "ha" I
e+er ho)e$ for in all %& life.3
3Lis"en43 sai$ >ewel, )#""in( his hea$ on one si$e an$ coc,in( his ears forwar$.
3Wha" is i"53 as,e$ "he !in(.
3Hoofs, Sire,3 sai$ >ewel. 3A (allo)in( horse. A +er& hea+& horse. I" %#s" 'e one of "he
Cen"a#rs. An$ loo,, "here he is.3
A (rea", (ol$en 'ear$e$ Cen"a#r, wi"h %an2s swea" on his forehea$ an$ horse2s swea" on his
ches"n#" flan,s, $ashe$ #) "o "he !in(, s"o))e$, an$ 'owe$ low. 3Hail, !in(,3 i" crie$ in a
+oice as $ee) as a '#ll2s.
3Ho, "here43 sai$ "he !in(, loo,in( o+er his sho#l$er "owar$s "he $oor of "he h#n"in( lo$(e.
3A 'owl of wine for "he no'le Cen"a#r. Welco%e, Roonwi". When &o# ha+e fo#n$ &o#r
'rea"h &o# shall "ell #s &o#r erran$.3
A )a(e ca%e o#" of "he ho#se carr&in( a (rea" woo$en 'owl, c#rio#sl& car+e$, an$ han$e$
i" "o "he Cen"a#r. The Cen"a#r raise$ "he 'owl an$ sai$,
3I $rin, firs" "o Aslan an$ "r#"h, Sire, an$ secon$l& "o &o#r -a8es"&.3
He finishe$ "he wine .eno#(h for si1 s"ron( %en/ a" one $ra#(h" an$ han$e$ "he e%)"&
'owl 'ac, "o "he )a(e.
3Now, Roonwi",3 sai$ "he !in(. 3Do &o# 'rin( #s %ore news of Aslan53
Roonwi" loo,e$ +er& (ra+e, frownin( a li""le.
3Sire,3 he sai$. 3Yo# ,now how lon( I ha+e li+e$ an$ s"#$ie$ "he s"ars0 for we Cen"a#rs
li+e lon(er "han &o# -en, an$ e+en lon(er "han &o#r ,in$, nicorn. Ne+er in all %& $a&s
ha+e I seen s#ch "erri'le "hin(s wri""en in "he s,ies as "here ha+e 'een ni(h"l& since "his
&ear 'e(an. The s"ars sa& no"hin( of "he co%in( of Aslan, nor of )eace, nor of 8o&. I ,now
'& %& ar" "ha" "here ha+e no" 'een s#ch $isas"ro#s con8#nc"ions of "he )lane"s for fi+e
h#n$re$ &ears. I" was alrea$& in %& %in$ "o co%e an$ warn &o#r -a8es"& "ha" so%e (rea"
e+il han(s o+er Narnia. B#" las" ni(h" "he r#%o#r reache$ %e "ha" Aslan is a'roa$ in
Narnia. Sire, $o no" 'elie+e "his "ale. I" canno" 'e. The s"ars ne+er lie, '#" -en an$ Beas"s
$o. If Aslan were reall& co%in( "o Narnia "he s,& wo#l$ ha+e fore"ol$ i". If he were reall&
co%e, all "he %os" (racio#s s"ars wo#l$ 'e asse%'le$ in his hono#r. I" is all a lie.3
3A lie43 sai$ "he !in( fiercel&. 3Wha" crea"#re in Narnia or all "he worl$ wo#l$ $are "o lie
on s#ch a %a""er53 An$, wi"ho#" ,nowin( i", he lai$ his han$ on his swor$ hil".
3Tha" I ,now no", Lor$ !in(,3 sai$ "he Cen"a#r. 3B#" I ,now "here are liars on ear"h0 "here
are none a%on( "he s"ars.3
3I won$er,3 sai$ >ewel, 3whe"her Aslan %i(h" no" co%e "ho#(h all "he s"ars fore"ol$
o"herwise. He is no" "he sla+e of "he s"ars '#" "heir -a,er. Is i" no" sai$ in all "he ol$ s"ories
"ha" He is no" a "a%e lion.3
3Well sai$, well sai$, >ewel,3 crie$ "he !in(. 3Those are "he +er& wor$s: no" a "a%e lion. I"
co%es in %an& "ales.3
Roonwi" ha$ 8#s" raise$ his han$ an$ was leanin( forwar$ "o sa& so%e"hin( +er& earnes"l&
"o "he !in( when all "hree of "he% "#rne$ "heir hea$s "o lis"en "o a wailin( so#n$ "ha" was
9#ic,l& $rawin( nearer. The woo$ was so "hic, "o "he Wes" of "he% "ha" "he& co#l$ no" see
"he newco%er &e". B#" "he& co#l$ soon hear "he wor$s.
3Woe, woe, woe43 calle$ "he +oice. 3Woe for %& 'ro"hers an$ sis"ers4 Woe for "he hol&
"rees4 The woo$s are lai$ was"e. The a1e is loose$ a(ains" #s. We are 'ein( felle$. 6rea"
"rees are fallin(, fallin(, fallin(.3
Wi"h "he las" 3fallin(3 "he s)ea,er ca%e in si(h". She was li,e a wo%an '#" so "all "ha" her
hea$ was on a le+el wi"h "he Cen"a#r2s &e" she was li,e a "ree "oo. I" is har$ "o e1)lain if &o#
ha+e ne+er seen a Dr&a$ '#" 9#i"e #n%is"a,a'le once &o# ha+e * so%e"hin( $ifferen" in "he
colo#r, "he +oice, an$ "he hair. !in( Tirian an$ "he "wo Beas"s ,new a" once "ha" she was
"he n&%)h of a 'eech "ree.
3>#s"ice, Lor$ !in(43 she crie$. 3Co%e "o o#r ai$. Pro"ec" &o#r )eo)le. The& are fellin( #s
in Lan"ern Was"e.
7or"& (rea" "r#n,s of %& 'ro"hers an$ sis"ers are alrea$& on "he (ro#n$.3
3Wha", La$&4 7ellin( Lan"ern Was"e5 -#r$erin( "he "al,in( "rees53 crie$ "he !in(, lea)in(
"o his fee" an$ $rawin( his swor$. 3How $are "he&5 An$ who $ares i"5 Now '& "he -ane of
3A*a*a*h,3 (as)e$ "he Dr&a$ sh#$$erin( as if in )ain * sh#$$erin( "i%e af"er "i%e as if
#n$er re)ea"e$ 'lows. Then all a" once she fell si$ewa&s as s#$$enl& as if 'o"h her fee" ha$
'een c#" fro% #n$er her. 7or a secon$ "he& saw her l&in( $ea$ on "he (rass an$ "hen she
+anishe$. The& ,new wha" ha$ ha))ene$. Her "ree, %iles awa&, ha$ 'een c#" $own.
7or a %o%en" "he !in(2s (rief an$ an(er were so (rea" "ha" he co#l$ no" s)ea,. Then he
3Co%e, frien$s. We %#s" (o #) ri+er an$ fin$ "he +illains who ha+e $one "his, wi"h all "he
s)ee$ we %a&. I will lea+e no" one of "he% ali+e.3
3Sire, wi"h a (oo$ will,3 sai$ >ewel.
B#" Roonwi" sai$, 3Sire, 'e war& in &o#r 8#s" wra"h. There are s"ran(e $oin(s on foo". If
"here sho#l$ 'e re'els in ar%s f#r"her #) "he +alle&, we "hree are "oo few "o %ee" "he%. If i"
wo#l$ )lease &o# "o wai" while *3
3I will no" wai" "he "en"h )ar" of a secon$,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3B#" while >ewel an$ I (o
forwar$, $o &o# (allo) as har$ as &o# %a& "o Cair Para+el. Here is %& rin( for &o#r "o,en.
6e" %e a score of %en*a"*ar%s, all well %o#n"e$, an$ a score of Tal,in( Do(s, an$ "en
Dwarfs .le" "he% all 'e fell archers/, an$ a Leo)ar$ or so, an$ S"onefoo" "he 6ian". Brin( all
"hese af"er #s as 9#ic,l& as %a& 'e.3
3Wi"h a (oo$ will, Sire,3 sai$ Roonwi". An$ a" once he "#rne$ an$ (allo)e$ Eas"war$ $own
"he +alle&.
The !in( s"ro$e on a" a (rea" )ace, so%e"i%es %#""erin( "o hi%self an$ so%e"i%es
clenchin( his fis"s. >ewel wal,e$ 'esi$e hi%, sa&in( no"hin(0 so "here was no so#n$
'e"ween "he% '#" "he fain" 8in(le of a rich (ol$ chain "ha" h#n( ro#n$ "he nicorn2s nec,
an$ "he noise of "wo fee" an$ fo#r hoofs.
The& soon reache$ "he Ri+er an$ "#rne$ #) i" where "here was a (rass& roa$: "he& ha$ "he
wa"er on "heir lef" an$ "he fores" on "heir ri(h". Soon af"er "ha" "he& ca%e "o "he )lace where
"he (ro#n$ (rew ro#(her an$ "hic, woo$ ca%e $own "o "he wa"er2s e$(e. The roa$, wha"
"here was of i", now ran on "he So#"hern 'an, an$ "he& ha$ "o for$ "he Ri+er "o reach i". I"
was #) "o Tirian2s ar%*)i"s, '#" >ewel .who ha$ fo#r le(s an$ was "herefore s"ea$ier/ ,e)"
on his ri(h" so as "o 'rea, "he force of "he c#rren", an$ Tirian )#" his s"ron( ar% ro#n$ "he
nicorn2s s"ron( nec, an$ "he& 'o"h (o" safel& o+er. The !in( was s"ill so an(r& "ha" he
har$l& no"ice$ "he col$ of "he wa"er. B#" of co#rse he $rie$ his swor$ +er& caref#ll& on "he
sho#l$er of his cloa,, which was "he onl& $r& )ar" of hi%, as soon as "he& ca%e "o shore.
The& were now (oin( Wes"war$ wi"h "he Ri+er on "heir ri(h" an$ Lan"ern Was"e s"rai(h"
ahea$ of "he%. The& ha$ no" (one %ore "han a %ile when "he& 'o"h s"o))e$ an$ 'o"h s)o,e
a" "he sa%e %o%en". The !in( sai$ 3Wha" ha+e we here53 an$ >ewel sai$ 3Loo,43
3I" is a raf",3 sai$ !in( Tirian.
An$ so i" was. Half a $o<en s)len$i$ "ree*"r#n,s, all newl& c#" an$ newl& lo))e$ of "heir
'ranches, ha$ 'een lashe$ "o(e"her "o %a,e a raf", an$ were (li$in( swif"l& $own "he ri+er.
On "he fron" of "he raf" "here was a wa"er ra" wi"h a )ole "o s"eer i".
3He&4 Wa"er*Ra"4 Wha" are &o# a'o#"53 crie$ "he !in(.
3Ta,in( lo(s $own "o sell "o "he Calor%enes, Sire,3 sai$ "he Ra", "o#chin( his ear as he
%i(h" ha+e "o#che$ his ca) if he ha$ ha$ one.
3Calor%enes43 "h#n$ere$ Tirian. 3Wha" $o &o# %ean5 Who (a+e or$er for "hese "rees "o 'e
The Ri+er flows so swif"l& a" "ha" "i%e of "he &ear "ha" "he raf" ha$ alrea$& (li$e$ )as" "he
!in( an$ >ewel. B#" "he Wa"er*Ra" loo,e$ 'ac, o+er i"s sho#l$er an$ sho#"e$ o#":
3The Lion2s or$ers, Sire. Aslan hi%self.3 He a$$e$ so%e"hin( %ore '#" "he& co#l$n2" hear
The !in( an$ "he nicorn s"are$ a" one ano"her an$ 'o"h loo,e$ %ore fri(h"ene$ "han "he&
ha$ e+er 'een in an& 'a""le.
3Aslan,3 sai$ "he !in( a" las", in a +er& low +oice. 3Aslan. Co#l$ i" 'e "r#e5 Co#l$ he 'e
fellin( "he hol& "rees an$ %#r$erin( "he Dr&a$s53
3nless "he Dr&a$s ha+e all $one so%e"hin( $rea$f#ll& wron(*3 %#r%#re$ >ewel.
3B#" sellin( "he% "o Calor%enes43 sai$ "he !in(. 3Is i" )ossi'le53
3I $on2" ,now,3 sai$ >ewel %isera'l&. 3He2s no" a "a%e lion.3
3Well,3 sai$ "he !in( a" las", 3we %#s" (o on an$ "a,e "he a$+en"#re "ha" co%es "o #s.3
3I" is "he onl& "hin( lef" for #s "o $o, Sire,3 sai$ "he nicorn. He $i$ no" see a" "he %o%en"
how foolish i" was for "wo of "he% "o (o on alone0 nor $i$ "he !in(. The& were "oo an(r& "o
"hin, clearl&. B#" %#ch e+il ca%e of "heir rashness in "he en$.
S#$$enl& "he !in( leane$ har$ on his frien$2s nec, an$ 'owe$ his hea$.
3>ewel,3 he sai$, 3wha" lies 'efore #s5 Horri'le "ho#(h"s arise in %& hear". If we ha$ $ie$
'efore "o$a& we sho#l$ ha+e 'een ha))&.3
3Yes,3 sai$ >ewel. 3We ha+e li+e$ "oo lon(. The wors" "hin( in "he worl$ has co%e #)on
#s.3 The& s"oo$ li,e "ha" for a %in#"e or "wo an$ "hen wen" on.
Before lon( "he& co#l$ hear "he hac,*hac,*hac, of a1es fallin( on "i%'er, "ho#(h "he&
co#l$ see no"hin( &e" 'eca#se "here was a rise of "he (ro#n$ in fron" of "he%. When "he&
ha$ reache$ "he "o) of i" "he& co#l$ see ri(h" in"o Lan"ern Was"e i"self. An$ "he !in(2s face
"#rne$ whi"e when he saw i".
Ri(h" "hro#(h "he %i$$le of "ha" ancien" fores" * "ha" fores" where "he "rees of (ol$ an$ of
sil+er ha$ once (rown an$ where a chil$ fro% o#r worl$ ha$ once )lan"e$ "he Tree of
Pro"ec"ion * a 'roa$ lane ha$ alrea$& 'een o)ene$. I" was a hi$eo#s lane li,e a raw (ash in
"he lan$, f#ll of %#$$& r#"s where felle$ "rees ha$ 'een $ra((e$ $own "o "he ri+er. There
was a (rea" crow$ of )eo)le a" wor,, an$ a crac,in( of whi)s, an$ horses "#((in( an$
s"rainin( as "he& $ra((e$ a" "he lo(s. The firs" "hin( "ha" s"r#c, "he !in( an$ "he nicorn
was "ha" a'o#" half "he )eo)le in "he crow$ were no" Tal,in( Beas"s '#" -en. The ne1"
"hin( was "ha" "hese %en were no" "he fair*haire$ %en of Narnia: "he& were $ar,, 'ear$e$
%en fro% Calor%en, "ha" (rea" an$ cr#el co#n"r& "ha" lies 'e&on$ Archenlan$ across "he
$eser" "o "he so#"h. There was no reason, of co#rse, wh& one sho#l$ no" %ee" a Calor%ene
or "wo in Narnia * a %erchan" or an a%'assa$or * for "here was )eace 'e"ween Narnia an$
Calor%en in "hose $a&s. B#" Tirian co#l$ no" #n$ers"an$ wh& "here were so %an& of "he%:
nor wh& "he& were c#""in( $own a Narnian fores". He (ras)e$ his swor$ "i(h"er an$ rolle$
his cloa, ro#n$ his lef" ar%. The& ca%e 9#ic,l& $own a%on( "he %en.
Two Calor%enes were $ri+in( a horse which was harnesse$ "o a lo(. >#s" as "he !in(
reache$ "he% "he lo( ha$ (o" s"#c, in a 'a$ %#$$& )lace.
36e" on, son of slo"h4 P#ll, &o# la<& )i(43 crie$ "he Calor%enes, crac,in( "heir whi)s. The
horse was alrea$& s"rainin( hi%self as har$ as he co#l$0 his e&es were re$ an$ he was
co+ere$ wi"h foa%.
3Wor,, la<& 'r#"e,3 sho#"e$ one of "he Calor%enes: an$ as he s)o,e he s"r#c, "he horse
sa+a(el& wi"h his whi). I" was "hen "ha" "he reall& $rea$f#l "hin( ha))ene$.
) "ill now Tirian ha$ "a,en i" for (ran"e$ "ha" "he horses which "he Calor%enes were
$ri+in( were "heir own horses0 $#%', wi"less ani%als li,e "he horses of o#r own worl$.
An$ "ho#(h he ha"e$ "o see e+en a $#%' horse o+er$ri+en, he was of co#rse "hin,in( %ore
a'o#" "he %#r$er of "he Trees. I" ha$ ne+er crosse$ his %in$ "ha" an&one wo#l$ $are "o
harness one of "he free Tal,in( Horses of Narnia, %#ch less "o #se a whi) on i". B#" as "ha"
sa+a(e 'low fell "he horse reare$ #) an$ sai$, half screa%in(:
37ool an$ "&ran"4 Do &o# no" see I a% $oin( all I can53
When Tirian ,new "ha" "he Horse was one of his own Narnians, "here ca%e o+er hi% an$
o+er >ewel s#ch a ra(e "ha" "he& $i$ no" ,now wha" "he& were $oin(. The !in(2s swor$
wen" #), "he nicorn2s horn wen" $own. The& r#she$ forwar$ "o(e"her. Ne1" %o%en" 'o"h
"he Calor%enes la& $ea$, "he one 'ehea$e$ '& Tirian2s swor$ an$ "he o"her (ore$ "hro#(h
"he hear" '& >ewel2s horn.
3-ASTER Horse, -as"er Horse,3 sai$ Tirian as he has"il& c#" i"s "races, 3how ca%e "hese
aliens "o ensla+e &o#5 Is Narnia con9#ere$5 Has "here 'een a 'a""le53
3No, Sire,3 )an"e$ "he horse, 3Aslan is here. I" is all '& his or$ers. He has co%%an$e$ *3
32Ware $an(er, !in(,3 sai$ >ewel. Tirian loo,e$ #) an$ saw "ha" Calor%enes .%i1e$ wi"h a
few Tal,in( Beas"s/ were 'e(innin( "o r#n "owar$s "he% fro% e+er& $irec"ion. The "wo
$ea$ %en ha$ $ie$ wi"ho#" a cr& an$ so i" ha$ "a,en a %o%en" 'efore "he res" of "he crow$
,new wha" ha$ ha))ene$. B#" now "he& $i$. -os" of "he% ha$ na,e$ sci%i"ars in "heir
3=#ic,. On %& 'ac,,3 sai$ >ewel.
The !in( fl#n( hi%self as"ri$e of his ol$ frien$ who "#rne$ an$ (allo)e$ awa&. He chan(e$
$irec"ion "wice or "hrice as soon as "he& were o#" of si(h" of "heir ene%ies, crosse$ a
s"rea%, an$ sho#"e$ wi"ho#" slac,enin( his )ace, 3Whi"her awa&, Sire5 To Cair Para+el53
3Hol$ har$, frien$,3 sai$ Tirian. 3Le" %e off.3 He sli$ off "he nicorn2s 'ac, an$ face$ hi%.
3>ewel,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3We ha+e $one a $rea$f#l $ee$.3
3We were sorel& )ro+o,e$,3 sai$ >ewel.
3B#" "o lea) on "he% #nawares * wi"ho#" $ef&in( "he% while "he& were #nar%e$ * fa#(h4
We are "wo %#r$erers, >ewel. I a% $ishono#re$ fore+er.3
>ewel $roo)e$ his hea$. He "oo was asha%e$.
3An$ "hen,3 sai$ "he !in(, 3"he Horse sai$ i" was '& Aslan2s or$ers. The Ra" sai$ "he sa%e.
The& all sa& Aslan is here. How if i" were "r#e53
3B#", Sire, how co#l$ Aslan 'e co%%an$in( s#ch $rea$f#l "hin(s53
3He is no" a "a%e lion,3 sai$ Tirian. 3How sho#l$ we ,now wha" he wo#l$ $o5 We, who are
%#r$erers. >ewel, I will (o 'ac,. I will (i+e #) %& swor$ an$ )#" %&self in "he han$s of
"hese Calor%enes an$ as, "ha" "he& 'rin( %e 'efore Aslan. Le" hi% $o 8#s"ice on %e.3
3Yo# will (o "o &o#r $ea"h, "hen,3 sai$ >ewel.
3Do &o# "hin, I care if Aslan $oo%s %e "o $ea"h53 sai$ "he !in(. 3Tha" wo#l$ 'e no"hin(,
no"hin( a" all. Wo#l$ i" no" 'e 'e""er "o 'e $ea$ "han "o ha+e "his horri'le fear "ha" Aslan
has co%e an$ is no" li,e "he Aslan we ha+e 'elie+e$ in an$ lon(e$ for5 I" is as if "he s#n
rose one $a& an$ were a 'lac, s#n.3
3I ,now,3 sai$ >ewel. 3Or as if &o# $ran, wa"er an$ i" were $r& wa"er. Yo# are in "he ri(h",
Sire. This is "he en$ of all "hin(s. Le" #s (o an$ (i+e o#rsel+es #).3
3There is no nee$ for 'o"h of #s "o (o.3
3If e+er we lo+e$ one ano"her, le" %e (o wi"h &o# now,3 sai$ "he nicorn. 3If &o# are $ea$
an$ if Aslan is no" Aslan, wha" life is lef" for %e53
The& "#rne$ an$ wal,e$ 'ac, "o(e"her, she$$in( 'i""er "ears.
As soon as "he& ca%e "o "he )lace where "he wor, was (oin( on "he Calor%enes raise$ a
cr& an$ ca%e "owar$s "he% wi"h "heir wea)ons in han$. B#" "he !in( hel$ o#" his swor$
wi"h "he hil" "owar$s "he% an$ sai$:
3I who was !in( of Narnia an$ a% now a $ishono#re$ ,ni(h" (i+e %&self #) "o "he 8#s"ice
of Aslan. Brin( %e 'efore hi%.3
3An$ I (i+e %&self #) "oo,3 sai$ >ewel.
Then "he $ar, %en ca%e ro#n$ "he% in a "hic, crow$, s%ellin( of (arlic an$ onions, "heir
whi"e e&es flashin( $rea$f#ll& in "heir 'rown faces. The& )#" a ro)e hal"er ro#n$ >ewel2s
nec,. The& "oo, "he !in(2s swor$ awa& an$ "ie$ his han$s 'ehin$ his 'ac,. One of "he
Calor%enes, who ha$ a hel%e" ins"ea$ of a "#r'an an$ see%e$ "o 'e in co%%an$, sna"che$
"he (ol$ circle" off Tirian2s hea$ an$ has"il& )#" i" awa& so%ewhere a%on( his clo"hes.
The& le$ "he "wo )risoners #)hill "o a )lace where "here was a 'i( clearin(. An$ "his was
wha" "he )risoners saw. A" "he cen"re of "he clearin(, which was also "he hi(hes" )oin" of
"he hill, "here was a li""le h#" li,e a s"a'le, wi"h a "ha"che$ roof. I"s $oor was sh#". On "he
(rass in fron" of "he $oor "here sa" an A)e. Tirian an$ >ewel, who ha$ 'een e1)ec"in( "o see
Aslan an$ ha$ hear$ no"hin( a'o#" an A)e &e", were +er& 'ewil$ere$ when "he& saw i". The
A)e was of co#rse Shif" hi%self, '#" he loo,e$ "en "i%es #(lier "han when he li+e$ '&
Cal$ron Pool, for he was now $ress* e$ #). He was wearin( a scarle" 8ac,e" which $i$ no"
fi" hi% +er& well, ha+in( 'een %a$e for a $warf.
He ha$ >ewelle$ sli))ers on his hin$ )aws which wo#l$ no" s"a& on )ro)erl& 'eca#se, as
&o# ,now, "he hin$ )aws of an A)e are reall& li,e han$s. He wore wha" see%e$ "o 'e a
)a)er crown on his hea$. There was a (rea" )ile of n#"s 'esi$e hi% an$ he ,e)" crac,in(
n#"s wi"h his 8aws an$ s)i""in( o#" "he shells. An$ he also ,e)" on )#llin( #) "he scarle"
8ac,e" "o scra"ch hi%self. A (rea" n#%'er of Tal,in( Beas"s s"oo$ facin( hi%, an$ nearl&
e+er& face in "ha" crow$ loo,e$ %isera'l& worrie$ an$ 'ewil$ere$. When "he& saw who "he
)risoners were "he& all (roane$ an$ whi%)ere$.
3O Lor$ Shif", %o#"h)iece of Aslan,3 sai$ "he chief Calor%ene. 3We 'rin( &o# )risoners.
B& o#r s,ill an$ co#ra(e an$ '& "he )er%ission of "he (rea" (o$ Tash we ha+e "a,en ali+e
"hese "wo $es)era"e %#r$erers.3
36i+e %e "ha" %an2s swor$,3 sai$ "he A)e. So "he& "oo, "he !in(2s swor$ an$ han$e$ i",
wi"h "he swor$*'el" an$ all, "o "he %on,e&. An$ he h#n( i" ro#n$ his own nec,: an$ i" %a$e
hi% loo, sillier "han e+er.
3We2ll see a'o#" "hose "wo la"er,3 sai$ "he A)e, s)i""in( o#" a shell in "he $irec"ion of "he
"wo )risoners. 3I (o" so%e o"her '#siness firs". The& can wai". Now lis"en "o %e, e+er&one.
The firs" "hin( I wan" "o sa& is a'o#" n#"s. Where2s "ha" Hea$ S9#irrel (o" "o53
3Here, Sir,3 sai$ a re$ s9#irrel, co%in( forwar$ an$ %a,in( a ner+o#s li""le 'ow.
3Oh &o# are, are &o#53 sai$ "he A)e wi"h a nas"& loo,. 3Now a""en$ "o %e. I wan" * I %ean,
Aslan wan"s * so%e %ore n#"s. These &o#2+e 'ro#(h" aren2" an&"hin( li,e eno#(h. Yo# %#s"
'rin( so%e %ore, $o &o# hear5 Twice as %an&. An$ "he&2+e (o" "o 'e here '& s#nse"
"o%orrow, an$ "here %#s"n2" 'e an& 'a$ ones or an& s%all ones a%on( "he%.3
A %#r%#r of $is%a& ran "hro#(h "he o"her s9#irrels, an$ "he Hea$ S9#irrel )l#c,e$ #)
co#ra(e "o sa&:
3Please, wo#l$ Aslan hi%self s)ea, "o #s a'o#" i"5 If we %i(h" 'e allowe$ "o see hi% *3
3Well &o# won2",3 sai$ "he A)e. 3He %a& 'e +er& ,in$ ."ho#(h i"2s a lo" %ore "han %os" of
&o# $eser+e/ an$ co%e o#" for a few %in#"es "oni(h". Then &o# can all ha+e a loo, a" hi%.
B#" he will no" ha+e &o# all crow$in( ro#n$ hi% an$ )es"erin( hi% wi"h 9#es"ions.
An&"hin( &o# wan" "o sa& "o hi% will 'e )asse$ on "hro#(h %e: if I "hin, i"2s wor"h
'o"herin( hi% a'o#". In "he %ean"i%e all &o# s9#irrels ha$ 'e""er (o an$ see a'o#" "he n#"s.
An$ %a,e s#re "he& are here '& "o%orrow e+enin( or, %& wor$4 &o#2ll ca"ch i".3
The )oor s9#irrels all sca%)ere$ awa& as if a $o( were af"er "he%. This new or$er was
"erri'le news for "he%. The n#"s "he& ha$ caref#ll& hoar$e$ for "he win"er ha$ nearl& all
'een ea"en '& now0 an$ of "he few "ha" were lef" "he& ha$ alrea$& (i+en "he A)e far %ore
"han "he& co#l$ s)are.
Then a $ee) +oice * i" 'elon(e$ "o a (rea" "#s,e$ an$ sha((& Boar * s)o,e fro% ano"her )ar"
of "he crow$.
3B#" wh& can2" we see Aslan )ro)erl& an$ "al, "o hi%53 i" sai$. 3When he #se$ "o a))ear in
Narnia in "he ol$ $a&s e+er&one co#l$ "al, "o hi% face "o face.3
3Don2" &o# 'elie+e i",3 sai$ "he A)e. 3An$ e+en if i" was "r#e, "i%es ha+e chan(e$. Aslan
sa&s he2s 'een far "oo sof" wi"h &o# 'efore, $o &o# see5 Well, he isn2" (oin( "o 'e sof" an&
%ore. He2s (oin( "o lic, &o# in"o sha)e "his "i%e. He2ll "each &o# "o "hin, he2s a "a%e lion43
A low %oanin( an$ whi%)erin( was hear$ a%on( "he Beas"s0 an$, af"er "ha", a $ea$ silence
which was %ore %isera'le s"ill.
3An$ now "here2s ano"her "hin( &o# (o" "o learn,3 sai$ "he A)e. 3I hear so%e of &o# are
sa&in( I2% an A)e. Well, I2% no". I2% a -an. If I loo, li,e an A)e, "ha"2s 'eca#se I2% so
+er& ol$: h#n$re$s an$ h#n$re$s of &ears ol$. An$ i"2s 'eca#se I2% so ol$ "ha" I2% so wise.
An$ i"2s 'eca#se I2% so wise "ha" I2% "he onl& one Aslan is e+er (oin( "o s)ea, "o. He can2"
'e 'o"here$ "al,in( "o a lo" of s"#)i$ ani%als. He2ll "ell %e wha" &o#2+e (o" "o $o, an$ I2ll
"ell "he res" of &o#. An$ "a,e %& a$+ice, an$ see &o# $o i" in $o#'le 9#ic, "i%e, for he
$oesn2" %ean "o s"an$ an& nonsense.3
There was a $ea$ silence e1ce)" for "he noise of a +er& &o#n( 'a$(er cr&in( an$ i"s %o"her
"r&in( "o %a,e i" ,ee) 9#ie".
3An$ now here2s ano"her "hin(,3 "he A)e wen" on, fi""in( a fresh n#" in"o i"s chee,, 3I hear
so%e of "he horses are sa&in(, Le"2s h#rr& #) an$ (e" "his 8o' of car"in( "i%'er o+er as
9#ic,l& as we can, an$ "hen we2ll 'e free a(ain. Well, &o# can (e" "ha" i$ea o#" of &o#r
hea$s a" once. An$ no" onl& "he Horses ei"her. E+er&'o$& who can wor, is (oin( "o 'e
%a$e "o wor, in f#"#re. Aslan has i" all se""le$ wi"h "he !in( of Calor%en * The Tisroc, as
o#r $ar, face$ frien$s "he Calor%enes call hi%. All &o# Horses an$ B#lls an$ Don,e&s are
"o 'e sen" $own in"o Calor%en "o wor, for &o#r li+in( * )#llin( an$ carr&in( "he wa&
horses an$ s#ch*li,e $o in o"her co#n"ries. An$ all &o# $i((in( ani%als li,e -oles an$
Ra''i"s an$ Dwarfs are (oin( $own "o wor, in The Tisroc2s %ines. An$ *3
3No, no, no,3 howle$ "he Beas"s. 3I" can2" 'e "r#e. Aslan wo#l$ ne+er sell #s in"o sla+er& "o
"he !in( of Calor%en.3
3None of "ha"4 Hol$ &o#r noise43 sai$ "he A)e wi"h a snarl. 3Who sai$ an&"hin( a'o#"
sla+er&5 Yo# won2" 'e sla+es. Yo#2ll 'e )ai$ * +er& (oo$ wa(es "oo. Tha" is "o sa&, &o#r )a&
will 'e )ai$ in"o Aslan2s "reas#r& an$ he will #se i" all for e+er&'o$&2s (oo$.3 Then he
(lance$, an$ al%os" win,e$, a" "he chief Calor%ene. The Calor%ene 'owe$ an$ re)lie$, in
"he )o%)o#s Calor%ene wa&:
3-os" sa)ien" -o#"h)iece of Aslan, The Tisroc .%a& he*li+e*fore+er/ is wholl& of one
%in$ wi"h &o#r lor$shi) in "his 8#$icio#s )lan.3
3There4 Yo# see43 sai$ "he A)e. 3I"2s all arran(e$. An$ all for &o#r own (oo$. We2ll 'e a'le,
wi"h "he %one& &o# earn, "o %a,e Narnia a co#n"r& wor"h li+in( in. There2ll 'e oran(es an$
'ananas )o#rin( in * an$ roa$s an$ 'i( ci"ies an$ schools an$ offices an$ whi)s an$
%#<<les an$ sa$$les an$ ca(es an$ ,ennels an$ )risons * Oh, e+er&"hin(.3
3B#" we $on2" wan" all "hose "hin(s,3 sai$ an ol$ Bear. 3We wan" "o 'e free. An$ we wan" "o
hear Aslan s)ea, hi%self.3
3Now $on2" &o# s"ar" ar(#in(,3 sai$ "he A)e, 3for i"2s a "hin( I won2" s"an$. I2% a -an:
&o#2re onl& a fa", s"#)i$ ol$ Bear. Wha" $o &o# ,now a'o#" free$o%5 Yo# "hin, free$o%
%eans $oin( wha" &o# li,e. Well, &o#2re wron(. Tha" isn2" "r#e free$o%. Tr#e free$o%
%eans $oin( wha" I "ell &o#.3
3H*n*n*h,3 (r#n"e$ "he Bear an$ scra"che$ i"s hea$0 i" fo#n$ "his sor" of "hin( har$ "o
3Please, )lease,3 sai$ "he hi(h +oice of a wooll& la%', who was so &o#n( "ha" e+er&one
was s#r)rise$ he $are$ "o s)ea, a" all.
3Wha" is i" now53 sai$ "he A)e. 3Be 9#ic,.3
3Please,3 sai$ "he La%', 3I can2" #n$ers"an$. Wha" ha+e we "o $o wi"h "he Calor%enes5 We
'elon( "o Aslan. The& 'elon( "o Tash. The& ha+e a (o$ calle$ Tash. The& sa& he has fo#r
ar%s an$ "he hea$ of a +#l"#re. The& ,ill -en on his al"ar. I $on2" 'elie+e "here2s an& s#ch
)erson as Tash. B#" if "here was, how co#l$ Aslan 'e frien$s wi"h hi%53
All "he ani%als coc,e$ "heir hea$s si$ewa&s an$ all "heir 'ri(h" e&es flashe$ "owar$s "he
A)e. The& ,new i" was "he 'es" 9#es"ion an&one ha$ as,e$ &e".
The A)e 8#%)e$ #) an$ s)a" a" "he La%'.
3Ba'&43 he hisse$. 3Sill& li""le 'lea"er4 6o ho%e "o &o#r %o"her an$ $rin, %il,. Wha" $o
&o# #n$ers"an$ of s#ch "hin(s5 B#" "he o"hers, lis"en. Tash is onl& ano"her na%e for Aslan.
All "ha" ol$ i$ea of #s 'ein( ri(h" an$ "he Calor%enes wron( is sill&. We ,now 'e""er now.
The Calor%enes #se $ifferen" wor$s '#" we all %ean "he sa%e "hin(. Tash an$ Aslan are
onl& "wo $ifferen" na%es for &o# ,now Who. Tha"2s wh& "here can ne+er 'e an& 9#arrel
'e"ween "he%. 6e" "ha" in"o &o#r hea$s, &o# s"#)i$ 'r#"es. Tash is Aslan: Aslan is Tash.3
Yo# ,now how sa$ &o#r own $o(2s face can loo, so%e"i%es. Thin, of "ha" an$ "hen "hin,
of all "he faces of "hose Tal,in( Beas"s * all "hose hones", h#%'le, 'ewil$ere$ Bir$s, Bears,
Ba$(ers, Ra''i"s, -oles, an$ -ice * all far sa$$er "han "ha". E+er& "ail was $own, e+er&
whis,er $roo)e$. I" wo#l$ ha+e 'ro,en &o#r hear" wi"h +er& )i"& "o see "heir faces. There
was onl& one who $i$ no" loo, a" all #nha))&.
I" was a (in(er Ca" * a (rea" 'i( To% in "he )ri%e of life * who sa" 'ol" #)ri(h" wi"h his "ail
c#rle$ ro#n$ his "oes, in "he +er& fron" row of all "he Beas"s. He ha$ 'een s"arin( har$ a" "he
A)e an$ "he Calor%ene ca)"ain all "he "i%e an$ ha$ ne+er once 'lin,e$ his e&es.
3E1c#se %e,3 sai$ "he Ca" +er& )oli"el&, 3'#" "his in"eres"s %e. Does &o#r frien$ fro%
Calor%en sa& "he sa%e53
3Ass#re$l&,3 sai$ "he Calor%ene. 3The enli(h"ene$ A)e * -an, I %ean * is in "he ri(h".
Aslan %eans nei"her less nor %ore "han Tash.3
3Es)eciall&, Aslan %eans no %ore "han Tash53 s#((es"e$ "he Ca".
3No %ore a" all,3 sai$ "he Calor%ene, loo,in( "he Ca" s"rai(h" in "he face.
3Is "ha" (oo$ eno#(h for &o#, 6in(er53 sai$ "he A)e.
3Oh cer"ainl&,3 sai$ 6in(er cooll&. 3Than, &o# +er& %#ch. I onl& wan"e$ "o 'e 9#i"e clear.
I "hin, I a% 'e(innin( "o #n$ers"an$.3
) "ill now "he !in( an$ >ewel ha$ sai$ no"hin(: "he& were wai"in( #n"il "he A)e sho#l$
'i$ "he% s)ea,, for "he& "ho#(h" i" was no #se in"err#)"in(. B#" now, as Tirian loo,e$
ro#n$ on "he %isera'le faces of "he Narnians, an$ saw how "he& wo#l$ all 'elie+e "ha"
Aslan an$ Tash were one an$ "he sa%e, he co#l$ 'ear i" no lon(er.
3A)e,3 he crie$ wi"h a (rea" +oice, 3&o# lie $a%na'l&. Yo# lie li,e a Calor%ene. Yo# lie
li,e an A)e.3
He %ean" "o (o on an$ as, how "he "erri'le (o$ Tash who fe$ on "he 'loo$ of his )eo)le
co#l$ )ossi'l& 'e "he sa%e as "he (oo$ Lion '& whose 'loo$ all Narnia was sa+e$. If he
ha$ 'een allowe$ "o s)ea,, "he r#le of "he A)e %i(h" ha+e en$e$ "ha" $a&0 "he Beas"s %i(h"
ha+e seen "he "r#"h an$ "hrown "he A)e $own. B#" 'efore he co#l$ sa& ano"her wor$ "wo
Calor%enes s"r#c, hi% in "he %o#"h wi"h all "heir force, an$ a "hir$, fro% 'ehin$, ,ic,e$
his fee" fro% #n$er hi%. An$ as he fell, "he A)e s9#eale$ in ra(e an$ "error.
3Ta,e hi% awa&. Ta,e hi% awa&. Ta,e hi% where he canno" hear #s, nor we hear hi%.
There "ie hi% "o a "ree. I will * I %ean, Aslan will * $o 8#s"ice on hi% la"er.3
THE !in( was so $i<<& fro% 'ein( ,noc,e$ $own "ha" he har$l& ,new wha" was
ha))enin( #n"il "he Calor%enes #n"ie$ his wris"s an$ )#" his ar%s s"rai(h" $own '& his
si$es an$ se" hi% wi"h his 'ac, a(ains" an ash "ree. Then "he& 'o#n$ ro)es ro#n$ his an,les
an$ his ,nees an$ his wais" an$ his ches" an$ lef" hi% "here. Wha" worrie$ hi% wors" a" "he
%o%en" * for i" is of"en li""le "hin(s "ha" are har$es" "o s"an$ * was "ha" his li) was 'lee$in(
where "he& ha$ hi" hi% an$ he co#l$n2" wi)e "he li""le "ric,le of 'loo$ awa& al"ho#(h i"
"ic,le$ hi%.
7ro% where he was he co#l$ s"ill see "he li""le s"a'le on "he "o) of "he hill an$ "he A)e
si""in( in fron" of i". He co#l$ 8#s" hear "he A)e2s +oice s"ill (oin( on an$, e+er& now an$
"hen, so%e answer fro% "he crow$, '#" he co#l$ no" %a,e o#" "he wor$s.
3I won$er wha" "he&2+e $one "o >ewel,3 "ho#(h" "he !in(.
Presen"l& "he crow$ of 'eas"s 'ro,e #) an$ 'e(an (oin( awa& in $ifferen" $irec"ions. So%e
)asse$ close "o Tirian. The& loo,e$ a" hi% as if "he& were 'o"h fri(h"ene$ an$ sorr& "o see
hi% "ie$ #) '#" none of "he% s)o,e. Soon "he& ha$ all (one an$ "here was silence in "he
woo$. Then ho#rs an$ ho#rs wen" )as" an$ Tirian 'eca%e firs" +er& "hirs"& an$ "hen +er&
h#n(r&0 an$ as "he af"ernoon $ra((e$ on an$ "#rne$ in"o e+enin(, he 'eca%e col$ "oo. His
'ac, was +er& sore. The s#n wen" $own an$ i" 'e(an "o 'e "wili(h".
