This document discusses research on designing motivational space for orphanage accommodation in Selangor, Malaysia. The research aims to identify criteria for evaluating and designing spaces that motivate orphans. Through a literature review, the researcher derived seven key variables for motivational design: confidence, comfort, happiness, privacy, lighting, ventilation and aesthetics. The research also examined an orphanage in South Africa called Jerusalem Orphanage as a precedent study, noting design aspects like natural lighting, raised containers for ventilation, compartmentalized sleeping areas for privacy, and use of color for a welcoming mood. The goal of the research is to establish design criteria that can improve living conditions and motivation for orphans.
This document discusses research on designing motivational space for orphanage accommodation in Selangor, Malaysia. The research aims to identify criteria for evaluating and designing spaces that motivate orphans. Through a literature review, the researcher derived seven key variables for motivational design: confidence, comfort, happiness, privacy, lighting, ventilation and aesthetics. The research also examined an orphanage in South Africa called Jerusalem Orphanage as a precedent study, noting design aspects like natural lighting, raised containers for ventilation, compartmentalized sleeping areas for privacy, and use of color for a welcoming mood. The goal of the research is to establish design criteria that can improve living conditions and motivation for orphans.
Original Description:
Some of my study regarding to current condition of several private orphanages
This document discusses research on designing motivational space for orphanage accommodation in Selangor, Malaysia. The research aims to identify criteria for evaluating and designing spaces that motivate orphans. Through a literature review, the researcher derived seven key variables for motivational design: confidence, comfort, happiness, privacy, lighting, ventilation and aesthetics. The research also examined an orphanage in South Africa called Jerusalem Orphanage as a precedent study, noting design aspects like natural lighting, raised containers for ventilation, compartmentalized sleeping areas for privacy, and use of color for a welcoming mood. The goal of the research is to establish design criteria that can improve living conditions and motivation for orphans.
This document discusses research on designing motivational space for orphanage accommodation in Selangor, Malaysia. The research aims to identify criteria for evaluating and designing spaces that motivate orphans. Through a literature review, the researcher derived seven key variables for motivational design: confidence, comfort, happiness, privacy, lighting, ventilation and aesthetics. The research also examined an orphanage in South Africa called Jerusalem Orphanage as a precedent study, noting design aspects like natural lighting, raised containers for ventilation, compartmentalized sleeping areas for privacy, and use of color for a welcoming mood. The goal of the research is to establish design criteria that can improve living conditions and motivation for orphans.
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FOR ORPHANAGE ACCOMMODATION IN SELANGOR Shah Amir Ezham bin Ismail, Aida Kesuma binti Azmin
Abstract This research aims to derive the criteria needed in order to evaluate a motivational space design especially for orphanages accommodation in order to create awareness among future architects as well as for the orphans managers. The research uses qualitative data through literature review studies as the methodology to derive the variables needed for motivational space design, while the combination of both qualitative and quantitative data are used to affirm the variables through case studies. The outcome of this research signifies that there are seven variables needed in evaluating or designing a motivational space. At the end of the research, it is hope that the criteria will shift the existing paradigm on how to design a good motivational orphanage in the future.
Content Introduction Methodology Literature Review Precedent Study Data Collection and Analysis Conclusion
Introduction Government children care does not cater the real number of the orphans in Malaysia (only 9 Rumah Kanak-Kanak in Malaysia) Most of private orphanages are established due to urgent need in order to cater the stray orphans and to help catering other orphanages which has reached its limit of taking another orphans Unfortunately, some are poor in term of condition due to lack of budget in building and maintaining the facilities but some of the private orphanages are in good condition generally. Most of the orphanage owners do not really know how to really build a good shelter that could give motivation for the orphans, especially with motivational approach in design The only mitigation strategy that the caretaker of the orphanages took was to enhance and improve the programme offered in the orphanage. In order to improve the condition, this research is intended to find out the best way to derive criteria needed to design a motivational space for orphanages accommodation in Malaysia.
Issues and Problems Issue There is no any official guideline to design motivational quality space for orphanages accommodation. No profound research done regarding the issue of motivational space mainly in Malaysia. Problems Orphans are not motivated during their time in the orphanages, especially in their accommodation Future orphanages will be continuously built without the consideration of motivational quality in design
Aim and Objective Aims The aims of this research are: to evaluate motivational qualitys level in existing orphanage accommodation with suitable criteria and; to derive the criteria needed for a quality motivational accommodation for the orphan Objectives To evaluate the level of motivational designs quality in existing orphanages accommodations; To evaluate the perceptions of the orphan towards their existing accommodation; To analyse the best approach for a good quality of motivational accommodation for the orphans.
