The document provides a weekly overview of activities and lessons for Mrs. Gray's class. Key topics covered include animal homes, fire safety, building graham cracker houses, Halloween art, books read such as 'Whose Nest' and 'How a House is Built', and a special visit from a fire truck and learning about fire safety rules.
The document provides a weekly overview of activities and lessons for Mrs. Gray's class. Key topics covered include animal homes, fire safety, building graham cracker houses, Halloween art, books read such as 'Whose Nest' and 'How a House is Built', and a special visit from a fire truck and learning about fire safety rules.
The document provides a weekly overview of activities and lessons for Mrs. Gray's class. Key topics covered include animal homes, fire safety, building graham cracker houses, Halloween art, books read such as 'Whose Nest' and 'How a House is Built', and a special visit from a fire truck and learning about fire safety rules.
The document provides a weekly overview of activities and lessons for Mrs. Gray's class. Key topics covered include animal homes, fire safety, building graham cracker houses, Halloween art, books read such as 'Whose Nest' and 'How a House is Built', and a special visit from a fire truck and learning about fire safety rules.
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Grays Class October 13-17, 2014
Room 1 News Letter of the Week: H Concepts: Anmal !omes !ow a !o"se s #"lt $re %a&ety Awareness 'ee( !ome %a&ety Art/Creative Activities Handprint Nests: tearn) *a*er, c"ttn) yarn, )l"n) act+ty Making Graham Cracker Houses: re+ew o& +ocab"lary Halloween Art with foam figures ponge !ainted "ats Who Lives in M# House$ gl#phs %ree Art: &o a &ot marker pictures
"ooks We 'ead (and related activities) Whose Nest$ ,learnn) -&&erent names &or anmal .omes/ ma(n) .an-*rnt nests0 How a House is "uilt ,se1"encn), learnn) new +ocab"lary, -sc"sson on .o"ses aro"n- t.e worl-0 *nside a House that is Haunted ,se1"encn) act+ty/ ntro-"cton to Reb"s boo(0 M# "ig World+ %ire ,ruck *ssue ,&ollown) -rectons, "sn) conte2t cl"es, b"l-n) +ocab"lary0 A House for Hermit Cra- ,-sc"sson on anmals .omes/ com*are contrast anmal3."man .omes0 &W.s %ire &rill ,-sc"sson on .a+n) &re sa&ety *lans/ re+ew o& &re -rll *roce-"res0 top &rop and 'oll/ ,re+ew o& &re sa&ety *roce-"res0 %irefighters ,learnn) new +ocab"lary, "n-erstan-n) .ow &re &).ters .el* "s an- (ee* "s sa&e0 ,0M Activities cience ,echnolog# 0ngineering Math %e1"encn) s(lls ,%to* 4ro* an- Roll, Get 5ow an- Go, $re 4rll 6roce-"res0 #"l-n) wt. bloc(s 7 *roblem sol+n) to b"l- a sa&e str"ct"re, e2*ermentn) wt. *tc. o& roo& 8ntro-"cton o& s(* co"ntn)- cla*3sla* se1"ence wt. calen-ar pecial 0vents this Week %ire ,ruck 1isit and %ire afet# 'ules 9.e c.l-ren en:oye- learnn) abo"t &re &).ters -o an- t.e tools t.ey "se to resc"e *eo*le. ;ac. c.l- .a- to -emonstrate %to* 4ro* an- Roll to earn a cert&cate. yo" &or wor(n) wt. yo"r c.l-ren to create a $re ;sca*e 6lan. 'e also *ractce- a &re -rll, <4ro* 5ow an- Go= an- we s.o"l- -o & we &n- or a l).ter.
panish Activities %e1"encn) an- com*arson wt. 6ro&essor 6arrot- Gol-loc(s an- t.e 3 #ears story n ;s*anol Handwriting Activities 6ractcn) ! n !'9 boo(s 'et-4ry-9ry> "sn) slates to *ractce !, 6, $, 5 $ne motor *ractce> tearn) *a*er an- "sn) scssors