Atestat Engleza New York

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[Tastai text]

. HISTORY OF NEW YORK CITY............................3
. Portrat................................................................3
*Description of The Big Apple...........................................................................3
*Social Life........................................................................................................ 5
II. A NEW YORK STATE OF !IND...................."
. C#$t#ra$ L%&........................................................"
*#uisine............................................................................................................ $
*Accent............................................................................................................. $
*Sports.............................................................................................................. %
*#it& Sights....................................................................................................... %
. E't&rta'(&'t...................................................13
*!usic an" 'ilm..............................................................................................(3
*)*# )ightlife................................................................................................. (3
BIBLIOGRAPHY * RESOURCES....................1+
A cit& of superlati+es an" min", contrasts/ the 0#it& That )e+er
Sleeps1/ )*# or the 0Big Apple1 are 2ust some of the numerous .a&s )e. *or3
can -e calle". The most exciting cit& in the .hole territor& of the 4nite"
States/ its uno5cial capital of culture an" -usiness an" the nation1s
tren"setter/ .ill represent the su-2ect of m& certi6cation paper.
7ne of the main reasons 8 chose this topic is the fact that 8 6n" )e. *or3 #it&
the most ama9ing place 8 ha+e e+er +isite". 8t enchante" me from the
moment 8 lan"e" on :'; airport. The fresh faces of the people/ the
extra+agant culture an" also the language instantl& gre. on me an" ma"e
me thin3 that this American cit& represents a .hole ne. .orl" of "reams an"
8 instantl& -oun" to this colorful an" +i+i" cit&/ -eing stunne" not onl& -& the
open,min"e"ness of the people/ -ut also the refreshing air of re-elliousness
an" free"om. 8t struc3 me as a cit& of choice an" luxur&/ -ut extremel&
permissi+e at the same time/ since all &ou nee" is a spar3le of courage an"
sharpness in or"er to -uil" a -rilliant future.
I. T.& Stor/ U',&r t.& B0 A11$&
. H3tor/ o% N&4 Yor2 Ct/
The .3tor/ o% N&4 Yor2 Ct/ -egins .ith the
=appinger/ a Lenape people/ .ho .ere
Algon>uian spea3ing )ati+e Americans that
inha-ite" !anhattan prior to the arri+al of
explorer ?io+anni "a @erra99ano in (5<A. The
foun"ing as B)e. Amster"amB -& the Dutch in
(C<A an" the perio" of Dnglish rule an" its
renaming as B)e. *or3 #it&B in (CCA follo.e".
The cit& .as the location for multiple -attles of
the American Ee+olutionar& =ar/ an" ser+e"
as the capital of the 4nite" States until (%F.
!o"ern )e. *or3 cit& traces its "e+elopment to
the consoli"ation of the 6+e -oroughs in ($%$
an" an economic an" -uil"ing -oom
the ?reat Depression an" =orl" =ar 88.
Throughout its histor&/ )e. *or3 #it& has ser+e"
as a main port of entr& for man& immigrants/
an" its cultural an" economic inGuences ha+e
ma"e it one of the most important ur-an areas
in the 4nite" States/ an" the .orl".
. Portrat
D&3-r1to' o% T.& B0 A11$&
N&4 Yor2 is the most populous cit& in the 4nite" States/ an" the center of
the )e. *or3 metropolitan area/ .hich is one of the most populous
metropolitan areas in the .orl". A lea"ing glo-al cit&/ )e. *or3 exerts a
po.erful inGuence o+er glo-al commerce/ 6nance/ me"ia/ culture/ art/
fashion/ research/ e"ucation/ an" entertainment. As host of the 4nite"
)ations Hea">uarters/ it is also an important center for international aIairs.
The cit& is often referre" to as N&4 Yor2 Ct/ or the Ct/ o% N&4 Yor2 to
"istinguish it from the state of )e. *or3/ of .hich it is a part.
