Curriculum OF: Sociology For BS 4-Year Program

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SOCIOLOGY For BS 4-Year Program

(Revised 2009)




Dr. Syed Sohail H. Naqvi Prof. Dr. ltaf li !. Shai"h #iss !hayyur &ati$a #r. #. (ahir li Shah #r. Shafiullah Executive Director #e$%er ( cad) Director ('urri) De)uty Director ('urri) De)uty Director

'o$)osed %y* #r. +ulfiqar li, HE', -sla$a%ad

.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. -/troductio/0000000000000 1 Sta/dardi2ed (e$)late for 3S 45year De6ree )ro6ra$$e 0..00000000. 9 8ayout for 3S Sociolo6y..0000000. .0 Sche$e of Studies for 45year 3S i/ Sociolo6y 00000000000 .. Details of &ou/datio/ 'ourses00000. .4 Details of #a:or 'ourses0000000.. 77 Details of 'o$)ulsory 'ourses0000... ;0 Reco$$e/datio/s 000000000... <2

'urriculu$ of a su%:ect is said to %e the thro%%i/6 )ulse of a /atio/. 3y loo"i/6 at the curriculu$ o/e ca/ :ud6e the state of i/tellectual develo)$e/t a/d the state of )ro6ress of the /atio/. (he =orld has tur/ed i/to a 6lo%al villa6e> /e= ideas a/d i/for$atio/ are )ouri/6 i/ li"e a strea$. -t is, therefore, i$)erative to u)date our curricula re6ularly %y i/troduci/6 the rece/t develo)$e/ts i/ the releva/t fields of "/o=led6e. -/ exercise of the )o=ers co/ferred %y su%5sectio/ (.) of sectio/ 7 of the &ederal Su)ervisio/ of 'urricula (ext%oo"s a/d #ai/te/a/ce of Sta/dards of Educatio/ ct .9;1, the &ederal !over/$e/t vide /otificatio/ No. D;;7?;15@E (cur.), dated Dece$%er 4th .9;1, a))oi/ted the A/iversity !ra/ts 'o$$issio/ as the co$)ete/t authority to loo" after the curriculu$ revisio/ =or" %eyo/d class B-- at the %achelor level a/d o/=ards to all de6rees, certificates a/d di)lo$as a=arded %y de6ree colle6es, u/iversities a/d other i/stitutio/s of hi6her educatio/. -/ )ursua/ce of the a%ove decisio/s a/d directives, the Hi6her Educatio/ 'o$$issio/ (HE') is co/ti/ually )erfor$i/6 curriculu$ revisio/ i/ colla%oratio/ =ith u/iversities. ccordi/6 to the decisio/ of the s)ecial $eeti/6 of Cice5 'ha/cellorDs 'o$$ittee, the curriculu$ of a su%:ect $ust %e revie=ed after every 7 years. co$$ittee of ex)erts co$)risi/6 of co/ve/ers fro$ the Natio/al 'urriculu$ Revisio/ of HE' i/ 3asic, ))lied Social Scie/ces a/d E/6i/eeri/6 disci)li/es $et i/ )ril 200; a/d develo)ed a u/ified te$)late to sta/dardi2e de6ree )ro6ra$s i/ the cou/try to %ri/6 the /atio/al curriculu$ at )ar =ith i/ter/atio/al sta/dards, a/d to fulfill the /eeds of the local i/dustries. -t also ai$ed to 6ive a %asic, %road %ased "/o=led6e to the stude/ts to e/sure the quality of educatio/. (he /e= 3achelor (3S) de6ree shall %e of 4 years duratio/, a/d =ill require the co$)letio/ of .705.71 credit hours. &or those social scie/ces a/d %asic scie/ces de6rees, 17.90E of the curriculu$ =ill co/sist of disci)li/e s)ecific courses, a/d 71.90E =ill co/sist of co$)ulsory courses a/d 6e/eral courses offered throu6h other de)art$e/ts. &or the )ur)ose of curriculu$ revisio/ various co$$ittees are co/stituted at the /atio/al level, co$)risi/6 of se/ior teachers /o$i/ated %y u/iversities, de6ree a=ardi/6 i/stitutio/s, RFD or6a/i2atio/s, res)ective accreditatio/ cou/cils a/d sta"e holders. (he Natio/al 'urriculu$ Revisio/ 'o$$ittee for Sociolo6y i/ a $eeti/6 held o/ )ril 95.., 2009 at HE' Re6io/al 'e/tre, 8ahore revised the curriculu$ i/ li6ht of the u/ified te$)late. (he revised draft curriculu$ is %ei/6 circulated for i$)le$e/tatio/ i/ the co/cer/ed i/stitutio/s.

PROF.DR.ALTAF ALI G. SHAI H Mem!er A"a#em$"% A&g&%' ())*
















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PREP. P&'8*&*+),-

&i/al $eeti/6 of the Natio/al 'urriculu$ Revisio/ 'o$$ittee (N'R') o/ Sociolo6y develo)i/6 curriculu$ for 3.S. 4 G year )ro6ra$$e =as co/ve/ed o/ )ril 9 5.., 2009 at Hi6her Educatio/ 'o$$issio/ (HE') Re6io/al 'e/ter, 8ahore. Dr. #uha$$ad Hafee2, Director, -/stitute of Social a/d 'ultural Studies, A/iversity of the Pu/:a%, 8ahore chaired the $eeti/6 a/d the follo=i/6 $e$%ers fro$ differe/t u/iversities )artici)ated i/ the $eeti/6* .. Professor Dr. #uha$$ad Hafee2 Director, De)t of Sociolo6y A/iversity of the Pu/:a%, 8ahore Professor Dr. &ateh #uha$$ad 3urfat 'hair$a/, De)art$e/t of Sociolo6y, A/iversity of Harachi, Harachi Dr. Haq Na=a2 /=ar 'hair)erso/, De)t of Sociolo6y, !ovt. 'olle6e A/iversity, &aisala%ad. Dr. /=ar la$ ssociate Professor, De)t of Sociolo6y F /thro)olo6y A/iversity of Pesha=ar, Pesha=ar. Dr. Riffat #u/a=ar, ssista/t Professor, De)t of Sociolo6y, A/iversity of the Pu/:a%, 8ahore. Dr. i:a2 Iassa/, ssista/t Professor, De)art$e/t of Sociolo6y, A/iversity of Si/dh, @a$shoro 'o/ve/er












Prof. Na:$a Noor Phul)oto 'hair)erso/, De)t of Sociolo6y, Shah %dul 8atif A/iversity, Hhair)ur. #r. &arha/ h$ad &ai2 8ecturer, De)t. of Sociolo6y, 3.+. A/iversity, #ulta/ Syed -$ra/ Haider, 8ecturer, De)t. of Sociolo6y, lla$a -q%al J)e/ A/iversity, -sla$a%ad #r. -rfa/ ul Haq, Head (E/viro/$e/t F Settle$e/t), NESP H, 8ahore. #r. -$ra/ ul Haq, Se/ior E/6i/eer?E/viro/$e/talist, NESP H, 8ahore. Hafi2 Rashid #eh$ood Directorate !e/eral of Hatchi %adis F Ar%a/ -$)rove$e/t, 8ocal !over/$e/t, De)art$e/t !over/$e/t of Pu/:a%, 8ahore. Dr. Saif %%asi, Head De)art$e/t of Sociolo6y, -/ter/atio/al -sla$ic A/iversity, -sla$a%ad.














(he o)e/i/6 sessio/ of the $eeti/6 =as held o/ )ril 9, 2009 =ith the recitatio/ of verses fro$ Holy Kura/. #r. 3ashir h$ad, Director -/char6e, HE' Re6io/al Jffice, 8ahore =elco$ed the )artici)a/ts. #s. !hayyur &ati$a, Director ('urriculu$), HE', -sla$a%ad %riefly ex)lai/ed that the o%:ective of the $eeti/6 of N'R' is to revie= a/d fi/ali2e the draft curriculu$ )re)ared duri/6 the first $eeti/6. Professor Dr. #uha$$ad Hafee2, a))reciated the =or" do/e %y the N'R' duri/6 its first $eeti/6 held o/ Jcto%er 70 to Nove$%er ., 200< a/d

ho)ed that the $e$%ers of this $eeti/6 =ill )erfor$ =ith the sa$e co$$it$e/t a/d 2eal. (he co$$ittee co/fir$ed the $i/utes of . st $eeti/6 a/d a))reciated the su))ort of Hi6her Educatio/ 'o$$issio/ a/d )articularly the coo)eratio/ of #s. !hayyur &ati$a exte/ded duri/6 the $eeti/6. (he follo=i/6 schedule =as a6reed to co$)lete the assi6/$e/t. Day5. (0950452009) Day52 (.050452009) Day57 (..50452009) Develo)$e/t of o%:ectives for each course 3oo"s reco$$e/ded for each course Revie= a/d fi/ali2i/6 of the curriculu$ 'losi/6 cere$o/y

ll $e$%ers $utually develo)ed the o%:ectives i/ the li6ht of co/te/ts a/d require$e/ts of each course a/d )re)ared list of reco$$e/ded %oo" o/ first t=o days of the $eeti/6. su%5co$$ittee headed %y Professor Dr. &ateh #uha$$ad 3urfat a/d co$)rised of all the $e$%ers of N'R' =as requested to revie= the fi/al draft of the curriculu$ %efore su%$issio/ to HE'. -/ this re6ards, a %rai/stor$i/6 sessio/ =as held o/ the third day of the $eeti/6. (he fi/ali2ed sche$e of studies )re)ared is attached. 'o$$ittee $e$%ers hi6hly a))reciated the coo)eratio/ exte/ded %y the staff $e$%ers of HE' re6io/al ce/tre 8ahore. (he $eeti/6 e/ded =ith a vote of tha/"s %y the 'hair.


No. o"o&r%e% M$. / Ma0 9G9 ;G< 9 G .0 .. G .7 4G4 4) / 44 Cre#$' Ho&r% M$. / Ma0 29 G 29 2. G 24 70 G 77 71 G 42 .2 G .2 2(4 / 234

Sr. .. 2. 7. 4. 9.

Ca'egor$e% 'o$)ulsory Require$e/t (No 'hoice) !e/eral 'ourses to %e chose/ fro$ other de)art$e/ts Disci)li/e5s)ecific &ou/datio/ 'ourses #a:or 'ourses i/cludi/6 research )ro:ect?-/ter/shi) Electives =ithi/ the $a:or To'a1

(otal /u$%ers of 'redit hours Duratio/ Se$ester duratio/ Se$esters 'ourse 8oad )er Se$ester Nu$%er of courses )er se$ester

.705.71 4 years .15.< =ee"s < .95.< 'r hr 451



Com5&1%or6 Re7&$reme.'% 8'9e %'&#e.' 9a% .o "9o$"e: * "o&r%e% (< Cre#$' 9o&r% S&!=e"' Cr. 9r
.. &u/ctio/al E/6lish 2. 'o$$u/icatio/ S"ills 7. (ech/ical Iriti/6 a/d Prese/tatio/ S"ills 4. A/iversity J)tio/ 9. Pa"ista/ Studies 1. -sla$ic Studies ? Ethics ;. #athe$atics <. Social Statistics 9. -/troductio/ to 'o$)uter 7 7 7 7 2 2 7 7 7

Ge.era1 Co&r%e% 'o !e "9o%e. -rom o'9er #e5ar'me.'% ; "o&r%e% (2 Cr. Ho&r% S&!=e"' >> Cr. 9r
.. #ass 'o$$u/icatio/ 2. -/troductio/ to #a/a6e$e/t 7. 8o6ic a/d 'ritical (hi/"i/6 4. -/troductio/ to Psycholo6y 9. -/troductio/ to Eco/o$ics 1. -/troductio/ to 8a= ;. Social Ior" <. Political Scie/ce 9. Everyday Scie/ce .0. -/troductio/ to !eo6ra)hical -/for$atio/ Syste$ ... -/troductio/ to E/viro/$e/t 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (2

D$%"$51$.e S5e"$-$" Fo&.#a'$o. Co&r%e% 2) "o&r%e% 32Cre#$' 9o&r% S&!=e"'

.. -/troductio/ to Sociolo6y 2. Develo)$e/t of Social (hou6ht 7. 'lassical Sociolo6ical (heories 4. 'o/te$)orary Sociolo6ical (heories 9. Pa"ista/i Society F 'ulture 1. Social Psycholo6y ;. #ethods of Social Research <. dva/ce Research #ethodolo6y 9. Social /thro)olo6y .0. !e/der Studies

Cr. Hr
7 7 7 7 7 7 7L. 7 7 7 32


Ma=or "o&r%e% $."1&#$.g re%ear"9 5ro=e"',$.'er.%9$5 23 "o&r%e% 44Cre#$' 9o&r% S&!=e"' Cr. 9r
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. Sociolo6y of Develo)$e/t Pro:ect Pla//i/6 F #a/a6e$e/t 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t -/troductio/ to Po)ulatio/ Studies Rural Sociolo6y Ar%a/ Sociolo6y Sociolo6y of Health F #edici/e 'o$)arative Social -/stitutio/s Social 'ha/6e F (ra/sfor$atio/ Sociolo6y of Reli6io/ Sociolo6y of Educatio/ Sociolo6y of !lo%ali2atio/ Research Pro:ect F (hesis -/ter/shi) 7 7L. 7 7L. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 44 > >>

E1e"'$?e Co&r%e% @$'9$. '9e ma=or 4 "o&r%e% 2( Cre#$' Ho&r% S&!=e"'

/y four of the follo=i/6 .. -$)act ssess$e/t 2. 'o/flict a/d lter/ative Dis)ute Reselectio/ 7. 'li/ical Sociolo6y 4. !over/a/ce a/d Social Policy 9. 'or)orate Social Res)o/si%ilities 1. Jr6a/i2atio/al 3ehaviour a/d HRD ;. Electro/ic #edia F Cirtual Society <. Sociolo6y of 8a= a/d Hu$a/ ri6hts 9. Rural Develo)$e/t .0. 'ri$i/olo6y ... -/dustrial Sociolo6y .2. -sla$ic Sociolo6y

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2(

To'a1 Cre#$' Ho&r%A 233 U.$?er%$'6 9a% '9e o5'$o. 'o re"omme.# a.6 o'9er "o&r%e $. 1$e& o- E.g1$%9 IV U.$?er%$'$e% ma6 re"omme.# a.6 o'9er #$%"$51$.e a""or#$.g 'o '9e$r -a"$1$'6 a.# -a"&1'6 a?a$1a!1e



Seme%'er,Yea r F$r%' Name o- S&!=e"' EN!8-SH5P H-S( N S(AD-ES # (H?S( (5. !ENER 85!ENER 85-&JAND (-JN5-/troductio/ Sociolo6y EN!8-SH5--S8 #-' S(AD-ES ? E(H-'S Social Statistics !ENER 85--!ENER 85-C &JAND (-JN5-- Social (hou6ht EN!8-SH5---N(RJDA'(-JN (J 'J#PA(ER !ENER 85C !ENER 85C&JAND (-JN5--'lassical Sociolo6ical (heories EN!8-SH5-C ? AN-C. JP(-JN 8 !ENER 85C-&JAND (-JN5-C 'o/te$)orary Sociolo6ical (heories &JAND (-JN5C Pa"ista/i Society F 'ulture &JAND (-JN5C- !e/der Studies &JAND (-JN5C-- 'ri$i/olo6y &JAND (-JN5C--Research #ethodolo6y # @JR5- Sociolo6y of Develo)$e/t # @JR5-Pro:ect Pla//i/6 F #a/a6e$e/t # @JR5--- 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t &JAND (-JN5-B Research Desi6/ F Socio$etry Cre#$'% 7 2 7 7 7 7 2; 7 2 7 7 7 7 2; 7 7 7 7 7 2< 7 7 7 7 7 2< 7 7L. 7 7L. 7 2; 7







&JAND (-JN5B /thro)olo6y # @JR5-C Po)ulatio/ Studies # @JR5C Rural Sociolo6y # @JR5C- Ar%a/ Sociolo6y Se?e.'9 # @JR5C-- Sociolo6y of Health F #edici/e # @JR5C--'o$)arative Social -/stitutio/s # @JR5C--- Sociolo6y of Educatio/ E8E'(-CE5E8E'(-CE5-# @JR5-B RESE R'H PRJ@ ? -N(ERNSH-P # @JR5BSocial 'ha/6e F (ra/sfor$atio/ # @JR5B-- Sociolo6y of Reli6io/ # @JR5B-Sociolo6y of !lo%ali2atio/ E8E'(-CE5--E8E'(-CE5-C # @JR5B RESE R'H PRJ@ ? -N(ERNSH-P SUB TOTAL

7 7L. 7 7 24 7 7 7 7 7 7 2B 7 7 7 7 7 7 2B 233




.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. -/troductio/ to Sociolo6y Develo)$e/t of Social (hou6ht 'lassical Sociolo6ical (heories 'o/te$)orary Sociolo6ical (heories Pa"ista/i Society F 'ulture Social Psycholo6y #ethods of Social Research dva/ce Research #ethodolo6y Social /thro)olo6y

.0. !e/der Studies


(he course is desi6/ed to i/troduce the stude/ts =ith sociolo6ical co/ce)ts a/d the disci)li/e. (he focus of the course shall %e o/ si6/ifica/t co/ce)ts li"e social syste$s a/d structures, socio5eco/o$ic cha/6es a/d social )rocesses. (he course =ill )rovide due fou/datio/ for further studies i/ the field of sociolo6y.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. Defi/itio/, Sco)e, a/d Su%:ect #atter %. Sociolo6y as a Scie/ce c. Historical %ac" 6rou/d of Sociolo6y 2. 3asic 'o/ce)ts a. !rou), 'o$$u/ity, Society %. ssociatio/s i. No/5Colu/tary ii. Colu/tary c. Jr6a/i2atio/ i. -/for$al ii. &or$al d. Social -/teractio/ i. 8evels of Social -/teractio/ ii. Process of Social -/teractio/ a) 'oo)eratio/ %) 'o$)etitio/ c) 'o/flict d) cco$$odatio/ e) cculturatio/ a/d diffusio/ f) ssi$ilatio/ 6) $al6a$atio/ 7. Social !rou)s a. Defi/itio/ F &u/ctio/s %. (y)es of social 6rou)s i. -/ a/d out 6rou)s ii. Pri$ary a/d Seco/dary 6rou) iii. Refere/ce 6rou)s iv. -/for$al a/d &or$al 6rou)s v. Pressure 6rou)s 4. 'ulture a. Defi/itio/, as)ects a/d characteristics of 'ulture i. #aterial a/d /o/ $aterial culture

ii. -deal a/d real culture %. Ele$e/ts of culture i. 3eliefs ii. Calues iii. Nor$s a/d social sa/ctio/s c. Jr6a/i2atio/s of culture i. (raits ii. 'o$)lexes iii. Patter/s iv. Ethos v. (he$e d. Jther related co/ce)ts i. 'ultural Relativis$ ii. Su% 'ultures iii. Eth/oce/tris$ a/d Be/oce/tris$ iv. 'ultural la6 9. Sociali2atio/ F Perso/ality a. Perso/ality, &actors i/ Perso/ality &or$atio/ %. Sociali2atio/, 6e/cies of Sociali2atio/ c. Role F Status 1. Devia/ce a/d Social 'o/trol a. Devia/ce a/d its ty)es %. Social co/trol a/d its /eed c. &or$s of Social co/trol d. #ethods F 6e/cies of Social co/trol ;. 'ollective 3ehavior a. 'ollective %ehavior, its ty)es %. 'ro=d %ehavior c. Pu%lic o)i/io/ d. Pro)a6a/da e. Social $ove$e/ts f. 8eadershi)

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. /derso/, #ar6aret a/d Ho=ard &. (aylor. 200.. Sociology the Essentials. ustralia* Iads=orth. 3ro=/, He/ 2004. Sociology. AH* Polity Press !idde/, /tho/y 2002. Introduction to Sociology. AH* Polity Press. #acio/is, @oh/ @. 2001. .0th Editio/ Sociology Ne= @ersey* Pre/tice5 Hall (ischler, He/ry 8. 2002. Introduction to Sociology ;th ed. Ne= Mor"* (he Harcourt Press. &ra/" N #a6ill. 2007. International Encyclopedia of Sociology. A.S. * &it2roy Dear%or/ Pu%lishers #acio/is, @oh/ @. 2009. Sociology .0th ed. South sia* Pearso/ Educatio/

<. 9. .0. ... .2. .7.

Her%o, Harold R. .9<9. Sociology: Social Structure and Social Conflict. Ne= Mor"* #ac$illa/ Pu%lishi/6 'o$)a/y. Hoe/i/6 Sa$uel. .99;. Sociology: An Introduction to the Science of Society. Ne= Mor"* 3ar/es a/d No%el.. 8ee, lfred #clu/6 a/d 8ee, Eli2a%eth 3ria/t .91.. Marriage and The family. Ne= Mor"* 3ar/es a/d No%le, -/c. 8eslie, !erald et al. .9;7. Order and Change: Introductory Sociology (oro/to* Jxford A/iversity Press. 8e/s"i, !ev%ard a/d 8e/s"i, @ea$. .9<2. Human Societies. 4th editio/ Ne= Mor"* #c!ra=5Hill 3oo" 'o$)a/y. @a$es #. He/sli/. 2004. Sociology: A Do n to Earth Approach. (oro/to* lle/ a/d 3aco/.