When i" was al%os" $ar, Tirian hear$ a li(h" )i""er*)a""er of fee" an$ saw so%e s%all
crea"#res co%in( "owar$s hi%. The "hree on "he lef" were -ice, an$ "here was a Ra''i" in
"he %i$$le: on "he ri(h" were "wo -oles. Bo"h "hese were carr&in( li""le 'a(s on "heir 'ac,s
which (a+e "he% a c#rio#s loo, in "he $ar, so "ha" a" firs" he won$ere$ wha" ,in$ of 'eas"s
"he& were. Then, in a %o%en", "he& were all s"an$in( #) on "heir hin$ le(s, la&in( "heir cool
)aws on his ,nees an$ (i+in( his ,nees sn#ffl& ani%al ,isses. .The& co#l$ reach his ,nees
'eca#se Narnian Tal,in( Beas"s of "ha" sor" are 'i((er "han "he $#%' 'eas"s of "he sa%e
,in$ in En(lan$./
3Lor$ !in(4 $ear Lor$ !in(,3 sai$ "heir shrill +oices, 3we are so sorr& for &o#. We $aren2"
#n"ie &o# 'eca#se Aslan %i(h" 'e an(r& wi"h #s. B#" we2+e 'ro#(h" &o# &o#r s#))er.3
A" once "he firs" -o#se cli%'e$ ni%'l& #) "ill he was )erche$ on "he ro)e "ha" 'o#n$
Tirian2s ches" an$ was wrin,lin( his 'l#n" nose in fron" of Tirian2s face. Then "he secon$
-o#se cli%'e$ #) an$ h#n( on 8#s" 'elow "he firs" -o#se. The o"her 'eas"s s"oo$ on "he
(ro#n$ an$ 'e(an han$in( "hin(s #).
3Drin,, Sire, an$ "hen &o#2ll fin$ &o# are a'le "o ea",3 sai$ "he "o)%os" -o#se, an$ Tirian
fo#n$ "ha" a li""le woo$en c#) was 'ein( hel$ "o his li)s. I" was onl& "he si<e of an e(( c#)
so "ha" he ha$ har$l& "as"e$ "he wine in i" 'efore i" was e%)"&. B#" "hen "he -o#se )asse$ i"
$own an$ "he o"hers re*fille$ i" an$ i" was )asse$ #) a(ain an$ Tirian e%)"ie$ i" a secon$
"i%e. In "his wa& "he& wen" on "ill he ha$ 9#i"e a (oo$ $rin,, which was all "he 'e""er for
co%in( in li""le $oses, for "ha" is %ore "hirs"*9#enchin( "han one lon( $ra#(h".
3Here is cheese, Sire,3 sai$ "he firs" -o#se, 3'#" no" +er& %#ch, for fear i" wo#l$ %a,e &o#
"oo "hirs"&.3 An$ af"er "he cheese "he& fe$ hi% wi"h oa"*ca,es an$ fresh '#""er, an$ "hen
wi"h so%e %ore wine.
3Now han$ #) "he wa"er,3 sai$ "he firs" -o#se, 3an$ I2ll wash "he !in(2s face. There is
'loo$ on i".3
Then Tirian fel" so%e"hin( li,e a "in& s)on(e $a''in( his face, an$ i" was %os" refreshin(.
3Li""le frien$s,3 sai$ Tirian, 3how can I "han, &o# for all "his53
3Yo# nee$n2", &o# nee$n2",3 sai$ "he li""le +oices. 3Wha" else co#l$ we $o5 We $on2" wan"
an& o"her !in(. We2re &o#r )eo)le. If i" was onl& "he A)e an$ "he Calor%enes who were
a(ains" &o# we wo#l$ ha+e fo#(h" "ill we were c#" in"o )ieces 'efore we2$ le" "he% "ie &o#
#). We wo#l$, we wo#l$ in$ee$. B#" we can2" (o a(ains" Aslan.3
3Do &o# "hin, i" reall& is Aslan53 as,e$ "he !in(.
3Oh &es, &es,3 sai$ "he Ra''i". 3He ca%e o#" of "he s"a'le las" ni(h". We all saw hi%.3
3Wha" was he li,e53 sai$ "he !in(.
3Li,e a "erri'le, (rea" Lion, "o 'e s#re,3 sai$ one of "he -ice.
3An$ &o# "hin, i" is reall& Aslan who is ,illin( "he Woo$*N&%)hs an$ %a,in( &o# all
sla+es "o "he !in( of Calor%en53
3Ah, "ha"2s 'a$, isn2" i"53 sai$ "he secon$ -o#se. 3I" wo#l$ ha+e 'een 'e""er if we2$ $ie$
'efore all "his 'e(an. B#" "here2s no $o#'" a'o#" i". E+er&one sa&s i" is Aslan2s or$ers. An$
we2+e seen hi%. We $i$n2" "hin, Aslan wo#l$ 'e li,e "ha". Wh&, we * we wan"e$ hi% "o
co%e 'ac, "o Narnia.3
3He see%s "o ha+e co%e 'ac, +er& an(r& "his "i%e,3 sai$ "he firs" -o#se. 3We %#s" all
ha+e $one so%e"hin( $rea$f#ll& wron( wi"ho#" ,nowin( i". He %#s" 'e )#nishin( #s for
so%e"hin(. B#" I $o "hin, we %i(h" 'e "ol$ wha" i" was43
3I s#))ose wha" we2re $oin( now %a& 'e wron(,3 sai$ "he Ra''i".
3I $on2" care if i" is,3 sai$ one of "he -oles. 3I2$ $o i" a(ain.3
B#" "he o"hers sai$, 3Oh h#sh,3 an$ 3Do 'e caref#l,3 an$ "hen "he& all sai$, 3We2re sorr&,
$ear !in(, '#" we %#s" (o 'ac, now. I" wo#l$ ne+er $o for #s "o 'e ca#(h" here.3
3Lea+e %e a" once, $ear Beas"s,3 sai$ Tirian. 3I wo#l$ no" for all Narnia 'rin( an& of &o#
in"o $an(er.3
36oo$ni(h", (oo$ni(h",3 sai$ "he Beas"s, r#''in( "heir noses a(ains" his ,nees. 3We will
co%e 'ac, * if we can.3 Then "he& all )a""ere$ awa& an$ "he woo$ see%e$ $ar,er an$
col$er an$ lonelier "han i" ha$ 'een 'efore "he& ca%e.
The s"ars ca%e o#" an$ "i%e wen" slowl& on * i%a(ine how slowl& * while "ha" las" !in( of
Narnia s"oo$ s"iff an$ sore an$ #)ri(h" a(ains" "he "ree in his 'on$s. B#" a" las" so%e"hin(
7ar awa& "here a))eare$ a re$ li(h". Then i" $isa))eare$ for a %o%en" an$ ca%e 'ac,
a(ain, 'i((er an$ s"ron(er. Then he co#l$ see $ar, sha)es (oin( "o an$ fro on "his si$e of
"he li(h" an$ carr&in( '#n$les an$ "hrowin( "he% $own. He ,new now wha" he was loo,in(
a". I" was a 'onfire, newl& li", an$ )eo)le were "hrowin( '#n$les of 'r#shwoo$ on "o i".
Presen"l& i" 'la<e$ #) an$ Tirian co#l$ see "ha" i" was on "he +er& "o) of "he hill. He co#l$
see 9#i"e clearl& "he s"a'le 'ehin$ i", all li" #) in "he re$ (low, an$ a (rea" crow$ of Beas"s
an$ -en 'e"ween "he fire an$ hi%self. A s%all fi(#re, h#nche$ #) 'esi$e "he fire, %#s" 'e
"he A)e. I" was sa&in( so%e"hin( "o "he crow$, '#" he co#l$ no" hear wha". Then i" wen"
an$ 'owe$ "hree "i%es "o "he (ro#n$ in fron" of "he $oor of "he s"a'le. Then i" (o" #) an$
o)ene$ "he $oor. An$ so%e"hin( on fo#r le(s * so%e"hin( "ha" wal,e$ ra"her s"iffl& * ca%e
o#" of "he s"a'le an$ s"oo$ facin( "he crow$.
A (rea" wailin( or howlin( wen" #), so lo#$ "ha" Tirian co#l$ hear so%e of "he wor$s.
3Aslan4 Aslan4 Aslan43 crie$ "he Beas"s. 3S)ea, "o #s. Co%for" #s. Be an(r& wi"h #s no
7ro% where Tirian was he co#l$ no" %a,e o#" +er& clearl& wha" "he "hin( was0 '#" he co#l$
see "ha" i" was &ellow an$ hair&. He ha$ ne+er seen "he 6rea" Lion. He ha$ ne+er seen a
co%%on lion. He co#l$n2" 'e s#re "ha" wha" he saw was no" "he real Aslan. He ha$ no"
e1)ec"e$ Aslan "o loo, li,e "ha" s"iff "hin( which s"oo$ an$ sai$ no"hin(. B#" how co#l$
one 'e s#re5 7or a %o%en" horri'le "ho#(h"s wen" "hro#(h his %in$: "hen he re%e%'ere$
"he nonsense a'o#" Tash an$ Aslan 'ein( "he sa%e an$ ,new "ha" "he whole "hin( %#s" 'e a
The A)e )#" his hea$ close #) "o "he &ellow "hin(2s hea$ as if he were lis"enin( "o
so%e"hin( i" was whis)erin( "o hi%. Then he "#rne$ an$ s)o,e "o "he crow$, an$ "he crow$
waile$ a(ain. Then "he &ellow "hin( "#rne$ cl#%sil& ro#n$ an$ wal,e$ * &o# %i(h" al%os"
sa&, wa$$le$ * 'ac, in"o "he s"a'le an$ "he A)e sh#" "he $oor 'ehin$ i". Af"er "ha" "he fire
%#s" ha+e 'een )#" o#" for "he li(h" +anishe$ 9#i"e s#$$enl&, an$ Tirian was once %ore
alone wi"h "he col$ an$ "he $ar,ness.
He "ho#(h" of o"her !in(s who ha$ li+e$ an$ $ie$ in Narnia in ol$ "i%es an$ i" see%e$ "o
hi% "ha" none of "he% ha$ e+er 'een so #nl#c,& as hi%self. He "ho#(h" of his (rea"*
(ran$fa"her2s (rea"*(ran$fa"her !in( Rilian who ha$ 'een s"olen awa& '& a Wi"ch when he
was onl& a &o#n( )rince an$ ,e)" hi$$en for &ears in "he $ar, ca+es 'enea"h "he lan$ of "he
Nor"hern 6ian"s. B#" "hen i" ha$ all co%e0 ri(h" in "he en$, for "wo %&s"erio#s
chil$ren ha$ s#$$enl& a))eare$ fro% "he lan$ 'e&on$ "he worl$2s en$ an$ ha$ resc#e$ hi%
so "ha" he ca%e ho%e "o Narnia an$ ha$ a lon( an$ )ros)ero#s rei(n. 3I"2s no" li,e "ha" wi"h
%e,3 sai$ Tirian "o hi%self. Then he wen" f#r"her 'ac, an$: "ho#(h" a'o#" Rilian2s fa"her,
Cas)ian "he Seafarer, whose wic,e$ #ncle !in( -ira< ha$ "rie$ "o %#r$er hi% an$ how
Cas)ian ha$ fle$ awa& in"o "he woo$s an$ li+e$ a%on( "he Dwarfs. B#" "ha" s"or& "oo ha$
all co%e ri(h" in "he en$: for Cas)ian also ha$ 'een hel)e$ '& chil$ren * onl& "here were
fo#r of "he% "ha" "i%e * who ca%e fro% so%ewhere 'e&on$ "he worl$ an$ fo#(h" a (rea"
'a""le an$ se" hi% on his fa"her2s "hrone. 3B#" i" was all lon( a(o,3 sai$ Tirian "o hi%self.
3Tha" sor" of "hin( $oesn2" ha))en now.3 An$ "hen he re%e%'ere$ .for he ha$ alwa&s 'een
(oo$ a" his"or& when he was a 'o&/ how "hose sa%e fo#r chil$ren who ha$ hel)e$ Cas)ian
ha$ 'een in Narnia o+er a "ho#san$ &ears 'efore0 an$ i" was "hen "ha" "he& ha$ $one "he
%os" re%ar,a'le "hin( of all. 7or "hen "he& ha$ $efea"e$ "he "erri'le Whi"e Wi"ch an$ en$e$
"he H#n$re$ Years of Win"er, an$ af"er "ha" "he& ha$ rei(ne$ .all fo#r of "he% "o(e"her/ a"
Cair Para+el, "ill "he& were no lon(er chil$ren '#" (rea" !in(s an$ lo+el& =#eens, an$ "heir
rei(n ha$ 'een "he (ol$en a(e of Narnia. An$ Aslan ha$ co%e in"o "ha" s"or& a lo". He ha$
co%e in"o all "he o"her s"ories "oo, as Tirian now re%e%'ere$. 3Aslan * an$ chil$ren fro%
ano"her worl$,3 "ho#(h" Tirian. 3The& ha+e alwa&s co%e in when "hin(s were a" "heir
wors". Oh, if onl& "he& co#l$ now.3
An$ he calle$ o#" 3Aslan4 Aslan4 Aslan4 Co%e an$ hel) #s now.3
B#" "he $ar,ness an$ "he col$ an$ "he 9#ie"ness wen" on 8#s" "he sa%e.
3Le" %e 'e ,ille$,3 crie$ "he !in(. 3I as, no"hin( for %&self. B#" co%e an$ sa+e all
An$ s"ill "here was no chan(e in "he ni(h" or "he woo$, '#" "here 'e(an "o 'e a ,in$ of
chan(e insi$e Tirian. Wi"ho#" ,nowin( wh&, he 'e(an "o feel a fain" ho)e. An$ he fel"
so%ehow s"ron(er. 3Oh Aslan, Aslan,3 he whis)ere$. 3If &o# will no" co%e &o#rself, a"
leas" sen$ %e "he hel)ers fro% 'e&on$ "he worl$. Or le" %e call "he%. Le" %& +oice carr&
'e&on$ "he worl$.3 Then, har$l& ,nowin( "ha" he was $oin( i", he s#$$enl& crie$ o#" in a
(rea" +oice:
3Chil$ren4 Chil$ren4 7rien$s of Narnia4 =#ic,. Co%e "o %e. Across "he worl$s I call &o#0 I
Tirian, !in( of Narnia, Lor$ of Cair Para+el, an$ E%)eror of "he Lone Islan$s43
An$ i%%e$ia"el& he was )l#n(e$ in"o a $rea% .if i" was a $rea%/ %ore +i+i$ "han an& he
ha$ ha$ in his life.
He see%e$ "o 'e s"an$in( in a li(h"e$ roo% where se+en )eo)le sa" ro#n$ a "a'le. I" loo,e$
as if "he& ha$ 8#s" finishe$ "heir %eal. Two of "hose )eo)le were +er& ol$, an ol$ %an wi"h
a whi"e 'ear$ an$ an ol$ wo%an wi"h wise, %err&, "win,lin( e&es. He who sa" a" "he ri(h"
han$ of "he ol$ %an was har$l& f#ll (rown, cer"ainl& &o#n(er "han Tirian hi%self, '#" his
face ha$ alrea$& "he loo, of a ,in( an$ a warrior. An$ &o# co#l$ al%os" sa& "he sa%e of "he
o"her &o#"h who sa" a" "he ri(h" han$ of "he ol$ wo%an. 7acin( Tirian across "he "a'le sa" a
fair*haire$ (irl &o#n(er "han ei"her of "hese, an$ on ei"her si$e of her
a 'o& an$ (irl who were &o#n(er s"ill. The& were all $resse$ in wha" see%e$ "o Tirian "he
o$$es" ,in$ of clo"hes.
B#" he ha$ no "i%e "o "hin, a'o#" $e"ails li,e "ha", for ins"an"l& "he &o#n(er 'o& an$ 'o"h
"he (irls s"ar"e$ "o "heir fee", an$ one of "he% (a+e a li""le screa%. The ol$ wo%an s"ar"e$
an$ $rew in her 'rea"h shar)l&. The ol$ %an %#s" ha+e %a$e so%e s#$$en %o+e%en" "oo
for "he wine (lass which s"oo$ a" his ri(h" han$ was swe)" off "he "a'le: Tirian co#l$ hear
"he "in,lin( noise as i" 'ro,e on "he floor.
Then Tirian reali<e$ "ha" "hese )eo)le co#l$ see hi%0 "he& were s"arin( a" hi% as if "he&
saw a (hos". B#" he no"ice$ "ha" "he ,in(*li,e one who sa" a" "he ol$ %an2s ri(h" ne+er
%o+e$ ."ho#(h he "#rne$ )ale/ e1ce)" "ha" he clenche$ his han$ +er& "i(h". Then he sai$:
3S)ea,, if &o#2re no" a )han"o% or a $rea%. Yo# ha+e a Narnian loo, a'o#" &o# an$ we are
"he se+en frien$s of Narnia.3
Tirian was lon(in( "o s)ea,, an$ he "rie$ "o cr& o#" alo#$ "ha" he was Tirian of Narnia, in
(rea" nee$ of hel). B#" he fo#n$ .as I ha+e so%e"i%es fo#n$ in $rea%s "oo/ "ha" his +oice
%a$e no noise a" all.
The one who ha$ alrea$& s)o,en "o hi% rose "o his fee". 3Sha$ow or s)iri" or wha"e+er &o#
are,3 he sai$, fi1in( his e&es f#ll #)on Tirian. 3If &o# are fro% Narnia, I char(e &o# in "he
na%e of Aslan, s)ea, "o %e. I a% Pe"er "he Hi(h !in(.3
The roo% 'e(an "o swi% 'efore Tirian2s e&es. He hear$ "he +oices of "hose se+en )eo)le all
s)ea,in( a" once, an$ all (e""in( fain"er e+er& secon$, an$ "he& were sa&in( "hin(s li,e,
3Loo,4 I"2s fa$in(.3 3I"2s %el"in( awa&.3 3I"2s +anishin(.3 Ne1" %o%en" he was wi$e awa,e,
s"ill "ie$ "o "he "ree, col$er an$ s"iffer "han e+er. The woo$ was f#ll of "he )ale, $rear& li(h"
"ha" co%es 'efore s#nrise, an$ he was soa,in( we" wi"h $ew0 i" was nearl& %ornin(.
Tha" wa,in( was a'o#" "he wors" %o%en" he ha$ e+er ha$ in his life.
B#r his %iser& $i$ no" las" lon(. Al%os" a" once "here ca%e a '#%), an$ "hen a secon$
'#%), an$ "wo chil$ren were s"an$in( 'efore hi%. The woo$ in fron" of hi% ha$ 'een 9#i"e
e%)"& a secon$ 'efore an$ he ,new "he& ha$ no" co%e fro% 'ehin$ his "ree, for he wo#l$
ha+e hear$ "he%. The& ha$ in fac" si%)l& a))eare$ fro% nowhere. He saw a" a (lance "ha"
"he& were wearin( "he sa%e 9#eer, $in(& sor" of clo"hes as "he )eo)le in his
$rea%0 an$ he saw, a" a secon$ (lance, "ha" "he& were "he &o#n(es" 'o& an$ (irl o#" of "ha"
)ar"& of se+en.
36osh43 sai$ "he 'o&, 3"ha" "oo, one2s 'rea"h awa&4 I "ho#(h" *3
3H#rr& #) an$ (e" hi% #n"ie$,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3We can "al,, af"erwar$s.3 Then she a$$e$,
"#rnin( "o Tirian, 3I2% sorr& we2+e 'een so lon(. We ca%e "he %o%en" we co#l$.3
While she was s)ea,in( "he Bo& )ro$#ce$ a ,nife fro% his )oc,e" an$ was 9#ic,l& c#""in(
"he !in(2s 'on$s: "oo 9#ic,l&, in fac", for "he !in( was so s"iff an$ n#%' "ha" when "he las"
cor$ was c#" he fell forwar$ on his han$s an$ ,nees. He co#l$n2" (e" #) a(ain "ill he ha$
'ro#(h" so%e life 'ac, in"o his le(s '& a (oo$ r#''in(.
3I sa&,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3I" was &o#, wasn2" i", who a))eare$ "o #s "ha" ni(h" when we were all
a" s#))er5 Nearl& a wee, a(o.3
3A wee,, fair %ai$53 sai$ Tirian. 3-& $rea% le$ %e in"o &o#r worl$ scarce "en %in#"es
3I"2s "he #s#al %#$$le a'o#" "i%es, Pole,3 sai$ "he Bo&.
3I re%e%'er now,3 sai$ Tirian. 3Tha" "oo co%es in all "he ol$ "ales. The "i%e of &o#r
s"ran(e lan$ is $ifferen" fro% o#rs. B#" if we s)ea, of Ti%e, 2"is "i%e "o 'e (one fro% here:
for %& ene%ies are close a" han$. Will &o# co%e wi"h %e53
3Of co#rse,3 sai$ "he (irl. 3I"2s &o# we2+e co%e "o hel).3
Tirian (o" "o his fee" an$ le$ "he% ra)i$l& $own hill, So#"hwar$ an$ awa& fro% "he s"a'le.
He ,new where he %ean" "o (o '#" his firs" ai% was "o (e" "o roc,& )laces where "he&
wo#l$ lea+e no "rail, an$ his secon$ "o cross so%e wa"er so "ha" "he& wo#l$ lea+e no scen".
This "oo, "he% a'o#" an ho#r2s scra%'lin( an$ wa$in( an$ while "ha" was (oin( on no'o$&
ha$ an& 'rea"h "o "al,. B#" e+en so, Tirian ,e)" on s"ealin( (lances a" his co%)anions. The
won$er of wal,in( 'esi$e "he crea"#res fro% ano"her worl$ %a$e hi% feel a li""le $i<<&: '#"
i" also %a$e all "he ol$ s"ories see% far %ore real "han "he& ha$ e+er see%e$ 'efore . . .
an&"hin( %i(h" ha))en now.
3Now,3 sai$ Tirian as "he& ca%e "o "he hea$ of a li""le +alle& which ran $own 'efore "he%
a%on( &o#n( 'irch "rees, 3we are o#" of $an(er of "hose +illains for a s)ace an$ %a& wal,
%ore easil&.3 The s#n ha$ risen, $ew*$ro)s were "win,lin( on e+er& 'ranch, an$ 'ir$s were
3Wha" a'o#" so%e (r#'5 * I %ean for &o#, Sir, we "wo ha+e ha$ o#r 'rea,fas",3 sai$ "he
Tirian won$ere$ +er& %#ch wha" he %ean" '& 3(r#'3, '#" when "he Bo& o)ene$ a '#l(&
sa"chel which he was carr&in( an$ )#lle$ o#" a ra"her (reas& an$ s9#ash& )ac,e", he
#n$ers"oo$. He was ra+eno#sl& h#n(r&, "ho#(h he ha$n2" "ho#(h" a'o#" i" "ill "ha" %o%en".
There were "wo har$*'oile$ e(( san$wiches, an$ "wo cheese san$wiches, an$ "wo wi"h
so%e ,in$ of )as"e in "he%. If he ha$n2" 'een so h#n(r& he wo#l$n2" ha+e "ho#(h" %#ch of
"he )as"e, for "ha" is a sor" of foo$ no'o$& ea"s in Narnia. B& "he "i%e he ha$ ea"en all si1
san$wiches "he& ha$ co%e "o "he 'o""o% of "he +alle& an$ "here "he& fo#n$ a %oss& cliff
wi"h a li""le fo#n"ain '#''lin( o#" of i". All "hree s"o))e$ an$ $ran, an$ s)lashe$ "heir ho"
3An$ now,3 sai$ "he (irl as she "osse$ her we" hair 'ac, fro% her forehea$, 3aren2" &o#
(oin( "o "ell #s who &o# are an$ wh& &o# were "ie$ #) an$ wha" i"2s all a'o#"53
3Wi"h a (oo$ will, $a%sel,3 sai$ Tirian. 3B#" we %#s" ,ee) on "he %arch.3 So while "he&
wen" on wal,in( he "ol$ "he% who he was an$ all "he "hin(s "ha" ha$ ha))ene$ "o hi%.
3An$ now,3 he sai$ a" "he en$, 3I a% (oin( "o a cer"ain "ower, one of "hree "ha" were '#il" in
%& (ran$sire2s "i%e "o (#ar$ Lan"ern Was"e a(ains" cer"ain )erilo#s o#"laws who $welle$
"here in his $a&. B& Aslan2s (oo$ will I was no" ro''e$ of %& ,e&s. In "ha" "ower we shall
fin$ s"ores of wea)ons an$ %ail an$ so%e +ic"#als also, "ho#(h no 'e""er "han $r& 'isc#i".
There also we can lie safe while we %a,e o#r )lans. An$ now, )ri"hee, "ell %e who &o# "wo
are an$ all &o#r s"or&.3
3I2% E#s"ace Scr#'' an$ "his is >ill Pole,3 sai$ "he Bo&. 3An$ we were here once 'efore,
a(es an$ a(es a(o, %ore "han a &ear a(o '& o#r "i%e, an$ "here was a cha) calle$ Prince
Rilian, an$ "he& were ,ee)in( "his cha) #n$er(ro#n$, an$ P#$$le(l#% )#" his foo" in *3
3Ha43 crie$ Tirian, 3are &o# "hen "ha" E#s"ace an$ "ha" >ill who resc#e$ !in( Rilian fro%
his lon( enchan"%en"53
3Yes, "ha"2s #s,3 sai$ >ill. 3So he2s !in( Rilian now, is he5 Oh of co#rse he wo#l$ 'e. I
3Na&,3 sai$ Tirian, 3I a% "he se+en"h in $escen" fro% hi%. He has 'een $ea$ o+er "wo
h#n$re$ &ears.3
>ill %a$e a face. 3(h43 she sai$. 3Tha"2s "he horri$ )ar" a'o#" co%in( 'ac, "o Narnia.3 B#"
E#s"ace wen" on.
3Well now &o# ,now who we are, Sire,3 he sai$. 3An$ i" was li,e "his. The Professor an$
A#n" Poll& ha$ (o" all #s frien$s of Narnia "o(e"her *3
3I ,now no" "hese na%es, E#s"ace,3 sai$ Tirian.
3The&2re "he "wo who ca%e in"o Narnia a" "he +er& 'e(innin(, "he $a& all "he ani%als
learne$ "o "al,.3
3B& "he Lion2s -ane,3 crie$ Tirian. 3Those "wo4 The Lor$ Di(or& an$ "he La$& Poll&4
7ro% "he $awn of "he worl$4 An$ s"ill in &o#r )lace5 The won$er an$ "he (lor& of i"4 B#"
"ell %e, "ell %e.3
3She isn2" reall& o#r a#n", &o# ,now,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3She2s -iss Pl#%%er, '#" we call her
A#n" Poll&. Well "hose "wo (o" #s all "o(e"her )ar"l& 8#s" for f#n, so "ha" we co#l$ all ha+e a
(oo$ 8aw a'o#" Narnia .for of co#rse "here2s no one else we can e+er "al, "o a'o#" "hin(s
li,e "ha"/ '#" )ar"l& 'eca#se "he Professor ha$ a feelin( "ha" we were so%ehow wan"e$ o+er
here. Well "hen &o# ca%e in li,e a (hos" or (oo$ness*,nows*wha" an$ nearl& fri(h"ene$ "he
li+es o#" of #s an$ +anishe$ wi"ho#" sa&in( a wor$. Af"er "ha", we ,new for cer"ain "here
was so%e"hin( #).
The ne1" 9#es"ion was how "o (e" here. Yo# can2" (o 8#s" '& wan"in( "o. So we "al,e$ an$
"al,e$ an$ a" las" "he Professor sai$ "he onl& wa& wo#l$ 'e '& "he -a(ic Rin(s. I" was '&
"hose Rin(s "ha" he an$ A#n" Poll& (o" here lon(, lon( a(o when "he& were onl& ,i$s, &ears
'efore we &o#n(er ones were 'orn. B#" "he Rin(s ha$ all 'een '#rie$ in "he (ar$en of a
ho#se in Lon$on ."ha"2s o#r 'i( "own, Sire/ an$ "he ho#se ha$ 'een sol$. So "hen "he
)ro'le% was how "o (e" a" "he%. Yo#2ll ne+er (#ess wha" we $i$ in "he en$4 Pe"er an$
E$%#n$ * "ha"2s "he Hi(h !in( Pe"er, "he one who s)o,e "o &o# * wen" #) "o Lon$on "o (e"
in"o "he (ar$en fro% "he 'ac,, earl& in "he %ornin( 'efore )eo)le were #). The& were
$resse$ li,e wor,%en so "ha" if an&one $i$ see "he% i" wo#l$ loo, as if "he&2$ co%e "o $o
so%e"hin( a'o#" "he $rains. I wish I2$ 'een wi"h "he%: i" %#s" ha+e 'een (lorio#s f#n. An$
"he& %#s" ha+e s#ccee$e$ for ne1" $a& Pe"er sen" #s a wire * "ha"2s a sor" of %essa(e, Sire,
I2ll e1)lain a'o#" i" so%e o"her "i%e * "o sa& he2$ (o" "he Rin(s. An$ "he $a& af"er "ha" was
"he $a& Pole an$ I ha$ "o (o 'ac, "o school * we2re "he onl& "wo who are s"ill a" school an$
we2re a" "he sa%e one. So Pe"er an$ E$%#n$ were "o %ee" #s a" a )lace on "he wa& $own "o
school an$ han$ o+er "he Rin(s. I" ha$ "o 'e #s "wo who were "o (o "o Narnia, &o# see,
'eca#se "he ol$er ones co#l$n2" co%e a(ain. So we (o" in"o "he "rain "ha"2s a ,in$ of "hin(
)eo)le "ra+el in in o#r worl$: a lo" of wa(ons chaine$ "o(e"her * an$ "he Professor an$ A#n"
Poll& an$ L#c& ca%e wi"h #s. We wan"e$ "o ,ee) "o(e"her as lon( as we co#l$. Well "here
we were in "he "rain. An$ we were 8#s" (e""in( "o "he s"a"ion where "he o"hers were "o %ee"
#s, an$ I was loo,in( o#" of "he win$ow "o see if I co#l$ see "he% when s#$$enl& "here
ca%e a %os" fri(h"f#l 8er, an$ a noise: an$ "here we were in Narnia an$ "here was &o#r
-a8es"& "ie$ #) "o "he "ree.3
3So &o# ne+er #se$ "he Rin(s53 sai$ Tirian.
3No,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Ne+er e+en saw "he%. Aslan $i$ i" all for #s in his own wa& wi"ho#"
an& Rin(s.3
3B#" "he Hi(h !in( Pe"er has "he%,3 sai$ Tirian.
3Yes,3 sai$ >ill. 3B#" we $on2" "hin, he can #se "he%. When "he "wo o"her Pe+ensies * !in(
E$%#n$ an$ =#een L#c& * were las" here, Aslan sai$ "he& wo#l$ ne+er co%e "o Narnia
a(ain. An$ he sai$ so%e"hin( of "he sa%e sor" "o "he Hi(h !in(, onl& lon(er a(o. Yo# %a&
'e s#re he2ll co%e li,e a sho" if he2s allowe$.3
36osh43 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I"2s (e""in( ho" in "his s#n. Are we nearl& "here, Sire53
3Loo,,3 sai$ Tirian an$ )oin"e$. No" %an& &ar$s awa& (re& 'a""le%en"s rose a'o+e "he
"ree*"o)s, an$ af"er a %in#"e2s %ore wal,in( "he& ca%e o#" in an o)en (rass& s)ace. A
s"rea% ran across i" an$ on "he far si$e of "he s"rea% s"oo$ a s9#a", s9#are "ower wi"h +er&
few an$ narrow win$ows an$ one hea+&*loo,in( $oor in "he wall "ha" face$ "he%.
Tirian loo,e$ shar)l& "his wa& an$ "ha" "o %a,e s#re "ha" no ene%ies were in si(h". Then he
wal,e$ #) "o "he "ower an$ s"oo$ s"ill for a %o%en" fishin( #) his '#nch of ,e&s which he
wore insi$e his h#n"in(*$ress on a narrow sil+er chain "ha" wen" ro#n$ his nec,. I" was a
nice '#nch of ,e&s "ha" he 'ro#(h" o#", for "wo were (ol$en an$ %an& were richl&
orna%en"e$: &o# co#l$ see a" once "ha" "he& were ,e&s %a$e for o)enin( sole%n an$ secre"
roo%s in )alaces, or ches"s an$ cas,e"s of swee"*s%ellin( woo$ "ha" con"aine$ ro&al
"reas#res. B#" "he ,e& which he now )#" in"o "he loc, of "he $oor was 'i( an$ )lain an$
%ore r#$el& %a$e. The loc, was s"iff an$ for a %o%en" Tirian 'e(an "o 'e afrai$ "ha" he
wo#l$ no" 'e a'le "o "#rn i": '#" a" las" he $i$ an$ "he $oor sw#n( o)en wi"h a s#llen crea,.
3Welco%e frien$s,3 sai$ Tirian. 3I fear "his is "he 'es" )alace "ha" "he !in( of Narnia can
now offer "o his (#es"s.3
Tirian was )lease$ "o see "ha" "he "wo s"ran(ers ha$ 'een well 'ro#(h" #). The& 'o"h sai$
no" "o %en"ion i" an$ "ha" "he& were s#re i" wo#l$ 'e +er& nice.
As a %a""er of fac" i" was no" )ar"ic#larl& nice. I" was ra"her $ar, an$ s%elle$ +er& $a%).
There was onl& one roo% in i" an$ "his roo% wen" ri(h" #) "o "he s"one roof: a woo$en
s"aircase in one corner le$ #) "o a "ra) $oor '& which &o# co#l$ (e" o#" on "he 'a""le%en"s.
There were a few r#$e '#n,s "o slee) in, an$ a (rea" %an& loc,ers an$ '#n$les. There was
also a hear"h which loo,e$ as if no'o$& ha$ li" a fire in i" for a (rea" %an& &ears.
3We2$ 'e""er (o o#" an$ (a"her so%e firewoo$ firs" "hin(, ha$n2" we53 sai$ >ill.
3No" &e", co%ra$e,3 sai$ Tirian. He was $e"er%ine$ "ha" "he& sho#l$ no" 'e ca#(h"
#nar%e$, an$ 'e(an searchin( "he loc,ers, "han,f#ll& re%e%'erin( "ha" he ha$ alwa&s 'een
caref#l "o ha+e "hese (arrison "owers ins)ec"e$ once a &ear an$ "o %a,e s#re "ha" "he& were
s"oc,e$ wi"h all "hin(s nee$f#l. The 'ow s"rin(s were "here in "heir co+erin(s of oile$ sil,,
"he swor$s an$ s)ears were (rease$ a(ains" r#s", an$ "he ar%o#r was ,e)" 'ri(h" in i"s
wra))in(s. B#" "here was so%e"hin( e+en 'e""er. 3Loo, &o#43 sai$ Tirian as he $rew o#" a
lon( %ail shir" of a c#rio#s )a""ern an$ flashe$ i" 'efore "he chil$ren2s e&es.
3Tha"2s f#nn&*loo,in( %ail, Sire,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3A&e, la$,3 sai$ Tirian. 3No Narnian Dwarf s%i"hie$ "ha". 2Tis %ail of Calor%en, o#"lan$ish
(ear. I ha+e e+er ,e)" a few s#i"s of i" in rea$iness, for I ne+er ,new when I or
%& frien$s %i(h" ha+e reason "o wal, #nseen in The Tisroc2s lan$. An$ loo, on "his s"one
'o""le. In "his "here is a 8#ice which, when we ha+e r#''e$ i" on o#r han$s an$ faces, will
%a,e #s 'rown as Calor%enes.3
3Oh h#rrah43 sai$ >ill. 3Dis(#ise4 I lo+e $is(#ises.3
Tirian showe$ "he% how "o )o#r o#" a li""le of "he 8#ice in"o "he )al%s of "heir han$s an$
"hen r#' i" well o+er "heir faces an$ nec,s, ri(h" $own "o "he sho#l$ers, an$ "hen on "heir
han$s, ri(h" #) "o "he el'ows. He $i$ "he sa%e hi%self.
3Af"er "his has har$ene$ on #s,3 he sai$, 3we %a& wash in wa"er an$ i" will no" chan(e.
No"hin( '#" oil an$ ashes will %a,e #s whi"e Narnians a(ain. An$ now, swee" >ill, le" #s (o
see how "his %ail shir" 'eco%es &o#. 2Tis so%e"hin( "oo lon(, &e" no" so %#ch as I feare$.
Do#'"less i" 'elon(e$ "o a )a(e in "he "rain of one of "heir Tar,aans.3
Af"er "he %ail shir"s "he& )#" on Calor%ene hel%e"s, which are li""le ro#n$ ones fi""in( "i(h"
"o "he hea$ an$ ha+in( a s)i,e on "o). Then Tirian "oo, lon( rolls of so%e whi"e s"#ff o#" of
"he loc,er an$ wo#n$ "he% o+er "he hel%e"s "ill "he& 'eca%e "#r'ans: '#" "he li""le s"eel
s)i,e s"ill s"#c, #) in "he %i$$le. He an$ E#s"ace "oo, c#r+e$ Calor%ene swor$s an$ li""le
ro#n$ shiel$s. There was no swor$ li(h" eno#(h for >ill, '#" he (a+e her a lon(, s"rai(h"
h#n"in( ,nife which %i(h" $o for a swor$ a" a )inch.
3Has" an& s,ill wi"h "he 'ow, %ai$en53 sai$ Tirian.
3No"hin( wor"h "al,in( of,3 sai$ >ill, 'l#shin(. 3Scr#''2s no" 'a$.3
3Don2" &o# 'elie+e her, Sire,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3We2+e 'o"h 'een )rac"isin( archer& e+er since
we (o" 'ac, fro% Narnia las" "i%e, an$ she2s a'o#" as (oo$ as %e now. No" "ha" ei"her of #s
is %#ch.3
Then Tirian (a+e >ill a 'ow an$ a 9#i+er f#ll of arrows. The ne1" '#siness was "o li(h" a
fire, for insi$e "ha" "ower i" s"ill fel" %ore li,e a ca+e "han li,e an&"hin( in$oors an$ se" one
shi+erin(. B#" "he& (o" war% (a"herin( woo$ * "he s#n was now a" i"s hi(hes" * an$ once
"he 'la<e was roarin( #) "he chi%ne& "he )lace 'e(an "o loo, cheerf#l. Dinner was,
howe+er, a $#ll %eal, for "he 'es" "he& co#l$ $o was "o )o#n$ #) so%e of "he har$ 'isc#i"
which "he& fo#n$ in a loc,er an$ )o#r i" in"o 'oilin( wa"er, wi"h sal", so as "o %a,e a ,in$
of )orri$(e. An$ of co#rse "here was no"hin( "o $rin, '#" wa"er.
3I wish we2$ 'ro#(h" a )ac,e" of "ea,3 sai$ >ill.
3Or a "in of cocoa,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
3A fir,in or so of (oo$ wine in each of "hese "owers wo#l$ no" ha+e 'een a%iss,3 sai$
ABOT fo#r ho#rs la"er Tirian fl#n( hi%self in"o one of "he '#n,s "o sna"ch a li""le slee).
The "wo chil$ren were alrea$& snorin(: he ha$ %a$e "he% (o "o 'e$ 'efore he $i$ 'eca#se
"he& wo#l$ ha+e "o 'e #) %os" of "he ni(h" an$ he ,new "ha" a" "heir a(e "he& co#l$n2" $o
wi"ho#" slee). Also, he ha$ "ire$ "he% o#". 7irs" he ha$ (i+en >ill so%e )rac"ice in archer&
an$ fo#n$ "ha", "ho#(h no" #) "o Narnian s"an$ar$s, she was reall& no" "oo 'a$. In$ee$ she
ha$ s#ccee$e$ in shoo"in( a ra''i" .no" a Tal,in( ra''i", of co#rse: "here are lo"s of "he
or$inar& ,in$ a'o#" in Wes"ern Narnia/ an$ i" was alrea$& s,inne$, cleane$, an$ han(in(
#). He ha$ fo#n$ "ha" 'o"h "he chil$ren ,new all a'o#" "his chill& an$ s%ell& 8o'0 "he& ha$
learne$ "ha" ,in$ of "hin( on "heir (rea" 8o#rne& "hro#(h 6ian"*Lan$ in "he $a&s of Prince
Rilian. Then he ha$ "rie$ "o "each E#s"ace how "o #se his swor$ an$ shiel$. E#s"ace ha$
learne$ 9#i"e a lo" a'o#" swor$ fi(h"in( on his earlier a$+en"#res '#" "ha" ha$ 'een all wi"h
a s"rai(h" Narnian swor$. He ha$ ne+er han$le$ a c#r+e$ Calor%ene sci%i"ar an$ "ha" %a$e
i" har$, for %an& of "he s"ro,es are 9#i"e $ifferen" an$ so%e of "he ha'i"s he ha$ learne$
wi"h "he lon( swor$ ha$ now "o 'e #nlearne$ a(ain. B#" Tirian fo#n$ "ha" he ha$ a (oo$
e&e an$ was +er& 9#ic, on his fee". He was s#r)rise$ a" "he s"ren("h of 'o"h chil$ren: in fac"
"he& 'o"h see%e$ "o 'e alrea$& %#ch s"ron(er an$ 'i((er an$ %ore (rown*#) "han "he& ha$
'een when he firs" %e" "he% a few ho#rs a(o. I" is one of "he effec"s which Narnian air
of"en has on +isi"ors fro% o#r worl$.
