Adjectives Are Used To Describe Nouns

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Adjectives are used to describe nouns.

They give more details or information about the

nouns they are associated with.
A: Tell me about your boyfriend
B: Well, he is tall, dark, and handsome.
A: Sounds like mine.
Adjectives can be used to answer the
questions What kind (of) or Which one?
A: i. !"m calling about the car you"re selling#
B: !t"s a great car. $!t"s% in excellent condition.
A: What kind of seats does it have#
B: They"re very comfortable seats, $soft, plush, just like a sofa.%
A: &h. ! think !"ll slee' on it.
A: and me a book.
B: Which one do you want#
A: The red book. The red one.
Adjectives come before the nouns they modify
(not after).
Three ha''y hi''ies lived in the eart(uake otel.
WRONG: Three hi''ies ha''y lived in the eart(uake otel.
Adjectives can also be used with linking verbs
to describe the subject of a sentence. When
used in this manner, the adjective(s) come
after the linking verb.
)y mother is tall and slender.
WRONG: )y mother tall and slender. $*o linking verb.%
eem, become, a!!ear, and verbs of !erce!tioncan
also be used as linking verbs. "ote how they
are used with adjectives in the following.
#an you identify the linking verbs and the
The journey seemed long. $!t a''eared strenuous and boring.%
+ou smell nice today. What kind of cologne are you wearing#
A: What do you want to do this weekend# Bowling# Sho''ing# A movie#
B: Bowling sounds good.
#A$%&'"()* #A+*,$-.
Tom looked greedy. $e a''eared to be a greedy 'erson.%
The adjective greedy is used to describe Tom.
Tom looked greedily at the 'ie on the table.
$e saw it and wanted it for himself.%
The adverb greedily is used to describe Tom"s action.
Adjectives are the same for all nouns. %hey do
not change for !lurals.
Example : Three tired tigers tried to tie a triangular tie.
Not : *ot three tireds tigers.

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