Leach Resume 6 14
Leach Resume 6 14
Leach Resume 6 14
[email protected]
558 Orpheus Avenue, Encinitas, CA 92024 8!5.25!.9"12
Lesley University, Cam#ri$ge, %A
%asters in E$ucation
&echnolog' in E$ucation (rogram
)ra$uate$ 2*2014
)(A+ 4.0* 4.0
University of Tennessee, ,no-ville, &.
/achelor o0 1cience in Communication
%a2or+ 3ournalism an$ Electronic %e$ia
%inor+ /usiness A$ministration
)ra$uate$ 05*2008
)(A+ ".99* 4.0
San Diego County Office of Education, 1an 4iego, CA
%arch 20145 Technology Integration Specialist
Consult 42 school $istricts, 6!9 schools, an$ almost 500,000 stu$ents in 1an 4iego count' on their
e$ucational technolog' nee$s.
4evelop an$ teach online pro0essional $evelopment courses 0or e$ucators in areas such as online an$
#len$e$ learning, $igital citi7enship, an$ integrating )oogle apps into the classroom.
8acilitate pro2ects #et9een school $istricts an$ commerical : nonpro0it technolog' organi7ations such as
;ualcomm, Common 1ense %e$ia, an$ 4igital (romise.
(resent 0ace5to50ace technolog' 9or<shops, lessons, $emos, an$ tutorials 9ith area e$ucators.
Somerville Public Schools, 1omerville, %A
1eptem#er 20105 TV Media Instructor
%arch 2014
4evelop curriculum, 9rite lesson plans, an$ teach &= %e$ia 1, 2, an$ 8ilm 1tu$ies at 1omerville >igh
1chool? gro9ing the program 0rom 1 to 4 classes per @uarter.
Create an$ teach me$ia an$ technolog' electives at .e-t Aave*8ull Circle alternative schools 0or stu$ents
9ith learning $isa#ilities an$ #ehavioral issues
(artner 9ith teachers to integrate technolog' into curriculum+ teacher technolog' support, technolog'
pro2ect consultation, an$ pro0essional $evelopment implementation
Baunch inter$isciplinar' pro2ects #et9een &= %e$ia stu$ents an$ other $epartments, such as music,
vocational, histor', 0oreign language, an$ li#rar'.
1upervise a stu$ent5operate$, $ail' announcement #roa$cast in a pro0essional &= stu$io
O!E" #nc$, /oston, %A
August 20085 Media Lab Coordinator
3ul' 2010
8ull &ime &= %e$ia (ro$uction teacher at 1omerville >igh 1chool
1upporte$ teachers an$ stu$ents 9ith me$ia literac' an$ technolog' training
(artnere$ 9ith teachers to implement technolog' pro2ects into curriculum #' provi$ing han$s5on stu$ent
technolog' training
1upervise$ &een &= summer program 0or at5ris< 'outh
Scripps Productions, ,no-ville, &.
3une 20065 Production Assistant Intern
4ecem#er 2010
Coor$inate$ 0iel$ an$ stu$io shoots 0or >)&= : 4CD
/rainstorme$ sho9 i$eas 0or $evelopment? create$ a sho9 i$ea that 9as pitche$ to net9or< e-ecutives
Career ighlights
20115201" Teaching and Learning Committee" 1omerville >igh 1chool
4evelope$ an$ 0acilitate$ pro0essional $evelopment 0or 1omerville >igh 1chool
201052012 arvard %raduate School of Education Oneville Pro&ect" 1omerville >igh 1chool
Create$ e(ort0olio pilot program 9ith stu$ents an$ teachers
3ul' 2010 !amelodi" South 'frica Teaching Program" (retoria, 1outh A0rica
4evelope$ curriculum an$ tutore$ un$erprivilege$ 'outh at the 1tan7a /opape 1econ$ar' school in the
%amelo$i to9nship.
200952010 !#T (e) !edia Literacies Pro&ect" 1omerville >igh 1chool
/uilt an$ launche$ me$ia literac' 9e# lessons 9ith 1omerville >igh stu$ents.
English *+,-./, %assachusetts
.ovem#er 2009 Preliminary License
#nstructional Technology *0,-./" %assachusetts
4ec. 201" Initial License
Technology S1ills
1tu$io an$ 0iel$ vi$eo pro$uction an$ e$iting E8inal Cut (ro F, i%ovie, Ain$o9s %ovie %a<er, Corel
=i$eostu$io 5, Apple %otion, etcG
)oogle apps in e$ucation E)oogle sites, )oogle calen$er, )oogle groups, )oogle $riveG. =isit m' class
)oogle site 0or e-amples+ https+**sites.google.com*site*shstvme$ia1original*
4eveloping mo#ile curriculum 0or 1+1 environments
%o#ile app creation through %C&Hs App Cnventor
Ae# 2.0 instruction E(re7i, =oicethrea$, Ai<ispaces, )logster, Animoto, 1<'pe, 4iigo, Bive/in$ers,
Evernote, /itstrips, 1umopaint, Aviar', 4rop#o-, ;ui7let, an$ man' moreG
1creen capturing tutorial tools ECamtasia, ;uic<time, etc.G
A$aptive technolog' an$ Iniversal 4esign technolog' integration
Creating an$ maintaining Bearning %anagement 1'stems ECanvas, >ai<u, /lac<#oar$, etcG
1tu$ent an$ teacher e(ort0olio pro$uction using )oogle sites
(o$casting an$ music technolog' 9ith Apple )arage#an$
/asic co$ing instruction
Language S1ills
/asic 1panish s<ills+ rea$ing, 9riting, an$ ver#al
! cre$it hours o0 un$ergra$uate 1panish course9or<
24 pro0essional $evelopment hours in EBB course9or<
5J 'ears in a $istrict 9here 51K o0 stu$entsH 0irst language is not English
!asters in Education ePortfolio