All "hree of "he% a(ree$ "ha" "he +er& firs" "hin( "he& %#s" $o was "o (o 'ac, "o S"a'le Hill
an$ "r& "o resc#e >ewel "he nicorn. Af"er "ha", if "he& s#ccee$e$, "he& wo#l$ "r& "o (e"
awa& Eas"war$ an$ %ee" "he li""le ar%& which Roonwi" "he Cen"a#r wo#l$ 'e 'rin(in(
fro% Cair Para+el.
An e1)erience$ warrior an$ h#n"s%an li,e Tirian can alwa&s wa,e #) a" "he "i%e he wan"s.
So he (a+e hi%self "ill nine o2cloc, "ha" ni(h" an$ "hen )#" all worries o#" of his hea$ an$
fell aslee) a" once. I" see%e$ onl& a %o%en" la"er when he wo,e '#" he ,new '& "he li(h"
an$ "he +er& feel of "hin(s "ha" he ha$ "i%e$ his slee) e1ac"l&. He (o" #), )#" on his hel%e"*
an$*"#r'an .he ha$ sle)" in his %ail shir"/, an$ "hen shoo, "he o"her "wo "ill "he& wo,e #).
The& loo,e$, "o "ell "he "r#"h, +er& (re& an$ $is%al as "he& cli%'e$ o#" of "heir '#n,s an$
"here was a (oo$ $eal of &awnin(.
3Now,3 sai$ Tirian, 3we (o $#e Nor"h fro% here * '& (oo$ for"#ne 2"is a s"arr& ni(h" * an$ i"
will 'e %#ch shor"er "han o#r 8o#rne& "his %ornin(, for "hen we wen" ro#n$*a'o#" '#" now
we shall (o s"rai(h". If we are challen(e$, "hen $o &o# "wo hol$ &o#r )eace an$ I will $o
%& 'es" "o "al, li,e a c#rs", cr#el, )ro#$ lor$ of Calor%en. If I $raw %& swor$ "hen "ho#,
E#s"ace, %#s" $o li,ewise an$ le" >ill lea) 'ehin$ #s an$ s"an$ wi"h an arrow on "he s"rin(.
B#" if I cr& AHo%e2, "hen fl& for "he Tower 'o"h of &o#. An$ le" none "r& "o fi(h" on * no"
e+en one s"ro,e af"er I ha+e (i+en "he re"rea": s#ch false +alo#r has s)oile$ %an& no"a'le
)lans in "he wars. An$ now, frien$s, in "he na%e of Aslan le" #s (o forwar$.3
O#" "he& wen" in"o "he col$ ni(h". All "he (rea" Nor"hern s"ars were '#rnin( a'o+e "he "ree*
"o)s. The Nor"h*S"ar of "ha" worl$ is calle$ "he S)ear*Hea$: i" is 'ri(h"er "han o#r Pole S"ar.
7or a "i%e "he& co#l$ (o s"rai(h" "owar$s "he S)ear*Hea$ '#" )resen"l& "he& ca%e "o a
$ense "hic,e" so "ha" "he& ha$ "o (o o#" of "heir co#rse "o (e" ro#n$ i". An$ af"er "ha" *for
"he& were s"ill o+ersha$owe$ '& 'ranches * i" was har$ "o )ic, #) "heir 'earin(s. I" was >ill
who se" "he% ri(h" a(ain: she ha$ 'een an e1cellen" 6#i$e in En(lan$. An$ of co#rse she
,new her Narnian s"ars )erfec"l&, ha+in( "ra+elle$ so %#ch in "he wil$ Nor"hern Lan$s, an$
co#l$ wor, o#" "he $irec"ion fro% o"her s"ars e+en when "he S)ear*Hea$ was hi$$en. As
soon as Tirian saw "ha" she was "he 'es" )a"hfin$er of "he "hree of "he% he )#" her in fron".
An$ "hen he was as"onishe$ "o fin$ how silen"l& an$ al%os" in+isi'l& she (li$e$ on 'efore
3B& "he -ane43 he whis)ere$ "o E#s"ace. 3This (irl is a won$ro#s woo$*%ai$. If she ha$
Dr&a$2s 'loo$ in her she co#l$ scarce $o i" 'e""er.3
3She2s so s%all, "ha"2s wha" hel)s,3 whis)ere$ E#s"ace. B#" >ill fro% in fron" sai$: 3S*s*s*h,
less noise.3
All ro#n$ "he% "he woo$ was +er& 9#ie". In$ee$ i" was far "oo 9#ie". On an or$inar& Narnia
ni(h" "here o#(h" "o ha+e 'een noises * an occasional cheer& 36oo$ni(h"3 fro% a
He$(eho(, "he cr& of an Owl o+erhea$, )erha)s a fl#"e in "he $is"ance "o "ell of 7a#ns
$ancin(, or so%e "hro''in(, ha%%erin( noises fro% Dwarfs #n$er(ro#n$. All "ha" was
silence$: (loo% an$ fear rei(ne$ o+er Narnia.
Af"er a "i%e "he& 'e(an "o (o s"ee)l& #)hill an$ "he "rees (rew f#r"her a)ar". Tirian co#l$
$i%l& %a,e o#" "he well,nown hill*"o) an$ "he s"a'le. >ill was now (oin( wi"h %ore an$
%ore ca#"ion: she ,e)" on %a,in( si(ns "o "he o"hers wi"h her han$ "o $o "he sa%e. Then
she s"o))e$ $ea$ s"ill an$ Tirian saw her (ra$#all& sin, $own in"o "he (rass an$ $isa))ear
wi"ho#" a so#n$. A %o%en" la"er she rose a(ain, )#" her %o#"h close "o Tirian2s ear, an$
sai$ in "he lowes" )ossi'le whis)er, 36e" $own. Thee 'e""er.3 She sai$ "hee for see no"
'eca#se she ha$ a lis) '#" 'eca#se she ,new "he hissin( le""er S is "he )ar" of a whis)er
%os" li,el& "o 'e o+erhear$. Tirian a" once la& $own, al%os" as silen"l& as >ill, '#" no" 9#i"e,
for he was hea+ier an$ ol$er. An$ once "he& were $own, he saw how fro% "ha" )osi"ion &o#
co#l$ see "he e$(e of "he hill shar) a(ains" "he s"ar*s"rewn s,&. Two 'lac, sha)es rose
a(ains" i": one was "he s"a'le, an$ "he o"her, a few fee" in fron" of i", was a Calor%ene
sen"r&. He was ,ee)in( +er& ill wa"ch: no" wal,in( or e+en s"an$in( '#" si""in( wi"h his
s)ear o+er his sho#l$er an$ his chin on his ches". 3Well $one,3 sai$ Tirian "o >ill. She ha$
shown hi% e1ac"l& wha" he nee$e$ "o ,now.
The& (o" #) an$ Tirian now "oo, "he lea$. ;er& slowl&, har$l& $arin( "o 'rea"he, "he& %a$e
"heir wa& #) "o a li""le cl#%) of "rees which was no" %ore "han for"& fee" awa& fro% "he
3Wai" here "ill I co%e a(ain,3 he whis)ere$ "o "he o"her "wo. 3If I %iscarr&, fl&.3 Then he
sa#n"ere$ o#" 'ol$l& in f#ll +iew of "he ene%&. The %an s"ar"e$ when he saw hi% an$ was
8#s" (oin( "o 8#%) "o his fee": he was afrai$ Tirian %i(h" 'e one of his own officers an$ "ha"
he wo#l$ (e" in"o "ro#'le for si""in( $own. B#" 'efore he co#l$ (e" #) Tirian ha$ $ro))e$
on one ,nee 'esi$e hi%, sa&in(:
3Ar" "ho# a warrior of "he Tisroc2s, %a& he li+e for e+er5 I" cheers %& hear" "o %ee" "hee
a%on( all "hese 'eas"s an$ $e+ils of Narnians. 6i+e %e "h& han$, frien$.3
Before he well ,new wha" was ha))enin( "he Calor%ene sen"r& fo#n$ his ri(h" han$ sei<e$
in a %i(h"& (ri). Ne1" ins"an" so%eone was ,neelin( on his le(s an$ a $a((er was )resse$
a(ains" his nec,.
3One noise an$ "ho# ar" $ea$,3 sai$ Tirian in his ear. 3Tell %e where "he nicorn is an$
"ho# shal" li+e.3
3B * 'ehin$ "he s"a'le, O -& -as"er,3 s"a%%ere$ "he #nfor"#na"e %an.
36oo$. Rise #) an$ lea$ %e "o hi%.3
As "he %an (o" #) "he )oin" of "he $a((er ne+er lef" his nec,. I" onl& "ra+elle$ ro#n$ .col$
an$ ra"her "ic,lish/ as Tirian (o" 'ehin$ hi% an$ se""le$ i" a" a con+enien" )lace #n$er his
ear. Tre%'lin( he wen" ro#n$ "o "he 'ac, of "he s"a'le.
Tho#(h i" was $ar, Tirian co#l$ see "he whi"e sha)e of >ewel a" once.
3H#sh43 he sai$. 3No, $o no" nei(h. Yes, >ewel, i" is I. How ha+e "he& "ie$ "hee53
3Ho''le$ '& all fo#r le(s an$ "ie$ wi"h a 'ri$le "o a rin( in "he s"a'le wall,3 ca%e >ewel2s
3S"an$ here, sen"r&, wi"h &o#r 'ac, "o "he wall. So. Now, >ewel: se" "he )oin" of &o#r horn
a(ains" "his Calor%ene2s 'reas".3
3Wi"h a (oo$ will, Sire,3 sai$ >ewel.
3If he %o+es, ri+e hi% "o "he hear".3 Then in a few secon$s Tirian c#" "he ro)es. Wi"h "he
re%ains of "he% he 'o#n$ "he sen"r& han$ an$ foo". 7inall& he %a$e hi% o)en his %o#"h,
s"#ffe$ i" f#ll of (rass an$ "ie$ hi% #) fro% scal) "o chin so "ha" he co#l$ %a,e no noise,
lowere$ "he %an in"o a si""in( )osi"ion an$ se" hi% a(ains" "he wall.
3I ha+e $one "hee so%e $isco#r"es&, sol$ier,3 sai$ Tirian. 3B#" s#ch was %& nee$. If we
%ee" a(ain I %a& ha))en "o $o "hee a 'e""er "#rn. Now, >ewel, le" #s (o sof"l&.3
He )#" his lef" ar% ro#n$ "he 'eas"2s nec, an$ 'en" an$ ,isse$ i"s nose an$ 'o"h ha$ (rea"
8o&. The& wen" 'ac, as 9#ie"l& as )ossi'le "o "he )lace where he ha$ lef" "he chil$ren. I" was
$ar,er in "here #n$er "he "rees an$ he nearl& ran in"o E#s"ace 'efore he saw hi%.
3All2s well,3 whis)ere$ Tirian. 3A (oo$ ni(h"2s wor,. Now for ho%e.3
The& "#rne$ an$ ha$ (one a few )aces when E#s"ace sai$, 3Where are &o#, Pole53 There
was no answer. 3Is >ill on "he o"her si$e of &o#, Sire53 he as,e$.
3Wha"53 sai$ Tirian. 3Is she no" on "he o"her si$e of &o#r3
I" was a "erri'le %o%en". The& $are$ no" sho#" '#" "he& whis)ere$ her na%e in "he lo#$es"
whis)er "he& co#l$ %ana(e. There was no re)l&.
3Di$ she (o fro% &o# while I was awa&53 as,e$ Tirian.
3I $i$n2" see or hear her (o,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3B#" she co#l$ ha+e (one wi"ho#" %& ,nowin(.
She can 'e as 9#ie" as a ca"0 &o#2+e seen for &o#rself.3
A" "ha" %o%en" a far off $r#% 'ea" was hear$. >ewel %o+e$ his ears forwar$. 3Dwarfs,3 he
3An$ "reachero#s Dwarfs, ene%ies, as li,el& as no",3 %#""ere$ Tirian.
3An$ here co%es so%e"hin( on hoofs, %#ch nearer,3 sai$ >ewel.
The "wo h#%ans an$ "he nicorn s"oo$ $ea$ s"ill. There were now so %an& $ifferen" "hin(s
"o worr& a'o#" "ha" "he& $i$n2" ,now wha" "o $o. The noise of hoofs ca%e s"ea$il& nearer.
An$ "hen, 9#i"e close "o "he%, a +oice whis)ere$:
3Hallo4 Are &o# all "here53
Than, hea+en, i" was >ill2s.
3Where "he $e+il ha+e &o# 'een "o53 sai$ E#s"ace in a f#rio#s whis)er, for he ha$ 'een
+er& fri(h"ene$.
3In "he s"a'le,3 (as)e$ >ill, '#" i" was "he sor" of (as) &o# (i+e when &o#2re s"r#((lin( wi"h
s#))resse$ la#(h"er.
3Oh,3 (rowle$ E#s"ace, 3&o# "hin, i" f#nn&, $o &o#5 Well all I can sa& is *3
3Ha+e &o# (o" >ewel, Sire53 as,e$ >ill.
3Yes. Here he is. Wha" is "ha" 'eas" wi"h &o#53
3Tha"2s hi%,3 sai$ >ill. 3B#" le"2s 'e off ho%e 'efore an&one wa,es #).3 An$ a(ain "here
ca%e li""le e1)losions of la#(h"er.
The o"hers o'e&e$ a" once for "he& ha$ alrea$& lin(ere$ lon( eno#(h in "ha" $an(ero#s
)lace an$ "he Dwarf $r#%s see%e$ "o ha+e co%e a li""le nearer. I" was onl& af"er "he& ha$
'een wal,in( So#"hwar$ for se+eral %in#"es "ha" E#s"ace sai$:
36o" hi%5 Wha" $o &o# %ean53
3The false Aslan,3 sai$ >ill.
3Wha"53 sai$ Tirian. 3Where ha+e &o# 'een5 Wha" ha+e &o# $one53
3Well, Sire,3 sai$ >ill. 3As soon as I saw "ha" &o#2$ (o" "he sen"r& o#" of "he wa& I "ho#(h"
ha$n2" I 'e""er ha+e a loo, insi$e "he s"a'le an$ see wha" reall& is "here5 So I crawle$ alon(.
I" was as eas& as an&"hin( "o $raw "he 'ol".
Of co#rse i" was )i"ch 'lac, insi$e an$ s%elle$ li,e an& o"her s"a'le. Then I s"r#c, a li(h"
an$ * wo#l$ &o# 'elie+e i"5 * "here was no"hin( a" all "here '#" "his ol$ $on,e& wi"h a
'#n$le of lion*s,in "ie$ on "o his 'ac,. So I $rew %& ,nife an$ "ol$ hi% he2$ ha+e "o co%e
alon( wi"h %e. As a %a""er of fac" I nee$n2" ha+e "hrea"ene$ hi% wi"h "he ,nife a" all. He
was +er& fe$ #) wi"h "he s"a'le an$ 9#i"e rea$& "o co%e * weren2" &o#, P#<<le $ear53
36rea" Sco""43 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Well I2% * 8i((ere$. I was 8oll& an(r& wi"h &o# a %o%en" a(o,
an$ I s"ill "hin, i" was %ean of &o# "o snea, off wi"ho#" "he res" of #s: '#" I %#s" a$%i" *
well, I %ean "o sa& * well i" was a )erfec"l& (or(eo#s "hin( "o $o. If she was a 'o& she2$
ha+e "o 'e ,ni(h"e$, wo#l$n2" she, Sire53
3If she was a 'o&,3 sai$ Tirian, 3she2$ 'e whi))e$ for $iso'e&in( or$ers.3 An$ in "he $ar,
no one co#l$ see whe"her he sai$ "his wi"h a frown or a s%ile. Ne1" %in#"e "here was a
so#n$ of ras)in( %e"al.
3Wha" are &o# $oin(, Sire53 as,e$ >ewel shar)l&.
3Drawin( %& swor$ "o s%i"e off "he hea$ of "he acc#rse$ Ass,3 sai$ Tirian in a "erri'le
+oice. 3S"an$ clear, (irl.3
3Oh $on2", )lease $on2",3 sai$ >ill. 3Reall&, &o# %#s"n2". I" wasn2" his fa#l". I" was all "he
A)e. He $i$n2" ,now an& 'e""er. An$ he2s +er& sorr&. An$ he2s a nice Don,e&. His na%e2s
P#<<le. An$ I2+e (o" %& ar%s ro#n$ his nec,.3
3>ill,3 sai$ Tirian, 3&o# are "he 'ra+es" an$ %os" woo$wise of all %& s#'8ec"s, '#" also "he
%os" %ala)er" an$ $iso'e$ien". Well: le" "he Ass li+e. Wha" ha+e &o# "o sa& for &o#rself,
3-e, Sire53 ca%e "he Don,e&2s +oice. 3I2% s#re I2% +er& sorr& if I2+e $one wron(. The A)e
sai$ Aslan wan"e$ %e "o $ress #) li,e "ha". An$ I "ho#(h" he2$ ,now. I2% no" cle+er li,e
hi%. I onl& $i$ wha" I was "ol$. I" wasn2" an& f#n for %e li+in( in "ha" s"a'le. I $on2" e+en
,now wha"2s 'een (oin( on o#"si$e. He ne+er le" %e o#" e1ce)" for a %in#"e or "wo a" ni(h".
So%e $a&s "he& for(o" "o (i+e %e an& wa"er "oo.3
3Sire,3 sai$ >ewel. 3Those Dwarfs are co%in( nearer an$ nearer. Do we wan" "o %ee"
Tirian "ho#(h" for a %o%en" an$ "hen s#$$enl& (a+e a (rea" la#(h o#" lo#$. Then he s)o,e,
no" "his "i%e in a whis)er. 3B& "he Lion,3 he sai$, 3I a% (rowin( slow wi""e$4 -ee" "he%5
Cer"ainl& we will %ee" "he%. We will %ee" an&one now. We ha+e "his Ass "o show "he%.
Le" "he% see "he "hin( "he& ha+e feare$ an$ 'owe$ "o. We can show "he% "he "r#"h of "he
A)e2s +ile )lo". His secre"2s o#". The "i$e2s "#rne$. To%orrow we shall han( "ha" A)e on "he
hi(hes" "ree in Narnia. No %ore whis)erin( an$ s,#l,in( an$ $is(#ises. Where are "hese
hones" Dwarfs5 We ha+e (oo$ news for "he%.3
When &o# ha+e 'een whis)erin( for ho#rs "he %ere so#n$ of an&one "al,in( o#" lo#$ has a
won$erf#ll& s"irrin( effec". The whole )ar"& 'e(an "al,in( an$ la#(hin(: e+en P#<<le lif"e$
#) his hea$ an$ (a+e a (ran$ Haw*hee*haw*hee*hee0 a "hin( "he A)e ha$n2" allowe$ hi% "o
$o for $a&s. Then "he& se" off in "he $irec"ion of "he $r#%%in(. I" (rew s"ea$il& lo#$er an$
soon "he& co#l$ see "orchli(h" as well. The& ca%e o#" on one of "hose ro#(h roa$s .we
sho#l$ har$l& call "he% roa$s a" all in En(lan$/ which ran "hro#(h Lan"ern Was"e. An$
"here, %archin( s"#r$il& alon(, were a'o#" "hir"& Dwarfs, all wi"h "heir li""le s)a$es an$
%a""oc,s o+er "heir sho#l$ers. Two ar%e$ Calor%enes le$ "he col#%n an$ "wo %ore
'ro#(h" #) "he rear.
3S"a&43 "h#n$ere$ Tirian as he s"e))e$ o#" on "he roa$. 3S"a&, sol$iers. Whi"her $o &o# lea$
"hese Narnian Dwarfs an$ '& whose or$ers53
THE "wo Calor%ene sol$iers a" "he hea$ of "he col#%n, seein( wha" "he& "oo, for a
Tar,aan or (rea" lor$ wi"h "wo ar%e$ )a(es, ca%e "o a hal" an$ raise$ "heir s)ears in sal#"e.
3O -& -as"er,3 sai$ one of "he%, 3we lea$ "hese %ani,ins "o Calor%en "o wor, in "he
%ines of The Tisroc, %a&*he*li+e*fore+er. 3
3B& "he (rea" (o$ Tash, "he& are +er& o'e$ien",3 sai$ Tirian. Then s#$$enl& he "#rne$ "o "he
Dwarfs "he%sel+es. A'o#" one in si1 of "he% carrie$ a "orch an$ '& "ha" flic,erin( li(h" he
co#l$ see "heir 'ear$e$ faces all loo,in( a" hi% wi"h (ri% an$ $o((e$ e1)ressions. 3Has
The Tisroc fo#(h" a (rea" 'a""le, Dwarfs, an$ con9#ere$ &o#r lan$53 he as,e$, 3"ha" "h#s
&o# (o )a"ien"l& "o $ie in "he sal"*)i"s of P#(rahan53
The "wo sol$iers (lare$ a" hi% in s#r)rise '#" "he Dwarfs all answere$, 3Aslan2s or$ers,
Aslan2s or$ers. He2s sol$ #s. Wha" can we $o a(ains" hi%53
3Tisroc in$ee$43 a$$e$ one an$ s)a". 3I2$ li,e "o see hi% "r& i"43
3Silence, $o(s43 sai$ "he chief sol$ier.
3Loo,43 sai$ Tirian, )#llin( P#<<le forwar$ in"o "he li(h". 3I" has all 'een a lie. Aslan has
no" co%e "o Narnia a" all. Yo# ha+e 'een chea"e$ '& "he A)e. This is "he "hin( he 'ro#(h"
o#" of "he s"a'le "o show &o#. Loo, a" i".3
Wha" "he Dwarfs saw, now "ha" "he& co#l$ see i" close, was cer"ainl& eno#(h "o %a,e "he%
won$er how "he& ha$ e+er 'een "a,en in. The lion*s,in ha$ (o" )re""& #n"i$& alrea$& $#rin(
P#<<le2s i%)rison%en" in "he s"a'le an$ i" ha$ 'een ,noc,e$ croo,e$ $#rin( his 8o#rne&
"hro#(h "he $ar, woo$. -os" of i" was in a 'i( l#%) on one sho#l$er. The hea$, 'esi$es
'ein( )#she$ si$ewa&s, ha$ so%ehow (o" +er& far 'ac, so "ha" an&one co#l$ now see his
sill&, (en"le, $on,e&ish face (a<in( o#" of i". So%e (rass s"#c, o#" of one corner of his
%o#"h, for he2$ 'een $oin( a li""le 9#ie" ni''lin( as "he& 'ro#(h" hi% alon(. An$ he was
%#""erin(, 3I" wasn2" %& fa#l", I2% no" cle+er. I ne+er sai$ I was.3
7or one secon$ all "he Dwarfs were s"arin( a" P#<<le wi"h wi$e o)en %o#"hs an$ "hen one
of "he sol$iers sai$ shar)l&, 3Are &o# %a$, -& -as"er5 Wha" are &o# $oin( "o "he sla+es53
an$ "he o"her sai$, 3An$ who are &o#53 Nei"her of "heir s)ears was a" "he sal#"e now * 'o"h
were $own an$ rea$& for ac"ion.
36i+e "he )asswor$,3 sai$ "he chief sol$ier.
3This is %& )asswor$,3 sai$ "he !in( as he $rew his swor$. 3The li(h" is $awnin(, "he lie
'ro,en. Now (#ar$ "hee, %iscrean", for I a% Tirian of Narnia.3
He flew #)on "he chief sol$ier li,e li(h"nin(. E#s"ace, who ha$ $rawn his swor$ when he
saw "he !in( $raw his, r#she$ a" "he o"her one: his face was $ea$l& )ale, '#" I wo#l$n2"
'la%e hi% for "ha". An$ he ha$ "he l#c, "ha" 'e(inners so%e"i%es $o ha+e. He for(o" all
"ha" Tirian ha$ "rie$ "o "each hi% "ha" af"ernoon, slashe$ wil$l& .in$ee$ I2% no" s#re his
e&es weren2" sh#"/ an$ s#$$enl& fo#n$, "o his own (rea" s#r)rise, "ha" "he Calor%ene la&
$ea$ a" his fee". An$ "ho#(h "ha" was a (rea" relief, i" was, a" "he %o%en", ra"her
fri(h"enin(. The !in(2s fi(h" las"e$ a secon$ or "wo lon(er: "hen he "oo ha$ ,ille$ his %an
an$ sho#"e$ "o E#s"ace, 32Ware "he o"her "wo.3
B#" "he Dwarfs ha$ se""le$ "he "wo re%ainin( Calor%enes. There was no ene%& lef".
3Well s"r#c,, E#s"ace43 crie$ Tirian, cla))in( hi% on "he 'ac,. 3Now, Dwarfs, &o# are free.
To%orrow I will lea$ &o# "o free all Narnia. Three cheers for Aslan43
B#" "he res#l" which followe$ was si%)l& wre"che$. There was a fee'le a""e%)" fro% a few
Dwarfs .a'o#" fi+e/ which $ie$ awa& all a" once: fro% se+eral o"hers "here were s#l,&
(rowls. -an& sai$ no"hin( a" all.
3Don2" "he& #n$ers"an$53 sai$ >ill i%)a"ien"l&. 3Wha"2s wron( wi"h all &o# Dwarfs5 Don2"
&o# hear wha" "he !in( sa&s5 I"2s all o+er. The A)e isn2" (oin( "o r#le Narnia an& lon(er.
E+er&one can (o 'ac, "o or$inar& life. Yo# can ha+e f#n a(ain. Aren2" &o# (la$53
Af"er a )a#se of nearl& a %in#"e a no"*+er&*nice*loo,in( Dwarf wi"h hair an$ 'ear$ as
'lac, as soo" sai$: 3An$ who %i(h" &o# 'e, -issie53
3I2% >ill,3 she sai$. 3The sa%e >ill who resc#e$ !in( Rilian fro% "he enchan"%en" an$ "his
is E#s"ace who $i$ i" "oo * an$ we2+e co%e 'ac, fro% ano"her worl$ af"er h#n$re$s of
&ears. Aslan sen" #s.3
The Dwarfs all loo,e$ a" one ano"her wi"h (rins0 sneerin( (rins, no" %err& ones.
3Well,3 sai$ "he Blac, Dwarf .whose na%e was 6riffle/, 3I $on2" ,now how all &o# cha)s
feel, '#" I feel I2+e hear$ as %#ch a'o#" Aslan as I wan" "o for "he res" of %& life.3
3Tha"2s ri(h", "ha"2s ri(h",3 (rowle$ "he o"her Dwarfs. 3I"2s all a )lan", all a 'loo%in( )lan".3
3Wha" $o &o# %ean53 sai$ Tirian. He ha$ no" 'een )ale when he was fi(h"in( '#" he was
)ale now. He ha$ "ho#(h" "his was (oin( "o 'e a 'ea#"if#l %o%en", '#" i" was "#rnin( o#"
%ore li,e a 'a$ $rea%.
3Yo# %#s" "hin, we2re 'loo%in( sof" in "he hea$, "ha" &o# %#s",3 sai$ 6riffle. 3We2+e 'een
"a,en in once an$ now &o# e1)ec" #s "o 'e "a,en in a(ain "he ne1" %in#"e. We2+e no %ore
#se for s"ories a'o#" Aslan, see4 Loo, a" hi%4 An ol$ %o,e wi"h lon( ears43
3B& hea+en, &o# %a,e %e %a$,3 sai$ Tirian. 3Which of #s sai$ "ha" was Aslan5 Tha" is "he
A)e2s i%i"a"ion of "he real Aslan. Can2" &o# #n$ers"an$53
3An$ &o#2+e (o" a 'e""er i%i"a"ion, I s#))ose43 sai$ 6riffle. 3No "han,s. We2+e 'een foole$
once an$ we2re no" (oin( "o 'e foole$ a(ain.3
3I ha+e no",3 sai$ Tirian an(ril&, 3I ser+e "he real Aslan.3
3Where2s he5 Who2s he5 Show hi% "o #s43 sai$ se+eral Dwarfs.
3Do &o# "hin, I ,ee) hi% in %& walle", fools53 sai$ Tirian. 3Who a% I "ha" I co#l$ %a,e
Aslan a))ear a" %& 'i$$in(5 He2s no" a "a%e lion.3
The %o%en" "hose wor$s were o#" of his %o#"h he reali<e$ "ha" he ha$ %a$e a false %o+e.
The Dwarfs a" once 'e(an re)ea"in( 3no" a "a%e lion, no" a "a%e lion,3 in a 8eerin( sin(*
son(. 3Tha"2s wha" "he o"her lo" ,e)" on "ellin( #s,3 sai$ one.
3Do &o# %ean &o# $on2" 'elie+e in "he real Aslan53 sai$ >ill. 3B#" I2+e seen hi%. An$ he has
sen" #s "wo here o#" of a $ifferen" worl$.3
3Ah,3 sai$ 6riffle wi"h a 'roa$ s%ile. 3So &o# sa&. The&2+e "a#(h" &o# &o#r s"#ff all ri(h".
Sa&in( &o#r lessons, ain2" &o#53
3Ch#rl,3 crie$ Tirian, 3will &o# (i+e a la$& "he lie "o her +er& face53
3Yo# ,ee) a ci+il "on(#e in &o#r hea$, -is"er,3 re)lie$ "he Dwarf. 3I $on2" "hin, we wan"
an& %ore !in(s * if &o# are Tirian, which &o# $on2" loo, li,e hi% * no %ore "han we wan"
an& Aslans. We2re (oin( "o loo, af"er o#rsel+es fro% now on an$ "o#ch o#r ca)s "o no'o$&.
3Tha"2s ri(h",3 sai$ "he o"her Dwarfs. 3We2re on o#r own now. No %ore Aslan, no %ore
!in(s, no %ore sill& s"ories a'o#" o"her worl$s. The Dwarfs are for "he Dwarfs.3 An$ "he&
'e(an "o fall in"o "heir )laces an$ "o (e" rea$& for %archin( 'ac, "o where+er "he& ha$
co%e fro%.
3Li""le 'eas"s43 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Aren2" &o# e+en (oin( "o sa& "han, &o# for 'ein( sa+e$ fro%
"he sal"*%ines53
3Oh, we ,now all a'o#" "ha",3 sai$ 6riffle o+er his sho#l$er. 3Yo# wan"e$ "o %a,e #se of
#s, "ha"2s wh& &o# resc#e$ #s. Yo#2re )la&in( so%e (a%e of &o#r own. Co%e on &o#
An$ "he Dwarfs s"r#c, #) "he 9#eer li""le %archin( son( which (oes wi"h "he $r#%*'ea",
an$ off "he& "ra%)e$ in"o "he $ar,ness.
Tirian an$ his frien$s s"are$ af"er "he%. Then he sai$ "he sin(le wor$ 3Co%e,3 an$ "he&
con"in#e$ "heir 8o#rne&.
The& were a silen" )ar"&. P#<<le fel" hi%self "o 'e s"ill in $is(race, an$ also he $i$n2" reall&
9#i"e #n$ers"an$ wha" ha$ ha))ene$. >ill, 'esi$es 'ein( $is(#s"e$ wi"h "he Dwarfs, was
+er& i%)resse$ wi"h E#s"ace2s +ic"or& o+er "he Calor%ene an$ fel" al%os" sh&. As for
E#s"ace, his hear" was s"ill 'ea"in( ra"her 9#ic,l&. Tirian an$ >ewel wal,e$ sa$l& "o(e"her in
"he rear. The !in( ha$ his ar% on "he nicorn2s sho#l$er an$ so%e"i%es "he nicorn
n#<<le$ "he !in(2s chee, wi"h his sof" nose. The& $i$ no" "r& "o co%for" one ano"her wi"h
wor$s. I" wasn2" +er& eas& "o "hin, of an&"hin( "o sa& "ha" wo#l$ 'e co%for"in(. Tirian ha$
ne+er $rea%e$ "ha" one of "he res#l"s of an A)e2s se""in( #) as a false Aslan wo#l$ 'e
"o s"o) )eo)le fro% 'elie+in( in "he real one. He ha$ fel" 9#i"e s#re "ha" "he Dwarfs wo#l$
rall& "o his si$e "he %o%en" he showe$ "he% how "he& ha$ 'een $ecei+e$. An$ "hen ne1"
ni(h" he wo#l$ ha+e le$ "he% "o S"a'le Hill an$ shown P#<<le "o all "he crea"#res an$
e+er&one wo#l$ ha+e "#rne$ a(ains" "he A)e an$, )erha)s af"er a sc#ffle wi"h "he
Calor%enes, "he whole "hin( wo#l$ ha+e 'een o+er. B#" now, i" see%e$, he co#l$ co#n" on
no"hin(. How %an& o"her Narnians %i(h" "#rn "he sa%e wa& as "he Dwarfs5
3So%e'o$&2s co%in( af"er #s, I "hin,,3 sai$ P#<<le s#$$enl&.
The& s"o))e$ an$ lis"ene$. S#re eno#(h, "here was a "h#%)*"h#%) of s%all fee" 'ehin$
3Who (oes "here43 sho#"e$ "he !in(.
3Onl& %e, Sire,3 ca%e a +oice. 3-e, Po((in "he Dwarf. I2+e onl& 8#s" %ana(e$ "o (e" awa&
fro% "he o"hers. I2% on &o#r si$e, Sire: an$ on Aslan2s. If &o# can )#" a Dwarfish swor$ in
%& fis", I2$ (la$l& s"ri,e a 'low on "he ri(h" si$e 'efore all2s $one.3
E+er&one crow$e$ ro#n$ hi% an$ welco%e$ hi% an$ )raise$ hi% an$ sla))e$ hi% on "he
'ac,. Of co#rse one sin(le Dwarf co#l$ no" %a,e a +er& (rea" $ifference, '#" i" was
so%ehow +er& cheerin( "o ha+e e+en one. The whole )ar"& 'ri(h"ene$ #). B#" >ill an$
E#s"ace $i$n2" s"a& 'ri(h" for +er& lon(, for "he& were now &awnin( "heir hea$s off an$ "oo
"ire$ "o "hin, a'o#" an&"hin( '#" 'e$.
I" was a" "he col$es" ho#r of "he ni(h", 8#s" 'efore $awn, "ha" "he& (o" 'ac, "o "he Tower. If
"here ha$ 'een a %eal rea$& for "he% "he& wo#l$ ha+e 'een (la$ eno#(h "o ea", '#" "he
'o"her an$ $ela& of (e""in( one was no" "o 'e "ho#(h" of. The& $ran, fro% a s"rea%,
s)lashe$ "heir faces wi"h wa"er, an$ "#%'le$ in"o "heir '#n,s, e1ce)" for P#<<le an$ >ewel
who sai$ "he&2$ 'e %ore co%for"a'le o#"si$e. This )erha)s was 8#s" as well, for a nicorn
an$ a fa", f#ll*(rown Don,e& in$oors alwa&s %a,e a roo% feel ra"her crow$e$.
Narnian Dwarfs, "ho#(h less "han fo#r fee" hi(h, are for "heir si<e a'o#" "he "o#(hes" an$
s"ron(es" crea"#res "here are, so "ha" Po((in, in s)i"e of a hea+& $a& an$ a la"e ni(h", wo,e
f#ll& refreshe$ 'efore an& of "he o"hers. He a" once "oo, >ill2s 'ow, wen" o#" an$ sho" a
co#)le of woo$ )i(eons. Then he sa" )l#c,in( "he% on "he $oors"e) an$ cha""in( "o >ewel
an$ P#<<le. P#<<le loo,e$ an$ fel" a (oo$ $eal 'e""er "his %ornin(. >ewel, 'ein( a nicorn
an$ "herefore one of "he no'les" an$ $elica"es" of 'eas"s, ha$ 'een +er& ,in$ "o hi%, "al,in(
"o hi% a'o#" "hin(s of "he sor" "he& co#l$ 'o"h #n$ers"an$ li,e (rass an$ s#(ar an$ "he care
of one2s hoofs. When >ill an$ E#s"ace ca%e o#" of "he Tower &awnin( an$ r#''in( "heir
e&es a" al%os" half )as" "en, "he Dwarf showe$ "he% where "he& co#l$ (a"her )len"& of a
Narnian wee$ calle$ Wil$ 7resne&, which loo,s ra"her li,e o#r woo$*sorrel '#" "as"es a
(oo$ $eal nicer when coo,e$. .I" nee$s a li""le '#""er an$ )e))er "o %a,e i" )erfec", '#" "he&
ha$n2" (o" "hese./ So "ha" wha" wi"h one "hin( an$ ano"her, "he& ha$ "he %a,in(s of a ca)i"al
s"ew for "heir 'rea,fas" or $inner, whiche+er &o# choose "o call i". Tirian wen" a li""le
f#r"her off in"o "he woo$ wi"h an a1e an$ 'ro#(h" 'ac, so%e 'ranches for f#el. While "he
%eal was coo,in( * which see%e$ a +er& lon( "i%e,
es)eciall& as i" s%elle$ nicer an$ nicer "he nearer i" ca%e "o 'ein( $one * "he !in( fo#n$ a
co%)le"e Dwarfish o#"fi" for Po((in: %ail shir", hel%e", shiel$, swor$, 'el", an$ $a((er.
Then he ins)ec"e$ E#s"ace2s swor$ an$ fo#n$ "ha" E#s"ace ha$ )#" i" 'ac, in "he shea"h all
%ess& fro% ,illin( "he Calor%ene. He was scol$e$ for "ha" an$ %a$e "o clean an$ )olish i".
All "his while >ill wen" "o an$ fro, so%e"i%es s"irrin( "he )o" an$ so%e"i%es loo,in( o#"
en+io#sl& a" "he Don,e& an$ "he nicorn who were con"en"e$l& (ra<in(. How %an& "i%es
"ha" %ornin( she wishe$ she co#l$ ea" (rass4
B#" when "he %eal ca%e e+er&one fel" i" ha$ 'een wor"h wai"in( for, an$ "here were secon$
hel)in(s all ro#n$. When e+er&one ha$ ea"en as %#ch as he co#l$, "he "hree h#%ans an$
"he Dwarf ca%e an$ sa" on "he $oors"e), "he fo#r*foo"e$ ones la& $own facin( "he%, "he
Dwarf .wi"h )er%ission 'o"h fro% >ill an$ fro% Tirian/ li" his )i)e, an$ "he !in( sai$:
3Now, frien$ Po((in, &o# ha+e %ore news of "he ene%&, 'eli,e, "han we. Tell #s all &o#
,now. An$ firs", wha" "ale $o "he& "ell of %& esca)e53
3As c#nnin( a "ale, Sire, as e+er was $e+ise$,3 sai$ Po((in. 3I" was "he Ca", 6in(er, who
"ol$ i", an$ %os" li,el& %a$e i" #) "oo. This 6in(er, Sire * oh, he2s a sl&'oo"s if e+er a ca"
was * sai$ he was wal,in( )as" "he "ree "o which "hose +illains 'o#n$ &o#r -a8es"&. An$ he
sai$ .sa+in( &o#r re+erence/ "ha" &o# were howlin( an$ swearin( an$ c#rsin( Aslan:
Alan(#a(e I wo#l$n2" li,e "o re)ea"2 were "he wor$s he #se$, loo,in( e+er so )ri% an$
)ro)er &o# ,now "he wa& a Ca" can when i" )leases. An$ "hen, sa&s 6in(er, Aslan hi%self
s#$$enl& a))eare$ in a flash of li(h"nin( an$ swallowe$ &o#r -a8es"& #) a" one %o#"hf#l.
All "he Beas"s "re%'le$ a" "his s"or& an$ so%e fain"e$ ri(h" awa&. An$ of co#rse "he A)e
followe$ i" #). There, he sa&s, see wha" Aslan $oes "o "hose who $on2" res)ec" hi%. Le" "ha"
'e a warnin( "o &o# all. An$ "he )oor crea"#res waile$ an$ whine$ an$ sai$, i" will, i" will.
