Plant and Animal Science Unit

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Unit Overview Unit Title: Plants & Animals Unit Goals: 1) Students will perceive that plants have

a life cycle. 2) Students will conclude how plants help people and animals. 3) Students will connect the parts of a plant to their function. 4) Students will consider the habitat of plants and animals. 5) Students will determine how plants and animals use and adapt to their environments. Essential Questions: 1) What are the parts of a plant and its function? 2) How can plants be classified? 3) How do plants help people and animals? 4) What are the stages of a plants life cycle? 5) How do trees help living things? 6) What kinds of forests are there and what are their differences? 7) How do ocean and wetland animals differ? 8) How do desert plants and animals adapt to their environments? Learning Objectives Assessments Learning Activities Grade Level: 1st

SWBA label the parts of a plant. SWBA differentiate what each part of a plant does. SWBA classify plants accordin! to their leaf type. SWBA conclude how plants help people and animals. SWBA distin!uish the different sta!es of a plants life cycle. SWBA model how a plant !rows. SWBA review facts about plants. SWBA report how animals use their environment for food and shelter. SWBA describe differences of oceans and wetlands and their animals. SWBA state ways animals and plants adapt to the desert.

Plant drawin! Study !uide B p!. " Sortin! leaves $dentify plants that humans eat for food #ist five steps in a plants life Act out plant !rowth (omic Strip *a'e a shoebo+ model of a forest. Sort wetland animal cards from ocean animal cards. *a'e inferences about the wa+ paper and water from the spon!e e+periment.

Plant observation #earn by readin! #eaf rubbin! %rocery advertisements Picture se&uence a'e what was learned in the picture se&uence and act it out )eview of information learned in the unit ree observation *a'e observations of physical characteristics *odelin! a desert cactus adaptation spon!e e+periment

Block Plan for 1st Grade Plant & Animal Unit

Day 1 Generalization: Plants have parts and each part has a function. Critical Knowledge: Each part of the plant has a function. Essential !estion: What are the parts of a plant and its function? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! know the parts of a plant and what each part does for the plant. Acti%ities: "#serve plant parts with lens$ draw picture of plant$ and predict functions of the parts of a plant. &eso!rces: live plant$ paper towel$ paper$ crayons 'tandards: %.S.%.&.% 'ake and record o#servations. ()**.+%.a,

Day ( Generalization: Plants have different classifications. Critical Knowledge: Plants can #e classified #y their leaves. Essential !estion: How can plants #e classified? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! compare and contrast leaves$ record their data. Acti%ities: -ompare and contrast leaves$ make crayon ru##ings$ write a#out how the leaves are alike and different. &eso!rces: .eaves$ paper$ paper s/uares$ glue crayons 'tandards: %.S.%.&.% 'ake and record o#servations. ()**.+%.a, 1.S.1.".1 *a'e o#servations$ collect data$ and use data. ()*0.+%.a,

Day ) Generalization: Plants help people and animals. Critical Knowledge: Plants help people and animals #y providing food$ o1ygen$ paper$ medicine. Essential !estion: How do plants help people and animals? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! conclude how plants help animals and people. Acti%ities: Brainstorm a list of foods people eat from plants$ look through grocery ads to find more plant products$ discuss what #irds and s/uirrels eat. &eso!rces: 2ewspaper grocery ads 'tandards: %.S.0.3.% State that living things need food to survive. ()*4.+%.a,

Day * Generalization: Plants have a life cycle. Critical Knowledge: Plants change as they grow+ Essential !estion: What are the stages of a plants life cycle? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! distinguish the different stages of a plants life cycle. Acti%ities: 5sing a model$ se/uence how plants grow. 'ake a list to show five steps in a plant6s life. &eso!rces: Plant pictures$ paper$ pencil 'tandards: %.S.0.%.% 7escri#e the life cycle of a plant (seed$ growth$ reproduction$ death,. ()*8.+%.a,

Day , Generalization: Plants have a life cycle. Critical Knowledge: Plants change as they grow+ Essential !estion: What are the stages of a plants life cycle? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! to model how a plant grows #y acting it out in pairs. Acti%ities: Have pairs act out how a plant grows9 one will #e the plant the other will water the plant. Have students list five plant facts they have learned from the unit. &eso!rces: markers$ colored paper$ watering cans+ 'tandards: %.S.%.4.% :ollow multi;step instructions.

