Lim Kar Bee v. Abdul Latif Bin Ismail (1977) 1 Lns 64

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TORT - Negligence - Nuisance - Steel pipes left on side of road - Injuries sustained when motorcyclist crashed into pipe - Contributory Negligence Interest on Damages Civil Law Act !"#$ s !!% PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - Damages - Interest on Damages - &SC !"#' ( )* r !! Civil Law Act !"#$ s !!% DAMAGES - +uantum agreed - Amount not paid into court - Interest% [Raja Azlan Shah C'()((! *)+)**), -./ Ann ,ardcastle v% -he South .or/shire &ailway and &iver Dun Co% 0!1#"2 ) , 3 N% $' Anns v% London 4orough of 5orton 0!"''2 6 All 7& )"6 )"1 4arnes v% 8ard 0!1#*2 !" L9 :C;< !"# 4rophy v% Shaw -he -imes 6# 9une !"$# 4ourhill v% .oung Supra p% !*) 4utterfield v% =orrester !! 7ast $* Candler v% Crane Christmas 3 Co% 0!"$"2 ! 5L9 )" #6 Crame v% South Suburbam >as Co% 0!"!$2 ! ?4 @"1 )!@ Donoghue v% Stevenson 0!"@62 AC #$6 #1* $!1 Doyle v% (lby 0!"$"2 @ !#1 !$$ FJ.:]

Dymond v% ;earce 0!"'62 ! +4 )"$A 0!"'62 ! All 7& !!)6 !!#* 7dwards v% Nobbs =arrell v% 9ohn 5owlem 3 Co% Ltd% 0!"#)2 ! LloydBs &ep )@' )@"
>ovinda &aju 3 Anor% C% Laws 0!"$#2 ! LNS )#

>ray v% ;ullen 0!1$)2 # 4 3 S "'* ,arrison v% &utland :Du/e of< 0!1"@2 ! +4 !)6 ,arrold v% 8atney 0!1"12 6 +4 @6* ,ay or 4ourhill v% .oung 0!")@2 AC "6 !*) ,eaven v% ;ender 0!1@@2 6 +4D #*@ ,ollington v% ,ewthorn 3 Co% Ltd% 0!")@2 6 All 7& @# ,ughes v% Sheppard !$@ L- !'' !'" 9, Dewhurst Ltd% v% &atcliffe 0!"#!2 !*! L9 @$! 9efford v% >ee 0!"'*2 ! All 7& !6*6 9ewson v% >atti 6 -imes L& @1! ))! ?& -aDi Service Ltd% v% Eaharah 0!"$"2 ! 5L9 )" #6 Latham v% &% 9ohnson 3 Nephew Ltd% 0!"!@2 ! ?4 @"1 )!@ Lavine v% 5orris 0!"'*2 ! All 7& !)) Levine v% 5orris 0!"'*2 ! All 7& !)) !)1 Lewys v% 4urnett 0!")#2 6 All 7& ### #$* London ;assenger -ransport 4oard v% Fpson 0!")"2 AC !## !'$ London Chatham and Dover &ailway Co% v% South 7astern &ailway Co% 0!1"@2 AC )6" )@'

5orton v% 8heeler -he -imes ! =ebruary !"#$ Scott v% Shepherd "$ All 7& #6# Searle v% 8allban/ 0!")'2 @)! AC Shiffman v% -he Cenerable (rder of the ,ospital of St% 9ohn of 9erusalem 0!"@$2 ! All 7& ##' #$! -art v% Chitty 0!"@@2 6 ?4 )#@ -he 8agon 5ound :No% 6< 0!"$'2 ! AC $!' $@" -hompson v% 4an/stown Corp% 0!"#@2 1' CL& $@* -revett v% Lee 0!"##2 8L& !!@ !!$-!!' 8ills v% -= 5artin &oof :Contractors< Ltd% :!)< -he -imes 6! 9anuary !"'6A 0!"'62 ! LloydBs &ep #)!

L)01(2'-1.3 *)+)**), -./

Civil Laws Act 67 of 1956 s. 11

!ino" #ff$nc$ #"%inanc$ 1955 s. 1& 'a( S)*"$+$ Co)"t R)l$s '#. ,- ". 1( './( Law R$fo"+ '!isc$llan$o)s 0"ovisions( Act 191, s.1'1(

O-4)* (.5*6)((! *)+)**), -./ 2in3ha+ !oto" Clai+ cas$ 4 '7th 5%n. **. &6- &65 &67 &66( Sal+on% on 7o"ts '11th 5%n. **. 6& 16& 161 &,&( 8infi$l%s Law of 7o"t '1"% 5%n. *. &,6(

8infi$l% Jolowicz on 7o"t 1-th 5%n. [1971] *. 5,

C.53()2/ =or the appellant - C% ?rishnanA 5ah-?o/ 3 Din =or the rendent - &%?% NathanA &? Nathan 3 Co%

JUDGMENT A7,52 #'81, J/ 9n th$ Co)"t :$low th$ followin3 j)%3$+$nt was %$liv$"$% on , A*"il 1977: 7h$ *laintiffs clai+ is fo" *$"sonal inj)"i$s s)ff$"$% :; hi+ on 1 J)n$ 197&. 9t is fo)n%$% )*on n$3li3$nc$ alt$"nativ$l; n)isanc$ of th$ %$f$n%ant an% in so fa" as it is n$c$ssa"; in th$ %oct"in$ of "$s i*sa lo<)it)" At all +at$"ial ti+$s th$ *laintiff was th$ "i%$" of +oto" c;cl$ 2= 6,1& an% th$ %$f$n%ant was a cont"acto" )n%$" cont"act with th$ S$lan3o" Stat$ =ov$"n+$nt fo" la;in3 1& inch *i*$s alon3 Jalan S)n3ai 2$si>/)ala L)+*)" an% was at all +at$"ial ti+$s in cha"3$ of sto"in3 an% la;in3 th$ sai% *i*$s. 7h$"$ w$"$ 1& inch *i*$s sto"$% alon3 th$ si%$ of Jalan S)n3ai 2$si on th$ +at$"ial %at$. 9t is th$ *laintiff?s cas$ that on 1 J)n$ 197& at a:o)t 1.1- *+ h$ was "i%in3 his +oto" c;cl$ alon3 Jalan S)n3ai 2$si f"o+ /)ala L)+*)" to S)n3ai 2$si. Aft$" *assin3 th$ j)nction of Jalan /)chai La+a fo" a %istanc$ of a:o)t th"$$ la+* *osts 'a**"o@i+at$l; &-- f$$t( a :o; c"oss$% th$ "oa% f"o+ l$ft to "i3ht a:o)t 1- f$$t awa;. 7h$ *laintiff a**li$% th$ :"aA$ an% sw$"v$% to th$ l$ft to avoi% th$ :o;. 9n so %oin3 h$ AnocA$% into th$ *i*$s l;in3 on th$ "oa% si%$. 7h$ *laintiff in%icat$% that h$ ca+$ f"o+ th$ %i"$ction of th$ stationa"; !oto" ca" shown in *hoto 1 in th$ BonA3"$$% 2)n%l$. 7h$ *i*$s a"$ also shown that

*hoto3"a*h an% in *hotos 1 an% &. 7h$ l$ft si%$ of th$ +oto" c;cl$ an% th$ *laintiff?s l$ft l$3 hit th$ *i*$s. 7h$ *laintiff a3"$$% that h$ )s$% th$ "oa% %ail; an% h$ An$w th$ *i*$s w$"$ l;in3 :; th$ si%$ of th$ "oa% fo" on$ o" two ;$a"s. C$ +aintain$% that th$"$ was no wa"nin3 si3n 'Co)ns$l fo" th$ %$f$n%ant conc$%$% that th$"$ was non$ a"o)n% th$ *lac$ wh$"$ thos$ *i*$s w$"$ l;in3(. 7h$ *laintiff %isa3"$$% that th$"$ was a wa"nin3 si3n at th$ :$3innin3 of Jalan S)n3ai 2$si. C$ also %isa3"$$% that th$ *i*$s w$"$ l;in3 th"$$ to fo)" f$$t f"o+ th$ si%$ of th$ "oa%. C$ %i% not %is*)t$ that th$ a"$a was a :)ilt)* a"$a an% th$"$ w$"$ c;clists an% *$%$st"ians. 7h$ %$f$n%ant stat$% in $vi%$nc$ that h$ was la;in3 th$ *i*$s alon3 Jalan S)n3ai 2$si an% th$s$ *i*$s w$"$ l;in3 alon3 th$ si%$ of th$ "oa%. C$ +aintain$% that th$"$ was a wa"nin3 si3n statin3 that th$"$ was const")ction wo"A an% la;in3 of *i*$s alon3 th$ "oa%. 8o"A a"o)n% th$ *lac$ of acci%$nt ha% not ;$t sta"t$%. Acco"%in3 to th$ %$f$n%ant th$ *i*$s w$"$ *lac$% fo)" to si@ f$$t awa; f"o+ th$ si%$ of th$ "oa% an% at th$ *lac$ of acci%$nt th$; w$"$ *lac$% fo)" f$$t awa; a th$"$ was a slo*$. Cow$v$" h$ +aintain$% that th$"$ was "oo+ fo" *$%$st"ians to walA an% th$"$ was no o:st")ction to t"affic. .n%$" c"oss4$@a+ination th$ %$f$n%ant stat$% that h$ co)l% not "$+$+:$" th$ last ti+$ h$ visit$% th$ sc$n$. 9t is "$v$al$% that h$ l$ft th$ +att$" $nti"$l; in th$ han%s of th$ A$*ala. 7h$ %$f$n%ant was )na:l$ to sa; wh$n h$ *lac$% th$ *i*$s alon3 th$ "oa%. C$ a3"$$% that th$ *i*$s w$"$ l$ft th$"$ on o" two ;$a"s *"io" to th$ %at$ of th$ acci%$nt. Ra+an Bai" th$ %$f$n%ant?s fo"$+an fo" th$ *i*$ la;in3 o*$"ation t$stifi$% that th$"$ was a si3n at th$ :$3innin3 of Jalan S)n3ai 2$si to wa"n th$ *):lic that th$"$ w$"$ *i*$s alon3 th$ si%$ of th$ "oa% an% th$"$ w$"$ si3ns at th$ *lac$ wh$"$ th$ *i*$s w$"$ :$in3 lai%. 9t is "$v$al$% f"o+ Ra+an Bai"?s t$sti+on; that th$ *i*$s w$"$ *lac$% :$tw$$n th"$$ to si@ f$$t awa; f"o+ th$ $%3$ of th$ "oa% %$*$n%in3 on th$ a"$a availa:l$. #n th$ facts :$fo"$ +$ it is not %is*)t$% that th$ *i*$s ha% :$$n l;in3 th$"$ fo" at l$ast two ;$a"s 7h$ o)t$" $%3$s of th$ *i*$s s$$+$% to hav$ wo"n o)t $@*osin3 sha"* st$$l "i+s. 7h$s$ *i*$s a"$ shown f"o+ th$ *hoto3"a*h to :$ l;in3 v$"; clos$ to th$ $%3$ of th$ "oa%. 7h$"$ was no wa"nin3 si3n a"o)n% th$ *lac$ of acci%$nt. 9t is th$ %$f$n%ant?s cont$ntion that th$ *laintiff was t"av$llin3 %ail; alon3 this

