B&O Beogram 4004 Service Manual
B&O Beogram 4004 Service Manual
B&O Beogram 4004 Service Manual
ft 167Y
_ .,.. __ -
Bang &Olufsen
Bang &Olufsen
This service manual comprises Beogram 4002, type 5513, which have been
constructed on the basis of type 5503.
ln the diagrams the components are provided-with an individual position
number and a co-ordinate designation, e.g. B3. This designation.refers to
the placing on the PC boards which are provided with a printed division into
fields and with letters and figures along the edge of the PC board. Therefore
there are no drawings of the PC boards in the-service manual. The diagram
for the CD-4 demodulator shows only one of the stereo channels and the
co-ordinate designation for right channel is bracketed, e.g. B3 (C2).
The diagrams, which may be unfolded, are placed at the baCk of the manual
so that it is possible to open at the preceding pages at the same time.
The service manual is complete and contains the paragraphs mentioned in
the below table of contents. Supplementary sheets will only be made in case
of essential changes.
Technical data- Disassembly ............................. 1
Electrical description ..................................... 2
Mechanical adjustments- Lubrication chart .................. 3
Electrical adjuStment ..................................... 4
Fault-finding ............................................ 5
Mechanical parts list ...................................... 6
Diagram- Electrical parts list- Conditions of measurement ..... 7
Service tips .............................................. 8
TyPi) No.
Sound system
Automatic record size
Automatic pickup movement
Automatic speed seteclion
Wow imdfluuer. DIN
Wow and flutter, WRMS
Rumble DIN unw;)fihted
Rumble DIN weighted
Speed deviation
Spood rafl!!e
Dial for speed
Stylus pressure range
Tangential tracking_
Lit\ system
Drive system
Dust cover
Power supply
Power consumption
Dimensions W x H x D
Radius of cwvature
frequency range
Channel separa!ion 1000Hz
400-10.000 Hz
Channel ditlerence
aEOGRAM 4002
Stereo, matrix
'" <;: + 0.05%
-:: .. 0.025%
> 45d8
> 65da
> 6%
2 pointers
< 0.04"
Bang &Olu[sen
Parallel error angle
Servo c<m\loUetl OC
Hinged and detachable
117 volts
50 60Hz.
20 watts
11 kg
MMC 6000
Pramanik diamond
!CD-4 quadrol
20. 15.000 Hz .. 1.5 dB
.20. lCD-41
> 25dB
:;. 20dB
< 1.5dB
< 1%
stylus pressure 1 g/am
Compliailce 30x106cm/d n
EUectwe tip mass o.22mg
Outputm\1/cm/sec. O.limVI47kollms
Subject 10 change without notice
Bang &Olufsen
Record wlping
Tacho control
Since the circuitry of the Beogram 4002 - 6000 type 551 x is basically
identical with that of the type SSOx, the electrical descriptiDn will give chief
atrention to those circuits which are fundamentally different.
With 33 activated in the STAND BY mode, the turntable will rotate but the
slide will not travel in, making record wiping possible.
'" "'
In the STAND BY mode,lTRl is kept forward biased through lR9, 1R7
and 1R6. If 33 is activated, the junction of 1R9 and 1R7 is connected to
chassis potential. ITRl is reverse biased, the collector goes high; this level is
transmitted through 1D8 to the base of series transistor liCl as forward
bias, with the result that voltage is available from the power supply section.
The high level is likewise transmitted to the electronic switch through ID10,
thus blocking the functions of the electronic switch and preventing s]ide
The turntable will rotate only as long as 33 is activated.
l(l 0,22
1 ""
__ -J
The turntable is driven by a tacho-controlled DC motor. A generator in the
motor furnishes an AC voltage whose frequency ls dependent on the motor
This AC voltage is fed to the network 1 CS 1 R24 to pin 1 of 1IC3. The AC
vo!tage is converted to a square, which is passed on to a Schmi11 trigger.
The frequency of the square, dependent nn the motor speed, controls 011e of
Bang &Olufsen
the output levels of the Schmitt trigger; the other output level is contro1led
from a variable time constant network consisting of 1 C3- 1R4- 1R16 2Rl
for45 r.p.m. and 1C3- 1R1S -1R17- 2R2 for 33 r.p.m ..
lr .. queocy "-.. /Varooble
\.,I ~ tome constant
! il II II I.
The output signal of the Schmitt trigger (pin 6} is integrated across 1R19-
1C8 and fed to pin 5 which is a differential amplifier. The integrated signal
at 5 will be a DC yoltage which varies with the motor speed. This DC voltage
is fed via the differential amplifier to a power amplifier. The power amplifier
is connected as a variable resistor to chassis potential. lClO l C9 -1R20
provides negative feedback for the power amplilier(see sketch), prevenHng
1D14 -1049 -1R21 provide a guarantee that the voltage across the motor
can only reach a certain value (see sketch).
1 ~ 9 ---- ----
Speed __________________ _c.
When starting up from motor stand-still, the power amplifier will receive
heavy drive to obtain very rapid speed increase. Approx. 8.SV is present at
the anode of 1D14 so if the voltage at pin 4 goes below 4.6V, then 1D49, a
3.3V Zener diode, will be forward biased, thus preventing the voltage across
the motor from exceeding approx. 4.4V so that the speed increase when
starting up will not be so heavy that the motor reaches twice its wanted
speed, since the motor Fegulatjng circuit ls capable of taking hold at twice
that speed.
The motor regulating circuit is powered with 9V via the series transistor
1TR2, controlled by 1D13. 1D13 is a 9V Zener diode.
Bang &Olufsen
speed-change switch, 33 45
I ~ j l 7
We will assume as our starting point that a 17 em record is on the turntable.
When ON is activated and the slide begins travelling in, the conditions for
lowering the pickup arm are not present.
The collector of 1TR6 will be low. This low level is transmitted to the base of
1TR8 as reverse bias.
The coUector of 1TR8 and hence the base of 1IC2 will float, as a result of
which 1IC2 will be reverse biased and lRLl will be in the neutral position
(the33 r.p.m. position).
When the slidei passes the position giver mark for touch-down on 30 em,
4JC1 and hence 1TR17 are reverse biased, the collector of 1TR17 goes high,
which high level will attempt to charge 1C21-of the time constant network
1R46-- 1 C21, but since theJO em position marker is very narrow, 1C21
cannot obtain a full charge before 4IC1, and consequently 1TR17 are
forward biased. Since a 17 em record is on the turntable, the conditions for
lowering the pickup arm are no{ yet present, and the slide will continue to
travel in. The slide reaches the position marker for 25 em lower. 17 em
speed change, 4IC1 and hence 1TR17 are again reverse biased, this time for
a longer time than for 30 em because the mark for 17 em speed change is
broader than the mark for 30 em lower.
The high level at 1 TR17 can now have time to charge 1C21, 1JC2 is forward
biased, 1RL1 operates, and the speed changes to 45 r.p.m ..
When the slide reaches the mark for 17 em lower. and we have a 17 em
record on the turntable, the conditions for lowerbi.g the pickup arm are
The collector of 1TR6 goes high, which high level is transmitted to the base
of 1TR8 as forward bias.
The collector of 1TR8 goes low, and 11C2 is now kept forward biased
through IRL!, lRII,lR25 and 1TR8.
Magnet coil circuit
Bang &OlufSen
The collector of 1 TR8 is connected via 1 D32 to the "Motor control IN"
section of the electronic switch so that automatic speed change to 45 r.p.m.
can occur only while the slide is travelling in (high at the collector of
1TR12). A low level at the collector of 1TR12 places the cathode of 1D32 on
chassis potential. and 1 C21 cannot be charged.
When switching manuallY from 33 to45 r.p.m., 45 is activated, relay lRLl
operates, and 11C2 is forward biased through l RLl and lRll. If JJ is
activated, the bias for 1 IC2 is shorted to chassis through 1D12, UC2 is
reverse biased, and lRLl releases.
1 D12 prevents 1 IC2 from being forward biased through 1R9.
lDH protects against induction peaks.
When the requirements for lowering the pickup have been met, the collector
o 1TR6 is high; this high level is transmitted via 1D22 to the LOWER
section of the electronic switch as a fixed level at the cathode of 1D3S. When
the slide switch passes the position giver mark, the collector of 1TR17 as
mentioned before goes high; this high level is transmitted to the base of
1 TR7 as forward bias. 1C20 will charge through 1D23, 1TR7 and 1021.
The charging current in l C20 gives a negative voltage jump at the cathode of
1022. This low pulse is fed to the electronic switch to activate its LOWER
section. To ensure that 1 C20 will not pick up a charge from the speed-change
switch through 1D21 and 1TR7, lDSO shorts the base of 1TR17 to chassis
potential when the collector of 1TR6 is low.
1D19 and the time constant network 1R41 - 1C19 ensure that automatic
lowering will not occur when the detector arm reaches in above the bright
portion of the turntable (with no record on the turntable).
If a low level is applied to the base of 1TR9. 1TR9 is reverse biased, the
collector is high and 1IC4 reverse biased; ORLl will be in the neutral
TTR!J mno
.. lQV
If the base of 1TR9 goes high, ITR9 is forward biased; the collector goes
Jow, and 1IC4 is likewise forward biased and magnet coil ORLl operates.
Parts of the collector current of 1IC4 will charge 1C23 across lRSS and
1RS4. When 1C23 is charged to a level of approx. 0.7V, 1TR10 is forward
biased. The collector current in 1 TRlO wi11 impose a load on the drive to
1TR9. 1 TR9 draws less current; this limits the current in 1IC4, and hence
the magnet coil, from 4 amps at the moment the magnet coil operates to
approx.150 rnA. When 1C23 has accumulated a charge, 1RS3 and lRSS are
connected to operate as base bias divider for 1TR10 in such a way that the
higher the coJlector voltage at 1IC4, the higher the forward bias of 1TR10,
1 TRlO draws-more current, the base of 1TR9 is more heavily loaded, and
the collector current in 1IC4 is limited as mentioned abeve. lTRlO
accordingly provides negative feedback.
Bang &Olufsen
Power supply
Carrier detector
Pkk-up RIAA 1/2 High. pc.s
MMC t:it.KJ\l
FM dem
fUAA 112 High pas
niilk C0-4
swittll .
low pas
PM equa-
r ""'"
00'1 l""'
Stereo Venstr
The CD-4 demodulator has a stabilised power supply of its own which uses
the power supply of the control circuits as reference.
The power supply series transistor, TR102, is forward biased by TR101 and
TRlOO, whose base receives 20 V of bias. The emitter voltage of TR102 is
stabilised by TR103 and D101.
8KHz ,.,t Pll
Bang &Olufsen
The carrier detector serves the purpose of limiting the lock-in range of the
PLL if 30kHz carrier drops out. Limiting follows the curve shown, the slope
of the curve (level range) being adjusted with R43. Rll is used for selecting
the 30 kHz level at which regulation starts.
'"II n I
1V u u JOKH-.:
The matrix serves the purpose of mixing the sum and difference signals in
such a manner that the front and rear channels appear separately.
The principle of the matrix is, in one case, to add the two signals together to
produce the front signal and, in the other, to subtract them so as to obtain
the rear signal.
. '
' '
ll.2V 150(1
12 2V
'-"5: 5
A51 '
( 22K I . 0 0 0
"' "' "'
< ..
< u ..
The difference signal is fed from the output of the ANRS circuit to the base
ofTR9. TR8 and TR9 operate as a differential amplifier. The two
transistors have a common emitter resistor so that, if the current in TR9
increases, the current in TRS will decrease commensurately and vice versa.
