Code of The West: From The Book, "A Cowboy's Guide To Life" by Texas Bix Bender

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Code of the West

From the Book, "A Cowboy's Guide to Life" By Texas Bix Bender
Write it in your heart. tand by the !ode, and it wi"" stand by you. Ask no more and #i$e no
"ess than honesty, !oura#e, "oya"ty, #enerosity, and fairness.
%ou don't need de!orated words to make your meanin' !"ear.
ay it &"ain and sa$e some breath for breathin'.
'on't ne$er interfere with somethin# that ain't botherin' you none.
(f you find yourse"f in a ho"e, the first thin# to do is to sto& di##in'.
)e$er #rumb"e. (t makes you about as we"!ome as a sidewinder in a !ow !am&.
(f you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a "ook ba!k e$ery now and then to make sure its sti""
(t don't matter so mu!h how "on# a ride you ha$e, as how we"" you ride it.
A"ways drink u&stream from the herd.
The first thin# you do when you #et u& in the mornin# is &ut on your tetson.
'on't worry about bitin# off more than you !an !hew. %our mouth is &robab"y a who"e "ot
bi##er than you think.
When it !omes to !ussin don't swa""ow your ton#ue* use both barre"s and air out your "un#s.
'on't #et mad at somebody who knows more than you do. (t ain't their fau"t.
Ta"k "ow, ta"k s"ow, and don't say too mu!h. Genera""y, you ain't "earin' nothin' when your
mouth is a+,awin'.
(f you want to for#et a"" your troub"es, take a "itt"e wa"k in brand+new &air of hi#h+hee"ed ridin'
The wi"dest !ritters "i$e in the !ity-
Trust e$erybody in the #ame, but a"ways !ut the !ards.
The .ui!kest way to doub"e your money is to fo"d it o$er and &ut it ba!k in your &o!ket.
'on't "et so mu!h rea"ity into your "ife that there's no room "eft for dreamin'.
/akin' it in "ife is kinda "ike bustin' bron!s0 you're #onna #et thrown a "ot. The sim&"e se!ret is
to kee& #ettin' ba!k on.
Go after "ife as if it's somethin# that's #ot to be ro&ed in a hurry before it #ets away.
'on't s.uat with your s&urs on- )e$er miss a !han!e to rest your horse.

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