Type of Activity: ath Activity Age group: !-" year ol#s Num$er in group: %-&
'pening (uestion)*nvitation)+rop),inger +lay: Do the finger play-'ne. t/o. $uc0le my shoes an# /here is thum$0in1 As0 the chil#ren ho/ high they can count to an# then count to 23 /ith all the chil#ren1
Concepts 4 S0ills: *#entify the num$ers 2-23 5se the num$ers 2-23 to count out items1
(uestions to as0: 6ave flash car#s of #ifferent num$ers an# as0 the chil#ren /hat num$er it is1
+roce#ure: 7rite the num$ers 2 to 28 on the in#ivi#ual sections of an egg carton1 6ave your chil# count out each num$er using small foo# items1 Then have them fill each num$ere# section /ith the correct num$er of items1 'nce the sections are fille#. /or0 in reverse. having the chil#ren i#entify each num$er. count the pieces. an# then eat them9 :ou can line the egg carton /ith aluminum foil if you are /orrie# a$out the cleanliness of the carton1
aterials Nee#e#: Empty egg carton. /ashe# in hot /ater. then #rie# +en or mar0er Small foo# items ;raisins. cereal. chocolate chips. can#ies<
+erformance Stan#ar#s: Cognition an# General =no/le#ge athematical thin0ing >1E?12 Demonstrate an un#erstan#ing of num$ers an# counting
+otential Gui#ance Techni@ues Nee#e#: ?eave egg cartons out after math an# let chil#ren play /ith them at the ta$le #uring free play1
WITC Instructor Use Only: )8 Activity +lan is #evelopmentally appropriate )8 Activity +lan is comprehensive )2 +rofessional presentation)spelling 4 grammar is correct