Since the base of TRB is shorted to chassis potential, signal-wise, we conse-
quently obtain at the collector of TR9 a signal that is in phase opposition to
the signal at the base of TR9 and, at the collector of TRB, a signal that is in
phase with the signal at the base of TR9. TI1e signals are mixed across
resistors R81. R83, R82 and R84, resulting in the appearance of the F and R
signals-at C52 and csj, respectively.
Bang &Olufsen
The silent circuil is to ensme that the outputs of the Beag ram 6000 are silent
when the pickup arm is not lowered.
"' ,._ lu--="
When the pickup arm is lowered, approx. 17 V will be present at pin 1 of PB.
The charge picked up by Cl04 ensures that the channels are silent while the
pickup arm is being lowered. When the bias at the base ofTR108 reaches
approx:. + 1.2 V, TR108 is forward biased. The collector of TR108 goes low,
TR107 is reverse biased, the emitter ofTR107 goes low, and if a CD-4
record is being played, the low level at the emitter of TR107 will be trans
mitted to the bases of TRS, TRlS and TR16, respectively; both the front
and rear channels will then be open.
If the pickup arm is raised, the voltage at pin l of P8 drops to OV. TR108
is reverse biased, the collector goes high and TRl 07 is forward blased.
The emitter of TR107 goes high; this high level is transmitted to the base of
TRlS and, via 0108, to the bases of TR16 and TRS, TRlS, TR16 and TRS
are forward biased so that the signal path in both front and rear channels as
well as the difference signal in the ANRS circuit are shorted to chassis
Dl06 and Rl23 ensure rapid discharge of C104 when the pickup arm begins
to rise.
Electronic CD-4 switch
Bang &Olufsen
TR104 and TRlOS are an electronic switch (Schmitt trigger) which is
tripped by means of the 30 kHz carrier level.
The switch turns on the CD-4 indicator and opens up the rear channel when
CD-4 records are played.
.24 v
TRI06 0105
' -
lV 30J(Ht
CD -I.
When a stereo record is played, 12V is present at the anode of D2. TR104 is
fonvard biased, the collector goes low, and TRlOS is reverse biased. The
collector of TRl 05 goes high, and the CDA indicator ILlOO is off. The high
level at the collector of TRlOS provides forward bias forTR106.
The emitter of TR106 goes high, which level is transmitted via 0105 to the
bases of TR16 and TRS as forward bias, thereby causing the signal path in
the rear channels and the difference signal in the ANRS system to be shorted
to chassis potential.
When a CD-4 record is played, the carrier detector receives a 30kHz signal;
this is clamped to + 12V through Dl and rectified through D2, resulting in
the appearance at the anode of D2 of a DC voltage whose value will be:
High 30kHz level, low PC level, and vice versa. This DC level is applied to
the base of TR104 as reverse bias, the collector goes high, and TR105 is
forward bia<;ed, the collector ofTR105 goes low and ILlOO turns on.
Simultaneously therewith, TR106 is reverse biased, the emitter of TR106
goes low, TR16 and TRS are reverse biased, thereby opening up the signal
path in the rear channels.
0104 keeps the emitter levels of TR104 and TRlOS stable, enab1ing the
switch to trip even if the filaffient of ILlOO is open.
C103 ensures that TR104 will not be switched by noise pulses etc. If a noise
pulse causes a brief drop in the voltage at the anode of D2, the voltage across
C103 will increase with the result that C103 draws brief charging current
through the base/emitter junction of TRl04. This causes TR104 to be
forward biased briefly until the voltage at the anode of D2 possibly increases
Dl03 ensures rapid discharge of C103 when the voltage at the anode of D2
increases to 12V.
Bang &Olufsen
Height adjustment of turntable
Vertical adj'ustment of turntable
Height and side adjustment of chassis
Loosen nut A at turntable bearing and adjust the height of the bearing so
that the separation between turntable and detector arm is 23 rom.
Tighten nut A
Turn the transit screws to lock the floating chassis.
With screws B adjUst the turntable bearing to be perpendicular to the
chassis, i.e. the surface of the turntable must be parallel with the cover
Check height adjustment (23mm), both afthe rim of the turntable and
nearest the centre.
I , t
1 I I ~
Loosen the transit screws so that the chassis floats.
By means of the spring mountings adjust the chassis so that the turntable is
flush with the cover plate, with the chassis centrally located between the
transit screws.
Height adjustment is performed with nut A. Sideways adjustment is
performed by carefully bending the threaded pin- B.
Adjustment of electronic position
Adjustment of magnet coil system
Horizontal placement (fixing)
Bang &Olufsen
B a
With screws A loosened, the position giver angle can be adjusted so that the
position giver runs parallel with the photo resistor housing.
With screws B loosened, adjust the position marker backwards or forwards
until the ann lowers on a 30 em record between 146.5 mm and 148.25 mm
from-the centre of the record.
" "
' -
F 0
, ..... -.
'"'' '"""'"'" " "" '"'
I ',
Loosen screws D. Pull arm A in the direction of the arrow until the
separation between arm A and arm Bat the point Cis 1 mm. Move the
magnet coil until the armature is the whole W!l-Y down, and tighten screws D.
1' .
I a
Place the pickup arm in the bearing bracket so that the middle line C of the
pickup arm is located in the centre line of the shaft B with an accouracy of
0.2 mm. Adjustment is performed by loosening screw A and sliding the
pickup ann to one side or the other and thereafter retightening the screws A.
Use a gauge (e.g. a 2.2 mm drill) placed as shown in the sketch.
Bang &Olufsen
Static balance
Adjustment of pickup arm length and
Set stylus force 'adjustment at "0".
Release the pickup arm from the lifting arm.
Adjust screw A for balance in the system.
Adjust stylus force to 1 gr.
Take off driving belt for turntable.
Run pickup arm towards the centre.
. c
Place tool3624009 on_Beogram 4002-6000 as shown-in the sketch. Run the
pickup arm close in towards pins A.
Lower pickup on to tool.
Slide tool back and forth so that the. stylus falls into the groove C. Retain the
tool in this position.
Raise the pickup and run it in towards the centre.
Lower the pickup in the position shown in the sketch.
Jf the stylus falls otside the groove C, adjust this deviation to one-half, using
screws B.
Run the pickup arm all the way out to the pins A, where the pickup is
lowered, and move tooJ 3624009 so that the stylus is accurately positioned in
the groove C.
Raise the pickup r m ~
The pickup arm should be adjusted to be parallel with pins A in tool
Adjustment is performed by loosening screws A and then sliding the arm B
in the direction of the arrow.
Bang &Olufsen
When checking for the amt D must be the whole way down in
the notch C.
By means of the screw E adjust the pickup arm to be horizontal. Reference:
detector arm.
Check pickup arm leng1h if necessary.
I .
> ''1.---
Lbcsen screws A.
Adjust detedor arm holder c liiO chat distance a is 4(}.4 mm. Make sure (haf
the surface E is perpendicular to the rod D.
Tighten screws A.
With the screws F loosened, adjust the detector arm to be parallel with the
arm at a distance of 7. 7 mm (the pickup ann must be adjusted for
horizontal placement and parallelism).
By loosening the screw A and tightening tht!! screw 8, or vice versa, adjust
the turning of the pickup ann so that its top side is parallel with the rods.
A check can be made by rneans of a sprit level with the Beogram placed on a
horizontal support.
Bang &Olufsen
Lower adjustment
AdJustment of damper cylinder
AdJustment of diaphragm
- r-,_].--fs,.\ioi;le
Loosen the screw A.
Adjust the screw B so that the stylus, with the pickup arm in its lowered
position, only just touches the turntable between the ribs.
Thereafter, also with the pickup ann in its lowered position, adjust the
screw A so that the stylus positively clears the low portion of the turntable
ribs (approx. 0.5 mm).
Adjust the valve A so that the pickup lowers at a uniform rate of speed.
Lower time approx. 1 sec.
The diaphragm is adjusted by loosening the screw A and turning it on the
Adjust the diaphragm to be as close to the housing as possible but without
actually touching it.
Also adjust the diaphragm so that the diaphragm arm becomes parallel with
the pickup arm.
Fine adjustment of the diaphragm is performed with test record 3621001 in
cut 5, with the turntable belt taken off.
1 Run arm in above record.
2 Lower pickup.
Adjustment of spindle
lubrication char1
Bang &Olufsen
3 Rotate the turntable manually, checking that the servo regulates the first
time after 2 1 revolution and thereafter at each revolution.
4 If the servo does not regulate within 1-3 revolutions, loosen the screw C
and adjust eccentric B; thereafter raise the ann and repeat items 2-4.
5 With the adjustment of eccentric B completed, tighten the screw C.
Make sure that the arm has made an inward movement before the pickup
-- --
;:::m ""<:
- -- --
Adjust the spindle A so that it is parallel with the rod C both in the vertical
and horizontal planes.
The horizontal plane is adjusted by loosening the screws D and turning the
bearing holder B.
The vertical plane is adjusted by loosening screws E and turning the bearing
The need for is negligible.
In the case of overhauls and when replacing mechanical parts the directions
below should be followed.
Point of lubrication Lubricant Remarks
Turntable bearing 3984008,M4 oil Apply to shaft point+
streak throughout
length of shaft
Spindle pos. No. 213 3984216, Rocol
MTS 1000. Dilute to
oily consistency with
Shaft tie-bar No. 137 3984218, Molykote Apply to entire surface
DXpaste(white) in thin film
Spindle bearing pos. 3984218, Molykote
No. 122 DX paste (white)
Shifter arm pos. No. 19 3984211, Castro! Apply to sliding
Everyman Oil surfaces
Arm pos. No. 190 3984211, Castro! Apply at point of
Everyman Oil rotation
Ann pos. No. 193 3984211, Castro! Apply at point of
Everyman Oil rotation
Bang &Olufsen
Slow sflda transport
To get all he lrimmer polenliometeni, take Dff top portion of turntable.
Set 33 and 45 rpm scales to 0.
Adjust 33 rpm with potentiometer l RlS
Adjust 45 rpm with potentiometer lR14
Speed can be checked in more than one way:
ll ---
Lilli I
1: Stroboscobe disc and lamp connected to the mains.
This check has an inherent uncertainty of approx.
20Jo since the mains frequency deviates by approx.
1Hz at 50Hz.
2: Stroboscope disc and stroboscope lamp. This check gives an accuracy
corresponding to the tolerance of the stroboscope lamp, usually much
better than that of the mains frequency.
Production adjustment is based on division to 50 Hz from a crystal at 1 MHz
I Hz, which gives an accuracy of approx. O.OOS'o.
... .,
Connect VTVM to servo motor terminals. Depress" "button and adjust,
with R1S6, voltage across motor to 3 V.
Reverse measuring leads to VTVM (across servo motor) and depress">".
Adjust across motor with 1 R57 to 3 V.
Photo darlington
"START" Activate.
Bang &Olufsen
" t
[C ___ ll
-- ------
ir--1 I I
I I llJ
$WIT- <
Move slide towards center of the turntable. When the slide is facing a trans-
parent field on the position marker, stop it by depressing"<".
Connect vacuum-tube voltmeter to collector on 4IC1.
Adjust 1 R88 tllvoltage on the collector41Cl is SV.
Bang &Olufsen
CD-4 generator calibratlon
C0-4 generator MSG 213, Meguro
Oscilloscope OS 1000, Advance
D 65, Telequipment
Tone generator TG 7, B&O
Test record: 4DE-205, JVC
0 0
Depress FREQ. CAL. 30kHz.
Set FREQUENCY dial to 30kHz.
Adjust FREQ. CAL. for minimum meter reading. While adjusting, the
meter needle will make three dips.