(he course =ill )rovide fa$iliarity a%out history of social thou6ht, sta6es of social develo)$e/t a/d cha/6e. (he course =ill e$)hasi2e co/tri%utio/s of Iester/, Easter/ a/d #usli$ (hi/"ers to=ards social thou6ht a/d social develo)$e/t.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. Historical Develo)$e/t of Social Philoso)hy 2. Early Social (hou6ht a. &ol" (hi/"i/6 %. !ree" c. E6y)tia/ d. 3a%ylo/ia/ e. 'hi/ese f. -/dia/ Social (hou6ht 7. 'o/tri%utio/ of #usli$ (hi/"ers i/ Social thou6ht a. %u2ar !hafari i. Iealth (heory %. -$a$ !ha2ali i. 'auses of 6rou) life ii. Social :ustice iii. Educatio/al refor$s c. -%/5E5Hhuldu/ i. Philoso)hy of history ii. Scie/ce of culture iii. Eth/oce/tris$ iv. Rise F fall of /atio/s v. 'auses of social life

d. Shah Ialiullah i. Evolutio/ of society ii. 'auses of social life iii. Societal disease iv. 'o/ce)t of )erfect society e. #oula/a A%edullah Si/dhi i. 3asic Hu$a/ Ethics f. lla$a -q%al i. 'o/ce)t of self ii. (heory of reli6io/

Re"omme.#e# BooC%
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. 3ar/es, H.E. (Ed.) .911. An Introduction to the History of Sociology. 'hica6o* (he A/iversity of 'hica6o Press. 3o6ardus, E$ory S. .910. The De!elopment th of Social thought. 4 ed. Ne= Mor"* 8o/6$a/s, !ree/ F 'o. 'oser, 8e=is . .9;.. Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Conte"t. Ne= Mor"* Harcourt 3race @ova/ovich Pu%lishers 'oser, 8o=is . .9;;. Masters of Sociological Thought. Ne= Mor"* Harcourt 3race @ova/arich Pu%lisher Hi/loc", !raha$ '. .9<;. Sociological Theory:Its De!elopment and Ma#or $aradigms . Ne= Mor"* #c!ra= Hill -/c. Heat, Russel a/d @oh/ Arry. .9<2. Social Theory as Science. 8o/do/* Routled6e a/d He6a/ Paul 8td. Rit2er, !eor6e. 2000. Sociological Theory. 9th ed. Mor"* #c!ra= Hill 3oo" 'o. (ur/er @.H. 2007. The Structure of Sociological Theory. ;th ed. ustralia* (ho$so/ Iads=orth +eitli/, -rvi/6 #. .9<.. Ideology and the De!elopment of Sociological Theory. Ne= @ersey* Pre/tice5Hall, -/c. (ur/er, @ H. .9<;. The Structure of Sociological Theory Ho$e=ood -lli/ois* Dorsey Press. Rit2er, !eor6e. .9<<. Sociological Theory. Si/6a)ore* #c!ra= Hill. 'oser, 8 . .9;.. Master of Sociological Though: Ideas in Historical Social Conte"t. Ne= Mor", Harcourt 3race. Du%i/ Ro%ert. .9;<. Theory %uilding. Ne= Mor"* #ax=ell, #ac$illa/.



(he course )rovides a revie= of classical sociolo6ical theorists to co/te$)orary sociolo6ical thi/"i/6. -t focuses o/ the co/te/t a/d utility of classical theories i/ ter$s of u/dersta/di/6 social =orld. Ihile the course )rovides a 6e/eral history of sociolo6ical theory, the focus re$ai/s o/ exa$i/i/6 ho= classical theories have )rovided the %asis for a %etter u/dersta/di/6 of the character a/d dy/a$ics of societies arou/d the =orld. (he co/te/ts of the course also hel) u/dersta/d the /ature of co/te$)orary sociolo6ical theories.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. 3ac"6rou/d a. %. c. d. Social &orces -/tellectual &orces &re/ch Revolutio/ E/li6hte/$e/t

2. Develo)$e/t of Sociolo6ical (heory a. (heory a/d H/o=led6e %. Process of (heori2i/6 c. (y)es of Sociolo6ical (heories d. -/ductive a/d Deductive e. Process of theori2i/6 f. &act, Pro)ositio/s, a/d 8a=s 6. Sociolo6ical (heory %et=ee/ .100 5.<00 D 7. u6ust 'o$te a. Positivis$ %. (he la= of Hu$a/ Pro6ress c. Hierarchy of the Scie/ces d. Social Static F Dy/a$ic 4. E$ile Dur"hei$ a. Rules of Sociolo6ical $ethods %. Divisio/ of 8a%our c. Social Solidarity d. (heory of Reli6io/ e. (heory of Suicide 9. I. !. Su$/er a. &ol"=ays a/d #ores %. -/6rou) a/d out6rou) c. 3asic $otives 1. Harl #arx a. 'o$$u/ist #a/ifesto %. Socialis$

c. Sta6es of Social Evolutio/ ;. Her%ert S)e/cer a. (he la= of Social Evolutio/ %. 'o/ce)t of Society c. 8aisse25faire <. #ax Ie%er a. Sociolo6y of Reli6io/ %. 3ureaucracy c. Protesta/t Ethic a/d the S)rit of 'a)italis$

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. &ar6a/is, @a$es (2000). NReadi/6s i/ Social (heory* (he 'lassic (raditio/ to Post5#oder/is$ (7rd Ed.)O. 3osto/* #c!ra= Hill. Hi/loch, !raha$ '. (.9;;). NSociolo6ical (heory* -ts Develo)$e/t a/d #a:or Paradi6$sO Ne= Mor"* #c!ra= Hill. Rit2er, !eor6e (2002). Sociolo6ical (heory (.0th editio/). Ne= Mor"* #c!ra= Hill. 3laloc", Hu%ert #. (.919) Theory Construction from &er'al to Mathematical (ormulation (Ed). N.@.> Pre/tice Hall -/c. 3ro//er, Ste)he/ Eric" (latest ed.) Critical Theory and Society)A *eader+ 8o/do/> Routled6e a/d He6a/ )aul. 'ooley, '.H. (.912). Social Organi,ation, Ne= Mor"* Scrich/es 3oo"s. @oh/, @. #acio/is. 2004. Sociolo6y, .0th editio/. Hardcover Ross, H. 8aure/ce (.917). $erspecti!es on the Social Order , Ne= Mor"* #c!ra=5Hill 3oo" 'o$)a/y, -/c. -$asheff, N. a/d !. . (heoderso/, (.9;1) Sociological Theory: Its -ature and .ro th+ Ne= Mor"* Ra/do$ House. 'alho/, 'rai6. Ed. 200;. 'o/te$)orary Sociolo6ical (heory. 2/d ed. #alde/, AS * 3lac"=ell Pu%lishi/6. Iallace, Ruth . F liso/ Iold. .99.. 'o/te$)orary Sociolo6ical (heory. 'o/ti/ui/6 the 'lassical (raditio/. Ne= @ersey* Pre/tice Hall Iaters. #alcol$. .994. #oder/ Sociolo6ical (heory. 8o/do/* Sa6e Pu%licatio/s ))elrouth Scott. 200;. Sociolo6ical (heory i/ the 'o/te$)orary Era* (ext a/d Readi/6s. 8o/do/* Pi/e &or6e Press.


(his course =ill i/troduce stude/ts to so$e of the $a:or co/te$)orary theoretical )ers)ectives i/ sociolo6y, i/cludi/6* fu/ctio/alis$, co/flict theory, sy$%olic i/teractio/is$, ide/tity theory, ratio/al choice theory, a/d fe$i/ist theory. (o ex)lore these )ers)ectives, co/tri%utio/s of various theorists =ill %e exa$i/ed. 'a)a%ilities to evaluate sociolo6ical theories critically =ill %e develo)ed. / atte$)t =ill %e $ade to a))ly theories to u/dersta/d curre/t social )ro%le$s a/d issues Pa"ista/ a/d the =orld are faci/6.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. Neo5structural &u/ctio/alists a. (alcott Parso/s %. Ro%ert H. #erto/. 2. 'ritical 'o/flict (heory a. (horstei/ Ce%le/ %. Ralf Dahre/dorf c. '. Iri6ht #ills 7. &ra/"furt School of (hou6ht a. @ur6e/ Ha%%er$as 4. Social 3ehaviouris$ a/d -/teractio/is$ a. Phe/o$e/olo6y (Husserl, lferd Schut2), %. Syste$atic Social 3ehaviouis$ (!eor6e Si$$el) c. Sy$%olic -/teractio/ ( '.H.'ooly, !.H #ead) 9. Evolvi/6 'o/te$)orary &e$i/ist (heory a. &e$i/is$ %. Historical develo)$e/t c. !e/der theories.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. 'alhou/, 'rai6 Et El. (2002). N'o/te$)orary Sociolo6ical (heoryO. 3lac"=ell Pu%lisher 8td. 'oser, 8 (.9;.), #aster of Sociolo6ical (hou6ht> -deas -/ Historical Social 'o/text, Ne= Mor", Harcourt 3race. Du%i/ Ro%ert (.9;<)> (heory 3uildi/6, Ne= Mor", #ax=ell, #ac$illa/ &ar6a/is, @a$es (2000). NReadi/6s -/ Social (heory* (he 'lassic (raditio/ to Post5#oder/is$ (7rd Ed.)O. 3osto/* #c6ra= Hill. Hi/loch, !raha$ '. (.9;;). NSociolo6ical (heory* -ts Develo)$e/t /d #a:or Paradi6$sO Ne= Mor"* #c6ra= Hill. Rit2er, !eor6 (2002). Sociolo6ical (heory (.0th Editio/). Ne= Mor"* #c6ra= Hill. (ur/er @ H (.9<;), (he Structure Jf Sociolo6ical (heory, Ho$e=ood -lli/ois> Dorsey Press.



(he course ai$s to $a"e stude/ts lear/ a%out the /ature a/d structure of Pa"ista/i society. -t ai$s to i$)art "/o=led6e a%out /atio/al culture a/d su%5 cultures of Pa"ista/. (he course =ill develo) u/dersta/di/6 a%out the i/te6rated fu/ctio/ of various social i/stitutio/s i/ the cou/try.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. Defi/itio/ of Society %. 'haracteristics of Pa"ista/i Society c. Social Stratificatio/, 'ast, 'lass F Eth/icity d. Social -/stitutio/s i/ Pa"ista/ i. &a$ily ii. Reli6io/ iii. Eco/o$y iv. Politics v. Educatio/ vi. Recreatio/al Educatio/al Dy/a$ics a. -lliteracy %. 8iteracy c. A/iversal Pri$ary Educatio/ 'o/ce)t d. Schools> (ech/ical F Hi6her Educatio/ e. Status of &or$al a/d -/for$al Educatio/ Historical Pers)ective of Pa"ista/i 'ulture 7.. Provi/cial 'ulture a. 'ulture of Pu/:a% %. 'ulture of Si/dh c. 'ulture of NI&P d. 'ulture of 3alochista/ e. 'ulture of Hash$ir F Norther/ reas Ar%a/ a/d Rural Divisio/ of Pa"ista/ a. Rural Society %. Ar%a/ Society #i/ority a/d (heir 3elief #a:or Social Pro%le$s #a:or Jccu)atio/ a/d Productio/ ctivities h$ad, "%ar S. (.990). NPa"ista/i SocietyO. Harachi* Royal 3oo"s 'o. Hafee2, Sa%iha. (). NPa"ista/ 'ha/6i/6 Society.



4. 9. 1. ;. .. 2.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A


(he course ai$s at fa$iliari2i/6 the stude/ts =ith the historical e$er6e/ce, co/ce)ts, $ethods a/d theories of social )sycholo6y. -t also focuses o/ hi6hli6hti/6 the i$)act of culture o/ the )erso/ality develo)$e/t. (he course =ould e/a%le the stude/ts to co/ce)tuali2e the dy/a$ics a/d structure of social self.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/* a. Defi/itio/ a/d sco)e of social )sycholo6y %. Historical develo)$e/t of social )sycholo6y c. #ethods a/d fra$e=or" of social )sycholo6y Hu$a/ 3ehavior F Perso/ality* a. Psycholo6ical dy/a$ics %. Socio5cultural dy/a$ics c. #a/ as a )sycho5%io5social u/it. d. Perso/ality Develo)$e/t* e. Sociali2atio/ a/d )erso/ality develo)$e/t f. (heories of )erso/ality develo)$e/t (heorists a. Si6$u/d &reud %. '.H. 'ooley c. 3. &. S"i//er d. !. H. #ead. 'ultural a/d Social Develo)$e/t* a. A/iversal cultural )atter/s %. 'ultural values a/d i/ter5)erso/al ad:ust$e/t -/dividual i/ Society* a. -/ter)erso/al %ehavior %. ttitudes ($ea/i/6, for$atio/, a/d cha/6e) )erce)tio/ c. 8a/6ua6e (co$$u/icatio/ a/d cha/6e) $otivatio/ !rou) dy/a$ics* a. !rou) life %. &or$atio/ of 6rou)s c. Di$e/sio/s of 6rou) effective/ess d. Dy/a$ics of 8eadershi)* e. 8eadershi) f. Role a/d status, )sycho5social factors u/derlyi/6 roles 6. (y)es of leadershi)s h. !rou) $orale a/d leadershi) Stress i/ Social 3ehavior* a. Social %ehavior %. Physically, )sycholo6ically, socially stressful situatio/, te/sio/, frustratio/, stress, te/sio/ reductio/.



4. 9.




Psycho5social )ro%le$s of Pa"ista/i Society

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A.. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. :2e/, - a/d &ishheri/, H. (.9<0). A/dersta/di/6 ttitudes a/d ll)ort, !.I. (.9<9). (he Historical 3ac"6rou/d of #oder/ Social ro/so/, Elliot, Elis=orth, Phoe"e a/d 'ario$oth, @. #errill (.990). sch, Solo$o/ E. (.999). Social Psycholo6y+ Ne= Mor"* Pre/tice Hall 3ara/, Ro%ert ., 3yr/e, Do=/ a/d !riffitt, Iillia$ (.9;4). Social 3e6, # . (.9<;). Ne= Di$e/sio/ i/ Sociolo6y: Physio5'he$ical 3er"o=it2, 8.S. (.9<1). Survey of Social Psycholo6y+ (7rd ed.) (o"yo* lder, (.929). (he Practice a/d (heory of -/dividual Psycholo6y, Ne= ))roach to Hu$a/ 3ehaviour, Harachi* Ha$dard &ou/datio/ Press. 3aco/ -/c.3oo" 'o$)a/y. '3S. Pu%lishi/6, @a)a/ 8td. -/c. 9. #ethods of Research i/ Social Psycholo6y, Ne= Mor"* #c!ra=5Hill .0. Predicti/6 Social 3ehaviour, E/6le=ood 'liffs, N.@.* Pre/cie Hall -/c. ... Psycholo6y+ Ne= Mor"* Ra/do$ House. .2. Psycholo6y. A/dersta/di/6 Hu$a/ -/teractio/+ 3osto/* lly/ a/d Mor"* Harcourt 3race.


(he course ai$s to lear/ a%out the %asic co/ce)ts of social research, various research $ethodolo6ies, %oth qua/titative a/d qualitative. (he stude/ts =ill lear/ a%out the usa6e of various $ethodolo6ies =hile co/ducti/6 research o/ differe/t to)ics. (he $ai/ tools a/d research tech/iques =ill %e studied. -t is assu$ed that the stude/ts have a %ac"6rou/d i/ %asic social statistics a/d i/ social theories. (he stude/ts =ill also lear/ a%out certai/ s)ecific co$)uter soft=are li"e SPSS, NAD-S( a/d Eth/o6ra)h.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. 'haracteristics of scie/tific social research %. (heory a/d research c. (y)es of social research d. Kualitative a/d Kua/titative e. Kuality of 6ood researcher 2. Ste)s i/ Research a. 'hoosi/6 the )ro%le$ a/d its si6/ifica/ce %. Revie= of releva/t literature c. @ustificatio/ of (o)ic d. (heoretical fra$e=or" e. &or$ulatio/ of J%:ectives

&or$ulatio/ of research questio/ 'o/ce)tuali2i/6 a/d J)eratio/ali2i/6 Derivatio/ of research hy)othesis (he ti$e di$e/sio/* i. cross sectio/al studies ii. lo/6itudi/al studies 7. Sa$)li/6 a. (y)es of Sa$)li/6 %. Sa$)li/6 (ech/iques c. Pre)aratio/ of Sa$)li/6 &ra$e d. Sa$)li/6 Si2e e. Error a/d 'o/trol 4. (ools of Data 'ollectio/ a. Kuestio//aire %. -/tervie= Schedule c. 'hec"list d. J%servatio/ e. &ocus !rou) Discussio/ ? -/tervie=(&!D?-) 9. Data 'ollectio/ a/d Processi/6 a. Sources of Data %. #ethods of Data 'ollectio/ i. Survey $ethod ii. Ex)eri$e/tal $ethod iii. 'ase study $ethod iv. 'o/te/t /alysis c. Data #a/a6e$e/t d. Data /alysis (ech/iques

f. 6. h. i.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. l=i/, Due/e &. 200;. #ar6i/s of Error> Study of Relia%ility i/ Survey #easur$e/ts. A.S. . * @oh/ Iiley F So/s, -/c. 3a%%ie, Earl. 2004. (he Practice of Social Research. .0th Editio/. 3el$o/t* ' Iords Iorth Pu%lishi/6. 3rid6e Se$e"h F 'ulhy. 2009. Research #ethods i/ the Social Scie/ce. Ne= Delhi* Cistaar Pu%liser. 'hristo)her Ii/shi), 2007, Sociolo6ical #ethods a/d Research. 8o/do/* Sa6e Pu%licatio/s. #o/ette, Dua/e R., Sulliva/, (ho$as @. a/d De:o/6, 'or/ell R. .99< ))lied Social Research* (ool for the Hu$a/ Services (4 th Editio/) Ne= Mor"* Harcout 3race 'olle6e Pu%lishers. Nachi$as, 'hava &ra/"fort a/d David Nach$ias (.99;) Research #ethods i/ the Social Scie/ces (9th Editio/) Ne= Mor"* St. #arti/Ds Press -/c. Neu$a/ Iillia$ 8a=ere/ce. (2000) Social Research #ethods 4th ed. lly/ a/d Eaco/., 3osto/.

<. 9. .0. ... .2. .7.

14. 15. 1$.

.;. .<. .9. 20. 2.. 22.

Nor$a/ 3lai"ie, 2007, /aly2i/6 Kua/titative Data, Sa6e Pu%licatio/ 8o/do/. Rea, 8ouis a/d Richard . Par"er (.99;) Desi6/i/6 a/d co/ducti/6 Survey Research* co$)rehe/sive 6uide. Sa/ &ra/cisco* @ossey G 3ass Pu%lishers. Sad$a/, Sy$our, Nor$a/ #. 3radhur/ (.99.) s"i/6 Kuestio/s. Sa/ &ra/cisco* @ossey G 3ass Pu%olisere. So$e"h F 8e=i/, 2009, Research $ethods i/ Social Scie/ces, Cistaar, Pu%licatio/, Ne= Delhi. S=eet. Ste)he/ . .99.. Data /alysis =ith SPSS. 3osto/* 3osto/ lly/ a/d 3aco/. Iillia$ Dra6o/ a/d Steve Duc", 2009, A/dersta/di/6 Research i/ Perso/al Relatio/shi) Sa6e 8o/do/. Neu$a/, I. 8a=re/ce (2000). NSocial Research #ethodsO. Ne= Mor"* lly/ a/d 3aco/. 3a"er, (herese 8. (.9<9). NDoi/6 Social ResearchO. #c!ra= Hill. 3a%%ie, Earl (2009). N(he Practice of Social ResearchO. 3el$o/t, 'alifor/ia* Iords=orth. @uliet 'or%i/ F /sel$ ' Strauss, 3asics of Kualitative Research ((hird Editio/) (200<) Sa6e Pu%licatio/s Ne= Delhi> #arcus 3a/"s, (200<) Asi/6 Cisual Data i/ Kualitative Research. Sa6e Pu%licatio/s Ne= Delhi> Nor$a/ H De/2i/ F Mvo//al 8i/coi/, (200<) 'ollecti/6 a/d -/ter)reti/6 Kualitative #aterials Sa6e Pu%licatio/s Ne= Delhi> Rosali/e 3ar%our (200<) NDoi/6 &ocus !rou)sO Ne= Delhi* Sa6e Pu%licatio/s (i$ Ra)ley, (200<) Doi/6 'o/versatio/ Discourse a/d Docu$e/t a/alysis. Sa6e Pu%licatio/s Ne= Delhi> A=e &lic", (200<) Desi6/i/6 Kualitative Research. Sa6e Pu%licatio/s Ne= Delhi>


(he course ai$s to u/dersta/d social $easure$e/t, research desi6/, a/d scie/tific =ays to assess social )he/o$e/a. (he focus =ill %e o/ qua/titative $easure$e/t> ho=ever, qualitative assess$e/t =ith co/ce)ts a/d the$es =ill also %e tau6ht.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. Defi/itio/ of research desi6/ %. 'haracteristics of research desi6/ c. (y)es of research desi6/ d. 'o$)o/e/ts of research desi6/.

2. #easuri/6 the Social Phe/o$e/a, Di$e/sio/al Scali/6 a. Pur)ose of scali/6 %. (y)es of scales c. Rati/6 scales. d. Ase of $ulti5di$e/sio/al scali/6 7. 'o/ducti/6 ))lied Research a. Partici)atory Ra)id ))raisal (ech/iques %. &easi%ility studies c. -$)act ssess$e/t (ech/iques 4. Data a. %. c. d. e. /alysis a/d -/ter)retatio/ 3asic co/sideratio/s -/troductio/ to Si/6le a/d 3i5Cariates -/troductio/ to $ultivariate a/alysis &u/da$e/tals of factor a/alysis 'o$)uter Ase &or data /alysis

9. Re)ort Iriti/6 a. 'o/te/ts &or$ulatio/ %. &or$at of Re)ort c. Re)ort Iriti/6 Style d. 'o$)osi/6 a/d &or$atti/6 e. !ra)hic a/d Pictorial Prese/tatio/ f. 8iterature 'iti/6 a/d 3i%lio6ra)hy 6. &oot/otes a/d E/d/otes

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
1. 2. 3. 4.

