Int 322 Course Syllabus Spring 2013

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Norfolk State University Department of Interdisciplinary Studies INT 322 Approaches to Critical Analysis Sprin !

! 2"#3 3 Credit $our Course %nline Instructor& Denise Sno'den (an ley %ffice (ocation& )*$ C#"+ %ffice $ours& *,.&3" A/*/ #&"" 0/*/ 3&"" 0/*/ 1&"" 0/*/ TT$ 2&"" ##&"" 3 4)y appointment only5 ##&"" A/*/ #2&"" Noon 3&"" 0/*/ 1&"" 0/*/ 4)y appointment only5 %ffice 0hone& 46165 2233.+." %ffice -a7& 46165 223328"2 9mail& dalan ley:nsu/edu 0re3re;uisite& INT 3"2 Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies 4stron ly recommended5 0rimary *ethods of Instruction This class is an asynchronous online class. All class discussions, presentations, handouts, assignments and procedures for participating in this class are online. The information will employ critical thinking strategies. Therefore, the instructor will present and attempt to clearly state information for learners to critically reflect upon and review, at their own pace. A variety of writing activities will be employed to promote critical thinking. Consequently, it is imperative that students have 'orkin kno'led e of the computer and <lack<oard applications! in order to <e successful in this class/ 0lease check course documents for 0roctor Approval Application and fre;uently asked ;uestions/ Course Description Thinking is any mental activity that helps formulate or solve a problem, make a decision, or fulfill a desire to understand. It is a searching for answers, a reaching for meaning ( uggiero, !""#$. Therefore, it is the e%amination of how characteristic logical constructs are employed in reading, writing, and speech acts, modeling and application of modes of analysis that develop critical thinking skills and fle%ible orientation towards reading and writing.

,hat is Interdisciplinary Studies= An area of study that provides students with a broad background in many disciplines including social sciences, literature, biology, chemistry, the arts, mathematics and many other sub&ects. The field of critical thinking is of necessity to interdisciplinarity because the human mind is far too comple% to understand itself in any one dimensional way. Course >ationale Critical thinking is the cornerstone of higher education as well as the hallmark of an educated person. Therefore, it is rational to say that the thinking process is such an integral part of who we are as people. The prospect of e%panding students' thinking implies that e%panding who they are as human is basis enough for offering the course. Introducing students to critical thinking is needed in higher education because it fosters sophisticated intellectual and language abilities. This course will allow students to apply their evolving thinking abilities to a variety of life e%periences.

Course ?oals@ (earnin %utcomes (tudents will be able to think critically and acquire the concept of reading as a thinking activity. (tudents will understand the reciprocal relationship between thought and language, between the process of thinking and the process of writing. (tudents will e%plore and discover ideas, both individually and in dialogue with others. (tudents will be able to e%hibit their thoughts and critical thinking patterns in the form of essays. (tudents will be able to understand the organi)ational structures and thinking patterns that writers use to create and e%press meaning, such as classification, definition casual and process analysis and argumentation. (tudents will be able to solve problems and make the best choices in their academic, professional, and personal lives. (tudents will participate in open class discussions as to develop interest in certain issues and develop the ability to think.

(tudents will be able to solve problems, analy)e issues, recogni)e different perspectives, recogni)e inferences and &udgments and evaluate and construct arguments in written and oral form.

Course *aterials@>e;uire Te7t<ook@Supplementary >eadin uggiero, *. . (!""#$. The art of thinking: a guide to critical and creative thought, (#th +d.$ ,earson and -ongman, .ew /ork. Supplementary >eadin ,lease refer to website0 2arnet, (., 3 2edau, 4. (!""5$. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: A Brief Guide to Argument. .ew /ork0 2edford1(t. 6artin7s ,ress. 2rowne, 6. .., 3 8eeley, (. 6. (9##:$. Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking. ;pper (addle iver, .<0 ,rentice=4all. 6c>horter, 8. T. (+d.$ (!"":$. Stud and Critical Thinking Skills in College (?th ed.$. .ew /ork0 ,earson. >elated University3,ide and Course Specific >e;uirements (tudents will practice four of the Commonwealth of *irginia=mandated competencies by participating in the following0 Critical Thinking requires that students think actively, analy)e issues, discuss ideas in an organi)ed way, and support diverse perspectives with reasons and evidence. >riting skills0 students will be able to e%hibit their thoughts in the form of essays, following the model of the +>C. Technological literacy will be assessed when students submit assignments using the computer and various word=processing software. @ral Communication will be demonstrated during class participation and in group discussions and1or discussion boards, blogs or skype. 0olicy on Academic Inte rity (tudents are e%pected to be truthful and to abide by a standard code of morals, ethics and integrity==this is to be displayed in class conduct and evident in course assignments, materials and presentations submitted by students. 0la iarism is defined as using other