Select the one giving the lowest meter reading.
In order to get a more accurate range of variation the generator output
should be loaded as shown in the sketch.
References are for left channel and bracketed references are for right
NOTE: Measuring instruments, generator and demodulator should have
power applied to them for not less IS minutes before attempting adjustment.
0 D 0 0
0 0
no I
.cf !"'-"
(7 ..
c:::::J IC l
2'1/<m Q
c:::J IC102
0 0
61C?02 t,-5)
1. Depress MOD. SELECTOR "OFF".
2. Depress "MOD".
3. Connect CD-4 generator to pin 4 of/P8 (Pin 6 of P8).
4. Connect oscilloscope to pins 4-5 of 6IC2 (6IC202).
5. Start Beogram (press "START" and thereafter"<").
6. Read distance A on oscilloscope (one cycle).
7. Open connection between CD-4 generator and P8, and adjust6R23
(6R223) so that distance A (the frequency) is the same as at point 6.
Bang & Olufsen
ro1 - 6Tp1
RV9 6TR6
L:===.::o:JI-- smzos
1. Short 6Rl12.
2. Unsolder shorting strap at 6Tpl (6Tp20l)
3. COnnect tone generator to 6Tpl (6TP201) at 6C22 (6C222).
4. Set tone generator to deliver 10kHz. 4.10 m V.
5. Connect VTVM -to collector of 6TR6 ( 6TR206).
6. Lower pickup arm (press "START", thereafter" ").
7. Adjust 6R76 (6R276) for 1.58 mV at collector of 6TR6 (6TR206}.
8. Settonegeneratortodeliver400Hz23.1 mV.
9. Adjust 6R65 (6R265) for 18.2 mV at collector of 6TR6 (6TR206).
As input and output points again use 6Tpl (6Tp201) and collector of 6TR6
10. Set tone generator to deliver 400Hz 73.2 m V; output should then be 93
11. Set tone generator to deliver 10kHz 23.1 mV; output should then be 16
Remove short from across 6R112.
Solder shorting strap at 6Tp1 (6Tp201).
It is important that the above sequence be observed.
Bang &Olufsen
Carrier detector
0 D
0 0
0 0
EXT. J"j '"'
.r l }"'"
IV' I TG7 "!a '
0 0
lao OOo.sms/<m
_, '
(TR l061
1. Turn 6R11 (6R211) to max. gain (centre pin towards C 6TR1
2. Turn 6R6 (6R206) to max. gain (min. resistance).
3. Depress MOD. SELECTOR "EXT".
4. Depress METER RANGE" 15kHz".
S. Depress"MOD."
6. Set tone generator to deliver 400Hz. Connect tone generator to EXT.
MOD. on back of CDA generator.
7 .Set tone generator output and "MOD. LEVEL" for 6.5 kHz max.
frequency swing on meter (0-15 kHz scale).
8. Short' pins 4-6 of P8 together and connect CD-4 generator.
9. Set "OUT. LEVEL" to 0.58 mV as measured with AF VTVM atpins45
10. Connect oscilloscope to collector of 6TR6 (6TR206).
11. Lower pickup arm (presS ''START'', thereafter "IIV'').
1i. Adjust 6R43 (6R243) so that sine-wave curve is only just undistorled.
13. Remove connections from CD-4 generator, and remove shorting strap
from between pins 4-6 of PS.
Fine Adjustment
Carrier Wave Detector
Silent Circuit
BeoQ'ram 6000
Beogram 4002
Bang &Olufsen
Separation can be measured in more than one way.
1: Using an oscilloscope.
Vl Yl
0 0
Connect Yl input from oscilloscope to demodulator output, pin 1 (3) of
Connect Y2 input from oscilloscope to demodulator output, pin 2 {4) of
Play test record, e.g. JVC section 3, with the MMC 6000 to be
employed with the demodulator. Adjust 6R6 (6R206) for min. at Y2
input corresponding to min. in rear channels.
2: Using a 4-channel amplifier.
Switch off front channels.
Play test record JVC 4DE-205 with the MMC 6000 to be employed with
the demodulator.
Adjust 6R6 (6R206) for min. sound in rear c;hannels.
Connect oscilloscope to collector 6TR6 (6TR206).
Play test disc JVC 4DE- 205 section 2.
TR 205!
1VIcm Q
Adjust 6Rll (6R211) till sine wave is just unrlistorted.
Note: In case of replacement of pickup, channel separation and carrier wave
detector must be adjusted.
Adjust 6Rl22 so that pickup signal is allowed to pass from the pickup car-
tridge between 1/2 and 1 revolution of the record after the pickup has been
lowered {33 rpm).
Adjust 8R2 as described for 6Rl22 above.
Bang &Olufsen 5-1
Stan without record
Does slide trans-
Does power supply
Rep. power supply
port start (1 JC1) deliver 21 V
when START is
Rep. preset circuit
low when START is
Does C of 1TA12 go
Rep. electronic
high when START
is pressed
Is 8 of 1 TR24 low Rep. electronic
Aep. motor control
Does turntable Is E of 1TA28,5V Rep. voltage stabl-
rotate lisa lion
Tacho circuit Overvoltage
Motor defectlv
defective (11C3) protection defective
(1014 -1 049)
Does tumtable lsCof11C2high 11.C2 defective or
rotate at 33 r.p.m.
rep. automatic
speed chanqe
switch {1TR17)
Regulating circuit
Overvoltage protec-
defective (11C3)
tion defective
Does slide trans- Does slide Does slide
port continue with transport stop lransport out start
raised arm until ES
l l
Rep. BL (1TA5) Rep. run-olt stop
detector arm circuit (1TR16)
Does turntable Is C of 1TR17 high Rep. photo circuit
switch to 45 r.p.m.
(41C1) or 1TR17
at "speed 45"
lsBof11C2high .. 1TR8 defective
Rep. electronic
speed change
switch 111G:>I
Does slide return
when ES is
Does unit switch
off when SOls
Start with 25130 em
Does pickup rum
lower al25/30
Does seNe
Does arm rise, and
does out transport -------+
start when pickup
gets into run-of!
Activate < or >
with pickup arm
Rep. electronic
Rep. power supply
Is Col lTR6hJgh at Rep. detector arm
tower position ------P circuit/BL/(1TR5)1
Does low pulse
occur at 1 C2a
Does Cot 1TR14 go-------+
high -
Rep. magnet coil
Rep. photo control
(OAI O!l2)
Rep. run-off stop
Rep. lower control
Rep. electronic
Does pickup arm
------+ Does cathode of
1028/1029 go high
Rep. diodes or
Rep. electronic
Bang &Olufsen
Does pickup arm
travel slowly
Activate 0 with
pickup arm above a
Does pickup arm
Activate 0
Does pickup arm
Adjust or rep.
Rep. manual raise/
lower circuit
Rep. electronic
Bang &Olufsen
----------------- "
Bang &Olufsen
oo I 3164184 Dust cover Beogram 4002 3412054 Cabinet, oak 18 2042205 Screw AM 4 x 6 DIN 84
3164183 Dust cover Beogram 6000 3412055 Cabinet, white 19 2816083 Spring
2 2726084 Turntable OB .Jtf(IJ;Vfll005{114 PC-board, for 4002 20 2994012 Bushing
3 2732018 Driving-belt f<!-"" '-"P.8005015 PC-board, for 6000 21 3452242 Back piece 4002, 5511
4 2726089 Turntable II 3152159 Holder 3452243 Backpieee4002, 5512
5 3458154 Top plate 12 3458114 Top plate 3452244 Backpieee4002, 5513
6 3912037 Felt washer 13 3164142 Cover
3452245 Back piece 4002, 5514
7 2013002 Screw 2.9 c 6.5 DIN 7982 14 2038237 Screw AM 3 x JODIN 84 3452246 Back piece 6000, 5515
8 2803004 Guide washer 15 2816085 Spring 3452268 Back piece 4002-6000 without print
9 3412051 Cabinet, teak 16 3014023 Guide plate 22 2810066 Spring
3412053 Cabinet, rosewood 17 2380093 Nut, nylon 23 2013066 Screw 2.84 x 12.7
i I I I
" " "' "
24 3152135 Lead holder 2560040 Decorative list Beogram 6000 39 3015030 Guide piece
25 2042216 Screw AM 4 x 16 DIN 84 36 2038055 Screw AM 3 x6 DfN 963 black 40 3010011 Stop for lid
34 3010007 Stop 37 2830014 Bearing needle 41 3452145 Back piece
35 3164190 Lid 38 3030023 Hinge, left 42 2038050 Screw AM 3 x 4 DIN 63
2560039 Decorative list Beogram 4002 3030022 Hinge, right 43 2819062 Spring
Bang &Olufsen
oo I 3164184 Dust cover Beogram 4002 3412054 Cabinet, oak 18 2042205 Screw AM 4 x 6 DIN 84
3164183 Dust cover Beogram 6000 3412055 Cabinet, white 19 2816083 Spring
2 2726084 Turntable OB .Jtf(IJ;Vfll005{114 PC-board, for 4002 20 2994012 Bushing
3 2732018 Driving-belt f<!-"" '-"P.8005015 PC-board, for 6000 21 3452242 Back piece 4002, 5511
4 2726089 Turntable II 3152159 Holder 3452243 Backpieee4002, 5512
5 3458154 Top plate 12 3458114 Top plate 3452244 Backpieee4002, 5513
6 3912037 Felt washer 13 3164142 Cover
3452245 Back piece 4002, 5514
7 2013002 Screw 2.9 c 6.5 DIN 7982 14 2038237 Screw AM 3 x JODIN 84 3452246 Back piece 6000, 5515
8 2803004 Guide washer 15 2816085 Spring 3452268 Back piece 4002-6000 without print
9 3412051 Cabinet, teak 16 3014023 Guide plate 22 2810066 Spring
3412053 Cabinet, rosewood 17 2380093 Nut, nylon 23 2013066 Screw 2.84 x 12.7
i I I I
" " "' "
24 3152135 Lead holder 2560040 Decorative list Beogram 6000 39 3015030 Guide piece
25 2042216 Screw AM 4 x 16 DIN 84 36 2038055 Screw AM 3 x6 DfN 963 black 40 3010011 Stop for lid
34 3010007 Stop 37 2830014 Bearing needle 41 3452145 Back piece
35 3164190 Lid 38 3030023 Hinge, left 42 2038050 Screw AM 3 x 4 DIN 63
2560039 Decorative list Beogram 4002 3030022 Hinge, right 43 2819062 Spring
--- 61
-- - --- -- ---
_____ g
__ .,
--" .-----"
_______ ,
---- -- --- --- "
50 3458121 Top pial!!