Block Plan for 1st Grade Plant & Animal Unit

Day Generalization: Plants and animals live in forests. Critical Knowledge: !rees are living things that support other living things. Essential !estion: How do trees help living things? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! report how animals use their environment for food and shelter. Acti%ities: "#serve a tree$ discuss findings with a partner. &eso!rces: paper$ pencil 'tandards: %.S.%.&.% 'ake and record o#servations. ()**.+%.a, %.S.%.8.% 7emonstrate cooperation and interaction skills. ())0.+%$a,

Day . Generalization: Plants and animals live in forests. Critical Knowledge: !here are different kinds of forests. Essential !estion: What kinds of forests are there and what are their differences? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! contrast #etween pine forests and tropical rain forests. Acti%ities: 'ake a shoe#o1 model of a forest. &eso!rces: Shoe#o1$ colored paper$ card#oard$ clay$ paint$ #rushes$ sticks$ scissors$ glue. 'tandards: %.S.).%.% <dentify the characteristics of local natural environments. ())%.+%a, 1.S.1.".1 *a'e o#servations$ collect data$ and use data. ()*0.+%.a,

Day / Generalization: Plants and animals live in oceans and wetlands. Critical Knowledge: "ceans are large #odies of salty water. Wetlands are low areas of land that are very wet. Essential !estion: How do ocean and wetland animals differ? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! descri#e differences of oceans and wetlands and their animals. Acti%ities: Sort wetland animal cards from ocean animal cards. &eso!rces: nimal cards: #lue cra#$ porkfish$ #rown pelican$ otter (ocean animals,$ muskrat$ diamond#ack terrapin$ southern water snake$ roseate spoon#ill (wetland animals,. 'tandards: %.S.0.3.% State that living things need food to survive. ()*4.+%.a,

Day 0 Generalization: Plants and animals live in deserts. Critical Knowledge: nimals and plants adapt to their environments. Essential !estion: How do desert plants and animals adapt to their environments? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! state ways animals and plants adapt to the desert. Acti%ities: 'odeling a desert cactus adaptation sponge e1periment pg. B*%. &eso!rces: 7ry sponge pieces$ wa1 paper$ dropper$ water$ plate$ cactus. 'tandards: %.S.).%.% <dentify the characteristics of local natural environments. ())%.+%a,

Day 11 Generalization: 7eserts are dry$ hot places with very little water. Critical Knowledge: nimals and plants adapt to their environments. Essential !estion: How do desert plants and animals adapt to their environments? "#$ecti%e: SWB ! glean characteristics of a desert through literature. Acti%ities: =ead !he =oad to 'um#ai #y =uth >eyaveeran$ write animal adaptation paragraph. &eso!rces: !he =oad to 'um#ai #y =uth >eyaveeran 'tandards: 2iterat!re sk and answer key details in a te1t. <dentify words and phrases in stories and poems that suggest feeling or appeal to the senses.

Plant and Animal Unit 3 - E 4n5!iry 6odel

Su#?ect: Science

@rade: %

7ate: 7ay %

'aterials: .ive plant$ safety goggles$ lens$ paper towel$ paper$ crayons. -oncept or Skill: Parts have plants and each part has a function. "#?ectiveA.earning "utcome: SWB ! know the parts of a plant and what each part of the plan does for it to survive. Standards: %.S.%.&.% 'ake and record o#servations.