Neu$a/, I. 8a=re/ce (2000). NSocial Research #ethodsO. Ne= Mor"* lly/ a/d 3aco/. 3a"er, (herese 8. (.9<9). NDoi/6 Social ResearchO. #c!ra= Hill. 3a%%ie, Earl (2009). N(he Practice of Social ResearchO. 3el$o/t, 'alifor/ia* Iords=orth. #iller, D. '. (.99.). NResearch Desi6/ a/d Social #easure$e/tO. 8o/do/* Sa6e Pu%licatio/.

(he course ai$s to i/troduce the )erti/e/t co/ce)ts a/d theories a%out evolutio/ of hu$a/s a/d culture. (he course =ill dilate %ra/ches of a/thro)olo6y i/cludi/6 )hysical a/thro)olo6y, archaeolo6y, socio5cultural a/thro)olo6y, a/d li/6uistic a/thro)olo6y.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/

a. Defi/itio/, 'o/ce)t a/d 3ra/ches* )hysical, social, archaeolo6y, li6uisitics %. Relatio/shi) of a/thro)olo6y =ith other social scie/ces, c. Relatio/ %et=ee/ sociolo6y a/d a/thro)olo6y d. /thro)olo6ical research tech/iques e. !ro=th of a/thro)olo6ical theories 2. Evolutio/ a. Evolutio/ of Evolutio/ %. #e/delDs 8a= of Se6re6atio c. #itosis F #eiosis 7. Ho= =e discover Past a. Hi/ds of evide/ce %. /aly2e F dati/6 the evide/ce c. Site creatio/ 4. (he 8ivi/6 Pri$ates a. 'o$$o/ features of )ri$ates %. 'lassificatio/ of )ri$ates c. Ho$i/oids 9. Pri$ates Evolutio/* &ro$ Early Pri$ates to Ho$i/oids a. Eo/, Eras F E)ochs %. 'e/o2oic Era -/ detail 1. (he first Ho$i/oids a. ustralo)ithecus /a$e/sis %. ustralo)ithecus afare/sis F africa/us c. ustralo)ithecus Ro%ustus d. Ho$o heidel'ergensis/neanderthalensis. e. Ho$os ha%ilis f. Ho$o erectus 6. Ho$o Sa)ie/s ;. (he Sto/e 6e a. Paleolithic %. #esolithic c. Neolithic <. 'ulture a. (he /ature of culture %. Defi/itio/, Pro)erties a/d (axo/o$y c. the evolutio/ a/d 6ro=th of culture d. u/iversal as)ects of culture e. #aterial a/d No/5#aterial as)ects f. 'ultural Diversity a/d -/te6ratio/ 6. !lo%ali2atio/ a/d culture 9. Jri6i/ of 'ities F States

.0. Jri6i/ of &ood Productio/ F Settled 8ife ... 8a/6ua6e a/d 'o$$u/icatio/ a. Jri6i/ of la/6ua6e %. Structure of la/6ua6e c. Socio5li/6uistics d. No/ver%al co$$u/icatio/ .2. #arria6e a. Hi/shi) %. (y)es of #arria6e c. 'o/ce)t of -/cest (a%oo d. Hi/shi) syste$s, e. Rule of dece/t f. (y)es of dece/t syste$ .7. Political Syste$ a. Hi/d of )olitical syste$s %. Political syste$ a/d eco/o$ic syste$ .4. Reli6io/ a. Jri6i/, fu/ctio/s of reli6io/ %. Reli6io/ a/d cultural ecolo6y c. Reli6io/ a/d social co/trol d. Hi/ds of reli6io/ e. Iitchcraft a/d Sorcery

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A.. 2. h$ad, "%ar S. .990. Pa"ista/i Society, Harachi, Royal 3oo"s 'o. 3er/ard, H. Russel. .994. Research #ethods i/ /thro)olo6y, Kualitative a/d Kua/titative ))roaches. 8o/do/* Sa6e Pu%licatio/s 7. 3odley, @oh/ H. .994. 'ultural /thro)olo6y, 'alifor/ia* #ayfield Pu%lishi/6 'o. 4. 3ro66er, @a/. .997. Social /thro)olo6y a/d the 8o/ely 'ro=d. Ne= Delhi* Relia/ce Pu%lishi/6 9. E$%er, 'arol R. F E$%er #elvi/. .990. /thro)olo6y, 1th ed. E/6le=ood 'liffs* Pre/tice Hall, -/ce. Har)er a/d Ro= 1. Harris #arvi/. .9<;. 'ultural /thro)olo6y. Ne= Mor"* Har)er a/d Ro= ;. Harris #arvi/. .9<9. 'ulture, Peo)le, /ature> / -/troductio/ to !e/eral /thro)olo6y 8o/do/* Har)er a/d Ro= <. Hert2ler @. J. .9<.. (he Social Structure of -sla$. 'a$%rid6e* 'a$%rid6e A/iversity Press 9. He//edy, 'harles H. .992. Pa"ista/ 8o/do/* Iestvie= Press, Jxford .0. David Pococ", (.99<) NA/dersta/di/6 Social /thro)olo6yO. (he athlo/e )ress 8o/do/>

... .2. .7. .4. .9. .1. .;. .<. .9. 20. 2.. 22. 27. 24. 29. 21. 2;. 2<.

Eliotd 'ha))le F 'arleto/s S. coo/ (2004) Pri/ci)les of /thro)olo6y cos$o )u%licatio/s, -/dia> &ell$a//?!etis? &ell$a// (.9<9) Hu$a/ !eo6ra)hy (8a/d sco)e of hu$a/ activates). =$ %ro=/ )u%lishers> !ray &erraro (2004) / ))lied Pers)ective (&ifth Editio/) (ho$sa/, Iads=orth> -rfa/ Ha%i% (2004) Prehistory Peo)les history of -/dia (.) &ictio/ house #o2a/6 Road 8ahore> -rfa/ Ha%i% (2004) (he -/dus 'ivili2atio/, Peo)les history of -/dia (2) &ictio/ house #o2a/6 Road 8ahore> @oy He/dry (.999) / -/troductio/ to Social /thro)olo6y (#ac$illa/ Press)> Ni6el Ra))ort F @oa//a overi/6 (2009) Socil F 'ultural /thro)olo6y Rout led6e, 8o/do/ F Ne= yor"> Salahuddi/ Hah/ (.991) /thro)olo6y s Scie/ce (he Pro%le$ of -/di6e/i2atio/ i/ Pa"ista/ Sa/65e5$eel Pu%licatio/ lo" vira Pu%lishi/6 house 8ahore. Ci:ay Hu$ar (ha"ur F -rfa/ Ha%i% (2004) (he Cedic 6e, Peo)les history of -/dia (7) &ictio/ house #o2a/6 Road 8ahore. 3er/ard, H. Russell (.994). Research #ethods i/ /thro)olo6y> Kualitative a/d 0uantitati!e Approaches. 8o/do/* Sa6e Pu%licatio/s. 3odley, @ho/ H. (.994). Cultural Anthropology. California: Mayfield $u'lishing Co. Em'ers - Em'ers 123345 Social and Cultural Anthropology* Pri/tice Hall. Ne= Mor"?8o/do/ E$%er, 'arol R. a/d E$%er, #elvi/ (.990). /thro)olo6y. (1 ed. E/6le=ood 'liffs* Pre/tice Hall -/c. Harris, #arvi/ (.9<;). Cultural Anthropology, Ne= Mor"* Har)er a/d Ro=. Par", #ichael la/, (.9<1). /thro)olo6y* / -/troductio/, Ne= Mor"* Har)er a/d Ro=. Harris, #orve/ (.9<9). Culture+ $eople+ -ature6 An Introduction to .eneral Anthropology. 8o/do/* Har)er a/d Ro=. 3odily @oh/ H. (.994) 'ultural /thro)olo6y, 'alifor/ia, #ayfield Pu%licatio/ 'o. Harris #arrier (.9<;), 'ultural /thro)olo6y, Ne=ar", Ha/)er F 'o.

(he co/ce)ts a%out 6e/der relatio/s =ill %e lear/t. (he historical $ove$e/ts a/d fe$i/ist )ers)ectives a%out 6e/der relatio/s =ill %e ex)lored. (he course =ill )rovide u/dersta/di/6 a%out 6lo%ali2atio/ a/d its role to=ards cha/6i/6 6e/der relatio/ i/ various societies arou/d the =orld. S)ecial e$)hasis shall %e 6ive/ to #usli$ a/d Pa"ista/i societies. S)ecific areas of 6e/der discri$i/atio/ (%oth for $e/ a/d =o$e/) =ill also %e lear/t.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
1. -/troductio/ a. Defi/itio/, 'o/ce)ts a/d -$)orta/ce %. !e/der Studies i/ -/ter/atio/al Setti/6 c. !e/der Studies i/ Pa"ista/i Pers)ective d. &e$i/is$ 2. #a:or &e$i/ist Pers)ectives a. 8i%eral &e$i/is$ %. Radical &e$i/is$ c. #arxist &e$i/is$ d. (heolo6ical &e$i/is$ 3. !e/der a/d Hu$a/ Ri6hts a. Defi/itio/ a/d Nature of Hu$a/ Ri6hts %. 'ollective Ri6hts c. Eth/ic #i/ority Ri6hts d. &u/da$e/tal Ri6hts e. Pro)erty Ri6hts 4. !e/der a/d Politics a. !e/der a/d (hird Iorld Politics %. Io$e/ Political 8eaders, Past a/d Prese/t c. Io$e/ i/ the 8e6islatures a/d Executive of the 8a= d. Po=er a/d Patriarchy e. Io$e/ i/ Pa"ista/i Political Setu) f. Io$e/ Partici)atio/ i/ 8ocal !over/$e/t Syste$ 5. !e/der a/d Educatio/ a. !e/der a/d educatio/ %. !e/der, Jri6i/ a/d develo)$e/t of educatio/ c. !e/der Educatio/ a/d reli6io/ d. !e/der Educatio/ a/d )olity e. !e/der Educatio/ a/d eco/o$y f. !e/der Educatio/ a/d social $o%ility 6. !e/der a/d &or$s of educatio/ $. !e/der a/d Po)ulatio/ a. Po)ulatio/ co$)ositio/ %. Sex 'o$)ositio/ c. !e/der Roles a/d &a$ily Si2e d. !e/der a/d Re)roductive Role e. !e/der a/d Mouth )ro%le$ f. !e/der a/d Po)ulatio/ -ssues 6. 'ha/6i/6 Pers)ective of !e/der Roles i/ Po)ulatio/ ;. !e/der a/d Develo)$e/t a. !e/der Roles

%. c. d. e. f. 6. .. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. .4. .9. .1. .;. .<. .9. 20. 2..

ccess to Resources !e/der Dis)arity Pro%le$s of !e/der Develo)$e/t (he role of Develo)$e/t id i/ !e/der develo)$e/t (he role of /o/56over/$e/t or6a/i2atio/s i/ !e/der develo)$e/t @our/ey fro$ I-D to ! D

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A3eauvoir, Si$o/e De (200;), (he seco/d Sex, Ci/ta6e. 3or/steri/, Hate (.999), !e/der outla=* o/ #e/, Io$e/ a/d Rest of AS, Ci/ta6e. 3utler, @udith (2004), A/doi/6 !e/der, Routled6e. 3utler> @udith (2001), !e/der (rou%le* &e$i/is$ a/d the Su%versio/ of -de/tity, Routled6e. &aucault, #ichcl (.990), the History of Sexuality* / i/troductio/, Ci/ta6e. @a/e Pilcher, (200<) 90 Hey 'o/ce)ts i/ !e/der Studies, Sa6e Pu%licatio/ Ne= Delhi @as$i/ #ir2a. 2002. %et=ee/ 'hadar a/d the #ar"et. Jxford A/iversityPress. Harachi. @oha/ + S)ade, (200<) (he Haleidosco)e of !e/der, Sa6e Pu%licatio/ Ne= Delhi> Ha)adia, H. (2002). (he Ciole/ce of Develo)$e/t. 8o/do/, +ed 3oo"s. Hathy Davis, #ary S Eva/s F @udith 8or%er, (200<) Ha/d%oo" of !e/der a/d Io$e/Ds Studies Sa6e Pu%licatio/ Ne= Delhi> #ary Hol$es, (200<) Ihat is !e/derP (Sociolo6ical ))roaches) Sa6e Pu%licatio/ Ne= Delhi> #ead, #ar6aret (200.), #ale a/d &e$ale, Har)er Pere//ial. Radt"e, H.8orrai/e a/d He/deri"us @. Sta$ .994599. Po=er a/d !e/der.Sa6e Pu%licatio/, 8o/do/. Ro//ie Cer/ooy (200<) Social a/d !e/der /alysis i/ Natural Resource #a/a6e$e/t, Sa6e Pu%licatio/ Ne= Delhi> Shaista, -"ra$ullah, 2000, &ro$ Purdah to Parlia$e/t. Jxford A/iversity Press, Harachi. Sharle/e Na6y Hosse 3i%er (200<) Ha/d%oo" of &e$i/ist Research Sa6e Pu%licatio/ Ne= Delh. Shar$ila Re6e, (200<) Sociolo6y of Se/der ( (he 'halle/6e of &e$i/ist Sociolo6y "/o=led6e) Sa6e Pu%licatio/ Ne= Delhi> Sharu"h Rafiq. 2000. 90 years of Pa"ista/Qs Eco/o$y. Jxford A/iversity Press. Social Policy a/d Develo)$e/t 'e/tre (2000). Social Develo)$e/t i/ Pa"ista/. Ne= Mor", Jxford A/iversity Press. Sterli/6, //e &austo (2000), Sexi/6 the 3ody* 6e/der Politics a/d the 'o/structio/ of sexuality, 3asic 3oo"s. Ne= Ed editio/. Sudah, D.H. 2000, !e/der Role. .P.H Pu%licatio/, -/dia.


.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. Sociolo6y of Develo)$e/t Pro:ect Pla//i/6 F #a/a6e$e/t 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t -/troductio/ to Po)ulatio/ Studies Rural Sociolo6y Ar%a/ Sociolo6y Sociolo6y of Health F #edici/e 'o$)arative Social -/stitutio/s Social 'ha/6e F (ra/sfor$atio/ Sociolo6y of Reli6io/ Sociolo6y of Educatio/ Sociolo6y of !lo%ali2atio/ Research Pro:ect F (hesis ? -/ter/shi)



'o/ce)ts a/d ter$s related to the issues of develo)$e/t shall %e lear/t. (he stude/ts =ill lear/ a%out releva/t theories a%out cha/6e a/d )ro6ress. #odels of develo)$e/t related to local, re6io/al, a/d 6lo%al levels =ill %e exa$i/ed. 'o$)ariso/s =ill %e dra=/ a$o/6 )olitical, social, a/d eco/o$ic factors of develo)$e/t i/ a variety of )ers)ectives.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. 'ha/6e, develo)$e/t, a/d )ro6ress %. Develo)$e/t a/d u/derdevelo)$e/t 2. (heories of develo)$e/t a. (he #oder/i2atio/ School %. #arxist a/d Socialist #odels c. Develo)$e/t a/d A/derdevelo)$e/t5De)e/de/cy d. Structural d:ust$e/t 7. Deter$i/a/ts of Develo)$e/t a. Social deter$i/a/ts %. 'ultural c. Eco/o$ic 4. (ech/olo6y a/d Develo)$e/t a. (ech/olo6y %. do)tio/ of tech/olo6y c. Role of tech/olo6y i/ develo)$e/t 9. Social 'ha/6e a/d Develo)$e/t i/ !lo%al Pers)ective a. (he Politics of Develo)$e/t* Eco/o$y, Policy, 'ulture %. 'or)oratio/s, 'lasses a/d 'o/su$eris$ c. !e/der a/d Develo)$e/t d. (ra/sitio/al Practices i/ the (hird Iorld 1. (he Role of id i/ Develo)$e/t a. (he Role of No/56over/$e/t Jr6a/i2atio/s Develo)$e/t %. Develo)$e/t i/ Pa"ista/* 'ase Study i/

Re"omme.#e# BooC%
.. .P (hirl=all (.999) !ro=th F Develo)$e/t (1th Editio/) #ac$illa/ >

2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. .4. .9. .1. .;. .<. .9. 20. 2.. 22. 27. 24. 29.

da$s, I.#., (.990), !ree/ develo)$e/t* E/viro/$e/t a/d Sustai/a%ility i/ the (hird Iorld, 8o/do/, Routeled6e. uty, Richard #. (.999), Patter/s of Develo)$e/t Resources, Policy a/d Eco/o$ic 6ro=th, 8o/do/, Ed=ard r/old. 3oas, #orte/. 2004. !lo%al -/stitutio/s a/d Develo)$e/t* &ra$i/6 the IorldP 8o/do/* Routled6e. 3ooth, David (.994), Rethi/"i/6 Social Develo)$e/t. (heory, Research a/d Practice. E/6la/d, 8o/6$a/ Scie/tific a/d (ech/ical. 'ha$%ers, Ro%ert. 2009. -deas for Develo)$e/t. 8o/do/* Earthsca/. Da//e # =addell (200;) Jr6a/i2atio/ (ho$s ! 'u$$i/6s 'hristo)her ! Iorley Develo)$e/t F 'ha/6e sia Pacific De%ora heade (2009) Develo)$e/t N!J F 'ivil Society Ra=at Pu%licatio/s @ai)ur Ne= Delhi E)stei/, (.S. (.912) Eco/o$ic Develo)$e/t a/d Social 'ha/6e i/ South -/dia. #a/chester A/iversity Press. Et2io/i, $itai a/d Et2io/i Eva (.914 eds.). Social 'ha/6e 5 Sources, Patter/s a/d 'o/seque/ces, Ne= Mor"* 3asic 3oo"s, -/c. !arde2, Hassa/ N. (.99.), A/dersta/di/6 Pa"ista/ the 'olo/ial &actor i/ Social Develo)$e/t, 8ahore, #a"ta%5e5&i"r5J5Da/ish. !hi$ire, H.3. a/d Pi$%ert, #.P, (.99;), Social 'ha/6e a/d 'o/servatio/, 8o/do/, Earthsca/. !ould/er, lvi/ I a/d #iller S.#. (.919 eds.). ))lied Sociolo6y> J))ortu/ities a/d Pro%le$s, Ne= Mor"* &ree Press. !riffiths, Ro%ert :. 2004. Develo)i/6 Iorld. !uilford* #c!ra=5Hill. Hu/ter, !. (.919). #oder/i2i/6 Peasa/t Societies, 8o/do/* Jxford A/iversity Press. @ha, .H. 2001. !lo%ali2atio/ F Hu$a/ Resource Develo)$e/t i/ 'e/tury. 8uc"/o=* -/stitute for Sustai/a%le Develo)$e/t. Hatie Iillis. 2009. (heories a/d Practices of Develo)$e/t. 8o/do/* Routled6e. Hothari, A$a. 2002. Develo)$e/t theory a/d Practice* 'ritical Pers)ectives. Ne= Mor"* Pal6rave #ac$illa/. 8ax$i Devi (.99<) E/cyclo)edia of Io$e/ Develo)$e/t F &a$ily =efare -/stitute of Sustai/a%le Develo)$e/t 8u"h/o=, /$ol Pu%licatio/s Pvt . Pietese, @a/ Nedervee/. 200.. Develo)$e/t theory* Deco/structio/?Reco/structio/ /e= Delhi* Cistaar Pu%lishers. Sah/i, Pardee). 2007. !over/a/ce for Develo)$e/t* -ssues a/d Strate6ies. Ne= Delhi* Pre/tice Hall. Schech, Susa//e. 2002. Develo)$e/t* cultural Studies Reader. ustralia* 3lac"=ell Pu%lishi/6. Shar$a, N.H. 2000. Eco/o$ic !ro=th a/d Develo)$e/t. @ai)ur* R3S Pu%lishers. Si/6h, Sita Ra$. 2009. Poverty lleviatio/ i/ the third =orld. Ne= Delhi* PH Pu%lishi/6 'or)oratio/. (he Iorld 3a/". 200;. Iorld Develo)$e/t Re)ort 200;. Develo)$e/t a/d the /ext !e/eratio/. Iashi/6to/, D.'* (he Iorld 3a/".


