Simply Put - Self-Publishing Basics
Simply Put - Self-Publishing Basics
Simply Put - Self-Publishing Basics
Revised in June 2012 ~ Catherine McGrew Jaime Copyright 2011, 2102 by Catherine McGrew Jaime Smashwords Edition !icense "otes his eboo! is "icensed #or your persona" en$oyment on"y. his eboo! may not be re%so"d or given away to other peop"e. &# you wou"d "i!e to share this boo! with another person, p"ease purchase an additiona" copy #or each recipient. &# you're reading this boo! and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased #or your use on"y, then p"ease return to ( and purchase your own copy. han! you #or respecting the hard wor! o# this author. ))) *re#ace &ntroduction +hat is (e"#%*ub"ishing, #hy Self-Publish$ %he Basics &irst 'ecisions: #here and (ow to Self-Publish Pdfs ) CurrClic* E-boo* +eaders Pricing,+oyalties %humbnails,JPEGs -mages,Clipart Paperbac*s Boo* on CreateSpace -SB"s Mar*eting /dds and Ends Conclusion ))) Preface &# you're reading this, my newest "itt"e boo!, you're probab"y wondering i# se"#% pub"ishing -or .indie pub"ishing/0 is #or you. +e"", & may not !now you or your story, but based on my e1periences, & can sti"" say, .2es, i# you are considering it, you probab"y shou"d $oin the wor"d o# se"#%pub"ishers3/ he initia" cost is "ow4in #act, it's #ree in the case o# most e%boo!s, and a"most #ree in the case o# paperbac!s. (o, you have to as! yourse"#, .+hat am & waiting #or,/ )
&# you're "i!e & was a coup"e o# years ago, you may not have started yet because you don't !now where to start. +e"", &'m now $ust over two years into the e1perience o# se"#% pub"ishing through CurrC"ic!, and a"most two years into pub"ishing on 5ma6on and (mashwords and &'m sti"" "earning. 7ut with a"most 280 e%boo!s -pd#s0 on CurrC"ic!, 90 paperbac!s on 5ma6on, and :; e%boo!s -#or e%boo! readers0 on (mashwords, &'ve certain"y #igured some o# it out, and that's what &'m going to share with you here. 7ut, when a"" is said and done, you rea""y $ust need to get started3 ) &'m going to share $ust a tad bit o# my writing <pub"ishing $ourney in the -ntroduction. &# you want to get into the nitty%gritty o# the pub"ishing =uic!er, you may s!ip the -ntroduction, and go straight to the #irst chapter. 7ut, i# you're wondering why<how a homeschoo"ing Mom o# 12 -yes, that wou"d be 12 chi"dren0 got into pub"ishing at 82% years%o"d, g"ance at the &ntroduction. Maybe it wi"" he"p convince you that yes, you, too, can se"#%pub"ish3 ))) -ntroduction & don't want to bore you with too many detai"s, but sometimes seeing that ordinary peop"e are doing what we consider to be e1traordinari"y di##icu"t, can be an encouragement to us. ) & wrote my #irst boo! twenty years ago, when & was on bed rest with my eighth chi"d. &t was the history o# the ama6ing German city we were "iving in at the time -+uer6burg0 and & se"#%pub"ished it on a German copy machine and cut the pages to #it in 5merican si6ed covers. 5 year "ater & had so"d one hundred copies o# my #irst boo!, we had moved bac! to the >nited (tates, and my writing .career/ was bac!burnered again as & #ocused on homeschoo"ing my #irst eight chi"dren. ) en years "ater & was bac! on bed rest during my thirteenth pregnancy. 5 #riend came by to de"iver dinner #or my #ami"y and sco"ded me, .+hen are you going to stop reading, and start writing,/ & too! her suggestion to heart, and started wor!ing on my second boo!. his time, the writing o# one boo! "ed more =uic!"y to wor! on a second, a third, and so on. 7e#ore "ong & was se"#%pub"ishing do6ens o# boo!s, this time with an 5merican copy machine, .#ancier/ covers -"aminated0, and comb binding. & so"d them "oca""y, at a hand#u" o# homeschoo" #airs, and on our website. & was content with that "eve" o# pub"ishing and sa"es #or many more years. ) 7ut then, ear"y in 2010, a"" o# that started changing. My sister%in%"aw mentioned a website she had #ound that so"d e%boo!s and catered to homeschoo"ers. +ithin a wee! & had contacted them, set up an account, and started converting my printed boo!s into pd#s. +ithin wee!s, & was se""ing pd#s a"" over the wor"d. 5t the end o# the #irst year with CurrC"ic!, & had up"oaded a"most 200 di##erent pd#s to their website, and was averaging ?200 in sa"es<month. ) (evera" months into my e1citing wor! there with e%boo!s, CurrC"ic! announced that they wou"d be starting a print%on%demand option, a"so. @nce again, my persona" pub"ishing wor"d was e1panding in ways that & had on"y recent"y written o## as unattainab"e. 5nd on"y a #ew months "ater & was sitting at my dining room tab"e crying whi"e & he"d my #irst
print%on%demand boo!. 5s many boo!s as & had se"#%pub"ished at that point, nothing had compared to that moment. -+ant a good reason to se"#%pub"ish, here's a great one30 5nd a #ew wee!s "ater, & was sitting in the same spot crying again, this time whi"e ho"ding my #irst boo! e0er with co"or pictures on a"most every page. ) 5nd with a"" that e1citement, that might have been the end o# my new $ourney into this newer and better wor"d o# se"#%pub"ishing. 7ut a #ew months "ater, & wandered on to 5ma6on's website and c"ic!ed on the button on the bottom o# their home page that said .(e"# *ub"ish with >s./ 5"" o# a sudden my head was swimming with the options in #ront o# me. ) +ithin two hours & had set up an account and up"oaded my #irst boo! onto 5ma6on's Create(pace, their print%on%demand website. 5nd again, & was saying .+ow3/ & was ama6ed at the ease o# pub"ishing there A an 5dobe pd# #i"e & had made #rom +ord was accepted #or the paperbac! interior. 