Engage: Stimulate thinking #y having at least 0 different types of plants availa#le for students to o#serve. how the plants are different and the same.

sk the students

P!r7ose: Students will use their sense to o#serve the parts of a plant. !hey will then draw conclusions a#out their o#servations. E87lore: "#serve a plant: Have students wear safety goggles. Each student will then take the plant gently out of the pot9 carefully shake the dirt off the roots. 5se a hand lens to look at the parts of a plant. =ecord what you see #y drawing a picture of what you o#serve. Put the plant #ack in the pot$ wash your hands. E87lain: Have students think and share their o#servations. 'ake sure they include all the following parts: leaves$ flowers$ roots$ and stem. sk what they think each part does: B< wonder how the different parts of a plant work together?C

Ela#orate: !eacher reviews key voca#ulary: =oots; the parts of the plant that take in water from the ground$ they are in the soil. Stem; connects the roots to other plant parts and carries water from the roots to the leaves and other plant parts$ and helps hold up a plant. .eaves; part of plant that makes food for the plant$ and give off o1ygen for people and animals to #reathe. :lower; the part of plants that makes seeds. Seed; the part of a plant that has a new plant inside it.


ssess student6s drawings$ make sure they have included all the voca#ulary words discussed.

Additional 4nde7endent Practice: Provide children with leafy celery stalks and identify the part as the stem. sk them to predict what water would travel through the celery stalk. Have red food coloring mi1ed with water in a cup and place the trimmed stalk into the waters. s children o#serve the results of the e1periment$ discuss their original predictions. !his will help visual;kinesthetic$ and logical;social learners.

Accommodations: :or E.. learners and students with e1ceptionalities$ have a concept chart that has parts of a plant in the middle circle and the ) e1tending circles with each plant part in them. !his will give them a visual glance at what the lesson is a#out. :or challenge students$ have them go to www.eduplace.comAscpA and choose %st grade$ unit and do the enrichment activities.

Plant and Animal Unit 3 9!nter Direct 4nstr!ction 6odel

Su#?ect: Science @rade: % 7ate: 7ay *

'aterials: Plant pictures in different stages$ paper$ and pencil. -oncept or Skill: Plants change as they grow. "#?ectiveA.earning "utcome: SWB ! distinguish the different stages of a plants life cycle. Standards: %.S.0.%.% 7escri#e the life cycle of a plant.

nticipatory SetA.aunch: BDou have grown from a #ay to a child. Plants grow and change to.C Show students a pregnant mom$ a #a#y picture$ a child6s picture$ and a current picture prefera#ly of the teacher. Purpose: B!oday you will see how a plant changes over time.C <nputA<nvestigation: ll living things have life cycles. 'ost plants grow from seeds. Seeds germinate. =oots e1tend from the seed into the soil. !he stem grows up from the seed. .eaves unfurl. !he seedling #egins to make its own food. When a plant matures$ it makes seeds. Some plants will die at the end of the season9 others will #ecome dormant and thrive again ne1t year. Provide each pair of children with pictures of plants. E1plain when they are finished the plant pictures should show how a plant grows. !he pictures should #e placed in order form left to right. 5se plant models: o#serve and look closely at plant pictures. !hink a#out how the plant grows. "rder the pictures to show how the plant starts and grows. 'ake a list to show the step in the plant6s life. -losureASummariEe: Everything has a life cycle. !he plant grows from a seed. !he plant grows leaves and gets taller. !hen it grows a flower. !he plant makes new seeds. .ater the plant dies or #ecomes dormant. 'odeling (directions for practice,: !eacher will model the stages of a dandelion #y placing photos in the correct order.

-heck for 5nderstanding: -hecking for 5nderstanding #y walking around to make sure the pictures are in the correct order. @uided Practice: !eacher will walk around to see if students are placing the stages of a flower pictures in the correct order$ not give them the answer #ut have them talk it through. <ndependent Practice: Student will #e given pictures of different stages of a pine tree to put in the correct order. ccommodations: Students with e1ceptionalities may have their #ooks open to the life cycle page to assist them in putting them in the correct order. ssessment: graded summative assessment of the stages of a plants life cycle. !his .ife -ycle Picture Se/uence will #e worth 0) points. < will grade each student as < walk around. Students will put the pictures of a plants life cycle in order and ver#ally say them.