"oa% an% h$ An$w of th$ $@ist$nc$ of thos$ *i*$s as th$; w$"$ cl$a"l; visi:l$. !". /"ishnan?s Co)ns$l fo" th$ %$f$n%ant %"$w th$ Co)"t?s att$ntion to *. &65 of 2in3ha+?s !oto" Clai+s Cas$s 7th $%ition th$ cha*t$" )n%$" th$ h$a%in3 DB)isanc$ on Ci3hwa;D in *a"tic)la" th$ cas$ of S$a"l$ v. 8all:anA [19,7] AC 1,1. At *. &65 two %$finitionsof what constit)t$s Dn)isanc$D th$ fi"st f"o+ Sal+on% on 7o"ts '11th 5%n.( **. 16& 161 an% th$ oth$" f"o+ 8infi$l%?s Law of 7o"t '1"% 5%n. *. &,6( "$s*$ctiv$l; a"$ as follows 4 7h$ 3$n$"ic conc$*tion involv$% in n)isanc$ +a; how$v$" *$"ha*s :$ fo)n% in th$ fact that all n)isanc$s a"$ ca)s$% :; an act o" o+ission wh$"$:; a *$"son is )nlawf)ll; anno;$% *"$j)%ic$% o" %ist)":$% in th$ $njo;+$nt of lan%E wh$th$" :; *h;sical %a+a3$ to th$ lan% o" :; oth$" int$"f$"$nc$ with th$ $njo;+$nt of th$ lan% o" with his $@$"cis$ of an $as$+$nt *"ofit o" oth$" si+ila" "i3ht o" with his h$alth co+fo"t o" conv$ni$nc$ as occ)*i$" of s)ch lan%... th$ :asis of th$ law of n)isanc$ is th$ +a@i+ sic )t$"$ t)o )t ali$n)+ non la$%as: a +an +)st not +aA$ s)ch )s$ of his *"o*$"t; as )n"$asona:l; an% )nn$c$ssa"il; to ca)s$ inconv$ni$nc$ to his n$i3h:o)". ?B)isanc$ is th$ )nlawf)l int$"f$"$nc$ with a *$"son?s )s$ o" $njo;+$nt of lan% o" of so+$ "i3ht ov$" o" in conn$ction with it.? 9f a *$"son?s "i3ht of f"$$ *assa3$ ov$" a hi3hwa; is s):j$ct to int$"f$"$nc$ h$ has an action j)st as h$ wo)l% hav$ if a *"ivat$ "i3ht of wa; of which h$ was th$ 3"ant$$ was o:st")ct$%. 7h$ cas$ of S$a"l$ v. 8all:anA s)*"a %o$s not s$$+ to :$ "$l$vant to th$ *"$s$nt cas$. 9n that cas$ th$ %$f$n%ant?s +a"$ l$a*t ov$" o" th"o)3h a h$%3$ :o"%$"in3 on th$ hi3hwa; on to th$ *$t"ol tanA of th$ +oto" c;cl$ "i%%$n :; th$ *laintiff. 7h$ %$f$n%ant was fo)n% n$3li3$nt fo" failin3 to *"$v$nt th$ +a"$ f"o+ 3$ttin3 on to th$ hi3hwa;. #n a**$al it was h$l% that th$ own$" was not lia:l$ :$ca)s$ th$ ani+al l$a*t ov$" o" th"o)3h th$ h$%3$ o" oth$"wis$ %own on th$ )s$" of th$ hi3hwa;. 7h$ %$cision was :as$% on th$ 3"o)n% that th$"$ was no o:li3ation on th$ own$" o" occ)*i$" of a fi$l% a%jac$nt to a hi3hwa; to +aintain a f$nc$ on th$ :o"%$" of a hi3hwa;. #n th$ oth$" han% !". R./. Bathan *oint$% o)t that s. 1& of th$ !ino" #ff$nc$s #"%inanc$ 1955 )n%$" th$ h$a%in3 Dn)isanc$D c"$at$s off$nc$s in "$lation to *):lic "oa%s on$ of which is fo" la;in3 witho)t lawf)l a)tho"it; o" $@c)s$ ston$ :"icA o" oth$" a"ticl$ on an; *):lic "oa% so as to ca)s$ an

o:st")ction th$"$to o" so as to +aA$ th$ )s$ of th$ "oa% l$ss conv$ni$nt. D0):lic "oa%D is %$fin$% )n%$" th$ #"%inanc$ to +$an D$v$"; "oa% st"$$t :"i%3$ *assa3$ footwa; o" s<)a"$ ov$" which th$ *):lic hav$ a "i3ht of wa;.D 7h$ %$finition s$$+s wi%$ $no)3h 9 thinA to incl)%$ th$ "oa% an% its si%$ ta:l$s no"+all; )s$% :; *$%$st"ians an% c;clists. 9n vi$w of this s$ction it wo)l% s$$+ n$c$ssa"; to %$t$"+in$ wh$th$" th$ %$f$n%ant ha% in th$ ci"c)+stanc$s of this *a"tic)la" cas$ co++itt$% a :"$ach of this s$ction. 9 hast$n to a%% that th$ civil lia:ilit; of th$ %$f$n%ant +a; not :$ wholl; %$*$n%$nt )*on th$ :"$ach of this *"ovision in th$ $v$nt th$"$ is s)ch a :"$ach :)t 9 fail to s$$ wh; $vi%$nc$ of s)ch a :"$ach +a; not :$ "$li$% )*on :; th$ *laintiff as $vi%$nc$ t$n%in3 to $sta:lish an; lia:ilit; which is in <)$stion in th$s$ *"oc$$%in3s. 9n th$ *"$s$nt cas$ it is not %is*)t$% that th$ %$f$n%ant ha% *lac$% th$ *i*$s on th$ si%$ of th$ "oa% an% th$; ha% :$$n th$"$ fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$. 5v$n tho)3h th$"$ is $vi%$nc$ that h$ ha% t$n%$"$% fo" th$ *i*$ la;in3 *"oj$ct th$"$ is n$v$"th$l$ss no $vi%$nc$ :$fo"$ th$ Co)"t to show that h$ ha% lawf)l a)tho"it; to *lac$ th$ *i*$s alon3 th$ si%$ of th$ "oa%. 9t +a; how$v$" :$ a"3)$% in favo)" of th$ %$f$n%ant that h$ ha% lawf)l $@c)s$ to *lac$ th$s$ *i*$s th$"$ as h$ ha% t$n%$"$% o" :; th$n co++$nc$% to la; th$ *i*$s :)t as a3ainst it 9 %o not thinA h$ can a"3)$ that h$ ha% lawf)l $@c)s$ to sto"$ th$ *i*$s th$"$ fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$. 7h$"$ +a; onl; :$ +$"it in th$ a"3)+$nt if it is shown that th$ *i*$s ha% :$$n *lac$% th$"$ within a "$asona:l$ *$"io% :$fo"$ th$ co++$nc$+$nt of th$ wo"A. 2; *lacin3 thos$ *i*$s th$"$ fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$ th$ %$f$n%ant co)l% not hav$ not Anown that th$; wo)l% ca)s$ an o:st")ction to oth$" "oa% )s$"s not onl; to *$%$st"ians an% c;clists :)t in all *"o:a:ilit; to +oto" c;clists an% +oto"ists who in an a3on; of th$ +o+$nt +a; :$ co+*$ll$% to *ass alon3 that *a"t of th$ "oa%. !o"$ov$" th$ *"$s$nc$ of th$s$ *i*$s wo)l% c$"tainl; "$n%$" th$ )s$ of that *a"t of th$ "oa% l$ss conv$ni$nt. F)"th$"+o"$ th$ "oa% at th$ *oint wh$"$ th$ acci%$nt occ)""$% was onl; && f$$t 1 inch wi%$ an% in th$ li3ht of th$ %$f$n%ant?s own cont$ntion that this was a :)ilt)* a"$a with a lot of *$%$st"ians an% c;clists it is in%$$% not o*$n to th$ %$f$n%ant to a"3)$ that th$ *"$s$nc$ of thos$ *i*$s ha% l$ft *l$nt; of "oo+ fo" *$%$st"ians c;clists an% oth$" "oa% )s$"s to *ass alon3 that *a"t of th$ *):lic "oa%. 9n th$ *"$s$nt cas$ it is $vi%$nt that th$ *laintiff was co+*$ll$% to *"oc$$% to that *a"t of th$ "oa% an% as a "$s)lt h$ s)ff$"$% inj)"i$s s):stantiall; on acco)nt of th$ *"$s$nc$ of thos$ *i*$s. C$ +i3ht o" +i3ht not hav$ s)stain$%

inj)"i$s :)t that is so+$thin3 that this Co)"t shall not hav$ to s*$c)lat$. Cow$v$" 9 a+ satisfi$% that in all *"o:a:ilit; h$ +i3ht not hav$ s)stain$% thos$ inj)"i$s "$v$al$% :$fo"$ this Co)"t ha% it not :$$n fo" thos$ *i*$s. 9t is to :$ o:s$"v$% that th$s$ *i*$s ha% :$$n l$ft th$"$ fo" so lon3 that th$i" $%3$s w$"$ so wo"n o)t $@*osin3 st$$l "i+s that th$; w$"$ *ot$ntiall; %an3$"o)s to "oa% )s$"s. A:ov$ all th$ con%ition of th$s$ *i*$s *lainl; show that th$; ha% :$$n l$ft th$"$ witho)t an; ca"$ what$v$" :$in3 taA$n to s$$ that th$; wo)l% not *os$ %an3$" to "oa% )s$"s. 7h$ on)s 9 thinA is cast )*on th$ %$f$n%ant to show that h$ ha% taA$n "$asona:l$ *"$ca)tion to s$$ that th$ *"$s$nc$ of thos$ *i*$s wo)l% not :$ )nsaf$ to "oa% )s$"s. #n consi%$"ation of th$ $vi%$nc$ :$fo"$ th$ Co)"t an% havin3 "$3a"% to th$ ci"c)+stanc$s of this *a"tic)la" cas$ it is ov$"wh$l+in3l; cl$a" to +; +in% that th$ %$f$n%ant ha% at no ti+$ $@$"cis$% "$asona:l$ ca"$ in "$s*$ct of th$ a"ticl$s *lac$% :; hi+ )*on th$ sai% "oa% to $ns)"$ saf$t; of "oa% )s$"s. 9t is not o*$n to hi+ in th$ ci"c)+stanc$s to sa; that th$ *laintiff hi+s$lf An$w of th$ *"$s$nc$ of th$ *i*$s. 7h$ cas$ of Lavin$ v. !o""is [197-] 1 All 5R 1,, cit$% :; !". Bathan so+$what s)**o"ts th$ *"o*osition that it is $vi%$nc$ of n$3li3$nc$ if "$3a"% is not 3iv$n to *lacin3 th$ a"ticl$s Dfo"$s$$a:l; liA$l; to 3iv$ "is$ to )nn$c$ssa"; an% 3"av$ haza"%s to )s$"s of th$ ca""ia3$wa;.D !". Bathan has cit$% n)+:$" of oth$" cas$s :)t 9 %o not "$all; consi%$" it n$c$ssa"; to %$al with $ach an% $v$"; on$ of th$+ in th$ li3ht of th$ ov$"wh$l+in3 $vi%$nc$ *ointin3 to th$ fact that th$ %$f$n%ant ha% not onl; :$$n n$3li3$nt in his fail)"$ to taA$ "$asona:l$ an% a%$<)at$ *"$ca)tion in "$3a"% to fo"$s$$a:l$ %an3$" *os$% :; th$ *i*$s. 7h$ *lacin3 of thos$ *i*$s in th$ +ann$" h$ %i% an% )n%$" s)ch ci"c)+stanc$s in%$$% constit)t$% a n)isanc$. Fo" "$asons that 9 hav$ stat$% it is +; consi%$"$% j)%3+$nt that th$ %$f$n%ant is wholl; to :la+$ fo" th$ *$"sonal inj)"i$s s)ff$"$% :; th$ *laintiff. F)ant)+ ha% :$$n a3"$$% in th$ s)+ of G15 --- an% 9 th$"$fo"$ $nt$"$% j)%3+$nt fo" th$ *laintiff acco"%in3l; with costs. 7h$ %$f$n%ant a**$al$% to th$ F$%$"al Co)"t. 7h$ F$%$"al Co)"t %is+issin3 th$ a**$al %$liv$"$% th$ followin3 j)%3+$nt on &, S$*t$+:$" 1977: =ill CJ '!ala;a(: 9 hav$ ha% th$ :$n$fit of "$a%in3 in %"aft th$ j)%3+$nt of +; l$a"n$% :"oth$" Raia Azlan Shah FJ. Fo" th$ "$asons v$"; f)ll; s$t o)t :; Cis Lo"%shi* to which 9 f$$l 9 cannot )s$f)ll; a%% an;thin3 9 too a+ of th$ o*inion that th$ a**$al sho)l% :$ %is+iss$% with costs.

