Dialogues: Listen To BILL Introducing His Cousin JOHN To BENJAMIN

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Listen to BILL introducing his cousin JOHN to BENJAMIN: BILL: Hello John, how are you? (greeting) JOHN: Fine, Thank you. How are you? BILL: I am fine too. (responding to greeting). #ousin. John, meet my friend, en!amin. en!amin, meet "r. John, my

JOHN: How do you do? (responding to first introdu#tion) BENJAMIN: How do you do? BILL: en!amin, yesterday I saw your $rother going to %t."&'TI()s hospital. *hat)s the matter? BENJAMIN: "y father has $een admitted there. He had a mild heart atta#k. BILL: How sad+ It)s ,ery unfortunate. (e-pressing sympathy) JOHN: .h+ How is he now? BENJAMIN: He)s still in the hospital. nothing to worry. JOHN: Thank /od+ (e-pressing relief) BILL: I wish him a speedy re#o,ery. Hope he)ll get well soon. BENJAMIN: I hope so too. %ee you later. JOHN: %ee you. ye+ ye+ (taking lea,e) ut the do#tor says that there is

BILL: %ee you again.


Mr Be n !eets Mrs "ossi# one o$ his students# nd her hus% nd& Mr Be n: Mrs "ossi: Mr Be n: Mrs "ossi: Mr "ossi: Mr Be n: Mr "ossi: Mr Be n: Mrs "ossi: Mr Be n:
Good !orning# "rs 'ossi.

/ood morning, "r

ean. Ho' re (ou)

I0m fine thanks, and you? (ot too $ad. "r this is "r ean, this is my hus$and "i#hael, "i#hael ean, my 1nglish tea#her.

2leased to meet you. 2leased to meet you too. &re you from Fran#e, "r 'ossi? 3es, from 2aris. &nd you, are you from 4ondon? (o, I0m from 5er$y, $ut I li,e in 4ondon now. *ell, good%(e "r 3es, good$ye. ean, it was ni#e to see you.


+ ring $or ni! ,s (& student #omes late) -e cher : *hy are you late? 6an)t you #ome on time? George : %orry, sir. I saw a tragi# sight on my way to s#hool. -e cher: .h, what happened? *hy is your shirt $loodstained? George: %ir, a dog was lying on the road in a pool of $lood. It was hurt and groaning with pain. It must ha,e $een hit $y a ,ehi#le. There was no$ody around. -e cher: *hat did you do then? George: I took it to the ,eterinary do#tor. He nursed the wounds and offered to take it to the 'ed 6ross. -e cher: 7ery good, /eorge. *hat you),e done is a good ser,i#e. 6hildren, $e kind to animals. 5o not harm them

Introductions A: 8 Hello. "y name0s 2eter. *hat0s your name? B: 8 Janet. 2leased to meet you. A: 8 2leased to meet you. *here are you from, Janet? B: 8 I0m from "ilano. *here are you from? A: 8 I0m from (ew 3ork. B: 8 &re you &meri#an? A: 8 3es, I am. &re you Italian? B: 8 3es I am. *hat0s your surname? A: 8 %mith. &nd what)s your surname? B: 8 'ossi. *hat0s your !o$? A: 8 I0m a tea#her. B: 8 I)m a lawyer. *hat0s your address? A: 8 9: *hite %treet. How old are you? B: 8 I)m ;<. &re you married? A: 8 3es, I am. 1-#use me, #an you tell me the time, please? B: 8 3es, of #ourse. It0s se,en o0#lo#k. A: 8 Thank you, Janet. %ee you soon, then. B: 8 ye $ye, 2eter. Ha,e a ni#e e,ening.


Sho00ing $or

S'e ter

A: 8 6an I help you? B: 8 3es, please, I0m looking for a sweater. A: 8 *hat si=e are you?

B: 8 I0m an e-tra large. A: 8 How a$out this one? B: 8 3es, that0s ni#e. 6an I try it on? A: 8 6ertainly, there0s the #hanging rooms o,er there. B: 8 Thank you. A: 8 How does it fit? B: 8 It0s too large. 5o you ha,e a large? A: 8 3es, here you are. B: 8 Thank you. I0ll ha,e it, please. A: 8 .>, how would you like to pay? B: 8 5o you take #redit #ards? A: 8 3es, we do. 7isa, "aster 6ard and &meri#an 1-press. B: 8 .>, here0s my 7isa. *hat time is it, please? A: 8 It0s half past three. B: 8 Thanks. A: 8 3ou0re wel#ome. Here)s your #redit #ard, thank you. Ha,e a ni#e day+ B: 8 Thank you, good$ye.


A Bus( D ( (two friends speaking in a park when they meet each other jogging) B r% r : Hi, >atherine, how are you today? 2 therine: I0m great and you? B r% r : 71'3 $usy+ I0m !ogging now, $ut later I ha,e to do a lot+ 2 therine: *hat do you ha,e to do?

B r% r : *ell, first of all, I ha,e to do the shopping. *e don0t ha,e anything to eat at home. 2 therine: ... and then? B r% r : 4ittle Johnny has a $asket$all game this afternoon. I0m dri,ing him to the game. 2 therine: .h, how is his team doing? B r% r : They0re doing ,ery well. (e-t week, they0re tra,elling to Fras#ati for a tournament. 2 therine: That0s impressi,e+ B r% r : *ell, Johnny likes playing $asket$all. I0m happy he0s en!oying it. *hat are you doing today? 2 therine: I0m not doing mu#h. I0m meeting some friends for lun#h, $ut, other than that, I don0t ha,e mu#h to do today. B r% r : 3ou0re so lu#ky+ 2 therine: (o, you0re the lu#ky one. I0d like to ha,e so many things to do.


Directions I A: 4 1-#use me. Is there a $ank near here? B: 4 3es. There0s a $ank on the #orner. A: 4 Thank you. B: 4 3ou0re wel#ome. Directions II +: 4 1-#use me. Is there a supermarket near here? B: 4 3es. There0s one near here. +: 4 How do I get there? B: 4 &t the traffi# lights, take the first left and go straight on. It0s on the left. +: 4 Is it far? B: 4 (ot really. +: 4 Thank you. B: 4 5on0t mention it. Directions III

D: 4 1-#use me. Is there a hospital near here? B: 4 3es. There0s a hospital straight ahead, after the first traffi# lights. D: 4 Is it far? B: 4 Just ?@@ hundred meters. It)s on the right. D: 4 Thank you. B: 4 3ou0re wel#ome.



"oo! $or the Night

"ece0tionist: 8 /ood e,ening. 6an I help you? Mr "ossi: 8 3es, please. I0d like a room for the night. "ece0tionist: 8 *ould you like a single room, or a dou$le room? Mr "ossi: 8 & single room, please. How mu#h is the room? "ece0tionist: 8 It0s A?? per night. Mr "ossi: 8 6an I pay $y #redit #ard? "ece0tionist: 8 6ertainly. *e take 7isa, "aster 6ard and &meri#an 1-8 press. 6ould you fill in this form, please? Mr "ossi: 8 5o you need my passport num$er? "ece0tionist: 8 (o, !ust an address and your signature. Mr "ossi: 8 (fills out the form) Here you are. "ece0tionist: 8 Here0s your key. 3our room num$er is ;<;. Mr "ossi: 8 Thank you. "ece0tionist: 8 Thank you. If you need anything, dial @ for the re#eption area. Ha,e a good stay+

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