So "ha" in "he #)sho" &o#r -a8es"&2s esca)e has no" se" "he% "hin,in( whe"her &o# s"ill ha+e
lo&al frien$s "o ai$ &o#, '#" onl& %a$e "he% %ore afrai$ an$ %ore o'e$ien" "o "he A)e.3
3Wha" $e+ilish )olic&43 sai$ Tirian. 3This 6in(er, "hen, is close in "he A)e2s co#nsels.3
3I"2s %ore a 9#es"ion '& now, Sire, if "he A)e is in his co#nsels,3 re)lie$ "he Dwarf. 3The
A)e has "a,en "o $rin,in(, &o# see. -& 'elief is "ha" "he )lo" is now %os"l& carrie$ on '&
6in(er or Rish$a * "ha"2s "he Calor%ene ca)"ain. An$ I "hin, so%e wor$s "ha" 6in(er has
sca""ere$ a%on( "he Dwarfs are chiefl& "o 'la%e for "he sc#r+& re"#rn "he& %a$e &o#. An$
I2ll "ell &o# wh&. One of "hose $rea$f#l %i$ni(h" %ee"in(s ha$ 8#s" 'ro,en #) "he ni(h"
'efore las" an$ I2$ (one a 'i" of "he wa& ho%e when I fo#n$ I2$ lef" %& )i)e 'ehin$. I" was a
real (oo$ 2#n, an ol$ fa+o#ri"e, so I wen" 'ac, "o loo, for i". B#" 'efore I (o" "o "he )lace
where I2$ 'een si""in( .i" was 'lac, as )i"ch "here/ I hear$ a ca"2s +oice sa& -ew an$ a
Calor%ene +oice sa& Ahere . . . s)ea, sof"l&,2 so I 8#s" s"oo$ as s"ill as if I was fro<en. An$
"hese "wo were 6in(er an$ Rish$a Tar,aan as "he& call hi%. ANo'le Tar,aan,2 sai$ "he Ca"
in "ha" sil,& +oice of his, AI 8#s" wan"e$ "o ,now e1ac"l& wha" we
'o"h %ean" "o$a& a'o#" Aslan %eanin( no %ore "han Tash.2 ADo#'"less, %os" sa(acio#s of
ca"s,2 sa&s "he o"her, A&o# ha+e )ercei+e$ %& %eanin(.2 AYo# %ean,2 sa&s 6in(er, A"ha"
"here2s no s#ch )erson as ei"her.3 3All who are enli(h"ene$ ,now "ha",2 sai$ "he Tar,aan.
AThen we can #n$ers"an$ one ano"her,2 )#rrs "he Ca". ADo &o#, li,e %e, (row a li""le wear&
of "he A)e52 AA s"#)i$, (ree$& 'r#"e,2 sa&s "he o"her, A'#" we %#s" #se hi% for "he )resen".
Tho# an$ I %#s" )ro+i$e for all "hin(s in secre" an$ %a,e "he A)e $o o#r will.2 AAn$ i"
wo#l$ 'e 'e""er, wo#l$n2" i",2 sai$ 6in(er, A"o le" so%e of "he %ore enli(h"ene$ Narnians
in"o o#r co#nsels: one '& one as we fin$ "he% a)". 7or "he Beas"s who reall& 'elie+e in
Aslan %a& "#rn a" an& %o%en": an$ will, if "he A)e2s foll& 'e"ra&s his secre". B#" "hose who
care nei"her for Tash nor Aslan '#" ha+e onl& an e&e "o "heir own )rofi" an$ s#ch rewar$ as
The Tisroc %a& (i+e "he% when Narnia is a Calor%ene )ro+ince, will 'e fir%.2 AE1cellen"
Ca",2 sai$ "he Ca)"ain. AB#" choose which ones caref#ll&.32
While "he Dwarf ha$ 'een s)ea,in( "he $a& see%e$ "o ha+e chan(e$. I" ha$ 'een s#nn&
when "he& sa" $own. Now P#<<le shi+ere$. >ewel shif"e$ his hea$ #neasil&. >ill loo,e$ #).
3I"2s clo#$in( o+er,3 she sai$.
3An$ i"2s so col$,3 sai$ P#<<le.
3Col$ eno#(h, '& "he Lion43 sai$ Tirian, 'lowin( on his han$s. 3An$ fa#(h4 Wha" fo#l
s%ell is "his53
3Phew43 (as)e$ E#s"ace. 3I"2s li,e so%e"hin( $ea$. Is "here a $ea$ 'ir$ so%ewhere a'o#"5
An$ wh& $i$n2" we no"ice i" 'efore53
Wi"h a (rea" #)hea+al >ewel scra%'le$ "o his fee" an$ )oin"e$ wi"h his horn.
3Loo,43 he crie$. 3Loo, a" i"4 Loo,, loo,43
Then all si1 of "he% saw0 an$ o+er all "heir faces "here ca%e an e1)ression of #""er%os"
IN "he sha$ow of "he "rees on "he far si$e of "he clearin( so%e"hin( was %o+in(. I" was
(li$in( +er& slowl& Nor"hwar$. A" a firs" (lance &o# %i(h" ha+e %is"a,en i" for s%o,e, for
i" was (re& an$ &o# co#l$ see "hin(s "hro#(h i". B#" "he $ea"hl& s%ell was no" "he s%ell of
s%o,e. Also, "his "hin( ,e)" i"s sha)e ins"ea$ of 'illowin( an$ c#rlin( as s%o,e
wo#l$ ha+e $one. I" was ro#(hl& "he sha)e of a %an '#" i" ha$ "he hea$ of a 'ir$0 so%e 'ir$
of )re& wi"h a cr#el, c#r+e$ 'ea,. I" ha$ fo#r ar%s which i" hel$ hi(h a'o+e i"s hea$,
s"re"chin( "he% o#" Nor"hwar$ as if i" wan"e$ "o sna"ch all Narnia in i"s (ri)0 an$ i"s fin(ers
* all "wen"& of "he% * were c#r+e$ li,e i"s 'ea, an$ ha$ lon(, )oin"e$, 'ir$*li,e claws
ins"ea$ of nails. I" floa"e$ on "he (rass ins"ea$ of wal,in(, an$ "he (rass see%e$ "o wi"her
'enea"h i".
Af"er one loo, a" i" P#<<le (a+e a screa%in( 'ra& an$ $ar"e$ in"o "he Tower. An$ >ill .who
was no cowar$, as &o# ,now/ hi$ her face in her han$s "o sh#" o#" "he si(h" of i". The o"hers
wa"che$ i" for )erha)s a %in#"e, #n"il i" s"rea%e$ awa& in"o "he "hic,er "rees on "heir ri(h"
an$ $isa))eare$. Then "he s#n ca%e o#" a(ain, an$ "he 'ir$s once %ore 'e(an "o sin(.
E+er&one s"ar"e$ 'rea"hin( )ro)erl& a(ain an$ %o+e$. The& ha$ all 'een s"ill as s"a"#es
while i" was in si(h".
3Wha" was i"53 sai$ E#s"ace in a whis)er.
3I ha+e seen i" once 'efore,3 sai$ Tirian. 3B#" "ha" "i%e i" was car+e$ in s"one an$ o+erlai$
wi"h (ol$ an$ ha$ soli$ $ia%on$s for e&es. I" was when I was no ol$er "han "ho#, an$ ha$
(one as a (#es" "o The Tisroc2s co#r" in Tash'aan.
He "oo, %e in"o "he (rea" "e%)le of Tash. There I saw i", car+e$ a'o+e "he al"ar.3
3Then "ha" * "ha" "hin( * was Tash53 sai$ E#s"ace.
B#" ins"ea$ of answerin( hi% Tirian sli))e$ his ar% 'ehin$ >ill2s sho#l$ers an$ sai$, 3How
is i" wi"h &o#, La$&53
3A*all ri(h",3 sai$ >ill, "a,in( her han$s awa& fro% her )ale face an$ "r&in( "o s%ile. 3I2%
all ri(h". I" onl& %a$e %e feel a li""le sic, for a %o%en".3
3I" see%s, "hen,3 sai$ "he nicorn, 3"ha" "here is a real Tash, af"er all.3
3Yes,3 sai$ "he Dwarf. 3An$ "his fool of an A)e, who $i$n2" 'elie+e in Tash, will (e" %ore
"han he 'ar(aine$ for4 He calle$ for Tash: Tash has co%e.3
3Where has i" * he * "he Thin( * (one "o53 sai$ >ill.
3Nor"h in"o "he hear" of Narnia,3 sai$ Tirian. 3I" has co%e "o $well a%on( #s. The& ha+e
calle$ i" an$ i" has co%e.3
3Ho, ho, ho43 ch#c,le$ "he Dwarf, r#''in( his hair& han$s "o(e"her. 3I" will 'e a s#r)rise
for "he A)e. Peo)le sho#l$n2" call for $e%ons #nless "he& reall& %ean wha" "he& sa&.3
3Who ,nows if Tash will 'e +isi'le "o "he A)e53 sai$ >ewel.
3Where has P#<<le (o" "o53 sai$ E#s"ace.
The& all sho#"e$ o#" P#<<le2s na%e an$ >ill wen" ro#n$ "o "he o"her si$e of "he Tower "o see
if he ha$ (one "here.
The& were 9#i"e "ire$ of loo,in( for hi% when a" las" his lar(e (re& hea$ )eere$ ca#"io#sl&
o#" of "he $oorwa& an$ he sai$, 3Has i" (one awa&53 An$ when a" las" "he& (o" hi% "o co%e
o#", he was shi+erin( "he wa& a $o( shi+ers 'efore a "h#n$ers"or%.
3I see now,3 sai$ P#<<le, 3"ha" I reall& ha+e 'een a +er& 'a$ $on,e&. I o#(h" ne+er "o ha+e
lis"ene$ "o Shif". I ne+er "ho#(h" "hin(s li,e "his wo#l$ 'e(in "o ha))en.3
3If &o#2$ s)en" less "i%e sa&in( &o# weren2" cle+er an$ %ore "i%e "r&in( "o 'e as cle+er as
&o# co#l$ *3 'e(an E#s"ace '#" >ill in"err#)"e$ hi%.
3Oh lea+e )oor ol$ P#<<le alone,3 she sai$. 3I" was all a %is"a,e0 wasn2" i", P#<<le $ear53
An$ she ,isse$ hi% on "he nose.
Tho#(h ra"her sha,en '& wha" "he& ha$ seen, "he whole )ar"& now sa" $own a(ain an$ wen"
on wi"h "heir "al,.
>ewel ha$ li""le "o "ell "he%. While he was a )risoner he ha$ s)en" nearl& all his "i%e "ie$ #)
a" "he 'ac, of "he s"a'le, an$ ha$ of co#rse hear$ none of "he ene%ies2 )lans. He ha$ 'een
,ic,e$ .he2$ $one so%e ,ic,in( 'ac, "oo/ an$ 'ea"en an$ "hrea"ene$ wi"h $ea"h #nless he
wo#l$ sa& "ha" he 'elie+e$ i" was Aslan who was 'ro#(h" o#" an$ shown "o "he% '&
fireli(h" e+er& ni(h". In fac" he was (oin( "o 'e e1ec#"e$ "his +er& %ornin( if he ha$ no"
'een resc#e$. He $i$n2" ,now wha" ha$ ha))ene$ "o "he La%'.
The 9#es"ion "he& ha$ "o $eci$e was whe"her "he& wo#l$ (o "o S"a'le Hill a(ain "ha" ni(h",
show P#<<le "o "he Narnians an$ "r& "o %a,e "he% see how "he& ha$ 'een "ric,e$, or
whe"her "he& sho#l$ s"eal awa& Eas"war$ "o %ee" "he hel) which Roonwi" "he Cen"a#r was
'rin(in( #) fro% Cair Para+el an$ re"#rn a(ains" "he A)e an$ his Calor%enes in force.
Tirian wo#l$ +er& %#ch li,e "o ha+e followe$ "he firs" )lan: he ha"e$ "he i$ea of lea+in( "he
A)e "o '#ll& his )eo)le one %o%en" lon(er "han nee$ 'e. On "he o"her han$, "he wa& "he
Dwarfs ha$ 'eha+e$ las" ni(h" was a warnin(. A))aren"l& one co#l$n2" 'e s#re how )eo)le
wo#l$ "a,e i" e+en if he showe$ "he% P#<<le. An$ "here were "he Calor%ene sol$iers "o 'e
rec,one$ wi"h. Po((in "ho#(h" "here were a'o#" "hir"& of "he%. Tirian fel" s#re "ha" if "he
Narnians all rallie$ "o his si$e, he an$ >ewel an$ "he chil$ren an$ Po((in .P#<<le $i$n2"
co#n" for %#ch/ wo#l$ ha+e a (oo$ chance of 'ea"in( "he%. B#" how if half "he Narnians *
incl#$in( all "he Dwarfs * 8#s" sa" an$ loo,e$ on5 or e+en fo#(h" a(ains" hi%5 The ris, was
"oo (rea". An$ "here was, "oo, "he clo#$& sha)e of Tash. Wha" %i(h" i" $o5
An$ "hen, as Po((in )oin"e$ o#", "here was no har% in lea+in( "he A)e "o $eal wi"h his own
$iffic#l"ies for a $a& or "wo. He wo#l$ ha+e no P#<<le "o 'rin( o#" an$ show now. I"
wasn2" eas& "o see wha" s"or& he * or 6in(er co#l$ %a,e #) "o e1)lain "ha". If "he Beas"s
as,e$ ni(h" af"er ni(h" "o see Aslan, an$ no Aslan was 'ro#(h" o#", s#rel& e+en "he si%)les"
of "he% wo#l$ (e" s#s)icio#s.
In "he en$ "he& all a(ree$ "ha" "he 'es" "hin( was "o (o off an$ "r& "o %ee" Roonwi".
As soon as "he& ha$ $eci$e$ "his, i" was won$erf#l how %#ch %ore cheerf#l e+er&one
'eca%e. I $on2" hones"l& "hin, "ha" "his was 'eca#se an& of "he% was afrai$ of a fi(h"
.e1ce)" )erha)s >ill an$ E#s"ace/. B#" I $aresa& "ha" each of "he%, $ee) $own insi$e, was
+er& (la$ no" "o (o an& nearer * or no" &e" * "o "ha" horri'le 'ir$*hea$e$ "hin( which, +isi'le
or in+isi'le, was now )ro'a'l& ha#n"in( S"a'le Hill. An&wa&, one alwa&s feels 'e""er when
one has %a$e #) one2s %in$.
Tirian sai$ "he& ha$ 'e""er re%o+e "heir $is(#ises, as "he& $i$n2" wan" "o 'e %is"a,en for
Calor%enes an$ )erha)s a""ac,e$ '& an& lo&al Narnians "he& %i(h" %ee". The Dwarf %a$e
#) a horri$*loo,in( %ess of ashes fro% "he hear"h an$ (rease o#" of "he 8ar of (rease which
was ,e)" for r#''in( on swor$s an$ s)ear*hea$s. Then "he& "oo, off "heir Calor%ene
ar%o#r an$ wen" $own "o "he s"rea%. The nas"& %i1"#re %a$e a la"her 8#s" li,e sof" soa): i"
was a )leasan", ho%el& si(h" "o see Tirian an$ "he "wo chil$ren ,neelin( 'esi$e "he wa"er
an$ scr#''in( "he 'ac,s of "heir nec,s or )#ffin( an$ 'lowin( as "he& s)lashe$ "he la"her
off. Then "he& wen" 'ac, "o "he Tower wi"h re$, shin& faces, li,e )eo)le who ha+e 'een
(i+en an e1"ra (oo$ wash 'efore a )ar"&. The& re*ar%e$ "he%sel+es in "r#e Narnian s"&le,
wi"h s"rai(h" swor$s an$ "hree*cornere$ shiel$s. 3Bo$& of %e,3 sai$ Tirian. 3Tha" is 'e""er. I
feel a "r#e %an a(ain.3
P#<<le 'e((e$ +er& har$ "o ha+e "he lion*s,in "a,en off hi%. He sai$ i" was "oo ho" an$ "he
wa& i" was r#c,e$ #) on his 'ac, was #nco%for"a'le: also, i" %a$e hi% loo, so sill&. B#"
"he& "ol$ hi% he wo#l$ ha+e "o wear i" a 'i" lon(er, for "he& s"ill wan"e$ "o show hi% in "ha"
(e"*#) "o "he o"her Beas"s, e+en "ho#(h "he& were now (oin( "o %ee" Roonwi" firs".
Wha" was lef" of "he )i(eon*%ea" an$ ra''i"*%ea" was no" wor"h 'rin(in( awa& '#" "he&
"oo, so%e 'isc#i"s. Then Tirian loc,e$ "he $oor of "he Tower an$ "ha" was "he en$ of "heir
s"a& "here.
I" was a li""le af"er "wo in "he af"ernoon when "he& se" o#", an$ i" was "he firs" reall& war%
$a& of "ha" s)rin(. The &o#n( lea+es see%e$ "o 'e %#ch f#r"her o#" "han &es"er$a&: "he
snow*$ro)s were o+er, '#" "he& saw se+eral )ri%roses. The s#nli(h" slan"e$ "hro#(h "he
"rees, 'ir$s san(, an$ alwa&s ."ho#(h #s#all& o#" of si(h"/ "here was "he noise of r#nnin(
wa"er. I" was har$ "o "hin, of horri'le "hin(s li,e Tash. The chil$ren fel", 3This is reall&
Narnia a" las".3 E+en Tirian2s hear" (rew li(h"er as he wal,e$ ahea$ of "he%, h#%%in( an
ol$ Narnian %archin( son( which ha$ "he refrain:
Ho, r#%'le, r#%'le, r#%'le, R#%'le $r#% 'ela'o#re$.
Af"er "he !in( ca%e E#s"ace an$ Po((in "he Dwarf. Po((in was "ellin( E#s"ace "he na%es
of all "he Narnian "rees, 'ir$s, an$ )lan"s which he $i$n2" ,now alrea$&. So%e"i%es E#s"ace
wo#l$ "ell hi% a'o#" En(lish ones.
Af"er "he% ca%e P#<<le, an$ af"er hi% >ill an$ >ewel wal,in( +er& close "o(e"her. >ill ha$,
as &o# %i(h" sa&, 9#i"e fallen in lo+e wi"h "he nicorn. She "ho#(h"* an$ she wasn2" far
wron( * "ha" he was "he shinin(es", $elica"es", %os" (racef#l ani%al she ha$ e+er %e": an$
he was so (en"le an$ sof" of s)eech "ha", if &o# ha$n2" ,nown, &o# wo#l$ har$l& ha+e
'elie+e$ how fierce an$ "erri'le he co#l$ 'e in 'a""le.
3Oh, "his is nice43 sai$ >ill. 3>#s" wal,in( alon( li,e "his. I wish "here co#l$ 'e %ore of "his
sor" of a$+en"#re. I"2s a )i"& "here2s alwa&s so %#ch ha))enin( in Narnia.3
B#" "he nicorn e1)laine$ "o her "ha" she was 9#i"e %is"a,en. He sai$ "ha" "he Sons an$
Da#(h"ers of A$a% an$ E+e were 'ro#(h" o#" of "heir own s"ran(e worl$ in"o Narnia onl&
a" "i%es when Narnia was s"irre$ an$ #)se", '#" she %#s"n2" "hin, i" was alwa&s li,e "ha". In
'e"ween "heir +isi"s "here were h#n$re$s an$ "ho#san$s of &ears when )eacef#l !in(
followe$ )eacef#l !in( "ill &o# co#l$ har$l& re%e%'er "heir na%es or co#n" "heir n#%'ers,
an$ "here was reall& har$l& an&"hin( "o )#" in"o "he His"or& Boo,s. An$ he wen" on "o "al,
of ol$ =#eens an$ heroes who% she ha$ ne+er hear$ of. He s)o,e of Swanwhi"e "he =#een
who ha$ li+e$ 'efore "he $a&s of "he Whi"e Wi"ch an$ "he 6rea" Win"er, who was so
'ea#"if#l "ha" when she loo,e$ in"o an& fores" )ool "he reflec"ion of her face shone o#" of
"he wa"er li,e a s"ar '& ni(h" for a &ear an$ a $a& af"erwar$s. He s)o,e of -oonwoo$ "he
Hare who ha$ s#ch ears "ha" he co#l$ si" '& Cal$ron Pool #n$er "he "h#n$er of "he (rea"
wa"erfall an$ hear wha" %en s)o,e in whis)ers a" Cair Para+el. He "ol$ how !in( 6ale,
who was nin"h in $escen" fro% 7ran, "he firs" of all !in(s, ha$ saile$ far awa& in"o "he
Eas"ern seas an$ $eli+ere$ "he Lone Islan$ers fro% a $ra(on an$ how, in re"#rn, "he& ha$
(i+en hi% "he Lone Islan$s "o 'e )ar" of "he ro&al lan$s of Narnia for e+er. He "al,e$ of
whole cen"#ries in which all Narnia was so ha))& "ha" no"a'le $ances an$ feas"s, or a" %os"
"o#rna%en"s, were "he onl& "hin(s "ha" co#l$ 'e re%e%'ere$, an$ e+er& $a& an$ wee, ha$
'een 'e""er "han "he las". An$ as he wen" on, "he )ic"#re of all "hose ha))& &ears, all "he
"ho#san$s of "he%, )ile$ #) in >ill2s %in$ "ill i" was ra"her li,e loo,in( $own fro% a hi(h
hill on "o a rich, lo+el& )lain f#ll of woo$s an$ wa"ers an$ cornfiel$s, which s)rea$ awa&
an$ awa& "ill i" (o" "hin an$ %is"& fro% $is"ance. An$ she sai$:
3Oh, I $o ho)e we can soon se""le "he A)e an$ (e" 'ac, "o "hose (oo$, or$inar& "i%es. An$
"hen I ho)e "he&2ll (o on for e+er an$ e+er an$ e+er. O#r worl$ is (oin( "o ha+e an en$
so%e $a&. Perha)s "his one won2". Oh >ewel wo#l$n2" i" 'e lo+el& if Narnia 8#s" wen" on an$
on * li,e wha" &o# sai$ i" has 'een53
3Na&, sis"er,3 answere$ >ewel, 3all worl$s $raw "o an en$, e1ce)" Aslan2s own co#n"r&.3
3Well, a" leas",3 sai$ >ill, 3I ho)e "he en$ of "his one is %illions of %illions of %illions of
&ears awa& * hallo4 wha" are we s"o))in( for53
The !in( an$ E#s"ace an$ "he Dwarf were all s"arin( #) a" "he s,&. >ill sh#$$ere$,
re%e%'erin( wha" horrors "he& ha$ seen alrea$&. B#" i" was no"hin( of "ha" sor" "his "i%e. I"
was s%all, an$ loo,e$ 'lac, a(ains" "he 'l#e.
3I $are swear,3 sai$ "he nicorn, 3fro% i"s fli(h", "ha" i" is a Tal,in( 'ir$.3
3So "hin, I,3 sai$ "he !in(. 3B#" is i" a frien$, or a s)& of "he A)e2s53
3To %e, Sire,3 sai$ "he Dwarf, 3i" has a loo, of 7ar*si(h" "he Ea(le.3
3O#(h" we "o hi$e #n$er "he "rees53 sai$ E#s"ace.
3Na&,3 sai$ Tirian, 3'es" s"an$ s"ill as roc,s. He wo#l$ see #s for cer"ain if we %o+e$.3
3Loo,4 He wheels, he has seen #s alrea$&,3 sai$ >ewel. 3He is co%in( $own in wi$e
3Arrow on s"rin(, La$&,3 sai$ Tirian "o >ill. 3B#" '& no %eans shoo" "ill I 'i$ &o#. He %a&
'e a frien$.3
If one ha$ ,nown wha" was (oin( "o ha))en ne1" i" wo#l$ ha+e 'een a "rea" "o wa"ch "he
(race an$ ease wi"h which "he h#(e 'ir$ (li$e$ $own. He ali(h"e$ on a roc,& cra( a few
fee" fro% Tirian, 'owe$ his cres"e$ hea$, an$ sai$ in his s"ran(e ea(le2s*+oice, 3Hail, !in(.3
3Hail, 7arsi(h",3 sai$ Tirian. 3An$ since &o# call %e !in(, I %a& well 'elie+e &o# are no" a
follower of "he A)e an$ his false Aslan. I a% ri(h" (la$ of &o#r co%in(.3
3Sire,3 sai$ "he Ea(le, 3when &o# ha+e hear$ %& news &o# will 'e sorrier of %& co%in(
"han of "he (rea"es" woe "ha" e+er 'efell &o#.3
Tirian2s hear" see%e$ "o s"o) 'ea"in( a" "hese wor$s, '#" he se" his "ee"h an$ sai$, 3Tell on.3
3Two si(h"s ha+e I seen,3 sai$ 7arsi(h". 3One was Cair Para+el fille$ wi"h $ea$ Narnians
an$ li+in( Calor%enes: The Tisroc2s 'anner a$+ance$ #)on &o#r ro&al 'a""le%en"s: an$
&o#r s#'8ec"s fl&in( fro% "he ci"& * "his wa& an$ "ha", in"o "he woo$s. Cair Para+el was
"a,en fro% "he sea. Twen"& (rea" shi)s of Calor%en )#" in "here in "he $ar, of "he ni(h"
'efore las" ni(h".3
No one co#l$ s)ea,.
3An$ "he o"her si(h", fi+e lea(#es nearer "han Cair Para+el, was Roonwi" "he Cen"a#r l&in(
$ea$ wi"h a Calor%ene arrow in his si$e. I was wi"h hi% in his las" ho#r an$ he (a+e %e
"his %essa(e "o &o#r -a8es"&: "o re%e%'er "ha" all worl$s $raw "o an en$ an$ "ha" no'le
$ea"h is a "reas#re which no one is "oo )oor "o '#&.3
3So,3 sai$ "he !in(, af"er a lon( silence, 3Narnia is no %ore.3
7o), a lon( "i%e "he& co#l$ no" s)ea, nor e+en she$ a "ear. Then "he nicorn s"a%)e$ "he
(ro#n$ wi"h his hoof, an$ shoo, his %ane, an$ s)o,e.
3Sire,3 he sai$, 3"here is now no nee$ of co#nsel. We see "ha" "he A)e2s )lans were lai$
$ee)er "han we $rea%e$ of. Do#'"less he has 'een lon( in secre" "raffic wi"h The Tisroc,
an$ as soon as he ha$ fo#n$ "he lion*s,in he sen" hi% wor$ "o %a,e rea$& his na+& for "he
"a,in( of Cair Para+el an$ all Narnia. No"hin( now re%ains for #s se+en '#" "o (o 'ac, "o
S"a'le Hill, )roclai% "he "r#"h, an$ "a,e "he a$+en"#re "ha" Aslan sen$s #s. An$ if, '& a
(rea" %ar+el, we $efea" "hose "hir"& Calor%enes who are wi"h "he A)e, "hen "o "#rn a(ain
an$ $ie in 'a""le wi"h "he far (rea"er hos" of "he% "ha" will soon %arch fro% Cair Para+el.3
Tirian no$$e$. B#" he "#rne$ "o "he chil$ren an$ sai$: 3Now, frien$s, i" is "i%e for &o# "o (o
hence in"o &o#r own worl$. Do#'"less &o# ha+e $one all "ha" &o# were sen" "o $o.3
3B * '#" we2+e $one no"hin(,3 sai$ >ill who was shi+erin(, no" wi"h fear e1ac"l& '#" 'eca#se
e+er&"hin( was so horri'le.
3Na&,3 sai$ "he !in(, 3&o# loose$ %e fro% "he "ree: &o# (li$e$ 'efore %e li,e a sna,e las"
ni(h" in "he woo$ an$ "oo, P#<<le: an$ &o#, E#s"ace, ,ille$ &o#r %an. B#" &o# are "oo
&o#n( "o share in s#ch a 'loo$& en$ as we o"hers %#s" %ee" "oni(h" or, i" %a& 'e, "hree
$a&s hence. I en"rea" &o# * na&, I co%%an$ &o# * "o re"#rn "o &o#r own )lace. I sho#l$ 'e
)#" "o sha%e if I le" s#ch &o#n( warriors fall in 'a""le on %& si$e.3
3No, no, no,3 sai$ >ill .+er& whi"e when she 'e(an s)ea,in( an$ "hen s#$$enl& +er& re$ an$
"hen whi"e a(ain./ 3We won2", I $on2" care wha" &o# sa&. We2re (oin( "o s"ic, "o &o#
wha"e+er ha))ens, aren2" we, E#s"ace53
3Yes, '#" "here2s no nee$ "o (e" so wor,e$ #) a'o#" i",3 sai$ E#s"ace who ha$ s"#c, his
han$s in his )oc,e"s .for(e""in( how +er& o$$ "ha" loo,s when &o# are wearin( a %ail
shir"/. 3Beca#se, &o# see, we ha+en2" an& choice. Wha"2s "he (oo$ of "al,in( a'o#" o#r
(oin( 'ac,4 How5 We2+e (o" no %a(ic for $oin( i"43
This was +er& (oo$ sense '#", a" "he %o%en", >ill ha"e$ E#s"ace for sa&in( i". He was fon$
of 'ein( $rea$f#ll& %a""er*of*fac" when o"her )eo)le (o" e1ci"e$.
When Tirian reali<e$ "ha" "he "wo s"ran(ers co#l$ no" (e" ho%e .#nless Aslan s#$$enl&
whis,e$ "he% awa&/, he ne1" wan"e$ "he% "o (o across "he So#"hern %o#n"ains in"o
Archenlan$ where "he& %i(h" )ossi'l& 'e safe. B#" "he& $i$n2" ,now "heir wa& an$ "here
was no one "o sen$ wi"h "he%. Also, as Po((in sai$, once "he Calor%enes ha$ Narnia "he&
wo#l$ cer"ainl& "a,e Archenlan$ in "he ne1" wee, or so: The Tisroc ha$ alwa&s wan"e$ "o
ha+e "hese Nor"hern co#n"ries for his own. In "he en$ E#s"ace an$ >ill 'e((e$ so har$ "ha"
Tirian sai$ "he& co#l$ co%e wi"h hi% an$ "a,e "heir chance * or, as he %#ch %ore sensi'l&
calle$ i", 3"he a$+en"#re "ha" Aslan wo#l$ sen$ "he%3.
The !in(2s firs" i$ea was "ha" "he& sho#l$ no" (o 'ac, "o S"a'le Hill * "he& were sic, of "he
+er& na%e of i" '& now "ill af"er $ar,. B#" "he Dwarf "ol$ "he% "ha" if "he& arri+e$ "here '&
$a&li(h" "he& wo#l$ )ro'a'l& fin$ "he )lace $eser"e$, e1ce)" )erha)s for a Calor%ene
sen"r&. The Beas"s were far "oo fri(h"ene$ '& wha" "he A)e .an$ 6in(er/ ha$ "ol$ "he%
a'o#" "his new an(r& Aslan * or Tashlan * "o (o near i" e1ce)" when "he& were calle$
"o(e"her for "hese horri'le %i$ni(h" %ee"in(s. An$ Calor%enes are ne+er (oo$ woo$s%en.
Po((in "ho#(h" "ha" e+en '& $a&li(h" "he& co#l$ easil& (e" ro#n$ "o so%ewhere 'ehin$ "he
s"a'le wi"ho#" 'ein( seen. This wo#l$ 'e %#ch har$er "o $o when "he ni(h" ha$ co%e an$
"he A)e %i(h" 'e callin( "he Beas"s "o(e"her an$ all "he Calor%enes were on $#"&. An$
when "he %ee"in( $i$ 'e(in "he& co#l$ lea+e P#<<le a" "he 'ac, of "he s"a'le, co%)le"el&
o#" of si(h", "ill "he %o%en" a" which "he& wan"e$ "o )ro$#ce hi%. This was o'+io#sl& a
(oo$ "hin(: for "heir onl& chance was "o (i+e "he Narnians a s#$$en s#r)rise.
E+er&one a(ree$ an$ "he whole )ar"& se" off on a new line * Nor"h*Wes" * "owar$s "he ha"e$
Hill. The Ea(le so%e"i%es flew "o an$ fro a'o+e "he%, so%e"i%es he sa" )erche$ on
P#<<le2s 'ac,. No one * no" e+en "he !in( hi%self e1ce)" in so%e (rea" nee$ * wo#l$ $rea%
of ri$in( on a nicorn.
This "i%e >ill an$ E#s"ace wal,e$ "o(e"her. The& ha$ 'een feelin( +er& 'ra+e when "he&
were 'e((in( "o 'e allowe$ "o co%e wi"h "he o"hers, '#" now "he& $i$n2" feel 'ra+e a" all.
3Pole,3 sai$ E#s"ace in a whis)er. 3I %a& as well "ell &o# I2+e (o" "he win$ #).3
3Oh &o#2re all ri(h", Scr#'',3 sai$ >ill. 3Yo# can fi(h". B#" I * I2% 8#s" sha,in(, if &o# wan"
"o ,now "he "r#"h.3
3Oh sha,in(2s no"hin(,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I2% feelin( I2% (oin( "o 'e sic,.3
3Don2" "al, a'o#" "ha", for (oo$ness2 sa,e,3 sai$ >ill.
The& wen" on in silence for a %in#"e or "wo.
3Pole,3 sai$ E#s"ace )resen"l&.
3Wha"53 sai$ she.
3Wha"2ll ha))en if we (e" ,ille$ here53
3Well we2ll 'e $ea$, I s#))ose.3
3B#" I %ean, wha" will ha))en in o#r own worl$5 Shall we wa,e #) an$ fin$ o#rsel+es
'ac, in "ha" "rain5 Or shall we 8#s" +anish an$ ne+er 'e hear$ of an& %ore5 Or shall we 'e
$ea$ in En(lan$53
36osh. I ne+er "ho#(h" of "ha".3
3I"2ll 'e r#% for Pe"er an$ "he o"hers if "he& saw %e wa+in( o#" of "he win$ow an$ "hen
when "he "rain co%es in we2re nowhere "o 'e fo#n$4 Or if "he& fo#n$ "wo * I %ean, if we2re
$ea$ o+er "here in En(lan$.3
3(h43 sai$ >ill. 3Wha" a horri$ i$ea.3
3I" wo#l$n2" 'e horri$ for #s,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3We sho#l$n2" 'e "here.3
3I al%os" wish * no I $on2", "ho#(h,3 sai$ >ill.
3Wha" were &o# (oin( "o sa&53
3I was (oin( "o sa& I wishe$ we2$ ne+er co%e. B#" I $on2", I $on2", I $on2". E+en if we are
,ille$. I2$ ra"her 'e ,ille$ fi(h"in( for Narnia "han (row ol$ an$ s"#)i$ a" ho%e an$ )erha)s
(o a'o#" in a 'a"h*chair an$ "hen $ie in "he en$ 8#s" "he sa%e.3
3Or 'e s%ashe$ #) '& Bri"ish Railwa&s43
3Wh& $2&o# sa& "ha"53
3Well when "ha" awf#l 8er, ca%e * "he one "ha" see%e$ "o "hrow #s in"o Narnia * I "ho#(h" i"
was "he 'e(innin( of a railwa& acci$en". So I was 8oll& (la$ "o fin$ o#rsel+es here ins"ea$.3
While >ill an$ E#s"ace were "al,in( a'o#" "his, "he o"hers were $isc#ssin( "heir )lans an$
'eco%in( less %isera'le. Tha" was 'eca#se "he& were now "hin,in( of wha" was "o 'e $one
"his +er& ni(h" an$ "he "ho#(h" of wha" ha$ ha))ene$ "o Narnia * "he "ho#(h" "ha" all her
(lories an$ 8o&s were o+er * was )#she$ awa& in"o "he 'ac, )ar" of "heir %in$s. The
%o%en" "he& s"o))e$ "al,in( i" wo#l$ co%e o#" an$ %a,e "he% wre"che$ a(ain: '#" "he&
,e)" on "al,in(. Po((in was reall& 9#i"e cheerf#l a'o#" "he ni(h"2s wor, "he& ha$ "o $o. He
was s#re "ha" "he Boar an$ "he Bear, an$ )ro'a'l& all "he Do(s wo#l$ co%e o+er "o "heir
si$e a" once. An$ he co#l$n2" 'elie+e "ha" all "he o"her Dwarfs wo#l$ s"ic, "o 6riffle. An$
fi(h"in( '& fireli(h" an$ in an$ o#" a%on( "rees wo#l$ 'e an a$+an"a(e "o "he wea,er si$e.
An$ "hen, if "he& co#l$ win "oni(h", nee$ "he& reall& "hrow "heir li+es awa& '& %ee"in( "he
%ain Calor%ene ar%& a few $a&s la"er5
Wh& no" hi$e in "he woo$s, or e+en #) in "he Wes"ern Was"e 'e&on$ "he (rea" wa"erfall an$
li+e li,e o#"laws5 An$ "hen "he& %i(h" (ra$#all& (e" s"ron(er an$ s"ron(er, for Tal,in(
Beas"s an$ Archenlan$ers wo#l$ 'e 8oinin( "he% e+er& $a&. An$ a" las" "he&2$ co%e o#" of
hi$in( an$ swee) "he Calor%enes .who wo#l$ ha+e (o" careless '& "hen/ o#" of "he co#n"r&
an$ Narnia wo#l$ 'e re+i+e$. Af"er all, so%e"hin( +er& li,e "ha" ha$ ha))ene$ in "he "i%e
of !in( -ira<4
An$ Tirian hear$ all "his an$ "ho#(h" 3B#" wha" a'o#" Tash53 an$ fel" in his 'ones "ha"
none of i" was (oin( "o ha))en. B#" he $i$n2" sa& so.
When "he& (o" nearer "o S"a'le Hill of co#rse e+er&one 'eca%e 9#ie". Then "he real woo$*
wor, 'e(an. 7ro% "he %o%en" a" which "he& firs" saw "he Hill "o "he %o%en" a" which "he&
all arri+e$ a" "he 'ac, of "he s"a'le, i" "oo, "he% o+er "wo ho#rs. I"2s "he sor" of "hin( one
co#l$n2" $escri'e )ro)erl& #nless one wro"e )a(es an$ )a(es a'o#" i". The 8o#rne& fro%
each 'i" of co+er "o "he ne1" was a se)ara"e a$+en"#re, an$ "here were +er& lon( wai"s in
'e"ween, an$ se+eral false alar%s. If &o# are a (oo$ Sco#" or a (oo$ 6#i$e &o# will ,now
alrea$& wha" i" %#s" ha+e 'een li,e. B& a'o#" s#nse" "he& were all safe in a cl#%) of holl&
"rees a'o#" fif"een &ar$s 'ehin$ "he s"a'le. The& all %#nche$ so%e 'isc#i" an$ la& $own.
Then ca%e "he wors" )ar", "he wai"in(. L#c,il& for "he chil$ren "he& sle)" for a co#)le of
ho#rs, '#" of co#rse "he& wo,e #) when "he ni(h" (rew col$, an$ wha" was worse, wo,e #)
+er& "hirs"& an$ wi"h no chance of (e""in( a $rin,. P#<<le 8#s" s"oo$, shi+erin( a li""le wi"h
ner+o#sness, an$ sai$ no"hin(. B#" Tirian, wi"h his hea$ a(ains" >ewel2s flan,, sle)" as
so#n$l& as if he were in his ro&al 'e$ a" Cair Para+el, "ill "he so#n$ of a (on( 'ea"in(
awo,e hi% an$ he sa" #) an$ saw "ha" "here was fireli(h" on "he far si$e of "he s"a'le an$
,new "ha" "he ho#r ha$ co%e.
3!iss %e, >ewel,3 he sai$. 37or cer"ainl& "his is o#r las" ni(h" on ear"h. An$ if e+er I
offen$e$ a(ains" &o# in an& %a""er (rea" or s%all, for(i+e %e now.3
3Dear !in(,3 sai$ "he nicorn, 3I co#l$ al%os" wish &o# ha$, so "ha" I %i(h" for(i+e i".
7arewell. We ha+e ,nown (rea" 8o&s "o(e"her. If Aslan (a+e %e %& choice I wo#l$ choose
no o"her life "han "he life I ha+e ha$ an$ no o"her $ea"h "han "he one we (o "o.3
Then "he& wo,e #) 7arsi(h", who was aslee) wi"h his hea$ #n$er his win( .i" %a$e hi%
loo, as if he ha$ no hea$ a" all/, an$ cre)" forwar$ "o "he s"a'le. The& lef" P#<<le .no"
wi"ho#" a ,in$ wor$, for no one was an(r& wi"h hi% now/ 8#s" 'ehin$ i", "ellin( hi% no" "o
%o+e "ill so%eone ca%e "o fe"ch hi%, an$ "oo, #) "heir )osi"ion a" one en$ of "he s"a'le.
The 'onfire ha$ no" 'een li" for lon( an$ was 8#s" 'e(innin( "o 'la<e #). I" was onl& a few
fee" awa& fro% "he%, an$ "he (rea" crow$ of Narnian crea"#res were on "he o"her si$e of i",
so "ha" Tirian co#l$ no" a" firs" see "he% +er& well, "ho#(h of co#rse he saw $o<ens of e&es
shinin( wi"h "he reflec"ion of "he fire, as &o#2+e seen a ra''i"2s or ca"2s e&es in "he
hea$li(h"s of a car. An$ 8#s" as Tirian "oo, his )lace, "he (on( s"o))e$ 'ea"in( an$ fro%
so%ewhere on his lef" "hree fi(#res a))eare$. One was Rish$a Tar,aan "he Calor%ene
Ca)"ain. The secon$ was "he A)e. He was hol$in( on "o "he Tar,aan2s han$ wi"h one )aw
an$ ,e)" whi%)erin( an$ %#""erin(, 3No" so fas", $on2" (o so fas", I2% no" a" all well. Oh
%& )oor hea$4 These %i$ni(h" %ee"in(s are (e""in( "oo %#ch for %e. A)es aren2" %ean" "o
'e #) a" ni(h": I"2s no" as if I was a ra" or a 'a" * oh %& )oor hea$.3 On "he o"her si$e of "he
A)e, wal,in( +er& sof" an$ s"a"el&, wi"h his "ail s"rai(h" #) in "he air, ca%e 6in(er "he Ca".
