Sunderland - LM A2 Presentation LO3 LO4
Sunderland - LM A2 Presentation LO3 LO4
Sunderland - LM A2 Presentation LO3 LO4
Student Name/ID
Unit Tutor Dr. Pham Thu Trang; Dr. Vic Lee Chee Ngauk; Dr. Andrea Dezi
Submission Format
Submission is in the form of a 10-minute group presentation and individually devised
motivational strategy. The group presentation should be submitted as one document, including
individual speaker notes and an individual reflective statement (500 words) from each member of
the group that reflects on their contribution and performance. The combined presentation should
be no more than 12 slides of content (not including the front cover, bibliography, etc). You are
required to make effective use of PowerPoint headings, bullet points, and subsections as
appropriate. Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system (or an
alternative system). You will need to provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system
(or an alternative system). Inaccurate use of referencing may lead to issues of plagiarism if not
applied correctly.
The recommended limit for the presentation is 12 slides plus speaker notes, and the strategy is
1,500–2,000 words, although you will not be penalized for going under exceeding the total word
● Communication and listening, including the ability to produce clear, structured business
communications in a variety of media.
● The ability to work collaboratively.
● Digital skills using different software applications to visually present information and
data concisely.
● Creative thinking for presenting information.
● Creativity, innovation, and enterprise when seeking solutions to business needs.
● The ability to undertake critical analysis and evaluation to support decision making.
Vocational scenario
Following on from your research on leadership and management in action, in your role as Trainee
Executive Search Consultant you have been requested to take part in a presentation to a potential
client with other trainees (select an appropriate organisation as your client) to produce a
comprehensive motivational strategy for their business.
A motivational strategy is a plan that considers a range of financial and non-financial incentives,
for both successful performance and to support unsuccessful performance.
Business activities
As part of a small group, you will present your research to the potential client as one group
The presentation and speaker notes should address the following areas.
5. The strategy considers both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation alongside social, cultural, and
organisational variables. The strategy should be supported with appropriate literature.
6. It should be clear how the strategy supports the achievement of organisational objectives.
7. In the strategy, ensure that the link between the strategy and enhanced organisational
performance is evident in relation to the chosen business.
Recommended Resources
Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting
point in your research – the list is not definitive.
MindTools. Motivation, Energizing Your People to Achieve Good Things. Available at:
Motivation theories: Available at:
Businessballs. Improving Workplace performance: Business Case. Available at:
HN Global
HN Global (2021) Reading Lists. Available at:
HN Global (2021) Student Resource Library. Available at: https://hnglobal.highernationals.
HN Global (2021) Textbooks. Available at:
Journal Article:
Patrick MacDonald, Stephanie Kelly, Scott Christen, A Path Model of Workplace Solidarity,
Satisfaction, Burnout, and Motivation. First Published April 13, 2014 Research Article https://
Lara Manganelli, Anaïs Thibault-Landry, Jacques Forest, Self-Determination Theory Can Help You
Generate Performance and Well-Being in the Workplace: A Review of the Literature First Published
March 13, 2018 Research Article
Adair, J. (2019). Develop Your Leadership Skills: Fast, Effective Ways to Become a Leader People
Want to Follow. Kogan Page
Robins, S P and Coulter, M A (2021) Management. 15th Ed. Pearson.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO3 Develop a motivational strategy to optimize organizational
performance LO3
P5 Produce a motivational M4 Produce a detailed D2 Produce a
strategy for an organization motivational strategy for an comprehensive
that supports the optimal organization that addresses motivational strategy
achievement of organizational intrinsic and extrinsic that effectively addresses
objectives. motivation. all variables of
motivation to enhance
LO4 Apply leadership and management approaches to managing D3 Make
performance to ensure continuous improvement. recommendations to
P6 Apply to a range of business M5 Assess how leadership and improve performance
situations, appropriate management approaches for management that will
leadership, and management managing performance ensure continuous
approaches for managing support continuous improvement.
performance and continuous improvement.