A Computational Study For The Pre-Breakdown Phenomenon Within An Air Gaps

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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 118

In present work, a computer simulation was done to study the pre-breakdown phenomenon across an air gaps within rode-plane
configuration. The mechanism of breakdown is based on the development of thin, weakly ionized channels called streamers. The
simulation based on the stochastic model for the streamer time evolution between the two electrodes of the configuration.
According to this model, the direction of streamer growth determination required some calculations including the electric field
values at specific points within the configuration. That was done by the solution of Laplaces equation, numerically using finite
element method, and calculates the electric field values at the center of each element within the solution region.
The results show the voltage and electric field (as magnitudes and directions) according to time evolution of the streamer between
the two electrodes, and the minimum breakdown voltage for each air gap was indicated. The results were compared with practical
and computational data and appeared good agreement.
Keywords: Streamer discharge, Stochastic model, Finite Element Technique, Air Breakdown.

1. Introduction
The electric discharge in air is of considerable practical importance to the design engineers of power transmission lines
and power apparatus (transformers, generators). The knowledge of the electrical discharge development for various gap
geometries is essential for designing air-insulated apparatus used in wide variety of applications covering the power
systems, industry, and research laboratories [1, 2]. Air in its normal state is a very poor conductor of electricity. If the air
is subjected to a sufficient electric voltage, the appearance of a current of charged particles is possible due to partial
ionization of the environment, then the air is conducting and a discharge occurs [1,3]. The nature of the electric field has
an influence on the propagation of a discharge and on the value of the disruptive electric field [4].
In generally, discharge in a dc electric field can be classified into (a) non-self-sustaining and (b) self-sustaining types.
The latter are more widespread, more diversified, and richer in physical effects. Steady and quasi-steady self-sustaining
discharge contains :( 1) glow discharge (2) arc discharge. The cathodes of two types differ in principle. A close relation of
the glow discharge is (3) Townsends dark discharge. It precedes with a cold cathode and at very weak current (4) the
corona discharge, also self-sustaining and also at a low current, is a special case corona has common features with glow
discharges. Among transient discharge (5) the spark discharge out sharply, among others and also called streamer
discharge [5]. That is studying in this work.

2. The Streamer Discharge
Streamers are phenomena that occur frequently in everyday life. Although streamers are formed on many desired or
undesired occasions they are still not fully understood and usually their appearance is just considered a fact [6].
When a high voltage is applied over a non-conducting gas volume the gas will become ionized. The ionization will
typically not occur homogeneously but in the form of extending channels, so called streamers. These streamers are
observed in gases as well as in liquids and in non-conducting solids. A streamer is a thin ionized channel that rapidly
propagates between electrodes along the positively charged trail left by an intensive primary avalanche. This avalanche
also generates photons, which in turn initiate numerous secondary avalanches in the vicinity of the primary one.
Electrons of the secondary avalanches are pulled by the strong electric field into the positively charged trail of the primary
avalanche, creating the rapidly propagating streamer between electrodes [7].
A streamer starts always from an initial seed of ionization that eventually develops its own field enhancement. The
creation of a streamer starts with the acceleration of free electrons through an electric field between two electrodes in a
non-conducting gas [8]. When such a free electron propagates through an electric field, it gains energy which can be used
to free another electron from its molecule by electron impact ionization if the ionization threshold energy is reached [7].
Then two electrons propagate through the electric field, gain energy and ionize two other molecules resulting in a total of
four free electrons and so on. In this way an electron avalanche is created, as was first described by Townsend [9]. The
mechanism of formation of a cathode-directed streamer (positive streamer; the interest of this work) is illustrated in figure
(1.2); high-energy photons emitted from the primary avalanche provide photo-ionization in the vicinity, which initiates
the secondary avalanches. Electrons of the secondary avalanches are pulled into the ionic trail of the primary one and
create a quasi-neutral plasma channel. The cathode-directed streamer starts near the anode, where the positive charge and
A Computational Study for the Pre-Breakdown
Phenomenon within an Air Gaps

Thamir H. Khalaf
, Qusay A. Abbas
, and Rusul H. Ahmed

Dept. of Physics, College of Science, University of Baghdad,
Baghdad, Iraq.

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 119

electric field of the primary avalanche is the highest. The streamer looks like a thin conductive needle growing from the
anode. The electric field at the tip of the anode needle is very high, which provides high electron drift and streamer
growth velocities. The specific energy input in a streamer channel is small during the short period of streamer growth
between electrodes.

Figure 1: Illustration of the cathode-directed (positive) streamer, (a) propagation of the positive streamer;
(b) electric field near the streamer head [7].

