This document contains summaries of various inscriptions found in and around Sinope in northern Anatolia dating from the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE. The inscriptions include dedications to Roman emperors and other officials, honorary inscriptions, funerary inscriptions, and milestones marking road extensions ordered by Roman emperors. The inscriptions provide evidence of the Roman imperial cult and the administrative presence of Rome in this region during this time period.
This document contains summaries of various inscriptions found in and around Sinope in northern Anatolia dating from the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE. The inscriptions include dedications to Roman emperors and other officials, honorary inscriptions, funerary inscriptions, and milestones marking road extensions ordered by Roman emperors. The inscriptions provide evidence of the Roman imperial cult and the administrative presence of Rome in this region during this time period.
This document contains summaries of various inscriptions found in and around Sinope in northern Anatolia dating from the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE. The inscriptions include dedications to Roman emperors and other officials, honorary inscriptions, funerary inscriptions, and milestones marking road extensions ordered by Roman emperors. The inscriptions provide evidence of the Roman imperial cult and the administrative presence of Rome in this region during this time period.
This document contains summaries of various inscriptions found in and around Sinope in northern Anatolia dating from the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE. The inscriptions include dedications to Roman emperors and other officials, honorary inscriptions, funerary inscriptions, and milestones marking road extensions ordered by Roman emperors. The inscriptions provide evidence of the Roman imperial cult and the administrative presence of Rome in this region during this time period.
DEDICATION TO MARCUS AURELIUS CIL III 239 180-192 CE SINOPE [COLONIA IULIA FELIX] DEDICATION TO MARCUS AURELIUS CIL 12220 146-147 CE SINOPE [CIFS] DEDICATION TO ANTONINUS PIUS CIL 12221 161-180 CE UNKNOWN PATRON TO MARCUS AURELIUS CIL 12222 161-180 CE UNKNOWN PATRON TO MARCUS AURELIUS AJA 9 (1905) 308,35[2] CA.75 CE THEMISKUREIANS (NEAR AMISOS) DEDICATE TO DIOGENES THE PHILOSOPHER WHO WAS EUERGETES AJA 9 (1905) 310,37=FRENCH 55,86 18 CE PEOPLE (SINOPE?) TO AGRIPPINA DUGHTER OF GERMANICUS CAESAR AJA 9 (1905) 315,48 2nd century CE Boule to ? honorary/funerary inscription to Rhepane [daughter of Katharos of Sarapis?] AJA 9 (1905) 319,57 funerary inscription for Perseus Cynic poetic AJPH 1906:448,2 funerary inscription for Narsikissos poetic BCH 44 (1920) 357B 2nd c. CE funerary inscription P. Aelius Pompeius veteran from Carnuntum of Pannonia superior to Numeria Procopetus wife EPIGR.ANAT. 23:101,14 2-1 c. BCE funerary inscription husband Kallistratos for Saitta daughter of Nymphodoros poetic EPIGR.ANAT. 23:102,6 1-2 c. CE votive inscription M. Ophillios Aimilianos to Athena Polias and Soteria EPIGR.ANAT. 23:103,10 1-2 c. CE honorary inscription Preiskos Sabeinos to mother of gods EPIGR.ANAT. 23:104,12(2) 1-2 c CE votive inscription Onesiteimos and Agathemeros to god Hypsistos EPIGR.ANAT. 23:105,13 1-2 c CE votive inscription Stratoneikos son of Euarestos of Tianos? and Tomeites to Helios Sarapis and Isis RA 1916,1:354,10 2 c CE honorary inscription boule celebrating M. Eioytios Markianos Rouphos Sinopaean boxer ZPE 43 (1981) 149,1 85 CE milestone inscription Domitian extends road from Sinope by his procurator T. Pri . . . Pac[ ]atus ZPE 43 (1981) 150,3 82 CE milestone inscription Domitian extends road by consul propraetor Augustan legate A. Caesenninus Gallus ANNEP 1965:348 98-117 CE honorary inscription to Galatian and Paphlagonian procurator of Trajan, praefect of the maritime mouth of Amastris and the Pontic fleet, having been honored with a mural crown