5nd & didn't even have to stress over ma!ing the cover, since Create(pace's Cover Creator wa"!ed me through the process with their temp"ates. & was hoo!ed. ) 5 wee! "ater & ventured on to the Bind"e e%reader portion o# 5ma6on's site, and started the process again. & didn't #ind it to be near as easy as the print%on%demand option, but & =uic!"y discovered that my sa"es were higher there than with the paperbac!s, and so & have continued to up"oad in both p"aces. ) &'m not getting rich monetari"y with these and the other pub"ishing options &'ve de"ved into -though a#ter the #irst two years my month"y roya"ty chec!s average ?800<month, so &'m not doing bad"y either0. 5dditiona""y, &'m having a wonder#u" time writing and pub"ishing, &'m having the en$oyment o# seeing others en$oy what &'m writing, and now &'m having a great time sharing what &'ve "earned with others3 ))) #hat is Self-Publishing$ (urprising"y, you can #ind severa" di##erent de#initions o# se"#%pub"ishing. he purists in the industry say that in order to be .se"#%pub"ishing/, the author must own the pub"ishing company and have purchased their own &(7Cs, etc. ) 7ut & pre#er the simp"er de#inition that se"#%pub"ishing is mere"y pub"ishing your wor!s independent"y o# a mainstream pub"isher. &n that wor"d, those o# us that are doing print% on%demand through p"aces "i!e 5ma6on, are indeed, se"#%pub"ishing. ) here are many variations on the se"#%pub"ishing mode", many o# which wi"" cost you some serious money in the beginning. hose cost"y methods are not the ones that &'ve e1p"ored. & have gone with the #ree, or a"most #ree versions, and that's what &'"" be discussing here. ))) #hy Self-Publish$ & was going to go straight into the basics o# se"#%pub"ishing at this point, but decided that .+hy (e"#%*ub"ish,/ was a critica" #irst step, even be#ore we get to the basics.
) & o#tentimes answer =uestions with a =uestion, such as .+hy homeschoo",/ with .+hy not homeschoo",/ 7ut .+hy not se"#%pub"ish,/ is probab"y not the answer you're "oo!ing #or. ) (omeone shou"d consider se"#%pub"ishing #or a variety o# reasonsD 1. 5s an act o# "ove #or #ami"y and #riends. & se"#%pub"ished the #irst trave" $ourna" & ever wrote, not because & e1pect it to ever become a best se""er, but as a gi#t to my parents and sib"ings who were on that trip with me #orty%#our years ago. he gi#t too! on so much more meaning when it was in the #orm o# a .rea" boo!./ ) 2. &t can be an ine1pensive way to ma!e a !eepsa!e #or members o# a group. @n"y a coup"e o# months into my own se"#%pub"ishing adventure, & he"ped my mom's church se"#%pub"ish a coo!boo!. he cost #or each coo!boo! was bare"y more than i# they had copied and bound the boo!s themse"ves, but the resu"ts were so much nicer. ) ;.(e"#%pub"ishing a""ows you to ta!e your hard wor! on researching the history o# your #avorite town or person, or writing your #irst nove" or set o# short stories, and putting it out there #or the wor"d -or even sma"" subsets o# it30 to en$oy. 2ou don't have to be the ne1t John Grisham or Je## (haara to be ab"e to success#u""y se"#%pub"ish your boo!3 5nd with the avai"ab"e print%on%demand systems, it is not necessary to print a #irst run o# thousands that you may or may not be ab"e to se"". 7ut you may be ab"e to se"" do6ens or hundreds3 ))) %he Basics & wanted to start with some basics o# writing be#ore we get into the detai"s o# se"#% pub"ishing. ) @# course, in order to pub"ish something, it's genera""y a good idea to write something. & thin! most wou"d agree that there are at "east #our basic steps to this processD #rite,Proof, Publish,Mar*et. &'"" "eave the writing portion to you. ) @nce you've written something you want to pub"ish be sure to have it proofed. &'ve genera""y been content to have =ua"i#ied #ami"y member and #riends proo# my writing. & did hire a pro#essiona" proo#reader when & wrote my #irst two nove"s. &t cost me more that way, but the mista!es she #ound, and the suggestions she made #or improving things, were we"" worth it. ~ he ins and outs o# se"#%pub"ishing wi"" be most o# what we'"" ta"! about here in this boo!, but & wi"" end with a #ew thoughts on mar*eting, too. &t is not my strong suit, by any means, but &'m "earning more about it as & go a"ong. ) +hich brings me to an important part in a"" o# thisD don't be a#raid to "earn as you go3 +e can get so caught up in having the answers to a"" our =uestions #irst, that we're a#raid to ta!e the #irst steps. Especia""y since there is so "itt"e o# your money invo"ved in starting this process, don't be a#raid to "earn as you go3 &# you ma!e mista!es as you go a"ong,
you'"" be "earning #rom them -hope#u""y0 and they shou"d more than pay #or themse"ves in the "ong%run3 ) 5nd !eep your "ong term perspective as you set your short term goa"s, but don't "et it su##ocate you in the process. & "i!e to ma!e some headway in my pub"ishing $ourney every wee!. -Every day wou"d be nice, but & do have a #ew other ma$or things going on in my "i#e, so wee!"y targets wor! better #or me.0 (ometimes it's overwhe"ming to me i# & thin! o# a"" the things & wou"d sti"" "i!e to accomp"ish with my writing pro$ects. 5t those points & have to go bac! and "oo! at what &'ve a"ready accomp"ished. hat he"ps me !eep it a"" in perspective. ))) &irst 'ecisions: #here and (ow to Self-Publish +here, how, and who are a"" re"ated =uestions in this conte1t. +here do you want to se"#% pub"ish your wor!, +hat #ormat-s0 wi"" wor! best #or your wor!, 5nd who comprises your "i!e"y mar!et, hin! about a"" three o# those as you are #inishing up your writing pro$ect-s0. ) & wou"d divide your se"#%pub"ishing #ormat options into three basic categories. &t's actua""y more comp"icated than that, but "et's start easy. -+e'"" ta"! more about each o# the pub"ishing options "ater in the