University of Exeter Coursework Header Sheet
University of Exeter Coursework Header Sheet
University of Exeter Coursework Header Sheet 1/1
First mark
Agreed mark
University of Exeter coursework header sheet
BEM3018 Event Management (A, TERM2 2012/3)
Coursework: Individual Event Critique (2250 words)
Submission Deadline: Mon 25th Feb 2013
Module Convenor:
word count:
By submit t ing coursework you declare t hat you underst and and consent t o t he Universit y policies regarding plagiarism and mit igat ion (t hese can be seen online at
www.exet, and www.exet igat ion respect ively), and t hat you have read your school's rules for submission of writ t en coursework, for
example rules on maximum and minimum number of words. Indicat ive/first marks are provisional only.
Criteria Grade
The criteria and hence the grades given below are not necessarily equally weighted contributions to the final mark; the grades
are only for the guidance of the student
Structure A B+ B- C D F
Use of recommended and other material A B+ B- C D F
Argument and logical analysis A B+ B- C D F
Originality A B+ B- C D F
Conclusion A B+ B- C D F
Style and presentation A B+ B- C D F
Comments and recommendations for improvement:
(continue on separate sheet if necessary)
First marker's signature:
Second marker comments:
Second marker's signature:
All marks for summative assignments are provisional until confirmed by the Board of Examiners
The grades accord with the University's undergraduate taught programmes marking criteria as follows:
A = 70% and above first class C = 40-49% third class
B+ = 60-69% upper second class D = 40% bare pass
B- = 50-59% lower second class F = below 39% fail