(hirl=all, .P. 2001. !ro=th a/d Develo)$e/t =ith s)ecial refere/ce to develo)i/6 eco/o$ies 1th ed. 2;. Ie%ster . (.990) -/troductio/ to the Sociolo6y of Develo)$e/t. Ho/6"o/6, #c#illa/ Educatio/ 8td. 2<. Ie%ster, /dre=. .990. -/troductio/ to the Sociolo6y of Develo)$e/t. 2/d ed. 8o/do/* #ac$illa/ Educatio/ 8td


Releva/t co/ce)ts of )o)ulatio/ dy/a$ics shall %e ex)lored. (he theories i/ relatio/ to )o)ulatio/ 6ro=th =ill %e shared. (he co/ce)t of culture a/d social values re6ardi/6 )o)ulatio/ 6ro=th =ill %e e$)hasi2ed. (he varia%les i/cludi/6 fertility, $ortality, a/d $i6ratio/ shall %e studied =ith refere/ce to cha/6e i/ )o)ulatio/ i/ a 6ive/ area. Po)ulatio/ )olicies a%out 6ro=th a/d co/trol =ill %e lear/t.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. (he si6/ifica/ce of )o)ulatio/ study %. Sco)e of Po)ulatio/ studies c. Sources of )o)ulatio/ data 2. Po)ulatio/ 6ro=th i/ Pa"ista/ a. Historical tre/ds %. Prese/t )o)ulatio/ situatio/ c. &uture )ros)ects. 7. De$o6ra)hic )rocesses a. &ertility* socio5eco/o$ic varia%les affecti/6 fertility %. #ortality* Socio5eco/o$ic varia%les affecti/6 $ortality c. #i6ratio/* 4. (he structure of Pa"ista/Qs )o)ulatio/ a. !eo6ra)hic distri%utio/ %. 6e a/d Sex structure c. Educatio/, De)e/de/cy %urde/s. 3irth rates* their relatio/shi)s to !NP 6ro=th rates a/d i/co$e distri%utio/. 9. Po)ulatio/ related )ro%le$s of Pa"ista/ a. Eco/o$ic factors %ehi/d hi6h fertility rate %. Social, cultural a/d, eth/ic factors %ehi/d hi6h fertility rates c. #ortality es)ecially $ater/al a/d -/fa/t $ortality. 1. (he )o)ulatio/ de%ates a. So$e co/flicti/6 o)i/io/s

%. (he $icro5eco/o$ic theory of fertility c. (he de$a/d for childre/ i/ develo)i/6 cou/tries ;. (heories of Po)ulatio/ a. (heory of de$o6ra)hic tra/sitio/ %. #althusia/ )o)ulatio/ tra) a/d its criticis$ c. -%/5e5Hhaldu/ theory. PRACTICAL Stude/ts have to su%$it a co$)rehe/sive research re)ort de$o/strati/6 various di$e/sio/s of Pa"ista/ )o)ulatio/ %ased o/ data collected fro$ differe/t releva/t 6over/$e/t a/d /o/56over/$e/t or6a/i2atio/

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A.. Ha/s Ra: (.997) Po)ulatio/ Studies, -/dia/ cou/cil of Social Research scie/ces Ne= Delhi> 2. H.Sri/ivasa/ .99<, 3asic De$o6ra)hic (ech/iques F ))licatio/s, Sa6e Pu%licatio/. /dre= Hi/de, .99<. De$o6ra)hic #ethods, Jxford. 7. Paul De$e/y (2007) !eoffrey #c/icoll E/cyclo)edia of Po)ulatio/ #ac$illa/ Refere/ce A.S. ((ho$so/?!ale)> 4. Peterso/, Iillia$, (.9;9), Po)ulatio/, Ne= Mor", #ac$illa/. 9. (odero, #.P., 2000, Eco/o$ics Develo)$e/t i/ the (hird Iorld. 8o/6$a/, 8o/do/. 1. A/ited Natio/s (2004). Po)ulatio/ Divisio/, De)art$e/t of Eco/o$ic a/d Social ffairs. Retrieved &e%ruary .7, 2004. ;. A/ited Natio/s Eco/o$ic 'o$$issio/ for Euro)e 5 Jfficial Ie% Site <. A/ited States 'e/sus 3ureau (2009). 'e/sus 3ureau 5 'ou/tries Ra/"ed %y Po)ulatio/. Retrieved &e%ruary .7, 2009. 9. ANJ. 2000. Po)ulatio/ (re/ds, Iorld )o)ulatio/ #o/itori/6, Po)ulatio/ !ro=th Structure a/d Distri%utio/ .999. De)art$e/t of Eco/o$ics a/d Social ffairs, Po)ulatio/ Divisio/. A.N.J. .0. Iee"s @oh/ R (.992), Po)ulatio/* / -/troductio/ to 'o/ce)ts a/d -ssues. 3el$art 'alifor/ia, Iads=orth Pu%lishi/6 'o$)a/y.

(he course ai$s at acquai/ti/6 the stude/ts =ith the %asic co/ce)ts of co$$u/ity develo)$e/t, a))roaches, strate6ies a/d theories. (he e$)hasis =ill %e )laced o/ co$$u/ity $o%ili2atio/ a/d or6a/i2atio/. (he course =ill also cover the )artici)atory develo)$e/t a/d differe/t $odels of co$$u/ity develo)$e/t.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. #ea/i/6, Sco)e a/d Su%:ect #atter


Historical Develo)$e/t

2. (heories a/d ))roaches of 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t. 7. Processes of 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t a. 'o$$u/ity #o%ili2atio/ %. 'o$$u/ity Partici)atio/ c. Resource #o%ili2atio/. 4. 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/ts a. 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t Pro6ra$s i/ Pa"ista/ %. History of 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t %efore Partitio/ of the Su%5 co/ti/e/t c. 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t =ith Refere/ce to Cilla6e5 -D Pro6ra$. 9. Role of -/ter/atio/al Jr6a/i2atio/s i/ Partici)atory 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t 1. 'o$$u/ity 'o/ce)ts a/d Defi/itio/ a. (he Nature of 'o$$u/ity %. #ethodolo6y a/d Jr6a/i2atio/ of 'o$$u/ity c. Develo)$e/t a/d Role of Social Ielfare 'ou/cils i/ 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t. ;. 'o$$u/ity Jr6a/i2atio/ a/d Related Services a. &a$ily a/d 'hild Ielfare %. 'otta6e -/dustries c. dult Educatio/, d. S"ill Develo)$e/t a/d Health e. Housi/6 f. Iater a/d Sa/itatio/ 6. Develo)$e/t i/ Rural?Ar%a/ reas of Pa"ista/. <. 'oo)eratio/ a/d 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t a. Pri/ci)les a/d #ethods of 'oo)eratio/ %. History of 'oo)erative #ove$e/t i/ Pa"ista/ c. Role of 'oo)erative Societies i/ 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t. 9. 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t Pro6ra$s i/ A/derdevelo)ed 'ou/tries of sia a/d frica* -/dia, Pa"ista/, 3a/6ladesh, He/ya, (haila/d, E6y)t a/d Phili))i/es.

F$e1# ?$%$'% a.# Pre%e.'a'$o. o- Re5or'

No'eA &ield visits of stude/ts shall focus o/ visiti/6 co$$u/ity develo)$e/t )ro:ects i/ rural a/d ur%a/ areas. (hese )ro:ects $ay %e %oth 6over/$e/t

a/d /o/56over/$e/t or6a/i2atio/s (N!Js). (he stude/ts shall %e required to su%$it field re)orts, =hich =ill %e assessed as equivale/t to 20 $ar"s of the assi6/$e/t %y the teacher -/char6e.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A1.

2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;.

=. 1>.

... .2. .7. .4.

3la"ely, Ed=ard @a$es. .9;9. 'o$$u/ity Develo)$e/t Research* 'o/ce)ts, -ssues, a/d Strate6ies 'er/ea, #., (.9<9), $utting $eople (irst: sociological &aria'les in *ural de!elopment, Ne= Mor", Jxford A/iversity )ress. 'ha$%ers, R., (.9<7), *ural de!elopment: $utting the 7ast (irst, 8o/do/, 8o/6$a/. 'ha$%ers, R., (.992), *ural appraisal: *apid+ *ela"ed and $articipatory, Sussex, -/stitute of develo)$e/t Studies. Ed=ards, #. a/d Hul$e, D. (eds.), (.992), Ma8ing a Difference: -.Os and de!elopment in a Changing orld. Esco%ar, ., (.999), Encountering de!elopment: The Ma8ing and 9nma8ing of the Third :orld, Pri/ceto/, Pri/ceto/ A/iversity Press. &er/a/des, I. a/d (a/do/, R., eds., (.9<.), $articipatory *esearch and E!aluation: E"periments in *esearch as a $rocess of 7i'eration , Ne= Delhi, -/dia/ Social -/stitute. Hha/, "hter H., (.9<9), *ural de!elopment in $a8istan, 8ahore, Ca/6uard 3oo"s 8td. #id6ley, !erald. 2004. 'o$$u/ity J)eratio/al Research* JR a/d Syste$s (hi/"i/6 for 'o$$u/ity No%le, lle/ !eor6e. .999. Preservi/6 the 8e6acy* 'o/ce)ts i/ Su))ort of Sustai/a%ility Ross, #urray !. (.999). Community Organi,ation: Theory and $rinciples. Ne= Mor"* Har)er F Ro= Pu%lishers. Sachs, I., ed., (.992), The De!elopment Dictionary: A .uide to ;no ledge and $o er, 8o/do/, +ed Press. S"id$ore, Rex . a/d (hac"eray, #ilto/ !. (.914). Introduction to Social :or8. Ne= Mor"* #eredith Pu%lishi/6 'o$)a/y. Iar%urto/, Dia/e. (.99<). Community < Sustaina'le De!elopment. 8o/do/* Earthsca/ Pu%licatio/s 8td.

(he course ai$s at )rovidi/6 "/o=led6e of %asic co/ce)ts of rural sociolo6y to the stude/ts. #oreover a/ i/5de)th u/dersta/di/6 of structure of rural society =ill %e carried out. (he course focuses o/ issues relati/6 to the study of rural )eo)le a/d )laces, as =ell as rural related issues i/ %oth adva/ced a/d develo)i/6 cou/tries. (his course is desi6/ed to ex)lore the cha/6i/6 /ature of rural develo)$e/t i/ the 6lo%al eco/o$y.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e

.. -/troductio/ to Rural Sociolo6y a. Rural Sociolo6y as a Scie/ce %. Rural Sociolo6y a/d Jther Social Scie/ces. 2. 3asic 'o/ce)ts a/d Processes a. / u/dersta/di/6 of the Rural Social Syste$ %. 'aste a/d R%aradariR structure c. &ractio/s, dis)ute a/d RIe56rou)sR. 7. Pro%le$s of s$all a/d fra6$e/ted holdi/6 a. 8a/dless te/a/ts a/d a6ricultural la%or.

4. Social stratificatio/ a/d social differe/tiatio/ %. 3asic 'o/ce)ts a/d actio/* c. !rou), Role a/d Status, Nor$s a/d Calues, &ol"=ays a/d #ores d. Social Syste$s a/d Su%5syste$s e. Rural 'ulture, Social Processes i/ Rural Society, 9. Rural Social -/stitutio/s, (ech/olo6y a/d Rural Society. 1. Social 'ha/6e a/d Rural Society a. Rural Settle$e/t %. S$all scale far$i/6 c. &eudalis$, 'a)italis$, &a$ily far$i/6 d. 6raria/ )olitics a/d villa6e develo)$e/t, ;. Relatio/shi) %et=ee/ tech/olo6ical a/d socio eco/o$ic as)ect of rural society. a. !e/der a/d Develo)$e/t %. Role a/d status of Rural Io$a/ c. Patter/ of Rural Settle$e/t <. Rural Resources a. 8a/d (e/ure Syste$, si2e of la/dholdi/6s. %. Rural Social structure, )rovisio/ of services i/ rural area> health, educatio/ a/d sa/itatio/ etc.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A.. 2. 7.

9. 1.

'hita$%er, @.3. R(2007)R-/troductory Rural Sociolo6y, 2/d Editio/, Ne= 6e -/ter/atio/al (P) 8i$ited Pu%lisher, Ne= Delhi. 'hita$%er, @.3. (.9;9), / -/troductio/ to Rural Sociolo6y, Ne= Delhi 3alley Easter/ 8td. Dalal, 3. (2007). Rural Pla//i/6 i/ Develo)i/6 'ou/tries, Ne= Delhi, Earthsca/. Doshi, Sha$%hu 8al, Pra"ash 'ha/dra @ai/. .999 5 Rural Sociolo6y Hha/ Ha$eed . (.9<9) Rural Develo)$e/t i/ Pa"ista/ 8ahore, Hha/, No=shad (2000) Rural Poverty lleviatio/, Natio/al 3oo" &ou/datio/, -sla$a%ad


Hol%. @oh/. H.8. (.9<9), Study of Rural Sociolo6y (4th Editio/) Hou6hto/ #iffli/. <. Sahi%2ada, #ohi%ul Haq. .99;. Poverty lleviatio/. -/stitute of Policy Studies.-sla$a%ad. 9. Setty, E.2002, Ne= ))roaches to Rural Develo)$e/t $al Pu%licatio/s Pvt.8td. .0. Social Policy a/d Develo)$e/t 'e/tre.2000. Social Develo)$e/t i/ Pa"ista/,Ne= Mor", Jxford A/iversity Press.

(he course )rovides "/o=led6e of the co/ce)ts a/d a))roaches of ur%a/ sociolo6y. -t tar6ets at )rovidi/6 /ecessary s"ills to the stude/ts for the solutio/ of ur%a/ social issues. (he causes, theories a/d affects of ur%a/i2atio/ =ill also %e ex)lored. (he study of hu$a/ ecolo6y, ur%a/ =ays of life, /ei6h%ourhood, reside/tial differe/tiatio/ a/d 6e/trificatio/, ur%a/ )rotest, a/d co$)arative ur%a/is$ (Hu/6ary, 'hi/a a/d @a)a/) =ill %e carried out.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. Defi/itio/ of 3asic 'o/ce)ts %. Ar%a/i2atio/ a/d Ar%a/is$, 'o$$u/ity, (o=/, 'ity, #etro)olis a/d #e6alo)olis. 2. Ar%a/ Sociolo6y a. Sco)e a/d &ield of Study %. (he Rise, a/d Decli/e of 'ities c. Jri6i/ of Ar%a/ 8ife 7. (he Rise of #oder/ 'ity a. !ro=th of 'ities %. &actors i/ Ar%a/i2atio/ a/d Ar%a/ !ro=th c. !ro=th of 'ities5)la//ed Develo)$e/t. 4. (re/ds of Ar%a/i2atio/ i/ Pa"ista/. 9. (he Ecolo6y of the 'ity a. Hu$a/ Ecolo6y5$ea/i/6 a/d Relatio/shi) =ith Ar%a/ Sociolo6y %. 8ocatio/ of the 'ity. 1. (he Social Relatio/s i/ the 'ity a. (he S$all !rou)s 5 (heir &u/ctio/s a/d Role Structure %. (he Ar%a/ ttitudes, -deals a/d Calues, ;. (he Ar%a/ Eco/o$ic Syste$, Rest a/d Recreatio/al ctivities i/ the 'ity.

<. (he Disor6a/i2ed reas a. Slu$s, Hatchi %adies a/d (heir Develo)$e/t %. 8ac" of 'oordi/atio/ i/ Carious Social Syste$s i/ the 'ity c. @uve/ile Deli/que/cy a/d Street 'ri$e i/ the 'ity. 9. #ai/ Social Pro%le$s of the 'ities, (heir Jri6i/, 'ausative &actors a/d Re$edial #easures. .0. Ielfare 6e/cies i/ the 'ity 5 (heir Structure a/d &u/ctio/i/6, d:ust$e/t of $i6ra/ts i/ the 'ity, (o=/ Pla//i/6, Social a/d Ielfare Pla//i/6, #ea/i/6, Need a/d Sco)e, Pla//i/6 a/d Develo)$e/t of the 'ity, House Pla//i/6, Nei6h%orhood Pla//i/6, Colu/tary ssociatio/s, (he &uture of the 'ity.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. .4. .9. .1. .;. .<. 3ardo, @oh/ I. (.9<2). Ar%a/ Sociolo6y. Ne= Mor"* #ac!ra=5Hill, -/c. 3ardo. @oh/ I. (.9<2) Ar%a/ Society. Ne= Mor", #c!ra= Hill -/c. 3erry, 3riya/ (.9;;). 'o/te$)orary Ar%a/ Ecolo6y. Ne= Mor"* #ac$illa/. 3re//er, Neil F Ro6er Heil (ed.) (2001). (he !lo%al 'ities Reader. Routled6e, 8o/do/ F Ne= Mor". Ecolo6y, Sa/ &ra/cisco* I.H. &ree$a/ a/d 'o. Ehrlich, Paul R. a/d //ix St (.9;0). Po)ulatio/ Resources a/d E/viro/$e/t. -ssues i/ Hu$a/ &it2)atric", Hevi/, F #ar" 8a!ory, (2000), A/healthy Places* (he Ecolo6y of Ris" i/ the Ar%a/ 8a/dsca)e, Routled6e* 8o/do/. !i%%s, @ac" P. (.91.). Ar%a/ Research #ethods. Ne= Mor"* D. Ca/ Nostra/d 'o. !ottdie/er, #. F 8eslie 3udd (2009) Hey co/ce)ts i/ Ar%a/ Studies. Sa6e, 8o/do/. Ha$%ery, $os H. (.990). Hu$a/ Ecolo6y, Ne= Mor"* (he Ro/ald Press. Hha/, #ah$ood H., (.99<), 'li$%i/6 the Develo)$e/t 8adder =ith N!J Su))ort* Ex)erie/ces of Rural Peo)le i/ Pa"ista/, Harachi, Jxford A/iversity Press. Hha/, Shoai% S., (.9<.), Rural Develo)$e/t i/ Pa"ista/, Ne= Delhi, Ci"as Pu%lishi/6 House. 8a$%a, P. S. F S. S. Sala/"i (.992). -$)act of Ar%a/i2atio/ a/d -/dustriali2atio/ o/ Rural Society. Ne= Delhi* Iiley Easter/ 8i$ited. 8a$%a, P.S. a/d.S.S. Sala/"i, (.992), -$)act of ur%a/i2atio/ a/d i/dustriali2atio/ o/ rural society. Ne= Delhi, Iiley Easter/ 8i$ited. Na%eel> Ha$di (.999), Housi/6 =ithout Houses. I'-3 4HH, AH. Par"er, Si$o/ (2004) Ar%a/ (heory a/d the Ar%a/ Ex)erie/ce E/cou/teri/6 the 'ity. Routled6e, 8o/do/ Kui$, @a$es . (.999), Ar%a/ Sociolo6y, Ne= Mor", $erica Par" 'o. A/ders (a/di/6, Harachi, rif Hassa/, 200., 'ity Press, Harachi.

(he course focuses at )rovidi/6 %asic co/ce)ts a/d $odels of health scie/ces. (he )sycho5socio a/d cultural assess$e/t of health see"i/6 %ehavioral )atter/s a/d the role of thera)eutic $a/a6e$e/t 6rou) =ill %e exa$i/ed. (he i/di6e/ous heali/6 syste$ a/d co/te$)orary $edical syste$ =ill %e studied.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. #edical Sociolo6y, a/d the field of $edical sociolo6y %. 'o/tri%utio/ of sociolo6y to $edici/e. 2. Health a/d disease a. Social defi/itio/ of ill/ess %. Health a/d disease as devia/t %ehavior c. Social cultural causes of disease 7. Sociolo6ical )ers)ectives o/ health F -ll/ess a. &u/ctio/alist ))roach %. 'o/flict ))roach c. -/teractio/ist ))roach d. 8a%eli/6 ))roach 4. -ll/ess 3ehavior a/d Perce)tio/s of -ll/ess a. -ll/ess 3ehavior %. 'ultural -/flue/ces o/ -ll/ess 3ehavior c. Sociolo6ical a/d De$o6ra)hic -/flue/ces d. 8ay 3eliefs %out Health a/d -ll/ess e. Self $edicatio/ f. Sic" Role 9. Social Deter$i/a/ts of Health a. (he Social !radie/t %. Stress c. Early 8ife d. 8ife Ex)ecta/cy e. Social su))ort /et=or"s f. Educatio/ a/d literacy 6. E$)loy$e/t?Ior"i/6 co/ditio/s 5. Social e/viro/$e/ts i. ddictio/

:. &ood ". (ra/s)ort 1. Patie/t a/d Doctor a. Doctors vie= of disease a/d the )atie/t %. Patie/tDs )ers)ective of ill/ess c. Patie/t doctor relatio/shi) d. Patie/t5/urses relatio/ ;. Sociolo6y of $edical care a. Hos)itals %. Jri6i/ a/d develo)$e/t. <. Hos)itals as social or6a/i2atio/* )ro%le$s of Kuac"ery. 9. -/ter)erso/al relatio/shi) i/ $edical setti/6s. .0. #e/tal ill/ess i/ sociolo6ical )ers)ective.

...'o$)le$e/tary F alter/ative #edici/e (' #)

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7.

.P Dixit (2009) !lo%al Hiv? ids (re/ds, Cista -/ter/atio/al Pu%licatio/s house Ne= Delhi> 3au66art/er, (eda (.994), 'o/ducti/6 a/d readi/6 research i/ health a/d hu$a/ )erfor$a/ce. E/6la/d, 3ro= a/d 3e/ch$ar/ Pu%lishers. David (uc"et (Ed), / -/troductio/ to #edical Sociolo6y, 8o/do/, (aritocl Pu%licatio/, .9;1. David (uc"et. .9<2. / -/troductio/ to #edical Sociolo6y. (avistoc" Pu%licatio/, 8o/do/. David, #echa/ic, #edical Sociolo6y, Ne= Mor". (he &ree Press, .910. David, #echa/ic. .990. #edical Sociolo6y. (he &ree Press. Ne= Mor" Diar$uid J Do/ova/ (200<) (he State of Health tlas A/iversity of 'alifor/ia Press> !. ' Sat)athy (2007) Preve/tio/ of H-C? -DS F Dru6 %use -sha 3oo"s> !.'. Sat)alhy (2007) Preve/tio/ of Hiv? ids F Dru6 a%use, isha 3oo"s, Ne= Delhi. !lo%al Health 'halle/6es for Hu$a/ Security (ed.) 8i/col/ 'he/ et el. !lo%al Equity. AH 2007. @ai P Narai/ (2004) ids i/ sia the challe/6e a head , Sa6e Pu%licatio/s Ne= Delhi> @ulia Eric"se/ (200<) (a"i/6 char6e of 3reast 'a/cer A/iversity of 'alifor/ia Press> #ee/a Shar$a (2001) ids, =are/ess (hrou6h 'o$$u/ity Partici)atio/ Hal)a2 Pu%licatio/s Delhi>

.4. .9. .1. .;. .<. .9. 20. 2.. 22.