The& were hea$in( for "he 'onfire an$ were so close "o Tirian "ha" "he& wo#l$ ha+e seen
hi% a" once if "he& ha$ loo,e$ in "he ri(h" $irec"ion. 7or"#na"el& "he& $i$ no". B#" Tirian
hear$ Rish$a sa& "o 6in(er in a low +oice:
3Now, Ca", "o "h& )os". See "ho# )la& "h& )ar" well.3
3-iaow, %iaow. Co#n" on %e43 sai$ 6in(er. Then he s"e))e$ awa& 'e&on$ "he 'onfire an$
sa" $own in "he fron" row of "he asse%'le$ Beas"s: in "he a#$ience, as &o# %i(h" sa&.
7or reall&, as i" ha))ene$, "he whole "hin( was ra"her li,e a "hea"re. The crow$ of Narnians
were li,e "he )eo)le in "he sea"s0 "he li""le (rass& )lace 8#s" in fron" of "he s"a'le, where "he
'onfire '#rne$ an$ "he A)e an$ "he Ca)"ain s"oo$ "o "al, "o "he crow$, was li,e "he s"a(e0
"he s"a'le i"self was li,e "he scener& a" "he 'ac, of "he s"a(e0 an$ Tirian an$ his frien$s were
li,e )eo)le )eerin( ro#n$ fro% 'ehin$ "he scener&. I" was a s)len$i$ )osi"ion. If an& of
"he% s"e))e$ forwar$ in"o "he f#ll fireli(h", all e&es wo#l$ 'e fi1e$ on hi% a" once: on "he
o"her han$, so lon( as "he& s"oo$ s"ill in "he sha$ow of "he en$*wall of "he s"a'le, i" was a
h#n$re$ "o one a(ains" "heir 'ein( no"ice$.
Rish$a Tar,aan $ra((e$ "he A)e #) close "o "he fire. The )air of "he% "#rne$ "o face "he
crow$, an$ "his of co#rse %ean" "ha" "heir 'ac,s were "owar$s Tirian an$ his frien$s.
3Now, -on,e&,3 sai$ Rish$a Tar,aan in a low +oice. 3Sa& "he wor$s "ha" wiser hea$s ha+e
)#" in"o "h& %o#"h. An$ hol$ #) "h& hea$.3 As he s)o,e he (a+e "he A)e a li""le )ro$ or
,ic, fro% 'ehin$ wi"h "he )oin" of his "oe.
3Do lea+e %e alone,3 %#""ere$ Shif". B#" he sa" #) s"rai(h"er an$ 'e(an, in a lo#$er +oice *
3Now lis"en, all of &o#. A "erri'le "hin( has ha))ene$. A wic,e$ "hin(. The wic,e$es" "hin(
"ha" e+er was $one in Narnia. An$ Aslan *3
3Tashlan, fool,3 whis)ere$ Rish$a Tar,aan.
3Tashlan I %ean, of co#rse,3 sai$ "he A)e, 3is +er& an(r& a'o#" i".3
There was a "erri'le silence while "he Beas"s wai"e$ "o hear wha" new "ro#'le was in s"ore
for "he%. The li""le )ar"& '& "he en$*wall of "he s"a'le also hel$ "heir 'rea"h. Wha" on ear"h
was co%in( now5
3Yes,3 sai$ "he A)e. 3A" "his +er& %o%en", when "he Terri'le One hi%self is a%on( #s *
"here in "he s"a'le 8#s" 'ehin$ %e * one wic,e$ Beas" has chosen "o $o wha" &o#2$ "hin,
no one wo#l$ $are "o $o e+en if He were a "ho#san$ %iles awa&. I" has $resse$ i"self #) in a
lion*s,in an$ is wan$erin( a'o#" in "hese +er& woo$s )re"en$in( "o 'e Aslan.3
>ill won$ere$ for a %o%en" if "he A)e ha$ (one %a$. Was he (oin( "o "ell "he whole "r#"h5
A roar of horror an$ ra(e wen" #) fro% "he Beas"s. 36rrr43 ca%e "he (rowls. 3Who is he5
Where is he5 >#s" le" %e (e" %& "ee"h in"o hi%43
3I" was seen las" ni(h",3 screa%e$ "he A)e, 3'#" i" (o" awa&. I"2s a Don,e&4 A co%%on,
%isera'le Ass4 If an& of &o# see "ha" Ass *3
36rrr43 (rowle$ "he Beas"s. 3We will, we will. He2$ 'e""er ,ee) o#" of o#r wa&.3
>ill loo,e$ a" "he !in(: his %o#"h was o)en an$ his face was f#ll of horror. An$ "hen she
#n$ers"oo$ "he $e+ilish c#nnin( of "he ene%ies2 )lan. B& %i1in( a li""le "r#"h wi"h i" "he&
ha$ %a$e "heir lie far s"ron(er. Wha" was "he (oo$, now, of "ellin( "he Beas"s "ha" an ass
ha$ 'een $resse$ #) as a lion "o $ecei+e "he%5 The A)e wo#l$ onl& sa&, 3Tha"2s 8#s" wha"
I2+e sai$.3 Wha" was "he (oo$ of showin( "he% P#<<le in his lion*s,in5 The& wo#l$ onl&
"ear hi% in )ieces. 3Tha"2s "a,en "he win$ o#" of o#r sails,3 whis)ere$ E#s"ace. 3The (ro#n$
is "a,en fro% #n$er o#r fee",3 sai$ Tirian. 3C#rse$, c#rse$ cle+erness43 sai$ Po((in. 3I2ll 'e
sworn "ha" "his new lie is of 6in(er2s %a,in(.3
>ILL fel" so%e"hin( "ic,lin( her ear. I" was >ewel "he nicorn, whis)erin( "o her wi"h "he
wi$e whis)er of a horse2s %o#"h. As soon as she hear$ wha" he was sa&in( she no$$e$ an$
"i)*"oe$ 'ac, "o where P#<<le was s"an$in(. =#ic,l& an$ 9#ie"l& she c#" "he las" cor$s "ha"
'o#n$ "he lion*s,in "o hi%. I" wo#l$n2" $o for hi% "o 'e ca#(h" wi"h "ha" on, af"er wha" "he
A)e ha$ sai$4 She wo#l$ li,e "o ha+e hi$$en "he s,in so%ewhere +er& far awa&, '#" i" was
"oo hea+&. The 'es" she co#l$ $o was "o ,ic, i" in a%on( "he "hic,es" '#shes. Then she
%a$e si(ns "o P#<<le "o follow her an$ "he& 'o"h 8oine$ "he o"hers.
The A)e was s)ea,in( a(ain.
3An$ af"er a horri$ "hin( li,e "ha", Aslan * Tashlan * is an(rier "han e+er. He sa&s he2s 'een
a (rea" $eal "oo (oo$ "o &o#, co%in( o#" e+er& ni(h" "o 'e loo,e$ a", see4 Well, he2s no"
co%in( o#" an& %ore.3
Howls an$ %ewin(s an$ s9#eals an$ (r#n"s were "he Ani%als2 answer "o "his, '#" s#$$enl&
a 9#i"e $ifferen" +oice 'ro,e in wi"h a lo#$ la#(h.
3Har, wha" "he %on,e& sa&s,3 i" sho#"e$. 3We ,now wh& he isn2" (oin( "o 'rin( his
)recio#s Aslan o#". I2ll "ell &o# wh&: 'eca#se he hasn2" (o" hi%. He ne+er ha$ an&"hin(
e1ce)" an ol$ $on,e& wi"h a lion*s,in on i"s 'ac,. Now he2s los" "ha" an$ he $oesn2" ,now
wha" "o $o.3
Tirian co#l$ no" see "he faces on "he o"her si$e of "he fire +er& well '#" he (#esse$ "his was
6riffle "he Chief Dwarf. An$ he was 9#i"e cer"ain of i" when, a secon$ la"er, all "he Dwarfs2
+oices 8oine$ in, sin(in(: 3Don2" ,now wha" "o $o4 Don2" ,now wha" "o $o4 Don2" ,now
wha" "o $o*o*o43
3Silence43 "h#n$ere$ Rish$a Tar,aan. 3Silence, chil$ren of %#$4 Lis"en "o %e, &o# o"her
Narnians, les" I (i+e co%%an$ "o %& warriors "o fall #)on &o# wi"h "he e$(e of "he swor$.
The Lor$ Shif" has alrea$& "ol$ &o# of "ha" wic,e$ Ass. Do &o# "hin,, 'eca#se of hi% "ha"
"here is no real Tashlan in "he s"a'le4 Do &o#5 Beware, 'eware.3
3No, no,3 sho#"e$ %os" of "he crow$. B#" "he Dwarfs sai$, 3Tha"2s ri(h", Dar,ie, &o#2+e (o"
i". Co%e on, -on,e&, show #s wha"2s in "he s"a'le, seein( is 'elie+in(.3
When ne1" "here was a %o%en"2s 9#ie" "he A)e sai$: 3Yo# Dwarfs "hin, &o#2re +er& cle+er,
$on2" &o#5 B#" no" so fas". I ne+er sai$ &o# co#l$n2" see Tashlan. An&one who li,es can see
The whole asse%'l& 'eca%e silen". Then, af"er nearl& a %in#"e, "he Bear 'e(an in a slow,
)#<<le$ +oice:
3I $on2" 9#i"e #n$ers"an$ all "his,3 i" (r#%'le$, 3I "ho#(h" &o# sai$ *3
3Yo# "ho#(h"43 re)ea"e$ "he A)e. 3As if an&one co#l$ call wha" (oes on in &o#r hea$
"hin,in(. Lis"en, &o# o"hers. An&one can see Tashlan. B#" he2s no" co%in( o#". Yo# ha+e "o
(o in an$ see hi%.3
3Oh, "han, &o#, "han, &o#, "han, &o#,3 sai$ $o<ens of +oices. 3Tha"2s wha" we wan"e$4 We
can (o in an$ see hi% face "o face. An$ now he2ll 'e ,in$ an$ i" will all 'e as i" #se$ "o 'e.3
An$ "he Bir$s cha""ere$, an$ "he Do(s 'ar,e$ e1ci"e$l&. Then s#$$enl&, "here was a (rea"
s"irrin( an$ a noise of crea"#res risin( "o "heir fee", an$ in a secon$ "he whole lo" of "he%
wo#l$ ha+e 'een r#shin( forwar$ an$ "r&in( "o crow$ in"o "he s"a'le $oor all "o(e"her. B#"
"he A)e sho#"e$:
36e" 'ac,4 =#ie"4 No" so fas".3
The Beas"s s"o))e$, %an& of "he% wi"h one )aw in "he wi"h "ails wa((in(, an$ all of "he%
wi"h hea$s on one si$e.
3I "ho#(h" &o# sai$,3 'e(an "he Bear, '#" Shif" in"err#)"e$.
3An&one can (o in,3 he sai$. 3B#", one a" a "i%e. Who2ll (o firs"5 He $i$n2" sa& he was
feelin( +er& ,in$. He2s 'een lic,in( his li)s a lo" since he swallowe$ #) "he wic,e$ !in(
"he o"her ni(h". He2s 'een (rowlin( a (oo$ $eal "his %ornin(. I wo#l$n2" %#ch li,e "o (o
in"o "ha" s"a'le %&self "oni(h". B#" 8#s" as &o# )lease. Who2$ li,e "o (o in firs"5 Don2" 'la%e
%e if he swallows &o# whole or 'las"s &o# in"o a cin$er wi"h "he %ere "error of his e&es.
Tha"2s &o#r affair. Now "hen4 Who2s firs"5 Wha" a'o#" one of &o# Dwarfs53
3Dill&, $ill&, co%e an$ 'e ,ille$43 sneere$ 6riffle. 3How $o we ,now wha" &o#2+e (o" in
3Ho*ho43 crie$ "he A)e. 3So &o#2re 'e(innin( "o "hin, "here2s so%e"hin( "here, eh5 Well, all
&o# Beas"s were %a,in( noise eno#(h a %in#"e a(o. Wha"2s s"r#c, &o# all $#%'5 Who2s
(oin( in firs"53
B#" "he Beas"s all s"oo$ loo,in( a" one ano"her an$ 'e(an 'ac,in( awa& fro% "he s"a'le.
;er& few "ails were wa((in( now. The A)e wa$$le$ "o an$ fro 8eerin( a" "he%. 3Ho*ho*
ho43 he ch#c,le$. 3I "ho#(h" &o# were all so ea(er "o see Tashlan face "o face4 Chan(e$
&o#r %in$, eh53
Tirian 'en" his hea$ "o hear so%e"hin( "ha" >ill was "r&in( "o whis)er in his ear. 3Wha" $o
&o# "hin, is reall& insi$e "he s"a'le53 she sai$. 3Who ,nows53 sai$ Tirian. 3Two
Calor%enes wi"h $rawn swor$s, as li,el& as no", one on each si$e of "he $oor.3 3Yo# $on2"
"hin,,3 sai$ >ill, 3i" %i(h" 'e . . . &o# ,now . . . "ha" horri$ "hin( we saw53 3Tash hi%self53
whis)ere$ Tirian. 3There2s no ,nowin(. B#" co#ra(e, chil$: we are all 'e"ween "he )aws of
"he "r#e Aslan.3
Then a %os" s#r)risin( "hin( ha))ene$. 6in(er "he Ca" sai$ in a cool, clear +oice, no" a" all
as if he was e1ci"e$, 3I2ll (o in, if &o# li,e.3
E+er& crea"#re "#rne$ an$ fi1e$ i"s e&es on "he Ca". 3-ar, "heir s#'"le"ies, Sire,3 sai$
Po((in "o "he !in(. 3This c#rse$ ca" is in "he )lo", in "he +er& cen"re of i". Wha"e+er is in
"he s"a'le will no" h#r" hi%, I2ll 'e 'o#n$. Then 6in(er will co%e o#" a(ain an$ sa& "ha" he
has seen so%e won$er.3
B#" Tirian ha$ no "i%e "o answer hi%. The A)e was callin( "he Ca" "o co%e forwar$. 3Ho*
ho43 sai$ "he A)e. 3So &o#, a )er" P#ss, wo#l$ loo, #)on hi% face "o face. Co%e on, "hen4
I2ll o)en "he $oor for &o#. Don2" 'la%e %e if he scares "he whis,ers off &o#r face. Tha"2s
&o#r affair.3
An$ "he Ca" (o" #) an$ ca%e o#" of i"s )lace in "he crow$, wal,in( )ri%l& an$ $ain"il&,
wi"h i"s "ail in "he air, no" one hair on i"s slee, coa" o#" of )lace. I" ca%e on "ill i" ha$ )asse$
"he fire an$ was so close "ha" Tirian, fro% where he s"oo$ wi"h his sho#l$er a(ains" "he en$*
wall of "he s"a'le, co#l$ loo, ri(h" in"o i"s face. I"s 'i( (reen e&es ne+er 'lin,e$. .3Cool as
a c#c#%'er,3 %#""ere$ E#s"ace. 3I" ,nows i" has no"hin( "o fear.3/ The A)e, ch#c,lin( an$
%a,in( faces, sh#""le$ across 'esi$e "he Ca": )#" #) his )aw: $rew
"he 'ol" an$ o)ene$ "he $oor. Tirian "ho#(h" he co#l$ hear "he Ca" )#rrin( as i" wal,e$ in"o
"he $ar, $oorwa&.
3Aii*aii*ao#wee4 *3 The %os" horri'le ca"erwa#l &o# e+er hear$ %a$e e+er&one 8#%). Yo#
ha+e 'een wa,ene$ &o#rself '& ca"s 9#arrellin( or %a,in( lo+e on "he roof in "he %i$$le of
"he ni(h": &o# ,now "he so#n$.
This was worse. The A)e was ,noc,e$ hea$ o+er heels '& 6in(er co%in( 'ac, o#" of "he
s"a'le a" "o) s)ee$. If &o# ha$ no" ,nown he was a ca", &o# %i(h" ha+e "ho#(h" he was a
(in(er*colo#re$ s"rea, of li(h"nin(. He sho" across "he o)en (rass, 'ac, in"o "he crow$. No
one wan"s "o %ee" a ca" in "ha" s"a"e. Yo# co#l$ see ani%als (e""in( o#" of his wa& "o lef"
an$ ri(h". He $ashe$ #) a "ree, whis,e$ aro#n$, an$ h#n( hea$ $ownwar$s. His "ail was
'ris"le$ o#" "ill i" was nearl& as "hic, as his whole 'o$&: his e&es were li,e sa#cers of (reen
fire: alon( his 'ac, e+er& sin(le hair s"oo$ on en$.
3I2$ (i+e %& 'ear$,3 whis)ere$ Po((in, 3"o ,now whe"her "ha" 'r#"e is onl& ac"in( or
whe"her i" has reall& fo#n$ so%e"hin( in "here "ha" fri(h"ene$ i"43
3Peace, frien$,3 sai$ Tirian, for "he Ca)"ain an$ "he A)e were also whis)erin( an$ he
wan"e$ "o hear wha" "he& sai$. He $i$ no" s#ccee$, e1ce)" "ha" he hear$ "he A)e once %ore
whi%)erin( 3-& hea$, %& hea$,3 '#" he (o" "he i$ea "ha" "hose "wo were al%os" as )#<<le$
'& "he ca"2s 'eha+io#r as hi%self.
3Now, 6in(er,3 sai$ "he Ca)"ain. 3Eno#(h of "ha" noise. Tell "he% wha" "ho# has" seen.3
3Aii * Aii * Aaow * Awah,3 screa%e$ "he Ca".
3Ar" "ho# no" calle$ a Tal,in( Beas"53 sai$ "he Ca)"ain. 3Then hol$ "h& $e+ilish noise an$
Wha" followe$ was ra"her horri'le. Tirian fel" 9#i"e cer"ain .an$ so $i$ "he o"hers/ "ha" "he
Ca" was "r&in( "o sa& so%e"hin(: '#" no"hin( ca%e o#" of his %o#"h e1ce)" "he or$inar&,
#(l& ca"*noises &o# %i(h" hear fro% an& an(r& or fri(h"ene$ ol$ To% in a 'ac,&ar$ in
En(lan$. An$ "he lon(er he ca"erwa#le$ "he less li,e a Tal,in( Beas" he loo,e$. neas&
whi%)erin(s an$ li""le shar) s9#eals 'ro,e o#" fro% a%on( "he o"her Ani%als.
3Loo,, loo,43 sai$ "he +oice of "he Bear. 3I" can2" "al,. I" has for(o""en how "o "al,4 I" has
(one 'ac, "o 'ein( a $#%' 'eas". Loo, a" i"s face.3 E+er&one saw "ha" i" was "r#e. An$ "hen
"he (rea"es" "error of all fell #)on "hose Narnians. 7or e+er& one of "he% ha$ 'een "a#(h" *
when i" was onl& a chic, or a )#))& or a c#' * how Aslan a" "he 'e(innin( of "he worl$ ha$
"#rne$ "he 'eas"s of Narnia in"o Tal,in( Beas"s an$ warne$ "he% "ha" if "he& weren2" (oo$
"he& %i(h" one $a& 'e "#rne$ 'ac, a(ain an$ 'e li,e "he )oor wi"less ani%als one %ee"s in
o"her co#n"ries. 3An$ now i" is co%in( #)on #s,3 "he& %oane$.
3-erc&4 -erc&43 waile$ "he Beas"s. 3S)are #s, Lor$ Shif", s"an$ 'e"ween #s an$ Aslan, &o#
%#s" alwa&s (o in an$ s)ea, "o hi% for #s. We $aren2", we $aren2".3
6in(er $isa))eare$ f#r"her #) in"o "he "ree. No one e+er saw hi% a(ain.
Tirian s"oo$ wi"h his han$ on his swor$*hil" an$ his hea$ 'owe$. He was $a<e$ wi"h "he
horrors of "ha" ni(h". So%e"i%es he "ho#(h" i" wo#l$ 'e 'es" "o $raw his swor$ a" once an$
r#sh #)on "he Calor%enes: "hen ne1" %o%en" he "ho#(h" i" wo#l$ 'e 'e""er "o wai" an$ see
wha" new "#rn affairs %i(h" "a,e. An$ now a new "#rn ca%e.
3-& 7a"her,3 ca%e a clear, rin(in( +oice fro% "he lef" of "he crow$. Tirian ,new a" once
"ha" i" was one of "he Calor%enes s)ea,in(, for in The Tisroc2s ar%& "he co%%on sol$iers
call "he officers 3-& -as"er3 '#" "he officers call "heir senior officers 3-& 7a"her3. >ill an$
E#s"ace $i$n2" ,now "his '#", af"er loo,in( "his wa& an$ "ha", "he& saw "he s)ea,er, for of
co#rse )eo)le a" "he si$es of "he crow$ were easier "o see "han )eo)le in "he %i$$le where
"he (lare of "he fire %a$e all 'e&on$ i" loo, ra"her 'lac,. He was &o#n( an$ "all an$
slen$er, an$ e+en ra"her 'ea#"if#l in "he $ar,, ha#(h"&, Calor%ene wa&.
3-& 7a"her,3 he sai$ "o "he Ca)"ain, 3I also $esire "o (o in.3
3Peace, E%e"h,3 sai$ "he Ca)"ain, 3Who calle$ "hee "o co#nsel5 Does i" 'eco%e a 'o& "o
3-& 7a"her,3 sai$ E%e"h. 3Tr#l& I a% &o#n(er "han "ho#, &e" I also a% of "he 'loo$ of "he
Tar,aans e+en as "ho# ar", an$ I also a% "he ser+an" of Tash. Therefore . . .3
3Silence,3 sai$ Rish$a Tar,aan. 3A% no" I "h& Ca)"ain5 Tho# has" no"hin( "o $o wi"h "his
s"a'le. I" is for "he Narnians.3
3Na&, %& 7a"her,3 answere$ E%e"h. 3Tho# has" sai$ "ha" "heir Aslan an$ o#r Tash are all
one. An$ if "ha" is "he "r#"h, "hen Tash hi%self is in &on$er. An$ how "hen sa&es" "ho# "ha" I
ha+e no"hin( "o $o wi"h hi%5 7or (la$l& wo#l$ I $ie a "ho#san$ $ea"hs if I %i(h" loo, once
on "he face of Tash.3
3Tho# ar" a fool an$ #n$ers"an$es" no"hin(,3 sai$ Rish$a Tar,aan. 3These 'e hi(h %a""ers.3
E%e"h2s face (rew s"erner. 3Is i" "hen no" "r#e "ha" Tash an$ Aslan are all one53 he as,e$.
3Has "he A)e lie$ "o #s53
3Of co#rse "he&2re all one,3 sai$ "he A)e.
3Swear i", A)e,3 sai$ E%e"h.
3Oh $ear43 whi%)ere$ Shif", 3I wish &o#2$ all s"o) 'o"herin( %e. -& hea$ $oes ache. Yes,
&es, I swear i".3
3Then, %& 7a"her,3 sai$ E%e"h, 3I a% #""erl& $e"er%ine$ "o (o in.3
37ool,3 'e(an Rish$a Tar,aan, '#" a" once "he Dwarfs 'e(an sho#"in(: 3Co%e alon(,
Dar,ie. Wh& $on2" &o# le" hi% in5 Wh& $o &o# le" Narnians in an$ ,ee) &o#r own )eo)le
o#"5 Wha" ha+e &o# (o" in "here "ha" &o# $on2" wan" &o#r own %en "o %ee"53
Tirian an$ his frien$s co#l$ onl& see "he 'ac, of Rish$a Tar,aan, so "he& ne+er ,new wha"
his face loo,e$ li,e as he shr#((e$ his sho#l$ers an$ sai$, 3Bear wi"ness all "ha" I a%
(#il"less of "his &o#n( fool2s 'loo$. 6e" "hee in, rash 'o&, an$ %a,e has"e.3
Then, 8#s" as 6in(er ha$ $one, E%e"h ca%e wal,in( forwar$ in"o "he o)en s"ri) of (rass
'e"ween "he 'onfire an$ "he s"a'le. His e&es were shinin(, his face +er& sole%n, his han$
was on his swor$*hil", an$ he carrie$ his hea$ hi(h. >ill fel" li,e cr&in( when she loo,e$ a"
his face. An$ >ewel whis)ere$ in "he !in(2s ear, 3B& "he Lion2s -ane, I al%os" lo+e "his
&o#n( warrior, Calor%ene "ho#(h he 'e. He is wor"h& of a 'e""er (o$ "han Tash.3
3I $o wish we ,new wha" is reall& insi$e "here,3 sai$ E#s"ace.
E%e"h o)ene$ "he $oor an$ wen" in, in"o "he 'lac, %o#"h of "he s"a'le. He close$ "he $oor
'ehin$ hi%. Onl& a few %o%en"s )asse$ * '#" i" see%e$ lon(er 'efore "he $oor o)ene$
a(ain. A fi(#re in Calor%ene ar%o#r reele$ o#", fell on i"s 'ac,, an$ la& s"ill: "he $oor
close$ 'ehin$ i". The Ca)"ain lea)e$ "owar$s i" an$ 'en" $own "o s"are a" i"s face. He (a+e a
s"ar" of s#r)rise. Then he reco+ere$ hi%self an$ "#rne$ "o "he crow$, cr&in( o#":
3The rash 'o& has ha$ his will. He has loo,e$ on Tash an$ is $ea$. Ta,e warnin(, all of
3We will, we will,3 sai$ "he )oor Beas"s. B#" Tirian an$ his frien$s s"are$ a" "he $ea$
Calor%ene an$ "hen a" one ano"her. 7or "he&, 'ein( so close, co#l$ see wha" "he crow$,
'ein( f#r"her off an$ 'e&on$ "he fire, co#l$ no" see: "his $ea$ %an was no" E%e"h. He was
9#i"e $ifferen": an ol$er %an, "hic,er an$ no" so "all, wi"h a 'i( 'ear$.
3Ho*ho*ho,3 ch#c,le$ "he A)e. 3An& %ore5 An&one else wan" "o (o in5 Well, as &o#2re all
sh&, I2ll choose "he ne1". Yo#, &o# Boar4 On &o# co%e. Dri+e hi% #), Calor%enes. He shall
see Tashlan face "o face.3
3O*o*%)h,3 (r#n"e$ "he Boar, risin( hea+il& "o his fee". 3Co%e on, "hen. Tr& %& "#s,s.3
When Tirian saw "ha" 'ra+e Beas" (e""in( rea$& "o fi(h" for i"s life * an$ Calor%ene sol$iers
'e(innin( "o close in on i" wi"h "heir $rawn sci%i"ars * an$ no one (oin( "o i"s hel) *
so%e"hin( see%e$ "o '#rs" insi$e hi%. He no lon(er care$ if "his was "he 'es" %o%en" "o
in"erfere or no".
3Swor$s o#",3 he whis)ere$ "o "he o"hers. 3Arrow on s"rin(. 7ollow.3
Ne1" %o%en" "he as"onishe$ Narnians saw se+en fi(#res lea) for"h in fron" of "he s"a'le,
fo#r of "he% in shinin( %ail. The !in(2s swor$ flashe$ in "he fireli(h" as he wa+e$ i" a'o+e
his hea$ an$ crie$ in a (rea" +oice:
3Here s"an$ I, Tirian of Narnia, in Aslan2s na%e, "o )ro+e wi"h %& 'o$& "ha" Tash is a fo#l
fien$, "he A)e a %anifol$ "rai"or, an$ "hese Calor%enes wor"h& of $ea"h. To %& si$e, all
"r#e Narnians. Wo#l$ &o# wai" "ill &o#r new %as"ers ha+e ,ille$ &o# all one '& one53
=IC! as li(h"nin(, Rish$a Tar,aan lea)e$ 'ac, o#" of reach of "he !in(2s swor$. He was
no cowar$, an$ wo#l$ ha+e fo#(h" sin(le*han$e$ a(ains" Tirian an$ "he Dwarf if nee$
were. B#" he co#l$ no" "a,e on "he Ea(le an$ "he nicorn as well. He ,new how Ea(les can
fl& in"o &o#r face an$ )ec, a" &o#r e&es an$ 'lin$ &o# wi"h "heir win(s. An$ he ha$ hear$
fro% his fa"her .who ha$ %e" Narnians in 'a""le/ "ha" no %an, e1ce)" wi"h arrows, or a lon(
s)ear, can %a"ch a nicorn, for i" rears on i"s hin$ le(s as i" falls #)on &o# an$ "hen &o#
ha+e i"s hoofs an$ i"s horn an$ i"s "ee"h "o $eal wi"h all a" once. So he r#she$ in"o "he crow$
an$ s"oo$ callin( o#":
3To %e, "o %e, warriors of The Tisroc, %a&*he*li+efore+er. To %e, all lo&al Narnians, les"
"he wra"h of Tashlan fall #)on &o#43
While "his was ha))enin( "wo o"her "hin(s ha))ene$ as well. The A)e ha$ no" reali<e$ his
$an(er as 9#ic,l& as "he Tar,aan. 7or a secon$ or so he re%aine$ s9#a""in( 'esi$e "he fire
s"arin( a" "he newco%ers. Then Tirian r#she$ #)on "he wre"che$ crea"#re, )ic,e$ i" #) '&
"he scr#ff of "he nec,, an$ $ashe$ 'ac, "o "he s"a'le sho#"in(, 3O)en "he $oor43 Po((in
o)ene$ i". 36o an$ $rin, &o#r own %e$icine, Shif"43 sai$ Tirian an$ h#rle$ "he A)e
"hro#(h in"o "he $ar,ness. B#" as "he Dwarf 'an(e$ "he $oor sh#" a(ain, a 'lin$in(
(reenish*'l#e li(h" shone o#" fro% "he insi$e of "he s"a'le, "he ear"h shoo,, an$ "here was a
s"ran(e noise * a cl#c,in( an$ screa%in( as if i" was "he hoarse +oice of so%e %ons"ro#s
'ir$. The Beas"s %oane$ an$ howle$ an$ calle$ o#" 3Tashlan4 Hi$e #s fro% hi%43 an$
%an& fell $own, an$ %an& hi$ "heir faces in "heir win(s or )aws. No one e1ce)" 7arsi(h"
"he Ea(le, who has "he 'es" e&es of all li+in( "hin(s, no"ice$ "he face of Rish$a Tar,aan a"
"ha" %o%en". An$ fro% wha" 7arsi(h" saw "here he ,new a" once "ha" Rish$a was 8#s" as
s#r)rise$, an$ nearl& fri(h"ene$, as e+er&one else. 3There (oes one,3 "ho#(h" 7arsi(h",
3who has calle$ on (o$s he $oes no" 'elie+e in. How will i" 'e wi"h hi% if "he& ha+e reall&
The "hir$ "hin( * which also ha))ene$ a" "he sa%e %o%en" * was "he onl& reall& 'ea#"if#l
"hin( "ha" ni(h". E+er& sin(le Tal,in( Do( in "he whole %ee"in( ."here were fif"een of
"he%/ ca%e 'o#n$in( an$ 'ar,in( 8o&o#sl& "o "he !in(2s si$e. The& were %os"l& (rea" 'i(
$o(s wi"h "hic, sho#l$ers an$ hea+& 8aws. Their co%in( was li,e "he 'rea,in( of a (rea"
wa+e on "he sea'each: i" nearl& ,noc,e$ &o# $own. 7or "ho#(h "he& were Tal,in( Do(s
"he& were 8#s" as $o((& as "he& co#l$ 'e: an$ "he& all s"oo$ #) an$ )#" "heir fron" )aws on
"he sho#l$ers of "he h#%ans an$ lic,e$ "heir faces, all sa&in( a" once: 3Welco%e4
Welco%e4 We2ll hel), we2ll hel), hel), hel). Show #s how "o hel), show #s how, how.
I" was so lo+el& "ha" i" %a$e &o# wan" "o cr&. This, a" las", was "he sor" of "hin( "he& ha$
'een ho)in( for. An$ when, a %o%en" la"er, se+eral li""le ani%als .%ice an$ %oles an$ a
s9#irrel or so/ ca%e )a""erin( #), s9#ealin( wi"h 8o&, an$ sa&in( 3See, see. We2re here,3 an$
when, af"er "ha", "he Bear an$ "he Boar ca%e "oo, E#s"ace 'e(an "o feel "ha" )erha)s, af"er
all, e+er&"hin( %i(h" 'e (oin( "o co%e ri(h". B#" Tirian (a<e$ ro#n$ an$ saw how +er& few
of "he ani%als ha$ %o+e$.
3To %e4 "o %e43 he calle$. 3Ha+e &o# all "#rne$ cowar$s since I was &o#r !in(53
3We $aren2",3 whi%)ere$ $o<ens of +oices. 3Tashlan wo#l$ 'e an(r&. Shiel$ #s fro%
3Where are all "he Tal,in( Horses53 sai$ Tirian "o "he Boar.
3We2+e seen, we2+e seen,3 s9#eale$ "he -ice. 3The A)e has %a$e "he% wor,. The&2re all
"ie$ * $own a" "he 'o""o% of "he hill.3
3Then all &o# li""le ones,3 sai$ Tirian, 3&o# ni''lers an$ (nawers an$ n#"crac,ers, awa&
wi"h &o# as fas" as &o# can sca%)er an$ see if "he Horses are on o#r si$e. An$ if "he& are,
(e" &o#r "ee"h in"o "he ro)es an$ (naw "ill "he Horses are free an$ 'rin( "he% hi"her.3
3Wi"h a (oo$ will, Sire,3 ca%e "he s%all +oices, an$ wi"h a whis, of "ails "hose shar)*e&e$
an$ shar)*"oo"he$ fol, were off. Tirian s%ile$ for %ere lo+e as he saw "he% (o. B#" i" was
alrea$& "i%e "o 'e "hin,in( of o"her "hin(s. Rish$a Tar,aan was (i+in( his or$ers.
37orwar$,3 he sai$. 3Ta,e all of "he% ali+e if &o# can an$ h#rl "he% in"o "he s"a'le or $ri+e
"he% in"o i". When "he& are all in we will )#" fire "o i" an$ %a,e "he% an offerin( "o "he
(rea" (o$ Tash.3
3Ha43 sai$ 7arsi(h" "o hi%self. 3So "ha" is how he ho)es "o win Tash2s )ar$on for his
The ene%& line * a'o#" half of Rish$a2s force * was now %o+in( forwar$, an$ Tirian ha$
'arel& "i%e "o (i+e his or$ers.
3O#" on "he lef", >ill, an$ "r& "o shoo" all &o# %a& 'efore "he& reach #s. Boar an$ Bear ne1"
"o her. Po((in on %& lef", E#s"ace on %& ri(h". Hol$ "he ri(h" win(, >ewel. S"an$ '&
hi%, P#<<le, an$ #se &o#r hoofs. Ho+er an$ s"ri,e, 7arsi(h". Yo# Do(s, 8#s" 'ehin$ #s. 6o
in a%on( "he% af"er "he swor$*)la& has 'e(#n. Aslan "o o#r ai$43
E#s"ace s"oo$ wi"h his hear" 'ea"in( "erri'l&, ho)in( an$ ho)in( "ha" he wo#l$ 'e 'ra+e. He
ha$ ne+er seen an&"hin( ."ho#(h he ha$ seen 'o"h a $ra(on an$ a seaser)en"/ "ha" %a$e his
'loo$ r#n so col$ as "ha" line of $ar,*face$ 'ri(h"*e&e$ %en. There were fif"een
Calor%enes, a Tal,in( B#ll of Narnia, Slin,e& "he 7o1, an$ Wra((le "he Sa"&r. Then he
hear$ "wan(*an$*<i)) on his lef" an$ one Calor%ene fell: "hen "wan(*an$<i)) a(ain an$ "he
Sa"&r was $own. 3Oh, well $one, $a#(h"er43 ca%e Tirian2s +oice0 an$ "hen "he ene%& were
#)on "he%.
E#s"ace co#l$ ne+er re%e%'er wha" ha))ene$ in "he ne1" "wo %in#"es. I" was all li,e a
$rea% ."he sor" &o# ha+e when &o#r "e%)era"#re is o+er CKK/ #n"il he hear$ Rish$a
Tar,aan2s +oice callin( o#" fro% "he $is"ance:
3Re"ire. Bac, hi"her an$ re*for%.3
Then E#s"ace ca%e "o his senses an$ saw "he Calor%enes sca%)erin( 'ac, "o "heir frien$s.
B#" no" all of "he%. Two la& $ea$, )ierce$ '& >ewel2s horn, one '& Tirian2s swor$. The 7o1
la& $ea$ a" his own fee", an$ he won$ere$ if i" was he who ha$ ,ille$ i". The B#ll also was
$own, sho" "hro#(h "he e&e '& an arrow fro% >ill an$ (ashe$ in his si$e '& "he Boar2s "#s,.
B#" o#r si$e ha$ i"s losses "oo. Three $o(s were ,ille$ an$ a fo#r"h was ho''lin( 'ehin$ "he
line on "hree le(s an$ whi%)erin(. The Bear la& on "he (ro#n$, %o+in( fee'l&. Then i"
%#%'le$ in i"s "hroa"& +oice, 'ewil$ere$ "o "he las", 3I * I $on2" #n$ers"an$,3 lai$ i"s 'i(
hea$ $own on "he (rass as 9#ie"l& as a chil$ (oin( "o slee), an$ ne+er %o+e$ a(ain.
In fac", "he firs" a""ac, ha$ faile$. E#s"ace $i$n2" see% a'le "o 'e (la$ a'o#" i": he was so
"erri'l& "hirs"& an$ his ar% ache$ so.
As "he $efea"e$ Calor%enes wen" 'ac, "o "heir co%%an$er, "he Dwarfs 'e(an 8eerin( a"
3Ha$ eno#(h, Dar,ies53 "he& &elle$. 3Don2" &o# li,e i"5 Wh& $oesn2" &o#r (rea" Tar,aan (o
an$ fi(h" hi%self ins"ea$ of sen$in( &o# "o 'e ,ille$5 Poor Dar,ies43
3Dwarfs,3 crie$ Tirian. 3Co%e here an$ #se &o#r swor$s, no" &o#r "on(#es. There is s"ill
"i%e. Dwarfs of Narnia4 Yo# can fi(h" well, I ,now. Co%e 'ac, "o &o#r alle(iance.3
3Yah43 sneere$ "he Dwarfs. 3No" li,el&. Yo#2re 8#s" as 'i( h#%'#(s as "he o"her lo". We
$on2" wan" an& !in(s. The Dwarfs are for "he Dwarfs. Boo43
Then "he Dr#% 'e(an: no" a Dwarf $r#% "his "i%e, '#" a 'i( '#ll2s hi$e Calor%ene $r#%.
The chil$ren fro% "he +er& firs" ha"e$ "he so#n$. Boo% * 'oo% * 'a*'a*'oo% i" wen". B#"
"he& wo#l$ ha+e ha"e$ i" far worse if "he& ha$ ,nown wha" i" %ean". Tirian $i$. I" %ean"
"ha" "here were o"her Calor%ene "roo)s so%ewhere near an$ "ha" Rish$a Tar,aan was
callin( "he% "o his ai$. Tirian an$ >ewel loo,e$ a" one ano"her sa$l&. The& ha$ 8#s" 'e(#n
"o ho)e "ha" "he& %i(h" win "ha" ni(h": '#" i" wo#l$ 'e all o+er wi"h "he% if new ene%ies
Tirian (a<e$ $es)airin(l& ro#n$. Se+eral Narnians were s"an$in( wi"h "he Calor%enes,
whe"her "hro#(h "reacher& or in hones" fear of 3Tashlan3. O"hers were si""in( s"ill, s"arin(,
no" li,el& "o 8oin ei"her si$e. B#" "here were fewer ani%als now: "he crow$ was %#ch
s%aller. Clearl&, se+eral of "he% ha$ 8#s" cre)" 9#ie"l& awa& $#rin( "he fi(h"in(.
Boo% * 'oo% * 'a*'a*'oo% wen" "he horri'le $r#%. Then ano"her so#n$ 'e(an "o %i1 wi"h
i". 3Lis"en43 sai$ >ewel: an$ "hen 3Loo,43 sai$ 7arsi(h". A %o%en" la"er "here was no $o#'"
wha" i" was. Wi"h a "h#n$er of hoofs, wi"h "ossin( hea$s, wi$ene$ nos"rils, an$ wa+in(
%anes, o+er a score of Tal,in( Horses of Narnia ca%e char(in( #) "he hill. The (nawers
an$ ni''lers ha$ $one "heir wor,.
Po((in "he Dwarf an$ "he chil$ren o)ene$ "heir %o#"hs "o cheer '#" "ha" cheer ne+er ca%e.