Research Question What is the level of motivational designs quality in existing orphanages accommodations? What are the perceptions of the orphan towards their existing accommodation? What is the best approach for a good quality of motivational accommodation for the orphans?
Research Methodology Literature Review Reward for treating the orphans The fifth hadith recorded in the book of Ethics with the Single (book 7), it says: Umm Said bintu Murra al-Fihri related from her father that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, I and the guardian of an orphan will be in the Garden like these two (showing his two fingers closely put) Orphans Islamic definition: According to the Kuwait Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence [ ] (1984), the word orphan only can be associated to a person who lost his or her father before the person reach the age of puberty (wet dream or menstruation) Oxford definition: According to Oxford (2013), the term orphan is used to a child who has lost his or her both parents. Unicef: UNICEF (2012) and global partners define an orphan as a child who has lost one or both parents Other: Skinner (2004) discusses the definition through a more detail discussion which separate the definition of child and orphan, whereby the orphan himself must be a child, which according to usual definition of a kid which under 18 years old
Orphans Psychology Grief, low self esteem and despair are the main mental illness that both types of orphans suffer from
The findings of the current research suggest all the orphan children reported lower self-esteem as compared to the children living with their parents probably due to loss of their parents. These findings are consistent with those of the prior researches. Mohanty and Newhills (2005) research findings suggest that international adolescent adoptees have lower self-esteem and are at higher risk for developing severe mental health problems and social maladjustment than children of the same age living with their biological families in the general population. Their study also indicated that many international adoptees are confused about their racial and ethnic identity and face difficulties in handling bias and discrimination. They further argue that the international adoptees may have a better adjustment if their adoptive parents are sensitive and appropriately responsive to issues related to their adopted child's race, ethnicity, and culture (p. 124).
Orphanage is an institution that caters and cares the orphan. Basically, it is built to accommodate the orphans from any background as long as it meets the characteristics. According to (2013), orphanage is the place for the children who doesnt have parents and does not able to live on their own. Motivation: Positive and Negative Radwan (2013) said that positive motivation is a motivation that motivates a person to gain some incentives at the end of the action or effort, while negative motivation is a type of motivation that moves a person to avoid from mishap as the end result. Motivational Space a space that is designed to provide incentives for human through various design approaches which will positively influence them to react in a certain or particular way to achieve their goal Motivational Space the main points to inculcate a motivational environment through the treatment of the surrounding and ambience are confidence, comfort and happy. Confidence to encounter low self esteem Comfort and happy to encounter grief and misery Lorena (2013) claims that: Comfort in architecture can relate to many aspects of how a building gets designed. Its not always just about temperature control the issue that gets so much attention anytime building comfort gets mentioned. In fact, building comfort has a lot to do with how an architectural built form engages an occupant through all of their senses, particularly when considering the harmonization between them like with factors of lighting, materiality, sound, and so on. In this light, the author has interpreted the variables of confidence and comfort for motivational quality in a space through this diagram:
Precedent Study Jerusalem Orphanage, South Africa
Figure 23: Jerusalem Orphanage (Source: Dr. Adrienne Feldner-Busztin of New Jerusalem has observed drastic improvements in the children after just the first few weeks of living in the new house. Almost overnight it seems the childrens self-esteem and sense of dignity has risen significantly. They are more interactive, confident and joyful, she stated.
Room layout The room layout is simple yet attractive. All furniture are well-located and the circulation is good. Figure 24: View towards the bed area (Source: Figure 25: View towards the bed area (Source: Natural lighting All accommodations are exposed to ample natural lighting. However the approach must be differentiated with Malaysias context due to different weather.
Ventilation In order to have good ventilation, the container is raise from ground level. Openings at the top of the wardrobe will allow natural ventilation to come in. This design approach can be adapted to the Malaysian context
Figure 26: the containers are raised from ground level for ventilation purpose (Source: Privacy In term of privacy, each unit is limited to 12 persons with a mother house. However, the sleeping areas are all in small compartmented rather that a big dormitory style.