!an& "istricts an" lan"mar3s in the cit& ha+e -ecome .ell 3no.n to
outsi"ers. The Statue of Li-ert& greete" millions of immigrants as the& came
to America in the late (%th an" earl& <Fth centuries. Times S>uare/ iconi6e"
as BThe #rossroa"s of the =orl"B/ is the -rightl& illuminate" hu- of the
Broa".a& theater "istrict/ one of the .orl"Js -usiest pe"estrian intersections/
an" a ma2or center of the
.orl"Js entertainment
in"ustr&. =all Street/ in
!anhattan/ has -een a
premier glo-al 6nancial center
since =orl" =ar 88 an" is home
to the )e. *or3 Stoc3
Dxchange/ the .orl"Js largest
stoc3 exchange -& mar3et
capitali9ation of its liste"
)e. *or3 #it& consists of 6+e
-oroughs Keach one is/ in fact/
a 0-ig cit&1 in itselfL .ith their
o.n uni>ue culture an"
!a'.atta' , 8t is
locate" -et.een the
Hu"son an" Dast Ei+ers.
8t is the most famous
islan"/ .ith maximum
interest for the tourists
an" uni>ue
Broo2$/' , 8t is locate"
across the Dast Ei+er at
south east of !anhattan.
5#&&'3 , 8t is a 4,shape" count& locate" to east of !anhattan/ across
the Dast Ei+er an" north/ east an" south of Broo3l&n. 8t consists of t.o
international airports/ the )e. *or3 !ets professional -ase-all team/
the 4nite" States 7pen Tennis #enter/ the famous 'lushing !ea"o.s M
#orona Nar3/ site of t.o =orl"1s 'airs/ the countr&1s secon" largest
#hinato.n an" much more.
T.& Bro'6 , 8t is locate" to the )orth of !anhattan 8slan". This part of
)* is .ell connecte" to the 4.S. continent.
Stat&' I3$a', , 8t is locate" .ithin )e. *or3 har-or/ across the narro.
;ill @an ;ull from )e. :erse&. 8t is situate" at the south of !anhattan.
#limate in )e. *or3 is of humi" su-tropical t&pe that +aries from season to
season. Spring an" autumn seasons +ar& from sno.& to hot an" humi" an"
can also -e col"/ cool or rain&. Summer season in )e. *or3 is .arm an"
humi". Hurricanes an" tropical storms are prett& rare/ -ut there is a slight
possi-ilit& for them to stri3e.
So-a$ L%&
)e. *or3 #it& ta3es pri"e in its population of no less than $/3 million
inha-itants. #onse>uentl&/ it is o5ciall& the most populous cit& in the 4nite"
States. The cit&1s ethnic Ga+or has -een nuance" -& "eca"es of
immigrations. As a result/ no.a"a&s/ onl& CFO of the citi9ens are nati+e
Americans. The rest -elong to a .i"e list of nations from all o+er the .orl"P
Hispanics/ Asians/ 8talians/ 8rish/ ?erman/ Eussian/ Nolish etc.
The list contains some famous people -orn in )e. *or3 #it&P
MICHAEL JORDAN Former basketball player
MILLARD FILMORE Former US president
VINCE LOMBARDI American football coach
TUPAC SHAKUR Former rapper
AALIYAH Singer, actress, model
MEL GIBSON Actor, director
)e. *or3 -ecame the ((th state on :ul& <Cth/ ($$ an" .as originall&
calle" )e. Amster"am. Before the 6nal name change/ it .as +ariousl&
3no.n as )ot )e. :erse&/ =ha""&aloo3inat/ an" Hoo3erlan".
)e. *or3 #it&Js most famous lan"mar3/ the Statue of Li-ert&/ is
constructe" out of copper an" e+entuall& turne" green "ue to pollution
from coal -urning factories. 8f &ou scrape" oI the corrosion/ &ouJ" 6n"
that the statue .as actuall& pin3.
The state tree of )e. *or3 is the -ill-oar"
)e. *or3 #it& has << miles of su-.a& trac3. !ost of it hea+il& staine"
.ith .ino +omit.
B=i9ar" of 79B author L. 'ran3 Baum .as -orn in #hittenago/ )e. *or3.
His famous tale .as loosel& -ase" on the li+es of Al an" Tipper ?ore/
as most great American stories are.