boo!. his is $ust an overview #or now.0 ) 2ou may want to put your "iterary wor! out there as a paperbac*, as a pdf, and<or as a #i"e #or an e-reader -"i!e those manu#actured by 5ma6on, 7arnes and Cob"e, (ony, 5pp"e40 @r, depending on the pro$ect, you may want to put it out in mu"tip"e #ormats. - hat's what & genera""y do.0 ) 5s a veteran homeschoo"ing mom, much o# what & write is aimed at the homeschoo" mar!et. hat's convenient, since the #irst p"ace & #ound on%"ine to pub"ish my wor! is the wonder#u" homeschoo" site, www.CurrC"ic!.com. & thin! at this point, it wou"d be sa#e to say that anything &'ve written and pub"ished anywhere has been converted into a pd# and up"oaded to CurrC"ic! at some point in the process. &n #act, most o# my mu"ti%site pro$ects go there be#ore they go anywhere e"se. +ithin minutes o# up"oading a pd# on to CurrC"ic!, it's avai"ab"e #or customers to buy. -&'ve had some pro$ects that were purchased on the #irst day & up"oaded them30 ) 5 subset o# the pd#s that & put on CurrC"ic! are a"so app"icab"e to c"assroom teachers, so many o# those a"so go on to the site, www. eachers*ay & don't se"" near"y as much on that website, but &'ve had enough sa"es to ma!e it worth the "itt"e e1tra wor! to put things there a#ter &'ve put them on CurrC"ic!. -5nd depending on what you're writing, you may se"" more there.0 ) For those o# you who are writing #or a di##erent mar!et than teachers and homeschoo"ers, there may be pd# options out there that &'m not aware o#. 7ut there are de#inite"y paperbac! and e%boo! readers as options #or you. )
5bout twenty percent o# my current wor! is the right "ength to have a paperbac* boo* o# twenty%#our pages or more. -& have paperbac!s ranging #rom twenty%#our pages to a"most two hundred pages.0 +hen & #inish a pro$ect that &'m ma!ing into a paperbac!, & set it up the way & want it to print, convert it to a pd# #i"e, up"oad it, create a cover, and wait. hat's the hard part o# ma!ing paperbac!s, the waiting. &t genera""y ta!es a "itt"e over a wee! #rom up"oad time unti" &'m ho"ding the #irst proo# copy in my hands. 5nd, i# a"" goes we"", it might show up #or customers to see and purchase on 5ma6on within a coup"e o# wee!s. ) 5nd the e-boo* readers #a"" somewhere in between. Gepending on where you're up"oading an e%boo!, it may be avai"ab"e to customers within a coup"e o# hours, or it may ta!e a #ew days. he di##icu"ty with the e%boo! boo!s is the #ormatting. 7ut again, bac! to that in a #uture chapter. 111 Pdfs ) CurrClic* (ince this is where & started my pub"ishing, and where & start most o# my pro$ects, "et's start here. &# you're not p"anning to go this route, you may want to s!ip ahead to another chapter. @nce your account is set up, and you're ready to pub"ish your pd#s on CurrC"ic! -or simi"ar sites "i!e eachers*ay eachers0, you need two things, a pd# #i"e o# your document, and a $peg #or the cover. ) Het's start with the document #i"e. & write in Microso#t +ord, so that's where my e1perience is, though &'m sure there are other ways to accomp"ish this. +ith most pd#s that &'m up"oading to CurrC"ic!, & do them in the usua" I.8 1 11 si6e page, with regu"ar margins -usua""y one inch a"" around0. *d#s are nice, because you can put pictures in them easi"y. 5nd they're #air"y straight #orward to ma!e. +ith the newer +ord versions -at "east the "ast two0, you can save a +ord document as a pd#. (o, & write my document, save it as a pd#, and &'m ready to up"oad it. ) Gepending on the pd#, and the person receiving it, it may be something that $ust gets read on a computer, or it may be something that gets printed on the other end. For that reason, &'ve started up"oading two #i"es #or some o# my pd#s A one with pictures and one without. hat way, the wonder#u" graphics or pictures that &'ve inc"uded can be en$oyed, but &'m he"ping someone save in! when they print, i# that's an issue. ) 7e sure to put your name and your copyright in#ormation in your #i"e. -.Copyright 2011 by Catherine McGrew Jaime/ c"aims my wor! as mine.0 And yes, at that point your written material has been copyrighted. There is more that you can do, but it is not required! ) @nce your interior #i"e is done, you have to have a cover. +e"", not a cover in the boo! sense o# the word, but in the sense o# representing your boo! to the wor"d. &t is o#ten ca""ed a thumbnai", and it has to be a $peg -picture #i"e0 o# a certain si6e, depending on which site you're up"oading it to. Het's come bac! to more about the thumbnai"s a#ter we've ta"!ed about your other e%boo! options, since you'"" need them there, too. )
5nd that's a"" you rea""y need to up"oad your #irst pd# to a site "i!e CurrC"ic!. +e"", a"most. 2ou'"" a"so need a description o# what it is, to thin! about what age it's appropriate #or, what categories it #a""s in, and things "i!e that. 7ut a"" o# that is pretty se"#%e1p"anatory, so &'"" "et you #igure that out when you get there. ) (pea!ing o# #iguring things out, one or two more things about CurrC"ic! be#ore we move on. & "i!e many things about CurrC"ic!, but one o# the things &'ve rea""y appreciated is, how "itt"e & had to #igure out be#ore & got started, and how many great things & can add as & have time and energy to #igure more out. 5t the beginning, & wou"dn't have wanted to thin! about bund"es, and sub%categories, and a##i"iates, and, we"" you get the picture. 7ut, as time went a"ong, and & got the hang o# what & had to do, & was e1cited to see a"" the other coo" things & cou"d do on their website. 