This document contains a labor payroll and job order accomplishment report from the Provincial Government of Albay. The labor payroll lists the names of workers, dates worked, rates, deductions, and amounts paid. The job order accomplishment report is for a PAS soils laboratory project and lists the names, roles, and accomplishments of workers on the project. Supervisors certified that the payroll accurately reflects services rendered and that workers were paid the correct amounts.
This document contains a labor payroll and job order accomplishment report from the Provincial Government of Albay. The labor payroll lists the names of workers, dates worked, rates, deductions, and amounts paid. The job order accomplishment report is for a PAS soils laboratory project and lists the names, roles, and accomplishments of workers on the project. Supervisors certified that the payroll accurately reflects services rendered and that workers were paid the correct amounts.
This document contains a labor payroll and job order accomplishment report from the Provincial Government of Albay. The labor payroll lists the names of workers, dates worked, rates, deductions, and amounts paid. The job order accomplishment report is for a PAS soils laboratory project and lists the names, roles, and accomplishments of workers on the project. Supervisors certified that the payroll accurately reflects services rendered and that workers were paid the correct amounts.
This document contains a labor payroll and job order accomplishment report from the Provincial Government of Albay. The labor payroll lists the names of workers, dates worked, rates, deductions, and amounts paid. The job order accomplishment report is for a PAS soils laboratory project and lists the names, roles, and accomplishments of workers on the project. Supervisors certified that the payroll accurately reflects services rendered and that workers were paid the correct amounts.
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Provincial Government of Albay
Albay Capitol, Albay District, Legazpi City
LABOR PAYROLL For the period______________________________ _____________PAS-Soils Laboratory_________________ (STATE PROJECT ON WHICH LABOR WAS PERFORMED) Deducti ons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL AMOUNT I N WORDS Roni e E. Toni za TI ME ROLL Legend: / Hal f-day X Whol e day No. Name Chona B. Rosi n (Mark ti me under proper date usi ng fracti on on whi ch necessary). Amount Pai d Si gnature Document No. of Days Worked Rate per Day Total HDMF Premi um Amount Due No.
CERTIFIED: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT CERTIFIED: Each person whose name appears on this rolls Each person whose name appears on the above roll has been paid has rendered services for the period stated. the amount stated opposite his/her name after identifying him/her.
_____________Joame A. Olavario________________ ________________________________________________ Name & Signature of Supervisor Name & Signature of Disbursing Officer
JOB ORDER ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Period Covered:_________________________________________
Submitted hereunder is our Accomplishment Report for the above stated period and project. By affixing our signatures herein, we hereby certify to its truthfulness and correctness.
Name Designation Accomplishment/Activities Signature Chona B. Rosin Ronie E. Toniza
____________________________________ Name & Signature of Supervisor