During the .ar of ($(</ meatpac3er Sam =ilson of Tro&/ )e. *or3/
stampe" B4.S. BeefB on the pro"ucts he sent to the troops. This .as
popularl& interprete" as , an" -egan the legen" of , 4ncle Sam.
Actor Humphre& Bogart .as -orn in )e. *or3 #it& in ($%%. Little 3no.n
fact , in the mo+ie B#asa-lancaB/ he ne+er sai" BNla& it again/ Sam.B
=hat he actuall& sai" .as BA7L sen"s spamB/ one of the most
prescient lines in cinematic histor&.
#amera in+entor ?eorge Dastman .as -orn in =ater+ille/ )* in ($5A.
His "e+ice .as secon" onl& to the creation of the internet in
re+olutioni9ing the pornograph& in"ustr&.
)e. *or3 .as the 6rst state to re>uire license plates on automo-iles/
.hich feature" the motto/ B?et out of m& .a&/ 2ac3assQB
)e. *or3 #it& is .orl",famous for its cultural "i+ersit&. =hile .al3ing
e+en a single -loc3/ a tourist can expect to -e curse" at in o+er AF
"iIerent languages.
II. A N&4 Yor2 Stat& o% !',
. C#$t#ra$ L%&
B#ulture 2ust seems to -e in the air/ li3e part of the .eatherB/ the .riter Tom
=olfe has sai" of )e. *or3 #it&.
)umerous ma2or American cultural mo+ements -egan in the cit&/ such as the
Harlem Eenaissance/ .hich esta-lishe" the African,American literar& canon
in the 4nite" States.
The cit& .as a center of 2a99 in the (%AFs/ a-stract expressionism in the
(%5Fs an" the -irthplace of hip hop in the (%Fs. The cit&Js pun3 an"
har"core scenes .ere inGuential in the (%Fs an" (%$Fs/ an" the cit& has
long ha" a Gourishing scene for :e.ish American literature.
Nrominent in"ie roc3 -an"s coming out of )e. *or3 in recent &ears inclu"e
The Stro3es/ 8nterpol/ The Bra+er&/ Scissor Sisters/ an" The& !ight Be ?iants.
Tourism is +ital to )e. *or3 #it&/ .ith a-out A million foreign an" American
tourists +isiting each &ear. !a2or "estinations inclu"e the Dmpire State
Buil"ingR Dllis 8slan"R Broa".a& theater pro"uctionsR museums such as the
!etropolitan !useum of ArtR greenspaces such as #entral Nar3 an"
=ashington S>uare Nar3R Eoc3efeller #enterR Times S>uareR the Bronx SooR
the )e. *or3 Botanical ?ar"enR luxur& shopping along 'ifth an" !a"ison
A+enuesR an" e+ents such as the Hallo.een Nara"e in ?reen.ich @illage/ the
!ac&Js Than3sgi+ing Da& Nara"e/ the St. Natric3Js Da& para"e/ the Tri-eca
'ilm 'esti+al/ an" free performances in #entral Nar3 at Summerstage.
A""itionall&/ the Statue of Li-ert& is a lea"ing tourist attraction an" one of
the most recogni9a-le icons of the 4nite" States.

)e. *or3 is a center for the
tele+ision/ a"+ertising/ music/
ne.spaper an" -oo3 pu-lishing
in"ustries an" is also the
largest me"ia mar3et in )orth
America Kfollo.e" -& Los
Angeles/ #hicago/ an" TorontoL.
Some of the cit&Js me"ia
conglomerates inclu"e Time
=arner/ the Thomson Eeuters
#orporation/ the )e.s
#orporation/ the Hearst
#orporation/ an" @iacom. Se+en
of the .orl"Js top eight glo-al
a"+ertising agenc& net.or3s
ha+e their hea">uarters in )e. *or3. The New York Times has .on more
Nulit9er Nri9es for 2ournalism than an& other ne.s pu-lication.
'our Bma2or la-elsB "ominate recor"e" music T
Son& !usic Dntertainment
4ni+ersal !usic ?roup
=arner !usic ?roup an" D!8 T each of .hich consists of man& smaller
companies an" la-els ser+ing "iIerent regions an" mar3ets. Three of
the BBig 'ourB recor" la-els hea">uarters are in the )e. *or3 #it&.