58 7220052 Housing without pin 10 pol. 67 2361018 Locking pin
51 3199046 Dial
7500076 Contact pin 68 2819096 Spring
52 3164179 Cover
59 8005018 PC-board
3152129 Holder
o;, .. SJ00090 Potentiometer, left 60 3358116 Heat sink 70 2072701 Threaded pin MJ DIN 438
S4 JtJI085 Housing for pDtentiometer 61 3199047 End piece )I 3152068 Holder
55 7220057 Housint without pins 6 pol. 62 Jllill611 Sticker
72 2992(159 Conflict pin
7500076 Contact pin -I,_ SJt)(.fflJ Potentiometer 7J 7500075 Contact spring
Sfi 2JilSOJ4 Spire "rJ.G 11411.1/llJOI/52 Lamp 24 V 40 mA 74 7500050 Contact bridge
57 8055016 Chassis, complete 4002 05 61-11)]76 PC-board
75 2816111 Locking spring
&155017 Chusis, complete 6000 .. ]J00044 Screen
,/ I
' '
____ ,,
> ', I I
$----+--- '
' 1 '
--- :
1 r, :,_1___ .,
' ' '
-.. '-- ------- '"
------ --
,, ___ _
___ L__
======= ~ 1 ____ __u,
"-----+--- w
' "
"' -====-==
1eo -
'" ---- ----
210- ~ l j
211 ---
--- --- 15&
- --- 2Sl
'" l77
2038952 Screw 3 x 4 DIN 963
2038206 Screw3:r4DIN34
2038247 Screw AM Jill 6 mm DIN 84
Ttlrudtli piJJ MJ 11. IS rnm
))5l086 1-{C)Idtr
1<lJ61H S<f<'fl AM 1 1 <i rnm DCNM
2625002 Toolhla<::k wa.shu
75JD008 5older t.til
3152076 Holder
2032206 ScrewAM3x5mmDIN84
3391407 Transit protection
2034236 Screw AM 2 xJ mm DIN 84
3152145 Holdtr lor
394'?421 Tape
21>45025 l"ll\C
Jil7806 S(ave urn
2190004 Circlip UG 3 0 6
3152!79 Holdt:r fur pickup :1tn1
2810083 Spring
8760002 Foto cell
2853025 A<m
8230047 Lrunp6V
JJ7S02b Oplic..
1853045 Aom
(1810006 Mssnet<::oil
21150047 E'Teu bat
203M48 Screw
28520JS Change lever
2034236 Screw AM 2 x 3 mm DIN 84
2850077 Pickup arm
20:182)6 Screw AM) x 10 mm DIN 84
264!075 Clamp
7220037 3 pol.
75tll)()76 Cool.u/ pln
203 2072911
204 8954410
20S J)02:BO
hl7 16140'21
20'l 7530023
2]0 2389031
2ll 2038208
212 3152074
213 2993028
116 18l6lt6
116 1034211
2L9 28190.61
220 2851{}83
22] 2812G41
223 2894029
225 1038133
226 2071701
217 2034231
22S 285402.3
229 2390001
230 3342030
23] 3152162
232 2390046
Bang &Olu['len
Adjustment screw 233 2070400 Threaded pin M2 x 3 mm
Pickup MMC 4000 234 3150032 Bearing holder
Pickup MMC 6000 2900003 bearing
Strvkekil ft>J pickup 2622168 Wa5her, brasos;
Cap lo-rpitlr.up 21HWl6 Spring
2)-7 C'in:lip
1:15. 2.546109 Bu.clr.<:l
Screw AM J jl; S DIN B4 136 27<XJOO& bushing
Solder tall 231 2834041 Shalt coiiCtt.d
Bearingp.ut 23S 2831025 Shaft
Screw AM 3 x 5 DIN 84 239 2365085 Valve
Holder 240 2390046 Circlip
Spindle 24l 2038206 Screw AM DlN 84
242 313112) Dampercyhndn
Ho!dtr fr.r dial 24> :zonn2
S(K(PC 311>41% Ho1HiJ1f .,,Ill lamp
265-1<15'1 Di4jjhra,marm
Screw AM 2 116 DIN .!1-l
246 2(11J103 1 84 k 12.7 ART 4161
Spring c 241
3131052 Housing Jllr fot<J resistor
Lifting arm complete tl4 I 5210004 Foto resistor
Spring 248 3151085 Holder
ScrewAM2x100I 84 249 2038946 Screw
Spring 250 2794029 Roller
25] 2622041 Washer
20)82{)8 Screw AM 3 'a: 5 DTN 84
W.u.bu 253 27980D) EnQink
AM 3 x 7JI DIN &4
JU406fl 1fidt:
Tlln:,dcd MJ r 4 mm 155 2624028 1"hnm wtsher
Screw AM 2 4 DIN 84
23900<6 Circlip
A;m 251 2510086 Bracket
Circlip 256 6140417 PC-board
Counterweight 259 2038206 Screw AM 3 x 4 DIN 84
for counterweight
l 3300053 Sneetl
2 h.
) 2717D)) Arm lor
4 llfl004'7 N"'t
Bang &Olufsen
'l I 2938093 8u.hiog, support tube
1 721\XJ(jJ Sod;;et 9 poL
) 12l002b Sl>tkcl 0 pDl.
4 2938092 Bushil'lg for 'up port tube
l 7210105 5Dckel6 pol.
2 7210065 pDI.
.l 7210106 Socket J I pol.
4 3558109 Heat sink for transistor
5 2365105 Valve for transistor
6 7210104 Socket 4 pol.
7 7210103 Socket J pol.
7210103 SockeC J pol.
nJ0097 5o..k<;:t JO pal
10 Scn:u )or
6271048 Mains lead
6170184 Pickup lead withS poL DIN socket
11273751 Lead b\;r.<:lo; with hou-.ing
7110(lj7 Housingtipol.
._illJ724 Frame fvr .SSI)
3)91384 Outer carton
3)91385 Top/bottom insert
3397157 Foam packing -lid insert
3397158 Foam packing left
3397159 Foam packing right
3535052 Instruction diagr,m5Stl-S5J2
35J5(153 lnstruc\i<Jn 5513
)5JStl::i4 lnstnocli<m d1.1gr3m 55 14-SSIS
' .
I 7402042
2 19J8QC)J
4 7210026
s 2938092
' I
Bustua.s. !1.1199an
S<>cke\9 pol. P jP -i'
So.ckel b p1:>l
Bushi11g fnr tube
7220051 Housing 8 pol.
7500076 Contact pin
2 3131099 Housing
) 8300229 Light diode:
4 7400115 Microswitch
5 74001!5 Microswilch
6 2816130 Leaf spring
7 :1454170 Bottom
3'141518 Tape
8 IU40084 Tuns is lor
9 JIDJ077 Fool
Bang &Oiufsen
D )
lOJ(OhmtS"'v l/liW
77f>l(I>Mn)"l\ )ltW
lfll, J &!l!W
IH1!!4 IQI<Ohmi'5"1n
IR65 5010111
!R66 SOI(}(Wl 100 KOhms :5"7o l/8W
!Rl 5002028 2K2 10"ro IW
IR67 5010059 10 KOhm$ S"7o 1/SW
1R2 5002()2'6 IK50hms10% 1W
1R68 5010072 180KOhmsS% l/8W
lRl 5010048 1/!IW 1R69 501007} 1/SW
IR70 smoon 1/SW
n.o S'7. Vh.W IWH Xll0012 150
!iUIOOVI 11 KDhmd'i\ )!IW liP? Sl>100i2 Jl[));{)hnHS':" )ltW
j(J tcllJS l"' 7l NC<T! C(<JK<JIIml.f" 1/IW
, ..
5001ClJ6 4K1 ()hm1 LQ<J. t!lW lf\H S<l1001l IM t(Ctun.1'5.,. I tAW
lR<I 5()10072 J/8W 1R7.S :5010071 11!10 KOhm1 ;;"7, 1t8W
IRIO 82KOhmsS"lol/SW 1R76 5010071 180 KOnm1 1/BW
1Rll 5010071 560 K0hms5% 1/SW IR77 5010071 180K0hllll5% 1/SW
1R11 5001021 330 Ohtns lO'Yo 1/2W 1R78 5010072 180 KOhmsS% 1/BW
1Rll 510019S. JO"la 4W lE 1R79 501007> 180KOhms5% 1/SW
1Rl4 5 lO% Llt-.1 JRilll SOIOO)g l2 KOhnu 1/BW
UtlS. S UN IRII.I 6l' KDhml 1/&W
HUb Dhm1 S'll. l!&\o\' 51>1005.4 I
CfHl 10 f(0hm1 S"Jo CI&W ((?t/ UJW
lRI.S !18W 5<ltOlJS t<.<lhlfl15"i' 11tW
lRl'l 1/l!W IRgS 50Hltl.4.11 <IK7 ChfiU S"!.o l/8W
lRl(l 5010091 82 KChms5% l!BW IR86 50100-t8 4K7 5''' 1/SW
1R21 501\l<JOO 2700hms5'!7ol/8W IR87 500202-'1 1 KOhms 1 W
lR23 5010068 820 Ohm.sS% 1/SW IRBB 5370068 25 20'9'o 0,1 W UN.
1R14 lOOK01Jms5% 1/8W IR89 5010092 220 5% 1/SW
5oun 11
IRqQ S01004g 100 S% 1/SW
11Uf. 5.01005-4 J 1/&.W JMI S01004g JOO 1/lW
5f'lll.lll5) JS 5 "1, JtlW
JRI)ol 5I'> lUilS J!8W
OV6 1!i I<Oit.,n S"r. 116W j.[))()i)f.S. J .)( Dhms. 5 )/)W
LRN 5clH)(')SJ L;8W l<l 116W
uua 47 kOhm, l!l!W
lRJl 8K20hms5% 1/.SW
1R32 50100<19 100 K0hms.5% li8W
!R33 5010072 180K0hms5% l/8W
1R34 5010054 1 MOhmsS% 1/SW
lRlS. 501007(> 3Kl0hnn5% 1/BW
1 R)f. 500}())8 270 10% I W
)IH7 5011)071 5M> L!lW ICI .. .
!I()IOI'k.6 IKIOhnu jo; /18..-
;Cl .I)WJf) )J>jllf I>>Y
'.1010049 IYO KOt.mJ ll.SW 1(1 L l ll<l .. f 10011
1n-1o 21 MOhm1 10% II lW
IC 401001\0 llnF -2Q +IOU% -io:lV
SOlt.IOCiS lliiW !CS 4200185 tdV
IR4l SOI0049 100KObms5% 1/.SW 1C6 4010060 22 nF -10 + tOOOfo 40V
1R43 5010054 1 MOhnts 5% 1/SW 1C7 4I30071i 47 nF 20% 250V
1R44 5010117 330K0hms5% liBW 1C8 4201058 Ou<17F"35VTANT.
1R45 1 MOhms S% 1/&W
1C9 41301(1) 100 nF 2.0% 250V
lR46 5{)10J J7 3)() KDhm S% 1/&W ICJI) 4200285 t>u.47F f.lV
IIBW 1[11 42DDDib L'Q.,.f2SV
IR<R SfJI{A)f? f{)()KOirmJ ,_. /I'NW )[)2 XliLlM llf ).W
L KOhtnJ !I"J4 L /8W ICLI \<J<l ,f lU'l"n liQ\1
J RSO .5(]t00S9 10 KCkmlS% l!fr.W ICI"> 4L\OttiJ 100 nf l.SOV
IK:'il 5010049 100 hOI'lmsS% l/8W ICIS 413MRl 120 nf lCl"l. lSOV
IRSl 5010!98 1K70hms5% I/8W l'C16 4100169 0,1JIF:15VTANT.
IRS-1 5010!54 8K20hms5% 1/BW IC17 4011025 3n310% IOOV
1RS4 2l0lllns5% l/8W 1C18 4201057 1 1.1FJSV1'ANT.
5011)()4:! 12l<DhmsS% 1/SW ICI9 4p.7F2S.VTANT.
IRS.t-. 53700!-oiJ 2S X 20'9' 0.1 W l.IN. 1C20 42010S7 luF JSV TANT.
IRS.7 '\:D/)I)blt ?S X lD"' 0.1 W UN 1n1 4?00108
IR5l! 11!/)l)lf')&
,,;H' 2.>\1 TANT
H.' 1,1 1<1t'i L 11 1<1<1 ( JV
Bang & Olufsen
!C25 4011025 3n3F 10% lOOV
1C27 4011025 JnJF 10% lOOV
IC28 4130082 220 oF 20'ro 2SOV
lC29 4011025 JnJF lO"!o-lOOV
lCJO 4130082 220 nF 20% 250V
ICJI 4011025 JnJF 10% lOOV
iCJl 420l069 2u2F JSVTANT.