Figure 28: huge space for a few people creates sense of serenity in the space (Source: Aesthetic The walls are painted in light pale brown while the floor is finished by a brown carpet and the drop ceiling is painted in white colour. The use of vibrant colour for decoration such as additional furnishing such as the carpet creates a welcoming mood.
Conclusion Despite its simplicity, the overall design approach of this accommodation is designed exceptionally tremendous. The design consideration has created a lively space and enhancing the ambience through many approaches such as adequate size rooms, appropriate personal space dimension, colour manipulation, natural lighting, attractive finishes and etc Data Collection and Analysis CASE STUDY 1: RUMAH AMAL LIMPAHAN KASIH, PUCHONG, SELANGOR
Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih (RALK) was founded by Rabaah binti Abdul Aziz and Md. Zawawi bin Ramli. The orphanage caters for more than 100 orphans at a time, from primary school level up to the secondary school level. The accommodations between male orphans and female orphans are separated kilometres away due to the limitation of the land available. The orphanage is managed by the orphanages board and supported by the private sector and individuals.
Variables Author Perception Orphan Perception Room layout Inefficient layout in term of space division, furniture arrangement and circulation. The design of the door location does not really consider a good layout for the space, which is located at the middle. 60% like 40% partially like 0% dislike Natural lighting Acceptable, but the glare is quite disturbing. Curtain - after thought solution Over lighting: 0% Sufficient: 90% Insufficient: 10% Thermal comfort Mechanical fan used to keep the temperature is comfortable After thought solution of using curtain manage to block the radiant heat from entering the room 1st floor corridor becomes shading device Hot: 20% Comfort: 80% Cold: 0% Ventilation Insufficient Absence of cross ventilation - no opening at the back of the room, only at the front side of the room Good: 40% Bad: 60% Privacy Curtain gives sense of privacy from the outside No privacy within the room itself - open plan 15 person per room are too many More than five person per room: 70% Less than five person per room: 30% Alone: 90% Safety All physical conditions are good Feeling secured: 60% Feeling unsecured: 40% Aesthetic No distinguish feature Undefined architectural style White colour all over the interior - pale, dull and gloomy, does not give sense of delight Attractive: 50% Not attractive: 50% To change something: 90% Not to change any: 10% CASE STUDY 2: RUMAH BAKTI DATO HARUN
RBDH provides 2 blocks of accommodation for the orphans, which is one for the male and another one is for the female. One dormitory can cater up to 10 orphans in one time. The building has a common rectangular form with reinforced concrete post and beam as the structure and brick wall. Externally, the wall is finished with cement render and painted in pale reddish-chocolate.
Room Layout Layout is clearly defined However there is no sense of excitement (linear arrangement of beds) 80% like 20% partially like 0% dislike Natural Lighting Exceptionally good Adequate Over lighting: 20% Sufficient: 40% Insufficient: 40% Thermal Comfort Many openings cause radiant heat to come in Hot: 50% Comfort: 50% Cold: 0% Ventilation Good consideration of cross ventilation Mechanical mean such as fan helps out to ventilate the air inside the room Good: 80% Bad: 20% Privacy Typical dormitory - Does not consider any privacy within the room More than five person per room: 40% Less than five person per room: 60% Alone: 100% Safety No physical harm Feeling secured: 90% Feeling unsecured: 10% Aesthetic No distinguish features Common government school block-alike Timber wardrobe panel - some sense of contemporary style, act as feature wall Attractive: 70% Not attractive: 30% To change something: 90% Not to change any: 10% Conclusion Generally, a lot of orphanages have been built with the absence of motivational sense consideration. In order to shift the paradigm on how to design a quality motivational space for the orphanage, this research has come out with the criteria of a motivational space, which are:
Room layout Natural lighting Thermal comfort Ventilation Privacy Safety Aesthetic (wall finish, floor finish and ceiling/soffit) These criteria of motivational space are derived and deducted from the study regarding to orphans situation and psychological level, in combination with the impact of architectural approach towards the orphan.
The variables are chosen due to the impact towards cognitive and psychological development that they have. The criteria then are tested in evaluation case studies which took place in selected accommodation of orphanages in Selangor. As the consequences, the relevancy of the criteria has been affirmed.
Therefore, with the criteria derived from this research, hopefully it will create a new paradigm in designing a motivational space, specifically for the orphan in order to celebrate, to care and to give a better life and hope for the orphans around the world. Jazakumullahu khairan Thank You