#n3 CocA Si+ FJ: 7his is an a**$al f"o+ a j)%3+$nt of th$ Ci3h Co)"t at /)ala L)+*)" awa"%in3 %a+a3$s in th$ s)+ of G15 --- in "$s*$ct of *$"sonal inj)"i$s s)stain$% :; th$ "$s*on%$nt :as$% on a 1--H lia:ilit; of th$ a**$llant. 5vi%$nc$ was "$co"%$% f"o+ th$ "$s*on%$nt an% a *hoto3"a*h$" in s)**o"t of his clai+. 7h$ a**$llant 3av$ $vi%$nc$ an% call$% his A$*ala. 9n +; vi$w th$ facts a"$ si+*l$ an% st"ai3htfo"wa"%. 7h$ clai+ was fo)n%$% on n$3li3$nc$ an% alt$"nat$l; on n)isanc$. 7h$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ h$l% on :oth th$s$ iss)$s th$ %$f$n%ant was wholl; to :la+$. 8ith "$s*$ct 9 %o not thinA th$"$ was $vi%$nc$ to s)**o"t his concl)sions on $ith$". 9t is n$c$ssa"; fo" a *"o*$" a**"$ciation to s$t o)t th$ )n%is*)t$% facts. #n 1 J)n$ 197& th$ "$s*on%$nt was "i%in3 his +oto"c;cl$ 2=6,1& alon3 Jalan S)n3$i 2$si f"o+ th$ %i"$ction of /)ala L)+*)" at a:o)t 1.1-*+. 7h$ "oa% was && f$$t 1 inch wi%$ at th$ sc$n$ of th$ acci%$nt. 7h$"$ was no $vi%$nc$ that w$ath$" con%itions o" visi:ilit; w$"$ )nfavo)"a:l$. #n his own a%+ission th$ "$s*on%$nt a3"$$% that th$ a"$a was a :)ilt)* a"$a. 7h$"$ w$"$ c;clists an% *$%$st"ians. D9 was t"av$llin3 at a:o)t &-4&5 +*h. 7h$"$ was no oth$" v$hicl$ on th$ "oa%.D C$ sai% that h$ sw$"v$% to th$ l$ft to avoi% a :o; who was c"ossin3 th$ "oa% f"o+ th$ l$ft to th$ "i3ht. 9n %oin3 so h$ AnocA$% into th$ *i*$s which ha% :$$n lai% alon3si%$ th$ "oa% :)t off th$ "oa% :; th$ a**$llant who ha% a cont"act with th$ S$lan3o" Stat$ =ov$"n+$nt fo" const")ction an% la;in3 of *i*$s alon3 Jalan S)n3$i 2$si. As a "$s)lt of th$ inj)"i$s s)stain$% his l$ft l$3 was a+*)tat$%. 9n a""ivin3 at his %$cision th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ sai%:4 #n th$ facts :$fo"$ +$ it is not %is*)t$% that th$ *i*$s ha% :$$n l;in3 th$"$ fo" at l$ast two ;$a"s. 7h$ o)t$" $%3$s of th$ *i*$s s$$+$% to hav$ wo"n o)t $@*osin3 sha"* st$$l "i+s. 7h$s$ *i*$s a"$ shown f"o+ th$ *hoto3"a*h to :$ l;in3 v$"; clos$ to th$ $%3$ of th$ "oa%. 7h$"$ was no wa"nin3 si3n at o" "o)n% th$ *lac$ of acci%$nt. 7h$ "$co"%$% $vi%$nc$ wo)l% not a3"$$ that th$s$ fin%in3s w$"$ not %is*)t$%. 2oth "$s*on%$nt an% a**$llant stat$% that th$ *i*$s w$"$ th$"$ Dfo" on$ o" two ;$a"s.D 7h$ acci%$nt was in J)n$ 197&. 7h$"$ was no $vi%$nc$ to s)**o"t th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$?s o:s$"vation Dthat th$s$ *i*$s ha% :$$n l$ft th$"$ fo" so lon3 that th$i" $%3$s w$"$ so wo"n o)t $@*osin3 st$$l "i+s that th$; w$"$ *ot$ntiall; %an3$"o)s to "oa% )s$"s.D 0a"a3"a*h , of th$ Stat$+$nt of Clai+ :$;on% statin3 that th$ *i*$s ha% $@*os$% st$$l "i+s %i% not all$3$ that th$; ha% :$co+$ sha"*$n$% :; "$ason of :$in3 l$ft th$"$ fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$.

Cow clos$ th$ *i*$s w$"$ f"o+ th$ $%3$ of th$ "oa% %o$s not a**$a" to +$ to *os$ *ot$ntial %an3$" to "oa% )s$"s. As Sal+on% on 7o"ts '11th 5%n.( at *. &,& <)otin3 Ro+$" LJ in ="a; v. 0)ll$n [166,] 5 2 I S 97-: 4 7h$ law "$latin3 to th$ )s$" of hi3hwa;s is in t")th th$ law of 3iv$ an% taA$. 7hos$ who )s$ th$+ +)st in %oin3 so hav$ "$asona:l$ "$3a"% to th$ conv$ni$nc$ an% co+fo"t of oth$"s an% +)st not th$+s$lv$s $@*$ct a %$3"$$ of conv$ni$nc$ an% co+fo"t onl; o:taina:l$ :; %is"$3a"%in3 that of oth$" *$o*l$. 7h$; +)st $@*$ct to :$ o:st")ct$% occasionall;. 9t is th$ *"ic$ th$; *a; fo" th$ *"ivil$3$ of o:st")ctin3 oth$"s. 8hil$ a %)t; of ca"$ is i+*os$% on an; *$"son a)tho"isin3 o" *"oc)"in3 th$ %oin3 in an; hi3hwa; of an; %an3$"o)s act no s)ch %)t; is cast )*on hi+ in th$ )s$ of th$ hi3hwa; fo" o"%ina"; *)"*os$s of *assa3$. Jan3$"s inci%$ntal to th$ o"%ina"; )s$ of a hi3hwa; fo" *)"*os$s of t"affic +)st :$ $@*$ct$%. 8$"$ th$ *i*$s *$" s$ *ot$ntiall; %an3$"o)s to D"oa% )s$"sD in th$ *osition th$; w$"$K !)st th$ a**$llant hav$ in cont$+*lation "oa% )s$"s who D+i3ht fall o" :$ ca)s$% to fallD :; what who+ how o" wh; 4 on to s)ch $@*os$% st$$l "i+sK [S$$ *a"a. ,'%(]. 8h; sho)l% th$; so fall if th$; w$"$ )sin3 th$ "oa% fo" o"%ina"; *)"*os$s of *assa3$K 7h$"$ was no $vi%$nc$ that th$"$ was an; o:st")ction to th$ f"$$ flow of t"affic. As "$s*on%$nt a3"$$% Dth$"$ w$"$ c;clists an% *$%$st"ians.D 7h$"$ was %is*)t$ with "$3a"% to wa"nin3 si3ns :$tw$$n "$s*on%$nt an% th$ a**$llant :)t at th$ ti+$ of th$ %a; of th$ acci%$nt an% "$s*on%$nt?s awa"$n$ss of th$ *"$s$nc$ of thos$ *i*$s it s$$+s to +$ that facto" is not "$l$vant to th$ consi%$"ation of c)l*a:ilit;. 7h$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ <)ot$% th$ %$finitions of n)isanc$ f"o+ Sal+on% on 7o"ts '11th 5%n.( **. 16& 161 an% f"o+ 8infi$l%?s Law of 7o"t '1"% 5%n.( *. ,&6. 8ith "$s*$ct a3ain in th$ instant cas$ %i% th$ *"$s$nc$ of thos$ *i*$s in an; wa; int$"f$"$ with th$ "$s*on%$nt?s "i3ht of f"$$ *assa3$K R$f$"$nc$ was +a%$ to th$ !ino" #ff$nc$s #"%inanc$ 1955 wh$"$ in s. 1&'a( )n%$" th$ h$a%in3 of Dn)isanc$D th$"$ was a *"ohi:ition a3ainst th$ la;in3 on a *):lic "oa%of ston$ :"icA o" oth$" a"ticl$ so as to ca)s$ an o:st")ction th$"$to o" so as to +aA$ th$ )s$ of th$ "oa% l$ss conv$ni$nt.D 9 %o not thinA it co+*$t$nt fo" th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ to $@t$n% th$ %$finition of D0):lic "oa%D to Dincl)%$ its si%$ ta:l$s no"+all; )s$% :; *$%$st"ians an% c;clists.D s. & %$fin$s D*):lic "oa% incl)%$s $v$"; "oa% st"$$t :"i%3$ *assa3$ footwa; o" s<)a"$ ov$" which th$ *):lic hav$ a "i3ht of wa;.D 9n +; vi$w h$ was +isl$% :; th$ f)"th$" wo"%s of th$ %$finition which "$a%s Dth$ $@*"$ssion ?in o" n$a" an; *):lic "oa%? incl)%$s all *lac$s in th$ *):lic "oa% an% all *lac$s within t$n ;$a"s of it an% not

$ff$ct)all; s$*a"at$% f"o+ an% hi%%$n f"o+ th$ "oa% :; a wall o" oth$"wis$.D Altho)3h h$ sai%: D9n vi$w of this s$ction it wo)l% s$$+ n$c$ssa"; to %$t$"+in$ wh$th$" th$ %$f$n%ant ha% in th$ ci"c)+stanc$s of this *a"tic)la" cas$ co++itt$% a :"$ach of this s$ction D it s$$+sto +$ that h$ +)st hav$ *"$j)%3$% th$"$ was s)ch a :"$ach :$ca)s$ h$ w$nt on D9 fail to s$$ wh; $vi%$nc$ of s)ch a :"$ach cannot :$ "$li$% )*on :; th$ *laintiff to $sta:lish an; lia:ilit; which is in <)$stion in th$s$ *"oc$$%in3sD. 9t was n$v$" all$3$% that th$ a**$llant ha% no Dlawf)l a)tho"it;D o" Dlawf)l $@c)s$D to la; th$ *i*$s wh$"$ h$ %i% :)t th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ ha% this to sa;: Dth$"$ is no $vi%$nc$ :$fo"$ th$ Co)"t to show that h$ ha% lawf)l a)tho"it; to *lac$ th$ *i*$s alon3 th$ si%$ of th$ "oa%. 9t +a; how$v$" :$ a"3)$% in favo)" of th$ %$f$n%ant that h$ ha% lawf)l $@c)s$... as h$ ha% t$n%$"$% o" :; th$n co++$nc$% to la; th$ *i*$s :)t as a3ainst it 9 %o not thinA h$ can a"3)$ that h$ ha% lawf)l $@c)s$ to sto"$ th$ *i*$s th$"$ fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$D. Lawf)l a)tho"it; o" $@c)s$ was onl; "$<)i"$% )n%$" s. 1&'a( fo" la;in3 a"ticl$s on th$ "oa%. 9t was a%+itt$% th$ a**$llant ha% a cont"act with th$ S$lan3o" =ov$"n+$nt )*on whos$ *"o*$"t; th$ *i*$s w$"$ lai%. 9t +)st s)"$l; :$ a +att$" fo" th$ S$lan3o" =ov$"n+$nt wh$th$" th$ a**$llant was co+*l;in3 with th$ t$"+s of his t$n%$" o" ca"";in3 o)t th$ o*$"ations in a no"+al an% co+*$t$nt +ann$". 9 a+ )na:l$ to )n%$"stan% wh; it was sai% that D:; *lacin3 thos$ *i*$s th$"$ fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$ th$ %$f$n%ant co)l% not hav$ not Anown that th$; wo)l% ca)s$ an o:st")ction to oth$" "oa% )s$"s.D 8h$"$ is th$ $vi%$nc$ of an; o:st")ctionK All th$ $vi%$nc$ was to th$ cont"a"; 4 th$"$ w$"$ c;clists an% *$%$st"ians. 8h$"$ a3ain is th$"$ s)**o"t fo" th$ all$3ations in *a"a. ,'j( of ca)sin3 an int$"f$"$nc$ with th$ f"$$ flow of t"affic o" 'A( of o:st")ctin3 th$ hi3hwa; an% in *a"tic)la" th$ A$": alon3si%$ th$ hi3hwa;K 7h$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ w$nt on that th$ *i*$s wo)l% ca)s$ an o:st")ction Din all *"o:a:ilit; to +oto" c;clists an% +oto"ists who i in an a3on; of +o+$nt +a; :$ co+*$ll$% to *ass alon3 that *a"t of th$ "oa%D. 8hat is )n%$"stoo% :; Dthat *a"t of th$ "oa%DK 8h$"$ th$ *i*$s w$"$K S)"$l; it was not $@*$ct$% that that *o"tion is fo" o"%ina"; )s$ fo" t"affic. An% if "$s*on%$nt was co+*$ll$% to )s$ that *o"tion was it th$ fa)lt of th$ a**$llantK Ji% th$ a**$llant c"$at$ th$ sit)ation "$s)ltin3 in an a3on; of th$ +o+$nt fo" th$ "$s*on%$nt an% his $l$ctin3 to l$av$ th$ "oa% an% c"ash into th$ *i*$s which w$"$ not on th$ "oa%K 9 a+ of th$ o*inion that what Raja Azlan Shah J 'as h$ th$n was( sai% in >ovinda &aju 3 Anor% C% Laws 0!"$#2 ! LNS )# '&:( was +isconst")$%. C$ sai%:4 7o +; +in% wh$n a *laintiff is *$"*l$@$% o" a3itat$%... :; th$ w"on3f)l act of a %$f$n%ant it is s)ffici$nt if h$ shows as +)ch cont"ol in att$+*tin3 to avoi% th$ acci%$nt as +a; "$asona:l; :$ $@*$ct$% of hi+