ICJJ 4201057 1 11F 35VTANT.
IC34 4130103 HJO nF 20% 250V
ICJS 4011025 JnJF 10"/o lOOV
1CJ6 4201Q57 lpF3SVTANT.
lRLl 7600007
8005013 PC3
3Rl 5010059 lOKOhmsS% 1/8W
8005017 PC4
4R1 5010059 10 KOhmsS% 1/SW
4R2 5010059 lO KOhmsS% 1/SW
4C1 4010041 1 nF -20 + 100% 40V
4C2 4010041 1 nF-20 +I00%40V
1TR1 8320097
1TR2 8320266
1TA3 8320285
1TR4 8320161
HAS 8320295
1TR6-1TA17 8320097
1TR18 8320161
1TR19 8320097
1TR20 8320134
1TA21 8320161
1 TA22-1 TR23 8320134
1TA24 8320097
1TR25 8320134
-1TR26 8320161
001 8300252 BBOCBOO
101-104 8300025 1 N 4003
1 N4002
107 8300033 ZPD 22V 5%
BZX 79 22V
1013 8300028 ZP09,1V5%
BZX 799,1V
1016 8300201 ZPD6,2V 5%
BZX 79 6,2V
1lC1 8340026 33 TIP 120
11C2 8340028 19 MPSA13
19 SPS 5418
11CJ 8340083 109 C1003
8320097 20 BC5478
18 BG237B
20 BC171B
19 8C317B
20 BC182B
20 BC237B
1 BC207B
8320134 10 BC144/143
10 MM3005/4005
10 BC142/143
8320161 20 BC212B
20 BC251B
1017 8300053 ZPD15V5%
BZX 7915V
1020 8300101 BAX l6
1049 8300135 ZPD3.3V5%
BZV 86 3,3V
401 8300229 203 Tll32
203 OP 160
204 TIL31
205 LD 241T
DIODES 8300058 1N4148
SFO 184
11C4 83400l4 33 TIP 125
41Cl 8340tl84 110 SRD212
Bang &Olufsen
8320266 33 TIP31
8320285 20 BC183C
8320295 20 BC337-25
' .
19 2D 33
'[) ' .
' .
All DC voltages are positive in proportion to chassis and they are measured with rotating turn-
table and raised pick-up arm and with the detector arm over a record. The voltages are
measured try voltmeter and an irmer resistor of at least 2 MOhms.
The stated impulses of the detector arm drcuit are measured with rotllling turntable and
the detector arm over tile ribs without any on.
Osd!lograms marked RUN-OFF STOP are measured with pkk-up arm lowered into an outlet
groove, rise approx. 3 rom/turns, 30 em record.
As a supplement to the measuring specification symbols from the operating panel are used to
indicate that a DC voltage in a changes from one level to another e.g.
Thi5 symbol indkates that the voltage goes from 0 to 17 V when activating panel switch ON.
Tills symbol indicates that the voltage goe5 from 0 to 0,1 V, as long as the ON switch is activat-
ed, 1\herealter the vollag_c goes to I) again.
,... -
8005015 PC6
6R77(2n) 5010079 22 KOhms5% 1/BW 6CJ4(234l 4200101 101J.Fl6VTANT.
6R78 (278) . 5010079 22 KOhmsS% 1/SW 6CJS(ZJ5l 4130089 22 nF IO"lo 250V
6R79 (279) 5010079 22 KOhmsS% 1/BW 6CJ6(2J6) 4130100 68 nF 10% 250V
6RS0(280) 5010041' SK60hms5% l/8W 6CJ7 {237) 4130100 68 nF IO"lo 250V
6R8l (281) 5010079 22 KOhmsS"lo 1/SW 6CJ8(238l 4130109 10 nF 10% 250V
6R82(282) 5010079 22KOhms5% 1/SW 6C39(239} 4130100 68 nF 10% 2SOV
6R1 {201) 5010040 1 KOhmsS"lo 1/BW 6R83(283) 5010047 120 KOhmsS% l/8W 6C40(240} 4201072 0,22pF3SVTANT.
6R2{202) 5010665 lM20hms 5% 1/SW 6R84 (284) 5010047 120KOhmsS% 1/BW 6C41 (241) 4010060 22nF-20+100%
6RJ (203) 5010049 100 KOhmsS% l/BW 6R85{285) 501()1)79 22KOhms5% 1/SW 6C42(242) 4200317 47pF 6,3V TANT.
6R4 (204l 5010070 3900hms5% 1/BW 6R86(286) 5010054 I MOhms 5% 1/SW 6C43 (243) 4130143 18 nF 10% 250V
6R5 (205) 5010063 l50 KOhmsS% 1/SW 6R87 {287) 50IO!lS4 1 MOhms S"!o 1/BW 6C44 (244) 4010063 4n7F 10% 63Y
6R6 (206) 5370197 1 KOhms 20% 0,1 W 6RS8 (288) 5010054 I MOhms5"!o118W 6C45 (245) 4130119 39 nF 10% 250V
6R7 (207) 5010154 8K20hms5"!o 1/SW OR89 (289) 5010054 t M0hms5% 1/SW 6C46(246) 4130107 too nF 10"7. 250V
6R8 (208) 5010052 6K80hms5o/ol/8W 6R90(290) - 5010073 390KOhms5% 1!8W 6C47 (247) 4010063 4n7F 10% 63V
6R9 (209) 5010120 220 KOhms 5% 1/BW 6R91 (29l) 5010079 22KOhms5% l!BW 6C48(248) 4200101 10pF16VTANT.
6R10(210) 5010135 18 KOhms5"7o 1/SW 6RI00 5001021 3300hms10% l/2W 6C49 (249) 4010064 560 pF 10% 6JV
6Rll (2ll} 5370198 4K70hms20%0,1W 6RI01 5010064 2K20hms5% 1/SW 6CS0(250) 4010067 1n5P 10% 63V
6R12 (212} 5010067 5600hms5% 1/8W
6R102 5010041 5Kb0hms 5% l/8W 6CS1 (251) 4000007 82pF2'9'o63V
6RI3 (213) 5010041 5K60hms5"7o1/8W 6R103 5010059 10KOhms5% 1/BW 6C5l{252) 4130100 68 nF 10% 2SOV
6Rl<l (214) 5010052 6K80hms5% 1/SW 6RJ04 5010040 1 KOhmsS"lo li8W 6C53{253) 4130100 68nF 10"!. 2SOV
6RIS (215} 5010053 IS KOhmsS'I'o J/8W 6R105 5{)10045 47 K0hms5o/o1/8W 6C54(254) 4130078 47 nF 20% 2SOV
6RI6(216) 5010059 10 l/8W 6RI06 5010059 lOKOhmsS% 1/SW (255) 4130078 47 nF 20% 250V
6RI7(217) 5010063 IW KOhmsS% 1/SW 6RJ07 5020095 lJKJOhmsS% 1/8W 6C56 4000007 82pF2"/g6JV
6R18 (218) 501()079 22 KObmsS% 1/BW 6R108 5020093 4K640hms5% l/SW 6C100 4200099 100 11F l6V
6Rl9 (219) 5010079 22 KOhms5% 1/SW 6RJ09 5010076 JKJOhmsS% l!8W 6CI01 4201057 lllf3SVTANT.
6R20(220) 50Hl040 I K0hms5"14 l/8W 6RI10 5010154 8K20hms5% 1/SW 6CJ02 42.00180 1000uF 16V
6R2l (221) 5010040 1 KOhms5% I18W
6Rlll 5010062 68 KOhmsS"lo I/8W 6C103 4201069 2p2F35VTANT.
6R22 (222) 5010076 3K30hms 5'9"o 1!8W 6RI12 5010135 18 KObms 5% I/8W 6C104 4200171 l0011F3VTANT.
6R23 (223) 5010064 2K20hms
6Rll3 5010045 47 KOhms5% 1/8W 6Cl05 4010027 In 10% 100V
6R24 (224) SO I OilS 18 KOhmsS% 1!8W.
6Rll4 5010048 4K70hms 5% 1/SW
6RZ5 (225) 5010076 3K30hms 5% 1/BW 6Rll5 5010049 IOOKOhmsS% l!BW
6R26 (226} 5010067 5600hms5% 1/8W 6RJ16 5010076 3KJOhms 5'Yo 118W
6R27 (227) 5010069 3K90hms5% 1/SW 6RII7 5010039 68 Ohms5% 1/SW
6R28(228) 5010141 T! KOhms S"lo l/8W 6RJI8 5010052 6K80tuns 5% 1/BW
6R29(129) 5010141 27 K0hms5% l!8W 6RI19 5010153 IK20hms 5% 1/SW
6R30 (230) 5010141 27 KOhms5"lo l!SW 6R]10 5010064 2K20hms5% 1/8W
6R31 (231) 5010041 5K60hrns5o/ol/8W 6Rt21 5010049 100 KOhmsS% 1!8W
6R32(232) 5010079 22KOhmsS% li8W 6RI22 5010054 1MOhms20'l7o0,1W.
6LI (201) 8022054
6R33(233} 5010049 100 KOhms 5% 1!8W
6Rl23 5010040 lKOhmsS'I'o 1/8W
6R34(234J 5010079 22 KOhms5% 1/SW 6RI24 5010079 22 KOhms 5% 1/SW
6R3S (235) 5010041 SK60hms5% l!BW
6RJ6(2J6l 5010042 12 KOhrns5% l/8W
6RJ7 {237) 5010074 680 KOhms 5% 118W
6RJ8{238) 50HJ072 180 KOhms 5% 1/8W
6R39{239) 5010059 10 KOhmsS'I"o 1/8W-
6R40(240) 5010076 3K30hms5% 1/BW
61Ll00 8230044 24V2SmA
6R41 {241) 5010452 lSOOhmsS% 1/SW
6R42(242) 5010044 330 Ohms 5% 1/SW
8005014 6R43 (243) 5370191 10K0hms20%0,1W PCB
6R44 {244) 5010061 56 KOhms5% 1/BW 6Cl (201) 4200333 1 llF 63V
6R45 (245) 5010061 56 KOhms5% I!BW 6V2 (202) 4010021 220pF 10% tOOV
6R46 {246) 5010076 3KJOhms5% I!BW 6CJ (203) 4011025 lo3F 10% IOOV
6R47 (147) 5010052 5% 1/8W 6C4(204) 4200101 10pFI6YTANT.
6R48 (248) 5010052 6K80hms 5% 1/SW 6C5 (205) 4130109 10 nF tO% 2SOV
6R49(249) 5010040 1 KOhms 5% 1/SW 6C6 (206) 4010027 I nF 10% 100V
6RS0(2SO) 5010049 IOOKOhmsS% 18W 6C7(207) 4010027 1 nF 10o/o IOOV
6R51 {251) 5010079 22 KOhmsS% l!BW 6C8 (208) 4010024 470pF 10'll'o 100V
8RJ 5010049 IOOKOhmsS% l/8W
6RS2(252) 5010079 22 KOhms5% 1/8W 6C9 (209) 4010027 1 nF 10% lOOV
8R2 5370049 1 MOhms 20"/o 0,1W
6R53 (253) 5010072 180 KOhmsS% l/8W 6CI0(210) 4010027 I nF 10% 100V
8R3 5010040 1 KOhmsS% 1/BW
6RS4{25<l) 5010060 39 KOhms5"lo 1/BW 6CJ I (211) 4201058 0,471lF35VTANT.