#oo/, !raha$ (.999) Society a/d Health. / -/troductio/ to Social Scie/ce for Health Professio/al. 8o/do/. Routled6e. #o=ard E. (rea$a/ at. l. Ha/d%oo" of #edical Sociolo6y, E/6le=ood 'liffs, N@ Pre/tice Hall, -/c. .917. P Dixit (2009) !lo%al H-C? -DS (re/ds, Cista -/ter/atio/al Pu%lishi/6 House Delhi ..0097> Rose Ieit2 (2004) (he Sociolo6y of health, -ll/ess F health care a critical a))roach (ho$so/ =ads =orth. Ru%i/a Seh6al(2004)(he (rou%le (i$es> Sustai/a%le Develo)$e/t i/ the a6e of extre$e. -sla$a%ad. Schilla #clea/ a/d !. #ahar. .9<7. #edici/e, #orals a/d 8a=, !o=er Pu%lishi/6 'o. 8td. AH. Shah, -lyas (.99<) 'o$$u/ity #edici/e . Harachi. (he 3ody, 'ulture a/d Society* / -/troductio/ %y Phili), Ha/coc" et. el. J)e/ A/iversity Press. 3uc"i/6ha$. (he Sociolo6y of Health a/d #edici/e* 'ritical -/troductio/ %y Elle/ //a/dale. Polity Press .99<.


(he course hi6hli6hts the %asic co/ce)ts, causes, resista/ce to social cha/6e a/d tra/sfor$atio/. (he Evolutio/ary, cyclic a/d co/flict theoretical a))roaches a/d $odels of social cha/6e =ill %e discussed. -t also focuses o/ the relatio/shi) of cha/6e =ith res)ect to socio5eco/o$ic a/d )olitical as)ects of develo)$e/t.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. %. c. d. Carious di$e/sio/s of social cha/6e #a6/itude, rate a/d directio/ of social cha/6e -de/tificatio/ of social cha/6e. &actors affecti/6 social cha/6e

2. (heories of social cha/6e. 7. /alysis of social cha/6e a. (y)es of social cha/6e %. Dy/a$ics of social cha/6e* dy/a$ics of social cha/6e i/ Pa"ista/.

4. (re/ds a/d )ros)ects of social cha/6e i/ the (hird Iorld. 9. /alysis of eco/o$ic develo)$e/t i/ $oder/ a/d $oder/i2i/6 cou/tries.

1. Sociolo6y of eco/o$ic develo)$e/t a. Develo)$e/t5/ature a/d sco)e


%. c.

Sociolo6ical a/d eco/o$ic co/ce)ts of develo)$e/t Develo)$e/t co/ti/uu$5u/der5develo)$e/t

;. Social a/d eco/o$ic develo)$e/t a. -/stru$e/ts %. ))roaches to develo)$e/t c. -$)licatio/s of develo)$e/t, <. Rural a/d ur%a/ sectio/s of eco/o$ic develo)$e/t a. Sustai/a%le develo)$e/t %. Pro%le$s i/ develo)$e/t c. vaila%ility of )hysical resources d. No/5availa%ility of tech/ical "/o=5ho= e. vaila%ility of a))ro)riate hu$a/ resources f. Socio5cultural co/strai/ts of develo)$e/t 6. Social i$)licatio/s of develo)$e/t.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%
.. 2. 7. 4. 5. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... 12. 13. .4.

El2io/i, , a/d E. El2io/i, (eds), Social 'ha/6e, Ne= Mor"* 3asic 3oo" -/c, .914. Et2io/i, $itai a/d Et2io/i Eva (.914 eds.). Social Change ) Sources+ $atterns and Conse=uences+ Ne= Mor"* 3asic 3oo"s, -/c. !hi$ire, H.3. a/d Pi$%ert, #.P, (.99;), Social Change and Conser!ation, 8o/do/, Earthsca/. !ould/er, lvi/ I a/d #iller S.#. (.919 eds.). Applied Sociology6 Opportunities and $ro'lems, Ne= Mor"* &ree Press. Hal)eri/, Sa/dra. 2004. Iar a/d Social 'ha/6e i/ #oder/ Euro)e* (he !reat (ra/sfor$atio/ Revisisted Hu/ter, !. (.919). Moderni,ing $easant Societies+ 8o/do/* Jxford A/iversity Press. Hha/, S. R., Ed. (2000). >4 years of $a8istan?s Economy . Harachi* Jxford A/iversity Press. Hi/6sto/, @eff. 2004. @a)a/Qs Kuiet (ra/sfor$atio/* Social 'ha/6e a/d 'ivil Society i/ the (=e/ty 8a)iere, R.(. Social 'ha/6e, Ne= Mor"* #c!ra= Hill 3oo" 'o., .919. #oore, I.E, Social 'ha/6e, E/6la=ood 'liffs, N.@. Pre/tice Hall -/c, .9;4. Jr6a/isatio/al (ra/sfor$atio/ a/d Social 'ha/6e %y E3S'J Pu%lishi/6 (&ir$) 5 2004 Schel"le, Ialtraud.2000. Paradi6$s of Social 'ha/6e* #oder/i2atio/, Develo)$e/t, (ra/sfor$atio/ Schuer"e/s, Alri"e. 2004. !lo%al &orces a/d 8ocal 8ife5=orlds* Social (ra/sfor$atio/s S$ith, .D, (he 'o/ce)t of Social 'ha/6e* 'ritique of the &u/ctio/alist (heory of Social 'ha/6e, 8o/do/, Routled6e F He6a/ Paul, .9;7.


S=a/se/, !.E. Social 'ha/6e, !le/vie=, ---, Scott, &ores$a/ a/d 'o. .9;..

(he course focuses o/ )rovidi/6 "/o=led6e to the stude/ts re6ardi/6 core co/ce)ts, theories a/d fu/ctio/ of reli6io/ i/ the i/te6ratio/ of society. Sociolo6ical a/alysis of the $a:or reli6io/s =ith s)ecial focus o/ -sla$ =ill %e carried out.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. %. Defi/itio/ of Reli6io/ Ele$e/ts of Reli6io/.

2. (heories of Reli6io/ a. Sociolo6ical theories of reli6io/ %. Psycho5a/alytical theory of reli6io/ c. Evolutio/ary Sociolo6ical a))roaches 7. (he Sociolo6ical &u/ctio/s of Reli6io/ a. A/iversal Jrder of Reli6io/ %. Pra6$atis$ i/ Reli6io/ c. -/te6rati/6 Po=er of Reli6io/, a/d Reli6io/ a/d Social -deals. 4. Sociolo6ical /alysis of $a:or =orld reli6io/s* -sla$ @udais$, Hi/duis$, 'hristia/ity, 'o/fucia/is$ a/d 3uddhis$. a. Reli6io/ as 6e/cy of Social 'o/trol. %. Sociolo6y of -sla$* 9. (he =orld vie= of -sla$ a. Hu$a/ Nature a/d Hu$a/ Perso/ality %. Pro)hetDs Su//ah as the Nor$ative $atrix of -sla$ic culture a/d Society c. Nor$ative &ou/datio/ of -sla$ic Social Structure of Society d. #a:or 'o$)o/e/ts of Social Structure e. !rou)s a/d -/stitutio/s i/ -sla$ic Society


-/stitutio/ of fa$ily a/d its )lace i/ the -sla$ic Social Sche$e, sociali2atio/ i/ -sla$ic &ra$e=or", )ersuasio/ a/d #otivatio/ a/d their relatio/ to Sociali2atio/ Develo)$e/t of ttitudes.

1. Educatio/ as the $ea/ of Sociali2atio/ status of Ala$a i/ the #usli$ Society e)ilo6ue.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ...

.2. .7. .4. .9. .1.

3i/der, 8eo/ard (.917). *eligion and $olitics in $a8istan . 'alifor/ia* A/iversity of 'alifor/ia Press. Eva/, Prithard E.&. (.919). Theories of $rimiti!e *eligions. Jxford* 'la/eola/ Press. !ha2li5al5#uha$$ad. Sociolo6y of -sla$. Draft Re)ort. -/ter/atio/al -sla$ic -sla$ a/d 'o/te$)orary Society (ed.) %y Sale$ 22a/. -sla$ic 'ou/cil of Euro)e a/d 8o/6$a/. 8o/do/ a/d Ne= Mor" .9<2. @oh/sto/e, Ro/ald 8. (.9;9), Reli6io/ a/d Society i/ -/teractio/. (he Sociolo6y of Reli6io/, Ne= @ersey Pre/tice5Hall. @oh/sto/e, Ro/ald 8. (.9;9). *eligion and Society in Interaction: The Sociology of *eligion. Ne= @ersey* Pre/tice5Hall. Reli6io/ i/ Society* Sociolo6y of Reli6io/ (1th Ed.) %y Ro/ald 8. @oh/sto/e. A))er Saddle River, N@* Pre/tice5Hall, 200.. Reli6ious &u/da$e/talis$ i/ Develo)i/6 'ou/tries %y Sa/tosh '. Saha a/d (ho$as 'arr !ree/=ood Press. Iest)ort, 'o//ecticut. 2004. Sch/eider, 8ouis (.914). *eligion+ Culture and Society: A *eader in the Sociology of *eligion. Ne= Mor"* @oh/ Iiley a/d So/s. Sch/eider, 8ouis (.9;0). Sociological Approach to *eligion. Ne= Mor"* Iiley a/d So/s. Sociolo6y of Reli6io/* Reader %y Susa//e '. #o/aha/, Iillia$ . #irola, a/d #ichael J. E$erso/. A))er Saddle River, N@* Pre/tice5Hall, 200.. (he Disci)li/e of Reli6io/* Structure, #ea/i/6 a/d Rhetoric %y Russell ( #c'uteheo/. Routled6e. 8o/do/ F Ne= Mor" 2007. (ho$)so/, -a/ (.9<<). *eligion: Sociology in (ocus Series. 8o/do/* 8o/6$a/. (ho$)so/. -a/. (.9<<), Reli6io/, Sociolo6y i/ &ocus Series. 8o/do/ 8o/6$a/. Cer/o/, !le// #. (.912), Sociolo6y of Reli6io/, Ne=Mor" #c!ra= Hill. Cer/o/, !le// #. (.912). Sociology of *eligion. Ne= Mor"* #ac!ra=5 Hill.


(he course )rovides stude/ts =ith the sociolo6ical i/si6ht of educatio/. 'ore co/ce)ts, levels, educatio/al i/stitutio/s, theories, educatio/al )olicies a/d refor$s =ill %e studied. Relatio/shi) of educatio/ =ith socio5eco/o$ic develo)$e/t =ill also %e discussed.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. %. c. d. (he 'o/ce)t of Educatio/ Jri6i/ a/d Develo)$e/t of Educatio/ &or$s of Educatio/, &or$al, No/5for$al 'o/te$)orary Educatio/ Syste$.

2. Sociolo6ical (heory a/d Educatio/ a. Educatio/ a/d Sociali2atio/ %. Social Stratificatio/ a/d Educatio/ 7. Roles of Educatio/ a. Educatio/ a/d Social #o%ility %. &u/ctio/s of Educatio/ c. Educatio/ a/d De$ocracy d. Educatio/ for 8eadershi) 4. School as a/ Jr6a/i2atio/ a. Defi/itio/s a/d (heoretical #odels %. 3ureaucrati2atio/ a/d Professio/ali2atio/ of Schooli/6 9. (he Sociolo6y of School as a/ 6e/t of 'ha/6e a. (he Social 'o/structio/ of 'urriculu$ %. Educatio/ a/d Develo)$e/t 1. Relatio/shi) %et=ee/ Educatio/ a/d the Eco/o$y a. Reco/structio/s Cie=s of Educatio/ a/d Eco/o$ic Develo)$e/t %. #a/)o=er Pla//i/6 c. De$a/d a/d Su))ly of Educatio/al -/stitutio/s i/ Develo)i/6 'ou/tries. ;. Educatio/ a/d other social i/stitutio/s. a. Educatio/ Policy a/d Refor$s %. Private a/d Pu%lic Sectors of Educatio/ c. Educatio/ Pro%le$s d. Kuality of Educatio/ e. -/vest$e/t i/ Educatio/ f. Status of Educatio/ i/ Pa"ista/

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A

3alla/ti/e, @ea//e H. (.997), (he Sociolo6y of Educatio/. Syste$atic /alysis. Ne= !ercy Pre/tice Hall.

2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. =. .0. ... 2@. .7. 2A. 2>.

3alla/ti/e, @ea//e H. (.997). The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis. Ne= !ersy* Pre/tice Hall. 3a/"s, Jlive (.9;.). The Sociology of Education. 8o/do/* 3. (. 3atsford 8td. 3est, @oh/ I. (.992), research i/ Educatio/, Ne= Delhi, Pre/tice Hall. 3est, @oh/ I. (.992). *esearch in Education. Ne= Delhi* Pre/tice Hall. 3ru%acher, 8.S. (.9;0). Modern $hilosophies of Education. Ne= Delhi* #ac6ra=5Hill Pu%lishi/6 'o. 8td. 'osi/, 3.R. a/d others (latest ed.). School and Society: A Sociological *eader. 8o/do/* Routled6e a/d He6a/ Paul. Dale, R.!. Ela/d a/d #. #acDo/ald (.9;1). Schooling and Capitalism. 8o/do/* Routled6e a/d He6 a Paul. David 8evi/so/, Peter I. 'oo"so/, la/ R. Sadov/i". 2002. Educatio/ a/d Sociolo6y* / E/cyclo)edia Evetts, @. The Sociology of Educational Ideas. 8o/do/* Rutled6e a/d He6a/ Paul. Hirst, P.H. a/d R.S. Peter (.9;0). The 7ogic of Education. 8o/do/* Routled6e a/d He6 a/d Paul. Ottaway, Andrew Kenneth Cosway. 2003. Education and Society: International Library o Sociolo!y Si/6h, Dr. chyut Hu$ar, (.992), Educatio/ a/d Natio/al 'haracter. Ne= Delhi, shish Pu%lishi/6 House. Ste"hen #. $all .2000. Sociolo!y o Education: %a&or 'he(es 'orres,Carlos Alberto, Ari Anti)ainen. 2002. 'he International *andboo) on the Sociolo!y o Education: An International.


(he course acquai/ts the stude/ts =ith the %asic co/ce)ts of )ro:ect cycle, cause a/d effect relatio/shi), lo6ical fra$e=or", )la//i/6 a/d $a/a6e$e/t. Required s"ills of field for$atio/, )re)aratio/ of differe/t re)orts a/d tech/iques for the develo)$e/t of )ro:ect =ill %e studied. -t =ill also equi) stude/ts =ith the tools of $o/itori/6, evaluatio/ a/d i$)act assess$e/t.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a. Defi/itio/, /eed, ide/tificatio/, selectio/ a/d sco)e of the )ro:ect. %. 'haracteristics of )ro:ect, ty)es of )ro:ect. c. Pro:ect cycle d. 'ause a/d effect dia6ra$, e. Pro:ect o%:ectives 2. Pro:ect Pla//i/6

a. %. c. d. e. f.

Develo)$e/t of i/dicators Pre)ari/6 Pro:ect Pro)osal 8o6ical fra$e=or" a/alysis. Hey co$)o/e/ts of )ro:ect Pote/tial )ro%le$ a/alysis. &ields force for$atio/ strate6y

7. Pro:ect #a/a6e$e/t a. Jr6a/i2atio/ of resources %. (as" allocatio/, role (a"i/6, c. 'oordi/atio/ i/ )ro:ect tea$, d. ccou/ta%ility =ithi/ )ro:ect e. 'o/flict resolutio/ f. (i$e $a/a6e$e/t 6. 8iaiso/ =ith exter/al a6e/cies h. Pre)aratio/ of tech/ical )ro6ress re)orts i. Pre)aratio/ of fi/a/cial )ro6ress re)orts :. Iriti/6 of $i/utes a/d re)orts of )ro:ect $eeti/6s. 4. Pro:ect #o/itori/6 a/d Evaluatio/ a. 'hec"i/6 deviatio/ a/d )ro6ress $o/itori/6 %. &ollo=5u), $a/a6i/6 deviatio/, c. Defi/itio/ a/d differe/ce %et=ee/ #FE d. Need for evaluatio/ e. Ste)s i/ evaluatio/, collecti/6 /ecessary data, ex)a/di/6 lo6fra$e $atrix for evaluatio/, chec"i/6 deviatio/, ad:usti/6 deviatio/ 9. -$)act assess$e/t. a. Defi/itio/ co/ce)ts a/d $ea/i/6 %. (y)es of i$)act assess$e/t i) Social i$)act ssess$e/t ii) Eco/o$ic -$)act ssess$e/t iii) Physical -$)act ssess$e/t iv) E/viro/$e/tal -$)act ssess$e/t c. #ethods a/d tech/iques of -$)act ssess$e/t

Exercises o/ )ro:ect )re)aratio/, use of 'P#?PER( #ethods, 8& Exercise. #o/itori/6 a/d evaluatio/ exercise.

Reco$$e/ded 3oo"s*5 CRIMNINOLOGY


(his course fa$iliari2es the stude/ts =ith the %asic co/ce)ts, theories a/d $ethodolo6ies used i/ the field of cri$i/olo6y. (he role of )erti/e/t a6e/cies i/ cri$e co/trol =ill %e lear/t. (he course =ill focus o/ u/dersta/di/6 cri$e, cri$i/ality, a/d social re$edies. .. -/troductio/ a. Social co/structio/ of cri$es a/d 'ri$i/als %. (y)es of 'ri$i/al a/d 'ri$es c. 8a= a/d 'ri$e d. Devia/cy e. Si/ f. Cice 6. 'ri$e a/d social or6a/i2atio/ h. 'ri$e as a social )ro%le$ i. 'ri$i/olo6y F its sco)e :. 'ri$i/olo6y F 'ri$i/al 8a= 2. ))roaches to 'ri$i/al 3ehavior a. 3iolo6ical a/d e/viro/$e/tal factors %. Psycholo6ical a/d )sychiatric deter$i/a/ts c. Sociolo6ical a/d eco/o$ic a))roaches d. -sla$ic )oi/t of vie=

7. 'ri$e a/d 'ri$i/als a. (he occasio/al cri$i/als %. (he ha%itual cri$i/als c. (he )rofessio/al cri$i/als d. (he =hite5collar cri$es e. (he or6a/i2ed cri$es f. 'or)orate cri$es 6. 'usto$ %ased devia/ce a/d cri$es 4. Detectio/ of 'ri$es a. 6e/cies of detectio/ for$al5i/for$al %. (ech/iques of detectio/ c. Pro%le$s of detectio/ 9. Refor$ative (reat$e/ts of 'ri$i/als a. 'or)oral )u/ish$e/ts %. 'a)ital )u/ish$e/t c. -$)riso/$e/t d. Priso/ a/d related )ro%le$s e. Pro%atio/, )arole a/d Reha%ilitatio/ 1. Ex)la/atio/ of cri$i/al %ehavior a. Ratio/al choice theory?Excha/6e (heory %. 'hoice F (rait (heories c. Social Reactio/ (heories d. Social Process theories


Social Structural (heories

;. (rial F 'o/victio/ of Jffe/ders a. 6e/cies* &or$al F -/for$al %. 'ri$i/al courts* Procedures F Pro%le$s <. Preve/tio/ of cri$es a. 8o/6 ter$ $easures %. Short ter$ $easures 9. Pu/itive F Refor$ative (reat$e/t of 'ri$i/als a. 'or)oral Pu/ish$e/t %. -$)riso/$e/t c. Pro%atio/ d. Parole e. Reha%ilitatio/ of cri$i/als f. Priso/ F related )ro%le$s

Su66ested 3oo"s*5
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. .4. .9. .1. .;. .<. (Ei6hth Editio/) I.I.I Iads Iorth co$> ula", / #afid. 'ri$i/al @ustice, #arti/, Ra$dy, .99.. 'ri$i/olo6ical (h/ou6ht5 Pio/eers, Past a/d Prese/t. #ac$illa/ a/d 'o. 'ava/, Ruth Sho/le (.912). Criminology, Ne= Mor"* (ho$as M. !ro=el 'o. 'urra, @oh/, A/dersta/di/6 Social Devia/ce* &ro$ the Near Side to the outer li$its, Ne=Mor", Har)er 'olli/s, .994. 'y/di 3a/"s (2004) 'ri$i/al @ustice Ethics (heory F Practice &arri/6to/, David P. (.9<1). 9nderstanding and Controlling Crime+ Ne= Mor"* S)ri/6er5Cerla6. &ox, Cer/o/ (.9<9). Introduction to Criminology, Ne= @ersey* Pre/tice Hall. Ha6o/, @oh/ #oder/ (.9<;), 'ri$i/olo6y , Ne= Mor", #c!ra= Hill. Ha6o/, @oh/ #oder/ (.9<;). Criminology, Ne= Mor"* #c!ra= Hill. Heide/soh/, &ra/ces (.9<9). Crime and Society, 8o/do/* #c$illa/ a/d 'o. @u)), Cictor, (.9<9). Methods of Criminological *esearch+ 8o/do/* A/=i/, Hy$a/. @u)). Cictor (.9<9), #ethods of 'ri$i/olo6ical Research, 8o/do/, #ac$illa/ a/d 'o. 8arry @ Sie6el (2004) 'ri$i/olo6y (heories, Patter/s F ty)olo6ies Prafullah Padhy (2001) or6a/i2ed 'ri$e -sha 3oo"s Delhi> Rachel 3o%a (2009) 'ri$e /alysis F 'ri$e $a)i/6 sa6e Pu%licatio/ 8ahore > Rec"less, Ialter '. (.91.). Crime $ro'lem, Ne= Mor"* ))leto/5 Rese/ 3er6 #.#.* / -/troductio/ to Sociolo6y, #ethve/, Ne= Mor", .9<7. Sa6e Pu%licatio/>


Sa/ford H Hadish (.9<7) E/cyclo)eadia of 'ri$e F @ustice, (he &ree Press Divisio/ of #ac$illa/.