7ne,thir" of all American in"epen"ent 6lms are pro"uce" in )e. *or3.
!ore than <FF ne.spapers an" 35F consumer maga9ines ha+e an o5ce in
the cit&

an" the -oo3,pu-lishing in"ustr& emplo&s a-out <5/FFF people.
T.o of the three national "ail& ne.spapers in the 4nite" States are )e. *or3
The =all Street :ournal
The )e. *or3 Times
)e. *or3Js foo" culture/ inGuence" -& the cit&Js immigrants an" large
num-er of "ining patrons/ is "i+erse.
Dastern Duropean an" 8talian immigrants ha+e ma"e the cit& famous for
-agels/ cheeseca3e/ an" )e. *or3,st&le pi99a. Some A/FFF mo-ile foo"
+en"ors license" -& the cit&/ man& immigrant,"/ ha+e ma"e !i""le
Dastern foo"s such as falafels an" 3e-a-s stan"-&s of mo"ern )e. *or3
street foo"/ although hot "ogs an" pret9els are still the main street fare.
The )e. *or3 #it& area has a "istincti+e regional speech pattern calle" the
)e. *or3 "ialect/ alternati+el& 3no.n as Broo3l&nese or )e. *or3ese. 8t is
generall& consi"ere" one of the most recogni9a-le accents .ithin American
Dnglish. The classic +ersion of this "ialect is centere" on mi""le an" .or3ing
class people of Duropean American "escent/ an" the inGux of non,Duropean
immigrants in recent "eca"es has le" to changes in this "istincti+e "ialect.
The tra"itional )e. *or3 area accent is non,rhotic/ so that the soun" [U] "oes
not appear at the en" of a s&lla-le or imme"iatel& -efore a consonantR hence
the pronunciation of the cit& name as B)e. *a.3.B There is no [U] in .or"s
li3e park [pVW3] K.ith +o.el raise" "ue to the lo.,-ac3 chain shiftL/ butter
[-XYZ]/ or here [hiZ]. 8n another feature calle" the lo. -ac3 chain shift/ the
[V] +o.el soun" of .or"s li3e talk/ law/ cross/ an" cofee an" the often
homophonous [Vr] in core an" more are tense" an" usuall& raise" more than
in ?eneral American.
8n the most ol",fashione" an" extreme +ersions of the )e. *or3 "ialect/ the
+o.el soun"s of .or"s li3e BgirlB an" of .or"s li3e BoilB -ecome a "iphthong
[[\]. This is often mispercei+e" -& spea3ers of other accents as a re+ersal of
the er an" oy soun"s/ so that girl is pronounce" BgoilB an" oil is pronounce"
BerlBR this lea"s to the caricature of )e. *or3ers sa&ing things li3e B:oi9e&B
K:erse&L/ BToi"&,Toi" StreetB K33r" St.L an" BterletB KtoiletL. The character
Archie Bun3er from the (%Fs sitcom All in the Family .as a goo" example of
a spea3er .ho ha" this feature. This speech pattern is no longer pre+alent.
)e. *or3 #it& has teams in the four ma2or
)orth American professional sports leagues.
There ha+e -een fourteen =orl" Series championship series -et.een )e.
*or3 #it& teams/ in matchups calle" Su-.a& Series. )e. *or3 is one of onl&
6+e metro areas K#hicago/ =ashington,Baltimore/ Los Angeles an" the San
'rancisco Ba& Area -eing the othersL to ha+e t.o -ase-all teams. The cit&Js
t.o current !a2or League Base-all teams are the )e. *or3 *an3ees an" the
)e. *or3 !ets/ .ho compete in six games e+er& regular season.