6R55 (255} 5010052 6K80hms 5% 118W 6CI2 (212) 4201057 111FJSVTANT.
6RS6 {256) 5010]35 18 KOhms 5% 1/8W 6CIJ(213) 4130109 10 nF JO"lo ZSOV
6R57 (257} 5010073 390 KOhms5% 1/8W 6CI4(214) 4010061 2n2 10% 6JV
6R58 {158) 5010045 47 K0hms5% 1/8W 6CJ5 (215) 4010027 I nF 10% lOOV
6R59 (259) 5010154 8K20hms5% l/8W 6CJ6(216) 4010065 2 n7F 10% 63V
6R60 (260) 5010065 100 Ohms5% 1/8W 6CI7{217) -4130141 8n2F 10% 2SOV
6R61 (261) 5010077 470K0hms5'1'o l!8W 6C18{218) 4010067 '"!nSF 10% 63V
6R62 {262) 5010049 100KOhms5% 1/SW 6C19(219) 4010064 Sn6F 10% 63V
tiR63 (263) 5010063 150 1/BW 6C20(220) 4010067 1nSF 10%
8C1 4200098 100pF 6,3V
6R64 (264) 5010141 27 KObms5% 1/SW 6C21 (221) 4000007 82pF2%63V
t>R65 (265) 5370196 22 KOhms 20% O,IW 6C22 (222) 4200108 4117F25VTANT.
6R66 (266) 5010154 8K20hms5% l/8W 6C23 {223) 4200230 15 uF I6V TANT.
6R67 (267} 5010083 270KOhms5% 1/8W 6C24 (224} 4130107 t(JO nF 10% 250V
6R68 (268) 5010060 39 KOhmsS% l!SW 6C25 (125) 4130109 10 nf lO"lu 2SOV
6R69(269) 5010048 4K70bms 5% 1/2W 6C26 (226) 4010063 4n7F 10% 63V
6R70(270) 5010128 1200hms5% 1/BW 6C27 (227) 4201tl57 1 pF J5V TANT.
6R71 (271) 5010061 56 KOhms5% I/8W
6C28(228) 41301ll 150 nF 20% 250V
6R72(272) 5010141 27 KObms5% l/8W 6('29 (229) 4201057 lJlF35VTANT.
8RL1 7600007
6R73 (27JJ 5010049 101JJ.::Ohms5% l/8W
6CJO (230) 4011025 3n3F 10% 100V
6R74(274) 5010049 100 KOhms 5% l18W 6()] (231)
4010060 22nF-20+100%
6R75 (275) 5010141 21 1/SW
6CJ21232} 4200101 10uF16YTANT.
6R76 (270) 5370!'..16 n J\Obms20%0,1W
6C3312.l3) 4130111 150nF 20% 250V
Automatic lowering
Detector arm circuli
Mounting of leads In the pickup-arm
Bang &Olufsen
It has turnec;l out that in some cases the charging of 1C19.in the automatic
lowering circuit is not enough to secure that the arm does not lower
when the detector arm reaches the blank field on the turntable without
To solve this problem 1C20 has been changed from 4. 7 to 1 pF.
The change has been introduced from apparatus No. 1167004.
Furthermore, IC26 from base 1TR13 to chassis has been left out to secure
that manual lowering works at fast out-transport of the pickup-arm.
Because of tolerances in OPHl, 1TR3 has been changed into a transistor
. with greater current amplification from index. No. 8320097 to indeX No.
the change has been introduced in production as from No. 1168008.
For-a transitional period (from set No. 1168008 to No. 1175021) 1R26 has
been changed from 1 Mohm into 4. 7 Mohms.
If the arm does not lower by some record types, 1 R26 can be changed into 1
.(gr) (r) lhv) _(bO
' ' '
Pick-up arm
Front vi<'Waf
pick-up arm
Plckup arm
V<Hl verne S
6TA1 {201) 8320137
6TR2 (202) 83?0137
6 fRJ {2031 8320161
6TA4 (204) 8320137
6TA5 (205) 8320366
6TR6 (206) 8320137
5TA7 (207) 8320354
6TA8 (208) 8320137
6TA9 (209) 8320137
6TR10 (210) 6320137
6TA11 (211) 8320354
6TA12(212) 8320137
6TR13 (213) 8320354
601 {201)
606 (206) 8300142 AA 143
60100 8300029 ZPD 12V 5"/ ..
BZX 7912V
601 Ol 8300128 ZPD5,6V 5%
60102 8300029 ZPD 1 2V 5"-'>
BZX 7912V
81C1 (201)
61C1 (201) 8340038 102 LM 381
61C2 (202) 8340040 102 LM 565
81C1 8340028 19 MPS A13
19 SPS5418
Bang &Olufsen
6TR14 (214) 8320137 8320137 20 BC 1378
6TR15 (215) 8320366
. HR!6(2t61 832036'6 8320161 2[) 8C212B
6TA100 B320323 20 BC251B
6TA101 8320323
6TA102 8340026 8320323 19 MPS A05
6TA103 8320323
6TR104 8340054 8320354 21 SK 3DA
6TR105 8320137
6TA106 832032.3 8320366 19 MF'S A16
6TA107 8320323
6TA108 8340054 8340026 33 TIP 120
8340054 19 MPS A13
'[8 '[)
' .
'" '"
60103 8300142 AA 143 801 8300042 OA91
BD2 8300058 1N4148
60104 8300131 1 N 4148 SFO 184
60105 8300131 1N414B
60106 8300142 AA 143
60107 8300131 1N4148
60108 8300131 1N4148
The inditated re positi>e in ground and wilh CD4 r;igruli on I he
input, R6 and R206 in cerolre position (500 Ohms) ollld Rll and R211 l)n muimum.
Input; Sum I lo:Hzl,6 mY, 1 mV JO kHl .!l.f =1,8 kH2 I mod= I kHl.
AND 4ll04
SHIFT TO g.::_
tl ,,_1'4
I> T(k
:u iAf'
- -, ).o:L
s I':T
.. ......
f!AII'O. !i.ltii'T filCH II Sl&Y
. " .
gg ;1
12 ::i - .,g
'J I.
.. , ..........
:j'r '
.,.,!f OJ.
ooJ'" ..
:_:f7 t'
e . 4
-M#.. .....
- ..
1<1 :;:::: '
- )Jij
o <o
.. "'"' ""
J ..
; L;.-5
-- ------ - ;;s----
l R
' .......
'" H\
' I'"
&1 A& 1a 9C 547 & DIDDE ll5'f fOR
BC 1&2 8 DIAGRAM 2
18 BC Z37 8
81Cl.1C2 8340028 19 MPSA 13 18 BC 171 8 801 8300042
19 TPSA 13
BTR7 832.1J1!}:l 18 BC 557 8 e01 11
El< 21:l El
IK 3D78
18 BC:l37B 18 BC :ZS1 1.'1
18 ac 111 s
'() '()
BTRS 8320097 18 BC547 B
' . ' .
' .
8TR4-8fA5 8320152 18 ac 557 a
18 BC 1fl2 B
18 ec 212 s 10 ec 237 a
11 ec 3a7e
tiC 111 e
IJC 2'>1
IN 4148
_____ 1'-!T_,_Rcc1!<8 __ _eo=='-"'--=='-"--- DIODE LIST FOR DIAGRAM 1
8320152 18 BC 557 B
18 BC212 B
l!C 1 8340026 33 TIP 120 1S BC 307 B
---------"'---"'"-""'"'"-- ___ _,8,.,3,oo"2"5:o2 _ _,8,_,8,o'-'c"8"oo"'--_
18 BC251 8
11C2 8340028 19 MPSA 13
19 TPSA 13 8320097 18 BC 547 B
18 BC 182 B
18 BC'237 8
SFD 184
11C3 8340083109 c 1003 18 BC 171 6
107 8300033 ZPD 22 V 5%
1JC4 8340024 33 TIP 125 1 TR25/1TA20 8320135 10 BC 143/144
BZX 79 22 V
10 MM 3005/4005
lTRl 8320097 18 BC 547 B 10 BC 142/143
108-1012 8300058 lN 4148
18 BC 182 B
SFD 184
18 BC 237 8
1TA21 8320152 18 BC557 B
18 BC 171 8
18 BC 212 B 1013 8300028 ZPD9,1 V 5%
18 BC 307 B BZX799.1V
1TR2 8320266 33 TIP 31
18 BC 251 B
1014-1015 8300058 1N 4148
1TR3 8320285 18 BC 548 C
1TA22/1TR23 8320135 10 BC 143/144 SFD 184
18 BC 183 C
10 MM 3005/4005
10 BC 142/143 1D16 8300201 ZPD 6,2 V 5%
1TR4 8320152 18 BC 557 B
BZX 79 62V
18 BC 212 8
TTR2<1 8320097 18 BC 547 B
18 BC 307 B
18 BC 182 B
BC 237 B
____ __
BZX 7915V
18 BC 251 B
8320295 20 BC337-25
1TR6-1TAl7 8320097 18 BC 547 B
18 BC 1828
18 BC237B
18 BC 171 B
' '
' .
'[) ' .
' .
'[) ' .
' .
18 BC 171 8
TN 4148
18 BC 557 8 SFD 184
18 BC 212 8
18 BC 307 B
1020 8300101 SAX 16
18 BC 251 8
TN 4148
17 SAD 212
SFD 184.
