Solids Liquids Gases Day 1final-Channa Griham

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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Channa Griham 10:00 chool: !oodfields Elementar" cience/&rd Description of Lesson: Date and Time of Lesson: 2/24/14 u#$ect/Grade Le%el:

tudents 'ill #e a#le to name the & states of matter and gi%es e(amples) tudents 'ill #e a#le to e(plore different e(amples of solids* li+uids and gases) tudents 'ill create a graphic organi,er to help them understand the meaning of the different t"pes of matter)

Lesson Title or Essential -uestion that guides the lesson: !hat.s the /atter0 Curriculum tandards 1ddressed:

C Curriculum tandard2s3: SC 3.3-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the changes in matter that are caused by heat. C 1cademic 4ndicator2s3: SC 3.3-4.1- Classify different forms of matter (including solids, li uids and gases! according to their obser"able and measureable #ro#erties.

Lesson 5#$ecti%e2s3:
Antecedent: $hen gi"en e%am#les of solids, li uids and gases Beha"ior: Students will e%amine and define Content: the #ro#erties as well as e%am#les of each Degree: with a degree of &'( accuracy.

1ssessment2s3 of the 5#$ecti%es:

)efore the lesson, we will hold a discussion on what we *now about matter. + will as* the students if they *now what a solid, li uid and gas is. + will *ee# note of student,s res#onses. -uring the lesson students will be as*ed uestions about the 3 matters and will also ha"e to #ro"ide e%am#les. $hile uestions are being answered + will *ee# a chec*list of who com#rehends. .fter the lesson students will create an entry in their science noteboo*s of e%am#les they learned about solids and li uids.

Revised 1.20.14

Chart #a#er, mar*ers, Com#uter, /oc*, $ater, )loc*s, )all, 0encil Study 1ams "ideo

Prere+uisites 2Prior 7no'ledge3: Students will need to be able to com#lete a gra#hic

organi2er inde#endently. Students will need to be able to define words and gi"es e%am#les from the real world. Students will need to coo#erati"ely wor* with #artners.

1. Can anyone tell me what the three ty#es of matter are3 +t,s o*ay if you do not *now because today we are going to e%#lore each of the different ty#es of matter. + am going to let my friends from study 4ams hel# introduce the three ty#es to you. (0lay Study 1ams "ideo 5:'&mins! 5. So now that we ha"e learned about the three ty#es of matter, what are some e%am#les of a solid3 6i uid3 $e ha"e solids all around us and we encounter li uids e"eryday as well. 3. Today we are going to discuss the #ro#erties of a li uid and a solid. $e will learn about gas in tomorrow,s lesson. Together we are going to define and e%#lore some different ty#es of solids and li uids. 4. 7ere on the board + ha"e a chart that is going to hel# us define solids and li uids (8rayer 9odel!. +n your noteboo* + want to co#y down this chart. 8or the first chart we are going to tal* about solids. :. +n the center of my chart you will notice that + ha"e the word solid and in the middle of the other chart + ha"e the word li uid. Together we are going to com#lete this chart together. +n the to# left corner we will fill in the definition. ;n the bottom left we will gi"e #ro#erties of the element of matter. +n the to# right we will list e%am#les of each. +n the bottom right we will list #laces we can find e%am#les of each. $e will do this with both solid and li uids. <. .fter we ha"e com#leted the charts together and students ha"e had the chance to fill in their charts, we will begin e%#loring some real life e%am#les of solids and li uids. =ach student will ha"e a turn to touch and e%amine each of the items. >. .fter each student has had the chance to e%amine the e%am#les, we will come bac* together as a class and we will discuss what we obser"ed about each of the e%am#les. .t this time we will add to the charts if students ha"e new findings from their e%#loration. &. .fter we ha"e concluded our hands on e%#eriment, students will create an entry in their 4ournal e%#laining at least two things they ha"e learned from today,s lesson. ?. + will inform the students that we will continue with the states of matter the following day when + introduce gas.

1cti%it" 1nal"sis:
1. ;ne acti"ity that + #lan to use is the 8rayer 9odel strategy. + am going to use this model with my students to hel# them com#rehend what a solid and a li uid is. + decided to use this strategy because it is a "isual re#resentation of the content the students are e%#ected to learn. Students will be able to define each word and list real life e%am#les with guidance. This will accommodate my =S6 students because they will be able to reference a "isual in the future to hel# them understand what a solid, li uid and gas is. 9any of my students in the classroom need a "isual to be able to brea*down the different com#onents of "ocabulary words and their meanings. 8or this strategy there was no technology being used. The reason for this omission is because it will benefit the students more if they are conducting hands on e%#eriments and if they will see the teacher hand writing the information so that they can do the same. There is no need to include technology in this acti"ity. Revised 1.20.14

5. .nother acti"ity + will be com#leting with the students is the hands on e%#loration of the different ty#es of li uids and gases. Students will ha"e the chance to handle the items so that they are able to clearly com#rehend what it means to be a solid or li uid. The reason for this acti"ity is to show the students what it would feel li*e to touch a solid and a li uid. This will cater to the needs of my *inesthetic learners in the classroom. 8irsthand e%#erience is the best way for students to com#rehend the true meaning of something. This acti"ity will also cater to my =S6 students who may ha"e trouble understanding a li uid or solid "erbally. They will be able to feel for themsel"es the characteristics of these items. There will also be no technology used for this acti"ity. The reason for this omission is because students will be conducting hands on e%#eriments and there will be no need to use technology.

Differentiation/1ccommodations//odifications/4ncreases in 6igor
$hen com#leting this lesson, there are many accommodations + am going to ha"e to ma*e. ;ne of the accommodations that will be made is com#leting the chart together with the students. + will wor* with the students to com#lete the 8rayer model charts so that they will ha"e an e%am#le on how to correctly com#lete the chart. + ha"e many =S6 and di"erse students in my classroom that need a little more su##ort than others. )y com#leting the charts with the students, they will be able to com#rehend the conce#t more successfully. 8or the students who are below le"el, + will ma*e sure that + am a"ailable to them for hel# or for further e%#lanation of the to#ic. 8or students who may com#lete their wor* early, they will be as*ed to re"iew their wor* or choose a boo* to read until e"eryone is finished

6eferences: .ll ideas were generated by Channa @riham

Study 1ams. /etrie"ed from htt#:AAstudy4ams.scholastic.comAstudy4amsA4amsAscienceAmatterAsolids-li uids-gases.htm

Revised 1.20.14

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