Adjectives are used to describe nouns and provide more details about them. Adjectives typically come before the nouns they modify and can be used to answer questions like "what kind" or "which one". They do not change form for plural nouns. Adjectives can also be used after linking verbs like "seem", "become", and verbs of perception to describe the subject of the sentence.
Adjectives are used to describe nouns and provide more details about them. Adjectives typically come before the nouns they modify and can be used to answer questions like "what kind" or "which one". They do not change form for plural nouns. Adjectives can also be used after linking verbs like "seem", "become", and verbs of perception to describe the subject of the sentence.
Adjectives are used to describe nouns and provide more details about them. Adjectives typically come before the nouns they modify and can be used to answer questions like "what kind" or "which one". They do not change form for plural nouns. Adjectives can also be used after linking verbs like "seem", "become", and verbs of perception to describe the subject of the sentence.
Adjectives are used to describe nouns and provide more details about them. Adjectives typically come before the nouns they modify and can be used to answer questions like "what kind" or "which one". They do not change form for plural nouns. Adjectives can also be used after linking verbs like "seem", "become", and verbs of perception to describe the subject of the sentence.
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Adjectives are used to describe nouns.
They give more details or information about the
nouns they are associated with. A: Tell me about your boyfriend B: Well, he is tall, dark, and handsome. A: Sounds like mine. Adjectives can be used to answer the questions What kind (of) or Which one? A: i. !"m calling about the car you"re selling# B: !t"s a great car. $!t"s% in excellent condition. A: What kind of seats does it have# B: They"re very comfortable seats, $soft, plush, just like a sofa.% A: &h. ! think !"ll slee' on it. A: and me a book. B: Which one do you want# A: The red book. The red one. Adjectives come before the nouns they modify (not after). Three ha''y hi''ies lived in the eart(uake otel. WRONG: Three hi''ies ha''y lived in the eart(uake otel. Adjectives can also be used with linking verbs to describe the subject of a sentence. When used in this manner, the adjective(s) come after the linking verb. )y mother is tall and slender. WRONG: )y mother tall and slender. $*o linking verb.% eem, become, a!!ear, and verbs of !erce!tioncan also be used as linking verbs. "ote how they are used with adjectives in the following. #an you identify the linking verbs and the adjectives? The journey seemed long. $!t a''eared strenuous and boring.% +ou smell nice today. What kind of cologne are you wearing# A: What do you want to do this weekend# Bowling# Sho''ing# A movie# B: Bowling sounds good. #A$%&'"()* #A+*,$-. Tom looked greedy. $e a''eared to be a greedy 'erson.% The adjective greedy is used to describe Tom. Tom looked greedily at the 'ie on the table. $e saw it and wanted it for himself.% The adverb greedily is used to describe Tom"s action. Adjectives are the same for all nouns. %hey do not change for !lurals. Example : Three tired tigers tried to tie a triangular tie. Not : *ot three tireds tigers.