5nd &'m con#ident that even a#ter a year o# e1p"oring it, there are many more p"easant surprises waiting #or me there. ) 5nd one more positive thing, CurrC"ic! has great Customer (ervice. +hen & cou"dn't #igure things out, or had some odd prob"em come up, & have a"ways been impressed with their customer service. hey never act "i!e &'m an annoyance, and they a"ways he"p get the issue reso"ved, genera""y very =uic!"y. 111 E-boo* +eaders Het's turn our attention to one o# the parts o# pub"ishing that & "i!e the "east, e%boo! readers. &n my humb"e opinion, #ormatting #or these types o# e%boo!s can be a rea" pain. 5nd yet, here & am, putting at "east twenty percent o# my pro$ects on the web as e%boo!s #or e%boo! readers. +hy, 7ecause they se"".-5nd a#ter 1 J years, & can say they genera""y se"" better30 5nd because & thin! they are the wave o# the #uture, & be"ieve they wi"" continue to se"" we"". ) &# you haven't tried #ormatting your #irst e%boo! yet, you may wonder what the big dea" is. +e"", "et me e1p"ain some o# the issues that &'ve had so #ar. First, a"" e%boo! readers are not the same. 5ma6on wants something di##erent than what 7arnes and Cob"e wants, which is di##erent than what (ony and 5pp"e want. @# course. ) (econd"y, images within e%boo!s are a roya" pain. &n #act, as o# the writing o# this boo!, & have yet to success#u""y se"#%pub"ish a boo! with images in it. & haven't given up, $ust sidestepped the issue #or now, with p"ans o# coming bac! to it at a "ater date. For now, & have p"enty o# other pub"ishing pro$ects to !eep me busy, without stressing over that particu"ar issue. (That was the case when I wrote this in early 20 . In early 20 2, that has already changed !ith the help o" a couple o" "riends, I ha#e tac$led images, and actually ha#e images in many o" my eboo$s now!% ) 7ac! to the #irst prob"em with the e%boo!s, the #ormatting. *d#s are nice, because everything stays right where you put it. 2ou can set up your pages to "oo! $ust how you want them to "oo!, put your spaces where you want them, etc. 7ut you don't get to do that with these. e1t $ust sort o# #"ows, and spaces get strange4 )
he good news is you up"oad your e%boo! #i"e and then you preview it a"most right away, and see what "oo!s bad, and try to #i1 it, and do that again4and again, and again4& started with 5ma6on, with the Bind"e, and & #e"t "i!e my #irst severa" e%boo!s there wou"d never "oo! right. 5nd then & popped over to 7arnes and Cob"e and had to start again. &t was not a good beginning to se""ing e%boo!s. 5nd at that point, & had no idea how we"" they wou"d se"", so & wasn't rea""y sure a"" the wor! & was doing was even going to be worth it. 7ut & !ept at, and & !ept "oo!ing #or more in#ormation on the internet. ) &n my search & stumb"ed upon this wonder#u" b"og, www.(e"#*ub" 5nd on (arah's wonder#u""y in#ormative site, & discovered a number o# other he"p#u" se"#% pub"ishing%re"ated websites, inc"uding www.( -5 caveat, be#ore we go on, there are lots o# boo!s on (mashwords that & wou"dn't read, as is the case with most boo!se""ers, but many o# these wi"" smac! you in the #ace on the home page, each time you go on there4(o don't say & didn't warn you30 ) +hen & got to (mashwords, & discovered some e1citing aspects to it. First, there is a wonder#u" e%boo! there that you rea""y need to down"oad i# you are going to be pub"ishing e%boo!s, &mashwords &tyle 'uide. &t is #ree and it is good3 &t is probab"y the number one reason & was wi""ing to !eep wor!ing on pub"ishing e%boo!s3 ) (ince Mar!'s boo! is #ree, and he gives you so much great in#ormation on getting your boo! ready #or e%boo! pub"ishing, & won't dup"icate what he says there. 7ut & wi"" summari6e some o# the !ey pointsD 1.2ou have to get rid o# a"" the .#ancy/ #ormatting in your document A no tabs, no #orced spacing, no "arge #onts, etc. Co page numbers, headers, #ootnotes, etc. 2.For those with newer versions o# +ord, save your document as a .doc not as a .doc1. ;.Beep your #ont si6es to 12 or 1: pt. :.Gon't $usti#y your margins on both sides, $ust the "e#t. 8.Fo""ow the directions Mar! gives #or your (mashwords' tit"e page. ) &# you do a"" o# the above, and the other basic things he te""s you to do, you wi"" have way "ess up"oading issues and your e%boo! wi"" end up in (mashwords' *remium Cata"og. ) 5nd why do you want to be in (mashwords' *remium Cata"og, 7ecause (mashwords' greatest asset to your se"#%pub"ishing e##ort is their distribution service. hey ta!e the e% boo! you've up"oaded one time in one #ormat, re#ormat it #or you and distribute it to a ha"# do6en or more other sites. &n doing so, they save you lots o# wor!. ) &n my #irst =uarter on (mashwords & so"d one boo! actua""y on (mashwords, but over 100 on the other sites they had sent them to3 &t ta!es time to get #rom (mashwords to those other sites, and then report bac! to you and then pay you -genera""y on"y once a =uarter0. 5nd everyone has to ta!e a sma"" percentage #or their part in the process. 7ut there is no up#ront cost to you #or any o# this, it gets your boo!s to p"aces you probab"y wou"dn't have gotten them to, and your roya"ties are e1ce""ent3 )
