Zebras Supply List (7 Grade/Track 1) : Student Agenda - Will Be For Sale During Meet The Teacher' Night For $5

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Zebras Supply List (7

Grade/Track 1)
Student Agenda Will be for sale during Meet the Teacher night for $5.
Team Supplies*
o Loose-leaf paper
o 2-pocket folder for hoe!ork
o "ippered pouch !ith #2 pencils$
colored pencils$ glue sticks$
scissors$ and highlighters
o 2 black !hiteboard arkers to donate
o %encil lead &si'e (.)* to donate
o + bo,es of tissue to donate
o 2 containers of -loro, !ipes to donate
o .-pack of glue sticks to donate
o 2/ or +/ three-ring binder
o + di0ider tabs for binder
o Mechanical pencils &(.) lead recoended*
o 1-pack 222 batteries
o 3-sub4ect spiral notebook &largest si'e possible 5 hole-punched to keep in +-ring binder*
o 2-pocket folder &hole punched*
Language Arts
o 3 spiral 5-sub4ect notebook 2T L627T 89 : b; 33/ 2<= iniu 38( pages
o The >utsiders b; 7.6. ?inton
o 2/ three-ring binder
o 3 inde, card case
o 2 packs of +/,5/ inde, cards to donate
S"cial Studies
o 3 spiral notebook 2T L627T 89 : b; 33/ 2<= iniu 38( pages
Spartan Time
o 3/ three-ring binder
o 1 di0iders
#pti"nal $"r %se at Sch""l and &"me
o -olored pencils
o ?ighlighters
o @lue sticks
o 7all pencil sharpener
o Locker shelf
o Aup dri0e
o Bed pens
o 7pare erasers
o @raphing or scientific calculator &TC-+1CC$ TC-)+$ TC-8+D8+ %lusEE$ TC-81EE*
E6lecti0e and health classes a; ha0e additional reFuireents.
EE TC-8+D8+ %lus$ TC-81 can be used in high school ath
Seventh Grade Science
Lab Items Needed
Throughout the year we will be conducting experiments and activities that
require the use of consumable materials. Any donation of these materials will
be greatly appreciated! Items do not have to be new. Partial packages are fine
too! Please send the donated items with your child or drop them off at the
front office. Thank you!
Alka!elt"er #arbles
#etal $ashers %ewspapers&!cience #aga"ines
'iploc (ags) Assorted !i"es *lear and (lack +ilm
Ping Pong (alls *heesecloth
,ubber (ouncy (alls Pantyhose
#atchbox *ars -ite !tring
./0 *leaner 1ish !oap 2A3ax) 1awn) etc.4
Tennis (alls Paper Plates
!mall Paper *ups !ponges 2with scrubbing side4
(aking !oda 5thyl Alcohol 26/74
1ixie *ups Paper Towels
8unch (ags *ard !tock Paper
,equests for perishable items will be sent out prior to lab days.

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