#it& Sights
Tourism is +ital to the cit& of )e. *or3/ .ith
a-out A million foreign an" American tourists
+isiting each &ear this enchanting an"
interesting place. 8t comprises a multitu"e of
attractions/ ranging from art/ music/ "ance/
sightseeing to pu-s/ clu-s an" restaurants .ith
ex>uisite foo". 8t is famous for its .orl" class
concerts/ theaters an" .or3s of art. The ma2or attraction of the cit& is the
Statue of Li-ert&/ .hich has -ecome its icon. 7ther ma2or +isiting points here
in )e. *or3 are Dmpire State Buil"ing an" Dllis 8slan". The legen" sa&s that
.hen British immigrants trie" to escape from Durope an" .ere hea"e" to the
4nite" States/ the 6rst thing the& sa. from the other si"e of the Atlantic
7cean .as the reassuring image of this statue.
TI!ES S5UARE. !,to4' W&3t
S>uare has
un"ou-te"l& e+ol+e" into something
much "iIerent than it use" to -e
&ears ago. 8t stretches from the A<
Street an" it represents the
2unction of Broa".a& an" Se+enth
A+enue. This ama9ing neon spectacle
is not onl& the ma2or area of -usiness an" commerce/ -ut also an
o+ercro."e" place/ ma3ing up the .estern part of the commercial site of
!i"to.n !anhattan. 8t is often calle" 0The #rossroa"s of the =orl"1 or ]The
?reat =hite =a&^ an" "ue to its spectacular an" animate" "igital
a"+ertisements it has -ecome a ma2or s&m-ol of the cit&. 'ormerl& name"
Longacre S>uare/ Times S>uare .as rename" in April (%FA after the New
York Times mo+e" its hea">uarters to the ne.l& -uilt Times Buil"ing/ .hich
is no. calle" 7ne Times S>uare an" is the site of the annual -all "rop on
)e. *ears D+e.
7ne of the most important attractions is the 0!a"ame Tussau"1 =ax !useum
of Times S>uare/ .hich features some surprisingl& realistic .ax 6gures/ from
Sha3ira an" ;ate =inslet to !aril&n !onroe an" Ben2amin.
T.& Stat#& o% L7&rt/
The Stat#& o% L7&rt/ K'renchP Statue de la LibertL/
o5ciall& title" L7&rt/ E'$0.t&''0 t.& Wor$, K'renchP la
Libert clairant le mondeL/ "e"icate" on 7cto-er <$/ ($$C/
is a monument commemorating the centennial of the signing
of the 4nite" States Declaration of 8n"epen"ence/ gi+en to
the 4nite" States -& the people of 'rance to represent the
frien"ship -et.een the t.o countries esta-lishe" "uring the
American Ee+olution. 8t represents a .oman .earing a stola/
a ra"iant cro.n an" san"als/ trampling a -ro3en chain/
carr&ing a torch in her raise" right han" an" a ta-ula ansata/
.here the "ate of the Declaration of 8n"epen"ence JLY !" #$%%L&&"! is
inscri-e"/ in her left arm. Stan"ing on Li-ert& 8slan" in )e. *or3 Har-or/ it
.elcomes +isitors/ immigrants/ an" returning Americans tra+eling -& ship.
The pe"estal .as "esigne" -& architect Eichar" !orris Hunt. Dug_ne @iollet,
le,Duc .as responsi-le for the choice of copper in the statueJs construction/
an" for the a"option of the repouss` techni>ue/ .here a mallea-le metal is
hammere" on the re+erse si"e.
The statue is ma"e of a sheathing of pure copper/ hung on a frame.or3 of
steel Koriginall& pu""le" ironL .ith the exception of the Game of the torch/
.hich is coate" in gol" leaf Koriginall& ma"e of copper an" later altere" to
hol" glass panesL. 8t stan"s atop a rectangular stone.or3 pe"estal .ith a
foun"ation in the shape of an irregular ele+en,pointe" star. The statue is
(5( ft KAC mL tall/ -ut .ith the pe"estal an" foun"ation/ it is 3F5 ft K%3 mL
=orl".i"e/ the Statue of Li-ert& is one of the most recogni9a-le icons of the
4nite" States.
'or man& &ears it .as one of the 6rst glimpses of the 4nite"
States for millions of immigrants an" +isitors after ocean +o&ages from
aroun" the .orl".
The statue is the central part of Stat#& o% L7&rt/ Nato'a$ !o'#(&'t/
a"ministere" -& the )ational Nar3 Ser+ice. The )ational !onument also
inclu"es Dllis 8slan".