S#$$enl& "he air was f#ll of "he so#n$ of "wan(in( 'ow*s"rin(s an$ hissin( arrows. I" was
"he Dwarfs who were shoo"in( an$ * for a %o%en" >ill co#l$ har$l& 'elie+e her e&es * "he&
were shoo"in( "he Horses. Dwarfs are $ea$l& archers. Horse af"er Horse rolle$ o+er. No"
one of "hose no'le Beas"s e+er reache$ "he !in(.
3Li""le Swine,3 shrie,e$ E#s"ace, $ancin( in his ra(e. 3Dir"&, fil"h&, "reachero#s li""le
'r#"es.3 E+en >ewel sai$, 3Shall I r#n af"er "hose Dwarfs, Sire, an$ s)i" "en of "he% on %&
horn a" each )l#n(e53 B#" Tirian wi"h his face as s"ern as s"one, sai$, 3S"an$ fas", >ewel. If
&o# %#s" wee), swee"hear" ."his was "o >ill/, "#rn &o#r face asi$e an$ see &o# we" no" &o#r
'ow*s"rin(. An$ )eace, E#s"ace. Do no" scol$, li,e a ,i"chen*(irl. No warrior scol$s.
Co#r"eo#s wor$s or else har$ ,noc,s are his onl& lan(#a(e.3
B#" "he Dwarfs 8eere$ 'ac, a" E#s"ace. 3Tha" was a s#r)rise for &o#, li""le 'o&, eh5 Tho#(h"
we were on &o#r si$e, $i$ &o#5 No fear. We $on2" wan" an& Tal,in( Horses. We $on2" wan"
&o# "o win an& %ore "han "he o"her (an(. Yo# can2" "a,e #s in. The Dwarfs are for "he
Rish$a Tar,aan was s"ill "al,in( "o his %en, $o#'"less %a,in( arran(e%en"s for "he ne1"
a""ac, an$ )ro'a'l& wishin( he ha$ sen" his whole force in"o "he firs". The $r#% 'oo%e$
on. Then, "o "heir horror, Tirian an$ his frien$s hear$, far fain"er as if fro% a lon( wa& off,
an answerin( $r#%. Ano"her 'o$& of Calor%enes ha$ hear$ Rish$a2s si(nal an$ were
co%in( "o s#))or" hi%. Yo# wo#l$ no" ha+e ,nown fro% Tirian2s face "ha" he ha$ now
(i+en #) all ho)e.
3Lis"en,3 he whis)ere$ in a %a""er*of*fac" +oice, 3we %#s" a""ac, now, 'efore &on$er
%iscrean"s are s"ren("hene$ '& "heir frien$s.3
3Be"hin, &o#, Sire,3 sai$ Po((in, 3"ha" here we ha+e "he (oo$ woo$en wall of "he s"a'le a"
o#r 'ac,s. If we a$+ance, shall we no" 'e encircle$ an$ (e" swor$*)oin"s 'e"ween o#r
3I wo#l$ sa& as &o# $o, Dwarf,3 sai$ Tirian. 3Were i" no" "heir +er& )lan "o force #s in"o "he
s"a'le5 The f#r"her we are fro% i"s $ea$l& $oor, "he 'e""er.3
3The !in( is ri(h",3 sai$ 7arsi(h". 3Awa& fro% "his acc#rse$ s"a'le, an$ wha"e+er (o'lin
li+es insi$e i", a" all cos"s.3
3Yes, $o le"2s,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I2% co%in( "o ha"e "he +er& si(h" of i".3
36oo$,3 sai$ Tirian. 3Now loo, &on$er "o o#r lef". Yo# see a (rea" roc, "ha" (lea%s whi"e
li,e %ar'le in "he fireli(h". 7irs" we will fall #)on "hose Calor%enes. Yo#, %ai$en, shall
%o+e o#" on o#r lef" an$ shoo" as fas" as e+er &o# %a& in"o "heir ran,s: an$ &o#, Ea(le, fl&
a" "heir faces fro% "he ri(h". -eanwhile we o"hers will 'e char(in( "he%. When we are so
close, >ill, "ha" &o# can no lon(er shoo" a" "he% for fear of s"ri,in( #s, (o 'ac, "o "he whi"e
roc, an$ wai". Yo# o"hers, ,ee) &o#r ears wi$e e+en in "he fi(h"in(. We %#s" )#" "he% "o
fli(h" in a few %in#"es or else no" a" all, for we are fewer "han "he&. As soon as I call Bac,,
"hen r#sh "o 8oin >ill a" "he whi"e roc,, where we shall ha+e )ro"ec"ion 'ehin$ #s an$ can
'rea"he awhile. Now, 'e off, >ill.3
7eelin( "erri'l& alone, >ill ran o#" a'o#" "wen"& fee", )#" her ri(h" le( 'ac, an$ her lef" le(
forwar$, an$ se" an arrow "o her s"rin(. She wishe$ her han$s were no" sha,in( so. 32Tha"2s
a ro""en sho"43 she sai$ as her firs" arrow s)e$ "owar$s "he ene%& an$ flew o+er "heir hea$s.
B#" she ha$ ano"her on "he s"rin( ne1" %o%en": she ,new "ha" s)ee$ was wha" %a""ere$.
She saw so%e"hin( 'i( an$ 'lac, $ar"in( in"o "he faces of "he Calor%enes. 2"ha" was
7arsi(h". 7irs" one %an, an$ "hen ano"her, $ro))e$ his swor$ an$ )#" #) 'o"h his han$s "o
$efen$ his e&es. Then one of her own arrows hi" a %an, an$ ano"her hi" a Narnian wolf,
who ha$, i" see%e$, 8oine$ "he ene%&. B#" she ha$ 'een shoo"in( onl& for a few secon$s
when she ha$ "o s"o). Wi"h a flash of swor$s an$ of "he Boar2s "#s,s an$ >ewel2s horn, an$
wi"h $ee) 'a&in( fro% "he $o(s, Tirian an$ his )ar"& were r#shin( on "heir ene%ies, li,e
%en in a h#n$re$ &ar$s2 race. >ill was as"onishe$ "o see how #n)re)are$ "he Calor%enes
see%e$ "o 'e. She $i$ no" reali<e "ha" "his was "he res#l" of her wor, an$ "he Ea(le2s. ;er&
few "roo)s can ,ee) on loo,in( s"ea$il& "o "he fron" if "he& are (e""in( arrows in "heir faces
fro% one si$e an$ 'ein( )ec,e$ '& an ea(le on "he o"her.
3Oh well $one. Well $one43 sho#"e$ >ill. The !in(2s )ar"& were c#""in( "heir wa& ri(h" in"o
"he ene%&. The nicorn was "ossin( %en as &o#2$ "oss ha& on a for,. E+en E#s"ace see%e$
"o >ill .who af"er all $i$n2" ,now +er& %#ch a'o#" swor$s%anshi)/ "o 'e fi(h"in( 'rillian"l&.
The Do(s were a" "he Calor%enes2 "hroa"s. I" was (oin( "o wor,4 I" was +ic"or& a" las" *
Wi"h a horri'le, col$ shoc, >ill no"ice$ a s"ran(e "hin(. Tho#(h Calor%enes were fallin( a"
each Narnian swor$*s"ro,e, "he& ne+er see%e$ "o (e" an& fewer. In fac", "here were ac"#all&
%ore of "he% now "han when "he fi(h" 'e(an. There were %ore e+er& secon$. The& were
r#nnin( #) fro% e+er& si$e. The& were new Calor%enes. These new ones ha$ s)ears. There
was s#ch a crow$ of "he% "ha" she co#l$ har$l& see her own frien$s. Then she hear$
Tirian2s +oice cr&in(:
3Bac,4 To "he roc,43
The ene%& ha$ 'een reinforce$. The $r#% ha$ $one i"s wor,.
>ILL o#(h" "o ha+e 'een 'ac, a" "he whi"e roc, alrea$& '#" she ha$ 9#i"e for(o""en "ha" )ar"
of her or$ers in "he e1ci"e%en" of wa"chin( "he fi(h". Now she re%e%'ere$. She "#rne$ a"
once an$ ran "o i", an$ arri+e$ "here 'arel& a secon$ 'efore "he o"hers. I" "h#s ha))ene$ "ha"
all of "he%, for a %o%en", ha$ "heir 'ac,s "o "he ene%&. The& all wheele$ ro#n$ "he
%o%en" "he& ha$ reache$ i". A "erri'le si(h" %e" "heir e&es.
A Calor%ene was r#nnin( "owar$s "he s"a'le $oor carr&in( so%e"hin( "ha" ,ic,e$ an$
s"r#((le$. As he ca%e 'e"ween "he% an$ "he fire "he& co#l$ see clearl& 'o"h "he sha)e of
"he %an an$ "he sha)e of wha" he carrie$. I" was E#s"ace.
Tirian an$ "he nicorn r#she$ o#" "o resc#e hi%. B#" "he Calor%ene was now far nearer "o
"he $oor "hen "he&. Before "he& ha$ co+ere$ half "he $is"ance he ha$ fl#n( E#s"ace in an$
sh#" "he $oor on hi%. Half a $o<en %ore Calor%enes ha$ r#n #) 'ehin$ hi%. The& for%e$
a line on "he o)en s)ace 'efore "he s"a'le. There was no (e""in( a" i" now.
E+en "hen >ill re%e%'ere$ "o ,ee) her face "#rne$ asi$e, well awa& fro% her 'ow. 3E+en if
I can2" s"o) 'l#''in(, I won2" (e" %& s"rin( we",3 she sai$.
32Ware arrows,3 sai$ Po((in s#$$enl&.
E+er&one $#c,e$ an$ )#lle$ his hel%e" well o+er his
nose. The Do(s cro#che$ 'ehin$. B#" "ho#(h a few arrows ca%e "heir wa& i" soon 'eca%e
clear "ha" "he& were no" 'ein( sho" a". 6riffle an$ his Dwarfs were a" "heir archer& a(ain.
This "i%e "he& were cooll& shoo"in( a" "he Calor%enes.
3!ee) i" #), 'o&s43 ca%e 6riffle2s +oice. 3All "o(e"her. Caref#ll&. We $on2" wan" Dar,ies
an& %ore "han we wan" -on,e&s * or Lions * or !in(s. The Dwarfs are for "he Dwarfs.3
Wha"e+er else &o# %a& sa& a'o#" Dwarfs, no one can sa& "he& aren2" 'ra+e. The& co#l$
easil& ha+e (o" awa& "o so%e safe )lace. The& )referre$ "o s"a& an$ ,ill as %an& of 'o"h
si$es as "he& co#l$, e1ce)" when 'o"h si$es were ,in$ eno#(h "o sa+e "he% "ro#'le '&
,illin( one ano"her. The& wan"e$ Narnia for "heir own.
Wha" )erha)s "he& ha$ no" "a,en in"o acco#n" was "ha" "he Calor%enes were %ail*cla$ an$
"he Horses ha$ ha$ no )ro"ec"ion. Also "he Calor%enes ha$ a lea$er. Rish$a Tar,aan2s
+oice crie$ o#":
3Thir"& of &o# ,ee) wa"ch on "hose fools '& "he whi"e roc,. The res", af"er %e, "ha" we %a&
"each "hese sons of ear"h a lesson.3
Tirian an$ his frien$s, s"ill )an"in( fro% "heir fi(h" an$ "han,f#l for a few %in#"es2 res",
s"oo$ an$ loo,e$ on while "he Tar,aan le$ his %en a(ains" "he Dwarfs. I" was a s"ran(e
scene '& now. The fire ha$ s#n, lower: "he li(h" i" (a+e was now less an$ of a $ar,er re$.
As far as one co#l$ see, "he whole )lace of asse%'l& was now e%)"& e1ce)" for "he Dwarf
an$ "he Calor%enes. In "ha" li(h" one co#l$n2" %a,e o#" %#ch of wha" was ha))enin(. I"
so#n$e$ as if "he Dwarfs were )#""in( #) a (oo$ fi(h". Tirian co#l$ hear 6riffle #sin(
$rea$f#l lan(#a(e, an$ e+er& now an$ "hen "he Tar,aan callin(, 3Ta,e all &o# can ali+e4
Ta,e "he% ali+e43
Wha"e+er "ha" fi(h" %a& ha+e 'een li,e, i" $i$ no" las" lon(. The noise of i" $ie$ awa&. Then
>ill saw "he Tar,aan co%in( 'ac, "o "he s"a'le: ele+en %en followe$ hi%, $ra((in( ele+en
'o#n$ Dwarfs. .Whe"her "he o"hers ha$ all 'een ,ille$, or whe"her so%e of "he% ha$ (o"
awa&, was ne+er ,nown./
3Throw "he% in"o "he shrine of Tash,3 sai$ Rish$a Tar,aan.
An$ when "he ele+en Dwarfs, one af"er "he o"her, ha$ 'een fl#n( or ,ic,e$ in"o "ha" $ar,
$oorwa& an$ "he $oor ha$ 'een sh#" a(ain, he 'owe$ low "o "he s"a'le an$ sai$:
3These also are for "h& '#rn" offerin(, Lor$ Tash.3
An$ all "he Calor%enes 'an(e$ "he fla"s of "heir swor$s on "heir shiel$s an$ sho#"e$,
3Tash4 Tash4 The (rea" (o$ Tash4 Ine1ora'le Tash43 .There was no nonsense a'o#"
3Tashlan3 now./
The li""le )ar"& '& "he whi"e roc, wa"che$ "hese $oin(s an$ whis)ere$ "o one ano"her. The&
ha$ fo#n$ a "ric,le of wa"er co%in( $own "he roc, an$ all ha$ $r#n, ea(erl& * >ill an$
Po((in an$ "he !in( in "heir han$s, while "he fo#r*foo"e$ ones la))e$ fro% "he li""le )ool
which i" ha$ %a$e a" "he foo" of "he s"one. S#ch was "heir "hirs" "ha" i" see%e$ "he %os"
$elicio#s $rin, "he& ha$ e+er ha$ in "heir li+es, an$ while "he& were $rin,in( "he& were
)erfec"l& ha))& an$ co#l$ no" "hin, of an&"hin( else.
3I feel in %& 'ones,3 sai$ Po((in, 3"ha" we shall all, one '& one, )ass "hro#(h "ha" $ar, $oor
'efore %ornin(. I can "hin, of a h#n$re$ $ea"hs I wo#l$ ra"her ha+e $ie$.3
3I" is in$ee$ a (ri% $oor,3 sai$ Tirian. 3I" is %ore li,e a %o#"h.3
3Oh, can2" we $o an&"hin( "o s"o) i"53 sai$ >ill in a sha,en +oice.
3Na&, fair frien$,3 sai$ >ewel, nosin( her (en"l&. 3I" %a& 'e for #s "he $oor "o Aslan2s
co#n"r& an$ we shall s#) a" his "a'le "oni(h".3
Rish$a Tar,aan "#rne$ his 'ac, on "he s"a'le an$ wal,e$ slowl& "o a )lace in fron" of "he
whi"e roc,.
3Hear,en,3 he sai$. 3If "he Boar an$ "he Do(s an$ "he nicorn will co%e o+er "o %e an$
)#" "he%sel+es in %& %erc&, "heir li+es shall 'e s)are$. The Boar shall (o "o a ca(e in The
Tisroc2s (ar$en, "he Do(s "o The Tisroc2s ,ennels, an$ "he nicorn, when I ha+e sawn his
horn off, shall $raw a car". B#" "he Ea(le, "he chil$ren, an$ he who was "he !in( shall 'e
offere$ "o Tash "his ni(h".3
The onl& answer was (rowls.
36e" on, warriors,3 sai$ "he Tar,aan. 3!ill "he 'eas"s, '#" "a,e "he "wo*le((e$ ones ali+e.3
An$ "hen "he las" 'a""le of "he las" !in( of Narnia 'e(an.
Wha" %a$e i" ho)eless, e+en a)ar" fro% "he n#%'ers of "he ene%&, was "he s)ears. The
Calor%enes who ha$ 'een wi"h "he A)e al%os" fro% "he 'e(innin( ha$ ha$ no s)ears: "ha"
was 'eca#se "he& ha$ co%e in"o Narnia '& ones an$ "wos, )re"en$in( "o 'e )eacef#l
%erchan"s, an$ of co#rse "he& ha$ carrie$ no s)ears for a s)ear is no" a "hin( &o# can hi$e.
The new ones %#s" ha+e co%e in la"er, af"er "he A)e was alrea$& s"ron( an$ "he& co#l$
%arch o)enl&. The s)ears %a$e all "he $ifference. Wi"h a lon( s)ear &o# can ,ill a 'oar
'efore &o# are in reach of his "#s,s an$ a #nicorn 'efore &o# are in reach of his horn0 if &o#
are +er& 9#ic, an$ ,ee) &o#r hea$. An$ now "he le+elle$ s)ears were closin( in on Tirian
an$ his las" frien$s. Ne1" %in#"e "he& were all fi(h"in( for "heir li+es.
In a wa& i" wasn2" 9#i"e so 'a$ as &o# %i(h" "hin,.
When &o# are #sin( e+er& %#scle "o "he f#ll * $#c,in( #n$er a s)ear*)oin" here, lea)in(
o+er i" "here, l#n(in( forwar$, $rawin( 'ac,, wheelin( ro#n$ * &o# ha+en2" %#ch "i%e "o
feel ei"her fri(h"ene$ or sa$. Tirian ,new he co#l$ $o no"hin( for "he o"hers now0 "he& were
all $oo%e$ "o(e"her. He +a(#el& saw "he Boar (o $own on one si$e of hi%, an$ >ewel
fi(h"in( f#rio#sl& on "he o"her. O#" of "he corner of one e&e he saw, '#" onl& 8#s" saw, a 'i(
Calor%ene )#llin( >ill awa& so%ewhere '& her hair. B#" he har$l& "ho#(h" a'o#" an& of
"hese "hin(s. His onl& "ho#(h" now was "o sell his life as $earl& as he co#l$. The wors" of i"
was "ha" he co#l$n2" ,ee) "o "he )osi"ion in which he ha$ s"ar"e$, #n$er "he whi"e roc,. A
%an who is fi(h"in( a $o<en ene%ies a" once %#s" "a,e his chances where+er he can0 %#s"
$ar" in where+er he sees an ene%&2s 'reas" or nec, #n(#ar$e$. In a +er& few s"ro,es "his
%a& (e" &o# 9#i"e a $is"ance fro% "he s)o" where &o# 'e(an. Tirian soon fo#n$ "ha" he was
(e""in( f#r"her an$ f#r"her "o "he ri(h", nearer "o "he s"a'le. He ha$ a +a(#e i$ea in his %in$
"ha" "here was so%e (oo$ reason for ,ee)in( awa& fro% i". B#" he co#l$n2" now re%e%'er
wha" "he reason was. An$ an&wa&, he co#l$n2" hel) i".
All a" once e+er&"hin( ca%e 9#i"e clear. He fo#n$ he was fi(h"in( "he Tar,aan hi%self. The
'onfire .wha" was lef" of i"/ was s"rai(h" in fron". He was in fac" fi(h"in( in "he +er&
$oorwa& of "he s"a'le, for i" ha$ 'een o)ene$ an$ "wo Calor%enes were hol$in( "he $oor,
rea$& "o sla% i" sh#" "he %o%en" he was insi$e. He re%e%'ere$ e+er&"hin( now, an$ he
reali<e$ "ha" "he ene%& ha$ 'een e$(in( hi% "o "he s"a'le on )#r)ose e+er since "he fi(h"
'e(an. An$ while he was "hin,in( "his he was s"ill fi(h"in( "he Tar,aan as har$ as he co#l$.
A new i$ea ca%e in"o Tirian2s hea$. He $ro))e$ his swor$, $ar"e$ forwar$, in #n$er "he
swee) of "he Tar,aan2s sci%i"ar, sei<e$ his ene%& '& "he 'el" wi"h 'o"h han$s, an$ 8#%)e$
'ac, in"o "he s"a'le, sho#"in(:
3Co%e in an$ %ee" Tash &o#rself43
There was a $eafenin( noise. As when "he A)e ha$ 'een fl#n( in, "he ear"h shoo, an$ "here
was a 'lin$in( li(h".
The Calor%ene sol$iers o#"si$e screa%e$. 3Tash, Tash43 an$ 'an(e$ "he $oor. If Tash
wan"e$ "heir own Ca)"ain, Tash %#s" ha+e hi%. The&, a" an& ra"e, $i$ no" wan" "o %ee"
7or a %o%en" or "wo Tirian $i$ no" ,now where he was or e+en who he was. Then he
s"ea$ie$ hi%self, 'lin,e$, an$ loo,e$ aro#n$. I" was no" $ar, insi$e "he s"a'le, as he ha$
e1)ec"e$. He was in s"ron( li(h": "ha" was wh& he was 'lin,in(.
He "#rne$ "o loo, a" Rish$a Tar,aan, '#" Rish$a was no" loo,in( a" hi%. Rish$a (a+e a
(rea" wail an$ )oin"e$0 "hen he )#" his han$s 'efore his face an$ fell fla", face $ownwar$s,
on "he (ro#n$. Tirian loo,e$ in "he $irec"ion where "he Tar,aan ha$ )oin"e$. An$ "hen he
A "erri'le fi(#re was co%in( "owar$s "he%. I" was far s%aller "han "he sha)e "he& ha$ seen
fro% "he Tower, "ho#(h s"ill %#ch 'i((er "han a %an, an$ i" was "he sa%e. I" ha$ a +#l"#re2s
hea$ an$ fo#r ar%s. I"s 'ea, was o)en an$ i"s e&es 'la<e$. A croa,in( +oice ca%e fro% i"s
3Tho# has" calle$ %e in"o Narnia, Rish$a Tar,aan. Here I a%. Wha" has" "ho# "o sa&53
B#" "he Tar,aan nei"her lif"e$ his face fro% "he (ro#n$ nor sai$ a wor$. He was sha,in(
li,e a %an wi"h a 'a$ hicc#). He was 'ra+e eno#(h in 'a""le: '#" half his co#ra(e ha$ lef"
hi% earlier "ha" ni(h" when he firs" 'e(an "o s#s)ec" "ha" "here %i(h" 'e a real Tash. The
res" of i" ha$ lef" hi% now.
Wi"h a s#$$en 8er, *li,e a hen s"oo)in( "o )ic, #) a wor% * Tash )o#nce$ on "he %isera'le
Rish$a an$ "#c,e$ hi% #n$er "he #))er of his "wo ri(h" ar%s. Then Tash "#rne$ his hea$
si$ewise "o fi1 Tirian wi"h one of his "erri'le e&es: for of co#rse, ha+in( a 'ir$2s hea$, he
co#l$n2" loo, a" &o# s"rai(h".
B#" i%%e$ia"el&, fro% 'ehin$ Tash, s"ron( an$ cal% as "he s#%%er sea, a +oice sai$:
3Be(one, -ons"er, an$ "a,e &o#r lawf#l )re& "o &o#r own )lace: in "he na%e of Aslan an$
Aslan2s (rea" 7a"her "he E%)eror*o+er*"he*Sea.3
The hi$eo#s crea"#re +anishe$, wi"h "he Tar,aan s"ill #n$er i"s ar%. An$ Tirian "#rne$ "o
see who ha$ s)o,en.
An$ wha" he saw "hen se" his hear" 'ea"in( as i" ha$ ne+er 'ea"en in an& fi(h".
Se+en !in(s an$ =#eens s"oo$ 'efore hi%, all wi"h crowns on "heir hea$s an$ all in
(li""erin( clo"hes, '#" "he !in(s wore fine %ail as well an$ ha$ "heir swor$s $rawn in "heir
han$s. Tirian 'owe$ co#r"eo#sl& an$ was a'o#" "o s)ea, when "he &o#n(es" of "he =#eens
la#(he$. He s"are$ har$ a" her face, an$ "hen (as)e$ wi"h a%a<e%en", for he ,new her. I"
was >ill: '#" no" >ill as he ha$ las" seen her, wi"h her face all $ir" an$ "ears an$ an ol$ $rill
$ress half sli))in( off one sho#l$er. Now she loo,e$ cool an$ fresh, as fresh as if she ha$
8#s" co%e fro% 'a"hin(. An$ a" firs" he "ho#(h" she loo,e$ ol$er, '#" "hen $i$n2", an$ he
co#l$ ne+er %a,e #) his %in$ on "ha" )oin". An$ "hen he saw "ha" "he &o#n(es" of "he
!in(s was E#s"ace: '#" he also was chan(e$ as >ill was chan(e$.
Tirian s#$$enl& fel" aw,war$ a'o#" co%in( a%on( "hese )eo)le wi"h "he 'loo$ an$ $#s"
an$ swea" of a 'a""le s"ill on hi%. Ne1" %o%en" he reali<e$ "ha" he was no" in "ha" s"a"e a"
all. He was fresh an$ cool an$ clean, an$ $resse$ in s#ch clo"hes as he wo#l$ ha+e worn for
a (rea" feas" a" Cair Para+el. .B#" in Narnia &o#r (oo$ clo"hes were ne+er &o#r
#nco%for"a'le ones. The& ,new how "o %a,e "hin(s "ha" fel" 'ea#"if#l as well as loo,in(
'ea#"if#l in Narnia: an$ "here was no s#ch "hin( as s"arch or flannel or elas"ic "o 'e fo#n$
fro% one en$ of "he co#n"r& "o "he o"her./
3Sire,3 sai$ >ill co%in( forwar$ an$ %a,in( a 'ea#"if#l c#r"se&, 3le" %e %a,e &o# ,nown "o
Pe"er "he Hi(h !in( o+er all !in(s in Narnia.3
Tirian ha$ no nee$ "o as, which was "he Hi(h !in(, for he re%e%'ere$ his face ."ho#(h
here i" was far no'ler/ fro% his $rea%. He s"e))e$ forwar$, san, on one ,nee an$ ,isse$
Pe"er2s han$.
3Hi(h !in(,3 he sai$. 3Yo# are welco%e "o %e.3
An$ "he Hi(h !in( raise$ hi% an$ ,isse$ hi% on 'o"h chee,s as a Hi(h !in( sho#l$. Then
he le$ hi% "o "he el$es" of "he =#eens * '#" e+en she was no" ol$, an$ "here were no (re&
hairs on her hea$ an$ no wrin,les on her chee, * an$ sai$, 3Sir, "his is "ha" La$& Poll& who
ca%e in"o Narnia on "he 7irs" Da&, when Aslan %a$e "he "rees (row an$ "he Beas"s "al,.3
He 'ro#(h" hi% ne1" "o a %an whose (ol$en 'ear$ flowe$ o+er his 'reas" an$ whose face
was f#ll of wis$o%. 3An$ "his,3 he sai$, 3is "he Lor$ Di(or& who was wi"h her on "ha" $a&.
An$ "his is %& 'ro"her, !in( E$%#n$: an$ "his %& sis"er, "he =#een L#c&.3
3Sir,3 sai$ Tirian, when he ha$ (ree"e$ all "hese. 3If I ha+e rea$ "he chronicle ari(h", "here
sho#l$ 'e ano"her. Has no" &o#r -a8es"& "wo sis"ers5 Where is =#een S#san53
3-& sis"er S#san,3 answere$ Pe"er shor"l& an$ (ra+el&, 3is no lon(er a frien$ of Narnia.3
3Yes,3 sai$ E#s"ace, 3an$ whene+er &o#2+e "rie$ "o (e" her "o co%e an$ "al, a'o#" Narnia or
$o an&"hin( a'o#" Narnia, she sa&s, AWha" won$erf#l %e%ories &o# ha+e4 7anc& &o#r s"ill
"hin,in( a'o#" all "hose f#nn& (a%es we #se$ "o )la& when we were chil$ren.23
3Oh S#san43 sai$ >ill. 3She2s in"eres"e$ in no"hin( nowa$a&s e1ce)" n&lons an$ li)s"ic, an$
in+i"a"ions. She alwa&s was a 8oll& si(h" "oo ,een on 'ein( (rown*#).3
36rown*#), in$ee$,3 sai$ "he La$& Poll&. 3I wish she wo#l$ (row #). She was"e$ all her
school "i%e wan"in( "o 'e "he a(e she is now, an$ she2ll was"e all "he res" of her life "r&in(
"o s"a& "ha" a(e. Her whole i$ea is "o race on "o "he sillies" "i%e of one2s life as 9#ic, as she
can an$ "hen s"o) "here as lon( as she can.3
3Well, $on2" le"2s "al, a'o#" "ha" now,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Loo,4 Here are lo+el& fr#i"*"rees. Le" #s
"as"e "he%.3
An$ "hen, for "he firs" "i%e, Tirian loo,e$ a'o#" hi% an$ reali<e$ how +er& 9#eer "his
a$+en"#re was.
TIRIAN ha$ "ho#(h" * or he wo#l$ ha+e "ho#(h" if he ha$ "i%e "o "hin, a" all * "ha" "he&
were insi$e a li""le "ha"che$ s"a'le, a'o#" "wel+e fee" lon( an$ si1 fee" wi$e. In reali"& "he&
s"oo$ on (rass, "he $ee) 'l#e s,& was o+erhea$, an$ "he air which 'lew (en"l& on "heir
faces was "ha" of a $a& in earl& s#%%er. No" far awa& fro% "he% rose a (ro+e of "rees,
"hic,l& lea+e$, '#" #n$er e+er& leaf "here )ee)e$ o#" "he (ol$ or fain" &ellow or )#r)le or
(lowin( re$ of fr#i"s s#ch as no one has seen in o#r worl$. The fr#i" %a$e Tirian feel "ha" i"
%#s" 'e a#"#%n '#" "here was so%e"hin( in "he feel of "he air "ha" "ol$ hi% i" co#l$ no" 'e
la"er "han >#ne. The& all %o+e$ "owar$s "he "rees.
E+er&one raise$ his han$ "o )ic, "he fr#i" he 'es" li,e$ "he loo, of, an$ "hen e+er&one
)a#se$ for a secon$. This fr#i" was so 'ea#"if#l "ha" each fel" 3I" can2" 'e %ean" for %e...
s#rel& we2re no" allowe$ "o )l#c, i".3
3I"2s all ri(h",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3I ,now wha" we2re all "hin,in(. B#" I2% s#re, 9#i"e s#re, we
nee$n2". I2+e a feelin( we2+e (o" "o "he co#n"r& where e+er&"hin( is allowe$.3
3Here (oes, "hen43 sai$ E#s"ace. An$ "he& all 'e(an "o ea".
Wha" was "he fr#i" li,e5 nfor"#na"el& no one can $escri'e a "as"e. All I can sa& is "ha",
co%)are$ wi"h "hose fr#i"s, "he freshes" (ra)efr#i" &o#2+e e+er ea"en was $#ll, an$ "he
8#icies" oran(e was $r&, an$ "he %os" %el"in( )ear was har$ an$ woo$&, an$ "he swee"es"
wil$ s"raw'err& was so#r. An$ "here were no see$s or s"ones, an$ no was)s. If &o# ha$
once ea"en "ha" fr#i", all "he nices" "hin(s in "his worl$ wo#l$ "as"e li,e %e$icines af"er i".
B#" I can2" $escri'e i". Yo# can2" fin$ o#" wha" i" is li,e #nless &o# can (e" "o "ha" co#n"r&
an$ "as"e i" for &o#rself.
When "he& ha$ ea"en eno#(h, E#s"ace sai$ "o !in( Pe"er, 3Yo# ha+en2" &e" "ol$ #s how &o#
(o" here. Yo# were 8#s" (oin( "o, when !in( Tirian "#rne$ #).3
3There2s no" %#ch "o "ell,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3E$%#n$ an$ I were s"an$in( on "he )la"for% an$ we
saw &o#r "rain co%in( in. I re%e%'er "hin,in( i" was "a,in( "he 'en$ far "oo fas". An$ I
re%e%'er "hin,in( how f#nn& i" was "ha" o#r )eo)le were )ro'a'l& in "he sa%e "rain
"ho#(h L#c& $i$n2" ,now a'o#" i" *3
3Yo#r )eo)le, Hi(h !in(53 sai$ Tirian.
3I %ean %& 7a"her an$ -o"her * E$%#n$2s an$ L#c&2s an$ %ine.3
3Wh& were "he&53 as,e$ >ill. 3Yo# $on2" %ean "o sa& "he& ,now a'o#" Narnia53
3Oh no, i" ha$ no"hin( "o $o wi"h Narnia. The& were on "heir wa& "o Bris"ol. I2$ onl& hear$
"he& were (oin( "ha" %ornin(. B#" E$%#n$ sai$ "he&2$ 'e 'o#n$ "o 'e (oin( '& "ha" "rain.3
.E$%#n$ was "he sor" of )erson who ,nows a'o#" railwa&s./
3An$ wha" ha))ene$ "hen53 sai$ >ill.
3Well, i"2s no" +er& eas& "o $escri'e, is i", E$%#n$53 sai$ "he Hi(h !in(.
3No" +er&,3 sai$ E$%#n$. 3I" wasn2" a" all li,e "ha" o"her "i%e when we were )#lle$ o#" of
o#r own worl$ '& -a(ic. There was a fri(h"f#l roar an$ so%e"hin( hi" %e wi"h a 'an(, '#"
i" $i$n2" h#r". An$ I fel" no" so %#ch scare$ as * well, e1ci"e$. Oh * an$ "his is one 9#eer
I2$ ha$ a ra"her sore ,nee, fro% a hac, a" r#((er. I no"ice$ i" ha$ s#$$enl& (one. An$ I fel"
+er& li(h". An$ "hen * here we were.3
3I" was %#ch "he sa%e for #s in "he railwa& carria(e,3 sai$ "he Lor$ Di(or&, wi)in( "he las"
"races of "he fr#i" fro% his (ol$en 'ear$. 3Onl& I "hin, &o# an$ I, Poll&, chiefl& fel"
"ha" we2$ 'een #ns"iffene$. Yo# &o#n(s"ers won2" #n$ers"an$. B#" we s"o))e$ feelin( ol$.3
3Yo#n(s"ers, in$ee$43 sai$ >ill. 3I $on2" 'elie+e &o# "wo reall& are %#ch ol$er "han we are
3Well if we aren2", we ha+e 'een,3 sai$ "he La$& Poll&.
3An$ wha" has 'een ha))enin( since &o# (o" here53 as,e$ E#s"ace.
3Well,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3for a lon( "i%e .a" leas" I s#))ose i" was a lon( "i%e/ no"hin( ha))ene$.
Then "he $oor o)ene$ *3
3The $oor53 sai$ Tirian.
3Yes,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3The $oor &o# ca%e in * or ca%e o#" * '&. Ha+e &o# for(o""en53
3B#" where is i"53
3Loo,,3 sai$ Pe"er an$ )oin"e$.
Tirian loo,e$ an$ saw "he 9#eeres" an$ %os" ri$ic#lo#s "hin( &o# can i%a(ine. Onl& a few
&ar$s awa&, clear "o 'e seen in "he s#nli(h", "here s"oo$ #) a ro#(h woo$en $oor an$, ro#n$
i", "he fra%ewor, of "he $oorwa&: no"hin( else, no walls, no roof. He wal,e$ "owar$s i",
'ewil$ere$, an$ "he o"hers followe$, wa"chin( "o see wha" he wo#l$ $o. He wal,e$ ro#n$
"o "he o"her si$e of "he $oor. B#" i" loo,e$ 8#s" "he sa%e fro% "he o"her si$e: he was s"ill in
"he o)en air, on a s#%%er %ornin(. The $oor was si%)l& s"an$in( #) '& i"self as if i" ha$
(rown "here li,e a "ree.
37air Sir,3 sai$ Tirian "o "he Hi(h !in(, 3"his is a (rea" %ar+el.3
3I" is "he $oor &o# ca%e "hro#(h wi"h "ha" Calor%ene fi+e %in#"es a(o,3 sai$ Pe"er s%ilin(.
3B#" $i$ I no" co%e in o#" of "he woo$ in"o "he s"a'le5 Whereas "his see%s "o 'e a $oor
lea$in( fro% nowhere "o nowhere.3
3I" loo,s li,e "ha" if &o# wal, ro#n$ i",3 sai$ Pe"er. 3B#" )#" &o#r e&e "o "ha" )lace where
"here is a crac, 'e"ween "wo of "he )lan,s an$ loo, "hro#(h.3
Tirian )#" his e&e "o "he hole. A" firs" he co#l$ see no"hin( '#" 'lac,ness. Then, a" his e&es
(rew #se$ "o i", he saw "he $#ll re$ (low of a 'onfire "ha" was nearl& (oin( o#", an$ a'o+e
"ha", in a 'lac, s,&, s"ars. Then he co#l$ see $ar, fi(#res %o+in( a'o#" or s"an$in( 'e"ween
hi% an$ "he fire: he co#l$ hear "he% "al,in( an$ "heir +oices were li,e "hose of Calor%enes.
So he ,new "ha" he was loo,in( o#" "hro#(h "he s"a'le $oor in"o "he $ar,ness of Lan"ern
Was"e where he ha$ fo#(h" his las" 'a""le. The %en were $isc#ssin(
whe"her "o (o in an$ loo, for Rish$a Tar,aan .'#" none of "he% wan"e$ "o $o "ha"/ or "o se"
fire "o "he s"a'le.
He loo,e$ ro#n$ a(ain an$ co#l$ har$l& 'elie+e his e&es. There was "he 'l#e s,& o+erhea$,
an$ (rass& co#n"r& s)rea$in( as far as he co#l$ see in e+er& $irec"ion, an$ his new frien$s
all ro#n$ hi% la#(hin(.
3I" see%s, "hen,3 sai$ Tirian, s%ilin( hi%self, 3"ha" "he s"a'le seen fro% wi"hin an$ "he
s"a'le seen fro% wi"ho#" are "wo $ifferen" )laces.3
3Yes,3 sai$ "he Lor$ Di(or&. 3I"s insi$e is 'i((er "han i"s o#"si$e.3
3Yes,3 sai$ =#een L#c&. 3In o#r worl$ "oo, a s"a'le once ha$ so%e"hin( insi$e i" "ha" was
'i((er "han o#r whole worl$.3 I" was "he firs" "i%e she ha$ s)o,en, an$ fro% "he "hrill in her
+oice, Tirian now ,new wh&. She was $rin,in( e+er&"hin( in e+en %ore $ee)l& "han "he
o"hers. She ha$ 'een "oo ha))& "o s)ea,. He wan"e$ "o hear her s)ea, a(ain, so he sai$:
3Of &o#r co#r"es&, -a$a%, "ell on. Tell %e &o#r whole a$+en"#re.3
3Af"er "he shoc, an$ "he noise,3 sai$ L#c&, 3we fo#n$ o#rsel+es here. An$ we won$ere$ a"
"he $oor, as &o# $i$. Then "he $oor o)ene$ for "he firs" "i%e .we saw $ar,ness "hro#(h "he
$oorwa& when i" $i$/ an$ "here ca%e "hro#(h a 'i( %an wi"h a na,e$ swor$. We saw '&
his ar%s "ha" he was a Calor%ene. He "oo, his s"an$ 'esi$e "he $oor wi"h his swor$ raise$,
res"in( on his sho#l$er, rea$& "o c#" $own an&one who ca%e "hro#(h. We wen" "o hi% an$
s)o,e "o hi%, '#" we "ho#(h" he co#l$ nei"her see nor hear #s. An$ he ne+er loo,e$ ro#n$
on "he s,& an$ "he s#nli(h" an$ "he (rass: I "hin, he co#l$n2" see "he% ei"her. So "hen we
wai"e$ a lon( "i%e. Then we hear$ "he 'ol" 'ein( $rawn on "he o"her si$e of "he $oor. B#"
"he %an $i$n2" (e" rea$& "o s"ri,e wi"h his swor$ "ill he co#l$ see who was co%in( in. So
we s#))ose$ he ha$ 'een "ol$ "o s"ri,e so%e an$ s)are o"hers. B#" a" "he +er& %o%en"
when "he $oor o)ene$, all of a s#$$en Tash was "here, on "his si$e of "he $oor0 none of #s
saw where he ca%e fro%. An$ "hro#(h "he $oor "here ca%e a 'i( Ca". I" (a+e one loo, a"
Tash an$ ran for i"s life: 8#s" in "i%e, for he )o#nce$ a" i" an$ "he $oor hi" his 'ea, as i" was
sh#". The %an co#l$ see Tash. He "#rne$ +er& )ale an$ 'owe$ $own 'efore "he -ons"er:
'#" i" +anishe$ awa&.
3Then we wai"e$ a lon( "i%e a(ain. A" las" "he $oor o)ene$ for "he "hir$ "i%e an$ "here
ca%e in a &o#n( Calor%ene. I li,e$ hi%. The sen"inel a" "he $oor s"ar"e$, an$ loo,e$ +er&
s#r)rise$, when he saw hi%. I "hin, he2$ 'een e1)ec"in( so%eone 9#i"e $ifferen" *3
3I see i" all now,3 sai$ E#s"ace .he ha$ "he 'a$ ha'i" of in"err#)"in( s"ories/. 3The Ca" was
"o (o in firs" an$ "he sen"r& ha$ or$ers "o $o hi% no har%. Then "he Ca" was "o co%e o#"
an$ sa& he2$ seen "heir 'eas"l& Tashlan an$ )re"en$ "o 'e fri(h"ene$ so as "o scare "he o"her
Ani%als. B#" wha" Shif" ne+er (#esse$ was "ha" "he real Tash wo#l$ "#rn #)0 so 6in(er
ca%e o#" reall& fri(h"ene$. An$ af"er "ha", Shif" wo#l$ sen$ in an&one he wan"e$ "o (e" ri$
of an$ "he sen"r& wo#l$ ,ill "he%.