Plant and Animal Unit 3 9!nter Direct 4nstr!ction 6odel

4ncor7orating 2iteracy
Su#?ect: Science @rade: % 7ate: 7ay %+

'aterials: Book =oad to 'um#ai #y =uth >eyaveeran. -oncept or Skill: nimals and plants adapt to their environments.

"#?ectiveA.earning "utcome: SWB ! glean characteristics of a desert through literature. 7eserts are dry$ hot places with very little water. Science Standard: %.S.).%.% <dentify the characteristics of local natural environments. .iterature Standards: sk and answer key details in a te1t. <dentify words phrases in stories and poems that suggest feeling

or appeal to the senses. Write informativeAe1planatory te1ts in which they name a topic$ supply some facts a#out the topic$ and provide some sense of closure.

nticipatory SetA.aunch: We are going to e1plore the land of <ndia with Sho#a and her pet monkey$ :uEEy$ #y reading this #ook called =oad to 'um#ai. Purpose: B!oday you will read how desert plants and animals adapt to their environment.C <nputA<nvestigation: =ead Book =oad to 'um#ai. Stop after reading a#out camels$ elephants$ and snakes. sk what /ualities each animal has. characteristics of a desert are. Show students pictures of <daho deserts: "wyhee$ Bruneau$ and -raters of the 'oon.

sk what the

-losureASummariEe: 7esert plants and animals must #e a#le to live in an environment where it is very hot and dry. 'odeling (directions for practice,: < will choose a desert animal not in the #ook$ a liEard$ and write a paragraph on the #oard

for students to follow as an e1ample:

liEard is a desert animal that adapts to its environment. !hey have a hard skin that retains moisture #ut allows the heat to go away. !he scaly layer helps protect the liEard when it falls or gets scraped. liEard lives in a dry hot desert where it is hot$ with very little water #ut can ad?ust with the help of its skin. -heck for 5nderstanding: sk students to #rainstorm ways plants and animals adapt to the desert environment.

@uided Practice: Show what the topic sentence is in the e1ample paragraph on liEards$ show the two supporting facts$ and the closing sentence in my paragraph. <ndependent Practice: Have students write a paragraph on how an animal in the #ook adapted to the desert.

ccommodations: Students with e1ceptionalities will have a pre;written$ fill in the #lank paragraph on either the snake or the camel. ssessment: graded summative assessment worth %+ points will #e a paragraph written #y students on how a desert animal adapts to its environment. Students will need to have a topic sentence and two supporting details$ and a closing sentence in their paragraphs.

1st !rade Plant & Animal Science Assessment Plan

$ will start by pre,assessin! what the students 'now about plants and animals by completin! a -W# chart to!ether with the class by pro.ectin! it on a the white board or use a Smart Board if available. functions/ how plants help people/ and habitats of plants and animals. $ will use formative assessments to determine pro!ress of the students toward masterin! the unit ob.ectives throu!h everyday activities. $ will provide a live plant/ which will be ta'en out of the pot and placed on paper towels. Students will observe the plant with a hand lens and then draw a picture to show each plant part that they observe. he parts that they should include are roots/ stem/ leaves/ and flowers. As a !roup we will discuss he !uidelines will follow our unit !oals about plant life cycle/ plants parts