in th$ ci"c)+stanc$s.D '$+*hasis +in$( A3ain in +; o*inion it cannot :$ +aintain$% that th$ *i*$s "$n%$"$% th$ )s$ of Jalan S)n3$i 2$si l$ss conv$ni$nt. 9t wo)l% a**$a" that onl; )nfavo)"a:l$ inf$"$nc$s w$"$ %"awn a3ainst th$ a**$llant. Fo" $@a+*l$ DF)"th$"+o"$ th$ "oa% at th$ *oint wh$"$ th$ acci%$nt occ)""$% was onl; && f$$t 1 inch wi%$ an% in th$ li3ht of th$ %$f$n%ant?s own cont$ntion that this was a :)ilt)* a"$a with a lot of *$%$st"ians an% c;clists it is in%$$% not o*$n to th$ %$f$n%ant to a"3)$ that th$ *"$s$nc$ of thos$ *i*$s ha% l$ft *l$nt; of "oo+ fo" *$%$st"ians c;clists an% oth$" "oa% )s$"s to *ass alon3 that *a"t of th$ "oa%.D Consi%$" th$ wi%th of a +oto"c;cl$. Consi%$" th$ wi%th of th$ "oa%. Consi%$" th$ *i*$s w$"$ off th$ "oa%. Can th$"$ :$ 3"o)n% fo" co+*laint that a**$llant ha% not l$ft *l$nt; of o" an; "oo+ fo" all "oa% )s$"s )nl$ss th$; co)l% no"+all; :$ $@*$ct$% to 3o ov$" th$ *i*$s in th$ $@$"cis$ of th$i" "i3ht of *assa3$K Also "$+$+:$" that *o"tion of th$ "oa% )*on which th$ *i*$s w$"$ lai% was not +$ant fo" )s$ :; v$hicl$s. 0$"ha*s it is not o)t of *lac$ h$"$ to "$t)"n to Sal+on% on th$ s):j$ct of n)isanc$. [At *. 161 which was <)ot$% :; C"oo+Johnson J in L$w;s v. 2)"n$tt [19,5] & All 5R 555 56-]:4 7h)s th$ o:st")ction of a hi3hwa; is a *):lic n)isanc$.D 9t consists $ith$" in o:st")ctin3 it o" in "$n%$"in3 it %an3$"o)s. '*a3$. &19(. 5@a+*l$s incl)%$ int$" alia Dl$avin3... +oto" v$hicl$s stan%in3 in it fo" an )n"$asona:l$ ti+$ o" in )n"$asona:l$ n)+:$".D 9t +)st :$ o:s$"v$% that th$ 5n3lish cas$s %$alt with o:st")ctions an% %an3$"s on th$ hi3hwa; an% oth$" %an3$"s a%jac$nt to it. 9n th$ instant cas$ th$ *i*$s w$"$ not on th$ "oa% :)t 1 foot o" +o"$ on th$ 3"ass v$"3$. A cas$ in *oint is JC J$wh)"st Lt%. v. Ratcliff$ [1951] 1-1 LJ 161. 7h$"$ *laintiffs? +oto" ca" in %a;li3ht an% cl$a" w$ath$" whil$ :$in3 %"iv$n alon3 a "oa% 16 to 16 f$$t wi%$ at &- to &5 +*h in 3ivin3 wa; to an a**"oachin3 o+ni:)s :")sh$% a h$%3$ on th$ n$a" si%$ an% colli%$% with a t"$$ st)+* n$a"l; , f$$t hi3h on$ o" two inch$s insi%$ th$ h$%3$ hi%%$n :; l$av$s an% folia3$. 0laintiffs s)$% %$f$n%ant who was own$" of th$ fa"+ a%joinin3 th$ "oa%. 7h$ t"$$ st)+* was wholl; on %$f$n%ant?s lan% :)t %i% not ov$"han3 th$ "oa% altho)3h l$ss than si@ inch$s cl$a" of it. C$l% th$ clai+ in n$3li3$nc$ fail$% :$ca)s$ %$f$n%ant ow$% no l$3al %)t; to th$ *laintiffs. As "$3a"%s n)isanc$ th$ ca" %"iv$" was not $ntitl$% to :")sh innoc$nt looAin3 l$av$s an% twi3s at th$ "oa%si%$ an% co+*lain if h$ s)stain$% %a+a3$ :$ca)s$ of

so+$thin3 :$hin% th$+. Anoth$" cas$ 9 wo)l% "$f$" to is 7a"t v. Chitt; [1911] & /2 ,51 th$ h$a%not$ of which "$a%s:4 #n th$ facts th$ acci%$nt ha**$n$% $ith$" :$ca)s$ th$ *laintiff was not A$$*in3 a *"o*$" looAo)t o" :$ca)s$ h$ was 3oin3 too <)icAl; an% ha% not his +oto" c;cl$ )n%$" s)ch cont"ol that h$ was a:l$ to avoi% th$ collision an% in $ith$" $v$nt h$ was 3)ilt; of n$3li3$nc$. 2$;on% sa;in3 that th$ collision in that cas$ occ)""$% on a wil% ni3ht "ainin3 ha"% an% :lowin3 a 3al$ Swift J sai% at **. ,55 ,56: 9t has not :$$n %is*)t$% :$fo"$ )s that th$ %$f$n%ants? s$"vants w$"$ initiall; in this +att$" 3)ilt; of n$3li3$nc$. 7h$; *)t )*on th$ hi3hwa; an o:st")ction which was i+*"o*$"l; li3ht$% in that it ha% no li3hts of its own at th$ :acA an% in that non$ of th$ s)""o)n%in3 li3hts of th$ town th$ li3hts of th$ sho* win%ows o" th$ st"$$t la+*s ill)+inat$% it at all. 7h$ co)nt; Co)"t J)%3$ sai% that th$; w$"$ n$3li3$nt in sto**in3 in that *osition. 7h$n what ha**$n$%K 7h$ *laintiff "an into it an% it s$$+s to +$ that h$ +)st hav$ ")n into it fo" on$ of two "$asons: $ith$" h$ was not A$$*in3 a *"o*$" looAo)t s)ch a looAo)t as a "$asona:l$ +an "i%in3 a +oto" c;cl$ alon3 that st"$$t wo)l% hav$ A$*t on s)ch a ni3htE o" if h$ w$"$ A$$*in3 a *"o*$" looAo)t h$ was t"av$llin3 at s)ch a s*$$% that h$ was )na:l$ to sto* his +oto" c;cl$ o" to sw$"v$ f"o+ th$ co)"s$ h$ was *)"s)in3 in s)ch a wa; as to avoi% colli%in3 with th$ o:st")ction which ha% :$$n *)t in f"ont of hi+. #n$ of th$s$ two thin3s +)st hav$ ha**$n$% an% if that :$ so th$n th$ *laintiff +)st in fact an% in law hav$ :$$n 3)ilt; ofn$3li3$nc$. 7h$ co)nt; Co)"t J)%3$ has sai% that h$ was not 3)ilt; of n$3li3$nc$. 8$ a"$ not sittin3 h$"$ to "$vi$w his %$cision on th$ facts no" to co+$ to an; concl)sion of o)" own )*on th$ facts if th$"$ was $vi%$nc$ )*on which th$ co)nt; Co)"t J)%3$ co)l% co+$ to th$ concl)sion to which h$ has a""iv$%E w$ a"$ sittin3 h$"$ +$"$l; to s$$ that h$ has *"o*$"l; a**li$% th$ law in this cas$. 7h$ <)$stion th$"$fo"$ is wh$th$" w$ can int$"f$"$ with what h$ has %on$. 9n +; vi$w th$ <)$stion wh$th$" th$"$ is o" is not $vi%$nc$ )*on which a j)%3+$nt +a; :$ fo)n%$% is alwa;s a <)$stion of law. 9f th$"$ is $vi%$nc$ th$n th$ j)%3+$nt cannot :$ %ist)":$% :; this Co)"t how$v$" *"ofo)n%l; this Co)"t +a; %isa3"$$ with it. 2)t if th$"$ is no $vi%$nc$ th$n as a +att$" of law th$ j)%3+$nt can an% o)3ht to :$ int$"f$"$% with.

C$ th$n w$nt on to <)ot$ th$ h$a%not$ in 2)tt$"fi$l% v. Fo""$st$" 11 5ast 6-:4 #n$ who is inj)"$% :; an o:st")ction in a hi3hwa; a3ainst which h$ f$ll cannot +aintain an action if it a**$a" that h$ was "i%in3 with 3"$at viol$nc$ an% want of o"%ina"; ca"$ witho)t which h$ +i3ht hav$ s$$n an% avoi%$% th$ o:st")ction... Lo"% 5ll$n:o"o)3h CJ sai% 'in th$ cas$ <)ot$%( ?A *a"t; is not to cast hi+s$lf )*on an o:st")ction which has :$$n +a%$ :; th$ fa)lt of anoth$" an% avail hi+s$lf of it if h$ %o not hi+s$lf )s$ co++on an% o"%ina"; ca)tion to :$ in th$ "i3ht. 9n cas$s of *$"sons "i%in3 )*on what is consi%$"$% to :$ th$ w"on3 si%$ of th$ "oa% that wo)l% not a)tho"iz$ anoth$" *)"*os$l; to "i%$ )* a3ainst th$+. #n$ *$"son :$in3 in fa)lt will not %is*$ns$ with anoth$"?s )sin3 o"%ina"; ca"$ fo" hi+s$lf. 7wo thin3s +)st conc)" to s)**o"t this action an o:st")ction in th$ "oa% :; th$ fa)lt of th$ %$f$n%ant an% no want of o"%ina"; ca"$ to avoi% it on th$ *a"t of th$ *laintiff.? 9t s$$+s to +$ that wh$n a +an %"iv$s a +oto" ca" alon3 th$ "oa% h$ is :o)n% to antici*at$ that th$"$ +a; :$ *$o*l$ o" ani+als o" thin3s in th$ wa; at an; +o+$nt an% h$ is :o)n% to 3o not fast$" than will *$"+it of his sto**in3 o" %$fl$ctin3 his co)"s$ at an; ti+$ to avoi% an;thin3 h$ s$$s aft$" h$ has s$$n it.D '$+*hasis +in$(. 2$fo"$ 9 "$f$" to oth$" cas$s it is *$"ha*s a**"o*"iat$ to consi%$" wh$th$" %$f$n%ant was not hi+s$lf to :la+$. C$ 3av$ two v$"sions wh; h$ sw$"v$%. 7h$ fi"st D8h$n 9 ca+$ o)t of that co"n$" 9 saw a :o;... a:o)t 1- f$$t awa; wh$n h$ c"oss$% th$ "oa%.D 7h$ s$con%: D7h$ acci%$nt tooA *lac$ aft$" 9 tooA th$ co"n$". 7h$ collision tooA *lac$ a:o)t 115 f$$t awa; f"o+ th$ co"n$". 9 onl; saw th$ :o; aft$" h$ sta"t$% to c"oss th$ "oa%... s)%%$nl;. Aft$" 9 *ass$% th$ co"n$" 9 %i% not s$$ th$ :o;D. As is cl$a" f"o+ th$ *hoto3"a*hs th$"$ was no "$ason fo" not noticin3 th$ :o; an% with a lot of *$%$st"ians an% c;clists it +)st :$ asA$% wh$th$" in all th$ ci"c)+stanc$s h$ ha% A$*t a *"o*$" looAo)t an% $@$"cis$% %)$ consi%$"ation fo" oth$" )s$"s of th$ "oa%. Ji% th$ a**$llant c"$at$ )nn$c$ssa"; haza"%s on th$ hi3hwa;K 8$"$ th$"$ an; st$*s h$ co)l% hav$ taA$n to *"$v$nt th$ *i*$s :$co+in3 a %an3$" to "oa% )s$"sK 9 %o not thinA th$"$ w$"$. 7his was not a cas$ of th$ *i*$s "ollin3 on to th$ hi3hwa; an% occasionin3 ha"+ to a *ass$":; o" a "oa%)s$". 9 cannot a3"$$ that th$"$ is an; %)t; to taA$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ to "oa% )s$"s who +a; ina%v$"t$ntl; l$av$ th$ "oa% to colli%$ with th$+. 7h$ wo"% Dina%v$"t$ntl;D connot$s a fail)"$ to $@$"cis$ %)$ ca"$ fo" th$+s$lv$s. L$vin$ v. !o""is [197-] 1 All 5R 1,, 1,6 +)st "$a% with th$ "$s$"vation that th$"$ th$ +inist"; was a hi3hwa; a)tho"it;