& sti"" up"oad my e%boo!s direct"y to 5ma6on #or the Bind"e, since they haven't wor!ed things out with (mashwords yet. 7ut & "et (mashwords distribute to the other e%boo! sites #or me. ))) Pricing,+oyalties Kow much money you'"" ma!e on your e%boo!s is dependent on where you put them, and what price you charge. & read another se"#%pub"ishing b"og that said ?2.LL was the sweet point #or se""ing #iction boo!s as e%boo!s. 5ma6on must see some reasonab"eness in that. hey motivate authors to se"" their boo!s between ?2.LL and ?L.LL. &n that price range you ma!e 90M roya"ties on e%boo!s on 5ma6on. 7e"ow that and above that, you on"y ma!e ;8M roya"ties. 5s a resu"t, & se"" most o# my e%boo!s at ?2.LL, though & do have a #ew sma""er ones that & price at on"y ?0.LL -and even #ewer that are priced at ?;.LL and ?:.LL0. +ith those & hope to ma!e up in =uantity what & "ose in roya"ty. 5nd, #or the record, my best%se""ing e%boo! in the #irst #ive months has been one o# my ?0.LL tit"es. - hat same tit"e has actua""y been raised to ?2.LL, and continues to be my best se""ing eboo! at this moment40 ) 5nother consideration #or boo!s you're having (mashwords distribute #or you. 5pp"e re=uires that a"" prices end in .LL, and they re=uire that a"" e%boo!s cost 80M or "ess o# what the same boo! is se""ing #or in print. & consider both o# those to be reasonab"e restrictions, and #o""ow that ru"e o# thumb #or a"" my e%boo! reader boo!s. ) & do price my pd#s on CurrC"ic! a "itt"e higher, as a genera" ru"e, since those have the abi"ity to be printed. & actua""y price those boo!s c"oser to 80M o# my print boo!s, and the other e%boo!s at an even "ower percentage. 111 %humbnails,JPEGs 5"" o# your e%boo!s wi"" need .covers./ hat was the part that & strugg"ed with the most when & #irst started on CurrC"ic!. &n #act, the #irst ones & made then embarrass me now3 5s & have had time, & have gone bac! and rep"aced some o# them with new ones. ) Kere's what &'ve "earned so #ar about ma!ing my e%boo! coversD Co"or is good4 Readabi"ity is critica"4*ictures genera""y add interest. ) Even in the coup"e o# years that &'ve been pub"ishing on%"ine the recommendations and re=uirements #or these covers have changed signi#icant"y. +hen & #irst started, CurrC"ic! was re=uiring one si6e cover, and (mashwords was re=uiring a "arger si6e. & deve"oped a routine A ma!e the cover in Microso#t +ord, save them as pd#s, and then covert the pd#s into $pegs. @nce & had done that & wou"d use G&M* -a #ree program you can down"oad at www.G&M*.org0 to sca"e the image to the proper si6e #or (mashwords and then CurrC"ic!, being sure to save it in both si6es. Maybe not the most e"egant way to ma!e covers, but it got the $ob done3 ) Recent"y, than!s to a suggestion by my teenage son, &'ve discovered an easier way to ma!e covers. Cow & use Microso#t *ower*oint. Kaving had no previous e1perience with *ower*oint, & was surprised when he suggested it, but it rea""y has been so much
simp"er3 5nd the resu"ts "oo! much better. 5dditiona""y, with *ower*oint, & can save it direct"y #rom *ower*oint to a $peg, which saves a step. 5nd & don't have to resi6e with G&M*, & do the resi6ing in *ower*oint -which saves another step0. +ith the 2012 spring<summer changes in re=uirements, & can now ma!e a *ower*oint that's 19128/ #or (mashwords and Bind"e, and when & save it as a $peg it wor!s per#ect"y. hen & change the dimensions to L112/ #or CurrC"ic!, ma!e minor twea!s, and resave. &t's not as nice as using the same si6e image in a"" the p"aces & pub"ish, but it's the ne1t best thing3 ))) -mages,Clipart +arning3 2ou need to use images #or your covers and in your interiors that are either copyright #ree or that you own the rights to. 5nd guess what that doesn't inc"ude, the c"ipart in +ord. 2ou cannot use those. -I disco#ered that important little tidbit when I was "irst preparing to publish on Ama(on.% ) @ne p"ace & o#ten "oo! #or c"ipart, especia""y when &'m wor!ing on historica" pieces, is on www.+i! here you can c"ic! on a picture and #ind out whether it is in the pub"ic domain. Many photographs you might not e1pect to be in the pub"ic domain are, o#ten because they were ta!en by a >nited (tates government o##icia" whi"e on the $ob. 5nd o# course, you can o#ten ta!e the photographs you need. Many o# our pictures have been ta!en by #ami"y and #riends. ) Gover co"oring boo!s are a wonder#u" source o# good images3 -2ou can use up to #our pictures #rom a"most any Gover co"oring boo! in each pro$ect.0 5nd Gover a"so has a wide variety o# c"ip art boo!s now, most with the images on CG. -www.Gover*ub"ications.com0 5nd you can a"ways pay #or c"ipart, as pain#u" as that may seem. & have #ound much o# the c"ipart &'ve needed on www.C" +hen & rea""y need c"ipart #or severa" pro$ects, & brea! down and get a subscription there #or a whi"e. he good news is that you can search the website #irst, to ma!e sure they have what you're "oo!ing #or, be#ore you spend the money on a subscription. ) &'m sure there are a number o# other options #or getting the pictures you wou"d "i!e, but these are the ones &'ve #ound and en$oyed so #ar. ))) Paperbac*s E%boo!s are great. hey se"" we""N they a""ow us to easi"y se"" a"" over the wor"d. -& now have regu"ar customers in Canada, Eng"and, and 5ustra"ia.0 5nd & thin! they wi"" continue to increase in popu"arity, as e%boo! readers continue to come down in price. 7ut, honest"y, & sti"" thin! paperbac!s are more #un3 2ou can ho"d your #inished product in your hand. 5nd now, than!s to sites "i!e 5ma6on's Create(pace, you can ma!e your "iterary masterpiece into a paperbac! at a "ow cost never be#ore possib"e. ) +hen you get on Create(pace, you'"" set up your account -ta!es a #ew minutes0, and then you're ready to up"oad your #irst boo!. &n order to print a boo!, you'"" need two things, $ust "i!e with e%boo!s, your interior #i"e, and your cover. )