An$ *3
37rien$,3 sai$ Tirian sof"l&, 3&o# hin$er "he la$& in her "ale.3
3Well,3 sai$ L#c&, 3"he sen"r& was s#r)rise$. Tha" (a+e "he o"her %an 8#s" "i%e "o (e" on
(#ar$. The& ha$ a fi(h". He ,ille$ "he sen"r& an$ fl#n( hi% o#"si$e "he $oor. Then he ca%e
wal,in( slowl& forwar$ "o where we were. He co#l$ see #s, an$ e+er&"hin( else. We "rie$
"o "al, "o hi% '#" he was ra"her li,e a %an in a "rance. He ,e)" on sa&in( Tash, Tash, where
is Tash5 I (o "o Tash. So we (a+e i" #) an$ he wen" awa& so%ewhere * o+er "here. I li,e$
hi%. An$ af"er "ha" ... #(h43 L#c& %a$e a face.
3Af"er "ha",3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3so%eone fl#n( a %on,e& "hro#(h "he $oor. An$ Tash was "here
a(ain. -& sis"er is so "en$er*hear"e$ she $oesn2" li,e "o "ell &o# "ha" Tash %a$e one )ec,
an$ "he -on,e& was (one43
3Ser+e hi% ri(h"43 sai$ E#s"ace. 3All "he sa%e, I ho)e he2ll $isa(ree wi"h Tash "oo.3
3An$ af"er "ha",3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3ca%e a'o#" a $o<en Dwarfs: an$ "hen >ill, an$ E#s"ace, an$
las" of all &o#rself.3
3I ho)e Tash a"e "he Dwarfs "oo,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3Li""le swine.3
3No, he $i$n2",3 sai$ L#c&. 3An$ $on2" 'e horri$. Ther&2re s"ill here. In fac" &o# can see
"he% fro% here. An$ I2+e "rie$ an$ "rie$ "o %a,e frien$s wi"h "he% '#" i"2s no #se.3
37rien$s wi"h "he%43 crie$ E#s"ace. 3If &o# ,new how "hose Dwarfs ha+e 'een 'eha+in(43
3Oh s"o) i", E#s"ace,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Do co%e an$ see "he%. !in( Tirian, )erha)s &o# co#l$
$o so%e"hin( wi"h "he%.3
3I can feel no (rea" lo+e for Dwarfs "o$a&,3 sai$ Tirian. 3Ye" a" &o#r as,in(, La$&, I wo#l$
$o a (rea"er "hin( "han "his.3
L#c& le$ "he wa& an$ soon "he& co#l$ all see "he Dwarfs. The& ha$ a +er& o$$ loo,. The&
weren2" s"rollin( a'o#" or en8o&in( "he%sel+es .al"ho#(h "he cor$s wi"h which "he& ha$
'een "ie$ see%e$ "o ha+e +anishe$/ nor were "he& l&in( $own an$ ha+in( a res". The& were
si""in( +er& close "o(e"her in a li""le circle facin( one ano"her. The& ne+er loo,e$ ro#n$ or
"oo, an& no"ice of "he h#%ans "ill L#c& an$ Tirian were al%os" near eno#(h "o "o#ch "he%.
Then "he Dwarfs all coc,e$ "heir hea$s as if "he& co#l$n2" see an&one '#" were lis"enin(
har$ an$ "r&in( "o (#ess '& "he so#n$ wha" was ha))enin(.
3Loo, o#"43 sai$ one of "he% in a s#rl& +oice. 3-in$ where &o#2re (oin(. Don2" wal, in"o
o#r faces43
3All ri(h"43 sai$ E#s"ace in$i(nan"l&. 3We2re no" 'lin$. We2+e (o" e&es in o#r hea$s.3
3The& %#s" 'e $arn (oo$ ones if &o# can see in here,3 sai$ "he sa%e Dwarf whose na%e
was Di((le.
3In where53 as,e$ E$%#n$.
3Wh& &o# 'one*hea$, in here of co#rse,3 sai$ Di((le. 3In "his )i"ch*'lac,, )o,&, s%ell&
li""le hole of a s"a'le.3
3Are &o# 'lin$53 sai$ Tirian.
3Ain2" we all 'lin$ in "he $ar,43 sai$ Di((le.
3B#" i" isn2" $ar,, &o# )oor s"#)i$ Dwarfs,3 sai$ L#c&. 3Can2" &o# see5 Loo, #)4 Loo,
ro#n$4 Can2" &o# see "he s,& an$ "he "rees an$ "he flowers5 Can2" &o# see %e53
3How in "he na%e of all H#%'#( can I see wha" ain2" "here5 An$ how can I see &o# an&
%ore "han &o# can see %e in "his )i"ch $ar,ness53
3B#" I can see &o#,3 sai$ L#c&. 3I2ll )ro+e I can see &o#. Yo#2+e (o" a )i)e in &o#r %o#"h.3
3An&one "ha" ,nows "he s%ell of 'acc& co#l$ "ell "ha",3 sai$ Di((le.
3Oh "he )oor "hin(s4 This is $rea$f#l,3 sai$ L#c&. Then she ha$ an i$ea. She s"o))e$ an$
)ic,e$ so%e wil$ +iole"s. 3Lis"en, Dwarf,3 she sai$. 3E+en if &o#r e&es are wron(, )erha)s
&o#r nose is all ri(h": can &o# s%ell "ha"53 She leane$ across an$ hel$ "he fresh, $a%)
flowers "o Di((le2s #(l& nose. B#" she ha$ "o 8#%) 'ac, 9#ic,l& in or$er "o a+oi$ a 'low
fro% his har$ li""le fis".
3None of "ha"43 he sho#"e$. 3How $are &o#4 Wha" $o &o# %ean '& sho+in( a lo" of fil"h&
s"a'le*li""er in %& face5 There was a "his"le in i" "oo. I"2s li,e &o#r sa#ce4 An$ who are &o#
3Ear"h*%an,3 sai$ Tirian, 3she is "he =#een L#c&, sen" hi"her '& Aslan o#" of "he $ee) )as".
An$ i" is for her sa,e alone "ha" I, Tirian &o#r lawf#l !in(, $o no" c#" all &o#r hea$s fro%
&o#r sho#l$ers, )ro+e$ an$ "wice*)ro+e$ "rai"ors "ha" &o# are.3
3Well if "ha" $oesn2" 'ea" e+er&"hin(43 e1clai%e$ Di((le. 3How can &o# (o on "al,in( all
"ha" ro"5 Yo#r won$erf#l Lion $i$n2" co%e an$ hel) &o#, $i$ he5 Tho#(h" no". An$ now *
e+en now * when &o#2+e 'een 'ea"en an$ sho+e$ in"o "his 'lac, hole, 8#s" "he sa%e as "he
res" of #s, &o#2re s"ill a" &o#r ol$ (a%e. S"ar"in( a new lie4 Tr&in( "o %a,e #s 'elie+e we2re
none of #s sh#" #), an$ i" ain2" $ar,, an$ hea+en ,nows wha".3
3There is no 'lac, hole, sa+e in &o#r own fanc&, fool,3 crie$ Tirian. 3Co%e o#" of i".3 An$,
leanin( forwar$, he ca#(h" Di((le '& "he 'el" an$ "he hoo$ an$ sw#n( hi% ri(h" o#" of "he
circle of Dwarfs. B#" "he %o%en" Tirian )#" hi% $own, Di((le $ar"e$ 'ac, "o his )lace
a%on( "he o"hers, r#''in( his nose an$ howlin(:
3Ow4 Ow4 Wha" $2&o# $o "ha" for4 Ban(in( %& face a(ains" "he wall. Yo#2+e nearl& 'ro,en
%& nose.3
3Oh $ear43 sai$ L#c&, 3Wha" are we "o $o for "he%53
3Le" 2e% alone,3 sai$ E#s"ace: '#" as he s)o,e "he ear"h "re%'le$. The swee" air (rew
s#$$enl& swee"er. A 'ri(h"ness flashe$ 'ehin$ "he%. All "#rne$. Tirian "#rne$ las" 'eca#se
he was afrai$. There s"oo$ his hear"2s $esire, h#(e an$ real, "he (ol$en Lion, Aslan hi%self,
an$ alrea$& "he o"hers were ,neelin( in a circle ro#n$ his fore)aws an$ '#r&in( "heir han$s
an$ faces in his %ane as he s"oo)e$ his (rea" hea$ "o "o#ch "he% wi"h his "on(#e. Then he
fi1e$ his e&es #)on Tirian, an$ Tirian ca%e near, "re%'lin(, an$ fl#n( hi%self a" "he Lion2s
fee", an$ "he Lion ,isse$ hi% an$ sai$, 3Well $one, las" of "he !in(s of Narnia who s"oo$
fir% a" "he $ar,es" ho#r.3
3Aslan,3 sai$ L#c& "hro#(h her "ears, 3co#l$ &o# * will &o# * $o so%e"hin( for "hese )oor
3Deares",3 sai$ Aslan, 3I will show &o# 'o"h wha" I can, an$ wha" I canno", $o.3 He ca%e
close "o "he Dwarfs an$ (a+e a low (rowl: low, '#" i" se" all "he air sha,in(. B#" "he Dwarfs
sai$ "o one ano"her, 3Hear "ha"5 Tha"2s "he (an( a" "he o"her en$ of "he s"a'le. Tr&in( "o
fri(h"en #s. The& $o i" wi"h a %achine of so%e ,in$. Don2" "a,e an& no"ice. The& won2" "a,e
#s in a(ain43
Aslan raise$ his hea$ an$ shoo, his %ane. Ins"an"l& a (lorio#s feas" a))eare$ on "he
Dwarfs2 ,nees: )ies an$ "on(#es an$ )i(eons an$ "rifles an$ ices, an$ each Dwarf ha$ a
(o'le" of (oo$ wine in his ri(h" han$. B#" i" wasn2" %#ch #se. The& 'e(an ea"in( an$
$rin,in( (ree$il& eno#(h, '#" i" was clear "ha" "he& co#l$n2" "as"e i" )ro)erl&. The& "ho#(h"
"he& were ea"in( an$ $rin,in( onl& "he sor" of "hin(s &o# %i(h" fin$ in a s"a'le. One sai$ he
was "r&in( "o ea" ha& an$ ano"her sai$ he ha$ a 'i" of an ol$ "#rni) an$ a "hir$ sai$ he2$
fo#n$ a raw ca''a(e leaf. An$ "he& raise$ (ol$en (o'le"s of rich re$ wine "o "heir li)s an$
sai$ 3(h4 7anc& $rin,in( $ir"& wa"er o#" of a "ro#(h "ha" a $on,e&2s 'een a"4 Ne+er
"ho#(h" we2$ co%e "o "his.3 B#" +er& soon e+er& Dwarf 'e(an s#s)ec"in( "ha" e+er& o"her
Dwarf ha$ fo#n$ so%e"hin( nicer "han he ha$, an$ "he& s"ar"e$ (ra''in( an$ sna"chin(, an$
wen" on "o 9#arrellin(, "ill in a few %in#"es "here was a free fi(h" an$ all "he (oo$ foo$ was
s%eare$ on "heir faces an$ clo"hes or "ro$$en #n$er foo". B#" when a" las" "he& sa" $own "o
n#rse "heir 'lac, e&es an$ "heir 'lee$in( noses, "he& all sai$:
3Well, a" an& ra"e "here2s no H#%'#( here. We ha+en2" le" an&one "a,e #s in. The Dwarfs
are for "he Dwarfs.3
3Yo# see, 3 sai$ Aslan. 3The& will no" le" #s hel) "he%. The& ha+e chosen c#nnin( ins"ea$
of 'elief. Their )rison is onl& in "heir own %in$s, &e" "he& are in "ha" )rison0 an$ so afrai$
of 'ein( "a,en in "ha" "he& canno" 'e "a,en o#". B#" co%e, chil$ren. I ha+e o"her wor, "o
He wen" "o "he Door an$ "he& all followe$ hi%. He raise$ his hea$ an$ roare$, 3Now i" is
"i%e43 "hen lo#$er, 3Ti%e430 "hen so lo#$ "ha" i" co#l$ ha+e sha,en "he s"ars, 3TI-E.3 The
Door flew o)en.
THEY all s"oo$ 'esi$e Aslan, on his ri(h" si$e, an$ loo,e$ "hro#(h "he o)en $oorwa&.
The 'onfire ha$ (one o#". On "he ear"h all was 'lac,ness: in fac" &o# co#l$ no" ha+e "ol$
"ha" &o# were loo,in( in"o a woo$ if &o# ha$ no" seen where "he $ar, sha)es of "he "rees
en$e$ an$ "he s"ars 'e(an. B#" when Aslan ha$ roare$ &e" a(ain, o#" on "heir lef" "he& saw
ano"her 'lac, sha)e. Tha" is, "he& saw ano"her )a"ch where "here were no s"ars: an$ "he
)a"ch rose #) hi(her an$ hi(her an$ 'eca%e "he sha)e of a %an, "he h#(es" of all (ian"s.
The& all ,new Narnia well eno#(h "o wor, o#" where he %#s" 'e s"an$in(. He %#s" 'e on
"he hi(h %oorlan$s "ha" s"re"ch awa& "o "he Nor"h 'e&on$ "he Ri+er Shri''le. Then >ill an$
E#s"ace re%e%'ere$ how once lon( a(o, in "he $ee) ca+es 'enea"h "hose %oors, "he& ha$
seen a (rea" (ian" aslee) an$ 'een "ol$ "ha" his na%e was 7a"her Ti%e, an$ "ha" he wo#l$
wa,e on "he $a& "he worl$ en$e$.
3Yes,3 sai$ Aslan, "ho#(h "he& ha$ no" s)o,en. 3While he la& $rea%in( his na%e was
Ti%e. Now "ha" he is awa,e he will ha+e a new one.3
Then "he (rea" (ian" raise$ a horn "o his %o#"h. The& co#l$ see "his '& "he chan(e of "he
'lac, sha)e he %a$e a(ains" "he s"ars. Af"er "ha" * 9#i"e a 'i" la"er, 'eca#se so#n$ "ra+els so
slowl& * "he& hear$ "he so#n$ of "he horn: hi(h an$ "erri'le, &e" of a s"ran(e, $ea$l& 'ea#"&.
I%%e$ia"el& "he s,& 'eca%e f#ll of shoo"in( s"ars. E+en one shoo"in( s"ar is a fine "hin( "o
see0 '#" "hese were $o<ens, an$ "hen scores, an$ "hen h#n$re$s, "ill i" was li,e sil+er rain:
an$ i" wen" on an$ on. An$ when i" ha$ (one on for so%e while, one or "wo of "he% 'e(an
"o "hin, "ha" "here was ano"her $ar, sha)e a(ains" "he s,& as well as "he (ian"2s. I" was in a
$ifferen" )lace, ri(h" o+erhea$, #) in "he +er& roof of "he s,& as &o# %i(h" call i". 3Perha)s
i" is a clo#$,3 "ho#(h" E$%#n$. A" an& ra"e, "here were no s"ars "here: 8#s" 'lac,ness. B#" all
aro#n$, "he $own)o#r of s"ars wen" on. An$ "hen "he s"arless )a"ch
'e(an "o (row, s)rea$in( f#r"her an$ f#r"her o#" fro% "he cen"re of "he s,&. An$ )resen"l& a
9#ar"er of "he whole s,& was 'lac,, an$ "hen a half, an$ a" las" "he rain of shoo"in( s"ars
was (oin( on onl& low $own near "he hori<on.
Wi"h a "hrill of won$er .an$ "here was so%e "error in i" "oo/ "he& all s#$$enl& reali<e$ wha"
was ha))enin(. The s)rea$in( 'lac,ness was no" a clo#$ a" all: i" was si%)l& e%)"iness.
The 'lac, )ar" of "he s,& was "he )ar" in which "here were no s"ars lef". All "he s"ars were
fallin(: Aslan ha$ calle$ "he% ho%e.
The las" few secon$s 'efore "he rain of s"ars ha$ 9#i"e en$e$ were +er& e1ci"in(. S"ars
'e(an fallin( all ro#n$ "he%. B#" s"ars in "ha" worl$ are no" "he (rea" fla%in( (lo'es "he&
are in o#rs. The& are )eo)le .E$%#n$ an$ L#c& ha$ once %e" one/. So now "he& fo#n$
showers of (li""erin( )eo)le, all wi"h lon( hair li,e '#rnin( sil+er an$ s)ears li,e whi"e*ho"
%e"al, r#shin( $own "o "he% o#" of "he 'lac, air, swif"er "han fallin( s"ones. The& %a$e a
hissin( noise as "he& lan$e$ an$ '#rn" "he (rass. An$ all "hese s"ars (li$e$ )as" "he% an$
s"oo$ so%ewhere 'ehin$, a li""le "o "he ri(h".
This was a (rea" a$+an"a(e, 'eca#se o"herwise, now "ha" "here were no s"ars in "he s,&,
e+er&"hin( wo#l$ ha+e 'een co%)le"el& $ar, an$ &o# co#l$ ha+e seen no"hin(. As i" was,
"he crow$ of s"ars 'ehin$ "he% cas" a fierce, whi"e li(h" o+er "heir sho#l$ers. The& co#l$
see %ile #)on %ile of Narnian woo$s s)rea$ o#" 'efore "he%, loo,in( as if "he& were
floo$li". E+er& '#sh an$ al%os" e+er& 'la$e of (rass ha$ i"s 'lac, sha$ow 'ehin$ i". The
e$(e of e+er& leaf s"oo$ o#" so shar) "ha" &o#2$ "hin, &o# co#l$ c#" &o#r fin(er on i".
On "he (rass 'efore "he% la& "heir own sha$ows. B#" "he (rea" "hin( was Aslan2s sha$ow. I"
s"rea%e$ awa& "o "heir lef", enor%o#s an$ +er& "erri'le. An$ all "his was #n$er a s,& "ha"
wo#l$ now 'e s"arless fore+er.
The li(h" fro% 'ehin$ "he% .an$ a li""le "o "heir ri(h"/ was so s"ron( "ha" i" li" #) e+en "he
slo)es of "he Nor"hern -oors. So%e"hin( was %o+in( "here. Enor%o#s ani%als were
crawlin( an$ sli$in( $own in"o Narnia: (rea" $ra(ons an$ (ian" li<ar$s an$ fea"herless 'ir$s
wi"h win(s li,e 'a"s2 win(s. The& $isa))eare$ in"o "he woo$s an$ for a few %in#"es "here
was silence. Then "here ca%e * a" firs" fro% +er& far off * so#n$s of wailin( an$ "hen, fro%
e+er& $irec"ion, a r#s"lin( an$ a )a""erin( an$ a so#n$ of win(s. I" ca%e nearer an$ nearer.
Soon one co#l$ $is"in(#ish "he sca%)er of li""le fee" fro% "he )a$$in( of 'i( )aws, an$ "he
clac,*clac, of li(h" li""le hoofs fro% "he "h#n$er of (rea" ones. An$ "hen one co#l$ see
"ho#san$s of )airs of e&es (lea%in(. An$ a" las", o#" of "he sha$ow of "he "rees, racin( #)
"he hill for $ear life, '& "ho#san$s an$ '& %illions, ca%e all ,in$s of crea"#res * Tal,in(
Beas"s, Dwarfs, Sa"&rs, 7a#ns, 6ian"s, Calor%enes, %en fro% Archenlan$, -ono)o$s, an$
s"ran(e #near"hl& "hin(s fro% "he re%o"e islan$s of "he #n,nown Wes"ern lan$s. An$ all
"hese ran #) "o "he $oorwa& where Aslan s"oo$.
This )ar" of "he a$+en"#re was "he onl& one which see%e$ ra"her li,e a $rea% a" "he "i%e
an$ ra"her har$ "o re%e%'er )ro)erl& af"erwar$s. Es)eciall&, one co#l$n2" sa& how lon( i"
ha$ "a,en. So%e"i%es i" see%e$ "o ha+e las"e$ onl& a few %in#"es, '#" a" o"hers i" fel" as if
i" %i(h" ha+e (one on for &ears. O'+io#sl&, #nless ei"her "he Door ha$ (rown +er&
%#ch lar(er or "he crea"#res ha$ s#$$enl& (rown as s%all as (na"s, a crow$ li,e "ha"
co#l$n2" e+er ha+e "rie$ "o (e" "hro#(h i". B#" no one "ho#(h" a'o#" "ha" sor" of "hin( a" "he
The crea"#res ca%e r#shin( on, "heir e&es 'ri(h"er an$ 'ri(h"er as "he& $rew nearer an$
nearer "o "he s"an$in( S"ars. B#" as "he& ca%e ri(h" #) "o Aslan one or o"her of "wo "hin(s
ha))ene$ "o each of "he%. The& all loo,e$ s"rai(h" in his face, I $on2" "hin, "he& ha$ an&
choice a'o#" "ha". An$ when so%e loo,e$, "he e1)ression of "heir faces chan(e$ "erri'l& * i"
was fear an$ ha"re$: e1ce)" "ha", on "he faces of Tal,in( Bears, "he fear an$ ha"re$ las"e$
onl& for a frac"ion of a secon$. Yo# co#l$ see "ha" "he& s#$$enl& cease$ "o "he Tal,in(
Beas"s. The& were 8#s" or$inar& ani%als. An$ all "he crea"#res who loo,e$ a" Aslan in "ha"
wa& swer+e$ "o "heir ri(h", his lef", an$ $isa))eare$ in"o his h#(e 'lac, sha$ow, which .as
&o# ha+e hear$/ s"rea%e$ awa& "o "he lef" of "he $oorwa&. The chil$ren ne+er saw "he%
a(ain. I $on2" ,now wha" 'eca%e of "he%. B#" "he o"hers loo,e$ in "he face of Aslan an$
lo+e$ hi%, "ho#(h so%e of "he% were +er& fri(h"ene$ a" "he sa%e "i%e. An$ all "hese ca%e
in a" "he Door, in on Aslan2s ri(h". There were so%e 9#eer s)eci%ens a%on( "he%. E#s"ace
e+en reco(ni<e$ one of "hose +er& Dwarfs who ha$ hel)e$ "o shoo" "he Horses. B#" he ha$
no "i%e "o won$er a'o#" "ha" sor" of "hin( .an$ an&wa& i" was no '#siness of his/ for a (rea"
8o& )#" e+er&"hin( else o#" of his hea$. A%on( "he ha))& crea"#res who now ca%e
crow$in( ro#n$ Tirian an$ his frien$s were all "hose who% "he& ha$ "ho#(h" $ea$. There
was Roonwi" "he Cen"a#r an$ >ewel "he nicorn an$ "he (oo$ Boar an$ "he (oo$ Bear, an$
7arsi(h" "he Ea(le, an$ "he $ear Do(s an$ "he Horses, an$ Po((in "he Dwarf.
37#r"her in an$ hi(her #)43 crie$ Roonwi" an$ "h#n$ere$ awa& in a (allo) "o "he Wes". An$
"ho#(h "he& $i$ no" #n$ers"an$ hi%, "he wor$s so%ehow se" "he% "in(lin( all o+er. The
Boar (r#n"e$ a" "he% cheerf#ll&. The Bear was 8#s" (oin( "o %#""er "ha" he s"ill $i$n2"
#n$ers"an$, when he ca#(h" si(h" of "he fr#i"*"rees 'ehin$ "he%. He wa$$le$ "o "hose "rees
as fas" as he co#l$ an$ "here, no $o#'", fo#n$ so%e"hin( he #n$ers"oo$ +er& well. B#" "he
Do(s re%aine$, wa((in( "heir "ails, an$ Po((in re%aine$, sha,in( han$s wi"h e+er&one
an$ (rinnin( all o+er his hones" face. An$ >ewel leane$ his snow& whi"e hea$ o+er "he
!in(2s sho#l$er an$ "he !in( whis)ere$ in >ewel2s ear. Then e+er&one "#rne$ his a""en"ion
a(ain "o wha" co#l$ 'e seen "hro#(h "he Doorwa&.
The Dra(ons an$ 6ian" Li<ar$s now ha$ Narnia "o "he%sel+es. The& wen" "o an$ fro
"earin( #) "he "rees '& "he roo"s an$ cr#nchin( "he% #) as if "he& were s"ic,s of rh#'ar'.
-in#"e '& %in#"e "he fores"s $isa))eare$. The whole co#n"r& 'eca%e 'are an$ &o# co#l$
see all sor"s of "hin(s a'o#" i"s sha)e * all "he li""le h#%)s an$ hollows which &o# ha$ ne+er
no"ice$ 'efore. The (rass $ie$. Soon Tirian fo#n$ "ha" he was loo,in( a" a worl$ of 'are
roc, an$ ear"h. Yo# co#l$ har$l& 'elie+e "ha" an&"hin( ha$ e+er li+e$ "here. The %ons"ers
"he%sel+es (rew ol$ an$ la& $own an$ $ie$. Their flesh shri+elle$ #) an$ "he 'ones
a))eare$: soon "he& were onl& h#(e s,ele"ons "ha" la& here an$ "here on "he $ea$ roc,,
loo,in( as if "he& ha$ $ie$ "ho#san$s of &ears a(o. 7or a lon( "i%e e+er&"hin( was s"ill.
A" las" so%e"hin( whi"e * a lon(, le+el line of whi"eness "ha" (lea%e$ in "he li(h" of "he
s"an$in( s"ars * ca%e %o+in( "owar$s "he% fro% "he Eas"ern en$ of "he worl$.
A wi$es)rea$ noise 'ro,e "he silence: firs" a %#r%#r "hen a r#%'le, "hen a roar. An$ now
"he& co#l$ see wha" i" was "ha" was co%in(, an$ how fas" i" ca%e. I" was a foa%in( wall of
wa"er. The sea was risin(. In "ha" "ree*less worl$ &o# co#l$ see i" +er& well. Yo# co#l$ see
all "he ri+ers (e""in( wi$er an$ "he la,es (e""in( lar(er, an$ se)ara"e la,es 8oinin( in"o one,
an$ +alle&s "#rnin( in"o new la,es, an$ hills "#rnin( in"o islan$s, an$ "hen "hose islan$s
+anishin(. An$ "he hi(h %oors "o "heir lef" an$ "he hi(her %o#n"ains "o "heir ri(h" cr#%'le$
an$ sli))e$ $own wi"h a roar an$ a s)lash in"o "he %o#n"in( wa"er0 an$ "he wa"er ca%e
swirlin( #) "o "he +er& "hreshol$ of "he Doorwa& .'#" ne+er )asse$ i"/ so "ha" "he foa%
s)lashe$ a'o#" Aslan2s forefee". All now was le+el wa"er fro% where "he& s"oo$ "o where
"he wa"ers %e" "he s,&.
An$ o#" "here i" 'e(an "o (row li(h". A s"rea, of $rear& an$ $isas"ro#s $awn s)rea$ alon(
"he hori<on, an$ wi$ene$ an$ (rew 'ri(h"er, "ill in "he en$ "he& har$l& no"ice$ "he li(h" of
"he s"ars who s"oo$ 'ehin$ "he%. A" las" "he s#n ca%e #). When i" $i$, "he Lor$ Di(or& an$
"he La$& Poll& loo,e$ a" one ano"her an$ (a+e a li""le no$: "hose "wo, in a $ifferen" worl$,
ha$ once seen a $&in( s#n, an$ so "he& ,new a" once "ha" "his s#n also was $&in(. I" was
"hree "i%es * "wen"& "i%es * as 'i( as i" o#(h" "o 'e, an$ +er& $ar, re$. As i"s ra&s fell #)on
"he (rea" Ti%e*(ian", he "#rne$ re$ "oo: an$ in "he reflec"ion of "ha" s#n "he whole was"e of
shoreless wa"ers loo,e$ li,e 'loo$.
Then "he -oon ca%e #), 9#i"e in her wron( )osi"ion, +er& close "o "he s#n, an$ she also
loo,e$ re$. An$ a" "he si(h" of her "he s#n 'e(an shoo"in( o#" (rea" fla%es, li,e whis,ers or
sna,es of cri%son fire, "owar$s her. I" is as if he were an oc"o)#s "r&in( "o $raw her "o
hi%self in his "en"acles. An$ )erha)s he $i$ $raw her. A" an& ra"e she ca%e "o hi%, slowl&
a" firs", '#" "hen %ore an$ %ore 9#ic,l&, "ill a" las" his lon( fla%es lic,e$ ro#n$ her an$ "he
"wo ran "o(e"her an$ 'eca%e one h#(e 'all li,e a '#rnin( coal. 6rea" l#%)s of fire ca%e
$ro))in( o#" of i" in"o "he sea an$ clo#$s of s"ea% rose #).
Then Aslan sai$, 3Now %a,e an en$.3
The (ian" "hrew his horn in"o "he sea. Then he s"re"che$ o#" one ar% * +er& 'lac, i" loo,e$,
an$ "ho#san$s of %iles lon( * across "he s,& "ill his han$ reache$ "he S#n. He "oo, "he S#n
an$ s9#ee<e$ i" in his han$ as &o# wo#l$ s9#ee<e an oran(e. An$ ins"an"l& "here was "o"al
E+er&one e1ce)" Aslan 8#%)e$ 'ac, fro% "he ice*col$ air which now 'lew "hro#(h "he
Doorwa&. I"s e$(es were alrea$& co+ere$ wi"h icicles.
3Pe"er, Hi(h !in( of Narnia,3 sai$ Aslan. 3Sh#" "he Door.3
Pe"er, shi+erin( wi"h col$, leane$ o#" in"o "he $ar,ness an$ )#lle$ "he Door "o. I" scra)e$
o+er ice as he )#lle$ i". Then, ra"her cl#%sil& .for e+en in "ha" %o%en" his han$s ha$ (one
n#%' an$ 'l#e/ he "oo, o#" a (ol$en ,e& an$ loc,e$ i".
The& ha$ seen s"ran(e "hin(s eno#(h "hro#(h "ha" Doorwa&. B#" i" was s"ran(er "han an& of
"he% "o loo, ro#n$ an$ fin$ "he%sel+es in war% $a&li(h", "he 'l#e s,& a'o+e "he%, flowers
a" "heir fee", an$ la#(h"er in Aslan2s e&es.
He "#rne$ swif"l& ro#n$, cro#che$ lower, lashe$ hi%self wi"h his "ail an$ sho" awa& li,e a
(ol$en arrow.
3Co%e f#r"her in4 Co%e f#r"her #)43 he sho#"e$ o+er his sho#l$er. B#" who co#l$ ,ee) #)
wi"h hi% a" "ha" )ace5 The& se" o#" wal,in( Wes"war$ "o follow hi%.
3So,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3ni(h" falls on Narnia. Wha", L#c&4 Yo#2re no" cr&in(5 Wi"h Aslan ahea$,
an$ all of #s here53
3Don2" "r& "o s"o) %e, Pe"er,3 sai$ L#c&, 3I a% s#re Aslan wo#l$ no". I a% s#re i" is no"
wron( "o %o#rn for Narnia. Thin, of all "ha" lies $ea$ an$ fro<en 'ehin$ "ha" $oor.3
3Yes an$ I $i$ ho)e,3 sai$ >ill, 3"ha" i" %i(h" (o on for e+er. I ,new o#r worl$ co#l$n2". I
$i$ "hin, Narnia %i(h".3
3I saw i" 'e(in,3 sai$ "he Lor$ Di(or&. 3I $i$ no" "hin, I wo#l$ li+e "o see i" $ie.3
3Sirs,3 sai$ Tirian. 3The la$ies $o well "o wee). See, I $o so %&self. I ha+e seen %&
%o"her2s $ea"h. Wha" worl$ '#" Narnia ha+e I e+er ,nown5 I" were no +ir"#e, '#" (rea"
$isco#r"es&, if we $i$ no" %o#rn.3
The& wal,e$ awa& fro% "he Door an$ awa& fro% "he Dwarfs who s"ill sa" crow$e$ "o(e"her
in "heir i%a(inar& s"a'le. An$ as "he& wen" "he& "al,e$ "o one ano"her a'o#" ol$ wars an$
ol$ )eace an$ ancien" !in(s an$ all "he (lories of Narnia.
The Do(s were s"ill wi"h "he%. The& 8oine$ in "he con+ersa"ion '#" no" %#ch 'eca#se "he&
were "oo '#s& racin( on ahea$ an$ racin( 'ac, an$ r#shin( off "o sniff a" s%ells in "he (rass
"ill "he& %a$e "he%sel+es snee<e. S#$$enl& "he& )ic,e$ #) a scen" which see%e$ "o e1ci"e
"he% +er& %#ch. The& all s"ar"e$ ar(#in( a'o#" i" * 3Yes i" is * No i" isn2" * Tha"2s 8#s" wha" I
sai$ * an&one can s%ell wha" "ha" is * Ta,e &o#r (rea" nose o#" of "he wa& an$ le" so%eone
else s%ell.3
3Wha" is i", co#sins53 sai$ Pe"er.
3A Calor%ene, Sire,3 sai$ se+eral Do(s a" once.
3Lea$ on "o hi%, "hen,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Whe"her he %ee"s #s in )eace or war, he shall 'e
The Do(s $ar"e$ on ahea$ an$ ca%e 'ac, a %o%en" la"er, r#nnin( as if "heir li+es $e)en$e$
on i", an$ 'ar,in( lo#$l& "o sa& "ha" i" reall& was a Calor%ene. .Tal,in( Do(s,
8#s" li,e "he co%%on ones, 'eha+e as if "he& "ho#(h" wha"e+er "he& are $oin( a" "he
%o%en" i%%ensel& i%)or"an"./
The o"hers followe$ where "he Do(s le$ "he% an$ fo#n$ a &o#n( Calor%ene si""in( #n$er a
ches"n#" "ree 'esi$e a clear s"rea% of wa"er. I" was E%e"h. He rose a" once an$ 'owe$
3Sir,3 he sai$ "o Pe"er, 3I ,now no" whe"her &o# are %& frien$ or %& foe, '#" I sho#l$ co#n"
i" %& hono#r "o ha+e &o# for ei"her. Has no" one of "he )oe"s sai$ "ha" a no'le frien$ is "he
'es" (if" an$ a no'le ene%& "he ne1" 'es"53
3Sir,3 sai$ Pe"er, 3I $o no" ,now "ha" "here nee$ 'e an& war 'e"ween &o# an$ #s.3
3Do "ell #s who &o# are an$ wha"2s ha))ene$ "o &o#,3 sai$ >ill.
3If "here2s (oin( "o 'e a s"or&, le"2s all ha+e a $rin, an$ si" $own,3 'ar,e$ "he Do(s. 3We2re
9#i"e 'lown.3
3Well of co#rse &o# will 'e if &o# ,ee) "earin( a'o#" "he wa& &o# ha+e $one,3 sai$
So "he h#%ans sa" $own on "he (rass. An$ when "he Do(s ha$ all ha$ a +er& nois& $rin,
o#" of "he s"rea% "he& all sa" $own, 'ol" #)ri(h", )an"in(, wi"h "heir "on(#es han(in( o#" of
"heir hea$s a li""le on one si$e "o hear "he s"or&. B#" >ewel re%aine$ s"an$in(, )olishin( his
horn a(ains" his si$e.
3!NOW, O Warli,e !in(s,3 sai$ E%e"h, 3an$ &o#, O la$ies whose 'ea#"& ill#%ina"es "he
#ni+erse, "ha" I a% E%e"h "he se+en"h son of Har)ha Tar,aan of "he ci"& of Tehish'aan,
Wes"war$ 'e&on$ "he $eser". I ca%e la"el& in"o Narnia wi"h nine an$ "wen"& o"hers #n$er
"he co%%an$ of Rish$a Tar,aan Now when I firs" hear$ "ha" we sho#l$ %arch #)on Narnia
I re8oice$0 for I ha$ hear$ %an& "hin(s of &o#r Lan$ an$ $esire$ (rea"l& "o %ee" &o# in
'a""le. B#" when I fo#n$ "ha" we were "o (o in $is(#ise$ as %erchan"s .which is a sha%ef#l
$ress for a warrior an$ "he son of a Tar,aan/ an$ "o wor, '& lies an$ "ric,er&, "hen %& 8o&
$e)ar"e$ fro% %e. An$ %os" of all when I fo#n$ we %#s" wai" #)on a -on,e&, an$ when i"
'e(an "o 'e sai$ "ha" Tash an$ Aslan were one, "hen "he worl$ 'eca%e $ar, in %& e&es. 7or
alwa&s since I was a 'o& I ha+e ser+e$ Tash an$ %& (rea" $esire was "o ,now %ore of hi%,
if i" %i(h" 'e, "o loo, #)on his face. B#" "he na%e of Aslan was ha"ef#l "o %e.
3An$, as &o# ha+e seen, we were calle$ "o(e"her o#"si$e "he s"raw*roofe$ ho+el, ni(h" af"er
ni(h", an$ "he fire was ,in$le$, an$ "he A)e 'ro#(h" for"h o#" of "he ho+el so%e"hin( #)on
fo#r le(s "ha" I co#l$ no" well see. An$ "he )eo)le an$ "he Beas"s 'owe$ $own an$ $i$
hono#r "o i". B#" I "ho#(h", "he Tar,aan is $ecei+e$ '& "he A)e: for "his "hin( "ha" co%es
o#" of "he s"a'le is nei"her Tash nor an& o"her (o$. B#" when I wa"che$ "he Tar,aan2s face,
an$ %ar,e$ e+er& wor$ "ha" he sai$ "o "he -on,e&, "hen I chan(e$ %& %in$: for I saw "ha"
"he Tar,aan $i$ no" 'elie+e in i" hi%self. An$ "hen I #n$ers"oo$ "ha" he $i$ no" 'elie+e in
Tash a" all: for if he ha$, how co#l$ he $are "o %oc, hi%5
3When I #n$ers"oo$ "his, a (rea" ra(e fell #)on %e an$ I won$ere$ "ha" "he "r#e Tash $i$
no" s"ri,e $own 'o"h "he -on,e& an$ "he Tar,aan wi"h fire fro% hea+en. Ne+er"heless I hi$
%& an(er an$ hel$ %& "on(#e an$ wai"e$ "o see how i" wo#l$ en$. B#" las" ni(h", as so%e
of &o# ,now, "he -on,e& 'ro#(h" no" for"h "he &ellow "hin( '#" sai$ "ha" all who $esire$ "o
loo, #)on Tashlan * for so "he& %i1e$ "he "wo wor$s "o )re"en$ "ha" "he& were all one *
%#s" )ass one '& one in"o "he ho+el. An$ I sai$ "o %&self, Do#'"less "his is so%e o"her
$ece)"ion. B#" when "he Ca" ha$ followe$ in an$ ha$ co%e o#" a(ain in a %a$ness of
"error, "hen I sai$ "o %&self, S#rel& "he "r#e Tash, who% "he& calle$ on wi"ho#" ,nowle$(e
or 'elief, has now co%e a%on( #s, an$ will a+en(e hi%self. An$ "ho#(h %& hear" was
"#rne$ in"o wa"er insi$e %e 'eca#se of "he (rea"ness an$ "error of Tash, &e" %& $esire was
s"ron(er "han %& fear, an$ I )#" force #)on %& ,nees "o s"a& "he% fro% "re%'lin(, an$ on
%& "ee"h "ha" "he& sho#l$ no" cha""er, an$ resol+e$ "o loo, #)on "he face of Tash "ho#(h he
sho#l$ sla& %e. So I offere$ %&self "o (o in"o "he ho+el0 an$ "he Tar,aan, "ho#(h
#nwillin(l&, le" %e (o.
3As soon as I ha$ (one in a" "he $oor, "he firs" won$er was "ha" I fo#n$ %&self in "his (rea"
s#nli(h" .as we all are now/ "ho#(h "he insi$e of "he ho+el ha$ loo,e$ $ar, fro% o#"si$e.
B#" I ha$ no "i%e "o %ar+el a" "his, for i%%e$ia"el& I was force$ "o fi(h" for %& hea$
a(ains" one of o#r own %en. As soon as I saw hi% I #n$ers"oo$ "ha" "he -on,e& an$ "he
Tar,aan ha$ se" hi% "here "o sla& an& who ca%e in if he were no" in "heir secre"s: so "ha"
"his %an also was a liar an$ a %oc,er an$ no "r#e ser+an" of Tash. I ha$ "he 'e""er will "o
fi(h" hi%0 an$ ha+in( slain "he +illain, I cas" hi% o#" 'ehin$ %e "hro#(h "he $oor.
3Then I loo,e$ a'o#" %e an$ saw "he s,& an$ "he wi$e lan$s, an$ s%elle$ "he swee"ness.
An$ I sai$, B& "he 6o$s, "his is a )leasan" )lace: i" %a& 'e "ha" I a% co%e in"o "he co#n"r&
of Tash. An$ I 'e(an "o 8o#rne& in"o "he s"ran(e co#n"r& an$ "o see, hi%.