which ha% fail$% as was fo)n% in th$i" %)t; that an; on$ sAill$% in "oa% %$si3n wo)l% hav$ fo"$s$$n that %"iv$"s who ha% not th$ f)ll$st %$3"$$ of sAill +i3ht l$av$ th$ "oa% an% th$ %an3$" co)l% hav$ :$$n av$"t$% :; sitin3 th$ si3n wh$"$ that "isA was $li+inat$%. 'S$$ 2in3ha+?s !oto" Clai+s Cas$s 4 7th 5%n. 4 *. &6-(. 7h$"$ th$ ca" 3ot into a sAi% in h$av; "ain an% c"ash$% into +assiv$ conc"$t$ col)+ns $"$ct$% :; th$ !inist"; of 7"ans*o"t. 9t sho)l% also :$ not$% that it was a fast t"affic hi3hwa; an% Sachs LJ sai% at *. 1,6: 9t is w$ll Anown that on hi3h s*$$% "oa%s th$"$ is a "isA of +oto"ists 3oin3 off th$ ca""ia3$wa; ina%v$"t$ntl; th"o)3h no fa)lt of th$i" own $s*$ciall; in :a% w$ath$". 7h$"$ a"$ +an; *ot$ntial ca)s$s of s)ch ina%v$"t$nt ha**$nin3s s)ch as fo" $@a+*l$ t;"$s that :)"st o" )nAnown to th$ %"iv$" a"$ o)t of :alanc$E in%$$% on$ co)l% f"a+$ a lon3 list of ca)s$s which ca""; no :la+$ on th$ %"iv$". 9n a%%ition th$"$ a"$ cas$s in which th$ acci%$nts a"$ %)$ to that cat$3o"; of n$3li3$nc$ which to a%o*t th$ wo"%s of Lo"% %) 0a"c< in Lon%on 0ass$n3$" 7"ans*o"t 2oa"% v. .*son [19,9] AC 155 176 $@*$"i$nc$ an% co++ons$ns$ t$ach? is liA$l; to occ)". 4 7h$ !inist"; ow$ to th$ +oto"ists at l$ast a %)t; wh$n sitin3 +assiv$ si3ns to taA$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ wh$n th$"$ a"$ two sit$s $<)all; 3oo% as "$3a"%s visi:ilit; not to s$l$ct th$ on$. that involv$s +at$"iall; 3"$at$" haza"%s to th$ +oto"ists. 9n th$ sa+$ cas$ 8i%3$"; LJ 'as h$ th$n was( sai%:4 #f co)"s$ th$ %)t; of th$ hi3hwa; a)tho"it; is li+it$% :; th$ fact that it is onl; "$<)i"$% to %o what is "$asona:l$ in o"%$" to avoi% "$asona:l; fo"$s$$a:l$ acci%$ntsD. '$+*hasis +in$( 9 sh)%%$" that +; $"$ction of a st"on3 i"on 3at$ into which a +oto"ist whos$ t;"$ :)"st an% c"ash$% co)l% s)cc$ssf)ll; +aintain an action a3ainst +$ fo" inj)"i$s s)ff$"$% :; "$ason of th$ *"$s$nc$ of th$ i"on 3at$. As +; l$a"n$% :"oth$" Raja Azlan Shah FJ sai% DA *$"son who +aintains an;thin3 on )n%$" a:ov$ o" a%jac$nt a hi3hwa; ow$s a %)t; to *$"sons lawf)ll; )sin3 th$ hi3hwa; to *"$v$nt %a+a3$ to th$i" *$"son o" *"o*$"t;. 7his %)t; is no hi3h$" than a %)t; to $@$"cis$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ that *$"sons )sin3 it a"$ not )n%)l; inconv$ni$nc$% o" inj)"$% :; an; ca"$l$ssn$ss on th$ *a"t of th$ %$f$n%ant.D 8h$"$ was th$"$ a :"$ach of this %)t; :; th$ %$f$n%antK As h$ <)ot$% f"o+ Ca; o" 2o)"hill v. Lo)n3 '9(:4 D7h$ %)t; is ow$% to thos$ to who+ inj)"; +a; "$asona:l; an% *"o*$"l; :$ antici*at$% if th$ %)t; is not o:s$"v$%.D A"$ f"$aA acci%$nts not att"i:)ta:l$ to an; cont"i:)to"; ca)s$ :; th$ %$f$n%ant to :$

co+*$nsat$% :; hi+ to a *$"son who has s)ff$"$% inj)"i$sK 9 a+ of th$ o*inion an% 9 wo)l% <)ot$ f"o+ C)3h$s v. Sh$**a"% 161 L7 177 179 '*$" Sin3l$ton J.(:4 A *):lic n)isanc$ has :$$n %$fin$% as an act not wa""ant$% :; law o" an o+ission to %ischa"3$ a %)t; which act o" o+ission o:st")cts an% ca)s$s inconv$ni$nc$ o" %a+a3$ in th$ $@$"cis$ of "i3hts.... An $@a+*l$ of a *):lic n)isanc$ is o:st")ctin3 a hi3hwa; o" +aAin3 it %an3$"o)s fo" t"affic... 9t +a; :$ that in a t$chnical s$ns$ a n)isanc$ is constit)t$% :; th$ *lacin3 of thos$ cans in th$ "oa% :)t %$ci%in3 th$ <)$stion on th$ +at$"ials :$fo"$ +$ +; i+*"$ssion is that th$"$ is no act)al n)isanc$. 7h$ hi3hwa; a)tho"it; hav$ th$ "i3ht to *aint th$ whit$ lin$ an% also to %o what is "$asona:l; n$c$ssa"; whil$ *aintin3 it.... 7h$; %i% no +o"$ than was n$c$ssa"; h$"$. A3ain it +a; :$ that si3ns at :oth $n%s of an% n$a" to wh$"$ th$ wo"A was :$in3 %on$ +i3ht hav$ %"awn att$ntion to it tho)3h 9 %o not Anow that th$; wo)l% hav$ %on$ so in his *a"tic)la" cas$ fo" th$ cans an% fla3s w$"$ cl$a"l; th$"$ to :$ s$$n :; an;on$ who was looAin3. 9n +; o*inion it was not n$3li3$nt to l$av$ th$ cans as th$; w$"$ l$ft an% 9 a+ not %is*os$% to thinA that a n)isanc$ was c"$at$%.D '$+*hasis +in$(. 9n 7"$v$tt v. L$$ [1955] 1 8LR 111 1164117. Lo"% 5v$"sh$% !R sai%: 4 9t is a@io+atic as a 3$n$"al *"o*osition that a +an who o:st")cts a hi3hwa; co++its an% is lia:l$ to :$ cha"3$% in"$s*$ct of th$ co++ission of a *):lic n)isanc$. 2)t that sho"t stat$+$nt is in t")th so+$what of an ov$"si+*lification fo" th$"$ is no %o):t that not $v$"; o:st")ction of a hi3hwa; constit)t$s a *):lic n)isanc$. 9t is also w$ll $sta:lish$% that a *"ivat$ in%ivi%)al can onl; s)$ in "$s*$ct of a *):lic n)isanc$ if h$ o" sh$ s)ff$"s so+$ s*$cial %a+a3$ as a "$s)lt of it. So fa" as this cas$ is conc$"n$% that last *oint +a; :$ lai% asi%$ fo" if th$"$ was h$"$ a *):lic n)isanc$ an% if !"s. 7"$v$tt?s inj)"i$s w$"$ *"o*$"l; att"i:)ta:l$ to th$ $@ist$nc$ of that n)isanc$ th$n :$;on% a *$"a%v$nt)"$ sh$ %i% s)ff$" s*$cial %a+a3$ as a "$s)lt of it. 9n Fa""$ll v. John !owl$+ I Co. Lt%. [195,] 1 Llo;%?s R$* ,17 ,19. J$vlin J )s$% this lan3)a3$:4 A *$"son whos$ *"o*$"t; a%joins th$ hi3hwa; fo" $@a+*l$ has a "i3ht of acc$ss to an% f"o+ his *"o*$"t; an% if in th$ $@$"cis$ of that "i3ht of

acc$ss h$ ca)s$s as h$ +a; %o so+$ti+$s an o:st")ction to th$ *):lic )sin3 th$ hi3hwa; th$ <)$stion is wh$th$" th$ o:st")ction is "$asona:l$ o" not. 7h$"$ a"$ two s$ts of "i3hts which hav$ to :$ +$t an% "$solv$% on th$ o"%ina"; *"inci*l$ that a "$asona:l$ $@$"cis$ of :oth +)st :$ allow$%. 9n %$t$"+inin3 lia:ilit; $v$n fo" an o:st")ction in a hi3hwa; as Lo"% 5v$"sh$% sai% at **. 1&1 an% 1&&:4 9t is 9 thinA cl$a" on th$ a)tho"iti$s that th$ <)$stion is on$ of fact to :$ %$t$"+in$% in vi$w of all th$ ci"c)+stanc$s of th$ cas$ incl)%in3 of co)"s$ th$ nat)"$ of th$ localit; th$ %$nsit; of th$ t"affic an% th$ $@t$nt an% %)"ation of th$ o:st")ction.... 9n so fa" as a:l$:o%i$% *$%$st"ians a"$ conc$"n$% th$ o:st")ction was of th$ sli3ht$st. #n :alanc$ it s$$+s to +$ that ca""i$% o)t with *"o*$" *"$ca)tions it is i+*ossi:l$ to hol% that this o*$"ation was i+*"o*$".... ... it is not o*$n to %o):t that in a clai+ fo" %a+a3$s :as$% on n)isanc$ th$ %$f$n%ant +a; s$t )* an% "$l; )*on a fa)lt consistin3 of what is co++onl; call$% cont"i:)to"; n$3li3$nc$ so as to "$%)c$ o" $@tin3)ish his own lia:ilit;.'$+*hasis +in$( =oin3 on to J;+on% v. 0$a"c$ [197&] 1 F2 ,96E [197&] 1 All 5R 11,& '2in3ha+?s 'cit( '**. &674&66( in "$3a"% to a v$hicl$ *a"A$% on a hi3hwa; 9 wo)l% "$*"o%)c$ what is th$"$in stat$% in f)ll: 4 7h$ %$f$n%ants? %"iv$" f$tch$% a la"3$ loa%$% lo""; f"o+ th$i" %$*ot at 6*+ an% *a"A$% it n$a" his ho+$ "$a%; fo" an $a"l; sta"t n$@t +o"nin3. 9t was *a"A$% on th$ o)tsi%$ of a shallow :$n% on an )":an "oa% havin3 two ca""ia3$wa;s $ach &, f$$t wi%$. 2$fo"$ li3htin3)* ti+$ th$ %"iv$" t)"n$% on th$ li3hts. 7h$ lo""; was )n%$" a st"$$t li3ht an% was visi:l$ fo" at l$ast &-- ;a"%s to a**"oachin3 t"affic: it was 71>& f$$t wi%$ l$avin3 at l$ast 16 f$$t of th$ ca""ia3$wa; )no:st")ct$%. Aft$" li3htin3)* ti+$ a +oto"c;clist looAin3 "o)n% at so+$on$ on th$ *av$+$nt fail$% to s$$ th$ lo""; an% c"ash$% into it. 7h$ *laintiff his *ass$n3$" was inj)"$%. C$ :as$% his clai+ on two 3"o)n%s: '1( that th$ lo""; was n$3li3$ntl; *a"A$% an% '&( that th$ lo""; was an o:st")ction an% a+o)nt$% to a co++on law n)isanc$ actiona:l$ witho)t *"oof of n$3li3$nc$. 7h$ t"ial J)%3$ h$l% that '1( in th$ +ann$" in which th$ lo""; was *a"A$% th$"$ was no fo"$s$$a:l$ %an3$" an% no n$3li3$nc$ '&( th$ +$"$ *a"Ain3 of th$ lo""; on th$ n$a"si%$ of th$ "oa% wh$"$ it was not fo"$s$$a:l; %an3$"o)s %i% not a+o)nt to n)isanc$ at co++on law '1(