E(1r& Stat& B#$,'0
The E(1r& Stat& B#$,'0 is a (F<,stor& lan"mar3 Art Deco
s3&scraper in )e. *or3 #it& at the intersection of 'ifth A+enue
an" =est 3Ath Street. 8ts name is "eri+e" from the nic3name for
the state of )e. *or3/ The Dmpire State. 8t stoo" as the .orl"Js
tallest -uil"ing for more than fort& &ears/ from its completion in
(%3( until construction of the =orl" Tra"e #enterJs )orth
.as complete" in (%<. ' the "estruction of the =orl"
Tra"e #enter in <FF(/ the Dmpire State Buil"ing once again -ecame the
tallest -uil"ing in )e. *or3 #it& an" )e. *or3 State.
The Dmpire State Buil"ing has -een name" -& the American Societ& of #i+il
Dngineers as one of the Se+en =on"ers of the !o"ern =orl". The -uil"ing
an" its street Goor interior are "esignate" lan"mar3s of the )e. *or3 #it&
Lan"mar3s Nreser+ation #ommission/ an" con6rme" -& the )e. *or3 #it&
Boar" of Dstimate. 8t .as "esignate" as a )ational Historic Lan"mar3 in
(%$C. 8n <FF/ it .as ran3e" num-er one on the List of AmericaJs 'a+orite
Architecture accor"ing to the A8A. The -uil"ing is" an" manage" -&
=aH Nroperties.
The Dmpire State Buil"ing is the thir" tallest s3&scraper in the Americas
Kafter the =illis Kformerl& Sears To.erL an" Trump 8nternational Hotel
an" -oth in #hicagoL/ an" the (5th tallest in the .orl". 8t is also the
fourth tallest freestan"ing structure in the Americas. The Dmpire State
-uil"ing is currentl& un"ergoing a b(<F million reno+ation in an eIort to
transform the -uil"ing into a more energ& e5cient an" eco,frien"l&
Broo2$/' Br,0&
Broo3l&n Bri"ge is one of the ol"est
suspension -ri"ges in the 4nite" States.
Broo3l&n Bri"ge connects the )e. *or3 #it&
-oroughs of !anhattan an" Broo3l&n.
At the time of its completion/ Broo3l&n
Bri"ge .as the largest suspension -ri"ge in
the .orl".
The construction .or3 on Broo3l&n Bri"ge starte" on :anuar& 3/ ($F
an" too3 as man& as (3 &ears to complete.
Nresentl&/ Broo3l&n Bri"ge has six lanes for motor +ehicles an" a
separate .al3.a&/ along the centerline/ for pe"estrians an" -ic&cles.
F%t. A8&'#&
F%t. A8&'#& is a ma2or thoroughfare in the
center of the -orough of !anhattan in )e.
*or3 #it&/ 4SA. The section of 'ifth A+enue
-et.een 3Ath Street an" 5%th Street is one of
the premier shopping streets in the .orl". 'ifth
A+enue ser+es as a s&m-ol of .ealth& )e.
*or3 an" is consistentl& ran3e" as one of the
most expensi+e streets in the .orl". The Bmost
expensi+e street in the .orl"B moni3er changes
"epen"ing on currenc& Guctuations an" local
economic con"itions from &ear to &ear. 'ifth
A+enue originates at =ashington S>uare Nar3
in ?reen.ich @illage an" runs"s
through the heart of !i"to.n/ along the
eastern si"e of #entral Nar3/ .here it forms the
-oun"ar& of the 4pper Dast Si"e an" through
Harlem/ .here it terminates at the Harlem
Ei+er at (A<n" Street. Tra5c crosses the ri+er
on the !a"ison A+enue Bri"ge. 'ifth A+enue
ser+es as the "i+i"ing line for house num-ering in !anhattan. 8t separates/
for example/ Dast 'ift&,ninth Street from =est 'ift&,ninth Street.
