RMC Newsletter - Oct 2013 Vol 3 Issue 2
RMC Newsletter - Oct 2013 Vol 3 Issue 2
RMC Newsletter - Oct 2013 Vol 3 Issue 2
subtract 6# to 7# 8$%( and a lot of grey hair. As one person remarked( their physical appearance may change( but thier !oices remainded the same.
ARMO BURSARY FUND RAISING AT THE ANNIVERSARY / REUION Money raised for the ARMO Bursary Fund Live Auction !oor "ri#es + Silent Auction $ $%&' 00 $ $2/5' 00 Total receipts = $2350 00
Many returning Alumni attended the Game and supported the Jr. Titans. I imagine it brought back many memories of the teams they were a part of. Unfortunately, the inal !core was "amblers #$ % Titans &'. ROGUES GALLERY
(ow many of these "ogues can you identify )) * remember deduct +' lbs. , colour hair black -
I!"ort#$t Web
RMC Alumni Guest ook - Listin!s - http:""###$l%cs&$on$ca"schools"rmc"!uest&ook$html RMC Alumni Guest ook - to Re!ister http:""###$l%cs&$on$ca"schools"rmc"aform!&$htm Re!ina Mun%i Catholic Colle!e ' RMC (e#sletters - http:""###$l%cs&$on$ca"schools"rmc"home$html Re!ina Mun%i Catholic Colle!e - )chool Life - http:""###$l%cs&$on$ca"schools"rmc"school*life$html ............................................................................................................................ .
RMC Ac#*e!%c A5#r*& N%(0t 6 Oct 278 2013 A"M. /resenters % John 0umanski and 1arry 2an 1ondersele ARMO URSARY AWARDS 'or 2013
A"M. 3 "M4 Memorial Award 3 5rika risby A"M. 3 "esidents !cholarship 3 1auren 6o7a, Melanie Thuss, 4atrina /aradihna and 8reanna "eid A"M. 3 !cholarship Award 3 Jordan 9umol Trinidad and Togago 4hallenge award. % .8rittany /ollock 2an 1ondersel Award % Milar (anna ................................................................................................................................................................. T0e T%t#$ S"%r%te* t0#t ARMO (r#*& 'or(e* t0o&e !#$1 )1e#r& #(o8 8 %& &t%// #/%9e #t RMC.
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SOME OF T:E OUTSTANDING TEAMS IN T:E +AST YEAR "M4 boys golf team was 8 flight 4hampions at T2"AA in the spring "M4 boys golf team was :.!!A finalists in the A light this fall "M4 girls golf team ;ualified for :.!!A in all <'$< and 4aetlen Inman was <'$< T2"AA and :.!!A 4hampion as well as top $& finisher at . !AA in 6ings=ille .n. 8oys !enior 8asketball team was 4ity inalist in <'$+ .............................................................................................................................................................
Re(%$# M)$*% Co//e(e . ARMO 6 A"r%/ 2;8 2013 $>#?%#> Note A MU4(A@ 8ill
if you learn that one of your classmates has passe% a#ay+ please sen% us an email #ith the %etails$ If you ha,e any information+ please for#ar% it to -% lackmore for up%atin! the List$
4ould mess up your nice clean bed. (ence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung o=er the top afforded some protection. ThatDs how canopy beds came into eEistence. The floor was dirt. .nly the wealthy had something other than dirt. (ence the saying, C0irt poor.C The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery @ow, whoe=er said history was boringFFF ........................................................................................................................................................................
S#* $e5& #bo)t beer. 9ou ha=e to hope that this study is flawed, but the e=idence seems irrefutable. 9esterday, scientists for (ealth 4anada suggested that the results of a recent analysis re=ealed the presence of female hormones in beer, and suggested that men should take a look at their beer consumption. The theory is that drinking beer makes men turn into women. To test the theory, $'' men were each fed # pints of beer within a one%hour period. It was then obser=ed that $''G of the men gained weight, talked eEcessi=ely without making sense, became o=erly emotional, couldnDt dri=e, failed to think rationally, argued o=er nothing, had to sit down while urinating, couldnDt perform seEually, and refused to apologi7e when wrong. @o further testing is planned.
C0)rc0 Do$#t%o$
A man called the church office. CI would like to speak to the Dhead hog at the trough.DC CIDm sorry, who)C replied the church secretary. CI would like to speak to the Dhead hog at the trough.DC C:ell,C said the church secretary, Cif you mean the pastor, then you may refer to him as /astor or 8rother, but you may certainly not refer to him as the Dhead hog at the troughFDC C:ell, okay, but I was planning to donate H$',''' to the building fund...C The church secretary interrupted, C(ang on, I think the big, fat pig Bust walked inFC