people's work as your own without crediting them, including, but not limited to0 copying others' notes, e%ams, essays, and information, quoting and paraphrasing others' ideas without giving them credit and proper documentationA using information from the internet without properly citing sources, website (; -$, author, date, etc. 0la iarism is a form of cheating and will result in an assignment grade of BCD and possibly an overall course grade of EC.' (tudents should follow the academic integrity policy of the ;niversity (see ;niversity catalog and (tudent 4andbook$ and the Fepartment of Interdisciplinary (tudies (tudent 4andbook. Attendance (tudents are e%pected to engage in 9G weeks of learning. They are e%pected to participate in class online discussions, complete all assignments which may include reading course te%tbooks and any additional resources that may be assigned. Cailure to submit all assignment, homework, tests, and meeting assigned deadlines will result in failure of course. All students are e7pected to check fre;uently for announcements and any posted assi nments/ >espect /ou will be e%posed to a variety of viewpoints, values and opinions in college that will differ from your own. All students in this class should feel comfortable enough to participate actively and e%press their viewpoints and concerns. /ou are an important part of creating an atmosphere that makes that possible. AuiBBes Hui))es may be given at any time during the course of the semester, based on assignments, handouts, assigned ;niversity activities and discussion boards. Su<mission of Assi nments Assignments are due as scheduled. If you envision a pro<lem! discuss 'ith the instructor 'ell in advance of due date/ /ou will be allowed to make up assignments, if an official university e%cuse is provided for dates in question. -ormat for su<mittin assi nments& (tudents are to type all assignments, using font si)es not smaller than 9! pitch and not larger than 9I. All essays and other assignments will be typewritten on standard : J by 99 inch white paper. -eave a margin of 9 inch around the paperA all assignments are to be doubled=spaced. -ength of assignments may vary, depending on the assignmentA if documentation or citations are required, please use the 8th 9dition of the American 0sycholo ical Association *anual 4A0A$. Curther, students place their names, course current enrolled in, the date assignment is due, assignment number, and the instructor's name on all assignments. An automatic deduction 'ill take place! if omitted/

?radin (tudent performance and progress will be evaluated on the basis of homework, class participation, qui))es and test, debate1group performance (online discussions$, papers, and final e%amination. +%tra credit will be considered, if a student is borderline=failing. Grading Scale: A K #I L 9"" )3 K 5: L :9 DC K ?! L ?G A3 K #" L #M CC K 5I L 55 D K G: L ?9 )C K :? L :# C K 5" L 5MN D3 K GI L G5 ) K :! L :G C3 K ?? L ?# - K " L GM

T$IS C%U>S9 >9AUI>9S A *INI*U* ?>AD9 %- DCE IN %>D9> T% 0ASS! N%T A DC3D/ Fiscussion 2oards Hui))es ,apers1Assignments and >eekly Activities Cinal Assignments Total !"O !"O I"O !"O #""F

The instructor reserves the right to revise the grading criteria as appropriate and will make reasonable attempts to notify students. NSU 93*AI( 0olicy (tudents should check their official 6/.(; website and .(; +mail addresses each day for vital information from the ;niversity, instructors, and1or classmates. )lack<oard Instructions (tudents should go to the .(; homepage ($ to log on to 2lackboard. Click on the 2lackboard indicator. -og=in instructions should appear on the screen that comes up. Contact me or the @ffice of Information Technology (@IT$ immediately, if you have problems logging on. 0olicy on Disa<ilities In accordance with section G"I of the 9#5M ehabilitation Act and the American with Fisabilities Act (AFA$ of 9##", any student with a disability or who thinks he1she may have a disability to please make contact with the (upporting (tudents through Fisability (ervices (((F($ office.

-ocation0 Contact ,erson0 Telephone0 +mail0

-.2. 2rooks -ibrary, room !I", Assisted Tech -ab 6arian +. (hepherd, Coordinator 5G5 :!M=!"9I

University Assessment Statement As part of .(;'s commitment to provide the environment and resources needed for success, students may be required to participate in a number of university=wide assessment activities. The activities may include test, surveys, focus groups and interviews, and portfolio reviews. The primary purpose of the assessment activities is to determine the e%tent to which the ;niversity's programs and services maintain a high level of quality and meet the needs of students. (tudents will not be identified in the analysis of results. ;nless indicated otherwise by the instructor, results from ;niversity assessment activities will not be computed in students' grades. Course Disclaimer It is the student's responsibility to read the syllabus. It is a contract between the instructor and the students regarding responsibilities and e%pectations. $o'ever! the instructor reserves the ri ht to alter and@or chan e parts of the course at any time durin the semester/ It is the responsibility of the student to note any changes and1or amendments and make appropriate ad&ustments.

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