Novel Study
Novel Study
Novel Study
Cross Curriculum
2.) Apply variety and unity in the production of two- and three-
dimensional works of art.
-Students will use a shoebox as a three dimensional presentation
of their own world.
The book Bride to Terabithia is all about two youn students who
create their own world as an escape from the one they are livin
in. The students will have to use a shoe box to build their own
world. The diorama will be ! dimensional but they will also have to
use 2 dimensional fiures and items inside the box. The unity and
variety of the different dimensions will make their own imainary
world come to life.
".) Sin partner sons to create harmony.
#$.) %dentify eras of music.
#&.) Solve real-world problems involvin multiplication of fractions
and mixed numbers' e..' by usin visual fraction models or
e(uations to represent the problem. )*-+,&-
..) %dentify ma/or body systems and their functions' includin the
circulatory system' respiratory system' excretory system' and
reproductive system.
0.) 1escribe the relationship of populations within a habitat to
various communities and ecosystems.
2 1escribin the relationship between food chains and food webs
2 1escribin symbiotic relationships
Social Studies-
#.) 3ocate on a map physical features that impacted the
exploration and settlement of the Americas' includin ocean
currents' prevailin winds' lare forests' ma/or rivers' and
sinificant mountain ranes.
2 3ocatin on a map states and capitals east of the 4ississippi
2 %dentifyin natural harbors in +orth America
6xamples7 4obile' Boston' +ew 8ork' +ew 9rleans' Savannah
0.) ;se technoloy tools to orani<e' interpret' and display data.
#=.) ;se diital environments to collaborate and communicate.
#2.) >reate a product usin diital tools.
6xamples7 products?diital story' podcast' diital artwork
5ead parts of book. Bhat do they see.
Credictin- Cicture walk' title' names of chapter
4akin connections-
text to text7 +arnia
Text to self7 imaination
text to world7
4ake circle chart
4akin %nferences-
1etermine %mportance-
Britin lesson-each stae of writin