Weekly Newsletter October 13-17

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Grays Class October 13-17, 2014

Room 1 News
Letter of the Week: H
Anmal !omes
!ow a !o"se s #"lt
$re %a&ety Awareness 'ee(
!ome %a&ety
Art/Creative Activities
Handprint Nests: tearn) *a*er, c"ttn) yarn,
)l"n) act+ty
Making Graham Cracker Houses: re+ew o&
Halloween Art with foam figures
ponge !ainted "ats
Who Lives in M# House$ gl#phs
%ree Art: &o a &ot marker pictures

"ooks We 'ead (and related activities)
Whose Nest$ ,learnn) -&&erent names &or anmal .omes/ ma(n) .an-*rnt nests0
How a House is "uilt ,se1"encn), learnn) new +ocab"lary, -sc"sson on .o"ses aro"n- t.e worl-0
*nside a House that is Haunted ,se1"encn) act+ty/ ntro-"cton to Reb"s boo(0
M# "ig World+ %ire ,ruck *ssue ,&ollown) -rectons, "sn) conte2t cl"es, b"l-n) +ocab"lary0
A House for Hermit Cra- ,-sc"sson on anmals .omes/ com*are contrast anmal3."man .omes0
&W.s %ire &rill ,-sc"sson on .a+n) &re sa&ety *lans/ re+ew o& &re -rll *roce-"res0
top &rop and 'oll/ ,re+ew o& &re sa&ety *roce-"res0
%irefighters ,learnn) new +ocab"lary, "n-erstan-n) .ow &re &).ters .el* "s an- (ee* "s sa&e0
,0M Activities
cience ,echnolog# 0ngineering Math
%e1"encn) s(lls ,%to* 4ro* an- Roll, Get 5ow an-
Go, $re 4rll 6roce-"res0
#"l-n) wt. bloc(s 7 *roblem sol+n) to b"l- a
sa&e str"ct"re, e2*ermentn) wt. *tc. o& roo&
8ntro-"cton o& s(* co"ntn)- cla*3sla* se1"ence
wt. calen-ar
pecial 0vents this Week
%ire ,ruck 1isit and %ire afet# 'ules
9.e c.l-ren en:oye- learnn) abo"t w.at &re
&).ters -o an- t.e tools t.ey "se to resc"e
*eo*le. ;ac. c.l- .a- to -emonstrate %to* 4ro*
an- Roll to earn a cert&cate. 9.an( yo" &or
wor(n) wt. yo"r c.l-ren to create a $re
;sca*e 6lan. 'e also *ractce- a &re -rll, <4ro*
5ow an- Go= an- w.at we s.o"l- -o & we &n-
matc.es or a l).ter.

panish Activities
%e1"encn) an- com*arson wt. 6ro&essor 6arrot-
Gol-loc(s an- t.e 3 #ears story n ;s*anol
Handwriting Activities
6ractcn) ! n !'9 boo(s
'et-4ry-9ry> "sn) slates to *ractce !, 6, $, 5
$ne motor *ractce> tearn) *a*er an- "sn)

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