th$ sol$ ca)s$ of th$ acci%$nt was th$ +oto" c;clist?s fail)"$ to looA wh$"$ h$ was 3oin3. C5LJ #B A005AL: '1( th$ J)%3$ was "i3ht in fin%in3 that th$ %$f$n%ants an% th$i" %"iv$" ha% not :$$n n$3li3$nt in *a"Ain3 th$ lo""; at that *lac$ in th$ wa; th$; %i%E '&( th$"$ w$"$ two cat$3o"i$s of n)isanc$ on a hi3hwa; an o:st")ction which constit)t$% a %an3$" an% an o:st")ction witho)t %an3$". 9t was i+*o"tant to "$+$+:$" th$ two cat$3o"i$s wh$n looAin3 at th$ a)tho"iti$s. 9n n$ith$" cat$3o"; was it n$c$ssa"; to *"ov$ n$3li3$nc$ as an in3"$%i$nt an% in :oth *"oof of what was *"i+a faci$ a n)isanc$ lai% th$ on)s on th$ %$f$n%ant to *"ov$ j)stification. B$ith$" cat$3o"; was actiona:l$ )nl$ss th$ *laintiff co)l% *"ov$ %a+a3$ ha% :$$n ca)s$% to hi+. L$avin3 asi%$ th$ s*$cial *osition of f"onta3$"s 'an% th$ %"iv$" in this cas$ was not a f"onta3$"( th$ co++on law "i3hts of )s$"s of th$ hi3hwa; w$"$ no"+all; confin$% to )s$ fo" *assa3$ an% "$*assa3$ an% inci%$nts "$asona:l; associat$% with s)ch )s$. L$avin3 a la"3$ v$hicl$ on th$ hi3hwa; *"i+a faci$ "$s)lt$% in a n)isanc$ fo" it na""ow$% th$ hi3hwa;: in th$ *"$s$nt cas$ th$ lo""; constit)t$% a n)isanc$ at th$ ti+$ th$ +oto"c;clist "an into it :)t that %i% not "$n%$" th$ %$f$n%$nts lia:l$ to th$ *laintiff :$ca)s$ as th$ J)%3$ ha% fo)n% th$ n)isanc$ was not th$ ca)s$ of th$ acci%$nt 4 th$ sol$ ca)s$ was th$ +oto"c;clist?s n$3li3$nc$. 9n +ost cas$s that was an in$vita:l$ concl)sion onc$ n$3li3$nc$ on th$ *a"t of a stationa"; v$hicl$ was n$3ativ$%. B$v$"th$l$ss '*$" 5%+)n% Javi$s LJ( a *$"son c"$atin3 a hi3hwa; o:st")ction +)st :$ al$"t to th$ *osi:ilit; that w$ath$" chan3$s o" th$ actions of thi"% *a"ti$s +i3ht conv$"t what was o"i3inall; a %an3$"f"$$ o:st")ction into a 3"av$ t"affic haza"%. 9n th$ *"$s$nt cas$ th$ lo""; *a"A$% as it was %i% not *"$s$nt a %an3$" to thos$ )sin3 th$ hi3hwa; in th$ +ann$" in which th$; co)l% :$ "$asona:l; $@*$ct$% to )s$ it. A005AL J9S!9SS5J. '$+*hasis +in$( 9n th$ instant cas$ wh$"$ th$ *i*$s w$"$ not on th$ "oa% o" co)l% :$ consi%$"$% *$" s$ %an3$"o)s how can a**$llant :$ h$l% lia:l$ to th$ "$s*on%$ntK 9n 8ills v. 7F !a"tin 'Roof Cont"acto"s( Lt%. '1,( '2in3ha+?s cit( '*. &66( it was h$l% '*$" Fo":$s J(:4 ...a**l;in3 th$ j)%3+$nts in J;+on% v. 0$a"c$ 'a:ov$( th$ sAi*?s *"$s$nc$ was a n)isanc$ wh$th$" lit o" )nlit: it ha% no :)sin$ss to :$ on th$ hi3hwa;. 2)t th$ *laintiff +)st show that th$ o:st")ction was at l$ast

a ca)s$ of th$ acci%$nt. A%o*tin3 5%+)n% Javi$s LJ ?s t$st in J;+on%?s cas$ th$ sAi* wo)l% not :$ %an3$"o)s if a%$<)at$l; lit :)t wo)l% :$ *ot$ntiall; %an3$"o)s if )nlit. 7h$ *laintiff ha% not satisfi$% th$ Co)"t that th$"$ was no a%$<)at$ li3htin3 an% ha% th)s not $sta:lish$% that th$ sAi* was a %an3$"o)s o:st")ction. Sachs LJ?s t$st in th$ sa+$ cas$ was wh$th$" th$ n)isanc$ was th$ ca)s$ of th$ acci%$nt.D '$+*hasis +in$( As th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ sai% Dh$ 'th$ "$s*on%$nt( s)ff$"$% inj)"i$s s):stantiall; on acco)nt of th$ *"$s$nc$ of thos$ *i*$s. C$ +i3ht o" +i3ht not hav$ s)stain$% inj)"i$s.... Cow$v$" 9 a+ satisfi$% that in all *"o:a:ilit; h$ +i3ht not hav$ s)stain$% thos$ inj)"i$s "$v$al$% :$fo"$ this Co)"t ha% it not :$$n fo" thos$ *i*$s.D 9t is s*$c)lativ$ that th$ "$s*on%$nt co)l% hav$ s)ff$"$% oth$" s$"io)s inj)"i$s :; 3oin3 off th$ "oa% as a "$s)lt of th$ :o;?s w"on3f)l action in c"ossin3 th$ "oa% s)%%$nl;. 8o)l% h$ :$ $ntitl$% to %a+a3$s f"o+ th$ own$" of a t"$$ on lan% a%jac$nt to th$ hi3hwa; into which h$ ha% c"ash$% in sw$"vin3 to avoi% th$ :o;K 9 fin% that a v$"; hi3h %)t; was cast )*on th$ a**$llant fo" l$avin3 th$ *i*$s th$"$ witho)t an; ca"$ :$in3 taA$n to s$$ that th$; wo)l% not *os$ %an3$" to "oa% )s$"s. C$ ha% a A$*ala an% a co+*$t$nt $n3in$$". 8hat +o"$ co)l% h$ %oK At th$ h$a"in3 th$ a**$llant?s Co)ns$l a%+itt$% lia:ilit; an% )"3$% cont"i:)to"; n$3li3$nc$ on th$ *a"t of th$ "$s*on%$nt. C$ sai% :oth w$"$ $<)all; at fa)lt o" at l$ast ass$ss$% at 75H on th$ *a"t of th$ "$s*on%$nt an% at &5H on th$ *a"t of th$ a**$llant. 9 n$$% onl; cit$ Jo;l$ v. #l:; [1969] & F2 156 166 wh$"$ Lo"% J$nnin3 !R sai%:4 9t was s):+itt$% :; !". S+o)t w$ co)l% not o" at an; "at$ o)3ht not to co""$ct this $""o". 9 %o not a3"$$. 8$ n$v$" allow a cli$nt to s)ff$" fo" th$ +istaA$ of his Co)ns$l if w$ can *ossi:l; h$l* it. 8$ will alwa;s s$$A to "$ctif; it as fa" as w$ can. 8$ will co""$ct it wh$n$v$" w$ a"$ a:l$ to %o so witho)t inj)stic$ to th$ oth$" si%$.D '$+*hasis +in$( 9n th$ vi$w 9 taA$ n$ith$" n$3li3$nc$ no" n)isanc$ was *"ov$% an% 9 wo)l% th$"$fo"$ fo" +; *a"t with %)$ %$f$"$nc$ to +; :"$th"$n allow this a**$al an% s$t si%$ th$ o"%$" of th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ with costs h$"$ an% in th$ Co)"t :$low.

Raja Azlan Shah FJ.: 7his is an a**$al f"o+ a j)%3+$nt of th$ Ci3h Co)"t at /)ala L)+*)" 3iv$n on , A*"il 1977. 9t was a clai+ fo" *$"sonal inj)"i$s as a "$s)lt of an acci%$nt on th$ /L>S)n3ai 2$si "oa% which s$"v$s as th$ +ain hi3hwa; to S$"%an3 f"o+ /)ala L)+*)". 9t is && f$$t wi%$ n$a" th$ *lac$ of th$ acci%$nt an% th$ a"$a is a :)ilt)* a"$a in th$ s$ns$ that th$"$ a"$ ho)s$s on :oth si%$s of it an% not in th$ s$ns$ as w$ )n%$"stan% it as a s*$$%li+it a"$a. 2"i$fl; th$ *laintiff?s cas$ was that in t";in3 to avoi% a chil% c"ossin3 th$ sai% "oa% a:o)t 1- f$$t ah$a% of hi+ h$ sw$"v$% his +oto" c;cl$ to th$ l$ft an% in %oin3 so c"ash$% into a 1&D st$$l *i*$s which ha% :$$n l$ft l;in3 a:o)t 1 f$$t to , f$$t f"o+ th$ n$a"si%$ $%3$ of th$ sai% "oa% fo" th$ *ast on$ o" two ;$a"s. 7h$ *i*$ ha% a sha"* st$$l"i+ $%3$ $@*os$% an% that constit)t$% as th$ l$a"n$% t"ial J)%3$ h$l% a *ot$ntial %an3$" to "oa% )s$"s. As a "$s)lt his l$ft l$3 was a+*)tat$%. F)ant)+ was a3"$$% at G15 ---. 7h$ cas$ was fo)n%$% on all$3$% n$3li3$nc$ an% alt$"nativ$l; on all$3$% n)isanc$. 7h$ l$a"n$% t"ial J)%3$ h$l% that on :oth iss)$s th$ %$f$n%ant was wholl; to :la+$. C$nc$ this a**$al. 7h$ facts in $ss$nc$ a"$ si+*l$ an% w$"$ "$lat$% :; th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ as follows: At all +at$"ial ti+$s th$ *laintiff was th$ "i%$" of +oto" c;cl$ 2=6,1& an% th$ %$f$n%ant was a cont"acto" )n%$" cont"act with th$ S$lan3o" Stat$ =ov$"n+$nt fo" la;in3 1& inch *i*$s alon3 Jalan S)n3ai 2$si>/)ala L)+*)" an% was at all +at$"ial ti+$s in cha"3$ of sto"in3 an% la;in3 th$ sai% *i*$s. 7h$"$ w$"$ 1& inch *i*$s sto"$% alon3 th$ si%$ of Jalan S)n3ai 2$si on th$ +at$"ial %at$. #n 1 J)n$ 197& at a:o)t 1.1-*+ th$ *laintiff was "i%in3 his +oto" c;cl$ alon3 Jalan S)n3ai 2$si f"o+ /)ala L)+*)" to S)n3ai 2$si. Aft$" *assin3 th$ j)nction of Jalan /)chai La+a fo" a %istanc$ of a:o)t th"$$ la+* *osts 'a**"o@i+at$l; &-f$$t( a :o; c"oss$% th$ "oa% f"o+ l$ft to "i3ht a:o)t 1- f$$t awa;. C$ a**li$% th$ :"aA$ an% sw$"v$% to th$ l$ft to avoi% th$ :o;. 9n so %oin3 h$ AnocA$% into th$ *i*$s l;in3 on th$ "oa% si%$. C$ in%icat$% that h$ ca+$ f"o+ th$ %i"$ction of th$ stationa"; +oto" ca" shown in *hoto 1 in th$ Bon A3"$$% 2)n%l$. 7h$ *i*$s a"$ also shown in that *hoto3"a*h an% in *hotos 1 an% &. 7h$ l$ft si%$ of th$ +oto" c;cl$ an% *laintiff?s l$ft l$3 hit th$ *i*$s. 7h$ *laintiff a3"$$% that h$ )s$% th$ "oa% %ail; an% h$ An$w th$ *i*$s w$"$ l;in3 :; th$ si%$ of th$ "oa% fo" on$ o" two ;$a"s.

7h$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ fo)n% th$ followin3 facts: '1( 7h$ *i*$s ha% :$$n l;in3 th$"$ fo" at l$ast two ;$a"s. '&( 7h$ o)t$" $%3$s of th$ *i*$s s$$+$% to hav$ wo"n o)t $@*osin3 sha"* st$$l "i+s. '1( 7h$s$ *i*$s a"$ shown f"o+ th$ *hoto3"a*h to :$ l;in3 v$"; clos$ to th$ $%3$ of th$ "oa%. ',( 7h$"$ was no wa"nin3 si3n at o" a"o)n% th$ *lac$ of acci%$nt.D 7h$"$ is no %is*)t$ with "$3a"% to '1( an% '1(. 8ith "$3a"% to '&( it was cont$n%$% :$fo"$ )s that th$"$ is no $vi%$nc$ that th$ $n%s of th$ *i*$s ha% sha"* $%3$s. 9t is in $vi%$nc$ that th$ *i*$s w$"$ l$ft :; th$ "oa%si%$ fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$. Ji% th$; $@*os$ sha"* $%3$ "i+s at :oth $n%sK 9t is co++on Anowl$%3$ that th$s$ *i*$s a"$ s)ch that th$; a"$ to :$ conn$ct$% with oth$" *i*$s so that it is n$c$ssa"; to hav$ sha"* $%3$ "i+s at :oth $n%s fo" this *)"*os$. 7h$ *hoto3"a*hic $vi%$nc$ hi3hli3hts this *oint. A consi%$"ation of all th$s$ "$l$vant facts l$% th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ to fo"+ th$ vi$w that Dth$i" $%3$s w$"$ so wo"n o)t $@*osin3 st$$l "i+s that th$; w$"$ *ot$ntiall; %an3$"o)s to "oa% )s$"sD. 7hat is a <)$stion of fact with which this Co)"t is loath to int$"f$"$. 9n an a**$al a3ainst a fin%in3 of fact how$v$" +)ch th$ a**$llat$ Co)"t +a; :$ in an $<)al *osition with th$ t"ial J)%3$ as to th$ %"awin3 of inf$"$nc$s th$ a**$llat$ Co)"t o)3ht not to "$v$"s$ th$ fin%in3 of fact )nl$ss it is convinc$% that it is w"on3. 9f that fin%in3 is a vi$w that is "$asona:l; o*$n on th$ $vi%$nc$ it is not $no)3h to wa""ant its "$v$"sal that th$ a**$llat$ Co)"t co)l% not hav$ :$$n *"$*a"$% on that $vi%$nc$ to +aA$ th$ sa+$ fin%in3. 9n an; cas$ an a**$llat$ Co)"t is not :o)n% to "$v$"s$ th$ t"ial J)%3$?s fin%in3 of fact +$"$l; :$ca)s$ it hol%s a %iff$"$nt o*inion to that of th$ t"ial J)%3$. 8h$"$ th$ +$+:$"s of th$ a**$llat$ Co)"t a"$ th$+s$lv$s not )nani+o)s on a *a"tic)la" *oint th$"$ wo)l% s$$+ to :$ 3oo% "$ason to %o):t th$ *"o*"i$t; of "$v$"sin3 th$ t"ial J)%3$ if his fin%in3 is "$all; o*$n on th$ +at$"ial :$fo"$ hi+. 8ith "$3a"% to ',( it was sai% on :$half of th$ %$f$n%ant that th$"$ was a wa"nin3 si3n that *i*$ la;in3 wo"A was in *"o3"$ss alon3 th$ sai% "oa% :)t it was conc$%$% that th$"$ was no wa"nin3 si3n at o" n$a" th$ *a"tic)la" s*ot of th$ acci%$nt :$ca)s$ it was sai% that at that ti+$ wo"A was not in *"o3"$ss. 9 thinA this as*$ct of th$ cas$ :$a"s so+$ "$l$vanc$ wh$n 9 consi%$" th$ %)t;"$lationshi* :$tw$$n th$ %$f$n%ant an% th$ *laintiff. R$f$"$nc$ was +a%$ to th$ *"ovisions of th$ !ino" #ff$nc$s #"%inanc$ 1955. in *a"tic)la" s. 1&'a( :)t in +; vi$w nothin3 t)"ns on this. #n th$ analo3; of