1049 8300135 ZPD 3;3V 5%
BZX 883,3 V
401 8300229 OP 160
ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST lRl 5002028 2K2 ohms 10% I W IRSO 5010059 10 kohms 5% 1/8 W
1R2 5002026 lKS ohms JO% I W IRS! 5010141 27kohms5%1/8W
8005016/8005027 PC 1
lRJ 5010048 4K7 ohinsS% l/8 W 1R52 5010298 2K7 ohms 5% 1/8 W
1R4 5010061 56 kohms'S% 1/8 W 1R53 5010154 8K2 ohms 5% l/8 W
lRS 5010092 220 ohms 5% 1/8 W lR54 5010448 22 ohms 5% I'/8 W
!R6 5010091 82 kohms 5% 1/8 W lRSS 5010042 12kohms5%1/8W
1R7 5010135 IBkohmsS%1/BW 1R56 5370068 25 kohms 20% 0,1 W
!R8 5001038 4K7 ohms 10% 1/_2 W LIN
1R9 5010072 180 kohms 5% 1/8 W IR57 5370068 25 kohms 20% O,l W
!RIO 5010091 82 kohms 5% 1/8 W LIN
!Rll 5010071 560 kohms 5% 1/8 W !R58 5010045 47 kohms 5% 1/8 W
1R12 5001021 330 ohms 10% 1/2W 1R59 5010042 12 kohms 5% 1/8 W
lR13 5100198 IOohms 10%4\VTE IR60 5010059 10 kohms 5% 1/8 W
1Rl4 5370058 5 kobms 20% LIN IR6l 5010059 lO kohms 5% 1/8 W
IRIS 5370058 5 kohms 20% LIN IR62 5010083 270 kohms 5% 1/8 W
1R16 5020112 6K8 ohms 1% 1/8 W lR63 5010071 560 kohms 5% 1/8 W
1Rl7 5020059 10 kohms 1% l/8 W IR64 5010059 10 kohms 5% 1/8 W
IRIS 5010060 39 kohms 5%-1/8 W 1R65 5010117 330kohms5%1/8W
1Rl9 5010045 47 kohms 5% 1/8 W 1R66 5010049 100 kohms 5% 1/8 W
IR20 5010091 82 kob.ms 5% 1/8 W 1R67 5010059 10 kohms 5% l/8 W
1R21 5010000 270 ohms 5% 1/8 W IR68 5010072 180kohms5%1/8W
lR23 5010068 820 ohms 5% 1/8 W 1R69 501Q072. 180 kohms 5% l/8 W
1R24 5010049 100 5% 1/8 W 1R70 5010072 180 kohrns 5% 1/8 W
IR2S 5010120 220 kohms 5% 1/8 W IR71 5010072 180 kohms 5% 1/8 \',
1R26 5010054 1 Moh-ms 5% 1/8 W
lR72 5010072 180 kohms 5% 1/8 W
1R27 5010053 15 kohms-s% 1/8 W IR73 5010072 180kohms5% 1/BW
1R28 5010053 15 kohms 5% I/8 W 1R74 5010072 180 kohms 5% 1/8 W
1R29 5010053 15 kohms 5% 1/S W IR75 5010072 1SO kohms 5% 1/S W
1R30 5010045 47 kohms 5% 1/8 W 1R76 5010072 180 kohms 5% l/8 W
1R31 5010154 8K2ohms5% 1/SW IR77 5010072 180 kohms 5% 1/8 W
IR32 5010049 100 kohms5% 1/8 W 1R78 .5010072 ISO kohms 5% 1/8 W
1R33 5010072 180 kohms 5% 1/S W IR79 5010072 180 kohms 5% 1/8 W
1R34 5010054 1Mohms 5% 1/BW IRBO 5010079 22 lmhms 5% 1/8 W
1R35 5010076 3K3 ohms 5% 1/8 W IR81 5010091 82 kohms 5% 1/8 W
IR36 5002018 270 ohms
1RS2 5010054 1 Mohm 5% 1/8 W
1R37 5010071 560 kohms S% 1/8 W 1R83 5010120 220 kohms 5% 1}8 W
1R38 5010066 IKS ohms 5% 1/S W IR84 5010135 IS kohms 5% 1}8 W
1R39 5010049 100kohms5% 1/BW lRS5 5010048 4K7 ohms 5% 1/8 W
IR40 5001085 22 Mohms 10% 1/2 W 1R86 5010048 4K7 ohms 5% 1/8 W
1R41 !5010065 100 ohms 5% 1/S W IR87 5002024 1 kohm 10% IW
IR42 5010049 -100kohms 5% liS W 1R88 5370063 25 kohms 20%0,1 W
lR43 5010054 1 Mohms 5% 1/S W LlN
1R44 5010117 330kohms5% l/SW IR89 5010092 220 ohmsS% 1/8 W
IR45 5010054 1 Mohms 5% 1/S W 1R90 5010049 l00kohms5% 1/8 W
1R46 5010117 330 kohms 5% 1/8 W 1R91 5010049 100 kohms 5% 1/8 W
lR47 5010065 100 ohms 5% 1/8 W 1R92 5010135 IS kohms 5% 1/S W
IR4S 5010049 100 kohms 5% 1/8 W 1R93 5010042 1H:ohms5% 1/8W
IR49 5010040 1 kohms 5% 1/8 W 1R94 5010059 10 kohms 5% 1/8 W
lCl 4200169 35 VTANT IC19 4200108 41'7F 25 V
1C2 4200342 10#F 63 V IC20 4201057 35 V TANT
lCJ 4130142 220 nF 5% 100 V IC21 4200108 41'7F 25 V TANT
1C4 4010060 22 nF -20 +100% 40V 1C22 4200108 25 VTANT
lCS 4200322 4J,l7F 63 V 1C23 4200171 lOOpF 3VTANT
1C6 4010060 22 nF -20 +100% 40V 1C24 4010060 22 nF -2 +100% 40 V
1C7 413007S 47 nF 20%250 V 1C25 401102.'i 3n310%100V
1C8 420105S 0,47,uF 35 V TANT 1C27 4011025 3n3 10% JOO V
1C9 4130103 100 nF 20%250 V
JC18 4 l300S2 220 nF 20% 250 V
ICIO 4130106 330 nF 20%100 V IC29 401!015 3n3F 10<Jt, 100 V
lCll 4200016 20pF 25 V 1C30 4130082 220 nF 20%250 V
1Cl2 4201069 35- V TANT 1C31 4011025 3n3F JO% 100 V
1Cl3 4130103 100 nF 20% 250 V 1C32 4201069 2p2F 35 V TANT
1C14 4130103 l 00 nF 20% 250 V lC33 4201057 lJ.!F 35 V TANT
!CIS 4130082 220 nF 20% 250 V IC34 4130103 100 nF 20% 250 V
1Cl6 4200169 O,lJ.!F 35 V TANT
1C35 <1011025 .3n3F 10% 100 V
1C17 4011025 3n3F 10% 100 v 1C36 4200108 35 VTANT
lClS 4201057 lJLF 35 V
lRLl 7600007
8DDS013 PC 3 JRI 5010059 10 kohm5 5% 1/B W
8DDSDI7 PC 4 4Rl 5010059 10 kohms. 5% 1/8 W 4RZ 5010059 10 kohms 5% 1/8 W
4C! 4010041 1 nF -20 +100% 40 V 4C2 4010041 I nF -20 +l00%40V
8005014/8005022 PC8
&Rl so 10049 too \:.at\ms. 5% L /8 w san S<H0049 \00 kchrns. S% \1%
BR2 5370049 1 Mohm 20% 0,1 W 8Rl3 5010075 33 lr:ohms 5% 1/B W
LIN 8Rl4 5010079 22 kohms 5% 1/8 W
&RJ 5010040 l kollm 5% 1/8 W 8RlS 5010117 330 kohms 5%1/8 W
BR4 5010049 100 kohms S% I/8 W 8R16 5010049 100 kohms 5% i/8 W
BRS 5010079 22 kohms 5% 1/8 W 8RI7 5010049 100 kohms 5% 1/8 W
BR6 5010054 l Mohma 5% 1/8 W 8Rl8 5010048 410 ohms 5% 1/8 W
8R7 5010045 47 kohms 5% 1/8 W 8R19 50l0059 10 kohms 5% 1/8 W
&RB 50 I 0054 I Mohms 5% 1}8 W 8R10 5010049 100 kohm5 5%1/8 W
... Sfi10DlH 270 5$ 1}8 W 8R21 5010049 100 .5% l)SW
BRIO 5010049 100 kohms S% 1/8 W 8R22 5010049 JDDkohmsS%1/SW
8Rll 5010060 39 kohms 5% l/8 W
SCI 4200098 10 V 8C9 4130150 100 nF 20% 100 V
8C2 4130078 47 nF 20%250 V 8CIO 4010060 21 nF -20 +WD%
&C3 4130078 47 nF 20%250 v 40V
8C4 4011025 ln3F 10% tOOV 8Cll 4200100
BCS 4911025 lnl'F 10% 11}0 V 8Cl2 4Dll02S 3n)F l 0% 100 V
8C6 4200169 35 VTANT
8C7 4130ll4 470 nF ID% 100 V
&CB 4010060 22 nF- 20 +tOO% 8CI3 4200169 O,l}LF 35 TANT
40V 8CI4 4201069 2J<2 35 V TANT
8RL1 7600007
" .,.. - ----- "
<t=--------= ::
34 3'5
" "
1 3164184 Dust cover complete
2560039 Decorative list
2 2726084 Turntable
3 2732018 Driving belt
4 2726089 Turntable
5 3458154 Topplate
Plastic foil <'transport)
6 3912037 Felt washer
1 2013002 Screw 2.9 x -6.5 DIN 7982
8 2803007 Guide washer
9 3412051 Cabinet, teak
3412053 Cabinet, rosewood
3412054 Cabinet, oak
3412055 Cabinet, white
10 8005014 PC unit 4002
8005022 PC unit 4004
11 3152159 Holder
" "
34 3010007 Stop
35 3164190 Lid
2560039 Decorative list
36 2038055 Screw AM 3 x 6 DIN 963,
12 3458114 Topplate
3946018 Plastic foil
13 3164142 Cover
3917022 Foam {transi
14 2013088 Screw 2.9 x j
15 2816085 Spring
16 3014023 Guiding plate
17 2380093 Nut, nylon
18 2015903 Screw 3.5 x 9.51
19 2816083 Spring
20 2 9 9 ~ 1 2 Nut
21 3452268 Back piece
22 2810066 Spring
23 2013206 Screw2.9x 16DfN
24 7530008 Solder tag
25 3152135 Lead holder
26 2042216 Screw 4 x l6 DIN 84
37 2830014 Bearing 11eedle
38 3030023 Hinge, left
3030022 Hinge, right
39 3015030 Guiding piece
40 3452145 Back piece
41 2819062 Spting
" ..
' '
' '
' ' ""' "' ______
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'" -- ' .
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: ..
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! ' ' .
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50 3458121 TOP plate
51 3199046 0141
51 JJ64J79 ('OW<!(
53 5300090 t'<Jitntiameter
l\ {1-"""i\i. <u1
55 72200>7 b pol. with11111
7500076 [e>IHact pin
56 2395034 Sptre
51 8055020 Chassis-4002
8055012 4004
58 Hao.Hirt10 pol. withoul
1s- }tOUilt>t 9 witlmul
60 3358116 sink
61 3199047 End piece
62 3180621
63 5300091 t'<Jl(llto<lmeter
ii4 82300, l L1mp 1-t.V 40 rnA
bS '-H0}1t> })'('
&6 330004'
67 2819096 Spnl'lfl:
68 3151129 HoJdtr
69 1072701 Threaded DIN MJ x 4
DIN 438
70 3152068 H<JidU
71 7500061 C<Joi.J.d pin
n 8005018 oc boud -1002
P(' [)Mid 4004
1] 7500075 !'Hing
74 7500050 (>nliod bridge
15 2816111 Lodmg spring
78 6275391 Movable wire bundle
79 7220036 Housing 11 pol.
80 7220056 Housing 9 pol.
7500076 Housing
81 2905045 Bearing
82 2830049 Shaft
83 2380096 Nut
84 2038216 Screw 3 x 10 DIN 84
85 2015903 Screw 3.5 x 952
86 3014021 Guide.
87 2624038 Washer
88 .2641076 Clamp
89 2381008 Wing nut
90 2993024 Threaded pin
91 2624027 Spring washer
92 2390020 Spire, nylon
93 2013202 Screw 2.9 x 9.5 DIN 7981
94 2510030 Cl<lmp
95 4200335 El. capacitor
7500076 Housing
96 2036201 Screw 2.6 x 3 DIN 84
97 2013202 Screw 9.5 x 2.9 DIN 7981
98 2365114 Bushing
99 2938132 Rubber bushing
100 3151156 Holder for motor
101 8400078 Motor
2722019 Belt washer
102 7220037 Housing 3 pol.
7500076 Housing
103 2938099 Rubber bushing
104 2381007 Wing nut
105 2938118 Bearing
106 2013012 Screw 2.9 x l3 DIN 7982-
107 2013202 Screw 2.9 x 9.5 DIN 7981
108 2514032 Clamp
109 iol3002 Screw 2.9 x 6.5 DIN 7982
1103013017 Guidcrail
lll 2038247 Screw 3 X 6 DIN 84
112 3164109 Cover
113 6600000 Fuse 250 mAT 250 V
3180607 Label for fuse
114 3131118 Housillgforfuse
115 6600000 Fuse 250 mA-T"250 V
116 7400062 Mains voltage switch
117 3131050 Housing for mains voltage
118 2013202 Sctew2.9x9.5DIN7981
119 8013187 Transformer
120 2641062 Clamp, upper part
2641061 Clamp,bottom part
121 2905056 Bearing for spindle
122 2905055 Bearing for spindle
123 2722014 Belt washer
2072920 Threaded pin M2 x 6
DIN 551
2380068 Square nut M2
124 2732032 SeJVo belt 11
125 2380108 Special nut
126 2816081 Leaf spring
127 2038208 Screw 3 x 5 DIN 84
128 2038208 Screw 3 x 5 DIN 84
129 2530253 Bracket
130 3955022 Strop
131 2038235 Screw AM 3 x 25 DIN 84
132 3131084 Housing for motor
133 8400080 Motor
3333080 Damping for motor (foam)
3912042 Felt washer
134 3131084 Housing for motor
135 2038216 Screw AM 3 x 10 DIN 84
136 2644003 Clamp
137 2830045 Shaft
138 3114105 Chassis
139 2012705 Threaded pin M3 x 4
140 2938077 Rubber bushing
141 3103067 Foot
9-10 Bang&Oiufsen
/- ..