The process of avalanche-to-streamer transition and subsequent streamer propagation requires a sufficiently large external
electric field. Suitable conditions can be easily obtained by applying DC, AC, or pulsed HV power in non-uniform
electrode configurations. One can expect that a higher electric field will likely produce electrons with higher energies,
which may result in higher rates of induced plasma-chemical reactions [10].

3. Air Breakdown Voltage
Breakdown voltage is known as a characteristic of an insulator; it can define the maximum voltage difference that can be
applied across the material before the insulator conducts and collapses. Breakdown voltage is also called as the "striking
voltage" [11]. Breakdown voltage was obtained experimentally by several researchers such as K. Feser [12] and A. P.
Abraham [13]. For numerical representation of experimental values, the approximation is [12]:

Where d is the gap distance in cm, U
is the voltage in kV, and [13].

4. Modeling of the streamer discharge
Modern computer simulations of this Phenomenon are based on the idea of space discretization, and new linear segments
of streamer channels join sequent neighbor sites to the streamer structure; the streamer shape is represented by a
connected graph consisting of conductive bonds [14].There is many models of streamer, such as field fluctuation model,
Billers model, scaled stochastic time models, and some other Models.

5. The Stochastic models
Stochastic models are widely used to simulate the propagation of streamers and leaders before breakdown in solid, liquid
and gaseous dielectrics. The stochastic model was used for the determination of the minimum breakdown voltage of the
gap but it is also capable for the determination of the mean velocity of streamer propagation [15]. All growth criteria
considered below are based on two main assumptions.
Firstly, the growth is stochastic in time.
Secondly, the probability of streamer growth is proportional to some function of local electric field r (E) depending on
dielectric properties.
Thus, the generation of new bonds is governed by some stochastic growth criteria in each time step.
For the development of the model presented in this work the rules, which govern the growth of the discharge pattern (i.e.
the streamer), were the following:
1 - The simulation is taking place in a two dimensional square area which discretized to a finite elements. These elements
have nodes; some of the nodes on the electrodes, while the others on the dielectric.
2 - The discharge pattern grows in a stepwise manner. The pattern consists of elements centers, which are connected
with think lines called bonds.
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 120

3 - At each step only one bond is added to the discharge pattern, linking an element center of the pattern with a new
element center. From this moment the new element center is considered to be an element of the pattern.
4 - The electric potential of all elements that belongs to the dielectric is calculated by solving the Laplaces equation with
the boundary conditions on the electrodes and the discharge pattern. That was done using finite element technique.

The selection of the new element center, which will be added to the discharge pattern, is a crucial part of the
computational process because it determines the direction of propagation of the pattern. The procedure we used includes
three steps.
The first step was to determine all the possible directions for the propagation of the discharge pattern. The directions
were chosen on the basis of local electric field. If the local electric field E
was greater than a threshold value Eth [16,

The second step was to apply to each possible direction a characteristic time for the growth of a new bond, which is
equivalent to the necessary time for the propagation of the discharge pattern from one element center to another. A
stochastic bond growth time can then be calculated from this probability distribution with the help of a random number
uniformly distributed in the unit [15]:

Where r (E) is a field depended growth rate function. This function is equivalent to the mean value of the distribution and
was assumed arbitrary power law dependence:
The parameter A= 3.7x10
[15], n is a number that controls the variation of the growth rate with the electric field,
U is the applied potential at the anode and d is the gap distance. After the calculation of the growth time for each
candidate bond, the computer program identifies the winning bond defined by is minimum. The winning bond is
added to the discharge structure.
The third step was to repeat again, starting a new cycle of calculations, taking into account the evolution of the
discharge pattern.

The simulation terminates when the pattern reaches the cathode or when the local electric fields at the streamer tip drops
below the threshold value E

6. Finite Element Technique
Many practical problems in science and engineering are difficult to solve by conventional analytical methods, the finite
element method is a numerical procedure for solving this type of problems. This is because the method basically relies on
solving a large set of algebraic equations and entails considerable manipulation.
The fundamental concept of the finite element method is that any region is made up of elements; therefore, the general
behavior of a system can be determined by considering the behavior of its component (subsystem). The finite element
analysis of any problem involves basically four steps [18]:
1- Discretizing the solution region into a number of sub regions or elements.
2- Deriving the governing equations for typical elements.
3- Assembling of all elements in the solution region.
4- Solving the system of equations which obtained.