what parts the children 'now and any parts they didn0t. $f they missed labelin! a part they will label it/ $ will provide feedbac' to students as $ wal' around the room to see each student labeled the four parts correctly. Another formative assessment will be for the student to tell me what the function is of each part of the plant by havin! the students prepare a plant drawin! with parts labeled alon! with a short statement of what the function of the part of plant is. A formative assessment $ will do for the animal part of the unit will be for the students to do an animal sort/ where they sort what animal lives in which habitats. 1ne summative assessment $ will use to assess if a student understands the life cycle of a plant will be to provide pictures of the five sta!es of a plants life cycle. After discussin! the sta!es/ students will put the cards in order2 seed/ seedlin!/ !rowin! plant/ flowers !row on plant/ plant ma'es new seeds. $ thin' that this option of providin! pictures is more visual and en!a!in! for the students than to .ust list them on paper or do a wor'sheet. $ will !rade this assi!nment for 34 points/ 5.64 points for each sta!e they put in the correct order. Another summative assessment $ will use is to have student prepare a comic strip containin! the parts of a plant and their function. A rubric will be provided to show students the e+pectations. his will need to have the four main parts and what they do. )oots hold the plant in the !round and ta'e in water. water from the roots to the rest of the plant. he leaves ma'e the food. he stem carries

he flower ma'es the seeds. A summative assessment $ will do for the

animal part of the unit will be for the students to write a para!raph on how an animal adapts to its environment.

he only five assi!nments that will be put in the !rade boo' will be the wor'sheet on the functions of the parts of a plant for 17 points/ the picture se&uence of the lifecycle for 34 points/ the comic strip for 34 points/ the shoebo+ model of the forest for 17 points/ and the para!raph on how animals adapt to their environments for 17 points. $ will have each unit worth 177 points with the hi!her points bein! on the assessments that will show their individual understandin!. $ choose these five assi!nments because $ feel that these are !ood assessments of what they 'now based on the ob.ectives of the unit. he other in class activities includes leaf sortin! and classification/ !rocery advertisement to identify what plants are human

foods/ and act out plant !rowth. Why $ feel these are necessary $ will authentically assess these abilities and provide immediate feedbac' while chec'in! for understandin! but $ won0t put them all in the !rade boo'. With items $ don0t !rade $ will have a chec' system/ if $ chec' it off/ then the item is ready to put in their ta'e home folder to be ta'en home on 8riday.

Parent Involvement

Parents are partners with the teacher to help the student to maximize their learning.

tout and Peters tells us that parents can

help in a child!s learning process "# helping them ha$e an excitement %or disco$er#& promote growth and thin'ing& de$elop pro"lem sol$ing& ha$e a positi$e attitude& and do pro(ects together. Parents can also "e in$ol$ed in the school "# $olunteering and sa$ing items %or pro(ects )pg. 154*156). + 'e# component to parent in$ol$ement is communication. ,uring the plant and animal unit a letter will go home stating the o"(ecti$es %or the unit along with a description o% acti$ities that will rein%orce the o"(ecti$es and an# items that parents can donate. -tems that will need donations in the plant and animal unit will "e lea$es %or the lea% ru""ing& grocer# ad$ertisements %or the %ood %ind& shoe"oxes %or the shoe"ox %orest model and sponges %or the cactus experiment. - will also as' %or $olunteers to help with lea% ru""ings& assessing the li%e c#cle picture se.uence& and %or the cactus experiments. - would li'e 3*6 $olunteers to help& two $olunteers on three di%%erent da#s. - will communicate to parents what da# and time as well as m# phone and e*mail and a date to

repl#. -% - don!t recei$e $olunteer help& then - will not write that into m# lesson plan. - will also in$ol$e those parents who can!t donate items or $olunteer "# as'ing them to assist with helping their students with their shoe"ox %orest model. /he parent can help the student decide what ph#sical %eatures are in either a tropical rain %orest or a pine %orest and ma'e a model. /his will rein%orce what the student alread# 'nows a"out the di%%erences "etween the two 'inds o% %orests. - will also gi$e time in class %or students to wor' on this pro(ect0 mentors or students "uddies %rom higher classes can help them as well. ,irections and materials will "e pro$ided %or parents to use. 1hen parents are gi$en speci%ic wa#s to help and support their children& the student& parent and teacher will all "ene%it.

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