Lf I I If(
' .,
" ':
: ;, /----------------- "'
:; r;:::================= '" ., ,, !:! 216
' "
----------------- ,,,
------------------- '"
174 2038952 Screw 3 x 4 DIN 963
175 2038206 Screw 3 x 4 DIN 84
176 2038247 Screw AM 3 x 6 mm DIN84
177 2072918 Threaded pin M3 x 15 mm
178 3151086 Holder
179 2038247 Screw AM 3 x 6 mm DIN84
2625002 Tooth-Jock washer
7530008 Solder tag
180 3152076 Holder
181 2032208 Screw AM 3 x 5 mm DIN84
182 3391407 Transit protection
183 2034236 Screw AM 2 X 3 mm DIN84
184 3152145 Holder for cover
3947421 Tape
2645025 Plate
185 3937808 Slave arm
186 2390004 Circlip UG 3 x 0.6
187 3152179 Holder for pickup arm
188 2810083 Spring
189 8760002 Foto cell
190 1853015 Mm
191 8230055 Lamp 6V
192 3375026 Optics
193 2853045 Mm
194 2810087 Spring
195 6810006 Magnet coil
196 2850047 Press bar
197 2038948
198 2852035 lever
199 2034236 AM 2 x 3 mm DIN84
200 2850077 Pickup arm
201 2038216 Screw AM 3 x 10 mm
DIN 84
202 2641075 Clamp
203 2071911 Adjustment screw
104 8954410 Pkkup MMC -4000
3624008 for pickup
205 3302230. for pickup
206 2038948 Screw
207 2624021 Washer
208 2038208 Screw AM '3 x 5 DIN 84
209 7530023 Solder tag
210 2389-031 B.:aringnut
211 2038208 Screw AM 3 x 5 DIN 84
212 3152074 Holder
213 2993028 Spindle
214 3199049 Dial
115 3151139 Holder for dial
216 28161-16 Spring
217 2034220 Screw AM 2 x 12 DIN 84
218 2034211 Screw AM 2 x 6 DIN 84
219 2819061 Spring
220 285l083 Lifting arm complele
2812065 Spring
2034219 ScrewAM2xlODIN84
221 2812041 Spring
222 2390004 Circlip
223 2894029 Annature
224 2802023 Washer
225 2038233 Screw AM 3 x 20 DIN 84
226 2072701 Threaded pin M3 x 4 rom
217 2034231 Screw AM 2 x 4 DIN 84
228 2854023 Ann
229 2390001 Circlip
230 3342030 Counterweight
231 3152162 Holder for counterweight
232 2390046 Circlip
233 2070400 Threaded pin M2 x 3 mm
234 3150032 Bearing holder
2900003 Ban bearing
2622168 Washer, brass
2812036 Spring
2390047 Circlip
235 2548109 Bucket
236 2700008 Adjustment bushing
237 2834041 Shaft collected
238 2831"025 Shaft
239 2365085 Valve
240 2390046 Circlip
241 2038206 Screw AM 3 x 4 DIN 84
242 3131123 Damper cylinder
243 2038.222 Screw AM 3 x 14 DIN 84
244 25 30350 Bracket
245 3164196 Housing with lamp
246 2854059 Diaghragmarm
247 2013203 Screw 2.84 x 12.7 ART
248 3131052 Housing for foto resistor
5210004 Foto resistor
249 3151085 Holder
250 2038946 Screw
251 2794029 Roller
252 2622041- Washer
253 2.038208 Screw AM 3 x 5 DIN 84
254 27911'003 Exentrik
255 3114068 Chassis, slide
256 2624028 Thrust washer
257 2390046 Cirdip
258 2510086 Bracket
159 6140417 PC'-board
260 2038106 Screw AM 3 x 4 DIN 84
8005022 IMEC.I
1 2938093 Bushing, s\lpporl tube
1 7210091 Socket 9 pol.
(} / 1 n H>l Sr.Lht'
Sr.chtiJ p11J
liST Hlfi"C:eOAfiC 8CJQS011
-..c 1
) J2IOIOr. Sr.cket 11 p1>L
4 3558109 Jieat sink for transistor
2622248 Mica sheet (Qr transistor
1172074 ltuu!ating buihing for
\ 1\1.00<,\
751)[}1)71) ['onlltct PIJJ
? )131099 Houung
3 8300229 Ll&ht diade
4 74001!5 Micorswitch
3 7210026 Socket 6 pol
4 1938092 Suiliing for wpport tub<;
' L.- ']
' '
s fo1
6 Sotht4pD)
7 nlOIOJ Sotket 3 pol
8 7210103 socket 3 pol.
9 7210097 10 pot
10 for lta,)ill<lf
' ' .
. . '
' '
: ... :
.!.- -
6 28161)0 h,ftj)llh!':
7 )454170 BoiiDm piece
3947518 Tapt
8 8340084 Transistor
9 3103077 Fod
Corrections to parts Jist in service
6270193 PU l.ead mounted
6270199 PU lead with socket/remote
7220163 Plug 7 pol.
6100012 Mairu lead
6270194 Chassis cable
6273771 Lead set
manual for Beog.ram 4002, lype 5513 Pos.
40 Obsolete
51 8055020 Chmis, Komplet 4002
87 2624038 Spring washer
104 2624038 Spring1vashcr
140 Obsolete
141 Obsolete
142 Ob5olete
143 Obsolete
144 Obsolete
147 Obsolete
148 Obsolete
150 Obsolote
2530350 Bracket for housing 244
3535060 Instruclion diagram
339l3S4 Olit.:rc..utoo
339l385 Top/bollom iruerl
3397157 Lid imert
3397158 Packing, left
3397159 Pocking, right
Remote control
First PHONO is deflressed
Second time PHONO is depressed
Third time PHONO is depressed
Change to another program during
playing of record
Some functions in the BeGgram 4004 can be performed by means of the Bee-
master 2400 remote control unit.
The table below shows which functions are activated when the remote control
unit is operated.
Record player starts, slide travels in and pick-up ann lowers if there is a record on
the turntable.
Pick-up ann rises (pause begins).
ann lowers (paus_e ends).
Pick-up arm rises and slide returns.
Change to another program during Slide does not return, and pick-up-arm lowers ifPHONO .button is again ope-
pause (pick-up arm in lifted position) rated.
Depressing STAND BY on both remote Slide will return regardless of function being performed by record player.
control unit and radio set
The electrical circuits which process the remote control infonnation in the Bee-
gram 4004 consist, in principle, of three blocks: a start function, a rise/lower
function, and a stop-function. The circuits receive two bits of information from
the Beomaster 2400 through two extra pins in the DIN-connector.
When the PHONO button is operated, pin 2 ofP9 receives 13 volts and pin 4
ofP9 receives approx. 6.5 volts. The emitter of 8TRS receives 13 volts and the
cathode of 8D6 receives 6.5 volts, 8TR5 is forward biased.
The collector of 8TR5 goes high' and 8TR6 is forward biased throug 8R17,
8D7 and 8Cll. 8TR7 is forward biased through 8R19, 8TR6 and 8C1I until
8Cll is fully charged. The collector of 8TR7 goes high, and this high level is
fed tO the START wire in the power supply section. The power supply turns
on, slide transport starts, and the emitter of 8TR6 receives 21 volts througt
8Rl6; thereby locking the circuit until the slide has returned and the SO con-
tact has been operated. When the PHONO button is released, the voltage at the
cathode of 8D6 leaps back to 135 volts whilst the 13-volt potential at the
emitter of 8TR5 is maintained.
" '
'"' 1],5'/"\..J\..f\..r
" 6,5V
When the PHONO button is agam operated, the voltage at the: cathode a( go6
again leaps to approx. 6.5 volts. 8TRS is forward biased, the collector goes
high, 81C2 is forward biased and the collector of BIC2 isshcrt-circuited to
There is a connection from the ccUrctor of 8lC2 to
twj1ch m 1he 4D[)t1 that U1r pielo:>Up 1nrn rises -and thereaflel
(fie PHOtWJ Ourron i'i ;rga< The .1node' af 81>!) connec-
ted M rhe Sl"ART se{;tiort af the electronic :rwJU.tL and Hu:refote hcg.h durint:
inward tran:;port. This cl.luies 8D9 ro be. forw.ard biased. 8TR8 will then
likewise be forward biased, and the base of 8IC2 short-circuited to chassJ.s
potentiaL Manual pick-up ann rise/lowering cannot be perfomted
durine. Inward slide transp011. T)le anode of 8DIO it c:onnected 1D the
STUJ> !..ion of the electrC>nlt: th11l man'tHil me/lowering canno1 De
d4Jril18 1JOl.y>l>r1 .tJJJ)tJ .
. "'
'" "'
" I!
" M
" M
l.. ... l.. l.. ..
J>10 /Q
J: r<<<mi u Oewg 8U<I H 'he w}}u!DJ .is }ow and
8TRJ biased. of th.e voltage dwtdt:r 8R4 SRS, .:h::uged
to 6 volts. When a .:11a.nge to another pragram is made on the rt:rnote
control unit, the .IJ.volt potential at pin 4 ofP9 disappears, 8C3 wi11 discharge
through 8R5 and SR7 ,causing 8TR1 to be biased.
The coUector of BTR1 h1gh and 8TR3 ls. forward biased. The colle4:1or of
8TR3 is ronnecled to the STOP contact through pm 8 ofPl 0, and with
bl/he tl>))ttlm 1>l 8TR3 \he ;r.nn w1ll ;r.J)d JehHn. The bne
<J( 8TR2 I$ ..:on nee ted !<l th.t me/lower sec!Lon a( the elcdronic [email protected]
pin 9 of PIO so that when he i!lckup arm is in hfled position, 8TR1 for
ward b1ased, and the base o( 8TR3 is sltort..circuned to chassis potential. Hence,
8TR3 cannot be forward biased when the pickup arm is in its lifted position, and
the slide therefore will not Jelurn if a d.,mge is made to another functic>n on the
reml)1e wntrol unit.
In nDrmiJJ Dptralion, + l3 voJIS fJI>flllhc 2400 applied 10 lhe r
thude of (w the PHCNQ m<JJ<: !fH(Jugfl W6 rand ,n <ldier pr<lgt.tm tn<Jdes
thwugh 2060). 8TR4 j:;. revem tJiased wilh apprax.. 5 volts at the emittet and.
8C2 IS fully charged. When the STAND BY button on the remote control unit
or the radio set is operated, the+ 13volt potential from the radio set goes to
0 and BTR4 idorward hiased. The emitter of 8TR4 goes low, and 8C7
9-16 Bang&Oiufsen
will di$Charge such tha( a neg.atiYc: volLage appears at the cathode of 804. 804
and 805 receive forward bias, and the STOP section of the t:lecttonic sWitch is
activated, the pick-up arm rises, and the slide returns.