Het's start where you need to start, with the interior. 5gain, & write in +ord. & !now +ordN &'ve been using it #or years. 5nd & rea""y "i!e the changes they've made in the newer version, +ord 2010. -&# you can buy it with the educator's discount, it isn't even that e1pensive.0 ) 7e#ore you up"oad your #i"e, you need to ma!e sure it "oo!s the way you want it to. *ic! your page si6e. &'"" "ist their si6es on a page in the ne1t chapter. (et your margins. 2ou need at "east 0.8 inches a"" around, but & usua""y go with more "i!e 1.00 inch a"" around. & genera""y set the .mirror margins/ option on +ord, so that my inside margin can be bigger than the outside margin. @n a sma"" boo! "i!e this one, & "i!e 1.2 inches #or the inside margin, and 0.I #or the outside. For my "arger boo!s, & genera""y go with 1.8 #or the interior, and 1 #or the outside. ) Gecide i# you want to go with the co"or option #or your interior, or the b"ac! and white option. & go with the b"ac! and white option most o# the time, since it is appro1imate"y one%third the cost o# the co"or option. 7ut & have some trave" boo!s with gorgeous pictures that rea""y need the co"or, so & sp"urge on those. -&# you're going with b"ac! and white, it's not a prob"em i# some o# your pictures are in co"or in your #i"e. hey'"" sti"" print #ine in b"ac! and white, at "east that's been my e1perience so #ar. 5nd you'"" sti"" get to have co"or on your cover.0 ) (et your boo! up to c"ose"y match other pub"ished boo!s. +hen & was putting my #irst boo!s on 5ma6on, & got out severa" simi"ar boo!s #rom my "ibrary, and saw how they had the tit"e page, and the copyright page, and how they started their chapters, etc. +ith much o# that, you have "ots o# options, so pic! something you "i!e and stic! to it throughout that particu"ar boo!. Gon't #orget your page numbers -& pre#er those on the bottom, but you can put yours where you "i!e them.0 &# your boo! needs a ab"e o# Contents, be sure to inc"ude one o# those, too. -&# you don't a"ready !now how to ma!e a ab"e o# Contents in +ord, "earn3 &t is a great timesaver30 ) @nce you've set your boo! up -and o# course, you've a"ready had it edited by this time0, you save the #i"e as a pd#. -7e sure to save your +ord #i"e, too, since you'"" have to go bac! to that i# you want to ma!e changes in the #uture.0 ) Cow go on to Create(pace and set up your pro$ect. 2ou'"" have to te"" the program what si6e your boo! is -O 1 L, I 1 10, that type o# thing0, whether it's in co"or, etc. &t wi"" te"" you when to up"oad the #i"e, and what other in#ormation they want #rom you. @nce you've done a"" that, you come to the cover portion. ) Cow, & rea""y "i!e doing covers on Create(pace. hey have this wonder#u" program they ca"" Cover Creator that wi"" he"p you ma!e a wonder#u" "oo!ing cover. -&# you pre#er to ma!e your own, and can meet a"" the =ua"i#ications they set, they'"" "et you do that instead. 7ut, so #ar, a"" o# my 5ma6on paperbac!s have been done with covers #rom the Cover Creator.0 )
+hen you get on the Creator program you wi"" have a wonder#u" array o# temp"ates to choose #rom -thirty at "ast count30. 2ou can up"oad your own picture or use one o# theirs -& genera""y use my own, but & have used theirs on a coup"e o# occasions.0 2ou get to choose your co"ors, and you get to choose #rom about #ive di##erent #onts #or each temp"ate. @nce you have it a"" set up, you can "oo! at the cover and see i# you "i!e it. &# you don't, you can edit it, or choose a di##erent temp"ate and begin again. ) @nce you have the cover done, you #inish the process o# submitting your boo!. -Maybe a #ive minute tas!.0 5nd then you wait a day or two #or the emai" that says your boo! is ready to order. -@n"y once or twice have & gotten an emai" that said & had to go bac! and #i1 something #irst.0 hen you order your #irst proo# copy and wait another wee! or two #or your proo# copy to be de"ivered. ) &# your paperbac! is in b"ac! and white, and a #air"y typica" si6e, it wi"" probab"y cost you between ?2.18 and ?: #or your proo# copy, p"us shipping. (o, i# you get it right the #irst time, and on"y have to order one proo#, you can have a boo! ready to se"" on 5ma6on, and have spent "ess than ?10 in the process. hat's your cheapest option. 5nd in many cases, that's the way you'"" want to go. ) 5ma6on has gotten rid o# the .*ro *"an/ option -a ?;L #ee<tit"e0 they had when & started using them #or printing my paperbac!s in 2010. hey rep"aced it with a simp"i#ied .E1panded Gistribution/ option #or ?28 -a"so per tit"e0. &# you are interested in your tit"e being pic!ed up by "ibraries and other retai" out"ets -even 7arnes and Cob"e0, you wi"" want to get the E1panded Gistribution at some point. 7ut it's not a now or never choice, so you can wait unti" you've started ma!ing some money on your boo!s be#ore you add it i# you wou"d "i!e. ) Cow, "et's go bac! to your proo# copy. +hen the proo# copy arrives, your $ob is to "oo! it over c"ose"y and ma!e sure everything "oo!s right. (ometimes a cover "oo!s #ine on the computer screen, but $ust isn't right when you get the printed copy. &t might be because the co"ors $ust don't "oo! right, or the #ont rea""y isn't "egib"e, or the picture doesn't "oo! =uite the way you thought it wou"d. ) hen open the boo! and "oo! care#u""y through every page. &'ve re$ected my boo!s when & #ound punctuation that & had somehow messed up and missed on the computerN or because a picture was at the bottom o# a page, but the caption was on the ne1t pageN or because a picture "oo!ed b"urry when the boo! printed. ) &# everything "oo!s great, wonder#u". 2ou go on Create(pace and approve it. +ithin a #ew days it wi"" start showing up on 5ma6on #or customers to purchase. &# everything doesn't "oo! great, you ma!e the changes, up"oad the new cover and<or interior, and start the who"e proo#ing process again. Most o# my proo#s used to ta!e three to #our attempts be#ore & was satis#ied, but now that they've added a preview option on their website that high"ights errors they catch, & o#ten get it right the #irst time around3 ))) Boo* on 2ma.on3s CreateSpace