Collin3ton v. C$who"n I Co. Lt%. [19,1] & All 5R 15 :"$ach of th$ *"ovisions of s. 1&'a( is i""$l$vant. 7h$ Co)"t is not conc$"n$% with its o*$"ation to %$t$"+in$ th$ civil lia:ilit; of th$ %$f$n%ant. 9n fact th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ "$co3nis$% this as*$ct of th$ cas$ wh$n h$ tooA an alt$"nativ$ vi$w of th$ s$ction. C$ sai% this: D9 hast$n to a%% that th$ civil lia:ilit; of th$ %$f$n%ant +a; not :$ wholl; %$*$n%$nt )*on th$ :"$ach of this *"ovision in th$ $v$nt th$"$ is a :"$achD. Co)ns$l on :$half of th$ %$f$n%ant a%+itt$% lia:ilit; :)t a"3)$% th$"$ was cont"i:)to"; n$3li3$nc$ on th$ *a"t of th$ *laintiff. C$ sai% :oth w$"$ $<)all; at fa)lt an% that at th$ +ost lia:ilit; on th$ *a"t of th$ *laintiff o)3ht to hav$ :$$n ass$ss$% at 75H an% on th$ *a"t of th$ %$f$n%ant at &5H. As a sta"tin3 *oint it is t"it$ law that an alt$"nativ$ clai+ in n$3li3$nc$ an% n)isanc$ is *$"+issi:l$ 's$$ fo" $@a+*l$ C"an$ v. So)th S):)":an =as Co. [1916] 1 /2 196 ,11 an% J;+on% v. 0$a"c$ [197&] 1 F2 ,96E [197&] 1 All 5R 11,&. 2)t th$ %iff$"$nc$s :$tw$$n cas$s of n)isanc$ an% cas$s of n$3li3$nc$ +)st n$v$" :$ lost si3ht of '*$" Lo"% S)++$" in Latha+ v. R Johnson I B$*h$w Lt%. [1911] 1 /2 196 ,11. 7h$ %iff$"$nc$s a"$ th$s$: fi"st that n$3li3$nc$ is not an $l$+$nt in n)isanc$ an% s$con%l; that wh$"$ th$ n)isanc$ in "$s*$ct of which a *"ivat$ *$"son s)$s is a *):lic n)isanc$ h$ +)st *"ov$ s*$cial %a+a3$. 9t is also w$ll to "$+$+:$" how fa" f"o+ its fo"+$" sco*$ an% +$anin3 n)isanc$ has st"a;$% la"3$l; :; "$ason of th$ i+*act of th$ law of *):lic n)isanc$ )*on th$ o"i3inal conc$*t of that to"t. 7h$ clai+ in n$3li3$nc$ *ost)lat$s a :"$ach :; th$ %$f$n%ant of so+$ %)t; ow$% :; hi+ to th$ *laintiff. Acco"%in3l; th$ fi"st <)$stion to :$ asA$% an% answ$"$% is wh$th$" a %)t; was ow$% to th$ *laintiff :; hi+ of which h$ co++itt$% a :"$ach. 9n o"%$" to %$t$"+in$ th$ $@ist$nc$ of this %)t; 9 thinA a citation of two *assa3$s f"o+ w$ll Anown j)%3+$nts a"$ "$l$vant. 7h$ fi"st is f"o+ th$ j)%3+$nt of 2"$tt !R in C$av$n v. 0$n%$" [1661] & F2J 5-1. D8h$n$v$" on$ *$"son is :; ci"c)+stanc$s *lac$% in s)ch a *osition with "$3a"% to anoth$" that $v$";on$ of o"%ina"; s$ns$ who %i% thinA wo)l% at onc$ "$co3nis$ that if h$ %i% not )s$ o"%ina"; "a"$ an% sAill in his own con%)ct with "$3a"% to thos$ ci"c)+stanc$s h$ wo)l% ca)s$ %an3$" o" inj)"; to th$ *$"son o" *"o*$"t; of th$ oth$" a %)t; a"is$s to )s$ o"%ina"; ca"$ an% sAill to avoi% s)ch %an3$".D 7h$ s$con% is f"o+ th$ fa+o)s %ict)+ of Lo"% AtAin in Jono3h)$ v. St$v$nson: [191&] AC 56& 56-. DLo) +)st taA$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ to avoi% acts o" o+issions which ;o) can "$asona:l; fo"$s$$ wo)l% :$ liA$l; to inj)"$ ;o)" n$i3h:o)". 8ho th$n in law is +; n$i3h:o)"K 7h$ answ$" s$$+s

to :$ *$"sons who a"$ so clos$l; an% %i"$ctl; aff$ct$% :; +; act that 9 o)3ht "$asona:l; to hav$ th$+ in cont$+*lation as :$in3 so aff$ct$% wh$n 9 a+ %i"$ctin3 +; +in% to th$ acts o" o+issions which a"$ call$% in <)$stion.D S$$ also th$ lat$st $@*osition of th$ law :as$% on th$ n$i3h:o)" *"inci*l$ in th$ s*$$ch of Lo"% 8il:$"fo"c$ in Anns v. Lon%on 2o"o)3h of !o"ton [1977] & All 5R ,9& ,96. 9t +a; :$ not$% that th$"$ is no n$3li3$nc$ in th$ a:st"act :)t a %)t; "$lat$% to th$ *a"tic)la" ci"c)+stanc$s of th$ *laintiff. 7h$ lia:ilit; onl; a"is$s Dwh$"$ th$"$ is a %)t; to taA$ ca"$ an% wh$n fail)"$ in that %)t; has ca)s$% %a+a3$D: *$" Lo"% !ac+illan in Jono3h)$ v. St$v$nson S)*"a '*. 616(. S)ch a %)t; onl; a"is$s to thos$ *$"sons so *lac$% that th$; +a; "$asona:l; :$ $@*$ct$% to :$ inj)"$% :; th$ acts o" o+issions of th$ %$f$n%ant 's$$ Ca; o" 2o)"hill v. Lo)n3( [19,1] AC 9& 1-,. Fo"$s$$a:ilit; is an $ss$ntial in3"$%i$nt 's$$ 7h$ 8a3on !o)n% 'Bo. &( [1967] 1 AC 617 619. 7h)s wh$"$ th$ act of a thi"% *a"t; is "$asona:l; fo"$s$$a:l$ th$ %$f$n%ant ow$s a %)t; to taA$ ca"$ that it %o$s not occ)". 9n Scott v. Sh$*h$"% 96 All 5R 5&5 th$ %$f$n%ant th"$w a li3ht$% s<)i: into a c"ow%$% +a"A$t *lac$. A thi"% *a"t; *icA$% it )* an% th"$w it a3ain actin3 in s$lf *"$v$ntion an% fo" th$ *"ot$ction of *"o*$"t;. 9t hit th$ *laintiff in th$ fac$ an% $@*lo%$% ca)sin3 hi+ to los$ an $;$. 9t was h$l% to :$ no %$f$nc$ to th$ %$f$n%ant that th$ *laintiff wo)l% hav$ s)ff$"$% no %a+a3$ ha% not th$ thi"% *a"t; *icA$% it )* an% th"$w it a s$con% ti+$. 9n Shiff+an v. 7h$ M$n$"a:l$ #"%$" of th$ Cos*ital of St. John of J$")sal$+ [1916] 1 All 5R 557 561 a fla3*ol$ was ins$c)"$l; $"$ct$% in C;%$ 0a"A. So+$ chil%"$n whil$ *la;in3 th$"$ o:s$"v$% this an% in t";in3 to :"in3 it %own it f$ll on an% inj)"$% th$ *laintiff. 7h$ own$" of fla3*ol$ was h$l% lia:l$ fo" not antici*atin3 that th$ chil%"$n wo)l% int$"f$"$ with it. 9t s$$+s cl$a" that th$ Dacts o" o+issionsD a"$ th$ all$3$% acts of n$3li3$nc$ an% that Lo"% AtAin?s t$st of wh$th$" th$ *laintiff was th$ %$f$n%ant?s n$i3h:o)" can onl; :$ a**li$% $@ *ostfacto 's$$ 8infi$l% an% Jolowicz on 7o"t 1-th 5%n. [1971] *. 5,(. 9n 7ho+*son v. 2anAstown Co"*. [1951] 67 CLR 61it was sai%: D9n th$ a**lication of th$s$ fo"+)las it is i+*o"tant to avoi% th$ $""o" of conf)sin3 th$ *"$cis$ chain of ci"c)+stanc$s :; which th$ *laintiff inc)"s th$ inj)"i$s o" %a+a3$ of which li$ co+*lains with th$ <)$stion wh$th$" h$ actin3 as h$ %i% falls within th$ 3$n$"al %$sc"i*tion of *$"sons liA$l; to :$ aff$ct$%. 7h$ $@act co)"s$ which $v$nts taA$ can s$l%o+ :$ fo"$s$$n in %$tail. 8as th$ %$f$n%ant )n%$" a %)t; to th$ *laintiffK Can it :$ sai% that h$ ha% onl; a %)t; to la; th$ *i*$s )n%$" cont"act with th$ Stat$ =ov$"n+$nt an% so lon3