=all Street
Wa$$ Str&&t is a street in !anhattan/ )e. *or3 #it&/ )e. *or3/ 4SA. 8t
runs east from Broa".a& to South Street on the Dast Ei+er/ through the
historical center of the 'inancial District. 8t is the 6rst permanent home of the
)e. *or3 Stoc3 DxchangeR o+er time 'all Street -ecame the name of the
surroun"ing geographic neigh-orhoo". =all Street is also shorthan" Kor a
meton&mL for the BinGuential 6nancial interestsB of the American 6nancial
in"ustr&/ .hich is centere" in the )e. *or3 #it& area.
Se+eral ma2or 4.S. stoc3 an" other exchanges remain hea">uartere" on =all
Street an" in the 'inancial District/ inclu"ing the )*SD/ )ASDAc/ A!Dd/
)*!Dd/ an" )*B7T.
. Entertainment
!#3- a', F$(
)e. *or3 is the 6rst American cit& to 6ll a central gap in music histor&/
ha+ing a +er& important an" "i+erse musical -ac3groun". 8t has -een a
thri+ing home for 2a99/ roc3 an" -lues for a +er& long time. !oreo+er/ it
represents the place .here hip hop an" crun3 .ere -orn.
Neople from all o+er the .orl" come to experience 2a99 in )e. *or3 at an& of
the cit&1s man& cele-rate" clu-s. 'rom garage -an"s at holes,in,the,.all
.ith no co+er charge to the .orl"1s greatest musicians in the glit9& stage of
:a99 at Lincoln #enter/ &ou can 6n" something for e+er& taste e+er& night of
the .ee3 in )e. *or3.
NYC N0.t$%&
As the song sa&s/ )e. *or3 is the 0cit& that ne+er sleeps1. D+en
though it mainl& has expensi+e -ars an" clu-s/ it still remains
the 0"ream of an insomniac1. )o other cit& ri+als The Big Apple
in terms of performing arts. 'rom the incre"i-le range of
theaters/ operas/ "ance an" s&mphon&/ to li+e roc3 an" 2a99
music/ the -iggest pro-lem .ill -e choosing among the man&
=hether it1s li+e 2a99/ roc3/ come"& or ca-aret/ s.eating on a
"ance Goor or sipping a martini .hile lounging on a plush couch/
)e. *or3 has a multitu"e of choices to ma3e &our sta&
.orth.hile. Loo3ing for a place to sit an" ha+e a coc3tail shoul" ne+er -e a
pro-lem/ since there are 3 or A -ars on e+er& -loc3. There is also a +ariet& of
-ars/ ranging from elegant an" formal to 2a99/ 2un3ie an" roc3 an" roll.
To sum up/ apart from -eing one of the most +isite" an" populous cities in
the 4nite" States/ )e. *or3 #it& has exponentiall& gro.n -oth economicall&
an" sociall& in the past &ears. !oreo+er/ it is a +ital place in the histor& of
music an" 6lm in"ustr&/ ha+ing a strong inGuence o+er the Duropean culture.
8n m& opinion/ )e. *or3 seems to pull in the -est an" the -rightest from the
American culture. The "i+ersit&/ resilience/ "epth an" spirit that characterise
the cit& ha+e -een intensel& chronicle" in the ne.s/ mo+ies an" -oo3s that it
is almost a clich`. D+en though constant changes ma& -e an o-+ious feature
of the 0Big Apple1 -ecause of the numerous tren"s that come an" go/ the cit&
respects the ol",fashione" stan"ar"sR there are places an" things that ha+e
remaine" the same/ an" those are the essential 0ingre"ients1 that gi+e )e.
*or3 its consistenc&. D+en though it is permanentl& changing/ -us& to set ne.
rules in all aspects of e+er&"a& life/ its core remains the same.
The cit& of )e. *or3 has -ecome a real s&m-ol/ almost a tra"emar3 of the
4nite" States/ -eing +er& popular among people from all o+er the .orl".
B7$o0ra1./ * R&3o#r-&3
(. httpPee....2o3e,archi+es.come&ouma&-ee&oulifeinn&cif.html
<. httpPee....south.est-len".come)e.f*or3e)e.,*or3,famous,
3 . httpPeeen..i3ipe"ia.orge.i3ie)e.f*or3f#it&

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