(in inches% Common Blac* and #hite 81I 8.28 1 I 8.8 1 I.8 O1L 9 1 10 9.8 1 L.28 I 1 10 I.8 1 11 Some Color 8.8 1 I.8 O1L 9 1 10 I 1 10 o see a comp"ete "ist o# si6es, you can $ust go to the pub"ishing section o# Create(pace, but this gives you a good idea o# what your choices are. ) 2ou can do custom si6es, but the prices go up that way, and your pub"ishing options go down. ))) -SB"s &(7Cs are &nternationa" (tandard 7oo! Cumbers. Each di##erent version o# a boo! wi"" need a di##erent &(7C -printed version, boo! on CG, e%boo! #or e%boo! readers0. ) +hen & #irst started "oo!ing at se"#%pub"ishing a number o# years ago, &(7Cs were another one o# the e1penses that had to be ta!en into consideration. 5nd there are sti"" peop"e who recommend that you spend the money to obtain your own numbers. hey estab"ish you as the .pub"isher/ o# the boo!, not $ust as the author o# the boo!. 7ut, at "east #or now, & have chosen the cheaper -i.e. #ree0 option o# "etting 5ma6on and (mashwords assign their own &(7Cs to my boo!s. & have yet to see a disadvantage to that option. & am not signing away my rights to my boo!s by doing that, &'m mere"y ac!now"edging them as my .pub"ishers./ -This begs the question to some o" whether I)m then truly *sel"+publishing,, but I "ind that to be a silly distinction. And i" someone argues that I)m not sel"+publishing at that point, I)m certainly not bothered to be *published by &mashwords.,% Considering a"" the other options &'ve "oo!ed at on this se"#%pub"ishing $ourney, &'m o!ay with that. ))) Mar*eting & warned you, this is not my #avorite, or best, part o# the who"e writing process. Mar!eting #ee"s "i!e se"#%promoting, which in a very rea" sense it is. 7ut as such, & #ind it very di##icu"t to do com#ortab"y. &'ve met some writers over the years who were great se"#%promoters, and as a genera" ru"e, they annoy me. 7ut, they're probab"y ma!ing more money with their boo! sa"es than & am with mine, so more power to them. )
7ut #or a"" that, peop"e can't buy your boo! i# they don't !now it e1ists. (o, your $ob, i# you are trying to se"" your "iterary wor!, is to "et peop"e !now it e1ists and motivate them to buy it. -Kow wi"" they bene#it, +hat wi"" they en$oy, Hearn, Etc.0 Many peop"e recommend that i# you don't a"ready have them, start a b"og or a website, or both. *ut in#ormation on Faceboo! about what you're up to A without sounding "i!e it's a sa"es pitch, that's the important part3 ) 5nd now #or the part o# mar!eting that & "i!e the most A give things away3 (erious"y. &'ve #ound that to be one o# the easiest ways to have peop"e #ind my wor! A #reebies. 5nd in certain e%boo! mar!ets, it doesn't cost you any money either. 5bout 10M o# my pd#s on CurrC"ic! are a"ways #ree A because they're sma"", or because & don't thin! peop"e wou"d< shou"d pay #or that particu"ar boo!, or because it's a "ead into something e"se &'ve written. &n #act every one o# my CurrC"ic! #reebies ties to at "east one o# my boo!s that are #or sa"e. (o when peop"e get the #reebie, they are a"so getting in#ormation about my other boo!s, games, etc. ) 5nd #air"y o#ten CurrC"ic! wi"" run some sort o# a specia" with e1tra #reebies -that usua""y cost money0, percentages o## some o# the other boo!s, etc. & always try to participate in those, and & always see a $ump in sa"es in con$unction with these. ) @n (mashwords & a"so have severa" e%boo!s that peop"e can down"oad #or #ree. 5nd they do, by the hundreds. &# even a #raction o# those customers come bac! "ater and buy one o# my other e%boo!s, & wi"" be very happy. ) @n the sites that (mashwords distributes to, & am se""ing a"most the same number o# e% boo!s that & give away, which is very e1citing. +hen & got the statistics #rom the #irst =uarter, & had given away $ust over one hundred e%boo!s through their distribution e##orts, and so"d a"most one hundred. & "i!e those stats. ) 5dditiona""y, there are some other #ree ways on%"ine to mar!et your boo!s that are worth chec!ing outD @n www.7oo! you can ma!e neat widgets o# your boo!s to use on your website, b"og, etc. @n you can set up your author's page, and connect with #o"!s who "i!e to read. (pea!ing o# authors' pages, be sure to ta!e advantage o# the #ree author's page that 5ma6on wi"" give you when you start se""ing boo!s there. 2ou'"" need to go in and write your biography, add a picture, and chec! periodica""y to ma!e sure a"" your boo!s show up there. @nce you do, you have a neat p"ace to send peop"e to see your "iterary wor!-s0. ) 5 not #ree, but c"ose to it, method o# mar!eting is to purchase e1tra copies o# your paperbac! boo!s and give them to peop"e who wi"" review them -on 5ma6on, Goodreads, b"ogs, etc.0 Fami"y and #riends are a good starting p"ace, be sure to as! them to review your boo! when they start raving about it. 7ut you may a"so want to send your boo! to strangers who can review it #or you. & sent my #irst nove" to severa" "adies with boo! b"ogs, who each reviewed it to a who"e new mar!et. 2ou can buy a "ist o# such reviewers #or ?0.LL at httpD<<www.stepbystepse"#pub"<boo!%reviewer%"ist.htm". Go through the "ist and "oo! #or b"oggers who "i!e your genre o# writing -historica" #iction, art