(his course )rovides fa$iliarity re6ardi/6 the %asic co/ce)ts a/d $odels of 6lo%ali2atio/. -t =ill exa$i/e the 6lo%al eco/o$y a/d its i$)act o/ local eco/o$y as =ell as social a/d cultural cha/6e es)ecially o/ South sia/ cou/tries. (he role of $edia re6ardi/6 6lo%ali2atio/ =ill also %e discussed.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. -/troductio/ a/d Jvervie= of Sociolo6y of !lo%ali2atio/ a. Sociolo6y of 6lo%ali2atio/, 6lo%ali2atio/* $yth or reality> %. 'haracteristics of 6lo%ali2atio/, 6lo%ali2atio/, $oder/i2atio/ F Euro)ea/i2atio/> 6lo%ali2atio/ a/d cultural leveli/6. (heories of 6lo%ali2atio/, 6lo%al stratificatio/, 6lo%al i/equalities, 6lo%ali2atio/ a/d local ide/tity. (he Rise of !lo%ali2atio/ a. (he Seco/d !lo%ali2atio/* 'reati/6 the Post5Iar Political5 Eco/o$ic Jrder %. (he Rise of Neoli%eralis$ !lo%ali2atio/ a/d 'or)oratio/s a. B5HJAR* &ro$ 3ureaucracy to Net=or"s %. 'or)orate !over/a/ce a/d Strate6y c. #ulti/atio/al 'or)oratio/s Political !lo%ali2atio/ a. !lo%al Politics, !over/a/ce, (ra/s/atio/al State, etc. %. Po=er a/d (ra/s/atio/al Politics c. E$er6e/ce of !lo%al 'lasses, 8ocal ctors i/ !lo%al Politics. (ech/olo6y a/d 6lo%ali2atio/, 6lo%al eco/o$y a/d the di6ital /et=or"s. !lo%ali2atio/ a/d Ior"ers a. 'ha/6es i/ Ior" %. Social -/equality c. (rai/i/6 for !lo%al 'o$)etitio/ !lo%ali2atio/ a/d the State a. Ielfare Refor$ %. (ax Refor$ c. Re6ulatory Refor$

2. 7.



1. ;.


9. .0. ... .2. .7. .4. .9. .1.

.. 2. 3. 4. 5. $. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. .4. .9. .1.

!lo%ali2atio/ a/d 'ulture (ra/s/atio/al Social #ove$e/ts, (ra/s/atio/al 'ivil Society, !lo%ali2atio/ a/d the E/viro/$e/t !lo%ali2atio/ a/d Race?Eth/icity, (ra/s/atio/al #i6ratio/s, (ra/s/atio/al 'o$$u/ities, (ra/s/atio/alis$. !lo%ali2atio/ a/d Io$e/?!e/der !lo%ali2atio/, Resista/ce, He6e$o/ies a/d 'ou/terhe6e$o/ies, lter/ative &utures (he !lo%al villa6e* Recoveri/6 Place a/d Social Practices. (he #a"i/6 of -/ter/atio/al #i6ratio/s G I(J !lo%ali2atio/ a/d Social -/stitutio/ Ell=ood,=.(200.) (he /o5/o/se/se 6uide to !lo%ali2atio/ &ra/", ( (200.) J/e $ar"et u/der 6od, /chor 3oo"s @a/os"i, (ho$as. 2009. (he Ha/d%oo" of Political Sociolo6y* States, 'ivil Societies, a/d !lo%ali2atio/ Nash, Hate 'o/te$)orary Political Sociolo6y* !lo%ali2atio/, Politics, a/d Po=er Rola/d Ro%ertso/, Hathlee/ E. Ihite. 2007. !lo%ali2atio/* 'ritical 'o/ce)ts i/ Sociolo6y Sasse/, Sas"ia. 200;. Sociolo6y of !lo%ali2atio/ S"lair, 8 (200.) (he tra/s/atio/al ca)italist class, 3lac"=ell (i$othy @. Scrase, (odd @ose)h #iles Holde/, Scott 3au$. 2007. !lo%ali2atio/, 'ulture a/d -/equality i/ sia Ehre/reich a/d Hochschild (eds), !lo%al Io$a/* Na//ies, #aids, a/d Sex Ior"ers @a/ Nedervee/5Pieterse, !lo%ali2atio/ a/d 'ulture* !lo%al #ela/6e Iillia$ -. Ro%i/so/, Pro$oti/6 Polyarchy Iillia$ -. Ro%i/so/, (heory of !lo%al 'a)italis$ #ichael 3uroa=oy, et. l. (eds.), !lo%al Eth/o6ra)hies
@ose)h Sti6lit2. !lo%ali2atio/ a/d -ts Disco/te/ts Jsterha$$el a/d Petersso/. !lo%ali2atio/* Short History.

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A

Hriste/se/ a/d +eitli/. 8ocal Players i/ !lo%al !a$es ()). xii5xxii> .5 .<;> 70.5722) ('o/ti/ue readi/6) .;. 3ro/fe/%re//er. !lo%al A/io/s .<. 8i/da Ieiss. (he #yth of the Po=erless State



.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. Social -$)act ssess$e/t 'o/flict a/d lter/ative Dis)ute Reselectio/ 'li/ical Sociolo6y !over/a/ce a/d Social Policy 'or)orate Social Res)o/si%ilities Jr6a/i2atio/al 3ehaviour a/d HRD Electro/ic #edia F Cirtual Society Sociolo6y of 8a= a/d Hu$a/ ri6hts Rural Develo)$e/t 'ri$i/olo6y -/dustrial Sociolo6y -sla$ic Sociolo6y



(he course =ill )rovide the "/o=led6e, u/dersta/di/6 a/d s"ills for social i$)act assess$e/t a/d )olicy for$atio/. -t hel)s i/ u/dersta/di/6 the role of social i$)act assess$e/t i/ the %roader co/text of e/viro/$e/tal i$)act assess$e/t. -t e/a%les the stude/ts to u/dersta/d co/ce)tual a/d $ethodolo6ical adva/ces i/ social i$)act assess$e/t. -t fa$iliari2es =ith the tools used a/d $ethods e$)loyed.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
. -/troductio/ a. Historical as)ects of S%. 8e6islative as)ects of Sc. 'o/te/ts a/d )hases of Sd. -/troductio/ to assess$e/t $ethodolo6ies* e. 'hec"lists F #atrices f. Social -$)act ssess$e/t 6. #ulticriteria /alysis h. S- 'ase Study i. S-S Revie= :. Strate6ic Social ssess$e/t (S- ) 2 Ste)s i/ the social i$)act assess$e/t )rocess a. Pu%lic i/volve$e/t %. )ro)osed actio/ a/d alter/atives -de/tificatio/ c. Descri%e releva/t hu$a/ e/viro/$e/t a/d 2o/es of i/flue/ce d. -de/tify )ro%a%le i$)acts e. -/vesti6ate )ro%a%le i$)acts f. Deter$i/e )ro%a%le res)o/se of affected )arties 6. Esti$ate seco/dary F cu$ulative i$)acts h. Reco$$e/d cha/6es i/ )ro)osed actio/ or alter/atives i. #iti6atio/, re$ediatio/, a/d e/ha/ce$e/t )la/ :. Develo) a/d i$)le$e/t $o/itori/6 )ro6ra$ ". -/clude i/terested a/d affected )arties i/ all ste)s of the S)rocess. 7 Sta6e i/ S- )rocess a. Policy? )ro:ect setti/6s %. !e/eral )la//i/6, )olicy develo) )reli$i/ary assess$e/t c. Detailed )la//i/6 fu/di/6 F i$)act d. 'o/struct?i$)le$e/t e. J)eratio/? $ai/te/a/ce f. Deco$$issio/? a%a/do/$e/t

4 Social -$)act assess$e/t Caria%les a. Po)ulatio/ cha/6e %. 'o$$u/ity F i/stitutio/al structures c. Political F social resources d. 'o$$u/ity a/d fa$ily cha/6es e. 'o$$u/ity resources

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A

2. 3. 4.


3i/du N. 8oha/i, sia/ Develo)$e/t 3a/", @. Iarre/ Eva/s. .99;. E/viro/$e/tal -$)act ssess$e/t for Develo)i/6 'ou/tries i/ sia* &or ... 'hristo)her @. 3arro= G .99;. E/viro/$e/tal a/d social i$)act assess$e/t* a/ i/troductio/ H. . 3ec"er, &ra/" Ca/clay. 2007.(he -/ter/atio/al Ha/d%oo" of Social -$)act ssess$e/t H. . 3ec"er. .99;. Social -$)act ssess$e/t* #ethod a/d Ex)erie/ce i/ Euro)e, North $erica. Ra%el @. 3urd6e. .994. 'o/ce)tual ))roach to Social -$)act ssess$e/t* 'ollectio/ of Iriti/6s %y.

(his course =ill ide/tify a ra/6e of co/flict resolutio/ a))roaches =ith s)ecial focus o/ /e6otiatio/, $ediatio/, a/d advocacy. -t =ill e/a%le the stude/ts to study $odels of social =or" )ractice G radical, ecolo6ical, syste$s, 6e/eralist, a/d )ro%le$5solvi/6 a))roaches. (he course =ill hel) the stude/ts to ex)lore the theoretical %asis for a co/flict resolutio/ a))roaches a/d tech/iques.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
. -/troductio/ a. Revie= of @udicial Syste$ %. 'ourt structure a/d su%:ect $atter :urisdictio/ c. Pro6ress of a case throu6h the syste$ d. /alysis of %e/efits a/d detri$e/ts of the :udicial syste$ e. lter/ative Dis)ute Resolutio/ #echa/is$s f. 'lie/t?attor/ey )ers)ectives 6. dva/ta6es a/d disadva/ta6es h. !e/eral ty)es of DR defi/ed 2 #ediatio/ (rai/i/6 a. -/troductio/ a/d !oals %. Revie= of court or6a/i2atio/ chart c. 'o/flicts* causes a/d res)o/ses d. 8iste/i/6 s"ills e. Ele$e/ts of #ediatio/

f. 6. h. i.

-ssue ide/tificatio/ Prioriti2i/6 (i$i/6 a/d cli$ate setti/6 'auses

7 Role of the #ediator a. J%:ectives %efore a/d duri/6 the $ediatio/ )rocess %. Reduci/6 defe/sive co$$u/icatio/ c. Esse/tial qualities /ecessary d. 'o$$o/ errors e. Role )lay 4 'o/ducti/6 a #ediatio/ Sessio/ a. 'ase )re)aratio/ %. J)e/i/6 state$e/ts to )arties c. Ex)la/atio/ of )rocess a/d role of $ediator d. !rou/d rules e. 'o/fide/tiality f. Role )lay 9 'o$$o/ Pro%le$ reas a. Deali/6 =ith i$)asse %. Su$$ari2i/6 issues c. Hostile )arties d. #a/i)ulative )arties e. Social service /eeds a/d referrals f. Role )lay 1 Ne6otiatio/ a. (he Process a/d Jutco$e of Ne6otiatio/ %. (actics, (ech/iques a/d S"ills of Ne6otiatio/ c. Ethical -ssues i/ Ne6otiatio/ d. ))licatio/* fro$ -/dividual Ase i/ 3usi/ess to 'ourtroo$ (actics e. Service 8ear/i/6 'o$)o/e/t* District 'ourt ; #ediatio/ a. &or$s a/d &u/ctio/s %. S"ills (rai/i/6 c. Philoso)hical a/d Ethical -ssues d. Su%sta/tive reas of 8a= Ihere ))lied* 'o$$u/ity Dis)utes, 8a/dlord?(e/a/t, Do$estic Relatio/s e. Service 8ear/i/6 'o$)o/e/t* #u/ici)al 'ourt #ediatio/ < r%itratio/ a. (he Process, the Partici)a/ts, the Neutrals a/d the uthority %. r%itratio/ ct c. Su%sta/tive reas of 8a= Ihere ))lied* 8a%or a/d E$)loy$e/t, uto$o%ile, 'o/structio/, 3usi/ess -/sura/ce, Securities, etc.

9 Hy%rid Process a. #ed? r% %. Su$$ary @ury (rials c. #i/itrials d. Early Neutral Evaluatio/ e. S)ecial #asters

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
1. 2.

4. 5.


3er/adi/e Ca/ !ra$%er6, 2009. #a/a6i/6 Ior")lace 'o/flict* lter/ative Dis)ute Resolutio/ i/ ustralia 'rai6 E. Ru/de, (i$ . &la/a6a/. 2001. 3eco$i/6 a 'o/flict 'o$)ete/t 8eader* Ho= Mou a/d Mour Jr6a/i2atio/ 'a/ .... De Dreu, #ichele @ !elfa/d Pu%lished Dec,200; He/t #. Iee"s, .999. #a/a6i/6 'a$)us 'o/flict (hrou6h lter/ative Dis)ute Resolutio/ 8aurie S. 'oltri. 2007. 'o/flict Dia6/osis a/d lter/ative Dis)ute Resolutio/ (he Psycholo6y 'o/flict #a/a6e$e/t a/d 'o/flict i/ Jr6a/i2atio/s 'arste/ H.I.

(he course =ill e$)hasi2e o/ co/ce)ts, theories, co$$u/icatio/ a/d relatio/shi) =ith clie/t as =ell as ethics i/ cli/ical sociolo6y. -t =ill e/a%le the stude/ts =ith the s"ills of i/terve/tio/, )rocess of i/terve/tio/ a/d cli/ical sociolo6y )ractices. -t =ill also e/a%le the stude/ts to lear/ $ediatio/ a/d co/flict resolutio/, evaluatio/ a/d )reve/tive )ro6ra$$i/6.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
. -/troductio/ a. Sociolo6ical Practice i) ))lied Sociolo6y ii) 'li/ical Sociolo6y %. -/terrelatio/ a/d Differe/ce 3et=ee/ 'li/ical a/d ))lied Sociolo6y (heories i/ 'li/ical Sociolo6y 'o$$u/icatio/ a/d Relatio/shi)s =ith 'lie/ts Ethic i/ 'li/ical Sociolo6y -/terve/tio/ a. 8evels of -/terve/tio/ i. Iith -/dividuals ii. Iith &a$ilies

2 7 4 9

iii. Iith !rou)s iv. Iith 'o$$u/ities v. Iith &or$al Jr6a/i2atio/s %. (he Process of -/terve/tio/ i. ssess$e/t ii. Pro6ra$$e Pla//i/6 iii. Pro6ra$$e -$)le$e/tatio/ iv. Pro6ra$$e Evaluatio/ 1 'li/ical Sociolo6y Practice a. #ediatio/ a/d 'o/flict Resolutio/ %. Evaluatio/ c. Preve/tive Pro6ra$$i/6 ))licatio/ of 'li/ical Sociolo6y to 'o/te$)orary Social Pro%le$s* 'ase Studies Ho=ard #. Re%ach, @oh/ !. 3ruh/. 200.. Ha/d%oo" of 'li/ical Sociolo6y @a/ # &rit2 G .991. (he 'li/ical Sociolo6y Resource 3oo" @a/ #arie &rit2. 200;. -/ter/atio/al 'li/ical Sociolo6y Ro6er . Straus. 200..Asi/6 Sociolo6y* / -/troductio/ fro$ the ))lied a/d 'li/ical Pers)ectives

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
1. 2. 3. 4.

(he course =ill e/a%le the stude/ts to lear/ a%out the %asic co/ce)ts, )rocess, theories a/d fu/ctio/ of 6over/a/ce a/d "ey actors. (he course =ill de)ict the )u%lic )olicy a/d its )rocess, 6lo%al co/text of Pa"ista/Ds )u%lic )olicy as =ell as i/terest a/d )o=er. -t =ill ela%orate the society5ce/tered theories, i/stitutio/s a/d state5ce/tered theories.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e%
. a. %. c. d. 2 Ihat is !over/a/ce Processes of 6over/a/ce, (heories a/d )ri/ci)les of i$)rovi/6 6over/a/ce a/d de$ocracy -$)act of 6lo%ali2atio/ o/ 6lo%al 6over/a/ce -/stitutio/al refor$, ca)acity %uildi/6, accou/ta%ility

Pu%lic Policy a/d the Policy5$a"i/6 Process i/ Pa"ista/ a. Defi/e )u%lic )olicy a/d discuss the various sta6es of the )olicy )rocess. %. -de/tify the "ey actors i/ the )olicy )rocess. c. 'o$$e/t o/ the i/stitutio/al co/text of )olicy5$a"i/6 a/d discuss the "ey co$)o/e/ts of the $achi/ery of 6over/$e/t.

d. Jutli/e the )rocess %y =hich )olicy i/itiatives $a"e their =ay fro$ 6over/$e/t de)art$e/ts, throu6h ca%i/et a/d the le6islative )rocess i/ Parlia$e/t. e. Discuss the character of the Pa"ista/i =elfare state a/d the $ai/ )illars of Pa"ista/i social )olicy. 7 (he Ne=, !lo%ali2ed 'o/text of Pa"ista/ Pu%lic Policy a. Discuss the 6lo%ali2ed co/text of )u%lic )olicy i/ a $a//er that disti/6uishes %et=ee/ eco/o$ic, )olitical a/d culture di$e/sio/s of 6lo%ali2atio/. %. 'o$$e/t o/ the =ays that 6lo%ali2atio/ has altered the )o=er, ca)acities, 6oals a/d )ur)oses of states, i/cludi/6 the Pa"ista/ state. c. Ex)lai/ ho= 6lo%ali2atio/ has altered the character a/d focus of social $ove$e/t )olitics a/d, as )art of your ex)la/atio/, disti/6uish %et=ee/ the )olitics of ide/tity a/d reco6/itio/, o/ the o/e ha/d, a/d the socially co/servative )olitics of reactive social $ove$e/ts, o/ the other. d. Discuss the $ai/ )olicy i$)eratives a/d )olicy co/strai/ts associated =ith the /e= 6lo%ali2ed co/text of Pa"ista/ )u%lic )olicy, a/d ex)lai/ =hat is $ea/t %y the Si/ter/atio/ali2atio/D or S6lo%ali2atio/D of )u%lic )olicy. a. %. c. d. 9 -/terests, Po=er a/d Policy* Society5ce/tered (heories Defi/e Sex)la/atory theoryD the/ disti/6uish %et=ee/ ex)la/atory a/d /or$ative theories. Discuss ho= the follo=i/6 theoretical )ers)ectives ex)lai/ state a/d )u%lic )olicy* li%eral )luralis$, elite theory, a/d class a/alysis. Ihe/ readi/6 a/ article that e$)loys o/e of the society5 ce/tered ex)la/atory theories, ide/tify =hich )ers)ective is %ei/6 used. &or$ a/ o)i/io/ (eve/ a te/tative o/e) o/ =hich society5 ce/tered theory you fi/d $ost co/vi/ci/6 a/d useful.

-/stitutio/s a/d Policy* State5ce/tered (heories a. Defi/e =hat i/stitutio/s are a/d discuss the /otio/ of Si/stitutio/al causatio/D. %. Discuss ho= the follo=i/6 theoretical )ers)ectives a))roach the tas"s of ex)lai/i/6 a/d u/dersta/di/6 )u%lic )olicy* structuralist i/stitutio/alis$, state as a/ actor theory, a/d i/stitutio/al ratio/al choice theory. c. -de/tify =hich theoretical )ers)ective is %ei/6 used =he/ readi/6 a/ article %ased o/ o/e of the state5ce/tred )ers)ectives o/ )u%lic )olicy.


Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

;. <.

3o% Deaco/, 200;. !lo%al Social Policy F !over/a/ce Deaco/ 3o%. 2009. !lo%al !over/a/ce, Re6io/al -/te6ratio/ a/d Social Policy !ail 8e=is, Sharo/ !e=irt2, @oh/ 'lar"e Rethi/"i/6 Social Policy @a/et Ne=$a/. 2009. Re$a"i/6 !over/a/ce* Peo)les, Politics a/d the Pu%lic S)here 5 @our/al of Social Policy %y Social d$i/istratio/ ssociatio/ (!reat 3ritai/ 8aura Ed6ar, @e//ifer 'ha/dler. 2004. Stre/6the/i/6 Social Policy* 8esso/s o/ &or6i/6 !over/$e/t5'ivil Society ... #ile/a 3uchs 5 Political Scie/ce . 200;. Ne= !over/a/ce i/ Euro)ea/ Social Policy* (he J)e/ #ethod of 'oordi/atio/ Philli) I. @o/es. 200;. !lo%al 6over/a/ce, social )olicy a/d $ulticultural educatio/


(he course =ill )i/)oi/t the co/ce)ts of 'SR, sta"eholders a/d their /eeds. deli%erate shari/6 o/ e/a%lers, ti))le5%otto$ li/e a/d or6a/i2atio/al a))roaches =ill %e held. (he $a/a6e$e/t of re)orti/6, assura/ce issues a/d role of i/ter/al audit =ill %e discussed at le/6th.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e%
. Ihy Should Ie 'areP a 'or)orate Social Res)o/si%ility $ea/s % (he value )ro)ositio/ of 'or)orate Social Res)o/si%ility 2 Ihat is 'SR a/d Ihere are Ie No=P a Defi/itio/s, ca)ital $ar"et i/flue/ces, rati/6 or6a/i2atio/s, rece/t studies % 'SR co$)ete/cies c E$er6i/6 6uideli/es 7 Iho are the Sta"eholders a/d Ihat are (heir NeedsP a !over/$e/ts, /o/56over/$e/tal or6a/i2atio/s (N!Js) % (he voiceless sta"eholders c !eo5)olitical i/flue/ces 4 Ihat are the e/a%lersP a 'or)orate 6over/a/ce % E/ter)rise ris" $a/a6e$e/t c !uida/ce fro$ $a/y co/stitue/cies d 8i/"a6e to i/ter/al audit sta/dards 9 Ihat is the (ri)le 3otto$ 8i/eP a Eco/o$ic via%ility % E/viro/$e/tal sou/d/ess

c Social res)o/si%ility 1 Ho= are Jr6a/i2atio/s ))roachi/6P a 'li$ate cha/6e challe/6es % E/viro/$e/tal health a/d safety co/cer/s c Su))ly chai/ issues d Social res)o/si%ilities ; Ho= do you $a/a6e the re)orti/6 a/d assura/ce issuesP a Re)orti/6 challe/6es, dos a/d do/Qts % ssura/ce e$er6i/6 )ractices < Ihat is the ))ro)riate Role for -/ter/al uditP a 'o$)ete/cies required

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
1. 2. 3.