as this %)t; was co+*li$% with an% that h$ ha% *)t )* wa"nin3 si3ns to that $ff$ct h$ ha% no %)t; at all to consi%$" )nn$c$ssa"; haza"%s to an; s)ch *$"son in th$ sit)ation of th$ *laintiff not $v$n if th$"$ $@ist$% va"io)s +$ans to $li+inat$ th$+K 9n +; o*inion an; s)ch *"o*osition in "$lation to th$ %$f$n%ant?s action is )nt$na:l$. At th$ *"$s$nt ti+$ wh$n "oa% wo"As an% wo"As involvin3 la;in3 of $l$ct"icit; an% t$l$*hon$ ca:l$s an% wat$" *i*$s a%joinin3 th$ hi3hwa; a"$ *a"t of th$ "$aliti$s of lif$ a %)t; to taA$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ is ow$% to "oa% )s$"s who +a; ina%v$"t$ntl; '$+*hasis is +in$( l$av$ th$ "oa% an% colli%$ with th$+. 7h$ law on this *oint has not chan3$% :$ca)s$ nowa%a;s on$ co+$s ac"oss la"3$ n)+:$"s of s)ch cas$s wh$"$ cont"acto"s l$av$ )nn$c$ssa"; haza"%s on lan% a%joinin3 th$ hi3hwa; an% no on$ s$$+s to o:j$ct. 9f th$ *"o*osition of th$ no D%)t; 4 "$lationshi*D is acc$*t$% th$ $ff$ct of Jono3h)$ v. St$v$nson s)*"a wo)l% :$ so "a%icall; c)"tail$% as to :$ vi"t)all; $li+inat$%. As was sai% :; Lo"% !ac+illan in that cas$ th$ cat$3o"i$s of n$3li3$nc$ a"$ n$v$" clos$% which +$ans at l$ast as As<)ith LJ sai% in Can%l$" v. C"an$ Ch"ist+as I Co. [1969] 1 !LJ ,9 5& Dthat in acco"%anc$ with chan3in3 social n$$%s an% stan%a"%s n$w class$s of *$"sons l$3all; :o)n% o" $ntitl$% to th$ $@$"cis$ of ca"$ +a; f"o+ ti+$ to ti+$ $+$"3$D. 9n L$vin$ v. !o""is [197-] 1 All 5R 1,, 1,6 a cas$ "$li$% on h$avil; :; th$ *laintiff an% which was consi%$"$% :; th$ l$a"n$% J)%3$ wh$"$ an analo3o)s *oint a"os$ it was h$l% that th$ !inist"; of 7"ans*o"t wh$n sitin3 "oa% si3ns :; th$ si%$ of a Dfast t"affic hi3hwa;D 4 , f$$t f"o+ th$ n$a" $%3$ of th$ hi3hwa; 4 ow$% a %)t; to a +oto"ist who +a; ina%v$"t$ntl; l$av$ th$ "oa% an% colli%$ with th$+. All th"$$ J)%3$s of th$ Co)"t of A**$al w$"$ )nani+o)s on th$ analo3o)s *oint "ais$% that an; s)ch *"o*osition taA$n on :$half of th$ !inist"; was too na""ow a vi$w of th$ %)t; of th$ !inist";. Sachs LJ ha% this to sa; '*. 1,6(: 9t is w$ll Anown that on hi3h s*$$% "oa%s th$"$ is a "isA of +oto"ists 3oin3 off th$ ca""ia3$wa; ina%v$"t$ntl; th"o)3h no fa)lt of th$i" own $s*$ciall; in :a% w$ath$". 7h$"$ a"$ +an; *ot$ntial ca)s$s of s)ch ina%v$"t$nt ha**$nin3s s)ch as fo" $@a+*l$ t;"$s that :)"st o" )nAnown to th$ %"iv$" a"$ o)t of :alanc$E in%$$% on$ co)l% f"a+$ a lon3 list of ca)s$s which ca""; no :la+$ on th$ %"iv$". 9n a%%ition th$"$ a"$ cas$s in which th$ acci%$nts a"$ %)$ to that cat$3o"; of n$3li3$nc$ which to a%o*t th$ wo"%s of Lo"% %) 0a"c< in Lon%on 0ass$n3$" 7"ans*o"t 2oa"% v. .*son: ?$@*$"i$nc$ an% co++on s$ns$ t$ach? is liA$l; to occ)". 7h$ chanc$s of s)ch acci%$nts ha**$nin3 o)3ht alwa;s to :$ :o"n$ in +in% :; th$ !inist"; an% th$ $@t$nt of thos$ chanc$s sho)l% :$

ass$ss$%. 7h$ !inist"; ow$ to +oto"ists at l$ast a %)t; wh$n sitin3 +assiv$ si3ns to taA$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ wh$n th$"$ a"$ two sit$s $<)all; 3oo% as "$3a"%s visi:ilit; not to s$l$ct th$ on$ that involv$s +at$"iall; 3"$at$" haza"%s to th$ +oto"ist. 8i%3$"; LJ was of th$ sa+$ o*inion '*. 15-(: 7h$ fi"st s):+ission of Co)ns$l fo" th$ !inist"; as 9 )n%$"stan% it is that wh$n sitin3 th$ si3n th$ !inist"; of 7"ans*o"t ha% no %)t; of ca"$ towa"%s a +oto"ist who was hi+s$lf 3)ilt; of n$3li3$nc$ an% whos$ n$3li3$nc$ ha% ca)s$% his ca" to l$av$ th$ ca""ia3$wa; an% th)s to :$ at "isA of colli%in3 with th$ si3n. 9n +; o*inion this is fa" too na""ow a vi$w of th$ %)t; of th$ hi3hwa; a)tho"it;. All +oto"ists a"$ 3)ilt; of $""o"s of on$ Ain% o" anoth$" on on$ occasion o" anoth$" an% 9 thinA it wo)l% :$ <)it$ )n"$al if "oa%s w$"$ %$si3n$% on th$ ass)+*tion that no %"iv$" wo)l% $v$" $"". 9n%$$% as Lo"% %) 0a"c< *)t it in Lon%on 0ass$n3$" 7"ans*o"t 2oa"% v. .*son s)*"a '*. 176( ?... a *")%$nt +an will 3)a"% a3ainst th$ *ossi:l$ n$3li3$nc$ of oth$"s wh$n $@*$"i$nc$ shows s)ch n$3li3$nc$ to :$ co++on. 9t s$$+s to +$ that that *h"as$ is $nti"$l; a*t to %is*os$ of th$ s):+ission that no %)t; of ca"$ was ow$% to a +oto"ist in th$ *osition of th$ %"iv$" in this cas$. #f co)"s$ th$ %)t; of th$ hi3hwa; a)tho"it; is li+it$% :; th$ fact that it is onl; "$<)i"$% to %o what is "$asona:l$ in o"%$" to avoi% "$asona:l; fo"$s$$a:l$ acci%$nts.D R)ss$ll LJ *)t it in si+ila" v$in '*. 15&(: 7h$ cont$ntion that in sitin3 th$s$ si3ns th$ !inist"; ha% no %)t; of ca"$ to v$hicl$s l$avin3 th$ "oa% :$ca)s$ of n$3li3$nt %"ivin3 cannot :$ s)**o"t$%. Co)ns$l fo" th$ !inist"; in s):+ittin3 this ha% to 3o to th$ l$n3th of s)33$stin3 that $<)all; th$"$ was no %)t; ow$% towa"%s a v$hicl$ l$avin3 th$ "oa% witho)t n$3li3$nc$ an% this s$$+s to +$ to :$ *lainl; w"on3. 7h$ *"$s$nc$ of th$s$ t"affic si3ns on fo)" s):stantial conc"$t$ *osts j)st off a fast t"affic hi3hwa; is a *lain %an3$" to v$hicl$s which l$av$ th$ hi3hwa; wh$th$" th"o)3h n$3li3$nt %"ivin3 o" witho)t n$3li3$nc$. 9t is w$ll Anown that v$hicl$s %o l$av$ s)ch a hi3hwa; at s*$$% f"o+ ti+$ to ti+$. 7h$ %)t; to taA$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ to avoi% a %an3$" o:vio)sl; %o$s not "$<)i"$ th$ !inist"; not to $"$ct s)ch si3ns at all at *lac$s a**"o*"iat$ to th$i" f)nction :)t th$ %)t; %o$s in +; vi$w "$<)i"$ that "$asona:l$ st$*s to +ini+is$ th$ %an3$"s sho)l% :$ taA$n. 9f a choic$ of sit$s is availa:l$ :oth consist$nt with th$ *"o*$" f)nctionin3 of th$ si3n th$n in +; j)%3+$nt th$ %)t; of "$asona:l$

ca"$ "$<)i"$s that consi%$"ation :$ 3iv$n to th$ <)$stion of "$lativ$ *"o:a:ilit; of a v$hicl$ l$avin3 th$ "oa% an% *assin3 ov$" on$ sit$ "ath$" than th$ oth$". 7h$"$ is no %o):t that th$"$ was a %)t; 4 "$lationshi* :$tw$$n th$ %$f$n%ant an% th$ *laintiff who +a; ina%v$"t$ntl; l$av$ th$ "oa% an% colli%$ with th$ *i*$s. A *$"son who +aintains an; thin3 on )n%$" a:ov$ o" a%jac$nt to a hi3hwa; ow$s a %)t; to *$"sons lawf)ll; )sin3 th$ hi3hwa; to *"$v$nt %a+a3$ to th$i" *$"son o" *"o*$"t;. 7his %)t; is no hi3h$" than a %)t; to $@$"cis$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ to s$$ that *$"sons )sin3 it a"$ not )n%)l; inconv$ni$nc$% o" inj)"$% :; an; ca"$l$ssn$ss on th$ *a"t of th$ %$f$n%ant. 7h$ %)t; is a %)t; to taA$ "$asona:l$ ca"$ an% not a %)t; to *)t )* wa"nin3 si3ns. Lo"% !ac+illan?s %ict)+ in 2o)"hill v. Lo)n3 s)*"a '*. 1-,( D7h$ %)t; is ow$% to thos$ to who+ inj)"; +a; "$asona:l; an% *"o:a:l; :$ antici*at$% if th$ %)t; is not o:s$"v$%D :$a"s th$ sa+$ +$anin3 as Lo"% AtAin?s %$sc"i*tion in Jono3h)$ v. St$v$nson '*. 56-( viz:. D0$"sons who a"$ so clos$l; an% %i"$ctl; aff$ct$% :; +; act that 9 o)3ht "$asona:l; to hav$ th$+ in cont$+*lation as :$in3 so aff$ct$% wh$n 9 a+ %i"$ctin3 +; +in% to th$ acts o" o+issions which a"$ call$% in <)$stion.D 9t s$$+s to +$ that th$ *laintiff actin3 as h$ %i% f$ll within th$ 3$n$"al %$sc"i*tion of *$"sons liA$l; to :$ aff$ct$% :; th$ %$f$n%ant?s action. 7h$ <)$stion of lia:ilit; is wh$th$" th$ %$f$n%ant ha% o:s$"v$% th$ stan%a"% of ca"$ "$<)i"$% :; th$ ci"c)+stanc$s of th$ cas$ in "$lation to th$ *laintiff. 7h$ t$st an% sco*$ of this %)t; is wh$th$" th$ %$f$n%ant o)3ht to hav$ cont$+*lat$% as a "$asona:l$ +an that if h$ %i% not taA$ st$*s to $li+inat$ th$ )nn$c$ssa"; haza"%s a%joinin3 th$ hi3hwa; h$ wo)l% ca)s$ %an3$" of inj)"; to th$ *laintiff a"isin3 ina%v$"t$ntl; :; co+in3 into contact with th$ $@*os$% sha"* st$$l4 "i+s. 9t is not as a +att$" of law n$c$ssa"; that th$ %$f$n%ant sho)l% hav$ antici*at$% th$ $@act acci%$nt that $ns)$% :)t th$ liA$lihoo% of an acci%$nt with th$ sai% *i*$s. 8h; sho)l% not this *"o:a:ilit; o" *ossi:ilit; :$ "$3a"%$% as within "$asona:l$ fo"$si3htK 9t is a +att$" of fact that th$ *i*$s ha% :$$n l;in3 so clos$ to th$ hi3hwa; fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$ that th$i" o)t$" $%3$s ha% wo"n o)t $@*osin3 sha"* st$$l4 "i+s. 9n th$ ci"c)+stanc$s it s$$+s *"o*$" to i+*)t$ to th$ %$f$n%ant Anowl$%3$ that a *$"son in th$ sit)ation of th$ *laintiff lawf)ll; )sin3 th$ hi3hwa; wo)l% :$ a*t fo" on$ "$ason o" anoth$" to co+$ into contact with th$ $@*os$% %an3$". 9 "$it$"at$ what was sai% in 7ho+*son v. 2anAstown Co"* s)*"a D7h$ $@act co)"s$ which $v$nts taA$ can s$l%o+ :$ fo"$s$$n in %$tail.D 7h$ fact that th$ *laintiff ha% fail$% to A$$* a *"o*$" looA o)t o" that h$ ha% :$$n n$3li3$nt %o$s not taA$ hi+ o)t of th$ sco*$ of *$"sons who+ th$ %$f$n%ant co)l% "$asona:l; cont$+*lat$ +i3ht :$ aff$ct$% :; his n$3l$ct. 5v$n th$ +ost

sAill$% %"iv$" taAin3 "$asona:l$ ca"$ fo" his own saf$t; +a; ina%v$"t$ntl; co+$ in contact with th$ $@*os$% sha"* st$$l"i+s. 9n +; j)%3+$nt onc$ th$ *ossi:ilit; of a cas)al act of ina%v$"t$nc$ is taA$n into consi%$"ation 4 an act which +a; "$s)lt in inj)"; 4 it is i+*ossi:l$ to sa; that a cons$<)$ntial %)t; to a%o*t *"$ca)tions :$fo"$ it c)l+inat$s in inj)"; a"$ not n$$%$%. 9 concl)%$ on th$ $vi%$nc$ that it was th$ %)t; of th$ %$f$n%ant st"ictl; s*$aAin3 th$ %)t; of his A$*ala an% $n3in$$" to who+ h$ ha% l$ft th$ +att$" $nti"$l; wh$n *lacin3 th$ *i*$s to consi%$" th$ "isA of collision as on$ of th$ facto"s aff$ctin3 th$ sai% wo"A. 9f that ha% :$$n %on$ :; an; co+*$t$nt cont"acto" it s$$+s to +$ that h$ wo)l% hav$ :oth "$co3nis$% a s$"io)s haza"% *"$s$nt$% :; th$ *i*$s in that con%ition an% th$ co+*a"ativ$ $as$ with which that haza"% co)l% hav$ :$$n avoi%$% :; fo" $@a+*l$ not *lacin3 th$ *i*$s at that *a"tic)la" s*ot fo" an )n%)l; lon3 ti+$ :$fo"$ wo"A co++$nc$%. 9t s$$+s

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