3So I wen" o+er %#ch (rass an$ %an& flowers an$ a%on( all ,in$s of wholeso%e an$
$elec"a'le "rees "ill lo4 in a narrow )lace 'e"ween "wo roc,s "here ca%e "o %ee" %e a (rea"
Lion. The s)ee$ of hi% was li,e "he os"rich, an$ his si<e was an ele)han"2s0 his hair was li,e
)#re (ol$ an$ "he 'ri(h"ness of his e&es li,e (ol$ "ha" is li9#i$ in "he f#rnace. He was %ore
"erri'le "han "he 7la%in( -o#n"ain of La(o#r, an$ in 'ea#"& he s#r)asse$ all "ha" is in "he
worl$ e+en as "he rose in 'loo% s#r)asses "he $#s" of "he $eser". Then I fell a" his fee" an$
"ho#(h", S#rel& "his is "he ho#r of $ea"h, for "he Lion .who is wor"h& of all hono#r/ will
,now "ha" I ha+e ser+e$ Tash all %& $a&s an$ no" hi%. Ne+er"heless, i" is 'e""er "o see "he
Lion an$ $ie "han "o 'e Tisroc of "he worl$ an$ li+e an$ no" "o ha+e seen
hi%. B#" "he 6lorio#s One 'en" $own his (ol$en hea$ an$ "o#che$ %& forehea$ wi"h his
"on(#e an$ sai$, Son, "ho# ar" welco%e. B#" I sai$, Alas, Lor$, I a% no son of "hine '#" "he
ser+an" of Tash. He answere$, Chil$, all "he ser+ice "ho# has" $one "o Tash, I acco#n" as
ser+ice $one "o %e. Then '& reasons of %& (rea" $esire for wis$o% an$ #n$ers"an$in(, I
o+erca%e %& fear an$ 9#es"ione$ "he 6lorio#s One an$ sai$, Lor$, is i" "hen "r#e, as "he
A)e sai$, "ha" "ho# an$ Tash are one5 The Lion (rowle$ so "ha" "he ear"h shoo, .'#" his
wra"h was no" a(ains" %e/ an$ sai$, I" is false. No" 'eca#se he an$ I are one, '#" 'eca#se
we are o))osi"es, I "a,e "o %e "he ser+ices which "ho# has" $one "o hi%. 7or I an$ he are of
s#ch $ifferen" ,in$s "ha" no ser+ice which is +ile can 'e $one "o %e, an$ none which is no"
+ile can 'e $one "o hi%. Therefore if an& %an swear '& Tash an$ ,ee) his oa"h for "he
oa"h2s sa,e, i" is '& %e "ha" he has "r#l& sworn, "ho#(h he ,now i" no", an$ i" is I who
rewar$ hi%. An$ if an& %an $o a cr#el"& in %& na%e, "hen, "ho#(h he sa&s "he na%e Aslan,
i" is Tash who% he ser+es an$ '& Tash his $ee$ is acce)"e$. Dos" "ho# #n$ers"an$, Chil$5 I
sai$, Lor$, "ho# ,nowes" how %#ch I #n$ers"an$. B#" I sai$ also .for "he "r#"h cons"raine$
%e/, Ye" I ha+e 'een see,in( Tash all %& $a&s. Belo+e$, sai$ "he 6lorio#s One, #nless "h&
$esire ha$ 'een for %e "ho# wo#l$s" no" ha+e so#(h" so lon( an$ so "r#l&. 7or all fin$ wha"
"he& "r#l& see,.
3Then he 'rea"he$ #)on %e an$ "oo, awa& "he "re%'lin( fro% %& li%'s an$ ca#se$ %e "o
s"an$ #)on %& fee". An$ af"er "ha", he sai$ no" %#ch, '#" "ha" we sho#l$ %ee" a(ain, an$ I
%#s" (o f#r"her #) an$ f#r"her in. Then he "#rne$ hi% a'o#" in a s"or% an$ fl#rr& of (ol$
an$ was (one s#$$enl&.
3An$ since "hen, O !in(s an$ La$ies, I ha+e 'een wan$erin( "o fin$ hi% an$ %& ha))iness
is so (rea" "ha" i" e+en wea,ens %e li,e a wo#n$. An$ "his is "he %ar+el of %ar+els, "ha" he
calle$ %e Belo+e$, %e who a% '#" as a $o( *3
3Eh5 Wha"2s "ha"53 sai$ one of "he Do(s.
3Sir,3 sai$ E%e"h. 3I" is '#" a fashion of s)eech which we ha+e in Calor%en.3
3Well, I can2" sa& i"2s one I li,e +er& %#ch,3 sai$ "he Do(.
3He $oesn2" %ean an& har%,3 sai$ an ol$er Do(.
3Af"er all, we call o#r )#))ies Bo&s when "he& $on2" 'eha+e )ro)erl&.3
3So we $o,3 sai$ "he firs" Do(. 3Or (irls.3
3S*s*sh43 sai$ "he Ol$ Do(. 3Tha"2s no" a nice wor$ "o #se. Re%e%'er where &o# are.3
3Loo,43 sai$ >ill s#$$enl&. So%eone was co%in(, ra"her "i%i$l&, "o %ee" "he%0 a (racef#l
crea"#re on fo#r fee", all sil+er&*(re&. An$ "he& s"are$ a" hi% for a whole "en secon$s 'efore
fi+e or si1 +oices sai$ all a" once, 3Wh&, i"2s ol$ P#<<le43 The& ha$ ne+er seen hi% '&
$a&li(h" wi"h "he lion*s,in off, an$ i" %a$e an e1"raor$inar& $ifference. He was hi%self
now: a 'ea#"if#l $on,e& wi"h s#ch a sof", (re& coa" an$ s#ch a (en"le, hones" face
"ha" if &o# ha$ seen hi% &o# wo#l$ ha+e $one 8#s" wha" >ill an$ L#c& $i$ * r#she$ forwar$
an$ )#" &o#r ar%s ro#n$ his nec, an$ ,isse$ his nose an$ s"ro,e$ his ears.
When "he& as,e$ hi% where he ha$ 'een he sai$ he ha$ co%e in a" "he $oor alon( wi"h all
"he o"her crea"#res '#" he ha$ * well, "o "ell "he "r#"h, he ha$ 'een ,ee)in( o#" of "heir wa&
as %#ch as he co#l$0 an$ o#" of Aslan2s wa&. 7or "he si(h" of "he real Lion ha$ %a$e hi% so
asha%e$ of all "ha" nonsense a'o#" $ressin( #) in a lion*s,in "ha" he $i$ no" ,now how "o
loo, an&one in "he face. B#" when he saw "ha" all his frien$s were (oin( awa& Wes"war$,
an$ af"er he ha$ ha$ a %o#"hf#l of (rass .3An$ I2+e ne+er "as"e$ s#ch (oo$ (rass in %&
life,3 sai$ P#<<le/, he )l#c,e$ #) his co#ra(e an$ followe$. 3B#" wha" I2ll $o if I reall& ha+e
"o %ee" Aslan, I2% s#re I $on2" ,now,3 he a$$e$.
3Yo#2ll fin$ i" will 'e all ri(h" when &o# reall& $o,3 sai$ =#een L#c&.
Then "he& wen" forwar$ "o(e"her, alwa&s Wes"war$, for "ha" see%e$ "o 'e "he $irec"ion
Aslan ha$ %ean" when he crie$ o#", 37#r"her #) an$ f#"her in.3 -an& o"her crea"#res were
slowl& %o+in( "he sa%e wa&, '#" "ha" (rass& co#n"r& was +er& wi$e an$ "here was no
I" s"ill see%e$ "o 'e earl&, an$ "he %ornin( freshness was in "he air. The& ,e)" on s"o))in(
"o loo, ro#n$ an$ "o loo, 'ehin$ "he%, )ar"l& 'eca#se i" was so 'ea#"if#l '#" )ar"l& also
'eca#se "here was so%e"hin( a'o#" i" which "he& co#l$ no" #n$ers"an$.
3Pe"er,3 sai$ L#c&, 3where is "his, $o &o# s#))ose53
3I $on2" ,now,3 sai$ "he Hi(h !in(. 3I" re%in$s %e of so%ewhere '#" I can2" (i+e i" a na%e.
Co#l$ i" 'e so%ewhere we once s"a&e$ for a holi$a& when we were +er&, +er& s%all53
3I" wo#l$ ha+e "o ha+e 'een a 8oll& (oo$ holi$a&,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3I 'e" "here isn2" a co#n"r&
li,e "his an&where in o#r worl$. Loo, a" "he colo#rs4 Yo# co#l$n2" (e" a 'l#e li,e "he 'l#e
on "hose %o#n"ains in o#r worl$.3
3Is i" no" Aslan2s co#n"r&53 sai$ Tirian.
3No" li,e Aslan2s co#n"r& on "o) of "ha" %o#n"ain 'e&on$ "he Eas"ern en$ of "he worl$,3
sai$ >ill. 3I2+e 'een "here.3
3If &o# as, %e,3 sai$ E$%#n$, 3i"2s li,e so%ewhere in "he Narnian worl$. Loo, a" "hose
%o#n"ains ahea$ * an$ "he 'i( ice*%o#n"ains 'e&on$ "he%. S#rel& "he&2re ra"her li,e "he
%o#n"ains we #se$ "o see fro% Narnia, "he ones #) Wes"war$ 'e&on$ "he Wa"erfall53
3Yes, so "he& are,3 sai$ Pe"er. 3Onl& "hese are 'i((er.3
3I $on2" "hin, "hose ones are so +er& li,e an&"hin( in Narnia,3 sai$ L#c&. 3B#" loo, "here.3
She )oin"e$ So#"hwar$ "o "heir lef", an$ e+er&one s"o))e$ an$ "#rne$ "o loo,. 3Those
hills,3 sai$ L#c&, 3"he nice woo$& ones an$ "he 'l#e ones 'ehin$ * aren2" "he& +er& li,e "he
So#"hern 'or$er of Narnia53
3Li,e43 crie$ E$%#n$ af"er a %o%en"2s silence. 3Wh&, "he&2re e1ac"l& li,e. Loo,, "here2s
-o#n" Pire wi"h his for,e$ hea$, an$ "here2s "he )ass in"o Archenlan$ an$ e+er&"hin(43
3An$ &e" "he&2re no" li,e,3 sai$ L#c&. 3The&2re $ifferen". The& ha+e %ore colo#rs on "he%
an$ "he& loo, f#r"her awa& "han I re%e%'ere$ an$ "he&2re %ore .. . %ore . . . oh, I $on2"
3-ore li,e "he real "hin(,3 sai$ "he Lor$ Di(or& sof"l&.
S#$$enl& 7arsi(h" "he Ea(le s)rea$ his win(s, soare$ "hir"& or for"& fee" #) in"o "he air,
circle$ ro#n$ an$ "hen ali(h"e$ on "he (ro#n$.
3!in(s an$ =#eens,3 he crie$, 3we ha+e all 'een 'lin$. We are onl& 'e(innin( "o see where
we are. 7ro% #) "here I ha+e seen i" all * E""ins%#ir, Bea+ers$a%, "he 6rea" Ri+er, an$ Cair
Para+el s"ill shinin( on "he e$(e of "he Eas"ern Sea. Narnia is no" $ea$. This is Narnia.3
3B#" how can i" 'e53 sai$ Pe"er. 37or Aslan "ol$ #s ol$er ones "ha" we sho#l$ ne+er re"#rn
"o Narnia, an$ here we are.3
3Yes,3 sai$ E#s"ace. 3An$ we saw i" all $es"ro&e$ an$ "he s#n )#" o#".3
3An$ i"2s all so $ifferen",3 sai$ L#c&.
3The Ea(le is ri(h",3 sai$ "he Lor$ Di(or&. 3Lis"en, Pe"er. When Aslan sai$ &o# co#l$ ne+er
(o 'ac, "o Narnia, he %ean" "he Narnia &o# were "hin,in( of. B#" "ha" was no" "he real
Narnia. Tha" ha$ a 'e(innin( an$ an en$. I" was onl& a sha$ow or a co)& of "he real Narnia
which has alwa&s 'een here an$ alwa&s will 'e here: 8#s" as o#r worl$, En(lan$ an$ all, is
onl& a sha$ow or co)& of so%e"hin( in Aslan2s real worl$. Yo# nee$ no" %o#rn o+er
Narnia, L#c&. All of "he ol$ Narnia "ha" %a""ere$, all "he $ear crea"#res, ha+e 'een $rawn
in"o "he real Narnia "hro#(h "he Door. An$ of co#rse i" is $ifferen"0 as $ifferen" as a real
"hin( is fro% a sha$ow or as wa,in( life is fro% a $rea%.3 His +oice s"irre$ e+er&one li,e a
"r#%)e" as he s)o,e "hese wor$s: '#" when he a$$e$ #n$er his 'rea"h 3I"2s all in Pla"o, all in
Pla"o: 'less %e, wha" $o "he& "each "he% a" "hese schools43 "he ol$er ones la#(he$. I" was
so e1ac"l& li,e "he sor" of "hin( "he& ha$ hear$ hi% sa& lon( a(o in "ha" o"her worl$ where
his 'ear$ was (re& ins"ea$ of (ol$en. He ,new wh& "he& were la#(hin( an$ 8oine$ in "he
la#(h hi%self. B#" +er& 9#ic,l& "he& all 'eca%e (ra+e a(ain: for, as &o# ,now, "here is a
,in$ of ha))iness an$ won$er "ha" %a,es &o# serio#s. I" is "oo (oo$ "o was"e on 8o,es.
I" is as har$ "o e1)lain how "his s#nli" lan$ was $ifferen" fro% "he ol$ Narnia as i" wo#l$ 'e
"o "ell &o# how "he fr#i"s of "ha" co#n"r& "as"e. Perha)s &o# will (e" so%e i$ea of i" if &o#
"hin, li,e "his. Yo# %a& ha+e 'een in a roo% in which "here was a win$ow "ha"
loo,e$ o#" on a lo+el& 'a& of "he sea or a (reen +alle& "ha" wo#n$ awa& a%on( %o#n"ains.
An$ in "he wall of "ha" roo% o))osi"e "o "he win$ow "here %a& ha+e 'een a loo,in((lass.
An$ as &o# "#rne$ awa& fro% "he win$ow &o# s#$$enl& ca#(h" si(h" of "ha" sea or "ha"
+alle&, all o+er a(ain, in "he loo,in( (lass. An$ "he sea in "he %irror, or "he +alle& in "he
%irror, were in one sense 8#s" "he sa%e as "he real ones: &e" a" "he sa%e "i%e "he& were
so%ehow $ifferen" * $ee)er, %ore won$erf#l, %ore li,e )laces in a s"or&: in a s"or& &o#
ha+e ne+er hear$ '#" +er& %#ch wan" "o ,now. The $ifference 'e"ween "he ol$ Narnia an$
"he new Narnia was li,e "ha". The new one was a $ee)er co#n"r&: e+er& roc, an$ flower an$
'la$e of (rass loo,e$ as if i" %ean" %ore. I can2" $escri'e i" an& 'e""er "han "ha": if e+er &o#
(e" "here &o# will ,now wha" I %ean.
I" was "he nicorn who s#%%e$ #) wha" e+er&one was feelin(. He s"a%)e$ his ri(h" fore*
hoof on "he (ro#n$ an$ nei(he$, an$ "hen crie$:
3I ha+e co%e ho%e a" las"4 This is %& real co#n"r&4 I 'elon( here. This is "he lan$ I ha+e
'een loo,in( for all %& life, "ho#(h I ne+er ,new i" "ill now. The reason wh& we lo+e$ "he
ol$ Narnia is "ha" i" so%e"i%es loo,e$ a li""le li,e "his. Bree*hee*hee4 Co%e f#r"her #),
co%e f#r"her in43
He shoo, his %ane an$ s)ran( forwar$ in"o a (rea" (allo) * a nicorn2s (allo), which, in
o#r worl$, wo#l$ ha+e carrie$ hi% o#" of si(h" in a few %o%en"s. B#" now a %os" s"ran(e
"hin( ha))ene$. E+er&one else 'e(an "o r#n, an$ "he& fo#n$, "o "heir as"onish%en", "ha"
"he& co#l$ ,ee) #) wi"h hi%: no" onl& "he Do(s an$ "he h#%ans '#" e+en fa" li""le P#<<le
an$ shor"*le((e$ Po((in "he Dwarf. The air flew in "heir faces as if "he& were $ri+in( fas" in
a car wi"ho#" a win$screen. The co#n"r& flew )as" as if "he& were seein( i" fro% "he
win$ows of an e1)ress "rain. 7as"er an$ fas"er "he& race$, '#" no one (o" ho" or "ire$ or o#"
of 'rea"h.
I7 one co#l$ r#n wi"ho#" (e""in( "ire$, I $on2" "hin, one wo#l$ of"en wan" "o $o an&"hin(
else. B#" "here %i(h" 'e s)ecial reasons for s"o))in(, an$ i" was a s)ecial reason which
%a$e E#s"ace )resen"l& sho#":
3I sa&4 S"ea$&4 Loo, wha" we2re co%in( "o43
An$ well he %i(h". 7or now "he& saw 'efore "he% Cal$ron Pool an$ 'e&on$ "he Pool "he
hi(h #ncli%'a'le cliffs an$, )o#rin( $own "he cliffs, "ho#san$s of "ons of wa"er e+er&
secon$, flashin( li,e $ia%on$s in so%e )laces an$ $ar,, (lass& (reen in o"hers, "he 6rea"
Wa"erfall0 an$ alrea$& "he "h#n$er of i" was in "heir ears.
3Don2" s"o)4 7#r"her #) an$ f#r"her in,3 calle$ 7arsi(h", "il"in( his fli(h" a li""le #)war$s.
3I"2s all +er& well for hi%,3 sai$ E#s"ace, '#" >ewel also crie$ o#":
3Don2" s"o). 7#r"her #) an$ f#r"her in4 Ta,e i" in &o#r s"ri$e.3
His +oice co#l$ onl& 8#s" 'e hear$ a'o+e "he roar of "he wa"er '#" ne1" %o%en" e+er&one
saw "ha" he ha$ )l#n(e$ in"o "he Pool. An$ hel"er*s,el"er 'ehin$ hi%, wi"h s)lash af"er
s)lash, all "he o"hers $i$ "he sa%e. The wa"er was no" 'i"in( col$ as all of "he% .an$
es)eciall& P#<<le/ e1)ec"e$, '#" of a $elicio#s foa%& coolness. The& all fo#n$ "he& were
swi%%in( s"rai(h" for "he Wa"erfall i"self.
3This is a'sol#"el& cra<&,3 sai$ E#s"ace "o E$%#n$.
3I ,now. An$ &e" *3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3Isn2" i" won$erf#l53 sai$ L#c&. 3Ha+e &o# no"ice$ one can2" feel afrai$, e+en if one wan"s
"o5 Tr& i".3
3B& >o+e, nei"her one can,3 sai$ E#s"ace af"er he ha$ "rie$.
>ewel reache$ "he foo" of "he Wa"erfall firs", '#" Tirian was onl& 8#s" 'ehin$ hi%. >ill was
las", so she co#l$ see "he whole "hin( 'e""er "han "he o"hers. She saw so%e"hin( whi"e
%o+in( s"ea$il& #) "he face of "he Wa"erfall. Tha" whi"e "hin( was "he nicorn. Yo#
co#l$n2" "ell whe"her he was swi%%in( or cli%'in(, '#" he %o+e$ on, hi(her an$ hi(her.
The )oin" of his horn $i+i$e$ "he wa"er 8#s" a'o+e his hea$, an$ i" casca$e$ o#" in "wo
rain'ow*colo#re$ s"rea%s all ro#n$ his sho#l$ers. >#s" 'ehin$ hi% ca%e !in( Tirian. He
%o+e$ his le(s an$ ar%s as if he were swi%%in( '#" he %o+e$ s"rai(h" #)war$s: as if one
co#l$ swi% #) "he wall of a ho#se.
Wha" loo,e$ f#nnies" was "he Do(s. D#rin( "he (allo) "he& ha$ no" 'een a" all o#" of
'rea"h, '#" now, as "he& swar%e$ an$ wri((le$ #)war$s, "here was )len"& of s)l#""erin(
an$ snee<in( a%on( "he%0 "ha" was 'eca#se "he& wo#l$ ,ee) on 'ar,in(, an$ e+er& "i%e
"he& 'ar,e$ "he& (o" "heir %o#"hs an$ noses f#ll of wa"er. B#" 'efore >ill ha$ "i%e "o no"ice
all "hese "hin(s f#ll&, she was (oin( #) "he Wa"erfall herself. I" was "he sor" of "hin( "ha"
wo#l$ ha+e 'een 9#i"e i%)ossi'le in o#r worl$. E+en if &o# ha$n2" 'een $rowne$, &o#
wo#l$ ha+e 'een s%ashe$ "o )ieces '& "he "erri'le wei(h" of wa"er a(ains" "he co#n"less
8a(s of roc,. B#" in "ha" worl$ &o# co#l$ $o i". Yo# wen" on, #) an$ #), wi"h all ,in$s of
reflec"e$ li(h"s flashin( a" &o# fro% "he wa"er an$ all %anner of colo#re$ s"ones flashin(
"hro#(h i", "ill i" see%e$ as if &o# were cli%'in( #) li(h" i"self * an$ alwa&s hi(her an$
hi(her "ill "he sense of hei(h" wo#l$ ha+e "errifie$ &o# if &o# co#l$ 'e "errifie$, '#" la"er i"
was onl& (lorio#sl& e1ci"in(. An$ "hen a" las" one ca%e "o "he lo+el&, s%oo"h (reen c#r+e
in which "he wa"er )o#re$ o+er "he "o) an$ fo#n$ "ha" one was o#" on "he le+el ri+er a'o+e
"he Wa"erfall. The c#rren" was racin( awa& 'ehin$ &o#,
'#" &o# were s#ch a won$erf#l swi%%er "ha" &o# co#l$ %a,e hea$wa& a(ains" i". Soon
"he& were all on "he 'an,, $ri))in( '#"ha))&.
A lon( +alle& o)ene$ ahea$ an$ (rea" snow*%o#n"ains, now %#ch nearer, s"oo$ #) a(ains"
"he s,&.
37#r"her #) an$ f#r"her in,3 crie$ >ewel an$ ins"an"l& "he& were off a(ain.
The& were o#" of Narnia now an$ #) in"o "he Wes"ern Wil$ which nei"her Tirian nor Pe"er
nor e+en "he Ea(le ha$ e+er seen 'efore. B#" "he Lor$ Di(or& an$ "he La$& Poll& ha$. 3Do
&o# re%e%'er5 Do &o# re%e%'er53 "he& sai$ * an$ sai$ i" in s"ea$& +oices "oo, wi"ho#"
)an"in(, "ho#(h "he whole )ar"& was now r#nnin( fas"er "han an arrow flies.
3Wha", Lor$53 sai$ Tirian. 3Is i" "hen "r#e, as s"ories "ell, "ha" &o# "wo 8o#rne&e$ here on "he
+er& $a& "he worl$ was %a$e53
3Yes,3 sai$ Di(or&, 3an$ i" see%s "o %e as if i" were onl& &es"er$a&.3
3An$ on a fl&in( horse53 as,e$ Tirian. 3Is "ha" )ar" "r#e53
3Cer"ainl&,3 sai$ Di(or&. B#" "he Do(s 'ar,e$, 37as"er, fas"er43
So "he& ran fas"er an$ fas"er "ill i" was %ore li,e fl&in( "han r#nnin(, an$ e+en "he Ea(le
o+erhea$ was (oin( no fas"er "han "he&. An$ "he& wen" "hro#(h win$in( +alle& af"er
win$in( +alle& an$ #) "he s"ee) si$es of hills an$, fas"er "han e+er, $own "he o"her si$e,
followin( "he ri+er an$ so%e"i%es crossin( i" an$ s,i%%in( across %o#n"ainla,es as if "he&
were li+in( s)ee$*'oa"s, "ill a" las" a" "he far en$ of one lon( la,e which loo,e$ as 'l#e as a
"#r9#oise, "he& saw a s%oo"h (reen hill. I"s si$es were as s"ee) as "he si$es of a )&ra%i$
an$ ro#n$ "he +er& "o) of i" ran a (reen wall: '#" a'o+e "he wall rose "he 'ranches of "rees
whose lea+es loo,e$ li,e sil+er an$ "heir fr#i" li,e (ol$.
37#r"her #) an$ f#r"her in43 roare$ "he nicorn, an$ no one hel$ 'ac,. The& char(e$
s"rai(h" a" "he foo" of "he hill an$ "hen fo#n$ "he%sel+es r#nnin( #) i" al%os" as wa"er fro%
a 'ro,en wa+e r#ns #) a roc, o#" a" "he )oin" of so%e 'a&. Tho#(h "he slo)e was nearl& as
s"ee) as "he roof of a ho#se an$ "he (rass was s%oo"h as a 'owlin( (reen, no one sli))e$.
Onl& when "he& ha$ reache$ "he +er& "o) $i$ "he& slow #)0 "ha" was 'eca#se "he& fo#n$
"he%sel+es facin( (rea" (ol$en (a"es. An$ for a %o%en" none of "he% was 'ol$ eno#(h "o
"r& if "he (a"es wo#l$ o)en. The& all fel" 8#s" as "he& ha$ fel" a'o#" "he fr#i" 3Dare we5 Is i"
ri(h"5 Can i" 'e %ean" for #s53
B#" while "he& were s"an$in( "h#s a (rea" horn, won$erf#ll& lo#$ an$ swee", 'lew fro%
so%ewhere insi$e "ha" walle$ (ar$en an$ "he (a"es sw#n( o)en.
Tirian s"oo$ hol$in( his 'rea"h an$ won$erin( who wo#l$ co%e o#". An$ wha" ca%e was
"he las" "hin( he ha$ e1)ec"e$: a li""le, slee,, 'ri(h"*e&e$ Tal,in( -o#se wi"h a re$
fea"her s"#c, in a circle" on i"s hea$ an$ i"s lef" )aw res"in( on a lon( swor$. I" 'owe$, a
%os" 'ea#"if#l 'ow, an$ sai$ in i"s shrill +oice:
3Welco%e, in "he Lion2s na%e. Co%e f#r"her #) an$ f#r"her in.3
Then Tirian saw !in( Pe"er an$ !in( E$%#n$ an$ =#een L#c& r#sh forwar$ "o ,neel
$own an$ (ree" "he -o#se an$ "he& all crie$ o#" 3Ree)ichee)43 An$ Tirian 'rea"he$ fas"
wi"h "he sheer won$er of i", for now he ,new "ha" he was loo,in( a" one of "he (rea" heroes
of Narnia, Ree)ichee) "he -o#se who ha$ fo#(h" a" "he (rea" Ba""le of Ber#na an$
af"erwar$s saile$ "o "he Worl$2s en$ wi"h !in( Cas)ian "he Seafarer. B#" 'efore he ha$ ha$
%#ch "i%e "o "hin, of "his he fel" "wo s"ron( ar%s "hrown a'o#" hi% an$ fel" a 'ear$e$ ,iss
on his chee,s an$ hear$ a well re%e%'ere$ +oice sa&in(:
3Wha", la$5 Ar" "hic,er an$ "aller since I las" "o#che$ "hee43
I" was his own fa"her, "he (oo$ !in( Erlian: '#" no" as Tirian ha$ seen hi% las" when "he&
'ro#(h" hi% ho%e )ale an$ wo#n$e$ fro% his fi(h" wi"h "he (ian", nor e+en as Tirian
re%e%'ere$ hi% in his la"er &ears when he was a (re&*hea$e$ warrior. This was his fa"her,
&o#n( an$ %err&, as he co#l$ 8#s" re%e%'er hi% fro% +er& earl& $a&s when he hi%self ha$
'een a li""le 'o& )la&in( (a%es wi"h his fa"her in "he cas"le (ar$en a" Cair Para+el, 8#s"
'efore 'e$"i%e on s#%%er e+enin(s. The +er& s%ell of "he 'rea$*an$*%il, he #se$ "o ha+e
for s#))er ca%e 'ac, "o hi%.
>ewel "ho#(h" "o hi%self, 3I will lea+e "he% "o "al, for a li""le an$ "hen I will (o an$ (ree"
"he (oo$ !in( Erlian. -an& a 'ri(h" a))le has he (i+en %e when I was '#" a col".3 B#" ne1"
%o%en" he ha$ so%e"hin( else "o "hin, of, for o#" of "he (a"ewa& "here ca%e a horse so
%i(h"& an$ no'le "ha" e+en a nicorn %i(h" feel sh& in i"s )resence: a (rea" win(e$ horse.
I" loo,e$ a %o%en" a" "he Lor$ Di(or& an$ "he La$& Poll& an$ nei(he$ o#" 3Wha",
co#sins43 an$ "he& 'o"h sho#"e$ 37le$(e4 6oo$ ol$ 7le$(e43 an$ r#she$ "o ,iss i".
B#" '& now "he -o#se was a(ain #r(in( "he% "o co%e in. So all of "he% )asse$ in "hro#(h
"he (ol$en (a"es, in"o "he $elicio#s s%ell "ha" 'lew "owar$s "he% o#" of "ha" (ar$en an$ in"o
"he cool %i1"#re of s#nli(h" an$ sha$ow #n$er "he "rees, wal,in( on s)rin(& "#rf "ha" was
all $o""e$ wi"h whi"e flowers. The +er& firs" "hin( which s"r#c, e+er&one was "ha" "he )lace
was far lar(er "han i" ha$ see%e$ fro% o#"si$e. B#" no one ha$ "i%e "o "hin, a'o#" "ha" for
)eo)le were co%in( #) "o %ee" "he newco%ers fro% e+er& $irec"ion.
E+er&one &o# ha$ e+er hear$ of .if &o# ,new "he his"or& of "hese co#n"ries/ see%e$ "o 'e
"here. There was 6li%fea"her "he Owl an$ P#$$le(l#% "he -arshwi((le, an$ !in( Rilian
"he Disenchan"e$, an$ his %o"her "he S"ar2s $a#(h"er an$ his (rea" fa"her Cas)ian hi%self.
An$ close 'esi$e hi% were "he Lor$ Drinian an$ "he Lor$ Berne an$ Tr#%),in "he Dwarf
an$ Tr#ffle*h#n"er "he (oo$ Ba$(er wi"h 6lens"or% "he Cen"a#r an$ a h#n$re$ o"her heroes
of "he (rea" War of Deli+erance. An$ "hen fro% ano"her si$e ca%e Cor "he !in( of
Archenlan$ wi"h !in( L#ne his fa"her an$ his wife =#een Ara+is an$ "he 'ra+e )rince
Corin Th#n$er*7is", his 'ro"her, an$ Bree "he Horse an$ Hwin "he -are. An$ "hen
* which was a won$er 'e&on$ all won$ers "o Tirian * "here ca%e fro% f#r"her awa& in "he
)as", "he "wo (oo$ Bea+ers an$ T#%n#s "he 7a#n. An$ "here was (ree"in( an$ ,issin( an$
han$*sha,in( an$ ol$ 8o,es re+i+e$, .&o#2+e no i$ea how (oo$ an ol$ 8o,e so#n$s when
&o# "a,e i" o#" a(ain af"er a res" of fi+e or si1 h#n$re$ &ears/ an$ "he whole co%)an&
%o+e$ forwar$ "o "he cen"re of "he orchar$ where "he Phoeni1 sa" in a "ree an$ loo,e$
$own #)on "he% all, an$ a" "he foo" of "ha" "ree were "wo "hrones an$ in "hose "wo "hrones a
!in( an$ =#een so (rea" an$ 'ea#"if#l "ha" e+er&one 'owe$ $own 'efore "he%. An$ well
"he& %i(h", for "hese "wo were !in( 7ran, an$ =#een Helen fro% who% all "he %os"
ancien" !in(s of Narnia an$ Archenlan$ are $escen$e$. An$ Tirian fel" as &o# wo#l$ feel if
&o# were 'ro#(h" 'efore A$a% an$ E+e in all "heir (lor&.
A'o#" half an ho#r la"er * or i" %i(h" ha+e 'een half a h#n$re$ &ears la"er, for "i%e "here is
no" li,e "i%e here * L#c& s"oo$ wi"h her $ear frien$, her ol$es" Narnian frien$, "he 7a#n
T#%n#s, loo,in( $own o+er "he wall of "ha" (ar$en, an$ seein( all Narnia s)rea$ o#"
'elow. B#" when &o# loo,e$ $own &o# fo#n$ "ha" "his hill was %#ch hi(her "han &o# ha$
"ho#(h": i" san, $own wi"h shinin( cliffs, "ho#san$s of fee" 'elow "he% an$ "rees in "ha"
lower worl$ loo,e$ no 'i((er "han (rains of (reen sal". Then she "#rne$ inwar$ a(ain an$
s"oo$ wi"h her 'ac, "o "he wall an$ loo,e$ a" "he (ar$en.
3I see,3 she sai$ a" las", "ho#(h"f#ll&. 3I see now. This (ar$en is li,e "he s"a'le. I" is far
'i((er insi$e "han i" was o#"si$e.3
3Of co#rse, Da#(h"er of E+e,3 sai$ "he 7a#n. 3The f#r"her #) an$ "he f#r"her in &o# (o, "he
'i((er e+er&"hin( (e"s. The insi$e is lar(er "han "he o#"si$e.3
L#c& loo,e$ har$ a" "he (ar$en an$ saw "ha" i" was no" reall& a (ar$en '#" a whole worl$,
wi"h i"s own ri+ers an$ woo$s an$ sea an$ %o#n"ains. B#" "he& were no" s"ran(e: she ,new
"he% all.
3I see,3 she sai$. 3This is s"ill Narnia, an$ %ore real an$ %ore 'ea#"if#l "hen "he Narnia
$own 'elow, 8#s" as i" was %ore real an$ %ore 'ea#"if#l "han "he Narnia o#"si$e "he s"a'le
$oor4 I see... worl$ wi"hin worl$, Narnia wi"hin Narnia...3
3Yes,3 sai$ -r T#%n#s, 3li,e an onion: e1ce)" "ha" as &o# (o in an$ in, each circle is lar(er
"han "he las".3
An$ L#c& loo,e$ "his wa& an$ "ha" an$ soon fo#n$ "ha" a new an$ 'ea#"if#l "hin( ha$
ha))ene$ "o her. Wha"e+er she loo,e$ a", howe+er far awa& i" %i(h" 'e, once she ha$ fi1e$
her e&es s"ea$il& on i", 'eca%e 9#i"e clear an$ close as if she were loo,in( "hro#(h a
"elesco)e. She co#l$ see "he whole So#"hern $eser" an$ 'e&on$ i" "he (rea" ci"& of
Tash'aan: "o Eas"war$ she co#l$ see Cair Para+el on "he e$(e of "he sea an$ "he +er&
win$ow of "he roo% "ha" ha$ once 'een her own. An$ far o#" "o sea she co#l$ $isco+er "he
islan$s, islan$s af"er islan$s "o "he en$ of "he worl$, an$, 'e&on$ "he en$, "he h#(e
%o#n"ain which "he& ha$ calle$ Aslan2s co#n"r&. B#" now she saw "ha" i" was )ar" of a (rea"
chain of %o#n"ains which rin(e$ ro#n$ "he whole worl$. In fron" of her i" see%e$ "o co%e
9#i"e close. Then she loo,e$ "o her lef" an$ saw wha" she "oo, "o 'e a (rea" 'an, of
'ri(h"l&*colo#re$ clo#$, c#" off fro% "he% '& a (a). B#" she loo,e$ har$er an$ saw "ha" i"
was no" a clo#$ a" all '#" a real lan$. An$ when she ha$ fi1e$ her e&es on one )ar"ic#lar
s)o" of i", she a" once crie$ o#", 3Pe"er4 E$%#n$4 Co%e an$ loo,4 Co%e 9#ic,l&.3 An$ "he&
ca%e an$ loo,e$, for "heir e&es also ha$ 'eco%e li,e hers.
3Wh&s3 e1clai%e$ Pe"er. 3I"2s En(lan$. An$ "ha"2s "he ho#se i"self * Professor !ir,2s ol$
ho%e in "he co#n"r& where all o#r a$+en"#res 'e(an43
3I "ho#(h" "ha" ho#se ha$ 'een $es"ro&e$,3 sai$ E$%#n$.
3So i" was,3 sai$ "he 7a#n. 3B#" &o# are now loo,in( a" "he En(lan$ wi"hin En(lan$, "he
real En(lan$ 8#s" as "his is "he real Narnia. An$ in "ha" inner En(lan$ no (oo$ "hin( is
S#$$enl& "he& shif"e$ "heir e&es "o ano"her s)o", an$ "hen Pe"er an$ E$%#n$ an$ L#c&
(as)e$ wi"h a%a<e%en" an$ sho#"e$ o#" an$ 'e(an wa+in(: for "here "he& saw "heir own
fa"her an$ %o"her, wa+in( 'ac, a" "he% across "he (rea", $ee) +alle&. I" was li,e when &o#
see )eo)le wa+in( a" &o# fro% "he $ec, of a 'i( shi) when &o# are wai"in( on "he 9#a& "o
%ee" "he%.
3How can we (e" a" "he%53 sai$ L#c&.
3Tha" is eas&,3 sai$ -r T#%n#s. 3Tha" co#n"r& an$ "his co#n"r& * all "he real co#n"ries * are
onl& s)#rs 8#""in( o#" fro% "he (rea" %o#n"ains of Aslan. We ha+e onl& "o wal, alon( "he
ri$(e, #)war$ an$ inwar$, "ill i" 8oins on. An$ lis"en4 There is !in( 7ran,2s horn: we %#s"
all (o #).3
An$ soon "he& fo#n$ "he%sel+es all wal,in( "o(e"her an$ a (rea", 'ri(h" )rocession i" was *
#) "owar$s %o#n"ains hi(her "han &o# co#l$ see in "his worl$ e+en if "he& were "here "o 'e
seen. B#" "here was no snow on "hose %o#n"ains: "here were fores"s an$ (reen slo)es an$
swee" orchar$s an$ flashin( wa"erfalls, one a'o+e "he o"her, (oin( #) fore+er. An$ "he lan$
"he& were wal,in( on (rew narrower all "he "i%e, wi"h a $ee) +alle& on each si$e: an$
across "ha" +alle& "he lan$ which was "he real En(lan$ (rew nearer an$ nearer.
The li(h" ahea$ was (rowin( s"ron(er. L#c& saw "ha" a (rea" series of %an&*colo#re$ cliffs
le$ #) in fron" of "he% li,e a (ian"2s s"aircase. An$ "hen she for(o" e+er&"hin( else, 'eca#se
Aslan hi%self was co%in(, lea)in( $own fro% cliff "o cliff li,e a li+in( ca"arac" of )ower
an$ 'ea#"&.
An$ "he +er& firs" )erson who% Aslan calle$ "o hi% was P#<<le "he Don,e&. Yo# ne+er
saw a $on,e& loo, fee'ler an$ sillier "han P#<<le $i$ as he wal,e$ #) "o Aslan, an$ he
loo,e$, 'esi$e Aslan, as s%all as a ,i""en loo,s 'esi$e a S" Bernar$. The Lion 'owe$ $own
his hea$ an$ whis)ere$ so%e"hin( "o P#<<le a" which his lon( ears wen" $own, '#" "hen he
sai$ so%e"hin( else a" which "he ears )er,e$ #) a(ain. The h#%ans co#l$n2" hear wha" he
ha$ sai$ ei"her "i%e. Then Aslan "#rne$ "o "he% an$ sai$:
3Yo# $o no" &e" loo, so ha))& as I %ean &o# "o 'e.3
L#c& sai$, 3We2re so afrai$ of 'ein( sen" awa&, Aslan. An$ &o# ha+e sen" #s 'ac, in"o o#r
own worl$ so of"en.3
3No fear of "ha",3 sai$ Aslan. 3Ha+e &o# no" (#esse$53
Their hear"s lea)e$ an$ a wil$ ho)e rose wi"hin "he%.
3There was a real railwa& acci$en",3 sai$ Aslan sof"l&.
3Yo#r fa"her an$ %o"her an$ all of &o# are * as &o# #se$ "o
call i" in "he Sha$owlan$s * $ea$. The "er% is o+er: "he
holi$a&s ha+e 'e(#n. The $rea% is en$e$: "his is "he
An$ as He s)o,e He no lon(er loo,e$ "o "he% li,e a lion0 '#"
"he "hin(s "ha" 'e(an "o ha))en af"er "ha" were so (rea" an$
'ea#"if#l "ha" I canno" wri"e "he%. An$ for #s "his is "he
en$ of all "he s"ories, an$ we can %os" "r#l& sa& "ha" "he&
all li+e$ ha))il& e+er af"er. B#" for "he% i" was onl& "he
'e(innin( of "he real s"or&. All "heir life in "his worl$
an$ all "heir a$+en"#res in Narnia ha$ onl& 'een "he co+er
an$ "he "i"le )a(e: now a" las" "he& were 'e(innin( Cha)"er
One of "he 6rea" S"or& which no one on ear"h has rea$: which
(oes on fore+er: in which e+er& cha)"er is 'e""er "han "he
one 'efore.

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