David Co6el 5 3usi/ess F Eco/o$ics G 2009. (he #ar"et for Cirtue* (he Pote/tial a/d 8i$its Jf 'or)orate Social. @a/ @o/"er, #ari/us 'or/elis de Iitte, #arco de Iitte 2001.#a/a6e$e/t #odels for 'or)orate Social Res)o/si%ility 5 #uha$$ad Mu/us, Harl Ie%er. 200<. 'reati/6 a Iorld Iithout Poverty* Social 3usi/ess a/d the &uture of 'a)italis$ ,hili" Kotler, -ancy Lee. 200.. 'or)orate Social Res)o/si%ility* Doi/6 the #ost !ood for Mour 'o$)a/y a/d Ste/e Kent %ay, 0eor!e Cheney, #uliet 1o"er 22003. (he De%ate Jver 'or)orate Social Res)o/si%ility Iillia$ 3. Ierther, David 'ha/dler 2001. Strate6ic 'or)orate Social Res)o/si%ility* Sta"eholders i/ a !lo%al E/viro/$e/t


(he course =ill hel) the stude/ts to u/dersta/d the $ea/i/6, co/ce)ts a/d theories of for$al a/d i/for$al or6a/i2atio/. detailed discussio/, shari/6 a/d )artici)atio/ o/ or6a/i2atio/al structure, )rocess, hu$a/ resource $a/a6e$e/t a/d 6e/eral )ro%le$s of or6a/i2atio/ =ith s)ecial refere/ce to Pa"ista/ =ill %e carried out.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e%
.. -/troductio/ a. #ea/i/6 a/d differe/ce %et=ee/ social or6a/i2atio/ %. for$al a/d i/for$al or6a/i2atio/ c. 'haracteristics of for$al or6a/i2atio/. 2. (heories of &or$al Jr6a/i2atio/* a. classical or6a/i2atio/al theories %. /eoclassical theories


Syste$ a))roach to or6a/i2atio/.

7. &ou/datio/s of -/dividual 3ehavior a. Hey %io6ra)hical characteristics. %. (y)es of a%ility. c. Sha)e the %ehavior of others. d. Disti/6uish %et=ee/ the four schedules of rei/force$e/t. e. Role of )u/ish$e/t i/ lear/i/6. f. Practice self5$a/a6e$e/t 6. Exhi%it effective disci)li/e s"ills. 4. &ou/datio/s of 6rou) 3ehavior 9. Calues, attitude F @o% satisfactio/ 1. Perso/ality F e$otio/s F their role i/ Effective/ess of Jr6a/i2atio/ a. Ihat is Perso/ality %. &ive #odel of Perso/ality Di$e/sio/s c. Perso/ality ttri%utes -/flue/ci/6 J3 d. Ihat re E$otio/s e. E$otio/s Di$e/sio/ f. J3 ))licatio/s of A/dersta/di/6 E$otio/s ;. Jr6a/i2atio/al Structure a/d Hu$a/ Resource #a/a6e$e/t* a. #ea/i/6 a/d i/terrelatio/shi) of or6a/i2atio/al si2e %. 'o$)lexity a/d for$ali2atio/. <. Jr6a/i2atio/al Processes* a. #otivatio/, )o=er a/d authority %. 8eadershi) c. 'o$$u/icatio/ d. 'o/flict e. Decisio/ $a"i/6 9. Hu$a/ Resource #a/a6e$e/t. a. Role of hu$a/ resource develo)$e/t i/ or6a/i2atio/ a/d sociali2atio/ of e$)loyees %. (rai/i/6 a/d develo)$e/t of e$)loyees c. 'areer )la//i/6 a/d hu$a/ resource develo)$e/t d. #ea/i/6 a/d )ro%le$s of )erfor$a/ce a))raisal. .0. !e/eral )ro%le$s i/ or6a/i2atio/ of Pa"ista/* a. Structural )ro%le$ %. J)eratio/al )ro%le$s c. 3ehavior )ro%le$s

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
.. 2. hu:a HH. (.997). #a/a6e$e/t a/d Jr6a/i2atio/ Dehli '3S Pu%lishers a/d Distri%utors. R o%%i/s , S. P. (2007). Jr6a/i2atio/al 3ehavior


9. 1.


9. .0. ... .2.

63. 6+.

.;. .<. .9. 20.

r/dt sor6e F #alcol$ Ias/er (.99<) -E3# Ha/d %oo" of Jr6a/i2atio/ 3ehaviour> $etty #ane ,unnett. 200+. International ,ers"ecti/es on Or!ani4ational $eha/ior and *u(an 1esource ... Davis, Ne=sto$s (.992), Jr6a/i2atio/al 3ehavior. Hu$a/ 3ehavior at =or" De%orah eade (2009) Develo)$e/t N!JS F 'ivil Society Jxfa$ !3 Ne= Delhi -/ter/atio/al (ho$so/ 3usi/ess Press> *. $erbero5lu . 6773. *u(an 1esources %ana!e(ent and Or!ani4ational $eha/iour in the *os"itality ... Hof$eister, @., R!lo%al a/d 8ocal 3ala/ce i/ Hu$a/ Resources 8eadershi),R i/ 8osey, #., #eisi/6er, S., a/d Alrich, D., (eds.), The (uture of Human *esource Management (Cir6i/ia* @oh/ Iiley F So/s, -/c., 2009), )). 71.5719 8utha/s, .99<,Jr6a/i2atio/ 3ehavior, #c!ra= Hill Ne= Mor". #c!ra= Hill -/c. Nic" =ates (2000) the co$$u/ity Pla//i/6 Earthsca/ )u%licatio/ ltd 8o/do/. Peterso/ R.3. a/d -. (racy (.9;9), Syste$atic #a/a6e$e/t of Hu$a/ Resources. AH. diso/5Iasty Pu%. 'o. ,h. 8. 1obert 0. 8elca("o, ,h.8., 1obert 0. 8elCa("o, Kristie %. $oudwin, Sherri L. *ines. 2003. 'hat9s :hat She Said; a 0uide to <sin! ='he O ice= to 8e(onstrate ... 1andall S. Schuler, ,aul >. $uller. 677?.Cases in %ana!e(ent, Or!ani4ational $eha/ior and *u(an 1esource %ana!e(ent Rao,(C (2000) Hu$a/ Resourse Develo)$e/t Natio/al 3oo" &ou/datio/ -sla$a%ad. 1obert Kreitner, An!elo Kinic)i. 2003. Or!ani4ational $eha/ior Si/6h, H.2000, Rural Develo)$e/t* Pri/ci)les, Policies a/d #a/a6e$e/t. Ne= Delhi. Ieihrich a/d Hoo/t2 (.997). #a/a6e$e/t* !lo%al Pers)ective (.0th ed.) Ne= Mor"* #ac!ra=5Hill, -/c. Ieihrich a/d Hoo/t2 (.997). #a/a6e$e/t* !lo%al Pers)ective .0th Editio/, Ne= Mor"* #c!ra= Hill -/c. Ierther, Iillia$ 3. a/d Davis H. (.997). Hu$a/ Resources a/d Perso//el #a/a6e$e/t (4thed.), Ne= Mor"* #ac6ra=5Hill, -/c.

(he course =ill fa$iliari2e the stude/ts =ith $ea/i/6, characteristics a/d co$)o/e/ts of virtual co$$u/ity. -t =ill e/a%le the stude/ts to visuali2e virtual tech/olo6y, /et=or"i/6 a/d tools used i/ virtual co$$u/ities. Stude/ts =ill lear/ a%out sco)e a/d =or"i/6 of virtual co$$u/ity.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e%
. -/troductio/ Ihat is a Cirtual 'o$$u/ity a/d Ihy Iould Mou Ever Need J/eP %. 'haracteristics of virtual co$$u/ities c. 'o$)o/e/ts of virtual co$$u/ities a. Cirtual tech/olo6y a/d /et=or"i/6 Desi6/i/6 of virtual co$$u/ities 'reati/6 a/d Ex)loiti/6 Cirtual co$$u/ities. Exte/di/6 the classroo$ =alls electro/ically. -/ Ne= Paradi6$s for 'olle6e (eachi/6. d. J/li/e 'o$$u/ities for Professio/al Develo)$e/t, e. 'o/tri%utio/s of a Cirtual 'o$$u/ity to Self5Re6ulated 8ear/i/6. a. %. c. a. %. 4 a. %. c. d. e. (ools used i/ virtual co$$u/ities #iracle of -/ter/et virtual co$$u/icatio/ F $ar"eti/6 Sco)e a/d Ior"i/6 of virtual co$$u/ities future of virtual co$$u/ities -de/tity a/d Dece)tio/ i/ the Cirtual 'o$$u/ity (he rt of Hosti/6 !ood 'o/versatio/s J/li/e Ni/e Pri/ci)les for #a"i/6 Cirtual 'o$$u/ities Ior" #a"i/6 Cirtual 'o$$u/ities Ior"

Re"omme.#e# BooC%A
$eat Sch(id, Katarina Stanoe/s)a2Slabe/a, @ol)er 'scha((er. 2006. (o=ards the E5Society* E5co$$erce, E5%usi/ess, a/d E5 6over/$e/t 2. Corien ,rins. 2006. Desi6/i/6 E56over/$e/t* J/ the 'rossroads of (ech/olo6ical -//ovatio/ a/d ... 3. 8a/id *ol(es. 200..Co((unication 'heory: %edia, 'echnolo!y and Society +. #ohn 'hornton Caldwell. 2000. Electro/ic #edia a/d (ech/oculture .. #on 8o/ey, %artin Lister. 2007. Ne= #edia* 'ritical -/troductio/ ?. Leah A. Lie/rouw, Sonia %. Li/in!stone. 2002. Ha/d%oo" of Ne= #edia* Social Sha)i/6 a/d 'o/seque/ces of -'(s 3. %anuel Castells. 200+. 'he -etwor) Society: A Cross2cultural ,ers"ecti/e 2 ,a!e 6+6 A. ,atrice >lichy. 2003.'he Internet I(a!inaire 7. ,eter Ludes. 200<. 'o/ver6e/ce a/d fra6$e/tatio/ Telectro/ic resourceU* $edia tech/olo6y a/d . 60. Ste/e :ool!ar. 2002. @irtual SocietyB: 'echnolo!y, Cyberbole, 1eality

(o u/dersta/d society i/ ter$s of the teachi/6s of Holy KurDa/. (o "/o= a%out the i/dividual a/d collective life of a $a/ a/d his )ositio/ i/ the u/iverse. (o a/aly2e the i$)orta/ce of reli6io/ a/d its relatio/shi) %et=ee/ reli6io/ a/d society. (o u/dersta/d the co/ce)t of -sla$ic culture a/d characteristics of a/ -sla$ic Society. (o "/o= Kura/ic co/ce)t of Social 'ha/6e a/d the i$)orta/ce of -:tehad for the reco/structio/ of society.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e%
I.'ro#&"'$o.A .. (he Sco)e a/d Di$e/sio/s of -sla$ic Sociolo6y a. Defi/itio/ of -sla$ic Sociolo6y. %. (he field, co/ce)t a/d )olarities. c. #ai/ (hesis of -sla$ic Sociolo6y5Philoso)hical /alytic F Sy/thetically. d. Historical Survey of the #usli$s co/tri%utio/ i/ the field of -sla$ic Sociolo6y u) to $id. 20th ce/tury. 2. (heoretical Pro)ositio/s* a. Ex)la/atory Pri/ci)les, Kura/ a/d hadith. %. (he co$)arative Sociolo6ical (heories, co$)ou/d =ith Kura/ic Sociolo6y. 7. Social -/stitutio/s* a. &a$ily %. Eco/o$ic c. Political d. Social Differe/tiatio/. e. Social 'lasses a/d leadershi) )atter/ 4. Kura/ic 'o/ce)ts* a. (he /ature a/d for$s of )redictio/ %. (he Kura/ a/d the #usli$ (hi/"ers 9. #o%ility i/ the Iorld of -sla$* a. Historical

%. c.

'o/te$)orary Kura/ic Postulates

1. !e/esis a/d Nature of -sla$ic Sociolo6y* a. #uh"a$at. %. #ushta%ihat. c. -deolo6y a/d social 8a=s ;. (he Nature of -sla$ic Sociolo6y, )ossi%le disci)li/es a/d s)ecialties i/ the Sociolo6y of -sla$ <. Sociolo6ical a/alysis of Iorld Reli6ious Syste$ 9. Reli6io/ as 6e/cy of Social 'o/trol

S&gge%'e# Rea#$.g%A
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;. <. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. .4. .9. "htar, S. +a$ir li, Kura/ic -$ra/iyat, -"h=a/ Pu%lishers, Harachi. li #. 3asharat, Sociolo6ical Study of the Pro)het #oha$$ad (Peace %e u)o/ hi$). s /alysed %y the Holy Kura/. li, #. 3asahrat, #usli$ the &irst Sociolo6ists, #a"ta%a #illyah, 8ahore. li, #. 3asahrat, Shah Ialiullah, @a$iyatul &alah. li, #. 3asahrat, (he #usli$ Social Philoso)hy, @a$iyatul &alah, Harachi. li, #. 3asharat, (he Pro)het #oha$$ad (Peace %e u)o/ hi$) fou/der of -sla$ic 'ulture. r/old (.I., 8e6acy of -sla$, Ixford A/iversity )ress, $e/ House, Harachi. Do/aldso/, D=i6ht #. Studies i/ #usli$ Ethics Pri/ted i/ 8o/do/. Dr. Syed +a$ir h$ed 2004 Kura/i A$ra/iyat, (Asool5o5#u%adi), for #. . Sociolo6y a/d #. . Kura/5o5Su/a, Asool5e5Di/, !ha/2a/far cade$y Ardu 3a2ar, Harachi. Er=i/, -.@.,> Political (hou6ht i/ #edival -sla$* / -/troductory outli/e, 'a$%rid6e* 'a$%rid6e A/iversity Press, .99<. Essa=i, 'harles, a/d ra% Philoso)her i/ History. !uilla/$$e, ., (he (raditio/ of -sla$. Holt, (ha$as &or%, (he Sociolo6y of Reli6io/. Kura/ic Sociolo6y of 'ri$e 3ureau of (ra/slatio/ of co$)ositio/, Harachi Ialiullah Shah, @a::atullah5.. 3ali6hah, (Part5-), Ardu (ra/slatio/ %y #oula/a A%aidullah Si/dhi, #a"ta%5e5#illiyah, 8ahore.


(he course =ill )rovide fa$iliarity a%out the %asic co/ce)ts, theories a/d )rocess of i/dustrial sociolo6y.

'ourse Jutli/es*
.. -/troductio/* a. -/dustry a/d Society %. -/dustry a/d Social Stratificatio/ c. Ior", Jccu)atio/, -/dustry, Jr6a/i2atio/, &actory a/d #a/a6e$e/t 2. -/dustriali2atio/* a. Social (heory of Productive Syste$ %. /tecede/t of -/dustriali2atio/ i/ =est 7. (heories of -/dustriali2atio/ 4. &or$al Jr6a/i2atio/* a. 3ureaucracy %. Jr6a/i2atio/al 'harts (Structure) c. (rade A/io/, a/d theories of A/io/is$ 9. Ior" ethics i/ -sla$ a. Divisio/ of 8a%or %. Ior" ethics c. Distri%utio/ of Iealth 1. -/dustriali2atio/ i/ Pa"ista/ a. Historical vie= of -/dustrial Develo)$e/t %. Pro%le$s a/d Pros)ects of -/dustriali2atio/ i/ Sociolo6ical Pers)ective c. -/dustrial Relatio/shi) i/ Pa"ista/ ;. (rade A/io/is$ i/ Pa"ista/ a. 8a%or #ove$e/t %. (rade A/io/is$ c. A/io/ 8eadershi) a/d 'ollective 3ar6ai/i/6 <. 8a%oure Policies i/ Pa"ista/ a. Historical Pers)ective a/d social cha/6e %. /alysis of =a6es

F$e1# V$%$'A
(he stude/ts =ill visit differe/t i/dustries to study hu$a/ relatio/s i/ i/dustry. (hey =ill $eet the e$)loyer a/d e$)loyees to discuss their )ro%le$s a/d su%$it a co$)rehe/sive re)ort.

S&gge%'e# Rea#$.g%A
.. Hall, R.H., (.999) Jr6a/i2atio/* Jutco$es, )re/tice Hall, 'alifor/ia. Structure, Process a/d


2. 7.

Health, 'hristia/, luff Pual (2000) (ech/olo6y i/ actio/ 'a$%rid6e A/iversity Press. (heo%la/d. (.994). A/dersta/di/6 -/dustrial Society* Sociolo6ical !uide. St. #erto/ Press, Ne= Mor".



E.g1$%9 I 8F&."'$o.a1 E.g1$%9:

O!=e"'$?e%A E/ha/ce la/6ua6e s"ills a/d develo) critical thi/"i/6. Co&r%e Co.'e.'%
3asics of !ra$$ar Parts of s)eech a/d use of articles Se/te/ce structure, active a/d )assive voice Practice i/ u/ified se/te/ce /alysis of )hrase, clause a/d se/te/ce structure (ra/sitive a/d i/tra/sitive ver%s Pu/ctuatio/ a/d s)elli/6

/s=ers to questio/s o/ a 6ive/ text

!e/eral to)ics a/d every5day co/versatio/ (to)ics for discussio/ to %e at the discretio/ of the teacher "ee)i/6 i/ vie= the level of stude/ts)

(o %e i$)roved %y sho=i/6 docu$e/taries?fil$s carefully selected %y su%:ect teachers

Tra.%1a'$o. %C$11%
Ur#& 'o E.g1$%9

Paragra59 @r$'$.g
(o)ics to %e chose/ at the discretio/ of the teacher

Pre%e.'a'$o. %C$11%
-ote: E"tensi!e reading is re=uired for !oca'ulary 'uilding

Re"omme.#e# !ooC%A
.. a) F&."'$o.a1 E.g1$%9 !ra$$ar ;1

.. 2.

Practical E/6lish !ra$$ar %y .@. (ho$so/ a/d .C. #arti/et. Exercises .. (hird editio/. Jxford A/iversity Press. .99;. -S3N 0.947.7492 Practical E/6lish !ra$$ar %y .@. (ho$so/ a/d .C. #arti/et. Exercises 2. (hird editio/. Jxford A/iversity Press. .99;. -S3N 0.947.7901


Iriti/6 .. Iriti/6. -/ter$ediate %y #arie5'hristi/e 3outi/, Su2a//e 3ri/a/d a/d &ra/coise !rellet. Jxford Su))le$e/tary S"ills. &ourth -$)ressio/ .997. -S3N 0 .9 479409 ; Pa6es 2052; a/d 7954.. Readi/6?'o$)rehe/sio/ .. Readi/6. A))er -/ter$ediate. 3rai/ (o$li/so/ a/d Rod Ellis. Jxford Su))le$e/tary S"ills. (hird -$)ressio/ .992. -S3N 0 .9 497402 2. S)ea"i/6



E.g1$%9 II 8Comm&.$"a'$o. SC$11%:

O!=e"'$?e%A E/a%le the stude/ts to $eet their real life co$$u/icatio/ /eeds.

Co&r%e Co.'e.'%
Paragra59 @r$'$.g Practice i/ =riti/6 a 6ood, u/ified a/d cohere/t )ara6ra)h E%%a6 @r$'$.g -/troductio/ CV a.# =o! a551$"a'$o. (ra/slatio/ s"ills Ardu to E/6lish S'&#6 %C$11% S"i$$i/6 a/d sca//i/6, i/te/sive a/d exte/sive, a/d s)eed readi/6, su$$ary a/d )rVcis =riti/6 a/d co$)rehe/sio/ A"a#em$" %C$11% 8etter?$e$o =riti/6, $i/utes of $eeti/6s, use of li%rary a/d i/ter/et Pre%e.'a'$o. %C$11% Perso/ality develo)$e/t (e$)hasis o/ co/te/t, style a/d )ro/u/ciatio/)
-ote: documentaries to 'e sho n for discussion and re!ie

Re"omme.#e# !ooC%A
Comm&.$"a'$o. SC$11%
a) !ra$$ar .. Practical E/6lish !ra$$ar %y .@. (ho$so/ a/d .C. #arti/et. Exercises 2. (hird editio/. Jxford A/iversity Press .9<1. -S3N 0 .9 47.790 1. ;2


Iriti/6 .. Iriti/6. -/ter$ediate %y #arie5'hrisiti/e 3outi/, Su2a//e 3ri/a/d a/d &ra/coise !rellet. Jxford Su))le$e/tary S"ills. &ourth -$)ressio/ .997. -S3N 0.9 479409 ; Pa6es 49597 (/ote ta"i/6). 2. Iriti/6. A))er5-/ter$ediate %y Ro% Nolasco. Jxford Su))le$e/tary S"ills. &ourth -$)ressio/ .992. -S3N 0 .9 479401 9 ()articularly 6ood for =riti/6 $e$os, i/troductio/ to )rese/tatio/s, descri)tive a/d ar6u$e/tative =riti/6). Readi/6 .. Readi/6. dva/ced. 3ria/ (o$li/so/ a/d Rod Ellis. Jxford Su))le$e/tary S"ills. (hird -$)ressio/ .99.. -S3N 0 .9 497407 0. 2. Readi/6 a/d Study S"ills %y @oh/ 8a/6a/ 7. Study S"ills %y Riachard Mor"y.