7. The Results
The results presented here are used to describe the pre-breakdown phenomenon that occurs in air, and the simulation of
growing a positive streamer is constructed with the aid of the finite element method. The streamer propagation was
studied along gaps of air and the effects of the streamer propagation on the voltage and electric field distributions within
rode-plane electrodes configuration. Then, we indicate the breakdown voltages for different distances between the
The procedure that used for estimation of the minimum breakdown voltage versus the gap length was the following: For
each value of the gap length, several different values of applied dc voltage were tested. For simplicity it was assumed that
the breakdown of the gap occurs when the first streamer branch touches the cathode. The discharge was assumed to be
incomplete if during time step the electric field in the vicinity of streamer structure was everywhere less than E
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 121

7.1 The Streamer Initiation and Growth
According to the model (Stochastic Model) that was implemented in this work, the streamer initiated at the elements that
have electric field values greater than E
. In the rode-plane configuration, the highest values, expected, around the tip of
the rod and growth, with time, toward the plane. The model was tested in different lengths of air gaps in the
configuration. That was done in four cases of 3, 5, 7, and 10cm length.

7.1.1 Testing the Model within 3cm Air Gap
In this section, the model was implemented in the air gap of 3cm length to show the initiation and growth of the streamer
from the anode (rod) to the cathode (plane). The aim of that is to determine the breakdown voltage of this air gap. That
was done by running the simulation program for different dc voltages over mesh of 4560 elements and 2393 nodes. At the
minimum value, when streamer reaches the plane electrode, the value is the breakdown voltage. For this gap, it was found
as 28.4 kV.
Figure (2) shows the streamer initiation and the most growth steps between the two electrodes according to growth time
when the voltage is the minimum breakdown of this air gap. The figure shows, the initiation of the streamer at the tip of
the rod. That was expected, because the highest values of the electric field. Also the streamer growth randomly but it stay
controlled by the electric field near the shortest distance between the two electrodes. The required time for reaching to the
plane is 6.14 s.

Figure 2: The streamer growth within the air gap of 3cm for different growth times of, a) 0.34 s, b) 1.03s, c) 2.99 s,
d) 5.03s, e) 5.80s, and f) 6.14s.

The understanding of the electric field and potential distributions are very important for the design and development of
high voltage equipments and electrical insulations. Partial discharges and their effects can be reduced if the distribution
of the electric field is known. It is important to identify where the streamer is most likely to occur. This is normally used
to prevent breakdown or possibly to encourage it, depending on the types of applications.
Here, the behavior of the streamer initiation and growth must be supported by behavior of the voltage and electric field
distributions. That must show the dependence of one to other.
Figures (3), (4), show a contour plotting and (5) shows a vector plotting for the effect of the streamer growth on the
distributions of the voltage, electric field magnitudes, and electric field directions at minimum breakdown voltage in the
configuration of 3cm air gap. These figures indicate clearly the initiation and growth of the streamer according to the
regions of the high voltages and the high electric fields. The plots for the magnitude of the electric field can identify the
weak region where the streamer may begin. In this case, the weak region is identified to be the region where the
magnitude of the electric field is the high and from this region the streamer will initiate. According to figures (3) and (4),
one can observe that the streamer moves according to the high voltage/E field regions from the rod down to the plane
electrode. As well as, figure (5) the direction of the electric field is from highest value of electric field to the lowest.

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 122

Figure 3: The effect of the streamer growth on the potential distribution in times of,
a) 0.34s, b) 1.03s, c) 2.99s, d) 5.03s, e) 5.88s, and f) 6.14s in 3cm air gap.

Figure 4: The effect of the streamer growth on the electric field (as magnitude) distribution in times of , a) 0.34s, b)
1.03s, c) 2.99s, d) 5.03s, e) 5.88s, and f) 6.14s in 3cm air gap.

Until this point the behavior of the streamer was shown when the applied voltage is the minimum value that requires for
the breakdown of 3cm air gap which it is 28.4kV. Now, that behavior must be shown for different voltage values greater
that of the minimum.
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 123

Figure 5: The effect of the streamer growth on the electric field (as direction) distribution in times of , a) 0.34s, b)
1.03s, c) 2.99s, d) 5.03s, e) 5.88s, and f) 6.14s in 3cm air gap.

Figure (6) shows the effect of the breakdown voltage values (40, 50, 60, and 70 kV) on the shape and path of streamer
growth. It shows that, at all breakdown voltage values, the streamer initiates at the tip of the rode electrode. The streamer
tracks a randomly zigzag path from the rode to the plane. And the zigzag increased with the increasing of the voltage
value except at the last value, 70kv. Also, one can observe from the figure, the reaching time of the streamer to the plane
electrode (7.02, 1.00, 0.63, and 0.45s) decreased with the increasing of the voltage values (40, 50, 60, and 70 kV
The randomly zigzag path of the streamer can be explained as; the increasing of voltage increases the area in the solution
region which has the condition (E
) for streamer growth probability. This probability was controlled by the features
of stochastic model in the calculation of growth time of the new streamer segment.
The introduction of the stochastic features can be justified as follows. If we considered that photoionization is the main
mechanism of the generation of seed electrons for the creation of secondary avalanches, we may assume that they are
emitted and absorbed in a random manner; hence situations are possible in which a new predominant direction for the
streamer propagation appears even in areas of a relative low electric field. The random appearance of seed electrons is a
likely mechanism of the generation of experimentally observed zigzag streamers and spark channels [15].

