A. To contribute to the development of the whole person through physical activity, instruction, and high human values.
B. To provide an opportunity for students to participate in a wide range of sports and activities.
C. To develop and maintain a healthy level of physical fitness.
D. To help students become mature through the exercise of reliable, respectful and responsible behaviors.
A. Course Offerings: 1. Ninth grade core (with emphasis on fitness and team sports) 2. Elective Physical Education (grades 10-12, with emphasis on fitness and team sports) a. Weight Training b. Dance I, II, III, IV and Dance Ensemble *All dance classes may be taken for Fine Arts credit or Physical Education credit (Dance Ensemble will receive Fine Arts credit ONLY) c. Low Impact Aerobics d. Advanced P.E. e. Adaptive P.E. (permanent medical conditions require a doctor authorization and I.E.P. = Individual Education Plan)
A. Only athletic shoes and socks are required B. Gym shorts must be black, T-shirts must be light gray. The official school uniforms sold by the student store are highly recommended. (NO tank tops or half shirts). C. Shorts and shirts must be clearly marked with students name D. Uniforms are to be taken home and washed at the end of each week. E. Students should have their own clothing. F. During cold weather students may wear school color sweatshirts and sweatpants (also sold at the student store) during classes that meet outside. G. If there are special circumstances regarding appropriate clothing, parents should notify the instructor in writing or email. H. Clothing is available for purchase at the student store. I. Unacceptable Items in Class: 1. No jewelry and watches; teachers will not be responsible for lost or broken items. 2. No backpacks, make-up, hats or books. 3. No radios/headphones/video games/skateboards/cell phones/ MP3 players/ Ipods, etc. 4. No food/gum/beverages allowed in class or locker rooms.
A. Students must be inside the locker room by the end of the tardy bell. Students then have 5 minutes to dress out in their PE uniform and report to class. Students are to change inside the locker room only. Students should be seated on their roll call number ready for class. B. The locker room will be locked during class time. DO NOT ask to enter the locker room during the class period, unless you are supervised with a teacher. C. Students later than 5 minutes report to their teacher with their pass. Students without a tardy pass may be sent to ISS. D. Teachers are assigned to door duty and students are to remain in the P.E. area until the passing bell. E. Showers are available and students must provide their own towel. F. Students must use combination padlocks locks that are provided by the PE Department. G. Students are issued a small locker for overnight use. Larger lockers (street lockers) are available for use only during the class period. H. Keep lockers locked (spin the dial after closing) and do not share lockers or give your combination to anyone. Students are responsible for securing their belongings. I. Students with clothing or medical issues need to notify their teacher prior to class. (Can be reached in the office in the locker rooms)
A. Parental Notes: Parents may request limited or no activity for medical reasons for up to 3 days. If a student is unable to participate for more than 3 days, a note from a doctor is required. Students will be required to dress out for class, even if they are unable to participate in some activities.
B. Medical Notes: When recovering from an illness or injury, students must submit a note from their doctor. The note must state the length of time and/or limitations that the student is to be out or limited in physical activity. Students may be assigned written make-up work for a maximum of 10 days. Students who are out for more than 6 weeks may not receive PE credit.
C. Non-Dress Consequences: l st non-dress: 5-minute detention and point deduction 2 nd non-dress: 15-minute detention and point deduction and parental contact 3 rd non-dress: 30-minute detention and point deduction and counselor referral 4 th non-dress: 30-minute detention and point deduction and counselor referral 5 th non-dress: Student is now in danger of failing the class!
A. PARTICIPATION 50% TO 66% (Teacher Option) (Example 1)
A+ 12 points 1. Start at 12 points A 11 points A- 10 points 2. Minus 2 points for: B+ 9 points a. Non-dress B 8 points b. Unexcused Tardy B- 7 points c. Unexcused Absence C+ 6 points d. Negative Behavior C 5 points e. Non-participation C- 4 points f. Unacceptable items in class D+ 3 points 3. Minus 1 point for each excused D 2 points absence over 6. (Make-up work D- 1 point may be assigned) F 0 points 4. Make-up points Teacher options: a. Written assignment b. Clear record for 10 consecutive days earns back 2 points, etc. c. No make-up except excused absences
1. Accomplishment or improvement tests 2. Skill tests 3. Written tests 4. Fitness tests 5. Projects 6. Performance 7. Other
Grading for one Quarter (Example 2)
Participation- 60 points A. -10 for non-participation or non-preparation or major behavioral issues. (defiance, violence, destruction, profanity, truancy) B. -5 for unexcused tardy or partial preparation (improper shoes or pants) C. -0 for work out clothes that are not in code.
Fitness Conditioning Days- 40 points (minimal) 1 day per week minimal @ 5 points per day for at least 8 weeks.
Grading Scale---- PSUSD School Board Adopted Grading Scale (2010) 97-100= A+ 92-96= A 90-91= A- 87-89= B+ 82-86= B 80-81= B- 77-79= C+ 72-76= C 70-71= C- 67-69= D+ 62-66= D 60-61= D-
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