E.g1$%9 III 8Te"9.$"a1 Fr$'$.g a.# Pre%e.'a'$o. SC$11%:

O!=e"'$?e%A E/ha/ce la/6ua6e s"ills a/d develo) critical thi/"i/6

Co&r%e Co.'e.'%
Pre%e.'a'$o. %C$11% E%%a6 @r$'$.g Descri)tive, /arrative, discursive, ar6u$e/tative A"a#em$" @r$'$.g Ho= to =rite a )ro)osal for research )a)er?ter$ )a)er Ho= to =rite a research )a)er?ter$ )a)er (e$)hasis o/ style, co/te/t, la/6ua6e, for$, clarity, co/siste/cy) Te"9.$"a1 Re5or' @r$'$.g Progre%% re5or' @r$'$.g
-ote: E"tensi!e reading is re=uired for !oca'ulary 'uilding

Re"omme.#e# !ooC%A
(ech/ical Iriti/6 a/d Prese/tatio/ S"ills a) Essay Iriti/6 a/d cade$ic Iriti/6 .. Iriti/6. dva/ced %y Ro/ Ihite. Jxford Su))le$e/tary S"ills. (hird -$)ressio/ .992. -S3N 0 .9 47940; 7 ()articularly suita%le for discursive, descri)tive, ar6u$e/tative a/d re)ort =riti/6). 2. 'olle6e Iriti/6 S"ills %y @oh/ 8a/6a/. #cW!ra=5Hill Hi6her Educatio/. 2004. 7. Patter/s of 'olle6e Iriti/6 (4th editio/) %y 8aurie !. Hirs2/er a/d Ste)he/ R. #a/dell. St. #arti/Ds Press. Prese/tatio/ S"ills Readi/6 ;3

%) c)

(he #ercury Reader. 'usto$ Pu%licatio/. 'o$)iled %y /orther -lli/ois A/iversity. !e/eral Editiors* @a/ice Neuli%> Hathlee/ Shi/e 'ai/> Ste)he/ Ruffus a/d #aurice Scharto/. ( reader =hich =ill 6ive stude/ts ex)osure to the %est of t=e/tieth ce/tury literature, =ithout taxi/6 the taste of e/6i/eeri/6 stude/ts).


PaC$%'a. S'&#$e% 8Com5&1%or6:

Develo) visio/ of historical )ers)ective, 6over/$e/t, )olitics, co/te$)orary Pa"ista/, ideolo6ical %ac"6rou/d of Pa"ista/. Study the )rocess of 6over/a/ce, /atio/al develo)$e/t, issues arisi/6 i/ the $oder/ a6e a/d )osi/6 challe/6es to Pa"ista/.

Co&r%e O&'1$.e
.. H$%'or$"a1 Per%5e"'$?e a. -deolo6ical ratio/ale =ith s)ecial refere/ce to Sir Syed h$ed Hha/, lla$a #uha$$ad -q%al a/d Kuaid5i5 2a$ #uha$$ad li @i//ah. %. &actors leadi/6 to #usli$ se)aratis$ c. Peo)le a/d 8a/d i. -/dus 'ivili2atio/ ii. #usli$ adve/t iii. 8ocatio/ a/d 6eo5)hysical features. 2. Go?' a.# Po1$'$"% $. PaC$%'a. Political a/d co/stitutio/al )hases* a. .94;59< %. .99<5;. c. .9;.5;; d. .9;;5<< e. .9<<599 f. .999 o/=ard 7. Co.'em5orar6 PaC$%'a. a. Eco/o$ic i/stitutio/s a/d issues %. Society a/d social structure c. Eth/icity d. &orei6/ )olicy of Pa"ista/ a/d challe/6es e. &uturistic outloo" of Pa"ista/

BooC% Re"omme.#e#
.. 2. 7. 4. 9. 1. ;.

3ur"i, Shahid @aved. State < Society in $a8istan+ (he #ac$illa/ Press 8td .9<0. "%ar, S. +aidi. Issue in $a8istanBs Economy. Harachi* Jxford A/iversity Press, 2000. S.#. 3ur"e a/d 8a=re/ce +iri/6. Pa"ista/Ds &orei6/ )olicy* / Historical a/alysis. Harachi* Jxford A/iversity Press, .997. #eh$ood, Safdar. $a8istan $olitical *oots < De!elopment. 8ahore, .994. Iilcox, Iay/e.The Emergence of %anglades.+ Iashi/6to/* $erica/ E/ter)rise, -/stitute of Pu%lic Policy Research, .9;2. #eh$ood, Safdar. $a8istan ;ayyun Toota+ 8ahore* -dara5e5Saqafat5e5 -sla$ia, 'lu% Road, /d. $i/, (ahir. Ethno ) -ational Mo!ement in $a8istan+ -sla$a%ad* -/stitute of Policy Studies, -sla$a%ad. ;5

<. 9. .0. ... .2. .7. .4.

+iri/6, 8a=re/ce. Enigma of $olitical De!elopment. He/t E/6la/d* I$Da=so/ F so/s 8td, .9<0. +ahid, /sar. History < Culture of Sindh. Harachi* Royal 3oo" 'o$)a/y, .9<0. f2al, #. Rafique. $olitical $arties in $a8istan+ Col. -, -- F ---. -sla$a%ad* Natio/al -/stitute of Historical a/d cultural Research, .99<. Sayeed, Hhalid 3i/. The $olitical System of $a8istan. 3osto/* Hou6hto/ #iffli/, .91;. 2i2, H.H. $arty+ $olitics in $a8istan+ -sla$a%ad* Natio/al 'o$$issio/ o/ Historical a/d 'ultural Research, .9;1. #uha$$ad Iasee$, Pa"ista/ A/der #artial 8a=, 8ahore* Ca/6uard, .9<;. Haq, Noor ul. Ma8ing of $a8istan: The Military $erspecti!e. -sla$a%ad* Natio/al 'o$$issio/ o/ Historical a/d 'ultural Research, .997.



(his course is ai$ed at* . (o )rovide 3asic i/for$atio/ a%out -sla$ic Studies 2 (o e/ha/ce u/dersta/di/6 of the stude/ts re6ardi/6 -sla$ic 'ivili2atio/ 7 (o i$)rove Stude/ts s"ill to )erfor$ )rayers a/d other =orshi)s 4 (o e/ha/ce the s"ill of the stude/ts for u/dersta/di/6 of issues related to faith a/d reli6ious life.

De'a$1 o- Co&r%e%
I.'ro#&"'$o. 'o G&ra.$" S'&#$e%
.) 2) 7) 3asic 'o/ce)ts of Kura/ History of Kura/ Aloo$5ul 5Kura/

S'&#6 o- Se1e"'e# Te0' o- Ho116 G&ra.

.) Cerses of Surah l53aqra Related to &aith(Cerse No52<452<1) 2) Cerses of Surah l5Hu:rat Related to da% l5Na%i (Cerse No5.5.<) 7) Cerses of Surah l5#u$a/oo/ Related to 'haracteristics of faithful (Cerse No5.5..) 4) Cerses of Surah al5&urqa/ Related to Social Ethics (Cerse No.175;;) 9) Cerses of Surah l5-/a$ Related to -h"a$(Cerse No5.925.94)

S'&#6 o- Se1e"'e# Te0' o- Ho116 G&ra.

.) Cerses of Surah l5-h2a% Related to da% al5Na%i (Cerse No.1,2.,40,91,9;,9<.) 2) Cerses of Surah l5Hashar (.<,.9,20) Related to thi/"i/6, Day of @ud6$e/t 7) Cerses of Surah l5Saf Related to (afa"ar,(ada%ar (Cerse No5.,.4)

Seera' o- Ho16 Pro59e' 8S.A.F: I

.) 2) 7) .) 2) 7) .) 2) 7) 4) 9) 8ife of #uha$$ad 3i/ %dullah ( 3efore Pro)het Hood) 8ife of Holy Pro)het (S. .I) i/ #a""ah -$)orta/t 8esso/s Derived fro$ the life of Holy Pro)het i/ #a""ah 8ife of Holy Pro)het (S. .I) i/ #adi/a -$)orta/t Eve/ts of 8ife Holy Pro)het i/ #adi/a -$)orta/t 8esso/s Derived fro$ the life of Holy Pro)het i/ #adi/a 3asic 'o/ce)ts of Hadith History of Hadith Hi/ds of Hadith Aloo$ Gul5Hadith Su//ah F Hadith ;;

Seera' o- Ho16 Pro59e' 8S.A.F: II

I.'ro#&"'$o. To S&..a9


8e6al Positio/ of Su//ah

Se1e"'e# S'&#6 -rom Te0' o- Ha#$'9 I.'ro#&"'$o. To I%1am$" La@ E D&r$%5r&#e."e

.) 2) 7) 4) 9) 3asic 'o/ce)ts of -sla$ic 8a= F @uris)rude/ce History F -$)orta/ce of -sla$ic 8a= F @uris)rude/ce Sources of -sla$ic 8a= F @uris)rude/ce Nature of Differe/ces i/ -sla$ic 8a= -sla$ a/d Sectaria/is$

I%1am$" C&1'&re E C$?$1$Ha'$o.

.) 2) 7) 4) .) 2) 7) .) 2) 7) 4) 3asic 'o/ce)ts of -sla$ic 'ulture F 'ivili2atio/ Historical Develo)$e/t of -sla$ic 'ulture F 'ivili2atio/ 'haracteristics of -sla$ic 'ulture F 'ivili2atio/ -sla$ic 'ulture F 'ivili2atio/ a/d 'o/te$)orary -ssues 3asic 'o/ce)ts of -sla$ F Scie/ce 'o/tri%utio/s of #usli$s i/ the Develo)$e/t of Scie/ce Kura/ic F Scie/ce 3asic 'o/ce)ts of -sla$ic Eco/o$ic Syste$ #ea/s of Distri%utio/ of =ealth i/ -sla$ic Eco/o$ics -sla$ic 'o/ce)t of Ri%a -sla$ic Iays of (rade F 'o$$erce

I%1am E S"$e."e

I%1am$" E"$" S6%'em

Po1$'$"a1 S6%'em o- I%1am

.) 3asic 'o/ce)ts of -sla$ic Political Syste$ 2) -sla$ic 'o/ce)t of Soverei6/ty 7) 3asic -/stitutio/s of !ovt. i/ -sla$

I%1am$" H$%'or6
.) 2) 7) .) 2) 7) Period of Hhlaft5E5Rashida Period of A$$ayyads Period of %%asids 3asic 'o/ce)ts of Social Syste$ of -sla$ Ele$e/ts of &a$ily Ethical Calues of -sla$

So"$a1 S6%'em o- I%1am

Re-ere."e BooC%A
.) 2) 7) 4) 9) Ha$eed ullah #uha$$ad, NE$er6e/ce of -sla$O , -R-, -sla$a%ad Ha$eed ullah #uha$$ad, N#usli$ 'o/duct of StateO Ha$eed ullah #uha$$ad, S-/troductio/ to -sla$ #ula/a #uha$$ad Mousaf -slahi,O Hussai/ Ha$id Hassa/, N / -/troductio/ to the Study of -sla$ic 8a=O leaf Pu%licatio/ -sla$a%ad, Pa"ista/. ;<

1) ;) <) 9)

h$ad Hasa/, NPri/ci)les of -sla$ic @uris)rude/ceO -sla$ic Research -/stitute, -/ter/atio/al -sla$ic A/iversity, -sla$a%ad (.997) #ir Ialiullah, N#usli$ @ris)rude/ce a/d the Kura/ic 8a= of 'ri$esO -sla$ic 3oo" Service (.9<2) H.S. 3hatia, NStudies i/ -sla$ic 8a=, Reli6io/ a/d SocietyO Dee) F Dee) Pu%licatio/s Ne= Delhi (.9<9) Dr. #uha$$ad +ia5ul5Haq, N-/troductio/ to l Sharia l -sla$iaO lla$a -q%al J)e/ A/iversity, -sla$a%ad (200.)


# (HE# (-'S 3S (Social Scie/ces). SS' (#etric) level #athe$atics 07 L 00 40 =ritte/ exa$i/atio/> 200< a/d o/=ard

Title of su'#ect* Discipline * $re)re=uisites * Credit Hours * Minimum Contact Hours* Assessment * Effecti!e *


(o 6ive the %asic "/o=led6e of #athe$atics a/d )re)are the stude/ts /ot $a:ori/6 i/ $athe$atics. fter co$)letio/ of this course the stude/t should %e a%le to* A/dersta/d the use of the esse/tial tools of %asic $athe$atics> ))ly the co/ce)ts a/d the tech/iques i/ their res)ective disci)li/es> #odel the effects /o/5isother$al )ro%le$s throu6h differe/t do$ai/s>

O!=e"'$?e% *

Co.'e.'% *
.. Alge'ra * $reliminaries: Real a/d co$)lex /u$%ers, -/troductio/ to sets, set o)eratio/s, fu/ctio/s, ty)es of fu/ctio/s. Matrices: -/troductio/ to $atrices, ty)es of $atrices, i/verse of $atrices, deter$i/a/ts, syste$ of li/ear equatio/s, 'ra$erDs rule. 0uadratic e=uations: Solutio/ of quadratic equatio/s, /ature of roots of quadratic equatio/s, equatio/s reduci%le to quadratic equatio/s. Se=uence and Series: rith$etic, 6eo$etric a/d har$o/ic )ro6ressio/s. $ermutation and com'inations* -/troductio/ to )er$utatio/ a/d co$%i/atio/s, %inomial Theorem: -/troductio/ to %i/o$ial theore$. Trigonometry: &u/da$e/tals of tri6o/o$etry, tri6o/o$etric ide/tities. .raphs: !ra)h of strai6ht li/e, circle a/d tri6o/o$etric fu/ctio/s. * Introduction* #ea/i/6 a/d defi/itio/ of statistics, relatio/shi) of statistics =ith social scie/ce, characteristics of statistics, li$itatio/s <>

2. Statistics

of statistics a/d $ai/ divisio/ of statistics. (re=uency distri'ution* Jr6a/isatio/ of data, array, u/6rou)ed a/d 6rou)ed data, ty)es of freque/cy series, i/dividual, discrete a/d co/ti/uous series, tally sheet $ethod, 6ra)hic )rese/tatio/ of the freque/cy distri%utio/, %ar freque/cy dia6ra$ histo6ra$, freque/cy )oly6o/, cu$ulative freque/cy curve. Measures of central tendency* #ea/ $ediu$ a/d $odes, quartiles, deciles a/d )erce/tiles. Measures of dispersion* Ra/6e, i/ter quartile deviatio/ $ea/ deviatio/, sta/dard deviatio/, varia/ce, $o$e/ts, s"e=/ess a/d "urtosis.

BooC% Re"omme.#e#A
.. S=o"o=s"i. E. I., S(undamentals of Alge'ra and Trigonometry D, 8atest Editio/. 2. Hauf$a//. @. E., SCollege Alge'ra and Trigonometry D, PIS5He/t 'o$)a/y, 3osto/, 8atest Editio/. 7. Ial)ole, R. E., SIntroduction of StatisticsD, Pre/tice Hall, 8atest Editio/. 4. Iilcox, R. R., SStatistics for The Social SciencesB,


'redit hrs* 7(750) A/it .. Ihat is StatisticsP Defi/itio/ of Statistics, Po)ulatio/, sa$)le Descri)tive a/d i/fere/tial Statistics, J%servatio/s, Data, Discrete a/d co/ti/uous varia%les, Errors of $easure$e/t, Si6/ifica/t di6its, Rou/di/6 of a Nu$%er, 'ollectio/ of )ri$ary a/d seco/dary data, Sources, Editi/6 of Data. Exercises. A/it 2. Prese/tatio/ of Data -/troductio/, %asic )ri/ci)les of classificatio/ a/d (a%ulatio/, 'o/structi/6 of a freque/cy distri%utio/, Relative a/d 'u$ulative freque/cy distri%utio/, Dia6ra$s, !ra)hs a/d their 'o/structio/, 3ar charts, Pie chart, Histo6ra$, &reque/cy )oly6o/ a/d &reque/cy curve, 'u$ulative &reque/cy Poly6o/ or J6ive, Histori6ra$, J6ive for Discrete Caria%le. (y)es of freque/cy curves. Exercises. A/it 7. #easures of 'e/tral (e/de/cy -/troductio/, Differe/t ty)es of vera6es, Kua/tiles, (he #ode, E$)irical Relatio/ %et=ee/ #ea/, #edia/ a/d $ode, Relative #erits a/d De$erits of various vera6es. )ro)erties of !ood vera6e, 3ox a/d Ihis"er Plot, Ste$ a/d 8eaf Dis)lay, defi/itio/ of outliers a/d their detectio/. Exercises. A/it 4. #easures of Dis)ersio/ -/troductio/, %solute a/d relative $easures, Ra/6e, (he se$i5-/ter5quartile Ra/6e, (he #ea/ Deviatio/, (he Caria/ce a/d sta/dard deviatio/, 'ha/6e of ori6i/ a/d scale, -/ter)retatio/ of the sta/dard Deviatio/, 'oefficie/t of variatio/, Pro)erties of varia/ce a/d sta/dard Deviatio/, Sta/dardi2ed varia%les, #o$e/ts a/d #o$e/ts ratios. Exercises. A/it 9. Pro%a%ility a/d Pro%a%ility Distri%utio/s. Discrete a/d co/ti/uous distri%utio/s* 3i/o$ial, Poisso/ a/d Nor$al Distri%utio/. Exercises A/it 1. Sa$)li/6 a/d Sa$)li/6 Distri%utio/s -/troductio/, sa$)le desi6/ a/d sa$)li/6 fra$e, %ias, sa$)li/6 a/d /o/ sa$)li/6 errors, sa$)li/6 =ith a/d =ithout re)lace$e/t, )ro%a%ility a/d /o/5 )ro%a%ility sa$)li/6, Sa$)li/6 distri%utio/s for si/6le $ea/ a/d )ro)ortio/, Differe/ce of $ea/s a/d )ro)ortio/s. Exercises. A/it ;. Hy)othesis (esti/6 -/troductio/, Statistical )ro%le$, /ull a/d alter/ative hy)othesis, (y)e5- a/d (y)e5-- errors, level of si6/ifica/ce, (est statistics, acce)ta/ce a/d re:ectio/ re6io/s, 6e/eral )rocedure for testi/6 of hy)othesis. Exercises. A/it <. (esti/6 of Hy)othesis5 Si/6le Po)ulatio/ -/troductio/, (esti/6 of hy)othesis a/d co/fide/ce i/terval a%out the )o)ulatio/ $ea/ a/d )ro)ortio/ for s$all a/d lar6e sa$)les, Exercises A/it 9. (esti/6 of Hy)otheses5(=o or $ore Po)ulatio/s -/troductio/, (esti/6 of hy)othesis a/d co/fide/ce i/tervals a%out the differe/ce of )o)ulatio/ $ea/s a/d )ro)ortio/s for s$all a/d lar6e sa$)les, /alysis of Caria/ce a/d NJC (a%le. Exercises <2

A/it .0. (esti/6 of Hy)othesis5-/de)e/de/ce of ttri%utes -/troductio/, 'o/ti/6e/cy (a%les, (esti/6 of hy)othesis -/de)e/de/ce of attri%utes. Exercises.



A/it ... Re6ressio/ a/d 'orrelatio/ -/troductio/, cause a/d effect relatio/shi)s, exa$)les, si$)le li/ear re6ressio/, esti$atio/ of )ara$eters a/d their i/ter)retatio/. r a/d R 2. 'orrelatio/. 'oefficie/t of li/ear correlatio/, its esti$atio/ a/d i/ter)retatio/. #ulti)le re6ressio/ a/d i/ter)retatio/ of its )ara$eters. Exa$)les

Re"omme.#e# BooC%
. 2 Ial)ole, R. E. .9<2. N-/troductio/ to StatisticsO, 7 rd Ed., #ac$illa/ Pu%lishi/6 'o., -/c. Ne= Mor". #uha$$ad, &. 2009. NStatistical #ethods a/d Data /alysisO, Hita% #ar"a2, 3ha=a/a 3a2ar &aisala%ad.

-ote: 0eneral Courses ro( other 8e"art(ents

De'a$1% o- "o&r%e% ma6 !e #e?e1o5e# !6 '9e "o."er.e# &.$?er%$'$e% a""or#$.g 'o '9e$r Se1e"'$o. o- Co&r%e% a% re"omme.#e# !6 '9e$r Boar# o- S'&#$e%.


(he co$$ittee i/ its fi/al sessio/ $ade so$e su66estio/s for the effective i$)le$e/tatio/ of sche$e of studies for 3S 45Mears i/ Sociolo6y, =hich are as u/der*5 .. HE' $ay desi6/ )ro6ra$ to trai/ faculty $e$%ers e/6a6ed i/ teachi/6 3S 45years courses i/ the De)art$e/t of Sociolo6y i/ all )u%lic sector u/iversities i/ Pa"ista/. 2. (he $e$%ers of N'R' $ay %e requested to act as #aster (rai/ers for the a%ove )ro)osed trai/i/6. 7. HE' $ay arra/6e a revie= $eeti/6 after 2 years to i/cor)orate the lesso/ lear/ed fro$ the i$)le$e/tatio/ of this sche$e of studies. 4. (he Ph. D thesis of sociolo6y $ay %e )u%lished u/der $o/o6ra)h a/d text %oo" =ritersD sche$e of HE'. 9. HE' $ay co/stitute a co$$ittee fro$ $e$%ers of N'R' to revie= the locally )u%lished %oo"s o/ sociolo6y for i/clusio/ i/ the list of reco$$e/ded %oo"s for 3S 4 year )ro6ra$. 1. (he N'R' seriously o%served the shorta6e of releva/t %oo"s a/d )articularly the i/di6e/ous teachi/6 $aterial. 'o/seque/tly, the $e$%ers =ere of the vie= that HE' $ay e/ha/ce the ho/oraria for =riti/6 %oo"s es)ecially i/ the field of Social Scie/ces a/d exte/d other su))orts as =ell. ;. (he $e$%ers also reali2ed the shorta6e of HE' reco6/i2ed :our/als o/ Social Scie/ces i/ the cou/try a/d )ro)osed that HE' $ay exte/d s)ecial fi/a/cial su))ort to lau/ch /e= :our/als i/ the field of social scie/ces.


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