1) The document discusses why the author loves candlestick charts and analyzes the price action and candlestick patterns of a particular stock.
2) An engulfing candlestick pattern formed, indicating that sellers had taken control of the stock, followed by narrow range candles showing weakness from buyers.
3) Another engulfing candlestick later formed, showing that sellers had completely overwhelmed buyers, causing the stock to tank.
1) The document discusses why the author loves candlestick charts and analyzes the price action and candlestick patterns of a particular stock.
2) An engulfing candlestick pattern formed, indicating that sellers had taken control of the stock, followed by narrow range candles showing weakness from buyers.
3) Another engulfing candlestick later formed, showing that sellers had completely overwhelmed buyers, causing the stock to tank.
1) The document discusses why the author loves candlestick charts and analyzes the price action and candlestick patterns of a particular stock.
2) An engulfing candlestick pattern formed, indicating that sellers had taken control of the stock, followed by narrow range candles showing weakness from buyers.
3) Another engulfing candlestick later formed, showing that sellers had completely overwhelmed buyers, causing the stock to tank.
1) The document discusses why the author loves candlestick charts and analyzes the price action and candlestick patterns of a particular stock.
2) An engulfing candlestick pattern formed, indicating that sellers had taken control of the stock, followed by narrow range candles showing weakness from buyers.
3) Another engulfing candlestick later formed, showing that sellers had completely overwhelmed buyers, causing the stock to tank.
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Why I Love Candlestick Charts
I came across this stock the other day and I just became fascinated with the rice action in this stock! It a"so reminded me why I am such a bi# fan of cand"estick charts! Take a "ook at the fo""owin# chart and fo""ow a"on# be"ow!!! $% This stock was in a nice utrend unti" the bi# #a down with a wide ran#e cand"e on massi&e &o"ume! These tyes of mo&es are institutiona""y dri&en and often i#nite new trends! '% After a short two(day bounce) a bearish en#u"fin# cand"e forms! Engulfing candles are my all time favorite candlestick pattern. *hi"e other cand"estick atterns show a s"owin# of momentum) engulfing candles tell you for a fact that the other side has taken control of the stock. +f course this can chan#e on the fo""owin# day but at that oint in time) you ha&e confirmation that a re&ersa" is takin# "ace! +&er the ne,t se&era" days) narrow ran#e cand"es de&e"o that stay near the bottom of that en#u"fin# cand"e! This shows weakness on the art of the buyers! If they can-t e&en mo&e the stock &ery far into the rior days ran#e) then you ha&e to assume that se""ers wi"" take contro" of the stock a#ain! And they did! .% After a fi&e day ra""y another en#u"fin# cand"e forms! *e know for a fact that se""ers ha&e com"ete"y o&erwhe"med the buyers! Those who bou#ht into this ra""y are now /uestionin# their decision! 0ear crees in and the stock tanks! 1% This stock first showed u on my scan with the doji at 2''!33! I thou#ht) 45ey this mi#ht be a #reat shortin# oortunity!4 *hi"e a doji te""s you that a s"owin# of momentum has occurred) it rea""y doesn-t si#na" a re&ersa" in and of itse"f! It te""s you that a re&ersa" could haen! It didn-t! So now we ha&e an interestin# ra""y! It started out innocent enou#h with just a cou"e of narrow ran#e cand"es) but now it has e,anded into a stron# ra""y! Greed is be#innin# to set in as the dai"y ran#es e,and! This stock has retraced too much of the rior swin# for me to consider shortin# this stock now) but at the &ery "east this stock wi"" conso"idate! It may re&erse! 5eck) maybe another en#u"fin# cand"e wi"" de&e"o! So) whi"e a re#u"ar o"d bar chart #i&es you the same information) a cand"estick chart aints ictures of human emotions! That-s why I "o&e cand"estick charts! As a discretionary trader) I need these ictures to make #ood trades6