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 124

Figure 6: The streamer path within the 3cm air gap for different breakdown voltages of,
a) 40 kV, b) 50 kV, c) 60 kV, d) 70 kV.

7.2 The breakdown voltage values
To determine the breakdown voltage value for each air gap, the previous section was repeated for different air gaps
lengths, thresholds E
of local electric fields, and voltage drops E
. The results were compared with experimental and
computational results for other researchers. In general, our results appear good agreement in these comparisons.

7.3 Experimental Comparison
The results of our simulations were compared with experimental data which, for numerical representation was proposed
in equations (1) and (2).
In Tables (1), (2), (3) and (4), the results were compared with results that taken by source from the literature [7]. A very
good quantitative agreement exist in the case of E
=26kV/cm and E
=4.5kV/cm. It should be noted that the results are
strongly affected by the parameters E
and E
. The increasing of the values of the parameters E
and E
results to the
increase of the breakdown voltage of the gap.

Table 1: The simulation and experimental values at E
=26kV and U
Experiments Our Simulations

Gap size (cm)





3 27 28.4 28.4 28.4
5 37 38 37.8 37.6
7 47 50 50 50
10 62 66.8 66.7 66.6

Table 2: The simulation and experimental values at E
=31kV and U
Experiments Our Simulations

Gap size (cm)





3 27 33.8 33.8 33.8
5 37 44.9 44.8 44.8
7 47 58 58 58
10 62 79.4 79.4 79.4

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 125

Table (3): The simulation and experimental values, E

Table 3: The simulation and experimental values at E
=26kV and U
Experiments Our Simulations

Gap size (cm)





3 27.65 28.4 28.4 28.4
5 36.75 38 37.8 37.6
7 45.85 50 50 50
10 59.5 66.8 66.7 66.6

Table 4: The simulation and experimental values at E
=31kV and U
Expedients Our Simulations

Gap size (cm)





3 27.65 33.8 33.8 33.8
5 36.75 44.9 44.8 44.8
7 45.85 58 58 58
10 59.5 79.4 79.4 79.4

7.4 Computational Comparison
Again, the results of our simulations were compared with computational data which for the researcher [38] who worked
in different numerical method.
Tables (5) and (6) show this comparison, a good quantitative agreement exist in the case of E
=26kV/cm and
Eth=31kV/cm. The increase of the value of the parameter E
results to the increase of the breakdown voltage of the gap.

Table 5: The simulation and experimental values at E
The simulation 1 The simulation 2

= 5kV/cm





- - - 28.4 28.4 28.4
38 37 37 38 37.8 37.6
50 47 45 50 50 50
67 63 59 66.8 66.7 66.6

Table 6: The simulation and experimental values at E
The simulation 1 The simulation 2






- - - 33.8 33.8 33.8
44 44 44 44.9 44.8 44.8
54 53 53 58 58 58
72 69 65 79.4 79.4 79.4

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 126

8. Conclusions
An over view for the results that presented above can show some conclusions such as:
The stochastic model gives a good description to streamer discharge within, approximately, long air gaps.
The computational procedure can give good results without cost device as in the experimental procedures
The voltage and electric field distributions were affected by the streamer growth between the electrodes.
The main parameter that affects the breakdown voltage values is the threshold electric field value (E
) and less
effect for the voltage drops E

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Dr. Thamir H. Khalaf is an assistant professor of plasma physics at Baghdad University. He obtained his
B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees at Baghdad University. His main interests are discharges plasmas, dusty
plasmas, and medical plasma treatments.

Dr. Qusay A. Abbas received the B.S., M.S. and PHD degrees in Physics from Collage of science in
University of Baghdad in 1998, 2001 and 2010, respectively. During 1998-2010, he stayed in plasma physics
Research Laboratory and have many research in the plasma field such as magnetron sputtering, liquid
discharge, plasma instability in Q- Machine and Dusty plasma.

Rusul H. Ahmed : received the B.S. in physics from department of physics, collage of science in University of
Baghdad in 2010. Here interests are plasma discharge, and liquid discharge.

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