history, etc.0 5nd be sure to emai" #irst and ma!e sure they are accepting submissions at the time, and describe your boo!. Co point in sending it to someone who has neither the time nor the desire to review it right now. ) 5 #ina" point on reviews A you wi"" need to deve"op a thic! s!in =uic!"y once you put your boo!s out there #or the rest o# the wor"d to see, read and review3 Most o# my boo!s that have gotten reviews have gotten #our and #ive star reviewsN in #act my average on CurrC"ic! is a"most #ive. 7ut every once in a whi"e & get the one or two star review that threatens to ruin my day3 &# the reviewers give constructive criticism -sad"y most don't0, & read them care#u""y, and see i# & can rea""y improve my writing because o# their suggestions. @therwise, & try not to ta!e it too hard, and rea"i6e that we're never going to p"ease everyone. ))) /dds and Ends All the random things I couldn)t "igure out where else to include. 5 "itt"e hint #rom persona" e1perienceD 'on3t use %imes "ew +oman as your font for paperbac*s4 & don't !now why, but it doesn't a"ways convert proper"y #rom +ord to pd# #ormat. & use .Garamond/ =uite a bit -that's what this boo! is written in0. ) 5nd #or a"" o# you, "i!e me, who "earned how to type be#ore computers, #orget what you've a"ways been taught about putting two spaces between sentences. +ith computers the new method is on"y one space between sentences. &# you're "i!e me, and can't remember to do that, use the .#ind and rep"ace/ option in +ord when you're done typing, and rep"ace your doub"e spaces with one space. ) &# you want to !now the reading le0el o# what you've written, do a spe"" chec! o# your document in +ord. 5t the end o# the chec!ing, a "itt"e chart wi"" appear which wi"" inc"ude the reading "eve". -5ma6on was as!ing #or reading "eve" on boo!s "ast #a"" when & started there, but isn't anymore. 7ut you may sti"" be curious.0 ) 5nother #un thing to !now about when you get your #irst website or b"og going is www.( . 5gain, they have a #ree option, and severa" ine1pensive options. (tatCounter wi"" a""ow you to see where the tra##ic to your site-s0 is coming #rom, a use#u" thing when you start getting serious about mar!eting your boo!s3 ) 5nd one "ast thing, be sure to bac! up your wor!3 oo many o# us have "ost our hard wor! due to a #ai"ure to #o""ow that very important ru"e3 2ou can bac! it up on an e1tra hard drive, you can emai" it to yourse"# -pre#erab"y to a second emai" address0, or you can use one or more o# the internet services that are out there, such as or 7oth o# those have #ree options, as we"" as ine1pensive options. -& use both, though & #ind Grop7o1 to be the easiest to use on a regu"ar basis.0 ))) Conclusion (e"#%pub"ishing your boo!s wi"" not guarantee you #ame or #ortune, but & #ee" sa#e in saying it wi"" give you a great sense o# satis#action. &t is a wonder#u" e1perience to spend
so much time writing a boo!, and then put it out there #or others to en$oy. he #irst sa"e, the #irst good review, wi"" a"" #ee" great3 ) 5nd i# you en$oy writing as much as & do, the simp"e act o# pub"ishing your writing wi"" give you incentive to write more3 & have been writing #or years, but since & started se"#% pub"ishing with the power o# the internet, & have accomp"ished more in the area o# writing than in the previous nineteen years put together. &t is deep"y grati#ying to be ab"e to put thoughts to paper, and then to share those thoughts with others o# simi"ar interests. & hope you are e=ua""y as satis#ied in your se"#%pub"ishing $ourney3 ) @bvious"y, there are many options out there #or se"#%pub"ishing, and & haven't covered them a"" here, or tried them a"". 7ut & am con#ident that this wi"" be enough to get you started on the road to se"#%pub"ishing. ))))) 2bout the 2uthor Catherine McGrew Jaime was born in the *anama Cana" Pone the #irst time her #ather was stationed there. &n the 80Q years since, she has trave"ed throughout Corth 5merica and much o# +estern Europe. ) 5#ter high schoo", Catherine attended M.&. . where she met her #uture husband, Ganie". +hen Ganie" $oined the 5rmy, CatherineRs trave"s continued. &n #act, she #e"" in "ove with history during their 8 1<2 year stay in +uer6burg, Germany and she wrote her #irst boo! during that time. ) Catherine has spent most o# the "ast thirty years educating their twe"ve chi"dren, whi"e a"so teaching c"asses #or other homeschoo"ers %% c"asses #rom (ha!espeare to Government to Economics and more. +hen she teaches, she strives to ma!e history come a"ive #or her students. (he immerses them in each sub$ect, inc"uding ta!ing them on trips across the country to e1perience history where it happened. ) (ome o# her many trips have inc"uded #o""owing the Hewis and C"ar! rai" in 2008 with members o# her #ami"y and vo"unteering at Jamestown during the #our hundred year anniversary in 2009. @n a trip bac! to *anama in 200I she started her SKorsey and FriendsS series, which she has continued during recent Sschoo" tripsS to +ashington, G.C., Tirginia, and more. 111 'isco0er other titles by Catherine Jaime at Smashwords4com: -a .inci/ 0is 1i"e and 0is 1egacy 1eonardo/ 2asterpieces in 2ilan (historic "iction% 34ploring -a .inci)s 1ast &upper A 5rie" 0istory o" 6ew 7or$ 8ity 9nderstanding the 9.&. 8onstitution Important 8onstitutional -ocuments The :hiladelphia 8on#ention/ A :lay "or 2any ;eaders <ailure in :hiladelphia (historic "iction% The :hiladelphia 8on#ention/ In Their =wn !ords
A 5rie" <inancial 0istory o" the 9nited &tates 9nderstanding the 3lectoral 8ollege The -eclaration o" Independence/ A :lay "or 2any ;eaders A 5rie" Introduction to the 1ewis and 8lar$ 34pedition 7or$ :roceeded =n (historic "iction% The ;oc$y ;oad to 8i#il ;ights in the 9nited &tates Tales "rom the Troubled &outh/ 8i#il ;ights in Alabama An American 1oo$s at !uer(burg, 'ermany A Trial o" a Trial (A 2oc$ Trial &tory% &haring &ha$espeare with &tudents (1ite% A 6o#el Approach to &ha$espeare)s 2uch Ado About 6othing =rgani(ed ;amblings/ 0ome 3ducation >amestown/ The 5irth o" a 6ation 80;I&Tmas <un The 9ltimate (<ield% Trip &ur#i#al 'uide -emocracy .s. ;epublic 2ini 9nit &imply :ut/ &el"+:ublishing 5asics ~~ Connect with Catherine /nline: (mashwordsD httpsD<<<pro#i"e<view<CatherineJaime 1 1 11 1 11 1